Contract - Texas Department of Transportation - 3/12/2020 texts �TtanalorteUon TERMINATION OF THE Form 2528 (Rev 05114) Page 1 of 2 MULTIPLE USE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STATE AND the City of Round Rock FOR THE Public Sidewalk STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TRAVIS § This Agreement terminates the previously executed Multiple Use Agreement for construction, maintenance, and operation of a public Sidewalk on the Texas Department of Transportation right-of-way, in Williamson County, originally dated the 22nd day of September 2011 by and between the Texas Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as "State" and the City of Round Rock hereinafter referred to as the City WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the City has requested the State to discontinue their responsibilities for the continued maintenance and operation, of public Sidewalk located within State right-of-way on BI 35L(N. Mays St.) , Control Section in Williamson County and being more particularly described in the exhibits attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the governing body of the the City has indicated by Resolution/Orth r mce No. ,..20'0-61M3 ,on the �Z day of MA 20',P to dissolve their partnership with the State evidenced by the execution of the this Agreement with the State; and WHEREAS, the the City will undertake to restore the area to a condition acceptable to the State prior to the execution of this agreement. A. Exhibit A - site map; B. Copy of Original Multiple Use Agreement C. Copy of Resolution/Ordinance -2v 20- 0V(w3 Form 2528 (Rev.05/14) Page 2 of 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto affixed their signature, the on the day of MVI 20 2D , and the State on the day of , 20 STATE OF TEXAS Certified as being executed for the purpose (Name of other party) of activating and/or carrying out the orders, established policies, or work programs / - - heretofore approved by the Texas By. MTransportation Commission. S nature Int By: • Printed Name Director, Maintenance Division Signature ' IVIA Director, Maintenance Division Printed Name Title ftA NS O APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: Con act Name By: 1 I-)-) wil-L,� District Engineer Signature Contact Telephone No. Tucker Ferguson, P.E. District Engineer Printed Name Date }y1L C(1J411'O(G7jM Form 2044 (Rev.04/2010) (CSO-EPC) Page I of K MULTIPLE USE AGREEMENT STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TRAVIS § THIS AGREEMENT made by the State of Texas by and between the Texas Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as "State", party of the first part, and the City of Round Rock, hereinafter called the "City", party of the second part, is to become effective when fully executed by both parties. WITNESSETH �� 2011 the governing body for the City, entered WHEREAS, on the gay �f g Y Y into Resolution/Ordinance No. .-<<'iJPZ, hereinafter identified by reference, authorizing the City's participation in this agreement with the State; and WHEREAS, the City has requested the State to permit the construction, maintenance and operation of a public sidewalk on the highway right of way of BI 35L (N. Mays St.) located under the north side of the Onion Creek bridge, shown graphically by the preliminary conceptual site plan in Exhibit "A" and being more specifically described by metes and bounds of Exhibit "B", which are attached and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the State has indicated its willingness to approve the establishment of such facilities and other uses conditioned that the City will enter into agreements with the state for the purpose of determining the respective responsibilities of the City and the State with reference thereto, and conditioned that such uses are in the public interest and will not damage the highway facilities, impair safety, impede maintenance or in any way restrict the operation of the highway facility, all as determined from engineering and traffic investigations conducted by the state. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants and agreements of the parties hereto to be by them respectively kept and performed as hereinafter set forth, it is agreed as follows: 1. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION The City will prepare or provide for the construction plans for the facility, and will provide for the construction work as required by said plans at no cost to the State. Said plans shall include the design of the access control, necessary horizontal and vertical clearances for highway structures, adequate landscape treatment, adequate detail to ensure compliance with applicable structural design standards, sufficient traffic control provisions, and general layout. They shall also delineate and define the construction responsibilities of both parties hereto. Completed plans will be submitted to State for review and approval and when approved shall be attached to the agreement and made a part thereof in all respects. Construction shall not commence until plans have been approved by the State. Any future revisions or additions shall be made after prior written approval of the State. 2--11--d� t�D�2 , S Y A Form 2044 (Rev.04/2010) Page 2 of 8 2. INSPECTION Ingress and egress shall be allowed at all times to such facility for Federal Highway Administration personnel and State Forces and equipment when highway maintenance operations are necessary, and for inspection purposes; and upon request, all parking or other activities for periods required for such operations will be prohibited. 3. PARKING REGULATIONS Parking regulations shall be established limiting parking to single unit motor vehicles of size and capacity no greater than prescribed for 11/2 ton trucks, such vehicles to conform in size and use to governing laws. Parking shall be permitted only in marked spaces Parking shall be prohibited when a security threat, as determined by TxDOT, exists. 4. PROHIBITION/SIGNS Regulations shall be established prohibiting the parking of vehicles transporting flammable or explosive loads and prohibiting use of the area in any manner for peddling, advertising or other purposes not in keeping with the objective of a public facility. The erection of signs other than those required for proper use of the area will be prohibited. All signs shall be approved by the State prior to the actual erection. 5. RESPONSIBILITIES Maintenance and operation of the facility shall be entirely the responsibility of the City. Such responsibility shall not be transferred, assigned or conveyed to a third party without the advanced written approval of the State. Further, such responsibility shall include picking up trash, mowing and otherwise keeping the facility in a clean and sanitary condition, and surveillance by police patrol to eliminate the possible creation of a nuisance or hazard to the public. Hazardous or unreasonably objectionable smoke, fumes, vapor or odors shall not be permitted to rise above the grade line of the highway, nor shall the facility subject the highway to hazardous or unreasonably objectionable dripping, droppings or discharge of any kind, including rain or snow. 6. FEES Any fees levied for use of the facilities in the area shall be nominal and no more than are sufficient to defray the cost of construction, maintenance and operations thereof, and shall be subject to State approval. A. Retention Period. The City shall maintain all books, documents, papers, accounting records and other evidence pertaining to fees collected and costs (hereinafter called the Records). The City shall make the records available during the term of the Agreement and for four years from the date the Agreement is terminated, until completion of all audits, or until pending litigation has been completely and fully resolved, whichever occurs last. B. Availability. The State or any of its duly authorized representatives, the Federal Highway Administration, the United States Department of Transportation, Office of Inspector General, and the Comptroller General shall have access to the City's records that are directly pertinent to this Agreement for the purpose of making audits and examinations. 7. TERMINATION UPON NOTICE Form 2044 (Rev 04/20 10) Page 3 of 8 This provision is expressly made subject to the rights herein granted to both parties to terminate this agreement upon notice, and upon the exercise of any such right by either party, all obligations herein to make improvements to said facility shall immediately cease and terminate. 8. MODIFICATION/TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT If in the sole judgment of the State it is found at any future time that traffic conditions have so changed that the existence or use of the facility is impeding maintenance, damaging the highway facility, impairing safety or that the facility is not being properly operated, that it constitutes a nuisance, is abandoned, or if for any other reason it is the State's judgment that such facility is not in the public interest, this agreement under which the facility was constructed may be : (1) modified if corrective measures acceptable to both parties can be applied to eliminate the objectionable features of the facility; or (2) terminated and the use of the area as proposed herein discontinued. 9. PROHIBITION OF STORAGE OF FLAMMABLE MATERIALS All structures located or constructed within the area covered by the agreement shall be fire resistant. The storage of flammable, explosive or hazardous materials is prohibited. Operations deemed to be a potential fire hazard shall be subject to regulation by the State. 10. RESTORATION OF AREA The City shall provide written notification to the State that such facility will be discontinued for the purpose defined herein. The City shall, within thirty (30) days from the date of said notification, clear the area of all facilities that were its construction responsibility under this agreement and restore the area to a condition satisfactory to the State. 11. PREVIOUS AGREEMENTS It is understood that this agreement in no way modifies or supersedes the terms and provisions of any existing agreements between the parties hereto. 12. INDEMNIFICATION Each party acknowledges that it is not an agent, servant, or employee of the other party. Each party is responsible for its own acts and deeds and for those of its agents, servants, or employees. Neither party hereto intends to waive, relinquish, limit or condition its right to avoid any such liability by claiming its governmental immunity. When notified by the State to do so, the other party hereto shall within thirty (30) days from receipt of the State's written notification pay the State for the full cost of repairing any damages to the highway facility which may result from its construction, maintenance or operation of the facility, and shall promptly reimburse the State for costs of construction and/or repair work made necessary by reason of such damages. Nothing in this agreement shall be construed as creating any liability in favor of any third party against the State and the City. Additionally, this agreement shall not ever be construed as relieving any third party from any liability against the State and the City shall become fully subrogated to.the State and shall be entitled to maintain any action over and against the third party which may be liable for having caused the City to pay or disburse any sum of money hereunder. 13. HOLD HARMLESS The City shall indemnify and save harmless the State and its officers and employees from all claims and liability due to its materials or activities of itself, its agents, or employees, performed under this Form 2044 (Rev.04/2010) Page 4 of 8 agreement and that are caused by or result from error, omission, or negligent act of the party or of any person employed by the party. The City shall also indemnify and save harmless the State from any and all expense, including but not limited to attorney fees that may be incurred by the State in litigation or otherwise resisting the claim or liabilities that may be imposed on the State as a result of such activities by the City, its agents, or employees authorized under this agreement. The City further agrees to indemnify and save harmless the State from and against all claims, demands, and causes of action of every kind and character brought by any employee of the party against the State due to personal injuries and/or death to such employee resulting from any alleged negligent act by either commission or omission on the part of the City. The indemnification of the State shall extend for a period of three (3) years beyond the date of termination of this agreement. 14. INSURANCE The City, shall provide necessary safeguards to protect the public on State maintained highways including adequate insurance for payment of any damages which might result during the construction, maintenance and operation of the facility occupying such airspace or thereafter, and to save the State harmless from damages, to the extent of said insurance coverage and insofar as it can legally do so. Prior to beginning work on the State's right of way, the City's construction contractor shall submit to the State a completed insurance form (TxDOT Form No. 1560) and shall maintain the required coverage during the construction of the facility. 15. USE OF RIGHT OF WAY It is understood that the State by execution of this agreement does not impair or relinquish the State's right to use such land for highway purposes when it is required for the construction or re-construction of the traffic facility for which it was acquired, nor shall use of the land under such agreement ever be construed as abandonment by the State of such land acquired for highway purposes, and the State does not purport to grant any interest in the land described herein but merely consents to such use to the extent its authority and title permits. 16. ADDITIONAL CONSENT REQUIRED The State asserts only that it has sufficient title for highway purposes. The City shall be responsible for obtaining such additional consent, permits or agreement as may be necessary due to this agreement. This includes, but is not limited to, appropriate permits and clearances for environmental, ADA and public utilities. 17. FHWA ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS If the Facility is located on the Federal-Aid Highway System, "ATTACHMENT A", which states additional requirements as set forth in the Federal Highway Administration's Title 23, Code of Federal Regulations, § 710, shall be attached to and become a part of this agreement. 18. CIVIL RIGHTS ASSURANCES The City, for itself, its personal representatives, successors and interests and assigns, as part of the consideration hereof, does hereby covenant and agree as a covenant running with the land that: (1) no persons, on the grounds of race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion or disabling condition, shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in the use of said facility; (2) that in the construction of any improvements on, over or under such land and the furnishing of services thereon, no person on the ground of race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion or disabling condition, shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination; (3) that the City shall use the premises in compliance with all other requirements imposed by or pursuant to Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Non- Form 2044 (Rev.04/2010) Page 5 of S discrimination in Federally-Assisted programs of the Department of Transportation - Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and as said Regulations may be amended. That if in the event of any breach of the above non-discrimination covenants, the State shall have the right to terminate the agreement and reenter and repossess said land and the facilities thereon, and hold the same as if said agreement had never been made or issued. 19. AMENDMENTS Any changes in the time frame, character or responsibilities of the parties hereto shall be enacted by a written amendment executed by both parties hereto. 20. LEGAL CONSTRUCTION In case one or more of the provisions contained in this agreement shall for any reason be held invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any provision hereof and this agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been contained in this agreement. 21. AUDIT The State may conduct an audit or investigation of any aspect of this agreement. The City must provide the State with access to any information the State considers relevant to the investigation or audit. The audit can include, but is not limited to, any contract for construction or maintenance of any facility or structure authorized by this agreement or any contract to provide a service to the City if that service is authorized by this agreement. 