Contract - T. Morales Company Electric & Controls - 12/5/2019 Page 1 of 3 Contract Quantity Adjustment/Change Order r", ROCK TEXAS rev,01/16 Department: Utilities&Environmental Services Project Name: Round Rock WTP&Lake Georgetown Pump&Pump Modifications Date: 10/31/19 City Project Change Order/Quantity ID Number 1805 Adjustment No. 2 Vendor T.Morales Company Electric&Controls 601 S. Patterson Ave- Florence Tx 76527 254-793-4344 Company Name Address Phone No. Justification Requested by CORR to provide new Controls wires Raw Water Pump Station Site as well as provide backup power for pumps 4,5,6 which requires medium voltage wire and wire terminations and relocate the Electrical house Builiding at the High Service Pump Station which requires additive footage to large copper conductors and additive footage to purposed ductbanks,This work was not in original scope of work. SUMMARY Amount % Change Original Contract Price: $6,233,999.94 Previous Quantity Adjustment(s): This Quantity Adjustment: Total Quantity Adjustment(s): $0.00 Total Contract Price with Quantity Adjustment(s): $6,233,999.94 Previous Change Order(s): $85,621.00 10/0 This Change Order: $299,159.00 5% Total Change Order(s)To Date: $384,780.00 6% Adjusted Contract Price [Original Contract Price Plus Quantity Adjustment(s)Plus Change Order(s)]: $6,618,779.94 Difference between Original and Adjusted Contract Prices: $384,780.00 Original Contract Time: 335 Time Adjustment by previous Quan.Adj./Change Order: 90 Time Adjustment by this Quan.Adj./Change Order: 46 New Contract Time: 471 Submitted for Approval Prepared By: Randy M. Eldridge/TMC 10/31/19 ignature Printed Name,Title,Company Date Approvals Contractor: Randy M. Eldridge/COO/TMC 10/31/19 Signature Printed Name,Title, Company Date City Project Manager: ?,A&. f ignatu Printed Name,Title Date Mayor/C ty Manager) 6RI11, G• l Signature Printed Y4ame,TitleJ Date Page 2 of 3 Contract Quantity Adjustment/Change Order ROUND ROCK TEXAS rev,01/16 Project Name: Round Rock WTP&Lake Georgetown Pump&Pump Modifications Quan.Adj./Change Order No.: 2 Change Order Data Contract Time Adjustment Item # Item Description Unit Qty. Unit Price Amount (Days) 1 1 $0.00 $0.00 0 2 $0.00 $0.00 3 Lake GT RWP 7,8,9 Controls Repair 1 1 $13,787.00 $13,787.001 4 4 WTP Relocate Ehouse 1 1 $268,146.00 $268,146.00 42 5 $0.00 6 $0.00 $0.00 7 $0.00 $0.00 0 8 RWPS Backup Power 1 1 $17,226.00 $17,226.00 0- $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTALS: $299,159.001 4 . Morales Company Electric/Controls&Instrumentation Project: Round Rock WTP & Lake GT Date: 10/31/2019 Pump & Pumps Modifications TMC Change#: COR-03 Rev 00 Owner: City of Round Rock Project Change#: N/A Change Order Request Morales Company offers a change in pricing for consideration by the owner to provide the required materials and services for the following changes in scope of work. Georgetown Raw Water Pump Station—Control Wire Replacements Per the request of the owner, during the scheduled shutdown time of pumps 7,8 and, 9, T.Morales company will demo the existing Qty-12 #12 control wires from the valves located in the intake vault for pumps 7,8 and,9. TMC will then re- pull a Qty-12 #12 XHHW Red Control Wires at 3000ft each to the intake vault from the VFD Cabinet and terminate the controls wires in each valve and in each VFD Cabinet. T.Morales Company will utilize the existing flex and connectors as they are still in good condition. TMC will fire tape the wires through