Contract - Freese and Nichols, Inc. - 8/27/2015 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON § SUPPLEMENTAL CONTRACT NO. 1 TO CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FIRM: FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. ("Engineer") ADDRESS: 10431 Morado Circle, Buildinlz 5, Suite 300,Austin, TX 78759 PROJECT: Dry Branch Tributaries This Supplemental Contract No. 1 to Contract for Engineering Services is made by and between the City of Round Rock, Texas, hereinafter called the "City" and Freese and Nichols, Inc., hereinafter called the "Engineer". WHEREAS, the City and Engineer executed a Contract for Engineering Services, hereinafter called the "Contract", on the 8th day of August, 2014 for the Dry Branch Tributaries Project in the amount of$48,572.00; and WHEREAS, it has become necessary to amend the Contract to modify the provisions for the scope of services and to increase the compensation by$228,637.00 to a total of$277,209.00; NOW THEREFORE, premises considered, the City and the Engineer agree that said Contract is amended as follows: I. Article 1, City Services and Exhibit A, City Services shall be amended as set forth in the attached Addendum To Exhibit A. II. Article 2, Engineering Services and Exhibit B, Engineering Services shall be amended as set forth in the attached Addendum To Exhibit B. Exhibit C. Work Schedule shall be amended as set forth in the attached Addendum To Exhibit C. III. Article 4, Compensation and Exhibit D, Fee Schedule shall be amended by increasing by $228,637.00 the lump sum amount payable under the Contract for a total of $277,209.00, as shown by the attached Addendum to Exhibit D. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Engineer have executed this Supplemental Contract in duplicate. Supplemental Contract Rev.12/01/08 0199.1443;00339342 84275 FREESE AND NICHOLS, IN�. By: Vt A4. -101z 0-11/J� Date CITY OF OUND ROCK APP ED S TO ORM: By: N ! Alan cGraw, Mayor Stepha L. Sheets, City Attorney Date Supplemental Contract Rev.12/01/08 0199.1443;00339342 84275 2 City of Round Rock Dry Branch Tributaries Contract for Engineering Services Addendum to EXHIBIT A City Services Exhibit A"City Services" in the Contract for Engineering Services between the City of Round Rock and Freese and Nichols, Inc. dated August 8, 2014 is amended by Supplemental Contract No. 1 as follows: Delete Item 4 in it's entirely and replace with the following: 114. Assist the Engineer as necessary in obtaining access, or right-of-entry,to properties to allow for observations or data acquisition during execution of the Contract." A-1 of 1 City of Round Rock Dry Branch Tributaries Contract for Engineering Services Addendum to EXHIBIT B Engineering Services Exhibit B "Engineering Services" in the Contract for Engineering Services between the City of Round Rock and Freese and Nichols, Inc. dated August 8, 2014 is amended by Supplemental Contract No. 1 as follows: 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Add the following at the end of paragraph 2: Furthermore,the project will include the final design modeling, development of the plans, specifications, and associated documents for one or more of the schematic design alternatives selected by the City, and assistance during the bid and construction phases. 2. SCOPE OF WORK Add the following to the bulleted list: • Task 6: Design Surveys, Geotechnical Investigation, and Site Visits • Task 7: Final Design • Task 8: Environmental Permitting • Task 9: Bid and Construction Phase Services 2.1 Work Breakdown Structure Tasks and Description 2.1.1 Task 1: Proiect Management At the end of the section delete "for a period of 3 months" 2.1.3 Letter Report Delete the section number 2.1.3 and replace with 2.1.5 Add the following after Section 2.1.5: 2.1.6 Task 6: Design Surveys,Geotechnical Investigation,and Site Visits a. Make up to two site visits to examine existing conditions and validate design decisions during preparation of the final design documents. b. Design Survey:Coordinate with CP&Y(Wallace Group)to perform site surveys for each of