Contract - M4 La Frontera II, LLC - 7/26/2018 STATE OF TEXAS § DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT § REGARDING COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON § SUMMIT II IMPROVEMENTS This is a DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") by and between CITY OF ROUND ROCK, TEXAS, a Texas home rule municipality ("City") and M4 LA FRONTERA II, LLC, a Texas limited liability company ("M4"). City and M4 together shall be referred to herein as "the Parties." The Effective Date of this Agreement is the date this Agreement is approved by the City Council of Round Rock, Texas. WHEREAS, City is the owner of the real property located at 650 Hesters Crossing Road, Round Rock, Texas 78681 used for an elevated water storage tank (hereinafter, "City Property"), further described in Exhibit"A" attached hereto; and WHEREAS, M4 is the owner of the real property located at 710 Hesters Crossing Road, Round Rock, Texas 78681 known as The Summit at La Frontera (hereinafter, "Summit II Property"), further described in Exhibit"B" attached hereto; and WHEREAS, M4 desires to construct a driveway and other improvements across a portion of the City Property to provide pedestrian and vehicular ingress and egress to and from the Summit II Property and Hesters Crossing Road; and WHEREAS, City desires to grant M4 certain access rights and privileges upon the City Property for the purpose of constructing such driveway and other improvements as described herein. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the promises and the mutual agreements set forth herein, the Parties hereby agree as follows: A. PURPOSE The purpose of this Agreement is to provide for the construction of certain improvements on a portion of the City Property by M4. B. M4's OBLIGATIONS 1. Driveway and Fence Construction. M4 shall install and construct those certain driveway and landscaping improvements (the "Driveway Improvements") and fence improvements ("Fence Improvements") on a portion of the City Property according to the Site Development Plan for Summit II Eastern Drive Improvements attached hereto as Exhibit "C" (the Driveway Improvements and Fence Improvements collectively referred to herein as the "Improvements") in a good and workmanlike manner and in the location shown thereon. 2. M4 Covenants and Agrees to the Following: (a) M4 shall promptly backfill any trench made by it on the City Property and repair any damage caused by or on behalf of M4 to the remainder of City Property Development Agreement-Summit 2.v7(final 07.18.2018).docx (b) In the event M4 fails to timely make any repairs as required herein, City may provide written notice to M4 of such failure, and M4 shall proceed to cure any such failure as soon as reasonably practicable but in no event more than thirty (30) days following receipt of written notice thereof from City (or as soon as possible if in the event of an emergency). or, if such repair cannot reasonably be completed in thirty (30) days, then such additional time as may be reasonably required provided M4 commences such cure within the initial thirty (30) day period and diligently pursues completion of same). In the event M4 fails to make such repairs, and such failure continues for the foregoing cure period, City may, at City's sole option (without any obligation), perform such repairs, and M4 shall reimburse City for City's actual costs in connection with such repairs within thirty (30) days following M4's receipt of an invoice therefor from City. (c) M4 SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY, AND HOLD HARMLESS CITY AND ITS OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, REPRESENTATIVES AND AGENTS FROM AND AGAINST ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS, LIABILITIES, CAUSES OF ACTION, SUITS, JUDGMENTS, DAMAGES, AND EXPENSES (INCLUDING ACTUAL REASONABLE ATTORNEYS' FEES) ARISING FROM (1) ANY INJURY TO OR DEATH OF ANY PERSON OR PERSONS OR DAMAGE TO OR THEFT, DESTRUCTION, LOSS, OR LOSS OF USE OF ANY PROPERTY (A "LOSS") TO THE EXTENT CAUSED BY M4 IN THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, AND/OR REPAIR OF THE IMPROVEMENTS ON THE CITY PROPERTY OR (2) WS FAILURE TO PERFORM ITS OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. THIS INDEMNITY PROVISION SHALL SURVIVE TERMINATION OR EXPIRATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. (d) M4 shall not undertake, nor shall M4 permit any of M4's agents, contractors, employees or representatives to undertake, any invasive investigation, drilling or sampling of the soil or groundwater at the City Property without the prior written consent of City, which consent shall be in City's sole discretion. Notwithstanding the foregoing, City shall not unreasonably withhold written consent of drilling or sampling of the soil or groundwater required pursuant to or related to the construction and repair of the Improvements. (e) M4 shall conduct all activities and rights under this Agreement in such a manner so as to not disturb City's use of the remainder of the City Property. In the event M4's use of the City Property hereunder disturbs City's use of City Property, City may provide written notice to M4 of such disruption, and M4 shall proceed to cease or remediate any activities causing such disturbance as soon as reasonably practicable but in no event more than thirty(30) days following receipt of written notice thereof from City. Notwithstanding the foregoing, M4 and the City acknowledge and agree that, during construction, M4 shall have the right to fence off and otherwise restrict access to the City Property as reasonably required to complete the construction of the Improvements and, subject to the following, such restricted access and the construction and repair of the Improvements as contemplated herein shall not be considered a disturbance of the City's use of the City Property;provided that, during construction, the City shall have access to the 2 City facilities (including the elevated water tower) located on the City Property either (i) on and across the City Property or (ii) over and across the Summit II Property and the adjacent property known as 810 Hesters Crossing Road, Round Rock, TX 78681 and owned by an affiliate of M4, in accordance with the terms set forth in those certain Access License Agreements, a copy of which are attached hereto as Exhibit"D". C. CITY OBLIGATIONS 1. Construction Easement. City hereby grants and conveys to M4 and its agents and contractors a license to access and utilize the City Property to the extent reasonably necessary to install, construct, repair and maintain the Improvements. 2. Access Easement. Simultaneously with the execution of this Agreement, City will grant M4 an easement substantially similar in form to that attached hereto as Exhibit"E". D. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 1. Actions Performable. City and M4 agree that all actions to be performed under this Agreement are performable in Williamson County, Texas. 2. Governing Law. City and M4 agree that this Agreement has been made under the laws of the State of Texas in effect on this date, and that any interpretation of this Agreement at a future date shall be made under the laws of the State of Texas with venue being in the state District Court of Williamson County, Texas. 3. Severability. If a provision hereof shall be finally declared void or illegal by any court or administrative agency having jurisdiction, the entire Agreement shall not be void, but the remaining provisions shall continue in effect as nearly as possible in accordance with the original intent of the Parties. 4. Complete Agreement. This Agreement represents a complete agreement of the Parties relating to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior written and oral matters related to this Agreement. Any amendment to this Agreement must be in writing and signed by all Parties. 5. Exhibits. All exhibits attached to this Agreement are incorporated by reference and expressly made part of this Agreement as if copied verbatim. 6. Notice. All notices, requests or other communications required or permitted by this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be sent by (i) email, when received by confirmed electronic transmission, (ii) by overnight courier or hand delivery, or (iii) certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, and addressed to the parties at the following addresses (or to such other address(es) as City and/or M4 or their permitted assignees hereunder shall specify from time to time in written notice to the other party): If to City: Laurie Hadley, City Manager 221 East Main Street 3 Round Rock, Texas 78664 Phone: (512) 218-5401 Email: lhadley(,roundrocktexas.gov With copy to: Stephan L. Sheets Sheets & Crossfield, PLLC 309 E. Main St. Round Rock, Texas 78664 If to M4: M4 La Frontera II, LLC c/o Mark IV Capital, Inc. 4450 MacArthur Blvd., Second Floor Newport Beach, California 92660 Attn: Regional Vice President Email: 'b� asieL&markiv.com With copy to: M4 La Frontera II, LLC c/o Mark IV Capital, Inc. 4450 MacArthur Blvd., Second Floor Newport Beach, California 92660 Attn: Chief Operating Officer Email: smetzger(aomarkiv.com 7. Force Majeure. M4 and City agree that the obligations of each party shall be subject to force maj eure events including, but not limited to, acts of God, war, acts of terrorism, civil commotion, labor disputes, strikes, fire, flood or other casualty, shortages of labor or material, government regulation or restrictions, weather conditions, and other acts beyond the applicable Party's control. 8. Assignment. Except for an assignment by M4 to an affiliated entity (for which notice, but no consent, is required), this Agreement may be assigned by M4 only with the written consent of the Round Rock City Council, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Any assignment must bind the assignee to all the terms and conditions of this Agreement, which will be recorded in the Williamson County Official Records. 9. Signature Warranty Clause. The signatories to this Agreement represent and warrant that they have the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of City and M4, respectively. 4 CITY OF ROUND ROCK By: (- Craig Mor an, May ty Date Signed: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON § BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a notary public in and for said county and state, on this day personally appeared CRAIG MORGAN, as Mayor of the City of Round Rock, a Texas Home Rule Municipality, on behalf of said municipality, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. /"'b- /' Given under my hand and seal of office on this the UO day of , 2018. 111111111i1111/� W- CaPRA........ ..\ . •o�PR ���i•'. /��� NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Texas P S 7-112����\,\� ���llll it 1111111111` 5 M4 to FRONTERA II,LL By: Stephen A. Metzger Its: Chief Operating Officer Date Signed: 7- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE TEXAS § COUNTY OF W MSON § BEFORE ME, the u rsigned, a notary public in and for said county and state, on this day personally appeared (Name), (Title) of M4 La Frontera II, C, on behalf of said company, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the egoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same for the purpose and co ideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office on this th day of , 2018. NOTARY PUBLIC in d for the State of Texas (End) 6 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT CIVIL CODE § 1189 A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached,and not the truthfulness,accuracy,or validity of that document. State of California County of Qr`0..h On Su.\v4 10, aOa before me, \e_S nr-C, o w+%VVA G Date Here Insert Name and Title of the Offic personally appeared She fl4,-_,e, N• Nome(s)of Signer(s) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s)whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing ALESSONDRACONCEPCION FLEMING paragraph is true and correct. Notary Public—California Orange County y Commission#2210275 WITNESS m hand and official seal. My Comm.Expires Aug 17,2021 Signature Place Notary Seal and/or Stamp Above Signature of Not ry Public OPTIONAL Completing this information can deter alteration of the document or fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: Signer's Name: ❑ Corporate Officer— Title(s): ❑ Corporate Officer—Title(s): ❑ Partner— ❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ Partner— ❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ Individual ❑ Attorney in Fact ❑ Individual ❑ Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian of Conservator ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian of Conservator ❑ Other: ❑ Other: Signer is Representing: Signer is Representing: ©2017 National Notary Association EXHIBIT "A" City Property Tract One: Lot 5, Block A, LA FRONTERA SECTION IIIA, a subdivision in Williamson County, Texas, according to the map or plat recorded in Cabinet S, Slides 370-374 of the Plat Records of Williamson County, Texas and Document No. 2000048386 of the Official Public Records of Williamson County, Texas. Tract Two: A tract of land(no acreage cited) conveyed to the City of Round Rock, Texas by instrument of record in Volume 1429, Page 462 of the Official Records of Williamson County, Texas. (See Attached) 7 i o! � s 90 i "E9 �1.9 e — ,LY'YBZ � 3,99,9L.OL5 I� [r N2055YR4.4 z Rtl� 1 IE.aa•,1LrINJ •� ����— r " �o!-g R FRDNnER TRVL I y 42 s r zit: � o � E 0 s m 4 m t D3.Y Y51S r Lord) _ I Co d to I I s wa �s J. 9 � tom > s Nim >V w� mo �S 0. ���� a �_ ^i®�amBB®4B0■�.•mIk-Q®®®40®00►■e�� E �. =Sdk�kNYCB,k�d�o o n 2 p 8 0 s� cn 117 F u 'S8a" 8 r' o n E Z p y n �a o� N� �� SaSso SITE DESIGN SURVEY OF THREE TRACTS: 1)LOT 5,BLOCK A,LA FRONTERA SECTION IIIA: BASELINE LAND SURVEYORS INC. O Lay..seal..Sy-Seg anlea Dote:08 16 17 A SUBDIVISION OF RECORD IN CABINET S,SLIDES 370-374 OF THE PLAT RECORDS r N Scale(Hor.: 1"=40' Scale Verl.: OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY,TEXAS AND DOCUMENT NUMBER 2000048386 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYING SERVICES 2 RECORDS OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY,TEXAS;2)A TRACT OF LAND(NO ACREAGE CITED) 8000 ANDERSON SQUARE ROAD, SUITE 101 o m Drawn By:RLW IChocked By:JSL CONVEYED TO CITY OF ROUND ROCK,TEXAS BY INSTRUMENT OF RECORD IN VOLUME 1429, AUSTIN, Revision 1: PAGE 462 OF THE OFFICLAL RECORDS OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY,TEXAS AND 3)A 0.074 OF TELE: 5TEXAS.875 O TEXAS 78757 Revision 2: ONE ACRE TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO GRANDE COMMUNICATIONS NETWORKS,INC.BY Revision 3: INSTRUMENT OF RECORD IN DOCUMENT NUMBER 2003055821 OF FIRM REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE #10015100 Revision 4: THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY,TEXAS ronObaselinelandsurveyors.net EXHIBIT "B" Summit II Property Lot 3, Block B, THE SUMMIT AT LA FRONTERA, a subdivision in Williamson County, Texas, according to the map or plat recorded in Cabinet T, Slides 329-330 of the Plat Records of Williamson County, Texas. (See Attached) 8 BROKEN BOW DRIVE BROKEN BOW DRIVE I.T" STE,IF XT I AA C, F= ­, ­IL I --A ­,E,�"- .,INa S T 1 1.[V AT SM,,4,2 NO ITT zc,,K-, A., :L11l.L A 2-NiG 7t)(i I c1l" 01-1 IX..0.iiNnIvill r. ^C PL L7nCPCTIVIG N...NU.rCCCn 91C roriwC.T IT f CHISHOLM VALLEY WEST CHISHOLM VALLEY WEST SECTION 4 1 Fil-1, SECTION 3 CAR.F.SL 7 1 AMENDED A, W.C.P.R. I CAB.D,SL 120 -MUNE r, 1 -71 W.C.P.R. CA&S. k I =Q1 11T -37.. A.iii. 71-22'07',E 647.21' ----------------- I LEGEND CALLED 0.074 ACRE -------- -- -------- TRACT.CONVEYED I TO GRANDE COMMUNICATION VICINITY MAP 5v LANCt"SAPINIS SMAN ----------------------------- VETWl INC., EA!iEllEta '! f i DOCUMENT NUMBER 21 NO.9531111111, .1 I-l-,Al�lli,�Ib­ 200� .ar ----------- ----------- rN, IM'WILOM SERIA"" A-Sy -0 -4AJILl4AI_NILE CUPPANY T. 321111330. L-" IS A,'.,i:1.11, --- 14 IJ fix.-,,f) g" 01 NU riii I.-,FTN t' AH16004,169A.1 NO. '.FF t"i-TAII'A' 2E W.T. S F316 P.T-ti­Ml I !A ".011IT'A A SUB-011"C14 Ill WL- TEA S .it­.- It 11r,I SI-FA,. i`N�TO-HE MAP IiF FLA NfrC9T-_V IN CAFRI, 329 CF TitE=_A7 :7 i". I ! H�Q_E 81 .W;i..l AJN,-,11-1 1'^1 Nc -5 tot­N'N,5 .1- -7::j_--- ! I,- -1-------------------------------- --- ti-I C. S. 3-1.1 It.A..'I S_E�il 3.1 ----------- ------------------------------ f,A1 I I f1A, ITNE KY , A. RA.. rio' !;F�r A To III 2-M A -S C.i.S_-'Iti­ AF_ 'l z I: " NO 21�1 ;I,, V01 JIA�, 4 I.'ITT 6.630 ACRES 288.735 SQUARE FEET S.411 gf,��V- LOT 3.BLOCK'B' THE SUMMIT AT LA FRONTERA x1c --1 I. A-1-1 A,-1.-C I'll-lo --F FI 5.BLOCK'A' c.li-­itl.1 -11.-­IS M-1-1 1 N.1 LOT Z BLOCK'S' CABINET*r,SLIDES 329&330 0.30 ACRES DEDICATED T-Ititi THE SUMMIT AT LA FRONTERA MLIJAMSON COUNTY PLAT RECORDS TO THE CITY OF PAI ROUND ROCK FOR cAom&7*r,suoEs 329&3w ff� C-11.N-Ai. I SET -11-�il-1-w. -.:'1-c-11 -It 11 ­11 PUBLIC UTILITIES Lcr I LL,- -ut T WILLIAMSON COUNTY MAT RECORDS 'A N.1. 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L.1-:2.1.It III A14 1.111.11AL LAP-21 ­ai!u tia •mfjm,�A-ut,ii wim Arciiiii,-,ws ull,-1-5;AT%Tp- ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY 1-1 11 1 1'Al 1.: 1-1 1 1,,1 U,A N�����,,N'.z;_ fg ill lF'.I C- HAL L_­_IfltlAfi 04*A� lit,At H_ -B- 11 Ct-111 is lt, 'A"I I'll 21, M A., J A�L I C 1— 117 AA.p at�"I.0�ii. BLOCK F IN 1--1"1"111­��i,�p%c r- "A, FOR LOT 3. A IN tVIIi`LT liC:S 110T 0[�IIIAINL I'. I� 1',WL III, ;Ni', I ­irri NA�; -VA:L'R-F T�-Ar,­.�-FECA'Ir-IN'rtl­­ �AIL ot-rt rA mAr ti�vlmw w.9-.IN w THE SUMMIT AT LA FRONTERA 1.-111 11-1-IND 11 IN II LL 11 ii-A-Af Ll_�I-E All ft-A- -1 CABINET-T-. I',� 21R_330' ;-11�-N-Lv a'wc­irc 1-1- oi�,PcFARI.-s­rr, WILUAMSON SCUOUESTY3 TEXAS TNI`_-AF_-11;-Ai Si)III.I-l"t�'i t' "t A,SIWITto At ­t,LILA'­­ CRE -INA WN,it NJ`11-t!(J`Tt`lt l*­LRII I-, A 5-71AI RrK'1417ARI, I It All"'ILI,Ill S A'r- "L'ZAT­L' "I S ­,A'P11-1 O�I.:IT-il',-RAL111.111C.- ;A IT`"I I I 'A 7- 1114,9 1 L 11 A.ftF C LIT Ill.!I.1C MA­�t UIF A�t!­FC 4 W11-41 C­Ny -7 'Hi�Jlitl - //,,//--//11 //////// SHEF.1 1 ,1 ,_A- A, I, JPE A ll.P.111111 t',It It,". I F r LI)12"f/2,jiG.LPIUALI 0V!.flTW1iIjt EXHIBIT "C" Improvements (See Attached) 9 SI TE DE VEL OPMEN T FERMI T FOR THE SUMMIT A T LA FR O N TER A INDEX SHE SHEETS 710 HESTERS CROSSING 3NERALN FINAL R PLAT ET 4., GGENERAL NOTES ROUND ROCK, TEXAS 78681 5. TCE6. EROERO NOTES SION do SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN 7. EROSION&SEDIMENTATION CONTROL DETAILS OWNERS/DEVELOPER: MARK IV CAPITAL,INC. S. DEMOLITION PLAN CONTACT: JUSTIN BASIE 9. SITE&DIMENSION CONTROL PLAN 4450 MACARTHUR BLVD.(SECOND 10.PAVING PLAN FLOOR) 11.SITE GRADING PLAN NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 71 949.509.1444 12.EXISTING DRAINAGE MAP 13.DEVELOPED DRAINAGE MAP JBosiegmarkiv.com LIMITATION OF LIABILITY-KBGE ASSUMES NO 14.DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS ENGINEER: KBGE LIABILITY FOR ANY DESIGN OR DRAWINGS IN 15.OVERALL STORM SEWER LAYOUT 105 WEST RIVERSIDE DRIVE,STE 110 THESE PLANS THAT ARE NOT SIGNED AND SEALED 16.STORM SEWER PLAN AND PROFILES AUSTIN,TEXAS 78704 BY A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER EMPLOYED BY THE CONTACT:SETH BONNER FIRM. OTHER CONSULTANTS'WORK SHOWN IN 17.WATER PLAN&PROFILE (512)439-0400 THESE PLANS IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE 18.WATER PLAN h PROFILE EMAIL:sbonnerOtecinc.com CONSULTANT WHO PREPARED SUCH WORK,AND 19.WASTEWATER PLAN h PROFILE ISINCLUDED IN THIS PLAN SET FOR REVIEW 20.GENERAL DETAILS REQUIREMENTS ONLY. 21.GENERAL DETAILS SURVEYOR: BASELINE LAND SURVEYORS, : 22.GENERAL DETAILS INC. A SITE PLAN COMPONENTS-ALL BUILDING AND CONTACT: SCOTT LASWELL GSM. ..1 N 23.GENERAL DETAILS nr STRUCTURAL IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN HEREON 8333 CROSS PARK DR. cwa ARE SHOWN FOR CONCEPTUAL PURPOSES ONLY. 24.Tx00T TRAFFIC CONTROL DETAILS AUSTIN,TEXAS 78754 PROJECT KBGE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR THE 25.LANDSCAPE PLAN 512.873.9743 SITE DESIGN OF BUILDING AND STRUCTURAL In C & A L 0 Scott-baselineCoustin.rr.com IMPROVEMENTS BY OTHERS. EL CTR CAL- TE LA - HO OM TRILANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. BURY,INC. RETAINING WALL DETAILS SHEET 1 OF 2CONTACT.