Contract - Lawson Products, Inc. - 12/15/2022 CITY OF ROUND ROCK AGREEMENT FOR THE PURCHASE OF FLEET MAINTENANCE REPAIR PARTS WITH LAWSON PRODUCTS,INC. THE STATE OF TEXAS § CITY OF ROUND ROCK § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON § COUNTY OF TRAVIS § THAT THIS AGREEMENT for the purchase of fleet maintenance repair parts, and for related A and services (referred to herein as the "Agreement"), is made and entered into on this the day of the month of t*X 9AAbEC , 2022 by and between the CITY OF ROUND ROCK, a Texas home-rule municipality, whose offices are located at 221 East Main Street, Round Rock, Texas 78664-5299 (referred to herein as the "City"), and LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC., whose offices are located at 8770 West Bryn Mawr Avenue, Suite 900, Chicago, Illinois 60631 (referred to herein as "Vendor"). RECITALS: WHEREAS, City desires to purchase fleet maintenance repair parts; and WHEREAS, City is a member of the Omnia Cooperative and Vendor is an approved Omnia vendor; and WHEREAS,the City desires to purchase certain goods and services from Vendor through Omnia Cooperative Contract No. R192005 to receive pricing and services as set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into this Agreement to set forth in writing their respective rights, duties, and obligations; NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, sufficiency and receipt of which are hereby acknowledged, it is mutually agreed between the parties as follows: 1.01 DEFINITIONS A. Agreement means the binding legal contract between City and Vendor whereby City agrees to buy specified goods and/or services and Vendor is obligated to provide said 4862-9215-8010/ss2 goods/services. The Agreement includes any exhibits, addenda, and/or amendments thereto. B. City means the City of Round Rock, Williamson and Travis Counties, Texas. C. Effective Date means the date upon which the binding signatures of both parties to this Agreement are affixed. D. Force Majeure means acts of God, strikes, lockouts, or other industrial disturbances, acts of the public enemy, orders of any kind from the government of the United States or the State of Texas or any civil or military authority, insurrections, riots, epidemics, landslides, lightning, earthquakes, fires, hurricanes, storms, floods, restraint of the government and the people, civil disturbances, explosions, or other causes not reasonably within the control of the party claiming such inability. E. Goods and services mean the specified services. supplies. materials. commodities, or equipment. 2.01 EFFECTIVE DATE AND TERM A. This Agreement shall be effective on the date it has been signed by both parties hereto, and shall remain in full force and effect, unless and until it expires by operation of the term stated herein, or until terminated as provided herein. B. The term of this Agreement shall be from the effective date of the Agreement until March 31, 2025. City reserves the right to review the relationship at any time, and may elect to terminate this Agreement,with or without cause,or may elect to continue. 3.01 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND EXHIBITS City selected Vendor to supply the goods as outlined in Exhibit "A," attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The goods which are the subject of this Agreement are described in Exhibit "A" and, together with this Agreement, comprise the total Agreement and they are fully a part of this Agreement as if repeated herein in full. 4.01 ITEMS AWARDED When taken together with the appended exhibit, this Agreement shall evidence the entire understanding and agreement between the parties and shall supersede any prior proposals, correspondence or discussions. Vendor shall satisfactorily provide all goods described under the attached Exhibit "A" at the sole request of the City. Vendor provide goods and services in accordance with this Agreement, in accordance with the appended exhibits, in accordance with due care,and in accordance with prevailing industry standards for comparable services. 2 5.01 COSTS A. City agrees to pay for goods during the term of this Agreement at the pricing set forth in Vendor's catalog at Lawson Products Volume 37 Catalog(2021) Page 23-1,attached as Exhibit"A." B. Tlie City is authorized to pay the Vendor an amount not-to-exceed One Hundred Thousand and No/100 Dollars($100,000.00)for the term of this Agreement. 6.01 INVOICES All invoices shall include, at a minimum, the following information: A. Name and address of Vendor; B. Purchase Order Number; C. Description and quantity of items received or services provided; and A. Delivery or performance dates. 7.01 NON-APPROPRIATION AND FISCAL FUNDING This Agreement is a commitment of City's current revenues only. It is understood and agreed that City shall have the right to terminate this Agreement at the end of any City fiscal year if the governing body of City does not appropriate funds sufficient to purchase the services as determined by City's budget for the fiscal year in question. City may affect such termination by giving Vendor a written notice of termination at the end of its then current fiscal year. 8.01 PROMPT PAYMENT POLICY In accordance with Chapter 2251, V.T.C.A., Texas Government Code, payment to Vendor will be made within thirty (30) days of the day on which City receives the performance, supplies, materials, equipment, and/or deliverables, or within thirty (30) days of the day on which the performance of services was complete, or within thirty (30) days of the day on which City receives a correct invoice for the performance and/or deliverables or services, whichever is later. Vendor may charge interest on an overdue payment at the "rate in effect" on September 1 of the fiscal year in which the payment becomes overdue, in accordance with V.T.C.A., Texas Government Code, Section 2251.025(b); however, this Policy does not apply to payments made by City in the event: A. There is a bona fide dispute between City and Vendor, a contractor, a subcontractor or supplier about the goods delivered or the service performed that cause the payment to be late; or 3 B. The terms of a federal contract, grant, regulation, or statute prevent City from making a timely payment with federal funds; or C. There is a bona fide dispute between Vendor and a subcontractor or between a subcontractor and its supplier about the goods delivered or the service performed that causes the payment to be late; or D. Invoices are not mailed to City in strict accordance with instructions, if any, on the purchase order or the Agreement or other such contractual agreement. 9.01 GRATUITIES AND BRIBES City may, by written notice to Vendor, cancel this Agreement without liability to Vendor if it is determined by City that gratuities or bribes in the form of entertainment, gifts, or otherwise were offered or given by Vendor or its agents or representatives to any City officer, employee or elected representative with respect to the performance of this Agreement. In addition, Vendor may be subject to penalties stated in Title 8 of the Texas Penal Code. 10.01 TAXES City is exempt from Federal Excise and State Sales Tax; therefore, tax shall not be included in Vendor's charges. 11.01 ORDERS PLACED WITH ALTERNATE VENDORS If Vendor cannot provide the goods as specified, City reserves the right and option to obtain the products or services from another supplier or suppliers. 12.01 INSURANCE Vendor shall meet all requirements required by the City as set forth on the City's website at: littps://www.roundrocktexas. og v/wp-content/ul2loads/2014/12/corr insurance 07.20112.pdf 13.01 CITY'S REPRESENTATIVE City hereby designates the following representatives authorized to act in its behalf with regard to this Agreement: Marshall Reynolds Specification Writer General Services Department 212 Commerce Boulevard Round Rock, Texas 78664 (512)281-5571 mre n�(abroundrocktexas. ov 4 14.01 RIGHT TO ASSURANCE Whenever either party to this Agreement, in good faith, has reason to question the other party's intent to perform hereunder, then demand may be made to the other party for written assurance of the intent to perform. In the event that no written assurance is given within the reasonable time specified when demand is made,then and in that event the demanding party may treat such failure as an anticipatory repudiation of this Agreement. 15.01 DEFAULT If Vendor abandons or defaults under this Agreement and is a cause of City purchasing the specified goods elsewhere, Vendor agrees that it may be charged the difference in cost, if any, and that it will not be considered in the re-advertisement of the service and that it may not be considered in future bids for the same type of work unless the scope of work is significantly changed. Vendor shall be declared in default of this Agreement if it does any of the following: A. Fails to make any payment in full when due; B. Fails to fully, timely and faithfully perform any of its material obligations under this Agreement; C. Fails to provide adequate assurance of performance under the "Right to Assurance" section herein; or D. Becomes insolvent or seeks relief under the bankruptcy laws of the United States. 16.01 TERMINATION AND SUSPENSION A. City has the right to terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part, for convenience and without cause,at any time upon thirty(30)days' written notice to Vendor. B. In the event of any default by Vendor, City has the right to terminate this Agreement for cause, upon ten(10)days' written notice to Vendor. C. Vendor has the right to terminate this Agreement only for cause, that being in the event of a material and substantial breach by City or by mutual agreement to terminate evidenced in writing by and between the parties. D. In the event City terminates under subsections (A) or (B) of this section, the following shall apply: Upon City's delivery of the referenced notice to Vendor, Vendor shall discontinue all services in connection with the performance of this Agreement and shall proceed to cancel promptly all existing orders and contracts insofar as such orders and contracts are chargeable to this Agreement. Within thirty (30) days after such notice of termination, Vendor 5 shall submit a statement showing in detail the goods and/or services satisfactorily performed under this Agreement to the date of termination. City shall then pay Vendor that portion of the charges, if undisputed. The parties agree that Vendor is not entitled to compensation for services it would have performed under the remaining term of the Agreement except as provided herein. 17.01 INDEMNIFICATION Vendor shall defend (at the option of City), indemnify, and hold City, its successors, assigns, officers, employees and elected officials harmless from and against all suits, actions, legal proceedings, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, attorney's fees, and any and all other costs or fees arising out of, or incident to, concerning or resulting from the fault of Vendor, or Vendor's agents, employees or subcontractors, in the performance of Vendor's obligations under this Agreement, no matter how, or to whom, such loss may occur. Nothing herein shall be deemed to limit the rights of City or Vendor (including, but not limited to the right to seek contribution) against any third party who may be liable for an indemnified claim. 18.01 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS,CHARTER AND ORDINANCES A. Vendor, its agents, employees and subcontractors shall use best efforts to comply with all applicable federal and state laws, the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Round Rock, as amended, and with all applicable rules and regulations promulgated by local, state and national boards, bureaus and agencies. B. In accordance with Chapter 2271, Texas Government Code, a governmental entity may not enter into a contract with a company for goods and services unless the contract contains written verification from the company that it: (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2)will not boycott Israel during the term of the contract. The signatory executing this Agreement on behalf of Vendor verifies Vendor does not boycott Israel and will not boycott Israel at any time during the term of this Agreement. C. In accordance with 2274, Texas Government Code, a governmental entity may not enter into a contract with a company with at least ten (10) full-time employees for a value of at least One Hundred Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($100,000.00) unless the contract has provision in the contract verifying that it: (1) does not have a practice, policy, guidance, or directive that discriminates against a firearm entity or firearm trade association; and (2) will not discriminate during the term of the contract against a firearm entity or firearm trade association. The signatory executing this Agreement on behalf of Vendor verifies Vendor does not have a practice, policy, guidance, or directive that discriminates against a firearm entity or firearm trade association, and it will not discriminate during the term of this Agreement against a firearm entity or firearm trade association. D. In accordance with 2274, Texas Government Code, a governmental entity may not enter into a contract with a company with at least ten (10) full-time employees for a value of at least One Hundred Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($100,000.00) unless the contract has provision in the contract verifying that it: (1)does not boycott energy companies; and(2)will not 6 boycott energy companies during the term of this Agreement. The signatory executing this Agreement on behalf of Vendor verifies Vendor does not boycott energy companies, and it will not boycott energy companies during the term of this Agreement. 19.01 ASSIGNMENT AND DELEGATION The parties each hereby bind themselves, their successors, assigns and legal representatives to each other with respect to the terms of this Agreement. Neither party shall assign, sublet or transfer any interest in this Agreement without prior written authorization of the other party. 20.01 NOTICES All notices and other communications in connection with this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be considered given as follows: 1. When delivered personally to the recipient's address as stated in this Agreement; or 2. Three (3) days after being deposited in the United States mail, with postage prepaid to the recipient's address as stated in this Agreement. Notice to Vendor: Attn: Government Sales Lawson Products, Inc. 8770 West Bryn Mawr Avenue Suite 900 Chicago, IL 60631 Notice to City: City Manager Stephanie L. Sandre, City Attorney 221 East Main Street AND TO: 309 East Main Street Round Rock, TX 78664 Round Rock, TX 78664 Nothing contained herein shall be construed to restrict the transmission of routine communications between representatives of City and Vendor. 21.01 APPLICABLE LAW; ENFORCEMENT AND VENUE This Agreement shall be enforceable in Round Rock, Texas, and if legal action is necessary by either party with respect to the enforcement of any or all of the terms or conditions herein, exclusive venue for same shall lie in Williamson County, Texas. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws and court decisions of the State of Texas. 7 22.01 EXCLUSIVE AGREEMENT This document, and all appended documents, constitutes the entire Agreement between Vendor and City. This Agreement may only be amended or supplemented by mutual agreement of the parties hereto in writing, duly authorized by action of the City Manager or City Council. 23.01 DISPUTE RESOLUTION City and Vendor hereby expressly agree that no claims or disputes between the parties arising out of or relating to this Agreement or a breach thereof shall be decided by any arbitration proceeding, including without limitation, any proceeding under the Federal Arbitration Act (9 USC Section 1-14)or any applicable state arbitration statute. 