Contract - Freese & Nichols Inc. - 6/8/2017 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON § SUPPLEMENTAL CONTRACT NO. 1 TO CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FIRM: FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. ("Engineer") ADDRESS: 10431 Morado Circle, Suite 300,Austin, TX 78759 PROJECT: West Wastewater Treatment Plant Force Main This Supplemental Contract No. 1 to Contract for Engineering Services is made by and between the City of Round Rock, Texas, hereinafter called the "City" and Freese and Nichols, Inc., hereinafter called the "Engineer". WHEREAS, the City and Engineer executed a Contract for Engineering Services, hereinafter called the "Contract", on the 23rd day of February, 2017 for the West Wastewater Treatment Plant Force Main Project in the amount of$40,629.00; and WHEREAS, it has become necessary to amend the Contract to modify the provisions for the scope of services and to increase the compensation by$35,087.00 to a total of$75,716.00; NOW THEREFORE, premises considered, the City and the Engineer agree that said Contract is amended as follows: I. Article 1, City Services and Exhibit A, City Services shall be amended as set forth in the attached Addendum To Exhibit A. II. Article 2, Engineering Services and Exhibit B, Engineering Services shall be amended as set forth in the attached Addendum to Exhibit B. Exhibit C, Work Schedule shall be amended as set forth in the attached Addendum to Exhibit C. III. Article 4, Compensation and Exhibit D, Fee Schedule shall be amended by increasing by $35,087.00 the lump sum amount payable under the Contract for a total of$75,716.00, as shown by the attached Addendum to Exhibit D. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Engineer have executed this Supplemental Contract in duplicate. Supplemental Contract Rev.06/16 0199.1722;00378588 84275 FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. By: Date Supplemental Contract Rev.06/16 0199.1722;00378588 84275 2 CITY OF ROUND ROCK AP OVE AS TO FORM: By: _ /�M N-� -<�n1b Craig Vor n, Mao 4StepL. Sheets, City Attorney Date Supplemental Contract Rev.06/16 0199.1722;00378588 84275 3 ADDENDUM TO EXHIBIT A City Services The City of Round Rock will furnish to the Engineer the following items/information as well as services: 1. Record drawings and documents pertaining to projects in the area, including easement documents, construction plans, test records, aerial photography, topography, system maps, etc. 2. CAD files forthe 2012"BCRWWS West Wastewater Treatment Plan Rehabilitation Project"will be provided by City of Round Rock. 3. City of Round Rock Standard Design Details and Specifications. 4. Perform Tree Survey of the alignment and procure necessary tree permits. 5. Advertise and distribute Bid Documents. 6. Facilitate the Pre-Bid Meeting. 7. The City of Round Rock will be responsible for environmental compliance with all local, state, and federal laws.The Engineer will perform one site visit for environmental investigation and will communicate findings to the City of Round Rock. ADDENDUM TO EXHIBIT B Engineering Services Project Description Provide additional design,bid and construction phase services for replacement of existing pumps and valves for the WAS Lift Station at the West Wastewater Treatment Plant. Also,develop metes and bounds for proposed pipeline easement, confirm no environmental issues exist,design new duplex pump control panel and inspect electrical and control equipment to ensure it is compatible with proposed pumps. Basic Services: Project Management 1. Update the Quality Assurance&Quality Control Plan for the project. 