Contract - IDEXX Distribution, Inc. - 12/7/2017 s CITY OF ROUND ROCK AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE OF LABORATORY EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES WITH IDEXX DISTRIBUTION, INC. THE STATE OF TEXAS § CITY OF ROUND ROCK § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON § COUNTY OF TRAVIS § THIS AGREEMENT (referred to herein as the "Agreement"), is for purchase of laboratory equipment and supplies for the City of Round Rock Environmental Services Laboratory, and related goods services, and is made.,on the day of the month of �Miaev_- , 2017, by and between the CITY OF ROUND ROCK, a Texas home-rule municipality, whose offices are located at 221 East Main Street, Round Rock, Texas 78664-5299 (referred to herein as "City"), and IDEXX DISTRIBUTION, INC., whose offices are located at One IDEXX Drive, Westbrook, ME 04092 (referred to herein as "Vendor"). This Agreement supersedes and replaces any previous agreements between the named parties, whether- oral or written, and whether or not established by custom and practice. RECITALS: WHEREAS, City has determined that there is a need for the delineated goods and services; and WHEREAS, City desires to contract for the provision of such goods and services, and City desires to purchase same from Vendor; and WHEREAS, Section 252.022(4) of the Texas Local Government Code states that expenditures for items available for only one source are exempt from competitive bidding requirements; and WHEREAS, Vendor is the sole source provider of the goods and services being purchased pursuant to this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into this Agreement to set forth in writing their respective rights, duties and obligations hereunder; NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency and receipt of which are hereby acknowledged, it is 00389811/ss2 mutually agreed between the parties as follows: 1.01 DEFINITIONS A. Agreement means the binding legal contract between City and Vendor- whereby City is obligated to buy specified goods and Vendor is obligated to sell same. The `Agreement includes any exhibits, addenda, and/or amendments thereto. B. City means the City of Round Rock, Williamson and Travis Counties, Texas, C. Effective Date means.the date upon,which the binding signatures of both parties to this Agreement are affixed. D. Force Majeure means acts of God, strikes, lockouts, or other industrial disturbances, acts of the public enemy, orders of any kind from the government of the United States or the State of Texas or any civil or military authority, insurrections, riots, epidemics, landslides, lightning, earthquakes, fires, hurricanes, storms, floods, restraint of the government and the people, civil disturbances, explosions, or other causes not reasonably within the control of the party claiming such inability. E. Goods mean the specified supplies, materials, commodities, or equipment. F. Services mean work performed to meet a demand or effort by Vendor to comply with promised delivery dates, specifications, and technical assistance specified. G. Vendor means IDEXX Distribution, or any of its corporate structures, successors or assigns. 2.01 EFFECTIVE DATE, TERM, ALLOWABLE RENEWALS, PRICES FIRM A. This Agreement shall be effective on the date this Agreement has been signed by each party hereto, and shall remain in frill force and effect unless and until it expires by operation of the term indicated herein, or is terminated as provided herein. B. The term of this Agreement shall be for thirty-six (36) months from the, effective date hereof. C. Prices shall be firm for the duration of this Agreement. No separate line item charges shall be permitted for invoicing purposes, including but not limited to equipment rental, demurrage, costs associated with obtaining permits, or any,other extraneous charges. D. City reserves the right to review the relationship at any time, and may elect to terminate with or without cause or may elect to continue. 2 3.01 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND EXHIBITS The goods and services which are the subject matter of this Agreement are described in Exhibit "A," and the sole source exemption letter is attached Exhibit "B," both together with this Agreement, comprise the total Agreement and they are fully a part of this Agreement as if repeated herein in full. 4.01 ITEMS; COSTS A. The goods and services subject to this Agreement are listed in Exhibit "A." B. Vendor specifically acknowledges and agrees that City is not obligated to use or purchase any estimated annual quantity of goods. Only if, as, and when needed by City, the bid costs listed on Exhibit "A" shall be the basis of any charges collected by Vendor. C. The City shall be authorized to pay the Vendor an arnount not-to-exceed Seventy Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($70,000.00) per year for a total not-to-exceed amount of Two Hundred Ten Thousand and No%100 Dollars ($210,000.00) for the entire term of this Agreement. 5.01 INVOICES All invoices shall include, at a minimum, the following information: A. Name and address of Vendor; B. Purchase Order Number; C. Description and quantity of items received; and D. Delivery dates. 6.01 NON-APPROPRIATION AND FISCAL FUNDING This Agreement is a commitment of City's current revenues only. It is understood and agreed that City shall have the right to terminate this Agreement at the end of any City fiscal year if the governing body of City does riot appropriatd funds sufficient. to purchase the services as determined by City's budget for the fiscal year in question. City may affect such termination by giving Vendor a written notice of termination at the end of its then-current fiscal year. 7.01 PROMPT PAYMENT POLICY t In accordance with Chapter 2251, V.T.C.A., Texas Government Code, any payment to be made by City to Vendor will be made within thirty (30) days of the date City receives goods 3 under this Agreement, the date the performance of the services under this Agreement are completed, or the date City receives a correct invoice for the goods or services, whichever is later. Vendor may charge interest on an overdue payment at the "rate in effect" on September 1 of the fiscal year in which the payment becomes overdue, in accordance with V.T.C.A., Texas Government Code, Section 2251.025(b). This Prompt Payment. Policy does not apply to payments made by City if: A. There is a bona fide dispute between City and Vendor, a contractor, subcontractor. or supplier about goods delivered or the service performed that causes the payment to be late; or B. There is a bona fide dispute between Vendor and a subcontractor or between a subcontractor and its supplier about the goods delivered or the service performed that causes the payment to be late; or C. The-terms of a federal- contract, grant, regulation, or statute prevent City from making a timely payment with federal funds; or D. The invoice is not mailed to City in strict accordance with any instruction on the purchase order relating to the payment. 