the Project Areas based on their attached detailed scope of services. A summary of the services is as follows: • Survey will include horizontal and vertical control to be included in the construction plans to establish project construction in the field. Horizontal B-1 of 5 City of Round Rock Dry Branch Tributaries Contract for Engineering Services control shall be North American Datum 1983 on the Texas State Grid Coordinate System Central Zone Grid Coordinates carried to the second- order accuracy to permit construction staking to third-order accuracy. Vertical control shall be based on the U.S. Geological Survey North American Vertical Datum 1988 (NAVD 88). • Conduct a topographic survey of the project sites as identified in attached detailed scope of work including one-foot contours; location of boundary monuments,easements,and ROW lines;surface features including utilities, structures, and trees; infrastructure parameters such as flow lines, pipe size, and material for utilities and storm drain; "locates" for underground utilities shall be obtained and such locates shall be captured in the survey. • Provide and submit one sealed and signed hard copy of the survey drawings and one digital AutoCAD copy with an ASCII file of points collected. • Project Areas are generally defined as follows and shown on the exhibit attached to the detailed scope of work: • Mimosa Trail—Survey limits will be from just upstream of Mimosa Trail to the downstream confluence (about 550 feet downstream of the road) and from the edge of easement to edge of easement on either side of the channel.The survey includes a portion of the Mimosa Trail ROW on either side of the creek for access determination and a number of spot shots to verify elevations at critical locations. • Dry Branch Reach 1- Survey limits will be from approximately 50-feet upstream of the existing concrete chute at Canyon Trail to the downstream concrete drop structure (about 625 feet) and will be from the edge of the existing drainage easement on the west to the edge of the easement on the east side of the channel. On the east side of the existing easement addition survey will include portions of lots 4 and 5 to provide information for relocating the channel into the easement and tying in to natural grade. • Dry Branch East Tributary—The survey limits will extend from the existing concrete drop structure upstream to approximately 50-feet upstream of the confluence of the two small tributaries (approximately 1,200 feet of channel). The survey will extend approximately 20-feet outside of the existing drainage easements on both sides of the channel. The new survey will use the data previously gathered during the 2008 survey of this project area to the extent practicable in an effort to reduce costs. • Local Drainage Area — The survey will include an approximately 50-foot wide strip from the centerline of the channel east past the existing privacy fences (about 450 feet). • Local Drainage Area Easement— Preparation of the Metes and Bounds for acquisition of a permanent drainage easement if needed. C. Geotechnical Investigation and Recommendations: Coordinate with Holt Engineering to perform geotechnical drilling,testing, and engineering to provide recommendations and stability analysis for the gravity block wall design for the Dry Branch East Tributary Channel Improvements based on their attached detailed scope of work. B-2 of 5 City of Round Rock Dry Branch Tributaries Contract for Engineering Services 2.1.7 Task 7: Final Design a. Final Hydraulic Modeling: Prepare final hydraulic models based on survey data to reflect the final design configurations.The final hydraulic models will include: Mimosa Improvements — the final design configuration will be determined with the City based upon revised"maximum excavation", "minimum excavation", and upstream pond (insert pond designed by others) hydraulic models. It is anticipated that the proposed Mimosa Improvements model results will be submitted to the City for selection of the final design configuration prior to proceeding with development