Contract - Destination Analysts - 8/8/2019 CITY OF ROUND ROCK AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING SERVICES RELATED TO A TOURISM IMPACT STUDY WITH DESTINATION ANALYSTS THE STATE OF TEXAS § THE CITY OF ROUND ROCK § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON § COUNTY OF TRAVIS § THIS AGREEMENT for professional consulting services related to a Tourism Impact Study for the City of Round Rock (the "Agreement'), is made by and between the CITY OF ROUND ROCK, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation with offices located at 221 East Main Street, Round Rock, Texas 78664-5299 (the "City"), and DESTINATION ANALYSTS, located at 1728 Union Street, Suite 310, San Francisco, California 94123 (the"Consultant"). RECITALS: WHEREAS, a Tourism Impact Study for certain sporting events held at the City's sports facilities is desired by the City(the"Project"); and WHEREAS, City has determined that there is a need for the delineated services; and WHEREAS, City desires to contract with Consultant to conduct a Tourism Impact Study; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into this Agreement to set forth in writing their respective rights, duties and obligations hereunder. NOW,THEREFORE,WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency and receipt of which are hereby acknowledged, it is mutually agreed between the parties as follows: 1.0 EFFECTIVE DATE,DURATION,AND TERM A. This Agreement shall be effective on the date this Agreement has been signed by each party hereto, and shall remain in full force and effect unless and until it expires by operation of the term indicated herein, or is terminated as provided herein. B. The term of this Agreement shall be for twenty-four(24) months from the date of execution. IR -2-D 1q -0 00427482/ss2 C. City and the Consultant reserve the right to review the Agreement at any time, and may elect to terminate the Agreement with or without cause or may elect to continue. 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES Consultant has issued its proposal for services, such proposal for services being attached to this Agreement as Exhibit "A" titled "Scope of Services," which shall be referred to as the Scope of Services of this Agreement and incorporated herein by reference for all purposes. Consultant shall satisfactorily provide all services described herein and as set forth in Exhibit "A." Consultant shall perform services in accordance with this Agreement, in accordance with the appended Scope of Services and in accordance with due care and prevailing consulting industry standards for comparable services. 3.0 LIMITATION TO SCOPE OF SERVICES Consultant's undertaking shall be limited to performing services for City and/or advising City concerning those matters on which Consultant has been specifically engaged. Consultant and City agree that the Scope of Services to be performed is enumerated in Exhibit"A" and may only be modified by a written Supplemental Agreement executed by both parties as described in Section 9.0. 4.0 CONTRACT AMOUNT In consideration for the professional consulting services to be performed by Consultant, City agrees to pay Consultant an amount not-to-exceed One Hundred Fifty Thousand and No/100 Dollars($150,000.00). 5.0 INVOICE REQUIREMENTS; TERMS OF PAYMENT Invoices: To receive payment, Consultant shall prepare and submit detailed invoices to the City, in accordance with the delineation contained herein, for services rendered. Such invoices for professional services shall track the referenced Scope of Work, and shall detail the services performed, along with documentation for each service performed. Payment to Consultant shall be made on the basis of the invoices submitted by Consultant and approved by the City. Such invoices shall conform to the schedule of services and costs in connection therewith. Should additional backup material be requested by the City relative to service deliverables, Consultant shall comply promptly. In this regard, should the City determine it necessary, Consultant shall make all records and books relating to this Agreement available to the City for inspection and auditing purposes. Payment of Invoices: The City reserves the right to correct any error that may be discovered in any invoice that may have been paid to Consultant and to adjust same to meet the requirements of this Agreement. Following approval of an invoice,the City shall endeavor to pay 2 Consultant promptly, but no later than the time period required under the Texas Prompt Payment Act described in Section 8.01 herein. Under no circumstances shall Consultant be entitled to receive interest on payments which are late because of a good faith dispute between Consultant and the City or because of amounts which the City has a right to withhold under this Agreement or state law. The City shall be responsible for any sales, gross receipts or similar taxes applicable to the services,but not for taxes based upon Consultant's net income. 6.0 INSURANCE Consultant shall meet all City of Round Rock Insurance Requirements set forth at: hqps://www.roundrocktexas.gov/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/corr insurance 07.20112.ndf 7.0 PROMPT PAYMENT POLICY In accordance with Chapter 2251,V.T.C.A., Texas Government Code, any payment to be made by the City to Consultant will be made within thirty (30) days of the date the performance of the services under this Agreement are completed, or the date the City receives a correct invoice for the services, whichever is later. Consultant may charge interest on an overdue payment at the "rate in effect" on September 1 of the fiscal year in which the payment becomes overdue, in accordance with V.T.C.A., Texas Government Code, Section 2251.025(b). This Prompt Payment Policy does not apply to payments made by the City in the event: (a) There is a bona fide dispute between the City and Consultant, a contractor, subcontractor, or supplier about the service performed that cause the payment to be late; or (b) There is a bona fide dispute between Consultant and a subcontractor or between a subcontractor and its supplier about the service performed that causes the payment to be late; or (c) The terms of a federal contract, grant, regulation, or statute prevent the City from making a timely payment with federal funds; or (d) The invoice is not mailed to the City in strict accordance with any instruction on the purchase order relating to the payment. 8.0 NON-APPROPRIATION AND FISCAL FUNDING This Agreement is a commitment of the City's current revenues only. It is understood and agreed that the City shall have the right to terminate this Agreement at the end of any City fiscal year if the governing body of the City does not appropriate funds sufficient to purchase the services as determined by the City's budget for the fiscal year in question. The City may affect such termination by giving Consultant a written notice of termination at the end of its then- current fiscal year. 3 9.0 SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT The terms of this Agreement may be modified by written Supplemental Agreement hereto, duly authorized by City Council or by the City Manager, if the City determines that there has been a significant change in (1) the scope, complexity, or character of the services to be performed; or (2) the duration of the work. Any such Supplemental Agreement must be executed by both parties within the period specified as the term of this Agreement. Consultant shall not perform any work or incur any additional costs prior to the execution, by both parties, of such Supplemental Agreement. Consultant shall make no claim for extra work done or materials furnished unless and until there is full execution of any Supplemental Agreement, and the City shall not be responsible for actions by Consultant nor for any costs incurred by Consultant relating to additional work not directly authorized by Supplemental Agreement. 10.0 TERMINATION; DEFAULT Termination: It is agreed and understood by Consultant that the City or Consultant may terminate this Agreement for the convenience of the City or Consultant, upon thirty (30) days' written notice to Consultant or City, with the understanding that immediately upon receipt of said notice all work being performed under this Agreement shall cease. Consultant shall invoice the City for work satisfactorily completed and shall be compensated in accordance with the terms hereof for work accomplished prior to the receipt of said notice of termination. Consultant shall not be entitled to any lost or anticipated profits for work terminated under this Agreement. Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, all data, information, and work product related to this Project shall become the property of the City upon termination of this Agreement, and shall be promptly delivered to the City in a reasonably organized form without restriction on future use. Should the City subsequently contract with a new consultant for continuation of service on the Project, Consultant shall cooperate in providing information. Termination of this Agreement shall extinguish all rights, duties, and obligations of the terminating party and the terminated party to fulfill contractual obligations. Termination under this section shall not relieve the terminated party of any obligations or liabilities which occurred prior to termination. Nothing contained in this section shall require the City to pay for any work which it deems unsatisfactory or which is not performed in compliance with the terms of this Agreement. Default: Either party may terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part, for default if the Party provides the other Party with written notice of such default and the other fails to satisfactorily cure such default within ten (10) business days of receipt of such notice (or a greater time if agreed upon between the Parties). If default results in termination of this Agreement, then the City shall give consideration to the actual costs incurred by Consultant in performing the work to the date of default. The cost of the work that is useable to the City,the cost to the City of employing another firm to complete the useable work, and other factors will affect the value to the City of the work performed at the 4 time of default. Neither party shall be entitled to any lost or anticipated profits for work terminated for default hereunder. The termination of this Agreement for default shall extinguish all rights, duties, and obligations of the terminating Party and the terminated Party to fulfill contractual obligations. Termination under this section shall not relieve the terminated party of any obligations or liabilities which occurred prior to termination. Nothing contained in this section shall require the City to pay for any work which it deems unsatisfactory, or which is not performed in compliance with the terms of this Agreement. 11.0 NON-SOLICITATION Except as may be otherwise agreed in writing, during the term of this Agreement and for twelve (12) months thereafter, neither the City nor Consultant shall offer employment to or shall employ any person employed then or within the preceding twelve (12) months by the other or any affiliate of the other if such person was involved, directly or indirectly, in the performance of this Agreement. This provision shall not prohibit the hiring of any person who was solicited solely through a newspaper advertisement or other general solicitation. 