2. Provide monthly progress reports and invoices to the City of Round Rock(City). 3. Manage project integration, scope, schedules, cost, quality, staff resources, subconsultants, communications,risk and procurements as necessary. Preliminary Design Phase 1. Perform system curve calculations. Confirm existing pumps need replacement. 2. Perform site visit to inspect existing pumps/valves and determine scope of electrical work required to replace existing pumps. 3. Provide metes and bounds documentation for Dedication for Wastewater Line Easement around new forcemain and existing 27"sanitary sewer line,by subconsultant. Design Phase 1. Identify and recommend proposed pumps. 2. Confirm pipe size for new forcemain. 3. Environmental investigation including one(1) site visit to perform a pedestrian survey of the proposed ROW to verify that no environmental issues are present and a documenting memorandum. 4. Provide 30%Pump Replacement Submittal, 5. Provide 30%plans and specifications for new duplex pump control panel. 6. Provide 30%plans and specifications for new submersible power cable from the pumps to the SS terminal cabinet and from the terminal cabinet to the new pump control panel. 7. Produce additional 95%Specifications. 8. Produce additional 95%Plans(11"x17"). 9. Perform Constructability Review on additional Plans/Specifications. 10. Provide additional cost items for 95% Opinion of Probable Construction Cost. 11. Provide additional Bid Plans and Specifications for pump and electrical design. Bidding Phase 1. Produce additional sheets to incorporate into Conformed Plans and Specifications. 1 Construction Phase 1. Review additional submittals associated withthe project(10 additional submittals maximum). 2. Review additional RFPs associated with the project(2 additional RFls maximum). 3. Perform one additional site visit and one additional monthly progress meetings during construction duration. 4. Produce additional sheets to incorporate into Record Drawings. Additional Services: The following services are not included in the scope of work. These services can be added by amendment. Design Phase 1. Design additional electrical improvements: a. Replacing SCADA instrumentation. b. Replacing existing conduits for new power cabling. C. Replacing the feeder and/or circuit breakers upstream of the pump control panel. d. Additional site visits beyond a site visit during preliminary design. 2. Additional Environmental Investigation: a. Desktopreviews forwetlands and federally-listed species habitat. b. Permitting coordination. Assumptions: 1. CAD files for the 2012"BCRWWS West Wastewater Treatment Plan Rehabilitation Project" will be provided by City. 2. New pump horsepower is anticipated to be the same, or less than,the existing pump horsepower. 3. A new duplex pump station control panel will be designed. Existing feeder to Blower building is assumed to be adequate and will be reused to re-feed new control panel. Control panel to be mounted in same location as existing. 4. Existing control/monitoring wiring from pump control panel to SCADA terminal cabinet is assumed to be adequate and will be re-used.Operation and monitoring of control panel/pumps shall remain the same.It is assumed that no SCADA modifications will be required under this contract. 5. The existing instrumentation will be re-used.This includes the level sensor/transmitter and the combustible gas sensor/analyzer/controlpanel. 6. Existing conduit for the new cabling is adequate and will be re-used. 7. Existing floats will be re-used and re-configured for anticipated wet well liquid levels. 8. Existing wet well and valve vault will be re-used. 9. A maximum of one addendum will be issued. 