Contract - TxDOT Texas Dept of Transportation - 10/22/2020 T1i05 O o (Rev.10/18) Page age Ioff 10 MULTIPLE USE AGREEMENT 1 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TRAVIS § THIS AGREEMENT made by the State of Texas by and between the Texas Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as"State", party of the first part, and City of Round Rock , hereinafter called the City party of the second part, is to become effective when fully executed by both parties. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, on the a5 14 day of 20-2-0 (,Ici ,the governing body for the the City entered into Resolution/Ordinance No. R-2019-0160 hereinafter identified by reference, authorizing the the City s participation in this agreement with the State; and WHEREAS,the the City has requested the State to permit the construction, maintenance and operation of a public Extension of Arterial A on the highway right of way, (ROADWAY S. Kenney Fort Blvd CONTROL SECTION NO. E004-55. ). (General description of area including either the control number or GPS coordinates.) Gattis School Road (CSJ E004-55)and State Hwy 45(CSJ 0683-06) shown graphically by the preliminary conceptual site plan in Exhibit"A"and being more specifically described by metes and bounds of Exhibit"B", which are attached and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the State has indicated its willingness to approve the establishment of such facilities and other uses conditioned that the the City will enter into agreements with the State for the purpose of determining the respective responsibilities of the the City and the State with reference thereto, and conditioned that such uses are in the public interest and will not damage the highway facilities, impair safety, impede maintenance or in any way restrict the operation of the highway facility, all as determined from engineering and traffic investigations conducted by the State. Form 2044 (Rev.10/18) Page 2 of 10 AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants and agreements of the parties hereto to be by them respectively kept and performed as hereinafter set forth, it is agreed as follows: 1. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION the City will prepare or provide for the construction plans for the facility, and will provide for the construction work as required by said plans at no cost to the State. Said plans shall include the design of the access control, necessary horizontal and vertical clearances for highway structures, adequate landscape treatment, adequate detail to ensure compliance with applicable structural design standards, sufficient traffic control provisions, and general layout. They shall also delineate and define the construction responsibilities of both parties hereto. Completed plans will be submitted to State for review and approval and when approved shall be attached to the agreement and made a part thereof in all respects. Construction shall not commence until plans have been approved by the State. Any future revisions or additions shall be made after prior written approval of the State. Any sidewalks, curb ramps and other pedestrian elements to be constructed, either on site or off site, by the the City shall be in accordance with the requirements of Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) and with the Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS). Elements constructed by the the City and found not to comply with ADA or TAS shall be corrected at the entire expense of the the City 2. INSPECTION Ingress and egress shall be allowed at all times to such facility for Federal Highway Administration personnel and State Forces and equipment when highway maintenance operations are necessary, and for inspection purposes; and upon request, all parking or other activities for periods required for such operations will be prohibited. 3. PARKING REGULATIONS Parking regulations shall be established limiting parking to single unit motor vehicles of size and capacity no greater than prescribed for 11/2 ton trucks, such vehicles to conform in size and use to governing laws. Parking shall be permitted only in marked spaces. Parking shall be prohibited when a security threat, as determined by TxDOT, exists. Form 2044 (Rev.10/18) Page 3 of 10 4. PROHIBITION/SIGNS Regulations shall be established prohibiting the parking of vehicles transporting flammable or explosive loads and prohibiting use of the area in any manner for peddling, advertising or other purposes not in keeping with the objective of a public facility. The erection of signs other than those required for proper use of the area will be prohibited. All signs shall be approved by the State prior to the actual erection. 5. RESPONSIBILITIES Timely maintenance, repair and operation of the facility shall be entirely the responsibility of the the City . Such responsibility shall not be transferred, assigned or conveyed to a third party without the advanced written approval of the State. These responsibilities expressly include the timely maintenance and repair of any portion of the facility necessary to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Further, such responsibility shall include picking up trash, mowing and otherwise keeping the facility in a clean and sanitary condition, and surveillance by police patrol to eliminate the possible creation of a nuisance or hazard to the public. Hazardous or unreasonably objectionable smoke, fumes, vapor or odors shall not be permitted to rise above the grade line of the highway, nor shall the facility subject the highway to hazardous or unreasonably objectionable dripping, droppings or discharge of any kind, including rain or snow. If the State determines that the City has failed to comply with these responsibilities, it will perform the necessary work and charge the City the actual cost of the work. 6. FEES Any fees levied for use of the facilities in the area shall be nominal and no more than are sufficient to defray the cost of construction, maintenance and operations thereof, and shall be subject to State approval. A. Retention Period. The the City shall maintain all books, documents, papers, accounting records and other evidence pertaining to fees collected and costs (hereinafter called the Records). The the City shall make the records available during the term of the Agreement and for four years from the date the Agreement is terminated, until completion of all audits, or until pending litigation has been completely and fully resolved, whichever occurs last. B. Audit Report. If fees are collected by the the City for the use of the facility under this agreement, the the City will provide the State an annual audit report detailing the fees collected for the use of the facility and the costs associated with constructing, maintaining, and operating the facility within the same period. If the report shows more fees collected than expenses for the construction, operation, or maintenance of the facility the the City must provide a multiple year plan detailing how the additional revenue will be used for construction, operation, or maintenance of the facility. Form 2044 (Rev.10/18) Page 4 of 10 C. Availability. The State or any of its duly authorized representatives, the Federal Highway Administration, the United States Department of Transportation, Office of Inspector General, and the Comptroller General shall have access to the the City s records that are directly pertinent to this Agreement for the purpose of making audits and examinations. 7. TERMINATION UPON NOTICE This provision is expressly made subject to the rights herein granted to both parties to terminate this agreement upon notice, and upon the exercise of any such right by either party, all obligations herein to make improvements to said facility shall immediately cease and terminate and the City shall be responsible for the facility's timely removal at no cost to the State. If the State determines that the City has failed to timely remove the facility, it will perform the necessary work and charge the City the actual cost of the work. 8. MODIFICATION/TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT If in the sole judgment of the State it is found at any future time that traffic conditions have so changed that the existence or use of the facility is impeding maintenance, damaging the highway facility, impairing safety or that the facility is not being properly operated, that it constitutes a nuisance, is abandoned, or if for any other reason it is the State's judgment that such facility is not in the public interest, this agreement under which the facility was constructed may be: (1) modified if corrective measures acceptable to both parties can be applied to eliminate the objectionable features of the facility; or(2)terminated and the use of the area as proposed herein discontinued. 9. PROHIBITION OF STORAGE OF FLAMMABLE MATERIALS All structures located or constructed within the area covered by the agreement shall be fire resistant. The storage of flammable, explosive or hazardous materials is prohibited. Operations deemed to be a potential fire hazard shall be subject to regulation by the State. 10. RESTORATION OF AREA The the City shall provide written notification to the State that such facility will be discontinued for the purpose defined herein. The the City shall, within thirty (30) days from the date of said notification, clear the area of all facilities that were its construction responsibility under this agreement and restore the area to a condition satisfactory to the State. 11. PREVIOUS AGREEMENTS It is understood that this agreement in no way modifies or supersedes the terms and provisions of any existing agreements between the parties hereto. Form 2044 (Rev.10/18) Page 5 of 10 12. INDEMNIFICATION the City AGREES TO HOLD AND SAVE THE STATE OF TEXAS FREE FROM DAMAGES THAT MAY RESULT FROM CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT DESCRIBED HEREIN. THE INDEMNIFICATION OF THE STATE SHALL EXTEND FOR A PERIOD OF TWO (2) YEARS BEYOND THE DATE OF TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. DURING EACH YEAR WHILE THERE IS ANY LIABILITY BY REASON OF THE AGREEMENT CONTAINED IN THIS SUBSECTION OF THIS RESOLUTION, INCLUDING THE CALENDAR YEAR 2020 , THE Round Rock (CITY) SHALL COMPUTE AND ASCERTAIN THE RATE AND AMOUNT OF AD VALOREM TAX, BASED ON THE LATEST APPROVED TAX ROLLS OF SAID ENTITY, WITH FULL ALLOWANCES BEING MADE FOR TAX DELINQUENCIES AND COSTS OF TAX COLLECTION, WHICH WILL BE SUFFICIENT TO RAISE AND PRODUCE THE MONEY REQUIRED TO PAY ANY SUMS WHICH MAY BE OR BECOME DUE DURING ANY SUCH YEAR, IN NO INSTANCE TO BE LESS THAN TWO (2%) PER CENT OF SUCH OBLIGATION, TOGETHER WITH INTEREST THEREON, BECAUSE OF THE OBLIGATION HEREIN ASSUMED. SAID RATE AND AMOUNT OF AD VALOREM TAX IS HEREBY ORDERED TO BE LEVIED AND IS HEREBY LEVIED AGAINST ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY IN SAID ENTITY FOR EACH YEAR WHILE ANY LIABILITY EXISTS BY REASON OF THE OBLIGATION UNDERTAKEN BY THIS SUBSECTION OF THIS RESOLUTION, AND SAID AD VALOREM TAX SHALL BE ASSESSED AND COLLECTED EACH SUCH YEAR UNTIL ALL OF THE OBLIGATIONS HEREIN INCURRED SHALL HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AND ALL LIABILITY HEREUNDER DISCHARGED. No party to this agreement intends to waive relinquish, limit or condition its general governmental immunity from liability in any way. Each party agrees and acknowledges that it is not an agent. servant, or employee of the other party and that under this provision each party is responsible only for its own acts and for those of its agents, servants. independent contractors or employees. Such responsibility includes, but is not limited to any claims or amounts arising or recovered under the "Workers Compensation Law," the Texas Tort Claims Act, Chapter 101. Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code: or any other applicable laws or regulations. all as time to time may be amended. Form 2044 (Rev.10/18) Page 6 of 10 Nothing in this agreement shall be construed as creating any liability in favor of any third party against the State and the the City . Additionally, this agreement shall not ever be construed as relieving any third party from any liability against the State. Furthermore, the the City shall become fully subrogated to the State's rights of recovery and shall be entitled to maintain any action over and against any third party who may be liable for damages. The State agrees to execute and deliver instruments and papers and to otherwise do that which is necessary to secure such rights. 13. INSURANCE The the City shall provide necessary safeguards to protect the public on State maintained highways including adequate insurance for payment of any damages which might result during the construction, maintenance, repair and operation of the facility. the City shall include TxDOT as an additional insured by endorsement in the City ,s commercial general liability insurance policy. Prior to beginning work on the State's right of way, the the City s construction contractor shall submit to the State a completed insurance form (TxDOT Form No. 1560) or appropriate certificate of self-insurance and shall maintain the required coverage during the construction of the facility. 14. USE OF RIGHT OF WAY It is understood that the State by execution of this agreement does not impair or relinquish the State's right to use such land for highway purposes when it is required for the construction or re-construction of the traffic facility for which it was acquired, nor shall use of the land under such agreement ever be construed as abandonment by the State of such land acquired for highway purposes, and the State does not purport to grant any interest in the land described herein but merely consents to such use to the extent its authority and title permits. 15. ADDITIONAL CONSENT REQUIRED The State asserts only that it has sufficient title for highway purposes. The the City shall be responsible for obtaining such additional consent, permits or agreement as may be necessary due to this agreement. This includes, but is not limited to, appropriate permits and clearances for environmental, ADA and public utilities. 16. FHWA ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS If the Facility is located on the Federal-Aid Highway System, "ATTACHMENT A", which states additional requirements as set forth in the Federal Highway Administration's Title 23, Code of Federal Regulations, § 710, shall be attached to and become a part of this agreement. 17. CIVIL RIGHTS ASSURANCES The the City , for itself, its personal representatives, successors and interests and Form 2044 (Rev.10/18) Page 7 of 10 assigns, as part of the consideration hereof, does hereby covenant and agree as a covenant running with the land that: (1) no persons, on the grounds of race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion or disabling condition, shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in the use of said facility; (2)that in the construction of any improvements on, over or under such land and the furnishing of services thereon, no person on the ground of race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion or disabling condition, shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination; (3) that the the City shall use the premises in compliance with all other requirements imposed by or pursuant to Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Non-discrimination in Federally-Assisted programs of the Department of Transportation - Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and as said Regulations may be amended. That if in the event of any breach of the above non-discrimination covenants, the State shall have the right to terminate the agreement and reenter and repossess said land and the facilities thereon, and hold the same as if said agreement had never been made or issued. 18. AMENDMENTS Any changes in the time frame, character or responsibilities of the parties hereto shall be enacted by a written amendment executed by both parties hereto. 19. LEGAL CONSTRUCTION In case one or more of the provisions contained in this agreement shall for any reason be held invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any provision hereof and this agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been contained in this agreement. 20. AUDIT The State may conduct an audit or investigation of any aspect of this agreement. The the City must provide the State with access to any information the State considers relevant to the investigation or audit. The audit can include, but is not limited to, any contract for construction or maintenance of any facility or structure authorized by this agreement or any contract to provide a service to the the City if that service is authorized by this agreement. Form 2044 (Rev.10/18) Page 8 of 10 21. AUTHORITY OF STATE AUDITOR The state auditor may conduct an audit or investigation of any entity receiving funds from the state directly under the contract or indirectly through a subcontract under the contract. Acceptance of funds directly under the contract or indirectly through a subcontract under this contract acts as acceptance of the authority of the state auditor, under the direction of the legislative audit committee, to conduct an audit or investigation in connection with those funds. An entity that is the subject of an audit or investigation must provide the state auditor with access to any information the state auditor considers relevant to the investigation or audit. 22. NOTICES All notices required under this agreement shall be mailed or hand delivered to the following respective addresses: STATE (Name of other party) (Mailing Address) (Mailing Address) Texas Department of Transportation The City of Round Rock Maintenance Division Transportation Office 125 East 11th Street 3400 Sunrise Road Austin, Texas 78701-2483 Round Rock, Texas 78665 23. TIMELY PAYMENT When required by any provision of this agreement requires a payment to be made to the State, the other party hereto shall within thirty (30) days from receipt of the State's written notification pay the State for the full cost of repairing any damages to the highway facility which may result from the other party's construction, maintenance, repair or operation of the facility. 24. WARRANTS The signatories to this agreement warrant that each has the authority to enter into this agreement on behalf of the party represented. List of Attached Exhibits: Exhibit A-General Layout Exhibit B -Metes and Bounds Description Exhibit C -Approved Construction Plans Exhibit D-Certificate of Insurance (TxDOT Form 1560) Exhibit E -Attachment A(FHWA Additional Requirements) Form 2044 (Rev.10/18) Page 9 of 10 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto affixed their signature, the on the day of 2020 and the State on the day of 2020 STATE OF TEXAS Gf N afv- Nt� �G> Executed and approved for the Texas (Name of other party) Transportation Commission for the purpose and effect of activating and/or carrying out the orders, and established policies or work programs By. heretofore approved and authorized by the Texas Sign ture Transportation Commission. GSI IGI N By: ",Printed Name Director, Maintenance Division SIN��- Title Printed Name Agency Date I * APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: Contact Office and Telephone No. District Engineer Tucker Ferguson, P.E. Printed Name Date Form 2044 (Rev.10/18) Page 10 of 10 ATTACHMENT A Inasmuch as this project is on the Federal-Aid highway system, the following additional requirements as applicable with the Federal Highway Administration's Title 23, Code of Federal Regulations, § 710.105. 1. Any significant revision in the design or construction of the facility shall receive prior approval by the Texas Department of Transportation subject to concurrency by the FHWA. 2.. Any change in the authorized use of real property interest shall receive prior approval by the Texas Department of Transportation subject to concurrence by the FHWA. 3. Real property interest shall not be transferred, assigned or conveyed to another party without prior Texas Department of Transportation approval subject to concurrence by the FHWA. 4. This agreement will be revocable in the event that the real property interest facility ceases to be used or is abandoned. SUPPORTING RESOLUTION or ORDINANCE RESOLUTION NO.R-2019-0160 WHEREAS,the City of Round Rock("City")is in the process of designing the extension of Arterial A (hereinafter referred to as the "Extension") from Forest Creek Boulevard to SH 45; and WHEREAS,approximately 1.55 acres of the Extension will encroach within state property commonly known as the MKT Right-of-Way;and' WHEREAS, Minute Order 83157, dated May 22, 1985, tendered a proposal to Austin, Pflugerville, Round Rock, Georgetown, and Travis and Williamson Counties for the construction of a facility then known as the MoKan Transportation Corridor; and WHEREAS,on or around May 22, 1989,Austin, Georgetown,Round Rock,Pflugerville, Travis County, Williamson County and Capitol Metro entered into an Interlocal Agreement (the "May 22, 1989 ILA")with the Texas Department of Transportation(`TxDOT")wherein the parties agreed to share in the costs to acquire the abandoned MKT Right-of-Way; and WHEREAS, the above-mentioned entities were successful in acquiring significant portions of the abandoned MKT Right-of-Way; and WHEREAS, on April 25, 2002, TxDOT passed Minute Order 108874 which acknowledged that the facility described in Minute Order 83157, with a revised scope after subsequent planning and studies,would henceforth be called SH 130;and WHEREAS, SH 130 was designated as a tolled, controlled access facility, with a project scope and alignment changed significantly from that described in Minute Order 83157; and WHEREAS, due to these significant changes, it was deemed necessary to revise right-of- way acquisition and utility adjustment participation requirements as stated in Minute Order 83157 and the May 22, 1989 ILA; and 0112.1902;OD422094 WHEREAS, TxDOT, in Minute Order 108874, ordered that the right-of-way acquisition and utility adjustment participation requirements in Minute Order 83157 be rescinded; and WHEREAS, all other provisions in Minute Order 83157 remain in effect,Now Therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROUND ROCK, TEXAS,THAT: 1. The facts and recitations in the preamble of this Resolution are hereby found and declared to be true and correct and are incorporated herein and expressly made a part hereof. 