12.0 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS Consultant is an independent contractor, and is not the City's employee. Consultant's employees or subcontractors are not the City's employees. This Agreement does not create a partnership, employer-employee, or joint venture relationship. No party has authority to enter into contracts as agent for the other party. Consultant and the City agree to the following rights consistent with an independent contractor relationship: (1) Consultant has the right to perform services for others during the term hereof. (2) Consultant has the sole right to control and direct the means,manner and method by which it performs its services required by this Agreement. (3) Consultant has the right to hire assistants as subcontractors, or to use employees to provide the services required by this Agreement. (4) Consultant or its employees or subcontractors shall perform services required hereunder, and the City shall not hire, supervise, or pay assistants to help Consultant. (5) Neither Consultant nor its employees or subcontractors shall receive training from the City in skills necessary to perform services required by this Agreement. (6) City shall not require Consultant or its employees or subcontractors to devote full time to performing the services required by this Agreement. 5 (7) Neither Consultant nor its employees or subcontractors are eligible to participate in any employee pension, health, vacation pay, sick pay, or other fringe benefit plan of the City. 13.0 CONFIDENTIALITY; MATERIALS OWNERSHIP Any and all programs, data, or other materials furnished by the City for use by Consultant in connection with services to be performed under this Agreement, and any and all data and information gathered by Consultant, shall be held in confidence by Consultant as set forth hereunder. Each party agrees to take reasonable measures to preserve the confidentiality of any proprietary or confidential information relative to this Agreement, and to not make any use thereof other than for the performance of this Agreement, provided that no claim may be made for any failure to protect information that occurs more than three (3) years after the end of this Agreement. The parties recognize and understand that the City is subject to the Texas Public Information Act and its duties run in accordance therewith. All data relating specifically to the City's business and any other information which reasonably should be understood to be confidential to City is confidential information of City. Consultant's proprietary software, tools, methodologies, techniques, ideas, discoveries, inventions, know-how, and any other information which reasonably should be understood to be confidential to Consultant is confidential information of Consultant. The City's confidential information and Consultant's confidential information is collectively referred to as "Confidential Information." Each party shall use Confidential Information of the other party only in furtherance of the purposes of this Agreement and shall not disclose such Confidential Information to any third party without the other party's prior written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Each party agrees to take reasonable measures to protect the confidentiality of the other party's Confidential Information and to advise their employees of the confidential nature of the Confidential Information and of the prohibitions herein. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, neither party shall be obligated to treat as confidential any information disclosed by the other party (the "Disclosing Party") which: (1) is rightfully known to the recipient prior to its disclosure by the Disclosing Party; (2) is released by the Disclosing Party to any other person or entity (including governmental agencies) without restriction; (3) is independently developed by the recipient without any reliance on Confidential Information; or (4) is or later becomes publicly available without violation of this Agreement or may be lawfully obtained by a party from any non-party. Notwithstanding the foregoing, either party will be entitled to disclose Confidential Information of the other to a third party as may be required by law, statute, rule or regulation, including subpoena or other similar form of process, provided that (without breaching any legal or regulatory requirement) the party to whom the request is made provides the other with prompt written notice and allows the other party to seek a restraining order or other appropriate relief. Subject to Consultant's confidentiality obligations under this Agreement, nothing herein shall preclude or limit Consultant from providing similar services for other clients. 6 Notwithstanding the foregoing, either party will be entitled to disclose Confidential Information of the other to a third party as may be required by law, statute, rule or regulation, including subpoena or other similar form of process, provided that (without breaching any legal or regulatory requirement)the party to whom the request is made provides the other with prompt written notice and allows the other party to seek a restraining order or other appropriate relief. Subject to Consultant's confidentiality obligations under this Agreement, nothing herein shall preclude or limit Consultant from providing similar services for other clients. Neither the City nor Consultant will be liable to the other for inadvertent or accidental disclosure of Confidential Information if the disclosure occurs notwithstanding the party's exercise of the same level of protection and care that such party customarily uses in safeguarding its own proprietary and confidential information. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, the City will own as its sole property all written materials created, developed, gathered, or originally prepared expressly for the City and delivered to the City under the terms of this Agreement (the "Deliverables"); and Consultant shall own any general skills, know-how, expertise, ideas, concepts, methods, techniques, processes, software, or other similar information which may have been discovered, created, developed or derived by Consultant either prior to or as a result of its provision of services under this Agreement(other than Deliverables). Consultant shall have the right to retain copies of the Deliverables and other items for its archives. Consultant's working papers and Consultant's Confidential Information (as described herein) shall belong exclusively to the Consultant. "Working papers" shall mean those documents prepared by Consultant during the course of performing the Project including, without limitation, schedules, analyses, transcriptions, memos, designed and developed data visualization dashboards and working notes that serve as the basis for or to substantiate the Project. In addition, Consultant shall retain sole and exclusive ownership of its know-how, concepts,techniques, methodologies, ideas,templates, dashboards, code and tools discovered, created or developed by Consultant during the performance of the Project that are of general application and that arc not based on City's Confidential Information hereunder (collectively, "Consultant's Building Blocks"). To the extent any Deliverables incorporate Consultant's Building Blocks, Consultant gives City a non- exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free right to use such Building Blocks solely in connection with the deliverables. Subject to the confidentiality restrictions mentioned above, Consultant may use the deliverables and the Building Blocks for any purpose. Except to the extent required by law or court order, City will not otherwise use, or sublicense or grant any other party any rights to use, copy or otherwise exploit or create derivative works from Consultant's Building Blocks. City shall have a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use Consultant's Confidential Information for City's own internal use and only for the purposes for which they are delivered to the extent that they form part of the Deliverables. 14.0 WARRANTIES Consultant represents that all services performed hereunder shall be performed consistent with generally prevailing professional or industrial standards, and shall be performed in a 7 professional and workmanlike manner. Consultant shall re-perform any work not in compliance with this representation. 15.0 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY Should any of Consultant's services not conform to the requirements of the City or of this Agreement, then and in that event the City shall give written notification to Consultant; thereafter, (a) Consultant shall either promptly re-perform such services to the City's satisfaction at no additional charge, or (b) if such deficient services cannot be cured within the cure period set forth herein,then this Agreement may be terminated for default. In no event will Consultant be liable for any loss, damage, cost or expense attributable to negligence, willful misconduct or misrepresentations by the City, its directors, employees or agents. Neither party's liability, in contract, tort (including negligence) or any other legal or equitable theory, (a) shall exceed the professional fees paid or due to Consultant pursuant to this Agreement or (b) include any indirect, incidental, special, punitive or consequential damages, even if such party has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Such excluded damages include,without limitation, loss of data, loss of profits and loss of savings of revenue. 16.0 INDEMNIFICATION Consultant shall save and hold harmless City and its officers and employees from all claims and liabilities due to activities of his/her/itself and his/her/its agents or employees, performed under this Agreement, which are caused by or which result from the negligent error, omission, or negligent act of Consultant or of any person employed by Consultant or under Consultant's direction or control. Consultant shall also save and hold City harmless from any and all expenses, including but not limited to reasonable attorneys' fees which may be incurred by City in litigation or otherwise defending claims or liabilities which may be imposed on City as a result of such negligent activities by Consultant, its agents, or employees. 17.0 ASSIGNMENT AND DELEGATION The parties each hereby bind themselves, their successors, assigns and legal representatives to each other with respect to the terms of this Agreement. Neither party may assign any rights or delegate any duties under this Agreement without the other party's prior written approval,which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 18.0 LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL TAXES Consultant shall pay all income taxes, and FICA (Social Security and Medicare taxes) incurred while performing services under this Agreement. The City will not do the following: 8 (1) Withhold FICA from Consultant's payments or make FICA payments on its behalf; (2) Make state and/or federal unemployment compensation contributions on Consultant's behalf, or (3) Withhold state or federal income tax from any of Consultant's payments. If requested, the City shall provide Consultant with a certificate from the Texas State Comptroller indicating that the City is a non-profit corporation and not subject to State of Texas Sales and Use Tax. 19.0 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS,CHARTER AND ORDINANCES A. Consultant, its consultants, agents, employees and subcontractors shall use best efforts to comply with all applicable federal and state laws, the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Round Rock, as amended, and with all applicable rules and regulations promulgated by local, state and national boards, bureaus and agencies. Consultant shall further obtain all permits, licenses, trademarks, or copyrights required in the performance of the services contracted for herein, and same shall belong solely to the City at the expiration of the term of this Agreement. B. In accordance with Chapter 2270,Texas Government Code, a governmental entity may not enter into a contract with a company for goods and services unless the contract contains written verification from the company that it: (1)does not boycott Israel; and(2) will not boycott Israel during the term of a contract. The signatory executing this Agreement on behalf of Consultant verifies Consultant does not boycott Israel and will not boycott Israel during the term of this Agreement. 