Contract - Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) - 5/25/2017 d . ; } *Q Texas t ,Depart of Transportation Form 2044 (Rev.02/15) Page 1 of 10 MULTIPLE USE AGREEMENT STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TRAVIS § THIS AGREEMENT made by the State of Texas by and between the Texas Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as "State", party of the first part, and the City of Round Rock , hereinafter called the"City" , party of the second part, is to become effective when fully executed by both parties. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, on the 25th day of May , 20 17 , the governing body for the City , entered into Resolution/Ordinance No. R-2017-4420 hereinafter identified by reference, authorizing the City 's participation in this agreement with the State; and WHEREAS, the City has requested the State to permit the construction, maintenance and operation of a public sidewalk on the highway right of way, (ROADWAY FM 3406 CONTROL SECTION NO. 1378-06 ). (General description of area including either the control number or GPS coordinates.) FM 3406 between Plantation Drive and Oak Hollow Drive shown graphically by the preliminary conceptual site plan in Exhibit"A" and being more specifically described by metes and bounds of Exhibit"B", which are attached and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the State has indicated its willingness to approve the establishment of such facilities and other uses conditioned that the Ctiy will enter into agreements with the State for the purpose of determining the respective responsibilities of the City and the State with reference thereto, and conditioned that such uses are in the public interest and will not damage the highway facilities, impair safety, impede maintenance or in any way restrict the operation of the highway facility, all as determined from engineering and traffic investigations conducted by the State. i 4 Form 2044 (Rev.02/15) Page 2 of 10 AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants and agreements of the parties hereto to be by them respectively kept and performed as hereinafter set forth, it is agreed as follows: 1. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION The City will prepare or provide for the construction plans for the facility, and will provide for the construction work as required by said plans at no cost to the State. Said plans shall include the design of the access control, necessary horizontal and vertical clearances for highway structures, adequate landscape treatment, adequate detail to ensure compliance with applicable structural design standards, sufficient traffic control provisions, and general layout. They shall also delineate and define the construction responsibilities of both parties hereto. Completed plans will be submitted to State for review and approval and when approved shall be attached to the agreement and made a part thereof in all respects. Construction shall not commence until plans have been approved by the State. Any future revisions or additions shall be made after prior written approval of the State. Any sidewalks, curb ramps and other pedestrian elements to be constructed, either on site or off site, by the City shall be in accordance with the requirements of Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) and with the Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS). Elements constructed by the City and found not to comply with ADA or TAS shall be corrected at the entire expense of the City 2. INSPECTION Ingress and egress shall be allowed at all times to such facility for Federal Highway Administration personnel and State Forces and equipment when highway maintenance operations are necessary, and for inspection purposes; and upon request, all parking or other activities for periods required for such operations will be prohibited. 3. PARKING REGULATIONS Parking regulations shall be established limiting parking to single unit motor vehicles of size and capacity no greater than prescribed for 11/2 ton trucks, such vehicles to conform in size and use to governing laws. Parking shall be permitted only in marked spaces. Parking shall be prohibited when a security threat, as determined by TxDOT, exists. • • Form 2044 (Rev.02/15) Page 3 of 10 4. PROHIBITION/SIGNS Regulations shall be established prohibiting the parking of vehicles transporting flammable or explosive loads and prohibiting use of the area in any manner for peddling, advertising or other purposes not in keeping with the objective of a public facility. The erection of signs other than those required for proper use of the area will be prohibited. All signs shall be approved by the State prior to the actual erection. 5. RESPONSIBILITIES Timely maintenance, repair and operation of the facility shall be entirely the responsibility of the City . Such responsibility shall not be transferred, assigned or conveyed to a third party without the advanced written approval of the State. These responsibilities expressly include the timely maintenance and repair of any portion of the facility necessary to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Further, such responsibility shall include picking up trash, mowing and otherwise keeping the facility in a clean and sanitary condition, and surveillance by police patrol to eliminate the possible creation of a nuisance or hazard to the public. Hazardous or unreasonably objectionable smoke, fumes, vapor or odors shall not be permitted to rise above the grade line of the highway, nor shall the facility subject the highway to hazardous or unreasonably objectionable dripping, droppings or discharge of any kind, including rain or snow. If the State determines that City has failed to comply with these responsibilities, it will perform the necessary work and charge City the actual cost of the work. 6. FEES Any fees levied for use of the facilities in the area shall be nominal and no more than are sufficient to defray the cost of construction, maintenance and operations thereof, and shall be subject to State approval. A. Retention Period. The City shall maintain all books, documents, papers, accounting records and other evidence pertaining to fees collected and costs (hereinafter called the Records). The City shall make the records available during the term of the Agreement and for four years from the date the Agreement is terminated, until completion of all audits, or until pending litigation has been completely and fully resolved, whichever occurs last. B. Audit Report. If fees are collected by the City for the use of the facility under this agreement, the City will provide the State an annual audit report detailing the fees collected for the use of the facility and the costs associated with constructing, maintaining, and operating the facility within the same period. If the report shows more fees collected than expenses for the construction, operation, or maintenance of the facility the City must provide a multiple year plan detailing how the additional revenue will be used for construction, operation, or maintenance of the facility. • Form 2044 (Rev.02/15) Page 4 of 10 C. Availability. The State or any of its duly authorized representatives, the Federal Highway Administration, the United States Department of Transportation, Office of Inspector General, and the Comptroller General shall have access to the City 's records that are directly pertinent to this Agreement for the purpose of making audits and examinations. 