Contract - MSF Round Rock-L, LLC - 2/11/20212112) Repaces Form ROW-N-7 Page 1 of 8 POSSF,SSION AND 1,1SE AGR.F,.F,.M'*. NT Ni .----FOR jflA�SPORTAPON PURPOSES STATE OF TEXAS § § Parcel No.: 7 COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON § Project. Gattis School Road 'Ph. 3) 'This Possession and U Ise Agreement ForTransportat. 'ion Purposes (the "Agreement between CVFY OF tor �.-v-hether one or ROUJND ROCK, TEXAS rantee"'), an.d..MSF ROLTND R(.')CK.-.L,,,, Lt,(' the Jran. niore), grants to the Girantee, its contractors. agents and all others deetned necessary by the (Jr-antee. an. irrevocable right to possession and use of the. Grantor"s property f )r the purpose of constructing provernents to (,-jattls Schnd ool Road arelated ttilitt. a4justments the 'Pro ject"). The property subject to this Ag I preement is described more Rill 'n field. notes. plat neap or other descripti ched as Exh i bit '�` ion (alta A Troper-tv" and made a part of th'is szkgreen-ient by ret' rence the I. For the consideration ftorn the Grantee which Is set forth in Paraurat)h 2. below. the receipt and .--ht to rece've add'tional compensation sutficiency of which is acknoNvledtlyed.. sub et to Grantor's rio I �W. j.n connection with. Grantee obta1n1n.(--;- the oN.v-nership interest in the Property as set forth in. Paragraph W 6 ofthis Aoreernent, the ('irkantor ayrants, bargains. and conveys to G-Miltee the riitht of entry` and exclusi.ve possession and. use of the 111roperty fi.).r the purpose of constructing a roadway.1A utilitz adjustments and all related appurtenances thereto and the right to rein any improvements. Authorized activities include. surveN 1110 inspection, environmenta-1 studies, arcl-icological studies. clearing, demolittion. construction of permanent improvements,, relocating. replacing, and Improving CXISting LA11.1tV 'Facilities. Jocating new. UtilitV" tac*l* d other �-vork required to be performed in i ♦ities,.,, an connection with -the Pro jects. This Possession and Use Ag-reenient xvill extend to the Grantee, its contractors and ass4ens. ov�---ners of anv existine utilities on. the Property-- and those which ma be lawfully permitted on the Property- bN..: the Grantee in the future. and all others deemed necessary bv the Grantee for the put -pose k--,)f the Projects. This grant will allow the construction. relocation, replacement. repair.* improver ent. operation and maintenance of Utilities on the Property only. lit is a,Q.-reed that this Aereement. is tbr the use and possession ()f the Property, and does not convev the (m-,--!ners1iiP interest ot'the. Propervy' firom Grantor to Grantee W 2. In consideration for this irrevocable arant - f possession and use and other G`rantor covenants, �\---arranties.. and obliaations under this Agreenient, subject to Grantor*s right to receive. additional Coi the o\..\..nership ira.Qrest in the Propert3--� as set Forth -wensation 'in connection vx.--'th Grantee obtatining in Para,2,raph 6 of this Aoree.nient,. the Grantee vvill tender to the Grantor the surn of.'()N*E HLYNDRED 11-1 IRTN."-ONE THOL,.' SAN 1314-IREE 14UN I)RED _171-11 RTY-HVE and 00100 Doi lars 133 1.33_,.00),R 1 and at)rees to postpone the special co.m.-miss,ioners hearing. currently set for January 2101 . 21. unati.1 W Sum date vvhich �-villhe reset by. attempted agreeinent betx.v-een the parties. -nieirantor agrees that this; :and ether agreement represents adequate compensation -R.)r the po,.,isession and- use of tine Property, sublect to: Grantor's fight to receiN.--�e additional corn -pensaition ii.,i con.neat ion. with Grantee obtaining the ownership interest in the Pro pertv, as set forth in Paract-raph 6 ail` this Agreeni-ent. It is aoreed that this Agreement is fior the use and possession of the ?roperq.--. and does not convethe ownership interest of'flie Property firom: 6rantor to (3ran-ec t o* i:w - Grantee will be entitled to take possession and use of the Property -upon tender- of payment as set out herein, sub- ect to the conditions in paracy-raph 14 intlow, if a.nvi The parties aoree that the sum tendered represents 90% of the Grantee's approved WdLIC, zcssumcsno adverse environmental conditions *NP(JA* 1Z,2a1..,A-gn Form ROW"N.LPUA tl2f- 2) pf a ces Form RO W.