20.0 FINANCIAL INTEREST PROHIBITED Consultant covenants and represents that Consultant, its officers, employees, agents, consultants and subcontractors will have no financial interest, direct or indirect, in the purchase or sale of any product, materials or equipment that will be recommended or required hereunder. 21.0 DESIGNATION OF REPRESENTATIVES The City hereby designates the following representative authorized to act on its behalf with regard to this Agreement: Chad McKenzie Director of Sports Management and Tourism 221 East Main Street Round Rock,TX 78664 (512)218-5488 cmckenziena,roundrocktexas.gov 9 22.0 NOTICES All notices and other communications in connection with this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be considered given as follows: (1) When delivered personally to recipient's address as stated herein; or (2) Three (3) days after being deposited in the United States mail, with postage prepaid to the recipient's address as stated in this Agreement. Notice to Consultant: Destination Analysts 1728 Union Street, Suite 310 San Francisco, CA 94123 Notice to City: City Manager, City of Round Rock 221 East Main Street Round Rock,TX 78664 AND TO: Stephan L. Sheets, City Attorney 309 East Main Street Round Rock,TX 78664 Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to restrict the transmission of routine communications between representatives of the City and Consultant. 23.0 APPLICABLE LAW; ENFORCEMENT AND VENUE This Agreement shall be enforceable in Round Rock, Texas, and if legal action is necessary by either party with respect to the enforcement of any or all of the terms or conditions herein, exclusive venue for same shall lie in Williamson County, Texas. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws and court decisions of Texas. 24.0 EXCLUSIVE AGREEMENT The terms and conditions of this Agreement, including exhibits, constitute the entire agreement between the parties and supersede all previous communications, representations, and agreements, either written or oral, with respect to the subject matter hereof. The parties expressly agree that, in the event of any conflict between the terms of this Agreement and any other writing, this Agreement shall prevail. No modifications of this Agreement will be binding on any of the parties unless acknowledged in writing by the duly authorized governing body or 10 representative for each party. 25.0 DISPUTE RESOLUTION The City and Consultant hereby expressly agree that no claims or disputes between the parties arising out of or relating to this Agreement or a breach thereof shall be decided by any arbitration proceeding, including without limitation, any proceeding under the Federal Arbitration Act(9 USC Section 1-14) or any applicable state arbitration statute. 26.0 SEVERABILITY The invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement or the occurrence of any event rendering any portion of provision of this Agreement void shall in no way affect the validity or enforceability of any other portion or provision of this Agreement.Any void provision shall be deemed severed from this Agreement, and the balance of this Agreement shall be construed and enforced as if this Agreement did not contain the particular portion of provision held to be void. The parties further agree to amend this Agreement to replace any stricken provision with a valid provision that comes as close as possible to the intent of the stricken provision. The provisions of this Article shall not prevent this entire Agreement from being void should a provision which is of the essence of this Agreement be determined void. 27.0 STANDARD OF CARE Consultant represents that it is specially trained, experienced and competent to perform all of the services, responsibilities and duties specified herein and that such services, responsibilities and duties shall be performed, whether by Consultant or designated subconsultants, in a manner acceptable to the City and according to generally accepted business practices. 28.0 GRATUITIES AND BRIBES City, may by written notice to Consultant, cancel this Agreement without incurring any liability to Consultant if it is determined by City that gratuities or bribes in the form of entertainment, gifts, or otherwise were offered or given by Consultant or its agents or representatives to any City Officer, employee or elected representative with respect to the performance of this Agreement. In addition, Consultant may be subject to penalties stated in Title 8 of the Texas Penal Code. 29.0 RIGHT TO ASSURANCE Whenever either party to this Agreement, in good faith, has reason to question the other party's intent to perform hereunder, then demand may be made to the other party for written assurance of the intent to perform. In the event that no written assurance is given within the reasonable time specified when demand is made, then and in that event the demanding party may treat such failure an anticipatory repudiation of this Agreement. 11 30.0 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Time is of the Essence. Consultant agrees that time is of the essence and that any failure of Consultant to complete the services for each Phase of this Agreement within the agreed Project schedule may constitute a material breach of the Agreement. Consultant shall be fully responsible for its delays or for failures to use reasonable efforts in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Where damage is caused to City due to Consultant's failure to perform in these circumstances, City may withhold, to the extent of such damage, Consultant's payments hereunder without a waiver of any of City's additional legal rights or remedies. City shall render decisions pertaining to Consultant's work promptly to avoid unreasonable delays in the orderly progress of Consultant's work. Force Majeure. Notwithstanding any other provisions hereof to the contrary, no failure, delay or default in performance of any obligation hereunder shall constitute an event of default or breach of this Agreement, only to the extent that such failure to perform, delay or default arises out of causes beyond control and without the fault or negligence of the party otherwise chargeable with failure, delay or default; including but not limited to acts of God, acts of public enemy, civil war, insurrection, riots, fires, floods, explosion, theft, earthquakes, natural disasters or other casualties, strikes or other labor troubles, which in any way restrict the performance under this Agreement by the parties. Section Numbers. The section numbers and headings contained herein are provided for convenience only and shall have no substantive effect on construction of this Agreement. Waiver. No delay or omission by either party in exercising any right or power shall impair such right or power or be construed to be a waiver. A waiver by either party of any of the covenants to be performed by the other or any breach thereof shall not be construed to be a waiver of any succeeding breach or of any other covenant. No waiver of discharge shall be valid unless in writing and signed by an authorized representative of the party against whom such waiver or discharge is sought to be enforced. Multiple Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, which taken together shall be considered one original. The City agrees to provide Consultant with one fully executed original. [Signatures on the following page.] 12 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the dates hereafter indicated. City of Roun Rock, Texas Destination Analysts By: MBy: rj�VZ� Printed NaNA Prin d ame: EY'iv� nw s Title: � (/t2_-. Title: (AEU Date Signed: —Tj -01jDate Signed: :TLA1,Aik,201 For City, Attest: By: qy:� . Sara L. White, City Clerk For City,A oved as to F rm: By: /4zb Stephan V. Sheets, City Attorney 13 Exhibit "A" Destination ", Analysts DO YOUR RESEARCH EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY OF ROUND ROCK, TEXAS TOURISM IMPACT STUDY RESEARCH PROPOSAL Exhibit "A" EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This research proposal outlines Destination Analysts' recommended methodology and overall approach to conduct Tourism Impact Research on behalf of the City of Round Rock to study the city's visitors, the economic impact associated with those visitors and measure the image, perception and awareness of Round Rock, the Austin Metropolitan Area and the State of Texas. Destination Analysts proposes a multi-faceted research approach consisting of both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. These four components are outlined below: • Visitor Intercept Survey–an in-person survey distributed to Round Rock visitors throughout key locations of the city. This survey will target all visitors who live outside the area, including hotel guests, home rental visitors, visiting friends and relatives (VFRs) who stay in private residences, those staying in other lodging alternatives, and day-trip visitors. • Survey of Meeting & Sports Planners–an online survey distributed to meeting planners who hold events in Round Rock via email invitation. To help estimate the impact of the meetings industry to City—including any event sponsor spending and partner spending—Destination Analysts will collect data from meeting and sports planners who hold events in Round Rock. • Survey of Leisure Travelers–an online survey distributed to Texas residents and out-of- state residents via an online sample provider. This survey will provide the key insights for the Image, Perception &Awareness Study. • In-Depth Interviews with Meeting & Sports Planners –online video interviews conducted with meetings and sports planners to support learning about Round Rock as a meetings and sports destination. Exhibit "A" Destination Analysts DO YOUR RESEARCH 1 1%11 �N s r � RESEARCH PROPOSAL �9 t is k 1 ' 3 �Vy �t TOURISM IMPACT STUDY: RFP NO. 19-018 w� Research proposal prepared for the City of Round Rock by Destination Analysts, Inc. Exhibit "A" 0 Destination Analysts DO YOUR RESEARCH April 5, 2019 Amanda Crowell Purchasing Technician Purchasing Division City of Round Rock Dear Amanda, Thank you for the opportunity to present this proposal to assist the City of Round Rock in gaining powerful insights into, and deepening its understanding of, those who visit Round Rock, the economic impact of tourism to Round Rock and benchmarking destination awareness and perceptions of Round Rock as a leisure, meetings and sports destination. Destination Analysts' enthusiasm for this project is rooted in our expertise providing research that will effectively profile a destination's visitor and manage and grow a destination's tourism brand—thereby increasing the positive economic benefits of tourism to the greater community. Our perspective and extensive experience working in the destination marketing industry places us in a unique position to provide significant value to the City of Round Rock in facilitating this project and delivering these insights. Presented following are our recommended research approach and methodologies, company qualifications, estimated project timeline and cost proposal. Please let me know if you have any questions or need further information about our submittal. We appreciate your positive consideration of our response, and greatly look forward to the opportunity to work with the City of Round Rock on this important endeavor. Warm regards, WI(Aw+ Erin