Contract - Freightliner of Austin - 11/14/2019 FREIGHTLINER OF AUSTIN 1701 Smith Rd.(Flwy,.183 So.) Bus:512-389-0000 Austin,Texas 78721 FAX:512-389-2663 INV. Wats:1-800-395-2005 Ft Yr;U2iC CITY OF ROUND ROCK 512-218-5571 ADDRESS CITY STATE Z:P CODE 221 E.MAIN ST ROUND ROCK TX 178664 Hereby Purchase frorn You,-Under the Terni and Conditions Specifiecl,737"Folowing: 17-7 MAKE %IUDEA.11609f viN LIULN-16E PL.Ait 2020 7FREIGHTLINER IM2106 IORDER A documentary fee is not an official fee,a documentary fee MILEAGE: is not required by law but may be charged to buyers for handling documents and performing services relating to the the closing of a sale.Buyers may avoid payment of the fee BUY BOARD 77)NTRACT# 521-16 to the seller by handling the documents and performing the services relating to the closing of the sale.A documentary CHASSIS SELLING ,4= fee I'lay not exceed$50.00.This notice is required by law. 15'OX 14 YD DUMP BODY WITH ELETRIC TARPS& 16,203.00 El cobro documental no es un cobro oficial. El cobro (2)STORBE LIGHTS RECESSED IN THE CAB PROTECTOR documental no es tin requisito bajo la ley,Pero se le puede bO I ON PIN I LE III I GH, cobrar.Al comprador por of renditniento de/as servicicis (2)STROBE L1?3HTS RECESSED IN THE REAR POST relacionados con /a completacion de /a venta y par BUY BOARD FEE $T= completar los clocumentos.El comprador puede evitar el pago al vendedor(Ile este costa si el comprador n1ismo se encarga de mandejar/as documentos y de los senicios necesaricis para/,,,)completacion de la venta.El cobra documental no puede sobrepasar los;$50.00(U.&} Este aviso es requerido bajo la ley. Disclaimer ot arras les Any warranties on the products sold hereby are those made by the factory, The Seller,Frei(,shiliner of Austin, hereby expressly disclaims all warranties,either expressed or implied including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose,and Freightliner of Austin,neither ,assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability in Connection with the sale of this vehicle. CUSTOMER SIGNATURE SALESMAN SIGNATURE KEVIN KRIEG WNTTRACTUALDISMLOSURE STARMENI f-OR USED VEHICLE ONLY."Ilie oo Floe window toren for this voijcIe is patt of itiiscowra;n,infom"Awn or)the window 1`01 ill over ieej s any e-rxi I rxy oioviemmsiri vlo'con!rad of ca!e, MILEAGE: �7 TRADITV F-A R 7 ELVBODY i:G-E�41S E P t.A i E IMILEAGE; I- .............. :ARLE DEL/BODY VIN LICENSE PLAiE f0TAL 105,010.00 PAYOFF TO: 'Trade Allowance N/A ADDRESS: Trading Difference N/A TELEPHONE: FAA: Sales Tax N/A GOOD UNTIL: Vehicle Inventory Tax N/A QUOTED BY: License Fee N/A SHOW LIEN TO: BOdy rype: Documentary Fee N/A ADDRESS: License Wt.: Federal Excise Tax N/A' State Insp.: Tam SALE PRICE 105,010.00 DATED: L!EN AMOUNT$ License: Payoff on Trade DRAFT FOR$ Title: Ext.Service Agreement DRAFT THRU: Transfer: Less Deposit ADDRESS: I Total Balance Due 105,010.00 DY lefk1t;)l Tflo the crixs;t ccede,wdl t�:4., vm water.flder p"Fl3;o.i!qg to thtLn'r�jmwmo :wd vo of An./k,_vettlai tjiv-et�* "'01 J.-,,,4temsiy")px"d that tile purchwiv=qwre!5 no vg?it,tiifo c", f-i Qr to the ro:nvf',y'Aftiml he errevo rn;rdlaw nw;eullfler until pot,4lsty 35iu"ufa. �,�txajtelj t�''t tie 011jes heleto,fl.tv J--da rhmr to e-!i ?U Uea:et for tris:i;,ed SALE,S CON'IP ACT�EVT*A Nry EP S OR�)Ek.All ll,,ZV�•Fl.,,'z,,.ar,,'ttrytheflea lh!