-.'*.%N-7 Page C."s det�rmin�iican. cif the just. I the. vatue. of the, Propert-Ne',.. The. apr��1u� I the Cirante:affeetina..,-proved s to. be acquired.Leyconipensation o-wed to- the G`rantor fi-)r the real propert)-f t-ni�rc�st the the Pcopc;rh. enLu€nbered «*ftfi the irt7prc)veents thereon, if any, aFId damages to the: remainder,- if any, -r swill .S, .11 aerie --hat he s -endered to Gveinto- #�e r. e parti��save and except all oas and Iphur. 'rh ent, am.o toners" awar 'if ap-pli.c.able... f-'-'rom annv -f`i.nai. sett.lem unt, Specal Commis d or court deducted'. d or y. -t tor acqui�itiunL 0jud.ct,ment-.. In the elvent the amoutil o-f the t1inat setflement LI ',tgm-ent Prop�rttiP, C. e het )rIS"- 1.eS- s than the amou.nt t he- 6rantee has paid t (- ),-r the.po. ss;es,--sito.Ii. eind usi :� 0 ft-then the Grananifference and, upona�r�ou��ttcncler�ci -pover-pavment tor the d- agrees. filet the c€r��inaf. r re���tis I M.�tle�111written. nouce -ftorn. the Grantthe Grantor wi*11 Pr(,.) the to -the - A_ rmcare e tv js -on he Prop. quisi.. i t the event. the amount o-f the f*inal settlenient or judgmem 'Z-)r a c t* titan t Ilk --)-n --id u. o the. I'ra��rt��,t-h.e--:%-n the Grantee�I-)r, o'ss.s. aithe. amount the (Jrantee has pa d the p e., sagrees that the original amount tendered represents �cn UnderpaN--ment for thedIf rence and, Gr teeshalbe reqtilred. to. make. ssuch ad-ditional }�ayt�'ent toGrantor, I be the date. can wWch the tihi-apartx� �tecut�s tl�tis dc�cum�nt.0.,.I. "Fhe effeeti've da I uits Agreement wi1 (tlse'`Effec Date"} is -the Propert:�.-!- of all lens and-4. J`he G itor vvarrants and repre-sent:s tfiat the... title to free and 4F except as ciisc[c�s�dGrantee in. that certz.,m tat6c: numbered 191., encumbrances .m f}232- ftC:ivarant�KFO e-t'f ctive. b-N.-,- Independence 'T'I Ic/T'-ftle -Rcs,.(--).u--rces. xx.--�'t-*.u-ted. ter the Peoperty prior tip fiends being �fis�sursecf `c�mpan�r, and that'.. proper releases k14I be exe . under this Agareem�:nt."l.he(dranttar fitrther qvv-arrants. tha no other personor tv owns enti an interest its ind�mn'rantee. ier acrre-es the G- Fron-a1 unreleased or 0 t -C -fee Ude to the Property ati-d fUrt-I 1. undiselosed liens,C1 car encumranceatfectins�s-ti.ePropertv. S. I`he parties agree that the t aluation date fordeterm:tntna the amountrjust of fi)the real 'or negob at*�mir,ent propertv interest proposed to be zic "'red b:v qu]. the (.1r *n the Pro-pert�;-,,ant. el�e I t ion or don-min. preu;eec�ir�g purpUse�. -W-111- be. Ja�uar��C. ti. "i"his A greeinvat. is Madewiththe. �unders;taxndi ng --(*that, the 'jra:ntee contin-Lte to proceed ithi3%. Granit-.)r reserves all. rio'hts ofcomPensation acqu-IsItIon ofa real prop-errv*,interest in the I'rsa�erty."1'he: interestirnr7�eiiiatel��at�cifor the t* Ic and olher in, the. pertv the Grantor time IR A* 'in no: vvathet shal IFnts to CtI-V �,t-treemcnt.,_ k v pre t c �ric�rthe Effe eDate this Ai� Agreement or,* s .lust ca�ltc�r"s inte S.r a .1:-wN--.-ed. b-vir tOr a.11. oft e 6a.-n:dights. to receive. -fifll: and.,* st compensat:ion as at-restte. tmprovernents thereonif,o. thePropert�,-t to be- acquired bytthe 6rantee-, encunn'bered. Ith th any, ands interestin anv. largzer tract of \%-h-­-Och this da���a��s. if an.N.--:'.. to the remainder of the Grantor"dais A reement.a part (the "NReilla"inder ifan-vf, all. as the 1)-ropenv C..\.]StSontksc EIfe�:ti�•c: Date :c�t� imprc�v�emexitsiYiV alf no vv�a- ct the. tajr The Ciranteeor constructi*011 -of oil.. the F'rapert}- sh�il market value f the 1'ropertv in determinins? ccsnipensatiun.dve to. the Granter in the L�l��nent dornain proceedings. 'this tfrant.Nv�areiuci I I not €!�e iranto rights tc) and=re.Iocat'1011benefits ('car +vrtaIclt Crantgr may be elogta€e. 7. -In the event, the (1--rantee tnstitutess� ot* has insti-tuted c.-min.ent domain prt-)ceed-ings, the Grantee kvill. not a�wac-€IAkinosbe Itable tothe Gratltortor tr�t�rest upati an*,v- ot- r i0-ginent- ass a proceed or prior tothy. interest rna,liedefierred bv the ativ period. of time date of -inent of XeIV (.