8.01 GRATUITIES AND BRIBES City may, by written notice to Vendor, cancel this Agreement without incurring ally liability to Vendor if it is determined by City, that 'gratuities 'or bribes in the form of entertainment, gifts, or otherwise were offered or given by Vendor or its agents or representatives to any City officer, employee or elected representative with respect to the performance of this Agreement. In addition, Vendor may be subject to penalties stated in Title 8 of the Texas Penal Code. , 9.01 TAXES City is exempt from Federal Excise and State Sales Tax; therefore, tax shall not be included in Vendor's charges. 10.01 ORDERS PLACED WITH ALTERNATE VENDORS If Vendor cannot provide the goods as specified, City reserves the right and option to obtain same from another source or supplier(s). ` 11.01 INSURANCE Vendor shall meet all requirements as stated in the attached Invitation for Bid IFB 17-009 (including all attachments and exhibits), and, its bid response; and as set forth at http //%,\,-N\iw roundrocktex,is��v/Wl)-content/uploads/'2014/12/cr}rr insurance 07.201 12.pc11` 4 12.01 CITY'S REPRESENTATIVE City hereby designates the following representative(s) authorized to act in its behalf with regard to this Agreement: Anja Thissen, ` Utilities and Environmental Sciences 2008 Enterprise Drive Round Rock, TX 78664 512-218-5573 atllisse�n(c;i'r: )L111C�1:OC�{t X 1S. ;()V 13.01 RIGHT TO ASSURANCE Whenever either party to this Agreement, in good faith, has reason to question the other party's intent to perform hereunder, then demand may be made to the other party for written assurance of the intent to perform. In the event that no written assurance is given within the reasonable time specified when demand is made, then and in that event the demanding party may treat such failure as an anticipatory repudiation of this Agreement. 14.01 DEFAULT If Vendor abandons or defaults hereunder and is a cause of City purchasing the specified services elsewhere, Vendor agrees that it will not be considered in the re-advertisement of' the service and that it may not be considered in future bids for the same type of work unless the scope of work is significantly changed. Vendor shall be declared in default of this Agreement if' it does any of the following: A. Fails to make any payment in full when due; B. Fails to fully, timely and faithfully perform any 'of its material obligations hereunder; C. Fails to provide adequate assurance of performance under the "Right to Assurance" section herein; or ` D. Becomes insolvent or seeks relief under the bankruptcy laws of the United States. 15.01 TERMINATION AND SUSPENSION A. City has the right to terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part, for convenience and without cause, at any time upon thirty (30) days' written notice to Vendor. 4 5 B. In the event of any default by Vendor, City has the right to terminate this Agreement for cause, upon ten (10) days' written notice to Vendor. C. Vendor has the right to terminate this Agreement only for cause, in the event of material and substantial breach by City, or by written mutual agreement to terminate. E. In the event City terminates under subsections (A) or (B) of this section, the follgwing shall apply: Upon City's delivery of the referenced notice to Vendor, Vendor shall discontinue all services in connection with the performance of this Agreement and shall proceed to cancel promptly all existing orders and contracts insofar as such orders and contracts are chargeable to this Agreement. Within thirty (30) days after notice of termination, Vendor shall submit a statement detailing the goods and/or services satisfactorily performed under this Agreement to the date of termination. City shall then pay Vendor that portion of the charges, if undisputed. The parties agree that Vendor is not entitled to compensation for services it would have performed under the remaining term of the Agreement except as provided herein. l r { 16.01 INDEMNIFICATION Vendor shall defend (at the option of City), indemnify, and hold City, its successors, assigns, officers, employees and elected officials harmless from and against all suits, actions, legal proceedings, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, attorney's fees, and any and all other costs or fees arising out of, or incident to, concerning or resulting from the fault of Vendor, or Vendor's agents, employees or subcontractors, in the performance of Vendors obligations under this Agreement, no matter how, or to whom, such loss may occur. Nothing herein shall be deemed to limit the rights of City or Vendor (includinb,- but not limited to the right to se ek contribution) against any third party who may be liable for an indemnified claim. 17.01 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS, CHARTER AND ORDINANCES A. Vendor, its agents, employees and subcontractors shall use best effort's to comply with all federal and state laws, City's Charter and Ordinances, as amended, and with applicable rules and regulations promulgated by local, state and national boards, bureausand agencies. B. Vendor acknowledges and understands''tlhat City has adopteda Storm Water Management Program (SWMP) and an Illicit Discharge Ordinance, Sections 14-139 through 14- 152 of the City's Code of Ordinances, to manage the quality of the discharges from its Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) and to be in compliance with the requirements of-the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES). The Vendor agrees to perform all operations on City-owned facilities in compliance with the City's Illicit Discharge Ordinance to minimize the release of pollutantsinttoo the MS4. The Vendor agrees to comply with of the City's stormwater control measures, go od6 s housekeeping practices and any facility specific stormwater management operating procedures specific to a certain City facility. In addition, the Vendor agrees to comply with any applicable TCEQ Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Requirements and/or I-Plan requirements. C. In accordance with Chapter 2270, "Texas Government Code, a governmental entity may not enter into a contract with a company for goods or services unless the contract contains written verification from the company that it: (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel and will not boycott Israel during the term of this contract. The signatory executing this Agreement on behalf of Vendor verifies Vendor does not boycott Israel and will not boycott Israel during the term of this Agreement. 