Contract - Rodriguez Transportation Group - 12/1/2022 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON § SUPPLEMENTAL CONTRACT NO.6 TO CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FIRM: RODRIGUEZ TRANSPORTATION GROUP,INC. ("Engineer") ADDRESS: 11211 Taylor Draper Lane, Suite 100,Austin,TX 78759 PROJECT: Gattis School Road (Segment 3) This Supplemental Contract No. 6 to Contract for Engineering Services is made by and between the City of Round Rock, Texas, hereinafter called the "City" and Rodriguez Transportation Group, Inc., hereinafter called the"Engineer." WHEREAS, the City and Engineer executed a Contract for Engineering Services, hereinafter called the "Contract," on the 22nd day of March, 2018 for the Gattis School Road (Segment 3) Project in the amount of$1,013,037.45; and WHEREAS,the City and Engineer executed Supplemental Contract No. 1 on February 14, 2019 to amend the scope of services and to increase the compensation by $117,447.94 to a total of $1,130,485.39; and WHEREAS, the City and Engineer executed Supplemental Contract No. 2 on August 22, 2019 to amend the scope of services and to increase the compensation by $89,780.42 to a total of $1,220,265.81; and WHEREAS, the City and Engineer executed Supplemental Contract No. 3 on November 12, 2020 to amend the scope of services and to increase the compensation by $52,865.48 to a total of $1,273,131.29; and WHEREAS, the City and Engineer executed Supplemental Contract No. 4 on April 22, 2021 to amend the scope of services and to increase the compensation by $78,587.78 to a total of $1,351,719.07; and WHEREAS, the City and Engineer executed Supplemental Contract No. 5 on December, 3, 2021 to amend the scope of services and to increase the compensation by $37,399.65 to a total of $1,389,118.72; and WHEREAS, it has become necessary to amend the Contract to modify the provisions for the scope of services and to increase the compensation by $116,796.54 to a total of$1,505,915.26; NOW THEREFORE, premises considered, the City and the Engineer agree that said Contract is amended as follows: Supplemental Contract Rev.06/16 0 199.1770;4883-6582-4318 84275 1 I. Article 2, Engineering Services and Exhibit B, Engineering Services shall be amended as set forth in the attached Addendum to Exhibit B. Exhibit C, Work Schedule shall be amended as set forth in the attached Addendum to Exhibit C. II. Article 4, Compensation and Exhibit D. Fee Schedule shall be amended by increasing by $116,796.54 the lump sum amount payable under the Contract for a total of$1,505,915.26, as shown by the attached Addendum to Exhibit D. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Engineer have executed this Supplemental Contract in duplicate. [signature pages follow] Supplemental Contract Rev.06/16 0199.1770;4883-65824318 84275 2 RODRIGUEZ TRANSPORTATION GROUP,INC. Bv: Robert Carrillo, P.E. 11/14/2022 Date Supplemental Contract Rev.06/16 0 199.1770,4883-6582-4318 84275 3 CITY OF ROUND ROCK APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: , Craig M r�n, Ma , r epl anie L. SandreCityAtt�rney 12/J /ZZ- Date Supplemental Contract Rev.06/16 0 199.1770,4883-6582-4318 84275 4 ADDENDUM TO EXHIBIT B Engineering Services The additional Scope of Work to be performed by the Engineer under this Supplemental Contract is described