Contract - Austin Structured Cabling - 4/8/2021CITY OF ROUND ROCK AGREEMENT FOR PROVISION AND INSTALLATION OF COMMUNICATION AND NETWORKING EQUIPMENT WITH AUSTIN STRUCTURED CABLING THE STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF ROUND ROCK COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON § COUNTY OF TRAMS § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT THIS AGREEMENT for the provision and -installation of communication and networking equipment, and for related goods and services (referred to herein as the "Agreement"), is made and entered into on this the igll» day of the month of L...* _, 2021 by and between the CITY OF ROUND ROCK, a Texas home -rule municipality, whose offices are located at 221 East Main Street, Round Rock, Texas 78664-5299 (referred to herein as the "City"), and AUSTIN STRUCTURED CABLING, LLC, whose offices are located at 3709 Promontory Point Drive, Suite A 127, Austin., Texas 78744 (referred to herein as "Vendor"). RECITALS: WHEREAS, City desires to purchase certain goods and services, specifically communication. and networking equipment, and City desires to procure same from Vendor; and WHEREAS, City desires to purchases said services from Vendor through DIR Contract #DIR-TSO-4358; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into this Agreement to set forth in writing their respective rights, duties, and. obligations; NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH.0 That for and in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency and receipt of which are hereby acknowledged, it is mutually agreed between the parties as follow: 1.01 DEFINITIONS A. Agreement means the binding legal contract between City and Vendor whereby City agrees to buy specified goods and services and Vendor is obligated to provide said goods and services. 00465171 /ss2 IZ-2,o21- OfN;V6 Be City means the City of Round Rock, Williamson and Travis Counties, Texas. co Effective Date means the date upon which the binding signatures of both parties to this Agreement are affixed, Do Force Majeure means acts of God, strikes, lockouts, or other industrial disturbances, acts of the public enemy, orders of any kind from the government of the United States or the State of Texas or any civil ormilitary, authority, insurrections, riots, epidemics, landslides, lightning, earthquakes, fires, hurricanes, storms, floods, restraint of the government and the people, civil dt"sturbances, explosi*ons, or other causes not reasonably Withion the control of the party claiming such inability. E. Goods and Services mean the specified services, supplies, materials, commodities, or equipment. F. Vendor means Austin Structured Cabling, LLC, its successors or assigns. 2.01 EFFECTIVE DATE, TERM A. This Agreement shall be effective on the date this Agreement has been signed by in each party hereto, and shall remain full force and effect unless and until it expires by operation is of the term indicated herein, or terminated or extended as provided herein. B. This Agreement shall terminate February 27, 2024. co City reserves the right to review the relationship with Vendor at any time, and may elect to terminate this Agreement with or without cause or may elect to continue. 3.01 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND EXHIBITS The goods and services which are the subjectmatter of this Agreement are described in # Exhibit "A" and,together with. this Agreement,co pnse the Contract Documents. Any '6conflicts inconsistencies or the contract documents shall be resolved by giving preference to the terms and conditions set forth in pages one (I.) through nine (9) of this Agreement 4.01 ITEMS A. The goods and services which 0 described generally in the attached Exhibit 64Ae" are the subject matter of this Agreement are Be This Agreement shall evidence the entire understanding and agreement between Is the parties and shall supersede any prior proposals, correspondence or discussions, C. Vendor shall satisfactorily provide all items described in Eachibit "A" within the contract term specified. A change in any term of this Agreement, must be negotiated and agreed 2 to in all relevant details, and must be embodied in a valid Supplemental Agreement as described herein. 