Contract - Austin Traffic Signal - 5/25/2023 R 20z 3-(UO CITY OF ROUND ROCK TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT Austin Traffic Signal Construction CO, Inc, ;OUND ROCK TEXAS Project Manual For: UNIVERSITY BLVD AT SALERNO ESTATES INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS APRIL 26, 2023 OF Prepared By: ;* *ff� i....:........................:....i Seiler Lankes Groupj,MMDO GUTI..... j �I o:........75994.....:; i 7900 Shoal Creek Blvd fff��1F SFoisTE Suite 200 �� AL ` �t Austin, Texas 78757 /� /'"'APPROVED Y 512.560.9601 3/24/2023 TBPE Firm Registration No 12670 00200 BID BOND BID BOND THE STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON § That Austin Traffic Signal Construction Company,Incof the City of Pflugerville County of Travis State of Texas as Principal, and Colonial American Casualty and surety Company of America authorized under the laws of the State of Texas to act as surety on bonds for principals,are held and firmly bound unto the CITY OF ROUND ROCK,TEXAS("Owner"), in the penal sum of Five Percent(5%)of the total amount of the Bid of the Principal submitted to the Owner, for the Work described below; for the payment whereof,well and truly to be made, and the said Principal and Surety do herby bind themselves and their heirs, administrators, executors, successors and assigns, jointly and severally,as follows: In no case shall the liability of the Surety hereunder exceed the sum of(Five Percent of the Greatest Amount Bid Dollars($ 5%GAB ). THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION ARE SUCH that,whereas,the Principal has submitted the above-referenced Bid to the Owner, for construction of the Work under the "Specifications for Construction of University Blvd at Salerno Blvd Intersection Improvements for which Bids are to be opened at the office of Owner on the 26th day of April ,2023 . NOW,THEREFORE,if the Principal is awarded the Contract,and within the time and manner required under the"Instructions to Bidders,"after the prescribed forms are presented to her/him for signature,enters into a written Agreement substantially in the form contained in the Bid Documents,in accordance with the Bid, and files the two (2) bonds with the Owner, one to guarantee faithful performance and the other to guarantee payment for labor and materials,then this obligation shall be null and void;otherwise,it shall be and remain in full force and effect. If, however, Principal fails to enter into a written Agreement with the Owner in accordance with the Bid or Principal and Surety fail to timely deliver to Owner the performance and payment bonds required by the Bid Documents, Surety within five(5)business days after receipt of a written demand from Owner shall pay to Owner the full penal sum of this Bid Bond, subject to the limitation described herein. In the event that suit is brought upon this Bond by the Owner and judgment is recovered, said Surety shall pay all costs incurred by the Owner in such suit, including a reasonable attorney's fee to be fixed by the Court. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Principal and Surety have signed this instrument on this the I Ith day of the month of April 2023 . Austin Traffic Signal Construction Com an ,Inc Colonial American Casualty and Surety Company of America P ' 1'41AVAl'. Surety Sophinie Hunter Qd, e Printed Name By: By: 3L4 Title: V Title: Attorney-In-Fact _ Address: 4615 Priem Lane Address: 1299 Zurich Way,5th Floor Pflugerville,TX 78660 Schaumburg,IL 60196 00200 4-2020 Page 1 Bid Bond 00443638 Resident Agent of Surety: • -4p Signatdre Aon Risk Services Southwest,Inc.-Sophinie Hunter Printed Name 5005 LBJ Freeway,Suite 1500 Street Address Dallas,TX 75244 City, State,Zip Page 2 00200 4-2020 Bid Bond 00443638 ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That the ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY,a corporation of the State of New York,the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Illinois, and the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND a corporation of the State of Illinois (herein collectively called the "Companies"), by Robert D.Murray,Vice President,in pursuance of authority granted by Article V,Section 8,of the By-Laws of said Companies,which are set forth on the reverse side hereof and are hereby certified to be in full force and effect on the date hereof,do hereby nominate,constitute, and appoint Ricardo J.REYNA,Tina MCEWAN,Don E.CORNELL,Joshua SAUNDERS,Robbi MORALES,Sophinie HUNTER, Kelly A.WESTBROOK,Tonie PETRANEK,Mikaela PEPPERS of Dallas,Texas,EACH,its true and lawful agent and Attorney-in- Fact,to make,execute,seal and deliver,for,and on its behalf as surety,and as its act and deed: any and all bonds and undertakings,and the execution of such bonds or undertakings in pursuance of these presents,shall be as binding upon said Companies,as fully and amply,to all intents and purposes,as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY at its office in New York, New York., the regularly elected officers of the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY at its office in Owings Mills,Maryland.,and the regularly elected officers of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND at its office in Owings Mills, Maryland.,in their own proper persons. The said Vice President does hereby certify that the extract set forth on the reverse side hereof is a true copy of Article V,Section 8,of the By-Laws of said Companies,and is now in force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the said Vice-President has hereunto subscribed his/her names and affixed the Corporate Seals of the said ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY, COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, and FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND,this 1 Ith day of May,A.D.2021. .11111100. �71Ipj IrMy �� ATTEST: ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND By: Robert D.Murray Vice President By: Dawn E.Brown Secretary State of Maryland County of Baltimore On this I Ith day of May, A.D.2021, before the subscriber,a Notary Public of the State of Maryland,duly commissioned and qualified,Robert D. Murray,Vice President and Dawn E.Brown,Secretary of the Companies,to me personally known to be the individuals and officers described in and who executed the preceding instrument,and acknowledged the execution of same,and being by me duly swom,deposeth and saith,that he/she is the said officer of the Company aforesaid,and that the seals affixed to the preceding instrument are the Corporate Seals of said Companies,and that the said Corporate Seals and the signature as such officer were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Corporations. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal the day and year first above written. Constance A.Dunn,Notary Public My Commission Expires:July 9,2023 p'ngntir``� Authenticity of this bond can be confirmed at bonrh-alidator.zurichna.com or 410-559-8790 EXTRACT FROM BY-LAWS OF THE COMPANIES "Article V,Section 8,Attomeys-in-Fact. The Chief Executive Officer,the President,or any Executive Vice President or Vice President may, by written instrument under the attested corporate seal, appoint attorneys-in-fact with authority to execute bonds, policies, recognizances, stipulations, undertakings, or other like instruments on behalf of the Company, and may authorize any officer or any such attorney-in-fact to affix the corporate seal thereto;and may with or without cause modify of revoke any such appointment or authority at any time." CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, Vice President of the ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY, the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, and the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND,do hereby certify that the foregoing Power of Attorney is still in full force and effect on the date of this certificate;and I do further certify that Article V,Section 8,of the By-Laws of the Companies is still in force. This Power of Attorney and Certificate may be signed by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution of the Board of Directors of the ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 15th day of December 1998. RESOLVED: "That the signature of the President or a Vice President and the attesting signature of a Secretary or an Assistant Secretary and the Seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile on any Power of Attomey...Any such Power or any certificate thereof bearing such facsimile signature and seal shall be valid and binding on the Company." This Power of Attorney and Certificate may be signed by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution of the Board of Directors of the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 5th day of May, 1994,and the following resolution of the Board of Directors of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND at a meeting duly called and held on the 1 Oth day of May, 1990. RESOLVED: "That the facsimile or mechanically reproduced seal of the company and facsimile or mechanically reproduced signature of any Vice-President, Secretary,or Assistant Secretary of the Company,whether made heretofore or hereafter,wherever appearing upon a certified copy of any power of attorney issued by the Company,shall be valid and binding upon the Company with the same force and effect as though manually affixed. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the corporate seals of the said Companies, this 11th day.of April 2023 O's &q�Aeo­ By: Brian M.Hodges Vice President TO REPORT A CLAIM WITH REGARD TO A SURETY BOND,PLEASE SUBMIT A COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF THE CLAIM INCLUDING THE PRINCIPAL ON THE BOND,THE BOND NUMBER,AND YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION TO: Zurich Surety Claims 1299 Zurich Way Schaumburg,U,60196-1056 www.reportsfclaims nzutichna.com 800-6264577 Authenticity of this bond can be confirmed at bondvalidator.zurichna.com or 410-559-8790 � ZURICH Texas Important Notice IMPORTANT NOTICE AVISO IMPORTANTE To obtain information or make a complaint: Para obtener informaci6n o para presentar una queja: You may call Zurich North America's toll-free telephone Usted puede Ilamar al numero de telefono gratuito de number for information or to make a complaint at: Zurich North America's para obtener informaci6n o para 1-800-382-2150 presentar una queja al: 1-800-382-2150 You may contact the Texas Department of Insurance to obtain information on companies, coverages, rights, or Usted puede comunicarse con el Departamento de Se- complaints at: guros de Texas para obtener informaci6n sobre com- 1-800-252-3439 pariias, coberturas, derechos, o quejas al: 1-800-252-3439 You may write the Texas Department of Insurance: Usted puede escribir al Departamento P.O. Box 149104 de Seguros de Texas a: Austin, TX 78714-9104 P.O. Box 149104 Fax: (512)490-1007 Austin,TX 78714-9104 Web: www.tdi.texas.gov Fax: (512)490-1007 E-mail: ConsumerProtection@tdi.texas.gov Sitio web: www.tdi.texas.gov E-mail: ConsumerProtection@tdi.texas.gov PREMIUM OR CLAIM DISPUTES: Should you have a dispute concerning your premium or DISPUTAS POR PRIMAS DE SEGUROS O about a claim, you should contact the company first. If RECLAMACIONES: the dispute is not resolved, you may contact the Texas Si tiene una disputa relacionada con su prima de seguro Department of Insurance. o con una reclamaci6n, usted debe comunicarse con la compahia primero. Si la disputa no es resuelta, usted ATTACH THIS NOTICE TO YOUR POLICY: puede comunicarse con el Departamento de Seguros de This notice is for information only and does not become Texas. a part or condition of the attached document. ADJUNTE ESTE AVISO A SU POLIZA: Este aviso es solamente para prop6sitos informativos y no se con- vierte en parte o en condici6n del documento adjunto. U-GU-296-E(06/15) Page 1 of 1 00300 BID FORM Austin Traffic Signal Construction Co, Inc, BID FORM PROJECT NAME: University Blvd. at Salerno Blvd. Intersection Improvements PROJECT LOCATION: Round Rock, Texas OWNER: City of Round Rock, Texas DATE: Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to the foregoing Notice to Bidders and Instruction to Bidders, the undersigned bidder hereby proposes to do all the work, to furnish all necessary superintendence, labor, machinery, equipment, tools, materials, insurance and miscellaneous items, to complete all the work on which the bid as provided by the attached supplemental specifications, and as shown on the plans for construction of University Blvd. at Salerno Estates Intersection Improvements and binds himself on acceptance of this bid to execute the Agreement and bond for completing said Work. Any addenda issued will be posted with the Project Manual and/or Contract Documents on the City's website at https://www.roundrocktexas.00v/businesses/solicitations/by the close of business on . Prior to submitting a bid, the bidder is responsible for determining if any addenda have been issued and for following any instructions in any addenda issued. Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following Addenda by listing Addendum"number"and date". BASE BID BID APPROX. UNIT ITEM DESCRIPTION AND WR17"FEN UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ITEM QUANTITY PRICE 1• 32 LF DRILL SHAFT(TRF SIG POLE)(36 IN) (� om tlet pl ce per LF 1�) fo*lee dollars and z-- cents. / (� ?• 48 LF DRILL SHAFT(TRF SIG POLE)(48 IN) -� o r f omp to in place per LF J J f yt�i dollars and z ? cents. 3• 1 LS MOBILIZATION cc plet`e_ 'in p ce per LS G for �` � C �"'1 dollars t C O and cents. KD i 4• 2 MO BARRICADES,SIGNS AND TRAFFIC HANDLING complete In place per MO for f dollars and cents. 5. 100 LF BIODEG EROSN CONT LOGS(INSTL)(18")/ complete in place per LF / 0J for "u f dollars and cents. 00300-9-2015 Page 1 of 6 Bid Form BASE BID BID APPROX. UNIT ITEM DESCRIPTION AND WRITTEN UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ITEM QUANTITY PRICE 6• 100 LF BIODEG EROSN CONT�LOGS S((REMOVE) �� plete in place per LF for G 1. dollars �1 and �i6[-I 1 cents. 7. 25 SY SIDEWALKS(5") � mpl in place per SY for V� dollars and cents. 8• 4 EA CURB RAMPS(TV 1) complete i place per EA �1 for dollars u "� and cents. 9• 153 LF CONDT(PVC)(SCH 80)(2 IN) ��� t complete in place per LF for ` �"�/ _ dollars a `� and cents. 10. 107 LF CONDT(PVC)(SCH 80)(3 IN) co19te in place per LF J for dollars and cents. 111.• 2525 LF ELEC CONDR(NO.8)BARE complete in place per LF for �� dollars and cents. 12• 1962 LF ELEC CONDR(NO.8)INSULATED complete in place per LF for dollars and cents. 13. 27 LF ELEC CONDR(NO.6)BARE complete in place per LF for dollars and cents. 14. 54 LF ELEC CONDR(NO.6)INSULATEIT complete in place per LF fork dollars dU 1 v r and cents. 15. 1 EA GROUND BOX TVA(122311)W/APRON co lete in�lace der /EA for �v/dollars and cents. �lJ 16. 1 EA ELC SRV TV D 120/240 100(NS)AL(E)PS(U) ` con ate in4lace er, EA • -!.. dollars and cents. 00300-9-2015 Page 2 of 6 Bid Form BASE BID BID APPROX. UNIT ITEM DESCRIPTION AND WRITTEN UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ITEM QUANTITY PRICE 17. 2 EA IN SM RD SN SUP&AM TYTWT(1)WS(P) I mpl e in lace per EA f dollars � and cents. 18. 1 EA REMOVE SM RD SN SUP&AM l co plet�` ce per EA for dollars and cents. 19. 474 LF REFL PAV MRK TY I(W)12"(SLD)(090MIL) for ELcomplete in place per LF J() L dollars and cents. 20• 142 LF REFL PAV MRK TY I(W)24"(SLD)(090MIL) complete in place per LF l �� for �/V dollars and cents. 21. 474 LF REFL PAV MRK TV II(W)12"(SLD) ll �i complete in place per LF J U for \ dollars and i v cents. ' 22• 142 LF REFL PAV MRK TV II(W)24"(SLD) complete in place per LF for dollars and � cents. 