Contract - Iteris, Inc. - 7/23/2020CITY OF ROUND ROCK AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE OF TRAFFIC CONTROL PRODUCTS, SUPPLIES, AND EQUIPMENT WITH ITERIS, INC. THE STATE OF TEXAS § CITY OF ROUND ROCK § COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON § COUNTY OF TRAMS § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: This Agreement is for the purchase traffic control products, supplies and equipment, and is referred to herein as the "Agreement." This Agreement is made and entered into on this the day of the month of TL41doj!��, 2020, by and between the CITY OF ROUND ROCK., TEXAS, a home -rule municipality whose offices are located at 221 E. Main St, Round Rock, Texas 78664, referred to herein as the "City," and ITERIS, INC., whose offices are located at 1700 Carnegie Avenue, Suite 100, Santa Ana, California 92705, referred to herein as "Vendor." This Agreement supersedes and replaces any previous agreement between the named parties, whether oral or written, and whether or not established by custom and practice. RECITALS: WHEREAS, City desires to purchase traffic control products, supplies and equipment; and WHEREAS, City is a member of the Buy Board Cooperative Purchasing Program ("Buy Board") and Vendor is an approved Buy Board vendor through Buy Board Contract #608-20; and WHEREAS, City desires to purchase certain goods from Vendor through Buy Board as set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into this Agreement to set forth in writing their respective rights, duties, and obligations; NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties mutually agree as follows: 00448508/ss2 1.0 DEFINITIONS A. Agreement means the binding legal contract between City and Vendor whereby City agrees to obtain specified goods and Vendor i*s obligated to provide specified goods. This Agreement includes any exhibits, addenda, and/or amendments thereto. B. City means the City of Round Rock, Williamson and TravIs is Counties, Texas. C. Effective Date means the date upon which the binding signatures of both parties to this Agreement are affixed. D. Goods mean the specified supplies, materials, commodities, or equipment. E. Vendor means Iteris, Inc., or any successors or assigns. 2.0 EFFECTIVE DATE0 ; TERM A. This Agreement shall be effective on the date I*t has been signed by both parties hereto, and shall remain in full force and effect unless and until i*t expires by operation of the term stated herein, or until te I'nated or extended as provided herein. B. This Agreement shall expdo ire on May 31, 2023. 3.0 SCOPE OF WORK A. The goods which are the subject matter of this Agreement are described generally in the attached E�ibit "A." Be This Agreement shall evidence the entire understanding and agreement between the parties and shall supersede any prior proposals,, correspondence or discussions. C. Vendor shall satisfactorily provide all deliverables described I*n Exhibit "A" wlethin the contract term specified.ied. A change n the Scope of Services or any term of this Agreement, including bonding requirements, must be negotiated and agreed to i*n all relevant details, and must be embodied in a valid Supplemental Agreement as described herein. 4.0 COSTS A. City agrees to pay for goods during the term of this Agreement at the pricing set forth in Exhibit "A." Be The City shall is authorized to pay the Vendor an amount not -to -exceed Four Hundred Fifty Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($450 000.00) for the term of this Agreement. 5.0 INVOICES All invoices shall include, at a minimum, the following information: I'a Name and address of Vendor; 2. Purchase Order Number; 3. Description and quantity of items received; and 4. Delivery dates. 6.0 NON -APPROPRIATION AND FISCAL FUNDING This Agreement ies a commitment of CI*ty's current revenues only. It i*s understood and agreed that City shall have the right to terminate this Agreement at the end of any City fiscal year if the governing body of City does not appropriate funds sufficient to purchase the services as determined by City's budget for the fiscal year in question. City may affect such termination by giving Vendor a written notice of termination at the end of its then -current fiscal year. 7.0 PROMPT PAYMENT POLICY In accordance with Chapter 225 1, V.T.C.A., Texas Government Code, any payment to be made by City to Vendor will be made within thirty (30) days of the date City receives goods under this Agreement, the date the performance of the services under this Agreement are 41 completed, or the date City receives a correct invoice for the goods or services, whichever is later. Vendor may charge interest on an overdue payment at the "rate i"n effect" on September 1 of the fiscal year i*n which the payment becomes overdue, i"n accordance with V.T.C.A... Texas Government Code, Section 2251 o025(b). This Prompt Payment Policy does not apply to payments made by City in the event: le There i*s a bona fide dispute between City and Vendor, a contractor, subcontractor,, or supplier about the goods delivered or the service performed that cause the payment to be late; or 2. There i*s a bona fide dispute between Vendor and a subcontractor or between a subcontractor and its supplier about the goods delivered or the service performed that causes the payment to be late; or 3. The terms of a federal contract, grant, regulation, or statute prevent City from making a timely payment with federal funds; or 4. The invoice is not mailed to City i*n strict accordance with any instruction on the purchase order relating to the payment. 