Contract - Siena MUD 1 - 5/26/2022 REAL ESTATE CONTRACT Old Settlers Blvd. Right of Way THIS REAL ESTATE CONTRACT ("Contract") is made by and between SIENA MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1, (referred to in this Contract as "Seller", whether one or more) and the CITY OF ROUND ROCK, TEXAS (referred to in this Contract as "Purchaser"), upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract. ARTICLE I PURCHASE AND SALE By this Contract, Seller sells and agrees to convey, and Purchaser purchases and agrees to pay for, the tract(s) of land described as follows: All of that certain 3.235 acre (140,929 square foot) tracts of land out of and situated in the Robert McNutt Survey, Abstract No. 422 in Williamson County, Texas; more fully described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein; together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances pertaining to the property, including any right, title and interest of Seller in and to adjacent streets, alleys or rights-of-way (all of such real property, rights, and appurtenances being referred to in this Contract as the "Property"), and any improvements and fixtures situated on and attached to the Property described in Exhibit"A" not otherwise retained by Seller, for the consideration and upon and subject to the terms, provisions, and conditions set forth below. ARTICLE II PURCHASE PRICE Purchase Price 2.01. The Purchase Price for the Property, compensation for any improvements on the Property, and for any damage or cost of cure for the reconfiguration of the remaining property of Seller shall be the sum of TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY-THREE THOUSAND and 00/100 Dollars ($273,000.00). Payment of Purchase Price 2.02. The Purchase Price shall be payable in cash or other good funds at the Closing. Special Provisions and Additional Consideration 2.03. Proposed Project Improvements. As an obligation which shall survive the Closing of this transaction, and as additional consideration for the purchase and sale of the Property, Purchaser agrees that, as part of the proposed Old Settlers Blvd. roadway extension construction project ("Project"), it shall cause the construction of the 6' to 8' tall corridor fencing constructed {W1141638.51 of recycled rubber by Eco-Wall or another manufacturer of similar quality and appearance, the proposed retaining walls, the 6' wide sidewalk, the 10' wide shared-use path, the crosswalk at the intersection of Old Settlers Blvd. and CR 110, and the sidewalk along the westerly right-of- way of CR 110 connecting Old Settlers Blvd. to Seller's existing trail system approximately 500 feet south of the Project, all of which are depicted on or described in the attached Exhibit `B" and all of which must be constructed pursuant to plans and specifications in material conformance with the plan sheets attached as Exhibit "B", which plans and specifications Purchaser shall provide to Seller promptly upon formal, final approval by Purchaser and all other applicable regulatory authorities. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties acknowledge that the alignment of the sidewalk connection depicted on page 3 of Exhibit"B" is preliminary as of the effective date of this Contract, and any final location or configuration shall be determined by Purchaser after field data collection and verification and additional engineering review and design, and shall otherwise comply with any applicable City of Round Rock Code of Ordinances. By execution of this Contract, Seller hereby allows Purchaser, its contractors and agents to temporarily enter the remaining property of Seller only to the extent and for the duration as necessary to carry out the Project construction obligations of this Paragraph, and upon completion shall restore Seller's property to like or better condition than which existed prior to entry. The provisions of this Section 2.3 shall survive the Closing under this Contract. ARTICLE III PURCHASER'S OBLIGATIONS Conditions to Purchaser's Obligations 3.01. The obligations of Purchaser hereunder to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby are subject to the satisfaction of each of the conditions in Section 3.02 below(any of which may be waived in whole or in part by Purchaser at or prior to the Closing). Miscellaneous Conditions 3.02. Seller shall have performed, observed, and complied with all of the covenants, agreements, and conditions required by this Contract to be performed, observed, and complied with by Seller prior to or as of the Closing. ARTICLE IV REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF SELLER 4.01. Seller hereby represents and warrants to Purchaser as follows, which representations and warranties shall be deemed made by Seller to Purchaser also as of the Closing Date, to the current, actual knowledge of Seller: (a) There are no parties in possession of any portion of the Property as lessees, tenants at sufferance, or trespassers, other than previously disclosed to Purchaser; (b) Seller has complied with all applicable laws, ordinances, regulations, statutes, rules and restrictions relating to the Property, or any part thereof. {W1141638.51 2 4.02. The Property herein is being conveyed to Purchaser in lieu of and under threat of condemnation. ARTICLE V CLOSING Closing Date 5.01. The Closing shall be held at the office of Texas National Title Company (the "Title Company") on or before June 10, 2022, or at such other time, date, and place as Seller and Purchaser may agree in writing(which date is herein referred to as the"Closing Date"). Seller's Obligations at Closing 5.02. At the Closing Seller shall: (1) Deliver to the City of Round Rock, Texas a duly executed and acknowledged Deed in conveying good and indefeasible title in fee simple to all of the Property described in Exhibit "A", free and clear of any and all liens and restrictions, except for those matters set forth in the Deed. (2) The Deed shall be in the form as shown in Exhibit"C" attached hereto. (3) Provide reasonable assistance as requested and at no cost to Seller to cause Title Company to provide Purchaser at Closing a Texas Owner's Title Policy at Purchaser's sole expense, issued by Title Company, in Purchaser's favor in the full amount of the Purchase Price, insuring Grantee's fee simple and/or easement interests in and to the Property subject