`iran-tee untal entry° oi jud= Form, ROW, N,.PUA. Replac*s Form. R0VV­:N­7 P ago. $_ Of ;8- 80 The purpose of this Acyreernent is tQ �llo��• the Grantee to proce-led wI th: Its P NI-Ithout ddelay and. r0ject Ning wit -Ya -i the cur*r*(.,,,nt u. me and �ontinue to allow the Cjr:anntor to a-vol"d proced voluntary invest t4ation- and negotiation for the propose-d Presperttv� acquistion. ]"he C;r ntor expressly acknow ledges that the proposed Project are for a va(id public use dnc�.vt---)IuntarI`I-y N-v-ai'ves any right t1te('Jrantor 'has or mav have. known or unknown, to contest. th t'he coucourt tn a.nve. ion . 0. 3% 36 th -atCCLJ_p vCondcmnat-ion. proceedmg tor acqu'sition. ol'the rro oixert r lated to the.. based upon claimsthe condenining auffiorftv has no authori`tv to. aac e t:he Prtoperty- throu -emi.,nent do - .,ainhas n ,o qutr tIn i'rc��erty-qquisatton 0isnot necessary --tar the pub.I'I'C Ulzivalid pubIIC USe. tor the 'Prop--e-rtN..--*,., or that ac . * 4; t the cifbti.t. wa* 9* 1 ne Grantor resen�es a([ the; and in under the land -herein ives all right of ingress anti egress to the surface for the purpose uf` exploring, deve.ioping.. mining or 0,01C �tahilit�� of the surface. drillino. The extraction of Oifl.�.�1-as and mr.-tnerals mav not aMet the oeol a].'titNothing in this, res-ervat-ton. wiII aftect: -the le and rights of the Gr*anite 0take and use all other minerals anti materials ther c)n, and ther under. E 0. "I"he undersigned Grantor agrees tv paa• as thevbecoe due.. ait ad valar in.. propert� taxes and. speciat assessments assessed a�ai�tst PropemU t I the Et fetIVe Date,includig prorated taxes Unti I the EtYeettve- Date 1"ort-heW*�e°hit.h -theC;rantee takes tide to the .Prop`rtg. A0 i'rc�p�rt�° dthetnu ..v tne C;rant�.eaL. Notwithstan ing Ot Londemnattonproceec3tnde�satirsa the5�ecia} aw°ar�i 1nto the reoistry OfthC court. less an�.-, a-inounts tendered to the Grantor pursuant to Para��raph *.21above.,this Agreement shall. w o-ene�c�tatic�n, colitinue to 're,tn eI*TCCt U.11tiI the. Grai-u- e acqui-re-S tIII.e to the .1*)r(-.).-, th.er seztlement, ortinal cotirt.jucl�ment. I?.Acreemen.t`will alsoextend to ani3 bind the.heirs,-. , de exe�:irt��rs. ie(ai �n�gs-es,representahves, successors in inte,rest and assf the Pan...i It is ag..'reed the Gratitee wi-11. re -cord his d n: . 14. Other condi'tiolas: N/A -icta���iazh�lcnsth. :esi-.i n the-P-roper-t-vt3.1 tre below :",renI 13v i ihorized stt att ing ants wh tere herr:hy consent in all. things to: C:Irantee takinar e-tc[ustve and. sole possession of`the Property pursuant ranter rec tvtricy. -the cont -ted heretn, or other ise to the terms. of thi's At--I*rC,-,!,---*tnent, and. -to G'e s"deration re-cialloc ated betNveeen Tenanl.. ,a.nd Grantcwas.d c:�ignatck-d in w ritinb pr*tor tp ciisbursetnent of the conipens.-latjon c pati}: C "icri:.ni tor "Fenants: (.'O'VS E(*.*"*"1.,,.. ('att"s S`e hool 'Round Rock" L-.P. and CVS'P.ha-rniaC.V,,_I and on behalf of CVS'F(3I-.-,-- Round'Roek. "rX., :fit urp-osseshtirern shalI of the Pro Grantee -ti-.).r thi-eJescr'bed. no. ti»tL dtarin the tor sianc# - fi,)r -from. th.e rem ran t�rai�tor tse denied reasonable access anc�:''or in�ress to carer�rr�;ss atnder oNo 04 and Granteeent uses Nv t ior a, ��:)ree It. bet-N.e-en �arantc�ar�`C`�nanti ts eurr th. out.,. r* Avan-ce a met.41.12MAAAAAAAAAAAA IK Tohave. aand to hold the Aoxreement herelin. descrIbed and conve:�--vd. tooether Ith all zht rights and Farm. R.0W--N-,PUA M Replaces Form ROW-,,N. *71 Pa qA 4. of $ e tc�r purst�tajeui appurtenances belong.incyto the and i*.ts- as...signs t(-)-revr e-,. -i-iposes and -the- 'I*i-mita-b"ons sit fbrth above. 0 OP,oANTOR, ?sk 10 MSF i 0 ts; "qTATE*"�; OF Cl—L, LC -.ftftnbAft, % C 4,,Aoz�� C�CAA k 0 Wa m G. Form ROW A (12112) fi -N'-i of8 C OR a MAP p Tws t d beoibis------ dav or *wJo-ovvN%9a%. ---------- � n the capac uve in ifty ana ror the pumoses and 'Vconsidemtjon recitedSze kiMBERLY J. TAYLO#2 MY COMMISSION #HH021129 WIRES- AUG i}5.2024 cp Bonded through tst Stats Isasurance ------- ----------- Nottry bW -lt Pd S ate ID print r r L i„� i c,�*'"my i inn i 6--oa4 teron. behaffof CVS'P[iARMAC.