Contract - Billy and Beverly Ketchum - 7/23/2015 MEMORANDUM OF SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT This is amemorandum of amediated settlement agreement,intended by the parties to comply with Rule 11,TexRCivP, and §154.071 TCPRC,entered into between Billy Ketchum and Beverly Ketchum (Together the "Ketchums"), the City of Round Rock, Texas ("CoRR"), and Freese & Nichols, Inc. ("F&N"),respecting all matters at issue in Cause No. 14-0643-C277;Billy Ketchum and Beverly Ketchum v. City of Round Roel; Texas and Freese & Nichols, Inc.; 277"' Judicial District Court,Williamson County, Texas(the "Lawsuit"). The parties agree as follows: 1. Substantive provisions: A. These terms are conditioned upon approval ("Approval") by all required governmental entities for funding of the proposed improvement to RR 620,adjacent to the Ketchums' property (the `.`Property") as identified in the pleadings of the Lawsuit,which shall result in the taking of the Property subject to the requirements of the Federal Relocation Assistance Benefits Act,which the Ketchums and CoRR anticipate will result in a payment to the Ketchums in the approximate amount of $247,000, more or less (Ketchums also to be able to remove any fixtures from the Property). Such Approval shall occur before 10/15/15,failing which any party may withdraw their consent to these terms. If any party withdraws consent to these terms following the time for Approval, this agreement shall be of no further force and effect. If Approval occurs before any party withdraws consent to these terms, all parties shall be bound by these terms B. Upon Approval, CoRR and F&N shall pay or cause to be paid to the Ketchums the additional sum of$62,500.00(CoRR:$5,000.00;F&N:$57,500.00),in exchange for which the parties will grant to one another,and to their respective affiliates,parents, subsidiaries, owners, directors, officers, employers, employees, engineers, consultants, agents,insurers and attorneys,a full and complete, general release for all matters at issue in, or related to the facts giving rise to,the Lawsuit; C. All attorneys' fees and costs will be borne by the parties as they were incurred. 2. On or before 30 days following Approval, the parties will enter into, and close with the payment of the cash sums stated in 2.A above, a formal compromise and settlement agreement reflecting the terms hereof,and providing for dismissal with prejudice of the Lawsuit. Initial drafts of the settlement documents will be prepared by the attorney for CoRR, subject to the reasonable approval of attorneys for the other parties. 3. The parties agree to reconvene the mediation if a dispute arises regarding the fiu-ther documentation,conclusion or performance ofthis settlement(but this provision does not imply that this agreement is not otherwise enforceable according to its terms). Executed: July 14,2015 [signatures on following page] 12—'2U l� 'iii crJ Parties: Attorney Approval as to Form: hX Billy Ket m B� Ketch CoRR &N -2-