only to the terms of such policy and the standard printed exceptions contained in the usual form of Texas Owner's Title Policy, provided, however: (a) The boundary and survey exceptions shall be deleted; (b) The exception as to restrictive covenants shall be endorsed "None of Record", if applicable; and (c) The exception as to the lien for taxes shall be limited to the year of closing and shall be endorsed"Not Yet Due and Payable". (4) Deliver to Purchaser possession of the Property. Purchaser's Obligations at Closing 5.03. At the Closing, Purchaser shall: (a) Pay the cash portion of the Purchase Price. {W1141638.51 3 Prorations 5.04. General real estate taxes for the then current year relating to the Property shall be prorated as of the Closing Date and shall be adjusted in cash at the Closing. If the Closing shall occur before the tax rate is fixed for the then current year, the apportionment of taxes shall be upon the basis of the tax rate for the next preceding year applied to the latest assessed valuation, but shall otherwise be the continuing obligation of Seller to fully satisfy. Agricultural roll-back taxes, if any, which directly result from the completion of this transaction and conveyance shall be paid by Purchaser. Closing Costs 5.05. All costs and expenses of closing in consummating the sale and purchase of the Property shall be borne and paid as follows: (1) Owner's Title Policy and survey to be paid by Purchaser. (2) Deed, tax certificates, and title curative matters, if any, paid by Purchaser. (3) All other closing costs shall be paid by Purchaser. (4) Attorney's fees paid by each respectively as incurred. ARTICLE VI BREACH BY SELLER In the event Seller shall fail to fully and timely perform any of its obligations hereunder or shall fail to consummate the sale of the Property for any reason, except Purchaser's default, Purchaser may: (1) enforce specific performance of this Contract; or (2) request that the Escrow Deposit, if any, shall be forthwith returned by the title company to Purchaser. ARTICLE VII BREACH BY PURCHASER In the event Purchaser should fail to consummate the purchase of the Property, the conditions to Purchaser's obligations set forth in Article III having been satisfied and Purchaser being in default and Seller not being in default hereunder, Seller shall have the right to receive the Escrow Deposit, if any, from the title company, the sum being agreed on as liquidated damages for the failure of Purchaser to perform the duties, liabilities, and obligations imposed upon it by the terms and provisions of this Contract, and Seller agrees to accept and take this cash payment as its total damages and relief and as Seller's sole remedy hereunder in such event. If no Escrow Deposit has been made then Seller shall receive the amount of $500 as liquidated damages for any failure by Purchaser. In the event Purchaser shall fail to diligently pursue and complete its obligations under Section 2.03 of this Contract, Seller will be entitled to any and all rights and remedies available to Seller at law or in equity. For the avoidance of doubt, the foregoing sentence shall survive the Closing under this Contract. {W1141638.51 4 ARTICLE VIII MISCELLANEOUS Notice 8.01. Any notice required or permitted to be delivered hereunder shall be deemed received when sent by United States mail, postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to Seller or Purchaser, as the case may be, at the address set forth opposite the signature of the party. Texas Law to Apply 8.02. This Contract shall be construed under and in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, and all obligations of the parties created hereunder are performable in Williamson County, Texas. Parties Bound 8.03. This Contract shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors and assigns where permitted by this Contract. Legal Construction 8.04. In case any one or more of the provisions contained in this Contract shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, this invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision hereof, and this Contract shall be construed as if the invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein. Prior Agreements Superseded 8.05. This Contract constitutes the sole and only agreement of the parties and supersedes any prior understandings or written or oral agreements between the parties respecting the within subject matter. Time of Essence 8.06. Time is of the essence in this Contract. Gender 8.07. Words of any gender used in this Contract shall be held and construed to include any other gender, and words in the singular number shall be held to include the plural, and vice versa, unless the context requires otherwise. {W1141638.51 5 Memorandum of Contract 8.08. Upon request of either party, the parties shall promptly execute a memorandum of this Contract suitable for filing of record. Compliance 8.09 In accordance with the requirements of Section 20 of the Texas Real Estate License Act, Purchaser is hereby advised that it should be furnished with or obtain a policy of title insurance or Purchaser should have the abstract covering the Property examined by an attorney of Purchaser's own selection. Effective Date 8.10 This Contract shall be effective as of the date it is approved by the Round Rock city council or city manager, which date is indicated beneath the Mayor's or City Manager's signature below. Counterparts 8.11 This Contract may be executed in any number of counterparts, which may together constitute the Contract. Signatures transmitted by facsimile or electronic mail may be considered effective as originals for purposes of this Contract. [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS] {W1141638.51 6 SELLER: SIEN I [PAL T ITY [STRICT NO. 1 By: Address: c/o Armbrust&Brown,PLLC ! Atte: Kevin M.Flahive f } j 100 Congress Ave.,Suite 1300 Name: t �///""" ��"S Austin,Texas 78701 Its: Date: 5' '!� PURCHASER: CITY OF ROUND ROCK,TEXAS By: Address: 221 E.Main Street Craig Mor an, M or Round Rock,Texas 78664 Date: {W 1141638.5; 7 �2�z2-Iqj Exhibit"A" EX H 1831 T"A'" County: Williamson Page 1 of6 Project: Old Settlers Blvd. March 25,2021 Halff AV 37145.00" BEING A 3.235 ACRE TRACT OF LAND (APPROX. 