18.01 ASSIGNMENT AND DELEGATION The parties hereby bind themselves, their successors, assigns and legal representatives to each other with respect to the terms of this Agreement. Neither party shall assign, sublet or transfer any interest in this Agreement without prior written authorization of the other party. 19.01 NOTICES All notices and other communications in connection with this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be considered given as follows: A. When delivered personally to recipient's address as stated in this Agreement; or l + t B. Three (3) days after being deposited in the United States mail, with postage prepaid to the recipient's address as stated in this Agreement. Notice to Vendor: IDEXX Distribution, Inc. One IDEXX Drive Westbrook, ME 04092 Notice to City: City Manager Stephen L. Sheets, City Attorney 221 East Main Street AND TO: 309 East Main Street Round Rock, TX 78664 Round Rock, TX 78664 Nothing contained herein shall be construed to restrict the transmission of routine communications between representatives of City and Vendor. + . Y 7 20.01 APPLICABLE LAW; ENFORCEMENT AND VENUE This Agreement shall be enforceable in Round Rock, Texas, and if legal action is necessary by either party with respect to the enforcement of any or all of the terms or conditions herein, exclusive venue for same shall lie in Williamson County, Texas. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws and court decisions of the State of Texas. 21.01 EXCLUSIVE AGREEMENT This document, and all appended documents, constitutes the entire Agreement between City and Vendor. _This Agreement may only be am..nded'or,supplemented by mutual agreement of the parties hereto in writing, duly authorized by action of the City Manager or City Council. 22.01 DISPUTE RESOLUTION City and Vendor hereby expressly agree that no claims or disputes between the parties arising out of or relating to this Agreement or a breach thereof shall be decided by any arbitration proceeding, including without limitation, any proceeding under the Federal Arbitration Act (9 USC Section 1-14) or any applicable state arbitration statute. 23.01 SEVERABILITY The invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement or the occurrence of any event rendering any portion or provision of this Agreement void shall in no way affect the validity or enforceability of any other portion or provision of this Agreement. Any such void provision shall be deemed severed from this Agreement, and the balance of this Agreement shall be construed and enforced as if this Agreement did not contain the particular portion or provision held to be void. The parties further agree to amend this Agreement to replace any stricken provision with a valid provision that comes as close as possible to the intent of the stricken provision,,The provisions hereof shall not prevent this entire Agreement from being void should a provision that is of the essence of this Agreement be determined to be void. 24.01 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Standard of Care. Vendor represents that it employs trained, experienced and competent persons to perform all of the services, responsibilities and duties specified herein and that such services, responsibilities and duties shall be performed in a manner according to generally accepted industry practices. Time is of the Essence. Vendor understands and agrees that time is of the essence and that any failure of Vendor to fulfill obligations for each portion of this Agreement within the agreed timeframes will constitute a material breach of this Agreement. Vendor shall be fully responsible for its delays or for failures to use best efforts in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Where damage is caused to City due to Vendor's failure to perform in these 8 y circumstances, City may pursue any remedy available without waiver of any of�City's additional legal rights or remedies. Force Majeure. Neither City nor Vendor shall be deemed in violation of this Agreement if it is prevented from performing any of its obligations hereunder by reasons for which it is not responsible as defined herein. However, notice of such impediment or delay in performance must be timely given, and all reasonable efforts undertaken to mitigate its effects. Multiple Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, any one of which shall be considered an original of this document; and all of which, when taken together, shall constitute one and the same instrument. S l [Signatures on the following page.] a IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Vendor have executed this Agreement on the dates indicated. City of Round Rock, Texas IDEXX Distribution, Inc. r By: By: Printed Name Printed ame: UY1' �7n ;4 Title: Title: Va Date Signed: �'Z• • ��" Date Signed: i U For City, Attest: By: 1�4wk:- Sara L. White, City Clerk For City A proved as to Form: By: Stephan L. Sheets, City Attorney l l IDE-'.?(X Military/Govl Maslar Price List 2017 ' I_Isl Pr1ca Round Rock CatalogNu.bar Mat eriat Number Product Dewniplion price GolifornV11 COD and Enlurococcl Reagent 14 5 02 - WP0201 98-17.972-00 Colilert for 100 rnjsempiz-20•pack__ ------- - -M2 ---- Ie,100;_ 635.07 635.07 ..................._. WWI001 98.27163.00 COUICr1fOr100+T115ar11 ack 1.113,63 -WF'�2001 ,_,,,- 98.1297!-00,,,__,Colilcrj»tor„100,m1,aniplq 200.pucY_ _...._............._._........_........._....._..._........,.............._,.__....,.__.._- P:--- W1001 96.147/0.00 Predispensed COlilelt In IO(rd tubes 100-pack _S-• 192.--..... .... -354.<5 W2001 98-14771.00 Prrdis tensed ColileA 11)10.1 lubes 200-ack 1...._._..._._..._._�_..._..P_ ..........._.__..._._....__. _..._....._.._...._....._... 59.07 159.87 5 �__.__. __.._. _P--�'___- _. WP0201-18 98.08876-00 CoWert•18 for 100 ml sem le 20- ack _ ,_ 710 11 MAI WP1001.18 98.27164-00 Coklcrl;t»r3,for-100„.,tsarn Ip„1Q0;ack 12G0.05 ,S 666.75 WP2001.IQ 98.0887!-OU Cafilcrt-18 for 100 ml::am la 200 rak �.