Contract - Motorola - 6/22/2017 RRPD APX8000 and APX8500 5727 Q 5/16/2017 Page 1 of 3 40 MOTQROLA Account Manager.Clay Cassard Date: date 6.2-17 6600 River Place Blvd,Austin TX 78730 Quote#•scc5717v2 HGAC RA05.16 Prepared For. Damarts Morales Ship to Address: Bill to Address: Phone Number. Email: Agency:City of Round Rock Police Dept Customer#: Item Qty Description Model Ust Price Contract Price Extended APX 8000 ALL BAND PORTABLE MODEL 3.5 28 APX 8000 ALL BAND PORTABLE MODEL 3.5 H91TGD9PW7 N $6,292 4,467.32 125,084.96 28 ADD:ASTRO DIGITAL CAI OPERATION Q806 $515.00 365.65 10,238.20 28 ADD:SMARTZONE OPERATION H38 $1,500.00 1,065.00 29,820.00 28 ADD:P25 9600 BAUD TRUNKING Q361 $300.00 213.00 5,964.00 28 ADD:TDMA OPERATION QA00580 $450.00 319.50 8,946.00 28 ADD: 5 YEAR SERVICE FROM THE START LITE Q887 $213.00 151.23 4,234.44 28 ADD:ADVANCED SYSTEM KEY-HARDWARE KEY QA01648 $5.00 3.55 99.40 28 ADD: PROGRAMMING OVER P25(OTAP) G996 $100.00 71.00 1,988.00 28 ADD:GROUP SERVICES QA09008 $150.00 106.50 2,982-00 28 ADD:P25 LINK LAYER AUTHENTICATION QA01767 $100.00 71.00 1,988.00 28 DEL:DELETE UHF BAND QA05509 ($800.00) -568.00 -15,904.00 28 Standard Battery $150.00 106.50 2,982.00 28 RADIO MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE T7914 $100.00 71.00 1,988.00 28 RM DELIVERY OPTION-EMAIL Catherine Roberts UA00049AA $0.00 0.00 0.00 28 PROMO PROMO ($300.00) -300.00 -8,400.00 28 ENCRYPTION 28 ENH:MULTIKEY H869 $330.00 234.30 6,560.40 28 ENH:AES/DES,DES-XL,DES-OFB Q15 $799.00 567.29 15,884.12 TOTAL 194,455.52 RADIO ACCESSORIES Page 1 of 3 RRPD APX8000 and APX8500 5727 v2 5/16/2017 Page 2 of 3 A+tOT�OROLA Account Manager.Clay Cassard Date: date 5-2-17 6600 River Place Blvd,Austin TX 78730 Quote#:scc5717v2 HGAC RA0545 Prepared For. Damarls Morales Ship to Address: Bill to Address: Phone Number. Email: Agency: City of Round Rock Police Dept Customer#: Item Qty Description Model List Price Contract Price Extended 40 SPARE BATT IMPRES 2 LIION R IP68 3400T PMNN4486 $150.00 112.50 4,500.00 26 APX 7000 IMPRES CG SU APX7000 US/NA/CA/LA NNTN8860 $125.00 93.75 2,625.00 28 IMPRES RSM,3.5MM AUDIO JACK PMMN4069A $110.00 82.50 2,310.00 44 Belt Clip conversion kits NTN9179 $42.00 31.50 1,386.00 16 APX6000 UNIVERSAL CARRY HOLDER PMLN5709A $29.00 21.75 348.00 Total With Accessories 205,624.52 Trade In Credit 400.00 -11,200.00 TOTAL 194,424.52 APX8600 ALL BAND MP MOBILE Dual Band,Dash Mount,Single Head 33 APX8500 ALL BAND MP MOBILE M37TSS9PW1 N $4,770.00 3,386.70 111,761.10 33 ENH:ASTRO DIGITAL CAI OP APEX G806 $515.00 365.65 12,066.45 33 ENH:SMARTZONE OPERATION APX G51 $1,500.00 1,065.00 35,145.00 33 ADD:P26 TRUNKING SOFTWARE G361 $300.00 213.00 7,029.00 33 ADD:ADVANCED SYSTEM KEY-HARDWARE KEY QA01648 $5.00 3.55 117.15 33 ADD:05 CONTROL HEAD G442 $432.00 306.72 10,121.76 33 ADD:APX CONTROL HEAD SOFTWARE G444 $0.00 0.00 0.00 33 ADD: DASH MOUNT G66 $125.00 88.75 2,928.75 Page 2 of 3 RRPD APX8000 and APX8500 5727 v2 5/162017 Page 3 of 3 MQTO�?OLA Account Manager.Clay Cassard Date: date 6-2-17 6500 River Place Blvd,Austin TX 78730 Quote#: scc6717v2 HGAC RA06-16 Prepared For. Damaris Morales Ship to Address: Sill to Address: Phone Number. Email: Agency: City of Round Rock Police Dept Customer#: Item Qty Description Model List Price Contract Price Extended 33 ADD:ALL BAND MOBILE ANTENNA(7/8/V/U) GA01513 $95.00 67.45 2,225.85 33 ADD:GPS/WI-FI ANTENNA GA00226 $75.00 25.00 825.00 33 ADD:KEYPAD MIC GCAI W20 $180.00 127.80 4,217.40 33 ADD:AUXILARY SPKR 7.5 WATT B18 $60.00 42.60 1,405.80 33 ADD:4 YR SFS LITE GA00318 $363.00 257.73 8,505.09 33 ADD:DIGITAL TONE SIGNALING GA09000 $150.00 106.50 3,514.50 33 ADD:TDMA OPERATION GA00580 $450.00 319.50 10,543.50 33 ENH: OVER THE AIR PROVISIONING 6996 $100.00 71.00 2,343.00 33 ADD:APX MOBILE RADIO AUTHENTICAT GA01767 $100.00 71.00 2,343.00 33 ADD:GROUP SERVICES GA09008 $150.00 106.50 3,514.50 33 DEL: DELETE UHF BANDGA05509681($800.00) GA05509681 ($800.00) -568.00 -18,744.00 33 RADIO MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE T7914 $100.00 71.00 2,343.00 33 RM DELIVERY OPTION-EMAIL Catherine Roberts UA00049AA $0.00 0.00 0.00 33 PROMO PROMO ($300.00) -300.00 -9,900.00 ENCRYPTION 33 ADD: MULTIPLE KEY ENCRYPTION OPERATION W969 $330.00 234.30 7,731.90 33 ADD:AES/DES-XL/DES-OFB ENCRYPTION G851 $799.00 567.29 18,720.57 GRAND TOTAL 218,758.32 Trade In Credit -400.00 -13,200.00 GRAND TOTAL 205,558.32 GRAND TOTAL 399,982.84 Page 3 of 3 Rodin Communication/Emergencv Response& Mobile Interoperability Equipment Pope 1 of 5 ACONTRACI BHTWEL-:N HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA COUNCIL Iluuston,Texas AND 1fOTOROLA SOLUTIONS,INC. Fanners Branch,Texas I his Contract Is mude and entered Into b) the Houslnn-Gnlr eston Aren Council of Governments,hereinafter referred to us H-GAC, having Its pi mcgtal place of business at 3555 Timmons Lune, Suite 120, Iluuston, 'texas 77027, AND, Mulorolo Salulioos, lite. hereinaller referred to as the CONTRA(:F011,having its principal place of business at Park Wcst C-2, 1507 I.BJ Freeway,Farmers Branch,Texas 75234 ARTICLE I: SC'OPEOFSERVIC'ES The parties have entered into a Rodin Commit nfcation/Emergency Response&Mobile Inlerupernbility Equipment Contract to become effective its ol'May 1.2015,and to continue through April 30,2018(the"Contract"),subject to extension upon mutual agreement ofthe CONTRAC,"1'OR and II-GAC, H-GAC enters into the Contract as Agent for participating governmental agencies,each hereinafler rcfcrted to as E'ND l ISLR,for the purchase of[Audio Communicutiun/Emergency Response&Nlubilc Interoperability Equipment offered by the CONT'RAC'TOR. The CONTRA( I'OR agrees to sell Radiu Communication/F.mergency Response & Mobile Iuleruperability Equipment through the H-GAC Contract to END USERS ARTICLE' 2: THE COMPLETE AGREF NIENT 'I lie Contract shall consm of the documents identified below in Littler Lil'pteeedence• I Thu text of this Contract form,including but not lunited to,Anuchnaeni A 2 General Terms and Conditions 3 Proposal Specifications No. ILA05-15,including any relevant suffixes 4 C'ONT'RACfOR's Responbe w Proposal No RA05-15,including but not limited to,prices and opttuns offered All of tahich ore either attached hereto Lir Incorporated by reference and hereby made a part of this Contract,and shall constitute the complete agreement hettwen the parties hereto.This Contract supersedes any and al l ural or written agreements hett%ccn the parties relating to mutters herein Except its otherwise provided herein,this Contract cannot be modified without the written consent ol'bolh parties A RTICLE 3: LEGAL AUTHORITY CONTRACTOR and H-GAC wurrant and tepieseut Lit each other that they have adequate legal counsel and authority to enter Into this Contract The governing bodies,where upplicuble,have authorized the signatory officials to enter into this Contract and bind the parties to the semis of this Contract and any suhsequcnt amendments thereto ARTICLE 4: APPI.IC'ABLE LAWS The ponies agree Lir conduct Lill aclivntes under this Cunhucl in uccurdance with all applicable rules,iegulatiuns,directives,issuances, ordinances,and laws in eil'ect or promulgated during the(crit of thus C'ontracl ARTICLE 5: INDEPENDENT CON,rw*t "1'OR The execution ofthis Contract and lite rendering ol'services prescribed by this Contract do not chnnge the independent status oflf-CAC or CONTRACTOR No provision of this Contract or act of H-GAC in perlormnnee of dus Contract shall be consented as making CONTRAC"1'OR the agent, servant or employee of It-GAC. the State of Texas or the United Slates Government Employees of CONTRA('1'OK are suhleei to the exclusive control wad supervision of CONTRACTOR CON'I'RA(`)'OR is solely responsible for employee payrolls and claims arising theiclitim ARTICLE 6: FND USER.