22. AUTHORITY OF STATE AUDITOR The state auditor may conduct an audit or investigation of any entity receiving funds from the state directly under the contract or indirectly through a subcontract under the contract. Acceptance of funds directly under the contract or indirectly through a subcontract under this contract acts as acceptance of the authority of the state auditor, under the direction of the legislative audit committee, to conduct an audit or investigation in connection with those funds. An entity that is the subject of an audit or investigation must provide the state auditor with access to any information the state auditor considers relevant to the investigation or audit. Form 2044 (Rev.04/2010) Page 6 of 8 23. NOTICES All notices required under this agreement shall be mailed or hand delivered to the following respective addresses: STATE CITY (Mailing Address) (Mailing Address) Texas Department of Transportation City of Round Rock Maintenance Division 221 East Main Street 125 East 11th Street Round Rock, Texas 78664 Austin, Texas 78701-2483 24. WARRANTS The signatories to this agreement warrant that each has the authority to enter into this agreement on behalf of the party represented. List of Attached Exhibits: Exhibit A - General Layout Exhibit B - Metes and Bounds Description Exhibit C - Approved Construction Plans Exhibit D - Certificate of Insurance (TxDOT Form 1560) Exhibit E -Attachment A (FHWA Additional Requirements) Form 2044 (Rev.0412010) Page 7 of 8 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto affixed their signatur the City on the day of , 2011, and the State on the day of vw-k , 2011. City of Round Rock STATE OF TEXAS (Name of other party) Executed and approved for the Texas Transportation Commission for the purpose and effect of activating and/or carrying out -�' the orders, and established policies or work By' Lq programs heretofore approved and NjXl� authorized by the Texas Transportation Title Commission. Ai 6 Printed 19&ne ` By: ll D16ctor, M tena c ivision Date Toribio Garza, Jr., P.E. Printed Name 11 Date AP ROVAL ECO M N ED: District Engineer Carlos A. Lopez, P.E. Printed Name Date SUPPORTING RESOLUTION or ORDINANCE RESOLUTION NO. R-11-09-22-11D2 WHEREAS, the City of Round Rock ("City") desires to construct a sidewalk and pedestrian underpass located at the Onion Branch Bridge on North Mays for the YMCA sports leagues; and WHEREAS, a Multiple Use Agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation will permit the City to construct, maintain and operate the sidewalk and pedestrian underpass; and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to approve said Agreement,Now Therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROUND ROCK,TEXAS, That the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the City a Multiple Use Agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation, a copy of same being attached hereto as Exhibit"A"and incorporated herein for all purposes. The City Council hereby finds and declares that written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of the meeting at which this Resolution was adopted was posted and that such meeting was open to the public as required by law at all times during which this Resolution and the subject matter hereof were discussed, considered and formally acted upon, all as required by the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551,Texas Government Code, as amended. RESOLVED this 22nd day of September, 2011. ALAN MCGRAW,Mayor City of Round Rock,Texas ATTEST: GUWU1 SARA L. WHITE, City Secretary 0.hwdox*SCC1nts\0112\l 10AMUNICIPAU00232821.DOGrmc EXHIBIT A General Layout and Location S:►tttement: ta'i2serur�+a Laakle Pant �. `` Cndlere ` Amarron Cr rig IS40 0k6 SOW% � Behrens Park 2 Ranch a K,�+ tie # � �� Parrk �a Beat Tree "' *� *� � o CIO � Greenhill M CL Apache Oaks �'� F ►,��ii...h Santis 79 t Co F1175T'l� 78 pRan 046 sup Add lion Deer Raara Round etMark . Round Rock Cryo� APlerr RGund Rock Y IU Sono Hunters ' S'c mut CIO Chisholm Chisholm Valley West Valley St�uth Atfs;�rf%Qimp . *- . earlddtfli,ora t` MY z virgin 44Ke(0 x Propgs ii i Ts `' 11y . Oak y� Prod Ares paim— EXHIBIT .. x r Sunwil Dr jjjjjjjjjj�7� LOCATIONwmt mw=l EXHIBIT B Proposed Construction Plans (Metes and Bounds Description) F� CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR: YMCA LOW WATER Hill Wz SIDEWALK CROSSING U in Q Y m SITE ADDRESS: 1500 NORTH MAYS STREET,BLDG.1,ROUND ROCK,TX 78664 Q Q LEGAL DESCRIPTION: O YMCA ADDITION,BLOCK A,LOT 1,ACRES 4.41 I� DOC#2001017479 WATER DUALITY NOTE WPAP FILED JANUARY 2001 APPLMATIONS S 0IOI ID00 TCEO APPROVAL MARCH 22.2W1 PER TCEO RULES THIS PLAN IS STILL ACTIVE SINCE MORE THAN 10%CONSTRUCTION UNDER THIS PLAN HAS BEEN COMPLETED. , SHEET LIST TABLE SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLES Q C.T co-GNEET GENERAL NOTES I SITE W EROSION CONTROL AND SEDNMENTION CONTROL PUN C4 SIIEANOGRADWGPIAN Cv OVERALL SITE PIAN I I0 / CE SNE DETAILS I OF - C-T SITE DETAILS 2OF2I NOTES: 1. THESE PLANS ARE NOT TO BE CONSIDERED FINAL FOR CONSTRUCTION Y UNTIL ACCEPTED BY THE CITY f AND.OR THE CW NTY.CHANGES MAY Z BE REWIRED PRIOR TO APPROVAL. Z L) U) �O 2. THE LOCATIONS OF EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE SHOWN IN 0� Q U) AN APPROXIMATE WAY GNLY,AND HAVE NOT BEEN INDEPENDENTLY (�Q O VERIFIED BY THE OWNER,OR ITS REPRESENTATIVE.THE CONTRACTOR Z d' SHALL DETERMINE THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES z �L) BEFORE COMMENCING WORK,AND AGREES TO BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE O Q O Y FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES WHICH MIGHT BE OCCASIONED BY THE fn J J DESIGN PROFESSIONALS `\ CONTRACTOR'S FAILURE TO EXACTLY LOCATE AND PRESERVE ANY AND of j D v ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. Q Q U CIVIL DESIGN TEAM �J p Zi L) 0 CIVIL ENGINEER - } �}U) JOE M BAKER,P.E. a Q ACCEPTED FOR CONSTRUCTION: BAKER-AICKLEN AND ASSOCIATES,INC., KmwwT.Ma below. 507 WEST LIBERTY AVENUE Call bef—you dig. 4 ENGINEERING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES, ROUND ROCK,TX 78664 CITY OF ROUND ROM EMAIL:JBAKER@B-AINC.COM The drainagefo,uuc prgxl was aw.ounWd for wen we wV"YMCA LOCATION MAP PH:(512)244-9620 You1b H SpwCompks mm x s pmoIeed by e CRY Ro—cl F .J-e FAX:(512)244-8623 2()01.No addWrOW ft-,kXeI—bac bean edam by We pemW $ dwn—e wl9kuAy accwaded Z The POwd is Yat--ily part pemg m ty d the CiRwmd Rock(CORK)Reglmm SlarmwMer Me-gema^I DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMDTEE CHAIR, F CAD TECHNICIANS Pleaalo9ram I.).TN.pogosae d—ko,,,aemes1 eal not remelt many CITY OF ROUND ROCK. LW uwble adm verse paa W deer pmp .Add ikYO"Y me p,opoem I—oiwr wrom pre ieflet9Ye flow arae a1 CO—Sec n of Ore H BRIAN ANKENBAUER Omi-St-6I Creek ek srow^m Fm 048491C04SE x ml pOXk— ii any Menti9abb dww m We Bas.Fknd EI.Yegane(BFE). U) 11J JOB NO.. 0129-2-004 OWNER STATE OF TEXAS `AAA O ®. COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON REVISIONS: YMCA I.JOE M.BAKER,P.E.,d.be m roof Mat an s�F ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ADEQUACY OF 1500 N.MAYS ara Dra:nago l y Y news oe Wc:I, S rtgrovementy de-d o-bweln,have h.m d.s�wd in '•A E THESE PLANS REMAINS WITH THE ENGINEER ROUND ROCK,TX 78664 compliant.xam the subariaim and cuedn0 ngalakca and WHO PREPARED THEM.IN ACCEPTING THESE P.O.C.JEFF ANDRESEN mrO—W—301 Polity adopted by One COY.1 Rana R,k,Tees. $ PLANS,THE CITY OF ROUND ROCK MUST RELY EMAIL: y4j,. E,,::,_ CAUTION-ELECTRICITY PRESENT UPONTHEADEQUACYOFTHEWORKOFTHE JANDRESENQYMCAWILLIAMSONCO.ORG BAKER-AICKLEN��',,M----= k�hp��� cwnRAcranArm Au suecoNrwcrwu rw,r ENTuaaR ,� // FRo+EcrARe BLwONSBIEFm Inc4rwG,us DESIGN ENGINEER. PH: (512)615-5530 SASSOCIATES,INC. �I�y/I o �rHe elecm¢ur r�Ea useLver,uL wrtpa-,.n 0 FAX: (512)244-2122 ^e /� U o 2H"� / r S`/d or�ml:L�mnn wln�cr:aww nma�Srlmwuwc 0129-2-004 ��+a.euM.w la.A�••��•.+-+.p.m.-� . y ra M. 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'.1 \ •? / oxo w•nise�-wweM icnNcm ETE n.�. �n�R. ��A �•\!+`�I ,� �� ! \ \ I � / - ,� TCL ��� I;\;\��\ \ N� t\ / ' ..� ' •'• : a i� a \, naaonwx we P 7e �• 1 ,\�, _I .\ \ — LEGEND _ z U W z R ! �. Ml..-7 C �,_ oPoeED CONCRETE HAewRR �T13 moi' eYwoLs O (n \ ,2'1 ` 2' \ \ Q AYSREWA71oNi t R 1' .• cPt•- . - �_ - .a 1 1 R✓ eroxcne,� 8 a�N I \\ xe..xx. M J U W A 13 .Www 1 � I e fJNETrreS � Q titi, vuun SW ,y r _ caN \ 8 �a9n'^t.Q...o� .�. LJ \ \ TREES ^ �-- een.Nmcsx.NwwT \ / \xff Lxz ' 1 _ wTwc wNE 12$t 10.32 ryj a••'t .}' OPOBEO LONCREIE� \ NOTE •h / � �..fn nn.-TxT w• n J - \ d/// U \ I !� w Nwax•PRc tuv-ltlse' I r N t \ / \ 1.CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY DOSING TOPO Z % // P wf0.ti'vt GEv-TIT.M' I �' �,I � / \ ELEVATION.ALONG TNEWEST SIDE RIGHT OP yVAY. O 888 4 , H cn 3 CAUTION-ELECTRICITY PRESENT '1 1MEWLCONIMCtOR NMALL TUTFN1Ew Ox PROEETNu. ON1NW!'NOIECTMERE fCRtDGTNq ueMO ONEdN£IXi TRE HEC11tlCUlINfF9111EY6FLVE9.ALLOviWffMnO 012&x-0OG NIPERSONIEL ON TH19 PROJECT,wCllpwGNIYOiTSrtE Wpx( IXMO EIECf Pofl1 OF NIY NAND ANO POR sArEcuwmwc AREA89NOWN ON TME nNl.TR04IIA'M19KfiiBILE WRRTNE 8 SHEfi Ib .A [ TOPE TINT COiM IWW N1Y sme9ptNf I'R1'g C-0 '"} YMMErt THK NPSPONS®LLITY NEAFBYREebVEe B'V?AlACxIEN ee 3e A99OCIATE9 N10 T E OW NER iROM ANY LwwLf 1Y OF PM'INl TIRE i� RUCTION ACCESSIN yya@ / POMIT A YF_)OSTIN H B ------------------------ ----- �R BOWMAN ROAD W Z _— _-- (R.O.W.WIDTH VARIES) 1 I I I I I I I I I I \ O 4 L fyO Y W EXISTING PARHING AREA I 4 j O F SS �. EXISTING PARKING AREA OL U I � I I ' Ir/ IJIII I � ' I Y I FUTURE AREA ne(H:cn LxsL.un � Rl � ' wa.nn rm FUTURE PARKING / / - 9 \ _ ")TOFEP-AT EX GRA DRIVES/ J I 1 LOT 1.BLOCK A I p yi ®\ f YMCA ADDIT 81 CAB.U.SLIDES 81.82 r 11 EIM FUnM FENCE] ' FUTURETIM �, aeon�n�E�TBLM / .. qL GRAVEL , L / \�® 'a L rlYH wx'iyiY w:<Sw�i uric. - -DRIVE < ' G .EH(HSMxIMr Slax LAMER —1"T BAPTIST t .. /• r ` \ \ a w,HwL xxo ExAsACHILDREN'S ryouE CALLED 2-4ACRES THIRD TRACT / F' VOL 789,PG.Ug L / \ U.suoE:et (EpscuEEx GRAVEL PLH i.c z \ DRIVE wL xss,Pc.sar NOTE 'r,.: Bay.•tam PoxTn �-` \ ` / IN FUTURE PHASES CONSTRUCTION / OF LIGHTING AROUND FUTURE PATH Y AND UNDER BRIDGE. Z U Z Ca11El1ElE _� \ Y O d' a(n LOT 2,BLOCK w aEx� wLwNK/ ` / SHEET LEGEND RIC INRD BAKER SUBONISION '�'.-axT.Tl' / O AT ONION BRANCH / v.Ir L PCH / �� \ AN AMENDING PLAT) mow(-ray.Pc FIs i \ CAB.X.SLIDES B&101 / / \ / LuruRE uYali - Z j o / U 0 5 \\ caNsinucrnn —�—�— O Q / /� FuruREIMM _!U U }w o / LEGEND -BYYBOL9 ABBREVIATIONS F � D_ 8 xMauw _`-urr�mxm.. J TREES 8 _ _ O mxaeer+Nn —mtw[w[ounrr O a CAUTION-ELECTRICITY PRESENT THE GFN9YL alNIPACIan ANO ALL MRaaNLNN:IgBTMT IXfFA OR PPOlEOf lla aErxLwTle s¢cmIC IRAnIEsnrABElvEs,A(LOYEwEAllAro 012&IUOa wawcoN TIw PAOIECTAHE RESPaNFBIE Fan LOGnNG U311a �F1FLIPoLLL�Mw NAIUPE AHO FOn SMEGINN W G PEn3aaBi ox nIB IRaJ[Cf.uwlaRc AHr aPFsrtE wax 8 Aux sLmm�oNrnE v(An.LnoM r2rc wrmTEl�e(cewlm nE MEETNe. rcrmw s.cEm«cA(.mmxw+wc w,r a(.rmar�L rr�Arrc rwrlmErMArcaunlwu(tan'xavnuuwwrc C�5 Mwna:N nu3 uc+wlulewnlcKLar IlMwrs auxR-NCNENa �E ASSOONTES ANO TILE aWNEH FlIOMANY DP8311YaFMlYINIaE IIGUTIONI �Q� � 5 P9,FlIxwN � TAx x� ParACNo m §S T-5' y IICAUTIONII W Z F PiDE4fgwl J 11 TT W wDWIEYF,I. wnNNm® U W 3 MOeCYC=EinuBOl Q U j Q Ywe F F m 0 1 ecuuRA=sPec•rm,rraF wvE NrwRAc cPcc aroP vra ' � cP.n.l•cwG PAlmol New,G PAwNOI _ PO1°u.Axawo ' IPrEPw•ou.Awlmn ADA/TAS DESIGN-GENERAL 'LONG P,[x 1•�NG PAWtlI • Il1Em PAWYFNI �11•(9xC.PAW+OI .: • Il1E OG PANPu[M \\\�\ THE CONTRACTOR IS FOLLY RESPONSIBLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF •33p�1� .,,,.. SIDEWALKS,LANDINGS,PORCHES,RAMPS 8 PARKING SPACES THAT S oj�JTjA MEET ADA/TAS REQUIREMENTS.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE FULL " �-.J.a•j y�. mmM��.sum,Noo.,r nraaoxcP� KNOWLEDGE OF THE DETAILS ON THESE PLANS AND OF ADAlTAS aaRAr rnN,ea P,ut✓ao°rna ue+our Y ,ac1A��.pa y REGULATIONS.SHOULD THE CONTRACTOR FIND AN ELEVATION OR l iF F CONDrnON THAT 15 DIFFERENT THAN SHOWN ON THE PLANS,IT IS THE PwvmlSnninw� \\` CONTRACTORS FINAL RESPONSIBILITY TO CONTACT THE CIVIL DESIGNER AND WORK OUTA DESIGN THAT MEETS ADA 6 TAS,PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION,NOT AFTER THE WORK IS COMPLETED. '' w O1A ADA SIDEWALK RAMP SLOPES ---_ DETERMINE THE LENGTH OF A RAMP BY CHECKING THE ELEVATIONS AT CAUTION SIGN PEDESTRIAN SIGN THE TOP AND BOTTOM ELEVATION OF THE RAMPS.THE DESIGN SHALL pp.�pW, NT.9, N.T.S. BE FOR A RUNNING SLOPE OF 8.3%. PLAN ADA CURB RAMP SLOPES aFF wAxa wm,• THE DESIGN SHALL BE FOR A RAMP SLOPE OF 8.3%.IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO .PP�i u PflO�r HAVE A 6•LONG RAMP WITHOUT THE TOP AND BOTTOM OF RAMP BEING a Pe NO MORE THAN 6'DIFFERENCE IN ELEVATION.DETERMINE THE LENGTH uc®°NrwPRo.fiT rwu: �• BY CHECKING THE TOP AND BOTTOM ELEVATIONS OF THE RAMP. ' r _x tel' -:--..... =ruN ca•o•uwraA.rc =• .._.,. uxcaw.,zoeE.w..anAa_ T w®o��wc . wvxom eY rxc�rANccA. --A ADA CROSSWALKS,SIDEWALKS AND ACCESSI8ILE ROUTES i�sP rnmB"0.,marii aw..m.cc rsvm wwun �.:•�ru•� � 'aw°creuP�ar cNc LO1C ANO CR099...'E..21 rwmaaNloN r� • ewnolour SECTION TOE 9IDEWNX SECTION F .---AT— NO RUNNING SLOPE SHALL EXCEED 674 - D G •I I B NtPIAfi PONwn,Ne � IF $�� M40MLPOrt AwccolE u6FD ONTIrtP,N1ECf I &���� �@ =nL,INO ,KIOEMI Z O W 0 a- a O it 3 U) e U 0 WALL ANO TOE RAMP Z U WFWALK SC-CIION r 0 O O Y TPN c HAND RAIL EMBED � J Q CONCRETE SIDEWALK DETAIL Gs EMBEDMENT DETAIL O EDGE PROTECTION DETAI C-6 GJ U U s N.T.S. as g u1 xNrwx.zr ANwma1ur rr luc>r�++v wa ePPCN6 Nore urenwl ro N P•8 WPORIOErr oNPo=rioeerr Phil wuNNcwxPACP O" O wi [ cn J� a ,>r�NrxA< � •� �N W i wAN r � w=Au I I E waarEaxwn xwr•uA Nxrr IWN.B�PUR 1 ,A,•o rNr wmua-�RAx PluvccrNa SIDEWALK RAMP DETAIL/Y\ 0729-2-004 Et N.TS. C-B v C-6 3� „-,s,o ITTU-IONDUO mTTNoTI. STEEL FEIICE POSTS. _(`E AT w TO TD� PANNG. eMYADS l� _LNE • PURNE-PAAREA- NON___ PR._" IN WOVE11 WIRE._R'. �E AT CIM SILT FENCE \ NET HACKING) 4. I-IION I­ w FORCE I-TION FONI:T, �M R_. �I­P­ �u' BOARDS ­K RO-Y OR WOOD"H4,.-H ARD, FOR OF 'o TREES IN PAVING AREA LINEAR CONSTRUCTION THROUGH TREES '0'ua. DRIM_tW 4 ORulrID[A AINA (LIN (4*TO V-T.) FWD PER INCA m OF TRUNK DINM� TREE PROTECTION FENCE-CHAIN LINK UNIT OF(°M.) CUNSTR1ICIM)N 4=­ LTRE--� NOM N� TRENCH CROSS-SECTION -0 FROM j NOTES: TO SU��TO OF 'K F�­ 1. MT FENCE SHM.T.COIN'ORN TO M OF­N T-NTIENTAI_ %-N 1.MION QI-1 AW ROAROS�m TO TIT- "4 WYL K THAN 5' 1"0"I'T"­ 2 S�POSTS_._.�S..11,RM I..ON _.T AN..HIT: TREES NEAR CONSTRUCTION ACTMW . �­RUN­EW. NATURAL AREAS T��N�E.. ONE )FOOD. -.1-E 01 THE IRTCACN NOTE, 1-�E OF W�T FO,ICE SNI­HE TNQN�IN VRTH A�1�OR IRWHNN-TRDN,,-.-TIMI 1W IN ON­ HERE FENCE[M1NOf , ,,,.OF ROOT w.(.Z) URNTS OF MT-H ART-AND M-E I-IM TRUNKS TO M-CRIlT TH PAVEMENT) F�FLAP WITH ON III-R.TO R­ AAkUS(I R.PER INCH KR�P". HE Suag:.TO THE�& OF TR-I) OF THE -W'FOR BUNTRNG ANO 4*TO V NECESSMYZZ) U=XCINE U-G 4. M=M A MINAJUM OF IT TNM� TO,,OW FOR SILT j T.") F-TO. 0 IN INT,R­-WNFRMI ROTH.-T.- FvTaNG T-(".) [RAMAL RWT ZONE S. �T FTI SHM1�­�Y F�M TO�i�SU�Rj­ON TO-WITH `EN_A,M. WOW mu- avuvara IN -T 6 MIXIRELY FA TO �FORCE POSTS. OF TW.D� (G..oami) mem THE 11 Ira r'w-.IN R-ECTION HE RX)E WEEKLY OR MER VLH�F&L�AND RUP-OR N­F-M • �m TO 1� RN)CR,I­-� ..-0,,"--__-IN R`-THAN W. SN-T,TO TR_. (4--.-Of­) IN 7.-T K TROIO�II-H W�IS C�LUELY SIAM-�M NOT TO 8-ON Rjpj� INDIVIDUAL TREE STORY-OR 67 FOR QUESTIONS C TREE PROTECTION FENCE(MODIFIED)-CFWN LINK ERNNIG THIS DETAIL, FOR QUESTIONS CONCERNING THIS DETAIL, a.­­W IM -HE RENO WHEN IT-A DO-OF IT FOR QUESTIONS CONCERNING THIS DETAIL, �­I OF N AN APT'RIMV�ARD IN-H A-R�TO- NTNTRrTT,TO ,LTAMR. PLEASE CONTACT THE FORESTRY MANAGER. GROUP OF TREES PLEASE CONTACT THE FORE57RY MANAGER. PLEASE RTTOOTRH__`._ DRAWING NO: m- CONTACT THE FORESTRY MANAGER. ON AT M OR, DRAWING NG- IHICHNO APPNOYm CITY OF ROUND EC-132 CITY OF ROUND ROCK ON I17[LIT AfWNao T FVB­ITTROOT DRAWING M WING NO EC-Q7 C_ ON AT CITY ROUND ROCK E 08 OF ROUND ROCK APPYOYHD CITY -I EC-05 NS SILT FENCE DETAIL TREE PROTECTION FENCE LOCATIO FENCE-CHAIN LIN 14 TREE PROTECTION NOTES Room- rREE PROTECTION Z 0 z o ir 0co 00 Z zIr 0 Z) 0 'o 0 Y V4 LL. 0 04 u) W I- ED EXHIBIT C Approved Construction Plans To be made part of document prior to beginning of construction EXHIBIT D Certificate of Insurance (TxDOT Form 1560) To be made part of document prior to beginning of construction EXHIBIT E Attachment A (FHWA Additional Requirements) To be made part of document if applicable �Texas or� TERMINATION OF THE Form 2528 (Rev 05:14) Page 1 of 2 MULTIPLE USE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STATE AND the City of Round Rock FOR THE Public Sidewalk STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TRAVIS § This Agreement terminates the previously executed Multiple Use Agreement for construction, maintenance, and operation of a public Sidewalk on the Texas Department of Transportation right-of-way, in Williamson County, originally dated the 25th day of May 2017 by and between the Texas Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as "State" and the City of Round Rock hereinafter referred to as the City WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the City has requested the State to discontinue their responsibilities for the continued maintenance and operation, of public Sidewalk located within State right-of-way on FM 3406 Control 1378-06 Section in Williamson County and being more particularly described in the exhibits attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the governing body of the the City has indicated by Resolution/06& No. � 3 , on the Xy day of 20` d to dissolve their partnership with the State evidenced by the execution of the this Agreement with the State; and WHEREAS, the the City will undertake to restore the area to a condition acceptable to the State prior to the execution of this agreement. A. Exhibit A - site map; B. Copy of Original Multiple Use Agreement C. Copy of Resolution/Ordinance 9.e Form 2528 (Rev.05/14) Page 2of2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto affixed their signature, the on the `2-' day of Mfj'�.(,�} , 20 ,20 , and the State on the day of 120 STATE OF TEXAS G� d UnrD Certified as being executed for the purpose (Name of other party) of activating and/or carrying out the orders, established policies, or work programs heretofore approved by the Texas By. AATransportation Commission. . . 5(gnature ' i lvtQ �� By: .•. Printed ame Director, Maintenance Division Signature ' Director, Maintenance Division Printed Name Title +�4DWt-rvfl N POPAfl�1� APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: Contact Name bom/mp By: u District Engineer Signature Contact Telephone No. Tucker Ferguson, P.E. District Engineer Printed Name Date 9 .