Contract - Texas Department of Transportation - 10/28/2021,� fhis V6X#A4tN+ Afoga=tw, f cla� Nt Form ROW-U-35 (Rev.10/20) Page 1 STANDARD UTILITY AGREEMENT vl"`K lop: U Number: Utility ID: u00009528 District: Austin County: TRAVIS Federal Project No.: 0015-13-389 /0015-10-065 Highway: IH35 NORTH CAPITAL EXPPd ROW CSJ: 0015-13-406 From: US 290E Highway Project Letting Date: 3/2022 To: SH45N This Agreement by and between the State of Texas, acting by and through the Texas Transportation Commission, ("State"), and City of Round Rock , ("Utility"), acting by and through its duly authorized representative, shall be effective on the date of approval and execution by and on behalf of the State . WHEREAS, the State has deemed it necessary to make certain highway improvements as designated by the Strafe and approved by the Federal Highway Administration within the limits of the highway as indicated above (the "Highway Project ")1 WHEREAS, the proposed Highway Project will necessitate the adjustment, removal, and/or relocation of certain facilities of the Utility as indicated in the following statement of work: Relocate 16" DI WL from STA12474+44.28 O/S 9.52 LT (FRNB) TO STA12477+23.41 O/S 30.67 LT (FRNB) (1,085 LF) and more specifically as shown in the Utility's plans, specifications and estimated costs, which are attached hereto as Attachment "A". WHEREAS, the State will participate in the costs of the adjustment, removal, and relocation of certain facilities to the extent as may be eligible for State and/or Federal participation. WHEREAS, the State, upon receipt of evidence it deems sufficient, acknowledges the Utility's interest in certain lands and facilities that entitle it to reimbursement for the adjustment, removal, and relocation of certain of its facilities located upon the lands as indicated in the statement of work above. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AGREED: The State will pay to the Utility the costs incurred in adjustment, removal, and relocation of the Utility's facilities up to the amount said costs may be eligible for State participation. All conduct under this agreement, including but not limited to the adjustment, removal, and relocation of the facility, the development and reimbursement of costs, any environmental requirements, and retention of records will be in accordancewith all applicable federal and state laws, rules and regulations, including, without limitation, the Federal Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act, 42 U. S.C. §§ 4601, et seq. , the National Environmental Policy Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 4321, et seq., the Buy America provisions of 23 U.S.C. § 313 and 23 CFR 635.410, as amended, Texas Transportation Code § 223.045, the Utility Relocations, Adjustments, and Reimbursements provisions of 23 CFR 645, Subpart A, and the Utility Accommodation provisions of 23 CFR 6457 Subpart B. Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility f,202A..,2;� Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 2 The Utility shall supply, upon request by the State, proof of compliance with the aforementioned laws, rules, regulations, and guidelines prior to the commencement of the adjustment, removal, and relocation of the facility. The Utility shall not commence any physical work, including without limitation site preparation, on the State's right of way or future right of way, until TxDOT provides the Utility with written authorization to proceed with the physical work upon TxDOTs completion and clearance of its environmental review of the Highway Project. Any such work by the Utility prior to TxDOTs written authorization to proceed will not be eligible for reimbursement and the Utility is responsible for entering any property within the proposed limits of the Highway Project that has not yet been acquired by TxDOT. This written authorization to proceed with the physical work is in addition to the authorization to commence work outlined below. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the provisions of this paragraph are required only when TxDOT has not obtained completion and clearance of its environmental review of the Highway Project prior to the execution of this Agreement by the State and the Utility. The Utility shall comply with the Buy America provisions of23 U.S.C. § 313, 23 CFR 635.410, as amended, and the Steel and Iron Preference provisions of Texas Transportation Code § 223.045 and, when products that are composed predominately of steel and/or iron are incorporated into the permanent installation of the utility facility, use domestically manufactured products. TxDOT Form 1818 (Material Statement), along with all required attachments, must be submitted, prior to the commencement of the adjustment, removal, and relocation of the facility, as evidence of compliance with the aforementioned provisions. Failure to submit the required documentation or to comply with the Buy America, and Steel and Iron Preference requirements shall result in: (1) the Utility becoming ineligible to receive any contract or subcontract made with funds authorized underthe Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991; (2) the State withholding reimbursement for the costs incurred by the Utility in the adjustment, removal, and relocation of the Utility's facilities, and (3) removal