Contract - Superion, LLC - 6/13/2019DocuSign Envelope ID: 3F884731-4E9G4500-A054-A7F8305A9E1A SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT BETWEEN Superion, LLC a Delaware Limited Liability Corporation with headquarters at: 1000 Business Center Drive Lake Mary, FL 32746 ("Superion") AND City of Round Rock 221 Main St. Round Rock, TX 78665 (for purposes of this Agreement, "Customer") By the signatures of their duly authorized representatives below, Superion and Customer, intending to be legally bound, agree to all of the provisions of this Agreement and all Exhibits, Supplements, Schedules, Appendices, and/or Addenda to this Agreement. BY: PRINT PRINT TITLE: City of Round ock Superion, LLC C OCUSIgned br. PIA Do�scsezecx 11. - FA,1610A Wo 01(q PRINT NAME: Megan Knight-Facey DATE SIGNED: • J I_ PRINT TITLE: corporate counsel - Commercial contracts DATE SIGNED: 12/17/2018 [9-020 Page 1 of 11 SPS STANDALONE Maintenance 04/23/13 DocuSign Envelope ID: 3FBB4731.4E9G4500-A054-A7F8305A9E1A THIS AGREEMENT is entered into between Superion and Customer on the Execution Date, and Superion's obligations hereunder will commence on Execution Date. Superion and Customer have entered into a Software License and Services Agreement dated August 16, 2001 (the "License Agreement") for the Software. Customer desires that Superion provide Maintenance and Enhancements for and new releases of the Baseline Software Identified in Exhibit 1 on the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, and for the Custom Modifications identified in Exhibit 1 on the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Accordingly, the parties agree as follows: 1. Definitions. "Exhibit 1" means, collectively. (i) The schedule attached to this Agreement which is marked as "Exhibit 1," including all attached Software Supplements; and (ii) any schedule also marked as "Exhibit 1" (also including any attached Software Supplements) that is attached to any amendment to this Agreement. Other appendices to this Agreement are numbered sequentially and are also "Appendices." "Baseline" means the general release version of a Component System as updated to the particular time in question through both Superion's warranty services and Superion's Maintenance Program, but without any other modification whatsoever. "Component System" means any one of the computer software programs which is identified in Exhibit 1 as a Component System, including all copies of Source Code, Object Code and all related specifications, Documentation, technical information, and all corrections, modifications, additions, improvements and enhancements to and all Intellectual Property Rights for such Component System. "Confidential Information" means trade secret information of the disclosing party which is designated as trade secret prior to or at the time of disclosure to the Recipient. Confidential Information of Superion includes the Software, all software provided with the Software, and algorithms, methods, techniques and processes revealed by the Source Code of the Software and any software provided with the Software. Confidential Information does not include information that: (i) is or becomes known to the public without fault or breach of the Recipient; (ii) the Discloser regularly discloses to third parties without restriction on disclosure; or (III) the Recipient obtains from a third party without restriction on disclosure and without breach of a non -disclosure obligation. "Discloser means the party providing its Confidential Information to the Recipient. "Documentation" means the on-line and hard copy functional and technical specifications that Superion provides for a Baseline Component System, and that describe the functional and technical capabilities of the Baseline Component System in question. "Execution Date" means the latest date shown on the signature page of this Agreement. "Equipment" means a hardware and systems software configuration meeting the "Equipment' criteria set forth in Exhibit 1. "Intellectual Property Rights" means all patents, patent rights, patent applications, copyrights, copyright registrations, trade secrets, trademarks and service marks and Confidential Information. "Software' means the Component Systems listed in Exhibit 1. "Object Code" means computer programs assembled, compiled, or converted to magnetic or electronic binary form on software media, which are readable and usable by computer equipment. "Recipient" means the party receiving Confidential Information of the Discloser. "Software Supplement" means, with respect to a Component System, the addendum provided as part of Exhibit 1 that contains additional terms, conditions, limitations and/or other information pertaining to that Component System. If any terms of a Software Supplement conflicts with any other terms of this Agreement, Page 2 of 11 SPS STANDALONE Maintenance 04/23113 DocuSign Envelope ID: 3F8B4731-4E9C4500-A054A7F8305A9E1A the terms of the Software Supplement will control. "Source Code" means computer programs written in higher -level programming languages, sometimes accompanied by English language comments and other programmer documentation. "Contract Year" means, with respect to each Baseline Component System and Custom Modification, the period identified in Exhibit 1. "Custom Modification" means a change that Superon has made at Customer's request to any Component System in accordance with a Superon-generated specification, but without any other changes whatsoever by any person or entity. Each Custom Modification for which Superlon will provide Customer with Improvements Is identified in Exhibit 1. "Defect' means a material deviation between the Baseline Component System and its Documentation, for which Defect Customer has given Superon enough information to enable Superon to replicate the deviation on a computer configuration that is both comparable to the Equipment and that Is under Superion's control. Further, with regard to each Custom Modification, "Defect" means a material deviation between the Custom Modification and the Superon-generated specification and documentation for such Custom Modification, and for which Defect Customer has given Superon enough Information to enable Superon to replicate the deviation on a computer configuration that is both comparable to the Equipment and that is under Superion's control. "Enhancements" means general release (as opposed to custom) changes to a Baseline Component System or Custom Modification which increase the functionality of the Baseline Component System or Custom Modification in question. "Improvements" means, collectively, Maintenance, Enhancements and New Releases provided under this Agreement. "Maintenance" means using reasonable efforts to provide Customer with avoidance procedures for or corrections of Defects. The hours during which Maintenance will be provided for each Component System, the targeted response times for certain defined categories of Maintenance calls for each Component System and Custom Modification, and other details and procedures (collectively, the "Maintenance Standards') relating to the provision of Maintenance for each Component System and Custom Modification are described in attached Exhibit 2. "New Releases" means new editions of a Baseline Component System or Custom Modification, as applicable. "Notification" means a communication to Superion's help desk by means of. (i) Superion's web helpline; (ii) the placement of a telephone call; or (iii) the sending of an e-mail, in each case, in accordance with Superion's then - current policies and procedures for submitting such communications. 