Contract - Kalahari / KR Acquisitions LLC, KR CC Inc - 10/26/2023 (2) COLLATERAL AL ASSIGNMENT OF MASTERDEVELOPMENTAGREEMENT THIS COLLATERAL ASSIGNMENT OF MASTER DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("Assi ment" is executed by KR Acquisitions LLC,a Delaware limited liability company(the "Tevelo a-"), and ISR CC, INC., a Delaware corporation (the "Tenant,'l and together with the Developer,the"Assignor")for the benefit of BankWisconsin Dells,its successors and assigns (the"'Lender") as of 12023. RECITALS; A. Assignor has executed and delivered to Lender a Promissory Note dated as of even date herewith as such document has been and may be modified, amended, supplemented or restated from time to time, the "Dote*' in the amount of$400,000,000.00 for purposes of refinancing existing debt with Leader and extending additional credit to Borrower, in connection with Kalahari resort which includes approximately 975 hotel rooms, multiple restaurants and other food and beverage locations, retail stores, over 2,500 parking spaces, a publicly owned convention center ofapproximately 190,000 square feet, including related space, approximately 90,000 square feet of family entertainment center, including related space, in excess of 200,000 square feet of indoor waterpark, including related space and ars outdoor wter arl , built on certain real property located in Williamson County,Texas(the 'Tr o*ect"' . B. The Note is secured, inter alfa, by a Leasehold Deed of Trust and Security Agreement and Fixture Filing Statement executed by Assignor and delivered to Lender dated as of even cyte herewith as such document may be modified, amended, supplemented or restated from time to time, the "Deed of Trust"'), and by certain other agreements, assignments and other documents which evidence, secure or otherwise reference the Mote(the"'Loan Documents"'). C. As additional collateral for the Note, Lender has rewired Assignor to eater into this Assignment. AGREEMENTS: NOW THEREFORE, FOR VALUABLE., CONSIDERATION, the receipt and sufficiency ciency o chic is hereby acknowledged, and in consideration of the recitals set forth above,the Assignor,hereby collaterally pledges,assigns,and transfers to the Lender,and grants to Lender a security interest in all of the Assignor's rights, remedies at law or to equity), title and interest in and to a all rights (but not the obligations) under a development agreement more particularly described on Exhibit A as such agreement may be modified, amended, supplemented or restated from time to time, the "Development Agreement""), (b) all agreements, documents, certificates, instruments and other materials relating to the Development Agreement, and c all proceeds of and other rights in connection with the Development Agreement. l Bark of Wisconsin Dcllsf alahan Round Rock T (2023) Executicr. `'upy haps_'scrdawadmm-m .sharepoint comlpersona' rose scala com/l)ocuments/Desktop/CollateraI Asitgnment of Master Development Agr"ment(14819971.3x D88 )-35918625.2(003).docx Vmzc)z ,s,- SLQt/d-M-202'5r—CV, This Assignment is made pursuant to and subject to the terms, conditions, representations and warranties under certain agreements and documents between the Assignor and the Lender and is in addition to, and not in limitation of,any ofthe other Loan Documents. It is the intention hereby to establish an absolute transfer and present assignnt to the Lender. The Assignor hereby irrevocably appoints the Lender its true and lawful attorney-in- fact in the Assignor's name and place to take such actions upon such terins and conditions in Lender's discretion as Lender may determine, with the same rights,powers and benefits as the undersigned would have under such Development pment Agreement. Although it is the intention of the parties that this assignment shall be a present assignment, the Lender shall not exercise any f the rights and powers conferred upon it herein until and unless an Event of Default shall occur under the terms of the Note or the Loan Documents. This Assignment may be amended only by a writing signed on behalf of each party. No waiver of any provision, right or remedy herein contained on any one occasion shall be construed as a bar to or waiver of any such right or remedy on any future occasion. No waiver shall be deemed to have been made, unless such waiver is in writing specifying the specific waiver and signed by an authorized officer of the Lender. This Assignment shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of the Assignor(including any debtor-in-possession on behalf f the Assignor) and shall inure to the benefit ofthe Lender and all future holders ofany instrument evidencing the obligations ofAssignor and its respective successors and assigns. This instrument shall also remain in full force and effect during the pendency of any collection proceedings. The Lender may take security in addition to the security already given Lender for the payments of the principal and interest provided to be paid in or by Assignor's