10. The construction phase for the project will not exceed. 2 ADDENDUM TO EXHIBIT C Work Schedule Attached Behind This Page Exhibit C-West Wastewater Treatment Plant Force Main-Supplemental Services Contract No.1 SID Task Task Name D.s.A.0o Start Mode Fd+ah ;nnumy hp,li iuiY October January i 12/18 2(12 4/9 6/4 7/30 9/24 11/19 I(14 1 o Notice to Proceed 0 days Mon 3/6/17 Mon 3/6/17 3/6 2 Preliminary Design Phase 60 days Mon 3/6/17 Fri 5/26/17 I 3 Pipeline Route Determination 7 days Mon 3/6/17 Tue 3/14/17 1 4 Topographic Survey and Boundary Survey 7 days Wed 3/15/17 Thu 3/23/17 5 44 Metes and Bounds Production 2 days Thu 5/25/17 Fri 5/26/17 6 s Geotechnical Investigation 20 days Wed 3/15/17 Tue 4/11/17 7 "v Design Phase 87 days Fri 3/24/17 Mon 7/24/17 yy. e . " Develop 30%Pipeline Layout Schematic 3 days Fri 3/24/17 Tue 3/28/17 9 30%Review Meeting 0 days Wed 4/26/17 Wed 4/26/17 • 4E7 to Design pump replacement to 30% 14 days Tue 5/16/17 Fri 6/2/17 11 Production of 95%Specifications 21 days Thu 5/25/17 Thu 6/22/17 —.- 12 Production of 95%Plans 14 days Mon 6/5/17 Thu 6/22/17 13 Production of 95%OPCC 6 days Fri 6/23/17 Fri 6/30/17 14 95%Internal QC and Incorporation of Comments 5 days Mon 7/3/17 Fri 7/7/17 15 ' 95%Review by City 5 days Mon 7/10/17 Fri 7/14/17 1 16 3 95%Review Meeting 0 days Fri 7/14/17 Fri 7/14/17 j17/14 17 Production of Issue for Bid Plans and Specifications 6 days Mon 7/17/17 Mon 7/24/17 1. 18 p Bid Phase 15 days Tue 7/25/17 Mon 8/14/17 , 19 Contract Preparation 30 days Tue 8/15/17 Mon 9/25/17 „ 20 Construction 90 days Tue 9/26/17 Mon 1/29/18 (--- Task Project Summary Inactive Milestone Manual Summary Rollup Deadline Project:Round Rock West WWTP Split +... External Tasks Inactive Summary Manual Summary W —""-""W Progress Dater Fri 5/12/17 Milestone • External Milestone Manual Task 4� Start-only C Summary Inactive Task Duratlon.onlY Finish-only 3 Page 1 .. ._ ADDENDUM TO EXHIBIT D Fee Schedule Attached Behind This Page Exhibit D Fee Schedule Project Name: West Wastewater Treatment Plant Force Main -Supplemental Services Contract No. 1 Total Total Other Task Labor Hours Loaded Labor Cost Direct Costs Subconsultants TOTALS Task 1: Surveying 0 $0.00 $0.00 $4,043.00 $4,043.00 Task 2: Geotechnical Investigation 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Task 3: Project Management, Preliminary Design and Final Design 144 $24,316.00 $409.00 $0.00 $24,725.00 Task 4: Bid Phase 3 $524.00 $0.00 $0.00 $524.00 Task 5: Construction Phase 39 $5,634.00 $161.00 $0.00 $5,795.00 GRAND TOTAL: 186 $30,474.00 $570.00 $4,043.00 $35,087.00 * Rates for additional work are shown in Exhibit D-1 of the West Wastewater Treatment Plant Force Main contract H.t.and Nkhd.,kxG City of Round Rock Protect Foe Sunarta Wast Wastewater Treatment Planm t Force Main Amendment No.1 Baalc Servkas ..,:1,87 371552017 $peelai Service. Detailed Cast Breakdown Tolai Pro ct l:J5i Bask Sarvtces Total Phu. Task PrvJecl Rob Total Rosin TotaL.bor Expense TEM Sob b Total Effort Tasks 4 Current Rau, BIII Rate-, $178 $156S157 We $209 $173 $173 3299 $299 5175 S17B $113 3:17 $137 $140 $137 Effort Eft t P.Jaet Man."nvent S S t S lJpdate lite Dually Assurance d OuaMy Cantrd Plan $ 1 S 5 Prevde monthly wogs.,.report.and m —,in 4 me CKy of Round Rock,Cny: 2 r• s 920 5 f Msnaga PMI l mts9ralwn.cope schedule. colt q.."M.!f.........subc«swkann _-attcm nsk and procurements ac S $ $ - s - na:.fury Pn Hln nary t)..4M 5 S 5 S Perform system curve cakvlatlans , ) 1 471 1 Conh,m 11,,11:9 Pumps need,eplscamem , 1 5 156 SO&visit to inspect pump%N.Wes and electneel 3 4 7 5 t!89 f 161 f S 1741 Prevd.mete,and bounds documentatlnn by $ubcvn.Uttnnl. S S $ 4 043 3 4 043 Design Phase S S S 3 Idenrfy and recommend proposed pump. 1 1 3 3 471 3 - s S 471 Confrtm wpe sue t«new lorcema:n , 2 3 '.93 3 - $ f 297 Envllvnmental mestpativn and documenlman mart. 1 4 5 S 630 S - $ - 3 630 Produce atldtlona195%$pecdrcalaM. 