Contract - Transportation and Economic Development Corporation and Chamber of Commerce - 1/27/2022 FIRSTAMENDMENT TOTHE ADMINISI I ISA TION AND FUNDING AGREEMENTFOIZ THE CITY OF ROUND IROCK ECONOMIC' DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM "["his First Amendment ("First Amendment") is to that one certain Administration and Funding Agreenient for the City ol'Round Rock Economic Development Proorarn ("'Agreement") entered into on the 26th (Jay of March, 2020 by and among the City of Round Rock ("City"), the ROUnd Rock 'Fratisportation and Ecc)nornic Development Corporation ("'I'ED Corp,") and the Round Rock Chamber of Commerce, Inc., DBA Round Rock Chamber, hammer"), collectively the "Parties,". RECF]"'ALS W1 IEREAS, the Parties entered into the Agivernent on the 26(h day of March, 2020; and WHEREAS, the Parties have determined that it is in their best interest to niodify and amend tile Agreerrient to provide For the Chamber to engage a C0I1SLIlLanL to modernize and enhance the Chairiber's economic development website; NOW THEREFORE, the Pat-ties agree to arnend and modify the Agreement as follows: 1. 1.01 Article 11,Adininistration is hereby amended to acid Section 2,.04 which shall read as t7ollovvs: Section 2.04. Website Upgrade. "I"he Chartiber agrees to engage qualified consultant to modernize and enhance the Chamber's economic development website. The City an&or TED Corp. agree to COrItt'ibUtC, LIP to ') In8XiI11LH11 of $l50,000 over the next two years towards the cost of the said Upgrade, 2.01 To the extent necessary to effect the terms and provisions of this First Amendment, the Agreement is hereby amended and modified. fit all other respects, the al'bresaid Agreement is hereby ratified and confirmed. 2.02 ']!'his First Amendment rnaY bC executed in counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which together shaH constitute bUy one and the same instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement is entered into, to be elfective as ofthe 27th day of January, 2022. 0112.1550;4889-5599-41.22 Round Rock Chamber of Commerce BY:!" City of Round lock,Texas By: Craig Morgan, Ma or .... MSpin s, City° C: -rk For City, approvers as to form: r SfuPfim"-;-. , City Attorney Round Rock Transportation and Economic.Development Corporation By: M / its For TED Corp., approved as to form: .phan_L. Sheets, Corporation Attorney