Contract - JP Morgan Chase - 4/27/2017THE STATE OF TEXAS § CITY OF ROUND ROCK § COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON § COUNTY OF TRAMS KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: DEPOSITORY AND BANKING SERVICES CONTRACT This DEPOSITORY AND BANKING SERVICES CONTRACT, hereinafter referred to as "Depository Contract," is made and entered into by and between the City of Round Rock, Texas, a home -rule municipality situated in Williamson County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as "City/Depositor," and JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., a national banking association, organized under the laws of the United States and authorized by law to do banking business in Texas and now conducting such business in said state, hereinafter referred to as "Bank." WHEREAS, City/Depositor desires to obtain banking services and a depository for its funds and to provide for those funds the highest level of safety, liquidity, and return while receiving suitable banking services at a reasonable charge; and WHEREAS, Bank is willing to provide such banking services and to act as a depository for City/Depositor's funds while providing full collateral satisfactory to City/Depositor; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements and covenants contained herein, City/Depositor and Bank agree as follows: I BANKING AND DEPOSITORY SERVICES Bank agrees to receive and safely keep any and all public funds offered for deposit by City/Depositor and to reimburse and pay same to City/Depositor, by paying its designated officer or whoever may be lawfully entitled to receive same upon request. Bank agrees to perform 00373154/ss2 f-2� t�--q',5� banking and depository services of the types and for the charges as specified in Exhibit "A" "Pledge and Security Agreement to Collaterali*ze Public Fund Deposits;" Exhibit "B" "Consolidated Service Terms and Global Account Terms;" Exhibit "C" "Federal Reserve Bank Joint Custody Service via FedMalle Request Form;" Exhibit "D" " Pledgee Agreement Form;" Exhibit "E" "City of Round Rock Request for Applications for Depository and Banking Services No. 17-002" (the "City's RFA")il and Exhibit "F" "JPMorgan Chase Bank I s Response to City's RFA dated December 19, 2016," all of which are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Should there be any conflict between the terms of this contract and any of the terms of the documents contained in any exhibit attached hereto, the terms of any administrative rules of Bank, or other agreement between City/Depositor and Bank, the terms of this contract shall be final, controlling, and binding. II TERM, RENEWAL, AND TERMINATION City/Depositor, through appropriate action of its governing body, hereby designates Bank as a depository for the period beginning June 1, 2017 and continuing through May 31, 2022, and this contract shall remain in full force and effect for such stated period of live (5) years. However, this contract maybe extended by mutual agreement of City/Depositor and Bank, to remain in full force and effect for a period not to exceed any period allowed by City/Depositor's Investment Policy. Such period shall be mutually agreed to in writ41 ing by the parties to this contract. Either City/Depositor or Bank shall have the right to terminate this contract prior to the expiration date by advance written notice to the other of its election to do so, and this contract shall be void from and after the expiration of ninety (90) days after the receipt of such notice, provided that all provisions of this agreement have been fulfilled. �J III DESIGNATION OF TRUSTEE City/Depositor and Bank, by execution of this contract, hereby designate the Federal Reserve Bank, hereinafter referred to as "Trustee", to hold in trust, according to the terms and conditions of this Depository and Banking Services Contract and the attached "Pledge and Security Agreement to Collateralize Public Funds" the collateral and substitute collateral described under said agreements. IV DESIGNATED OFFICERS) During the term of this contract, City/Depositor will, through appropriate action of its governing body, designate the officer or officers who singly or jointly will be authorized to represent and act on behalf of City/Depositor in any and all matters of every kind arising under this contract and to (a) execute and deliver to Bank "Federal Reserve [Bank Joint Custody Service via FedMail\a/ Request Form" (including user documentation and set-up florms) covering electronic funds transfers and other treasury management services, and such other documents as agreed to by the City/Depositor and Bank (b) appoint and designate, from time to time, a person or persons who may request withdrawals, orders for payment or transfers on behalf of City/Depositor in accordance with the electronic fund or funds transfer agreement and addenda, and (c) make withdrawals or transfers by written instrument. The City Manager and/or the Chief Financial Officer shall be, either jointly or individually, the designated officer to serve as the primary liaison between City/Depositor and Bank and, as the designated officer, may exercise the powers and duties as authorized by applicable law. 3 V COMPENSATION Bank will be compensated for any and all services rendered to City/Depositor under this contract. Bank agrees to be paid (a) by fee or (b) to offset monthly service fees against its customary earnings credit for balances in City/Depositor's non -interest bearing transaction accounts; provided, however, that if there is insufficient earnings credit against which such flees may be offset, City/Depositor will be charged for such services monthly. Banks Response shall be applicable VI COLLATERAL SECURITY Fees set by Bank in All funds on deposit with Bank to the credit of City/Depositor shall be secured by collateral as provided for in the Public Funds Collateral Act of 1989 (Chapter 2257 of the Texas Government Code, as amended) and further described by the City's RFA. The total market value of the Is collateral (which includes accrued interest or income to the extent it is not included in the market price) securing such deposits will be in an amount at least 102")/i®r of the amount of such deposits plus the amount of any accrued interest thereon and less the amount that such deposits are insured by an agency or instrumentality of the United States government. The entity will inform the Bank of changes in the amount or activity of deposits, that may exceed the entity's current collateral 40 value, within a reasonable time before the change occurs. The market value with respect to any securities (collateral) as of any date and priced on such date will be obtained from a third -party agent. 4 VII COLLATERAL TO TRUSTEE Bank has heretofore or will promptly hereafter deliver to Trustee collateral of the kind and character above mentioned of sufficient amount and market value to provide 102% collateral for the funds of City/Depositor deposited with Bank. Said collateral or substitute collateral, as hereinafter provided for, shall be kept and retained by Trustee in trust so long as the depository relationship between City/Depositor and Batik shall exist hereunder, and thereafter so long as deposits made by Cty/Depositoriwith , or any portion thereof, shall have not been properly paid out by Bank to City/Depositor or on its order. VIII CURE OF FAILURE OR BREACHL--ANID SURRENDER OF COLLATERAL FOR SALE Should Bank fail at any time to pay and satisfy, when due, any check, draft, or voucher lawfully drawn against any deposit and the interest on such deposits or in any manner breach its contract with City/Depositor, then City/Depositor shall give written notice of such failure or breach to Bank, and Bank shall have ten (10) business days to cure such failure or breach. In the event Bank shall fail to cure such failure or breach within ten (10) business days or should Bank be declared insolvent by a Federal bank regulatory agency, it shall be the duty of Trustee, upon demand of City/Depositor (supported by proper evidence of any of the above -listed circumstances), to surrender the above -described collateral to Citjjjq��i/Depositor. City/Depositor may sell all or any part of such collateral. Out of the proceeds thereof, City may deduct its actual damages and reasonable costs and expenses incurred as a result of the Bank's default, remitting to Batik, its receiver or conservator the remainder, 1"f any, of such sale proceeds. 5 IX NOTICE OF SALE OF COLLATERAL Any sale of such collateral, or any part thereof, made by City/Depositor hereunder may be either at public or private sale; provided, however, it shall give to both Trustee and Bank at least three (3) business days' notice of the time and place where such sale shall take place, and such sale shall be to the highest bidder therefor for cash. bid at such sale. City/Depositor and Bank shall have the right to x SUBSTITUTION OF SECURITIES If Bank shall desire to sell or otherwise dispose of any one or more of said securities so deposited with Trustee, it may substitute for any one or more of such securities with other securities of the same market value and of the character authorized herein. Such right of substitution shall remain in full force and may be exercised by Bank as often as it may desire; provided, however, that the aggregate market value of all collateral pledged hereunder, shall be at least equal to the amount of collateral required hereunder. Collateral may be substituted or released only with the written authorization of a City investment officer. If at any time the aggregate market value of such collateral so deposited with Trustee be less than the total sum of City/Depositor's funds on deposit with said Bank, then Bank shall promptly deposit with Trustee such additional collateral as is necessary to cause the market value of such collateral to equal the total amount of required collateral. Bank shall be entitled to income on securities held by Trustee, and Trustee may dispose of such income as directed by Bank without approval of City/Depositor. l$I XI MONTHLY COLLATERAL --REPORT Bank will provide to City/Depositor a monthly collateral report, which currently lists the pledged security (description, maturity and rate), original par, current par and market value. XII REDELIVERY OF COLLATERAL, If at any time the collateral in the hands of Trustee shall have a market value in excess of the sum of balances due City/Depositor by Bank, City/Depositor shall authorize the wihdratwal of a specified amount of collateral, Trustee shall deliver this amount of collateral (and n more) to Bank, taking its receipt therefor, and Trustee shall have no further liability for collateral so redelivered to Bank. XIII CLOSE-OUT When the relationship of City/Depositor and Bank shall have ceased to exist between City/Depositor and Bank, and when Batik shall have properly paid out all deposits of City/Depositor, it shall be the duty of City/Depositor to give Trustee certificate to that effect; whereupon Trustee shall, with the approval of City/Depositor, redeliver to Bank all collateral then in its possession belonging to Batik, taking its receipt therefor. An order in writing to said Trustee by City/Depositor and a receipt for such collateral by Bank shall be a full and final release of Trustee of all duties and obligations undertaken by it by virtue of these presents. 7 XIV INVESTMENT POLICY It 1*s the intention of the parties hereto that City/Depositor shall retain full rights to invest its funds with the City of Round Rock Comprehensive Investment Policy as adopted by the City Council of the City of Round Rock, Texas, and consistent with other applicable laws. XV NEW SERVICES City/Depositor may negotiate new services with Bank as deemed necessary by City/Depositor. The interest rate to be earned, as well as the other terms and conditions regarding the service, will be mutually agreed upon by City/Depositor and Bank. Any such new service 41 agreement will be executed in writing as an addendum to this contract. XVI SEVERABILITY If any term or provision of this contract is held to be illegal or invalid, such illegality or invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions of the contract, which remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect as if this contract had been executed with the illegal or invalid portion thereof eliminated. It is hereby declared the intention of the parties that they would have executed the remaining portion of this contract without including any such term, provision, part, parts, or portions which may, for any reason, be hereafter declared illegal or invalid. 8 XVII INDEMNIFICATION Bank agrees that 1*t will use an "ordinary care" standard of care imposed upon banks under the Uniform Commercial Code" and diligence in all of its activities and operations authorized under this contract. Bank shall be liable to City/Depositor only for actual damages incurred as a direct result of Bank's failure to exercise ordinary care under this contract. In no event will Bank be liable for any indirect, consequential or punitive loss, damage, cost or expense of any nature (even if advised of the possibility of such loss, damage, cost or expense) including, without limitation, any economic loss or damage, expense and loss of business, profits or revenue, goodwill and anticipated savings, loss of or corruption to City/Depositor's data, loss of operation time or loss of contracts. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this contract, Bank's indemnification obligations shall not exceed an amount, in the aggregate, over the term of the 40 contract, an amount that exceeds one (1) times the average annual revenues received by Bank from the City/Depositor under the contract. Bank will not be responsible for the acts or omissions of City/Depositor or its officers, employees or agents (including but not limited to the amount, accuracy, timeliness or authorization of any instructions or information from City/Depositor) or the acts or omissions of any other person or entity including, but not limited to, any clearing house association or processor, any U.S. Federal Reserve Bank or any other country's central bank, any other financial institution or any supplier, and no such person or entity will be deemed to be Bank's agent. Bank will not be liable for and will be excused from any failure or delay i"n performing Bank's obligations under this contract if such failure or delay i*s caused by force ma V"eure circumstances beyond control, including natural disasters such as earthquakes or floods, emergency conditions such as war, riot, fire, theft or labor dispute, legal constraint or governmental hJ action or inaction, or City/Depositor's act, omission, negligence or fault. Bank will not be liable for any failure to act on Bank's part if Bank's representatives had a reasonable basis to believe and did believe that Bank's actions would have violated any law, rule or regulation. City/Depositor indemnifies and holds Bank harmless, and agrees to defend, from and against any and all liabilities, claims, costs, expenses and damages of any nature arising out of or relating to disputes or legal actions by parties other than Bank and City/Depositor concerning this contract. The obligations contained herein shall survive the terminat'S ion of this contract. No indemnification herein shall apply to any costs or damages attributable to Bank's gl�loss negligence or intentional misconduct. XVIII NON -WAIVER Failure of either party hereto to insist on the strict performance of any of the provisions herein or to exercise any rights or remedies accruing hereunder upon default or failure of performance shall not be considered a waiver of the right to insist on and to enforce by any appropriate remedy strict compliance with any other obligation hereunder or to exercise any right or remedy accruing as a result of any future default or failure of performance. XIX CONFIDENTIALITY All data relating to City/Depository's business provided to Bank by City/Depository will be treated confidentially and safeguarded by Bank, using the same care and discretion that it uses with data that Bank desi"gnates as confidential, and Bank shall slafeguard all funds and investmen ts ��J of City/Depository while such funds or investments are in the possession of or under the control of Bank. XX CAPTIONS The captions of this contract are for information purposes only and shall not in any way affect the substantive terms and conditions of this contract. XXI RESERVATION Pursuant to Chapter 105 of the Texas Local Government Code, City/Depositor reserves the right to, contract with other depositories for the deposit or investment of a portion of available public funds of City. NON -ASSIGNMENT This contract shall extend to and be binding upon the parties and their respective successors 10 and assignees; provided, however, that the contract may not be assigned without the written Is consent of both parties. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, Bank may not assign its rights and duties under an award without the written consent of City/Depositor; provided, however, that Bank may assign this contract without the prior written authorization of City/Depositor to a successor of interest in connection with a merger, reorganization, consolidation or a disposition of a particular business to which this contract relates, and may assign this contract to an affiliate or subsidiary. I I In the event of an assignment, Bank shall notify City/Depositor within thirty (30) days of the execution of the assignment and City/Depositor shall have the right to terminate this contract without the required notice provided for in this contract. CONFORMANCE TO LAWS This contract and all of the transactions contemplated herein shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, including all applicable constitutional 40 provisions, statutes, charter provisions, ordinances, and resolutions. Bank agrees to fully comply with all applicable laws, including but not limited to the Texas Municipal Depository Law, TEX, LOC. GOV'T CODE ANN. sec. 105.001 et seq., as amended, the Public Funds Investment Act, TEX. GOV'T CODE ANN. sec. 2256.001 et seq., as amended, and the Public Funds Collateral Act, TEX,, GOV'T CODE ANN. sec. 2257.001 et seq., as amended. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, Bank agrees to comply with all Federal, State and local laws that are applicable to Bank in performance of the services described in this contract. VENUE Pursuant to Chapter 105 of the Texas Local Government Code, venue andiurisdl*ction of any suit or right or cause of action arising under or in connection with this contract shall be exclusively in Williamson County, Texas, and any court of competent jurisdiction shall interpret this contract in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. 12 RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES Nothing contained in this contract shall be deemed or construed by the parties hereto or any other third party to create the relationship of principal and agent, partnership, joint venture, or of any other association whatsoever between the parties, it being expressly understood and agreed that no provision contained in this contract nor any act or acts of the parties hereto shall be deemed to create any relationship between the parties other than the relationship of City and Depository Bank as those terms are understood herein. Executed in multiple originals on this the day of the month of April, 2017, by the undersigned duly authorized officers of the parties hereto. FOR DEPOSITORY BANK B y. Printed Name: ( tr op ( I OaO�2(,� Title Date Signed: G--or't ., t--7 FOR DEPO TOR: By: FOR CITY, ATTEST: Sara L. White, City'Clerk A TY, APPR VED AS TO FORM: Stephan . Sheets, City Attorney 13 r bi Exhit " A " LT AffimpmoufflL LLjwkTERAL1ZE PUBLIC FUND DEPOSITS THIS PLEDGE AND SECURITY AGREEMENT ("Agreement') is entered into as of 20_, by and between "Customer"), and JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. (the "Bank"). RECITALS V1.0 92 14 15 usam (the A. The Customer has designated the Bank as depository for certain of its funds and from time to time the Customer may make deposits of public funds with the Bank, and the Bank has agreed to act as the depository of those public funds; and B. Although such deposits are generally eligible for Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ("FDIC") insurance coverage, such coverage is limited to a maximum deposit insurance amount as described in applicable law; and C. In consideration of and to secure the deposits made by the Customer with the Bank, the Customer and the Bank desire to enter this Agreement granting the Customer a security interest in certain Collateral (hereinafter defined) to secure the deposited public funds in accordance with applicable law. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements set forth hereafter and for other good and valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows: 1. PUBLIC FUNDS. The deposits subject to this Agreement, hereinafter referred to as "Public Funds", are the deposited public funds of the Customer held in accounts at the Bank, inclusive of accrued interest. 2. GRANT OF SECURITY INTEREST. To secure the Public Funds, the Bank hereby grants to the Customer a security interest in, and assigns and pledges to the Customer certain collateral of the type permitted under applicable law (including, without limitation, securities and letters of credit) hereinafter referred to as the "Collateral", inclusive of instruments in substitution for or in addition to any or all of the then existing Collateral. 3. LOCATION OF COLLATERAL. The Bank agrees to deliver and place the Collateral with the Federal Reserve Bank as a book entry item for the benefit of the Customer, and the Customer consents to the use of such custodian, hereinafter referred to as the "Custodian". The Customer shall provide such documents or other information as the Custodian may reasonably require to establish an account. Until such documentation is received the Bank shall pledge Collateral to its account at the Custodian in the name of the Customer as shown on Bank's books and records. If a letter of credit is included in the Collateral, the Customer or its agent shall be named as the beneficiary thereof, and acceptance and approval by the Customer of such letter of credit shall be evidenced by the beneficiary's receipt of the letter of credit. 4. BANK REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. The Bank further represents and warrants, as follows: a) The Bank is a national banking association organized under the laws of the United States and has full power and authority to enter into this Agreement. b) The Collateral is free and clear of all liens and claims, pledged pursuant to this Agreement, and, except to the extent that the Collateral is comprised of letters of credit, the Bank is the legal owner of the Collateral. c) The Bank agrees that the total aggregate market value of the Collateral pledged to the Customer, pursuant to this Agreement, shall be in an amount not less than the amount described in applicable law, and if no amount is described will be in an amount not less than the Public Funds which exceed the sum of FDIC and any other such applicable insurance coverage (the "Collateral Ratio"). The Bank utilizes an independent, third -party pricing information service in order to provide market values hereunder. The market value of the letter of credit shall be deemed to equal the undrawn balance of the face amount thereof. The Customer shall notify Bank in advance of anticipated and significant increases in, or withdrawals or payments from, the Customer's deposits, at which time Bank will pledge additional Collateral or seek the release of excess Collateral, as applicable. The Bank will monitor the market value of pledged Collateral on business days and pledge and deliver Collateral as needed to maintain the Collateral Ratio or as otherwise instructed or agreed to by the parties. d) If the aggregate market value of pledged Collateral exceeds the Collateral Ratio, the Bank may withdraw such excess Collateral provided that following the withdrawal of any such excess Collateral the remaining Collateral would equal or exceed the Collateral Ratio. In addition, the Bank may substitute Collateral for such Collateral previously provided pursuant to this Agreement; provided, however, that the aggregate market value of all pledged Collateral hereunder following such substitution shall equal or exceed the Collateral Ratio. The Customer agrees, if needed, to promptly furnish the Custodian with any needed withdrawal approval. e) The Bank shall be entitled to income and other payments on the pledged Collateral held by the Custodian, and the Custodian may provide such income and other payments as directed by the Bank, provided an event of default under this Agreement does not exist. fl The Bank shall furnish to the Customer or its agent a collateral statement which lists the pledged Collateral and market value thereof, with such frequency as described in applicable law, or monthly, if not otherwise provided by law. g) The Bank's Board of Directors has passed a resolution authorizing and approving the execution and delivery of contracts with the United States, individual states, and any political subdivisions thereof, the District of Columbia, possessions and territories of the United States and Page 1 of 4 Exhibit "A" Indian Tribes or agencies thereof having official custody of tribal funds ("Public Units") providing for the deposit of public funds with the Bank and the pledge of collateral by the Bank to the Public Units or their agents and further authorizing and approving the Bank's execution and delivery of all related contracts between the Public Units or their agents and the Bank, including without limitation, assignments, pledge agreements and security agreements. Such resolution is reflected in the minutes of the Bank's Board of Directors. h) This Agreement will continuously, from the time of its execution, remain part of the official records of the Bank. 5. EVENTS OF BANK DEFAULT. The Bank shall be in default under this Agreement upon the occurrence of any one or more of the following events or conditions. For clause a) only, an event of default will occur ten (10) business days after the Customer has provided the Bank with a notice generally describing said default. a) The Bank shall, without cause, refuse to pay to the Customer the Public Funds when due. b) The Bank has been closed, seized or declared insolvent by a federal regulator having jurisdiction over the Bank. c) The Bank has had a receiver, conservator or other such official appointed to conduct the affairs of the Bank. 6. RIGHT OF CUSTOMER UPON BANK'S DEFAULT. In the event of a Bank default, in addition to all the rights and remedies provided in Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code and any other applicable law pursuant to which the Customer is a secured party, the Public Funds shall become due and payable and the Customer or its agent will have the right to: (a) in the case of Collateral that are securities, demand delivery of the Collateral and liquidate same, or sell, assign and deliver the whole, or any part of the Collateral or any substitutes thereof or additions thereto, in a commercially reasonable manner and with a right to purchase the Collateral at public or private sale; or (b) in the case of Collateral consisting of a letter of credit, draw upon such letter of credit in the amount necessary to cover the Public Funds. The Customer shall apply the proceeds of the sale of Collateral, net of its reasonable costs and expenses incurred in such sale, and the amount paid on the letter of credit, if any, to the Public Funds in a corresponding amount. If applicable, the Customer or its agent shall remit to Bank, its receiver or conservator the remainder, if any, of such sale proceeds or Collateral remaining unsold or unused. Should the Customer obtain Collateral or, in the case of a letter of credit, draw upon such letter of credit, when the Bank is not in default as described in Section 5, the Bank may exercise any rights available to it under law and following such sale of Collateral or draw upon the letter of credit and payment thereon by the issuer, the Public Funds may be correspondingly reduced by the amount of the sales proceeds less the value of returned Collateral, if any, or, in the case of letter of credit draws, the amount paid under the letter of credit. 7. CUSTOMER REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. The Customer further represents and warrants, which representations and warranties shall be deemed to be continuing, as follows: a) The Customer has full power and authority to enter into this Agreement. b) This Agreement has been legally and validly entered into, does not and will not violate any law or regulation applicable to it, and is enforceable against the Customer in accordance with its terms. c) The Bank has been designated a depository for the Customer's funds in the manner required by applicable law. d) The Customer will comply with the applicable account agreements it may have with the Bank which govern the Public Funds. e) The Customer or its agent shall promptly respond to requests by the Bank to release Collateral, up to the amount that the aggregate market value thereof exceeds the Collateral Ratio (the "Release Amount"). If the Customer fails to provide Bank or Custodian its written consent to release of the Collateral in the Release Amount within ten (10) business days after Bank's request, Bank will have the right to charge the Customer an excess collateral fee at a rate determined by the Bank at the time the Bank requested the release, based on all unreleased Collateral covered by the Release Amount. fl All acts, conditions, and things required to exist, happen or to be performed on its part precedent to and in the execution and delivery of the Agreement exist or have happened or have been performed. 8. LAW GOVERNING. This Agreement and the rights and obligations of the parties hereunder, shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of ,without regard to its conflicts of laws principles. The Customer and Bank consent to jurisdiction of a state or federal court located in such state in connection with a dispute arising hereunder. 9. TERMINATION OF THE AGREEMENT. This Agreement shall continue in full force and effect for as long as the Bank holds the Customer's Public Funds that are required to be collateralized under applicable law. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Customer or the Bank may terminate this Agreement by giving at least thirty (30) days written notice of termination to the other party. Such notice shall not affect or terminate the Customer's security interest in the Collateral, or entitlement to draw upon any unexpired letter of credits that comprise the Collateral and the rights and liabilities of the parties under this Agreement shall survive any termination of the Agreement until all Public Funds have been satisfied in full and Collateral returned. Page 2 of 4 Exhibit VA" 10. MISCELLANEOUS. a) All notices and other communications shall be sent to the: CUSTOMER: Name: Address: City/State: Attn: BANK: Name: JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Address: City/State: Attn: Government Banking With a copy to: Name: JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Address: 1111 Polaris Parkway, Mail Code: OH 1-0 138 City/State: Columbus, Ohio 43240 Attn: National Collateral Management Group or such other address as shall be designated by a party to the other party. b) This Agreement and all rights and liabilities hereunder and in and to any and all Collateral shall inure to the benefit of the Customer and the Bank and their respective permitted successors and assigns, subject to any limitations upon assignability contained within letters of credit that may comprise the Collateral. No portion of this Agreement may be assigned without the express written consent of the other party. c) The Public Funds are subject to the applicable account agreements in effect from time to time. d) It is the express purpose of this Agreement to comply with the provisions of applicable law, including 12 USC 1823(e). e) This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument. fl In the event that any provision or clause of this Agreement conflicts with applicable law, such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Agreement, which shall be given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Agreement are declared to be severable. [Signature page follows] Page 3 of 4 Exhibit " A " IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have signed this Agreement as of this day and year first above written. CUSTOMER: By: Name: Title: BANK: JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. By: Name: Title: Page 4 of 4 Exhib16 it it B it Document Checklist I JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. 07 February 2017 CITY OF ROUND ROCK 221 E MAIN ST ROUND ROCK, USA TX 786645271 Thank you for choosing JPMorgan Chase for your banking needs. Below is a list of documents contained in this package that pertain to the products and/or services you have requested, with instructions for each document. In striving to deliver best -in -class service, we encourage you to complete and return any of the attached documentation requiring signature within 5 business days from the day you receive this package. Please let us know if there is any way we can assist you. We understand that on occasion this timeline cannot be met due to other priorities, the complexity of requirements, and/or the availability of authorized signatories. In such cases we kindly ask that you advise us when we can anticipate receipt of the documentation or if there is any additional support we can provide. Timely receipt of the documents enables us to better complete your request in the desired timeframe. For your protection, where documents in this package are being sent as e-mail attachments and have been pre -filled, the account and/or SSN/TIN number has been truncated to the last 4 digits, or the documents have been encrypted and may require a password to open. We at JPMorgan Chase are fully committed to meeting your banking needs. We are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the attached documents. If you need assistance, please do not hesitate to call. Kind regards, Maria Arreola 17132160260 Maria.Arreola@jpmorgan.com 'Docume... nt Name lD . ..... .. .. .. ....... .... .. .. .... .. . . . ....... .. ............... ......... .. . .... .................... .. .I .. .... . ...... .. ......... ... ....... . . . .............. ... -.I -..-.-.- .­....­ ............... ....... .......... ..... .. .... . .....'....Instruc.... tion. . . . s....'.... ......... ........................ ....... ......... .. ................................................... � Consolidated Service Terms for.... ..... .... ............................................. .. .. ... .. ............ ....... ........ . ........ .......... .... . ..... .. ... ... 1 For reference only Commercial Bank and Dealer Commercial Services I Global Account Terms 12 I For reference only Global Account Terms - US Addendum For reference only PN: 1329506 Page 1 of 40 Exhibit "B" V4.4 10 13 16 -aftl2ahn- so -nigmah, Mft 'M '&W IVOR ARW J.P. argan Chase pravides an array of treasury services to meet your business needs,, This booklet contains important in#ormatian about J.P. Morgan Chase solutions that we provide. If you would 19 like to add a service that- is covered in this booklet, please contact 11 your Commercial Banking Representative TREASURY SERVICES (United States) Commercial Bank PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 1 Page 2 of 40 Exhibit "B" This booklet includes Treasury Services Service Terms applicable to all Commercial Banking customers. All Service Terms are subject to the Bank's Account Terms. Any Booklet,to this includingbut not limited to any changes, amendments, deletions, and/or additions, will not be binding upon the Bank unless such modifications are acknowledged and a9reed to it writin9 by an officer of JPMorn,,an Chase, We look forward to serving business needs and thank You again for choosingChase. SERVICES FOR COMMERCIAL BANKING CUSTOMERS A. ACH Origination Be ACH Debit Block and Transaction Review C. Lockbox D. Coin &Currency En Positive Pay, Reverse Positive Pay &Payee F. Controlled Disbursement G. Image Cash Letter He Image Deposit Direct I. Check Print J. ACH Tax Payment Service Terms K. Client Access Verification PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 1 Page 3 of 40 Exhibit B" The services described herein (each a "Service") are subject to the Bank's Account Terms (as may be amended from time to time), which are hereby incorporated by reference into each Service Terms. By using any of the Services described hereunder, the Customer acknowledges that it has received and agreed to the Account Terms, as supplemented by these Service Terms. Capitalized terms in the Service Terms, unless otherwise defined herein, shall have the meanings set forth in the Account Terms Se*rvice rms Co'nsol'ildatedS TermsoO A. ACH Origination The Automated Clearing House (ACH) is a batch processing payment system that U.S. banks use to exchange and settle credit and debit transactions on behalf of their clients or themselves. The origination of ACH Entries and the transmission and issuance of related transactions and information will be pursuant to these terms and the Operating Rules and Guidelines (collectively the "Rules") of the National Automated Clearing House Association. Capitalized terms used in this subpart, unless otherwise defined in this subpart shall have the same meanings as set forth in the Rules. The Customer and the Bank agree to comply with and be bound by the Rules as in effect from time to time, including without limitation, the provision making payment of a Credit Entry by an RDFI to the Receiver provisional until receipt by the RDFI of final settlement for such Credit Entry and the Customer acknowledges that it has received notice of such rule and of the fact that if such settlement is not received, the RDFI will be entitled to a refund from the Receiver of the amount credited and the Customer will not be deemed to have paid the Receiver the amount of such Credit Entry. I . Service. Bank provides automated clearing house ("ACH") origination services that will enable Customer to do one or more of the following: • originate ACH Debit Entries; • originate ACH Credit Entries; and • instruct the Bank to issue or transmit prenotifications, reversals, requests for return, notifications of change or other information pertaining to the Entries. Origination of ACH Credit Entries and origination of ACH Debit Entries are two separate services and approval or set up for one ACH service does not automatically create the ability to utilize the other. The Rules and these Service Terms shall apply to all Entries, whether or not transmitted through an ACH Operator. It is Customer's responsibility to provide Entries and instructions to Bank with all the necessary information to complete Customer's requested transactions. Customer agrees to transmit Entries to Bank in the manner, at the times and in accordance with approved media, content and format as agreed by Bank and Customer. Bank may reject or delay processing transactions or information if instructions are not complete or are inaccurate, contain an inactive Company ID or otherwise do not meet the criteria Bank specifies for acceptance. All requests to Bank must be received by Bank before Bank's established cut-off time in order for processing to commence on that ACH processing day. Any request that is incomplete or that Bank finishes receiving after the relevant cut-off time will be processed by Bank on the next day Bank processes ACH transactions. All transactions are subject to acceptance by Bank. Bank will notify Customer of any transactions or other transmissions that are rejected or returned. If Customer wants Bank to re -process those transactions or transmissions, Customer must correct them and re -submit them. Customer agrees to furnish Bank with copies of any authorizations or notifications, if requested, as well as any other information reasonably requested by Bank relating to Entries originated by the Customer. Customer shall provide Bank's auditors and other personnel with reasonable access at all reasonable times to the Customer's facilities, data and records relating to the initiation of Entries for the purpose of auditing Customer's compliance with these Service Terms and the Rules. 2. Security and Data Protection Procedures. All instructions received by Bank in Customer's name are subject to verification pursuant to mutually agreed security procedures. If Bank follows those procedures, Bank may process and transmit transactions or information in Customer's name. Unless Customer and Bank both otherwise agree, transmissions to Bank will be authenticated and/or encrypted using commercially reasonable security technologies meeting standards acceptable to Bank. If Customer uses a security procedure other than as described above, Customer acknowledges that Customer refused Bank's security procedure and chose another and Customer agrees to be bound by any transaction, whether or not authorized, issued in Customer's name and accepted by Bank in compliance with the security procedure Customer chose. If Customer elects not to utilize recommended message authentication and/or encryption technology, Customer assumes all responsibility for unauthorized disclosure or unauthorized access to Customer's data that occurs during transmission or while such data is in storage. Customer shall not disclose any Receiver's account number or routing number to any third party for such third party's use, directly or indirectly, in initiating a separate Debit. 3. Settlement and Exposure Limits. On the settlement date, Bank will credit Customer's account with Bank that Customer specifies for the total of: • Customer's Debit Entries that Bank processed for settlement that day; • RCCs issued for deposit to Customer's account on that day; and PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 1 Page 4 of 40 Exhibit fB" • any returned or reversed Credit Entries. Bank may delay the availability of funds deposited into Customer's account by Debit Entry or RCC until those transactions cannot be reversed in accordance with the Rules or applicable law. Bank will debit Customer's account with Bank that Customer specifies for the total of Credit Entries processed in Customer's name and for any returned Debit Entries and RCCs. Bank may require Customer to pay Bank the amount of any Credit Entries on the date of transmission to Bank or otherwise prior to the settlement date. Bank also may require Customer to maintain collateral with Bank in an amount Bank specifies. Bank may from time to time establish or revise maximum dollar limits for the total value of all outstanding files of Credit Entries and/or Debit Entries and RCCs that Bank will release on Customer's behalf. Bank may change or cancel the limits at any time without prior notice to Customer; although Bank will try to notify Customer before Bank does that. 4. Warranties; Indemnity. Except as specified below, Customer will be deemed to make the same warranties to Bank as Bank makes pursuant to the Rules. In the case of an Entry to another account with Bank, warranties will be deemed to be given as of the time Bank first processes the Entry. Customer will not be deemed to warrant the power of the Bank under applicable law to comply with the requirements of the Rules or the conformity of Entries and other data Bank transmits to the file specifications contained in the Rules. The Customer further represents, warrants and covenants that (a) each Entry and RCC it originates will comply with all applicable U.S. laws and regulations and acknowledges that Entries may not be initiated that violate the laws of the United States, (b) unless Customer has identified itself to Bank as a Third Party Sender (as defined in Section 7) and obtained Bank's express consent to originate Entries as a Third Party Sender, Customer will not originate any Entries, or use any of its Company IDs to originate Entries, on behalf of third parties (including, without limitation, any affiliate of Customer), and (c) Customer will not permit a third party to originate Entries using a Customer account as the offset account unless Customer obtains Bank's express consent to do so. Customer agrees to indemnify Bank and Bank's employees, officers, directors and agents, and hold all of them harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, liabilities or expenses (including attorneys' fees and costs) resulting directly or indirectly from (a) Customer's breach of any warranty made under these Service Terms and (b) compliance by Bank and the RDFI with any request Customer makes for a cancellation, stop payment, reversal or recall of any Entry or any RCC created by Bank under Section 1 hereof. Bank shall have no responsibility for any delay by any ACH Operator or RDFI in processing any Entry the Bank transmits to the ACH Operator or failure to process or credit or debit any such Entry. 5. Stop Payments; Reversals and Recalls; Rejections. Customer's instruction to cancel, stop payment of, reverse or recall one or more Entries must be received by Bank in such time and manner as Bank specifies. Bank will process these transactions in accordance with Bank's procedures advised to Customer. Any reversal or recall initiated by Bank is subject to acceptance by the RDFI. Instructions to reverse or recall an ACH Credit Entry that are not initiated by Customer in time to meet the prescribed NACHA deadline for reversals may be originated by Bank as a Debit Entry; Customer shall obtain authorization from the Receiver in accordance with the Rules for any such Debit Entry and all other terms of these Service Terms applicable to Debit Entries shall apply. Entries or other instructions may not be amended or modified. If Customer originates Debit Entries to an account or accounts at a financial institution that is not a Participating Depository Financial Institution in the ACH system (such account hereafter called a "Non-ACH Eligible Account"), all such Debit Entries will be rejected unless Customer subscribes to a service, subject to Bank's prior consent, pursuant to which Bank will process each such Debit Entry to a Non-ACH Eligible Account by preparing a remotely created check, as such term is defined in Federal Reserve Regulation CC (an "RCC"), on the Customer's behalf. The RCC will be drawn in the amount and on the Non -Eligible ACH Account of the individual or entity specified as the receiver in the Customer's instructions and will be deposited to the Customer's designated account with Bank, Such RCC will thereafter be processed through the check clearing system. If the Customer is using such service, the Customer hereby authorizes the Bank to create each RCC as described herein and the Customer warrants to the Bank, with respect to each RCC, that the person on whose account the RCC is drawn authorized the issuance of such RCC in the amount and to the payee stated in the RCC. The Customer authorizes the Bank to debit the Customer's account for any claim or return based upon an unauthorized RCC. All other te s herein related to Entries shall also apply to RCCs created under this Section. The Bank shall not create or process RCCs or other paper drafts in lieu of ACH Debits under any circumstances other than for Non- ACH Eligible Accounts and only when the Bank has consented to provide such service, even if the Customer includes an instruction in its file for the Bank to otherwise originate an RCC or paper draft. 6. Third Party Service Providers. Customer may choose to use a third party service provider or service bureau to issue Entries or other instructions, handle returned Entries or perform other functions for and on Customer's behalf. If Bank accepts such Entries or other instructions, Customer will be bound by them. Customer is responsible for all actions taken or not taken by Customer's provider and Customer is responsible for all costs and expenses of Customer's provider. 7. Third Party Sender. If Customer is a Third Party Sender, as such term is hereafter defined, (a) Customer warrants that the Originator has agreed to be bound by the Rules and has satisfied the obligations of an Originator under the Rules; (b) in any case where the Originator fails to perform its obligations under the Rules as an Originator, Customer shall indemnify, defend and hold Bank harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, liabilities and expenses, including attorneys' fees and costs, that result directly or indirectly from the failure of the Originator to perform its obligations as an Originator under the Rules; (c) Customer agrees to cooperate with Bank regarding any request for information concerning the identity of any Originator; and (d) Customer represents, warrants and covenants that neither these Service Terms nor anything related to the ACH Origination Services violates, contravenes or is inconsistent with any of the terms, conditions or provisions of any PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 1 Page 5 of 40 Exhibit "B" agreement, understanding or arrangement between Customer and the Originator. Further, Bank will rely on Customer to evaluate the legitimacy of the Originators and their transactions originated by Customer and for ensuring that instructions do not involve illegal activities. Customer must notify Bank immediately if Customer suspects or become aware of any activity or transaction of an Originator that Customer believes may be of an illegal or illegitimate nature or that involves the proceeds of illegal activity or that was conducted, in part or whole, for the purpose of disguising the source of funds. Bank will be entitled at any time upon notice to Customer to decline to provide the ACH Origination Services, or terminate the provision of ACH Origination Services, for any Originator on whose behalf are originating Entries if Bank determines that there are excessive returns or reversals of Entries originated on behalf of such Originator or if Bank becomes aware of any information indicating suspicious, fraudulent or illegal activity related to such Originator or for any other reason. As used herein, "Third Party Sender" means an entity that is not an Originator, that has authorized an ODFI or another Third Party Sender to transmit, for the account of the Third Party Sender or another Third Party Sender, (i) a credit entry to the account of a Receiver in order to effect a payment from the Originator (i.e., the third party on whose behalf the Third Party Sender is transmitting the entry) to the Receiver, or (ii) a debit entry to the account of a Receiver in order to effect a payment from the Receiver to the Originator (i.e., the third party on whose behalf the Third Party Sender is transmitting the entry). Without limitation of the foregoing, Third Party Senders include U.S. regulated financial institutions, brokers and other financial intermediaries as well as any other regulated or unregulated payment processors that are customers of the Bank and use their accounts to process payments for third parties (including affiliates of the Customer). 8. IAT Entries. If Customer is originating Entries that are required to be formatted under the Rules as IAT Entries, Customer will comply with all applicable Rules relating thereto, and Customer will originate such Entries only through one of Bank's ACH origination channels that support IAT origination. Some of Bank's ACH origination channels do not accommodate IAT Entries; upon request, the Bank will advise Customer as to which of Bank's ACH origination channels can be used for IAT origination. If a foreign currency conversion is performed by Bank in connection with an IAT Entry, Customer acknowledges that the foreign currency exchange rates fluctuate, and accepts the risk of such fluctuation, including fluctuations in rate between the time Customer submits the Entry Data Instructions and the time the transaction is executed and/or reversed, returned or recalled. Any payment returns and/or reversals will be credited to Customer's account in the currency in which Customer's account is denominated, and Customer is responsible for any rate fluctuations. In the event of an erroneous or duplicate IAT Entry originated for payment to a receiving bank outside the United States, the rights of Bank and Customer with respect to reversal or recall of such Entry are subject to the laws, regulations and payment system rules of the receiving bank 9 S jurisdiction. Customer acknowledges and agrees that IAT Entries may be delayed in processing or posting due to the Bank's or RDFI's review of such Entries for OFAC compliance. Further, Customer understands and acknowledges that unlike PPD Credit Entries, there is no requirement under the Rules that IAT Credit Entries that are made available to an RDFI by its ACH operator by 5:00 pm on the banking day prior to the Settlement Date be made available to the Receiver at the opening of business on the Settlement date; cleared IAT Credit Entries must be made available no later than the Settlement Date of the Entry, but funds are not required to be available at opening of business on the Settlement Date. 9. Incorporation of Account Documentation; Termination. The provisions of the account documentation, including terms and conditions governing the operation of business accounts and services, are incorporated into these Service Terms by reference. By acknowledging or signing the applicable account documentation or by using or continuing to use the ACH Origination Services, Customer agrees to these Service Terms. In addition to Bank's termination rights under the aforementioned documentation, Bank shall have the right to terminate or suspend these Service Terms and the Services upon notice to Customer in the event of the Customer's breach of the Rules. B. ACH Debit Block & ACH Transaction Review ACH Debit Block is a Service that allows a customer to return ACH debit entries originated to the Customer's account with the Bank. ACH Transaction review allows the Customer to review ACH debit and credit entries originated and posted to the Customer's account with the Bank and to instruct the Bank to return some or all of these transactions. 1. ACH Debit Blocks, (a) Service. The Customer can select from a variety of authorization or blocking criteria and advise the Bank in a manner and form acceptable to the Bank. The Bank will return any blocked transaction indicating that the ACH debit was not authorized. (b) Company ID Numbers. If the Customer elects an option that blocks or allows ACH debits from specified companies, the Customer must supply the Bank with the applicable ACH Company I D Number of the Originator as it appears on the Company/Batch Header Record. The Company ID Number will be the sole criterion for blocking Debit Entries (unless Customer has also set maximum dollar limits) and Bank will have no obligation to take any other steps to determine the identity of the Originator. The Customer will be solely responsible for obtaining the correct Company ID Number for each such Originator. The Customer understands that Company ID Numbers are not unique and that a Company ID Number may identify more than one Originator and one Originator may have multiple Company ID Numbers. The Customer understands that Company ID Numbers are not a perfect filter and that transactions from Originators may be blocked or allowed if the Originator uses a Company ID Number other than the PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 1 Page 6 of 40 Exhibit "B" one Customer identifies. The Bank will not be responsible for transactions blocked or allowed in accordance with the instructions the Customer provides for the Company ID Number. (c) Debits Not Affected by Blocking. ACH debit blocks do not apply to certain transactions. The following types of ACH-related debits will not be blocked: • debits to the Customer's account to offset any ACH credit Entries originated by the Customer through Bank; • reversals of previously received ACH credit Entries; • returns or reversals by the RDFI of ACH Debit Entries originated by the Customer through the Bank; • Reclamation Entries; • debits to the Customer's account initiated by the Bank or Bank's agent to correct processing errors, effect back valuations, make other adjustments or for fees, charges or other amounts the Customer owes the Bank; and • debits to the Customer's account that the Bank posts pursuant to its internal procedures in order to comply with applicable law, regulations or payment system rules or guidance. 2. ACH Transaction Review. (a) The Customer shall use filter criteria available through the service to select the types or categories of incoming ACH debit and/or credit transactions to be reviewed or the Customer may elect to review all incoming ACH transactions subject to Section 2(d) below. (b) Based upon the filter criteria selected by the Customer, ACH transactions meeting that criteria will be made available for the Customer to review not later than a designated time on the banking day following the day on which the transactions are posted to the Customer's account. The details provided by the Bank for each Entry will include account number, dollar amount, company ID, receiver's name, standard entry class code and settlement date. (c) The Customer shall advise the Bank by means of an agreed upon transmission method not later than the Bank's designated cutoff time on the same day as transaction information is made available for those transactions, if any, that are unauthorized and that the Customer wishes to return. The Bank is entitled to rely on any instructions that it receives and that it reasonably believes to be genuine. The Bank shall return all such transactions and make corresponding adjustments to the Customer's account to which the transactions had been posted. All transactions reported to the Customer as to which Bank does not receive a timely return instruction from the Customer will remain posted. (d) The following types of ACH transactions will not be made available for the Customer's review and decisioning: • debits or credits to the Customer's account to offset any ACH Entries originated by the Customer through the Bank; • reversals of previously received ACH Entries; • returns or reversals by the RDFI of ACH Entries originated by the Customer through the Bank; • Reclamation Entries; • debits or credits to the Customer's account initiated by the Bank or Bank's agent to correct processing errors, effect back valuations, make other adjustments, or to comply with legal requirements or for fees or charges the Customer owes the Bank; and • if the Customer is also subscribing to the ACH Debit Block service, any transactions blocked and returned pursuant to that service. (e) Certain transactions reviewed and approved by the Customer may nevertheless be returned by the Bank. This will happen if (i) there are insufficient funds in the Customer's account to cover the amount of an ACH debit or other charge, (ii) a stop payment was previously placed on the transaction or (iii) the Bank determines the transaction must be returned for legal or regulatory reasons. Certain transactions that the Customer advises should be returned may nevertheless be posted by the Bank; these include ACH debits or credits to the Customer's account that the Bank posts pursuant to its internal procedures in order to comply with applicable law, regulations or payment system rules or guidance. C. Lockbox Lockbox is a remittance processing Service offered to customers to support their accounts receivables business needs. Through this service, the Customer's remittance deposits are sent to a Post Office Box and picked up by the Bank and delivered to or via courier for further processing and posting to the Customer's deposit account. 1. Service. The Bank will maintain the Post Office Box for the Customer's remittances and will have unrestricted and exclusive access to the Post Once Box while providing the Lockbox Service. Customers requiring Caller Service or Business Reply Mail Service for remittance collection must obtain prior approval from the Bank. Upon approval, the Customer will secure such services directly with the United States Postal Service (the "LISPS") and ensure the Bank is authorized to collect the mail. The Bank shall not be responsible for delays in processing due to the Customer's failure to pay the LISPS for such services or any other action taken or not taken by LISPS. The Bank may direct clients to include specific codes or formats within their assigned address in order to ensure mail is identified correctly. The Customer is responsible for ensuring their customers' remittances are properly addressed in order to prevent delays in processing. PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 1 Page 7 of 40 Exhibit ][I" 2. DepOSlt; Endorsement. The Bank will collect all mail delivered to the designated Post Office Box, and will open the mail, process the checks eligible for this service (the "Items") and credit the funds to the Customer account or process for collection the Items received, except: i) Items which the Customer has instructed the Bank in writing, and the Bank has agreed not to process; ii) Items which the Bank believes should receive the Customer's special attention; iii) Items for which the Customer is not the payee, unless the Customer has provided proper authorization to process for credit or collection of such Items; and iv) any other matter or merchandise received. The Bank will not process such excepted Items or other matters or merchandise, but will forward them to the Customer unprocessed. The Bank assumes no responsibility for the inadvertent processing of Items excepted from processing. The Bank will process credit card payments as point of sale transactions, obtaining authorization as required by applicable card rules; provided, however, the Bank will not place phone calls for authorization of referrals or process credit transactions. The Bank shall not be deemed a merchant processor and shall not be liable for any data entry errors or any chargeback. The Bank assumes no liability for any matter or merchandise received through the Post Office which is not a depositable Item, including cash. Any failure by the Bank to process an Item other than as provided herein does not constitute a failure by the Bank to exercise ordinary care. The Customer shall be liable to the Bank as a general endorser on all Items processed by the Bank. 3. Differing Amounts. If the amount of an Item written in words and figures differ, the Item will be processed for amount written in words. If the Item is accompanied by an invoice or statement and the amount on the statement matches the amount written in figures, and the Customer has requested, and the Bank has agreed, to process such Item for the amount written in figures, the Item may be processed for the amount written in figures. In the event the Bank processes the Item for the amount written in figures, the Customer indemnifies the Bank for any claim which may arise from that action. 4. Foreign Items. This Service is limited to Items drawn on domestic banks so to the extent the Bank notices that any Items drawn on foreign banks have been deposited, such Items shall be forwarded to Customer as unprocessable. 5. Returned Items; Re -presentment. If any Item is returned to the Bank unpaid for any reason or there is a claim involving an Item deposited to the Customer Account, the Bank will charge back that Item, together with any fees or other amounts allowed on such claims or for returned Items, against the Customer Account, regardless of whether such debit causes an overdraft to the Customer Account. If, however, the Bank has been instructed in writing by the Customer to re -present Items which have been dishonored or returned to the Bank unpaid for reasons other than account closed, the Bank may do so automatically and without notice to the Customer, and the Bank reserves the same rights to debit the Customer Account should any such Items remain unpaid after the re -presentment. 6. Security for Imaged Items. The Bank has specified Security Procedures for receiving and accessing Imaged Items, Imaged Documents and lockbox transaction data. The Bank is not obligated to send any images or data or allow access through the Delivery Media to any images or data which are not requested or accessed in accordance with the Security Procedures. The Customer acknowledges that once a CD-ROM is received, or it has accessed images by any Delivery Media, persons having access to the Customer's computers and image archives may have access to the Imaged Items, Imaged Documents and lockbox transaction data. 7. Image Option. If the Customer elects and this image option is available at the designated Bank processing location, the Bank will provide images of the Items ("Imaged Items") received together with images of related documents ("Imaged Documents"), through the media ("Delivery Media") and at the intervals agreed upon between the Bank and the Customer. The Customer may receive additional service material, including user guides, software licenses and other terms in connection with the selection of this option. 8. Original Documents; Image Storage. Unless the Bank has agreed otherwise, the Bank will image all Items and associated remittances and retain original documents on site for no longer than 14 days. All original documents will be destroyed 14 days after processing. If the Customer uses the Bank's Regional Retail Lockbox product, associated original documents are retained on site no longer than 7 days. The Bank will store Imaged Items for a period of seven (7) years from the date of the applicable transaction regardless of any additional imaging service requested by the Customer. If the Customer elects storage of Imaged Documents, the Bank will store Imaged Documents for a period of thirty (30) days (Short Term Storage) to ten (10) years (Long Term Storage) from the processing date of the applicable transaction., per the Customer's selection If the Customer elects to image and not store Imaged Documents with the Bank, such images will be delivered to the Customer via daily Direct Image Transmission. 9. Accuracy; Legibility. The information delivered to the Customer through the Delivery Media will be the same as the information in the data entry file provided to the Customer for the applicable time period. If the data entry file contains errors, those errors will also occur on the Delivery Media. The Bank will provide images that are as legible as possible given the legibility of the underlying remittance documents and the selected Delivery Media. The Bank has no liability or responsibility for the condition of the original remittance items provided to the Bank, and it reserves the right to review and approve sample remittance items for legibility prior to providing this service. The Customer is responsible for reviewing images obtained through the Delivery Media and to promptly notify the Bank of any images that are not clear. 10. Disclosures. As between the Customer and the Customer's clients, if applicable, certain payments collected hereunder may b bject to various cut-off times and payment deadlines (the "Disclosures"). The Customer acknowledges and agrees that the Bank has no duty to inquire as to the content of any such Disclosures, is not bound by them, and makes no representations or warranties, explicitly or implicitly, regarding same. The Customer is responsible for ensuring that the processing and payment cut-off times established by the Bank are in compliance with the Disclosures and Customer's responsibilities under applicable laws and regulations. The Customer further acknowledges and agrees that the data processed by the Bank belongs to the Customer or the Customer's clients. PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 1 Page 8 of 40 Exhibit "B" D. Coin& Currency Coin and Currency Services, also referred to as Cash Vault Services, provides coin and currency delivery and deposit services to companies that use large quantities of cash. With a nationwide vault network, Customers can place orders for coin and currency, make deposits and track activity by location through electronic reporting options. 1. Cash Orders 1.1. Placement of Cash Orders. The Customer may issue written instructions for the Bank to release United States coin and currency ("Cash") to an armored courier service (the "Courier") as designated by the Customer in accordance with the Bank's guidelines ("Cash Order"). The Customer acknowledges that Cash Orders may be transmitted to the Bank only during such times as set forth in the guidelines. The Bank is authorized to debit the account of the Customer designated in the Cash Order for the amount set forth in the Cash Order. If the Bank has agreed to such an arrangement, the Customer may also place a Cash Order directly at one of the Bank's branch locations by issuing a check to debit the Customer's account at the Bank or as a " cash for cash" exchange. If there are insufficient funds in the designated account, the Bank is authorized to refuse the Cash Order, to fill a partial Cash Order or to debit the designated account even if such debit causes an overdraft, or to debit any other account of the Customer at the Bank. 1.2. Cash Order Limits. The Bank and the Customer may agree to limit the amount of Cash that may be delivered pursuant to a Cash Order ("Cash Limit"). 1.3. Discrepancies for Cash Orders. All Cash Orders must be validated by the Customer within 24 hours of receipt. If a currency strap, coin bag or wrapped coin discrepancy is identified, the Customer may contact Cash Services Customer Support at 888-872-0517 to request a Cash Order Claim Fo . The completed form and proper documentation must be sent to the Bank and post marked within 48 hours of receipt of the Cash Order. Any claims post marked after the 48 hour period may be denied and the Customer will have no right to refuse or receive an adjustment after such time period. 1.4. Cancellations and Amendments. A Cash Order may be cancelled by the Customer telephonically, electronically or in writing by a person the Bank reasonably believes to be authorized to act on behalf of the Customer and only if the cancellation is received within a reasonable time before the Cash is delivered to the Courier ("Cancellation"). A Cash Order may only be amended telephonically and the Bank will not be responsible for any change in a Cash Order it has received. Any attempt to amend a Cash Order electronically may result in duplicate Cash being delivered. 1.5. Notice of Rejection/Execution. If the Bank rejects a Cash Order request, it will promptly notify the Customer of the reason. The Bank will notify the Customer when it has executed a Cash Order. Unless, within three (3) business days after receipt of notification of the execution of a Cash Order the Customer notifies the Bank in writing that a Cash Order was unauthorized or otherwise unenforceable against the Customer, the Bank shall not be liable for executing the Cash Order as notified, including any loss of interest. 1.6. Security Procedure. The Bank must receive a Cash Order using atouch-tone telephone, or other electronic communications device mutually agreed upon by the Customer and the Bank, based upon codes assigned by the Bank to the Customer that identify the Customer and the location (collectively, "Codes"). The Customer agrees that use of the Codes constitutes a security procedure for verifying the authenticity of the Cash Order as being that of the Customer ("Security Procedure")... The Customer and the Bank will maintain reasonable security and control of the Codes. The Bank is not responsible or liable for detecting any error in the transmission or content of any Cash Order or Cancellation and the Security Procedure is not intended to detect any such error. No agreement or instruction of the Customer restricting acceptance of any Cash Order or Cancellation is binding on the Bank, except as set forth in these Service Terms or in a writing signed by the Customer and the Bank. These Security Procedures do not apply to Cash Order requests made by the Customer at one of our branch locations when the Customer is making a "cash for cash" exchange or issuing a check to debit the Customer's account at the Bank. 1.7. Geographical Limitations. The Customer represents and warrants that all Cash Orders will be used by Customer in its normal course of business at the Customer's store/office locations in the United States. 