2. Services. (a) Types of Services. During the term of this Agreement, Superon will provide Customer with Maintenance for, Enhancements of, and New Releases of each Baseline Component System and each Custom Modification identified in Exhibit 1. (b) Limitations. All Improvements will be part of the applicable Baseline Component System/Custom Modification, and will be subject to all of the terms and conditions of the License Agreement and this Agreement. Customer must provide Superon with such facilities, equipment and support as are reasonably necessary for Superlon to perform its obligations under this Agreement, including remote access to the Equipment. 3. Payment and Taxes. (a) Maintenance Fees. For the Improvements, Customer will pay Superon the amount provided for in Exhibit 1 as the "Payment Amount" for the first Contract Year. For each Contract Year subsequent to the Initial Contract Year, Superon reserves the right to increase the Improvements fees. Fees for Improvements for a Baseline Component System/Custom Modification are due on the first day of the first month of the Contract Year for that Baseline Component System/Custom Modification. Page 3 of 11 SPS STANDALONE Maintenance 04/23/13 DocuSign Envelope ID: 3FBB4731-4E9C4500-A054A7F8305A9E1A (b) Additional Costs. Customer will also reimburse Superlon for actual travel and living expenses that Superion incurs in providing Customer with Improvements under this Agreement, with reimbursement to be on an as -incurred basis. Such travel and living expenses will be governed by Superion's Corporate Travel and Expense Reimbursement Policy and will be invoiced on a monthly basis in arrears and due within thirty (30) days from the date of invoice. (c) Taxes. Customer is responsible for paying all taxes (except for taxes based on Superion's net income or capital stock) relating to this Agreement, the Improvements, any services provided or payments made under this Agreement. Applicable tax amounts (if any) are NOT included in the fees set forth in this Agreement. If Customer is exempt from the payment of any such taxes, Customer must provide Superion with a valid tax exemption certificate; otherwise, absent proof of Customer's direct payment of such tax amounts to the applicable taxing authority, Superion will invoice Customer for and Customer will pay to Superion all such tax amounts. 4. Term. This Agreement will remain in full force and effect throughout the Initial Contract Year. After the initial Contract Year, this Agreement will renew for an additional Contact Year unless, at least six (6) months prior to the expiration of the initial Contract Year, Customer notifies Superion in writing of Customer's intent not to renew the Agreement for the second Contract Year. After the second Contract Year, this Agreement will automatically be extended for consecutive Contract Years on a year-to-year basis unless either party notifies the other in writing of its intent not to extend this Agreement for any particular Baseline Component System/Custom Modification at least six (6) months prior to the expiration of the then - current Contract Year. 5. Disclaimer of Warranties. Customer agrees and understands that SUPERION MAKES NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO ANY IMPROVEMENTS AND/OR ANY OTHER MATTER RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT, AND THAT SUPERION EXPLICITLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. FURTHER, SUPERION EXPRESSLY DOES NOT WARRANT THAT A COMPONENT SYSTEM, ANY CUSTOM MODIFICATION OR ANY IMPROVEMENTS WILL BE USABLE BY CUSTOMER IF THE COMPONENT SYSTEM OR CUSTOM MODIFICATION HAS BEEN MODIFIED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN SUPERION, OR WILL BE ERROR FREE, WILL OPERATE WITHOUT INTERRUPTION OR WILL BE COMPATIBLE WITH ANY HARDWARE OR SOFTWARE OTHER THAN THE EQUIPMENT. 6. Termination. A party has the right to terminate this Agreement if the other party breaches a material provision of this Agreement. Either party has the right to terminate this Agreement at any time while an event or condition giving rise to the right of termination exists. To terminate this Agreement, the party seeking termination must give the other party notice that describes the event or condition of termination In reasonable detail. From the date of its receipt of that notice, the'other party will have thirty (30) days to cure the breach to the reasonable satisfaction of the party desiring termination. If the event or condition giving rise to the right of termination is not cured within that period, then the party seeking to terminate this Agreement can effect such termination by providing the other party with a termination notice that specifies the effective date of such termination. Termination of this Agreement will be without prejudice to the terminating party's other rights and remedies pursuant to this Agreement. 7. Confidential Information. Except as otherwise permitted under this Agreement, the Recipient will not knowingly disclose to any third party, or make any use of the Discloser's Confidential Information. The Recipient will use at least the same standard of care to maintain the confidentiality of the Discloser's Confidential Information that it uses to maintain the confidentiality of its own Confidential Information of equal importance. Except in connection with the Software and any software provided with the Software, the non -disclosure and non-use obligations of this Agreement will remain in full force with respect to each item of Confidential Information for a period of ten (10) years after Recipient's receipt of that item and provided the public records exception continues to be met - However, Customer's obligations to maintain both the Software and any software provided Page 4 of 11 SPS STANDALONE Maintenance 04/23/13 DocuSign Envelope ID: 3F8B4731-4E9C-450D•A054-A7F8305A9E1A with the Software as confidential will survive in perpetuity. 