• ZACHARYHUNTER STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS-ALL STRUCTURAL ETAINING WALL DETAILS SHEET 2 OF 2221 WEST SIXTH ST.,SUITE ' DESIGN IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER'S800STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. STRUCTURAL DESIGNTERN DRIVEWAY0IPROVEl/ENTSAUSTIN,TEXAS 78701 SHOWN HEREON IS THE DESIGN OF THE OWNER'S OTES512.328.0011STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. TCEO NOTESzhun ter®lburyinc.cam wAY 45 EXIS77NG CONDITIONSu1E HIGH PAVEMENT DESIGN-PAVEMENT DESIGN SHOWNHEREON IS THE DESIGN OF THE OWNER'S DEMOL77ON PLANGEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT. KBGE MAKES NO EROSION&SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLANWARRANTY OR GUARANTEE AS TO ITS SITE PLANSUITABILITY,AND ASSUMES NO LIABILITY SITE GRADING MATE lg�D STA1Qg THEREFOR. ENERAL DETAILS1. THIS SITE IS LOCATED OVER THE EDWARDS AQUIFER RECHARGE ZONE PER TCEO RECHARGE ZONE LOCATION MAP RIVEWAY TRAFFIC CONTROL DETAILSMAPS.WATER QUALITY MEASURES PRONGED BY LA FRONTERA WATER DUALITY AND DETENTION N.T.S. MEDIAN TRAFFIC CONTROL DETAILSPONDDRAINAGEIMPROVEMENTS PLANS UNDER TNRCC APPROVED WPAP FILE NO.:00050502. REV1510NS LANDSCAPE PLAN 2. THIS SITE IS LOCATED IN THE CITY OF ROUND ROCK CORPORATE CITY LIMITS. J. AN OFF-SITE REGIONAL DETENDON POND IS PROVIDED FOR THIS SITE AND THEREFORE NOT PAR77CIPA TING IN RSMP,PER LA FRONTERA WATER QUALITY AND DETENTION POND DRAINAGE Na DATE MEWSM S EEIS DITYAWWOM G41E IMPROVEMENTS PLANS UNDER WPAP FILE NO.:00050502. 4. THIS SITE EDWARDS AQUIFER PROTECTION PLAN ID NO.:1000051. 1 N27110 ADDED EASTERN DRIVE PLANS AND COURTYARD.INCLUDED AS-BUILT 1-40 -`:7 F,rE}t\t CHANGES APPROVED VIA EMAIL THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION S�,i ♦ ,U�T1 PLAIN !PE_1/ •LI FUM NOTE: 1�;' S".ENNFVI Y.GW. ........"....GARCI:..../ NO PORTION OF THIS TRACT IS ERHN4 THE BOUNDARIES OF THE TR YEAR IRM ANNUAL CHANCE) A"": IBM .�4 FLOODPLAIN AS SHOWN ON FEDERAL FLOOD INSURANCE AS EFFECTIVE S FIRM PANELS SL KK�D.,-S 48491C0485E k 48491C0495E WILLIAMSON COUNTY,TEXAS EFFECRIE SEPTEMBER 26,2008. 4AAAp�`EYr;+r GENERAL NOTE£ 1. ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ADEQUACY OF THESE PLANS REMAINS WITH THE REGISTERED SUBMITTED BY: 6127/2018 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER WHO PREPARED THEM.IN ACCEPTING THESE PLANS THE CITY OF HNNIFER M.GARCIA,PE DATE ROUND ROCK MUST RELY UPON THE ADEQUACY OF THE DESIGN ENGINEER. KBGE 2. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY.KBGE ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR ANY DESIGN OR DRAWINGS IN 105 WEST RIVERSIDE DRIVE,STE 110 THESE PLANS THAT ARE NOT SIGNED AND SEALED BY A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER EMPLOYED IMPERVIOUS COVER TCEO WPAP/SGS#s 11000051 10 5WE TEXASRIVERSIDE BY THE FIRM.OTHER CONSULTANTS'WORK SHOWN IN THESE PLANS IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF AUSTIN, 39-0460 THE CONSULTANT WHO PREPARED SUCH WORK.AND IS INCLUDED IN THIS PLAN SET FOR PUBLIC SIDEWALK,STREETS.CURB AGUTTER 2.956 SF 15 12)FULL SUBMITTAL DATE REVIEW REQUIREMENTS ONLY. BUILDING FOOTPRINT 48,481 SF NOTE:ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ADEQUACY OF THESE PLANS REMAINS WITH THE ENGINEER (WITHIN LIMITS OF LOT ONLY) RECORDED FINAL PLAT DOC.NO. 2001001167 WHO PREPARED THEM.IN ACCEPTING THESE PLANS,THE CITY OF ROUND ROCK MUST RELY LEGAL DESCRIP710th UPON THE ADEQUACY OF THE WORK OF THE DESIGN ENGINEER. PARKING,PRIVATE SIDEWALK 165.357 SF UTILITY BILLING NO. LOT 3 BLOCK B THE SUMMIT OF LA FRONTERA,CABINET T SLIDES 329 h 330 DOC./2001001167 O.P.R.W.C. (WITHIMUMITS OFLOTONLY) ZONM2 TOTAL IMPERVIOUS COVER 203327]6 SF 2 5F 0 METER SERIAL NO, 8.44 THIS TRACT IS ZONED OFFICE PUO 72,PER CITY OF ROUND ROCK MAP OA TED JANUARY 2013. TOTAL AREA OF DISTURBANCE ' ACCEPTED FOR CONSTRUCTION BENCHMARK: BRASS DISH FOUND IN CONCRETE. COY OF ROUND ROCK,IEKAS MONUMENT 'Ol-OOl'. AT SWINFA51 CONNIC OF NTERSE N OF KOURI AVENUE w NESTER'S CROSSING:APPROM.48• 4F EAST OF FAST R.O.W.NOURI AVE.AND APPRUM.1.3•SOUTH OF S H CURB ALONG NESTER'S CROSSING. ELLVAIKIN=857.56 CITY OF ROUND ROCK DATE DATUM:NAW BB PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BENCNMMK: BRASS d5K FOUND M CONCRETE. COY OF ROUND ROCK,TEKAS MONUMENT K I M B E L L I B R U E H L I G A R C I A I ESTE S SHEE 01 OF 40 3 5 1 1 - ._._ 10 Tl 12 1 13 14 1 15 1 M WIT BAN ImF48E N 4.BEGIN SITE CLEARING/cONSTWUC110N(OR GEYIXWNM)ACTIV TES(0.7]µ.aa m NAurlM A...). S.ME CONTRACTOR ANO THE ENGNIEER SHALL.KEEP ALCUMTE RECORDS of AU- I. A11 MPRWFMENR 9011 BE MADE N ACCORDANCE WITH THE RELEASED ENG«ETA's EST Am-TO CONMCNCE 0. -M0 CONSTRICTION. MAY DEVIATES FRa ME PLANS.ME ENGINEER SHNL RIANI91 ME Cltt O 801110 WOCN SNE PIAN. MY POOALITY IMPROVEMENTS MULL REDONE SITE RAN A S TENSION MO APPROVAL BT THE CRY ROUND Rax CONiWCfOL1 ro ADIUSf SCHEDULE,AS NEEDED,PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION; '!CURATE•MVRN S DRAW MEET FWITH THE cTIVACIMN OF ALL CONSEVCgNC.MTBE 5.TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROLS MU BE INSPECTED AND MANTASM N •AS-BOLT•OIIAMNGS SH EP REEF TRH TIE OAFSACACC PT THE ENGNEEAMNG AND _ DEVELOPMENT STANDS DEPARTMENT PRIOR ro EMIL ACCEPTANCE. _ J 2. DEPARTMENT AND REE MM DOES AL R BUB IMG PER SAM E.QM 2 WITH THE TO AEDICEEIIEMS. i OEPIATNENT MO RITE CODE APPROVAL FOR aIDNG PERMIT CONT ALIO ESII4ATE-ro SCHEDULE.AS 0-2 ED.P INTO CONSTRICTION. I.THE SSARD ROCK CITY CaMEN 9Hµ11 NqE BE PNED AMID FOR M:CEPTMCE LINrL AL MPIIOVAL CONpACTOR ro ADAM SCHEDIRf:M iFIDEO,PRAM ro CONSTRUCTION: NECESSARY EASEMENT DOCUMENTS MAK BEEN SIGNED ANO BECOIIOEO. O 7. ALL SIGNS MUST COMPLY TRH 111E WOIMIEYENTS OF THE SIGN ..F D5TIRRED PAFw IS NIDE TO WE WOTKCO ON FOR MORE THAN 14 DAY.DISTURBED AREA NEEDS 10.WHEN CONSMUCRON Is BEING CARTED OUT WITH«EASEMENTS,THE CONTRACTOR SH LL a ORDNANCE AND IOMNG ORMAMCE,AMD OTHER ATIIGAgLE TO BE ST/RIIID BY RELELETAM14.MULCH.TAMP OR RENCOETAT IN 1MTTNG. CONFINE HIS WORK TO MMM THE PERMANENT ANG MY TEMPORARY EASEMENTS.MINOR TO u-1 ORDINANCES. ANAL ACCEPTANCE.THE CONTRACTOR 9Nµ 519LE 1 BE RESPONFOR RflO AUL TRASH AND INSTAUTON O DER"WITHIN THE PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY EASEMENT CLEAN-UP SHA-BE TO THE t. THE OWNER 5 RE9PoNSIB.E FOR Ni COS'O Rf11%AlION dA DAMAGE ]. CdMPIEIE CONSTRlKTION AND SEAR AEVEGETATON 6 TIE!IE NA LANDSCAPING. SATISFACTION OF TTP E CEN META. TO UTILITIES. ENG IM's 6IIMATE-TO COMMENCE 19-10 MONTHS INTO CONSTRUCTION. 13 S. ADDITIONAL ELECTRIC EASMEMS MAY RE RECUIRED AT A IATA DATE. CONTRACTOR TO A61UST SCHEDULE,AS NEEDED.PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION: 11.PRIOR TO ANY CONSiRIILTION.THE CONTACTOR SHALL APPLY FOR MO SECURE AL1 PROPER 6. A SITE TION MR DINGPERMITP MIST BE ISSUED PRIOR ro M G-UPON COPIETNM O ME SIZE CONSiRIIC1ION AND REYFGETATION OF A PROJECT RTE•THE 'FNd1 TE APPRONMLATE NITNOLITIES. APPl1G110N FOR BUIONG PERMIT. CONfRMTON SHAL 501Enxr A FTC.S-II MON WITH IIIE APPROPRIATE CHIT INSPECTM 12. BENLM.WN:BRASS DISK FOUND N CONCRETE.COY O ROUND ROCK,TEXAS MONUMENT FHGHIFDEO ESTIMATE-ro COMMENCE AS NEE MONTHS INTO ONSTRU TION: 001-001 AT 111E SOU EAST COAXER OF KOUT AVE AND NESTERS CROSSNO APPROX.a6' COMTPMfdR roµTRUST 9CM[DM[M NEEDED,PRION TO CONSTRUCTION: EAST O EAST ROW UNE O KO«I AVE ANG la'SOUTH OF SOUTH CURS ADNO NESTERS 7. STARING MLL OONFgR1 ro THE FOLLOWNG CTT'DF ROUND ROOt SFM16PR0£ 9.AMER A RYAI INSPECTION HIS BEEN TEMPORARY BY THE COY NSECTOR AND WITH NLS ANO CRO59N0.(MAYO M EIEVATNM DATUM) FROM TIE ANY INSPECTOR.TINAL THEVE IERPOMREAND REMOVAL l CONTROLSµe1 STANDARD, 9.0' (MN.) CONDU TE MR NECESSARY D R NEVEGETA1gN RESULTING EAT FUAL REMOVAL OF THE CONTR(I15. HMOLGM: I.0'.1e.s'MN. CONNECT ANYESTIMATE MAINTENANCE MOND COMMERCE ORATION a TE NM1EA OIIAIITT ON. OR CONIROLL STREIET AND DTTMNAGE NOM: L FICWIIY ro BE USED FOR OFFICE ENONfFN'S ESTIMATE-ro CaA1MENCE ID-II MONTHS INTO[OHSiRI1C110N. > CONTRACTOR ro ADJUST SCHEDULE.AS N®Rl.PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION: I.AL TESTING SHAL BE DONE 9r AN INDEPENDENT LA9CRATORY AT THE OWNER'S EXPEIlSE.ANY I. ELECTRIC IIII.FIY PROVIDER HAS THE MGM ro PRUNE Arm/OLP aIDMaE TREES.SHRUBBFAv Fal G SHALL BE PAD FOR BY ME CONTR'CIDR.A CITY INSPECTOR SHALL WE PRESENT AND OTHER OBSTRUCOdIS TO TIE EXTENT NECESSARY TO NEEP THE EASEMENTS aI1NG ALL TESTS.TESTING SHALL BE COORDINATED WHIN TENT CITY,NSPECTOWµi0 THE SIVLL LL Q 4 CHEM. Fw ROUMIC UTILITYROC PROVIDER WILL PERFORM N.L THEE WORK N COMPLIANCE MRN (BEEN CCNVEM A MINIMUM O 24 HOURS NOTICE POOR ro ANY TESTING.TEUPHONE 512-219-7141 C. THE CTM,dD RANO ROCK REaUTIO ILL PE[IITGTXMa I0.THE 01NE11/DEV'ELOEA O MS SUBONSION/IDT SIC!PROVIDE ELECIIWC UTILES PROApEp 1.BAGNFLL.BEHIHI THE CURB SNS BE COMPACTED TO MAY A MNMUY OF 952 MAXIMUM WITH ANY EASEMENTS AND/OR ACCESS REQUIRED.N ADDITION TO HOSE NVOICATED. DENS TO WIMN 7.OF TOP OF CURB.MATERIAL USED TIAL RE PRIMARILY CMATLM MM NO ROCKS LARGER THAN e•N ME GREATEST ONENSION.ME REMVA INC 7•SHAL BE CLEAN FOE THE INSMITIES. Mel GOING TS ANT NICE O SS ARE MO UNDERGROUND PRONE �E ON N01FD O RE IN: TEPB01l FREE FROM Nt CLDDS ANO SOfABLE FOR SUSTAINING PLANT LIFE. ELECTRIC FERVICE.MESE EASEMENTS NNO/OA ACCESS AAE RESUMED ro CAUSE T I.SP CONSTRUCTION UFO STHE BE IN ROUND OC. TE DIES EDITION a ME STANDARD SHE TO SERVICE ro THE BUCE WITH, X10 WWIT NOT R ND ROC SO M ro CAUSE TIE SPECEN2�TON5 FON THE CITY O ROUND ROC(. S(TE ro BE OIT O COMPLIANCE WI1H TE CITY O ROUND RODE CODE 7.DEPTH O CART FOR ALL CROSSINoS UNSET PAVEMENT NCIUIOMC GIS,ELECTRIC.TELEPHONE, CABLE W.NATER SRMM ETC..SNAL BE A MINIMUM OF 70•BRED'W90RADE 1.ILL MEAS 0151111®m CONSIRUOTION 91411 BE RESTORED ANG GAMED TO ORNH. 11.THE OWNER SHALL BE RESPOH9HE TDR INSTALLATION OF TEMPORARY TROYSTON 4.STREET RGTS-0_WAY SHALL BE GRADED AT A SLOPE OF 1/4 PER FOOT TOWAM THE NRB f CENTRO.LE FOR ANYµdl TARE PROTECTION.. NEE ADDITION.AL OMITS SHNL BE 7.AL DEBTS AND EXCESS MATERIAL SHAL RE REYIOVED FROM,ME SffE PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE O UNIBs OTERNBE NDCATED.HOWEVER,IN NO CASE SWL1 111E MOTH O RIGA-OF-WAY AT SSy THECEN SLE FOR ANY WRAC TSE PRUNING MO THEE REMOVAL THAT IS WITHIN 10 RET O TE PROma. 1/4•PER FOOT SLOPE RE LESS MAN 10 FEET UNLESS A SPECIFIC REIWI-FOR AN THE mlfFNLINE OF THE QVQMIfl,O EILCRNCAL FACLIIIES DE9CNED ro PROVIDE ExGNRAEIO GRADING DEVELOPMENTSCCIS SEANCES AND AOYEM. [5 U TWONINTE GMDMC SELENE IS MME ro AHO MCEPIID Br THE OlY OF ROAD ROCK RECIAC SERVICE WI Ms PADEGT. F OWNER 9Rµ1 MCl IS ME E1J:CIRIC CRITIC 4,CO RLL MA. THE PROVIOD SHNl BE ST HE LE BY THE ENGNEER PRION ro M/CNO JUJU PRONDEW'S WDTf WITHIN THE UMTS OF CONSTRUCTION Fp11 Tis PROJECT, COMPACTING.7BE MAA'TItlTY INBE%OUST BE LESS 7NM ti S.BARRICADES WILT TO CITY OF ROUND ROCK STANDARDS 9C1 RE CONSTRUCTED ON AL it.ME OWNER O THE PROPERTY 5 RESPONSIBLE FOR MNHTAIMO CLEARANCES STREETS MO AS NECESSARY SIRING CONSTRUCOGN TO MAMfNN JOB MD MAL,, wau-Wr ME WTONAL ElEGMIC sAETY COOS OCN_A_smF M0 1 A-COROETE SIw HAVE A MN.COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 7500 PSI AT 25 DAY ON 5 SAEtt. HEALTH/OMMIs1RAilON(OSHA)REGAA ONS,CRT OF ROUND ROCK RULES AND AECOATONS GMER,WSE SPECFED ON PMIS OR STANDARD DEEMS. 19.Al W.C.P.SlAll BE-UM GLASS III. MD TEXAS STALE LAW PEWTANNG TO CLEARANCES WHEN MMNG IN 405E PMOiIMiY TO OVERHEAD POWER LIES MO EQUIPMENT EUEERIC SERVICE PROVOOER WILL NOT MONODY ELECIMC A.AL REINFORCING SUER 3HI11 BE ASTM MI5.GRADE 40. OF AL UNLESS OEOY WITH H THE BEES ARE NNNTAN D.IES AL COST NCURBEO BECAUSE 7.THE SUBGRADE MATENML FOR THE STREETS 910WN IEREN WAS TESTED NA TFARMON O FALUBE ro COMPLY MAIM TIE BEaIREO CLFARANOS wLL BE CHARGED ro THE OTNEW, CONSULTANTS.INC.AND ME PAVING SECTIONS DESIGNED N ACCORDANCE WITH ME CURRENT CRY R 11 ANY ROCTKO UTILITIES EaPEMSE M ELECTRIC USHBE AT IAR100WNIDi'S 7.LM AL BM SAUCES 24 BM DIAMETERS OR 24 INGLES. OF AOUNO RODE DESIGN CWTE A.ACCORDRIG TO IEANJM CON'S REPORT DATED UMY 2%MIS, - g /OMI04A'S THE PAVING SECTION OPTIONS ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED AS FOLLOWS: 6 ILL CONCRETE SIAEIDES 9Rµ1.RECENT A HFAW BROOMFN9R. D-7DRA6_MEDIW/1EAVY DULY E F FPE P1L11IXIION 9.PRa4IDE CONCRETE EXPANSION JOINTS AT ID RET MAX.O.C.ON AL RP LAP. 2 1. 111E RENT NOCK TIRE BE RUCTION R AN'AlWEATHER OR MING E -' PAVEMENT PRI ACE TABLE CONSTRUCTION IV M•NWEANµORN«G 1a PROVIDE A MMORY CLEARANCE OF 2•BETWEEN OUTSIDE OF STEEL MO FACE OF CONCRETE RIGID PAVEMENT SYSTEM SLBEME•OR ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE METHOD. CIA1PRnAnt MWft TWkk.-(IA Ms) 2. HYDRANTS MUST BE INSTALLED NRH ME CENTER O ME 4.5-INCH 11.ALL CONCRETE WORN SIAL CONFORM TO Al MPICAaEE BEaUMEMCT'O ME LATEST EDITOR D14 OPENNG AT LEAST EIGHTEEN(I19 INCHES ABOVE MRSED GROG O THE MANUAL, rYc•x .r�Nc 'C� E'v 1 THE 4.5-MCN OPENNG MFT FA�THE DRIVEWAY OR STREET MM 2'-23' AW•. krµONI TROT RIBMOES FAOY ME SOK O CURHINE(Sl. NO 085TRUCIION IS AU"I'm 12 AL EXPOSED CORNERS TOR CONCRETE WORK 9IVlL BE CEVYWUFD 1•. ,_T � FU TIL. MIIIHN T/RFE(7)FEET OF AIM,HIDMNT ANO THE NCE OPENING R MVSi BE TOTALLY UNOBSIMKIED iMOM TE SWEET. 11 THE XVMMM TON CONbAMM ON TES:GRAWNGS IN REGARDS M ETSTNG UDIIES,TOPOGRIPIIY, FX,­rtC Ht IMM, IC -'t RFNAT YL'C• StNNpP.A2'i!9M 1 NST O BY THE TIOMDEA: MEN FNH PROTECTION!i UTNE ES ARE CONR"RNA N.Hr1N0OLLWN T OR RIBSIMACE CONOTIOHs 5 NIM91Ep SORELY M LIRE BEST t.,.l m, u�]O uxO la - SAN rn:nrl.n i N CN.M !.OWNS SURFACE BY THE DEAD-OPER.BEA.SUCH FAE INST LLEAN ALL NFONNATON ACOMMAC AT OF TME ITS ACCURMT 5 NOT GUME TO N I IIS USE IN MO NAY attnr,,.T IM,NINRa.µti-AW TII.AI,dn+hv�IM R.NY.R1�n�IpYNN Man(EMCsµC:" F SURFACE OC ESS RODS MECH NGT BE INSTALLED FMO MADE RELIEVES TE CONTRACEON O NEM,PESPONSIBXIIY PON ll]SSES WE ro ANY INACCU«ACES. b..= WHERE ALLF PMOL ro MD WING THE TIME E CORISITIIICTION. (. MNEME ATERMATE NETH005 OF PRORLTIOH NE PROVIDER,M _... ., RAVED. BY THE FRE GHE EE.TABOVE MAY BE.-0 OR tt.WHERE DISCREPANCIES EXIST BETWEEN TEST MRIs NO THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT.A WRITTEN RAVED. THE BEOTELHNICA ENGINEER SNLL INSPECT TE RIRGWOE FOR COYRVNCE M111 ME 094]1 CLARIFICATION MUST BE CONTRACTUAL BY THE CONTROR,PRIOR i0 Ri00IDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. ASSUMPTIONS MADE aTNGIE PPNNiKIH O TE SOBS REPORT.MY NMUSTMEN15 TNT ME UI PEQUIRF0 SHALL BE MADE MRoUGN REMSION OF THE CONSIRUCTIO!PIANS. E !. AL PLED TO/pECOUT LS PANNE SHALL O ES.MEEAEO MO PAVEMENT DESIGN SHORN HEREON R ME DESIGN OF ME O NROVS GEOTECNMGL CONSULTANT INSTALLED FON 60.000 l$LIVE VEHICLE!DMS. MY li A!REWIEG RE]OGTONS ON ATElU11D5 O TELEPHONE POLES.UNOERGRaTO CON OIeT, PEIMd15 MTNE PANNG WITHM 00'G`AR BClOHIG MUST BE POWER POLES.AND AR'OTIEIR FACUTIES ANLL BE DONE BY MS CONTRAC OR MI5 N®GE MAKES NO WMWMIY OR cUM Vu A5 ro as SURMXTY.M I ASSUMES NO UABNTT BY TE FRE DEPMrMENT. CONRMCIOR STEAL SI>EEOLI.E MO COdtOMAIE H5 WORN Mal TUT O OREµCONTRACTORS;MD TERE"O' S. COMMERCIAL a�PSTFRS AND CONTAINERS WTIH M INOMdkAL CUTIN COMPANIES SO M NOT TO DELAY THE PROJECT. e.WHERE M'S ARE OVER 20,SIBGROES MIS BE SAHUZED UERI2MC A YEMOD ICCEPFARE CAPACITY O 1.5 CIBC YARDS OR GREATER SHALL NOT BE STORED OR TO ME CITY ENGINEER.THE GEOIEONN01 L ENGNEER SHALL RECOMMEND M APPROPHATE �J PLACED WITHIN M: 10)FEET O OPENINGS,COMBUSTIBLE MALS.OR T6 THE STANDARD CONSTITUCTION SPECFI PONS OF THE GIM,O ROUND ROCU UULMES AND SIRIGRN]E STABIUZATNN F SXEATES ARE DETETEIXNED ro BE PRESENT. Q COYBlISM/lE Eµ4£ IDNVIRONAIEMA SEANCES DEPARTMENT SINAL GOVERN MATERIALS NO METHODS,USED TO OO THIS B.SEE SART 10 FOR HESTER'S CROSSING PAVEMENT SECTION.PROVIDED BY CO)'O ROUND 4 RE FLANES DESIGNATED ON SITE PLM SHAL BE REG TEED WITH WDRK.ANY NEVL9WM S MADE ER BIDDING"U.NOT MPLY UNLESS A CIWNO ORDER 5 SECURED ROCK.APPROVALG ROUND ROCK FIRE LW51UL'S OFFICE MO INSPECTED FOR RNA_ N WRITNa J ]. VERTICL CIEMAIOE FDR MAPPARATUS5 14.0'FOR RAL 1].TINE CONTRACTOR 9441 Nan"THE CTT'O ROUND AOOt INSPECTION RETORT, AND SEDIMENEATION CONTROL NOTES: MM BEdNNINO OOF OCESS VE GIANY UTILITY CONSTRUCTION IN MOLD W.O.N.OR PUBLIC EASEMENT. NO PIPE SHAL BE LAA D I. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES.SITE WORK AND RESTONTION WORK SHALL BE DWQ Ln a IN ACCORCE FDN L H e. EsTAOISH FlRE 2IDNES AS 9HDNN OR STE MAN TO BE INSTALLED PER ME UTIL NTHE ASSIGNED INSPECTOR HAS RET WITH ME CONTRACTOR OR HIS REPRESENTATIVE AT THE WITH THE CON'OF ROOD ROCK EMO"AM SEDIMENTATION CONTROL ORDINANCE. Z ANCE. Z 7 Lu W CT'O ROUND ROC(DETAILS. MEDECf SITE, 2, ILL SLOPES REAL BE SODDED OR SIDED MM APPROVED c11µ5.GRASS MIXTURES OR Z L 16 TIE CONTRACTOR 9LM1 CDNTA:E ALL UDM COMPMIES R EXISTING UTILITY LOGilONS TENUHO OR GRDCOVER SUITABLE MD EABLE TO THE AREA SEASON IN WHILE THEY ARE ARMED. DK) � ro BE CONSTRICTION. 7. SILT FENCES,ROCK BEANS,REGIMENTATION BASINS MO SIMILARLY RECODMOM TEGHNNIU6 LU Lu uj r L 1. AUL PRIVATE WATER MO WASTEWATER LINES WILL MMFG LL COLY WITH E URN AND MATERIAL Sl L BE EMPLOYED DURING CONSIRucnoN TO PREVENT POINT SOURCE 2 MIJMMNG CODE. 19.AU-SLOPES STETTER THAN 11 SOIL BE FACED RIM A MORTARED LIMESTONE WALL SEDIMENTATION LOADING O DORNSTIRFAY FACT MFS.SUCH NSTN1Al1ON 9NLL REGUNAALY INSPECTED BY THE CITY OF ROUND ROOK FOR EMC TENESS.ADOTOHAL MEASURES MAY BE ,�A/A //�A I.1 2. NL PRIVATE FlBE SPRINKLER LINES MLL COYLY WITH NRA-E4 S" ME f15. REMIRED F.IN THE OPINION O THE CITY ENCREDT,TEM,ARE WMIN TED. LA F W 0. J 1 AL1 WATER AHO K WATER ONES N COY ROA.AND EASEMENTS MLL MINIMUM. M. 2Q ILL TRASH WNIJI,PION FOR T15 SITE MLL BE PERFDR4E0 BY PWNATE COHTNCTDR AIRED Bl THE HI Q CTM,ROUND ROCK WTiFA Nb WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT GIRM/4 AT A MMMVM. PTWEAM1 OMMER' t.X11 TEMPoRARY EROSION CONTROL MEA911E5 SHALL NOT BE REARED IIHIIL FNA MSPELflOL1 / O MOµAPRONµK ME MW­BY ME No—R SHA,RE THE RESPON9BMY OF NAE ♦. ME NOP O PPOIIJSD LMINHOLES S1µ11 MACH THE TH9Hm GRADE EIEVTTMS. CONTACTOR TO MAINTAIN A.TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL STRUCTURES MO TO REMOVE LU O W PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION SPECIAL NOTE EACH!STRUCTURE AS APPROVED SY THE ENGINEER. W Z 5. SFE MECHANICAL FOR EY/CT CARLOCRY A O WATER MD WAIIVWN T ELEVATIONS. Iy > W It. 7 LIEFIOM DENDRO MARL CARRY A INFL FAC1111RFA RA1NC NOT ro EIATEO A M MNG CONSTTMCTON OF ON PAVEMENT,A QOTEONCA PAVEMENT REE MUST SIE RESENT ON SITE ro S.N,MUGD ST CRT.ROOKS.DEBRIS,EEG..ED W ETINCKEDPUBLIC OR OTHERWISEECL DEPOSITED I ME EM51«G NOATOLE SITE 11C11R AA fb151AtICTON 50 THAT THE PAVEIENT REfd11EM0ATON CM BE RNAJ7ED PAVED STREETS.ERNES AND MEAS USED BY ME PUBLC RIILL BE CIF./REO UP e14EGIAIRY. J P.S.I.PRESSURE DROP TNdNR1 BALKFIDW OEMCE MD SO MAT DEVIATION FROM EXPECTED CONDITIONS CAN BE PROPERLY EVALUATED AS RECOMMENDED C W y 7. ALL B Ow MULL BE LOGATED ROM THE MUD«G BELL UMM BY THE CEOTECH ICA PAVEMENT TFE INVESTIGATION PAVEMENT COMENOAT RS REPORT. a SUER ENDS ALL WATER LINES TIUT GROSS WIT"1.5 FEET O WASTEWATER C ( a sMANA NMC ENCASEMENT AT THE EDGE CITY OF ROUND ROCK GENERAL NOTES: i ? W I. CITY NNNTETINICE IDMS A THE EDGE of FABEAENT. 1. Al CONSTRICTION SHNL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CRY O ROUND ROCK STANDARD , la PROVIDE CEM-OIR ON WASTEWArcW LINE PER CITY OF MOOIO ROCK L V 1 STAN-(MN. SPEaF1rwTlala MANUAL. low). A a ANY EXISTING umma.Pme".CURes.9DEwAuXs,sDucnm 3.TREES.ETC.NOT PANNED 11. EXTEND Ai EXISTING 1111L11Y 4N1110_ES,GOES,COEIIs,Era TOPMOPOSFD FOR DESTRUCTION OR REMOVAL TNT ME DAMMED OR REMOVED SH.W.BE WORMED OR T1e91 GLADE,UNUE APPROVED OTHERWISE. REPLACED AT CONTNMTOR'S Ep'F]PS. ANY11 OU TEMPORARY SPOTS STOCKPILE MUS EX LOCATED MA MTIHN THE PNNP PMIRNO AREAS TE1 ME CONTRACTOR S1w1 VEMFY ALL DEPTHS AND LOGMOF O EMSHIG IIIXRIES PRIOR ro CONSTRUCTION SUMMARY TABLE 0059E O SHA IAO DIMES. I11 EXCESS MATERIAL MULL BE DSPOSEO 6 OF SITE ANY CONSTRUCTION.ANY dSC11EPMCES WITH THE CONSTRUCTION MANS MMM IN TE FAD CONIROfOL SN/11 NOT d9POS O SURPLUS MATERIAL FWOY ME SITE WITHOUT NE IMG TE 9C1 BE BROUGHT MMERAMY TO ME AUNTICIN O THE ENGINEER WM SHAT.BE OCATION. PRIOR ro � T1H5 9RAu Tau�nE TlsPasa (OWNED/MAINTATED BY CITY OF ROUND ROCK) ---"� 6/27/2018 L INSPECTOR PECT I. RE5POR9HE FOR BEM9Rc THE MINS M APPROPANIE l 11 COMROIOMI 6 RESPONSIBLE FOR DEM UTHON DF ANY AND AL1 EWSTNG BUNLDNC9/SIALIOTIRES 4.M ANE FAMES,COVEIM VAL4iL.CIFAMENS,M.RHA,RE MASE,TO FlN19NE0 GIME ON WE AND UTElfY RELOCATION WORK PRIOR TO FINAL PAVING CONSIRICIION. J SIR 5. N- �BERsNG ROCK S I BE BECNMNc SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION: THE P OFCONSTRUCTION.TMHNETSERVICES WATER SIDEWALK BPIF:-oF_rf LLL .5:`'�'•�IF 1.TEMPORARR EROSION AND SEDIVENTATKN COMPOS ARE TO BE NSTALID M INDICATED ON THE 6 AUL MEAS DT WRED OR EXPOSED DURING CONSTRUCTION SOUL BE REVEGETATEO IN rW '.SPI APPROVED SITE PLM OR SUIrnv19dN CONSTR0000N PIM. ACCORDANCE WITH THE MMS AND SPECXI TIONS.REV£CETATION OF All DISTURBED 011 PIPE SIZE i--- �-u- TYPE LENGTH(LF) VOL(GAL) SIZE LF A__.................".."