Contract - Atkins North America, Inc. - 8/13/2015 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON § SUPPLEMENTAL CONTRACT NO.8 TO CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FIRM: ATKINS NORTH AMERICA,INC. ("Engineer") ADDRESS: 6504 Bridee Point Parkway,Suite 200,Austin,TX 78730 PROJECT: Creek Bend Boulevard This Supplemental Contract No. 8 to Contract for Engineering Services is made by and between the City of Round Rock, Texas, hereinafter called the "City" and Atkins North America, Inc., hereinafter called the"Engineer". WHEREAS, the City and Engineer executed a Contract for Engineering Services, hereinafter called the "Contract", on the 26th day of January, 2012 for the Creek Bend Boulevard Project in the amount of$179,898.43; and WHEREAS, the City and Engineer executed Supplemental Contract No. 1 on July 12, 2012 to amend the scope of services and to increase the compensation by $805,808.42 to a total of $985,706.85; and WHEREAS, the City and Engineer executed Supplemental Contract No. 2 on December 14, 2012 to amend the scope of services and to increase the compensation by $21,570.57 to a total of $1,007,277.42; and WHEREAS, the City and Engineer executed Supplemental Contract No. 3 on March 8, 2013 to amend the scope of services and to increase the compensation by $49,900.00 to a total of $1,057,177.42; and WHEREAS, the City and Engineer executed Supplemental Contract No. 4 on August 22, 2013 to amend the scope of services and to increase the compensation by $160,332.84 to a total of $1,217,510.26; and WHEREAS, the City and Engineer executed Supplemental Contract No. 5 on October 15, 2013 to amend the provisions for the scope of services; and WHEREAS,the City and Engineer executed Supplemental Contract No. 6 on March 13,2014 to amend the scope of services and to increase the compensation by $82,089.99 to a total of $1,299,600.25; and Supplemental Contract Rev.12/01/08 0199.7202:00339022 84275 WHEREAS, the City and Engineer executed Supplemental Contract No. 7 on October 9, 2014 to amend the scope of services and to increase the compensation by $186,383.73 to a total of $1,485,983.98; and WHEREAS, it has become necessary to amend the Contract to modify the provisions for the scope of services and to increase the compensation by $159,095.13 to a total of$1,645,079.11; NOW THEREFORE, premises considered, the City and the Engineer agree that said Contract is amended as follows: I. Article 2, Engineeriniz Services and Exhibit B, Engineering Services shall be amended as set forth in the attached Addendum To Exhibit B. Exhibit C, Work Schedule shall be amended as set forth in the attached Addendum To Exhibit C. II. Article 4, Compensation and Exhibit D, Fee Schedule shall be amended by increasing by $159,095.13 the lump sum amount payable under the Contract for a total of $1,645,079.11, as shown by the attached Addendum to Exhibit D. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Engineer have executed this Supplemental Contract in duplicate. AT NORTH AMERIC C. By: �r. Date CITY O �UyN�D ROCK APP VED S T FORM: By: Alan McGraw,Mayor StePhA L.Sheets,City Attorney & l-.2> 2ZQ Date Supplemental Contract Rev.12/01/08 0199.7202,00339022 84275 2 ADDENDUM TO EXHIBIT B Engineering Services PROJECT DESCRIPTION This Supplemental Contract consists of additional construction phase services relating to bridge inspection, progress meetings, review of pay applications, final walk through participation, and punch list preparation. TASK 1: SURVEYING—Not Included with this Supplemental TASK 2: ROUTE STUDY—Not Included with this Supplemental TASK 3: ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES—Not Included with this Supplemental TASK 4: PRELIMINARY DESIGN/30% PLANS—Not Included with this Supplemental TASK 5: PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1. Manage additional activities described in task 14. TASK 6: DIRECT EXPENSES 1. Mileage for site visits and meetings 2. Inspector vehicle maintenance, insurance, and fuel TASK 7: WATER IMPROVEMENTS—Not Included with this Supplemental TASK 8: UTILITY LOCATIONS/LAYOUTS—Not Included with this Supplemental TASK 9: GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN—Not Included with this Supplemental TASK 10: 60% PLANS—Not Included with this Supplemental TASK 11: 95% PLANS—Not Included with this Supplemental TASK 12: 100% PLANS/FINAL SUBMITTAL—Not Included with this Supplemental Page 1 of 3 TASK 13: 100% LANDSCAPING AND FENCE PLANS — Not Included with this Supplemental TASK 14: CONSTRUCTION PHASE SERVICES 1. The ENGINEER shall provide construction inspection services related to the bridge structure, including foundations, substructure and superstructure, for compliance with the Contract documents. Based on the contractor's baseline schedule it is assumed that the bridge inspection will last for 4 months. Inspection scope of services shall include: • Verify that the bridge structure is built according to the plans and specifications, and all contract documents • Verify the accuracy of the work and determine pay quantities by taking measurements of the quantities placed • Verify all the specifications are met for inspected items of work regarding materials, construction, measurement and payment • Verify and record daily quantities for each item of work for the purposes of review and approval of the contractor's monthly pay estimate • Verify all material sourcing information is from an approved source • Maintain a daily work report(DVWR)to document construction activity and progress • Collect and maintain all material tickets for the project files • Conduct pre-activity meetings prior to major operations • Coordinate and schedule necessary materials testing • Review and comment, as appropriate, on applicable material test reports • Document and facilitate the resolution of deficiencies • Conduct hold-point inspections utilizing check lists for the following structure elements: (1) Drill shafts (2) Footings (3) Columns (4) Caps (5) Abutments (6) Reinforcing steel (7) Deck panels (8) Deck forms (9) Overhangs (10) Deck grading (11) Deck reinforcing steel (12) Expansion joints • Attend bi-weekly project progress meetings • Review and comment, as applicable, on the contractor's monthly schedule of reported progress and planning • Review contractor's monthly pay request for approval • Coordinate resolution to requests for information(RFIs) • Assist, as applicable, in the development and review of change orders • Provide input on as-built drawings Page 2 of 3 2. Project Manager will attend weekly project status meetings. 