as follows: • Additional project management and administration effort required to account for the extended duration of the contract. • Additional utility coordination required to review relocation plans and ROW permit applications provided by utility providers and to continue to develop a DGN file that represents utility locations expected to be encountered prior to roadway construction activities. • Additional bid support services required to finalize the PS&E package. • Addition of Construction Phase Services (CPS) FC 140—Project Management and Administration A. The Engineer shall continue to manage the project by preparing invoices, maintaining the project files and work schedule,and continuing to coordinate with City Staff and their representatives for the duration of the project. FC 163—Miscellaneous A. Utility Coordination 1. The Engineer shall continue to coordinate required relocations with each utility provider. Coordination efforts includes: reviewing relocation plans and issuing comments and working with the providers to address questions,review of ROW Permit applications and gathering relocation schedule information. Continued coordination effort is expected for the following providers: Atmos,AT&T, Charter/Spectrum, Oncor, Grande, and Zayo. 2. The Engineer shall continue to develop a Microstation reference file (DGN)that represents anticipated utility locations prior to roadway construction activities. The file will be based on relocation information provided by utility providers and existing utilities to remain. B. Bid Document Support 1. The Engineer shall update pre-final plans as required to finalize the PS&E package in advance of project letting. FC 180—Construction Phase Services A. The Engineer shall provide the following services during construction activities for the project: 1. Attend Pre-Construction Conference and make site visits at intervals appropriate to the various states of construction(4 total),to observe as an experienced and qualified professional the progress and quality of the executed work by the Contractor and to determine if such work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Engineer shall not be required to make continuous on- site inspections to check the quality or quantity of work. 1 2. Review shop drawings for conformity to the plans, specifications, and special provisions. Procedures for shop drawing review include: a) If the drawing is found to be in conformity, or an alternate design is adequate and acceptable,the drawing shall be marked"Review—No Exceptions Taken"with signature,date and statement that"Review is only for general conformance with the design concept of the contract documents. Markings or comments shall not be construed as relieving the Contractor from compliance with the project plans and specification,nor departures therefrom. The Contractor remains solely responsible for details and accuracy, for confirming and correlating all quantities and dimensions,for selecting fabricating processes, for techniques of assembly, for safety and for satisfactory performance of work." b) If there are only minor corrections,the incorrect information shall be crossed out and the correct information included next to the cross out information. The submittal shall be returned marked"Reviewed—As Noted". c) If the corrections are more significant and the Engineer does not concur with he information on the drawings,then the submittal shall be returned marked "Revised and Resubmit." The drawings must then be resubmitted for a second review. 