7 4 i 12 4 23 S 3873 S 20 $ - E 3... Pmduca add i:xl95%Plan. 1 4 12 1 1 10 4 53 $ 8913 $ 104 1 - S 9917 C- mclatiNy Resaew on addkroO.1 P1.ns7SpeciIx Sons 4 - 6 $ 1 110 S - S 5 1 110 95%OPI—.of Prababte--.nM—I—Cast - 4 3 70' S - S f 702 Addewnal OC 2 4 B S 1610 S 121 S - S 1774 Bid Plan.and Specdka8ont 23 S 3 997 $ - S f 7 987 Dldding Phase $ - S - S f - Produce aM0o 1 addenda If necessary 3 s $ S Produce atlditwara nai sheets to mcorple Into Confomwd Plans and Sp.ahcahon, 2 3 7 524 S S - s 524 Conshuctlon Phase - Reviewadtl4wnalaubrtdlak 1 1 6 3 11 5 1 B13 S - 1 - 5 1 B13 Re—additional RFI, i 1 ` 1 5 f 827 S - S - f 827 P.O.—one adddronal ut w 9 and ono addyon.1 monthly wopre s.meeting Z-g co tnii bon 4 4 f 124 S 161 S - f 785 Pint—fi I wek Ihmugh 1«Eiechkal Wo,k 4 4 i 712 3 - $ - 3 712 Prod..add:bonal shoals to nc p.,.le ml. Record Otawmg. 1 1 4 4 10 S 1 658 f $ - f 1 658 - S - S S - 3 f Total Daslc$.furca.Nourt B 28 2! 4 2 6 2 4 7 76 1 d 2 1181 S 70 4T4 S 570 f d 047 S IS 087 Tvlal Basic$ervket Labor Effort 3 1 424 j 4 958 S J 672 S 712 3 418 f 1 O]8 S J46 S e76 f 148] f 1]521! $ 178 3 452 1 3 i 296 j 2,05j L9 ,mat-L91orr•wt- Phaae Task Ea - sly R&W cdBmn:ng Bond- Giaslynd 01her -e,•., Oiher .'_reit Other Other Other Total Exp pens.. e<h U•ar,c r,r;l,.. ... •n:1,: N Isheel) laheetl learn) PAW I,a r-DDW Effort r, fig n Prc)ect Management t Updala the Ou.idy Assurance 6 Ouakty Control Plan $ Proved.monthly piog,. '.parts and Invmces tv the Clry of Round Rock(City) ` s _ Manage p,a)ecl Ol.g,.Ii.n scope schedule, 1st qu.liry s!.it resources subconsuaanh c nun.ri atwns,,Isle and woc ..omits es i n��es:ary 1d4 L!ReaaacM,OLCRVMood Rmk Cry MWeaI,W/TP Fvice Man IRRKIT.12115up1Sm+cn Arendmer41U21.vN Odakd F1e_:peatlahrel-Wra1WWTP Fdceman,S'p*n wCon,w1 Preece W HktWs,Inc. City of Round Rock Pro mt Fee Sumumary West Wastewater Treatment Plant Force Main Amendment No,1 Baalc Services 35 987 5!1672017 Spe W Services - Detailed Cost Breakdown Total Protect 75 067 Preliminary Design 5 Perform system curve calculations S Confirm ensting pumps need replacement S 59.—11..,spec[pumpslralves and electrical S 161 Provde metes and bounds documentation(by Subcamuhanlj f - Design Phase S - Identify and recommend proposed pumps + f Confirm pipe sure for new farcemam I S Enwronmental invesbgabon and documentation memo S Produce.1d'Aicnal 95%Specifications a S ZO Produce edd:h...195%Plans 4 415 S 104 Construclabil:ry Review on additional PlanslSpecificahons f 95%Opinion or Probable Construction Cost S Bid Plans and Specifications __. 415 f 124 Bidding Phase S - Produce additional addenda,it necessary S Produce add;::...I sheets to incorporate mro Conformed Plans and Specifications $ Construction Phase S Review additonal submnels S Renew addNanai RFPs S Perform one additional site visit and one additional monthly progress meeting during construction 1 S - Perform final walk through for Electrical Work 339 f 161 Produce additional sheers to mcarparate into Record Dnwsn s S Teem Basis sarneea nems Total Bas to Services Expenses Effort S S 721 f 3 S 40 $ S f 20a S f S S S S S f 5 0 Phu. Task Subconsunanta 'intend INeme 21 (Name 31 IName 41 Total Sub c.