7. TERMINATION UPON NOTICE This provision is expressly made subject to the rights herein granted to both parties to terminate this agreement upon notice, and upon the exercise of any such right by either party, all obligations herein to make improvements to said facility shall immediately cease and terminate and the City shall be responsible for the facility's timely removal at no cost to the State. If the State determines that the City has failed to timely remove the facility, it will perform the necessary work and charge the City the actual cost of the work. 8. MODIFICATION/TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT If in the sole judgment of the State it is found at any future time that traffic conditions have so changed that the existence or use of the facility is impeding maintenance, damaging the highway facility, impairing safety or that the facility is not being properly operated, that it constitutes a nuisance, is abandoned, or if for any other reason it is the State's judgment that such facility is not in the public interest, this agreement under which the facility was constructed may be: (1) modified if corrective measures acceptable to both parties can be applied to eliminate the objectionable features of the facility; or(2)terminated and the use of the area as proposed herein discontinued. 9. PROHIBITION OF STORAGE OF FLAMMABLE MATERIALS All structures located or constructed within the area covered by the agreement shall be fire resistant. The storage of flammable, explosive or hazardous materials is prohibited. Operations deemed to be a potential fire hazard shall be subject to regulation by the State. 10. RESTORATION OF AREA The City shall provide written notification to the State that such facility will be discontinued for the purpose defined herein. The City shall, within thirty (30) days from the date of said notification, clear the area of all facilities that were its construction responsibility under this agreement and restore the area to a condition satisfactory to the State. 11. PREVIOUS AGREEMENTS It is understood that this agreement in no way modifies or supersedes the terms and provisions of any existing agreements between the parties hereto. 14 Form 2044 (Rev.02/15) Page 5 of 10 12. INDEMNIFICATION The City AGREES TO HOLD AND SAVE THE STATE OF TEXAS FREE FROM DAMAGES THAT MAY RESULT FROM CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT DESCRIBED HEREIN. THE INDEMNIFICATION OF THE STATE SHALL EXTEND FOR A PERIOD OF TWO (2) YEARS BEYOND THE DATE OF TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. DURING EACH YEAR WHILE THERE IS ANY LIABILITY BY REASON OF THE AGREEMENT CONTAINED IN THIS SUBSECTION OF THIS RESOLUTION, INCLUDING THE CALENDAR YEAR 2017 , THE City (CITY) SHALL COMPUTE AND ASCERTAIN THE RATE AND AMOUNT OF AD VALOREM TAX, BASED ON THE LATEST APPROVED TAX ROLLS OF SAID ENTITY, WITH FULL ALLOWANCES BEING MADE FOR TAX DELINQUENCIES AND COSTS OF TAX COLLECTION, WHICH WILL BE SUFFICIENT TO RAISE AND PRODUCE THE MONEY REQUIRED TO PAY ANY SUMS WHICH MAY BE OR BECOME DUE DURING ANY SUCH YEAR, IN NO INSTANCE TO BE LESS THAN TWO (2%) PER CENT OF SUCH OBLIGATION, TOGETHER WITH INTEREST THEREON, BECAUSE OF THE OBLIGATION HEREIN ASSUMED. SAID RATE AND AMOUNT OF AD VALOREM TAX IS HEREBY ORDERED TO BE LEVIED AND IS HEREBY LEVIED AGAINST ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY IN SAID ENTITY FOR EACH YEAR WHILE ANY LIABILITY EXISTS BY REASON OF THE OBLIGATION UNDERTAKEN BY THIS SUBSECTION OF THIS RESOLUTION, AND SAID AD VALOREM TAX SHALL BE ASSESSED AND COLLECTED EACH SUCH YEAR UNTIL ALL OF THE OBLIGATIONS HEREIN INCURRED SHALL HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AND ALL LIABILITY HEREUNDER DISCHARGED. No party to this agreement intends to waive, relinquish, limit or condition its general governmental immunity from liability in any way. Each party agrees and acknowledges that it is not an agent, servant, or employee of the other party and that under this provision each party is responsible only for its own acts and for those of its agents, servants, independent contractors or employees. Such responsibility includes, but is not limited to any claims or amounts arising or recovered under the "Workers Compensation Law," the Texas Tort Claims Act, Chapter 101, Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code; or any other applicable laws or regulations, all as time to time may be amended. Form 2044 (Rev.02/15) Page 6 of 10 Nothing in this agreement shall be construed as creating any liability in favor of any third party against the State and the City . Additionally, this agreement shall not ever be construed as relieving any third party from any liability against the State. Furthermore, the City shall become fully subrogated to the State's rights of recovery and shall be entitled to maintain any action over and against any third party who may be liable for damages. The State agrees to execute and deliver instruments and papers and to otherwise do that which is necessary to secure such rights. 13. INSURANCE The City , shall provide necessary safeguards to protect the public on State maintained highways including adequate insurance for payment of any damages which might result during the construction, maintenance, repair and operation of the facility. The City shall include TxDOT as an additional insured by endorsement in the City ,s commercial general liability insurance policy. Prior to beginning work on the State's right of way, the City 's construction contractor shall submit to the State a completed insurance form (TxDOT Form No. 1560) or appropriate certificate of self-insurance and shall maintain the required coverage during the construction of the facility. 14. USE OF RIGHT OF WAY It is understood that the State by execution of this agreement does not impair or relinquish the State's right to use such land for highway purposes when it is required for the construction or re-construction of the traffic facility for which it was acquired, nor shall use of the land under such agreement ever be construed as abandonment by the State of such land acquired for highway purposes, and the State does not purport to grant any interest in the land described herein but merely consents to such use to the extent its authority and title permits. 15. ADDITIONAL CONSENT REQUIRED The State asserts only that it has sufficient title for highway purposes. The City shall be responsible for obtaining such additional consent, permits or agreement as may be necessary due to this agreement. This includes, but is not limited to, appropriate permits and clearances for environmental, ADA and public utilities. 16. FHWA ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS If the Facility is located on the Federal-Aid Highway System, "ATTACHMENT A", which states additional requirements as set forth in the Federal Highway Administration's Title 23, Code of Federal Regulations, § 710, shall be attached to and become a part of this agreement. 17. CIVIL RIGHTS ASSURANCES The City , for itself, its personal representatives, successors and interests and Form 2044 (Rev.02/15) Page 7 of 10 assigns, as part of the consideration hereof, does hereby covenant and agree as a covenant running with the land that: (1) no persons, on the grounds of race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion or disabling condition, shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in the use of said facility; (2) that in the construction of any improvements on, over or under such land and the furnishing of services thereon, no person on the ground of race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion or disabling condition, shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination; (3) that the City shall use the premises in compliance with all other requirements imposed by or pursuant to Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Non-discrimination in Federally-Assisted programs of the Department of Transportation - Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and as said Regulations may be amended. That if in the event of any breach of the above non-discrimination covenants, the State shall have the right to terminate the agreement and reenter and repossess said land and the facilities thereon, and hold the same as if said agreement had never been made or issued. 18. AMENDMENTS Any changes in the time frame, character or responsibilities of the parties hereto shall be enacted by a written amendment executed by both parties hereto. 