Contract - Ramundsen Public Sector LLC - 3/9/2017 CITY OF ROUND ROCK CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR UPGRADE OF LAND MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE WITH RAMUNDSEN PUBLIC SECTOR,LLC THE STATE OF TEXAS § CITY OF ROUND ROCK § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON § COUNTY OF TRAVIS THIS AGREEMENT for services relating to the upgrade of land management software system and related subsystems (the "Agreement"), is made by and between the CITY OF ROUND ROCK, TEN.AS, a home-rule municipality with offices located at 221 East Main Street, Round Rock, Texas 78664-5299 (the "City") and RAMUNDSEN PUBLIC SECTOR, LLC ("Ramundsen") as suzcessors in interest to SUNGARD PUBLIC SECTOR LLC, with offices located at 1000 Business Center Drive, Lake Mary, FL 32746 ("SunGard"). RECITALS: WHEREAS, City has determined that there is a need for the delineated services; and WHEREAS, City desires to contract for such services; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into this Agreement to set forth in writing their respective rights, duties, and obligations hereunder; NOW,THEREFORE,WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, it is mutually agreed between the parties as follows: 1.0 DEFINITIONS A. Agreement means the binding legal contract between City and Ramundsen whereby City is obligated to buy specified services and Ramundsen is obligated to provide same. B. City means the City of Round Rock, Williamson and Travis Counties, Texas. C. Effective Date means the date upon which the binding signatures of both parties to this Agreement are affixed. D. Force Majeure means acts of God, strikes, lockouts, or other industrial disturbances, acts of the public enemy, orders of any kind from the government of the United 00372479/ss2 ���- States or the State of Texas or any civil or military authority, insurrections, riots, epidemics, landslides, lightning, earthquakes, fires, hurricanes, storms, floods, restraint of the government and the people, civil disturbances, explosions, or other causes not reasonably within the control of the party claiming such inability. E. Services mean work performed to meet a demand or effort by Ramundsen to comply with promised delivery dates, specifications, and technical assistance specified in Exhibit A. F. Consultant means Ramundsen Public Sector or any of its corporate structures, successors or assigns. 2.01 EFFECTIVE DATE,DURATION,AND TERM This Agreement shall be effective on the date it has been signed by each party hereto, and shall remain in full force and effect unless and until it expires by operation of the term stated herein, or until terminated or extended as provided herein. The initial term of this Agreement shall be until full and satisfactory completion of the work specified herein is achieved, but in no event later than twelve (12) months from the effective date of this Agreement. 3.01 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND EXHIBITS The services which are the subject matter of this Agreement are described in Exhibit "A" and, together with the terms an6 conditions contained in Exhibit "A" of this Agreement, comprise the total Agreement and they are fully a part of this Agreement as if repeated herein in full. Any inconsistencies or conflicts in the contract documents shall be resolved by giving preference to the terms and conditions set forth in pages one (1) through nine (9) of this Agreement. 4.01 SCOPE OF WORK Ramundsen shall provide all deliverables and services described in Exhibit "A" within the contract term specified. A change in the Scope of Services and any additional fees related thereto must be negotiated and agreed in all relevant details, and must be embodied in a valid Supplemental Agreement as described herein. 5.01 CONTRACT AMOUNT A. Payment for Work Performed: In consideration for the services to be performed by R,-mundsen, City agrees to pay Ramundsen for actual work performed the not-to- exceed sum of Fifty-Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty and No/100 Dollars ($59,920.00), in payment for services and the Scope of Work deliverables as delineated herein and in attached exhibits. 2 B. Reimbursable Expenses: Ramundsen may be reimbursed for expenses set forth on page six (6) of Exhibit"A," but in no event shall those reimbursements exceed a total of Five Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($5,000.00). The reimbursable expenses shall be in addition to the not-to-exceed amount of$59,920.00 set forth in the above Paragraph A. 6.01 SCOPE OF WORK For purposes of this Agreement, Ramundsen has issued its Scope of Work for the assignments delineated herein, and such Scope of Work is recited in Exhibit "A." This Agreement shall evidence the entire understanding and agreement between the parties and shall supersede any prior proposals, correspondence or discussions. Ramundsen shall provide all services and deliverables described under the referenced Scope of Work within-�.he contract term spe6fied herein. Ramundsen's undertakings shall be limited to performing services for City and!or advising City concerning those matters on which Ramundsen has been specifically engaged. Ramundsen shall perform its services in accordance with this Agreement and in accordance with the referenced Scope of Work. Ramundsen shall perform its services in a professional and workmanlike manner. 7.01 INVOICES All invc:ices shall include, at a minimum,the following information: A. Name and address of Ramundsen; B. Purchase Order Number; C. Description and quantity of items received or services provided; and D. Delivery or performance dates. 8.01 NON-APPROPRIATION AND FISCAL FUNDING This Agreement is a commitment of City's current revenues only. It is understood and agreed that City shall have the right to terminate this Agreement at the end of any City fiscal year if the governing body of City does not appropriate funds sufficient to purchase the services as determined by City's budget for the fiscal year in question. City may effect such termination by giving Ramundsen a written notice of termination at the end of its then-current fiscal year. City believes that sufficient funds can be obtained to pay all amounts due Ramundsen throughout the term of this Agreement and hereby covenants and agrees that it will make appropriate requests for budget appropriations for the fiscal years in amounts as specified herein. City further agrees that said funds, once successfully appropriated, will be maintained and expended for the expressed purpose of acquiring from Ramundsen the licenses and services set forth herein. In the event sufficient funds are not appropriated, not budgeted or not otherwise legally available, City shall immediately notify Ramundsen of such occurrence and the Agreement shall terminate. Should there be any premature termination of this Agreement, City shall be 3 responsible to pay a) for any services delivered by Ramundsen prior to the notice and b) for all software which has been delivered. 9.01 PROMPT PAYMENT POLICY In accordance with Chapter 2251,V.T.C.A., Texas Government Code, any payment to be made by City to Ramundsen will be made within thirty (30) days of the date City receives goods under this Agreement, the date the performance of the services under this Agreement are completed, or the date City receives a correct invoice for the goods or services, whichever is later. Ramundsen may charge interest on an overdue payment at the "rate in effect" on September 1 of the fiscal year in which the payment becomes overdue, in accordance with V.T.C.A., Texas Government Codi, Section 2251.025(b). This Prompt Payment Policy does not apply to payments made by City if: A. There is a bona file dispute between City and Ramundsen, a contractor, subcontractor, or supplier about goods delivered or the service performed that causes the payment to be late; or B. There is a bona fide dispute between Ramundsen and a subcontractor or between a subcontractor and its supplier about the goody delivered or the service performed that causes the payment to be late; or C. The terms of a federal contract, grant, regulation, or statute prevent City from making a timely payment with federal funds; or D. The invoice is not mailed to City in strict accordance with any instruction on the purchase order relating to the payment. 10.01 GRATUITIES AND BRIBES City may, by written notice to Ramundsen, cancel this Agreement without incurring any liability to Ramundsen if it is determined by City that gratuities or bribes in the form of entertainment, gifts, or otherwise were offered or given by Ramundsen or its agents or representatives to any City officer, employee or elected representative with respect to the performance of this Agreement. In addition, Ramundsen may be subject to penalties stated in Title 8 of the Texas Penal Code. 11.01 TAXES City is exempt from Federal Excise and State Sales Tax; therefore, tax shall not be included in Ramundsen's charges. 4 12.01 ORDERS PLACED WITH ALTERNATE PROVIDERS If Ramundsen cannot provide the goods as specified, City reserves the right and option to obtain same from another source or supplier(s). 13.01 INSURANCE Ramundsen shall meet all City of Round Rock Insurance Requirements set forth at: http://www.roundrocktexas.gov/wp-content/oloads/2014/12/corr insurance 07.20112.pdf. 14.01 CITY'S REPRESENTATIVE City hereby designates the following representative(s) auchorized to act in its behalf with regard to this Agreement: Ramsey Saad Information Technology Operations Officer City of Round Rock 221 E. Main Street Round Rock,Texas 78664 (512) 671-2768 15.01 RIGHT TO ASSURANCE Whenever either party to this Agreement, in good faith, has reason to question the other party's intent to perform hereunder, then deman6, may be made to the other party for written assurance of the intent to perform. In the event that no written assurance is given within the reasonable time specified when demand is made,then and in that event the demanding party may treat such failure as an anticipatory repudiation of this Agreement. 16.01 DEFAULT If Ramundsen abandons or defaults hereunder and is a cause of City purchasing the grees that it will not be considered in the re- specified services elsewhere, Ramundsen aadvertisement of the service and that it may not be considered in future bids for the same type of work unless the scope of work is significantly changed. Ramundsen shall be declared in default of this Agreement if it does any of the following: A. Fails to make any payment in full when due; B. Fails to fully, timely and faithfully perform any of its material obligations hereunder; C. Fails to provide adequate assurance of performance under the "Right to Assurance" section herein; or 5 D. Becomes insolvent or seeks relief under the bankruptcy laws of the United States. 17.01 TERMINATION AND SUSPENSION A. City will have the right to terminate this Agreement for convenience, by providing Ramundsen with written notice of such termination for convenience at least ninety (30) days prior to the effective date of such termination for convenience. Provided as a strict condition of such right of termination for convenience, City must first remit to Ramundsen payment in full of: (a) all license fee amounts outstanding for the software, (b) all outstanding amounts for all third party products provided by Ramundsen under or pursuant to this Agreement, (c) all fees for services rendered by or on behalf of Ramundsen (including for services rendered by Ramundsen,Ramundsen's subcontractors and/or services rendered by thirl parties for which Ramundsen is facilitating the provision of services to Customer), and (d) a..l reimbursable expenses incurred by Ramundsen's subcontractors, and all third parties for which Ramundsen is facilitating the ;provision of products or services to Customer. B. In the event of default by one of the parties, the non-defaulting party has the right to terminate this Agreement for cause. C. City and Ramundsen may terminate this Agreement at any time for cause or convenience upon mutual agreement of the parties. 18.01 INDEMNIFICATION Ramundsen shall defend (at the option of City), indemnify, and hold City, its successors,assigns, officers, employees and elected officials harmless from and against all suits, actions, legal proceedings, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, attorney's fees, and any and all other costs or fees arising out of, or incident to, concerning or resulting from the negligent acts or omissions of Ramundsen, or Ramundsen's agents, employees or subcontractors, in the performance of Ramundsen's obligations under this Agreement, no matter how, or to whom, such loss may occur. Nothing herein shall be deemed to limit the rights of City or Ramundsen (including, but not limited to the right to seek contribution) against any third party who may be liable for an indemnified claim. 