Contract - Prota Construction, Inc. - 9/10/2020Page I of 3 Contract Quantity Adjustment/Change Order rev, 01/16 Department: Utilities & Environmental Services Project Name: PRV #21 #41 #9 & BCRUA and Line Extension Date: 6/30/20 City Project Change Order/Quantity ID Number SEPMP Adjustment No. Vendor PROTA Construction Inc & PROTA Inc., J.V. P.O. Box 342195 Austin, TX 78734 1 Company Name Address Phone No. Justification Several Change Order Proposals SUMMARY Original Contract Price: Previous Quantity Adjustment(s): This Quantity Adjustment: Total Quantity Adjustment(s): Total Contract Price with Quantity Adjustment(s): Previous Change Order(s): This Change Order: Total Change Order(s) To Date: Adjusted Contract Price [Original Contract Price Plus Quantity Adjustment(s) Plus Change Order(s)]: Difference between Original and Adjusted Contract Prices: Original Contract Time: Time Adjustment by previous Quan. Adj./Change Order: Time Adjustment by this Quan. Adj./Change Order: New Contract Time: Amount % Change $869,620.50 $0.00 -$5,656.90 -$5,656.90 $863,963.60 $0.00 0% $67,005.00 7.76% $67,005.00 7.76% $930,968.60 $61,348.10 270 Days 0 Days 54 Days 324 Days Submitted for Approval Prepared By: .�in. 8 , (S , (igna re Printed Name, Title, Company Date Approvals Contractor: Kermoth M. Flores Garcia, ProoectAugust 17 2020 Signature Printed Name, Title, Company Date City Project Manager: 7:6 na Printed Name, Title Date Mayor/City Manager . 4 910, Sig nat e Printed Wame, Title V Date iZ-?A2o---- Z)**'L"5t This Page is too large to OCR Page 2of3 Contract Quantity Adjustment/Change Order rev, 01/16 Project Name: PRV #2, #41 #9 & BCRUA and Line Extension Quan. Adj./Change Order No.: Change Order Data Contract Time Adjustment Item # Item Description Unit Qty. Unit Price Amount (Working Days) A/C Pipeline at PRV #2 6" Gate Valve COP # 1 Installation LS 1 $2,770.00 $2,770.00 0 COP #2 DI Pipeline Installation at PRV #2 LS 1 $1,256.00 $1,256.00 0 Change due to shift PRV #2 from OCV to COP #3 Cla-Val, Including BFV w/ Actuator LS 1 $7,859.00 $0.00 0 16" MJ Gate Valve Installation at BCRUA COP #4 Site LS 1 $18,571.00 $18,571.00 30 Furnishing 30" MJ Gate Valve at BCRUA COP # 5 Site LS 1 $141626.00 $14,626.00 0 Furnishing 30" Factory Restrained DI COP #6 Pipe LS 1 $0.00 $0.00 0 COP #7 4" DI Pipeline Relocation LS 1 $2,430.00 $2,430.00 0 Repair Existing Spool Set-in in the COP #8 Concrete Wall LS 1 $2,701.00 $2,701.00 0 New Layout for PRVs to be installed at COP #9 BCRUA Site 1 $3,760.00 $3,760.00 0 Build Deadman (Additive) & Connection COP # 10 of Pipelines at PRV #9 (Deductive) LS 1 $3 642.00 $3,642.00 4 Installation of 16" x 12" MJ Reducer at COP # 11 PRV #9 LS 1 $917.00 $917.00 0 COP # 12 North 81 Standpipe Works LS 1 $0.00 $0.00 0 Build Deadmen at the New 18" Gate Valve installed at PRV ##9 and the Existing 16" Butterfly Valve at the North COP # 13 of the proposed PRV Concrete Vault LS 1 $8,026.00 $8,026.00 5 COP #14 18" MJ Gate Valve Installation Credit LS 1 -$121310.00 -$121310.00 0 Additional Fittings for Installation of 18" MJ Gate Valve due to the existing COP #15 pipeline is 20". LS 1 $7,899.00 $7,899.00 5 Connection of Pipeline at the North and COP #16 the South sides of PRV #9 LS 1 $11,059.00 $11,059.00 5 Additional Conduits and Wiring at BCRUA COP #17 Site LS 1 $1,658.00 $1,658.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTALS: $67,005.001 49 Page 3of3 Contract Quantity Adjustment/Change Order RMINO ME"; rev, 01/16 Project Name: PRV #2, #4, #9 & BCRUA and Line Extension Quan. Adj./Change Order No.: Quantity Adjustment Data Bid Item # Item Description Unit Qty. Unit Price Amount Contract Time Adjustment 34 Extra Hand Excavation CY 50 -$110.00 -$5 500.00 0 35 Extra Machine Excavation CY 50 -$65,00 -$3 250.00 0 36 Extra Placement of Backfill Material CY 50 -$65.00 -$31250.00 0 30 Remove and Dispose Sidewalk SY 56.55 $42.00 $2,375.10 2 31 4" Sidewalk SY 64 $62.00 $3,968.00 3 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTALS: - 5 656.90 5 CERTIFICATE t3F tI�TERE�TED PARTIES �c�Rnn 1295 1.0ti CO- --------- ------------- - --------- -- ----------- -- - ------- ---- Ml------ . ... .. mp►eCe Nos. i - 4 and. B if there are interested pa�ies. OFFICE U'S.E�-0*N'LY Complete Nos. i; 2, 3, 5.., and 6 if there are no interested paRies, CERTlFl*CATl0N 0FFILI. .. ...... . N+G. Name of bUsirtesa ent�#y filing farm. and the city, state sm..d coauntry of the business entity's platco-Cer#iilcate Number: ot business. 