and replacement of the non- compliant products. The Utility agrees to develop relocation or adjustment costs by accumulating actual direct and related indirect costs in accordance with a work order accounting procedure prescribed by the State, or may, with the State's approval, accumulate actual direct and related indirect costs in accordance with an established accounting procedure developed by the Utility. Bills for work hereunder are to be submitted to the State not later than one (1) year after completion of the work. Failure to submit the request for final payment, in addition to all supporting documentation, within one (1) year after completion of the work may result in forfeiture of payment for said work. When requested, the State will make intermediate payments at not less than monthly intervals to the Utility when properly billed. Such payments will not exceed 90 percent (90%) of the eligible cost as shown in each such billing. Intermediate payments shall not be construed as final payment for any items included in the intermediate payment. The State will, upon satisfactory completion of the adjustment, removal, and/or relocation and upon receipt of final billing prepared in an approved form and manner and accounting for any intermediate payments, make payment in the amount of 90 percent (90%) of the eligible costs as shown in the final billing prior to audit and after such audit shall make an additional final payment totaling the reimbursement amount found eligible for State reimbursement. Alternatively, the State agrees to pay the Utility an agreed lump sum of $ N/A as supported by the attached estimated costs. The State will, upon satisfactory completion of the adjustments, removals, and relocations and upon receipt of a final billing, make payment to the Utility in the agreed amount. Upon execution of this agreement by both parties hereto, the State will, by written notice, authorize the Utility to perform such work diligently and to conclude said adjustment, removal, and relocation by the stated completion date which is attached hereto in Attachment "C". The completion date shall be extended for delays caused by events outside the Utility's control, including an event of Force Majeure, which shall include a strike, war or act of war (whether an actual declaration of war is made or not), insurrection, riot, act of public enemy, accident, fire, flood or other act of God, sabotage, or other events, interference by the State or any other party with the Utility's ability to proceed with the work, or any other event in which the Utility has exercised all due care in the prevention thereof so that the causes of other events are beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Utility. Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility Form ROW U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 3 This agreement in its entirety consists of the following elements: Standard Utility Agreement — ROW-U-35; • Plans, Specifications, and Estimated Costs (Attachment "A"), • Accounting Method (Attachment "B"); • Schedule of Work (Attachment "C"); • Statement Covering Contract Work — ROW-U-48 (Attachment "D"), • Utility Joint Use Agreement — ROW-U-JUA and/or Utility Installation Request — Form 1082 (Attachment <<E„ • Eligibility Ratio (Attachment T"), • Betterment Calculation and Estimate (Attachment "G"); and • Proof of Property Interest — ROW-U-Affidavit (Attachment "H"). All attachments are included herein as if fully set forth. In the event it is determined that a substantial change from the statement of work contained in this agreement is required, reimbursement therefore shall be limited to costs covered by a modification or amendment of this agreement or a written change or extra work order approved by the State and the Utility. This agreement is subject to cancellation by the State at any time up to the date that work under this agreement has been authorized, and such cancellation will not create any liability on the part of the State. However, the State will review and reimburse the Utility for eligible costs incurred by the Utility in preparation of this Agreement. The State Auditor may conduct an audit or investigation of any entity receiving funds from the State directly under this contract or indirectly through a subcontract under this contract. Acceptance of funds directly under this contract or indirectly through a subcontract underthis contractacts as acceptance of the authority of the State Auditor, under the direction of the Legislative Audit Committee, to conduct an auditor investigation in connection with those funds. An entity that is the subject of an audit or investigation must provide the state auditor with access to any information the state auditor considers relevant to the investigation or audit. The Utility by execution of this agreement does not waive any of the rights that the Utility may have within the limits of the law. It is expressly understood that the Utility conducts the adjustment, removal, and relocation at its own risk, and that the State makes no warranties or representations regarding the existence or location of utilities currently within its right of way. � =. Lq- - - Initial Date Initial Date T xDOT Utility Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 4 The signatories to this agreement warrant that each has the authority to enter into this agreement on behalf of the party represented. UTILITY Utility. City of Round Rock Name of Utility By: Authorized Signature CAW A 144P:�!