2. The City finds that it is in the best interest of the citizens of Round Rock to request TxDOT to allow the City to utilize those sections of the MKT right-of-way as shown on Exhibit"A",attached hereto,to facilitate the extension of Arterial A from its current terminus to SH 45. 3. The terms and conditions of the above-described utilization of certain sections of the MKT right-of-way shall be as stated in a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") between the city and TxDOT. The MOU will contain provisions stating that the MKT right-of-way is subject to future modification and that the City shall be solely responsible for removing or re-aligning any City-installed improvements within the encroachments allowed by this Agreement to accommodate the future MoKan transportation corridor facility. The City Council hereby finds and declares that written notice of the date, hour,place and subject of the meeting at which this Resolution was adopted was posted and that such meeting was open to the public as required by law at all times during which this Resolution and the subject 2. matter hereof were discussed, considered and formally acted upon, all as required by the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551,Texas Government Code,as amended. RESOLVED this the 25th day of April, 2019. 4 ,o /' CRAIG M RGAN ayor City of Round Roc)r, Texas ATTEST: uyk. SARA L. WHITE, City Clerk 3. U? s� i r i L 0 � •.. Q @t:rte`'• r s „'d r:nt-elt. �. tri • 4t fit to I i To C M Begin - Kenney Fort p'c'N, • Blvd Extension j' C4' r i+ \ ? Moertte Ln Forest ry Ln T. ti ty � v � 7 r •� State of Texas(Mo Kan) 'n 0.132 Acres ° Leah School Rd v, ,,ocls Franc y Gattis S t1Y �' u - � ��� n La kw R,to-ct Park MoKan — Gattis School Rd State of Texas ( ) i 13r4dlob 0.14 Acres F3rl b T tea State of Texas(MoKan) ai 4 _. 1.283 Acres End- Kenney Fort Blvd Extension • i r,ut henna Alvrt o � r Z, ProposedExhibit A -. MoKan Right-of-Way Proposed ROW ROW ' aw-) �A Feet Existing ROW SchoofFund ,� �kW NU koCK,rtXAS ruirrosi rasion nmuin UADY.- % .• ORDER REGARDING EXTENSION OF ARTERIAL A WHEREAS, the City of Round Rock ("Round Rock) is in the process of designing the extension of Arterial A (hereinafter referred to as the "Extension) from Forest Creek Boulevard to SH 45;and t j WHEREAS,approximately 1.55 acres of the Extension will encroach within state property commonly known as the MKT Right-of-Way(the"MKT Encroachment"); and WHEREAS, Minute Order 83157, dated May 22, 1985, tendered a proposal to Austin, Pflugerville, Round Rock, Georgetown, and Travis and Williamson Counties for the construction of a facility then known as the Mokan Transportation Corridor;and WHEREAS, on or around May 22, 1989, Austin, Georgetown, Round Rock,Pflugerville, Travis County, Williamson County and the Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority ("CapMetro") entered into an Interlocal Agreement (the "May 22, 1989 ILA") with the Texas Department of Transportation (`TxDOT") wherein the parties agreed to share in the costs to acquire the abandoned MKT Right-of-Way;and WHEREAS,the above-mentioned entities were successful in acquiring significant portions of the abandoned MKT Right-of-Way and conveying said right-of-way to TxDOT; and WHEREAS, on April 25, 2002, TxDOT passed Minute Number 108874 which acknowledged that the facility described in Minute Order 83157, with a revised scope after subsequent planning and studies, was moved eastward and would henceforth be called SH 130; and WHEREAS, prior to allowing Round Rock's MKT Encroachment for the extension of Arterial A, TxDOT is requiring the consent of said encroachment from the City of Pflugerville, Williamson County, and CapMetro; ooaosszs.00cx Now Therefore, BE IT ORDERED BY THE COMMISSIONERS COURT OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS,THAT: 1. The facts and recitations in the preamble of this Order are hereby found and declared to be true and correct and are incorporated herein and expressly made a j part hereof. 2. The County hereby gives its consent to TxDOT to allow Round Rock to utilize i those sections of the MKT right-of-way as shown on Exhibit"A", attached hereto, to facilitate the extension of Arterial A from its current terminus to SH 45. The Commissioners Court hereby finds and declares that written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of the meeting at which this Order was adopted was posted and that such meeting was open to the public as required by law at all times during which this Order and the subject matter hereof were discussed, considered and formally acted upon, all as required by the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, as amended. RESOLVED this the 0 day of , 20 t 8. Williamson County,Texas ATTEST: Ce" Nancy Ri to ,County Clerk 2. Exhibit"A" Encroachment Areas I 3. a 8 i G7 'i f .t, (1 1 •7 �Or XBlvd enney Fort ero+ft.,, nsion t.• �Z C, at F t `� •� ore it 1 +� 1.i w �, •c`r 110'.1, u, to 11 a r ai rr e .> r State of Texas(MoKan) �� u i' 0.132 Acres !nai. i_r+ ' .. }V•, a{ .. school Rd r ,µ1,+. a,r G. {: Gattis Sch k R `�4 "' -+ Lake Forest P,4rk Gaitis schooi Rd State of Texas(MoKan) I Err.rJtor b 0.14 Acres C) State of Texas(MoKan) 1.283 Acres t 1.: End - Kenney Fort L rn•t Blvd Extension 3 , EXHIBIT rna Alvrl � �. nlwf -- - � a„ ice,,,,, .•^�,. �� .1 n4- w 4, r Exhibit A :Proposed Kenney Fort Blvd Extension Easement ROW MoKan MoKan Corridor ROW L�J �ROUNDMUCKTEXAS MoKan Right-of-Way Proposed 8ty • • -.t Existing ROW rvu•.p�.—cion r.ovmm Parcels All ..• 76.a ri r� M ETRO I RESOLUTION OF THE o a CAPITAL METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY 0 BOARD OF DIRECTORS c STATE OF TEXAS 0 COUNTY OF TRAVIS RESOLUTION (ID# AI-2018-837) c City of Round Rock Mokan Corridor Agreement c 11 WHEREAS, the City of Round Rock ("Round Rock") is in the process of designing the ° extension of Arterial A (hereinafter referred to as the "Extension") from Forest Creek Boulevard to SH 45; and WHEREAS, approximately 1.55 acres of the Extension will encroach within state property commonly known as the MKT Right-of-Way (the "MKT Encroachment"); and d E WHEREAS, on or around May 22, 1989, Austin, Georgetown, Round Rock, Pflugerville, a Travis County,Williamson County and the Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority ("CapMetro") entered into an Interlocal Agreement (the "May 22, 1989 ILA")with the co Texas Department of Transportation ('TxDOT") wherein the parties agreed to share in o the costs to acquire the abandoned MKT Right-of-Way; and N WHEREAS, prior to allowing Round Rock's MKT Encroachment for the extension of Arterial A, TxDOT is requiring the consent of said encroachment from the City of ti Pflugerville, Williamson County, and Capital Metro; and00 E 0 WHEREAS, the use of the right-of-way shall be as stated in a Multiple Use Agreement N i ("MUA") between the city and TxDOT, including provisions stating that the right-of-way a is subject to future modification and that the City shall be solely responsible for c removing or re-aligning any City-installed improvements within the encroachments allowed by this Agreement to accommodate the future Mokan transportation corridor ! facility. i r NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED The Capital Metropolitan Transportation r Authority Board of Directors hereby gives its consent to TxDOT to allow Round Rock to utilize those sections of the MKT right-of-way as shown on Exhibit "A", attached hereto, a to facilitate the extension of Arterial A from its current terminus to SH 45. ; Page 3 Packet Pg 46 � CD 0 e-t (D 0 w Q v rt V.J M -0 DIZ� D � O T 011- -0 y . 07 N � Attachment: Resolution-AI-2018-837 (CMTA-2018-68 :Agreement for the City of Round Rock Mokan corridor) 7.6,a Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority MEETING DATE: 912812018 Board of Directors (ID#A1-2018-837) City of Round Rock Mokan Corridor Agreement SUBJECT: Approval of a resolution giving consent to TxDOT to allow Round Rock to utilize those sections of the MKT right-of-way as shown on Exhibit "A", attached hereto, to facilitate c the extension of Arterial A (Kenney Fort Boulevard) from its current terminus to SH 45. V Q FISCAL IMPACT: e �a This action has no fiscal impact. 0 STRATEGIC PLAN: a Strategic Goal Alignment: c 3. Community W O Strategic Objectives: ' i 3.2 Build Strong Community Partnerships that further Capital Metro's mission and vision. w L .0- EXPLANATION °EXPLANATION OF STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT: Capital Metro has an interest in assisting our community partners in furthering projects E that support their communities while preserving future transit options. a BUSINESS CASE: o0 Capital Metro has, along with other transportation agencies in the region, identified o MOKAN as a potential future transportation corridor. While the corridor was not N prioritized within the Project Connect development process, it remains a potential corridor for the future and for this reason, Capital Metro has an interest in seeing it preserved to the maximum extent possible. Because the current project under development by the City of Round Rock poses a potential conflict with future development of MOKAN, Capital Metro desires to ensure that the risks are minimized. 00 The stipulation in the agreement that the City of Round Rock must sign with TxDOT to N implement its project and to encroach upon the MOKAN right-of-way provides that a assurance with the requirement that the city be solely responsible for removing or re- .2 aligning its roadway to accommodate the development of the MOKAN corridor. 0 w COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: This agenda item was presented and is recommended for approval by the Operations, Planning and Safety Committee on September 17, 2018. r EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Capital Metro is one of several local governments that participated in the acquisition of a the MOKAN right of way in 1990. MOKAN is an unused rail right of way that extends for 28 miles between Austin and Georgetown, east of, and roughly paralleling I1-1-35. As a part of the agreement that was developed to complete the acquisition, fifty feet of the Pagel Packet Pg.;.44 ; 7.6.a ® I� METRO right of way "shall be dedicated and used for mass transit purposes."The City of Round Rock is seeking approval to encroach on the right-of-way for their Kenney Fort Boulevard project immediately north of the intersection with SH-45. The incursion into the MKT Right-of-Way is approximately 1.55 acres. While this encroachment could o affect the future viability of the MOKAN corridor's use for high-capacity transit purposes, a clause in the agreement that the City of Round Rock must sign with the Texas 0 Department of Transportation (TxDOT) mitigates that concern. Specifically, the agreement states that "the right-of-way is subject to future modification and that the City 0 shall be solely responsible for removing or re-aligning any City-installed improvements within the encroachments allowed by this Agreement to accommodate the future Mokan o transportation corridor facility." This statement includes language that, in the event the MOKAN corridor is developed for high-capacity transit service, the encroachment will not be a detriment to that effort. o As a financial contributor to the acquisition of the corridor, TxDOT has requested ' consent from Capital Metro and the other financial contributors for Round Rock to move 4 forward with the extension of the Arterial A. L w DBE/SBE PARTICIPATION: Does not apply. E PROCUREMENT: Does not apply. Q RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT: Planning and Development 00H U � l M 00 r O N Q C O 3 O p N d R` `s C 0 E V cv Q it ft 7 Page 2 Packet Pg.45 EXHIBIT A General Layout and Location �ev 10 �, _a 111Bills .111611;its Re r� . ��I1t/_AJ .