3 8.0 GRATUITIES AND BRIBES City may, by written notice to Vendor, cancel this Agreement without liability to Vendor if it is determined by City that gratuities or bribes in the form of entertainment, gifts, or otherwise were offered or given by Vendor or its agents or representatives to any City officer, employee or elected representative with respect to the performance of this Agreement. In addition, Vendor may be subject to penalties stated in Title 8 of the Texas Penal Code. 9.0 TAXES City is exempt from Federal Excise and State Sales Tax; therefore, tax shall not be included in Vendor's charges. 10.0 INSURANCE Vendor shall meet all City of Round Rock insurance requirements set forth at: http://www.roundrocktexas. og_ v/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/corr insurance 07.20112.pdf. 11.0 CITY'S REPRESENTATIVE City hereby designates the following representative authorized to act in its behalf with regard to this Agreement: Bobby Mercer, Superintendent Transportation Department 3400 Sunrise Road Round Rock, TX 78665 (512) 341-3309 bmercergroundrocktexas.gov 12.0 DEFAULT If Vendor abandons or defaults under this Agreement and is a cause of City acquiring the specified goods elsewhere. Vendor shall be declared in default of this Agreement if it does any of the following and fails to cure the issue within thirty (30) days of receipt of written notice: A. Fails to fully, timely and faithfully perform any of its material obligations under this Agreement; B. Becomes insolvent or seeks relief under the bankruptcy laws of the United States, and is unable to perform its material obligations under the Agreement. 4 13.0 TERMINATION AND SUSPENSION A. In the event of any uncured default by either party, the non -defaulting party has the right to terminate the affected portions of this Agreement for cause, upon ten (10) days' written notice to the defaulting party following the cure period. B. In the event City terminates under this section, the following shall apply: Upon the effective date of the termination, Vendor shall discontinue performance of the affected services and will schedule the removal of the affected equipment. The City will be responsible only for amounts due and owing for the terminated affected services and affected equipment up through the date of termination. 14.0 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS, CHARTER AND ORDINANCES A. Vendor, its agents, employees and subcontractors shall use best efforts to comply with all applicable federal and state laws, the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Round Rock, as amended, and with all applicable rules and regulations promulgated by local, state and national boards, bureaus and agencies. B. In accordance with Chapter 2270, Texas Govenment Code, a governmental entity may not enter into a contract with a company for goods or services unless the contract contains written verification from the company that it: (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel and will not boycott Israel during the term of this contract. The signatory executing this Agreement on behalf of Vendor verifies Vendor does not boycott Israel and will not boycott Israel during the term of this Agreement. 15.0 ASSIGNMENT AND DELEGATION The parties hereby bind themselves, their successors, assigns and legal representatives to each other with respect to the terms of this Agreement. Neither party shall assign, sublet or transfer any interest in this Agreement without prior written authorization of the other party. 16.0 NOTICES A. All notices and other communications in connection with this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be considered given as follows: 1. When delivered personally to recipient's address as stated in this Agreement,* or 2. Three (3) days after being deposited i*n the United States mail, with postage prepaid to the recipient's address as stated in this Agreement. Notice to Vendor.* iteris., Inc. 1700 Carnegie Ave., Ste 100 Santa Ana., CA 92705 Notice to City: City Manager 221 East Main Street Round Rock, TX 78664 Stephan L. Sheets, City AND TO: 309 East Main Street Round Rock, TX 78664 Attorney Be Nothing contained herein shall be construed to restrict the transmission of routine communications between representatives of City and Vendor. 17.0 APPLICABLE LAW; ENFORCEMENT AND VENUE This Agreement shall be enforceable i*n Round Rock, Texas, and I*f legal action is necessary by either party with respect to the enforcement of any or all of the terms or conditions herein,, exclusive venue for same shall lie in Williamson County, Texas. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws and court decisions of the State of Texas. 18.0 EXCLUSIVE AGREEMENT This document, and all appended documents, constitutes the entire Agreement between Vendor and City. This AC)reement may only be amended or supplemented by mutual agreement of the parties hereto i'*n writing. 19.0 DISPUTE RESOLUTION City and Vendor hereby expressly agree that no claims or disputes between the parties arising out of or relating to this Agreement or a breach thereof shall be decided by any arbitration proceeding,, including without limitation, any proceeding under the Federal Arbitration Act (9 USC Section I - 14) or any applicable state arbitration statute. 