23• 32 LF ELIM EXT PAV MRK&MRKS(4") complete in place per LF for dollars l7 1 O and cents. J 1 24• 88 LF ELIM EXT PAV MRK&MRKS(1211) l complete in place per LF v for Vq->— dollars V and �,c�^► cents. ` 25• 20 LF ELIM EXT PAV MRK&MRKS(24") complete in place per LF for dollars '� d and cents. ' 26. 34 EA ELIM EXT: &MRKS(18")(YLD TRI) complete in place per EA U for 1 dollars and cents. ' 27. 1 EA INSTALL HWY TRF SIG(ISOLATED) te;n place p EA for dollars ?���� `Z ()m and cents. I 00300-9-2015 Page 3 of 6 Bid Form BASE BID BID APPROX. UNIT ITEM DESCRIPTION AND WRITTEN UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ITEM QUANTITY PRICE 28• 10 EA VEH SIG SEC(12")LED(GRN) com lete i lace per EA � for �- dollars - l"JQ (j and cents. ` �� "". 29. 4 EA VEH SIG SEC(12")LED(GRN ARW) co pl to in place per EA for dollars n n and cents. 30. 10 EA VEH SIG SEC(12")LED(YEL) co pie in place per EA fo 3 tee dollars ^ /1 ,1 �� �v CSC and cents. � 31. 2 EA VEH SIG SEC(12")LED(YEL ARW) 4)"14 in place per EA for �:_ dollars and ZtAdj cents. 32• 10 EA VEH SIG SEC(12")LED(RED) comp ete in lace per EA for , �� dollars a Q' U" and cents. U 33. 2 EA VEH SIG SEC(12")LED(RED ARW) in place per EA \ �V for Lco pl dollars `��1 J V V and cents. 34• 8 EA PED SIG SEC(LED)(COUNTDOWN) c¢mp ete i pl� er EA for � W' I dollars and cents. 35. 10 EA BACK PLATE(12")(3SEC) to' I e er EA Vc pfor One- dollars / b and cents. 6 �® 36. 2 EA BACK PLATE(12")(4SEC) mete in plac per A J for On ✓ dbHars �� and cents. [ y 37• 534 LF TRF SIG CBL(TY A)(14 AWG)(4 CONDR) complete in place per LF Q U for C dollars and T�n" cents. 1 J 38. 120 LF TRF SIG CBL(TV A)(14 AWG)(5 CONDR) complete in place per LF p for L-jdollars and cents. 00300-9-2015 Page 4 of 6 Bid Form BASE BID BID APPROX. UNIT ITEM DESCRIPTION AND WRITTEN UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ITEM QUANTITY PRICE 39. 1313 LF TRF SIG CBL(TY A)(14 AWG)(7 CONDR) +-� complete in place per LF for dollars and cents. 40. 761 LF TRF SIG CBL(TY A)(14 AWG)(20 CONDR) 1 complete in place per LF a(� for 'S dollars �Q 4 and cents. 41. 2013 LF TRF SIG CBL(TV A)(16 AWG)(3 CONDR) � __ \\complete in place per LF for t�"W dollars `] ;C:T Q and cents. G- 42• 1212 LF TRF SIG CBL(TY C)(14 AWG)(fikONDR) omplete in place per LF O for dollars and cents. 43. 1 EA INS TRF SIG PL AM(S)l ARM(36')LLJM&ILSN �om lete�place er � ^ �v for VGA dollars��t , �. and cents. �1 44• 1 EA INS TRF SIG PL AM(S)l ARM(44')LUM&ILSN complete' place per EA for dollars and cents. 45. 2 EA INS TRF SIG PL AM(S)l ARM(55')LUM&ILSN co p e in kUlldolAlars �-{� O, l 0 and cents. ` 46. 5 EA PED POLE ASSEMBLY q�plet in pia per EA for 4 \\ dollars `,` and cents. 47• 7 EA PED DETECT PUSHBUTTON(APS) co let m ace EA ((] for 1 liars `� C� and cents. / J (! 48• 1 EA PEDESTRIAN DETECTOR CONTROLLER UNIT co pl in pia e per�� A aV _ for Plitt and cents. 49. 523 LF CONDUIT(PREPARE) complete in place per LF for dollars and cents. VJ 00300-9-2015 Page 5 of 6 Bid Form BASE BID BID APPROX. UNIT ITEM DESCRIPTION AND WRITTEN UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ITEM QUANTITY PRICE 50• 1 EA BBU SYSTEM(EXTERNAL BATT CABINET) ` complete n place per EA v� for t;)t � dollars UU and cents. (3W 51. 85 LF CAT 5 ETHERNET CABLE complete in place per LF for �� dollars and cents. l lJ 52• 2 EA ILSN(LED)(8S) ��yj p complet in place per EA for4::; ( 1 dollars �,f, ��� �'�'1r 1 and cents. l II..JJ1 53 2 EA ILSN(LED)(IOD) comple a in 1pce p E //�� for & 41Ellehfals and 7.gip y cents. TOTAL BASE BID(Items 1 thru 53): Materials: $ All Other Charges: $ l I `L 0J , Total: $ 2 P3 *-Total shall equal amount entered above for"TOTAL BASE BID". If this bid is accepted, the undersigned agrees to execute the Agreement and provide necessary bonds and insurance certification as per the Instructions to Bidders and commence work within ten (10) days after written Notice to Proceed. The undersigned further agrees to complete the work in full within one hundred eighty (180) calendar days after the date of the written Notice-to-Proceed. The undersigned certifies that the bid prices contained in the proposal have been carefully checked and are submitted as correct and final. The Owners reserves the right to reject any or all bids and may waive any informalities. e ectfully mitted, Austin Traffic Signal Construction Co, Inc. 6 Si natur f 4A VY L L Print Na Address v . � � �� Ca Title Telephone Austin Traffic Signal Construction Co, Inc. Name of Firm Date Secretary, if Bidder is a Corporation 00300-9-2015 Page 6 of 6 Bid Form 00410 STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S SAFETY EXPERIENCE Page 1 00410 8-2014 Statement of Bidder's Safety Experience 00090654 Solicitation Requirements, Contract Forms & Conditions of Contract Statement of Bidder's Safety Experience Section 00410 Bidder must submit a signed Statement of Bidder's Safety Experience form with his Bid; failure to do so will constitute an incomplete Bid that may be rejected. In order to make a responsive Bid, Bidder must provide evidence that it meets minimum OSHA construction safety program requirements, has not been fined by OSHA for any willful safety violations in the past three years, and has a lost time injury rate that doesn't exceed the limits established below. All questions must be answered and data given must be clear and comprehensive. If necessary, questions may be answered on separate attached sheets. Company N e: Austin Traffic Signal Construction Co, Inc. Address: Phone t- Completed by: c-- Date: Ll 1. Does the company have a written construction Safety program? s ❑No 2. Does the company conduct construction safety inspections? <S ❑No 3. Does the company have an active construction safety-training program? es ❑No 4. Has the company been fined by OSHA for any willful safety violations in the past ❑Yes LSO three years? 5. Does the company have a lost time injury rate of 7.8 for SIC 15,or 7.6 for SIC 16, es ❑No or less over the past three years? Attach the company's OSHA 200/300 logs for the past three years. 6. Does the company or affected subcontractors have competent persons in the following Areas? A. Scaffolding ❑Yes JJNo A B. Excavation es No ❑N/A C. Cranes es No ❑N/A 0011- D. Electrical es ❑No ❑N/A UY E. Fall Protection No ❑N/A F. Confined Spaces ���es ❑No ❑N/A I hereby c ify at the a ove information is true and correct. Signat Title ' Pgel 00410 8-2014 Statement of Bidder's Safety Experience 00090654 OSHA's Form 300A(Rev.0112004) Year 2022 Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses U.S.Dep—.1otof Labor orsueslleaal..D:l:a Hare t of Labor Fromrpw dOMBno.121-76 All establishments covered by Pert 19"must rompleta this Summary page,own ff no Injuries or Wnesses.crwred during the year.Remember fo review the Log to sadly that the enfrhu,ere compfete Using Me Log,munt the individual notes you made/.reach category Then wfhe the fotafs below, Establishment information maWM sure yo=added the entms hom awry page of the Jag.Nyau had no cases wnte'0.' Employees farmer emplawas,and fhm—presentstws haw the fight to.H.the OSHA Form 300 fn Your estab Austin fishmem name Traffic Burial Construction Company its endrery moy also haw GMted amass fo Ne OSHA Form 301 orris egviwbnf.Sea 29 CFR 1904.35,in OSHA's Reconkeeping rule,forfurther detaNs on the amass pm hukos for Ness Tones. Sinai 4615 Priem Lerx Numberof Cases Clfy Plwa—Ple State Texas rip 7115e0 Industry desaipfion(e.g.,Manufacture of motortru l bailers) Total number of Total number of Total number of cases Total number of Nlgh v construction,traffic is 1 insrnnarlon electrical w1Ana installation of hiatrvay signs deaths rases with days with job transfer or other recordable sw y from work restriction cases Standard Industrial Classifimb-(SIC),It lawen leg.,SIC 3715) 0 0 2 0 1 a 1 1 (G) (H) (I) M OR North Anted—Industrial Classification(NAICS),If known(..a.,33e212) 2 3 7 3 1 0 Number of Days Employment information Total number of Total number of days of days away from job transfer or restriction annual average number of employees 57 Total hours-nod by ag employees lost 0 21 year 151,573 t10 a1 Injury and Illness Types Sign he i Total number of ly hlai/yrn hddo rd may aWtinafir" (1)Injury) 2 (4)Poisoning 0 (2)Skin Disorder 0 (5)Heeling Lose 0 I army that have elomined this document and that to the best of my Imowleege a enldea are we.a4u1a1e,and (3)Respiratory compl.w. Condition 0 (8)All Other Illnesses 0 Ed Salroedar w..President Company—five .