8. Notices. All notices and other communications required or permitted under this Agreement must be in writing and will be deemed given when: Delivered personally; sent by United States registered or certified mail, return receipt requested; transmitted by facsimile confirmed by United States first class mail; or sent by overnight courier. Notices must be sent to a party at its address shown on the first page of this Agreement, or to such other place as the party may subsequently designate for its receipt of notices. 9. Force Maieure. Neither party will be liable to the other for any failure or delay in performance under this Agreement due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including Acts of God, acts of war, accident, labor disruption, acts, omissions and defaults of third parties and official, governmental and judicial action not the fault of the party failing or delaying in performance. 10. Assianment. Neither party may assign any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement, and any attempt at such assignment will be void without the prior written consent of the other party. For purposes of this Agreement, "assignment' will include use of the Software for benefit of any third party to a merger, acquisition and/or other consolidation by, with or of Customer, including any new or surviving entity that results from such merger, acquisition and/or other consolidation. However, the following will not be considered "assignments' for purposes of this Agreement: Superion's assignment of this Agreement or of any Superion rights under this Agreement to Superion's successor by merger or consolidation or to any person or entity that acquires all or substantially all of its capital stock or assets; and Superion's assignment of this Agreement to any person or entity to which Superion transfers any of its rights in the Software. 11. No Waiver. A party's failure to enforce its rights with respect to any single or continuing breach of this Agreement will not act as a waiver of the right of that party to later enforce any such rights or to enforce any other or any subsequent breach. 12. Choice of Law: Severabilitv. This Agreement will be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of Ohio, without reference to the choice of laws provisions thereof. If any provision of this Agreement is illegal or unenforceable, it will be deemed stricken from the Agreement and the remaining provisions of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect. 13. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY. (a) LIMITED LIABILITY OF SUPERION. SUPERION'S LIABILITY IN CONNECTION WITH THE IMPROVEMENTS OR ANY OTHER MATTER RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT WILL NOT EXCEED THE FEES THAT CUSTOMER ACTUALLY PAID TO SUPERION FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE YEAR THAT SUCH LIABILITY ARISES. (b) EXCLUSION OF DAMAGES. REGARDLESS OF WHETHER ANY REMEDY SET FORTH HEREIN FAILS OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OR OTHERWISE, IN NO EVENT WILL SUPERION BE LIABLE TO CUSTOMER FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, WHETHER BASED ON BREACH OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), PRODUCT LIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE, AND WHETHER OR NOT SUPERION HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. (c) BASIS OF THE BARGAIN. CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT SUPERION HAS SET ITS FEES AND ENTERED INTO THIS AGREEMENT IN RELIANCE UPON THE LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY AND THE DISCLAIMERS OF WARRANTIES AND DAMAGES SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, AND THAT THE SAME FORM AN ESSENTIAL BASIS OF THE BARGAIN BETWEEN THE PARTIES. 14. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties with respect to its subject matter, and supersedes and extinguishes all prior oral and written communications between the partles about its subject matter. Any purchase order or similar document which may be issued by Customer in connection with this Agreement does not modify this Agreement. No modification of this Agreement will be effective Page 5 of 11 SPS STANDALONE Maintenance 04123/13 DocuSign Envelope ID: 3F8B4731-4E9G4500-A054-A7F8305A9E1A unless it is in writing, is signed by each party, Agreement. and expressly provides that it amends this Page 6 of 11 SPS STANDALONE Mafntenence 0423/13 s`r Invoice CE N T R A L S O U A R E Invoice No Date Page TCCNNOLOO169 214496-JM 8/29/2018 1 of 14 Superion, LLC, a CentralSquare Company 1000 Business Center Drive Lake Mary, FL 32746 www.centralsquare.com Toll free 800-727-8088 Billing Inquiries: Accounts.Receivable@centralsquare.com Bill To Ship To City of Round Rock City of Round Rock Attn Accounts Payable Alin Accounts Payable 221 East Main Street 221 East Main Street ROUND ROCKTX 78665 ROUND ROCK TX 78665 United States United States Customer No Customer Name Customer PO # Currency Terms Due Date 5168LG City of Round Rock USD Net 30 9/28/2018 Description Units Rate Extended Contract No. 90847 1 ONESolution Police -to -Police - Annual Subscription Fee 1 $0.00 $0.00 OSSI Police to Police Annual Subscription Fee Maintenance: Start: 10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 Contract No. 20040802 2 ONESolution State/NCIC Messaging Software -Annual 14 $129.13 S1,807.81 Maintenance Fee OSSI Message Switch Expansion for existing switch Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 3 ONESolution Mobile Server Software - Annual Maintenance Fee 14 $280,60 $3,928.43 OSSI - Mobile Client Software Maintenance: Start. 