24.01 SEVERABILITY The invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement or the occurrence of any event rendering any portion or provision of this Agreement void shall in no way affect the validity or enforceability of any other portion or provision of this Agreement. Any void provision shall be deemed severed from this Agreement, and the balance of this Agreement shall be construed and enforced as if this Agreement did not contain the particular portion or provision held to be void. The parties further agree to amend this Agreement to replace any stricken provision with a valid provision that comes as close as possible to the intent of the stricken provision. The provisions of this section shall not prevent this entire Agreement from being void should a provision which is of the essence of this Agreement be determined void. 25.01 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Standard of Care. Vendor represents that it employs trained, experienced and competent persons to perform all of the services, responsibilities and duties specified herein and that such services, responsibilities and duties shall be performed in a manner according to generally accepted industry practices. Time is of the Essence. Vendor understands and agrees that time is of the essence and that any failure of Vendor to fulfill obligations for each portion of this Agreement within the agreed timeframes will constitute a material breach of this Agreement. Vendor shall be fully responsible for its delays or for failures to use best efforts in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Where damage is caused to City due to Vendor's failure to perform in these circumstances, City may pursue any remedy available without waiver of any of City's additional legal rights or remedies. Force Majeure. Neither City nor Vendor shall be deemed in violation of this Agreement if it is prevented from performing any of its obligations hereunder by reasons for which it is not responsible as defined herein. However, notice of such impediment or delay in performance must be timely given, and all reasonable efforts undertaken to mitigate its effects. 8 Multiple Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, any one of which shall be considered an original of this document; and all of which, when taken together, shall constitute one and the same instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Vendor have executed this Agreement on the dates indicated. City o Round Rock, Texas Lawson Products, Inc. By: By: Printed Na e: Printed ame: Michael Drinane Title: aft, V Title: VP-Strategic Accounts,Government and Segment Sales Date Signed: 2.- Date Signed: 11/16/2022 Attest: By: Meagan Spin City C erk For City,Approved as to Form: By: S ephanie . Sandre, City Attorney 9 Exhibit "A" TABLE of CONTENTS Fleet and Transportation Instant Air Brake Flttll,ys System 23-2 23-4 j10 Clevis Pin- _ 23-5 Air Brake ;dose Assemuiy Kits 23-5 • Push-To-Connect Brass D.O.T. Fittings and Filers 23-6 - 23-9 Grass Air Brake Fittings for Nylon Tubing 23-10, 23-11 Air Brake Tubing 23-12 Tank Valves and Drain Valve _ 23-12 1 t Air Brake Hose and Fittings 23-13, 23-14 "i �'- Air Brake Hose Assemblies 23-14 Plug/Socket Brush 23-14 r ): Gladhands and Accessories 23-15 rFRrNI Deutsch-Style Connectors and Accessories 23-16- 23-19 Tractor-Trailer Cables and Cords 23-20, 23-23 Circuit Testers 23-21 Tractor-Trailer Connectors and Accessories 23-21 - 23-25 )SCHOOL OHS Repair Harnesses _23-24 Fleet Mirrors 23-26, 23-27 Reflectors 23-28 1 ' Fleet Lighting 23-29 - 23-48 " Document and Certificate holders 23-48 Emergency and Back-up Equipment 23-45, 23-50 Instrumentation 23-51 i --- Find more D Fleet and Transportation T,1 ' products like these at y lawsonproducts.com USA:866.529.7664 1 Conodo:800.563.1717 1 lowaonp-oduct%com TRANSPORTATIONFLEET AND aboutblank 2111 Exhibit "A" 1117l22,2:05 PM about.blank In, LAWSON INSTANT AIR BRAKE FITTING SYSTEM PROBLEM SOLVER Many Customers Have Experienced The Following: PROBLEM: With ordinary brass fittings Time spent looking for proper size part One-time use Difficult and time-consuming installation Difficult to properly align fittings to tubing Specific styles required for specific applications SOLUTION: Available In Assortment Instant Air Brake Fittings LP273 ! • Ins.am ronro.;ct nd d:scunneut (23 Items,4f pieces) LP274 aJVings ur 60 o tin ,..but ® (22items,44 pieces) • D G.T. arpi uved - us-!d tur c.ir brake See page 1-27- assembi:es and everyday applications • R,�usuble- nu need to replace fitting after each use • 360' swivel elbows and tees -fitting is aligned after it has been tightened "Let me show you how it works" FEATURES: APPLICATIONS: • D.O.T.approved • Air horns • Air toggle switches • Instant connect and disconnect • Air-operated mirrors • -eaters • Reusable • Wiper motors • Window opening • 360'swivel elbows and tees • Shutter stats and closing cylinders • Can be used on nylon lines • Air operated Door locks • Can be tightened internally with hex key clutch fan Cab tilt cylinders • Working temperature: From -40°F to i 200'F • Fifth wheel Main frame air lines (-40aC to+93°C) • Operating gauges Gear shift Working pressure. 250 PSI 07 Bar) • Air-operated seats Transmission For air brake applications except those designed for s eo een _ :ram and axle or between towed and towing vehicle - LAWSON Products 23 FLEET AND TRANSPORTATION L aboutblank 3/11 Exhibit "A" LAWSON INSTANT AIR BRAKE FITTING SYSTEM ' Instant Air Brake Fittings • Approved for D.O.T.tru A and trai.er 3ppli.adons •Temperature range: 4UaF to+20VF • No assembly tools or skills are needed (-4UaC to+9-'(-) • Fittings ore easy to assemble and disassemble Working pressure to 250 3Si For all cir bro,e applications ex�eNt those designed for use between game and a-de or between towed and totting vehicles. 1 3 7 6 4 5 1.Nylon 12 precision molded into bodies to form tees,90•elbows and unions. 2 2.0 Ong seals the thre,,led bcse icto the fitting body. o.Shoos f d flow-opoc'tTof fittng in relation to the I.D.of tubing. 4.1Gbe insect which ein.orces the slottea collet's grip on the tubing O.G. S.Cutaway of tu,ing showing the tubing and insert's 1.1,in re.Gtion to the fitting's .D. 6.G-ring seals an the tubing 0.j.Mis 0-ring moKes Gn instant seal im,,iediately upon receiwnq the tubing. 7.Slotted collet the mechanism locking the tubing Into the fittm�. 10 d.Sleeve-the housing for the slotted collet whose inside configuration is beveled to match the outside 11 configuration of the slotted collet.When pressure(or vacuum)Is introd„ced Into the system,the collet and tubing move slightly backward,the slotted collet is compressed and col.ses the sharp grippin3 ridges,machined into it,to bite into the tubing's O.D.The greater the pressure,the strongerthe grip. y.Push the plustic tubing into the fitting and there is on Instant,permanent connection with a I u0N seal. lu.Gripping ridges which lock the components into the fitting body. 1 I.Threaded base available in I/16'to 112'NPT. Bulkhaad Union Tube(A)xTube(B) "t;t, "Y" Union Fitting Fitting Tube(A)x Tube(B)x Tube(C) Dimension Dimension Item Pkg. (Inches) (Inches) No. Qty. Fitting Fitting Fitting .r4 .,4 6•181 DimensionA Dimension B Dimension C Item Pkg. 3/B /8 6,289 - (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) No. Qty. ®WA..N1,'G:CancerandReproductive„arm- 1/4 1/4 114 62285 2 www.,6SWornings-co.gov. 41111111110 3/8 3/8 3/8 62286 2 ®WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm www.P65Womings.co.gov. Union Tee I Tube(A)x Tube(B)x Tube(C) 1 Fitting Fitting Fitting Union Elbow ' Dimension A Dimenslon B Dimension C Item 'kg. Tube(A)X Tube(B) (Inches) (Inches) 1lnches) No. Qty. 5/32 5/31 5/32 62270• 2 Fitting Fitting 3/16 3/16 3/Ib _.309, 2 Dimension Dimension Item Pkg. 1/4 1/4 1/4 012_ 2 (Inches) (Inches) No. Qty. 3/8 3/8 3/0 91621 2 5/32 5/32 62279' 2 112 112 1/2 S1.24 2 3/16 3/16 55308' 2 'nN bras.+bad, 114 1/4 91825 2 ®WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm- 3/8 3/8 91826 2 1W,P6SWornings co gov. 1/2 112 91827 2 W1 bra,,body ®WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm vv .P65Womings.co.gov. UnionI W, Tube(A)xTube(B) "• Fitting Fitting Item Pkg. Dimension A Dimension B No. Qty. Avulla6k In Assortment 5/32' 5/32- 55304' 2 1P922 I.P925 3/16' 3/16' 55305' 2 (8 Items,32 pieces) (I I Items,44 pieces) 1/4- 1/4- 91819 2 (7 items,283pieces) (I I ItemsP926 44 pieces) 3/2' 3/8' 91820 1 1P924 1/2' 1/2' 91821 2 (13 items,52 pieces) See pages 1 258,1-259,1-26u 3/4 3/4 1593514 5 'All bross body ®WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm-www.P65Wornings.co gov. USA:866.529.7664 1 Canada:800.563.1717 1 Irwsr�iproducts.c,m FLEET 1 TRANSPORTATION abouttlank 4/11 Exhibit "A" Is— LAWSON INSTANT AIR BRAKE FITTING SYSTEM Instant Air Brake Fittings • Approved for D.O.T.truck and trailer applications ?— • Temperature range:-40°F to+200°F(-40°C to+93°C) Male Connector • Working pressure to 250 PSI Tube(A)x Male NPT(B) • No assembly tools or skills are needed Fitting • Fittings are easy to assemble and disassemble Dimension A Fitting Item Pkg. For all air brake applications except[nose designed for use (Inches) Dimension B No. QLy. between frame and axle or between towed and towing vehicles. 5/32 1je27 SS291 2 1/4 18 55292 2 Avoilableln Assortment 3/16 1/821 55293 2 1/4-18 55294 2 �1• LP922 LP925 1/6-27 91785 2 (e items,32 pieces) (I I Rems,44 pieces) 1/4 1/4-18 91786 2 LP923 LP926 (7 items,28 pieces) (I I items,44 pieces) 31810 91787 2 LP924 1/827 62271 I (13 items,52 pieces) See pages 1-258,1-259,1-260 3/6 1/4.18 91788 2 3/818 91789 2 i► 1/2.14 91790 2 1/4 18 91791 2 112 3/8 is 91792 2 Male Elbow 11214 91793 2 Tube(A)x Male NPT(B) / mWARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm www.P65Wornings.cogov. • Rotates 360'on threaded base Filling Dimension A Fitting Item Pkg. (Inches) Dimension No. Qty. Female Connector 5132 11021 55295' 2 Tube(A)x Female NPT(B) 3/16 1L827 55296' 2 1/627 91794 2 Fitting 1/4 1/418 91795 2 Dimension A Fitting Item Pkg. 3/&18 91796 2 (Inches) Dimension No. Qty. 1/4 18 91797 2 -- -- 1/8d7 55298 2-- 3y8 3/848 91798 2 5/32 1//4-lr. 55299 2 I/2-14 91799 I 6 1-1 1/8-27 55300 2 1/4-18 91800 2 1/827 91831 2 112 31818 91801 2 1/4 1/4.1: 91832 7 1/2.14 91602 2 .--- 1/4.1 j 91833 2 3L4 _ 11_2.14 1593565 5 3/0 3/8 IL 91834 2 TAvded base does not sMwr/ ®WARNING:Concerand Reproductive Harm wwwP65W'aningscagov mWARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm www P651Nomings.ca.gov. i Male Branch Tee Tube(A)x Tube(B)x Maie NPT(C) Male Run Tee I • Rotates 360'on tnreaded base Male NPT(A)x Tube(B)x Tube(C) Fitting Filling Fitting Fitting Fitting DimensionA Dimension B Fitting Item Pkg. Dimension A Dimension B Dimension C Item Pkg. (Inches) (Inches) Dimensior.C No. Qty. (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) No. Qty. 5/32 5/32 ---- 1/84i 62272' 2 118-27 5/32 5/32 62275' 2 5/32 1/418 62273' 7 1/418 5/32 5132 62276' 2 3/16 1/16 118.27 55306' 2 11827 3/16 3/16 55307' 2 1/4 1/8.27 91803 7 1/827 1/4 1/4 91811 2 1/4 114 1/44-18 91804 2 1/418 1/4 1/4 91812 2 114 3/818 62274 2 3/8.18 114 1/4 62277 2 3/8 1/4.18 91805 2 1/418 3/8 3/8 91811 2 3/8 3j8 J/8 18 91806 2 1/8 18 3/8 3/8 91814 2 3/8 11214 91807 2 1/214 3/8 3/8 91815 2 112 1/418 91808 2 1/418 1/2 112 91816 7 112 112 3/818 91809 2 3/818 1/2 112 91617 2 112 1/2 14 91810 I 11214 112 112 91818 2 'Ih—cf,'base does not-rvrl 'Threaded base d—not snit/ mWARNING:Concer and Reproductive Harm www-P6SWarnings.co.gov- m WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm www.P65Wornmgs.co gov. TRANSPORTATION7- 23-4 FLEET AND LAWSON Products aboutblank 5/11 Exhibit "A" l� AIR BRAKE SYSTEM PARTS Standard Clevis Pin Air Brake System for Semitrailers • Includes cotter pin �C �D �H �' E D I I"• a� `• ` o A vlE — Usablc length — >I B Diu. Length Wahl tenph Ile.n "xg TF �" (inches) (Inches) (inches) No _ty. I 1/2 1 112 1.11/_2 83763 5 O ��}!• 1 33/61 v4952 A.Air Brake Hose t.Air Broke iubir,y B.Air Brake Chamber Diaphragm Bolt- F.uladhonds C.Air Hose Fitting Asserr bly G.Yoke CleAs and Pi., D.Bras.Air Brake Fittir.gs H.Broke Chamber Diaphragms Plated Yoke Clevis /A i r • �F 1 9/16, D -i11HqC Thread Pitch An H,le thread Dia,A (Threads Per Length 8 C F Size G H Fits Brake Cle is Pin Item Pkg. (Inches) Inch) (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) (inches) (Inches) (Inches) Chamber Type Part No. No. 1ty. V2 2a 3 1-1/6 1.1/8 13/16 15/16 112 1.1/8 v,12.16 83763 84950 5 5/8 Is 1718 11/4 1114 7/8 1 1/2 5/8 20,24,30.36 83763 03762 5 5/0 18 2-c/16 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/8 1-1/4 4/3 13/16 20,24,30.36 84952 949511 S Heavy-Duty Air Brake Hose Assembly Kits • Eli-ninate expensive lownti::te and maintenance vith Makes emergency on-t.a-road repair simple a permanent e..ier-ency field repair syste..i Meets all SAE and D.O.T.Specifications • Easily remove and replace air brake hose assemblies (D.O.T.-FMVSS 106;SAE-J1432C) (only tool rey:IireJ for co npleteassembly is o 5/16"hex key) • Recom-)ended working press--re IA SSI • Decreases the:liah cost of stoking a full line of air brake ( host tractor-trailers operate at 120 PSI) hose assemblies 3/8" End Fitting Assembly Kit 1/2" End Fitting Assembly Kit Two 3/8"NPTF Swivel Fittings for Iwo 1/2"NPTF Swiv-1 Fittings for 3/8"I.D., irdr•keHose 3/8"I.D.Air Brake Hose Item No. Qty. Item No. Qty. 88874 1 88875 / ®WARNING:Cancer andReprodudiveHarm- i ®WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm wvv.P6EW Jnq, o.yov. —P65Worningsca.gov OFind more at � IawsonprodUCts.Com USA:866.529.7664(Canada:800.563.1717 1 lah-bonp;,duct,.cam about:blank 6/11 Exhibit "A" AIR BRAKE SYSTEM PARTS Push-To-Connect Brass Air Brake Fittings • .10J.Approved for Air Brake Applications • Temperature range:-40aF to+250aF • Quick and easy assembly;reusable (-40aC to+121aC) • Pressure range vacuum to 150 P51 • Construction:CA360 brass with •_ , • Use with nylon tubing ethylene propylene 0-ring 900 Swivel Male Elbows Male Connectors � � Tube(A)x Male NPT(B) Tube(A)It Male NPT(B) 111 Fitting Fitting Fitting Fining DimensionA Dimension 0 Porker Pkg. Lawson Pkg DimensionA Dimension 0 Porker Pkg. Lawson Pkg (inches) Inches) Porker No. Item No. Qty. Item No, Qty. -__ ke - ._ (Inches) (Inches) Porker No. Item No. Qty. Item No Qty. - 1/8 VS%9PMT42 27201P' 10 27201 5 1/16 68PTC-5/32I 28965P 10 28965 5 114 114 169PMT44 27202P 10 27202 5 5/32 Ife 68PTC-5/322 27179P 10 27179 S _.. 318 VS169PMT46 272031' 10 27203 6 114 68PTC-5/324 1608726 10 1/8 169PMT62 27204P 10 27204 5 1/16 68PTC 3 1 1608727 10 3/0 1/4 169PMT 64 27205P 10 27205 S 3/16 1/8 60PTC-3-2 28966P 10 28966 5 3/E 1E9PMT66 2720GP 10 27206 5 114 68PTC3 4 1608728 10 - 112 VS169PMT-68 28979P' 10 26979 5 1/8 VA8PTC42 575041' 10 57504 5 114 169PMT 84 20980P 10 28980 2 1/4 114 V,68PTC44 57505P' 10 57505 5 1/2 3/8 VS169PMT-06 2720711' 10 27207 2 3/8 68PTC4 6 27180P 5 27100 5 - 112 VS169PMT88 28981P' 10 28981 2 1/8 60PMT62 27181P 10 27181 5 5/0 1/8 169PMF106 1608175 10. 1/4 68PM164 57506P 10 57506 S 112 16vPMT-101 28982P 5 28982 2 3/B 3/e 6BPMT 66 57507P 10 57507 5 'Pre applied 1hre'ad Seotant 112 MOM 6 8 271820 10 27182 5 ®WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Ha ran www.P65Warnmgs.ca.gov. 114 VS68PTC84 27183f' 5 27183 5 1/2 3/8 Vs68PTCa6 57508r• 5 57508 5 112 VS68PTC88 27184r' S 27184 2 5/8 3/8 V368PTC,I.-6 289671' 5 28967 2 •r>y 112 Vs6BPTC-1^8 27185P• 5 27185 2 = ! 71 3/4 1/2 68PTG12 8 1608729 5 - - 90' Male Elbows Positional /4 VS68FIC12-12 1608730• 5 Tube(A)x Male NPT(B) 'DtroppfedWeedSeabnt - —--. Fitting Fitting mWARNINGt Cancer and Reproductive Harm svww.P65Wornmgs.co.gov. Dimension Dimension Parker Pkg. (Inches) (Inches) Parker No. Item No. Qty. 1/4 1/4 169PIATR44 1606736 5 3/E 3/8 169PlAIR6 6 1608737 5 z 5'6 1/2 1e9PMIA-108 1606738 5 90' Male Elbows 1�"� Tube(A)x Male NPT(B) Cr r' Fitting Fitting (� Dimension A Dimension B Parker Pkg.j Lawson Pkg. Inches) (inches) Porker No. Item No. Qty.1,Item No. Qty. Vic 169PTCNSd/32-i 1603731 10 5/32 1/4 169PTCNS M5/324 60873 10 57513 5 90a Male Elbows Lon Rigid R 1/4 769PTCNSSflb4 1608132 10 - g 9 3/16 Ite 169FTCNS32 28976P 10 28976 5 Tube(A)x Male NPT(B) 1/4 169FTCNS34 1608733 10 - - 1/8 bS169PMTNS412 575091" 10 57509 5 Fitting Fitting i 1/4 1/4 %S1691RMINS44 575101" 10 57510 5 -Dimension A Dimension 0 - Porker Pig. 3/8 VS169PIAIN546 27187P' 10 27187 5 (Inches) (Inches) Porker No. Item No Qty. 1/8 15169PMTNS 6d 27186P' 10 27186 S 1/4 169PMTL-64 1608719 to 319 114 .S169PIATNS 64 57511P' 10 57511 5 3l8 3/8 169PMTL66 1608740 10 3/0 VS169PMTNS-" 57512P' 10 57512 5 112 169PMTL-68 160874• 10 112 IS169PMTNS 68 27188P' 10 27188 5 1/2 112 169PMTL86 1608742 10 1/4 -.S169PMINS 84 27189P• 10 27189 6 1/2 3/8 1'S 169PMTNS 86 209771' 10 28977 5 Available In Assortment 1/1 vS 169PM1NS88 27190P' 10 27190 5 5/6 3/8 169PMT.VS 106 28970P 10 28978 5 1 (17 items, pieces) LP931 1/2 VS169PMTVS40B 27191P' 10 27191 5 �S LP928 (17 items. 