Contract - HDR Engineering Inc - 2/26/2015 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON § SUPPLEMENTAL CONTRACT NO. 1 TO CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FIRM: HDR ENGINEERING,INC. ("Engineer") ADDRESS: 810 Hesters Crossing,Suite 120,Round Rock,TX 78681 PROJECT: Downtown Improvements This Supplemental Contract No. 1 to Contract for Engineering Services is made by and between the City of Round Rock, Texas, hereinafter called the "City" and HDR Engineering, Inc., hereinafter called the"Engineer". WHEREAS, the City and Engineer executed a Contract for Engineering Services, hereinafter called the "Contract", on the 12th clay of June, 2014 for the Downtown Improvements Project in the amount of$250,000.00; and WHEREAS, it has become necessary to amend the Contract to modify the provisions for the scope of services and to increase the compensation by$342,172.00 to a total of$592,172.00; NOW THEREFORE, premises considered, the City and the Engineer agree that said Contract is amended as follows: I. Article 2, Engineering Services and Exhibit B, Engineering Services shall be amended as set forth in the attached Addendum To Exhibit B. IL Article 4, Compensation and Exhibit D, Fee Schedule shall be amended by increasing by $342,172.00 the lump sum amount payable under the Contract for a total of $592,172.00, as shown by the attached Addendum to Exhibit D. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Engineer have executed this Supplemental Contract in duplicate. Supplemental Contract Rev,12/01/08 0199.1480;00328576 84275 HDR 2i GINEE , NC. By. SH-&b 5 t✓ 1 v t C� PP—CStD� r VGA Date CITY 0,IWOUND ROCK AP " 1 VED AS II FORM: By: /t - Ohl Alan McGraw,Mayor Steph L.Sheets,Cit*Attorney Date Supplemental Contract Rev.12/01/08 0199.1480;00328576 84275 2 EXHIBIT B Task Order 02 amends the original scope to include the following: REVIEW OF EXISTING DATA AND DATA COLLECTION NO CHANGES IL UTILTIY COORDINATION(Assume 8 utility companies) D. Perform utility coordination and liaison activities, including:proper notifications to utility owners, conduct utility coordination meetings, disseminate Master Plan improvement development schematics to all utility owners and obtain planned utility infrastructure upgrades that may be considered for installation during Master Plan improvement construction.A maximum of one (1) additional formal utility coordination meetings with affected utility owners is anticipated. E. Additional hours have been added to: Create a Utility Layout showing all existing utilities, Master Plan improvements and background image to assist in the coordination with the utility companies and easily identify potential conflicts. F. Identify potential utility conflicts between the existing utilities and proposed Master Plan improvements and take reasonable efforts to avoid or minimize the extent of relocations necessary to construct the improvements. G. Develop a Utility Conflict Matrix that lists all potential utility conflicts and that calculates clearance and depth of cover. H. Create a Conceptual Utility Layout: Engineer and City will identify appropriate locations/assignments for installation of shared use trenches into which new utility facilities will be placed. The proposed utility alignments will be added to the Utility Layout. III. URBAN DESIGN AND STREETSCAPE C. Review streetscape alternatives with city staff and stakeholders. D. Select preferred options and develop more refined streetscape solutions, illustrated with sections,plans and 3D renderings.Select palette of materials (i.e.,paving,street trees,planters/grates,lighting,furnishings,etc.) and recommended deployment. IV. TRAFFIC ANALYSIS AND MODELING Traffic analysis and modeling will be completed to identify improvements to improve traffic operations within the southeast downtown area and stage traffic control during construction. G. Utilizing available traffic projection information and counts collected as part of the study, develop existing (2014) and forecasted build (2034)traffic volume forecasts for all intersections in the study area. Review traffic forecasts with the CITY to City of Round Rock Page 1 of 5 Downtown Improvements Project obtain feedback and approval. H. Using existing geometric and traffic volume information described herein develop AM and PM peak hour SYNCHRO models to reflect transportation network configurations for existing(2014)traffic conditions. I. Using the existing traffic model as the base, develop AM and PM peak hour SYNCHRO models for forecasted traffic conditions. Two (2) scenarios shall be modeled as listed below for design year(2034)traffic volume conditions: 1.Forecasted No build condition(Year 2034) 2.Forecasted Build condition (Year 2034) (this model will incorporate all roadway changes proposed as part of the downtown