2. Cash Deposits 2.1. Standard Courier Service. The Customer may deliver and pick up shipments of Cash or checks to or from the Bank by using the services of a Courier that has been authorized by the Bank, who will act solely as the Customer's agent. The Courier must comply with the Bank's guidelines, as amended from time to time, and must maintain all licenses and permits required by law in addition to adequate insurance to cover its liabilities in providing courier services to the Customer. The Bank may refuse to permit any courier to enter its premises with or without cause, in which case the Bank will use reasonable efforts to promptly notify the Customer. With regard to Customer's Courier, Customer is responsible for any individual's actions while at the Bank's facilities including theft, property damage, intentional crimes and any other act or omission even if such actions would be considered outside the scope of their employment and whether the individual is impersonating an employee of the courier if the Bank has followed its customary procedures for identifying the individual. PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 1 Page 9 of 40 Exhibit it B" 2.2. Deposit Presentment and Processing for Standard Courier Service. With regard to deposits delivered to one of the Bank's vault locations, the Customer's Courier must deliver deposits in sealed tamper -proof plastic security deposit bags that meet the standards described in the Bank's guidelines and contain only Cash and checks. The bags may also contain food stamps if the Customer provides proof satisfactory to the Bank of the Customer's authority to redeem food stamps. The Bank will open the bags and process the deposits. (a) Delivery to Vault. If the Bank agrees to accept the Customer deposits at a vault location, the Bank will provide a receipt indicating the number of bags it has received. This receipt is not an acknowledgment of the contents of any bag, nor is any telephonic or other acknowledgment of a deposit of which the Customer notifies the Bank by telephone or by electronic means. (b) Delivery to Branch for Delayed Processing. If the Bank agrees to accept the Customer deposits at a branch location, the Bank will not verify the amount of the deposits at the time of receipt but will provide the Customer with a receipt showing the amount indicated in the Customer's, deposit slip. This receipt is not an acknowledgment of the contents of any bag. 2.3. Courier Service through the use of a Smart Safe. The Customer may use the services of a Courier that has been authorized by the Bank, who will act solely as the Customer's agent with regard to machines that will hold Cash that are physically located in the Customer's locations (" smart safes"). The Courier must comply with the Bank's guidelines, as amended from time to time, and must maintain all licenses and permits required by law in addition to adequate insurance to cover its liabilities in providing courier services. The Bank may refuse to permit any courier to enter its premises with or without cause, in which case the Bank will use reasonable efforts to promptly notify the Customer. The Customer will place only Cash in the smart safes which will be maintained by the Customer's Courier. The Customer's Courier is authorized to transmit the Cash information to the Bank on the Customer's behalf and the Bank, upon receipt of such data transmission, will provide provisional credit to the Customer's designated account. The Courier will deliver the Cash to the Bank as directed by the Bank at the Customer's expense. The Customer authorizes the Bank to instruct the Courier to pick up any Cash for which the Bank has given provisional credit at any time and at the Customer's expense. 2.4. Deposit Presentment and Processing through the use of a Smart Safe. The Customer agrees that once the Cash is in the smart safe, the Customer no longer has any ownership, control or rights with regard to the physical Cash and that the Bank is authorized to rely upon the transmitted information from the Customer's Courier with regard to deposits or adjustments to the Customer's deposit account with the Bank. Once the Customer's Courier has completed the verification of the Cash from the smart safe and has transmitted the deposit/adjustment information to the Bank, the Cash is then placed into the Bank's inventory at the Courier's location. In the event of a dispute related to the amount credited to the Customer's deposit account, the Customer will initiate its claim and request for an investigation with its Courier. 2.5. Discrepancies. All deposits are subject to verification. If there are differences between the amount credited by the Bank and the amount shown on the deposit slip prepared by the Customer or the receipt provided to the Customer or its Courier upon initial presentment, the count will be recounted. The Bank's dete ination and records as to its receipt of any bag and as to the contents of any bag is conclusive and binding on the Customer, and the Bank may correct any credit made to the Customer's account. The Bank will notify the Customer's representative designated in the service implementation questionnaire if the difference is more than the minimum amount specified in the Bank's guidelines. All Cash Orders must be validated by the Customer within 24 hours of receipt. If a currency strap, coin bag or wrapped coin difference is identified, contact Cash Services Customer Support at 888-872-0517 to request a Cash Order Claim Form. The completed form and proper documentation must be postmarked within 48 hours of receipt of the Cash Order. Any claims postmarked after the 48-hour period will be denied and Customer will have no right to request or receive an adjustment after such time period. 2.6. Relationship upon Delivery of Bags. Until the Bank recounts the contents of the bags and enters a final credit to the Customer's account, the Bank is not responsible for any claimed contents of the bags. The Customer should not include anything in a bag other than Cash and its deposit slip, and the Bank shall have no responsibility or liability if there is any other property included or claimed to have been included in a bag... 2.7. Delivery to Unattended Facility. If the Bank agrees to allow the Customer to use one of the Bank's unattended facilities (including but not limited to a night depository or commercial ATM), the Bank may provide the Customer with an access device (such as a key or card that may require a personal identification number ("PIN"). The Customer must return all access devices to the Bank upon request. The Bank will process any deposits delivered to an unattended facility as provided for in the Bank's guidelines. If the Customer receives a receipt from an unattended facility, the receipt is not an acknowledgment of the contents of any bag or of the receipt of any bag. While the Customer or the Customer's Courier is physically present at one of the Bank's unattended facilities, the Customer is a licensee only and the Bank has no responsibility for the safety of the Customer or its Courier while at such facility. 2.8. Liability at Unattended Facility. The Customer assumes all risks of using any unattended facilities, including risks of theft, robbery and personal injury; the Bank is not responsible if a facility fails to operate properly in any way, including failing to open, close, lock or unlock. It is the Customer's responsibility to verify that its bags have dropped down completely into the facility, and the Customer agrees that it will not leave any bags in any facility that does not appear to be operating properly. The Bank will not be liable to the Customer if any unattended facility, tele-entry or online system is closed or otherwise unavailable for use at any time. PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 1 Page 10 of 40 Exhibit B" 2.9. Geographical Limitations of Cash Deposits. Cash Deposits must be delivered to the Bank by Customer's courier and from Customer's physical store/office locations in the United States. Cross -border cash deposits (i.e., cash brought into the United States from outside the United States) are strictly prohibited E. Positive Pay, Reverse Positive Pay and Payee Verification Positive Pay, Reverse Positive Pay and Payee Verification services help prevent check fraud on Customers accounts by identifying discrepancies between checks presented to the Bank for payment and those checks issued by Customers. With Positive Pay, the Customer sends check issuance information to the Bank and the Bank compares such information to checks being presented for payment. With Reverse Positive Pay, the Bank sends the Customer information on checks being presented for payment and the Customer does its own comparison. Payee Verification is an enhanced feature for Positive Pay whereby the Customer includes payee name information and the Bank compares such information against the payee names on checks being presented. As a condition precedent for receiving Payee Verification, the Customer must be receiving Positive Pay in connection with the same Account. 1. Issuance Information. The following information is defined as "Issuance Information" for each Item: i) Account number; ii) Item serial number; iii) dollar amount; iv) issue date [for Positive Pay and Payee Verification only]; and v) the payee name [for Payee Verification only]. For Positive Pay and Payee Verification, the Customer will provide the Bank the Issuance Information by the banking day on which the Customer issues Items, by means of a mutually agreed upon transmission method the Issuance Info ation. The Bank will compare the Issuance Information with the Items presented to the Bank for payment against the Account. For Reverse Positive Pay, the Bank will send the Customer the Issuance Information and the Customer will compare such info ation with the checks they have issued. 2. Discrepancies. For Positive Pay and Payee Verification, if Items are presented to the Bank for which it has not received timely Issuance Information or that contains information different from the Issuance Information for that Item, the Bank will notify the Customer by means of a mutually agreed upon method, by the designated time of the Banking Day following the Banking Day the Item is presented. The Customer shall advise the Bank by means of a mutually agreed upon method by the designated time on that same Banking Day whether any such Item is authorized for payment ("Presentment Decision"). In the event that the Customer fails to timely inform the Bank about any Item for which a Presentment Decision is requested, as required above, the Bank is authorized to return such Item unless otherwise agreed by the Customer and the Bank. For Reverse Positive Pay, the Bank will provide Issuance Information to the Customer of Items presented for payment; the Customer shall advise the Bank by means of a mutually agreed upon method by the designated time on that same Banking Day whether any such Item is authorized for payment, and in the event that the Customer fails to timely inform the Bank as required, the Bank is authorized to pay such Item(s) unless otherwise agreed by the Customer and the Bank. The Bank is entitled to rely on any instructions that it receives and reasonably believes to be genuine. If a Customer attempts to change an instruction previously given by sending an email or other message to the Bank, the Bank may, but has no obligation to, act upon such change request. 3. Payee Verification Additional Terms. For Payee Verification, Customer acknowledges that Items that have been converted to ACH transactions prior to being presented for payment will not be eligible for this service and the payee name information will not be compared to the Issuance Information for Items that have been converted to ACH transactions. If the Customer fails to provide the Issuance Information in the file format required by the Bank, the Bank will not be liable for not detecting any discrepancy between the Item and the Issuance Info ation or for processing such Item. The Bank reserves the right to set a threshold amount for Items (as may be revised by the Bank from time to time) to be reviewed under the Payee Verification service (the "Threshold Amount"). The Items below the Threshold Amount will be handled according to the standard Account Documentation governing the Customer's Account; however, the Customer will not be liable for such Items if the discrepancy would have otherwise been detected under this Service. With regard to payee name comparison, the Bank will compare the payee name provided in the Issuance Information to the payee lines contained in the name/address block identified on the Item (presented as provided for in the Bank's setup requirements) and will be limited to those parameters specifically agreed to by the Customer and Bank. 4. Reverse Positive Pay Additional Terms. For Reverse Positive Pay, Customer acknowledges that Items presented for encashment at any of the Bank's branch locations will be refused unless Customer has requested that Bank allow encashment of such Items. If Customer authorizes Bank to pay Items presented for encashment at the Bank's branch locations, Bank shall follow its usual and customary over-the- counter encashment procedures (as may be in effect from time to time) and Customer assumes the risk of any loss that would have been prevented through the use of Positive Pay or Payee Verification services. Customer acknowledges that the Bank may charge a person who cashes an Item drawn on the Customer's Account a fee if that person is not a customer of the Bank. Customer agrees to unconditionally release, indemnify and hold harmless the Bank against any and all liability loss or claim relating to an Item being cashed or returned over-the- counter. 5. Voided Items. The Customer agrees to place a void on an Item in the Issuance Information only with respect to Items that are not in circulation. If the Customer wants to stop pay on a check that has been issued, the Customer is required to issue any Stop Payment request pursuant to the relevant terms of the Account Documentation, outside of these services. 6. Item Payment. The Bank is not obligated to maintain signature cards for the Account and whether or not the Bank does maintain such signature cards, in no event shall the Bank be obligated to inspect any check for the presence or authenticity of any signature or to determine whether any signature is authorized. The Customer acknowledges that the Bank's adherence to these procedures in these terms, in lieu of PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 1 Page 11 of 40 Exhibit ff B" signature examination, will constitute the exercise of good faith and ordinary care by the Bank in handling Items presented for payment against the Account. 7. Over the Counter Presentment. The Bank may, without liability to the Customer, refuse to pay any Item presented for encashment at any of the Bank's branch locations. If an Item is presented for encashment at one of the Bank's branch locations at the teller line, the Customer authorizes the Bank to pay such Item based upon the Positive Pay information at the teller line. The Bank may charge a person who cashes an Item drawn on the Customer's Account a fee at the time of encashment. F. Controlled Disbursements Controlled Disbursement Accounts help customers effectively manage the disbursement process to gain control over idle balances and automate funding transfers and is designed to provide disbursement totals early each business day. 1. Controlled Disbursement Account. Each controlled disbursement account ("Controlled DlsbursementAccoun pt as set forth herein, shall be opened and maintained in accordance with the Account Documentation. Customer agrees that if it faits to utilize one of the Bank's positive pay services on the Controlled Disbursement Account, that failure will constitute Customer negligence contributing to the making of any unauthorized signature and Customer assumes the risk that checks or drafts ("Items") presented against the Controlled Disbursement Account may be forged or altered, to the extent that the positive pay services the Bank offers may have prevented any loss. The Bank will have no liability for any loss related to an Item presented against the Controlled Disbursement Account which would otherwise generally have been returned under such positive pay services 2. Payment of Items. Bank, on each banking day, will advise Customer of the total amount of Items drawn against the Controlled Disbursement Accounts that are presented for payment, on that day, to the Bank by a Federal Reserve Bank or another depository institution pursuant to a same -day settlement arrangement. Bank will honor Items which are properly payable, but shall have no obligation to pay any Item should sufficient immediately available funds to cover such Items not be transferred to the Controlled Disbursement Account in accordance with these Service Terms and the Account Documentation. 3. Over -the -Counter Presentment. Bank may, without liability to Customer, refuse to pay any Item presented for encashment at any of the Bank's branch locations. 4. Funding Account for Controlled Disbursement. Customer will maintain with Bank a designated account for purposes of funding the Controlled Disbursement Account, or the funding account may be maintained at an affiliated bank or other financial institution (the "Funding Account"). Customer authorizes Bank to debit the Funding Account for the total amount of the Items presented and any funds transfers against the Controlled Disbursement Account, and to promptly transfer such amount to the Controlled Disbursement Account even though such a debit may bring about or increase an overdraft. All funds transfers from the Funding Account to the Controlled Disbursement Account shall be in immediately available funds. Customer will maintain sufficient available funds in the Funding Account to cover Items and funds transfers presented against the Controlled Disbursement Account, and the Bank shall have no obligation to transfer funds, process Items for payment or complete any funds transfers unless there are sufficient available funds in the Funding Account. The Bank is authorized to debit the Funding Account for any obligations owed directly or indirectly on the Controlled Disbursement Account. The Bank shall not be liable for failure to pay any Item presented for payment against any Controlled Disbursement Account due to insufficient funds in the Funding Account. 5. Media. Bank will transmit to Customer by the transmission method or media agreed to by Customer and Bank information regarding Customer's Controlled Disbursement Account. 6. Routing Transit Number. Customer agrees to use the designated controlled disbursement account routing transit number on the Items it issues from the Controlled Disbursement Account. Customer acknowledges that if it fails to use such designated controlled disbursement account routing transit number the Bank is authorized to terminate this Service or any Service feature upon notice to the Customer. 7. Financial Condition. In the event of the deterioration of the financial condition of the Customer, as determined in the Bank's sole discretion, the Bank may immediately terminate the Service, any Service feature, and/or may convert any Controlled Disbursement Account to a stand-alone demand deposit account without prior notice to the Customer. 8. Third Party Usage. Customer agrees that it will not permit a third party to write checks on or otherwise issue payment transactions or instructions on Customer's Controlled Disbursement Account. Customer agrees to indemnify and hold Bank harmless from and against any and all actions, claims, demands, losses, liabilities or expenses whatsoever, including attomey's fees and costs, resulting directly or indirectly from Customer's breach of this Section 8. This indemnity shall survive the termination of these Service Terms. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, Customer acknowledges that, if Customer breaches this Section 8, Bank may immediately terminate this Service or any Service feature upon notice to the Customer. PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 1 Page 12 of 40 Exhibit B" G. Image Cash Letter 1. Service. These terms govern the image cash letter service (the "Service") which allows image -enabled check customers to prepare and transmit electronic deposit information and check images instead of preparing and physically depositing paper cash letters and associated original check. 2. Transmission and Processing. Customer shall provide through its own methods or devices the captured check images and check data from the Check, including the magnetic ink character recognition fo atting (MICR) information through electronic transmissions (the "Transmissions") in the format and specifications required by the Bank's File Standards and within the cut-off times provided by the Bank. Customer authorizes Bank to process the Transmissions as substitute checks, electronic images or photos in lieu, as may be applicable for further clearing through any other financial institution, clearinghouse or Federal Reserve Bank. If the Customer is eligible and has chosen to have Checks processed as ACH transactions, Bank will convert eligible Checks to ARC or POP entries, as defined and provided for in the ACH Origination Service Terms. Customer agrees that it is solely responsible for the creation and transmission of these Transmissions to the Bank. If any Transmission (including any source document for purposes of these Service Terms) does not meet the Bank's or any transferee's standard requirements for processing, Customer assumes all risk of loss or delay in processing such Transmission and authorizes the Bank to either (a) return the Transmission to the Customer without further processing, (b) process the Transmission as sent from the Customer, (c) process the Checks as photocopies in lieu of the originals, or (d) repair or attempt to repair the Transmission for further processing. Under this Service, "Checks" shall mean checks and drafts drawn in US dollars on, or payable through, banks located in the United States (including Puerto Rico, Guam and the US Virgin Islands), endorsed for deposit to Customer's account at the Bank. 3. Image Cash Letter File Deposit Time. The Transmissions must be sent to Bank prior to the deposit deadline. Any Transmission will be deemed to have been received by Bank when the entire file has been written onto Bank's system and made available for Bank to validate. Based upon the size of the Transmission file, there may be a significant delay between the time Customer begins to send the file and the completion of the transfer as stated above. As a result, Customer will make every effort to send the Transmission file as early as possible. Files that are received after a deposit deadline will be considered deposited as of the next deposit deadline. Processing fees and funds availability will be assessed based on the deposit deadline that is met. 4. Customer Liability. Customer shall be solely responsible if any Transmission for which Customer has been given provisional credit is returned or reversed, and neither Bank nor its subcontractors shall be liable or responsible for same. Customer acknowledges that all credits received for deposit are provisional, subject to verification, final settlement or return. Information and data reported hereunder: (a) may be received prior to final posting and confirmation and is subject to correction and (b) is for informational purposes only and may not be relied upon. Customer agrees that Bank shall have no liability for the content of payment -related information as received from the Customer. Customer shall be solely responsible for the original Checks, including storage and retrieval. Customer agrees to provide a legible copy of an image or the original Check if requested by the Bank within five (5) business days of such request. If Customer is unable to provide the original or legible copy, Customer shall be liable for any associated loss or claim involving the Check. Customer will not present a Transmission or the original Check or substitute check more than once to the Bank if the initial Transmission was processed as an ACH transaction and shall be responsible for any and all losses or claims resulting from the Customer presenting such Check or Transmission for payment more than once through any method. 5. Suspension/Cancellation of Service. Bank reserves the right to suspend or terminate the Service, in whole or in part if Bank believes Customer is in breach of these Service Terms or is otherwise using or accessing the Service in a manner inconsistent with the rules and regulations relating to the Service being provided and such breach, use or access is not cured within three business days after notice to Customer. Further, this Service will automatically terminate if the Customer's account with the Bank is closed for any reason. Either party may terminate the Service upon thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the other party; provided, however, that the te s of Section 9 will apply to any termination prior to the time period set forth in the Pricing Schedule. 6. Intellectual Property Ownership. Neither these Service Terms nor the provision of the Service transfer to Customer any ownership or proprietary rights in the Bank's technology or any work or any part thereof, and all right, title and interest in and to the Bank's technology will remain solely with Bank or its subcontractors. 7. WARRANTIES AND DISCLAIMERS. PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 1 Page 13 of 40 Exhibit B" 7.1. CUSTOMER WARRANTY. CUSTOMER WARRANTS AND REPRESENTS TO THE BANK THAT: (A) EACH TRANSMISSION CONTAINS ACCURATE AND LEGIBLE IMAGES OF ALL OF THE INFORMATION ON THE FRONT AND BACK OF THE ORIGINAL CHECKS AT THE TIME EACH CHECK WAS TRUNCATED; (B) EACH TRANSMISSION ALSO CONTAINS A RECORD OF ALL APPLICABLE MICR -LINE INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR A SUBSTITUTE CHECK AND THE ACCURATE AMOUNT OF THE CHECK; (C) EACH TRANSMISSION CONFORMS TO THE TECHNICAL STANDARDS FOR AN ELECTRONIC ITEM SET FORTH IN REGULATION J AND FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OPERATING CIRCULARS AND FOR A SUBSTITUTE CHECK SET FORTH IN REGULATION CC; (D) NO PERSON WILL RECEIVE A TRANSFER, PRESENTMENT OR RETURN OF, OR OTHERWISE BE CHARGED FOR, THE CHECK (EITHER THE ORIGINAL CHECK, OR A PAPER OR ELECTRONIC REPRESENTATION OF THE ORIGINAL CHECK) SUCH THAT THE PERSON WILL BE ASKED TO MAKE PAYMENT BASED UPON A CHECK IT HAS ALREADY PAID; (E) CUSTOMER WILL NOT REDEPOSIT THROUGH THIS SERVICE ANY TRANSMISSION REPRESENTING A CHECK PREVIOUSLY DEPOSITED AND RETURNED TO THE CUSTOMER; (F) CUSTOMER WILL EMPLOY COMMERCIALLY REASONABLE SECURITY MEASURES AND FIREWALLS SUFFICIENT TO PROTECT THE TRANSMISSIONS AND STORAGE TO ENSURE NO UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS OR DUPLICATE PRESENTMENT; (G) CUSTOMER WILL ONLY CREATE TRANSMISSIONS FOR CHECKS THAT ORIGINATED AS PAPER CHECKS; (H) CUSTOMER HAS ESTABLISHED AN ANTI -MONEY LAUNDERING PROGRAM IN COMPLIANCE WITH ANTI -MONEY LAUNDERING LAWS AND REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO IT AND SUCH ANTI - MONEY LAUNDERING PROGRAM INCLUDES POLICIES, PROCEDURES AND CONTROLS DESIGNED TO DETECT AND PREVENT MONEY LAUNDERING WHICH CUSTOMER BELIEVES EFFECTIVELY PREVENTS THE USE OF CUSTOMER'S OPERATIONS, PERSONNEL OR FACILITIES FOR MONEY LAUNDERING PURPOSES; AND (I) CUSTOMER WILL ONLY ACCESS THE SERVICE AND SEND TRANSMISSIONS TO THE BANK FROM LOCATIONS WITHIN THE UNITIED STATES; (J) CUSTOMER IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LOCAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO IT IN THE USE OF THIS SERVICE. 7.2. DISCLAIMER. BANK AND ITS SUBCONTRACTORS MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY REGARDING OR RELATING TO ANY OF THE TECHNOLOGY OR SERVICE AND/OR ACCESS TO OR USE OF THE SERVICE OR TECHNOLOGY PROVIDED TO CUSTOMER HEREUNDER. BANK AND ITS SUBCONTRACTORS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THERE ARE CERTAIN SECURITY, CORRUPTION, TRANSMISSION ERROR AND ACCESS AVAILABILITY RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH USING OPEN NETWORKS SUCH AS THE INTERNET, AND CUSTOMER ASSUMES ALL SUCH RISKS. CUSTOMER SHALL MAKE AN INDEPENDENT ASSESSMENT OF THE ADEQUACY OF THE INTERNET IN USE OF THE SERVICE PURSUANT TO THE BANK'S PROCEDURES. CUSTOMER FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE SELECTION AND USE BY IT OF ANY THIRD PARTY SECURITY AND COMMUNICATIONS SOFTWARE AND THIRD PARTY SERVICE PROVIDERS IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF CUSTOMER, AND BANK DISCLAIMS ALL RISKS RELATED THERETO, NOTHWITHSTANDING THAT THE BANK MAY RECOMMEND CERTAIN SECURITY AND/OR COMMUNICATIONS SOFTWARE AND SERVICES. CUSTOMER AGREES TO, AT ITS SOLE EXPENSE, PROCURE AND MAINTAIN ALL HARDWARE, BROWSERS, SOFTWARE AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT NECESSARY TO ACCESS THE SERVICE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BANK'S RECOMMENDED SYSTEM CONFIGURATION. 8. INDEMNIFICATION. IN ADDITION TO ITS INDEMNIFICATION OBLIGATIONS IN THE ACCOUNT TERMS, AND EXCEPT FOR LOSSES OR EXPENSES CAUSED BY BANK'S FAILURE TO EXERCISE ORDINARY CARE OR WILLFUL MISCONDUCT, CUSTOMER AGREES TO INDEMNIFY BANK FOR ANY LOSS OR EXPENSE SUSTAINED (INCLUDING ATTORNEY'S FEES AND EXPENSES OF LITIGATION) RESULTING FROM (i) CUSTOMER'S LACK OF AUTHORITY TO MAKE THE WARRANTIES PROVIDED HEREIN; (fl) ANY ACTION TAKEN OR NOT TAKEN BY BANK WITHIN THE SCOPE OF ITS AUTHORITY UNDER THESE SERVICE TERMS IN HANDLING A CHECK; AND (iii) ANY WARRANTY OR INDEMNITY REQUIRED TO BE MADE BY BANK WITH RESPECT TO A CHECK UNDER APPLICABLE LAW OR REGULATION. 9. Pricing Sched ule/Vol ume/Termoi nation Penalties. Bank and Customer agree to the terms of the Pricing Schedule which are incorporated herein by reference, including the length of time the Service will be provided, the charges/fees and the volumes, as may be stated in the Pricing Schedule. If Customer terminates the Service or the Service is otherwise te inated without fault of the Bank prior to the period of time set forth in the Pricing Schedule, Customer shall pay the Bank a termination fee equal to twelve (12) times the average monthly transaction fee for the Service for the period of time the Service was provided to Customer. Such termination fee shall be paid within thirty (30) days' after the effective te ination date. 10. Audit. Customer authorizes the Bank to audit its facilities where the Checks are imaged, stored and destroyed as well as where the Transmiss11 ions are processed under this Service upon reasonable prior written notice from the Bank. I I. Online Adjustments Services. If Bank and Customer agree, Customer will submit its adjustment requests through the web -based SVPCO Online Adjustment Service ("Online Adjustment") based on the following terms: PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 1 Page 14 of 40 Exhibit B" For Customers choosing the deposit account option where they settle for the Items through the Customer's deposit account at Bank ("Deposit Account") option, Customer agrees to be bound by the SVPCO Electronic Adjustment Exchange Rules, as may be amended from time to time ("SVPCO Rules"). Bank will assist the Customer in implementing and registering for Online Adjustment. Customer will designate at least one Administrator by submitting the Secure ID Token Form for Online Adjustments ("Form"). After the initial registration, Customer will be able to update its designated users directly through SVPCO. Bank may conclusively rely upon any information or instructions purported to be sent by the Customer through Online Adjustment. Customer agrees that Bank may charge Customer's Account for any adjustments and related fees. Customer agrees that the Bank shall have no responsibility with regard to the adjustment info ation transmitted through Online Adjustment. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these Service Terms or the Account Documentation, Online Adjustment will automatically terminate upon the termination or expiration of the agreement covering the SVPCO online adjustment service between Bank and The Clearing House. H. Image Deposit Direct 1. ServiceTerms. JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. ("Bank")will provide Customerthe Image Deposit Direct(IDD) Service (the "Service") in accordance with the provisions set forth in these Image Deposit Direct Service Terms (the "Service Terms"). The provisions of the Bank's account documentation, including the account terms governing the operation of business accounts and services and any applicable Service Terms as may be amended from time to time (collectively, the "Account Documentation") are incorporated herein. By signing the applicable Account Documentation or by using or continuing to use the Service, Customer agrees to these Service Terms. If and to the extent there is a conflict between the Account Documentation and these Service Terms, the provisions of these Service Terms will prevail. Capitalized terms used in these Service Terms and not defined herein have the meanings set forth in the Account Documentation. 2. The Service. The Service allows Customer to electronically transmit deposits of eligible checks and items (eligible checks and items are limited to personal checks, money orders, business checks, cashiers checks, traveler's checks payable in U.S. Dollars and drawn on U.S. banks or US Postal Service Money Orders, payable to the Customer, by using a capture device, including a desktop scanner or mobile device (hereinafter referred to as a"Scanner"), to create an electronic image of an original paper check or item and other paper source documents (collectively, "Item") and transmitting the image of the Item ("Image") and related data to Bank. As part of the Service Customer must use software and hardware provided by or acceptable to Bank. Customer is solely responsible for the Image and any information or data transmitted, supplied or key -entered by Customer employees or its agent. Before any Image of an Item is transmitted to the Bank, the Item shall be endorsed with the legend "For Deposit Only" and the Customer's name or account number unless otherwise provided for by the Bank. (a) Customer agrees that after the Image of the Item has been created and transmitted to the Bank for deposit, Customer shall not otherwise transfer or negotiate the original Item, substitute check or any other image of the Item. Customer further agrees that Customer shall be solely responsible for the original Items, including storage, retrieval and destruction. Customer must have in place policies and procedures for the secure storage and destruction of the original Items. (b) Customer agrees that a copy made from the Image or substitute check of the Item, as defined by federal law, will become the legal representation of the Item for all purposes, including return item processing. (c) If Bank receives the submitted deposit transmission no later than the Bank's designated cut off time (the "Cutoff Time") on a day that the Bank is generally open for business, i.e., Monday through Friday excluding weekends and state or federal holidays ("Business Day"), Bank will consider that Business Day to be the day of deposit. If Bank receives the submitted deposit transmission after the Cutoff Time or on a non -Business Day, the deposit will be considered to be made on the next Business Day. Whether the Cutoff Time has been met will be determined by the time displayed on the Bank's internal system clocks which may not necessarily be synchronized with the internal clock displayed on Customer's computer or device. For this reason, Bank suggests that Customer submit its deposit transmissions to Bank sufficiently in advance of the Cutoff Time to avoid the possibility of missing the Cutoff Time. (d) The term of the Service is two (2) years. After the expiration of the initial two year term, the Service shall continue on a month to month basis. (e) Customer is responsible for making certain that only Images of eligible Items are sent to Bank through this Service. Any Image of an Item sent through this Service that is not eligible as set forth in Section 2 above will be handled at Customer's sole risk and liability. (f) Subpart B of Federal Regulation CC (availability of funds) does not apply when electronic images of Items are transmitted to Bank. Funds from deposits made via this Service will be available in accordance with the availability schedule for the Service. However, Bank may apply additional delays on the availability of funds based on any other factors as determined in the Bank's sole discretion. (g) Customer agrees that Scanners used as a part of this Service are only to be used at locations within the United States. 3. Item Processing. If the submitted deposit transmission with respect to any Item does not comply with the Bank's or its processor's requirements for item type submitted, content, batch size and/or format, Customer shall be responsible for any loss related to the processing of such Item, including if the Bank, in its sole discretion: (a) further transmits the Item or data in the form received from Customer; PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 1 Page 15 of 40 Exhibit "B" (b) repairs or attempts to repair the Item or data and then further transmits it; (c) processes the Item as a photocopy in lieu of the original; or (d) returns the Item or data to Customer unprocessed and charges back Customer's account. Warranties. Customer represents and warrants to Bank that: (a) any Image Bank receives accurately and legibly represents all of the information on the front and back of the original Item as of the time the original Item is truncated; (b) the information Customer transmits to Bank corresponding to an Item contains a record of all applicable MICR -line information required for a substitute check and the accurate amount of the Item; (c) the Image conforms to the technical standards for an Electronic Item set forth in Regulation J and Federal Reserve Bank operating circulars and for a substitute check set forth in Regulation CC; (d) no person will receive a transfer, presentment, or return of, or otherwise be charged for, the Item (either the original Item, or a paper or electronic representation of the original Item) such that the person will be asked to make payment based on an Item it has already paid; (e) Customer will not redeposit through this Service any Item previously deposited and returned to Customer unless Bank advises Customer otherwise; (� Customer will employ commercially reasonable security measures and firewalls sufficient to protect transmissions and storage to ensure no unauthorized access or duplicate presentment; (g) Customer will only transmit Images created from original paper Items; and (h) Customer will comply with all laws and regulations applicable to Customer in its use of the Service and not use the Service for any purpose prohibited by foreign exchange regulations, postal regulations or any other treaty, statute, regulation or authority. 5. Computer Equipment; Browser Access and Internet Services. Customer is responsible for obtaining, installing, maintaining and operating all browsers, software, hardware, telecommunications equipment or other equipment (collectively, "System") necessary for Customer to access and use the Service in accordance with the Bank's recommended system configuration.. This responsibility includes, without limitation, Customer's utilizing up-to-date web -browsers and the best commercially available encryption, antivirus, anti- spyware, and Internet security software. Customer acknowledges that there are certain security, corruption, transmission error, and access availability risks associated with using open networks such as the Internet and Customer hereby expressly assumes such risks, including, but not limited to those Bank may disclose in its educational materials. Customer acknowledges that Customer is responsible for the data security of the Systems used to access the Service, and for the transmission and receipt of information using such Systems. Customer acknowledges that it has made an independent assessment of the adequacy of the Internet and Systems in connection with the use of the Service and that Customer is satisfied with that assessment. Customer agrees that the presence of any malware, including, without limitation, any keystroke logger type of malware, on any of Customer's computers shall be presumed, unless proven otherwise by clear and convincing evidence by Customer, to constitute the failure by Customer to fulfill its duty at all times to maintain the proper functioning, maintenance and security of its own systems, services, software and other equipment, and to be the cause of any damage, loss, expense or liability which may be suffered or incurred by Customer. Customer further acknowledges that the selection and use by it of any third party security and communications software and third party service providers is the sole responsibility of the Customer and the Customer is responsible for all fees associated therewith. Bank disclaims all risks related thereto and makes no endorsement thereof, notwithstanding that the Bank may recommend certain security and/or communications software and services or provide a link to a third party site where Customer may download software. 6. Security Devices. In order to communicate electronically with Bank whether via the Internet, or otherwise, to access information or effect transactions in connection with the Service, Customer shall utilize identification codes, passwords, authorization, authentication and/or encryption algorithms, tangible or intangible security tokens, cookies, digital signatures and private or public keys (individually a "Security Device" and collectively the "Security Devices") to be issued or approved by Bank from time to time. To prevent unauthorized access to Customer's accounts and to prevent unauthorized use of the Service, Customer agrees to protect and keep confidential the Security Devices used for accessing Customer's accounts via the Service. If Customer believes someone may attempt to use or has used the Service without Customer's permission, or that any other unauthorized use or security breach has occurred, Customer agrees to immediately notify Customer's relationship officer. 7. Product Rights. (a) Grant of License. To the extent Bank or its licensors make any software available to Customer via download on its website or by any other means for use in conjunction with the Service, Bank hereby grants, and Customer hereby accepts, for the term of these Service Terms, anon-exclusive, non -assignable, non -transferable, limited right and license to use the proprietary computer software products in object code and any associated documentation ("Products") for use only directly in conjunction with its permitted use of the Service. PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 1 Page 16 of 40 h Exibit "B" (b) Title. Exceptfor the license granted to Customer hereunder, all rights and title in and to the Products, including any improvements, modifications, and derivative works, will at all times remain with Bank or its licensors, and Customer shall acquire no rights in the Products. (c) Use of Products. i) Customer agrees that the Products will be used only by Customer and Customer's Affiliates, provided that each Affiliate agrees to be bound by the terms hereof and further that Customer will be liable for Customer's Affiliates'acts and omissions in connection with the Products. For purposes of this Agreement, "Affiliates" means those entities that control, are controlled by or are under common control with Customer. For purposes of this definition, " control" (including with correlative meaning, controlled by, and under common control with) means the possession, directly or indirectly, of greater than a 50% ownership interest in an entity. ii) Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, Customer will not copy, modify, or create derivative works of the Products or display, assign, sublicense, .distribute, or otherwise transfer any interest in this Agreement or the Products to any third party. Customer will not, and will not permit others to, reverse engineer, reverse-compile, or reverse -assemble the Products or otherwise attempt to obtain source code for the Products. iv) Customer shall use the Products solely for Customer's internal business purposes. For purposes of this clause, the expression "internal business purposes" will in no circumstance include time sharing, rental, or service bureau purposes, or the sale, marketing or (except as otherwise expressly provided herein) commercial exploitation of the Products. v) Customer will notify Bank in writing regarding any unauthorized use or disclosure of the Products immediately after it becomes known to Customer. vi) Customer acknowledges that the Products constitute trade secrets and represent significant economic and commercial value to Bank and/or its licensors and must be maintained as secret, confidential and proprietary. Customer agrees that copyright legends borne by the Products in no way reduce the trade secret, proprietary and/or confidential nature thereof. Customer will take all reasonable steps to safeguard the Products to ensure that no unauthorized disclosure or use is made, in whole or in part, and will use at least the same degree of care to prevent the unauthorized use, disclosure or availability of the Products as Customer ordinarily use in protecting Customer's own most valuable confidential and proprietary information. Customer will not remove or alter any copyright or other proprietary legends contained on the Products. vii) Customer obligations under this Section survive termination of these Service Terms. (d) Installation, Training and Maintenance. Customer will be solely responsible for the installation, training, maintenance and use of the Products. It is Customer's (and expressly not Banks) responsibility to establish reasonable backups, accuracy checks and security precautions to guard against possible malfunctions, loss of data and unauthorized access. (e) Patent Infringement. In the event the Products become, or in Bank's opinion are reasonably likely to become, the subject of a claim of infringement, Customer will allow Bank, at its option and expense, to replace the Products with anon-infringing alternative, modify the Products so that they become non -infringing or terminate the license. (fl Risk of Loss. Customer will bear the entire risk of loss, destruction and damage to the Products from any cause whatsoever, and no such loss, destruction or damage shall impair any of Customer obligations hereunder which shall continue in full force and effect. 8. New Features. Bank may, from time to time, introduce new features to the Service or modify or delete existing features in its sole discretion. Bank shall notify Customer of any of these changes to features if Bank is legally required to do so. By using any new or modified features when they become available, Customer agrees to be bound by the rules concerning these features. 9. Audit Rights. Customer agrees that Bank has the right to audit Customer's processes and procedures for managing and maintaining the security and safety of the scanner, the transmission of the images and the original Items as defined below and that Bank has the right to audit Customer's physical locations where the scanners are used and original items are stored as well as Customer's processes for secure destruction of the original Items. 10. Indemnification. In addition to the indemnities contained in the Account Documentation, Customer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Bank, its officers, affiliates, employees and agents harmless from any actions, claims, losses, demands, liabilities, litigation or damages (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising from or in connection with: (a) Customer's breach of any of the warranties made by Customer pursuant to these Service Terms, (b) Customer's use of the Service or the use of the Service by anyone using Customer's Security Device in breach of its obligations to any third party or applicable law, or PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 1 Page 17 of 40 Exhibit it B" (c) Customer's violation of these Service Terms or the rights of any third party (including, but not limited to, privacy rights). 11. Disclaimer. THE SERVICE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE". TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED UNDER APPLICABLE LAW, ALL WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS, EXPRESS, STATUTORY OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THE SERVICES ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE OR WARRANTIES OF NON -INFRINGEMENT OR WARRANTIES AS TO ANY RESULTS TO BE OBTAINED FROM THE USE OF THE SERVICES. TO THE EXTENT THAT ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES CANNOT BE DISCLAIMED UNDER APPLICABLE LAW, ANY SUCH IMPLIED WARRANTIES ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO 30 DAYS FROM THE INITIAL DELIVERY DATE OF THE RELEVANT SERVICES THE BANK AND ANY THIRD PARTY VENDOR DO NOT WARRANT OR GUARANTY THE SECURITY, SEQUENCE, TIMELINESS, ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE DATA OR THAT ANY PART OF THE SERVICES WILL BE ERROR -FREE OR UNINTERRUPTED. 12. Limitation of Liability. (a) In no event will Bank's liability under these Service Terms for any damages of any kind exceed an amount equal to the fees the Customer paid Bank for the Service during the twelve (12) months preceding the date on which Customer made the corresponding claim. If Customer makes a claim during the first twelve (12) months of service, Bank's liability will be limited to the average monthly fee Customer paid during that time multiplied by twelve. (b) EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY SET FORTH HEREIN OR WHERE THE LAW REQUIRES A DIFFERENT STANDARD, BANK SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST PROFITS, ARISING FROM OR RELATED TO THE SYSTEM, EQUIPMENT, BROWSER AND/OR THE INSTALLATION OR MAINTENENACE THEREOF, ACCESS TO OR USE OF THE ONLINE SERVICE, FAILURE OF ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT, THE INTERNET, THE SYSTEM, OR COMMUNICATION LINES, TELEPHONE OR OTHER INTERCONNECT PROBLEMS, BUGS, ERRORS, CONFIGURATION PROBLEMS OR INCOMPATIBILITY OF COMPUTER HARDWARE, SOFTWARE, THE INTERNET, OR THE SYSTEM, FAILURE OR UNAVAILABILITY OF INTERNET ACCESS, PROBLEMS WITH INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS, PROBLEMS OR DELAYS WITH INTERMEDIATE COMPUTER OR COMMUNICATIONS NETWORKS OR FACILITIES, PROBLEMS WITH DATA TRANSMISSION FACILITIES OR ANY OTHER PROBLEMS CUSTOMER EXPERIENCES DUE TO CAUSES BEYOND BANK'S DIRECT, EXCLUSIVE AND REASONABLE CONTROL, AND CUSTOMER IN ORDER TO HOLD BANK LIABLE SHALL HAVE THE BURDEN OF PROOF TO ESTABLISH BY CLEAR AND CONVINCING EVIDENCE THAT ANY DAMAGE SUFFERED OR INCURRED BY CUSTOMER WAS FROM A CAUSE THAT WAS WITHIN BANK'S DIRECT, EXCLUSIVE AND REASONABLE CONTROL. 13. Miscellaneous. (a) If Customer cancels the Service before the expiration of two (2) years, Customer shall pay an early cancellation fee of $500.00 for each scanner not paid for in full at the time the Service is implemented. (b) In addition to other termination rights set forth in the Account Documentation, Bank may terminate the Service immediately if Customer breaches any warranty set forth in these Service Terms. (c) If the Service is cancelled or terminated for any reason, Customer shall uninstall any software or hardware from its computer systems which was provided to Customer as part of the Service or assume the risk of any loss that could have been prevented by Customer's compliance with this provision. (d) The provisions of sections 2, 4, 7, 101 11 and 12 shall survive termination of these Service Terms. I. Check Print The Check Print Service enables the Customer instruct the Bank to create and mail checks and/or documents on behalf of the Customer. 1. Print Orders. The Bank will execute each print order requested by the Customer which is received by the Bank in a manner described in these Service Terms or as otherwise provided by the Bank (the "Print Order"). Print Order information shall include payee names and addresses. Customer agrees that it will not include any other personally identifiable information or any protected health information in its Print Orders. Print Orders may include printing of non-payment documents ("Documents") if agreed to by the Bank based upon these Service Terms. 2. Check Pull Requests. For any Print Order received by the Bank, the Customer may request the Bank to pull a check(s) from processing by completing the Bank's manual check pull request form ("Check Pull Request"); provided, however, that a Check Pull Request will not be effective unless and until it is received by the Bank in the form required and the Bank has had a reasonable time to act upon such request. A Print Order may not be amended or modified. The Bank has no obligation to adjust or stop the payment or posting of a Print Order it has accepted. PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 1 Page 18 of40 1 Exhibit B" 3. Receipt of Print Orders. The Customer shall transmit Print Orders to Bank to the location and in compliance with the formatting and other requirements of the Bank set forth in its operating procedures. Bank may reject any Print Order that does not comply with these Service Terms. 4. Issuance of Checks/Documents. For each Print Order accepted by the Bank, the Bank will: (a) cause a check to be printed and completed; (b) cause a laser facsimile signature authorized by the Customer to be placed on the check; (c) if agreed upon, cause other documents to be completed and included with the check issuance ("Documents"); and (d) mail or send the check by courier along with any Documents as agreed upon (collectively, the "Issuance"). The Customer expressly grants the Bank the authority to create and process such Issuances. 5. Notice of Rejection. The Bank will promptly notify the Customer if a Print Order is rejected by the Bank and will advise the Customer as to the reason. The notice or advice shall be deemed commercially reasonable if made available through the Check Print Service or given electronically, orally, by telephone or facsimile transmission. 6. Control. The Bank is not responsible or liable for the detection of errors contained in any Print Order as received from the Customer and is entitled to rely on the info ation contained therein. 7. Reliance Upon Instructions. The Customer is responsible for, and the Bank may rely upon, the contents of any notice or instructions that Bank believes in good faith to be from the Customer without any independent investigation. The Bank shall have no duty to inquire into the authority of the individual giving such notice or instruction. In the event the Bank receives conflicting notices or instructions, the Bank is authorized to act on either the notice or instruction, or it can refuse to act. No restriction on the Bank's acceptance of any Print Order will be binding on the Bank, except as set forth in these Service Terms unless agreed to in writing by the Bank and the Bank has had a reasonable opportunity to act upon such change. 8. Limitation of Liability. The Bank's liability shall be limited to direct damages caused by the Bank's failure to use reasonable care. Reasonable care in providing the Check Print Service shall be measured by the relevant provisions of any service levels or business requirements and the standard of reasonableness of the procedures established for the transaction involved. Mere inadvertence or honest'mistake of judgment shall not constitute a failure to perform such obligations or a failure to exercise reasonable care and in no case will be deemed wrongful. 9. Cashier's Checks. If the Bank creates cashier's checks under the Check Print Service, the following additional terms will apply: (a) Customer will send the cashier's check print file information ("File Information") to the Bank by the Bank's cut off time on a given day ("Day One"); (b) the Customer authorizes the Bank to debit the Customer's designated account ("Funding Account") for the amounts shown on the File Information on Day One; (c) as the cashier's checks from the File Information are being processed, the account reconciliation issue file ("ARP File") must match the date of funding found in the File Information of the next banking day ("Day Two"); (d) for any cashier's check for which there is insufficient funds in the Funding Account on Day One to fund the purchase of the cashier's check, the Bank is authorized to reject the creation of such cashier's check; (e) fully funded cashier's checks will be printed on Day Two; (f) if the Customer is using one of the Bank's online services, Customer will be able to view information regarding the cashier's checks which were funded and created and those that were rejected; (g) any information from the File Info ation which can not be used to create a cashier's check will be communicated to the Customer for further research and reconciliation; (h) if any cashier's check is returned as undeliverable, the cashier's check will remain outstanding in the Bank's cashier's check account and escheated according to applicable laws and regulations. If the payee of a cashier's check claims that the cashier's check was lost, stolen or destroyed before the funds are escheated, such claim will be handled in accordance with the Bank's procedures. J. ACH Tax Payment 1. Service. Bank will provide a service (the "Service") whereby Customer can direct Bank, via touchtone telephone or internet platform, to make tax payments through the automated clearing house (ACH) system from an account with Bank that Customer specifies. Customer may use the service to pay: • any federal taxes covered by the Federal Tax Deposit Coupons (Form 8109) that Customer has executed and delivered to Bank from time to time; • certain state taxes; and • certain municipal taxes. Bank may pay taxes from Customer's account in accordance with any instructions issued in Customer's name that Bank verifies pursuant to the security procedures specified in these Service Te s. In using the Service, Customer agrees to comply with and be bound by the Operating Rules of the National Automated Clearing House Association ("NACHA Rules"). 2. Receipt of Instructions and Cancellations. Customer may issue instructions and cancellations only during service hours that Bank specifies, and Customer acknowledges that Bank may change such service hours upon prior notice to Customer. Bank must receive instructions, PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 1 Page 19 of 40 Exhibit "B" including but not limited to payment cancellation instructions, not later than 6:00 p.m. ET (or such other time as Bank specifies) on the Business Day prior to the day on which the tax payment is due. For purposes of this Section, "Business Day" means a day on which the Bank is open for business in its New York office. Instructions received after such time shall not be processed until the following business day and Customer shall be liable for any charges, fees or costs associated with such payment. Bank may reject or delay processing of a tax payment if the request is not complete or is inaccurate or otherwise does not meet the criteria Bank specifies for acceptance herein or in the User Guide (as hereafter defined). The Service is not designed or intended to be used for any ACH tax payment that is required to be formatted as an "International ACH Transaction" (or IAT) under the NACHA Rules. Customer agrees not to use or attempt to use the Service to originate any ACH tax payment that is required to be formatted under the NACHA Rules as an "International ACH Transaction" (or IAT). Customer shall indemnify and hold Bank harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, fines, penalties, damages, liabilities and expenses, including, without limitation, legal fees and expenses, resulting directly or indirectly from any ACH tax payment processed or requested to be processed by Customer via the Service which should have been formatted under the NACHA Rules as an IAT. 3. Tax Payment Security Procedures. (a) A Bank -issued or approved access code and PIN and/or other security device ("Security Device") is required to access the Service. The Customer shall be bound by and adhere to the security procedures and other procedures for use of the Service advised to it in writing through any medium by the Bank, as may be revised from time to time upon notice to the Customer (the "User Guide"). The Customer shall notify the Bank immediately of loss or theft of a Security Device, any unauthorized use of a Security Device or any other breach of security. The Bank may dishonor or disable any Security Device at any time and will inform the Customer of the same. The Customer agrees that any use of the Service with a Security Device is deemed to be carried out directly by and on behalf of the Customer. The Customer agrees to safeguard all Security Devices and to instruct each Authorized User (as defined below) to do the same. (b) This Section 3(b) applies to use of the Service through the designated internet platform, but does not apply to touchtone telephone access. Customer shall designate an administrator (the "Administrator") who shall have authority in accordance with the operational instructions for the Service provided to Customer in the User Guide. Customer agrees to notify Bank of any change in Administrator in the manner and form designated by Bank. Any such changes shall be effective at such time as Bank has received such notice and has had a reasonable opportunity to act upon it. In accordance with the procedures contained in the User Guide, the Administrator shall be responsible for (i) designating individuals as users ("Authorized Users"); (ii) identifying the functions of the Service; (iii) requesting, creating, controlling, disseminating, and/or canceling user entitlements; (iv) receiving and distributing materials, notices, documents and correspondence relating to the security procedures; and (v) advising each Authorized User of his/her obligations hereunder and under the User Guide. The Administrator shall provide to the Bank, upon the Bank's request, a list of Authorized Users. 4. Open Network Access. The Customer acknowledges that there are certain security, corruption, transmission error and access availability risks associated with using open networks such as the internet, and the Customer assumes all such risks. The Customer shall make an independent assessment of the adequacy of the Internet and the Bank's security procedures. The Customer further acknowledges that the selection and use by it of any third party security and communications software and third party service providers is the sole responsibility of the Customer, and the Bank disclaims all risks related thereto, notwithstanding that the Bank may recommend certain security and/or communications software and services. The Customer agrees to, at its sole expense, procure and maintain all hardware, browsers, software and telecommunications equipment necessary to access the Service in accordance with the Bank's recommended system configuration. 5. Funding. Customer authorizes Bank to debit Customer's applicable account for the amount of each tax payment and for any applicable bank fees and charges when due. In the event Customer does not have sufficient funds in Customer's applicable account to cover the amount of a tax payment, Bank shall have no obligation to make the tax payment for Customer. Bank may require Customer to pay Bank the amount of each tax payment on the date of transmission of the tax payment instruction or otherwise prior to the tax payment due date. Bank may from time to establish or revise maximum dollar limits for the total value of all outstanding files of tax payments that Bank will release on customer's behalf. Bank may change or cancel the limits any time without prior notice to Customer, although Bank will try to notify Customer before Bank does that. Funds Bank receives and holds pursuant to the Service shall be held as a deposit liability to Customer and not in trust for Customer or the taxing authority. 6. Warranties; Indemnity. Except as specified below, Customer will be deemed to make the same warranties to Bank as Bank makes pursuant to the NACHA Rules although Customer will not be deemed to warrant the power of the Bank under applicable law to comply with the requirements of the NACHA Rules or the conformity of tax payments and other data Bank transmits to the file specifications contained in the NACHA Rules. Customer further represents and warrants to Bank that: (i) Customer shall not access the Service from any jurisdiction in which the Service is not authorized; and (ii) each tax payment Customer originates will comply with applicable U.S. laws and regulations and Customer acknowledges that payments may not be initiated that violate the laws of the United States. Customer agrees to indemnify Bank and Bank's employees, officers, directors and agents, and hold all of them harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, liabilities or expenses (including attomey's fees and costs) resulting directly or indirectly from (a) Customer's breach of any warranty made under this Section and (b) compliance by Bank with any request Customer makes for a cancellation, stop payment, reversal or recall of any tax payment. Bank shall have no responsibility for any delay by any ACH Operator (as such te is defined in the NACHA Rules) or taxing authority in processing any tax payment Bank transmits to such entity or failure by such entity to process or apply any tax payment. 7. Stop Payments; Reversals and Recalls. Customer's instruction to stop payment of, reverse or recall one or more tax payments must be received by Bank in such time and manner as Bank specifies. Bank will process these transactions in accordance with Bank's PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 1 Page 20 of 40 Exhibit "B" procedures advised to Customer. Any reversal or recall initiated by Bank is subject to acceptance by the relevant taxing authority. Tax payment instructions may not be amended or modified. 8. Payment Limits. Bank may from time to time establish or revise (a) maximum dollar limits for each payment to be made by the Customer to a specified taxing authority, and (b) aggregate limits for all payments to be made by the Customer to a specified taxing authority within a 24-hour period. Bank may change or cancel the limits at any time without prior notice to Customer, although Bank will endeavor to give prior notice to Customer. Bank may require Customer to pay Bank the amount of any tax payment on the date of transmission to Bank or otherwise prior to the settlement date. Bank also may require Customer to maintain collateral with Bank in an amount Bank specifies. 9. Limitation of Liability. Bank's maximum aggregate liability in connection with the Service shall be limited as provided in the Account Documentation (as defined in Section 9 below) and shall be further limited to the lesser of the amount of any penalty or interest actually imposed by the applicable taxing authority or the total fees Customer paid Bank during the prior 12 months. 10. Incorporation of Account Documentation; Termination. The Bank's terms governing the operation of business accounts and services ("Account Documentation") are incorporated herein, as the same may be amended from time to time. If and to the extent that there is a conflict between the Account Documentation and these Service Terms, the provisions of these Service Terms shall prevail. In addition to Bank's termination rights under the Account Documentation, Bank shall have the. right to terminate or suspend these Service Terms and the Service upon notice to Customer in the event of Customer's breach of the NACHA Rules. K. Client Access I . Service The Bank will provide a service (the "Service") for electronic access to the Customer's account information, reports and data (collectively, "Data") and for the electronic transmission to the Bank of messages, service requests, and payment and non-payment instructions (each an "Instruction") and from the Bank of messages, notifications and alerts, via the online (including mobile) and host-to-host/file transfer channels. The Bank reserves the right to modify the applications and products (each an "Application") available via the Service, upon notice to the Customer. 2. Security Procedures and Other Controls 2al Security Procedures. The security procedures for each channel are as set forth below, as may be modified on notice to the Customer through any medium (each, a "Security Procedure"). Any Instruction, the authenticity of which has been verified through a Security Procedure, shall be effective as that of the Customer, whether or not authorized, and notwithstanding that the Instruction may result in an overdraft of an Account. Administrative Procedures (as defined in Section 2.2 below) and unilateral Bank controls shall not be deemed to be Security Procedures for purposes hereof unless explicitly identified as such in writing. a. Online Channel. The Security Procedure for verifying payment Instructions issued (released) via the online channel is validation of an identification code and confidential password of an Authorized User (as defined in Section 2.4 below) and a token code generated by a Bank issued or approved security device ("Security Device") assigned to that Authorized User; provided that the Security Procedure for verifying payment Instructions issued (released) via the mobile application is validation of the registration of the mobile device, a biometric identifier and the private swipe key of an Authorized User. b. Host-to-Host/File Transfer Channel. The Security Procedure for verifying payment Instructions issued (released) via the host-to- host/file transfer channel is authentication of a digital signature using a Signature Certificate, as set forth in Section 8 below. In addition to the Security Procedures described above, the applicable Security Procedure also includes transaction review based on various risk characteristics. The transaction reviews will be conducted in accordance with commercially reasonable protocols selected by the Bank. Additional authentication from the Customer, such as call-back verification, may be required to complete certain transactions identified by the Bank through transaction review. The Customer shall notify the Bank immediately of loss or theft of a Security Device, any unauthorized use of a Security Device, or any other breach of security, including the compromise of a Certificate (as defined below). The Bank may dishonor or disable any Security Device at any time and will inform the Customer of the same.. The Customer agrees to safeguard all Security Devices and to instruct each Authorized User to do the same. The Customer will be responsible for ensuring that the Security Devices are known to and used only by Authorized Users. 2.2. Administrative Procedures. The Bank offers numerous controls that the Customer may implement to reduce the risk of erroneous or unauthorized transactions ("Administrative Procedures"). These procedures, which may include account and transaction limits, single machine registration and IP filtering, among others, may be supplemented and modified by the Bank from time to time. 2.3. Security Administrator Designation. The Customer shall designate security administrators who shall have equal authority in accordance with the administrative control procedure for each Application and/or the authority to add, update or delete security keys in connection with the host-to-host/file transfer channels. The Customer agrees to notify the Bank of any change in security administrators in the manner and form designated by the Bank. Any such changes shall be effective at such time as the Bank has received such notice and has had a reasonable opportunity to act upon it. PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 1 Page 21 of 40 3. 