Contract - Bank of New York Mellon - 3/27/2014 THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON COLLATERAL ACCOUNT CONTROL AGREEMENT AGREEMENT, dated as of February 26, 2014 among East West Bank ("Pledgor"), City of Round Rock,Texas ("Secured Party") and The Bank of New York Mellon("Securities Intermediary"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Secured Party and Pledgor have entered into a security agreement (the "Collateral Agreement") pursuant to which Pledgor has agreed to pledge to Secured Party the Collateral (as defined below) in order to secure the repayment of Pledgor's obligations to Secured Party;and WHEREAS, Secured Party and Pledgor have requested Securities Intermediary to hold the Collateral and to perform certain other functions as more fully described herein;and WHEREAS, Securities Intermediary has agreed to act on behalf of Secured Party and Pledgor in respect of Collateral delivered to Securities Intermediary by Pledgor for the benefit of the Secured Party,subject to the terms hereof; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises set forth hereafter,.the parties hereto agree as Follows: ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS Whenever used in this Agreement,the following words shall have the meanings set forth below: I. "Account" shall mean a custodial account established and maintained pursuant to this Agreement in which Collateral shall be deposited by Pledgor and pledged to Secured Party and any demand deposit account established and maintained in connection therewith. 2. "Authorized Person" shall be any person, whether or not an officer or employee of Secured Party or Pledgor,duly authorized by Secured Party or Pledgor, respectively, to give Oral and/or Written Instructions on behalf of Secured Party or Pledgor, respectively,such persons to be designated in a Certificate of Authorized Persons which contains a specimen signature of such person. 3. "Collateral"shall mean the investment property and all proceeds thereof held in the Account. 4. "Depository" shall mean the Treasury/Reserve Automated Debt Entry System maintained at The Federal Reserve Bank of New York for receiving and delivering securities,The Depository Trust Company and any other clearing corporation within the meaning of Section 8-102 of the UCC or otherwise authorized to act as a securities depository or clearing agency, and their respective successors and nominees. 5. "Notice of Exclusive Control" shall mean a written notice given by Secured Party to Securities Intermediary that Secured Party is exercising sole and exclusive control of the Collateral. 6. "Oral Instructions"shall mean verbal instructions received by Securities Intermediary. 7. "UCC" shall mean the Uniform Commercial Code as in effect in the State of New York. 8. "Written Instructions" shall mean written communications received by Securities Intermediary via S.W.I.F.T., letter, facsimile transmission, or other method or system specified by Securities Intermediary as available for use in connection with this Agreement. The terms"entitlement holder","entitlement order","financial asset", "investment property","proceeds","security", "security entitlement"and"securities intermediary"shall have the meanings set forth in Articles 8 and 9 of the UCC. ARTICLE II APPOINTMENT AND STATUS OF SECURITIES INTERMEDIARY; ACCOUNT R-2014-1256 -2- Appointment: Identification of Collateral. (a) Secured Party and Pledgor each hereby appoints Securities Intermediary to perform its duties as hereinafter set forth and authorizes Securities Intermediary to hold Collateral in the Account in registered form in its name or the name of its nominees. Securities Intermediary hereby accepts such appointment and agrees to establish and maintain the Account and appropriate records identifying the Collateral in the Account as pledged by Pledgor to Secured Party. Pledgor hereby authorizes Securities Intermediary to comply with all Oral and Written Instructions, including entitlement orders,originated by Secured Party with respect to the Collateral without further consent or direction from Pledgor or any other party. 2. Status of Securities Intermediary. The parties agree that Securities Intermediary is a securities intermediary, and intend that all securities held in the Account shall be treated as financial assets. 