Francis-Cummings President& CEO Destination Analysts, Inc. Destination Analysts' Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 1 Exhibit "A" CITY OF ROUND ROCK TOURISM IMPACT STUDY RESEARCH PROPOSAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Tab I — Business Organization 3 Tab 2—System Concept and Solution 5 Tab 3 —Program 15 Tab 4— Project Management Structure 21 Tab 5 — Prior Experience 23 Tab 6— Personnel 28 Tab 7—Authorized Negotiator 33 Tab 8—Attachments and Addendum 35 Tab 9—Cost Proposal 37 Destination Analysts'Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 2 Exhibit "A" Destination § Ana lysts DO YOUR RESEARCH TAB I — BUSINESS ORGANIZATION CITY OF ROUND ROCK, TEXAS TOURISM IMPACT STUDY RESEARCH PROPOSAL Destination Analysts'Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 3 Exhibit "A" BUSINESS ORGANIZATION Destination Analysts has one corporate office located at 1728 Union Street, Suite 310 San Francisco, CA and one satellite office in Seattle, WA. All proposed work for the City of Round Rock will be performed at Destination Analysts corporate office in San Francisco, CA. Destination Analysts operates as a Corporation within the state of California and was incorporated in 2003. Destination Analysts' Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 4 Exhibit "A" Destination 4Ana Lysts DO YOUR RESEARCH TAB 2 — SYSTEM CONCEPT AND SOLUTION CITY OF ROUND ROCK, TEXAS TOURISM IMPACT STUDY RESEARCH PROPOSAL Destination Analysts'Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 5 Exhibit "A" SYSTEM CONCEPT AND SOLUTION This research proposal outlines Destination Analysts' recommended methodologies and overall approach to conduct a Tourism Impact Study on behalf of the City of Round Rock. The key objectives of this study are to develop a comprehensive understanding of current visitors to the City of Round Rock, determine the economic impact those visitors have on the local community, as well as garnering insights about the Round Rock destination brand, in order to ultimately generate incremental visitation to the city. Destination Analysts understands and has designed a research plan to fulfill the requirements detailed within Part IV—Scope of Work of RFP No. 19-018. PROJECT OVERVIEW AND OBJECTIVES As the City of Round Rock has an opportunity to continue growing tourism through effective marketing, research can provide critical insights into the most efficient means of achieving this. Understanding the destination, its visitors, and traveler sentiment about the destination is key to effective communication and, in the end, moving the needle. Destination Analysts will thus design this research to: • Develop visitor and demographic profiles of leisure visitors to Round Rock • Evaluate what visitors seek from the Round Rock visitor experience • Identify elements of the Round Rock visitor experience that are currently successful, as well as elements that can be added and improved • Provide detail on trip behaviors such as spending, travel party, length of stay and season of visit • Evaluate the economic impact of tourism to the City of Round Rock • Measure the City of Round Rock, Austin Metropolitan Area and the State of Texas as leisure travel destinations in terms of awareness, overall image and perceptions • Assess the travel planning process, including resources used and planning times for potential visitors Destination Analysts' Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 6 Exhibit "A" FULFILLMENT OF RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The following matrix shows the objectives that will be fulfilled by conducting each of the proposed research components. Survey of In-Depth Survey of Interviews with VisitorSurvey Intercept Meeting&Sports Leisure Travelers Meeting&Sports Planners Planners Visitor Profile Study X Economic Impact �/ Analysis X X Image, Perception & �/ X X X Awareness Study X Additional X X X X Recommendations RECOMMENDED APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY Destination Analysts recommends a mixed quantitative and qualitative research methodology to gather the necessary data for this multi-faceted study. The four recommended components of this overall research strategy include: • Visitor Intercept Survey • Survey of Meeting& Sports Planners • Survey of Leisure Travelers • In-Depth Interviews with Meeting &Sports Planners Each of these research components are described in detail following. VISITOR PROFILE & ECONOMIC IMPACT STUDY: VISITOR INTERCEPT SURVEY To benchmark the incidence of the types of visitors (e.g., hotel guests, VFRs, day-trippers) and their origins (e.g., in-state vs. out-of-state) and collect valuable feedback from visitors while they are in-market, Destination Analysts recommends conducting a Visitor Intercept Survey at locations throughout Round Rock that will target all visitors who live outside Round Rock, TX. Working closely with the City of Round Rock, Destination Analysts will develop the survey questionnaire which will address topics such as: • Visitor point of origin • Visitor arrival and departure methods Destination Analysts'Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 7 Exhibit "A" • Activities and attractions visited in-market • Length of stay • Detailed in-market spending • Rate of first-time visitors to the destination • Likelihood to return • Inspiration/motivations for visiting Round Rock • Visitor perceptions of the destination • Satisfaction with the visitor experience • Travel party composition • Visitor demographics • Trip planning resources utilized • Other topics of interest to the City of Round Rock or the RRCVB As part of the visitor intercept survey efforts, Round Rock residents will be asked their incidence of hosting visiting friends/relatives. This will allow Destination Analysts to estimate the proportion of VFRs to Round Rock, which will ultimately be used in the visitor volume and economic impact analysis. Destination Analysts will support the City of Round Rock in securing permission for Destination Analysts staff to survey at partner attractions, hotels and any associated special events (or other areas deemed appropriate to intercept visitors). Survey sites may include partners such as Dell Diamond, Round Rock Premium Outlets, Round Rock Sports Center, Rock'n' River Aquatic Center, Austin Marriott North and/or Holiday Inn Austin North. Destination Analysts staff will fully manage a team of surveyors to conduct these in-person surveys of visitors. The team of surveyors will be comprised of local residents within or near Round Rock who will be required to complete a comprehensive survey training and orientation session prior to surveying at locations throughout the destination. All surveyors will be identified by City of Round Rock logo shirts (either provided by the City of Round Rock or Destination Analysts will have shirts with the logo made) and badges with the City of Round Rock logo (made by Destination Analysts). The total visitor sample collected will be dependent on budget, however we recommend that our team collect a minimum of 800 completed surveys from visitors across two survey waves. 400 completed surveys will be collected during each wave. While the dates of each survey wave will be finalized in close consultation with the City of Round Rock, we suggest the first survey wave to be completed in June and the second in October. We also recommend that the City of Round Rock provide a small branded item (or similar) as an incentive to Destination Analysts'Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 8 Exhibit "A" visitors to take the survey, if possible. Destination Analysts will work directly with the participating attractions and hotels on the scheduling of our survey staff to intercept at their properties. After data collection is complete, Destination Analysts will institute an appropriate weighting plan as necessary before analyzing the data and preparing the reporting deliverable. Destination Analysts will manage all aspects of the Visitor Intercept Survey, including survey questionnaire development, survey scheduling and logistics, hiring, training and managing the local team of surveyors, survey data collection, data analysis and report development. Below are images from visitor intercept survey projects Destination Analysts has managed: } e IC A, _ 117 e { i k A Destination Analysts team member surveys a A Destination Analysts team member surveys St.Pete/Clearwater visitor. a Lexington visitor. VISITOR PROFILE & ECONOMIC IMPACT STUDY: SURVEY OF MEETING & SPORTS PLANNERS Data collected in the Visitor Intercept Survey will be used to estimate visitor volume and used as inputs into an analysis of the economic impact of tourism. However, in order to accurately assess the incidence of visitor and market segments and to build a comprehensive destination economic impact model, a Survey of Meeting& Sports Planners is also recommended. This survey will be used to help estimate the impact of the meetings and sports industry to the City of Round Rock—including event organizer and sponsor spending—Destination Analysts will collect annual data from meeting and sports planners who hold events in Round Rock Towards the end of the period of study, the City of Round Rock(and any hotel partners who would be willing to share their client's contact information with the City) will send Destination Analysts a list of meeting and sports planners who held events in Round Rock during the period of study. Destination Analysts will then send an email to these planners inviting them to take a brief online survey, in exchange for a$10 Amazon.com e-gift card. [Note: Should the City of Round Rock wish to Destination Analysts'Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 9 Exhibit "A" send the emails to meeting and sports planner clients themselves, Destination Analysts will provide support as needed.] VISITOR PROFILE & ECONOMIC IMPACT STUDY: ECONOMIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Data from the Visitor Intercept Survey and the Survey of Meeting& Sports Planners will be used in our proprietary economic impact model, which will in turn provide the City of Round Rock with annual estimates of: • Total economic impact of tourism to the city • Detailed visitor spending profiles • jobs generated by tourism in the city • Taxes generated for the city by tourism • Total and detailed tourism payroll • Resident tax burden offset by tourism revenues Please note that the City of Round Rock should also provide Destination Analysts with the following data: • Any data related to visitor volume • Transient occupancy tax collections • Property tax collections (paid by hotel properties) • Sales tax rate (% retained by the city) • Sales tax rate (% retained by the State of Texas) • Any tourism taxes collected by tourism-related businesses (i.e., hotels, major tourist attractions, etc.) IMAGE, PERCEPTION AND AWARENESS STUDY: SURVEY OF LEISURE TRAVELERS For the Image, Perception and Awareness Study, Destination Analysts recommends an online Survey of Leisure Travelers to provide quantitative measurements of Round Rock's key destination brand drivers and develop profiles of aspirational visitors to Round Rock, as well as measure awareness and perceptions of potential visitors to: • City of Round Rock • Austin Metropolitan Area • State of Texas Destination Analysts'Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 10 Exhibit "A" DEVELOPMENT OF SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE Working closely with the City of Round Rock, Destination Analysts will develop and design the survey questionnaire to address the study's primary research objectives. Once the survey questionnaire is finalized, Destination Analysts will program and test the online survey instrument. Destination Analysts implements a thorough internal testing process for online surveys to ensure that the survey instrument is flawless and ready for distribution. Once the online survey is finalized and approved by the City of Round Rock, it will then be distributed to travelers who fit the respondent profile through Destination Analysts partner sample provider. SAMPLING PLAN Destination Analysts recommends the Survey of Leisure Travelers be distributed to a sample of in-state residents as well as a nationally representative sample of out-of-state residents. The national representation would provide a more holistic look at leisure travelers and their incidence and likelihood of visiting Round Rock, Austin and the state of Texas for leisure purposes. We recommend a minimum sample of 1,200 completed surveys. 