20.0 SEVERABILITY The inva1iinvalidity,illegality, or unenforceab*11*tY of any provision of this Agreement or the occurrence of any event rendering any portion or provision of this Agreement void shall in no Is 16 way affect the validity or enforceability of any other portion or provision of this Agreement. Any void provision shall be deemed severed from this Agreement, and the balance of this Agreement shall be construed and enforced as if this Agreement did not contain the particular portion or provision held to be void. The parties further agree to amend this Agreement to replace any stricken provision with a valid provision that comes as close as possible to the intent of the stricken provision. The provisions of this section shall not prevent this entire Agreement from being void should a provision which is of the essence of this A greement be determined void. 6 21.0 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS A. Standard of Care. Vendor represents that I*t employs trained, experienced and competent persons to perform all of the services, responsibilities and duties specified herein and that such services, responsibilities and duties shall be performed in a manner according to generally accepted I*ndustry practices. B. Time iisof the Essence. The partes agree that, from time to time, certain unique transactions may have special requirements relative to timing and, accordingly, the parties will identify those transactions and exercise best efforts to accomplish those transactions within the stated time frame. Other timing requirements will be met i*n a commercially reasonable manner. 0 Where damage is caused to City due to Vendor's failure to perform in the special timing requirement circumstances, City may pursue any remedy available without waiver of any of City9 s additional legal rights or remedies. C. Binding Agreement. This Agreement shall extend to and be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the partiesrespective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. D. Multiple Counterparts. This Agreement may be counterparts, any one of which. shall be considered an original of this which, when taken together, shall constitute one and the same instrument. [Signatures on the following page,.] executed in multiple document; and all of IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Vendor have executed this Agreement on the dates indicated. Iteris, Inc.,,,,. - Printed Name: Scott Carlson Title: Vice President Date Signed: June 18, 2020 City of Round Rock, Texas By: h4a Printed Namevj-1 Title: Date Signed: el� Z�l For City, Attest: B'4W.' Sara L. White, City Clerk For City, 4PAroved as to rm: By: '-LL� .- . 1 Stephan I.Sheets, City Attorney 8 Exhibit "A" City of Round Rock, Texas Price Sheet Iteris, Inc. BuyBoard Contract 608-20 The City of Round Rock would like to enter into a contract with Iteris, Inc. per the terms of Buy Board Contract 608-20. The City intends to purchase from this contract Traffic Control Products, Supplies, and Equipment in an amount not to exceed 460,00L. Contract Term: Effective from date of execution and will expire on 05/31/2023, per the terms of BuyBoard Contract No. 608-20. Special Instructions: Complete pricing below and submit copy of price list or catalog. State Percent (%) of Item No. Short Description Full Description Discount off State Name of Exceptions to Catalog/Pricelist Catalog/Pricelist Discount Section 1: Highway Equipment, Products, and Supplies Discount (%) Off Please state the discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for 1 Catalog/Pricelist for Highway Safety Products, Supplies, and Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist Highway Safety Products, MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Su plies, and Equipment Discount (%) Off Please state the discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Traffic Control 2 Catalog/Pricelist for Products, Supples, and Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included 10 Traffic Control Products, or proposal will not be considered. Iteris 608-20 Supplies, and Equipment BuyBoard Catalog Discount (%) Off Please state the discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Pavement Marking 3 Catalog/Pricelist for Suplies and Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal ova Pavement Marking Suplies and will not be considered. Equipment Discount (%) Off Please state the discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Delineation Products 4 Catalog/Pricelist for Delineation and Object Markers. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be % Products and Object Markers included or proposal will not be considered. Discount (%) Off Please state the discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Road Signs, Posts, Catalog/Pricelist for and Hardware. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be 5 Road Signs, Posts, and considered. % Hardware Discount (%) Off Please state the discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Hydrants and 6 Catalog/Pricelist for Fire Accessories. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be % Hydrants and Accessories considered. Discount (%) Off Please state the (%) off catalog/pricelist for Wheel Wash System (In 7 Catalog/Pricelist for Groundy (Above Ground)t. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or Wheel Wash System (in proposal will not be considered. Ground)/ Above Ground Discount (%) Off Please state the discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Locking Systems for 8 Catalog/Pricelist for Highway/Safety Products. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or Locking Systems for proposal will not be considered. Hi hway/Safety Products Discount (%) Off Please state the discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Animal Cages, Catalog/Pricelist for Traps, and Accessories for Roads and Highways. Catalog/Pricelist MUST 9 Animal Cages, Traps, and be included or proposal will not be considered. % Accessories for Roads and Highways Discount (%) Off Please state the discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Herbicides and Catalog/Pricelist for Weed Control Products for Roads and Highways. Catalog/Pricelist MUST 10 Herbicides and Weed Control be included or proposal will not be considered. % Products for Roads and Hi hwa s Discount (%) Off Please state the discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Oil and Hazardous Catalog/Pricelist for Oil and Material Spill Remediation Products and Supplies. 