__ _ --_-•--- 164.43_ __ 164.43_ WCLS201, _ 96.13159-00 Colisute for t00m1 ssarn le 20-:ack - -_-�-_ 710.11 _�L_710.1_ WCLS1001 98-2'1709.00 Cofisurafor t00misample 100•ap_ek .,_...... S 1:'.66.19 1266,19 WCLS2001 98-13174-00 Colisuro for 100rn1 sample,2:pick,,,,,_____T__., _ �-184.24 18....... WENT020 90-21374;00 Enlcrolerl for 100 ml samule 7.0•uack - S 1,458.54 5 1,450.54 _. ... WENT200 98.21375.00 Enlcrolerl for 100 2111 sample 200-pack - " - F seudamonas Acru inosa Reagent WPSE-020 98-IB07G-00 Frsuadalgfl,for 1002111 samples 20 pack $ 1,458.08 5 1,458.04 WPSE•20p 98.18078.00 Psoudalort for 1002111 samples 200•ack (oPC&Accessorius „ SimPlate 44.e8 WHnT•20__,__,_•_ 98-27589-00 NPC:for QuanU•tray 20-pack .._......................,.-..........»..._ .._. 426.34 $ 426.34 WHAT-200 98.27240.00 I:IPC for QuanU-trn 200-pack _ _._...._.._......._.............._.. WHQTC•?.0 99.27853 NPC for Ou'rnt 6-tray vd51 well Qu'+ntl•lraY Combo 20-pack .....___.»........._.....__...__._.._..._$.__._....77 04 0__-„72 D.,..._..,_,_,.__ - Si,_,-_.61.49 $ 81.49 _._....... WHQT2K-20 99.27855 HPC for w/97-wall Qu combo _,,,.......___.-....___._..,_..._._....._._._......... .._. 686,64 $ 686.84 - - WHQTC•?.00 99-27854 HPC(orQuanli ravw151•WellOuanU-IrnYComho,200;pack_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_»^.,.._................................ __ _ _._ ___. 783.73 703.73_.._...._.__...................._...._.._.._.... WHQT2,K•200 99.27856 HPC for QUnnI-tray vri97-wellOuanU•uay Combo 200-Rack _ 243 29 243.29 WODY-040 90.13744.01__ Quant•Diso YEA 40-pack - _..._.,......___........__--- �-- _, _ 84!.39 843.39 __._._._..__..._.._� _..._._ WADY-200 ,_88:136.16.01 4uartil-UisoYEA 20D-pack 103.93 103.91 WI1PC•25 98.05760.01 SlinPlate(or HPC 25-unil dose medin tubes and now SlmPlates -__,,,,,,--._»._-...__............................................._ ._ $ 273.99_sS 27!.99 _-.__..................... WHPC-100 98.05761.01 SimPlalq_lor HPC 10 mutU riosa rnedla vessels&100 new SlmPlatct: __._ •,- _- -- 109 83 109.83 __--- WHPC-4051 98.12860.00 SimPiale for HPC Moilia-0211 4 multi-dose media vessels&100 ncly S m atrr. _A.____..'.9.70 �_ 43.70 _ WSW-10 98-09444.01 Ten bolUea 611ed with 100 ml sterile avatar(for 51rnPlale or dikAions) ---.._.._............._.......... S 1 d.90 S 18.90 - r 98-06155.00 25-rack ul SntL slerila,individually aiaeltes ---•••--••--•-••--••- --•• '''"'-""'-"'-- W I ML•F�IP•2.t 1--- .$� 14.90 5 18.90 W5ML-PIP-25 g&06156-00 25 ack of 1m1.slerfle,indivlduall racked t tettes .._........._......._ Shrink Band Vessels _ $ 18.54 - 18.54 20-pack 120ml vussel wl 10om1 Tine 6ediutn thio&shnlok band_,_„_.__-___._ _..._..._.__.__....._ ._.._.._ - WVI2DSBST-2098-09220-00 20 18,64 $ 18.54_ -,�_._.......,..._.______.._.. WVt?.OS--8:20 98-09204-00 20-tack 120.1 vessel vd 100.1 Nne&shrink bands WITHOUT sodium thio_-_ $ 134 39 $ 127 7' .,........._._....... WVI2USRST-200 . 98-09221.00 200•pack120mivrsselvr1t00miGnc,sorJn{In,Olo_(;, iiu�k,bend •__.___ ____: 5 13v.39 IJ4.J9 WV120SB.200 �90;g922?QO � 20�ack 120ml vessel wl tOUml Pure and•slxink band WITHOUT sodium G:io 188.82 WV1505BST-_00 „-_-.--.--.-.--_.__.___._.»___. 166.82 IGG.92 0 98.09223-00 200• -pack 150.1 vessel wl 100&17.0.1 line codium lhlo&shrink hand _,•..._,.- __..» WV 15058.200 98-140'!9.00 200-ack 150.1 vessel wl 100&17.0.1 line&shrink band ,_____,,....._.-... 158.71 $ 158.71 _._.._......__._..._........r, _-. 192.!1 192.31 WVI2.0SBAF_200 98.OGi61-OD 200•packl?Dmlvessel NY/t00mlline,Rltrinkband6MtifuamNp-odum to .._............................. „^ -- 98-09588-0o 100-ack 290.1 vessel With 100,200m1 Gnn,250 2117 line r+odiupt tde&shrink hand ___.___- VVV290S13ST•100 Lt-_ - 'a,25'-`,slum" 192,31 192.31 g6.14269-00 100-ack 290.1 vessel WI t00ntl line.200nd lino 250.1 line shnink band NO sodium tufo.,,,,,_,_,,.__-___ ,„..___...._._ WV29058.100 _.....,.... 145.9% $ 145.97 -.__..._........__..__.._ __._..___......_.......____ - S 37.79 $ 3'7.79 WV120PET;200_,,,.•,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,..98.8739'00 200-pack PGT recyclable vessels IpOml lino vrleluink band and sodium Utiosul ale WSL 04.0202.8.00 Roll of 1,000 adhesive vessel labels'Uale,Time,Lecaton,Sam le N" -- "' - Tear Off Label Vessels • 10.54 .-_18:_5 a_..................._............... WV i?.OST 22.0 98 09203-00,.-.20:peck 120.1 vewel vri0t 100.1 line sodium thio&Iahel ___„___ _..__._.... ._ _ -- --••-••- 18.54 $ 18.54 WV 120.20 95.09228.00,,,,,,_20-ack 120.1 vessel%1 1001111 line&label WITHOUT codium Urio _.,_,•.._____ •••.•_ •_-__._ 134.39 5 _134.354 06159 00 200• ack 1201711 vessel WLh 100211 line.sodium Ihlo&inbel -_....._._._ _---• WV120ST•2.00_ -,-_.9:.._....._.:........._.._. $ 134.39 $ 134.39 WV120-200 98-06160-00 200 ack 1202111 vessel vrith 100114 line&label WITHOUT sodium tta �-- -- ........................_. QuanU-Tea s 98.21378 00, j-00:Puck studio 51'Well QuantiTray^ordered with DST tests �--_ __....._.._.........._......_........._..... $ 154.x/ $, WQTi00 _..._._.'__ $ 208,28 5 208.28 WQT-2K 98-21675.00 IOU•rack sterile 97-Vlr.!Quanti•Tra 12000 tea Combination 20 Packs $ 174.16 .�_.._._.._17ti,10......_...._....._.......................... 2G-pack Cotilart 2.4/Quand-Tray Combo .____••_- -- .: WCtAt324.10D-20•,,, 09-19149 ----' - ..._..................................__ ....... _-99.19150' 20•pack Colilert 241Ouant-•Tea 2K Gehttto --•-•---- W C hT82.1.2 K•20 188486_„$,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18 d;B G„,,,,._„ WCIr1l318•100-20 99.19151_ 20 puck Colilert-18/Ouand-Tray Combo _ 199,04 109.04 WCMB18.2K•20 _- 99.19152 20•eekCnlilert-181Quant-Trav2KComho__,,,,,_._..._..._................................._...... _.._._.._._._.__......_.............................__..._ _ .. 188.86 1 BD B6 __._......__................ 99.19 53 20•-pack ColisurelQuanti-Tra Combo _•--•-• WCMBCLS_.j00.20._.......-_.........__.._._t_ 199.04 199.04 WCM6CLS-2K•20 99.19154 20-pick CoBsureJQuanU Ira 2K Combo. $ 209.37 � ,,,--,-. WCh18PA-20 9927053 20•ack PseudalerUQuanti TrayCombe -- - 219.89 $ 219.89 WCMl3PA•20.2K __29.Z7254 ?.0•rack P eudalenl/Quand-Tiay2K Combo -._,_..__,........_.- 211.40 '111.40 ,�, -r ..,....._.......... WCIdf3ENT-100-20 99.19155_,._. 2O 1�ack,EnlerolerUQuanU•Tra Combo S 222..03 $ 222.03 WCM6ENT-2K-20 99.19156 20-pack EnlarolorUQuanti-Tra 2K Combo Combination 100 Packs =2K 0 99-27057 100• ac..Cqf er1241QuanU•Tra Combo _..._............._........_...______ O" 761.63 761.63 _.p_.k_.�_...._ 807.55 807.55 99-?.7058 100- ack Colilert 241QuanU-Tra K Combo - - - - .2K „ �5--837.78 437.79 0 99-71059 100•tack Cooler 181Quanb•Tray Combo -» $ 883_72 887. __ _....__......-.. 99.27060 y 100 pack Cofilunl I BlQuant•Ttay2K Combo 4----•••-••-•••--• •-.2K 837.79 S 837.79 99-27061 100.1�ack,ColisurclQuanq•Tra Cornbo00 $ 809.48 S 909.480•ZK g9.27062 100•00-pack ColisuralQuanb-Tra K Combo Combinatlon 2D0 Packs 1.378.78 1 378.78 .......... 139.27071 200•ack C Tilcrt 241 uanU•Tra Combo ---•--- WCM824.200 _--••p•-�•-••-••4•••---•-• 1 470 62 1,470.62 4.