of the plans. Dry Branch Reach 1, Dry Branch East Tributaries, and local drainage area —the final design configurations and hydraulic models will be revised based on topographic surveys and adjustments made during design with City input. The models of the Dry Branch Reach 1 and East Tributaries will be revised in conjunction with development of the plans. b. Plan Preparation - FNI will further refine the selected alternatives based on feedback and comments provided by the City. In addition, any updates to the hydraulic modeling will be incorporated into the plans as they progress towards the 100% PS&E • The City of Round Rock standard construction contract documents will be used. • For the purpose of budgeting and scheduling, it is assumed that the major project areas will be bid as one project. • Hydraulic models will be updated as needed based on survey and final design configurations/changes made during final design to reflect the proposed conditions. C. 60% Design (Interim). Upon City selection of final design configuration prepare 60% construction documents. The 60% submittal will include preliminary drawings (notes sheets, traffic control, layout sheets for the channel modifications, construction work areas, tree protection, typical cross-sections, erosion and sediment controls, and standard details), and an updated opinion of probable construction cost. d. Final (100%) Design Submittal. Upon receipt of the City's 60% review comments FNI will prepare the 100%construction contract documents. e. Technical Specifications - Technical Specifications will be based on the City's Standard Specifications and be supplemented where necessary. This scope of services includes preparation of a City Bid Form and Technical Specifications Amendments to be included in a standard Project Manual, but does not include preparation of an entire Project Manual. f. Submittal Preparation - FNI will prepare electronic copies of the Plans Preparations for the interim and 100% PS&E submittal. For the 100%submittal, this shall include a copy of any hydrologic and hydraulic modeling along with any spreadsheets used in the preparation of the technical analysis. g. Engineer's Estimate of Probable Construction Costs - Upon completion of design an Engineer's Estimate of Probable Construction Costs will be developed and included with the final submittal package. B-3 of 5 City of Round Rock Dry Branch Tributaries Contract for Engineering Services h. Deliverables- Deliverables will include 1 original plus 3 copies of the construction plans, produced on 22" x 34" sheets, three sets of technical specification amendments, and the Engineer's Estimate. Hard copies and electronic (PDF) copies of each deliverable will be provided. 2.1.8 Task 8: Environmental Permitting a. Make at least one site visit to each project site to identify existing conditions and potential environmental constraints. b. Prepare a memorandum to file summarizing the site conditions, proposed improvements, and permitting requirements. • The projects are located outside of the Edward's Aquifer Contributing and Recharge zones so no EAPP is required. • The Dry Branch East Tributaries were submitted for THC coordination in 2008 and was cleared. If needed FNI will submit a THC coordination letter for the Dry Branch Reach 1 and Mimosa Trail projects. • Federal Permitting. Prepare the PCN for each project. Based on preliminary review of the existing conditions and proposed improvements it appears the Mimosa Trail Channel Improvements, Dry Branch East Tributary Channel Improvements, and Dry Branch Reach 1 Channel Improvements can be covered by Nationwide Permit (NWP); however, due to the lengths of the projects they will require notification and coordination with the USACE District Engineer. A jurisdictional determination report will be prepared for each of the three channel improvement projects in support of the pre-construction notification (PCN) if needed. • Due to the existing conditions of the Dry Branch Reach 1 Channel and the need for channel realignment, it is possible that the USACE will