19.01 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS, CHARTER AND ORDINANCES A. Ramundsen, its agents, employees and subcontractors shall use best efforts to comply with all federal and state laws, City's Charter and Ordinances, as amended applicable to, and with all applicable rules and regulations promulgated b} local, state and national boards, bureaus and agencies. B. Ramundsen acknowledges and understands that City has adopted a Storm Water Management Program (SWMP) and an Illicit Discharge Ordinance, Sections 14-139 through 14- 6 152 of the City's Code of Ordinances,to manage the quality of the discharges from its Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) and to be in compliance with the requirements of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES). The Services Provider agrees to perform all operations on City-owned facilities in compliance with the City's Illicit Discharge Ordinance to minimize the release of pollutants into the MS4. The Services Provider agrees to comply with of the City's stormwater control measures, good housekeeping practices and any facility specific stormwater management operating procedures specific to a certain City facility. In addition, the Services Provider agrees to comply with any applicable TCEQ Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)Requirements and/or I-Plan requirements. 20.01 NOTICES All notices and other communications in connection with this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be considered given as follows: A. When delivered personally to recipient's address as stated in this Agreement; or B. Three (3) days after being deposited in the, United States mail, with postage prepaid to the recipient's address as stated in this Agreement. Notice to Ramundsen: Ramundsen Public Sector 1000 Business Center Drive Lake Mary,FL 32746 Attention: Legal Counsel Notice to City: City Manager Stephan L. Sheets, City Attorney 221 East Main Street AND TO: 309 East Main Round Rock, TX7eet 8664 Round Rock,TX 78664 Nothing contained herein shall be construed to restrict the transmission of routine communications between representatives of City and Ramundsen. 21.01 APPLICABLE LAW; ENFORCEMENT AND VENUE This Agreement shall be enforceable in Round Rock, Texas, and if legal action is necessary by either party with respect to the enforcement of any or all of the terms or conditions s. This herein, exclusive venue for same shwith the laws and colie in Williamson urt decisions of the State of Texast shali e governed by and construed in accordance 7 22.01 EXCLUSIVE AGREEMENT This document, and all appended documents, constitutes the entire Agreement between City and Ramundsen with respect to the subject matter hereto. This Agreement may only be amended or supplemented by mutual agreement of the parties hereto in writing, duly authorized by action of the City Manager or City Council. 23.01 DISPUTE RESOLUTION City and Provider hereby expressly agree that no claims or disputes between the parties arising out of or relating to this Agreement or a breach thereof shall be decided by any arbitration proceeding, including without limitation, any proceeding under the Federal Arbitration Act (9 USC Section 1-14) or any applicable state arbitration statute. 24.01 SEVERABILITY The invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement or the occurrence of any event rendering any portion or provision of this Agreement void shall ;n no way affect the validity or enforceability of any other portion or provision of this Agreement. Any such void provision shall be deemed severed from this Agreement, and the balance of this Agreement shall be construed and enforced as if this Agreement did not contain the particular portion or provision held to be void. The parties further agree,to amend this Agreement to replace any stricken provision with a valid provision that comes aF close as possible to the intent of the stricken provision. The provisions hereof shall not prevent this entire Agreement from being void should a provision that is of the essence of this Agreement be determined to be void. 25.01 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Standard of Care. Ramundsen represents that it employs trained, experienced and competent persons to perform all of the services, responsibilities and duties specified herein and that such services, responsibilities and duties shall be performed in a manner according to generally accepted industry practices. Time is of the Essence. Ramundsen understands and agrees that time is of the essence and that any failure of Ramundsen to fulfill obligations for each portion of this Agreement within the agreed timeframes will constitute a material breach of this Agreement. Ramundsen shall be fully responsible for its delays or for failures to use best efforts in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Where damage is caused to City due to Ramundsen's failure to perform in these circumstances, City may pursue any remedy available without waiver of any of City's additional legal rights or remedies. Multiple Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counteiparts, any one of which shall be considered an original of this document; and all of which, when taken together, shall constitute one and the same instrument. 8 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Ramundsen have executed this Agreement on the dates indicated. City of Round Rock,Texas Ramundsen Public Sector,LCC By*- Printed By:Printed Name: _ ,lv Title: Title: L' d Date Signed: Date Signed• v 13I!7 For City,Attest: By: Sara L. White, City Clerk F*Stephan a to For B ts, Ciry Attorney 9 Exhibit A ORDER ic ity the signaturestheir Julys rs inized representatives below, the interest to SunGard Public Sector and the mundsen bclus tomer identified edSector, LLC tbelowntified below("SunGard"))as succes (,,Customer"), intending to be legally bound, agree to all of the provisions of this Order, and agree that this Order represents a separate contract between such SunGard entity and Customer,with an order execution date of the latest date shown on the signature page below("Order Execution Date"). version This Order incorporates and is governed sun a d slcomhletal as eements/the SunGard as if the SunGard entity wasSSunGard'a1 d January, to be found at htt»•//www Customer was"Customer"thereunder. Capitalized terms not defined in this Order have the meaning given them in the SST. Ramundsen Public Sector LLC City of Round Rock,TX By: B��,� Y• Print Name: Print Name: Ruatwt vAivwo Print Title: CFO Print Title: Date Signed: 2I31I"� Date Signed: CUSTOMER#4429 SUNGARD ORDER# SOLUTION AND RELATED INFORMATION 1. SOLUTION: SunGard TRAKiT 2. INITIAL TERM: [Perpetual] 3. SCOPE OF USE: a. DESIGNATED LOCATION(s): 221 East Main Street Round Rock TX 78664 b. REGION: UNITED STATES c. COVERED CONFIGURATION 4. SERVICES: See Proiect Cost Supplement Services Notes: 1. Travel and living expenses are additional and will be billed monthly as SunGard renders the services. 5. PAYMENT TERMS: See Project Cost Supplement APPLICABLE TAXES ARE N N TDED IN THE POJECT COST SUPPLEMENTS,HE PAYMENT INVOICE(S)CE(S) BEING SENT SEPARATELY TOIF LICABLE, WILL BE ADDED TO THE AMOUNT CUSTOMER. 8. ADDRESSES: a. CUSTOMER ADDRESS FOR INVOICES: 221 East Main Street Round Rock TX 78664 b. CUSTOMER ADDRESS FOR NOT"CES: 221 East Main Street Round Rock TX 78664 c. CUSTOMER ADDRESS FOR SOFTWARE SHIPMENT: 221 East Main Street Round Rock TX 78664 d. SUNGARD'S ADDRESS FOR NOTICES: Ramundsen Public Sector LLC Attn: Legal Counsel 1000 Business Center Drive Lake Mary, Fl. 32746 8. LIABILITY CAP: The greater of ten thousand US dollars($10,000) or the License Fee actually paid'Dy Customer to SunGard under this Crder 9. SPECIFIED CONFIGURATION: Host(s)or client server configuration(s) and/or combinations of host(s)and client server configuration(s)within the United States of America for which Sungard supports the Solution. Customer acknowledges that certain Solutions software may require specific host or client configurations. Customer, as soon as reasonably practicable, will provide a detailed written description of the specified configuration so that SunGard can confirm that it is a configuration on which SunGard supports use of the Solution. 10.OTHER TERMS APPLICABLE TO THIS ORDER: • PROJECT COST SUPPLEMENT• SUNGARD TRAVEL EXPENSE GUIDELINES PROJECT COST SUPPLEMENT <INSERT QUOTE> SUNGARW PUBLIC SECTOR Project Cost Supplennent, Round Rock, TX Quote Prepared For: Quote Prepared By: Chris Collier,GIS Manager Tracy Bierman City of Round Rock 2036 Corte Del Nogal 221 East Main Street Carlsbad,CA 92011 Round Rock,TX 78664 Phone: (858)451-3030 Fax: (512)218-5423 Email: tracy.bierman@sungardl)s.com Quote Date Valid Until Q-00021607 12/21/2016 02/28/2017 Professional Services Services Im I Svcs Consulting Development Total Services Proj Mgmt Installation Tech Svcs Training P 40,600.00 40,600.00 Product Code Product Name Ext Price: - - - 1,400.00 PS-CV Conversion Ext Price: - 1,400.00 14,080.00 PS-IN Installation _ 3,840.00 Project Management Ext Price: 14,080.00 - 3,840.00 PS-Pt`' Ext Price: - - PS-TIt Training $3,840-00 $40,600.00 $59,920.00 Totals: $14,080.00 $1,400.00 Product&-services Professional Services: $59,920.00 Subtotal: $59,920.00 Total: $59,920.00 Comments, The City is interested in upgrading its existing version of TRAKiT(NET)to TRAKiT9(100%web based solution.)The City owns 30 concurrent user licenses.This Order has been prepared in response to the City's request. mming is ration Please refer to Revised reports,documents,or forms w6)for ill be delivered as part of the mof Work.No software u gration changes additional productsrand/or services will need to be in this proposal. Additionally,no customp quoted separately. SunGard Public Sector and Payment terms as follows,unless otherwise notated below for Special Payment Terms by Product: License,Project Management, Travel& Consulting, expenses a e1 due as incurred mon hlyces,Conversion,Third aInstallation rty t s due upon completion.Custom Modifications,Syare Fees are due upon stem Change Requests this Order.Training fees arvices fees are on execution oice,upon completion. or SOW s for customization,and ThirdParty Product implementation ue mon he as such semi eseareod�eliveed.Additional sthis ervices,ces,rder if requested w50%due ill be invoiced at then-current Unless otherwise provided,other Professional rates.Any shipping charges shown are estimated only and actual shipping charges will be due upon invoice,upon delivery. SunGard Public Sector SUNGARD PUBLIC SECTOR TRAVEL EXPENSE GUIDELINES SunGard Public Sector will adhere to the following guidelines when incurring travel expenses: All arrangements for travel are tobhe Customer and are documentedmade through the SunGard rate Travel in writing.Agent unless other arrangements have been made with le with a minimum of AIR TRAVEL—SunGard Public Sector will use the least ensive class of service Secltobshall provide he travel seven (7) day, maximum of thirty(30) day, advance purchase Upon request,t SunGard Public itinerary as the receipt for reimbursement of the air fare and any fees. Fees not listed on the itinerary will require a receipt for reimbursement. approved maeagerate forflight all localbnps en otherwise approved by the Customer, Trips fewer than 250 miles' round are consider Customer will reimburse the current IRS app LODGING—Reasonable lodging accommodatedonfors a$125 per nighteCustomer's reimbursabl , up to 2prior approval will bedepending required Upon reasonable accommodations cannot be secu request by Customer,the hotel receipt received upon departure will be submitted or reimbursement. All food items, movies, and phone/internet charges are not reimbursable. three or more c Sector RENTAL GAR—Compactor Intermediate cars will fba fullrequired car is author z dare Gas is r mbu sab eSunGard howevber pre-paid employees sharing the car in which case the use o gas purchases will not be authorized and all rental to CustomerSunGard alcars are to beSuPublic Sector returned Sshaldece allental car full gas. l peceipts for car rental and gas purchases will be submitted insurance offered by the car rental agency as staff members will be covered under the SunGard Public Sector auto insurance policy. Fines for traffic violations are not reimbursable expenses. to use ans OTHER TRANSPORTATION—SunGard Public hotel shstaff uttle a servbe)SA port are taxi odr mileagehfor the employee'slpeesonal for traveling to and from the airport(Airport bus, ll be vehicle(per IRS mileage guidelines) are reimbursableif documented n ed by a readily available lect onlic ecessar�. Upon request, receipt(s)for the (mapping submitted to Customer. Proof of mileage may be required and y service.The mileage rate will be the then-current IRS mileage guideline rate (subject to change with any change in IRS guidelines). OTHER BUSINESS EXPENSES—Parking at the airport orclient Icabt site is re e exceeding 20% is oolt reoand mbu srom able.he airport Porter tips ad while traveling at the client site are reimbursable.Tipping o day or Company reimbursable, not exceeding $1.00 per bag. dr reimbursable and thellimit s one shirt aludes a nd one pair pants/skirt per day. Holiday. Laundry charges must be incurred during he t With the exception of tips, receipts shall be provided to Customer upon request for all of the aforementioned items. MEALS $57.00 per day Standard Per Diem $11.40—Breakfast $14.25—Lunch $31.35—Dinner SUNGARD PUBLIC SECTOR TRAVEL EXPENSE GUIDELINES SunGard Public Sector