5.01 COSTS A. City agrees to payfor supplies and services during the teof this A reement at the P 9ri*ci*n set forth at in Exhl*bl'*t "A,," Vendor specl*ficay acllknowledged anatyderees that Ci Is %WR not obligated to use or purchase any estimated annual quantity of goods or services. Only if, and when needed by City, the costs listed on Exhibit "A" shall be the basis of any charges collected by Vendor, B. The City shall be authorized Hundred Seventy -Three Thousand Six ($473,692.52) for the term of this Agreement. 6.01 INVOICES to pay the Vendor an amount not -to -exceed Four Hundred Ninety -Two and 52/100 Dollars All invoices shall 'Include at a minimum, the following information: A. Name and address of Vendor; B. Purchase Order Number; C. Description and quantity of items received; and D. Delivery or performance dates* 7.01 NON -APPROPRIATION AND FISCAL FUNDING This Agreement is a commitment of City's current revenues only, It is understood and agreed that City shall have the right to terminate this Agreement the end of any City fiscal year if the governing body of City does not appropr*ate funds sufficient to purchase the goods and services asdetermined b s bu for the fiscal veinAV WWW7y dget ...ar effect such i n atie by givingwritten of terminationte on Vendor a at the end of its then current fiscal year. 8.01 PROMPT PAYMENT POLICY In accordance with Chapter 2251, V.T.C.A., Texas Government Code, payment to Vendor will be made wl*thl*n thl*rty (30) days of the day on which CI*ty recei*ves the performance, tosupplies, equipment, and/or deliverables, or within thirty (30) days of the day on which the performance of services was complete, or within thirty (30) days of the day on which City receives a correct invoice for the performance or servces5 and/or deliverablesiwhichever is later. Vendor may charge interest on an overdue payment at the "rate in effect" on September 1. of the fiscal year in which the payment becomes overdue, in accordance with V.T.C.A., Texas 3 Government Code, Secti*on 2251thi's'Poli'cy does not apply to pay ents made by Cl*ty 1*n the event.* A.. There i's a bona fide between C.I*ty and Vendor a contractor, subcontractor or about the goods deli"vered or the servi'ce perfo ed that cause .he payment to be late; or B. The tenns of a federal contract �rant0 or statute City fTom maki*.n,g . ..re`' pay ent wl*th federal funds or ce There i*s a bona fide between Vendor and a subcontractor or between a subcontractor and I*ts about the goods deli*vered or the servi*ce perfo ed that causes the pay ent to be late's or Do '-''`es...-.tmai*ledCi*ty'.c'strict accordance with if any, on the purchase order or the Agreement or other such contractual agreement,, 9.01 GRATUITIES AND BRIBES 0 0 Ci*ty^-.~`- written "...^'c Vendor, cancel thl*s Agreement wl*thout to Vendor If '` ` dete`-''`. by -i' .;.. or bri*bes in the form of 0 gi*fts, or otherwise*-�)x .'```' -' ' «110 �' '�.�..-.s'``-'s or representatives to any `it' ofticer, employee or elected wi*th to the perfo ance of thl*s Agree ents, In addl*ti*on, Vendor may be subject to penalti*es stated 1*n TI*tle 8 of the Texas Penal Code. 10.01 TAXES C^' ,. exempt fro Federal Exci*se and State Sales Tax* therefore tax shall not be ..`...'. .. Vendor's charges. 11.01 ORDERS PLACED WIT VENDORS If Vendor cannot the goods and/or asIs speciflied Ci*ty reserves the ri*ght and opti*on 0 Is to obtat'n the products from another suppl,ier or suppliers, 12.01 CITY'S REPRESENTATIVE CI*ty the authori*zed to act 'Ion I*ts behalf wl*th regard to thl*s Agree ente, Richard Will Manager - Construch*on 212 Com erce Cove Round Rock Texas 78664 (512) 341�3311 13,01 INSURANCE Vendor shall meet all City of Round Rock Insurance Requirements as set forth at: http://www.roundrocktexas.gov/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/corr insurance 07.20112.pdf. 14.01 RIGHT TO ASSURANCE Whenever either party to this Agreement, in good faith, has reason to question the other party's intent to perform hereunder, then demand may be made to the other party for written assurance of the 'Intent to perform. In the event that no written assurance is given within the reasonable time specified when demand is made, then. and in that event the demanding party may treat such failure as an anticipatory repudiation of this Agreement. 