not allow the project to proceed under the NWP. • The District Engineer has the discretion to require submittal of a pre- construction notification (PCN) for projects under a NWP that exceed the minimum thresholds for notification. • If the projects are not covered under the NWP and require submittal of additional documents to the USACE those will be completed as additional service 2.1.9 Task 9: Bid and Construction Phase Services a. When and as requested by the City, the Engineer will provide Bidding and/or Construction Administration services; typical services that could be selected by the City include, but shall not be limited,to the following: • Prepare for and conduct the Pre-bid meeting; be available to discuss and answer questions regarding the construction Drawings, specifications, and other pertinent items. • Review Contractorwork experience and references;issue recommendation of award to City. • Prepare "Release for Construction" sets of Drawings and issue to City and Contractor prior to or at Pre-construction conference; sets shall B-4 of 5 City of Round Rock Dry Branch Tributaries Contract for Engineering Services incorporate any clarifications resulting from any addenda issued or other appropriate modifications prior to issuance. • Prepare for and conduct Pre-construction Conference. • Review Contractor submittals; issue comments and/or recommendations. • Review Requests for Information (RFI's) from the Contractor during construction and issue appropriate responses or clarifications to both the City and the Contractor. • Visit the project site up to 12 times during construction (approximately every other week)to observe the general progress and quality of the work. • Coordinate and conduct the final "walk-through" of the completed work; prepare and issue punch list to Contractor and the City. • Prepare record drawings from information readily observed during site visits, or as provided by the City and the Contractor. 3. KEY PERSONNEL Add the following to table B-1: NAME TITLE Blaine Laechelin, P.E. Project Engineer Claire Guzman, E.I.T. Staff Engineer Tanner Griffin, LEED AP, CDT Construction Management B-5 of 5 HENGINEE tT I,GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERINGCONSTRUCTION INSPECTION DRILLING&SAMPLING RLABORATORY TESTING FOUNDATION DESIGN - --- - MATERIALS TESTING 22 July 2015 Freese and Nichols, Inc. 10431 Morado Circle Suite 300 Austin,Texas 78759 Attn: Mr.Jerome(Jay) W. Scanlon I11, P.E., CFM, ENV-SP Re: Stream Bank Improvements Ray Bergland Boulevard Round Rock, Texas Dear Mr. Scanlon: As per your request, we are providing a cost estimate for the Stream Bank Improvements along Ray Bergland Boulevard in Round Rock, Texas. It is our understanding the City of Round Rock is planning improvements to the stream channel and embankments. We recommend drilling, logging and sampling 3 to 5 borings to depths of 10 feet to 15 feet. Any rights-of-entry needed should be obtained by the City. The purpose of the borings is to determine the subsurface soil conditions and obtain samples for laboratory testing. Laboratory testing will be provided on selected soil samples; however, we expect minimal testing will be needed at this time. We will provide an engineering report with boring logs,boring location plan,description ofsubsurface conditions and preliminary recommendations for suitable bank stabilization options. We will provide the engineer with soil design parameters such as cohesion,phi angle and unit weight.We are providing options for global stability analysis for the proposed repair options for the bank stabilization, if needed, at three cross sections. We have attached a cost estimate and conditions for the initial geotechnical investigation and engineering services. The cost for our services will range from approximately $5,542.00 to $5,820.00 depending on the actual soil conditions encountered. We appreciate the opportunity to offer our services and we look forward to working with you on this project. If we can answer any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, /_ - ae Steve B.John , P.E. Manager Geotechnical Division Holt Engineering, Inc. TBPE Firm Registration No. F-430 2220 Barton Skyway-Austin,Texas-78704-Ph.