4. 5. 6. f:xhibit itB" 2.4. Security Administrator Responsibilities. The security administrators shall be responsible for (i) designating individuals as users ("Authorized Users"); (ii) identifying the functions of the Service, including the Mobile Application (as defined in Section 7 below), that each user may access; (iii) requesting, creating, controlling, disseminating, and/or canceling user entitlements; (iv) receiving and distributing materials, notices, documents and correspondence relating to the security procedures; and (v) advising each user of his/her obligations hereunder or under any of the applicable Account Documentation (as defined in Section 6 below). The security administrators shall provide to the Bank, upon the Bank's request, a list of Authorized Users. In the absence of a valid designation of a security administrator at any time, the Bank may deliver Security Devices and materials to any person authorized to act on behalf of the Customer with respect to the accounts. 2.5. Processing. The application of the Security Procedures and any unilateral controls implemented by the Bank may cause delays in processing Instructions or result in the Bank declining to execute an Instruction. Open Network Access; Equipment THE SERVICE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE". 'TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED UNDER APPLICABLE LAW, ALL WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS, EXPRESS, STATUTORY OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THE SERVICE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE OR WARRANTIES OF NON -INFRINGEMENT OR WARRANTIES AS TO ANY RESULTS TO BE OBTAINED FROM THE USE OF THE SERVICE. TO THE EXTENT THAT ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES CANNOT BE DISCLAIMED UNDER APPLICABLE LAW, ANY SUCH IMPLIED WARRANTIES ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO 30 DAYS FROM THE INITIAL DELIVERY DATE OF THE RELEVANT SERVICE. THE BANK AND ITS THIRD PARTY DATA AND SERVICE PROVIDERS DO NOT WARRANT OR GUARANTEE THE SECURITY, SEQUENCE, TIMELINESS, ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE DATA OR THAT ANY PART OF THE SERVICE WILL BE ERROR -FREE OR UNINTERRUPTED. The Customer is responsible for, at its sole expense, obtaining, installing, maintaining and operating all browsers, software, hardware, telecommunications equipment or other equipment (collectively, "System") necessary for the Customer to access and use the Service in accordance with the Bank's recommended system configuration. The Customer shall at all times maintain current and effective anti -virus and anti-spyware software and shall take all reasonable measures to maintain the security of its System. The Customer acknowledges that there are certain security, corruption, transmission error, and access availability risks associated with using open networks such as the Internet. The Customer further acknowledges that it has made an independent assessment. of the adequacy of the Internet, the System and the Security Procedures in connection with the use of the Service. The Customer assumes all risks associated with the operation, performance and security of its System and the use of open networks, and the Bank disclaims all such asks. The Bank makes no endorsement of any System or third party site, notwithstanding that the Bank may recommend certain Systems or provide a link to a third party site where the Customer may download software. Instructions; Data 4.1. The Customer shall be solely responsible for the genuineness and accuracy, both as to content and form, of all Instructions properly received by the Bank. 4.2. The Customer acknowledges that Data may not have been reviewed by the Bank, may be inaccurate, and may be pe9 riodically updated and adjusted. The Bank is not obligated to assure the accuracy of Data and will not be liable for any loss or damage ari8 sing out of the inaccuracy of Data. Further, the Bank shall have no liability for the receipt or viewing by any party of Data sent to the destinations designated by the Customer, including but not limited to email addresses, fax and telephone number(s). Customer Warranties The Customer represents and warrants to the Bank that: (i) prior to submitting any document or Instruction that designates Authorized Users, the Customer shall obtain from each individual referred to in such document or Instruction all necessary consents to enable the Bank to process the data set out therein for the purposes of providing the Service; (ii) the Customer has accurately designated in writing or electronically the geographic location of its Authorized Users and shall provide all updates to such info ation; and (iii) the Customer shall not access the Service from any jurisdiction which the Bank informs the Customer or where the Customer has knowledge that the Service is not authorized. The Customer hereby represents and warrants to the Bank that these Service Terms constitute its legal and binding obligations enforceable in accordance with its terms. Miscellaneous 6.1. The additional jurisdiction specific provisions set forth in the attached Exhibit are applicable to the Customer based on the domicile of the Customer. Where any local laws or regulations of any jurisdiction apply as a result of the Customer's Authorized Users accessing the Service from such jurisdiction or as a result of the location of such accounts in such jurisdiction, the jurisdictional specific provisions of that jurisdiction shall apply to the use of the Service by such Authorized Users. The Bank's terms governing the business accounts and services, including service terms that govern the Bank's processing of Instructions transmitted via the Service ("Account Documentation"), are incorporated herein, as the same may be amended from time to time. If and to the extent that there is a conflict between the Account Documentation and these Service Terms, the provisions of these Service Terms shall prevail. PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 1 Page 22 of 40 hibit ".........." 6.2. These Service Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, USA (without reference to the conflict of laws rules thereof). 6.3. All disputes arising outside the United States relating to or in connection with these Service Terms shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said Rules. The place of arbitration shall be (i) Singapore where the dispute arises in Asia and (ii) London where the dispute arises elsewhere (other than the United States) and the arbitration shall be conducted in English. With respect to any dispute, suit, action or proceedings arising in the United States relating to these Service Terms, the Customer irrevocably submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the State of New York and the United States District Court located in the borough of Manhattan in New York City. 7. Mobile Application The Service is available via a Bank mobile application (any such application, including released modifications, updates, upgrades, successor and substitute software programs as may have been provided by the Bank to the Customer, a "Mobile Application"). 7al Accepting use of the Bank's SMS Text Notification Service and/or the Mobile Application service constitutes the Customer's authorization for the Bank to send Data, message notifications and alerts through any communication service providers, including both Internet and telecommunications providers, which shall each be deemed to be acting as the Customer's agent. Such providers may not encrypt communications. 7.2. Authorized Users may be required to accept an application agreement or license in order to download the Mobile Application. The Customer acknowledges that the Account Documentation shall in all cases govern the provision of these services. 7.3. The Customer acknowledges that the Bank shall not be liable for any delays in any Data, message notification or alert delivered via any mobile device. 8. Hostmto=Host/File Transfer Services The Service is available via host-to-host/file transfer Services. The Customer and the Bank will use the following procedures for the use of a transport certificate, which establishes a secure session between the Bank and the Customer on the basis of the corresponding security key (the "Transport Certificate"), and a digital signature certificate, which authenticates transmitted files on the basis of the corresponding security key (the "Signature Certificate"). Each of the Signature Certificate and the Transport Certificate are referred to herein as a "Certificate" and the corresponding security key as a "Security Key". 8al Customer Requests. The Customer shall comply with the Bank's procedures notified to the Customer for any request that the Bank add, update or delete a Security Key. The Customer may contact the Customer's customer service office (or other designated Bank representative as the Bank may direct) for assistance with any such request. Any request to add or update a Security Key shall include the applicable Certificate, a text file or other physical representation of the public Security Key of such Certificate and the requested date and time for the action to be taken, which shall be no earlier than two U.S. banking days after the Bank's receipt of the request. 8.2. Security Key Updates. The Bank shall have the right to rely on any request that the Bank believes in good faith to have been sent by the designated security administrator, notwithstanding that such security administrator may be a third party agent acting on behalf of the Customer. Upon successful validation of a Customer's request, the Bank will reply confirming receipt of the Security Key file and the scheduled date and time for the action to take place. Requests for security key additions, updates or deletions will be actioned during the course of normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM — 5:30 PM Eastern Time (United States). 8.3. Administrative Procedures: Certificate Requirements. The Customer agrees to comply with Bank's Administrative Procedures for Certificates, including the following: (i) Certificates must have a finite validity period, the maximum length of which is determined by the combined use of a Transport Certificate and a Signature Certificate. • If digital -signature is applied to the file/payload, then the following applies: o The Signature Certificate validity period is limited to five years, provided that the Transport Certificate validity period is two years or less; OR o The Transport Certificate validity period is limited to five years, provided that the Signature Certificate validity period is three years or less. • If no digital -signature is used, then the Transport Certificate validity period is limited to two years. (ii) No Certificate shall be accepted unless it adheres to the following cryptographic specification: PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 1 Page 23 of 40 1 Exhibit ][3 • Message digest: SHA-1 , SHA-2, AES256 • Asymmetric algorithm: RSA, DSS • Asymmetric algorithm key length: 2048 bits or more 8.4. Certificate Expiration. Notwithstanding any courtesy notifications from the Bank regarding the Customer's impending Certificate expiration, the Customer acknowledges that it is the Customer's sole responsibility to update the Certificate prior to its expiration date. The Bank shall have no liability for any loss or damage (including, for the avoidance of doubt, any indirect, special, punitive or consequential damages or losses) arising from the Customer's failure to timely update its Certificate. To allow for proper execution of administrative procedures, and to prevent any lapse in service or emergency procedures, the Customer must request a Certificate change at least 30 days prior to actual Certificate expiration. PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 1 Pa. e 24 of 40 Exhibit B" Jurisdiction Specific Provisions Exhibit A. Australia 8 New Zealand To the extent that any supply made by the Bank under these Service Terms is a taxable supply for the purposes of the Australian Goods and Services Tax, or that goods and services tax under the New Zealand Goods and Services Tax Act 1985 is payable in respect of any supply under this License Agreement, ("GST"), the fees payable in respect of that taxable supply ("original amount") will be increased by the amount of GST payable in respect of that taxable supply. Customer must pay the increased amount at the same time and in the same manner as the original amount. B. Peoples Republic of China Any dispute arising from or in connection with these Service Terms shall be submitted to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission ("CIETAC") for arbitration which shall be conducted in accordance with its arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The hearing place shall be Beijing. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties. C. Indonesia The Bank and the Customer agree that, for the effectiveness of any termination of these Service Terms or the Services provided hereunder, they hereby waive any provisions, procedures and operation of any applicable law to the extent a court order is required for the termination of these Service Terms and the Account Documentation as applicable to the services provided under these Service Terms. Section 7.3 shall be replaced by "Except for losses directly misconduct, the Customer acknowledges that the Bank shall any mobile device." D. Malaysia/Labuan -. resulting from errors or delay caused by the Bank's gross negligence or willful not be liable for any delays in any Data, message notification or alert delivered via (i) The following terms shall apply in relation to the Service where it is provided in relation to accounts in Malaysia/Labuan and/or where the Service is provided in Malaysia/Labuan: (a) Any references in the Service Terms to the term "Bank," shall mean J.P. Morgan Chase Bank Berhad (for Malaysia) and J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., Labuan Branch (for Labuan). (b) The Customer acknowledges that it may, through its security administrators, create maximum limits (at a user entitlement level) in relation to funds transfers that may be conducted using the Service, to limit the Customer's risks. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these terms, the Customer shall not be liable for any loss which is not attributable to or contributed to by the Customer. (ii) If the Service is to be accessed by a Customer (1) who is domiciled or incorporated in Malaysia (other than Labuan), or (2) in Malaysia (other than Labuan), that Customer undertakes not to access or utilize or attempt to access or utilize the Service provided by J.P. Morgan Chase Bank Berhad through any JPMorgan website other than hftp://www.jpmorganaccess-com-my. E. Republic of China (Taiwan) Section 7.3 shall be replaced by "Except for losses directly resulting from errors or delay caused by the Bank's gross negligence or willful misconduct, the Customer acknowledges that the Bank shall not be liable for any delays in any Data, message notification or alert delivered via any mobile device." The Customer acknowledges that it will take steps to ensure it enters into the correct website before attempting to access the Service. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in these Service Terms and the Account Documentation as applicable to the services provided under these Service Terms, the Bank shall have the right to proceed against the Customer in any other competent court in any other jurisdiction where the Customer's assets are situated from time to time and the Customer agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of any court so chosen by the Bank. The Customer further agrees to waive any objections on the ground of venue or forum non coveniens or any similar ground. The taking of proceedings in any jurisdiction shall not preclude the taking of proceedings in any other jurisdiction whether concurrently or not. The Customer irrevocably and unconditionally waives any objection it may now or subsequently have to the choice of venue of any legal action arising out of or relating to these Service Terms and the Account Documentation as applicable to the services provided under these Service Terms. The Customer also agrees that a final judgment against it in any such legal action shall be final and conclusive. PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 1 Page 25 of 40 Exhibit "B" F. European Union. The Customer acknowledges that it is not a " consumer" for the purpose of the European Union's Electronic Commerce Directive ("ECD") (i.e. that it is not an individual) and agrees that the Bank shall not be required to make any disclosures or do any other thing which anon-consumer may agree not to require under the UK rules and legislation implementing the ECD. For further information on the Bank, please see "Notice regarding EU e-commerce information" in the Terms & Conditions on hftp://www.jpmorgan-com. (i) The Bank will collect information about the Customer and the Customer's employees and agents (such as, without limitation, authorized signatory details) which may constitute personal data for the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998 (the "Act") and other relevant data protection legislation. Such personal data may be collected by or on behalf of the Bank in a number of ways (the "Collection Methods"), including via documentation relating to the provision to or use by the Customer of electronic banking services, or via the Customer's use of such electronic banking services, and via other correspondence or communications between the Customer and the Bank. (ii) The Bank will use personal data collected by it or on its behalf via the Collection Methods for the following purposes (the "Purposes"), namely for the purpose of providing the services to the Customer in accordance with these Terms and the Product Terms, for the Bank Y s internal administrative purposes, for contacting the Customer about products and services which the Bank or other members of the Bank Y s group offer which the Bank believes may be of interest to the Customer, and as may be otherwise required by law or applicable regulatory or governmental authorities, and such purposes may include transfer of such personal data outside of the European Economic Area to the Bank's subsidiaries or other connected companies or to other organizations as may be required by law or other applicable regulatory or governmental authorities. (iii) The Customer shall ensure that any disclosure of personal data made by it or by its employees or agents via the Collection Methods which relate to the Customer's employees or agents is only made following notification by the Customer to data subjects of the Purposes for which their personal data may be processed by or on behalf of the Bank, and is otherwise fair and lawful. 02011 JPMorgan Chase & Co. All Rights Reserved. JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Member FDIC. Eligibility for particular products and services is subject to final determination by J.P. Morgan and/or its affiliates. PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 1 Page 26 of 40 Exhibit it B it ACCOUNT TEMMOM,�Rmms% INTRODUCTION VI *4 02 24 15 This document, as amended or supplemented by account addenda for each country in which the Accounts are held, (collectively, the "Account Terms") contains the general terms, conditions and disclosures for the Accounts and Services selected by the Customer and constitutes an agreement between the Bank and the Customer. References to "the Bank" shall mean JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., and any of its affiliates. References to the "Customer" shall mean the entity to which the Bank, as an independent contractor, provides Accounts and Services, including any entity that is bound by a Subsidiary Election Agreement (not applicable in all jurisdictions), as may be amended from time to time. All accounts subject to the Account Terms are, regardless of their location, referred to as "Accounts". The Account Terms may be supplemented or amended as set forth in Section 17.6 (Amendments; Supplement; Waivers) herein. References to "Services" shall mean services offered by the Bank and subject to the Account Terms and any applicable Service Terms. References to "Service Terms" shall mean any terms and conditions regarding specific types of Accounts or Services that are subject to the Account Terms. In addition to the Account Terms and Service Terms, the Accounts are subject to other Account - related documentation, including signature cards and application forms (the "Account Documentation"). The Customer shall not transfer any of its rights and obligations in an Account or with respect to a Service, or create any form of security interest over such rights and obligations in an Account, without the prior written consent of the Bank. Failure to obtain the Bank's prior written consent constitutes a breach of these Account Terms by the Customer and may result in immediate closure of Accounts. The Account Terms, Account Documentation and Service Terms may vary applicable law to the maximum extent permitted under any such law. Any provision of applicable law that cannot be varied shall supersede any conflicting term of the Account Terms, Account Documentation or Service Terms. 1. Authorized Persons. 181 Authorized Persons. The Bank is authorized to rely upon any document that identifies a person authorized to act on behalf of the Customer ("Authorized Person") with respect to the Accounts and Services, until the authority for such Authorized Person is withdrawn by the Customer upon written notice to the Bank, and the Bank has had a reasonable opportunity to act on such notice. The Customer will provide a specimen signature for each Authorized Person in the manner requested by the Bank. 1.2 Authorizations. Each Authorized Person is independent of the Bank, and, subject to any written limitation provided by the Customer and received and accepted by the Bank, is authorized on behalf of the Customer to: open, operate and close Accounts; overdraw Accounts as permitted by the Bank; appoint and remove Authorized Persons; execute or otherwise agree to any form of agreement relating to the Accounts or Services, including Account Documentation; execute guarantees, indemnities or other undertakings to the Bank in relation to guarantees, letters of credit or other financial transactions, or in relation to missing documents; draw, accept, endorse or discount checks, drafts, bills of exchange, notes and other financial instruments (" Items"); receive materials related to security procedures; and give instructions ("Instructions"), including requests and payment orders, by means other than the signing of an Item, with respect to any Account transaction. Without limitation, such Instructions may direct: (i) the payment, transfer or withdrawal of funds; (ii) the disposition of money, credits, items or property at any time held by the Bank for account of the Customer; (iii) the provision of access as described in Section 1.4 (Third Party Access) and Section 2.1 (Third Party Instructions) below; or (iv) any other transaction of the Customer with the Bank. 1.3 Facsimile Signatures. If the Customer provides the Bank with facsimile signature specimens, or if the Customer issues Items with a facsimile signature on one or more occasions, the Bank is authorized to pay Items signed by facsimile signature (including computer generated signatures) if the actual or purported facsimile signature, regardless of how or by whom affixed, resembles the specimens filed with the Bank by the Customer, or resembles a specimen facsimile signature otherwise employed for the Customer's benefit. 1w4 Third Party Access. The Customer may request that the Bank permit a third party to have access to an Account by submitting an access request in a form acceptable to the Bank (an "Access Request", and the third party designated in such fo will be referred to as a "Third Party"). Each Third Party is authorized by the Customer to issue Instructions to the Bank in relation to an Account, including to initiate payments and transfers against an Account, and to access and receive balance and transaction information (including account statements, information reporting and transaction advices) by any method of communication, including the Bank's electronic channels, facsimile transmission, in writing, by telephone and SWIFT, and the Bank is authorized to act on such Instructions and provide such access as described in this Section and Section 2.1 (Third Party Instructions) below. Subject to the Third Party's completion of documentation required by the Bank, the Bank is authorized to act upon any Instructions issued in the name of any authorized person of the Third Party who has been nominated by the Third Party in a form acceptable to the Bank, and such authorized person shall be deemed an Authorized Person with respect to the provisions of these Account Terms relating to the use of the Accounts and the giving of Instructions with respect to the Accounts. The Customer may revoke an Access Request at any time by giving the Bank written notice of such revocation. 2. Instructions; Security Procedures. 2.1 Security Procedures Generally. When issuing Instructions, the Customer is required to follow the Bank's security procedures as communicated to the Customer by the Bank from time to time, including the procedures set forth herein, and shall be bound by such security procedures for use of the Service. Upon receipt of an Instruction, the Bank will use the security procedures to verify that the Instruction is effective as that of the Customer. A security procedure may require the use of algorithms or other codes, identifying words or numbers, encryption, call back procedures or similar security devices. It is understood that the purpose of the security procedure is to verify the authenticity of, and not to detect errors in, Instructions. The Customer shall safeguard the security procedure and make it available only to persons that it has authorized. Any Instruction, the authenticity of which has been verified through such security procedure, shall be effective PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 2 Page 27 of 40 Exhibit B" as that of the Customer, whether or not authorized. An authenticated SWIFT or host -to -host (secure communications channel for data transfer) message issued to the Bank in the name of the Customer shall be deemed to have been given by an Authorized Person. Security Procedure for Verbal or Written Instructions. Unless the Customer and the Bank have agreed in writing to an alternate security procedure, the Bank may verify the authenticity of verbal or written (including those transmitted by facsimile) funds transfer Instructions by telephonic call-back to an Authorized Person. The Customer agrees that this security procedure is commercially reasonable for such Instructions. Third Party Instructions. The security procedures applicable to Instructions from any Third Party shall be those security procedures established by the Bank with the Third Party. Any Instruction that the Bank receives from the Third Party, the authenticity of which has been verified through such security procedure, shall be effective as that of the Customer, whether or not authorized, and shall be deemed an Instruction given on behalf of the Customer for all purposes of these Account Terms. The Bank is authorized to act upon any Instructions received via any of the SWIFT BIC codes specified in an Access Request whether or not such SWIFT BIC codes are associated with the Customer or the Third Party. 2.2 Confirmations. If the Customer, other than with respect to security procedures, chooses to confirm an Instruction, any confirmation must be clearly marked as a confirmation, and, if there is any discrepancy between an Instruction and a confirmation, the terms of the Instruction shall prevail. Subject to Section 2.1 (Security Procedure for Verbal or Written Instructions), the Bank may, at its option, confirrn or clarify any request or Instruction using any means, even if a security procedure appears to have been followed. If the Bank is not satisfied with any confirmation or clarification, it may decline to honor the Instruction. 3. Deposits. 3al Processing Incoming Items. All Items deposited or cashed are received for collection only, and are received subject to final payment. The Bank may agree with other banks and clearing houses to vary procedures regarding the collection or return of Items, and deadlines to the extent permitted by applicable law or practice. The Bank chooses the method of collecting Items and may use other banks in the process. The Bank will present Items in accordance with the custom and practice of the jurisdiction in which the Items are collected. The Bank is not responsible for actions or omissions of other banks, nor for the loss or destruction of any Item in the possession of other banks or in transit. The Customer shall use reasonable efforts to assist the Bank in locating or obtaining replacements of Items lost while in the Bank's possession. 3.2 Availability of Funds; Credits Not Received. Credits and deposits to an Account will be available in accordance with the Bank's availability policy and applicable law. If the Bank credits an Account: (i) in contemplation of receiving funds for the Customer's credit and those funds are not actually received by the Bank, or (ii) in reliance on a transaction which is subsequently returned, reversed, set aside or revoked, or if the Bank does not receive funds for the Customer's credit for value on the date advised by or on behalf of the Customer, or if final settlement is not received by the Bank for any reason, then the Bank shall be entitled to debit any Account of the Customer with the amount previously credited and/or with any other charges incurred, even if doing so creates or increases an overdraft. 3.3 Collection Basis Processing. If an Item is processed by the Bank on a collection basis, the Bank may defer credit or payment for a reasonable time, in accordance with its practices, without dishonor; and the Bank shall not be obligated thereon until it has remitted final payment. 4. Payment of Items. 4ml Processing Outgoing Items. The Bank is authorized to pay any Item drawn on the Account, in accordance with the Bank's usual procedures, including any Item that purports to be a substitute check. The Bank is authorized to debit the Account on which the Item is drawn on the day the Item is presented, certified or accepted, or at such earlier time when the Bank receives notice by electronic or other means that an Item drawn on an Account has been deposited for collection. The Bank may determine Account balances in order to decide whether to dishonor an Item for insufficient funds at any time between receiving such presentment or notice and the time of the return of the Item, and need make no more than one such determination. 4.2 No Inquiry. The Bank is authorized to pay all Items presented to it or cashed at the Bank, regardless of amount and without inquiry as to the circumstances of issue, negotiation or endorsement or as to the disposition of proceeds, even if drawn, endorsed or payable to cash, bearer or the order of the signer or any Authorized Person or to a lender in payment of the signer's or Authorized Person's obligations. 4.3 Limitations. The Customer shall immediately notify the Bank if it becomes aware that any Items (whether completed or blank) are lost or stolen. The Customer shall not allow any third party to issue Items against or otherwise use the Accounts unless specifically agreed to in writing by the Bank. The Customer shall not issue Items that are post-dated, and the Bank shall not be liable for any damages caused by premature payment or certification of a post-dated Item. Further, the Customer shall not put any condition, restriction or legend on any Item, and the Bank is not required to comply with any such condition, restriction or legend. 4w4 Electronic Processing; Specifications. The Bank may process any Item by electronic means. All Items issued by the Customer against any Account must comply with industry standards and the Bank's check specifications and image standards, published from time to time. The Bank shall not be liable for damages or losses due'to any delay or failure in procuring, collecting or paying Items not conforming to such specifications or standards, except to the extent such losses or damages are the direct result of the Bank's gross negligence or willful misconduct. PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 2 Page 28 of 40 Exhibit B" 5. Funds Transfer Instructions. 5al Processing Funds Transfer Instructions. The Customer may issue funds transfer Instructions against Accounts, subject to the Bank's acceptance. Funds transfer Instructions will be received, processed and transmitted only on the Bank's funds transfer business days, and within the Bank's established cut-off hours on such days. Communications requesting cancellation or amendment of funds transfer Instructions must be clearly marked as such and received at a time and in a manner affording the Bank a reasonable opportunity to act on the communication. The Customer may reverse, amend, cancel or revoke any Instructions only with the consent of the Bank and, if applicable, the beneficiary's bank. The Bank will debit the Account for the amount of each funds transfer Instruction accepted by the Bank, and the Customer authorizes the Bank to debit the Account for, or deduct from the amount of the funds transfer, all associated fees, including debit and credit processing charges. In processing a funds transfer, other banks may deduct fees from the funds transfer. No restrictions upon the acceptance of funds transfer Instructions by the Bank or upon the Accounts that the Bank may debit shall be binding unless agreed to by the Bank in writing. The Bank shall not be required to inquire into the circumstances of any transaction. 5w2 Acting on Instructions. Notwithstanding any Instructions by the Customer to the contrary, the Bank reserves the right to use any funds transfer system and any inte ediary bank in the execution of any funds transfer Instruction and may otherwise use any means of executing the funds transfer Instruction that the Bank deems reasonable in the circumstances. 5.3 Inconsistent Name and Number. The Bank and other financial institutions, including the beneficiary's bank, may rely upon the identifying number of the beneficiary, the beneficiary's bank or any intermediary bank included in a funds transfer Instruction, even if it identifies a person different from the beneficiary, the beneficiary's bank or intermediary bank identified by name. 5e4 Foreign Exchange. If the Bank accepts a funds transfer Instruction issued in the Customer's name for payment in a currency (the "Non - Account Currency") other than the currency of the Account (the "Account Currency"), the Bank is authorized to enter into a foreign exchange transaction to sell to the Customer the amount of Non -Account Currency required to complete the funds transfer and debit the Account for the purchase price of the Non -Account Currency. If the Bank accepts a funds transfer Instruction for payment to the Account in aNon-Account Currency, the Bank is authorized to purchase the Non -Account Currency from the Customer and to credit the purchase price to the Customer's Account in lieu of the Non -Account Currency. The purchase price for the foregoing transactions shall be at a rate and spread as the Bank determines in its discretion and may differ from rates at which comparable transactions are entered into with other customers or the range of foreign exchange rates at which the Bank otherwise enters into foreign exchange transactions on the relevant date. Any such foreign exchange transaction will be between the Bank and the Customer as principals, and the Bank will not be acting as agent or fiduciary for the Customer. Foreign Exchange Cancellations, Reversals and Buybacks. Notwithstanding any prior action or course of dealing, subject to applicable law, the Bank has no obligation to cancel, reverse or otherwise buy back foreign currencies purchased by the Customer under a Service and the Bank makes no commitment to buy back currencies. The Customer acknowledges that it may not be able to sell back certain foreign currencies once purchased. 5.5 Cancellation of Foreign Exchange Drafts. Subject to applicable law, the Bank may cancel any draft issued by the Bank on behalf of the Customer in aNon-Account Currency if the draft is not presented for payment within one hundred eighty (180) calendar days after the date of issuance, and the Customer authorizes the Bank to recredit the Customer's Account with an equivalent amount of Account Currency at a foreign exchange rate and spread, and at such date and time, as the Bank dete ines in its discretion. Following such cancellation, the Customer shall be responsible for all claims that may be asserted against the Bank in respect of the draft. 6. Interests, Fees; Taxes. 6al Interest. The Bank may pay interest on balances in interest -bearing Accounts at rates determined by the Bank, subject to any withholding or deduction for tax as required by applicable law, and is authorized to perform any other function (including blocking or suspending the Accounts) as required by applicable law or practice of any relevant tax authority or in accordance with the Bank's usual business practice. The Bank may deduct from the Accounts charges for early withdrawals, which may include a deduction from principal (if permitted or required by law). To the extent market interest rates are negative, the rate applied by the Bank to interest-bearing Accounts may be negative, in which case the Customer may be required to make a negative rate payment, which the Bank shall also be entitled to collect by debiting the Account. 6.2 Fees and Taxes. (a) The Bank may impose and the Customer will pay fees for Accounts and Services provided by the Bank, including transaction, maintenance, balance -deficiency, and service fees and other charges (collectively "Fees"). The Bank may debit any Account for Fees and/or Taxes, even if such debit creates or increases an overdraft of the Account. References to "Taxes" shall mean any taxes (including value added taxes, sales taxes and similar taxes), levies, imposts, deductions, charges, stamp, transaction and other duties and withholdings (together with any related interest, penalties, fines, and expenses) in connection with the Fees, Accounts or Services (including payments or receipts to an Account) except if such Taxes are imposed on the overall net income of the Bank. (b) All payments (including Fees and interest on overdrafts) from the Customer to the Bank shall be in full, without set-off or counterclaim, and free of any withholding or deduction (collectively, a "Deduction") related to any tax or other claim, unless a Deduction is required by applicable law. If any Deduction is required by applicable law in respect of any payment due to the Bank, the Customer shall: (i) ensure that the Deduction is made; PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 2 Page 29 of 40 Exhibit "B" (ii) pay the amount of the Deduction as required by applicable law; increase the payment in respect of which the Deduction is required so that the net amount received by the Bank after the Deduction shall be equal to the amount which the Bank would have been entitled to receive in the absence of any requirement to make any Deduction; and (iv) deliver to the Bank, within thirty (30) days after it has made payment to the applicable authority, a certified copy of the original receipt issued by the authority, evidencing the payment to the authority of all amounts required to be deducted. (c) All Fees are exclusive of Taxes. In addition to any Fees or other amounts due and except to the extent the Bank is otherwise compensated for such Taxes under this Section 6, the Customer will pay or reimburse the Bank for any Taxes which the Bank is required to account for to any tax authority under any applicable law and, where required by applicable law, the Customer shall account for any Taxes directly to the applicable tax authority. 6.3 Documentation and Information. The Customer will provide the Bank with such documentation and information as the Bank may require in connection with taxation, and warrants that such information is true and correct in every respect and shall immediately notify the Bank if any information requires updating or correction. 7. Account Statements. The Bank will issue Account statements, confirmations, or advises ("Account Statements") at the frequency and in the manner advised to the Customer from time to time. The Customer is responsible for ensuring that an Authorized Person promptly examines each Account Statement and any accompanying Items that are made available to it by the Bank, and reporting any irregularities to the Bank in writing, including any claim of unauthorized funds transfer activity. The Bank shall not be responsible for the Customer's reliance on balance, transaction or related information that is subsequently updated or corrected or for the accuracy or timeliness of information supplied by any third party to the Bank. Internet Account Statements or electronic Account Statements, if applicable, shall be deemed by the Customer and the Bank to be available to the Customer when the Account Statements are posted on the internet and the Bank sends an electronic mail notification of availability to the Customer, or when the Bank sends the electronic Account Statement to the Customer. For purposes of determining when an Item is sent to the Customer, an image of an Item or information identifying the Item (i.e. Item number, amount and date of payment) is a sufficient substitute for the actual Item. 8. Overdrafts. 8al Overdrafts. The Bank may debit an Account even if the debit may cause or increase an overdraft. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, any overdraft shall be immediately due and payable by the Customer to the Bank. If the Bank permits an overdraft, the Bank is authorized to charge interest on the amount of the overdraft as long as the overdraft is outstanding, at a rate determined by the Bank, up to the maximum rate permitted by law at the time of the overdraft or at the specific rate agreed in writing between the Customer and the Bank. Subject to applicable law, interest shall accrue on any negative balance in an Account notwithstanding closure of the Account and/or termination of these Account Terms. If the Bank pays an Item that causes or increases an overdraft, the Bank may deduct applicable Fees and expenses from the Account without notice. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Bank is under no obligation to permit any overdraft or t ontinue to permit overdrafts after having permitted an overdraft, notwithstanding any prior action or course of dealing. 8.2 Order of Payment. When Items and other debits to the Account are presented to the Bank for payment on the same day and there are insufficient available funds in the Account to pay all of these transactions, the Bank may choose the order in which it pays transactions, including the largest transaction first or any other order determined by the Bank, in its sole discretion. s. Set Off. The Bank may at any time, without prejudice to any other rights which it may have, and without prior notice or demand for payment, combine, consolidate or merge all or any of the Accounts of the Customer or may retain, apply or set off any money, deposits or balances held in, or standing to the credit of, any Account in any currency towards payment of any amount owing by the Customer to the Bank or any of its affiliates. The Bank shall be entitled to accelerate the maturity of any time deposit or fixed term deposit. For the purposes of this Section the Bank may effect currency conversions at such times or rates as it may think reasonable and may effect such transfers between any Accounts as it considers necessary. The Customer grants to the Bank a lien and security interest in any Accounts of the Customer at the Bank, in order to secure any and all obligations and liabilities of the Customer to the Bank or any of its affiliates. 10. Agents; Information. 10.1 Confidential Information. The Bank agrees to take customary and reasonable measures to maintain the confidentiality of Customer confidential information. The Customer authorizes the Bank and its affiliates to disclose Account opening documentation, information with respect to any Account or Service, any banking transaction, and the Customer itself, including Customer confidential information, in order to provide the services under the Account Terms, Account Documentation and Service Terms, for compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, and for the Bank's operational purposes, risk management and compliance with internal policies: (i) to unaffiliated third parties, including the transmission of information to other banks and clearing houses and through channels and networks operated by third parties, and to agents of the Bank, (ii) to a proposed assignee of the rights of the Bank; (iii) to branches and affiliates of the Bank; (iv) to the auditors, legal advisers and consultants of the Bank, its branches and affiliates; (v) to the auditors of the Customer; (vi) to the Bank's or its affiliates' or the PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 2 Page 30 of 40 Exhibit B" Customer's examiners or other regulators, including tax authorities, law enforcement agencies, courts of competent jurisdiction or other official bodies, anywhere in the world, and (vii) pursuant to subpoena or other court process, or to establish, exercise or defend the legal rights of the Bank and its affiliates. 10.2 Agents. The Bank may retain agents to perform data processing, collection and other services in connection with the Accounts and Services. 10.3 Offshoring. Subject to applicable laws, processing of Customer confidential information may be performed by any Bank affiliate, including affiliates, branches and units located in any country in which we conduct business or have a service provider. The Customer authorizes the Bank to transfer Customer Information to such affiliates, branches and units at such locations as the Bank deems appropriate. 10.4 Consents. The Customer represents and warrants that prior to submitting to the Bank information about natural persons related to the Customer (including Authorized Persons, users of the Bank's electronic access systems, officers and directors, employees, beneficial owners, customers or other personnel), the Customer shall have obtained such consents as may be required by applicable law or agreement, for the Bank to process and use the information for purposes of providing the Services. 11. Liability Limitation; Force Majeure. 11.1 Liability. The Bank, its agents, employees, officers and directors, shall not be liable for any damage, loss, expense or liability of any nature which the Customer may suffer or incur, except to the extent of direct losses or expenses resulting from the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Bank, its agents, employees, officers or directors. The Bank, its agents, employees, officers and directors shall not, in any event, be liable for indirect, special, consequential or punitive loss or damage of any kind (including lost profits), whether or not foreseeable, even if the Bank, its agents, employees, officers or directors have been advised of the likelihood of such loss or damage, and regardless of whether the claim for loss or damage is made in negligence, gross negligence, for breach of contract or otherwise; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply to the extent such loss or damage is caused by fraud on the part of the Bank, its agents, employees, officers or directors. Customer shall promptly provide the Bank with a notice of any claims it receives regarding a Service. 11.2 Force Majeure. Neither the Bank nor the Customer shall be liable for any loss or damage to the other for its failure to perform or delay in the performance of its obligations resulting from an act of God, act of governmental authority, de jure or de facto, legal constraint, war, terrorism, catastrophe, fire, flood or electrical, computer, mechanical or telecommunications failure, or failure of any agent or correspondent, or unavailability of a payment system, or any cause beyond its reasonable control. 12. Indemnity. The Customer agrees to indemnify and hold the Bank, and its agents, employees, officers and directors, ha less from and against any and all claims, damages, demands, judgments, liabilities, losses, costs and expenses (including attorneys' fees) (collectively, "Losses") resulting directly or indirectly from: (i) the Bank's acceptance or execution of any request, direction or transaction in connection with any Account or any Service provided to the Customer, including Items and Instructions (a) issued by an Authorized Person, (b) issued in accordance with the agreed upon security procedures or (c) on which the Bank is otherwise permitted to rely; or (ii) the Bank's payment of any taxes, interest or penalty otherwise due from the Customer paid on the Customer's behalf, or for which the Bank has no responsibility under the Account Terms. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Bank shall not be indemnified for any Losses to the extent resulting directly from its own gross negligence, willful misconduct or fraud. 13. Notices. All Account Statements and notices may be sent to the Customer by ordinary mail, courier, facsimile transmission, electronic transmission (including SWIFT communication and emails), through internet sites, or by such other means as the Customer and the Bank may agree upon from time to time, at the address of the Customer provided to the Bank. Unless otherwise arranged, all notices to the Bank must be sent to the Bank officer or service representative managing the Account or to any other address notified by the Bank to the Customer in writing from time to time, and must be sent by ordinary mail, by courier, by facsimile transmission, by electronic transmission or by such other means as the Customer and the Bank agree upon from time to time. The Bank shall have a reasonable time to act on any notices received. 14. Termination. Unless otherwise agreed, either the Bank or the Customer may close an Account or terminate a Service by giving the other party not less than thirty (30) calendar days' prior written notice of intent to close or terminate. Notwithstanding the foregoing, either party may terminate an Account or a Service upon written notice to the other party in the event of: (i) a breach of the Account Terms, Account Documentation or Service Terms by the other party; (ii) the other party's inability to meet its debts as they become due, receivership, administration, liquidation, or voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy; or the institution of any proceeding therefor, any assignment for the benefit of the other party's creditors, or anything analogous to the foregoing in any applicable jurisdiction, or a determination in good faith by the terminating party that the financial or business condition of the other party has become impaired; (iii) a determination by the terminating party, in its sole opinion, that termination is necessary or required by applicable law, or as a result of a court or regulatory agency order or proceeding; or (iv) a good faith belief by the terminating party that the other party is engaged in activities that are inconsistent with the terminating party's policies. The Bank shall have a reasonable opportunity to act upon any termination request. The Bank shall not be precluded from completing a request or Instruction received by it prior to a termination request based on receipt of such termination request. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any Service Terms, upon the closing of an Account, all Services linked to such Account are simultaneously terminated (unless otherwise specifically agreed PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 2 Page 31 of 40 Exhibit "B" to bythe parties) and the Bank's obligations in respect of such Account or Services will terminate. However, any such closing or termination shall not affect the Customer's liabilities to the Bank arising prior to, or on, such closing or termination, all of which shall continue in full force and effect. In the absence of Instructions from the Customer, the Bank may transfer balances to an unclaimed moneys account, or issue a cashier's check, sending it to the address of the Customer provided to the Bank. 15. Account Disclosures. 15al Rejection of Funds. The Bank may return or refuse to accept all or any part of a deposit or credit to an Account, at any time, and will not be liable to the Customer for doing so, even if such action causes outstanding Items to be dishonored and returned, or payment orders to be rejected. Refused deposits will be returned to the Customer. 15.2 Withdrawal. The Bank may refuse to allow withdrawals from any Account in certain cases, including cases where: (i) there is a dispute about the Account, including any dispute over which persons are authorized to represent or act for the Customer (unless a court or other competent authority has ordered the Bank to allow the withdrawal); provided that the Bank is not required to determine whether a dispute has merit in order to refuse to allow withdrawal of funds; (ii) a legal garnishment or attachment is served, including a levy, restraining notice, court order, or order of a judicial authority or enforcement agency; (iii) the Account is being used as collateral to secure a debt; (iv) documentation related to the Account has not been presented; or (v) the Customer fails to pay its indebtedness to the Bank or its affiliates on time. 15.3 Payable Branch; Deposits Outside of the U.S. Any amount standing to the credit of any Account with the Bank is payable exclusively at a branch in the country at which the Account is held; however, payment may be suspended from time to time in order to comply with any applicable law, governmental decree or similar order, in any jurisdiction, for the time period affecting the Bank, its officers, employees, affiliates, subsidiaries, agents or correspondents. The Customer acknowledges that deposits held in a branch of the Bank located outside the United States are not payable in the United States and: (i) are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other United States governmental agency; (ii) are subject to cross -border risks; and (iii) have a lesser preference as compared to deposits held in the United States in the event of a liquidation of the Bank. 15.4 Commissions and Rebates. In connection with the provision of any Service by the Bank to the Customer, the Bank may from time to time receive commission, rebate or similar payments from other banks or third parties. 16. Governing Law. 16.1 Governing Law. The Account Terms, the relevant Account Documentation and the rights and obligations of the Customer and the Bank in respect of each Account shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the country in which the branch holding the relevant Account is located. 16.2 Waiver of Jury Trial; Limitation of Claims. The Customer and the Bank hereby irrevocably waive all right to, and will not seek, trial by jury in any action, proceeding or counterclaim, of whatever type or nature, arising out of these Account Terms, the Account Documentation or the relationship established hereby. Any claim in connection with any Account or Service, unless a shorter period of time is expressly provided, must be brought against the Bank within two (2) years of the occurrence of the event giving rise to the claim, except as prohibited by applicable law. 16.3 Venue. In relation to each Account, the courts of the country or state in which the branch of the Bank at which the Account is held shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any disputes that arise out of or are connected with the Account Terms, the Account Documentation and/or the Account and the Customer agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of such courts. This section is for the benefit of the Bank only and does not prevent the Bank from taking proceedings in the courts of any other country or state with jurisdiction including, to the extent allowed by law, concurrently in any number of countries or states. 17. Miscellaneous. 17al Languages. If the Account Terms, Account Documentation or Service the English language version shall control. Terms are translated into, or appear in a language other than English, 17.2 Successors. The term Bank shall include any successors of the Bank, including assignees or successors of JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. or its affiliates or any person who has assumed the rights and obligations of the Bank or its affiliates hereunder or to which the same has been transferred. 17.3 Order of Precedence. Any terms of any supplement, amendment, agreement, Service Terms or notice that are inconsistent with a provision of the Account Terms or the Account Documentation shall supersede such provision of the Account Terms or the Account Documentation for purposes of the particular Account or Service that is the subject thereof. The Account Terms and Account Documentation supersede and replace any other account conditions previously sent to the Customer. 17.4 Interpretation. Section and subsection headings are for convenience only and shall not affect the meaning of the Account Terms. If any provision of the Account Terms shall be held to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable the validity of the remaining portions of the Account Terms shall not be affected. The te "including" shall in all cases mean "including without limitation" unless otherwise indicated. The term "affiliates" shall mean with respect to any entity, an entity, whether directly or indirectly, that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with that PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 2 Page 32 of 40 Exhibit B" entity. The term " applicable laws" or similar terms shall mean any law, statute, order, decree, rule, injunction, license, consent, approval, agreement, guideline, circular or regulation of a government authority. 17.5 Compliance; Transaction Screening. The Customer shall comply with all applicable laws and the Bank's policies notified to the Customer. The Bank is required to act in accordance with Bank policies, the laws of various jurisdictions relating to the prevention of money laundering and the implementation of sanctions, including economic or financial sanctions or trade embargoes imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by the U.S. government, including those administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Department of the Treasury or the U.S. Department of State. The Bank is not obligated to execute payment orders or effect any other transaction where a party to the transaction is a person or entity with whom the Bank is prohibited from doing business by any law applicable to the Bank, or in any case where compliance would, in the Bank's opinion, conflict with applicable law or banking practice or its own policies and procedures. Where the Bank does not execute a payment order or effect a transaction for such reasons, the Bank may take any action required by any law applicable to the Bank including freezing or blocking funds. Transaction screening may result in delays in the posting of transactions and/or funds availability. The Bank may direct the Customer to make changes to the activity in the Customer's Accounts, including to cease and desist from using the Accounts for particular types of transactions or for transactions involving particular parties from time to time. The Customer agrees to comply with such directions. 17.6 Amendments; Supplements; Waivers. The Account Terms may be amended or supplemented on notice to the Customer, including by terms contained in any Service Terms or Account Documentation. The Service Terms may be amended or supplemented on notice to the Customer. These amendments or supplements may impose restrictions on the Accounts and Services, as the Bank deems necessary in the course of its business, and will be effective on notice to the Customer or at such other time to be specified in the notice; provided that amendments or supplements that are required by law may be implemented immediately or as required by law. By signing an Account signature card, Account application or similar document or by using or continuing to use any of the Accounts or Services, the Customer agrees to the Account Terms, the Account Documentation, Service Terms and any amendments or supplements, as applicable. All amendments must be in writing. The Bank may waive any of provision of these Account Terms, the Account Documentation or the Service Te s, but such waiver shall apply only on that occasion. Such waiver shall not constitute a waiver of any other provision of the Account Terms, the Account Documentation or the Service Terms. Any such waiver shall not affect the Bank's right to enforce any of its rights with respect to other customers or to enforce any of its rights with respect to later transactions with Customer and is not sufficient to modify the terms and conditions of the Account Terms, the Account Documentation or the Service Terms. 17.7 Waiver of Immunity. To the extent that the Customer has or hereafter may acquire any immunity (including sovereign, crown or similar immunity) from jurisdiction of any court, suit or legal process (whether from service of notice, injunction, attachment, execution or enforcement of any judgment or otherwise), the Customer irrevocably waives and agrees not to claim such immunity as against the Bank or its affiliates. 17.8 Internet Services; Notice of Claims. The Customer agrees at its sole expense: (i) to advise each of its employees, officers, agents or other persons accessing any Service by or on behalf of Customer ("Users") of their obligations under the Account Terms, Account Documentation or under any Service Terms or ancillary Service material, including the obligation to refrain from using the Service via the Internet in the countries identified by the Bank; and (ii) to provide the Bank with all information reasonably necessary to setup and provide Services for the Customer, including advising the Bank of the countries from which Users will access any Service via the Internet. 17.9 Recordings. The Bank or the Customer, at its sole discretion, may make and retain recordings of telephone conversations between the Customer and the Bank. 17.10 Instructions. All Instructions, whether Items, payment orders or otherwise, are subject to applicable laws, and rules, policies, operations and practices of the applicable clearing or settlement systems or payment networks. 17.11 Electronic Copies. The Bank may retain copies (paper, electronic or otherwise) of any documents or Items relating to the Accounts and Services in a form preserving an image of any such documents or Items, including signatures, or a regular business record and discard the original documents or Items. The Customer hereby waives any objection to the use of such records in lieu of their paper equivalents for any purpose and in any forum, venue or jurisdiction, including objections arising from the Bank's role or acquiescence in the destruction of the originals. 17-12 Intellectual Property. All intellectual propel names used in conjunction with a Service a trademark and other intellectual property law. establish any hyperlink to, provide access to, consent of the Bank. ty rights in or relating to a Service, including any trademarks, service marks, logos, and trade Pe the property of the Bank or its licensors and are protected by applicable copyright, patent, Except as provided herein, the Customer shall not reproduce, transmit, sell, display, distribute, modify, or commercially exploit in whole or in part any part of a Service, without the prior written 17-13 Know Your Customer. To assist in the prevention of the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, applicable law may require financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an Account. What this means for the Customer: when the Customer opens an Account, the Bank may ask for the Customer's name, address, date of birth (for individuals), and/or other information and documents that will allow the Bank to identify the Customer. The Bank may also request and obtain certain information from third parties regarding the Customer. For purposes of this provision, the Customer, to the extent required by applicable law, shall include any signatory on an Account. If the Customer fails to provide or consent to the provision of any such information, the Bank may dose any Account or discontinue providing any Service without further notice. PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 2 Page 33 of 40 Exhibit "B" 111WI Information. To fulfill the Bank's "know your customer" responsibilities, the Bank will request information from the Customer from time to time regarding the Customer's organization, business and, to the extent applicable, persons or entities maintaining bank accounts with the Customer. The Bank may also request further information and/or documentation in connection with the provision of the Services. Any information and/or documentation furnished by the Customer is the sole responsibility of the Customer and the Bank is entitled to rely on the information and/or documentation without making any verification whatsoever (except for the authentication under the security procedures, as applicable). The Customer represents and warrants that all such information and/or documentation is true, correct and not misleading and shall advise the Bank promptly of any changes and, except as prohibited by applicable law, the Customer agrees to provide complete responses to the Bank's requests within the timeframes specified. Unless prohibited by applicable law, the Customer agrees to promptly disclose to the Bank activity in the Customer's Accounts that is suspicious or violates applicable laws or sanctions. 17.14 Click-Thru. The Bank may deliver, make available and/or make accessible terms and conditions applicable to Accounts and Services to the Customer via electronic means and channels (including by posting such terms on a Bank website). The Bank may request that the Customer "click" its approval of such terms. Subject to applicable law, the Customer agrees that the act of "clicking" its approval (or any similar act which has the same effect) with respect to any such terms will be evidence of Customer's acceptance of the applicable terms and conditions, to the same extent, and with the same force and effect, as if Customer had manually executed a written version of such terms and conditions. 18. Interpleader. If there is a dispute regarding the ownership of or entitlement to funds held by the Bank for the account of the Customer, the Bank may apply to an appropriate court for resolution of the dispute and may pay the funds into the court pending resolution. The Customer agrees to reimburse the Bank for any related expenses, including its attorneys' fees and costs. 19. Provisional Recredit. In connection with any dispute regarding an Account, the Bank may choose to credit the Account pending completion of the Bank's investigation of the dispute. If the Bank determines that the Customer is not entitled to such credit, then, the Bank may reverse the provisional recredit to the Account, even if that reversal results in an overdraft. PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 2 Page 34 of 40 Exhibit "B" ADDENDUM TO GLO ACCOUN ERMS lUn'itedStatesofA ericaVI..5021916$9 This addendum ("Addendum") supplements the Bank's Account Terms and applies solely to Accounts maintained in the United States of America ("U.S.") and to Services provided in connection with such U.S. Accounts, regardless of the location where Services are executed or performed. Capitalized terms used in the Addendum, and not otherwise defined, have the meanings set forth in the Global Account Terms (as defined below). By using any Account maintained in the U.S., the Customer acknowledges receipt of, and agrees to be bound by the Account Terms and this Addendum, each as may be amended or supplemented from time to time. For purposes of this Addendum, references to the "Global Account Terms" means the Account Terms excluding any account addenda for each other country in which the Accounts are held. The INTRODUCTION to the Global Account Terms is hereby supplemented with the following provision: The Bank performs Account functions and Service activities in various locations, by various methods including electronic or automated means, and through various interbank and third party collection, payment and data arrangements, including those provided by the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank System, check truncation and image exchange systems, and collection/payment clearinghouses. These functions, services, arrangements and systems are subject to laws, federal regulations, banking system practices and procedures, operating circulars, interbank agreements, and clearinghouse and association rules (collectively, "Rules & Regulations" ) and the Uniform Commercial Code Official Text and Comments applicable to funds transfers and the bank deposit, collection or payment of negotiable instruments and other items (such text and comments, excluding the choice of law rules, the "UCC"). Section 3 of the Global Account Terms (Deposits) is hereby supplemented with the following provisions: 3.4 Verification; Adjustments. The Bank may provide or make available upon request a receipt or similar document for certain deposits to the Customer's Account. However, the amount on such receipt or similar document is based solely on the deposit ticket. Credits for all deposits (whether or not accompanied by a deposit ticket), including bulk deposits, are subject to verification. Items deposited into an Account, handled for collection or exchanged for currency are received by the Bank as the Customer's collection agent, and are for collection only, subject to the Bank's collection of final payment thereon. The Bank reserves the right to make adjustments to the Account for any errors, including any errors appearing on the deposit ticket or occurring during processing or otherwise, but the Bank has no obligation to do so for de minimis discrepancies. 3.5 Foreign Currency Items.. The Bank may handle Items drawn on a non-U.S. bank or Items payable in a foreign currency on a collection basis, not for deposit, even if the Bank has received the Items as part of a deposit. The Customer may not receive provisional credit for such Items, or if provisional credit has been given the Bank may revoke it. Credit for Items payable in a foreign currency will be converted into U.S. dollars at a foreign exchange rate and spread, and at such date and time, as the Bank determines in its discretion. 3.6 Endorsements. The Customer must place its endorsement on the back of an Item only in the area within 1.5 inches from the trailing edge of the Item. The trailing edge of the Item is defined as the left-hand edge of the check looking at it from the front. If the Customer is authorized in writing to endorse Items on the Bank's behalf, the Customer agrees to comply with the endorsement standards of the Bank. 3.7 Encoding. If the Customer encodes information on an Item, the Customer warrants to the Bank and to all other collecting and paying banks of that Item that it is properly encoded and the Customer will be liable for any loss related to any encoding error, including any loss due to delay in processing caused by the encoding error. 