each manhole and make sure each run is adequately supported. It is assumed that the existing valves have the available Dry AUX Contacts to accommodate the new status points. No valve modifications are include din this Change Order Request. Total cost for the additional work associated with this change is $ 13,787.00. Extension in Time Request: Submittals and approvals: 0 weeks. Lead time for procurement: 0 weeks. Approx time for installation: 4 Days. Change Initiated By: Jeff Bell / CORR Change Prepared By: Randy M. Eldridge /TMC Change Delivered To: George Luke/ Gupta Response Rqst'd By: ASAP Carbon Copy To: Josh Wharton /TMC PO Box 859 601 South Patterson Avenue Florence, Texas 76527 Florence, Texas 76527 Phone: 254-793-4344 Fax: 254-793-3044 Bid:#6-COR-03 Control Wire JOB 1372 2019-RME:2019 Randy's Jobs... T Morales Company ESTIMATE 2 201928:201928 CORR WTP&... PO Box 859 DATA SET 9 TMC WTP-NECA dataset Florence,Tx 76527 DATE 10/31/2019 4:09:48 PM 254-793-4344/254-793-3044 tdeldridge@moralescompany.com Index Description Reference Type Reference I RefAmount Operation Rate Amount 1 MATERIALS/QUOTES: 0.00 2 Misc Materials: Material Total 3,131.67 1.00 3,131.67 3 Quote#1 Calculated 0.00 1.00 0.00 4 Quote#2 Calculated 0.00 1.00 0.00 5 SUBTOTAL 3,131.67 6 0.00 7 SALES TAX: Material Total 3,131.67 % 0.00 8 SUBTOTAL 0.00 9 0.00 10 LABOR: 0.00 11 Straight Time Labor Labor Total 119.43 46.22 5,520.05 12 Overtime Labor Calculated 0.00 69.33 0.00 13 Exec Order 13706 Hours Labor Total 119.43 0.00 14 Exec Order 13706 Rate Component 13 0.00 0.00 15 Gen Foreman Hours Labor Total 119.43 % 10.00 11.94 16 Gen Foreman Rate Component 15 11.94 50.97 608.73 17 Material Hndler Hrs Labor Total 119.43 % 5.00 5.97 18 Material Hndler Rate Component 17 5.97 35.04 209.24 19 Update As Built Dwgs Calculated 1.00 49.00 49.00 20 SUBTOTAL 6,387.03 21 0.00 22 DIRECT JOB EXPENSES: 0.00 23 Expendable Tools Material Total 3,131.67 % 6.00 187.90 24 Equipment 0.00 25 Warranty on Material Component 5 3,131.67 % 3.00 93.95 26 Warranty on Labor Component 20 6,387.03 % 3.00 191.61 27 SUBTOTAL 473.46 28 0.00 29 SUBCONTRACTS: 0.00 30 Sub#1 Calculated 0.00 0.00 31 Sub#2 Calculated 0.00 0.00 32 SUBTOTAL 0.00 33 0.00 34 JOB SUBTOTAL 9,992.16 35 0.00 36 MARKUPS: 0.00 37 Liability/Bldrs Risk Component 34 9,992.16 % 2.00 199.84 38 WrkComp/SS/Unmplymnt Component 20 6,387.03 % 25.00 1,596.76 39 Overhead @ 5% Component 34 9,992.16 % 5.00 499.61 40 JOB TOTAL 12,288.37 41 0.00 42 Profit @ 10% Component 40 12,288.37 % 10.00 1,228.84 43 JOB TOTAL+PROFIT Component 42 1,228.84 1.00 13,517.21 44 Perf_Payment Bond Component 43 13,517.21 % 2.00 270.34 45 ADD BOND Component 44 270.34 1.00 13,787.55 46 0.00 47 BID TOTAL 13,787.55 Page 1 of 1 COR-03 JOB 1372 2019-RME:2019 Randy's Job... T Morales Company PRINTED 10/31/2019 11:45:44 AM ESTIMATE 2 201928:201928 CORR WTP... PO Box 859 MATERIAL Discounted DATA SET 9 TMC WTP-NECA dataset Florence,Tx 76527 LABOR Primary 254-793-4344/254-793-3044 tdeldridge@moralescompany.com NOTES Item Material Labor Size I Item Desc I Qty UOM I Mat Unit Mat Adj Mat Ext Lbr Unit Lbr Adj Lbr Ext FIRE RETARDANT SCOTCH77 20.00 FIBERGLASS TAPE 5.00 14 XHHW STR CU 39,000.00 FEET SMALL WIRE TERM-LABOR ONLY 12.00 EACH TY523M CABLE TIE 33.00 EACH Grand Totals 1 3,131.67 119.4300 Page 1 of 1 . Morales Company Electric/Controls&Instrumentation Project: Round Rock WTP & Lake GT Date: 10-31-19 Pump & Pumps Modifications TMC Change#: COR-04 Rev 03 Owner: City of Round