Contract - Hensel Phelps - 10/27/2022 Page I of Contract Quantity Adjustment/Change Order 4gpm 11pIX Ik M] rt,06/15 Department: General Services Project Name: Round Rods Public Library Date: 9/14/22 City Project Change Order/Quantity ID Number Adjustment No. 4 Justification As the project progresses,minor changes incur some costs. Many of these changes were missing on the plan or changes that needed to be made in the field.This Change Order represents the largest cost changes not covered by the Owner's Betterment Allowance within the construction contract.This change order Includes the follow OB's: 043-045-049-053-056-060-075-087-099- 100-101 - 104- 105- 106- 107- 108- 109- 110. SUMMARY Amount %Change Original Contract Price: =$149,446-..00 Previous Quantity Adjustment(s):This Quantity Adjustment: 0 Total Quantity Adjustment(s):Total Contract Prim with Quantity Adjustment(s): Previous Change Order(s): 0.00 This Change Order: $555,997.00 0.02 Total Change Order(s)To Date: $555,997.00 0.02 Adjusted Contract Price (Original Contract Price Plus Quantity Adjustment(s)Plus Change Order(s)): $30,502,249.00 Difference between Original and Adjusted Contract Prices: $705,443.00 Original Contract Time: 578/578 Time Adjustment by previous Quan.Adj./Change Order: 0 Time Adjustment by this Quan.Adj./Change Order: 0 New Contract Time: 578/578 Prepared Pa B/: 1- /-11 I Ve It Richard Will Construction Manager,CORR l Zo Si nature A Printed Name,Title,Company Date Contractor. ki riz ` 144P 41'b►n Irl .21 2� gna e P lnted Name,Title, Company _ Date City Project fir/ as' Manager: Chad McDowell General Services Director CORR Si to Printed Name,Title tDate Mayor/City Manager �crZ 1 Z Sig ature Printed NTide Dat Contract Quatity Adjustment/Change Order Rr,I11O TEXAS Project Name: Round Rock Public Library Quan. Adj./Change Order No.: 4 Change Order Data Contract Time Item # Item Description Unit Qty. Unit Price Amount Adjustment (Days) 1 OB 021 - COR 014 -Oncor Overhead LS 1 $31,336.00 $ 31,336.00 0 Power Relocation 2 OB 038- COR 036- Lib-Site LS 1 $23,484.00 $ 23,484.00 0 Communication Tie-in 3 OB 043-COR 070-Lib RAHU Power LS 1 $40,469.00 $ 40,469.00 0 Requirement Confirmation OB 045-COR 074-Terrazzo Flooring 4 Thickness Specifications versus Contract LS 1 $52,748.00 $ 52,748.00 0 Drawings 5 OB 051-COR 085-Sloping at Rooftop LS 1 $16,083.00 $ 16,083.00 0 Garden Deck Additional Information 6 OB 053-COR 052- RFI 192-Lib-Display LS 1 $7,935.00 $ 7,935.00 0 Devices Recessed in Natural Stone Panels 7 OB 056-COR 087-Terra Cotta Jamb LS 1 $12,404.00 $ 12,404.00 0 Flashing 8 OB 060-COR 068- NEDT Coordination LS 1 $70,905.00 $ 70,905.00 0 Impacts 9 OB 075-COR 088-Oncor Pad Intallation LS 1 $ 3,624.00 $ 3,624.00 0 (Piers Only) 10 OB 087-COR 113-Lib Fastening Method LS 1 $ 11,548.00 $ 11,548.00 0 for SW-1 and AP-1 at Elevator 11 OB 099-COR 144-Gar Curb to Divert LS 1 $ 20,768.00 $ 20,768.00 0 Water from IT Room and Elec. Room 12 OB 100-COR 136-NEDT-Grade Re- LS 1 $ 72,411.00 $ 72,411.00 0 Establishment OB 101 -COR 137- NEDT Paving 13 Assist/Paving Related Impacts-6.28.22- LS 1 $ 19,796.00 $ 19,796.00 0 7.9.22 14 OB 104-COR 155-Flow Fill at at North LS 1 $ 7,790.00 $ 7,790.00 0 Sidewalk for Atmos Gas Line 15 OB 105-COR 157-Site Walkway Canopy LS 1 $ 2,063.00 $ 2,063.00 0 Steel for Skylights 16 OB 106-COR 142-Bus Lane Scope of LS 1 $ 50,300.00 $ 50,300.00 0 Work 17 OB 107-COR 156-Gar South Eyebrow LS 1 $ 2,509.00 $ 2,509.00 0 Canopy In-Fill Framing OB 108-COR 162-Additional Parking, 18 Curb and Gutter,and Flatwork at Austin LS 1 $ 69,010.00 $ 69,010.00 0 Ave 19 OB 109-COR 163-Lockable Cabinets for LS 1 $ 2,225.00 $ 2,225.00 0 Elevator Disconnects 20 OB 110-COR 164-Paint NEDT Curb and LS 1 $ 5,250.00 $ 5,250.00 0 Gutter Subtotal $ 522,658 Insurancel 