3.8 Return or Charge Back. The Customer should not use carrier documents (Items placed inside envelopes) in either high-speed forward or return cash letters. The Customer shall be solely responsible for any delays, losses or claims resulting from its use of carrier documents in high-speed forward or return cash letters. If the payor bank, drawer or payee on any Item that was deposited to Customer's Account returns the Item to the Bank, or makes a claim based on an asserted unauthorized signature or endorsement or an asserted alteration, the Bank may accept that return or pay that claim and charge any Customer Account for all or any part of the amount of the Item, even if the claim is made after final payment of the Item. If the Customer deposits or cashes an Item drawn on or by the Bank and the Item or any endorsement is asserted to be forged, unauthorized or altered, the Bank may charge back all or any part of the amount of the Item, even if the charge back is made after the final payment of the Item, or creates an Account overdraft. 3.9 Electronic Collection. The Customer agrees that the Bank may collect any Item deposited to Customer's Account by electronic means, in which case the Bank has no duty to inspect such Item during the automated deposit and collection process. 3.10 Variance. The Bank may agree with other banks and clearing houses to vary procedures regarding the collection or return of Items, and to vary applicable deadlines, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable Rules & Regulations, state law or banking practice. 3.11 Substitute Checks. The Customer will not deposit any substitute checks (that are not returned Items) unless the Bank expressly agrees to accept such Items for deposit. In the event the Bank processes any substitute check deposits in the absence of such express agreement, the Customer agrees that such processing shall not be deemed to be the Bank's agreement to accept any substitute checks for deposit and Customer will be solely responsible for any loss or claim in connection with that deposit. PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 3 Page 35 of 40 ri Exhibit B" 3.12 Night Devosito!y Det)osits. The Bank is not liable for any deposit made through the use of the Bank's night depositories until the Bank issues a deposit ticket or other receipt acknowledging the deposit. The Bank's count of the amount deposited in a night depository will be conclusive. The Customer is solely responsible for any loss incurred from the disappearance, theft, or loss of any envelope, bag, or money before the Bank verifies the contents of the deposit. 3.13 Remotely Created Checks. If the Customer deposits a remotely created check ("RCC,"), as such te is defined in Federal Reserve Regulation CC, the Customer warrants to the Bank, with respect to each RCC, that the person on whose account the RCC is drawn, authorized the issuance of such RCC in the amount and to the payee stated on the RCC. The Customer authorizes the Bank to debit the Customer's account for any claim or return based upon an unauthorized RCC and the Customer agrees to indemnify and hold the Bank harmless from and against any claims, liabilities, costs and expenses (including attorneys' fees) resulting directly or indirectly from any breach of the foregoing warranty. All other Account and Service Terms governing an Item will apply to an RCC. 3.14 ATM Cards. The Bank may issue one or more automated teller machine ("ATM") cards ("Cards") and personally identifiable numbers ("PINs") to Customer's employees or agents for use in initiating certain Account transactions at Bank owned ATMs. Unless otherwise agreed by Bank, Customer agrees to use and cause its employees and agents to use the Cards only at ATMs owned by the Bank and Customer shall be responsible for each Card and liable for any transactions and related fees initiated or charged upon using such Card. The Customer agrees that the types of transactions offered through the use of any Card may be limited by the Bank, in its sole discretion. The Bank has the right to cancel any Card at any time and for any reason, and will notify Customer of such cancellation. All ATM transactions are subject to verification. Any deposit transaction through an ATM that is not made on a business day or made after the Bank's designated cut-off time will be processed on the Bank's next business day. The Customer agrees to obtain possession and return to the Bank or destroy all cancelled Cards. If the Customer believes a Card or PIN has been lost or stolen, the Customer shall immediately contact the Bank's ATM call center. 3.15 Internet Gambling. The Bank strictly prohibits the use of any Account or Card to conduct transactions (including the acceptance or receipt of credit or other receipt of funds through an electronic funds transfer, or by check, draft or similar instrument, or the proceeds of any of the foregoing) that are related, directly or indirectly, to unlawful Internet gambling. The term "unlawful Internet gambling," as used in this section, shall have its meaning set forth in 12 C.F.R. Section Part 233, Section 233.2(bb). The Customer agrees not to conduct any transactions through the Account that directly or indirectly involve or are related to unlawful Internet gambling, including the acceptance or receipt of any funds or deposits in connection therewith. Section 4 of the Global Account Terms (Payment of Items) is hereby supplemented with the following provisions: 4.5 Cashing Items. The Bank may, in its discretion, cash Items drawn on an Account when presented by the holder. If a payee who is not a deposit customer of the Bank presents an Item drawn on the Account for cash, the Bank may refuse to cash the Item, or may charge the payee a fee if the Bank does cash the Item. 4.6 Signatures. Requirements for two or more signatures on Items drawn on the Account or limits on the amount for which any an Item can be drawn are solely for the Customer's own internal control purposes and the Bank will not be liable for paying any Item (i) lacking the required number of signatures, or (ii) drawn in an amount exceeding the maximum limit assigned to the signer, provided the Bank followed its customary procedures when paying the Items. 4.7 Fraudulent Items. The Bank offers the Customer Services reasonably designed to detect and/or deter check fraud and reduce the likelihood that a fraudulent, unauthorized, counterfeit or altered Item will be paid. Customer agrees that if it fails to use such Services, that failure will constitute Customer negligence contributing to the making of an unauthorized signature or payment of an altered Item, and the Customer will assume the risk that Items presented for payment against its Account may be forged or altered. In that event, Customer will be precluded from asserting any claims against the Bank for paying any unauthorized, altered, counterfeit or other fraudulent Items that such Service was designed to detect or deter, and the Bank shall not be required to re -credit Customer's Account or otherwise have any liability for paying such Items to the extent the Service would likely have prevented such loss. In the event the Bank receives or is presented with Items which appear to be duplicates of each other, the Bank may return one or more of such Items. 4.8 Obscured Endorsements. The Customer assumes all responsibility and liability for any claims or tosses that the Customer or the Bank may suffer as a result of the Customer's: (i) issuance of an Item in such a manner that information, marks or bands on the back of the Item obscures endorsements; or (ii) placement of an endorsement on the back of the Item which obscures other endorsements; and which thereby causes a delay in the forward and/or return processing of the Item. The Bank retains the right to refuse to accept an Item for deposit if the back of the Item is obscured. 4.9 Negotiation Outside of U.S. If an Item issued by the Customer is transferred or negotiated outside of the U.S. and is subsequently sent to the Bank for deposit, collection or payment in the U.S., the Customer shall be deemed to make, to the Bank, the transfer and presentment warranties under the UCC, as if such Item were negotiated or otherwise transferred in the U.S. 4.10 Stor) Payments. A stop payment Instruction from the Customer will be effective on an Item if: (i) the Bank receives the stop payment Instruction with a reasonable opportunity to act on such Instruction, which shall be at least one (1) full Business Day following the Business Day of the Bank's confirrned receipt of the Instructions at the applicable Bank location; (ii) the Instruction is in the form required by the Bank and the information is complete; and (iii) the Item is not yet paid or cashed. For purposes of this Section, "Business Day" means a day on which the Bank is generally open for business in the jurisdiction where the Account is maintained. Stop payment Instructions on Items, unless otherwise provided, will be valid for one (1) year and will automatically renew up to six (6) additional years unless the Bank confirms receipt of the Customer's revocation of a stop payment Instruction. The Customer may request, through the Bank's call center or other authorized PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 3 Page 36 of 40 Exhibit B" representative, anon-renewable stop payment, which will be effective fora 180-day period. The Bank shall not be liable for any Item properly paid or cashed prior to the effective time of a stop payment request. The Bank may properly return any item which is the subject of a stop payment request. However, the Customer acknowledges that a stop payment instruction does not limit or vary its obligation to pay the subject Item and, notwithstanding astop payment instruction, the Bank may properly pay such an item to a person entitled to enforce it. 4.11 Standard of Care. Any Item issued by the Customer drawn on its Account shall be deemed to be endorsed in the name of the payee if: the Item is endorsed or deposited into an account in a name that is substantially similar to that of the payee; the payee is a fictitious person; the Customer was wrongfully or erroneously induced to issue the Item payable to the stated payee; the deposit of the item was accomplished by an employee entrusted with responsibility for the Item or person working in concert with such an employee; or the Customer or payee failed to act with ordinary care with respect to the Item. The Bank shall not be liable for any loss arising from any such endorsed or deposited Item, or for the loss caused by the alteration or unauthorized signature on any Item issued by the Customer, unless the Customer establishes that the Bank failed to handle the Item with ordinary care, and that such failure substantially contributed to the loss. If the Bank's failure to act with ordinary care substantially contributed to the loss on the item, the loss shall be allocated between the Customer and the Bank based upon their respective failure to exercise ordinary care which contributed to the loss. For purposes of this section, " employee" shall include Customer and its independent contractors and third parties, and their respective employees, delivery agents, officers, directors, attorneys, fiduciaries, administrators, service providers, and other agents. 4.12.Electronic Processing. The Bank may process any Item for payment from a Customer Account by electronic means, in which case, the Bank's exercise of ordinary care in payment of that item does not obligate the Bank to inspect the Item during the automated payment process. Section 5 of the Global Account Terms (Funds Transfer Instructions) is hereby supplemented with the following provision: 5.6 Funds Transfer by Check. If the Customer, through the Bank's funds transfer services, requests that payment be made by check, the Customer authorizes the Bank to debit the Customer's Account on receipt of the Instruction and to create and issue a check to the name and address provided in the Instruction, signed by the Bank as agent for the Customer as drawer. If the Customer requests the Bank to place a stop payment on the check before the check has been presented for payment, such request must be clearly identified as a stop payment request, including the reference number given for the transaction, and it must be received by the Bank at a time and in a manner designated by the Bank from time to time. If the check is not negotiated within one hundred eighty (180) days after issuance, the Bank may place a stop payment on the check and transfer the funds back to the Account. 5.7 ACH. Automated Clearing House ("ACH") entries will be subject to the rules of the National Automated Clearing House Association and any other applicable Rules & Regulations, to which the Customer agrees to be bound. Credit given by the Bank to the Customer for an ACH credit entry shall be provisional, until the Bank receives final payment. If the Bank does not receive final payment, the Bank may revoke the provisional credit and charge back the amount of the entry to the Account, or obtain a refund from the Customer, in which case the originator of the credit entry shall not be deemed to have paid the Customer the amount of such entry. The Bank shall not be obligated to notify the Customer of the receipt of a payment order or ACH entry for credit or debit to an Account. 5.8 Same Day Amend and Cancel. The Customer may subscribe to a service to enable same day amendment and cancellation of payment orders. All cancellation or amendment messages sent to the Bank shall be in the format specified by the Bank and must be received by the Bank no later than such time as may be established by the Bank upon notice to the Customer. 5.9 Priority./Timed. The Bank will determine the order in which it processes payment orders. If the Customer's payment order bears the codeword "PRIORITY" in such field as the Bank specifies, the Bank will use reasonable efforts to move such payment order in advance of the Customer's standard payment orders. If the Customer's payment order bears the codeword "TIMED" in such field as the Bank specifies, the Bank will endeavor, but will have no obligation, to process the payment order by the time requested by the Customer within the payment order. For "TIMED" payment orders, funds in the Customer's Account are reserved by the Bank on the payment value date until processed. For the avoidance of doubt, all payment orders are subject to the Bank's acceptance, and the Bank will have no liability for failure to process payments by the time requested by the Customer. Section 7 of the Global Account Terms (Account Statements) is hereby supplemented with the following provisions: 7.2 Images Sufficient. The Customer acknowledges that Account Statements and images of paid Items are available to it and are sufficient to allow it to make all inspections and reports of Account activity including errors, as required in this Section. The Bank is not required to return paid or cancelled Items with the Account Statement. 7.3 Obligation to Inspect. The Customer shall inspect each Account Statement and all payments and charges reported thereon, promptly upon receipt. The Customer must notify the Bank in writing of any unauthorized, improper, or missing endorsements within six (6) months after the date of the Account Statement on which that item was reported to have been paid. The Customer must notify the Bank in writing, within a reasonable period of time not to exceed 60 calendar days of the date of an Account Statement, of (i) the failure to receive the Account Statement, or (ii) of any errors, unauthorized payments, charges, alterations, discrepancies or irregularities reported on the Account Statement ("Errors"). The Customer must provide the Bank with all information necessary for the Bank to investigate any claim based upon an endorsement or Error, and must provide all supporting evidence that the Bank requests. Failure to comply within the time frames set forth above shall be deemed conclusive proof that the Customer failed to exercise reasonable care and promptness in examining Account Statements and paid Items or identifying Errors and that such failure may cause subsequent loss to the Bank. If the Customer fails to comply with the notice requirements set forth above, the Bank is not required to reimburse the Customer for the Customer's claimed loss and the PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 3 Page 37 of 40 ri Exhibit B" Customer shall be barred from bringing any action against the Bank. 7.4 Inactive Accounts. If an Account has no activity other than charges assessed or interest credited by the Bank for a period of at least six (6) months, the Bank is not required to provide an Account statement until the Account has additional activity. If an Account has no activity other than charges assessed or interest credited by the Bank for a period of at least twelve (12) months, the Customer may be unable to access the Account until appropriate contact is made between the Customer and the Bank. 7.5 Advice Services. The Customer may subscribe to Bank services for the delivery of account -related activity and information ("Advises"), to a party designated by the Customer, including information relating to credits and debits to a Customer account, and the return or rejection of certain payments. Advises may be sent via SWIFT, electronic mail, facsimile transmission, ordinary mail, phone, through internet sites, or as otherwise agreed upon by the parties. The Customer is responsible for maintaining the accuracy of the information that is required to deliver such Advises, including the address, telephone and/or facsimile number of the recipient and, if applicable, the messaging components and conditions that will trigger the transmission of the Advises. Section 15 of the Global Account Terms (Account Disclosures) is hereby supplemented with the following provisions: 15.5 Withdrawal Limitations on Certain Account Tyr),.Q. U.S. federal regulations limit the number of pre -authorized or automatic transfers or withdrawals or telephonic/electronic instructions (including check, draft, debit card or similar order payable to third parties) that can be made from a savings account (including a savings sub -account (as described below) and a money market deposit account) to a total of six (6) per calendar month or statement cycle or similar period. The Customer agrees to comply at all times with such restrictions. Exceeding these withdrawal limits may result in the Bank converting the savings account into anon-interest bearing demand deposit account, with any attendant changes in pricing and account terms and conditions. Further, the Bank is required by U.S. law to reserve the right to require at least seven (7) days notice prior to a withdrawal from a savings account (including a savings sub -account) or an interest -bearing negotiable order of withdrawal account ("NOW Account"). 15.6 NOW Accounts. The Customer, if eligible, may open a NOW Account. There is no limit on the number of withdrawals that the Customer may make from the demand deposit or NOW sub -account. 15.7 Administrative Subaccounts. The Bank is authorized, for regulatory reporting and internal accounting purposes, to divide an Account: (i) in the case of a demand deposit checking Account, into anon-interest bearing demand deposit sub -account and anon-interest bearing savings sub - account; (ii) in the case of a NOW Account, into an interest bearing NOW sub -account and an interest bearing savings sub -account, and, in both cases, to transfer funds on a daily basis between these sub -accounts in accordance with U.S. law at no cost to the Customer. The Bank will record the sub -accounts and any transfers between them on the Bank's books and records only. The sub -accounts and any transfers between them will not affect the Account number, balance requirement or use of the Account, except as described herein. 15.8 Savings Subaccounts. The Bank will establish a target balance for the Customer's demand deposit or NOW sub -account, which it may change at any time. To the extent funds in the demand deposit or NOW sub -account exceed the target balance, the excess will be transferred to the Customer's savings sub -account, unless the maximum number of transfers from the savings sub -account for that calendar month or statement cycle have already occurred. If withdrawals from the demand deposit or NOW sub -account exceeds the available balance in the demand deposit or NOW sub -account, funds from the Customer's savings sub -account will be transferred to the demand deposit or NOW sub -account up to the entire balance of available funds in the savings sub -account to cover the shortfall and to replenish any target balance that the Bank has established for the demand deposit or NOW sub -account. If a sixth transfer is needed during a calendar month or statement cycle, it will be for the entire balance in the Customer's savings sub -account, and such funds will remain in the demand deposit or NOW sub -account for the remainder of the calendar month or statement cycle. 15.9 Branch Designation. The Bank, for its administrative purposes may designate a branch of the Bank as the branch of record of an Account which may be different from the branch at which the Account is opened. This designation requires no action on the part of the Customer and will not change the Bank's operations, Services or customer support. 15.10 No Fiduciary Relationship. Bank's relationship with Customer concerning the Accounts is that of a debtor and creditor. No fiduciary, quasi - fiduciary or other special relationship exists between Bank and Customer or any third parties regarding the Accounts. Section 16 of the Global Account Terms (Governing Law) is hereby supplemented with the following provisions: 16.1 Section 16.1 is replaced with the following provision: Subject to the UCC as modified by the Rules & Regulations, which shall control, and unless otherwise specifically provided in any Service Terms, the Global Account Te s, the Account Documentation, Service Terms and the rights and obligations of the Customer and the Bank in respect of each Account maintained in the U.S. shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York (without regard to its conflict of laws rules), incorporating general commercial bank practices applicable to the type of Account and Services provided to the Customer. The rights and remedies of the Bank under this Addendum, the Account Terms, the Account Documentation, the Service Terms, and any other agreement by the Customer in favor of the Bank are in addition to the rights and remedies of the Bank under applicable law (as provided above in this Section), are cumulative and may be exercised successively or concurrently, and are retained by the Bank. 16.4 In the event the Bank is required to remit funds to any state as abandoned property, the Account may be charged for fees in remitting funds to that state. In addition, the Bank may charge fees in connection with its handling of dormant funds and accounts. These charges are not PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 3 Page 38 of 40 r� Exhibit B" refundable. Section 17 of the Global Account Terms (Miscellaneous) is hereby supplemented with the following provision: 17.15 Payable Through Accounts. If the Customer is a bank or financial institution and is not organized under the laws of the U.S., it shall not permit its customers to conduct banking transactions in the U.S. through the Customer's Account, and shall not provide its customers with check stock, drafts, wire transfer capabilities or any other means by which its customers are able to draw on the Customer's Account. These types of arrangements are typically called " payable through accounts" and are prohibited under these Account Terms. The Customer acknowledges that the sale of U.S. dollar checks or drafts to third parties is explicitly prohibited without the express written approval of the Bank. AVAILABILITY POLICY - FOR ACCOUNTS MAINTAINED IN THE U.S. The Bank's policy is to make funds available to the Customer on the same, next or second business day after the day of deposit depending on the type of deposit and when the deposit is made as described below. If the Customer will need the funds from a deposit immediately, the Customer should ask the Bank when the funds will be available. A. Determining the Day of a Deposit. If a deposit is made to an account on a business day before the Bank's cutoff time established for that location (which will be no earlier than 2 p.m. local time), then the Bank will consider that day to be the day of deposit. However, if a deposit is made after the cutoff time or on a day that is not a business day, then the Bank will consider the deposit to have been made no later than the next business day. For determining the availability of deposits, every day is a business day, except Saturdays, Sundays, and federal holidays. Availability with respect to any deposit will be determined by the location of the banking center or other facility where the deposit was received. For deposits made at the Bank's automated teller machines (ATMs) the cutoff time is 11 p.m. Eastern Time unless otherwise noted on the ATM screen. B. Same Day Availability. Funds from the following deposits made at a banking center or at an ATM that do not require deposit envelopes will be available on the business day the Bank determines the deposit is made: • Cash; • Wire transfers; and • Electronic direct deposits to an account. C. Next Day Availability. Funds from the following deposits are available on the first business day after the business day the Bank determines the deposit is made: • U.S. Treasury checks that are payable to the Customer; • Checks drawn on a Bank affiliate that holds the applicable account (excluding a Controlled Disbursement site); and • At least, the first $200 from a days total deposits. If the deposit is made in person to a Bank employee, funds from the following deposits are also available on the first business day after the business day the Bank determines the deposit is made: • State and local government checks that are payable to the Customer, if a special deposit slip, available upon request at any Bank banking center is used; • Cashier's, certified, and teller's checks that are payable to the Customer, if a special deposit slip, available upon request at any Bank banking center, is used; and • Federal Reserve Bank checks, Federal Home Loan Bank checks, and postal money orders, if these items are payable to the Customer. If a special deposit slip is not used, availability of funds from these deposits will follow the schedule identified in the Availability of Other Check Deposits section below. D. Availability of Other Check Deposits. Generally, funds from all other deposits of checks drawn on banks (as defined in Federal Reserve Regulation CC) will be available no later than the second business day after the day of deposit. Checks that require special handling may receive delayed availability. The amount of funds available to the Customer will be reduced by the amount of any deposited check that is returned unpaid. If the Bank reprocesses the check, the funds will become available no later than the second business day after the business day in which the check is reprocessed. E. Longer Delays May Apply. In some cases the Bank may not make all of the funds that are deposited by check available. Depending on the type of check deposited, funds may not be available as set forth above. However, the first $200 of the aggregate deposit will be available on the first business day after the day of deposit. If the Bank is not going to make all of the funds from a deposit available at the times shown above, it will notify the Customer and specify when the funds will be available. If a deposit is not made directly to a Bank employee, or if the Bank decides to take this action after the Customer has left the premises, the Bank will mail or otherwise send the notice to the Customer by the business day after the day of deposit. Funds deposited by check may be delayed for a longer period under the following circumstances: • The Bank believes a deposited check will not be paid; PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 3 Page 39 of 40 Exhibit B" • Deposited checks for all of the Customer's accounts total more than $5,000 in any one day; • The Customer redeposited a check that has been returned unpaid; • The Customer has overdrawn one or more of its accounts repeatedly in the last six months; or • There is an emergency, such as failure of communications or computer equipment. In such circumstances, funds will generally be available no later than the seventh business day after the day of deposit. Inclement weather or transportation problems may lead to additional delays under certain availability schedules. Customer may have specific availability schedules related to a banking service. F. Special Rules for New Accounts. If the account is a new account, the following special rules may apply during the first thirty days the account is open: • Funds from deposits of the first $5,000 of that days total deposits of cashier's, certified, teller's, traveler's and federal, state and local government checks will be available on the first business day after the day of deposit if the deposit meets certain conditions. For example, the checks must be payable to the Customer. The excess over $5,000 will be available no later than the ninth business day after the day of deposit. If the deposit of checks (other than U.S. Treasury checks) is not made in person to one of the Bank's employees, the first $5,000 may not be made available until the second business day after the day of deposit; and • Funds from all other check deposits will be made available no later than the fifteen business day after the day of deposit. This Availability Policy and availability schedules may be changed without notice. OO 2015 JPMorgan Chase & Co. All rights reserved. JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Member FDIC. PN: 1329506 DOC ID: 3 Page 40 of40 PLEASE TYPE FORM, PRINT, & SUBMIT (handwritten forms may delay FRBservices.org processing) - Internal FR (Upon receipt by the Federal Reserve Bank) Federal Reserve Batik Use Only Due Diligence Verified: Initials: Date: Use of the FedMail"' access solution is governed by Federal Reserve Bank Operating Circular 5, Electronic Access ("0C 5"), Depending on the services you choose to access using FedMail, additional Operating Circulars (available at FRBservices,org) may govern. Submission of this forryl constitutes acceptance of the terrus and conditions of OC 5 and other applicable Operating Circulars and agreements. The Federal Reserve Banks have no obligation to verify the accuracy of the information you provide below and have the right to rely on such information in connection with the provision of FedtMail access, to the services you are requesting. Except to the extent prohibited by law or regulation, you agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the Federal Reserve Banks against any claim, loss, liability, or expense made against or incurred by the Federal Reserve Banks in connection with their reliance on the information provided below. Section 1 — General *ReqUired Fields State or Local Government Institution Name * . . . ....... Telephone Phone Extension Joint Custody Account Number(s) Provide the 4-digit alpha -numeric account number(s) below that are listed as "institution ID Jj or? your statement. This form may be used for multiple account numbers being delivered to the sarne addresses, with a maximum of four account numbers. Account #1 Account #2 Account #3 Account #4 Section 2 — Service Profile Instructions 1. Use this section to "Add" or "Delete" services or delivery addresses. 2. For email delivery, please provide more than one email address. 3. Complete an additional form to sign up more than three delivery addresses for a service. 4. To change a delivery address, "Delete" the current delivery address and "Add" the new delivery address. 5. Delete all recipients by marking "All" in the delete column. 6. If updates are required to your current Joint Custody pledgee agreement, please call 800-327-0147 and select option 4. Joint Custody Service (JCCR) Add Delete ❑ All Email Fax - - -------- - --- Email Address or Fax Number El ❑ [I M El Last Updated: 09110 Page I of 2 Federal Reserve BankJoint Custody Service via FedMail0 Request Form Sec#iOn 3 emo Service Description ........ . . . . . . . . . . g .. .... ..... .. the ability to rece-itViD Joint CustodyJoint Custody Service Provides Daily Activity and monthly, elec#tonically.IS sent in text -format; the (JCCR) Secu-rities HoldingsReports The . statements and reports are. sent as attachments, which may be viewed with a text editor, spreadsheet or word pracessinq software. Section .4 —Authorized Approval Name °� Signature The person signing ihlsform rr�ust be- listed on your.Gil1't'en$ p.loogLe agreement on. file with i%e Federal, Resertre Bank as authon"zed io act for}rour account. Date. Telephone - first one Please submit this form -to the Customer Contact Center at: Email: ccc.coordinators(a?kc.frfa.ora. S, Fax: 800-660-7856. Mail: Customer Contact Center Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas* City PA. Box 219416 Kansas City, MO 64121-9416 Vdliq Initial Last Extension The Financiai Services logo and 'FedMail" are registered service marks of the Federal Reserve Banks. A complete i1sting of marks owned by the Federal Reserve' Banks Is. available at FRBservices.org. Last Updated: 09/TO Page 2 of 2 .......... .......... .............. - ....... ...... .... - ............ ........ ....... - A 4ft ...... . . . . . ....... ........................ ........... ....... ............ .................... - .......... ................ To: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Tel: 800-327-0147, #1 PO .Box S5882 Fax: 877-973-8972 .Boston, MA 02205 A.ttn-. Joint Custody Date; We, the agree to the terms of Appendix C of your Operating Circular 7, dated August 19, 2005, as it inay be amended from time to time with respect to the account on your books designated (4 digit alpha. -numeric account number) We furtli.er agree that You may accept par for par substitutions: securities from the Pledgor as a replacement of, or in. substitution for,, those securities presently held (please check one): NO (Instructions required for- YES (Standing approval) each withdrawal) provided that the replacement or substitution does not reduce the aggregate par amount of securities field in custody for us. (See Operating Circular 7, Appen(fix C, Section 4.3.) We authorize you to use the following call-back procedure for securities transactions pertaining to this account (please check one): --- -------- Three-party call-back Four-patly call-back We certify that the individuals listed below may take authoritative action. on our behalf with respect to the account, including a direction. to release collateral from the account. You, may rely on the aUtI101-ity of these individuals with respect to the account until we otherwise notify you. Telephonic: Print Name: Title:, Fax: Signature.- Date: Telephone: Print Name: Title:, Fax- Sigiiature: Date: Telephone: Print Name: Title:_ Fax: signature: Date:_ - REV 01 /2006 Depository Bank Services DUE: December 19, 2016 Exhibit "E" SOLICITATION OVERVIEW The City of Round Rock, Texas is soliciting applications for: TITLE: Primary Depository Bank Services RFA No. 17-002 Due Date: 3:00 P.M. CST Monday, December 19, 2016 Location: City of Round Rock, Purchasing Department City Hall, Reception Desk, First Floor Mr. Mike Schurwon, Purchaser 221 E. Main Street Round Rock, Texas 78664 Public Openinz of Applications: There will be a public opening of applications in the Purchasing Department immediately following the submission due time/date. Only the names of applicants will be read aloud. Interested parties are invited to attend. Submit written questions to: Mr. Mike Schurwon, Purchaser, at mschurwon(&- round roe ktexas.Pov Questions may be submitted in writing through 3:00 P.M. Wednesday, November 30, 2016. No verbal questions will be accepted. Questions of a substantial nature will be addressed in a response to all interested parties. Valley View Consulting, L.L.C. is assisting the City with the preparation of this RFA and the evaluation of applications received. E.Qibiet "E" ROUND ROCK TEXAS-5 REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS PRIMARY DEPOSITORY BANK SERVICES The City of Round Rock, Texas (the "City") is soliciting sealed applications from qualified banking institutions to provide primary Depository Bank services. The term shall commence June 1, 2017 and end May 31, 2022. Sealed applications will be accepted until 3:00 P.M. CST on Monday, December 19, 2016 at the City of Round Rock City Hall, Reception Desk, First Floor, 221 E. Main Street, Round Rock, Texas 78664. Application envelopes shall be sealed and designate on the front lower, left hand corner the following: "DO NOT OPEN — RFA No. 17-002 — Primary Depository Bank Services" Note: Applications received after 3:00 P.M. CST, Monday, December 19, 2016, shall be considered void and filed unopened. The sealed application submission shall include the following: 1. One original (so marked) and four (4) complete bound copies of the application; 2. One complete copy of the application response as a PDF file on a Flash Drive; 3. The MS -Excel Bank Service Fee Schedule on a Flash Drive. Any applications received after the time and date stated above, regardless of delivery, will not be considered and will be filed unopened. Questions concerning this RFA should be directed in writing to Mr. Mike Schurwon, Purchaser, at nischur`von- roundrocktexas.gov. The City reserves the right to reject any and all applications and to waive all formalities except time of filing. SOLICITATION UPDATES: Respondents shall be responsible for monitoring the City's website at http://w-ww.roundrocktexas.gov/bids for any updates pertaining to the solicitation described herein. Various updates may include addendums, cancellations, notifications, and any other pertinent information necessary for the submission of a correct and accurate response. NOTE: The City will not be held responsible for any further communication beyond updating the website. Primary Depository Bank Services RFA Page 1 a- 6iisiy ntents INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................................................... 3 REQUESTFOR APPLICATION.............................................................................................................. ............................... 4 CALENDAROF EVENTS......................................................................................................................................................... 4 APPLICATIONREQUIREMENTS......................................................................................................... ............................... 5 APPLICATIONSUBMITTED BY.......................................................................................................................................... 7 CRITERIAFOR EVALUATION.............................................................................................................. ............................... 8 REQUIREDDISCLOSURES.................................................................................................................................................... 9 ACCOUNTACTIVITI E Sansone assesses noun seen @Newness Nonsense ones ones @mesons@ @monsoon someone@ anemone snow@ ago moons magnums @message enema monsoon nose sommusee gamesome monsoon@@@@@ nasal 0...................................................................................................10 REQUIREDSE RVI C ES ass assesses sessesseeng @assesses@ @amass massages @@@assesses@ ones Goa @sesames massages@@@@ gone goes ass a moons@@@ sageness seasons wanness@ seems meanness anomanssaoe anal 1....................................................................................................11 SERVICESTHAT MAYBE CON SIDE RED ass amass@@ sageness @message @wanness gamesome wanness@ assesses assess amass sesames@ masseuse @monsoon now@ seen masseuse masseuse as 16..................................................................16 COLLATERALREQUIREMENTS assume gamesomeness gamesome gamesomeness @@sense@ @nemeses sesames@ @geneses gownsman ass@ snow@@@@ ones some@@@@ meanness assesses seesaw@@ someone@@ 18....................................................................................18 INVESTMENT A C T I V I T I E S 2 0............................................................................................20 OVERDRAFTPROVISIONS ...ass among anemone seen seen @@Noonan gamesome @message was@ @monsoon someone@ massage @seasons @@@season ones someone memos seasons memos@@@ @assess@ monsoosevess 2 1............................................................................................21 OTHERSTIPULATIONS ...was assameng anemone@ mongoose some assesses now@ monsoons manages@ someone@ mousses@ gamesome mass mass sesames@ @mom @monsoon ones 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amen seasons@ @@mamma @Noonan@ gamesomeness gamesomeness some meanness massage@ seen someone@ moos monsoons sesames@ somesans monsoons ease sesames@ 2 6 ...................................................................................................................26 AccountAnalysis Summary...................................................................................................................... 26 BANKSERVICES FEE SCHEDULE ...gaseous massages oneness@ some@@@@ now@ @manses@ seasons@ Gooses@@ someone seen mass egos Oman @886 game go@@ geneses@ anneenes name amasses@ men ones 2 7.............................................................................27 RESPONSEATTACHMENTS ...mesons@ sageness mom@ @@manses massages gamesomeness @@woman@ @@demand monsoons meanness ones @monsoon nonsense wasomeas seen ones mass@@@@ seasons assesses@ 3 0..........................................................................................30 INVESTMENTPOLICY.......... wagon@@@ @messages@@@ sageness @@mesons meanness @daemon@ oneness@ @amasses ones sameness oneness@ mass assesses none name someasseenes *messes@ man moessesssnnns 3 1................................................................................................31 ---------------- ------------- - - ----- ------- W ------ Primary Depository Bank Services RFA Page 2 INTRODUCTION IDI The City, pursuant to Chapter 105, Texas Local Government Code, requests applications from eligible and qualified financial institutions to provide the City banking services as described below. The services provided shall be in accordance with this Request for Application (the "RFA") and attachments,, To be eligible to respond to this RFA., the financialinstitution must have a full service "brick & mortar"- presence within in the municipal boundaries of the Citv of Round Rock. Any and all charges and fees associated with the Depository Bank Services Aizreement must be clearly and accurately included in the RFA response. The charges and fees represented in the RFA response shall overrule any and all previous bank service or other agreements between the City and the financial institution, as they relate to the accounts and services included herein. The City will not be obligated by any charges and fees not clearly and accurately presented in the RFA response. Services initiated after consummation of the Depository Bank Services Agreement shall carry charges and fees mutually agreed to, in writing, by the City and the financial institution. Regardless of time delay, the financial institution shall refund or credit the City for any erroneous charges and fees not agreed to in writing. The City is soliciting applications for banking services currently utilized or being considered by the City. The City intends to manage its funds to minimize service charges and optimize investment income as authorized by policy and permitted by state law. Depending upon market conditions, future collected funds balances maybe reduced and invested in other available investment alternatives. The term shall be a five-year period of June 1, 2017 through May 31, 2022. A transition period not to exceed ninety (90) days for migration to a new bank at the end of the term must be provided. The City reserves the right to open or close any number or t} throughout the term of any agreement resulting from this RFA. but later requested by the City will be mutually agreed upon in shall be fixed for the entire term. pes of accounts, as it deems necessary Any fee charged for services not listed writing. All fees, rates, and conditions The Depository Bank Services Agreement is an important component of the treasury and cash management system of the City, and the City requires afinancial institution that is: • Capable of providing the services required by the City, • Willing to be attentive and responsive to the City's financial matters, and • Financially sound and meets the City's requirements. - ------ - - - ---------- - ----- Primary DepositoryRFA Bank Services Page 3 REQUEST FOR APPLICATION 111DI Pursuant to Chapter 105 of the Local Government Code, this RFA serves as the application form for the Depository Bank Services Agreement. All information requested in this RFA must be provided in response. The evaluation of the applications will be based on the responses included herein. Exceptions, conditions, or qualifications to the City's specifications or requirements must be clearly identified as such, with the reasons therefore, and alternate language proposed by applicant, if any, clearly stated and inserted in the appropriate place in the response. The City reserves the right to negotiate terms, conditions, and exceptions with an applicant to arrive at a final agreement. If acceptable to the City, any exceptions, conditions, or qualifications to the City's specifications shall be included, as appropriate, in the resulting agreement,, Items and matters not explicitly excepted in this manner shall be deemed to be in conformance with the City's specifications. Responses must be complete, addressing all aspects of the RFA, and including all requested information to receive full consideration by the City in the evaluation process. The City may choose to waive any irregularities in any responses received and reserves the right to reject any and all applications. The City desires to enter into an agreement of mutual party benefit and will answer all questions pertaining to this RFA. Please note the following calendar of events for the dates and times of key elements in the application process. CALENDAR UF EVENTS Monday, November 21, 2016 RFA available to prospective financial institutions Wednesday, November 30, 2016 Deadline for Questions/Requests from proposers for Addi0 tional Information (3:00 P.M.) Friday, December 9, 2016 Deadline for City to respond to questions, any addendum posted to City website (3:000 P.M.) Monday, December 191111111111112016 Responses due t City Hall, Reception Desk, First Floor (,3111111.00 P.M. CST) Wednesday, January 25, 2017 Bank Presentation/Demonstrations (if necessary) Wednesday, February 1, 2017 Notification to reconnmended proposer and initiation of contract negotiations and document preparation Thursday, April 13, 2017 City Council consideration of award Thursday, June 1, 2017 New Depository Bank Services Agreement period begins -------------- ------------- - ------- -------- - ----- - -------- - ------------------ - --------- --------- - --------- --- --------- -------------------- --------------------------- Primary Depository Bank Services RFA Page 4 APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS IDI One original (so marked) and four complete copies of the application, and one Flash Drive containing the completed MS -Excel Fee Schedule and a PDF of the complete application, sealed and clearly marked "DO NOT OPEN — RFA No. 17mOO2 —Primary Depository Bank Services", shall be delivered to the City Hall, Reception Desk, First Floor by 3:00 P.M. CST, on Monday, December 19, 2016, and addressed: City of Round Rock, Purchasing Department City Hall, Reception Desk, First Floor Mr. Mike Schurwon, Purchaser 221 E. Main Street Round Rock, Texas 78664 NO APPLICATION SHALL BE ACCEPTED AFTER 39.00 P.M. CST, MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2016. Applicants shall use this RFA as the official response form. Submitted prices, rates, conditions, and answers shall be included in final agreement. The signed, submitted response must include printed copies of all completed worksheets and will be deemed the applicant's official response. To reduce errors and increase the ease of both response and evaluation, the City is providing the RFA in a MS -Word format and Bank Services Fee Schedule in MS -Excel format. The RFA is a protected Word document to enable the applicant to respond to the questions and incorporate comments into the RFA. Applicants must provide unit pricing for service items listed on the MS -Excel worksheet of the Bank Services Fee Schedule. The Excel Bank Services Fee Schedule information and a PDF of the complete application must be provided on a Flash Drive with the application. BASIS OF AWARD The City will award the contract to the applicant(s) whose response provides the best value for the City based on all factors which have a bearing on price and performance of the required services including, but not limited to, compliance with all RFA requirements, delivery, and the City's needs. The City reserves the right to contact any applicant, at any time prior to award, to clarify, verify or request information with regard to any application. The City reserves the right to waive any formality or irregularity, to make awards to more than one applicant, or to reject any or all applications. Applicant must qualify under current Texas law to serve as a municipal depository bank. Transfer of funds shall commence at such time as the successful applicant provides all required forms and supplies necessary to ensure uninterrupted day-to-day operations to the City. The successful applicant commits its "best efforts"" to complete the execution of documentation and transfer of funds by the June 1, 2017 start date. Failure to complete by the start date, at the discretion of the City, could be considered grounds for alternative bank selection. The successful applicant, upon termination of any agreement resulting from this RFA, shall cooperate with a new bank for transfer of funds. Primary Depository Bank Services RFA Page 5 All responses are subject to release as i� r�r�as the response or specific parts of the response can be shown to be exempt f �ubl' nf!ormation Act. Applicants are advised to consult with their legal counsel regarding disclosure issues and take the appropriate precautions to safeguard trade secrets or any other proprietary information. The City assumes no obligation or responsibility for asserting legal arguments on behalf of applicants. If an applicant believes that a response or parts of a response are confidential, then the applicant shall so specify. The applicant shall stamp in bold red letters the term "CONFIDENTIAL" on that part of the response which the applicant believes to be confidential. Vague and general claims as to confidentiality shall not be accepted. All responses and parts of responses that are not marked as confidential will be automatically considered public information. Notwithstanding, responses to this RFA shall be opened in a manner that avoids disclosure of the contents to competing applicants and keeps the responses secret during negotiations. Any questions concerning this RFA must be directed in writing to: Mr. Mike Schurwon, Purchaser City of Round Rock 221 E. Main Street Round Rock, Texas 78664 (512) 218m6682 Email: mschurwon(c�roundrocktexas.gov -------------- --------------- --------------- ------------- ----------------------- - ------- - -- - ------ -- - ---------- ------ --------- - ------------------ --------- Primary Depository Bank Services RFA Page 6 APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY IDI This application is being submitted to the City by the following person duly authorized to act on behalf of this applicant. Name of Financial Institution Address of Financial Institution Telephone # Email Address Officer Name & Title (printed) Officer Signature FDIC Certificate # Signature indicates respondent accepts the specifications, terms and conditions of this RFA and that applicant is not delinquent on any payment due the City or involved in any lawsuit against the City. Date: -------------- ------------------------------- OHIO! I'll Primary Depository Bank Services RFA Page 7 CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION City 0 0 based on, but not limited to, the following criteria, in no particular order of priority: carefully submitte evaluation 1. Ability to perform and provide the required and requested services; 2. Reputation of applicant and quality of services; 3. Cost of services; 4. Transition cost, retention and transition offers and incentives-0 5. Funds availability; 6. Interest paid on interest bearing accounts and deposits; 7. Earnings credit calculation on compensating balances; applications 8. Completeness of application and agreement to points outlined in the RFA; 9. Physical location within municipal boundaries; 10. Convenience of location(s); 11. Previous service relationship with the City; and 12. Financial strength and stability of the institution. After selection of an applicant based on the criteria above, the City may enter into negotiations as to the terms of the depository services agreement and any subsidiary agreements, all aspects of services, and the compensation to be paid to the applicant. If, for any reason, the negotiations between the applicant selected and the City cannot be completed, the City may enter into negotiations with the second best application. Negotiations will continue in this sequence until an agreement is finalized or all applications are rejected. ------------- - --------------- - --------------- ------------------- -------------- ---------------- ------------------ Primary Depository Bank Services RFA Page 8 REQUIRED DISCLOSURES As defined in Section 105.015 (c), each app)J1caiif`sH'aT1 comply with the conflict of interest provision of Section 131.903 of the State's Local Government Code in regards to the selection of the depositories: Sec. 131.903. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. (a) A bank is not disqualified from serving as a depository for funds of a political subdivision if: (1) an officer or employee of the political subdivision who does not have the duty to select the political subdivision's depository is an officer, director, or shareholder of the bank; or (2) one or more officers or employees of the political subdivision who have the duty to select the political subdivision's depository are officers or directors of the bank or own or have a beneficial interest, individually or collectively, in 10 percent or less of the outstanding capital stock of the bank, if:, (A) a majority of the members of the board, commission, or other body of the political subdivision vote to select the bank as a depository; and (B) the interested officer or employee does not vote or take part in the proceedings. (b) This section may not be construed as changing or superseding a conflicting provision in the charter of a home -rule municipality. In addition, the following disclosures apply: Disdosure of interest: Pursuant to Chapter 176 of the Texas Local Government Code, a person, or agent of a person, who contracts or seeks to contract for the sale or purchase of property, goods, or services with the City of Round Rock must file a completed conflict of interest questionnaire which is included in this solicitation or available at wwww. ethics. state,,tx,,us,,, The conflict of interest questionnaire must be filed with the City of Round Rock no later than the seventh business day after the person or agent begins 40 contract discussions or negotiations with the City or submits to the City an application, response to a request for proposal or bid, correspondence, or writing related to a potential agreement. An updated conflict of interest questionnaire must be filed in accordance with Chapter 176 of the Local Government Code. An offense under Chapter 176 is a Class C misdemeanor. Certificate of interested parties: In 2015, the Texas Legislature adopted House Bill 1295, which added section 2252.908 of the Government Code and applies to all contracts entered into on or after January 1, 2016. The law states that a governmental entity may not enter into certain contracts with a business entity unless the business entity submits a disclosure of interested parties to the governmental entity at the time the business entity submits the signed contract to the governmental entity. The law applies to all contracts/purchases of a governmental entity that require action or vote by the governing body of the entity. - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - --------------- --------- --------------- Primary Depository Bank Services RFA Page 9 ACCOUNT ACTIVITIES The City anticipates establishing an acco'unt"co' 0 Operating Account • Payroll Account • Accounts Payable Account • Utility Account • I & S Debt Service Account • Financial Services Account • CDBG/HUD Entitlement Account • DT Land Group Account consists of the following bank accounts: The Operating Account will bilill the primary account for daily activity. The Operating Account will als9 be the primary account to receive deposits and make disbursements. The Payroll Account is aZBA funded by the Operating Accountthrougliw_hichthe��ICitys ' employees are paid bi-weekly. After a new employee's initial paycheck, the City requires direct deposit of payroll by all employees. The ACH file is prepared and transmitted to the bank, usually on Wednesday before payday on Friday. The Accounts Payable Account is a controlled disbursement account processing vendor payments each week funded by the Operating Account. The Utility Account is a ZBA funded by the Operating Account. The I S Debt Service Account is a stand-alone account with activity related to debt payments. The Financial Services Account is a ZBEA with deposits from settlement on credit cards,, Excess funds are transferred to the Operating Account. The CDBG/HUD Entitlement Account is a stand-alone account and, by HUD restrictions, may not accrue any service charge. TheDTL ndAccount is a stand-alone account. The activity for September 2016 with balance information for these accounts is tabulated in Exhibit 1 and Exhibit 2, and reflected on the Bank Services Fee Schedule. Actual balances and transaction activity could vary significantly. Primary Depository Bank Services RFA Page 10 R EQUIRED SERVICES The following services must be provided asd6s�dr_ results in essentially the same outcome or capability. WE or be provided in an alternative form that 1. ONLINE BANKING SERVICES The City requires online banking services accessible through the Internet that at a minimum include balance reporting-, initiation of ACH debits and credits and wire transfers, and placement of stop payments on checks. Additional capabilities must include the ability to reprint statements and export information to MS -Excel. The minimum balance reporting information must be for intra-day and previous business day and include at a minimum: ledger balance, collected balance, one -day float amount, two-day float amount, total credits, total debits, and detail debits and credits, and must allow transaction search capability. Historical information must be maintained online and accessible for a minimum of six months,, [:]Yes, can provide as requested/required,, Comment: [:]No, cannot provide as requested/required. 2. CONTROLLED DISBURSEMENT ACCOUNT - The City requires the use of a controlled disbursement account for its disbursements. The controlled disbursement presentment notification must also be accessible through online banking services. This information must be available and accessible by 10:00 A.M. local time. Yes, can provide as requested/required. Comment: No, cannot provide as requested/required. 3. ZERO BALANCE ACCOUNT - The City requires zero balance accounts for its Payroll, Utility, and Financial Services accounts. The bank teller function must identify the Payroll Account as a ZBA to ensure employee presentments made at the bank are honored. Yes, can provide as requested/required. Comment: E:]No, cannot provide as requested/required. 4. POSITNE PAY AND ACCOUNT RECONCILIATION SERVICE — The City requires positive pay and account reconciliation services on designated accounts from which checks are issued. The City electronically transmits the issued check files to the bank. Positive pay files must be transmitted electronically. Minimum payment verification criteria shall be payee name, date, check number, and amount. The City ma aFrove and make pay/no pay decisions on any exception items. [:]Yes, can provide as requested/required. Comment: [:]No, cannot provide as requested/required. 5. ACH —The City requires a robust MACH system with the capability to create MACH credits for direct deposit of payroll and vendor payments, and to direct debit customer accounts for A/R and utility billing charges. DYes, can provide as requested/required. I JNo, cannot provide as requested/required. - ---------- ---- - ------ ------- - -------- ---------- -- ----- -------------- Primary Depository Bank Services RFA Page 11 Comment: 6. ACH DEBIT BLOCKING — ThP1FA"XhA1AtA �etit blocking capabilities on its accounts, with the ability to selectively pern-ut specified MACH debits on certain accounts and restrict all ACH debits from certain accounts. IYes, can provide as requested/required. Comment0 : [:]No, cannot provide as requested/required. 7. ELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE — The City requires Electronic Data Interchange ("EDI") service capability with the ability of obtaining monthly reports and transacting vendor payments. IYes, can provide. Comment: 1---INO, cannot provide. 8. WIRE TRANSFERS — The online banking system must provide for initiating wire transfers as a normal course of business. Wires maybe one time wires or be set up as repetitive wires of varying amounts. [:]Yes, can provide as requested/required. [:]No, cannot provide as requested/required. Comment: 9. REMOTE DEPOSIT CAPTURE The City is currently utilizing and requires direct deposit capture services. The City owns one (1) Canon Image Formula CR190i scanner used to process checks received. [:]Yes, can provide as requested/required. Comment: [:]No, cannot provide as requested/required. 10. CONSUMER BILL PAY PROCESSING - The City requires this service (sometimes referred to E- Lockbox) for receipts of utility and other payments generated from personal customer bank bill pay programs. On a daily basis, the remittance data and payment amount captured during processing must be transmitted to the City for the update of the accounts receivable file. Yes, can provide as requested/required. Comment: [:]No, cannot provide as requested/required. 11. POST NO CHECKS The City requires the fraud protection feature or service that prevents checks being presented for payment to be posted to the accounts from which checks are not issued. [:]Yes, can provide as requested/required. Comment: [:]No, cannot provide as requested/required. --------------- ---------------- ------------ ------------ - -- ------- - - - --------------------- --------- ---------- Primary Depository Bank Services RFA Page 12 12. FUNDS AVAILABILITY — The City requires, at a minimum, same day credit for all transactions submitted before 4:00 P.M., subjef!jJftJMtaVqiL4*y schedule. Yes, can provide as requested/required. I ]No, cannot provide as requested/required. Comment: 13. EMPLOYEE CHECK CASHING — The City requires the bank to cash checks issued to employees (with proper identification) without service charges or fees to the employee or the City, and without requiring the employee to open an account with the bank. Yes, can provide as requested/required. Comment: No, cannot provide as requested/required. 14. RETURNED CHECK REPROCESSING — The City requires deposited checks to be processed for collection at least twice before making non -paid checks available to the City. The City prefers to receive rejected items electronically. The City requires same day notification of all returned items in excess of $5,000*00'. [:]Yes, can provide as requested/required. Comment: EINo, cannot provide as requested/required. 15. ACCOUNT ANALYSIS — The City requires account analysis statements by individual account and at group level, reflecting average ledger balance, average uncollected funds, average collected balance, reserve requirement, average available balance, rate and amount of earnings credit, detail of services provided with quantities and unit fees for each, and total service cost, delivered to the City on a monthly basis. This requirement api)lies to "No Fee" or "Fee Waiver" auulications.INNIS Yes, can provide as requested/required. Comment: No, cannot provide as requested/required. 16. BANK STATEMENTS The City requires that statements be rendered within five (5) working days after the close of the calendar month. Monthly cutoff of statements must occur on the last calendar day of each month. Accounts shall not be placed in dormant mode for inactivity. The statement shall include debits and credits made on the last day of the period and the detail items. Bank statements must be received on a monthly basis, even if there is no activity for the account. Checks and deposit slip images must be provided in a manner that the City can download them or save them to their internal storage systems. [:]Yes, can provide as requested/required., Comment: [:]No, cannot provide as requested/required. 17. PAYMENT FOR SERVICES The City expects to pay for all services provided by the earnings credit amount generated by account balances, or by direct payment, or a combination of both. [:]Yes, can provide as requested/required. Comment: E]No, cannot provide as requested/required. ------------------------------- Primary Depository Bank Services RFA Page 13 18. ACCOUNT SETTLEMENT —Settlement of the excess/deficient condition as reflected by the group level account analysis is re o� basis. If deficient, settlement must be made by direct debit to the City���ccoilerly [:]Yes, can provide as requested/required. Comment: No. cannot provide as requested/required. 19. RESEARCH — The City requires that all research requests are responded to within three business days of the request. [:]Yes, can provide as requested/required. Comment: [:]No, cannot provide as requested/required. 20. BANK ERRORS — Bank errors resulting in lost interest to the City must be reimbursed by the bank to the City, utilizing a mutually agreed upon method of reimbursement. [:]Yes, can provide as requested/required. Comment: DNo, cannot provide as requested/required. 21. SWEEP/INVESTMENT ACCOUNT -Applicants must provide a description of the bank's best "hard dollar" interest earning option. If a sweep option is proposed, applicant must confirm its compliance with Local Government Code Chapter 2256, the "Public Funds Investment Act" ("PFIA"), and the City's Investment Policy. E]Yes, can provide,, Comment: No, cannot provide. 22., AUDIT CONFIRMATIONS — Successful applicant must provide account balance audit confirmations to the City's audit firm annually at no charge. [:]Yes, can provide as requested/required. [:]No, cannot provide as requested/required. Comment: 23. BALANCE ASSESSMENT — Applicant must state how the FDIC Insurance Assessment on balances will be treated: (treatment must be reflected on the attached Bank Services Fee Schedule as well) [:] Fees to be waived. Ej Fees to be partially waived. ❑ Fee to be passed in full to the City. Comment: -------------- ---------- ------ - = -------------- --------- Primary Depository Bank Services RFA Page 14 24, RESERVE REQUIREMENT —Applicant must indicate whether or not a reserve requirement on balances used in calculating eami'E i�i��rIfi� it !1 I I Yes. [:] No. Reserve Requirement Comment: 25. EARNINGS CREDIT RATE — Applicant must state the ECR being proposed. ECR Comment: Primary Depository Bank Services RFA Pa g e 15 SERVICES THAT MAY BE CONSIDERED The following services are optional and�W!;`b-Meconsidere�'by the City for award; please indicate the applicant's ability to provide the services as described and the associated set-up, maintenance and/or per item processing charges: 1. 2. BANK PROVIDED ATM — The City may consider installation of a bank provided ATM for employee and public use. Yes, can provide. Comment.* INTEGRATED DISBURSEMENT SERVICES EINo, cannot provide. — The City may consider different levels of 0 outsourcing for its disbursement function including, but not 111mmited to, check printing and distribution. Yes, can provide. Comment.* INo, cannot provide. 3. COURIER SERVICE — The City may consider the use of a courier service to make daily deposits from one central location to the financial institution,, Can the bank provide this service and, if so, how would it be billed? ❑ Fees to be waived. 1:1 Fees to be partially waived; billed through analysis. [:] Fee to be passed in full to the City; billed through analysis. [:] Cannot provide. Comment: 4. REVERSE POSITIVE PAY SERVICE — The City may consider reverse positive pay on the check issuing accounts with limited and infrequent issuance. The bank shall notify the City of the checks presented for payment and the City may select the items to be honored. Yes, can provide. Comment: EINo, cannot provide. 5. SECURITIES CLEARING, SAFEKEEPING AND CUSTODY SERVICES — If Securities Clearing and Safekeeping Services can be offered for the securities owned by the City, the following requirements apply: All secu0 rities will be handled on a delivery versus payment ("DVP") basis as they are cleared into and out of the City's account,, The bank must act as securities clearing agent for all security purchases made by the City and for sales of securities from the investment portfolio, and will provide the necessary wire transfer and -- -------------- ------- ---- ----- ---------- --------------- Primary Depository Bank Services RFA Page 16 physical delivery services required to support investment activities. Necessary controls will be negotiated with the Bank. Confitri�.c� if eFbe provided to the City within one (1business day. I � The bank must provide safekeeping services for all securities owned/purchased during the term of the depository agreement pursuant to a "Custodial Agent Agreement" executed between the City and the bank. Safekeeping receipts for all security purchases must be issued within two (2) business days. All interest payments on securities held must be posted on the due date or on the next business day in the event the due date falls on a weekend or bank holiday. The City must be notified within seven (7) days of a call date notice for any securities being called prior to maturity. The bank must provide a web -based safekeeping transaction monitoring and reporting mechanism. If offered, please provide all itemized fees related to securities clearing, safekeeping and custody services as part of the Response Attachments under Safekeeping Fees. Yes, can provide. Comment: No, cannot provide. 6. SEPARATE SECURITIES CLEARING, SAFEKEEPING AND CUSTODY SERVICES — The City may select a separate bank to provide Securities Clearing and Safekeeping Services for the securities owned by the City. If the bank would consider such a relationship, please clearly indicate and provide all itemized fees related to a separate securities clearing', safekeeping and custody services agreement as a part of the Response Attachments under Safekeeping Fees. The requirements of the Securities Clearing and Safekeeping Services relationship are described above. Your response to this item will serve as your proposal to offer the services. [:]Yes, can provide. Comment: Primary Depository Bank Services RFA No, cannot provide. Page 17 COLLATERAL REQUIREMENTS ---------- ------------------------------- --------------- --------- IF V 1. COLLATERALIZATION The successful app scant shall pledge collateral to satisfy the requirements of the Public Funds Collateral Act, Chapter 2257, Texas Government Code, and the City's Investment Policy. Ledger balance shall determine the total balance level. The successful applicant shall pledge collateral equal to or in excess of the required level on a same day basis. The City's Investment Policy specifies that securities held as collateral shall have a market value equaling at least 102% of the total value of City funds held in excess of FDIC insurance levels. The City shall approve, in advance and in writing, all proposed collateral. If prior day endinyledgerbalance is to be used as the basis for calculating the requi red collateral pledge, in order to minimize any period where the City balances could be under collateralized, the City will require that the pledged amount be maintained at 110% of the prior day endiny, ledger balance. ElYes, can provide as requested/required. Comment: No, cannot provide as requested/required. 