__IL _...._..._.._._�____ ......._.. WCM624.200 2K 99•?.7072 200•ack Colilert 241,uanU• aY1K Como 1,526 62 S 1,526.62 WCh1518-200 99.27073 200 tack Colilert 181Quan4•TrugCombo_-,•_, - - 5 1 618 4'1 T 1 G 18.47_ __................. WCh1818•200-2K 99-27074 200:parkCoklrrt 18/QuanU•Trnr2K Combo ......_............. _...,......._......................._._._ 1 526.62 1.526.2 WCMDCLS-200 99-27075 200;pack ColisureiQuanU•Tray Cornbo - - - _•„1,G 18:47,. $ 1,618.4 _____..._....__.,..__ WCMBCLS-?.00•?.K 89•?.7016 200 puck ColisurelQuanU_TraV Combo 1 724 05 1 724.05 WCMBPA•200 99.27079 1200.pack PseudalerUQuanU-Tray Combo EXHIBIT b A .D No Text FMC 10507 98.08010.00 O'Rin Oiler housln:large)PC 105003 $ 100,16 S 100,16 FtAG10509 98-0801 1-00 a Rin filler housln elution tube have:small PC 105004 $ 59.62 $ 59.62 FMC 10302 98.08012-00 Rubber Bun s-for steel rod PC 103003 $ 9.54 $ 9.54 FMC10508 98.08013.00 Rubber Bun s-for filterhousin PC 105002 S 13.12 $ 33.12 30.16 $ 38.16 FIAC13002 98-09654-01 Plunger Head Tool S 5 44.32 $ 44.12 FMC10308 98.09655.01 Two Wa Line Tap S 13,12 S 13.12 FMC10404 98.09656-01 Ma net for Vacuum Set $ 163.35 5 163.15 F-MC10403 98-09657-01 Plastic Vacuum Hand Pum $ 13.12 S 11.12 FD1C10405 9809658.01 Tubina ForHand Pum g 44.12 $ 44-12 FMC10402 98.09659.01 Hiling,and Venting Closure $ 13.12 $ 13.12 FMC-10510 98-09660-01 Hose Tal F•ddn s Pail e Fllta-MaxXPress Consumables 93957 S 939.57 FMC6001 90-08677-00 Filter Modules bulk 10 ack S Filta-MaxxWass Equipment F6O S 25 019.41 99-17646 pressure ElOon ENE v2.0:Z-BOM FMX P(assue Elution Rig(99-17388.00) FMX Hose Kit(98.06355.00) FMX Outlet Diverter 6(98-08416.00) FMX Butter Reservoir Kit(98.08420-00) FMX Acccsso Kit 99-18235-01 S 26 019.43 99-t7471 Pressure Elution Station V2.0(AU/China):Z-BOM FMX Pressue Elullon Rig(99.17388.00) FLAX Hose Kit(98.00155.00) FMX Outlet Diverter 5(98.06416.00) FMX Buffer Reservoir Kit(98.08420.00) FMX Accossory Kit(99-18235.00) power Cord VT8008 78-20428•AU $ 175.28 S 175.28 FMC6005 98-06681-00 SamiAlingKA $ 150.24 $ 160.24 FMC6006 98-08582.00 Houskja Conversion Kit g 344.59 $ 344.59 FA4C6007 98.08683 00 HousingF'rtti rrith lioncis S 150,24 S 150.24 FMC6004 96-08355-00 Hose K)t $ 125.20 $ 125.20 FMC6008 96-08684-00 Outlet Diverter S 38,16 $ 38,16 FNAC6009 98.08685-00 OF Stem $ 66.77 S 66.77 FMCB010 98 08686-00 QF Body $ 72.73 S 72.73 FNIC6011 98-08687-00 QC Stem $ 119.24 S 119.24 FMC6012 9808688.00 OC Body 38.16 _S_3 11.16 FMC8013 98.08689.00 Hosclail S 200.32 S 200.32 FMG6016 98-08420-00 Buffer Resevolr Kit $ 225.35 S 225.35 FMC10503 98.09712.00 F➢lcr Housin w/o Fitting Fllla Maxx rass Refurbished Unit $ 15 649.64 1 15 649.64 NIA RF-17388-00 Rofurblshed Pressure Elullon Station Invitrotlun p rabeads $ 536.97 !.s 536.97 73001 9814205-00 D abead C los oddum 1 ml 1OT) $ 2074.43 2 074.43 73011 98.1, 58.00 abead C tos oridium 5m{50 $ 696.45 696.45 73002 - ml 10T 3,026.74 1 026.74 73012 98-14289-00 abead GC Combo 6ml 50 Ma ne0c Devices l $ 284.55 S 284.55 120010 98.14300-00 al MPC-`I S 1 167.69 S 1 157.69 120020 98-14301.00 D u11APC-6 g 329.29 329.29 A13346 9814302.00 Dyna I MPC-S Mbdna Devices MG3 S 1037.22 16907 9B-14305.00 D of MX•1 S 632.20 15902 98.1791800 MittenBase S 114.74NA 98.17108-00 Turret 335.03 16903 9814103-00 12-Tube Mixin Wheel $ 916.74 15910 98-14307-00 al MX-4 $ 632. $ 632.20 15902 98-17918-00 Mixer Base $ 284.55 284,55 15911 98-14308.00 MPC-S Mixing Wheel $ 519.76 $ 519.76 947019814311-00 la al Sam Mixer $ 158.34 S 158.34 94702 98.14312.00 D al Sam le Mixer Rod $ 253.57 $ 251.57 94703 98.14313.00 -pynal sample Mixer Platform Miscellaneous g 75.71 75.73 74003 98.14296.00 Dynal L10 tubes 5!k $ 96.84 1$ 98.84 30201 98.14942.00 IDEXX Sl IeS of Slides 1001 k r l • i IDEXX MrldwylGovt blaster Price List 2017 Llsl Pdrrn Round Rock Catalog Number Material Number Praducl Description Price CofiforiiVE.ccli and Enterococci Ron end WP02.01 98-12972-00 Cofdcrt for 100 fat sample 20-pick ,,,,,,,,,_,,,_� 145.02 145.02. ___,__._...................._... --�....... _»__ __ .-........ _.............- _ 635.07 635.0% WP1001 98-2....__0 Colilert for 100 r+)I san+pla 1 0-pack _.._ ................._,........ ..._. .-,,,._.._......._._.....-_----.--.._.._..-- 1 111.63 $ G8G.14 WP2001 98-19-973-00 Colilert for 100 1nl s?m(v_200;uack............._.._..._..._.._._ ..._. ___..__. .._._r ___.`--------__.._.......................................... 192 65 192.65 W1001 98.1477000 Predis onsedColilertijll,0tubes 10p.peck. �...._._...........:.__.5._--..................._ -....................._._. 35 45, 354.45 W2001 98.14771.00 Predis cased CoTdert k+.IOmI tubes 208-pack _-___.._.....-..__.....................»..._._.......».........�... .__...._ ..,.__............._... 159.8% S 159.87 WP0201-18 98.08876.00 Coliferl-18 for 100 mi srunpfe 2p•pack ..._.....-............._. §.,.._ .-..__...__._.................. -..___._.._... •---•-•-•-- 710.11 $ 7 10.11 NJP1001-18 98.27164.00 Coli.ert-la for 100 ml rample I00-t�ack-, ................. ' __ ......._.... _ 1,260.05 § 686.b WP2001-18 98.088%7.00 Cofdert-I8 for 100 rnl Barn,la 200•pnclt, _._ ..._._..._........__..__......__. ........................._.._ 164 43 164.43 WCLS201 98.13159.00 CoNsurefor 100misamplo,20.,ppck,,,,.„ _.� -- -- 6 710.1 1 $ 71 U.1 1 WCLSlOUI 98 27709-00 Colisuro for i00nd sam{a 108 Rack _.............._.......-_ __ ............. -- _ ___.-...._.._.__ 1.266.19 1,266A9 WCI.S7.001 _90;]X17•00 Co9sure for 100m1 sam rle 200pack _ _ ..S ___...._........................... WENT020 98.21174.00 Entero for 100 nd rom le 20 ack 184.24 _at,_-,_„„„_184.,•1 „-_-._,._._.-_ ._ ......_- -...-...._._ $ 1.458.54 S 1.458.5.1 WENT20D 98.21375.00 Entoralert for IOD ml sam Ic 200 ac Pseudomonas Aeru nosy Reagent •_ 98.18076.00 Psurdalert(er 100n11 samples 20-pack _.._....................._........._.___._ $ WPSE•020 ,__..._..._.. $ 1,458.08 S 1,458.08 WPSE-200 95-18078-00 Pseudalet for 100ml sam ries 2.00-+ack SimPlale for HPC i4 Accessories , ____-3 -5- 44.80 S 44.88 -._.._.............. WHOL-20 08.27389.00. HPC for Quanli-tray 20ack 426.34 _5_, 426.14 WHQT-200 98.27390-00`HPC for Quanli-tray 7y 00•pock __................. -"" '�`- 72.04 j 12.04 WHQTC-ZO _99.27853 HPC for Quanli-Uay w151-weN Qu -Y. Conlbo 20;pack ---••••------ _.»_._.._......._____.._- $ 81.49 5, 81.49 WHQT2K-20 99-27855 HPC for QuanU-tray vd9Y-wok Quanli•IrayConho 70-pack _.__....... .._._ 686.64 686.64 WHQTC-200 99-27854...__HPC for QuanU tray w151-w0N QuanU tray Combo 200•pack__-_,_„____ _-..-.__ 783.73 -783_;__73 WHQT2K-200 99.27856- HPC for QuanU-tray w/97•wel Quanti•tray Combo 200-pack _. 