0.759°% $ 3,967 Subtotal $ 526,625 Bond 0.55% $ 2,896 Subtotal $ 529,521 Fee 5% $ 26,476 TOTALS $ 555,997 CIN OF ROUND ROCK R�uNau�a�Cla(TEXAS ROUND ROCK PUBLIC LIBRARY-CHANGE ORDER LOG CON OATS DESCRIPTION sUBCONTM COST JUS RMMN(reason Change composed) REASONFORCHANGE SOURCE CHANGE CATEGORY 08021-COR 014.Oncor Overhead This proposal is associated with the relocation of the ommead ONCOR had to relocate all the lines on the poles around HP Unknown conditions 1 8/73/2021 parent Relocation Hensel Phelps $ 31,336.00 power around the perimeter of the project. the New Ubary. 08038-COR036-Ub-Sfte NEDT Pro kelt showed in ther drawings the AT&T hero hole to be 2 11/19/2021 CommenloOon TlNn Hensel Phelps $ 23,480.00 IootedontherroMwed Carnerafthe We had to ole in the duds to our communication boss. HP Unknown conditions building but this Tielnwa'not included in thelrscope. This pricing 6 related to modifications;and additional circuits MHU Power OR 043.MR 0]0-Ub required to serve RAHU's as described per RFI 136.This pricing RAHU manual require four(4)additional Power 3 12/14/2072 Requirement 070-Ub tlon Hensel Phelps $ 40,469.00 aka Includes connections for each RAHU and the contad dawsmRs HP A/E omission the cost of supplying an additional 2 section panel that was cunentN show one(1)Power connection to each RAHU. added per RFI 236. �ODNS-MR WO-Temno Flowing Thin change is associated with Increasing the thickness of the The change is associated with increasing the thickness 4 1/5/7071 Thickness Specgkatbns versus Centrad Hensel Phelps 5 52,748.00 temeto from 1/4'to 1/2'thick due to Speciiotlms versus of the terrado from 1/4'to Ur thick due 10 HP A/Eamuson Drawings Contact Drawings differences. SpedBcaHans versus Concoct Drawings differences. This change is associated with the added concrete need on the 5 2/8/2022 OB 051-COR O85-sloping at Roofdp Hensel Phelps $ 16,083.00;roof garden Per RFI 269-sloping at Rooftop Garden Deck Drawings oiled for flat deck at the rooftop garden,but HP Julliomisslon Garden Deck Additional Information "Additional since Is necoesary. Information. OR 053-COR 052-RFI 192-Ub-Display The pricing fm this change Includes the cost Hdcskdted wish 6 2/9/2022 Devices Recessed In Natural Stone Hensel Phelps $ 7,935.00 added detailing around the display devices at the natural stone Screens are thicker than the wall/'tons. HP Owneromission Panels canals. The tem cotta system will require a OR 056-MR 07-Tem Coro Jamb The change is In regards to the added flashing at the Tem metal flashing fame at all jamb conditions where it T 2/9/2022 Hensel Phelps $ 12.404.00 Consul per RFI 2]0-Tera Coto Jamb Flashing. Interfaces with contain wall or other cladding and this His GC A/E omission Flashing1 P 8 flashing wasn't Include in the construction documentation. This proposal consists of Hensel Phelps adapting As trash management plan and perimeter fence adjustments and repairs.The new trash management plan has two parts:a combination of an outrigger platform and cone;renal of a 1OK telehandler forklift when tower cane is reordered.The Proposal Cred las the trash chuteoriginally planned.Thio Propwal Includes the added cost of the outrigger Platform to date,2OK 08Hemel Phelps $ ]0,90500 re 060-CORO68-NEOTCm JhaOon telehandlerforklift nal,fuel for the 1OK tebhandler fondift NEDT project created damage and added tort nestled 8 2/23/2022 Impacts and the operator costs associated with operating the on the RRPL project created createtl by NEDT MP Owner Error deays. telehandlerfordit. Th is proposal also includes costs created by the HOOT project consistently breaching our project perimeter fence.The proposal outlines the project perimeter Fero mwmd8um to date,a proposal from our perimeter fence vendors bring our fence in