�+. Form 2044 (Rev 42115; Page 1 of 10 MULTIPLE USE AGREEMENT STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TRAVIS § THIS AGREEMENT made by the State of Texas by and between the Texas Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as"State", party of the first part. and the City of Round Rock hereinafter called the"City" party of the second part, is to become effective when fully executed by both parties. WITNESSETH WHEREAS. on the 25th day of May , 2017 , the governing body for the City , entered into Resolution/Ordinance No. R-2017-4420 hereinafter identified by reference, authorizing the City 's participation in this agreement with the State, and WHEREAS,the City has requested the State to permit the construction, maintenance and operation of a public sidewalk on the highway right of way, (ROADWAY FM 3406 CONTROLSECTIONNO. 1378-06 ) (General description of area including either t1he control number or GPS coordinates.) FM 3406 between Plantation Drive and Oak Hollow Drive shown graphically by the preliminary conceptual site plan in Exhibit"A"and being more specifically described by metes and bounds of Exhibit"B",which are attached and made a part hereof;and WHEREAS, the State has indicated its willingness to approve the establishment of such facilities and other uses conditioned that the Ctiy will enter into agreements with the State for the purpose of determining the respective responsibilities of the City and the State with reference thereto, and conditioned that such uses are in the public interest and will not damage the highway facilities, impair safety, impede maintenance or in any way restrict the operation of the highway facility,all as determined from engineering and traffic investigations conducted by the State. Form 2044 (Rev 02115) Page 2 of 10 AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants and agreements of the parties hereto to be by them respectively kept and performed as hereinafter set forth, it is agreed as follows: 1. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION The City will prepare or provide for the construction plans for the facility, and will provide for the construction work as required by said plans at no cost to the State. Said plans shall include the design of the access control., necessary horizontal and vertical clearances for highway structures, adequate landscape treatment, adequate detail to ensure compliance with applicable structural design standards, sufficient traffic control provisions, and general layout They shall also delineate and define the construction responsibilities of both parties hereto Completed plans will be submitted to State for review and approval and when approved shall be attached to the agreement and made a part thereof in all respects. Construction shall not commence until plans have been approved by the State, Any future revisions or additions shall be made after prior written approval of the State. Any sidewalks, curb ramps and other pedestrian elements to be constructed, either on site or off site, by the City shall be in accordance with the requirements of Title 11 of the Americans With Disabilities Act(ADA) and with the Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS) Elements constructed by the City and found not to comply with ADA or TAS shall be corrected at tl�a entire expense of the City 2. INSPECTION Ingress and egress shall be allowed at all times to such facility for Federal Highway Administration personnel and State Forces and equipment when highway maintenance operations are necessary, and for inspection purposes; and upon request, all parking or other activities for periods required for such operations will be prohibited. 3. PARKING REGULATIONS Parking regulations shall be established limiting parking to single unit motor vehicles of size and capacity no greater than prescribed for 1112 ton trucks, such vehicles to conform in size and use to governing laws Parking shall be permitted only in marked spaces Parking shall be prohibited when a security threat,as determined by TxDOT. exists Form 2044 (Rev 02.'15) Page 3 of 10 4. PROHIBITION/SIGNS Regulations shall be established prohibiting the parking of vehicles transporting flammable or explosive loads and prohibiting use of the area in any manner for peddling, advertising or other purposes not in keeping with the objective of a public facility. The erection of signs other than those required for proper use of the area will be prohibited All signs shall be approved by the State prior to the actual erection. 5. RESPONSIBILITIES Timely maintenance, repair and operation of the facility shall be entirely the responsibility of the City . Such responsibility shall not be transferred, assigned or conveyed to a third party without the advanced written approval of the State These responsibilities expressly include the timely maintenance and repair of any portion of the facility necessary to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act Further, such responsibility shall include picking up trash,mowing and otherwise keeping the facility in a clean and sanitary condition, and surveillance by police patrol to eliminate the possible creation of a nuisance or hazard to the public. Hazardous or unreasonably objectionable smoke,fumes, vapor or odors shall not be permitted to rise above the grade line of the highway, nor shall the facility subject the highway to hazardous or unreasonably objectionable dripping, droppings or discharge of any kind, including rain or snow If the State determines that City has failed to comply with these responsibilities, it I ill perform the necessary work and charge City the actual cost of the work. 6. FEES Any fees levied for use of the facilities in the area shall be nominal and no more than are sufficient to defray the cost of construction, maintenance and operations thereof, and shall be subject to State approval. A Retention Period. The City shall maintain all books, documents, papers. accounting records and other evidence pertaining to fees collected and costs (hereinafter called the Records). The City shall make the records available during the term of the Agreement and for four years from the date the Agreement is terminated, until completion of all audits or until pending litigation has been completely and fully resolved,whichever occurs last. B Audit Report If fees are collected by the City for the use of the facility under this agreement, the City will provide the State an annual audit report detailing the fees collected for the use of the facility and the costs associated with constructing, maintaining, and operating the facility within the same period. If the report shows more fees collected than expenses for the construction, operation, or maintenance of the facility the City must provide a multiple year plan detailing how the additional revenue will be used for construction, operation,or maintenance of the facility. Form 2044 (Rev 02/15) Page 4 of 10 C, Availability. The State or any of its duly authorized representatives, the Federal Highway Administration, the United States Department of Transportation, Office of Inspector General, and the Comptroller General shall have access to the City 's records that are directly pertinent to this Agreement for the purpose of making audits and examinations. 7. TERMINATION UPON NOTICE This provision is expressly made subject to the rights herein granted to both parties to terminate this agreement upon notice, and upon the exercise of any such right by either party, all obligations herein to make improvements to said facility shall immediately cease and terminate and the City shall be responsible for the facility's timely removal at no cost to the State. If the State determines that the City has failed to timely remove the facility, it will perform the necessary work and charge the City the actual cost of the work. 8. MODIFICATIONITERMINATION OF AGREEMENT If in the sole judgment of the State it is found at any future time that traffic conditions have so changed that the existence or use of the facility is impeding maintenance, damaging the highway facility, impairing safety or that the facility is not being properly operated, that it constitutes a nuisance, is abandoned, or if for any other reason it is the State's judgment that such facility is not in the public interest., this agreement under which the facility was constructed may be: (1) modified if corrective measures acceptable to both parties can be applied to eliminate the objectionable features j of the facility, or(2)terminated and the use off the area as proposed herein discontinued 9. PROHIBITION OF STORAGE OF FLAMMABLE MATERIALS All structures located or constructed within the area covered by the agreement shall be fire resistant The storage of flammable, explosive or hazardous materials is prohibited. Operations deemed to be a potential fire hazard shall be subject to regulation by the State. 10. RESTORATION OF AREA The City shall provide written notification to the State that such facility will be discontinued for the purpose defined herein. The City shall,within thirty(30)days from the date of said notification, clear the area of all facilities that were its construction responsibility under this agreement and restore the area to a condition satisfactory to the State. 11. PREVIOUS AGREEMENTS It is understood that this agreement in no way modifies or supersedes the terms and provisions of any existing agreements between the parties hereto. Form 2444 (Rev 02115; Page 5 of 10 12. INDEMNIFICATION The City AGREES TO HOLD AND SAVE THE STATE OF TEXAS FREE FROM DAMAGES THAT MAY RESULT FROM CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT DESCRIBED HEREIN. ]'HE INDEMNIFICATION OF THE STATE SHALL EXTEND FOR A PERIOD OF TWO (2) YEARS BEYOND THE DATE OF TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. DURING EACH YEAR WHILE THERE IS ANY LIABILITY BY REASON OF THE AGREEMENT CONTAINED IN THIS SUBSECTION OF THIS RESOLUTION, INCLUDING THE CALENDAR YEAR 2017 , THE City (CITY) SHALL COMPUTE AND ASCERTAIN THE RATE AND AMOUNT OF AD VALOREM TAX, BASED ON THE LATEST APPROVED TAX ROLLS OF SAID ENTITY, WITH FULL ALLOWANCES BEING MADE FOR TAX DELINQUENCIES AND COSTS OF TAX COLLECTION, WHICH WILL BE SUFFICIENT TO RAISE AND PRODUCE THE MONEY REQUIRED TO PAY ANY SUMS WHICH MAY BE OR BECOME DUE DURING ANY SUCH YEAR, IN NO INSTANCE TO BE LESS THAN TWO (2%) PER CENT OF SUCH OBLIGATION, TOGETHER WITH INTEREST THEREON,BECAUSE OF THE OBLIGATION HEREIN ASSUMED. SAID RATE AND AMOUNT OF AD VALOREM TAX 1S HEREBY ORDERED TO BE LEVIED AND IS HEREBY LEVIED AGAINST ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY IN SAID ENTITY FOR EACH YEAR WHILE ANY LIABILITY EXISTS BY REASON OF THE O$LIGATION UNDERTAKEN BY THIS SUBSECTION OF THIS RESOLUTION, AND SAID AD VALOREM TAX SHALL BE ASSESSED AND COLLECTED EACH SUCH YEAR UNTIL ALL OF THE OBLIGATIONS HEREIN INCURRED SHALL HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AND ALL LIABILITY HEREUNDER DISCHARGED. No party to this agreement intends to waive, relinquish, limit or condition its general governmental immunity from liability in any way. Each party agrees and acknowledges that it is not an agent, servant, or employee of the other party and that under this provision each party is responsible only for its own acts and for those of its agents, servants, independent contractors or employees. Such responsibility includes, but is not limited to any claims or amounts arising or recovered under the "Workers Compensation Law," the Texas Tort Claims Act, Chapter 101, Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code; or any other applicable laws or regulations, all as time to time may be amended Form 2044 1Rev 02/15) Page 6 of 10 Nothing in this agreement shall be construed as creating any liability in favor of any third party against the State and the City . Additionally, this agreement shall not ever be construed as relieving any third party from any liability against the State, Furthermore, the City shall become fully subrogated to the State's rights of recovery and shall be entitled to maintain any action over and against any third party who may be liable for damages. The State agrees to execute and deliver instruments and papers and to otherwise do that which is necessary to secure such rights 13. INSURANCE The City shall provide necessary safeguards to protect the public on State maintained highways including adequate insurance for payment of any damages which might result during the construction, maintenance, repair and operation of the facility. The City shall include TxDOT as an additional insured by endorsement in the City is commercial general liability insurance policy. Prior to beginning work on the State's right of way, the City 's construction contractor shall submit to the State a completed insurance form (TxDOT Form No. 1560) or appropriate certificate of self-insurance and shall maintain the required coverage during the construction of the facility 14. USE OF RIGHT OF WAY It is understood that the State by execution of this agreement does not impair or relinquish the State's right to use such land for highway purposes when it is required for the construction or re-construction of th�traffic facility for which it was acquired nor shall use of the land under such agreement ever be construed as abandonment by the State of such land acquired for highway purposes, and the State does not purport to grant any interest in the land described herein but merely consents to such use to the extent its authority and title permits 15. ADDITIONAL CONSENT REQUIRED The State asserts only that it has sufficient title for highway purposes The City shall be responsible for obtaining such additional consent, permits or agreement as may be necessary due to this agreement. This includes, but is not limited to, appropriate permits and clearances for environmental,ADA and public utilities, 16. FHWA ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS If the Facility is located on the Federal-Aid Highway System, "ATTACHMENT A", which states additional requirements as set forth in the Federal Highway Administration's Title 23, Code of Federal Regulations, § 710,shall be attached to and become a part of this agreement. 17. CIVIL RIGHTS ASSURANCES The City ,for itself, its personal representatives, successors and interests and Forth 2044 (Rev 02/151 Pape 7 of 10 assigns, as part of the consideration hereof, does hereby covenant and agree as a covenant running with the land that. (1) no persons.on the grounds of race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion or disabling condition, shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in the use of said facility; (2)that in the construction of any improvements on, over or under such land and the furnishing of services thereon, no person on the ground of race, color, sex, age, national origin., religion or disabling condition, shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination; (3) that the City shall use the premises in compliance with all other requirements imposed by or pursuant to Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Non-discrimination in Federally-Assisted programs of the Department of Transportation -Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and as said Regulations may be amended, That if in the event of any breach of the above non-discrimination covenants, the State shall have the right to terminate the agreement and reenter and repossess said land and the facilities thereon, and hold the same as if said agreement had never been made or issued 18. AMENDMENTS Any changes in the time frame character or responsibilities of the parties hereto shall be enacted by a written amendment executed by both parties hereto 19. LEGAL CONSTRUCTION In case one or more of the provisions contained in this agreement shall for any reason be held invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any provision hereof and this agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been contained in this agreement 20. AUDIT The State may conduct an audit or investigation of any aspect of this agreement. The City must provide the State with access to any information the State considers relevant to the investigation or audit. The audit can include, but is not limited to, any contract for construction or maintenance of any facility or structure authorized by this agreement or any contract to provide a service to the City if that service is authorized by this agreement. Form 2044 (Rev 02!15) Page 8 of 10 21. AUTHORITY OF STATE AUDITOR The state auditor may conduct an audit or investigation of any entity receiving funds from the state directly under the contract or indirectly through a subcontract under the contract. Acceptance of funds directly under the contract or indirectly through a subcontract under this contract acts as acceptance of the authority of the state auditor, under the direction of the legislative audit committee, to conduct an audit or investigation in connection with those funds An entity that is the subject of an audit or investigation must provide the state auditor with access to any information the state auditor considers relevant to the investigation or audit. 