Contract - KB Home Lone Star Inc. - 1/24/2019 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This Memorandum of Understanding (this "Memorandum") is executed by and between KB HOME LONE STAR INC.,a Texas corporation("Developer") and the CITY OF ROUND ROCK, TEXAS,a Texas home rule city (the "C "). Developer and City being herein referred to individually as("Party")or collectively as(the"Parties'). RECITALS WHEREAS, Developer is considering purchasing approximately 350 acres or real property located in Williamson County, Texas, located near the intersection of University Blvd. and SH 130 (with frontage on CRI 10 and University Blvd.) and described by metes and bounds on Exhibit A(the"Development Land"); and WHEREAS, the Developer has entered into purchase and sale agreements with the owners of the Development Land to develop a high-quality residential and commercial/retail development located on the Development Land to include approximately 1,200 single-family residential,detached homes to be constructed within the Development Land(the"Intended Use") as depicted in Exhibit B; and WHEREAS, conditioned on the Developer voluntarily petitioning the City for annexation of the Development Land, the City is willing to consider the creation of a municipal utility district to provide a means through which the Developer may be reimbursed for eligible costs incurred in connection with the construction of the Public Improvements (as hereinafter defined)and the City will agree to consent to the creation of a municipal utility district over the Property under the terms and conditions described in this Memorandum and subject to the negotiation of an acceptable Consent Agreement for the Creation of the MUD ("Consent Agreement"); and WHEREAS, the City acknowledges that the development of the Development Lard will serve the public purpose of maximizing economic benefits and revenues to the City and the economic impact of the Development Land; and WHEREAS, the City and Developer acknowledge that the terms and conditions listed herein are not legally binding against either Party, but merely serve as a memorandum of the current understanding of the Parties and provide the basis for the City and Developer to negotiate a Consent Agreement acceptable to both Parties. NOW THEREFORE, Parties the City and Developer agree to work cooperatively and in good faith to draft and approve future agreements as generally described herein: 1. Development Agreements. Developer and City intend to enter into one or more development or consent agreements (along with documents ancillary thereto, the "Development Agreements") with the City for the Development Land. Each of the Development Agreements shall be in a form mutually acceptable to both the City and Developer and shall contain provisions as may be necessary to establish land uses and development standards for residential and commercial/retail development on the Development Land consistent with Exhibit B and compatible with the Intended Use (which shall be in CORR KB Homes MUD MOU KB final;01-04-19(00415816)4819-0476-1221 v.1 TZ -2-01q oa st general conformance to the SF-3 Zoning District, but with such variances or other modifications as may be necessary to allow for the Intended Use). Among other things, the Development Agreement will provide for the City to extend wastewater service to serve the Development Land, with the associated wastewater lines and facilities to be appropriately sized to accommodate the Intended Use. 2. Establishment of a Municipal Utility District. The City and Developer presently anticipate that they will negotiate the Consent Agreement in a timely fashion that will provide for the City's consent to the creation of a municipal utility district("MUD" or"District")within the corporate limits of the City by statutory or legislative means in order to construct, finance or reimburse the Developer for financing and constructing water, wastewater, drainage, roadway and recreational improvements (the "Public Improvements") for the Development Land. In consideration of the City's consent to creation of the District, the Developer will petition and consent to the annexation of the Development Land, and secure any required landowner consent to same. Additional lands acquired by the Developer within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City may be eligible for inclusion in the District with the written consent of the City. 3. Permitting. The City intends to expedite the development approval and permitting process of all major applications relating to the Development Land The expedited review process is intended to apply to the following approvals: annexation, zoning, traffic impact analysis, concept plan, flood study, preliminary plan, pavement design, final plat and construction plans. 