Contract - T. Morales Company Electric & Controls - 11/14/2019 Pagel of 3 Contract Quantity Adjustment/Change Order rev,01/16 Department: Utilities&Environmeental Services Project Name: Round Rock WTP&Lake Georgetown Pump&Pump Modifications Date: 10/15/19 City Project Change Order/Quantity ID Number 1805 Adjustment No. 1 Vendor T.Morales Company Electric&Controls PO Box 859 254-793-4344 Company Name Address Phone No. Justification Requested by CORR to provide new 251(v primary service at Raw Water Pump Station Site, not in original scope of work. Requestest to provide emergency standby power to existing specified loads at building No 1 and Building No. 2 at the WTP Site, not in original scope of work. SUMMARY Amount %Change Original Contract Price: $6,233,999.94 Previous Quantity Adjustment(s): This Quantity Adjustment: Total Quantity Adjustment(s): $0.00 Total Contract Price with Quantity Adjustment(s): $6,233,999.94 Previous Change Order(s): $0.00 00/0 This Change Order: $85,621.00 1% Total Change Order(s)To Date: $85,621.00 1% Adjusted Contract Price [Original Contract Price Plus Quantity Adjustment(s)Plus Change Order(s)]: $6,319,620.94 Difference between Original and Adjusted Contract Prices: $85,621.00 Original Contract Time: 335 Time Adjustment by previous Quan.Adj./Change Order: 0 Time Adjustment by this Quan.Adj./Change Order: 90 New Contract Time: 425 _... Submitted for Approval Prepared By: Randy M. Eldridge/TMC 10/15/19 nature Printed Name,Title,Company Date Approvals 0000 4P� Contractor: Randy M. Eldridge/COO/TMC 10/15/19 ignatur Printed Name,Title,Company Date City Project Manager: BGz � '0, 1 1 gna r 19 Printed Name,Title Date Mayor/City Manager AK -K- MA\M t;t2L)..-R#A Signbture Printed Name,Title Date �--I-OM--0 t-�- Page 2 of 3 Contract Quantity Adjustment/Change Order �a'nllNnROEXUXA5 rev,01/16 Project Name: Round Rock WTP&Lake Georgetown Pump&Pump Modifications Quan.Adj./Change Order No.: 1 Change Order Data Contract Time Adjustment Item # Item Description Unit Qty. Unit Price Amount Adjusus(Das 1 Revised Electric Bldg Floor Plan&HVAC 1 1 $0.00 $0.00 0 2WTP Temp Genset Feed&RW 25Kv 1 1 $81 000.00 $81,000.00 43 3 $0.00 4 $0.00 5 $0.00 Owner Requested Delay Start Work 6 RWPS Pumps 1-2-3 1 1 $0.00 $0.00 47 7 RWPS Xfmr TX-1 Repair 1 1 $4,621.00 $4,621.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTALS: 85,621.00 90 Page 3 of 3 Contract Quantity Adjustment/Change Order aOUNDROM t rev,01/16 Project Name: Round Rock VVTP&Lake Georgetown Pump&Pump Modifications Quan.Adj./Change Order No.: 1 Quantity Adjustment Data Contract Time Adjustment Bid Item # Item Description Unit Qty. Unit Price Amount $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTALS: $0.00 0 . moralos Company Project: Round Rock WTP & Lake GT Date: 09-24-19 Pump & Pumps Modifications TMC Change#: COR-02 Rev 00 Owner: City of Round Rock Project Change #: N/A Change Order Request Morales Company offers a change in pricing for consideration by the Owner to provide temporary power from the Emergency Generator Switchgear to Building 1 for Emergency backup. The work to be performed is stated as followed: Water Treatment Plant—Temporary Generator Feed Bldg 1 &2: T. Morales Company will install qty 3- parallel sets of 3'/2"conduits in Sch 40 PVC from the existing Generator Dist Panelboard DS-G to the existing emergency Terminal box located outside of Building No. 1 that consists of qty 3 -500 mcm cables with 2/0 ground. TMC will then disconnect the existing Bldg 1 Temp feeders from the main break at the existing DS-G Dist Swicthboard and terminate the new temporary feeders to the Existing Building one Dist Switchboard DS-5 MCB. TMC will then disconnect the existing generator feeders at the existing Building No 1 DS-5 switchboard and terminate the new temporary feeders to the load side of the MCB. T. Morales Company will then install qty 2 -parallel sets of 