10/1 /2018, End: 9/30/2019 4 ONESolution MCT Client AVL License - Annual Maintenance Fee 14 $31.28 $437.91 OSSI Client AVL Mobile License Maintenance: Start: 10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 Contract No. DW03-242 5 ONESolution CAD Resource Monitor Display License With Maps 1 $313.40 $313.40 -Annual Maintenance Fee OSSI CAD Resource Monitor Display License with Maps Client Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 Contract No. 20040987 6 ONESolution MFR Client -Citation -Annual Maintenance 8 $59.69 $477.52 Fee OSSI Mobile Citation Module Maintenance: Start: 10/1 /2018, End: 4/30/2019 Contract No. 20050070 7 ONESolution Professional Standards -Annual Maintenance Fee 1 $409.85 S409.85 OSSI Professional Standards (Internal Affairs) Module Client Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 8 ONESolution RMS Training Module - Annual Maintenance Fee 1 $716.02 $716.02 OSSI Training Module Maintenance: Start: 10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 Invoice C E N T R A L S Q U A R IE Invoice No Date Page TnCHNOLoaian 214496-JM 8/29/2018 2 of 14 Superion, LLC, a CentralSquare Company 1000 Business Center Drive Lake Mary, FL 32746 www.centralsquare.com Toll free 800-727-8088 Billing Inquiries: Accounts.Receivable@centralsquare.com Bill To Ship To City of Round Rock City of Round Rock Attn Accounts Payable Attn Accounts Payable 221 East Main Street 221 East Main Street ROUND ROCK TX 78665 ROUND ROCK TX 78665 United States United States Customer No Customer Name Customer PO # Currency Terms Due Date 5168LG City of Round Rock USD Net 30 9/28/2018 Description Units Rate Extended 9 ONESolution MCT Client -Digital Dispatch - Annual Maintenance 20 $183.13 $3,662.61 Fee OSSI MCT Client for Digital Dispatch Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 10 ONESolution MCT Client -MAPS - Annual Maintenance Fee 20 S40.98 $819.63 OSSI Mobile Client Maps Maintenance: Start: 10/1 /2018, End: 9/30/2019 11 ONESolution MFR Client -Arrest - Annual Maintenance Fee 20 $61.35 $1,227.03 OSSI Mobile Arrest Module Maintenance: Start: 10/1 /2018, End: 9/30/2019 12 ONESolution MFR Client - Annual Maintenance Fee 20 $203.60 $4,071.90 OSSI License of Incident/Offense Field Reporting Module Client Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 13 ONESolution MCT Client AVL License -Annual Maintenance Fee 20 $30.68 $613.62 OSSI Client AVL Mobile License Maintenance: Start: 10/1 /2018, End: 9/30/2019 Contract No. 5168-Main 14 ONESolution Computer -Aided Dispatch System -Annual 1 $16,010.39 $16,010.39 Maintenance Fee OSSI Base Computer Aided Dispatch System Maintenance: Start:1011/2018, End: 9/30/2019 15 ONESolution CAD Console License -Annual Maintenance Fee 1 $898.04 $898.04 OSSI Additional CAD Console License Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 16 ONESolution E911 Interface - Annual Maintenance Fee 1 $1,266.90 $1,266.90 OSSI E911 Interface Module Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 17 ONESolution CAD Map Display & Map Maint Software Lic - 1 $1,266.90 $1,266.90 Annual Maintenance Fee ONESolution CAD Map Display and Map Maintenance Software License Maintenance: Start:1011/2018, End: 9/30/2019 GENTRALS►iQUARE Invoice No TFCHNOLOOIES 214496-JM Superion, LLC, a CentralSquare Company 1000 Business Center Drive Lake Mary, FL 32746 vwvw.centralsquare.com Toll free 800-727-8088 Billing Inquiries: Accounts.Receivable@centralsquare.com Bill To City of Round Rock Attn Accounts Payable 221 East Main Street ROUND ROCK TX 78665 United States Customer No Customer Name Customer PO # 5168LG City of Round Rock Description 18 ONESolution CAD Map Display & Map Maint Software Lic - Annual Maintenance Fee ONESolution Additional CAD Map Display & Map Maintenance Client License Maintenance: Start:l0/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 19 ONESolution Rip & Run Printing/Faxing - Annual Maintenance Fee OSSI Rip and Run Printing/Faxing Module Maintenance: Start:10/112018, End: 9/30/2019 20 ONESolution CAD to ACS FIREHOUSE RMS Interface - Annual Maintenance Fee OSSI Firehouse RMS Interface Maintenance: Start: 10/1 /2018, End: 9/30/2019 21 ONESolution CAD Resource Monitor Display License With Maps -Annual Maintenance Fee OSSI CAD Resource Monitor Display License with Maps Client Maintenance: Start:1011/2018, End: 9/30f2019 22 ONESolution Records Management System - Annual Maintenance Fee OSSI Client Base Records Management System Maintenance: Start: 10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 23 ONESolution RMS Map Display & Pin Mapping License - Annual Maintenance Fee OSSI RMS Map Display and Pin Mapping License Maintenance: Start: 10/112018, End: 9/30/2019 24 ONESolution Accident - Annual Maintenance Fee OSSI Basic Accident Module Maintenance: Start: 10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 25 RMS Miscellaneous Products - Annual Maintenance Fee OSSI Intellimatch Analysis Module Maintenance: Start: 10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 26 ONESolution Property & Evidence -Annual Maintenance Fee OSSI Property and Evidence Module Maintenance: Start: 10/1 /2018, End: 9/30/2019 Invoice Date 8/29/2018 Ship To City of Round Rock Attn Accounts Payable 221 East Main Street ROUND ROCK TX 78665 United States Currency Terms USD Net 30 Units Rate 4 $460.16 1 S1,266.90 1 $1,266.90 5 $345.16 1 $12,634.01 35 S40.93 1 $920.94 1 $716.02 1 $1,329.57 Page 3of14 Due Date 9/28/2018 Extended $1,840,65 $1,266.90 $1,266.90 $1,725.78 $12,634.01 $1,432.52 $920.94 $716.02 $1,329.57 CENTRALSQUARiE invoice No T CC HHOLOO I CS 214496-JM Superion, LLC, a CentralSquare Company 1000 Business Center Drive Lake Mary, FL 32746 www.centralsquare.com Toll free 800-727-8088 Billing Inquiries: Accounts.Receivable@centralsquare.com BiIITo City of Round Rock Attn Accounts Payable 221 East Main Street ROUND ROCK TX 78665 United States Customer No Customer Name Customer PO # 5168LG City of Round Rock Description 27 ONESolution Barcwding Server License -Annual Maintenance Fee OSSI Bar Coding Server License Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 28 ONESolution Barcoding Hand -Held Client License - Annual Maintenance Fee OSSI Bar Coding Hand -Held Client License (Each) Maintenance: Start: 1 0/l/2018, End: 9/30/2019 29 ONESolution State/NCIC Messaging Software - Annual Maintenance Fee OSSI Additional Message Switch Consoles License Client Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 30 ONESolution State/NCIC Messaging Software - Annual Maintenance Fee OSSI Integrated CAD Messaging Software Switch Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 31 ONESolution MCT Client AVL License - Annual Maintenance Fee OSSI AVL Server Host License Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 32 ONESolution CAD Client AVL License - Annual Maintenance Fee ONESolution CAD Client AVL License Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 33 ONESolution MCT Client AVL License - Annual Maintenance Fee OSSI Client AVL Mobile License Maintenance: Start:10/112018, End: 9/30/2019 34 ONESolution MCT Client -Digital Dispatch - Annual Maintenance Fee OSSI MCT Client for Digital Dispatch Maintenance: Start: 10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 Invoice Date Page 8/29/2018 4 of 14 Ship To City of Round Rock Attn Accounts Payable 221 East Main Street ROUND ROCK TX 78665 United States Currency Terms Due Date USD Net 30 9/28/2018 Units Rate Extended 1 $716.02 $716.02 2 $325.91 $651.82 5 $68.94 $344.72 1 $4,603.50 $4,603.50 1 $8,057.04 $8,057.04 7 $460.30 S3,222.09 75 $34.52 $2,589.30 75 $18112 $13,734.00 Cie invoice iC E N T R A L Q U A R IE Invoice No Date Page TRCHNOL00109 214496-JM 8/29/2018 5 of 14 Superion, LLC, a CentralSquare Company 1000 Business Center Drive Lake Mary, FL 32746 www.centralsquare.com Toll free 800-727-8088 Billing Inquiries: Accounts.Receivable@centralsquare.com Bill To Ship To City of Round Rock City of Round Rock Attn Accounts Payable Attn Accounts Payable 221 East Main Street 221 East Main Street ROUND ROCK TX 78665 ROUND ROCK TX 78665 United States United States Customer No Customer Name Customer PO # Currency Terms Due Date 5168LG City of Round Rock USD Net 30 9/28/2018 Description Units Rate Extended 35 ONESolution MCT Client -MAPS - Annual Maintenance Fee 75 $40.91 $3,068.10 OSSI Mobile Client Maps Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 36 ONESolution Mobile Server Software - Annual Maintenance Fee 1 $7,161.40 S7,161.40 OSSI Base Mobile Server Software Client Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End. 9/3012019 37 ONESolution MFR Client -Annual Maintenance Fee 60 $203.57 $12,214.44 OSSI License of Incident/Offense Field Reporting Module Client Maintenance: Start: 10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 38 ONESolution MFR Client -Arrest -Annual Maintenance Fee 75 $61.38 $4.603.73 OSSI Mobile Arrest Module Maintenance: Start: 10/1 /2018, End: 9/30/2019 39 ONESolution Mobile Field Reporting Server -Annual 1 $5,626.91 $5,626.91 Maintenance Fee OSSI Review Module for Field Reporting Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 Contract No. DW03-163 40 ONESolution Multi -Jurisdictional RMS Opticn - 1 $357.91 $357.91 Annual Maintenance Fee OSSI Multi -Jurisdictional RMS Option Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 Contract No. 20051029 41 ONESolution CAD Console License - Annual Maintenance Fee 1 $898.04 $898.04 OSSI Additional CAD Console License Maintenance: Start: 10/112018, End: 9/30/2019 Contract No, 20051032 42 ONESolution MCT Client -Digital Dispatch - Annual Maintenance 3 $203.72 $611A6 Fee OSSI MCT Client for Digital Dispatch Maintenance: Start:10/112018, End: 9130/2019 :�� Invoice C E N T R A L S Q U A R E Invoice No Date Page T 6Q H No to at as 214496 8/29/2018 6 of 14 Superion, LLC, a CentralSquare Company 1000 Business Center Drive Lake Mary, FL 32746 www.centralsquare.com Toll free 800-727-8088 Billing Inquiries: Accounts.Receivable@centralsquare.com Bill To Ship To City of Round Rock City of Round Rock Attn Accounts Payable Attn Accounts Payable 221 East Main Street 221 East Main Street ROUND ROCK TX 78665 ROUND ROCK TX 78665 United States United States Customer No Customer Name Customer PO # Currency Terms Due Date 5168LG City of Round Rock USD Net 30 9/28/2018 Description Units Rate Extended 43 ONESolution MCT Client -MAPS - Annual Maintenance Fee 3 $40.98 $122.94 OSSI Mobile Client Maps Maintenance: Start: 10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 44 ONESolution MCT Client AVL License - Annual Maintenance Fee 3 S30.56 $91.67 OSSI Client AVL Mobile License Maintenance: Start:10/112018, End: 9/30/2019 Contract No. 20051066 45 ONESolution CAD Resource Monitor Display License With Maps 1 $344.74 $344.74 - Annual Maintenance Fee OSSI CAD Resource Monitor Display License with Maps Client Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9130/2019 Contract No. 20060945 46 ONESolution MFR Client-MOBLAN Version -Annual 22 S99.34 $2,185.49 Maintenance Fee OSSI - MFR Client - MOBLAN Version Maintenance: Start: 10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 Contract No. 20061170 47 ONESolution MCT Client -Digital Dispatch - Annual Maintenance 12 $197.68 S2,372.20 Fee OSSI MCT Client for Digital Dispatch Maintenance: Start: 10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 48 ONESolution MCT Client -MAPS - Annual Maintenance Fee 12 S39.77 S477.29 OSSI Mobile Client Maps Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 49 ONESolution MFR Client -Arrest - Annual Maintenance Fee 12 $59.57 $714.80 OSSI Mobile Arrest Module Maintenance: Start: 10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 50 ONESolution MFR Client - Annual Maintenance Fee 12 $197.68 $2,372.20 OSSI License of Incident/Offense Field Reporting Module Client Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 Invoice CENTRALSQUAREE Invoice No Date Page TrallmalOO165 214496-JM 8/29/2018 7 of 14 Superion, LLC, a CentralSquare Company 1000 Business Center Drive Lake Mary, FL 32746 www.centralsquare.com Toll free 800-727-8088 Billing Inquiries: Accounts.Receivable@centralsquare.com Bill To Ship To City of Round Rock City of Round Rods Attn Accounts Payable Attn Accounts Payable 221 East Main Street 221 East Main Street ROUND ROCKTX 78665 ROUND ROCK TX 78665 United States United States Customer No Customer Name Customer PO # Currency Terms Due Date 5168LG City of Round Rock USD Net 30 9/28/2018 Description Units Rate Extended 51 ONESolution MCT Client AVL License - Annual Maintenance Fee 12 $29.84 $358.09 OSSI Client AVL Mobile License Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/3012019 52 ONESolution MFR Client -Citation - Annual Maintenance Fee 12 557.95 5695.40 OSSI Mobile Citation Module Maintenance: Start:10/l/2018, End: 4/30/2019 Contract No. 70052 53 ONESolution Notification -Annual Maintenance Fee 1 $1,870 81 $1,870.81 OSSI Notification Module Maintenance: Start:1011/2018, End: 9/30/2019 Contract No. 70051 54 ONESolution Quartermaster -Annual Maintenance Fee 1 S1,886.49 $1,886.49 OSSI - QuarterMaster Module Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 55 ONESolution RMS Map Display & Pin Mapping License - Annual 5 $297.97 51,489.85 Maintenance Fee OSSI -Additional RMS Workstation Map License Maintenance: Start: 10/1/2018, End: 9130/2019 56 ONESolution RMS Map Display & Pin Mapping License - Annual 5 539.77 $198.87 Maintenance Fee OSSI RMS Map Display and Pin Mapping License Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 Contract No. 70556 57 ONESolution MCT Client AVL License - Annual Maintenance Fee 2 $28,93 $57.86 OSSI Client AVL Mobile License Maintenance: Start:10/112018, End: 9/30/2019 Contract No. 20040987-1 __, Invoice C E N T R A L S P U A R E Invoice No Date Page TDCNNOLOO/ea 214496-JM 8/29/2018 8 of 14 Superion, LLC, a CentralSquare Company 1000 Business Center Drive Lake Mary, FL 32746 www.centralsquare.com Toll free 800-727-8088 Billing Inquiries: Accounts.Receivable@centralsquare.com Bill To Ship To City of Round Rock City of Round Rock Attn Accounts Payable Attn Accounts Payable 221 East Main Street 221 East Main