4. Development Standards. Contingent upon the City's annexation of the Development Land in accordance with the Development Agreements, and upon the City's issuance of applicable permits and approvals, the Developer intends to proceed diligently with the construction and development of the Public Improvements under and in accordance with the terms, provisions, and conditions stated in the applicable City ordinances, agreements and regulations,unless specifically addressed in this Memorandum. 5. District Financial Covenants. The District may issue bonds secured by ad valorem taxes, assessments, revenues and fees of the District to construct, finance or reimburse the Developer for the Public Improvements and may enter into reimbursement agreements with the Developer secured by District revenues described above. The District shall not issue bonds, which at the time of issuance would be expected to result in the levy of an ad valorem tax rate or special assessments exceeding $0.62/$100 of assessed value combined for operation and maintenance, debt service and contract tax purposes. 6. Definitive Agreements. This Memorandum sets forth and outlines the understanding and intent of the Parties relative to the subject matter herein, and the Parties' desire to establish a framework for drafting the Development Agreements. The Parties to this Memorandum agree to work in good faith to enter into the Development Agreements to document the terms and agreements set forth in this Memorandum. This Memorandum is not binding upon the Parties to this Memorandum, however, the Parties acknowledge and agree that but for the terms and conditions set forth in this Memorandum, Developer would not move forward with the development of the Development Land and City would not consent to the creation of the District. By signing below, each of the Parties represents that this Memorandum correctly sets forth and describes its understanding, intentions and desires. Each Party executing this Memorandum represents that it has the right, power and authority to enter into this Memorandum. The Parties agree that they have relied upon the terms of this Memorandum when petitioning for and consenting to the creation of the MUD by statutory or legislative means. 7. Governing Law. This Memorandum shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. It may be executed by the Parties hereto in separate counterparts, including by facsimile and by "portable document format" ("PDF") or electronic signatures, each of which, when so executed and delivered shall be an original, but all such counterparts shall together constitute one and the same instrument. Delivery of an executed counterpart of the signature page of this Memorandum by facsimile or PDF shall be as effective as delivery of a manually executed counterpart. This Memorandum shall be given full legal effect in accordance with the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act. 8. Legal Effect of Memorandum. This Memorandum is intended to provide an outline of the current understanding of the Parties hereto, and is not intended to legally bind the Parties to the terms and conditions stated herein. The Parties, however, agree that the terms and conditions stated herein are reasonable and provide an outline for future actions by the Parties. [SIGNATURES APPEAR ON FOLLOWING PAGES] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Memorandum by their duly authorized representatives. Date: ��• �_ CITY OF RO ND ROCK,TEXAS By: '�d4 M / ATTEST: Paig M gan, Mayor City Clerk Date: "I KB HOME LONE STAR INC. By: Printed Name: -P'-'Xtiz- J/2"cL- Title: EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION TRACT A-1 BEING ALL OF THAT CERTAIN 64.513 ACRE TRACT OF LAND OUT OF AND PART OF THE HENRY MILLARD SURVEY,ABSTRACT NUMBER 452,SITUATED IN WILLIAMSON COUNTY,TEXAS,BEING MORE PARTICULARY DESCRIBED AS BEING ALL OF TRACT A: TRACT I, THAT CERTAIN 64.508 ACRE TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO CREEK BEND LAND HOLDINGS, LLC RECORDED IN DOCUMENT NUMBER 2009047398, OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS (O.P.R.W.C.TX.), SAID 64.513 