140,929 5Q. FT.) IN THE ROBERT MCNUTT SURVEY ABSTRACT NO.422.BEING ALL OF LOT 1E,BLOCKJJ AND 3E. BLOCK II OF SIENA SECTION 23A,A SUBDIVISION OF RECORD IN DOCUMENT NO. 2 01 500 867 5 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS (O,P.R.W.C.T,), CONVEYED TO SIENA MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 IN DOCUMENT NO. 2016053677.O.P.R.W.C.T.; SAID 3.235 ACRE TRACT BEING HEREINAFTER DESIGNATED BY PART 1 AND PART 2, AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: PART 1 -1.616 ACRES(APPROX.70.391 SO. FT.) BEGINNING at a ','2-i^ch ran Fod .with "RJ Survevirg" cac)found in the east line orf the 40.052 acre tract of land conveyed to City of Round Roc,<. Texas in Document Ilo_ 2618096958 0_P.R.1A'.C.T.fo,the south,.west corner of said Lot 3E. being;:common coy^er .with Lots 85 and 84 of said Siena Section 23A, having Texas State Plane HAD 83 (Central Zone)surface coordinate values N 10174299.66 and E 3155314.91; THENCE I lorth 05`33'35"West,with the west line of said Lot 3E, in part, being the east line of said 40.052 acre tract a distance of 100.28 feet to a 112-inch iron rod with "RJ Surveying" cap found for the northwest comer of said Lot 3E, being the southwest corner of Lot 65 for the northwest corner of the herein described tract of land; THENCE North 80'112'43" East. with the north line of said Lot 3E,being the south lines Lots 65- 74. B!iock II of saic Siena Se:-Ian 23A, at a distance of 145.52 feet passing a 112-inch iron rod viit', "RJ Survey ng" Cap found at the most southerly comma- corner of Lots 65 and 66, at an acd1ional dista••c:e of 102.i_;" feet passing a 112-inch iron rod ".with "RJ Surveying" cap found at the nost sa therly common -_,:-liner of Lots 66 a^d 67 at a^ add,tiona ciiistance of 106.09 feet passing a 112- -cn iron rod vi ith 'RJ Surveying" cao found at the most southerly common corner of Lots 68 and 69: at an adci_onal distance of 53.03 feet pass ng a 112-inch iron rad with "RJ Surveyi^g" cao fou,•d at the m:-:s-_s=,utr',e•IV comma, :_orne,of Lots 69 a"d 73. at an additional distance of 52.88 feet oassinc a 1r2-rc`- rin roc svith R.. S_-,,evi g" cap fou�,d at the common corner of Lots 70 and 71. at an arlcl ti,_-.-i d starice of 52 9J feet passing a 1;2-+rich iron rod with "RJ 5urueyi g"cap fou catnth e .:c_rrrtar c_ er of Lots 7 and 72.at an additional distance of 53.13 feet pass -a a 1 i2-inch r_,n o± �.�i h 'PJ Surveying" c:a:) fo,mc at the most southerly`com no^co--,er of _s 72 n:!73 i- al. .:d s_ance of 702.23 feet to a 11'2-inch iron rad with"ATS"cap found in thee_-1i,g-,vest ght- ay ine of Porano Circle(50'right-of-,n-ay width) for the northeast corner of said Lot 3E,be ;I t-e southeast corner of said Lot 74, THENCE with the west night-of-way line of Po-ano Circle, being the east lune of said Lot 3E,with said curve to the left,having a radius of 1509.29 feet.a delta angle of 03°48"05",an.arc length of 100.13 feet, and a chord which bears South 07`50'20" East, a distance of 100.12 feet to a calcu'ated paint for the southeast co,:•er of Lot 3E, being the northeast corner of Lot 75,Block II of said Siena Section 23A,for the southeast comer of the herein described tract,from which a 112-inch iron rod found bears South 09°07'18"East,a distance of 0.30 feet; THENCE South 80°12"58"West, with the southeast'ine of said Lot 3E,being the northwest lines of Lots 75-84, Block 11 of said Siena Section 23A, at a distance of 188.52 feet passing a 112-inch iron rod found at the common corner of Lots 77 and 78. at an additional distance of 106.29 feet passing a 112-inch iron rod with"RJ Surveying" cao found at the most southerly common corner of Lots 79 and 80, at an additonal distance of 53.22 feet pass ng a 112-inch iron rod with '''RJ {W1141638s} Exhibit"A" - 1 County: Williamson Page 2 of 6 Project: Old Settlers Blvd. (March 25,2021 Halff AVO: 37145.001 Surveying"cap fo,nd at the common corner of Lots 80 and 81,at an acici:ona .'i.:once of 52.53 feet passing a V2-i^c.r, non rod v.,ith '''RJ Surveying" cap found at the rr_s sc_•tl e 1y common corner of Lots B1 anci 82..at a• acdit•onal d stance of 136.84 feet pass+ng a 1r2-inch :con rod with "RJ Sunreyrg" cap fo -d at the most so.,the,ly common carne of Lots 83 and 84, in all, a distance of 706.22 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 1.616 acres of land, more or less,with n these metes a-d bou-ids. PART 2-1.619 ACRES tAPPROX.70.538 SO. FT.) BEGINNING at a 112-,nc^ iron rod v th "RJ Survey ng"cap fo and in the vest`ght-of-way line of County Road 110 [CR 110] {right-of-way width vanes}for the southeast corner of said Lot 1E, being the northeast corner of Lot 16A, Block JJ of the Final Plat of Siena Phase " Section 22B, having Texas State Plane NAD 83(Central Zone)surface coordinate values N 10174547.60 and E 3166749.51: THENCE South 80°07'48"West,with the south line of said Lot 1E. in part, being the north lines of sa,d Lot 16A and Lots 15-11. Block JJ of said Sie-a Phase 1. Section 22B anc -_.s 7 ,nd 6. Blocx JJ of said 5 ena Sectio-, 23A,.at a d stance of 177.25 feet passing a 112-inch i or,rcc:f::,ri 11 at the most northe,ly coinmon cor-er of sa d Lots 15 a:,,d 14. at an additonal d,stance or-,?-0-15 "eet passing a 1,'2-inch iron rod s.;Ih "RJ Surveying" cap found at the •nost northerly corp i-,::, arner of Lots 14 and 13, at an addJio••a' d,.stance of 53.05 feet passing a 112-nch ron roc it, "RJ S,,rveyrg"cap found at the most northeily common comerof Lots 13 and 12.at an additiona. stance of 52.89 feet passing a 1.+'2-inch ion ro•d vJth "RJ Surveying" ciao fo,;nc at the most northerly common corner of Lots 12 and 11. in all:a d stance of 416.63 to a 1i2-inch iron rod with "RJ Surveying"cap found at the most no,tlher'"y coni-no:• corner of Lots 10 and 11; THENCE South 80"1758"West, conti wing with the south line of said Lot 1 E, in part being the north lines of Lots 10, 9 and 8, Block JJ of said Siena Section 22B, and in part being the north I r e of L t-,7 a„d 6,Block JJ of said Siena Sect on 23A,at a distance of 52.97 feet gassing a 112- i '01-1 o 1;.ill "RJ 5urvevi-7' :_al: round at the most northerly common corner of Lots 10 and 9,at an ac:"i 7 i::,•::I ai.--,t i _e:::f ..:)[ feet passi g a 112-inch iron rod �Jth"RJ Surveying”cap found at the most northerl•: ::c-i-rrjn canner of Lots 9 a,•d B, at an acid tional distance of 53.12 feet passing a 112-inch irc- c ss th "RJ Szveying" cap found at t1,e most no,the;r!.y common corner of Lots B and 7; in all, a dista ce of 283.03 feet to a c.alc.ilated point in the east right-of-way line of Porano Circle for the sc..thwest corner of said Lot 1 E and southwest corner of the herein described tract of 1@--r --o i- .'