Rock Project Change#: NIA Change Order Request Morales Company offers a change in pricing for consideration by the Owner to provide the requirements for the relocation of the purposed Electric House. The work to be performed is stated as followed: Water Treatment Plant—Relocation of Electric Building Slab: T. Morales Company will install the revised Ductbanks 1, 3, 5 and, 6. TMC will excavate and install an added length of 60'for DB-01 which consists of Qty-20 —4" PVC Conduits filled with 64 individual runs of 500MCM XHHW Copper Wire and Qty-4—2" PVC Conduits filled with 1 run of 6 Strand Fiber Optic Cable and Qty-28#14 XHHW Copper Wire. TMC will excavate and install the revised DB-03 which increased 90'consisting of Qty-20—4" PVC Conduits filled with 64 individual runs of 500MCM XHHW Copper Wire and Qty-4—2" PVC Conduits filled with 6 runs of#10 XHHW Copper Wire. TMC will excavate and install an added length with DB-05 with an increase of 40' consisting of Qty-5—4" PVC Conduits filled with 15 individual runs of 1000MCM XHHW Copper Wire and 5 individual runs of 350MCM XHHW Copper wire for the ground, Qty-3" PVC Conduits filled with 6 individual runs of 250MCM XHHW Copper Wire and Qty-5 —2" PVC Conduits filled with Qty-22#14 XHHW Copper Wire. Originally purposed, was to have all the Ductbanks tie into DB-06 which will require the Ductbank to increase in Width and Depth. TMC purposes and alternate route for DB-05 per Exhibit A, this change will not increase the length of DB-05 anymore than what is originally purposed and will help decrease the depth of DB-06, as well as make the wire pulls more efficient and require less trenching and rebar. This overall change will allow the Electric House to not sit directly above the main water line in order to reduce the risk of damage while excavating Ductbanks for the Electric House as well as keeping accessibility to the waterline if needed. Total cost for the additional work associated with this change is $268,146.00. Extension in Time Request: Submittals and approvals: 0 weeks. Lead time for procurement: 3 weeks. Approx time for installation: 3 weeks Total 6 weeks Change Initiated By: Jeff Bell / CORR Change Prepared By:Randy M. Eldridge / TMC Change Delivered To:George Luke / Gupta Response Rqst'd By: ASAP Carbon Copy To: Josh Wharton / TMC PO Box 859 601 South Patterson Avenue Florence, Texas 76527 Florence, Texas 76527 Phone: 254-793-4344 Fax: 254-793-3044 Bid:#5-COR-04 REV02 JOB 1372 2019-RME:2019 Randy's Jobs... T Morales Company ESTIMATE 2 201928:201928 CORR WTP&... PO Box 859 DATA SET 9 TMC WTP-NECA dataset Florence,Tx 76527 DATE 10/31/2019 4:11:05 PM 254-793-4344/254-793-3044 tdeldridge@moralescompany.com Index Description Reference Type Reference Ref Amount Operation Rate Amount 1 MATERIALS/QUOTES: 0.00 2 Misc Materials: Material Total 95,847.77 1.00 95,847.77 3 PROTA CONSTRUCTION Calculated 84,632.00 1.00 84,632.00 4 CPUSA Calculated 466.00 1.00 466.00 5 SUBTOTAL 180,945.77 6 0.00 7 SALES TAX: Material Total 95,847.77 % 0.00 8 SUBTOTAL 0.00 9 0.00 10 LABOR: 0.00 11 Straight Time Labor Labor Total 464.77 46.22 21,481.67 12 Overtime Labor Calculated 0.00 69.33 0.00 13 Exec Order 13706 Hours Labor Total 464.77 0.00 14 Exec Order 13706 Rate Component 13 0.00 0.00 15 Gen Foreman Hours Labor Total 464.77 % 10.00 46.48 16 Gen Foreman Rate Component 15 46.48 50.97 2,368.93 17 Material Hndler Hrs Labor Total 464.77 % 5.00 23.24 18 Material Hndler Rate Component 17 23.24 35.04 814.28 