19. LEGAL CONSTRUCTION In case one or more of the provisions contained in this agreement shall for any reason be held invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any provision hereof and this agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been contained in this agreement. 20. AUDIT The State may conduct an audit or investigation of any aspect of this agreement. The City must provide the State with access to any information the State considers relevant to the investigation or audit. The audit can include, but is not limited to, any contract for construction or maintenance of any facility or structure authorized by this agreement or any contract to provide a service to the City if that service is authorized by this agreement. Form 2044 (Rev.02/15) Page 8 of 10 21. AUTHORITY OF STATE AUDITOR The state auditor may conduct an audit or investigation of any entity receiving funds from the state directly under the contract or indirectly through a subcontract under the contract. Acceptance of funds directly under the contract or indirectly through a subcontract under this contract acts as acceptance of the authority of the state auditor, under the direction of the legislative audit committee, to conduct an audit or investigation in connection with those funds. An entity that is the subject of an audit or investigation must provide the state auditor with access to any information the state auditor considers relevant to the investigation or audit. 22. NOTICES All notices required under this agreement shall be mailed or hand delivered to the following respective addresses: STATE (Name of other party) (Mailing Address) (Mailing Address) Texas Department of Transportation City of Round Rock Maintenance Division 2008 Enterprise Drive 125 East 11th Street Round Rock, TX 78664 Austin, Texas 78701-2483 23. TIMELY PAYMENT When required by any provision of this agreement requires a payment to be made to the State, the other party hereto shall within thirty (30) days from receipt of the State's written notification pay the State for the full cost of repairing any damages to the highway facility which may result from the other party's construction, maintenance, repair or operation of the facility. 24. WARRANTS The signatories to this agreement warrant that each has the authority to enter into this agreement on behalf of the party represented. List of Attached Exhibits: Exhibit A-General Layout Exhibit B - Metes and Bounds Description Exhibit C-Approved Construction Plans Exhibit D -Certificate of Insurance (TxDOT Form 1560) Exhibit E -Attachment A (FHWA Additional Requirements) Form 2044 (Rev.02/15) Page 9 of 10 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto affixed their signature, the 014 ZyriZttilii4 on the (3,434— day of 5A , 20 - - , and the v State on the day of , 20 STATE OF TEXAS 6f tOU1061Executed and approved for the Texas (Name of other party) f Transportation Commission for the purpose and effect of activating and/or carrying out the orders, and established policies or work programs By: heretofore approved and authorized by the Texas ":*nature Transportation Commission. (jr-09 10?- 4v) Printed Name Signature Date Michael C.Anderson, P.E. . 72,5(//?7_cv� OA �y - Deputy Director, Maintenance Division 1� Title tim40, Agency Date r2_,) �� ` r 4.._. APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: Contact Office. and Telephone No. f � DistrictsEnginee,( Terry G. McCoy, PE Printed Name 7-3r— Z%7 Date Form 2044 (Rev.02/15) Page 10 of 10 ATTACHMENT A Inasmuch as this project is on the Federal-Aid highway system, the following additional requirements as applicable with the Federal Highway Administration's Title 23, Code of Federal Regulations, §710. 1. Any significant revision in the design or construction of the facility shall receive prior approval by the Texas Department of Transportation subject to concurrency by the FHWA. 2. Any change in the authorized use of airspace shall receive prior approval by the Texas Department of Transportation subject to concurrence by the FHWA. 3. The airspace shall not be transferred, assigned or conveyed to another party without prior Texas Department of Transportation approval subject to concurrence by the FHWA. 4. This agreement will be revocable in the event that the airspace facility ceases to be used or is abandoned. EXHIBIT E SUPPORTING RESOLUTION or ORDINANCE RESOLUTION NO. R-2017-4420 WHEREAS, the City of Round Rock ("City") desires to construct a public sidewalk along a portion of Old Settlers Boulevard identified in Exhibit "A" to the Multiple Use Agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation; and WHEREAS, a Multiple Use Agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation will permit the City to construct, maintain and operate the sidewalk; and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to approve said Agreement, Now Therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROUND ROCK,TEXAS, That the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the City a Multiple Use Agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation, a copy of same being attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for all purposes. The City Council hereby finds and declares that written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of the meeting at which this Resolution was adopted was posted and that such meeting was open to the public as required by law at all times during which this Resolution and the subject matter hereof were discussed, considered and formally acted upon, all as required by the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, as amended. RESOLVED this 25th day of May, 2017. CRAIG4rn/ , GAN,dip/ City of Round Roc , Texas ATTEST: 3C/1/1A/L-. SARA L. WHITE, City Clerk 0112.170.1,00378461 EXHIBIT A General Layout and Location ;GO r da IIIIP , �_`�• er.. ilk . 'N. -° . . Ilk -, jaiiis 1.100,. . 41C .,' C) . It -N7i.‘5.QA.6 1# .1 It .r= .jam ... " 6) P M ',Pt - *it ,' .,, INV Ag . ' ' ,,, 101" 0. 1, "' " ,r - . 11113 14''''''‘,. ' .. " .' R,. iik4110, , .. ., 4 40 \ - , % - rt AIN* ',•. '" % 4 +.,"+"© CD,µ t 15) W :''_4# o- 4, w* - r; '.; •y e ms, 4° General Information - Project Description (Old Settlers Blvd. Sidewalk Gap Project) The purpose of the Old Settlers Boulevard Sidewalk Gap Project is to eliminate spaces, or gaps, between points where permanent sidewalks currently exist. Many of these existing gap areas are currently characterized by a compacted dirt trail that has relatively constant pedestrian use due to the proximity of Old Town Elementary School; which sits approximately 300 feet south of the proposed sidewalk. The Old Settlers Boulevard Sidewalk Gap Project will be constructed by City of Round Rock personnel. Old Settlers Blvd. Sidewalk Gap Project consists of constructing 5-foot wide concrete sidewalks along the south side of Old Settlers Blvd., from Plantation Dr. to Oak Hollow Dr. The proposed sidewalk will tie into the existing pedestrian ramp at Plantation Dr. and extend east, where it will taper into the existing 4-foot wide sidewalk at Oak Hollow Dr. The total length of the sidewalk is approximately 1,128 feet; and the sidewalk will meander between 3 feet to 5 feet from the back of curb. The sidewalk will generally drain onto a 3 foot, to 5 foot, grassed filtered strip, located between the sidewalk and the existing back of curb, before spilling over into the lip of gutter. The sidewalk will add roughly 5,640 square feet of impervious cover to the 3.36 acres of existing ROW; roughly a 3.8% addition to existing impervious cover. The total area to be disturbed is 0.181 acres (7,896 square feet). The existing ground cover is compacted dirt and grass. The small amount of impervious cover being added, and the aforementioned grassed filter strip will potentially provide sufficient justification for exception to the requirements of filing a Water Pollution Abatement Plan (WPAP) and a Geologic Assessment. EXHIBIT B Proposed Construction Plans (Metes and Bounds Description) EXHIBIT C Approved Construction Plans To be made part of document prior to beginning of construction CITY OF ROUND ROCK , T XAS Aldf 0 d � rr M U7 O / N a- 0 8 ROUND ROCKTEXAS N a TRANSPORTATION 0- 0 O a d O L7TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT Y O 3 `'n CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR NOLD SETTLERS BLVD . SIDEWALK o INDEX OF SHEETS / N 1. COVER SHEET GAP PROJECT 2. GENERAL NOTES s 3. PROJECT LAYOUT 0 4. CITY OF ROUND ROCK- STANDARD S & SIDEWALKS 5. CITY OF ROUND ROCK- STANDARD DETADETAIILS EROS ON CONTROLS MARCH 2017 i 6. Tx-DOT TRAFFIC CONTROL STANDARDS TCP (2-4)-12 cn 7.