­,TWe 512-25a-9951 - Post this Summary page from February 1 to April 30 of the year following the year covered by the form phone Date Pudic rapW�g burtlan Iw Nis mlecbon a irdarmabr k estlmeled b average 59 aiutrs Per remorse,Wludhp 5me b reNea M'retluc5un,sesdr altl — gaha the dau needed,aq olmplela aid revive M mileCm.a'nar-lauw.Permns are rid raluied to respwM b Ne mtec5on cf inbnna5on unless rt doprys a mrmef vaitl OMB mnpol romper.yym have cry comments abcN t^.esa esfimates w airy emetic o1 Ytic daV mloc4pn,wnlacl US DepaNenl o/Labor.OSHA 011llm a SlaJaua.Roam fL36W.gm CmspWlun Ave.NW.WaYi'mlm.DC 2pr10.Do not sarW the mmae'ad fc�ms Ic Nis oa�ce. OSHA's Form 300A(Rev.OV200a) Year 2021 Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses U.S.Department of Labor «..awtww sararyana Heum Aamirwaatlen F mappavMO a t1+BJt All esfabfishmen re ls coved by Part 1904 must complete e(e this Suma pageve,en Ano in/ones or iffrresses occurre f during the year Remember,to d—the Lag to verily that the enfrmf are complete Using the Log,count/heir ividuwentl s you made foreach calegory Then wmle foe totals below, Establishment information making suns youve acHed the enfrie5 from every page o/the log 1/you had no cases wefe'0' Empoyees former employees and fhev ramesentalima have the rghf to review floe OSHA Form 300 in Your establishment name Austin Traffic Steral Construction Company ifs entirety They also have Noted access to the OSHA Form 301 or its equrvalem See 29 CFR 1904.35,in OSHA's R—olkeeping rule,lot fimho,detiids on the access provisions to,These lis— Street 4615 Priem Lane City pflugenille Slate Texas lip 78e50 hldustry d=,ptiot(fig.,ManWacNre of motor truck trailers) Total number of Total number of Total number of cases Total number of H'nwa nsfruction baflic s nal instanation elecUlcal vri installation of hi hwa s deaths cases with days with job transfer or other recordable away from work restriction Cases Standard Industrial Classification($IC),if known(e.g..SIC 3715) 0 1 2 3 1 e 1 1 (G) (H) (I) (J) OR Nodin Amencen.Industrial Classificatgn(NAICS),If known(e,g.,336212) 2 3 7 3 1 0 Number of Days' Employment Information Total number of Total number of days of days away from job transfer or restriction Annual average number of employees 57 y.r.v Total urs wont loed by all employees Last 3 20 year 1e9.7e3 (K) U n �. kMM '"... Sign here r+� Total number of... Knowin g t ay remarine (1)Injury 6 (4)Poisoning 0 12)Skin Disorder 0 (5)Hearing Loss 0 (3)Respiratory I comfy that I nave e—inad Nis document a�nddat It the b4Mykge[tv entries are true.accurate,end Condition 0 (6)All Other Illnesses 0 complete. Ed Schreeder Mce Presbent Company executive Title 512-255-9951 tnaoYi Post this Summary page from February 1 to April 30 of the year following the year covered by the form phone Data Pu repodng ,man Its Nis mwcopn 11 intamafiw.santrated toe ge59 mmuits per debome,rndudog Ore b revaw rueinsrwtw,sear h au pave ra daU rxtoded,ale mmpale ad rerew;lw rollaam of inlomaAcn.Fermrrs are rM repuirpd b respa J b tM mlttM1on of inlarmalion unless it Asptaysa renCy vard OMB mnbd numBar If You have arty mnananis about Brain es4mabsa arty aspeslsd Cris Bala mbr:i!pn,mnlad-.USDepal— dLabor.OSHA0lfimalSbibsCcs.R N. 4200ConstMbC Ave.Mh wasmoston OC20210 Oo rolseM rue wrmkred lmms'n Nispexo ':C;':. ..zC4:2'"CCev,O"��8?a�`�. .-..,.':�Y:�. ,."4.:.:2�:..`e.^a..Y.^'ey.a^C'.`e Xv'vO.�..ro .'�•'Rf:tL:.s-s.-.;.... - � a...:<iYa�'C^ OSHA's Form 300A (Rev.01/2004) Year 2020 4� Summary of Work—Related Injuries and Illnesses U.S.Department of Labor SafetyOccupational Sate and Health Administration Form approved OMB no.1218-0176 All establishments covered by Part 1904 must complete this Summary page,even it no injuries or illnesses occurred during the year Remember to review the Log to verify that the entries are complete Using the Log,count the individual entries you made for each category. Then write the totals below, Establishment information making sure you've added the entries from every page of the log. If you had no cases write'0." Employees former employees,and their representatives have the tight to review the OSHA Form 300 in Your establishment name Austin Traffic_Signal Construction Company its entirety. They also have limited access to the OSHA Form 301 or its equivalent. See 29 CFR 1904.35,in OSHA's Recordkeeping rule,for further details on the access provisions for these forms. Street 4615 Priem Lane Number of Cases City Pffugerville State Texas zip 78660 Industry description(e.g.,Manufacture of motor truck trailers) Total number of Total number of Total number of cases Total number of Highway construction,traffic signal installation,electrical wiring,installation of highway signs deaths cases with days with job transfer or other recordable away from work restriction cases Standard Industrial Classification(SIC),if known(e.g.,SIC 3715) 0 5 4 0 1 a 1 1 (G) (H) (I) W) OR North American Industrial Classification(NAICS),if known(e.g.,336212) 2 3 7 3 1 0 Number of Days Employment information Total number of Total number of days of days away from job transfer or restriction Annual average number of employees 59 u nr4 Total hours worked by all employees last 1 250 year 145199 (K) (L) Injury and Illness Types Sign here Total number Of... �ysay suit in a fine. (M)(1) Injury 4 (4) Poisoning 0 1 (2) Skin Disorder 0 (5) Hearing Loss 0 I certify that I have examined this document and that to the best of my knowledge entries are true,accurate,and (3) Respiratory complete. Condition 0 (6)All Other Illnesses 5 Ed Schroeder Vice President Company executive Title 512-255-9951 1/5/2021 Post this Summary page from February 1 to April 30 of the year following the year covered by the form Phone Date Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 58 minutes per response,including time to review the instruction,search and gather the data needed,and complete and review the collection of information.Persons are not required to respond to the collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.If you have any comments about these estimates or any aspects of this data collection,contact:US Department of Labor.OSHA Office of Statistics.Room N3644.200 Constitution Ave.NW.Washmaton.DC 20210.Do not send the completed forms to this office. 00500 AGREEMENT City of Round Rock,Texas Contract Forms Standard Form of Agreement: Section 00500 City of Round Rock, Texas Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Contractor AGREEMENT made as of the_� M( )day of A16in the year 2013 BETWEEN the Owner: City of Round Rock,Texas(hereafter"Owner"or"City") 221 East Main Street Round Rock,Texas 78664 and the Contractor Austin Traffic Signal Construction Co.,Inc(ATS) ("Contractor") 4615 Priem Lane Pflugerville,TX 78660 The Project is described as: UNIVERSITY BLVD AT SALERNO ESTATES INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS The Engineer is: Seiler Lankes Group Eduardo Gutierrez,P.E. 7900 Shoal Creek Blvd,Suite 200 Austin,TX 78757 For and in consideration of the mutual terms, conditions and covenants of this Agreement and all accompanying documents between Owner and Contractor, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged,Owner and Contractor agree as follows: ARTICLE I THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents consist of this Agreement,Conditions of the Contract(General,Supplementary and other Conditions),Drawings, Specifications,Addenda issued prior to execution of this Agreement,other documents listed in this Agreement and Modifications issued after execution of this Agreement;these form the Contract,and are as fully a part of the Contract as if attached to this Agreement or repeated herein. The Contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes prior negotiations,representations or agreements, either written or oral.An enumeration of the Contract Documents,other than Modifications,appears in Article 7. ARTICLE 2 THE WORK OF THIS CONTRACT Contractor shall fully execute the Work described in the Contract Documents,except to the extent specifically indicated in the Contract Documents to be the responsibility of others. 