....._s EXPOMO AREAS SNARL CONSIST OF SODDING OR SECOM AT THE CONTRACTORS OPTION. I 2.ME ENVRdAEMA PROJECT MANAGER OR SITE SUPERVISOR MUST CONTACT THE UIl•OF LOurU �TMBE�TYPEOF µTON MIDST EOML OR C M THE TYPE M WOETATNM _ _ _ _ 5A 54 JUJU X106000 -11 ROCK CONSIRUCIION INSPECTION DEPMTNE11T5 AT 512-2119-5550-72 Hags PRAM ro TE 5 /QED.' SCIEDIeID DATE 6 ME BEpUNm oN-STTE PREfIONSTWUCiIOR YEETIxa 7.PRAM ro INC CONSIAUICTION,THE ENGINEER SCLC CONTENT A PRECONSTTRJCIION CORE GE -E' 'i ]. ME EMMON4EllTAL PRGEGT MMNALI, Mo/ON SITE: SIIFFTHE , Aro/DX OEMGI4AlED BETWEEN THE CITY OF LaN1 ROCK,NYSEIE,THE LON oAC"`,OREµUIXIfY COYPM16, K WE9PoI PATSY,ANO ME GENERA C]xiRKTOR WILL iOLLDW THE S1OWM WATER POLUTOH ANY AFFECTED PARIES AND ANY OILER ENTITY THE Ott OR ENONECT INC K(& PREVENTION PLM(S1PPP)MYSTE0 ON THE SITE(F REQUIRED BY TCEO). nMPORARE'ENI9ON AVD K SEdMENTAIIdR CCRRaLs MLL BE MEVISEO.F NEEDED.TO C y WIM CITY I-COR,' VALVES CHECKED : DIRECTIVES, MD REVISED CONSTRUCTION SCIEII REUTI TIVE TO E RATER OAUTY MAN BEa1MOMaNrs MO THE EROSION!MAN, PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANTS JOB NUMBER NONN SSUEDAIE- SIZE TOTAL BRAND BNUMO DU DAT TOTAL 7118 BRAND -`SKEW:- 3OUF40 _ a 0004 SSP1508 r A Ii i is e F > E g cc m Texas Commission on Environmental Quality when it occupies 50%of the basin's design capacity. C 9 Water Pollution Abatement Pian d General Construction Notes 8. Litter, construction debris, and construction chemicals exposed to stormwater shall be Edwards AquN♦r Protection Program Construcllon Notes-Legal Disclaimerprevented from being discharged offsite. The bliowirlgfsted'construction rotes'are intended b be advisory in nature ordy and do not constitute an approval or conditional approval 9• All spoils(excavated material)generated from the project site must be stored on-site with bylhe Es YvcD—ev lE0,nado flat proper E&S controls. For storage or disposal of spoils at another site on the Edwards Aquifer y conalsuk a mmpeheruhe lr:tap of ruks a conditions b be fdlowed during conaWclion. �� 9 p0 PO• q Flatus actions rmy be required loachieve compliance with TCEOregulatkns bund in The 30,Teaas AdmrnfstrativeCode(rAq.Chapters Recharge Zone,the owner of the site must receive approval of a water pollution abatement '' S 213 and 217,as well as kcal ordinances and regulations provdkig for the protection awsler quahty Add0M80y,n MalpcaNamedinlhe, plan for the placement of fill material or mass grading prior to the placement of spoils at the t, S baowkgMskd'crosb tionmL-s'mstkts lhepowersefthe ED,the commission or any other goven"w9alentily to prevent correct a Other Site. — �' curtains Mlesthat result or mey result M Po4ulkn ohne Edwards AQUder or hytio0o9kaly connectedsu7ace waters.Theho/derofony 10. If portions of the site will have a tem EAvards Aquifer Rolection Plan cmbuning'mnse—don oofes'is slfk respmskk ra compliance with Ttbe 30,TAG Chapters 213 many � temporary or permanent cease in construction activity lasting v 4X dherappllcableTCEOregukfion asweaasatemndrtioruclan Edwards AquilaRolectionPlan thoughellptosesefpanknplem nlithon. longer than 14 days,soil stabilization in those areas shall be initiated as soon as possible prior , FaAsemco to the 14"da of inactivity. If activity will resume prior to the 214 day,stabilization measures 8 rrpy with any rortditkn a the ED'a approval w1leMer a rd k rnlls'BdiclkYl ot any-consfructkn nofas,'ra a viotatron of TCEQ y y y d a regulations and any`iok4onI.aubroclkearvnlaaatiserules.vdca,endperetlkaeapoMcdunderTiMe30,TAC$213.f0(mlelmglo are not required. If drought conditions or inclement weather prevent action by the 141 day, _ :re measures shall be Initiated as soon as possible. EMacemen0.Such violations may also be subject b civa peneftks and irgnnctlon.The kNwvMyfialed'cronstruction moles'k rro way = represent an approved exception by Ite ED k any part of Tsk 30 TAC.ChepMs 213 and 217 cr any other TCEQ appl-ble reguktkn E 2 11. The following records shall be maintained and made available to the TCEQ upon request: the dates when major grading activities occur; N 1. A written notice of construction must be submitted to the TCEQ regional office at least 48 the dates when construction activities temporarily or permanently cease on a portion m , hours prior to the start of any regulated activities.This notice must include: of the site;and — 3 -the name of the approved project; the dates when stabilization measures are initiated. the activity start date;and w the contact information of the prime contractor. 12. The holder of any approved Edward Aquifer protection plan must notify the appropriate regional office in writing and obtain approval from the executive director prior to initiating any Y 2. All contractors conducting regulated activities associated with this project must be provided of the following: 1 with complete copies of the approved Water Pollution Abatement Plan(WPAP)and the TCEQ A. any physical or operational modification of any water pollution abatement structure(s), letter indicating the specific conditions of its approval. During the course of these regulated includingyphbut not limited to activities,the contractors are required to keep on-site copies of the approved plan and ponds,dams,berms,sewage treatment plants, and approval letter. diversionary structures; 3. If any sensitive feature(s) (caves, solution cavity, sink hole, etc.) is discovered during B. any change in the nature or character of the regulated activity from that which was LU; z construction, all regulated activities near the sensitive feature must be suspended originally approved or a change which would significantly impact the ability of the plan Q immediately.The appropriate TCEQ regional office must be immediately notified of any to prevent pollution of the Edwards Aquifer; G X J sensitive features encountered during construction. Construction activities may not bea t resumed until the TCEQ has reviewed and approved the appropriate protective measures in C. any development of land previously identified as undeveloped in the original water Ln order to protect any sensitive feature and the Edwards Aquifer from pollution abatement plan. Z Z Z All potentially adverse impacts to water quality. Vt W W CWC LU G 4. No temporary or permanent hazardous substance storage tank shall be installed within 150 P E feet of a water Supply Source,distribution system,well,or sensitive feature. Austin Regional OthceSan Antonio Regional Office E1 Q j O Z 12100 Park 35 Circle,Buikli A 14250 Judson Road Q 5. Prior to beginning any construction activity,sit temporary erosion and sedimentation(E&S) Austin,Texas 78753-1808 San Antonio,Texas 78233-4480 W O J control measures must be properly installed and maintained in accordance with the approved W Phone(512)339-2929 Phone(210)490-3096 W LU plans and manufacturers specifications. If inspections indicate a control has been used Fax (512)339-3795 Fax (210)545-4329 a F- inappropriately,or incorrectly,the applicant must replace or modify the control for site e W situations. These controls must remain in place until the disturbed areas have been 0 permanently stabilized. C THESE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES MUST BE INCLUDED ON THE CONSTRUCTION G W 6. Any sediment that escapes the construction site must be collected and properly disposed of PLANS PROVIDED TO THE CONTRACTOR AND ALL SUBCONTRACTORS. 1 before the next rain event to ensure it is not washed into surface streams,sensitive features, N etc. 7. Sediment must he removed from the sediment traps or sedimentation basins not later than TCEa0592(Rev.July 15,2015) Page 1 of 2 TCEO-0592(Rev July 15,2015) Page 2 of 2 6/27/2018 J u it 11 ♦ -.♦ .IF11r1ETA a.CNKIx I � <.. . . K fly CHECKED m: _ SET"a_oNNEa 108 NUMBER ISSUE DATE 410-001 06/17/la SHEET: I. I- 31 eE 40 5 b co ua F SSpRY G G�6 \,p\N a E C qN gU (A ' � 51014VVIE4 IGpNG c� ; s 0,4E,'olo NORTH I € F\N\SHzg5g 04 PIS? �� - C• ; E LEGEND i SER SYMBOL DESCRIPTION 1 GUR13 G • 1/2" REBAR FOUND s ❑• CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND (TYPE II) o \` • (R PPJEMEN CALCULATED POINT o C ® - IM �PHPyt ® ELECTRIC MANHOLE IM �I £ TR ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER J GANG pPps� U EXPOSED PIPE—UNKNOWN UTILITY ® \ 1 F LIGHT POLE F £ EP PIN FLAG FOUND FOR BURIED ELECTRIC LINE GENERATOR ON CONC. BLOCKS ' Q WATER METER ® WATER VALVE FIRE HYDRANT IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVE _ WASTE WATER MANHOLE f e WASTE WATER CLEANOUT wwP PIN FLAG FOUND FOR WASTEWATER LINE 2 E ENG o POT HOLES i\ FENCE , /p 1 QT TELEPHONE JUNCTION BOX 12 TP PIN FLAG FOUND FOR BURIED TELEPHONE LINE ROADWAY SIGN BENCHMARK e w/ TREE TAG NUMBER ; Z ® BOLLARD J —PRIVACY FENCE In (L IA CFPREFAB CONCRETE FENCE Z 0 Z Z METAL FENCE POST W LLU Lu I I 3 StOa 3 GJ r L L Z o S\p��,P� TREE LIST w>0 0 W 3 t� CC �5L TAGI DESCRIPTION DIA. _ W Z \ 3 o GG p� 226 LIVE OAK 12 ~d LU V1 y J�� 227 LIVE OAK 9 o X 228 RED OAK 10 to • G 229 LIVE OAK 8 W w 2OAK 11 H 83 232 OAK w48ERRY M 10 N v) 233 CHINABERRY 15 234 HACKBERRY 19M 235 LIVE OAK 19 236 LIVE OAK 14 6/27%2018 fE\EPN�p0 j GONGRp \(3 237 TALLOW 12 ------ z\\\� PP C 238 TALLOW 12 239 CHINABERRY 10 Q.0 240 CHINABERRY 9 s L 241 CHINABERRY 8 s�........1.om . 5 242 UVEOAK 15 K RP NRP Q jQ ,`�,�� 243 LIVEOAK 17 C7 832 LIVE OAK 10M 833 LIVE OAK 6 cAEDar: 834 LIVE OAK 6 SETH BON ER NOTES: JOB NUMREII: ISSUE DATE 4xi0 0 1 Illvnne J�{{ I. SEENOTESOFTHE CONSTRUCTION SEOUENCEONTHE "M* DESIGNATES MULTI-TRUNK SHEET: 4F GENERALNOTES. TREE FORM 32.,,40 I 1 1 12 1 13 1 n 15 SSPT 508-0004 2 �R G"' d 3 ilk A SjpR�G u3° Gp R SZpN£FF£F F IGpNGR _7Sa f v£N£l3F 1 NORTH ; PP 9 10 2w 0 F�� HP�� FtN�SN�85$04 PSP 9 SCA.E:1'x 10' `\ 3 LEGEND _I I d SYMBOL DESCRIPTION \ GVH x p-- \ DE„DORvmw"w G B ® • 1/2" REBAR FOUND i s �� ❑• CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND (TYPE II) o \ • (R J£M£N CALCULATED POINT o Y PNpy�PPS- t ® ELECTRIC MANHOLE a ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER It pl� - 1 U EXPOSED PIPE-UNKNOWN UTILITY LIGHT POLE DEMO E%ISRNG � EP PIN FLAG FOUND FOR BURIED ELECTRIC LINE D 1 - © GENERATOR ON CONC. BLOCKS \ I � / QW WATER METER 1 � ® WATER VALVE FIRE HYDRANT It \ IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVE g WASTE WATER MANHOLE WASTE WATER CLEANOUT Z V /£ �I / II .131 wwH PIN FLAG FOUND FOR WASTEWATER LINE 3 DEMO AREA REMOVE EXISTING F FENCE \ / REMOVE EXISRNG , 1 X83 Ql. / FENCE / DRMWEWAY STING W / / w/ w Z Q Z Z IL wCG wCCwC a L P Z It V1 w a Q > Q F= w x w DEMO EXISTING DRIVEWAY Lu S 83 L� vii 0 DEMO SIDEWALK NpN£ � �£ �(� s/n/zota ZE�£p j GpN RpN P C7 -�aoriF4 ------ Z\L�'!'I P � •SAH;:..........+tr�EE SjpN PP / O NOTES: K olp O j` ,( 1. SEE NOTES OF THECON5TRUCTION SEQUENCE ON THE GENERAL , L NOTES. 2. DRIVEWAY APPROACH.SIDEWALK b MEDIAN IS TO BE TAKEN BACK CHECKED BY: TO THE NEAREST EXPANSION JOINT FOR ALL SETN BONNER j106 NUMBER. ISSUE DATE: 3. DEVELOPERAND CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN ACCESS TO 4]001 06417119 DEMO CENTER MEDIAN ELEVATED STORAGE TANK FOR CITY OF ROUND ROCK PERSONNEL SHEET: --- AND GRANDE ATALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. DEMO F 7°�OF 3 3 of 40 DEMOEXISTING 1 H , - e _ 13 y 1 10 1 z Ta 5 SSP1508-0004 3 i 5 ti 7 F1 9 70 it 72 13 14 I$ IvE _ \ s NORTH n Ion-1.- 20' it I SCALOE'.'- I10'0 PG�NG c \ x sP� a TREE LIST TAGf DESCRIPTION DIA 226 LIVE OAK 12IS \ � I 227 LIVE OAK 9 o Y 228 RED OAK10 _ a 229 LIVE OAK 230 OAK 81 a 231 OAK 10 ,ftr 232 CHINABERRY 19M 233 CHINABERRY 15 _ % 234 HACKBERRY 19M F oN {" '; 1b — d�`� 235 LIVE OAK 19 F.SF r ,g ' 237 TALLOW236 LIVE 14 12 238 TALLOW 12 239 CHINABERRY 10 m / '" 240 CHINABERRY 9 x BEGIN sF J - Wy p INABERRY 8 f 9' 242 LIVEOAK 15 SILT FENCE UI F ,14' F i ;- I _-/_„%' 243 LIVEOAK 17 s a�' 949 832 LIVE OAK p/= 0M 833 LIVE OAK 6 = / ,�= ,r ;,' '� 834 LIVE OAK 6 'Mx DESIGNATES MULTI—TRUNK TREE FORM l371 SIL W, T FENCE } SILT LINETYPE LEGEND 2 , SILT FENCE i 94 fi PR SED EVISTINIS ” '' l RIGHTM WAY LIMITS OL CONS r, T1IUCTON i i' _eu —� r ; r . ,f,'r' -" '' $F SILT FENCE � TP TP— TREE PROTECTION W ,' a Y SILT FENCE `� INIET PRoiECTION \/ Z '944 343Z Z NAS/ ZLu LL Q LLJ Lu .__ Lij/ rt IL to w a w J > 0 Ln ,END W O SILT FENCE `.� \J Z Z CC LU l LU O U cc I __ _ N 1J.1 _ i, ,',}i, 319 LF C� _- --- / ;,: SILT FENCE N --- -------- --`------ , , - ____`, i r END _ __—= _ _ SILT FENCE -- 6/27/2018 J V S.... ...,,•i'1 NOTES: E '�' ' I. SEE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE ON THE GENERAL NOTES. ' ly Ik ]. ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE REVEGETATED. ,. CHECKED BY: ANY DIRT,MUD.OSITEROCKS.ON ROA TC THATIS SPILLED.LLBECLEAN E UP OR SETH DONNER I _ OTHERWISE DEPOSITED ON ROADNAY SHALL BE CLEANED UP JOB NUMBEk ISSUE DATE: IMMEDIATELY. 47o-001 oemne p1 MC' B. DEVELOPER AND CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN ACCESS TO SHEET' ELEVATED STORAGE TANK FOR f, •S,1A��0 `�, AND GRANDE AT ALL TIMES DURING ONITY OF NSSTROUCTION.ROCK�RSONNEL 34oF40 s " s o „ „ „ t SSP1508-0004 _�•,� 3 4 5 6 7 O i{7 11 72 i3 7.1 o' 5\N gU\L 1� SZONEFFEP ; SEE DETAIL MIi"SHEET 37 1 1 F ~ S '''• EIELD vERIFr Two\ NORTH t2' "i f LOCATION AN DEPTH WIDE CATES O lo' 10' r OF WATERLINE PRIOR �. ;• f TO CONSTRUCTION TIE TO EXISTING SCALE:1' 1O• i 0' PAVEMENT ' FIELD VERIFY % LOCATION AN DEPTH OF WATERLINE PRIOR SYMBOL DESCRIPTION \ TO CONSTRUCTION - � £ X TIE TO EXISTING • 1/2" REBAR FOUND s •` TB.zj, •� PAVEMENT \ TR ❑• CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND (TYPE II) o CALCULATED POINT > 9 y T1.1A y� f qg• R51' �—' \ O SEE LL FENCAILSMEEf 37 1 ® ELECTRIC MANHOLE - 0 R5 IR49.5' TR ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER - a P1 fi ACCESS EASEMENT v X Res I Doc/ U EXPOSED PIPE—UNKNOWN UTILITY T s m LIGHT POLE iH W P2 D I EP PIN FLAG FOUND FOR BURIED ELECTRIC LINE 5.14f P30 / © GENERATOR ON CONC. BLOCKS _ I �' ❑W WATER METER ¢ g \ I Am ® WATER VALVE WC�S EASEMENT ` p �.` I ' - FIRE HYDRANT ` 8 IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVE DRIVEWAY ,U \'/Eyl'�'Wim'' gM4K� �� p R25 \ R51.5' ® WASTE WATER MANHOLE W x su u°rt l`Prst"aEci0 TONT / , \I Il WASTE WATER CLEANOUT wwP PIN FLAG FOUND FOR WASTEWATER LINE m MT N CH CAP2' o POT HOLES \ SEE DETAIL SHEET 37 0/ --IF INSTALL TRAFFIC _ � RATED C.O.COVER p ` o/ � I Y SEE DETAIL SHEET]7 CONCRETE Y w / / W Z ACCESS EASEMENT / / DOC > Q 26, tA / E%ISTING J / / SIDLIVALK a \ / / z PROPOSED W W Z / DRIVEWAY IMPROVEMENTS W \ / / SEE NOTE 4 ON THIS SHEET W 0. a / I MAINTAIN ELEVATION1Q O O FLu T \ OF 6'CONCRETE RIS' SIDEWALK = W V1 R5]' a > tea• I � W o RI 5. 'L \ D \ i R25' \ \ \ I \ RENOVE EXISTING \ UNDER DRAIN ----- R25' �• AS NEEDED 6/27/2018 PROPOSED 5' ice' i �V F SIDEWALK ; ♦ i....:......_ ......:....�j R8 s/...............��:_Gwa!!..i ♦ NOTES: FL 1. ALLCURBS ARE TO BE F CATCH CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE yS NOTED. 2. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF CURB. CHECKED BY: •L�/ I SETHBONNER 3. DEVELOPER AND CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN ACCESS TO y♦ -/'t REFERENCE CITY E ROUND SEE PAVEMENT SECTION, ELEVATED STORAGE TANK FOR CITY OF HOUND ROCK PERSONNEL NUMBEk ISSUE GATE 1F CROSSHE ]7 FOR RESTERS AND GRANDE AT ALL TIMES DUWNG CONSTRUCTION. ROCK DRIVEWAY DETAIL CROSSING PAVING. 12FOO1 06R7/is ST-O]ON SHEET 20. SHEET: 4. REFER TO PAVING PLAN AND REFERENCED GEOTECH REPORT FOR e PAWNGRECOMMENDATIONS. 35o,:40 SSP1508-0004 7 1 9 9 10 1 11 1 12 1 13 1 14 1 3 V % A \ I w E GLE sloo % NORTH ryfl ---------- 2w 4V i ZO SrALE:I'=20' % B 3 LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION a 1/2" REBAR FOUND 9 CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND (TYPE 11) UT 6.94 > CALCULATED POINT (E) ELECTRIC MANHOLE 0 ,P TR ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER U EXPOSED PIPE-UNKNOWN UTILITY LIGHT POLE EP PIN FLAG FOUND FOR BURIED ELECTRIC LINE Z- GENERATOR ON CONIC. BLOCKS -851.64 -3 5. WATER METER WATER VALVE FIRE HYDRANT IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVE A� WASTE WATER MANHOLE 49.. TIP WASTE WATER CLEANOUT ;Iwu wwP PIN FLAG FOUND FOR WASTEWATER LINE 40 F v 1(413 Y LLJ v > c- _j ---------------------- f 45 % ---------- ------- 84 w Lu z Lu < Ln uj (L 843 > 0 ---------- ------- 154 Lu FA Lu at Ln V) --------------- 839 --------------- ONNECT TO 6XI NGC 78 CON CT -------- X111 NG CO ................................ c OF EXISTING UT- .1 - --------- --- ---------- ul' CHECKED BY: --------- u .11 SETH BONNER % -------- 1013INUMBER: ISSUEDATE NOTES: 424001 06/27l16 ----------------- REFER TO HE I. DEVELOPER AND CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN ACCESS TO SHEER CROSSING PAVEMENT ELEV TED STORAGE TANK FOR CITY Of ROUND ROCK PERSONNEL I. -------- -4 SECTION 0 J7 AND GRANDE ATALL TIMESDURING CONSTRUCTION. 36.,,40 912 SSP1 508-0004 1 777777177= —�.. iii •N� ��� mwa(,r art J N i a•a + RNIdeIDOFD 1(X:-x tIENI°D rze¢ a INA77 •¢• N MORTAR TOP �� I „ t�• �ai a• .r.X='--•1 �" �' *4»�IeaR�(x 2 uYEr6 _ ]'GRANUIAR BLANKET a eelrm Na eeN,m m nc rrar R art. J bb' N�n•an avc (FLEXIBLE RISE) ¢¢ m e rvomrr eeurol =m eN=M S'X V X 2'LIMESTONE P m Rm L $ � .vv eowm nAwrtv,v rre Y D.�a•.rE >�„¢.. ¢a,... ,a .� .a-„ I Imo` 'xeXc•� >cc 9.:.•;. wn mi f rtv m ��BO"�A� c g a WI E"ESN WITHezezwl.azwt.. WINa g I IESH I P / rttrc U cx. r ov.1*m.I 1�am I""n' ,a r as Nwe.O ort iNs A'wioMM a==== \ //-+'- mw a.rRv.m onm nwnv m,...a ""� •o wew a NOTL-CONSTRICT DR1'STACN IN CUTS _ if ma avat H y, 3 I; laY 1`—/, 'aRev m rmn¢•�ms Pemrnml _ �' smr FatV�Pl.10•IT[ETAI�F�T ' gCRON r W n ii PnIP ar Tens nlux rlmaunl Flex Isx mamma w(�iuoYoo Mr®Ixro�a wlrt m iumnu�'"Lia vx maa JgII� F- �' fUe Tom'1¢i mr�nNe .� �.h AFAR f/LT 11I[Fvaner uNNma loos R Xa R ne al¢a mart a nreua IK easex se"e M Warr•rl sac n>•m v[N,Inr r«c a b N•N nNe n W �tI( ' r� CITY OF ROUND ROCK CITY OF ROUND ROCK°«o."°` CITY OF ROUND ROCK°"�"`°"o- =n+��s CITY OF ROUND ROCKI-_­ E TREE PROTECTION TREE PROTECTION - DRYSTACK WALL DETAIL �`---x FENCE LOCATIONS FENCE CHAIN LINKYRs1ae SILT FENCE DETAIL CONCRETE DRIVEWAY DETAIL ¢ ¢ 777 N.i.S. �� � (COMMERCIAL OR MULTI-FAMILY) V I R _ s~I ml a••ea AM V N lY mex �R'l[ieNs < R --_ I ICY I•euO --_— r -r- r _ � Plaesv euxl - I i e R,P I"sae 'wen(art _I ___- of la•m ^t_�l /+'i L ^ ,n -� r J� •�� t 'r 1 lev re'an J g E 3 j ) e•ea INNW Y am..mrale r. n wPE1u `��'%,r (n wR in ! ¢p Ii Ile mN2Nrz>nl. f r -� �_ _------_�—-�="_°--- _ is�o�'xr. (ae�ee.a ml.m..l ® wuo N.n.a ^• ." �' nL a A+N a®� .. •... •. :::.. Ilu•laE mwa PEIN NEN IAvalaE rNAIIE PVNI NEN W ImE»i¢ ni aNe uTd clue ii;;:`�.::% X, veeeel.r rNv m•mr °""�""'mlNe m m v. `.•�..•�: I� d ak'�� ¢¢ne oY." .ePe�.¢ws..®m Nc xm .art. ,r eaa ,Ar Rmlrn :'.-:! '.:.'`:!•:C-' ��6"'"I LiR. L w�/' F 1•'••Y•� a o.a orNea m ween. - .n• /+• /•• i m r nr_`ixi"wr.eerz i Y f nrr..a...(z e. ma eaa m emR�Ta uP-mJ® a 3 rn leo¢w euan 1°N'"04Yen eNNA acrd•e _ YAr•nF rmlTa 9FCIl0x Is.Tr �T�ry1Tr',�e,x� Im®:Im nue-1m YR =f'•1,.1 ��F��1p1� •J�. b - �4 Y We.1f n"' J m•.¢Nr•¢off on N••.a'•n.A pn li•vnm D B I I �� � 1 _ 1Tv'ee.,r FOR rAwC ru' UIrnM B I I ____ eH. N rL Ivra) Y N Ne PNs+H 1Nmaele2oRNr num,(m4pp_6 ' y x .w Y wr i..•,wr QVRtID 61EM BQYQRO '`/r" i¢c Rau-1 II11 Y+NV(IN® 1 STM SC1ON NEIP 1. ZCml era mv.(iw, ��•�'�T�nClm NSR NNr�e Lu Tape gPN,,OM jaw w4a Rill FNP9g0 wl /• l�)�. � nCNBM DE'TIL oxP fmrAXre � Z l aaa msv Nm ��y�Iw�� ¢rra.xQ vem•a Intim Q -y' NmES: mm 1 wa est e�aNar.m.epi Nv.e(.rm�twp..xrn[.,.>mL a YNu/aleDt T G J A u� v emr - m Nr Ni!NIY m No N,7>e N6v m(N"f IIA+. a Wim'""a°inion laves ea®c.,am,O.6 rx/Leek er Ge a —_m Z Z Q R ea w..rm•eae lie x.muNrl rm<e im.®w arMsw fart RTNL�N..en. Y f r.M.:it x".a wu rc ara nxa eoix a na.c enc m'n` m..r,wr ow rnX mo rm •r�n w a mm m.A. CW WC :"e' Lu C C men¢a�•u erten»�.a.•ea a•¢NY art¢¢..a r w e..e art"Na '" 2 f. e� n< �a K�. M Lu (CITY OF ROUND ROCK°E"°"°; M -CITY OF ROiJND ROCK°""N"","° w CITY OF ROUND ROCK°" "° Ln W a J "" . :� CITY OF ROUND ROCK°"";N"°"° rI Q O ,fin_ r e.n CONCRETE DRIVEWAY DETAIL _ SPILL AND CATCH CURB DETAIL ra CONCRETE TRENCH CAP __ Q CURB INLET PROTECTION DETAIL ,Y'�, � �e1~ (WITH CURB EXPANSION NON-BOLTED WASTEWATER MANHOLE W J (COMMERCIAL OR MULTI-FAMILY) w� ++t°++ e"°'RL +�Rs/sa`e /•� E,RwIe. m a JOINT DOWEL DETAIL) +r+Ai7D•• JYYtl T�'w�'Rars rj 10S-1 COVER AND FRAME DETAIL W W Ha. W w 10P RUL m TEMPI NNc I ' Il1E 1.057 Lu (sR(IIP) 100 EXISTING R.O.W. � BAL olra-ar rAa1X: � LroNla,tTlO, /O cwu;2•YL91) 2' 5, 7' Et 5' (w PULL PDST 1 LXc rosr SDWK ' i 5• 2• 2q• 20' 24' 2• SDWK i 1 5 I 6/27/2018 J 8 (2/r ROD PA) 2% 2% EMBANKMENT I �. IA iDl9P1 NNE n Ix"CC HOIr•flNXS Enr) .