Contract - PNC Equipment Finance, LLC - 5/28/2020 (2) E04 Lease Agreement Dated as of March 10,2020 Lease Number 98989778-2 Lessor: PNC Equipment Finance,LLC 655 Business Center Drive, Suite 250 Horsham,PA 19044 Lessee: LESSEE FULL LEGAL NAME FEDERAL TAX ID City of Round Rock 746017485 221 East Main Street Round Rock,TX 78664 Equipment See attached Certificate of Acceptance for Equipment Description Description Rent Lease Term is for 48 months,with Rent payments due El monthly;❑quarterly;ETisemi-annually; annually;each in the amount of$510.15 beginning - Payment Schedule Lessee shall pay Rent payments exclusively from legally available funds in U.S.currency to Lessor in the amounts and on the dates set forth herein,without notice or demand. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. LEASE. Subject to the terms of this Lease,Lessee agrees to lease from Lessor the equipment(the"Equipment")described in the attached Certificate of Acceptance when Lessor accepts this Lease. Lessee agrees to be bound by all the terms of this Lease. 2. DELIVERY AND ACCEPTANCE OF EQUIPMENT. Acceptance of the Equipment occurs upon delivery. When Lessee receives the Equipment, Lessee agrees to inspect it and to verify by telephone or in writing such information as Lessor may require. Delivery and installation costs are the Lessee's responsibility. If Lessee signed a purchase contract for the Equipment,by signing this Lease Lessee assigns its rights,but none of its obligations under the purchase contract,to Lessor. 3. RENT. Lessee agrees to pay Lessor Rent(plus applicable taxes) in the amount and frequency stated above. Rent Payments under this Lease do not include the accrual of an interest portion. If Lessee's Rent payments are due in Advance,the first Rent payment is due on the date Lessee accepts the Equipment under the Lease. Lessor will advise Lessee as to (a) the due date of each Rent payment, and (b)the address to which Lessee must send payments. Rent is due whether or not Lessee receives an invoice from Lessor. Lessee will pay Lessor any required advance rent when Lessee signs this Lease. Lessee authorizes Lessor to change the Rent by not more than 15%due to changes in the Equipment configuration, which may occur prior to Lessor's acceptance of this Lease. Restrictive endorsements on checks Lessee sends to Lessor will not reduce obligations to Lessor. Unless a proper exemption certificate is provided,applicable sales and use taxes will be added to the Rent. NON-APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS. Lessee intends to remit all Rent and other payments to Lessor for the full Lease Term if funds are legally available. In the event Lessee is not granted an appropriation of funds at any time during the Lease Term for the Equipment subject to this Lease and operating funds are not otherwise available to Lessee to pay the Rent and other payments due and to become due under this Lease,and there is no other legal procedure or available funds by or with which payment can be made to Lessor,and the non-appropriation did not result from an act or omission by Lessee,Lessee shall have the right to return the Equipment in accordance with Section 16 of the Lease and terminate this Lease on the last day of the fiscal period for which appropriations were received without penalty or expense to Lessee,except as the portion of Rent for which funds shall have been appropriated and budgeted. At least 30 days prior to the end of Lessee's fiscal year,Lessee's chief executive officer(or legal counsel) shall certify in writing that(a)funds have not been appropriated for the upcoming fiscal period,(b)such non-appropriation did not result from any act or failure to act by Lessee,and(c)Lessee has exhausted all funds legally available for the payment of Rent. 4. UNCONDITIONAL OBLIGATION. LESSEE AGREES THAT IT IS UNCONDITIONALLY OBLIGATED TO PAY ALL RENT AND ANY OTHER AMOUNTS DUE UNDER THIS LEASE IN ALL FISCAL YEARS IN WHICH FUNDS HAVE BEEN APPROPRIATED NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS,EVEN IF THE EQUIPMENT IS DAMAGED OR DESTROYED,IF IT IS DEFECTIVE OR IF LESSEE HAVE TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT LOSS OF ITS USE. LESSEE IS NOT ENTITLED TO ANY REDUCTION OR SET-OFF AGAINST RENT OR OTHER AMOUNTS DUE UNDER THIS LEASE FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. 5. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES. THE EQUIPMENT IS BEING LEASED TO LESSEE IN "AS IS" CONDITION. LESSEE AGREES THAT LESSOR HAS NOT MANUFACTURED THE EQUIPMENT AND THAT LESSEE HAS SELECTED THE EQUIPMENT BASED UPON LESSEE'S OWN JUDGMENT. LESSEE HAS NOT RELIED ON ANY STATEMENTS LESSOR OR ITS EMPLOYEES HAVE MADE. LESSOR HAS NOT MADE AND DOES NOT MAKE ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER,INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE EQUIPMENT'S MERCHANTABILITY,FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE,SUITABILITY,DESIGN, CONDITION,DURABILITY, OPERATION, QUALITY OF MATERIALS OR WORKMANSHIP, OR COMPLIANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS OR APPLICABLE LAW. Lessee is aware of the name of the Equipment manufacturer and will contact the manufacturer for a description of warranty rights. If the manufacturer has provided Lessor with a warranty,Lessor assigns its rights to such warranty to Lessee and Lessee may enforce all warranty rights directly against the manufacturer of the Equipment. Lessee agrees to settle any dispute regarding performance of the Equipment directly with the manufacturer of the Equipment. 