743.29 5 _,»245,29 --WQO-Y•041U-Diso YEA 40-pack __.._.......................... _1 . 98.13744.01Qa0a $ 843.39 1143.39 1^JQDY-200 98-1361601 Quan&DiscYEA 200�Tock """"""""" -�_ - -"- 103.93 103.93 WHPC-25 98.05760.01 SlrnPlate or HPC 25-unh dose media tubes and new SlrnPlales_ _,-___...._.._.............__.____- -•••-•----- ---"' "" ......._._ 273.99 273.99 _....._......__.._....._.....-- WHPC-100 98.05761.01 SlmPiate for HPC 10 nluld•dose media vessels R 100 naw SlrnPlales ,-,-„___,»,...... _._...._....____._.._.._ S 109.83 109.83 _ WHPC 40h1 98-12060-00 SlrnPlate for HPC Medi®-Oniv 4 multi-dose media vessels R 108 naw Simfbdes - WSWip 98.09444.01 Ten bollles filled veiUT 1 0-911 sterile vrater for SlrnPlate or ddrni _ _ _ __ 43.70 -._..........._:......................__..-....._,._..__.._ _____....._ �.. W 1 h1L•PIP-25 98-06155.00 2Lpack of 6mL slerila.Individuadlykacked pI otles _ __.._ _..-•-•_._..__.._. .____..-.- S 18.90 5 18.90 WGfv1l.•PIP_25 98.06156-00 25- ock of tml_sterile.individuatl acked ones -•-•-••--""""'"'-" Shrink Hand Vessels r 98.09220-00 20-pack 120mi vessel w!100m1_..sodium thio 6_stuulk band �"' -- 54 WV120aHSl'-20 $._ ..__8,.54_ 18. _ -.._....._.__._....._a_» 18.54 1854 ..-- WV120S6-20 98.09204.00, 26 ack 120m1 vessal vd t OOrnl lino 8 shrink bunds WITHOUT sodium 0110 - _.._.__P _-_- -_-.---- $ 134.39 $ - 127.72 _. ._._- ""' 134.19 _�,_ 134.39 WVI'LOSHST-200 98 Ofl221Y00,_'-„20 pick 120m1 vessel WI 1001111 IRVa,GaITIUITI 01;a 8 Ehfkl, an,,.,_,.__,. WV12 --_„98;04222;;00 200-pack 120m1 vessel 100mi line and shrink band WITHOUT sedum Udo $ 16G.82 166.82 WV150SBST-200 98-09223.00 20a-�rnok 150mi vessal wl i00i517.Om1I.ne,gadlum thiu,,6 shrink band $ 166.87. $ 186.82 98.14079-00 208•ack 150n11 vessel vd 100lS120rvO1 qle is shrink band - -- -- -' WV15056-200 P.-.-_ - --- 158,71 158.71 _._. - WV12056AF•20p 4B•001G1.00 CLO-pack 120nr1 vc^^cl vd 100m1 line shrkrk band h AnUfoam NO sodium_i o„_,- 192 3 i $ 192.11 192,31 192.1 -_ WV290SBST-100 98.095BB:Ql1,,,.-100• ock 290m1 vessel with 100 200m1 fine 250 ml Imo sodnnn Odu 3 shrink ban _.w.. WV290SH-100 98.14269-00 100-pack 290ml vessel wl 100m1 lino,200ml lit-,.5pml,l......shrink band NO sodium 10 5_ 145 97 6, 145.9% VYV120PE'i-200 98-18719 OD 200-pack PET recycl0ble vessels t00m1 fine i shrink hand and sodium 11tl0sulfale S 37,79 5 37.79 WLBL 04-02026.00 RutI of 1 000 adhesive vessel labels"Date.Time,location,Sam Tle p' -- 'T _ _ _......-............................ Tear Off Label Vessels $ 18.54 _18.54.....__.._.._..._._,......_.- WV120ST-20 98-09703.00 20;.pack 120m1 vessel with t00m1 line sodiwn thio d label __,__._- -.__.._ S 18.54 S __... _ WV120-20 98.09228.00 20•Tack 120rr11 vessel vrdth t00rnl lino 8 label WITHOUT soditrrn,uo _.. 134.J9.....TS 134.39_ - WV1205T-208 98-0615900 2.80•ack 120nT1 vessellntlT 100rn1 kne sodium Udo d label_ S 134.39 $ 134.39' ~� WV170.2.00 98.06160-00 200-pack 120ml vessel with t00rnl Nile 6 label WITHOUT sodium thio Ouand-Trays $98154,37_. -- WQT100 .21378.00 100-ack sterile 51•Well QuanU-Trays ordered with DST Icsls„ 208 2B S 1.08 7H WQT•2.K9&216'15.00 1 D0-ack sterila 97•Wall QuanO-Tra 2000 Ua Cornbinnlion 20 Pecks 174.16 $ 1'74.16 99.19149 20-ock Collett WCM624.10U•20 _P_..__._.__.. --..-..._-•--•--_ ""'-'_ •---• CC 181.21 [[ 183.21 ,I _..Y.._.__.._.__._._.1r_..,_........._.-........_. ._-.___- WCkiH24-2K-20 _ 99;19150 20•Tf-ack CDIilert 24/Quanti-Tray2K Combo ..__ $ 188.8G.. $ 188.06............ WCM618-100.70 99-19151 ?.0-pack Colilert-181QuanU-Tray Combo __._...--........ �_._...._............. S 199.04 I99,04 WCkiB18-2K-20 99.19152 20yackColilert-IB1Quantl-Tnv2KCombo ___ __....____....__.._.... _.._ --...3............1.88;86..-s5 188.86 WChIBCLS-100-20 99.19153 2D• ack ColisufalQuanli Tra Combo $ 199.04 199.04 V+JCfiBCL5.2K.2D 99-19154 20-pack ColisurelQuanU-Tra 2K Combo .._....__............_ _.._._._._ S 209.37 209.37 WCMBPA-20 99-27053 20•pack,P!ieuJ2teiVQuan6,TrayCombo -..---••---• $_2_:.8._9.. WCM3PA-20-2K 99.27054 OackPSUdz Lc VQe0 ,,,.•,_- 211.40 j ?-11.40 WCMBENT-100.20 99-19155 20-Tack EnterolerUQuanUUTray Combo,-,-,,,„_ $ 222.03 $ 222.03 WCMBENT-2K-20 99-19156 20-pack Enterolert/Ouan6•Trn K Combo �- ConTbkration 100 Packs --"'-„-- WChiB24.10099-27057 100•Tack Colilert 241QuanU•TraY Combo S 761.G3 S 761.63 --.-_. 807.55 S 807.55 WCM624.100.2K __._.._. 9.27058 100-ackColet2414an-Tra 2K Corabo ........................ ___ .-•• s 837.79 $ 837.79_ WCMBIB-100 99-27059 100-pIcISg014ert t0lQugnU•Tnry Coml?q ---•-•-^ _ � • 883.72 »WCh�H18.1,00.2K 99-27060 100-pack Coldert 181QuanLT(_4vK-Co,{nbo -----•-- fV 837.79 WCkiBCLS•100 09-27061 100-00-pack ColisurolQuanti•Tra Combo -•-•-----• _r._ _...__.._._ _ $ 909.4WCMBCLS-100-2K 99.27062 100•rack ColisurclQuanU=Tfa 2K Com o........._................Conlbhralian 200 Packs � 1�778,1t1___..._........................9 9-270'71 204•Tact•C.olilcrt 2..41QuaaU•Tra C�mtfo,,, ._„„,____,. -....»__ ---•-•---- -•---- S .2 1,470.62.. fl9.27072 20o-prick Colilert 2410uanU•Tray2K Cun+bo - WCMH24.200.2K __.__................._......_.___ ____ __.____..-..._.....__._..__...__.-_ 1 526.62 1526 62 WCMB1B-2.00 99-27073 �200packColilert IB/Quanli T�aiy_Cumifo -••-•-..................•-.I'---- 1 618.17 1.518.4/ WCtiH18.200;2K,� 99-270'74 200-Tack Colilert 181Quan0,TiaL2K.CuLr,{ho _ ............-_............._...... _....... 1,526.62 S 11526.62 WCfdHCLS-208 -_, 99.27075 200• ick ColisurclQuaM.Tray Cornbo __ _._... -••••--•- --- - ^-" _ 1618.47 1618.4: WCtAgCLS•200.2t<,,,, 99-27076_ 200-ackCofisure/Quanli-TraY2-Gumbo __...._...._..................._..... _,_ -.-____._.___-.. _t 724.05 1,724.05 fl9-27079 200-ack PsoudalarUQuunU•Trgy,Cgmlro - - WCMHPA 200 _.____..._..... ................... CMBPA-200-2 �9.?.LOBO 200-pack IRL 24.05 S 1�72 .WC:MEiFaJT-200 99.21077 05 200,pnck Enicro4ort/Ot�a"U-T[aY.!;9.11-1bS -1--1�K__. 1,819.96 1,819.96 WCNIBENT-200-2K 99-27078 200-pack EnIcioleilJOuantl-Tray2%Combo Microblolo Cur, Control Kits KIT 100 1 rmoniao 3-Ran99 �08-99.................. Rt-o--flucl,LL QC bacteria(3- $ WQC•TCEC 98.29000.00 IDEXX-QC Coliform .......133.60 WQC_±q.. 98.29001-00 IDE QC Fa�al.P_O�Iifoffll ....................- _._ .......... 98-29002-00 1 lerococcl .................. WOUCNT DW 08-29003.00 IDEXX-00 EnlarnSRR6��L § S ........... WQC-PSE M-.?AK!_0_0 ___1()Lxx-QC 58*32 WQC;�_jpc 185,90 .............93--29006.00 1()EXX.QC kip 18590 5 wac-ECOLI 98.29007-00 iDEXX-OC Excli S 133.66 5 133.66 UN3373-WOC-LP -QC Legionella(3-L.pnouniophila.J-F faecalis)IDEXX Cuklert comparators WP 104 98.11882-00 8 Comparator ................... ............ -1 (-- 4.60 24.80 W102 98-20722-00..._ L- PNicul tuba of uOtIssencsgRx�1-to-!.................. ^- WQTC 98.09226.00 _9_0! 