15.01 DEFAULT If Vendor abandons or defaults under this Agreement and is a cause of City purchasing the specified goods and/or services elsewhere, Vendor agrees that it may be charged the difference in cost, if any, and that it will not be considered in the re -advertisement of the service and that it may not be considered in future bids for the same type of work unless the scope of work is significantly changed. Vendor shall be declared in default of this Agreement if it does any of the following: A. Fails to fully, timely and faithfully perform any of its material obligations under this Agreement; B. Fails to provide adequate assurance of performance under the "Right to Assurance" section herein; or C. Becomes insolvent or seeks relief under the bankruptcy laws of the United States. 16.01 TERMINATION AND SUSPENSION A. City has the right to terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part, for convenience and without cause, at any time upon thirty (30) days' written notice to Vendor. B. In the event of any default by Vendor, City has the right to terminate this Agreement for cause, upon ten (10) days' written notice to Vendor. C. Vendor has the right to terminate this Agreement only for cause, that being in the event of a material and substantial breach by City, or by mutual agreement to terminate evidenced in writing by and between the parties. D. In the event City terminates under subsections (A) or (B) of this section, the following shall apply: Upon City's delivery of the referenced notice to Vendor, Vendor shall discontinue all services in connection with the performance of this Agreement and shall proceed to cancel promptly all existing orders and contracts insofar as such orders and contracts are chargeable to this Agreement. Within thi'rty (30) days after such noti*ce of tert-nination, Vendor Itshall submit a statement showingin detail the goods and/or services satisfactorily performed under this Agree ent to the date of te ination,,, CI*ty shall then pay Vendor that porti*on of the charges,if undisputed. The parties agree that Vendor is not entitled to compensation for services it would have performed under the remaining term of the Agreement except as provided herein, 17.01 INDEMNIFICATION Vendor shall defend (at the option of City), indemnify, and hold. City, its successors, assigns, officers, employees and elected officials harmless from and against all suits, actions, legal proceedings, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, attorneys fees, and any and all other costs or fees arising out of,, or incident to, concerning or resulting from the fault of Vendor, or Vendor's agents, employees or subcontractors, in the performance of Vendor's obligations under this Agreement, no matter how, or to whom, such loss may occur. Nothing herein shall be deemed to limit the rights of City or Vendor (including, but not limited to the right to seek contribution) against any third party who may be liable for an indemnified claim. 18.01 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS, CHARTER AND ORDINANCES A. Vendor, its agents, employees and subcontractors shall use best efforts to comply with all applicable federal and state laws, the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Round Rock, as amended, and with all applicable rules and regulations promulg ed by local, state and national boards, bureaus and agencies. Be In accordance with Chapter 2270, Texas Government Code, a governmental entity may not enter into a contract with a company for goods or services unless the contract contains written verificationon from the company that I*t.*. (1) does not boycott Israel*9 and (2) w1*11 notboycott Israel during the term of this contract. The signatory executing this Agreement on behalf of Vendor verifies Vendor does not boycott Israel and will not boycott Israel during the term of this Agreement. 