•...LIIMEA Y.6NDA...� IMPORTED SELECT FILL SHOULD CONSIST OF A LOW i.._.......................:....A y+ PIPE UNDERDRAIN/CUTOFF WALL PLASTICITY CLAYEY SOIL WITH A PLASTICITY INDEX I°•ux.°IA BETWEEN 5 AND 20 PERCENT,A MAXIMUM GRAVEL 4 <2T_Tss•° �% P CONTENT(PERCENTAGE RETAINED ON NO.4 SIEVE) ,IAtiAt.� , mlacTE eAx 4 6 l6"Ya.w 1.5"HMAC TY C OF 40 PERCENT,NO ROCKS NO LARGER THAN 4 1O"HMAC TY B INCHES IN THEIR LARGEST DIMENSION OR CRUSHED K N LIMESTONE BASE MATERIAL MEETING THE C DBr II IO'-°"Y"TMu' 12"SUBBASE ALTERNATE NESTER'S CROSSING PAVEMENT SECTION REQUIREMENTS OF THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TO Ixc rnsls E(XwLY:A® FROM CITY OF ROUND RACK ( ) JDBNUMBER: ISSUEOATE a TRANSPORTATION TXDOT 2004 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS ITEM 247,TYPE A,GRADE 3.AS AN 42o-mt 1 OW27/16 Ls DISCLAIMER-PAVEMENT DESIGN ALTERATIVE A LOW-PLASTICITY GRANULAR FILL SHEET: I OF I MATERIAL WHICH DOES NOTMEET THESE PAVEMENT DESIGN SHOWN HEREON WAS PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF ROUND ROCKTO SP ,ECIFICATIONS MAY BE UTILIZED ONLY IF APPROVED ITS SUSTAINABRTY,AND ASSUMES NO UABILTY THEREFOR. 37aP/1 O 1 CHAIN LINK FENCE MATCH EXISTING PAVEMENT DESIGN.KBGE MAKES NO WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE AS TO BY THE GEOTECNICAL ENGINEER. L `F b E N HSSP1508-0004 IT i2 1' l4 i5 3 1 5 6 7 @ 9 10 11 12 i3 14 � I A 5� g. LEGEND ®Type 3 Barricade is As Channelizing Devices '9 ROAD I �,�]xeavy work vehicle Qq Truce Maunfed ._Q WORK I i Attenuator ITMA) _ Trailer Mounted Portable Chan @able B AHEAD _- T g 4 Flashing Arrow Board Ai Message Sign IPCMS) CW20-1 3 4B"% (Flags- \ �. END -� sign Traffic Flow See nate I C Flag FI i bf' ' 'j— flOAD WO N agger Minimm Minimum <; C 620.2 6ugges tea M..imm END o n 48"%7' Ra aper Lepras Cshmnellzlr ROAD - $' $' x' 0esiraole anq;tuoinol t WORK � �14 a aced Form,ila t s,pn 8urfere Spp[e q 9 AHEAD = @ ROAD WORK LE _�X T �, 4 4 speed Devices spocl^q s lo• II' Iz' on a on a =g cwzo-ID LAN [ i tt a' 3p 51 C n 4B x 4B Z /" G20-2 CLOS Dislonce a w IF lags- _\ 48"X 24" CW20-5TL x- prise.rrset rrse+ Toper Tangent �,. < u rya - 30 I50' 165'180' 30' 60' 120' 90' aaa See Torte I I to i 48"X 48" 2 0 ` --- 35 205 225: 245' ° N} T - XXX FT �- -T 40 L.60 265 295' 320' 40' 90' 240' 155' a°cp o' I l.J 316%312• I ( 45 450 495' 540' 45' 90' 320' I95• _� $ c b N x '-^ cc toSee note 4) 50 500 550'600' 50' 100' 400' 240' t a LU : ( 55 L WS 550 605',660' 55• 110' 500' 295' F w goo ;ro W x; ♦ 60 600 660".720' 60' 120' 600' 350' U m$' a o = %------'---- --"■ 65 650' 715'.780' 65' 130` 700' 410' K '^� ♦ .o ■" 70 700' 770';840' 70' 140' B00" 475' • 8 — A °i~c �In ♦ gild m; 75 750' 825''900' 75' I50' 900' 540' k V u _I Y c>� x: ♦--- —C." j CWI-6aT ------ -y— - -a iF Conventional Roods Only i t _ 36"X 36" _ All I �. -1E3F TOPer lengths have been rounded Off. y: -_ n:-E-s — ��■ _ _ L•Length of Toper(FT)W.1Vidth of OffSettFT1 S•Postea SpeedlMPH) r $ L7 S 0 Shadow vehicle ■ " �♦ i ♦♦♦♦ N \) TYPICAL USAGE E wu waii with TMA and ■ A.2 � ■ ♦ �� MOBILE SHORT SNORT iER'A IHTEPM-e0[ATE LONG TERM •z - n Pn high intensity �5 '^� ISee nate 8i i♦ _ CWI-4R DURATION STAT IOIIAgY TERM sTJT10tIARY STATIONARY f€ w o 'Q rotas inq, flashing, ■ ',._T_ 1,l -■ >< 48"%4B" p Oscillating or II = m a6b strobe lights. 1 •�, ITj� MFH cwls-IP GENERAL NOTES — cO (See notes 5 B 61 _ ` E ■ —X 24..N 24" I,Flogs attached to signs where shown,are REQUIRED. 3 m ■ � 2.All traffic control devices illustrated are REOUIREO,except those denoted € � w 2 �p ^o« m; ■ t.�, N 111th the trlongle symbol nay be omitted when stated elsewhere in the pians, l 3.The -strew tape, D feel F ^^n j♦ J ! �■ ��� p. 4,I'm shot" imoppliCea�cpnbv Wlenwpps)tmun}edtsi{y16l arG hoot used,}he'd(lanae j. g [ ■ 3 _. .«._ ' ^ ♦ f Shadow vehicle with - _ ; Iegend may be shown an the sign face rather than on a CW16-3aP Supplemental ai�tl1 ♦ IMAGO high intensify— - - _ Plaax. _!. rotating, flashing, ■ r S. A Shadow Vehicle with a TMA should be used anytime it can be positioned oscilfof inq ar strobe ■ S 30 To 100 Ieet In advance of the area of crew exposure without adversely affecting Q lights.(See notes 5 B 6) 36 Ear ♦ mI. the parfrmance a1,o�0l ity of tne work. If workers ore no longer present but road g j- 3E x 36" € U • ♦ r work colli}Ions require the froIiia crntr0l to remain in pipe@,Type 3 `W Z Z • ♦ Barricades or other chonnelizing devices may be substituted for the Shadow /` ry G N i-1, ♦I ♦ _; vehicl@ and TMA. f In RIGHT •j ♦li._ - -T- _X.f 6.Addlt'Onal shadow vehicles with TMAS may be Doaitiohed in each closed l -J C) LANE i lane,on the shoulder r off the paved surface,newt to those shown in order i to brafell a wider work space. ; .�to � 0 U CLOSED Q■ x+ TCP t2-4o) VI CWZO-5TR r .Z Cr 4B"%49" A 7•If this TCP is used for a left Ione cl allure,CW20-5TL"LEFT LANE CLOSED"signs F '� / XXX FT j CWI-4L shall be used and chonne.li21ng devices shalI be placed on the centerline to W W Z to ♦ 48"%4B' protect the wank SDace ffom opposing traffic with the arrow board placed In the W CW16-312 • XX CD105e0 Ire ner the ena Of the merging taper. [ e _ 30"%12" LW13-1P TCP (Z'4bI ;0 W d 1-1 ' (See note 4) I I • J - MPH 24"X 24" TF' Q> Q (� B.For shorter durations where traffic is directed over a yellow centerline, a. T ♦ x cnamelizing devices which separate two-way traffic should be spaced on topers W Q J LL --- ♦ V. - at 20'or 15' if posted speeds we 35 mph r slower,and far tangent sections,of W LL y -w t/2151 where 5 is the speed.n mph. This tighter devices spacing is intended for -F W END ) LANE IGHT tfie area of conflicting markings,tot the entre wrk Zone. d ROAD WORK ` �✓ eft,�n,/� /� i xX. CLOSED 1,112.-5TR n frrc C czo-z V(V `u' y f' �', ROAD AO WORK V I V`u'`LI' o 4B"X 4e" ,*' -ware >C Q 1 48"x 24• g WORK .+gA Texas f7epartmenf o!Thansporfaf/on LL AHEAD CW20-ID 1-'x 24" " "i Y/ FT 3016X 12" -. r 4`isae" `•.� xY note TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN See nate 1) i ,.� .� LANE CLOSURES ON MULTILANE CONVENTIONAL ROADS o TCP (2-4o) ROAD ..._ _.......... TCP (2-4b) WORK 6/27/2018 T AHEAD 020.D TCP_(2 4)-i 8 - 48 % 8" '1,h - '.'iE.ov.rFstf ONE LANE CLOSED TWO LANES CLOSED 'FIee n°0o+ 1 os M 4v. =S• .... S1 8-95 3.03 -- ,.. 5t-•Ipeant u cw+pA i /9A 2•Is K •• SETH BONNER JOBNUMBER, I ISSUE DATE 420-001 06127116SHEET: 3840 SSP7 508-0004 10 o LEGEND Type 3 Barricade ■■ Charnel tzi ng Devices A Truck Maunted n S ROAD Heavy Work vehicle 1^1 ban At WORK tenuator (TMA) _ ° «v AHEAD _A T 'ix„ Tr.1 ler Mounted Portable Chargeable ° Cw20-I Flashing Arrow Boartl Message Sign IPCMS! O 9 flHv Flags- iI \ ENO _y Sign a Traffic Flow_-____ B �«. See note I `�T ROAD W0 Flag QO Flogger 4 Suggestea Nox lmun i�' ROAD v v 000-` Oeslraole ` WORK 414 D - ,J'Lt ef1,� °sled rormi!a Twer Lerroths C�°rwro!izt Slg" END gel g \/ \/ $ 48"x 5paci p r Ni"'"`" Suggested tl -g eW2o-1D AHEAD ROADWDRK LAN 'X T g F SOetl >F* opvtces0 swing L«attua!nal buffer soace 4e' x 4e" / G20-2 CLOS o• n z on a an o otetaape e' °' Z / Gffse Ol fset�011!!t Toper iongent 1F lags- + 48"X 24 CW20_5TL ° m See note!I -�\ 48"X 48" x 3O W52 t50' 165"180' 30' 60' 120' 90' 9 9 to t IJ �- `) T 35 L 50 205' 225'1 245' 35' 70' 160' 120' > m m{ I7C XXX FT - 40 26_' 295' 320' 40' 80' 240' 155' Sc C n g U CWI6-30P - --- ¢ c °I�i N 30"X 12" ! 45_ 450' 495' 540' 45' 90' 320'__ 195' c ¢ `la ISee note 41 x. -- - — z 50 500' 550• 600' S0' 100' 400' 240' °I'^ H ♦ 55 L WS 550' 605' 660' 55' 110' 500' 295' �"« ,m Ln 60 600' 660' 720' 60' 120' 600' 350' tan, Ell o = -- - • 65 650' 715'.780' 65' 130 700' 410' $ $,'_ '� -- o-a m ■" 70 700' 770' 840' 70' 140' Boo, 475' m .•� o ♦ o n i � 75 750' 825' 900' 75' 150' 900' 540' U m`o x'" ♦ -t CWI-6aT -Y- -4-! -I ! f Conventional Floods Only K 36"X 36" `----- �. 3faF Toper lengths have been rounded off. CI a«•- fy -�J'♦� L•Length of Taoer fFTf WWidth of Offset(FTI 5—Posted SpeetlINPHI IS m X_ TYPICAL USAGE AL Shadow vehicle A• ■ -• yy >8� W1}h 1NA afm ■ I p ■ ♦• ryia NOB1_E SHORT SHOR'TEP 114TERMEDIATE LONG TERM ,7 a O�u high inton9I ty r.°i s (See note 81 --H I♦ CWI-4R oUR4T lCN Si4T IOt14PY TERN STATIONARY STATIONARY rotating, flashing, ■ r ■ 48"%48" '- ascii lot rO'D L '� obw strobe lights. _1■ 3... ® XX E p ISee notes 5 6 61 - '{■■ -- MPH CW13-IP GENERAL NOTES � 24 X 24 Flags signs wtlere snown,ore REWIRED. 5�E DETAIL'A' == ) 1.FI s attached to si E Ngo ■ ,j'{ 2.All traffic control devices illustrated ore REWiREO,except those denoted $ p c,'-« ;; ■ - m� IS :_,'-`..•� °; with the Irtonq le symaol my oe Omitted when stated elsewhere to ine pl ons, rr w -. ..... ■ N', or for routine maintenance work,whMn approved by the Engineer. n o - ■ 1'3 3.The downstream Toper is optional.When used, It should be 100 feet minimum 5 ° !+1' ♦ -� ■ t � length car Ione. Z ♦ 3 4,For short term applications,when past mounted signs are not used,the distance a* , ♦ �, -'-'- Shadow Vehicle with---.-__� !t IegenO may an shown on the sign face rather than on o CW16-3aP suopl emEntal # - • om`"^ � ♦ � l 71AA and nigh intenetty -� � � pipoue. i F - rotating, flashing, ■ •7S 5.4 Shodow Yeh(cle with o TMA should be used anytime it can be positioned o j~ p nil E oscillating luting or strobe ■ ({ mI 30 to lag feet in advance of the area of crew exposure without adversely affecting F s o . gel Itghta.(See notes 5&6) '� CW1-6aT p y - n9 present but rood -- •• : • J 36"%36" The 2rformance or auolit of the Work.If Workers we no longer l.7 I • • - / or work canditians regui re the traffic control to remain In place.Type 3 •I Z T • • / Barricades w other Ctlalnel;Zing devices may be substituted far the Snodow Ln i-- ...\ • • f Vehicle and TMA. Ln LEFT •I •y-- �. ^1�f fi.Add; Shadow Venicles with TMAB nay De positioned In each closed J / IoM,an the shoulder or off the paved surface,next to those shown In order NOTES: 0C LANE t to protect a wider work LU Q c 1. BOTHWEOSEDAHEADFOR aLEFf u " CLOSED i `Y " 148" acoce' > QLANESNW AHE NOTE7 _ _ TCP 12-40) LdG MEOMN woRX SEE No7E 7. eg`Ox543. 7•If This TCP is used for a left lane closure,CW20-STL"LEFT LANE CLOSED-signs G2. C11YOfRWNp ROCXiOPNOVIOE � � --VEMfICATIONpfSHADOW LLi y X,7 XXX FT l-4L shall be used arm cnorxMlizirg devices sna11 x places on the centerline toVEHICLE REQUIREMENT. X 48"W CWI6-3aP protect the work space from afga6ing traffic with ine arrow banrd Dlacetl in the C1 to d J2 30•'X 12` i • closed Ione hear the end of the merging toper. Q ISee note 47 '3%124" TCP (2-4b) Z Z rn� B.For SnOrler aura�ianb where Iraffir-is directed over a yellow centerline, W W _Y- ♦♦- x cTomelizi ng devices which separate two-way traffic Shahid be Spaced on egTers .u'I C C O B 47 -�'Y' yy at 20'or IS'if Dolled speeds ore 35 mail or slower,and for tangent sections.at �/\ e C II - / i R• 1/2151 wrlere 5 is the speed in mph. This tighter devices spacing is intended far v l LL! a U END \�. C LANE RIGHT the ores of conflicting markings,not the entire Wark zone, fl Q 0 ROAD WORK ` fL NF1 /� /� CLOSED Tireffle W > U g I AHEAD zo-2ND r V V V'I`Lf' i xY. X....� CWI6-3af If*a s°ia m o a Q c2o-2 ; 4 Q AD WORK ae"x 48" OPerxtbns 1 48'x 24 L WORK o 8 Texas Department of El CW20-1D 48 v c4 30"X 12" W ) 48`X 48- x no,:Al TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN O E lee°net.11 T t—Y LANE CLOSURES ON MULTILANE w z CONVENTIONAL ROADS TCP (2-4a) V1 TCP (2-4b) ROAD W O WORK TCP(2—4)—18 AHEAD cWzo-D n (Flags•® ...� -_ ONE LANE CLOSED TWO LANES CLOSED Sep hat "' i_.. - _ - - 6/27/2016 4-.1,,8 _''ori s I it ht'`E I.....��•�..EM.....N 10!000 t.........a ...% fjlgggg :R♦ 4YY 4>VA EYP K K SEM BONN" JOB 4zamt NUMBER ISSUE OAIE Oea7ne SHEET: 39cl 3 1 e H o T T 12 1 14 1 1 S SSP1508-0004 i �NgsR iq Fall 3^Fq 1 y � RE ySHE�T 25 e I F x � P I IU 2 .S s I 7. ,\ 5 y� a; A4 9 sl;l i oll At — C y rn `i 5 /7 C) 70� rn m M / — -- rn 1 1 OE cn 0 (A u c m o v m - O I z c O O .s,c�e_ro- E .cvF�wsr nms— O DRA'NNBY Ks MARK IV CAPITAL DESIGNED By RC SUMMIT II AT LA FRONTERA Stantec IT! LANDSCAPE PLAN zelww wmso.w sm.soo q DnIQ '71 710 HESTERS CROSSING '5121 I M-II r�.C512137-5 d 'rF OF S�•+' 'WE F� WI-S 0:f01 IIt� p PROJECT NO OIGM130016 ROUND ROCK,TEXAS os,a mie cnpynpxcmla vvz+�..nn+oma�m+�munsm..v..•sn.wFa..0 o,a..w.n a.v..�uyi,sln,sw EXHIBIT "D" Access License (See Attached) 10 TEMPORARY LICENSE TO USE REAL PROPERTY This TEMPORARY LICENSE TO USE REAL PROPERTY (this "Temporary License") is dated for reference purposes as July 13, 2018 and is made and entered into by and between M4 LA FRONTERA, LLC, a Texas limited liability company("Owner"),and CITY OF ROUND ROCK,TEXAS,a Texas home rule municipality("LICENSEE"). LICENSEE is hereby granted a limited, revocable license to use that certain premises described as a portion of the Summit at La Frontera site located at 810 Hesters Crossing Road, Round Rock,TX 78681 (the"Premises"),as depicted in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, for the limited purpose of temporarily accessing LICENSEE's water tower during the construction of improvements by M4 La Frontera II, LLC, to the existing driveway serving such water tower as further described in that certain Development Agreement Regarding Summit II Improvements attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by this reference,for the period beginning on July 16, 2018 and ending on or before the earlier of(i) September 15, 2018 or (ii) the date upon which Owner provides written notice of termination to Licensee(the"Term"). Only LICENSEE and LICENSEE'S Agents may enter, use or possess the Premises during the Term and only for the aforesaid limited purpose, and LICENSEE may not assign, sublet or license any use of the Premises (or any portion thereof)to any other person(s) for any other purposes whatsoever, without the prior written consent of Owner in each instance, in Owner's sole and absolute discretion. LICENSEE will keep Owner reasonably informed at all times regarding LICENSEE's and LICENSEE'S Agents proposed activities in, on and about the Premises. LICENSEE and LICENSEE'S Agents shall make no alterations or improvements of any kind in or about the Premises, or store any private property, equipment, or vehicles on the Premises overnight,without the prior written consent of Owner, in its sole and absolute discretion. "LICENSEE'S Agents" means Licensee's authorized agents, representatives, consultants, contractors, partners, subsidiaries,affiliates,directors,officers, and employees. If LICENSEE or LICENSEE'S Agents need assistance entering the Premises or while on the Premises, LICENSEE or LICENSEE'S Agents shall call Tami Caudle at 480-251-4034 or 512-514-0099 to notify Owner, or Shawn Park at 512-632-7458 or Geraldo Rendon at 432-528-9392 to notify Owner's contractor. While LICENSEE or LICENSEE'S Agents are on site at the Premises and outside their vehicles, LICENSEE or LICENSEE's agents, employees, or contractors shall at all times wear appropriate protection customary for an active construction site, including but not limited to a hard hat, reflective safety vest,and safety glasses(the"Safety Items"). If LICENSEE or LICENSEE'S Agents do not have the Safety Items, LICENSEE or LICENSEE'S Agents shall request such items from Owner upon arrival at the Premises and Owner shall use commercially reasonable efforts to make the Safety Items available to LICENSEE or LICENSEE'S Agents. Notwithstanding the foregoing, LICENSEE or LICENSEE'S Agents shall not access the Premises without wearing the Safety Items. LICENSEE accepts the Premises "AS IS" and acknowledges that Owner is under no obligation to modify, maintain or repair the Premises for LICENSEE's or LICENSEE'S Agents use. Owner expressly does not warrant the fitness for LICENSEE's or LICENSEE'S Agents use nor the condition of the driveways, drive aisles, other facilities, improvements, parking or appurtenances (as being in good or working condition or as being compliant with the Americans With Disabilities Act and/or any other laws and/or otherwise), and LICENSEE assumes all risks associated with its use of the Premises. LICENSEE acknowledges that Owner and Owner's Agents (as defined below) may require and shall have (for itself and its designees from time to time) access to the Premises at all times to perform inspections, maintenance and/or modifications of the improvements and to access the buildings, parking,driveways, drive aisles,and construction areas on Owner's property. Owner shall make reasonable efforts to minimize interference with LICENSEE's use of the Premises. "Owner's Agents" means Owner's authorized agents, representatives, property managers (whether as agents or independent contractors), consultants, contractors, partners, subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, employees, and tenants and occupants of Owner's property and their respective employees and visitors. LICENSEE shall owe no rent for its use or possession of the Premises during the Term. - 1 - Upon the expiration or earlier termination of this Temporary License,Tenant shall surrender the Premises to Owner in its condition existing as of the beginning of the Term, including but not limited to all personal property of LICENSEE removed and all damages caused to the Premises(or any portion thereof) during the Term fully repaired at LICENSEE's sole cost and expense. In the event that the Premises is not maintained in the condition required above, Owner shall have the right after two(2) business days' notice to perform such maintenance or repairs and have the right to reimbursement from LICENSEE for the cost thereof. LICENSEE shall provide Owner with a certificate of insurance for not less than $1,000,000 in liability coverage in form and content acceptable to Owner naming Owner as additional insured, and LICENSEE shall maintain the insurance reflected in such certificate in full force and effect throughout the Term. To the extent permitted by applicable law, LICENSEE agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold Owner (its officers, representatives, trustors, trustees, beneficiaries, agents, employees, successors and assigns) harmless from any claims, demands, liabilities, causes of action, suits, judgements, damages, losses, claims and expenses (including without limitation attorneys'fees)that result from, arise out of, relate to, or are connected with (i)this Temporary License or LICENSEE's (or LICENSEE'S Agents) use or possession of the Premises; (ii) any injury to or death of any person or persons or damage to or destruction, loss, or loss of use of any property(each, a "Loss")to the extent caused by LICENSEE or LICENSEE'S Agents in its use of the Premises; or(iii)LICENSEE's failure to perform its obligations under this Temporary License. This Temporary License is terminable only with cause, and in any event upon breach of this Temporary License. LICENSEE shall promptly vacate the Premises upon termination of this Temporary License (including without limitation removing all personal property stored therein) or not later than one(1)day after notice of termination of this License from Owner. LICENSEE will comply with any reasonable rules and regulations promulgated by Owner at any time(s)concerning the Premises. In the event LICENSEE fails to timely vacate the Premises and leave the same in the condition required hereunder, LICENSEE acknowledges that it will be liable to Owner for any and all damages caused. [REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] -2- IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have caused this Temporary License to be duly executed by their duly authorized representatives as of the date first written above. LICENSEE: CITY OF ROUND ROCK,TEXAS, a Texas home rule municipality By: Name: Title: Date: OWNER: M4 LA FR 11TERA,LLC, a Texas imited liability company By: Name: Stephen A. Metzger Title: Chief Operating Officer Date: '1- Zo / - 1 - EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES Aa wA XwM9Ml Te°" is _ +a a i a n+C aw9,r.r a rR�+tta. .,.,• ;....i.'+. f `RAC'2 CAH•".A.!T9 k 170 a•uo-;.:: .. - .a..e. -. Wr PR. y ✓– t i nom. ,wa { : ,/ � L n;,r4 .. 1 1 .. _ �°@,.•Yp.n+. --� — . .4-4 .._ - - NLOT T y IK 9J Mf V LA mama. Aa T u C.tl.T,1.119 k X79 9LV.CsMG Y w. Tl7tA1 wa' M7Q 9t7tLrRC w�m.w:.n'� Seo Ks"'S 010M10 Mwi'iww 7r"nsw w i TRACT N4 _ w uww CUP1tiu TA(31,EWu r..w •'m mI - 7 Rau. w.;•.. :, a...,,.. o wr,acoo aw7r• +r.vrlat •o...a -. �-, .'