6. TITLE AND SECURITY INTEREST. Unless otherwise required by the laws of the state where Lessee is located, Lessor shall have title to the Equipment,except as set forth in section 15. 14SO''0(3(0 T p 7. USE,MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR. Lessee will not move the Equipment from the Equipment Location without Lessor's advance written consent. Lessee will give Lessor reasonable access to the Equipment Location so that Lessor can check the Equipment's existence, condition and proper maintenance. Lessee will use the Equipment in the manner for which it was intended,as required by all applicable manuals and instructions,and keep it eligible for any manufacturer's certification and/or standard full service maintenance contract. At Lessee's own cost and expense,Lessee will keep the Equipment in good repair, condition and working order, ordinary wear and tear excepted. Lessee will not make any permanent alterations to the Equipment. 8. TAXES. Lessee agrees to pay Lessor,when invoiced,all taxes(including any sales,use and personal property taxes),fines,interest and penalties relating to this Lease and the Equipment(excluding taxes based on Lessor's net income). Lessee agrees to file any required personal property tax returns and,if Lessor asks,Lessee will provide Lessor with proof of payment. Lessor does not have to contest any tax assessments. 9. INDEMNITY. Lessor is not responsible for any injuries,damages,penalties,claims or losses,including legal expenses,incurred by Lessee or any other person caused by the transportation, installation, manufacture, selection, purchase, lease, ownership, possession, modification, maintenance, condition, operation,use,return or disposition of the Equipment. To the extent permitted by law,Lessee agrees to reimburse Lessor for and defend Lessor against any claims for such losses, damages, penalties, claims, injuries, or expenses. This indemnity continues even after this Lease has expired, for acts or omissions that occurred during the Lease Term. 10. IDENTIFICATION. Lessee authorizes Lessor to insert or correct missing information on this Lease,including Lessee's official name,serial numbers and any other information describing the Equipment. Lessor will send Lessee copies of such changes. Lessee will attach to the Equipment any name plates or stickers Lessor provides Lessee. 11. LOSS OR DAMAGE. Lessee is responsible for any loss of the Equipment from any cause at all,whether or not insured,from the time the Equipment is shipped to Lessee until it is returned to Lessor. If any item of Equipment is lost, stolen or damaged,Lessee will promptly notify Lessor of such event. Then, at Lessor's option,Lessee will either(a) repair the Equipment so that it is in good condition and working order,eligible for any manufacturer's certification,or(b)pay Lessor an amount equal to the Net Book Value(as defined in Section 14)of the lost,stolen or damaged Equipment. If Lessee has satisfied Lessee's obligations under this Section 11,Lessor will forward to Lessee any insurance proceeds which Lessor receives for lost,damaged, or destroyed Equipment. If Lessee is in default,Lessor will apply any insurance proceeds Lessor receives to reduce Lessee's obligations under Section 14 of this Lease. 12. INSURANCE. Lessee agrees to(a)keep the Equipment fully insured against loss,naming Lessor as loss payee,and(b)obtain a general public liability insurance policy covering both personal injury and property damage in amounts not less than Lessor may tell Lessee,naming Lessor as additional insured, until Lessee has met all Lessee's obligations under this Lease. Lessor is under no duty to tell Lessee if Lessee's insurance coverage is adequate. The policies shall state that Lessor is to be notified of any proposed cancellation at least 30 days prior to the date set for cancellation. Upon Lessor's request, Lessee agree to provide Lessor with certificates or other evidence of insurance acceptable to Lessor. If Lessee does not provide Lessor with evidence of proper insurance within ten days of Lessor's request or Lessor receives notice of policy cancellation,Lessor may(but Lessor is not obligated to)obtain insurance on Lessor's interest in the Equipment at Lessee's expense. Lessee will pay all insurance premiums and related charges. 13. DEFAULT. Lessee will be in default under this Lease if any of the following happens:(a)Lessor does not receive any Rent or other payment due under this Lease within ten days after its due date,(b)Lessee fails to perform or observe any other promise or obligation in this Lease and does not correct the default within ten days after Lessor sends Lessee written notice of default, (c)any representation,warranty or statement Lessee has made in this Lease shall prove to have been false or misleading in any material respect, (d) any insurance carrier cancels or threatens to cancel any insurance on the Equipment, (e)the Equipment or any part of it is abused, illegally used,misused, lost,destroyed,or damaged beyond repair,(0 a petition is filed by or against Lessee under any bankruptcy or insolvency laws,or(g)Lessee defaults on any other agreement between it and Lessor(or Lessor's affiliates). 