�m,�iufW""'JW'All bA! V-*7 4-v M t_ FREIGHTLINER OF AUSTIN 1701 Snaith Rd.f.Hvvy.183 So. Bus:512-389-0000 Austin,Texas 78721 FAX:511-:380-2663 INV. Wats:1-800-395.2005 ' ItLk t?S fEt. CITY OF ROUND ROCK 512-218-5571 ADDRESS 0 ry STATE zip Cor)E 221 E. MAIN ST ROUND ROCK TX 78664 I/We t ere y Purchase from You.Under the Terms and Conditions Speri ie:d,the Following: Y•tfi r+.(E- 7!E[/80DV tiff' LICENSE PUITE 2020 FREIGHTLINER 1108SD ORDER A documen#ary fee is not an official fee,a documentary fee 64ILEAGE: is not required by law but tray be charged to buyers for handling documents and performing services relating to the the closing of a sale.Buyers may avoid payment of the fee 521-16 to the seller by handling the documents and performing the services relating to the closing of the sale.A documentary fee may not exceed$50.00.This notice is required by raw. 15'OX 14 YD DUMP BODY WITH ELETRIC TARPS& 17,553,00 El cobro docutnental no es un cobro oficial. El cobro (2)STORBE LIGHTS RECESSED IN THE CAB PROTECTOR documental no es un requisito bajo la ley,Pero se le puede cobrar.Al comprador por el rendimiento de los servicios (2)STROB TIGRTS RECESSED IN THE REAR POS-r- refacionados con la completacion de la vents y por BUY BOARD FEE $400,00 completer los documentos.El cornprador puede evitar el pago al vendedor de este costo si el comprador nxistno se encarga de mandejar los documentos y de los servicios necesarios para la completacion cie la yenta.El cobro documental no puede sobrepasar los$50.00(U.S.) Este aviso es requerido bajo la ley. Disclaimer ot Warranties Any warranties on the products sold hereby are those macre by the factory. The Seller.FreightGner of Austin, hereby expressly disclaims all warranties,either expressed or implied including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose,and Freightliner of Austin,neitfrer assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any !:ability in connection with the sale of this vehicle, CUSTOMER SIGNATURE SALESMAN SIGNATURE KEVIN KRIEG COWRACTUAL MSCLO SURE STATEMENT FOR USED VEHICLE ONLY.'Thu'.,information you see on the window form for it?i>velf dt'l is part of alis contract,infornrltion ort Ino w111r'1fWv rotor overnetls any miltrary provisuonssn ih0 ontrarl of'xvia.' yEAR MAKE "v1•i7EL/13200y AN LICENSE PUVE E4R VIN TOTAL 112,589.00 PAYOFF TO: Trude Allowance N/A ADDRESS: Trading Difference N/A TELEPHONE: FAX: sales Tax N/A GOOD UNTIL: Vehicle Inventory Tax N/A QUOTED BY: License Fee N/A SH0'>,'1r LIEN TO: Body Type: Documentary Fee N/A ADDRESS: t.ice>nse Wt.: Federal Excise Tax N/A State Insp.: `0T,1L SALE PRICE 112,589,00 DATED: LIEN AMOUNT$ License: Payoff on Trade DRAFT FOR$ Titre: Ext.Service Agreement DRAFT 1'HRU: Transfer: Less Deposit ADDRESS:: Total Balance Dare 11.2,539.00 r{r:l:1:`.L'.3:xt.f�ri;(ly r.,l t;1'r(:S:If,r•;' )-ly,... ,�,.ft''.=Ctx3sun?f;r flint Vofi Ai l afl(f lilt,lexis consufner cr.-Wit.cCn'Ie'511'1 f.i'J?al}>.urfor to f:rt(:{u t.1llatit ttl of a t;temt mitt•.V16 W1.:<'11 Cfdel:..t J,'Stite Lr'.tfre a?te:..i.^f pe Jringty ttti5 ptirolif5i ;Jrt:e ni,Eifrtf,t,'j tfif?I'ifFnf C:f isfly(old.teflia3 of w;re n:Y o!it! :T:tt 0'.tfW'olfl:''e'1 It A 1''iptes?;tv Nitl'f;rt fhrft IIIc fsl l'ra:*'aicq:wen fici r"371,flf:[^or IF`tntf:sl m Gt to tn?:liowirtY whioi Ni ayiein t:3 Ftiral w nereusKiot utit,i ruc. ,.Y(,,.st:y:<.<tf'reias?rf•'*?t0 t;iltti(lFr r>r.;i fslfhnt tP:q is 1E f%n f..,i.'t i in..:3:.3 nr Raymewl,agr(i'+mill,ll(rt u:.. tl b>Ole p,3r!.„,h("tE:il7,the te%t?is c.•uhi::!3'niW tflert<i':r ne and a ziew time is!.;fr i'lf?;9 tc dle;liv r>r thfn Used arty.n fS IS CT A CO:'JGtT.O!5L BALka t:O"i titdCT,eUr fS A `YEn S ORDER.hG!},y t 11 (J'3t:t 3r J f i:r j hatta t,',.,..,t.0 t`.rLtiXI L• >i lril ftee!' r;t.r tlY37':rE r:J..i-rt t. ..:,}.5 l'dv,i4f:rn';%:#VSc :i'.::f tnt;c,:rt q,'.01301"hiI•nr"a71 rya.;�R-•,Onvl:t!^y fff.•sat f..3.aY W..E f';l¢3. f$ .^y c1 j.rp t:••'1..f'Sere',it a reo..?1 fn;ft.v?St3Y r Fr ,ts+:r r^M .� n f, g..3 ><.,,,tustirt 3:;3 t"1, i;..tf.,.t...:i ecsy T:'F t,tr;_.lS 3.z.t;:r' ;'r r;.1"tsr...:t tv f;fltsl a,L fcvi'i"rfy:).ry<,f:i,._.�f..?f;ht'7t^s.r of bs.:et h.it'f: 3'i f.:sff?i,r_..y!. FREIGHTLINER OF AUSTIN AL .1701.Smith Ra.{Hwy.183 So.) Hus:512-389-0000 Austin,Texas 78721 FAX:512-389-2663 INV. Wats:1-800-395-2005 CITY OF ROUND ROCK 512-218-5571 ADDRESS CITY STATE 7.:p cODE 221 E. MAIN ST ROUND ROCK TX 178664 I/We,Hereby PUrchase from You.Under the'rerm7—nd Conditions Specified,the Following: MAKE Pilo 777 11,0117 VIN LICUNSE PbTi—E 2020 7FREIGHTLINER IM2106 IORDER A documentary fee is not an official fee,a documentary fee MILEAGE: is not required by law but. may be charged to buyers for handling documents and performing services relating to the the closing of a sale.Buyers may avoid payment of the flee BUY BOARD CONTRACT#521-16 to the seller by handling the documents and performing the services relating to the closing of the sale.A documentary CHASSIS SELLING PRICE 88,407.00 fee may not exceed$50.00.This notice is required by law. :1.51 WARREN 13-15 YD DUMP BODY WITH ELETRIC TARPS& 19,725.00 El cobra documental no es un cobra oficial. El cobro, (2)STORBE LIGHTS RECESSED IN THE CAB PROTECTOR documental no es(in requisito ba.io la/(*,,Pero se le puede ION FINILE MICH, cobrar.Al comprador par el rendirrilento de/as servicios (2)STROBE LIGHTS RECESSED IN THE REAR POST relacionados can /a conipletacion de la vento y par I o v rAL $108,1= completer los documentos.El comprador puede evitar e/ X(2) 216,26T.-UT pago al vendedor de este costa si el comprador mismo se encarga de mandejar/as documentos y de los servicios necesarios para/a corripletacion de la venta.El cobra BUY BOARD FEE $400.00 documental no puede sobrepasar los$50.00(U.S.) Este avis a es requericio bajo la ley. Ise 5imer ot warranties Any warranties on the products sold hereby are those made by the factory, The Seller.Frelghtfiner of Austin, hereby expressly disclaims all warranties,either expressed or implied including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular Purpose,and Freightliner of Austin,neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability in connention with the sale of this vehicle. CUSTOMER SIGNATURE SALESMAN SIGNATURE KEVIN KRIEG CONTRACTUAL CIS.-LOSURE STAMMEM FOR USED VEHICLE ONLY,'Tile "mi:'1,10 toff rut this Vetlic';u is part d Ines ccritract,lWom"Ili'm cri vle vcnjow roam ovevirn any'arlff.iry ptovisit'!n.,in!rlf? of n.I'n M I L.&MI: -7 EAR MAKE 70DEL/BoDy a 'ACFNSF PLAT;: -=E: 'f EAR MAKEDEL/B01ye WN LICENSE PLATE TOT.Al. 216,664.0 PAYOFF TO: Trade Allowance N/A ADDRESS: Trading Difference! N/A TELEPHONE: j FAX: Saes Tax N/A GOOD UNTIL: Vehicle Inventory Tax N/A QUOTED BY: License Fee N/A SHOW LIEN TO: B:Idy'Type: Documentary Feel N/A ADDRESS: License Wt-, Federal Excise Taxi NI/A state 111sp.; TOTAL SALE PRICE 216,664.00 DATED: LIEN AMOUNT L i c e n s e: Payoff on Trade DRAFT FOR$ Title: Ext.Service Agreement DRAFT THRU: Transfer Less Deposit ADDRESS: l'otal Balance Due 216,664.00 w"Pimi c,y re,�JWWI lh.C..xl5awllur Thr b�rrszxde ana ofany illmi,vetwi or ptlmi$.-whalw^'or,wlil be rewrpi!ed It is exp'essy agreed mat aw rulcnww oCilraifCs fx)fight,tlVe.)r inv'(est in Cr to ulle r-tr-.PPf1)r wkll hi,apm-i.'Puri")-.Ase.heleundet ul>t!i Sun wooemy's u,tlwvber"ifid imfi-t the fi Pitz is rm'a Ill C30^-?Satl1fiWv'.'ry defiw"j oaynlellt apeelirpmt isermuttj by the uin term of otli„n'stizi triereaftet De mmi-d:mg,and;!cftmr title ii;fwnutvej to ueaIer r,?,tfif-wied ars of tnxk. if pirly.TIHIS ISN 0 t A LON 01 TIONAL SALES CO.?ITRACT.OUT IS A WUNVI'S ORCER,AV.?iiiw yeh:�;Jus oj�y the stat cath I."5 tin clervocs'.thtre is M guarant'--on t1w abo,'- a Ss c^flow-A wwd e e?';da Qtrler man ammes tin tii:s myl,'r I order,klt.lett';f vur! modo lS ol.t -4rd a�Ttiai ty)-thtr Salesman wiij be-o±. ni,A;q on aie ?tM neithl't Ff6g!!VMr 0 Austral r!rt Itim 113,,11111f; is i gf a tj�, wt?;be �iRio f�,r fullwo W mro'.T 116vety; ear3�"l t'm";Tlg cin 1p'.' by it.ofr.lx�r of Fri.§Vmlier of A'U'inn at its whw in Avvn,rtxx,u ! FREIGHTLINER OF AUSTIN x r' Allp IIA(1f 1�I� t r qq "►���� "�'� P �I� "r 1701 Smith Rd.(hiwy-:183 So.) Bus:511-389.0000 ti Austin,Texas 78721 FAX:512.389-2663 Wats,:1.800.395-200-3 CITY OF ROUND ROCK 512-215-5400 ADDRESS Cl'tY STATE ZW CODE 221 EAST MAIN ST ROUND ROCK JTX 178664 I,lWe Hereby Purchase from You,Under the terms and Conditions,'Specified.the t-oliowing,: r.!) tL,tUL1 Y '!tv LCE1'v t P LA t 2020 FREIGHTLINER I M2106 ORDER A documentary fee is not an official fee,a documentary fee MILEAGE: is riot required by law but may be charged to buyers for handling documents and perforn'ling services relating to the the closing of a sale.Buyers ma.y avoid payment of the fee 707MARD CONTRACT ff 521-16 to the seller by handling the documents and performing the services relating to the closing of the sale.A documentary fee may not exceed$50.00.This notice is required by law. CHASSIS SELLING PRICE $ 15,610.00 El cobro documental no es un cobro oficial. Ef cobro PETERSEN TL3 LOADER 30,671,00 documental no es un requisito bajo la ley,Pero se le puede cobras.Al comprador por el rendirniento de los servicios relacionados con la cormpletacion de la venta y por __I3_U7_B6TRD FEE 400.00 completar los documentos.Ef comprador puede evitar el pa ca at vendedor de este costo si el comprador mismo se encar;a de mandejar los documentos y de las servicios necesarios pare la completacioo de la venta.El cobra documental no puede sobrepasar los$50.00(U.S.) Este aviso es requerido bajo la ley. isc aimer'57 warranties Any warranties on the products sold hereby are those made by tt3e factor. The Seller,Freightliner of Austin, hereby expressly disclaims all warranties,either expressed or implied including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose,and Freightliner,of:Austin,neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to aSSUITle for it any liability in connection with the sale of this vehicle. CUSTOMER SIGNATURE SALESMAN SIGNATURE KEVIN KRIEG CONTRACTUAL LIXIOSURE STATEMENT FOR USED VEHXLEONE Y-'Ttt2:n€.?rmalie S,s to:<x; a n tfte w r v:rnr^t fo th€5:'•reic! is,^.�t;;t t!':: C.