°, _ _ .. ar� �o r. _ A • The Premises is depicted by the yellow shaded area in the above diagram. -2- EXHIBIT B DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT REGARDING SUMMIT II IMPROVEMENTS (See Attached) -3 - TEMPORARY LICENSE TO USE REAL PROPERTY This TEMPORARY LICENSE TO USE REAL PROPERTY (this "Temporary License") is dated for reference purposes as July 13, 2018 and is made and entered into by and between M4 LA FRONTERA II, LLC,a Texas limited liability company("Owner"),and CITY OF ROUND ROCK,TEXAS,a Texas home rule municipality("LICENSEE"). LICENSEE is hereby granted a limited, revocable license to use that certain premises described as a portion of the Summit II at La Frontera site located at 710 Hesters Crossing Road, Round Rock,TX 78681 (the"Premises"), as depicted in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, for the limited purpose of temporarily accessing LICENSEE's water tower during the construction of improvements by Owner to the existing driveway serving such water tower as further described in that certain Development Agreement Regarding Summit II Improvements attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by this reference,for the period beginning on July 16, 2018 and ending on or before the earlier of(i) September 15, 2018 or(ii) the date upon which Owner provides written notice of termination to Licensee (the"Term"). Only LICENSEE and LICENSEE'S Agents may enter, use or possess the Premises during the Term and only for the aforesaid limited purpose, and LICENSEE may not assign, sublet or license any use of the Premises (or any portion thereof) to any other person(s) for any other purposes whatsoever, without the prior written consent of Owner in each instance, in Owner's sole and absolute discretion. LICENSEE will keep Owner reasonably informed at all times regarding LICENSEE's and LICENSEE'S Agents proposed activities in, on and about the Premises. LICENSEE and LICENSEE'S Agents shall make no alterations or improvements of any kind in or about the Premises, or store any private property, equipment, or vehicles on the Premises overnight,without the prior written consent of Owner,in its sole and absolute discretion. "LICENSEE'S Agents" means Licensee's authorized agents, representatives, consultants, contractors, partners, subsidiaries,affiliates,directors,officers, and employees. If LICENSEE or LICENSEE'S Agents need assistance entering the Premises or while on the Premises, LICENSEE or LICENSEE'S Agents shall call Tami Caudle at 480-251-4034 or 512-514-0099 to notify Owner, or Shawn Park at 512-632-7458 or Geraldo Rendon at 432-528-9392 to notify Owner's contractor. While LICENSEE or LICENSEE'S Agents are on site at the Premises and outside their vehicles, LICENSEE or LICENSEE's agents, employees, or contractors shall at all times wear appropriate protection customary for an active construction site, including but not limited to a hard hat, reflective safety vest,and safety glasses(the"Safety Items"). If LICENSEE or LICENSEE'S Agents do not have the Safety Items, LICENSEE or LICENSEE'S Agents shall request such items from Owner upon arrival at the Premises and Owner shall use commercially reasonable efforts to make the Safety Items available to LICENSEE or LICENSEE'S Agents. Notwithstanding the foregoing, LICENSEE or LICENSEE'S Agents shall not access the Premises without wearing the Safety Items. LICENSEE accepts the Premises "AS IS" and acknowledges that Owner is under no obligation to modify, maintain or repair the Premises for LICENSEE's or LICENSEE'S Agents use. Owner expressly does not warrant the fitness for LICENSEE's or LICENSEE'S Agents use nor the condition of the driveways, drive aisles, other facilities, improvements, parking or appurtenances (as being in good or working condition or as being compliant with the Americans With Disabilities Act and/or any other laws and/or otherwise), and LICENSEE assumes all risks associated with its use of the Premises. LICENSEE acknowledges that Owner and Owner's Agents (as defined below) may require and shall have (for itself and its designees from time to time) access to the Premises at all times to perform inspections, maintenance and/or modifications of the improvements and to access the buildings, parking, driveways, drive aisles, and construction areas on Owner's property. Owner shall make reasonable efforts to minimize interference with LICENSEE's use of the Premises. "Owner's Agents" means Owner's authorized agents, representatives, property managers (whether as agents or independent contractors), consultants, contractors, partners, subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, employees, and tenants and occupants of Owner's property and their respective employees and visitors. LICENSEE shall owe no rent for its use or possession of the Premises during the Term. - 1 - Upon the expiration or earlier termination of this Temporary License,Tenant shall surrender the Premises to Owner in its condition existing as of the beginning of the Term, including but not limited to all personal property of LICENSEE removed and all damages caused to the Premises(or any portion thereof)during the Term fully repaired at LICENSEE's sole cost and expense. In the event that the Premises is not maintained in the condition required above, Owner shall have the right after two(2) business days' notice to perform such maintenance or repairs and have the right to reimbursement from LICENSEE for the cost thereof. LICENSEE shall provide Owner with a certificate of insurance for not less than $1,000,000 in liability coverage in form and content acceptable to Owner naming Owner as additional insured, and LICENSEE shall maintain the insurance reflected in such certificate in full force and effect throughout the Term. To the extent permitted by applicable law, LICENSEE agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold Owner (its officers, representatives, trustors, trustees, beneficiaries, agents, employees, successors and assigns) harmless from any claims, demands, liabilities, causes of action, suits, judgements, damages, losses, claims and expenses (including without limitation attorneys'fees)that result from, arise out of, relate to, or are connected with (i)this Temporary License or LICENSEE's (or LICENSEE'S Agents) use or possession of the Premises; (ii) any injury to or death of any person or persons or damage to or destruction, loss, or loss of use of any property(each, a "Loss")to the extent caused by LICENSEE or LICENSEE'S Agents in its use of the Premises;or(iii) LICENSEE's failure to perform its obligations under this Temporary License. This Temporary License is terminable only with cause, and in any event upon breach of this Temporary License. LICENSEE shall promptly vacate the Premises upon termination of this Temporary License (including without limitation removing all personal property stored therein) or not later than one(1)day after notice of termination of this License from Owner. LICENSEE will comply with any reasonable rules and regulations promulgated by Owner at any time(s)concerning the Premises. In the event LICENSEE fails to timely vacate the Premises and leave the same in the condition required hereunder, LICENSEE acknowledges that it will be liable to Owner for any and all damages caused. [REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] -2- IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have caused this Temporary License to be duly executed by their duly authorized representatives as of the date first written above. LICENSEE: CITY OF ROUND ROCK,TEXAS, a Texas home rule municipality By: Name: Title: Date: OWCER:, M4a Teompany By: Name: Stephen A. Metzger Title: Chief Operating Officer Date: 77 2-0 — i ,V -3 - EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES I r I _ _. ,� ._ „•��,n -.R =te°. ,,,�- -„>:1 -I I -:�.;. ! T-LL.LET R T « ,•r • '� 9 a y v • u_ r It I i 11111 E' rtfl]+R tiQ2M,i 114 T.r -- t' ,l. D �.srowr nTwnL.L eulLnino-osal s Iw � J 00 I I . r "n 'f' ll �RL(Li11i111 LLL, •�. + f` • * I T I E � EI TN..TI t •, T=\ 4.cE l-,E INE 1 E E E E i [ ITE [TI TQ ECT :-LL LC-E ✓ h ^ f E E- H-LL E E f ET-It . • oe-aa • The Premises is depicted by the yellow shaded area in the above diagram. • The red star in the above diagram depicts the location of a gate between Owner's property and LICENSEE's property.Such gate will be locked with a combination lock provided by LICENSEE.The combination of the lock will be provided by LICENSEE to Owner. -4- EXHIBIT B DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT REGARDING SUMMIT II IMPROVEMENTS (See Attached) -5 - EXHIBIT "E" Access Easement (See Attached) 11 ACCESS EASEMENT AGREEMENT STATE OF TEXAS ) ) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON ) That the CITY OF ROUND ROCK, TEXAS, a Texas municipal corporation, "GRANTOR", for and in consideration of the payment of TEN and NO/100 DOLLARS, and other good and valuable consideration,in hand paid to GRANTOR by M4 LA FRONTERA II, LLC, a Texas limited liability company, "GRANTEE", the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has GRANTED, SOLD and CONVEYED and by these presents does GRANT, SELL, and CONVEY unto the said GRANTEE, certain rights and interests in the nature of a perpetual access easement for pedestrian and vehicular ingress and egress to and from the Summit II Property (defined below) and Hesters Crossing Road, on, across and through the following described property: Being all that certain tract,piece or parcel of land lying and being situated in the County of Williamson, State of Texas, being more particularly described by metes and bounds in Exhibit"A"and by diagram in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes (herein sometimes referred to as the"Easement Area"or the"Property"). upon, over, and across said Property as herein described, for the benefit of the Summit II Property. GRANTOR is the owner of the real property located at 650 Hesters Crossing Road, Round Rock,Texas 78681 used for an elevated water storage tank(hereinafter, "City Property"), further described in Exhibit "C" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. The Easement Area is located on a portion of the City Property. GRANTEE is the owner of the real property located at 710 Hesters Crossing Road, Round Rock, Texas 78681 known as The Summit at La Frontera (hereinafter, "Summit II Property"), further described in Exhibit "D" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. This easement, and the rights and privileges granted by this conveyance, are non- exclusive and appurtenant to the Summit II Property. However, GRANTOR hereby covenants that GRANTOR and GRANTOR's successors and assignees shall not convey any other easement, license, or conflicting right to use the Easement Area or any portion thereof, or otherwise permit the use of the Easement Area, in any manner that will materially interfere with the use for which this easement is granted.This easement is appurtenant to and runs with the title to all or any portion of the Summit II Property, whether or not the easement is referenced or described in any conveyance of all or such portion of the Summit II Property. The easement granted herein(and obligations of GRANTOR hereunder) are for the benefit of and enforceable by GRANTEE and GRANTEE's heirs, successors, assigns, transferees, and mortgagees who at any time own the Summit II Property or any portion of or interest in the Summit II Property(as applicable, the "Holder") and such easement may be used by Holder and its tenants, and their respective employees, agents, representatives, consultants, customers, mortgagees, invitees, permittees and guests("Permitted Users"). GRANTEE covenants that: (a) Following completion of construction of the Driveway Improvements (defined below) by GRANTEE pursuant to that certain Development Agreement Regarding Summit I1 Improvements by and between GRANTOR and GRANTEE dated of even date herewith (the "Development Agreement"), GRANTEE shall operate, maintain and repair (at GRANTEE's sole cost) those certain driveway improvements and other paved areas located within the Easement Area,as well as any landscaping installed by GRANTEE adjacent to such driveway improvements (only to the extent located between the Summit II Property and such driveway improvements,and not any other landscaping on the City Property) (such driveway improvements and landscaping referred to collectively herein as the"Driveway Improvements"). (b) GRANTEE shall promptly repair(at GRANTEE's sole cost) any damage to the City Property caused by GRANTEE or its Permitted Users during their use of the Easement Area; (c) GRANTEE shall perform, at its sole cost and expense, maintenance, operation, management, restoration and normal repair and replacement of all Driveway Improvements located within the Easement Area (collectively, the "Grantee Maintenance Obligations"). GRANTEE shall perform the Grantee Maintenance Obligations in a commercially reasonable manner and in at least the same standard and quality as GRANTEE maintains the remainder of the drives and parking areas on the Summit II Property. In the event GRANTEE fails to satisfy the Grantee Maintenance Obligations, GRANTOR may provide written notice to GRANTEE of such failure,and GRANTEE shall proceed to cure any such failure as soon as reasonably practicable but in no event more than thirty (30) days following receipt of written notice thereof from GRANTOR (or as soon as possible if in the event of an emergency, or, if such Grantee Maintenance Obligations cannot reasonably be fulfilled in said thirty (30) days, then such additional time as may be reasonably required provided GRANTEE commences such cure within the initial thirty(30)day period and thereafter diligently pursues completion of same). In the event GRANTEE fails to perform the Grantee Maintenance Obligations, and such failure continues after the foregoing cure period, GRANTOR may, at GRANTOR's sole option (without any obligation), perform such Grantee Maintenance Obligations, and GRANTEE shall reimburse GRANTOR for its actual costs in connection with such Grantee Maintenance Obligations within thirty (30) days following GRANTEE's receipt of an invoice therefor from GRANTOR. (d) GRANTEE SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY, AND HOLD HARMLESS GRANTOR AND ITS OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, REPRESENTATIVES AND AGENTS FROM AND AGAINST ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS, LIABILITIES, CAUSES OF ACTION, SUITS, JUDGMENTS, DAMAGES, AND EXPENSES (INCLUDING ACTUAL REASONABLE ATTORNEYS' FEES) ARISING FROM (1) ANY INJURY TO OR DEATH OF ANY PERSON OR PERSONS OR DAMAGE TO OR THEFT,DESTRUCTION, LOSS,OR LOSS OF USE OF ANY PROPERTY (A"LOSS") TO THE EXTENT CAUSED BY GRANTEE'S OR ITS PERMITTED USER(S)' USE OF THE EASEMENT AREA OR (2) GRANTEE'S FAILURE TO PERFORM ITS OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. THE FOREGOING INDEMNITY SHALL NOT EXTEND TO ANY LOSS CAUSED BY GRANTOR OR ANY OF GRANTOR'S OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, REPRESENTATIVES OR AGENTS. THIS INDEMNITY PROVISION SHALL SURVIVE TERMINATION OR EXPIRATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. (e) GRANTEE shall not undertake,nor shall GRANTEE permit any of GRANTEE's agents, contractors, employees or representatives to undertake, any invasive investigation, drilling or sampling of the soil or groundwater on City Property without the prior written consent of GRANTOR, which consent shall be in GRANTOR's sole discretion. Notwithstanding the foregoing, GRANTOR shall not unreasonably withhold written consent of invasive investigation, drilling, or sampling of the soil or groundwater within the Easement Area to the extent required pursuant to or related to the Grantee Maintenance Obligations. (f) GRANTEE shall conduct all activities and rights under this agreement in such a manner so as to not disturb GRANTOR's use of the remainder of the City Property (provided that use by Holder and the Permitted Users of the Easement Area for the purpose described herein and the performance of the Grantee Maintenance Obligations shall not be considered a disturbance of GRANTOR's use of the remainder of the City Property). In the event GRANTEE's use of the Easement Area hereunder disturbs GRANTOR's use of the remainder of the City Property, GRANTOR may provide written notice to GRANTEE of such disruption, and GRANTEE shall proceed to cease or remediate any activities causing such disturbance as soon as reasonably practicable but in no event less than thirty(30)days following receipt of written notice thereof from GRANTOR. (g) In no event shall GRANTEE have any obligation hereunder to maintain,repair or replace those certain fence and gate improvements constructed by GRANTEE in accordance with the Development Agreement (whether or not located in the Easement Area),nor shall GRANTEE have any obligation hereunder to maintain any landscaping adjacent to the Driveway Improvements (other than the landscaping located between the Summit II Property and Driveway Improvements). (h) GRANTEE shall have no liability for any Loss caused by GRANTOR or GRANTOR's officers, employees, representatives, agents, vendors, or guests (collectively,the"Grantor Parties")use of the Easement Area or City Property. (i) In the event GRANTOR or any Grantor Parties cause Material Damage to the Driveway Improvements, GRANTEE shall promptly notify GRANTOR of such Material Damage,including a description of the damage,how it was caused, and the estimated costs to repair such Material Damage. "Material Damage" shall mean damage to the Driveway Improvements that would cost more than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) to repair and excludes ordinary wear and tear and damage due to the customary use for vehicular ingress and egress by GRANTOR or Grantor Parties. Within twenty(20)days of receipt of such notice,GRANTOR shall notify GRANTEE as to whether(i)GRANTOR elects to perform the repairs necessary to repair such Material Damage at GRANTOR's sole cost and expense, (ii)GRANTOR elects to reimburse GRANTEE for GRANTEE's costs incurred in repairing such Material Damage, such reimbursement not to exceed the estimated costs set forth in GRANTEE's notice and such reimbursement to be made within thirty (30) days following receipt of an invoice therefore, or (iii) GRANTOR objects to the claim that such Material Damage was caused by GRANTOR or Grantor Parties. In the event GRANTOR timely objects pursuant to subsection (iii) above, GRANTOR and GRANTEE shall submit such claim to an independent third-party mediator in an attempt to resolve such claim, and if such claim is not resolved via mediation, then GRANTOR and GRANTEE shall have all rights at law and in equity for the resolution of such claim. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the rights and interests herein described unto GRANTEE, and its successors and assignees, forever, and GRANTOR does hereby bind itself,its successors and assignees, to warrant and forever defend, all and singular, these rights and interests unto GRANTEE, and its successors and assignees, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim same, or any part thereof, by, through or under GRANTOR but not otherwise. The rights, benefits, burdens and obligations of GRANTOR and GRANTEE respectively hereunder are intended to run with the City Property and the Summit II Property respectively, and to bind and inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by and against the respective heirs, successors, assigns, transferees, mortgagees and tenants of GRANTOR and GRANTEE respectively who at any time own the Summit II Property, the City Property, or any portion of or interest in either the Summit II Property or the City Property. All notices, requests or other communications required or permitted by this Access Easement Agreement shall be in writing and shall be sent by (i) by overnight courier or hand delivery, or (ii) certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, and addressed to the parties at the following addresses (or to such other address(es) as GRANTOR and/or GRANTEE,or their respective transferee(s)of the City Property or the Summit II Property,shall specify from time to time in written notice to the other party): If to GRANTOR: Laurie Hadley,City Manager 221 East Main Street Round Rock,Texas 78664 Phone: (512)218-5401 With copy to: Stephan L. Sheets Sheets&Crossfield,PLLC 309 E.Main St. Round Rock,Texas 78664 If to GRANTEE: M4 La Frontera II,LLC c/o Mark IV Capital,Inc. 4450 MacArthur Blvd.,Second Floor Newport Beach,California 92660 Attn: Regional Vice President With copy to: M4 La Frontera II,LLC c/o Mark IV Capital,Inc. 4450 MacArthur Blvd.,Second Floor Newport Beach,California 92660 Attn: Chief Operating Officer GRANTOR and GRANTEE agree that the obligations of each party shall be subject to force majeure events including, but not limited to, acts of God, war, acts of terrorism, civil commotion, labor disputes, strikes, fire, flood or other casualty, shortages of labor or material, government regulation or restrictions, weather conditions, and other acts beyond the applicable party's control. GRANTOR and GRANTEE agree that all actions to be performed under this Access Easement Agreement are performable in Williamson County, Texas. GRANTOR and GRANTEE agree that this Access Easement Agreement has been made under the laws of the State of Texas in effect on this date, and that any interpretation of this Access Easement Agreement at a future date shall be made under the laws of the State of Texas with venue being in the state District Court of Williamson County,Texas. [REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK; SIGNATURE PAGES FOLLOW] I EXECUTED this day of 12018. GRANTOR: CITY OF ROUND ROCK By: Craig Morgan,Mayor Date Signed: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON § BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a notary public in and for said county and state, on this day personally appeared CRAIG MORGAN, Mayor of the City of Round Rock, a Texas Home Rule Municipality,on behalf of said municipality, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office on this the_day of 92018. NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Texas [SIGNATURES CONTINUE ON FOLLOWING PAGE] [SIGNATURE PAGE FOR ACCESS EASEMENT AGREEMENT, CON'T] GRAN LA FRONTERA II,L By: Stephen A. Me ger Its: Chief Operating Officer Date Signed: 7 -Z.o ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE TEXAS § COUNTY OF WIL MSON § BEFORE ME,the unde ed,a notary public in and for said county and state,on this day personally appeared (Name), (Title) of M4 La Frontera II,LLC,on behalf of s ' company,known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and-Nknowledged to me that he/she executed the same for the purpose and consideration therein expresse . Given under my hand and seal of office on this the of 12018. NOTARY PUBLIC in and for e State of Texas See. a�-� c•�c.�n� (End) 7 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT CIVIL CODE§ 1189 A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached,and not the truthfulness,accuracy,or validity of that document. State of California County of ®1r--a ve e . On ,� a 0. b 18 before me, M e_ sSor av-oa C0V%Cr C_'%on F leml i%g ,�)o+o..rPl1 u„bc? Date Here Insert Name Ad Title of the Oftri r personally appeared v\ &_V- % Nam )of Signer(s) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s)whose name(s)is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted,executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the ALESSONDRACONCEPCION FLEMING laws of the State of California that the foregoing _.tip...'.. NolaryPublic—California Z paragraph is true and correct. 7 Orange County p Commission#2210275 WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Comm.Expires Aug 17,2021 Signature ` 1��)_ Place Notary Seat and/or Stamp Above Signature of Notary Public OPTIONAL Completing this information can deter alteration of the document or fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: Signer's Name: ❑ Corporate Officer-Title(s): ❑ Corporate Officer-Title(s): ❑ Partner- ❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ Partner- ❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ Individual ❑ Attorney in Fact ❑ Individual ❑ Attorney In Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian of Conservator ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian of Conservator ❑ Other: ❑ Other: Signer is Representing: Signer is Representing: 02017 National Notary Association CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 1 of 1 Complete Nos.1-4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos.1,2,3,5,and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2018-382605 M4 La Frontera II,LCC Newport Beach,CA United States Date Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 07/20/2018 being filed. City of Round Rock,Texas Date Acknowledged: 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract,and provide a description of the services,goods,or other property to be provided under the contract. N/A Development Agreement 4 Nature of interest Name of Interested Party City,State,Country(place of business) (check applicable) Controlling I Intermediary Jones, Patrick Newport Beach,CA United States X Timon, Maria Newport Beach,CA United States X Metzger,Stephen Newport Beach,CA United States X Cate, Paul Newport Beach,CA United States X Mark IV Capital Properties, Inc. Newport Beach,CA United States X 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑ 6 UNSWORN DECLARATION My name is M�L121 P '7-1 M Un , and my date of birth is I Io My address is /l/(/�(� 11� � I�{��`G3�,'�1C �U (street) ZN b Pl— (city) (state) (zip code) (country) I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in O RAN-:6 C County, State of Q�As(A IIF},on the 20 day of--TLLL�f 2018 (month) (year) Signature of au pori ed agent of contracting business entity (Declarant) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1,0,6711 CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 1 of 1 Complete Nos.1-4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos.1,2,3,5,and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2018-382605 M4 La Frontera II, LCC Newport Beach, CA United States Date Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 07/20/2018 being filed. City of Round Rock,Texas Date Acknowledged: 07/25/2018 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract,and provide a description of the services,goods,or other property to be provided under the contract. N/A Development Agreement 4 Nature of interest Name of Interested Party City,State,Country(place of business) (check applicable) Controlling Intermediary Jones, Patrick Newport Beach,CA United States X Timon, Maria Newport Beach, CA United States X Metzger, Stephen Newport Beach, CA United States X Cate, Paul Newport Beach, CA United States X Mark IV Capital Properties, Inc. Newport Beach,CA United States X 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑ 6 UNSWORN DECLARATION My name is and my date of birth is My address is 1 , (street) (city) (state) (zip code) (country) I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in County, State of on the day of 20 (month) (year) Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity (Declarant) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.0.6711 ELECTRONICALLY RECORDED 2018072591 Williamson County, Texas Total Pages:46 STATE OF TEXAS § DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT § REGARDING COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON § SUMMIT II IMPROVEMENTS This is a DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") by and between CITY OF ROUND ROCK, TEXAS, a Texas home rule municipality ("City") and M4 LA FRONTERA II, LLC, a Texas limited liability company ("M4"). City and M4 together shall be referred to herein as "the Parties." The Effective Date of this Agreement is the date this Agreement is approved by the City Council of Round Rock, Texas. WHEREAS, City is the owner of the real property located at 650 Hesters Crossing Road, Round Rock, Texas 78681 used for an elevated water storage tank (hereinafter, "City Property"), further described in Exhibit"A" attached hereto; and WHEREAS, M4 is the owner of the real property located at 710 Hesters Crossing Road, Round Rock, Texas 78681 known as The Summit at La Frontera (hereinafter, "Summit II Property"), further described in Exhibit"B" attached hereto; and WHEREAS, M4 desires to construct a driveway and other improvements across a portion of the City Property to provide pedestrian and vehicular ingress and egress to and from the Summit II Property and Hesters Crossing Road; and WHEREAS, City desires to grant M4 certain access rights and privileges upon the City Property for the purpose of constructing such driveway and other improvements as described herein. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the promises and the mutual agreements set forth herein, the Parties hereby agree as follows: A. PURPOSE The purpose of this Agreement is to provide for the construction of certain improvements on a portion of the City Property by M4. B. M4's OBLIGATIONS 1. Driveway and Fence Construction. M4 shall install and construct those certain driveway and landscaping improvements (the "Driveway Improvements") and fence improvements ("Fence Improvements") on a portion of the City Property according to the Site Development Plan for Summit II Eastern Drive Improvements attached hereto as Exhibit "C" (the Driveway Improvements and Fence Improvements collectively referred to herein as the "Improvements") in a good and workmanlike manner and in the location shown thereon. 2. M4 Covenants and Agrees to the Following: (a) M4 shall promptly backfill any trench made by it on the City Property and repair any damage caused by or on behalf of M4 to the remainder of City Property Development Agreement-Summit 2.v7(final 07.18.2018).docx 2018072591 Page 2 of 46 (b) In the event M4 fails to timely make any repairs as required herein, City may provide written notice to M4 of such failure, and M4 shall proceed to cure any such failure as soon as reasonably practicable but in no event more than thirty (30) days following receipt of written notice thereof from City (or as soon as possible if in the event of an emergency). or, if such repair cannot reasonably be completed in thirty (30) days, then such additional time as may be reasonably required provided M4 commences such cure within the initial thirty (30) day period and diligently pursues completion of same). In the event M4 fails to make such repairs, and such failure continues for the foregoing cure period, City may, at City's sole option (without any obligation), perform such repairs, and M4 shall reimburse City for City's actual costs in connection with such repairs within thirty (30) days following M4's receipt of an invoice therefor from City. (c) M4 SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY, AND HOLD HARMLESS CITY AND ITS OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, REPRESENTATIVES AND AGENTS FROM AND AGAINST ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS, LIABILITIES, CAUSES OF ACTION, SUITS, JUDGMENTS, DAMAGES, AND EXPENSES (INCLUDING ACTUAL REASONABLE ATTORNEYS' FEES) ARISING FROM (1) ANY INJURY TO OR DEATH OF ANY PERSON OR PERSONS OR DAMAGE TO OR THEFT, DESTRUCTION, LOSS, OR LOSS OF USE OF ANY PROPERTY (A "LOSS") TO THE EXTENT CAUSED BY M4 IN THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, AND/OR REPAIR OF THE IMPROVEMENTS ON THE CITY PROPERTY OR (2) M4'S FAILURE TO PERFORM ITS OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. THIS INDEMNITY PROVISION SHALL SURVIVE TERMINATION OR EXPIRATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. (d) M4 shall not undertake, nor shall M4 permit any of M4's agents, contractors, employees or representatives to undertake, any invasive investigation, drilling or sampling of the soil or groundwater at the City Property without the prior written consent of City, which consent shall be in City's sole discretion. Notwithstanding the foregoing, City shall not unreasonably withhold written consent of drilling or sampling of the soil or groundwater required pursuant to or related to the construction and repair of the Improvements. (e) M4 shall conduct all activities and rights under this Agreement in such a manner so as to not disturb City's use of the remainder of the City Property. In the event M4's use of the City Property hereunder disturbs City's use of City Property, City may provide written notice to M4 of such disruption, and M4 shall proceed to cease or remediate any activities causing such disturbance as soon as reasonably practicable but in no event more than thirty(30) days following receipt of written notice thereof from City. Notwithstanding the foregoing, M4 and the City acknowledge and agree that, during construction, M4 shall have the right to fence off and otherwise restrict access to the City Property as reasonably required to complete the construction of the Improvements and, subject to the following, such restricted access and the construction and repair of the Improvements as contemplated herein shall not be considered a disturbance of the City's use of the City Property; provided that, during construction, the City shall have access to the 2 2018072591 Page 3 of 46 City facilities (including the elevated water tower) located on the City Property either (i) on and across the City Property or (ii) over and across the Summit II Property and the adjacent property known as 810 Hesters Crossing Road, Round Rock, TX 78681 and owned by an affiliate of M4, in accordance with the terms set forth in those certain Access License Agreements, a copy of which are attached hereto as Exhibit "D". C. CITY OBLIGATIONS 1. Construction Easement. City hereby grants and conveys to M4 and its agents and contractors a license to access and utilize the City Property to the extent reasonably necessary to install, construct, repair and maintain the Improvements. 2. Access Easement. Simultaneously with the execution of this Agreement, City will grant M4 an easement substantially similar in form to that attached hereto as Exhibit "E". D. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 1. Actions Performable. City and M4 agree that all actions to be performed under this Agreement are performable in Williamson County, Texas. 2. Governing Law. City and M4 agree that this Agreement has been made under the laws of the State of Texas in effect on this date, and that any interpretation of this Agreement at a future date shall be made under the laws of the State of Texas with venue being in the state District Court of Williamson County, Texas. 3. Severability. If a provision hereof shall be finally declared void or illegal by any court or administrative agency having jurisdiction, the entire Agreement shall not be void, but the remaining provisions shall continue in effect as nearly as possible in accordance with the original intent of the Parties. 4. Complete Agreement. This Agreement represents a complete agreement of the Parties relating to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior written and oral matters related to this Agreement. Any amendment to this Agreement must be in writing and signed by all Parties. 5. Exhibits. All exhibits attached to this Agreement are incorporated by reference and expressly made part of this Agreement as if copied verbatim. 6. Notice. All notices, requests or other communications required or permitted by this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be sent by (i) email, when received by confirmed electronic transmission, (ii) by overnight courier or hand delivery, or (iii) certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, and addressed to the parties at the following addresses (or to such other address(es) as City and/or M4 or their peimitted assignees hereunder shall specify from time to time in written notice to the other party): If to City: Laurie Hadley, City Manager 221 East Main Street 3 2018072591 Page 4 of 46 Round Rock, Texas 78664 Phone: (512) 218-5401 Email: lhadley a roundrocktexas.gov With copy to: Stephan L. Sheets Sheets & Crossfield, PLLC 309 E. Main St. Round Rock, Texas 78664 If to M4: M4 La Frontera II, LLC do Mark IV Capital, Inc. 4450 MacArthur Blvd., Second Floor Newport Beach, California 92660 Attn: Regional Vice President Email: jbasiea markiv.com With copy to: M4 La Frontera II, LLC do Mark IV Capital, Inc. 4450 MacArthur Blvd., Second Floor Newport Beach, California 92660 Attn: Chief Operating Officer Email: smetlgera;markiv.coni 7. Force Majeure. M4 and City agree that the obligations of each party shall be subject to force majeure events including, but not limited to, acts of God, war, acts of terrorism, civil commotion, labor disputes, strikes, fire, flood or other casualty, shortages of labor or material, government regulation or restrictions, weather conditions, and other acts beyond the applicable Party's control. 8. Assignment. Except for an assignment by M4 to an affiliated entity (for which notice, but no consent, is required), this Agreement may be assigned by M4 only with the written consent of the Round Rock City Council, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Any assignment must bind the assignee to all the terms and conditions of this Agreement, which will be recorded in the Williamson County Official Records. 9. Signature Warranty Clause. The signatories to this Agreement represent and warrant that they have the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of City and M4, respectively. 4 2018072591 Page 5 of 46 CITY OF ROUND ROCK By: (1, ) Craig Moran, May Date Signed: . ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON § BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a notary public in and for said county and state, on this day personally appeared CRAIG MORGAN, as Mayor of the City of Round Rock, a Texas Home Rule Municipality, on behalf of said municipality, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office on this the 640 day of , 2018. coee911NB1t9tl66'��s' s���, ® NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of ® ° Texas t ,12658612®® •®> 5 2018072591 Page 6 of 46 M4 LA FRONTERA II,LLC v, r By Stephen A. Metzger Its: Chief Operating Officer Date Signed: ? ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE• .TEXAS § COUNTY OF WL., . MSON § BEFORE ME, the u" :-rsigned, a notary public in and for said county and state, on this day personally appeared (Name), (Title) of M4 La Frontera II, C, on behalf of said company, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the ` 5. -egoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same for the purpose and co _ideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office on this th- day of , 2018. NOTARY PUBLIC in~:. d for the State of Texas (End) 6 2018072591 Page 7 of 46 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT CIVIL CODE 5 1189 A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached,and not the truthfulness,accuracy,or validity of that document. State of California County of 7`0..to, e J} On SkAA, JOa x1oil before me, fr-Si1e_ss®v®Ab-c,. C,.oInCPPL®ove 1ew1e ,1Jo-1-er- t.�i�G, Date Here Insert Name and Title of the Officer-) personally appeared \-ec'v, 1s% e�zoe_r Name(s)of Signer(s) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s)whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the °' -a, - - laws of the State of California that the foregoing .+«+. ALESSCNDRACONCEPCION FLEMING paragraph is true and correct. Notary Public California ek. Orange County WITNESS my hand and official seal. d Commission#2210275 r`` My Comm.Expires Aug 17,2021 Signature Place Notary Seal and/or Stamp Above Signature of Notary Public OPTIONAL Completing this information can deter alteration of the document or fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(les) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: Signer's Name: ❑ Corporate Officer— Title(s): ❑ Corporate Officer—Title(s): ❑ Partner— ❑ Limited ❑ General 0 Partner— 0 Limited ❑ General O Individual ❑ Attorney in Fact 0 Individual ❑ Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee 0 Guardian of Conservator ❑ Trustee 0 Guardian of Conservator O Other: ❑ Other: Signer is Representing: Signer is Representing: ©2017 National Notary Association 2018072591 Page 8 of 46 EXHIBIT "A" City Property Tract One: Lot 5, Block A, LA FRONTERA SECTION IIIA, a subdivision in Williamson County, Texas, according to the map or plat recorded in Cabinet S, Slides 370-374 of the Plat Records of Williamson County, Texas and Document No. 2000048386 of the Official Public Records of Williamson County, Texas. Tract Two: A tract of land(no acreage cited) conveyed to the City of Round Rock, Texas by instrument of record in Volume 1429, Page 462 of the Official Records of Williamson County, Texas. (See Attached) 7 2018072591 Page 9 of 46 Q. II DI a #�ag� � OIIE,� .d ^8 Ac %3e6 I P. .Zt't6Z Y• .x 1 41_—.