14. REMEDIES. Upon the occurrence of a default,Lessor may,in its sole discretion,do any or all of the following: (a)provide written notice to Lessee of default,(b)as liquidated damages for loss of a bargain and not as a penalty,declare due and payable,the present value of(i)any and all amounts which may be then due and payable by Lessee to Lessor under this Lease,plus(ii)all Rent payments remaining through the end of the Lease Term,discounted at the higher of 3%or the lowest rate allowed by law,plus the Fair Market Value of the Equipment(collectively,the"Net Book Value").Lessor has the right to require Lessee to make the Equipment available to Lessor for repossession during reasonable business hours or Lessor may repossess the Equipment,so long as Lessor does not breach the peace in doing so,or Lessor may use legal process in compliance with applicable law pursuant to court order to have the Equipment repossessed. Lessee will not make any claims against Lessor or the Equipment for trespass,damage or any other reason. If Lessor takes possession of the Equipment Lessor may(a)sell or lease the Equipment at public or private sale or lease,and/or(b)exercise such other rights as may be allowed by applicable law. Although Lessee agrees that Lessor has no obligation to sell the Equipment, if Lessor does sell the Equipment,Lessor will reduce the Net Book Value by the amounts Lessor receives. Lessee will immediately pay Lessor the remaining Net Book Value. Lessee agrees(a)that Lessor only needs to give Lessee ten days' advance notice of any sale and no notice of advertising,(b)to pay all of the costs Lessor incurs to enforce Lessor's rights against Lessee,including attorney s fees,and(c)that Lessor will retain all of Lessor's rights against Lessee even if Lessor does not choose to enforce them at the time of Lessee's default. 15. LESSEE'S OPTION AT END OF LEASE. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Lease to the contrary,so long as no default shall have occurred and be continuing,Lessee may,at Lessee's option,purchase the Equipment leased pursuant to this Rental Schedule on an"as is,where is"basis,without representation or warranty,express or implied,at the end of the Initial Term at a price equal to the Fair Market Value thereof,plus applicable taxes."Fair Market Value"shall be equal to the value which would be obtained in an arms-length transaction between an informed and willing buyer and an informed and willing seller under no compulsion to sell,and in such determination,costs of removal of the Equipment from its location of current use shall not be a deduction from such value. If Lessee and Lessor cannot agree on the Fair Market Value thereof,such value shall be determined by appraisal at the sole expense of Lessee. Appraisal shall be a procedure whereby two recognized independent appraisers, one chosen by Lessee and one by Lessor, shall mutually agree upon the amount in question. If the appraisers are unable to agree upon the amount in question,a third recognized independent appraisers' evaluation shall be binding and conclusive on Lessee and Lessor. This purchase option as applicable shall only be available if Lessee gives Lessor 90 days'prior written notice of Lessee's irrevocable intent to exercise such option and Lessor and Lessee shall have agreed to all terms and conditions of such purchase prior to the expiration date of the Initial Term. Until the Equipment is returned as required below, all terms of the Lease shall remain in full force and effect including the obligation to pay Rent. 16. RETURN OF EQUIPMENT. If(a) default occurs, (b) a non-appropriation of funds occurs in accordance with Section 3, or (c) Lessee does not purchase the Equipment pursuant to Section 15, Lessee will immediately return the Equipment to any location(s) in the continental United States and aboard any carriers(s) Lessor may designate. The Equipment must be properly packed for shipment in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations or specifications,freight prepaid and insured,maintained in accordance with Section 7,and in"Average Saleable Condition." "Average Saleable Condition"means that all of the Equipment is immediately available for use by a third party buyer,user or lessee,other than Lessee named in this Lease, without the need for any repair or refurbishment. All Equipment must be free of markings. Lessee will pay Lessor for any missing or defective parts or accessories. Lessee will continue to pay Rent until the Equipment is received and accepted by Lessor. 17. LESSEE'S REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. Lessee hereby represents and warrants to Lessor that as of the date of this Lease, and throughout the Lease Term: (a)Lessee is the entity indicated in this Lease;(b)Lessee is a State or a fully constituted political subdivision or agency of the State in which Lessee is located;(c)Lessee is duly organized and existing under the Constitution and laws of the State in which Lessee is located;(d) Lessee is authorized to enter into and carry out Lessee's obligations under this Lease,any documents relative to the acquisition of the Equipment and any other documents required to be delivered in connection with this Lease(collectively,the"Documents"); (e)the Documents have been duly authorized, executed and delivered by Lessee in accordance with all applicable laws, rules, ordinances, and regulations, the Documents are valid, legal, binding agreements, enforceable in accordance with their terms and the person(s) signing the Documents have the authority to do so, are acting with the full authorization of Lessee's governing body,and hold the