32 pieces) 3 4 12 169PTCNS 128 1608734 5 15 items,66 pieces) s.1S / / �S I P ) (16 items.150 pieces) T—pprrd Thread Sealant LP929 LP933 (13 items,41 pieces) (13 items,110 pieces) &WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm-wwsv.P6SWornings.ca.gov. 7 item sP 20 pieces) ls,50 1 P ) (7 Hems,50 pieces) Seepages 1-261.1-262,1 263,1 264,1 265 23-6 FLEET AND TRANSPORTATION 0 LAWSON Products i about blank 7/11 Exhibit "A" AIR BRAKE SYSTEM PARTS ' Push-To-Connect Brass Air Brake Fittings Dual Port 90° ,. , Male Elbow Positional Male Run Tees Tube(A)x Tube(B)x Male NPT(C) / Male NPT(A)x Tube(B)x Tube(C) fitting Fitting fitting Filling Fitting Fitting Dimension A Dimension 8 Dimension C Porker Pkg. Dimension Dimension Dimension Lawson (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) Porker No. Item No. Qty, A B C Porker Pkg. Item Pkg. 1'4 1/4 3/6 189PMTR64 6 1608743 2 (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) Porker No. Item No. Qty No. Qty. 3/8 3/6 114 189FM1R664 1608744 2 1/0 �. 114 1/4 171 PMINS42 272081" 10 27208 5 3/8 3/8 VS 189PMTR6" 1608745' 2 1/4 114 171 PMT NS 44 27209P 10 27209 5 1/4 3/8 189PMTR10A6 1608746 2 114 3/0 1/4 171PMTNS414 1608756 10 5/8 318 3/8 109PMTR1066 1608747 2 3/8 318 V5171PMlNS 64 27210P' 10 27210 5 'P-.ppliad ThreodSealant 114 114 171PMTNS644 1608757 10 - 3/8 I/4 3/8 171PMTNS-646 1608758 10 - 3/8 3/8 VS171PMTNS-66 27211P' 10 27211 5 318 112 171PM1NSb8 1608759 10 - ` 1/2 a 112 114 171 PMTN5 84 1608760 10 ` -Pre oppried Thread Seolont 45° Male Elbows BWARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Horm-www.P65Wamingscagov. Tube(A)x Male NPT(B) Fitting fitting Dimension A Dimension B Porker Pkg lnwson Pkg. —�- (inches) (Inches) Porker No, Item No. Qty. Item No. Qty. 1/4 1/8 179PMTNS42 27194P ID 27194 7 Swivel Male Run Tees 1/4 179PMTNS44 27195P 10 21195 2 - 1/8 179PMTNS.62 1608748 10 Tube(A)x Male NPT(B)x Tube(C) - - 3/8 1/4 179PMTN"4 27196P 10 77196 7 318 V5179PM1NS66 27197P' 10 27197 2 Fitting Fitting Fitting 1/4 179PIA1N5.84 1608749 10 Dimension Dimension Dimension Lawson 112 3/8 179P MIN S" 27198P TO 27191 7 A B C Parker Pkg. Item Pkg. 112 179PMINS 8 8 27199P 10 27199 2 (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) Porker No. Item No. Qty. No. Qty. 5/8 3/8 179PMTNS-106 1608750 10 - 1/8 ;/4 171PMT 42 28987P 10 28983 S 1/2 179PTCNS-12-8 6005 5 27200 7 1/A 114 Ij4 VS171PMTAA 28984P' 10 28984 3ph 1/2 179PfCN5-12-8 1608757 5 - 1/4 3/8 171PMT 64 28985P 10 28985 5 '1Yropplizd Iivzad Sealant 3/8 3/8 3/8 VS171PM1 66 1608761' 10 - - &WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm www.P65Worninas,co.aov. 1/2 1/4 VS171PMT-84 1608762' 10 - - 1/2 112 3/8 171PIAT86 1608763 10 - 1/2 1/2 171PMT4" 1608764 10 - 'Pre opph,d Thread Sealant &WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm www.P65Warnings.co.gov. 45°Swivel Male Elbows Tube(A)x Male NPT(B) filling filling Dimension Dimension Porker Pkg. lnwson Pkg. Male Branch Tees rtL (inches) (Inches) Porker No Item No. Qty. Item No. Qty. Tube(A)X Tube(B)x Male NPT(C) �C 114 1/8 I:9PIAT42 28969P 10 28969 S 1/4 1'9PMT44 28970P 10 28970 5 Fitting fitting Fitting 1/8 1.79PMT6.2 1608752 10 - Dimension Dimension Dimension Lawson 3/8 114 1'9PMT 64 28971P 10 28971 5 A B C Porker Pkg. Item Pkg. 3/8 I.VMT,66 1608753 10 - (Inches) (inches) (inches) Porker No. Item No. Qty.. No. Qty. 1/4 1'9PMT84 1608754 10 ( 5/32 1/8 172PTCNS-5/322 1608765 10 - 1/1 3/8 1:9PMT 86 28972P 10, 28972 2 �12 _ 5/32 1/4 172PTCNS 5 32A 1608766 10 112 1:9PMT4141 1608755 10 ---- - - 3/16 3/16 Fill 172PTCNS 32 1608767 10 &WARNING1ConarondReproductive Worm-wwwP6SWofnings.c•.gov. 1/4 1/4 1/8 172PMTNSA2 28987P 10 28987 5 1/4 1/4 - - - 28988 5 Available In Auortment 3/8 1/4 172PMTNS 64 28989P 10 28989 5 LP927 LP931 3/8 114 1/4 172PMTNS6d4 1608768 10 (I7 items,76 pieces) (17 items, 165 pieces) 3/8 3/8 172PMTNS 66 28990P 10 28990 5 LP928 LP933 3/8 1/2 172PIATNS 68 1608769 10 (15 items.66 pieces) (15 items,150 pieces) I/2 3/8 172PMINSBf 28991P 10 28991 5 33 (13 items, pieces) (13 itemsP110 pieces) 112 3/8 112 172PMTNSA 6E 1608770 10 - LP930 LP934 112 1/2 172PMTNS 8e 1608771 10 (7 items,20 pieces) (7 items,50 pieces) Seepages 1 261,1262,1 263,1-264,1 265 &WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm www.P65Wornings.co-gov. USA:866.529.7664 1 Canada:800.563,1717 1 Lawson prod ucts.com FLEET s • • about:blank 8/11 Exhibit "A" PJAIR BRAKE SYSTEM PARTS Push-To-Connect Brass Air Brake Fittings Unions Swivel Male Branch Teas r{ Tube(A)x Tube(B) P %be(A)x Tub, (3)x Male NPT(C) ' E Fitting Fitting Dimension A Dimension B Porker Pkg. Lawson Pkg, Fitting Fitting Feting (Inches) (Inches) Parker No. Item No. Qty. Item No. Qty. Dimension Dimension Dimension Lawson 5/32 W32 62PTC-5/32 27176P 10 27176 2 A B C Porker Mg.I hem Pkg. 3/16 3/16 62PTL-3 1608786 10 - (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) Porker No. Item No. QFy. No, Qty. 114 1/4 62PTC4 57499P 10 57499 5 -_ 1/4 - - 1/8—�V5172PhIT4-2 27215P' 10 2721S S 3/6 3/8 62.1.4 T6 57500P to i 57500 5 1/4 1;4 114 172P Ard4 27216P 10 27216 5 1/2 112 62PIL8 57501P 5 57501 2 3/8 1/8 172PAT 68 16 i87.2 10 _ 5/8 5/8 62,TC-10 27177P 5 27177 2 3/8 3/8 1/4 VS172P6064 27217P' 10 2721. 5 ®WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm www.P65Warnings.ca.gov. 3/6 3/8 VS172FMT-6 27218P' 10 27211 5 112 1/4 172P.AT-8d 28.86P 10 2898 2 1/2 1/2 3/8 V5172PMT49 1 L8773' M 112 y2 172PAT88 16r6,:4 10� - - 'AeappliedTAreodfreFar &WARNING:cancer and Reproducowe Harm-www P65Wornings.ca gov Union Tees Tube(A)x Tube(B)x Tube(C) Fitting Fitting Fitting Dimension Dimension Dimension Female Connectors A B C Parker Pkg. lalwon Pkg. (Inches) (inches) (Inches) Parker No. Item No. Q37.I horn No. Qty. Tube(A)x Female NPT(B) — 5/32 6/32 s/72 164PIC-5/32 1608787 10 3/16 3/16 3/16 164FIC-3 1608788 10 - Fitting Fitting 1/4 1/4 1/4 164PMT4 5750IP 10 57502 2 Dimenslon A Dimension B Parker Pkg. Lawson Pkg. (Inches) (Inches) Porker No. Item No. Qty. Item No, Qty. 3/8 3/8 3/6 164PKIT6 57503P 10 57503 2 t78 66PIC-5/322 1606775 10 112 1/2 112 164PMTS 27178P 10 I7178 2 5/32 114 "PICS'324 1608776 10 - ®WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm 1`65M,,ningsco.gov. 3.116 1/8 66PTC32 1608777 10 1/4 lie 66PTC42 27219P 10 27219 5 -- 1/4 66PIC44 27220P 10 27220 5 11E 66P61T62 28968P 10 28968 5 ({ _ 3/8 1/4 66PMT-64 27221P 10 27221 5 3f 66P1.1i66 27222: 10 27:22 Bulkhead Unions � 114 66PIC 84 1608778 s Tube A XTube 112 378 (Mce6 1608779 5 ( ) (B ) 112 66PTC-88 1606780 5 Fitting Fitting WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm www.P65Wornings.ea.gov. Dimension A Dimension B Parker Pkg. Lawson Pkg. (Inches) (Inches) Parker No. Item No. Qty. Item No. Qty. 1 1/4 1/4 62PTC8H4 27192P 10 27192 5 3/8 316 62PPATBH6 27193P 10 27193 5 1/2 1/2 62PTC8H 8 1608789 5 - - 5 e 5"8 62PTC8H 10 1608790 5 - WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm svww.P65Warmngs.co.gov. 90, Female Elbows Tube(A)x Female NPT(B) P .4) Filling Fitting DimensionA Dimension B Parker Pkg, Lawson Pkg. _ (Inches) (Inches) Porker No. Item No. Qty. Item No. Qty. >. 1/4 116 170PMINS42 27212P 10 27212 5 r -� 114 170PM1NS44 27213P 10 27213 5 Union Elbows 178 170PMTNS 67 1608781 10 3/8 1/4 170PKITNS64 27214P 10 27214 5 Tube(A)x Tube(B) 378 170PMTNS-66 1608782 10 - - 1/4 I70Ph1TNS 84 1608783 10 - Fitting Fitting 112 378 170PMINS86 1608784 10 - - Dimension A Dimension B Parker Pkg. Towson Pkg. 112 170PMTNS 88 1608785 10 - (Inches) (Inches) Porker No. Item No. Qty. Item No. QIy. 1/ 165P611 4 2897 10 2897 5 &WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm www.P65Wornings.ca.gov 4 3/e 3 318/8 165F61i6 28974P P 10 28974 5 1/22 112 165PMI8 28975P 10 28975 2 ®WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm vvvw.P65Warnings.co.gov. LAWSON Products 1 TRANSPORTATION about:blank 9/11 Exhibit "A" AIR BRAKE SYSTEM PARTS and TOOLS Push-to-Connect Brass Air Brake Fittings 1+ Pressure Plugs Female B•ilkhead Union Tube(A) Tube(A)x Female NPT(13) Fitting I Fitting Fitting Dimension A Parker Pkg. Lawson Pkg. Dimension A Dimension B Parker Pkg. (inches) Porker No. Item No. Qty. Item No. Qty. (Inches) (Inches) Parker No. Item NO. Qty. 1/4 639P1PJ 28992P 10 21992 10 1/4 1/4 66PTC81344 1608791 10 1/8 639PLP6 28993P 10 28993 10 3/6 3/8 66PMTBH 6.6 1608792 10 1/2 639PLP8 28994P 10 23994 10 1/2 112 66PTCBH88 1608793 5 &WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm www.P65Womings.cc gov. 17397 Quick-Release Pliers for Push-To-Connect Fittings • Specially designed to detach push-to-connect type air broke fittings • Additional applications include fuel lines and filters,vacuum lines, coolant lines,PCV valves and wiper tubing • Easy to use-simply slide the pliers over the line so the pusher is against the fitting;as you squeeze,the gripper will grab and pull 1139E the line in the opposite direction of the fitting until it is released • Each tool comes with instructional C!1 • Vertical design pliers work best for stroight-on, easy to reach locations • Angled design pliers are great for tight fitting, under the hood applications • 17399 Jse the small pliers for 1/8"to'1/8"O.D.lines; use the large pliers for 3/8"to 3/4"O.D.lines - 4 Item Pkg. Description No. Qty. 4-Pie a Plier Set one each of all four sirer 17394 1 2-he'-Angled PI i,,Set 117398 and 17397, 17395 I y p 2-liece Venleal P',-x'(17400 cnd 173991 17396 I U S� 1•" Large":e.Plrr.for 3/8'to 3/4 lines 17397 1 17400 Small A^gW Poem for 1/8'to 3/8'km. 17398 1 orge.e 1-'Piers for 3/8'l0 3/4'l—, 17399 1 Smo'I Vert3cd Pliers for 1/8'to 3/8'fines 17400 1 WARNING:Be sure to releo•e all pressure,air or Puids from lines before using quick releasepliers. USA:866.529.7664 1 Conado:800.563.1717 1 lawsonproducts.com FLEET • TRANSPORTATION about blank 10/11 Exhibit "A" AIR BRAKE SYSTEM PARTS Brass Air Brake Fittings for Nylon Tubing • Meets D.0.1.FMVSS 571.106 • Temperature range:-40aF to+200aF (-40oCto+93aC) 45' Male Elbow • Exceeds pressure requirements of Tube(A)x Male NPT(B) automotive air brake systems • Fittings are shipped with nuts,sleeves and Fitting Fitting DimensionA DimensionB Porker Pkg.l Lawson Pkg. inserts preassembled,ready to slip onto tubing (Inches) (Inches) Parker No. Item No. Qty. Item No. Qty. • Typical applications include air brake systems, 1/4 1/8 279NTA42 84309P 25 84309 2 air control and gauge lines 1'4 279NTA44 96878P 10 96678 2 1/8 279NTA42 96879P 10 96879 t • Used with nylon tubing(SAE J844,Type 3) 3/8 1/4 279NTA64 64310P 10 84310 2 3/8 279NTA66 84311P 10 84311 2 12 V5279NTA68 968801' 10 96880 2 Male Connector , 1/4 VS279NTA 84 84313P' 10 84313 2 Tube A x Male NPT B 1/2 3/8 279NIA86 84312P 10 84312 7 ( ) ( ) 1/2 279NTA-8-8 84314P 10 84314 2 1/8 V5279NTA 106 1608802' 10 - Fitting Filling 5/B 1/2 279NTA-108 84315P 10 84315 7 DimensionA Dimension Parker Pkg. Lawson Pkg. 3/4 1;2 V5279NTA 12.8 1608803, 10 - (Inches) (Inches) Parker No. Item No. Qty. Item No. Qly. •Pre applied Tlrcad Swlaar 1/16 VS6BNT,A-3.1 1608794• 10 - - 3/16 1/8 VS68NTA32 1608795' 10 - - &WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm www.P65Wornings,co.gov. 114 VS68NIA-34 1608796• 10 - - 1/6 68NTA4 2 84266P 10 84266 5 1,4 1/4 68NTA44 84267P 10 84267 5 3,8 VS68NTA46 1608797' 10 1/4 V66NTAIA 96886P' 10 96886 5 3/8 ljd 68NTAbd 84268P 75 84268 5 Male Run Tee 112 VS68NTA66 84269P' 10 84270 5 Tube(A)x Male NPT(B)x Tube(C) 1/2 VS68NTA 6B 84210P' 10 84270 5 1/4 68NTA 84 86584P 10 86584 5 112 3/8 6BNTA8.6 84271P 10 84271 5 Fitting Fitting Fitting 1/2 68NTA-M 84272P 10 84272 2 Dimension Dimension Dimension 3/8 68NTA-106 96887P 10 96887 2 A B C Parker Pkg. Lawson Pkg. 5/8 1/7 VS68NTA 168 84277P'- 10 84277 1 (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) Parker No. Item No. Qty. Item No. Qty. _ 3/8 VS"NIA 12-6 1608790/ 10 1/4 1/8 1/4 V5271NTAA 2 84293P' 10 84293 5 3/4 1/2 VS68NTA-112 84274PSW 84274 2 114 14 VS271NTA44 1608804' 10 - 3/4 68NIA-1212 84275P 101 64275 2 3/8 114 3/8 VS77INTA64 84294P' 10 84294 5 'Pro oppked Thread 5robnt 3.8 3,8 271NTA 66 84296P 10 84296 5 3/6 3/8 271NIA 86 1608805 10 - - &WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm-www,P65Wornings.co.gov. 1/2 112 112 VS271 NTA88 1608806' 10 - - 3/8 1/2 VS271NIA-108 84297P' 10 84297 5 a, 'Pre ppl,,d Thmod 5robnt &WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm www.P65Wornings.co.gov. 90' Male Elbow ' Tube(A)x Male NPT(B) !Filling Fitting Male Branch Tee DimensionA Dimension 8 Porker Pkg, Lawson Pkg. Tube(A)x Tube(B)x Male NPT(C) � (Inches) (Inches) Parker No. Itern No. Qty, Item Na. Qty. 3 16 1/4 269NTA 14 1608799 10 - Fitting Fitting Fitting 178 269NTA4-2 84282P 10 84282 5 Dimension Dimension Dimension 1;6 1/4 269NTA-44 84283P 10 84283 5 A B C Parker Pkg. Lawson Pkg. 32B V5269NTA46 1608800' 10 (Inches) (Inches) (inches) Parker No. Item No. Qty. Item No. Qty. 1/8 269NIA 6-2 96881P 25 96881 5 _ 3� - 3/16 1/B VS111NTA37 1608807' 10 - 3 1/4 VS269NTA64 84284P' 25 84284 5 1/4 1/4 1/8 V5272NTA4 2 160B808' 10 2B 3/e 269NTA66 84285P 10 84285 5 1/4 1/4 272NIA44 1608809 10 - 1r2 269NIA68 B4286P 10 84286 5 3/8 1/8 272NW&2 84300P 10 84300 5 1/4 VS269NTABA 86583P' 10 86583 5 3,0 3/8 1/4 272NTA 64 84298P 10 84298 5 112 37B 269NTAB6 84287P 10 84287 5 1/4 1/4 V527214TA 644 84299P' 10 04299 5 112 VS269NIA B8 84288P' 10 84288 5 3/8 3/8 271NTA66 84301P 10 84301 5 3/8 269NTA-106 968B2P 10 96882 5 112 1/4 VS277NTA84 1608810' 1? - 5A 112 269NTA-108 84289P 10 B4289 5 112 318 3/8 - 84303 5 3/4 V5269NTA 10 12 96885P' 5 96885 2 112 3/8 272NIA 86 84302P 10 84302 5 3/4 1/2 269NIA-128 96883P 10 96883 2 112 1/2 272NTA 88 1608811 10 - _ 1/4 VS269NTA 1212 1608801, 5 - 5/8 5/8 112 272NTA-108 1608612 10 1 - 'Aeoppbed Thread 5-loril 'Pre applied Thread 5ea1on1 &WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm www.P65Wornings.co.gov, &WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm-www.P65Wornings.co gov. Available In Assartment © LP935 1P937 LP939 LP941 LP943 (I I items,71 pieces) (12 items,73 pieces) (9 Items,58 pieces) (13 items,370 pieces) (9 items,185 pieces) LP936 LP939 LP940 LP942 LP944 © IF items,81 pieces) (9 items,58 pieces) (I1 items,320 pieces) (12 items,315 pieces) (7 items,150 pieces) Seepages 1-266,1 267,1.268,1 269, 1-270,1-271 LAWSON Products 1 . TRANSPORTATION abouttlank 11/11 Exhibit "A" AIR BRAKE SYSTEM PARTS ' Brass Air Brake Fittings for Nylon Tubing •� r Female Got,nuctor Union Elbow Tube(A)x hema'e NPT(B) Tube(A)xTube(B) Fitting fitting Fitting Fitting Dimension Dimension Porke. Pkg. ,ayson Pkg. DimensionA DimensionB Pc,ie. Pkg Lawson Pkg. (Inches) (Inches) Porker No. Item No. Qty. Item No. Qty. (Inches) (Inches) r'arkerNo. Item No Q.y. Item No Q,y. - _ __.- _ __.....- 1/4 1/4 2 5 d 1 4 88 1 - - .14 d8 66NTAdd 160..13 10 3/8 3/8 26-NTA6 84258P 10 84258 5 .14 n6NTA 4,4 160-614 10 112 112 265NTA8 64259P 10 84259 2 i!b .6NtA6-1 . .6?7 "' './8 5/8 2e5tITA 10 84260P 10 84260 1 3/8 1/4 o6NTAbd ots6,F 0 $4161 5 3/8 §NtAf 61263? .0 84161 5 &NARNINC Cancer and Repmd::-t,ve Harm-www.P65Wornings.cogov. i•2 3;8 66NTAa .464F 10 8426,. i22 _6NTA88 ,60.d 10 .� 8 3,8 A-- 60,.816 10 r 11, s6'T4-1--8 ,60,.8 7 10 - 8 WARNING:Cotie...nd Repioducu e .r n w,vw 1`651Vomings co g.iv Union Tee , ~ Tube(A)x Tube(B)x Tube(C) 4 r Fitting Fitting Filling > Dimension Dimension Dimension Parker Lovson 900 Female Elbow A B C Item Pkg. Item Pkg. Tube(A)x Female NPT(B) (inches) (inches) (Inches) Parker No. No. Qty. No. Qty. y4 V4 111 264N - 968B8P 10 96868 2 Fittin Fitting 316 3/6 I/4 -TA - - 84278 2 9 9 316 3/8 264NTA6 84277P 10 84277 ; Dimension A Dimension B Porker Pkg. Lawson Pkg. 1/2 3/8 - - 84281 - 2 (Inches) (Inches) Porker No. Item No. Qty. Item No. Qty. 112 1/2 1/2 264NIA-8 84280P 10 84280 2 10 ---- __ 5,+8 5/0 264NIA 10 96809P 5 96889 2 1/4 1/8 27014TA-4 2 1608819 10 - &WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm-www.P65Warnings.co.gov. 1/4 270NIA4-4 1608820 10 )� 1/8 27ONTA6.2 1608821 10 - 3/8 1/4 270NTAbd 84290P 10 84290 5 3/8 27ONTA88 80682 10 84291 370 27ONTA 86 84292P 10 84292 $ ,. 