/IA 1\1 Pri n o r Ty Name Title: Date: I D , 1V&V •�PI Initial Date TxDOT Initial Date Utility EXECUTION RECOMMENDED: Directorot TP&D (or designee), Austin Distnct • , • , • , • , • , • , • , • • a . i 6 THE STATE OF TEXAS • : • • ° ,� F fi Executed and approved for the Texas Transportation Commission for the purpose and effect of activating and/or carrying out the orders, established policies or work programs heretofore approved and authorized by the Texas Transportation Commission. By. Date: District Engineer(ordesignee) Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 5 Attachment "A" Plans, Specifications, and Estimated Costs All material items within cost estimate that must meet Buy America or Steel and Iron Preference Provision requirements must be indicated with an asterisk (*). ❑ Currently, we do not have Buy America required materials planned for this project. In the event that Buy America compliant materials are used during construction on this project, compliance documentation will be provided. ❑ There are non -domestic iron and steel materials in this project that fall under the De Minimus equation. Calculation showing the total cost does not exceed one -tenth of one percent (0.1 %) of the- individual utility agreement amount or $2,500.00, whichever is greater is required. Z We understand the Buy America Compliance Requirements and will supply the required documentation to TxDOT indicating compliance with this provision. The following documents will be supplied prior to installation of the materials: 1) Form 1818 -Material Statement 2) Material Test Reports or Certifications Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility STA 0+06.93 (WL #01) STA 12467+54.31, 69.25' LT (ItFRNB) REQUIRED: 8 LF - 12" D.I. / INSTALL: CL200 WATER MAIN 1 - 90' D.I. MJ BEND - 1 - MJ ADAPTER \ Vol+ AK41 STA 0+00 TO STA 0+06.93 & 13 BEGIN WL#01 STA 0+00 REQUIRED: /� STA 1 2467+47. 39 g--_ /�� �, 69.40' LT (@. FRNB) - 6 LF - 12" D.I. CL200 WATER MAIN STA 0+06. 93 TO STA 0+12. 42 (WL #01 ) / PROP TELCO EXISTING 1 REMOVE EXISTING PLUG � 12" WATERLINE + ' 0 00 STA 0+12.42 (WL #01) ROW ' & CONNECT TO EXISTING 12" WATERMANN REQUIRED: ITA12467+54.19, 63.76' LT (11 FRNB) EXIST a WITH 31 LF - 12" D.I. 1 - 90' D. I. MJ BEND / CL200 WATER MAIN 1 - 45' D.I. MJ BEND 1 - MJ ADAPTER1 ui N - 45' MJ BEND ' STA 0+12.42 TO STA 1 - MJ ADAPTER 0+39. 87 (WL #01) - — --- - - �— - - '•- ' - �- ' - 6w=- - --__ 1 - 12" D.I. GATE VALVE (MJI PROP ROW I H 35 NBFR DO — 1*17 77, 2+OQ TA 0+75.00 (WL *01) _. REQUIRED:-71 NSTALL:.._______.- 200 LF - 12" HDPE vR11 (HD^v)�� - 12" HOPE TO D.I. ADAPTER - 12" D.I. GATE VALVE (MJ) STA 0+75.00 TO STA 2+75.00 (WL #01) --- - - REQUIRED:- 12 LF - 12" D.I. CL200 WATER MAIN STA 0+62.75 TO STA 0+75.00 (WL *01)¢ STA 2+75.00 (WL #01) i -17d•v0 --- // STA 0+62.75 (WL #01) o INSTALL: ,. STA 12467+50.54, 27.63' LT (! FRNB) - — — — INSTALL:--:- --` � -— 1 - 12" HDPE TO D.I. ADAPTER — --: - 1 - 12" D.I. GATE VALVE (MJ) 1 - 45' D.I. MJ BEND-' 1 - MJ ADAPTER — REQUIRED: REQUIRED: �' ,li - ---_-__-------------65 LF - 12" D. I. CL200--— 23 LF - 12" D.I. CL200 WATER MAIN WATER MAIN STA 2+75.00 1 STA 0+39.87 TO STA 0+62.75 (WL #01) STA 0+39.87 (WL TO STA 3+40.00 - -'^ - (WL #01) STA 12467+34.85, 44.28' LT (@ FRNB) I -INSTALL / ' y 2 - 45' D.I. MJ BEND m ,- 1 - MJ ADAPTER FOR PROFILE VIEW SEE SHEET 2 OF 4 • 20 0 20 40 2 0 2 4 SCALE: 1" 40' (H) 0 1" = 4' (V) Q M - W — — — — — — W - PROPOSED WATER MAIN Q W 3— 1 2 " — B —EXISTING WATER MAIN wo W - — - - — - — EXISTING ROW Z �------------- PROPOSED ROW J PROPOSED GATE VALVE cj PROPOSED TEE Q NOTES: 1. ALL WATERLINE BENDS, FITTINGS, AND VALVES TO BE RESTRAINED AND THRUST BLOCKED. 2. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING UTILITY ELEVATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 3. HDPE PIPE SHALL BE SIZED USING DIPS TO MATCH DUCTILE IRON PIPE SIZING. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT FOR REVIEW ONLY AND NOT INTENDED FOR CONSTRUCTION, BIDDING, OR PERMIT PURPOSES. ARNOLD GONZALES, JR. No. 98234 ROUND ROCK TEXAS If I O�2679KERT 0 ,J YDYI Aw Texas Department of Transportation IH 35 CAPITAL EXPRESS CITY OF ROUND ROCK BETTERMENT PLAN AND PROFILE SHEET 1 OF 4 20 0 20 40 FOR PLAN VIEW SEE SHEET 1 OF 4 2 D 2 4 .... .... ..... ... ... . ... .......... ..... ................. ... ....................... .. ...... ....... .................. ..... ........................ -.. ............... .............. ..... .................... ......... ... .. .................. ... ...._....--......_..... ... .. . ... . ._.................. SCALE: 1" 40' (H) 1 " 4' (V) STA 0+00 8 16. BEGIN WLx01 REMOVE EXIST PLUG. ... .... 81.. & CONNECT TO EXIST 12" WATER MAIN FL 806.18 ............. ......... ....... ...... ,.......................... ... .... ..... .......... .......... .. ....... ...... ... ... ... ....... ............... .. ...... — 1 �' 2 812 - .812 _._ _ ,._ __... _.__. _.. _ _ _ .7 LF OF: 1 _ _ ... ...........__ ... _.- 12" D.I. CL200 ' EXIST GROUND WATER MAIN- O -5.58% .... ... 6 LF OF \. J . i w' ........ 12" D.I. CL200 z WATER MAIN zo PROP GROUND • -5.58% =I J 808... 27 LF OF w' - '� 20 LF OF .....: .... �. ............... 