*Y'. INC., as. agent C'VS EGL C:'rattis School Round }t«ck'5` X. L.P. A. R-6 Mich43 -I assistant .01%SecretarV - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------------------------- - - - - - - - WWW ACK<�rOWLEDGM'E'NP:T 0 E F , C'%'e� OUN T Y 2 0 F Form R-O-W'JON-PU.A .0 %12' � 2). *7 Re.....Pfaces Form. R N Page 6. of 8 la%.-. of • i s instrum en t was acknow-ledcled • b. etbre me on th is the -'-C* � ( - - - --------------- - -------------------------- ----- to--�*" a r s n ons i ton.'rect, rein, AY �'d ted. h- -nd tiv the pu- po es a.- d. c: 04 r..:• So % I JO A. S too, /F OOP Public, State of Co-tnn-i---ission Expl-Tes.. At. CKN 0AvVJ,EDG-'.NI ENT C 0 L"INT Y 0 F Form PCVV-N-PLEA 12'12) Reptaces Form P.(,IVV-N-7 pne 7 of 8 Filis instrument Nvas acknovv led t2yed before me 0INT-this the da-v of . 2102 1 b --------------- - in the capacltx and for the pUrpo-�' and consideration recited herein. ------------ - - ---------------------------------- - ----- - ----- Notary PUblic, State of Printed Name: My Commission Expires, GRANTEE, N at -n e: tV S: 0 .......... ...... S TAIT () F TE X A S COUNTY OFNVILLIAMSON 111 s r1strurnent was actin ow,Ied(.-),ed before me on this the edav of 2021 by o I in the capacity and f*Or se the pUrpos and consideration recited wj herein, Y P Ij Now • Cp •CD I%& gTF00 ;ZA 12650"000 7 APA 'N�tate 0 Notary I'lublic. I'Texas Printed Name: 'VIN'. C'0111111ission Expires JlII1N31 I 'Nbi8l IJ31 .'3DVd SlHiL a io 0 080d L-ON-vMO8 W-JOA saaejda8 (a tie vnd*fit~ Mlei 8 WJOJ County0 . Parcel: P roj" e C t: Williamson 7, Parts 1 & 2 Gattis School Road PROPERTY DESCRIPTION FOR PARCEL 7 PART 1 & 2 01-31-2019 Page 1 of 5 DESCRIPTION OF TWO PARCELS OF LAND TOTALING' 0.148 ACRE (6,461 UARE FOOT) SITUATED EN THE ASA. THOMAS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 609, IN WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS, BEING A PORTION OF LOT 1 (1.90 ACRES}, FINAL PLAT OF ECKERD DRUG STORE, SECTION ONE, A SUBDIVISION OF RECORD IN CABINET W, SLIDES 381,,,382 OF THE PLAT RECORDS OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY TEXAS., DESCRIBED IN SPECIAL. WARRANTY DEED TO MSF ROUND ROCK on L, LLC, RECORDED IN DOCUMENTNO. 2006101689 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS, SAID 0.148 ACRE (6,461 SQUARE FOOT) PARCELS OF LAND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS PART 1, CONTAINING 0.077 ACRE (3,349 SQUARE FEET). OF LAND AND PART 2 CONTAINING 0.071 ACRE (3,112 SQUARE FEET) OF LAND AND FUTHER DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: PART 'i 0,077 ACRE 3,3`49 SQUARE FEET] COMMENCING at an, X cut i*n concrete found 85-.04 feet, right of proposed Gattis School Road Baseline Station 40+84,18, being in the easterly boundary- line of Lot 1, Black A of the Final Plat of Provident Crossings, Section II, a subdivision of record in Cabinet FF, Slides 79-80 of the Plat Records of Williamson County, Texas, same being the westerly boundary line of said Lot 1 of Eckerd Drug Store subdivision; THENCE, with the common boundary line of said Lot 1, Block A and said Lot 1, N 01'32'34" W, for a distance of 17.96 feet to an iron rod with aluminum cap stamped "ROW 4933" set, {Grid Coordinates determined as N='i01S4256.85, E ww3l39226.78 TxSPC Zane 4203), 67.09 feet right of proposed Gattis School Road Baseline Station 40+83.76, being in. the proposed southerly right-of-way (ROW) line of Gattis School Road, (ROW width varies), for the southwesterly corner and POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described tract; 1} THENCE, continuing with said common boundary line, N 011132'34" W, for a distance of 20,.00 feet to a Mag Nail with washer stamped "ChapparaP' found in the existing southerly RAW line of Gattis School Road, (ROW'width varies), being the northeasterly- corner of said Lot 1, Provident Crossings, same being the northwesterly corner of said Lot 1; Eckerd Drug Stare subdivision, for the northwesterly corner of