19 Update As Built Dwgs Calculated 1.00 49.00 49.00 20 SUBTOTAL 24,713.88 21 0.00 22 DIRECT JOB EXPENSES: 0.00 23 Expendable Tools Material Total 95,847.77 % 6.00 5,750.87 24 Equipment 0.00 25 Warranty on Material Component 5 180,945.77 % 3.00 5,428.37 26 Warranty on Labor Component 20 24,713.88 % 3.00 741.42 27 SUBTOTAL 11,920.66 28 0.00 29 SUBCONTRACTS: 0.00 30 Sub#1 Calculated 0.00 0.00 31 Sub#2 Calculated 0.00 0.00 32 SUBTOTAL 0.00 33 0.00 34 JOB SUBTOTAL 217,580.30 35 0.00 36 MARKUPS: 0.00 37 Liability/Bldrs Risk Component 34 217,580.30 % 2.00 4,351.61 38 WrkComp/SS/Unmplymnt Component 20 24,713.88 % 25.00 6,178.47 39 Overhead @ 5% Component 34 217,580.30 % 5.00 10,879.02 40 JOB TOTAL 238,989.40 41 0.00 42 Profit @ 10% Component 40 238,989.40 % 10.00 23,898.94 43 JOB TOTAL+PROFIT Component 42 23,898.94 1.00 262,888.34 44 Perf Payment Bond Component 43 262,888.34 % 2.00 5,257.77 45 ADD BOND Component 44 5,257.77 1.00 268,146.10 46 0.00 47 BID TOTAL 268,146.10 Page 1 of 1 COR-4 BLD RELOCATE REV01 JOB 1372 2019-RME:2019 Randy's Jobs... T Morales Company PRINTED 10/21/2019 3:25:59 PM ESTIMATE 2 201928:201928 CORR V\/TP&... PO Box 859 MATERIAL Discounted DATA SET 9 TMC WTP-NECA dataset Florence,Tx 76527 LABOR Primary 254-793-4344/254-793-3044 tdeldridge@moralescompany.com NOTES Item Material Labor Size Item Desc Qty UOM Mat Unit Mat Adj Mat Ext Lbr Unit Lbr Adj I Lbr Ext ROCK-HAMMER TRENCH 52... 60.00 3X3 CMU BLOCK UNDER CA... 300.00 DUCTBANK MARKER 6.00 ROCK-HAMMER TRENCH 24... 90.00 ROCK-HAMMER TRENCH 36... 40.00 2" PVC Sch 40 Carlon#49011010 670.00 FEET 3" PVC Sch 40 Carlon#49013010 120.00 FEET 4" PVC Sch 40 Carlon#49015010 3,200.00 FEET 2" PVC Coup Carlon#E940J 9.00 EACH 3" PVC Coup Carlon#E940L 5.00 EACH 4" PVC Coup Carlon#E940N 25.00 EACH NYLON LINE 3,990.00 FEET 14 XHHW STR CU 2,560.00 FEET 10 XHHW STR CU 180.00 FEET 8 XHHW STR CU 120.00 FEET 250 XHHW STR CU 160.00 FEET 350 XHHW STR CU 200.00 FEET 500 XHHW STR CU 9,600.00 FEET 1000 XHHW STR CU 600.00 FEET 4X2 INTERMEDIATE SPACER 645.00 EACH 4X2 BASE SPACER 252.00 EACH 6"WARNING TAPE PLAS 190.00 FEET #6 STEEL REBAR 1,120.00 FEET 3000#CONCRETE 99.00 CYD Red Dye(Lbs) 96.00 LBS HAUL OFF WASTE DIRT 250.00 CYD 2" PVC COATED ELB 40MIL 5.00 EACH 3" PVC COATED ELB 40MIL 2.00 EACH 4" PVC COATED ELB 40MIL 4.00 EACH Fiber Optic(6)Strand 60.00 FEET Grand Totals 95,847.77 464.7700 Page 1 of 1 PROTA CONSTRUCTION INC AND PROTA INC, JV October 17,2019 Mr.Randy M.Eldridge COO T Morales Company Electric&Control,Ltd P.O.Box 859 Florence,Texas 76527 RE: Proposal Change Order Cost for Additional Conduits Rev.I TRAVIS COUNTY MUD No.4 NORTH WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT UNIT#1 REHABILITATION AUSTIN,TEXAS Mr.Eldridge, Below,you will find our proposal cost for the additional works to install several conduits. Our proposal was based in the following information: • Duct bank 1 (from EMH by building one to DS-5(Reference attached—06-1805—20E02-Lavoutl) 0 Ductbank Increase of 160' in length ■ Qty 60tt- Rock Hammer Trench 52Wx60D ■ Qty 1,200ft- 4"Sch 40 PVC Conduits(Installation) ■ Qty 240ft- 2" Sch 40 PVC Conduits(Installation) ■ Qty 65- 3x3 CMLi Block Under Cage ■ Qty 78- base spacer 4"x 2"(Installation) ■ Qty 234- intermediate spacer 4"x2"(Installation) ■ Qty 2- OOEO4, Detail DO3 Ductbank Marker ■ Qty 1460' - #5 Rebar Runners ■ Qty 16- #4 Rebar Stirrups(4'6aC) ■ Qty 31 Cy- 3,000 PSI Red Concrete for trenching ■ Qty 60' - 6"Trench Mag Tape(Installation) ■ Qty 64 Tons- Haul