offices indicated below their signature,each of which is genuine;(f)the Equipment is essential to the immediate performance of a governmental or proprietary function by Lessee within the scope of Lessee's authority and shall be used during the Lease Term only by Lessee and only to perform such function;(g)Lessee intends to use the Equipment for the entire Lease Term and shall take all necessary action to include in Lessee's annual budget any funds required to fulfill Lessee's obligations for each fiscal year during the Lease Term;(h)Lessee has complied fully with all applicable law governing open meetings, public bidding and appropriations required in connection with this Lease and the acquisition of the Equipment; (i)Lessee's obligations to remit Rent under this Lease constitutes a current expense and not a debt under applicable state law and no provision of this Lease constitutes a pledge of Lessee's tax or general revenues, and any provision which is so constructed by a court of competent jurisdiction is void from the inception of this lease;(j)all payments due and to become due during Lessee's current fiscal year are within the fiscal budget of such year,and are included within an unrestricted and unencumbered appropriation currently available for the lease of the Equipment;and (k)all financial information Lessee has provided to Lessor is true and accurate and provides a good representation of Lessee's financial condition. 18. LESSEE'S PROMISES. In addition to the other provisions of this Lease,Lessee agrees that during the term of this Lease (a) Lessee will promptly notify Lessor in writing if it moves Lessee's principal office or it changes names or its legal structure,(b)Lessee will provide to Lessor such financial information as may reasonably request from time to time,and(c)Lessee will take any action Lessor reasonably requests to protect Lessor's rights in the Equipment and to meet Lessee's obligations under this Lease. 19. ASSIGNMENT. LESSEE WILL NOT SELL, TRANSFER, ASSIGN, PLEDGE, SUB-LEASE OR PART WITH POSSESSION OF THE EQUIPMENT OR FILE OR PERMIT A LIEN TO BE FILED AGAINST THE EQUIPMENT. Lessee will not attach any of the Equipment to any real estate. Upon Lessor's reasonable request and at Lessee's cost,Lessee will obtain from each person having an interest in the real estate where the Equipment is located a waiver of any rights they may have in the Equipment. 20. ASSIGNMENT BY LESSOR. This Lease,and the rights of Lessor hereunder and in and to the Equipment,may be assigned and reassigned in whole or in part to one or more assignees by Lessor or its assigns at any time without the necessity of obtaining the consent of Lessee;provided,however,no such assignment or reassignment shall be effective unless and until Lessee shall have been given written notice of assignment disclosing the name and address of the assignee or its agent authorized to receive payments and otherwise service this Lease on its behalf. Upon receipt of notice of assignment,Lessee agrees to record the same in records maintained for such purpose,and further,to make all payments as designated in the assignment,notwithstanding any claim, defense, setoff or counterclaim whatsoever(whether arising from a breach of this Lease or otherwise)that Lessee may from time to time have against Lessor or Lessor's assigns. Lessee agrees to execute all documents, including acknowledgments of assignment, which may reasonably be requested by Lessor or its assigns to protect their interests in the Equipment and in this Lease. 21. COLLECTION EXPENSES,OVERDUE PAYMENT. Lessee agrees that Lessor can,but does not have to,take on Lessee's behalf any action which Lessee fails to take as required by this Lease,and Lessor's expenses will be in addition to that of the Rent which Lessee owes Lessor. If Lessor receives any payment from Lessee after the due date, Lessee shall pay Lessor on demand as a late charge five percent(5%) of such overdue amount, limited, however,to the maximum amount allowed by law. 22. AGREED LEASE RATE FACTOR. Lessee understands that the Equipment may be purchased for cash(the"Equipment Cost")or it may be leased. By signing this Lease,Lessee acknowledges that it has chosen to lease the Equipment from Lessor for the Lease Term and that Lessee has agreed to pay Rent. Each payment of Rent includes a principal amount based on the Equipment Cost and a lease charge rate. If it is determined that Lessee's payments under this Lease result in an interest payment higher than allowed by applicable law,then any excess interest collected will be applied to the repayment of principal and interest will be charged at the highest rate allowed by law. In no event will Lessor charge or receive or will Lessee pay any amounts in excess of the legal amount. 23. MISCELLANEOUS. This Lease contains the entire agreement and supersedes any conflicting provision of any equipment purchase order or any other agreement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE IN THIS LEASE. If a court finds any provision of Lease to be unenforceable,the remaining terms of this Lease shall remain in effect. TO THE EXTENT THAT THIS LEASE IS FOUND TO NOT BE A TRUE LEASE,THIS LEASE IS A"FINANCE LEASE"AS DEFINED IN ARTICLE 2A OF THE UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE. Lessee authorizes Lessor(or Lessor's agent)to(a)obtain credit reports,(b)make such other credit inquires as Lessor may deem necessary,and(c)furnish payment history information to credit reporting agencies. To the extent permitted by law,Lessor may charge Lessee a fee of$250.00 to cover Lessor's documentation and investigation costs. 