22. NOTICES All notices required under this agreement shall be mailed or hand delivered to the following respective addresses* STATE (Name of other party) (Mailing Address) (Mailing Address) Texas Department of Transportation City of Round Rock Maintenance Division 2008 Enterprise Drive 125 East 11th Street Round Rock,TX 76664 Austin, Texas 78701-2483 23. TIMELY PAYMENT When required by any provision of this agreement requires a payment to be made to the State, the other party hereto shall within thirty (30) days from receipt of the State's written notification pay the State for the full cost of repaking any damages to the highway facility which may result fromIthe other party's construction, maintenance, repair or operation of the facility 24. WARRANTS The signatories to this agreement warrant that each has the authority to enter into this agreement on behalf of the party represented. List of Attached Exhibits Exhibit A-General Layout Exhibit B-Metes and Bounds Description Exhibit C -Approved Construction Plans Exhibit D-Certificate of Insurance(TxDOT Form 1560) Exhibit E-Attachment A(FHWA Additional Requirements), Form 2044 (Rev OZ 15) Page 9 of 10 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties have hereunto affixed their signature,the Kajet- on the (©`i-- day of 20and the State on the day of 20 STATE OF TEXAS Executed and approved for the Texas (Name of other party) Transportation Commission for the purpose and effect of activating and/or carrying out the orders, and established policies or work programs 8y' nature heretofore approved and authorized by the Texas ' Transportation Commission. icA M"' M Printell Name Signature Date Michael C.Anderson,P.E. CAI I Deputy Director, Maintenance Division Title -CAiv Agency Data 2 7, 9) 4d 4APPROVAL RECOMI ENDED: Contact Office and Telephone No, !! District gineer Terry G, McCoy, PE Printed Name Date Fort 2044 (Rev 02115) Page 10 of 10 ATTACHMENT A Inasmuch as this project is on the Federal-Aid highway system, the following additional requirements as applicable with the Federal Highway Administration's Title 23, Code of Federal Regulations, §710. 1 Any significant revision in the design or construction of the facility shall receive prior approval by the Texas Department of Transportation subject to concurrency by the FHWA. 2. Any change in the authorized use of airspace shall receive prior approval by the Texas Department of Transportation subject to concurrence by the FHWA. 3 The airspace shall not be transferred, assigned or conveyed to another party without prior Texas Department of Transportation approval subject to concurrence by the FHWA. 4 This agreement will be revocable in the event that the airspace facility ceases to be used or is abandoned EXHIBIT E SUPPORTING RESOLUTION or ORDINANCE RESOLUTIO NO. IZ-2017-4420 NN III REAS. the City of t.ound Rock {"Cit}") desires to caMMM a p'Ablic sidc:�Ncilk along, a portion of`Old Settlers Wmlcvard identified in Exhibit "A" to the Multiple LJse Aareenlent r%ith the I et,is Dt:partnietit of Transportation: and NVIIEREAS. it NfUltillle Use Agreement lith the I exas Department of Tran;portatlon X01 p2mlit the Cite it) construct, maintain and operate: the side�x-ilk, and WHEREAS,REAS, the CILN*COuntil Wishes to approc e said Agreement.Noy% Therefore BEI IT RESOLVED BN T1117. COUNCIL 01:THE' C11"S' OF ROUND ROCK,TEXAS, I hat the N-iavor is liereby autlloi-iZed and directed to CXecute VII b0lalf of the Citi a NIL11 iplc Use ALreement xvith the Teals Dep:rtment tit-I-ransports tion, a cop} of same beim attLICh;d hereto 'Is I- xhibit ` A"and incorporated herein for X111 purl.)OSeS, Fhe Cite Cot11161 heveby t1nds and declares that %�ritten 110tire of the date. hour, place and subject of the meeting at which this Resolution «as adopted \gas po:,t::d and that such meeting vas Open to the public 4a-, required�y law at all tiMCS (1111.1i'L' �NhiCh this RCSOltttion and the Wbject inatter herein %%eic discussed. considered and fi-i•1nm M ac(c l upi.,il. a`1 :is required bN the Open Nlminuz, Act. Chapter 551. Te\l-, Cro%om[11011t COCK.`,Ali '1111C11dc:d RL-SOLVED this 25th dray of'tifa%. 2017, z� � CRAIG MQRGAN a�or � -- Cit� of ROL111d Ro , TevIs M-FS r 2� 'Y {,. SARA L. W1 III E Ci.t\ Clergy. EXHIBIT A General Layout and Location '" 4 .., •fit� �e i� � „� a�:A r �,.; y - �, t}.ice' �:4 �5 f i +� +� ,1.1 .1,"` �•'i i�� At jw list ij 76, T ioF 74 Yi�.a s •�� ,vv , Z � ; v ilE , .epi �.�.,w►1 3 v �i�,{v Y" ° 3 �: Tows —'--44 Nrmn ritaSchool 145 od AL . s r• x r -- i r r Genera! Information -Project Description Old Settlers Blvd. Sidewalk Ga Project The purpose of the Old Settlers Boulevard Sidewalk Gap Project is to eliminate spaces, or gaps, between points where permanent sidewalks currently exist. Many of these existing gap areas are currently characterized by a compacted dirt trail that has relatively constant pedestrian use due to the proximity of Old Town Elementary School; which sits approximately 300 feet south of the proposed sidewalk. The Old Settlers Boulevard Sidewalk Gap Project will be constructed by City of Round Rock personnel. Old Settlers Blvd. Sidewalk Gap Project consists of constructing 5-foot wide concrete sidewalks along the south side of Old Settlers Blvd., from Plantation Dr. to Oak Hollow Dr. The proposed sidewalk will tie into the existing pedestrian ramp at Plantation Dr. and extend east, where it will taper into the existing 4-foot wide sidewalk at Oak Hollow Dr. The total length of the sidewalk is approximately 1,128 feet; and the sidewalk will meander between 3 feet to 5 feet from the back of curb. The sidewalk will generally drain onto a 3 foot, to 5 foot, grassed filtered strip, located between the sidewalk and the existing back of curb, before spilling over into the lip of gutter. The sidewalk will add roughly 9,640 square feet of impervious cover to the 3.36 acris of existing ROW; roughly a 3.8% addition to existing impervious cover. The total area to be disturbed is 0.181 acres (7,896 square feet). The existing ground cover is compacted dirt and grass. The small amount of impervious cover being added, and the aforementioned grassed filter strip will potentially provide sufficient justification for exception to the requirements of filing a Water Pollution Abatement Plan (WPAP) and a Geologic Assessment. EXHIBIT B Proposed Construction Plans (Metes and Bounds Description) EXHIBIT C Approved Construction Plans To be made part of document prior to beginning of construction I CITY OF ROUND ROCK, TEXAS 0 a Audi Ln Im + " In O CLN 0 O In ROUND ROCK TEXAS o TRANSPORTATION 0- 0 O O s TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT 0 3 ru a `n CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR v V 0 INDEX OF SHEETS OLD SETTLERS BLVD. SIDEWALK / 1. COVER SHEET .21 a 2. GENERAL NOTES GAP PROJECT Y 3. PROJECT LAYOUT 3 4. CITY OF ROUND ROCK-STANDARD DETAILS-CURBS&SIDEWALKS MARCH 2 017 5. CITY OF ROUND ROCK-STANDARD DETAILS-EROSION CONTROLS N 6. Tx-DOT TRAFFIC CONTROL STANDARDS TCP(2-4)-12 t 7.-10. Tx-DOT PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES CURB RAMPS a —ZrO'F �� ?� �—� TDLR INSPECTION NOT REQUIRED i b.�ftE�F TE �t,+ T I TDLR No. N/A *: ':t l� / LEAH J.COLLIER 1 �.... •• ~^ City Officials Q' 1,LEAH JUDICE COLLIER,DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE PUBLIC .Q••••••71920.••••'� """"°�� , �".� O WORKS AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIBED HEREIN HAVE BEEN +t'Y��.,l/�EM'y�a•}"�� ,.. °%" ! \ Alan McGraw Mayor Ig rg Craig Mo an Council Member DESIGNED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE SUBDIVISION AND BUILDING t F REGULATIONS ORDINANCES AND SFORMWATER DRAINAGE POLICY �� ; `=��� el Rene Flores Council Member ADOPTED BY THE CITY OF ROUND ROCK,TEXAS. tl Frank Leffingwell Council Member Will Peckham Council Member Writ Baese Council Member `s Kris Whitfield Council Member Laurie Hadley City Manager Gary Hudder Transportation Director Leah Judice Ilier, P.E. Date Chief Translation Engineer i N X Y a� > CIP STANDARD NOTESC 7 O p m GENERAL NOTES: rcEaassz taw.ur rs.mrsn Texas Commission on Environmental Quality ill X 0-1 N 1.Ad construction shall be in accordance with the City of Round Rock Standard Specifications Manual. water Pollution Abatement Plan 0 G7 -,-, 2.Any existing utilities,pavement,curbs,sidewalks,structures,trees,etc.,not planned for destruction or removal that are damaged or removed General construction Notes Z 11 U shag be repaired or replaced at Contractor's expense. eew,a,ayaim w,r..xnn r,nsr,m c,n,sv,eon a,,,,_r,s,i w,uaan„ � O C 3.The Contractor shall verify all depths and locations of existing utilities prior to any construction.Any discrepancies with the construction plans T^•"°"°•^'a'ya•„mrar,",,.n:.,.:x.n°.a roa..e...,y.,,r....>.y.,wa,,,ear..a:r..,,,P„„r,r.,,;re.,,,r,.,.,,,rEr u,.E,„.n..oe.a„rFnr..„m,n,r.„e:+�.. .M�..w.,a.rw..,....ee„�.mnrouw.m,n„v (D C 0 found In the field shall be brought immediately to the attention of the Engineer who shall be responsible for revising the plans as appropriate. rn�v,e.n.x"""•`•"'•'""y°•"�O°'°•"hn'^^w' •^••'^'^TCEo„a'•r+•,e„ae:,rn,as,r...,aa,:,;,e.r.c.s.rrAcr.cM.r.,.zu..°arT..,w.,.<ur.�s;,.,.,.,a,.s„w,.n,.,,,;s•„er„rMrw..a,,,r.,r..wwr.Aaw�..h. W 7 O- 4.Manhole frames,covers,valves,cleanouts,etc.shag be raised to finished grade prior to final paving construction. "°'""s'°"'•^'°a,e•rm"„,ayrasap.­a,n"«.r,.,en.x1 x.,,.,,lura.Eo,n,­,yllP ,eWw,..,wallera P,..,m..„..n.can.a.u„a,.m.r,..we,�,,.r..>•An.su;>„<nM F°wm.Aww....nys ayc.yn.,n,e,a O vel,,,TM n,u..,r,ny F°core Lr- �- � S.The Contractor shahIva the Cg of Round Rock 48 hours notice before beginning """" A�'Y•'r"°"d'°^p•^m^'•"""e�°"°'""•°^nM,t ued nsp,nJ4 krurnpi,�rc,,.p,Tile JO.TAC.Ch,p,nit]eruygMr,ppsYN TLEO,pN,e•n.,awB•t,9sm4tie",gran E/arW pwM1,P,ar,tl.<n PYn O � 3 g Y each phase of construction.Contact the assigned Project Manager, m.��.vs np,.,.,.rp.n.,vwn,.m.s.n.c.r,.. ,,.n,,r,.w..n,ria:,.„,se..;,,,,,,nr•w„r,,,v;,,,,,.r,a•q...rwn,r rceo..cave.n., ..y„..rwn.ay,nm.m,.w„<.,,,,r...�.,,,,°a,.,,w„: O to spy n•ny aw.on rice.Env 3 prvw',°vmNr rm]e.racf2rJ.wrnwwhr.ENar:,rtrmgduM,isNusna m,y NsnMv,ar'rCb�:a".n,,:ia..a m;„,cmn.Ta.rWwipw,rw•anervw'en na,i rP,..v°n,ep.n eyu,.ince anrr,•,rwiAl,]e iAe,ca.p.,,TN r 3 m 6.All areas disturbed or exposed during construction shall be revegetated in accordance with the plans and specifications.Where not specifically .a°:n.�•nr can.,rcr:a wcuwr.,.w+.a.n N to Identified,revegetatlon of all disturbed or exposed areas shall consist of sodding or 0 m9 seed inti,at the Contractor's option. / However,the type of revegetation must equal or exceed the type of vegetation present before construction. U in 7.Prier to an construction,a pre-construction conference shall be held between the CI of Round Rock,the Engineer.the Contractor,other utility 1. A written notice of construction must be submitted to the TCED regional office at least 49 hours y regulated tit Y W City 9 y 9 prior to the start of an r aced activities.This notice must include: 0 companies, any affected parties and any other entity the City or Engineer may require. - the name of the approved project; S.The Contractor shag keep accurate records of all construction that deviates from the plans.The Contractor shall furnish the City of Round Rock - the activity start dare;and accurate"As-Built"annotated drawings following completion of ail construction.These"As-BuiIC - the contact Infonnalfon of the prime contractor. th drawings shall meet with the satisfaction of the City prior to final acceptance. 2. Al contractors conducing regulated activities associated with this project must be provided with complete co es of thea roved Water Pollution Abatement Plan WPAP and the TCED letter co 10.VAlen construction is being carried out within easements,the Contractor shag confine his work to within the permanent and any temporary indicating the specific conditions of Its approval.During the course of these regulated activities,the contractors aro required to k cops approved n and approval ` d easements.Prior to final acceptance,the Contractor shag be responsible for removing all trash and debris withinkeep on-site es of the a pia pp vel tenor. ; / the permanent and temporary easements.Clean-up shall be to the satisfaction of the City. 3. If any sensitive feature(s)(caves,solution cavity,sink hole,etc.)is discovered during construction,all regulated aclivitles near the sell feature must be suspended Immediately.The 11.Prior to any construction,the Contractor shall apply for and secure all proper permits from the appropriate authorities, appropriate TCEO regional office must be Immediately notified of any sensitive features encountered during construction.Construction activitles may not be resumed uml the TCEQ has •o 12.Available benchmarks(NAVD'88 Datum)that may be utilized for the construction of this project are described as follows: reviewed and approved the appropriate prolective measures in order to protect any sensitive feature and the Edwards Aquifer from potentially adverse impacts to walerqua;ity. d STREET AND DRAINAGE NOTES: 4. No temporary or permanent hazardous substance storage lank shall be installed within 150 feel of a water supply sourer,distribution system,will,or sensitive feature. CL 1.All testing shag be done by an Independent laboratory at the City's expense unless specified otherwise.Any retesting shall be paid for by the Contractor.A City Inspector shall be present during al tests.Testing shah be coordinated with the City Inspector and he shall be given a 5. Prior to beginning any construction activity,al temporary erosion and sedimentation(E8S)control measures must be property installed and maintained in accordance with the approved plans and manufacturers spedfwl;ons. If inspectors Indicate a control has been used inappropdalely,or Incortectly,the applicant must replace or modify the control for site situations.These J minimum of 24 hours notice prior to any testing. p permanently stabilized. Y controls must remain in lace until the disturbed areas have been 0 2.Backfill behind the verb shag be compacted to obtain a minimum of g5%maximum density to vriddn 3"of top of curb.Material used shag he � prknartly granular with no rocks larger than 6"in the greatest dimension.The remaining 3"shall be clean topsoil free from all clods and suitable 6. Any sediment that escapes the constmction site must be collected and property disposed of before the next rain event Io ensure it is not washed into surface streams,sensilive features,etc v for sustaining plant fife, c in 3.Depth of cover for all crossings under pavement including gas,electric,telephone,cable t.v.,water services,etc.,shall be a minirrwm of 30" 7. Sediment must be removed from rine sediment traps or sedimentation basins not later than when it occupies 50%of the basin's design capacity, S in below sub-grade unless otherwise accepted by the City. I I z 4.Street rights-cf•wa shall be graded at a slope of 114" S. Litter,construction debris,and construction diemlcals e a 3 v fig Y g p per foot toward the curb unless otherwise indicated.However,in no case shall the width of exposed to stormwaler shall be prevented troth being discharged Desire. ... right-of-way at 1!4"per foot slope be less than 10 feel unless a specific request for an alternate grading scheme is made to and accepted by the v city. 9. All spells(excavated material)generated from the project site must be stored on-site with proper E8S controls. For storage or disposal of spoils at another she on the Edwards Aquifer V) 5.Traffic control in accordance with a designated Traffic Control Plan shall be placed and maintained as necessary during construction for workers Recharge Zone,the owner of the site must receive approval of a water pollution abatement plan for the placement Of fill material or mass grading prior to the placement of spoils at the other -o and public safety. site. 6,All R.C.P.Shall be minimum class III. 10. If portions of the site wig have a temporary or permanent cease in construction activity lasting longer than 14 days,suit Stabilization in those areas shall be initialed as soon as possible prior to w the 14th day of inactivity.If activity wit resume pnor to the 21st day,stabilization measures are not required.If drought conditions or in dement weather prevent action by the 14th day, p U GRADING NOTES: stabilization measures shall be initialed as soon as possible. •U 1.AN permanent cut and fill slopes to be constructed at slopes to 3:1 or flatter,unless otherwise noted. J 0 a 2.Estimated grading quantities are approximate net fig.These grading quantities represent in-place values and do not inc;ude retaining walls, 11. The following records shall be maintained and made available to fire TCEQ upon request COQ W trenching,fine grading or shrinkage and compaction. the dales when major grading activities occur, F- 3.Excess material must be placed at an appropriate fill site. - the dales when construction activities temporarily or permanently cease or a portion O O 0 of the site;and Z 3 4.All site grading including cutting,filling,and drainage provisions shall be performed under the observation,and approval of a representative of L,J Y the dales when stabilization measures are initiated. J J the City of Round Rock. Q J V) 12. The holder of any approved Edward Aquifer protection plan must holly,the appropriate regional office in wril; X F- LEGEND: i. ; NOTES: U > O Q 1.ALL NEW SIDEWALK WILL BE 6'WIDE AND 3'•5'B.O.C. 5'SIDEWALK PATH UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY A CITY O D (3'-5'B.O.C.) 5 REPRESENTATIVE. O 0 EXISTING FACE OF CURB t 2.ALL NEW SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION NOT TO EXCEED 2%CROSS-SLOPE. 3.ALL NEW SIDEWALK"TIE-INS"WILL MEET&MATCH Z O_ U WIDTH,&CROSS-SLOPE,OF EXISTING S.W.8,DRVWYS D EXISTING CURB RAMP V O WITHIN A MAXIMUM 2 FT.TRANSITION, O -00 o p DETECTABLE WARNING 4.ALL NEW T SIDEWALK WILL SLOPE TO CURB. W C 5.FORM TO FIT S.W.AT DRVWY INTERSECTIONS. :31 t 6.REASSESS SW CROSSLOPES AT DRVWYS TO INSURE O ! ' 2°(,A.D.A.COMPLIANCE. O 7.NEW LOCATIONS FOR SIGNS WILL BE DETERMINED O n O 3 b IN THE FIELD BY THE CITY REPRESENTATIVE. N 3 O - ' '4` CUfb Iniei PfOIeCtIOn- 8.WHEN FEASIBLE,S.W.WILL MEANDER AS NEEDED TO CIRCUMVENT OBSTACLES. .