Contract - John King Construction - 8/10/2023 Pagc I of 3 Contract Quantity Ad/u4tment/Change Order T.OVt1 Department: General Services Budding Construction Division Project Name: Fire Station 1 Old Settlers Date: 6/27/23 City Project Change Order/Quantity ID Number Adjustment No. 1 Vendor 3ohr.King Construction,Ltd. 559 5 1H 35,Suite 210 Round Rock,Tx 78664 512-968.9905 Company Name Address Phone No. ]ustificabon 1.)Import and compact 3x5 rock into existing subgrade for building pad due to ground water.Per Rode Engineering"Addendum 2" Revision 1: updated loads from 36 to 72 for additional 6"per Rock on 5/17�2023. 2.)Primary UG and Data/Aber Utilities were designed to be in the CORR Water Easment per the drawings. Primary and Low Voltage trenches to be rerouted per new drawings. SUMMARY Amount %Change Origir�V Contract Price: $8,538,757. Previous Quantity Adjustment(s): $0.00 This Quantity Adjustment: $0.00 Taal Quantity Adjus1rnmgs): $0.00 Total Conbaa Price with Quantity Adjustments) $8,538,757.00 Previ=Change Order(s): 0% This Change Order: $86,789.00 10/0 Total Change Order(s)To Date: $86,789.00 1% Adjusted Contract Price (Original Contract Price Plus Quantity Adjustment(s)Plus Change Order(s)j: $8,625,546.0 Difference be:Neen Original and Adjusted Contract Prices: $96,789.00 Origi iai Contract Time: 0 Tlme Adjustment by previous Quan.Adj./Change Order: 0 Time Ad)ustnwt by this Quan.Adj./Change Order: 0 New Ccntract Time: 0 Prepared By: '� Z SlnrUhvr Pr rated Na ,Title,dgmplAy Date r _ Johnny Toney, Director of Operations, Printed Name,Title,Company Date cure Printed Nilrne,Tnie Date Mayor/CityM ` ' �/� l' Manager �4.1 Y AyCf r Q Z Sign ,ure Printed Name,Title T ate Contract Quantity Adjustment/Change Order Project Name: Fire Station 1 Oid Settlers Quan.Adj.lChange Order No.: 1 Contract Time Adjustment Item tt Item Degcr4Ydon Unit qty. Unit Price Amount 1 Building Pad Additional 3x5 Rock 1 1 $62,514.002, 14.00 0 2 Easements and Utl ttles 1 1 $15,717.00 $15,717.00 0 3 Agreed GC Overhead and ProAt 10% 1 1 $7,823.00 $7,823.00 4 Bond Rate®0,8541% 1 1 $735.00 $735.00 $0.00 $0.00 -- $0.00 -- $0.00 — — -- $0.00 $0.00 -- _ -- 50.00 $0.00 --- $0.00 $0•0 $0.00 ".Do $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 A0 $0.00 _._.. — $0.00 Page 3 01*3 pn- Contract Quantity Adjustment/Change Order Project Name: Fire Station 1 Old Settlers Quan.Adj./Change Order No.: 1 Quantity Adjustment Data Contract Time Bid Item# Item Description Unit Qty. Unit Prke Amount Adjustment $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $O.DO 00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0. 0 CHANGE ORDER CO 001 around Water/Easement Changes CR OOT/CR 008 J, Project: Round Rock Fire Station 01 Project No.: 2302 Date: 6/21/2023 e Prepared By: Johnny Abney FF Description- Replenishing Betterment by covering CR 007 and CR 0091tuough change order 1 Assumptms I Clartftcatfona: Work already completed.Based on prices from CR 007 and CR 009. ITEM DESCRIPTION LABOR MATE 6 SUBS QTY. TYPE U.P. TOTAL QTY. TYPEI U.P. TOTAL I CR 07 US Rode 1 ,5 4 2 CR ON Easement Changes 1 Is 15,717.00 15,717 Total Materials&Subs 79,231 Total tabor 0 Subtotal 78,27 Ovefiead and Fes a 10% 7,523 Subtotal 88,054 Bond Rate®0.8541 735 Total 86,789 Signature of approval: Date 08127/2023 Architect -- -- Date Ownefe Representative - ----- A44"' 4e# Date June 26,2023 John King Construction Prepared 0Y Krug Construction Page 1 of 1 Printed:ti128/2023 CONSTRUCTION CHANGE REQUEST CR 007 US Rock Remediation -,",V Project: Round Rock Fire Station 01 Project No.: 2302 Date: 5/17/2023 Prepared By: Johnny Abney Description: Import and compact 3x5 rock into erdsbng subgrade for building pad due to ground water.Per Rods Engineering'Addendum 2' Revision 1:Updated loads from 38 bD 72 for additional 8'per Rock on 5117=3 Assumptlons/ClarMcattons: Based off 8'assumption of loads required.Final load count wIH be addressed and price reconciled.No schedule extension required if work Is to remain on track for Monday as odginalty planned. 1rEAf DESCROMON LABOR IIIIIATERML A SUBS TYPE U.P. TOTAL CITY. TYPE U.P. TOTAL 1 Champion Site Pro •3x5 Rock Import t s& m bad 54 Total M 82,514 Total Labor 0 Subtotal 1 62,5114 clan Signature of approval: Date Amhl*ct Date Ovom(s Representative AA" Date May 18,2023 John King Construction Prepared By:King Constriction Page i of 1 Printed:5118I2023