�, � -� .�.� o ;ems�' 1►1� = ' ,..�. Ijop Irll� �� �I►� � �� � ��- f+e1111Nlllllllu �If1I�11,�i INIIi1111� ilii ,. mom Z9 ONO ♦!.• 0� �hb,,� /Ilii Ed� o v. � erlrr� ■� - ° M ��� 111 �' � ..Ili' t■ N o �';r1C�b��111111►� ' � � .� N .. � -- 1to.40 1.43 . . a e��e���A111111111M1 i � � • �� ♦ ����< < , W_ �1►`1�► �, 1� a11�=�1�1 / Y r 11MlihMl _ a — - ;�..,-.. 1 00 - ♦�� � /11111►moi; � �� is i ■ 1111 Clal q p_�== ; . . Ma =M1 _ r 1111U111b�� � y/l�rliIIIIIf1,� �' dl' s�..� �►i e��1111111 11�"®'` 11 allllhw� _ EXHIBIT B Proposed Construction Plans (Metes and Bounds Description) 60% PLANS BID DATE: DATE CONTRACTOR BEGAN WORK: ROUND ROCK TEXAS DATE WORK WAS COMPLETED&ACCEPTED: FINAL CONTRACT COST:S INDEX OF SHEETS CONTRACTOR: SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION CITY OF ROUND ROCK DESIGN SPEED: 15 MPH ADT(2016) = 5,779 VPD t TITLE SHEET ADT(zDJ6) - 48,124 VPD 2 INDEX OF SHEETS TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION:URBAN MAJOR ARTERIAL KENNEY FORT BLVD - SEGMENTS 2 & 3 KENNEY FORT BLVD — SEGMENTS 2 & 3 ROADWAY LENGTH EI13.91 FT- 1.537 W BRIDGE LENGTH 591.61 FIT-0.112 MI NET LENGTH OF PROJECT- 6705.2E FT- 1.619 MI LIMITS: FROM FOREST CREEK DR.TO SH 15 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ROADWAY EXPANSION OF KENNEY FORT BLVD FROM FOREST CREEK DR.TO KENNEY FORT BLVD. SOUTH OF SH 15,CONSISTING OF GRADING,BASE, STRUCTURES.ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT.ILLUMINATION, T + SIGNING,PAveutM MARKINGS. BEGIN PROJECT 0 Kl 0 COUN 79 Y I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PROJECT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE SJ WITH THE FINAL AS-BUILT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. GATE KENNEY FORT BLVD. STA 152+05.28 ND PROJECT s 122 o NOT S 60% SUBMITTAL I ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 35 FOR INTERIM REVIEW ONLY S LATEST CRY OF ROUND ROCK,OR TXDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS,AS INDICATED IN THE PLANS. TXOOT NOT FOR CONSTRUCTgN BIDDING STANDARDS SHALL BE USED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, OR PERMIT PURPOSES. Z REOUIRED SIGNS SHALL BE PLACED IN ACCORDANCE 45 CRy- WITH TXDOT STANDARD DETAILS AND THE`TEXAS MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES.' ENCMNFFR ANTHONY J.SERA P.E.No. 1p DATE 1301019 sUBMRTED BY: Y VIS OLIN ENGINEER DATE TDLR INSPECTION REQUIRED BEARING I—LO ON THE TE—STATE­F REVIEWED BY: EXCEPTIONS. NONE COORDINATE SYSTEM,NAOBJ(RARN 93), CITY OF ROUND ROCK PANDATE EOUATIONSI NONE CENTRAL ZONE AND ADJUSTED TO ✓.E.;TSPORTATION E4MCER R.A. CROSSINGS: NONE SURFACE USING PROJECTED SURFACE ADJUSTMENT FACTOR OF 1 0000!{95] RENEWED BY. CITY OF ROROCK DATE GERALD POHLMEUNDYER,CROJELT MANAGER OWNER: ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ADEQUACY OF REV610NS THESE PLANS REMAINS WITH THE ENGINEER Oily T Round Rock (/� CP&Y,INC_CH_ NO. DOG DATE APPROVAL PIANS,THWHO P E CITY OFARED MROUND ROCN,IN GTEXASE Roulnd oRit Mai,Rock,TXstest 78664 �I RpY�. AUmNi TX 7a750 REGISTRATION FSUI 41J00 MUST RELY UPON THE ADEQUACY OF THE WORK OL OF THE DESK:N ENGINEER. O R GENERAL DRAINAGE TRAFFIC & ILLUMINATION STANDARDS 1 TITLE SHEET 51 OVERALL DRAINAGE AREA TSR(1)-13 THRU TSR(5)-13 2 SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX 55 — 56 OFFSITE DRAINAGE AREA OkOY(1)-10.DkOM(s)-os,DhOu(vA)-04 GENERAL NOTES(NOT INCLUDED) 57 OFFSITE HYDRAULIC DATA SHEET PM(1)-12 THRU PM(1)-12 ESTIMATED QUANTITIES SUMMARY(NOT INCLUDED) 58 — 73 ONSITE DRAINAGE AREA MAP FPM(1)-12 THRU FPM(3)-12 3 — 5 PROJECT LAYOUT 71 — 79 ONS"TE DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS SMD(GEN)-08,SMD(SLIP-1)-08 THRU SMO(SUP-3)-08,SMO(TWT)-08, SMD(FRP)-08 8 — B TYPICAL SECTIONS 8o — 95 DRAINAGE PUN k PROFILE SMD(2-1)-08,SMD(2-2)—OB,SMD(2-3)-08,SMD(2-1)-08.SMD(TY G)-08 TRAFFIC CONTROL 96 — 99 STORM DRAIN LATERAL PROFILES SMD(BWI)-08,SMD(M)-05_ 100 — 111 CULVERT PLAN h PROFILES AND HYDRAULIC DATA SHEETS WV k IZ-96 9 TRAFFIC CONTROL PIAN NARRATIVE 115 STONE RIPRAP DETAILS FA(1)-03 THRU ED(6)-03.ED(10)-03 k ED(13)-03 10 ADVANCE WARNING SIGNS 116 BOX CULVERT SUPPLEMENT RID(URI1)-07,RID(LUM2)-07,NID(FNO)—I1 11 TYPICAL SECTIONS—PHASE I RIP(I)-11 THRU RP(1)—Il 12 — 15 TRAFFlC CONTROL PLAN—PHASE 1 _DRRAINAGE STANDARDS RS(l)-13 15 TYPICAL SECTIONS—PHASE 2 SETP—PD 17 — 19 TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN—PHASE 2 PSET—SP EROSION CONTROL 20 TYPICAL SECTIONS—PHASE 3 PEST—RP STORM WATER POILUTION PREVENTION(SW3P) 21 — 23 TRAFFIC CONTROL PIAN—PHASE 3 PSET—RR EROSION CONTROL PLAN CH—PW—O ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS.ISSUES AND COMMITMENTS(EPIC) TRAFFIC CONTROL STANDARDS Bcs BC(1)-13 THRU BC(12)-13 SCP-5 EROSION CONTROL STANDARDS TCP(1-1)-12 k TCP(I-5)-12 SCC—MD TCEO REQUIREMENTS FOR RECHARGE ZONE(AUS DWRICT) TCP(2-1)-12 k TCP(2-6)-12 SCP—MD EC(1)-09,EC(2)-93 THRU EC(3)-93 TCP(3-2)-12 t TCP(3-3)-13 MC—MD CONCRETE RIPRAP FOR VEGETATION CONTROL(AUS DISTRICT) TCP(5-1)-12 MC-5-23 TCP(7-1)-13 SERB—PO WZ(UL)-13,WZ(BRK)-13,WZ(RCO)-13,WZ(TD)-13,WZ(STPM)-13 ABSORB-13 RETAINING WALLS ACZ(350)-13 117 — 120 RETAINING WALL NO. 1 PIAN t PROFILE CSB(1)—l0 121 RETAINING WALL NO.2 PLAN k PROFILE LPCB-13 RETAINING WALL WRING LOGS ccSS RETAINING WALL STANDARDS ROADWAY RW(IIIISIE),00 21 — 26 HORIZONTAL AUGNMENT DATA RW(WISE) 27 — 31 KENNEY FORT BLVD REMOVAL PLAN RW(TRF) 32 — 34 GATTIS RD.REMOVAL PIAN RW(EM) 35 SH45 WBFR REMOVAL PLAN RW I(H)B _ 36 SH45 E8FR REMOVAL PLAN RW 2 37 — 45 KENNEY FORT BLVD ROADWAY PLAN k PROFILE 16 — 50 MT IS RD.PLAN k PROFILE TRAFFIC WAIN:wiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 51 — 52 SH45 WBFR PLAN A PROFILE 122 — 130 KENNEY FORT BLVD SIGNING k STRIPING 60% SUBMITTAL DRIVEWAY DETAILS 131 — 135 GATDS RD.SIGNING h STRIPING INTERSECTION LAYOUT— 136 — 137 SH45 WBFR SIGNING h STRIPING FOR INTERIM REVIEW ONLY INTERSECTION LAYOUT— 136 — 110 SH45 EGFR SIGNING k STRIPING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION RDMG. OR PERMR PURPOSES. 53 CURB WALL DETAILS 111 LARGE GUIDE SIGN LAYOUT aa. ROADWAY STANDARDS tax - 111 OVERHEAD slcN ELEVATIONCRY IN LARGE GUIDE SIGN DETAILS SC TABLE FOREST CREEK DR FNGINFR ANTHONY J.SEROA ��. lE(HIIAC)—I1 116 EXISTING SIGNAL LAYOUT PEN.. tomop MT: A3 s .Ic SGT(8)31-11,S:T(8S)31-1/ 1{7 PROPOSED SIGNAL MODIFICATION v GF(31)-11 118 SCHEDULES.SIGNING h PHASING GF(31)0AT-11 MTIRS SCHOOL RD GF(31)TR-11 119 PROPOSED SIGNAL LAYOUT GF(31)MS-11 150 SCHEDULES,SIGNING k PHASING n R&U X1 TEXAS REGISTERED CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS,SIDEWALKS AND RIPRAP MEDIANS(ALIS DISTRICT) SH45 WBFR AND k7F'R C7 J,0 ENGINEERING •1 CCOG-12 151 WBFR—EXISTING INTERSECTION LAYOUT SED-11 152 EBFR —EXISTING INTERSECTION LAYOUT PEO—IZA 153 WBFR—PROPOSED SIGLAYOUT ROUND ROCK TEXAS NL 151 EBFR—PROPOSED SIGNAL LAYOUT KENNEY FORT BLVD—SEGMENTS 2 h 3 155 SCHEDULES,SO4ING k PHASING SUPPLEMENTAL INDEX ILLUMINATION 156 — ISO KENNEY FORT BLVD ILLUMINATION LAYOUT Ns % TEXAS PteI AUS IWILUMMSONIM.1 OS 1 195 pw: live Projects/RN tans ane row,ngs ul Sheets/8.3.01 ...r,t/156030OCNgiOl.Egn I q FOREST CREEK DR. Iw q JU ry BEGIN PROJECT I m S A 6 +00.00 w KENNEY FORT BLVD. / CSJ: 0914-05-194 ! �o 0 100 50 0 100 zoo / MATCH EXISTING SCALE FEE ..E%1ST ROW_ ._.. ..—.-_.. ♦. ^ + NOR1z. — '•� -. P ROP EX Si ROW _.-- PT38+ -- - 85 —70D+00 — — "—'Q�5 ---- a. 85+00 } in _ 75+00— KENNEY FORT BLVD. NEI— _ Z _ -80+00 KENNEY FORT BLVD Op n„ V -- -- 1 •„ `lam KENNEY FORT BLVD. SB EXIST ROW � ..—. ^t IQ i � •�PROP ROW �•�• P 0 R PROPOSEDWLVERf N0. PROPOSED CULVERT NO.2 „� / ❑ PROPOSED ROADWAr YW5EAL/OVE1tUr )) PROPOSE.DRIVEYIAr ��COMROL OF ACCESS NUMBER OF LANES / 60% SUBMITTAL 0 � m 4 FOR INTERIM REVIEW ONLY NOT FOR CONSTPUCTgN RIDDING �._..-- /PR '^ qKENNEY FORT BLVD. .-—_ � + OR PERMR PURPOSES. p �\y r —._ —._._.PROP ROW—.___._ CRIXYJ P 3 t-- mm m 9J0+00 __� 95+00 KENNEY FORT BLVD. NB 100+00 os+o0 a ✓� D .�—-i- } W ENONEER RYAN J.BLAS } g' KENNEY FORT BLVD. SB P.E.No. nm9 DATE lorole PROP ROW/MOKAN ROW LJ P .._..—..—..—..—..—..—.._..—..—.._...�.._ .—..�••�' PROP ROW _ PROPOSED RETNNING WALL NO. 1 S PROPOSED CULVERT N0. 5 CRAYENGENEERING FIRM--01711 I i I~ �\�••` `f-•' "� ROUND ROCK TEXAS . DYER BRANCH / KENNEY FORT BLVD—SEGMENTS 2 3] PROJECT LAYOUT BEGIN PROJECT TO STA 110+00 d� A e % TE%AS e .J.. IUe AUS WILIVYSON 09141 05 1 195 pN: lne rolecls N Ions-1 l—ings ,t Sheets/8.3,01 e,er,l/15603QOCNq101.Egn *tea* / BEGIN CONSTRUCTION \ / STA 129+20.05 GSR �? 7 e*MATCH EXISTING 100 50 O loo 200 SCALE /IORIZ. FEET / j O 715 SCHOOL RD /• /�yUy / /f Ute/ ry PROPR W .._ — — — — PP .. .- -. .. . ROROW / h m / -PROR ._--_ _-._ "'. KENNEY FORE BIYD./ O _ + 'n _ m PROP ROW KENNEY FORT BLVD NB IIS+pp m o / + LEGEND M�s� a t29+0o J KENNEY FOR BLVD. NB t3oro0 „t KENNEY FORT BLVD. $B Iry 12�+00 - -,_ ❑ PROPOSED ROeOw�r 9 � � KENNEY FORT BLVD. SB MILL/SEAL/OVERLAY + z . PROPOSED CULVERT NO.11 / / / _ PROPOSED ORNEWAY o ..—..—..PRL1v ROW74DRAN ROW.,-.—. a .,—._-_-_-_ PROP RowlMowli'Row—.--—.— L CONTROL OF ACCESS • b / W NUMBER OF LANES —. _.._._—..Y61w-06W.._.. / �.�_____—.—__110KAN ROW _—.—____..—_.._--_-._..—.---_-._.______•.—..--- VER 60% SUBMITTAL FOR INTERIM REVIEW ONLY NOT FOR G TROCTION.9IOOING. __ L 00 / OR PEFAV MXt'OSES. PROPOSED CATBS SCHOOL RD CULVERT p %• I/A � --PROPOSED CULVERT NO.15 PROPERTY� LINE \ C��PY.� °P mm /O % \v ENGINEER MAN J.BLNR P.E.NO. VI DATE 1052019 G<1 / y� / /'IT / � �ry Mw9�. r 03/ �• y C R&y TE% GD ENGINEERING FIRM F-1 741 ROUND ROCK TEXAS IN N TR TION KENNEY FORT BLVD-SEGMENTS 2 k J S A .15 GSR PROJECT LAYOUT D °ji*a7,T0 MATCHH EXISTING STA 110+00 M STM 131+00 4f,- / Ars xB TENS e �4 w WIW SON 091r OS 195 pr: hve rOje<ls RND 605. B. Ions OnE r°wings Vl Noels eneral 1 .00GNg102.Agn 100 50 0 100 200 SCALE NORM FEET I \ 30 .r O OP ROW / Ck KENNEY FORT BLI. \ I //Z•p /) (.�0 p%I _ I h KENNEY FORT BLVD. NB .R ;c �— - �i IJS�pp PROPOSED CULVEgf NO.14 In KENNEY FORT n / BLVD. SB �+ /11L Q 1 5x.00 J / .1DO 1_ / PROP ROW/VAOKAN ROW 2 i , �� LFctrD ❑ PROPOSED RYIDYMr PROPOSED RET NINC MOKAN ROW O WALL N0.2 ,/ h STA 152+05.28 „�� �Rg —' ~'• -PROPOSED SN45 CULVERT \ / /'• (�'SJ; QJ14—Q5j-1 J4 ® MILL/SEAL/OVERLAY PROPOSED DRNEWAY CONTROL OF ACCESS NUMBER OF LANES 60% SUBMITTAL \ FOR INTERIM REVIEW ONLY \ //, �, /• NOT FOR CONSTRl1CTION RIMNG ,\ OR PERMR PURPOSES. CRY -- '.