00500 4-2020 Page 1 of 5 Standard Form of Agreement 00443647 V,-WZ3- Iwo ARTICLE 3 DATE OF COMMENCEMENT;DATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION;DATE OF FINAL COMPLETION 3.1 The date of commencement of the Work shall be the date of this Agreement unless a different date is stated below or provision is made for the date to be fixed in a Notice to Proceed issued by Owner. 3.2 The Contract Time shall be measured from the date delineated in the Notice to Proceed. 3.3 Contractor shall commence Work within ten ( 10 ) calendar days from the date delineated in the Notice to Proceed. 3.4 Contractor shall achieve Substantial Completion of the items of Work listed-on Attachment A to this Agreement no later than N/A (N/A )calendar days from issuance by Owner of Notice to Proceed, and Contractor shall achieve Substantial Completion of the entire Work no later than one-hundred and fifty 150 )calendar days from issuance by Owner of Notice to Proceed,subject to adjustments of this Contract Time as provided in the Contract Documents. 3.5 If Contractor fails to achieve Substantial Completion of the Work(or any portion thereof)on or before the date(s)specified for Substantial Completion in the Agreement,Contractor shall pay to Owner,as liquidated damages, the sum of five hundred and No/100 Dollars($ 500.00 ) for each calendar day that Substantial Completion is delayed after the date(s) specified for Substantial Completion. It is hereby agreed that the liquidated damages to which Owner is entitled hereunder are a reasonable forecast of just compensation for the harm that would be caused by Contractor's failure to achieve Substantial Completion of the Work(or any portion thereof)on or before the date(s)specified for Substantial Completion in the Agreement and is not a penalty. It is agreed that the harm that would be caused by such failure, which includes loss of expected use of the Project areas,provision of alternative storage facilities and rescheduling of moving and occupancy dates,is one that is incapable or very difficult of accurate estimation.It is hereby agreed that if Substantial Completion of the Work(or any portion thereof)is not achieved on or before thirty(30)days after the date(s) specified for Substantial Completion in the Agreement, the Owner shall have the option to either collect liquidated damages as set forth herein or to thereafter rely on its remedies under the Contract Documents and at law and in equity, including without limitation, the recovery of actual damages. The date(s) specified for Substantial Completion of the Work(or any portion thereof) in the Agreement shall be subject to adjustment as provided in the Contract Documents. 3.6 Contractor shall achieve Final Completion of the entire Work no later than one-hundred and eighty 1( 80 )calendar days from issuance by Owner of Notice to Proceed. ARTICLE 4 CONTRACT SUM 4.1 Owner shall pay Contractor the Contract Sum in current funds for Contractor's full and complete performance of the Work and all of Contractor's obligations under this Agreement. The Contract Sum shall be Two hundred sixty-three thousand four hundred thirty-four dollars and fifty cents ($ 263,434.50 ),subject to additions and deductions as provided in the Contract Documents. 4.2 Does the Contract Sum include alternates which are described in the Bid Form? No X . Yes .If yes,please provide details below: 00500 4-2020 Page 2 Of 5 Standard Form of Agreement 00443647 ARTICLE 5 PAYMENTS 5.1 PROGRESS PAYMENTS 5.1.1 Based upon Applications for Payment submitted to Engineer and Owner by Contractor,and Certificates for Payment issued by Engineer and not disputed by Owner and/or Owner's lender,Owner shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Sum to Contractor as provided below, in Article 14 of the General Conditions, and elsewhere in the Contract Documents. 5.1.2 The period covered by each Application for Payment shall be one calendar month ending on the last day of the month. 5.1.3 Provided that an Application for Payment is received by Engineer and Owner, and Engineer issues a Certificate of Payment not later than the tenth(10th) day of a month,Owner shall make payment to Contractor of amounts approved by the Owner not later than the tenth(1 Oth)day of the next month.If an Application for Payment is received by Engineer and Owner after the application date fixed above,payment shall be made by Owner not later than one month after the Engineer issues a Certificate for Payment.The Owner shall not have any obligation to pay any amount covered by the Engineer's Certificate for Payment that is disputed by the Owner. 5.1.4 Each Application for Payment shall be based on the most recent schedule of values submitted by Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents.The schedule of values shall allocate the entire Contract Sum among the various portions of the Work. The schedule of values shall be prepared in such form and supported by such data to substantiate its accuracy as Engineer and Owner may require.This schedule,unless objected to by Engineer or Owner, shall be used as a basis for reviewing Contractor's Applications for Payment. 5.1.5 Applications for Payment shall warrant the percentage of completion of each portion of the'Work as of the end of the period covered by the Application for Payment. 5.1.6 Subject to other provisions of the Contract Documents, the amount of each progress payment shall be computed as provided in Article 14 of the General Conditions. 5.1.7 Except with Owner's prior written approval,Contractor shall not make advance payments to suppliers for materials or equipment which have not been delivered and stored at the site. 5.2 FINAL PAYMENT 5.2.1 Final payment, constituting the entire unpaid balance of the Contract Sum, shall be made by Owner to Contractor when: .1 Contractor has fully performed the Contract except for Contractor's responsibility to correct Work, and to satisfy other requirements,if any,which extend beyond final payment;and .2 a final Certificate for Payment has been issued by Engineer and approved by the Owner. 5.2.2 Owner's final payment to Contractor shall be made no later than thirty (30) days after the issuance of Engineer's final Certificate for Payment. In no event shall final payment be required to be made prior to thirty(30) days after all Work on the Contract has been fully performed.Defects in the Work discovered prior to final payment shall be treated as non-conforming Work and shall be corrected by Contractor prior to final payment,and shall not be treated as warranty items. ARTICLE 6 TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION 6.1 The Contract may be terminated by Owner or Contractor as provided in Article 15 of the General Conditions. 00500 4-2020 Page 3 of 5 Standard Form of Agreement 00443647 6.2 The Work may be suspended by Owner as provided in Article 15 of the General Conditions. ARTICLE 7 ENUMERATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 7.1 The Contract Documents,except for Modifications issued after execution of this Agreement,are enumerated as follows: 7.1.1 The Agreement is this executed version of the City of Round Rock, Texas Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Contractor,as modified. 