Contract - Williamson County - 6/9/2022 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN WILLIAMSON COUNTY AND THE CITY OF ROUND ROCK,TEXAS REGARDING THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE WYOMING SPRINGS EXTENSION THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT is made and entered into effective this //,-day of J� 2022, by and between WILLIAMSON COUNTY (the "County") and the CITY Of ROUND ROCK,TL:XAS(the"City"),political subdivisions of the State of Texas. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, V.T.C.A., Government Code, Chapter 791, the Texas Interlocal Cooperation Act, provides that any one or more public agencies may contract with each other for the performance of governmental functions or services for the promotion and protection of the health and welfare of the inhabitants of this State and the mutual benefit of the parties; WHEREAS, the parties desire to equally share costs related to the preliminary design and construction of a four-lane paved roadway known as the Wyoming Springs Extension (the "Project") from Brightwater/Creekbend Blvd. to Sam Bass Road, in Round Rock, Texas, at the location shown on Exhibit"A'; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained,the undersigned parties agree as follows: 1. The City and the County have authorized and approved this Agreement by resolution or order adopted by their respective bodies, and this agreement will be in full force and effect when approved by each party. 2. The County agrees to pay to the City,pursuant to the conditions stated herein, fifty(50%) percent all Project Costs, up to and no more than Nine Million and 00/100 Dollars ($9,000,000) (the "County Reimbursements"). Project Costs include preliminary and final design, right-of-way acquisition, environmental mitigation, utility relocations (if any), construction bidding and management and all other costs related to the construction of the Project. After City's payment of each expenditure for Project Costs, the City will transmit a copy of said expenditure to the County, upon timely receipt, proper documentation and approval of each expenditure the County shall make a good faith effort to pay the amount which is due within thirty (30)days after receipt of said payment request from the City. The City agrees to make every effort to transmit the requests for reimbursement of expenditures to the County in sixty day intervals. 3. The City agrees to be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Project after completion and acceptance by the City. 4. Neither the City nor County waives, modifies, or alters to any extent whatsoever the availability of the defense of governmental immunity under the laws of the State of Texas and of the United States. 5. This Agreement may not be amended or modified except in writing executed by both the City and Williamson County,and authorized by their respective governing bodies. G. If any provision of this Agreement shall be held invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not invalidate or render unenforceable any other provision hereof, but rather this entire Agreement will be construed as if not containing the particular invalid or unenforceable provision or provisions, and the rights and obligation of the Parties shall be construed and enforced in accordance therewith. The Parties acknowledge that if any provision of this Agreement is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, it is their desire and intention that such provision be reformed and construed in such a manner that it will, to the maximum extent practicable, to give effect to the intent of this Agreement and be deemed to be validated and enforceable. 