12" D. I. CL200 WATER MAIN"' ol-.'.. 12" D.I. CL200 WATER MAIN 808 a -5.58% — • 0.86% 23 LF OF - Ul 45 LF OF 12" D. I. CL200 WATER MAIN : 12" 0. I. CL200 WATER MAIN • -5.58% .../ 7.20% :. . Q 12 LF OF /. 12" D. CL200 WATER MAIN \ I i NOTES: p5.5 ♦ L WATERLINE BENDS, STA 2+75.00 Ih FITTINGS, AND VALVES TO 804,..... ;. 1 - 12" D. I. TO HDPE ADAPTER 804 B E RESTRAINED AND THRUST o ..... ..c....-. 1 - 12" D. I. GATE VALVE (MJ) -... . .. Q ... .... BLOCKED. z m z m o z 2. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING w m ♦� �•• : ,• rn '^ IONS PRIOR UTILITY ELEVATIONS OPIPEUSHALL• oil J N o , ......♦�♦.... :- o •,•• F W . ..... 3. HDPETO BE SIZED USING DIPS TO MATCH c r- • ^ w •♦ ••, uri z •• .� + ,• .' �n v Z DUCTILE IRON PIPE SIZING. D O p N ZGo O m ♦♦♦• •♦,• f . • .' •• i- I OD 1-�i a 800 O cn o � z o • •. • • • v) . o 800 N N oQ = � o . ... a. _ NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION N r + v N ••'•.. 12" HDPE DR11(H --•'• ` cr... . '•. 4l--._ _ ... Q ... _ .__ .... DOCUMENT V W DO UMNFOR REVIEW ONLY AND NOT INTENDED FOR CONSTRUCTION, z a- v~) o STA 0+75.00 N 1 - 12" D.I. TO HDPE ADAPTER BIDDING, OR PERMIT PURPOSES. r 1 - 12" D.I. GATE VALVE (MJ) STA 3+21.48 EX 21 " WW ARNOLD GONZALES, JR. No. 98234 796 FL 801.48 IMAiNTA1N 2' .-..... .............. ..... ...................... 796 ... ... .... .... CUT & RESTORE PAVEMENT BEGIN STA: END STA: Sy 4+54.00 4+88.00 15.1 REQUIRED: 40 LF - 16" D.I. 00 WATER MAIN �2 5+78.00 6+12.00 15.1 STA 7*40.00 TO 7+8080.00 (WL #01) STA. 7+65. 63 INSTALL 1- 16" X 16" D.I. ANCHOR TEE W/ 2- 16" D.I. RETAINER GLANDS 1- 16" D.I. GATE RETAINER GLANDS 20 0 20 40 REQUIRED: 1- 16" GATE VALVE W/ 2- 16" D.I. RETAINER GLANDS 2 0 2 4 214 LF - 12" D.I. CL200 WATER MAIN 1-FIRE HYDRANT i D.I. WATER MAIN MJ SCALE: 1" = 40' (H) 0 STA 3+40.00 TO STA 5+53.59 (WL #01) 25 L.F. 6" 0 1" = 4' (V) q j 15LF OF EXISTING co + + M PROP TELCO I^ WATER MAIN RECONNECT EXISTING TO BE REMOVED Q C - N �' L_ EXISTING ROW WATER SERVICE ' crm ! -w---- — —w- PROPOSED WATER MAIN ,— — -� ---—.' H - -- . ,. .�. . . �• JJJ - - _ _ — iO in ~' PROP ROW `Dom °' Ncro aa I- � >> W3— 1 2 B —EXISTING WATER MAIN W W Z - - - - �' -- = - -- Z ------------- EXISTING ROW ~ i� `� — — ~ -4*00 - - � ��� �■� w �■M -w- --- Emsw� -5*90----- - '■1� -f CORM—�fRERL CONFLICT 'a `,, BETTERMENT' --REPLACEMENT ♦"� _ �.■� - - -.-- J -------- _ . . — PROPOSED ROW = PROPOSED GATE VALVE -L--- -- -- --_ REQUIRED: — - -_- STA 7+40 00 (WL #01, INSTALL ciV PROPOSED TEE I H 35 NBFR 186 LF 12" D.I. CL200 WATER MAIN 1 - 16"X12" D.I. REDUCER (MJ) Q STA 5+53.99 TO 6+82.33(WL #01) - - STA 7+59.95 (WL #01) --- STA 12474+44.28, 9.52' LT (t FRNB: INSTALL: S: -- - - - - - — 1 - 16"X16" D.I. TEE (MJ) 1 - 12" D.I. GATE VALVE (MJ)- i. BENDS, ALL WATERLINE BE - -- - _ 2 - 16" D.I. GATE VALVE (MJ) FITTINGS, AND VALVE TO BE RESTRAINED AND THRUST CONNECT TO EXISTING BLOCKED. 2. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD 16" WATER MAIN WITH 16" D.I. MJ SOLID SLEET VERIFY ALL EXISTING UTILITY ELEVATIONS PRIOR AND MJ ADAPTER TO CONSTRUCTION. EXISTING 16" WATERLIN 816 r -.- - -- - _. - -- ......... ...... .. $1.. ... NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION J ....... PROP GROUND 40 LF OFNOT DOCUMENTFOR REVIEW ONLY INTENDEDFORCONSTRUCTION, _ - 1 CL200 WATER IN 6 D. I . 00 MA BIDDING, OR PERMIT PURPOSES. ARNOLD GONZALES, JR. 812 .J Y. ..- ..... I.... _.-. .� EXIST GROUND : - _ �: —_—---_-� -- — STA 7+40. 00 .. ... PROP 16"X12" MJ D. I. REDUCER -� 0 OD 812 No. 98234 x M - _ _ -- - - — u 42"LD.1OF CL200 WATER MAIN (� 2 .... ......... ...............:.. .................................. ....... ......... ............... ................. ...............,........O 1.487.....:........................... .. J Z m _ . A y .: ..:.. 808 - ROUND ROCK TEXAS - * D w Z 1�1 358 LF OF g6% 12" D.I. CL200 WATER MAIN 0 0. "' STA CONNECT CONNECT TO EXISTING 16" WATER MAIN......... TO w a .D = W Z - vo�KERT z w 804 U '� tO c ra- a m M m WITH 16" D.I. MJ SOLID SLEEVE AND MJ ADAPTER=2679 1 16"X16" D. I. TEE (MJ) 1 - 12" D. I. GATE VALVE MJ) 1 - 16" D.I. GATE VALVE (MJ) FL 809. 00 ... w°' a V)OC :n .. _ V gpq :� Texas Department of 7Yansportatlon , exa IH 35 CAPITAL EXPRESS a > > o - go - - -- - _ _...........................:. -. _ - _ - - - .. - -.. _. ._ -- - - CITY OF ROUND ROCK BETTERMENT N } .. Q00 _.; _-.._ - - - - _ ........ -_ 800 AND PROFILE PLANLE 0 lD In cn CIN 4m N Q �:� 0O In � 7 Y• 01 ;M Q O OD 't0 : N N I� :00 V 00 _. 0o :00 � I� DO : In :OD o am SHEET 3 OF 4 CONT SECT JOB HIGHWAY L In O O to GO U7 .- t0 Q t0 'M 1� Q I_:M O— O— O� O O.� GO V ao GO ao:m Dom DO 064 co:w 01 Q O� O� O to ao DO :co ao rn : - 001 5 10 062, ETC. I H 35 u J i 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 DIST COUNTY SHEET No. AUS T AV S 1 3904 CUT & RESTORE PAVEMENT BEGIN STA: END STA: Sy 8+18.00 8+52.00 15.1 9+26.00 10+40.00 9+82.00 10+84.56 26.2 19.8 • STA 10+69'99 (WL #01) REQUIRED: STA 12477-45.58, 30.95' LT (IQ FRNB) 260 LF - 16" D.I. CL200 WATER MAIN INSTALL: STA 7+80. 00 TO 10+39. 29 (WL #01) 1 - 45' D. I. MJ BEND 1 - MJ ADAPTER , 20 0 20 40 END WL#O1 .296 LF OF EXISTING STA 10+84.56 2 0 2 4 WATER MAIN 15' WATERLINE EASEMENT STA 12477+60.20 0 TO BE REMOVED 31.10' LT (it FRNB) i SCALE: 1" _ 44' (H) ♦ �� PROP TELCOo CONNECT TO EXISTING 16" WATER MAIN �a PROP OH INSTALL: (� �a EXIST ROW 1- 45 MJ D.I. BEND ``_ w= 1- 16" D.I. RETAINER GLANDS s Q PROP OH ihO m _PROP ROW i-� 1- 16" D. I. DATE GALVE MJ F- ma �. �� PROPOSED WATER MAIN i . _ r -_ - - - • ,w...