improvement project and any other improvements to mitigate adverse traffic impacts) It should be noted that realignment of McNeil Road under Mays Street will be modeled under forecasted build condition. J. Summarize results of the analysis in a technical memorandum. The measure of effectiveness will include intersection delay and level of service. K. Attend meetings with CITY staff to review study results and recommendations. A total of four (4) meetings have been assumed for budget purposes for the duration of the project. V. PARKING PLAN NO CHANGES VI. DRAINAGE PLAN A. Development of a dynamic existing conditions model and evaluation of existing infrastructure will be conducted to determine the existing drainage conditions 1. Adjust the ground elevations. Lower the "detailed LiDAR" surface by 0.6 feet to match the project control survey elevations. 2. Adjust the inlet nodes and pipeline links. Whereas the surface had a uniform elevation difference between the project control survey and the previous ground elevations, the as-built drainage infrastructure varied from 0.5 feet to over 3 feet lower than the survey. Each individual node and link in the model will be modified (raise their elevation value). Each new/adjusted entry will be QCed again.An additional group of 37 survey points were requested beyond the original set of survey data points. 3. Prepare a short summary memo for the project files presenting the discovered elevation differences and the final action to finalize the drainage model. B. Ultimate conditions model will be developed for the forecasted build out of the Downtown Area working in collaboration with project team, and with input from city staff. 1. Model will be built without hydrologic controls to formulate a baseline of the ultimate need for the storm sewer system. 2. Outfalls to Brushy Creek and Lake Creek for each of the watersheds will be evaluated for the forecasted build out of the project area. 3. Hydrologic Control concepts,for incorporation into the ultimate model,will be developed based on land use,density,and streetscape. City of Round Rock Page 2 of 5 Downtown Improvements Project 4. The ultimate Model will be broken into"sub regions"in collaboration with the project team and City staff based on expected phasing of the Downtown Improvements. Each sub region will represent independent Storm Sewer system that will be built in an assumed phasing sequence developed in coordination with City staff.Up to 5 sub regions are anticipated in this scope of work. C. Water Quality I. Existing and proposed impervious cover for the project area will be developed based on the projected build out and land use to determine the ultimate water quality need. 2. For each "sub region" water quality opportunities will be developed that are compliant with TCEQ for Edward Aquifer Zones. Sizes and locations for the water quality features will be identified and TSS calculations will be prepared for each"sub region"to demonstrate compliance with TCEQ rules. VII. WATER AND WASTE WATER PLAN A. Update existing water and sewer models based on water and wastewater master planning, as necessary, to reflect current land use plans and demands within the downtown project limits.This scope item assumes that the City will provide up-to- date models in current versions of software to HDR, and existing models are in working condition and do not require major modifications to restore functionality. HDR will consult with City utility staff regarding needed model runs and resulting water and wastewater system modifications. HDR will then complete model runs in order to confirm water and wastewater infrastructure needed for ultimate build out of the downtown area as identified in this scope of work. This includes line sizes and general alignments. B. Engineer will work with City utility staff to identify water and wastewater assignments for each street in the downtown area to avoid conflicts with franchise utilities and to comply with TCEQ requirements. C. Engineer will prepare a phasing plan for implementation of water and wastewater improvements to support phased growth of the downtown area. VIII. SIGNING AND PAVEMENT MARHINGS A. Prepare preliminary signing and pavement marking plans as per City and TMUTCD requirements for roadways within the study area. B. Develop unit cost estimates for signing and pavement markings for intersections and roadway segments between intersections. IX. CONCEPTUAL TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN A. Prepare a conceptual traffic control plan for the CITY's approval. Traffic Control Plans will be prepared in accordance with the Texas Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices(TMUTCD)and applicable standards. City of Round Rock Page 3 of 5 Downtown Improvements Project 1. Traffic control plan