will adhere to the following guidelines when incurring travel expenses: All arrangements for travel are to be made through the SunGard Corporate Travel Agent unless other arrangements have been made with the Customer and are documented in writing. AIR TRAVEL—SunGard Public Sector will use the least expensive class of service available with a minimum of seven (7) day, maximum of thirty(30) day, advance purchase. Upon request, SunGard Public Sector shall provide the travel itinerary as the receipt for reimbursement of the air fare and any fees. Fees not listed on the itinerary will require a receipt for reimbursement. Trips fewer than 250 miles' round are considered local. Unless a flight has been otherwise approved by the Customer, Customer will reimburse the current IRS approved mileage rate for all local trips. LODGING—Reasonable lodging accommodations are reimbursable, up to$125 pc r night. If, depending on the city, reasonable accommodations cannot be secured for$125 per night, Customer' prior approval will be required. Upon request by Customer,the hotel receipt received upon departure will be submitted for reimbursement. All food items, movies, and phone/internet charges are not reimbursable. RENTP L CAR—Compact or Intermediate cars will be required unless there are three or more SunGard Public Sector employees sharing the car in which case the use of a full size car is authorized. Gas is reimbursable however pre-paid gas purchases will not be authorized and all rental cars are to be returned with a full tank of gas. Upon request, receipts for car rental and gas purchases will be submitted to Customer. SunGard Public Sector shall decline all rental car insurance offered by the car rental agency as staff members will be covered under the SunGard Public Sector auto insurance policy. Fines for traffic violations are not reimbursable expenses. OTHER TRANSPORTATION—SunGard Public Sector staff members are expected to use the most economical means for traveling to and from the airport(Airport bus, hotel shuttle service). Airport taxi or mileage for the employee's personal vehicle (per IRS mileage guidelines) are reimbursable if necessary. Upon request, receipt(s)for the taxi will be submitted to Customer. Proof of mileage may be required and may be documented by a readily available electronic mapping service.The mileage rate will be the then-current IRS mileage guideline rate (subject to change with any change in IRS guidelines). OTHER BUSINESS EXPENSES—Parking at the airport or client site is reimbursable. Tolls to and from the airport and while traveling at the client site are reimbursable.Tipping on cab fare exceeding 20% is not reimbursable. Porter tips are reimbursable, not exceeding $1.00 per bag. Laundry is reimbursable when travel includes a weekend day or Company Holiday. Laundry charges must be incurred during the trip and the limit is one shirt and one pair of pants/skirt per day. With the exception of tips, receipts shall be provided to Customer upon request for all of the aforementioned items. MEALS $57.00 per day Standard Per Diem $11.40—Breakfast $14.25—Lunch $31.35—Dinner Version 2016,January Exhibit A SunGard Standard Terms These SunGard Standard Terms("SST")may be incorporated into one or more orders referencing these SST(each,an"Order'). Each Order,together with these SST,shall form a separate agreement(this"Agreement"),by and between the Person identified on the Order("Customer")and the SunGard company identified on the Order("SunGard"),applicable to the proprietary solution identified on the Order(the"Solution"),as such Solution may be modified,revised and updated from time to time. Only the Customer and SunGard entities that execute the Order will be liable for the obligations under that Order. Each Order will be effective upon the latest date shown on the signature page of the Order("Order Execution Date"). of Customer and only 1. Scope. Customer may suse the on the Order,thethe only this Agreement including the Scope of Use. Cu tomer shall be it able for any breach of in accordance with the term the terms of this Agreement by any persons given access to the Solution by Customer. 2. Specified Configuration. Customer shall,at its expense,procure and maintain the co mput,�r hrrdware,systems software and other items required for use of, or access to,the Solution,including those described in the Order and Documentation (t'ie"Specified Configuration")and for updating the and ation Specified Configuration in accordance etoithe scheduled sh SunGard's tart of implementatupdates. If notion. Customer completed, devoteallshallcomplete ent,ts procurement faccilities, personnel andother re the Specified Configuration prior resources reasonably necessary to begin using the Solution in production on a timely basis as contemplated by this Agreement and satisfy any Customer requirements necessary for SunGard to complete the professional services described in Section 6. SunGard is not —responsible for any delays or additional fees and costs associated with Customer's failure to timely perform its obligations under this Section 2. 3. Payments. ce with the 3.1. Fees. Customer shall pay hen5 ncuaredrd thA I invo ces aesshall be sin the Oent to Cu tomerrder, in 's address for invo invoices stated ayment te,,ms son the Order.tated on the OExcept as otherwisrder. SunGard e invoice all other fees, as andinvoice date. A late payment fee at the rate of 12%per specified cn the Order,Customer's payments shallbe due within thirty(accrue 0)daysa after t thirty(30)days past due and unpaid by Customer to SunGard, (or,if lowe-Ithemaximum rate permitted by applicablelaw) except for Disputed Amounts. SunGard may not increase the fees and charges payable under this Agreement,unless otherwise stated in this Agreement or in the Order. Except as provided in Section 4.2(c),all fees and other amounts paid by Customer under this Agreement are non-refundable. er th!i Agreement do not include any taxes,duties,levies,fees or similar 3.2. Taxes. The fees and other amounts payable beass ss d oby r imposed r to incon rection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement excluding charges of any jurisdiction ("Taxes")that may ay any such Taxes assessed against it, and Customer shall promptly reimburse only taxes based upon SunGard's net income. Customer shall directly p SunGard for any such Taxes payable or collectable by SunGard. 3.3. Certain Remedies for Non-payment. If CustomSunGard makes written demand therefor,any er fails to pay to SunGard,within ten(10)days after at t a uted ition to all other any nt fe past-due amount payable under this Agreement(ii(including g is solediscretion le late and with further Hosts eoto Cuspomerst tingtthe suspension date,suspend and remedies which Sunt Y performance of any or all of its obligations under this Agreement (other than Section 5). SunGard shall have no liability for Customer's use of the Solution until all such past-due amounts and any applicable reinstatement fees are paid in full. 4, Warranties,Covenants and Limitations. e to it as the der of ces er 4.1. Compliance with Laws. and shall laws Benactments,lawsorders andenactments, orders and ns appgulations licable cable to Pasithel recipient it and user iof services sunder this this Agreement. Customer shall comply o p Y all Agreement. 4.2. No Infringement. SunGard shall indemnify and defend Customer against, any third-party claim asserting that the Solution, as and when made available to Customer by SunGard and when properly used for the purpose and in the manner specifically authorized by this right any Agreement, that is a (i)any patent issued as of the date of this Agreement by a country that is a signatory to the Paris Convention,(ii)any copy g member of the Berne Convention as of the date of this Agreement, or(iii) any trade secret givether soprietary SunGardght of any Person within ten(10)days afterthedate Rights"). SunGard shall have no obligation under this Section 4.2 unless Customer promptly ts ed that Customer first receives he extent thatpSulicable nGard iisfrirgement claim prejudiced by such later notice)andrall allows SunGard relieve to have sole controliofthe defense or settlement this Section 4.2 only to the e unsel of its choosing, Tremedierovided in this of the claim. Customer may d esifor anclaim of in r ngement ocrmisappropriation eding at its nhereunder.se, using oIf any applicable infringemhe claims ispinit initiated, or in Section 4.2 are the sole re SunGard's sole opinion is likely to be initiated,SunGard may at its option and expense:no longer allegedly infringing,provided that the functionality does (a) modify or replace all or the allegedly infringing part of the Solution so that it is not change in any material adverse respect;or (b) procure for Customer the right to continue using the allegedly infringing part of the Solution;or lution, and if Customer has d a me upfront l license fee for the (c) remove all fu the allegedly infringing corresponding poortion of he)lic license fee paid byfcustomer'to SunGard forathe applicable Solution, less Solution, refund to custcharge equal reasonable rental charge equal to one-sixtieth(1/60)of the initial license fee for each month of use following the Order Execution Date,or(ii)i he Customer is paying for the use of with esolution on a recurring basis,reund to Customer ect to the applicable Solution,and in each such tc se this corresponding lAgreemennt shall terminate with rgrespect the paid by Customer to SunGard wit p Solution or part thereof removed. product (to the extent commercially available), SunGard will check the 4.3. Harmful Code. Using a recent version of a reputable virus checking Solution,as well as any systems used lliveHarmful Code that t SunGard viruses,discovers. or similar harmful code("Harmful Code")and will use commercially reasonable efforts to eliminate any such er provision of reeme infringement Exclusion for Unauthorized extent attributable to any unable authorized or`imp improper use orhis mod ficat on of the Solution by or on behalf of Customer, infringement or other matter to the exte Specified any unauthorized combination of the Solution with other software or services (other than ortsservicesdiiflthen offered or thelsolut on) any Third-Party version of the Solution other than the Supported Release, a failure to subscribe to supp Hardware or Third-Party Services,and Third-Party Software or Open Source Software(except as set forth in Sections 4.10 and 4.12),any wrongful at or omission by Customer,its Affiliates or its customers or any breach of this Agreement by Customer. in breach of his Perform its 4.5. Force Majeure. Neither party`t e.I than liable payment obligatfor,nor shall ioner s,which whi h shall arty be considered u pended onlytfor Agreement g as t he forcenmajeure! eovenrenders obligations under this Agreement or a public Customer unable by any means to transmit civipa eats when ory authority,hereunder) ch er)in any law os a result frarcause beyond fflood, earthquake,tormany coroct e�like event ts enemy or terrorist, act of any military, theft or criminal misconduct by unrelated third parties, disruption or outage of communications (including the Internet or ocher networked unavailability of supplies or any other cause,whether similar or dissimilar to any of the foregoing,whicn could not environment),power or other utility, with reasonable care. have been prevented by the non-performing party 4.6. Disclaimer. EXCEPT AS STATED IN SECTIONSA,6.5 AND 9.55,THE SOLUTION, DOCUMENTATION AND SERVICES ARE PROVIDED"AS IS,"AND ALI ING OTHER REPRESENTATIONS,WARRANTIES,RADE,TERMS DR C QUALITY OF INFORMATION,NDITIONS,ORAL QULET ENJOYMENT ORO OTHERWISE (INC UDING IMPLIED WARRANITTEN,EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,ARISING FROM COURSE OF LT ES, COURSE OF PERFORMANCE,USAGE TERMS OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, BY APPLICAB,LEITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR LAW,EXCLUDED FROM THIS AGROEEMENT TITLE,NON-INTERFERENCE,OR NO INFRINGEMENT)ARE,TO THE FULLEST EXTENT 4.7. Limitations Cap. EACH PARTY'S TOTAL LIABILITY UNDER THIS AGREEMENT SHALL UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES EXCEED THE LIABILITY CAP. Y OF ITS AFFILIATE'S PROVIDING R RECEIVING THE 4.8. Consequen.ial Damage Exclusion. UNDER THIS 5 AGREEMENT)BESHALL EITHER PARTY L ABLE TO THE OOTH RNO OR ANY OTHER PERSON FOR LOSSES OR DAMAGES OF SOLUTION,SERV;CES OR OTHER SOFTWARE . THE OPROFITS, L ' DI LOSSES,NG WHICH FALL IN10 ANY OF THEOfLCATEGORIES: • T REVENUES, (b) IBUI.ONS OR INCIDENTAL, INDIRECTEXEMPLARY, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUI41TIVEDAMAGESOF ANY KIND, INACCURATE DISTR ON INCLUDING ANY OF THE FOREGOING NY BREACH OF THIS AGREEMENT OR ANYOTERMINATION AMAGES RESULTING OF THISS AGREEMENT,ER'S USE OF THE IWf9EOTHER SUCHSERVICESPROVIDED IS HEREUNDER, OR ARIS114G FROM ASSERTED ON THE BASIS OF CONHARA BEENR (IN .EDD N NEGLIGENCWAS EOR STI POSSIBILITY OFOSUCHNLOSS OR DAMAGESORFORT PURPOS SBOF EVEN IF THE RELEVANT PARTY E PURPOSE CLARIFICATION, THE FOLLOWING DAMAGES, BE DEEMED INCLUDING IRECT DAMAGES" AS BETWEEN CUSTOMER AND SUNGARD FOR CONS CONSEQUENTIAL AND SIMILAR DAMAGES, AWARDED TO A THIRD ARTY FOR WHICOF H AGREEMENT (i) ANY AND ALL DA , INDEMNIFICATION IS PROVIDED BY A PARTY SECTION FOR Aii NE-YEAR EPER OD INCURRED AS A RESULT OFTSUNGARD'S BREACH OF SECTION PAY FOR CREDIT MONITORING SERVICES FOR SUCH 5. SECTIONS 4.7 AND 4.8 SHALL OT APPLY TO:(a) BREACHES OF THE SCOPE OF 4.9. Exceptions. THE LIMITATIONSWHEN DUE EXCLUSIONS SIONS SET FORTH IN DAMAGES CAUSED BY EITHER ARTY'.FRAUD OR WILN UL MISCONDUCT;(d)A PARTY'S LIABILITY FOR USE;H FAILURE N PAY FEES WH ,( ) LIABILITY TATION DEATH LU PERSONAL INJURY IDUE TO T ED BYHAT PARTY'S APP APPLICABLE NEGLIGENCE;HELIMITATIONS RS'S FORTH N FOR DAMAGES TO THE EXTENT THAT SUCH 4.7 DO NOT APPLY TO CLAIMS FORLIMWHICH OR EXCLUSION IS NOT PERMITTED INDEMNIFICATION IS PROVIDED BY A PARTY UNDER SECTION 4.2. cen tove agreed all Third-Party Software. To Third-ass Software to Customeomer's access and r subje t tof the the following Software, additionlal conditions: (i) the of such T had Party Softwarty Software re shall be to allow SunGard to provide the Third-Party y used only in conjunction with any pe�mite ms ande use of the Soconditonls ution and l be documespecificalntation for the Third Party Softwa rly authorized in this Agreement, e which, unless d therw�e ncludedftware lin a used only in accordance with licensoware.SunGard shall le efforts to specific Supplement to the Ord hndemnit esbe fded and warrant es to Customer g nt d to SunGard by the licensors)of he Third Party Software with the receipt of such TW -Pty Soft eto the extent possible provide Customer the benefit of allthe reement with without additional cost to Suertain tosCustoand lmers use of rmitted the Third-Party ySoftware hereunder.eIn the event of any defect n any Third-Party Software(in warranties and indemnities p SunGard will use the form delivered by SunGard and when properly used for the purpose and in the manner specifically authorized by this Agreement), 2 commercially reasonable efforts to replace or correct the Third-Party Software without charge. If SunGard complies with this provision,it shall face no further liability with respect to any defect in any Third-Party Software. Unless as otherwise provided in a specific Supplement to the Order,or as provided in the licensor's terms and conditions,SunGard shall provide Level 1 support of the Third-Party Software. For purposes herein,Level 1 Support shall mean: 1) Taking the first support call from Customer and qualifying the call priority,or if an existing case,obtaining case information; 2) Gathering information about the case,defining and describing the problem, and determining if the Third Party Software is the cause of the problem. Analyze problem symptoms, attempt to find root cause if appropriate and document result of such attempts. Determining if the problem is a known Third-Party Software problem by accessing third party online support resources;and 3) If it is determined to be a Third-Party Software problem,contacting the Third-Party Software technical support. For new cases,opening a case and selecting a priority. For existing cases,providing the case number and information gathered to the and not SulnGard,assumes rall responsibiort lity for 4.11. Third-Party Hardware and Third Party Services.Customer is hereby advised that the third party, and liability in connection with the Third-Party Public Sector rendnotird-Pari ed Services, make any red is s presentationolely slorfwarranties that are or delivering the lbindi binding upon he third or the Third Party Services to Customer. Suntis party or to engage in any other acts S av re binding same ns provided for party,third the Cyder andito alc cpt paymeny that t of such amounts fromsCustomeent the rones fbehalf excepting spec Third-Party Hardware or Third Party of the third party. that 4.12. Open Source Software Comph ery ces websipe fordthe Solution.cTheeopen S un Source Software,rce Software is licensed under o nderthe terms of he open on the su identified in the Documentation or pport s source license that accompanies or is made available with such Open Source Software,including via a website designated applicable license for Nothing h Open Agreement limits Customer's rights under,or grants Customer rights that supersede,the terms and conditions of any app Source Software. Open Source Software shall not be deeever,that SunGamed ord shall be part e responsthe ible for tion ting Erroer this rs caused byreement t he OpeSunGarn Source aSoftware tlo thesame to such Open Source Software;provided, extent as SunGard's ongoing support obligations as set forth in Section 8.5 and 9.33 of this P.greement. 4.13. Open Negotiation. Customer and SunGard have freely and openly negotiated this Agreement,including the pricing,with the knowledge that the liability of the parties is to be limited in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. t or rest in or of any arty Software or 4.14.Title and Risk of Loss.In no event will SunGard be deemed toa r sk taken tille or a ss,and/or suchfsimila righright ore nterest n or t thelTh rd-rd Party Software Third-Party Hardware in the chain of distribution to Customer,and title, or Third-Party Hardware will be deemed to vest in Customer either at the point of delivery to carrier for shipment or as otherwise provided for int e licensor's terms and conditions. NO and tomer ees 4.15. Disclaimer. Except as may be provided° TH REGARD TO THE THIRD-PARTY PRODUCTS. ALL WARRANTIES(IF ANY)ARE PROVIDED s that SUNGARD MAKES O CUSTOMER IBY WHATSOEVER,EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, PUBLIC SECTOR EXPLICITLY THE LICENSORS, MANUFACTURERS AND PROVIDERS FITNESS FOR A PARTICUHLAR PURPOSEROEXCEPT FOR tITS GLIDISCLAIMS OBLIGATION TO REMIT PAYMENT RECEIVED FROM WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY CUSTOMER TO THE THIRD PARTY PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT, SUNGARD WILL HAVE NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THE THIRD-PARTY PRODUCTS. er Agreement, run 4.16 Other Limitations. The warranties made b any other in this sA no c reem and th circumstances g hall any Affiliattions of e or customerofn of Customer or any customers Customer and not to its Affiliates,its remedies under this Agreement(including any Person be considered a third-party on with beneficiary o variation ogreesc scion of the Agreement agreed beerwise entitled to any gweenrSunement or oth Gard and Customer),even f such Affiliates, right to be consulted in connother customers or other Persons nanorde epro videda SunGa d shall not be deemed Customer's official reco d keeper focess to the Solution or data maintained in the Solution via the rregulat ry or other°rkpurpo es and shall Except to the extent specified have no obligation to retain any records or data on Customer's behalf after termination or expiration of this Agreement. 5. Confidentiality,Security,Ownership and Use Restrictions. of the other ("Disclosing Party") shall not, and shall cause its 5.1. Confidentiality. The party receiving Confidential Information ("Receiving Party") Authorized Recipients not to, use Confidential Information for of puthese except as necessary Confdental Information of Disclosing pParty as t uses rto protect its own Receiving Party will use the same reasonable efforts to: (a) p Party Prior to disclosing the require them f Information rba by thesterms of hAuthrized s Agreement Receiving Receving Partyllinform them of the wi I proprietary information and data. Prip o pt y notify confidential nature of the Con e all ble sona Disclosing Party if Receiving Pdiscovers of suchoper use use lsosure rod disclosure. if Confidentialof Receiving RecInformation r any Party believes the Confidential nformationamust be efforts to investigate and correct disclosed under applicable law, Receiving Party may do so provided that, to the extent permitted by law, the other party is given a reasonable opportunity to contest such disclosure or obtain a protective order. 3 5.2. Security. (a) SunGard will implement eoDatarciajlprotect against any antreasonable ic pated threats or hazards totive, technical and physical thesecurituards y or integrity esigned to: (of Customer eDataU and (ii) confidentiality of Custom , protect against unauthorized access to or use of Customer Data. SunGard will review and test such safeguards on no less than an annual basis. (b) If Customer makes the Sr data le solution cnthe Internet reenvironment, shall solely responsible foall apcts of Intenet ue,and shall mainta n,inonectionwiththe operation ouse of the Solution, adequate technical and procedural access controls and system security requirements and devices, necessary for data privacy, confidentiality, integrity, authorization,authentication and non-repudiation and virus detection and eradication. shall ts with such Third Party (c) To the extent that Third-Pa are epee tyttand intellectual proCustomero have access to the Solution, maintain perty r ghts of SunGarrd nthe So utionand Documentation ,and disclaim any Users that adequately protectthe con liability or responsibility of SunGard with respect to such Third Party Users. tion on ata or 5.3. ng Personal Data. If SunGard proieeme tr then'(i)Customeise has rshall bete datass to any personal controllere(where ndat acont oller"smeans aneen ty whalf ehi h a onelor SunGard's obligations under this Ag s for which and the manner in which any personal data are,or are to be,processed)and SunGard shall o jointly with others determines purposeits own), processor(where"data processor'means an entity which processes the data only on behalf of the data controller and not for any purposes (ii) Customer shall ensure that it has obtained all necessary consents and it is entitled to transfer the relevant personal data or personal information to roaric SunGreement on ard so tha:SunGard may includlawfule use, process SunGard processing ansfer the and transferring the rsonal relevantpersonal personal data orinformation personal information iy utsidethis nthe country Customer's behalf, vd the may where Customer and the Authorize o Users personal data and persona in order for Gn information only in Solution and perform its dan e with any awful andrreasonaiblesin inser this tructions cto ns Agreement;and (iii)SunGard shall p in accordance with the terms of rAgreement; iiapprol riate given by Customer from time to ta nunauthoried or unawful processng of the pesonaldaa ad personal information or its accidental loss, technical and organizational measurest th st of ementing ny measures,the measures taken stat destruction or damage so that,having regard tto the that might resultgfrom such development nauthor�edeo runlawfullprocessing nor accidental loss destruction or ensure a level of security appropriate damage in relation to the personal data d perent sonal information and these measures taken.the nature of the personal data and personal information being protected. I necessary,the parties will cooperate t to G Solution Details. The-SG t all SG solution Details and all are trade related proprietaryts and intellectual property and other ownership rights hall be and remain exclusiverty of SunGard or its licensors,having gre3t commercial ely to SunGard or its licensors. Title to all SSunGard with SunGard or its licensors,even Wsuch ems thateed for SunGard,e created is Affil ates orspecifically third rd party to paybehalf oCustomeror .any thi da party any Affiliates may freely use Feedback without attribution or ip rights to any SG Solution the De a ties a other fees of any tomer This i virtue of this is not an Agreement. Allll cop es of SG Solution Dnt of sale,and no etails in Customer's posse on shall be deemed to be on loan Details are transferred to Customer Y to Customer during the term of this Agreement. 5.5. Use Restrictions. Except to the extent specifically authorized by this Agreement,Customer at anyall no,location or in any mnot emt to,and shall not permit any anner not pec fically authorized other Person under its reasonable control to:(a)use any SG Solution Detail forr any any purpose,p oseY e-engineer,reverse by this Agreement;(b)make or retain any Copy of any SG Solution Det ail;(c)create or recreate the solcableurce oa w;e fo(d)ymodifyl on,or r adapttranslate or create engineer, decompile or disassemble the Solution except to the extent specifically permitted by appi derivative works based upon the Solution extent Documentation, or combine ori able law;(e)refer to,disclose or otherwisee any part of the Solution or tuse any with Solution Detail as software or documentation except to the extent specifically permitted by app tion or part of any effort either(i)to develop a program or tamper with any copyr ghtng any functional tor otherproprietary noticce pl expressions or r int d or stamped ton,affixed to,ovencoded (ii)to compete with SunGard;(f) of an SG Solution Detail made by or recorded in any SG Solution Detail, or fail to preserve all copyright and other proprietary notices in any Copy Y Customer;(g)sell, market,license,sublicense,distribute or otherwise grant to any Person,including any outsourcer,vendor,sub-contractor,consultant have cess to any SG etai,whethr on Customer's or or partner,any right to use any SG SolutionDetail condu conductallow such any type of other Pers onon t euse p ovidereserv'ce bur au olrlution time sDharinlg operation or to provide behalf or otherwise;or(h)use the Solution to remote processing,network processing,network telecommunications orsimilar services to any Person,whether on a fee basis or otherwise. er of any actual or suspected breach it of any of the provisions 5.6. Notice and Remedy of Breaches. Each party shall promptly give notice to the oth of this Section 5, whether or not intentional, and the breaching party shall, at its expense,take all steps reasonably requeessted by the other party to prevent or remedy the breach. s of this Section 5 to for 5.7. Enforcement. Each party acknowledges that any breach there is a brey of ach,provision then the injured party sha beay rentitled,in addition esult in irreparable injury to a I other rights rand which money damages would not adequa ycompensate. or an injunction issued by any competent court,requiring the breach to be cure remedies which it may have,to have a decree of specific performance or enjoining all Persons involved from continuing the breach. 