+� - - - _ �� — - — — — — - — - - — - �*► - -` W3 B EXISTING WATER MAIN W --` - _ -- -- ---- Z Vt - — - - — - - — - - — - - — EXISTING ROW w - — — PROPOSED ROW 8*00 — - - — - - - - - '9+00 — t - -�: REQUIRED: - — - 15 LF -16" D.I. CL200 WATER MAIN = STA 10+69.99 TO 10+84.56(WL #01) PROPOSED GATE VALVE U IH 35 NBFR -- Q REQUIRED: PROPOSED TEE 31 ---- _— L1DWATER.I. CL200 0 0+39.29TO 10+69.99WL# AIN STA1 NOTES: - ---- - - - - - - - --- -- - - ---- - - ---- - _ - -- - - 1 . ALL WATERLINE BENDS, STA 10+39.29 (WL *01) FITTINGS, AND VALVES TO STA 12477+23.71, 9.35' LT (0_ FRNB) BE RESTRAINED AND THRUST INSTALL: _ ____. __- BLOCKED. 1 - 45' D. I. MJ BEND — --- 2. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD ---------- 1 - MJ ADAPTER VERIFY ALL EXISTING UTILITY ELEVATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. r....................................................r...................r.....r..................r..................■.............................. 0.......... o PROP GROUND 816 :...... ...81........... - - - .................................................... .... - ._._ ... ... .. ..... ........ ....._... ... .... .... ...................... .......... ....._ ......... r r N NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION - - _ DOCUMENT FOR REVIEW ONLY AND z — . ..... .. . ..'........ ..... �......... ....... .... ..�.. .. yl. .—.......... NOTINTENDEDFOR CONSTRUCTION, ING OR PERMIT 0 BIDDING, P PURPOSES. i EXIST GROUND \ ARNOLD GONZALES, JR. 812 © ... . ............:......... ,h ..:............:.... ... ........... ..:............. .......... 31 LF OF CL WATER MAIN .... 1 6 " D. I. 200 R M ..... 15 LF OF CL200 WATER MAIN 16 " D. I. 00 812 No. 98234 0 0.05% 0 0.05% i + 1 ...... .......... ... . a ...... ...... .... 260 LF OF .. .......... ..... ................. .......... ... .. ....... .......... .......... ... ..... ,.. .......... .... .......... z Q N 16" D. I. CL200 WATER MAIN 0 0.05% d Z Z - ROUND ROCK TEXAS 808.... :....... ....... ................. .............--...... :. w m. ... . .. m. END WL #0 1 808 .. , _ W STA 10+84.56 ".r Z m STA 12477+60.20 1�1 0; 31.10' LT (11 FRNB) n...... ............... . .......... J ... ...... .. ..... .......... ... .. ...,..... ... .. .. ...........:.. ......... .... ....M ai • ►- 0 z W TO EX TING 1 WATER MAIN 0. o ......... INSTALL:— ......1 5 ...... 5 .. W... VOLKERT _ o In 1N.1 o uT N 1 - 45' MJ D. I . BEND : cc' F -12679 z V a Cr _ 1- 16" D. I. RETAINER GLANDS 1 - 16" D. DATE G E MJ ©� _ x . 804. ... - i N -. in - —M - FL 8 18 _. 09. - - 804 Texas epartmen o anspo ation T Department f7i Transportation a IH 35 CAPITAL EXPRESS - - - - - CITY OF ROWD ROCK P BETTERMENT % PLAN AND PROFILE to- 800 - - - - - - _. ; .. .. _ - _ .. -.. - -. - -. - - -.. .- _ _ -.. - - -. 800 0 1'M :O 0:_O w O OD 'O aD Q O to O M :Q :� to N SHEET 4 OF 4 1 :1 (n Ln O 00:aD of Q of In of � O O O CD ao CO Z Gom O 00:aD Cn to O CD m CONT SECT J08 HIGHWAY 0015 10 062, ETC. IH 35 1 8+00 9+00 10+00 0[ST COUNTY SHEET NO. TRAVIS 1 3905 CCSJ 0015-1 U ESTIMATE INCLUDING BETTERMENT 10009528 0 ACTUAL COST SUPPLEMENTAL ESTIMATE CUT & RESTORE PAVEMENT SQ. YDS 81.3 $130.00 $ 10,569.00 SQ. YDS 53.3 $130.00 $ 6,929.00-$3,640.00 TRENCH EXCAVATION PROTECTION LF 884.1 $4.00 $ 3,536.40 LF 346.0 $4.00 $ 1,384.00-$2,152.40 WTR (RESTRAINED JOINT) (DI) 12" (ALL DEPTHS) LF 745.0 $135.00 $ 100,575.00 WTR (RESTRAINED JOINT) (DI) 16" (ALL DEPTHS) LF 346.0 $140.00 $ 48,440.00 BORE OR JACK PIPE (HDPE DR 11) 12" LF 200.0 $330.00 $ 66,000.00 VALVE (GATE) (12") EA 4.0 $3,500.00 $ 14,000.00 HDPE TO DI ADAPTER (MEGALUG) EA 2.0 $200.00 $ 400.00 VALVE (GATE) (16") EA 4.0 $6,500.00 $ 26,000.00 WET CONNECTION 12" DIA X 12" DIA EA 1.0 $5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 WET CONNECTION 16" DIA X 16" DIA EA 2.0 $8,000.00 $ 16,000.00 FIRE HYDRANT EA 1.0 $5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 FH WTR SERVICE CONNECTION (6") LF 25.0 $75.00 $ 1,875.00 RMV AND SALVAGE EXIST FIRE HYDRANT EA 1.0 $500.00 $ 500.00 DI FITTINGS (TON) EA 3.0 $6,000.00 $ 18,000.00 ABND/RMV/DISPOSE EXIST LINE (ALL TY/SZ) LF 336.0 $20.00 $ 6,720.00 REMOVE AND DISPOSE EXIST WATER VALVE EA 2.0 $1,000.00 $ 2,000.00 WATER MAIN TESTING & DISINFECTION LF 1091.0 $2.00 $ 2,182.00 RESTRAIN EXIST WATERLINE (ALL TY/SZ) EA 40.0 $95.00 $ 3,800.00 SUBTOTAL $ 330,597.40 LF 0.0 $135.00 $ - -$100,575.00 LF 346.0 $140.00 $ 48,440.00 $0.00 LF 0.0 $400.00 $ - -$66,000.00 EA 0.0 $3,500.00 $ - -$14,000.00 EA 0.0 $200.00 $ - -$400.00 EA 4.0 $6,500.00 $ 26,000.00 $0.00 EA 0.0 $5,000.00 $ - -$5,000.00 EA 1.0 $8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 -$8,000.00 EA 1.0 $5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $0.00 LF 25.0 $75.00 $ 1,875.00 $0.00 EA 1.0 $500.00 $ 500.00 $0.00 EA 0.3 $6,000.00 $ 1,923.00 -$16,077.00 LF 346.0 $20.00 $ 6,920.00 $200.00 EA 2.0 $1,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $0.00 LF 346.0 $2.00 $ 692.00 -$1,490.00 EA 20.0 $95.00 $ 1,900.00 -$1,900.00 SUBTOTAL 1 $ 1111,56377 $219,034.40 Internally Supplied Materials - documented with Certified Ledger at Payment ,. $ $0.00 External Engineering - Cost documented with INVOICES and / or CHECKS Project Manager HR 28 $243.31 $ 6,812.68 -$6,812.68 Deputy Project Manager HR 6 $215.02 $ 1,290.12 -$1,290.12 Project Engineer HR 56 $161.26 $ 9,030.56 -$9,030.56 Sr. Enginering Tech HR 78 $113.17 $ 81827.26 -$8,827.26 Admin/Clerical HR 6 $70.73 $ 424.38 -$424.38 Reimbursables EA 1 $500.00 $ 500.00 -$500.00 SUBTOTAL External Survey/ Landman $ 26,885. 