compliance,and the potential future fence repair cost. This change Is for pricing ineolyed In the placement of the Oncor pads(Piers Chill.The ONCOR Pads are shown on she 9 4/26/7022 08025-COR 088-Onar Pad Institution Hemel Phelps $ 3,624.00 Architectural Drawings,hesitater no Firms are shown on the Na Piers are shown m the Structural or Architectural His GC VIE medical (Pkrs OIN) Structural or Archftedual Drawings.ONCOR provided the Drawings details In the attached prkin&which were required for their pads �n. The pricing for this change includes the cost associated with OB O87-COR 113-Ub Fastening furnishing and Installing the the plywood and face nailing the In order to avoid the concrete Imperfections,we 10 6/6/2022 Method to SW-1 and AP-1 at Elevator Hensel Phelps S 11,548.00 SW-1 Panels to the AP-1 panels.This pricing also Includes a decided to Install plywood under the SWI In the HP Unknown conditions Monumental Stairs. credit for the originally designed AP-1 and SW-1 attachment. The pricing associated with this change Is for removing bollards We have to add a concrete curb to prevent water from OB 099-COR 144-Gar Curb to Divert on level 1,adding a concrete curb to divert water from the level 11 8/2/2022 Water from IT Room and Elec.Room Hensel Phelps S 20,768.00 l IT and Electrical rooms,and Increasing the drain size in the amp.flowing Into the electrical rooms from the Staff Garden HP A/E omission r staff garden ramp to a trench drain per RFI 385. ramp. The pricing for this change Is associated with the cost of Hensel Phelps to provide protection at the light pate anchor bolts, OB 100-COR 136-NEDT-Grade Re- reset the utility valve sleeves,make concrete repalrs at the ADA NEDT project Initially was going to get this work done 12 8/3/2022 Establishment Hensel Phelps S 72,411.00 ramp and curb,curb cut and grind at the drives as determined but In order to avoid delays In the Library,we decide to HP Owner scope change by Nelson,and overall take care of this. grade re-estabfahment around the project.Please note,this additional work is to be tracked via T&M. The pricing for this change Includes the cost associated with 101-COR 137-NEDT Paving assisting the paving activities/impacts from the NEOT project OB 13 8/9/2022 Ass 101-CDRvtng Related Impacts-6.28.22- Hensel Phelps S 19,796.00 per CoRR direction.Specifically,this pricing includes the cost for NEDT project was paving roads and we had to move the HP Owner scope change 7 9 22 the jobsite fence relocation required per the NEDT project.This This construction fence multiple times. Included Hensel Phelps labor,Metalink labor,additional labor I from Coe Concepts,and fence stand material. OB 104-COR 155-Flow Fill at at North The pricing for this change Includes the cost associated with Atmos still don't install the gas line so we had to do a 14 8/16/2022 Sidewalk for Atmos Gas Line Hensel Phelps S 7,790.00 Installing flow fill on the North side of the Library to temporary fill. HP Unknown conditions accommodate the Atmos gas line. OB 105-COR 157-Site Walkway Canopy The pricing for this change Includes the cost associated with the There Is a discrepancy between the constructions 15 8/20/2022 Steel for Skylights Hensel Phelps S 2,063.00 added framing required to make up the dimension discrepancy drawings and the construction site. HP A/E omission for the skylight framing at the walkway canopy per RFI 409. The pricing for this change Includes the cost associated with 16 8/23/2022 OB Work -COR 142-Bus Lane Scope of Hensel Phelps S 50,300.00 removing and re-installing the bus lane at the Library per CoRR NEDT project had this scope on their contract but we HP Owner scope change direction and decide to take care of this to avoid possible delays. design. The pricing for this