Contract - Patin Construction LLC - 8/25/2022 Page Iof3 Contract Quantity Adjustment/Change Order ' ROUNO ROCK TL%.15 fCV,01./16 Department: Transportaion Project Name: FM 1460/ASV Grimes Boulevard Northbound Right Turn Lanes Date: 7/27/22 City Project Change Order/Quantity ID Number Adjustment No. 2 Vendor Patin Construction LLC 3800 W 2nd Street,Taylor,Texas 76574 512-923-9270 Company Name Address Phone No. 3ustification After a discussion with the Transportation office, the Traffic Signal pole relocation for Old Settlers and AW Grimes that was origianaly required for the area to meet ADA requirements was agreed that this relocation was not nessesary for the completetion of the project and all ADA requiremnets have been met. Below are the items associated with the traffic signal. An additional area of ROW was disturbed due to a releaction of the sidewalk that required an increase in sod. SUMMARY Amount %Change Original Contract Price: $611,987.60, Previous Quantity Adjustment(s): This Quantity Adjustment: Total Quantity Adjustment(s): $0.00 Total Contract Price with Quantity Adjustment(s): $611,487.60 Previous Mange Order(s): $3,570.00 10/0 This Change Order: -$95,245.00 -16% Total Change Order(s)To Date: -$91,675.00 -15% Adjusted Contract Price [Original Contract Price Plus Quantity Adjustment(s) Plus Change Order(s)]: $519,812.60 Difference between Original and Adjusted Contract Prices: -$91,675.00 Original Contract Time: Time Adjustment by previous Quan.Adj./Change Order: 0 Time Adjustment by this Quan.Adj,/Change Order: 0 New Contract Time: 0 Submitted for Aw royal Prepared By: Todd Keltgen Project Manager Patin Construction LLC 7/27/22 Sig atu e Printed Name,Title, Company Date Approvals Contractor: Signature Printed Name,Title, Company Date City Project '} Manager: off ?rti// / f1L v Slgna re r Printed Name,Title Date Mayor/City Manager QG- 22— Signat -e Printe ame,Titl to 2p2Z-2?3 Page 2 of 3 Contract Quantity,Adjustment/Change Order ROl1N0A0CKTIXAS rev,01116 Project Name, FM 1.460/AW Grimes Boulevard Northbound Right Turn Lanes Quan.Adj./Change Order No.: 2 Change Order Data Contract Time Adjustment Item # Item Description Unit Qty. Unit Price Amount (DaVs) 19 Conc. Sidewalks 6" SY 3.00 $ 70.00 $210.00 23 Barricades Me 5.00 $ (1,500.00) -$7,500.00 32 Block Sodding SY 870 $ 7.00 $6,090.00 44 Drill Shaft Trf Sig Pole 48" LF 22.00) $ 660.00 -$14,520.00 45 Conduit PVC Sch 80 2" LF (20.00) $ 60,00 -$1,200.00 46 Conduit PVC Sch 80 3" LF (90,00) $ 78.00 -$7,020.00 47 Elec Cond No.8 Bare LF (110.00) $ 2.40 -$264.00 48 Elec Cond No. 8 Insulated LF (160.00) $ 2.40 -$384.00 49 Tray Cable 3 Condr 12 AWG LF (70.00) $ 6.00 -$420.00 50 Removing Traffic Signals EA (1.00) $ 3,800.00 -$3,600.00 51 Install Hwy Trf Si (Upgrade)__ EA 2.00) $ 3,600"00 -$7,200.00 52 Veh SigSec 12"LED Green EA 4.00) $ 360.00 -$1,440.00 53 Veh Sig Sec 12"LED Green Arrow EA 1.00 S 360.00 -$360.00 54 Veh Sig Sec 12"LED Yellow EA 4.00) S 360.00 -$1,440.00 55 Veh Sig Sec 12"LED Yellow Arrow EA (1.00) $ 360.00 -$360.00 56 Veh Sig Sec 12"LED Red EA (4.00) $ 360.00 -$1,440.00 57 Veh Sig Sec 12"LED Red Arrow EA (2.00) $ 360.00 -$720.00 58 Ped Sig Sec LED Countdown EA (2.00) $ 780.00 -$1,560.00 59 Back Plate 12"3 SEC Alum EA (4.00) $ 100.00 -$400.00 60 Back Plate 12"4 SEC Alum EA 1.00) $ 120.00 -$120.00 61 Trf Sig Cbl Ty A 14 AWG 5 Condr LF 300.00) $ 3.60 -$1,080.00 62 Trf Sig Cbl Ty A 14 AWG 7 Condr LF 330.00) $ 6.00 -$1.,980.00 63 Trf Sig Cbl Ty A 14 AWG 20 Condr LF (35.00) $ 7.20 -$252.00 64 Trf Sig Cbl Ty C 14 AWG 2 Condr LF 165.00) $ 2.50 -$412,50 66 PED Pole Assembly EA (3.00) $ 4,100.00 -$12,300,00 65 Ins Trf Sig Pole Arm 60' EA (0.21) $ 43,200.00 -$9,240,00 67 PED Detect Push Button EA (12.00) $ 840.00 -$10,080.00 68 PED Detector Controller Unit EA (2.00) $ 3,400.00 -$6,800.00 69 Install of Signal Head Assembly EA (1.00) $ 300.00 -$300.00 70 Removal of Pedestrian Push Buttons EA (10.00) $ 68.00 -$680.00 71 Remove PED Pole Assembly EA (1.00) $ 120.00 -$120.00 72 Vivids Camera Assembly EA (1.00) $ 4,600.00 -$4,600.00 73 Vivids Set-up System EA 1.00) $ 480.00 -$480.00 74 Vivids Communication Cable Coax LF 115.00) $ 7.50 -$862.50 75 Its Com Cable Ethernet LE 150.00) $ 8.40 -$1,260.00 76 O ticom Cable LE (115.00) $ 10.00 -$1,150.00 $0.00 TOTALS: -$95,245.00 0 Pap 3 of 3 Contract Quantity Adjustment/Change Order F70UNb 1] ..T.I-1 rev,Ul/16 Project Name: FM 1,460/AW Grimes Boulevard Northbound Right Turn Lanes Quan.Adj./Change Order No.: 2 Quantity Adjustment Data Contract Time Adjustment Bid Item # Item Description Unit Qty. Unit Price Amount ''. 4'lair $0.a0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 60.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 $0,00 -TOTALS: $0.001 0