Contract - Casco Industries, Inc. - 9/14/2023 CITY OF ROUND ROCK AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND FIREHOUSE SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT WITH CASCO INDUSTRIES,INC. THE STATE OF TEXAS § CITY OF ROUND ROCK § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON § COUNTY OF TRAVIS § This Agreement is for the purchase of public safety and firehouse supplies and equipment, and is re�f'9gr,re� d to herein as the "Agreement." This Agreement is made and entered into on this the 14444d-ay of the month ofs 023, by and between the CITY OF ROUND ROCK, TEXAS, a home-rule municipality whose offices are located at 221 East Main Street, Round Rock, Texas 78664, referred to herein as the "City," and CASCO INDUSTRIES, INC., whose offices are located at 607 West 62nd Street, Shreveport, Louisiana 71108, referred to herein as"Vendor." This Agreement supersedes and replaces any previous agreement between the named parties, whether oral or written, and whether or not established by custom and practice. RECITALS: WHEREAS, City desires to purchase public safety and firehouse supplies and equipment, and City desires to obtain said goods from Vendor; and WHEREAS, City is a member of the Buy Board Cooperative Purchasing Program ("Buy Board") and Vendor is an approved Buy Board vendor through Buy Board Contract # 698-23; and WHEREAS, City desires to purchase certain goods and services from Vendor through Buy Board as set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into this Agreement to set forth in writing their respective rights, duties, and obligations; NOW,THEREFORE,WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and other good and valuable consideration,the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged,the parties mutually agree as follows: 4870-5496-9957/ss2 1.0 DEFINITIONS A. Agreement means the binding legal contract between City and Vendor whereby City agrees to obtain specified goods and Vendor is obligated to provide specified goods. This Agreement includes any exhibits, addenda, and/or amendments thereto. B. City means the City of Round Rock, Williamson and Travis Counties, Texas. C. Effective Date means the date upon which the binding signatures of both parties to this Agreement are affixed. D. Goods mean the specified supplies, materials,commodities, or equipment. E. Vendor means Casco Industries, Inc., or any successors or assigns. 2.0 EFFECTIVE DATE AND TERM A. This Agreement shall be effective on the date it has been signed by both parties hereto, and shall remain in full force and effect unless and until it expires by operation of the term stated herein,or until terminated or extended as provided herein. B. This Agreement shall expire on March 31, 2026. 3.0 SCOPE OF WORK A. The goods and related services which are the subject matter of this Agreement are described generally in the attached Exhibit"A." B. This Agreement shall evidence the entire understanding and agreement between the parties and shall supersede any prior proposals,correspondence or discussions. C. Vendor shall satisfactorily provide all deliverables and services described in Exhibit"A"within the contract term specified. A change in the Scope of Services or any term of this Agreement, including bonding requirements, must be negotiated and agreed to in all relevant details,and must be embodied in a valid Supplemental Agreement as described herein. 4.0 COSTS A. City agrees to pay for goods and related services during the term of this Agreement at the pricing set forth in Exhibit"A." B. The City shall is authorized to pay the Vendor an amount not-to-exceed Six Hundred Fifty Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($650,000.00)for the term of this Agreement. 2 5.0 INVOICES All invoices shall include, at a minimum,the following information: 1. Name and address of Vendor; 2. Purchase Order Number; 3. Description and quantity of items received; and 4. Delivery dates. 6.0 NON-APPROPRIATION AND FISCAL FUNDING This Agreement is a commitment of City's current revenues only. It is understood and agreed that City shall have the right to terminate this Agreement at the end of any City fiscal year if the governing body of City does not appropriate funds sufficient to purchase the services as determined by City's budget for the fiscal year in question. City may effect such termination by giving Vendor a written notice of termination at the end of its then-current fiscal year. 7.0 PROMPT PAYMENT POLICY In accordance with Chapter 2251, V.T.C.A., Texas Government Code, any payment to be made by City to Vendor will be made within thirty (30) days of the date City receives goods under this Agreement, the date the performance of the services under this Agreement are completed, or the date City receives a correct invoice for the goods or services, whichever is later. Vendor may charge interest on an overdue payment at the "rate in effect" on September 1 of the fiscal year in which the payment becomes overdue, in accordance with V.T.C.A., Texas Government Code, Section 2251.025(b). This Prompt Payment Policy does not apply to payments made by City in the event: 1. There is a bona fide dispute between City and Vendor, a contractor, subcontractor, or supplier about the goods delivered or the service performed that ' cause the payment to be late; or 2. There is a bona fide dispute between Vendor and a subcontractor or between a subcontractor and its supplier about the goods delivered or the service performed that causes the payment to be late;or 3. The terms of a federal contract, grant, regulation, or statute prevent City from making a timely payment with federal funds; or 4. The invoice is not mailed to City in strict accordance with any instruction on the purchase order relating to the payment. 3 8.0 GRATUITIES AND BRIBES City may, by written notice to Vendor, cancel this Agreement without liability to Vendor if it is determined by City that gratuities or bribes in the form of entertainment, gifts, or otherwise were offered or given by Vendor or its agents or representatives to any City officer, employee or elected representative with respect to the performance of this Agreement. In addition, Vendor may be subject to penalties stated in Title 8 of the Texas Penal Code. 9.0 TAXES City is exempt from Federal Excise and State Sales Tax; therefore, tax shall not be included in Vendor's charges. 10.0 INSURANCE Vendor shall meet all City of Round Rock insurance requirements set forth at: http://www.roundrocktexas.gov/wp-content/u.ploads/2014/12/corr insurance 07.20112.pdf. 11.0 CITY'S REPRESENTATIVE City hereby designates the following representative authorized to act in its behalf with regard to this Agreement: Trish DeLa Torre, Fire Logistics officer 203 Commerce Boulevard Round Rock, TX 78665 (512) 529-7012 tdelatorre&roundrocktexas.gov 12.0 DEFAULT If Vendor abandons or defaults under this Agreement and is a cause of City acquiring the specified goods elsewhere. Vendor shall be declared in default of this Agreement if it does any of the following and fails to cure the issue within thirty (30)days of receipt of written notice: A. Fails to fully, timely and faithfully perform any of its material obligations under this Agreement; B. Becomes insolvent or seeks relief under the bankruptcy laws of the United States, and is unable to perform its material obligations under the Agreement. 