Contract - Siddons-Martin Emergency Group, LLC - 1/13/2022 CITY OF ROUND ROCK AGREE VIENT FOR I FOR FIRE SERVICE APPARATUS VEHICLE PARTS WITH SIDDONS-MARTIN EMERGENCY GROUP, LLC THE STATE OFTEXAS § CITY OF ROUND ROCK § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF WLLIAMSON § COUNTY OF TRAVIS § THAT TI IIS AGREEMENTIZw the purchase of fire service apparatus vehicle parts. and f'or related goods and services (referred to herein as the "Agreenient"). is made and entered into on this thew` of month of' JeLVL��. 202f-by and between the CITY 01' ROUND ROCK, aTexas home-rule; 111L111icipa offices are located at 221 East Main Street, Round Rock, Texas 78664-5299 (refLued to herein as the "(1ty"), and SII.: DONS- MARTIN EN/TF'RGI"1'NC.!Y GROt-fl?, whose offices are located at 1362 E. Richey Road, I louston, Texas 77073 (referred to herein as "Vendor"). RECITALS: WHERFAS, City desires to purchase certain deliverables, specifically eqUiPITIC111, r-Cpair parts,, and repair services Im- fire apparatUS Set-vice vehicles, and City desires to }procure same from Vendor; and WIIEM-AS, City is a member of the Buy Board Cooperative PLITChaSinQ I _, Prooraiii ("Buy Board") and Vendor is an approved Buy Board vendor thrOL11-11i BUY Board Contract 4 65 1-21, anal WI,Jl:R[_,`AS, City desires to purchase certain goodsand services from Vendor thrOLU-111 BUY Board as set forth herein; and WHEIC[_,,AS, the pat-ties desire to enter into this Agreement to set forth in writing their respective rights, duties, and obligations: N0W., TIIEIU1'I'(.)RL. WITNESSI I-[1. That for and in umsideration of the 1111ALUd Promises contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency and receipt of which are hereby acknowledged, it is 111LItually agreed between the parties as l'ollows: 4879-3526-5798/ss2 1.01 DEFINITIONS A. Agreement means the binding legal contract between City and Vendor whereby City is obligated to buy specified goods and services and Vendor is obligated to sell said goods and services. B. City means the City of Round Rock, Williamson and Travis Counties,Texas. C. Effective Date means the date upon which the binding signatures of both parties to this Agreement are affixed. D. Force Majeure means acts of God, strikes, lockouts, or other industrial disturbances, acts of the public enemy, orders of any kind from the government of the United States or the State of Texas or any civil or military authority, insurrections, riots, epidemics, landslides, lightning,earthquakes,fires,hurricanes,storms,floods,restraint of the government and the people, civil disturbances,explosions, or other causes not reasonably within the control of the party claiming such inability. E. Goods mean the specified supplies,materials,commodities,or equipment. F. Services mean work performed to meet a demand or effort by Vendor to comply with promised delivery dates,specifications, and technical assistance specified. 2.01 EFFECTIVE DATE,TERM,PRICES FIRM A. This Agreement shall be effective on the date this Agreement has been signed by each party hereto,and shall remain in full force and effect unless and until it expires by operation of the term indicated herein,or is terminated or extended as provided herein. B. This Agreement shall terminate September 30, 2024. C. City reserves the right to review the relationship with Vendor at any time,and may elect to terminate this Agreement with or without cause or may elect to continue. 3.01 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND EXHIBITS The goods and services which are the subject matter of this Agreement are described in Exhibit "A" and, together with this Agreement, comprise the Contract Documents. Any inconsistencies or conflicts in the contract documents shall be resolved by giving preference to the terms and conditions set forth in pages one(1)through nine(9)of this Agreement. 4.01 ITEMS A. The goods which are the subject matter of this Agreement are described generally in the attached Exhibit"A." B. This Agreement shall evidence the entire understanding and agreement between the parties and shall supersede any prior proposals, correspondence or discussions. C. Vendor shall satisfactorily provide all deliverables described in Exhibit"A"within the contract term specified. A change in the Scope of Services or any term of this Agreement, including bonding requirements,must be negotiated and agreed to in all relevant details,and must be embodied in a valid Supplemental Agreement as described herein. 5.01 COSTS A. City agrees to pay for goods and/or services during the term of this Agreement at the pricing set forth in the Vendor's catalog and as set forth in Exhibit"A." Vendor specifically acknowledged and agrees that City is not obligated to use or purchase any estimated annual quantity of goods. Only if, and when needed by City, the costs listed on Exhibit"A"shall be the basis of any charges collected by Vendor. B. In consideration for the deliverables and services related to the deliverables, the City agrees to pay Vendor an amount not to exceed Six Hundred Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($600,000.00) for the term of this Agreement. 6.01 INVOICES All invoices shall include, at a minimum,the following information: A. Name and address of Vendor; B. Purchase Order Number; C. Description and quantity of items received or services provided; and D. Delivery or performance dates. 7.01 NON-APPROPRIATION AND FISCAL FUNDING This Agreement is a commitment of City's current revenues only. It is understood and agreed that City shall have the right to terminate this Agreement at the end of any City fiscal year if the governing body of City does not appropriate funds sufficient to purchase the services as determined by City's budget for the fiscal year in question. City may effect such termination by giving Vendor a written notice of termination at the end of its then current fiscal year. 8.01 PROMPT PAYMENT POLICY In accordance with Chapter 2251, V.T.C.A.,Texas Government Code,payment to Vendor will be made within thirty (30) days of the day on which City receives the performance, supplies, materials, equipment, and/or deliverables, or within thirty (30) days of the day on which the performance of services was complete,or within thirty(30)days of the day on which City receives a correct invoice for the performance and/or deliverables or services, whichever is later. Vendor may charge interest on an overdue payment at the"rate in effect"on September 1 of the fiscal year in which the payment becomes overdue, in accordance with V.T.C.A., Texas Government Code, Section 2251.025(b);however, this Policy does not apply to payments made by City in the event: A. There is a bona fide dispute between City and Vendor, a contractor, subcontractor or supplier about the goods delivered or the service performed that cause the payment to be late;or B. The terms of a federal contract, grant, regulation, or statute prevent City from making a timely payment with federal funds; or C. There is a bona fide dispute between Vendor and a subcontractor or between a subcontractor and its supplier about the goods delivered or the service performed that causes the payment to be late; or D. Invoices are not mailed to City in strict accordance with instructions, if any,on the purchase order or the Agreement or other such contractual agreement. 9.01 GRATUITIES AND BRIBES City may, by written notice to Vendor, cancel this Agreement without liability to Vendor if it is determined by City that gratuities or bribes in the form of entertainment,gifts,or otherwise were offered or given by Vendor or its agents or representatives to any City officer, employee or elected representative with respect to the performance of this Agreement. In addition,Vendor may be subject to penalties stated in Title 8 of the Texas Penal Code. 10.01 TAXES City is exempt from Federal Excise and State Sales Tax;therefore,tax shall not be included in Vendor's charges. 11.01 ORDERS PLACED WITH ALTERNATE VENDORS If Vendor cannot provide the goods as specified,City reserves the right and option to obtain the products from another supplier or suppliers. 12.01 CITY'S REPRESENTATiVE City hereby designates the f'ollowing representative authorized to act in its behalf' writh zz m,ard to this At-yreement: ,Chad McDowell General Services Director 212 Commerce Cove Round Rock, 'Texas 78664 (512) 3141-3191 crncdow�Il i�rouLidrocktexas.�)oy 13.01 INSURANCE Vendor shall meet all City iLy of Round Rock Insurance Requirements as set forth at: littr)://www.roLindrockteL,is.&,,ov/wp-coriterit./Liplc�ads/a014/1.2,/`c,or,r inSUrance 07.2(1112.pdl7. 14.01 RIGHT TO ASSURANCE Whenever either party to this Agreement, in 000d kaith, has reason to question the other party's intent to perform hereunder, then demand may be made to the other party ftm- written asSUrancc of the intent to pert2orm, In the event that no written assurance is given within the reasonable time specified wNhcn demand is made, then and in that event the demanding party may Z-1 treat SLICII ftlikirc, as an anticipatory repudiation of this Agreement, 1.5.01 DEFAULT II'Vendor abandons or defiaLlItS UMICT this Agreement and is as caLISe Of City purchasing the Z7 specified goods elsewhere, Vendor agrees that it may be chars-ed the difference in cost, if'any., and that it will not be considered in the re-advertisement of the service and that it may not be considered in future bids fior the sarne type of.'work unless the scope of'Nvork is significantly chanoed. Vendor shall be declared in default ofthis A(,reement it'it does anv oFthe Following: A. Fails to fully, timely and faithFully perl'Orm an.),, of its material obligations Linder this Agreenient-, 13. Fails to provide adeClUate assurance of performance under the "Right to assurance" section herein: oi- file bankruptcy laws of*the United Becornes insolvent or seeks reliel'Und0l States. 