2. COLLATERAL MONITORING —The successful applicant must monitor the collateral adequacy on a daily basis, and shall provide additional collateral, as necessary, to secure balances as required by Code and the City's Investment Policy. Yes, can provide as requested/required. Comment: No, cannot provide as requested/required. 3. PLEDGED COLLATERAL CUSTODY AND SAFEKEEPING — The pledged securities shall be held in safekeeping at an independent custodian acceptable to both the City and the successful applicant. The original copy of all pledge receipts shall be filed with the City's Chief Financial Officer. Applicant must provide the name of the proposed independent custodian as well as any related fees. Name of Proposed Custodian: [:]Yes, can provide as requested/required. Comment: No, cannot provide as requested/required. 4. COLLATERAL SUBSTITUTION — Any substitutions of the pledged securities will be performed as provided for in the City's Investment Policy. Yes, can provide as requested/required., Comment: No, cannot provide as requested/required. 5. REDUCTION AND RELEASE OF PLEDGED COLLATERAL Any reductions in the total amount of pledged collateral shall be pre -approved, in writing, by an authorized signatory of the City. --------------- Primary Depository Bank Services RFA Page 18 Yes, can provide as requested/required. No, cannot provide as requested/required. Comment: Exhibit 11E11 6. COLLATERAL REPORT — The successful applicant and the custodial bank shall provide the City a monthly pledged securities report or additional reports as requested by the City. The report must describe the total pledged securities by: Name Type / Description CUSIP Par Value Current Face Value Market Value Maturity Date Yes, can provide as requested/required. No, cannot provide as requested/required. Comment: 7. FIRREA COMPLIANT BOARD RESOLUTION The Board of Directors or designated committee of the successful applicant, shall be required to provide a Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 ("FIRREA") compliant resolution of certification, approving the award of the agreement and commitment for delivery of the collateral, to the custodian, not later than five days before the commencement of services. The following is an extract of the FIRREA requirement from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ("FDIC") Code: e) AGREEMENTS AGAINST INTERESTS OF CORPORATION.MIM (1) IN GENERAL. --No agreement which tends to diminish or defeat the interest of the Corporation in any asset acquired by it under this section or section 11, either as security for a loan or by purchase or as receiver of any insured depository institution, shall be valid against the Corporation unless such agreement -- (A) is in writing, (B) was executed by the depository institution and any person claiming an adverse interest thereunder, including the obligor, contemporaneously with the acquisition of the asset by the depository institution, (C) was approved by the board of directors of the depository institution or its loan committee, which approval shall be reflected in the minutes of said board or coll"H and (D) has been, continuously from the time of its execution, an official record of the depository institution Yes, can provide as requested/required., Comment: No, cannot provide as requested/required. - ------------- - -------------- ------------ --------- - -- -------------- Primary Depository Bank Services RFA Page 19 INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES The Public Funds Investment Act, iconjuncfl"�on ` with tre City's Investment Policy, shall govern the City's investment activity and the successful applicant shall be required to provide services within the constraints of both. Applicants must complete the attached PFIA Certification that acknowledges that they have reviewed the City's Investment Policy. 1. DIRECT INVESTMENT ALTERNATIVE — The City's direct investment activities may take place in any and all of the City accounts. The City shall have the right, at its sole discretion, to direct investment of its funds. Interest earnings on interest bearing accounts shall be credited monthly regardless of the amount, with no minimum amount restriction. The Investment Policy outlines the City's options for investing. The Investment Policy is subject to annual review and revision by the City's Council. Yes, can provide as requested/required. Comment: E]No, cannot provide as requested/required. 2. CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT — Certificates of Deposit ("CDs") purchased for the City shall be non-negotiable and shall be registered in the name of the City-, The CDs will be insured within FDIC insurance limits, or collateralized in accordance with the RFA requirements. Proof of 0 collateral in excess of FDIC insurance limits must be supplied to the City prior to CD settlement. Yes, can provide as requested/required. Comment: I No, cannot provide as requested/required. 3. INVESTMENT ACCOUNT - Applicants must provide a description of the bank's best "hard dollar" interest earning option. If a sweep option is proposed, applicant must confirm its compliance with Local Government Code Chapter 2256, the "Public Funds Investment Act" ("PFIA"), and the City's Investment Policy. ElYes, can provide. Comment: No, cannot provide. Primary Depository Bank Services RFA Page 20 OVERDRAFT PROVISIONS ------------------------------- ----------------------- ----------------- -------------------- -------------- t T T E 1. NET OVERDRAFT DEFINED — TXhe City does not intend to have a net overdraft position occur during the term of the agreement,, raft shall A net overdbe defined as a negative balance in the C� -City's accounts collectively, not by individual account. [:1 Yes. Comment: ❑ No. 2. NOTIFICATION — In the event a check or checks shall be presented for payment where there are insufficient funds in City's collective accounts, the successful applicant agrees to promptly notify the City's Accounting Manager or other signatory person, by telephone or other means, of the overdraft condition, and to provide the City a period not exceeding one business day to respond and rectify the condition. DYes can provide as requested/required. Comment: [:]No, cannot provide as requested/required. 3. STIPULATIONS — Should a net overdraft condition occur; the following shall apply: Maximum number of banking days the overdraft shall be allowed: Maximum amount of the overdraft: $ Interest rate per annum computed on the overdraft: Comment: Primary Depository Bank Services RFA Page 21 OTHER STIPULATIONS REGULATION NOTIFICATIONg"rie success applicant shall notify the City in writing within thirty (30) days of any changes in federal or state regulations, or laws that would affect an y agreement resulting from this RFA, [:]Yes, can provide as requested/required. Comment: E:]No, cannot provide as requested/required. 2. INCOMING WI RE TRANSFERS —Notification ofil incoming wire transfers shall be made by telephone, fax, or email to the City's Accounting Manager within one hour of the transaction and a written confirmation mailed to the City the same day of the transaction. Yes, can provide as requested/required. Comment: No, cannot provide as requested/requi*red- 3. RIGHT TO CA210EL UTDER FEE,ERAI, OR STATE LAW RULINGS — In the event it would be ruled illegal under the provisions of any federal or state laws or regulations for the successful applicant to comply with the requirements of this RFAA or any resulting agreement, then the City 0 expressly reserves the right and privilege to cancel the agreement and to re -solicit applications. Yes, can provide as requested/required. Comment: No, cannot provide as requested/required. 4. ACCESS TO BANK RECORDS —The successful applicant's records relating to the City's accounts shall be open for review during normal business hours by designated City staff members or appointed independent auditors. [:]Yes, can provide as requested./required,, Comment: EjNo, cannot provide as requested/required. 5. RIGHT TO OPEN & MAINTAIN OTHER ACCOUNTS The City reserves the right to open and maintain one or more demand accounts at financial institutions not affiliated with the successful applicant. ❑ Acknowledged. Comment: 6. DEPOSITORY BANK SERVICES AGREEMENT — The City requires that the successful applicant execute a mutually acceptable Depository Bank Services Agreement with the City. Yes, can provide as requested/required. Comment: No. cannot provide as requested/required. 7. SECONDARY DEPOSITORY BANK — As a component of its disaster recovery plan, the City may consider maintaining a contractual agreement for a secondary depository bank relationship should an event occur that makes the primary Depository Bank inaccessible to the City. --------------------------- ----------------------------- Primary Depository Bank Services RFA Page 22 Denending on the outcome of this RFA for a nrimary De-nository Bank relationship. would the applicant consider entering into,����nl�Orf4rq��iary relationship? 1�J Z . . [:]Yes, can provide as requested/required. [:]No, cannot provide as requested/required. Comment: 8. RIGHT TO TERMINATE — The City expressly reserves the right to temu"nate any agreement resulting from this RFA with or without cause at any time by providing ninety (90) days written notice to the successful applicant to close its accounts. [:1 Acknowledged. Comment: 9. TERMS FIXED — All fees, rates, and conditions shall be fixed for the entire term. E:]Yes, can provide as requested/required. Comment: [:]No, cannot provide as requested/required. 10. ONE RELATIONSHIP OFFICER —City requests one relationship manager to coordinate the successful applicant's efforts directly responsible for facilitating all City/applicant interaction: Description Relationship Officer Name Title Phone Primary Depository Bank Services RFA Page 23 MISCELLANEOUS SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING — months to evaluate the working- relationship between the City and the successful applicant. The objective shall be to address any problems and to seek solutions as well as keeping abreast of changes, new services, or new requirements. [:]Yes, can provide as requested/required. Comment: No, cannot provide as requested/required. 2. FORMAL AGREEMENT REQUIRED —The final appointment of the successful applicant shall be subject to approval by the City of Round Rock City Council. The successful applicant shall be required to enter into an agreement that incorporates all of the requirements of applicant's official response to this RFA, along with the accompanying related schedules and materials as required by this RFA. Required attachments include: collateral custodial agreement, FIRREA bank certification, and PFIA investment provider certification. Yes, can provide as requested/required. Comment: [:]No, cannot provide as requested/required. I ADVERTISEMENT ACKNOWLEDGED This RFA has been duly advertised and is being offered for consideration to financial institutions as permitted by state law and City policy. [:] Acknowledged. Comment: This Iequest for Application is being offered by the following person duly authorized to act on behalf of, the City. Susan Morgan, Chief Financial Officer - - ------------ Primary Depository Bank Services RFA Page 24 EXHIBIT 1 IDI BANK TRANSACTIONS BY ACCOUNT - -------------- .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ......................................... September 2016 ..................................................... .............................................................................................. .......................................................................................................... .............................................................. BEGINNING CREDITS DEBITS ENDING DESCRIPTION BALANCE NUMBER AMOUNT NUMBER AMOUNT BALANCE !212erafing$ 19,717,053 324 $ 4692531242 115 $ 46,9669392 $ 1990039904 Accounts P a able - 21 1096599799 470 1096599799 - Payroll - 17 492889797 81 492889797 - Financial Services - 3361 199519313 66 1995193131 1 utility 18 494881 103 49488 CDBG/HUD 79807 3 139183 3 99775 119215 I&S Debt Service 491201 2 409826 1 409723 49223 DT Land Group 12898821 2 1497741 24 69191 1379465 TOTAL $ 19985798621 723 $ 63922694221 863 $ 6399279478 $ 1991569807 ------------- - ----------- --- ---------- Primary Depository Bank Services RFA Page 25 EXHIBIT 2 ]MIDI ACCOUNT ANALYSIS SUMMARY ................................................. .................................................................... ................................................ .................................................................... ................................................ .................................................................... Period Avg Collected ................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. Avg. Float .......................................................................... .......................................................................... .......................................................... Avg. Available Balance Oct- 15' .................................. ..................................................................... $ 19853427,,': $ 615454, ............................................................................................................................................ $ 19237973,, Nov-151199802�147 ................................................ :...................................................................................................................................................................... 5135187 1992889960 I ............................................ Dec- 15' ........................................................................................................ 1996029106 i 235211 19366895 ......................................................................... Jan- 16 ...................................................................................................................................................... 19868832,, 253004, 19615828,, ........................................................ ................ Feb 16 .................................. ..................................................................... 1999979326 255757 .................................................................. 19741569 ........................................................................ Mar-161 ................................................. 1996299545 ....................................................................................................................... 2579305 1993729240 ........................................................................ Apr- 16 ......................................................................................... 19790478,, 199272, ............................................................................................................................................ 1995919206 May- 16 19822028,, 357151, 1994649877 ......................................................................... Jun- 16........................................................................................................................................ 19924745,, 442049, 19482696,, ......................................................................... Jul 16:' ................................................ :...................................................................... 1850439047 ' 1879628 ' .................................................................. 1798559419 ..................................................................... Aug 16 ............................................. :........................................................................................................................................... 2093719719 353953, 20017766,, Sep- 16: .................................... .......... 18498646 254549 182449097 Total ................................................ $ 23592049046 $ 399249520 $ 23192799526 ................................................ Average .................................... .................................................................... $ 1996009337 1 ................................................................. $ 3279043 ........................................................................ 1 $ 1992739294 Primary Depository Bank Services RFA Page 26 AFP SERVICE CODE BANK SERVICES FEE SCHEDULE 1 lEl CITY OF ROUND ROCK VOLUMES FROM SEPTEMBER 2016 ACCOUNT ANALYSIS DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT SERVICES 010000 ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE 010020 CASH CNTRN BACKVALUE SVCS 010020 CASH CONCENTRATION MAINTMASTER 010021 CASH CONCENTRATION MAINT SUB 010100 DEBIT POSTED - ELECTRONIC 010101 CREDIT POSTED- ELECTRONIC 010307 STATEMENT CYCLES 150OZZ POST NO CHECKS MAINTENANCE BANKING CENTER SERVICES 10004A BRANCH ORDER CURRENCY STRAP 100040 BRANCH ORDER PROCESSED 100044 BRANCH ORDER - COIN ROLL VAULT SERVICES 100100 VAULT DEPOSIT 100110 VAULT DEPOSIT ROLLED COIN 100111 VAULT DEP PARTIAL OR MIXED BAG 100114 VAULT DEP NON STD STRAP - NOTE 100501 VAULT DEPOSIT ADJUSTMENT 100520 VAULT DEPOSIT ADJUSTMENT NOTIF DEPOSITORY SERVICES 10101 CREDITS POSTED 100200 ICL DEPOSIT EARLY 100210 ON -US STANDARD 100210 FILE TRANSMISSION REC.- VPN 100210 ON US PREMIUM 100214 IMAGE GROUP ONE 100214 IMAGE GROUP TWO 100214 IMAGE GROUP TWO - TIER 2 100220 CHECK DEPOSITED -ON US 100224 CHECK DEPOSITED -TRANSIT 100230 DEPOSIT CORRECTION 100400 RETURN ITEM 100402 RETURN ITEM REDEPOSIT 100419 RETURN - EMAIL NOTIFICATION 999999 IMAGE QUALITY SUSPECT ITEMS 999999 NON -CONFORMING IMAGE ITEMS VOLUME UNIT PRICE ($) SERVICE CHARGE ($) 6 - 5 - 1 - 5 177 460 - 6 - 3 - 231 - 6 121997171 - 6 - 4 - 224 - 21 - 26 - 21 866 29818 19113 19420 - 82 756 - 1 - 6 - 16 - 6 - 12 - 1 - -------------------------- - ---------- - --------------- --------------- --------------- -- ---- - -------- - --- -------------- Primary Depository Bank Services RFA Page 27 10100 10112 150000 150030 150110 150410 150412 150501 151351 151710 200306 150030 150122 150300 150320 151351 151353 151353 200010 200110 200201 200301 350100 350124 350300 350320 50030 50300 50311 250000 250000 250100 250101 250120 250200 250201 250302 250400 250501 251050 DISBURSEMENT SER0 itE it CHECK / DEBIT POST)nlilblt CONTROLLED DISB FUNDING CONTROLLED DISB ACCT MAINT EXCEPTION NOTIFICATION - ACCT CONTROLLED DISB CHECK POSTED STOP PAYMENT - ELECTRONIC STOP PAYMENT AUTOMATIC RENEWAL CHECK CAS-HINGNON T HOLDER IMAGE STORAGE PER ITEM CHECK INQUIRY MAINTENANCE RECON REPORT / STATEMENT MAINT RECONCILIATION SERVICES POSITNE PAY MAINTENANCE PAYEE NAME VERIFICATION EXCEPTION ITEM CHECK EXCEPTION RETURN IMAGE CAPTURE PER ITEM CD ROM - PER CD CD ROM MAINTENANCE FULL RECONCILEMENT - MAINT FULL RECONCILEMENT - PER ITEM ISSUE INPUT F E WITH RECON OUTPUT FILE WIRE - U.S. ELECTRONIC FED DEBIT S/T ELECTRONIC BOOK DEBIT S/T FED CREDIT S/T BOOK CREDIT AUTOMATED CLEARING HOUSE ELOCKBOX MAINTENANCE ELOCKBOX TRANSACTION RECEIVED ELOCKBOX TRANSACTION REFORMAT ACH MAINTENANCE JPM ACCESS ACH MAINTENANCE DEBIT ORIGINATED ACH DEBITS\CREDITS ORIGINATED ADDENDA RECORD ORIGINATED DEBIT RECEIVED CREDIT RECEIVED RETURN ITEM RETURN NOTIFICATION - EMAIL ACH BATCH/FILE PROCESSED DEBIT BLOCK MAINTENANCE 180 - 42 - 1 - 3 470 - 6 - 3 - 7 651 - 3 - 3 - 3 547 - 6 - 1 651 I - 1 - 3 650 - 11 - 6 - 161- 1 - 8 - 1 - 2 6,912 69912 - 3 - 2 49635 39431 - 19 - 81 364 - 10 - 10 - 15 - 6 - --------------- -------------- Primary Depository Bank Services RFA Page 28 251051 ACH ADA AUTHORIZED ID 251070 NOTffICATION OF CH���ibit r1 L251070 NOTIF OF CHANGE - 259925 ELOCKBOX FILE PROCESSING RECEIPTSTREAM/ENH REC SVCS 300524 R$ EDI RPTG SUM REPORT 300524 EDI DETAIL REPORT-JPM ACCESS JPMORGAN ACCESS 40044Z ACCOUNTS REPORTED 400610 MONTHLY SERVICE 40066Z TRANSACTIONS REPORTED - 45 DAY 40066Z CONT DISB CHECKS REPORTED 40066Z EXTENDED TRANSACTION DETAIL 136 1881 8 - 1 19119 482 4824. - WSS OTHER FEES 459999 FEES - ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE 1 - PREMIUM ASSESSMENT FEE 000230 PREMIUM ASSESSMENT FEE 18,500,000 1 TOTAL MONTHLY CHARGES SUPPLIES TAMPER PROOF DISPOSABLE BAGS SELF -INKING ENDORSEMENT STAMPS CARBONLESS DEPOSIT TICKETS TOTAL OTHER CHARGES EARNINGS CREDIT FORMULA/RATE BASIS CURRENT RATE AVG COLLECTED BALANCE LESS RESERVE REQUIREMENT INVESTIBLE, BALANCE ESTIMATED MONTHLY EARNINGS PREMIUM ASSESSMENT FEE FORMULA/RATE BASIS CURRENT RATE AVG COLLECTED BALANCE ESTIMATED MONTHLY EARNINGS LESS: MONTHLY SWEEP FEE ESTIMATED NET MONTHLY EARNINGS 0*000 0 0 0 0 --------------- - -- - - ------- - ---- ---------------- ----------------------- ------------------ ---------------- -- - ---------- ----- ---------------------------------------- - - - - - -- - ------ m III � -------------- ----------------------------------------------------- - ---------- ---------- Primary Depository Bank Services RFA Page 29 RESPONSE ATTACHMENTS (ALL ATTACHMENTS MUST BE RE ORDER LISTED) PONSE - PLEASE ATTACH IN THE 1. ACCOUNT ANALYSIS —Sample monthly account analysis statement 10 in the format that will be provided to City. Applicant must indicate any capability to provide the information electronically. 2. RATE BASIS —Applicant must include an explanation of the applicant's policy and methodology used in setting rates paid on interest bearing accounts and account analysis earnings credit, and must indicate if rates are based on a market rate such as T-Bill discount or yield rate, or the Federal Funds rate, etc., and when the rates are changed. Applicant must provide a historical schedule of rates paid. I SAMPLE COLLATERAL AGREEMENT. 4. SECURITY MEASURES — Applicant must provide a detailed description of security measures to prevent fraud and unauthorized electronic and non -electronic transfers, and protect the integrity of computer banking services and internal computer systems. 5. TECHNOLOGY SPECS —Applicant must provide detailed descriptions and specifications for use of all proposed electronic systems and services. 6. SAFEKEEPING FEES — Attach a schedule which shows all safekeeping related fees, if offered. 7. SAMPLE SAFEKEEPING REPORT —Sample monthly safekeeping report of the City owned securities, if offered. 8. INVESTMENT ACCOUNT INFORMATION — Applicant must provide information on the sweep account or investment account recommended, for use by the City as well as detailed information on the applicant's most attractive interest yielding option. 9. SUMMARY BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLAN — Summary of the applicant's business continuation plans as they pertain to the City"s ability to perform normal banking functions during natural and un-natural bank operation disruptions, including a statement of commitment to provide the City continuous and ongoing Depository Bank services to the best of the successful applicant's ability. 10. REFERENCES — List of at least three (3) comparable references and current Texas Public Funds clients, including total number of collateralized Texas Public Fund clients. 11. SAMPLE FIRREA COMPLIANT DOCUMENT. A sample copy of applicant's FIRREA compliant document that clearly shows that the aupFplicant's Board or designated committee has accepted the depository agreement and authorized the pledge of collateral, with a permanent record of this action to be maintained in the minutes of the applicant. - - -- -- - ----------------- -- ------- ---- ---- ------- ------- - - - - -------- - - ---------------- - - -- -------- -------- ---- --------- - -------------- ---------------- -------- - - - -------------------- Primary Depository Bank Services RFA Page 30 INVESTMENT POLICY Investment-Policy-J a n uary- 14-20 16 -FINAL Primary Depository Bank Services RFA Page 31 Exhibit "F" Proposal in Response to Primary Depository Bank Services RFA No. 17-002 Due Date: December 19, 2016 Disclosure Statement This document was prepared exclusively for the benefit and internal use of the party to whom it is directly addressed and delivered (the "Organization") in order to assist the Organization in evaluating certain products or services that may be provided by J.P. Morgan. Chase, J.P. Morgan and JPMorgan Chase are marketing names for certain businesses of JPMorgan Chase & Co. and its subsidiaries worldwide (if and as used herein may include as applicable employees or officers of any or all of such entities irrespective of the marketing name used). Products and services may be provided by commercial bank affiliates, securities affiliates or other J.P. Morgan affiliates or entities. In particular, securities brokerage services other than those which can be provided by commercial bank affiliates under applicable law will be provided by registered broker/dealer affiliates such as J.P. Morgan Securities LLC, J.P. Morgan Institutional Investments Inc. or by such other affiliates as may be appropriate to provide such services under applicable law. Such securities are not deposits or other obligations of any such commercial bank, are not guaranteed by any such commercial bank and are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The information herein does not purport to set forth all applicable issues and is not intended to constitute advice on legal, tax, investment, accounting, regulatory or any other matters. J.P. Morgan makes no representations as to such matters or any other effects of any transaction and shall have no responsibility or liability to you with respect thereto. You should consult with your own advisors regarding such matters and the suitability, permissibility and effect of any transaction. In no event shall J.P. Morgan nor any of its directors, officers, employees or agents be liable for any use of, for any decision made or action taken in reliance upon, or for any inaccuracies or errors in, or omissions from, the information herein. The information herein is not intended as nor shall it be deemed to constitute advice or a recommendation regarding the issuance of municipal securities or the use of any municipal financial products. J.P. Morgan is not providing any such advice or acting as the Organization's agent, fiduciary or advisor, including, without limitation, as a Municipal Advisor under Section 15B of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Money Market Funds: NOT FDIC INSURED - NO BANK GUARANTEE • MAY LOSE VALUE You could lose money by investing in a money market fund. With respect to a money market fund that qualifies as a "retail" or "government" money market fund under applicable money market fund regulations, although the money market fund seeks to preserve the value of your investment at $1.0o per share, it cannot guarantee it will do so. In the case of a money market fund that does not qualify as a "retail" or "government" money market fund, because the share price of the money market fund will fluctuate, when you sell your shares they may be worth more or less than what you originally paid for them. If a money market fund does not qualify as a "government" money market fund, effective October 14, 2016, the money market fund may impose a fee upon sale of your shares or may temporarily suspend your ability to sell shares if the money market fund's liquidity falls below required minimums because of market conditions or other factors. An investment in a money market fund is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) or any other government agency. A money market fund's sponsor has no legal obligation to provide financial support to the fund, and you should not expect that the sponsor will provide financial support to the fund at any time. For J.P. Morgan Funds - Call 1-800-766-7722 for a fund prospectus. You can also visit us online at www.jpmorganfunds.com. Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives and risk as well as charges and expenses of the mutual fund before investing. The prospectus contains this and other information about the mutual fund. Read the prospectus carefully before investing. JPMorgan Funds are distributed by JPMorgan Distribution Services, Inc., which is a subsidiary of JPMorgan Chase & Co. JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. may receive compensation from the fund, the management company for the fund and/or the distributor of the fund for providing services as described in the prospectus for the funds. Affiliates of JPMorgan Chase & Co. also receive fees for providing various services to the funds. Securities may be provided by J.P. Morgan Institutional Investments, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. For Third Party Funds - The distributors of the third party funds are not affiliated with J.P. Morgan. J.P. Morgan may receive compensation from a third party fund, the management company for the third party fund and/or the distributor of a third party fund for providing services as described in the prospectus for the funds. For all Funds - Carefully consider a fund's investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses before investing. This and other important information is included in the fund's prospectus, which should be read carefully before investing. Prospectuses for mutual funds can be obtained by contacting your relationship manager. This proposal is subject to and conditioned upon a mutually agreeable contract between the Organization and J.P. Morgan. J.P. Morgan also requires execution of all applicable product and service agreements. Implementation of products and services is subject to and conditioned upon the condition of satisfactory completion of J.P. Morgan's "Know Your Customer" due diligence and meeting product requirements. These steps are included in J.P. Morgan's client onboarding process. This document may contain information that is confidential and/or proprietary to J.P. Morgan. Such information is marked "confidential" and may not be copied, published or used, in whole or in part, for any purpose other than as expressly authorized by J.P. Morgan. To help the United States government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, U.S. law (Section 326 of the USA PATRIOT Act) requires banks and certain other financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each client that opens an account. What this means for our clients: Before opening a new account, we will require you to provide name, address, taxpayer identification number, and other information and/or documentation that will allow us to identify the account owner(s), as required by law. J.P. Morgan is licensed under U.S. Pat Nos. 5,910,988 and 6,032,137. All trademarks, trade names and service marks appearing herein are the property of their respective owners. This document does not constitute a commitment by any J.P. Morgan entity to extend or arrange credit. © 2016 JPMorgan Chase & Co. All Rights Reserved. JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Member FDIC. J.P. Morgan supports sustainable business practices and adheres to the principles of environmental � rr r r r sustainability wherever possible. Page i J.Pmorgan ApplicationSubmitted By............................................................. 1 CoverLetter ■ .................................... ■ ■.,...,......,,,,,,,,.... ■ ■ ■ ■..,....,.,... ■ 2 ExecutiveSummary..................................................................... 4 SolutionOverview............ NONE sommommmom mommoommommomomm 10 RequiredServices..................................................................soon 20 Services That May Be Considered ............................................... 52 Collateral Requirements................... end 60 InvestmentActivities................................................................. 64 OverdraftProvisions.................................................................. 66 OtherStipulations...................................................................... 67 Miscellaneous............................................................................ 75 BankServices Fee Schedule....................................................... 77 ResponseAttachments.............................................................. 80 : ... Appendix 1, Availability Schedules Appendix 2, Certification By Business Organization Letter Page i, JOPOM" rgan T I APPL1(E1K-1.hiWtdMF1 ED BY This application is being submitted to the City yfollowing persondulyb the authorized to act on behalf of this applicant. Name of Financial Institution Address of Financial Institution Telephone # Email Address Officer Name &Title (printed) Officer Signature J.P. Morgan 221 West 6th Street, Floor 2 Austin, Texas 78701 512 479 2720 larnell.camus@jpmorgan.com FDIC Certificate #, Larnell Camus, Executive Director Signature indicates respondent accepts the specifications, terms and conditions of this RFA and that applicant is not delinquent on any payment due the City or involved in any lawsuit against the City. Date: December 16, 2016 JPMorgan set forth in Chase Bank, N.A. signs this application subject to the claritications and exceptions our response to question ;.r; 6 in the Other Stipulations Section of our response. --------------- ---------------- ----- ------- --------------- ---- ----- - -- --------------------- ------------------------------- -------- --------------- ------------ - - --------------------------- Primary Depository Bank Services RFA Page 7 Exhibit F" Larnell Camus Relationship Executive Government Banking December 16, 2016 City of Round Rock, Purchasing Department City Hall, Reception Desk, First Floor Mr. Mike Schurwon, Purchaser 221 E. Main Street Round Rock, Texas 78664 Re: RFA No. 17mOO2 - Primary Depository Bank Services To the City of Round Rock: On behalf of J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, N. A. ("J.P. Morgan"), I am pleased to submit our response to the City of Round Rock RFA for Primary Depository Bank Services. We very much value and appreciate the opportunity to respond to this RFA, and we are confident that our products, customer service, technology,, and proactive efforts will meet the City's current and future needs. As one of the leading providers of financial services to the public sector industry and with a team of professionals solely dedicated to serving the government industry, our collective expertise is exceptional. We believe J.P. Morgan is best suited to perform the duties as the City of Round Rock's banking provider for the following reasons: • Strength and Capabilities - J. P. Morgan is organizationally and financially committed to serving government agencies at the Federal, State, and Local levels. We currently serve more than 6,100 public sector entities, many of which we have worked with for decades, a testament to the quality of our people and our treasury solutions. We bring a disciplined, informed focus to our work with the Public Sector, supported by our vertical Government line of business dedicated to bringing innovative solutions, and backed by our highly trained implementations, operations and client services representatives. We also have the ability to leverage the expertise of J.P. Morgan's proprietary Industry Solutions group to bring you innovative ideas to help with efficiencies. We raised more than $10.7 billion in financing for local governments and non-profit organizations in Texas in 2015, • Customer Service - J. P. Morgan has structured its customer service group based on market surveys of our clients' needs and the expectation of superior service. The City will have a dedicated Client Service Professional (CSP), and aback-up, who will assist with your day-to-day needs. All have extensive client service experience and are dedicated CSPs for our public sector clients. As your Relationship Manager, I will be responsible for providing cutting -edge solutions and ideas. We commit to meeting with the City on a quarterly basis to discuss customer service, to offer updates on evolving product enhancements, and for a formal annual relationship review. • Earnings Credit Rate - we will pay a very aggressive Earnings Credit Rate (ECR equal to the Texas Government Premium ECR rate plus 0.05% (currently 0.40% as of November 2016). • Commitment - J.P. Morgan is pleased to offer the City 6 months waived account analVS1S fees. We will also o[Ler up to 5 desktop scanners to help transitionLrom paper to electronicDrocessin�provrdin the City imaged codes o�'checks r days and reducing deDosit adjustment errors. 221 West 6th Street, Floor 2, Austin, Texas 78701 Telephone: +1 512 479 2720 Facsimile: +1 512 479 2239 lamell.camus@jpmorgan.com JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. J.P. Morgan is excited for the opportunity to continue to work with the City and provide an unsurpassed combination of financial strength and dedication. We have drawn from our extensive experience, industry leadership, and history of innovation to demonstrate our ability and convey our enthusiasm to service the City of Round Rock's banking services requirements. On behalf of J. P. Morgan, we thank you for your consideration of our proposal. We welcome all opportunities to answer questions or provide other clarification. Sincerely yours, gr NO Larnell Camus Executive Director Relationship Executive This proposal is subject to and conditioned upon a mutually agreeable contract between the City of Round Rock and J.P. Morgan and execution of all applicable product and service agreements. This proposal is valid for 180 days from the submission date. J.P. Morgan would like to thank the City of Round Rock ("the City") for your patronage and relationship over these past five years. We understand that the City seeks a qualified provider to fulfill your Depository Banking Services needs as completely, efficiently and timely as possible — a bank that can provide the highest quality service at the best value. With decades of experience working with all levels of government, including entities like the City, our government banking team will work diligently to provide a solution that exceeds your expectations. In reviewing your objectives as your incumbent depository bank, we feel uniquely qualified to provide the overall best value solution for the City's Depository Banking Services. The City can look to J.P. Morgan to provide the highest value of services at the overall best value. We can help you maximize the efficiency of government operations while supporting you in the most cost-effective manner. Our pricing strategy is transparent. Experience in the Public Sector Many firms say treasury services is a core competency but what distinguishes J.P. Morgan is that many of our capabilities have been designed and implemented for the government sector, based on our 30+ years experience serving clients like the City. More than 2,80o government clients choose J.P. Morgan for treasury services. Our commitment to the government sector is founded in a shared belief that efficient and responsive public administration is essential to serving the needs of individuals and communities. Most importantly, we can leverage best practices and solutions implemented for other public sector clients with similar requirements to provide the City with the best solution. Furthermore, the City can be sure we will continue to serve your constituents in many ways. We invest in our communities and work with our community -based providers to provide creative solutions that respond to local community development needs. As our mission to servicing relationships is built on a strong value and belief that we should never rest on past performance, we will look for continual process improvement in all that we do for the City today and in the future. Page 4 J,. Jr. Morgan Our presence is highlighted below: Our Presence in Texas and Round Rock As of January 1, 2016, JPMorgan Chase & Co. employed 24,58o employees in Texas of which 60 live in the City of Round Rock. We serve over 42,627 consumers and more than 3,008 small businesses in Round Rock through 9 banking centers and 12 ATMs. • firta . ng to over ne�n. cind nonpi-o t- — JPMorgan Chase raised more than billion in financing for local governments and n#-m-profit organizations in Texas ill 2€ 11 •Lenciling to small usif ne se — JPMorgan Chase continues to be there in support of synall businesses tlir€ Ugl OLIt Tee «s, alai g « difference locally by extending S, 1.4.- billion in credit through 26,695 loans in 2()t )o • ky-o g the yea — f.TP.Morg< 1i C ease and its predecessor c€ inpanies Iiave been a part of 'Texas since t866. Our roots (late N:ick to the foundirig of the .1"Irst Nati€ n<4-i � link of tIouston. J.P.Personalized Servi.ce from vour Dedicated Morgan Team J.P. Morgan has a strong global platform, but it is our people that are unmatched by our peers. Your J.P. Morgan team will bridge your needs with financial tools to help you control costs, optimize cash flow, manage resources and make informed business decisions that will provide long term, enduring value. Your relationship team will work together to offer the City premier products and best -in - class service. With a shared sense of urgency, the City's relationship team will resolve issues and provide solutions in a thorough and timely manner. Regular relationship reviews will offer insight into new services as well as take a relationship checkup to see how our team is performing. Your primary relationship manager and banker is Larnell Camus. Andy Sowa will be the City's main point of contact for any treasury management services. And your day-to-day contact is Maria Arreola, who is your dedicated client service professional. Larnell has been with J.P. Morgan for over 36 years with the last 13 committed to Government. Andy has been with the firm 7 years with nearly 20 years of industry experience. Your dedicated client service professional, Maria, has been with the company since 1983. Implementation Maintaining the City's relationship with J.P. Morgan allows you to continue your current treasury services without disruption. You will avoid a time-consuming and costly conversion process by choosing to retain us as your banking services provider. The City's Page 5 P'",* Mor�an employees can focus their valuable resources on other projects, which ultimately saves you significant work, time and money. Some of the advantages for the City are that accounts and processes will not change and your previously established client service and implementation teams, who are knowledgeable about your operations, will continue to support you. There will not be a need to assemble a transition team or train employees on a new service. Another benefit of renewing the contract with J.P. Morgan is that the City will avoid many of the burdensome procedures and costs associated with switching financial service providers. In addition, your previously established Client Service and Implementation teams will continue to support you. They are already knowledgeable about your accounts and operations and will not require the learning curve of a new provider. If you decide to add more complex services, J.P. Morgan will work with the City to implement them. An implementation project manager, who has end -to -end ownership and accountability for the process, is responsible for communicating regularly with you and coordinating activities and seeing to it that all documentation is validated and linked to your account across the bank. Regular, often weekly, meetings are held to share information and measure progress. The implementation project manager will work with the City to establish timelines for additional phases of service and then coordinate with the appropriate teams across both organizations to complete the setup. For simple requests, or to add incremental services, your team `N/U act on the requests as quickly as possible and notify the City when completed. Investing in nn o va n Many clients like the City can take advantage of innovative technological improvements in the banking industry and seek new services being offered by leading banks. Our ability and commitment to implement new technologies is critical for you to succeed in meeting your business objectives. We realize that finding the solutions you need requires us to be a thought leader. We invest our time and resources strategically to make sure that our products and services remain technologically advanced and market -focused. We continually conduct research and monitor developments in the marketplace to anticipate your needs and strive to make certain our products meet them. Our scale fuels continuous investment in our products and services, which in turn supports the introduction of technology enhancements and the latest best practices for risk management, including comprehensive business resiliency. The scale and capabilities of our platform translate into continuous efficiency gains for our clients. Page 6 J'ol? Morgan We have heard you. In response to the needs our clients' voice, we continue to strengthen our foundation and strategically enhance our product set: Differentliating. by Investing in Innovation Strengthening our Foundation • Strengthen the City's experience by allowing a more consistent client experience across channels. • Improve the user experience by swiftly remediating capability gaps and pain points. • Strengthen sales and service execution b providing g Yp g a more � comprehensive view of your relationship with us. Delivering Product Innovation 0 Facilitate migration to electronic payments. • Increase straight -through posting of payments. • Provide affordable, easy -to -implement cross -border payment solutions. • Integrate fully into industry workflows, pro`iding end -to -end solutions that address unique industry needs. J.P. Morgan's particular expertise lies in adapting and aligning our vast breadth of solutions to the specific operating requirements and unique environments of our clients. We accomplish this by listening to our clients to develop an understanding of their operating environments. We then move ahead by constructing a solution that not only meets our clients' existing operational needs, but that also challenges them to consider operational improvements. It is our intent to bring this same approach to the City as we endeavor to strengthen and grow our relationship. rfechnolo*7 Ability and commitment to implement new technologies is important. Many clients wish to take advantage of innovative technological improvements in the banking industry and seek new services being offered by leading banks. J.P. Morgan continuously invests in our technology solutions in order to benefit clients like you. Recent innovations focus on process automation, regulatory and control improvements, and imaging technology upgrade. Additionally, we enact strict controls and apply secure technology to safeguard constituent data and transactions and will collaborate with you on industry best practices for risk management and data security. Page j.P. Mf)9�i1I1 I 0-Arength and rinancita N Stability Financial strength and stability remain a key objective for all government clients. The City demands the highest degree of safety for the financial assets entrusted to your banking services provider. J.P. Morgan has developed and maintained strong financial discipline throughout fluctuating market conditions. We follow sound accounting standards, provide transparent public reporting, and offer first-rate information management systems. We have the financial stability to pro«de our clients with a broad, complete and high -quality set of products and services —while leveraging the benefits and efficiency that come with economies of scale. During the economic downturn, government clients sought J.P. Morgan as a safe harbor for funds, as seen by an increase in government deposits during the past five years. For the past several years, J.P. Morgan has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in: • Enhancing our cash management and treasury liquidity capabilities. • Analyzing and repositioning our global footprint. • Reinvesting in technology solutions. We continually look to technology to enhance our solutions, reduce processing costs, and increase operating efficiency. For clients like the City, this means delivering new platforms and technology. Innovative products like mobile banking are being widely adopted and will deliver increasingly sophisticated and enhanced functionality over the coming years. Conduct your treasury business —check cash positions, initiate transactions, approve transactions, decision positive pay exceptions, and check alerts —anywhere, anytime, on your choice of devices. Our financial objectives include continuing to reduce transaction banking fees over time by• • Investing in new platforms. • Reengineering our own processes. • Centralizing more back -office operations in cost-effective locations. • Introducing environmentally -friendly practices to reduce paper and embrace a fully electronic world. In turn, we bring those efficiency savings to the City by offering best value solutions that optimize quality, cost, and efficiency. Page 8 J.EMoroun %,onclusion After careful and thoughtful review of the City's objectives, we present our proposal for Bank Depository Services. We are confident that our product capabilities, personal service and public sector expertise are unmatched by our peers and position J.P. Morgan to provide you with the greatest value today and in the future. In closing, we would like to express our strong interest and desire to continue to provide the City's banking services. Our proposal is intended to demonstrate our capabilities and to illustrate that by selecting J.P. Morgan, you are choosing a reliable and conscientious service provider. We have the experience, the products, and the people to effectively and efficiently manage your business, and we look forward to building upon a banking relationship with the City. Thank you for your consideration. Page 9 J'o P"o Morgan The key building blocks of our proposal include solutions to further enhance the automation and electronic commerce initiatives that will help the City enhance operational productivity- while managing banking expenses and still maintaining key services for your constituents. J.P. Morgan would like to offer this brief overview of our solutions that address the Criteria for Evaluation. J.P. Morgan's capital strength allows us to invest in technology to meet clients' changing needs. J.P. Morgan continues to leverage technology to help clients receive the products and services they require to increase efficiency, reduce expense, improve client service and enhance their competitive positions in their own markets. In 2016, J.P. Morgan Treasury Sen ices plans to invest $195 million in enhancing its cash management and treasury liquidity capabilities, expanding its global footprint and reinvesting in technology solutions. The bank continually looks to technology to enhance the solutions it provides, as well as reduce processing costs and increase operating efficiency. J.P. Morgan is focused on advancing our mobile banking and transaction capabilities, and enhancing transaction speed and security. We continue to strengthen our foundation and strategically enhance our product set to provide solutions that will meet City of Round Rock's needs today and in the years to come. Disbursement Solutiolis We are focused on developing innovative solutions that result in more efficient and cost effective payables solutions for our clients, including helping to accelerate their migration to electronic payments. Organizations that have adopted electronic treasury functions are generating financial and productivity efficiencies that include reducing transaction fees, lowering indirect business expenses, saving labor costs, while also improving transparency and security. With over 15 years of experience delivering full -spectrum payables automation solutions, we believe that our holistic payables methodology sets J.P. Morgan apart. This methodology is governed by a working capital rule -set that defines the optimal method and timing of payment for each of your vendors and suppliers. J.P. Morgan understands that creating working capital efficiencies will optimize the payables process as a direct result. This runs contrary to solution providers -who focus on creating efficiencies within the payables process, without first considering the impact on working capital. This Page 10 J.. .P.Vorgan important but subtle difference in philosophies makes certain that J.P. Morgan is unique in our ability to help the City of Round Rock optimize its payables environment and create mutually beneficial vendor payment relationships across the supply chain. With J.P. Morgan, the City of Round Rock will leverage our analysis, tools and technology to transform paper- intensive treasury functions and provide turnkey electronic payment solutions that will integrate to your current account structure and the cash management services that you currently use. These services will continue to electronify payments across the City: • Our Host to Host Payments solution offers a robust payables service that enables direct integration with the City's ERP system and J.P. Morgan's global payment capabilities. Host to Host Payments allows the City to consolidate with a single file instructions for initiating mixed payments of domestic and global wires, domestic ACH, domestic checks, Single Use Accounts and Corporate Quick Pay. This solution reduces the number of interface files the City has to develop and manage for a comprehensive payments program with J.P. Morgan. J.P. Morgan authenticates the file, validates the content and routes transactions over the appropriate settlement network. Host to Host Payments is based on the industry - standard, proven ISO 20022 file format. Each of these services is menu driven and the City may choose to implement any of the disbursement services ala carte: With unmatched control, built-in working capital features and the benefits of automation, J.P. Morgan's Single -Use Account (SUA) solution is the starting point of any payables optimization initiative. SUA delivers unmatched working capital benefits in the forms of revenue from rebates and cash flow from card float, and SUA helps to automate the disbursement and reconciliation of payments to vendors at the time of the order or upon invoice approval. ACH Disbursement: For vendors who choose not to accept SUA or card, the City can begin replacing one-time and recurring payments to vendors with ACH. Reduce your cost of goods by earning early payment discounts from vendors as part of a holistic terms management strategy. The more disbursements, the greater potential for cost reduction through the use of ACH. The City can realize the substantial cost savings by converting high volume repeat payments to ACH disbursements —like payroll, retirement benefits and suppliers' remittances. Page 11 Morgan Corporate Quick Pay is a new treasury service that allows the City to issue payment offers using only the email addresses of their constituents. Upon receipt of the payment offer, the constituent can accept the payment electronically to their U.S. bank account. If the offer is not accepted, the City can have the offer converted into a check disbursement, offering a comprehensive payment solution. There are a host of different payment applications that make Corporate Quick Pay a natural fit for the City, including jury payments, restitution payments, tax overpayments, and petty cash reimbursements for its staff. This new offering can help to transform existing payments made via check or cash into payments facilitated via an ACH payment, providing the City even greater payment disbursement efficiency by removing many back office and manual payment activities. For your remaining check disbursement needs, J.P. Morgan's check print solution can reduce costs and automate the remainder of your payments. There are built in redundancy and control features of the check print solution that offload many of the other challenges associated with maintaining this service in-house. Our clients benefit from our 20 years of printing experience and volume of printing 25 million checks per year. Our clients also benefit from our buying power for check stock, envelopes and postage, as we transfer these savings to them. • Our banking services are designed to seamlessly integrate with Government industry's leading enterprise financial systems and can scale and adapt to meet your future needs. Open Roads is an interface solution that will accept m any clients' proprietary file formats and major industry ERP file formats, and translate them to the bank's standard file format for processing through to various payment channels. In today's environment, transitioning to a new provider can be expensive and time consuming with the need to change file formats. We believe this approach will reduce the implementation efforts and enable easier transition. If City is interested in exploring this alternative approach, we welcome an in-depth discussion. Global Client Testing Center is a dedicated Host -to -Host client interface file testing center within J.P. Morgan. It provides a fully integrated, production equivalent end -to-end test environment enabling validation of client transactional and reporting workflow during the onboarding process. While all banks provide some client testing capability, not all banks offer end -to -end statement reporting that mirrors production and reflects the business as usual process and day in the life of a transaction. This capability allows clients to validate their business -critical flows and reduces risks of transition by providing early visibility into root causes of errors, allowing an opportunity to correct prior to the go -live date. All of our proposed disbursement solutions are in house, propriety solutions meaning that we do not outsource any aspect of the operations to a third party. In order to provide best in class operational quality and client data security, we believe we must deliver these Page 12 J*.,,Y­", services within our organization. It is important to us that we deliver a quality solution so that our clients' payments are made on time and accurately- to the correct payee, every time. Depository Solutions The trend towards electronic collection methods is a gradual one. Although there is no magic bullet that can convert an organization's remaining paper or cash based transactions, a combination of technology, services, and adoption of best practices can help accelerate this process. Our response to your cash and check receivables entails deploying a suite of options which provide the best operational efficiency to realize cost savings. Remote Deposit Capture For checks received in-house, we recommend that you use our Remote Deposit Capture (RDC) solution to scan and deposit checks quickly and efficiently via your desktop or mobile device. These scanning devices may be located in a central hub or distributed throughout your organization at each of the City's collection sites or even at the department level. We propose that the City considers shifting branch check deposit items to as this much more efficient and cost-effective electronic alternative. RDC will provide same -day ledger credit on items deposited by 9:oo p.m. CT for Check 21 and 6:oo p.m. CT for ACH, accelerating cash flow by one day for many campuses. To help with this initiative and as part of our overall offering, we will provide with up to too refurbished scanners at no additional cost. With the free setup of Unique Location IDs (ULID), the County can categorize deposits from your multiple depositors using this code to simplify your reconciliation of check deposits. Images are retained through RDC and also visible directly from our reporting solution, J.P. Morgan ACCESS Online (ACCESS Online). Cash Processing - Vault Services., Synart Safe and Hranch. Services J.P. Morgan proposes that wherever available the City locations contract with armored car to deliver your cash deposits to our vault in Austin. This will minimize additional local banking relationships, maintain strong cash controls and leverage a system wide armored car contract. To further help manage your courier fees, and the number of pick up, we suggest implementing smart safes. Smart Safe with advanced credit will provide the City with daily credit on cash that is deposited into a leased Smart Safe from Brinks, Garda or Loomis. Additionally, advanced credit allows you to reduce the armored services schedule with your vendor to further reduce costs. Our solution provides advance credit for deposits we'll collect electronically. Page 13 P Moroun t5 We recognize that there may be instances where small cash deposits may need to be deposited in a branch. We have 9 branches in the City of Round Rock. V-rtual.Re 14* jerence Numbers One of the most common challenges for our government clients is the correct identification and application of incoming electronic payments in an efficient, timely manner. Such payments may not contain clear or complete remitter information, and may be associated with important revenue sources. We offer the City a new solution to solve this payment processing challenge, Virtual Reference Numbers (VRNs). In this solution, J.P. Morgan will issue a range of VRN numbers to clients; clients will then assign a unique VRN to each of their repetitive electronic remitters and instruct each remitter to make all future ACH and Wire payments using the assigned VRN, rather than the institution's Concentration Account number. When a payment is received in this manner, J.P. Morgan will automatically apply the funds to the concentration account and pass the associated VRN to the institution via an electronic file. This will allow the institution to automatically post the exact dollar amount of the payment to the corresponding receivable account without the need for manual research or data entry. Reporting Web -Based Banking Systent. Central to the suite of services proposed for the City is ACCESS Online, a secure online application that will enable the City to empower your authorized users with real - time information and control of accounts, transactions and reporting. Our award winning electronic platform offers the City a simple, intuitive, web -based cash management solution delivering the capability to integrate various information delivery, investment and transaction services, as well as inquiry tools into a single online portal. J.P. Morgan combines strict controls and secure technology to safeguard data and transactions and will collaborate with you on industry best practices for risk management and data security. Value Add Suggestions The services below are proposed to augment and complement the requirements included in the RFP. Each of these services is incremental to the solutions presented in the body of our response. The following optional, value-added services and products are detailed below: • Single Use Accounts and Purchasing Card Growth • Pay Connexion • Corporate Quick Pay Page 14 J'o1'Moraan Ningle U-se AccouS and. PurchasingCard. GrovNlh S 4 uzgle Use c._ The J.P. Morgan Single -Use Account solution is an electronic, credit card -based payment method that can help the City more efficiently manage your payment process as well as help reduce costs and transform traditional areas of expense into potential revenue generators. Benefits of our solution include the following: • Replacement of less efficient payment methods, such as checks • The flexibility, float, and rebate of a purchasing card coupled with powerful payment control, anti -fraud, and reconciliation features • Increased payment processing efficiency through automation and integration, improving record accuracy and shortening reconciliation periods while providing security and `risibility throughout the payment cycle • Financial returns in the form of a rebate • An efficient way to hold on to cash longer while paying suppliers sooner As part of our single -use account solution, the City will have access to J.P. Morgan's industry -leading PaymentNet system, the engine that interfaces with MasterCard to create your accounts. You can also use PaymentNet for account and transaction management, advanced reporting, activity monitoring, statement access, reconciliation, and data integration tasks. Theo Single- Use Account Payment J.P. Morgan offers flexible single -use account setup options to meet our clients' virtual payment needs. Our batch option utilizes current ERP and general ledger systems to manage accounts payable -type expenses. Real-time (or "web service") single -use accounts integrate with clients' ERP systems and PaymentNet, allowing users to send requests and receive account numbers in real time via either the ERP system or PaymentNet. This option is best -suited for clients who need to integrate the single -use account payment process into their day-to-day operations. Our manual online option allows clients that do not fully integrate into ERP systems to instantly- access single -use account numbers within PaymentNet as needed. Clients with batch and real-time integration have the option of using the manual online option as well. Page 15 J.1? Moran Purchasing Card Progra In addition to Single Use Accounts, we would like the City to consider a further evaluation and potential expansion of your existing Purchasing Card Program. As you are aware, this program provides a tremendous value to the City by: • Driving down processing costs for ancillary purchases • Providing extended working capital for the City, utilizing extended payment terms • Providing hard dollar rebate to the City J.P. Morgan would like to perform a quantitative analysis of your current spend to determine other areas within the City that could be benefitting from this program. Pay Connexion Our e-payment solution, Pay Connexion, offers a comprehensive payment gateway, including a wide range of features. Our solution is designed to provide convenience to payers when they interact with the City by allowing them to make payments via the Internet, IVR, or via a live agent. Pay Connexion is a secure, multilingual (English -Spanish), highly available, fully -bank hosted, PCI-DSS compliant multi -channel electronic payment platform that supports credit and debit card, as well as ACH/e-check payment methods. Because Pay Connexion is feature rich and highly configurable, it can support the City's electronic payment needs now and as you evolve in the future. Pay Connexion is made available to the City as separate components or as a seamlessly integrated suite of services. Each component of our solution offers distinct value to the City as a standalone product; however, the City may find that the value of the full suite of our available services outweighs the sum of its parts. Pay Connexion With Pay Connexion, the City can offer its customers a broad array of convenient, easy - to -use payment options, and the functionality to manage their own accounts via a branded website and interactive voice response system. A variety of payment methods are accepted, including credit card debit card and eCheck/ACH. As the only third -party payment collection system available today that is completely owned and operated by a single -source provider, Pay Connexion incorporates industry best practices in payment processing and security with the expertise of one of the world's leading financial institutions. This provides the City with a single, proprietary point of accountability throughout the entire process. All activities are handled by J.P. Morgan and J.P. Morgan merchant services: iff I Page 16 orN-.Fan t5 • Product development, sales, implementation and support. • Processing of both credit/debit card and eCheck/ACH payments. ■ J.P. Morgan is one of the nation's leading merchant processors. ■ J.P. Morgan has provided ACH solutions to clients and has ranked consistently as a top originator of ACH transactions since the founding of the ACH network in 1972. • Application and data are hosted within two geographically dispersed J.P. Morgan data centers. Pad Connexion Highlights • Processes card and eCheck/ACH payments via a website, interactive voice response system and call center agents. • Supports single and scheduled payments through all payment channels, and recurring payments online. • Provides real-time authorization and batch settlement of credit and debit card transactions, and also can process eCheck payments as ACH debit transactions. • Via an administrative site, the City's authorized users can conduct research, inquiries reporting and payment activities. • Consolidated real-time and end -of -day remittance detail of processed transactions. • Annually, Pay Connexion clients process more than 20 million transactions valued at over $7o billion. Page 17 J,P*Morgan y P a Connexion Clients ::::::: ..,...::I Y C ,ants Choose Ambn,lt�Iuitlple,onfiur�ton Options ....::::::'::: Data 13111 Pceserime Data Element Parameters .... :. - k .:. ..:..:... ; :::.. ■ ill Notification Email Bill Oath 0h V or nth I mage Multip e or Sincie Bill Paperless PraferonCss-: Figure i Registration Options Prersgi ta lan (b client)............ (by payer) payrnents PayentChenne �UOTIMMIze.rice Pee Fuji c iriona 11 ty Pei entMe ods. Payment "diming Install Brit of an Au. to Remittance Data Rawl -Time Payment Confirmation or- s File Admi n Site Research€, reconciliation and reports J.P. Morgan also offers the flexibility of convenience fee functionality within Pay Connexion and can accommodate the use of convenience fees for MasterCard, VISA and Discover to the City. The convenience fees will be separated from the main payment transactions prior to deposit. The City will receive the full main payment amount. Convenience fees, including all merchant fees incurred from the credit card companies will be charged directly to the payers using the payment application. &,-IV u car �r$Quick ty J.P. Morgan has introduced Corporate Quick Pay, a new mobile and web -based payment solution that allows your consumers to accept payments via email for jury pay. This innovative solution not only makes accepting payments easier for your consumers, but it is more efficient for the City as well. The Corporate Quick Pay solution: • Makes Migration to Electronic Easy: Corporate Quick Pay overcomes consumer account and remittance data constraints the City may face when the migration from check to electronic forms of payment takes place. • Delivers Economic Value: the City can reduce the total cost of payments by settling via Automated Clearing House (ACH). You simply supply J.P. Morgan with the consumer's email address, payment amount, name and desired remittance data on Quick Pay Central via online entry, file upload or 4¢4 18 cral^ *Pi� M direct transmission. Corporate Quick Pay then generates an email for the consumer to accept the payment for deposit into their personal bank account. Enrollment is easy. Your consumer creates a profile on Chase Payments that will be used to accept future payments from the City or any other payer using Corporate Quick Pay into that consumer's personal bank account. This provides a better and quicker experience for your consumers, allowing them to accept a payment without having to provide bank account information each time. In addition to sending an email notification to your consumer to accept a payment, J.P. Morgan has enhanced our Corporate Quick Pay solution with text messaging this year. In conclusion, our proposal is the result of a careful and thoughtful review of the objectives set forth in City of Round Rock's RFP for Banking Services. We are confident that our product capabilities, personal service and Government expertise are unmatched by our peers and positions J.P. Morgan to provide you with the greatest value. Page 19 J.P.Morobun The following services must be provided as described` r be provided in an alternative form that results in essentially the same outcome or capability. The City can continue to count on J.P. Morgan ACCESS Online, our Internet - based cash management system for all of your online banking service needs. Morgan Your authorized users will have the ability to Ranked # 1 cash management portal, manage all your cash management needs, including balance reporting, initiation of ACH debits and credits and wire transfers, and placement of stop payments on checks and more. ACCESS Online, offers the City a highly intuitive and easy to use, cash management solution that seamlessly integrates all treasury activities through a secure portal using a single authentication process. ACCESS Online puts critical cash management information and tools at your fingertips, and the unparalleled experience of J.P. Morgan at your service. • Reports: Balance and transaction information, cash concentration, disbursement, funds transfer and liquidity. • Payments: ACH, Wires and book transfers. • Checks: Place or revoke a stop payment • Statements: A central repository for bank, billing and liquidity statements. Statements can be exported to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Pa9e2o rgan • Administration: A powerful and innovative entitlement engine that saves time, increases productivity and controls everything users can see and do. More Services: A single point of entry to a wide range of additional treasury management services including eServe from which you can initiate inquiries and amend, cancel, or reverse payments. Balance Reporting Whether your cash is in one or multiple accounts, located with J.P. Morgan or other financial institutions, ACCESS Online puts critical cash management information and tools at your fingertips. The City can count on ACCESS Online for all your balance and reporting needs. ACCESS Online cash reporting tool provides you the ability to access previous day information with current day information being available at no additional cost. Your authorized users will have access to useful information, 24 hours a day seven days a week that can aid in planning funding and investment strategies including: top -line balance and transaction summaries, detail transaction records and historical reports for up to two years. User entitlements can be managed to control access to accounts and reports. Pa9eZ1 J.P.Moroun R . .:t:::i:��..:: FicT re 2 1. Customized Formats — list of customized reports that have been created by the user 2. Master Formats — list of report templates available to the user (based on entitlements) to run with default settings and use as a foundation to create a multitude of customized reports that can be scheduled to run automatically on a recurring basis and/or shared with other users 3. Reports Inbox a container for generated reports, where ad hoc reports remain for 24 hours and scheduled reports remain for 14 days Several master reports form the foundation of ACCESS Online centralized reporting capability allowing your authorized users to create, customize and run up-to-the-minute reports on your accounts tailored to your specific needs. Reports include: • Balance and Transactions Report • EDI Report • Returns and Exceptions Report • Payment and Template Report • Wire Detail Report • Checks Paid Report A variety of filters can be employed to pinpoint desired transactions for enhanced data management. An export feature offers a variety of formats to facilitate data integration with your accounting and decision support platform. An additional Pace 22 J.P. Morgan benefit, the City's users can schedule reports with the frequency and format desired by each user and shared with other users. ACCESS Online offers 45 calendar days of account balance and transaction data. Upon request, for report retention, the system can store go calendar days, one or two years of data. With ACCESS Online you can view, print and/or export information on a daily or a specified date range of activity, including wire transfers, ACH payments, drafts, checks and statements. The export feature offers a variety of formats to facilitate data integration with your accounting and decision support platforms. Balance and transaction information is available in the following formats: • BAI2 • Comma -separated Values (CSV) • Adobe Reader (PDF) formatted reports The City can also export data from ACCESS Online to Microsoft Excel and other software packages. ACH and Wire Transfers ACCESS Online saves you time by providing a standardized workflow across all payment types. ACCESS Online allows your authorized users to initiate and manage ACH, wire and account/book transfers from the same screen, in the same way. Following single sign -on with just a few clicks, your authorized users can make payments, create templates, view account balances and customize pages. • Streamline the workflow — Manage all payment transactions from one screen • Make recurring payments — Manage recurring payments using customizable templates • View balances while making payments — Critical information is at your fingertips • Rely on award -winning security — Award -winning security protocols designed to safeguard transactions and information ACCESS Online has been designed, based on customer feedback, so that all capabilities are in sync with the daily activities of treasury managers. All payment Page 23 J'Oyo Morbcran Fig rc 3 methods, i.e., wire, book transfer, account transfer and ACH, are accessible from a single -page in a uniform, easy -to -follow work stream. JP][�j� y' g„ ,�.,� �9/. a :. :, a�b2�E'fS�SFe@ �' c,�# t3Y'.�t •::,: �.C4i� £3ff �. � . ��nJ�#•��:�#'$ •Akkl444Q4C1�AQ4L{CCQ4R2 e��`t$�.�i. ?0pR ::::::::i:i:iv':;'•$:;:5:;: ....:.. i::i:v:i::i::'ii:::::>: ......::::':•.'>:::;•:i::i:»:::::;::;:£:"i:::::i::....................:: ::}};i;.' .......... $'•:;;a;�.y:::::;;�}•:::: :.:;; .. ...... .. .............................. FNNhi�NhK+Fd*Rhh1K<44 .................... .: �:::::::::: ..................................................v...................................:................................. . :::::::::::::::::::::::::::...:............................... :.}iri:^ ':::;i:;l : _i::!:;::;: iii �{ .... ......................................:,... .J:::......... ............ ............: : iiiii: _iiii':' ... . i......... . : iY::. .... ... ... . .. ............ .. :..... .... t'v.. ... .. n> ....... ....v ........................... :...� v.. .: ......... ..................................... p� y5 om €€ r .:.. -..: 2.. L ZSnIi 212.5...� usr ACH J.P. Morgan recommends that the City uses ACCESS Online for lower volume and manual entry of ACH payments. In addition to initiating payroll, this service also facilitates disbursements and concentration. Page 24 J.�? gall igurc 4 Tenwhites ACCESS Online uses a common set of intuitive templates for every payment method. For example, the City can easily create beneficiary templates with lockable and editable fields to set up recurring payments. There are many ways to customize the system. ACCESS Online can be configured with flexible sorting and filtering options to display only the features you use —in the order you prefer. Alerts Define, manage and view messages from anywhere in the ACCESS Online portal. Choose to be alerted to transactions pending approval or see templates that have been modified. Receive alerts either via email or the Alerts inbox—or -both. Page 25 PMorgan -1 ..(_',HLj t. The City can create templates to support a complete menu of U.S. ACH transactions, with all template information stored securely with J.P. Morgan: • Consumer payments 0 Cash concentration • Consumer collections 0 Cash disbursement • Payroll payments 0 Federal, state and municipal tax payments • Corporate/vendor payments 0 Child support payments • Corporate/vendor collections 0 Fund other J.P. Morgan accounts on a same day basis Transactions based on templates or entered in free -form mode are created by the City, then batched, approved and released for processing. ACH files generated through ACCESS Online are retrieved and processed several times each business day for next -day processing. For non -repetitive payment, the City can create free- form ACH payments without the need to establish a stored template. ACH files generated through ACCESS Online are delivered for processing nine times each business day, Monday through Friday. ACH N AC HA'FY e Import This automated interface for easy upload of NACHA-formatted files offers the City • Future -dated warehousing of up to 6o calendar days. • Ability to create settlement offset at transaction level or batch level. • Next -Day Settlement option for transfers to/from J.P. Morgan accounts. • Option to create addendum record for all payments. ,7es ACCESS Online offers a complete range of funds transfer services providing the City with the ability to initiate wire transfers using a variety of payment options. Strict control over user access to functions and accounts facilitates compliance with internal audit requirements, while enhancing security. Accounts can be held with J.P. Morgan worldwide or other financial institutions. Page 26 Jjr,,Moro"aan Ficy u r ..................................................................... . y ACCESS Online wire transfer service supports U.S. dollar and multicurrency payments, using both predefined (repetitive) templates and free -form formats. Your authorized users will have the ability to create their own filters or templates with locked fields for added security. The City will also have the ability to receive alerts via email and/or the Alerts inbox. • User entitlements are established by the City. Users may be authorized to add, modify, delete, approve and/or release wire transactions, as well add, modify, delete, approve and activate predefined templates. • A J.P. Morgan client confirmation number is provided immediately upon release to the funds transfer processing platform. • Confirmation codes are accessible using cash reporting features. • Wires (Fedwire and Chips), book transfers, checks, account transfers, U.S. draw -down transaction initiations are supported. • Future -date capability supporting 365 calendar days for same -currency wires initiated from U.S. accounts. • Multi -bank payments wherein you can initiate wires from non- J.P. Morgan accounts. Stop Ilk's' To streamline the stop payment process, the City can place stop payments via Online ACCESS either directly from the "Stops" tab or more efficiently by using the "Inquiry" tab, where check numbers are validated against the issued items. Additionally, stops can be sent via file transmission. When placing stops via Figure ACCESS Online, the system will search go days transaction history to identify if the check has been paid (extended retention periods are available) . If J.P. Morgan's records show the check has been paid, the system will report the date the item was paid. Once the stop payment is submitted, the City will receive online confirmation of the successful stop request. This can be printed or downloaded as needed. Furthermore, stop payment activity reports are available through ACCESS Online. For same -day action, stop payment requests -via ACCESS Online must be received by 6:30 p.m. CT. Stop payment requests remain in effect for one year and are renewable for an additional six years. Online Images The City can receive images of all on -us transactions (paid checks, deposit slips, ad'vices/adjustments through ACCESS Online. Check images, account bank statements and ARP reports are stored for seven years. While we do offer CD-ROM for check and deposit slip imaging, it is no longer a standard offering. We recommend the City use our online imaging via ACCESS Online for your checks and deposit slip imaging needs. With ACCESS Online you will have access to online imaging inquiry history for seven years for checks. This service includes an advanced upfront check search Page 28 J.Y.Morgan i1xUlle " functionality that provides the City with the complete status of each check. The City can perform single and range -based searches by account number, check number and amount, sequence number, paid and issue dates and payee name. The results tell you whether the check is still outstanding, has an active or revoked stop, is canceled (voided), was returned or has paid. ................ .............. . ................... ................ :.� {� QMI.r Tn Additionally, batches of images can be requested in an offline request mode for more efficient origination of larger numbers of requests. ACCESS Online is more efficient than paper or CD-ROM, especially when retrieving information quickly. Check images are available the same day checks are presented. This browser -based solution enables the City to retrieve check images for all applicable accounts. Statements The City will receive bank account statements for each account. These reports provide a summary of credit, debit and paid check activity for the statement period and balances at the start and end of the period. The statement also provides a detailed chronological listing of all credit and debit transactions. For each transaction, the entry provides the ledger and value dates, the dollar value of the transaction and detailed transaction description. The statement also provides closing ledger balances. Bank statements are available electronically via online delivery or transmission. Page 24 J.I?iti2oraan J.P. Morgan's bank statements are available via secure Internet delivery with ACCESS Online. This provides the City with comprehensive reporting in a timely and efficient manner. Our electronic bank statements are identical to the paper statements mailed to clients and are available within two to three business days after the statement cutoff date. The bank statements include all transactions posted to the account including all checks paid by check number with paid amount. Online bank statements also include images of checks paid during the statement cycle. Correction entries made by the bank will be included on the statement, as well. J.P. Morgan's online bank statements provide the City with the following benefits: • Security measures include machine registration and the convenience of using a single sign -on to retrieve statements and perform entitlement via ACCESS Online. • Email alerts are sent to notify authorized the City users when the account bank statements are available for download. • The City will be able to print and view a statement as it would be presented in its original paper form. • The City can search for transactions by opening the statement, as well as clicking on the image icon next to the statement name to see an image of the front and back of the cancelled check. • The City can save and print the statement in PDF format, as well as export data to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or in CSV format. The Excel and CSV formats are available 24 hours before the PDF. ACCESS Mobiole Our mobile service enables clients to log on toBanking Apps -for Business ACCESS Online on the move. The City's authorized users can use our app on a smartphone or tablet (Apple iOS 7.0 or later, Android 4.4 or later). It provides a range of services, including access to cash reporting balances and transactions in all currencies, including U.S. and international multibank. Make pay or return decisions on check exceptions, deposit U.S. denominated checks, drawn on a U.S. bank, and upload documents at the point of receipt as allowed by your ACCESS Online entitlements. Page 30 J*,,F­'.Morgan Approval and release for wire payments created on ACCESS Online is available and we provide voice and swipe password authentication for wire payment release, so you no longer have to carry an RSA SecurID token. C:Y$ SCR Ra:la»xet `J .......................................................................... ACCOt�2YySCb3` Y."�`. 'k Figure 8 .:. .::..... ..:......: ........ ....... t�rt�fr...dYi3s3t'� � �4� ice: >'tvzs J.P. Morgan's controlled disbursement services will continue to help the City gain control over idle balances and optimize loan and investment opportunities. With early morning reporting and the knowledge of exact disbursement funding requirements, the City can maximize your working liquidity by taking advantage of intra-day investments or paying down debt early in the day. How It Works Each morning, we receive inputs to the controlled disbursement system. These inputs include files from the Federal Reserve and other previously established bank trading partners. The early -morning controlled disbursement funding calculation includes totals from these files, as well as any prior -day account balance information and ACH transactions. We provide two notifications — an interim notification at 7:3o a.m. CT (first presentment) and a final notification at lo:oo a.m. CT (final presentment). Once final presentment is reported, J.P. Morgan will automatically transfer the funds from the linked bank account to your controlled disbursement account (CDA) to cover the total amount reported and maintain a daily zero balance. We also allow the City to initiate wires and same -day ACH activity from your Page 3= J.I'. Vlargan controlled disbursement account. In such instances, our "late -day" funding feature automatically funds those transactions for you at the end of each day, making sure the account balance remains at zero. The primary advantage of using a CDA is the prompt notification of your daily funding requirements. With the advent of Image Exchange and our advanced technology capabilities, J.P. Morgan now reports 99.9% of our clients' total funding requirement by 8:4o a.m. CT, which accelerates your ability to make investment decisions earlier in the morning. Our national CDA endpoints can each be funded by an account anywhere within J.P. Morgan. J.P. Morgan can continue to provide and support your account structure. We will work with you to provide the most efficient and cost-effective account structure. J.P. Morgan offers fully automated zero balanced sweeping between accounts. Accounts can be set to concentrate at either a zero or target balance level. Concentration can be set up with primary options. Zero Balance/Target Balance: Accounts maintain a relationship -managed balance on a daily basis, with fully automated transfers to bring the accounts to a zero balance end of day. Target balance transfers are supported in the same manner as well. • Customized Transfers: Options include one-way transfers, intraday concentration and time driven -scheduled transfers as well as fixed and variable balance calculations. Through J.P. Morgan's ability to provide a completely automated end of day concentration process late -posted items are included in the zero balance or target balance transfer. Employee presentments made at the teller will be honored. The bank executes transaction activity, such as teller transactions, based on the current funds availability across all accounts in the concentration account structure at the time of the transaction. Pale 32 ._ 4. POSITIVE `V PAY ANDACCOUNT RECONCILIATION SERVICE - The City requires positive Pay and account reconciliation services on de i, ated accounts from which cheeks are issued. The City electronically transmits the issued check files to the bank. Positive Pay files must be transmitted electronically. Minimum payment verification criteria shall be payee name, date, check number, and amount. The City may approve and make Pe pay decisions on any exception items. "es, can provide as requested1required. No, cannot provide as requested1required. Comment.- J.P. Morgan will continue to provide positive pay and full reconciliation services for the City's designated accounts. Positive Pav With positive pay, the City provides the bank with a positive pay issue file containing check amounts and serial numbers. Issue data can be simply and flexibly supplied to the bank via file transmission, online upload, or manually keyed into ACCESS Online. Daily checks presented are then systematically compared against the City's positive pay check issue file. An exception report is generated the next business day, identifying any mismatched or no -issue information on file items. The deadline for the City to transmit check issuance files via direct transmission to the bank is 9:45 p.m. CT. The deadline for the City to submit manual entry or file upload via ACCESS Online is 9:30 p.m. CT. Additionally, ACCESS Online will enable the City to use the Internet to review digital images of all exception items, and instruct J.P. Morgan to pay or return each item from a single page. Payee name exceptions are conveniently delivered along with all other types of exceptions, so the City can easily employ the most up-to-date fraud protection services. Email notification offers a convenient way to know when exceptions are available for review. For the City's convenience, images of exception items are also available via mobile devices using ACCESS Mobile. J.P. Morgan first reviews and scrubs the exceptions to verify that there are no misencoded items. A notification is emailed based on the customer defined email groups at the beginning of the following business day. Authorized the City users are provided the report of exceptions upon log on for pay/return decisioning. The exception items report provides both a front and back image of each item. Authorized the City users simply click on the check number of each item to view - front and back check images. They can select the pay or return button for each item, or select the pay all or return all button, and then electronically submit the decisions to the bank. The City receives an online confirmation indicating the submission was successful. The confirmation can be saved electronically or printed for future reference. No special software is needed for this functionality. Page 33 J.-re Moroun Figure �) To prevent check fraud, the City can view images of positive pay exception checks before authorizing payment. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................: .rayee Nanter J.P. Morgan's positive pay payee verification provides an additional layer of fraud prevention protection. For payee verification, the City provides the bank with payee names in your check issue file transmission, file upload, or manual entry. While positive pay matches the MICR information of your presented check to the issue file, payee verification takes the additional step of validating that the payee name matches issue file payee information. Our payee name review digitally interrogates the payee name and also looks for alterations or additions above, below, or to the right of the payee name that would change the payee identification. Mismatched items are visually evaluated to eliminate digital interrogation reading errors and then are sent to the City in the daily positive pay exception reporting for your decisioning. Page 34 J'ol?M0�r�an .rayee Nanter J.P. Morgan's positive pay payee verification provides an additional layer of fraud prevention protection. For payee verification, the City provides the bank with payee names in your check issue file transmission, file upload, or manual entry. While positive pay matches the MICR information of your presented check to the issue file, payee verification takes the additional step of validating that the payee name matches issue file payee information. Our payee name review digitally interrogates the payee name and also looks for alterations or additions above, below, or to the right of the payee name that would change the payee identification. Mismatched items are visually evaluated to eliminate digital interrogation reading errors and then are sent to the City in the daily positive pay exception reporting for your decisioning. Page 34 J'ol?M0�r�an Figure io :18 A'y _ °a T H! Aw W. CYRDER OF Teller Line Positive Pray .......... .......::....: :.. ..::::.. U 1 J. Teller Line positive pay is the strongest defense available to prevent check fraud. Within one hour of receipt of the City's issue file, we will update our teller line systems. When a check is presented for payment at a Chase teller window, the teller system determines the validity of the check issue prior to payment. Items not found as matching open entries on the issue file will be denied encashment. Checks deposited at a Chase ATM are screened against the positive pay records. Checks not matching your issue records will have a fund availability hold placed against the check amount allowing for your positive pay exception review and a pay or return decision before the check amount is available to the depositor. lildl.Accounti . Our account reconciliation services solution will continue to simplify and automate the City 's reconciliation and reporting process to save you the expense and time associated with the manual balancing of your bank statements. We offer a broad range of account reconcilement services — from robust reports with detailed information on all checks issued and posted to a simple listing of paid checks — that gives you fast access to account information and help protect the City from fraud. Full reconciliation will continue to provide the City with a complete reconciliation of outstanding and paid checks, with the option of reconciling accounts by the week, month, fiscal or calendar year in a format tailored to meet your needs. You Page 35 Moruanl Figure 11 provide us with detailed check issue data, including account numbers, check numbers, issue dates, dollar amounts and reference information (up to 15 bytes) . With check issued data, J.P. Morgan will perform a full reconciliation of activity in the account, delivering a reconciliation report package online via ACCESS Online or on CD-ROM. The standard full reconciliation package includes an account statement, balance sheet, paid and outstanding check listing, plus a summary including check number, issue date, amount paid and paid date. - The City requires robust ACH system with the capability to create ACH credits for direct deposit of payroll and vendor payments,, and to direct debit customer accounts for AIR and utility billing charges. Z Yes, can provide as requested1required. El No, cannot provide as requestedlre quires`. Comore, .. J.P. Morgan will continue to provide the City with the capability to create ACH credits for direct deposit of payroll and vendor payments, and to direct debit customer accounts for A/Rand utility billing charges. Based on the City's operational requirements, J.P. Morgan recommends: • ACCESS Online for lower volume transaction files. ACCESS Online is a fully integrated, browser -based platform that provides easy -to -use applications for all of your information, compliance and portfolio management needs. Page 36 J'.P.MU----rgan The secure file transfer protocol (SFTP) transmission method for large batch origination. Direct Deposit of Payroll The City's employees can receive automatic electronic payroll payments to a designated checking or savings accounts using J.P. Morgan Is ACH system. One or two days in advance of the designated payday, the City will send the bank a file containing the total amount to be paid electronically to your employees' designated accounts. The offsetting amount will be charged to your designated account at J.P. Morgan on the day -of -settlement (payday). Vendor and Direct Debits The City can make vendor payments and create direct debits to customer accounts for A/Rand utility payments using ACCESS Online and direct transmission. J.P. Morgan recommends that the City uses ACCESS Online for lower volume and manual entry of ACH payments. In addition to initiating payroll, this service also facilitates disbursements and collection. For large volume transactions the City can use any one of industry standard NACHA file formats (e.g., ARC, CCD or PPD), the City sends the file to J.P. Morgan through a common protocol, such as secure file transfer protocol (SFTP). Page 37 J",,"*v. Morgan . ACH DEBIT BLOCKING - The City requires ACH debit blocking capabilities on its accounts, with the ability to selectively permit specified ACH debits on certain accounts and restrict all ACH debits from certain accounts., Yes, can provide as requested1required., El No, cannot provide as ee.edlreire. Comment. - To protect the City Is demand deposit accounts (DDAs) from unauthorized ACH transaction, J.P. Morgan will continue to provide ACH debit blocking capabilities on its accounts, with the ability to selectively permit specified ACH debits on certain accounts and restrict all ACH debits from certain accounts. ACH debit blocking enables the City to specify which companies are authorized to post ACH debits to the City accounts, blocking those that are not authorized. The City can also set dollar limit ceilings, or block all debits from posting. With our daily ACH Debit Block Transaction report, the City receives a listing of all transactions that are blocked. Data is transmitted via Voltage SecureMail to indicate blocked transactions, or an optional email indicating that no transactions are blocked. .7. ELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE - The City requires Electronic Data Interchange ". "'service capability with the ability of obtaining monthly reports and transacting vendor, me s. Yes, can provide. [I No,, cannot provide. Comment.-, ACCESS Host -to -Host Reporting delivers consolidated reporting of remittance data for ACH and wire receipts posted to J.P. Morgan demand deposit accounts (DDA). Data is presented in standard formats and is sent via a variety of standard communications connections. Host -to -Host Reporting transaction reports include details that may not be supplied through standard bank reporting tools. The City has the option to choose to receive the remittance data through a variety of formats and transmission interfaces as follows: • EDI ANSI X12 file formats (82o and 823) 0 SWIFT IS020022 (camt 52 and camt 53, CGI Version 2) Page 38 J . ,,P,,Moroan WIRE TRANSFERS - The online banking system must provide for initiating wire transfers as a normal course of business. Wires may be one time wires or be set up as repetitive wires of varying amounts. Z Yes, can provide as requestedIre quire d. No, cannot provide as requestedl required. Comment. - ACCESS Online offers a complete range of funds transfer services supporting both predefined (repetitive) templates and free -form formats. 9. REMOTE DEPOSIT CAPTURE - The City is currently utilizing and requires direct deposit capture services. The City owns one (1) Canon Image Formula CR1 90i scanner used to process checks received. E Yes, can provide as requested1required. [:1 No,, cannot provide as requestedIre quired. Comment. - The City can continue to utilize image cash letter (ICL) for your direct deposit capture services. By utilizing ICL the City is clearing checks through the most efficient method. Our image cash letter solution allows the City to image all of your paper items and transmit them to us electronically for clearing. As part of this process, our solution reviews your check images and accompanying data to determine the optimum clearing method: 0 Automated clearing house (ACH) 0 Image exchange, or substitute check processes In addition, as we process a significant number of transactions as on -us items, we can process yours the same way to help you keep clearing costs down. The illustration on the following page provides an overview of the image cash letter process flow. Page 39 J.I?Mor�an Figure 1.2 The City will continue to benefit from: • Image -Enabled Routing Transit Numbers: J.P. Morgan currently sends to more than 22,000 routing transit numbers. The bank updates routing transit numbers on a quarterly basis. • Competitive Availability Schedule: We base availability by the bank on which the deposited check is drawn and the time the deposit is made. • Electronic Notification of ICL Transmission: the City will receive an electronic notification for each ICL file it transmits to the bank, whether successfully or unsuccessfully. We send notification, including the number of items and dollar totals, to designated recipients via email or XML transmission. • Advanced Image Quality Analysis Processes: We use a two -pass process to identify suspect items. The process determines whether items are acceptable for presentment to the paying bank or are nonconforming images (NCIs). Page 40 J_V__%. Morgan Image Quality Processing: This helps reduce adjustments, potential privacy violations and fraud. Quality checks verify that ICL-deposited items are correctly debited and credited to the proper account(s), for the precise value(s). Codeline Match Quality Processes: We use, and were one of the first providers to implement, a process to verify that check data associated with an image matches correctly to the item. ■ This greatly reduces errors by having the item properly routed to the correct paying bank and debited to the relevant account. It also reduces the risk for downstream adjustments and potential privacy violations if a consumer's check is inserted into another customer's account statement. Duplicate File Detection: Our transmission management process includes duplicate file review against the database for the previous 45 days of transmission activity. To guard against duplication, the bank reviews file headers for volume, value, composition date and time, and sender details. Files also will not be processed if the header and/or detail records indicate zero dollar value. We provide timely email and telephone notifications to minimize service disruptions. Enhanced Landing Zone: We assign the City's deposits float and pricing based on the time the file is received and acknowledged, not at another point later in the process. 10. CONSUMER BILL PAY PROCESSING - The City requires this service (sometimes referred to - r receipts of utility and ether payments generated e `ropersonal customer bank bill pay ,programs. On a daily basis, the remittance data and payment amount captured during processing must e transmitted to the City for the update of the accounts receivable file. Yes, can provide as requested1required, [] No,. cannot provide as requestedl req uired. Comment. - The City will continue to receive consumer bill payments using ACH eLockbox. ACH eLockbox streamlines the City's receivables posting process by consolidating electronic payments received from multiple sources into a single deposit. On payment receipt, we generally credit your account promptly the morning of the next business day after receipt of payments. Our Transaction Repair service streamlines the exception process by allowing you to review and repair exception items online for faster posting to your back -office system. We provide you with a single accounts receivable file and upload this data into your back -office system to help you save time, improve productivity and reduce costs. Page 41 I ­_%��1or�an 1.POST NO CHECKS - The City requires the fraud protection feature or service that prevents checks being presented for payment to be posted to the accounts from which checks are not issued. Z Yes, can provide as requested1required. [:1 No, cannot provide as requestedl required. Comment.- Page 42J.1'.M{organ Wire Transfers Wire transfers are credited and available in near real time throughout the day. The cutoff time for incoming credits is the close of Fedwire, which is 5:00 P.m. CT. ACH The City will receive availability (memo post) for ACH collection on opening of the business day on the settlement date. A hard post of the funds will occur at the end of the business day. Any same -day originations will be settled at the end of the business day. ............................................... . ................................. . ................. . ........... . ............. .................... . ................................. . . . ............... ..................................................... . ......... . ..... . .......................................................................................... . . ... ................................. Please see Appendix 1 for our availability schedules. 13. EMPLOYEE CHECK CASHING - The City requires the bank to cash checks issued to employees (with proper identification) without service charges or fees to the employee or the City, and without requiring the employee to open an account with the bank. E Yes, can provide as requested1required. El No,,, cannot provide as requested1required. Comment.- J.P. Morgan will continue to offer the City free check cashing for items drawn on your J.P. Morgan account. 14. RETURNED CHECK REPROCESSING - The City requires deposited checks to be processed for collection at least twice before making non -paid checks available to the City. The City prefers to receive rejected items electronically. The City requires same day notification of all returned items in excess of $5f 000. 00" Z Yes, can provide as requestedire quired. D No, cannot provide as requested1require d. Comment: J.P. Morgan automatically redeposits return items if they have been returned for a reason that is eligible for redeposit, such as non -sufficient funds (NSF). Return items can be redeposited one time. The City can receive a call from J.P. Morgan for all returned items in excess of $5,000-00. 9 S9 Page 43 Jr. -1 n J'"" Morcycelt :n . ACCOUNT ANALYSIS - The City requires account analysis statements by individual account and at group level, reflecting average ledger balance, average uncollected fangs, average collected bai c g reserve requirement, average available ei e,, rate and amount of earnings credit, detail of .services provided with quantities and unit fees for each, and total service cost, delivered to the City on a monthly s . This requirement applies to "No Fee" or "'Fee Waiverft applications. Z Yes, can provide as requested1required. El No, cannot provide as requested1required. Comment. - The City will receive an account analysis statement each month identifying all services provided, product volumes and the resulting service charge incurred. The statement captures a monthly summary of your balances and service charges. Analysis statements are provided for each account and on a group summary basis. You can retrieve electronic account analysis statements via ACCESS Online on the sixth business day after month end and up to 13 months of statements are available. All sections of your account analysis statement may be viewed, printed, and exported through ACCESS Online. Analysis statements will be available in PDF, Excel and CSV formats. The City can group specific accounts and billing relationships together for online analysis purposes, and create user profiles giving access to specific accounts or billing relationships as required. The City will benefit from online access with: • Faster delivery: The PDF version is available on the sixth business day • Robust encryption technology: Allows you to export billing statement data into Excel format or text (CSV) for further analysis purposes. • Grouping of multiple billing accounts: Allows you to group specific accounts and billing relationships together for online analysis purposes. • Control over user administration: Security administration allows you to create user profiles giving access to specific accounts or billing relationships as required. It also allows you to reset user passwords. Page 44 j .. Y.Morgan The City will receive monthly account bank statements for each account from the bank. J.P. Morgan account bank statements are available via secure Internet delivery with ACCESS Online, thereby providing the City with comprehensive reporting in the most timely and efficient manner. Our electronic account bank statements are identical to the paper statements mailed to clients and are available within two to three business days after the statement cutoff date. Paper statements are mailed to clients within three business days after the statement cutoff date. The account bank statements provide a summary of credit, debit and paid check activity for the statement period, and balances at the start and end of the period. They also provide a detailed chronological listing of all credit and debit transactions. For each transaction, the entry provides the ledger and value dates, the dollar value of the transaction, and detailed transaction description. It will also provide closing ledger balances. The account bank statements include all transactions posted to the account including all checks paid by check number with paid amount. Electronic account bank statements also include images of checks paid during the statement cycle. Correction entries made by the bank will be included on the statement as well. The City will receive the following benefits with our electronic bank statements: • Security measures include machine registration and the convenience of using a single sign -on to retrieve statements and perform entitlement via ACCESS Online. • Email alerts are sent to notify authorized City users when the account bank statements are available for download. • Your authorized users will be able to print and view a statement as it would be presented in its original paper form. • You can search for transactions by opening the statement as well as clicking on the image icon next to the statement name to see an image of the front and back of the cancelled check. is A Page 45 J','y"'.Moruan b ' • In addition, you can save and print the statement in PDF format as well as export data to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or in CSV format. The Excel and CSV formats are available 24 hours before the PDF. Check. and Deposit Slip Imaging The City will receive images of all on -us transactions (paid checks, deposit slips, advices/adjustments) and ARP reports through ACCESS Online. Check images, account bank statements and ARP reports are stored for seven years. We recommend the City use our online imaging via ACCESS Online for your checks and deposit slip imaging needs. This service includes an advanced upfront check search functionality that provides the City with the complete status of each check. The City can perform single and range -based searches by account number, check number and amount, sequence number, paid and issue dates and payee name. The results tell you whether the check is still outstanding, has an active or revoked stop, is canceled (voided), was returned or has paid. .:., , :.:..: .:...:.:....: .: ..........,...................:........ .,..,-: ,.,..-,.. >YC6ty. .WAY ....................................................................... ..................+.....:..::::::...................................................................................................:.......................................................................................... :.........::::::: ................. .v..:....-:i}:.:....:::::::-. \.. xN a' a: }: n :: •.•.:.'..:.'..:iJi?:vv'.: -. --v• .............. :. .:: .................. :. CC:}\ \ ::i mlo . ............ q- Pq .. . T: 000 Figure 13 Accounts with no external monetary activity for 24 months become inactive. Accounts become dormant after 30 months of inactivity. J.P. Morgan is willing to work with the City to build a process that will help make sure an account does not go dormant. Page 46 "'r. Morgan , . PAYMENT FOR SERVICES - The City expects to pay for all services provided by the earnings credit amount generated by account balances, or by direct payment, r a combination of both. Z Yes, can ,provide as request Ire it ., 0 No, cannot provide a eeteeir. Comment. - The City can pay for services provided by the bank with balance compensation (earnings credit allowance) and/or fee compensation. • Balance Compensation: To offset service charges, the City may choose to leave balances in your accounts and receive an earnings credit allowance. Fee Compensation: If the City chooses a fee compensation plan, you would manage your accounts to minimize collected balances and would not use balances to offset any service charges. Total service charges are debited from designated accounts, generally monthly. If the average available balances are sufficient, the earnings credit allowance offsets the service charge. Should the level of balances not fully cover the fees, any remaining service charges are debited from designated accounts on a monthly basis. MCv `4ei6'R ACCOUNT SETTLEMENT Settlement of the excessIdeficient condition a reflected by the group level account analysis is required to occur on a quarterly basis. If deficient,, settlement must be made by direct debit to the City's p ra ti Account. Yes, can provide as requested1required. E No, cannot provide a requested1required. Comment.- J.P. Morgan can provide account settlement on either a monthly or quarterly basis. 19. RESEARCH - The City requires that all research requests are responded t within three business days of the request. IN Yes can provide as requested1required. E No, cannot provide a requested1required. Comment: The City's research requests are acknowledged within two hours of receipt. The bank has established turnaround times for research and adjustment items. Our goal is to resolve 95 % of research and adjustment items between 24 and 48 hours; however, certain requests may take longer. Maria Arreola, the City's assigned dedicated client service professional (CSP), will provide you with cross product support. She will be your primary point of contact for all of your day-to-day questions and inquires as well as your research requests. Page 47 "Morcyan J', r. b, . BANK ERRORS - Bank errors resultinq in lest interest the City must be reimbursed the bank to the City, utilizing a mutually agree' upon method of reimbursement,, Z Yes,, can provide e re es e 1re ire . [I No, cannot provide as requestedl Comment.. - Should the bank cause an error resulting in lost interest to the City, we will work with you to rectify the problem utilizing a mutually agreed upon method of reimbursement. WEEPIIN VESTMENT ACCOUNT - Applicants must provide a descriptionof the a " ,hest "hard dollar" interest earning option. If e sweep option i proposed, applicant must confirm its compliance with Local Government Cede Chapter 2256, the "Public Funds Investment Act"' "° "), and the City's InvestmentPokey. Z Yes,. can provide. em e, cannot provide. Comment. - During this low rate option, J.P. Morgan recommends utilizing the ECR to offset banking services. Any excess funds can be placed in our J.P. Morgan High Yield Savings Account via transfer from ACCESS Online which will be fully collateralized. We have provided information on other accounts that the City may consider. Investment Sweeps As a leading liquidity solutions provider, J.P. Morgan offers an extensive array of automated intraday and end -of -day investment sweeps to help clients efficiently invest account balances, maintain full intraday liquidity and meet investment guidelines. Investment sweep services afford competitive returns while simultaneously providing fluid integration with the City's operating accounts. Innovation. We continuously strive to maintain our position as a global leader in cash and liquidity management. In the past year few years, the bank invested $1o6 million in its global liquidity platform to deliver a broader selection of capabilities, more reliable service, and a consistent client experience around the world. • Convenience. J.P. Morgan's automated investment sweeps can provide convenience and greater investment efficiency. Funds are automatically invested directly from the City's account based on flexible investment parameters that you set - investing all or part of the City's daily balances. Page 48 J*.P.Morgan Transparency. We expanded our electronic banking platform with J.P. Morgan ACCESS Liquidity Solutions that helps clients like the City actively manage global liquidity, reduce risk, and improve coordination across enterprises. J.P. Morgan ACCESS Liquidity Solutions provides real-time visibility into cash positions globally and monitors daily cash movements to increase transparency and control of the investment sweep process. Ratings were issued by Standard & Poor's and Moody's. Credit ratings are provided for information purposes only. Credit ratings are solely the opinions of the rating agencies. J.P. Morgan does not endorse, and accepts no responsibility for, the credit ratings issued by the rating agencies. Credit ratings may be changed, superseded or withdrawn by the rating agencies at any time. Interest Bearing Account— Hybrid In today's current rate environment, the City may consider using our Hybrid Demand Deposit Account (Hybrid DDA), which provides a combination of an earnings credit allowance on non -interest bearing balances to offset banking service fees and an interest rate on balances over a predetermined threshold. Page 49 J. P.Morgan J.P. Morgan's Checking with Interest account provides a unique option of either paying interest on l00% of the collected account balance or providing a combination of earnings credit and interest. The earnings credit/interest combination is also referred to as our Hybrid Demand Deposit Account (Hybrid DDA) product, which combines a traditional DDA that receives an earnings credit rate to offset service fees with an interest bearing account. Balances up to a predetermined threshold earn an earnings credit allowance to offset bank service fees, vvith balances above the threshold earning hard dollar interest. Interest accrues daily and is paid monthly. A Hybrid DDA offers the following benefits: • Operating efficiency — Can be operationally more efficient for optimizing cash than managing a sweep or direct investment because the funds remain in one cash account and are available for use as needed. It may also reduce the cost that can accompany a sweep option • Full utilization of cash balances • Full liquidity — Balances are fully liquid throughout the business day with no restrictions on withdrawals • An attractive rate of return — In the current market, the Hybrid DDA can offer a competitive rate of return as compared to other short-term investment products 22. AUDIT CONFIRMATIONS -Successful applicant must +o..M`t provide oi'W00 e4ry account balance audit confirmations to the City"s City"audit firm annually at no charge. N Yes, can provide as requested1required. D No, cannot r i `e as requested1required. Comment. - We will continue to provide account balance audit confirmations to the City`s audit firm. . BALANCE ASSESSMENT - Applicant must state how the FDIC Insurance Assessment me balances will be treated,: (treatment east be reflected on the attached Bank Services Fee Schedule as well) -ees to be waived. .71 Fees e partially waived. Z. Fee to be passed in full to the City. Comment.- J.P. Morgan charges a Premium Assessment Fee (PAF), which is a monthly administrative fee assessed to address various regulatory and other charges affecting J.P. Morgan. The fee is set by J.P. Morgan, in its sole discretion, and is subject to periodic review and adjustment. As with other eligible banking series fees, PAF may be offset by the earnings credit allowance. Page 50 J',P.Morgan Since October 1, 2008, the Federal Reserve has paid interest on reserves held at the Federal Reserve by member banks. J.P. Morgan passes this benefit to clients by basing the earnings credit on l00% of the eligible balance of non -interest bearing demand deposit accounts. The following formula is used to calculate the PAF: 24. RESERVE REQUIREMENT - Applicant must indicate whether or not a reserve requirement on balances used in calculating earnings credit is required. OWN Reserve Requirement 0/0 Comment.: In calculating the earnings credit rate (ECR), J.P. Morgan currently does not deduct the reserve requirement from the available balance. 25. EARNINGS CREDIT RATE - Applicant must state the ECR being proposed. ECR 40 Comment,: J.P. Morgan is pleased to offer the City a very aggressive ECR to offset banking services. The City will receive the bank's Premium ECR Plus 5 basis points, currently at .4o bps. Page 51 V`, Morcran b ,2 9- e i services are optional and e considered the City e award; ,Meese indicate the applicant"s ability to provide the services as described and the associated set-up, maintenance andlor per item processing charges. . BANK PROVIDED ATM - The City may considerinstallation of a bank provided ATM for employee and public use. "es, can provide. E] No, cannot ,provide. Comment.. - Based on our experience, J.P. Morgan does not feel that a one-off ATM(s) is cost effective for the City. However, for the City's convenience, J.P. Morgan recommends the City utilize one of our 12 ATMs located within the City's limits. . INTEGRATED DISBURSEMENT SERVICES - The City may consider different levels of outsourcing for its disbursement function including, but not limited to,, check °i ti and distribution. "es, can provide. 0 No,, cannot provide. Comment. - The City can use Host -to -Host Payments to initiate ACH, domestic and international wires, Corporate Quick Pay, single use account, and check payments. Host -to -Host Payments enables the City to deliver high value and low value payments and check print requests, as well as direct debits, via a single or mixed payment file. Host -to -Host Payments combined with check print outsourcing services to move the check print function out of your account payables process. To address the City's need for a disbursement outsourcing solution, J.P. Morgan proposes that the City use ACCESS Online payments. ACCESS Online saves you time by providing a standardized workflow across all payment types. ACCESS Online allows your authorized users to initiate and manage ACH, wire and account/book transfers from the same screen, in the same way. Following single sign -on with just a few clicks, your authorized users can make payments, create templates, view account balances and customize pages. ACCESS Online Check Print verv- .ew J.P. Morgan's Check Print service provides the City with a comprehensive print - to -mail solution for processing large volumes of checks. We have offered check print and dispatch services for more than 20 years. Designed to help you lower operating costs, our service removes the City's need to maintain printing equipment and unnecessary overhead associated with printing checks or remittances advices. Our services help to: • Reduce costs associated with maintaining in-house print operations. • Free the City resources to focus on core competencies. • Eliminate capital investments in machinery and technology. • Rely on tested and proven disaster recovery capabilities. • Reduce the risk of fraud through advanced fraud prevention technology. The City can submit check print instruction files via: • Direct transmission • Web file upload or check direct entry through ACCESS Online We generate online file confirmations to authenticate each transaction and alert the City to any issues. Validated files are routed to one of our two advanced print facilities, and printed and mailed by the following business day. Then we print, insert and forward the checks and remittance details to you or your payees via U.S. or Canadian mail or courier. Check print requests are sanction screened prior to printing. Checks that pass sanction screening are sent downstream for print. Checks that are flagged as suspect, after the initial review, are not printed until a pass status is received. Any check that may be delayed for print is listed with a status of "pending investigation" in the online reports. Most suspect items pass after the sanction screening team reviews additional information provided by our check print system. If further information is required to complete the sanction screening, your client service professional will contact you. Once the check passes screening, it is sent for printing and mailing, and the online status is updated. Payables fraud protection services are required for check printing. Check issue information is automatically generated and sent to our account reconciliation processing (ARP) platform. Check issues are sent to all Chase teller systems across the country, to offer positive pay fraud protection and payee name match service at the teller window. Upon presentment by the payee, the item would be immediately scanned by the teller and then matched to the authorized check issuance details provided by the City. If there are any variations to the payee name details or the item was not found on our records, the encashment request would be denied and the payee would be advised to contact the City. This level of protection is just one of the many benefits you may realize in choosing J.P. Morgan as your check print outsourcing provider. Checks deposited at a Chase ATM are also screened against the positive pay records. Checks not matching your issue records will have a fund availability hold placed against the check amount, allowing for your positive pay exception review Page 53 J',""r.Morgan and a pay or return decision before the check amount is available to the depositor. Payee name verification is not part of the ATM positive pay review. Through significant infrastructure and technology investment in our U.S. printing facilities, we can offer the City a low-cost, high -quality printing solution that is designed specifically for you and can be adapted as your needs change. J.P. Morgan's check printing platform features include: Standard templates for accounts payable, payroll, claims, and dividend checks. A postal net barcode provides for processing efficiencies with the U.S. Postal Service, which translates into postal discounts that leverage not only your own volumes, but those of our other clients as well. New check paper stock provides security features, such as chemical sensitization, invisible fluorescent security fibers, security watermark, micro printing, control numbers and security alert verbiage. Page 54 J.1? V1.organ Figure 14 ::.::.;: ;::.;:: ;.:..; ... . ......... .. _ .... ... .. .�� i ........... .. . Our quality controls throughout the bank are an area of continual focus and improvement for us. With check print, as with all services, we will not sacrifice the accuracy of our work for any other consideration. For purposes of audit control and security, J.P. Morgan's standard check print process uses blank roll feed stock, with digitized logos and signatures applied electronically to each item as it is printed. We recognize the importance of printing high quality checks to maintain low check reject rates. As such, samples of checks are requested periodically throughout the day by the Quality Control area. Sample checks get tested for both MICR quality and conformity to the established check specifications. Should the checks not pass the MICR quality test, the checks are not permitted to be mailed. They are securely shredded, reprinted and quality checked again for proper adherence. If the issue is determined to be file -based, Page 55 Morcran internal J.P. Morgan technology contacts are engaged to troubleshoot and resolve the issue. Duplicate file checking is performed prior to any document being printed. Additionally, we have an Automated Document Factory (ADF), a workflow solution used in our Ohio and Texas facilities. The ADF serves as a job and piece - level tracking solution for the entire document workflow from print through dispatch. As each separate print job gets processed, ADF allows operators to match file item counts to actual page counts upon completion of each job. Should a discrepancy occur, ADF can be used to identify the exact page where the count became out of synch, to quickly troubleshoot and resolve the issue. The results are then logged and validated by a supervisor, before the printing process is restarted. The final production output is then recorded. . COURIER SERVICE - The City may consider the use of a courier service to make daily deposits from one central location to the financial institution. Can the bank provide this service and,, if so,. how would it be billed? Fees to be waived. Fees to be partially waived; billed through analysis. Fee to be passed in full to theCity; blued through analysis. iE Cannot provide. Comment.: Clients using our reverse positive pay service receive a daily checks -presented file from J.P. Morgan on a same -day or next -day basis. Clients match the presented file to their reconciliation application to identify any exceptions. Optionally, a client may send the bank an exception file of all items that need to be reviewed (i.e., a kickback file). J.P. Morgan will load the exception items into our database, then provide the client with access to the images of the exceptions via ACCESS Online the next day. Page 56 J.EMoroun `. SECURITIES CLEARING,, SAFEKEEPING AND CUSTODY SERVICES Securities Clearing and Safekeeping Services can be offered for the securities owned by the City, the following rigs apply, J.P. Morgan offers a full range of custody services, including: Settlement: J.P. Morgan provides a transaction and custody service for all major security types in lot markets. J.P. Morgan may elect to extend Contractual Settlement Date Accounting (CSDA) product functionality that can credit or debit the cash component of a versus payment trade on the contractual settlement date in advance of the actual settlement of the trade. CSDA, if provided, will be extended at J.P. Morgan's sole discretion. CSDA currently covers purchases in all markets and sales in 64 markets, provided we have received complete instructions prior to our stated market cut-offs and there is available settled position for sale trades. In all remaining markets, sale trades settle on an actual settlement basis and funds will be credited to the City's on the actual settlement date. Upon receipt of a complete instruction from our clients, J.P. Morgan's transaction capture and settlement system will automatically forward the settlement instruction to the appropriate agent bank or depository. Through the use of electronic messaging in all markets, the settlement team is given the maximum amount of time possible to investigate any problem transactions. Page 57 J.Jr.Morcyan Upon receipt of the complete instruction, our agent will transmit the instruction to the market for settlement. J.P. Morgan requires its agent banks to pre -match trades (and to advise in relation to those trades that fail to match) in all markets where this is the standard practice and encourages the process in all other markets. Where pre -matching is available in a given market, J.P. Morgan will have set our trade instructions to help make sure that the City's instructions are received by our subcustodian bank with sufficient time to affect the pre -match process. When J.P. Morgan is advised by a subcustodian or depository that a trade has failed to pre -match, this information is relayed to the City, either via SWIFT or J.P. Morgan Markets, to allow all parties to coordinate to rectify the situation. Our client service account managers will also provide assistance by working with the necessary parties to facilitate the settlement process. Safekeeping: J.P. Morgan provides transaction and custody services for all major security -types and offers the following services: • Registration: The registration status of trades is recorded on J.P. Morgan's trade input system. The trades initially have a status of awaiting receipt or awaiting delivery. When J.P. Morgan has been advised that the trade has settled, the status will move to trade complete. For markets where securities are held in physical form, a purchase will then move to a status of at registration when we have been advised that the registration process has begun. All of these updates are reported electronically via J.P. Morgan Markets. Holdings can be viewed at any time to determine whether they are available or at registration. • Account Structure: At the primary level on J.P. Morgan's own system, each client's assets are clearly segregated by the assignment of an individual account number to each portfolio held on behalf of a specific client. At the subcustodian or depository level, the manner in which securities are held by J.P. Morgan on behalf of its clients is determined in the first instance by the local market regulations. However, in those markets where omnibus accounts are permitted, securities are generally held in the nominee name of either J.P. Morgan or its local subcustodian. This has resulted from our experience with local market practice and conditions and is intended to provide the swiftest possible settlement practice and the most secure means of safekeeping. • Corporate Actions: J.P. Morgan operates a comprehensive corporate action processing system that is integrated with core processing applications. The timeliness and quality standards for notification and processing are specified in service level documents and performance is regularly measured against these standards to help provide conformity. Page 58 J,Y",Morgan The primary sources used for corporate actions across all markets include the network of subcustodian banks, depositories and various vendors from which the firm receives automated feeds of information. Information is recorded on the corporate actions system and notified to clients holding the stock within 24 hours of J.P. Morgan's receipt. Notification is usually made via SWIFT or J.P. Morgan Markets. the City can submit instructions via the same methods (SWIFT or J.P. Morgan Markets) and have access to a dedicated 24-hour customer inquiry team. Reminders in relation to outstanding actions are issued daily via J.P. Morgan Markets from five days prior until two days after the J.P. Morgan instruction deadline. Reporting is provided on an intraday basis via both SWIFT and J.P. Morgan Markets. Income Collection: J.P. Morgan has a comprehensive income processing system that is fully integrated with its core custody processing system. The specialist income collection teams are based in Bournemouth (U.K.) and Dallas (U.S.) and are responsible for monitoring and processing the income payable on securities in each of the global custody markets. The vast majority of income is received and credited timely and accurately on payable date providing the City with the ability to re -invest income on payable date. J.P. Morgan may provide, at its sole discretion, global contractual income crediting for most security types currently available in 43 markets. Page , :n COLLATERALIZATION - The successful applicant shall pledge collateral to satisfy the requirements of the Public Funds Collateral Act, Chapter 2257, Texas Government Code, and the City"s Investment Policy., Ledger balance shall determine the total balance level. The successful applicant shall pledge collateral equal to or in excess of the required level on a same day basis. The City"s Investment Policy specifies that securities held as collateral shall have a market value equaling at least 102010 of the total value of City funds held in excess of FDIC insurance levels,, The City shall approve, in advance and in writing,, all proposed collateral. The City will inform the bank of changes in the amount or activity of deposits, that may exceed the City's current collateral value, within a reasonable time before the change occurs. Except as noted, the bank can accept the collateral conditions requested by the City. Per Section 2257.022 of the Government Code, the total value of eligible security to secure a deposit of public funds must be in an amount not less than the amount of the deposit of public funds: (1) Increased by the amount of any accrued interest; and (2) Reduced to the extent that the United States or an instrumentality of the United States insures the deposit. J.P. Morgan, through its National Collateral Management Group ("NCMG"), employs a bank developed Corporate Collateral Management System (COAST), Page 60 J.Y.Morga:n which provides daily monitoring of deposit balances and security value for collateralization purposes. COAST is reviewed each business day by dedicated Collateral Managers for customer collateral requirements. Collateral requirements are based upon the end -of -day ledger, deposit account (checking, savings, depository CD's) information (plus accrued interest if any), less applicable FDIC coverage, plus applicable margin (gross -up), if any. The end of day deposits balances are uploaded into COAST the following business morning from the bank's deposit system. NCMG monitors the market value of securities pledged to our customers and compares the market value to the collateral requirements. In the event a market value reduction creates an under -collateralized position, additional securities will be pledged promptly. . PLEDGED COLLATERAL CUSTODY AND SAFEKEEPING - The pledged securities shall be held in safekeeping at an it custodian acceptable to both the City and the successful applicant. The original cop of ail fledge receipts shall be filed with the Citys Chief Financial Officer. Applicant must provide the name of the proposed independent custodian as well as any related fees. IE 'des, can provide as requested1required. [I No, cannot provide as requested1required. Comment.,, The Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) will provide original safekeeping receipts directly. The City must maintain correct instruction with the FRB to provide delivery of safekeeping receipts. There is no charge of J.P. Morgan 's collateral services. Page 61 J'0_­r`4 Morgan 4. COLLATERAL SUBSTITUTION - Any substitutions of the pledged securities will Page 62 J.P.Mor�an contemporaneously its the acquisition of the asset by the depository institution,,, was approved by the board of directorsof the depository institution or its lean committee, which approval shell be reflected i the ,minutes of said beard or committee, and has been, continuously from the time of its execution,, an official record of the depository institution E Yes, can provide as requested1required. [-] No, cannot provide as requested1required. Comment., J.P. Morgan has policies and procedures designed to comply with applicable state and federal law, including Title 12 USC Section 1823(e), which describes certain provisions needed to diminish or defeat the FDIC's potential claim against the collateral. The Board of Directors of J.P. Morgan has passed a resolution which delegates authority from the Board to certain personnel to, among other things, enter into agreements with governmental entities to serve as a depository and to pledge collateral to secure that entities' public funds deposits. This resolution can be delivered upon request. Page 63 j.P.Mor�an ° e Public Funds Investment Act, in conjunction with the City7s Investment Policy.. shall govern the City"s City"investment activity and the successful applicant shall be required rovide services within the constraints of both" Applicants must complete the attached PFIA Certificationthat acknowledges that they have reviewed the is Investment Policy. During this low rate option, J.P. Morgan recommends utilizing the ECR to offset banking services. Any excess funds can be placed in our J.P. Morgan 's High Yield Savings Account via transfer from ACCESS Online which will be fully collateralized. x CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT - Certificates of Deposit("CDs"') purchased for the City shall be on -negotiable and shell be registered in the name of the City. The CDs will be insured within FDIC insurance limits, or e er i e i accordance with the RFA requirements. Proof of collateral in excess of FDIC insurance limits must be supplied to the City prior to CD settlement. El Yes, can provide as requested1required. El No, cannot provide as requested1required. Comment. J.P. Morgan agrees to the conditions of the City's request for Certificates of Deposit. The City currently has a Collateral Account established with J.P. Morgan and all CDs will be insured within FDIC insurance limits, or collateralized in accordance with the RFA requirements. The City will inform the bank of changes in the amount or activity of deposits, that may exceed the City's current collateral value, within a reasonable time before the change occurs. Page 64 .Yo Morgan . INVESTMENT ACCOUNT - Applicants must provide a descriptionhe ti ' best "hard " interest earning option. eep option is proposed, applicant must confirm its compliance with Local Government Code Chapter 2256, the "Public Funds Investment " "PF ""), and the City's Investment Policy. "es, can provide. �.l No, cannot provide. Comment. - During this low rate option, J.P. Morgan recommends utilizing the ECR to offset banking services. Any excess funds can be placed in our J.P. Morgan 's High Yield Savings Account via transfer from ACCESS Online which will be fully collateralized. *The Bank will agree to review the investment policy submitted pursuant to the requirements of the Public Funds Investment Act and will certify to receipt of such policy, and, subject to the following clarifications, its review thereof and implementation of "reasonable procedures" to prevent investment transactions that are not authorized under the City's investment policy. Such clarifications will affirmatively note that, pursuant to such Act, the City will not be relieved of the responsibility from monitoring adherence to such policy itself; that the Bank will not be liable for following the investment instructions of any person authorized by the City to provide such instructions on its behalf or to otherwise notify the City if it receives any investment instructions that are outside the scope of permitted investments under the City's policies; that the Bank is not acting in the capacity of a municipal advisor, nor has it been engaged to nor is it acting in, an investment advisory capacity; and that it has not been granted nor accepted any discretionary investment authority with respect to the City's investments. The certification will further indicate that the "reasonable precautions" undertaken by the Bank to avoid "unauthorized" investments will be limited to procedures that will limit acceptance of investment instructions from only persons authorized by the City and that any instructions received via online portals, such as ACCESS Online, via agreed upon security procedures, shall be deemed to be "authorized". Please see Appendix 2 for the Certification By Business Organization letter. Page 65 ,l. '.Morgan 1. NET OVERDRAFT DEFINED - The City does not intend to have a net overdraft position occur during the term of the agreement. A net overdraft shall be defined as a negative balance in the City's accounts collectively, not by individual account. Z Yes. D No. Comment. - All client accounts are netted together for tracking intra-day liquidity usage. Real- time balance and transaction information is available via ACCESS Online. 