3. Use of Depositories. Secured Party and Pledgor hereby authorize Securities Intermediary to utilize Depositories to the extent possible in connection with its performance hereunder. Collateral held by Securities Intermediary in a Depository will be held subject to the rules, terms and conditions of such Depository. Where Collateral is held in a Depository,Securities Intermediary shall identify on its records as belonging to Pledgor and pledged to Secured Party a quantity of securities as part of a fungible bulk of securities held in Securities Intermediary's account at such Depository. Securities deposited in a Depository will be represented in accounts which include only assets held by Securities Intermediary for its customers. ARTICLE III COLLATERAL SERVICES 1. Notice of Exclusive Control. Until Securities Intermediary receives aNotice of Exclusive Control from Secured Party, Securities Intermediary is authorized to act upon any Oral or Written Instructions, including entitlement orders, from either Secured Party or Pledgor. Secured Party may, subject to terms of the Collateral Agreement, exercise sole and exclusive control of the Account and the Collateral held therein at any time by delivering to Securities Intermediary a Notice of Exclusive Control. Upon receipt of a Notice of Exclusive Control, Securities Intermediary shall, without inquiry and in reliance upon such Notice, thereafter comply with Oral or Written Instructions(including entitlement orders)solely fi•om Secured Party with respect to the Account. 2. Collateral Removal: Substitutions. Until Securities Inter•mediar•y receives a Notice of Exclusive Control from Secured Party, Securities Intermediary is authorized to act upon any Oral or Written Instructions from Pledgor to transfer Collateral from the Account or substitute other Collateral for any Collateral then held in the Account ("Substitute Collateral"). It shall be Pledgor's sole responsibility to ensure that at all times the market value of Collateral in the Account (including Substitute Collateral) shall not be less than the amount Pledgor is required to maintain pursuant to the Collateral Agreement. 3. Payment of Proceeds. Until Securities Intermediary receives a Notice of Exclusive Control,Securities Intermediary shall transfer to Pledgor(whether by credit to Pledgor's custody account at Securities Intermediary or otherwise) all proceeds received by it with respect to the Collateral. After Securities Intermediary's receipt of a Notice of Exclusive Control, Securities Intermediary shall credit to the Account all proceeds received by it with respect to the Collateral. 4. Advances by Securities Intermediary. Until Securities Intermediary receives a Notice of Exclusive Control, Securities Intermediary is authorized to act upon Pledgor's Oral or Written Instructions to Securities Intermediary to settle transactions involving the Account. If any advance of funds is made by Securities Intermediary to purchase,or to make payment on or against delivery of any investment property to be held in the Account, Pledgor agrees that such advance shall be deemed an overdraft or indebtedness arising under the Custody Agreement in effect between Pledgor and Securities hltermediary and subject to all the rights of Securities Intermediary as custodian thereunder. 5. Statements. Securities Intermediary shall furnish Pledgor and Secured Party with advices of transactions affecting the Account and monthly Account statements. Each of Pledgor and Secured Party may elect to receive advices and statements electronically through the Internet to an email address specified by it for such purpose. By electing to use the Internet for this purpose, each of Pledgor and Secured Party acknowledges that such transmissions are not encrypted and therefore are insecure. Each of Pledgor and Secured Party further acknowledges that there are other risks inherent in communicating through the Internet such as the possibility of virus contamination and disruptions in service, and agrees that Securities Intermediary shall not be responsible for-any loss, damage or expense suffered or incurred by Pledgor, Secured Party, or any person claiming by or through Pledgor or Secured Party as a result of the use of such methods. 6. Notice of Adverse Claims. Upon receipt of written notice of any lien, encumbrance or adverse claim against the Account or any portion of the Collateral carried therein, Securities Intermediary shall use reasonable efforts to notify Secured Party and Pledgor as promptly as practicable under the circumstances. ARTICLE IV GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS -3- Standard of Care:Indemnification. (a)Except as otherwise expressly provided herein,Securities Intermediary shall not be liable for any costs, expenses, damages, liabilities or claims, including attorneys' fees ("Losses") incurred by or asserted against Pledgor or Secured Party,except those Losses arising out of the negligence or willful misconduct of Securities Intermediary. Securities Intermediary shall have no liability whatsoever for the action or inaction of any Depository. In no event shall Securities Intermediary be liable for special, indirect or consequential damages,or lost profits or loss of business, arising in connection with this Agreement. (b) Secured Party and Pledgor agree, jointly and severally, to indemnify Securities Intermediary and hold Securities Intermediary harmless from and against any and all Losses sustained or incurred by or asserted against Securities Intermediary by reason of or as a result of any action or inaction, or arising out of Securities Intermediary's performance hereunder, including reasonable fees and expenses of counsel incurred by Securities Intermediary in a successful defense of claims by Pledgor or Secured Party; provided, that Pledgor and Secured Party shall not indemnify Securities Intermediary for those Losses arising out of Securities Intermediary's negligence or willful misconduct. This indemnity shall be a continuing obligation oFPledgor and Secured Party, their respective successors and assigns, notwithstanding the termination of this Agreement. 