(512)447-8166-Fax(512).1.17-0852 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION FOR STREAM BANK IMPROVEMENTS RAY BERGLAND BOULEVARD ROUND ROCK,TEXAS COST ESTIMATE: I. Engineer's Site Visits: 3 Hrs. @$165.00/Hr..................................................$ 495.00 2. Rig Mobilization:............................................................................................. 550.00 3. Drilling, Logging,and Sampling: 3 Borings @ 15 Ft/Ea. @$300.00/Ea.............................................................. 900.00 4. Laboratory Testing(Atterberg Limits, Unconfined Compression Tests, Minus#200 Sieve Tests, Moisture Contents, etc.):............................... 600.00 5. Engineering Report with Embankment Design Criteria& Construction Considerations:......................................................................... 1,500.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST.............................................................$ 4,045.00 6. Stability Analysis: 3 Cross Sections ............................................................... 1.500.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST WITH ANALYSIS............................$ 51545.00 COST ESTIMATE RANGE-$5,542.00 to$5,820.00 • CLIENT INFORMATION: (Responsible Billing Party) This information must be filled out before the geotechnical investigation can be scheduled. The undersigned agrees to the above scope of work and is responsible for payment. Company Name(if applicable): Date: Printed Name/Title: Signature: Mailing Address: Email: Phone: Fax: Please let us know if you would like an electronic copy (pdf file) of the report sent to the Architect, Structural Engineer, Contractor, etc. Thank you. (1) (2) (3) Name Email Address(if known) Stream Bank improvements 22 July 2015 Page 2 of 3 sbj � � _- 2220 Barton Skyway-Austin.'rexas-78701-Ph_(5 12)447-8166-Fax(512)447-0852 j y EKGL"FEJMG. i THE ATTACHED COST ESTIMATE IS BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: I. This cost estimate is based on the site being accessible for our truck-mounted drill rig. 2. Depending on weather conditions, some rutting of site may occur and should be expected. 3. Right of entry and right to clear vegetation if necessary, will be provided by others. 4. Holt will notify Dig Tess to locate public utilities. Private utilities must be located by the landowner prior to the drilling operation. Holt will make a reasonable effort.to avoid underground utilities; however, if a utility should be breached it is the property owner's responsibility for repairs. 5. The attached cost estimate may change based on changes or alterations to the scope of services. Additional costs may be incurred for engineering consultation with the Architect, Structural Engineer, and/or Contractor. 6. The cost estimates included in this proposal are guaranteed for 90 days from the date of this cost estimate. 7. Items and costs provided in the cost estimate may be moved between the various work elements to accommodate the overall project budget. In addition, engineering hours may shift between the various tasks as needed to complete the scope of the project as demands dictate. S. Payment is due within 30 days Net from date of invoice. Clients with outstanding balances past 30 days are subject to a late fee. It is the client's responsibility to report billing errors immediately upon receipt. 9. This is an agreement between the parties,whose names appear above,and no one else. Further,this agreement is not intended for any other person's benefit. The parties agree that there are no express or implied warranties applicable to the professional services provided under this agreement; instead, performance under this agreement will be measured by the standards of care applicable to licensed professional engineers in Texas. We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and look forward to working with you on this project. Please call us if we can be of any additional assistance. Stream Bank Improvements 22 July 2015 Page 3 of 3 R sbj 2220 Barton Skyway-Austin,Texas-78704-Ph.