-10. Tx-DOT PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES CURB RAMPS , 1 . OFT , ,v TDLR INSPECTION NOT REQUIRED a 7 � *ZE,.....,E, 1�1 TDLR No. N/A - 'sd < * : ..........10 �.. LEAH J. COLDER I City Officials rf ,,,• .....� PROJECT5RE. 01 I, LEAH JUDICE COLLIER, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE PUBLIC �� ••�• ••71 9Z�. l� .q, .=_v� Alan McGraw Mayor WORKS AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIBED HEREIN HAVE BEEN 1 'Y�' �/ �:' do 11 OFs CEN ��i j Craig Morgan Council Member DESIGNED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE SUBDIVISION AND BUILDING •�.." = REGULATIONS ORDINANCES AND STORMWATER DRAINAGE POLICY Rene Flores Council Member U ����.� t - Frank Leffingwell Council Member .o ADOPTED BY THE CITY OF ROUND ROCK, TEXAS. ` Will Peckham Council Member Writ Baese Council Member / Kris Whitfield Council Member ° Laurie Hadley City Manager (i 7- 7/�' Gary Hudder Transportation Director 0 N Leah Judice c61lier, P.E. Date Chief Trans rtation Engineer IV X F- Y p 0 L M O p vi CIP STANDARD NOTES 0 TCE0-0592(Re✓.My 15,2015) Texas Commission on Environmental Quality X GENERAL NOTES: Water Pollution Abatement Plan U) +' 1. All construction shall be in accordance with the City of Round Rock Standard Specifications Manual. General Construction NotesZ L_ U 2. Any existing utilities,pavement,curbs,sidewalks,structures,trees,etc.,not planned for destruction or removal that are damaged or removed DL Edwards Aquirer Protection Program Construction Nobs•Legal Disclaimer � O shall be repaired or replaced at Contractor's expense. -0 The followinplisfedtonslNdgn notes'amkderddto be ad✓isety-atunonly and do not eomosoft en eppm i-ndhonslappm✓sl by the E-ti✓e Direow(ED).-d,lhvyed-b, cm gpeh,mewkfmgofmles ormndlivns tome PoOoweddunng Of w C C 3. The Contractor shall verify all depths and locations of existing utilities prior to any construction.Any discrepancies with the construction plans ...slmdere now-of ao lcn.Furth .drons may thle✓e wmpn,w honce wdh TCEQ1,6 ns found in T01,30.30.TeAd ir,011.Cade(TAC),Chapters 213 and 217,as we0 as local onhmmee.and mgres p u/adoo dth np for e polection of water queldy.Addd..if'y, found in the field shall be brought immediately to the attention of the Engineer who shall be responsible for revising the plans as appropriate. d ,,thing contained in the holt-o9ichd'oonsmcion nm..restricts the p­of the ED,the commission or any other govammenbl emdy to pm v.nL erred,or adeAadhat- Ed-dsat nwg or may m=Nin,eWion of the Edds Aquifer..hydrologicallyLL.connected 00 4. Manhole frames,covers,valves,cleanouts,etc.shall be raised to finished grade prior to final paving construction. sur1acew0bnThehodero/anyEdwadsApuerPmfecfivnPanconlalnng'mndvctonnots x'isantintponsbHlormmp4encswhidN70,TAC.Chapas2l]ormyoNorappbcabATCEQngulelion.eswellataYrondilvnvolanEdwedsAquiferPmbctenplan O O 3 5. The Contractor shall give the City of Round Rock 48 hours notice before beginning each phase of construction.Contact the assigned Project thmughaNphasasofpbnmpemanhSonF.doeleeomplywwh myconddionoltheEDkeppo✓el,oft1harornotnrontndidionafany'ronsbudiovnvles.'rsa✓io/elbnof TCEQ mguts(ronsand any✓iolslion3s,*dloadnenidraWemiss,0den.andpenst(m.as p 3 V) Manager. provided under Tide 30,TAC§213.10(relehng to Enforcement).Such✓illations may also be subject to-1 penetries and inj utc ion.The fallmn;n s sled'wosft,.ion noles'in no way represent en appo✓ed ercepfivn by the ED to any ped of Title 30 TAC.Chapters 213 N M 6. All areas disturbed or exposed during construction shall be revegetated in accordance with the plans and specifications.Where not specifically and 217.or any other TCEQappaeabre m9u1st en N identified,revegetalion of all disturbed or exposed areas shall consist of sodding or seeding,at the Contractor's option. F- 0 O / However,the type of revegetation must equal or exceed the type of vegetation present before construction. U CL 7. Prior to any construction,a pre-construction conference shall be held between the City of Round Rock,the Engineer,the Contractor,other utility 1. A written notice of construction must be submitted to the TCEQ regional office at least 48 hours prior to the start of any regulated activities. This notice must include: 0 companies, any affected parties and any other entity the City or Engineer may require. the name of the approved project; S. The Contractor shall keep accurate records of all construction that deviates from the plans.The Contractor shall furnish the City of Round Rock the activity start date;and accurate"As-Built"annotated drawings following completion of all construction.These"As-Buil(" the contact information of the prime contractor. in drawings shall meet with the satisfaction of the City prior to final acceptance. 2. All contractors conducting regulated activities associated with this project must be provided with complete copies of the approved Water Pollution Abatement Plan(WPAP)and the TCEQ letter y C 10. When construction is being carried out within easements,the Contractor shall confine his work to within the permanent and any temporary indicating the specific conditions of its approval. During the course of these regulated activities,the contractors are required to keep on-site copies of the approved plan and approval letter. easements.Prior to final acceptance,the Contractor shall be responsible for removing all trash and debris within jthe permanent and temporary easements.Clean-up shall be to the satisfaction of the City. 3. If any sensitive feature(s)(caves,solution cavity,sink hole,etc.)is discovered during construction,all regulated activities near the sensitive feature must be suspended immediately.The '"^-- V 11. Prior to any construction,the Contractor shall apply for and secure all proper permits from the appropriate authorities, appropriate TCEO regional office must be immediately notified of any sensitive features encountered during construction.Construction activities may not be resumed until the TCEQ has o 12. Available benchmarks(NAVD'88 Datum)that may be utilized for the construction of this project are described as follows: reviewed and approved the appropriate protective measures in order to protect any sensitive feature and the Edwards Aquifer from potentially adverse impacts to water quality. 