Contract - Motorola - PO Only - 7/13/2017 RRPD Bea APX8000 and Bea APX8500 5727.xlsx 5/23/2017 Page 1 of 1 Ji+!!? 430AL-40% Account Manager:Clay Cassard Date: date&2-17 6300 River Place Blvd,Austin TX 78730 Quote#t: scc5717b HGAC RAOS-16 Prepared For: Damads Morales Ship to Address: Phone Number: Bili to Address: Email. Agency: City of Round Rock Police Dept Customer#: Item QtV Description Model List Price Contract Price Extended APX 8000 ALL BAND PORTABLE MODEL 3.5 8 APX 8005 ALL BAND PORTABLE MODEL 3.5 H91TGD9PW7 N $6,292 4,467.32 35,738.56 Page 1 of 1 RRPD Baa APX8000 and Bea APX8500 5727.xIsx 6123/2017 Page 1 of 6 li��TQl4�L' A Account Manager.Clay Cassard Date: date 5-2-17 650 River Place Blvd,Austin TX 78730 Quota#:scc5717b HGAC RA05-15 Prepared For. Damaris Morales Ship to Address: Bill to Address: Phone Dumber: Email: Agency: City of Round Rock Police Dept Customer#: Item Qty Description Model List Price Contract Price Extended APX 8000 ALL BAND PORTABLE MODEL 3.5 a APX 8000 ALL BAND PORTABLE MODEL 3.5 H91TGD9PW7 N $6,292 4,467.32 35,738.56 8 ADD:ASTRO DIGITAL CAI OPERATION Q806 $515.00 365.65 2,925.20 8 ADD: SMARTZONE OPERATION H38 $1,500.00 1,065.00 8,520.00 8 ADD: P25 9600 BAUD TRUNKING Q361 $300.00 213.00 1,704.00 8 ADD:TDMA OPERATION QA00580 $450.00 319.50 2,556.00 8 ADD: 5 YEAR SERVICE FROM THE START LITE Q887 $213.00 151.23 1,209 84 8 ADD:ADVANCED SYSTEM KEY-HARDWARE KEY QA01648 $5.00 3.55 28.40 8 ADD: PROGRAMMING OVER P25(OTAP) G996 $100.00 71.00 568.00 8 ADD: GROUP SERVICES QA09008 $150.00 106.50 852.00 8 ADD: P25 LINK LAYER AUTHENTICATION QA01767 $100.00 71.00 568.00 8 DEL: DELETE UHF BAND QA05509 ($800.00) -668.00 -4,544.00 8 Standard Battery $150.00 106.50 852.00 a RADIO MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE T7914 $100.00 71.00 568.00 8 RM DELIVERY OPTION-EMAIL Catherine Roberts UA00049AA $0.00 0.00 0.00 8 PROMO PROMO ($300.00) -300.00 -2,400.00 8 ENCRYPTION 8 ENH: MULTIKEY H869 $330.00 234.30 1,874.40 8 ENH:AES/DES,DES XL,DES-OFB Q15 $799.00 567.29 4,538.32 TOTAL 65,558.72 RADIO ACCESSORIES Page 1 of 6 RRPD Bea APX8000 and Bea APX8600 5727.xlsx 6/23/2017 Page 2 of 6 Account Manager.Clay Cassard Date: date 5-2-17 65M River Place Blvd,Austin TX 78730 Quote#:scc5717b HGAC RA05-15 Prepared For: Damaris Morales Ship to Address: Rift to Address: Phone Number: Email: Agency: City of Round Rock Police Dept Customer#: Item Qty Description Model List Price Contract Price Extended 8 BATF'IMPRES 2 LIION R IP68 3400T PMNN4486 $150.00 112.50 900.06- 8 APX 7000 IMPRES CG SU APX7000 US/NA/CA/LA NNTN8863A $125.00 93.75 750.00 8 IMPRES RSM,3.5MM AUDIO JACK PMMN4069A $110.00 82.50 660.00 8 Belt Clip conversion kits NTN9179 $42.00 31.50 252.00 Total With Accessories 58,120.72 Tracie in Credit -400.00 -3,200.00 TOTAL 54,920.72 APX8500 ALL BAND MP MOBILE Dual Band,Dash Mount,Single Head 8 APX8500 ALL BAND MP MOBILE M37TSS9PW1 N $4,770.00 3,386.70 27,093.60 8 ENH:ASTRO DIGITAL CAI OP APEX G806 $515.00 365.65 2,925.20 B ENH:SMARTZONE OPERATION APX G51 $1,500.00 1,055.00 8,520.00 8 ADD: P25 TRUNKING SOFTWARE G361 $300.00 213.00 1,704.00 8 ADD:ADVANCED SYSTEM KEY-HARDWARE KEY QA01648 $5.00 3.55 28.40 8 ADD-05 CONTROL HEAD G442 $432.00 305.72 2,453.76 8 ADD:APX CONTROL HEAD SOFTWARE G444 $0.00 0.00 0.00 8 ADD:DASH MOUNT G66 $125.00 88.75 710.00 8 ADD:ALL BAND MOBILE ANTENNA(7/8N/U) GA01513 $95.00 67.45 539.60 8 ADD: GPS1WI-FI ANTENNA GA00226 $75.00 25.00 200.00 8 ADD: KEYPAD MIC GCAI W20 $180.00 127.80 1,022.40 Page 2 of 6 RRPD Bea APX8000 and Bea APX8500 5727.xisx 6/23/2017 Page 3 of 6 40 Jw4Crr400"4::0jLJ0I% Account Manager:Clay Cassard Date: date 5-2-17 6500 River Place Blvd,Austin TX 78730 Quote#: scc5717b HGAC RADS-15 Prepared For: Damaris Morales Ship to Address: Bill to Address: Phone Number. Email: Agency: City of Round Rock Police Dept Customer#: Item City Description Model List Price Contract Price Extended 8 ADD:AUXILARY SPKR 7.5 WATT B18 $60.00 42.60 340.80 8 ADD:4 YR SFS LITE GA00318 $363.00 267.73 2,061.84 8 ADD:DIGITAL TONE SIGNALING GA09000 $150.00 106.50 852.00 8 ADD:TDMA OPERATION GA00580 $450.00 319.50 2,556.00 8 ENH: OVER THE AIR PROVISIONING G996 $100.00 71.00 568.00 8 ADD:APX MOBILE RADIO AUTHENTICAT GA01767 $100.00 71.00 568.00 8 ADD: GROUP SERVICES GA09008 $150.00 106.50 852.04 8 DEL:DELETE UHF BANDGA05509681($800.00) GA05509681 ($800.00) -568.00 -4,544.00 8 RADIO MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE T7914 $100.00 71.00 568.00 8 RM DELIVERY OPTION-EMAIL Catherine Roberts UAD0049AA $0.00 0.00 0.00 8 PROMO PROMO ($300.00) -300.00 -2,440.00 ENCRYPTION 8 ADD: MULTIPLE KEY ENCRYPTION OPERATION W969 $330.00 234.30 1,874.40 8 ADD:RESIDES-XLIDES-OFB ENCRYPTION G851 $799.00 567.29 4,538.32 GRAND TOTAL 53,032.32 Trade In Credit -400,00 -3,200.00 GRAND TOTAL 49,832.32 GRAND TOTAL 104,753.04 Page 3 of 6 No Text CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 3.295 1 of 1 Complete Nos.1-4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos.1,2,3,5,and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2017-224778 Motorola Solutions Austin,TX United States Date Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 06/15/2017 being filed. City of Round Rock Date Acknowledged: 06/21/2017 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract,and provide a description of the services,goods,or other property to be provided under the contract. scc5717b Purchase of radios for eight new officers 4 Nature of interest Name of Interested Party City,State,Country(place of business) (check applicable) Controlling Intermediary 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. X 6 AFFIDAVIT I swear,or affirm,under penalty of perjury,that the above disclosure is true and correct. Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity AFFIX NOTARY STAMP/SEAL ABOVE Sworn to and subscribed before me,by the said this the day of 20 ,to certify which,witness my hand and seal of office. Signature of officer administering oath Printed name of officer administering oath Title of officer administering oath Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.0.883