3. Response to request for information(RFI)related to the plans and specification as needed throughout the duration of construction. 4. Make minor plan revisions at the request of the City. 5. Upon substantial completion, prepare a punch list outlining corrections and work that must be done before project acceptance. The Engineer will arrange a preliminary site inspection date with the appropriate personnel. 6. Prepare one set of reproducible as-built plans based on one (1)record copy of the project drawings labeled"Project Record"maintained by the Contractor. The Contractor shall submit the"Project Record" drawings to the Engineer at contract closeout. 2 YiJrF r IW W C-Wak S[M81M ■ r1x rY.i w..+rax vx.m.« ni . �+a� un savmnm.a h • mcsmriarw.w«..•.«u ■ IxpdFgtmannan '. M/a Mc.u1erll�. � i � \ [r•yn ccu.d<«rw«u.loss '. '.NJpW c«.•r tnNawn Moth I • 1•J•d rad • x xvua« ��s t [�xYN 1 ■ [nv«m«pow cu..nw ¢N.u.�a ws:cl.d«- -- — a w.a..e�.w,�.an., a..I.d.N•ai..ul>.I.+ I N { s•+•.r lo.y.s.mmi +�sw.z loalr u�.n.1 _�___._._.._._._.._— __ \ rnm aWne✓tcmvuwin Nw+ U���I•r�w u•w p+i•r•n+.uoa I i i • sm..ry c.«.u.vn.m.sx - a��wY Mse.mre i ruu wem nN a awunn. nnu wem na lM.d+xl ■ n.a�wauew....n ..-[rMo�w'b.M...r.r.noe I � I I sssaWaowu.el — rwemm.l lvAwa•s<x«uuu[ow.wn4 a a.r Immu .n..« •«....•• iur«w«Wo«�+ +an•.x.po I Rm.•.l ro..0 ..Ir+e p�.•• — I { wanal++W as.ax«mn. 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I wro yoa.u+an.�anm.ucacwsm�snWiul • isuemwii al _ sue wn� 09 a•+laswwer. - nq.n cama•a« { I null -__y..q.•um.y wwd o.a.Pill { � - - «ws«sYa•lasaa 111I Mill Ilebiqua Tnlnporticn TszYI+P.Irc. • s���ear _ __ _ - . GYttia Schaal—d Iiegment 3) Dah:Thu 11/10/22 1.p.1 Addendum to Exhibit D Fee Schedule RODRIGUEZ TRANSPORTATION GROUP,Inc. City of Round Rock Estimate of Engineering Services Budget Gattis School Road(Segment 3) RODRIGUEZ CORSAIR COXIMcLAIN HDR INLAND K FRIESE NANCY LEDBETTER TASK TRANSPORTATION CONSULTING ENV.CONSULTING ENGINEERING GEODETICS 6 ASSOCIATES 6 ASSOCIATES TOTAL GROUP,INC. LLC INC. INC. LLC INC. INC. COST FC 110 Route and Design Studies;Geotechmcal Investigation $000 $000 $000 $0.DO s0.DO $000 $0.00 $000 FC 120 Environmental Documentation $000 $0.00 $000 $0.00 $000 $000 $0.00 $000 FC 130 ROW DatalUtilitles 50.00 $0.00 $000 $0.00 $0.00 1 $000 $0.00 $000 FC 140 Project Management and Administration $10.198.08 $000 $000 $0.00 s0.DO S8,15760 SOW $18,35568 FC ISO Fleld Surveying and Photogrammetry 5000 $0.00 $000 $0.Do $0.DO 5000 $0.00 $000 FC 160 Roadway Design $0.00 $000 $000 $0.DO E0.00 s0 DO 50.00 $000 FC 161 Drainage $000 s0.00 $000 $0 DO $000 s0 00 s0.00 $000 FC 162 Signing,Pavement Markings,Signals and Illumination $000 s0 00 s0 00 $000 s0 00 $000 $0.00 $000 FC 163 Miscellaneous $1 TS6920 $000 $000 $17,78000 50.00 S4,472.00 $0.00 $40,12120 FC 180 Construction Phase Services S40,58816 $000 $000 $9,869.00 $0.00 $7,86250 $0.00 $58,31966 Subtotal-Labor S 68,655.44 S - S - It 27,649.00 S - S 20,49710 $ - $ 116,796.54 Subtotal-Other Direct Expenses(Cardno) $0.00$ - $ - $ - S - f - $ - 50.