11 Hazardous Material Spill Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. % Remediation Products and Supplies Discount (%) Off Please state the discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for All Other Related Catalog/Pricelist for Highway Safety and Traffic Control Productst. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be 12 All Other Related Highway included or proposal will not be considered. % Safety and Traffic Control Products Discount (%) Off Please state the discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Catalog/Pricelist for Maintenance/Warranty Agreements for Equipment and Systems of 13 Maintenance/Warranty Various Brands. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not % Agreements for Equipment and be considered. Systems of Various Brands Section 11: Installation and Repair Service Detailed Item No. Short Description Full Description Not to Exceed Hourly Information Exceptions to Labor Rate on Hourly Labor Hourly Labor Rate Rate Not to Exceed Hourly Hourly Labor Rate for Installation/Repair Labor Rate for of Highway Safety and Traffic Control Equipment and Products -- State 14 Installation/Repair the Not to Exceed hourly labor rate for Installation/Repair Service of $ /Hour of Highway Safety and Traffic Equipment and Products. Control Equipment and Products Not to Exceed Hourly Hourly Labor Rate for Weed Control Service for Roads and Highways - Labor Rate for State the Not to Exceed hourly labor rate for Weed Control Service for 15 Weed Control Service for Roads Roads and Highways. $ /Hour and Highways Information Only: The City of Round Rock reserves the right to order other products from the attached MSRP Sheet per the discounts quoted in BuyBoard Contract #603-20 COMPANY NAME: Iteris, Inc. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE: PRINTED NAME: Scott Carlson PHONE NUMBER: 714.724.7089 EMAIL ADDRESS: sec@iteris.com Page I of 14 Exhibit "A" JOHN DRAKE • • 1700 Carnegie Ave. Suite 100 Ite � Santa Ana, CA 92705-5551 r ' s Phone: (512)592-9567 email: jgd@iteris.com, web site: www.iteris.com Iteris, Inc. •' "' SIEMENS ,� r,s 1700 Carnegie Ave, Suite 100, �P aSUSTH EAGLE Santa Ana, CA 92705-5551 g Agency: BUY BOARD Project Name: 608-20 BUY BOARD 1(r/a ITEM # DESCRIPTION QTY CATALOG PRICE DISCO'_ TXDOT NEMA TS2 16 POSITION GROUND MOUNT CONTROLLER TS2-16-GROUNDMOUNT(TXDOT) CABINET WITH SIEMENS CONTROLLER 1 $13,000.00 $11,700.00 TXDOT NEMA TS2 12 POSITION POLE MOUNT CABINET WITH SIEMENS TS2-12-POLEMOUNT(TXDOT) CONTROLLER 1 $11,995.00 $10,795.50 TACTICS MARC TACTICS SEMARC 1-5 USER 1 $13,889.00 $12,500.10 VECTOR VECTOR DETECTOR ASSEMBLY 1 $3,777.78 $3,400.00 VECTOR -NEXT VECTOR -NEXT DETECTOR ASSEMBLY 1 $3,777.78 $3,400.00 Iteris Vantage Ethernet Communication Module with Quad EDGE -CONNECT view 1 $2,250.00 $2,025.00 VELOCITY SHELF MOUNT W/ ANT-SH- Velocity-SM/ant-sh-bkt BKT 1 $2,778.00 $2,500.20 VELOCITY RACK MOUNT W/ ANT-SH- Velocity-RM/ant-sh-bk BKT 1 $2,723.00 $20450.70 Iteris Vantage Edge2 Processor - 2 EDGE2-2N-TX Camera Input, 24VDC 1 $2,611.11 $2,350.00 OS9 MASTER/LOCAL CONTROLLER 8130-0400-XXX UNIT 1 $2,808.00 $2,527.20 8132-0000-XXX M60 NEMA LINUX CONTROLLER 1 $2,326.00 $2,093.40 M60 NEMA LINUX CONTROLLER WITH 8132-1900-XXX FSK 1 $2,326.00 $2,093.40 M60 NEMA LINUX CONTROLLER WITH 8132-0300-XXX PORT 3 1 $2,674.00 $2,406.60 8133-0000-XXX M62 ATC LITE CONTROLLER 1 $2,961.00 $2,664.90 8133-0004-XXX M62 ATC FULL BLOWN CONTROLLER 1 $3,230.00 $2,907.00 M60 MASTER/LOCAL NEMA LINUX 8132-0400-XXX CONTROLLER 1 $2,809.00 $2,528.10 Iteris Vantage Edge2 Processor - 1 EDGE2-IN-TX Camera Input, 24VDC 1 $1,834.00 $10650.60 Composite 8281 Coax, 16 AWG Power ISOCBL-1000 Cable, 1,000 foot Roil 1 $1,334.00 T $1,200.60 Server, Dell with Host Software, Velocity -Server Windows OS 1 $1,112.00 $1,000.80 Page 2 of 14 Exhibit "A" JOHN DRAKE � 0 1700 Carnegie Ave. Suite 100 � � Santa Ana, CA 92705-5551 r ' � Phone: (512)592-9567 email: jgd(aD' iteris.com, web site: www.iteris.com "� SIEMENS teris, Inc. ' e r' S 1700 Carnegie Ave, Suite 100, ,� EA►�i �, Santa Ana CA 92705-5551 W P�gaSUS Agency: BUY BOARD Project Name: 608-20 BUY BOARD 100% ITEM # DESCRIPTION QTY CATALOG PRICE -_ Iteris-Training(MinQty-1)-Detection System, Vehicle, Training for Installation, Set -Up, and Operations of a VIVDS Intersection, Iteris Part No. Iteris Training (NOTE: Unit price for training will be priced per hour)Video TRAINING Imag 1 $1,112.00 $1,000.80 LENS ADUSTMENT TOOL WITH ADVANCED LAMVIEW MONTITOR 1 $1,112.00 $1,000.80 raffic Signal Installation and CONTROLLER Integration Assistance by Factory INSTALLATION/INTEGRATION Trained Personnel (per day) 1 $1,112.00 $1,000.80 Iteris Vantage Wide Dynamic Range RZ4A-WDR-PAK Color Camera Assembly 1 $10056.00 $950.40 Iteris Vantage Color Camera Assembly Model CAM-RZ4C - RS 170 Motorized Zoom Lens, 115VAC, with power/coax CAM-RZ4C-PAK connector set 1 $834.00 $750.60 Iteris Vantage TS2 Interface Module TS21 M-PAK (BI U) 1 $723.00 $650.70 SDLC Comm module for TS1 an SDLC-IM-PAK Caltrans applications 1 $889.00 $800.10 TS1 Input/Output Module Assembly, Output Cable, Input Cable, Extension 1032-PAK Module Cable, and Users Manua 1 $667.00 $600.30 TS2 Card Rack and Power Supply for VIVDS Processors, 3 Configurable Slots, Postion 1 Dedicated to Power Supply, Position 2 Dedicated for BIU or VRACK3-TS2-PS Iteris TS2 IM 1 $556.00 $500.40 Iteris Detector Rack with Power VRACK4-TS1-PS Supply for TS1 1 $556.00 $500.40 Flat Rate Charge for Repairs to VIVDS Cameras and/or Processors, Iteris Part No. Edge/Camera RepairVideo Imaging Video Detection System REPAIR (VIVDS) 1 $500.00 $450.00 ITERIS TOOL KIT, STRIPPER, CRIMPER, INSERTION/EXTRACTION TOOL, COAX TURNONKIT STRIPPER, COAX CRIMPER, CUTTER 1 $334.00 $300.60 Iteris Vantage Edge2 Extension EDGE2EM4-PAK Module - 4 Channel, 24VDC 1 $323.00 $290.70 Iteris Vantage Edge2 Extension EDGE2EM2-PAK Module - 2 Channel, 24VDC 1 $295.00 $265.50 Page 3 of 14 Exhibit "A" JOHN DRAKE • • 1700 Carnegie Ave. Suite 100 o Santa Ana, CA 92705-5551 �ite r i s Phone: (512)592-9567 email: jgd@iteris.com, web site: www.iteris.com tens, Inc. ' e r' S SIEMENS 4 - 1700 Carnegie Ave, Suite 100, „ �,�k; 'r Santa Ana, CA 92705-5551 PegasUS�,14" 11 ► Agency: BUY BOARD Project Name: 608-20 BUY BOARD :14k` ' * ' ITEM # DESCRIPTION `r CATALOG PRICE DISCOUNTED, PRICE Iteris Surge Panel with mounting clips SURGEPAN-TX for up to 6 Supressors (SURGEVAN) 1 $167.00 $150.30 Camera Bracket, 1-Piece Adjustable Stellar, 74" Tube, 120" Galy Cable, AS-0175-74-120-PNC Alum 1 $170.00 $153.00 7" Color Monitor, w/ BNC connector Lilliput 319GL-70NP (for use with RZ4C cameras) 1 $139.00 $125.10 Camera Bracket, 1-Piece Adjustable AS-0175-74-62-PNC Stellar, 74" Tube, 62" Galy Cable, Alum 1 $160.00 $144.00 12-pin connector with shell (package Deutschconn of 4) 1 $112.00 $100.80 BNC Connector Retrofit Pack of 12 (ea includes, 1 BNC, Rubber Boot, Grease, BNCRETRO-PAK and Instructions) 1 $73.00 $65.70 Video Surge Supressor with one SURGEVAN FCABLE 1 $56.00 $50.40 Iteris Side of Pole Universal Mount CAMBRKT4 Camera Bracket 1 $56.00 $50.40 Iteris-VRAS(MinQty-1)-Detection System, Vehicle, Central Control Communications Software for Set -Up VRAS and Monitoring VIVDS Intersections, 1 $6.00 $5.40 Vantage Next CCU unit, 1U, supports Next -CCU -Pak up to 2 Next-DVP's, ship kit 1 $2,445.00 $2,200.50 Vantage Next CCU unit, Shelf Mount with embedded processors (No DVP's Next-CCU-SM-TS2-Pak needed), ship kit 1 $8,334.00 $7,500.60 Vantage Next Dual Video Processor, Next-DVP-Pak supports 2 Next -Cam 1 $2,778.00 $2,500.20 Next -Cam -Pak Vantage Next WDR Camera 1 $1,167.00 $1,050.30 4 Cam Vantage Next System, 1U-CCU, Next-System-4-Pak 2 Next DVP, 4 Next-Cam-BH, ship kit 1 $12,667.00 $11,400.30 4 Cam Vantage Next System, 1 Shelf Mount CCU with embedded processors (No DVP's needed), 4 Next- Next-System-4-SM-TS2-Pak Cam, ship kit 1 $13,000.00 $11,700.00 Vantage Radius CCU unit, 1U, box Rad-CCU-Pak supports up to 2 Rad-Procs, ship kit 1 $2,445.00 $2,200.50� Page 4 of 14 Exhibit "A" JOHN DRAKE 1700 Carnegie Ave. Suite 100 Santa Ana, CA 92705-5551 Phone: (512)592-9567 it r I s email: jgd@iteris.com, web site: www.iteris.com Iteris, Inc.eSIEMENS ris 1700 Carnegie Ave, Suite 100, 1EAGLE' Pe lvy�' gasus�" ift ' Santa Ana, CA 92705-5551 1 - --. 4D Agency: BUY BOARD Project Name: 608-20 BUY BOARD 10% ITEM # DESCRIPTION CATALOG PRICE DISCOUNTED PRICE Vantage Radius CCU unit, Shelf Mount with embedded processors (No Rad- Rad-CCU-SM-TS2-Pak Procs needed), ship kit 1 $8,334.00 $70500.60 Vantage Radius Dual Processor,, Rad-Prot supports 2 Rad-Sensor 1 $2,611.11 $2,,350.00 Rad-Sensor-Pak Vantage Radius Sensor 1 $2,223.00 $2,000.70 4 Sensor Vantage Radius System, 1U CCU, 2 Rad-Prot, 4 Rad-Sensor-BH, Rad-System-4-Pak ship kit 1 $16,645.00 $14,980.50 4 Sensor Vantage Radius System, 1 Shelf Mount CCU with embedded processors (No Rad-Proc needed), 4 Rad-System-4-SM-TS2-Pak Rad-Sens-BH, ship kit 1 $17,,223.00 $15,500.70 Next-Rad-DT Diagnostic tool for Next/Radius 1 $1,1000.00 $900--00 1000' spool UV Resistant Cat SE Bulk Cat5E-Shld-Cable cable for Next/Radius Systems 1 $255.56 $230.00 8 It Color LCD Monitor,, 1 composite, 1 HDMI input for use with Next or Mon-8HDMI Radius 1 $167.00 $150.30 10" Color Monitor, Sunlight Viewable, 2 composite,, 1 VGA,, I HDMI input for Mon-10LCD-SL use with Next or Radius 1 $473.00 $425.70 Siemens M60 Controller Comm AAD15288P004 Module,, Port 3 and FSK 1 $417.00 $375.30 Siemens M60 Controller Comm AAD15288P003 Module, Port 3 1 $195.00 $175.50 Radio mounting bracket (requires 7 AS-3009-120-PNC mast) 1 $107.00 $96.30 SE-0484-74-PNC Radio mounting mast -10' 1 $57.00 $51.30 Ethernet Switch for use with Iteris EdgeConnect, Pegasus or Siemens Controller. Hardened, Managed 11 Port- 2xlOO/1000/2500FX+1.100/1000FX SFP Ports, 8.10/100TX Ports, includes CNGE3FE8MS power supply (SFPs not included) 1 $1,404.00 $1,263.60 Page 5 of 14 Exhibit "A" JOHN DRAKE • 1700 Carnegie Ave. Suite 100 ® Santa Ana, CA 92705-5551 Ite r S Phone: (512)692-9567 email: jgd a@iteris.com, web site: www.iteris.com teris, In SIEMENSSCie itweriso' 1700 Carnegie Ave, Suite 100, MA(�E Santa Ana CA 92705-5551 Pegasus' ,. y.::.....P1 I Agency: BUY BOARD Project Name: 608-20 BUY BOARD 10% ITEM # DESCRIPTION QTY CATALOG PRICE 8-Port 10/100/1000Mbps Hardened Managed Ethernet Switch (SFP'S not CNGE8MS/DIN included) 1 $1,105.00 $994.50 Unmanaged Switch, 8 Port, 100Mbps, CNFE8TX8US 8 Copper, SFP Sold Separately 1 $675.00 $607.50 Battery Backup System (BBU), TxDOT MP-2000E/BATT CAB Approved 1 $5,325.00 $4,792.50 Battery Backup System (BBU), WITH MP-2000E/BATT CAB-GEN GEN INPUT 1 $5,660.00 $5,094.00 5GHz 802.11AC 300 Mb MIMO Radio with 19db Integrated Antenna, POE VP-58AC-I and Mount (Gen 2 enclosure) 1 $939.00 $845.10 5GHz 802.11AC 300 Mb MIMO Radio with 19db Integrated Antenna, Radio, POE and Mount, 150'Cat SE cable (Gen VP-58AC-I-Kit 2 enclosure) 1 $1,012.00 $910.80 5GHz 802.11AC 300 Mb MIMO Connectorized Radio, POE and Mount (Gen 2 enclosure, will require VP-58AC-C antenna) 1 $1,030.00 $927.00 5GHz 802.11AC 300 Mb MIMO Connectorized Radio, POE and Mount, 150' Cat 5E cable (Gen 2 enclosure, will VP-58AC-C-Kit require antenna) 1 $1,110.00 $999.00 SGHz 802.11AC 300 Mb MIMO Radio with 24 db Integrated Antenna, POE VP-58ACH-1 and Mount (Gen 1 enclosure) 1 $1,348.00 $1,213.20 5GHz 802.11AC 300 Mb MIMO Radio with 24 db Integrated Antenna, Radio, POE and Mount, 150'Cat 5E cable (Gen VP-58ACH-I-Kit 1 enclosure) 1 $1,427.00 $1,284.30 5GHz 802.11AC 300 Mb MIMO Connectorized Radio, POE and Mount (Gen 1 enclosure, will require VP-58ACH-C antenna) 1 $1,189.00 $1,070.10 5GHz 802.11AC 300 Mb MIMO Connectorized Radio, POE and Mount, 150' Cat 5E cable (Gen 1 enclosure, will VP-58ACH-C-Kit require antenna) 1 $1,268.00 $1,141.20 5GHz 802.11AC 300 Mb MIMO Radio with 20db Integrated Antenna, POE VP-58ACL-1 and Mount (Gen 1 enclosure) 1 $1,189.00 $1,070.10 Page 6 of 14 Exhibit "A" JOHN DRAKE . 