2. No Obligation Regarding Quality of Collateral. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Securities Intermediary shall be under no obligation to inquire into,and shall not be liable for, any Losses incurred by Pledgor,Secured Party or any other person as a result of the receipt or acceptance of fraudulent,forged or invalid Collateral,or Collateral which otherwise is not Freely transferable or deliverable without encumbrance in any relevant market. 3. No Responsibility Concerning Collateral Agreement. Pledgor and Sec4red Party hereby agree that,notwithstanding references to the Collateral Agreement in this Agreement, Securities Intermediary has no interest in, and no duty, responsibility or obligation with respect to, the Collateral Agreement (including without limitation, no duty, responsibility or obligation to monitor Pledgor's or Secured Party's compliance with the Collateral Agreement or to know the terms of the Collateral Agreement). 4. No Duty of Oversight. Securities Intermediary is not at any time under any duty to monitor the value of any Collateral in the Account or whether the Collateral is of a type required to be held in the Account,or to supervise the investment of,or to advise or make any recommendation for the purchase,sale,retention or disposition of any Collateral. 5. Advice of Counsel. Securities Intermediary may, with respect to questions of law,obtain the advice of counsel and shall be fully protected with respect to anything done or omitted by it in good faith in conformity with such advice. G. No Collection Obligations. Securities Intermediary shall be under no obligation to take action to collect any amount payable on Collateral in default,or if payment is refused after due demand and presentment. 7. Pees and Expenses. Pledgor agrees to pay to Securities Intermediary the fees as may be agreed upon from time to time. Pledgor shall reimburse Securities Intermediary For all costs associated with transfers of Collateral to Securities Intermediary and records kept in connection with this Agreement. Pledgor shall also reimburse Securities Intermediary for out-of-pocket expenses which are a normal incident of the services provided hereunder. 8. Effectiveness of Instructions:Reliance:Risk Acknowledgements:Additional Terms. (a) Subject to the terms below, Securities Intermediary shall be entitled to rely upon any Written or Oral Instructions actually received by Securities Intermediary and reasonably believed by Securities Intermediary to be duly authorized and delivered. Secured Party and Pledgor each agrees (i) to forward to Securities Intermediary Written Instructions confirming its Oral Instructions by the close of business of the same day that such Oral Instructions are given to Securities Intermediary, and (ii) the fact that such confirming Written Instructions are not received or that contrary Written Instructions are received by Securities Intermediary shall in no way affect the validity or enforceability of transactions authorized and effected by Securities Intermediary pursuant to its Oral Instructions. (b) If Securities Intermediary receives Written Instructions which appeal- ori their face to have been transmitted via (i) computer facsimile, email, the Internet or other insecure electronic method, or(ii) secure electronic transmission containing applicable authorization codes, passwords and/or authentication keys, Secured Party and Pledgor each understands and agrees that Securities Intermediary cannot determine the identity of the actual sender of such Written Instructions and that Securities Intermediary shall conclusively presume that such Written Instructions have been sent by an Authorized Person. Secured Party and Pledgor shall be responsible for ensuring that only its Authorized Persons transmit such Written Instructions to Securities Intermediaryand that all of its Authorized Pei-sons treat applicable user and authorization codes, passwords and/or authentication keys with extreme care. (c) Secured Party and Pledgor each acknowledges and agrees that it is fully informed of the protections and risks associated with the various methods of transmitting Written Instructions to Securities Intermediary and that there play be more secure methods of transmitting