%GREFNIF.NTS II-GAC acknutViedges that the END USER may chuosc to enter into an Fad Oscr Agreement with the CONTRACTOR through this Contract and that lite term of said Agreement may exceed the term of the H-GACContract t lowever this acknottiedgement is not to be construed as I I-G.AC's endorsement or uppmvat nI'the End User Agreement ternis and conditions. CONTRACTOR agrees not to offer to, agree to or accept from END USER any terms or conditions shut conllict with or contravene those in CONTRACTOR's H-GAC contract. 1•urther,turminatiun of this Contract for any reason shall not result in the termination ufthe undui lying End User Agreements entered into heowen CONTRA C TOR and any EIND I ISE 11 which shall,in each instance,continue pursuant in their stated terms and duration The only eliect nt'ternunation ol'this Contract Is thus CONTRACTOR will no longer be able to enter into any new End User Agreements eith END IISEltti pursu,iitt in this Coniract Applicable H-GPAC order processint ehaiges will he due and payable to H-CAC on any End User 11!COT nine rStRedw Cnnu:n nicuunml.nmtl cncy itcspansc C Mnbtle Inlcnpxrability lyutpmcnflMuturulu Sututtuns.Inc%RA05.15 19 Rndio C:ommunleationlEmergenev Response&Mobile Interoperability Equipment Pale Z of5 Agreements surviving termination of this Contract between 11-GAC and CONTRACTOR. ARTICLE 7: SUBCONTRACT'S&ASSIGNMENTS CONTRACTOR agrees not to subcontract,assign,transfer,convey,sublet or otherwise dispose ofthis Contract orarry right,title,obligation or interest it may have therein to any third partywithout prior wriltcn notice to H-GAC. H-GAC reserves the right to accept or reject any such change CONTRACTOR shall continue to remain responsible for all performance under this Contract regardless of any subwniract or assignment H-GAC shall be liable soluly to CONTRACTOR and not to any or its Subcontractors or Assignees. ARTICLE R: EXAMINATION AND RET'ENT'ION OF CONTRACTOR'S RECORDS CONTRACTOR shall maniain during the course of irs work,complete and accurate recards of items shat are chargeable to END USER under this Contract. H-GAC,through its staffor its designated public accounting firm,the State olTexas,or the United States GovermnenlshalI have the right at any reasonable time to inspect copy and audit those records on or off the premises of CONTRACTOR.Faittac to provide access to records may Incauscfor termination ofthisContmct CONTRACTOR shall maintain all records pertinent to this Contract for a period of not less than five(5)calendar years from the date ofacceptance of the final contract closeout and until any outstanding litigation,auditor claim has been resolved. 'I'Ilc right of access to records is not limited to the required retention period,but shall last as long as the records are retained. CONTRACTOR further agrees In incl ude to all subcontracts under this Contract,a provision to the effect that the subcontractor agrees that H-GAC'S duly authorized representatives.shall,until the expiration offuve(5)calendar years after final payment underthe subcontract or until all audit findings have been resolved,have access to,and the right to examine and copy any directly pertinent books,documents,papers, invoices and records ol'such subcontractor involving any framsacuon relating to die subcontract To the extent allowed by law,nothing eonlnined herein shall milhorize H-GAC and/or END USER to audit confidential inlburmation regarding product cost. ART'1CLF 9: REPORTING ItF:O1;IRFMF%a*.S CONTRACTOR agrees to submit reports or other documentation in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions of the Proposal Specifications. If CONTRACTOR fails to submit to II-GAC in a timely and satisfiactory manner any such report or documentation,or otherwise tails to satisfactorily render performance hereunder,such failure may be considered cause for termination ofthis Contract. ARTICLE 10: NIOS'1'FAVORED CIISTO+PIER CLAUSE I I'CONTRACI'OR at any time during a contract period,routinely enters into agreements with other governmental customers within the Stale of Texas,and offers the same or substantially the same products oflbred to H-GAC on a basis that provides prices more favorable than those provided to HAW.