4. No temporary or permanent hazardous substance storage lank shall be installed within 150 feet of a water supply source,distribution system,well,or sensitive feature, n 0- STREET AND DRAINAGE NOTES: 1. All testing shall be done by an independent laboratory at the City's expense unless specified otherwise.Any retesting shall be paid for by the 5. Prior to beginning any construction activity,all temporary erosion and sedimentation(E8S)control measures must be property installed and maintained in accordance with the approved plans 0 Contractor.A City Inspector shall be present during all tests.Testing shall be coordinated with the City Inspector and he shall be given a and manufacturers specifications. If inspections indicate a control has been used inappropriately,or incorrectly,the applicant must replace or modify the control for site situations.These Y minimum of 24 hours notice prior to any testing. controls must remain in place until the disturbed areas have been permanently stabilized, ti 0 2. Backfill behind the curb shall be compacted to obtain a minimum of 95%maximum density to within 3"of top of curb.Material used shall be 3 primarily granular with no rocks larger than 6"in the greatest dimension.The remaining 3"shall be clean topsoil free from all clods and suitable 6. Any sediment that escapes the construction site must be collected and properly disposed of before the next rain event to ensure it is not washed into surface streams,sensitive features,etc. v for sustaining plant life. tit 3. Depth of cover for all crossings under pavement including gas,electric,telephone,cable t.v.,water services,etc.,shall be a minimum of 30" 7. Sediment must be removed from the sediment traps or sedimentation basins not Tater than when it occupies 50%of the basin's design capacity Z below sub-grade unless otherwise accepted by the City. w 3 3:in 8. Litter,construction debris,and construction chemicals exposed to slormwater shall be prevented from being discharged offsite. a a) 4. Street rights-of-way shall be graded at a slope of 1/4"per foot toward the curb unless otherwise indicated.However,in no case shall the width of o o right-of-way at 1/4"per foot slope be less than 10 feet unless a speck request for an alternate grading scheme is made to and accepted by the 9. All spoils excavated material p ( )generated from the project site must be stored on-site with proper E8S controls. For storage or disposal at spoils at another site on the Edwards Aquifer v City. In 5. Traffic control in accordance with a designated Traffic Control Plan shall be placed and maintained as necessary during construction for workers Recharge Zone,the owner of the site must receive approval of a water pollution abatement plan for the placement of fill material or mass grading prior to the placement of spoils at the other site. '0 and public safety. O 6. All R.C.P.shall be minimum class III. 10. If portions of the site will have a temporary or permanent cease in construction activity lasting longer than 14 days,soil stabilization in those areas shall be initialed as soon as possible prior to - the 14th day of inactivity. If activity will resume prior to the 21st day,stabilization measures are not required. If draught conditions or inclement weather prevent action by the 14th day,12 p v GRADING NOTES: stabilization measures shall be initiated as soon as possible. > 1. All permanent cul and fill slopes to be constructed at slopes to 3:1 or Flatter,unless otherwise noted. IL (10 O 11. The following records shall be maintained and made available to the TCEQ upon request: m Q LLJ I1 2. Estimated grading quantities are approximate net rill.These grading quantities represent in-place values and do not include retaining walls, trenching,fine - the dates when major grading activities occur, grading or shrinkage and compaction. (n - the dates when construction activities temporarily or permanently cease on a portionZ� Y 3. Excess material must be placed at an appropriate fill site. of the site;and LLl 0 Y 4. All site grading including cutting,filling,and drainage provisions shall be performed under the observation,and approval of a representative of the dates when stabilization measures are initialed. Q J a) the City of Round Rock. Q 12. The holder of any approved Edward Aquifer protection plan must notify the appropriate regional office in writing and obtain approval from the executive director prior to initiating any of the LLLJ W Of % TRAFFIC MARKING NOTES: following: fn p LLJ 12 1. Any methods,street markings and signage necessary for warning motorists,warning pedestrians or diverting traffic during construction shall Z U conform to the Texas Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways,latest edition. X any physical or operational modification of any water pollution abatement structure(s), including but not limited to ponds,dams,berms,sewage treatment plants,and diversionary (n Cw`� m 0 2. All pavement markings,markers,paint,traffic buttons,traffic controls and signs shall be installed in accordance with the Texas Department of structures; (1 Transportation Standard Specifications for Construction of Highways,Streets and Bridges and,the Texas B. an chane in the nature or character of the regulated activity from that which was originallya roved or a chane which would significantly impact the ability of the Ian to prevent O Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways,latest editions. y 9 9 approved 9 9 y P y P � pollution of the Edwards Aquifer, Q EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL NOTES: C. any development of land previously identified as undeveloped in the original water pollution abatement plan. tJ 1. Erosion control measures,site work and restoration work shall be in accordance with the City of Round Rock Erosion and Sedimentation Control w Ordinance. v 2. All disturbed unpaved areas and slopes shall be sodded or seeded with approved grass,grass mixtures or ground cover suitable to the area and Austin Regional Office San Antonio Regional Officea , E season in which they are applied and in accordance with the plans. 12100 Park 35 Circle,Building A 14250 Judson Road w N - Austin,Texas 78753-1808 San Antonio,Texas 78233-4480 a Cn 3. Silt fences,rock berms,sedimentation basins and similarly recognized techniques and materials shall be employed during construction to prevent point source sedimentation loading of downstream facilities.Such installation shall be regularly inspected Phone(512) -379529 Phone(270) -432996 � Fax(512)339-3795 Fax(210)545-4329 0 by the City of Round Rock for effectiveness.Additional measures may be required if,in the opinion of the City,they are warranted. 4. All temporary erosion control measures shall not be removed until final inspection and approval of the project by the City.It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to maintain all temporary erasion control structures and to remove each THESE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES MUST BE INCLUDED ON THE CONSTRUCTION PLANS PROVIDED TO THE CONTRACTOR AND ALL SUBCONTRACTORS. a) structure as approved by the City. 0 5. All mud,dirt,rocks,debris,etc.,spilled,tracked or otherwise deposited on existing paved streets,drives and areas used by the public shall be jcleaned up immediately. C SHEET NUMBER: 2 O REVISION: 0 rro. APPROVED DATE CL in C O E- IV X t— > LEGEND: NOTES: Y j 0 c' 1. ALL NEW SIDEWALK WILL BE 5'WIDE AND 3'-5'B.O.C. O Q 7 ® 5'SIDEWALK PATH i UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY A CITY (3'-5'B.O.C.) t REPRESENTATIVE. LY 0 0 ✓ " 2 ALL NEW SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION NOT EXISTING FACE OF CURB 1 TO EXCEED 2%CROSS-SLOPE. 77 L � r 3. ALL NEW SIDEWALK"TIE-INS"WILL MEET&MATCH Z 0- U Q EXISTING CURB RAMP WIDTH,&CROSS-SLOPE,OF EXISTING S.W.&DRVWYS :D WITHIN A MAXIMUM 2 FT.TRANSITION. O -0 C 0 DETECTABLE WARNING s. 4. ALL NEW 5'SIDEWALK WILL SLOPE TO CURB. O' LL) � 5. FORM TO FIT S.W.AT DRVWY INTERSECTIONS. 4 � ' r 6. REASSESS SW CROSSLOPES AT DRVWYS TO INSURE Li 00 2%A.D.A.COMPLIANCE. O 7. NEW LOCATIONS FOR SIGNS WILL BE DEO 3 TERMINED O 3 IN THE FIELD BY THE CITY REPRESENTATIVE. N 3 . r � 8. WHEN FEASIBLE,S.W.WILL MEANDER AS NEEDED I— ML F.. "µ Curb Inlet Protection- ;* TO CIRCUMVENT OBSTACLES. N r, / A Detail(EC 14) U r.� a ACRONYMS: . ' ,+t +� r,t �� •` E.O.P. EDGE OF PAVEMENT n y.3y =BACK OF CURB a , '`74, .w'• � .... _ �: B.O.C. x v i• } ' }+ , R/R/R =REMOVE,R EPLACE,REPROFILE U) S.W. = SIDEWALK DRVWY =DRIVEWAY Cr i o: a4 R.C.P. =REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE P ° o ®` 9 Curb Inlet Protection I,. '� Tie into fi s �, - y< i Detail(EC-14) existing s w. �� �. .� .�. .. I ,.,- � . . -�. )— —r- y r r Erosion�Control ,. o o , � • ;. O s " � 4- Logs .. 94- Afacest 0\ S.W. DetailAppryoL QWo R = o 3 n ox 500' (EC � o ,_ "• Sawcut curb,tie into ";• existing driveway,& A %z`` �� i'. add prefabricated ' �' > U /,- !! „ w detectable warniJi ng. m a_ J °? a � - �X� ­' Adf Q f- 4l r. '� O T A a i ` Approx. 375' 4 , =y. � O Y t— A ' WF fi 1 Z ••••..F.,,� J Z / f *:+ .`•,' Sawcut curb,tie into * < O 00 existing driveway,& �,, o :t I Approx.253' / i LLJ add prefabricated /'� 5....:.......... ...... .. O o 1 __ - detectable warnin L •• "'� U) _, 9• / LEAH J. COLLIER ''' r.. (tl..