600 completed surveys will be collected from Texas residents and 600 completed surveys will be collected from out-of-state residents. Survey respondents will be screened for basic traveler behaviors to meet the following requirements: • Age 21 and older • Primary or shared responsibility of travel planning • Took at least one leisure trip in the past year of 50 or more miles away from home ABOUT DESTINATION ANALYSTS'PARTNER SAMPLE PROVIDER Destination Analysts will use premier global sample provider Dynata/Research Now/SSI (Survey Sampling International) to distribute the online survey. Dynata/Research Now/SSI employs a broad, multi-sourced approach to recruit online panel participants worldwide. Participants are recruited via partnerships with trusted loyalty programs as well as online ads, website messaging, TV advertising and offline advertising. Messaging encourages people to give their opinion, with a wide variety of relevant rewards offered in exchange. A broad, diverse recruitment and reward strategy is a superior way to achieve maximum representation within online sampling. Broad recruitment ensures the best representation not only of demographics, but also of psychographics. Dynata/Research Now/SSI rigorously maintains its panel of 12 million participants to ensure they are engaged in honest practices, provide high quality data and are properly incentivized. As mentioned previously, Destination Analysts only works with panel providers who validate the source of an IP address in order to ensure that it is consistent with the residence of a given survey respondent. Dynata/Research Now/SSI's quality control product, Destination Analysts'Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 11 Exhibit "A" SSI Verify, has built-in IP verification functionality. SSI Verify also prevents the same respondent from completing the same survey more than once. Any respondents who fail verification processes are immediately removed from SSI's panel of participants. DATA COLLECTION,PROCESSING&ANALYSIS Destination Analysts will be responsible for all aspects of this research study, including online data collection, data processing, data cleansing, data analysis and reporting. Our culture of client dedication ensures the quality and consistency of data collected for all research studies. For quantitative research studies, this includes several quality control procedures, data processes and mechanisms to ensure the validity and reliability of data collected. These include: • Survey Length: Destination Analysts determines a minimum length of interview to ensure that a respondent is not speeding through the survey. • Data Monitoring: Once a survey has fielded, a Destination Analysts team member monitors survey responses, checking data at least 2 times per 24-hour period. This includes inspection of open-ended responses to ensure that respondents who wrote in nonsense answers are removed and not counted. • De-duplication: Destination Analysts carefully checks data from several data points within the survey to ensure that there are no duplicate respondents. Furthermore, Destination Analysts will "de-dupe" all lists provided by the MDP against those who have already completed the survey. Thus, those who have completed the survey will not receive another email invitation. • Unique ID: Settings in Destination Analysts' survey software ensure that only survey respondents with a unique ID can enter and complete the survey. Any respondents without an ID or who have an ID identical to one that has already completed the survey will be automatically terminated from the survey. • Unique IP Address: Settings in Destination Analysts' survey software ensure that only survey respondents with a unique IP address can enter and complete the survey. Any respondents who have an IP address identical to one that has already completed the survey will be automatically terminated from the survey. In addition to these quality control procedures, we thoroughly audit and cleanse data both during and after data collection. During data collection, we screen open-ended responses to ensure that survey respondents write in valid responses. Should an open-ended response be invalid (e.g., non-sense answers), sampling is adjusted accordingly to ensure that only sound, accurate data is used in the study. Destination Analysts'Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 12 Exhibit "A" We also employ a strict outlier control process when analyzing and cleansing data. This ensures that only reasonable data is accounted for within the data set. DATA REPORTING Once all data from the survey is collected, Destination Analysts will clean and analyze it in preparation for reporting deliverable development. This report of findings will consist of an executive summary, infographic summaries, data analysis and representative visuals, including charts and data tables. IMAGE, PERCEPTION AND AWARENESS STUDY: IN-DEPTH INTERVIEWS WITH MEETING & SPORTS PLANNERS Qualitative research can yield deep and powerful insight into opinions and perceptions about a destination. As part of the Image, Perception and Awareness Study, Destination Analysts recommends qualitative research via in-depth interviews with meeting and sports planners. This will provide insights relative to meeting/conference planners and sporting events and provide a means to delve far into perceptions of and associations with Round Rock, adding depth to the quantitative survey findings. The meeting and sports planners who will participate in the in-depth interviews will include a mix of those who have planned a meeting/sports event in Round Rock as well as planners who have not planned a meeting/sports event in the destination. For this component of the research, we request the City of Round Rock's assistance in securing participants via its meeting and sports planner clients and potential clients. Destination Analysts will also recruit meeting and sports planner participants through our existing research panel. All meeting and sports planners will be compensated for their time. Destination Analysts recommend conducting a minimum of 12 in- depth interviews. In addition to a screener questionnaire that must be completed by meeting and sports planners, all potential participants will complete additional screening via phone interview. If selected for the project, participants will also take part in a five-minute pre-interview technical check at least 24 hours in advance of their scheduled interview. A cost-effective alternative to traditional methods, in-depth interviews via online video conference allow the same level of engagement with participants while saving travel and facility rental expenses. Respondents are more comfortable in their own environment, making them more apt to share their feelings in greater depth. They also have the time and are in the appropriate environment to think deeply about their opinions. Up to 6 Destination Analysts'Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 13 Exhibit "A" City of Round Rock staff and/or stakeholders may observe the in-depth interviews in real-time online and pass questions to the moderator via private chat function. Below are images from similar qualitative research studies in which Destination Analysts conducted in-depth interviews with meeting and sports planners: i e A Destination Analysts team member conducts A Destination Analysts team member conducts an in-depth interview with a meeting planner. an in-depth interview with a meeting planner. ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS The City of Round Rock is interested in identifying potential new attraction types to Round Rock that would complement existing venues. Identifying potential new attractions will support the City of Round Rock in its ultimate objectives of: • Increasing overall visibility and recognition of Round Rock as a destination • Stimulation of hotel room night and meetings/convention bookings Destination Analysts thus recommends adding questions specific to identifying potential new attractions in the Visitor Intercept Survey, Survey of Meetings & Sports Planners and Survey of Leisure Travelers. Furthermore, the discussion guide for the In-Depth Interviews with Meeting& Sports Planners will include topics related to potential attractions that would enhance Round Rock as a meetings and sports destination. Destination Analysts will analyze the findings from the four research components and will aggregate data specific to potential new attractions in one final report. Destination Analysts'Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 14 Exhibit "A" Destination Analysts DO YOUR RESEARCH TAB 3 - PROGRAM CITY OF ROUND ROCK, TEXAS TOURISM IMPACT STUDY RESEARCH PROPOSAL Destination Analysts'Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 15 Exhibit "A" PROGRAM Destination Analysts' technical plan for accomplishing the research components outlined in Tab 2 of this proposal is detailed in the project timelines below assuming an August 2019 start date. These timelines illustrate the tasks, sub-tasks, milestones, decision points and plan for accomplishment related to the Scope of Work detailed in Tab 2. The line items provided for each research project detail the steps that Destination Analysts will take in proceeding from the project kick off call to the final tasks of delivering the report of findings and presenting the research results. Visitor Profile & Economic Impact Study: Visitor Intercept Survey and Survey of Meeting & Sports Planners Estimated Month Project discovery and planning kick-off call August 2019 Visitor Intercept Survey: Questionnaire development and approval August 2019 Visitor Intercept Survey: Review, testing and finalization of questionnaire August 2019 Visitor Intercept Survey: Scheduling, planning and logistics for Wave I August—September 2019 Visitor Intercept Survey: Wave I data collection September 2019 Visitor Intercept Survey: Wave I data cleansing, data cross-tabulations, data October 2019 coding and data analysis Visitor Intercept Survey: Wave I interim report development October 2019 Visitor Intercept Survey:Wave I interim report of findings delivered November 2019 Visitor Intercept Survey: Scheduling, planning and logistics for Wave 2 December 2019 Visitor Intercept Survey: Wave 2 data collection January 2020 Survey of Meeting& Sports Planners: Questionnaire development and February 2020 approval Survey of Meeting& Sports Planners: Review, testing and finalization of February 2020 questionnaire Survey of Meeting& Sports Planners: Online data collection March 2020 Tax rates and other secondary data sent to Destination Analysts March 2020 Visitor Intercept Survey: Wave 2 data cleansing, data cross-tabulations, data April 2020 coding and data analysis Survey of Meeting& Sports Planners: Data cleansing, data cross-tabulations, April 2020 data coding and data analysis Destination Analysts'Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 16 Exhibit "A" Economic Impact Analysis April 2020 Visitor Profile& Economic Impact Study: Development of final report of May 2020 findings Final report of findings delivered June 2020 Online/In-person presentation of findings TBD at City of Round Rock's convenience Image, Perception and Awareness Study: Survey of Leisure Travelers and Estimated Month In-Depth Interviews with Meeting & Sports Planners Project discovery and planning kick-off call December 2019 Survey of Leisure Travelers: Questionnaire development and approval December 2019 Survey of Leisure Travelers: Review, testing and finalization of questionnaire December 2019 Survey of Leisure Travelers: Online data collection January 2020 In-Depth Interviews with Meeting& Sports Planners: Research overview, January 2020 recruiting guidelines and screener questionnaire development In-Depth Interviews with Meeting& Sports Planners: Recruiting of meeting January 2020 & sports planner participants In-Depth Interviews with Meeting& Sports Planners: Discussion guide January 2020 development In-Depth Interviews with Meeting& Sports Planners: Interviews conducted February 2020 Survey of Leisure Travelers: Data cleansing, data cross-tabulations, data February 2020 coding and data analysis Image, Perception and Awareness Study: Development of final report of March 2020 findings Final report of findings delivered April 2020 Online/In-person presentation of findings TBD at City of Round Rock's convenience Destination Analysts'Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 17 Exhibit "A" Additional Recommendations Estimated Month Analysis of all data collected for the Visitor Profile & Economic Impact June 2020 Study and Image, Perception and Awareness Study Development of final report of findings specific to potential new attractions June 2020 to Round Rock Final report of findings delivered July 2020 Online/In-person presentation of findings TBD at City of Round Rock's convenience Destination Analysts complies with all applicable rules and regulations of Federal, State and Local governing entities as well as all terms stated within and pertaining to RFP No. 19-018 DELIVERABLES During the period of study for the Visitor Profile & Economic Impact Study, the City of Round Rock will be provided with an interim report of topline findings, which will incorporate all visitor data collected to date. At the end of the period of study, the City of Round Rock will receive the following deliverables for the Visitor Profile & Economic Impact Study: • Comprehensive final Round Rock Visitor Profile &Tourism Economic Impact Study report, including an Executive Summary, summary profiles of key visitor segments, visual representations and data analysis • Comparative analysis of traveler demographics and segments of interest (e.g., point of origin, age, place of stay, etc.) • Economic impact estimates • A set of custom cross-tabulations per the City of Round Rock's request • Online or in-person presentation of final findings • PowerPoint file of presentation findings The City of Round Rock will receive the following deliverables for the Image, Perception and Awareness Study: • Comprehensive final Round Rock Image, Perception and Awareness Study report, including an Executive Summary, visual representations and data analysis • A set of custom cross-tabulations per the City of Round Rock's request • Online or in-person presentation of final findings Destination Analysts'Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 18 Exhibit "A" • PowerPoint file of presentation findings The City of Round Rock will receive the following deliverables related to Destination Analysts' additional recommendations to identify potential new attractions for Round Rock: • Comprehensive final report regarding new attractions, including an Executive Summary, visual representations and data analysis • Online or in-person presentation of final findings • PowerPoint file of presentation findings EXAMPLE REPORTING The following example reporting pages are from other similar Visitor Profile & Economic Impact and Image, Perception and Awareness studies conducted by Destination Analysts: FAMILY TRAVELERS fill-tkf are. DEMOGRAPHICS: oe5tinatla^ A„ +Y tS I Resources and Sites Used In the Past Year:.iI�I • Social media(81.9%) • Video streaming(Hulu,Nettlix,etc.)(67,91A) Female-61.3% Online videos(YouTuba,Vimeo,etc.)(66.9%) Male-38.7% Cable television(63.1%) • Magazine(print)(49.1%) caorastan-an.9% Radio st.&Wng(Spotty,Pandora,etc)(46.3%) Black.Afrkan-A—kan-10.9% tau�oln�pamr»as% Broadcast radio(41.7%) Asian,rarmc U.Ae 1.9% Broadcast television(33.6%) Newspaper(pint)(29.3%) Single-3G.5% ,rg; Newspaper(online)(293%) - .�.'+ Merried/Partnerad-63.1% "d'•` i Important Attributes for Selecting Southeastern U.S.Leisure Hu children under I8: Y Destinations: s:w. ; ,. 32.6% • Family-friendly(9 activities(100.0%) Average number of overntght W­urc Afforddababilityy(%.2%) trips taken in,he past 12-,h,: Restaurants and food(90.8%) Mean age-44.1Scenic beauty ..cc�f Historic sites&attractions(73.8%) Mean household Income--S"498 101I'■■ 3,4 * /` 4? O 0 a: Destination Analysts'Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 19 Exhibit "A" SPORTS FANATICS 44,6,y Destination Ana iris About this Persona: - d Key Psy<hographlcs(w«rs tn.m..N«wsol I Spar ,,,;time w h my I—Ily-d ak'g inemodes Professional sportlog eventa(NP.A,MLS, t urith them is impr+t IYlt uvol �• _ I NFL NH4 etc)IsImportant i i*4 K$ i,�t91 When 10-1,1 pnonthe mryeriancing unl4ue local vfl- ,gs chat lean e@et elsewtave 75.oK • Weshingmn,DCoffers W.fesdonal ¢ t„ Ihnppay spend mom tar higher 4nakily things 7M% spoMrrg--b Imererting a �9 w 1 Ikrva dung research analocalion hefrnelgp on Having-wi—,where 1 cta�n reaNY Set a wnse for 14% H^" � � thees.ence and altuie u(aplaee is dsnpataix DEMOGRAPHICS: c—a,iart n.ak Black,Ahkan Anwraan 11.9% Average—ria,of Wlswe trips 3 Travel Behaviors 6 Changes Aster,Padflc hlmder 7.9% taken In this past 17 81—Vii Ladno/I1hpank 7.s% `Is'V(+ More kuvriaa./eXtravagaet leisure 27.q% nips Chlas V&!md In Past 3 years(aided; 2 More Wwntrlps'VI,famay/ �� Z3.3% New Ynrk Ghy,NY 32,5% l]1I Lannliex X7% Mafdad/Pam%Yed 69.9% ?d 6 FL 29.516 (�'� Moalais a tryu to dastinadan I j Mean age rn-.a.a :L 29.096 Ptd ha e m ',I�m pi ww ly Las A,IieteX.CA 26.7% More cast hi fly f budge lBhtea 24.s% Maar houtehald irlcama fat,IM Avarua,Gn 22.9% d10-f t`µt' I Top Methods of Arrival THE Mean hotel spend dilly–$138.90 HOTEI GUEST �a OR Mean If of people M hotel room-2.3 VISIT Travel Party$¢e Top Activities Participated In Per Person 11.8%Troweled with Children 77 63', 31.4/ 9% Top Motivations for Visiting Key Demographics Ctrinq to IMsle lWm SPapptttq gert:.�:eM tour i Fiends or forni)y in she area 2 Lexington's historical sites(2n'2%1 0 G 30.C`?' 2G.b 3.Kentucky Horse Park(19.5%) .4,Bourbon/Distilleries(19.3%) A Ao:a eai,.aAkeld lar— Marwd mled Fail—Hems uwimy NIg1rX.Te IOW;mtnnq .5.Keeneiand(19.a"X,) Dp161Nip1�Analy9ts Destination Analysts' Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 20 Exhibit "A" Destination 4q Analysts DO YOUR RESEARCH TAB 4 — PROJECT MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE CITY OF ROUND ROCK, TEXAS TOURISM IMPACT STUDY RESEARCH PROPOSAL Destination Analysts' Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 21 Exhibit "A" PROJECT MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE Below is a chart depicting the organizational structure of Destination Analysts. OrganizationalDestination Analysts' Erin Francis- Cummings �. President& . . • Director Kimberly D.vid Reichbach Myha Vo Melissa Elkins Elizabeth Ruemelin Vince-Cruz Director of Director of Director o Data Erin-Francis Cummings and Dave Bratton will be the project leaders, with the remaining five employees in supporting roles of this research project. Myha Vo, Melissa Elkins and Elizabeth Ruemelin will report to Destination Analysts' Vice President, Kimberly Vince-Cruz who will serve as a liaison to the chief research designer, Erin Francis-Cummings. David Reichbach will report directly to David Bratton. Myha Vo with serve as the primary point of contact with the City of Round Rock project management and team personnel. Destination Analysts'Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 22 Exhibit "A" Destination 4Analysts DO YOUR RESEARCH TAB 5 — PRIOR EXPERIENCE CITY OF ROUND ROCK, TEXAS TOURISM IMPACT STUDY RESEARCH PROPOSAL Destination Analysts'Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 23 Exhibit "A" PRIOR EXPERIENCE Destination Analysts is a full-service market research company that provides the travel industry with a breadth of insights through actionable storytelling of data—from the comprehensive understanding of target audiences, to ROI analysis and economic forecasts. Founded in 2003 by tourism marketing and research professionals, we have a uniquely valuable understanding of the informational needs of destination marketing organizations, as well as an unrivaled expertise in the design and execution of research strategies to meet those needs. Destination Analysts provides its 170+ clients with exceptional intelligence to ever evolve the effectiveness of their tourism marketing and advertising strategies, and thus is highly experienced in facilitating comprehensive visitor profile and tourism economic impact studies as well as extensive brand, image and perception studies— particularly to the objectives desired by the City of Round Rock. Drawing on three decades of experience and a commitment to progressive methodologies and analysis strategies, our team has worked with numerous destinations on the city, state and national level helping them measure, track and improve all aspects of their brands. For example, Destination Analysts conducts an exhaustive on-going study on behalf of Visit St. Petersburg/Clearwater to track and measure the economic impact of visitors to the destination. Destination Analysts employs a multi-faceted research approach which is informed by an array of surveys, including: • Potential travelers in key markets • Visitors while they are in-market • Hoteliers and lodging partners • Residents regarding visiting friends and relatives • Attendees to major events and festivals • Meeting and event planner clients Armed with comprehensive profiles of key visitor segments, Visit St. Pete/Clearwater is able to communicate the elements of its brand most likely to convert potential visitors to the area. Utilizing the collected visitor profile data with Destination Analysts' Destination Economic Impact Model, the organization is able to create detailed estimates of visitor spending and volume for each of these segments. With these assets, Visit St. Pete/Clearwater is able to effectively position the destination to travelers worldwide and continue to grow tourism to the area. Destination Analysts also conducts an annual Visitor Profile and Economic Impact Study on behalf of Visit Napa Valley which employs a mixed methodology to develop an accurate visitor profile, actionable intelligence to work with in developing their advertising and marketing strategies and an understanding of how much growth in Destination Analysts'Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 24 Exhibit "A" visitation has impacted the county. The research plan implemented for this project included four components described below: • Self-administered survey of lodging guests conducted at numerous lodging properties to determine the types of visitors that came to Napa Valley and stayed in paid lodging accommodations • Visitor intercept survey conducted on a random sample of visitors at various Napa Valley locations and attractions to understand more about visitors who did not stay in paid lodging, such as visiting friends and relatives (VFR's) or day-trippers • Supplemental telephone survey of Napa Valley homes to quantify the number of VFR's who stayed overnight in a private home • Surveys of meeting planners and local area hoteliers conducted to develop estimates of expenditures made to plan events in the area Utilizing our Destination Economic Impact Model, Visit Napa Valley has been able to estimate visitor spending and volume in detail. Combined with a comprehensive visitor profile, Visit Napa Valley can more effectively position itself to travelers and communicate the value of tourism to the local community. Regarding Destination Analysts' experience facilitating image, perception and awareness studies, our firm was hired by the Fort Worth Convention &Visitors Bureau with the intention of seeking insights to cultivate a strategy to capitalize on their brand's assets and ultimately grow year-around tourism to their city. Knowing the critical importance of understanding Fort Worth's current and potential customers, Destination Analysts designed a research study for the CVB's marketing team to: • Identify what elements of the brand most emotionally connect with travelers and to which types of travelers • Measure travelers' overall associations, perceptions and their depth of understanding of the Fort Worth brand • Provide travelers' evaluation of Fort Worth's destination attributes • Assess Fort Worth's competitive position as a destination brand and identify areas of strength and opportunity Destination Analysts employed an online survey of a random, representative sample of 3,000 travelers in Fort Worth's top in-state and out-of-state visitor markets. This, combined with a creative, custom questionnaire provided a rich data set from which to mine many important and unexpected findings. The findings from this research provided the Fort Worth CVB with a comprehensive analysis of the city's strongest destination brand components—and, as importantly—how much they own these brand assets relative to their fiercely competitive destinations. This research is then repeated at regular intervals in order to extensively track the brand's performance, as well as the CVB's marketing program's influence on that performance. Destination Analysts'Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 25 Exhibit "A" Similar to the Fort Worth CVB's need to determine consumer opinion, Visit San Antonio didn't know how people felt about their brand and they needed to determine precisely where their resources would best be directed, and whom they should be targeting. Destination Analysts recommended a quantitative research approach to guide their transition to a persona-based marketing strategy. In order to determine the personas of travelers that demonstrated the most interest in San Antonio experiences and how these travelers perceive the San Antonio destination brand, Destination Analysts identified the personas that comprised San Antonio's visitor mix, focusing on those that were most interested in San Antonio's brand assets, expressed the highest interest and likelihood to visit and represented the greatest economic impact for conversion. We also developed and applied an algorithm to prioritize these personas according to their concentration throughout the United States as well as in Canada and Mexico.This research uncovered the highest priority personas as well as revealing which personas would be best to focus on for the long-term health of the San Antonio brand. REFERENCES Destination Analysts has recently conducted similar research projects to this proposed scope of work for the following travel &tourism industry clients. The City of Round Rock is welcome to contact these tourism references: IRVING CONVENTION&VISITORS BUREAU lk I • Project: Visitor Profile & Economic Impact Study BPI NM • Project Year: 2007— Present \T. Xns • Reference Name: Diana Pfaff • Title: Vice President, Marketing& Communications • Phone: (972) 252-7476 • Email: dpfaff_.irvingtexas.com FORT WORTH CONVENTION &VISITORS BUREAU • Project: Fort Worth Brand Study • Project Year: 2018—present FORT WORTH • Reference Name: Mitch Whitten • Title: Vice President of Marketing • Phone: (817) 698-7841 • Email: mitchwhitten(a)fortworth.com Destination Analysts'Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 26 Exhibit "A" VISITLEX • Project: Visitor Profile Study • Project Year: 2017-2018 • Reference Name: Gathan Borden • Title: Vice President of Marketing V I S I T L E x • Address: 215 West Main Street Ste. 150, Lexington, KY 40507 • Phone: (502) 727-4214 • Email: gborden(o)visitlex.com VISIT ST. PETEICLEARWATER b • Project: Visitor Profile and Tourism Economic Impact Study ST.PETE C LEARWATE R • Project Year: 2018— Present • Reference Name: Leroy Bridges • Title: Vice President • Phone: (727) 421-7432 • Email: leroy(a.visitspc.com VISIT NAPA VALLEY • Project: Visitor Profile and Tourism Economic Impact Study LEGENDARY. • Project Year: 2013 — Present PA VA L L,E Y • Reference Name: Clay Gregory • Title: President & CEO • Phone: (707) 260-01 1 1 • Email: clay(a visitnapavalley.com ALEXANDRIA CONVENTION&VISITORS ASSOCIATION • Project: Brand, Visitor& New Audience Research • Project Year: 2019— Present 1 EST. 1749 • Reference Name: Tom Kaiden • Title: Chief Operating Officer • Phone: (703) 652-5361 • Email: tkaidena-visitalexva.com Destination Analysts' Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 27 Exhibit "A" Destination , Analysts DO YOUR RESEARCH TAB 6 — PERSONNEL CITY OF ROUND ROCK, TEXAS TOURISM IMPACT STUDY RESEARCH PROPOSAL Destination Analysts'Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 28 Exhibit "A" PERSONNEL Destination Analysts' lead research team has extensive experience in conducting, managing and executing visitor profile and tourism economic impact studies and brand research on behalf of our travel and tourism clients. The following presents resumes of Destination Analysts' lead research team. Erin Francis Cummings— President& CEO A go-to expert resource in the destination marketing industry, Erin Francis- E� Cummings has spent the last two decades studying travelers from across the globe � and translating their evolving, complex and fascinating behaviors and opinions into marketing insights for Destination Analysts' 170+ clients. Erin has designed research strategy and facilitated consumer research for some of the world's greatest destination brands, including Bermuda, the Fiji Islands, California and Florida. Erin currently serves on the international Board of Directors for the Travel and Tourism Research Association and is a frequent speaker for U.S. Travel, Destinations International and other industry events. Prior to leading Destination Analysts, she held advertising and marketing management roles at Amtrak and San Francisco Travel, and holds a Bachelor's degree in political science from the University of California Los Angeles. Erin will design the research plan that achieves the City of Round Rock's goals and objectives and will serve as the principal architect of the research reporting deliverable. Erin will oversee all aspects of this research, including research design, management, data analysis and reporting. Erin will devote 10% of her time on her assigned tasks for this research project. Dave Bratton—Founder& Managing Director Dave Bratton is a widely respected DMO industry thought leader. He is well known '. for his creative approach to market research which is supported by rigorous, carefully-designed programs. Dave's work has been recognized with several awards, including being named as one of HSMAI's 25 Most Extraordinary Minds in Sales and � Marketing. Prior to founding Destination Analysts, he spent a decade pioneering new tourism research techniques and digital marketing for San Francisco Travel as Director of Marketing and Research. Before coming to the travel industry, he worked as an economist for the United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis in Washington, D.C. and was a contributor to the noted journal, Survey of Current Business. Dave holds a Bachelor of Science in Economics from Iowa State University and a Master of Arts in Economics from the University of Arizona. Destination Analysts'Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 29 Exhibit "A" As Destination Analysts' in-house economist, Dave will conduct the economic impact modeling and will also oversee all aspects of this research, including research design, management, data analysis and reporting. Dave will devote 15% of his time on his assigned tasks for this research project. Kimberly Vince-Cruz–Vice President Having spent the last decade conducting market research for destinations, the travel trade and meetings industry, Kimberly directs and implements the vision of all Destination Analysts' research studies. Kimberly brings a wealth of experience to our clients—overseeing project launch, data collection and analysis for all research projects, from in-depth brand research to ROI and conversion studies. Kimberly is a sought resource in the industry for her expertise in DMO website usability, audience profile, analytics and conversion, and was recognized as one of California Travel Association's "30 And Under" Tourism Emerging Leaders. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in American Studies and Ethnicity with a minor in Spanish from the University of Southern California. Kimberly will play an instrumental role in the organization and execution of Destination Analysts' research approach for the City of Round Rock as well as writing and developing final project reports. Kimberly will devote 10% of her time on her assigned tasks for this research project. David Reichbach –Director of Analytics & Data Security David Reichbach is a highly regarded information privacy attorney who received his a. JD from the University of San Francisco. David oversees the analysis, retention and security of data collected in Destination Analysts' diverse research programs. With s his BS in Engineering, Mathematics and Statistics from the University of California, Berkeley and a passion for technology, David brings his specialization and skills to Destination Analysts' quantitative studies with extensive experience in data segmentation and analysis. He is also highly valued by Destination Analysts' clients for his leadership in qualitative research, including focus group moderation and user experience research. David is a frequent speaker on technology's role in tourism insights at travel industry events. In addition to writing data cross-tabulations for the City of Round Rock, David will be in charge of programming the online survey instruments and data segmentation. David will devote 10% of his time on his assigned tasks for this research project. Destination Analysts'Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 30 Exhibit "A" Myha Vo— Director of Research ., As Destination Analysts' Director of Research, Myha manages the operational planning and implementation for Destination Analysts' suite of research studies. She has presided over year-long robust visitor profile research programs as well as a designed and executed comprehensive audience analysis and traveler persona research for destinations across the U.S. Myha is also an exemplary moderator in H Destination Analysts' qualitative research programs, including in-depth interviews and online focus groups of leisure travelers, meeting planners, DMO stakeholders and travel trade. Her graphic design background and skills guide the visual layout of Destination Analysts' report deliverables. Myha holds a Bachelor of Science in Biology from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. Myha will be highly involved in planning and managing the Visit Intercept Survey fieldwork as well as report development and report writing. Myha will also play an instrumental role in the graphic design and visual layout of reporting deliverables Myha will devote 10% of her time on her assigned tasks for this research project. Melissa Elkins— Director of Research The former Director of Research for the Arizona Office of Tourism, Melissa brings her thirteen years of highly-skilled tourism research practitioner to her servicing of Destination Analysts clients. Melissa plays an instrumental role in managing the multiple components of each research project, for both quantitative and qualitative efforts. Prior to joining Destination Analysts, Melissa also spent a year working with the Wyoming Office of Tourism, launching and managing their expansive tourism research programs. In her nine years at the Arizona Office of Tourism, she led the annual strategic segmentation analysis of ACT's target audiences and pre/post campaign research efforts. Melissa has served as a board member for the Greater Western Travel &Tourism Association and holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from the University of New Mexico. Melissa will carefully review all final reporting deliverables for the City of Round Rock. Melissa will devote 10% of her time on her assigned tasks for this research project. Elizabeth Ruemelin — Research Manager Elizabeth's analytical skills, thoughtful approach in providing solutions to questions and challenges and proficiency in the Mandarin language are highly valued assets by r the Destination Analysts team as well as our DMO clients. From managing on-the- ground field surveyor teams for visitor research to her keen reporting analysis for destination brand perception studies, she is quickly developing her market research Destination Analysts'Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 31 Exhibit "A" expertise. During her tenure at Destination Analysts, she continues to strengthen her skills in reporting and delivering invaluable insights to DMO clients. Elizabeth will manage the fieldwork team for the Visitor Intercept Survey, from training surveyors to managing data collection. Elizabeth will devote 10% of her time on her assigned tasks for this research project. Destination Analysts'Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-013 32 Exhibit "A" Destination 4Ana Lysts DO YOUR RESEARCH TAB 7 — AUTHORIZED NEGOTIATOR CITY OF ROUND ROCK, TEXAS TOURISM IMPACT STUDY RESEARCH PROPOSAL Destination Analysts'Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 33 Exhibit "A" AUTHORIZED NEGOTIATOR Erin Francis-Cummings, President&CEO of Destination Analysts is authorized to negotiate Contract terms and render binding decisions on Contract matters. Erin's contact information is listed below: • Name: Erin Francis-Cummings • Address: 1728 Union Street, Suite 310 San Francisco, CA 94123 • Phone: (415) 716-7983 • Email: erin(@destinationanalysts.com Destination Analysts'Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 34 Exhibit "A" Destination 4 Analysts DO YOUR RESEARCH TAB 8 - ATTACHMENTS AND ADDENDUM ................ CITY OF ROUND ROCK, TEXAS TOURISM IMPACT STUDY RESEARCH PROPOSAL Destination Analysts' Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 35 Exhibit "A" ATTACHMENTS AND ADDENDUM All necessary attachments and addendums are attached on the following pages. Destination Analysts'Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 36 Exhibit "A" Destination 4Ana Lysts DO YOUR RESEARCH TAB 9 — COST PROPOSAL CITY OF ROUND ROCK, TEXAS TOURISM IMPACT STUDY RESEARCH PROPOSAL Destination Analysts'Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 37 Exhibit "A" COST PROPOSAL Destination Analysts estimates the following costs to conduct this Tourism Impact Study on behalf of the City of Round Rock. The proposed cost to conduct the Tourism Impact Study, which includes the Visitor Profile & Economic Impact Study and the Image, Perception &Awareness Study, shall not exceed $150,000. These costs are based on the recommended methodologies and sampling plans described earlier. While Destination Analysts recommends the sample sizes cited in this proposal, the costs can be adjusted down based on a smaller sample size. However, it should be noted that segmentation may be limited, and in some instances, may not be possible, with smaller sample sizes. Project Cost Visitor Profile & Economic Impact Study: $90,000 Visitor Intercept Survey and Survey of Meeting& Sports Planners Image, Perception and Awareness Study: Survey of Leisure Travelers and $30,450 In-Depth Interviews with Meeting& Sports Planners Additional Recommendations $8,400 Additional Contingency Budget $21,150 TOTAL $150,000 Project costs below are reflective of all Destination Analysts' research services to conduct, manage and execute this Tourism Impact Study, including: • Research discovery and planning • Survey questionnaire development • Survey programming and design • Fieldwork and data collection • Deployment of survey email invitation • Data preparation and cleansing • Data analysis • Custom data cross-tabulations • Reporting • Online presentation of findings Destination Analysts'Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 38 Exhibit "A" • In-person presentation of findings • Management and fulfillment of incentives The data tables below present the category of personnel, hourly rates and estimated hours for each project task. Visitor Profile & Economic Impact Study: Visitor Intercept Survey and Survey of Category of Estimated Hourly Rate Meeting & Sports Planners Personnel Hours Project discovery and planning kick-off call Manager, SeniorAnalyst, Analyst $175 3 Visitor Intercept Survey: Questionnaire Manager, Senior $175 16 development and approval Analyst Visitor Intercept Survey: Review, testing and Analyst $165 8 finalization of questionnaire Visitor Intercept Survey: Scheduling, planning Manager, Analyst $165 16 and logistics for Wave I Visitor Intercept Survey: Wave I data collection Manager, Analyst $165 100 Visitor Intercept Survey: Wave I data cleansing, data cross-tabulations, data coding and data Senior Analyst $175 32 analysis Visitor Intercept Survey: Wave I interim report Manager, Senior $175 50 development Analyst, Analyst Visitor Intercept Survey: Scheduling, planning Manager, Analyst $165 16 and logistics for Wave 2 Visitor Intercept Survey: Wave 2 data collection Manager, Analyst $165 100 Survey of Meeting& Sports Planners: Manager, Senior $175 12 Questionnaire development and approval Analyst Survey of Meeting& Sports Planners: Review, Analyst $165 6 testing and finalization of questionnaire Survey of Meeting& Sports Planners: Management and monitoring of online data Analyst $165 8 collection Visitor Intercept Survey: Wave 2 data cleansing, data cross-tabulations, data coding and data Senior Analyst $175 32 analysis Survey of Meeting & Sports Planners: Data cleansing, data cross-tabulations, data coding and Senior Analyst $175 16 data analysis Economic Impact Analysis January 2020 $200 24 Visitor Profile & Economic Impact Study: Manager, Senior $175 40 Development of final report of findings Analyst, Analyst Online/In-person presentation of findings Manager, Senior $175 8 Analyst Destination Analysts'Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 39 Exhibit "A" Image, Perception and Awareness Study: Survey of Leisure Travelers and Category of Hourly Rate Estimated In-Depth Interviews with Meeting & Personnel Hours Sports Planners Project discovery and planning kick-off call Manager, Senior $175 3 Analyst, Analyst Survey of Leisure Travelers: Questionnaire Manager, Senior $175 16 development and approval Analyst Survey of Leisure Travelers: Review, testing and Analyst $165 8 finalization of questionnaire Survey of Leisure Travelers: Management and Analyst $165 8 monitoring of online data collection In-Depth Interviews with Meeting&Sports Planners: Research overview, recruiting Senior Analyst $175 8 guidelines and screener questionnaire development In-Depth Interviews with Meeting& Sports Planners: Recruiting of meeting& sports planner Analyst $165 16 participants_ In-Depth Interviews with Meeting&Sports Senior Analyst $175 8 Planners: Discussion guide development In-Depth Interviews with Meeting&Sports Manager, Senior $175 12 Planners: Interviews conducted Analyst, Analyst Survey of Leisure Travelers: Data cleansing, data Manager, Analyst $165 16 cross-tabulations, data coding and data analysis Image, Perception and Awareness Study: Manager, Senior $175 40 Development of final report of findings Analyst Online/In-person presentation of findings Manager, Senior $175 8 Analyst Additional Recommendations Category of I Hourly Rate Estimated Personnel Hours Development of final report of findings Manager, Senior $175 40 Analyst, Analyst Online/In-person presentation of findings Manager, Senior $175 8 Analyst Destination Analysts'Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 40 Exhibit "A" The data table below presents the itemized cost of supplies and materials, travel expenses and printing. These costs are included in the total project fee of$128,850, excluding the additional contingency budget of$21,150. I Itemized Costs Estimated Cost Paper surveys for visitor intercept surveys $600 Badges and polo shirts for visitor intercept surveyors $100 Clipboards and pens for visitor intercept surveys $50 Travel expenses for Wave I visitor intercept survey data collection $2,000 Travel expenses for Wave 2 visitor intercept survey data collection $2,000 Travel expenses for in-person presentation of findings $1,000 Destination Analysts'Research Proposal in Response to RFP No. 19-018 41 CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 1of1 Complete Nos.1-4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos.1,2,3,5,and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2019-515594 Destination Analysts, Inc. San Francisco,CA United States Date Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 07/11/2019 being filed. The City of Round Rock Date Acknowledged: 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract,and provide a description of the services,goods,or other property to be provided under the contract. 000000 Tourism Impact Study Tourism Impact Research on behalf of the City of Round Rock 4 Nature of interest Name of Interested Party City,State,Country(place of business) (check applicable) Controlling Intermediary 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. X 6 UNSWORN DECLARATION My name is and my date of birth Myaddressis � "S2� � � '� J � �AYI L� S -A 1- i23 MA (street) (city) (state) (zip code) (country) I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in—1.JCounty, State of c ,on the day of 20�. (mont (year) i g ture of authorized agent of contracting business entity (Declarant) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.1.391`8039c CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 1 of 1 Complete Nos.1-4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos.1,2,3,5,and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2019-515594 Destination Analysts, Inc. San Francisco, CA United States Date Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 07/11/2019 being filed. The City of Round Rock Date Acknowledged: 07/23/2019 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract,and provide a description of the services,goods,or other property to be provided under the contract. 000000 Tourism Impact Study Tourism Impact Research on behalf of the City of Round Rock 4 Nature of interest Name of Interested Party City,State,Country(place of business) (check applicable) Controlling Intermediary 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. X 6 UNSWORN DECLARATION My name is and my date of birth is My address is (street) (city) (state) (zip code) (country) I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in County, State of on the day of ,20 (month) (year) Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity (Declarant) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.1.39f8039c