Written Instructions than the method(s)selected by it. Secured Party and Pledgor each agrees that the security -4- procedures (if any) to be followed in connection with its transmission of Written Instructions provide to it a commercially reasonable degree of protection in light of its particular needs and circumstances. (d) If Secured Party or Pledgor elects to transmit Written Instructions through an on-line communication system offered by Securities Intermediary, its use thereof shall be subject to the Terms and Conditions attached hereto as Appendix I. If Secured Party or Pledgor elects (with Securities Intermediary's prior consent) to transmit Written Instructions through an on-line communications service owned or operated by a third party, it agrees that Securities Intermediary shall not be responsible oi•liable for the reliability or availability of any such service. 9. Inspection. Upon reasonable request and provided Securities Intermediary shall suffer no significant disruption of its normal activities, Secured Party or Pledgor shall have access to Securities Intermediary's books and records relating to the Account during Securities Intermediary's normal business hours. Upon reasonable request, copies of any such books and records shall be provided to Secured Party or Pledgor at its expense. 10. Account Disclosure. Securities Intermediary is authorized to supply any information regarding the Account which is required by any law or governmental regulation now or hereafter in effect. 11. Force Majeure. Securities Intermediary shall not be responsible or liable for any failure or delay in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement arising out of or caused,directly or indirectly, by circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including without limitation, acts of God; earthquakes; fires; floods; wars; civil or military disturbances; sabotage;epidemics; riots; interruptions, loss or malfunctions of utilities, computer(hardware or software) or communications service; accidents;labor disputes; acts of civil or military authority;governmental actions; inability to obtain labor,material,equipment or transportation. 12. Pricing Services. Securities Intermediary may, as an accommodation, provide pricing or other information services to Pledgor and/or Secured Party in connection with this Agreement. Securities Intermediary may utilize any vendor (including securities brokers and dealers) believed by it to be reliable to provide such information. Under no circumstances shall Securities Intermediary be liable for any loss, damage or expense suffered or incurred by Pledgor or Secured Party as a result of errors or omissions with respect to any pricing or other information provided by Securities Intermediary hereunder. 13. No Implied Duties. Securities Intermediary shall have no duties or responsibilities whatsoever except such duties and responsibilities as are specifically set forth in this Agreement, and no covenant or obligation shall be implied against Securities Intermediary in connection with this Agreement. ARTICLE V MISCELLANEOUS 1. Termination. This Agreement shall terminate upon (a) Securities Intermediary's receipt of Written Instructions from Secured Party expressly stating that Secured Party no longer claims any security interest in the Collateral and Securities Intermediary's subsequent transfer of the Collateral from the Account pursuant to Pledgor's Written Instructions, (b) transfer of the Collateral to Secured Party subsequent to Securities Intermediary's receipt of a Notice of Exclusive Control,or (c)by any party upon not less than ninety (90) days prior written notice of termination to the other parties, provided that termination pursuant to (c) above shall not affect or terminate Secured Party's security interest in the Collateral. Upon termination pursuant to (c) above, Securities Intermediary shall follow such reasonable Written Instructions of Secured Party concerning the transfer of Collateral. Except as otherwise provided herein, all obligations of the parties to each other hereunder shall cease upon termination of this Agreement. 2. Certificates of Authorized Persons. Secured Party and Pledgor agree to furnish to Securities Intermediary a new Certificate of Authorized Persons in the event of any change in the then present Authorized Persons. Until such new Certificate is received,Securities Intermediary shall be fully protected in acting upon Written Instructions of such present Authorized Persons. 