00 SUBTOTAL $ - 1 42-6,885 00 $ - $ - $0.00 $ - $ - $0.00 SUBTOTAL External Inspection $ - SUBTOTAL $ - $0.00 $ - $ - $0.00 $ - $ - $0.00 SUBTOTAL Engineering / Administration / Inspection SUBTOTALI $ Line Item Item Description Unit Quantity $/Unit $ - 123,421.44 Total SUBTOTAL $ $ - $0.00 96,536.44-$26,885.00 IrWTO �-1 Existing Easement Compensation - following Quit Claim / Eligibility Ratio not applied. Document V.11944 EA 2 5000 $ 10,000.00 EA 2 5000 $ 10,000.00 $0.00 $ - $ - $0.00 SUBTOTAL Ls 10,000.00 SUBTOTALI $ 10,000.00 $0.00 Replacement Easement Compensation - following Quit Claim / Eligibility Ratio is applied. ROW Easement Compensation SUBTOTALI $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 t $0.00 SUMMARY: TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 464,018.84, $ 218,099.44 IF -$245,919.401 Amount Payable in TxDOT Contract (Joint Bid) $ 427,133.84 $ 208,099.44-$219,034.40 Gross Reimbursable to Utility 36,885.00 t $ 10,000.00_7577-$26,885.00 Amount Due to TxDOT Via an Advance Funding Agreement $ 226,371.19 $ --$226,371.19 SALVAGE and/or Depreciation CREDIT 25001 Betterment Ratio T� $0.00 BETTERMENT RATIO 53.00% j Ratio Deduction—19,548,21 0.007 1-$19,548.211 Amount reimbursable after Betterment and Salvage Credit $ 17,311.791 CEligibility Ratio_ $ 9,975.001 -$7,336.79 ELIGIBILITY RATIO 100.00% 100.00% NET REIMBURSEMENT TO UTILITY 1 $ 27,311.79 $ 19,975.00-$7,336.79 Percent of Difference= Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 6 Attachment "B" Accounting Method ❑✓ Actual Cost Method of Accounting The utility accumulates cost under a work order accounting procedure prescribed by the Federal or State regulatory body and proposes to request reimbursement for actual direct and related indirect costs. F-1 Lump Sum Method of Accounting Utility proposed to request reimbursement based on an agreed lump sum amount supported by a detailed cost analysis. Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Uti I ity Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 7 Attachment "C" Schedule of Work Estimated Start Date. 10/22/2022 (subject to physical work restrictions prior to the issuance of environmental clearance as required by the provisions of this agreement) Estimated Duration (days): 120 Estimated Completion Date: 2/22/2023 eLl. LP -Zg * - Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 8 Attachment "D" Statement Covering Contract Work (ROW-U-48) (ROW-U-48-1, if applicable) Construction Contract: F-1 Utility performing with their own forces (timesheets will be required at the time of billing). F-/-J Utility will use outside forces to perform the adjustment, complete attached ROW-U-48 or ROW-U-48-1 (joint bid). Engineering Contract: ❑ Utility performing with their own forces (timesheets will be required at the time of billing). F-1 Utility will use consultant contract (continuing contract rate sheets or fee schedule will be required). Z TxDOT will procure utility consultant. Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility U-Number: Utility ID: 000009528 ROW CSJ Number: 0015-13-406 District: Austin County: TRAVIS Federal Project No.: 0015-13-389 /0015-10-065 City of Round Rock Highway No.: IH35 NORTH CAPITAL EXPRESS , a duly authorized and qualified representative of , hereinafter referred to as Owner, am fully cognizant of the facts and make the following statements in respect to work which will or may be done on a contract basis as it appears in the estimate to which this statement is attached. It is more economical and/or expedient for Owner to contract this adjustment, or Owner is not adequately staffed or equipped to perform the necessary work on this project with its own forces to the extent as indicated on the estimate. Procedure to be Used in Contracting Work F1 A. Solicitation for bids is to be accomplished through open advertising and contract is to be awarded to the lowest qualified bidder who submits a proposal in conformity with the requirements and specifications for the work to be performed. Associated bid tabulations will be provided to the State. B. Solicitation for bids is to be accomplished by circulating to a list of pre -qualified contractors or known qualified contractors and such contract is to be awarded to the lowest qualified bidder who submits a proposal in conformity with the requirements and specifications for the work to be performed. Associated bid tabulations will be provided to the State. Such presently known contractors are listed below: 2. 3. 4. 