assumes that each major roadway will be constructed in three phases so as to not affect existing business. Two-way traffic will be maintained at all times. Minor Streets will be constructed in two phases and traffic will be limited to one-way operation to provide access to businesses. B. Prepare the Sequence of Construction narrative for implementation of traffic control plan. X. PUBLIC OUTREACH D. City Council — Project Team will conduct up to two (2) council briefings on the plan development. The two meetings planned for the city council should be sufficient. The only reason for an additional meeting is that citizen input has caused our approach to change. These meetings may take place in open council or at other council activities such as council retreats as the opportunities arise. XL IMPLEMENTATION AND PHASING PLAN DEVELOPMENT A. Project Team with coordination with City staff;will develop a prioritized list of up to 5 break-out projects for phased PS&E development. For each project the project team will provide: 1. Plan of improvements to be incorporated with each project. 2. Conceptual Traffic Control Plan 3. Cost Estimates by each project 4. Master Project Development Schedule XII. PROJECT MANAGEMENT Project Management has been extended for completion of project. Deliverables Required of the ENGINEER The ENGINEER will be required to provide the following deliverable items: A. Project Existing Basemap — The basemap will depict the existing project conditions which will include existing street conditions, utility information, as well as the incorporation of adjacent projects to be constructed by the CITY. B. Traffic Analysis Technical Memorandum C. Urban Design and Streetscape PIan and Sections for: 1. Main Street Historic Area 2. Side Streets in Main Street Area 3. Primary Streets 4. Secondary Street 5. Downtown Residential Streets D. Project Utility Improvements Master Plan City of Round Rock Page 4 of 5 Downtown Improvements Project E. Project Street Improvements Master Plan F. Conceptual Traffic Control Plan(for each phase) • City of Round Rock Page 5 of 5 Downtown Improvements Project 8 5 8 8 88 p8 8 8 pi u; v8� 8p 8, 8 8 8 8 8 4 8 8 8 8 8 8, 8 8 4 p8 s e 1:7) 0)m8 Q8 0 8 8 O m IID OD S m N V) h O f� V m r N egct N O V N IN° tN'! N g m O N N U u t(C�JJ a- .-- O y It� �{ p T. to-5 en `D N N N H H U1 N tel en N ui N VI en A n h o CI N N Y N V!N N 1! N N 3 VI N N N N N N F Ei 0 8 8 0 0 8 g OO 3 000000 8 O q 0 eOOO8 O O O o O O O 0 U OO OO ee / 0go p O N saapaN cm1. N NsNNaNaNN S8 jN N A s 2^ 7 0 Y m V N N O �j U V, N M M0 V) H N4 8 8 $pg�pp88vg88 888 888�p88m85, 8p8888 8884880880 80 ~ N o }O N O c'f n m 4 8 Ann D r V m ``grs h m o m rA b N m CO CO 88 a CO w } `1 2Egii at U N n '- N N N N y N y h ct VV) N VI N �` ID VI N N N 0 H •-• `D N N y x e A 11 o 6 2 r cr 4N! CI p Ifl CZ m I� Vto O at Y B C n y F° N N N O m V N Cml N 0 N I O V V 8 I CNl Fi M co q C C V V V V CO U N c 5 ❑u C Q 5 a 0 N 0 0 8. 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E n c g E 3 _' a � "►�- c '�'i ° u ° E o e E o g,c e 5 n 5 tD '� iO` a O 0 0 0 0 0 O I 00. 0000 0 II F.c� � mU • VV 1I f" N O 000000 O G O O O 0 O O O p y Pu41 000000 . O 00000 0 II WkliVillig m O r N N triN c ❑ 04,1 0 T o .- h � O ~ rr 0 0 - c� r ..- --- z .--u u m O �N " 0 0 rEj c0 0 N C 8 a m Ts at 2 $ V u C N F C g d-V ? A a o o a . 0 O u s ' .42 -5- o D w g F v w o U U c M ^=J m N V e o a d d E °6 rn V o 0 0 0 Q y m W CI - f og a o` 0 a a U 5 N O C -f -o' U 0 44 a ii 0$• _▪ B a a i. a b V O Q F g lec O a d O p o g U o C n ' B W i o yy x 0 0 Q 0 . n r a r 0 E - _ u• 3 117,Y ✓ fi ddmtid Addendum to Exhibit D Project Name: Downtown Improvements Project Consultant: HDR Engineering,Inc. Cost Component,Hours Total Hours Project Principal 23 Project Manager 142 Senior Engineer. 187 Design Engineer 277 Engineer-In-Training 469 Sr.Design Technician 114 CADD Technician 299 Clerical/Steno 50 Total Hours 1561 Cost Component,Dollars Labor Billing Totals Rate Rate $ Project Principal $80 $246 $5,658.00 Project Manager $75 $231 $32,802.00 Senior Engineer $66 $203 $37,961.00 Design Engineer $50 $154 $42,658.00 Engineer-in-Training $34 $105 $49,245.00 Sr.Design Technician $39 $120 $13,680.00 CADD Technician $29 $89 $26,611.00 ClericallSteno $20 $62 $3,100.00 Labor Dollars $211,715.00 Cost Component,Direct Expenses Total Travel Expenses $0 Traffic Counts $0 Printing $0 Subtotal $0.00 TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES $0.00 PROJECT FEE SUMMARY Total HDR Direct Labor Costs $68,738.64 HDR Indirect Costs $120,292.61 HDR Direct Expenses $0.00 HDR Profit©12% 12% $22,683.75 SUB McCann-Adams Studios Urban Design $59,720.00 SUB HalffAssociates,Inc. Drainage Design $59,205.00 SUB Vining Associates,Inc. Public Outreach $3,900.00 SUB Inland Geodetics Survey $7,632.00 TOTAL FEE $342,172.00 Page 3 of 3