Contract - LJA Engineering - 5/26/2022 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON § SUPPLEMENTAL CONTRACT NO. 2 TO CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FIRM: LJA ENGINEERING ("Engineer") ADDRESS: 2700 La Frontera Boulevard, Suite 150,Round Rock,TX 78681 PROJECT: Red Bud Lane South This Supplemental Contract No. 2 to Contract for Engineering Services is made by and between the City of Round Rock, Texas, hereinafter called the "City" and LJA Engineering, hereinafter called the"Engineer". WHEREAS, the City and Engineer executed a Contract for Engineering Services, hereinafter called the"Contract", on the 26th day of September, 2019 for the Red Bud Lane South Project in the amount of$550,863.65; and WHEREAS, the City and Engineer executed Supplemental Contract No. 1 on April 8, 2021 to amend the scope of services and to increase the compensation by $1,370,142.09 to a total of $1,921,005.74; and WHEREAS, it has become necessary to amend the Contract to modify the provisions for the scope of services and to increase the compensation by $226,790.00 to a total of$2,147,795.74; NOW THEREFORE, premises considered, the City and the Engineer agree that said Contract is amended as follows: 1. Article 1, City Services and Exhibit A, City Services shall be amended as set forth in the attached Addendum To Exhibit A. I1. Article 2, Enizineeriniz Services and Exhibit B, Engineering Services shall be amended as set forth in the attached Addendum to Exhibit B. Exhibit C Work Schedule shall be amended as set forth in the attached Addendum to Exhibit C. Supplemental Contract Rev.06/16 0199.1950;4868-3531-7278 84275 l 2-,2D-ZZ- 1�7 III. Article 4, Compensation and Exhibit D, Fee Schedule shall be amended by increasing by $226,790.00 the lump sum amount payable under the Contract for a total of $2,147,795.74, as shown by the attached Addendum to Exhibit D. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Engineer have executed this Supplemental Contract in duplicate. [signature pages follow] Supplemental Contract Rev.06/16 0199 1950;4868-3531-7278 84275 2 LJA ENGINEERING By: � � Kenneth G.tchrock 5/4/2022 Date Supplemental Contract Rev.06/16 0 199 1950.4868-3531-7278 84275 CITY OF OUND ROCK APP VED AS T FORM: By: =A Craig Mkrgan, ayor Stepha I. Sheets, City Attorney 5/,!g Date I Supplemental Contract Rev.06 16 0 199 1950,4868-3531-7278 84275 4 ADDENDUM TO EXHIBIT A City Services 1. City of Round Rock will provide any as-built drawings for developments along Red Bud Lane based on availability. 2. City shall any existing CADDIGIS files and pertinent as-built plans of the roadway, storm sewer, and water and wastewater utilities in the area. 3. City of Round Rock will provide any available traffic information to aid in pavement design. 4. The City will provide timely reviews in conjunction with the agreed upon schedule. 5. City of Round Rock will provide all City permits necessary. 6. The City will host monthly utility coordination meetings. 7. The City will provide payment for necessary permitting fees including TCEQ. ADDENDUM TO EXHIBIT B Engineering Services Roadway: Red Bud Lane County: Williamson Limits: PS&E:from Gattis School Road to Forest Ridge Blvd./Evergreen Dr. General Work Description: Develop 60%,90% and 100% plans, specifications,and estimates (PS&E) of utility improvements to develop the Red Bud Lane Improvement Project. Add a new traffic signal at the intersection of Evergreen Dr./Forrest Ridge Blvd. and Red Bud Lane. After 60%utility conflict analysis,it was determined that the following improvements would be required to add to the project: Relocate the 16"waterline that is Relocate 16"Waterline currently in conflict due to the roadway being lowered.(4,000ft South Red Bud Relocate PRV Vault Relocate the PRV Vault at Forest Lane(Gattis School Design Creek that is in conflict with road. to Forest Creek) Add a second PRV vault for Add a PRV Vault waterline heading south at Forest Creek. Relocate waterlines Clean up waterlines at intersection of Red Bud and Forest Creek. Relocate the existing 8"reuse line 8" Reuse from Bobby Jones Way to Forest Ridge Blvd due to road conflicts. South Red Bud Relocate the existing 12" force Lane(Forest Creekmain from Bobby Jones Way to to Forest Ridge Design 12' Forcemain Forest Ridge Blvd due to road Blvd) conflicts. 