1/2 r-2 noNrA.ee 16oee21 ,0 ;. Bulkhead Union � --- S71r- 112 "ONTA 10-8 16US23 10 _ Tube(A)x Tube(B) ' &WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm-www.P65Wamings.co.gov. Fitting Fitting Dimension A Dimension B Porker Pkg. Lawson Pkg. �.. (Inches) (Inches) Parker No. Item No. Qty. Item No. Cry. Union 3/16 3/16 62NBH3 1608825 25 - - 1/4 1/4 62NB144 84304P 25 1 84304 5 Tube(A)x Tube(B) 318 3/6 62NSH6 84305P 25 84305 5 1/2 1/2 62NEH8 84306P 10 84306 2 Fitting fitting 5/6 5/8 62N8H-10 1606826 10 _ - - DimensionA Dimension B Porker Pkg, lowson Pkg. &WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm-www.P65Warnings.ca.gay. (Inches) (Inches) Porker No. Item No. Qty. Item No. Qty. 1/4 1/4 62NTA4 84I531- 10 64253 5 1/2 112 ONTO 84254P 25 84255 5 , I/2 1/1 62NTA8 8425,P 10 84255 2 Sleeve 5/6 5/6 62NTA 10 84256P 10 84256 2 3/4 3/4 62NfA-12 8425-P 10 64257 2 Tube(A) &WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Horm www.P65Wormngs.ca.gov. Fitting Stainless Steel Insert DimensionA Porker Pkg. Lawson Pkg. (Inches) Parker No. Item No. Qty. Item No. Qty. Tube(A) 1W 3/16 6ONTA3 1608827 100 1/4 60NTA4 84321P too $4321 t0 Fitting 3/0 60NTA6 64322P 100 84322 10 Dimension A Porker Pkg. Lawson Pkg. 112 60NTA 8 64323P 100 84323 10 (Inches) Parker No. Item No. Qty. Item No. Qty. 5/8 60N,A 10 84324P 50 84324 10 0P----T7'- --_0TTAZ—_ff4 T00 i3i728--3 3f4 6ON-A-I2 84325P 5o 84325 10 3/8 63NTA6 81179P 100 tFT179 5 &WARNING:Concer and Reproductive Harm-www.P65Wornings.co.gov. 112 63NTA41 81180P 100 81180 5 5/8 63NIA-10 81118111 50 81181 5 3/4 67NTA-12 81182P 50 01102 5 Nut '\ 1 &WARNING:Concer and Reproductive Harm-www.P65Wornings co.gov. Av 04leInAssortment Tube(A) LP9 5 LP940 Fitting ® (11 Ite s, pieces) I item`..320 pieces) Dimension A Porker Pkg. Lawson Pkg, (13 items,61 pieces) (1'_items.370 pieces) (Inches) Porker No. Item No. Qty. Item No. Qty. LP937 LP942 3/16 fi NWA-3 1608828 25 - - (12 items,73 pieces) t.2 items,315 pieces) 1/4 61 NTA4 84326P 25 84326 5 LP930 LP943 3/8 61NTA6 84327P 25 84327 S (9 items,58 pieces) (9 Items,IE5 pieces) 112 61NTA-8 84328P 25 64328 5 LP939 LP944 5/8 61NTA 10 84329P 25 84329 S (9 Items,58 pieces) 7 Items,150 pieces, 3/4 61NTA-12 84330P 10 84330 5 See pages 1"66,1 67, ,-26b, .26_,1"70,1-:7 &WARNING:Concer and Reproductive Harm-www.P65Wormngs.co.gov. ' USA:866.529,7664 1 Canada:800,563.1717 1 lowsonproducts.com FLEET AND TRANSPORTATION 23 11 about-blank 1/10 Exhibit "A" AIR BRAKE SYSTEM PARTS N-2 Nylon Tubing T-Hose Tubing SAE J8,14.Type 3A • SAE J844,Type 313 •Single-wall extruded nylon SAE-approved for replacement of copper and steel tubing • Hea,s.ebilized cnd ultrovicre,resistant in all troctor-troller applications a:cept jumper lines from • Temperature range: -40aF to+200aF(-40aC to+93oC) frame to axle and tractor-to-trailer hose connections • Working pressure: 150 P•! • Nylon inner tube and outer cover • Applications.Windshield wiper lines.air hcrn lines One layer open polyester reinforcement fuel lines,air re,,uloted axles,pneumatic gauge lines • Temperature range:-40aF to+200aF( 40a(-to+93aC) Burst Bend Working pressure: 150 PSI Pressure O.D. Radius Length Invert I er- Pkg. Applications:Air gouge lines,gas and diesel fuel lines, (PSI) (inches) color (Inches) IN I No. No. Qty. onti�'reeze,main cab air supply,shift control line Ile! 8�1 3/8- Ito - 54.7' 1 1/a "I.e 3/8 1.0 .2497 1 Burst Bend 1/8 Gtt•. 318 1t,0 ,2ggg 1 Pressure O.D. Radius Length Insert Item Pkg. - (PSI) (inches) Color (Inches) (Ft.) No. No, Qty. I/8 zed 3/ lu P49 1 513, I.M. 1/s :0 .2491 1 3/8 Back 11/2 100 $1179 5411 1 5/32 lue 1/s .0 _2192' 1 3/8 Blue 1112 100 81179 52507 1 o 5/32 Gan 1/2 10 _219; 1 1,400 3/8 Green 1-1/1 100 81119 52508 1 5/3. R.. 1/s :0 a219= 1 3/8 Red 1 1/2 100 81179 52510 1 5/32 O.a%a 1/s .a .2494' I 3/8 Orange 1-1/2 100 E1179 52509 1 5/3, ell w 112 _0 .2496 1 318 yo9mv 1 112 100 81179 52511 1 3/ B:ak 3/: IUD :i0311 1 1/2 Back 2 s0 81180 5412 1 1,4 Nock 1 100 .J,A 5409 1 112 Blue 2 50 81180 52512 1 1/C elae 1 I:0 5J99 $2502 1 950 1/2 Green 2 50 1.1180 52513 ,us ,200 1/4 Green 1 100 _.,89 525JJ 1 112 Red 2 50 61110 52515 1 1/4 re.: 1 100 _J 9 52504 1 1/2 Orange 2 50 CI1L0 52514 0 1/4 0.onga 1 100 SJ89 5250( 1 112 yello-n 2 50 11IN 5251., 1 1/1 e8^w 1 100 _J■9 525Ja 1 150 a/8 BI ok :1/2 50 8111.1 81029 1 ',000 S, 8:a.1 11/4 1W J4,- 1 cpp 5/8 Blue _-1/2 50 tllll 52525 1 518 Red _-1/2 50 81111 52517 1 '-A,des nc.recognae'/B, /J!:t,r./!6*A&in,wrisiin air br,.ee st-ns r.18 10] 3/4 81;A 3 50 11112 5414 1 tbing Js n co'nF,.ith FhfvssJ:'1.i66;.,be used win air ac es orie./ser,rre lines Tank Valves Air Tank Drain Valve Mole NPT(A) 5-foot cable for remote control • Metal tank filler ;,'rains moisture from valves for use air broke tank on compressed air tanks • 500 PSI rating `- 93472 93473 `S` Fitting Length Item Pkg. Dimension (Inches) No. Qly. MoleThreod Item Pkg. '.. I/8-tl I-5/16 9702 S (inches) No. Qty. 1/4 If 15/16 93473 5 114 1182720 2 See Broke,Wheel and Tire for replocement caps. &WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm-www.P65Worningsco.gov. &WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm w .P65Wornings.co.gov. Brass Air Brake Fittings for Copper Tubing Heavy-Duty Air Brake Tank Drain Cock with T-Lever Handle Male NPT(A) • 3,18"tube size supplied with 1 i/32-24 thread • Interchangeable with B-W Fittings Fitting Item Pkg. Dimension A No. Qly. 114.18 4977 3 &WARNIN3:Cancer and Reproductive Harm-tw.w.PoSNornl.ig:.co t,w. •ORTATION LAWSON Products 23-12 FLEET AND TRANSabout blank 2/10 Exhibit "A" AIR BRAKE SYSTEM PARTS ' Air Brake Hose and Fittings • Black synthetic rubber tube wit.. leoprene cover • Multi-spiral reinfo'cement r • Supphed in 50-foot rolls • Eary to assemble reusable nose a Ids • Brass material offers excellent corrosion resistance � • Use on air bra,a hose lines • Meets SAE Specification J1402 • Temperature range: -40°F to+20f`°F(-40aC to+93aC) I.D. Working Pressure Burst Pressure O.D. Item Pkg. (Inches) (PSI) (PSI) (Inches) No. Qty. 3/8 225 900 3/6 t3892 1 Assembly information 1/2 225 900 7/8 97252 1 1.Slide nut and sleeve onto hose.Make sure bevel eage of sleeve faces out t.word ri.ting. 2.P..<h ,ofe into Fitting unsi,it bolsam�. 3 ;crew nut unit cont-ct i-m-Je,vith Male Connector body he . Hose I.D.(A)x Male NPT(B) Fitting Fitting Dimension Dimension Parker Pkg, Lawson Pkg. (Inches) (Inches) Parker No. Item No. Qty. Item No. Qty. 1/4 68R66-4 1654► 10 1654 S Female Connector /f// t 3/8 3/8 68RB66 1655P 5 1655 5 a►'l- 1/2 68RM8 1656P 10 1656 5 Hose I.D.(A)X 3/8 68P886 97248P 5 97248 5 Air Brake Adapte. Thread(B) 1/1 1 /2 68R88-8 97249P 5 27249 _5 Fitting Fitting AWARNING:CancerandReproductWHarm-www.P6SWornings.co.gov. DimensionA Dimension Parker Pkg. Lawson Pkg. (Inches) (Inches) Parker No. Item No. Qty. Item No. Qly. Male Connector 1/1 71620 66RBSV8 /8 93606P 5 97258 5 1/2 7/820 66R85V8-7/8 97258P 5 97258 5 with Spring Guard NOTE:Use with Air BrokeAdaplers. Hose I.D.(A)x Male NPT(B) eWARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm wvw.P65Wornings.ca.gov. Fitting Fitting Dimension A Dimension B Parker Pkg. Lawson Pkg. (Inches) (Inches) Parker No. Item No. Qly. Item No. Qty. - 1/4 68RBSG6 165P 6 165 1 Hose Mender 3/P, 3j8 68RBSG6 6 1652P 6 1652 I 1/2 68RBSG68 1653P 6 1653 1 Hose I.D.(A)x Hose I.D.(B) 1/8 68RBSG8.6 97259P 4 97259 I 1/1 Fitting Filling 1/2 68RBSGRB 97260P 4 97260 1 Dimension A Dimension B Porker Pkg. Lawson Pkg. 8 WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm-wwwP65Wornings.co gov. (Inches) (inches) Parker No. Item No. Qty. Item No. Qty. 3/8 3/8 62R96 1669P 5 1969 1 112 1/2 62R98 97257P 2 97257 1 8 WARNING:Cancer and Re;.mductive Harm s+.�cw P65Wornings.ca gov Male Insert �~ Hose I.D.(A)x Male NPT(B) Fitting Fitting Adapter �•' Dimension A Dimension B Parker Pkg. Lawson Pkq. (Inches) (Inches) Parker No. Item No. Qty. I Item No. Qty. Air Brake Adapter 1/4 SSRS64B 1659P 10 109 10 Thread(A)x Male NPT(B) 3/B 3;8 68R"G B 1660P 10 1660 10 Fitting Fitting 1/2 68RB-RB 1661P 10 1"1 10 Dimension Dimension B Porker Pkg. Lawson Pkg. 1/2 "1 68RB8615 97250P 5 27250 5 (Inches) (Inches) Parker No. Item No. Qty. Item No. Qty. 1/2 60RB88B 97251P 5 97251 5 ,-;j 3/420 1/4 761183/44 93649P 5 93649 5 ®WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm v,ww.P65Warnings.ta.gov. _ - 3/8 76R83/46 9I650P S 97650 5 Available In Attartment 7/8-20 3/8 76118 7/86 97255P 5 97255 5 1/2 76RB 7188 97256P 5 97256 5 1P945 NOTE Use with Female Connectors. IF7items,131pieces) LP946 it WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm-www.P65Wamings.co.gov. (14 items,93 pieces) LP947 IF7items,125pieces) LP948 (14 items,70 pieces) Seepages 1-272,1-273,1-274 USA:866.529.7664 1 Canada:800.563.1717 1 lowsonproducts.com FLEET 1 TRANSPORTATION about:blank 3/10 Exhibit "A" AIR BRAKE SYSTEM PARTS Air Brake Fittings Nut Nut for Spring Guard Hose I.D. (A) Hose I.D. (A) Fitting Fitting DimensionA Parker Parker Pkg. Lawson Pkg. Dimension Parker Pkg. Lawson Pkg. (Inches) No. Item No. Qty. Item No. Qty. (Inches) Porker No. Item No. Qty. Item No. Qty. 3/8 61RB6 97262P 5 97262 10 3/8 61RBSG3 1657P S 1657 10 1/2 61R18 97274P 5 97274 10 112 61RBSG 8 97261P 5 1 97261 10 &WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm www P65Warnings co gov. WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm-wwa P65Womings ca gov Sleeve Spring Guard Hose I.D. (A) Hose I.D. (A) l Fitting Fitting Dimension A Parker Parker Pkg Lawson Pkg. Dimension Parker Pkg. Lawson Pkg. (Inches) No. Item No. Qty. Item No. Qty. (Inches) Parker No. Item No. Qty. Item No. Qty. 316 60R" 1650P 10 1650 25 3/4 s6RB5G6 97153P 5 97253 10 112 60RB41 97247P 10 97247 15 1r2 SGRBSG8 97254P 5 97254 10 8 WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm www.P65Wornings.cogov. Available In Assortment Clamping Stud LP945 Frame Nipple Q (17 itemLP946 pieces) ii (14 Items,93 pieces) Item No. Qly. LP947 1662 5 40 (17 items,125 pieces) LP948 &WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm www.P65Wornings.co.gov. (14 items.70 pieces) See pages 1 272.1 273,1 274 Air Brake Hose Assemblies • Pre-assembled air brake hose with attached 3/8"male pipe rigid x male pipe swivel fittings ready for immediate installation - •-voiloble in popular lengths y • Black elostomeric hose with dual braids of four interwoven spirals for great flexibility and improved twist resistance _ • Resistant to UV light and ozone , • Meets or exceeds SAE J1402 Type A,J.O.T.FMVSS 106 Broke Hoses,49 CFR 571.106 � • operating pressures up to 225 PSI,maximum r burst pressure 900 PSI r� • Operating temperature range:-40°F to+200`F (-40°C to+93-Cl I.D. Length Item Pkg, I.D. Length Item Pkg. (Inches) (inches) No. Qty. (Inches) (Inches) No. Qty. 24 64371 1 24 64376 1 18 64372 1 28 64377 1 3/8 30 64373 1 112 30 64376 1 i 36 64374 1 36 64379 1 &WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm 48 64375 1 48 643" 1 wwwP65Womings.cogov. i i Double Seven-Way Plug/Socket Brush • Removes dirt fron.trailer plurl or so_ket • Extends life of tractor-trailer electrical cable hookup ::elps to remove corrosion from contacts, avoiding e•cessive voltage system drops • Stainless steel brushes for long life • High-impact plastic housing Item No. Qty. f 64367 123-14 FLEET 3 TRANSPORTATION LAWSON Products about:blank 4/10 Exhibit "A" II. AIR BRAKE SYSTEM PARTS ' Gladhands ' • for use with 1/2"air Hose fittings • Includes seal 7 • Conforms to SAc J318 standurds on-m l•,aiy specrflcoctons Gladhand Seal Item Pkg. 1663 I Material line Application NJ. W. Qt, 53115,53116,53117 WU t:aa._nn...«m S..rshanos. 53M $3115 1 >t—kss Sten lnwas lmergea,—1 53118 53116 1 LloWn-I Hose 531AW 53117 1 test Lon u"nma1,iose 1664 1663 1 Polyurethane Gladhand Seals Line Item Pkg. Last much longer than rubber seals-won't crack, Color Application No. Qty. tear or dry out Bed rmergengHosc 53118 10 Color-coded to reduce the possibility of hookup error BI•e su dce Hose 53119 to Reverse taper eliminates air leaks due to the seal lip Bock unkml Hose 53170 10 folding over • Interchange with all ordinary seals Protect-O-Seal Polyurethane Gladhand Seal Item Pkg. for use with filtered gladhand units only Color No. Qty. Interchanges with all ordinary seals Block $6438 10 Perforated enter section helps kee-insects, debris,etc.,from entering glodnand ON-SITE SERVICE jU�w"ACCESS In the shop or In the office, Lawson's website delivers on your PC,tablet or smartphone. •Shop our full line luild a cart from of products anywhere and check = •Soarch by keyword, out anytime •r• __ brand;item number, • 2etrieve order history, cxss-,eierence number check status and trackor product category orders •Look up SDS •View special offers and your account pricing USA:866.529,7664 1 Canada:800.563.1717 1 lawsonproducts.com FLEET AND TRANSPORTATION 23-15 abouCblank 5/10 Exhibit "A" ELECTRICAL CONNECTORS Deutsch-Style Connectors - DT and AT Series Receptacles/Pin Wedgelocks/Socket Wedgelocks/Plugs • Contact size: 16 • Te...perati a-anga: -67aF to+257aF i-55oC to+125oC) • G- ' ,1t rat.ng: 13 Amp_ Diele.tric strength:1 5COY minimum • DT Series;Deutsch);AT Series(Amphenol) I9b6 29495 40 29489 _ 29492 29474 29490 29479 29473 _ %' 'A� , it � 4W - 29497 29197 29477 29498 29491 22480 29474 29492 1WO 29500 WW2949 4009 W 29493 29481 29475 29194 29484 29478 No.of Receptade Pkg. Pin WeCgeloc• Pkg. c ocl:et Wedgeloct Pkg. - P"g Pkg. Available In Assartment Contacts Item No. Qty. Item No. Qty. Item No._ Qty. Item No. Qty. 1445754 ._ _..._ t 2948, S 29479 ,0 29473 ,0 29490 5 (29 items,206 pieces) 29491 5 294W 10 294 . 10 I9492 5 1447231 4 29493 2 294dl :0 294'S 10 2949: z (15 items,162 pieces) 6 29496 2 29412 10 29476 10 29495 1447232 1 2949' 2 29413 10 294'" 10 29498 (15 items,156 pieces) 1 29.00 2948' ;0 294 8 10 29499 1 See pages 1-229,1-230,1-231 Deutsch-Style Pins and Sockets - Nickel-Plated • All Deutsch-style connectors use a common contact systems EyZ • For use in Deutsch Connectors including DT,DTM and HDP20,'HD30 Series, Pin Socket and Amphenol Connectors including AT and ATM Series Connection Contact Wire Go. St.ip Length Pkg.Qty. Pkg.Qty. Type Size (AWG) ilac,ies) .0 50 20 20 -ISc-0.21e 29469 114592; 20 '816 0.15E 0212 1445738 1445740 P 16 20-16 0250-0-_12 29487 1145983 16 14 0,250-0.-12 29463 1145956 12 14 12 0222-0284 29471 1145963 20 20 0156-0.218 29470 1145732 20 11116 0.156 0.218 144573) 1445741 So4et 16 20.16 0.250-0312 29488 1145775 16 14 0250-0312 29464 1145810 12 1412 0.222-0284 29472 114574, DT and AT Series only use contact size 16 pins and sockets. DTM and ATM Series 5n:y use contact si-e 20 pin and sockets. HDP<0/HD30 Series con use d tferent size cont-cts-See eac: housing,rotilefo,s•.ecific contact options- LAWSON Products 23-16 FLEET AND TRANSPORTATION aboutblank 6/10 Exhibit "A" ELECTRICAL CONNECTORS ; Deutsch-Style Connectors - DTM and ATM Series Receptacles/Pin Wedgelocks/Socket Wedgelocks/Plugs • Contact size:20 • Temperature range:-67oF to+257°F(-55°C to 1125°C) • Current rating:7.5 Amps Dielectric strength: 1,500V minimum • DTM Series(Deutsch);ATM Series(Amphenol) 01445759 14457N 4U45756 � ii 1MS7N 1M5762 1115777 1446771 1445765 1445715 1445757 4110171 0144571a 1445769 144570 1445772 1445766 040 6#144WH 1440 W40 1441776 4W 0 1445770 /41S7H 14457" 1446767 No.of Receptacle Pkg. I Pin Wedgelock Pkg. Socket Wedgelock Pkg. I Plug Pkg. "LAtttle In Assortment Contacts Item No. Qty. f Item No. Qty. Item No. Qty, I hem No- Qry. 1445755 2 1445774 5 1445768 to 1445762 10 1445756 5 ��f (29 items,206 pieces) 3 1445775 5 1445769 to 1445763 10 1445757 5 1447233 4 1445776 2 1445770 10 1445764 10 1445758 7 (15 items,162 pieces) 6 1445777 1445771 10 1445765 10 1445759 2 1447234 8 1445778 2 1445772 10 1445766 10 1/45760 1 (15 items,156 pieces) 12 1445779 1 1445773 10 I 1445767 10 1 4457 1 I See pages 1-130,1-231,1-232 Deutsch-Style Pins and Sockets - Gold-Plated 6io-- r..rr.rl.rr26il. • All Deutsch-style connectors use a common contact system Pin Sockrt • For use in Deutsch Connectors including DT,DTM and HDP20/HD30 Series,and Amphenol Connectors including AT and ATM Series • Gold-plated contacts are recommend for low voltage applications(less than 5 volts), and provide improved conductivity and protection from oxidation Connection Contact Wire Go. Strip length Pkg.Qty. Pkg,Qty. Type Size (AWGI (Inchesl 10 f00 20 20 16 0.156-0.218 10335 10092 20 18.16 0.156 0,218 1445742 1445748 Pm 16 2016 0.250-0.312 10ed4 10091 16 14 0.250 0.312 1445744 1445750 12 14-12 0.22I 0.284 1445746 1445752 20 20,16 0.156 0.218 10137 10094 20 1816 0.156-0.218 1445743 1445749 Sock t 16 2016 0.250-0.312 10336 10093 16 14 0.250 0.312 1445745 1445751 12 14-12 0.222-0.284 1445747 1445753 DT and AT Series only use contact size 16 pins and sockets. DTM and ATM Series only use contact size 20 pins and sockets. HDP20/HD30Series con use different size contacts See each housing profile for specific contact options. USA:866.529.7664 1 Canada:800.563.1717 1 lowsonproducts.com TRANSPORTATIONFLEET AND j aboutblank 7/10 Exhibit "A" ELECTRICAL CONNECTORS Deutsch-Style Connectors - HDP 20 and AHDP Series Thermoplastic Housing -Shell Size 18 and 24(1.75"/2" Dia.) • Deutsch-style electrical connectors are commonly found on trucks,o,.�-road vehicles,.2grla.lt,/rol equipment,buses, lerosp•ice equlr•ment Ind•uce c trs • Typical pplicatlons include thiou ih-the-firew ill connections,engine controls, in-cab eiectronics,ABS Crakes,transmission controls,lighting.Tnd hitch control olon-I with industrial applications such as generators or presses •"•a�' 000 t A � (•A• •� �3 a• 1! 