24 DO WQT2KC 98.09227-00aralat)tcdiist)ttiisodUiu0uifiG-""'tr2OOU ...................... Scalers .................... $ 4 777 50 98-0002570-00 vi)I of oath PLUS rubber hmti5Ulad 97 well) ............. ....... _gu ajar PLUS j 4777 60 1 4,777.50 ........................... WOrSPLUSTI 99-0002570........Chian!l-Tray.Sealor PLUS Trade-In use ONLY 9.51 WPLUSFAF3 Quanti-Tray 51-well rubber Ins5yq.QuanlJ-Ttay$cplor PLUS ...... ......... $ 91.51 S 91.51 WPLUSRBR-2K 98-9011'170-00 nd-Tray/2000 97-wall rubber Insert for Qoanli-Tra Sealer PLUS UV Lam s5 170.06 S 170.Oq W 16 _.._..-- 98.211724.01_,_ 6 Wait UV lamp 110 ................ L 0______ _ s L27.93 ............- ?2951_00 6 watt IN lanj2 220 Rlt_-..E!j.!�LopLo%L�------- .--•-•-•---............ j �_j 93 - - 227193 -AI60F---------Lk. J_ARRI' ................... WFAIGO 08-09524-00 -.9-YrdIt UK!R!PP 220-volt-UK three ptapa_P1Y,9-------------------------------­- $ 46.06 ..................................... WL200 98-06423,00 A.VpLjt_pocket__UV lamp- --„"""""•'•" ........ 3 $ 3011 __k8.2095gOq._._.4 wall.replacement UV.bulb(6") .............. 35.4 i- 35.43 VVLIGI .98.2096D-01 6 wall.teplacellient UV bulb(01 ....... 242,110 242-10 WC)"'110 gi,21 22-00 vieving cabinet-fits WOGO and WEAtOf ...... ............................ 3 4 :1'4 3 n4 242 (1 r 2 2 10 .............. I b 7(3 5 76 n 1 765.76 5 98,0001197.00 Bucket Mint Incubator Y��LltOtOLtNC_-45C_12.O"x 8.0-x -------------------------- 1 83 1 12 3j I2.....»_...._..._._.._. 50 7-_P_ 1 831.12 S LLAK.................. '8 0 IOC-15C 12.0118.0'x_6; W1350-EU 90000 1 198_00 qaqkej M�fl Incubator.730vAmbleilt+iOr, 94330 j 98-13818 02 WIGOO 98-138 8-A2 Binder_Incubalor i 15YArl�bI(jjjj+5C_IOOC 15.8"x15.8"x13.0" 1,618J0 _L 1,618 10 WRATH-110_ 98-05894-00 5,301steadWulacbuth 19.75'xi 1.75-4",120v .......... ........... ........... Racks and Antiloam 42.85 j __i2 66 Vv'VR20 94-2074500 One 20 vessel rack-I I'x I 2)L3:iris In WDOO and W13001 incubators......... 15.80 ................. 20midro or bottla ofAnffoam for 400 Colilelt-J8&Q-Tfa Gain Ins Chlorine 08-21904- Chlorine Testing $ 41.33 A_ 11.33 .............................. WDep §P.q'q�g for 10 nil Free Chlorine,200 tests..- I_or 75.58 ............. .D 98.09406 EZ DPD 715 8 ............................. 98-09409-01 EZ pEp ENspelisor for 10 MI TOI-01 qh_101_19.e ZOOlasts5__JJ 33 WDPDIOTP_ 41.33 i.L.-............. DPDIDF5.7Q. 98-09408.01,,,,.,,,,,,,E- 75.50 75.58 Z VPD Refill vials for 10 ml Fro .phlotlne 400 test', ......... WE)POIOTR-2 I aR.naAil_nl EZ DPD Rerill vials for 10 nil Total Chlorine,400 tests C ofilert Starter kits I C 119.89 W FWWPI04-PK020 98-20968.00 100m]Trial Pack:WPO201,VNt20SBST-20 (no UV.no loculbatai) S I Filla-Max C0115UM Was FMC10603 98_10601_0)�M Filter Mo du las 188.39 $ 188.39 FNIC1080o 98-10800-00 Filler Membranes Includes 100bogs) Filla-MaxE uIpment 2,992.131 98-11002-01 titLta-Max Sllrlcl(Kil-Mash station,vacuum set,quick conneel Lubin!set filtor housing&WIN ;S 2_992 81 FMC 11002 1.991.23 S 1,991.23 FMC 10 101 -98-10102-01 Wish Station-includesone detachable plunqer head $ 72G.i4 Fk=0307 9"9686-00 Tubinq Set-includes cone tube and base,clullon tube,oulck connect,sleet led 15 $ Z� 275.43 275,43 Mn relic sUrfei,hand um 1111-bin I and waste bottle Z__ FMCj 040, 93-10401-01 Vacuum Sol 1 2253 $ 225,35 FfAC10504 98.00445-01 MK 11 Filter Housing-tools net included 250.39 _$ 250 11 09466-00 Quick Connect K $ 175.28 5 175.20 . it FMC10306 M1151notio Stirrer $ 288-55 FmC10901 268.55 FMC12002 98.00476-00 Plurl�of Head Kit-lot autornalic wash station $ 288.-- ,ql 5 288.55 JFMC1200i 98-12001-01 pluf ar liead Kit-for manualwash station --------- a 11 station $ 1,001.8 $ I=,00,58 FMC 11004 90.09750-00 St3t�elfkiifor use N�ithutilofl,aUcwast)staUoii.AsFhiCliOO21)tjtYAIIOulauto wsilbIB Filla-Max Accessories $ 159.78 1591.78 FMC10309 98.08000-00 -Concentrator Ion tube S 200.32 $ _200.321 FMC10311 98.08001-00 -Elution short tube $ 120.43 �$ l 7 0.4 3 FMC110312 98-08002-00 Concentrator 0.35 $ 70.35 FMC10310 9808004 00 -Steel rod 188.39 $ 168.39 FNJCIO107 98.08067-00 Manual Wash Station handle S9.54 �95 4 �litad 83.23 FMCI0108 98.08005-00 Allen a Kay-chfornO 1 68.23 FMCI0406 98-13609--00 Vacuum Waste Do 9. 5 9A4 FMCI0506 98-09446-01 kiousin Tools, roen,handle air $ 69.1 , 100.160'.,' for k contract kit(ofte) 87-08382-00 $ 100.1 i2t 2 FMC 10305 $ 1 800 ,act)PC to 1003 06 . FMCIW05 98-08007-00 $ IVA- 5 100.16 ()80 FNIC10303 98-08008-00 PC 103004 k rig 62 98.0 9 08009_()o 98-08009-00 O'Rin steeltube PC 103005 FMC OCI 0 3 0 4=-.�8' FMC 10507 96.08010-00 O'Rin filler housing:large)PC 105003 S 100.16 $ 100.16 FMC10509 98-08011-00 0'Ring filler housin eluUontubebase:small PC 105004 S 59.62 $ 59.62 FMC10302 98.08012.00 Rubber Buns•for steel rod PC 103003 $ 9.54 $ 9.54 FhiC10508 98-08013-00 Rubber Bungs-for filter housing PC 105002 $ 13.12 S 13.12 FMC13002 98-09654.01 Plun er Head Tool S 38.16 S 30.16 FhiC10308 98.09555.01 Two Way Une Tap $ 44.12 5 44.12 FMC10404 98-09656-01 hia net for Vacuum Set 5 13.12 $ 13.12 FhiC10403 98-09657-01 Plastic Vacuum Hand Pump 163.35 S 163.35 FMC 10405 96.09658.01 Tubing For Hand Pum $ 13.12 $ 13.12 Fh1C10402 98-09659-01 Hilin and Ventinp Closure $ 44.12 $ 44.12 FMC10510 98-09660-01 Hose Tail Filtin s Palr $ 13'12 $ 13.12 , v Fina-MaxXpross Consumables FMC6001 98-08677-00 FittarModules bulk 10•>ack $ 939�7 S 939.57 Fina-Max xpross Equipment 99-17646 Pressure Elution Station 12.0:Z•BOM S 25 059.43 $ 25 039.43 FMX Pressue Eldon Rig(99.17388-00) FMX Hose Kit(98-08355-00) FMX Outlet Diverter 5(98-08416.00) FMX Buffer Reservoir Kit(98-00420-00) FMX Accessory Kit 99-18235.01 99.17471 Pressure Elution Station V2.0(AUIChina):Z-BOM $ 25 039.43 $ 25 039.43 FMX Pressue Elution Rig(99-17388-00) FIAX Hose Kit(9B-08355-00) FMX Outlet Diverter 5(98-08416-00) F1dX Buffer Reservoir Kit(98.08420-00) FMX Accessory Kit(99.1 8235-00) Power Cord VT0008 78.20428•AU FMC6005 98-0868140 Sampling Kit $ 175.28 S 175.28 FMC6006 98.08682.00 HousingConversion Kit M$ 34 S 150.24 FMC6007 98-08683-00 Housin with Fittin s S 344.59 FMC6004 98-08355-00 Hose Kit 150FMC6008 96-06684.00 Outlet Dlverter S 125.20 FMC6009 98.08685.00 QF Stem S 38.18 FhiC6OiO 95-08666-00 OF Bod $ 66.77 FMC6011 98-08687-00 QC Stem S 12 13 FNIGOO12 98.08688.00 QC Body $ 119.24 $ 119.24 FMC6013 95.08069-00 Hosela6 $ 38.16 S 38.16 FMC6016 98-08420-00 Buffer Resevoir Kit S 200.32 $ 200.32 FMC10503 98.09712.00 Flier Housing w10 S 225.35 $ 225.35 F9ta his%xpress Refurblahed Unit NIA RF-17388.00 Refurbished Pressure Elution Station S IS 649.64 $ 15 649.64 Invitfogen D abeads 73001 98.14285.OD D abead C tos oddarm 1ml SD $ 