•;h r-h a 1f2-inch iron roe found bears North 16°20'35" East, a distance of 0.71 feet, THENCE with the east right-of-way line of Porano Circle, being the ,nest line of said Lot 1E,with a curve to the right, having a radius of 1459.29 feet, a delta angle of 03'55'55". an arc length of 100.14 feet_and a chord .,vh ch bears North 07°46'26"West. a d sta:•.ce of 100.12 feet to a 112- inch iron rod with "ATS" cap fo.,nd for the northwest corner of said Lot 1 E: being the southwest corner of Lot 5,Block JJ of said Section 23A; THENCE North 80°1243"East, leaving the east right-of-way line of Porano Circle;with the north line of said Lot 1E and south lines of Lots 5-1 of Block JJ of said Siena Section 23A, passing a 112-inch iron rod found at the most southerly common corner of Lots 5 and 4 at a distance of 82.53 feet,at an additional distance of 52.97 feet passing a 112-inch iron rad with"RJ Surveying" cap found at the most southerly common corner of Lots 4 and 3,at an additional distance of 53.05 feet passing a 112-inch iron rod with "RJ Surveying" cap found at the most southerly common {W1141638.51 Exhibit"A" - 2 EXHIBIT"A" County: Williamson Page 3 of 6 Project: Old settlers Blvd. March 25,2021 Halff AVO: 37145.001 corner of Lots 3 and 2,at an additional distance of 55.00 feet passing a 112-inch iron rod with"RJ Surveying"cap found at the most southerly com no- corner of Lots 2 and 1, in atl, a distance to the calculated point angle point in the south I're of Lot 1; THENCE hJnrlh 80°08'22" East. continuing with t^e :North line of said Lot 1E. T !7art. be°ng the south lies of Lots 1. 3A and 2A Sl,-.-k. J of said Siena Section 23A_ at a cist.i ::e i-,f it=! , fie' passing a 1/2-Inch :rcln rod -,�iflh '•A-S' cap fou.-d It 1�'•e nl•osl s'ou0'el1+; _;'lfi'::!L :c`" r of Lots 1 a:,d 3A. ata addi'iolal di:.-ante of 55':5 feet e: .-,sir c a _-, m :n:! :;t! 'R,i Surveyi•g" cao frs_i,:! ..t - e most sc-.#herty cor --or. -':-in e! cf a ' -_t,-7 aiod -A. i- rsl:, a distance of 429.63 -ee. 'c: a 1I2-inch -on root •, 'tli 'Ha,If-' c_3 . set n . est iu^.t f-,, ,v I re of CR 1 10.fcr the nor,l,e:: -omer of'he herein ::!es:.rit.e ry ra:ct.::`Ia :a fr ,r •hich a 112-inch iron rod with"RJ SUrve'JI-C" :•:,p fours•_ an ang!e :•ai t ;as ,; I"t f-,: ; I ne of CR 110 bears North 02`23'03"West;a cistance of 3205. feet; THENCE South 02°23(:3' -a.t °,Ih the west right-of-way tine of CoLmty Road 1"0(R.CJ.W_width varies),being the east Dile of_,ai„L ;t 'E.a distance of 100.87 feet tc•the POINT OF BEGINNING a,id containing 1.619 acres o'land. more of less.vdth in these n)etes and dou;"ds: PART 1 -1.616 ACRES JAPPROX.70.391 SCS. FT.) PART 2-1.619 ACRES�APPROX.70.538 SO. FT.) TOTAL 3.235 ACRES(APPROX.140,929 SO. FT.) C TOTES- Basis of bearings is the Texas Uoord,nate System of 1983, Central Zone 4203 (NAD8312011). All distances shown hereon are surace and.nay be converted to grid by dividing by the surface adjustment factor of 1.00012; scaled about 0,.0. Units: U.S. Survey Feet. Last date of Field Survey:June 2,2020. I,Curtis Wayne Watts,a Registered Professialal Land Surveyor,do hereby certify that the above description is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that the ;property described herein was determined by a survey made on the ground under my direction and supervision. March 25,2021 OF 7 Curtis Wayne Watts,R.P.L.S. Date Registered Frofessional Land Surveyor Q4s Texas Registration No.6614 CURTIS WAYNE.WATTSW Halff Assoc ates,Inc.,TBPELS Firm Na. 10029W7 d6r,14 -:q- 9500 Ambergien Blvd.,Bldg. F,Suite 125 2 •fit S S} l , Austin,Texas 78729 512-777-4600 S U R`t {w1141638.51 Exhibit"A" - 3 p46+.BPes�7E4�rtn-tKru w�,pwr. LINE DATA LINE n BEARING DISTANCE L1 N 05'33'35" .Y ^100.28' L2 04-33'35" 'N 22,55' LEGEND p I:;j IF.II-.II;6N ROD WITH'HAtFF'CAPRET L3 IN 02-23'03" W 32.05' A CAI GIA Al FD POINT L4 S 02-23'03- E 100.87' • 11It IFl:!-+IR:_:N re::I?I OUND ATsa i!2-Ity 1-1Kf,NKOD-,'l11i ATS'CAPFOUND Tu• 1:L-I',r" RON i.i'•°dl1 H"RJ SURVEYING`CAP FOUND P.O.B. POINT^F RFGI1,1;Ir,C P.O.C. POINT OF G<•`rr mrr.;;FMENT CURVE DATA I CURVE# RADIUS DELTA 1.1-N[,TH EIEAHING CHOI D I "H1 TH C1 1509.29" 3°49'45` .I:I: S;i!° i'r l;:'L I::;:.I PART 1 -1.516 ACRES I.APPROX 70.391 SO.FT.) PART 'L 1 619 ACRE'S'iAPPI- GX. 70.538 SO.FT.) C2 1459.29' 3°55'55` 100.14' 1 rd-r'•:b24'W ::0.12' TOTAL 3.235 ACRES iAPPROX.140.929 SO.FT.) W 03.25.2021 r' F l � O•"� TIS is A SURFACE DRAxMNs. li-H I It: WA'YN E WATTS 9EAM%IQ RM199t TW-TEXAS C0.» I%AlE 5Y51 Ek IJH'1 i';A'jN i;.. s, 6614 (. D€N710L 2ONEa7030ASEfl;1'. IE'.! .,•�pnit:::;:,;;i'tSr•e•MIIii',5. C�._ 11 ('� Clomv6o8" *pR A T.i..�I.....:,.`.. .ti Li•.;. NOTE THiS'SUFNeeS`! .-...II--OUTTNE rIIR`I BENEFFTOFACQYYITV; IIII. ,�K DMAYEE iWERSE8GAl£r.m.10:,-I u:r:llt S1B.IECTTOA6M1,D1A_:. '.I ]! IFOR GWO TO Al+;.<K.'<1\r=:<SIOyl MALEOARCU-ra,O Project No.:37145,041 HALFF 3.235 ACRES (APPROX. 140,929 SQ. FT.) IssLied: 0312&2021 nVk r.'i ,. :,III is SIENA SECTION 23A 37145.001 SIENA EXHI$IT M ROUND ROCK,TEXAS 04 pf 06 l-"pM.ixl:-Cr.i eH;r.'r.M'r�4FA'N SCALE: 1" = 100' GRAPHIC SCALE r 100 50 0 N p.W,W4D7K 4 A v 5' ll " -c- II xa'}15(1NIa�, I rr ` i]PAW.C.T. I ffhJhLL•",'f l i 1 III LII-rJ.d:-1CIII)r•1 :!A BLOCKy } } 73 L 7d -11 ;YI II/r 0c,1 N , r l5s p,7s 'I t} 72 1 111 - L � � 70 �' vl� -4I Lil RIS 1 68 L 1 y 067 < 11•.f ul s - .[!,.91' I 1 / 85 { ' �y'pp •�4, „L �Y- 4�l5'I'k 1[y 53 T L r 51 10 s u j•<� 1 9 5?.:I F.iTrP.h l I h,lOre'fA� ,a.,.:'i i' MJCK II ;'Wl-1J :�r�lnL51l' n ✓�J ;1•. ':.I. i� 7; it- Sf - I F,' .` .P FP. CITY OF ROUND f U:.IEXAg CN IIDa H1 SI PART 1-1.84$ACRES Ln 1.; 145.:7£ t 70.301 .I- n I?4Y.0 T JND a.za J _ , 4 SV W.WFNl1€, 14', '1 OF 7L yS,LL I Oal , 'I f 18-. +'I I DOC.W,2019paBgF5 -�i _ y,i-i I 111 - a.6 O.PR,W.C.T. I r,�... - 'f �1 �lr, ,� 14 4 75 ann1�� -k-11l 58" rug 1 ` 77 r6 S '� '1$®,E31' r -I llt:kl.l;I li 4 �y5 5 4pgyOSti,'E} 7� ]g 7.1 ,0,20. { 6m 1I }l } 11 1i00.4'i, It167�j w t1Exn I 1 l v.� PCSR S SURFACE C::)!-) El. � FINN-f-'L�tT B K II r W I141•' SIIrJ?.SI-[;IICrJ : E31'Z"31 ,I75SA �`'r �o� I'I?. y.(,,� +tig G l.J Il. V4" wN T T. T. T. T. -r7 G�f'4 u�.. l W R. W CURTIS WAYNE WATTS 4 --_ a 6614 ar Project No.:37145.001 M `FF 3.235 ACRES (APPROX. 