ACRE TRACT OF LAND,BEING MORE FULLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING, at a %" iron rod found for the northwestern corner of that certain remainder of 196.96 acre tract of land conveyed to Stephen Pritchard Trust and Nancy K.P. Ohlendorf Family Trust in Volume 1980, Page 972, Deed Records, Williamson County,Texas (D.R.W.C.TX.), also being the southwestern corner of that certain remainder of 104.6 acre tract of land conveyed to Michael and Nancy Ohlendorf recorded in Document Number 2011085212(O.P.R.W.C.TX.),and also being in the eastern right-of-way line of County Road 110(R.O.W.varies), THENCE,with the common boundary line of said remainder of 196.96 acre tract and said County Road,S21°29'00"E,a distance of 210.29 feet to a point for the northwestern corner and the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described tract, THENCE,with the common boundary line of said 64.504 acre tract and said remainder of 196.96 acre tract,the following seven (7)courses and distances,numbered 1 through 7, 1. N68°00'19"E,passing at a distance of 0.30 feet, a Yz"iron rod found,continuing for a total of 696.23 feet to a point, 2. N09°35'20"W,a distance of 95.12 feet to a%"iron rod found, 3. N81°24'19"E,a distance of 329.97 feet to a Y,"iron rod found, 4. S02°42'11"E,a distance of 17.58 feet to a%"iron rod found, 5. N68°02'31"E,a distance of 1429.27 feet to a%z"iron rod found for the northeastern corner of said 64.504 acre tract, 6. 522°04'24"E,a distance of 1099.73 feet to a%"iron rod found at a fence corner,and 7. S66°33'19"W,a distance of 2773.39 feet to a point for the southwestern corner of said 64.508 acre tract,also being in the eastern right-of-way line of said County,Road 110, THENCE,with the common boundary line of said 64.508 acre tract and said County Road 110,the following two(2)courses and distances,Numbered 1 and 2, 1. N21`30'28"W,a distance of 953.75 feet to a%"iron rod found, 2. N21°29'00"W,a distance of 209.69 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 64.513 acres of land. TRACT A-2 BEING ALL OF THAT CERTAIN 55.176 ACRE TRACT OF LAND OUT OF AND PART OF THE HENRY MILLARD SURVEY,ABSTRACT NUMBER 452,SITUATED IN WILLIAMSON COUNTY,TEXAS,BEING MORE PARTICULARY DESCRIBED AS BEING A PORTION OF TRACT A:TRACT il,THAT CERTAIN REMAINDER OF 55.34 ACRE TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO LONE MOUNTAIN PROPERTIES, LLC RECORDED IN DOCUMENT NUMBER 2009005145, OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS (O.P.R.W.C.TX.),SAID 55.176 ACRE TRACT OF LAND,BEING MORE FULLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: TRACT 1: BEGINNING,at a W'iron rod found for the most northerly northwestern corner of said remainder of 55.34 acre tract,also being the northeastern corner of that certain remainder of 34.70 acre tract of land (Tract 1)conveyed to Henry Development,LTD, recorded in Document Number 2004089842(O.P.R.W.C.TX.),and also being at a point of curvature for a curve to the left in the southern right-of-way line of University Boulevard(200'R.O.W.),and the POINT OF BEGINNING for the herein described tract, THENCE,with the common boundary line of said remainder of 55.35 acre tract and said University Boulevard,the following two (2)courses and distances,numbered 1 and 2, 8. With said curve to the left,having a radius of 8563.00 feet,an arc length of 450.41 FEET,and whose chord bears N70°08'55"E,a distance of 450.36 feet to a capped iron rod found stamped 15 COALTER",and 9. N68°38'27"E,a distance of 1514.12 feet to a 5/8"iron rod found,being the northeastern corner of said remainder of 55.34 acre tract,also being the northwestern corner of that certain remainder of 60 acre tract of land conveyed to Audell Payne in Volume 456,Page 486,Deed Records,Williamson County,Texas, THENCE, with the common boundary line of said remainder of 55.34 acre tract and said remainder of 60 acre tract, the following two(2)courses and distances,Numbered 1 and 2, 1. S21°47'47"E,a distance of 903.92 feet to a 3/8"iron rod found,and 2. N63°45'30"E,a distance of 87.68 feet to a 3/8"iron rod found,being an exterior corner in the eastern boundary line of said remainder of 55.34,also being the northwest corner of that certain 75 acre tract of land conveyed to Veterans Land Board recorded in Volume 781,Page 247,Deed Records Williamson County,Texas, THENCE,with the common boundary line of said remainder of 55.34 acre tract and said 75 acre tract,S21"35'40"E,a distance of 268.79 