24. NOTICES. All of Lessee's written notices to Lessor must be sent by certified mail or recognized overnight delivery service,postage prepaid,to Lessor at Lessor's address stated in this Lease, or by facsimile transmission to Lessor's facsimile telephone number, with oral confirmation of receipt. All of Lessor's notices to Lessee may be sent first class mail,postage prepaid,to Lessee's address stated in this Lease. At any time after this Lease is signed, Lessee or Lessor may change an address or facsimile telephone number by giving notice to the other of the change. 25. ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING/INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMPLIANCE. Lessee represents and warrants to Lessor, as of the date of this Lease,the date of each advance of proceeds under the Lease,the date of any renewal,extension or modification of this Lease, and at all times until the Lease has been terminated and all amounts thereunder have been indefeasibly paid in full,that: (a)no Covered Entity(i)is a Sanctioned Person;or(ii) does business in or with,or derives any of its operating income from investments in or transactions with,any Sanctioned Country or Sanctioned Person in violation of any law,regulation, order or directive enforced by any Compliance Authority; (b)the proceeds of the Lease will not be used to fund any unlawful activity;(c)the funds used to repay the Lease are not derived from any unlawful activity;and(d)each Covered Entity is in compliance with,and no Covered Entity engages in any dealings or transactions prohibited by,any laws of the United States. As used herein: "Compliance Authority"means each and all of the(a)U.S.Treasury Department/Office of Foreign Assets Control,(b)U.S. Treasury Department/Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, (c) U.S. State Department/Directorate of Defense Trade Controls, (d) U.S. Commerce Department/Bureau of Industry and Security, (e) U.S. Internal Revenue Service, (0 U.S. Justice Department, and (g) U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission; "Covered Entity" means Lessee, its affiliates and subsidiaries and direct and indirect owners; "Sanctioned Country" means a country subject to a sanctions program maintained by any Compliance Authority;and"Sanctioned Person"means any individual person,group,regime,entity or thing listed or otherwise recognized as a specially designated, prohibited, sanctioned or debarred person or entity, or subject to any limitations or prohibitions(including but not limited to the blocking of property or rejection of transactions),under any order or directive of any Compliance Authority or otherwise subject to,or specially designated under,any sanctions program maintained by any Compliance Authority. 26. USA PATRIOT ACT NOTICE. To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, Federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain,verify and record information that identifies each lessee that opens an account. What this means: when the Lessee opens an account, Lessor will ask for the business name, business address, taxpayer identifying number and other information that will allow the Lessor to identify Lessee, such as organizational documents. For some businesses and organizations,Lessor may also need to ask for identifying information and documentation relating to certain individuals associated with the business or organization. 27. WAIVERS. LESSOR AND LESSEE EACH AGREE TO WAIVE,AND TO TAKE ALL REQUIRED STEPS TO WAIVE,ALL RIGHTS TO A JURY TRIAL. To the extent Lessee is permitted by applicable law, Lessee waives all rights and remedies conferred upon a lessee by Article 2A fi (Sections 508-522) of the Uniform Commercial Code including but not limited to Lessee's rights to: (a) cancel or repudiate this Lease; (b) reject or revoke acceptance of the Equipment; (c)recover damages from Lessor for any breach of warranty or for any other reason;(d)grant a security interest in any Equipment in Lessee's possession. To the extent Lessee is permitted by applicable law,Lessee waives any rights they now or later may have under any statute or otherwise which requires Lessor to sell or otherwise use any Equipment to reduce Lessor's damages, which requires Lessor to provide Lessee with notice of default, intent to accelerate amounts becoming due or acceleration of amounts becoming due, or which may otherwise limit or modify any of Lessor's rights or remedies. ANY ACTION LESSEE TAKES AGAINST LESSOR FOR ANY DEFAULT,INCLUDING BREACH OF WARRANTY OR INDEMNITY,MUST BE STARTED WITHIN ONE YEAR AFTER THE EVENT,WHICH CAUSED IT. Lessor will not be liable for specific performance of this Lease or for any losses,damages,delay or failure to deliver Equipment. 28. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT PHONE CALLS. By providing telephone number(s)to Lessor,now or at any later time,Lessee authorizes Lessor and its affiliates and designees to contact Lessee regarding Lessee account(s) with Lessor or its affiliates, whether such accounts are Lessee individual accounts or business accounts for which Lessee is a contact,at such numbers using any means,including but not limited to placing calls using an automated dialing system to cell,VoIP or other wireless phone number,or leaving prerecorded messages or sending text messages,even if charges may be incurred for the calls or text messages. Lessee consents that any phone call with Lessor may be monitored or recorded by Lessor. IMPORTANT: READ BEFORE SIGNING. THE TERMS OF THIS LEASE SHOULD BE READ CAREFULLY BECAUSE ONLY THOSE TERMS IN WRITING ARE ENFORCEABLE. TERMS OR ORAL PROMISES WHICH ARE NOT CONTAINED IN THIS WRITTEN AGREEMENT MAY NOT BE LEGALLY ENFORCED. THE TERMS OF THIS LEASE MAY ONLY BE CHANGED BY ANOTHER WRITTEN AGREEMENT BETWEEN LESSEE AND LESSOR. LESSEE AGREES TO COMPLY WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS LEASE. LESSEE AGREES THAT THE EQUIPMENT WILL BE USED FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES ONLY AND NOT FOR PERSONAL, FAMILY OR HOUSEHOLD PURPOSES. LESSEE CERTIFIES THAT ALL THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS LEASE AND LESSEE'S APPLICATION WAS CORRECT AND COMPLETE WHEN THIS LEASE WAS SIGNED. THIS LEASE IS NOT BINDING UPON LESSOR OR EFFECTIVE UNLESS AND UNTIL LESSOR EXECUTES THIS LEASE. THIS LEASE WILL BE GOVERNED BY THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF THE LESSEE. PNC Equipment Finance,LLC City of Round Rock ("Less ') ("Lessee") x x Authori d Signature Authorised ign re /vi rgan P Print Name Mayor Tit e: 7fb 2010 655 Business Center Drive, Suite 250 Date Horsham,PA 19044 221 East Main Street Round Rock,TX 78664 OPINION OF COUNSEL I have acted as counsel to the above-referenced Lessee (the "Lessee") with respect to this Lease Agreement by and between the Lessee and Lessor (the "Lease"), and in this capacity have reviewed the original or duplicate originals of the Lease and such other documents as I have deemed relevant. Based upon the foregoing, I am of the opinion that: (A)Lessee is a state or a fully constituted political subdivision or agency of a state within the meaning of Section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,as amended; (B)the execution,delivery and performance of the Lease by Lessee has been duly authorized by all necessary action on the part of Lessee; (C)the Lease constitutes a legal,valid and binding obligation of Lessee enforceable in accordance with its terms, except as limited by laws of general application affecting the enforcement of creditors' rights, and does not constitute a debt of Lessee which is prohibited by state law; (D)the authorization, approval and execution of the Lease and all other proceedings of Lessee related to the transactions contemplated thereby have been performed in accordance with all open- meeting laws, public bidding la:vs, and all other applicable state laws. The undersigned certifies that (s)he is an attorney duly authorized to practice law in the State of Texas The foregoing opinions are limited to the laws of such State and federal laws of the United States. Attorney of es.ee By: : 6 ,!��Veitai -- Print Name: \•tephan L. Sheets Law firm: Sheets&Crossfield,PLLC pN EQUIPMENT FINANCE Request for Insurance March 10, 2020 City of Round Rock Course Name: Forest Creek Golf Club 221 East Main Street Round Rock, TX 78664 Attn: RE: Insurance Coverage Requirements for Equipment Financing Transaction between PNC Equipment Finance, LLC and City of Round Rock Before funding your transaction, PNC Equipment Finance, LLC requires evidence of appropriate insurance coverage on the equipment described in your transaction documents. Please forward this request to your insurance company, agent or broker as soon as possible and ask for the evidence of insurance to be sent to the address below. PNC Equipment Finance, LLC will have an insurable interest in the following equipment: Quantity Description Serial No. 1 2020 Refresher Oasis 1 2020 Hauler800X Gas As a condition to entering into the equipment financing transaction, PNC Equipment Finance, LLC requires the following at all times during the term of the transaction: 1. All of the equipment must be insured for its full insurable value on a 100% replacement cost basis or as set forth in the documents. 2. PNC Equipment Finance, LLC must be named as lender loss payee under a property insurance policy insuring all risks to the equipment, including fire, theft, and other customary coverage under an "extended coverage"endorsement, with a deductible not to exceed $10,000 per occurrence. 3. PNC Equipment Finance, LLC must receive evidence that a comprehensive general liability insurance policy is in place with a minimum coverage of$1,000,000. PNC Equipment Finance, LLC must be named as an additional insured under the liability policy. 4. Each property insurance policy must contain a lender's loss payable clause, or special endorsement, in which the insurer agrees that any loss will be payable in accordance with the policy terms, notwithstanding any act or negligence of the insured. 