6j•3 11 r• • C • •' 16• • �•17 N•G•/ 1 • • c � • ,•u • • ,• • N • K Is• • •13 24-19 18.8 18-14 18-20 18-21 24.16 6 size 12 8 size 12 14 size 16 2 size 16&18 size 20 21 size 20 16 size 12 &13 size 16 N N N N N N 1!4-78u 1445782 1445784 1445786 1445788 1445790 1•'4.781 1445783 1445785 1445787 1445789 1445791 •we G•9•I•K • K 0.4 '�••6• 1 iT•33y1j'e S 3 } ••'nixyy t_ • f•A•C • �• 11• 4 01 N T �0 • ,•1 C1 7 • 3 1 •' t•� •7 •�$•'�•��oo•• u • • • ' • . A •� 29 • 7 SI • T 3 b 4 u•9 h z� /•j'Vnrz1 •U [ 0 M• 0•c c C•y 13 � I • • I��A •li • • • , 1 �o� • I•• li • • • 1• • s D 9 • : •b : i • • • �r 1• • • •N • C D • ••3 5 • • 1 3• 9• 31';s• •311• •�.t• c R I • • 1 • 21 1�1 • 1•N 'T• • • T1 1• • •p • :• 11� 7• N�•7 ti�»Ts•�i� 3T •:.T•�7 t,�3+tit •2s•Ss •0 02S 6•• •7 e• •T T1+•�• 24.21 24-29 4 size 12 24-23 4 size 12, 19 size 16 24-31 24.33 24.35 24-47 &17 size 16 23 size 16 &6 size 20 31 size 16 33 size 20 3 size 16&32 size 20 5 sael6&42 size 20 N N E T N N E 29459 1445792 1445794 29461 1445796 1445798 1445800 29460 1445793 1445795 29462 1445797 14457" 1445801 Configuration Receptacle Pkg I Aug Pkg Type Contact Size Item No. QtT. Item No. Qt2. ----- --- - --1- E s1 a 1[ 1445780 I 1445781 1 • • 'd-14 1,size IL 144578. 1 1445783 1 e A 'd20 21.&16 wd 18 sit,2 1 1445764 1 1445735 1 11•�•I h:cepmde/rl..g rrofi4 1-2. 2.size 10 144578- 1 144S787 1 • • • wire Insuladars zee. Corm a mil n I416 Kim I: 1145788 1 1415789 1 •� 9 24 1,o 6 r✓e 12 and 13 sn lu 1445790 1 1445791 1 N—Norma Ty,x 24-t. 4.ce 12 and 1z size l6 :9459 1 :946u 1 T 11Jn 18.8 eR.�Tlitn 8 site 12 24 23 z.'size ll. 144S792 1 1445793 Contact Size 2449 ::ire 12 ad I size size 20 1445794 1 1445795 1 N 24_ sirs IL 29461 1 A462 1 ne-epta.k its.%Ns 24-A .!size K 1445796 1 1445797 1 hug erolik a....No. 24... -r,..e 16 and-2 slze 23 1445798 1 1445799 1 244z the 16 and 4.stre 20 1141451110 1 1445BUI I Deutsch-Style Connectors - HD 30 and AHDM S_ries Affft Metal Housing -Shell Size 24(2" Dia.) • Deutsch-style electrical connectors ore commonly found on trucks,offrood vehicles,agricultural equipment,buses, • •1.1 aerospace equipment and race cars • •K K , •Typical applications include through the firewall connections, �• r AID c • v •t 3�•��T•'�o' t 29 • engine controls,in-cab electronics,A-S brakes,transmission •u•I•a•"1• u• • "• •M •�•1�Ij••1e controls,lighting and hitch control along with industrial ,• •e• •N I' �o•••N 71� �s33�112 applications such as generators or presses s• • •' 9• °• 77• ,•••1A Configuration Receptacle Pkg. I Plug Pkg. 24-21 41111 • •P � •Ts Type Contact Size Item No. Q►y. I6 Ikm No. Qty. 4 size 12 24.23 24.31 24-21 4 size 120411 am X 1 ? 14+swf' 1 &17 size 16 23 size 16 31 size 16 24-23 23 sia 16 29501 1 I 29502 1 N N 1 2431 31 size 16. 1},W _ 1 .!"§88 _ 1445802 29501 1445804 1445803 29502 1445805 23-18 FLEET AND TRANSPORTATION LLAWSON Products abouttlank 8/10 Exhibit "A" ELECTRICAL CONNECTORS � ,,' Accessories for HD30/HDP20 and AHDP/AHDM Series Connectors • All Deutsch Style connectors use the some common connectors •Temperature range:-67aF to+257aF(-55aC to+125aC) so282 '' • Maximum current ratio: 13A " • Dielectric strength: 1,500V minimum I t ) Item Pkg. b0217 50284 '� a Description No, Qty. 60285 4 Panel Nut-Shell Size 24 50282 1 Panel tocl.\Posher Shell Sire 24 50281 1 - S'migM S-rain Relief 50284 1 CIO S'io�-�Rel"i 50285 I i Dust Cap..Ph Chain(Plug Side) 50286 1 Dust Cap.ho-t Choln(Plug Sloe) 502" 1 D.ut Cap w th Chan(Reoeplock Side) 50288 I Dust Cop without Choln:Receptocle Side) 50289 1 y 50296 50287 502U 50289 Installation/Removal Tools Item Pkg. 29466 29465 144HU 1445607 Description No. Qty. r k. Contact sae 20 Remowl Tool2}.24 AWG 29466 1 Contact sae 16 Remowl Too 16 18 A%YC 29465 1 Contact sae 16 Remowl Tool 1416 AWG 1445806 1 1445813 _ Contact Sae 12 Re—1 Tool 12.14 AN., 1445807 1 144b8/0 Mel.i Remoe.A Tao.24.20 AN'G 1445813 1 1445814 cute:Remo,,I Too 1816 NNG 1445814 I 144581, Met L RetnonA Too.16 14 AWG 1445815 1 Le-Is,h loo.)�t 1445808' 1 G 1 per Cant Kt Size 20 1445809 1 41445809 GimperCen toot Size 16 1445810 1 1445812 Glmpo{ontoct Size 12 1445811 1 ..yen'a.."Cm,Tool 24 14 A%VG 1445812 1 C.iroin,:1445809 14458M.14.561Z 1445813.1415714.1445815 Deutsch Crimping Tool • Includes a knob for selecting a specific wire/contact size • Applies a four-way indent/crimp •Accommodates contact sizes 20, 16 and 12 • For crimping 12-24 Go.wire • For use with DT and HD30/HDP20 Series connectors • Item No. Qty. 29485 1 Sealing Plugs • All Deutsch connectors use a common contact s}stem • For use in all Deutsch Connectors including DT,DTM and HD30/HDP20 Series DT/DTM and AT/ATM Series • Temperature range:-67aF to+257aF(-550C to+125aC Removal Tool • Maximum current ratio! 13A r • Dielectric i strength: 1,500V minimum 1 g 29468 Contact Wire G) No.tem PkgQtY. © Item 86 Qty. Size (AWG) No. Qty. 29486 i 20 *14 29468 1,, 12 a 16 1612 29467 10 29467 USA:866.529.7664 1 Canada:800.563.1717 1 lowsonproiucts.com FLEET 1 TRANSPORTATION aboutblank 9/10 Exhibit "A" TRACTOR-TRAILER CABLE and CORDS ABS Tractor-Trailer Self-Coiling Coble Assemblies • For the safe conduction of electric current between any truck-trailer combination • Compatible with A3S braking systems(indicated by green cover) • Replaces the red cable assemblies previously available • Remains flexible to-85aF(-'.VQ • Meets or exceeds SAE 12394 and TMC R.P. 137 and 141 standards • Rugged wire cover is resistant to gasoline,diesel,common chemicals and UV rays • Heavy-duty construction fights sagging between cab and trailer •Seven-way pole plugs ore mode of durable zinc die-cast with spring cable guards • Wire construction consists of four 12 Go.,two 10 Go.and one 8 Go. Minimum Item Pkg. No.of Coils Description No. Qly. 23 12factCableAssembly 29774 1 10 15fool Cable Assembly 28775 1 41 15foot Cable Assemblywirh 401nch-eod 28776 1 1 ,."....ABS Tractor-Trailer Cords 14471 1447154' 9' 1M7179" 1447172' 1447185" 1447175' 1447177' -� - 1447176' ye a 1447178/, " Length Lead Length Item Pkg. •Fully-encased heavy-duty (Ft) Color Type Style Inches) No. Qty. molded cord ends Green Stursdard locket straight 1447194' t 7 conductors-one 9 AWG, 12 Green S(onda:dmdet Coiled 12!12 14471751 1 two 10 AWG,four 12 AWG Green Premium Poi.Tnt ene 7or_et Coiled 12/12 1447177" 1 Green Stondord Jacket So ulght 1447172' 1 - Gaen Premium Petyerethrm Jacket Straight 1447185" 1 15 Green Stondord J-kt Coded 12,12 1447176' 1 Greco Prrmtivm Pohertdherse:odet Coiled 12/12 1447171/ 1 Green Stondord Jodet Coiled 1214. 1447183' 1 20 Green Premium WlyereNene)odet Coiled 12/36 1447179" 1 'Admnced polyvji.leting mafenaf pmsides impry d obmton p,W,bon xrth greoler oje hnq to peral-range 55°1 to r 1904 'Jmaftyrhips in 1 to 4 days &6VARNING,t_o.p er�-,a k.p od c ive Hvr,n svww Fo5Wa...ings cu.gc. .,..General Purpose Tractor-Trailer Cords .tiS 1447182' 14471801 1447180, 1447173' rr 1447181' 1447174' k r. ✓; 1447186' 1447187, ... Length Wire Go. Lead Length Item Pkg. Fully-encased heavy-duty (Ft.) Color Type Style (AWG) (Inches) No. Qty. molded cord ends 12 Block Stafford Jo<let Caked 1.12/6.14 12/12 1447180' 1 • 7 conductors Block St.ndord Jodet (-olkd 1s 106.12 12 12 1447113' 1 Block Hewy0.lylocket Straight 1.1016.12 1447188' 1 gA Black Stondord Jodet Coiled 1.146.14 12112 1447181' 1 l!'•=_ - 15 Black Standard locket Coiled 1.12/6.14 12/72 1447162' 1 Bl d ack Standard Joet Coiled 1.10/602 12/12 1447174' 1 Hir Black Stondord locket Coiled 1410/6,12 12112 1447166' 1 Black Stondord locket Coiled 1.10/6.12 12/12 1447187' I 'Usually ships in 2 to 4 days &WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm www.P65Warnings.co goy 1 4 • • • LAWSON Products abouttlank 10/10 Exhibit "A" TRACTOR TRAILER CONNECTORS ' Circuit Testers 90'M Quickly and easily troubleshoot tractor-trailer circuitsVerify vehicle side continuity Verify wire configuration • Winged grip for easy removal t7096 17098 • Test 4,5,6 and 7 round pin and 7 spade Item Pkg. Description No. Qty. 7 Way Round Pin 17095 1 7 Way Spode(Moll Pm 17096 1 6-Way Round R 17097 1 ®WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm 4 aM 5Woy Pn 17098 1 w .KSWornmgs.co.gov. 17097 I t Trailer Adapter • Adapts Tway spade type terminal connections to 6-round pin and 4 and/or 5 pin trailer connections • Sealed plugs keep road debris from corroding connections Item Pkg. Description No. Qty. VA k44% 3 Way Trailer Adopter 17099 1 WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm %vww,P65Warn1ngs.cc gov. Four-Way and Six-Way Tractor-Trailer Connectors • Zinc die-cast design • Resistant to dust and water • Socket has elongated mounting holes for convenient installation • Extended rear housing of socket conceals wire terminations J I • Heavy-duty, 12b to 24V,35A • Sockets and plugs are interchangeable with compet It a Drands • Four-Way Connectors are used on let's and trucks 80951 53671 80957 53669 • Replacement interiors are polarized to prevent incorrect installation Replacement Interior Item Pkg. , Description Item No. No. Qty. toarlYoy Sodrl 53671 80951 1 _ $3673 S wW l y Plug 53674 8095 I 1** � ¢ IourMy nug with Coble Guard 53670 53669 1 V Su 1Yaj a Sod 53674 80952 I 5 by Plug $3673 80959 1 80952 53674 80959 53672 Sir Woy Plug nigh Coble Guard 53673 53672 1 Registration Has • • —ARM== • Access your account pricing and special offers �= • Streamlilre your checkout with customized re-order lists • Retrie-e order history, check status and track orders Register today at lowsonproducts.com USA:866.529.7664 1 Canada:800.563.1717 1 lowsonproducts.com aboutblank 2/10 Exhibit "A" TRACTOR-TRAILER CONNECTORS Seven-Way Tractor Trailer Connectors • Exceeds FMVSS-121 and SAE J560c specifications Solid pin design • Will accept 16 to 10 Va.v.-ire and 8 Go.ground.Fire .nterchangeoble with Berg, • Plug-in wire terminations Cole-Hersee and ATA Die-Cast Plugs Nylon Plugs • Heavy-duty,corrosion-resistant,die-cast body heavy-duty,lightweight,non-corrosive nylon body • Integral cable clamp Unique cable clamp has extra width for support • Spring-grip contact sleeve design provides greater contact and to prevent chafing area and creates a wiping action to eliminate contaminants Finger grips are integrated in body of plug and will never sho!a loose 95010 • Can be used with Die-Cast Soc..ets • Cable seal prevents moisture from entering plug 95009 53678 Item Pkg. • Zinc-plated cable Description No. Qty, guard resists Hug 95009 1 corrosion Rug with Coble Guord 95010 1 57677 BWARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm mvn.P65Wornings.cogo, Item Pkg. •Zinc-plated cable Description No. Qfy guard resists Die-Cast Sockets f" 57677 I corrosion Hug with Coble Guord 53675 I • Solid floating pins for ease of alignment and maximum contact • Self-grounded Ring/Spade Term nation Socket and Boot • Optimal slant mount and drain slot rid housing Wires can be terminated using ring tongue or spade interior of accumulated moisture solderless terminals • Heavy-duty,non-corrosive plastic body 4 53650 53661 Item Pkg Description Boot No. Qty. 4P 69117 05213 Tor Hole Mount Socket 53661 53660 1 three Hole Mount Socket 53661 53681 1 Item Pkg. Description No. Qty. Tft H.Ie Mount Socket 69117 I Nylon Socket and Boot Socketkot 65213 1 53662 *�516t11 Item Pkg. Description No. Qty. I.,Hole Mount Socket 53662 1 N)1o,Scd<t Boot 53684 I Find more at lawsonproducts.com 23-22 1 FLEET AND TRANSPORTATION LAWSON Products abouttlank 3/10 Exhibit "A" TRACTOR-TRAILER CONNECTORS jo Heavy-Duty Trailer Connectors • Current OE-style connectors • Plug design offers dual grips for easy removal • Socket design prevents internal short-circuiting • Safety latch on socket prevents damage from accidental pull-away • High-impact nylon housing with tin-plated copper alloy terminal pins 64941 64942 • When mated together,unit gives exceptional corrosion and rust protection 64939 • Connector Adapter No.64940 is available to convert from common four-way connectors to seven-way design Item Pkg. Description No. Qty. Tro9ee End Rug 64941 1 Vth"ale End Socht 64942 1 Un—al Mo,nt ng arudet 64939 1 64940 53571 I.rWV j to 5ecen Vloy Cannrctor Ad,pw 64940 1 Si.way Round to four Polef of Adaple. 53571 1 ABS Seven-Way Trailer Cable ' As of March 1998,NHTSA regulations require all new trucks, trailers and buses with air brakes to have Anti-Lock(ABS)braking. This cable is specifically for ABS applications. • Green PVC jacket is abrasion-proof,oil-resistant and water-resistant • Conductors are bare annealed copper conforming to SA,and ATA specifications;four 12 Go.,two 10 Go.and one 8 Go. • Temperature range:-58aF to+140OF(-500C to+60aC) • Packaged in 100-foot rolls Wire Go. No.of O.D. Item Pkg. (AWG) Conductors (Inches) Color No. Qty. lalC 1 7 0.075 C.C95 Green PVC locket 55365 1 &WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm-www.P6SWornings.co-gov. PVC Trailer Cable • Abrasion-proof outerjacket is resistant to oil,ozone, water and acid,is highly flexible and possesses extreme tensile strength • All conductors are color-coded for identification • Conductors ore soft-tinned,annealed copper,conforming t to SAE and ATA specifications • Temperature range:-58aF to+19401'(-500C to+900C) • Packaged in 100-foot rolls No.of Wire Go. O.D. Item Pkg. Conductors Color (AWG) (inches) No. Qty. 4 White.Black.Red,Brown 14 0420.0440 5558 1 6 V,,ha,,Block,Red,Brown e11c,,Green 14 0.550-0610 556.) 1 Bloc:,Red,White,Brotm,fellow.Green,Blue 12 10 0.660-0,690 5562 1 7 White.Block,,:ed.B,o,.n,Yell—Green,Blue 14 0.590 612G4 1 Red White,Block,Brown,Blue,Green,Yellow 14.12.10 0.500 612:5 1 &WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm-www.P6SWomings.co.gov. USA:866.529.7664 1 Canada:800.563.1717 1 lowsonproducts.com 1 1 • - about:blank 4/10 Exhibit "A" IRREPAIR HARNESSES Multiple-Pole Color-Coded Connectors • Prewired weatherproof harnesses for automotive,truck,trailer, marine and farm applications _ Wire lead Wire lead Wire Mates with Item Pkg. Desuiption Color Type Go. Item No, No. Qty. Red Mok White Female 16 45715 83550 10 •S71S •3350 2 aole.net Hawing Red Femal< 16 83550 45715 10 Whit e Male White Female Ned Mole 16 45717 45716 10 Green Mole 3.role,flat Housing IVhi;e Male Red Female 16 45716 45717 10 Gran Femo!e White Female 41111% 45717 Green Male 18 45719 457165 'on" Mole Brown Male 4 Pole,nor Homing White Mole Green Female.01— 18 45118 45719 5 \� Female &own Female fellow Male &awn Male •S7fo 45719 Green Mole Blue Ma 16 63795 83794 5 te Hnk Mole White Female 6 Pole,5 uore Houeln 1eCow Female - - Srwm Female Green Fe Blue Female male 16 83794 83795 5 'ink Female \Mite Male 63794 83795 i E :� 3 Your Lawson Representative ensures the ) products you need are on-hand and stocked Jr according to your preferences and usage. .w • Eliminate time spent taking small-parts inventory and placing re-orders • • Minimize til,te spent looking for products in a disorganizes parts room • Reduce the number of nplanned trips to o,f-site stores looking .or parts _ •Decrease project downtime by having the right parts stockea and ready for use i •• , • LAWSON Products '_�24 �LEET AND TRANSabouttlank 5/10 Exhibit "A" TRACTOR TRAILER Seven-Way Female Receptacles Seven-Way Pole Plug Brush with Circuit Breakers • Comes complete with six integral circuitbreakersto assure 0 electrical circuit protection • Protective dividers are molded a into rear of housing to isolate all hot wires • Insulator at rear of housing n prevents dirt and moisture from Extends life of tractor-trailer electrical cable hookup entering unit Rear View • Removes dirt from trailer plug • Manufactured to conform to Prevents road salt buildup TTMA,ATA and SAE seven-pole Cleans corroded contacts for a better electrical connection plugs ! Made of ABS(high-impact cycoloc)material for added • Self-grounded unit is designed strength and durability for outside mounting on T-shaped handle for perfect grip conventional and flat-bed trailers • Stainless steel brushes for rugged application Replacement Item Pkg. Protective cap snaps into place for storage Amps Circuit Breaker No. Qty. 15 .1145 80967 1 Front View Item No. Qry. 10 .1146 80966 1 8"08 1 Weathercaps 5tainlesssteelbushing Engine Heater Receptacle prevents hindi.iy • Fully automatic,year-round, vertical exhaust pipe protection • Eas•r to insto); • Heovygouge stee. • P.r,ectly balanced ) • Plated to prevent corrosion • Protects engine fro rain Universal-can be wired to any engine heater lllt�c sleet and snow { • flush-mount installs in any vehicle industry Exhaust 0.0.Range Item Pkg, • Sl,ring-Iooded,heavy gasKetedcover No. )Inches) No Qty. 1 1.1/4-1.7/16 16101 1 Easy to assemble 2 1-1,2 1-11/16 16102 1 WeotherE roof 3 1 1/4 1-15/16 16103 1 Corrosion-resistant 4 2 1-3/16 16104 1 5 2 114-2 7,1r. 16105 1 Hardware included 6 2.172 21l/16 16106 1 Electrical Item Pkg. 8 3-33/16 16108 1 Rating No. Qty. 11 1-3,4-315/16 16111 1 12W,15., 95608 1 12 4-43116 16112 1 16 5 53/16 16116 1 Find more Fleet and Transportation + products like these at lawsonproducts.com USA;866.529,7664 1 Canada:800.563.1717 1 lowsonproducts.com FLEET AND TRANSPORTATION 23-2'. abouCblank 6/10 Exhibit "A" ,JH FLEET MIRRORS • All Lawson mirror heads and assemblies comply with proposed rules set by D.O.T.Standard No.4910-59M Below Eye Level Universal Mirror Assembly StandLrd • 7-1;2"x 10-1;2" Applications: • Shock gloss weather-sealed in plastic Many models of pickup truces including • Offset mounting permits use on both sides Chevy,GMC and Ford of vehicle without losing field of vision Station wagons for permanent trailer haul 1 Item Pkg. Newer vehicle models with slot design in Description No. Qty upper brace arm i Stelnkss Steel Assembly 90350 1 i Replacement Mirror Heads Senior West Coas. Universal Senior West Coast Replacement Head Replacement Head • 6-1/2"x 16" 7"x 16" • Stainless steel pillow back head Baked enamel steel housing • Domed caps assure rigidity and 1/4"boll stud-mount to any assembly protect glass using 5y 16"studs • 5/16'mounting stud Item Pkg. Item Pkg Housing No. Qty. . i1 Housing No, Qty. Block Emmet Steel 85874 1 Stolnlvs Steel 90394 1 Heated Senior West Coast Mini Ball Stud Adjustment Replacement Head —\ Replacement Head • 7"x 16" , 5-1/2"x 7-1/2" • Temperature-controlled heoting element 1/4 20 swivel ball stud with three prevents overheating screw adjustment • Five-foot cord • Automotive fender or door mount • 5/16-18 mounting bolts and locknuts • Applications:Trailers,motor homes, L • Applications:Universal truck tractors,RVs, campers,pickups,vans,small trucks school buses,campers and garbage trucks and sports vehicles Item Pkg. I Item Pkg, Housing No. Qty. Housing No. Qty. Sto'okss Sues 6)180 1 Pointed AM,St.