feet to a %" iron rod found, being the southeastern corner of said remainder of 55.34 acre tract, also being the northeastern corner of that certain remainder of 104.6 acre tract conveyed to Michael and Nancy Ohlendorf recorded in Document Number 2011085212(O.P.R.W.C.TX.), THENCE, with the common boundary line of said remainder of 55.34 acre tract and said remainder of 104.6 acre tract, S68034'49"W,a distance of 2056.46 feet to a point,being the southwestern corner of said remainder of 55.34 acre tract,also being the southeastern corner of that certain 0.07 acre tract of land(Tract 11)conveyed to Henry Development,LTD.recorded in Document Number 2017045283(O.P.R.W.C.TX.), THENCE,with said common boundary line of said remainder of 55.34 acre tract,said 0.07 acre(Tract 11),that certain 0.18 acre tract of land (Tract 1) conveyed to Henry Development record in said Document Number 2017045283,that certain 0.14 acre tract of land conveyed to Henry Development, LTD.in Document Number 2017074516(O.P.R.W.C.TX.),and said remainder of 34.70 acre tract(Tract 1),the following four(4)courses and distances,numbered 1 through 4, 1. N21°27'32"W,a distance of 104.85 feet to a%"iron rod found, 2. N19°57'22"W,a distance of 30.33 feet to a Y2"iron rod found, 3. N22°42'01"W,a distance of 29.77 feet to a W iron rod found,and 4. N21°32'01"W,a distance of 1014.31 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 53.237 acres of land. TRACT 2: BEGINNING,at a'/2"iron rod found for the most westerly northwestern corner of said remainder of 55.34 acre tract acre tract, being in the eastern right-of-way line of County Road 110 (R.O.W.varies), and also being the southwestern corner of that certain 2.07 acre tract of land conveyed (Tract 2)to Henry Development, LTD. recorded in Document Number 2004089842 (O.P.R.W.C.TX.),and being the northwestern corner and the POINT OF BEGINNING for the herein described tract, THENCE,with the common boundary line of said remainder of 55.34 acre tract and said 2.07 acre tract,N68032'30"E,passing at 2766.90 feet a capped iron rod found for the southwest corner of that certain 0,14 acre tract of land conveyed to Henry Development LTD.recorded in Document Number 2017074513(O.P.R.W.C.TX.)and continuing for a total distance of 2796.42 feet to a capped iron rod found,being the southwest corner of that certain 0.18 acre tract of land(Tract 1)conveyed to Henry Development, LTD, and the northwest corner of that certain 0.07 acre tract of land (Tract 11) both conveyed to Henry Development LTD.recorded in Document Number 2017045283(O.P.R.W.C.TX.),and being a southeast corner of said 0.14 acre tract,. THENCE,with the common boundary line of said remainder of 55.34 acre tract and said 0.07 acre tract,S21°20'56"E,a distance of 30.40 feet to a point,being the southwestern corner of said 0.07 acre tract,also being in the northern boundary line of that certain remainder of 104.6 acre tract conveyed to Michael and Nancy Ohlendorf in Document Number 2011085212 (O.P.R.W.C.TX.), THENCE, with the common boundary line of said remainder of 55.34 acre tract and said remainder of 104.6 acre tract, 568°33'00"W,a distance of 2796.45 feet to a%Z"iron rod found,being the southwestern corner of said remainder of 55.34 acre tract,also being the northwestern corner of said remainder of 104.6 acre tract,and also being in the eastern right-of-way line of said County,Road 110, THENCE,with the common boundary line of said remainder of 55.34 acre tract and said County, Road 110, N21°16'34"W, a distance of 30.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 1.939 acres of land. TRACT 1—53.237 ACRES TRACT 2—1.939 ACRES TOTAL—55.176 ACRES TRACT B-II BEING ALL OF THAT CERTAIN 104.256 ACRE TRACT OF LAND OUT OF AND PART OF THE HENRY MILLARD SURVEY,ABSTRACT NUMBER 452,SITUATED IN WILLIAMSON COUNTY,TEXAS,BEING MORE PARTICULARY DESCRIBED AS BEING A PORTION OF TRACT B: TRACT II, THAT CERTAIN REMAINDER OF 104.6 ACRE TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO MICHAEL AND NANCY OHLENDORF RECORDED IN DOCUMENT NUMBER 2011085212,OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY,TEXAS (O.P.R.W.C.TX.),SAID 104.256 ACRE TRACT OF LAND,BEING MORE FULLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING, at a %" iron rod found for the northwestern corner of said remainder of 104.6 acre tract„ also being the southwestern corner of that certain remainder of 55.34 acre tract of land conveyed to Lone Mountain Properties,LLC,and also being