7.1.2 The General Conditions are the "City of Round Rock Contract Forms 00700," General Conditions, as modified. 7.1.3 The Supplementary,Special,and other Conditions of the Contract are those contained in the Project Manual dated APRIL 26. 2023 . 7.1.4 The Specifications are those contained in the Project Manual dated APRIL 26, 2023 7.1.5 The Drawings,if any,are those contained in the Project Manual dated APRIL 26, 2023 7.1.6 The Insurance&Construction Bond Forms of the Contract are those contained in the Project Manual dated APRIL 26, 2023 7.1.7 The Notice to Bidders,Instructions to Bidders,Bid Form,and Addenda,if any,are those contained in the Project Manual dated APRIL 26, 2023 7.1.8 If this Agreement covers construction involving federal funds, thereby requiring inclusion of mandated contract clauses, such federally required clauses are those contained in the "City of Round Rock Contract Forms 03000,"Federally Required Contract Clauses,as modified. 7.1.9 Other documents,if any,forming part of the Contract Documents are as follows: WA ARTICLE 8 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 8.1 Where reference is made in this Agreement to a provision of any document, the reference refers to that provision as amended or supplemented by other provisions of the Contract Documents. .8.2 Owner's representative is: Matthew Bushak,P.E.,City of Round Rock 3400 Sunrise Rd.,Round Rock,TX 78665 512-341-3318 mbushakp,roundrocktexas.gov 8.3 Contractor's representative is: Edward Schroeder-V.P PO Box 130 Round Rock,TX 78680 512.255.9951 eschroder@atscc.com 8.4 Neither Owner's nor Contractor's representative shall be changed without ten(10)days'written notice to the other party. 00500 4-2020 Page 4 of 5 Standard Form of Agreement 00443647 8.5 Waiver of any breach of this Agreement shall not constitute waiver of any subsequent breach. 8.6 Owner agrees to pay Contractor from available funds for satisfactory performance of this Agreement in accordance with the bid or proposal submitted therefor,subject to proper additions and deductions,all as provided in the General Conditions, Supplemental Conditions, and Special Conditions of this Agreement, and Owner agrees to make payments on account thereof as provided therein. Lack of funds shall render this Agreement null and void to the extent funds are not available. This Agreement is a commitment of City of Round Rock's current revenues only. 8.7 Although this Agreement is drawn by Owner,both parties hereto expressly agree and assert that,in the event of any dispute over its meaning or application,this Agreement shall be interpreted reasonably and fairly,and neither more strongly for nor against either party. 8.8 This Agreement shall be enforceable in Round Rock,Texas,and if legal action is necessary by either party with respect to the enforcement of any or all of the terms or conditions herein, exclusive venue for same shall lie in Williamson County, Texas. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws and court decisions of the State of Texas. 8.9 Both parties hereby expressly agree that no claims or disputes between the parties arising out of or relating to this Agreement or a breach thereof shall be decided by an arbitration proceeding,including without limitation,any proceeding under the Federal Arbitration Act(9 USC Section 1-14)or any applicable state arbitration statute. 8.10 The parties, by execution of this Agreement, bind themselves, their heirs, successors, assigns, and legal representatives for the full and faithful performance of the terms and provisions hereof. This Agreement is entered into as of the day and year first written above and is executed in at least two(2) original copies,of which one is to be delivered to Owner. OWNER CONTRACTOR CITY O RO R CK,TEXAS ustin Traffic Si nd ConsvucUon o, if1G. IA Printed—Jame: Printed �J Title Title: Date Signed: aZ Z Date Signed: G �� I ATTEST: City Clerk FOR CITY APPROVED AS TO FORM: ;ity4ttoey� 00500 4-2020 Page 5 of 5 Standard Form of Agreement 00443647 00600 INSURANCE AND CONSTRUCTION BOND FORMS t. Bond No. 9425919 PERFORMANCE BOND THE STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON' § That Austin Traffic Signal Construction Co.,Inc. , of the City of P_flugerville , County of.Travis , and State of Texas_ , as Principal,and Colonial American Casualty and Surety Company authorized under the law of the State of Texas to act as surety on bonds for principals, are held and firmly bound unto the CITY OF ROUND ROCK, TEXAS (Owner), in the penal sum of Two hundred sixty-three thousand four hundred forty-three and fifty cents Dollars ($ 263,434.50 ) for the payment whereof, well and truly to be made the said Principal and Surety bind themselves, and their heirs, administrators, executors, successors and assigns,jointly and severally, by these presents: W1 iEREAS. the Pr1n ipal has cntqred into a certain written Agreement with the Owner dated the 2 ,day of 6 207 Jto which the Agreement is hereby referred to and made a part hereof as fully and to the same extent as if copied at length herein consisting °I INTFRSECI]ON IMPROVEMENTS UNIVERSITY BLVD AT SALERNO ESTATES NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the said Principal shall faithfully perform said Agreement and shall, in all respects, duly and faithfully observe and perform all and singular the covenants, conditions and agreements in and by said Agreement, agreed and covenanted by the Principal to be observed and performed, including but not limited to, the repair of any and all defects in said work occasioned by and resulting from defects in materials furnished by or workmanship of,the Principal in performing the Work covered by said Agreement and occurring within a period of twelve (12) months from the date of Final Completion and all other covenants and conditions, according to the true intent and meaning of said.Agreement and the Plans.and Specifications hereto annexed,then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that this bond is executed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 2253, j Texas 0overnment Code, as amended, and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of said Chapter 2253 to the same extent as if it were copied at length herein. i I i Page 1 00610 4.2020 Performance Bond 00443639 R PERFORMANCE BOND(continued) Surety, for value received, stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement, or to the Work performed thereunder, or the Plans, Specifications, or drawings accompanying the same, shall in anywise affect its obligation on this bond,and it does hereby waive notice of any such change,extension of time,alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement, or to the work to be performed thereunder. ' If Principal fails to faithfully perform said Agreement, Surety, after receipt of written notice of Principal's default, shall perform all of Principal's duties and obligations under the Agreement. If, within ten (10) days after receipt of such notice from Owner, Surety does not commence to complete the obligations of Principal with a contractor acceptable to Owner and diligently complete the performance of the Principal's duties and obligations, Owner shall have the right but not the obligation to have the duties and obligations of Principal performed. In such event, Surety shall pay to Owner,upon demand,all costs,expenses and damages sustained by Owner as a result of Principal's failure to perform its duties and obligations under the Agreement up to the $263,434.50 sum of this Performance Bond, plus all costs and expenses, including attorney's fees and expert and consultant fees incurred by