Off Waste Spoil from Trench • Duct bank 3(from EMH outside building two to new ENIH-(Reference attached—06-1805—20EO2- Lavoutl 0 Ductbank Increase of 90' ■ Qty 90tt- Rock Hammer Trench 52Wx48D ■ Qty 2,800ft- 4"Sch 40 PVC Conduits(Installation) ■ Qty 27011- 2" Sch 40 PVC Conduits(Installation) ■ Qty 95- 3x3 CMU Block Under Cage ■ Qty 1 14- base spacer 2"x 3"(Installation) ■ Qty 342- intermediate spacer 4"x 2"(Installation) ■ Qty 1 - OOE04, Detail D03 Ductbank Marker ■ Qty 2,420' - 45 Rebar Runners ■ Qty 23- #4 Rebar Stirrups(4'(ceC) ■ Qty 43 Cy- 3,000 PSI Red Concrete for trenching ■ Qty 90' - 6"Trench Mag Tape(Installation) ■ Qty 89 Tons- Haul Off Waste Spoil from Trench � MMe✓"M N P.O. Box 342195 Austin,TX 78734 Phone: 512-535- 555 Fax: 512-535-5441 info@protaconstruction.com PROTA CONSTRUCTION INC AND PROTA INC, JV • Duct bank 5(from EHH to DS-G)(Reference attached—06-1805—20E02-Layout1) o Ductbank Increase of 40' ■ Qty 40ft- Rock Hammer Trench 36Wx6OD ■ Qty 200ft- 4"Sch 40 PVC Conduits(Installation) ■ Qty 120ft- 3"Sch 40 PVC Conduits(Installation) ■ Qty 160ft- 2" Sch 40 PVC Conduits(Installation) ■ Qty 27- 3x3 CMU Block Under Cage ■ Qty 36- base spacer 4"x 2"(Installation) ■ Qty 72- intermediate spacer 4"x 2"(Installation) ■ Qty 1 - OOE04,Detail D03 Ductbank Marker(Installation) ■ Qty 800' - #5 Rebar Runners ■ Qty 11 - #4 Rebar Stirrups(4'@C) ■ Qty 12- 3,000 PSI Red Concrete for trenching ■ Qty 40' - 6"Trench Mag Tape(Installation) ■ Qty 24 Tons - Haul Off Waste Spoil from Trench Some changes were made in the quantities of the 3"x 3" CMU Block, because we assumed 1 each 1 foot wide and should be laid every 5 ft. The base and intermediate spacers' quantities also change. The quantities of the rebar runners and the stirrups also changed. For example,the 52"x 32"duckbank are required 9 rebars at the top and 9 at the bottom, also at each side are required 3 rebars. For the stirrups we used a spacing of 4' as indicated in the plans provided. The additional cost for the works above-mentioned is for the quantity of . $84,632.00 Please feel free to contact us, if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, 1 Kermith M.Flores Garcia PROTA Construction Inc. P.O. Box 34219,5..A tin,TX 78734 Phone: 512-535- Fax: 512-535-5441 info@protaconstruction.com GENERALNOTES- 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY LOCATION OF ALL THE EOI/IPMEINT AND UNDERGROUND DUCTBANKS AND UTILITIES IN THE FIELD. Exhibit A 2. POWER TO THE SITE IS PROVIDED BY PEDERNALES ELECTRIC COOP.THE POINT OF CONTACT FOR PEDERNALES ELECTRIC COOP.IS / MATTHEW GONZALEZ 512-799.2028. 3. ALL WORK SHALL BE COORDINATED V ITH THE / POWER COMPANY. LOAD BANK NEW PRE- duct bank 5 4. LOCATION OF EXISTING AND NEW UNDERGROUND CONNECTION MANUFACTU /--� DUCTBA14KS IS APPROXIMATE. ZELECTRICAL UILD G J--t 5. FIELD ADJUST INSTALLATION OF NEW DUCTBANKS AND ELECTRICAL MANHOLES. 1 fi. REPAIR THE DRIVEWAY AFTER INSTALLATION OF ` NEW MANHOLES 8 DUCTBANKS. `\ EXIST 354"LINE NOTES' * O EXISTING ENCLOSURE SHALL BE USED AS PULL BOX REFER TO SHEET 20DE02. 5 EXISTING 31"LINE O ROUTE NEW CONDUCTORS IN EXISTING CONDUITS. —- 20 E02 3 I ' O REFER TO 20E03 FOR RISER DIAGRAM. I. 2DE02 i Oq INTERCEPT EXISTING CONDUITS AND INSTALL NEW O �I MANHOLE.INSTALL NEW CONDUCTOR SEE ONE LINE I DIAGRAM. I 2aE92 I I l 4 REFER TO SHEET 20E04 FOR ONE-LINE DIAGRAM. - ---------- ————9----- `I O REFER TO SHEET 20EO7 FOR ONE-UNE DIAGRAM. 