the herein. described tract; 2) THENCE, departing said Lot I., of' Provident Crossings subdivisIr ion, with the northerly boundary iine of said Lot 1 of Eckerd Drug Store subdivision, same being the said existing southerly ROW line of Gattis School Road, N 88*19'14" E, for a distance of 145.26 feet to a calculated point, being the point of intersection of said existing southerly ROW line of Gattis School Road and the existing, westerly ROW line of A.W. Grimes Boulevard (ROW width varies); 3) THENCE, departIV ing said existing southerly ROW line with said existing westerly. ROW line of A. W. Grimes Boulevard, same being the northeasterly boundary line of said Lot I I S 60045J4.6" Ej for a distance -of 6122 feet to an iron rod found with plastic cap stamped "BPI" found 78.5.4 feet right of proposed Gattis School Road Baseline Station 42+81.39, for the easterly corner of the herein described tract, and from which, a 1/2° iron rod found, being in the northeasterly boundary hne of said Lot 11, same being in said'westerly ROW line of said A. W. Grimes Boulevard, also being the most northerly corner of said 0.071 acre Part 2 herein bears. S 46"59.'51 ° E, at a distance of 50.17 feet# Page 2 of .5 THENCE, departing said existing westerly ROW line, with the proposed southerly ROW line of Gattis. School Road, through the inter of said Lot I the following two (2) courses: 4) Along anon -tangent curve. to the left, having a delta angle of 26°06'31", a radius of 935.00 feet, an arc length of 61.52 feet and a chord which bears N 79°57'35" W, for a distance of 60.89 feet to an iron rod with aluminum cap stamped "ROW 4933" set, 66.16 feet right of proposed Gattis School Road Baseline Station 42+21.67, for a point of non -tangency; 5) S 88°21'31" W, fora distance of 139.82 feet to the POINT QF BEGINNING, containing 0.077 acres {3,349 square feet.) of land, more of less. PART 2 (O.a7'I ACRE 3,112 SQUARE FEET) COMMENCING at an X cut in concrete found. 367.05 feet right of proposed Gattis School Road Baseline. Station 42+64.15, being in the southerly boundary line of said Lot I of Eckerd Drug Store subdivision, same being in the northerly boundary line Of Lot 1, Block A of Final Plat- of Provident Crossings, Section III, a subdivision of record in Document No. 2093Q31488 of the Official Public Records of Williamson County, Texas; THENCE, With the common boundary line of said Lot 1 Eckerd Drug Store and said Lot I Provident Crossings, N 85°39`21" E, for a distance of 78.13 -feet to an iron rod with aluminum cap stamped "ROW 4933"set, (Grid Coordinates determined as N=90153977.27, E)�3139495.33 TxSPC Zone 4203), 353.41 feet right of proposed Gattis School Road Baseline Station 43+4220, being in the proposed westerly right-of-way line of A. W. Grimes Boulevard, (ROW width varies), for the southwesterly corner and POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described, tract; THENCE, departing said Lot 1 Provident Crossings, Section III, with said proposed westerly ROW sine, through the interior of said Lot 1 of Eckerd Drug Store subdivision, the following three (3) courses: 1) Along anon -tangent curve the right, a delta of 03°53'35", a radius of 2482Ad feet, an are' length of 168.64 feet and a chord which bears N 04°26'16" W, for a distance of 168.61 feet to an iron rod with aluminum cap, stamped "ROW 4933" set, 185.Q0 feet right of NO proposed Gattis School Road Baseline- Station 43+34.06 for a point of tangency; 2) N 02°29'28" W, for a. distance cal 16<93 feet an iron rod with aluminum cap stamped "ROW 4933"' set 168.06 feet right of proposed Gattis School Road Baseline Station 43+33.82, for a point of non -tangency; ell% Along anon -tangent curve to the left, having a delta angle of 32°48'59", a radius of 100.50 feet, an arc length of 57.56 feet and a chord which bears N 18°50'08" W, for a distance of 56.78 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found., being in the northeasterly boundary line of said Lot 1, same being in the existing westerly ROW line of said A. W. Grimes (ROW' width varies), 113.81 feet right of proposed Gattis School