\ /%./, /• /, ENGINEER RYAN J.9M P.E.No. IIT)33 PATE 1002019 �.^� / \\\' i�,/• y, / ENG NEERIN6 FIRMRP.)41 C�B�... �77 \� ROUND ROCK '( KENNEY FORT BLVD -SEGMENTS 2 h J PROJECT LAYOUT STA 131+00 M STA END PROJECT we 1°3 u5 z TEJ(AS I OF ILann AUS WILL"SON 0914 0 195 pW: lne Projects/RN 15603.00/8,00 Ions ono 5r--g-s 0 Cul Sheets .. I General Nql .Oqn 1 CURVE WTA i ( KFB_CL-x __ NORTH NSTAEON -10.1!i CU ,146, 9 591.7639 CURVE NO RAl1NJ5 STA Of.Y•.SEf STA OFFSET EASTNC - ,146,1)65.4441 M-IA 300' 65+0300 10.00'Rf 65+46x1 —ArRF DELTA -1 33 40.37 c1IRT-1e 300' 65+86.92 IAJ'Rr ae+26.73 1.50'LT I� RADIUS -4.000.0000 (� Z�� / CUM-1C 4' 69+22.82 9.50 lT 69+22A2 1.50'LT D -1.25's6.62' a M-f 0 4' 70+40.63 2.03'RT 70+40.63 10.00'm I YYY I TANGENT -54.5000 / WRV-IE 300' 65+0.500 46.00'RT 55+50.63 49.52'RT W LENGTH - 108.9933 WRV-1F 300' 85+82.90 54.46'RT 66+28.73 58.00'RT I Cha 70+80.00. -BEGIN SUPER ELEVATION ON 25 0 50 100 / TRANSMON LT SHARED USE PATH SCALE FEET / �f; E%18T ROW _p.' \-CURB k GUTTER(TYII) IgRIZ. 5 10 KFB STA 69+89.85 (-KFB CL-2 --—. - —• --—.—. .—.-Q FOREST STA 38+35.04 — - + SCALE FEET •_..,A1 (V VERT. c -- _ _ n 1 DIMENSIONS ARE i0 UP OF CURER WHERE CUM-1B PROPOSED EOP p t N WM-IA �\KENNEY FORT BLVD NB QIKFB PTS+b5-1�..� NOTES: STING EOP 85+00 —— =ajp;+00 In W . ALL D MENSION .,— ... ` !� Z APPLICABLE. _ J CUM-1C b �► n J 2. ALL STATIONING BASED ON FL KFB UNLESS I KENNEY FORT BLVD SB - � �1 b CtNiV-1D y � = OTHERWISE NOTED.a ��N � n - .w � ^ _� ___—_ __� 1< �► -+ F 3. E%IS'fING GROUND PROFILE IS AT J.KFB. 4. DRIVEWAY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPRO%MWTE ,4• ___ WM-IE CUM-1F p,.y / SWIRED USE PATHo AND SHALL BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.SEE DRIVEWAY DETAIL SHEETS FOR PROP ROW FURTHER INFORMATON. BEGIN PROJECT WRB s GUTTER(TYE) IXIST ROW \ b b Y 111' �IcUI k GUTTER(TYII)-5' 5. SESIDEWALK LAYOUT SHEETS FOR uurrs STA. 65+00.00 F MATCH EXISTING I 1� roREsr:l I ' LEGEND " ! Q PROPOSED PAVEMENT IMILL/SEAL/OVERLAY CONCRETE ' ®PAVERS __________________________________________ -------J--------.-------,--------._ 60% SUBMITTAL ____._�__________________ ______ _____ _____ ________ ______ _____ ____._ ____ ___._ ____ ______ ______ ____ F BEGIN PROFl OR INTERIM REVIEW ONLY , 155- NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION,BIDDING, 720 , SUA OR PERMIT PURPOSES. >®: >K 713.9 720 "liOClCfi;EXISTING- --- -- CP&Y� Z�A� , , - -_ ---,, ENGINEER .._____J,._______)_______�________J________ ._.....J_______.i_______i_._._.__i____.__i_.____._L_____..-_-------'--------`---� --- --------- - MAN J � -- - - ----- ------- ------ ------- ------ P.E. a n»H DATE IS Is. — 0.6tox Ito ----`-- ___ ------------ ---- -------- ----- ---- ---- ---- , , , I EUG , Euo ; , XAS REGI D �} �t8.RCP ! - F ___ _____ _______ ____ _____ ____ _______________ ______ _ ______ _ _____________ ____ C P8�Y ENGINEERING FIRM F-174] , , , , -_._...�_.______' --_----' ----_T.__- _ _ , 1�PTT{GRR r_._._.._�__ _.; s q�EP1�APPlp%wAlEli 4.5' ROUND ROCK TEXAS ----------------`--------'-------- ------` --- APFI-O—% 10'' 700 ---- ---DEPTH APPIIO%------•-------'--------�-------`---�'--------'-------'------ ---- ---- ---- --- ---- ----- ---- ----- - II ,Ex1sr.Qz' , , OEpnR , 1 __ __ _ ____ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ KENNEY FORT BLVD-SEGMENTS 2 h 3 , KENNEY FORT BLVD � ROADWAY PLAN Ac PROFILE 7n BEGIN PROJECT TO STA 72+00 690 P'„ 'n ;r ;n ;n ;n ;r ;n ;n ;n �:n ;n �� :enl - - w` 690 '$ TEXAS , -------'-------`_.-----'--------•--------`"---'-'-----7500- ,n o.... we ----'--------`-----'-'--------•--------`-------•-------`-------'--------`'----70470- '------''---- ------------ ....... v 91 AUS IWILLAMSON109141 05 1 195 1 37 put: live rolecls Ions antl routingsCutSheets/.. omroy pp Logo CLIRVF MIA P.I.KFB t 1{�� NORTHCK 10,ISB,J62.¢ae5 FASTING 3,148,109.44]30099 CURV-7A 300 7J+BJ.IB 2.00 RT 7J+32.29 2.00 LT DELTA .21'E. OS.iJ'(LT) STA 73+60. CURV-2B 600 73+32.29 2.00 LT 75+29.94 10.00 LT RADIUS .2,750.0000 1 GDRV-2C 300 75+50.48 58.00 LT 74+99.31 54.00 LT 0 T 05'00.54' END SUPER E ATgN TRANS L TANGENT 532.0913 1 onj�AY 1 CURV-20 800 74+99.31 54.00 LT 75+98.98 46.00 LT LENGTH - 1,051.1930 STA 14+08.76,58.00 LT 50 25 0 50 100 Ex15T ROW ---- _ SCALE NORIZ. FEET O _ ' — CURV-2C •-(—• 519UiED USE PATN - -. + CURV-2D CURB k ) ^o KFB CL-3 + - tt � 5 2A 0 5 10 -F - CURV-2B .—__.._._.._ �— --.,F—BCL--2 y CU 2A PROPOSED EDP— II ---�,— :c SCALE SRT' �� 75+ CL KFB KENNEY FORT BLVD N680 00 Z W j•S3 4,411-E— �_. N NOTES: Z y N J PROPOSED EOP KENNEY FORT BLVD SB C r r D 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO LIP OF GUTTER WHERE U � '•iQ r I ^y CI) APPLKJBLE. Q N 2. ALL STATIONING BASED ON;KFB UNLESS + OTHERWISE NOTED, SIDEWALK O 3. EXISTING GROUND PROFILE IS AT q KFB. PROP ROW 4. DRIVEWAY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE CURB k GUTTER(TE) AND SHALL BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO PROP CULVERT NO.2 CONSTRUCTION.SEE DRIVEWAY DETAIL SHEETS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. / KFB 5. SEE SIDEWALK LAYOUT SHEETS FOR LIMITS P.ION S,L-2 OF SIDEWALK. .STATI0� NORTHING 10,159,.159.691.7879 FASTING 3,1481065.4441 _ DELTA V 33 40.37 RADIUS 400010000 (� ,/ \ '-♦^ _ LEGEND D II 25;00506062' PROPOSED PAVEMENT TANGENT :54.5000 LENGTH . 108.99]3 / � MILL/SEAL/OVERLAY CONCRETE ®PAVERS :2.14 .g K-0.25' K 1118, ,___._.. _____a ----- L.4,0.00' 720__ + ___-_- __--..______�_.�o"_ _______ ______ ____ -.___ _______ _ .___ _ ._ _____ _-___ _______ _______ __ 60% SUBMITTAL n FOR INTERIM REVIEW ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION BIDDING. i I OR PERMR PURPOSES. •'ya--• E7pSING;CR00R0-' "i __ _ , a - __ - --- , , , , 710 ¢ �+ 710 -------T"----'-------- —Y--=:------ E'NCAIFEP RY Ao ' 843 a a PROP cuwEkT No.z ^ — ---- ---- ----------------- --- , , Vp� , n 700 F D ' r ENGINEERING FIRMF-1741d sIl- '�- ---- ---- - ------ ----- ------ --------- ---- - ---- - ------- ----- ----- ----- �K.80 L:240.00': ROUND ROCK TEXAS ------ ------ ----- --'- ------ ----- ----- -------- -------- -- __ _____ ______ _______ ----------------- _ PRO ___ _ _____ ________ _______ ______ KEN - h 3 8 !IVV4TE.Y/AIEH NEY FORT KENNEB.BLVD RT BLVD SEGMENTS 2 890 L --�--------•--------�------•----------------------------------------------------------------•------ � ------ -------- ------ ---- ------- -------------------------- ------ - ----- - - - ----- ROADWAY PLAN do PROFILE , 48'RCP,D� II de90 STA 72+00 TO STA 82+00 8n _ x _ r_T y G n___.JS:c.____rf.____e:c____i�' _____i:c__--- ,r___— nAI _.. :n-_--_S.c__--_l---.-__ :c._.____`_______'_-_____- x TExAS75+00 80+00Ale Au5 WILLMMSON 0914 as 195 IWe roleots N 1 Ions aha row,hgs ui heels 4 Ro d—y I DppO A9, Ifto- I .1. �10150,J02.0M I EAST14G -J.1 b,109.IJ0� I DELTA 21'S4'05.13 (LT) RADIUS -2,750.0000 TANDEM -T 05'00.54• I T532.0913 LENGTH - 11051.1930 I I p 4 50 25 0 50 100 Exl�{ROW I I CURB Q GUTTER(TYII) SCBE HORIZ, FEET N PROP w PROP ROY'' DO I 5 7.5 0 5 10 ... '�1 H 1� ➢ SCALE FEET VERT. N �'� �•S I 'PROPOSED EOP 90+00 L.I PROP CULVERT NO.4 KFB KENNEY FORT BLVD NB t + NOTES: -J /1; 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE 70 UP OF GUTTER WHERE IU- �y APPLICABLE. Q PROPOSED EOP KFB CL-J KENNEY FORT BWD 58 PROPOSED RETAINING ,�- WNL NO. 1 w 2 OTHERWISENOCEBASED ON KFB UNLESS _ CURB k GUTTER(In) , J. E%STING GROUND PROFILE S AT r KFB. PROP ROW S/Wtm USE PATH / 4. DRIVEWAY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND PROP j�"tl CONSTRUCTION.SEEFlDRIVEWAY DETAIBE VERIED IN THE L 5 EIOR ETS TFOR w MOKAN'ROW FURTHER INFORMATION. �.�. 5. SEE SIDEWALKLAYOUT SHEETS FOR UMTIS _ OF SIDEWALK. �•• �,/• /` '/• �_ LEGEND PROPOSED PAVEMENT +�/, / // •V MILL/SFi1L/OVERUAY /' - // `/ �• CONCRETE PAVERS Rv-2.14' g ; K-11! 720 L-150.00' 60% SUBMITTAL _______ _________________ __.___ _._____ _ _.._ _ ______ a 720 ' 1 FOR INTERIM REVIEW ONLY 4 SIX n +90.00 RRTMNOT UN T UCKXJ TBIDM G 711 � OR PEPoAIRAOSES. i v{ �+ m M$1 E - 0 I �Q a�=<I nl �4' FNClEER R�1. .xAn Exlo ______ -_ _.--1-------i-------- -------- PNo. uo DATE -------- aw29re - 4 v 710 - "— yi — t.Issax K T%A R ISTERED 700 ; --',_--_ / - ENGINEERING FIRM F-1)91 i 133 i -------T._.._---r- ----------------------��� -- - --------- ---- ---- _.... ---- _.----- ------" --- __ - �_ ________---- - --- ____------- -_--- _----- - ______ pp , i -;1 ]00.08' 01 R ; ; �JPROPVERT 4 $$ GlL ROUND ROCK TEX' --L.'---'-•- '_'_--'-_..___ - ---- -------- -------- ---- ----- - ------- - ---- - -'----- - ---- - ------------------------------------ -- ----. ----- ---- ---- ---- -__- 'I0• - ---- ------ - ----- KENNEY FORT BLVD - SEGMENTS 2 h 3 i WASTE KENNEY ego.d; 990 KENN FORT BLVD ROADWAY F AN & PRO FILE - -- -%- - -- _ ; __ _ ; ;W . ry STA 82+00 TO STA 92+00 .r x x r y o YY ss �p yyIS �i• gg� n,r-_-__�:c..__.n;r:_._._CJc_.-rli:_____F,r____r:c___n;r_.__e':c____.n;]__-___a',c___.__L___---' �. sv ~n -------'w-----R'°--_ tvr_._ K.c_____F�r__"R,e.....F�r___-.R1c.---.R:n___..F r--------------,o -.o - ;---'-_'_ -.... Z. X TE%As _. w 05+00 90400 0.11 AUS WILLIANSON 0914 05 195 39 pw: live rolecl9 N Ions ono rawngs ul Sheets/8.3.04 optivay pp .tlgn itmamLL / KFBCL-{ P.I.$CATION 103+07.69 / NORTH94G 10.156,726.0291 EASTING r 3,1466JO.J703 / DELTA -V 121 45.52 (LT) RADIUS r 3,000.0000 D r 1.54'35.49' / TANGENT 162.6062 50 25 0 50 100 LENGTH 325.293,3 CURB t GUTTER(TYII) SHARED USE PATH SCALE KFB CL-4 O PROP ROW / _EX,._I�T ROW _ EXIST ROW _� 0O NOR12. FEET O .�._.-_ __. + - - - -- --- + 5 2.5 0 5 10 N N KENNNEY FORT BLVD NB, KFevnovose0 EOP III, SCALE VERT. FEET 95,00 100+00 Q N -_ _ H �29L4)-49�2+hE N NOTES: KENNNEY FORT BLVD SB PROPOSED ECP r y W 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE 70 UP OF GUTTER WHERE ` Z APPLICABLE. J �� J S O 7 L) 2. ALL STATIONING BASED ON KFB UNLESS F- U OTHERWISE NOTED. Q tune t GUTTER(719) SHARED uV.vAM- WAALL NNO.L O. 1 � J. EXISTING GROUND PROFILE IS A7 41 KFB. Ex15T ROW- '-EXIST ROW--- '• 4. DRIVEWAY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND SHALL BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO --.r, •r'�•PROP CULVERT ND.5 w, .w .w• .,., .,. .m-_ - w. .r .r CONSTRUCTION.SEE DRIVEWAY DETAIL SHEETS FOR MORAN ROY FURTHER INFORMATION. 5. SEE SIDEWALK LAYOUT SHEETS FOR LIMITS OF SIDEWALK. LEGEND PROPOSED PAVEMENT MILL/SEAL/OVERLAY \\\���••\r DYQt BIMNL•H ®CONCRETE PAVERS r 0,10 BK r Z40 7J0 , ; . _._..__ _aLr�14U0.0070'• 8 L-1 60% SUBMITTAL ii0 --------_------- -------- * � FOR INTERIM REVIEW ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.SIDONC, i 0 PE1iMR PURPOSES. i C Y i a e O ; ; e .m . , ; ; P FNONEER MALI J.BUVR N z 720 .__.__.r........ ................!_.______ _..._.!________•_____._i_____.__L..._.____ 720 �. ; _ ____ ________________ __.___ ________ ____ _____________ P.E.W. 117M DATE NJO II nnEf ___ _- PGL ; _ p0579K: ; GROLI140 0.6008 y OAISx/__ _ ___ `___ _ _____ ____ ___ ____ _____ __.___-------- -------- _______ ________ _______ _______ 710 !___8 _ _.l_�___..._.