3. Inspector will attend up to 25 bi-weekly progress meetings and prepare meeting notes/action items as appropriate. A site visit will also be performed in conjunction with the meeting to stay familiar with the status of the project. Progress meetings during the bridge inspection are included under bridge inspection. These additional 25 meetings are for the 11 months the bridge inspector is not on-site full time. 4. Review up to 11 monthly pay applications. Pay applications during the bridge inspection are included under bridge inspection. These additional 11 pay application reviews are for the 11 months the bridge inspector is not on-site full time. 5. The ENGINEER shall provide construction schedule support services for the following: • Review, analysis and comment of the contractor's baseline schedule • Review, analysis and comment of the contractor's monthly schedule updates • Review, analysis and comment of the contractor's final as-built schedule 6. Participate in final walkthrough and prepare the punch list. EXCLUSIONS 1. All bridge inspection services not specifically identified above, including but not limited to: • Geotechnical investigations and analysis • Materials testing • Construction survey; verification of contractor's horizontal and vertical control 2. All tasks related to delay and cost claims shall be considered supplemental services and subject to additional fee, specifically,but not limited to: • Time Impact Analyses (TIA)for delay claims • Claims defense, response and resolution DELIVERABLES 1. Meeting notes, when necessary, for bi-weekly progress meetings. 2. Material test report review comments. 3. Review for up to 15 monthly pay applications including supporting documentation. 4. Schedule review comments 5. Punch list. Page 3 of 3 ADDENDUM TO EXHIBIT C Work Schedule Attached Behind This Page reek Bmd Layout Creek Bend Blvd Extension Supplemental 8- Attachment C Current Date:23-Jul-15 Data Date 22-Jul-15 eme D—bon Welkm 1 73 2014 201 1 201 d d n Survey Phase 1010 Colect SlppYn Fbtl Do.A Rose MeppkV 28d m IO-Fetr12A 28-Feb12A Cobol a;N*M Fbtl Date B Prepare Mrporg I •11120 l0n1Dn CdlwW 3d Od '10-Fab-12A. 12-Fab12A j CrFmie 102 7kYCY SmPom 3d Od 12•Feb-12A 15-FaD12A MSeclkms 105Q Raba AFSMb 427 {I Od 118-Fab12A 07-Ms•12A nBE+Mes lam Tecbdce1Ms11send- 7d Od i 07-Mr-12A 65-Ms-12A Techs.IMemorm>dum 1080 OA/OC 7d Od O541r-12A 0848.-12A. OA/OC 1080 out"F7AbIS,CeLL6Y8TUh Mbo pd O0 f04As-12A SAna EYNoen-Coat Este A Tedi Merm 1100 Roud Rack Revblr A Cumad 21d W 12•Ms•12A 18-Ms-12A Routs Rook Revktx B C_. 1110 FWh.ReW MAY 14tl ad 10.6.•122 ZI-M.r-122 Fkudxe flarle 9udy 1180 ICrau Seen— 21d Da MMM-12A I 21-Apr-12A Cross S.- 1170 DrUp P,.Wk 7LSyaA 21tl Od 26-Ms-12A' 20-fpr-12A arkgep"Z-yLayml 1140 Roed..VPbla Pfdb 211 0d 26-Mer-12A 27-Apr-12A R.—q Pbn8Pmlb ..__ _Ap... 1180 ROltspe Pbm S6o 04 26 Mer-122 U-Apr-122 Draglege Pons 1180 Cod Esw b 7d Od 30-Apr-12A 024Aay12A Com Esleral. 1120 OA/OC 7d OE 30 Apr-12A 04-Mep12A OA/OC 1200 Sam220%Pbm Otl 0�0 f Of-WyfIIA SubnI OMG Pons 1210 Rdatl Rmk RevWrBCgmw1 tad Otl 07•AYy12A 16Mey12A Routs Rock Revbw a Cammem 1605 NIP Od ad DOJu412A NIP 1725 BSlEma 7011 We.Ron 37tl Od DBJLLI2A 244 -12A Repme89AmA 30%We1m Pbm 1770 Road Rock P-4-A C--t foa Od 27-Arrp•12A 07•5ep-12A Rand Rock Rrrb AComment 1748 Bary 73d Od 02J�12A 12.0.1-12A y 1113 Prepse a Sutra 80%Pbm ad Od O94LLMU 1844e1•12A P,;".eSW 1�K Rens '13M Rand RmkP Wr.a C. Me tOd Od 22-14.422 WD-12A Roud Rak Revbx a Camrnene 1710. aSrbra 25%P7A 75d 0d 0842so•12A 01-FdOU prepareASLbN125%Pk- 13M Rd.tl Rmk Revbsa Cale s Ind W Of-Fab13A 21-FW13A Roum Rock Revbwe Caves 1721 proud Rmk ROE sod Od o0JLL12A 1 13A Rout I RockAcquke ROE 1718 BNSbttlse.OrJaestlR4 aADSmy Rerbw 170d Od 09"12A 074-13A ENV Stueea.Document Rep aA2emy Review 1700 Lisoplryeln" 25d Od a4ft-17A ONASIN4A oeoptryeks suay 1756 C1WerJeyeel bnrtlPlbneaMsyeb BSd m 20•Aug-12A MJ414A - LleOwArkal Mes"WsaMelpis 13M RSPse a SW18100%Pbre(be4bq load I Od OI.6.