%CONTRACTOR shall within ten(10)business days thereafter notify H-GAC of that offering The contract with H-GAC shall be deemed to be automatically amended and effective retroactively to the effective date of the most favorable contract, wherein CONTRACTOR shall provide the sante quantity discount to 11-(;AC and its End lasers for equal or larger orders purchased the same quuntity and under the same circumstances I I-GAC shrill have the right and option at arty time to decline to accept any such change, in which case the amendment shall be deemed null and void. II'CONTRACTOR believes any apparently more favorable price charged and/or offered a customer during th c term ofthis agreement is not in fact most favored treatment,CONTRACTOR shall within ten(10) business days notify H-GAC in wTiling,setting Iarth the detailed reasons CONTRACTOR believes aforesaid offer%vhich has been deemed to be a most favored treatment,is not in fact most favored treatment. H-GAC,after due consideration of such written explanation,may decline to accept such explanation and thereupon the contract bctwYen H-GAC and CONTRACTOR shod/be automatically amended, ctI'cebve retroactively,to the effective date of the most favored agreement,to provide the same pricers to H-GAC The most favored prit,:struc.'turc set forth in this paragraph shall not apply to any pre-existing contracts Contractor has in the Statc of'l exos The tern"pre-existing contracts"shall refer to contracts in existence as of the original effective date of the HGAC contract, i.c 5/1/15. The Parties agree that the above MFCprovision shall not apply to the sale of large communications systems(one million dollars ($1,000,000.00)and above). The term "Communications System"shall refer to a project that includes the sale of infrastructure hardware anti/or software.user devices,and Motorola engineering and installation service. The contract for a"Communication System"will always have a Statement of Work and an Acceptance Test Plan. The Parties accept the IN lowing definition of routine A prescribed,detailed course ajaction to bejollou•ed regadar(alr astandard procedure. ARTICLE 11: SEVERABILITY All parties agree that should any provision ofthis Contract be determined to be invalid ortracnforccable,such determination slu ill not affect any other term of this Contract,which shall continue in full force and effect 11'kONTRACISInudm Cnmmunication/Cmergervy Respmse&Mohilc Inicrupmbibly IigrupmentlMatorutu tiolutions.Inc IRAUS-15.19 Radio Communication/Emergency Response&Mobile InteroperabWty Equipment Pawn 3 of 5 ARTICLE 12: DISPUTES Airy and all disputes concerning questions ul'lacl or oflaw arising under this Contract,which are not disposed ofhy agrecment,shall be decided by the Executive Director of H-GAC nr hiss designce,wltn shall reduce his decision to writing and provide notice thereof to CONTRACTOR The decision ordic Lxecutive Director or his designee shall he final and conclusive unless,within thirty(30)days from the date ofreceipt of such notice,CONTRACTOR requests a rehearing from the{executive Director ol'H-GAC. In connection with arty rehearing under this Article,CONTRAC'T'OR shall he afforded an opportunity to he heard and offer evidence in support of its paiilion The decision of the Executive Director alter any such rehearing shall be final and conclusive. CONTRACTOR may,if it elects to do so,appeal the final and conclusive decision of the Fxmulivc Director to a court of competent jurisdiction. Pending final decision or a dispute hereunder, CONTRACi'OR shall proceed diligently with the performance afthis Contract and in accordance with H-GAC'S final decision. ARTICLE 13: L1MTI'ATION OF CONTRACTOR'S LIABILITY Except as specified in any separate writing between the