-deet: Effort Project Management S Update the Quality Assurance d Oual:ty Control Plan 5 Provide monthly Progress!,pons and.,voices to me City of Rcund Rock(City) f Manage project mfagrabon scope schedules coal,quality stall resources subconsutants m comu kation,risk and pmcui emenis necassary Preliminary Design S Perform system curve calculations S Confirm mating pumps need reptacsmam f - Sea vtsd ro inspect pumpsfvalves and eliou—t S Providemetes and bounds documentation Iby Subcansultant) 7650 S 4047 Design Phase S - Identify and recommend proposed pumps S Cantam pipe arse for new mrcemain 5 - Environmental mvest:gahcn and documentation memo S Produce additional 95%Specifications S 2 d 4 L iSI—ceslOLCRIR1Roud Rack Cry oM1W nr WY/TP Feica Man IRRnI T212)LSuot S—Merdmer4 11RerssN Dna i tea SPre4da!aes-W-W WTP Forceman Sul,,_iksk,Coated t Fre,.and NkhW,.klc City of Round Rock M Fee Summa ry West Wastewater Tmarrnent Punt Force Main Amendment No,1 Basic S.,A.. 35 087 5/182017 speclal SerMce. - Detallad Cost 8-1cd—it Total Project 35 087 Produce addmon.195%Plan% S Constluctabalty R.—on add,fi—I PlanslSpauficnlons $ 95%Op.tlon of Prob.We C...t—hon Cost S BM Plan. no Sp-A-1,ona $ BMdag Phase S - Produce edddion.1 edd..d..If necessary 3 Produce adMhonal sheets to,n-u-1.elle CZlon—d Pians and SpecOmahons S Con.I—bon Phase 3 Rewew addaronal.ubn.hais S R—edf.nal RFI'. f Pedmm one addalwlel.Ile-4 and one.ddd—1 —Ighiy progress mea1n9 d.nng con.buclion 3 Pedwm itn.l walk Ihrough for Efecf.ai Worts S - Preduce.dddronel•heel.lolnearporale Into Record Orawi f S Total Bole SerMpe.Subeonsuttants Ga.l 3 3,150 Total B..k serNee.Subeon.uttant.ERon ! 4 dal f f 3 - f 3 f 3 S 3 It Sala 1-111es m%GLCRVIWo Rock UycllWnlYNJiP Fucs Man lRRk772iZ115t</5ervan arnmdmere twnaed Denko Fee_SPeMt.el-W,IWWTP Fvicem.n Suppknrcnd Conradi SriYZ017 1501 Chisholm Trail Road r. Suite 103 IN 1_ A N ) t! Round Flock, TX 78681 512-238-1200 C �L )DF"I'lC-S , 512-238-1251 fax PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS TBPLS Firnn Reg. No. 10059100 2 May 2017 Kira Iles, P.E., ENV SP Water/Wastewater Treatment,Transmission: and Utilities Freese and Nichols. Inc. 10431 Morado Circle, Ste.300 Austin,TX 713759 RE: Boundary Surveying Project. Brushy Creek West WWTP WWL Irnprovement Project Easernent Preparation Ms lies Inland Geodetics, LLC (Inland) Is pleased to submit our proposal for professional land surveying services related to the above referenced project. Our proposal Is to generate a survey plat and accompanying metes and bounds description for the CORR tract proceeding northerly from the plant and crossing Brushy Creek Below is a specific list of our proposed Scope of Services and estimated costs SCOPE OF SERVICES 1. Inland will recover and calibrate to the nearest CORR GPS Control System Monument to the project. The values will be relative to NAD 83 Texas State Plane Coordinates, Central Zone 4203 (GRID values scaled to surface position). 2. Inland will survey and depict improvements within the tract (if any) Tho data wi l include edges of pavement, fences, buildings, fences, adjoiner property corners, utilities and other pertinent Information to boundary reconstruction 3. Inland will perform sufficient research and field surveying to determine the boundary of the affected tracts as limited above. 4. Inland will prepare a survey plot with accompanying metes and bounds description for one parcel. NOTE: Title review is not included In this proposal. If this service is required, an additional $500.00 will be added to fee. The ESTIMATED fee for the above services: $ 3,850.00 Additional time requirements resulting from project scope changes, plan revisions, field recovery of or discrepancies of control provided will be considered reasonable cause for us to seek additional compensation for services not included In these amounts. A valid tax exemption certificate from the City of Round Rock for purchase