•13A 15.Om-14A P,.W.BSub ID0% (1.Ldrg termbnl.Smnaess) Falwrlonb4me�e) 1610 RaWAI"111 Oe—d Peep 1281 Od ONuF12A 7147m•MA ROWAAU,1Non Rep f4oa Rard Rack RSVIwaCsmMe 15tl Da /8Om•14A OSJsn•ISA Rmk Revbwa Co me 1410 1 hd.100%Phan A Bd Dmnree 14d ad 084 -IIA 214—ISA a 100%Ph—& Dmumenb f340 Rmad RorkAaQYe ROW losd Od DO-Od-12A 27Jerv15A and Rock Acquee R 1375 BmYq Phase Sautes 201 Da 17Jen•15AI 11•.11A Obdng Paase Ser 1780 Cseemaon Phra Srdrr 221tl 221tl 1?-FeMiSA 7/•Aup-18 Cmehuclbn Pnese Sorvlees O Current Work D Critical Work Actual Laves of Effort Pago 1 0l 1 [ �j ® Actual Work lam— Remaining Level of Effort ♦ ♦Milestone \ It `( ADDENDUM TO EXHIBIT D Fee Schedule Total Total Other TOTALS Task Labor Hours Loaded Labor Cost Direct Costs Subconsultants Task 5: Project Management 40.0 $ 7,503.88 $ 7,503.88 Task 6: Direct Expenses $ 2,862.50 $ 2,862.50 Task 14: Construction Phase Services 1,190.0 $ 148,728.75 $ 148,728.75 GRAND TOTAL: 1,230.0 $ 156,232.63 $ 2,862.50 $ - $ 159,095.13 Overhead Rate= 170.07% Atkins Raw Labor= $ 51,650.84 Profit Rate= 12% Atkins Overhead= $ 87,842.58 Atkins Profit= $ 16.739.21 Atkins Total Labor= $ 156.232.63 CREEK BEND BLVD EXTENSION SUPPLEMENTAL#8 ATTACHMENT D TASK 5: PROJECT MANAGEMENT Task Description Project Design Admin/ Total Manager EIT Clerical Hours Rates $ 62.02 $ 34.82 $ 31.50 Project Management 1. Manage additional construction activities 40 40 Totals 40 40 Raw Labor $2,480.80 $ - $ - $ 2,480.80 Multiplier 3.02 3.02 3.02 $7,503.88 $ - $ - $ 7,503.88 Page 2 CREEK BEND BLVD EXTENSION SUPPLEMENTAL#8 ATTACHMENT D TASK 6: DIRECT EXPENSES Direct Cost Unit Quantity Unit Price Total Site Visits&Meetings Mileage Mile 1500 $0.575 $862.50 Vehicle Maintenance,Insurance&Fuel Month 4 $500.000 $2,000.00 Printing Exhibits Color on Bond SF $5.00 $0.00 Photocopies BAN 8.5 X 11 EA $0.05 $0.00 Photocopies BAN 11 X 1 EA $0.10 $0.00 Mylar Plots 11 X 17 EA $2.50 $0.00 Overni ht Mail-letter size EA $17.50 $0.00 Overnight Mail-oversized box EA $35.00 $0.00 Courier Services EA $37.501 $0.00 Total Direct Expenses $2,862.50 Page 3 CREEK BEND BLVD EXTENSION SUPPLEMENTAL#8 ATTACHMENT D TASK 14: CONSTRUCTION PHASE SERVICES Senior Project Senior Design Design Project Senior Admin/ Total Task Description Project Manager Engineer Engineer EIT Inspector Scheduler Clerical Hours Manager Rates $ 78.85 $ 62.02 $ 63.59 $ 37.64 $ 34.82 $ 36.50 $ 50.13 $ 31.50 Construction Phase Services 1. Bridge inspection Assume 4 months 688 1 688.0 2. PM attend weekly progress meetings 150 150.0 2. Inspector attend bl-weekly progress meetings includes site visit and notes re 200 200.0 3. Review pay applications 8 20 28.0 4. Review monthly schedule submittals 16 80 96.0 5. Final walkthrough and punch list prep 8 20 28.0 Totals 182.0 928.0 80.0 1,190.0 Raw Labor $ - $11,287.64 $ - $ - $ - $33,872.00 $4,010.40 $ - $ 49,170.04 Multiplier 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02 $ - $ 34,143 $ - $ - $ - $ 102,455 $ 12,131 $ - $148 728.75 Page 4