(512)447-8166-Fax(5 12)447-0852HVIRUT THE WALLACE " j"ROUILID engineers architects surveyors \\� A CP&Y COMPANY July 27, 2015 Jerome (Jay)W.Scanlon III, P.E., CFM Freese and Nichols, Inc. 10431 Morado Circle, Building 5, Suite 300 Austin,Texas 78759 RE: Proposal for Professional Surveying Services Design Surveys—4 Project Areas in Round Rock,TX. Dear Mr.Scanlon, Thank you for the opportunity for The Wallace Group (TWG) to provide professional surveying services in connection with your request to perform survey services as outlined by you in an email with attachments sent to the attention of Dan Flaherty via email on June 28, 2015 and July 27, 2015 (see attached). Based upon our understanding of your needs at this time, we propose the following specific services: A. SCOPE OF SERVICES 1. Dry Branch Reach 1 TWG will provide the professional and technical staff necessary to perform a detailed topographic survey of the area highlighted in red on the attached exhibit. The survey will include topo, hardwood trees (8" or greater), surface features, visible utilities within existing easement, and fence lines within or on the edge of the easement. Survey will begin about 50-feet upstream of concrete chute at Canyon Trail downstream to the existing concrete flume. We will verify existing 100-foot easement location. 2. Dry Branch East Tributaries TWG will provide the professional and technical staff necessary to perform a detailed topographic survey of the area highlighted in red on the attached exhibit. The survey will include topo, hardwood trees (8" or greater), surface features, fence lines and visible utilities within or on the edge of the easement. Survey will begin about at the downstream concrete chute and go upstream approx. 1,200 feet. We will verify existing easement(s) location. TWG will go a little beyond the edge of the easement for tie-in and possible construction easements (approx. 20-ft.). 3. Mimosa Trail—Downstream Channel Improvements TWG will provide the professional and technical staff necessary to perform a detailed topographic survey of the area highlighted in red on the attached exhibit. The survey will include topo, hardwood trees (8" or greater), surface features, fence lines and visible utilities within or on the edge of the easement. We will verify existing easement location. www.wallace-group.com WACO KILLEEN DALLAS ROUND ROCK 1 Chisholm Trail,Suite 130,Round Rock,Texas 78681 512.248.0065 TOPE F-5-1 TBP!S 10051701 THE WALLACE GROUP Page of Freese and Nichols,Inc. I Jay Scanlon July 27,2015 TWG will also obtain finish floor elevations on 4 structures and detail 1 storm drain inlet as shown on the attached exhibit. 4. Local Drainage Issue(diversion berm or ditch?) TWG will provide the professional and technical staff necessary to perform a detailed topographic survey of the area highlighted in red on the attached exhibit. The survey will run along the wooden fence of 3 houses to apparent fence east and to the center of the channel to the west. Survey will include topo and hardwood trees (8" or greater) for an approx.50-foot wide strip. B. SUMMARY OF FEES Item Description Fee Basis Amount 1. Dry Branch Reach 1 Survey Lump Sum $6,500.00 2. Dry Branch East Tributaries Lump Sum $12,000.00 3. Mimosa Trail—DS Improvements Lump Sum $8,100.00 4. Local Drainage Issue Lump Sum $3,200.00 TOTAL $29,800.00 TWG will prepare field notes and exhibit maps for any proposed easements for an additional fee of $1,200 each. Easements in excess of 2,000 feet or exceeding 8 courses due to meandering geometry will be counted as two easements. We made the following assumptions in preparing this proposal: • The City of Round Rock and Freese & Nichols, Inc. will assist TWG in obtaining necessary right- of-entry. • We will conduct the necessary research in order to obtain plats and deeds to help us establish the applicable boundaries or easements for the 4 areas (or as needed). • All horizontal and