>..,r.,t fr tr;r<:31rr„rt r the.v r n€orrtt 4 r:<t;;art, .,ts;r-tr r r,ixai..t :3'ht r�:ttr;7wt c€°;.t3r,_ M.I LEAn E., t YCAR ":LAKE r EL/800y !I: LICENSE PiATE MLEAGE., TRADE-IN YLAR MAKE U60W VIN LICENSE PI-1'rE TOTAL $ 156,681.00 PAYOFF TO: $ Trade Allowance - ADDRESS: Trading Difference $ - TELEPHONE t FAX: Sales Tax $ - GOOD UNTIL: Vehicle Inventory Tax $ - QUOTED BY: $ License Fee - SHOtr'v LIEN TO: Body Type: Documentary Fen $ ADDRESS: license Wt.: Federal Excise Tax $ Stat:Insp.: TOTAL SALE PR.CE $ 156,681.00 DATED: LIEN AMOUNT$ License: Payoff on Trade DRAFT FOR Title~: Ext.Service Agreement. DRAFT THRU: f ransfer: Less Deposit ADDRESS: Total Balance 0 $ 156,681.00 r all alt:::...•'Jo,rertulred ty.'c:le.ral'2g.:tatr^.:t'ZP'r:<:;e:toner Prctero;:;r Act 711::Tt!e TexR3 Lr1MUIT C'I'C'rriiit C:s(;e,Wali ha trade T:sror to ra.'r:;tsn:mdttUr:.•€a uc,11t rt S Kt-.ttl,:n rale:c:;rn^:nsr_`•,the r;r:t red:tern art• : ; CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 1 of 1 Complete Nos.1-4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos.1,2,3,5,and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2019-557832 Freightliner of Austin Austin,TX United States Date Filed: ame M governmental entity or state agency t at is a party to the contract for which t e form is 11/04/2019 being filed. City of Round Rock Date Acknowledged: g Provide the identification number used by the govemmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract,and provide a description of the services,goods,or other property to be provided under the contract. 000000 Trucks . ......... . ..... ............. 4 Nature of interest Name of Interested Party City,State,Country(place of business) (check applicable) Controlling'''I Intermediary Hempel,Carlton Austin,TX United States X 6 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑ NSWORN DECLARATION d4 name s AW/1 "` n .. a d my date of birth is f r address is !r -70 f !! : a�, �, /,,1- ,.► �""" (street) (city) (state) (zip code) (country) 4 declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. , ,�.�. y Executed in County, State of 7'�Y-4-4 ,on the 7' day of_���r�.� ,20 j (month) (year) ,,signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity (Declarant) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.bcus Version V1.1.3a6aaf7d CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 1 of 1 Complete Nos.1-4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos.1,2,3,5,and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2019-557832 Freightliner of Austin Austin,TX United States Date Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 11/04/2019 being filed. City of Round Rock Date Acknowledged: 11/04/2019 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract,and provide a description of the services,goods,or other property to be provided under the contract. 000000 Trucks 4 Nature of interest Name of Interested Party City,State,Country(place of business) (check applicable) Controlling Intermediary Hempel, Carlton Austin,TX United States X 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑ 6 UNSWORN DECLARATION My name is and my date of birth is My address is (street)) (city) (state) (zip code) (country) I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in County, State of on the day of 20 (month) (year) Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity (Declarant) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.1.3a6aaf7d