4 13.0 TERMINATION AND SUSPENSION A. In the event of any uncured default by either party, the non-defaulting party has the right to terminate the affected portions of this Agreement for cause, upon ten (10) days' written notice to the defaulting party following the cure period. B. In the event the City terminates under this section, the following shall apply: Upon the effective date of the termination, Vendor shall discontinue performance of the affected provision of goods and/or services. The City shall be responsible only for amounts due and owing qp to the date of termination. 14.0 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS, CHARTER, AND ORDINANCES A. Vendor, its agents, employees and subcontractors shall use best efforts to comply with all applicable federal and state laws, the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Round Rock, as amended, and with all applicable rules and regulations promulgated by local, state and national boards,bureaus and agencies. B. In accordance with Chapter 2271, Texas Government Code,a governmental entity may not enter into a contract with a company for goods or services unless the contract contains written verification from the company that it: (1)does not boycott Israel; and(2)will not boycott Israel and will not boycott Israel during the term of this contract. The signatory executing this Agreement on behalf of Vendor verifies Vendor does not boycott Israel and will not boycott Israel during the term of this Agreement. C. In accordance with 2274, Texas Government Code, a governmental entity may not enter into a contract with a company with at least ten (10) full-time employees for a value of at least One Hundred Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($100,000.00) unless the contract has a provision verifying that it: (1) does not have a practice, policy, guidance, or directive that discriminates against a firearm entity or firearm trade association; and (2) will not discriminate during the term of the contract against a firearm entity or firearm trade association. The signatory executing this Agreement on behalf of Vendor verifies Vendor does not have a practice, policy, guidance, or directive that discriminates against a firearm entity or firearm trade association, and it will not discriminate during the term of this Agreement against a firearm entity or firearm trade association. s D. In accordance with 2274, Texas Government Code, a governmental entity may not enter into a contract with a company with at least ten (10) full-time employees for a value of at least One Hundred Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($100,000.00) unless the contract has a provision verifying that it: (1) does not boycott energy companies; and (2) will not boycott energy companies during the term of this Agreement. The signatory executing this Agreement on behalf of Vendor verifies Vendor does not boycott energy companies, and it will not boycott energy companies during the term of this Agreement. 5 r � 15.0 ASSIGNMENT AND DELEGATION The parties hereby bind themselves, their successors, assigns and legal representatives to each other with respect to the terms of this Agreement. Neither party shall assign, sublet or transfer any interest in this Agreement without prior written authorization of the other party. 16.0 NOTICES A. All notices and other communications in connection with this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be considered given as follows: 1. When delivered personally to recipient's address as stated in this Agreement; or 2. Three (3) days after being deposited in the United States mail, with postage prepaid to the recipient's address as stated in this Agreement. a, Notice to Vendor: Casco Industries, Inc. 607 West 62 Street Shreveport,Louisiana 71108 Notice to City: City Manager Stephanie L. Sandre, City Attorney 221 East Main Street AND TO: 309 East Main Street Round Rock, TX 78664 Round Rock, TX 78664 B. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to restrict the transmission of routine communications between representatives of City and Vendor. 17.0 APPLICABLE LAW, ENFORCEMENT, AND VENUE This Agreement shall be enforceable in Round Rock, Texas, and if legal action is necessary by either party with respect to the enforcement of any or all of the terms or conditions herein, exclusive venue for same shall lie in Williamson County, Texas. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws and court decisions of the State of Texas. 18.0 EXCLUSIVE AGREEMENT This document, and all appended documents, constitutes the entire Agreement between Vendor and City. This Agreement may only be amended or supplemented by mutual agreement of the parties hereto in writing. 6 i 19.0 DISPUTE RESOLUTION City and Vendor hereby expressly agree that no claims or disputes between the parties arising out of or relating to this Agreement or a breach thereof shall be decided by any arbitration proceeding, including without limitation, any proceeding under the Federal Arbitration Act (9 USC Section 1-14)or any applicable state arbitration statute. 20.0 SEVERABILITY The invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement or the occurrence of any event rendering any portion or provision of this Agreement void shall in no way affect the validity or enforceability of any other portion or provision of this Agreement. Any void provision shall be deemed severed from this Agreement, and the balance of this Agreement shall be construed and enforced as if this Agreement did not contain the particular portion or provision held to be void. The parties further agree to amend this Agreement to replace any stricken provision with a valid provision that comes as close as possible to the intent of the stricken provision. The provisions of this section shall not prevent this entire Agreement from being void should a provision which is of the essence of this Agreement be determined void. 1 21.0 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS A. Standard of Care. Vendor represents that it employs trained, experienced and competent persons to perform all of the services, responsibilities and duties specified herein and that such services, responsibilities and duties shall be performed in a manner according to generally accepted industry practices. B. Time is of the Essence. The parties agree that, from time to time, certain unique transactions may have special requirements relative to timing and, accordingly, the parties will identify those transactions and exercise best efforts to accomplish those transactions within the stated timeframe. Other timing requirements will be met in a commercially reasonable manner. Where damage is caused to City due to Vendor's failure to perform in the special timing requirement circumstances, City may pursue any remedy available without waiver of any of City's additional legal rights or remedies. C. Binding Agreement. This Agreement shall extend to and be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties' respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. D. Multiple Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, any one of which shall be considered an original of this document; and all of which,when taken together, shall constitute one and the same instrument. [Signatures on the following page.] 7 i i� t IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Vendor have executed this Agreement on the dates indicated. Casco Industries,Inc. By: Printed Name: , �Z -�- Title: — f^ Date Signed: Z A City of Round Rock,Texas By: Printed Name: Title: Date Signed: I AZ3 For City,Attest: B Meagan S&ks,—Clty Clerk For City,Approved as to Form: By. Steph ie L. Sandre, City Attorney s Exhibit "A" 1 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Firearms and Ammunition. catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal •will not be considered No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format. with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select"Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers. Websites. angor See Attached/Enclosed No response Page 23 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries. Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" 2 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Tactical Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s)with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No Raper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select"Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/price[ist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers.Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed No response Page 24 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries,Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" 3 Section 1• Eguipment Products. and Supplies Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Night Sticks and Batons. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s)with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s)with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select"Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed No response Page 25 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries,Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" 4 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Riot Equipment/Body Armor. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select"Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers. Websites,ano,or See Attached Enclosed No response Page 26 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries, Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" 5 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount(%) off catalog/pricelist for Public Safety Vehicle Equipment and Related Accessories. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s)with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s)with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers.Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed No response Page 27 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries,Inc. 698-23 Exhibit ''A" 6 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Tear Gas/Mace and Related Items. atalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select"Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers.Websites.ano,or See Attached;Enciosea No response Page 28 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries, Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" 7 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount(%) off catalog/pricelist for Night Vision and Infrared Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select"Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers.Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed No response Page 29 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries,Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" 8 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Thermal Imaging Equipment and Products. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered Total: 5% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered, • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers.Websites,and or"See Attached/Enclosec MSA Price List Page 30 of 81 pages Vendor. Casco Industries. Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A'' 9 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount(%) off catalog/pricelist for Flashlights, Batteries, and Related Items. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered Total: 40% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE. Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers.Websites,and/or 'See Attached,Enclosed'. Nightstick Public Safety Alternate 1 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Flashlights. Batteries, and Related Items. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 45% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers,Websites.and/or"See Attached/Enclosed Streamlight Fire pricelist Alternate 2 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Flashlights. Batteries. and Related Items. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 10% Page 31 of 81 pages Vendor: Casco Industries, Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". FoxFury Lighting Solutions 1 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 0 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Electronic Stand-up Vehicles (ESV). Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE. Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers.Websites,and/or"See AttachediEnclosee No response Page 32 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries, Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" 1 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount(%) off catalog/pricelist for All Types of Public Safety Patrol Bicycles, Supplies and Related Accessories. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalogs)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE. Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". No response Page 33 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries,Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" 1 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 2 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Public Safety Rescue Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 5% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select"Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE. Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed' Genesis Rescue Systems Page 34 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries. Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" 1 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 3 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Handcuffs and Restraints. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKG reference Numoe-s. Weusrtes. and,or See Attached Enciosed No response Page 35 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries, Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" 1 Section 1• Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 4 Discount(%) off catalog/pricelist for Scopes and Binoculars. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s)with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog s)/p rice Iist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select"Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers.Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". No response Page 36 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries,Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" 1 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 5 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Alcohol and Drug Testing Products and Related Services. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed No response Page 37 of 81 pages Vendor: Casco Industries. Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" 1 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 6 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Law Enforcement Training Targets. catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NO E Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers.Websites, ano,or See AttacheoiEnciosed No response Page 38 of 81 pages Vendor: Casco Industries, Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" 1 Section 1• Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 7 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Fingerprint Equipment and Supplies. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s)with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select"Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers.Websites. and/or"See Attached/Enclosed No response Page 39 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries,Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" 1 Section 1• Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 8 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Law Enforcement Knives and Tools (multipurpose tools, clip tools, mini tools, and related accessories). Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select"Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE. Do not include SKU. Reference Numoers,Websites,and or See Attacnec,Enclosed". No response Page 40 of 81 pages Vendor: Casco Industries. Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" ISection I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Public Safety Uniforms, Rainwear, Jackets, Footwear, and Accessories. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 35% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select"Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers.Websites.and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". Lion Apparel Station Wear PL Alternate 1 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Public Safety Uniforms, Rainwear, Jackets. Footwear, and Accessories. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 1 16% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers.Websites.and/or"See Attached/Enclosed" Propper International PL Alternate 2 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/12ricelist for Public Safety Uniforms, Rainwear, Jackets. Footwear. and Accessories. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 15% Page 41 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries, Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". VFC Workwear Workrite PL Alternate 3 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Public Safety Uniforms, Rainwear, Jackets. Footwear. and Accessories. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 10% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". CreWBOSS PPE PL 2 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 0 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Weather Monitoring Systems. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/p rice Iist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select"Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE:Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". No response Page 42 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries,Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" 2 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 1 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Red Light Monitoring Systems. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s)with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select"Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". No response Page 43 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries,Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" 2 Section 1• Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 2 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Speed Enforcement Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select"Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE. Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers. Websites.anoior See Attached;Enclosed" No response Page 44 of 81 pages Vendor: Casco Industries. Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" 3 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Public Safety Life Preserver and Related Items. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered Total: 10% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU. Reference Nun,;_ u'Jebsites.andior"See Attached/Enclosed NRS Rescue Price List Alternate 1 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Public Safety Life Preserver and Related Items. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 5% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU Reference Numbers.Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". Rescue Tech Price List Alternate 2 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Public Safety Life Preserver and Related Items. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 10% Page 45 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries, Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers.Websites.and/or"See Attached/Enclosed PMI Rope Price list Alternate 3 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Public Safety Life Preserver and Related Items. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 10% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". True North Gear 2 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 4 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Emergency Radio Dispatch Consoles and related items. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers.Websites.and/or"See Attached/Enclosed" No response Page 46 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries, Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" 2 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 5 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Safety and Security Window Film Products. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE. Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers.Websites,andior 'See Attached,Enclosed". No response Page 47 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries, Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" 2 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 6 Discount(%) off catalog/pricelist for Gunshot and Threat Detection Products and Systems. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be consideree No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers.Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". No response Page 48 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries, Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" 2 Section 1• Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 7 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for All Types Security Access Doors and related accessories (accordion, roll up, wood fold, flat lead post, narrow lead post, and curved). Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select"Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". No response Page 49 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries, Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" 2 Section 1• Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 8 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for All Other Public Safety Products and Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered Total: 20% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE. Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers.Websites,and/or"See AttachediEnclosed". Black Diamond Protective Equip Alternate 1 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for All Other Public Safety Products and Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 20% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers.Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed", Life Liners by Stanfields FR Alternate 2 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for All Other Public Safety Products and Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 5% Page 50 of 81 pages Vendor: Casco Industries. Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed' Genesis Rescue Systems Alternate 3 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for All Other Public Safety Products and Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 5% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed" OHD Global QuantiFit2 PL Alternate 4 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for All Other Public Safety Products and Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 10% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". Circul-Air-Corp. International Alternate 5 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for All Other Public Safety Products and Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 21 Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". Tempest Leader Fire Equipment Alternate 6 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for All Other Public Safety Products and Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 15% Page 51 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries, Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU. Reference Numoers, Websites,and/or 'See Attached/Enclosed". Ramfan Euramco Safety Inc. PL Alternate 7 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for All Other Public Safety Products and Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 11 Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU Reference Numbers.Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". Groves Ready Rack Incorporated Alternate 8 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for All Other Public Safety Products and Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 25% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers.Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". Husky Portable Containment PL Alternate 9 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for All Other Public Safety Products and Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 25% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE. Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers..Websites.and/or See Attachea,Enciosec C&S Supply Inc. Price List Alternate 10 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for All Other Public Safety Products and Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 10% Page 52 of 81 pages Vendor: Casco Industries. Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". Kocheck Company Price List Alternate 11 Section I: Public Safely Supplies and Equipment Discount(%) off cataloq/pricelist for All Other Public Safety Products and Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 10% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". Super Vac Price List Alternate 12 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount(%) off catalog/pricelist for All Other Public Safety Products and Equipment. Catalog/Price[ist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 5% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". Milnor Gear Guardian Equipment Page 53 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries,Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" 2 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 9 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Public Safety Equipment Repair Parts. (;atalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 45% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". Streamlight Fire pricelist Page 54 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries. Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" 3 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 0 Discount(%) off catalog/pricelist for Public Safety Equipment and Products Maintenance/Warranty Agreements. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s)with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s)with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No caper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select"Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers,Websites.and/or"See Attached/Enclosed No response Page 55 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries,Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" 3 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 1 Discount(%) off catalog/pricelist for Breathing Apparatus. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered Total: 15% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE. Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers.Websites,andior"See AttachediEnclosed". MSA Price List Alternate 1 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount(%) off catalog/pricelist for Breathing Apparatus. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 15% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". Bauer Compressors. Inc. PL Page 56 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries, Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A'' 3 Section II• Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 2 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Protective Clothing and Rescue Gear including Protective Boots, Helmets and Gear Bags. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 1 15% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select"Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers.Websites.and/or"See Attached,Enclosec MSA Price List Alternate 1 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Protective Clothing and Rescue Gear including Protective Boots Helmets and Gear Bags. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 15% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU Reference N,mncrs Vvebsites.and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". Globe Footgear Price List Alternate 2 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalogpricelist for Protective Clothing and Rescue Gear including Protective Boots, Helmets and Gear Bags Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered Total: 31 Page 57 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries, Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU, Reference Numeers.Websites.ane or See Attached E acsed Veridian FPG Glove Price List Alternate 3 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Protective Clothing and Rescue Gear including Protective Boots. Helmets and Gear Bags Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 10% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". Fire Craft Safety Products Alternate 4 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Protective Clothing and Rescue Gear including Protective Boots, Helmets and Gear Bags Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 10% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". TechTrade Pro Tec 8 Price List Alternate 5 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Protective Clothing and Rescue Gear including Protective Boots Helmets and Gear Bags Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 20% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage N, 7 Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers.Websites,andior 'See Attached/Enclosed' Shelby Specialty Gloves PL Alternate 6 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Protective Clothing and Rescue Gear including Protective Boots. Helmets and Gear Bags Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered Total: 22% Page 58 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries. Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". PGI, Inc. Price List Alternate 7 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Protective Clothing and Rescue Gear including Protective Boots, Helmets and Gear Bags. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 25% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed" Majestic Fire Apparel Hoods Alternate 8 Section ll: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Protective Clothing and Rescue Gear including Protective Boots. Helmets and Gear Bags. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 35% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed Lion Thorogood Fire Boot Alternate 9 Section Il: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount M) off cataloq/pricelist for Protective Clothing and Rescue Gear including Protective Boots. Helmets and Gear Bags. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 20% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE. Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers,Websites,andior"See AttachediEnclosed Life Liners by StanfieldsFR Alternate 10 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Protective Clothing and Rescue Gear including Protective Boots, Helmets and Gear Bags. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 15% Page 59 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries, Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers.Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed' Bullard Wildfire Helmets PL Alternate 11 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Protective Clothing and Rescue Gear including Protective Boots Helmets and Gear Bags Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 5% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers.Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed' Vanguard Safety Wear 3 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 3 Discount(%) off catalog/pricelist for Turnout Gear. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 25% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor s must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers.Websites.and/or"See Attached/Enclosed Globe Gear Athletix Price List Page 60 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries. Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" Alternate 1 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Eguipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Turnout Gear. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 25% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers.Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". Globe Gear Price List 3 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 4 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Nomex Station Uniforms. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 1 35% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s)with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalogs)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select"Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers.Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed Lion Bodyguard Stationwear Page 61 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries, Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" 3 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 5 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Communication Devices and Systems. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 5% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s)with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s)with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select"Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed Firecom by Sonetics PL Page 62 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries, Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" 3 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 6 Discount(%) off catalog/pricelist for EMS Supplies and Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 20% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s)with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select"Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE. Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers.Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed Lightning X Products, Inc. Page 63 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries,Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" 3 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 7 Discount(%) off catalog/pricelist for Portable Lighting Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 45% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format. with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU Reference Numoers.Websites.andiorSee Attached.Enc,osec Streamlight Inc. Fire PL Alternate 1 Section Il: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog//pricelist for Portable Lighting Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 40% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU Reference Numbers.Websites.and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". Nightstick/Bayco Corp PL Alternate 2 Section ll: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Portable Lighting Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 40% Page 64 of 81 pages Vendor: Casco Industries. Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". Akron Brass Company PL 3 Section Ik Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 8 Discount(%) off catalog/pricelist for Vehicle Light Bars, Sirens, and Speakers. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be ,icluded or proposal will not be considered. Total: 10% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s)with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No Paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select"Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". FRC /Safe Fleet Brand PL Page 65 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries,Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" 3 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 9 Discount(%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Extrication Rescue Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 10% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s)with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select"Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU,Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". Genesis Rescue Systems Alternate 1 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Extrication Rescue Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 1 35% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU,Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". Council Tool Company PL Alternate 2 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Extrication Rescue Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 20% Page 66 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries,Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE:Do not include SKU Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". Flamefighter by SPC Brass Co Alternate 3 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Extrication Rescue Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 30% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed Nupla Tools Price List Alternate 4 _ Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Extrication Rescue Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 10% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". Zico Ziamatic Corp. PL Page 67 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries, Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" 4 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 0 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Firehouse Uniforms, Rainwear, Jackets, Footwear and Accessories. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 35% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s)with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s)with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers.Websites.and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". Lion Stationwear Bodyguard PL Alternate 1 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Firehouse Uniforms, Rainwear, Jackets. Footwear and Accessories. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 15% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers,Websites.and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". Propper International PL Alternate 2 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount M off catalog/pricelist for Firehouse Uniforms Rainwear Jackets. Footwear and Accessories. Cataloa/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 1 15% Page 68 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries,Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers.Websites,and/or"See Attached[Enclosed". VFC Workwear Workrite PL 4 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 1 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Gas Detection Devices, Cameras, and Systems. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered Total: 5% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select"Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers,Websites.andior"See Attached/Enclosed MSA Mine Safety Appliance PL Page 69 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries, Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" 4 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 2 Discount(%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Hose and Nozzles. �;atalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 35% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select"Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE. Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers, Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed" North American Firehose Corp. Alternate 1 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Hose and Nozzles. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 35% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers.Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed Bulldog Hose Company PL Alternate 2 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Hose and Nozzles. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 35% Page 70 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries. Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed Snap-Tite/All American Hose Alternate 3 Section Il: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Hose and Nozzles. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 35% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU Reference Numbers.Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed Kuriyama Of America PL Alternate 4 Section ll: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Hose and Nozzles. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 35% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers.Websites.and/or"See Attached/Enclosed Akron Brass Company / Idex F&S Alternate 5 Section Il: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Hose and Nozzles Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 35% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE:Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers,Web: s and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". Elkhart Brass /Safe Fleet PL Alternate 6 Section ll: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Hose and Nozzles Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 20% Page 71 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries. Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". Crestar Firefighting Equipment Alternate 7 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Hose and Nozzles. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 40% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed' Harrington Inc. LDH Systems Alternate 8 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Hose and Nozzles. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 35% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE. Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers.Websites.and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". Kochek Company LLC PL Alternate 9 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Hose and Nozzles. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 35% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE. Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed North American Fire Hose Corp Alternate 10 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Hose and Nozzles. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 10% Page 72 of 81 pages Vendor: Casco Industries,Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE:Do not include SKU,Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". Fire Hose Nozzles Direct 4 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 3 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Extinguishers and Fire Fighting Foam. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 52% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s)with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select"Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". Chemguard Chemical JCI PL Alternate 1 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Extinguishers and Fire Fighting Foam. Catalog MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 20% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU,Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". Verde Microblaze Price List Page 73 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries,Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" Alternate 2 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Extinguishers and Fire Fighting Foam. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 25% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers.Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed National Foam Price List 4 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 4 Discount(%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Hose Hydrostatic Testing Services. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 20% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s)with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select"Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". Rice Hydro Inc. PL Alternate 1 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount(%) off catalogpricelist for Fire Hose Hydrostatic Testing Services. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 35% Page 74 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries,Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE. Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed" Akron Brass Company/ Idex F&S 4 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 5 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Fighting Training Materials and Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered Total: 10% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers.Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". BlastMask Price List Page 75 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries. Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" 4 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 6 Discount(%) off catalog/pricelist for Optical Emergency Traffic Pre-Emption Supplies and Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/price[ist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select"Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE. Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed No response Page 76 of 81 pages Vendor: Casco Industries, Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" 4 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 7 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for All Other Firehouse Equipment and Supplies. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered Total: 35% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers.Websites,andlor"See Attached Enclosed'. Council Tool Company PL Alternate 1 Section Il: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for All Other Firehouse Equipment and Supplies. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 15% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU Reference Numbers.Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed Bauer Compressors, Inc. PL Alternate 2 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for All Other Firehouse Equipment and Supplies. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 20% Page 77 of 81 pages Vendor: Casco Industries. Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed" CET Portable Pump PL Alternate 3 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for All Other Firehouse Equipment and Supplies. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 5% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU Reference Numbers.Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed' Ram'd Air Gear Dryer Dealer PL Alternate 4 Section Il: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for All Other Firehouse Equipment and Supplies. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 20% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE:Do not include SKU,Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed' Hale Portable Pumps Idex F&S Alternate 5 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for All Other Firehouse Equipment and Supplies. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 10% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". S C Products Price List Alternate 6 Section Il: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for All Other Firehouse Equipment and Supplies. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 5% Page 78 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries, Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU,Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". CMC Pro Price List 4 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 8 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Firehouse Equipment Repair Parts. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 15% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s)with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select"Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE:Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed" Bauer Compressor Parts PL Alternate 1 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Firehouse Equipment Repair Parts. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 1 10% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE:Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed". MSA Price List Page 79 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries,Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" Alternate 2 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount %) off catalog/pricelist for Firehouse Equipment Repair Parts. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 5% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE Do not include SKU. Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed Hale Parts Portable Price List 4 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 9 Discount(%) off catalog/pricelist for Firehouse Equipment and Products Safety Maintenance/Warranty Agreements. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s)with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select"Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE. Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers,Websites,and/or"See Attached/Enclosed" No response 5 Section III: Installation and Repair Service 0 Hourly Labor Rate for Installation/Repair Service of Public Safety Equipment and Products -.Not to Exceed hourly labor rate for Installation/Repair Service of Public Safety Equipment and Products. Quantity: 1 UOM: Hourly Labor Rate Price: 1 $95.00 Total: $95.00 Page 80 of 81 pages Vendor:Casco Industries,Inc. 698-23 Exhibit "A" 5 Section III: Installation and Repair Service 1 Hourly Labor Rate for Installation/Repair Service of Firehouse Equipment and Products - Not to Exceed hourly labor rate for Installation/Repair Service of Public Safety Equipment and Products. Quantity: 1 UOU Hourly Labor Rate Price: $95.00 1 Total: $95.00 Response Total: $190.00 Page 81 of 81 pages Vendor: Casco Industries. Inc. 698-23