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 68,655.44 $ - S - s 27,649.00 $ $ 20,402.10 $ - $ 116,796.54 EaftIEP 04 FEE SCHEDULE CM4lR4urdR- NC.IPTOI G-m-SCImoIRo-C IS-p 31 Emma of Eno 4 rvi<-a euE4w vral.c� r Fry-rr RO Hguez Transponat—Gawp,Inc. mm naPn Y.+v�.a.r ariww+Yn N4lM-- w-vvryMana-a=aw�+M MM oY4n 4rabapa 1q-4riq,-n-n-M YMY4a fq.ab aM�anbPbn M4q-.t- APR.q Exhibit D-4 FEE SCHEDULE City of Round Rods SUBPROVIDER: CORSAIR CONSULTING,LLC.ICC) Gattis School Road(Segment 3) Estimate of Engineering Services Budget No.or Sr.Protect Projttt Project Laboratory Protect Graduate Sr.Erg. Technician Admin.l TOW TOGI Labor Corsair Consulting,LLC. sn«n Manager Manager Engineer Manager Geologisl rrressiona Technician 80rapPer. Clerical Noun CoN $17246 $16673 $1 d661 S. $8911 f10o.81 S10o.61 sa3.36 $60.37 FC 110 Route and Design Studies:Geotechnical Investigation A.Deta Collect on art Fkle Raonrm-- I secure aria review available M gala o W a secure and revkw're Ions e-t 6 sea o a 3 w re�are end kw avalwbk hood n imoim11,01 o oo 4 cdiduct rlek reonnaiaeance am �t core o ao e Deveb ee- aekrla maawa and oraii,.ec o oo C Deveb elimirm rice of oretrictbn exNb6 0 f0.00 D Cv-p Wel,mirm oN eNimate 0 $000 E Pre re for and attend DEC meet 0 sow F.Ge01ac11 S a-ot I Field l-rrt atbn(0-re-lion TralOC Cartr01 Lo 0 W I Geotechrscal Data Re d Pre aratbn 0 00 ] Retain Well De nI I 1 0 000 4 Pavement Tnickness De n New one Overt 0 5000 5 Meet 0 $0 00 FC-110 Subtot.1-Labor Hra. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 f0.00 FC 120 Environmental Documentation FC-1I0 Subtotal-Labor Hrs. 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f0.00 FC 130 ROW DatalUtilities FC-130 Subtotal Labor Hrs. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 f0.00 FC 140 Profed Management and Adnlnislralion FC-I"Subtotal-Labor Hrs. 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 f0.00 FC 160 Field S.-ying and Pbblogrrra , FC 150 Subtotal-Labor Hrs. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f0.00 FC 160 Roadway Design FC-160 Subtotal-Labor Hrs. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0.00 FC let Drainage FC-161 Sublolal-Labor Hrs. 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f0.00 FC 162 Signing,P-onenl Markings.Signals and Illu-iud on FC.162 Subtotal-Labor Hrs. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0.00 FC 163 Miscellaneous FC 1,13 Subtotal-Labor Hrs. 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0.00 TOTAL SHEETS 0 Total Labor Hours o o a o o a o 0 0 0 Total-Labor Coo So- So oo $0.00 so.00 30.00 soeo so oo so.oa to oo $0.00 DIRECT EXPENSES Phot000 lies BW 11'"xiT sheets .RO sheet $0.00 Phol000 ids BW 65"x11" sheets 1$toned! $0,00 Photoco ids Color 11'x1T' sheets 1 1 sheet $0.00 Pnotoo sGolor 6.5eheel .70/sheet Too Mika a miks (mile $0.00 Ovem H Mail-Leper S¢e Del-res 1 AO/each f0.00 Ovem M Mail-Overs¢e Box Denver Q 3110.00 1 each f00g FIELD INVESTIGATION MOEYiaatbn-Drill buck water truck and crew ,ohl-lon M2b0111L1 mik $0.00 AHernn veNcle with drill add6rorml the a ATV w n Ida $0.00 8 sam li w/3".thin wall tDe vm onlinuous to n) D.Ar, 10.00 tot $0.00 CONnuoua dnlli 8 sam wen 3-,It en"W tube-le or 06- DiO, .00 tot $000 senora rmnattn!eels TeN f25 oo sow TxDOT wne netratbn tests TeN $3100 each sow Rock on -Drd in so0 rock Con woo tot $000 No.on -Dril m Iv d rock