• Detail(EC-14) - 4 U _ ,r'` ACRONYMS: E.O.P. =EDGE OF PAVEMENT t r _ B.O. =BACK OF C S.W =SIE EWALKEPLAC EPROFILE � B D DRIVEWAY E R a- R.C.P. =REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE a� Curb Inlet Protection- Tie into Detail(EC-14) existing S.W. . ••*A t ER 6 Erosion Control c o " f �4 g ; Logs Adjacent ,phot a• ' O — - tall APProx.500' (EC-17) ti in Ln • y ��� �• v goo ;Is' F i i Sawcut curb,tie into i O _ .,. j. existing driveway,8 add prefabricated - detectable warning. 03 Q F-0 Y1�'Yt/ -!. �./ Approx.375 AJ_ r 1 r J U LO OF Sawcut curb,tie into ! y�'� ••••Tle ,�l ai o �z T J 3 t existing driveway,& }• i ..��l Q O o Approx.253 add prefabricated , %r i• / *�� w a _ detectable warning. ............................ O a Tie into existing a; ' ip LEAH d.•COWE j w curb-ramp. 71 9 •i • i ;.' r 1 CENSE i I i v * t ► c Q *K .o - 0 N wE Old Settlers Blvd. Sidewalk Gap Project _ SHEET NUMB'_R: O ' 170CK TE:.rt"i �- 1 in S,00h (Plantation Drive to Oak Hollow Drive) _'UNP RO _Nw REV SO:J: N c (Reference Only) 0 F`- N i X F- Y a) >0 () > c I:p 0 p U) 0 X 6. 1 2 6' L Rm1/4' GRADE CONTROL r—R=1/4" GRADE CONTROL R=1/4" 0 T Q) R 2 1/2' R 2 1/2" 0 — -0 c EXPANSION JOINT. PROPERTY LINE. EXPANSION JOI c R 3 1/2- L'j 0 ILL. 00 --T R 3 1/2- :3 0- U, 0 CEI (n F 0 5'-0'CONTROL JOINT. 3,000 PSI CONCRETE. f3' 6. 40'-0'(MAXIMUM) 0 r7- 6" DOWEL LOCATION.(TYPICAL) (SEE CURB EXPANSION JOINT DOWEL DETAIL BELOW) SPILL CURB CATCH CURB- z-. CURB&GUTTER. 10 0- 24"-#4 SMOOTH DOWEL_ cL o PLAN SPILL AND CATCH2"MIN 16"DOWEL COATING 1/2-PREMOLDED —::�TOP OF CURB. EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL. o 3: (u :2 VARIES wDOWEL SLEEVE TO FIT DOWEL AND BE ( z SECURE AND HAVE A CLOSED END. MINIMUM) VARIES 42 Qj Ll �u i (SEE CONSTRUCTION #4 BAR.(TYPICAL) YF.) #4 BAR.(TYPICAL) Ln a) I PLANS FOR WIDTH) 3. 3' 3. -o 1/4'FOOT SLOPE:2%(MAXIMUM) la 'TTy.p 0 DOWEL Rol MINIMUM 1 1/4"MINIMUM_ u SUPPORTS. 4-(MINIMUM) > In CURB EXPANSION JOINT DOWEL DETAIL 0-1 2'SAND CUSHION ON (L F m< THOROUGHLY COMPACTED SUBGRADE. C7 Ld NOTES: Of Z 0 Li :D -I 0 CLASS"A'CONCRETE. 1. ALL WORK AND MATERIAL SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A615,A615M,C309 AND D1752, < 0 BROOM FINISH EXPOSED SURFACE. W6'X 6"X NO.6 WELDED WIRE 2. CONTROL JOINT SPACING SHALL NOT EXCEED 10'-0'. V) 0 z FABRIC,MID-DEPTH OR ONE 3. EXPANSION JOINTS AS PER STANDARD ASTM 0-1752. 0 < -i MAT OF#3 BARS PLACED NO 4. EXPANSION JOINT INTERVALS NOT TO EXCEED 40'-0"FOR ALL CURBS AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS. 0 MORE THAN 18"O.C.E.W. 5. ALL CURBS SHALL HAVE A WNIMUM OF 4"OF COMPACTED FLEXIBLE BASE BETWEEN BOTTOM OF CURB AND TOP 0 SUBGRADE THAT SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 18'BEHIND BACK OF CURB. TOTAL DEPTH OF FLEXIBLE BASE < SECTION UNDER AND BEHIND CURB SHALL BE:(TOTAL DEPTH OF FLEXIBLE BASE)LESS(6-INCHES). a) 6. ALL CURBS SHALL CONFORM TO THESE DETAILS INDEPENDANT OF THE CONSTRUCTION METHODS USED. RECORD SIGNED COPY DRAWING NO: RECORD SIGNED Op c ON FILE AT PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF ROUND ROCK ON nM AT P"UCCWOYMS DRAWING NO: o CITY OF ROUND ROCK ST-05 APPROVED ST-01 APPROVED 0v-11-06 08-21-03 SPILL AND CATCH CURB DETAIL Q. DATE DArM TILE SIDEWALK DETAIL E ARCII[TECT/ENGINEER ASSUMES THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER ASSUMES (WITH CURB EXPANSION RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPROPRIATE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPROPRIATE c USE OF THIS RETAIL. USE OF THIS RETAILO JOINT DOWEL DETAIL) r SHEET NUMBER. —4 o o_ X > EXTEND 2'-0" MIN BEYOND 18'TEMP.EROSION 0 CONTROL LOG 7 INLET OPENING AT EACH END STAKE LOG ON DOWNHILL 0 In 3" OVERLAP AT A A 15"TEMP EROSIONSIDE AT THE CENTER,AT 0 EACH END.AND AT x —S CONTROL LOG ADDITIONAL POINTS AS (D -r-rtA-1 NEEDED TO SECURE LOG VARIES FABRIC S LICE-S ............ v(Typ)_lj 4'MAX.SPACING,OR AS MULCH CRADLE DIRECTED. UNDER EROSION z 0- L) CONTROL LOG 0 SECURE END 7 • L HILL 0 c: OF LOG TO DOWNHILL Ld STAKE(TYP) ENTER AT a_ CUT AWAY OF EACH END.AND AT ADDITIONAL Z3 W " STAKE ON FILTER FABRIC 40 0 ffim�"'�A AT C POINTS AS NEEDED TO SECURE PLAN LOG,OR AS DRECTED. 1�&A L� 00 2"X4"-Wl.4XW1.4 WIRE_,--- 0 In FABRIC STRUCTURE SECTION A-A 0 0 CIA 0 EROSION CONTROL LOG CHECK DAM FLOW SECURE END STAKES ON DOWNHILL SIDE CL OF LOG AT 0'OC MAX OR 0 OF LOG TO FLOW STAKE(TYP) AS NEEDED TO SECURE LOG, OR AS DIRECTED. F L W\� `7 RO W. B— R.O.W. MULCH CRADLE 12'TEMP.EROSION DISTURBED AREA UNDER EROSION CONTROL LOG ISOMEERIC CONTROL LOG STAKE 20 LB. SANDBAGS 03' O.C. BACK OF CURB UP OF GUTTER cl. CLEAR OPENING MINIMUM 4" HIGH 12'TEMP, N CONTROL M PLAN cD LOG PLACED AT BACK OF CURB SECTION B-B 20 LB. SANDBAGS 03' (TYP) STAKES ON DOWNHILL SIDE OF LOG AT 8'GO MAX OR AS O.C. (SEE NOTE 1) SECURE END \NEEDED TO SECURE LOG,OR 12"TEMP.EROSION INLET OF LOG TO ASREC7ED. CONTROL LOG (n STAKE(TYP) 12'TEMP.EROSION SI z R.O.W. CONTROL LOG lu ...... ... MULCH CRADLE STAKE UNDER EROSION 61d ............................. DISTURBED AREA CONTROL LOG U) 10 0 0 CROSS HUM BACK OF CURB z > C Yo q PLAN UP OF GUTTER SECTION C-C co CL 0 0 < 0 z LOG PLACED AT EDGE OF RIGHT—OF—WAY NO 0 a NOTES: Lo -j z 0 I. DAILY INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE BY THE CONTRACTOR AND SILT =) [if _0 NOTES: 3r 0 uj cn ACCUMULATION MUST BE REMOVED WHEN W I,I elf I I WHERE MINIMUM CLEARANCES CAUSE TRAFFIC TO DRIVE IN THE GUTTER,THE CONTRACTOR MAY SUBSTITUTE A DIRECTION DEPTH REACHES 6". v)m V) E i 1� 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL MONITOR THE PERFORMANCE OF LOGS DURING Ll -I X 4' BOARD SECURED WITH CONCRETE NAILS 3'O.C. NAILED INTO THE GUTTER IN LIEU OF SANDBAGS TO OF FLOW DIRECTION RAINFALL EVENT FOR PROPER PERFORMANCE 0 V) 0 :;t- HOLD THE FILTER DIKE IN PLACE. UPON REMOVAL,CLEAN ANY DIRT/DEBRIS FROM NAILING LOCATIONS,APPLY OF FLOW 3. LOGS SHALL CONSIST OF 100%BIODEGRADABLE,PHOTODEGRADABLE _j F- CHEMICAL SANDING AGENT AND APPLY NON-SHRINK GROUT FLUSH WITH SURFACE OF GUTTER. 1 0 ......... >_Ld OR RECYCLABLE CONTAINMENT MESH STUFFED WITH FILTER ti 2. A SECTION OF FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE REMOVED AS SHOWN ON THIS DETAIL OR AS DIRECTED BY THE MATERIAL tz in ENGINEER OR DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE. FABRIC MUST BE SECURED TO WIRE BACKING WITH CLIPS OR SECURE ENDS 6- 2' 4. STUFF LOGS WITH SUFFICIENT FILTER MATERIAL TO ACHIEVE DENSITY HOG RINGS AT THIS LOCATION. I THAT WILL HOLD SHAPE WITHOUT EXCESSIVE DEFORMATION. FILTER a 3. DAILY INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE BY THE CONTRACTOR AND SILT ACCUMULATION MUST BE REMOVED WHEN OF LOGS TO MATERIAL SHALL CONSIST OF MULCH,ASPEN EXCELSIOR WOOD Of < DEPTH REACHES 2". STAKES M?) FIBERS,CHIPPED SITE VEGETATION,COCONUT FIBERS,100% < LAP DETAIL RECYCLABLE FIBERS,OR ANY OTHER ACCEPTABLE MATERIAL, 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL MONITOR THE PERFORMANCE OF INLET PROTECTION DURING EACH RAINFALL EVENT AND 0 Z c EXCLUDING STRAW AND HAY. IMMEDIATELY REMOVE THE INLET PROTECTIONS IF THE STORM-WATER BEGINS TO OVERTOP THE CURB. E 5. INLET PROTECTIONS SHALL BE REMOVED AS SOON AS THE SOURCE OF SEDIMENT IS STABILIZED. 5. STAKES SHALL BE 2"X 2"WOOD,4'LONG,EMBEDDED SUCH THAT F<- 2"PROTRUDES ABOVE LOG,OR AS DIRECTED. C) RECORD SIGNED COPY DRAWING NO: RECORD SIGNED COPY DRAWING NO: ON FILE AT PUBLIC WORKS 0 ON FILE AT PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF ROUND ROCK EC-14 CITY OF ROUND ROCK APPROVED APPROVED EC-17 03-25-11 03-25-11 0 DATEDATE THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER ASSUMES CURB INLET PROTECTION DETAIL THE AIICIIITECT/ENGJNEER ASSUMES EROSION CONTROL LOG DETAIL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPROPRIATE RESPO c_c NSIBIUTY FOR THE APPROPRIATE .2 USE OF THIS DETAIL(NOT TO SCALE) USE OF THIS DETAIL(NOT TO SCALE) I SHAT NUMSER: O REVISION: CL �'Q.APPROYM DATE X Y al LEGEND C) •` rn o u•- ®Type]Barricade ■IN Cnonnel lzlrg Devices W 0 0 ROADattenuator TMA)IQ y Q) WORK I Heavy Work Vehicle ® Truck Mounted L Y g ( I AHEAD T I Trot sning ArrowaBoard Message Sign(PCCMSI Z rL U CW20-1 ga i iFlops- - x END .a. Sion Traffic Flow O ,4; C �ea kL See note 1 -■. ROAD WO 0, F lag Flogger �' W C ROAD o �' x Suggested Mo.tmum � � G20-2 Mintnum O 3 WORK �tt7 �l1, END v 48"X osteo Formula T oesi[Cble Sooting of Mts�� Suppestea V 00L U) V V `Lf' `L7' LE T ,rL,�n, per Lenotn, crwrx,eI ztno Longitudinal O �$� ewzo-tD AHEAD n ROADWORK LAN a V V °Li'IQ Bowe° SVOC °moi p 3 M w 'T r e ** Devices 'X' puffer Space ?� In �Q9t 48"X 48" 020-2 CLOS x '^ �^ afl, Otfaet t 2 t Ona Tmpe0.°nt atatonoe 8- � N O �59- (Flags- 48"X 24" CW20.5TL 3 / Zo° See rote I) 48'X 48- 30 2 I50' 165' IBO' 30' 60' 120' 90' CL XXX FT T 35 L.60 205' 225' 245' 35' 70' 160' 120' L) o W $ „ [Wt 6-]aP 40 265' 295' 320' 40' 80' 240' 155' 30'X 12' " 45 450' 495' 540' 45' 90' 320' 195' �� c (See note 41 50 500' 550' 600' 50' too, 400' 240' O 55 L WS 550' 605' 660' 55' 110' 500' 295' n X i C x j 60 600' 660' 720' 60' 120' 600' 350' ft 0 ■� 65 650' 715' T80' 65' 130' 7DO' 410' _ a ♦ a ■ 70 700' 770' 840' 70' 140' 800' 475' $� L j g 75750' 825' 900' 75' 150' 900' 540'• < CWI-GoT iF Conventional Rood Only $„ 36'X 36' fEN Toper lengths have Deen rounaetl off. d ti 6 o i'■ nv L•Length of TaperlFTI WWidth of OffsettFT)S•Posted Speed(MPH) On coo ■ ■• .' !—,- u �• TYPICAL USAGE 0 �'o St100Dw VEhICI! § ■ C Y g with TMA and ■ rp' ■ •� N M�1LE SHORT SHORT TERM INTERMEDIATE LONG TERM dhigh Intensity 3 t5ee note 8) CWI-4R DURATION STATIONARY TERM STAT)ONARY STATIONARY Tf3 ° rotating, flashing, ■ s x 48'%48' 0) a n osci l Tat Ing or a � «fin strobe Iights. ; X X (n c ISee notes 5 8 6) CW13-IP GENERAL NOTES oK« ■ NPH 24-X 24". .v t.Flogs attached to signs where shown,ore REOUIRED. z 3 # � �'-° ■ .?T� 2.All traffic control devices illustrated are REQUIRED,except those derated $s F c ■ m ■ rri"r m with the triangle syeoal my be omitted when stated elsewhere in the plans, $ E ■ or for routine maintenance work,when opprnved by the Engineer. ■ n '� 3.The downstream toper is optional.when used, it should be t00 feet minium s Y length per Ione. U 4,For short term opplieatlonx9,when post mounted signs are not used,the distance O < I I Shadow Vehicle with I legena may be shown an the sign face rather Non an a C1116-3oP supplemental / } TMA and high intensity plcgle. w rotating, flashing, ■ S.A Shadow Vehicle with a TMA stnuld be used anytime it con be positioned U oscillating or strobe m 30 to IDO feet In advance of the area of crew exposure without oaversely affectifg Qx Ifghts.(See notes 5 6 6) } >36.Xa36" the Perfor ance or Quoitlyof the work.If workers ore no longer present but rood J WU 0 } ♦ or work conditions require the traffic control to rennin in place,Type 3 []] EL ♦ } IlarricOdes or other channelizinq devices may be substituted for the Stooaw Q E Z i • } Vehicle and TMA. (n�• L+-Q Y ♦�, 6.Additional Shaadw Vehicles with TWs may be Position"in each closed � <J Lae,on the shoulder or off the paved surfoce,next to those Brown in order W J CL w x)tT- I } " fo protect o wider work Bowe. J 4■ TCP t2-4°1 p Ul 0-STR W / X 48' ♦ _ 1, If this TCP is used for o left Ione closure,CW20.5T1'LEFT LANE CLOSED'signs 0 ..,. a- • 48'XL48- shot)pe used and channel izing devices,hole be placed on the centerline to Cn Z U CW16-3oP • X X protect the work space from apposing traffic with the arrow board placed in the30 0 N X O al } closed Ione near the end of the merging toper. J 1•.-U o I I (Sex 1te CWps-11, TCP 12-4b1 O d (See nate 4) I • J MPH 24"X 24" 8.Far snorter ourailons where traffic is directed over a yellow centerline, �+= x cnonnelizIng devices which separate two-May traffic should be spaced on topers of 20'or IS' if Polito 3P1*OB Ore 35 mph or slower,and for tangent sections,at U .L 1/2151 stere 5 is the speed in mph. This tighter devices spacing is intmtled far I;} a RIGHT the drop Of eanfl lot Ing markings,not the entire work zane. 33 END x LANE n0 C ROAD WORK o CLOSED E G20-2 ,rL, �L, END ° -� 4820X5TR 48" TCXOS rJ`MWof Tans toffort rn 40'X 24' v I v I Q WORK AD WORK 4I4 x Traffic aims DWslon C vii AHEAD 480%24' '^ wt i XFf 3016X312' For construction It cw2o-tA TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN ° 48'x 48' x (See or maintenance to not ti■, nate specific wank,ts far LANE CLOSURES ON MULTILANE See note 1) specific pro)eci rectuire a) con be fou dl in CONVENTIONAL ROADS O cm De found n CIL ROAD the aroiect TCP (2-4b) forGENRALIle NOTES TCP(2-41-12 TCP (2'40) WORK for Item 502, AHEAD Barr;ode!, Signs CW20 1D and Traffic SttEET NUMBER: 48"X 48" Hand ing. ©)x001 Pecan—1995 a..t-t cu[,ser n.[.Cann p,[mann 6 ONE LANE CLOSED TWO LANES CLOSED See hat II _ s-99 2.12 Y1S'� ta'au .aw•r EIEYtS10N; 1.97 lo.MPROVED DMG 4.9t Oil! CgFrI Le[t 16 O O4 3.O] j 164 N Z:\Tronsportotion\Project Management\Active Projects\Sidewalk Projects\01d Settlers Sidewalk Gap Project\Plans & Mops\OSB SW Plan DI SCLA IhgR: The use of tnis fit—ward is governed by tte'Texas Engineering Practice Al't Na rarronty 11 any kind is rnmoe by T%DOT for any purpose whatsoever. TxDOT osstmes na responsiaility for fne aanversion of tnis standard to other formats or for;morreat results or daeoges resultino frac its use. y i _ « `fI u W Itt A [�lr,��.•E ��-• � ' 11 � ��� \•' m I Ef E! RJn `,a3u I�'t yCn ; � 1,.a• t � � � ��•', . z \ z > 1 / Dto o ® F'2 11 t .n.n m / - � 3- CD 03 U x. Cl n /f C 1 / t ,. % o 1. f E , ;N -n I N --;I ` n \i'�j m mi ml a II m i N L` v �` E 1 '< \t �� dy 0 rnt CD P \4 /rm D t —— --T y. !� n 1 > .y .. r _ En I = ao•! 1 t � / � m mCLN tti f 1 `^ o \1�Np \ t ( f f I rr Z ��; \1 a�4 L o orl 'R2 it m fin» � •'��q m .1 •t p m ,oaTc– � � i e i �.� ��• � "rte, »u3p - C -f to y p J - q G rn 3 D lJ�j r u ' z kc,c+4k 'fj1 p / a r- \ m / oS, r Ln Ln 11/i n rt (Am ( t r - � vC z it � N DD z nS a S rn ro ,an TX m N p N 3r N ri PROJECT h1111L: SCALE: N.T.S. OLD SETTLERS BLVD. CITY OF ROUND ROCK, TX SIDEWALK GAP DATE: 02/15/2017 sNEET NAME: TX—DOT PEDESTRIAN DRAWN DV: CRL !gpa,p,„ ,IxAS 2008 Enterprise Drive eZ FACILITIES CURB RAMPS -' DRAWING FILE www.roundrocl<texos.gov X > General Notes '�' U > 0 Curb Ramps c0 0 vj t lz t, Install a curb ramp or blended transition at each pedestrian street crossing. a `. N XS fr �. 2. All slopes shown are maxirxan allowable. Lesser slopes that will still drain properly '"- $.; 1n � O� c Yea le wa.'n in.'g t,n'f ate 'L Y Should be used, Adjust curb romp length or grade of approach sidewalks as directed. ' Uafecreale we nl�;l ,i t na rut paral,el + Z d U _ a,.rtxe tDcn .o rw ::rrr:N.: - = O 6 Jn 3. The minimum Sidewalk width is 5'. Where the sidewalk is adjacent to the back Of curb, I'll•-ram lel ra L I• D.a-a•rion rrc-I I P•.Y r-� O C a 6' sidewalk width is desirable.Where 0 5' sitlewplk ccrrmbt be provided due to site + - p « constraints, Sidewalk width my be reduced to 4' for short distances. W {_ 5'x 5'passing ureas at intervals not to exceed 200'are required. LL O - .'-0 4. Landings shall be 5'x 5'minimrn with a maximum 2%slope in any tlirect ion. O Do 3 DO �°- 5. Maneuvering space of the bottom of curb ramps shall be a minimum of 4'x 4'wholly -`--'-'--- o _r�� contained within the crosswalk and wholly outside the parol lel vehicular travel Doth, PERPENDICULAR CURB RAMP N 3 4 6. Maximum al lowoble cross slope an sidewalk and curb romp surfaces is 2%.cn CIL c¢ 7. Provide flared sides where the pedestrian circulation path crosses the curb romp. Typical placement of detectable U Flares sides shall be sloped at IO'/.maximum,measures warning surface on sloping tom run. DIRECTIONAL CURB RAMP 0 P parol lel to the curt). Returned 9 p , curbs may be used only where pedestrians would not normally walk across the ramp, either because the adjacent surface is Planted, substantially obstructed,or Typical placement of detectable god otrlerwise protected. warning surface on sloping romp run. ere_rcb:v w�rn'n.7 paver prolan:-icr,rea Jetec-anme 1 c p _o og m S. Additional information on curb r loctltion, design, light reflective value ontl wilt.rrun::u,«t ,c^mss oar ninry aw�eu 2.2 amp 9 gh CL ;' texture may be foundin the current edition of the Texas Accessibility Sianaoras Side imarJ-_ m+ 1 r'eu¢' / « (TAS)and 16 TAC 68.102. �y ri 68. t,p; s lmex.ten•cenrc:- analra cart,.ays •� r� 9. To serve as a pedestrian refuge area, the median should be o minimi of 6'wide, CL. a p" measured from back of curbs. Medians should be designed to provide accessible ''=- �r i` pdssOge over or through them, :77 �"� �'� •,mv 10. Small cha nelization islands, which do not provide a minimi 5'x 5' landing at the top gk of curb rips, shot be cut through level with the surface of the street. -Min, s"dept„-rc ius,ve of xdg ,t�tJ-_rahlV•...,.f,w,7:'..:,'er is i. J pa11. Crosswalk dimensions,crosswalk markings and stop Dar locations shall be as Shown k 3 elsewhere in the plans. At intersections where crosswalk markings are not required, is curb romps shall align with theoretical crosswalks unless otherwise directed. - /CmO c a tete rr-final: r xferc an up.t;c-:as PARALLEL CURB RAMP I' e in cl. ,t.ar� we n IZ. Hantlrails are not required an curb ramps. Provide curb romps wherever M accessible - z � route crosses Ipenetfatesl o curb. SECTION: CURB RAMP AT DETECTABLE WARNING Typical placement of detectable warning a 3 v o'g 13. Curb ramps and landings snail be constructed and pain for in accordance with item 531 surface on landing at street edge. D "Sidewalks". N . 