vertical data will be based on the City of Round Rock control network (Texas State Plane Coordinate System,Central Zone, NAD83 & NAVD88). • We will contact Texas One-Call (Texas 811) for marking of underground utilities for the segments adjacent to public right-of-ways and field locate paint marks and pin flags. • All survey data will be reviewed by a Registered Professional Land Surveyor. • TWG will utilize both GPS and traditional methods to survey,whichever is deemed best for that particular situation. • Our field crew will consist of 2 or 3 men wearing easily identifiable uniforms with lime green safety vests and their crew truck will have the company name on the side. • Trees having a diameter of less than 8"will not be located. • TWG will provide an electronic file of the survey in AutoCAD Civil 3D Format. THE WALLACE GROUP Page 3 of 3 Freese and Nichols,Inc. I Jay Scanlon July 27,2015 C. SCHEDULE TWG can commence the work effort within three (3) to five (5) working days of receipt of Notice to Proceed and complete all four design surveys within twenty (20) to twenty-five (25) working days after that. D. ADDITIONAL SERVICES Any services not mentioned in Section A above may be provided for an additional fee and will be billed at our standard hourly rates. Certificate of Insurance is available upon request. All surveying services are under the jurisdiction of the Texas Board of Professional Land Surveying, Building A, Suite 156, 12100 Park 35 Circle, Austin, Texas 78753 (512-239-5263). Any complaints about surveying services should be sent to the above address to the attention of the Complaints Offices of the Board. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you and look forward to being of service. If you think we have omitted any service you require or misinterpreted your request, please let me know. Thanks for inviting us to propose. Respectfully submitted, The Wallace Group, A CP&Y, Inc.Company r f _ aDaniellM.� Flaherty, R.P.L.S. ^� Survey Dept. Manager ACCEPTED: Freese and Nichols, Inc. Authorizing Signature/Title Date 4 DRY BRANCH EAST DRY BRANCH REACH 1 TRIBUTARIES f , Topo,trees,surface features �c� "�', Topo,trees,surface features �i � �'?i and utilities within existing �� '� i� ,,; �;_., ,� `+�>i��.-•and utilities within existing � ,;, easement...pick up fencelines � E'� � ,'easement...pick up fencelines � r' within or on the edge of the ,.�, _ •, �^w 'i'i 4h�.__ and utilities within or on the ;;�I easenment.... Begin about 50- r. •-` - �, t� i; ;rl r,_ ;• ` �� edge of the easenment.... #hj feet upstream of concrete 'Ale , �� Begin at the downstream �l chute at Canyon Trail ,! � �,:r Alp FL �, r'.. ;'M concrete chute and go �t fi 1:'�:, downstream to the existing '} ,�.� `f;st �� �'., upstream approximately 1200 �+ I _� t., feet to survey channel for ti 'i}1 � �,+ Verify existing 100-foot � � ., � ;j �: • � ', �� j1 �P -r easement tion within the a „} f i� *` easement location from ;, previous survey(FNI prowde). � ��':, Verify existing easements) '� P; � ,, "t- location from previous survey y�+, (FNI provide)...Need to go a � ' little beyond the edge of the Fl �1 f' _ '� easement on both sides to , r ' .. I allow for tie-in and possible � ,;;I�� ' � temporary construction �! � easements(approx 20-ft) 4;+ a o Dry Branch Reach 1 Dry Branch East Tributaries { i -- �y' ► Y �.. � � � I � � �,: t y �, rte. � � ��- ��'� . __.�e►_. tl `l•' .' +, �✓.tel• .'1��'.s -'� 1 ,': t'. •� .aa •' :P� 1:�, .� .V. 'f' 7�q' w o,� �ice` ,, x/;� ,f�+i� • Ilk- 14 �, � tt ':i. y•j,•-� '1� ••mac ,�., `S1� � � ,�+.� 1 =aka t yt .. S l�`x91 ✓., : YL , ..•1 � � 3 rW.- '4 alp kk � _ •air� .�.°; ��� � ?I � � � .. „ —("s.c" .-—�.,, Am it I • r ti �'� , f L ,; .'r .tiy y� �1 '�'t � .:4 -Ap �s •,� 1�. A' `� ! '.\ -1�". .. . r� � �,�� �' ".i:, ,. .{` y, yyg IL Ir I L. 4 Zi., �} _` `moi. ' ► , r s/+ / t .,y+r a .,. r t-1 � ��� i`�'• V 3 �'` �{ �s t� 1 w,�, r_-!� }�Ct, �s•j!. 'i' � 3./""' 1 •>!1 ` ./ /� icif J s•' !inlet (rim, top, fl, etc) AW r11 1�1uEasement and »osP-,Tra l d • r ,s 4r � F r .Id O ' -�FjU r epi"t l"�• . ... '�.,Aw � l�h(�u'.x'3:11 ---� � _.,(�(• '� r Yom$-. '�'.. ..iil7��; � � �r.