Con $7SW/toot Moo W-or a er bonn s dnDed and Ie ed ft m cubi -Sol Don $15 00 1 toot sow Wash or a er burin s tlreke one b etl tom cJbn s-RockI Eon #1 W/tot $0 00 Ca of borehoks Casin .W 1 tool $0.00 Hou Wr ea for bar la V,exceune time. 8 for other reasorm Elc $I9000 1 hula s0.00 Steel dried.for dr11 W a(d...red) Drums $7.00 1 each so W P bdrehdles w h-nits/oncrete Nu Plu $a 00 1 foot 50 00 Cone rmtrometer!duel Test $3450.00 Ida SO 00 Falli We R Defkclomeler reeling-F ro Rorr-a Inc.COS Is $2 000.00/days0 00 FWD Mobllvatbn COST MobdNiont $8.50 1mile $000 .MAC core $50.00 1 eacn $0.00 Patch boretabs wen od tuba 0 etch 550.00 1 eacn f0.00 Tnfic ortrol Albw da $2500.Do 1 W so.00 LABORATORY TESTING Padbk-S.e A_ -of Soils w a meter TeN .Do/each 50.00 Wo,t.a COMeM TeN 1. each sow Alenoe,g Limbs TeN AO 1 each $0.00 Matenalnrmrtnan the 200 Skve TeN .W Ieacn $0,00 5olubk SuONe Co"" TaN 120A0/*,0 $0.00 Lime Series H TestAO Ieacn $0.00 CBR Test $050.00 each sow Wen--De Rektbrmn Test S100.00 sow Sublolal-Other Direct Expenses f0.00 GRAND TOTAL $0.00 Exhibit 0-4 FEE SCHEDULE City of Round Rock SUBPROVIDER:CO%IMCLAIN ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING,INC.(CMEC) Gatlin School Road(Segment 3) Estimate of Engineering Services Budget No.of Proj«t Sr.Env. Env Sr.Env. Env. Bologial Biobgizl GIS ArcNBlO Atlmml Total Total Labor CoxIMcLain Environmental Consulting,Inc shKla Manager Pknner Pknnerinl sPer:krnl sP«iabat m bu oPeraor T«n ck,iwl Hour. coat $140.00 $11500 WOOD SOW $6000 119250 $7500 57300 $48.00 $51.75 FC 110 Route and Design Studka:Gaol mcal Investigation O CoN tiara artl Frtl Rwono , Sec a and review avaiable mrcc tl 0 W 2 Secure aM review sae n I$ osed 0 SOW 3 Sec a and re vadaae flood!awn inrormabm 0 w. 4 Conduct Red reconiuivance and rot a hk record 0 s0.00 B DeveM deal ncrrtieria roadwa aM drains e 0 m C Deveb relimina eol carwbuct,on eahibit 0 W. D Deveb relimim coal eat mate 0 00 E Pre re for and anentl DCC meeb 0 som, F Geokch$Pavement Des n(So,don On 0 40 FC-110 Subtotal-Labor Hra. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s0.00 FC 120 Environmental Dorvmentation A Data Cdkcton Process 0 3000 6 Hazartloun Mat—Irvlial Site So. C Sectwn 40a Clean Water Act Com 6a 0 00 D Entlan reds«en Act Com liancem 0 m E Teiias AM udies Code Com 6a a Revi<w OrY OD F C r 6 Notification Comm of R 0 m G Pro t Con.7 Daub R v nl n 0 m H Pro Omiere MeeS a to 2 0 00 Pubic MeeO s to 21 0 son J WebMe U at1.to 11 0 sow a E-1 Up—es top to 3 9 0 W FC-1m Subtotal-LaborHn. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f0.00 FC 1l0 ROW DataNtilnka FC-130 Subtotal-Labor li- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 So. FC 110 Prot 1 Management antl Adminmtral'on A Pre are Imbicen antl Morah Pro reran R.P oo.B M. 0 .m B Deve and mair0ain work ulkduk 0 S000 C Pre re brand anend C 0 W 0 Ro 1 Rk maintenance It >D.m E Im and execute OAOC plao co FC-10 Srrbsotal-Laborlln. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FC 150 F.-Surveying antl Photogramm q FC 150Subto4a1-LaWrHm. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $9A0 FC 160 Roadway Desgn FC-1.subtofal-Labor Hn. 