in the eastern right-of-way line, and also being the northwestern corner and the POINT OF BEGINNING for the herein described tract, THENCE,with the common boundary line of said remainder of 104.6 acre tract,said remainder of 55.34 acre tract,that certain 0.07 acre tract (Tract II) of land conveyed to Henry Development, LTD. in Document Number 2017045283 (O.P.R.W.C.TX.), N68'34'04"E, and that certain remainder of 55.34 acres of land conveyed to Lone Mountain Properties, LLC. in Document Number 2009005145(O.P.R.W.C.TX.), a distance of 4957.79 feet to a%"iron rod found,being the northeastern corner of said remainder of 104.6 acre tract, also being the southeastern corner of said remainder of 55.34 acre tract and also being in the western boundary line of that certain 75.00 acre tract of land conveyed to Veterans Land Board in Volume 781,Page 247,Deed Records,Williamson County,Texas, THENCE,with the common boundary line of said 104.6 acre tract and said 75.00 acre tract,521°26'17"E,a distance of 913.49 feet to a%"iron rod found,being the southeastern corner of the herein described tract,also being the northeastern corner of that certain remainder of 196.96 acre tract of land conveyed to Stephen Pritchard Trust and Nancy K.P.Ohlendorf Family Trust in Volume 1980,Page 972 Deed Records,Williamson County,Texas, THENCE, with the common boundary line of said remainder of 104.6 acre tract and said remainder of 196.96 acre tract, 568°30'29"W,a distance of 4957.11 feet to a%z"iron rod found,being the southwestern corner of said remainder of 104.6 acre tract,also being the northwestern corner of said remainder of 196.96 acre tract,and also being in the eastern right-of-way line of said County Road 110, THENCE,with the common boundary line of said remainder of 104.6 acre tract and said County Road 110,the following two(2) courses and distances,numbered 1 and 2, 1. N21°29'00"W,a distance of 909.64 feet to a Yz"iron rod found,and 2. N21°16'34"W,a distance of 9.02 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 104.256 acres of land. TRACT B-111 BEING ALL OF THAT CERTAIN 132.423 ACRE TRACT OF LAND OUT OF AND PART OF THE HENRY MILLARD SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 452,SITUATED IN WILLIAMSON COUNTY,TEXAS,BEING MORE PARTICULARY DESCRIBED AS BEING ALL OF TRACT B:TRACT III,THAT CERTAIN REMAINDER OF 196.96 ACRE TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO STEPHEN PRITCHARD TRUST AND NANCY K.P. OHLENDORF FAMILY TRUST RECORDED IN VOLUME 1980, PAGE 972, DEED RECORDS OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS (O.P.R.W.C.TX.), SAID 132.423 ACRE TRACT OF LAND, BEING MORE FULLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING, at a%Z"iron rod found for the northwestern corner of said remainder of 196.96 acre tract, also being the southwestern corner of that certain remainder of 104.6 acre tract of land conveyed to Michael and Nancy Ohlendorf recorded in Document Number 2011085212(O.P.R.W.C.TX.),and also being in the eastern right-of-way line of County Road 110(R.O.W.varies),and the POINT OF BEGINNING for the herein described tract, THENCE,with the common boundary line of said remainder of 196.96 acre tract and said remainder of 104.6 acre tract, N68°30'29"E,a distance of 4957.11 feet to a%2"iron rod found, being the northeastern corner of said 196.96 acre tract, also being the southeastern corner of said remainder of 104.6 acre tract, and also being in the eastern boundary line of that certain 75.00 acre tract of land conveyed to the Veterans Land Board in Volume 781, Page 247,Deed Records,Williamson County,Texas, THENCE, with the common boundary line of said remainder of 196.96 acre tract and said 75.00 acre tract, S21°30'03"E,a distance of 1332.40 feet to a point,being the southeastern corner of said remainder of 196.96 acre tract,also being the northeastern corner of that certain 72.099 acre tract of land conveyed to Eleanor,Jacob, and Dorothea Olson in Volume 595, Page 131, Deed Records, Williamson County, Texas, and also being the southeastern corner of the herein described tract, THENCE, with the common boundary line of said remainder of 196.96 acre tract and said 72.099 acre tract, S68°30'08"W,a distance of 1252.61 feet to a%"iron rod found,being an angle point in the southern boundary line of said remainder of 196.96 acre tract,also being the northwest corner of said 72.099 acre tract,and also being the northeast corner of that certain 22.31 acre tract of land conveyed