19A1 ASSIGNMENT AND DELEGATION The parties. each hereby bind themselves, their successors, assigns and legal representatives to each other with respect to the terms of. this Agreement, Neither party shall assign, sublet or transfer any interest in this Agreement without prior written authorization of the other party. 20.01 NOTICES in All notices and other co munications connection with this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be considered given as follows: 6 1. When delivered personally to the recipient's address as stated in this Agreement; or 2* Three (3) days after being deposited in the United Statesmail, with postage prepaid to the recipient's address as stated in this Agreement. Notice to Vendor: Austin Structured Cabling 3709 Promontory Point Drive Suite A 127 Austin, Texas 78744 Notice to City: City Manager Stephan L. Sheets, City Attorney 221 East Main Street ANDTO: 309 East Main Street Round Rock, TX 78664 Round 'Rock, TX 78664 Nothing contained herein shall be construed to restrict the transmission of routine communications between representatives of City and Vendor. 21.01 APPLICABLE LAW; ENFORCEMENT AND VENUE This Agreement shall be enforceable in Round Rock, Texas, and if legal action is necessary by either party with respect to the enforcement of any or all of the terms or conditions It Williamsonherein, exclusive venue for same shall lie in County, Texas. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws and court decisions of the State of Texas, 0 22.01 EXCLUSIVE AGREEMENT This document, and all appended documents, const1'6tutes the enti*re Agreement between Vendor and Cl*ty'., Thi*s Agreement 9mnv onlybe amended or supplemented by mutual a ree ent '141�67 of the parties hereto in writing, duly authorized by action of the City Manager or City Council. Z3.01 DISPUTE RESOLUTION City and Vendor hereby expressly agree that no claims or disputes between the parties arising out of or relating to this Agreement or a breach thereof shall be decided by any arbitrationi proceeding, ncludi'ng without limitation,any proceedproceeding under the Federal Act 9 USC Section 1-14) or any astate arbitration statute, 24.01 SEVERABILITY 40 The invalidity,,, illegality, or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement or the occuence of an0 n or Isevenreneri*ng any pooprovision ol*s eeY t drtif thAremnt9void shall in no 10 way affect the validity or enforceability of any other portion or provision of this Agreement. Any Vold provision shall be deemed severed from this A9ll" reement"111111,11,11 an,111�the e f this Agree ent shall be construed and enforced as if this Areement dl*d not contal*n theparticular Portion or %No,1 provision held to be *dpartiesreplace any Vol The further agree to amend to stricken provision with a valid provision that comes as close as possible to the intent of the stricken provision. The provisions of this section shall not prevent this entire Agreement from 10 is being void should aProvi*si*on, which of the essence of this Agreement be determined void. 25.01 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Standard of Care. Vendor represents that it employs trained, experienced and competent persons to perform all of the services, responsibilities and duties * specified herein and that such services, responsibilities and duties shall be performed in a manner according to generally accepted industry practices. Time is of the Essence. Vendor understands and agrees that time is of the essence and that any failure of Vendor to fulfill obligations for each porti*on of tbI*s Agree ent wl"thi*n the agreed timef.rames will constitute a breach of this Agree.ment. Vendor shall be fully responsl I *ble for *ts delays or for fal*lures to use best effortsin accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Where damage is caused to City due to Vendor's failure to perform in these circumstances, City may pursue any remedy available without waiver of any of City's additional legal rights or remedies. Force Majeure. Neither City nor Vendor shall be deemed in violation of this Agreement if it is prevented from performing any of i*ts obli*gati*ons hereunder by reasons for wh.