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 o f0.00 FC 161 Drainage 4 Draim a Re n Summa of Prelmim Desi n �Op B.PAYIrJ� GdvM and Storm DraY1 t Dni eAreaMa 2 Deve a storm Grain tlea n 0 s0 Wp fO.W 3.Dave relknkw cuNM de 0 so co 4 Me antl me atecMl con$ob where leaubkt 0 so 00 5 Na Ywbk 0 0 SOW$ow 8 Pr are h tlraJic tlm alvreh "V 1 Prelimina CrosaCWen La Dols 0 $o.00 2 Prelimire oulMll chamm M ub 0 SO.W FC-W SubWtat-Labor Hn. 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f0.00 FC 192 SlOnirq.Pavanalt Markirpa.Spnals antl IlWmnalbn A S n and Pavement Mah 0 sow B$ H 0 sow �mFaOo 1 IllumirMbon La Ms 0 10.00 2 Ekchcal Cimul Pkn 0 $o. 3.Power Source Itlemificaton p so- FC Sublatal-Labor lira. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 FC 163 MiaaNlnaous MkcYYtxa�Utl R uremab 1 Anerd.,I ooNvanon mean b 3 0 sn.m 2 Warm raial w on0icta aM dayw d,, 3o.00 3 CooNirote wall C41y to esMDeNA., rrnerN $000 Ito-143 Subtotal-Labor Hra. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0.00 TOTAL SHEETS Total-Labor Hours 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total La-- f0.00 so00 $00o $0.00 $0W so 00 $0.00 sam So.00 $00o ON dRECT ExPEN5E5 Pint« rea BW 11'a1T $020 $o,m Protoc ns BW 851tt" s015 Sam Prolac 1es Color t .t T 31.50 ,0p Protoc .es Cdor SS'.1t- a so 75 sow Mik sp 55 m�k1 Sow Ove eM Mail-Caner S¢e Dative $tom «h Woo Ove MMsil-Ove"Z Bor Deliv «h sow Cto er 26 Public Ho No—News• NoticesCS $150, uh $0,00 Haeartloua Materials Database Search eon leach SoW Subtotal-OMar Dlncl EaOenaea Woo GRAND TOTAL .m Exhibit D FEE SCHEDULE CM oI Round R. SU—ROVIDER:HDR ENGINEERING,INC.INORI G-n School Road(Sepmunl J) ESIlmate of Enpineerinp SeMcea BudpN o..w. E.a,...r ua•.., e NOR ERgi—Anp.Inc. N....p. fSldp filtm s if.00 flddw o•w xlftll0 qWm IC IN a.N+sus.•,a.a.nrvw Iw•ngarxm ww w ngae!rMapu.w.w urvrvnren Iumywp W Taapnn•wry a Rwarry llaaNn ww aw w xlloHa Yawmxn wvxly Npmla ana Iauwlrurlen ww Itt,aw p lMw N,wlw w— ww wraaw na••+!is f�N4 w Exhibit DA FEE SCHEDULE City of Round Rock SUBPROVIDER: Cardno,Inc. Gattis School Road(Segment 3) Estimate of Engineering Services Budget Project Project SUE CADD Admin/ Total Total Labor Cardno, Inc. Manager Engineer Manager Tech Clerical Hours Cost $165.00 $180.00 $88.00 $90.00 $65.00 FC 130 ROW Data/Utilities B.Utility Locations 1.Records Research $0.00 2.Production/Review of Plan Delverables $0.00 3 Pro ect Meetings/Safety Orientation $0 00 5.Contract Administration $0M FC-130 Subtotal-Labor Hrs. 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0.00 Total-Labor Hours 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total-Labor Cost $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 CITY RATE UNIT DIRECT EXPENSES SUE(Quality Level"B $ 235.00 hour $0 00 OH Utility Inventory 2-Man Crew and Equipment) $ 175.00 /hour $0.00 Subtotal-Other Direct Expenses $0.00 GRAND TOTAL $0.00 Page 6 of 10 Exhibit D4 Exhibit D-4 FEE SCHEDULE City of Round Rock SUBPROVIDER:INLAND GEODETICS,LLC Gattis School Road(Segment 3) Estimate of Engineering Services Budget No.of Project Lkenaed GPS Survey 2-0enon f-0ratmn GPS Add.Crew Admk.l Total Total Labor InlandGeodetics,LLC Sheets Manager Land Sur. R.P.LS. Technician Technician Crew Craw Fie IdOPer. Member Ckrkal Mnura Cost 5/3000 $150.00 213500 $95.DO SOS.00 $42.00 $1e5.00 5imm fCe.W f5/00 FC 110 Routs and Oealgn Studoa;Geotenhnkal Investigatkn FC-110 Subtotal-Labor Hrs. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0.00 FC 120 Environmental Documentation FC-120 Subtotal-Labor Hrs. D 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SD.00 FC 130 ROW Data Uhhties FC-130 Subtotal-Labor Mrs. 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f0.00 FC 140 Project Management and Administration FC-110 Subtotal-Labor Mra. 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 f0.00 FC M Fkld Surveying and Photognmm FC-150 Subtotal-Labor Hra. 0 0 0 0 g 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f0.00 FC 190 Roadway Design FC-180 Subtotal-Labor Mn. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SO p0 Exhibit D-4 FEE SCHEDULE City of Round Rock SUBPROVIDER:INLAND GEODETICS,LLC Gatos School Road(Segment 3) Estimate of Engineering Services Budget Protect Licensetl GPS Survey 2-Per.on 31-- GPS AAd.Crew AEmin.l Total Total Labor Inland Geodetics,LLC SM1eel. Manager Lantl Sur. R.P.L.S. TecM1nician TecM1nician Crew Crew FieM Oper. Member Clerical Hours Cost $14OW f15000 f13500 $9500 $9800 $142.00 f16500 5120.00 540.00 55400 PC 161 Drainage FC-161 Subt—1-Labor Hra. 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D $o oo FC 162 Signing Pavement Marking.,Signal.antl Illumination FC-162Subtotal-labor Hm. 0 0 0 0 D D 0 0 0 0 0 f0.00 PC 193 Mittellaneou, FC-160 Subtoal-Labor Hr.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o S. TOTAL SHEETS 0 Total-Labor Hour. 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total-Labor Cost 50.00 SO o0 So 0o 50.00 so DO 50.00 50.00 50.00 s0.00 s0 00 SO 00 DIRECT EXPENSES Subtotal Oth.,Dlrect Expense. SO 00 GRIND TOTAL 50.00 Exhibit D-4 FEE SCHEDULE City of Round Rock SUBPROVIDER: K FRIESE R ASSOCIATES,INC.(KFA) Gattis School Road(Segment 3) Estimate of Engineering Services Budget No** OAIOC Project Project CADO AdniN Total Total Labor K Friese 8 Associates,Inc. Sheets Principal Manager Manager Engineer EIT Technician Clerical Nours Cost f2so.ao f24o.on $10995 $11000 $103.00 $7725 4177.25 $0.00 $0.00 FC 110 Route and Design Studies;Geotechnkal Investigation FC-110 Subtotal-Labor Nrs. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t0.00 FC 120 Envlronmenlal Docunenlation FC.120 Subtotal-Labor Hrs. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0.00 FC 130 ROW DalalUtilities FC-130 Subtotal-Labor Mrs. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0.00 FC 10 Project Management and Administration A Pre re Invoices aM Monthl Pr ,ss Re ds 12 Mo. 48 48 f8.157.60 FC-1"Subtotal-Labor Hrs. 0 1 0 1 0 a6 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 $8,157.60 FC 150 Field Surveying and Photogremmerry FC-160 Subtotal-Labor Hrs. 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f0.00 FC 160 Roadway Design FC-180 Subtotal-Labor Mrs. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f0.00 FC 16/Drainage FC-161 Subtotal-Labor Hrs. 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0.00 FC 162 Signing,Pavement Markings,Signals and Itlunination FC-162 Subtotal-Labor Hrs.[::i:t 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 11 f0.00 FC 163 Miscellaneous A.Util Coordinatron 0 $0.DO 1.ROW Pennd A I-tion Reviews r DGN u tes 12 mo. 0 $0.00 B.Bk Documents 5 R 0 f000 1.Update Pre-Final Plans 8 32 40 E4,472.00 FC-163 Subtotal-Labor Nrs. 0 6 0 0 0 0 32 0 0 0 !0 11,472.00 FC 120 Construction Phase Services 1 Attend Pre-Con and Make Site VsIs(4 WWI) 0 $0.00 2 R—Shov Drawn s 4total 8 16 24 f323fi 00 3.Res nd to ItFIX 4total 4 4 8 f130900 4 Make Mirror Plan Re—ons 2 total 4 15 15 34 $3,317.50 5.Walk Mro h F 0 $000 6.Pre n,As-BuiX and Usiml Punch List 0 $000 FC-180 Subtotal-Labor Hrs. 0 16 0 0 0 0 36 16 0 0 66 $7.862.50 TOTAL SHEETS 0 Total-Labor Hours 2! 