16.01 TERMINATION AND SUSPENSION A. City has the right to terminate this Agreement in whole or in part. for convenience and without catase, at any time capon thirty (30) days' writte�notice to Vendor. B. ]it the event of any default by Vendor,City hathe right to terminate this,agreement for cause, upon ten (10) days" written notice to Vendor. J C. Vendor has the riolat to terminate this Aureer ent Only for cause, that being,, in the event of`a raaaaterial and substantial breach by City, or by mut aa] aggreertaent to terminate evidenced in writing by and between the parties. 1:), In the event City terminates Under subsect' >ns (A) or (13) of this section, the following shall apply: Upon City's delivery of the referet -ed notice to Vendor, Vendor shall discontinue all services in connection with the performance f this Agreetaaent and shall proceed to cancel promptly all existing orders and contracts insof r as soda orders and contracts are chargeable to this Agreement. Within thirty (30) days aafte such notice of terMinaation, Vendor shall subs-nit a statement showing in detail the goods and/or s vices satisfactorily performed under this Ao reernent to the (late oftermination. City shall then p, v Vendor that portion ofthe charges, if arndiSpUted. " "he parties agree that Vendor is not entitled t compensation for set-vices it wortld have pert armed under the remaining term of the Agreement except as provided herein. 1.7.01 INDEMNIFICATION Vendor shall defend (at the option of City), indemnify, and hold City, its successors, assigns, officers, employees and elected officials harmless from and agaainst all suits, actions, legal proceedings. claims, demands. daraaaoes, costs, expenses, aattorncy,s fees, and any and all other costs or fees arising out ol. Or incident to, concerning or resulting" from the fault of Vendor, or Vendor's a0 ents, employees or subcontractors, in the performance of Vendor's obligations under this Aorecment, no matter how, or to wlaoraa, such loss may occur. Nothing herein shall be deemed to limit the rights of City or Vendor (including', but not limited to the right to seek contribution)) against any third warty who may be liable for an indemnified claim, 18.01 COMPLIANCE CE WITH LAWS, CHARTER AND ORDINANCES A. Vendor, its agents'. employees and subcontractors shall rtse hest eff arts to comply with all applicable federal and state lawvs, the Charter and Ordinances of tlae City of Roarnd [tock, as amended, and with all applicable rules and regulations promulgated by local, state and national boards, bureaus and agencies. B. Ira accordance with ("hapten 271, Texas Government C"ca(1e, a governmental entity may not enter into a contract, with as company for goods and services unless 117(. contract contains written verification from the company that it: (I) does not boycott Ismael. and (2) will not boycott Israel during the term ofa contract. The signatory executing this Aggreenaent on behalf of Vendor verifies that Vendor does not boycott Israel and will not boycott Israel during the term of this Agreement. C. In accordance with 2274,Texas Government Code,a governmental entity may not enter into a contract with a company with at least ten (10) full-time employees for a value of at least One Hundred Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($100,000.00) unless the contract has provision in the contract verifying that it: (1) does not have a practice, policy, guidance, or directive that discriminates against a firearm entity or firearm trade association; and (2) will not discriminate during the term of the contract against a firearm entity or firearm trade association.The signatory executing this Agreement on behalf of Vendor verifies Vendor does not have a practice, policy, guidance, or directive that discriminates against a firearm entity or firearm trade association, and it will not discriminate during the term of this Agreement against a firearm entity or firearm trade association. D. In accordance with 2274,Texas Government Code,a governmental entity may not enter into a contract with a company with at least ten (10) full-time employees for a value of at least One Hundred Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($100,000.00) unless the contract has provision in the contract verifying that it: (1) does not boycott energy companies; and (2) will not boycott energy companies during the term of this Agreement.The signatory executing this Agreement on behalf of Vendor verifies Vendor does not boycott energy companies, and it will not boycott energy companies during the term of this Agreement. 19.01 ASSIGNMENT AND DELEGATION The parties each hereby bind themselves,their successors,assigns and legal representatives to each other with respect to the terms of this Agreement. Neither party shall assign, sublet or transfer any interest in this Agreement without prior written authorization of the other party. 20.01 NOTICES All notices and other communications in connection with this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be considered given as follows: 1. When delivered personally to the recipient's address as stated in this Agreement; or 2. Three(3)days after being deposited in the United States mail,with postage prepaid to the recipient's address as stated in this Agreement. Notice to Vendor: Siddons-Martin Emergency Group,LLC 1362 East Richey Road Houston,Texas 77073 Notice to City: City Manager Stephan L. Sheets, City Attorney 221 East Main Street AND TO: 309 East Main Street Round Rock,TX 78664 Round Rock,TX 78664 Nothing contained herein shall be construed to restrict the transmission of routine communications between representatives of City and Vendor. 21.01 APPLICABLE LAW; ENFORCEMENT AND VENUE This Agreement shall be enforceable in Round Rock,Texas,and if legal action is necessary by either party with respect to the enforcement of any or all of the terms or conditions herein, exclusive venue for same shall lie in Williamson County,Texas.This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws and court decisions of the State of Texas. 22.01 EXCLUSIVE AGREEMENT This document, and all appended documents, constitutes the entire Agreement between Vendor and City. This Agreement may only be amended or supplemented by mutual agreement of the parties hereto in writing,duly authorized by action of the City Manager or City Council. 23.01 DISPUTE RESOLUTION City and Vendor hereby expressly agree that no claims or disputes between the parties arising out of or relating to this Agreement or a breach thereof shall be decided by any arbitration proceeding,including without limitation,any proceeding under the Federal Arbitration Act(9 USC Section 1-14)or any applicable state arbitration statute. 24.01 SEVERABILITY The invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement or the occurrence of any event rendering any portion or provision of this Agreement void shall in no way affect the validity or enforceability of any other portion or provision of this Agreement. Any void provision shall be deemed severed from this Agreement, and the balance of this Agreement shall be construed and enforced as if this Agreement did not contain the particular portion or provision held to be void.The parties further agree to amend this Agreement to replace any stricken provision with a valid provision that comes as close as possible to the intent of the stricken provision. The provisions of this section shall not prevent this entire Agreement from being void should a provision which is of the essence of this Agreement be determined void. 2-5.01 MISCELLANE10US PROVISIONS Standard of Care. Vendor represents that it employs trained, experienced and competent person,, to perform all of the set-vices., responsibilities and duties specified herein and that such sc,tilices, responsibilities and duties shall be performed in a manner according to generally accepted industry practices. Time is of the Essence. Vendor understands and agrees that tine is of the essence and that any failure of Vendor to fulfill obligations for each portion ofthis Aoreernerit within the aoreed thnerranies will constitute, a material breach of this Agreement. Vendor shall be fully responsible for its delays or for failures to use best efforts in accordance with tile terms ofthis Agreement. Where darnage is caused to City ClUe to Vendor's flailure to perform in these Cil-Cl.imstarice-s, C'ity may pUrSLlc any rernedy available Without waiver or quay of City's additional legal rights or remedies. Force Majeure. Neither City nor Vendor shall be decreed in violation of this Agreement if it is prevented from performing any of its obligations hereunder by reasons for which it is not responsible as defined herein. I lowever. notice of such inipedinient or delay in perflornial"ICC I-TILISt be timely given and all reasonable eff'(WIS Undertaken to mitigate its effects. Multiple Counterparts. This Agreement may be eXeCL1tQd ill multiple C01,111terparts, any one of which shall be considered all original of this dOCLUTIC11t; and all of which, when taken together, shall constitute one and (lie same instrUrrient. IN WITNESS WHE"RF101', City and Vendor lUlVe CXCCLIted this Agreement oil the dates indicated. City of Round ZockT , exas SiddonMEmernG s- artin gecy roup, LLC f Round By: .......... BY: Printed Narne: Prij4d­Narne: kathEyn Williams 'Fitle: Title ice President & General COUnsel Date Signc& Date ioned: 12/10/2021 Attest: E1 w Meagan Spi OS7 City (1crk For CityA lr�ved as to Form: �e d a .......................... Stephan L. Sheets, City Attorney txniDit "A" Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire Apps Information Address: 142331nterdrive West Houston,TX 77032 Phone: (281)442-6806 Fax: (281) 442-0850 By submitting your response, you certify that you are authorized to represent and bind your company. Jeffrey A. Doran jdoran@siddons-martin.com Signature Emaii Submitted at 412912029 11:38.'11 AM Requested Attachments BuyBoard Proposal Invitation No. 651-21 for Fire Service Apparatus proposal-no-651-21 edit jad.pdf Vehicles REQUIRED - In PDF format, upload all proposal invitation documents available for download at vendor.buyboard.com including any additional pages, as necessary. (Please DO NOT password protect uploaded files.) Catalog/Pricelist All options lists with pricing.pdf REQUIRED- In PDF format, upload catalog/pricelist in proposal invitation instructions. File size must not exceed 100MB.