�_______y_ $ -------- &� •________________ �. TEXAS REGISTERED wrt 0. .................I,___. _ 1 ._____T_ .7...____!`_.__ _ __. ._.. _ _____________. ....._ _._��__..___!________ 1 710 C P8Y_� ENGINEERING FIRM F-1741 i .41 CULVERT NO.5 __ -*4_ M S 9 ROUND ROCK TEXA.E , - ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ------- . ---- , ----- -- N fd KENNEY FORT BLVD-SEGMENTS 2 @ J KENNEY FORT BLVD 700 Tao ROADWAY PLAN do PROFILE A 02+00 . $,� �1 Z ;8 v 9n; . $r $' o' 8 e 8 so 9N2+00 1 _ m 7 4 Rl_ XTEXAS 95+00 100+00 sl, RJB I AUS WILLIAMSON 091{ 05 1 195 1 pe: lNe roleclsPlans and raWings al heats 4 oaOvay ROpp .B9n KFR CL-4 i _ P.I.STATION 0J++07� I.STA 113+29.41 NORTHING 10,156,728.0291 NORTHING 10.155,843.1747 DEL 3.1461830.3703 EASTING 3 147,341.4409 DELTA IF 12 45.52'(LT) DELTA 15'46 45.29 (RT) RADIUS 3.000.0000 RADIUS 2,438.0000 D - V 54'35.49' D 2'21'000 I' TANGENT 162.8062 TANGENT 294.5824 LENGTH -325.2933 LENGTH 586.3225 30 25 0 50 100 S EXIST_ROW + 110812.- __- _ - - -..- - --. - LE FEET - .--. WI N ._.._.._,... SHARED USE PATH T -- CURB h CUTTER(TM) - O 5 2.5 0 S 10 O C + ~ ~�N� KFB CL-4 �-PROPOSED EOP �I�j- (KFB CL-5 N SCALE VERT. �� rt KEe �j KENNEY FORT BLVD NO - _rnl W MOS r00 r 1 II0r00 �I NOTES: J �y n - 5=30s00s3_4_75_E�- 2 _ _ 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO UP OF GUTTER WHERE U rvl PROPOSED EDP APPLICABLE. KENNEY FORT BLVD SB a�I LJ a z I�rvT = 2 0 HERNSIEHNONTBASED ED. ON KFB UNLESS -- WALL NO 1RETAINING SNARED USE PATH ` CURB h GUTTER(NII) Q 3. EXSTING GROUND PROFILE S AT KFB. 4. DRIVEWAY LOCA DNS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND SWILL BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.SEE DRIVEWAY DETAIL SHEETS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. 5. SEE SIDEWALK LAYOUT SHEETS FOR EMITS OF SIDEWALK. MONAN ROW -.a.�•a- , w-•a,�QSTROW LEGEND PROPOSED PAVEMENT MILL/SEAL/OVERLAY _ Q CONCRETE / ®PAVERS OYER BRANCH --_ 8 710740 60% SUBMITTAL -� -- OR INTERIM REVIEW ONLY 1 tw NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.BIDDING,, n OR PERMIT PURPOSES. , ----------------------- MT 730 ________ _________________'________.-------- T31) FNONEER WAN J.BWR ; ; ; i ; ; __ _ _____ -_ _-__ _ ______ _ ______ _______ P.E.No. 117T3R DATE ✓.10'1019 uu ----------------________ EXISTING __ _- -- ' xws,o„ , �- TE G D 720 ; -- - ' _ __ _ 1�_ ENGINEERING FIRMF-1741--------------- ------- __ , v , , , , ; 411 In 140.Op';__ 720 ROUND ROCK -------------------------- _____- ------ ------- ------ ___-- - ---- - ---- -------- ---------------- _---- ------ ------ -- --- ------ , , N ' E{TENSgII y4�RCP ; I ; ; KENNET FORT BLVD -SEGMENTS 2 h] , , 710 , r_------ wASTCS wATER; T10KENNEY FORT BLVD ROADWAY PIAN & PROFILE STA 102+00 TO STA 112+00 p'p ; , o'+ r ;,n r ;e �;e "� �;,� n;o .�i;m H;o h' , ,ry ,.. n,ry ,ry ,ry pp p �1p1 N tw, nn, �y R n __-..1>�l`____.CaC-____1�.1= t��c PIP lLC nin_____[��ry l�'C n;l�_ [��C__ l�,l=_____�C____J�-�.n_____r;l__ __4.n , , ' RA % TEXAS wf ry ar _____ _____ ______ ______ _,r_--__ _____ _ ____ ___ __ _.___n,r-_____c.c_______.____--_.________ 106+00 110+00 $° A orAJBI AUS I WILLWISON 109141 OS 1 195 1 4 pw: tiva Projects 0 Ions and —ings .t Shw. GQROppG5.dgn CURVE NO STA 3 DATA PC. PT CUM-6A 260 112+36.17 4.51 RT 113+00 2.00 LT 0) CUM-6B 260 112+59.99 66.96 RT 113+00 70.00 Rf CUM-6C { 116+23.99-F.00 LT 116+ .99 2.00 L CUM-60 { 117+77.35 22.00 RT 117+77.35 14.00 RT W, CUM-6E-1-4-0 121+33.05 56.00 LT 121+66.30 54.00 LT CU -6F 260 121+66.30 4. LT 122+32.75 46. LT /-= M CUM-60 280 121+00 14.00 RT 121+63.11 6.60 RT bl USS a STA 113+60.00 A ,�/ y' PROP ROW BEGIN SU TRANSITION,LT STA l'w5+90 E0a LT RT ,(' STA II8+10.00 STA 124+4000 / Uig EGIN SUPER-E[FVRW END SUPER ELEVATION 50 25 0 50 100 CURB k CUTTER(7711) TRANSITION ✓ / TRANSITION,LT TRANSTION,LT ..-. C CSR } CUM-6F SCALE FEET _SHARED USE PATH ___..__.._..-EXIST ROW- .- - .�' CURB&GUTTER(1YII. ... 110RIZ. M' CJ _ -SHARED�raX1 n� CUM-6E + -4 S 2.3 0 S /0 n N KENNEY FORT BLVD NO scALe �. FEET PROPOSED EDP \m Nf� � = r Q KFB CIL IIs+00 - N CUM-6C / ' �e� �1 KENNEY FORT BLVD NO m I- -__- �- _ , KFB CL-6 a. .�.� I _.. N In CUM-6A C KFB 1 / .!12p+00 11 CUM 6G NOTES: 1 a< /5-16 1]'.4 Z - -• - - __-- D 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO UP OF GUTTER WHERE KENNEY FORT BLVD SB PROPOSED EDP , �y'� S / CUR/-60 r APPLICABLE. _ ~ - 8 K r KENNEY FORT BLVD SB N 2, ALL STATIONING BASED ON C KFB UNLESS -• u /^ _I q, + OTHERWISE NOTED. /• `�� p 3. EXISTING GROUND PROFILE IS AT C KFB. CURV-68 SHARED J SHARED USE PATH ( ) ff CURB h GUTTER(TYI) USE PATH 4. DRIVEWAY LOCA OHS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE CURB h GUTTER TYII STA 117+80.00 PROP CULVERT NO. 11 AND SHALL BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO BEGIN SUPER ELEVATION CONSTRUCTION.SEE DRIVEWAY DETAIL SHEETS FOR /`f"/' � TRANSITION,RT STA 116+60.00 FURTHER INFORMATION. A 11 + S/./r 0 SUPER ELEVATION BEGIN SUPER ELEVATION m NNEY FORT!LVD TRANSITION,RT S. SEE SIDEWALK LAYOUT SHEETS FOR UMRS TRANSITON,RT `47 A 117+01.50. •-----'" OF SIDEWALK. EXIST ROW-•'•' "✓-.'--­ ` �• e!'' %X i' MOKAN ROW LEGEND PROPOSED PAVEMENT PAB STATION . 113+29.47 ' I /� / `.� KFB CL-5 LL/SEAL/OVERLAY NORTHING 10.155,643.17{7 < P.I.STATION . 118+62.17 -- CONCRETE FASTING .3,117,341.!V A7 NORTHING 10,155,326.9274 DELTA . IJ 46'43.29'(RT) FASTING .3,147 491 131117 PAVERS RADIUS 2,438.0000 DELTA .9.24 06.64'(LT) 0 2'21'00.41' RADIUS 1,113.0000 TANGENT 294.5624 0 5'06'52.33' LENGTH 66. 53225 TANGENT 913233 LENGTH 182.6356 , , Is..0.20• GAT115 RD' BMITTAL 60% SU_166____�---------________________ _______I________L------- ______ L. 1!2.00. FOR INTERIM REVIEW ONLY HOT FOR CONSTRUCTION.BOOING, ' OR PEIVAR PIAPOSES i i , , , } i 1 O[ 777 710 a j RYAN J i �<. NX -� i ____ ______ ______ ___ ___________ ______-____-- ____ _ `______ ______ __ E. I1T21 GATE &�Y.1D2019 P. Nn R a _ E;11­-,�, YMSxNP_ ____ - __ _____ _ ____ ---- ____ _____ _ _ _ _1- Lw + 0.106>< P&y ___________r___..._.� -_l________i________r___- _ ______ _ _____ _ _ _____ _______ ____ ______ ______ _ ______ _ ____ ____ ___-_ _____ _____ __-__ NG 01]01 i i Mws,ox VAL - - ) -4 ,FOC 730 ENGIENCiiILR�FlRM F- X , ' yr , O�EPM�AT7PR0 ROUND ROCK TEx,: aa r---- , S d KENNEY FORT BLVD-SEGMENTS 2 h 3 i iKENNEY FORT BLVD 720 720 ROADWAY PLAN Qc PROFILE n n,w �n ry n m a'o , STA 112+00 TO STA 122+00 8�S S�: $,� $� $e do Rm __ �'„_____ h N �;r_____ _-____ _ _____Q'n_______ __.............. ____ ______ _ p .o ,WK:c �s ."nl e m n r J v c r n:r o.� A;- LY c we X TEXAS �m ., ; X: n„ x; � x,� s,n _A:n 115+00 120+00 • SP $ W M1KI I AUS I WILLWISON I W 141 05 1 195 1 42 p,:/Active rolects N 1Plans and swings aI Sheets oaEway I pp Gqn CURVE DATA KFB PC R / P.I.STATION 133+23.23 CURVE NO RADIUS STA OFFSET STA OFFSET ! NORTHING CUNV-A 280 122404.57 T.60 LT 122+6.8 10.00 L / EASTING .3.146,123.3623 DELTA 1C N'42.63-(RT) RADIUS 2.490.0000 D 2 IB'03.73' =ROW t TANGENT .322.1632 y LENGTH .640ANI 50 25 0 50 100 / --- _ CURB t GUTTER(MQ 91MRED USE PATH KFB CL-7 O -.. ROP O SCALE HOF12. FEET O N N SCAL N1 PROPOSED EOP r r KFB KENNEY FORT BLVD NB ' E vERi. H 125+00 / OjH i. 130.00 "1 �- (n WIN-7A S 25' 37 56.10"E- - -� - - N NOTES: W �► Z 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO UP OF GUTTER WHERE _ /y � STA 127+01.35- KENNEY FORT BLVD SB y -PROPOSED EOP J �� END TRANSITION - = APPLICABLE. F + 2. ALL STATIONING BASED ON;KFB UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. PROP CULVERT NO. 11 -CURB k GUTTER(MI) SIDEWALK Y 3. EXISTING GROUND PROFILE IS AT Q KFB. 4. DRIVEWAY LOCA DNS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND SHALL BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO f CONSTRUCTION.SEE DRIVEWAY DETAIL SHEETS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. _ 5. SEE SIDEWALK LAYOUT SHEETS FOR LIMITS •a._PROP ROW-.w�.w-�.r. -.w -- OF SIDEWALK. Row f LEGEND IIdKAN ROW Q PROPOSED PAVEMENT MILL/SEAL/OVERLAY CONLRm ®PAVERS j 01lw BRINCH 76060% SUBMITTAL FOR INTERIM REVIEW ONLY NOT P014 CONSTRUCIKIN.BIDDING g , ' OR PERMTfiPq,E i PU 9. i i R --- -- PAY < Ar cRouNo FF ur✓I ' N n ' fTJKANEER RYAN J.GLAIR 3 3 F---- ----- ----- ---- - --- ------ --- - -- - -------- ---- - ------ ------- --------- ----- ------- --- - -------- ---- ---' ------ -----__ _.. ----- ----- ll , d P.E Na.No117M3 TE la-019 Is _ _ Exrsn_1 as + 1.1 ---- --- -r __ u + 1.1195 - --- -. _ _- _ ______ _____ _______ ______ ______ ----------------- --_-_ _____-_ ___-__ -------------------------- 7 __.__ _______ ___.-_ -.-_ ------- ______ -- ED Q._•_.__.._. ____ _� ._T________________i_a NG N NG ]{1 i i i i XAS -� � E IE EERIRE FlRNRF-1 ROUND ROCK TEXAS K 542 '.wast. Lr 11000' WAS7E WATER ; KENNEY FORT BLVD-SEGMENTS 2 t 3 PROP WFvERf No.;11 OAKENNEY FORT LVO 7 R P P FILE �n �n o�: „ STA 122+00 STA 13 g ' $.v $: i.: $ $ .x Y;n =• 1721 --------- _.n.n__._!,c____.nor..__.i.ln___.n.n.._._Lvn..--n.c_____ --------. .c_____�.r..__._�',c_____X.'.r_____ �r-_ _ _'t'______.._.__ J=._._ _______________ we wx�rExAs TO 2+00 � $' a,m -��-- �?" �;� 125+00 -130+00-- -- sP a `$' BI AUS I WILLIAMSON 109141 05 1 195 1 43 — P.Mlne roleuls 160 Tans and —ingsCut Neel, 4 0a0w0y I Opp Ugn KFB a-6 I NORTHING 1 KFB CL-7 FASTING P.I.STA 1 + DELTA . 127 55'26.26'(LT) NORTHING 10,154,011.2766 I RADIUS 2,356.0000 FASTING ],1141.23.3623 D 2'25'54.67' DELTA . IP K'{2.63'(RT) TANGENT 2fi6.8489 RADIUS .2,490.0000 LENGTH 5]1.4]29 322 0 IB'03.73' TANGENT 322.1632 I CUIIB!CUTTER(T11) —..—..— LENGTH 640.6061 R D PATH _D 50 25 0 30 100 PROPO = SCALE HORIZ. FEET PILOP • — r m 3 2.3 0 3 10 -- KENNEY FORT BLVD NB FB CL-8 LOP fL KFB SCALE'g' - (n SCALE FEET KFB CL-7 I]5♦00 1 D VERT. S_i 0'5]'i. 47 E _rA NOTES: m }-PROPOSED EDP KENNEY FORT BLVD SB r n _��" .y N } 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO UP OF GUTTER WHERE +.I O APPLICABLE. PROP CULVERT NO. la PROP SH45 CULVERT O CURB h GUTTER(mq $,' SIDEWALK 2. ALL STATIONING BASED ON Q KFB UNLESS(.+ OTHERWISE NOTED. } I m� PROP ` ]. E%ISTING GROUND PROFILE IS AT KFB. O ' o- p u_ OF a. AND SRIIT ABE LLOCATIERI D IN THE FIEFIELDPRIOR TO CONSTRCI�RASEE pDRIVEWAY DETAIL SHEETS FOR FURTHER.�� N. 5. SEE SIDEWALK LAYOUT SHEETS FOR LIMITS �'W ROW I f-1 OF SIDEWALK. LEGEND r .• Q PROPOSED PAVEMENT DYER 6R�I4 M-^ MILLISEAL/OVERLAY --1 0 CONCRETE ®PAVERS -.770__;_ K 7]2 7KMff TTAL ________________________________�________y„______._______.________._______1____.___,_____________.__.______._-_._l 73 Jbu.00 — --------i--------''------- ................ ------ FONLY DING no e ORIEW ON N V T FOR CONSTIGJCTION SIDDING. OSES nm & 760 FNGINFFR A 1.&NR ' 4 ' '-- - , Tao tzISRNG CAOIIND (' 1.1601L' - {.250r< PCL Y r P..Nu IIn3s tr IBnsls ___________________ --------------------- __ - 3 `S -------------- _ ___ r � _ __. ___ __ _ 1.250x_ __ ��- f f _ _ --- G NEARING REGISTERED , , , ..t.._..__!-___..._i__ _ __ -------------- _ , , y 1P ( , i , , -PREP-pkYENF+10}i I , 750 �1�OL�� EN 11 - YA + �� I *-0.90' a ' R8 ., I I I "" ROUND ROCK TEXnS -------_______.__.___K x__121___.-------.______ _ ____ Lw'300.00' pitop 9445 C0.___ '------ ------------------ '-'--' - wt KENNEY F T BLVD-SEG.ENTS 2 h 3 i i , , , , , -• � -- ----- ------- ------- ---- ---- -------------- ---- ----- ---- Z4o FILE $d KENNEY FORT BLVD ROADWAY PIAN dE PRO nim n'm .lam ' g'm a;- e;,` ;N a +!'� '^ a.'V "'�$ �'� ren STA 132+00 TO Sq 142+00 , Rm m m ,m .m , .� _ �( s _,I�____. ----- - 'r C--------------------------- aB w%�TEl(AS 135+00 140+00 m Q `$' eI AUS I WILLIAM ON 109141 05 1 195 1 44 pW: lne rajecta la's ala 111,a93al Sheets/8,3,04 oaaway Dpp .a9a s®_cam-e P'.I.SAID-0Ttf'1 NORTNG - 130 ,15],173.795] FASTING - .14a,291.749Q DELTA - 1r SS'20.26 (LT) RADIUS -2.336.0000 TANGENT -266.3439 LENGTH 1 IENC -5]1.4329 TRANSiIIION,LT STA u4+ O -PROPOSED EOP TRANSITION, SHARED USE PAIN LT WTTER-(Tn) vJ i m 25 50 W+ PROPcli SMLS FUTURE EXTENSION BY OTHERS SCALE FEET es PROP SH45 _ S 2.5 0 HORIZ. S 10CULVERT B 'JNEY FORT KFB iiia W- POT151+52. SCALE VEFEET 5 23'48'39/73'E -� - I- - - y S 3' 48'39.75E Fo-" PROPOSED EOPKFB L-8 , n iR J A 1 +10.00 .0D / / /' % NOTES: TitN/SffION,RT y Yrt -� 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO LIP OF GUTTER WHERE ((n B. VRV-9E :.S'PS$' ,/ � APPL1Ci1BLE. PROP -- SIDEWALK -GUTTER(MI) WRv-� B / �p 7�„ END PROJECT 2 OTHERWISE NOTEDING . ON FL KFB UNLESS PROPOSED RETNNING WRV-� / b �'Y�/ �7Y SIA + 3. EXISTING GROUND PROFILE IS AT q KFB. WALL NO.2 STA 146+40.00 \_ /• s CSJ: D9I4-DS-194 MATCH EXISTING {. DRIVEWAY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE T iRAN$iION,RT '�'-- / / - /� AND SHALL BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO Kh '- - - / /` IST,6'54'BOX CULVERT CONSTRUCTION.SEE DRIVEWAY DETAIL SHEETS FOR WRV- J�7. y y FtXj8 EXTENSION)U FURTHER INFORMATION. - - - - + �+F'1 Po J/•` / / ` \ 5. SEE SIDEWALK LAYOUT SHEETS FOR LIMITS OF SIDEWALK. //` • { or �, ,ry / /< LEGEND Q PROPOSED PAVEMENT MILL/SEAL/OVERLAY _ ruRVF CONCRETE No STA ®PAVERS WRV-9A 1{ 146+69.95 14.00 LT 146.69.95 14.00 RF CURV-904 145+75.32 56.39 RT 145+73.09 30.00 RT CURV-9C 104 145+7532 53.6] RT 146+04.67 106.46 RT WW-90 6 1{6+04.67 100.46 RT 146+15.32 110.42 RT WM-RE 10 146+JGAO 1 30.00 RT 1 146+45.22 65.52 RT ' 770 "46 1E 788.8 - � 77o 60% SUBMITTAL MATCH EXSnNG ___ ________ �"" FOR INTERIM REVIEW ONLY --- ---- --- --- -- HOT FOR CONSTRUC N INDOWG. i OR PERMIT PURPOSES. i i i i , '• - -- BEGIN hOFlLr Wy i i i ) 17.08 --'-- -j.-- H ISOEHG6EER RYAN J -----)------ ' ------ ------ Fuc ELEV t5�767.N1G ( "ANDSP�- - a I '----- ----- ---- ----- --- MA EXISTING -- ------ - Ions DATE �,Da2Ds � I EL.EV 786. 9 Tao EXISTING GROUND ------- MATCHP. na , E11G1 -t - - -- 12* L---' ; WASTE 7ER' TEXAS REGISTERED ,________�----------------)-------l e ._______i________________ -------- ------- ____ _ _____ __.__ ______ __._ ..._ __ ______ _________ ________ PY. ENGINEERING FIRM F-1741 BIER fr- -------'-------- ----'------- ------ 1 ROUND ROCK TFxr, , � � .- PROP 3Nq-C6ty¢iR_'______'_;'------'__.___..'_.-----1_____'_'------`__'____'_ 1 � ___ --"---- ------- --___ ______ _ _____ ____ a KENNEY FORT BLVD-SEGMENTS 2 h 3 KENNEY ----- -------- ---- ------ ----- ---- --------I- ----- ------ ----- ------- - -'-- ------------------ - 74A ROADWAY PLAFNORT BLVD , , & E o'e Z1. A 1L T END PROJECT am F. n.• R�o _ STA z4-oo o ECT ,w m E -------'--""- _•c__ -c,c.__.�SR,r t.c ---r`1'-----�n----�•� 'r--__'� ,r_._.___'c-"""""-d=-----_'c-- ""-'r--"--'c_____n.r.-----'-------`------- ------ x.19 x TEXAS , . '---145+00 150+00 � -- 5° = 9 AIS WILLVJ•SON 0914 05 195 43 pW: live role<ts N Plans and rHWing3 ul Sheet 4 ooEWay I Dpp .Eqn �0mSTATION _ _ _ _ 1 NORTHING 10.1— 55430.059 I PROP ROW -_.-_.-_.._.._..__._.. A■ EASTING 3.146.416.JJQ.T 67 DELTA 1'10 51.12 (LT) CURB k STA 11 + 1 + RADIUS 6.000.0000 GUfrQt(MI) FA d 4 I TANGENT 612J22 7.75• I SIOE+MALK ATION T ATION 25 12.5 0 25 50 U/E LENGTH 123.6600 O G G G o G $ O SCALE NW62. FEET Y G G 0 ^ 5 2.5 0 5 10 o— ,R _ }— - d a. a cAms tt-1 – SAWCUTJ SONE VERT. FEET x106+00 EXISfwG E. G GATTIS SCHOOL RD EB k GSR -—-—.—. J_. 109 7 //�•(��t 10+0�0� 111` 11 00 ��11 S• _ NOTES: b b GATITS SCHOOL RD WB m �� Z 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO UP OF GUTTER WHERE r� i APPLICABLE. UT U/T U/T ,� —__L_K V 2. ALL STATIONING BASED ON Q GSR UNLESS '-- OTHERWISE NOTED. }, EXISTING GROUND PROFILE IS AT E CSR. {. AND SHA LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND SHALL BE VERIFIED E THE TAIL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.SEE DRIVEWAY DETAIL SHEETS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. SIDEWALK CURB k GUTTER E M 5. SEE SIDEWALK LAYOUT 4EE15 FOR LIMITS ,,r, T _ OF SIDEWALK. _. _. _ NSTR TI N LEGEND 111� MATCH EXISTING STING PROPOSED PAVEMENT/. WLL/sEw/orEERUY i CONCRETE ®PAVERS aw i , __________--------_-------- 60% SUBMITTAL ---- ------ -------- "------------------------------ ------- --------- ------ FOR INTERIM REVIEW ONLY NOT FOR GONSiPIx N RD740--- BEGIN PROFILE OHG. OR PERAIf ftFPO5E5. i , i , . , , i i , , , A 111+26.6 - ELEV 3. 735.71: mm --;__-_, t MATCH EXISTING R$Y� N ___-___�_______ . �4�___ ENGINEER RYAN J.&AA , z�13 _ DATE – PE 117!31 {3D•AK ElOST81C CROIRO i , r r r f J � , 73S.51' 11+70. R wvs,o.TExAS REGI57ERED er _______-__._....)...._ h-.._ 24•RCP__�_______.' ..................---------------- -----------------------------------' _____________ ______________ _________ ______ _______ _____ _____ w CR�Y,� ENGINEERING FIRM F-17+1 {{T�EEERRRR , APPROX OEPIN I.S' 1-__._ rr , ELS 7>0 ROUND ROCK TEXAS , -'______-•_--____- 770 f _ _ ______ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ KENNEY FORT BLVD–SEGMENTS 2 k J GATTIS SCHOOL RD.+ , , ROADWAY PUN dI: PROFILE r + 'o _ BEGIN CONSTRUCTION STA 113+00 a n ' , A o m m ^ ,w .n ,n ,n ,n 'm .m Im m Lo Ivi Ari lei ',ori 'lui ,n ,n n .n n 'r�n eeI n eR'n .-- ' '� 'n a+r. RJB wx TEXAS s n n '0._.____dl______.A_-____U➢______.R._____,f➢_____hC_-__1e:0.____RiR____.l?,C_____A•L__'__ .R____15 U9.____P.c__-__-- 108+00 109+00 110+00 111+00 112+00 113+00 IWSl_ SP _ W, SHEETpe: tNe Projects/RN I bns an0 mwin93 Cut Poets - ooGeoy 1 pp .Oqn ue AUS til—SDN 091+ OS 195 46 } N _PROP ROW .—..—.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._--_.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.. PNOP ROp .._.._.._.. / Ie ..—.-- .—..—_—. ExISTING GATRS SHOOL RD CULVERT CURB h GUTTER(MI)- SIDEWALK TO BE EXTENDED CURB-k CUTTER(TYII) 25 12.5 0 25 50 O O __—__ ROW PROPOSED EDPWALE � � p HORI2. FEET n ...� Kl —` ` GAms SCHOOL RDG-- G+ s 2.5 o 5 to �SAWCUT Ii GSR —— SCALE VERT. FEET 00 11+00 11 116+00 In _-_- —. _- _ .— _ i� 1 F- NOTES: LLIZ -+ SAWCUT �CURV-11A CURV-118 N BT 06'22•E W I. DIAPPLAMENSIONS ME TO LIP OF GUTTER WHERE - LEZ __ RD 2. ALL STATIONING BASED ON F GSR UNLESS J KI _ C) ---- -A T AT&T GATTIS W>ZMES U OTHERWISE NOTED. Q AT&T ---�--' PROPOSED EDP y I- 3. EXISTING GROUND PROFILE IS AT q,GSR. AT T 4. DRIVEWAY LOCATIONS SHOWN ME APPROXIMATE AND SHALL BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.SEE DRIVEWAY DETAIL SHEETS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. _wWW F E F E'' _ 5. SEE SIDEWALK LAYOUT SHEETS FOR LIMITS v .�.'. — - OF SIDEWALK. =rz-�.rs .4�.,•�:�•�...+r-..-tet' - --- ExIST Row �3w�—. CURB k CUTTER(lYll) q A 117+ Ti\ \ TRAN MON RT LEGEND `b \ Gr DATA \ PROPOSED PAVEMENT CURVE NO I RADIUS PT —PROP-ROW-�--�—�'— --_.._.._.._..—..—.._.._.. MILL/SEAL/OVER.AY CURV-IIA 11.14 115+10.90 9.56 Rf 1/5+09.22 13.23 LT CONCRETE CURV-118 200 116+33.88 5.51 LT 116+58.0] 7.00 LT GURU-IIC 150 117+31.90 16.00 RT 1117+ All I 48.96 RT ®PAVERS 4x -.0.16' O 740 L- 1a g wx ' q ' K ' .-_L _-- -'___-- 710 L- 140.00' {9p• 60% SUBMITTAL 1+ FOR INTERIM REVIEW ONLY R NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION BID NO. PERMIT PlA1POSE$. ' r i • O 't uti 735 ENGINEER C RAY ____________ �__._ ___1___ ._ IIYM J.&M i i i i i _______________�__.___ 735 i i i i xg� _El{CiJ6l0�GAOUIp_�________Y i i____1 __ _- ____ _______ ______ _ ______ ___.._ _ _ ______ ___ ____ _ __.____ -------- ----------------- PE.No. n]Y.%1 bcTE SFI ' i 430'M9 z_. nv i i 7](1 TEXAS REGISTERED • _______1________________n....._._r_....... ._____)._.__._!._____._i__ _________________ _____..r.._.._.__ x r____....-------- � � � _ _________________________________________ ______ $_____. _____ _ 730 ENGINEERING FlRN F-!]41 t rA n SCHOOL 'GTRS d1 CP�Y� '-'---- I 94A& $d ROUND ROCK TEXAS SCHOOL RD CULVE DED . •70 OOEI/Om s a ______ _______ ________ ______ _______ v IKENNEY FORT BLVD-SEGMENTS 2 k 3 725 CATTIS SCHOOL RD. 725 ROADWAY PLAN dI: PROFILE o'm o'n R:.- $:i+, $"^'i ''`". $': �{� R♦,n ♦ o�m $;: &::+ R:,'q RAN �STA 133+00 TO STA 11E+00 _......_'____r.c_.._.1or.___n.c-----n•r____.n.c__..f:•r. 1n-.-_e:c_____'n�.;n.___�;c_______L____-''__---.•• _ RN x TFXAS 113+00 111+00 115+00 116+90 117+00 118+00S WR AUS WILLUWSON 0914 05 195 47 pw: tiw ralec is N I Ions on6 ravings ut Sheets/8.3,04 pa0woy I pp .O9n 118+50.00 1�T/tANSTffION.LT EIE�T(ON AASTA 121190.00 1i SETNA631 + . l �I Z GIN S: \ 'Ab • END SUPER ELEVATION N 1% ELEVATION ! TRANSITION,LT TRANSTION,LT ,O TRANSRION.LT SIDEWALK CU B&CUTTER(MI) / SIUEW'ALX ____., CON"EXIST ROW C0• EXIST ROW C �`q.LLr9Ll -1 rt KFB-�f, .-..- _. _.. ' N GCCC� CURV-12D 25 12.5 0 25 50 O 07 ti o PROPOSFI+ Od _ PROPOSED EDP _--_ OSCALE NORIZ. ac BFEET iS� 7n - O cuM-12B -�.-- CAMS SCHOOL RD. WB + s x.5 o s o GATTIS $ RD. WB ^ ,F CSR STA. 120+44.22 g ® MI $AWCUT GSR O =nk KFB STA. 117+01.80 Q! SCALE VERT. FEET /r r 120100 1 12,+00' 1 12 NOTES: Z Y SAW�CUT g W 1. ALL DLDII�BLNSKN/S ARE TO UP OF GUTTER WHERE -I PROPOSED EDP ------ E. = K �------- CURV-12C Z U -`$' FO m 2. ALL STATIORVASENINGNO 615E0 ON Q GSR UNLESS Q �---- �EE F�- �► (K GATTI OOL RD. ® 2 OTHERWISE NOTED. GATTIS $(%TOOL RD. -� 1 ,y = FO J. OUSTING GROUND PROFILE IS AT CL GSR. AT&T {. DRIVEWAY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE E-..- NO`/l E ` AND SHALL BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.SEE DRIVEWAY DETAIL SHEETS FOR PC11T+7064 FURTHER INFORMATION. 5. SEE SIDEWALK LAYOUT SHEETS FOR LIMITS OF SIDEWALK. OO PROPOSED EOP SIDEWALK CUM-120, STA 119+60.00 SIDEWALK ANSITION,FIT CCURB&UTTER(TVII) \ENND SUPER ON 0 1 l a CURB&CUTTER(\) I LEGEND BEGIN SUPER ELEVATION PROP ROW Q PROP ROW R h g \TRANSITION,RT PROPOSED PAVEMENT MILL/SEAL/OVERLAY CONCRETE PARRS Mai Iso 11e+ .30 Se.04 Rr 11e+45.4e 59.00 RT CUM7121 4.5 119+30s4 16.03 Lr 119+30.54 7.. LT CUM 2C 4.5 121+71.58 15-00' 5.00 AT 12I+31.59 6.00 Rf CUM-120 200 122+54.24 60.00 LT 122+78A1 58.51 LT aM 0.78' 'K 79 "INTERIM I Y 220.00'' BMITTAL 'K G REVIEW ON 7{0 ��140.00" 8 NOT FOOP R PE R IT FURPO BIO'IINt: PERMIT PUR 5. i ________________r_______.,_.._____• _ ___. ________ ._.._ ________ _.___ ______ ______ _ ____ _. _ 7..a R&Y �y 740 ✓' ___ ------------i _ 4.9YN ENOKFA RYAN J.BLAR C , ' -- ...ppL - ` ER15�97C 0N0UA0 -_____.._. _ ' - __- __________ E.No. 117Y93 PATE {0O'N19 9- - ---- --- --- , 735 - - - NN �_ -----r i i •------- - - -- ------ -- ------ T 7 3.917222 + - - �R- - 0 - ! 735 8 OEPM APPRO il'J WATDEd TENC£AS 0.1REGISTERED er L ►3 Y7 _..._._J______.. __�_.....__i_______�____..._1._._.