•�.••.••...•.......•...•u•••� Tie into existing « ��F - ' f1 > curb-ramp. �'*, ; , : /1 92 Af ,i 01 0 Al Q -'�►�� `mss �< - �tR,�i w v %, •a 4 x" N W 65-E Old- Settlers Blvd. Sidewalk Gap Project SHEET NUMBER: �r Ra. ROCK TExA.> S (Plantation Drive to Oak Hollow Drive) __u.... NO. .PPRNaTE CL 1in = 100ft V) (Reference Only) 0 H N X 0 O p ui ry 0 x Q 6" 1'-6" 6" 1'-6" •L � Z a v R=1/4" GRADE CONTROL R=1/4" GRADE CONTROL R=1/4" Q EXPANSION JOINT. PROPERTY UNE. EXPANSION JOINT. + R - 2 1/2" + R - 2 1/2" Ln Lli O C c o in R = 3 1/2" \ o tD R = 3 1/2" O 00 co CD 7. .77 I r 5'-0" CONTROL JOINT. 3" 6^ I 3,000 PSI CONCRETE. 3^ 6^ U a 40'-0" (MAXIMUM) o In g w #4 DOWEL LOCATION. (TYPICAL) 48 (SEE CURB EXPANSION JOINT DOWEL DETAIL BELOW) o N ZE o SPILL CURB CATCH CURB 0- 0 U CURB & GUTTER. 0 24" - #4 SMOOTH DOWEL 0 PLAN SPILL AND CATCH 16" DOWEL COATING 1/2" PREMOLDED � 2" MIN. TOP OF CURB. EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL. ~ o v 0 v DOWEL SLEEVE TO FIT DOWEL AND BE VARIES Z SECURE AND HAVE A CLOSED END. 3 a �`II VARIES 42" (MINIMUM) TYPICAL BAR.4 (TYPICAL) ti ID (SEE CONSTRUCTION 1 #4 BAR. (TYPICAL) ' # ( ) Qj PLANS FOR WIDTH) 0 3" 3" _-0 1/4"/FOOT SLOPE: 27 (MAXIMUM) la I (TYP.) MP•) r-- i i i- �' �' �' ����' DOWEL ROD 2" MINIMUM 1 1/4" MINIMUM 4" (MINIMUM) SUPPORTS. CURB EXPANSION JOINT DOWEL DETAIL m Q 0 Q .o 2" SAND CUSHION ON THOROUGHLY COMPACTED SUBGRADE. U) C7 Ld o NOTES: Of Yz 0 o CLASS "A" CONCRETE. 1. ALL WORK AND MATERIAL SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A615, A615M, C309 AND D1752. -1 J O o BROOM FINISH EXPOSED SURFACE. Lv W N 6" X 6" X NO. 6 WELDED WIRE 2. CONTROL JOINT SPACING SHALL NOT EXCEED 10'-0'. O Z FABRIC, MID-DEPTH OR ONE 3. EXPANSION JOINTS AS PER STANDARD ASTM D-1752. U) Q J � H MAT OF #3 BARS PLACED NO 4. EXPANSION JOINT INTERVALS NOT TO EXCEED 40'-0" FOR ALL CURBS AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS. O I_ o rl MORE THAN 18" O.C.E.W. 5. ALL CURBS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF 4" OF COMPACTED FLEXIBLE BASE BETWEEN BOTTOM OF CURB AND TOP U SUBGRADE THAT SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 18" BEHIND BACK OF CURB. TOTAL DEPTH OF FLEXIBLE BASE w a SECTION UNDER AND BEHIND CURB SHALL BE: (TOTAL DEPTH OF FLEXIBLE BASE) LESS (6-INCHES). i 6. ALL CURBS SHALL CONFORM TO THESE DETAILS INDEPENDANT OF THE CONSTRUCTION METHODS USED. � a u E a a RECORD SIGNED COPY CITY OF ROUND ROCK DRAWING NO: o RECORD SIGNED COPY CITY OF ROUND ROCK DRAWING ING01N0: ON FILE AT PUBLIC 1PORKS 0 ON FILE AT PUBLIC WORKS APPROVED APPROVED 08-21-03 SPILL AND CATCH CURB DETAIL 07-11-06 ATE DATE SIDEWALK DETAIL THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER ASSUMES (WITH CURB EXPANSION r JOINT DOWEL DETAIL) THE ARCHITECT ENGINEER ASSUMES 4 RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPROPRIATE RESPONSIBILITY O FOR THE APPROPRIATE C USE OF THIS DETAIL. USE OF THIS DETAIL. SHEET NUMBER: O 4 O ___9_ L O NO. APPROJED OATS C1 0) C O E— N X I- 1 'o EXTEND 2'-0" MIN BEYOND FLoJ EROSION U 0) INLET OPENING AT EACH END .18*TEMP. STAKE LOG ON DOWNHILL oSIDE AT THE CENTER, AT A 18'TEMP EROSION EACH END, AND AT Q� X 3" OVERLAP AT A CONTROL Loc s:.. NEEDED TO POINTS AL VARIES FABRIC SPLICES .z.:,.,,_ NEEDED TO SECURE LOG .»... 4' MAX. SPACING, OR AS MULCH CRADLE ....................... V (TYP)--�---_ z DIRECTED. UNDER EROSION Z Q O 9 CONTROL LOG Q) SECURE END -0 STAKE LOG ON DOWNHILL "/j)A,�, 'J c STAKE OF (TYP) SIDE AT THE CENTER AT - {«» :i t« YST "C w o CUT AWAY OF EACH END. AND AT AODITIONAL a FILTER FABRIC POINTS AS NEEDED TO SECURE � \ ����� LL L PLAN LOG, OR AS DIRECTED. 0 O rj � 2"X4"-W1.4XW1.4 WIRE SECTION A-A O FABRIC STRUCTURE y- m EROSION CONTROL LOG CHECK DAM E- N SECURE END STAKES ON DOWNHILL SIDE V FLOWSECURELOG AT 8' OC MAX OR a OF LOG TO AS NEEDEDTD SECURE LOG, FLOW STAKE ) OR AS DIRECTED. j 12'TEMP. EROSION 12" R.O.W. B R.O.W. MULCH CRADLE CONTROL LOG UNDER EROSION U) �, _ DISTURBED AREA CONTROL LOG STAKE z o ISOMETRIC N j Ftow 20 LB. SANDBAGS ®3' �� \�� O O.C. BACK OF CURB OL B UP OF GUTTER C < .V.!!AC .. .... ..... ......::... ... :...... a MINIMUM 4" HIGH a CLEAR OPENING CONTROL LOG SIGN PLAN SECTION B-B o LOG PLACED AT BACK OF CURB CD r z o v 20 LB. SANDBAGS ®3' (TYp) 1' STAKES ON DOWNHILL SIDE OF //�/// / LOG AT 8' OC MAX OR AS a00 \\j/\\j\\ O.C. (SEE NOTE 1) SECURE END � NEEAS DED TO SECURE LOG, OR 12' TEMP.CONTROL LOG EROSION �_ \// INLET STAKE (TIP) R.O.W. R.O.W. CONTROL LOG12'TEMP. OSION z m \\ N :r:. ` {'i»'rs:•: MULCH CRADLE vUil o a o 1 UNDER EROSION ....................... i DISTURBED AREA STAKE CONTROL LOG 1� f V) i CROSS SECTION HACK OF CURB m So WNW' j oZ C J0- U U PLAN UP OF GUTTER SECTION C-C t p 0 V) � ZO LOG PLACED AT EDGE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY w Y o NOTES: —I --I Z O Q 3 1. DAILY INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE BY THE CONTRACTOR AND SILT FF-- 3: O LLl NOTES: ACCUMULATION MUST BE REMOVED WHEN LL! Lil tY I in DEPTH REACHES 6". J / 1. WHERE MINIMUM CLEARANCES CAUSE TRAFFIC TO DRIVE IN THE GUTTER, THE CONTRACTOR MAY SUBSTITUTE A DIRECTION 1' 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL MONITOR THE PERFORMANCE OF LOGS DURING p [n N OF FLOW 1" X 4" BOARD SECURED WITH CONCRETE NAILS 3' O.C. NAILED INTO THE GUTTER IN UEU OF SANDBAGS TO I�^) DIRECTION RAINFALL EVENT FOR PROPER PERFORMANCE. HOU) THE FILTER DIKE IN PLACE. UPON REMOVAL, CLEAN ANY DIRT/DEBRIS FROM NAILING LOCATIONS, APPLY °F IoW 3. LOGS SHALL CONSIST OF 10OX BIODEGRADABLE, PHOTODEGRADABLE O w CHEMICAL SANDING AGENT AND APPLY NON-SHRINK GROUT FLUSH WITH SURFACE OF GUTTER. ......'"' OR RECYCLABLE CONTAINMENT MESH STUFFED WITH FILTER . aii$ MATERIAL ~ a 2. A SECTION OF FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE REMOVED AS SHOWN ON THIS DETAIL OR AS DIRECTED BY THE 4. STUFF LOGS WITH SUFFICIENT FILTER MATERIAL TO ACHIEVE DENSITY ENGINEER OR DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE. FABRIC MUST BE SECURED TO WIRE BACKING WITH CUPS OR SECURE ENDS 8 2 'I THAT WILL HOLD SHAPE WITHOUT EXCESSIVE DEFORMATION. FILTER CJ HOG RINGS AT THIS LOCATION. of LOGS To MATERIAL SHALL CONSIST OF MULCH, ASPEN EXCELSIOR WOOD v 3. DAILY INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE BY THE CONTRACTOR AND SILT ACCUMULATION MUST BE REMOVED WHEN STAKES (�) FIBERS, CHIPPED SITE VEGETATION, COCONUT FIBERS,100% < w pQ QDEPTH REACHES 2". LAP DETAIL RECYCLABLE FIBERS, OR ANY OTHER ACCEPTABLE MATERIAL, 4. CONTRACTOR SHAD_ MONITOR THE PERFORMANCE OF INLET PROTECTION DURING EACH RAINFALL EVENT ANDEXCLUDING STRAW AND HAY. w Q 5. STAKES SHALL Z aci IMMEDIATELY REMOVE THE INLET PROTECTIONS IF THE STORM-WATER BEGINS TO OVERTOP THE CURB. E 5. INLET PROTECTIONS SHALL BE REMOVED AS SOON AS THE SOURCE OF SEDIMENT IS STABILIZED. A X 2" WOOD, LONG, EMBEDDED SUCH THAT D 2" PROTRUDES ABOVE LOG, OR AS DIRECTED. a ai (n a� RECORD SIGNED COPY CITY OF ROUND ROCK DRAWING4N0: RECORD SIGNED COPY CITY OF ROUND ROCK DRAWING N0: o ON FILE AT PUBLIC WORKS ON FILE AT PUBLIC WORKS � APPROVED APPROVED 03-25-11 03-25-11 o DATEDATE EROSION CONTROL LOG DETAIL THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER ASSUMES CURB INLET PROTECTION DETAIL ' >InII��H�><.�..