Street ROUND ROCK TX 78665 ROUND ROCKTX 78665 United States United States Customer No Customer Name Customer PO # Currency Terms Due Date 5168LG City of Round Rock USD Net 30 9/28/2018 Description Units Rate Extended 58 ONESolutionlncodeCourtsSystemInterface- Annual 1 S2,893.00 $2,893.00 Maintenance Fee OSSI Interface from Incode Courts to Pistol Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 Contract No. 80270 59 ONESolution Gang -Annual Maintenance Fee 1 S1,446.51 $1,446.51 Gang Profile Module Maintenance: Start: 10/1 /2018, End: 9/30/2019 Contract No. 80653 60 ONESolution CAD to MOSCAD Interface -Annual Maintenance 1 $1,627.32 $1,627.32 Fee OSSI - MOSCAD to CAD Interface Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 Contract No. 80699 61 ONESolution CAD Console License - Annual Maintenance Fee 4 $846.20 $3,384.82 OSSI Additional CAD Console License Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 62 ONESolution MCT Client License for Message Switch - Annual 4 S65.09 S260.36 Maintenance Fee OSSI Client License for Message Switch Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 63 ONESolution CAD Map Display & Map Maint Software Lic - 4 $433.96 $1,735.86 Annual Maintenance Fee ONESolution Additional CAD Map Display & Map Maintenance Client License Maintenance: Start: 10/1 /2018, End: 9130/2019 64 ONESolution CAD Client AVL License - Annual Maintenance Fee 4 $433.96 $1,735.86 ONESolution CAD Client AVL License Maintenance: Start: 10/1 /2018, End: 9/30/2019 Contract No. 80695 Invoice C E N T n A L S O U A R EIW Invoice No Date Page T6CMNOL00162 214496-JM 8/29/2018 9 of 14 Superion, LLC, a CentralSquare Company 1000 Business Center Drive Lake Mary, FL 32746 www.centralsquare.com Toll free 800-727-8088 Billing Inquiries: Accounts.Receivable@centralsquare.com Bill To Ship To City of Round Rock City of Round Rock Attn Accounts Payable Attn Accounts Payable 221 East Main Street 221 East Main Street ROUND ROCK TX 78665 ROUND ROCK TX 78665 United States United States Customer No Customer Name Customer PO # Currency Terms Due Date 5168LG City of Round Rock USD Net 30 9/28/2018 Description Units Rate Extended 65 ONESolution RMS Workstation - Annual Maintenance Fee 25 S289.29 $7,232.14 OSSI Additional RMS Workstation License Maintenance: Start: 1011 /2018, End: 9/30/2019 66 ONESolution RMS Map Display & Pin Mapping License - Annual 25 $38.58 $964.43 Maintenance Fee OSSI Additional RMS Map Display and Pin Mapping License Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 Contract No. 80696 67 ONESolution RMS Workstation -Annual Maintenance Fee 6 $289.28 $1,735.71 OSSI Additional RMS Workstation License Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 68 ONESolution RMS Map Display & Pin Mapping License - Annual 6 $38.58 $231.46 (Maintenance Fee OSSI Additional RMS Map Display and Pin Mapping License Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 69 ONESolution MCT Client -Digital Dispatch -Annual Maintenance 6 $191.90 $1,151.39 Fee OSSI MCT Client for Digital Dispatch Maintenance: Start: 10/1 /2018, End: 9/30/2019 70 ONESolution MCT Client -MAPS - Annual Maintenance Fee 6 $38.58 $231.46 OSSI Mobile Client Maps Maintenance: Start:10/112018, End: 9/3012019 71 ONESolution MCT Client AVL License - Annual Maintenance Fee 6 $28.93 $173.57 OSSI Client AVL Mobile License Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 72 ONESolution MFR Client -Annual Maintenance Fee 6 $191.90 $1,151.39 ONESolution MFR Client Maintenance: Start: 10/1 /2018, End: 9/30/2019 73 ONESolution MFR Client -Arrest - Annual Maintenance Fee 6 S57.86 $347.19 OSSI Mobile Arrest Module Maintenance: Start: 1 Oil /2018, End: 9/30/2019 C. Invoice G IE N T R A L S Q U A R E Invoice No Date Page T IS C N NO L.00100 214496-JM 8/29/2018 10 of 14 Superion, LLC, a CentralSquare Company 1000 Business Center Drive Lake Mary, FL 32746 www, centralsquare.com Toll free 800-727-8088 Billing Inquiries: Accounts.Receivable@centralsquare.com BiIITo Ship To City of Round Rock City of Round Rock Attn Accounts Payable Attn Accounts Payable 221 East Main Street 221 East Main Street ROUND ROCKTX 78665 ROUND ROCK TX 78665 United States United States Customer No Customer Name Customer PO # Currency Terms Due Date 5166LG City of Round Rock USD Net 30 9/28/2018 Description Units Rate Extended 74 ONESolution MFR Client -Citation - Annual Maintenance 6 $56,26 $337.56 Fee OSSI - MFR Client Citation Maintenance: Start: 10/1/2018, End: 4130/2019 Contract No. 80697 75 ONESolution RMS Workstation - Annual Maintenance Fee 9 $289.29 $2,603.57 OSSI Additional RMS Workstation License Maintenance: Start: 10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 76 ONESolution RMS Map Display & Pin Mapping License - Annual 9 $38.58 S347.19 Maintenance Fee OSSI Additional RMS Map Display and Pin Mapping License Maintenance: Start: 10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 77 ONESolution CAD Resource Monitor Display License With Maps 13 S325.47 S4,231.09 -Annual Maintenance Fee OSSI CAD Resource Monitor Display License with Maps Client Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 Contract No. 90796 78 ONESolution MCT Client -Digital Dispatch -Annual Maintenance 13 $191.90 $2.494.67 Fee OSSI MCT Client for Digital Dispatch Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/3012019 79 ONESolution MCT Client -MAPS - Annual Maintenance Fee 13 $38,58 S501.50 OSSI Mobile Client Maps Maintenance: Start: 10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 80 ONESolution MCT Client AVL License -Annual Maintenance Fee 13 $28.93 S376.06 OSSI Client AVL Mobile License Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 81 ONESolution MFR Client - Annual Maintenance Fee 13 $191.90 $2,494.67 ONESolution MFR Client Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 Contract No. 90858 ®l1 Invoice C E N -rR A L S 4 U A R E Invoice No Date Page TECH NO L061E0 214496-JM 8/29/2018 11 Of 14 Superion, LLC, a CentralSquare Company 1000 Business Center Drive Lake Mary, FL 32746 www.centralsquare.com Toll free 800-727-8088 Billing Inquiries: Accounts.Receivable@centralsquare.com Bill To Ship To City of Round Rock City of Round Rock Attn Accounts Payable Attn Accounts Payable 221 East Main Street 221 East Main Street ROUND ROCK TX 78665 ROUND ROCK TX 78665 United States United States Customer No Customer Name Customer PO # Currency Terms Due Date 5168LG City of Round Rock USD Net 30 9/28/2018 Description Units Rate Extended 82 ONESolution RMS Workstation - Annual Maintenance Fee 15 $289.29 $4,339.28 OSSI Additional RMS Workstation License Maintenance: Start: 10/1 /2018, End: 9/30/2019 83 ONESolution RMS Map Display & Pin