to SEDC Devco Inc. recorded in Document Number 2015089805(O.P.R.W.C.TX.), THENCE, with the common boundary line of said remainder of 196.96 acre tract and said 22.31 acre tract, the following two(2)courses and distances,numbered 1 and 2, 1. S12"52'51"W,a distance of 17.02 feet to a%Z"iron rod found,and 2. S68023'05"W,a distance of 1224.09 feet to a capped iron rod found,being the northwest corner of said 22.31 acre tract,also being an interior corner on the south line of said remainder of 196.96 acre tract, THENCE, with the common boundary corner of said remainder of 196.96 acre tract and said 22.31 acre tract, S21°37'15"E,a distance of 776.54 feet to a%"iron rod found,being a southeast corner of said remainder of 196.96 acre tract, also being the southwest corner of said 22.31 acre tract, and also being the northeast corner of the remainder of that certain 34.74 acre tract of land conveyed to SEDC Devco Inc. recorded in Document Number 2015089800 (O.P.R.W.C.TX.), and also being the northeastern corner of that certain 100 acre tract conveyed to Fred Liardon in Volume 131,Page 131,(D.R.W.C.TX.), THENCE, with a south line of said remainder of 196.96 acre tract and the north line of said 100 acre tract, S68°37'33"W,a distance of 2472.34 feet to a%"iron rod found, being the southwest corner of said remainder of 196.96 acre tract,also being the northwest corner of said remainder of 34.74 acre tract,also being in the northern boundary line of said 100 acre tract, and also being in the east right-of-way line of said County Road 110, from which a %" iron rod found for the southwest corner of said remainder of 34.74 acre tract bears S21°20'42"E, a distance of 616.07 feet, THENCE, with the common boundary line of said remainder of 196.96 acre tract and said County Road 110, N21030'28"W,a distance of 746.93 feet to a point,being the southwestern corner of that certain 64.508 acre tract of land conveyed to Creek Bend Holdings,LLC.in Document Number 2009047398(O.P.R.W.C.TX.), THENCE, with the common boundary line of said remainder of 196.96 acre tract and said 64.508 acre tract, the following seven(7)courses and distances,numbered 1 through 7, 1. N66°33'19"E,a distance of 2473.39 feet to a%"iron rod found, 2. N22004'24"W,a distance of 1099.73 feet to a%"iron rod found, I 3. S68°02'31"W,a distance of 1429.27 feet to a%Z"iron rod found, 4. NO2`42'11"W,a distance of 17.58 feet to a%"iron rod found, 5. S81°24'19"W,a distance of 329.97 feet to a%z"iron rod found, 6. S09°35'20"E,a distance of 95.12 feet to a point,and 7. S68'00'19"W,passing at 695.93 feet a%:"iron rod found and continuing for a total distance of 696.23 feet to a point,being the northwestern corner of said 64.528 acre tract,also being an exterior corner in the western boundary line of said remainder of 196.96 acre tract,and also being in the eastern right-of-way line of said County,Road 110, THENCE, with the common boundary line of said remainder of 196.96 acre tract and said County Road 110, N21°29'00"W,a distance of 210.29 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 132.423 acres of land. I EXHIBIT B LOTTING PLAN 4819-0476-122]v.] R55663-109 1/4/2019 i .��,......-�-,....-- 'fa""" .-mow--•,•.-,.qT:-r-_-"_, , -....,..-_.�.. -»---^-'-,„--»r..---..-...-.»,--�--w-..—,-, .,",.,�,-,-,.------ _ w AM- 'AZ Ar Fr, aWf;a '. �'�>,,�'" �;r 4hae4uARY�ntH h'�hhENT3Al..•I�Y& go L • v Com. P'f, •� t'*f,tii.�y.�-'y` •31 ;4 AtUYTMAW.PaW 4i All ` b � J"" �/`J� '- ♦ 'k {Y ^^� A _y.- dei � (aomii yL�T�.}FOR"WIT irlf -*.F-Wd{VT t�y7�M rJ w! - t S I n„•' '.+\r ".i' frr � T� ._� 8S**ClA MV y AW �6lfMAR'e. orite*14 AR I hr/tL.1gG>AiT14lRe7 er h } a flOALly#f f!NNVIEV W T4^1FTUR . *f"> lib f 4 1 ALR LOTTING SUMMARY Lard us¢ t:nks ti(« 4r x 12W SFD Ra0JerM Rll rr s 45.7% =55'x 124'SFD ResidenW 492 ur41s 40.9% n� 0 72'x 110'SFD RridenU 161 urns 13A% ReWeo6al S&Tialal: 1.202 txib cwwww Deftft open space ,*" ,. ToW: 1,242 urits 0 �IX7 dub LOTTING PLAN Scale:1^=BOD' SEC Planning,LLC with COLLECTOR ROAD North Date:December 5,2018 Land Planning+LandKe Ar hile "caoe+Communi•Brandin_ wrrowv mvw«me9HkFT ile:a11MAgrd 1Gr rwarwrnxmlNril on r.nq AUSTIN,TfxAx CAF F EY O H LE N D Q R F Base mapping compiled hom beat evaflable kdamra on rN map 9 11 F:,JI data should be coneidored eA pralknlnary,in need of vorl8calion,and a. r.•,a.�rd.w�.w TRACT Suh)ea to change.This lane plan Is conceptual In nature and does ROUND ROCK,TEXAS nal represent wry regulatory approval.Plan Is object to change.