1700 Carnegie Ave. Suite 100 a Santa Ana, CA 92705-5551 512 Ite r i S Phone: ( 592-9567 j email: jgd a@iteris.com, web site: www.iteris.com Iteris, Inc. ri*s-0SIEMENS 1700 Carnegie Ave, Suite 100, -M E�,,�i ,E'me Santa Ana, CA 92705-5551 ffi Pegasus' ::a Agency: BUY BOARD Project Name: 608-20 BUY BOARD 1.0% ITEM # DESCRIPTION `: CATALOG PRICE `: " . ` .{DICE 5GHz 802.11AC 300 Mb MIMO Radio with 20db Integrated Antenna, Radio, POE and Mount,150'Cat 5E cable (Gen VP-58ACL-I-Kit 1 enclosure) 1 $1,306.00 $1,175.40 5GHz 802.11AC 300 Mb MIMO TwistPort Radio, POE and Mount (will VP-58AC-TP require antenna) 1 $1,224.00 $1,101.60 5GHz 802.11AC 300 Mb MIMO TwistPort Radio, POE and Mount, 150' VP-58AC-TP-Kit Cat 5E cable (will require antenna) 1 $1,306.00 $1,175.40 5GHz 802.11AC 150 Mb MIMO Connectorized Radio, POE and Mount (Gen 2 enclosure, will require VP-24N-C antenna) 1 $872.00 $784.80 Connectorized Radio, POE and Mount, 150' Cat 5E cable (Gen 2 enclosure, will VP-24N-C-Kit require antenna) 1 $951.00 $855.90 Dual Pol 5.8GHz 24 db Panel Antenna, AT-PD5823B88-ARC Mount, 2xNF Connector 1 $276.00 $248.40 Dual Pol 5.8GHz 20 db Panel Antenna, AT-PD5820B88-ARC Mount, 2xNF Connector 1 $128.00 $115.20 5.8 GHz 21 db ADJ DUAL POL Sector AT-21SEVAR-58D Antenna, Mount, 2X NF CONNECTOR 1 $250.00 $225.00 5.8 GHz 18 db ADJ DUAL POL Sector AT-18SEVAR-58D Antenna, Mount, 2X NF CONNECTOR 1 $146.00 $131.40 5.8 GHz 17 db 90 Deg Dual Pol Sector AT-17SE90-58CC Antenna, Mount, SMA Connector 1 $241.00 $216.90 5.8 GHz 19 db 60-120 Deg Dual Pol Sector Antenna, Mount, SMA AT-VSGTI-D Connector 1 $424.00 $381.60 5.8 GHz 18 db 30 Deg Dual Pol Horn SH-CC-5-30 Sector Antenna, Mount, N Connector 1 $407.00 $366.30 5.8 GHz 18 db 30 Deg Dual Pol TwistPort Horn Sector Antenna, SH-TP-5-30 Mount 1 $278.00 $2.50.20 Page 7 of 14 Exhibit "A" JOHN DRAKE 1700 Carnegie Ave. Suite 100 o Santa Ana, CA 92705-5551 'Ite �'�Phone: (512)592-9567 email: jgd@iteris.com, web site: www.iteris.com Iteris, Inc. t te r'io SIEMENS 1700 Carnegie Ave, Suite 100, �,4D E AGUE Santa Ana, CA 92?05-5551���' Pegasus„,k.:... Agency: BUY BOARD Project Name: 608-20 BUY BOARD 10% ITEM # DESCRIPTION CATALOG PRICE n" 5.8 GHz 14 db 60 Deg Dual Pol Horn SH-CC-5-60 Sector Antenna, Mount, N Connector 1 $407.00 $366.30 5.8 GHz 14 db 60 Deg Dual Pol TwistPort Horn Sector Antenna, SH-TP-5-60 Mount 1 $241.00 $216.90 5.8 GHz 10 db 90 Deg Dual Pol Horn SH-CC-5-90 Sector Antenna, Mount, N Connector 1 $407.00 $366.30 5.8 GHz 14 db 90 Deg Dual Pol TwistPort Horn Sector Antenna, SH-TP-5-90 Mount 1 $204.00 $183.60 5.8 GHz 27 db 550mm Dual Pol AT-ULDS-550 TwistPort Dish Antenna, Mount 1 $239.00 $215.10 5.8 GHz 24 db 400mm Dual Pol AT-ULDS-400 TwistPort Dish Antenna, Mount 1 $184.00 $165.60 5.8 GHz 24 db Dual Pol TwistPort Horn AT-ULHS-24 Antenna, Mount 1 $739.00 $665.10 2.4GHz 5 db Omni Antenna, SMA AT-SSBX-24 connector 1 $19.00 $17.10 2.4GHz 10 db Omni Antenna, SMA AT-10OM-24D connector 1 $350.00 $315.00 5.8GHz 10 db Omni Antenna, SMA AT-10OM-58D connector 1 $239.00 $215.10 NC-1FT 1 FT INDOOR CATS PATCH CABLE 1 $8.00 $7.20 NC-5FT 5 FT INDOOR CATS PATCH CABLE 1 $11.00 $9.90 150 FT OUTDOOR UV RATED CATS NC-15OFT-ODS SHIELDED PATCH CABLE 1 $101.00 $90.90 Page 8 of 14 Exhibit "A" JOHN DRAKE 1700 Carnegie Ave. Suite 100 Santa Ana, CA 92705-5661 Phone: (612)592-9567 te r I s email: jgd@iteris.com, web site: www.iteris.com 0 Items, Inc. 1 te r'io so, SIEMENS 'A 1700 Carnegie Ave, Suite 100, iin 1EAGLE' Santa Ana, CA 92705-5551 -Pegasus Agency: BUY BOARD Project Name: 608-20 BUY BOARD 10% ITEM # DESCRIPTION V CATALOG PRICE DISCOUNTED PRICE 50 FT OUTDOOR UV RATED CATS NC-50FT-ODS SHIELDED PATCH CABLE 1 $61.00 $54.90 1000 FT OUTDOOR RATED CATS BC-CATS-1000S SHIELDED BULK CABLE (For Radios) 1 $253.00 $227.70 GROUNDED RJ45 CRIMP CONNECTOR AD-CON-100-S 100 PACK 1 $91.00 $81.90 PT-RSMAM-NM1 1 METER LMR240 SMA TO NM CABLE 1 $33.00 $29.70 Page 9 of 14 Exhibit "A" JOHN DRAKE 1700 Carnegie Ave. Suite 100 Santa Ana, CA 92706-5551 Phone: (612)592-9567 it r i S email: jgd@iteris.com, web site: www.iteris.com e �= teas, Inc. iteriss SIEMENS 1700 Carnegie Ave, Suite 100, a � EACLE' I&JI I1, nkPegasus� Santa Ana, CA 92705-5651 1 4D MR Agency: BUY BOARD Project Name: 608-20 ITEM # DESCRIPTION OTY CATALOG PRICE BUY BOARD 10% DISCOUNTED PR;CE PT-RSMAM-NM3 3 METER LMR240 SMA TO NM CABLE 1 $61.00 $54.90 PE-18VS 18 VOUT POE SUPPLY FOR MUNI UNITS + SURGE 1 $45.00 $40.S0 PE-18VS-G 18 VOUT GIGE POE SUPPLY FOR MUNI UNITS + SURGE 1 $111.00 $99-90 AT-SRG6 RF COAXIAL LIGHTNING PROTECTOR 2- 6 GHZ 1 $51-00 $45.90 AD-NM-RF 50 OHM NMALE DUMMY LOAD 1 $21.00 $18-90 AT -SEAL OUTDOOR RF WEATHERPROOFING KIT BUTYL TAPE 1 $45.00 $40.50 MT-BR0701S01-ARC ARTICULATING MOUNTING BRACKE KIT 1 $51.00 $45.90 TACTICS 30 TACTICS CENTRAL 1-30 1 $33,708.00 $30,337.20 TACTICS 50 TACTICS CENTRAL 1-50 1 $61,798.00 $55,618.20 TACTICS 100 TACTICS CENTRAL 1-100 1 $84,270.00 $75,843.00 TACTICS ENTERPRISE TACTICS CENTRAL 1-400 1 $121,348.00 $109,213.20 TACTICS -VIEW UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD 1 $2,106.00 $1,895.40 SBI-SYS-4 SMART CYCLE INDICATOR SYSTEM (4 LIGHT SYSTEM) 1 $2,045.00 $1,840.50 SBI-SYS-3 SMART CYCLE INDICATOR SYSTEM (3 LIGHT SYSTEM) 1 $1,818.00 $1,636.20 SBI-SYS-2 SMART CYCLE INDICATOR SYSTEM (2 LIGHT SYSTEM) 1 $1,591.00 $1,431.90 SBI-SYS-1 SMART CYCLE INDICATOR SYSTEM (1 LIGHT SYSTEM) 1 $1,364.00 $1,227.60 Page 10 of 14 Exhibit "A" JOHN DRAKE 1700 Carnegie Ave. Suite 100 0 Santa Ana, CA 92705-5551 r , S Phone: (512)592-9567 Ite email: jgd@iteris.com, web site: www.iteris.com Iteris Inc. SIEMENS 1700 Carnegie Ave, Suite 100, rM EAGLE' Santa Ana, CA 92705-5551 � `Pegasus Agency: BUY BOARD Project Name: 608-20 BUY BOARD 100A ITEM # b• ,DESCRIPTION CATALOG PRICE ; IR807G-LTE-NA-K9 807 Low -power Industrial ISR, 4G/LTE multimode for AT&T N.America 1 $1,475.56 $1,328.00 FW-WP7500-LY Additional FW for WP7500 1 $0.00 $0.00 810 Series Advance Security Software SL-810-ADVSEC License 1 $0.00 $0.00 810 Series Advance IP Services License SL-810-AIS 1 $0.00 $0.00 S807UK9-15803M Cisco IR807 IOS UNIVERSAL 1 $0.00 $0.00 FW-WP7504-AT FW for WP7504 AT&T 1 $0.00 $0.00 Cisco Config Pro Express on Router IR-CCP-EXP Flash 1 $0.00 $0.00 Cisco ONE PI Device License for LF, AS, Cl-PI-LFAS-ISR-K9 & IWAN App for ISR 1 $0.00 $0.00 Cisco ONE IoTFND device license for Cl-IOTFND-IR800 managing IR 800 1 $0.00 $0.00 Tracker PID v03 Fnd Perpetual IR8X9 - C1FIVIR8X9-03 no delivery 1 $0.00 $0.00 Cisco ONE Foundation Perpetual IR C1F1PIR8X9 8X9 1 $142.22 $128.00 Single Unit antenna Extension Base (10 4G-AE010-R foot cable included) 1 $150.75 $135.68 IR807-DINRAIL Din Rail kit for the IR807 1 $14.22 $12.80 Vertical mounting Din Rail kit for the IR807-VM-DINRAIL IR807 1 $42.67 $38.40 Console Cable 6ft with USB Type A and IR-CAB-CON-USB mini-B 1 $21.33 $19.20 3 in 1 outdoor antenna- 4G/LTE-2, GPS ANT-3-4G2G1-O 1 1 $352.00 $316.80 IR807G-LTE-VZ-K9 807 Low -power Industrial ISR, 4G/LTE multimode for Verizon 1 $1,475.55 $1,328.00 FW-WP7601-807-VZ FW for WP7601 Verizon on IR807 1 $0.00 $0.00 FW-WP7600-LY Additional FW for WP7600 1 $0.00 $0.00 810 Series Advance Security Software SL-810-ADVSEC License 1 $0.00 $0.00 810 Series Advance IP Services License SL-810-AIS 1 $0.00 $0.00 OEM-PRI-WP7601 Cisco OEM PRI for WP7601 1 $0.00 $0.00 S807UK9-15803M Cisco IR807 IOS UNIVERSAL 1 $0.00 $0.00 Cisco Config Pro Express on Router IR-CCP-EXP Flash 1 $0.00 $0.00 S807UK9-15803M Cisco IR807 IOS UNIVERSAL 1 $0.00 $0.00 Cisco ONE PI Device License for LF, AS, Cl-PI-LFAS-ISR-K9 & IWAN App for ISR 1 $0.00 $0.00 Cisco ONE IoTFND device license for Cl-IOTFND-IR800 managing IR 800 1 $0.00 ' $0.00 Page 11 of 14 Exhibit "A" JOHN DRAKE • • 1700 Carnegie Ave. Suite 100 o Santa Ana, CA 92705-5551 'Ite �'�Phone: (512)592-9567 email: jgd@iteris.com, web site: www.iteris.com • SIEMENS •' � r' ��L -jr, Items, Inc. .� 1700 Carnegie Ave, Suite 100, � �� a5U5TuC)EAGLE , Santa Ana, CA 92705-5551 A ��00, Agency: BUY BOARD Project Name: 608-20 BUS' BOARD 10% ITEM # DESCRIPTION CATALOG PRICE Tracker PID v03 Fnd Perpetual IRSX9 - C1F1VIR8X9-03 no delivery 1 $0.00 $0.00 IR1101-K9 Cisco IR1101 Industrial Inegrated 1 Services Router Rugged $782.22 $704.00 SIR1101UK9-1611 Cisco IR 1101 Series IOS XE Universal 1 $0.00 $0.00 4G LTE 3 in 1 outdoor Black antenna 4G-LTE-ANTM-O-3-B 700MHz-2600MHz bands 1 $711.11 $640.00 IR1101-DINRAIL Din Rail kit for the IR1101 1 $42.67 $38.40 Console Cable 6ft with USB Type A and IR-CAB-CON-USB mini-B 1 $21.33 $19.20 Network Essentials License for Cisco SL-IR1101-NE IR1101 Industrial ISR 1 $426.67 $384.00 CAT6 LTE Advanced Pluggable for P-LTEA-EA Europe and North America 1 $640.00 $576.00 IR829-2LTE-EA-BK9 829 Industrial ISR, LTE multimode US, 1 802.11n FCC $2,688.89 $2,420.48 Cisco Config Pro Express on Router IR-CCP-EXP Flash 1 $0.00 $0.00 Cisco AP1530 Series Unified WiFi 8.1 SWAP1530-81-A1-K9 Software Release 1 $0.00 $0.00 Cisco AP1530 Series Autonomous WiFi SWAP1530-81A-A1-K9 8.1 Software Release 1 $0.00 $0.00 Data License for Cisco IR800 series SL-IR800-DATA-K9 routers 1 $0.00 $0.00 IP Base License for Cisco IR800 series SL-IR800-IPB-K9 routers 1 $0.00 $0.00 Security License for Cisco IR800 series SL-IR800-SEC-K9 routers 1 $0.00 $0.00 OEM-PRI-MC7455 Cisco OEM PRI Load for MC7455 1 $0.00 $0.00 CWE-7455-LTE-VZ FW Switching Load for 7455 Verizon 1 $0.00 $0.00 CWE-7455-LTE-ST FW Switching Load for 7455 Sprint 1 $0.00 $0.00 CWE-7455-LTE-AT FW Switching Load for 7455 AT&T 1 $0.00 $0.00 FW-7455-LTE-ST FW Switching Load for 7455 Sprint 1 $0.00 $0.00 IR800 G2A Power Cords - North IR-PWR-G2A-NA America 1 $0.00 $0.00 FW Switching Load for 7455 AT&T and FW-7455-LTE-AT T-Mobile 1 $0.00 $0.00 FW-7455-LTE-VZ FW Switching Load for 7455 Verizon 1 $0.00 $0.00 S8001UK9-15703M Cisco IR800 Series UNIVERSAL 1 $0.00 $0.00 2.4 GHz 2 dBi/5 GHz 4 dBi Dipole Ant., AIR-ANT2524DB-R Wk.. RP-TNC 2 $64.00 $57.60 IR829-DC-PWRCORD DC Power Cord for IR829 1 $21.33 $19.20 20-ft (6M) Ultra Low Loss LMR 400 4G-CAB-ULL-20 Cable with TNC Connector 4 $1,137.77 $1,024.00 5 in 1 outdoor antenna- 4G/LTE-2, ANT-5-4G2WL2G1-O WLAN-2, GPS-1 1 $494.22 $444.80 ANT-2-4G2-O 2 in 1 outdoor antenna- 4G/LTE-2 1 $280.89 $252.80 Page 1.2 of 14 Exhibit "A" JOHN DRAKE � • 1700 Carnegie Ave. Suite 100 o Santa Ana, CA 92705-5551 tte �'�Phone: (512)592-9567 email: jgd@iteris.com, web site: www.iteris.com -83M - Iteris, Inc. SIEMENS '• � r, 1700 Carnegie Ave, suite 100, pe asuS'" EAGL Santa Ana, CA 92705-5551 " Agency: BUY BOARD Project Name: 608-20 BUY BOARD 10 ITEM # DESCRIPTION QTY CATALOG PRICE POE / 802.3af compatible POE module IR800-IL-POE for IR800 1 $213.34 $192.00 IR829-PWR125W-AC= PWRSPLY AC/DC for IR829 1 $117.34 $105.60 IC3000 Bundle with IC3000 gateway, FND, and power supply 1 $0.00 $0.00 IOTFND-SOFTWARE-K9 IoT Field Network Director 1 $0.00 $0.00 IoT FND License for Managing IC3000 IOTFND-IC3000 industrial compute-60 month 1 $2,958.00 $2,662.20 SVS-IOTFND-SUPT-B IOTFND Support 1 $0.00 $0.00 IC3000-2C2F-K9 Industrial Compute appliance 1 $2,446.94 $2,202.24 Cisco Software for IC3000 Industrial SW-IC3000-U-K9 Compute Gateway 1 $0.00 $0.00 PWR-IE50W-AC-IEC= AC Power Module w/ IEC Plug 1 $334.23 $300.80 CAB -AC -RA Power Cord,110V, Right Angle 1 $0.00 $0.00 IE-4000-8GT8GP4G-E IE 4000 8 x RJ45 10/100/1000 with 8 x 1G PoE, 4 x 1G Combo, 1 $6,966.76 $6,270.08 IE4000-DNA-A-M IE 4000 DNA Advantage (24 ports) 1 $0.00 $0.00 IE 4000 DNA Advantage (24 ports), 5 IE4000-DNA-A-M-5Y Year Term license 1 $1,479.12 $1,331.20 PWR-IE170W-PC-AC= IE family power supply 170W. AC to 1 DC $1,341.87 $1,207.68 