—— • f __ !Q I k[ 0 0 1l 1r°� 1�. 1�0_.ai'a l. al !^ ), .j§ s6 _.___ x. 7J,a�,a.t s) r° f I y® -- — T�®�-+— 4 ( r a1 -jjji: ,1u , 1____ , , ....„„,,,, : ,-,. il\i ,, , __------, \,...„. ,...., t , .st„,. . 0 A [ _1 i I ,Neckyli 7„.„ • t Iia i kk -,- ..14- . ,,,,-..„...._____-..- __,, E„ 1 * ;!..:--,,,----4__t__.__ ._ cii#1\ „:. )11!ik. „It, ,.:. \Ili\ \it Nit \ im!_ {_------ . '''V t '11111111111114....r", - — . -_,Il/ I'‘.:_70,.,,,..e.„ , , ,.. "g •� 43 Ik� m II ll a -- " 1 . III 1 _ % % VIIIII �� „ =��� �I III�`ill VIII _ 131 11110 \48 V \ \*410 Oil I! 11 ifi 4111111111111:-i '' r \1(40 ii 11 ��r � \ I O N 4 ,,, dg A Nm q 811; �r Sim is 1 II. B➢ ' __ _ I Y IF fil,„,,,, fi ", , i ,u ,,„. „@ o .... .. On „ E B , s 'bpspg eP :DO, 5^ o o m RR x �4 q 7 — N x iii H O r 0 0) ED 08t 73 2s 'smn -o D .58 Ka ; m v Z o CD 0 n d a) C m o” D o 84A`°"."0.1°`......v...tia. SITE DESIGN SURVEY OF THREE TRACTS: 1)LOT 5,BLOCK A.IA FRDNTERA SECTION HSA; BASELINELAND SURVEYORS, INC. o L„,„IAN 5-EN I..len Dote:08/16/17 A SUBDIVISION OF RECORD IN CABINET S.SLIDES 370-374 OF THE PLAT RECORDS P. CA Scale(Hor.): 1"=aa' scale(Vert); OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY,TEXAS AND DOCUMENT NUMBER 2000048380 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYING SERVICES RECORDS OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY.TEXAS;2)A TRACT OF LANE(NO ACREAGE CITED) 8020 ANDERSON SQUARE ROAD, SUITE 101 O Rt Drawn By:RLW Checked By:JSL CONVEYED TO CITY OF ROUND ROCK,TEXAS BY INSTRUMENT OF RECORD IN VOLUME 1429, F2, Revision I: pAGE 482 OF THE OFFICIAL.RECORDS OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY,TEXAS AND 3)A 0.074 OF AUSTIN, TEXAS 78757 0 Revision 2: ONE ACRE TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO GRANDE COMMUNICATIONS NETWORKS,INC.BY TELE: 512.374.9722 Revision 3: INSTRUMENT OF RECORD IN DOCUMENT NUOROR 200XEO5R21 OF FIRM REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE /10015100 Revision 4: THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY.TEXAS ronObaselinelandsurveyors.net 2018072591 Page 10 of 46 EXHIBIT "B" Summit II Property Lot 3, Block B, THE SUMMIT AT LA FRONTERA, a subdivision in Williamson County, Texas, according to the map or plat recorded in Cabinet 7, Slides 29-.330 of the Plat Records of Williamson County, Texas. (See Attached) 8 2018072591 Page 11 of 46 j 'Q .0 mN > .tea gGnp 74 S 4m F;wa ` -.-T .55'BC5 i 1 > E,., u ntl2 A fr�— - t. p N >m6, m , g�€� Ham" PA !:1 1 ''' y g'i 0 �`. 4r' i ''ati4a 3 / P I 1-7 ,t. E-1 T. a f., n L E.* - n O \\ ,Gv - 0.Z1 ? (D 2 0 Q O 0 apt -A9' m 3 m d, ,. iA=s o CD X ?g'tg in o m g4 v E c.m r IID O 3 x D >`2_,T, °1 Z o co 0 } y , n C mo` n. E >o� o A �i 2018072591 Page 12 of 46 EXHIBIT "C" Improvements (See Attached) 9 2018072591 Page 130146 0 Ell El p nam eF m ;j'z o,- ; a m o 2�0» ,n^nen r., 0 m a k ` - ` a^ n7"mo Age '.',10-42 -� - Sq E ~Q g6- N n22 Aana U 2V Zm mTaM zMi' c a o0n m CNtiOC^ CWD ��OC mmamra OD as o` > 'c' �A` vA int; j,,;, -UA°NNW2nm nti,P1 O'" ON2A s so s o �tie21,6 ;T '?.,P.'r " ? `4`-',U .4' `-',U. a''n Hinz ,m AAnani 3 A a 0411- ii Omfal $o^ �iga�so ax ',_i,,,'1 pix�� n joN a pm An �"��- o x o� g�aF�o^pa ,,_'Lxa �wN�n a mn CP i - pi a o ^ n ya ^o-a Nm ;,a'n 4; s 22 9� �, � �m dna a � yn � mx� � �am�� x Azo 4 az o Ss �R; z8 p4,,. 3 �� _ >ay A _ zo� 3 mm'z N3 m o7n '� A 3 N i6 '^gIi4 5 § dmi - ems gt1E in o ;sz 8 Nvzan�� A4 zm Ym m A T o gg 8o gg" En rri 111 15 8 m 9 a (. / N''''sroli* • Nit 1.1 001%, (--- --.3. 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O o $$p ° �.. 71' � S ,.+•, MARK IV p 4 m y 00 .0 '2..,„:-1.---: TCEQ NOTES ...LL K\P000010v30—K:"uPR.L\ao1 ,000,,,v,:���\ow,s\n rcco»o,IOP%o PLO. ":.GNpf3 KIM P10100II a i 2.K 5xI,,P11 2018072591 Page 16 of 46 _�`- \�o P• o 4;1 Z L .„,,,,.. ...____ ,t. \ _�_ -0 Z P O�� ,, O�O 4 ' —l,y.i�O1 p� O s C n 0 lib .p c04ERF- ce: l \A 9 G N \-- • , O \ w 1 \ \ 1 .l O 1 w o �dM�`_ iF 4.1( r� , � .��M " rVI l ��M ,k 5 osrpF \ s " w Nwq C ma` 11111411 4\ xS ,),--------''''\1:0---.--° Yt E{ . C m Co $• P C \ ^ C (:( �v� 1-f, \ Z a 71 Q 1 '"2-.. z �� ,F. 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RC SUMMIT II AT LA FRONTERA a0 Stantec og o O 710 RESTERS CROSSING , M1 LANDSCAPE PLAN ,;4'« s a' ®�• �a.EG.P.0 ag��1m ,, s ROUND ROCK,TEXAS me • .,• ° "' 2018072591 Page 25 of 46 EXHIBIT "D" Access License (See Attached) 10 2018072591 Page 26 of 46 TEMPORARY LICENSE TO USE REAL PROPERTY This TEMPORARY LICENSE TO USE REAL PROPERTY (this "Temporary License") is dated for reference purposes as July 13, 2018 and is made and entered into by and between M4 LA FRONTERA, LLC, a Texas limited liability company("Owner"),and CITY OF ROUND ROCK,TEXAS,a Texas home rule municipality("LICENSEE"). LICENSEE is hereby granted a limited, revocable license to use that certain premises described as a portion of the Summit at La Frontera site located at 810 Hesters Crossing Road, Round Rock,TX 78681 (the "Premises"),as depicted in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, for the limited purpose of temporarily accessing LICENSEE's water tower during the construction of improvements by M4 La Frontera II, LLC, to the existing driveway serving such water tower as further described in that certain Development Agreement Regarding Summit II Improvements attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by this reference,for the period beginning on July 16, 2018 and ending on or before the earlier of (i) September 15, 2018 or (ii) the date upon which Owner provides written notice of termination to Licensee (the"Term"). Only LICENSEE and LICENSEE'S Agents may enter, use or possess the Premises during the Term and only for the aforesaid limited purpose, and LICENSEE may not assign, sublet or license any use of the Premises (or any portion thereof)to any other person(s) for any other purposes whatsoever, without the prior written consent of Owner in each instance, in Owner's sole and absolute discretion. LICENSEE will keep Owner reasonably informed at all times regarding LICENSEE's and LICENSEE'S Agents proposed activities in, on and about the Premises. LICENSEE and LICENSEE'S Agents shall make no alterations or improvements of any kind in or about the Premises, or store any private property, equipment, or vehicles on the Premises overnight,without the prior written consent of Owner, in its sole and absolute discretion. "LICENSEE'S Agents" means Licensee's authorized agents, representatives, consultants, contractors, partners, subsidiaries,affiliates,directors,officers, and employees. If LICENSEE or LICENSEE'S Agents need assistance entering the Premises or while on the Premises, LICENSEE or LICENSEE'S Agents shall call Tami Caudle at 480-251-4034 or 512-514-0099 to notify Owner, or Shawn Park at 512-632-7458 or Geraldo Rendon at 432-528-9392 to notify Owner's contractor. While LICENSEE or LICENSEE'S Agents are on site at the Premises and outside their vehicles, LICENSEE or LICENSEE's agents, employees, or contractors shall at all times wear appropriate protection customary for an active construction site, including but not limited to a hard hat, reflective safety vest, and safety glasses(the"Safety Items"). If LICENSEE or LICENSEE'S Agents do not have the Safety Items, LICENSEE or LICENSEE'S Agents shall request such items from Owner upon arrival at the Premises and Owner shall use commercially reasonable efforts to make the Safety Items available to LICENSEE or LICENSEE'S Agents. Notwithstanding the foregoing, LICENSEE or LICENSEE'S Agents shall not access the Premises without wearing the Safety Items. LICENSEE accepts the Premises "AS IS" and acknowledges that Owner is under no obligation to modify, maintain or repair the Premises for LICENSEE's or LICENSEE'S Agents use. Owner expressly does not warrant the fitness for LICENSEE's or LICENSEE'S Agents use nor the condition of the driveways, drive aisles, other facilities, improvements, parking or appurtenances (as being in good or working condition or as being compliant with the Americans With Disabilities Act and/or any other laws and/or otherwise), and LICENSEE assumes all risks associated with its use of the Premises. LICENSEE acknowledges that Owner and Owner's Agents (as defined below) may require and shall have (for itself and its designees from time to time) access to the Premises at all times to perform inspections, maintenance and/or modifications of the improvements and to access the buildings, parking, driveways, drive aisles,and construction areas on Owner's property. Owner shall make reasonable efforts to minimize interference with LICENSEE's use of the Premises. "Owner's Agents" means Owner's authorized agents, representatives, property managers (whether as agents or independent contractors), consultants, contractors, partners, subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, employees, and tenants and occupants of Owner's property and their respective employees and visitors. LICENSEE shall owe no rent for its use or possession of the Premises during the Term. - 1 - 2018072591 Page 27 of 46 Upon the expiration or earlier termination of this Temporary License,Tenant shall surrender the Premises to Owner in its condition existing as of the beginning of the Term, including but not limited to all personal property of LICENSEE removed and all damages caused to the Premises (or any portion thereof) during the Term fully repaired at LICENSEE's sole cost and expense. In the event that the Premises is not maintained in the condition required above, Owner shall have the right after two (2) business days' notice to perform such maintenance or repairs and have the right to reimbursement from LICENSEE for the cost thereof. LICENSEE shall provide Owner with a certificate of insurance for not less than $1,000,000 in liability coverage in form and content acceptable to Owner naming Owner as additional insured, and LICENSEE shall maintain the insurance reflected in such certificate in full force and effect throughout the Term. To the extent permitted by applicable law, LICENSEE agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold Owner (its officers, representatives, trustors, trustees, beneficiaries, agents, employees, successors and assigns) harmless from any claims, demands, liabilities, causes of action, suits, judgements, damages, losses, claims and expenses (including without limitation attorneys'fees)that result from, arise out of, relate to, or are connected with (i) this Temporary License or LICENSEE's (or LICENSEE'S Agents) use or possession of the Premises; (ii) any injury to or death of any person or persons or damage to or destruction, loss, or loss of use of any property(each, a "Loss") to the extent caused by LICENSEE or LICENSEE'S Agents in its use of the Premises; or(iii) LICENSEE's failure to perform its obligations under this Temporary License. This Temporary License is terminable only with cause, and in any event upon breach of this Temporary License. LICENSEE shall promptly vacate the Premises upon termination of this Temporary License (including without limitation removing all personal property stored therein) or not later than one(1)day after notice of termination of this License from Owner. LICENSEE will comply with any reasonable rules and regulations promulgated by Owner at any time(s)concerning the Premises. In the event LICENSEE fails to timely vacate the Premises and leave the same in the condition required hereunder, LICENSEE acknowledges that it will be liable to Owner for any and all damages caused. [REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] -2 - 2018072591 Page 28 of 46 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have caused this Temporary License to be duly executed by their duly authorized representatives as of the date first written above. LICENSEE: CITY OF ROUND ROCK,TEXAS, a Texas home rule municipality By: Name: Title: Date: OWNER: M4 LA FRP TERA,LLC, a Texas imited liability company By: s 1YL[ Name: Stephen A. Metzger Title: Chief Operating Officer Date: ?- as _ IS- - 1 - 2018072591 Page 29 of 46 EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES . 1 , ,... : ,. ,7 , \ i \ y \ y9y2". I. Cl.,TAMS C• ..?.: x nz aavt .nu • The Premises is depicted by the yellow shaded area in the above diagram. RECORDERS MEMORANDUM ? All or parts of the text on this page was not clearly legible for satisfactory recordation 2018072591 Page 30 of 46 EXHIBIT B DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT REGARDING SUMMIT II IMPROVEMENTS (See Attached) -3 - 2018072591 Page 31 of 46 TEMPORARY LICENSE TO USE REAL PROPERTY This TEMPORARY LICENSE TO USE REAL PROPERTY (this "Temporary License") is dated for reference purposes as July 13, 2018 and is made and entered into by and between M4 LA FRONTERA II, LLC, a Texas limited liability company("Owner"),and CITY OF ROUND ROCK,TEXAS,a Texas home rule municipality("LICENSEE"). LICENSEE is hereby granted a limited, revocable license to use that certain premises described as a portion of the Summit II at La Frontera site located at 710 Resters Crossing Road, Round Rock,TX 78681 (the "Premises"), as depicted in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, for the limited purpose of temporarily accessing LICENSEE's water tower during the construction of improvements by Owner to the existing driveway serving such water tower as further described in that certain Development Agreement Regarding Summit II Improvements attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by this reference, for the period beginning on July 16, 2018 and ending on or before the earlier of(i) September 15, 2018 or(ii) the date upon which Owner provides written notice of termination to Licensee (the"Term"). Only LICENSEE and LICENSEE'S Agents may enter, use or possess the Premises during the Term and only for the aforesaid limited purpose, and LICENSEE may not assign, sublet or license any use of the Premises (or any portion thereof) to any other person(s) for any other purposes whatsoever, without the prior written consent of Owner in each instance, in Owner's sole and absolute discretion. LICENSEE will keep Owner reasonably informed at all times regarding LICENSEE's and LICENSEE'S Agents proposed activities in, on and about the Premises. LICENSEE and LICENSEE'S Agents shall make no alterations or improvements of any kind in or about the Premises, or store any private property, equipment, or vehicles on the Premises overnight,without the prior written consent of Owner, in its sole and absolute discretion. "LICENSEE'S Agents" means Licensee's authorized agents, representatives, consultants, contractors, partners, subsidiaries,affiliates,directors,officers, and employees. If LICENSEE or LICENSEE'S Agents need assistance entering the Premises or while on the Premises, LICENSEE or LICENSEE'S Agents shall call Tami Caudle at 480-251-4034 or 512-514-0099 to notify Owner, or Shawn Park at 512-632-7458 or Geraldo Rendon at 432-528-9392 to notify Owner's contractor. While LICENSEE or LICENSEE'S Agents are on site at the Premises and outside their vehicles, LICENSEE or LICENSEE's agents, employees, or contractors shall at all times wear appropriate protection customary for an active construction site, including but not limited to a hard hat, reflective safety vest, and safety glasses (the"Safety Items"). If LICENSEE or LICENSEE'S Agents do not have the Safety Items, LICENSEE or LICENSEE'S Agents shall request such items from Owner upon arrival at the Premises and Owner shall use commercially reasonable efforts to make the Safety Items available to LICENSEE or LICENSEE'S Agents. Notwithstanding the foregoing, LICENSEE or LICENSEE'S Agents shall not access the Premises without wearing the Safety Items. LICENSEE accepts the Premises "AS IS" and acknowledges that Owner is under no obligation to modify, maintain or repair the Premises for LICENSEE's or LICENSEE'S Agents use. Owner expressly does not warrant the fitness for LICENSEE's or LICENSEE'S Agents use nor the condition of the driveways, drive aisles, other facilities, improvements, parking or appurtenances (as being in good or working condition or as being compliant with the Americans With Disabilities Act and/or any other laws and/or otherwise), and LICENSEE assumes all risks associated with its use of the Premises. LICENSEE acknowledges that Owner and Owner's Agents (as defined below) may require and shall have (for itself and its designees from time to time) access to the Premises at all times to perform inspections, maintenance and/or modifications of the improvements and to access the buildings, parking, driveways, drive aisles, and construction areas on Owner's property. Owner shall make reasonable efforts to minimize interference with LICENSEE's use of the Premises. "Owner's Agents" means Owner's authorized agents, representatives, property managers (whether as agents or independent contractors), consultants, contractors, partners, subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, employees, and tenants and occupants of Owner's property and their respective employees and visitors. LICENSEE shall owe no rent for its use or possession of the Premises during the Term. - 1 - 2018072591 Page 32 of 46 Upon the expiration or earlier termination of this Temporary License,Tenant shall surrender the Premises to Owner in its condition existing as of the beginning of the Term, including but not limited to all personal property of LICENSEE removed and all damages caused to the Premises(or any portion thereof)during the Term fully repaired at LICENSEE's sole cost and expense. In the event that the Premises is not maintained in the condition required above, Owner shall have the right after two (2) business days' notice to perform such maintenance or repairs and have the right to reimbursement from LICENSEE for the cost thereof. LICENSEE shall provide Owner with a certificate of insurance for not less than $1,000,000 in liability coverage in form and content acceptable to Owner naming Owner as additional insured, and LICENSEE shall maintain the insurance reflected in such certificate in full force and effect throughout the Term. To the extent permitted by applicable law, LICENSEE agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold Owner (its officers, representatives, trustors, trustees, beneficiaries, agents, employees, successors and assigns) harmless from any claims, demands, liabilities, causes of action, suits, judgements, damages, losses, claims and expenses (including without limitation attorneys' fees)that result from, arise out of, relate to, or are connected with (i)this Temporary License or LICENSEE's (or LICENSEE'S Agents) use or possession of the Premises; (ii) any injury to or death of any person or persons or damage to or destruction, loss, or loss of use of any property(each, a "Loss")to the extent caused by LICENSEE or LICENSEE'S Agents in its use of the Premises; or(iii) LICENSEE's failure to perform its obligations under this Temporary License. This Temporary License is terminable only with cause, and in any event upon breach of this Temporary License. LICENSEE shall promptly vacate the Premises upon termination of this Temporary License (including without limitation removing all personal property stored therein) or not later than one(1)day after notice of termination of this License from Owner. LICENSEE will comply with any reasonable rules and regulations promulgated by Owner at any time(s) concerning the Premises. In the event LICENSEE fails to timely vacate the Premises and leave the same in the condition required hereunder, LICENSEE acknowledges that it will be liable to Owner for any and all damages caused. [REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] 2018072591 Page 33 of 46 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have caused this Temporary License to be duly executed by their duly authorized representatives as of the date first written above. LICENSEE: CITY OF ROUND ROCK,TEXAS, a Texas home rule municipality By: Name: Title: Date: OWNER: M4 ' RONTERA II,LLC, a Texa. limited liability company 411( By: , Name: Stephen A. Metzger Title: Chief Operating Officer Date: 7- z_o - i }� -3- 2018072591 Page 34 of 46 EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES _,..----:.-----.