[ 85804 1 _ _ �t (�WARNING:Cancer-sysysv.P65Wornings.ca.gov. I Front Cross View Mirror Round Flat Glass Replacement Head Replacement Head • 8"diet Flat gloss gives actual •Wide-angle convex mirror with black image for normal distance , enamel steel head Use when accurate • Neoprene gasket ring protects glass information of distance from moisture and shock and speed is required • 1/4"swivel ball stud DIo. Item Pkg. Item Pkg. Housing (Inches) Mounting No. Qty. Housing No. Qty. Block Enamel Steel 5 5/16'Center SWhel 85767 1 Boll Stud with t-Bracket Block Eoamel Steel 85813 1 237 LAWSON Products 26 FLEET AND TRANSPORTATIONI about:blank 7/10 Exhibit "A" FLEET MIRRORS Convex Glass Mounting Hardware for Replacement Mirror Heads Round Mirrors 85783 t 85786 12572 85758 85767 • Contains the necessary arms,brackets and fasteners - for attaching round mirror heads to the bottom of Senior West Coast Mirror assemblies • Steel construction with stainless finish Item Pkg. / Description Mounting No. Qty. —"- Arm and Arta 1/4•Sphere Nut 85763 1 85762 85763 65764 5/16-Stud 85786 I • Mount by auxiliary arm,bracket or adhesive backing AWARNING:Cancer-w P65Warnings.cogov. • Convex mirrors eliminate blind spots by giving a broader field of view • Use on West Coast Mirrors for wide range of vision Stick-On Spot Mirror Dia. Item Pkg. Housing (Inches) Mounting No. Qty. Wide-angle view Aluminum 33/4 Adhesive Bock 12572 1 • Overall size:3-3/8" Stoinlees Stec: 55/8 1/4'Sphere Nut 85758 1 • Adhesive back mounting Black Pointed Aluminum 8 1/4'Sphere Nut 85761 1 Stainless Steel 8 1/4'Sphere Nut 85762 1 • Can be used on either driver - Black Pointed Steel v/B 3/B'Sphere Nut 85763 1 or passenger sides Stott...Steel B 112 3/8'Sphere Nut 85764 1 Item No. Q3y, ®WARNING:Concer w .P65Wamings.co.gov. 63189 1 Mirror Specifications Mirror Assembly Mirror Mirror Assembly Assembly Assembly Head Head Head Type Item No. Housing Mount Housing Site Mounting cl Fei-�I ie_I 90350 Staldess Steel 3legs nrih Stololets Ant i lri's 101/2' &ocWI", Ur ,_ 1/4'D,u Hole 3/8 I6 Stud Replacement Mirror Heads Mirror Assembly Item Type Mount No. Housing Site Mounting Miimr Assembly 90394 Stainless Steel 61/2',16' 5/16'Mounting Stud Mourn Senior West Coast Mitrors 85874 Baked BloA Enamel Steel 1/4'Rak Stud Senior SYem Coost to A,,AssemU f Using 5/16'Studs 1,116, 63180 Stainless Steel 5/16.18Mounting Rohs and lockouts Mksi Ran Stud Mount Bak Stud Adjustment $5804 PaintedSYhte Stetl S•1/Y,/-1/2' 1/4.20 Adjustment Minor with 1/4-28 Nut Swirel Boll Stud oo!Cross ylew -- --_ - _ 85813 1 81.1 Enamel Steel _t•Dio. III Swhel Bon Stud Round Flat Mirrors Attach to 1 Round Rot Gloss Arm Auembly with Hardwn re 85767 Black(mmel Reel — S'Dlo. — 1/4'Boll Stud 12572 Aluminum 3-3/4'Dia. Adhesive 85758 Stalntess Steel 53/8'oW Round Consm Attach Round Conse,Mirrors to 85767 81ak Pal nted Alurninu n 1/4'Sphere Nut Senior Viest Coast Mirror with Hardware 85762 86kht Alurmnum 8'DIa. _$5763 Black Panted Steel - 8-7/8'Dio. 3/8'Sphere Nut 85764 Staines,Steel 8-1/2'Dia. USA:866.529.7664 1 Canada:800.563.1717 1 lowsonproducts.com FLEET 1 TRANSPORTATION aboutblank 8/10 Exhibit "A" FLEET HARDWARE Reflectors - Self-Adhesive Wide-Angle Reflectors Dimensions Item PLg I _ I-d-- Length —> Description (Inches) No. Qty. Stud Center Ref xcenym 2 3/1.i 3/4 95547 .0 Mounting Distance \nbe.Rena,g. 23/4.13/4 9554- 11, am Rectangle 4511 i 1,/16 95349 c Red located on rear end of vehicle 1.ibe.Rera..g_ '5;1- ,r._/16 9555-L i0 Amber ioccted a..fro.,t a..d m.ddie of vehicle Reds snd / 00. 95551 0 Not to ue used L.a st-bstitute for High'ntei.-sty oa. 9555, 10 Refle•-ti.e Tape or Co..spicuity Tupe Class A Reflex Reflectors - Reflectors with Reflectors with Round 3" Dia. Lens 1-1/8"x 4-7/16" Lens Types Class A Lens:3" P reflex reflector Housing::Plastic Lens:3"dia. border flange Mounting:Cushioned 0 Mounting:3/16"dia. Lens: 1-1/8"W x 4-7116"L adhesive backing center hole Mounting:Adhesive back with options' Lens Item Pkg. Lens Item Pkg. screw mount on •"centers Color No. Qty. Color No. Qty- Lens Item Pkg. Red 12573 2 Red 16132 1 Color No, Qty. Amer 12574 2 Amber 18133 1 Red 60176 1 Amber 60177 1 ON-SITE SERVICE A"w"ACCESS In the shop or in the office, Lawson's website delivers on your PC, tablet or smartphone. •Shop our full line • Build a cart from of products .,nywl ere and check = •Search by keyword, out !nytime t• brand,item number, • Retne�e order history, cro,s-.eference number check status and track or product t:atecory orders = _= • i_ooK Up SOS •Viewspecial offers and m ' " your account pricing •� N 0 LAWSON Products about:blank gflp Exhibit "A" FLEET LIGHTING LED Lamps LED lighting is a new generation of lighting products for the Reduces amp draw critical for today's more demanding trucking industry.LEDs are fast becoming the first choice for electrical systems thot power additional systems like anti- new truck installation,as well as for retrofitting existing trucks. lock brakes .he advantages of LED lighting include: Improves safety-LED lamps light up much sooner and • Cuts maintenance costs no replacement bulos. brighter.Better light recognition means a vehicle behind you Lamp life is 100,v00 hours,ten year warranty will stop 39 feet sooner at 65 mph • Potted circuit board-prevents damage from moisture Many lamp shapes and styles are the some as incandescent onJ vibration lamps-for easy replacement 15 Series Clearance/Marker LED Lamp Turtle-Back II Clearance/Marker LED Lamp ti: two 64038 64042 r 854.8 64037 6043 Type: 15 Series Clearance/Marker LED Lamp 64039 64040 Lens:2-5/8"L x 1-1/4"W Type:Turtle-Bock II Clearance/Marker LED Lamp Lamp Depth:7/8" Lens:5-7/8"L x 2"W reflex lens Housing:Polycarbonate Lamp Depth: 1-1/2" Mounting:Snap-Lock tabs fit into header or rail mount Housing:Polycarbonate Amp Drow 0.060A Mounting:Two No. 10 screws on 4-13/16"centers Grote Item Pkg. Amp Draw:Red and amber both 0.060A Description No. No, Qty. Lam Amber 47683 64042 1 Grote Item Pkg. p- Description No. No. Qty. Plug Cha:-a Grou,.d 66850 64043 I Head, most 43380 811418 1 Lamp-Red 4707 6403 1 Lamp Amber 47073 64038 t ,&WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm -w P6SWornings co gov N9-CAossisGround 66910 64039 1 PI.- round Re! 66911 64040 1 19 Series Clearance/Marker LED Lamp Type: 19 Series Clearance/Marker LED Lamp Lamp Depth: 1-3/32" Lens:3-51/64"L x 1.13/64"W Housing:Polycarbonate Grote Item Pkg, Mounting:Snop Lock tabs Description No. No. Q1y. fit into mounting bracket gt4m tamp-Red 47092 64033 1 Amp Draw:0.060A SuperNovci- 3" Center,Thin-Line Clearance/Marker LED Light Size:3-27/32%x 7/8"W gt4M Materia.:P31y-arbonate " Lamp Depth: 1-1/4" SRI Mounting:3"spazing for No 10 screws 18208 `oltoge/Amp• ,2V-0.06A 1e2o6 fieic replaceable lens 3-27/32' • Anti-torque design protects against over tightening and lens cro-king Wire exit holes at ends all for flew-through harnessing 1-1/4' Meets i C functi.n my when ounted at a 45o angle — Grote Item Pkg. Description No. No. Qty. 7/8• Y lhrr 47743 18206 1 ,&WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm 3-Sped"for 6'Pym:•I t693 1820, 1 www P65Womings co gov. Nm 10 Serer/ ti USA:866.529.7664 1 Canada:800.563,1717 1 lowsonproducts.com FLEET 1 TRANSPORTATION about:blank 10110 Exhibit "A" REIFLEET LIGHTING LED Lamps 2" Round Clearance/Marker LED Lamp 2-1/2" Round Clearance/Marker LED Lamp 64044 64045 64047 64048 64046 64049 64043 64043 Type:2"Round Clearance/Marker LED Lamp ('� Type:2-112"Round Clearance/Marker LED Lamp �`,A Lens:2"dio.sealed out � Lens:2-1/2"dia.sealed unit Cram Lamp Depth:3/4" Lamp Depth:3/4" Housing:Polycorbonate Housing:Polycorbonote Mounting:Rubber grommet requires a 2-5/16"hole Mounting:Rubber grommet requires a 2-25/32"hole Amp Draw:Red and amber both 0.060A Amp Draw:Red and amber both 0.060A Grote Item Pkg. Grote Item Plug. Description No. No. Qty. Description No. No. Qly. Lamp-Red 47112 64044 1 Lamp-Red 41122 64047 1 Lamp Amber 41113 64045 1 lamp Amber 47123 64048 1 Plug-Chassis Ground 66850 64043 1 Plug-Chasse Ground 66850 64043 1 Groavnet 92120 64046 1 Grommet 91400 64049 1 MicroNova`' Dot LED 4" Round Stop/Tall/Turn LED Lamp Clearance/Marker Lamps /��113• w 1 83280 `� r 1727027 �ti /� 7a 64030 rx er r w~µ 1727027 v *7%W 28167 Sleek aerodynamic styling extends less than 3/8"from the mounted surface.Available in PC and P2 versions 64032 with.180 bullet connectors- no fasteners required. • Voltage/Amp:12V-.05A Type:4"Round Stop/Toil/Turn 24 Diode LED Lamp ('�y� • Material:Acrylic Lens:4"dia.sealed unit `� m Grot Item Pkg. Lamp Depth:3/4" Description No.' No. Qty. Housing:Acrylic/ALS Red P2 wilh Grommet 49322 t3230t3 1 Mounting:Rubber grommet requires 4-1/2"hole eu"P2/PC with Grornmat 49333 1323027 1 Amp Draw:0.49A Qj WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm www.P65Wornmgs.co.gov Grote Item Pkg. Description No. No. Qty, Lamp Red 53312 64030 1 Teo Wire Doubly Contact Plug C6842 28163 1 Three Wire Double Contact Plug 66841 64032 1 Grumo.et 91740 83280 1 LAWSON Products TRANSPORTATION23-30 FLEET AND abouCblank 1/10 Exhibit "A" FLEET LIGHTING �,1,; LED Lamps Grote Select- 4" LED Stop/Tail/Turn Lamp 60 Series Oval Stop/Tail/Turn LED Lamp i 610S] 1324197 1]23]21 1323322 �_ •Z Faster light-on response time provides greater stopping alert distance than incandescent lamps.Longer life and less current draw than standard incandescent lamps leaves more voltage 64054 available for other vehicle systems.Similar look to incandescent light which helps prevent theft. • Hermetic lens-to-housing seal prevents moisture intrusion 64012 • Uses existing pigtails and wiring for cost-effective retrofit *a •Voltage/Amp:12V-.24A Type:60 Series Oval Stop/Tail/Turn LED Lamp • Material:ABS/Acrylic C�mLens:6-1/2"L x 2-1/4"W Grote Plug-Chassis Item Pkg. Lamp Depth:7/8" Description No. Grommet Ground No, Qly. Housing:Polycarbonate lamp-Red, S4342 83280 60180 1323322 1 Mounting:Rubber grommet or theft-resistant flange. remote Pin IamP Yeuaw, Theft-resistant flange uses four No. 10 screws, Female Pin 5+343 83280 60180 1323324 1 top-to-bottom,center-to-center is 3",and side-to-side, &WARNING:Concer www.P65Warningscogov. center-to-center is 7-3/4" Amp Draw:0.075A for tail lamp function,0.45A for stop or turn functions Grote Item Pkg. Description N0. No. Qt7. lamp-Red 53962 64053 1 lamp with Al�minom Tbeft Resistant Flange Red 53972 64054 1 Double Contact Plug 64032 Grommel 1324187 1 &WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm www.P65Warnings-coVov. 2-1/2", Hi Count 13 Diode LED Lamp (,, Lens:2-1/2"dio. Finish:White '� M Lamp Depth:3/4" r MVSS SAE Code:A,P2 Material-Polycarbonate,Acrylic Volts/Amp:Reflex- 12V-0.13A • Hermetic lens to-housing seal 11140 • Uses the some UBS double seal pigtail as the incandescent 18201 18202 ID version for a quick Plug-and-Go°retrofit 61.19 • Twist-on mounting for easy installation _ 2-1/2•` • Concentric,multiple diode layout 1.209 • Reflex lens • Fits all popular mountings and grommets Grote Item Pkg. 64043 C Description No. No. Qty. 3 - ;4• Red G1002 18201 1 Yellow G1003 18202 1 _ Rgtoe 67001 18209 1 P.gta'l EGEK 64043 1 Grommet 91400 64049 1 Broclet 43690 85205 1 &WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm 85205 www.P65Wornings.co.gov USA:666.529.7664 1 Canada:600,563,1717 1 lowsonproducts.com FLEET ANDUANSPORTATION about:blank 2/10 Exhibit "A" FLEET LIGHTING LED Lamps i 4" Round Stop/Tail/Turn LED Lamp _ Type:4"Round Stop/Tail/Turn(red)or Auxiliary(amber) 10 Diode LED Lamp CPM Lens:4"dia.sealed unit Lamp Depth:3/4" Housing:Acrylic/ABS Mounting:Rubber grommet requires 4-1/2"hole 28153 28156 83280 Amp Draw:0.24A Diodes: 10 28163 .•/` Applications:Economical alternative to ) standard 24 diode LED lamps 64032 Grote Item Pkg. Description No. No. Qly. Lamp-Red 53252 28153 1 lamp-Amber 53253 28156 1 28162 [,male to Male Adopter Homers 66830 28162 1 Two W.rr Doubt,Contact Pl,g 66842 28163 1 Three Wire Double Contact Plug 66841 64032 1 Grommet 91740 83280 1 &WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm sysvvv.P65Wornings.co.9ov. 4" Round LED Strobe Lights �. Type:4"Round Strobe Light ; Flash Mode:Functions as either dual flash or quad flash strobe ] ,•++�� 1 Lens:4"dia.sealed unit Lamp Depth:3/4" Housing:Acrylic/Polycorbonote Mounting:Rubber grommet requires 4-1/2"hole 64647 64645 83280 Amp Draw:0.24A Internal circuitry eliminates the need for on external power supply 28163 or control module;no flasher unit is required Diodes:24 64032 Grote Item Pkg. Description No, No. Qty. lamp-Amber 77353 64647 1 lamp A Adopter 64645 1 female to Mole Adopter Harness66630 66870 28162 1 Tva Sire Double Contact Plug 66842 28163 I 110111111111111, 28162 Three 1Yre Double Contact Plug 66811 64032 1 Grommet 91740 83280 1 &WARNING:Cancer -wmv.P65Worningsco gov Find more G products like these at lawson products.com rANS PORTATION LAWSON Products about:blank 3/10 Exhibit "A" FLEET LIGHTING ' LED Lamps 6-1/2" Oval Strobe Lights ('.,. Type:6-1/2"Oval Strobe Light "I'W Flash Mode:Functions as either dual flash or quad flash strobe " Lens:6-1/2"L x 2-1/4"W Lamp Depth: 1-3/8" lop Housing:Acrylic/ABS 64650 64651 Mounting:Rubber grommet or snop-in bracket; mounts in any orientation Amp Draw:0.24A Internal circuitry eliminates the need for an external powersupply or control module; no flasher unit is required r: —3 ;;) Diodes:22 64653 1324167 Grote Item Pkg. Description No. No. Qty. .114 lomp-Red 77362 64650 I lump-Am6u 77763 64651 I WZ64032 Snopin Bracket 43172 64653 I Dovtic C 1.1 Flog 66841 64032 1 Grommet 92420 13241.7 1 ®WARNING:Cancer-www.KSWornings.co.gov. LED License Lamp MicroNova" LED License Lamp with 18.0 mmi Gray Vertical Mount Bracket .. • Durable one-piece LED lamp design 1 1 2 29" • Hardwire with.180 slim-line UBS plug connections for y (58.39nIm) maximum performance 2.7 — • Angled drain slots to prevent build-up behind the light (6B.7Imm) • Material:Polycorbonote I h- �1 • Voltage/Amps: 14V-.05A 1•98 (60.29mm) Grote Item Pkg. No. No, Qty. 60681 1323444 1 Sign Up for Email Updates at Lawson Products Website Receive web specials, product updates, @ problem solvers and web features right to your inbox. USA:866.529.7664 1 Canada:800.563.1717 1 lowsonproducts.com FLEET AND TRANSPORTATION 23-33 aboul:blank 4/10 Exhibit "A" FLEET LIGHTING Stop/Tail/Turn, Three-Wire, Plug-In Stop/Tail/Turn, Two-Wire, Plug-In Pigtail for Male Pin Lamps Pigtail for Female Pin Lamps • 0-ring seal resists • Straight in pigtail moisture and corrosion Single function • Quality ULTRA-BLUE-SEAL° J-ring seal resists y construction moisture and corrosion • Grease grooves for additional sealing protection