CONTRAC'T'OR and an END USER,CONTRACTOR's total liability under this Contract,whether titer breach of contract,warranty,ncghgence,strict liability,in tort or otherwise,but excluding its obligation to indemnify H-GAC described to Article 14,is limited to the price oflhe particular products/services sold hereunder,and CONTRACTOR agrees either to refund the purchase price or to repair or replace products)that are not as warranted In no event will CONTRACTOR be liable for any loss or use,loss oftime,inconvenience,commercial loss,lost profits or savings or other incidental,special or consequential damages to the full cxtent such use may be disclaimed by la v. CONTRACTOR understands and agrees that it shoU be liable to repay and shall repay upon demand to END USER any amounts determined by 11-GAC,its independent audilum or any agency ofSuue or Federal government to have been paid in violation ol*lhc terms oflhis Contract. ARTICLF 14: LIMIT OF II-GAC'S LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION OF H-GAC I-GAC's liability under this Contract,whether for breach ofcontract,warranty,negligence,strict liability,in tort orothcrwisc,is limited 10 its order processing charge. In no event will H-GAC be liable for any loss of Linc,loss ortimc,inconvenience,commercial Inns,Inst profits or savings or other incidental,special or consequential damages to the full extent such use may he disclaimed by law, Contractor agrees,to the extent permitted by law,to defend and hold harmless it-GAC,its board members,officers,agents,officials,employees,and indemnuies from any and all claims,costs,expenses(including reuannahle attorney fees),actions,causes of action,judgments,and liens arising as a result of CONTRACTOR's negligent act or omission under this Contract. CONTRACTOR shall notify TI-GAC or the iltreat of lawsuit or of any actual suit filed against CONTRACTOR relating to this Conlracl. ARTICLE 15: TERMINATION FOR CAUSE H-GAC may lcrmitutte this Contract for cause based upon the fail ore of CONTRACTOR to comply with the terms and/or conditions of the: Conlracl;provided that I1-GAC shall give CONTRACTOR written nnlice specifving(;ONTRACTOR'S failure. If within thirty(30) days after receipt of such notice,CONTRACTOR shall not have either corrected such failure,or thereafter proceeded diligently to complete such correction,then I1-GAC may,at its option,place CONTRACTOR in default and the Contract shall terminate on the date specified in such notice. CONTRACTOR shall pay to H-GAC any onler processing charges due from CONTRACTOR on that portion of the Contract actually performed by CON'TRACT'OR and for which compensation was received by CONTRACTOR. ARTICLE 16: TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE Either H-GAC or CONTRACTOR may cancel or terminate this Contract at anytime by giving thirty(30)days written notice to the other. CONTACTOR may he cnlitled to payment bola END I ISER for services actually perfamted.to the extent said services are satisfactory to END USER_CONTRACTOR shall pay to H-GAC any order processing charges due from CONTRACTOR on that portion of the Conlracl actually performed by CONTRACTOR and for which compensation is received by CONTRACTOR. AR'I'lCLE 17: CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PROVISIONS AND SANCTIONS CONTRACTOR agrees that it will perfamt under this Contract in conformance with safeguards against fraud and abuse as set forth by H-GAC,the State of Te.urs,and the acts and regulations ofany funding entity.CONTRACI'OR agrees to notify H-GAC of any suspected fraud,abuse or other criminal activityrelated to this Contract through tiling of written report promptly atter it becomes aware ofsuch activity. ARTICI,F:18: GOVERNING LAW&VENUF. This Contract shall be governed by Ute laws of the State of Texas. Venue and jurisdiction of any suit or cause of action arising under or in conneclinn with this Contract shall lie exclusively in Han-is County,Texas. Disputes between END USER and CON'T'RACTOR are to be rosotved lin accord with the lam-and vmuc rules ofthe state of purchase CONTRACTOR shall immediately notify H-GACof such disputes ARTICLE 19: PROCEDURAL.STEPS ENUMERATED FOR SALES TO FIND USERS 1. All Cutilmrative Purchasing business will be pi ocessed in amuixianLe with I I-CrAC'spolicics and proucclures,atcrinti-actcd prices,and shall include approved order processing charges. 