5. Each policy must provide for 30 days'written notice to PNCEF prior to any cancellation, non-renewal or amendment of the policy. The evidence of insurance can consist of a Certificate of Insurance form, Evidence of Insurance form, Memorandum of Insurance, binder for insurance, declarations page, or the actual policy and endorsements, in each case naming PNC Equipment Finance, LLC as follows: PNC Equipment Finance, LLC, and its successors and assigns, as lender loss payee Attn: Insurance Department 655 Business Center Drive, Suite 250 Horsham, PA 19044 When completed, the evidence of insurance should be provided to the following address: PNC Equipment Finance, LLC 655 Business Center Drive, Suite 250 Horsham, PA 19044 7/19 SE Insurance Letter(Lease) RESOLUTION NO. R-2020-0136 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE NEGOTIATION, EXECUTION, AND DELIVERY OF LEASE AGREEMENT NUMBER 98989778-2 WITH PNC EQUIPMENT FINANCE, LLC AND RELATED INSTRUMENTS, AND DETERMINING OTHER MATTERS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. WHEREAS, the City of Round Rock, Texas, is a home-rule municipality located at 221 East Main Street, Round Rock, Texas ("Lessee"); and WHEREAS, Lessee, a body politic and corporate duly organized and existing as a political subdivision, municipal corporation or similar public entity of the State of Texas ("State") is authorized by the laws of the State to purchase, acquire and lease certain equipment and other property for the benefit of the Lessee and its inhabitants and to enter into contracts with respect thereto; and WHEREAS, pursuant to applicable law, the governing body of the Lessee ("City Council") is authorized to acquire, dispose of and encumber real and personal property, including without limitation, rights and interest in property, leases and easement necessary to the functions or operation of the Lessee; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds and determines that the execution of one or more Lease Agreements or lease schedules ("Leases") in the amount not exceeding the amount stated above for the purpose of acquiring the property ("Equipment") to be described in the Leases is appropriate and necessary to the functions and operations of the Lessee; and WHEREAS, PNC Equipment Finance, LLC ("Lessor") shall act as Lessor under said Leases,Now Therefore, 0112.20202;00445997/ss2 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROUND ROCK, TEXAS, Section 1. That the Mayor ("Authorized Representative") acting on behalf of Lessee is hereby authorized to negotiate, enter into, execute, and deliver one or more of the Leases, in substantially the form set forth in Exhibit "A" and presently before the City Council, attached hereto and incorporated herein, which document is available for public inspection at the office of the Lessee. Each Authorized Representative acting on behalf of Lessee is hereby authorized to negotiate, enter into, execute, and deliver such other documents relating to the Lease as the Authorized Representative deems necessary and appropriate. All other related contracts and agreements necessary and incidental to the Leases are hereby authorized. Section 2. By a written instrument signed by an Authorized Representative, said Authorized Representative may designate specifically identified officers or employees of Lessee to execute and deliver agreements and documents relating to the Leases on behalf of the Lessee. Section 3. The Lessee's obligations under the Leases shall be subject to annual appropriation or renewal by the City Council as set forth in each Lease and the Lessee's obligations under the Leases shall not constitute a general obligation of the Lessee or indebtedness under the constitution of the laws of the State of Texas. Section 4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption and approval. The City Council hereby finds and declares that written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of the meeting at which this Resolution was adopted was posted and that such meeting was open to the public as required by law at all times during which this Resolution and the subject matter hereof were discussed, considered and formally acted upon; all as required by the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, as amended. 2 . , RESOLVED this 28th day of May, 2020. ///// // CRAIG OR , Mayor City of Round ock, Texas The undersigned City Clerk identified below, does hereby certify that I am the duly elected or appointed and acting City Clerk of the above above-named Lessee, a political subdivision duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Texas where Lessee is located, that I have the title stated below, and that, as of the dates hereof, the individuals named above are duly elected or appointed officers of the Lessee holding the offices set forth opposite their respective names. The undersigned City Clerk of the above-named Lessee hereby certifies and attests that the undersigned has access to the official records of the City Council of the Lessee, that the foregoing resolutions were duly adopted by said City Council of the Lessee at a meeting of said City Council and that such resolutions have not been amended or altered and are in full force and effect on the date stated below. A' SATie, s W i V. Signature of Clerk of Lessee Print Name: Sara L. White Official Title: City Clerk Date: May 28, 2020 3 E23 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE Lease Number 98989778-2 Quantity Description Serial No. 1 2020 Refresher Oasis 1 2020 Hauler800X Gas MI City of Round Rock Forest Creek Golf Club 99 Twin Ridge PKWY Round Rock, TX 78664 Lessee,through its authorized representative,hereby certifies to Lessor that: 1. The Equipment has been delivered to the location where it will be used,which is the Equipment Location given in the Lease Agreement("Lease"); 2. All of the Equipment has been inspected and is(a)complete, (b)properly installed, (c)functioning,and(d) in good working order; 3. Lessee accepts the Equipment for all purposes under the Lease as of , 20 (the "Acceptance Date"),which is the date on which the Equipment was delivered and installed; 4. The