140,929 SQ. FT.) Issued: 03IM2021 SIENA SECTION 23A 171.45.Wl$IENA EXHIBIT a yll• ROUND ROCK,TEXAS :. ..,,: 05 of 06 TI4K+.C96SEL®ri•�IIh:wt&,pwr. 4 J GRAPHIC SCALE SCALE: 1" = 100' PORANOCIRCLE iQU 5O 4 1UG (R.O,W.WIDTH VARIES) _ FINAL PLAT ,tr H - SIENA SECTION 23A b , 3 B CM JJ DOC,NO.2015009875 2A ooc.na. s y t O.P.F2.W.C.T. OPEN OPR.W.w.C.T..T. . S l 3A �� 429.153 SPACE'o z 4 3 2 1 1 N 80° 3x"43,' yd.5d �rt,r uce. ao 15aoaer5 5 rel J. ;? - IN !.A:l 1 a Nj50°1. bS 35.'36' PART 2-1.619 ACRES '°rJi.asz1 74 - r4 IAPPR�OX.70,538 SQ.FT.)12 1:3 73r05o'1� 't j7. s.r.. igx3Y I'.L.7 I PIM 1&gpp} "A i; 82,53` gt•Ey 'R.f' # 5111 f`il I f..1.:!IDD RTS' j IF I'l OLK 33 4N� ,25` K•t N 1-:�17 7.� '11-.1:- ir,�7 pr'FN 5` ' y53, aczsl 41Fi- / 35�1� ,r�:mans Sf A1;F ,:„nnt �T' S21t' �. 4 ��"i1V >� 3.13 Fourmn.ls r U 1'' �n r o ,•"L' )2.93. 3 32 r �� 15 3E 5�5 Y•14F PL R} a r .i 1M1 Q r .: 14 OPEN N / 3.'•� :s1tr s3o� L— .rrir FINAL PLAT �� I aoc Na m+3oaussa Faunlo o.5rr SPACEFouNo 0s5' NORTH Of PIL e y SIL NA PI I! t 1 1'('I I'N rµ � � o;�re .C.r. NORTht OF PL r4aliV 1, �,� ,0 SF14 12'..`x, 13 [][�c N l- 1 ��: ,e LOT 16A, 57 b $ll& „ 1U 11 r jjYCj 1fi � LL".-CKJJ. J000r�B. e { y OPEN SPACE r�3Api 1' N RODF. N T 8 BL I{JJ 1 { {ll l 1�o�°ur,s'€,0.9. 8 SABBIA W 11 1 75 COVE � �W i 77 7 r r 17 c im so {75 d z�z { 4.p LT. �-.. y.• - - F .4 �-. 03-2Cr2021 r'� 4 '.�r• �� W 1P .xnnn+ 5 1 l CUR114t'r.•"dI O ceO O I O FINAL PLAT t— ,;r y -- U 0 0 5I ENA SECTION 23A r u- t-u ROC.NO.2015009875 O t +•,::.:•� h ' _ Lu olLIJl L Project No.:37145,001 C� HALFF 3.235 ACRES (APPROX. 140,929 SQ. FT.) Issued 0312&2021 SIENA SECTION 23A 37145.Wl SIENA EXHI$IT 'l3PELS SVH•ic'I`,.,.�:-�: .:,.'d:' M -EL 6131 FIT-i::� ROUND ROCK,TEXAS 06 of 06 i � I p BARATOGA HOMES -- n Au3TIN of. i0 PicOcessrrr r f lu 0, 6'y' I70' j f SLLLEI 1" 130'•130' f ANO CIR'�-� i SIENA PLAT POR - RNA L PLAT SIENA 5F ION 23A x�rzuTER xa E Sel���gqxr - D& NO.2c130086T5 PORANO CIA �-�j T �I '1 - wc, polowye¢ O.P.R.W.C,T. bl I PRE W 10 I c t10 11 I 1. BE RFrrTIE6 B 11,E 1 STOP u 31xRE01. I -'- ^ F I 'I I � ��x t •"� - _ -OLv Stm.BLVD- `_ gt ll5 BLVD• - r - _ - - - .�ti,� /7�T,' OLD SETTLE _ L - _ - 1 PRw i RlOox rE Ixal-' 1' SIENA MU FINAL PLATO ' S - - Fxlsr Tgaxslxs5Fu PUE I SIENA PHASE 1 SECTION 228 4 I .849 (�T/�PL q�I1 1 DOL.P.R.W.C.T B !` { SLOERRER REL[Ul[WI PO%E l:.;I 1 SI Vf iSOFXV I l l O`P.R.W.C.T, W1 1 i Ellsr rn�asmx Pa 1 i I i"I �� - IST rRxxRxIS51�tl'PdlES 'I I I I L���I p� � � i - FND BRIDGES �j B 1 o j" PROP RE1 MILL •''•T �I �I � i ' �" y i '• I O SABBIA DB I jrc O j u RDUNU 11 K.TEXAS ADBIRRE&FIELDS go..�o. OLD SETTLERS EXTENSION SIENA MUD EXHIBIT M GL'NLF, L h,Q L5: H. ,NCIFI L:nE<xl_E. 2 1111 AND INCxES NNLE DESIGIl NOTES: - ��-Ions:e,n EDrclad aLNINIILI POST -0f _L�aLRIOGk�Aiy_d h'rC�:0R5.Pi 00338 9 KS rc6E ww - ,V,I.D i- r<CC C�DRr,C I (TlPICAL P091 SPACNiGJ - - - sf-F -1i0 NPx DPA, EF. 3E19 C416- C �,NS DEREC VA-FFA Si PILI IREssxc—rND,H:awo PS a UST-IN-PGCE 19 D<"' ��SIIAPT 1.ryy� 4a'Ex�/�Efx aTSTS SH#L 9E ASIX 9221 ALVNNDN ,CVCI.EII f�..RF'�R w00D sECI G NC CpN TH M DOUGMI FIR 5$ WALL PLAN RADE Aln EwDINsmE wrH_x9sD Psl LW9EA CORE { RECYCLL ED RUBBER PROVIDE CIP N3, �A4EL - I n3TA1:TIGN 1 A TYPICAL WALL PANEL N 1 POST ELEVATION POST END VIEW � W a N S 4htL�rF� l• F 5: a ^' I 19•Du CAST-IN-PGCE DRILL sHAP'I(M) ................. ry OMM AND Xf1NON SOIL O NXK)N 10 9E -_JN�S I:,STUIIT 9 rrxE �BhSED 6N SOIL CG IDIM1ONS 8 & LII �r 9�e- •� 1 . i L� WALL ELEVATION e 1:4 ✓ - 4/i/20=1 e�- 8�> MT RI R INTERIOR ans�n-PtxE P TYPICAL POST DETAIL 4. Stantec - �P7 aourvo ROCK rexns RExNEx ENx,aw-sENNEx,s z a r is E-AFT-E.9TH AND RECYCLED R'uBBER REINEC,Et-I—L 9E INJI;, NAL- SYSTEM DEs�cvrD R+aa,nN ALSDIL!LC FENCE GEC'I cndrr�R[om R, F r ,ITTPJI 5 Oi AN WNASIN GB14 95 195 114 +Y\2112\actl'n\114320288\02-Daal9^\08-Willa\U&01-SN1a11\2,122020A_SND02_Sxx),.dyn LOAN i Old Settlers Blvd Extension tl 1 � 1 Ir mama " 4 s x m " f {w1141638.51 Exhibit"B" - 3 Exhibit"C" THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON § NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY RIGHTS: IF YOU ARE A NATURAL PERSON, YOU MAY REMOVE OR STRIKE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FROM THIS INSTRUMENT BEFORE IT IS FILED IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS: YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER OR YOUR DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER. NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: That SIENA MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1, hereinafter referred to as Grantor, whether one or more, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration to Grantor in hand paid by City of Round Rock, Texas, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, and for which no lien is retained, either expressed or implied, have this day Sold and by these presents do Grant, Bargain, Sell and Convey unto CITY OF ROUND ROCK, TEXAS, all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the County of Williamson, State of Texas, along with any improvements thereon, being more particularly described as follows (the "Property"): All of that certain 3.235 acre (140,929 square foot) tract of land out of and situated in the Robert McNutt Survey, Abstract No. 422 in Williamson County, Texas; more fully described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein. SAVE AND EXCEPT, HOWEVER,it is expressly understood and agreed that Grantor is retaining title to the following improvements located on the Property: NONE RESERVATIONS FROM AND EXCEPTIONS TO CONVEYANCE AND WARRANTY: Visible and apparent easements not appearing of record; Any discrepancies, conflicts, or shortages in area or boundary lines or any encroachments or any overlapping of improvements which a current survey would show; Easements, restrictions, reservations, covenants, conditions, oil and gas leases, mineral severances, and encumbrances for taxes and assessments (other than liens and conveyances) presently of record in the Official Public Records of Williamson County, Texas, that affect the property, but only to the extent that said items are still valid and in force and effect at this time. {w1141638.51 Exhibit"C" - 1 Grantor reserves all of the oil, gas and other minerals in and under the land herein conveyed but waives all rights of ingress and egress to the surface thereof for the purpose of exploring, developing, mining or drilling or pumping the same; provided, however, that operations for exploration or recovery of any such minerals shall be permissible so long as all surface operations in connection therewith are located at a point outside the acquired parcel and upon the condition that none of such operations shall be conducted so near the surface of said land as to interfere with the intended use thereof or in any way interfere with,jeopardize, or endanger the facilities of the City of Round Rock, Texas or create a hazard to the public users thereof, it being intended, however, that nothing in this reservation shall affect the title and the rights of Grantee to take and use without additional compensation any, stone, earth, gravel, caliche, iron ore, gravel or any other road building material upon, in and under said land for the construction and maintenance of Old Settlers Blvd. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the property herein described and herein conveyed together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging unto City of Round Rock, Texas and its assigns forever; and, subject to the matters set forth herein, Grantor does hereby bind itself and its successors and assigns to Warrant and Forever Defend all and singular the said premises herein conveyed unto City of Round Rock, Texas and its assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof by, through, or under Grantor, but not otherwise, provided, however, that if any portion of the metes and bounds description of the property attached hereto as Exhibit "A" is located outside the boundaries of Lot 3E, Block II and Lot IE, Block JJ, SIENA SECTION 23A, a subdivision in Williamson County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof recorded under Document No. 2015008675, Official Public Records, Williamson County, Texas, then the conveyance of such portion of the property is made without warranty of title or any other warranty of any kind or nature. Except as otherwise set forth herein and in the Real Estate Contract between Grantor and City of Round Rock, Texas for the property (the "Contract"), the property is being conveyed and sold by Grantor and purchased and accepted by City of Round Rock, Texas on an "as-is, where-is and with all faults" basis, and with any and all conditions and defects which may exist, and without the existence of and without reliance upon any representation, warranty, agreement, or statement by Grantor or anyone acting on behalf of Grantor including, without limitation, any broker, engineer, surveyor, appraiser or environmental consultants. City of Round Rock, Texas has the right under the terms of the Contract to thoroughly inspect and examine the property to the extent deemed necessary by City of Round Rock, Texas in order to enable City of Round Rock, Texas to evaluate the purchase of the property for City of Round Rock, Texas' intended use. City of Round Rock, Texas is relying solely upon such inspections, examinations and evaluations of the property by City of Round Rock, Texas and/or City of Round Rock, Texas' representatives in purchasing the property and shall hold Grantor harmless of any and all existing conditions and defects relative to the property. This deed is being delivered in lieu of condemnation. {w1141638.51 Exhibit"C" - 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed on this the day of. 2022. [signature pages follow] {W1141638.51 Exhibit"C" - 3 GRANTOR: SIENA MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 By: Name: Its: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF § This instrument was acknowledged before me on this the day of 2022 by in the capacity and for the purposes and consideration recited therein. Notary Public, State of Texas {wI141638.51 Exhibit"C" - 4 ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO BY CITY OF ROUND ROCK, TEXAS: By: Name: Its: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF § This instrument was acknowledged before me on this the day of 2022 by in the capacity and for the purposes and consideration recited therein. Notary Public, State of Texas PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF: Sheets & Crossfield, PLLC 309 East Main Round Rock, Texas 78664 GRANTEE'S MAILING ADDRESS: City of Round Rock Attn: City Clerk 221 Main Street Round Rock, Texas 78664 AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: {wI141638.51 Exhibit"C" - 5 Exhibit "A" The Property EXHIBIT"A'" County: Williamson Page t o1`6 Project: Old Settlers Blvd. March 25,2021 HalffAV0 37145.00' BEING A 3.235 ACRE TRACT OF LAND (APPROX. 140,929 SO. FT.) IN THE ROBERT MCNUTT SURVEY ABSTRACT NO.422.BEINGALLOF LOT 1E,BLOCK JJ AND 3E. BLOCK II OF SIENA SECTION 23A,A SUBDIVISION OF RECORD IN DOCUMENT NO. 2 01 500 867 5 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS (O.P.R.W.C.T.), CONVEYED TO SIENA MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. t IN DOCUMENT NO. 2016053677,O.P.R.W.C.T.; SAID 3.235 ACRE TRACT BEING HEREINAFTER DESIGNATED BY PART 1 AND PART 2, AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: PART 1 -1.616 ACRES(APPROX.70,391 SO.FT,) BEGINNING at a ',,2-inch iron rod with"RJ Surveying"cap found in the east line of the 40.052 acre tract of and conveyed to City of Round Rac,<. Texas in Document No_ 2018096958 O.P.R.'A'.C;.T.fo,the southwest corner of said Lot 3E. being common corner with Lots 85 and 84 of said Siena Section 23A, having Texas State Plane I IAD 83 (Central Zone)surface coordinate values N 10174299.66 and E 3155314.91, THENCE Nor— G5°33'35"West,with the .vest the of said Lot 3E; n part. being the east line of laic 40.052 a::-e Tact a distance of 106.28 feet to a 112-inch iro• rod .mt', "RJ Surveyi ig" cap -ot:nc f_,r the nest corner of said Lot 3E, being the soAh,.tiest c.o,-er of Lot 65 for the northwest comer of the herein described tract of land; THENCE North 80°1243" East. ^rith the north li-e of said Lot 3E,being the sout!, I:nes Lots 65- 74, Block II of said Siena Se::t::,n 23A, at a dista-ce of 145.52 feet pass,ng a V2-inch iron rod with "RJ Survey ng" can marc at --e most southerly common corner of Lots 65 and 66. at an additional dista-c:e o' 1 is . :_: feet passing a 1f2-n& iron rod -,rJth "RJ Surveying" cap fou,-d at the most so.therly coi-in-::-n c_rr er of Lots 66 ard ,37, at a-- add tional distance of 106.09 feet passing a 1I2-unci,, on rod vJth °RJ Surveying"cava found at ti,,e most southerly common corner of Lots 68 and 69: at an adci-onaI cistance of 53.03 feet pass ng a 1!2-in c-h iron rad with "RJ Surveying"ca,)fou,-d at the rr_ sall eommo�, c.orne,of Lots 69 a"d 70. at an additional d stance of 52.88 feet :)assinc a V2-r c: von rod v,ith "RJ S.