2. END USER will access the Cooperative Purchasing Program through the II-GAC website and/or by submission of any duly WCONIRACI'Mgdm Commonicatinivi-hengency Respnnse&Mobile Interoperability Eywpmcnt%molofafa Solutiom,Inc%RA05-1 519 Radio Communicatiou/Emergenev Response&Mobile lateroperability Equipmeal Page 4 of 5 I executed purchase order to a contractor laving a valid contract with H-GAC and in a format acceptable to H-GAC. 3. END USER will submit orders)electronically through CONTRACTOR'S on-line ordering process or issue Purchase Order(s) directly to C'ONTRAC'TOR at contract prices,and also submit a copy to H-GAC. 4. The 11-GAC CONTRACTOR will deliver products/servuces as spcctfied by the contract bctA=n CONTRACTOR and H-GAC, and invoice each END USER for(1)products/services purchased and(2)H-GAC'S applicable order processing charge. 5. Upon delivery,acceptance,and receipt of an H-GAC C ONTRA(:TOR's,dncumented invoice,END USER shall pay the H. GAC CONTRACTOR the ball amount of the invoice. 6. For orders of less than$100,000,CONTRACTOR will promptly pay to H-GAC tiny order processing charges due,and in Any case.not later than sixty(60)calendar days after End User order is processed.Payments will be processed to H-GAC on a monthly basis.For orders of 5100,000 or more,CONTRACTOR will promptly pay to H-GA(:arty order processing charges due,and in any case not later than forty-five(45)calendar days after receipt of End User payment by Motorola 7. Failure to promptly remit H-CAC's order prreessing charges may result in sanctions including,but not limilud to,contract temiinatinn 8. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for delivery and acceptance of each unit by END USER,according to the requirements of the speclficaduns,this Contract,and purchase order issued to CONTRACTOR by an END USER All r quired equipment lcsts shall be banmc by CONTRACTOR. 9. CONTRA('TOR shall promptly provide H-GAC 1111. END USER with all information pertaining to delivery schedules. CONTRACTOR shall also use its best efforts to expedite unit deliveries on shorter notice than set forth in its verification fur airy specific purchase order when requested. 10. All prices are F.O B END USER'S location with all transportation charges prepaid and included in any invoice. 11 All pricing shall be based on the current contract unless the H-GACCONTRACTOR prior to receipt of END USER's purchaso order for delivery of any producls/seryices has received H-GAC;'s prior written approval for any price increases. 12. The H-GAC CONTRACTOR agrees to accept the terms of this agreement and to conduct all transactions based on pricing and other terms of the contract including,but not limited to,the applicable H-GAC order processing charge. 'The CONTRACTOR agrees to encourage END USERS to execute authorizing Interlocal contracts with H-GAC, ARTICLE 20: LIQUIDATED DAMAGES Any liquidated damages terms will be determined between CONTR%CTOR and END USER at the time END USER's purchase order is placed. ARTICLE 21: PERFORMANCE BONDS FOR INDIVIDUAL ORDERS Except as described beluw for fire apparatus,CONTRACTOR agrees to provide a Performance Bond at the request of END USER within ten(10)days of receipt of END USER's purchase order. It shall he standard procedure for every order received for fire apparatus that a Performance Bond in the amount of the order be provided to the END USER. Failure of CONTRACTOR to provide such performance bond within ten(10)days of receipt of END