of taxable goods and services will be required for this task Sinc jereelly, 1 M.Stephen Truesdnle Registered Professional Land Surveyor Licensed State Land Surveyor Inland Geodetics, LLC CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 3.295 1of1 Complete Nos.l-4 and 6 If there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos.1,2,3,5,and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2017-213627 Freese and Nichols, Inc. Fort Worth,TX United States Date Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 05/25/2017 being filed. City of Round Rock Date Acknowledged: 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract,and provide a description of the services,goods,or other property to be provided under the contract W.WWTP Force Main-Sup Con#1 Engineering Services 4 Nature of interest Name of Interested Party City,State,Country(place of business) (check applicable) Controlling Intermediary Coltharp, Brian Fort Worth,TX United States X Pence, Bob Fort Worth,TX United States X Herchert, Robert Fort Worth,TX United States X Payne,Jeff Frisco,TX United States X New,John San Antonio,TX United States X Hatley,Tricia Oklahoma City,OK United States X Gooch,Tom Fort Worth,TX United States X Milrany,Cindy Fort Worth,TX United States X Nichols, Mike Fort Worth,TX United States X 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑ 6 AFFIDAVIT I swear,or affirm,under penalty of perjury,that the above disclosure is true and correct. r r a SUSANNE M.JOHNSON * Notary public,Sure of Texas may,Expir"03-19-2020 Notary 1012693216-4 Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity AFFIX NOTARY STAMP/SEAL ABOVE Swom to and subscribed before me,by the said Kelly J. Shriver -.this the 25th day of May 20 17 ,to certify which,witness my hand and seal of office. A 1 n la 1/ r 1 1 _ 1 Susanne M. Johnson Notary ignature of officer admi f tering oath Printed name of officer administering oath Title of officer administering oath Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.0.883 CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 1 of 1 77 Complete Nos.1-4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos.1,2,3,5,and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2017-213627 Freese and Nichols, Inc. Fort Worth,TX United States Date Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 05/25/2017 being filed. City of Round Rock Date Acknowledged: 05/25/2017 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract,and provide a description of the services,goods,or other property to be provided under the contract. W.WWTP Force Main-Sup Con#1 Engineering Services 4 Nature of interest Name of Interested Party City,State,Country(place of business) (check applicable) Controlling Intermediary Coltharp, Brian Fort Worth,TX United States X Pence, Bob Fort Worth,TX United States X Herchert, Robert Fort Worth,TX United States X Payne,Jeff Frisco,TX United States X New,John San Antonio,TX United States X Hatley,Tricia Oklahoma City,OK United States X Gooch,Tom Fort Worth,TX United States X Milrany, Cindy Fort Worth,TX United States X Nichols, Mike Fort Worth,TX United States X 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑ 6 AFFIDAVIT I swear,or affirm,under penalty of perjury,that the above disclosure is true and correct. Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity AFFIX NOTARY STAMP/SEAL ABOVE Sworn to and subscribed before me,by the said this the day of 20 ,to certify which,witness my hand and seal of office. Signature of officer administering oath Printed name of officer administering oath Title of officer administering oath Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.0.883