� r _.� i �• C {i,•;7� r�� _•%}� •� i� r tir ,�.I*. ® .. `. • Downstream • • 'houses/ __ min Vis' l • • •••_ Fence of 3 Ilk ,• r�1'� �� - JS71 �' —Trees• • - x6a a 1 ,_• `i. .T. f ` • ••• 50 •e w N !` i ` i r T x, �" " � r ��:.. .. . .tea _, � �'�°`• \\� � Ikl Poe '-Vat— r s Ahs It r, .' w. i .�U- '- •-tib f �A 401�'_��cti1� Y 4; ( gq-?, C_-Jrth t 'Local Drainage Issue (diversion berm or ditch?) ` a . City of Round Rock Dry Branch Tributaries Contract for Engineering Services Addendum to EXHIBIT C Work Schedule Exhibit C"Work Schedule" in the Contract for Engineering Services between the City of Round Rock and Freese and Nichols, Inc. dated August 8, 2014 is amended to include the design schedule and anticipated bid and construction phase durations as shown below. ID Ta ask Name 'Duration rn Finish Predecessors Mol 2015 Qtr4 2015 Qtr 1 2016 QV 2 2016 9 AUR I Sep Ji Oct Ji Nov I Dec I Jan I FeblMarlApr JMayJJun 1 ;,Project Duration 340 days Mon 8/31/15 Fri 12/16/16 i 4 C3 o Notice to Proceed 0 days Mon 8/31/15 Mon 8/31/15 ♦16/3 5 4 Project Initiation 5 days Mon 8/31/15 Fri 9/4/15 4 g� G p Survey 25 days Mon 9/7/15 Fri 10/9/15 r7 11 E Final Design .100 days Mon 10/12/15 Fri 2/26/16 19I I o Permitting 120 days Mon 9/7/15 Fri 2/19/16 25 p Bid and Award 65 days Mon 2/29/16 Fri 5/27/16 t 32 ,Construction Phase .125 days Mon 5/30/16 Fri 11/18/16 36 Project Closeout 4 wks Mon 11/21/16 Fri 12/16/16 32 I Task O External Milestone C Manual Summary Rollup� split Inactive Task Manual5ummary �1 Project;DST Schedule_02 Milestone ♦ Inactive Milestone Start-only C Date:Thu 7/16/15 Summary Inactive Summary � Finish-only 7 Project Summary 9�� Manual Task O Deadline i External Tasks iiiw� Duration-only ..,...,.... ___.. Progress Page 1 C-1 of 1 City of Round Rock Dry Branch Tributaries Contract for Engineering Services Addendum to EXHIBIT D Fee Schedule Exhibit D "Fee Schedule" in the Contract for Engineering Services between the City of Round Rock and Freese and Nichols, Inc. dated August 8, 2014 is amended by Supplemental Contract No. 1 as follows: Project Name: Dry Branch Tributaries Supplemental Contract No.1 Amount Total Other Labor Total Loaded Direct Subconsultants TOTALS Task Hours Labor Cost Costs Task 1: Project Management 60 $10,540.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10,540.00 Task 6: Survey,Geotech,Site Visits 20 $3,052.00 $0.00 $38,020.00 $41,072.00 Task 7: Final Design 958 $124,118.00 $0.00 $0.00 $124,118.00 Task 8: Environmental Permitting 296 $38,638.00 $0.00 $0.00 $38,638.00 Task 9: Bid and Construction Phase Services 107 $13,769.00 $500.00 $0.00 $14,269.00 SUPPLEMENTAL TOTAL: 1441 $190,117.00 $500.00 $38,020.00 $228,637.00 Original Contract Amount Total Other Labor Total Loaded Direct Subconsultants TOTALS Task Hours Labor Cost Costs Task 1: Project Management 29 $4,843.00 $20.00 $0.00 $4,863.00 Task 2: Date Review and Field Reconn 54 $7,303.00 $40.00 $0.00 $7,343.00 Task 3: Update Existing H&H Analysis 82 $9,890.00 $20.00 $0.00 $9,910.00 Proposed Analysis and Task 4: Recommendations 145 $18,256.00 $20.00 $0.00 $18,276.00 Task 5: Prepare Letter Report 63 $8,160.00 $20.00 $0.00 $8,180.00 ORIGNINALTOTAL: 373 $48,452.00 $120.00 $0.00 $48,572.00 Total Contract Amount Total Other Labor Total Loaded Direct Subconsultants TOTALS Task Hours Labor Cost Costs Task 1: Project Management 89 $15,383.00 $20.00 $0.00 $15,403.00 Task 2: Date Review and Field Reconn 54 $7,303.00 $40.00 $0.00 $7,343.00 Task 3: Update Existing H&H Analysis 82 $9,890.00 $20.00 $0.00 $9,910.00 Proposed Analysis and Task 4: Recommendations 145 $18,256.00 $20.00 $0.00 $18,276.00 Task 5: Prepare Letter Report 63 $8,160.00 $20.00 $0.00 $8,180.00 Task 6: Survey,Geotech,Site Visits 20 $3,052.00 $0.00 $38,020.00 $41,072.00 Task 7: Final Design 958 $124,118.00 $0.00 $0.00 $124,118.00 Task 8: Environmental Permitting 296 $38,638.00 $0.00 $0.00 $38,638.00 Task 9: Bid and Construction Phase Services 107 $13,769.00 $500.00 $0.00 $14,269.00 TOTAL: 1814 $238,569.00 $620.00 $38,020.00 $277,209.00 D-1 of 1