2t}20-661297 Frota �on.s..ructtian Inc and Prota inc, JV Austin, TX United States Date sited- ---------------- --------- --- -- - -- --------------- - ------- : 2 Name o4­'gvvsrnmer�ta ent ty ", ot-state agency that: I"'s a part�r t� t e --------------------- contract cr which the form is /2,6/2-020 being tCied. City of.Round Rock Dtte-­-.--Ac'kn'o-w'ledged: � Provide. tbtldentiftcasian n.,um.ber us-'s-d by the governmental amity .or Mate agency lo,track..or Identrify the contact, and'.proAde.a descriptlon:of the se-rvices, goads, or other property to be provided under the c�sntrect Ptessure Reducing Valve Quantity A�jusEmentlGhar�ge 0..der Na, i far the.Pressure Ft�da�ing Valves 2-4 4�, 9 and BC.RUA Valve &Line Extension project Nature . ... .. ........ --------- -- -- - -- ----- ------- -- ---- — ----------- ot'Intetest 4 Name of Inteteste.d..,Party City, State, Country (place of business) (check appileablej 011110 ControUi lntermedia Borg, Michelle Au-------- ---- ------------- ---------------- ------ VMW_ W W stin,. TX United States X X --------------------- --------- .... ..... . .. ... . . ... .... ---------------- -imam --- Man - - - — ---------------- - .. ... .. ------------------ --- - MIAMI _W__ . . .. ..... NO .. .... .... Prota, Inc. Austin, TX United States X Sp -10 Prota-Constructlon, inc. Mlyague-Z Mayaguez Puerto Rieo X ------------- Ta.mlboe-r, Cornelius A-pstJn.-,TX'U'.nl.ted States X X . ..... . ...... .. -------- _00 _01 _1111111-0110i i mn ------ --- ------ Ill Mill -WIN ------ -11 i-Wi Aco�tar Ric'.ardo Mayagusa Puerto Rico, USA X X . . ... . ..... 10 --------------- --------------- 5 Cheek only if there:Is.NO lntorested Party. - --- ------ - ----- - ------------- ----- ------------ _01-1 ----------------- - ------ -- .. .. . ...... 8 U-N,S-W0-RN-DEC.L.A.-Ran-TION My name is MicheNe Botg ,and.my date of birth is �egtember 2�. 1,976. .. My addres-s-:1. ll-aloraft.Dr.ive ,Austin � TX 78730 � USAM11I (street). (aKyy Ate) (z!p code) (�untry) 1 declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing- is true •and.-*,.Qrrect, Executed ln Trsvls.County, Stara at ��xs� . on the. 2Lday of August , 2.0 2 . . ..... ...... h l (Year). Signature a au r zed agenE of contrac�tng busMness entity (Dederant} Forms provided by Tex.as. Ethics Commiss ion vww.ethics.state.bc.us Version Vlol.,3 a6 aat7a CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 10fl Complete Nos. 1- 4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos, 1, 21 31 5, and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form, and the city, state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2020-661297 Prota Construction Inc and Prota Inc, JV Austin, TX United States Date Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that i s a party to the contract for which the form is 08/26/2020 being filed. City of Round Rock Date Acknowledged: 08/26/2020 g Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract, and provide a description of the services, goods, or other property to be provided under the contract. 000000-Pressure Reducing Valve Quantity Adjustment/Change Order No. 1 for the Pressure Reducing Valves 2, 41 9 and BCRUA Valve & Line Extension project 4 Name of Interested PartyCity,State, Country of business) Nature of interest a licable PP Controlling Intermediary Borg, Michelle Austin, TX United States X X Prota, Inc. Austin, TX United States X Prota Construction, Inc. Mayaguez Mayaguez Puerto Rico X Tamboer, Cornelius Austin, TX United States X X Acosta, Ricardo Mayaguez Puerto Rico, USA X X 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. 6 UNSWORN DECLARATION My name is ,and my date of birth is My address is , (street) (city) (state) (zip code) (country) declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in County, State of , on the day of , 20 (month) (year) Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity (Declarant) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www . eth i cs . state . tx . u s Version Vl,1,3a6aat7d