USER's order may constitute a total broach of contract and shall be cause for cancellation of the order at END USER's sole discretion END USER may choose to delete the requirement Fora Performance Bond at END USER's sole discretion. Ifthc bond requirement is waived,EVD USER shall be entitled to a price reduction commensurate with the cost that would have been incurred by CONTRACTOR for the frond. ARTICLE 22: CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR S"TAT11S CONTRACTOR shall immediately notify 11-GAC,in writing,ofANV change in ownership,control,dealership/franchisce stanL%Motor Vehicle license status,or name,and wall also advise whether or not this Contract shall be affected in anyway by such change. H-CAC shall have the right to determine whether or not'such clmange is acceptable,and to determine what action shall be warranted,up to and including cancellation of Contract. ARTICLF.23: LICENSING REQUIRED BY TEXAS NIOTOR VEHICLE BOARD IIFAPPI fCABLBI CONTRACTOR will for the duration of this Contract mainlaineurrenl licenses that arc requircd by the Texas Motor Vehicle Commission Code.ifat any time during this Contract perrad,any CONTRACTOR'S license is not renewed,or is denied or revoked,CONTRACTOR shall be decmcd to be in default of this Contract unless the Motor Vehicle Board issues a stay or waiver. Contractor shall promptly provide copies of ull current applicable Texas Motor Vehicle Board documentation to H-GAC upon request. 11 tCON1RAC1�1R3Jio CanmunicutioNF-emergency Rrspmse R Muhtle Internperandnp Fgmpment%Muturoto Snluttuni,Inc\RA05.15.19 Et,rdlo Cproe�uaLcohgp/Lm�raaacv R Done h Mob le InteroaerehUlty Baxlnmarrt Pare S of S W WITHM8 WKWOF,tiro prudes have eauwJ this Cootract Lo be executed by dtalr duly outhoti:ed repreatxltmlves 8igmd fbr Houston-Gahresion Ana Cosnett,Howtun,Tease t e,RaculiveDireclor Auatt far HswrrerQalvtoan a Ar"Co, ell,Houmon,Tuu: l ro t alPuhlio r ' Date: 815ted few btdorols Belsrlotrr,U& Fomwm Brmsah,Texan: Z447iS Prir&d Nmwdt Trdc omr 4 3 2A� Attar for Mcloroic Seiatlonx,Inc. Palmus Branch,Tmw: /�Jf PrbttodName&Tldr �4aWarr�( aerlae h1SSSS V.P. Data• 0-30 20 5 It;1COQtt1tACT3tRar:o eana,wiMldrni.trasaer linrolw�Mabth tn(+rep�at,df+�Fgty+irtnitMaorota sotwbnx,taaW Aol.t s.19 Attachment A Motorola Solutions,Inc. Radio Communice llon/Emergeney Response&Mobile Interoperability Equipment Contract No.:RHOS-15 Product Description Base Offered CalcRory Price Per the RFP Motorola has Included an Electronics Catalogue(EDIT dirk)an Sou APC a CD media In lieu uflisriag each haRvldual product and In$prion. In Diuounts per OA,0%OC addition,a discount APCs6eet 1t amrched in the pricing section and uzed to WAT 1 ricebook calculate all indAldnal prices Wthia the ECAT disk Effective 2/14/2015 OD Motorola Integration Services LMR Motorola offers»ide range ofservices including Integration,Irislollatiun uml Training. The cost of these services is regional in nature Samples heluw ure listed for relbrence only. OD Project Mane emenl Daily hate• S 1,818.00 OD System Teehnoloitist Daily Rate' S 2 173 00 OD Standard Shop Installation:Hourly Rate' $ 150.00 OD Standard Shop Installation:Daily Rate• S 1,200.00 OD Mobile Radio Installation' 180-5500 OD Radiu Prow-daimin ' $55-$125 OD I Dela Installation' $180-5428 •Prices may vary by Reaiun and Stated Scope.Tnivel Nut Included OD Motorola Inle raliun Services Advanced Services Motomlu offers wide range ofservices including Integralion,Installation and Training. The cost of these service$is regiunal in nature Samples below nue luted for reference only. OD I NG9-I-1 Consollin Services-Daily Role' $I.b94 OD Security Project/Program Monagement-Daily Ratc' $1.694 OD Wireless Security Technician-Daily Rate* $1.580 OD Sccuritv 11c ictrallon Tester Wired NetworIO-Daily Rale' $1.580 OD Secutrjy Tmincr-Dei1v Ra(t' $1.328 OD Application SecurityCode Reviewer-Daily Rate' Es 3 un IT Incident Rcs mise and F.