change includes the cost associated with famishing and installing the infill framing to accommodate the OB 107-COR 156-Gar South Eyebrow steel discrepancy between the Architectural and Structural There is a discrepancy between the constructions HP A/E omission 17 8/29/2022 Canopy In-Fill Framing Hensel Phelps S 2,509.00 drawings.Per RFI 370,the high canopy required 6"metal drawings and the construction site. framing with supports so that the South side eyebrow canopies match In size at 6". The pricing for this change Includes the cost associated with Alpha Paving completing the additional paving,parking spaces, curb and gutter,and flatwork on the North side of Austin Ave. OB 108-COR 162-NEDT-Parking and Please note,the pricing is based off the single drawing 18 9/7/2022 flat Work at Austin Ave Hensel Phelps S 69,010.00 available.The drawing did not This is an additional scope for the NEDT project. HP Owner scope change Include scale,and some existing site conditions vary from the drawing.Additionally,the timeline of this work was discussed to occur In October while Hensel Phelps is still scheduled to be onsite. The pricing for this change Includes the cost associated with OB 109-COR 163-Lockable Cabinets for fumishing and Installing the lockable cabinets for the elevator According to the state inspector,each elevator must 19 9/9/2022 Hensel Phelps S 2,225.00 disconnects.This includes a lockable cabinet in the Library have a disconnect cabinet no more than 20'away. HP A/E omission Elevator Disconnects Penthouse,a lockable access panel In the Group Study Room and Level 4 of the Garage The pricingfor this change Indudes the cart assodated with 20FI/111112T2 ,0'_,10-COR 164-Paint NEUTCurb and Hensel Phelps dS522,M 0 painting the curb and gutter around the Ubrarr that was The is an additional scope for the NEW proled. HP Ownersoopechange r originally part of the NEAT scope.This was priced at the request of l]aRR. Subtotal Inwrana 0.759%Subtotal Bond 0.55%Subtotal Fee 5% 6TOTAL 01— ROUND �«cu ROCK i F AAS u.iw.r Round Rock Library Change Order # 004 Summary Date: 09/14/2022 Change Order q 4 to contract with Hensel Phelps Construction Co. Cost: $555,997.00 Overview: As the project progresses, minor changes incur some costs.This Change Order represents the largest cost changes not covered by the Owner's Betterment Allowance within the construction contract. 1. OB 021-COR 014: Oncor Overhead Power Relocation 2. OB 038—COR 036: Site Communication Tie-in 3. OB 043-COR 070: Lib RAHU Power Requirement Confirmation 4. OB 045-COR 074:Terrazzo Flooring Thickness Specifications versus Contract Drawings 5. OB 051-COR 085: Sloping at Rooftop Garden Deck Additional Information 6. OB 053- COR 052: RFI 192- Lib- Display Devices Recessed in Natural Stone Panels 7. OB 056-COR 087:Terra Cotta Jamb Flashing 8. OB 060-COR 068: NEDT Coordination Impacts 9. OB 075-COR 088: Oncor Pad Installation (Piers Only) 10. OB 087-COR 113: Lib Fastening Method for SW-1 and AP-1 at Elevator 11. OB 099 -COR 194: Gar Curb to Divert Water from IT Room and Elec. Room 12. OB 100-COR 136: NEDT- Grade Re-Establishment 13. OB 101- COR 137: NEDT Paving Assist/Paving Related Impacts-6.28.22-7.9.22 14. OB 104-COR 155: Flow Fill at North Sidewalk for Atmos Gas Line 15. OB 105-COR 157: Site Walkway Canopy Steel for Skylights 16. OB 106-COR 142: Bus Lane Scope of Work 17. OB 107 -COR 156: Gar South Eyebrow Canopy In-Fill Framing 18. OB 108-COR 162:Additional Parking, Curb and Gutter, and Flatwork at Austin Ave 19. OB 109-COR 163: Lockable Cabinets for Elevator Disconnects 20. OB 110-COR 164: Paint NEDT Curb and Gutter Betterment(encumbered in contract) Original Remaining to Date $750,000.00 $0 Change Order 001-002-003 Total Remaining to Date $ 149,446.00 $92,189.94