Road Baseline Station 43+17.07, for the northerly corner of the herein described tract, and from which, an iron rod with plastic cap stamped "BPI" found, being in the said northeasterly boundary line of said Lot 1, same being in the westerly ROW line of said A. W. Grimes, also being the easterly corner of said 0.077 acre Part 1 herein bears N 46°59'S1" W, at a distance of 5Q.17 feet; THENCE, with said existing westerly ROW line, same being the northeasterly and easterly boundary sines of said Lot 1, the following three {3) courses: Page 3 of .5 4) S 38°24'5U" E, for a distance of 63.29 feet to a calculated angle point; 5) S o2°29'48" E, for a distance of 89.i6 feet to a calculated point of curvature of anon -tangent curve to the left; 6 Along said non -tangent curve to the left, having a. delta angle of 02°33'08", a radius of 2143.48 feet, an arc length of 95.48 feet and a chord which bears S 03°46'22" E, for a distance of 95.47 feet to an X cut in concrete found, being the southeasterly corner of said. Lot 1, same being- the northeasterly corner of said Lot 1, Block A of Provident Crossings, Section III, for the southeasterly corner of the herein described tract; 16 7) THENCE, departing said existing westerly ROW line, with the common boundary line of said Lot 1, Eckerd Drug Store and said Lot 1., Provident Grossings, S 85°39'21" W, for a distance. of 12.97 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNLNG, containing 0.071 acres (3,112 square feet) of land, more or less. This property description is accompanied by a separate parcel plat* All bearings recited herein are based on the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, Central Zone Na. 4203, NAD 83. THE STATE OF TEXAS 30 KNOW ALL MEN BY, THESE PRESENTS.. COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON That 1, M. Stephen Truesdale, a Registered Professional Land Sun�eyor, do hereby certifythat the above 't isdescription true and correct to the best of 'my knowledge and beiief and that the property described herein was determined by a survey made on the ground under my direct supervision. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL at Round Rock, Williamson County, Texas. ----------- M., Stephen truesdaEe Registered Professional Land Surveyor No,. Licensed State: Land Surveyor Inland Geodetics, LLC Firm Registration No., 100591-00 1504 Chisholm Trail Road, Suite. 103 Round Rock, TX 78681 4933 Date S:1 RTU1C.aATTiS SCHOOL - WINDY PARK TO RR RANCH RMPARCELSTARCEL 7- \PARCEL 7-SF Round Rock-LLLC.doc EXHIBIT It I$ FLATTO ACCMPAN%-PARCEL DF.SCRIPT`ION --------- . . . . .................. W.... .. NUMBER ------ --- ............ ------ - DELTA ------- ------- RADIUS LENGTH- ---------- ------- CHORD -------------- -- ---- --------------- ---------- wmlp� ----------------- v --------------- CHORD BEARING ---------------- - cl - --------- ---- 26° 06# 31 135* 00' --- 61 52" 60. 99' - N79* 57135"W C2 02,o 33,10811 21 43s 48 95. 48` 95-a 47 22"E (C2D tb2° 33" 09 - - ----------- ---------------- (2143a48f)(95-94-9') (95a. 48` (SOY 43" 01 "E) C3 03" 53 35 2482. 000 168. 64' I_WwWvwm%-oW~ 168m6ll ------- N04' 26* 16"W-------------- C4 32` 48` 59" 100. 50 -- ---------- 57* 56" 56a 7 8118 Nl 8* 50t 0WI "Ulm ... ............... ...:..v...... 'A' • • .002P ----- OSTF.NSlq.L ....... 'E...% j �RVEY_LIXE ........... ......... SCHOOL ROAD GATT I S W-WTH VARIES) ...... ........ ................... ........... 40-4-00 PROPOSED GATTlSsCHo0L...R0AD BASELINEI p. J w 0--m-�4MM qft..awv%ft%r&%% 42 400• 43+00 PQ 00 130 41+00 Ot/31/19 *Vw 08/26/20 PAGE 4 OF 5 N I ...... .... ... ....... 11 %o 16, S.TAs 42+81 o 39 X 1.14 I M r 40 7 t %.600 -S-TA,o 4� +83.76 N ola. 2 0 A 8*540 RT 67 0% tO9RT ......... ........ w'", ....... ........... .2%7' •q P, 9. 14 4 5-8-2-5., JD'*' , 6 �� -6 ', •­c GRID COORDINATE15.4 .......... •..... ......... Nu 101 5425,6,s 85 .. %AAA ONO E;-` ep, N 40. tow N� ---- - -------- ............ .. --------- - ------- --- - ------- --- w c" E 3.1392 26s. 7 8 0A o. 4"P R Pq A. Af A v S R. Olt W46 OED - — ------------- - — --------- 9,68 $883 1 2 cl 3 " 21 % ........... r T S T A • 4 3 + I Tw 07 -�j d 'A' .......... % 1 1 3.x 8 1 RT 46 eolw� % 41. Ps 00 co. % lk PART I STAv 42-t 2 1 67 STA* 40+84. 