14.Place concri ete ai a minimdepth of 5"for ramps, flares antl landings,unless DETECTABLE WARNINGS 'a <�=r a nerwIse directed. Oo g` N 15. Provide a Smooth transition where the curb rasps connect to The street. a- U 16. Curbs shown on Sheet I within the limits of payment are consideretlpart of the curb Detectable Warning Pavers Z Q ?t ramp for payment, whether it is concrete curb, gutter,or combined curb dna gutter, 24. Furnish tletectable warning paver units meet inq all requirements of ASTIR C-936, C-33. CEd comply wLay in a two by two unit basket weave pattern or as directed. 17. J N Existing features that with TAS may remain in place unless otherwise shown on m Q W m the plans. 25. Lay full-size units first followed by closure units consisting of of least 25 percent Q aof o full unit. Cut detectable warning paver units using a power saw. W y Sidewalks LJ Y ll U O Detectable Warning Material 26. Provide clear ground spore at oper�le ports, including J J iJl ng pedestrian push buttons. 1-Q ~_W / 18. Curb ramps must contain a detectable warning surface that consists of raised Operable Darts shall be placed within one or more reach ranges specified•n TAS 308. W W Q LLJ truncatetl dames complying with Section 705 of ine TAS. The surface must contrast i J O v uncoty with adjoining surfaces, tion 7 5 sidef th fibres. Furniss dna it coil an 27. Place traffic signal or iIlunination poles,ground boxes,controller boxes, signs, In a approved cast-in- lace dark brown Or dark red tletectable warning drainage facilities and other items 50 as not t0 ODItfUCt the Pedestrian oCCe55 rOUT@ X U p P the surface material Or clear ground some. p E-•Q adjacent to uncolored concrete,unless specified elsewhere in the plans. < d y 19. Detectable warning Materials must meet izpOT Departmental Materials Specification 28. Street grades and cross slopes shall be as Shawn elsewhere in the plans. 0 DMS 4350 and be listed on the Material Producer List. install products in accordance 29. Changes in level greater than 1/4 inch ore not permitted. SHEET 2 OF 4 •� with manufacturer's specifications. Q 30. The least possible grade should be used to maximize accessibility. The running slope Desltn iJ / 20. Detectable warning surfaces must De slip resistant and not allow water to occlfllu l0te. of sidewalks and crosswalks within the public fight Of way may follow the grade of _ DI", W C the Parallel roadway. Where a continuous grade greater than 5'/,must be Provided, ,Turas Department at fianapartatlon Standard 3 y 21. Detectable warning surfaces shall be a minimum of 24" in depth in the direction of handrails maybe desirable to i 3 improve accessibility, Handrails may also be needed to E pedestrian troves,out extend the full width of the curb ram a mantling where the w protect pedestrians from potentially hazardous conditions. if provided,handrails �+ pedestrian access route enters the streetCIN . shall comply with TAS 505. PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES a c 22. Detectable warning surfaces shall be located so that the edge nearest the curb line CURB RAMPS 0 is at the back of curb. Align the rows of dames to be perpendicular to the grade 31. Handrail extensions shall not protrude into the usable landing area or into break between the romp run as the street. Detectable warning surfaces may be curved intersecting pedestrian routes. along the corner radius. U 32. Driveways and turnouts shall be constructed a,0 paid for in occortlonce with Item PED- v 23. Shaded areas on Sheet I of 4 indicate the approximate location for The tletectable "Intersections,Driveways and Turnouts". Sidewalks shall be constructed and paid for PED-1 2A warning surface for each curb ramp type. in accordance with Item, -Sidewalks". CL / 33. Sidewalk details are shown elsewhere in the plans. r1,;te;µ,rrr.Ky Q •:P ,3r::JI. SliM NUMBER: O CL I REVISaN: N !p.AMWhp I O11E O i- N Z:\Tronsportation\Project Monagement\Active Projects\Sidewalk Projects\01d Settlers Sidewalk Gap Project\Plans & Maps\OSB SW Plan ql­ets,dwq DISCLAIM'R: 10c�se Of ihiS Stmdu,d is gOytrrwO by Inc-T-0n; k!"is M by T,DOT f.,-,r­ps� —,in P-i-1.t'. 11.­­,.1-y a T —­s�,jnj,;1y f.,lt,�..­rs�on Of this s=ord To Ott—f.r—f..1 fOr I-O,rec'c—Its or do�cg­res.11in fr—its m > C, m Z Nz� \t5'X� > CD A m > R U) N DEWALK MIN. 51 MIN. AT in 53, _j 9 08STPUCTION. PROTECTED ZZONE > is rL 2 m IA m V.- z M u �x I, 0 z 0 S r m NN Un --i c gz 0 M m 0 ,zm z m '_r' M m X, OBSTRUCTION' M X z c: m C, LA vm Vc MIN, SIDEWALK 0 77= >2- 3 10,,13 — — C c:�o 0 m m OR > -.a.C a 1 r, m 0 C) a C,0 < a I Z)m m m s=-...i W V)0 3' —1 C C —4 m z 0'09 > _>4�_ z W M C Z a 0 -0> m c 0 CD Ln M m >> > c- > c: C-) oag� __4> z n CIL-. I MAX m;:a 0 m m > -n C z z IA; C13 Z Z A Sa - —5 mc PHONE ;13 0 a� =C, > > 0� 9: 3 > 2 ar LA OLD SETTLERS BLVD. SCAIZ: SIDEWALK GAP DATE: D2/15/2017 CITY OF ROUND ROCK, TX SHEET HAME, -------- TX—DOT PEDESTRIAN----I DRAWN BY: C.R,L -7�ma-­ 2008 Enterprise Drive 19 FACILITIES CURB RAMPS L DRAWING nLF-,. www.roundrocktexas.gov x F— (D > 0 0 c:I ul 5'x 5'4%iINj � 0 % LANDINGS a) X U) (1) d Q N LANDING__� 0 c C: Lj Z3 0 00 LL_ ;FLIT RADIALV. RAMP PLACEMENT 0 0 SIDEWALK ] SIDEWALK DO C14 z CROSSWALK SHARE LANDINGS Q_ m 4.EU'VER I Ijr SIDEWALK ADJArENT 51'DEWALK AD�ACENI MA ....... --- g°pTO CURB SPACESt TO CURB STOP 54.4 oon SKEWED INTERSECTION WITH "LARGE" RADIUS ti u AT INTERSECTION .s� 0W/FREE RIGHT TURN & ISLAND 1 0- .n CL Q L I s-, 6' PREFERRED 5' MIH. SIDEWALK (n VA IN) SIDEWALK LANDING .......... —-—-—-—-—-—-— SIDEWALK ADJACENT SIDEWALK 4 V 4'tMIM MEWAL REMOTE T71i 5 1.11 N (n 1C.CURB MANEUVERING FROM CURB SIDEWALK t + 0 0V) SKEWED INTERSECTION WITH "SMALL" RADIUS SIDEWALK ADJACENT z CL u YO To CURB SIDEWALK REMOTE 17-CAI CURB cs << > 0 _J MID-BLOCK PLACEMENT m a V)M 0 PERPENDICULAR RAMPS 3� Ck� LJ 0 di w_J cL. LoLo STOP BAR I_J­_��:< Li F- C) 5 S,(MINI w wIn LANDINGS-. I V) u V) ><E5 SIDEWALK 0 cu > t,i SIDEWALK ADJACENT SHEET 4 OF 4 C �R U 4'x 4' TO CURBOWh MANEUVER IING exas U"rtmm*of rrarmportation Standwd < SIDEWALK REMOT-t ani CURB SPACE cp 0 PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES LL c 0 NORMAL INTERSECTION WITH "SMALL" RADIUS :5 CURB RAMPS PED-12A c i ,L z wo2a.din ­T.CCT I-RU I­-,,L*j It­,l .0 TYPICAL CROSSING LAYOUTS r SHEET NUMBER: 0 z p jt- 0 CL c 0 rm L EXHIBIT D Certificate of Insurance (TxDOT Form 1560) To be made part of document prior to beginning of construction CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE Form 1560 (Rev 07/12) Previous editions of this form may not be used. Texas Page 1 of 2 Deparlmenf 07 Trnnsporfnfion Agents should complete the form providing all requested information then either fax or mail this form directly to the address listed on page two of this form. Copies of endorsements listed below are not required as attachments to this certificate. This certificate is issued as a matter of information only and confers no rights upon the certificate holder.This certificate does not confer any rights or obligations other than the rights and obligations conveyed by the policies referenced on this certificate.The terms of the policies referenced in this certificate control over the terms of the certificate. Insured: PARTNERS REMODELING RESTORATION&WATERPROOFING Street/Mailing Address: 3219 HARPERS FERRY LN City/State/Zip. AUSTIN TX 78745 Phone Number: ( ) - WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE COVERAGE: Endorsed with a Waiver of Subrogation in favor of TxDOT. Carrier Name: TEXAS MUTUAL Carrier Phone#: ( 800 ) 859 - 5995 Address: City,State,Zip: Type of Insurance Policy Number Effective Date Expiration Date Limits of Liability: Workers'Compensation 0001243822 10/18/2016 10/18/2017 Not Less Than: Statutory-Texas 1,000,000 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE: Carrier Name: CERTAIN UNDERWRITERS @ LLOYDS Carrier Phone#: ( 817 ) 605 - 0065 Address: City,State,Zip: Type of Insurance: Policy Number: Effective Date: Expiration Date: Limits of Liability: Commercial General DTWGC5245207/23/2017 07/23/2018 Not Less Than: Liability Insurance $600,000 each occurrence 1,000,000 BUSINESS AUTOMOBILE POLICY: Carrier Name: Carrier Phone#: ( ) - Address: City,State,Zip: Type of Insurance: Policy Number: Effective Date: Expiration Date: Limits of Liability: Business Automobile Policy Not Less Than: $600,000 combined single limit UMB.IRE__. POLICY(if applicable): EXCESS POLICY Carrier Name: EVANSTON INSURANCE COMPANY Carrier Phone#: ( 817 ) 605 - 0065 Address: City,State,Zip: Type of Insurance: Policy Number: Effective Date: Expiration Date: Limits of Liability: EXCESS POLICY EZXS1012653 07/23/2017 07/23/2018 1,000,000 Should any of the above described policies be cancelled before the expiration date thereof,notice will be delivered in accordance with the policy provisions. THIS IS TO CERTIFY to the Texas Department of Transportation acting on behalf of the State of Texas that the insurance policies named are in full force and effect. If this form is sent by facsimile machine (fax), the sender adopts the document received by TxDOT as a duplicate original and adopts the signature produced by the receiving fax machine as the sender's original signature. Agency Name Address City, State, Zip Code WARD INSURANCE 1801 PRECINCT LINE RD HURST TX 76054 /� ( 817-605x0065 - �_ I J 08/10/17 Authorized Agent's Phone Number Authorized Agent Original Signature Date The Texas Department of Transportation maintains the information collected through this form. With few exceptions, you are entitled on request to be informed about the information that we collect about you. Under§§552.021 and 552.023 of the Texas Government Code,you also are entitled to receive and review the information.Under§559.004 of the Government Code,you are also entitled to have us correct information about you that is incorrect. Fax completed form to: 512/416-2536 Form 1560 (Rev.07/12) NOTES TO AGENTS: Page 2 of 2 Agents must provide all requested information then either fax or mail this form directly to the address listed below. Pre-printed limits are the minimum required; if higher limits are provided by the policy, enter the higher limit amount and strike-through or cross-out the pre-printed limit. To avoid work suspension, an updated insurance form must reach the address listed below one business day prior to the expiration date. Insurance must be in force in order to perform any work. Binder numbers are not acceptable for policy numbers. The certificate of insurance, once on file with the department, is adequate for subsequent department contracts provided adequate coverage is still in effect. Do not refer to specific projects/contracts on this form. List the contractor's legal company name, including the DBA (doing business as) name as the insured. If a staff leasing service is providing insurance to the contractor/client company, list the staff leasing service as the insured and show the contractor/client company in parenthesis. The TxDOT certificate of insurance form is the only acceptable proof of insurance for department contracts. List the contractor's legal company name, including the DBA (doing business as) name as the insured or list both the contractor and staff leasing service as insured when a staff leasing service is providing insurance. Over-stamping and/or over-typing entries on the certificate of insurance are not acceptable if such entries change the provisions of the certificate in any manner. This form may be reproduced. DO NOT COMPLETE THIS FORM UNLESS THE WORKERS' COMPENSATION POLICY IS ENDORSED WITH A WAIVER OF SUBROGATION IN FAVOR OF TXDOT. The SIGNATURE of the agent is required. CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE: The contractor is required to have Workers' Compensation Insurance if the contractor has any employees including relatives. The word STATUTORY, under limits of liability, means that the insurer would pay benefits allowed under the Texas Workers' Compensation Law. GROUP HEALTH or ACCIDENT INSURANCE is not an acceptable substitute for Workers' Compensation. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE: MANUFACTURERS' or CONTRACTOR LIABILITY INSURANCE is not an acceptable substitute for Comprehensive General Liability Insurance or Commercial General Liability Insurance. BUSINESS AUTOMOBILE POLICY: If coverages are specified separately, they must be at least these amounts: Bodily Injury $500,000 each occurrence $100,000 each occurrence Property Damage $100,000 for aggregate PRIVATE AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE is not an acceptable substitute for a Business Automobile Policy. MAIL ALL CERTIFICATES TO: Texas Department of Transportation CST—Contract Processing Unit(RA/200—1 st FI.) 125 E. 11 th Street Austin, TX 78701-2483 512/416-2540 (Voice), 512/416-2536 (Fax) EXHIBIT E Attachment A (FHWA Additional Requirements) To be made part of document if applicable T.,us cpifftnvorbtfon TERMINATION OF THE Form 2528 (Rev.05/14) Page 1 of 2 MULTIPLE USE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STATE AND the City of Round Rock FOR THE Public Sidewalk STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TRAVIS § This Agreement terminates the previously executed Multiple Use Agreement for construction, maintenance, and operation of a public Sidewalk on the Texas Department of Transportation right-of-way, in Williamson County, originally dated the 14th day of February 2013,by and between the Texas Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as "State" and the City of Round Rock hereinafter referred to as the City WITNESSETH, WHEREAS, the City has requested the State to discontinue their responsibilities for the continued maintenance and operation, of public Sidewalk located within State right-of-way on US 79 Control 204-1 Section in Williamson County and being more particularly described in the exhibits attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the governing body of the the City has indicated by Resolution/8,dt,rftmce No. V,,,20?4 ,on the �jt� day of WA PZ+� , 20 2,V to dissolve their partnership with the State evidenced by the execution of the this Agreement with the State; and WHEREAS, the the City will undertake to restore the area to a condition acceptable to the State prior to the execution of this agreement. A. Exhibit A - site map; B. Copy of Original Multiple Use Agreement C. Copy of Resolution/Ordinance 1z12620 -4od(03 Form 2528 (Rev.05/14) Page 2 of 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto affixed their signature, the on the 17A day of Mai( 20 �j , and the State on the day of 120 STATE OF TEXAS Wb Gk Certified as being executed for the purpose (Name of other party) of activating and/or carrying out the orders, established policies, or work programs heretofore approved by the Texas By. Transportation Commi Signature p ssion. C�k�t I4 A tj By: PrintedName Director, Maintenance Division Signature •;•; ;•; M(A�0 kL Title Director, Maintenance Division Printed Name *Wv-I IW APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: C ntact Name DPWP, ' (Z '2A 6 District Engineer Signature Contact Telephone No. Tucker Ferguson, P.E. District Engineer Printed Name Date e P ORIGINAL �Q./bM(It Ol Trantporhfhn Form 2044 (Rev 07/2012) (GSD-EPC) Page 1 of 8 MULTIPLE USE AGREEMENT STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TRAVIS § THIS AGREEMENT made by the State of Texas by and between the Texas Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as "State", party of the first part, and the City of Round Rock, hereinafter called the "City", party of the second part, is to become effective when fully executed by both parties. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, on the 1- '"day of 2013, the governing body for the City, entered into Resolution/ No. hereinafter identified by reference, authorizing the City's participation in this agreement with the State; and WHEREAS, the City has requested the State to permit the construction, maintenance and operation of a public sidewalk on the north side of highway right of way (ROADWAY US 79 CONTROL SECTION NO. 204-1), of US 79 just west of the intersection of FM 1460. The sidewalk will run from a distance of approximately 1,750 feet west of the FM 1460 intersection to a distance of approximately 300 feet west of the intersection. This is shown graphically by the preliminary conceptual site plan in Exhibit "A" and being more specifically described by metes and bounds of Exhibit "B", which are attached and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the State has indicated its willingness to approve the establishment of such facilities and other uses conditioned that the City will enter into agreements with the state for the purpose of determining the respective responsibilities of the City and the State with reference thereto, and conditioned that such uses are in the public interest and will not damage the highway facilities, impair safety, impede maintenance or in any way restrict the operation of the highway facility, all as determined from engineering and traffic investigations conducted by the state. -`�3.,0Z- T Form 2044 (Rev.07/2012) Page 2 of 8 AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants and agreements of the parties hereto to be by them respectively kept and performed as hereinafter set forth, it is agreed as follows: 1. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION The City will prepare or provide for the construction plans for the facility, and will provide for the construction work as required by said plans at no cost to the State. Said plans shall include the design of the access control, necessary horizontal and vertical clearances for highway structures, adequate landscape treatment, adequate detail to ensure compliance with applicable structural design standards, sufficient traffic control provisions, and general layout. They shall also delineate and define the construction responsibilities of both parties hereto. Completed plans will be submitted to State for review and approval and when approved shall be attached to the agreement and made a part thereof in all respects. Construction shall not commence until plans have been approved by the State. Any future revisions or additions shall be made after prior written approval of the State. 