4 6. Professional Services. 6.1. Professional Services. An Order may identify certain Professional Services. . fees stated the Order. In each case 6.2. Professional Services Fees. Customershall then pay to SunGard fees for such the pro shall nalbe services ased upon SunGard'sthen standard professional sehry iceere s feeroferatesal services fees are not specified on the Order, SunGard el,living and 6.3. Expense Reimbursements. CustO es, inclludng, bute otnlim ed toGard for eP ofesionalvServicess and maintenance and support r out-of-pocket rendereddbyySunGard. personnel in connection with all service , g Reimbursable expenses shall be incurred n urred by yd shall SunGard personnel tomer fordreimburserice hmenSunGard's then t f these expensestonea ml onthly basis,as incurredlines,a copy o which will be included in the its y necessary for Su 6.4. Cooperation and Access to FacilitcunG�rd aata ccess opCustomer's to ation s te,equipmthe extent lent data and employees,a d shallto l otherw ge ooperate w tIh Agreement,customer shall provide to S SunGard in its performance hereunder,all as reasonably necessary for SunGard to perform its obligations under this Agreement. ces will be performed in a good and nlike manner 6.5. Professional Services Warr S on6 tY iSunGard 4aSunGard srthat Professional Se hall havenmer o I abil ty under this Section I 6.5 unless,within thirty(30)days after the actual date of by qualified personnel,subject to describinger breach this ry,together with adequate orting the particular Professional Servic , uYr snocromCstom .5 sto remedy thebreach a d re-perform the documentation and data. Upon receipt any such notice sonly obligation rider hsSeton6 particular Professional Services affected as soon as reasonably practical at no additional charge. ite, SunGard hat such 6.6. Compliance with Customer ea Policies. While securit unGard p procedures and sliterpopc es that are generally apperforming services at licable able toscustomer's otherlsuppliersensure tprov ding personnel comply with Customer's reason Y vided to SunGard in writing and in advance. Customer shall promptly reimburse SunGard for any out-of-pocket similar services and that have been pro costs incurred in complying with such procedures and policies. customer may,from 6.7. Contributed Material. In the proceents works or other matenal,for inclusion ssional in,Iormaki g modific tions otthe solut on,ime to time,thevDocum ntaide ti nlolr designs,plans,or specifications,improvem any other deliverables ("Contributed Material"). ofCustomer any kindgrants s wi hout theari non of exclusive,attribution, fo bSu Gad tSulnGard'seright,rable without Affiliates SunGard's payment of any royalties or other compensation licensees to make,use,sell and create derivative works of the Contributed Material. 7. Term and Termination. ge an initial term for the use of the Solution("Initial Term")and may state renewal terms(each a"Renewal Term"). 7.1. Order Term. The Order may sta "Order Term"means the Initial Term together with any Renewal Terms. 7.2. Termination. Either party may terminate this Agreement by giving notice of termination to the other party if the other party breaches any of its material obligations(other than Customer's failure to pay Support Fees during a Renewal Support Term) under this Agreement and does not cure the breach within thirty(30)days after receiving notice describing the breach in reasonable detail. this rmination of 7. s Section 7 3. Effect of Termination. The provisifor all Sacments due to SunGa d folall survive any r the period ending on the date oftermination. Upon ra terminunder ation of this or otherwise. Customer shall be liable payments use of Agreement,whether under this Section n7 or otherwise, ly return to SunGard d n the all copies on or rminaof the affected Osolution r and Documentation Iand sany tothe inueralffect d the affected Solution and Documentation,( )prompt SG Solution Details then in Customer's possession; and (iii) give notice to SunGard certifying that all copies of such items have been permanently deleted. 8. Terms Applicable To SaaS,ASP and Hosting. The following provisions in this Section 8 apply solely to Hosting Services and to Orders for an A Solution or SaaS Solution. 8.1. Saas,ASP and Hosting.SunGard shall provide the Hosting Services and/or access to the ASP Solution or SaaS solution,as described and fort e term specified on the Order. 8.2. Passwords and Solution Access. ds!inest cttconfidence or omers and shall notsaassign, share,ers with um susesor abuse the s codes to cPa swordnslorc attempt to "Password"), Customer shall hold any such Passwor render ineffective the password protection he Solutin. if Gard oo that t can customer suspectschange, asCru tome rin changing,arns the'applicable Password.unauthorized the extent the the Solution,Customer will immediately notify Solution is within SunGard's network, SunGard al or disruptive access to the Solution that SunGard will promptly notifut advance notice if y Customer of l any believes eventnlution is being used or accessed in an uncut g 8.3. Customer Data. a. customer (a) Customer shall supply, or cauiria besupplied, desplribedaoln the Ordercustomer s As between SunGa d and Culstormer Customer shansmit the all be resplonsible for ensuring that communications link or in another 5 the Customer Supplied Data is Accurate and complete. Customer represents and warrant to SunGard that Customer has the full legal right for Customer and SunGard,its affiliates and agents to use the Customer Supplied Data for processing hereunder. an ASP ion or SaaS ustomer (b) Within thirty (30) days after termine SunGard an ation of an tapes,data,files and other dpr per roperty belongingtto Customer anld then in SunGard's apossll v possession. To the instruction notice regarding the dispos Y use commercially reasonable efforts to comply with the notice, extent practicable and at Customer'sexpense after recei machine at forme SunGard may pt of such notic ,SunGard lretain such property until SunGard receives all payments due to including converting the data on the at notice within thirty (30) days after such termination, then SunGard may dispose of such SunGard under that Order. If Customer fails to give th property in a commercially reasonable manner. So ti order to improve SunGard's may uct and service use and distribute offerings ch datarits customers, SunGard may maintain in an aggregated and de-identified fomattl including d ng as informationase of part f the development, Solution. SunGard and its affiliates may distribution and licensing of any SunGard product or service offering. ther y of any rmal y a 8.4. Regulatory Access. To the extent permitted to or lotherare rch ecords, f willrty notify regarding Customer l that are omaintained si n SunGard facilities vunde governmental agency or regulator to examine Custom's king such Customer Data Agreement. Customer will reimburse examination and audit by e out-of-the governmental agency orpocket costs dr gulatory authority that has urisdict on over Customer's or other records,if any,available for business. l3.5. Support. SunGard shall provide to Customer the ongoing support services as described in tl,e Order. 6.6. Data Backup and Disaster Recovery. If the Solution maintains a database then,unless otherwise stated on the Order: ronic backup of the Customer Data accordance with the backup cycle defined in the Order(and if no backup cycle ka) SunGard shall provide an elect is defined,at reasonable intervals);and (b) SunGard shall maintain a disaster recovery plan which includes a procedure for the restoration of Customer's production environment at an alternate facility in the event of a disaster. SunGard's disaster recovery plan shall be tested at least once each calendar year. e entitled t its y for 8.7. interruption to solution. From tem maintenance and install shall llbenhancements ondiscretion,without r SunGard's equipment software odoing) interrupt and /orothersy temsthat the Solution to; (i) perform repairs and other ources shared by its required forthe provision of the Solution, ° )in the prmake oustments vision of the Solution. Exto its infrastructure pt in the case of emergenlcy repairs,maintenance ce or adjustments, other customers)and thereby cause adisruption SunGard will (a)give customersable reasonable eri prior nom ie the the ince oft hetnterrluptionuch interruptions to outside of SunGard's normal business ours; and(c)use commercially reasonable l check the 8.8. Harmful Code. Using a recent versionand nsureeno Harmful Code is introduputable virus-checking I ced by by itsrend xusers orf omtent cits lsystems binto any systemslused in the Specified Configuration for Harmful Code Solution and will use commercially reasonable efforts to eliminate any such Harmful Cede that either Customer or SunGard iscovers. erially increase the of data to be processed 8.9. Volume Increases.Customer shall give o SunGard whenever Cur in nottends lts in increase beyond the stomecope of Use drequi requires additional executed Orderdand the payment of on the Solution. Any such increase that re additional fees. additional Applicable to Software Licenses. The following provisions in this Section 9 apply solely to an Order that provides the right for Customer o 9. install the Solution at the facility identified on the Order.. 9.1. Grant. Except as otherwise providedne rder ,SunGard The Sou tions to tall stomer a in object codeefom only at Cu tome,non-exclusive,term lr's locat on(s)I sted oicense to use the lntthe he Sco in accordance with this Agreement and p Order ("Designated Location(s)"). Customer may, subject to Section 10.4, use or access the Solution at or from Customer locations worldwide. Customer may change a Designated Location by giving prompt notice thereof to SunGard. Customer may copy and use the Solution installed at the Designated Location for inactive back-up and disaster recovery purposes. Customer may copy the Documentation to the extent reasonably necessary for use of the Solution under this Agreement. I m such initial Copies(a)by 9.2. Initial Installation. SunGard shall deliver to Customer the initial Copies of the Solution posting nd t on Suon the OnGard's netrder by work for downloading. Physical physical shipment,such as on a disc or other media,or(b)by electronic delivery,such as by p g shipment is on F.O.B. terms,SunGard's shipping point and electronic delivery is deemed effective at the time SunGard provides Customer with access to download the Solution. The date of such delivery shall be referred to as the"Delivery Date" of the al 9.3. Support. Beginning on the Ordnroin Execution ort se vicescontinuing cribedonthe that Orders and Cu tomer shall pay to SunGard suppo Order ees`stated onsupport such Term"), SunGard shall provide the o g g PP ort services shall automatically renew and Customer shall be Order ("support Fees"). Upon expiration of the Initial Support Term, the ongoing supp obligated to pay the Support Fees for additional annual support periods(each a"Renewal support Term"),until the earlier of: 6 (a)a party giving ort termination if ivin the other notice of its intent to terminate ongoing support services(in accordance with Section 10.1)at least sixty(60)days before the end of the Initial Support Teffe t vee prior toswhpheveort r is the larm, as terof(i)the fifth(5th)anniver anniversary of the Order Execution Date;or(ii)ce of pthe date which falls such termination would be P at the end of the period equal to two(2)times the Initial Support Term;or (b)termination of this Agreement. On an annual basis,SunGard may increase the Support Fees payable. services by either party or at any time when Customer has failed 9.4. support Termination. Upon the effective date of termination of ongoing supportort services,including SunGard's obligations to pay Support Fees("support Termination Date"):(i)SunGard shall discontinue providing pply fo ongoing period after the Support Termination Date; and (iii) under Section 9.3; (ii) any SunGard warranties under this Agreement shall curt T rminnat on Date except for SunGard's indemnification obligations for SunGard shall not be liable for customer's use of the Solution after the Supp any third-party claims