Equipment is of a size, design, capacity and manufacture acceptable to Lessee and suitable for Lessee's purposes;and 5. Lessee is not in default under the Lease, no Non-Appropriation of Funds (as described in the Lease) has occurred,and all of Lessee's statements and promises set forth in the Lease are true and correct. Lessor is hereby authorized to insert serial numbers on the Lease. THIS CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE IS SIGNED THIS 410 DAY OF Mu 20 29. City of Round Rock ("Lessee") X Authorized Sig ture Craig organ Print Name Mayor Title: •Zo- S. � Date L 221 East Main Street Round Rock,TX 78664 Pkb EQUIPMENT FINANCE Customer Information Lease#98989778-1 Please provide the following information. By providing such information,you will enable us to ensure prompt payment of your vendor and the correct processing of your lease transaction. Thank you. Lessee Information Full Business Legal Name:City of Round Rock Federal Tax ID Number:746017485 Invoices should be directed to:pt s Attention: Address -- ------------- �� State: Zip g q Preferred Method of Payment: (Please check) EX Monthly Invoice (Mail) Invoices should be directed to: pt, Attention: .)tx wrs 6y4e)ve Address City: k G . Mkt ‘e-OU ik)0 CO CK TX -1 ic(0(04 Email: Li Monthly Invoice(Email) Billing Contact: Contact Information In order to verify receipt of equipment and review terms and conditions of the lease, please provide contact information for one or more staff that can assist in thFritiis process. Contact 1: • *11_0(val___ Phone:4...1 6403, • Email: beAl 11 MA ri-TiSPj Contact 2: Phone: 12r /116 1 1 it4114-S 1-173-70 5531 Email: y-etivi‘ e yo(Avviro4L-fe. I hereby attest the above information is accurate. Signature Date XgiailfAA A ____ . •Za�Email: L-ermA4reai../..tdegiAs.loy PNC Equipment Finance, LLC 655 Business Center Drive,Suite 250•Horsham,PA 19044 Questions? Call(800)559-2755 Fax: (888)888-3695 7/19 SE Customer Information Form r.__�-- - _.._ _r••- . • _ - . _ _ . .. •r: • • • • • • • .. _ -! _ • i • • • • • • ' • -t- • • • -• ••• - - - - _ •r. _ - • t - _ __ • - - - •-- - _ .. _ - - - - - -- .. _ _ -- • ;•-.z • _ • . , •-,_- •• • • - , - - _ Y > I • 1. - _�ti -- - _ •_ -_ - - - • I ... .. . _ _, _ -" - - • • r , - • - .. . �' - '•_ - • - • • • . _ _ „ .J __ -_ - - _ . I „. - • • • _ • , • ••• , • -•• • ..•• • - • , • f, • ..„ . _ _ . 7,• • • . _ . • • . • • • • • • • , - - - •- - • • - • . . . -‘ • - • _t - ' - • _ _ __ . . . . . _ -1 a7 _ - • r 1 • - - • - :f - -, •ti - - _ . - �>• _ !1", ham:� � • - _ _ • ••• . Y- _ - . _ r -.• , i.i !•. '. 11 • J; • z- >..♦ ,.�'- i - �r•'� �v�,r,fib` • i_• • .. • ' j_-- �•,•,- 1 �r - ii _ ,.'•Ar,f`a -.. M e^- �r"'L�.j� :`�• +c t�l .� h: - • ,.• • f _ 4 ;s j %; � --f -` Y ��r s� _ -It�_1 _ 't�.4 �,r- - ! -_e.. 'i.'.sy. _,+, •t 1,t.-- !.' ." �� 'r k- •7� _.1�. ._ • . - ''� �+'t,_ ,� !�� Pay•fil�` A c�-��� "�`_G �. , - _. - ';. • . • ' • ,.• • • • PN C EQUIPMENT FINANCE Notification of Tax Treatment PNC Equipment Finance, LLC a Delaware limited liability company ("PNC"), is required to collect and remit sales/use tax in the taxing jurisdiction where your equipment will be located. If you select that you are exempt by marking one of the checkboxes below, you must provide a valid exemption certificate. If you do not provide this certificate prior to the booking of your transaction, you will be responsible for sales tax on all accrued payments. • If tax has been remitted up front and financed into your lease payment, your account will not be marked sales tax exempt if you provide an exemption certificate after your transaction has been booked. • If your tax is remitted on a monthly basis, your lease may be marked sales tax exempt for the remaining payments left to be invoiced if you provide a valid exemption certificate after your transaction has been booked. • In the event we do not receive a valid sales tax exemption certificate prior to the date your lease commences, you will be charged sales/use tax. Personal property tax returns will be filed as required by local law. In the event that any tax abatements or special exemptions are available on the equipment you will be leasing from us, please notify us as soon as possible and forward the related documentation to us. This will ensure that your leased equipment will be reported correctly. Please indicate below if your lease is subject to tax or whether a valid exemption exists. Sales Tax IN I agree that my lease is subject to sales/use tax. El I am exempt from sales/use tax and I have attached a completed exemption certificate to PNC. ❑ I am claiming a partial exemption from tax. I have attached a completed exemption certificate or other documented proof of this partial exemption. El I agree that my business is subject to sales/use tax and I have attached a completed resale certificate. This certificate indicates that I will be responsible for collection and remittance of sales/use tax based on the subsequent re-rental of the property. If applicable to the tax rates in your state, are you outside the city limits or in an unincorporated area? ❑ Inside city limits ❑ Outside city limits ❑ Unincorporated area Property Tax EN I have a valid abatement or property tax exemption (documentation attached). ❑ Location: State Taxing District Additional comments: Lease Number 98989778-2 Lessee: City of Round Rock Signature: X Print Na e: Title: Ma or Date: .2.0/2,0 PLEASE COMPLETE AND SIGN FORM 7/19 SE Tax Notification