18 z PART 1 6.6.16' RT 859 04" RT L A N 0 S_ C A Fl E 7' m em 13 P R a w a c 04077 ACa 2. 0 3 3 4 9 SQ;a F Tx -4)k LOT I FINAL PLAT* OF' I Q...0 ACRES % STA;s 43+33v O I DENT CROSSINGS, 168*06* R s... SECTION TI MSF ROUND ROCK L, LLC CAB. F SLIDE 79-80 as �} DOC NO. 89 20061016 41 cn Po Rv W,4 C M T z 0 W tk T 3% LOT I BLaGK A 1,2&0 ACRES A /* 43* 06 1 85m 00" RT Lo INAL PLAT ECKERD PART 2 co..:�.� It r •.. DRUG STORE SECTION ONE Z CAB . W, SLIDE 381-3-82 L 7 Px Re Ww C. To f c%J 0.071 AC C%q NUMBER - --------------------------- -------- --- ----------------------------------------------------------- D IRECT ION D I S-TANCE 3, 1 12 SQ. FT. 0 .1 0 IV a A ------------ - L"%ft ------- --- Ll N01 32" 34 "W 17'0 96 L 2 NO 1 32,1 3 4 11 W 20a 00 -- ----------------------------------- - - - ----------- --------- f*1,40... ACT 9k"I lu - ----- -------------- - ---------- --- 36 4 7 "W) 3 7. 9 4 ---------------- ---- - --------------- .... . .... . .......... . ... ---------- - ------f ye L 4 s4b 59' 51 '-*E 506 17 z w •vY Y S -------- ... . . .......................... (L 4) 4r.. ------- (S4 70 03 57 E) (50. 00 A, 1-5 L 6 S85* 39" 21 "W 1-2, 97" . ... . ............ -------- NO2* 29' 28*W 16* 9.3 - j ................... --------------- A.- 1:.- 0-1 1,. rn 3 8` 25 (N 51m 071 Ng 5 39 21 J -V Pils 00 C* 78* 131 'a I FINAL PLAT OF PROVIDEN"r CROSSINGS, rAM 1 4 c'TA* 42+64-a 15 3!5 7 0 5 R T re L 9 Dig ART 2 STAo, 43+42* 2.0 -,.if.% 03o'(36t v I ON I 1I LOT 1 353* 41 RT 0 'N r 1, Ral T DOS* NOz 2013031488 ll CK "A:::• GRID COORDINATES*0 an 977s, N 101 53127 ...... ix Os Po Rfs W. Ce T. E-3139495.33 ............................. .10 A 61 It L A N D u 7S GEODE IC PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS 1504 CHISHOLM TRAIL RD. STE-., 103 ROUND ROCK, TX 78681 PH, 612) 138-i 200, FAX (51 2j 238-1251 FIRM REGISTRA*110N NO, 100591700 PARCEL PLAT SNOWING PROPERTY OF SF R UND ROCK low L, PARCEL 7 PART SCALE PROJECT-' COUNTY i" _ 60' GATTIS SCHOOL ROAD WILLIAMSON 11S SCHOOL WINDY PARK TO Ra RANCH RDWARCELS\PARCEL 7-MSF' ROUND ROCK L LLC\F°l�f�CEI_ 7-MS R{�UN��,..R�tP. �gn R T G ---- G_ - A'1------- LEGEND �xHielrCm'm PLAT TOr�P1iNY DEC;RIPTION 40 '/2 it IRON ROD FOUND, UNLESS NOTED OO IRON SET W/ PLASTIC CAP STAMPED "INLAND-4933" Ce) IRON ROD FOUND W/PIASICC CAP., AS NOTED 0 COTTON GIN SPINDLE FOUND CO 112. is IRON PIPE FOUND, UNLESS NOTED X X CUT FOUND 0 MAG NAIL FOUND W/ WASHER A 60/Q NAIL FOUND A MAG NAIL SET' A CALCULATED POINT* n IRON ROD W1 ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED "ROW-4-933" -SET (UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE) 01/31/19 REV: QB/26/20 PAGE 5 OF 5 CENTER LINE PROPERTY L.INF t ) RECORD INFORMATION ...... LINE BREAK �i DENOTES COMMON OWNERSHIP P. 0. E3. POINT QF BEGINNING P. 0a Co POINT OF COMMENCING Ni, To So NOT TO SCALE 57MSE SFORM 'SEWER EASEMENT SSE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT P. Us E a PUBLIC UT I l.. I TY FASEME.NT Do R. W. C. To DEED RECORDS WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS C1. R. W. C. T OFFICIAL RECORDS 'T WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS 00 P. R.0 We C. OFFICIAL PUBLIC [RECORDS WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS P. R* We C. T. PLAT RECORDS WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS 1 } All bearings shown hereon are based on gr i d beor *1 ng., A I I d 01 stances are surf ace d *1 sioances., Coord i notes ore surface values bosed on the Texaz 5tote Plone' Cnor-ci i natP System, NAD 83, Central Zone, THE SURVEY 'SHOWN HEREON WAS PREPARED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THAT COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE GF NO.I920232-KFO, ISSUED BY TITLE RESOURCES. GUARANTY COMPANY, EFFECTIVE DATE MAY 30, 2019, ISSUE DATE JUNE 10, 2019. t. S RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS* CABINET W, SLIDE 38i-3$2, QF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS, AND DOCUMENT NO. 