2. INSPECTION Ingress and egress shall be allowed at all times to such facility for Federal Highway Administration personnel and State Forces and equipment when highway maintenance operations are necessary, and for inspection purposes; and upon request, all parking or other activities for periods required for such operations will be prohibited. 3. PARKING REGULATIONS Parking regulations shall be established limiting parking to single unit motor vehicles of size and capacity no greater than prescribed for 11/2 ton trucks, such vehicles to conform in size and use to governing laws. Parking shall be permitted only in marked spaces Parking shall be prohibited when a security threat, as determined by TxDOT, exists. 4. PROHIBITION/SIGNS Regulations shall be established prohibiting the parking of vehicles transporting flammable or explosive loads and prohibiting use of the area in any manner for peddling, advertising or other purposes not in keeping with the objective of a public facility. The erection of signs other than those required for proper use of the area will be prohibited. All signs shall be approved by the State prior to the actual erection. 5. RESPONSIBILITIES Maintenance and operation of the facility shall be entirely the responsibility of the City. Such responsibility shall not be transferred, assigned or conveyed to a third party without the advanced written approval of the State. Further, such responsibility shall include picking up trash, mowing and otherwise keeping the facility in a clean and sanitary condition, and surveillance by police patrol to eliminate the possible creation of a nuisance or hazard to the public. Hazardous or unreasonably objectionable smoke, fumes, vapor or odors shall not be permitted to rise above the grade line of the highway, nor shall the facility subject the highway to hazardous or unreasonably objectionable dripping, droppings or discharge of any kind, including rain or snow. Form 2044 (Rev.07/2012) Page 3 of 8 6. FEES Any fees levied for use of the facilities in the area shall be nominal and no more than are sufficient to defray the cost of construction, maintenance and operations thereof, and shall be subject to State approval. A. Retention Period. The City shall maintain all books, documents, papers, accounting records and other evidence pertaining to fees collected and costs (hereinafter called the Records). The City shall make the records available during the term of the Agreement and for four years from the date the Agreement is terminated, until completion of all audits, or until pending litigation has been completely and fully resolved, whichever occurs last. B. Availability. The State or any of its duly authorized representatives, the Federal Highway Administration, the United States Department of Transportation, Office of Inspector General, and the Comptroller General shall have access to the City's records that are directly pertinent to this Agreement for the purpose of making audits and examinations. 7. TERMINATION UPON NOTICE This provision is expressly made subject to the rights herein granted to both parties to terminate this agreement upon notice, and upon the exercise of any such right by either party, all obligations herein to make improvements to said facility shall immediately cease and terminate. 8. MODIFICATION/TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT If in the sole judgment of the State it is found at any future time that traffic conditions have so changed that the existence or use of the facility is impeding maintenance, damaging the highway facility, impairing safety or that the facility is not being properly operated, that it constitutes a nuisance, is abandoned, or if for any other reason it is the State's judgment that such facility is not in the public interest, this agreement under which the facility was constructed may be : (1) modified if corrective measures acceptable to both parties can be applied to eliminate the objectionable features of the facility; or (2) terminated and the use of the area as proposed herein discontinued. 9. PROHIBITION OF STORAGE OF FLAMMABLE MATERIALS All structures located or constructed within the area covered by the agreement shall be fire resistant. The storage of flammable, explosive or hazardous materials is prohibited. Operations deemed to be a potential fire hazard shall be subject to regulation by the State. 10. RESTORATION OF AREA The City shall provide written notification to the State that such facility will be discontinued for the purpose defined herein. The City shall, within thirty (30) days from the date of said notification, clear the area of all facilities that were its construction responsibility under this agreement and restore the area to a condition satisfactory to the State. 11. PREVIOUS AGREEMENTS It is understood that this agreement in no way modifies or supersedes the terms and provisions of any existing agreements between the parties hereto. Form 2044 (Rev.07/2012) Page 4 of 8 12. INDEMNIFICATION Each party acknowledges that it is not an agent, servant, or employee of the other party. Each party is responsible for its own acts and deeds and for those of its agents, servants, or employees. Neither party hereto intends to waive, relinquish, limit or condition its right to avoid any such liability by claiming its governmental immunity. When notified by the State to do so, the other party hereto shall within thirty (30) days from receipt of the State's written notification pay the State for the full cost of repairing any damages to the highway facility which may result from its construction, maintenance or operation of the facility, and shall promptly reimburse the State for costs of construction and/or repair work made necessary by reason of such damages. Nothing in this agreement shall be construed as creating any liability in favor of any third party against the State and the City. Additionally, this agreement shall not ever be construed as relieving any third party from any liability against the State and the City shall become fully subrogated to the State and shall be entitled to maintain any action over and against the third party which may be liable for having caused the City to pay or disburse any sum of money hereunder. 13. HOLD HARMLESS The City shall indemnify and save harmless the State and its officers and employees from all claims and liability due to its materials or activities of itself, its agents, or employees, performed under this agreement and that are caused by or result from error, omission, or negligent act of the party or of any person employed by the party. The City shall also indemnify and save harmless the State from any and all expense, including but not limited to attorney fees that may be incurred by the State in litigation or otherwise resisting the claim or liabilities that may be imposed on the State as a result of such activities by the City, its agents, or employees authorized under this agreement. The City further agrees to indemnify and save harmless the State from and against all claims, demands, and causes of action of every kind and character brought by any employee of the party against the State due to personal injuries and/or death to such employee resulting from any alleged negligent act by either commission or omission on the part of the City. The indemnification of the State shall extend for a period of three (3) years beyond the date of termination of this agreement. 14. INSURANCE The City shall provide necessary safeguards to protect the public on State maintained highways including adequate insurance for payment of any damages which might result during the construction, maintenance and operation of the facility occupying such airspace or thereafter, and to save the State harmless from damages, to the extent of said insurance coverage and insofar as it can legally do so. Prior to beginning work on the State's right of way, the City's construction contractor shall submit to the State a completed insurance form (TxDOT Form No. 1560) and shall maintain the required coverage during the construction of the facility. 15. USE OF RIGHT OF WAY It is understood that the State by execution of this agreement does not impair or relinquish the State's right to use such land for highway purposes when it is required for the construction or re-construction of the traffic facility for which it was acquired, nor shall use of the land under such agreement ever be construed as abandonment by the State of such land acquired for highway purposes, and the State does not purport to grant any interest in the land described herein but merely consents to such use to the extent its authority and title permits. Form 2044 (Rev.07/2012) Page 5 of 8 16. ADDITIONAL CONSENT REQUIRED The State asserts only that it has sufficient title for highway purposes. The City shall be responsible for obtaining such additional consent, permits or agreement as may be necessary due to this agreement. This includes, but is not limited to, appropriate permits and clearances for environmental, ADA and public utilities. 17. FHWA ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS If the Facility is located on the Federal-Aid Highway System, "ATTACHMENT A", which states additional requirements as set forth in the Federal Highway Administration's Title 23, Code of Federal Regulations, § 710, shall be attached to and become a part of this agreement. 18. CIVIL RIGHTS ASSURANCES The City, for itself, its personal representatives, successors and interests and assigns, as part of the consideration hereof, does hereby covenant and agree as a covenant running with the land that: (1) no persons, on the grounds of race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion or disabling condition, shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in the use of said facility; (2) that in the construction of any improvements on, over or under such land and the furnishing of services thereon, no person on the ground of race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion or disabling condition, shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination; (3) that the City shall use the premises in compliance with all other requirements imposed by or pursuant to Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Non- discrimination in Federally-Assisted programs of the Department of Transportation - Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and as said Regulations may be amended. That if in the event of any breach of the above non-discrimination covenants, the State shall have the right to terminate the agreement and reenter and repossess said land and the facilities thereon, and hold the same as if said agreement had never been made or issued. 19. AMENDMENTS Any changes in the time frame, character or responsibilities of the parties hereto shall be enacted by a written amendment executed by both parties hereto. 20. LEGAL CONSTRUCTION In case one or more of the provisions contained in this agreement shall for any reason be held invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any provision hereof and this agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been contained in this agreement. 21. AUDIT The State may conduct an audit or investigation of any aspect of this agreement. The City must provide the State with access to any information the State considers relevant to the investigation or audit. The audit can include, but is not limited to, any contract for construction or maintenance of any facility or structure authorized by this agreement or any contract to provide a service to the City if that service is authorized by this agreement. Form 2044 (Rev.07/2012) Page 6 of 8 22. AUTHORITY OF STATE AUDITOR The state auditor may conduct an audit or investigation of any entity receiving funds from the state directly under the contract or indirectly through a subcontract under the contract. Acceptance of funds directly under the contract or indirectly through a subcontract under this contract acts as acceptance of the authority of the state auditor, under the direction of the legislative audit committee, to conduct an audit or investigation in connection with those funds. An entity that is the subject of an audit or investigation must provide the state auditor with access to any information the state auditor considers relevant to the investigation or audit. 23. NOTICES All notices required under this agreement shall be mailed or hand delivered to the following respective addresses: STATE CITY (Mailing Address) (Mailing Address) Texas Department of Transportation City of Round Rock Maintenance Division 221 East Main Street 125 East 11th Street Round Rock, Texas 78664 Austin, Texas 78701-2483 24. WARRANTS The signatories to this agreement warrant that each has the authority to enter into this agreement on behalf of the party represented. List of Attached Exhibits: Exhibit A - General Layout Exhibit B - Metes and Bounds Description Exhibit C - Approved Construction Plans Exhibit D - Certificate of Insurance (TxDOT Form 1560) Exhibit E - Attachment A (FHWA Additional Requirements) 4 Form 2044 (Rev.07/2012) Page 7 of 8 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto affixed their signature, the City on the ��'`'''� day of �� -- , 2013, and the State on the J day of 2013. , STATE OF TEXAS City of Round Rock Executed and approved for the Texas (Name of other party) Transportation Commission for the purpose and effect of activating and/or carrying out the orders, and established policies or work BY� programs heretofore approved and Signature authorized by the Texas Transportation Commission. Printed Name _ By: Director,Mai enance Division 6(Z' Title F. Howard Holland, P.E. Printed Name Agency do"2h � 2-o Date APPRVAL RECOMMENDED: Contact Office and Telephone No. 'k (- N�) W, D strict Engineer Gregory A. Malatek, P.E. Printed Name ,�J&l 3 Date Form 2044 (Rev 07/2012) Page 8 of 8 ATTACHMENT A Inasmuch as this project is on the Federal-Aid highway system, the following additional requirements as applicable with the Federal Highway Administration's Title 23, Code of Federal Regulations, § 710. 1. Any significant revision in the design or construction of the facility shall receive prior approval by the Texas Department of Transportation subject to concurrency by the FHWA. 2. Any change in the authorized use of airspace shall receive prior approval by the Texas Department of Transportation subject to concurrence by the FHWA. 3. The airspace shall not be transferred, assigned or conveyed to another party without prior Texas Department of Transportation approval subject to concurrence by the FHWA. 4. This agreement will be revocable in the event that the airspace facility ceases to be used or is abandoned. EXHIBIT E SUPPORTING RESOLUTION or ORDINANCE RESOLUTION NO. R-13-02-14-F7 WHEREAS, the City of Round Rock ("City') desires to construct a public sidewalk partially within the US 79 right-of-way, on the north side of US 79 from approximately 1,775 feet west of FM 1460 to approximately 300 feet west of FM 1460; and WHEREAS, a Multiple Use Agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation will permit the City to construct, maintain and operate the sidewalk; and WHEREAS,the City Council wishes to approve said Agreement, Now Therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROUND ROCK,TEXAS, That the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to cxccutc on behalf of the City a Multiple Use Agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation, a copy of same being attached hereto as Exhibit"A" and incorporated herein for all purposes. The City Council hereby finds and declares that written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of the meeting at which this Resolution was adopted was posted and that such meeting was open to the public as required by law at all times during which this Resolution and the subject matter hereof were discussed, considered and formally acted upon, all as required by the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, as amended. RESOLVED this 14th day of February, 2013. ALAK MCGRAW, Mayor City of Round Rock,Texas ATTEST: qw, - SARA L. WHITE, City Clerk 0'%%dox\SCCIn&011211304VOUNICIPAL100267652 DOC EXHIBIT A General Layout and Location kvk N a Opp a Sparks Acres � � O`PAA , G ® [k 'r Chsndiero F-014 Crossing .l J4F,oIW C. �+ 6 Hoppe gid c �c � 5 e ' 2pilcul y m M Va Ln 4 , 173 pThe triangle n ; Z:EM " Ot Lant"Dr f ry (i .M%^oRt 51ft,Lr.c 1 ( y� B ry4and F i Or COAM Dr Ce r West _ „ - Blv Elm Fork EN %0.917L(IJ 11 114 ° ` E 1 �'`. Rock 1 111 ®�k✓„�t"'.�d 0. tl � L ern Y Ull Ram Rock i i f " as ,y :a EXHIBIT A LOCATION MAP EXHIBIT B Proposed Construction Plans (Metes and Bounds Description) 2013 Sidewalk Gaps Section 02000 - Plans, Details and Notes Index 1. General Notes ..... .......... W pttges (ne+es 1 thmeugh ........ eq a F,q-a (notes 1 titirend,rfm*]IqJL 1-2J If 3. TeEQ Notes........ .