7. This Agreement may be simultaneously executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which shall be considered fully executed as of the date above first written, when all parties have executed an identical counterpart, notwithstanding that all signatures may not appear on the same counterpart. S. This Agreement shall commence upon execution of this Agreement and shall end upon the completion of the Project.The Parties acknowledge that the Project could take considerable time to design, due to the environmentally sensitive areas within the Project footprint. If the Project 2 has not been completed within five(5)years after the Effective Date,the City and/or the County reserves the right to terminate this Agreement. 9. The Effective Date of this Agreement shall be on the date the last Party signs this Agreement. 10. Each Party, in the performance of this Agreement, shall act in an individual capacity and not as agents,employees, partners,joint ventures or associates of one another. The employees or agents of one Party shall not be deemed or construed to be the employees or agents of the other Party for any purpose. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed and attested this Agreement by their officers thereunto duly authorized. (signatures on the following page) 3 CITY Or ROUND ROCK,TEXAS By: -/,, A Z' Craig IvVoY n,Ma il Date: vlql ZZ Attest: Meagan Sp6ks,City 'lerk WILLIAMSON COUNTY y 1 � By: w �' A5;nl- William Gravell,Jr.,County Judge Dale: Attest: Nancy Rister, ounty Clerk 4 Exhibit A Location of Wyoming Springs Extension 5 WYOMING SPRINGS EXTENSION TOTAI if WIN 0[Pllp(1,'f: OOOlfp011 YM1� SEGMENT 1 .aA,��p� ifAV Oncx N+OO.SNp.T]: '4plgplGa]M1 pwr[°1cn pa�Le�e.e-N'.uro+Ipmaln O4a CCM OOpfi i)�LTrM �)a0,0pp bOp lO) EXTENSION OF V/YOMING SPRINGS DR FROM Iro¢wAauasurlva arcr_u CREEKBEND BLVD TO SAM PASS RD OCOWX+TCD 1H0u _ M►iN1Y 1[WI)ONT4 fJ111Y0 1.0000 ■ ■ HALFF ]'pppAYrnc[CNNc ROUND ROCK,WILLIAMSON COUNTY,TEXAS ■.. )I1 t roman A°�. 4100 A1;1111,.fY rp>:] 'aAaY A0N1.d.NNY 10TNT �A[I=1i�S)A)1 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ROADWAY EXTENSION WHICH - To^clar.Lusinnecwu.)1P INCLUDES EARTHWORK.GRADING,FLEX BASE.HMAC, mnJern ottis*�rv11oN PLANS PREPARED BY: PAVING.BRIDGE,DRAINAGE STRUCTURES.WATER - - - QUALITY FACILITIES•WATER AND WASTEWATER JEFFREY NAGY•P.E. ADJUSTMENTS.SIGNALIZATION.LIGHTING,SHARED USE JNA(;YftHALFF.COt7 PATH.SIGNING AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS MAY 2 2022 I,JEFFREY NAGY P.E..DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE PUBLIC PRELIMINARY WORKS AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIBED HEREIN HAVE BEEN DESIGNED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE 9 90% SUBMITTAL SUBDIVISION AND BUIDING REGULATION ORDINANCES AND STORM WATER DRAINAGE POLICY ADOPTED BY THE CITY END PROJECT—i OF ROUND ROCK.TEXAS, STA 156+41.14 BEGIN SAM BASS— �y —END SAM BASS IMPROVEMENTS IMPROVEMENTS (SEAL AND SIGNATURE OF ENGINEER) DATE •'"•` STA 35+36.19 I STA 58+32.24 r ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ADEQUACY OF THESE PLANS REMAINS WITH THE ENGINEER'NHO PREPARED THEM. IN ACCEPTING THESE PLANS.THE CITY OF ROUND