covered by Section 4.2 that arose prior to the Support Termination Date (but only to the extent such claim would not have been remedied by a Release made available by SunGard after the Support Termination Date). will ion(a as described 9.5. Software Warranty. SunGard warrants used for the purpose for a period of in the mannerspecificallyf ca y a from the ed byDelivery this AgreDement)e ill pert (as s described to Customer by SunGard and when properly in the Documentation in all material respects. SunGard's sole obligation and liability under this warranty is to comply with the provisions of Section 9.3 of this Agreement. ices in accordance with the confidentiality Designated L tprovisions of this 9.6. Remote Access of Installed SoftGa ' rovidthatS SunGard performs rt he ocatio for:he purpose of Customer shall permit d tSunGard's option, y access the solution installed a Agreement, he urposes of is A providing support services to Customer under Section 9.3 and otherwandcompanyimplementing t ppolicies thathg ha ebeen provided o SulnGa d inlwriting. Solution, SunGard will comply with Customer's reasonable security procedures Customer shall promptly reimburse SunGard for any out-of-pocket costs incurred in complying with such procedures and policies. on customer's systems and er 9.7. Backup. Customer acknowledges that it r the best judge bf the ack uv clopand importance of the ies of all data that Customer processes using the solution,which adataswilll be shall be solely responsible for maintaining secure an complete back-up P on f backed-up on not less than a daily basis and whicbe readily h ill SunGard shall haavailave b no liability for any loss ordamage ausedle on machines controlled by customer to abylecustomer's'sf ailure toomalintain such data in the event of any loss of or damage such backed-up copies. stomer t SunGard,its 9.8. Audit. At SunGard's expense and upon writtenmal business hours andt ble notice, number of copies es of' personnel the Solut on a d Docmentaton in customer's to enter the relevant Customer locations du g possession and informatics pertaining,i Cuod faith that tpliance there hasth been a bre ch of this Agreemreement. Such lent shall not occur more and shall Ir-performed n twelve once in any manner month period(uriess SunGard believes,in go suppliers and customers. Customer will, in a not to disrupt Customer's business and operations and will respect the confidentiality of customer, its Supp' timely manner, reasonably cooperate with the editors and provide th of SunGard to execute tors rleasonable confidentialityistance as hey may l assragreemelntsean comply with customequest in connection with r's audit. Customer may require auditors acting on reasonable security requirements,but the requirement will not apply to SunGard's internal auditors otherwise bound by the confidentiality conditions o this Agreement. 30. Other Provisions.Reserved have been reement shall be in 10.1. Notices. All notices,consents and other actual receipt;a(b)the thtions ird business r or lday ang 'ftegbeing mailed by first cla'ss,,certified ong and shall r mailoro(c)the first received on the earlier of: (a)the date act P if notice by one of business day after being sent by a reputable overnight delivery service. Any notices is stated on the 0 der. SunGard's address for notices'lis stated on the Order.foregoing In the case mail a written provided promptly thereafter. customer's of(i)any notice by Customer alleging a breach at Swedesford Road,Wayne,Pennsylvan a 19087,Attention:Generareement by SunGard or(ii)a termination of this l Counsel tand such omer anlot o shall identify notice to SunGard Data Systems Inc.,68 giving written notice of the new address the name date,specific parties and SunGard Order Number. Either party may change its address for notices by g' g to the other party. 10.2. Defined Terms. As used in this Agreement,the terms below(and their plural forms)have the following meanings: or controls,is (a) "affiliate"whether capitalized or not, ea Person as respect to a the sp eci f this fied rson,aen Personny foas longassu such elationlshlipremains in effecttrolled by, or is under common control with the specified zed User and (b) "Authorized Recipients means: oit with pof SunGard;and ( )with respect tto SunGard, SunGard, foreign ndee of adomestic eAffiliatescand provided that the contractor is n their respective contractors. (c) "Authorized User"means a Customer employee. 7 (d) "Confidential Information" means all business or technical information disclosed by Disclosing Party to Receiving Party in connection with this Agreement. Confidential Information includes without limitation:(i) Customer Data and the the receipt thereof undeils of Customer's r Ag eementdhad the SG Solution Details.Confidential Information does not include information that: (aa) P or had been lawfully received by Receiving Party been developed independently by Receiving Party,or was lawfully known to Receiving Party, from other sources, provided such other source did not receive it due to a breach of an agreement with Disclosing Party,and Receiving Party cly own t or after arns of such knew of such breach ri ought nformation ork ow eldgeknown wh chfeitherbreach; party wouldsha vel learned i athe course of time worlk in the tradeer party first ,business or information, c)generic n industry;or(cc)subsequent to the receipt thereof under this Agreement;(1)is published by Disclosing Party or is disclosed generally by Disclosing Party to others without restriction on its use and disclosure; or (2) has been lawfully obtained by Receiving Party from other sources which Receiving Party reasonably believes lawfully came to possess it. (e) "copy"whether capitalized or not,means any paper,disk,tape,film,memory device or other material or object on or in which any words,object code,source code or other symbols are written,recorded or encoded,whether permanent or transitory. (f) "Customer Data, means data stored in,or processed by,the Solution;provided that aggregated data that is not personally identifiable data and not identifiable to Customer shall not be deemed Customer Data nor Customer's Confidential Information. (g) "Customer Supplied Data"means any information or data introduced into the Solution by or on behalf of Customer. (h) "Disputed Amount"means a good faith dispute by Customer of certain amounts invoiced under this Agreement. An amount will only constitute a Disputed Amount if (i) Customer has given notice of the dispute to SunGard promptly after receiving the invoice and (ii) the notice explains Customer's position in reasonable detail. A disputed will not exist as to ar+invoice in its entirety merely because certain amounts on the invoice are Disputed Amounts. provides for the Solution,as such Documentation may be updated from time (i) Documentation"means the standard user documentation SunGard to time. (j) perform in all material respects in accordance with the Documentation. "Error"means a failure of a Supported Release togulati U.S.,the United (k) "Export Laws"means any laws,be administrativelocated ofrom whe hereanySG Solution ns and In Details will brs of e accessed under this Agreement relatdom and any ing to the jurisdiction of any SG Solution Details imports and exports of commodities and technical data, use or remote use of software and related property or services,embargo of goods or services or registration of the Office ofing the port Fo Foreign Asset Co troRof the U.S.Department of the Treasuryministration egulations of the U.S. Department . Commerce and the regulations and executive orders administered by (1) "Feedback"means any suggestions or recommendations for improvements or modifications to the Solution made by or on behalf of Customer. (m) "including"whether capitalized or not,means including but7iot limited to. (n) "Liability Cap"means the greater of Fifty Thousand'U.S. Dollars(US$50,000)or the amount identified on the Order as the liability cap,provided however that,if no amount is identified on the Order then the liability cap shall be Fifty Thousand U.S.Dollars(US$50,000). (o) "Open Source Software"means computer software made generally available at no charge by the copyright holder under a license which provides the right to modify and distribute the software to anyone for any purpose at no charge. rship, corporation, (p) "person" whether capitalized or not, means any estate,government,govvidual, sole proprietorship,joint venture,ernmental tal agency,regulatory authority or other,entity of any nature.company, firm, bank, association,cooperative,t g (q) "Professional Services"means installation,implementation,training or consulting services including custom modification programming,support services relating to custom modifications,on-site support services,assistance with data transfers,system restarts and reinstallations provided by SunGard under this Agreement. (r) "Release"means a modification or update to the Solution,which SunGard,in its sole discretion,in into the Solution without requiring its then existing client base to pay a separate fee(other than support fees). (s) "Scope of Use" means the Designated Computer(s), Designated Location(s), License Term, Platform, Business Purpose, Number of Trades, er of Number of Work Stations, er of Developers, parameters are stated ber in Section f Users, of or onume he Order. Scope of UselthalDl not include the bproceser of P g ofany Servers,and/or other restrictions Acquired Business. Customer shall use the Solution in production to process Customer's business;provided that all increases in the Scope of Use require the execution of an amendment amending the Scope of Use. (t) "SG Solution Details" means any of the following:the Solution and Documentamats and other tion,the object code and the source code for the Solution,the on, all visual expressions, screen ."oand/or r d or in oort forratd into the Solutions r Docuign mentation,t onures of l,all futulrre modifications,updates,IRelease's, formulae s concepts used in developing / and enhancements of the Solution or Documentation,all derivative works(as such term is used in the U.S.copyright laws)based upon any o the foregoing and all copies of the foregoing. 8 (u) "Supported Release"means,unless otherwise stated in the Order,the latest Release of the Solution that is generally available to SunGard's client base. Third Party Hardware,Third Party Data or Third Party Services. (v) "Third-Party Product"means Third-Party Software, (w) "Third-Party Hardware"means that hardware specified as thrid party hardware on the Order. (x) "Third-Party Services"means those services specified as third party services on the Order. (y) "Third-Party Software"means the software specified as third-party software on the Order. (z) "Third-Party User" means any of Customer's customers, or their customers,to the extent such persons are provided access to the Solution or Third-Party Data hereunder. 10.3. Parties in Interest. (a) This Agreement shall bind, benefit and be enforceable by and against SunGard and Customer and, their respective permitted successors an assigns. te any hereunder,without nor ega (b) Customer shall not assign this consent shall not be required in ereunderof an elle gnment offits obligations th s Ag eement(but riot of any individual rightslor written consen_,except obligations hereunder) to (I) copurchaser of or successor to mputer services vendor that i uascompetitorl of SunGa of d rits bparent company sor"any of tseAffiliate)essor or (ii)is software, data processingtees the the a�,signee and the use of the Solution Affiliate of Customer,provided in case of such Any assignment assignment,nt Customer in breach of this Selctionushallfbe void. Any express assignment of this is not Agreement, broadened beyond the Scope )and any Agreement, any change in control customer Affiliate in the case of shall constitute an assignment ssignment to that Agrreementte rrnder this Section by Customer for pu0rposes of this assignment by merger or otherwiseY P on of onal siness by Customer, r by eth Section 0("customer Assignment"). In by event entr tion of lawern of a (collectively withthe ccustolmerr Assignment,' ,customer Add t onalhBusine s asset acquisition, merger oro Y pe ard notifying SunGard if Customer desires to use the Solution to process any additional business Acquisition"),Customer s�iall give notice to SunG related to such Customer Additional Business Acquisition("Acquired Business"). ovided nt are 10.4. Export Laws. Customer tomer acknshalowledges not violate the Export Lat the SG solution Details and the servi ws or otherwise export,re-export oryusend SunGardhereunder or indirectly(r(including via remote subject to the Export Laws. Customer access), any part of the Solution, Confidential Information or services in a manner, or to or for any person or entity, for which a license or other authorization is required under the Export Laws without first obtaining such license or authorization. 10.5. 