3'/"conduits in Sch 40 PVC from the existing generator terminal box at building No 1 located outside of Building No. 1 that consists of qty 2 -500 mcm cables with 2/0 ground. TMC will then disconnect the existing Bldg 2 generator feed feeders from the main breaker at the existing DS-6 Dist Switchboard and DS-5 located outside of building No. 2 and terminate the new temporary feeders to the Existing Building one Dist Switchboard DS-5 spare breaker MCB to feed existing switchboard DS-6 in the event of normal power fail. TMC will then disconnect the existing generator feeders at the existing Generator Dist Switchboard DS-G. After the temporary generator bypass feeders referenced above are installed it will allow TMC to demo the existing as shown on sheet 20DE01 and provide for limited emergency generator backup power to both existing buildings 1 &2 based upon a manual load shed scheme. Lake Georgetown Raw Water—Building No. 1 25KV Primary Feeders: T. Morales Company will demo out the existing 25Kv primary feeders from the fused cut out switches located at the Utility pole to the existing 1,000Kva pad mount transformer TX-1 as shown on sheet 30E07. TMC will then install new 25Kv primary conductors from the existing pad mount transformer TX-1 to the fused cut out switches located on the primary utility pole cross arms assembly. TMC will then provide and install new RayChem 25Kv outdoor stress-cone terminations at the utility pole fused cutout assembly and make required terminations. TMC will provide and install qty 3 25Kv load break elbow terminations at the existing Pad Mount Transformer TX-1 primary compartment. TMC will provide e and install qty 3 25KV Raychem Loadbreak Surge Arrestors at the existing pad mount transformer TX-1.This change order pricing assumes the existing pole mounted fused cutouts and arrestors can be reused. Total cost for the additional work associated with this change is$81,000.00 . Extension in Time Request: Submittals and approvals: 0 weeks. Lead time for procurement: 3 weeks. Approx time for installation: 3 weeks Total 6 weeks Change Initiated By: Jeff Bell / CORR Change Prepared By: Randy M. Eldridge/ TMC Change Delivered To:George Luke / Gupta Response Rqst'd By: ASAP Carbon Copy To: Josh Wharton /TMC PO Box 859 601 South Patterson Avenue Florence, Texas 76527 Florence, Texas 76527 Phone: 254-793-4344 Fax: 254-793-3044 Bid:#1 -COR01 -Temp Pwr Feed JOB 1372 2019-RME:2019 Randy's Jobs... T Morales Company ESTIMATE 2 201928:201928 CORR WTP&... PO Box 859 DATA SET 9 TMC WTP-NECA dataset Florence,Tx 76527 DATE 9/24/2019 3:57:29 PM 254-793-4344/254-793-3044 reldridge@moralescompany.com Index Description Reference Type Reference Ref Amount Operation Rate Amount 1 MATERIALS/QUOTES: 0.00 2 Misc Materials: Material Total 40,814.77 1.00 40,814.77 3 Fenceing Material Calculated 355.00 1.00 355.00 4 Quote#2 Calculated 0.00 1.00 0.00 5 SUBTOTAL 41,169.77 6 0.00 7 SALES TAX: Material Total 40,814.77 % 0.00 8 SUBTOTAL 0.00 9 0.00 10 LABOR: 0.00 11 Straight Time Labor Labor Total 390.63 46.22 18,055.15 12 Overtime Labor Calculated 0.00 69.33 0.00 13 Exec Order 13706 Hours Labor Total 390.63 0.00 14 Exec Order 13706 Rate Component 13 0.00 46.22 0.00 15 Gen Foreman Hours Labor Total 390.63 % 5.00 19.53 16 Gen Foreman Rate Component 15 19.53 50.97 995.53 17 Material Hndler Hrs Labor Total 390.63 % 0.00 18 Material Hndler Rate Component 17 0.00 35.04 0.00 19 Update As Built Dwgs Calculated 1.00 49.00 49.00 20 SUBTOTAL 19,099.68 21 0.00 22 DIRECT JOB EXPENSES: 0.00 23 Expendable Tools Material Total 40,814.77 % 3.00 1,224.44 24 Equipment 0.00 25 Warranty on Material Component 5 41,169.77 % 3.00 1,235.09 26 Warranty on Labor Component 20 19,099.68 % 3.00 572.99 27 SUBTOTAL 3,032.53 28 0.00 29 SUBCONTRACTS: 0.00 30 Sub#1 Calculated 0.00 0.00 31 Sub#2 Calculated 0.00 0.00 32 SUBTOTAL 0.00 33 0.00 34 JOB SUBTOTAL 63,301.98 35 HHHHHHHHHH 0.00 36 