5. C. The work is to be performed under an existing continuing contract under which certain work is regularly performed for Owner and under which the lowest available costs are developed. The existing continuing contract will be made available to the State for review at a location mutually acceptable to the Owner and the State. If only part of the contract work is to be done under an existing contract, give detailed information by attachment hereto. El D. The utility proposes to contract outside the foregoing requirements and therefore evidence in support of its proposal is attached to the estimate in order to obtain the concurrence of the State, and the Federal Highway Administration Division Engineer where applicable, prior to taking action thereon (approval of the agreement shall be considered as approval of such proposal). ✓� E. The utility plans and specifications, with the consent of the State, will be included in the construction contract awarded by the State. In the best interest of both the State and the Owner, the Owner requests the State to include the plans and specifications for this work in the general contract for construction of Highway IH35 NORTH CAPITd in this area, so that the work can be coordinated with the other construction operations; and the construction contract is to be awarded by the State to the lowest qualified bidder who submits a proposal in conformity with the requirements and specifications for the work to be performed. If this option is chosen, attach form ROW-U-48-1, the terms of which are incor orated herein by reference. to• Signature Date NNT Title INFORMATION PAGE not part of the agreement package The Austin District no longer maintains separate templates for joint-bid and non-joint bid agreements. Please remove the following U 48 1 from this 0 is is agreement package ii tn is is not an agreement wi tn joint- Bid Utility Work. M ROW-U-48-1 (09/18) Page 1 of 2 Statement Covering Utility Construction Contract Work - In the State's Highway Construction Contract (As Referenced in Form ROWmU 8 Option E) 0 Work Responsibilities A. The Utility shall provide the following services under this contract: is Responsible for engaging the services of a Texas Registered Professional Engineer to prepare drawings and technical specifications for relocations and adjustments along iis Provide the plans and specifications to the State to include in the current planning specifications and estimate package being prepared by representatives of the Texas Department of Transportation's Austin Area Office. ills Secure all necessary permitting as may be required for the installation of the 12/16" DI Water line. iv. Arrange and coordinate with the contractor, through the State, materials and equipment testing, rejection of all work not conforming to minimum requirements of the construction contract documents, maintenance of the proposed work area during construction, and the relocation of 12/16" DI Water and connection of services to customers. ve Advise the State of work that Utility determines should be corrected or rejected. via Arrange, observe, and inspect all acceptance testing and notify the State of the results of these activities. vii. Provide inspection services for the construction, notify the State of defects and deficiencies in the work, and observe actions of the contractor to correct such defects and deficiencies. viii. Assume all responsibility for the maintenance of the existing 12/16" DI Water lines during and upon completion of the construction contract. ix. Ensure all Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and all other regulatory rules, regulations and laws are strictly adhered to. xs Prepare and submit both a certificate of substantial completion and a list of observed items requiring completion or correction for the relocations and adjustments to the Project Engineer for concurrence. xi. Coordinate all construction activities performed by Utility's staff for the relocations and adjustments through the Project Engineer. ROW-U-48-1 (09/18) Page 2 of 2 B. The State shall provide the following services under this contract: in Combine the 12/16" DI Water relocation and adjustment plans with the plans being prepared for the Project. iin Review and approve the final construction plans prior to any construction - related activities. In order to ensure federal and/or state funding eligibility, projects must be authorized by the State prior to advertising for construction. iiin Advertise for construction bids, issue bid proposals, receive and tabulate the bids, and award and administer the contract for construction of the Project. iv. Negotiate and administer all field changes and change orders required for the Project. All change orders increasing construction costs for Utility's Project shall be submitted to Utility for review and approval together with an evaluation. Utility agrees to review and either an prove or disanprove all change orders within five (5) business days after receipt of such order unless Utility Board's approval is necessary ion which case Utility shall bring the item to Utility Board as soon as reasonably possible. vo Provide overall Project management to supervise the day-to-day activities of the construction and monitor the activities of the contractor to promote the timely and efficient completion of the Project in accordance with the approved Plans and Specifications and construction schedule. vim Conduct field observations and coordinate with Utility's inspectors and the contractor to cure defects and deficiencies in the construction prior to final acceptance. vii. Make timely payment to the contractor for work performed in connection with the Project. vi i i. Ensure access and permit Utility's inspectors and other authorized representatives to inspect the waterline construction at all times. ix. Conduct and coordinate final inspection of the Project in the presence of Utility's Engineer and Inspector, transmit final list of items to be completed or repaired and observe contractor correction of same. x. Maintain job file. Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 9 Attachment "E" Utility Joint Use Agreement - (ROW=U=JUA) and/or Utility Installation Request - (Form 1082) F-1 Utility Joint Use Agreement (ROW—U—JUA) F71 Utility Installation Review/Permit Number: Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 10 Attachment "F" Eligibility Ratio Eligibility Ratio established: 100.00 % El Non -interstate Highway (Calculations attached) 0✓ Interstate Highway ROW Utility Manual Chapter 8, Section 2 In developing the ratio, line length or number of poles is restricted to facilities located within the existing and proposed highway right of way. Facilities located outside the existing and proposed right of way limits will not be used in developing the ratio. Please see example of eligibility ratio calculations below. Plan Sheet or Page# In Easement (Eligible) Existing # of Poles or LF In Public ROW (Ineligible) Existing # of Poles or LF 1 0 0 2 84 22 3 90 385 4 238 96 Totals 412 503 Total Existing # of Poles or LF (Eligible) 412 Total Existing # of Poles or LF (Ineligible) 503 Total Existing # of Poles or LF 915 Total Existing # of Poles or LF (Eligible) divided by the Total Existing # of Poles or LF 45.03% Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility Form ROW U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 11 Attachment "G" Betterment Calculation and Estimate X Elective Betterment Ratio established: 53.00% % (Calculation attached and justification below) Forced Betterment (Provide supporting documentation) El Not Applicable Elective betterment justification statement: _ _ 104?91Z1 Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility Two estimates are required to calculate betterment. One with, and one without betterment. Please attach both estimates. The total estimated cost of the project INCLUDING BETTERMENT 1 $464,018.84 The total estimated cost of the project NOT including BETTERMENT =$21 8,099.44 THE AMOUNT OF BETTERMENT $245,919.40 The BETTERMENT RATIO IS: 1 53.0% Form ROW U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 12 Attachment "H" Proof of Property Interest X Supporting documentation of compensable property interest that establishes reimbursement eligibility as referenced in Texas Transportation Code §203.092. El Property interest documented through applicable affidavits and required attachments. ❑ ROW-U-Affidavit M The roadway improvement project is designated as an Interstate Highway project; therefore, no supporting documentation of compensable interest is required. Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Uti I ity Gil LOT 2 (0.95 ACRE) O 0' 25' 50' 100, 1 I / 1• I I I I SCALE: 1"=100' d I I I GOLDFINCH -RR PROPERTIES LLC DOC. NO. 2016007897 0. P. R. T. C. T1 `2 F N 2Q03005pp4R��OW3 p�Z / ) I , I I I 1 )REMAINDER OF A CALLED 11.909 ACRES, SSUEDLVt:_ AOFL, 1"-269- - - - - - - - - - - - - ,' / I W2-12"-B L _I 1 518,748 SD. FT.) _ _ _ _ / / / JANUARY 19, 2016 WATERLINE EASEMENT I PORTION OF LOT IB BLOCK 8 COIL UBDI V I SIGN , I DOC. NO, 2018071093 s 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - - - - .- - 8K. 95, PC. 105-I06 / , 0 P.R.T.C.7. I ` I I `� - - - - - - - - - _ft9 86tf fiCR�E`Sl - - - - - - - - - - 1 P. .T.C.T. i', / (b.,OACRE, 4,493So. FT.) --�------------------------- - - - - ------- - - - -,-—«-•r-o— W1:COA WATERLINE CREENLAWN VENTURES, LLC , N I 1 1—r«X-.— WWI:COA WASTEWATER LINE AUSPRO ELATE20M4S, L. P. LOCK A / DOC. NO. 2019205155 + I I _ DOC. N0. 201 45359 0. P. R. T. C. T. 1 • � I ' I_ v1 vl v) ,nln In t,J—�-�''-�- W2: CORR WATERLINE 0. P. R. T. C. T. (i � _ - - - _ _l6oS -a >- - - - - - _I_ = I 1 � — Wr-sr-.- WW2: CORR WASTEWATER LINE cTR 0. 3 - LOT 31 DECEMBER 30, 2019 I ('—.e~+r-� W3:WINDERMERE WATERLINE MARC 1 1 2 n - - _ _ _ _ _ _ / - - - f -I- WATERLINE EASEMENT AUSPRO ENT E PRISES P l `EIF SON SUBDI 1 - 1 DOC. NO 2018005937 DOC. N0. 01 20455 , 9 + . , I I o. P. R. T. C. T. Q N PROP ROW o. P. . 4 C. L , P. R. r. ,_ 1 1 �> �°- - - EXIST ROW LOT 3 (TRACT NO 4 - LOT 4 � + I 0. LOT ACRE) MARCH 14, 2012 / (2. A ACRES) I I CL LOT 4 (0.95 ACRE) l 1 1 O I I I + I I I O O / I MANVILLE WATER SUPPLY WATERLINE EASEMENT / 1 VOL' 11944 PG. 790 R R. / • O / MANVILLE ATER SUPPLY / WATERLINE EASEMENT VOL. 11944, PG. 790 e. q `- T. -Ww.-. -� YF �_ _.._.. � Y a O -- O LU NX Ne atra no + I 3CID Q 3 � N8 11L 4 Q CL N J 2480+00 248 V) 912475.00 w i PM SIR1t w Z 3 Z a m NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION cD = DOCUMENT FOR REVIEW ONLY AND i O (, 3 © ❑ U NBIDDNNGNDOR P�RMI�NPURPOSE�N, STUART COWELL Q m Q No.126674 a � I N- 3 0 I (O 2"B w -12', w f; - °• 2- n L` • 7 ' 4 �\Cl OM SC :RTC no -8"-B — W2-8"-B W2-8" B — W2-8"-B — • VM2-8"- w2 B — 2-8"-B ►'�'-12'=g'_ .... W2-1;"- 8- CL O J • O n N. w n*�bi!!REA Ylp LJA Engineering, Inc. ZAA FRN - F-1386 ,Texas Department of Transportation IH35 CAPITAL EXPRESS UTILITY EASEMENTS STA 24T3*00 TO STA 2465+00 I`1 1 I- - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -._ - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - _--- - - - - - - - - - - - --- --- ---- ----.--- .--- _._ - - - - - - - - - - - -__-_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -