Contract - BGE, Inc - 10/27/2022 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON § SUPPLEMENTAL CONTRACT NO.3 TO CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FIRM: BGE. INC. ("Engineer") ADDRESS: 101 West Louis Henna Boulevard, Suite 400,Austin,TX 78728 PROJECT: Red Bud Lane North This Supplemental Contract No. 3 to Contract for Engineering Services is made by and between the City of Round Rock, Texas, hereinafter called the "City" and BGE, Inc., hereinafter called the"Engineer". WHEREAS, the City and Engineer executed a Contract for Engineering Services, hereinafter called the "Contract," on the 12th day of September, 2019 for the Red Bud Lane North Project in the amount of$436,411.52; and WHEREAS,the City and Engineer executed Supplemental Contract No. 1 on February 25,2021 to amend the scope of services and to increase the compensation by $689,788.50 to a total of $1,126,200.02; and WHEREAS, the City and Engineer executed Supplemental Contract No. 2 on May 26, 2022 to amend the scope of services and to increase the compensation by $49,912.00 to a total of $1,176,112.02; and WHEREAS, it has become necessary to amend the Contract to modify the provisions for the scope of services and to increase the compensation by$128,389.00 to a total of$1,304,501.02; NOW THEREFORE, premises considered, the City and the Engineer agree that said Contract is amended as follows: I. Article 2. Engineering Services and Exhibit B. Engineering Services shall be amended as set forth in the attached Addendum to Exhibit B. Exhibit C.Work Schedule shall be amended as set forth in the attached Addendum to Exhibit C. II. Article 4. Compensation and Exhibit D, Fee Schedule shall be amended by increasing by $128,389.00 the lump sum amount payable under the Contract for a total of$1,304,501.02, as shown by the attached Addendum to Exhibit D. Supplemental Contract Rev.06/16 0199.1947;4855-4199-0964 84275 V,zQZ-L- 3 3`� 1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Engineer have executed this Supplemental Contract in duplicate. BGE,INC. Eric Busker, Proiect Manager 09/26/2022 Date Supplemental Contract Rev.06/16 0199.1947;485511199-0964 84275 2 CITY OF ROUND ROCK APPRO AS TO FORM: By: Craig Aorga >t, Mayor E2ts, City Attorney cJ�✓lv.,a L.f ad/.Q Date Supplemental Contract Rev.06/16 0199.1947;48554199-0964 84275 3 Red Bud Lane North City of Round Rock From US 79 to Paloma Lake Blvd Exhibit B Services to be Provided by the Engineer ADDENDUM TO EXHIBIT B Engineering Services The work to be performed by the ENGINEER under this contract consists of providing engineering services required for the development of construction plans for the widening and reconstruction of Red Bud Lane from US 79 to Paloma Lake Blvd and along CR 122 approximately 500' and along Old Settler's Road approximately 600LF. The project consists of reconstructing approximately 1.5 miles of the existing 3-lane roadway section to a 4-lane divided facility and adding a right turn lane on CR 122. This project involves surveying,geotechnical,environmental, public involvement,engineering analyses,and associated details necessary to produce PS&E to a 100% design. The ENGINEER shall perform all work and prepare all deliverables in accordance with the latest version of the City of Round Rock criteria. The ENGINEER shall perform quality control and quality assurance(QA/QC)on all deliverables associated with this project. The ENGINEER shall provide traffic control in accordance with the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD) when performing onsite activities associated with this contract. RIGHT OF WAY DATA (Function Code 130) 1. Utility Coordination (Halff Associates,Inc.) A. The Engineer shall perform Subsurface Utility Engineering(SUE)Quality Level B and A,Utility Coordination and Utility Engineering services for approximately thirteen(13)utilities as listed below on the Redbud Lane Project: • Grande—Line installed after initial field work performed B. The work to be performed by the Engineer under this contract shall consist of providing engineering services required for SUE Quality Level B and A,Utility Coordination and Utility Engineering on the Redbud Lane Project. C. Initiate one-call(811)and coordinate with utility companies. Halff will initiate utility companies to mark their lines. Markings will be surveyed by Inland Geodetics. D. These services include as-needed SUE,utility adjustment coordination,and utility engineering activities including obtaining record information on existing utilities from utility owners to identify all known existing public utilities,updating the Quality level C and D base map depicting the horizontal utility locations,updating and maintaining a Utility Conflict Matrix(UCM)and Utility Layout identifying potential known conflicts. E. Subsurface Utility Engineering(SUE) including utility investigations subsurface and above ground prepared in accordance with AASHTO standards [ASCE C-1 38- 02] and Utility Quality Levels as follows. i. Utility Quality Levels are defined in cumulative order(least to greatest)as follows: Sheet 1 of 5 Red Bud Lane North City of Round Rock From US 79 to Paloma Lake Blvd Exhibit B Services to be Provided by the Engineer • Quality Level D-Existing Records: Utilities are plotted from review of available existing records. • Quality Level C - Surface Visible Feature Survey: Quality level "D" information from existing records is combined with surveyed surface- visible features (performed by surveyor). Includes Quality Level D information. If there are variances in the designated work area of Level D then a new schematic or plan layout, if needed, is required showing the limits of the proposed project and limits of the work area required for this work authorization; including highway stations, limits within existing or proposed right of way,additional areas outside the proposed right of way, and distances or areas to be included down existing intersecting roadways. • Quality Level B-Designate:Two-dimensional horizontal mapping.This information is obtained through the application and interpretation of appropriate non-destructive surface geophysical methods. Incorporates quality levels C and D information to produce Quality Level B.If there are variances in the designated work area of Level D then a new schematic or plan layout,if needed, is required showing the limits of the proposed project and limits of the work area required for this work authorization; including highway stations,limits within existing or proposed right of way,additional areas outside the proposed right of way, and distances or areas to be included down existing intersecting roadways. (11,000 LF of utilities estimated) • Quality Level A-Locate(Test Hole): Three-dimensional mapping and other characterization data.This information is obtained through exposing utility facilities through test holes. Actual locations are tied to survey control (performed by surveyor). Incorporates quality levels B, C and D information to produce Quality Level A.(up to thirty two(32)test holes) F. Utility Adi ustment Coordination including one(1)utility coordination meeting with the City of Round Rock and individual utility companies. i. The Utility Coordinator shall perform utility coordination and liaison activities with involved utility owners,their consultants,and the City of Round Rock. a. The Utility Coordinator shall coordinate all activities with the City of Round Rock,or their designee,and will be responsible for the following: b. The Utility Coordinator shall provide initial project notification letters to all affected utility companies,owners, and other concerned parties,if needed. c. The Utility Coordinator shall provide the City of Round Rock and all affected utility companies and owners a Utility Contact List for each project with all information such as: (a) Owner's Name; (b) Contact Person; (c) Telephone Numbers; (d) Emergency Contact Number;(e)E-mail addresses;(f)as well as all pertinent information concerning their respective affected utilities and facilities,including but not limited to: size,number of poles,material,and other information which readily identifies the utilities companies' facilities. d. The Utility Coordinator shall advise utility companies and owners of the general characteristics of the Project and provide an illustration of the project footprint for mark- Sheet 2 of 5 Red Bud Lane North City of Round Rock From US 79 to Paloma Lake Blvd Exhibit B Services to be Provided by the Engineer up of the utility facility locations that occupy the project area. e. The Utility Coordinator shall coordinate which utilities will conflict with roadway construction and make the utility company aware of these conflicts. G. Utility Engineering including the identification of utility conflicts,coordination, compliance with City of Round Rock standards,and resolution of utility conflicts. The Engineer shall coordinate all activities with the City of Round Rock,or their designee,and will be responsible for the following: i. Existing Utility Layout:The Engineer shall maintain a utility layout in the latest version of AutoCAD Civil 3D used by the City of Round Rock. This layout shall include highlighted existing utilities which are to remain in place or be abandoned, and adjusted utilities. This layout will be utilized to evaluate alternatives.The Engineer will utilize the layout of existing utilities as prepared, if available,and make a determination of the following; a. Facilities in conflict with the proposed project that are to be relocated. b. Facilities to be abandoned in place. C. Facilities to remain in service and in place. d. The Engineer shall be responsible for determining if there are additional facilities, not shown in the Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) documents, which require relocation. The Engineer shall coordinate this information with the City of Round Rock immediately upon discovery. ii. Meetings with Utility Companies: As required, to facilitate utility conflict identification and resolution,the Engineer shall: a. Establish contact with all existing utilities within and adjacent to the project limits and set up utility coordination meetings to discuss concepts and options for construction. b. Prepare and present, in collaboration with the City of Round Rock, instruction and orientation sessions as required. The instruction shall introduce the SUE Plans, the proposed utility layout, processes, demonstrate the technology and facilitate the preparation of work orders, billings, and contract related documentation as it pertains to utility adjustment work. iii. Review of Utility's Proposed Adjustments,the Engineer shall: a. Evaluate Alternatives: The Utility Engineer shall evaluate alternatives in the adjustment of utilities balancing the needs of both the City of Round Rock and the Utility. b. Review Estimates and Schedules: The Utility Engineer shall review the utility adjustment estimates for reasonableness of cost and the timely scheduling of the adjustment. C. Review Plans for compliance with City of Round Rock standards and proposed location data. The responsibility for quality and accuracy of Utility adjustment plans will remain with the Utility Company. d. Prepare a Signed and Sealed Proposed Utility Layout in the latest version of Micro Station used by the State that can be overlaid on the base file with drainage Sheet 3 of 5 Red Bud Lane North City of Round Rock From US 79 to Paloma Lake Blvd Exhibit B Services to be Provided by the Engineer H. Deliverables: i. Two(2)Proposed Utility Layouts(11"x 17")signed and sealed by a Texas Professional Engineer ii. Two(2)sets of Test Hole Data Forms(8.5"x 11")signed and sealed by a Texas Professional Engineer iii. Utility Contact List iv. Utility Conflict Matrix/Exhibit V. Notification Letters vi. Meeting Minutes for one(1)coordination meeting with the City of Round Rock and individual utility companies vii. Meeting Minutes for individual coordination meetings with the utility companies viii. AutoCAD Civil 3D electronic project files in US feet(213) format UTILITIES DESIGN (Function Code 164) 1. Based on the subsurface utility identification and a conflict matrix(by others) identifying existing water facilities that may be potential conflict with the proposed roadway improvements within the project's limits of construction. Water Infrastructure: • STA 29+18: Relocate approx. 100 If of 16"WL and ARV vent. ARV to remain in place. • STA 43+28:Relocate approx. 1201f of 8"WL • STA 48+22:Relocate approx. 120 if of 8"WL • STA 63+06:Relocate approx. 1101f of 12"WL • STA 63+06: Relocate approx. 1301f of 8"WL • STA 79+75 to 83+46: Relocate approx. 371 if of 16"WL,FH, and Valves BID PHASE SERVICES (Function Code 170) I. Project Manual Development—Prepare project manual utilizing front-end documents and specifications provided by City(TxDOT or COA can be used as needed) including bid items,contract,and special conditions. J. Provide bidding support services,including assistance with responding to bidder questions, attend pre-bid meeting,and prepare minutes. K. Prepare Responses to Bidders' questions. L. Tabulate,evaluate bids, and make apparent low bidder award recommendation CONSTRUCTION PHASE SUPPORT SERVICES (Function Code 309) A. Engineer shall provide construction support services, including assistance with responding to contractor questions,attend pre-construction meeting,and prepare minutes. B. Assist City with Shop Drawing and material review and approval(assume 16 Sheet 4 of 5 Red Bud Lane North City of Round Rock From US 79 to Paloma Lake Blvd Exhibit B Services to be Provided by the Engineer submittals) C. Assist City with preparation of Change Orders,Alternate Design or Additional Design Details D. Respond to Questions related to the Plans-The Engineer shall be available to respond to questions related to the plans and specifications as needed throughout the duration of the construction. The Engineer will document each question in sufficient detail,formulate a response and submit a written version of the response to the City for distribution to all involved parties. Estimate assumes no more than ten (10) Requests for Information. E. The Engineer representative to attend site visits as needed at the request of the City, estimated at eight(8)site visits,not included are visits to resolve E&O issues. F. The Engineer shall not at any time supervise,direct, control,or have authority over any contractor's work,nor shall Engineer have authority over or be responsible for the means,methods,techniques,sequences,or procedures of construction selected or used by any contractor, or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto,for security or safety at the construction site,nor for any failure of a contractor to comply with Laws and Regulations applicable to such contractor's furnishing and performing of his work.The Engineer will not bear any responsibility or liability for defects or deficiencies of the contractor. Sheet 5 of 5 ADDENDUM TO EXHIBIT C Work Schedule Attached Behind This Page Red Bud North EXHIBIT C-3 Work Schedule IID ask Name Duration SW Finish 2022 2013 3021 2025 A D 0 M I Red Bud North Project Schedule 587 days Toe 9/6/22 Wed 12/4/24 2 Supplemental WA42 Execution 0days Tue 9/6/22 Tue 9/6/22 9/6 t. Supplemental WAM2 Execution 3 Bid Phase Services 67 days Tue 9/6/22 Wed 12/7/22 _ _. / Advertisement 15 days Thu 10/20/22 Wed 11/9/22 -- k 5 Bid Opening 0days Wed 11/9/22 Wed 11/9/22 11/9 "id Opening 6 Contract Award 0days Wed 12/7/22 Wed 12/7/22 12/7-+ ContractAward 7 Construction Phase Services 520 days Thu 12/8/22 Wed 12/4/24 - Page 1 Exhibit C-3 ADDENDUM TO EXHIBIT D Fee Schedule Attached Behind This Page PROJECT NAME: RED BUD NORTH EXHIBIT D- FEE SCHEDULE FROM US 79 TO CR 117 FC DESCRIPTION BGE Halff Inland TOTAL FC 120 ENVIRONMENTAL $ $ $ - $ FC 130 ROW $ $ $ 7,870.00 $ 7,870.00 UTILITY COORDINATION $ $ 14,775.00 $ - $ 14,775.00 FC 145 GENERAL MANAGEMENT/COORDINATION $ $ - $ $ - FC 150 FIELD SURVEYING $ $ $ $ FC 160 ROADWAY DESIGN CONTROLS $ $ $ $ FC 161 DRAINAGE $ $ $ $ FC162 SIGNING, PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND SIGNALIZATION $ $ $ $ FC 163 MISCELLANEOUS ROADWAY $ $ $ $ - FC 164 UTILITIES DESIGN $ 44,754.00 $ $ $ 44,754.00 FC 170 BID PHASE SERVICES $ 22,648.00 $ $ $ 22,648.00 FC 309 CONSTRUCTION PHASE SUPPORT SERVICES $ 38,342.00 $ $ $ 38,342.00 EXPENSES $0.00 $ $ $ TOTAL 1 $105,744.00 $14,775.00 $7,870.00 $128,389.00 BGE,tNC. EXHIBIT o-3-FEE SCHEDULE PROJECT NAME:RED BUD NORTH FROM LIS 79 TO CR 117 TASK DESCRIPTION SonlorProject OC Err S-W Senior Senior ENV AdmW Total TOTAL LABOR ect iroar Tech CADD Op ENV Scientist Clerical HRS.A COSTS FC 120 ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE AND PUBLIC DIVOL.IIEMENT 0 som o $0.00 FC ISO ROW MENTW=TCON Rim o $0.00 FC 145 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 0 5000 0 $0.00 FC 150 BOUNDARY SURVEY RMEIAI $0.00 0 $0.00 FC 150 ROADWAY DESIGN CONTROLS 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 FC 181 DRAINAGE 0 $0.00 0 .00 FC 162 SHINING PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND SIGNALMATION 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 FC 153 MI8CELL.ANEOUS(ROADWAY) 0 $9.00 0 .00 UTILITIES DESIGN 332 784.00 Planning and Coordlnatlon with the City 10 8 1B $3,354.00 OveW Plan 1 Sheol 3 8 91074.00 Demo Plan 1 Shoot 3 14 17 51854.00 FC 164 Valve Isolation Plan 1 Sheet 5 8 12 25 S3 9.00 Overall sheet view 1 shoot 2 6 8 5936.00 P&P for CrossIngs S shoals 15 30 12D 155 SMO 715.00 PRP 9+75 to 83+46 1 Sheet 4 12 20 36 $4,756.00 Standard Utility Dotaft 4 Shoots 4 i 12 1 24 40 $5196.00 QA J QC 1 1 14 1 14 .00 BID PHASE SERVICES 170 V%648.00 Project Manual Dovalopamt 48 6 40 4 64 $8,072.00 FC I" Pm4Ad Att r dance 2 2 2 8 8936.00 to Bidders'Questions 4 12 32 40 86 51111.8".00 Bid Tabulation 6 Award 2 4 4 1 2 12 SIAW,00 CONSTRUCMN PHASE SUPPORT SERVICES 240 Pre-oortatrtrctlon Attendance 2 2 2 2 8 51156.00 site Vtab a ea 16 18 18 48 58144.00 FC 309 SW DrawinquZubmitteft Review 18 ea 4 16 12 16 48 $7100.00 Chango Ordors Review and Processino 8 8 18 8 8 2 52 S6 .00 Respond to Contractor Questiorm s 10 ea 8 12 18 10 8 2 so $9.690.00 Project