- e,,i-g" cap fou-c!at the common corner of Lots 70 and 71. at an r:.:!d ti_ ,:I Stance of 52.99 f-et pa sine a V2-+nch iron rod with "RJ Surveying"cap fou"c at" .- i :at_._i iil ie`::common carver of LotS 7. rod 72.at an additional d stance of 53.13 feet pass g a V2-inch ran rod v.ith "RJ Surveying•• ::e3o fa�mc at the most southerly com no^corer cf ?'. r;:1 T3 i- all. a distance of 702.2::feet to a 1r2-inch iron rod with"ATS"cap fo,�nd i^the c_ .i g - t ght-of-•,,,•ay'ine of Porano Cir::le(50'right-of-.a;ay••;ridth) for the northeast corner of said Lot 3E,be..,=I the southeast comer of said Lot 74, THENCE with the west right-of-way line of Porano C•rcle, being the east line of said Lot 3E,with saic: __rve to the left,having a radius of 1509.29 feet..a delta angle of 03'4B'05`,an.arc length of f-el. and a chord which bears South 07°50"20" East, a d stance of 100.12 feet to a zalcu otic: point for the southeast comer of Lot 3E, being the northeast corner of Lot 75,Block II :::f said Sie„ a Section 23A,for the southeast comer of the herein described tract,from which a 112-inch iron rod found bears South 09°07'18”East,a distance of 0.30 feet; THENCE South 80°12'58"West, with the southeast line of said Lot 3E,being the northwest lines of Lots 75-84, Block 11 of said Siena Section 23A,at a distance of 188.52 feet passing a 112-inch iron rod found at the common corner of Lots 77 and 78, at an additional distance of 106.25 feet passing a 1f2-inch iron rod with"RJ Surveying"cap found at the most southerly common comer of Lots 79 and 80. at an additional distance of 5322 feet passing a 112-inch iron rod with "RJ {W1141638s} Exhibit"C" - 6 County: Williamson Page 2 of 6 Project: Old Settlers Blvd. (March 25,2021 Halff AVO: 37145.001 Surveying"cap fo,nd at the common corner of Lots 80 and 81,at an acici:ona .'i.:once of 52.53 feet passing a V2-i^c.r, non rod v.,ith '''RJ Surveying" cap found at the rr_s sc_•tl e 1y common corner of Lots B1 anci 82..at a• acdit•onal d stance of 136.84 feet pass+ng a 1r2-inch :con rod with "RJ Sunreyrg" cap fo -d at the most so.,the,ly common carne of Lots 83 and 84, in all, a distance of 706.22 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 1.616 acres of land, more or less,with n these metes a-d bou-ids. PART 2-1.619 ACRES tAPPROX.70.538 SO. FT.) BEGINNING at a 112-,nc^ iron rod v th "RJ Survey ng"cap fo and in the vest`ght-of-way line of County Road 110 [CR 110] {right-of-way width vanes}for the southeast corner of said Lot 1E, being the northeast corner of Lot 16A, Block JJ of the Final Plat of Siena Phase " Section 22B, having Texas State Plane NAD 83(Central Zone)surface coordinate values N 10174547.60 and E 3166749.51: THENCE South 80°07'48"West,with the south line of said Lot 1E. in part, being the north lines of sa,d Lot 16A and Lots 15-11. Block JJ of said Sie-a Phase 1. Section 22B anc -_.s 7 ,nd 6. Blocx JJ of said 5 ena Sectio-, 23A,.at a d stance of 177.25 feet passing a 112-inch i or,rcc:f::,ri 11 at the most northe,ly coinmon cor-er of sa d Lots 15 a:,,d 14. at an additonal d,stance or-,?-0-15 "eet passing a 1,'2-inch iron rod s.;Ih "RJ Surveying" cap found at the •nost northerly corp i-,::, arner of Lots 14 and 13, at an addJio••a' d,.stance of 53.05 feet passing a 112-nch ron roc it, "RJ S,,rveyrg"cap found at the most northeily common comerof Lots 13 and 12.at an additiona. stance of 52.89 feet passing a 1.+'2-inch ion ro•d vJth "RJ Surveying" ciao fo,;nc at the most northerly common corner of Lots 12 and 11. in all:a d stance of 416.63 to a 1i2-inch iron rod with "RJ Surveying"cap found at the most no,tlher'"y coni-no:• corner of Lots 10 and 11; THENCE South 80"1758"West, conti wing with the south line of said Lot 1 E, in part being the north lines of Lots 10, 9 and 8, Block JJ of said Siena Section 22B, and in part being the north I r e of L t-,7 a„d 6,Block JJ of said Siena Sect on 23A,at a distance of 52.97 feet gassing a 112- i '01-1 o 1;.ill "RJ 5urvevi-7' :_al: round at the most northerly common corner of Lots 10 and 9,at an ac:"i 7 i::,•::I ai.--,t i _e:::f ..:)[ feet passi g a 112-inch iron rod �Jth"RJ Surveying”cap found at the most northerl•: ::c-i-rrjn canner of Lots 9 a,•d B, at an acid tional distance of 53.12 feet passing a 112-inch irc- c ss th "RJ Szveying" cap found at t1,e most no,the;r!.y common corner of Lots B and 7; in all, a dista ce of 283.03 feet to a c.alc.ilated point in the east right-of-way line of Porano Circle for the sc..thwest corner of said Lot 1 E and southwest corner of the herein described tract of 1@--r --o i- .'•;h r-h a 1f2-inch iron roe found bears North 16°20'35" East, a distance of 0.71 feet, THENCE with the east right-of-way line of Porano Circle, being the ,nest line of said Lot 1E,with a curve to the right, having a radius of 1459.29 feet, a delta angle of 03'55'55". an arc length of 100.14 feet_and a chord .,vh ch bears North 07°46'26"West. a d sta:•.ce of 100.12 feet to a 112- inch iron rod with "ATS" cap fo.,nd for the northwest corner of said Lot 1 E: being the southwest corner of Lot 5,Block JJ of said Section 23A; THENCE North 80°1243"East, leaving the east right-of-way line of Porano Circle;with the north line of said Lot 1E and south lines of Lots 5-1 of Block JJ of said Siena Section 23A, passing a 112-inch iron rod found at the most southerly common corner of Lots 5 and 4 at a distance of 82.53 feet,at an additional distance of 52.97 feet passing a 112-inch iron rad with"RJ Surveying" cap found at the most southerly common corner of Lots 4 and 3,at an additional distance of 53.05 feet passing a 112-inch iron rod with "RJ Surveying" cap found at the most southerly common {W1141638.51 Exhibit"C" - 7 EXHIBIT"A" County: Williamson Page 3 of 6 Project: Old settlers Blvd. March 25,2021 Halff AVO: 37145.001 corner of Lots 3 and 2,at an additional distance of 55.00 feet passing a 112-inch iron rod with"RJ Surveying"cap found at the most southerly com no- corner of Lots 2 and 1, in atl, a distance to the calculated point angle point in the south I're of Lot 1; THENCE hJnrlh 80°08'22" East. continuing with t^e :North line of said Lot 1E. T !7art. be°ng the south lies of Lots 1. 