*Ich i*t is not as defined herei*n. However, notice of such impediment responsi*ble or delay in performance must be timely given and all reasonable efforts undertaken to mitigate its effects. Multiple Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, any one of which shall be considered an original of this document* and all of which, when taken together, shall constitute one and the same instrument. [Signatures on the following page.] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Vendor have executed this Agreement on the dates indicated. City of Round Rock, Texas By: V Printed Name: Title: M1 Date Signed-, - Attest: By: Sara L. White, 6ty Clerk For City, A ved as to F m: w. i A ove FIA By: Stephan L Sheets, City Attorney Austin Structured Cabling, LLC B y Printed Name: A Title: to I'l-i Date Signed: I Exhibit "A" AUCJ"TIN 3709 Promontory Point Drive Suite A127 STRUCTURED Austin, TX 78744-1139 'Re -A. www.AustinStructuredCabling.com CABLING 512.448-9555 Texas Dvpartynw+! Uf F(4(>frj7dtitJ?l DI R-TSO-4358 Date: 01/12/2021 Customer: City of Round Rock General Services Division 212 Commerce Blvd. Round Rock, Texas 78664 Project,,, New Public Library Contact: Richard Will; richardwiII2 round rocktexas.gov Submitted By: Jayson LeBlanc; ileblanc@austinstrueturedcablin .cam Austin Structured Cabling is pleased to propose the following scope of work for the provision and installation of a complete and functioning plenum rated, CAT 6a rated horizontal network cable plant for data outlets, wireless access points, cameras, POE locks, room schedulers, video displays, video projectors, elevator control panels, BAS control panels, fire alarm panels and parking guidance control systems. This installation also includes the provision and installation of a single - mode fiber optic and multi -pair telecommunications cable backbone, the build - out of seven (7) telecommunications rooms and cable basket tray as indicated on the architectural drawings dated 10/16/2020. We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and price quote to you. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or should any aspect of the following needs to be amended or changed. Exhibit "A" AUSTIN STRUCTURED CABLING 3709 Promontory Point Drive - Suite A127 Austin, TX 78744-1139 www.AustinStructuredCabling.com 512.448.9555 SCOPE OF WORK Provide and install one thousand sixty-five (1065) CAT6a UTP plenum rated cables to outlet locations specified on architectural drawing pages T4.01-03 and T4.11-14 dated 10/16/2020. Each cable will be terminated, tested, and labelled according to City of Round Rock city-wide standards. Provide and install modular patch panels, modular jacks, modular plugs, termination blocks and face plate assemblies as needed for termination of all new cables per drawings and project specifications. Provide and install one 12 strand single -mode, inner -locking armor, fiber optic cable between the MDF and six (6) IDF closets for a total of six (6) home runs. Terminate with LC style connectors and place in rack mounted enclosure with LC style adapter panels. Provide and install one 25 pair telephone cable between the MDF and 7 IDF closets for a total of 7 home runs. Terminate on telecom patch panels. Provide and install 7' network racks with 10" and 8" vertical wire managers as specified on architectural drawing T5.01 dated 10/16/2020. Provide and install 12" cable runway and connecting hardware within the telecommunications closets (MDF & IDF) as specified on architectural drawing T5.01 dated 10/16/2020. Provide and install 12" x 4" cable basket tray with connecting hardware and fasteners as specified on architectural drawings T4.01-03. Basket tray will be black in color with color -coded j-hooks for other low voltage systems. Provide and install a complete j-hook cable support system with fasteners above ceiling as needed to comply with EIA/TIA and BICSI standards and recommendations for low voltage communication cables. Install customer provided wireless access points. Assist customer IT Department as needed with network gear and equipment installation. - Cables will be labeled per