�F,« THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER ASSUMES / RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPROPRIATE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPROPRIATE c USE OF THIS DETAIL. (NOT TO SCALE) USE OF THIS DETAIL. (NOT TO SCALE) SHEET NUMBER: O 5 o. REVISION: O IKI. APPRPyiD 61 a Znc O E- / IV X F- `-� cu o LEGEND Type 3 Barricade ■■ Chonnelizing Devices o u•- of 0 ���yy Truck Mounted X ROAD I I L-� Heavy Work Vehicle ® Attenuator (TMA) Q N WORK Trai ler Mounted Portable Changeoble O AHEAD T Flashing Arrow Board Message Sign IPCMS) Z Q U N � gg20X1 x i Sign Traffic Flow ..N ao (Fla s- " END n�., (Z see note ) �. ROAD WO Q Flog 1 ) Flagger � w D ° `NH Mtninum Minimm LL O a o L L L C 620-2 SugSpoeingA maximum Suggested /� J Speed oyer Lengths Chonnellzing spacing Longitudinol O O 3 " ROAD 10 v� x 0 y 48" X Desirable 3 ` WORKL`J END n v Posted Form,lo T sign O LE T 4 (`Jj tE tE Devices X. Buffer space Lf) L8Fk r $ ROAD WORK -r o AHEAD 1,0? LAN r L _76-7-177 12' on o On o Distance e. N 3 m a�� 4820X148" u 620-2 CLOS ^ In V) g m (Flogs- 48" X 24" CW20-STL x 0150, 165, tf O, Toper Tangent60, 30 150' 165' ISO, 30' 60' 120' 90' / von See note t) 48" x 48" 35 L• W52 205' 225' 245' 35' 70' 160' 120' U a �, XXX FT T 40 60 265' 295' 320' 40' 80' 240' 155' 4 "= 30�6X3oZ x 45 450' 495' 540' 45' 90' 320' 195' o •2 M (See note 41 m 50 500' 550' 600' S0' 100' 400' 240' F�• in I I _i ♦ 55 L•WS 550' 605' 660' 55' 110' 500' 295' in _ ` ♦ 60 600' 660' 720' 60' 120' -6-0 0' 350' ❑; O g� ° , x 65 650' 715' 780' 65' 130' 700' 410' �§ a I' - � o ♦ c m •� 70 700' 770' 840' 70' 140' 800' 475' 0 m L,,, ♦ g L 75 750' 825' 900' 75' 150' 900' 540' O � ♦ ` CWt-6oT 9E Conventional Roads Only O &T� x 36" X 36" 9FfE Taper lengths nave been rounded off. 0- 5 0 a L•Length of Toper(FT) W•Width of Offset(FT) S•Posted Speed(MPH) ^ o b o � w ■i ♦♦ o o TYPICAL USAGE ° • ♦♦ o U v Shadow Vehicle u MOBILE SHORT SHORT TERM INTERMEDIATE LONG TERM ¢ Y $`d with TMA and o = n (See note B) N a t -4R DURATION STATIONARY TERM STATIONARY STATIONARY ti m� high intensity "' in x X 48" 3 aa,« rotating, floshing, • ` a m oscillating or 0 �a a) H strobe lights. ; 3-lP GENERAL NOTES �'« (See notes 5 & 6) .,y X 24 Z z (n c ■ ), _�� 1, Flogs attached to signs where shown, are REQUIRED. # N y wv 2. All traffic control devices illustrated are REQUIRED, except those denoted j'-n ■ v with the triongle symbol may be omitted when stated elsewhere in the plans, N c a o u C E ■ m ■ c n or for routine maintenance work, when approved by the Engineer. ,r-.Y•N ♦ 3. The downstream taper is Optional. When used, it should be 100 feet minimin y length per Ione. s j I o 4. For short term applications, when post mounted signs are not used, the distance U ♦ s legend may be shown on the sign face rather than on a CW16-3oP supplemental a n Shadow Vehicle with plaque. TMA and high intensit N ♦ rotating, flashing, y ■ 5. A Shadow Vehicle with a TMA should be used anytime it Can be positioned Q 0 oscillating or strobe m 30 to 100 feet in advance of the area of crew exposure without adversely affecting > u x I oscillating notes 5 e 61 ♦ CWI-6oT performance or U N 36" X 36" the rf quality Of the work. If workers ore no longer present but road J Z ♦ ♦ � or work conditions require the traffic control to remain in place, Type 3 CO Q �Z 0 • iv Barricades or other channel izing devices may be substituted for the shadow i • Vehicle and TMA. (J) Q g 6. Additional Shadow Vehicles with TMAs may be positioned in each closed O�lef CL RIGHT I Ione, on the shoulder or off the paved surface, next to those shown in order LE3 J F— i ° LAN E x to protect a wiser work space. J Q J x CLOSED /� TCP (2-4o) 1~—'y H O CW20-5TR Lr■ W Lv O� 12 (n 48• X 48" 7. If this TCP is used for a left lone closure, CW20.57L "LEFT LANE CLOSED"signs 0 Q Q / • CWI-4L sholl be used and channel;zing devices shotl be placed on the centerline t0 Z i XXX FT • 48" X 4B" N CW16-3oP protect the work X x closed lone neor theae from opposing traffic end of the merging toperwith the arrow board ptosed in the Q(n F-O U O I I x 30" X 12" I ♦ MPH CW13-IP TCP (2-4b) O �. (See note 4) � 24" X 24" ,., 8. For shorter durations where traffic is directed over a yellow centerline, 0- 0. ♦ chonnelizinq devices which separate two-way traffic should be spaced on tapers j ♦ " of 20' or 15' if posted speeds are 35 mph or slower, and for tangent sections, at .i. 1/215) where 5 is the speed in mph. This tighter devices spacing is intended for tii Q RIGHT the area of Conflicting markings, not the entire work zone. END x LANE ROAD WORK a „ a o CLOSED 4B x 4B 3 .J 1, /� ^ END d v -+- 48" X 4R Texos Deportment of TronsWtotlon W G20-2 c I �/ 4 I LL ,j D WORK AD WORK o 4 4 x Traffic Operations Division a N Q1 48" X 24" _ 20_2 r r CW16-3oP ° N N AHEAD 48" X 24" 'i XE7 30" X 12" For construction TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN O 4820X148" x note 4) or mo)ntenance t work g (Flags- specific project See note 1) requirements for LANE CLOSURES ON MULTILANE U shadow vehicles O can be found in CONVENTIONAL ROADS ° the ect ROAD GENERALNOTES TCP (2-4a) TCP (2-4b) WORK for Item 502, TCP (2-4) -12 Barricades, Signs ° AHEAD CW20 10 and Traffic SHEET NUMBER: 46" X 48" Handling. ©Tz00t DeceOner 1985 w1 r,00r c..r.0or 0•,r.00r 1C.,moor 6 ° ONE LANE CLOSED tF lags FEvi5i0„S CONT SCCi xe xiL„uY TWO LANES CLOSED See not I, 8-95 2•1 2 REVISION: O N0.i•91 APPROVED a 0- i,i w 4-98 0151 cowry 5„EE1 W. c a= 3.03 O ` 164 H N i X F_ a) > > 0 General Notes E m 0 V) Curb Romps ID I. Install a curb romp or blended transition at each pedestrian street crossing. X U) 0 2. All slopes shown are maximum allowable. Lesser slopes that will still drain properly OL Z C) should be used, Adjust curb romp length or grade of approach Sidewalks as directed. d0 :D Q) 3. The minimum sidewalk width is 5'. Where the sidewalk is adjacent to the back of curb, 0 -0 L a 6' sidewalk width is desirable. Where a 5' Sidewalk cannot be provided due to site C: C: CLLI 11 « constraints, sidewalk width may be reduced to 4' for short distances. :5 CIL_ 00 5'x 5' passing areas at intervals not to exceed 200' are required. L0 L_ DO T r4 TT 0 4. Landings shall be 5'x 5' minimum With a maximum 2% slope in any direction. 0 0 cn -0, N �u 5. maneuvering space at the bottom of curb ramps shall I be a minimum of 4'x 4' wholly In ucy contained within the crosswalk and wholly outside the parallel vehicular travel path. PERPENDICULAR CURB R F_ 0 J 1� a,- 6. Maximum allowable cross slope on sidewalk and curb romp surfaces is 2%. C) (n �L Typical placement of detectable T. Provide flared sides where the pedestrian circulation path crosses the curb romp• warning surface on sloping romp run. C. Flared sides shall be sloped at 10% maximum, measured parallel to the curb. Returned DIRECTIONAL CURB RAMP curbs may be used only where pedestrians would not normal I y walk across the ramp, Typical placement of detectable �j coo either because the adjacent surface is planted, substantially obstructed, or warning surface on sloping romp run. otherwise protected. In = Dete=IctilL Ncrntng Paver)preicb,;Caleo dviec-coio C: itn tr.,7 'JCM.2� wG-ninq panel 8. Additional information on curb ramp location, design, light reflective value and a., texture may be found in the current edition of the Texas Accessibility Standards un. 3 r+uu- atSim slur(: i rq (TAS) and 16 TAC 68.102. )Typ 9. To serve as a pedestrian refuge area, the median should be a minimum of 6' wide, measured from back of curbs. Medians should be designed to provide accessible a- 9 g passage over or through them. > 10. Small chonnelization islands, which do not provide a minimum 5'x 5' landing at the top T of curb romps, Shall be cut through level with the surface of the street, !Cl err °f -4 acIl. Crosswalk dimensions, crosswalk morkings and stop bar locations shall be as shownwn o elsewhere in the plans. At intersections where crosswalk markings are not required, 2 curb romps shall align with theoretical crosswalks unless otherwise directed. Q) g PARALLEL CURB RAMP Z 0 12. Handrails are not required on curb ramps. Provide curb romps wherever on accessible Z 10 Typical placement of detectable warning cn route crosses (penetrates) a curb. SECTION: CURB RAMP AT DETECTABLE WARNING surface on landing at street edge. of o - 13. Curb romps and landings shall be constructed and paid for in accordance with Item 531 0 a, C "Sidewalks". cu DETECTABLE WARNINGS V) 14. Place concrete at a minimum depth of 5" for romps, flares crid landings, unless 'O otherwise directed. In 0 Z 15. Provide a smooth transition where the curb romps connect to the street. In/ Detectable Warning Pavers 16. Curbs shown on sheet I within the limits of payment are considered Dart of the curb al U O:f romp for payment, whether it is concrete curb, gutter, or combined curb and gutter. 