Mapping License - Annual 15 S38.58 S578.66 Maintenance Fee OSSI Additional RMS Map Display and Pin Mapping License Maintenance: Start:10/112018, End: 9/30/2019 Contract No. 91283 84 ONESolution MCT Client -Digital Dispatch -Annual Maintenance 2 $191.90 $383.80 Fee OSSI MCT Client for Digital Dispatch Maintenance: Start: 10/1 /2018, End: 9/30/2019 85 ONESolution MCT Client -MAPS -Annual Maintenance Fee 2 S38.58 S77.15 OSSI Mobile Client Maps Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 Contract No. 100146 86 ONESolution MCT Client -Digital Dispatch - Annual Maintenance 4 $191.90 $767.59 Fee OSSI MCT Client for Digital Dispatch Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 87 ONESolution MCT Client -MAPS - Annual Maintenance Fee 4 $38.58 $154.31 OSSI Mobile Client Maps Maintenance: Start: 1011/2018, End: 9/30/2019 88 ONESolution MCT Client AVL License - Annual Maintenance Fee 4 $28.93 $115.71 OSSI Client AVL Mobile License Maintenance: Start: 10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 89 ONESolution MFR Client -Annual Maintenance Fee 4 $191.90 $767,59 ONESolution MFR Client Maintenance: Start:1011/2018, End: 9/30/2019 Contract No. 100182 �l� invoice CENTRAL S Q U A R E Invoke No Date Page TQCNNGLOQIas 214496-JM 8/29/2018 12 of 14 Superion, LLC, a CentralSquare Company 1000 Business Center Drive Lake Mary, FL 32746 www.centralsquare.com Toll free 800-727-8088 Billing Inquiries: Accounts.Receivable@centralsquare.com Bill To Ship To City of Round Rock City of Round Rock Attn Accounts Payable Attn Accounts Payable 221 East Main Street 221 East Main Street ROUND ROCK TX 78665 ROUND ROCKTX 78665 United States United States Customer No Customer Name Customer PO # Currency Terms Due Date 5168LG City of Round Rock USD Net 30 9/28/2018 Description Units Rate Extended 90 ONESolution MCT Client -Digital Dispatch -Annual Maintenance 1 $191.90 5191.90 Fee OSSI MCT Client for Digital Dispatch Maintenance: Start:l0/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 91 ONESolution MCT Client -MAPS - Annual Maintenance Fee 1 $38.58 $38.58 OSSI Mobile Client Maps Maintenance: Start:10/112018, End: 9/30/2019 92 ONESolution MCT Client AVL License - Annual Maintenance Fee 1 $28.93 $28.93 OSSI Client AVL Mobile License Maintenance: Start: 10/1 /2018, End: 9/30/2019 Contract No. 100424 93 ONESolution MCT Client -Digital Dispatch - Annual Maintenance 2 $191.90 $383.80 Fee OSSI MCT Client for Digital Dispatch Maintenance: Start:10/112018, End: 9/30/2019 94 ONESolution MCT Client -MAPS -Annual Maintenance Fee 2 $38,58 $77.15 OSSI Mobile Client Maps Maintenance: Start: 10/1 /2018, End: 9/30/2019 95 ONESolution MCT Client AVL License - Annual Maintenance Fee 2 528.93 $57.86 OSSI Client AVL Mobile License Maintenance: Start: 10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 96 ONESolution MFR Client -Annual Maintenance Fee 2 $191.90 5383.80 ONESolution MFR Client Maintenance: Start: 10/1 /2018, End: 9/30/2019 Contract No. 100944 97 ONESolution TDEX Interface - Annual Subscription Fee 1 $289.29 S289.29 OSSI - Interface to TDEX Maintenance: Start:10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 Contract No. 101194 Invoice C E N T R A R_ S O U A R lE Invoice No Date Page 74cNNoloo166 214496-JM 8/29/2018 13 of 14 Superion, LLC, a CentralSquare Company 1000 Business Center Drive Lake Mary, FL 32746 www.centralsquare.com Toll free 800-727-8088 Billing Inquiries: Accounts.Receivabie@centralsquare.com Bill To Ship To City of Round Rock City of Round Rock Attn Accounts Payable Attn Accounts Payable 221 East Main Street 221 East Main Street ROUND ROCK TX 78665 ROUND ROCK TX 78665 United States United States Customer No Customer Name Customer PO # Currency Terms Due Date 5168LG City of Round Rock USD Net 30 9/28/2018 Description Units Rate Extended 98 ONESolution CAD Resource Monitor Display License With Maps 2 $325.47 $650.94 -Annual Maintenance Fee OSSI CAD Resource Monitor Display License with Maps Client Maintenance: Start: 1011/2018, End: 9/30/2019 Contract No. 110363 99 ONESolution Police -to -Citizen -Annual Maintenance Fee 1 $2,410.85 $2,410,85 OSSI Police to Citizen Maintenance: Start: 10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 Contract No. 111200 100 ONESolution CAD Resource Monitor Display License With Maps 2 $325.47 $650.94 -Annual Maintenance Fee OSSI CAD Resource Monitor Display License with Maps Client Maintenance: Start:10/112018, End: 9/30/2019 Contract No. 120623 101 ONESolution Pagegate Interface - Annual Maintenance Fee 1 $189.07 $189.07 OSSI CAD Interface to Pagegate Maintenance: Start: 1011 /2018, End: 9/30/2019 102 ONESolution Alpha Numeric Paging - Annual Maintenance Fee 1 $987,98 $987.98 OSSI Alpha Numeric Paging Module Maintenance: Start: 10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 Contract No. 121355 103 ONESolution CAD Resource Monitor Display License With Maps 4 $189.07 S756.29 -Annual Maintenance Fee OSSI CAD Resource Monitor Display License with Maps Client Maintenance: Start: 10/1/2018. End: 9/30/2019 Contract No. 130895 104 ONESolution Freedom Base -Annual Maintenance Fee 1 $2.581.57 $2,581.57 MCT Freedom - Up to 50 Workstations Maintenance: Start: 1011 /2018, End: 9/30/2019 Contract No. 141596 �- Invoice C E N T R A L s Q LU A R E Invoice No Date Page rccwNo�nnca 214496-JM 8/29/2018 14 of 14 Superion, LLC, a CentralSquare Company 1000 Business Center Drive Lake Mary, FL 32746 www.centralsquare.com Toll free 800-727-8088 Billing Inquiries: Accounts.Receivable@centralsquare.com Bill To Ship To City of Round Rock City of Round Rock Attn Accounts Payable Attn Accounts Payable 221 East Main Street 221 East Main Street ROUND ROCK TX 78665 ROUND ROCK TX 78665 United States United States Customer No Customer Name Customer PO # Currency Terms Due Date 5168LG City of Round Rock USD Net 30 9/28/2018 Description Units Rate Extended 105 ONESolution Freedom Premium - Annual Maintenance Fee 10 $71.30 $712.95 MCT FREEDOM PREMIUM Maintenance: Start: 10/1/2018, End: 9/30/2019 Contract No. 150007 106 ONESolution MCT to ACS FIREHOUSE Interface - Annual 1 $1,336.73 $1,336.73 Maintenance Fee OSSI - MCT Interface to Firehouse Maintenance: Start:10/112018, End: 9/30/2019 Contract No, 150069 107 ONESolution Freedom Premium - Annual Maintenance Fee 10 S71.31 $713.06 ONESolution Freedom Premium Maintenance: Start: 10/1 /2018, End: 9/30/2019 Contract No. 150139 108 ONESolution Sex Offender - Annual Maintenance Fee 1 $1,354.54 $1,354.54 OSSI Sex Offender Module Maintenance: Start:10/112018, End: 9/30/2019 Contract No. 150980 109 ONESolution RMS OpCenter -Annual Maintenance Fee 1 $2.422.56 $2,422.56 OSSI - OPS RMS Maintenance: Start: 