0 46 0 0 67 15 0 0 16! Total-Labor Cost 76,000.00 $0.00 $1.157.90 $0.00 $0.00 $5,175.75 $1,151.75 $0.00 50.00 f20,l92.10 DIRECT EXPENSES Subtotal-Other Direct Espentts f0.00 GRAND TOTAL f30,l93.10 Exhibit D-4 FEE SCHEDULE City of Round Rock SUBPROVIDER: NANCY LEDBETTER&ASSOCIATES,INC.(NLA) Gattis School Road(Segment 3) Estimate of Engineering Services Budget No of project Pl Task Sr.PI PI GraP- TOIY T LabOI Nancy Ledbetter&Associates sneeta Manager Leaa spee�abst sPee�abat oea�gner Hours *"Cm 51150E S156M $11600 S9400 $5a00 SOW $00E 500E 500E FC 110 Route and Design Studies:Geotechnical I--,gat— FC 110 Sub-.- Labor Mrs. 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 f6.W FC 120 Environmental Documenlation A Data Collection Process Review ON p OW B Hazardous Maleriak Inrtial Srte Assessment Revkw O 0 0.00 C Se-4 Ckan Water Act Com farce Revkw O 0 $0.00 D EI•aa ered5 ces Ad Com knce Review On 0 $000 E Tesas AM MR Code Comp—Review ON 0 aw F Pro ecf CONacI Database 0 000 P Owners Abe' IO 1 Nnun�ahone for web Brae and soar a 0-00 H.PWIc H s 102 1 Statfin 0 .00 2 Nonrr2tgiu smarts nee conleN tlran end(nal 0 00 3 Mat--s n sneers hd sheets etc Aran 8 Anal 0 f0 W 4 Publk Meek n Sunma Bran dM Anal 0 .o0 I We—1 ores u to 3 0 00 J E-1 a-es M00 FC-120 Subtotal-Labor H11. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f0.00 FC 130 ROW Data M,tiea FC 130 Subtotal Labor Hrs. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SO.M FC 10 Project Management and Administration A Pre re Invoices a1N Monlhl Pro ress Re ds a Mo 0 f000 B Deveb and maintain workscheduk 0 $000 C Pre are br and'"("C to 2 0 $0.00 D Pro ect fik mainterance 0 50.0E E Im kmeN aM eaecNe OAOC pWn 0 500E FC-I"Subtotal-Lalwr Hrs. 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 $0.60 FC 160 Fbld Surveying and Phdogrammelry FC-160 subtotal Labor 11- 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 fO.M FC 160 Roadway Design FC-160 Subtotal-Labor Hrs. 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 S FC 161 Drainage FC-161 Subtotal_Labor Mrs. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50.0E FC 162 Sig, ,Pavement Markin s,Signals and Illumination FC-162 Subtotal-Labor His, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 $0.00 FC 163 Miscellaneous FC 163 Subtotal Labor Hr, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0.00 TOTAL SHEETS 0 Total-Labor Hours 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T-1-Labor Cost so.00 $0A0 SO." so." S0.o0 so cc so.00 S0.00 $0.00 wit DIRECT EXPENSES Pholoco 11'a1 eneeta $0.2E 50.11E Zoo s BW sBW H111 sheets CD $0_I5 shee•. 500E Plptoca sCobr 1111 she- $1.50 sMe� $0.00 PholOco T ICobr SSsit- sheers fK, s $0.00 Mba a miks .6S mile $0,00 Overn Mai1 Lr Sue Delivenes $140E 1 each fO.W OvernN ette m Mail-Oversue Boa Deliveries .00 i each 30.0E Translator(English to Spankn.otlrr krpwga as approprute,Or Sign SeW.00 ieveN $0.0E Lan u Wrmen Translation Services words a $0.15/document 50.0E Subtotal-Other Direct Eapenus 50.0E GRAND-TALl 1011