2. NOTIFICATION - In the event a check or checks shall be presented for payment where there are insufficient funds in City" s collective accounts,, the successful applicant agrees to promptly notify the City's Accounting Manager or other signatory person, by telephone or other means., of the overdraft condition, and to provide the City a period not exceeding one business day to respond and rectify the condition. [I Yes, can provide as requestedlrequire d,, [] No, cannot provide as requested1required. Comment.,, 3. STIPULATIONS - Should a net overdraft condition occur; the following shall apply. Maximum number of banking days the overdraft shall be allowed%1 dad amount of the overdraft.,, No limit Interest rate per annum computed on the overdraft.- Prime +_,I% Comment.,, Should a situation arise that the City is in a negative collected balance position, J.P. Morgan charges a daily variable overdraft (OD) rate. The fee for overdrafts, which can be offset by an earnings credit allowance, may be assessed on a per - occurrence basis. The formula for Negative Collected Balance Fee is as follows: (Negative Collected Balance x OD Rate)/36o days. The overdraft rate is Prime Plus 3.00%. Page 66 J.P.Moruan b ' 1. REGULATION NOTIFICATIONS - The successful applicant shall notify the City in writing within thirty (30) days of any changes in federal or state regulations, or laws that would affect any agreement resulting from this RFA. Z Yes, can provide as requestedIra equired. L] No, cannot provide as requested1required. Comment.- J.P. Morgan will notify the City of any material changes in federal or state regulations or laws that would materially and directly affect the depository contract, as determined by J.P. Morgan. J.P. Morgan will endeavor to notify the City of any applicable additional services that become available to the City throughout the contract period. 2. INCOMING WIRE TRANSFERS - Notification of incoming wire transfers shall be made by telephone, fax, or email to the City" s Accounting Manager within one hour of the transaction and a written confirmation mailed to the City the same day of the transaction. Z Yes, can provide as requested1required. [I No, cannot provide as requested1required. Comment. - Notification of wire transfers is available via ACCESS Online. Additionally, eServe, the bank's Internet -enabled client service tool, will allow the City to setup notifications in near real time via email -enabled devices (such as PCs, laptops, cell phones, etc.), when specific transactions or events have occurred. x * Page 67 J',I"r,, M o r an 3. RIGHT TO CANCEL UNDER FEDERAL OR STATE LAW RULINGS - In the event i would be ruled illegal under the provisions of any federal or state laws or regulations for the successful applicant to comply with the requirements of this RFA or any resulting agreement, then the City expressly reserves the right and privilege to cancel the agreement and to re -solicit icat ns. Yes, can ,provide as requested1required. 0 N, cannot provide as esereirg Comment: . ACCESS )0 BANK K RECORDS - e successful +6+d J[ +6-r6 3 A - A 'O+e< co aaY relating o the City"s accounts shah be open for review during normal business hours by designated City staff members or appointed independent auditors. Z Yes, can provide as, e es e 1 e i° . 0 No, cannot provide as reese1ei°e. Comment. J.P. Morgan will allow the City's auditors and independent public accountants, including where state or federal assistance is involved, state and federal auditors identified by the City, reasonable access during normal working hours to bank records of the City's as is reasonably required in connection with their examination of the books and records specifically pertaining to the City's accounts, use of funds and services provided by J.P. Morgan to the City. Any access or examination will be: requested in writing; specifically describe the scope and records required; mutually agreed upon as to time and scope; and subject to J.P. Morgan's security procedures and record retention policies. J.P. Morgan may impose reasonable restrictions on the number of individuals allowed access, the frequency and length of access, and the scope of the records made available. the City shall reimburse J.P. Morgan for the reasonable cost of copying, collating, researching and producing archived information. Any examination will be at the City's expense. . RIGHT TO OPEN & MAINTAIN OTHER ACCOUNTS - The City reserves the right to open and maintain one r more demand accounts at financial institutions not affiliated withthe successful applicant. Z Acknowledged. Comment.- 6. El `es, can provide as requested/required. E No,, rennet provide as reesed°eire. Comment. - Since the RFP did not contain a form of agreement, we have included the links for our sample version of our standard form of Account Terms and representative Service Terms for the services that are the subject of the RFP. In addition to those terms, a mutually agreeable contract will be entered into by the parties. Please note that we are amenable to discussing modifications to our Account Terms and Page 68 J M r n Service Terms and incorporation of specific provisions where appropriate to try and meet your needs. However, please keep in mind that J.P. Morgan's policies do not allow for: • The provision of unlimited indemnities; • Conveyance of intellectual property rights; • Acceptance of consequential, incidental, or special damages; • Liquidated damages; • Agreement to miscellaneous laws, regulations, ordinances, codes, etc. that do not on their face apply to J.P. Morgan as provider of the services that are the subject of the RFP; or • Deviations from the insurance coverage the bank carries The standard Account Terms and Service Terms, as applicable to services and accounts contemplated by the RFP, will be incorporated within the final agreement, except to the extent of modifications to which we have mutually agreed, as elsewhere set forth in the final agreement between us. In addition, any representations, warranties, certifications, and the like, which the RFP may otherwise impute to any proposer submitting a response thereto, are not incorporated into, and may not be inferred, as a result of this submission by J.P. Morgan. The City has already executed J.P. Morgan documentation for the accounts and services proposed in this response to the City's RFP. Additional account opening documents or service terms may be required from the City for new accounts or services. As part of our efforts to manage our environmental footprint in an efficient and sustainable manner, sample documents are being provided through the links below. Please note that these documents may be modified by the bank from time to time. At the time of your implementation, and based on the specific services you elect to use, you will receive the applicable agreements to be executed from your implementation project manager. • Sample Account Opening Documents: 3. s a X Yw w w x chase. 'a«�' ` mo 2. 'Aw�E am s 9 a e w `6.d m e commercial -bank/documents 1- 2_-us-account- . • Sample Product and Service Terms and Agreements: X N t 4 //www. chase. com/content/da m eo" h a s '4d c t..+ m AN S > M '4P N Y m Y gym/ 0 `4n4 5 root b a n Z o 4✓ u m S f 5 S i '�.w �'w 'nvA +rw+ S �i i '3 M+ v.✓ �.w f ! i i +,...' yea Page 69 J.Y.Morcyan Description Nees Title Phone Relationship Officer Larnell Camus Executive Director (512) 479-2720 J.P. Morgan recognizes the importance of providing premier client service that differentiates us from other financial providers. We take a consultative and team approach in building relationships with our clients. J.P. Morgan will service the City of Round Rock's relationship through a relationship team based in Texas. The team is comprised of professionals who have a variety of expertise. Your assigned relationship team is responsible for all aspects of your relationship with J.P. Morgan, including general information, lockbox processing, collateral, vault services, treasury management services, online payments, research and adjustments, check processing and credit card, if applicable. Larnell Camus will be the City's relationship manager and banker. Your treasury management officer, Andy Sowa, -will lead the Treasury Services team. All of your day-to-day service issues will be handled by a dedicated client service professional, Maria Arreola. J.P. Morgan is committed to providing the City with outstanding client service. With that in mind, our goal will always be to listen carefully, anticipate your Page 70 J.P. Morgan needs, deliver the solutions that work for you and take responsibility for our actions. We commit to the following client service plan: • On -site Visits - We are dedicated to making frequent visits to your site to meet with management and key contacts at the City. We believe that personal contact is the key to understanding your business, which in turn is the key to increasing our responsiveness to your banking requirements. • Regular Communication - Through face-to-face visits and frequent telephone contact, we commit to keeping the City informed promptly on all product and service issues, in addition to offering timely webinars and seminars. • Anticipation of Needs - We commit to anticipating the City's banking requirements and to bringing new ideas to energize your operations, ideas that help you save time, save money and operate more effectively. • Error Resolution — Your designated client service professional, Maria Arreola, assists you in managing any day-to-day banking issues. Page 71 JeP.Margan Role Executive Director Address 221 West Sixth Street, Floor 2 Austin, TX 78701 Phone (512) 479-2720 Fax (512) 479-2814 Email larnell.camus@jpmorgan.com Responsibilities Larnell will continue lead the City's banking team focusing on the quality delivery of our services. She will: ■ Serve as your primary point of contact for the bank's full capabilities • Recommend products and services that meet the City's needs and goals, including financing solutions, treasury management and other banking services ■ Oversee delivery of products and services including financing, treasury services and other financial services ■ Address your overall satisfaction with the J.P. Morgan banking relationship¶ Biography Larnell Camus' focus is on government clients in Central Texas. Her primary responsibility is to provide solutions to the City's banking needs and for your overall satisfaction with the bank. Larnell has been with the bank for 36 years. She began her career at the Heritage Texas Commerce Bank -San Angelo. Transferring with the bank to Austin in 1985, Larnell became a member of the local Treasury Services/Public Funds group for the bank. After seven years in treasury services, she moved over to the Middle Market group as a client services professional. In 1995, with a promotion to relationship manager, she began working with large depository clients and in 2003 took over the Government Banking portfolio. Larnell graduated from Angelo State University with a degree in Business Administration. Larnell is a member of the Austin Association for Financial Professionals, Government Financial Officers Associations of Texas, and a member of the Women's Interactive Network for J.P. Morgan. Page 72 J.P.Mo1-9an Role Treasury Management Officer Address 102o North East Loop 410, Floor 1 San Antonio, TX, 78209 Phone (210) 829-6149 Cell (210) 262-2787 Email atidy.sowa Responsibilities Andy will assist the City in resolving working capital and efficiency challenges by providing information and offering ideas from the J.P. Morgan's Treasury Services team. He will: ■ Recommend cash flow optimization strategies, including ways to streamline financial processes ■ Assist the City in realizing day-to-day operational efficiencies in alignment with your treasury service goals ■ Provide targeted information to you about new products, market developments and industry trends ■ Monitor the City's implementation for successful service delivery Biography Andy Sowa is a Treasury Management Officer in Commercial Banking and is responsible for providing financial solutions to Government entities located in the Houston, Austin, and San Antonio. With nearly 20 years in the banking industry, he brings vast experience deploying complex Treasury Solutions. He has a strong background in online banking, CRM, PCard and AP Card solutions, and most recently served more than four years as a Product Specialist for J.P. Morgan receivables solutions. Andy is a member of the Association of Financial Professionals. He holds a Bachelor of Business Art from Texas A&M University. Page 73 J.P.Morgan Role Client Service Associate Address 712 Main Street, Floor 4 Houston, TX 77002 Phone (713) 216-026o Fax (713) 216-0410 Email maria.arreola@jpmorgan.com Responsibilities Maria will serve as the primary point of contact and as a proactive resource for the City's banking service needs. With her understanding of all aspects of J.P. Morgan's Treasury Services' product functionality and technology, Maria will facilitate the timely resolution of all service issues. For day-to-day matters, she will: • Resolve the City's inquires including credit/debit confirmations, cancellations of payments, amendments of payment instructions, funds transfer inquires and other treasury service matters ■ Identify and resolve operational issues in a timely manner • Share her specialized knowledge of fraud prevention tools and provide advice on asset and data protection strategies ■ Facilitate the opening of additional accounts Maria works with a team of client service professionals who will provide consistent, reliable and timely service support. Biography As your dedicated service associate, Maria Arreola is your central point of contact for your account servicing needs. Maria handles specialized industry clients in the Middle Market segment across the South and will work to meet the City's business service needs promptly and thoroughly. Maria began working with the firm in 1983 as a teller, and moved forward into various areas of the bank involving syndicated credits, commercial loan administration and credit support. Now, in her role as a client service professional, Maria uses her strong interpersonal skills and her experience to lead and motivate. Maria is a dynamic and results -oriented professional with a successful track record in customer service and relationship management. She is supported by a team of client service associates and together, they will provide the consistent and reliable service support that you expect. Page 74 J.P.Morg-sal x SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING - The City shall require a review meeting at least Dace every six months to evaluate the working relationship between the City and the successful applicant. The objective shall be to address any problems and to seek solutions as well as keepingabreast of changes, new services, or new requirements. Z Yes, can provide as requested1required. E No, cannot provide as reqUested1required. Comment. Anticipating the City's future needs and wants is not guesswork on our part. We commit to meeting with you annually to create a plan and help you control costs, optimize cash flow, manage resources and make informed decisions. Regular relationship reviews will offer insight into how products can provide the City with efficiency and savings. Your J.P. Morgan team can address your key business issues and deliver solutions that achieve additional efficiencies, enhance risk management and improve constituent service. Common topics discussed during relationship reviews and strategic advising sessions include: • Bi-annual relationship review of all treasury services • Enhancements to existing products and new products developed • Best practices in treasury management • Payables and receivables benchmarking • Working capital benchmarking • Counterparty risk analysis A consultative approach to providing solutions that impact financial performance and/or operational efficiencies helps contribute to creating a positive return on investment. Page 75 J".p'.Morcrban J.P. Morgan is required to know its customer and to adhere to policies and procedures intended to meet those regulatory requirements that apply to safety and soundness and to fight against the funding of terrorism, money laundering and sanction related activities including performing certain transaction screenings. This means J.P. Morgan will request information about the City and its management and those having authority to transact business with J.P. Morgan in order for J.P. Morgan to comply with its policies and procedures. This is an ongoing requirement and the provision of services pursuant to this proposal and any additional products or services that may be requested is subject to and conditioned upon the ongoing satisfaction of those policies and procedures and compliance by the City with applicable law with respect to the services provided and J.P. Morgan's policies of which the City is informed. . ADVERTISEMENT ACKNOWLEDGED - This RFA has been duly advertised and i being offered for consideration to financial institutions as permitted by state law and City policy. Acknowledged. Comment. Page 76 ,T.I?Morgan CITY OF RCE911libit ' / F, / SEPTEMBER 2016 AFP UNIT PRICE SERVICE SERVICE DESCRIPTION VOLUME ($) CHARGE CODE_ ($) ACCOUNT SERVICES 010000 ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE 010020 CASH CNTRN BACKVALUE SVCS 010020 CASH CONCENTRATION MAINTMASTER 010021 CASH CONCENTRATION MAINT SUB 010100 DEBIT POSTED — ELECTRONIC 010101 CREDIT POSTED— ELECTRONIC 010307 STATEMENT CYCLES 150OZZ POST NO CHECKS MAINTENANCE BANKING CENTER SERVICES 10004A BRANCH ORDER CURRENCY STRAP 100040 BRANCH ORDER PROCESSED 100044 BRANCH ORDER — COIN ROLL VAULT SERVICES 100100 VAULT DEPOSIT 100110 VAULT DEPOSIT ROLLED COIN 100111 VAULT DEP PARTIAL OR MIXED BAG 100114 VAULT DEP NON STD STRAP — NOTE 100501 VAULT DEPOSIT ADJUSTMENT 100520 VAULT DEPOSIT ADJUSTMENT NOTIF DEPOSITORY SERVICES 10101 CREDITS POSTED 100200 ICL DEPOSIT EARLY 100210 ON —US STANDARD 100210 FILE TRANSMISSION REC.— VPN 100210 ON US PREMIUM 100214 IMAGE GROUP ONE 100214 IMAGE GROUP TWO 100214 IMAGE GROUP TWO — TIER 2 100220 CHECK DEPOSITED —ON US 100224 CHECK DEPOSITED —TRANSIT 100230 DEPOSIT CORRECTION 100400 RETURN ITEM 100402 RETURN ITEM REDEPOSIT 100419 RETURN — EMAIL NOTIFICATION 999999 IMAGE QUALITY SUSPECT ITEMS 999999 NON —CONFORMING IMAGE ITEMS 61 301 5 15.0001 0.0000 — 1 00000 — 5 5.000 25 177 0.030 5 460 0,030 14 6 4.9000 24 3 1,000 3 14 0350 5 7 00000 8811 0.90701 621 231 1.000 231 6 0,9200 1 12 3*000 36 99717 OoO3 292 6 5.000 30 4 5.000 20 224 0.90501 11 21 1.000 21 26 0e0251 1 21 6.9818 143 866 0s050 43 2,818 0.9025 70 19113 0.025 28 19420 OoO25 36 82 00110 9 756 Oo150 1 113 1 5.000 5 6 2.000 12 16 1.500 24 6 1.000 6 12 0.250 3 1 5.000 5 Exhibit it F it DISBURSEMENT SERVICES 10100 CHECK / DEBIT POSTED 10112 CONTROLLED DISB FUNDING 150000 CONTROLLED DISB ACCT MAINT 150030 EXCEPTION NOTIFICATION - ACCT 150110 CONTROLLED DISB CHECK POSTED 150410 STOP PAYMENT - ELECTRONIC 150412 STOP PAYMENT AUTOMATIC RENEWAI 150501 CHECK CASHING NON-ACCT HOLDER 151351 IMAGE STORAGE PER ITEM 151710 CHECK INQUIRY MAINTENANCE 200306 RECON REPORT / STATEMENT MAINT RECONCILIATION SERVICES 150030 POSITIVE PAY MAINTENANCE 150122 PAYEE NAME VERIFICATION 150300 EXCEPTION ITEM 150320 CHECK EXCEPTION RETURN 151351 IMAGE CAPTURE PER ITEM 151353 CD ROM - PER CD (1) 151353 CD ROM MAINTENANCE 200010 FULL RECONCILEMENT - MAINT 200110 FULL RECONCILEMENT - PER ITEM 200201 ISSUE INPUT FILE WITH RECON 200301 OUTPUT FILE WIRE - U.S. 350100 ELECTRONIC FED DEBIT S/T 350124 ELECTRONIC BOOK DEBIT S/T 350300 FED CREDIT S/T 350320 BOOK CREDIT AUTOMATED CLEARING HOUSE 50030 ELOCKBOX MAINTENANCE 50300 ELOCKBOX TRANSACTION RECENED 50311 ELOCKBOX TRANSACTION REFORMAT 250000 ACH MAINTENANCE 250000 JPM ACCESS ACH MAINTENANCE 250100 DEBIT ORIGINATED 250101 ACH DEBITS\CREDITS ORIGINATED 250120 ADDENDA RECORD ORIGINATED 250200 DEBIT RECEIVED 250201 CREDIT RECEIVED 250302 RETURN ITEM 250400 RETURN NOTIFICATION - EMAIL 250501 ACH BATCH/FILE PROCESSED 251050 DEBIT BLOCK MAINTENANCE 251051 ACH ADA AUTHORIZED ID 251070 NOTIFICATION OF CHANGE 251070 NOTIF OF CHANGE - EMAIL 259925 ELOCKBOX FILE PROCESSING RECEIPTSTREAM/ENH REC SVCS 300524 R$ EDI RPTG SUM REPORT 300524 EDI DETAIL REPORT-JPM ACCESS 180 0.050 9 42 0,250 11 1 0,000 - 3 0,000 470 0.050 24 6 2,000 12 3 2,000 6 7 0,000 651 09020 13 3 001000 - 3 000001 - 3 0,000 547 0.030 16 6 2*000 12 1 20.000 20 651 0.010 7 1 25,000 25� 1 0.,000 3 30*000 90 650 0.030 20 1 11 5*000 55 �61 15.0001 90 16 2,000 32 l 1,000 1 1 8 2,000 16 l 10000 1 2 10,000 20 69912 0,050 346 69912 0.030 207� 3 00000 - 2 0,000 - 4,635 0.030 139 39431 0w03 103 19 0,000 - 81 0.030 2 364 0.030 11 10 1,0000 10 10 09500 5 15 500000 75 6 0.9000 - 22 0,500 11 2 0.500 1 2 09500 1 21 3.0001 63 136 0.,000 1881 2,0001 3761 40044Z 400610 40066Z 40066Z 40066Z JPMORGAN ACCESS ACCOUNTS REPORTED MONTHLY SERVICE TRANSACTIONS REPORTED - 45 DAY CONT DISB CHECKS REPORTED EXTENDED TRANSACTION DETAIL 8 15.000 120 1 00000 - 1,119 0.050 56 482 0e050 24 4824 0,000 - WSS OTHER FEES (2) 459999 FEES - ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE 1 625900016251 PREMIUM ASSESSMENT FEE 000230 PREMIUM ASSESSMENT FEE El 2,1231 TOTAL MONTHLY CHARGES SUPPLIES (3) TAMPER PROOF DISPOSABLE BAGS SELF -INKING ENDORSEMENT STAMPS CARBONLESS DEPOSIT TICKETS TOTAL OTHER CHARGES EARNINGS CREDIT (4) FORMULA/RATE BASIS CURRENT RATE AVG COLLECTED BALANCE LESS RESERVE REQUIREMENT INVESTIBLE BALANCE ESTIMATED MONTHLY EARNINGS PREMIUM ASSESSMENT FEE (5) FORMULA/RATE BASIS CURRENT RATE AVG COLLECTED BALANCE ESTIMATED MONTHLY EARNINGS LESS: MONTHLY SWEEP FEE ESTIMATED NET MONTHLY EARNINGS Notes, 6 085 Avg.Coll x ECR x # of days in mo./ # days in year 0,940% 19600000,00 0 19,600,000 E::: 69533 Avg. Ledger x rate x # of days in mo.1 # of days in year 0.13% 196000OOoOO 29123 0 29123 (1) This service can be elimianted by using JPMorgan ACCESS (2) Safekeeping can be outsourced to another provider eliminating this fee (3) Currently outsourced to another vendor, will need more details for costs (4) Earnings Credit is based on Average Collected Balances, however, per the Addendum No: 1 Resonse, we used the average monthly balance requested. (5) Premium Assessment Fee is based on Average Ledger Balances (ALL ATTACHMENTS MUST BE RETURNED WITH RESPONSE - PLEASE ATTACH IN THE ORDER LISTED) 1. AC"C"OUNT ANALYSIS Sample monthly account analysis statement in the format that will be provided to City. Applicant must indicate any capability to provide the information electronically. The City can receive electronic monthly account analysis statement online via ACCESS Online on the sixth business day after month end. ACCESS Online will provide you with 13 months of history. The following sample account analysis statement, in PDF format, shows each section of billing information in a separate table. Total charges are displayed at the end of each table for clarity. -ACCOUNIT ANALYSIS STATEMENT PAGE I �W: 4. 1AW LOW 000 4 6� OW - W JANUARY qNW PUMGAN 0,01 W It~ N A 4, W?K PAM ArIMAN �M.SION 1fX QW.- ... .. ... . .... i2lZ 12-:��XW 01,14-A CXNTACT: "M ................. ......... ........ MANCE KSCRWTKW *MAT*N -0 .... ... ... ....... ....................... IRA IROAAWU 'T A -.Wo USS AW P.40 i �k<m aALAWr� AV A-44VWT mt 0AW 0-00 AIM POW"AA MUE-Mo WANM an $'OWWO OW444 6A VOUVAIWTOT SERVVE 04WIS XXXX: ............ EXGEWVWKIT*� NVESTKE M, XXXX: EAWWOGS AUOWAWE- XXXX XXXX sAk coupcwacg IWO CHARWS XXXX XXXX. XXXX WAV .............. - ........ - R. AWVNT $,.RVCF C"AMR .... ................................................ ............ XXXX ..... . . .................. UXX Figure 15 . ..... Page 80 J.1?Morgan ACCOUNT X� Y-SIS $TAILW--NT PAGE� ilOf 14 FOR J"uAW MIA Accovw� W G- 0 X =vJ C - 123 4 - %7ft AM c4wmy LTD PUMP A ACTWnY SUM-MARY ................... ........... ................................................................................................... ow ........ I .................................................. 'Afp ............................................... ...... ......................... ........ ................. ........... ...... .... ................ ........... ........ up"ca. "Rml sov DAUW1 ME BASC PF40DUCT tm AM 0c=ftwTto" CODE cam: Pmccm VOLUME cKumis.) E Ot9VALL"'T (sl CHARGES (s) ........ .... ActxW* mN"l*wv-*t* 01W of XXXX is xxxx STAKWNT C0MAS .010to MOW xxxx XXXX lom ........................................ w2m. ...................... xx-n TOTA41. XXXX ............. �T f-'FuF"r.aro -suw-cm"F.s Ps$RcN A'Twqf W. 35ml xx xx Xs.pT. XX WT MAWT, 1 WAR KMTORV ACZOL WOW xx xx 41W vo"t ftt- 21 xxxx XK-.KA AV Ar-CCSS WNn" &WNT O-MW 4C40M x)(Ax xxxx ftt mm'.9n ww M COM"AWAk WK 09AWAS Wvul ...... .. ....................... ................... . ............................................... ....................................... XXXX ........................................................... Figure 16 J.P ACCOUNT ANALYSIS STATEMENT FOR JANUARYV214 .0123ASfim A -ANct. PEWSAT� U, HIST A k ......... ... ..... ........... . . ...... 0 ....... .. ...... Q.-Y "or a m A AccouW-... Q-10, J%00"A i4l' Avcpw". Lfoofft, w4W" #A&4WA 64LAWI I'V .... ..................... ........... pK.- . .... .. ..................... .............. ....... ......... ....... ............ ........ .... ...... AVtAAU 4&M - 4AR ................ ........................... ................ - .... ................ ...... . . ......... ......... ............................... ................ V ............... ... ..... .......................... .................. .... ...... ........... ..................... ... ... 4(0- ... ............ .. ................................................ xm ........ .... ... ...... ............ ...... — ........... ............. FiClure 171 Page 81 J:I? Morgan mill Applicant must include an explanation of the applper t"s policy and methodology used in setting rates paid on interest bearing accounts and account analysis earnings credit, and must indicate if rates are based on a market rate such as T-Bill discount or per rate, or the Federal Funds rate, etc., and when the rates are .-I changed. Applicant must prric ovide a is schedule of rates paid. Interest Beaming ZKI Rates offered by J.P. Morgan are "managed which means they are set at the discretion of the bank and subject to change at any time. Most interest bearing accounts use an actual/actual day basis calculation where interest accrues daily and is paid monthly. Account Aiialysis Earnings Credit The ECR is a managed rate reviewed and updated periodically by J.P. Morgan after considering a range of factors, including the market rate environment and J.P. Morgan's demand for funds. Using a managed rate helps to maintain pricing flexibility while helping to protect clients from the short-term rate volatility that could result from using an indexed rate. Page 82 J.Y.Morcran A R The sample collateral agreements have provided on the following pages. Page 83 J','PMorgan Exhibit F it Instructions for- Co rriple ink a Pledgee. A.g:ree! ent & AuthorizatiQn List Please retain a blank copy of the Pledgee Agreement for future use and copy of the completed form for your records. Please type or print in ink the following information in the appropriate sections of the form • Please list the name of your entity, as it appears on your statements, on the blank line in the first sentence. (e.g. We, the "Town of Plainville") a Pledgee number is the four -character identifier that begins with an alpha character, is assigned by the Federal Reserve Bank, and can be found on your statement as the Institution ID. If this is a request to open a new account, please write "NEW". To allow substitution of collateral, check the box YES to permit financial institutions that pledge collateral to you to replace or substitute collateral at the same or greater current value (par for par) without your having to approve each transaction: • Replacement collateral must be deposited the same day that the request to release the collateral is made. At no time are you at risk of being under -collateralized. No collateral will be released without a qualifying substitution or your approval. • FRB staff will calculate the current book value of the replacement collateral and ensure that it is of equal or greater value to the collateral it is rtrzi..placing. • A Pledgee Activity statement will be sent to you as notification that a substitution has been completed. • Select NO to approve each and every dividual transaction. in Call-back procedure refers to the number of Authorized Individuals who must approve a release of collateral. By checking the box for three -party call-back, you are indicating that one individual from your organization can initiate a collateral transaction and that same person can also verify the transaction. By checking the box for four -party call-back, you are indicating that two individuals from your organization are required for every approval: one individual can initiate the transaction but a second must verify it. (In both cases, the other two parties are Federal Reserve individuals.) Name, title, signature, fax and telephone numbers of each individual authorized to release securities pledged to this public entity and held in a joint custody account at the Federal Reserve 40 Bank. This list will be used to verify the authenticity of instructions to release pledged securities. Please provide at least three names and as many additional people as you need to accol"11'"modate vacations, illness, turnover, etc. Please list them in the order you prefer they be contacted. Rev 01/2006 Exhibit "F" Instructions for Completing a Pledgee Agreement (page 2 of 2) • Signature, name, and title of the officer who is authorized to designate the listed individuals. We recommend that the officer not be included on this list as one of the persons authorized to release securities. By signing this form, the officer authorizes the individuals listed to release pledged securities. This signature must be notarized. Notary Information with seal must be obtained to validate the authenticity of the signature of the approving officer. • Please Return the completed Pledgee Agreement to, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 600 Atlantic Avenue Boston, MA 022 10 Attn: Wholesale Operations/Joint Custody Or fax toll -free to: 877m973m8972 If you have questions or require assistance, please call a customer support representative: 800-327=0147, option 4. You can viARMARMARMew Opemonorating Circular 7 at the following web address: W'WW.-rTbserv-i*ces.or/�O�erabn�C;itculars;'�df/t�c7.pcifFIRM Rev 01/2006 Pledgee Agreement Form Exhibit "F" To: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Tel: 800-327-0147, Option #4 600 Atlantic Avenue Boston, MA 022 10 Attn: Wholesale Operations/Joint Custody Fax: 877-973-8972 Date: We, the agree to the terms of Appendix C of your Operating Circular 7, dated August 19, 2005, as it maybe amended from time to time with respect to the account on your books designated . (4 digit alpha -numeric account number) We further agree that you may accept par for par substitutions: securities from the Pledgor as a replacement of, or in substitution for, those securities presently held (please check one): ------------ NO (Instructions required for each withdrawal) ---------------------- YES (Standing approval) Provided that the replacement or substitution does not reduce the aggregate par amount of securities held in custody for us. (See Operating Circular 7, Appendix C, Section 4.3.) We authorize you to use the following call-back procedure for securities transactions pertaining to this account (please check one): 1: ■ Three' -party call-back ........... Four -party call-back ... ....... We certify that the individuals listed below may take authoritative action on our behalf with respect to the account, including a direction to release collateral from the account. You may rely on the authority of these individuals with respect to the account until we otherwise notify you. Telephone: Fax: Telephone: Fax: Telephone: Fax: Print Name: Title: Signature: Date: Print Name: Title: Signature: Date: Print Name: Signature: Title: Date: REV 01/2006 Telephone: Fax: Pledgee Agreement (page 2 of 2) Exhibit "F" Print Name: Signature: The Undersigned hereby certifies that he/she is the present lawful incumbent of the designated public office. State of County of On this day of he/she resides at State of (Signature of Notary) (Print name of Notary) My commission expires on Pledgee Notary Name of governmental unit Street Address or P.O Box Number City, State, Zip Code Official Signature/ Date Printed Name and Title 20_ before me personally appeared Title: Date: to me personally known or satisfactorily proven, who by me duly sworn, did depose and say that in the City of that he/she is the [Title] of and that he/she executed this document on behalf of before me. [Date] . in the REV 01/2006 Federal Reserve Ban Joint Custody ServiciW0&1il@f1Fff RequestForm PLEASE TYPE FORM, PRINT, & SUBMIT (handwritten forms may delay FRBservices.org processing) Internal FR (Upon receipt by the Federal Reserve Bank) Federal Reserve Bank Use Only Due Diligence Verified: Initials: Date: Use of the FedMail° access solution is governed by Federal Reserve Bank Operating Circular 5, Electronic Access ("OC 5"). Depending on the services you choose to access using FedMail, additional Operating Circulars may govern. Federal Reserve Bank Operating Circulars are available at RBserjices.urg fre ulatlonso feratin cirulars.htn'il. Submission of this form constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions of OC 5 and other applicable Operating Circulars and agreements. The Federal Reserve Banks have no obligation to verify the accuracy of the information you provide below and have the right to rely on such information in connection with the provision of FedMail access to the services you are requesting. Except to the extent prohibited by law or regulation, you agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the Federal Reserve Banks against any claim, loss, liability, or expense made against or incurred by the Federal Reserve Banks in connection with their reliance on the information provided below. Section 1 — General *Required Fields State or Local Government Institution Name Telephone Phone Extension Joint Custody Account Number(s) ° Provide the 4-digit alpha -numeric account number(s) below that are listed as "institution ID" on your statement. This form may be used for multiple account numbers being delivered to the same addresses, with a maximum of four account numbers. Account #1 Account #2 Account #3 Account #4 Section 2 — Service Profile Instructions 1. For email delivery, please provide more than one email address. 2. If updates are required to your current Joint Custody pledgee agreement, please call 800-327-0147 and select option 4. The email address(es) and/or fax number(s) below will remain in effect until an updated Joint Custody FedMail Request Form is submitted. Joint Custody Service (JCCR) Email Address or Fax Number This list replaces the prior email addresses and/or fax numbers on file for your organization. Last Updated: 03/11 Page 1 of 2 Federal Reserve Bank Joint CustodvX �i�it IIP1 YMail@ Request Form Section 3 — Service Description Service Description ...... Joint Custody Service Provides the ability to receive Joint Custody Daily Activity Statements and monthly (JCCR) Securities Holdings Reports electronically. The email Is sent In text format; the statements and reports are sent as attachments, which may be viewed with a text editor, spreadsheet or word processing software. Section 4 — Authorized Approval Name First Middle Initial Last Signature The person signing this form must be listed on your current pledgee agreement on file with the Federal Reserve Bank as authorized to act for your account. Date Telephone hone Extension Please submit this form to the Customer Contact Center at: Email: ccc.coordinators )kc.frb.or Fax: 800-660-7856 Mail: Customer Contact Center Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City P.O. Box 219416 Kansas City, MO 64121-9416 The Financial Services logo and "FedMail" are registered service marks of the Federal Reserve Banks. A complete listing of marks owned by the Federal Reserve Banks is available at FRBservices.org. Last Updated: 03/11 Page 2 of 2 Exhibit it F it APPENDIX Cm. CUSTODY AGREEMENT FOR BOOK -ENTRY SECURITIES This Appendix sets forth the terms under which this Bank holds Book -Entry Securities in. custody for the benefit of a state or local government or unit thereof to which the securities have been pledged. Unless otherwise agreed in writing between this Bank and a Pledgee, this Appendix applies only to Book -Entry Securities pledged for the purposes specified in Paragraphs 4.3.2(a)(ii) of this Operating Circular ("Circular"). This Appendix constitutes an agreement, as described in the Applicable Regulations, regarding the security interest of a non - Participant in Book -Entry Securities held by a Participant on the books of this Bank. Each Reserve Bank has issued an Appendix C to Circular No. 7 identical to this one. 1n0 DEFINITIONS In addition to the terms defined in the Circular, the terms defined in this Paragraph have the following meanings when used in this Appendix. (a) AP plicable Regulations means the regulations of issuers of Book -Entry Securities listed in Appendix A to this Circular. (b) Collateral Transaction means the pledge of Book -Entry Securities by a Pledgor to a Pledgee; the release of Pledged Securities to a Pledgor; or the substitution of the same par value amount of new Pledged Securities for existing Pledged Securities that are released to the Pledgor. (c) Pledged Security means a Book -Entry Security that is held in a Restricted Securities Account. (d) Pledgee means the state or local government or unit thereof, to which Book- Entry Securities have been pledged. (e) Pledgor means the Participant that has pledged the Book -Entry Securities. 2.0 GOVERNING LAW 2al The Bank provides custodial services in accordance with Paragraph 4-3.2(a)(ii) of the Circular and this Appendix. The Bank's rights and obligations in providing custodial services pursuant to this Appendix are governed solely by the Circular, this Appendix, and the Applicable Regulations. 282 Pledgor and Pledgee warrant that a pledge of Book -Entry Securities marked on the books of the Bank under the provisions of this Appendix is in accordance with applicable law. If any provision of any bond, security or pledge agreement between Pledgor and Pledgee, or any subsequent waiver, modification or amendment of such agreement, imposes any duties on this Bank that are inconsistent with the provisions of this Appendix, the provisions of this Appendix govern. Provisions of state law that are inconsistent with, or in addition to, the provisions of this Appendix are not binding on this Bank unless otherwise agreed in writing. Operating Circular No. 7 18 Effective April 1, 2013 eguxPattions,te"F"2.3 Under the Applicable isecurity interest of a Pledgee is perfected by this Bank's marking the security interest on its books, and the security interest has priority over any other interest in the Pledged Securities, other than a security interest of the United States. 3.0 ESTABLISHMENT OF RESTRICTED SECURITIES ACCOUNT 3al This Bank will establish a Restricted Securities Account for the benefit of a Pledgee once the Pledgee has agreed to the terms of this Appendix and has provided such other information as may be required -by the Bank. Existing Pledgees may be required to execute a new agreement with the Bank but, in the absence of such new agreement, are deemed to have agreed to the provisions of this Appendix by continuing to hold Pledged Securities with the Bank. Forms for this purpose are available from the Bank. 3n2 By initiating a Collateral Transaction, a Pledgor agrees to all the provisions of this Appendix, as amended from time to time. 4.0 COLLATERAL TRANSACTIONS 4al A Collateral Transaction is initiated by the Pledgor and, except for the pledge of new Pledged Securities, requires the prior approval of the Pledgee or its authorized representative. Collateral Transaction requests and Pledgee authorizations are subject to verification procedures the Bank specifies from time to time. 4m2 If a Pledged Security is unacceptable as collateral to a Pledgee, the Pledged Security will not be released to the Pledgor without the authorization of the Pledgee. The Bank assumes no responsibility to determine if a Pledged Security is acceptable to the Pledgee. 4w3 A Pledgee may provide the Bank with written standing instructions to permit substitutions of like par value amounts of Pledged Securities without the consent of the Pledgee. A substitution transaction involving a lesser par value amount of Pledged Securities requires Pledgee authorization for the release of Pledged Securities. In the case of a substitution involving an Amortizing Book -Entry Security, par value refers to the outstanding book value of the Book -Entry Security at the time of a substitution transaction. 4w4 The Bank issues a confirmation to the Pledgee and the Pledgor for each Collateral Transaction. The confirmation is conclusive evidence of the Collateral Transaction reflected therein. 5.0 INTEREST PAYMENTS AND OTHER PROCEEDS 5al Pursuant to Paragraph 9.2.1 of the Circular, the Bank credits payments of interest on the Pledged Securities to the Pledgor until the Bank receives (i) a written certification from the Pledgee or its authorized representative that the Pledgor is in default under any underlying pledge or security agreement between the Pledgor and the Pledgee, and (ii) written instructions directing the Bank to Operating Circular No. 7 19 Effective April 1, 2013 hold the interest pay� �k1A4 the interest payments in a non- MIR18 4t (F interest -bearing account until co lectin accordance with Paragraph 6 of this Appendix. 5s2 The Bank may hold principal of Pledged Securities that mature or are called for redemption in full in anon—interest-bearing account, as permitted by Paragraph 9.3.1 of the Circular, until the earliest of the following: (a) Pledged Securities are deposited in substitution for the principal in accordance with Paragraph 4.3 of this Appendix; (b) the principal is released in accordance with the authorization of the Pledgee; and (C) the principal is collected by the Pledgee in accordance with Paragraph 6 of this Appendix. 5m3 On the day a Pledged Security that is an Amortizing Book -Entry Security is to be paid off, the Bank shall debit the Pled9or's Master Account before the opening of the Fedwire Securities Service for the amount of principal to be paid to the Pledgor and hold that amount in anon—interest-bearing account until the earliest of the following: (a) Book -Entry Securities are deposited in substitution in accordance with Paragraph 4.3 of this Appendix for the Pledged Security that paid off; (b) that amount is released in accordance with the authorization of the Pledgee; and (C) that amount is collected by the Pledgee in accordance with Paragraph 6 of this Appendix. The Bank credits the principal of a Pledged Security that is to be paid off to the Pledgor's Master Account in accordance with Paragraph 9.3.1 of the Circular. If that credit is not made by 4:30 p.m. ET on the day the Pledged Security is to be paid off, the Bank shall debit from the non —interest -bearing account the amount previously debited from the Pled9or's Master Account under this paragraph and recredit that amount to the Pled9or's Master Account that same day. 6.0 COLLECTION OF PLEDGED SECURITIES AND PROCEEDS 6ol If the Pledgee or its authorized representative certifies in writing to the Bank that the Pledgor is in default under any underlying pledge or security agreement between the Pledgor and the Pledgee, and certifies that the Pledgee has satisfied any notice or other requirement to which the Pledgee is subject, the Pledgee may instruct the Bank in writing to transfer specific amounts and issues of Pledged Securities and, if applicable, specific amounts of interest payments or other proceeds of Pledged Securities not previously credited to the Pledgor or Operating Circular No. 7 20 Effective April 1, 2013 otherwise released, to�����ddLF4bn the books of this Bank or another Reserve Bank. 662 Promptly after receiving such certifications and instructions, the Bank will make the transfer instructed by the Pledgee. 6w3 The Bank is not required to obtain the consent of the Pledgor for any such transfer and assumes no responsibility for determining the validity of a Pledgee 9 s declaration of the Pledgor's default or of the underlying pledge or security agreement between the Pledgor and the Pledgee. 7wO PROHIBITED ACTS 7al Notwithstanding any other provision of this Appendix or the Circular to the contrary, the Bank is not required to perform any act directed or required by the Pledgee if the Bank is prohibited from performing the act by law or by court order. 8.0 LIMITATIONS ON BANK'S LIABILITY AND DUTIES 8al The Bank is liable only for the actual direct loss sustained by a Pledgee or Pledgor proximately caused by the Reserve Bank's failure to exercise ordinary care or act in good faith in performing its duties under this Appendix. In no event shall the Reserve Bank be liable for consequential, indirect, incidental or special damages (including lost profits), however derived, and regardless of whether the Reserve Bank has been informed of the possibility thereof. Both the Pledgee and the Pledgor release and forever discharge the Bank from all other claims, demands, and liability of the Pledgee or the Pledgor, or both, in connection with the Bank's performance of its duties under this Appendix and indemnify the Bank for any claims of other parties, including costs of litigation and reasonable attorneys'fees, with respect to Pledged Securities held by the Bank. 862 In particular, but not exclusively, the Bank has no duty to: (a) act as escrow agent or in any other capacity not expressly provided for in this Appendix; (b) determine the validity of the pledge of securities by the Pledgor to the Pledgee, including whether any required bond, pledge, or security agreement has been executed; (C) monitor the value of a Pledged Security, or the declining book value of a pay -down Pledged Security subsequent to its pledge, or ensure that the type, amount, or value of a Pledged Security is that which is required under state or local law; (d) verify ownership, validity, or legality of the Pledged Securities; (e) pay assessments as provided under state or local law; Operating Circular No. 7 21 Effective April 1, 2013 (f) � call, exchange offer, or the like, aecting t e ledged Securities; (g) carry insurance against loss of the Pledged Securities; or (h) inquire into the existence or continuance of the powers or authority of a public official who is the Pledgee or is acting for the Pledgee or the successors in office to or any person represented to the Bank as authorized to act on behalf of the Pledgee. However, the Bank may require a certificate from the proper authority showing that the public official, or any person represented to the Bank as authorized to act on behalf of the Pledgee, is and continues to be so authorized. 9nO DISPUTES In the event of notice of a conflicting claim with respect to Pledged Securities, the Bank may hold the Pledged Securities, including interest and proceeds, pending settlement of the dispute either by agreement of the parties or by order of a court of competent jurisdiction. 10.0 TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT OR PLEDGE SECURITIES ACCOUNT 10.1 The Bank or the Pledgee may terminate this Agreement and close any Restricted Securities Account established under this Appendix by giving not less than 30 calendar days advance written notice of termination to the other party and to the Pledgor. 10w2 The Bank may release Pledged Securities held by the Bank to the Pledgor at the end of the 30-day period. However, if, within the 30 day period, the Bank (a) receives written instructions from the Pledgor to otherwise dispose of the Pledged Securities and (b) the Pledgee's separate written approval thereof, the Bank will dispose of the Pledged Securities in accordance with these instructions. 1083 If, by reason of a merger or otherwise, a Pled9or I s Book -Entry Securities account is transferred to another Reserve Bank, the Pledged Securities held by this Bank will be transferred to the other Reserve Bank, with 30 calendar days prior notice to affected Pledgees. If Pledged Securities are transferred to this Bank pursuant to this provision, this Bank will hold the Pledged Securities pursuant to the terms of this Appendix and the existing Pledgee Agreement with the transferor Reserve Bank but may require a new Pledgee agreement. 11.0 FEES The Pledgor shall pay any fees for services provided under this Appendix, as announced by the Bank from time to time. Operating Circular No. 7 22 Effective April 1, 2013 12.0 AMENDMENT Exhibit itF" The Reserve Banks reserve the right to amend this Appendix at any time without prior notice. Operating Circular No. 7 23 Effective April 1, 2013 4. SECURITY MEASURES Applicant must provide a detailed description of security measures to prevent fraud and unauthorized electronic and non -electronic transfers, and protect the integrity of computer banking services and internal computer systems. JPMorgan Chase's program to safeguard customer information and provide a secure information technology environment is detailed on the following pages. Page 96 J.1?Morgan Exhibit it F it James A. LaFleur Managing Director Chief Technology Controls Officer Rohan M. Amin Managing Director Chief Information Security Officer JPMorgan Chase's Program to Safeguard Customer Information and Provide a Secure Information Technology Environment Dear Valued Customer, At JPMorgan Chase (JPMC), we are committed to safeguarding our customers' data and have developed a rigorous program to do so. We are also committed to observing the data protection laws and regulations in each of the jurisdictions in which we do business. Our Information Security Program is designed to: - Provide clear guidance regarding the protection of customer information; - Monitor our systems for threats to customer information; - Provide security solutions that minimize the threat to customer information; - Help employees understand their responsibilities with respect to the protection of customer information and the security of our systems; - Expect our relevant third -party service providers to adhere to specific security policies and standards, as well as regulatory obligations as applicable; - Address all customer notification and other requirements regarding information protection. The Information Security Program is governed by the following pr41 inciples: - The foundation of the Program is a set f IT Risk and Security Policies and Standards that establish rules for safeguarding the JPMC IT environment. - The Program has oversight by the Global Technology Operating Committee and is managed by a firmwide Global Technology Controls Committee, composed of representatives of each line of business and relevant JPMC corporate functions. - The Program is reviewed and approved by the JPMC Audit Committee of the Board of Directors on an annual basis. - Our IT programs and processes are subject to reviews on an ongoing basis by JPMC internal and external Auditors. - The Program is subject to periodic inspections by regulatory authorities across the world in countries where JPMC operates. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Copyright © 2016 JPMor an Chase & Co. All ri hts reserved. Thig g s document contains information that ' �s . confidential and is the roe of JPMorgan Chase & Co. It may not be reproduced, ' . property � 9 y p oduced, distributed or used, C i_&inwh I r .�. . p-- S. o e o in art for an ur th �.. ....f.�� part, • y purpose other than as expressly authorized by JPMorgan Chase. All services are subject to applicable laws, regulations and services terms. All trademarks, trade names and service marks appearing herein are the property of their respective owners. pp 9 p p Y p Exhibit "F" Areas of Focus Key areas of the JPMC Information Security Program are: 1. Cybersecurity Program The cyber defense strategy is designed to ensure the security of the firm's IT infrastructure, as well as coordinating firmwide response to security -related events via an integrated approach across the bank and the external ecosystem. This strategy is designed to: • Engineer security from the ground up to build a fortress foundation that provides resiliency, which includes security embedded throughout the technology stack and adapting security and controls to global business, regulatory and threat environments. � Innovate strong security operations that are risk -based and intelligence -led, including comprehensive insider and third -party threat protection. • Fully engage the business and external ecosystem as cyber defense partners, and ensure business awareness and preparedness through robust training and simulation, increasing our reach through global partner engagement, • Safeguard business data at all levels, by identifying and implementing protection technology for information leaving JPMC and within the arm - including differential protection for critical information assets and appropriate disposal of assets, media and portable devices The Firm's Cybersecurity Program has comprehensive security policies, procedures and control measures, which are designed to provide an enterprise -wide strategy to defend the bank, minimize threats to customer information and ensure a stable and secure operating environment. The program includes: Network & Email Security, Endpoint Security, Data Protection & Cloud, Application Security, Vulnerability Reduction, Security Event & Incident Management, Digital Forensics, Fraud & Protect the Client, and Data Management. 2. Identity and Access Management The primary focus of the Identity and Access Management function is the institution of access standards and controls across the firm's infrastructure and applications, particularly those that contain customer information. These controls are designed to provide services to authenticate users, permit authorized access, enforce consistent administration procedures, maintain segregation of duties, and ensure timely changes through certification/termination/transfer processes for firmwide information systems. 3. Resiliency Management The Global Resiliency program is designed to provide an integrated firmwide resiliency program aligned to our business strategy and principles, as well as the requirements of our customers and clients globally. We do this by planning, preparing and testing: • Providing continuity of client and customer services while protecting the firm's employees and assets; .............................. ..................................... o ........................................... o ......... ..................... Oo .......... o ........................ 0 ...... 0 ...................... o ............. ........................ o .............. o— .............................. ...................... ...................... ......... 0— .......... 0 ...... 00 ..... o ...... ................................ o .............................. Copyright O 2016 JPMorgan Chase & Co. All rights reserved. This document contains information that is 2 :confidential and is the property of JPMorgan Chase & Co. It may not be reproduced, distributed or used, � RAN.."11ORGAN C j _� � A,��.t, 0., in whole or in part, for any purpose other than as expressly authorized by JPMorgan Chase. All services are subject to applicable laws, regulations and services terms. All trademarks, trade names and service marks appearing herein are the property of their respective owners. Exhibit "F" • Engaging senior management on key aspects of the program, strategy, leadership and program oversight; • Proactively managing resiliency risks to incorporate appropriate mitigations and controls; • Developing and maintaining resiliency plans based on impact analysis and criticality; • Helping employees understand their role in recovery scenarios and undertake validation tests and exercises across critical functions and locations. Global Resiliency program is intended to ensure that the Firm has the ability to recover its critical business functions and supporting assets (i.e., staff, technology and facilities) in the event of a business interruption. 4. Physical Security, Investigation and Crisis Management The Physical Security and Business Resiliency and Crisis Management programs,, managed by the Global Security and Investigations (GS&I) organization, are designed to protect JPMC's physical assets from theft, damage or destruction and to coordinate firmwide response to global and regional crises. Among other things, it is designed to ensure controls on physical access to JPMC locations. Specific restrictions are also placed on computer facilities within JPMC locations that contain critical systems or confidential information and logs are maintained with regard to access to those locations. GS&I is also responsible for performing background checks and fingerprinting on all U.S.-based employees with responsibilities for, or access to, customer information. GS&I plays a key role in underpinning the security of the firm. The group achieves this by seeking to minimize fraud losses and meeting all regulatory reporting requirements relating to fraud, security, and crimes against the bank. The Investigations group proactively determines and investigates both fraud instances and employee wrongdoings, and in so doing, assists in identifying control gaps and recommending remediation solutions. S. Third -Party Risk Management The Third -Party Risk Management Program establishes the risk management governance framework for the firm's third -party relationships. The framework includes identifying, assessing, addressing and monitoring risk emanating from third -party vendors and partners and leveraging integrated reporting and analysis for effective risk posture management. 6. Production Assurance The Production Assurance program is aimed at ensuring the existence and use of appropriate processes, tools, and governance surrounding Change Management, Problem Management and Incident Management of production systems across the firm. The focus is to ensure the stability of the production environment, and to promote and enact strict controls that maintain the integrity of the firm's production systems. Copyright OO 2016 JPMorgan Chase & Co. All rights reserved. This document contains information that is confidential and is the property of JPMorgan Chase & Co. It may not be reproduced, distributed or used, � _ 3 in whole or in part, for any purpose other than as expressly authorized by JPMorgan Chase. All services JPNI/fORGAN C:.�-� :.�S.F�� �-� �-�• are subject to applicable laws, regulations and services terms. All trademarks, trade names and service marks appearing herein are the property of their respective owners. Exhibit it F V1 7. Risk Assessment As part of the Information Security Program, there are processes in place to inventory and protect certain asset classes for Personal Information, including business applications, third party vendors, email content, data backups, and laptops. An enhanced IT Risk Framework provides improved risk assessment processes and leverages synergies and automation. In addition, the IT Risk & Security Management functions govern or participate in the following supplemental assessment initiatives: • Periodic Risk Assessments • Risk -Control Self -Assessment (RCSA) • Application Risk Assessment Review (ARA) • Perimeter Infrastructure Risk Assessment (PIRA) • Vulnerability Scans • Third Party Risk Assessment • Project Risk Assessments • Location Control Assessment (LCA) 8. Compliance Measurement and Reporting Monitoring for compliance with the requirements of the Information Security Program is incorporated in multiple assessment reports and techniques including: • Risk and Control Self -Assessment Process • IT Control Metrics Monthly Review Process • Monthly Data Protection Steering Committee Meeting • Monthly Global Technology Operating Committee Business Controls Committee Meeting • JPMC Internal Audits The following additional activities ensure that the Information Security Program is adjusted to address appropriate risk priorities: • Global Production Assurance Process • Security Event Management Process • Vulnerability Assessment Process • Application Security Assessment Process • Third Party Oversight Process • Weekly Global Technology Control Committee • Monthly Technology Business Controls Committee • Lines of Business Risk and Controls Committees • Policy and Standards Lifecycle and Approval Process .............................. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ Copyright O 2016 JPMorgan Chase & Co. All rights reserved. This document contains information that is confidential and is the property of JPMorgan Chase & Co. It may not be reproduced, distributed or used, 4 in whole or in part, for any purpose other than as expressly authorized by JPMorgan Chase. All services � �'1-0�'�G-A� N%-JP�` .��-��.�'� �- �-� �• are subject to applicable laws, regulations and services terms. All trademarks, trade names and service marks appearing herein are the property of their respective owners. Exhibit "F" 9. Privacy TheJPMorgan Chase Privacy Program is managed by the JPMC Chief Privacy office and is designed to comply with global privacy regulatory requirements through the development of policies, standards, controls, advisory services and process enhancements. 10. Training and Awareness Information Security Awareness is supported jointly from the Corporate Technology & Risk (CTR) and Cybersecurity teams, in partnership with the Chief Learning Office, to ensure ongoing communication with Regional and Business representatives. � The IT Risk Training program offers live, virtual and computer -based training to all IT risk and controls practitioners across the firm. • In addition, as per the JPMC Global Privacy Program, all employees are required to take annual awareness training on data privacy, which includes confidentiality, security and responding to the unauthorized access to or use of information. • Cybersecurity training has been rolled out across the firm as a firmwide mandate. The training is based on the firm's cybersecurity policies and standards, and is supplemented by a firmwide cyber awareness program and testing initiatives (i.e. phishing tests); staff members who fail spear phishing tests receive immediate awareness and education. • There is regular coverage of Cybersecurity themes to all employees globally, along with outreach to targeted audiences for awareness and training on how to help ensure securing access controls. � The firm has executed thirteen Cybersecurity Simulations in 2015, consisting of tabletop exercises with each major line of business as well as operational -level drills with Global and LoB Cyber Teams; the firm will continue to expand the scope and sophistication of simulation exercises into 2016 and beyond. Thank you for your continued confidence in JPMorgan Chase. James A. LaFleur Managing Director Chief Technology Controls Officer Rohan M. Amain Managing Director Chief Information Security Officer .............................. .................................................................................................................................. o .................................................................................................................. o .................................................................................................. o ................................................... ............................................. Copyright 4 2016 JPMorgan Chase & Co. All rights reserved. This document contains information that is 5 :confidential and is the property of JPMorgan Chase & Co. It may not be reproduced, distributed or used, J P.1---\,,10RG-A N. �.�.� :.��.�, in whole or in part, for any purpose other than as expressly authorized by JPMorgan Chase. All services are subject to applicable laws, regulations and services terms. All trademarks, trade names and service marks appearing herein are the property of their respective owners. Applicant must provide detailed descriptions and specifications for use of all proposed electronic systems and services. ACCESS Online supports the operating systems and Internet browsers listed below. For optimal performance, the bank requests that the City confirm that its systems meet the recommended hardware and software standards. Page 102 Jjr.Morcyan b Page 103 J. P. M o r a, Ca, n ------------------ ------------------------------- --------------- k9[Q 04 W-1 ------------ - ---------------------- ... ..... . ..... ..... ...... .. ..... .... gkgg-� ........... �-, - -:;� � ............... ................... . "N. 1. 0? Mg S. .............. .......... . .... ....... ........................ . . .. ........... . .......... ..................................... ...... ..... ..................... Other 0 Adobe Reader: Acrobat Document Cloud (DC) 201.016.20039 is recommended. Version 11 and DC Software 2015-010.20056 is also supported. 0 Adobe Flash Player: Version 22is recommended. Versions 18,20 and21 are also supported. * Compression software (e.g. WinZip, SecurZIP for Windows) may be required to export reports and files. 0 Microsoft Excel 2010for export of reports data using TSV Unicode" format is recommended. Microsoft Excel2013 is also supported. 0 Note: Adobe Reader and Flash are available on the J.P. Morgan ACCESS download page. Workstation 0 Memory: 4 GB RAM or higher is recommended, 2 GB RAM minimum. 0 Disk Space: Recommended: 1oGB free space available. 0 Monitor: 1280X1024 resolution or higher, 16-bit color or higher is recommended. 1024x768 resolution, 256-color minimum. 0 Best Practices: Use a workstation dedicated to Internet banking (not for email or web browsing). DO NOT use a workstation shared by public, such as at a library or Internet caf6. 0 We strongly recommend that user workstations be regularly updated with operating system and browser security updates. Regular virus scans should be completed, as well. J.P. Morgan Cash Reports, Checks, Payments (Account Transfer, Book, Wire) Approval & Release and/or Trade: ACCESS 0 Apple iPhone, iPad and iPod touch mobile devices, iOS To and greater. Mobile * Android smartphones and tablets, Android 4.4 and greater. Email J.P. Morgan email domains should not be blocked: @chase.com, @jpmchase.com, @jpmorgan.com. Filtering Network The following settings typically apply to network -based proxy solutions and are not required to be Proxy configured on the user's browser settings. To enable connectivity to J.P. Morgan ACCESS, please configure your network proxy solution to allow access to the following domains: *.jpmorgan.com, *.jpmorganaccess.com, *.acetmanagement.com, *jpmacontent.corn Page 104 J.P.M_"'orcyan b 6. SAFEKEEPING FEES Attach a schedule which shows all safekeeping related fees, if offered. Please refer to Bank Services Fee Schedule, for safekeeping fees. Page 105 JP'..Morcyan 7. SAMPLE SAFEKEEPING REPORT Sample monthly safekeeping report of the City owned securities, if offered. A sample safekeeping report follows this page. Page 106 1 - Y.Morgan Account Title FOOTNOTES AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS SHOWN ABOVE WE HELD THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY FOR THE ACCOUNT INDICATED CUSIP MATURITY OR. CODE AMOUNT/,SHARES DESCRIPTION RATE NU14BER PAR VALUE U.S. GOVERNMENT AND AGENCIES F 11000,000.00 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS BOND FIXED 1% 28/NOV/2017 USD 5000 DATED DATE: 11/28/14 F 11000,000.00 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS BOND FIXED .7 % 12/DEC/2016 USD 5000 DATED DATE: 12/12/14 F 1 000,000.00 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS BOND FIXED .6 25% 30/MAR/2017 USD 5000 DATED DATE: 04/15/15 F 1, 000, 00.00 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS BOND FIXED .7 2% 13/FEB/2017 USD 5000 DATED DATE: 02/13/15 F 1,1000,000.00 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS BOND FIXER .8 % 30/JUN/2017 USD 5000 DATED DATE: 06/30/15 r 21000,000.00 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS BOND FIXED .7 5% 28/AUG/2017 USD 5000 DATED:DATE: 07/24/15 r 10000,C100.00 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS BOND FIXED .6 / 2 0 USD) .5 0 0 0 �5y}%p� �x0{_f8�)1� ��r�}'Aid ;}1�{ t8�r J/ yt DATED DATE: 0/ 1 0 8 f 1 6 F I, 000, Q00. 00 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANK BOND FIXED . 625°gyp 22/MAY/2017 USD 1000 DATED DATE: 05/22/15 r 10000e000.00 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANK BOND FIXED . 625% 23/NOV/'2016 USD 1000 DATED DATE: 03/23/15 p 1,0000,400.00 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANK BOND FIXED . 75% 14/AUG/2017 USD 1000 DATED DATE: 08/14/1.5 F 1, 000, 000.00 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANK BOND FIXED . 65% 19/:TUN/2 17 USD 1000 DATED DATE: 08/19/15 F 1,997,000.00 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANK BOND FIXED . 875% 27/NOV/2017 USD 1000 DATED DATE: 01/27/16 F 11000,000.00 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANK BOND FIXED . 6 5% 10 ,/ AUG / 2 01'7 USD 1000 DATED DATE: 05/10116 F l,0009000.00 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANK BOND FIXED . 67% 08/JAN/2018 USD 1000 DATED DATE: 07/08/16 F I,115sQ00.00 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS BOND FIXED 1. 625% 0.9/DEC/2016 USD 5000 DATED DATE: 11/09/10 F 140000000.00 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS BOND FIXED 1. 28% 21/AUG/2017 USD 5000 DATED DATE: 08/21/13 3130A3LY8 2 1.0000 11/28/2017 3130A3Q64 2 .7000 12/12/2016 3130A4ZB1 2 .6250 03/30/2017 3130A46U1 2 .7200 02/13/2017 3130A5QL6 2 .8000 06/30/2017 3130A62S5 2 .7500 08/28/2017 3130A8NZ2 2 .6500 01/08/2018 3133EEN48 2 .6250 05/22/2017 3133EEUS7 2 .6250 11/23/2016 3133EE7C8 2 .7500 08/14/2017 3133EE7M6 2 .6500 06/19/2017 3133EFWC7 2 .8750 11/27/2017 3133EF6U6 2 .6500 08/10/2017 3133EGKP9 2 .6700 01/08/2018 313371PV2 2 1.6250 12/09/2016 313383WF4 2 1.2800 08/21/2017 EXPLANATION OF CODES: M-MEND ENTRY B-SPECIAL ITEM NOT IN OUR POSSESSION C-TEMPORARY CLEARANCE D-DEPOSITORY TRUST COMPANY F-FEDERAL BOOK ENTRY L-LOAN L -LONG OPTION POSITION SH-SHORT OPTION POSITION DP-DTC PLEDGE FP-FBE PLEDGE P-PTC PLEASE REFER TO THE DISCLAIMER PAGE AT THE END OF THIS REPORT FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Chase etrote Brooklyn. Y 4 REPORT OF ASx:B�S HELD__ H 'age 2 , Account Number Close Of Business Exhibit ,, 1 10/31/16 Account Title FOOTNOTES AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS SHOWN ABOVE WE HELD THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY FOR THE ACCOUNT INDICATED "BSI 1 T' .ITY O CODE IODUTISIES. DESCRIPTO� RATE . NR PAR VALUE F 1400,000.00 FEDERAL ROME LOAN MORTGAGE CORP NOTES 313 4 G 3 S 5 0 2 .6250 11 / 01 / 2 016 FIXED .625% 01./NOV'/2016 USD 1000 DATED DATE: 10/18/12 F 2, 000, 000.00 FEDERAL ROVE LOAN MORTGAGE CORPS CALLA, 3134G45U8 2 .8500 1.2 12/2017 BLE MEDIUM TERM NOTE: FIXED 0 . 8 5% 12 /D EC/2017 USD 1000 DATED DATE: 06/12/13 F 1, 0 o 0, 0 0 0.0 0 FEDERAL ROME LOAN MORTGAGE CORP NOTES 3.13 4G6YC1 2 .6700 0 5/ 3 0/ 2 017 FIXED : 67% 30/14AY/2017 USD 1000 DATED DATE: 0 4 / 2 7 / 15 F 2, 000, 000.00 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION 3135GONZ3 2 .8750 08 / 2 8 / 2 017 NOTES FIXED 0.875% 281AUG/2017 USD l 000 DATED DATE: 07/20/12 F 2,000,000.00 FEDERAL NATION MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION 3135GOPQO 2 .8750 10/26/2017 NOTESFIXED 0.875% 261OCT/2017 USD 1 000 'DATED DATE: 09/24/12 F 1, 000, 000.00 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION 313 5GORT2 2 .8750 12 / 2 0 / 2 017 BOND FIXED .875% 20/DEC/2017 USD 100 0 DATED DATE: 10/30/12 F 1., OOfl, 000.00 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION 3135GOVM2 2 .7500 03/14/2017 CALLABLE NOTES FIXED .75% 14/MAR/201 7 USD 1000 DATED DATE: 0 3 / 14 / 13 10000,000.00 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION 3135GOZB2 2 .7500 04/20/2017 NOTES FIXED .755s 20/APR/2017 USD 100 0 DATED .DATE: 03/10/14 F 0000,000.00 FEDERAL HONE LOAN MORTGAGE CORP NOTES 3137EADH9 2 1.0000 06/29/2017 FIXED 1% 29/JUN/2017 USD 1000 DATED DATE: 05/14/12 F 1, 000, 000.00 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORP NOTES 313 7 EADL O 2 1.0000 0 9 / 2 9 / 2 017 FIXED 1% 29/SEP/2017 USD 1000 HATED DATE: 08/10/12 TOTAL MARKET VALUE 0.00 TOTAL UNITS 31,,112,000.00 TOTAL NUMBER OF HOLDINGS - 26 EXPLANATION OF CODES: M-MEMO ENTRY B--SPECIAL ITS NOT IN OUR POSSESSION C-TEMPORARY CLEARANCE D-DEPOSITORY TRUST COMPANY F-FEDERAL BOOK ENTRY L-LOAN LG-LONG OPTION POSITION SH-SHORT OPTION POSITION DP-DTC PLEDGE FP-FBE PLEDGE P-PTC ....._....... __ ......_ ..... .......................................................................................... ........................................................................................... PLEASE REFER. TO THE DISCLA2f' PAGE AT THE .......... ..... ...................... ............... . ... .... ......... ...................... ....... ..... . - * ..:;: - .... -1. '. ;:: ....... ........... . ...... . . ..... .......................... . .... ....... ......... .... ...... . ..... ............... ...... ....... .... ........ ........... JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. . ........ 4 Chase Metrotech Center REPORT OF ASSETS GELD Brooklyn,, NY 11245 - --- -------- Exhibit "F" End of Report Disclaimer iiiiw :n H Page 3 Account Number I Close Of Business Account Title Market values and exchange rates were obtained from sources which J.P. Morgan believes to be reliable but have not been verified and are for the exclusive use of the customer. J.P. Morgan makes no statement or warranty, expressed or implied, that any quoted values reflect the proceeds 'which may be received on the sale of a security. Reports generated intraday are subject to change until end of day processing is complete. J.P. Morgan will not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of the inaccuracy of any such information or customer's reliance thereon. Assets reflected as ""held elsewhereff,, *'*Memo", ""memorandum," or "blue sheet" may not be held in custody by J.P. Morgan and may not he subject to J.P. Morgan"s control. As such, customers may have no securities entitlement or other right against J.P. Morgan with respect to these positions, and J.P. Morgan will not be liable with respect to these assets. Balances in BHD, BRL, CNY, COP, INIR, KRW, KM, KZT, TWD, UAH, VEF, VND, XOF and zwiD are held in accounts in the client's name with the subcustodian and are payable by the subcustodian only. Clients should contact their Relationship Manager for any questions related to this. Reports customized or edited by customers may not reflect all assets or transactions. Copyright J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. 2009. All rights reserved S. INVESTMENT ACCOUNT INFORMATION Applicant must provide information on the sweep account or investment account recommended for use by the City as well as detailed information on the applicant's ,most attractive interest yielding option. During this low rate option, J.P. Morgan recommends utilizing the ECR to offset banking services. Any excess funds can be placed in our J.P. Morgan's High Yield Savings Account via transfer from ACCESS Online which will be fully collateralized. We have provided information on other accounts that the City may consider. Investment Sweeps As a leading liquidity solutions provider, J.P. Morgan offers an extensive array of automated intraday and end -of -day investment sweeps to help clients efficiently invest account balances, maintain full intraday liquidity and meet investment guidelines. Investment sweep services afford competitive returns while simultaneously providing fluid integration with the City's operating accounts. Innovation. We continuously strive to maintain our position as a global leader in cash and liquidity management. In the past year few years, the bank invested $1o6 million in its global liquidity platform to deliver a broader selection of capabilities, more reliable service, and a consistent client experience around the world. Convenience. J.P. Morgan's automated investment sweeps can provide convenience and greater investment efficiency. Funds are automatically invested directly from the City's account based on flexible investment parameters that you set - investing all or part of the City's daily balances. Transparency. We expanded our electronic banking platform with J.P. Morgan ACCESS Liquidity Solutions that helps clients like the City actively manage global liquidity, reduce risk, and improve coordination across enterprises. J.P. Morgan ACCESS Liquidity Solutions provides real-time visibility into cash positions globally and monitors daily cash movements to increase transparency and control of the investment sweep process. The City can use the breadth of our services, reputation, and financial strength and stability to help build upon the efficiency and value of your own cash management operation. Below please see a detailed breakout of sweep investment options available to the City. Page 110 Morgan Orntic Ratings were issued by Standard & Poor's and Moody's. Credit ratings are provided for information purposes only. Credit ratings are solely the opinions of the rating agencies. J.P. Morgan does not endorse, and accepts no responsibility for, the credit ratings issued by the rating agencies. Credit ratings may be changed, superseded or withdrawn by the rating agencies at any time. Interest Bearing Accounts — Hybrid DDA In today's current rate environment, the City may consider using our Hybrid Demand Deposit Account (Hybrid DDA), which provides a combination of an earnings credit allowance on non -interest bearing balances to offset banking service fees and an interest rate on balances over a predetermined threshold. J.P. Morgan's Checking with Interest account provides a unique option of either paying interest on loo % of the collected account balance or providing a combination of earnings credit and interest. The earnings credit/interest combination is also referred to as our Hybrid Demand Deposit Account (Hybrid DDA) product, which combines a traditional DDA that receives an earnings credit rate to offset service fees with an interest bearing account. Balances up to a predetermined threshold earn an earnings credit allowance to offset bank service fees, with balances above the threshold earning hard dollar interest. Interest accrues daily and is paid monthly. Pale 111 J.P.Morcran A Hybrid DDA offers the following benefits: • Operating efficiency — Can be operationally more efficient for optimizing cash than managing a sweep or direct investment because the funds remain in one cash account and are available for use as needed. It may also reduce the cost that can accompany a sweep option • Full utilization of cash balances • Full liquidity — Balances are fully liquid throughout the business day with no restrictions on withdrawals • An attractive rate of return — In the current market, the Hybrid DDA can offer a competitive rate of return as compared to other short-term investment products Page 112 J"..,E""Morcyan Lir�--&� -1 11 l Summary of the applicant's business continuation plans as they pertain to the City`s ability to perform normal banking functions during natural and un-natural bank operation disruptions,, including a statement of commitment to provide the City continuous and ongoing Depository Bank services to the best of the successful applicant's ability. As an integral part of normal business operations within J.P. Morgan, every manager in the firm is responsible for developing and maintaining resiliency plans as part of the firm wide Resiliency Management Program, part of the firm's Global Resiliency and Information Technology Risk Management department. Resiliency activities of J.P. Morgan must comply with and are governed by several agencies that have laws, rules and regulations. Within the firm's policy, requirements have been defined for each critical business process to provide essential business and technology service levels to comply with resiliency requirements of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC), the Interagency White Paper on Sound Practices to Strengthen the Resilience of the U. S. Financial System and regulatory agencies within the different geographic regions. Resiliency planning is also commonly referred to by terms within the industry as business continuity, disaster recovery and contingency planning; they all represent the process whereby financial institutions ensure the maintenance or recovery of operations and service to their clients. Resiliency plans must explicitly address the business, operations and technology components of a business process, including those critical processes and functions provided by outside service providers and industry utilities. Contingency locations are an integral part of resiliency planning. In combination with the firm's testing program the locations ensure that the business resiliency plans remain accurate, relevant and operable to minimize disruption to our clients. Critical resiliency plans are tested annually, at a minimum, to verify the effectiveness of alternate locations and to demonstrate that the plans remain accurate and executable. J.P. Morgan's resiliency plans are subject to reviews by J.P. Morgan's Internal Audit Department and the Resiliency Risk Management group, which acts as the firm's governing body for Business Resiliency measures. The plans must address and comply with documented organizational requirements. All findings are escalated to the business units, Risk Management and division executive for review. The firm's Board of Directors reviews the status of the overall resiliency program on an annual basis. J.P. Morgan's exercises commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that the firm meets our obligations to you and to all of our clients. The firm's resiliency program provides comprehensive business impact analysis, risk assessment, resiliency planning and testing to ensure we can manage our risk and our clients risk within a reasonable time period. Page 113 J.P.Morgan A summary overview of J.P. Morgan's CIB business resiliency planning is provided for your review in the following pages. If you require more detail regarding our business resiliency planning methodology, we will be pleased to arrange a meeting for you with members of our business resiliency staff. Page 114 J.P.Moroun CL Exhibit "F" May 2016 The information contained in this document is confidential and proprietary to JPMorgan Chase Et Co. The business resiliency plans of JPMorgan Chase Et Co. are subject to change without notice and do not guarantee that for every disaster or business disruption: (i) such plans will be successfully implemented; or (ii) such plans, if implemented, will be sufficient and appropriate to avoid, deter or mitigate the disaster or business disruption. © 2016 JPMorgan Chase Et Co. All rights reserved. 0 Z Of OL Exhibit it F it Business Resiliency Planning Recovering from or even avoiding a service disruption, whether a component failure or a full- scale disaster, depends on a comprehensive and effective contingency and business resiliency planning process combined with experienced people to execute the plan. J.P. Morgan's business resiliency plans address all parts of the business -including employees, facilities, systems, telecommunications, and third parties. Our business resiliency plans are living documents that are updated on an ongoing basis to incorporate lessons learned and tested regularly to validate the effectiveness and completeness of the plans. Business Resiliency plans, recovery time objectives, " company confidential" and cannot be disclosed informational purposes, this document provides a planning, testing and implementation approach ir Investment Bank line of business. test dates and results are classified as r shared with external entities. For overview of the Business Resiliency place for J.P. Morgan's Corporate Et J.P. Morgan uses an integrated Business Resiliency strategy that addresses both the technology recovery (IT Resiliency) and business continuity planning (Business Resiliency) required to resume operations from a disruption and provide for continuing operations over the course of a business interruption. J.P. Morgan's Firm -wide Business Resiliency Program is designed to comply with all applicable guidelines from the U.S. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), the U.S. Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) and the Interagency White Paper on Sound Practices to Strengthen the Resilience of the U. S. Financial System. Additionally, there are approximately 100 guidelines worldwide for resiliency. As there is no universally accepted global resiliency regulation, the Firm views the guidelines as requirements to create Firm - wide standards as opposed to adopting a single regulation or standard as the Firm standard. Our corporate policies and line of business guidelines are documented to account for the various global regulations,, The Firm's Corporate Ft Investment Bank line of business business resiliency plans are subject to audits by various regulatory agencies, including the U.S. Federal Reserve, the U.S. OCC, the U.K. Prudential Regulatory Authority and the Financial Conduct Authority, Asia -Pacific monetary authorities and others. Recovery strategies and plans are documented to account for both the typical planning scenario and the worst -case scenario, involving loss of life and widespread geographic interruption. The corporate planning standard requires that the recovery strategies are sustainable for 30 days. J.P. Morgan's Global Business Resiliency group is responsible for leading the Firm -wide Business Resiliency Program. This Program includes corporate governance, awareness and training as well as strategic and tactical initiatives to ensure that risks are identified, assessed, and managed through a cycle of risk assessment, planning, testing and reporting,, Program governance utilizes a hierarchy of oversight committees to ensure visibility of the Firm's resiliency capabilities and requirements. The Business Resiliency Program and related governance structure is ultimately accountable to the Board of Directors of J.P. Morgan and reports into the Board of Directors through its Audit, Operating and Management Committees. The Firm's Corporate Et Investment Bank line of business maintains both a dedicated staff responsible for providing Business Resiliency services to all of its sub -business units and a ..a n- Pa M�0. 1 0 Exhibit "F" dedicated IT Resiliency team focused on technology resiliency. These professionals provide governance, oversight and compliance functions for business and technology personnel. The combined team is responsible to ensure that corporate, regulatory and country- specific requirements are met., IT recovery strategies and plans (also known as technology recovery plans) address the recovery of critical systems and applications from an interruption to normal processing cycles. A full range of technical solutions are used, with the specific technologies applied to each application /function depending on the criticality and recovery time objective of the specific application. J.P. Morgan data centers support a wide range of technology to provide high availability environments and alternate site recovery capabilities, including disk mirroring, clustering, geographically dispersed systems, and offsite tape backups, depending on the criticality and recovery time objective of the application(s). Documented business continuity strategies and plans address the recovery of functions and/or people to one or more viable alternate recovery sites. When similar processes utilizing like systems are performed at multiple locations, the use of a sister site or distributed operating model is generally the preferred recovery approach,, A sister site is defined as a facility that performs like processes, using similar systems and equipment, and where local management possesses expertise on the processes to be recovered at that location. In situations where only workspace or access to remote applications is required, other J.P. Morgan locations outside the production site zone are the preferred approach. Plan Development The services J.P. Morgan provides to our clients involve multiple systems and services that, when combined, deliver a best in class product to you. Apart of our resiliency process is to analyze that stream of systems and services to ensure they have adequate recovery time objectives and supporting resiliency plans to meet our client and J.P. Morgan needs should any one of those systems or services be interrupted. Our global resiliency effort is comprised of over 1,000 active business resiliency plans, each managed by a J.P. Morgan Business Resiliency Manager. J.P. Morgan's Risk Analysis considers numerous specific threats which include the following: ■ Economic Risk (e.g. economic developments in one country may negatively impact international transactions) ■ Natural Disaster Risk (e.g. likelihood of earthquakes, floods, fire, tsunamis, tornadoes and other natural hazards) ■ Operational Risk (e.g. the influence of societal and structural factors on business activity in a country, and the likelihood of state and non -state actors either 40 facilitating or impeding efficient business operations) ■ Political Risk (e.g. likelihood of state or non -state political actors negatively affecting 40 business operations in a country through regime instability or direct/indirect interference) ■ Security Risk (e.g. likelihood of state or non -state actors engaging in actions that harm the financial, physical and human assets of a company, and the extent to which the state is willing and able to protect those assets) ■ Terrorism Risk (e.g. likelihood that acts of terrorism directly business operations in a country. Terrorist acts may include hostage -taking, attacks using chemical, biological or radioactive non -conventional weapons, or threats of attacks) Jill rAK WEi •. or indirectly affect bombings, murder, agents, and use of 2 C3 Z ■ Travel Risk (e.g. the (including terrorism, (including sectarian, crime. Exhibit "F" threat posed to travelers and expatriates by political violence insurgency, politically motivated unrest and war), social unrest communal and ethnic violence) as well as violent and Dettv J.P. Morgan uses a formal Business Impact Analysis (BIA) process and a standard tool to gather and analyze data with each business unit,, For consistency of process and content, a Business Resiliency Manager works with the business unit staff to conduct this assessment. The BIA measures the potential impact of disruption to clients, as well as legal, regulatory and financial impact to the Firm if the business process is not able to function. The business unit then establishes a recovery time objective for processes and supporting infrastructure. The recovery time objective range begins with intraday recovery (either 2 hours or 4 hours) and extends out based on the criticality and time -sensitivity of the process (either 24, 48, 72 or 73+ hours). Our BIA process is conducted and completed annually on the nearly 3,000 business processes managed by J.P. Morgan. Output from the BIA is used to define and develop a preferred recovery strategy consistent with the specified recovery time objective. Standardized methodologies, templates and tools provide consistent reporting mechanisms, helping to ensure that the selected strategy and the detailed plan address all relevant aspects of our Corporate policies and line of business guidelines. All business resiliency plans are required to incorporate and satisfy specific critical elements, including,, • Recovery Strategy Employee Call Tree Customers/Third Parties • Recovery Time Objective Damage Assessment Equipment/Software • Emergency Notification Recovery Procedures Telecommunications • Work-in- process Assessment Risk assessment and recovery site selection includes evaluation of sites that will not likely be impacted by the same event considering regional geography and critical infrastructure that supports the process. In many cases, alternate J.P. Morgan locations or sister sites are the primary recovery site. Select business units have established hot site locations for business and technology recovery while others have contracts with third party vendors to provide and support business and systems recovery. Where applicable, business resiliency plans reference command centers, assembly sites, offsite storage and recovery sites,, A formal process to document and approve recovery sites is in place to help avoid the potential double -booking or business unit overlap at recovery sites,. Additionally, support groups, such as Real Estate and Desktop Support, ensure recovery sites can be utilized effectively at the time of an interruption and that plans are established to provide required infrastructure within allowable timeframes. Enhancements to J.P. Morgan business resiliency plans are on -going. Specifically, J.P. Morgan continues to increase operational resiliency through greater use of production location diversification. Technology improvements have been implemented within our world -class data centers further improving the resiliency and robustness of our technology environment. 3 a Z Exhibit it F it Testing, Training and Education All plans must comply with the Firms' Corporate Testing policy and test cycle. Each resiliency plan is tested annually, at a minimum,, Exercises can include: ■ Notification Testing: Assure the accuracy and completeness of call tree information is maintained through organizational changes. ■ Walkthrough: Familiarize the business unit their role in its execution. This validates critical processes and helps to identify remediation . or support group staff with the plan and that the resiliency plan incorporates all gaps or other weaknesses requiring ■ Simulation Testing: Validate and share assumptions, including those related to dependencies, and the ability of support groups, third parties, and other vendors to provide support. A scenario -based exercise, simulation testing is an interactive session where participants are presented with a disruption and must react to one or more impacts and make critical decisions. ■ Full Physical,.* Validate the ability to recover business units, processes, applications, and infrastructure within the established recovery time objective without dependency on the primary location. Business management is aware of all activity leading up to the execution of the test,, Post-test reports are reviewed with business management upon completion of the event. A central log is maintained of significant issues encountered during a test. Each month the list of issues, if any, is updated to reflect the current status, including actions taken, reviewed with business management and escalated as appropriate,, Issues that arise during testing are retested within an appropriate timeframe. Resiliency plans supporting critical business processes are reviewed and updated annually or more frequently when there are significant changes in the environment. Plan maintenance sessions are typically comprised of a formal review of all aspects of the applicable resiliency plan and updates are contemporaeneously made, as necessary. Every J.P. Morgan employee is required to complete Business Resiliency training annually. The objective of this training is to provide an overview of the key components of business resiliency and illustrate how each individual employee can support and play a role in Business Resiliency. Core resiliency skills training is also available for Business Resiliency Professionals and Coordinators. In addition, J.P. Morgan has a formal, centrally managed, assessment process to evaluate the adequacy of security, disaster recovery and business continuity controls in place at critical third parties,, A critical third party is an external entity, which provides a product or service that has client, revenue, regulatory or reputational impact to J.P. Morgan. Business Resiliency plans are subject to reviews by J.P. Morgan's Global Business Resiliency group, which acts as the Firm's governing body for Business Resiliency measures. The plans must address and comply with documented organizational requirements. All findings are escalated to the business units, Risk Management and division executive for review. Additionally, the Corporate Ex Investment Bank line of business Quality Planning Program has been designed to assess, challenge and enhance all Corporate Et Investment Bank Business Impact Analysis and Business Resiliency Plans to ensure businesses develop recovery solutions that are specific to their needs taking into consideration the business model, location strategy, operating assumptions and key dependencies. The program stress tests existing P* M. 0 g.4n Z Exhibit it F it strategies and plans by focusing on several key areas that will drive a more comprehensive and granular planning strategy to ensure businesses are well prepared for disruptions affecting operations for the short and long term. The goal of the program is to enhance the quality, drive consistency and ensure sustainability, Event Management, Escalation and Response J.P. Morgan maintains regional crisis management teams and site incident management teams to address emerging risks and respond to actual recovery issues., Within the Corporate and Investment Bank, a crisis management framework manages business units and customers through a potential or actual business interruption event. This patented process is tested on a regular basis and has been successfully used to manage through a multitude of planned and unplanned events including hurricanes, floods, snowstorms, terrorist attacks, technology interruptions and power outages. The following areas are addressed: ■ Notification of employees and activation of the plan ■ Damage assessment of facility, technology and work-in- progress ■ Evaluation and impact of established service level agreements ■ Communication with key support providers and customers ■ Recovery of work-in- progress ■ Recovery site activation ■ Impact on support groups and interdependent processes ■ Movement of work and people ■ Business unit and technology recovery ■ Restoration of the process back to the original production location J.P. Morgan is a large, geographically dispersed financial institution with the ability to manage complex events. Automated notification tools, e-mail, instant messaging, and teleconference bridge lines are used to communicate and coordinate activities across all business units and support groups. In an actual business disruption, it can be critical to determine accurately the extent of damage and the resources required to resume and maintain operations. Damage Assessment is comprised of three components, coordinated by groups knowledgeable in their established discipline: the Global Real Estate Group evaluates the facility and select supporting infrastructure; business unit management evaluates the impact of in -progress and expected workload and determines the appropriate level of response; Global Technology Infrastructure evaluates the impact on electronic equipment, including computers, network and servers. Within each line of business at each location, a senior individual is appointed to represent the business at the J.P. Morgan's Firm -wide Crisis Command Center. In the event of a business disruption, J.P. Morgan will activate the Crisis Command Center in order to determine the scope of the disruption, the effect on the business and on our clients. When activated, the Crisis Command Center is staffed 24 hours a day with senior representatives from Real Estate, Security, Technology, Infrastructure, Risk Management, Legal, Compliance, Insurance, Audit, Human Resources, Corporate Communications /Marketing, Finance and each line of business. To keep clients informed during a business disruption J.P. Morgan relies on both written and verbal communications,, We provide clients with regular updates summarizing the status of the situation and the impact to clients. Depending on the nature of the disruption and the J P... argan 5 Exhibit ft F it number of clients impacted, the Firm may use direct telephone calls, conference calls, em mails, faxes, recorded messages, and other means to disseminate information. When applicable, communications may include contact information for those areas operating at contingency locations. Minimizing Likelihood and Extent of A Disruption J.P. Morgan's extensive global footprint provides built-in redundancy for many core processing, operations and service delivery functions. J.P. Morgan has strategically located data centers and operation centers throughout the world. This geographic distribution helps to reduce the impact of a local disruption on our business. Each location has at least one defined and tested recovery site with connectivity to applications and a tested plan for relocating to the alternate site and resuming business. Further minimizing the likelihood of a full-scale business disruption, J.P. Morgan's data centers and data storage procedures have been designed to minimize the likelihood of a disruption in the event of a disaster and to eliminate single points of failure, as described below. ■ Data centers have on -site backup processing resources to address local equipment issues. ■ Data centers and major operations facilities are designed to receive electrical power from dual utility feeds, multiple redundant Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) protection, and redundant on -site generators,, Buildings feature stringent physical security, using highly sophisticated systems to prevent against and detect fire, smoke, water and intrusion. These measures help to reduce the risk and minimize the consequences of these events. Each building is secured at the main entrance, requiring electronic ID cards for access. In addition, a trained and equipped security staff provides 24=hour coverage. ■ In major facilities, the voice service is delivered over the data network (Voice Over IP), leveraging the diverse routing of the corporate network. Elsewhere, voice services are sourced from two separate switching stations (or exchanges) and delivered to the building so that an interruption to one of the switching stations (exchange) would not affect the entire building's workspace. J.P. Morgan maintains a proprietary telecommunications network across our global operating facilities and data centers, which is designed to maintain communications in the event of a disaster. We have redundant components for each connection (e.g., routers, switches, etc,,) which allow us to immediately correct device failures. We have configured our network with multiple diversely routed paths that allow us to re -direct traffic in the event of a disruption. This enables us to utilize additional options in the event of a provider outage. Wide -scale Staff Disruption (including Pandemic Preparedness) Based on the World Health Organization's pandemic model, J.P. Morgan has prepared a process for creating layers of defense to prevent virus transmission and a workmaround for the possibility of mass employee absenteeism. Our plans not only address a pandemic situation but would serve us for other wide -scale staff disruptions. Planning incorporates preparedness and expertise from all areas of the Firm. Consideration has been given to the unavailability of the workforce or closing of locations over extended periods of time. J.P. Morgan will exercise commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that the Firm will meet its obligations to you and to all of our customers. J M:orgarri 6 10. REFERENCES == List of at least three (3) comparable references and current Texas Public Funds clients, including total number of collateralized Texas Public Fund clients. The bank currently has over 2oo Texas Public Fund clients collateralized. Page 122 'Moraan .-M 11, SAMPLE FIRREA COMPLIANT DOCUMENT. sample copy of applicant"scompliant document that clearly ,shows that the applicant"s Board or designated committee has accepted tad the depository agree not and authorized the pledge of collateral, with a permanent record of this action to be maintained in the minutes of the applicant. J.P. Morgan has policies and procedures designed to comply with applicable state and federal law, including Title 12 USC Section 1823(e), which describes certain provisions needed to diminish or defeat the FDIC's potential claim against the collateral. The Board of Directors of J.P. Morgan has passed a resolution which delegates authority from the Board to certain personnel to, among other things, enter into agreements with governmental entities to serve as a depository and to pledge collateral to secure that entities' public funds deposits. This resolution can be delivered upon request. T`iXe 123 f..EMorcran_ Appendix 1. Availability Schedules Appendix 2. Certification By Business Organization Letter ,,-"Moraan Page 124 J' V0 b Exhibit it F it AVailability Schedule January=16 Exhibit it F it J.P.Morgan Availability Schedule Policy Paper Deposits The funds availability of checks deposited is based on the financial institution where the check is drawn. The cutoff for same day ledger credit for deposits delivered directly to a regional processing center is 4:00 p.m. local time. Deposits received after deadline will be posted on the next business day. The Federal Reserve banking system will not forward process any item over $99,999,999.99. J.P.Morgan may refu such item or handle any such item as a collection item, with customer credit and availability deferred accordingly. Thrift and S&L routing transit numbers (RTs) receive the same availability as the corresponding RT range as listed in the schedule. Federal Reserve Bank and Federal Home Loan Bank RTs are assigned one day float. Availability schedules may be changed without notification. The information furnished herein by J.P.Morgan is CONFIDENTIAL and is distributed for the exclusive use in evalu< J.P.Morgan programs and shall not be duplicated, published, or disclosed in whole or part, to any other person or disclosed in whole or part, to any other person or entity other than the recipient, or used for other purposes, without the prior written permission of J.P.Morgan. PAPER CHECK AVAILABILITY SCHEDULE 3o�xhibit "F" On Us Controlled Disbursement Postal Money Orders U.S. Treasury Warrants Savings Bonds Domestic Institutions Availability II Fraction 0 100% 1 100% 1 100% 1 100% 1 100% 1 /2 70%/30% CONFIDENTIAL © 2016 J.P.Morgan. All rights reserved. 1 Of 1 Paper 301 Nationwide On Us RTs 0210-0002 0440-0003 0210-0012 0519-0036 0211-0036 0610-9238 0212-0233 0654-0013 0212-0271 0710-0001 0212-7272 0710-0077 0213-0046 0710-7452 0214-1063 0711-0026 0223-0017 0720-0032 0280-0012 0740-0001 Nationwide CD RTs 0213-0937 0311-0026 0220-0084 0441-1544 0311-0023 0652-0475 Exhibit "F" 0750-0001 1130-0767 0830-0013 1221-0002 1020-0101 1232-7197 1030-0064 1240-0154 1070-8955 2631-8986 1110-0061 2670-8413 1110-0115 3222-7162 1119-2186 3250-7076 1119-9377 1130-0060 0719-2322 1020-0097 0724-1292 1070-0109 0759-0272 1113-0088 Exhibit it F it ------------- le AVailability Schedule Jaunary 2016 Exhibit it F it J.P.Morgan Image Cash Letter (ICL) Availability Schedule Policy The funds availability of checks deposited is based on the financial institution where the check is drawn. Deadlines in this schedule apply to image cash letter deposits that are transmitted directly to J.P.Morgan. The Federal Reserve banking system will not forward process any item over $99,999,999.99. J.P.Morgan may refuse to process such item or handle any such item as a collection item, with customer credit and availability deferred accordingly. Availability schedules may be changed without notification. Thrift and S&L routing transit numbers (RTs) receive the same availability as the corresponding RT range as listed in the schedule. Federal Reserve Bank and Federal Home Loan Bank RTs are assigned one day float. The weekend deadline for file transmissions is 5:00 PM Sunday. The stated availability on the attached schedule also applies to weekend transmissions. The information furnished herein by J.P.Morgan is CONFIDENTIAL and is distributed for the exclusive use in evaluating J.P.Morgan programs and shall not be duplicated, published, or disclosed in whole or part, to any other person or disclosed in whole or part, to any other person or entity other than the recipient, or used for other purposes, without the prior written permission of J.P.Morgan. Corporate ICL 301 Routing Transit Number(s) JPMC Chase CDs Group 1 Group 2 Tier 1 Group 2 Tier 2 0000-0020, 0119, 0800 0000-0051 1214, 3214 All others *Deadlines are Eastern Standard Time CONFIDENTIAL © 2016 J.P. Morgan, All rights reserved. Exhibit "F" ------------------ Description See "summary" tab See "summary" tab See "Group 1" tab See "Group 2 Tier 1 " tab See "Group 2 Tier 2" tab Postal Money Orders US Treasury Guam/Mariana Islands Domestic Fls 10"nA 70 100% 100% 95%/5% 95%/5% 95%/5% 95%/5% 95%/5% 100% 95%/5% 5:3M 0 12:00 AM 0/1 12:00 AM 0/1 12:00 AM 0/1 6:00 AM 0/1 6:00 AM 0/1 2:00 AM 2 12:00 AM 1 /2 Group 1 RTs 8.0754 Group 2 Tier 1 2,1714 Group 2 Tier 2 81017 On Us RTs 38 Total Selects 19,523 Nationwide On Us RTs 0210-0002 0440-0003 0750-0001 0210-0012 0519-0036 0830-0013 0211-0036 0610-9238 1020-0101 0212-0233 0654-0013 1030-0064 0212-0271 0710-0001 1070-8955 0212-7272 0710-0077 1110-0061 0213-0046 0710-7452 1110-0115 0214-1063 0711-0026 1119-2186* 0223-0017 0720-0032 1119-9377 0280-0012 0740-0001 1130-0060 Nationwide CD RTs Exhibit it F it 1130-0767* 1221-0002 1232-7197 1240-0154 2631-8986 2670-8413 3222-7162 3250-7076 0213-0937 0311-0026 0719-2322 1020-0097* 0220-0084 0441-1544 0724-1292 1070-0109* 0311-0023 0652-0475 0759-0272 1113-0088 •: RTs can be presented via Image Cash Letter but cannot be presented via Direct On Us Image Exchange Group 1 Total RTs: 8,1754 Select Group 1 Transit Routing Numbers 0000-0020 0000-0051 0000-0800 0000-9000 0110-0002 0110-0013 0110-0127 0110-0133 0110-0172 0110-0196 0110-0233 0110-7515 0110-7520 0111-0161 0111-0213 0111-0235 0111-0261 0111-0266 0111-0312 0111-0413 0111-0419 0111-0428 0111-0433 0111-1055 0111-1070 0111-1073 0111-1075 0111-7521 0112-0047 0112-0140 0112-0143 0112-0149 0112-0150 0112-0152 0112-0175 0112-0176 0112-0199 0112-0239 0112-0290 0112-0291 0112-7525 0112-7530 0113-0107 0113-0139 0113-0153 0113-0199 0113-0211 0113-0252 0113-0260 0113-0261 0113-0274 0113-0276 0113-0283 0113-0307 0113-0309 0113-0311 0113-0332 0113-0386 0113-0428 0113-0447 0113-0451 0113-0520 0113-0526 0113-0533 0113-0682 0113-0710 0113-0711 0113-0712 0113-0715 0113-0717 0113-7516 0113-7527 0113-7538 0114-0001 0114-0003 0114-0014 0114-0113 0114-0185 0114-0187 0114-0193 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0711-0845 0711-0874 0711-0876 0711-0883 0711-0908 0711-0916 0711-0918 0711-0932 0711-0933 0711-0946 0711-0968 0711-0975 0711-0989 0711-1014 0711-1036 0711-1047 0711-1071 0711-1081 0711-1131 0711-1139 0711-1198 0711-1203 0711-1206 0711-1217 0711-1220 0711-1226 0711-1256 0711-1266 0711-1304 0711-1318 0711-1329 0711-1347 0711-1352 0711-1379 0711-1408 0711-1425 0711-1449 0711-1456 0711-1476 0711-1493 0711-1501 0711-1515 0711-1532 0711-1572 0711-1599 0711-1606 0711-1610 0711-1629 0711-1637 0711-1667 0711-1718 0711-1817 0711-1822 0711-1827 0711-1847 0711-1919 0711-1923 0711-1951 0711-1952 0711-1986 0711-2020 0711-2025 0711-2119 0711-2159 0711-2160 0711-2171 0711-2172 0711-2177 0711-2180 0711-2186 0711-2196 0711-2220 0711-2241 0711-2246 0711-2256 0711-2264 0711-2320 0711-2326 0711-2352 0711-2373 0711-2399 0711-2403 0711-2433 0711-2437 0711-2474 0711-2482 0711-2502 0711-2594 0711-2620 0711-2648 0711-7451 0712-0132 0712-0275 0712-0585 0712-1212 0712-1424 0712-1433 0712-2087 0719-0078 0719-0099 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0724-1365 0724-1368 0724-1370 0724-1371 0724-1374 0724-1376 0724-1377 0724-1378 0724-1379 0724-1381 0724-1382 0724-1383 0724-1385 0724-1390 0724-1392 0724-1393 0724-1397 0724-1399 0724-1400 0724-1401 Exhibit "F" 0724-1402 0739-0500 0739-1860 0739-8314 0749-1286 0759-1261 0810-1940 0812-1564 0724-1405 0724-1406 0724-1407 0724-1412 0724-1413 0724-1415 0724-1416 0724-1417 0724-1418 0724-1419 0724-1422 0724-1423 0724-1424 0724-1431 0724-1437 0724-1439 0724-7195 0724-8678 0724-8684 0730-0072 0730-2269 0739-0010 0739-0018 0739-0044 0739-0052 0739-0073 0739-0080 0739-0097 0739-0128 0739-0130 0739-0147 0739-0160 0739-0186 0739-0196 0739-0197 0739-0228 0739-0229 0739-0231 0739-0234 0739-0254 0739-0290 0739-0336 0739-0350 0739-0352 0739-0453 0739-0489 0739-0493 0739-0518 0739-0541 0739-0556 0739-0571 0739-0587 0739-0604 0739-0613 0739-0616 0739-0633 0739-0709 0739-0712 0739-0733 0739-0738 0739-0750 0739-0775 0739-0782 0739-0785 0739-0804 0739-0827 0739-0851 0739-0876 0739-0901 0739-0962 0739-1009 0739-1106 0739-1151 0739-1158 0739-1187 0739-1319 0739-1342 0739-1346 0739-1395 0739-1428 0739-1436 0739-1455 0739-1482 0739-1496 0739-1539 0739-1545 0739-1552 0739-1565 0739-1578 0739-1584 0739-1636 0739-1647 0739-1764 0739-1788 0739-1885 0739-1928 0739-1991 0739-2028 0739-2045 0739-2046 0739-2053 0739-2055 0739-2070 0739-2076 0739-2091 0739-2099 0739-2100 0739-2104 0739-2114 0739-2118 0739-2122 0739-2132 0739-2142 0739-2143 0739-2152 0739-2156 0739-2167 0739-2180 0739-2184 0739-2186 0739-2191 0739-2195 0739-2209 0739-2235 0739-2242 0739-2247 0739-2249 0739-2254 0739-2272 0739-2273 0739-2274 0739-2277 0739-2279 0739-2290 0739-2291 0739-2293 0739-2300 0739-7207 0739-7208 0739-7218 0739-8312 0739-8317 0739-8320 0740-0103 0740-1418 0740-1442 0740-1443 0749-0035 0749-0221 0749-0222 0749-0250 0749-0354 0749-0367 0749-0380 0749-0415 0749-0435 0749-0436 0749-0453 0749-0464 0749-0495 0749-0517 0749-0522 0749-0538 0749-0550 0749-0605 0749-0609 0749-0621 0749-0634 0749-0712 0749-0741 0749-0763 0749-0813 0749-0830 0749-0851 0749-0892 0749-0893 0749-0911 0749-0915 0749-0921 0749-0947 0749-0998 0749-1008 0749-1012 0749-1113 0749-1121 0749-1230 0749-1234 0749-1278 0749-1327 0749-1331 0749-1332 0749-1385 0749-1406 0749-1427 0749-1431 0749-1440 0749-8680 0750-0066 0750-0072 0750-1193 0750-1266 0750-1785 0750-7215 0750-7219 0759-0113 0759-0197 0759-0256 0759-0317 0759-0350 0759-0410 0759-0411 0759-0418 0759-0437 0759-0459 0759-0477 0759-0485 0759-0487 0759-0503 0759-0525 0759-0578 0759-0612 0759-0630 0759-0646 0759-0694 0759-0697 0759-0749 0759-0794 0759-0800 0759-0802 0759-0937 0759-0958 0759-1040 0759-1201 0759-1228 0759-1247 0759-1267 0759-1281 0759-1284 0759-1285 0759-1286 0759-1782 0759-1784 0759-1786 0759-1787 0759-1788 0759-1790 0759-1791 0759-1793 0759-1796 0759-1800 0759-1801 0759-1803 0759-1809 0759-1828 0759-1831 0759-1835 0759-1842 0759-7213 0759-7220 0810-0005 0810-0016 0810-0052 0810-0056 0810-0060 0810-0099 0810-0107 0810-0143 0810-0460 0810-0579 0810-0616 0810-0620 0810-0634 0810-1553 0810-1734 0810-1747 0810-1757 0810-1771 0810-1895 0810-1897 0810-1913 0810-1922 0810-1923 0810-2301 0810-2457 0810-2511 0810-2536 0810-2654 0810-7449 0810-8667 0810-8670 0810-8674 0812-0052 0812-0053 0812-0054 0812-0057 0812-0058 0812-0100 0812-0169 0812-0286 0812-0412 0812-0414 0812-0428 0812-0454 0812-0485 0812-0510 0812-0511 0812-0513 0812-0522 0812-0526 0812-0545 0812-0572 0812-0632 0812-0637 0812-0649 0812-0696 0812-0706 0812-0868 0812-0892 0812-0998 0812-1031 0812-1130 0812-1166 0812-1224 0812-1261 0812-1275 0812-1307 0812-1328 0812-1383 0812-1417 0812-1617 0812-1624 0812-1791 0812-1853 0812-1910 0812-1953 0812-2007 0812-2050 0812-2053 0812-2154 0812-2213 0812-2243 0812-2279 0812-2412 0812-2472 0812-2580 0812-2597 0812-2629 0812-2642 0812-2705 0812-2707 0812-2712 0813-0263 0813-0392 0813-0461 0813-0722 0813-0738 0813-0800 0813-0816 0815-0047 0815-0048 0815-0086 0815-0104 0815-0134 0815-0135 0815-0149 0815-0173 0815-0180 0815-0200 0815-0309 0815-0310 0815-0349 0815-0391 0815-0417 0815-0426 0815-0441 0815-0465 Group 1(cont) 0815-0483 0815-0538 0815-0549 0815-0570 0815-0573 0815-0596 0815-0604 0815-0631 0815-0635 0815-0639 0815-0664 0815-0683 0815-0701 0815-0723 0815-0742 0815-0885 0815-0907 0815-0973 0815-1240 0815-1312 0815-1357 0815-1393 0815-1401 0815-1405 0815-1546 0815-1661 0815-1687 0815-1767 0815-1772 0815-1776 0815-1793 0815-1798 0815-1801 0815-1804 0815-1809 0815-1822 0815-1852 0815-1863 0815-1900 0815-1921 0815-1924 0815-1930 0815-1936 0815-7440 0815-8663 0819-0195 0819-0352 0819-0353 0819-0354 0819-0371 0819-0401 0819-0408 0819-0446 0819-0466 0819-0506 0819-0530 0819-0533 0819-0534 0819-0600 0819-0601 0819-0650 0819-0789 0819-0827 0819-0900 0819-0914 0819-1043 0819-1237 0819-1315 0819-1341 0819-1355 0819-1386 0819-1477 0819-1481 0819-1583 0819-1673 0819-1988 0819-2280 0819-2345 0820-0117 0820-0152 0820-0168 0820-0170 0820-0178 0820-0767 0820-0783 0820-0873 0820-0892 0829-0087 0829-0103 0829-0108 0829-0109 0829-0120 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0839-0170 0839-0172 0839-0176 0839-0193 0839-0204 0839-0206 0839-0218 0839-0219 0839-0224 0839-0230 0839-0238 0839-0243 0839-0244 0839-0245 0839-0246 0839-0250 0839-0262 0839-0263 0839-0264 0839-0272 0839-0301 0839-0305 0839-0306 0839-0308 0839-0309 0839-0310 0839-0319 0839-0338 0839-0342 0839-0345 0839-0356 0839-0358 0839-0364 0839-0366 0839-0369 0839-0371 0839-0372 0839-0374 0839-0388 0839-0409 0839-0418 0839-0431 0839-0450 0839-0456 0839-0458 0839-0463 0839-0466 0839-0497 0839-0508 0839-0513 0839-0520 0839-0521 0839-0525 0839-0532 0839-0534 0839-0545 0839-0550 0839-0554 0839-0563 0839-0565 0839-0568 0839-0570 0839-0589 0839-0590 0839-0622 0839-0638 0839-0666 0839-0668 0839-0670 0839-0688 0839-0705 0839-0732 0839-0738 0839-0756 0839-0757 0839-0772 0839-0788 0839-0792 0839-0795 0839-0798 0839-0804 0839-0807 0839-0813 0839-0817 0839-0818 0839-0828 0839-0830 0839-0831 0839-0832 0839-0833 0839-0835 0839-0838 0839-0843 0839-0853 0839-0860 0839-1239 0839-1401 0839-1423 0839-7437 0839-7441 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0843-0776 0843-0779 0843-0796 0843-0800 0843-0803 0843-0837 0843-0840 0843-0873 0843-0901 0863-1436 0863-1446 0865-0063 0865-0432 0865-0554 0865-0625 0865-0679 0865-0718 0865-1876 0865-1915 0865-1942 0910-0114 0910-0530 0910-0533 0910-0580 0910-0583 0910-0829 0910-1426 0910-1492 0910-1656 0910-1699 0910-1706 0910-1713 0910-1717 0910-1719 0910-1724 0910-1730 0910-1753 0910-1754 0910-1755 0910-7160 0911-0127 0912-0059 0912-0073 0912-0123 0912-0128 0912-0175 0912-0181 0912-0191 0912-0220 0912-0223 0912-0232 0912-0233 0912-0288 0912-0310 0912-0319 0912-0339 0912-0354 0912-0425 0912-0452 0912-0456 0912-0463 0912-0468 0912-0506 0912-0508 0912-0510 0912-0555 0912-0567 0912-0588 0912-0622 0912-0654 0912-0664 0912-0679 0912-0696 0912-0706 0912-0753 0912-0783 0912-0953 0912-0963 0912-0975 0912-0979 0912-0993 0912-1074 0912-1099 0912-1117 0912-1147 0912-1222 0912-1303 0912-1331 0912-1356 0912-1367 Group 1(cont) 0912-1383 0912-1461 0912-1488 0912-1496 0912-1543 0912-1558 0912-1581 0912-1588 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0929-0154 0929-0156 0929-0161 0929-0162 0929-0163 0929-0164 0929-0168 0929-0170 0929-0180 0929-0213 0929-0219 0929-0227 0929-0239 0929-0244 0929-0327 0929-0418 0929-0457 0929-0476 0929-0514 0929-0518 0929-0521 0929-0524 0929-0525 0929-0543 0929-0544 0929-0545 0929-0550 0929-0552 0929-0555 0929-7156 0929-8165 0960-0058 0960-0060 0960-0066 0960-0068 0960-0070 0960-0095 0960-0101 0960-0509 0960-0882 0960-1523 0960-1688 0960-1693 0960-1697 0960-1723 0960-1733 0960-1741 0960-1767 1010-0078 1010-0092 1010-0093 1010-0096 1010-0100 1010-0101 1010-0108 1010-0128 1010-0130 1010-0135 1010-0150 1010-0172 1010-0200 1010-0271 1010-0285 1010-0294 1010-0377 1010-0428 1010-0536 1010-0548 1010-0569 1010-0669 1010-0672 1010-0978 1010-1067 1010-1124 1010-1199 1010-1473 1010-1486 1010-1492 1010-1496 1010-1502 1010-1504 1010-1508 1010-1919 1010-8970 1010-8974 1010-8986 1011-0001 1011-0010 1011-0011 1011-0014 1011-0022 1011-0037 1011-0060 1011-0062 1011-0067 1011-0069 1011-0076 1011-0078 1011-0096 1011-0099 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0641-0090 0641-0117 0641-0138 0641-0139 0641-0143 0641-0155 0641-0157 0641-0167 0641-0239 0641-0281 0641-0303 0641-0307 0641-0355 0641-0357 0641-0359 0641-0370 0641-0383 0641-0387 0641-0402 0641-0435 0641-0527 0641-0564 0641-0656 0641-0704 0641-0708 0641-0737 0641-0791 0641-0824 0641-0838 0641-0875 0642-0076 0642-0091 0642-0093 0642-0126 0642-0132 0642-0145 0642-0156 0642-0188 0642-0271 0642-0361 0642-0362 0642-0434 0642-0591 0642-0719 0642-0729 0642-0777 0642-0789 0642-0798 0642-0804 0642-0816 0642-0819 0642-0826 0650-0009 0650-0107 0650-0142 0650-0203 0650-0254 0650-0345 0651-0029 0651-0148 0651-0332 0651-0461 0652-0018 0652-0022 0652-0024 0652-0028 0652-0034 0652-0087 0652-0104 0652-0106 0652-0111 0652-0116 0652-0134 0652-0256 0652-0279 0652-0446 0652-0476 0652-0488 0653-0002 0653-0046 0653-0069 0653-0081 0653-0092 0653-0110 0653-0115 0653-0119 0653-0160 0653-0194 0653-0204 0653-0270 0653-0295 0653-0306 0653-0543 0653-0590 0654-0014 0654-0068 0654-0071 0654-0075 0654-0089 0654-0100 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0710-0271 0710-0416 0710-0420 0710-0423 0710-0424 0710-0428 0710-0437 0710-0438 0710-0452 0711-0001 0711-0004 0711-0032 0711-0069 0711-0070 0711-0071 0711-0103 0711-0104 0711-0117 0711-0130 0711-0196 0711-0199 0711-0218 0711-0232 0711-0256 0711-0299 0711-0361 0711-0471 0711-0688 0711-0940 0711-2147 0711-2214 0711-2239 0711-2266 0711-2338 0711-2558 0711-2622 0712-0053 0712-0164 0712-1412 0712-1457 0719-0045 0719-0059 0719-0066 0719-0079 0719-0082 0719-0088 0719-0160 0719-0179 0719-0188 0719-0262 0719-0287 0719-0312 0719-0435 0719-0437 0719-0447 0719-0462 0719-0477 0719-0488 0719-0504 0719-0509 0719-0561 0719-0584 0719-0598 0719-0657 0719-0802 0719-0859 0719-0882 Exhibit "F" 0719-0886 0719-0919 0719-0921 0719-0924 0719-0925 0719-0936 0719-1002 0719-1141 0719-1158 0719-1178 0719-1281 0719-1365 0719-1373 0719-1558 0719-1640 0719-1660 0719-1691 0719-1723 0719-1732 0719-1815 0719-1828 0719-1830 0719-1911 0719-1913 0719-1946 0719-2016 0719-2055 0719-2065 0719-2117 0719-2153 0719-2169 0719-2179 0719-2183 0719-2194 0719-2222 0719-2229 0719-2234 0719-2237 0719-2242 0719-2247 0719-2267 0719-2269 0719-2277 0719-2295 0719-2296 0719-2300 0719-2302 0719-2307 0719-2319 0719-2325 0719-2328 0719-2331 0719-2332 0719-2354 0719-2369 0719-2370 0719-2374 0719-2390 0719-2400 0719-2418 0719-2458 0719-2489 0719-2504 0719-2506 0719-2515 0719-2516 0719-2521 0719-2522 0719-2523 0719-2524 0719-2574 0719-2583 0719-2585 0719-2592 0719-2610 0719-2611 0719-2617 0719-2625 0719-2652 0719-2680 0719-7437 0720-0009 0720-0033 0720-0080 0720-0091 0724-0005 0724-0035 0724-0042 0724-0044 0724-0067 0724-0070 0724-0100 0724-0103 0724-0104 0724-0106 0724-0140 0724-0158 0724-0160 0724-0168 0724-0183 0724-0203 0724-0211 0724-0219 0724-0234 0724-0236 0724-0265 0724-0269 0724-0270 0724-0278 0724-0283 0724-0285 0724-0347 0724-0363 0724-0390 0724-0452 0724-0478 0724-0484 0724-0545 0724-0566 0724-0676 0724-0700 0724-0712 0724-0766 0724-0798 0724-0843 0724-0850 0724-0870 0724-0979 0724-0988 0724-1012 0724-1016 0724-1055 0724-1164 0724-1217 0724-1235 0724-1265 0724-1277 0724-1297 0724-1298 0724-1313 0724-1317 0724-1325 0724-1329 0724-1337 0724-1350 0724-1356 0724-1360 0724-1367 0724-1373 0724-1375 0724-1387 0724-1388 0724-1404 0724-1409 0724-1425 0724-1429 0724-7188 0730-0007 0730-0017 0730-0022 0730-0054 0739-0008 0739-0043 0739-0212 0739-0249 0739-0288 0739-0384 0739-0511 0739-1127 0739-1358 0739-1859 0739-1984 0739-2151 0739-2176 0740-0006 0740-0007 0740-0014 0740-0016 0740-0051 0740-0104 0740-0667 0740-1407 0740-1421 0749-0019 0749-0027 0749-0065 0749-0078 0749-0100 0749-0167 0749-0189 0749-0230 0749-0234 0749-0330 0749-0333 0749-0335 0749-0356 0749-0371 0749-0376 0749-0389 0749-0395 0749-0413 0749-0418 0749-0419 0749-0439 0749-0477 0749-0540 0749-0546 0749-0553 0749-0662 0749-0672 0749-0682 0749-0731 0749-0766 0749-0847 0749-0859 0749-0935 0749-1079 0749-1248 0749-1257 0749-1280 0749-1284 0749-1298 0749-1323 0749-1366 0749-1371 0749-1445 0750-0002 0750-0005 0750-0010 0750-0073 0750-0094 0750-0119 0750-0549 0750-1019 0750-1253 0759-0014 0759-0046 0759-0057 0759-0086 0759-0090 0759-0108 0759-0112 0759-0127 0759-0135 0759-0148 0759-0171 0759-0172 0759-0199 0759-0206 0759-0234 0759-0262 0759-0353 0759-0370 0759-0493 0759-0543 0759-0562 0759-0600 0759-0659 0759-0724 0759-0819 0759-0957 0759-1020 0759-1052 0759-1088 0759-1118 0759-1119 0759-1120 0759-1160 0759-1192 0759-1198 0759-1206 0759-1216 0759-1223 0759-1264 0810-0003 0810-0021 0810-0070 0810-0072 0810-0098 0810-0100 0810-0109 0810-0138 0810-0141 0810-0171 0810-0172 0810-0451 0810-0459 0810-0475 0810-0546 0810-0605 0810-0619 0810-0981 0810-1086 0810-1693 0810-1879 0810-1910 0810-2520 0810-7450 0812-0275 0812-0287 0812-0387 0812-0455 0812-0456 0812-1113 0812-2149 0812-2570 0812-2682 0813-0154 0813-0294 0813-0382 0813-0564 0813-0936 0813-1166 0815-0049 0815-0087 0815-0091 0815-0106 0815-0126 0815-0142 0815-0255 0815-0282 0815-0289 0815-0339 0815-0350 0815-0482 0815-0586 0815-0707 0815-1414 0815-1769 0815-1789 0819-0221 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1011-0722 1011-1226 1011-1293 1011-1368 1011-1407 1011-1481 1011-1482 1011-1501 1012-0003 1012-0045 1012-0051 1012-0092 1012-0095 1012-0568 1012-1156 1012-1763 1012-1870 1012-1885 1012-1901 1019-0154 1019-0165 1019-0182 1019-0194 1019-0209 1019-1766 1019-1824 1020-0002 1020-0007 1020-0090 1020-0093 1020-0096 1020-0156 1020-0275 1020-0320 1020-0451 1020-0591 1020-0602 1020-0637 1020-0640 1020-0729 1020-8992 1021-0091 1021-0151 1021-0164 1021-0311 1021-0399 1021-0526 1021-0581 1021-8928 1022-0022 1022-0124 1022-0252 1023-0024 1023-0109 1023-0120 1023-0716 1030-0001 1030-0061 1030-0080 1030-0145 1030-0180 1030-0209 1030-0363 1030-0916 1030-0957 1030-1284 1030-1290 1030-1296 1031-0021 1031-0061 1031-0087 1031-0095 1031-0101 1031-0102 1031-0110 1031-0120 1031-0135 1031-0137 1031-0154 1031-0158 1031-0160 1031-0173 1031-0175 1031-0185 1031-0198 1031-0207 1031-0210 1031-0216 1031-0219 1031-0220 1031-0229 1031-0230 1031-0232 1031-0234 1031-0236 1031-0245 1031-0248 1031-0249 1031-0259 1031-0273 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1221-0537 1221-0546 1221-0552 1221-0554 1221-0559 1221-0564 1221-0574 1221-0575 1221-0581 1221-0585 1221-0594 1221-0612 1221-0618 1221-0621 1221-8707 1221-8716 1221-8723 1221-8744 1222-0119 1222-0477 1222-1261 1222-2050 1222-2059 1222-2693 1222-2881 1222-3222 1222-3582 1222-3603 1222-3768 1222-3770 1222-3795 1222-3807 1222-3868 1222-3957 1222-3958 1222-3978 1222-4041 1222-4050 1222-4120 1222-4201 1222-4217 1222-4260 1222-4265 1222-4284 1222-4305 1222-4370 1222-4392 1222-4491 1222-8717 1224-0072 1224-0171 1224-0172 1224-0178 1224-0204 1224-8730 1230-0006 1230-0016 1230-0022 1230-0084 1230-0201 1230-0680 1231-0371 1231-0372 1232-0104 1232-0212 1232-0292 1232-0505 1232-0605 1232-0651 1232-0656 1232-0667 1232-0671 1232-0678 1233-0537 1233-0616 1233-0855 1233-0882 1240-0001 1240-0004 1240-0073 1240-0273 1240-0297 1240-7194 1240-8467 1241-0006 1241-0155 1241-0376 1241-0379 1243-0010 1243-0215 1243-0300 1250-0002 1250-0010 1250-0011 1250-0057 1250-0639 1250-0816 1250-0854 1251-0007 1251-0010 1251-0246 1251-0657 1251-0762 1251-0845 1251-0849 1251-8474 1252-0005 1252-0087 1252-0094 2110-7011 2110-7014 2111-7000 2111-7010 2111-7011 2111-7015 2111-7035 2111-7036 2111-7412 2111-7423 2112-7445 2113-7009 2113-7023 2113-7025 2113-7035 2113-7044 2113-7047 2113-7049 2113-7054 2113-7058 2113-7059 2113-7084 2113-7092 2113-7120 2113-7142 2113-7147 2113-7163 2113-7207 2113-7218 2113-7235 2114-7007 2114-7031 2116-7253 2119-7002 2211-7251 2211-7261 2212-7029 2212-7031 2212-7034 2212-7070 2212-7086 2212-7102 2212-7109 2212-7124 2212-7146 2212-7244 2212-7258 2213-7003 2213-7010 2213-7063 2213-7079 2213-7088 2213-7116 2213-7117 2213-7124 2213-7182 2214-7109 2214-7110 2214-7122 2214-7132 2214-7185 2214-7186 2214-7197 2214-7277 Group 2 Tier 1(cont) 2214-7281 2219-7034 2219-7091 2219-7211 2223-7105 2223-7187 2260-7004 2260-7012 2260-7055 2260-7065 2260-7067 2260-7071 2260-7085 2260-7100 2260-7102 2260-7103 2260-7138 2260-7231 2260-7237 2260-7252 2260-7264 2312-7079 2313-7184 2313-7503 2313-7521 2313-7529 2313-7552 2360-7347 2360-7473 2410-7041 2410-7043 2410-7045 2410-7050 2410-7149 2410-7175 2410-7180 2412-7011 2412-7018 2412-7029 2412-7083 2412-7095 2412-7118 2412-7195 2412-7202 2412-7203 2412-7205 2412-7206 2412-7207 2420-7079 2420-7088 2420-7096 2420-7111 2420-7123 2420-7130 2420-7147 2420-7158 2420-7159 2420-7175 2420-7189 2420-7229 2420-7271 2420-7442 2421-7000 2421-7015 2421-7024 2422-7198 2422-7218 2422-7219 2422-7224 2422-7227 2422-7242 2422-7244 2422-7248 2422-7261 2422-7281 2422-7287 2430-7363 2430-7385 2433-7322 2433-7347 2433-7421 2434-7019 2434-7431 2440-7078 2440-7216 2440-7767 2441-7027 2441-7199 2441-7209 2520-7043 2520-7301 2530-7020 2531-7028 2531-7030 2532-7181 2532-7247 Exhibit "F" 2540-7001 2652-7031 2719-7406 2914-7959 3222-7032 2540-7011 2550-7035 2550-7198 2550-7212 2550-7220 2550-7242 2550-7293 2560-7270 2560-7336 2560-7337 2610-7131 2610-7132 2611-7002 2611-7040 2611-7050 2611-7074 2611-7079 2611-7116 2611-7130 2611-7138 2611-7158 2611-7167 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2750-7176 2759-7152 2759-7158 2759-7163 2810-7280 2810-7345 2810-7354 2815-7321 2819-7147 2829-7043 2829-7400 2830-7183 2839-7203 2840-7379 2841-7051 2842-7397 2843-7381 2863-7171 2910-7000 2918-7135 2929-7084 3011-7108 3011-7123 3012-7179 3030-8799 3031-7377 3031-8811 3040-7208 3049-7398 3070-7011 3070-7026 3070-7036 3070-7227 3110-7314 3110-7428 3110-9312 3111-7028 3111-7443 3119-7327 3130-7281 3131-7205 3131-7333 3131-7334 3140-7298 3140-8863 3149-7066 3149-7068 3149-7285 3149-7435 3149-7447 3210-7000 3210-7016 3210-7022 3210-7045 3211-7002 3211-7038 3211-7053 3211-7113 3211-7118 3211-8066 3212-7074 3220-7038 3220-7198 3220-8614 3221-7069 3221-8628 3222-7035 3222-7036 3222-7040 3222-7046 3222-7049 3222-7118 3222-7172 3222-7176 3222-7177 3222-7185 3222-7685 3222-8026 3222-8489 3222-8575 3222-8584 3230-7038 3231-7011 3232-7021 3232-7030 3232-7033 3232-7043 3250-7117 3251-7069 3251-7174 3251-8294 Group 2 Tier 2 Total RTs: 81017 Select Group 2 Tier 2 Transit Routing Numbers 0000-0119 0110-0234 0110-0272 0111-0250 0111-0263 0111-0435 0111-1061 0111-1062 0111-1063 0111-1064 0111-1065 0111-1068 0112-0005 0112-0058 0112-0111 0112-0130 0112-0138 0112-0145 0112-0183 0113-0014 0113-0059 0113-0423 0113-0430 0113-0471 0113-0568 0113-0697 0113-0721 0113-7524 0113-9262 0114-0017 0114-0192 0114-0205 0114-0210 0115-0159 0116-0002 0116-0056 0116-0107 0116-0108 0116-0114 0116-9258 0118-0704 0118-0720 0119-1069 0211-1020 0211-7278 0212-0549 0212-0719 0212-7262 0212-8361 0212-8363 0212-8373 0212-8376 0212-8377 0212-8391 0213-0213 0213-0214 0213-0313 0213-0351 0213-0697 0213-0774 0213-0883 0213-0963 0213-1356 0213-1373 0213-1374 0213-7294 0213-7295 0213-7305 0213-8265 0213-8346 0213-8352 0213-8420 0213-8423 0213-8436 0214-0161 0214-8328 0214-8342 0214-8452 0215-0232 0216-8379 0219-1291 0219-1454 0219-8325 0219-8361 0220-8364 0220-8366 0220-8369 0223-0365 0223-8358 0223-8359 0223-8381 0223-8384 0260-0253 0260-0337 0260-0622 0260-0736 0260-0881 0260-1060 0260-1135 0260-1324 0260-1340 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0421-7453 0422-0289 0422-0300 0422-0411 0422-0500 0422-0570 0422-0817 0422-8685 0422-8690 0422-8694 0423-0672 0423-0922 0433-1098 0433-1234 0433-8689 0433-8691 0433-8698 0440-0217 0440-1583 0440-8435 0440-8442 0441-0308 0441-0353 0441-0658 0441-0716 0441-0770 0441-0929 0441-1014 0441-1070 0441-1119 0441-1218 0442-0386 0442-1040 0510-0012 0514-0102 0514-0183 0514-0184 0514-0222 0514-0225 0514-0248 0514-0312 0514-0316 0514-0403 0514-0441 0514-0452 0514-0475 0514-0580 0514-0654 0514-0886 0514-0902 0514-0905 0514-0919 0514-0927 0514-0945 0514-0958 0514-0959 0515-0102 0515-0129 0515-0155 0515-0184 0515-0242 0515-0317 0515-0425 0515-0456 0515-0457 0515-0458 0515-0465 0515-8018 0519-0467 0521-0231 0530-1044 0530-1272 0531-0068 0531-0155 0531-0219 0531-0258 0531-0358 0531-0363 0531-0368 0531-0456 0531-1000 0531-1059 0531-1206 0531-1217 0531-1225 0531-1228 0531-1229 0531-1234 0531-1244 0531-1254 0531-1282 0531-7401 0531-8506 0531-8507 0531-8510 0531-8519 0531-8529 0531-8540 0531-8558 0532-0118 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3251-8050 3251-8054 3251-8055 3251-8059 3251-8061 3251-8063 3251-8087 3251-8100 3251-8106 3251-8109 3251-8115 3251-8234 3251-8235 3251-8244 3251-8256 3251-8260 3251-8262 3251-8264 3251-8267 3251-8268 3251-8270 3251-8272 3251-8284 3251-8315 3251-8316 3251-8322 3251-8323 3251-8325 3251-8329 3251-8365 8000-0005 8000-0006 8000-0010 Exhibit "F" .... .... ... Availability Schedule January= 16 Exhibit "F" J.P.Morgan Remote Deposit Capture Image Deposit Direct (IDD) Image Virtual Remit (VR) Availability Schedule Policy The funds availability of checks deposited is based on the financial institution where the check is drawn. The Federal Reserve banking system will not forward process any item over $99,999,999.99. J.P.Morgan may refuse to process such item or handle any such item as a collection item, with customer credit and availability deferred accordingly. Availability schedules may be changed without notification. Thrift and S&L routing transit numbers (RTs) receive the same availability as the corresponding RT range as listed in the schedule. Federal Reserve Bank and Federal Home Loan Bank RTs are assigned one day float. The information furnished herein by J.P.Morgan is CONFIDENTIAL and is distributed for the exclusive use in evaluating J.P.Morgan programs and shall not be duplicated, published, or disclosed in whole or part, to any other person or disclosed in whole or part, to any other person or entity other than the recipient, or used for other purposes, without the prior written permission of J.P.Morgan. J.P.Morgan Remote Deposit Capture - lmag JbftilihFfibl)) & Virtual Remit (VR) 301 Availability is shown in Current Day Cycle ! I Mom ON•� See "On -Us" Tab See "On -Us" Tab 0000-0020, 0119, 0800 0000-0050, 0051 0000-9000 All Others *Deadlines are Eastern Standard Time CONFIDENTIAL © 2016 J.P.Morgan, All rights reserved. Deadline* 10:00 P 0 1 7oi- 10:00 PM 1 1 10:00 PM 1 100% 10:00 PM 1 100% 10:00 PM 1 100% 10:00 PM 1 /2 95%/5% iExhibit it F it Nationwide On Us RTs, 0210-0002 0440-0003 0750-0001 1130-0767 0210-0012 0519-0036 0830-0013 1221-0002 0211-0036 0610-9238 1020-0101 1232-7197 0212-0233 0654-0013 1030-0064 1240-0154 0212-0271 0710-0001 1070-8955 2631-8986 0212-7272 0710-0077 1110-0061 2670-8413 0213-0046 0710-7452 1110-0115 3222-7162 0214-1063 0711-0026 1119-2186 3250-7076 0223-0017 0720-0032 1119-9377 0280-0012 0740-0001 1130-0060 Nationwide CD RTs, 0213-0937 0311-0026 0719-2322 1020-0097 0220-0084 0441-1544 0724-1292 1070-0109 0311-0023 0652-0475 0759-0272 1113-0088 CERTIFICATIE ]hJ#k,1,bi44tMV6 GANIZATION This certification is executed on behalf of the City of Round Rock (the "Investor") and JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. (the "Business Organization") pursuant to the Public Funds Investment Act, Chapter 2256 Texas Government Code (the "Act") in connection with investing transactions conducted between the Investor and the Business Organization. The undersigned Qualified Representative of the Business Organization hereby certifies on behalf of the Business Organization that: 1. 40 40 0 The undersigned is a Qualified Representative of the Business Organization offering to enter into an investment transaction with the Investor as such terms are used in the Act and 2. The Qualified Representative of the Business Organization has received and reviewed the Investment Policy furnished by the Investor dated January 14, 2016 and 3. The Qualified Representative of the Business Organization has implemented reasonable procedures and controls in an effort to preclude imprudent transactions conducted between the Business Organization and the Investor that are not authorized by the Investor's Investment Policy, except to the extent that this authorization is dependent on an analysis of the makeup of the Investor's entire investment portfolio or requires an interpretation of subjective investment standards. 4. Subject to the clarifications set'forth in the attached letter to Investor dated December 13, 2016, the Business Organization will rely upon instructions from only the persons designated as Investment Officers as stated in the Investor's Investment Policy approved by ordinance or resolution of the governing body. Signed this 13th day of December, 2016 JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Name of Organization 221 W. 6th Street, 2nd Floor Address Austin TX 78701 City, State, Zip 512-479-2720 Telephone number kl� *Signature of Qualified Representative Larnell Camus Name (printed) Authorized Officer Title City of Round Rock Investment Policy January 14, 2016 *JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. signs this Certification subject to the clarifications set forth in the attached letter to City of Round Rock dated December 13, 2016. December 13, 2016 City of Round Rock Mr. Mike Schurwon, Purchaser 221 E. Main Street Round Rock, TX 78664 Exhibit "F" Re: Certification of City of Round Rock Investment Policy Dear Mr. Schurwon: JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. (the "Bank") has executed a "Certification by Business Organization" form provided by City of Round Rock (the "City"), in which the Bank confirms that it has reviewed the CITY's Investment Policy, as approved by the CITY's governing board and dated as of January 14, 2016, and has implemented " reasonable procedures and controls" to preclude investment transactions between it and the CITY that are not authorized by such Investment Policy. Such certification is made subject to the following clarifications: L The Bank is not acting in any municipal advisory capacity or investment advisory capacity in its relationship with the CITY; has not and will not provide any investment advice or investment recommendations; and has not been engaged by the CITY to provide such services. 2., The Bank has not been granted nor accepted any discretionary investment authority with respect to the investments of the CITY and, in connection with any investment transaction with the CITY, will only act upon instructions provided by the CITY; and the Bank has reviewed the Investment Policy for the purpose of coniumiing the authorized Investment Officers. I Consistent with the Texas Public Funds Investment Act, nothing in the certification provided by the Bank relieves the CITY of the responsibility for monitoring all investment transactions to determine that they are in compliance with the CITY's Investment Policy; and the CITY is responsible for making its own assessments as to the suitability and appropriateness of its investments. 4. When and if the Bank agrees to enter into an investment transaction with the CITY, the controls that the Bank has implemented in an effort to preclude investment transactions that are not authorized by the CITY's Investment Policy are based upon accepting investment instructions only from the CITY's Investment Officer, and the expectation that the CITY shall appoint as its Investment Officers for such purposes only those persons that are knowledgeable about the permissible investments and investment limitations under such Investment Policy. The Bank shall be entitled to rely upon certifications from the CITY's Investment Officers, or those persons designated as Authorized Persons on the CITY's accounts with the Bank as to the identity of such authorized persons. Thank you. Very truly yours, La ell Camus Authorized Officer Exhibit "F" G ........�....... ii:�} .. ... ...... _..: ..t...... n. .. .. ... { IN ----------- - ------- - CERTtFlCATE0F INTERESTEDPARTIESFORM 1Z95 1Of1 Complete -Nos. 1,w 4-.and- 6 ifthere are..- interested partJ6.-s,.OM.- OFFICE USEDNLY -10 a -,.an -6, e_.e no interestedpW- les ON OF FILING C t . No'& 1, 211.5 d arif ther CERT[FICATItoNit-me of .,busines entity 10ing. fa and sta. im countr the business, Certificate Numbero the. cftyt. d f -entity" �placeroof businesS.,20174W163223 JPMo 'a nChase Bank, N-,�krgs Columbu� OH, Un'ifted States Date. Filedi -02107/2017 i -pany-to, tne con it e' rm is two.- *qency'th�`ft__*ttrAct fdr iifi ,..h th fd.a' m-e.df 0overnmental ewdfty-obe]ng- ffled, City. of Round RockDate- AdknovWedded: 3 Provide'the identific ty n en.ti or at We a W�on number usedthe governme agency',to. track or identify the vontract, and Provit Y.description. of the services, goods, or -other pro . perty to,be provided under the, cantract, RFA Not 17w002 Bank Depository Se-wices 4 Nature ofInterest Name of 1htetes0d Pady City., State, .-Country (place of business) (check. applicable.) Con-trollin.. Intermedi Wy JPMorgan. Ch e & Co. New York, Untted'States, x S Check only .1fthere Is NO-Imerested Pa-rV...t. El 6 A IDAVffPerjUjy, Ismar; or affirm under- Penalty of the above. -disclosure. is true and correct.0 THAaV��YN _1A LVA.RAONotary- Pub,14.0�O • a": Nol.t.-try. 1.0445-10967 NZ My!signature -of Authon#zed Agent of contractng business entity AFFIX* NOTARY STAMP ABOVE .00ib Ce ASworn to and subscl ed: before me.,by the saidthis the day of*tn y- hand and seal of offl. Iceep20 1 YW- - e-SrS Mto terfity wh6ch, Pature of officer, adminislering oath Pfinted na. of'officer adniinisteringoath Title of officer ministening oath — - - --------- ------ ------ -- - - - - - - - ---------- -------------- - ---- ---- -- WWW.L . 1-Urms proviaea. oy i e�castmicsc;ommission ,etnus Version V2.0.277 CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 10fl Complete Nos. 1- 4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos,, 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form, and the city, state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2017-163223 JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Columbus, OH United States Date Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the- form is 02/07/2017 being filed. G City of Round Rock Date Acknowledged: 03/02/2017 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract, and provide a description of the services, goods, or other property to be provided under the contract. RFA No. 17-002 Bank Depository Services 4 Name of Interested Party City, State, Country (place of business) Nature of interest (check applicable) Controlling Intermediary JPMorgan Chase & Co. New York, NY United States X 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. 6 AFFIDAVIT I swear, or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that the above disclosure is true and correct. Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity AFFIX NOTARY STAMP SEAL ABOVE Sworn to and subscribed before me, by the said ,this the day of 20 , to certify which, witness my hand and seal of office. Signature of officer administering oath Printed name of officer administering oath Title of officer administering oath Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www,eth ics,. state Ax. us version vl.u.z it