City of Round Rock labeling scheme and tested with a Fluke Networks Versiv cable certifier. Test results will be provided in electronic format to customer upon completion of cable installation. Exhibit "A" AUSTIN 3709 Promontory Point Drive Suite A127 �`� �� Austin, TX 78744-1139 STRUCTURED www.AustinStructuredCabling.com CABLING 512.448-9555 Network racks, cable runway and cable basket tray will be grounded per EIA / TIA and BICSI standards and recommendations. As -built drawings will be provided after the completion of the project indicating outlet location, label designation and pathways. Hard copies will be posted within each OF closet. Installation will comply with City of Round Rock cable specifications and be in accordance with all BICSI and EIA/TIA recommendations and standards and will comply with all Federal, State and Local laws and ordinances. Provide 2130 CAT 6a patch cords of varying lengths for patching to devices and network equipment. Attend General Contractor coordination, collaboration and safety meetings as requested. Provide BIM submittals and design input as requested. ....................... .............. ............ ........ .. 11-I.-.1 ......... 4 ........ ...... .... - ........... ............ ­­...- ....... .......... ....... ......... - ................ __ .......... ........... ....... ...... WARRANTY Austin Structured Cabling extends a Five -Year Warranty on all materials and workmanship for this project. ............................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... EXCLUSIONS OMISSIONS AND ASSUMPTIONS Exclude coring, concrete cutting, floor penetrations, asphalt and road work. All work to be performed during normal business hours of 7:00am — 5:00pm Monday— Friday. Pricing assumes timely access will be given to work site as needed to perform work in a continuous uninterrupted manner with enough time allocated to meet jobsite completion schedules. Equipment and electronic components provided by others. Cameras installed by others. Excludes fiber optic connection to City of Round Rock network. Exhibit "A" AUSTIN STRUCTURED CABLING 3709 Promontory Point Drive - Suite A127 Austin, TX 78744-1139 www.AustinStructuredCabling.com 512.448.9555 M-- 1 R DIR Customer Product Description Quantit MSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Asia, Discount Cosjj; Pan- 4-Pair Category 6A UTP 225 $1,257-96 38.00% $176,800.50 PUP6AM046U-UG PLENUM Pan-FSWN912 12 Strand SM OSP Fiber 2000 $0.62 38.00% $780-00 Pan-FSPP912Y 12 Strand SM Armored 2000 $3.13 38.00% $3,920.00 Fiber Pan-FSPP924Y 24 Strand SM Armored 2000 $4.51 38.00% $5,640.00 Fiber Pan-FOGPZ06Y 6 Strand MM Armored 200 $6.52 38.00% $814.00 Fiber Pan- CAT 6A Modular Jack 2180 $20.04 38.00% $27,293.60 CJ6X88TGBU Blue Pan-CFPL2WHY 2-Port Face Plate White 150 $3.10 34.00% $309.00 Pan-CFPL4WHY 4-Port Face Plate White 60 $3.22 34.00% $128.40 Pan-CFPL6WHY 6-Port Face Plate White 40 $3.22 34.00% $85.60 Pan-CBX11W-A 1-Port Surface Mount 72 $4.16 34.00% $199.44 Box Pan-CBX21W-A 2-Port Surface Mount 130 $ 4 � 1 34.00% $360-10 Box Pan- 24 Port Patch Panel $356-30 53.00% $2,362.08 DP24688TGY Pan- 24 Port MiniCom Patch X $46.30 38.00% $202.44 CPP24FMWBLY Panel Pan- 48 Port MiniComPatch 3 $82.84 38.00% $1,552.50 CPP48FMWBLY Panel Pan-CMBWH-X MiniCom Blank Insert 8 $0.38 34.00% $2.00 Pan- Patch Cord CAT 6A Blue 1065 $17.48 45.00% $10,319.85 UTP28X3BU I 31 I I I Exhibit "A" AUSTIN � � STRUCTURED CABLING 3709 Promontory Point Drive - Suite A127 Austin, TX 78744-1139 www.AustinStructuredCabling.com 512.448.9555 Pan- Patch Cord CAT 6A Blue 1065 $21.06 45.00% $12,428.55 UTP28X7BU 71 Pan- Patch Cord CAT 6A Blue 50 $23.74 45.00% $657.50 UTP28X10BU 10, Pan-F9E10M1Y Fiber Optic Jumper 20 $48.18 34.00% $640.80 Pan-FRMEl lU Rack Mount Fiber 7 $283.38 34.00% $1,319.01 Enclosure Pan-FRME4 2U Rack Mount Fiber 1 $443.98 34.00% $295.22 Enclosure Pan- Fiber Adapter Panel SM 14 $266.90 34.00% $2,484.72 FAP12WBUDLCZ LC 24 Pan-FO12CB 12 Strand Fan Out Kit 28 $48.52 34.00% $903.28 Pan - LC Fiber Connector 168 $33.98 34.00% $3.,796.80 FLCDS900BUY Pan-PRV8 Verticle Wire Manager 14 $757.56 34.00% $7,052.36 Pan-PRV10 Verticle Wire