5 f ----- 20E02 ------- O COORDINATE THE MANHOLE NUMBERS IN THE FIELD. u O COORDINATE DEMOLITION AND INSTALLATION WITH LC6-iP ` POWER COMPANY. 9 EXISTING PLANT GROUNDING SYSTEM. EXISTING LIGHT . 4-0"C. SPARE ` FIXTURE EHH GEN-1P O 10 TO EXISTING DISTRIBUTION.PANEL PP-GENA. onl O o ` 3 1 1 EMH \ 2 - [E.11TING ?0"LINE GENERATOR / 2O OSfiA-C � a TSW-203 DS5A-C GE14ERATOR PANEL GP GENERATOR CONTROL PANEL GCP E CONFORMED DRAWING Thee doc„meet.s comwmea aecemem. EXISTING GROUND Il c slzls ei\he oriq�eol doamems STORAGE TANK sued f,bdddeq I„W ehKh o11 the 0,.Zd(Addenda 1 en4 2)issued dw11 the ad di neee base t....IN.d.u Were An disc—1,es beteeee tm nawmea dec„mem a„d the comma „m<eee the­tmct aecemmts-11 qov The comma doc ants ore os deo„ed�e the ay mentum 3 TIC SEAL THAT ORONALLY APPEARED ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS AUTHORIZED B! MCTn L AOCXfAMI- HIGH SERVICE PUMP STATIONRE NO 45314 �i ELECTRICAL MODIFICATION ON MD HL(17/01/2019. ALTERATION OF A SEiNLED PLAN DOGLLENT YUHOUf PROPER O r TOFULLCR ONSELE EN OF THE -ip ��i AT FIS INCH / I RFSPOFBBF DJOHfER IS AN ...... SCIE T FWCH Y OFOFFENSE:LrCQt THE TEXAS NLONE Q DJGNERNO PPALTICE AAT. n AE�u4:h er K.KADAM GAI CITY OF ROUND ROCK.TEXAS ELECTRICAL PROJECT NO. 1805 FILE NAME 1805 20E01 M.GOFF WATER TREATMENT PLANT HIGH SERVICE PUMP STATION 7-11 - 0 0324119 MG RFINO.4 [TINK-r VAGUPTA I:NPia Zk.l»0ndlts,IIIc. - SHEET NO. H 05,02119 MG ApDENDUMNO.1 CONSULTINGEIIGINEERING �RWN�ROCT.'tFxAS AND LAKE GEORGETOWN ENLARGED SITE PLAN-MODIFICATION ve.1— M.AGGARWAL Rea:s'IaLan Na.F-2593 :9�MNSE mtsMn FMf.:culr RE DATE oRY.T1 REMARhS PUMP&POWER MODIFICATIONS 20E01 NO. APRIL 2019 „�,. o„„r,,. 30 OF e5 CONFORMED-ISSUED FOR' R TI N . Morelos Company Electric/Controls&Instrumentation Project: Round Rock WTP & Lake GT Date: 10-31-19 Pump & Pumps Modifications TMC Change #: COR-08 Rev 00 Owner: City of Round Rock Project Change#: N/A Chanqe Order Request Morales Company offers a change in pricing for consideration by the Owner to supply generator backup power for the Georgetown Raw Water Pump Station. The work to be performed is stated as followed: Lake Georgetown Raw Water—Emergency Backup Temporary Power Cables: T. Morales Company will provide a Qty-2 individually reeled multi-conductor 2/0-3 conductor shielded with ground MPGC Mining cable assemblies each at 150ft each on wooden cable reels for storage. T. Morales will provide MV 3M 5Kv termination kits installed on each end of the cable assemblies that will be ready for termination at the existing MVMCC1 motor control center to be located in building No. 3 for pumps 4,5 &6. During a normal power outage, the following installation of the proposed temporary feeder cable assemblies is recommended: 1) Pull Primary Fuses at pole mount aerial fused cut-outs feeding pad mount transformer TX-2 located behind Building 2 2) Pull load break elbows at primary compartment locate in pad mount transformer TX-2 and dock load break connectors 3) Utilize MV Phase Stike testing equipment to both test and drain residual voltage from pad mount transformer TX-2 windings and confirm safe. 4) At Motor Control Center MVMCC1 located at Building 3, testing oncoming line feeders to MVMCC1 and verify no voltage. 5) Disconnect incoming line feeders to main switch at MVMCC1 located in building 3 and bag terminations to keep clean of dirt on stress cones and secure out of way of temporary feeders at connection points. 6) At MVMCC1 located in building 3, open feeder breakers to Pumps 4,5 &6. 