'lelationship. The relationship between the parties created by this Agreement is that of inde,)endent contractors and not partners,joint venturers or agents. d any 10.6. Entire Understanding. This Agreement, with which h includes ncl d s and incorptorates matterhe Order,a supersedes alltpror proposalsr s_hedules,emabrket ng materials,rinegotiations, the entire understanding between t parties representations (whether negligently or innocently made),agreements and other written or oral communications between the parties with respesuch ct to of the SST and an the subject matter of this Agreement. Inoreothe materials wh cheSunGardthe rprovidovisions es to Customers that O are rnot included in n the Docume e SST,the terms at ofn a e Order shall prevail. Any written, printed this provided on an"as es is"basis,without warranty,expresstYand orsolely implied rep eaccommodation warr warranty, collateral ollateral contract gnoor other assurran assurance (whether negligently ach party gor and agrees that it has not relied on any .6,might ressly set out in this Agreement. Each party waives all rights and re innocently made), except those expmedies which, but Y.utcollat for rral contract s Section 0or other otherwise be available to it in respect of any such representation (whether negligently or innocently made), assurance. Nothing in this Agreement shall limit or exclude any liability for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation. any this Agreement,shall be effective 10.7. Modification and Waiver. No modification of the party against whom enforcement fis sought. This Agreement may not be modified uoreamendedss in lby and signed by an authorized represen electronic means without written agreement of the parties with respect to formats and protocols. No waiver of any breach of this Agreement,and no course of dealing between the parties,shall be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach of this Agreement. 10.8. Heading.. Section headings are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the interpretation of this Agreement. . b SunGard's business is 10.9. Personnel. Customer acknowledges that: (a) SunGard expends substantial time and money, on an ongoing basis, to recruit and train its services programmers,trainers,arketed throughout the United States,dEurope anailn many other locations worldwide, d requSunGard ires long sales lead times often highly competitivpersonnel (" e,is m e to hire SunGard Personnel, then SunGard may suffer lost sales opportunities and wouldincur exceeding one (1) year; and (c) if Customer wer substantial time and money inhentg estlhi akin ny place dent(s)for tsonnel atsanyutime when osuchlSunGard(Personnels soemployedtor engaged by SunGa d or subsidiaries or other controlled SunGard during the six(6)months after such employment uch SunGard nPergsonnel's salary and others compeement ends,then customer nsation o(including abonus ortcommissamagon payment)at thes(and not a e time amount equal to twelve(12)months 9 this s to loy as an employee or to ngage as an of leaving his/her employment whether on engagement fulme,part-time or temporary basis. Thispp provision will erema n in effect pduring the term of this Agreement and independent contractor, for a period of one(1)year after expiration or termination of this Agreement. 10 SUNGARW PUBLIC SECTOR www.sungardps.com•800-727-8088 Revised Exhibit 1 — Revised Scope of Work TRAKiT9 Migration TRAKiT 9 Licensing Terms The following software is currently licensed by the Client and will be replaced during the migration process: TRAKiT 9 Software SunGard Systems will transfer the license&maintenance from the current TRAKiT product to TRAKiT9. Modules currently licensed by the Client include: - 30 End-user licenses - GeoTRAK(formerly LandTRAK) - PermitTRAK - ProjectTRAK - CodeTRAK - GIS Advanced Version (support for ArcGIS Server 10.1 and above only) SunGard shall provide maintenance service,technical support, and software updates. Covered software does not include hardware, hardware vendor operating systems and other system software, CLIENT-developed software,or third-party software.A separate"Software Maintenance Agreement" must be executed along with this quote. eTRAKiT Software SunGard will ensure that current eTRAKiT settings are main;.ained and connected properly to the new TRAKiT9 database. MobileTRAK Software SunGard will ensure that current MobileTRAK settings are maintained and connected properly to the new TRAKiT9 database. This includes migration for the following modules: - iTRAKiT Installation&Migration Assistance in SunGard will migrate all Client ata co tai a fuwithnctions/features es a e different orT and confirm that havehave been systemrimary functionsons are available. Client understands from previous versions of TRAMT. Installation Assistance SunGard will provide the TRAKiT 9 software and assist the City in installing it on a local server. Server must have access to the agency's TRAKiT database. Software installation will be done one (1) time and must be installed in Client's live environment. The Client will be charged for any moving and/or reinstallation of the software. Agency understands that the migration is for the existing TRAKiT configuration as provided to SunGard on July 20,2016. No Business Process Review or Workbook Analysis meetings are budgeted for this implementation. City of Round Rock,TX Page 1 of 5 Proprietary and Confidential November 7,2016 SUNGARW PUBLIC SECTOR www.sungardps.com•800-727-8088 Data Migration xisting TRAKiT database into the TRAKiT 9 data structure. Price SunGard will migrate the Client's e includes two (2)conversion routines: 1. Migration will occur at the initial delivery for Client testing. Any issues with migrated data must be reported to SunGard at the conclusion of the initial testing period,which will be defined by the Project Schedule that will be negotiated by the City and the SunGard project manager. 2. Just prior to the Go Live event. The TRAKiT database must be provided to SunGard by no later than 9:00 AM PST on the scheduled conversion date. Any alterations made-:o the TRAKiT database by the Client during migration will result in additional charges to correct. Agency Responsibilities The Agency agrees to the following: - Fully test the system and host the site live per the project schedule that the SunGard Project Manager will present/negotiate to the City. - Client will be responsible for providing remote network access to SunGard. - Any delays in the project schedule caused by the City may result in additional charges. - The client must track any alterations made to their production TRAKiT database while testing TRAKiT9,and apply those changes(as needed)to the TRAKiT9 database with the guidance of CRW. Any alterations made to the TRAKiT database by the Client during migration will result in additional charges should CRW need to correct. Client will provide IT support, as requested by SunGard,to affect changes to the client environment in support of this project. Any delays in the negotiated project schedule caused by the City may result in additional charges. Report,Document,&Customization Migration TRAKiT Reporting has been updated from Crystal Reports (SAP)to SQL Server Reporting Service (Microsoft SSRS)standards. Client understands that the format/details of the TRAKiT9 reports may vary from the TRAKiT.Net reports.The following custom reports,documents,forms, and customizations will be delivered as part of the migration. Any reports not identified on the list below will result in additional fees, if SunGard needs to correct any errors. TRAKiT 9 Standard Reports Standard Reports are included at no cost to the client. The following list of Standard Reports are in current use by the Client and will be migrated to TRAKiT9: 1. PERM111 2. PERM110 3. PERM130S 4. PERM195 5. PERM160 6. PLAN30 7. CHART80 8. CHART20 9. CHART10 10. PROJ30 11. PROJ10 City of Round Rock,TX Page 2 of 5 Proprietary and Confidential November 7,2016 SUNGARW PUBLIC SECTOR www.sungardps.com•800-727-8088 12. PERM170 13. PERM171 14. PROJ70 15. PERM50 16. PERM61 17. PERM62 18. BUS11 Agency-Specific Custom Reports/Forms 1. Case_History 2. DSO_15`_Submit_Letter 3. DSO_Site_Small-Site Letters 4. DSO_SITE-SMALL_SITE_LETTERS-SUB 5. DSO_Subdivision_Imprv_Letters 6. Permit_Plan_Review_By_Submittal 7. RR_CO_Acceptance_letter 8. RR_CO_Recognition_letter 9. RR_Code_Fire_lnsp 10. RR_Code_Letter to_legal 11. RR_code violation-letter 12. DSO_Permit_Details (previously identified as RR_Permit_Details) 13. RR_Plan_Review_By_Submittal 14. RR_PLAT_ANALYSIS 15. RR_StaffAnalysis2 16. RR_StaffAnalysisPlat 17. RR_StaffAnalysisZon 18. RR TCO letter 19. RR Temp CO-Application Ext 20. ACCT95TA-Trust Payments (by Account)-Summary 21. RR_ACCTNUM_CASH_CHECK-Payments(by Account)Cash and Check only 22. RR_CAPITALVALUEADD-Capital Value Additions 23. RRCASEDSOPENED_CODE41-Cases Opened (Select Type and Status) _ 24. RR_CASESOPENEDSUBTYPE_CODE23-Cased Opened(By Subtype) 25. RR_ DEPOSIT-INSPECTIONS-Payments for Inspection Fees 26. RR_DEPOSITACCT_FOR_IS-Payments for Insp Fees by Account for IS 27. RR_DSO_PERMIT_OPENREVIEWS-DSO Permit Review Status (select type) 28. RR_DSO_PERMITS_NOTCLOSED-Permits Applied for 29. RR_DSO_REVIEWS_BY_DATE-DSO Reviews by Date 30. RR_INSPECTIONS_SUBDIVISION-Inspections Requested by Subdivision 31. RR_NOTIFICATION_LTR_LABL-06. Notification Letters and Labels 32. RR_PROJECT_PLAN_REVIEW_HISTORY-04. Project Plan Review History Selectable) 33. RR_PROJECT_STATUS-10. Project Status Report(Date/Typ 34. RR_PROJECTLIST-08. ProjectListing 35. RR_PWPROJECTS-CIP Project Status 36. RR_PZCOMMISSIONMEETING-01. P&Z Commission Meeting 37. 'RR_REVIEW_COM_ENG_TRANSMIT-'03. Review Comments to Engineer Transmittal 38. RR_STAFFANSLYSISPLAT-05a.Staff Analysis Report-Platting 39. RR_STAFFANALYSISZON-05b.Staff Analysis Report-Zoning City of Round Rock,TX Page 3 of 5 Proprietary and Confidential November 7,2016 SUNGARW PUBLIC SECTOR www.sungardps.com•800-727-8088 40. RR TAPAYANDDEPOSITS—Trust Activity 41. RR_TAPAYANDDEPOSITSNEW—Detailed Trust Activity 42. RR_TECH_REVIEW TRANSMITPROJECT-02.Tech Review Transmittal 43. RR TRANSACTION REPORT-Transaction Report 44. RR_TRUSTACCT_BALANCE—Trust Account Balances 45. RR_WATER_IRR_METER—Water&Irrigation Meter Report 46. RR_WORKORDER—Generate Workorders The RR_TABC_RENEWAL—TABC Renewal Notices (This will need to be handled wither through the GLR or custom script. It has database changes.) User Training Training will be conducted onsite at the Client's location. Upfront Webinar Training - SunGard will perform up to eight (8) hours webinar training at the beginning of the project. - Training will be performed remotely. SunGard T-ainin - One trainer to accommodate up to eight(8)students. - Provide all necessary training material for students. - Training will be broken into 4 hour(half-day)segments for each class. Students must be able to attend the full training session. - Provide two (2)full onsite days of training/go live migration assistance. Client Responsibility - Provide an adequate training space to accommodate trainees. - Provide eight(8)workstations/laptops for each individual to be trained. Workstation environment must connect directly tot he Client's Live/Production database. - Students will have sufficient basic knowledge of Client's business processes and basic MS- Windows functions. - Workstations must be compatible with Internet Explorer 10 or 11. Technology Requirements Supported Browsers: TRAKiT9: o Internet Explorer 10, 11 o Microsoft Edge eTRAKiT: o Internet Explorer 9, 10, 11 o Microsoft Edge o Google Chrome o Mozilla Firefox o Apple Safari Server hardware requirements: - Windows Server 2008 R2 - SQL Server 2008 R2 or later Ci of Round Rock,TX Page 4 of 5 Proprietary and Confidential November 7,2016 SUNGARW PUBLIC SECTOR www.sungardps.com•800-727-8088 - SRSS Reporting services enabled for reports - ASP.net 4.0 IIS 7+ - 32-bit enabled - Web server must be exposed to the inter net for eTRAKiT and iTRAKiT services Installation will occur on the Client's Live/Production environment only. If additional server installations are required,this will be considered an additional cost for configuration. Proprietary and Confidential City of Round Rock,TX Page 5 of 5 November 7,2016 DATED:JULY 2011 ROUND ROCK,TEXAS PURPOSE P14SIO>i PROSMIry CITY OF ROUND ROCK INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. INSURANCE: The Vendor shall at its sole cost and expense for the duration of the agreement or purchase order resulting from a response to the Solicitation/Specification, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work as a result of the solicitation by the successful respondent, its agents representatives volunteers employees or subcontractors. 1.1. Certificates of Insurance and endorsements shall be furnished to the City and approved by the City before work commences. 1.2. The following standard insurance policies shall be required: 1.2.1. General Liability Policy 1.2.2. Automobile Liability Policy 1.2.3. Worker's Compensation Policy 1.3. The following general requirements authorizl;d ble to all policies: 1.3.1. Only insurance companies lir-eased and admitted to do business in the State of Texas shall be accepted. 1.3.2. Deductibles shall be listed on the Certificate of Insurance and are acceptable only on a per occurrence basis for property damage only. 1.3.3. Claims made policies shall not be accepted, Except for Professional Liability Insurance. 