6"Forcemain Relocate the existing 6"force main several hundred feet 8"Reuse line Install to CR123 Red Bud South 12"Forcemain Install to CR123 (Forest Ridge Blvd Design „ to CR123) 6 Forcemain Install to CR123 Summary: • 4,830 LF of water line(16"and 12") relocated • S,900 LF of force main (6"and 12") relocated • 16"waterline will be converted to a reuse line from Forest Creek Drive to CR 123. FC 145-PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COMMUNICATION PLAN 1. Meetings 1 a. Team Coordination Meetings-Hold staff/team/discipline meetings at the Engineers office to coordinate the proposed utility and traffic signal design. 2. Invoicing and Contract Document Coordination a. Prepare Supplemental work authorization contract documents 3. Produce Project Scheduling a. Update design schedule in Microsoft Project format for approval by the City indicating tasks,milestones, major meetings,and reviews. Update schedule with each milestone deliverable. 4. Submittals and QA/QC a. QA/QC of all documents for additional work prior to milestone submittals (60%,90%, 100%).Detailed Check Review for all designs,Inter-discipline coordination review,detailed plan and construction reviews. b. Prepare Submittals for City Oversight Reviews (60%,90%, 100%) c. Document control for project on all submittals, reviews,comments,and any other project files. FC 162.3 -TRAFFIC SIGNALS ♦ LJA will prepare plans,general notes,specifications,and estimates for traffic signal construction. The pians will be prepared in compliance with the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD)and TxDOT and City of Round Rock standards, as applicable. ♦ LJA will prepare traffic signal plans for the Red Bud Lane at Evergreen Dr. intersection. ♦ The following plan sheets will be prepared for each intersection: o General Notes o Summary of traffic signal quantities o Existing Conditions Layout o Proposed Traffic Signal Layout o Signal Phasing and Writing Charts o Proposed Traffic Signal Elevations o Proposed Intersection Pavement Marking,Signing,and Curb Ramp Layouts o Traffic signal pole,foundation,and electrical service standard sheets with quantities. o Select and prepare all applicable TxDOT standard sheets for traffic signal construction and traffic control during signal construction. FC 163.10-UTILITY DESIGN The Engineer will perform: ♦ Site visits and field investigations as necessary to confirm field data o The Engineer will conduct two (2)site visits to verify data on utility locations, future alignments, conflicts, and other engineering aspects,and collect additional photography of existing conditions. For the purposes of estimating the effort for this task,it is assumed that the design team will conduct two (2) site visits using two (2) personnel. 2 The Engineer will develop the following plan sheets in accordance with City of Round Rocks' guidelines. ♦ Determine Preliminary Alignment Relocations and Appurtenance Placement,Limits of Improvements ♦ Prepare E&Q Sheet: Estimate and Quantity Data Sheet ♦ Prepare Project Layout/Horizontal Alignment Layout ♦ Prepare Waterline,Force Main,Reuse line Improvement Plan&Profile Sheets,and Reuse line Improvement Plan Sheets. ♦ Prepare Connecting Tie-In Lines Plan and Profile ♦ Waterline Adjustments o Cleanup waterlines at intersection of Red Bud and Forest Creek. ♦ Prepare additional Construction Detail Sheets ♦ Pressure Reducing Valve Vault Location o Coordinate with city for size based on water model ♦ Prepare a list of force main and reuse Specifications complete with standard and special specifications with applicable special provisions needed for the project. ♦ Tabulate Quantities and Probable Construction Costs ■ The estimate will be in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format, reflect Travis, Williamson County, and other recent local Average Unit Bid items and descriptions. The estimate will contain all major items that will likely be on the project ♦ Submit improvement plans to TCEQ for approval Milestone Comment Resolution ♦ Update plans per City of Round Rock comments received from the 60%,90%and 100% milestone review meetings. t Deliverables o Exhibits for utility meetings o Route Layout o Construction Plan Submittals (60%,90%,100%) o Specifications Submittals(60%,90%, 100%) o Engineers Opinion of Probable Construction Costs(60%,90%,100%) o Electronic Graphics-provide the City an electronic deliverable of the plans (including standard drawings) submit both PDF&Microstation Format o Submittals - 60%,9010,and 100%submittals - Comments and revisions requested at the review meetings shall be incorporated into the plans for the subsequent submittal. 