Manager 6 $860.96 34.00% $3,435.00 Pan-PRD8 Veriticle Wire Manager 28 $333.14 34.00% $6,202.56 Door Pan-PRD10 Veriticle Wire Manager 12 $363.10 34.00% $2,897.28 Door Pan-JP75W-L20 J-hook 3/4" Plenum 600 $1.54 34.00% $612.00 Pan-JP2W-L20 J-hook 2" Plenum 400 $6.49 34.00% $1,728.00 Pan-JP75DW- J-hook 3/4" Plenum 600 $2.77 34.00% $1,104.00 -L20 W/Clip Pan-JP2DW-L20 J-:hook 2" Plenum 400 $9.05 34.00% $2�408.00 W/Clip Pan-R2P 2-Post Data Rack 13 $208.34 34.00% $1,801.02 Pan-HLS-75RO Hook and Loop Velcro 20 $91.52 34.00% $1,217.20 751 Pan-RGRB19U Grounding Busbar 7 $128.16 34.00% $596.54 Pan LCC614DL 2-Hole Grounding Lug 50 $6.37 34.00% $212.00 Pan-WG12BL10 Cable Basket Tray ill $126.00 34.00% $9,299.58 Pan- Splice Connector 220 $15.16 34.00% $2;217.60 WGTBS12BL PAN- Splice Connector 250 $14.80 34.00% $2,460.00 WGSPL1218BL Pan - Water Fall 4 $22.34 36.00% $57.60 WGSWF4BL Pan - Cable Labels 15 $57.46 36.00% $555.75 S10OX075YA .................. S. NK"I"PuM. Exhibit "A" AUSTIN `�� STRUCTURED CABLING 3709 Promontory Point Drive - Suite A127 Austin, TX 78744-1139 www.AustinStructuredCabling.com 512.448.9555 Labo r Description Quantit Rate DIR Customer Discoun .............. ......... Cost I Copper Tech 1 Standard Labor Rate 1552 $43.30 15.00% $57,548.16 Copper Tech 2 Standard Labor Rate 1303 $37.09 15.00% $41,383.28 Fiber Tech 1 Standard Labor Rate 180 $66.66 15.00% $ 10; 276.20 Fiber Tech 2 Standard Labor Rate ,. 0 t".) $37.09 15.00% $5,081.60 Equipment Standard Labor Rate 180 $74.18 15.00% $ 1114 3 -1- S. 4 0 Tch 1 e Project oject Standard Labor Rate 400 $148.35 15.00% $50,816.00 Man 1 ag Subtotal $ 1.7 6 5, (N)., ('' 4 rand .rota ACORO� CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DAM(MWDONYYY) 1 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(les) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsements). PRoouc� NEE; Chase Pennington Reata Insurance Group, Inc PHONE (512) 420w9333 (512) 420,m9301 A/C N , Exts. A/C N!?J: �ffir ADDRESS: chase@reatabc.com P.O. Box 340400 INSURER(SI AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIL X Lakeway TX 78734 wsuRERa: Twin City Fire Insurance Company 29459 INSURED iNsuitER B : Hartford Insurance Company of the Midwest 37478 Austin Structured Cabling LLC INSURER c : Mercury County Mutual insurance Company INSURER D 3709 Promontory Point Dr STE A127 INSURER E Austin TX 78747ml421 INSURER COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 2021-m22 REVISION NUMBER: -_ - - --- - - I - - - --- - --- - -_ - I --- W- THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACTOR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. WSR �� TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER pq �q�p POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LIMITS COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS -MADE X OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE g 29000,000 DAMAGE TO RENTED PREMISESEe occurrence g Z0000,000 X MED EXP (Any one areal) g 10,000 Contractual X,CU coverage pERSONAI &ADVItd,�URY $ 11000000, A 65SBAAB5719 07/05/2020 07/05/2021 GEN'LAGGREGATE UMITAPPLIES PER: POLICY �X a El LOC GENERALAGGREGATE $ 41000,000 wvw��E PRODUCTS - COMP/Oa AGG $ 41000,000 $ OTHER: AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accident $ 1)0001000 BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ ANY AUTO C OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS ONLY AUTO x HIRED NON-0V1MED AUTOS ONLY X AUTOS ONLY BA420000016761 01/20/2021 01/20/2022 BODILY INJURY (Per aeddent) $ ROPERTY DAMAGE$ Per acddeM UAABRELLALIAB OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE g 2,0009000 AGGREGATE g 21000,000 EXCESS uAB CLAIMS -MADE 65SBAAB5719 07/05/2020 07/05/2021 DED X RETENTION $ 10,000 $ B WORKERS CORAPENSATON AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE YEN OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? Y (Mandatory In NH) NIA 65WBCAD7DU4 07/18/2020 07/18/2021 X SPO ATUTE ERH E.L.E.L.EACHACCIDENT 110009000 E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE -- g 1 1000,000 If yes, deaaiDe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ 190001 000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS !LOCATIONS !VEHICLES (ACORDIOIAdditionalRe rks Schedule, may W attached ff more spree Is required) The GL & Auto policy includes a blanket automatic additional insured endorsement that provides additional insured status to any person or organization only when there is a written contract between the named insured and the person or organization that requires such status and the GL, Auto 8 WC policy includes a blanket automatic waiver of subrogation endorsement that provides this feature only when there is a written contract between the named insured and the person or organization that requires it., The GL policy contains a special endorsement with "Primary and Noncontributory" wording. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN City of Round Rode ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 221 East Main Street AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Round Rock TX 78664 0 19884015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 26 (2016103) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Art AM ............. ----------------- -------------------------------- ------- --------- ------- ------ -- - ------- - ----------------- - - - ---------------- - ....... -------- --------------------- -- -------- - -- -------------------- - - ------- - --------------- ----------------- ------------- -- --------------- - ----- .. ....... ------------------------ - ----- .. .... C l cc fee* OF u .0 Mal 1h ...... .... . ... ... . ... 3 o� 1 p +pia.... r. ... t j �+ .. .. ..the R "' �nd+�es�ewtryC a � +ems . r: !0152 ... .... .... St... ------- - -------- - --------------------- ... ... .......... .. ........................... ...... ... ........ . ........ . ...... .... .. t.... ...... . . ... ... ..... ------ ----------- ------------------ ----------------- . ----------------------------------- r....A�k �: .. ..... ...... . ........ ....... ti tw.v W. �'act .... . ....... qp1 t�` att � r�` s�trcaut a�t`ttn . .. ........ ------------- --------------- - - ------ ---------------- -- ------------- ---------------- --- ... --- - ----- - ---- ------ -- U` ...... ................................ ..... . ..... limp" - - --------- ------------------ - 111 t.... ........ . ... .....t...... r�dt pit itn��r d Fty �Ysa................. .............. ---------------- ---------- ----------d r ............. ---... .. . ---- -------- s yii is 1 dam, - ---------------------------------- --------------- ----------------- ------- .................. ............... ......... . . ---------------- -------------------------------- �Ju r . . ........ - ---------- ................ - - ------ ------ - -- ---- -------- ... . ... .... . .. . ...... ..... . ... .. ... .. . ..... . ... . . .. ... . ..... . ... .... ... ..... ......... �►� �-------- --------------- fits e� '�' ?n � r� ice. .b� �s CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 10fl Complete Nos,, 1- 4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos, 1, 21 31 5, and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form, and the city, state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2021415713 Austin Structured Cabling Austin, TX United States Date Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form i 02/10/2021 being filed. City of Round Rock Date Acknowledged: 02/22/2021 g Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract, and provide a description of the services, goods, or other property to be provided under the contract. New Library Cabling Contract Provision and Installation of Communication and Network Equipment 4 Name of Interested Party City, State, Country (place of business) Nature of interest (check applicable) Controlling I.Intermediary 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. X 6 UNSWORN DECLARATION My name is ,and my date of birth is --- My address is (street) (city) (state) (zip code) (country) declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in County, State of , on the day of , 20 (month) (year) Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity (Declarant) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.txus version via.cettaq8a