24. Furnish detectable warning paver units meeting all requirements of ASTM C-936, C-33. > _J F- 0 Lay in a two by two unit basket weave pattern or as directed. n" (/)M 17, Existing features that comply with TAS may remain in place unless otherwise shown on M < the plans. 25. Lay full-size units first followed by closure units consisting of at least 25 percent 0 Y of a full unit. Cut detectable warning paver units using a power saw. (A LLJ 0 0:: �e 0 Sidewalks LLI_J V) Detectable Warning Material 26. Provide clear ground space at operable parts, including pedestrian push buttons. F-1- 0 UJ V) Operable parts shall be placed within one or more reach ranges specified in TAS 308. L.LJ LLj 0 18. Curb romps must contain a detectable warning surface that consists of raised yN truncated domes complying with Section 705 of the TAS. The surface must contrast 27. Place traffic signal or illumination poles, ground boxes, controller boxes, signs, V) U visually with adjoining surfaces, including side flares. Furnish and install an drainage facilities and other items so as not to obstruct the pedestrian access route 0 X 0 approved cast-in-ploce dark brown or dark red detectable worning surface material or clear ground space. _J < adjacent to uncolored concrete, unless specified elsewhere in the plans. 0 L� CIL 28. Street grades and cross slopes shall be as shown elsewhere in the plans. 19. Detectable Warning Materials must meet TxDOT Departmental Materials Specification QJ > DMS 4350 and be listed an the Material Producer List. Install products in accordance 29. Changes in level greater than 1/4 inch are not permitted. SHEET 2 OF 4 with manufacturer's specifications, 30. The least possible grade should be used to maximize accessibility. The running slope Destgn ell < 20. Detectable warning surfaces must be slip resistant and not allow water to accumulate. of sidewalks and crosswalks within the public right of way may follow the grade of DivIslon 21. Detectable warning surfaces shall be a minimum of 24" in depth in the direction of handrails may be desirable to improve accessibility. Handrails may also be needed to pedestrian travel, and extend the full width of the curb romp or landing where the protect pedestrians from potentially hazardous conditions. If provided, handrails E PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES t shall comp I y with TAS 505. ,Texas Department of 7kansportation Standard he parallel roadway. Where a continuous grade greater than 5% must be provided, a) pedestrian access route enters the street. C31 C 22. Detectable warning surfaces shall be located so that the edge nearest the curb line CURB RAMPS lZ 31. Handrail extensions shall not protrude into the usable landing area or into 0 is of the bock of curb. Align the rows of domes to be perpendicular to the grade break between the romp run and the street. Detectable warning surfaces may be curved intersecting pedestrian routes. along the corner radius. 32. Driveways and turnouts shall be constructed and paid for in accordance with Item PED- 12A 23. Shaded areas on Sheet I of 4 indicate the approximate location for the detectable "Intersections, Driveways and Turnouts". Sidewalks shall be constructed and paid for in accordance with Item, "Sidewalks". 0 warning surface for each curb ramp type. PM CL 33. Sidewalk details ore Shown elsewhere in the plans. n'T V 0, I.V11 JXCT 0 lune 13, 2012 -ITT -J SHEET NUMBER:8 REVISION: 0 No. waRovEo ams a- L.-J U) C: P x L O p (n ry _onr.rete D'�veway ;., dly�, ,f �f X Payment•, :•:• >.�.+ y{2,•� �tp ry,�•a �'r'R`,i`• Q L N o� � Z - .•+, ::%'•� aro��� �` °�,; ❑-�./"-�:_-_^ )a. Q U A,-A x-, o� n - ' a� Cc 4y �a �\'' ' a ,tID4 eJ CAPELij c 0 s :.'. �•. �. ` PROTECTED O 0 3 LONE N 3 . a �`� .•.-.-:.• 0 i 4" MAX. POST -c /:.•:�..._�;,.�' Planting or other �— M n•- ••- t I PROJECTION _ 1' non-walking surface - o / S U U 1 in r w ! 4" MAX. WALL O a o v- Y.Setback sidewalk dewa I k p 1 PROJECTION C c g a 1 iAXIMU`1 'L:: SLOPE t � ) IN ANY DIRECTION w <� c +o En W Concrete Driveway 0 0 o Payment �. /��! CANE DETECTABLECL. �/ �/ U m �` RANGE ////// �/ «m o Ou ` ., °� .ley i' CLEAR GROUND SPACE ADJACENT o PROTECTED ZONE TO PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON . :s• rt' ' uso -�'�:•:•:•:' o_ o `a,�' In pedestrian circua,rr-'on area, maximum 4" Protection CL �° .F:.•.-...•.•._.•:• �< ,,J' �� for past or wail mounted objects aetween 27"dna 90' N O o o "'''' �.• above the surface. Pao G':•:•:-:•:-••••::.. z u 3 opo cow z (n w 3 3 .00 N p0 W n v 0 >.n Apron offset Sidewalk 0°80 °o° MAX. LENGTH OF U1 r� , OBSTRUCilON� MIN. DISTANCE CL / �:•.-,T 2•_0" BETWEEN OBSTRUCTIONS uj y I s o" -1— I- <F•-•- Concrete Dr:vewcy <:{;•..,• CURB OBSTRUI'TION q^ Z I ly CI_ ry O u or Payment �_ (PDL=, H5'DP,ANT, ETC.l / m �` MAX a' Q Q �. O �` N _ O ,c.`•�.., ./� 1a /r' Uj'� �L J f. ' W When on olasiruction of a height greater Protrudirg objects of a L,.I W /:. .. �� �� than 7" from the surface would create he;gFt <_ 27" are detectable J �U ^_•z {-• `^ a protrusion of more than 4" into the by care and do not require Q l o �,vr�. /r "00 �'`� pedestrian circulation area, CUnStrUCt additional treatment. L._.Cn o a additional curb or foundation of the N W o W bottom to provide a maximum 4" overhang.Cn f— / o DETECTION BARRIER FOR Jo X Q Wide sidewalk / VERTICAL CLEARANCE < 80" 0 d OBSTRUCTION (CONTROLLER CABINET, MAILBOX, ETC.) �,� PLAN VIEW SHEET •> Concrete Driveway • i Payment / �..:,..:•-. PLACEMENT OF STREET FIXTURES ,� • °°�'" 3 TexasDepartment of TYansportatton Standard ., .. •..: ��� n j (ITEMS NOT INTENDED FOR PUBLIC USE. -_------'- -_ C ---. ----_.-- ---_--- w / MINIMUM 4' x 4' CLEAR GROUI•ID SPACE // o ,`; 0?j REQUIRED AT PUBLIC USE FIXTURE5.) a w r Y PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES a N °Y rf CURB RAMPS U -�'• '• ''• "/•_ t; j If curb height i3 greeter than m �'�••::• -:/! �sr+ PED- 1 2A .•/ 5.11 Inches, use grade less than '0 o"� � ce equal to 9%. Handrail and -- � detectable •:+crn�rn� not required. � _ d � _Dcbt;c.d� cv�i+COT c..RAI o.,(x001 a,VP C Rcmp aid^eta l Y. r,�)IzDOT ldsCh 2002 ­1 SECT Boa �ra"•a. A O cvt:lTb SHEET NUMBER: D SIDEWALK TREATMENT AT DRIVEWAYS �� .a, zotz csr c,an S Etr��, g REVISION: N0. APPRWM DATE O cn a c 0 F- IV X F— a) 0 > > 1- 7 0 r) cn 5'x 5' (MIN) (D X LANDINGS Q) U) STOP BAF, E 0 c c LANDINGS z 0. Lli 0 LL- 00 X CROSSWAL '44_'l 0 0 SPLIT RADIAL }` \ �� \�r S� 1' 0 AMP PLACEMENT Ul F? SIDEWALK V�- M AE SIDEWALK 5 5' 0A I N C R OS S V,A L K SHARED LAN t, 5 f 0 - — - — -— - — - — 1N) SIDEWALK ADJACENT SIDEWALK ADJACENT 4Ax�4 MANEUVERING Nr It . 0 0. TO CURB SPACES TO CURB Dc 5 STOP BAR F, 0 SKEWED INTERSECTION WITH "LARGE" RADIUS 0" AN i— AT INTERSECTION u W/FREE RIGHT TURN & ISLAND 0 0. 0L 0- 0 c3 4x 5' (M IN) 0 / +/ 0 5 0 a LANDINGS—, h, --z-- 0 i PREFERRED .. 5 c�0 0cSIDEWALK 5'x 5' (MIN) c V) LANDING z o SIDE - - — - — - — - SIDEWALK 00 m +..D !` / / - _� SIDEWALK N oo SIDEWALK ADJACENT �4'K 4' (MIN) iIDEWALK REMOTE SIDEWALK EDmoo e TO CURB MANEUVERING NII FROM CURB cn SPACE' 0 U�l SIDEWALK ADJACENT l-, 5 SKEWED INTERSECTION WITH "SMALL" RADIUS SIDEWALK REMOTE zo TO CURB CURB > Of co V)co 2 MID-BLOCK PLACEMENT 0 uj c" 0 PERPENDICULAR RAMPS � Y w o JJ IL <WI.— V) ?: O Lj cn o� 5' 5, (MIN) V)cl LANDINGS X Wt LK CROSSWALK CLSIDEWALK ED SIDEWALK 1 4, SHEET 4 OF 4 - — — - — - —- — - 1� ! f < SIDEWALK ADJACENT Dlh Desl . 9 SIDEWALK REMOTE I Standard A'y 4' (MIN TO CURB Texas Department of T-ansportation FROM CURB MANEUVERING SPACES E Q) PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES o NORMAL INTERSECTION WITH "SMALL" RADIUS CURB RAMPS PED- I 2A 0 FILE, P-rll2U.djn 1-T"DOT It-ou IV-0401 ",VP (Dlxoot VarCh 2002 C., S I11TI c TYPICAL CROSSING LAYOUTS 711�1 I SHEET NUMBER: .0 VP June 13. Z011 S.Ev 10 REVISION: O NO. APPROVED DATE C C3 EXHIBIT D Certificate of Insurance (TxDOT Form 1560) To be made part of document prior to beginning of construction EXHIBIT E Attachment A (FHWA Additional Requirements) To be made part of document if applicable