Quality ULTRA-BLUE-SEAL"construction • Dual function for S/T/T lamps Grease grooves for additional sealing protection Grote Item Pkg. Grote Item Pkg. Description No. No. Qty. Description No. No. Qty, 8'Long,Chassis Ground, 66811 64032 1 10'Long,Chossls Ground, Slimline 0.180 Male Sllmkne 0,190 Mole 66642 28163 1 mWARM NG:Cancer and Reproductive Harm %vY%v P65Warnings.co gov mWARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm winv.P65Worning5.ca.gov. Stop/Tail/Turn,Three-Wire, Plug-In Economy, Three-Wire, 90' Plug-In Pigtail for Female Pin Lamps Pigtail for Female Pin Lamps • Dual function for • construction for S/T/T lamps red-�" reduced clearance • Factory molded applications plugs for use with Dual function for S/T/T lamps ULTRA-BLUE-SEAL' trailer wiring system Mates to Grote"and competitive lamps Grote Peterson Truck-Lite Item Pkg, with female termination Description No. No. No. No. Qty. 13'Lan,Chauis Ground, Grote Item Pkg. 9 Description No. No. Qty. 90°Plug,Blunt Cut Wires 67090 421 491 9199) 83279 I _ I1 1'2'Long,Chassis 11'Long,Chassis Ground, 67090 18207 1 Ground,Blunt Cut Wires 67000 431491 94926 60180 I 90°Plug.Blunt Cut Wires mWARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm snvw.P65Wammgs.cogov. m WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm Nv%v065Warnings.ca gov. Two Wire, Plug-In Pigtail for Thin-Line LED Pigtail Female Pin Lamps • UBS sealing ring 11910A zap* • Single function Patented double-seal Factory molded resists corrosion • straight plug for use • Grease grooves for additional sealing protection with ULTRA-BLUE-SEAL` Factory molded plugs for use with trailer wiring system ULTRA-BLUE-SEAL' trailer wiring system Grote Peterson Truck-Lite Item Pkg. Grote Peterson Item Pkg. Description No. No. No. No. Qty. Description No. No. No. Qty. 11 1/2'Long,Chassis 6'tong,Ground Return, 66931 160492 18208 1 Grcund Blunt Cut wires 67010 421.49 94992 83278 1 Stimline 0.180 Mole mWARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm mvw.P65Wornings.cagov. Sealed Marker Lamp Pigtails • Factory molded plugs for use with ULTRA-BLUE-SEAL'trailer wiring system • Fits 2"and 2-1/2'round and beehive style LED and incandescent lamps • Double-seal resists corrosion te2o9' Grote Peterson Truck-Lite Item Pkg, Description No. No. No. No. Qty. Double Seal l n long,C3assls 1821 t' Ground,Blunt Cut Wires 67001 16249 - 18209' 1 Dou61e Seal-b'Long,Ground 66851 162493 22204 18211- 1 64043' Return.shmfine 0.180 Males Double Seal-6'Long,Chossls 66850 - 94961 61013' 1 Ground,Aim8ne 0.180 Males Single Seol-6'Lang.Chassis 67050 111.49 91902 83283" Ground,Blunt CutlWes 63283" 'Double.eal "Singreseol mWARNING:Concerand Reproductive Harm snnv.P65Warnings.ca.gov9E . • a LAWSON Products aboutblank 5/10 Exhibit "A" FLEET LIGHTING 2-5/16" Hole Grommets 2-13/16• -- • Material:PVC • Black finish • Fits 2"round lamps • Fits panel thickness up to 1/4" Grote Peterson Truck-Lite Item Pkg. N0. No. No. No. Qty. 92120 14618 30700 64046 1 92120 116 1E 30700 85203 1 2-25/32" Hole Grommet • Lamp projects slightly above grommet line • Material:PVC • Black finish • Fits 2-1/2"round lamps G • For use when increased visibility is preferred • Fits panel thickness up to 1/8" Grote Peterson Truck-Lite Item Pkg. No. No. No. No, Qty. I 7�16'DIO 1 . 91400 143-18 10700 64049 1 - - Hole ®WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm v .P65Womings.ca9ov. 3" Hole Grommet 3.5/8' • Recessed lens-protective mounting • Material:PVC • Black finish • Fits 2-1/2"round lamps • Fits panel thickness up to 1/4" Grote Peterson Truck Lite Item Pkg. No. No. No, No, Qty. 91410 142-18 10704 64717 1V_��7B•Deep Grommet for 4" Round Lamps "- • Material:PVC • Blackfinish • Fits 4"round lamps • Requires 4-1/2"hole • Fits panel thickness up to 1/4" Grote Peterson Truck Lite Item Pkg. No. No, No. No. Qty. 90410 42618 40700 83280 1 USA:866.529.7664 1 Canada:800.563.1717 1 lowsonproducts com FLEET • TRANSPORTATION i aboutblank 6/10 Exhibit "A" FLEET LIGHTING Grommet for Oval Lamps • Material:PVC 3y4" \ AN • Black finish • Fits oval lamps • Fits 2.5"x 6.76"hole • Fits panel thickness up to 1/4" 1" Grote Peterson Truck-Lite Steel T Item Pkg. Description No. No, No. Bracket No. Qty. Grommet,Used When Mounting mth'F"mciet 92420 421-18 91220 132259e 1324187- 1 'Us oly ships in 1 to 4 dcrjs Mounting Bracket for Stop, Tail and Turn Oval Lamps • Flange incorporates rugged snap-in feature 1-5/16" • Material:Polycarbonote Hole Center �y • Black finish • Con be used with any Grote"oval LED or incandescent lamp and many V }• -- �— competitive lamps • Ideal for adding LED strobe lamps to 2 a vehicle Grote Truck-tile Item Pkg. Description No. No. No. Qty. Snap-In Bracket 43172 60700 64653 1 f Your Lawson Representative ensures:he >» prodttcts you need are on-hand and stocked • according to your preferences and usage. • Eliminate time spent taking small parts invento y and placing re-orders —' • Minimize time spent looking fot products in a t disoi ganized parts rcom • Reduce the numDei of unplanned trips to off-site stores lootcing for parts •Decrease project downtime by having the right parts stocked and ready for use t I ' • LAWSON Products 23-36 FLEET AND TRANSPORTATIi i I about:blank 7/10 Exhibit "A" if11• FLEET LIGHTING Clearance Lamps • Clearance lamps indicate overall width and height of vehicle Standard Side Marker • Amber lamps mounted on extreme edges of front and side Depth—►I IF Imo—pia —.�� of vehicle — s • Red lamps on rear of vehicle � r P �, Tc • One or two wires b Super 10 Series -- -- 01 Lens: 2-1/2"dio.Lexan° Lamp Depth: 1' Housing and Branch Deflector Mount:Lexan° Mounting:Rubber grommet requires a 2-25/32"hole Wire Assembly:Contact plug with grease-packed female contacts for better corrosion resistance • Available in component ports only • Four-way,shock-mounted bulb,resists shock from all directions for prolonged life • Sonically sealed units 96302 98303 • Can be surface-mounted or deflector-mounted Deflector Mo +�t � • Throwaway unit no bulb replacement �1 Grommet Truck- Item Description No.. Qty No, Qry. Seolcd Unit-Red 10208R 98302 1 Seoled Unit Pmba 1020BY 98303 1 t Deflector Mount 10725 85198 1 Contoct Ng 94902 83283 1 Gromrret 10700 83284 1 Contact Plug AWARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm-wvrw.P651,Vorningsco.gov. 15 Series Lens: 1-1/2"W x 2-1/2"L sealed unit Lamp Depth:3/4" Housing:Lexan° Mounting:Snap-Lock tabs fit into header mount Wire assembly:Right angle contact plug with grease-packed female contacts for better corrosion resistance 10BS199 JOBS200 • Shock-resistant-sonically sealed for moisture protection • Fits into narrow extruded rail section and corner posts of Header Mount open-top trailers ?1f ' • Throwaway unit-no bulb replacement -� Truck lite Item Pkg. Description No. No. Qtt 13 SededUnit-Red 15200R 85199 1 Right Angle Plug dd Sealed unit-br;ber 15200Y 85200 1 Header Li 15720 85478 1 Right Angle Phg 94924 85479 1 OFind more at E ) lawsonproducts.com USA:866.529.7664 1 Canada:800.563,1717 1 lawsonproducts.com " FLEET 8 TRANSPORTATION about blank 8/10 Exhibit "A" ' FLEET LIGHTING Clearance Lamps 19 Series Lens:1.2"W x 3.8"L rectangular sealed unit Lamp Depth:1-5/32" Housing:Lexano Mounting:Rail mount,two 10-32 screws on 3"centers Wire Assembly:One 90624 !9.625 • Sonicolly welded for strength,durability and moisture protection • Shock-resistant •Throwaway unit-no bulb replacement • Fruehauf replacement j �fl Truck Lite Item Pkg. , Description No. No. Qty. Rail Mount S eal eNnit-Red 19200R 90624 1 S ea:e0nit Amber 19200Y 90625 1 Rail ldount 19721 90623 1 30 Series Lens:2"dia.sealed unit Lamp Depth:5/8" Mounting:Lexone Branch Deflector Mount-non-corrosive VJ rubber grommet requires a 2-5/16"hole Wire Assembly:Contact plug with grease-packed female contacts for better corrosion resistance 65201 65202 • Sonically welded for moisture protection Deflector Mount • Shock-resistant •Throwaway unit-no bulb replacement Truck. Item Pkg. Description No.. No. Qty. S elsd Unit-Red 3020OR 65201 1 5 Sealed Uail Amber 30200Y 85202 1 7r Grommet 30100 85203 1 Deft eaoddount 10721 85205 1 contact Rug 94902 83283 1 Contact Plug Grommet' AWARNING:Cancer www.1`65Warningscogev Cartridge Type Clearance Lamps Type:Cartridge Lens:2-1/2"dia.acrylic ' Lamp Depth:3/4" Housing:Plastic • 1 . Mounting:2-1/2"dia.snap-in fit;optional recessed mount grommet requires o 3"hole -_ Wire Assembly:Two plug-in brass terminals 13006 13007 Sonically welded unit-no replacement lenses needed • Lens and housing conically welded into a sealed unit for maximum protection • Fruehauf trailers Peterson Item Pkg. Plug Description No. No. Qly. � Lamp-Red 142R 13006 1 Lamp-Amber 14,A 13007 1 crommet 142.18 64717 1 Pm 14249 83283 1 Grommet 9 m WARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Horm www.P65Worningsca.gov. • e • e LAWSON Products 2338 FLEET AND TRANSabout:blank 9/10 Exhibit "A" FLEET LIGHTING ' Clearance Lamps Cartridge Type Clearance Lamps with Reflectorized Lens Type:Cartridge Lens:2-1/2"dia.acrylic with reflectorized lens Lamp Depth:3/4" �s Housing: Plastic Mounting:2-1/2"dia.snap-in fit;optional recessed mount grommet requires a 3"hole Wire Assembly:Two plug-in brass terminals 60227 Sonically welded unit-no replacement lenses needed • Lens and housing conically welded into a sealed unit for maximum protection • Fruehauf trailers • Added safety of built-in reflector Peterson Item Pkg. ® H Description No. No. Qty. • + :., lamp Red 143R 60227 1 ?` letup Amber 143A 60225 1 -. Grommet 142-18 64717 1 60225 Grommet Side Marker Clearance Lamps with Super 21 Series Plastic Housing Rectangular y- Lens:2.03W x 6"L Lexan® Lamp Depth: 1.2" 18135 18136 Type:Side marker Housing:Lexon° Mounting:Surface mount Lens:S x k Wire:One Lamp Depth:1-1/32" • Available complete with wire Housing:High-impoct plastic with stainless steel bulb holder and contacts • Four-way shock-mounted bulb resists shock from all directions for prolonged bulb life Mounting:two screws on 3'centers Wire:One • Sonicolly sealed units W • ire: n lens • Surface-mounted • Throwaway unit-no bulb replacement Truck. Item Pkg. Description No. No. Qty. Truck Lite Item Pkg. lamp-Red 26302R 18136 1 Description No. No. Qty. lamp Amher 26302Y 18136 1 Law*-Anther 21001Y 98301 1 Replaaemert Bulb 82666 10 7Connect e ' • through SAP Ariba, Coupa, Oracle and m.ree.s to products, pricing and personalized , \, E-Quotes from your procurement system1' • Ask your Lawson Representative for details USA:866.529.7664 1 Canada:800.563.1717 1 lawsonproducts.corn about:blank 10/10 Exhibit "A" n-c"M 4 FLEET LIGHTING Clearance Lamps Side Marker Clearance Lamps with Plastic Housing - Oval Type:Side marker Housing:High-impact plastic with Lens:41 x 2"W stainless steel bulb holder and contacts Lamp Depth: 1" Mounting:Two screws on 3"centers » • Snap-in lens Wire:One . Truck-Lite Item Pkg, 4� Description No. No. Qiy. Lamp-Amber 1259A -till/15 1 ' Lens Amber 99055Y 18086 I 18115 Replacement Bulb - 82666 10 18086 Side Marker Clearance Lamps with Die-Cast Base Type:Side marker Mounting:Two No. 10 screws Lens:41 x 2'W on 3"centers Lamp Depth: 1-1/32" Wire:One ' Housing: Die-cast base • Shock-mount combination grommet and rubber O-ring secures snap-on lens e6104. $6105 Item Pkg. Description No. Qty. ' Lamp Red 86104 1 Lamp Ambu 06105 1 Lens Red with Gasket 18103 1 18101 Replacement Bulb 82666 10 3-Way Identification Clearance Lamps with Aluminum Bar Housing Type:Three-way identification — Lens:2-1/2"dio.acrylic Housing:Aluminum bar Mounting:Two screws on 8-3/8"centers Wire:One Peterson Item Pkg. Description No. No, Qly. L Red tamp,15.1/4'L.2-112-W.1318'D - 1043F 13033 1 Replacement Bu'b 80865 10 3-Way Identification Clearance Lamps with Black Lexan° :lousing Type:Three-way identification Lens: 1-1/2"W x 2-1/21 Housing:Black Lexan° Mounting:Four screws on 8-1/2"centers Wire:Harness • Lenses are throwaway units-no bulb replacement Item Pkg Description No. Qty. 13 Red lamp. 11'L.1-1:2 W.3,4'D 60704 1 Sealed Unit Red 85199 1 Sealed Unit-Amber 65200 1 LAWSON Products L 8 8 • about:blank 2110 Exhibit "A" FLEET LIGHTING Turn Signal or Stop Lamps Front View Side View Rear V.ew Single lamp function which indicut.s ' ----- 41ud Cent r i)A directions.t..rn through con,inuo�s Mounting Distance inte,nittent flushing •�L,J llLJ 21-1 he braking of a mo,ing vehicle thiougn /. the illuminution v1 a tail lamp locate at I tens Dia. �� ;he front or rear of vehicle Housing Dia. Mounting j -Wue 40 Series Turn Signal or Stop Lamp Depth Assembly Ivp--•40.Se.ies simile-contact sealed lamp tens 4"L:�an®salad unit Lamp Depth:2' ;iousing:Lexon` Mounting:rl,sh-mount in 4-1/? dia opening Wire:Singl,contact plug • Shock-resistant • Non-corrosive rubber i rommat fo. shock absorption •Th.owaway ul,it-nc,bulb.,t.locerrunt • breasa-p,.ckea fem.,le contacts t^r wetter corrosion resistonr.e 93276 •]2B0 Truck No. Qty ice Item Description No. No. Qty 1-1-6 Unit-Rd 4020'R 63_/6 1 Sisgle Cent-t flu• 9-992 83218 1 Grommet 40700 832.0 1 *—..3.. Stop/Tail/Turn Signal Lamp • Durable polycarbonate lens and housing • Legal in either vertical or horizontal position 601.0 • Sonically welded for a permanent seal • Recessed design helps protect lamp from damage 60. •Throwaway unit-no replacement bulb • Con be used with Grommet,No. 1324187, and Steel'C Bracket,No.1322595 Truck-Cite Item Pkg. Description No. No. Qty. 10 Lamp-Red 60202R 60179 1 C:: Uouble Ccntoo Flo, 60180 1 1324137 steel'C&acket 1322595 1 Grommet,used'When 1324187 1 Ir Idountlng With'C Bracket 1322696 Always Adding New Productsi_ Look for this icon at lawsonproducts.com -` A Easily identify new products added to our offering with this icon throughout the catalog r or in the New Products section. USA:866.529.7664 1 Canada:800.563.1717 1 lowsuni--oducts.com FLEET • TRANSPORTATION aboutblank 3/10 Exhibit "A" FLEET LIGHTING Stop and Tail Lamps Super 40 Series, Flush Mount Lens:4"dio.Lexan° Lamp Depth:2" Housing:Lexan® Mounting:Flush mounting in 4-1/2"dio.hole Wire Assembly:Double contact plug • Four-way shock-mounted bulb resists shocK 98298 98299 98200 from all directions for prolonged bulb life • Sonicolly sealed units • Non-corrosive rubber grommet mount • Throwaway unit-no bulb replacement • Lamp assembly consists of sealed unit,grommet and plug ® Truck-lite Item Pkg. 67279 Description No. No. Q1y. Complele tomp Assembly-Red 40047R 98298 1 Sealed Unit-Red 40242R 98299 1 Sealed Unit-AmFer 40242Y 98200 1 Double Contact Plug 9499` 87279 1 81280 Grommet 40700 81280 1 Model 40 Sealed Reflectorized Red Lamp Lens:4"dio.polycorbonate reflectorized Lamp Depth:2-1/16-1/16" Mounting:Mounts in 4-1/2"dia.hole with flange •Added safety of built-in reflector • Shock-mounted bulb absorbs road shock and vibration • Sonicolly sealed units •Throwaway unit-no bulb replacement • Includes plug 60181 60180 81280 Truck Item Pkg. Description No.. No. Qty. Sealed Reflectarrsed Red Lamp 40215R3 60181 1 MAI,Contact Plug 94923 60180 1 Grommet 40700 82260 1 + Find more Fleet and Transportation products like these at *J+ LlIIIIIIIIIIIII:3 lawson products.com LAWSON Products 23-42 FILM AND • about:blank 4/10 Exhibit "A" FLEET LIGHTING ' Double-Face Turn Signal Lamp Combination Lamps with Black Painted Steel H-)using _ Stop,Tail,Turn or Park Lamp /� Lens:4-1/8"dia. Did. Lens Lamp Depth:2" _ � Housing:Die-cast r jl — Mounting: 1/2-20 x 7/8"stud 1 Lomp� -k--Mounting Stud Wires:Two Depth • Shock-mount to absorb vibration • Stainless steel spring and thermoplastic wires Truck-Lite Item Pkg. ® 1 Description No. No. Qty. Y Lamp Red 3702 86107 1 Replacemenr Bulb 82674 10 Lens:4-1/12"dia. Lamp Depth:2-1/2" Stop,Tail and Turn Signal Lamp, Housing:Block pointed steel License Plate Illuminator Mounting: 1/2-20 x 7/8"stud Lens:3-3/4"dia. Wires:Two(park and turn functions) Lamp Depth:2-5/8" • Bull's-eye lens for maximum light output Housing:Block plastic • Ceramic disc pigtail with stainless steel spring Mounting:Two 1/4"studs on 2"centers and thermoplastic wires Wires:Two •A double-sided lamp which indicates a directional Peterson Item Pkg turn through continuous intermittent flashing Description No. No. Qty. O • Located at front of vehicle Lomp-Red 428 16039 1 ® p.eplacemeet Bulb 62674 10 Trutkdite Item Pkg. Description No. No. Qty. Lomp Red/Amber 2803 86106 1 j P,epla.emenr Bulb 82674 10 l Turn Signal/Stop/Tail Snap-On Lens Lens:4-1/4"dia Peterson Item Pkg. ... "` Description No, No. Qty. � ltms-Amber 338454 18088 t Registration Has ' • ' e • Access your account prici tg ana special offers • St-camlire yo�ir checkout with customized re-order 1'.;ts 1z. M 'a-- -- • R.trieve order hi:tory, check s.atus and track orders Reglster today at lowsonproducts,com USA:866.529,7664 1 Canada:800.563.1717 1 lowsonproducts.com FLEET AND TRANSPORTATION 2 about:blank 5/10 Exhibit "A" FLEET LIGHTING Combination Lamps Clear, 40 Series Single Contact Clear, Recessed Oblong Lamp Sealed Lamp 601180 E 60559 89177 89176 Lens:4"Lexon°sealed uni, Housing:Lexon° Lump Depth:2" ® Lens:6-1/2'L x 2-1/4"W n-using:Le.:_n" Lamp Depth:2-3/8" M;,L:nting:Flush mount in 4-1/2"di;..e,zle Wires:Double Contact Plug No.60180 ai,h Single Contict Plug,NL 83216 Mounting:Con be used .vith Grommet No. 1324187 Shock-,esi tent •Throwaway unit-no replacement bulb Non cot rosiv, ,ubber g,ommet for sh__k jbsoFp::_n, Meets ECE back-up light requirements No.83280 • Operates on a 12V system only Throwaway snit-no bulb replacement Peterson Item Pkg. • Sinyle-ontoct plug has grease-packed female conto-ts Description No. No. Qty. for better corros;on resistance combinat.o.:la.np I4416 605'-9 1 Truck lite Item Pkg. Dwb'e Contact flag .31491 60160 1 Description No. No. Q11. B.ck'Jp Lome 40u04 .T76 1 Clem lens 40204 89177 I ON-SITE SERVICE AjvjwLA�ACCESS In the shop or in the office, Lawson's website delivers on your PC,tablet or smartphone. •Shop our full line • Ruild a cart from of products _nyw"ere and check = •Secrch by keyword. out .nytime o j•�• brand,IT,1m nu,nbar, •Retneje order history, cro,s-ref.rence number check status and trackor product cuter ory orders �I •Lookup SDS •View ecial offerb and your account pricing FLEET AND TRANSPOR7ATION LAWSON Products about:blank 6/10 Exhibit "A" i� FLEET LIGHTING ' Utility Lamps I+, I{ Description of Beam Patterns ti , I Flood Beam-Excellent work light to see equipment; 60712 I' i' 6071� i illuminotes w.,;e or.3 short area 1 Tr-i,.ezo;dol Beam- weal all-ur.,aud wsrk Lght des;gneo ror nairowe, ante oeepe. visibiliYr Type:Tractor and work light Spot Beam-intended as a long-range lig.t fur marking Lump:4-1/2"W x 6-7/8", to'.ogen rows fe•.ce lines,etc. Lamp Depth-3" __ _- -----� Mounting Height: J-1/2" Housiny:b'a.:k po.ycorbono,e Work and To.l Lamps ror Flood Light A rorm machinery located on 60706 Pattern i Spot Light y W Trapezoidal pattern front and rear of tractor I Light Pattern Different oeom patterns available for.arious applications • H3 tsulb is 55 watts • For use on 12V systems only Lens Size Item rk�' -� Description (Inches) !'o. Qty Fa_ 3.! 60712 1 rood 4..- 60713 1 Tr-pezod 3,! 6070b I plecerne t H3 Bul: 6071 i I Tractor and Utility Lamps PAR 36 Sealed Beam with Halogen Lamp with Black 1/4" Male Quick Slide ' j Polycarbonate Housing Connectors Mounting:Jniversal adjustable • Snap-in sealed beam unit mounting bracket • Rubber housing •Two wires f,l. • Universal adjustable mounting bracket with 5/16"stud • One wire N Lamp Dla. Lamp Depth Electrical Rating Item Pkg. lamp Electrical (inches) (Inches) (Volts) No. Qty. Lamp Dla. Depth Rating Replacement Item Pkg, 4-;;16 2-314 17 83265 1 (Inches) (Inches) (Volts) 113 Bulb No. Qty. 41,12 2 12 60711 toile I Sealed Beam Replacement with 1/4" Male Slide Connector Tabs • PAR 36 sealed beam replacement "✓T'; r lamp for Lawson No.83265 • Wire Assembly: 114"male slide connector tabs and screw wire onnectors \ Lamp Dia. Electrical Rating Item Pkg. (inches) (Volts) No. Qty. 4.1/2 1+ 17556 1 USA:866.529.7664 1 Canada:800.563,1717 1 lawsonproliucts.com FLEET e TRANSPORTATION aboutblank 7/10 Exhibit "A" FLEET LIGHTING LED Tractor and Utility Replacement Lamp Trilliant'" Par 36 LED Replacement Bulb • Hard coated lens for durability and protection against LN 1100 usable lumens • Thermal pull back circuit to protect the LEDs from overheating 17 watts- 12V or 24V • Aluminum housing with black powder coating —1 • Replaceable lens with three stainless steel?hillips head screws so amnl • Color temperature provides a natural contrast most like sunlight, i reducing eye fatigue and optimizing job performance + Lamp Dla. Electrical Rating Grote Item Pkg. (Inches) (Volts) Connection Type No, No. Qty. — 4,39' 4-9 12,24 SV_dg5c,"Te—roh 83821 1323657 1 41110-1 Dome Lamp tens Diu. Electrical Rating Item Pkg. Flat mount One wire / (Inches) (voh5) No. Qty. Steel housing with chrome finish On-off switch 5 u 83288 1 Four mounting holes on 5-7/8"circle Strobe Lights Strobe and Magnetic Mount Strobe, Single Flash Type:Strobe,single flash,60 per minute, 1.5 joules Economical light that covers all low-intensity applications Lens:Polycorbonate Con be used on type E,ES and EE industrial trucks such as forklifts, Base:Glass-filled nylon,5.1"dio. scissorlifts and personnel carriers Overall Height:3.8' • Meets SAE Vibration Specification J 1318,No.61518 Mounting:Three 10-32 x 1-1/4"Phillips screws Modular power supply includes a field replaceable flash tube Wires:Two 16 Ga. •Voltage spike,surge and reverse polarity protected Electrical:12 to 80V'jC,6 watts, Mode in USA draw 300- 600 milliomps Item Pkg. Description No. Qty. _ M,ber Strobe Light 62019 1 T -mEcr S mbe light IAageen_rAount 27284 1 Flash Tube 62020 62020 1 tizti_A 11114 62020 Strobe, Single Flash, 85 per Minute Type:Strobe,single flash,85 per minute, 1.5 joules Commonly used in material handling Lens:Polycorbonate Reverse polarity protected Base:ABS, 2.83"dio. • Designed to meet SAE J1455 Overall Height:5.45" Section 4.11 Transient Noise and Mounting:Two 10-32 x 1-1/4"Phillips screws Electronic Characteristics Wires:Two 16 Go. • Tested to UL583 Safety Standard - Electrical: 12 to 80V DC,6 watts, can be used in Type E,ES and EE Industrial Trucks draw 300- 600 milliomps • Conforms to European Council Item Pkg. Directive 89/336/EEC,per Standards = t1 I Description No. Qty. EN50081-1 and EN50082-1 Amber Sbobe lght 61520 1 `- 61520 61538 IIo,hTubc 61538 1 -` 1 FLEET AND TRANSPORTATION LAWSON Products about:blank 8110 Exhibit "A" FLEET LIGHTING ' Strobe and Rotating Lights Strobe, Double Flash, 80 per Minute Type:Strobe,Class 2,double flash 80 per minute, or quad flash 65 per minute,7 joules II�IIIIIit Lens:Polycarbonate 62021 "''' 1'' A 62022 Base:Polycarbonate,8"dia. Overall Height:5.1" Mounting:Vacuum-magnet mount magnet is encapsulated within a rubber suction cup with tab release Wires: 15-foot coiled cigarette cord Electrical: 12 to 48V DC, 1.85 to 2.20A • Certified to meet SAE J 1318 Class 2 • Economical light for Class 2 vehicles such as delivery vans, Power supply is shock-resistant street sweepers,tow trucks,utility vehicles,backhoes and cranes Modular power supply includes • Vacuum-magnet mounted unit will adhere to vehicle's surface a field-replaceable flash tube up to 65 mph when mounted correctly-light must be Voltage spike,surge and reverse positioned correctly in the center of a clean,dry,smooth Made in USA magnetic metal surface hem Pkg. Description No. Qty. Amber Strobe lig..k VacvumMognet Mount 62021 I Floshluhe 62022 t Strobe, Single Flash, 60 per Minute Type:Strobe,single flash,60 per minute, 1.5 joules • Economical light that covers Lens:Polycarbonate all low-intensity applications Base:Glass-filled nylon,5.1"dia. No bulb replacement- Overall Height:3.8" throwaway unit Mounting:Three 10-32 x 1-1/4"Phillips screws • Voltage spike,surge and Wires:Two 16 Go. reverse polarity protected Electrical: 12 to 80V DC,6 watts, draw 300-600 milliomps Made in USA JiL • Meets SAE Vibration Specification Item Pkg, 11318,No.61518 Description No. Qty. Amber Strobe light 61518 I Magnet Mount Base • Can be used with Lawson No.61518 or 62019 • 90 lbs.of magnetic pull-strong enough to use on a moving vehicle • 12-foot cord plugs into cigarette lighter outlet • Allows the use of the some unit on many vehicles • Made in USA Item No. Qty. 61527 1 OFind more at lawson prod ucts.com USA:866,529.7664 1 Canada:800.563.1717 1 lowsonproducts.com FLEET • TRANSPORTATION about:blank 9/10 Exhibit "A" FLEET LIGHTING Lighting Pigtail Leads Junction Boxes • Internal components for fleet lamps 18 Go.wires 45676 tt^ 4567� Item Pkg. Description Bulb No. Bulb Item No. No. Qty. 57493 64370 Single:ooloct 1156,19"67,8, 82671,62672,82673 1003,1073,1141, 80867,82661,62662 82669, wMh 12'Lead 45676 10 • Terminals are marked for function and wire code Double Contact 115) 82674 45678 IC Transparent polycorbonate cover on recess-mount and surface-mount type • Impact-resistant plastic housing Depth Item Pkg. One-Hole Lamp Bracket Type Mounting Width Ilnches) No. Qty. • Standard 4-1/2"dia.hole Surloce-Mount Four Holes,3/16'Dk Fit,. 4d/8'00/4'O:e 1.3/4 57497 1 5 ening • 1-3/4"flange for bolt or Red-gulm Two Hole:,11/16'Du, weld attachment Surface Ni.-1 I......g Hole Centers 35j 32' 1112 64370 1 • 1/8"thick steel construction 73/8' • Lamp can be snap-mounted or screw-mounted • Use with all Lawson lamps that Courtesy, Step, flush-mount in 4.1/2"dia.hole Map or Instrument Item No. Qty. 18068 - Illuminator Lens: 1-1/2"dia. translucent white plastic License Plate Lamp Depth:2-1/4" Housing:Chrome body Illuminator Mounting: Mounts in 1-1/4"dia.hole Lens:5/8"x 1-1/4"clear plastic + through 0.060"-0.090"thick panel Lamp Depth:2" l Wire:One Housing:Steel with zinc plating Truck Lite Replacement Item Pkg. Mounting:Flat-mount;two holes No. Bulb No. Qty. 13 on 2'centers 26331 82661 $3266 1 Wire:One TruckLite Replacement Item Pkg. No. Bulb No. Qty. Aluminum Certificate Holder 26330 $0862 18134 1 Document Holder Housing: High-impact, chemical-resistant plastic base; impact-resistant smoked polycarbonate cover with permanent gasket Mounting:Surface-mount, two holes,0.187"dia. O=' • Stainless steel retainer spring Housing:Rustproof aluminum • Tinted lens to prevent sun Mounting:Two holes on 6-1/4'centers damage to the document •Waterproof,dustproof vinyl pouch with zipper Item Pkg. Size No. Qty. Peterson Item Pkg. 5.86'W.5.22'H 61616 1 Size No. No. Qty. Pier Fmme:6 7/8'W s 5d/8'H q5 17052 1 Viewirg 7Veo:4 3/8'.!:3 3/4'H 2348 FLEET gTRANSPORTATION LAWSON Products about:blank 10/10 Exhibit "A" EMERGENCY and BACK-UP EQUIPMENT Audible Signal Devices • For in-cab warning of low air or oil pressure, Panel-mount in 1-1/4"hole door open,bed up,tilt alarm,emergency polarity protected brake on,or overheating Connects with 4-40 screws • Multi-voltage: 12 48V DC Fully encapsulated power supply • 1-45/64"W x 1-19/64"D I Minimum Decibel UL Item Pkg. Output Description Approved No. Qty foil Fulse Yes 28925 1 so Slew Pals' do 28926 1 Loud CoAtilmous No 289I8 1 EB 1ded,um,:crit—ous Yes 28929 1 Back-Up Switches Heavy-Duty Universal Back-Up Switch Back-Up Switch • Vinyl dip sealed • Moisture-resistant switch for vehicles switch for vehicles with not e4quipped with back-up light circuitry automatic back-up and back-up alarms light circuitry • fu11360°movement For vehicles without bock upbghts: Mount sNitch adjacent to rovers' lf • Comes complete with two screw connectors For vehicles with cutomouc jack up and mounting bracket light d uit „Conect backup alarm to e■isi"g ci,cuit. • 1 lA rating Item No. Qty. + Item No. Qty. $1426 1 $2353 1 Your Lawson Representative ensures the products you need are on-hand and stocked according to your preferences and ..sage, • Eliminate time spent taking small-pdrs inventory L and placing le-.,rde;s • Mi limize time spelt looking for prud.: is ill a I disurgani ed p:rls room • Reduce fne number of unplanned trips to ` off-site stores looking for parts i •Decrease project downtime by having the rignt parts stocked and ready for use k USA:866.529.7664 1 Canada:800.563.1717 I lowsonptoducts.com FLEET AND • • • N— 2349 about:blank 1/3 Exhibit "A" IOUBACK-UP ALARMS • Solid state electronics • Voltage spike polarity protected • Conforms to SAE J994 criteria Positive or negative ground systems • Meets OSHA,Bureau of Mines,GSA'K-Spec'and all state regulations • Current draw is less than 0.5A • Sound ratings ore±4 dB at 4 feet-60 pulses per minute Nylon housing • Sealed in epoxy against dust,moisture and vibration • Extreme temperature operating range:-40aF to 4185aF(-40oC to+85'C) Back-Up Sentry Alarm For use on fire trucks,ambulances,cement mixers,buses, refuse trucks,dump trucks and ground support vehicles. ena.ur Decibel Voltage Item Pkg. S QY Output Requirements Mounting Size No. Qty. 107 12-36V DC Jnlwrsol Mount,Stilted Hales,4'Centers S W x 3'H.2.75'D 97550 I Back-up Sentry Alarm for Light-Duty Vehicles For use on light-duty vehicles.Self grounding.Can be used on UL-opproved electrical systems without affecting the approval. 1' Decibel Voltage Item Pkg, Output Requirements Mounting Size No. Qly. 97 12-24V DC Universal Mount,3'to 3.25'Cenlas 4 W s 2.6'H s Ib'D 97551 1 Back-Up Sentry Alarm for Electric Lift Trucks l; For use on electric lift trucks.Self-grounding.Can be used on UL-approved electrical systems without affecting the approval. n Decibel Voltage Item Pkg. Output Requirements Mounting Size No. Qty. 87 36-72V DC Uorversot Mount 3'to 3.25'Centers 4W is 2.6'H is 1.6'D 97552 1 • Monitors the environmental noise level and automatically Equipment can be safely operated in changes volume to maintain a minimum of 5 dB louder environments of varying noise levels • Increases safety and reduces irritation,hearing impairment and complaints Back-Up Sentry Alarm, Automatic Volume-Adjusting, Light-Duty For use on light-duty vehicles.Self-grounding.Con be used on UL-approved electrical systemswithout affecting the approval. Decibel Voltage Item Pkg. Output Requirements Mounting Size No. Qty. 82-102 12-24V DC Unlvcrsol Mount 3'to 3.25'Centers 5W.16'H s 2.75'D 95520 1 Back-Up Sentry Alarm,Automatic Volume-Adjusting For use on rubber-tired equipment,trucks,buses and industrial vehicles. Can be used on UL-approved electrical systems without affecting approval. Ohl Decibel Voltage Item Pkg Output Requirements Mounting Size No. Qty. 82-107 12-24V DC Universal Mount Stilted Holes 4'Io 5'Canters 5 7 W.4'H.3A'D 90451 i Back-Up Sentry Alarm,Automatic Volume-Adjusting, Compact Compact unit con be used for some applications as 90451.Can be used on UL-approved electrical systems without affecting approval. eataLr Decibel Voltage Item Pkg. S N^♦Y Output Requirements Mounting Size Na. Qty. 82-107 12-24V DC Universal Mount 82 to 45'Centers 5W.3'H s 2.7'D 97548 1 Back-Up Sentry Alarm, Automatic Volume-Adjusting, Heavy-Duty For use on heavy trucks,tractors and trailers,dump,utility and delivery vehicles.Mounts with Bracket No. 18068 and Grommet No.83280. Decibel Voltage Item Pkg. Output Requirements Mounting Size Bracket Grommet No. Qty. Qk) 87-112 12-24V DC Hush Mount with 4.5'Wr Lighting Grommet 4.2'Dies-2.75'D 18068 83280 97549 1 LAWSON Products about:blank 2/3 Exhibit "A" INSTRUMENTATION ' Voltmeter Gauge Fuel Gauge • Heavy-duty,precision-built Resistance type:240 to 33 ohm gauges designed for off-highway Used with sending unit No.90710 and over-the-road equipment • Red Lightweight,high-impact Celanese D.D. Hole IDia Item Pkg. 1310-2 nylon for rugged duty (Inches) (Inches) No. Qty. • Gasket-sealed lens for 23e 7-175 90709 1 moisture resistance • U.S.and metric calibrations • International function symbols —_ • Corrosion-free bezel • Precision internal vector magnetic movement Hou rmeters • Single-piece mounting hardware Used to record hours of use on a • Provisions for Lamp Kit,No.90711,on all gauges except piece of eruipment for preventive i maintenance schedules, hourmeters � • Computing rental hours and Easy terminal identification and installation-all models are reverse-polarity protected monitoring warranty programs • Input:8 to 32V DC • Installation instructions and diagrams,including dimensions, are enclosed with every gouge • Accurate to±1%of reading • For 12V Operating temperature range: > -25aF to 11851(-32°C to+85aC) O.D. Required Hole Dia. Item Pkg. Con be used on lift trucks,farm Scale Range (Inches) (Inches) No. QtY. vehicles,over-the-road equipment, eV to 10V 236 7In 90700 1 refrigeration units,construction equipment,emergency vehicles,lighting systems, air conditioning units,taxis,business machines, control panels and generators Lamp Kit Bezel Required Hole Dia. Item Pkg. • Uses Lawson Bulb No.82660(Industry No.57), Shape (Inches) (Inches) No. Qty. rated at 2 candlepower Roams 7.38 No 2.125 9070 1 a • 12V Reongular I.1 31/37 x r15/37 90707 t • Fits 5/8"dio.hole • Designed for use on all Lawson gauges except Hourmeters • • • • Updates at Item No. Qty. Za 90711 t Lawson • Fuel Level Sending Unit 61 • For 6"to 24"tonk • Five hole SAE mounting • Flange cork neoprene gasket and sealed mounting screws included Item No. Qty. 90710 Receive web specials, product updates, problem solvers and web features rijot to your inbox f USA:866.529.7664 1 Canada:800.563.1717 1 laws onproducts.com FLEET 1 TRANSPORTATION about:blank 3/3