MARKUPS: 0.00 37 Liability/Bldrs Risk Component 34 63,301.98 % 2.00 1,266.04 38 WrkComp/SS/Unmplymnt Component 20 19,099.68 % 25.00 4,774.92 39 Overhead @ 5% Component 34 63,301.98 % 5.00 3,165.10 40 JOB TOTAL 72,508.04 41 0.00 42 Profit @ 10% Component 40 72,508.04 % 10.00 7,250.80 43 JOB TOTAL+PROFIT Component 42 7,250.80 1.00 79,758.84 44 Perf_Payment Bond Component 43 79,758.84 % 2.00 1,595.18 45 ADD BOND Component 44 1,595.18 1.00 81,354.02 46 0.00 47 BID TOTAL 81,354.02 Page 1 of 1 Combined All-Job File Pricing JOB 1372 2019-RME:2019 Randy's Jobs... T Morales Company PRINTED 9/24/2019 3:56:31 PM ESTIMATE 2 201928:201928 CORR WTP&... PO Box 859 MATERIAL Primary DATA SET 9 TMC WTP-NECA dataset Florence,Tx 76527 LABOR Primary 254-793-4344/254-793-3044 reldridge@moralescompany.com NOTES Item Material Labor Size Item Desc Qty UOM Item Source Mat Unitl Mat Adj Mat Ext Lbr Unit Lbr Adj Lbr Ext RELOCATE KIRK KEY BLD 2 1.00 RELOCATE KIRK KEY DSG 1.00 1/0-25KV SHILD-EPR-PVC-MV105 300.00 1/0-RAYCHEM-25KV-OUTDOOR... 3.00 1/0-RAYCHEM-25KV-LOAD B REA... 3.00 25KV RAYCHEM-ELBOW SURGE... 3.00 1.51N KELLEMS GRIP 3.00 3.51N BREAKOUT BOOT 1.00 BUCKET TRUCK 16.00 CABLE SOAP 1.00 DEMO-25KV CABLE 1.00 DISCONNECT 25KVAT POLE C... 3.00 HI-POT TEST CABLES 3.00 3 1/2" PVC Sch 40 Carlon#49014010 680.00 FEET 3 1/2" ALUM CONDUIT 30.00 FEET 3 1/2" PVC Sch 40 Elbow Carlon#UA9AM 14.00 EACH 3 1/2" PVC Coup Carlon#E940M 34.00 EACH 3 1/2" PVC Male Adapt Carlon#E943M 26.00 EACH 3 1/2" LOCKNUT 26.00 EACH 3 1/2" PLASTIC BUSHINGS 24.00 EACH 3 1/2" BONDING BUSHINGS-INS 1.00 EACH 3 1/2" CUT/THREAD-LABOR 2.00 EACH 3 1/2" ALUM COUPLING 2.00 EACH 3 1/2" 1 H Strap Mall Crouse#518 48.00 EACH 3/8. BEAM CLAMP-STEEL 8.00 EACH 3/8. FLAT WASHER 50.00 EACH 3/8. S.S.FLAT WASHERS 8.00 EACH 3/8. STOVE BOLT W/NUTS 25.00 EACH GALV STRUT 3-1/2" 20.00 FEET 3 1/2" S.S.STRUT STRAPS 8.00 EACH 3 1/2" 304 SSTEEL STRUT 10.00 FEET 3/8" Ssteel Spring Nut 5.00 EACH 3 1/2" LIQUIDTITE CONDUIT 18.00 FEET 3" LIQUIDTITE STR CONN 4.00 EACH 12X12X6 PVC J-BOX 6.00 EACH NYLON LINE 440.00 FEET 2/0 THHN STR CU 740.00 FEET 300 THHN STR CU 2,310.00 FEET 2/0 WIRE TERM-LABOR ONLY 8.00 EACH 500 WIRE TERM-LABOR ONLY 24.00 EACH i-2/0 MECH LUGS CU/AL 4.00 EACH 350-750 MECH LUGS CU/AL 6.00 EACH Grand Totals 40,814.77 390.6350 Page 1 of 1 . moralos Company Project: Round Rock WTP & Lake GT Date: 10-14-19 Pump & Pumps Modifications TMC Change#: COR-07 Rev 00 Owner: City of Round Rock Project Change#: N/A Change Order Request Morales Company offers a change in pricing for consideration by the Owner to Repair the existing Transformer TX-1, 1000 Kva pad mount transformer as requested by the City of Round Rock. The work to be performed is stated as followed: Lake Georgetown Raw Water—Building No. 1 Existing Pad Mount Transformer TX-1 T. Morales Company will coordinate with Sunbelt-Solomon Corporation to repair the existing primary transformer TX-1, 1,000kva transformer due to the recent transformer oil leaking event on the primary compartment as witnessed by the City of Round Rock T. Morales Company has already coordinated with Sunbelt-Solomon Corporation whom has been on site and reviewed the transformer issues. T. Morales Company will Disconnect the primary fuses cutouts at the utility service riser, has Inspected the TX-1 transformer primary compartment, coordination and scheduling of Sunbelt-Solomon Corporation on site for repairs to the existing bushings at the bayonet fuse assemblies in the primary compartment, Disconnect existing Primary Compartment MV Load Break Terminators, TMC Phase Stick-Test& Bleed Voltage from primary&secondary transformer coils, install busing well grounding cluster in Primary Transformer compartment and make safe for repairs by Sunbelt Solomon Corporation. After the repairs are made to the primary compartment bayonet fuse assemblies by Sunbelt-Solomon Corporation, TMC will remove the bushing well