538.97 536.97 $ 73011 98.14288.00 D abead C tos oddium 5mi 50 S 2.0 4.43 $ 2,074.43 98-14286-00 D abead GC-Combo 1m1 10 5 69fi,45 $ 696.45 73002 3 026.74 $ 1,026.74 73012 96-14289-00 Dynnbead GC-Combo 5mi 60 Ma neUcDevlces S 284.55 S 284.55 12001D 9B f 4300-00D 01 hiPC-i $ 1,157.69 1 S 1,157.69 120020 98.14301.00 O al MPC•6 $ 329.29 1$ 329.29 A13346 98.14302.00 IDynal MPC-S c FAbdng Devices M32.20 � 7.2215907 98.14305.00 al MX-12.2015902 98-17918-00 Mixer Base 14.74NA 98-17108-00 Turrol1590398-14303 00 12-Tube IAwn Wheel5.0316.7415910 98-14307-00 D al MX-4 $ 632.20 S 32.20 15902 98.17918.00 Mixer Base 284.55 S 284.65 15911 98-14308.00 MPC-S Mixing Wheel 94701 98.14311.00 D al Sam le Mixer 158.34 5 519.76 S 519.76 $ 158.34 S 94702 98.14312-00 Dyne[Sample Mixer Rod $ 253.57 $ 253.57 94703 98-14313.00 Dynal Sample Mixer Platform Miscellaneous 74003 98.14296.00 A al 1-1096.q tubes 51 k 5 75.73 $ 76.73 30201 98-14942-00 JIDEXX Sin IeS of Slides 100f k v IZ NI1 . e001:2008 CERTIFIED Please accept this letter as confinnation that IDEXX Distribution, Inc. (FEIN # 35- 2186625) is a wholly owned subsidiary of IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. and is the sole supplier of the following products to the Water Market: 4 Product Sole Manufacturer Sole Supplier in US NN'ater Testing Market Colilert* reagent Yes Yes Colilert* Comparator Yes Yes Colilert*-18 reagent Yes Yes Colisure* reagent Yes Yes Enterolert* reagent Yes Yes IDEXX Vessel Yes Yes Quanti-Tray* Sealer Yes Yes Quanti-Tray* Sealer Plus Yes Yes Quanti-Tray* Yes Yes All Colilert* starter Kits Yes Yes All 20-pack, 100-pack, and 200- Yes Yes pack Combo Packs IDEXX-QC Yes Colilert* Quanti-Cu1tT"r QC kit Yes Yes SimPlate* for HPC test kit Yes Yes Filta-Max* Automatic Wash Yes Yes 4 Station Legiolert* reagent and trays Yes Yes Please note that IDEXX Distribution, Inc. was formed as a wholly owned subsidiary of IDEXX Laboratories, Inc, because our shipping location moved from Westbrook, Maine to Memphis, Tennessee. I hope this information is of assistance. If you have any questions, please call Bill Dungey at 1-800-321-0207 ext. 63370. Sincerely, _. --- William M. Dungey Senior Environmental Account Manager *Colilert,Colilert-18,Colisure,Enterolert,Quanti-Tray,SimPlate,IDEXX-QC and Filta-Max are trademarks or registered trademarks of'IDEXX Laboratories,Inc.or its affiliates in the United staters and/or other countries. 4 EXHIBIT "B" CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 1 of 1 Complete Nos.1-4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos.1,2,3,5,and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2017-284211 IDEXX Distribution, Inc. Westbrook, ME United States Date Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 11/15/2017 being filed. CDate Acknowledged: City of Round Rock 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract,and provide a description of the services,goods,or other property to be provided under the contract. City of Round Rock Agreement Purchase of Laboratory equipment and supplies with IDEXX Distribution, Inc Nature of interest 4 Name of Interested Party City,State,Country(place of business) (check applicable Controlling Intermediary , e i 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. 6 ArFIDAr VIT I swear,or affirm,under penalty of perjury,that the above disclosure is true and correct, Signature of authorized agent of contracti g business entity AFFIX NOTARY STAMP/SEAL ABOVE '` Sworn to and subscribed before me, by the said Un" 'R ke�'` this the___,�.-�� day of 20__J—1 _,to certify which,witness my hand and seal of office. CYNTHIA M. COOMBS Notary Public, Maine My Commission Expires December 16,2019_ Si ature of officer administering oa Printed name of officer administering oath Title of officer a ministering oath Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.0.3337 CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM1295 1 of 1 Complete Nos.1-4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos.1,2,3,5,and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2017-284211 IDEXX Distribution, Inc. Westbrook, ME United States Date Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 11/15/2017 being filed. City of Round Rock Date Acknowledged: 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract,and provide a description of the services,goods,or other property to be provided under the contract. City of Round Rock Agreem®nt Purchase of Laboratory equipment and supplies with IDEXX Distribution, Inc Nature of interest 4 Name of Interested Party City,State,Country(place of business) (check applicable) Controlling I Intermediary 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑ X 6 AFFIDAVIT � I swear,or affirm,under penalty of perjury,that the above disclosure is true and correct. Signature of authorized agent of contracting usiness entity AFFIX NOTARY STAMP!SEAL ABOVE Sworn to and subscribed before me,by the said h.�k U.n— .2 h -this the..— day of Nov�, 20 ,to certify which,witness my hand and seal of office. `— CYNTHIA M. COOMBS Notary Public, Maine My Commission Expires December 16, 2019 hQ. Signa re of officer administering oath Printed name of officer administering oath Title of officer administering oath Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics,state.tx.us Version V1.0.3337 CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 3.295 10f1 Complete Nos.1-4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos.1,2,3,5,and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2017-284211 IDEXX Distribution, Inc. Westbrook, ME United States Date Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 11/15/2017 being filed. City of Round Rock Date Acknowledged: 12/01/2017 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract,and provide a description of the services,goods,or other property to be provided under the contract. City of Round Rock Agreement Purchase of Laboratory equipment and supplies with IDEXX Distribution, Inc Nature of interest 4 Name of Interested Party City,State,Country(place of business) (check applicable) Controlling I Intermediary 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. X 6 AFFIDAVIT I swear,or affirm,under penalty of perjury,that the above disclosure is true and correct. Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity AFFIX NOTARY STAMP/SEAL ABOVE Sworn to and subscribed before me,by the said this the day of 20 ,to certify which,witness my hand and seal of office. Signature of officer administering oath Printed name of officer administering oath Title of officer administering oath Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.0.3337