3A and 2A Sl,-.-k. J of said Siena Section 23A_ at a cist.i ::e i-,f it=! , fie' passing a 1/2-Inch :rcln rod -,�iflh '•A-S' cap fou.-d It 1�'•e nl•osl s'ou0'el1+; _;'lfi'::!L :c`" r of Lots 1 a:,d 3A. ata addi'iolal di:.-ante of 55':5 feet e: .-,sir c a _-, m :n:! :;t! 'R,i Surveyi•g" cao frs_i,:! ..t - e most sc-.#herty cor --or. -':-in e! cf a ' -_t,-7 aiod -A. i- rsl:, a distance of 429.63 -ee. 'c: a 1I2-inch -on root •, 'tli 'Ha,If-' c_3 . set n . est iu^.t f-,, ,v I re of CR 1 10.fcr the nor,l,e:: -omer of'he herein ::!es:.rit.e ry ra:ct.::`Ia :a fr ,r •hich a 112-inch iron rod with"RJ SUrve'JI-C" :•:,p fours•_ an ang!e :•ai t ;as ,; I"t f-,: ; I ne of CR 110 bears North 02`23'03"West;a cistance of 3205. feet; THENCE South 02°23(:3' -a.t °,Ih the west right-of-way tine of CoLmty Road 1"0(R.CJ.W_width varies),being the east Dile of_,ai„L ;t 'E.a distance of 100.87 feet tc•the POINT OF BEGINNING a,id containing 1.619 acres o'land. more of less.vdth in these n)etes and dou;"ds: PART 1 -1.616 ACRES JAPPROX.70.391 SCS. FT.) PART 2-1.619 ACRES�APPROX.70.538 SO. FT.) TOTAL 3.235 ACRES(APPROX.140,929 SO. FT.) C TOTES- Basis of bearings is the Texas Uoord,nate System of 1983, Central Zone 4203 (NAD8312011). All distances shown hereon are surace and.nay be converted to grid by dividing by the surface adjustment factor of 1.00012; scaled about 0,.0. Units: U.S. Survey Feet. Last date of Field Survey:June 2,2020. I,Curtis Wayne Watts,a Registered Professialal Land Surveyor,do hereby certify that the above description is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that the ;property described herein was determined by a survey made on the ground under my direction and supervision. March 25,2021 OF 7 Curtis Wayne Watts,R.P.L.S. Date Registered Frofessional Land Surveyor Q4s Texas Registration No.6614 CURTIS WAYNE.WATTSW Halff Assoc ates,Inc.,TBPELS Firm Na. 10029W7 d6r,14 -:q- 9500 Ambergien Blvd.,Bldg. F,Suite 125 2 •fit S S} l , Austin,Texas 78729 512-777-4600 S U R`t {w1141638.51 Exhibit"C" - 8 p46+.BPes�7E4�rtn-tKru w�,pwr. LINE DATA LINE n BEARING DISTANCE L1 N 05'33'35" .Y ^100.28' L2 04-33'35" 'N 22,55' LEGEND p I:;j IF.II-.II;6N ROD WITH'HAtFF'CAPRET L3 IN 02-23'03" W 32.05' A CAI GIA Al.FD POINT L4 S 02-23'03- E 100.87' • 11?IFl:!-+IR:_:N re::I?I OUND ATsa i!2-Ity 1-1Kf,NKOD-,'l11i ATS'CAPFOUND Tu• 1:L-I',r" RON i.i'•°dl1 H"RJ SURVEYING`CAP FOUND P.O.B. POINT^F RFGI1,1;Ir,C P.O.C. POINT OF G<•`rr mrr.;;FMENT CURVE DATA I CURVE# RADIUS DELTA I.I-rKJH EIEAHING CHOI D I "HI TH C1 150.2,Y 3°49'45` .I:I: S;i!° i'r l;:'L I::;:.I U PART 1 -1.516 ACRES I.APPROX 70.391 SO.FT.) PART 'L 1 619 ACRE'S'iAPPI- OX. 70.538 SO.FT.) C2 1459.29' 3°55'55` 10.14' 1 rd-r'•:b24'W ::0.12- � TOTAL 3.235 ACRES iAPPROX.140.929 SO.FT.) W 43.25.2021 r' F l � O•"� TIS is A SURFACE DRAxMNs. li-H I It: WA'YN E WATTS 9EAM%IQ RM199t TW-TEXAS C0.» I%AlE 5Y51 EM{P IJH'1 i';A'jN i;.. s, 6614 (. D€N710L 2ONEa7030ASEfl;1'. IE'.! .,•�pnit:::;:,;;i'tSr•e•MIIii',5. C�._ 11 ('� Clomv6o8" *pR A T.i..�I.....:,.`.. .ti Li•.;. NOTE THiS'SUFNeeS`! .-...II--OUTTNE rIIR`I BENEFFTOFACQYYITV; IIII. ,�K DMAYEE iWERSE8GAl£r.m.10:,-I u:r:llt S1B.IECTTOA6M1,D1A_:. '.I ]! IFOR GWO TO Al+;.<K.'<1\r=:<SIOyl MALEOARCU-ra,O Project No.:37145,041 HALFF 3.235 ACRES (APPROX. 140,929 SQ. FT.) IssLied: 0312&2021 nVk r.'i ,. :,III is SIENA SECTION 23A 37145.001 SIENA EXHI$IT M ROUND ROCK,TEXAS 04 pf 06 l-"pM.,xl:-Cr.i eH;,r.'r.M'r�4FA'N SCALE: 1" = 100' GRAPHIC SCALE r 100 50 0 100 N p.W,W4D7K 4 A v s' ll " -c- II xa'}15(1NIa�, I r'r- f asxw.c.T. f IhJhLL•",'I l i 1 III LII-rJ.d:-1CIlf)r•1 :!?. BLOCKy } } 73 L 7d -11 ;YI II/r 0c,1 N , r l5s p,7s, 'I t} 7270 1 1 111 - 71 168ul�. :4I Lit RIS L 1 y 067 < ',I•.f ul s - .[!,.91' I 1 / 85 { ' �y'pp •�4, „L �Y- 4�l5'I'k 1[y 53 T L r 51 10 s u j•<� 1 9 Y- F.iTrP.h l _�I h.l Ore'fA� ,a.,.:'i i' M JCK II ;'W l-14 ✓�J ;1•. ':.I. i� 7; it- SI - I F,' .` .P FP. CITY OFrOLUNDI U IEXAS PART 1-1.84$ACRES O CN II I11:i _a HI-SI - 145.5 L" t 7¢301� .I r I PR.W.C.T. saw.w Nu€, oa.za _ F .9,-.I� J..�T IOF PL Lb 1W1 8:. I DOC.FBD.�190fB975 ,�i s -1 -- 'a �y ,z2 II II 1 75 I �L�.FL 1 IIS,,' .' /J/ 4 s,. �n, t o5 •5$" ,�y, r u6 �1 4 76 i 4z 'I$®,E31' r ln:kl.l�I SII l � NBS�OSti, ` 78 om 1'I `1 k gp `1 79 y r+o,aar, laar� W. � i�ggro-I � �h1 $1 4 v.P I v,r,.r. � POR tT `1 SURFACE C::?ORE]. f-'LPB K II { } r W W1¢1•'�2�F�.G-� � SII rJ?.SI-r-Inl�tl. �rJ .SA ll f E 31'Z"31 r1 �. Q%75 �`'rG �o� -- I'I?. y.(,,� +til7kV l.J Il. Oi-2S�t32'I -' �.,� V"' T.T.T.T IF T. -r7 G�f'4 u�.. l r 1 CURTIS WAYNE WATTS a 6614 ar Project No.:37145.001 M `FF 3.235 ACRES (APPROX. 140,929 SQ. FT.) Issued: 03IM2021 M.M'!i-.,�.: ,: �:I: SIENA SECTION 23A .-171.45.'x¢1$IENA EXHIBIT AUll• ROUND ROCK,TEXAS 05 of 06 TI4K+.C96SEL®ri•�IIh:wLF,pwr. 4 J GRAPHIC SCALE SCALE: 1" = 100' PORANOCIRCLE iQU 5O 4 1UG (R.O,W.WIDTH VARIES) _ FINAL PLAT ,tr H - SIENA SECTION 23A b , 3 B CM JJ DOC.NO.2015009875 2A � ooc.na. s y t O.P.F2.W.C.T. OPEN OPR.W.w.C.T..T. . S l &A �� 429.153 SPACE'o z 4 3 2 1 1 N 80° 3x"43,' yd.5d �rt,r uce. ao 15aoaer5 5 rel J. ;? - OFA,W .T. ] LN !.A:l 1 a Nj50°1. bS 35.'36' PART 2-1.619 ACRES1°rJi.asz3 74 - r4 IAPPR�OX.70,538 SQ.FT.)12 1:3 731050'1 't j7. s.r.. igx3Y I'.L.7 I PIM 1&gpp} "Ai; 82,53` gt•Ey 'R.f' # 5111 f`ilI f'.W!IRD RTS' j IF I'l OLK 33 4N� ,25` K•t N 1-:�17 7.� '11-.1:- ir,�7 Or'FN 5` ' y53, rs8261 41Fi- / 35�1� ,r�:mans Sf A1;F ,:„nnt �T' S21t' �. 4 ��"i1V >� 3.13 Fourm n.ls r U 1'' �n r o ,•"L' )2.93. 3 32 r }.; RJ 153AUt *3�� 15 -- 3E SOUY•14F PL R} a r .i 1M1 ' t L r Qi 3. ,t OPEN N / 3.'•.f :ut.. 530 L— .rrir FINAL PLAT �� I aoc Na mt 30LO55a Faun1D o.5rr SPACEF�ND os5' NORTH Of PIL e y S11 NA PI I! t 1 1'('I I fl rµ o�re .C.r. U NORTH OF PL 4,al�l, �,� ,0 SF14 1.2�..`�, 13 [][�c N l- 1 ��: e LOT 16A, 1695 r& °1'� ,, 11 rj Y,Cj_ � L.LI.:CKJJ, r - - }1rrB5..57 5 14 10 - 1 fi O PE N SPACE L53AR1 y ROD +WN T 1 8 33L K JJ ll l 50k9 rls'€.9. 8 5ABBIA W 11 75 COVE � �W i 77 7r r 17 c im so {75 d z�z { 4.p LT. �-.. y.• - - F 03-25-2021 4 '.r z 1 l � CUR 114 I'r.•"dI O D O I O FINAL PLAT t— i-:: y -- U 0 0 5I ENA SECTION 23A r �i �i ROC.NO.2015009875 O t +•,::.:•� h ' Lu Project No.:37145,001 C� HALFF 3.235 ACRES (APPROX. 140,929 SQ. FT.) Issued 0312&2021 SIENA SECTION 23A 37145.Wl SIENA EXHI$IT 'l3FELS SVH•ic'I`,.,.�:-�: .:,.'d:' M -EG131 FIT-i::� ROUND ROCK,TEXAS 06 of 06