ROCK MUST RELY ON THE ADEQUACY OF THE WORK HEREIN SEALED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER. j a ROUND ROCK SPECIFICATIONS ADOPTED BY THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT �' cr TEXAS OF TRANSPORTATION,ON NOVEMBER 1.2014,SPECIFICATIONS Y APOPTED BY THE CITY OF ROUND ROCK ON JANUARY 28.2021 , SHALL GOVERN CN THIS PROJECT. I �• �' 1 WATERSHED:BRUSHY CREEK ti i ACCEPTED BY: FEb1A FIRM MAP n 48491 C0488F Att •�\ RFVISED DECEMBER 20,2019 Iy t �• y ��J[n �� I�V CITY OFFICIALS CRAIG MORGAN MAYOR 1 1F i� REGISTERED ACCESSIBILITY SPECIALIST MICHELLE LY COUNCIL MEMBER a .Via. (RAS)INSPECTION REQUIRED -- - --- RENE FLORES COUNCIL MEMBER MATTHEW BAKER COUNCIL MEMBER TDLR NO.EABRPJ FRANK ORTEGA COUNCIL MEMBER BEGIN PROJECT KRISTIN STEVENS COUNCIL MEMBER STA 111-7040 HILDA MONTGOMERY COUNCIL MEMBER LOCATION MAP GARY HUDDER TRANSPORTATION DIRECTOR N.T.S. Exhibit A Location of Wyoming Springs Extension 5 WYOMING SPRINGS EXTENSION TOTAL LENGTH OF PRO Ec; 89A670 ft 1,VY13 SEGMENT 1 SbGADWArLENG3A B,t4S VYPRTNOVF.IreM$ OY50.)40I043MI) SA0298,95810,43 MI) 8RIISITY Gw M Bw LENGTH:400M 8(0.°i A8) DRY FORK BRIDGE IENGTI' 140,00810.05 M° EXTENSION OF WYOMING SPRINGS DR FROM RCiAGWAY MA581FM TIW 82 mmE CREEKBEND BLVD TO SAM BASS RD MGN SPEED: 4s.w MINIMUM HOROWTAL CURVE 1.MD A 11870 HRIANWIGK piP/E OPENING ADT: ),BOD ■ ■ sTwiw ROUND ROCK, WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS 0 VltADT; ,&100 ■.■ H AL F F AUSTIN.TX10729 TEL(512)77746W MINRAAR wOHTH]F-WAY T0TI14£ ■ ■ FAK(517)25I�fl141 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ROADWAY EXTENSION WHICH murxPERT>•xr �, TBPELSENGINEERNOFI4A18312 INCLUDES EARTHWORK,GRADING,FLEX BASE,HMAC. pREO11aeVL DiBTHIBUt1OH eowsax PLANS PREPARED BY: PAVING,BRIDGE,DRAINAGE STRUCTURES,WATER QUALITY FACILITIES,WATER AND WASTEWATER JEFFREY NAGY,P.E. ADJUSTMENTS,SIGNALIZATION,LIGHTING,SHARED USE JNAGY(,�HALFF.COM PATH,SIGNING AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS MAY 2, 20 I,JEFFREY NAGY P.E.,DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE PUBLIC PRELIMINARY WORKS AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIBED HEREIN HAVE BEEN DESIGNED IN WITH THE 90% SUBMITTAL SUBDIVISION AND BUIDINGREGUILATIONORDINANCES AND ne aww+:srol Nmw STORM WATER DRAINAGE POLICY ADOPTED BY THE CITY END PROJECT OF ROUND ROCK,TEXAS. STA 158+41.14 BEGIN SAM BASS END SAM BASS IMPROVEMENTS IMPROVEMENTS (SEAL AND SIGNATURE OF ENGINEER) DATE STA 35+36.19 STA 58+32.24 N ey° ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ADEQUACY OF THESE PLANS REMAINS WITH THE ENGINEER WHO PREPARED THEM. IN ACCEPTING THESE PLANS,THE CITY OF ROUND ROCK MUST RELY ON THE ADEQUACY OF THE WORK HEREIN SEALED BY QPM A0 THE DESIGN ENGINEER. D G� ROUND ROCK SPECIFICATIONS ADOPTED BY THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT �! TEXAS OF TRANSPORTATION,ON NOVEMBER 1,2014,SPECIFICATIONS APOPTED BY THE CIN OF ROUND ROCK ON JANUARY 28,2021 SHALL GOVERN ON THIS PROJECT. ®do WATERSHED:BRUSHY CREEK ACCEPTED BY: FEMA FIRM MAP N 48491C0488F REVISED DECEMBER 20,2019 s CIN OFFICIALS ® r� CRAIG MORGAN MAYOR $ MICHELLE LY COUNCIL MEMBER REGISTERED ACCESSIBILITY SPECIALIST RENS FLORES COUNCIL MEMBER (RAS}INSPECTION REQUIRED MATTHEW BAKER COUNCIL MEMBER TDLR NO.EABRPJ FRANK ORTEGA COUNCIL MEMBER BEGIN PROJECT KRISTIN STEVENS COUNCIL MEMBER STA 111+70.40 HILDA MONTGOMERY COUNCIL MEMBER LOCATION MAP GARY HUDDER TRANSPORTATION DIRECTOR N.T.S.