10/1 /2018, End: 9/30/2019 Please make remittance payable to Superion, LLC Subtotal S207,851.79 ACH / EFT: Routing Number 0710-000-39 Tax S0.00 Account Number 81880-15335 Bank of America (Phone 800-432-1000) Invoice Total S207,851.79 E-mail payment details to: Accounts.Receivable@centralsquare.com Check: Payments Applied $0.00 12709 Collection Center Drive Balance Due $207,851.79 Chicago, IL 60693 In reference to originally billed Invoice Document No 214496 CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 1or2 Complete Nos. 1- 4 and 6 If there are interested parties. Complete Nos.1, 2, 3, 5, and s if there are no interested parties, OFFICE USE ONLY CERTIFICATION OF FILING Certificate Number: 2019-484903 Date Filed: 05/01/2019 Date Acknowledged: 1 Name of business entity filing form, and the city, state and country of the business entity's place of business. Superion, LLC Lake Mary, FL United States 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is being filed. City of Round Rock 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract, and provide a description of the services, goods, or other property to be provided under the contract. TBD Software Maintenance 4 Name of Interested Party City, State, Country (place of business) Nature of interest (check applicable) Controlling Intermediary SuperMoose NewCo, Inc. Lake Mary, FL United States X SuperMoose Holdco, LLC Lake Mary, FL United States X VEPF SuperMoose Holdings, LLC San Francisco, CA United States X Vista Equity Partners Fund VI -A, L.P. San Francisco, CA United States X Vista Equity Partners Fund VI, L.P. San Francisco, CA United States X Bain Capital Fund XII, L.P. Boston, MA United States X Surminsky, Brad Lake Mary, FL United States X Angove, Simon Lake Mary, FL United States X Ramundsen Holdings, LLC Lake Mary, FL United States X Ramundsen Intermediate Holdings, LLC Lake Mary, FL United States X Ramundsen superior Holdings, LLC Lake Mary, FL United States X Ramundsen Topco, LLC Lake Mary, FL United States X VEPF VI AIV I, Corp. San Francisco, CA United States X CentralSquare Technologies, LLC Lake Mary, FL United States X 1-•iLt_- ttt0 N,uvlU, U uy ,cnaa i.unitniasiun www.etnics.siate,iX.us Version V1,1.39f8039c CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 2of2 Complete Nos. 1- 4 and 6 If there are Interested partles. Complete Nos.1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 if there are no Interested partles. OFFICE USE ONLY CERTIFICATION OF FILING Certificate Number: 2019-484903 1 Name of business entity filing form, and the city, state and country of the business entity's place of business. Superion, LLC Lake Mary, FL United States Date Piled: 05/01/2019 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is being filed. City of Round Rock Date Acknowledged: 3 Provide the Identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract, and provide a description of the services, goods, or other property to be provided under the contract, TBD Software Maintenance 4 Name of Interested Party City, State, Country (place of business) Nature of interest (check applicable) Controlling I Intermediary 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑ 6 UNSWORN DECLARATION J My name is IV `M� ��{ and my date of birth is My address is k"D� 4-- c �. (street) (city) (state) (zip code) (country) I declare underpenaltyof perjury that the foregoing Is true and correct. Executed in J� V�\no`e— County State of - 1,� y , , on the da of �.�, 20�. (month) (year) Signature of authorized agent of contacting business entity (Declarant) -,-- r .��u ur I A"� IItUa U"11"1Z1Z11L)+J Www.et11us.5La1e.tx.us Version V1.1.391`8039c CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 1 of 2 Complete Nos. 1- 4 and 6 if there are interested parties. Complete Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 if there are no interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY CERTIFICATION OF FILING Certificate Number: 2019-484903 Date Filed: 05/01/2019 Date Acknowledged: 06/12/2019 1 Name of business entity filing form, and the city, state and country of the business entity's place of business. Superion, LLC Lake Mary, FL United States 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is being filed. City of Round Rock 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract, and provide a description of the services, goods, or other property to be provided under the contract. TBD Software Maintenance 4 Name of Interested Party City, State, Country (place of business) Nature of interest (check applicable) Controlling Intermediary SuperMoose NewCo, Inc. Lake Mary, FL United States X SuperMoose Holdco, LLC Lake Mary, FL United States X VEPF SuperMoose Holdings, LLC San Francisco, CA United States X Vista Equity Partners Fund VI -A, L.P. San Francisco, CA United States X Vista Equity Partners Fund VI, L.P. San Francisco, CA United States X Bain Capital Fund XII, L.P. Boston, MA United States X Surminsky, Brad Lake Mary, FL United States X Angove, Simon Lake Mary, FL United States X Ramundsen Holdings, LLC Lake Mary, FL United States X Ramundsen Intermediate Holdings, LLC Lake Mary, FL United States X Ramundsen Superior Holdings, LLC Lake Mary, FL United States X Ramundsen Topco, LLC Lake Mary, FL United States X VEPF VI AIV I, Corp. San Francisco, CA United States X CentralSquare Technologies, LLC Lake Mary, FL United States X runny Nruvrueu uy texas Cuncs Lurnrnission www.etnlcs.state.tx.us Version V1.1.39f8039c CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 2of2 Complete Nos. 1- 4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING Certificate Number: 1 Name of business entity filing form, and the city, state and country of the business entity's place of business. 2019-484903 Superion, LLC Lake Mary, FL United States Date Filed: 05/01/2019 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is being filed. City of Round Rock Date Acknowledged: 06/12/2019 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract, and provide a description of the services, goods, or other property to be provided under the contract. TBD Software Maintenance 4 Name of Interested Party City, State, Country (place of business) Nature of interest (check applicable) Controlling Intermediary 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑ 6 LINSWORN DECLARATION My name is and my date of birth is My address is 1 , (street) (city) (state) (zip code) (country) I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in County, State of on the day of , 20 (month) (year) Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity (Declarant) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.1.39f8039c