2002073319, OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF WIL.LIAhSSON COUNTY, TEkAS, SUBJECT TO, tUE. ZO FOOT SLOPE AND PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT ALONG. THE NORTH AND NOR7tlGASTERLY PROPERTY LINES AND TRAVERSING INTO THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AN UNDETERMINED WIDTH BY 7 FOOT IN DEPTH LOCATED IN THE MOST NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AS. SHOWN dN PLAT, AFFECTS AS SHOWN, Ft 10 FOOT Ltd WIDTH SLOPE AND PUE3L1C UTILITY EASEMENT ALONG THE. EAST PROPERTY LINE. AS SHOWN Ohl PLAT, AFFECTS AS SHOWN. G. 15 FOOT WATERLINE, STORM SEWER AND WASTEWATER EASEMENT` Ai.ONG THE EAST PROPERTY LINE AND TRAVERSING INTO THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AN UNDETERMINED WIDTH pY 10 FOOT IN DEPTH LOCATED IN THE MOST SflUtHEASTERLY CORNER OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON PLAT, AFFECTS AS SHOWN. H. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS OF CITY ORQINANCE NO. 2-99-03-25-9C2 ADOPTED BY THE CITY OF ROUND ROCK, RECORDED UNDER- DOCUMENT NO. 2t700011425, OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS, SUBJECT TO, I. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS OF CITY ORDINANCE NOV Z-02-Oi-24-881 ADOPTED BY THE CITY OF ROUND ROCK, RECORDED UNDER DOCUMENT NO, 2002035296, QF THE.-, OFF1GIAt. PUBLIC RECORDS OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS, DOES NOT AFFECT. J. tERMS, CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS OF POSSESSION AND USE AGREEMENT FOR rFtANSPOR7AI0N PURPOSE AS APPROVED aY TFIE CITY pF ROUND ROCK E3Y RESOLUTION RECORDED UNDER DOCUMENT N0. 2002n42747, OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF WILLIAMSON COUN1"Y, TEXAS, SUBJECT TO. V K. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND STIPti1.ATI0NS OF EASEMENT AGREEMENT EXECUTED BY AND BETWEEN TODAY PkA HICKERSON, L.P. AND RB-3 ASSOCIATES, Ei Al, RECORDED UNDER DOCUMENT NO. 20Q2073318, OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS, SUBJECT TO. L. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS OF MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT AND RESTRICTIVE COVE'NANT AGREEMENT EXECUTED BY ANO BE.TWEEN TOUAY PRA HICKERSONL.P. AND RB4--3 ASSOCIATES, ET' AL, RECORDED UNDER DOCUMENT NO, 2002073319, OF THE OFFIC-I.AL PUSLIC RECORDS' OF*I LLIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS, SLJBJEC-r "ro, I HEREBY CERTIFY T OT THIS PLAT IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE :.:�'::::,k:�. BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF AND THAT THE PROPERTY .�:. f.}.�• '}r: s�i .r: �} SHOWN HEREIN WAS DETERMINED BY A SURVEY MADE ON TME v GROUND UNDER -1-1Y DIRECT SUPF.RVISIONs.f. r :.:ti �},.7 0., :;:+ :f �:' ' s F y+ �. �S $'' ai �r' �ic :; 'f3 : �f •" .'�C b 44 ;�Slt V. <xo- --- --- ------ ACRES SE - --------------- ------- ---------- - ----- ------------ i> cou ISITION Pm �>.. OzO77 3 349 DAT m ST EPH E. TRU�tDAL E E REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL L AND SURVEYOR NOe 4933 *c ..;f 4. 4 4. 1 r. > x j -- '� ISITION PART 2 0*071 31112 LICENSED STATE L AND S RVL.Y R INLAND GEODE T I C-S LLC ------ — -------- --- ---- - ------- --------- -- •� �TOTAL ACQU I S I T I ON - ------------ --- Os 148 61461 F I RM REG I STRAT ION NO* 100591 00 :. �c DEE ...... 0 AREA N. 1 90 82,764 1 04 CH I S OLM TRA I L ROAD, SLR ITE 103 - ..... -%­­ ---------------- ------ ROUND ROCK, TEXAS 78681 R EMA I NDER ARE A 1 752 76t 303 .................. I N L A N D u GEODE ICS PROFESSiONAL LAND SURVEYORS I S 04 CHISHOLM TRAIL RD, STE. 103 U. 78681 ROUND ROCK, PH. i51 xj 238-1200, FAX (512) 23$-1251 FIRM REGISTRATION NO. 100591-0�j PARCEL.. PLAT SHOWING PROPERTY OF LLC PARCEL 7SL ....... ................... PAPT I9.-------------------------- - ---------------------------------- SCALE PROJECT T COUNTY 4 ki 6U' GATTIS SCHOOL ROAD) 41+ILLIAMSON Ama" SF ROUND ROCK 4m l., --------------------- ---- - ----------- Nil "m m mm m MINIM N M14 N ---- - --------- S9\*RTG\GATT1S SCHOOL - WINDY PARK TO RR RANCH RDWARCELS\PARCEL 7-MSF ROUND ROCK L LLC\PARCEL 7-MSF ROUND ROCK t_-REV. dgn