Walk-ihnrl(loSo-out 4 4 8 8 2 28 $3,718.00 HOURS SUBTOTALS 82 84 170 32 11 202 0 0 0 1s 742 CONTRACT RATE PER HOUR .00 $174.00 5138.00 5230.00 5110.00 5110.00 590.00 $220.00 $135.00 569.00 TOTAL LABOR COSTS I I I I Ste 450.00 1 $14.816.00 1 823.480.00 1 57.360.00 1 $15180.00 1 S22 220.00 1 SO.00 1 $0.00 1 $0.00 1$1,104.00 1 31102,39D.00 5105 744.00 SUSTOTALI I1 T4400 FUNCTION CODE Senlor Paojed Project QC Senler Senlor Senior ENV Adminf TOTAL COSTS DIRECT TOTAL LABOR COSTS Project Manager Enginow Merger ER Wnoor CARD ENV Scientist Clerical TOTAL MH BY FC EXPENSE Mane r Tach tater BGE $105.744.00 $0.00 $105.744.00 82 84 170 32 138202 0 0 0 1s 724 724 SUBTOTAL LABOR HOURS 82 84 170 32 138 202 0 0 0 1s 724 OTHER DIRECT EXPENSES QUANTITY UNFT RATE T Mleago MAe S 0.56 $0.00 GPS mrttel day $ 45.00 $O.OD Goosaareh Radius Report each $ 250.00 $0.00 Phatocoples(II-W-) each $ 0.10 .00 Photocopies BAN 11-X 171each $ 0.20 $0.00 Photocopies Color B 112'X 11 Sam $ 0.75 $0.00 Color 11'X 1 each $ 1.25 $0.00 LwgoFomud SF $ 2251 $0.00 SUBTOTAL D506Y EXP SES I00 ISUMMARY LAL LABOR COSTS $105,744.00 ON3ALARY OTHER DIRECT EXPENSES $0.00 GRAND TOTAL 10 T44 00 HALFF ASSOCIATES EXHIBIT D-FEE SCHEDULE PROJECT NAME:RED BUD NORTH FROM US 79 TO CR 117 UTILITY SR UTUM CARD I SR SURVEY SURVEY 2 MAN SUE 1 MAW 2 MAN CONTRACT- ADMIN TOTAL LABOR T A S K I D E S C R 1 P T 1 O N MANAGER ENGINEER COORDINATOR GIS MANAGER TECH SURVEY CREW SUE SUE ADMIN ASSIST MAN- CHARGES TECH RPLS CREW MANAGER CREW CREW SPECIALNST HOURS TASK 1 SUBSURFACE UTLITY ENGINEERING(SUE) SUE LEVEL A(Up to 20 test holes)($I AS(IRsols) 0 SUE LEVEL B(10,000 N esWmd@M 2 4 2 4 12 $ 1,680.00 SUBTOTAL HOURSICOSTS 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 4 1 0 2 0 4 0 0 12 S 1.650.00 TASK 2 UT[IM ADJUSTMENT COORDINATKINIENNGINEI:RING COORDINATION OF ENGINEERING ACTWIES 80 5 65 i 13,125.00 MEETINGS(1 public 3 2 IndWual with each utUIM 0 $ - REVIEW PROPOSED ADJUSTME:NTSICOORDINATE COMPLIANCE 0 i - 0 i - SUBTOTAL HOURSICOSTS 0 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 85 13.125.00 FEE SUMMARY TASK 1 SUBSURFACE UTILITY ENGINEERING(SUE) 12 i 1,650.00 TASK 2 UTiLRY ADJUSTMENT COORDINATIONIENOWEER[NG 85 $ 13128.00 TOTAL HOURS 0 0 80 2 0 4 0 2 0 4 0 5 97 RATES $215.00 $195.00 5160.00 $95.00 $190.00 5120.00 5770.00 $150.00 $85.00 $170.00 $85.00 85.00 BASE SALARIES 3 REM"TOTAL 0 $12,800 5190 $0 $480 in $300 0 0 325 14 775.00 SERVICE 2(MVV 3CREI CREW1 1GP5 I FM RPLs SENTECH TECH LSLS ADMIN DIRECT I REC.($15/Unit/H VEHICLES(SBWUnslpay) 's SSS/Unrt/D4 INDIRECT TOTAL RATE I HOUR $150 $170 $190 $120 sm f13s 5102 $98 $150 561 #duras#dHasa #O(Un,W #o1Drye#WUrvls#dDays OBILIZATIOWADMIN $ $ S $ 5 $ RECOVER SURVEY CONTROL $ 5 $ ET SECONDARY CONTROL $ S $ $ S $ FIELD SURVEY FOR TOPO $ S $ - SBSEGMENT $ $ $ [RE9"D BUDPROCESSING § $ $ COORDINATON S S $ 0HAS OHRS OHM OHM OHRS OHM OHM 0HM 0HRS OHM S HR5 0DAYS 0DAYS S $ PERTY RESEMCH $ $ - $ PERTY SCHEMATIC $ $SURVEYNCMYANALYSIS i $ $ RECOMMUCTION $ $ $ $ f $ -CEL ACO PACKAGE(1) 0 HRS 0 HIS 0 HRS 8 HRS 8 HRS 8 HRS 0 HRS 13 HRS S 7.070.00 f $ 7,870.00 ET MONUMENTS f S $ EMVTM $ S S ROW PRODUCTS 0 HRS 0 HRS 0 HRS 8HRS 8HRS 8HRS a HRS 8 HRS 8 HRS 13 HRS 5 ],Bip.00 0 HRS 0 GAYS 0 DAYS f S 7,870.00 UB.TOTAL BHRS 0HRS 0HR5 8HRS BHRS BHRS BRIM 8HRS 8HRS 13 HRS $ 7.070.00 TOTAL ORM TOTAL pDAVS TOTgL OOAYS S $ 7,070,00 REIMBURSEABLE ITEMS g ftEIMBURSEABLE SERVICES g ESTIMATED FEE 51,200 $0 $0 $800 #-###51080 $816 $18I 1011111111101 $710 1 W $0 SO S 7,810.00 $7,870 Cost Variables: Reimbumeable Services Include: Ralm5meu61x Fses mnIjda GPS Receivers $15 $0.00 $0.00 Vehicle $60 $0.00 $0.00 ATV $55 $0.00 $0.00 Total: $0.00 Tmnc $0.00