1.3.4. Upon request, certified copies of all insurance policies shall be furnished to the City. 1.3.5. Policies shall include, but not be limited to,the following minimum limits: Minimum Bodily Injury Limits of$300,000.00 per occurrence. Property Damage Insurance with minimum limits of$50,000.00 for each occurrence. Liability Insurance for all owned, non-owned, and hired vehicles with minimum limits for Bodily Injury of$100,000.00 each person, and $300,000.00 for each occurrence, and Property Damage Minimum limits of $50,000.00 for each occurrence. Statutory Worker's Compensation Insurance and minimum $100,000.00 Employers Liability Insurance. 1.3.6. Coverage shall be maintained for two years minimum after the termination of the Agreement. 1.4. The City shall be entitled, upon request, and without expense to receive copies of insurance policies and all endorsements thereto and may make reasonable request for deletion, revision, or modification of particular policy terms, conditions, limitations, or exclusions(except where policy provisions are established by law or regulation binding either of the parties hereto or the underwriter of any of such policies). Upon such request by the City, the Vendor shall exercise reasonable efforts to accomplish such changes in policy coverage and shall pay the cost thereof. All insurance and bonds shall meet the requirements of the solicitation specification and the insurance endorsements stated below. Page 1 of 4 DATED:JULY 2011 JROUND ROCK,TDCAS PURPOSE PASSION PROSPEIUTY 1.5. Vendor agrees that with respect to the required insurance, all insurance contracts and certificate(s)of insurance will contain and state, in writing, on the certificate or its attachment, the following provisions: 1.5.1. Provide for an additional insurance endorsement clause declarin the Vendor's insurance as primary. with exception to workers compensation Include 1.5.2. PwPALq the City and its officers, employees, and elected officials as additional insured's, (as the interest of each insured may appear) as to all applicable coverage. 1.5.3. 1.5.4. Remove all language on the certificate of insurance indicating: the insurance company or agent/broker shall endeavor to notify the City; and, Failure to do so shall impose no obligation of liability of any kind upon the company, its agents, or representatives. 1.5.5. Provide for notice to the City at the addresses listed below by registered mail: 1.5.6. Vendor agrees to waive subrogation against the City, its officers, employees, and elected officials for injuries, including death, property damage, or any other loss to the extent same may be covered by the proceeds of insurance. 1.5.7. Provide that all provisions of the agreement concerning liability, duty, and standard of care together with the indemnification provision, shall be underwritten by contractual liability coverage sufficient to include such obligations within applicable policies. 1.5.8. All copies of the Certificate of Insurance shall reference the project name, solicitation number or purchase order number for which the insurance is being supplied. 1.5.9. Vendor shall notify the City in the event of any change in coverage and shall give such notices not less than thirty days prior notice to the change, which notice shall be accomplished by a replacement Certificate of Insurance. . 1.5.10. All notices shall be mailed to the City at the following addresses: Assistant City Manager City Attorney City of Round Rock City of Round Rock 221 East Main 309 East Main Round Rock,TX 78664-5299 Round Rock,TX 78664 2. WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE 2.1. Texas Labor Code, Section 406.098 requires workers'compensation insurance coverage for all persons providing services on building or construction projects for a governmental entity. 2.1.1. Certificate of coverage("certificate") -A copy of a certificate of insurance, a certificate of authority to self-insure issued by the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission, or a coverage agreement(TWCC-81, TWCC-82, TWCC-83, orTWCC-84), showing statutory workers' compensation insurance coverage for the person's or entity's employees providing services on a project,for the duration of the project. 2.1.2. Duration of the project-includes the time from the beginning of the work on the project until the CONTRACTOR'S/person's work on the project has been completed and accepted by the OWNER. 2.2. Persons providing services on the project("subcontractor") in Section 406.096—includes all persons or entities performing all or part of the services the CONTRACTOR has undertaken to perform on the project, regardless of whether that person contracted directly with the CONTRACTOR and regardless of whether that person has employees. This includes,without limitation, independent contractors, subcontractors, leasing companies, motor carriers, owner- Page 2 of 4 DATED:JULY 2011 ROUND ROCK.TEXAS PURPOSL PAMIOH PROSPMM operators, employees of any such entity, or employees of any entity, which furnishes persons to provide services on the project. "Services" include,without limitation, providing, hauling, or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor, transportation, or other service related to a project. "Services" does not include activities unrelated to the project, such as food/beverage vendors, office supply deliveries, and delivery of portable toilets. 2.3. The CONTRACTOR shall provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements,that meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011(44)for all employees of the CONTRACTOR providing services on the project, for the duration of the project. 2.4. The CONTRACTOR must provide a certificate of coverage to the OWNER prior to being awarded the agreement. 2.5. If the coverage period shown on the CONTRACTOR'S current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project, the CONTRACTOR shall, prior to the end of the coverage period, file a new certificate of coverage with the OWNER showing that coverage has been extended. 2.6. The CONTRACTOR shall obtain from each person providing services on a project, and provide to the OWNER: 2.6.1. a certificate of coverage, prior to that person beginning work on the project, so the OWNER will have on file cerlificates of coverage showing coverage for all persons providing services on the project; and 2.6.2. no later than seven (7)calendar days after receipt by the CONTRACTOR, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project. 2.7. The CONTRACTOR shall retain all required certificates of coverage for the duration of the project and for one (1) year thereafter. 2.8. The CONTRACTOR shall notify the OWNER in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within ten (10) calendar days after the CONTRACTOR knew or should have known, or any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project. 2.9. The CONTRACTOR shall post on each project site a notice, in the text,form and manner prescribed by the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission, informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify coverage and report lack of coverage. 2.10. The CONTRACTOR shall contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services on a project,to: 2.10.1. provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, that meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011(44)for all its employees providing services on the project,for the duration of the project; 2.10.2. provide to the CONTRACTOR, prior to that person beginning work on the project, a certificate of coverage showing that coverage is being provided for all employees of the person providing services on a project, for the duration of the project; 2.10.3. provide the CONTRACTOR, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; Page 3 of 4 J!ROUNDRQCK.TEXAS DATED:JULY 2011 POSE RMM PROSPERITY obtain from each other person with whom it contracts, and provide to the CONTRACTOR: certificate of coverage, prior to the other person beginning work on the project; and new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, prior to the end of the coverage period, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one (1) year thereafter; notify the OWNER in writing by certified mal or personal delivery, within ten (10) calendar days after the person kneiN or,should have known, of any change that materially affects the provis,on of coverage of any person providing services on the project; and contractually require each person with whom it contracts, to perform as required by paragraphs (2.1 thru 2.7),with the certificates of coverage to be provided to the person for whom they are providing services. By signing the solicitation associated with the specification, or providing, or causing to be provided a certificate of coverage, the Contractor is representing to the Owner that all employees of the Contractor who will provide services on the project will be covered by workers' compensation coverage for the duration of the project,that the coverage will be based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts, and that all coverage agreements will be filed with the appropriate insurance carrier or, in the case of a self-insured, with the Commission's Division of Self-Insurance Regulation. Providing false or misleading information may subject the Contractor to administrative penalties, criminal penalties, civil penalties,or other civil actions. The Contractor's failure to comply with any of these provisions is a breach of contract by the Contractor that entitles the Owner to declare the agreement void if the Contractor does not remedy the breach within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of notice of breach from the owner. Page 4 of 4 CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 loll OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos.1-4 and 6 if there are interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING Complete Nos.1,2,3,5,and 6 if there are no interested parties. 1 Name of business entity filing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's place Certifi2017-154142cafe Number: of business. SunGard Public Sector LLC Date Filed: Lake Mary,FL United States 01/13/2017 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is being filed. Date Acknowledged: City of Round Rock 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract,and provide a description of the services,goods,or other property to be provided under the contract. Quote 00021607 TRAKi f Professional Services __ f Nature of interest 4Name of Interested Party City,State,Country(place of business) (check applicable) Controlling Intermediary Panther Sub LLC Jacksonville,FL United States X Panther GP 2 Jacksonville,FL United States X Panther GP 1 Jacksonville,FL United States X Brown,Marianne Jacksonville,FL United States X Oates,Michael Jacksonville,FL United States X Woodall,James Jacksonville,FL United Slates X Norcross,Gary Jacksonville,FL United States X 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑ 6 AFFIDAVIT I swear,or affirm,under penalty of perjury,that the above disclosure is true and correct. Y rv''• MARSHALL F.HARRIS * . + MY COMMISSION#FF 218677 EXPIRES:April 8,2019 l llf tri' Bonded Thru Mary Public Undervmlers Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity AFFIX NOTARY STAMP/SEAL ABOVE Sworn to and subscribed before me,by-the said this the day of 20_L''% ,to certify which,witness my hand and seal of office. Signature of officer administering oath Printed name of officer administering oath Title of officer administering oath Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.0.277 CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 3.295 1 of 1 Complete Nos.1-4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos.1,2,3,5,and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2017-154142 SunGard Public Sector LLC Lake Mary, FL United States Date Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 01/13/2017 being filed. City of Round Rock Date Acknowledged: 01/24/2017 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract,and provide a description of the services,goods,or other property to be provided under the contract. Quote 00021607 TRAKiT Professional Services Nature of interest 4 Name of Interested Party City,State,Country(place of business) (check applicable) Controlling I Intermediary Panther Sub LLC Jacksonville, FL United States X Panther GP 2 Jacksonville, FL United States X Panther GP 1 Jacksonville, FL United States X Brown, Marianne Jacksonville, FL United States X Oates, Michael Jacksonville, FL United States X Woodall,James Jacksonville, FL United States X Norcross,Gary Jacksonville, FL United States X 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑ 6 AFFIDAVIT I swear,or affirm,under penalty of perjury,that the above disclosure is true and correct. Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity AFFIX NOTARY STAMP/SEAL ABOVE Sworn to and subscribed before me,by the said this the day of 2C ,to certify which,witness my hand and seal of office. Signature of officer administering oath Printed name of officer administering oath Title of officer administering oath Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.0.277