grounding cluster in primary compartment, re-connect the primary loadbreak connectors to the transformer compartment primary bushing wells, re-connect the primary utility fuses and MV Phase Stick test both primary and secondary voltages. Total cost for the additional work associated with this change is$ 4,621.00 . Extension in Time Request: Submittals and approvals: 0 weeks. Lead time for procurement: 0 weeks. Approx time for installation: 0 weeks Total 0 weeks Change Initiated By: Jeff Bell / CORR Change Prepared By:Randy M. Eldridge / TMC Change Delivered To:George Luke / Gupta Response Rqst'd By: ASAP Carbon Copy To: Josh Wharton /TMC PO Box 859 601 South Patterson Avenue Florence, Texas 76527 Florence, Texas 76527 Phone: 254-793-4344 Fax: 254-793-3044 Bid:#7-COR-07 JOB 1372 2019-RME:2019 Randy's Jobs... T Morales Company ESTIMATE 2 201928:201928 CORR WTP&... PO Box 859 DATA SET 9 TMC WTP-NECA dataset Florence,Tx 76527 DATE 10/14/2019 11:34:34 AM 254-793-4344/254-793-3044 reldridge@moralescompany.com Index Description Reference Type Reference Ref Amount Operation Rate Amount 1 MATERIALS/QUOTES: 0.00 2 Misc Materials: Material Total 0.00 1.00 0.00 3 0.00 4 QUOTES: 0.00 5 Sunbelt-Soloman Corporation Calculated 2,690.00 1.00 2,690.00 6 Qte#2 Calculated 0.00 0.00 7 Qte#3 Calculated 0.00 0.00 8 SUBTOTAL 2,690.00 9 0.00 10 SALES TAX: Material Total 0.00 % 0.00 11 SUBTOTAL 0.00 12 0.00 13 LABOR: 0.00 14 Straight Time Labor Labor Total 14.50 46.22 670.19 15 Overtime Labor Calculated 0.00 69.33 0.00 16 Exec Order 13706 Hours Labor Total 14.50 0.00 17 Exec Order 13706 Rate Component 16 0.00 46.22 0.00 18 Gen Foreman Hours Labor Total 14.50 % 5.00 0.73 19 Gen Foreman Rate Component 18 0.73 50.97 36.95 20 Material Hndler Hrs Labor Total 14.50 % 3.00 0.43 21 Material Hndler Rate Component 20 0.43 35.04 15.24 22 Update As Built Dwgs Calculated 1.00 49.00 49.00 23 SUBTOTAL 771.39 24 0.00 25 DIRECT JOB EXPENSES: 0.00 26 Expendable Tools Material Total 0.00 % 3.00 0.00 27 Equipment 0.00 28 Warranty on Material Component 8 2,690.00 % 6.00 161.40 29 Warranty on Labor Component 23 771.39 % 6.00 46.28 30 SUBTOTAL 207.68 31 0.00 32 SUBCONTRACTS: 0.00 33 Sub#1 Calculated 0.00 0.00 34 Sub#2 Calculated 0.00 0.00 35 SUBTOTAL 0.00 36 0.00 37 JOB SUBTOTAL 3,669.07 38 0.00 39 MARKUPS: 0.00 40 Liability/Bldrs Risk Component 37 3,669.07 % 2.00 73.38 41 WrkComp/SS/Unmplymnt Component 23 771.39 % 25.00 192.85 42 Overhead @ 5% Component 37 3,669.07 % 5.00 183.45 43 JOB TOTAL 4,118.75 44 0.00 45 Profit @ 10% Component 43 4,118.75 % 10.00 411.88 46 JOB TOTAL+PROFIT Component 45 411.88 1.00 4,530.63 47 Perf_Payment Bond Component 46 4,530.63 % 2.00 90.61 48 ADD BOND Component 47 90.61 1.00 4,621.24 49 0.00 50 BID TOTAL 4,621.24 Page 1 of 1 COR 07-RWPS TX-1 Xfmr Repair JOB 1372 2019-RME:2019 Randy's Jobs... T Morales Company PRINTED 10/14/2019 11:36:38 AM ESTIMATE 2 201928:201928 CORR WTP&... PO Box 859 MATERIAL Discounted DATA SET 9 TMC WTP-NECA dataset Florence,Tx 76527 LABOR Primary 254-793-4344/254-793-3044 reldridge@moralescompany.com NOTES Item Material Labor Size Item Desc Qty UOM Mat Unit Mat Adj Mat Ext Lbr Unit Lbr Adj I Lbr Ext Disconnect Primary Fuses 1.00 Inspect TX1-Xfmr Primary Compartment 1.00 Coord-Soloman Xfmr Inspection 1.00 Disconnect Primary Loadbreaks 1.00 Phase-Stick Test&Bleed Voltage Pri... 1.00 Re-Connect Primary Fuses 1.00 Remove Primary Compartment Groun... 1.00 Re-Connect Primary Loadbreaks 1.00 MV Phase Stick Test Voltage 1.00 Grand Totals 0.001 14.5000 Page 1 of 1 SOLOMON When it's on the line, P 'R T I N . October 14,2019 City of Round Rock Round Rock,TX Type of Service: Bayonet fuse leak repair Equipment to be Serviced: 1000Kva Pad Mount SCOPE OF WORK Solomon Corp Field Services proposes to send Field Technicians to complete the following scope of work: 1. Mobilize 2 technicians and associated equipment to City of Round Rock 2. Transformer will have been de-energized, disconnected, isolated and grounded prior to the arrival of Solomon Technicians. 