obligation s under the Note or the Loan Documents or release such other security,and may release any party primarily or secondarily liable on the obligations of Assignor under the Note and the Loan Documents, may grant or make extensions, renewals, modifications, or indulgences with respect to the Assignor's obligations under the Note, the Loan Documents or any security instrument and replacements thereof, which replacement of the Assignor's obligations under the Note,the Loan Documents or security instrument may be on the same or on terms different from the present terms of such obligations, and may apply any other security thereof held by it to the satisfaction of such obligations without prejudice to any of its rights hereunder. This Assignment has been negotiated and shall be construed and governed in accordance with the provisions ofSection 7.5 ofthe Loan Agreement between Lender and Assignor dated as of the date hereof "Loan Agreement" . If any provisions of this Assignment are prohibited by or determined to be invalid under applicable law,such provisions shall be ineffective to the extent f such prohibitions or invalidity without invalidating the remainder of such provisions or the remaining provisions ofthis Assignment. [Execution page Follows] 2 Sank of Wisconsin DellsfKalahari found lock TJX(2023) Execution Copy http l/scrrlawadmin-my harepoint.comlpersonaVrose scrrlaw comfDocuments/De ktopl ollateral A sipment of Master Development Agreement(04819971-3xD88 -3591 8625.2 00 .docx This Assignment is dated as of the date first stated alcove. ASSIGNOR: ISR CC, INC., a Delaware corporation y: Todd R.Nelson, President KR ACQUISITIONS LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: Todd R.Nelson, President Signature Page Coll.Assign. Master D v. Agmt. -Assignor Sank of Wisconsin Dells/Kalahari bound Rock 1' (2023) Execution Copy ttps: scar aw mrn-m .sharepoint.comlperonallrosea. crrlaw 111 coni/Doc tunents/Desktop/ ollateral Assignment of Master Development Agreement(04819971- x9D )-35918625.2 003 .docx ACCEPTED BY LENDER: BANK OF WISCONSIN DELLS y+ Kelly Bauer, Senior Vice President Signature Page-Coll. Assign.Master Deer. Agmt. -Lender Bank of Wisconsin Dells/Kalahari bound Rock T (2023) Execution Copy https://scrrlawadmin-my.sharepoint.com/personaVrose...scfflaw coni Document/Desktopf ollateral Assignment of Master Development Agreement(04819971-3x9D8 )-35918625.2 00 .docx EXHIBIT Description of Development Agreement 1. Master Development Agreement dated effective as of December 15,2016 y and among the City of Round Rock, Texas (the ' " , a borne rule city organized under the laws of the State of Texas, the Round Rock Transportation and Economic Development Corporation, a "Type B corporation" created under the authority of Chapter 501, Texas Local Government Code (the "TED Corp."), ISR Acquisitions LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (the "Developer"), and ISR CC, INC., a Delaware corporation (the "Tenant"). Signature Page Coll. Assign.Baster Dev. Agmt. -Lender Bank of Wisconsin Dells/Kalahari hound Rock TX(2023) Execution Copy https:lfscrria admin-m .sharepo nt.comlpersonaVrose scrrlaw conVDocu ents/Desktopl oIlateral Assignment of Master Development Agreement(0481997!-3x D882)-35918625.2 003).docx CONSENT The undersigned, City of Round Rock,, Texas, party to the Development Agreement described herein, hereby consents to this Collateral Assignment of Master Development Agreement and agrees, in the event Lender exercises its remedies under the Loan Documents, Lender shall have the rights of Assignor under the Development Agreement. CITY OF ROUND ROCK,TEXAS, a home rule city and municipal corporation m u By: 4 0 ao M- org Mayor I Date: APPROVED as to faun: Stephanie L. Sandr , City Attorney CONSENTS CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE FOLLOWING Signature Page-Coll. Assign. Master D v. Agmt■ -Consent by City Bank of Wisconsin Dells/Kalahari bound Rock TQC(2023) Execution Copy https://serriawadmin-my.sbareWint.com/personaUrusc scala corn/Documents/Desktop/Coll ate ml Assignment of Master Development Agreement(04819971-3x D882)-35918625.2(003).dock CONSENT The undersigned, bound Rock Transportation and Economic Development Corporation, part} to the Development Agreement described herein, hereby consents to this Collateral Assignment of Master Development Agreement and agrees, in the event Leader exercises its remedies and r the Loan Documents, Lender shall have the rights ofAssignor under the Development Agreement. ROUND ROCK TRANSPORTATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORP RATION r ene Flores, Free' Date. APPROVED as to form: Stephanie L. Sandre, Corporation's Attorney Signature Page Coll. Assign. Master Dev. A mt. -Consent by RRTEDC Bank of Wi sconstn Del IY alahan Round Rock"T (2023) Execution Copy https'!`scrrfawadmin mfr sharepoint co nVp e rsonaVrose scrrlaw conif ocumcnt/Dcsktop- oIIateral Assignment of Master Development Agreement 04 1 9 1-3x9D )-35918625 2(003).docx