-7-) .i--l) 0 ,f i, i '- 1-T --,1 j .J ,----i- - ' - _ 1 r i j. . m k • .. t `C • , Y 1 , . r- ..; OG 40' • The Premises is depicted by the yellow shaded area in the above diagram. • The red star in the above diagram depicts the location of a gate between Owner's property and LICENSEE's property.Such gate will be locked with a combination lock provided by LICENSEE.The combination of the lock will be provided by LICENSEE to Owner. RECORDERS MEMORANDUM All or parts of the text on this page was not -4 clearly legible for satisfactory recordation 2018072591 Page 35 of 46 EXHIBIT B DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT REGARDING SUMMIT II IMPROVEMENTS (See Attached) -S - 2018072591 Page 36 of 46 EXHIBIT "E" Access Easement (See Attached) 11 2018072591 Page 37 of 46 ACCESS EASEMENT AGREEMENT STATE OF TEXAS ) ) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON ) That the CITY OF ROUND ROCK, TEXAS, a Texas municipal corporation, "GRANTOR", for and in consideration of the payment of TEN and NO/100 DOLLARS, and other good and valuable consideration,in hand paid to GRANTOR by M4 LA FRONTERA 11, LLC, a Texas limited liability company, "GRANTEE", the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has GRANTED, SOLD and CONVEYED and by these presents does GRANT, SELL, and CONVEY unto the said GRANTEE, certain rights and interests in the nature of a perpetual access easement for pedestrian and vehicular ingress and egress to and from the Summit II Property (defined below) and Hesters Crossing Road, on, across and through the following described property: Being all that certain tract,piece or parcel of land lying and being situated in the County of Williamson, State of Texas, being more particularly described by metes and bounds in Exhibit"A"and by diagram in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes (herein sometimes referred to as the"Easement Area"or the"Property"). upon, over, and across said Property as herein described, for the benefit of the Summit II Property. GRANTOR is the owner of the real property located at 650 Hesters Crossing Road, Round Rock,Texas 78681 used for an elevated water storage tank(hereinafter, "City Property"), further described in Exhibit "C" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. The Easement Area is located on a portion of the City Property. GRANTEE is the owner of the real property located at 710 Hesters Crossing Road, Round Rock, Texas 78681 known as The Summit at La Frontera (hereinafter, "Summit Il Property"), further described in Exhibit `'D" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. This easement, and the rights and privileges granted by this conveyance, are non- exclusive and appurtenant to the Summit II Property. However, GRANTOR hereby covenants that GRANTOR and GRANTOR's successors and assignees shall not convey any other easement, license, or conflicting right to use the Easement Area or any portion thereof, or otherwise permit the use of the Easement Area,in any manner that will materially interfere with the use for which this easement is granted. This easement is appurtenant to and runs with the title to all or any portion of the Summit II Property, whether or not the easement is referenced or described in any conveyance of all or such portion of the Summit II Property. The easement granted herein (and obligations of GRANTOR hereunder) are for the benefit of and enforceable by GRANTEE and GRANTEE's heirs, successors, assigns, transferees, and mortgagees who at any time own the Summit II Property or any portion of or interest in the Summit II Property(as applicable, the "Holder") and such easement may be used by Holder and its tenants, and their respective employees, agents, representatives, consultants, customers, mortgagees, invitees, permittees and guests("Permitted Users"). GRANTEE covenants that: (a) Following completion of construction of the Driveway Improvements (defined below) by GRANTEE pursuant to that certain Development Agreement Regarding Summit II Improvements by and between GRANTOR and GRANTEE dated of even date herewith (the "Development Agreement"), GRANTEE shall operate, maintain and repair (at GRANTEE's sole cost) those certain driveway improvements and other paved areas located within the Easement Area, as well as any landscaping installed by GRANTEE adjacent to such driveway improvements (only to the extent located between the Summit II Property and such driveway improvements,and not any other landscaping on the City Property) 2018072591 Page 38 of 46 (such driveway improvements and landscaping referred to collectively herein as the`'Driveway Improvements"). (b) GRANTEE shall promptly repair(at GRANTEE's sole cost) any damage to the City Property caused by GRANTEE or its Permitted Users during their use of the Easement Area; (c) GRANTEE shall perform, at its sole cost and expense, maintenance, operation, management, restoration and normal repair and replacement of all Driveway Improvements located within the Easement Area (collectively, the "Grantee Maintenance Obligations"). GRANTEE shall perform the Grantee Maintenance Obligations in a commercially reasonable manner and in at least the same standard and quality as GRANTEE maintains the remainder of the drives and parking areas on the Summit II Property. In the event GRANTEE fails to satisfy the Grantee Maintenance Obligations, GRANTOR may provide written notice to GRANTEE of such failure,and GRANTEE shall proceed to cure any such failure as soon as reasonably practicable but in no event more than thirty (30) days following receipt of written notice thereof from GRANTOR (or as soon as possible if in the event of an emergency, or, if such Grantee Maintenance Obligations cannot reasonably be fulfilled in said thirty (30) days, then such additional time as may be reasonably required provided GRANTEE commences such cure within the initial thirty(30)day period and thereafter diligently pursues completion of same). In the event GRANTEE fails to perform the Grantee Maintenance Obligations, and such failure continues after the foregoing cure period, GRANTOR may, at GRANTOR's sole option (without any obligation), perform such Grantee Maintenance Obligations, and GRANTEE shall reimburse GRANTOR for its actual costs in connection with such Grantee Maintenance Obligations within thirty (30) days following GRANTEE's receipt of an invoice therefor from GRANTOR. (d) GRANTEE SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY, AND HOLD HARMLESS GRANTOR AND ITS OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, REPRESENTATIVES AND AGENTS FROM AND AGAINST ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS, LIABILITIES, CAUSES OF ACTION, SUITS, JUDGMENTS, DAMAGES, AND EXPENSES (INCLUDING ACTUAL REASONABLE ATTORNEYS' FEES) ARISING FROM (1) ANY INJURY TO OR DEATH OF ANY PERSON OR PERSONS OR DAMAGE TO OR THEFT,DESTRUCTION, LOSS,OR LOSS OF USE OF ANY PROPERTY (A-LOSS-) TO THE EXTENT CAUSED BY GRANTEE'S OR ITS PERMITTED USER(S)' USE OF THE EASEMENT AREA OR (2) GRANTEE'S FAILURE TO PERFORM ITS OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. THE FOREGOING INDEMNITY SHALL NOT EXTEND TO ANY LOSS CAUSED BY GRANTOR OR ANY OF GRANTOR'S OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, REPRESENTATIVES OR AGENTS. THIS INDEMNITY PROVISION SHALL SURVIVE TERMINATION OR EXPIRATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. (e) GRANTEE shall not undertake.nor shall GRANTEE permit any of GRANTEE's agents, contractors, employees or representatives to undertake, any invasive investigation, drilling or sampling of the soil or groundwater on City Property without the prior written consent of GRANTOR, which consent shall be in GRANTOR's sole discretion. Notwithstanding the foregoing, GRANTOR shall not unreasonably withhold written consent of invasive investigation, drilling, or sampling of the soil or groundwater within the Easement Area to the extent required pursuant to or related to the Grantee Maintenance Obligations. (f) GRANTEE shall conduct all activities and rights under this agreement in such a manner so as to not disturb GRANTOR's use of the remainder of the City Property (provided that use by Holder and the Permitted Users of the Easement Area for the purpose described herein and the performance of the Grantee Maintenance Obligations shall not be considered a disturbance of GRANTOR's use of the remainder of the City Property). In the event GRANTEE's use of the Easement Area hereunder disturbs GRANTOR's use of the remainder of the City 2018072591 Page 39 of 46 Property, GRANTOR may provide written notice to GRANTEE of such disruption, and GRANTEE shall proceed to cease or remediate any activities causing such disturbance as soon as reasonably practicable but in no event less than thirty(30)days following receipt of written notice thereof from GRANTOR. (g) In no event shall GRANTEE have any obligation hereunder to maintain,repair or replace those certain fence and gate improvements constructed by GRANTEE in accordance with the Development Agreement (whether or not located in the Easement Area),nor shall GRANTEE have any obligation hereunder to maintain any landscaping adjacent to the Driveway Improvements (other than the landscaping located between the Summit II Property and Driveway Improvements). (h) GRANTEE shall have no liability for any Loss caused by GRANTOR or GRANTOR's officers, employees, representatives, agents, vendors, or guests (collectively,the"Grantor Parties")use of the Easement Area or City Property. (i) In the event GRANTOR or any Grantor Parties cause Material Damage to the Driveway Improvements, GRANTEE shall promptly notify GRANTOR of such Material Damage, including a description of the damage,how it was caused, and the estimated costs to repair such Material Damage. "Material Damage" shall mean damage to the Driveway Improvements that would cost more than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) to repair and excludes ordinary wear and tear and damage due to the customary use for vehicular ingress and egress by GRANTOR or Grantor Parties. Within twenty(20)days of receipt of such notice,GRANTOR shall notify GRANTEE as to whether(i)GRANTOR elects to perform the repairs necessary to repair such Material Damage at GRANTOR's sole cost and expense, (ii)GRANTOR elects to reimburse GRANTEE for GRANTEE's costs incurred in repairing such Material Damage, such reimbursement not to exceed the estimated costs set forth in GRANTEE's notice and such reimbursement to be made within thirty (30) days following receipt of an invoice therefore, or (iii) GRANTOR objects to the claim that such Material Damage was caused by GRANTOR or Grantor Parties. In the event GRANTOR timely objects pursuant to subsection (iii) above, GRANTOR and GRANTEE shall submit such claim to an independent third-party mediator in an attempt to resolve such claim, and if such claim is not resolved via mediation, then GRANTOR and GRANTEE shall have all rights at law and in equity for the resolution of such claim. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the rights and interests herein described unto GRANTEE, and its successors and assignees, forever, and GRANTOR does hereby bind itself, its successors and assignees, to warrant and forever defend, all and singular, these rights and interests unto GRANTEE, and its successors and assignees, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim same, or any part thereof, by, through or under GRANTOR but not otherwise. The rights, benefits, burdens and obligations of GRANTOR and GRANTEE respectively hereunder are intended to run with the City Property and the Summit II Property respectively, and to bind and inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by and against the respective heirs, successors, assigns, transferees, mortgagees and tenants of GRANTOR and GRANTEE respectively who at any time own the Summit II Property, the City Property, or any portion of or interest in either the Summit II Property or the City Property. All notices, requests or other communications required or permitted by this Access Easement Agreement shall be in writing and shall be sent by (i) by overnight courier or hand delivery, or (ii) certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, and addressed to the parties at the following addresses (or to such other address(es) as GRANTOR and/or GRANTEE,or their respective transferee(s)of the City Property or the Summit II Property,shall specify from time to time in written notice to the other party): If to GRANTOR: Laurie Hadley,City Manager 221 East Main Street Round Rock,Texas 78664 Phone: (512)218-5401 With copy to: 2018072591 Page 40 of 46 Stephan L. Sheets Sheets&Crossfield,PLLC 309 E.Main St. Round Rock,Texas 78664 If to GRANTEE: M4 La Frontera II,LLC do Mark IV Capital,Inc. 4450 MacArthur Blvd.,Second Floor Newport Beach,California 92660 Attn: Regional Vice President With copy to: M4 La Frontera II,LLC do Mark IV Capital,Inc. 4450 MacArthur Blvd.,Second Floor Newport Beach,California 92660 Attn: Chief Operating Officer GRANTOR and GRANTEE agree that the obligations of each party shall be subject to force majeure events including, but not limited to, acts of God, war, acts of terrorism, civil commotion, labor disputes, strikes, fire, flood or other casualty, shortages of labor or material, government regulation or restrictions, weather conditions, and other acts beyond the applicable party's control. GRANTOR and GRANTEE agree that all actions to be performed under this Access Easement Agreement are performable in Williamson County, Texas. GRANTOR and GRANTEE agree that this Access Easement Agreement has been made under the laws of the State of Texas in effect on this date, and that any interpretation of this Access Easement Agreement at a future date shall be made under the laws of the State of Texas with venue being in the state District Court of Williamson County,Texas. [REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK; SIGNATURE PAGES FOLLOW] 2018072591 Page 41 of 46 EXECUTED this day of ,2018. GRANTOR: CITY OF ROUND ROCK By: Craig Morgan,Mayor Date Signed: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON § BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a notary public in and for said county and state, on this day personally appeared CRAIG MORGAN, Mayor of the City of Round Rock, a Texas Home Rule Municipality, on behalf of said municipality, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office on this the day of ,2018. NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Texas [SIGNATURES CONTINUE ON FOLLOWING PAGE] 2018072591 Page 42 of 46 [SIGNATURE PAGE FOR ACCESS EASEMENT AGREEMENT, CON'T] GRAN LA FRONTERA II,L By: �. .. Stephen A. Me ger Its: Chief Operating Officer Date Signed: 7 - ._o ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE ► - TEXAS § COUNTY OF WIL A MSON § BEFORE ME,the unde ed,a notary public in and for said county and state,on this day personally appeared (Name), (Title) of M4 La Frontera II,LLC,on behalf of s. company,known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and owledged to me that he/she executed the same for the purpose and consideration therein expresses. Given under my hand and seal of office on this the t of ,2018. NOTARY PUBLIC in and for e State of Texas See. (End) 7 2018072591 Page 43 of 46 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT CIVIL CODE§ 1189 :tuw'it••1,14 iwr "ti:;iu•T_;.:.73a° ":RK•n,e54 ....>.+..r 4" .v >v i>tk� n„Fe .,•. .te.a. - r:.'Mr. r ar8 vt.-e>s.:.':�.. •i:h.;i'S?.. ;f-;,rti:.z^«.��Fy.g•.. A� fv s ys, vA: �vsN.i.f'd.. > :.moi •'W” A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached,and not the truthfulness,accuracy,or validity of that document. State of California 1 County of 0V--av�ge , J} On ;TtA, t,) ao �di8 before me, P\es,o,-cAra Conce�+G',en Flem•0n �o+o..v Pu.blky J Date Here Insert Name aid Title of the Offi r personally appeared 5 a-e F\- eve f . e-v ` Namk)of Signer(s) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s)whose name(s)is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s)on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted,executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the •u ALESSCNDRACONCEPCION FLEMING laws of the State of California that the foregoing a f ", a Notary Public-California a paragraph is true and correct. ' ,• ,• Commission WITNESS my hand and official seal. 'i My Comm.Expires Aug 17,2021 Signature !ll. . .—__ _.1._:..r. __ Place Notary Seal and/or Stamp Above Signature of No ary Public OPTIONAL Completing this information con deter alteration of the document or fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: Signer's Name: ❑ Corporate Officer—Title(s): ❑ Corporate Officer—Title(s): ❑ Partner— 0 Limited ❑ General ❑ Partner— ❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ Individual 0 Attorney in Fact 0 Individual 0 Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee 0 Guardian of Conservator ❑ Trustee 0 Guardian of Conservator ❑ Other: ❑ Other: Signer is Representing: Signer is Representing: .3,14,5,1z.VeArvivw4;aa.441 a...ol-.:Rv7.111-,,a`Vi.W .:'=d':).,..1, 4'41,.1V.a.•.:i•7a.Ca Fxk nt,ii.—.rY,,r,Sy�41,1I:i'.C:.:er.:.;x: „, ,..gr,.,v.,CM::,,,,t4.1-.,s4 ©2017 National Notary Association 2018072591 Page 44 of 46 CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 1 of 1 Complete Nos.1-4 and 61f there are interested parties, OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos.1,2,3,5,and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2018-382605 M4 La Frontera II,LCC Newport Beach,CA United States Date Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 07/20/2018 being filed. City of Round Rock,Texas Date Acknowledged: 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract,and provide a description of the services,goods,or other property to be provided under the contract. N/A Development Agreement Nature of interest 4 Name of Interested Party City,State,Country(place of business) (check applicable) Controlling I Intermediary Jones, Patrick Newport Beach, CA United States X Timon, Maria Newport Beach,CA United States X Metzger,Stephen Newport Beach,CA United States X Cate, Paul Newport Beach,CA United States X Mark IV Capital Properties, Inc. Newport Beach,CA United States X 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. 6 UNSWORN DECLARATION 11403 My name is tib ?-0 `7'11 U� and my date of birth is I My address is LILfso IUPr �t u-e tip¢-vl� N0�Ftt)62--1-d3C,'�1C , W,00 u64, (street) 211 b(L (city) (state) (zip code) (country) I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in 0 c a County, State of C=Aft-t Wt/4,on the 20 day of JILL—Lt. ,20(S . �AA (month) (year) Signature of authori/e'd agent of contracting business entity (Declarant) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www,ethics.state,tx,us Version V1.0,6711 2018072591 Page 45 of 46 CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 1 of 1 Complete Nos.1-4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos.1,2,3,5,and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2018-382605 M4 La Frontera II, LCC Newport Beach, CA United States Date Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 07/20/2018 being filed. City of Round Rock,Texas Date Acknowledged: 07/25/2018 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract,and provide a description of the services,goods,or other property to be provided under the contract. N/A Development Agreement 4 Nature of interest Name of Interested Party City,State,Country(place of business) (check applicable) Controlling Intermediary Jones, Patrick Newport Beach, CA United States X Timon, Maria Newport Beach, CA United States X Metzger, Stephen Newport Beach, CA United States X Cate, Paul Newport Beach, CA United States X Mark IV Capital Properties, Inc. Newport Beach, CA United States X 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. 6 UNSWORN DECLARATION My name is , and my date of birth is My address is , (street) (city) (state) (zip code) (country) I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in County, State of ,on the day of ,20 (month) (year) Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity (Declarant) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.0.6711 2018072591 Page 46 of 46 ELECTRONICALLY RECORDED OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS 2018072591 Pages: 46 Fee: $257.00 08/14/2018 04:18 PM , ,If. i�� •I .l v ��� Nancy E. Rister,County Clerk Williamson County,Texas