GLC-LX-SM-RGD= 1000Mbps Single Mode Rugged SFP 2 $1,605.69 $1,445.12 IE-2000-16TC-G-E IE 16 10/100,2 FE SFP+2 T/SFP, Base with 1588 1 $2,200.00 $1,980.80 IE 1GB SD Memory Card for IE2000, SD-IE-1GB I E3010 1 $64.00 $57.60 IE2000-DNA-E-M IE 2000 DNA Essentials (24 ports) 1 $0.00 $0.00 IE 2000 DNA Essentials (24 ports), 5 IE2000-DNA-E-M-SY Year Term license 1 $476.45 $428.80 PWR-IE50W-AC= IE3000/2000 AC Power Module 1 (updated) $334.22 $300.80 GLC-LX-SM-RGD= 1000Mbps Single Mode Rugged SFP 2 $1,605.69 $1,445.12 IE-3300-8P2S-E Catalyst IE3300 Rugged Series Modular System PoE, NE Layer3 1 $5,308.45 $4,777.60 SD-IE-4GB IE 4GB SD Memory Card for IE 1 $256.00 $230.40 Cisco DNA Advantage license for IE3300-DNA-A IE3300 Series 1 $0.00 $0.00 IE 3300 DNA Advantage 3 Year Term IE3300-DNA-A-5Y license 1 $1,479.12 $1,331.20 PWR-iE170W-PC-AC= IE family power supply 170W. AC to 1 DC $1,341.87 $1,207.68 GLC-LX-SM-RGD= 1000Mbps Single Mode Rugged SFP 2 $1,605.69 $1,445.12 IE-3300-8T2S-E Catalyst IE3300 Rugged Series Modular 1 System, non PoE NE Layer2 $2,357.34 $2,121.60 Cisco DNA Essentials license for IE3300 IE3300-DNA-E Series 1 $0.00 $0.00 SD-IE-4GB IE 4GB SD Memory Card for IE 1 $256.00 $230.40 Page 13 of 14 Exhibit "A" JOHN DRAKE • � 1700 Carnegie Ave. Suite 100 o Santa Ana, CA 92705-5551 'Ite �'�Phone: (512)592-9567 email: jgd@iteris.com, web site: www.iteris.com teris, Inc. Iter is SIEMENS ' --Irw 1700 Carnegie Ave, Suite 100, Santa Ana, CA 92705-5551► Pegasus4Dr=AGL1E' Agency: BUY BOARD Project Name: 608-20 BUY BOARD 10 �FSCRIPTION QTY CATALOG PRICE IE 3300 DNA Essentials, 5 Year Term 1 IE3300-DNA-E-SY license $476.45 $428.80 PWR-IE170W-PC-AC= IE family power supply 170W. AC to 1 DC $1,341.87 $1,207.68 GLC-LX-SM-RGD= 1000Mbps Single Mode Rugged SFP 2 $1,605.69 $1,445.12 IEM-3300-16T= Catalyst IE3300 Rugged 16 Port GE 1 Copper Exp Module $2,589.16 $2,330.24 IEM-3300-16P= Catalyst IE3300 Rugged 16 Port GE 1 PoE+ Exp Module $5,799.83 $5,219.84 IEM-3300-8S= Catalyst IE3300 Rugged 8 Port SFP 1 Fiber Exp Module $1,571.56 $1,414.40 IE-4010-16S12P IE4010 16xlG SFP and 12x10/100/1000 LAN BASE 1 $5,400.89 $4,860.80 RPS-IE5000-COVER Power Supply Blank for IE5000 1 $0.00 $0.00 IE4010/5000 Hazloc Pwr Supply High PWR-RGD-AC-DC-H AC/DC 85-264VAC/88-30OVDC 1 $497.78 $448.00 Cisco IE4010 UNIVERSAL WITH WEB 1 SIE40UK9T-15204EC BASED DEV MGR $0.00 $0.00 Console Cable 6ft with USB Type A and CAB-CONSOLE-USB mini-B 1 $71.12 $64.00 Transportation Industry Solutions; For IOT-TRANSPORTATION tracking only. 1 $0.00 $0.00 Connected Roadways: Intersections, 1 IOT-ROADWAYS Tolling, Tracking only $0.00 $0.00 IE4010-DNA-A-H IE 4010 DNA Advantage 1 $0.00 $0.00 IE 4010 DNA Advantage, 5 Year Term IE4010-DNA-A-H-5Y license 1 $2,161.78 $1,945.60 IE-1000-6T2T-LM IE-1000 GUI based L2 switch, 8 FE 1 copper ports $769.43 $692.48 PWR-IESOW-AC-IEC= AC Power Module w/ IEC Plug 1 $334.23 $300.80 CAB -AC -RA Power Cord,110V, Right Angle 1 $0.00 $0.00 1E-S000-12S12P-10G IES00012x1G SFP+12x10/100/1000 + 4 1 1G/10G LAN BASE $17,928.54 $16,135.68 RPS-IE5000-COVER Power Supply Blank for IE5000 1 $0.00 $0.00 IE4010/5000 Hazloc Pwr Supply High PWR-RGD-AC-DC-H AC/DC 85-264VAC/88-30OVDC 1 $497.78 $448.00 Cisco IE5000 UNIVERSAL WITH WEB 1 SIE5UK9T-15204EA1 BASED DEV MG $ 0.00 $0.00 Console Cable 6ft with USB Type A and CAB-CONSOLE-USB mini-B 1 $71.12 $64.00 Transportation Industry Solutions; For 1 IOT-TRANSPORTATION tracking only. $0.00 $0.00 Connected Roadways: Intersections, IOT-ROADWAYS Tolling, Tracking only 1 $0.00 $0.00 IE5000-DNA-A-H DNA Advantage for IE 5000 1 $0.00 $0.00 IE 5000 DNA Advantage, 5 Year Term 1 IES000-DNA-A-H-5Y license $2,161.78 $1,945.60 Page 14 of 14 Exhibit "A" JOHN DRAKE � • 1700 Carnegie Ave. Suite 100 Santa Ana, CA 92705-5551 Ite r i s Phone: (512)592-9567 email: jgd@iteris.com, web site: www.iteris.com • 0 a w� Iteris Inc. Iteris SIEMENS 1700 Carnegie Ave, Suite 100,f�rPegasus'" EAGLE' Santa Ana, CA 92705-5551 r Agency: BUY BOARD Project Name: 608-20 BUY BOARD 10% ITEM # DESCRIPTION QTY CATALOG PRICE DISCOM, GLC-LX-SM-RGD= 1000Mbps Single Mode Rugged SFP 1 $802.85 $722.56 GLC-ZX-SM-RGD= 1000BASE-ZX Single Mode RuggedSFP 1 $3,219.20 $2,897.28 CON-SSSNT-IR807GLN SOLN SUPP 8XSXNBD 807 Low -power Industrial ISR, 4G/LTE mul, 5 Year 1 $913.15 $821.84 SOLN SUPP SWSS Cisco ONE 1 CON-ECMUS-C1F1PIR8 Foundation Perpetual IR 8X9, 5 Year $166.67 $150.10 CON-SSSNT-IR807GLZ SOLN SUPP 8XSXNBD 807 Low -power Industrial ISR, 4G/LTE mul, 1 Year 1 $182.64 $164.37 SOLN SUPP SWSS Cisco ONE 1 CON-ECMUS-C1F1PIR8 Foundation Perpetual IR 8X9, 1 Year $33.36 $30.02 CON-SSSNT-IR101K9K SOLN SUPP 8XSXNBD Industrial ISR 1 1101, 1 Year $147.47 $132.72 CON-SSSNT-IR8292LB SOLN SUPP 8XSXNBD 829 Industrial 1 ISR, 4G/LTE multimode ATT, 1 Year $354.42 $318.97 CON-SNT-IC30002C SNTC-8XSXNBD Industrial Compute 1 alndustrial Compute, 1 Year $241.41 $217.27 CON-SNT-IE40008P SNTC-8X5XNBD IE 4000 8 x RJ45 1 10/100/1000 with 8 x 1G, 5 Year $3,066.53 $2,759.87 CON-SNT-IE20001E SNTC-8X5XNBD IE 16 10/100,2 FE SF, 5 Year 1 $1,088.45 $979.60 CON-SSSNT-IE33008S SOLN SUPP 8XSXNBD Catalyst IE3300 Rugged Series Modular Sy, 5 Year 1 $3,673.03 $30305.72 CON-SSSNT-IE33008E SOLN SUPP 8XSXNBD Catalyst IE3300 Rugged Series Modular Sy, 5 Year 1 $1, 631.88 $1,468.69 CON-SSSNT-IEM3301T SOLN SUPP 8XSXNBD Catalyst IE3300 Rugged 16 Port GE Copper, 1 Year 1 $357.95 $322.15 CON-SSSNT-IEM3301P SOLN SUPP 8XSXNBD Catalyst IE3300 Rugged 16 Port GE PoE+ E, 1 Year 1 $801.68 $721.51 CON-SSSNT-IEM3308S SOLN SUPP 8XSXNBD Catalyst IE3300 Rugged 8 Port SFP Fiber, 1 Year 1 $217.27 $195.54 CON-SSSNT-E401016S SOLN SUPP 8XSXNBD IE4010 16x1G 1 SFP, S Year $3,460.67 $3,114.42 CON-SSSNT-IE102TLM SOLN SUPP 8XSXNBD IE1K with total 1 of 8 FE ports 10/100, 1 Year $100.28 $90.25 CON-SSSNT-IES12PSO SOLN SUPP 8XSXNBD IES000 12x1G SFP+12x10/100/1000 41G10G, 5 Year 1 $11,030.51 $9,927.46