Owner to enforce its rights under this Performance Bond. IN WITNESS WHEKkOre said Principal andSwln have signed and sealed this instrument this I day of 20t Austin Traffic Signal Construction Co., Inc. Colonial American Casualty and Surety Company �mc � Surety Robbi Morales Prin a Printed Name By: e.G „��_ Title:. Title: Attorney-in-fact Address:_ Address: 5005 LBJ Freeway,Suite 1500 Pflugerville.TX 78660 Dallas,TX 752 Resident Agent of Surety: Signature Robbi Morales Printed Name 5005 LBJ Freeway,Suite 1500 _ Street Address Dallas,TX__75244 City, State Zip Code J Page 2 006104-2020 Pedarmance Bond 00443639 I Bond No. 9425919 PAYMENT BOND THE STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON § That Austin Traffic Signal Construction Co.,Inc. ,of the City of Pflu_gerville , County of Travis , and State of Texas _, as Principal,and Colonial American_Casualty and Surety Company authorized under the laws of the State of Texas to act as Surety on Bonds for Principals,are held and firmly bound unto the CITY OF ROUND ROCK, TEXAS (OWNER), and all subcontractors, workers, laborers, mechanics and suppliers as their interest may appear, all of whom shall have the right to sue upon this bond, in the penal sum of' Two hundred sixty-three thousand four hundred thirty-four dollars and fifty cents Dollars($ 263,434.50 _ Y )for the payment whereof,well and truly be made the said Principal and Surety bind themselves and their heirs, administrators, executors, successors, and assigns,jointly and severally, by these presents: WHEREAS, the Pri cipal has enter d into a certain written Agreement with the Owner,dated the KA day of S 2023to which Agreement is hereby referred to and made a part hereof as fully and to the same extent as if copied at length herein consisting of: UNIVERSITY BLVD AT SALERNO ESTATES INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the said Principal shall well and truly pay all subcontractors, workers, laborers, mechanics, and suppliers, all monies to them owing by said Principals for subcontracts,work, labor,equipment,supplies and materials done and furnished for the construction of the improvements of said Agreement, then this obligation shall be and become null and void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED, HOWEVER,that this bond is executed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 22531 Texas Government Code, as amended, and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of said Chapter 2253 to the same extent as if it were copied at length herein. Page I 00620 04-2020 Payment Bond 00437699 i PAYMENT BOND (continued) Surety, for value received, stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement, or to the Work performed thereunder, or the plans, specifications or drawings accompanying the same shall in anywise affect its obligation on this bond,and it does hereby waive notice of any such change,extension of time,alteration or addition to the terms of the contract,or to the work to be performed thereunder. IN WITNESS ifiREOF, the said Principal and Surety have sig ed and sealed this Instrument this Y� ll day of e, 20 Austin Traffic Signal Coonns�tructio .Co.,Inc. Colonial American Casualty and Surety Company •nipal�i�S�-. Suretti �_�-- --- - --- Robbi Morales Printe 'ame Printed Name B - By: Title: Title: Attonew-in_fact__- -- -- --- Address: 4615 Priem Lane Address: 5005 LBj Freew y_-SuiLe 1500 PflugerviIle,TX 78660 Dallas,TX 75244 Resident Agent of Surety: / "!lam�...4�✓ Signature Robbi Morales Printed Name 5005 LBl Freeway,Suite 1500 Street.Address Dallas,TX 75244 _ City, State& Lip Code Pagc 2 00620 1-2020 Pad ment Bond 00090656 ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That the ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY,a corporation of the State of New York, the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Illinois, and the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND a corporation of the State of Illinois (herein collectively called the "Companies"), by Robert D.Murray,Vice President,in pursuance of authority granted by Article V,Section 8.of the By-Laws of said Companies,which are set forth on the reverse side hereof and are hereby certified to be in full force and effect on the date hereof,do hereby nominate,constitute, and appoint.Ricardo J.REYNA,Tina MCEWAN,Don E.CORNELL,Joshua SAUNDERS,Robbi MORALES,Sophinie HLiNTER, Kelly A.WESTBROOK,Tonic PETRANEK,Mikaela PEPPERS of Dallas,Texas,EACH, its true and lawful agent and Attorney-in- Fact,to make,execute,seal and deliver,for,and on its behalf as surety,and as its act and deed: any and all bonds and undertakings,and the execution of such bonds or undertakings in pursuance of these presents,shall be as binding upon said Companies,as fully and amply,to all intents and purposes,as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY at its office in New York, New York., the regularly elected officers of the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY at its office in Owings Mills,Maryland.,and the regularly elected officers of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND at its office in Owings Mills, Maryland.,in their own proper persons. The said Vice President does hereby certify that the extract set forth on the reverse side hereof is a true copy of Article V,Section 8,of the By-Laws of said Companies,and is now in force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Vice-President has hereunto subscribed his/her names and affixed the Corporate Seals of the said ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY, COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, and FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND,this I 1 th day of May.A.D.2021. ATTEST: ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND Ijr: Robert D.Murray Vice President J By: Dawn E.Brown Secretary State of Maryland County of Baltimore On this I I th day of May, A.D.2021, before the subscriber,a Notary Public of the State of Maryland,duly commissioned and qualified,Robert D. Murray,Vice President and Dawn E.Brown,Secretary of the Companies,to me personally known to be the individuals and officers described in and who executed the preceding instrument,and acknowledged the execution of same,and being by me duly sworn,deposeth and saith,that he/she is the said officer of the Company aforesaid,and that the seals affixed to the preceding instrument are the Corporate Seals of said Companies,and that the said Corporate Seals and the signature as such officer were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Corporations. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal the day and year first above written. Constance A.Dunn,Notary Public %•,,�i'nhi;i+�'�.' My Commission Expires:July 9,2023 +rnnft�l'` Authenticity of this bond can be confirmed at bondvalidator.zurichna.conr or 410-559-5790 EXTRACT FROM BY-LAWS OF THE COMPANIES "Article V,Section 8,Attorneys-in-Fact. The Chief Executive Officer,the President,or any Executive Vice President or Vice President may, by written instrument under the attested corporate seal, appoint attorneys-in-fact with authority to execute bonds, policies, recognizances, stipulations, undertakings,or other like instruments on behalf of the Company, and may authorize any officer or any such attorney-in-fact to affix the corporate seal thereto:and may with or without cause modify of revoke any such appointment or authority at any time." CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, Vice President of the ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY, the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY,and the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, do hereby certify that the foregoing Power of Attorney is still in full force and effect on the date of this certificate:and I do further certify that Article