-Discovery Assitnncc-Daily Rate' 4 OD ITDisaslcrRccove Planner-Dail Rate' 0 OD IT Disasler Recovery Plan TesLcr-Daily Rate' 0 OD Buisnem Continuity/Cunlinui of Govcrnnunt Planner-Daily Rate* 0 OD lluvinr-mC:ontinuity/Continuity ofGavernmentPlan TeNer-Daily Rate' $1,5g0 OD Mobile Applicadon Services Project Mannaemenl-Daily Role* 5565 OD Mobile Application Services Solution Architech-Dail Rae' $2,033 OD Mobile Application Services Applieutiun and Solution Design-Daily Rate* $2.033 OD Mobile Application Services Application and Solution Implementation-Daily $2,033 Rule* OD Application Imcgratinn and Custnmizaunn Services Project Management-Daily $1,694 Rate' OD Application Integration and Custumiiatiun Services Solution Archilcclr-t)aily $2,033 Rate* OD Application Integration and Cuslomiaition Services Application and Solution 52.033 Ucsi -Daily Ralc• OD Application Integrution and Cuslomiiadiun Sen-ices Application and Solution $1644 Int Iemcnlatiun-Da lv Rutu• OD Unified Communications Services Proicei Man$ ernent-Daily Rate' $1,644 OD Unified Communications Services Solumin Archilech-Daily Rau' $2.033 OD llnilied Communications Services Application and Solution Dcaign-Daily Rate* 52.033 OD Unified Communications Scrviccs Application and Solution Implementation- $1,694 Daily Ruic' Page I of6 CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 l of l Complete Nos.1-4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos.1,2,3,5,and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2017-224005 Motorola Solutions Austin,TX United States Date Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 06/14/2017 being filed. City of Round Rock Date Acknowledged: 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract,and provide a description of the services,goods,or other property to be provided under the contract. Portable/Mobile Radios 2017 Portable and Mobile Radio Purchase 2017 4 Nature of interest Name of Interested Party City,State,Country(place of business) (check applicable) Controlling I Intermediary 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Parry. X 6 AFFIDAVIT I swear,or affirm,under penalty of perjury,that the above disclosure is true and correct. i0 t 11199507 tt f f Z,,,y t;oit3i'f1i533flri cXpif' I APT5123 2018 s Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity AFFIX NOFRrt'STAMP/SEAL ABOVE Sworn to and subscribed before me,by the said ode � C 55e � this the day of >r 20 ,to certify which,witness my hand and seal of office. t,/&t, x� M7 Signature of officer administering oath Printed name of officer administering oathTi o er administering oath Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.0.883 CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 3.295 1 of 1 Complete Nos.1-4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos.1,2,3,5,and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2017-224005 Motorola Solutions Austin,TX United States Date Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 06/14/2017 being filed. City of Round Rock Date Acknowledged: 06/15/2017 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract,and provide a description of the services,goods,or other property to be provided under the contract. Portable/Mobile Radios 2017 Portable and Mobile Radio Purchase 2017 4 Nature of interest Name of Interested Party City,State,Country(place of business) (check applicable) Controlling I Intermediary 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑ X 6 AFFIDAVIT I swear,or affirm,under penalty of perjury,that the above disclosure is true and correct. Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity AFFIX NOTARY STAMP/SEAL ABOVE Sworn to and subscribed before me,by the said this the day of 20 ,to certify which,witness my hand and seal of office. Signature of officer administering oath Printed name of officer administering oath Title of officer administering oath Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.0.883