3. Notices. (a) Any notice or other instrument-in writing, authorized or required by this Agreement to be given to Securities Intermediary, shall be sufficiently given if addressed to Securities Intermediary and received by it at its offices at One Wall Street,New York,New York 10286,or at such other place as Securities Intermediary may from time to time designate in writing. (b) Any notice or other instrument in writing, authorized or required by this Agreement to be given to Secured Party shall be sufficiently given if addressed to Secured Party and received by it at its offices at 221 East Main Street,Round Rock,Texas 78664,or at such other place as Secured Party may from time to time designate in writing. (c) Any notice or other instrument in writing, authorized or required by this Agreement to be given to Pledgor shall be sufficiently given if addressed to Pledgor and received by it at its offices at 135 N. Los Robles Avenue, Pasadena,CA 91101,or at such other place as Pledgor may from time to time designate in writing. -5- 4. Cumulative Rights: No Waiver. Each and every right granted to Securities Intermediary hereunder or under any other document delivered hereunder or in connection herewith, or allowed it by law or equity, shall be cumulative and may be exercised from time to time. No failure on the part of Securities Intermediary to exercise, and no delay in exercising, any right will operate as a waiver thereof, nor will any single or partial exercise by Securities Intermediary of any right preclude any other future exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right. 5. Severability: Amendments: Assignment. In case any provision in or obligation under this Agreement shall be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected thereby. This Agreement may not be amended or modified in any manner except by a written agreement executed by the parties hereto. This Agreement shall extend to and shall be binding upon the parties hereto, and their respective successors and assigns;provided,however, that this Agreement shall not be assignable by any party without the written consent of the other parties. 6. Governing Law: Jurisdiction: Waiver of Immunity: Jury Trial Waiver. This Agreement and the Account shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the substantive laws of the State of New York, without regard to conflicts of laws principles thereof. The State of New York shall be deemed to be the location of the Securities Intermediary. Secured Party,Pledgor and Securities Intermediary hereby consent to the jurisdiction of a state or federal court situated in New York City, New York in connection with any dispute arising hereunder. To the extent that in any jurisdiction Secured Party or Pledgor may now or hereafter be entitled to claim, for itself or its assets, immunity from suit,execution, attachment(before or after judgment)or other legal process, Secured Party and Pledgor each irrevocably agrees not to claim, and hereby waives, such immunity. Secured Party, Pledgor and Securities Intermediary each hereby irrevocably waives any and all rights to trial by jury in any legal proceeding arising out of or relating to this Agreement. 7. No Third Partv Beneficiaries. In performing hereunder, Securities Intermediary is acting solely on behalf of Secured Party and Pledgor and no contractual or service relationship shall be deemed to be established hereby between Securities Intermediary and any other person. 8. Headings. Section headings are included in this Agreement for convenience only and shall have no substantive effect on its interpretation. 9. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but such counterparts shall, together,constitute only one instrument. 10. USA PATRIOT ACT. Pledgor and Secured Party hereby acknowledge that Securities Intermediary is subject to federal laws, including the Customer Identification Program (CIP) requirements under the USA PATRIOT Act and its implementing regulations, pursuant to which Securities Intermediary must obtain, verify and record information that allows Securities Intermediary to identify each of Pledgor and Secured Party. Accordingly, prior to opening an Account hereunder Securities Intermediary will ask Pledgor and/or Secured Party to provide certain information including, but not limited to, Pledgor's and/or Secured Party's name, physical address, tax identification number and other information that will help Securities Intermediary to identify and verify each of Pledgor's and Secured Party's identity such as organizational documents, certificate of good standing, license to do business, or other pertinent identifying information. Pledgor and Secured Party agree that Securities Intermediary cannot open an Account hereunder unless and until the Securities Intermediary verifies the Pledgor's and/or Secured Party's identity in accordance with its CIP. -6- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Secured Party,Pledgor and Securities Intermediary have caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective officers, thereunto duly authorized,as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF ROUND ROCK, TEXAS By: lyzh4A'1� Title: Alan McGraw, Mayor East West Bank By: Title: THE BANK OF NEW YORK IVIELLON By: Title: accountcontrolagrecnrcni.doc (7/os)