(Please DO NOT password protect uploaded files.) Company Profile Siddons Sales and Service info.pdf Information on awarded Cooperative Contracts is available to Cooperative Members on the BuyBoard website. If your company is awarded a Contract under this Proposal Invitation, please provide a brief company description that you would like to have included with your company profile on the BuyBoard website. Submit your company profile in a separate file, in Word format, with your Proposal. (Note: Vendor is solely responsible for any content provided for inclusion on the BuyBoard website. The Cooperative reserves the right to exclude or remove any content in its sole discretion, with or without prior notice, including but not limited to any content deemed by the Cooperative to be inappropriate, irrelevant to the Contract, inaccurate, or misleading.) Detailed Information and Exceptions Related to Base Model Pricng Buy Board 651-21 2021-04-29 Final.pdf Discount and/or Hourly Labor Rate In PDF format, define the services that are proposed to be provided and attach detailed information including exceptions to pricing or discount percentage, NOTE: IF DETAILED INFORMATION IS NOT SUBMITTED, PROPOSAL MAY NOT BE CONSIDERED. (Please DO NOT password protect uploaded files.) Manufacturer Authorization Letter(s) Pierce Dealership Contacts 2021-04-28.pdf REQUIRED - Upload Manufacturer Authorization Letter(s)in PDF format. Manufacturers responding to this proposal invitation, in lieu of an authorization letter, must submit a response on company letterhead explaining that the company is a manufacturer of products proposed. Dealers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. Dealer Certificate(s) and/or License(s) Licenses.pdf In PDF format, upload Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or, if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas, the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). IRS Form W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification SMEG 2021 W-9.pdf REQUIRED - In PDF format, upload W-9 form. (Please DO NOT password protect uploaded files.) Page 3 of 54 pages Vendor.Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 Gxnlalt ..H.. Response Attachments Licenses.pdf License Base Model Pricng Buy Board 651-212021-04-29 Final.xlsx Base in Excel Option list for Buy Board 651-21 Final 2021-04-29.xlsx Options in Excel Bid Lines 1 Section I: Commercial Class"A" Pumpers and Tankers-2-Dr. Cab, 35000#GVW,300 HP Automatic,A/C - 1250 GPM Pump, 750 gallon poly tank, 100 cu.ft. compartment space, side mount pump panel, NFPA 1901, all manufacturer's standard equipment, diesel 300 HP engine, heavy duty cooling, 270 amp alternator, Allison MD series automatic transmission, full air brakes, 12.0 compressor, steel channel frame, chrome front bumper, minimum 45 gallon fuel tank, 2-door with bench seat, west coast mirrors, air conditioner, tilt-telescoping steering wheel, full gauge package, tires to match axle GVW rating, steel ten hole disc wheels. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each Price: $230,641.00 1 Total: $230,641.00 Manufacturer: Pierce Manufacturer#: Pierce Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees(i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.) are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s)will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2: An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell, install, and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3: Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or, if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas, the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Freightliner Page 4 of 54 pages Vendor.Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 txnat "A" 2 Section I: Commercial Class"A" Pumpers and Tankers-2-Dr. Cab, 35000#GVW, 350 HP Automatic,A/C - 1500 GPM Pump, 750 gallon poly tank, 100 cu. ft. compartment space, side mount pump panel, NFPA 1901, all manufacturer's standard equipment, Diesel 350 HP engine, heavy duty cooling, 270 amp alternator, Allison HD series automatic transmission, Full air brakes, 12.0 compressor, steel channel frame, chrome front bumper, minimum 45 gallon fuel tank, 2-door with bench seat, west coast mirrors, air conditioner, tilt-telescoping steering wheel, full gauge package, tires to match axle GVW rating, steel ten hole disc wheels. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each Price: $285,026.00 Total: $285,026.00 Manufacturer: Pierce Manufacturer#: Pierce Item Notes: NOTE 1:Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees (i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.) are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s)will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2: An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell, install, and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3: Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or, if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas, the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Freightliner Page 5 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 Apps unlblt "H" 3 Section 1: Commercial Class"A" Pumpers and Tankers -2-or.Cab,40000#GVW,300 HP Automatic,AIC-1250 GPM Pump, 1500 gallon poly tank, 100 cu.ft.compartment space,side mount pump panel, NFPA 1901,all manufacturer's standard equipment, Diesel 300 HP engine, heavy duty cooling,270 amp alternator,Allison MD series automatic transmission,full air brakes, 12.0 compressor,steel channel frame,chrome front bumper,minimum 45 gallon fuel tank, 2 door with bench seat,west coast mirrors,air conditioner,tilt-telescoping steering wheel,full gauge package, tires to match axle GVW rating,steel ten hole disc wheels. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG,etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each Price: $311,149.00 Total: $311,149.00 Manufacturer: Pierce Manufacturer#: Pierce Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees (i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s)will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2: An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell, install, and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3: Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or, if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas, the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Freightliner Page 6 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 A tont -A- 4 Section I: Commercial Class"A" Pumpers and Tankers -2-Dr.Cab,54000#GVW,350 HP Automatic,AIC-1500 GPM Pump,2500 gallon poly tank, 100 cu.ft.compartment space, side mount pump panel, rear Newton electric dump, NFPA 1901, all manufacturer's standard equipment,diesel 350 HP engine, heavy duty cooling,270 amp alternator,Allison HD series automatic transmission,full air brakes, 12.0 compressor, steel channel frame, chrome front bumper, minimum 45 gallon fuel tank,2-door with bench seat,west coast mirrors,air conditioner,tilt-telescoping steering wheel,full gauge package,tires to match axle GVW rating, steel ten hole disc wheels. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG,etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each Price: $338,180.00 1 Total: $338,180.00 Manufacturer: Pierce Manufacturer#: Pierce Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS.. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees (i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.) are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s)will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2: An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell, install, and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3: Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or, if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas, the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Freightliner Page 7 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 Cxnat "A" 5 Section I: Commercial Class"A" Pumpers and Tankers -2-Dr.Cab,35000#GVW,300 HP Automatic,A/C-1250 GPM Pump, 750 gallon poly tank, 100 cu.ft. compartment space,side mount pump panel, NFPA 1901,all manufacturer's standard equipment. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG,etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each Price: $287,631.00 Total: $287,631.00 Manufacturer: I Pierce Manufacturer#: jPierce Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees (i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.) are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s) will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2: An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell, install, and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3: Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or, if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas, the applicable dealer license(s) for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Freightliner Alternate 1 Section 1: Commercial Class "A" Pumpers and Tankers-2-Dr.Cab.35000#GVW,300 HP Automatic,A/C- 1250 GPM Pump. 750 gallon poly tank. 100 cu. ft. compartment space, side mount pump panel. NFPA 1901, all manufacturer's standard equipment. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG. LPG.etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each Price: $268,780.00 Total: $268,780.00 Manufacturer: I Skeeter Manufacturer#: ISkeeter Page 8 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 CxnlDlt "A" Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Freightliner 6 Section I: Commercial Class "A" Pumpers and Tankers -4-Dr.Cab,35000#GVW,300 HP,Automatic,A/C-1250 GPM Pump, 750 gallon poly tank, 100 cu.ft.compartment space,side mount pump panel, NFPA 1901, all manufacturer's standard equipment. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG,LPG,etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each Price: $299,372.00 Total: $299,372.00 Manufacturer: Pierce Manufacturer#: Pierce Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees(i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.) are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s)will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2: An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell, install, and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3: Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or, if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas, the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Freightliner Page 9 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 txnlDlt ..H.. 7 Section II: Custom Cab Class "A" Pumpers and Tankers-Custom MFD tilt 4-Dr. Cab, 330 HP Automatic, A/C- 1250 GPM Pump, 750 gallon poly tank, 100 cu. ft. compartment space, side mount pump panel, NFPA 1901, all manufacturer's standard equipment. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each Price: $485,861.00 1 Total: $485,861.00 Manufacturer: Pierce Manufacturer#: Pierce Item Notes: NOTE 1:Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees(i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s)will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2: An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell, install, and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3: Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or, if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas, the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Saber Page 10 of 54 pages Vendor.Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 tont "A" s Section It: Custom Cab Class"A" Pumpers and Tankers - Custom AFD tilt, 4-Dr. Cab,400 HP Automatic, A/C- 1500 GPM Pump, 750 gallon poly tank, 100 cu. ft. compartment space, side mount pump panel, NFPA 1901, all manufacturer's standard equipment. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each Price: F $548,895.00 1 Total: $548,895.00 Manufacturer: I Pierce Manufacturer#: 1Pierce Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees(i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s)will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2: An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell, install, and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3: Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or, if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas, the applicable dealer license(s) for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Enforcer Page I I of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 txnIDIt -A- 9 Section II: Custom Cab Class"A" Pumpers and Tankers -Custom MFD tilt 4-Dr. Cab, 330 HP Automatic, A/C- 1250 GPM Pump, 750 gallon poly tank, 200 cu. ft. compartment space, side mount pump panel, NFPA 1901, all manufacturer's standard equipment. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each Price: $500,061.00 1 Total: $500,061.00 Manufacturer: 1 Pierce Manufacturer#: jPierce Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees(i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s) will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2: An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell, install, and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3: Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or, if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas, the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Saber Page 12 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 txnlalt "A" 1 0 Section Il: Custom Cab Class"A" Pumpers and Tankers- Custom LFD tilt,4-Dr. Cab,400 HP Automatic, AIC- 1500 GPM Pump, 750 gallon poly tank, 200 cu. ft. compartment space, side mount pump panel, NFPA 1901, all manufacturer's standard equipment. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each Price: F $661,389.00 J Total: $661,389.00 Manufacturer: Pierce Manufacturer#: Pierce Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees (i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s)will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2: An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell, install, and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3: Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or, if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas, the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Velocity Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire Page 13 of 5A pages 651-21 Apps t of " " 1 Section 11: Custom Cab Class"A" Pumpers and Tankers- Custom MFD tilt 4-Dr. Cab, 330 HP Automatic, AIC- 1250 GPM Pump, 1500 gallon poly tank, 100 cu. ft. compartment space, side mount pump panel, NFPA 1901, all manufacturer's standard equipment. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each Price: $524,607.00 1 Total: $524,607.00 Manufacturer: Pierce Manufacturer#: Pierce Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees (i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s) will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2: An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell, install, and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3: Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or, if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas, the applicable dealer license(s) for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Saber Page 14 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 tX IDIt "A" 1 2 Section Il: Custom Cab Class "A" Pumpers and Tankers - Custom LFD tilt,4-Dr. Cab,400 HP Automatic, A/C- 1500 GPM Pump, 1500 gallon poly tank, 100 cu.ft. compartment space, side mount pump panel, NFPA 1901, all manufacturer's standard equipment. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each Price: F $657,193.00 1 Total: $657,193.00 Manufacturer: Pierce Manufacturer#: Pierce Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees (i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s)will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2: An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell, install, and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3: Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or, if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas, the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Velocity Page 15 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 txnat ..H.. 1 S Section II: Custom Cab Class"A" Pumpers and Tankers -Custom MFD tilt 4-Dr. Cab, 330 HP Automatic, A/C- 1250 GPM Pump, 2500 gallon poly tank, 100 cu.ft. compartment space, side mount pump panel, NFPA 1901, all manufacturer's standard equipment. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each Price: F $630,935.00 1 Total: $630,935.00 Manufacturer: Pierce Manufacturer#: Pierce Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees (i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s) will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2: An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell, install, and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3: Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or, if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas, the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Enforcer Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire Page lb of 54 pages b51-21 Apps C.xnat "A" 7 4 Section 11: Custom Cab Class "A" Pumpers and Tankers- Custom LFD tilt, 4-Dr. Cab, 400 HP Automatic, A/C- 1500 GPM Pump, 2500 gallon poly tank, 100 cu. ft. compartment space, side mount pump panel, NFPA 1901, all manufacturer's standard equipment. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each Price: $688,452.00 1 Total: $688,452.00 Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees (i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s)will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2: An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell, install, and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3: Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or, if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas, the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Velocity Page 17 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fin; 651-21 Cxnlblt "A" 1 5 Section II: Custom Cab Class "A" Pumpers and Tankers-Custom MFD tilt 4-Dr. Cab, 400 HP Automatic, A/C- 1500 GPM Pump, 3000 gallon elliptical tank, 60 cu. ft. compartment space, side mount pump panel, (2) side and (1)rear Newton electric dump, NFPA 1901, all manufacturer's standard equipment. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each Price: $674,574.00 Total: $674,574.00 Manufacturer: Pierce -71 Manufacturer#: Pierce Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees (i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s) will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2: An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell, install, and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3: Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or, if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas, the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Enforcer Page 18 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 cxnlalt ..H.. 1 6 Section III: Aerial Ladder and Aerial Platform Devices -Custom MFD tilt,4-Dr. Cab, 330 HP Automatic, A/C- 1500 GPM Pump, 400 gallon poly tank, 150 cu. ft. compartment space, single axle body, 75' aerial ladder rear mount, pinned waterway, NFPA 1901, all manufacturer's standard equipment. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UQM: Each Price: $908,894.00 1 Total: $908,894.00 Manufacturer: I Pierce Manufacturer#: Pierce Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees (i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s)will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2: An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell, install, and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3: Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or, if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas, the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Enforcer Page 19 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 Cxnat "H" 1 7 Section III: Aerial Ladder and Aerial Platform Devices - Custom MFD tilt,4-Dr. Cab,400 HP Automatic, A/C- 1500 GPM Pump, 400 gallon poly tank, 150 cu. ft. compartment space, single axle body, 75'aerial ladder rear mount, pinned waterway, NFPA 1901, all manufacturer's standard equipment. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each Price: $958,981.00 Total: $958,981.00 Manufacturer: Pierce Manufacturer#: Pierce Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees (i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s) will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2: An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell, install, and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3: Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or, if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas, the applicable dealer license(s) for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Enforcer Page 20 of 54 pages Vendor.Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 CxnlDlt "A" 1 8 Section III: Aerial Ladder and Aerial Platform Devices -Custom MFD tilt, 4-Dr. Cab,400 hHP Automatic, A/C- 1500 GPM Pump, 300 gallon poly tank, 150 cu. ft. compartment space, tandem axle, 1 00' aerial ladder rear mount, pinned waterway, NFPA 1901, all manufacturer's standard equipment. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each Price: $1,150,756.00 1 Total: $1,150,756.00 Manufacturer: I Pierce Manufacturer#: Pierce Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees(i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s)will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2: An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell, install, and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3: Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or, if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas, the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Enforcer Page 21 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 9 Section III: Aerial Ladder and Aerial Platform Devices -Custom MFD tilt 4-Dr. Cab,400 HP,Automatic, A/C- 1500 GPM Pump, 300 gallon poly tank, 150 cu.ft. compartment space, tandem axle, 85'to 95' aerial ladder platform rear mount, pinned waterway, NFPA 1901, all manufacturer's standard equipment. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each Price: $1,293,330.00 1 Total: $1,293,330.001 Manufacturer: Pierce Manufacturer#: Pierce Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees (i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s) will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2:An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell, install,and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3:Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or,if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas,the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Velocity Page 22 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 Apps txnlDl "A" 2 0 Section III: Aerial Ladder and Aerial Platform Devices-Custom MFD tilt 4-Dr. Cab,400 HP,Automatic, A/C- 1500 GPM Pump, 300 gallon poly tank, 150 cu. ft. compartment space, tandem axle, 100'+ aerial ladder platform rear mount, NFPA 1901, all manufacturer's standard equipment. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOR Each Price: $1,364,537.00 Total: $1,364,537.00 Manufacturer: Pierce Manufacturer#: Pierce Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees (i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s)will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2: An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell, install, and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3: Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or, if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas, the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Velocity Page 23 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 C lalt "A" z Section III: Aerial (_.adder and Aerial Platform Devices -Custom MFD tilt,4-Dr. Cab,400 HP, Automatic, A/C- 1500 GPM Pump, 200 gallon poly tank, maximum compartment space, tandem axle, 100'+aerial platform articulating style, NFPA 1901, all manufacturer's standard equipment. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each No Bid Manufacturer: No response Manufacturer#: No response Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees (i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s) will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2:An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell,install,and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3:Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or,if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas,the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body No response Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire Page 24 of 54 pages 651-21 Apps txnlDlt "H" 2 2 Section III: Aerial Ladder and Aerial Platform Devices - Custom MFD tilt, 4-Dr. Cab,400 HP Automatic, A/C- 1500 GPM Pump, 400 gallon poly tank, 150 cu. ft. compartment space, single axle body, 75' aerial ladder mid-mount, pinned waterway, NFPA 1901, all manufacturer's standard equipment. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including altemative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each No Bid Manufacturer: I No response Manufacturer#: No response Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees (i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s) will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2:An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell,install,and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3:Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or,if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas,the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body No response Page 25 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 txnlD i ..H.. 2 3 Section III: Aerial Ladder and Aerial Platform Devices -Custom MFD tilt,4-Dr. Cab,400 HP,Automatic, A/C- 1500 GPM Pump, 300 gallon poly tank, 150 cu. ft. compartment space, tandem axle, 100' aerial ladder mid- mount, pinned waterway, NFPA 1901, all manufacturer's standard equipment. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each Price: $1,327,279.00 Total: $1,327,279.00 Manufacturer: i Pierce Manufacturer#: jPierce Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees (i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s) will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2:An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell,install, and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3:Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or,if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the state of Texas,the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Velocity Page 26 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 nolDlt "A" 2 4 Section III: Aerial Ladder and Aerial Platform Devices -Custom MFD tilt,4-Dr. Cab,400 HP,Automatic, A/C- 1500 GPM Pump, 300 gallon poly tank, 150 cu.ft. compartment space, single axle, 70-85'aerial ladder platform mid-mount, NFPA 1901, all manufacturer's standard equipment. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including altemative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each No Bid Manufacturer: No response Manufacturer#: No response Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees (i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s) will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2: An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell, install, and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3: Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or, if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas, the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body No response Page 27 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 toot "H" 2 5 Section 111: Aerial Ladder and Aerial Platform Devices -Custom MFD tilt, 4-Dr. Cab,400 HP Automatic, A/C- 1500 GPM Pump, 300 gallon poly tank, 150 cu. ft. compartment space, tandem axle, 85' to 95'aerial ladder platform mid-mount, NFPA 1901, all manufacturer's standard equipment. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each No Bid Manufacturer: I No response Manufacturer#: INoresponse Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees(i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s) will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2:An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell, install,and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3:Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or,if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas,the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body No response Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire Page 28 of 54 pages b51-21 Apps txnlDlt ..H.. 2 6 Section III: Aerial Ladder and Aerial Platform Devices -Custom MFD tilt, 4-Dr. Cab,400 HP Automatic, AIC- 1500 GPM Pump, 300 gallon poly tank, 150 cu. ft. compartment space, tandem axle, 100'+ aerial ladder platform mid-mount, NFPA 1901, all manufacturer's standard equipment. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each Price: $1,357,391.001 Total: $1,357,391.00 Manufacturer: Pierce Manufacturer#: Pierce Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees (i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s) will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2: An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell, install, and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3: Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or, if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas, the applicable dealer license(s) for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Velocity Page 29 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 txnat "A" 2 7 Section IV: Rescue Vehicles, Non-Walk-In Style-2-Dr. Cab, 35000#GVW,300 HP Automatic,AIC -Non Walk-In 16' Heavy rescue body, maximum compartment space, 8Kw PT© generator, 6000 watt light tower, 10 shelves, 4 roll out trays, diesel 300 HP engine, heavy duty cooling, 270 amp alternator, Allison MD series automatic transmission, full air brakes, 12.0 compressor, steel channel frame, chrome front bumper, minimum 45 gallon fuel tank, 2-door with bench seat, west coast mirrors, air conditioner, tilt-telescoping steering wheel, full gauge package, tires to match axle GVW rating, steel ten hole disc wheels. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each Price: $264,821.00 Total: $264,821.00 Manufacturer: Pierce Manufacturer#: Pierce Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees (i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s) will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2:An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell, install, and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3:Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or,if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas,the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Freightliner Page 30 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 unat "A" 2 8 Section IV: Rescue Vehicles, Non-Walk-In Style-4-Dr.Cab, 35000#GVW,300 HP,Automatic,A/C -Non Walk-In 16' Heavy rescue body, maximum compartment space, 8Kw PTO generator, 6000 watt light tower, 10 shelves, 4 roll out trays, diesel 300 HP engine, heavy duty cooling, 270 amp alternator, Allison MD series automatic transmission, full air brakes, 12.0 compressor, steel channel frame, chrome front bumper, minimum 45 gallon fuel tank, 4-door with individual air ride driver seat, SCBA high back officer seat, 3 SCBA high back crew seats with SCBA brackets west coast mirrors, air conditioner, tilt-telescoping steering wheel, full gauge package, tires to match axle GVW rating, steel ten hole disc wheels. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each Price: $276,187.00 Total: $276,187.00 Manufacturer: I Pierce Manufacturer#: Pierce Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees(i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s)will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2:An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell, install,and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3:Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or,if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas,the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Freightliner Page 31 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 txnlDlt -/-V 2 9 Section IV: Rescue Vehicles, Non-Walk-In Style-Custom MFD tilt,4-Dr. Cab, 330 HP,Automatic,A/C, Raised Roof—Non-Walk-In 16' Heavy rescue body, maximum compartment space, 8Kw PTO generator, 6000- watt light tower, 10 shelves, 4 roll out trays. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each Price: $567,790.00 1 Total: $567,790.00 Manufacturer: Pierce Manufacturer#: Pierce Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees (i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s)will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2:An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell, install, and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3:Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or,if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas,the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Enforcer Page 32 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 txnlblt "A" 3 0 Section IV: Rescue Vehicles, Non-Walk-In Style-Custom LFD tilt,4-Dr. Cab,400 HP Automatic,A/C, Raised Roof- Non-Walk-In 16' Heavy rescue body, maximum compartment space, 8Kw PTO generator, 6000- watt light tower, 10 shelves, 4 roll out trays. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each Price: $665,237.00 1 Total: $665,237.00 Manufacturer: Pierce Manufacturer#: Pierce Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees (i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s) will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2:An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell, install,and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3:Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or,if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas,the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Velocity Page 33 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 Cxnlalt -A- 3 Section IV: Rescue Vehicles, Non-Walk-In Style-2-Dr. Cab, 60" cab to axle, A1C—Non-Walk-In 10' Light Duty rescue, maximum compartment space, 5Kw Honda generator, roll up doors, 4 shelves, 2 roll out trays, 12,500#GVW, 250 HP diesel engine, heavy duty cooling, dual 110 amp alternator, automatic transmission, power disc front and rear brakes, standard frame, chrome front bumper, minimum 30 gallon fuel tank, 2 door cab with bench seat, mirrors, air conditioner, tilt-telescoping steering wheel, full gauge package, tires to match axle GVW rating, steel disc wheels. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each Price: $176,304.00 Total: $176,304.00 Manufacturer: I Pierce Manufacturer#: I Pierce Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees (i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s) will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2:An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell, install, and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3:Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or,if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas,the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Ford Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire Page 34 of 54 pages 651-21 Apps Cxnat ..K.. 3 2 Section IV: Rescue Vehicles, Non-Walk-In Style-2-Dr. Cab, 60" cab to axle,A/C—Non-Walk-In 10' Light Duty rescue, maximum compartment space, 5Kw Honda generator, roll up doors, 4 shelves, 2 roll out trays, 12,500#GVW, 250 HP diesel engine, heavy duty cooling, dual 110 amp alternator, automatic transmission, power disc front and rear brakes, standard frame, chrome front bumper, minimum 30 gallon fuel tank, 2 door cab with bench seat, mirrors, air conditioner, tilt-telescoping steering wheel, full gauge package, tires to match axle GVW rating, steel disc wheels. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each Price: $182,573.00 1 Total: $182,573.00 Manufacturer: I Pierce Manufacturer#: jPierce Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees (i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s)will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2:An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell, install,and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3:Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or,if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas,the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Ford Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire Page 35 of 54 pages 651-21 Apps Cxnlblt ..H.. Alternate 1 Section IV: Rescue Vehicles, Non-Walk-In Style- 2-Dr. Cab. 60" cab to axle. AIC — Non-Walk-In 10' Light Duty rescue, maximum compartment space, 5Kw Honda generator. roll up doors. 4 shelves. 2 roll out trays. 12.500# GVW, 250 HP diesel engine, heavy duty cooling. dual 110 amp alternator, automatic transmission, power disc front and rear brakes, standard frame, chrome front bumper, minimum 30 gallon fuel tank, 2 door cab with bench seat, mirrors, air conditioner, tilt-telescoping steering wheel, full gauge package, tires to match axle GVW rating, steel disc wheels. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG. LPG. etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each Price: $148,667.00 Total: $148,667.00 Manufacturer: i Skeeter Manufacturer#: ISkeeter Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Ford Page 36 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 txnat "H" 3 3 Section V: Rescue Vehicles, Walk-In Style-2-Dr. Cab, 35000#GVW, 300 HP Automatic,A/C -Walk-In 16' Heavy rescue body, maximum compartment space, 8Kw PTO generator, 6000 watt light tower, 10 shelves, 4 roll out trays, diesel 300 HP engine, heavy duty cooling, 270 amp alternator, Allison MD series automatic transmission, Full air brakes, 12.0 compressor, steel channel frame, chrome front bumper, minimum 45 gallon fuel tank, 2-door with bench seat, west coast mirrors, air conditioner, tilt-telescoping steering wheel, full gauge package, tires to match axle GVW rating, steel ten hole disc wheels. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each No Bid Manufacturer: I No response Manufacturer#: No response Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees (i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s) will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2:An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell,install, and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3:Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or,if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas,the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body No response Page 37 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 tXn ql "A" 3 4 Section V: Rescue Vehicles,Walk-In Style-4-Dr.Cab,35000#GVW, 300 HP,Automatic,A/C-Walk-In 16' Heavy rescue body, maximum compartment space, 8Kw PTO generator, 6000 watt light tower, 10 shelves, 4 roll out trays, diesel 300 HP engine, heavy duty cooling, 270 amp alternator, Allison MD series automatic transmission, Full air brakes, 12.0 compressor, steel channel frame, chrome front bumper, minimum 45 gallon fuel tank, 4-door with individual air ride driver seat, SCBA high back officer seat, 3 SCBA high back crew seats with SCBA brackets west coast mirrors, air conditioner, tilt-telescoping steering wheel, full gauge package, tires to match axle GVW rating, steel ten hole disc wheels. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each No Bid Manufacturer: No response Manufacturer#: No response Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees (i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s) will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2:An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell,install, and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3:Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or,if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas,the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body No response Page 38 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 txnlDlt "A" 3 5 Section V: Rescue Vehicles,Walk-In Style-Custom MFD tilt,4-Dr. Cab, 330 HP Automatic,A/C, Raised Roof-Walk-In 16' Heavy rescue body, maximum compartment space, 8Kw PTO generator, 6000 watt light tower, 10 shelves, 4 roll out trays. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each Price: $575,007.00 Total: $575,007.00 Manufacturer: I Pierce Manufacturer#: Imerce Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees (i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s) will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2:An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell,install,and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3:Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or,if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas,the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Enforcer Page 39 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 CXC1ut "H" 3 6 Section V: Rescue Vehicles.Walk-In Style-Custom LFD tilt, 4-Dr. Cab,400 HP Automatic, A/C, Raised Roof-Walk-In 16' Heavy rescue body, maximum compartment space, 8Kw PTO generator, 6000 watt light tower, 10 shelves, 4 roll out trays. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each Price: $722,770.00 1 Total: F $722,770.00 Manufacturer: Pierce Manufacturer#: Pierce Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees(i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s) will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2:An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell, install,and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3:Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or,if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas,the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Velocity Page 40 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 Apps txnat "A" 3 7 Section V: Rescue Vehicles,Walk-In Style-2-Dr. Cab, 84"cab to axle,AJC -Walk-In 12' Light Duty rescue, maximum compartment space, 5Kw Honda generator, roll up doors, 4 shelves, 2 roll out trays, 15,000#GVW, 250 HP diesel engine, heavy duty cooling, duel 110 amp alternator, automatic transmission, power disc front and rear brakes, standard frame, chrome front bumper, minimum 30 gallon fuel tank, 2-door cab with bench seat, mirrors, air conditioner, tilt-telescoping steering wheel, full gauge package, tires to match axle GVW rating, steel disc wheels. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each No Bid Manufacturer: I No response Manufacturer#: No response Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees(i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s) will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2:An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell,install,and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3:Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or,if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas,the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body No response Page 41 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 Apps Cour "A" 3 8 Section V: Rescue Vehicles, Walk-In Style-2-Dr. Cab, 170" cab to axle, A/C -Walk-In 14' Light Duty rescue, maximum compartment space, 5Kw Honda generator, roll up doors, 4 shelves, 2 roll out trays, 20,000#GVW, diesel 240 HP engine, heavy duty cooling, 270 amp alternator, Allison MD series automatic transmission, Full air brakes, 12.0 compressor, steel channel frame, 170" cab to axle, chrome front bumper, minimum 45 gallon fuel tank, 2-door with bench seat, west coast mirrors, air conditioner, tilt-telescoping steering wheel, full gauge package, tires to match axle GVW rating, steel disc wheels. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each NO Bid Manufacturer: No response Manufacturer#: No response Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees(i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s) will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2:An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell, install,and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3:Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or,if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas,the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body No response Page 42 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 Cxnat -A- 3 9 Section VI: Quick Attack and Brush Type Vehicles-2-Dr. Cab,U2, 60"CIA,AIC, 15,000#GVW-Aluminum body, maximum compartment space, 300-340 gallon poly tank, booster reel with hose, 26HP diesel powered pump. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each No Bid Manufacturer: I No response Manufacturer#: INoresponse Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees (i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s) will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2:An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell,install,and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3:Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or,if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas,the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body No response Page 43 or 54 pages Vendor.Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Eire 651-21 txnlDlt ..H.. 4 0 Section VI: Quick Attack and Brush Type Vehicles-2-Dr. Cab,U4, 60" C/A,A/C, 15,000#GVW-Aluminum body, maximum compartment space, 300-340 gallon poly tank, booster reel with hose, 26HP diesel powered pump. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each No Bid Manufacturer: No response Manufacturer#: No response Item Notes: NOTE 1:Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees (i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s) will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2:An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell,install, and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3:Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or,if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas,the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body No response Alternate 1 Section VI: Quick Attack and Brush Type Vehicles-2-Dr. Cab, U4, 60" C/A,AIC, 15.000#GVW -Aluminum body, maximum compartment space. 300-340 gallon poly tank, booster reel with hose. 26HP diesel powered pump. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG. LPG. etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each Price: $122,555.00 1 Total: $122,555.00 Manufacturer: I Skeeter Manufacturer#: ISkeeter Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire Page 44 of 54 pages 651-21 Apps CXnat "A" Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Ford 4 Section VI: Quick Attack and Brush Type Vehicles-2-Dr. Cab,U4,60"CIA,AIC, 15,000#GVW-Aluminum Body, 500 gallon poly tank, booster reel with hose, 100 gpm pump. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each Price: $235,200.001 Total: $235,200.00 Manufacturer: Pierce Manufacturer#: Pierce Item Notes: NOTE 1:Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees(i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s) will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2:An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell,install,and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3:Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or,if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas,the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Ford Alternate 1 Section VI: Quick Attack and Brush Type Vehicles-2-Dr. Cab,4x4. 60"C/A.A/C. 15,000#GVW -Aluminum Body. 500 gallon poly tank, booster reel with hose. 100 gpm pump. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG. LPG. etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each Price: $114,450.00 Total: $114,450.00 Manufacturer: Skeeter Manufacturer#: Skeeter Page 45 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Eire 651-21 txnat "A" Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body I Ford 4 2 Section VI: Quick Attack and Brush Type Vehicles-2-Dr. Cab,4x2, 17500#GVW,275 HP Diesel -Aluminum Body, 500 gallon poly tank, booster reel with hose, 100 gpm pump. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each No Bid Manufacturer: No response Manufacturer#: No response Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees (i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s)will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee"and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2:An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell, install, and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3:Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or,if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas,the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body FNo response Page 46 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 Apps 4 3 Section VI: Quick Attack and Brush Type Vehicles-4-Dr. Cab,4x4, 17500#GVW, 275 HP Diesel, Manual Transmission-Aluminum Body, maximum compartment space, 250 gallon poly tank, 500 gpm PTO pump. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each Price: $237,043.00 1 Total: $237,043.00 Manufacturer: I Pierce Manufacturer#: I Pierce Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees (i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s)will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2:An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell, install, and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3:Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or,if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas,the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body Ford Page 47 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 Cxnlblt "A" 4 4 Section VI: Quick Attack and Brush Type Vehicles-2-Dr. Cab,4x4, 17500#GVW, 275 HP Diesel, Manual Transmission-Aluminum body, maximum compartment space, 300 gallon poly tank, 500 gpm pump. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each No Bid Manufacturer: No response Manufacturer#: No response Item Notes: NOTE 1: Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees(i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s) will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2:An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell,install,and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3:Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or,if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas,the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body No response Page 48 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 txnat "A" 4 5 Section VI: Quick Attack and Brush Type Vehicles-2-Dr. Cab,U2,300 HP,Automatic,AIC-Aluminum Body, maximum compartment space, 500 gallon poly tank, 50 gallon foam, booster reel with hose, 400 gpm diesel driven pump with Foam Pro 2100 system or equal. Include separate sheet with upgrade options to include all manufacturer options including alternative fuel choice equipment(CNG, LPG, etc.) Quantity: 1 UOM: Each No Bid Manufacturer: I No response Manufacturer#: INoresponse Item Notes: NOTE 1:Vendors should propose direct replacement models if a model type specified below has been discontinued by the manufacturer. All fire service apparatus vehicles must meet or exceed and comply with all requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, FMVSS. All vehicle fees to be charged for any purchase from this contract with the exception of delivery fees(i.e. pre delivery inspection, make ready, applicable state inspection fee, manufacturer destination fees, etc.)are to be included in the base price(s). Vehicle fees not included in the base price(s) will not be allowed. The Cooperative service fee for vehicles is not a "vehicle fee" and is not to be included in the base pricing. NOTE 2:An awarded Vendor must be approved by the manufacturer to sell, install,and service the brand of equipment submitted. Proposers responding to this Proposal Invitation should submit an approval letter from each manufacturer. Manufacturer authorization letters must include the regions and/or states in which equipment may be sold. NOTE 3:Vendors must provide a copy of their Franchise Motor Vehicle Dealer Certificate from Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and Manufacturer certificate from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or,if vendor proposes to serve states outside of the State of Texas,the applicable dealer license(s)for such state(s). Item Attributes 1. State Brand of Chassis and Body No response Page 49 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 txnlnit ..H.. 4 6 Section VII: OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT and PARTS.Discount(%)off catalog/pricelist for Original Equipment Manufacturer(OEM)Options.Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 0°l0 Item Notes: Options will be selected by the Cooperative member at the time of order. A COMPLETE LIST OF ALL OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT AND PARTS MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH PROPOSAL FOR PROPOSAL TO BE CONSIDERED! Vendors proposing various manufacturer product lines per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each Manufacturer listed. • Additional/Alternate Manufacturer lines must submitted by selecting "Add Alternate." Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist 0% off list Page 50 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 txnat -A- 4 7 Section VII: OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT and PARTS-Discount(%)off catalog/pricelist for Third Party(not OEM)and Unpublished Options and Equipment.Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 5% Item Notes: Options will be selected by the Cooperative member at the time of order. A COMPLETE LIST OF ALL OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT AND PARTS MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH PROPOSAL FOR PROPOSAL TO BE CONSIDERED! Vendors proposing various manufacturer product lines per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each Manufacturer listed. • Additional/Alternate Manufacturer lines must submitted by selecting "Add Alternate." Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist All vendor Page 51 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 Cxnat "H" 4 8 Section VII: OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT and PARTS- Discount(%)off catalog/pricelist for Original Equipment Manufacturer(OEM)Parts.Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 5% Item Notes: Options will be selected by the Cooperative member at the time of order. A COMPLETE LIST OF ALL OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT AND PARTS MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH PROPOSAL FOR PROPOSAL TO BE CONSIDERED! Vendors proposing various manufacturer product lines per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each Manufacturer listed. • Additional/Alternate Manufacturer lines must submitted by selecting "Add Alternate." Item Attributes 1. State Name of Cata log/Price list OEM 4 9 Section VII: OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT and PARTS- Discount(%)off catalog/pricelist for Extended Service Maintenance Agreements.Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 5% Item Notes: Options will be selected by the Cooperative member at the time of order. A COMPLETE LIST OF ALL OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT AND PARTS MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH PROPOSAL FOR PROPOSAL TO BE CONSIDERED! Vendors proposing various manufacturer product lines per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each Manufacturer listed. • Additional/Alternate Manufacturer lines must submitted by selecting "Add Alternate." Page 52 of 54 pages Vendor:Siddons-Martin Apparatus and Equipment Fire 651-21 CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 10f1 77 Complete Nos.l-4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos.1,2,3,5,and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2021-832045 Siddons Martin Emergency Group, LLC Houston,TX United States Date Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 12/13/2021 being filed. City of Round Rock Date Acknowledged: 3 Provide the Identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or Identify the contract,and provide a description of the services,goods,or other property to be provided under the contract. 651-21 Fire Service Apparatus Vehicle Parts 4 Nature of interest Name of Interested Party City,State,Country(place of business) (check applicable) Controlling I Intermediary Siddons Martin Holding, Inc. Houston,TX United States X 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. F1 6 UNSWORN DECLARATION My name is Kathryn Williams and my date of birth is My address is 1362 E. Richey Rd. Houston TX 77073 USA (street) (city) (state) (zip code) (country) I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in Harris County, State of Texas on the 13 day of December 20 21 (month) (year) IsWaTulre of a4thorized agent of contracting business entity (Declarant) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.1.191b5cdc CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 10f1 Complete Nos.1-4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos.1,2,3,5,and 61 there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2021-832045 Siddons Martin Emergency Group,LLC Houston,TX United States Date Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 12/13/2021 being filed. City of Round Rock Date Acknowledged: 01/06/2022 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or Identity the contract,and provide a description of the services,goods,or other property to be provided under the contract. 651-21 Fire Service Apparatus Vehicle Parts Nature of interest 4 Name of Interested Party City,State,Country(place of business) (check applicable) Controlling Intermediary Siddons Martin Holding,Inc. Houston,TX United States X 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑ 6 UNSWORN DECLARATION My name is and my date of birth is My address is (street) (uty) (state) (zip code) (country) I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in County, State of on the day of ,20 (month) (year) Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity (Declarant) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.1.191b5cdc