3. Work to be scheduled Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday to allow for Mobilization of crews to and from site during normal working hours. Work scheduled on Mondays or Fridays will include additional charges for weekend mobilizations 4. Customer Feed and Supply terminations disconnected and re-connected by others. Bayonet Fuse Leak Repair 5. Confirm unit is isolated and LOTO has been performed 6. Inspect unit and confirm no other deficiencies exist 7. Lower oil, into Solomon supplied oil containment,to permit access to internal Bay-O-Net Fuse Assemblies. 8. Replace 3 Bayonet stingers 9. Fill Transformer with stored oil through a 5 micron filter press. 10. Top off with New Solomon supplied mineral oil (10 gallons) 11. Confirm no existing leaks following replacement 12. Top off headspace with nitrogen blanket to customer requested +psi 13. Pull DGA as outlined below 800-234-2867 PO Box 245 103 West Main Solomon, KS 67480 solomoncorp.com SOLOMON When itis on the line. CORPORATION Oil Sampling/Testing 14. Take oil sample for laboratory analysis: DGA/Oil Analysis—D3612 a. Karl Fischer Moisture Analysis—D1533b b. Oil Screen 15. Clean up work area and depart. 16. Provide documented test results as required. CLARIFICATIONS/CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Due to handling of customer insulating oils,a non-pcb test result as sampled at least one year prior to service date is required. Sample kit can be provided by Solomon Corporation. 2. Provide access for vehicles within 50'of transformer and proper workspace clear of obstructions 3. Any site training above and beyond one-half hour on the day of mobilization is not included. 4. Top off if required (Above ten gallons quoted with-in) shall be at$10/gal Mineral Oil 5. Electrical Testing,Setting of transformers,removal of existing units by others. 6. Provide site location address,and site management representative responsible for achieving all jobsite requirements in a timely manner. 7. Provide Free and Clear access,and proper workspace clear of obstructions. 8. Provide an authorized person to sign all manifests/field reports. 9. Provide management supervision and at least one qualified and electrician If Applicable to: a. De-energize and re-energize equipment as defined by NFPA70E. b. Provide and perform Lock Out and Tag Out procedure for affected equipment and verify zero energy state as defined by NFPA70E. c. Provide Grounding of equipment as required. PROPOSAL ACCEPTANCE This proposal (except schedule) is valid for 30 days from date of issue.Any changes to the scope of work or Bill of Material will require a revised quotation which may result in a price change. No schedules or other activity will be initiated until purchase order is received. PRICE: $2,690.00 Price does not include tax. If applicable,tax will be added to the invoice. If order is tax exempt, please provide a copy of your exemption certificate. 800-234-2867 PO Box 245 103 West Main Solomon, KS 67480 solomoncorp.com SOLOMON When it`s on the line. CORPORATION GENERAL CONDITIONS Customer shall provide an electrician or engineer,familiar with the distribution system and is to be available during the repair and/or testing periods. He or she will be responsible for disconnecting and re-energizing all equipment as necessary. MOP'S are not included unless specified above. Unless specifically noted above, all work is to be performed Monday through Friday.Saturdays,Sundays and holidays excluded. Extensive delays due to circumstances beyond the control of Solomon Corp Field Services will be subject to additional billing. Solomon Corp Field Services will not be responsible for supplying additional back-up generator(s) unless otherwise indicated within this quotation Solomon Corp Field Services is not responsible for loss production review or any additional emergencies that may arise during the re-energization of this equipment. To accept this proposal, please issue a purchase order to: Inside Sales Specialist—Melissa DeMars mdemars@solomoncorp.com Ph:800-234-2867 X2644 Fax: 785-655-2502 Thank you, Jan Sexton Territory Manager 785-263-5180 jsexton @solomoncorp.com Attachments: Solomon Corp Terms and Conditions 800-234-2867 PO Box 245 103 West Main Solomon,KS 67480 solomoncorp.com SOLOMON When it"s on the line. CORPORATIONw . Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale Updated, March 2014 Terms of Offer:This quotation constitutes an offer to sell according to the terms included.The offer is good for 30 days from the date of quotation and shall be deemed accepted upon receipt and acceptance of a purchase order.The buyer will be deemed to have assented to all terms and conditions contained herein Payment terms:Standard payment terms are net 30 days, pending credit approval of the buyer. Solomon Corporation reserves the right to require prepayment or progress payments for products and services of substantial size or financial risk.Any extension beyond these standard payment terms must be approved in writing prior to acceptance of an order. In the event Buyer fails to make payment when due,the buyer's entire account becomes immediately due and payable, and all amount are subject to service charges at the maximum contract rate permissible by law. Order Cancellation: Orders cancelled after the acceptance of buyer's purchase order will be subject to appropriate cancellation or re-stocking charges.The charges will be dependent on the amount of labor and material expense, including design, engineering and administrative work, that has been completed at the time of order cancellation. Shipments:All products are shipped FOB buyers designated delivery point unless otherwise specified. Freight charges are included in the purchase price unless otherwise specified in the price quotation.The buyer is responsible for providing labor and equipment to unload Solomon Corporation's truck.Solomon Corporation at its discretion may contract transportation and delivery with outside carriers. Rescheduled or delayed shipments: Buyer may delay or reschedule shipment without penalty if the delay is within 30 days of the original scheduled delivery date. Delays beyond 30 days may require invoicing, payment and storage charges per Solomon Corporation's Storage policy. Seller will make a good faith effort to complete delivery of the products and services on the scheduled date, but seller assumes no responsibility or liability for inability to deliver for reasons beyond the control of the Seller, unless otherwise agreed to in writing.The Seller is not liable for any incidental,consequential or liquidated damages arising from delays or failure to give notice of delay. Inspection and acceptance:the Buyer shall have seven days from the date of delivery to report any damage, defects or nonconformance that is discernible at the time of inspection.After seven days the buyer is deemed to have accepted the product. Warranties: Solomon Corporation warrants, to the original purchaser only,that the products 800-234-2867 PO Box 245 103 West Main Solomon, KS 67480 solomoncorp.com SOLOMON When it's on the line, CORPORATION and services provided will be free from defects in material or workmanship.The duration of the warranty is one year from the date of delivery or completion of services, unless otherwise specified in the quotation. In the event that the product or service does not conform to specification or is defective in material or workmanship,Solomon Corporation will make the necessary repairs at its own expense. If Solomon Corporation in unable to successfully resolve the issue after a reasonable number of attempts, Solomon Corporation will provide at its option, replacement products,or a full refund of the purchase price.These are the purchaser's exclusive remedies for breach of warranty. In the event that all or a portion of the products purchased are manufactured by others,the buyers warranty is with the original manufacturer of those products and subject to the warranty terms and conditions of that manufacturer. Solomon Corporation, as a seller of products manufactured by others,will assist buyer in remediation of warranty claims, but in no circumstance is liable to fulfill the warranty obligation of those manufacturers or to cover expenses that are not covered by original manufacturers'warranty. Solomon Corporation does not warrant: 1)Any product, not manufactured by Solomon Corporation 2)That the specification provided by the purchaser are accurate, or fit for a particular use 3) Damage caused by failure to provide a suitable installation environment 4) Damage caused by use for purposes other than those for which it was designed 5) Damage caused by accidents or disasters such as fire,flood,wind and lightning 6) Damage caused by unauthorized attachments or modification 7) Damage caused by vandalism Solomon Corporation shall in no event be liable for incidental or consequential damages. The seller makes no warranty of the merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose or any other warranty either expressed or implied. 800-234-2867 PO Box 245 103 West Main Solomon, KS 67480 solomoncorp.com CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 10f1 Complete Nos.1-4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos.1,2,3,5,and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2019-552930 T. Morales Company Electric&Controls, Ltd. Florence,TX United States Date Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 10/18/2019 being filed. City of Round Rock,TX Date Acknowledged: 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract,and provide a description of the services,goods,or other property to be provided under the contract. 000000 VVTP&Lake GT Pump&PM VVTP&Lake Georgetown Pump&Power Modifications 4 Nature of interest Name of Interested Party City,State,Country(place of business) (check applicable) Controlling Intermediary 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. X 6 UNSWORN DECLARATION My name is �-"` �' �/� �-�2!D�7c� and my date of birth is My address is / • d °X 9519 X (street) (city) (state) (zip code) (country) I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. - - Executed in AJ14Z10q-,0e'/-sb"ev- County, State of -,on the 14V day of aG T 20 (month) (year) mac._ Signatu of authorized age 'of contracting business entity / (DeclaWnt) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.1.3a6aaf7d CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 10f1 Complete Nos.1-4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos.1,2,3,5,and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2019-552930 T. Morales Company Electric&Controls, Ltd. Florence,TX United States Date Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 10/18/2019 being filed. City of Round Rock,TX Date Acknowledged: 11/04/2019 g Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract,and provide a description of the services,goods,or other property to be provided under the contract. 000000 WTP&Lake GT Pump&PM WTP&Lake Georgetown Pump&Power Modifications 4 Nature of interest Name of Interested Party City,State,Country(place of business) (check applicable) Controlling Intermediary 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. X 6 UNSWORN DECLARATION My name is and my date of birth is My address is (street) (city) (state) (zip code) (country) I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in County, State of on the day of 20 (month) (year) Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity (Declarant) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.1.3a6aaf7d