3 ADDENDUM TO EXHIBIT C Work Schedule Attached Behind This Page EXHIBIT C Red Bud Ln PS&E Schedule PROJECT NAME Red Bud Lane SWA#t Utility ImprovementslTraffi<Signal ID Task Name Duration I Start Fmrsh 0111202, Qe 3,2021 011 A.2021 Otr 1.2022 Qtr 2 2022 qtr 3.2022 0—2022 Nal. AP,, ., lun , lu. . Ay.g Sep O[1 , N Deo 1 t Feb mai APr I Mg un Iv' A, SeF Ocl Nov Det 7 NTP 0 days 4/1/217 _ _4/1/21 NTP 411 2 ROW Acquisition 330 days 4/1/21 2/24/22 ROW Acgwenion 2na 3 PS&E 584 days 4/1/21 11/5/22 PSSE 4 60%PS&E 442 days 4/1/21 6/16/22 60%P64E S 60%Design 120 days 4/1/21 7/29/21 6 60%Submittal to City 0 days 7/29/21 7/29/21 �7126 7 City Review 21 days 7/30/21 8/19/21 8 Comment Resolution 10 days 8/20/21 8/29/21 9 60%Utility Submittal to City 0 days 5/27/22 5/27/22 577 10 City Utility Review 21 days 5/27/22 6116/22 11 90%PS&E 156 days 3/21/22 8123/22 90%PS&E 12 90%Design(including Utilities) 124 days 3/21/22 7/22/22 13 90%Submittal to city 1day 7/23/22 7/23122 j'7123 14 City Review 21 days 7/24/22 8/13/22 15 Comment Resolution 10 days 8/14/22 8/23/22 4 16 100%PS&E 74 days 8/24/22 1115/22 100%PS&E 17 100%Design(including Utilities) 43 days 8/24/22 1D/5/22 18 100%Submittal to City 0days 10/5/22 10/5/22 �tOrs 19 City Review 21 days 10/6/22 10/26/22 20 Comment Resolution 10 days 10/27/22 11/5/22 t 21 Final PS&E Submitted to City 0 days 11/5/22 11/5/22 Final PS6E Submitted to City j 1115 ADDENDUM TO EXHIBIT D Fee Schedule Attached Behind This Page RED BUD LANE FEE ESTIMATE EXHIBIT D FEE SCHEDULE-Supplemental Design Services for Plans,Specifications and Estimates PROJECT NAME: Red Bud Lane SWA#2-Utility Improvements/Traffic Signal PRIME PROVIDER NAME: UA Engineering,Inc. Date: 412112022 RED BUD LANE PROJECT TASK DESCRIPTION 9enla Project Engineer/ Project E.I.T. Senicl U811ry UtliltyEngineering GADO GIS AnalysU GIS Atlmin Total Manager Planner Engineer Coordinator Coordinator Operator Cartography Technician FC 145-Protect Management Team Coordination Meebngs 40 40 40 40 160 Supplemental WA Contract Creabpn 80 80 160 Project Sonedule 40 40 80 Document Control 8.0 80 Prepare Submdbjs and DA1QC 36 D 360 80 Boo HOU RS SUBTOTALS 520 440 40 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 240 1280 LABOR RATE PER HOUR $230 $180 $160 $135 $160 $122 $120 $85 5110 $95 $70 UBTOTAL $11,960 $7,920 $640 $540 $0 f0 so f0 $0 so $1.6so $22,740 FC 11621-Traffic Signals Feld via s wi RR Signal M8O Team 10 10 40 60 Exisbng Candlftns Layout 10 20 40 10.0 170 Proposed Sgnai Layout 10 60 60 240 390 Proposed Signal Elevations 10 60 80 200 350 Proposed Signal Details 10 40 80 200 330 Pro osetl Wrm D /Tamn Chan 10 60 80 200 350 Standard SMA/DMAiagramermna Foundabcn Sheets 10 10 20 4.0 80 Omer Standard Data h 10 20 2.0 so Sgnal Ouanahes Summary Tables and OPC 10 20 1 60 8.0 1 170 S--Des,n Rev— 120 120 OURS SUB-TOTALS 200 290 500 �"��T 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 DO 2070 LABOR RATE PER HOUR $230 $180 5160 5 $180 $122 $120 $85 $110 $95 $70 SUBTOTAL $d,6W $5,220 $8,000 $80 sa so f0 fD $0 f0 $D S32,400 Senior Protect en r Project Senior utlllry UBIIry en or CADD GIS Analyse GIS TASK DESCRIPTION Manager Englnedr' Engineer . Coortlinator Coortlinator Engineering Operator Cartography 7echnlcian Admin Total Planner FC 163.10-Utility Design 163 10 1 Star Vis[s 40 40 80 63 10 2 Prepare Exhibds for 1.0 Meetings 40 80 120 163 10 3 Estimate and Guanary Data Sheet 160 320 480 163104 Project Layout l Homontal Ah nment Layout sheet 40 60 160 260 163105 Plan and profile sheets 400 2500 4500 7400 113111 Waterline Ad sbnents 40 100 400 540 -7631-07 Tie-In.Lines Pian antl Profiles 40 16.0 24 D 440 163108 Standard Construction Details 2.0 40 60 15310 9 Pressure Retlucm Valve Vault 20 4 0 10 0 76 0 163 10 IC Senior Desgn Reviews 560 1 1 1 560 163 1011 Project Manual w th Technical Speaficabons 20 so 100 180 163 10 12 En sneer'smm�df Probable Construction Costs 20 so 100 18.0 163 10 13 Respond[o/Atldre55 Cay 60%comments 80 160 160 40,0 163 10 14 Respond to/Address City 90%comments 20 so 100 18.0 163 10 15 Respond to/Address Cdy 100%comments 20 60 10.0 18.0 163 10 16 Respond to TCEO comments 20 20 100 140 163 10 17 Plan Submissan w TCEO 10 10 40 8.0 HOURS SUB-TOTALS 560 730 3550 6580 DO 00 00 00 DO 00 00 11420 BOR RATE PER HOUR $230 5180 $160 $135 $160 $122 $120 $85 $710 $95 $70 SUBTOTAL $12,880 $13,140 $56,800 $88,830 f0 So SO So SO f0 f0 $171,650 LJA ENGINEERING,INC.TOTAL $226,790.00 Page 1 of 1