___' ' __ ________ ____ ______ ________ _ ------ ----------------- NGI i , r- P{- r•------T--------r-----� -- -- ------- ----- ---- ------ --'--- s I _ � E N oo 1 - 1 ROUND ROCK TEXAS 7J0 X G I--------- y'------- ------ ----- : n0 7777-- - --- 7777-- 7777-- ---7777-7777-- - 7777 7777- -7777-- --- -7777-- e KENNEY FORT BLVD_SEGMENTS z 3 GATTIS SCHOOL RD. -------•--------r---------------�-7777--�7777-- -7777-- 7777- 7777 - 7777-- -- 7777-- 7777-- 7777-- --7777- - 7777 7777-- 7777 --- , --�- � - - 7777 - 7777 - - ---- -�-- - � - - -- -- --7777-- - d�; � 7777-- ---- AY PLAN & PROFILE $,ng;I 772;7. ZZ 71;1STA $; 72,72 �ROAowe+ao x Al'-- . �;o �,: ;� !�- o'7. -�+ �'o ;-- -- �.c____rt.rr.____t.c_ r.n____R' ____R ��•^+ $•^, R'� R'� $'n �. -lo I I TO STA 123 1�.c____nln__.__r:crc___._n;r____.itis____---`_ ae z TEws 118+00 119+172 120+00 121+00 1x2+00 123+00 ft. as AUS WILLMMSON 0914 OS 195 pw: Iwe roiacis N I5603.00/8.00 Pbn5 and r9wmgsCut h,,( RDppl 2.dq, DRIVEWAY 2 S 126+29.06,44.2016 Lr N ��' __ IXSfINC SIDEWALK TO REMAIN re TA E)OSINO SIDEWALK TO REMAINEgST ROfj/1MM COMM _ COMM -.. COMM U -... ' SIDEWALK CURB k GUTTER(MI) _ _. COM CONN_..._..-. �. Z COMM - G G .-..-o EXIST ROW __ CA CL-3 CURV-13A _ZwjC IKee&GUTTER(TH) ---'---- '- zs us o zs 50 O --�- --n- --� --n C ]... G SCALE 110R12. FEET O + S n 9r PROPOSED EDP r SAWCUT N c ti Z 5 2.5 0 S 10 N "- HI. GATi1S,SCHOOL RD WB= @° -- ® "� ~ ��� m SCALE VERT. FEET CATTIS CL-2 GSR 125+00 126 OURV-ix CURD-130 127 00 In - NiX8• 157 E NOTES: W1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO LW OF GUTTER WHERE k N Z W APP LE. = AT&T -. AT T AT&T A T �B ) ---UNK----'UNK--- -V -� JNK - O AT6I 3+IY�DT 2. ALL STATIONING BASED ON 1{CSR UNLESS .�.,_ AT T AT&T O OTHERWISE NOTED. GATTIS SCHOOL RD E� PROPOSED EDP_ E E --- FO 3. EXISTING GROUND PROFILE IS AT E GSR. 4. DRIVEWAY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND SHALL BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.SEE DRIVEWAY DETAIL SHEETS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. 5. SEEOF S PROP SIDEWALK LAYOUT SHEETS FOR LIMITS SIDEWALK CURB k GUTTER(TY6) JII II =-1I�_.._-._--_.. ._.._.._.._-.-�PPOP ROW II "� STA 127+20.00 LEGEND BEGIN 5 Al 1+ TRANSTION,LT/RT Q PROPOSED PAVEMENT TRANSITION,RT SG;W&MM MILL/SEAL/OVERLAY TRANSTION.LT/RT MILL/SEAL/OVERLAY GATDS_CIr2 GATTIS CL-3CONCRETE P.I.STATION 135+24.84 P.I.STATION -I 8+66.67 ®PAVERS NORTHING 10,155,507.1643 NORTHING 10.155,539.5376 FASTING 11171926.3257 EASTING 31481266.6409 DELTA x']x 24.98'(LT) DELTA ]'08 36.118 (IR) WIN-1]A 200 12]+13.92 30.79 LT 123+68.29 49.00 lT RAOIUS 3,000.0000 RADIUS 3,000.0000 CURV-1 250 121+7134 6.00 Rf 124+6&12 J.58 RT D V 54'35.49' D 1'34'73.49' TANGENT 66.5150 TANGENT 82.3142 CUIN-1X 250 125+85.18 10.48 LT 126+13.63 11.36 LT LENGTH 133.0081 LENGTH 161.5871 CURV-130 9.41 126+76.41 10.90 LT 125+76.70 7.92 RT -750---'___----`-------' _ 60% SUBMITTAL FOR INTERIM REVEW ONLYDftl GROUN NOT FOR 0049TRUCTION,6DONG. r OR PER1Rf PUiPO5E5 aR .. - , ------------------------------------ - ---------------------_----- - ---- - ----- ---- ------- ---- 266- ----- -----• aPOINT CP�Y , , .y_____________j :________1_______�__ ' ENGINEER RYAN J.BI/'n r r r , Z _ _ ______________________________ ______ _____ ________ ____ _______ _____ .___ _ _ PF.No. 1171]3 DATE YJO'NI9 i , , r , I r , , , ----` ; _ ; _ � D_____7� - ________':_._____i_______ _______ (________;--______i______..). ____ _____ ____ __-__ ___ ______ ENGINEERING F-] 791 _ __ -------- -------------------___ .--_ _- ROUND ROCK TEXAS ----------- ------ ---- -- ---- -------- ------ -----' - ----- -------- - ---- ------ - ---- - ---- --- ------- ------ 1 A*X 2.5' SEGMENTS 2&3KENNEY FORT BLVD , GATTIS SCHOOL RD. _776_ r , , ; , ROADWAY PLAN & PROFILE n.� bio R'+ q:• 4'+ -T n o1n n e^ �'n R;� Y;� 7Gry R a s.r. ,W ,. F:� RZ, K''� --_Al- 0 ,r c ln,r .� ns ST 1 00 n 2 + TO STA 128+00 ,. rKi ,e n , , +� q ssrn r , _ � ______[4"'____.F.r>___-_ _ __.__Rim_____ _ ______�.I________ _______ r,r_____tY.r r.n_----�,I�_ ___c.c.___ f�rr- t,c n.n ___n n - _-___.__ °'� 123+00 124+00 125+00 126+00 127+00 128+00 1 I _ .:w. r0lecls N 1 Iona and r-ingsut Sheets/83,04 R,,d­y/15603,OOROpp13.dqn WB I AUS WILLIAMSO 0914 0 195 19 NORTHING - 10,155539.5376 FASTINGG .3r146 X66.6400 DELTA .3'06'M.11e'(Rn RAOIUS -3.000'Dow ANGENT -62.3142 5.49' N CURS! (71'11) LENGTH . 164.5671 (- p SIOENMIIR � I x sAwcur cAms PROPK _E E EXIST ROW - /,,;' O —-- UNK UNK— 25 12.5 0 25 50 UNK—— _ + --- C —R G —UNK —— LINK _� G W SCALE FEET 3 HORR. o-- ..I '�CSR S 2.5 0 5 10 o-e GATTIS SCHOOL RD. WB `o Qr.l 129+00 �— 13P+00 EXISTING EDP 131+00 132+00SCALE N 13,1 a VERT. FEET —_- - - =- N 6T i2.31'E _—__- _ Z ,: NOTES: CATTISSCHOOL RD. EB _ I. ALL OIMENS40NS ARE TO UP OF GUTTER WHERE _ w APPLICABLE. ^-UNK — uNK FO (Q. I 2. ALL STATIONING BASED ON Q GSR UNLESS ,:. I•, r: OTHERWISE NOTED. FO -__ _ p /, ����--- '- _ _ " 'y ';7' 3. EXISTING GROUND PROFILE IS AT q GSR. - - SAWCUT {. AND SHY LOBE VERT D IN ARE APPROXIMATE PROPOSED EOP �J� -� �='F -� E AND SHALL BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO SIDEWALK ., p CONSTRUCTION.SEE DRIVEWAY DETAIL SHEETS FOR PROP �I I FURTHER INFORMATION. I 5. SEESSIIOLAYOUT SHEETS FOR LIMITS CURB GUTTER(Tnl) END CONSTRUCTION Y STA 129+13.12 w MATCH EXISTING ; LEGEND PROPOSED PAVEMENT MILL/SEAL/OVERLAY CONCRETE ®PAVERS r - 0% SUBMITTAL _______L____ _ __ ____ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________--_______,_-_-__-_._______,________ 8 FOR INTERIM REVIEW ONLY / NOT FOR CO RdTRUCIION.aKM4. 770 OR PERMf RFIAOSES. ---------- ----- ---- ------ ---- ----- ---- ------------------------ >w CRAY r , ; 2 -------'--------`------- -------- PR COMMON POINT ENGINEER RYAN J.BWR r , r _______L_______J_____/i;_y� �__ ____ ______ _______ _I i i _____ _____ ________ _-____ _______ R r <I 1 +1 .1 / _ _ -____-_ ��' F.No. I1TYS1 DATE VJp2019 , r io Do i w w 765 ;51 _ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ _ ' ' I ELEV � 764.6 64 6G MATCH EXISTIN A ------------- r r , r r r r Id ^ O ________________•�--..._______ -_ __ __.- ______ ______ _____ ____ ______ ______ ____ ______ RMF--1]41 , r , r r ; r r r r xA ._�_ -_i_ -� _�__ -_ ____ ____. ENGINEERING Fl r , , r , r , r , r ,$d S - ' CP�Y.� -��---'------- -ltl� --------------------------- ------- X j 779 ROUND ROCK TEXAS r r r r r r r r r r r r r r ; DEPRHAPPRo ----- ------ ----- ----- -----' KENNEY FORT BLVD-SEGMENTS 2 a 3 r GATTIS SCHOOL RD. , , , , r , , r , , r , r r r , r -- 1. ROADWAY PLAN dl: PROFILE re r,n ;o'' _ STA 2 CONSTRUCTION r r �o , ^ r� ra .e ,e rm re ru a .______,C_______J:._____,C______:�.______�C______,C_______rh___.__ ------ ______ wx iExAS ______-_ 129+00 130+00 sv ow. 131+00 132+00 13]M00 0 -R-1 Po B AUS WILUANI.N 0911 OS 195 p,:/Active Projects/RN Ions ono raw,ngs ul Sheets/8.3.04 oatlwoY � Opp 4.tlgn SEE KEN NEY FORT BLVD. PLN!6:PROFILE SHEETS FOR MORE INFORMATION --15gf RbW E L E - E E E 'y�nhv� E E ._ E —�- U L E w..a.ryw�)E EXIST ROW 'E U T E -- T E SED EM, F E _ + y� + n U/E _ 25 50 11x -STA 1l2r20.72 !Sr`0 a ----- - --- ------ ~ _ _BEGIN CONSTRUCTION tala0o �+5., 1!5+00 � ,�� N 1{Or005H 45 WBFR 1: Ul SCALE HORIZ. FEET / SH 45 918FR '—'—- —-—y -—- ----i--'---- w o— /t Z 5 2.5 0 5 10 'a !WWRJ $H 45 EBFR v = --- KFB 11 STA 147+05 59>: \ r U SCALE VERT. FEET - WBFR STAG 144+45.52 EXISTING EDP \�(' -EXISTING TOP a t NOTES: \❑ 1PLI ABLE.ION$ARE TO LIP OF GUTTER WHERE \= 2. ALL STATIONING BASED ON @ WBFR UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. EXISTING EOP \ 3. EXISTING GROUND PROFILE IS R a PROX. /` !. AND SKA LOCATIONS VERT SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE •\ '` �EXISTING EDP AND SHAH RE VERIFIER E THE TAIL PRIORSHEETS TO CONS7Rl1CT10N.SEE DRIVEWAY DETAIL SHEETS FOR SH/S C2 FURTHER NFORIMTION. P.I.THING ,. .1 .69 5. SEE SIDEWALK LAYOUT SHEETS FOR LIMITS NORTHING - IO.17x.SO4.072e U/E U/E FASTING 3.150,290.625`§ OF SIDEWALK. DELTA 22'16'03.06 (RT) \ RADIUS T'009.13.3, Sm 45 WBML TANGENT 3.122.7665 2 \ LEGEND IENGTN -6.755.2579 PROPOSED PAVEMENT 51146 Q ¢SINS —. -—. m - _—__. 4E1/SEAL/OYERIAY Y 320+00 -$ ]21+00 F'\ 3322+1 �CONCRETE �\V PAVERS -260---------------------------_ ._..------ - _____ _______ _ --__-. _-----_ �_7e0.___ 60% SUBMITTAL j FOR INTERIM REVIEW ONLY Nor vOR CONSTRUCTION T90gW 1 i OR FERIMT PLX ws. a- cNy -•----- ---- --- <1<I ___ _ _._ _ _.J___ 4-_-_. J __... J _J _ T - --------r ------- EXISTING GROUND ___ __; ____ J, _.27C___ PEFNGNINaEER 108]W MITIgNTE - r , _a_-- -__ _ _-_i - _-- Y J.SEROYAJ D40R ; TEXAS ; ._. --------- R E. .26 ---------- _ _ CR&Y____ ENGINEERING FIRM F-1741 ROUND ROCK TEXAS 45 WBFR 7w-- ---- ----------------------------------+-- ----r — + ---- ----' ---+- -- ------------------------ -- ----- ---- ;- _ ROADWAYHPLAN & PROFILE BEGIN CONSTRUCTION TO STA 147+00 cI„ - g r .$ ;R H 'o ,m 'R = Z.1V TFXAS _ 142+00 113100 144x00 115+00 146a90 147 5° pN:Ache rolecls N 8. Ions ono m,ings UlSheets/8.3- o00eay 1 ppl .O9n we AUS .ILWISON 0911 OS_ 195 1 PROPOSES EOP SIOEIWLI[ �+ati E E ------------- E E E E E N p =E. E _L_� E E E E E E E O+ ' ww E ww E CURB k CUTTER(TY6) .-- E E a ww CIIM-16A ww ® ww —©� Ww--1 -- 6W� Ww 23 72.5 0 25 50 W IN+00 IN+00 180+00 I6'ND 162ND WALE 110812. FEET zo--$H 45WBFR-- --- – ---- —_.CUM–lee ------•---- ---•--o-- - EXISTING EOP a S 80' 021 281 s 2.5 o s w (> b $H 45 EBFR o—. SCALE VERT. FEET N NOTES: 1. ALL DIMENSK)NS ARE TO UP OF GUTTER WHERE APPUCABLE. 2. ALL STATIONING BASED ON a WBFR UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. E705TING GROUND PROFILE Is AT E wBER. 4. DRNEWAY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND SHALL BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO 5$H45 C2 CONSTRUCTION.SEE DRIVEWAY DETAIL SHEETS FOR P.T.STATION BT+55.89— FURTHER INFORMATION. $H 4$6YBYL NORTHING EAS NG . 10,182504.0328 5. SEE SIDEWALK LAYOUT SHEETS FOR UWTS .3150,90.ez RDELTAADIUS . 17,N 0000 B (RT) OF SIDEWALK. D P 200 13.32 TANGENT 3,422.7865 LEGEND LENGTH 6,755.2579 SH45 $H43 C2 O PROPOSED PAVEMENT __-=-�. —. .32y_ _ _ 3254W J2J2`+00 CONCRMLL/SETE_ -i_ 327+00 �.\ _ _ _ _ CONCRETE ®PAVERS CURVE NO I BAIN CUM-169 140 67+734Z STA.02 188.20 LT 86+06STA .45 183.80 LT CUM-168 280 88+06.45 1 197.80 LT 1 65.73.34 173.17 lT 29D _ 60% SUBMITTAL FOR INTERIM REVIEW ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUa .61001Nc OR RERMR PURROSFS. aa. - CP&Y--) m —————__ ENGINEER ANTHONY J.SERDA ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,i_ DATE Y!0'1019 GI REGISTERED � _220'. _ - . . . . _ _ . . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -77Cfw—. CRY EN NEERING FIRM F-1711 I ROUND ROCK TEX(- i SH45 WBFR ._--- T --- - - -__ .+-- ...-_-- ____._ ` - ---- - ----- - --- --.._._ ._. - --------------- ------------------------ ------ -7enROADWAY PLAN & PROFILE g a--- $ R — = R rRucnoN 1 m �Y.---- SfA 147+00 TO END CONSTRUCTION .V... w.,.r. BJB RA 1 X TEXAS ._.___ • ---—---G.__WL_____1�___—_A—�__n-- —s--___.G�__S--_S G_____.C____--_L :.0---s C :!` �GC_______ ` - 147+00 148+00 149+00 150+00 151+00 152+00 RIB AUS WILL"SOH 0911 OS 195 52 pw: lwe ro)ac)s Ions and swings ul heals 4 opOwOy I pp1 .dqn EXHIBIT C Approved Construction Plans To be made part of document prior to beginning of construction EXHIBIT D Certificate of Insurance (TxDOT Form 1560) To be made part of document prior to beginning of construction EXHIBIT E Attachment A (FHWA Additional Requirements) To be made part of document if applicable