7) Run Pre-Terminated Qty-2 individually reeled multi-conductor 2/0-3 conductor shielded with ground MPGC Mining cable assemblies from existing generator switch located in the existing generator enclosure at back of switch to the MVMCC1 located at building No. 3 8) Terminate the Qty-2 individually reeled multi-conductor 2/0-3 conductor shielded with ground MPGC Mining cable assemblies at the existing generator switch located in the existing generator enclosure at back of switch and at the main switch at the MVMCC1 located at building No. 3. 9) Start Generator and verify voltage with MV Phasing Testers and verify rotation with MV Rotation Meter. 10) After verification of correct voltage and phase rotation close main breakers feeding pumps 4&5 (leave main breaker off for RW Pump No 6 due to over load of generator. 11) Turn over to operation to CORR plant operators. Total cost for the additional work associated with this change is $ 17,226.00. Extension in Time Request: Submittals and approvals: 0 weeks. Lead time for procurement: 0 weeks. Approx time for installation: 0 weeks Total 0 weeks Change Initiated By: Jeff Bell / CORR Change Prepared By:Randy M. Eldridge / TMC Change Delivered To:George Luke / Gupta Response Rqst'd By: ASAP Carbon Copy To: Josh Wharton /TMC PO Box 859 601 South Patterson Avenue Florence, Texas 76527 Florence, Texas 76527 Phone: 254-793-4344 Fax: 254-793-3044 Bid:#7-COR-07 JOB 1372 2019-RME:2019 Randy's Jobs... T Morales Company ESTIMATE 2 201928:201928 CORR WTP&... PO Box 859 DATA SET 9 TMC WTP-NECA dataset Florence,Tx 76527 DATE 10/31/2019 1:22:57 PM 254-793-4344/254-793-3044 tdeldridge@moralescompany.com Index Description Reference Type Reference RefAmount Operation Rate Amount 1 MATERIALS/QUOTES: 0.00 2 Misc Materials: Material Total 8,059.20 * 1.00 8,059.20 3 0.00 4 QUOTES: 0.00 5 Sunbelt-Soloman Corporation Calculated 2,690.00 * 1.00 2,690.00 6 Qte#2 Calculated 0.00 * 0.00 7 Qte#3 Calculated 0.00 * 0.00 8 SUBTOTAL 10,749.20 9 0.00 10 SALES TAX: Material Total 8,059.20 % 0.00 11 SUBTOTAL 0.00 12 HYM 0.00 13 LABOR: 0.00 14 Straight Time Labor Labor Total 41.11 * 46.22 1,900.10 15 Overtime Labor Calculated 0.00 * 69.33 0.00 16 Exec Order 13706 Hours Labor Total 41.11 * 0.00 17 Exec Order 13706 Rate Component 16 0.00 * 46.22 0.00 18 Gen Foreman Hours Labor Total 41.11 % 5.00 2.06 19 Gen Foreman Rate Component 18 2.06 * 50.97 104.77 20 Material Hndler Hrs Labor Total 41.11 % 3.00 1.23 21 Material Hndler Rate Component 20 1.23 * 35.04 43.21 22 Update As Built Dwgs Calculated 1.00 * 49.00 49.00 23 SUBTOTAL 2,097.09 24 0.00 25 DIRECT JOB EXPENSES: 0.00 26 Expendable Tools Material Total 8,059.20 % 3.00 241.78 27 Equipment 0.00 28 Warranty on Material Component 8 10,749.20 % 6.00 644.95 29 Warranty on Labor Component 23 2,097.09 % 6.00 125.83 30 SUBTOTAL 1,012.55 31 0.00 32 SUBCONTRACTS: 0.00 33 Sub#1 Calculated 0.00 0.00 34 Sub#2 Calculated 0.00 * 0.00 35 SUBTOTAL 0.00 36 0.00 37 JOB SUBTOTAL 13,858.84 38 0.00 39 MARKUPS: 0.00 40 Liability/Bldrs Risk Component 37 13,858.84 % 2.00 277.18 41 WrkComp/SS/Unmplymnt Component 23 2,097.09 % 25.00 524.27 42 Overhead @ 5% Component 37 13,858.84 % 5.00 692.94 43 JOB TOTAL 15,353.23 44 0.00 45 Profit @ 10% Component 43 15,353.23 % 10.00 1,535.32 46 JOB TOTAL+PROFIT Component 45 1,535.32 * 1.00 16,888.56 47 Perf Payment Bond Component 46 16,888.56 % 2.00 337.77 48 ADD BOND Component 47 337.77 * 1.00 17,226.33 49 0.00 50 BID TOTAL 17,226.33 Page 1 of 1 COR08 GT RWP BACKUP PWR JOB 1372 