V.Section 8,of the By-Laws of the Companies is still in force. This Power of Attorney and Certificate may be signed by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution of the Board of Directors of the ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 15th day of December 1998. RESOLVED: "That the signature of the President or a Vice President and the attesting signature of a Secretary or an Assistant Secretary and the Seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile on any Power of Attorney...Any such Power or any certificate thereof bearing such facsimile signature and seal shall be valid and binding on the Company." This Power of Attorney and Certificate may be signed by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution of the Board of Directors of the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 5th day of May, 1994, and the following resolution of the Board of Directors of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND at a meeting duly called and held on the 1 Oth day of May, 1990. RESOLVED: "That the facsimile or mechanically reproduced seal of the company and facsimile or mechanically reproduced signature of any Vice-President.Secretary,or Assistant Secretary of the Company,whether made heretofore or hereafter,wherever appearing upon a certified copy of any power of attorney issued by the Company,shall be valid and binding upon the Company with the same force and effect as though manually affixed. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the corporate seals of the said Companies, this day of 'gyp otrpj� � �r SNAL o � � By: Brian M.Hodges Vice President TO REPORT A CLAIM WITH REGARD TO A SURETY BOND, PLEASE SUBMIT A COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF THE CLAIM INCLUDING THE PRINCIPAL ON THE BOND,THE BOND NUMBER,AND YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION TO: Zurich Surety Claims 1299 Zurich Way Schaumburg,IL 60196-1056 www.reportsfclainisazurichna.com 800-626-4577 Authenticity of this bond can be confirmed at bondvalidator.zurichna.com or 410-559-8790 ZURICH Texas Important Notice IMPORTANT NOTICE AVISO IMPORTANTE To obtain information or make a complaint: Para obtener informacion o para presentar una queja: You may call Zurich North America's toll-free telephone Usted puede Ilamar al numero de telefono gratuito de number for information or to make a complaint at: Zurich North America's para obtener informacion o para 1-800-382-2150 presentar una queja al: 1-800-382-2150 You may contact the Texas Department of Insurance to obtain information on companies, coverages, rights, or Usted puede comunicarse con el Departamento de Se- complaints at: guros de Texas para obtener informacion sobre com- 1-800-252-3439 panias, coberturas, derechos, o quejas al: 1-800-252-3439 You may write the Texas Department of Insurance: Usted puede escribir al Departamento P.O. Box 149104 de Seguros de Texas a: Austin, TX 78714-9104 P.O. Box 149104 Fax: (512)490-1007 Austin, TX 78714-9104 Web: www.tdi.texas.gov Fax: (512) 490-1007 E-mail: ConsumerProtection@tdi.texas.gov Sitio web: www.tdi.texas.gov E-mail: ConsumerProtection@tdi.texas.gov PREMIUM OR CLAIM DISPUTES: Should you have a dispute concerning your premium or DISPUTAS POR PRIMAS DE SEGUROS O about a claim, you should contact the company first. If RECLAMACIONES: the dispute is not resolved, you may contact the Texas Si tiene una disputa relacionada con su prima de seguro Department of Insurance. o con una reclamacion, usted debe comunicarse con la compania primero. Si la disputa no es resuelta, usted ATTACH THIS NOTICE TO YOUR POLICY: puede comunicarse con el Departamento de Seguros de This notice is for information only and does not become Texas. a part or condition of the attached document. ADJUNTE ESTE AVISO A SU POLIZA: Este aviso es solamente para propositos informativos y no se con- vierte en parte o en condicion del documento adjunto. U-GU-296-E(06/15) Page 1 of 1 Client#: 148784 AUSTITRA1 ACORDT. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE s/o8 DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) MIDDN /2023 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND,EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW.THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT:If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement.A statement on this certificate does not confer any rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER NAME:ACT Cindy Ellis USI Southwest Austin PHONE 512 651-4164 512 467-0113 A/C No at: AIC,No 7600-C N.Capital of TX Hwy#200 E-MAIL Cind Ellis usi.com ADDRESS: y Austin,TX 78731 INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# 512 451-7555 INSURER A:Zurich American Insurance Company 16535 INSURED INSURER B:American Guarantee&Liability Ins CO. 26247 Austin Traffic Signal Construction INSURERC:RSUI Indemnity Company 22314 Co., Inc. Travelers Lloyds Insurance Company 41262 INSURER D: Y P Y P.O. Box 130 INSURER E: Round Rock,TX 78680 INSURER F COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACTOR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL SUB POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LIMITS LTR INSR WVD POLICY NUMBER MMIDD/YYYY MWDD/YYYY A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY GL04839723 3/01/2023 03/01/2024 EACH OCCURRENCE s2,000,000 CLAIMS-MADE �OCCUR PREMISES Ea occcu ante $100,000 MED EXP(Any one person) $10,000 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $4,000,000 PRO- POLICY X JECT LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $4,000,000 OTHER: $ A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY BAP4839724 3/01/2023 03/01/202 (CEO,a cld.n'SINGLE LIMIT 2,000,000 X ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ OWNED SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ AUTOS ONLY AUTOS HIRED NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE $ X AUTOS ONLY Ix AUTOS ONLY Per accident X X OCCUR AUC5490849 3/01/2023 03/01/202 EACH OCCURRENCE $5 000 000 B UMBRELLA LIAB �( EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE s5,000,000 C DED RETENTION$ BNHA097121 3/01/2023 03/01/2024 Excess Liab. $5M xs$5m A WORKERS COMPENSATION WC4839722 3/01/2023 03/01/2024 X PER OTH- AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE YIN N E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $1 00O 000 OFFICERIMEMBEREXCLUDED? N/A (Mandatory in NH) E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $1,000 000 If yes,describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $1,000,000 D Installation QT6605W18005ATLC23 3/01/2023 03/0112024 $500,000 Floater-Blanket Deductible varies Coverage DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES(ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached If more space is required) Re: University Blvd at Salerno Estates Intersection Improvements. The General Liability and Auto policies include a blanket automatic Additional Insured endorsement that provides Additional Insured status to the Certificate Holder(and other entities as required by the Prime Contract),only when there is a written contract that requires such status and only with regard to work performed on behalf of the named insured.The General Liability,Auto and Workers Compensation policies (See Attached Descriptions) CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION City of Round Rock SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE y THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN City Manager ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 221 E Main Street Round Rock,TX 78664 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE t941 ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION.All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016/03) 1 of 2 The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD #S40340679/M39215780 DAMHB