2019-RME:2019 Randy's Jobs... T Morales Company PRINTED 10/31/2019 1:23:41 PM ESTIMATE 2 201928:201928 CORR WTP&... PO Box 859 MATERIAL Discounted DATA SET 9 TMC WTP-NECA dataset Florence,Tx 76527 LABOR Primary 254-793-4344/254-793-3044 tdeldridge@moralescompany.com NOTES Item Material Labor Size Item Desc Qty UOM Mat Unit Mat Adj Mat Ext Lbr Unit Lbr Adj Lbr Ext Phase-Stick Test&Bleed Voltage Prim/Sec 1.00 MV Phase Stick Test Voltage 1.00 2/0-3C-5KV SHLD MPGC MINING CABLE 300.00 MEDIUM VOLTAGE TERMINATION KIT 5KV 4.00 DISCONNECT SECONDARY AT TX-2 1.00 GROUND MEDIUM VOLT CABLES 1.00 5KV Cable Termination 4.00 Connect Temp Cable to MVMCC-1 Main 3.00 Connect Temp Cables to Generator Breaker 3.00 Generator Start-up 1.00 Closeout Breaker RWP4&RWP5 1.00 Disconnect Utility Pwr from MVMCC-1 1.00 Unroll 2/0-3C-5KV SHLD MPGC MINING CAB... 1.00 3/8 Nuts&Lock Rings 24.00 3/8 x 1 Washers 48.00 3/8 x 2 Bolts 24.00 1. THHN STR CU 300.00 FEET 1. AUCU CRIMP LUG 4.00 EACH Grand Totals 8,059.20 41.1100 Page 1 of 1 CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 lofl Complete Nos.1-4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos.1,2,3,5,and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of lousiness entity filing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2019-557397 T. Morales Company Electric&Controls, Ltd. Florence,TX United States Date Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 10/31/2019 being filed. City of Round Rock,TX Date Acknowledged: 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract,and provide a description of the services,goods,or other property to be provided under the contract. 000000 WTP&Lake GT Pump&PM WTP&Lake Georgetown Pump&Power Modifications 4 Nature of interest Name of Interested Party City,State,Country(place of business) (check applicable) Controlling Intermediary 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. X 6 UNSWORN DECLARATION My name is , and my date of birth is My address is AZe,e (street) (city) (state) (zip code) (country) I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in �`l1 l /! do � /'+lG County, State of_ ft"S ,on the day of�C7_�,20 onth) (year) Signatur f uthorized agent of contractin usiness entity (Declarant) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.1.3a6aaf7d CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1.295 1 of 1 Complete Nos.1-4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos.1,2,3,5,and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. T. Morales Company Electric&Controls, Ltd. 2019-557397 Florence,TX United States Date Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 10/31/2019 being filed. City of Round Rock,TX Date Acknowledged: 11/21/2019 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract,and provide a description of the services,goods,or other property to be provided under the contract. 000000 WTP&Lake GT Pump&PM WTP&Lake Georgetown Pump&Power Modifications 4 Nature of interest Name of Interested Party City,State,Country(place of business) (check applicable) Controlling I Intermediary 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑ X 6 UNSWORN DECLARATION My name is and my date of birth is My address is (street) (city) (state) (zip code) (country) I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in County, State of on the day of 20 (month) (year) Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity (Declarant) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.1.3a6aaf7d