—I z. pages (notes 1 thilr(Jin,rF=*'1hL JL Z-,I 4. Plans................... . ge. (Gid geolers Bettlevard and gtifwise Read Over-all Maps U.S. Highway 79 Overall Map, Gid Settlers BettlevafdSegffieffts 1 The U.S. Highway 79 sidewalk 4t) just west of FM 1460 will be gun&ise Read Segmef4s 1. Oh-r-A-utQ14H.4-, U.S. Highway 79 constructed as part of a larger Plan Sheets, Details for: Sidewalk, gideWalk GfftElifig T-�Tft sidewalk project planned by the Sidewalk Drain With Pipes, Sidewalk Drain With Sfee4 Nate, City of Round Rock(CORR).Only Irrigation Line Adjustment, Concrete Rip Rap, G=otterete Driveway- those plans and details for the (Residential, =d eotrnnereial or kW'J;LtL'y of Rzotni+ U.S. Highway 79 sidewalk are Rock details 8-62 and S-Oft, Erosion Control Log (City of Round included herein far the Rock detail EC-17), Area Inlet Protection With Erosion Control Log TxDot/CORR Multiple Use (City of Round Rock detail EC-16), etirb inlet Proteetion Witi.j. Agreement(MUA). I I �C-* I Erosion E3ontre Ity of*otmd Roek detail Ee 13) and A J�14411 J' PED-12k' TxDot Standard A sheets I thru 4 of 4)) S. Traffie eontral f.2-9pffiges ff�tBot Standitrds Be (1) 0:7 tJhLbL-%RJtt5F*1JL6JL XBRE3 (12) 07; and TmBet 8tandar-ds :FG=P (2 1) 98 and:FG=P (2 4) 03)) Issued for construction with the following: The TCEQ Notes, City of Round Rock and TxDot Details/Standards in the Plans, and TxDot Traffic Control Standards listed above and included herein have been selected by me and are applicable to this project. The General Notes, Specific Project Notes and all other items in the Plans have been prepared by me or under my supervision and are applicable to this project. F DANIEL LYNN HALDEN 63225 0 01? Eao Daniel Lynn Ha en, P.E. Date kN f S TNAL City Engineer REVISIONS No. Description/Items Approved Issue Date NUmber of slieets in Plans cli=4ed-, Eliminated TxDot Standard PED-05 sheets I and 2 of 4 and replaced with TxDot Standard PED-12A sheets 1 flim 4 of 4. p _ }'• - r r • t d rV V 4 EXISTING HEB " Ar oll - q ot - ol lb, fitbfi NEW 5'SIDEWALK •' '{ 3 (OUTSIDE HIGHWAY 79 RIGHT-OF-WAY EXCEPT WHERE NOTED) - A •���°� I.._ ��: "."2.` 'R +y#� `'�'�! � :� ~..i:' .. �p 776 ��+� .�rMr, 4- � � � "�"��`� Olt �• •.�^� � 'K' �� � s�,. ^r 7. .. vb f Viµ. � • wpY 7g ,.;. US NIGH P APPROXIMATELY :t 75 L.F. WITHIN , HIGHWAY 79 RIGHT-OF-WAY �. 1 , p- s Ak + APPROXIMATELY 100 L.F.WITHIN APPROXIMATE RIGHT-OF-WAY BOUNDARY tL .• HIGHWAY 79 RIGHT-OF-WAY f l f 2413 SIDEWALK GAPS 200 U.S. HIGHWAY 79 - OVERALL MAP Feet x I I > O 0 O II I I Y I Z O O O I I I C O I y 0 O 3 I I o I } , LEGEND N 3 I I I I sA 1 U EXISTING SIDEWALK I ® EXISTING SIDEWALK I I I (TO BE REMOVED) ST.RICHARDS ROW I I � -- EPISCOP I 1 -_- AL CHURCH PARCELS I I 1 --EASEMENT BEGIN SIDEWALKI O TREES I CONSTRUCTION; =v: MATCH EXISTING SIDEWALK. EXISTING SIDEWALK r: Q U.S. tn HIGHWAY 79 CONSTRUCT APPROXIMATELY 89 L.F. Z ~ OF NEW 5'CONCRETE SIDEWALK. m J Q W n Q 3:N = to 3 R1 rrl Wo Z o =g a- m - rn o _ N .\ ----7 I NOTES: a w I � 1.ADJUST EXISTING IRRIGATION LINES AS '' ' AS NECESSARY IN ACCORDANCE WITH \ I I "IRRIGATION LINE ADJUSTMENT DETAIL" \ 1 I 2.GENERALLY THE NORTH EDGE OF THE 1 NEW SIDEWALK WILL BE SET AT THE \ I I EXISTING GROUND LEVEL AND THE \ SIDEWALK WILL SLOPE TOWARD THE HIGHWAY. r SHEET NUMBER: I Ik--T-.f 3 1 I 3.NORMAL RESTORATION WILL BE PROVIDED UNLESS GRADING IS / - REQUIRED AS DETERMINED IN THE FIELD. LEGEND � EXISTING SIDEWALK U ` 0 EXISTING SIDEWALK O 0 0 CAR ® (TO BE REMOVED) X WASH ----ROW Z •o v ---PARCELS y ----- EASEMENT W W c Q TREES CO CONSTRUCT APPROXIMATELY 125 L.F. O 0 KEEP EXISTING 3 AT-GRADEIS OF NEW 5'CONCRETE SIDEWALK. N CONCRETE Q U REMOVE POLE (SUBSIDIARY TO BID ITEM H.E•B• "CONCRETE SIDEWALK) Q (0 GAS STi�TION Q d tijj CONSTRUCT TYPE 2 CURB imuMn ooamus RAMP WITHOUT DETECTABLE RE-LOCATE SIGN Q c ———ef (SUBSIDIARY TO BID ITEM C WARNING SURFACE. ___ — Q "CONCRETE SIDEWALK) O O -� 0 > EXISTING — — Q Q Q SIDEWALK O O — _ O m I al of O 000 0O O - _- CONSTRUCT APPROXIMATELY 490 L.F. N OF NEW 5'CONCRETE SIDEWALK. _ m EXISTING SIDEWALK TO BE REMOVED. APPROXIMATELY 15 L.F.;SUBSIDIARY TO BID ITEM FOR "CONCRETE SIDEWALK";RESTORATION SHALL BE PAID FOR W UNDER BID ITEMS FOR"TOPSOIL"AND"BERMUDA SOD". v SIDEWALK AND RAMPS TO BE REMOVED. r- .- TIE INTO EXISTING CURB RAMP. EXISTING APPROXIMATELY 115 L.F.;SUBSIDIARY TO BID ITEM FOR I- "CONCRETE SIDEWALK";RESTORATION SHALL BE PAID FOR Y Q W W W UNDER BID ITEMS FOR'TOPSOIL"AND"BERMUDA SOD". 3 =� S FCONSTRUCT APPROXIMATELY 18 L.F. p Z WOF NEW 5'CONCRETE SIDEWALK. N =d N U.S. HIGHWAY 79 M v W � Z fV J U .. Q .. NOTES: a 1.ADJUST EXISTING IRRIGATION LINES AS a H AS NECESSARY IN ACCORDANCE WITH TREES AND SHRUBS NOTE: "IRRIGATION LINE ADJUSTMENT DETAIL" THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PRESERVE 2.GENERALLY THE NORTH EDGE OF THE ALL TREE AND SHRUBS DURING NEW SIDEWALK WILL BE SET AT THE CONSTRUCTION EXCEPT WHERE NOTED. EXISTING GROUND LEVEL AND THE THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO AVOID O SIDEWALK WILL SLOPE TOWARD THE MULCH WELLS EXISTING AT THE BASE HIGHWAY. SHEET NUMBER: OF TREES AND SHRUBS.ANY TREE OR SHRUB DAMAGED BY THE CONTRACTOR 3.NORMAL RESTORATION WILL BE E 9 3 SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED IN PROVIDED UNLESS GRADING IS w. Rirram wrc REQUIRED AS DETERMINED IN THE KIND AND SIZE AT THE CONTRACTOR'S FIELD. SOLE EXPENSE rn / O o 0 / / I N 0 / I / Z a O O c �' o LL. o O N 3 F_ / F_ CONSTRUCT TYPE 1 CURB RAMPS / U WITHOUT DETECTABLE WARING SURFACE. / RELOCATE EXISTING BOULDER. (SUBSIDIARY TO BID ITEM FOR O "CONCRETE SIDEWALK%) / / END SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION. " o TIE INTO EXISTING CURB RAMP � PARKING LOT / / O o l` o — - 0-- a o 3 — — _ — CONSTRUCT APPROXIMATELY 280 L.F. SI REMOVE CURB AND SHRUB; — — — — — - OF NEW 5'CONCRETE SIDEWALK CONSTRUCT TYPE I CURB RAMP WITHOUT DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE. — —— -/-- PROVIDE 2-20'6"SCHEDULE 40 PVC PIPES; N INSTALL TO DRAIN STORMWATER UNDER a. SIDEWALK;MITER ENDS AND CONSTRUCT f� N — O CONCRETE SLOPING RIP-RAP. Y } W Q SEE"SIDEWALK DRAIN WITH PIPES"DETAIL. J Q W o — --'� O o = cn — ROUTE SIDEWALK TO PROVIDE Za — - MIN.V VERTICAL CLEARANCE N J W UNDER GUY WIRES. M uj a Z CONSTRUCT APPROXIMATELY 485 L.F. N OF NEW 5'CONCRETE SIDEWALK. S - V ROUTE SIDEWALK TO CLEAR METER BOX. L A� 79 NOTES: rI� ,7 1.ADJUST EXISTING IRRIGATION LINES AS LEGEND uu U.S. �,� AS NECESSARY IN ACCORDANCE WITH TREES AND SHRUBS NOTE: "IRRIGATION LINE ADJUSTMENT DETAIL" EXISTING SIDEWALK THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PRESERVE 2.GENERALLY THE NORTH EDGE OF THE ® EXISTING SIDEWALK ALL TREE AND SHRUBS DURING NEW SIDEWALK WILL BE SET AT THE (TO BE REMOVED) EXISTING GROUND LEVEL AND THE CONSTRUCTION EXCEPT WHERE NOTED. SIDEWALK WILL SLOPE TOWARD THE ----ROW THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO AVOID HIGHWAY. MULCH WELLS EXISTING AT THE BASE ---PARCELS SHEET NUMBER: OF TREES AND SHRUBS.ANY TREE OR 3.NORMAL RESTORATION WILL BE -----EASEMENT 3 d 3 SHRUB DAMAGED BY THE CONTRACTOR PROVIDED UNLESS GRADING IS MMSON: SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED IN REQUIRED AS DETERMINED IN THE O TREES arE KIND AND SIZE AT THE CONTRACTOR'S FIELD. SOLE EXPENSE. EXPANSION JOINT. EXPANSION JOINT. �-- LONGITUDINAL SLOPE ' (SEE NOTE 1) 5'-0" CONTROL JOINT. z 40'-0" (MAXIMUM) w ce o- > CURB & GUTTER. PLAN NORMAL RESTORATION UNLESS RE—GRADING NOTED ON PLANS. (SEE NOTE 4) r(S VARIES 5' (TYP.) EE PLANS) SEE NOTE 3 RE POSITIVE CROSS SLOPE DRAINAGE TO CURB. (SEE NOTE 2) 4 EXISTING GROUND. (VARIES) 4" (MINIMUM) 2" SAND CUSHION ON THOROUGHLY COMPACTED SUBGRADE. 6" X 6" X NO. 6 WELDED WIRE FABRIC, MID—DEPTH OR ONE CLASS "A" CONCRETE. MAT OF #3 BARS PLACED NO MORE THAN 18" O.C.E.W. SECTION NOTES: 1. THE LONGITUDINAL SLOPE SHALL NOT EXCEED 5%. AT CURB RAMPS, THE LONGITUDINAL SLOPE SHALL NOT EXCEED 2% FOR FOR A DISTANCE OF AT LEAST 3 FEET FROM THE TOP OF RAMP. 2. THE CROSS SLOPE SHALL TYPICALLY BE 1%, TOWARD THE CURB. IN NO CASE SHALL THE CROSS SLOPE EXCEED 2%. UNDER RARE CIRCUMSTANCES, THE CROSS SLOPE MAY BE AWAY FROM THE CURB BUT ONLY WHEN DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 3. FOR NORMAL RESTORATION, THE TOP OF THE SIDEWALK SHALL BE SET AT AN ELEVATION THAT WILL ALLOW WATER ON THE SIDEWALK TO DRAIN TO THE EXISTING GROUND LEVEL AT THE BACK OF CURB MERELY BY INSTALLING TOPSOIL UPON COMPLETION OF THE SIDEWALK. WHEN RE—GRADING IS SPECIFIED ON THE PLANS, THE TOP OF SIDEWALK SHALL BE SET IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DETAIL FOR "SIDEWALK GRADING TYPES". 4. NORMAL RESTORATION CONSISTS OF PLACING TOPSOIL ADJACENT TO BOTH SIDES OF THE COMPLETED SIDEWALK FOLLOWED BY HYDRAULIC SEED PLANTING. TOPSOIL PLACED BETWEEN THE SIDEWALK AND CURB SHALL SLOPE TOWARD THE CURB 1% MINIMUM AND 10% MAXIMUM AND SHALL BE PLACED IN SUCH A MANNER THAT WATER ON THE SIDEWALK WILL ACTUALLY DRAIN TO THE CURB; ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE SIDEWALK, TOPSOIL SHALL BE SLOPED TO EXISTING GROUND PREFERABLY AT 5% MAXIMUM AND IN NO CASE EXCEEDING 5 HORIZONTAL TO 1 VERTICAL. SIDEWALK DETAIL (N.T.S.) SEE "CONCRETE RIP RAP" DETAIL. •¢i y.. , f� el �t.• ' 4 . MAX. 10% SLOPE BETWEEN SIDEWALK 2' MIN. I I AND TOP OF RIP-RAP. (TYP.) •� •. <. , �.t - �•s 'to _�- . 41 NEW SIDEWALK. I 6" SCH. 40 PVC PIPES ' R SEE "CONCRETE RIP RAP" DETAIL. SIDEWALK DRAIN WITH PIPES (N.T.S.) REMOVE EXISTING IRRIGATION LINE 18" MIN. 6" MIN. CUT EXISTING LINE; (TYP.) (TMP') INSTALL ELBOW (TYP.) 6" MIN. EXISTING IRRIGATION TO REMAIN. NEW SIDEWALK AND SAND. NEW SCEDULE 40 PVC IRRIGATION WITH ELBOWS AS NECESSARY; INSTALL IN SCHEDULE 40 PVC SLEEVE UNDER SIDEWALK. SLEEVE I.D. SHALL BE AT LEAST 1" GREATER THAN THE LARGEST PIPE OR COUPLER O.D. WITHIN SLEEVE. NOTES: 1. THIS ITEM ASSUMES UP TO 15 L.F. OF NEW IRRIGATION LINE, 6 ELBOWS, AND 10 L.F. OF SLEEVE. IRRIGATION LINE ADJUSTMENT (N.T.S.) 4 2F-0" 1 MAX. SLOPE APRON 6h 12" 2" SAND CUSHION w.619 CONCRETE: 3000 PSI STEEL: GRADE 40 #3 @18" O.C.E.W. CUT OFF PIPE FLUSH WITH RIP RAP AND GROUT EDGES CONCRETE RIP RAP DETAIL (N.T.S.) FLO 18" TEMP. EROSION LCONTROL LOG STAKE LOG ON DOWNHILL A /� 18" TEMP EROSION SIDE AT THE CENTER, AT CONTROL LOG EACH END, AND AT ADDITIONAL POINTS AS 4 NEEDED TO SECURE LOG 1 (TYP)---.—! 4' MAX. SPACING, OR AS MULCH CRADLE �- Z DIRECTED. UNDER EROSION SECURE END CONTROL LOG OF LOG TO STAKE LOG ON DOWNHILL STAKE (TYP) SIDE AT THE CENTER AT ,\ EACH END. AND AT ADDITIONAL ����y \ \ v \\\�Mwm� POINTS AS NEEDED TO SECURE ���\�����\ /�iUY/A //) PLAN LOG, OR AS DIRECTED. SECTION A—A EROSION CONTROL LOG CHECK DAM SECURE END STAKES ON DOWNHILL SIDE OF LOG TO OF LOG AT 8' OC MAX OR STAKE (TYP) AS NEEDED TO SECURE LOG, OR AS DIRECTED. R.O.W. B 12" TEMP. EROSION R.O.W. MULCH CRADLE 7�( CONTROL LOG DISTURBED AREA UNDER EROSION FLOW j CONTROL LOG STAKE r f BACK OF CURB LIP OF GUTTER 12" TEMP. EROSION PLAN CONTROL LOC SECTION 13-8LOG PLACED AT BACK OF CURB (TYP) 1' STAKES ON DOWNHILL SIDE OF LOG AT 8' OC MAX OR AS SECURE END NEEDED TO SECURE LOG, OR 12" TEMP. EROSION OF LOG TO AS DIRECTED. CONTROL LOG STAKE (TYP) 12" TEMP. EROSION R.O.W. R.O.W. CONTROL LOG MULCH CRADLE STAKE UNDER EROSION FLOW DISTURBED AREA I CONTROL LOG BACK OF CURB \YIIt� „�\y \A „N/Al\\II�„II�\��` PLAN LIP OF GUTTER SECTION C—C LOG PLACED AT EDGE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY NOTES: 1. DAILY INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE BY THE CONTRACTOR AND SILT ACCUMULATION MUST BE REMOVED WHEN DIRECTIONDEPTH REACHES 6". OF FLOW 1 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL MONITOR THE PERFORMANCE OF LOGS DURING �——� DIRECTION RAINFALL EVENT FOR PROPER PERFORMANCE. OF FLOW 3_ LOGS SHALL CONSIST OF 100% BIODEGRADABLE, PHOTODEGRADABLE OR RECYCLABLE CONTAINMENT MESH STUFFED WITH FILTER 7 1 lip MATERIAL. SECURE ENDS s" 2' 4. STUFF LOGS WITH SUFFICIENT FILTER MATERIAL TO ACHIEVE DENSITY OF LOGS TO THAT WILL HOLD SHAPE WITHOUT EXCESSIVE DEFORMATION. FILTER STAKES (TYP) MATERIAL SHALL CONSIST OF MULCH, ASPEN EXCELSIOR WOOD LAP DETAIL FIBERS, CHIPPED SITE VEGETATION, COCONUT FIBERS,100% RECYCLABLE FIBERS, OR ANY OTHER ACCEPTABLE MATERIAL, EXCLUDING STRAW AND HAY. 5. STAKES SHALL BE 2” X 2” WOOD, 4' LONG, EMBEDDED SUCH THAT 2" PROTRUDES ABOVE LOG, OR AS DIRECTED. RECORD SIGNED COPY DRAWING NO: CITYON FILE AT PUBLIC WORKS OF ROUND ROCK APPROVED EC-1 7 03-25-11 DATE EROSION CONTROL LOG DETAIL THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER ASSUMES �ROUNDROQ�TEXAS RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPROPRIATE vuRrnse eAmat rxosaEam USE OF THIS DETAIL. (NOT TO SCALE) 24" WOODEN STAKES 12" EVERY 12" OVERLAP ASSURE DIRECT CONTACT II II 12" (MIN) WITH SOIL 'I I II I it IFLOW FLOW i i, 18" � 1 \ DIAMETER EROSION CONTROL / LOG EXTEND 12" MINIMUM BEYOND INLET OPENING AROUND PERIMITER ISOMETRIC CROSS SECTION NOTES: 1. EROSION CONTROL LOG CONTAINMENT MESH SHALL BE 100% BIODEGRADABLE, PHOTODEGRADABLE OR RECYCLABLE; AND FILL MATERIAL SHALL CONSIST OF MULCH, ASPEN EXCELSIOR FIBERS, CHIPPED SITE VEGETATION, COCONUT FIBERS, 100% RECYCLABLE FIBERS, OR ANY OTHER ACCEPTABLE MATERIAL EXCLUDING STRAW AND HAY. 2. DAILY INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE BY THE CONTRACTOR AND SILT ACCUMULATION MUST BE REMOVED WHEN DEPTH REACHES 6". 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL MONITOR THE PERFORMANCE OF INLET PROTECTION DURING EACH RAINFALL EVENT AND IMMEDIATELY CLEAN THE INLET PROTECTION IF EXCESSIVE PONDING OCCURS. 4. INLET PROTECTIONS SHALL BE REMOVED AS SOON AS THE SOURCE OF SEDIMENT IS STABILIZED. RECORD SIGNED COPY ON FILE AT PUBLIC WORKS CITY ®FI ROUND ROCK DRAWING N0: APPROVED EC-16 03-25-11 DATE AREA INLET PROTECTION WITH THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER ASSUMES InFlOUND K ESPO SIBILITY FOR THE APPROPRIATE ER®SI®N CONTROL LOG DETAiL i fF7CAS PROEM" USE OF THIS DETAIL. (NOT TO SCALE) TYPE 1 TYPE 5 ^ Qo install detectable morning surface TYPE 20 ''o B at each end of cut-through ramp TYPE 21 S•T o/nv ?�+,3> S• Iftmedi anis less smooth 6' wide,than6' detectable warning surfaces. gn curb parol lel - h crosswalk p 1. on�n \ / �— e0 Scar dins\ o of caro Fj rre r,� Curt detai Is are a_g `fie / (Ted 7 -1.. �/ _—f r r r,-\` shown elsewhere a p \` / .� e? i� - in the plans. Nw= F / TA OC• �, �L / j BLENDED TRANSITION �` ' CURB RAMPS AT MEDIAN ISLANDS aop �m PERPENDICULAR CURB RAMP Sioewc, oe = TYPE 10 /. S'�walk TYPE 22 L L Planting or other non- `/ La^a;ng / W/ an°rng / �i Fiore F TYPE 2 walking surface or ` 'C* Ramp 8.3% /protect dropoff max. mm� >.ac / s•or LL .c�ticpi• /W 1 /i/ � a•'1• // no- S. ever �,/ day (. // c ow m� rev W / / F lare V 5 oa Lond�r W\ ../ _,, 2i_`� Ramp 0.3% /— 5'x 5'(min.) T➢ max. Cross slope not to max. Shared Landing u Cross slope not to I exceed 2%on any 9�e +r �• � r r r „ter exceed 2%on any R portion of ramp, landing b w _ 8.3%— r portion of rano, lording Wfa or ironsition t°street. Dom rr1O"' r r r r S;oewpW1`h or transi-icn to Street. 6,Prdewolk t� v 5•Mtnik lYi IV,,, eferredW,mhn Flare Flare rgt Papp 8.3% a PARALLEL CURB RAMP (Sidewalk set back from curb) (Sidewalk adjacent to curb) max. ow6 (Use only where water will not pond in the landing.) DIRECTIONAL RAMPS WITHIN RADIUS COMBINATION ISLAND RAMPS ..0DQQ0 Planting or other non- Min. 2' taper to existing N c` walking sur{ace or cry 5' Landinv TYPE 11 or proposed sidewalk protect aropoff raved 5' min. o aeo Curb Romp 5' min. Z6. ry 2' min. ►r ;3%N�1' IT W ------ W \\ B. —� r Curb 2% rlare a anding� Romp 1 ' Sidewalk J e.3i 1 5 pr®{erred, Sidewalk W max, W varies / 4.'In' 2X Ramp Curb Romp 6' preferred, �� r— TYPE 3 2' min. run 5' min._ at 8.3%max, max, W Planting or other non- OFFSET PARALLEL CURB RAMP walking surface or protect aropoff Ramp 5' min. Side SHEET 1 OF 4 Shared Flare Landing Des✓ onW W Standard W R2 ,Texas Department of Transportation _W_ W W * NOTES / LEGEND: Shored PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES ' max Landing � See General Notes on sheet p I 'e 2 of 4 for more information. CURB RAMPS m-—— 8.3%moz. WOrf'Tr9 v_ Denotes planting or W WI F-�e non-walking surface not part of pedestrian PED-1 2 A —— circulation path. TYPE 6 5 pr4�emin C fer e� ——Ramp Limits of Payment 1ue. peal 2°.dun cwT.)or �P o.�Txlmr -110 T50T Mach 2002 coir sere .we kruw.r FJ Detectable Warning Surface xcxlswrs COMBINATION CURB RAMPS YP kne 13,2012 orst mwir seer w. o� General Notes Landing Curb Ramps o C Landing +�o +>+ 1. Install a curb ramp or blended transition at each pedestrian street crossing. v E' b °0 n vim? °m 0. 2. All slopes shown are maximjm allowable. Lesser slopes that will still drain properly }_ +` Detectable warning surface should be used. Adjust curb romp length or grade of approach sidewalks as directed. a_ Detectable warning °' cC•omes to run LL parallel to Ramp surfocelDomes to run pedestrian travell 4; 3. The minimum sidewalk width is 5'. Where the sidewalk is adjacent to the back of curb, parallel cd° ro r a 6' sidewalk width is desirable. Where a 5' sidewalk cannot be pedestrian troves) ramp provided due to site s�._ constraints, sidewalk width may be reduced to 4' for short distances. oo 5'x 5' passing areas of intervals not to exceed 200' are required. ..... ............ Side flare -,-_D (Typical) Side curb Min. ITy picall a 4. Landings shall be 5'x 5' minimum with❑maximum 2%slope in any direction. 2,_0„ ani Min. ....................... ....................... 5. Maneuvering space at the bottom of curb romps shall be a minimum of 4'x 4' wholly °c m contained within the crosswalk and wholly outside the parallel vehicular travel path. .................A PERPENDICULAR CURB RAMP Dock of a u 6. Maximum allowable cross slope on sidewalk and curb ramp surfaces is 2%. curb __- Du(�of oc°o¢ 7. Provide flared sides where the pedestrian circulation Path crosses the curb ramp. Typical placement of detectable •-a6 Flored sides shall be sloped at 10%maximum, measured parallel to the curb. Returned warning surface on sloping ramp run. DIRECTIONAL CURB RAMP curbs may be used only where pedestrians would not normally walk across the ramp, gocmc either because the adjacent surface is planted, substantially obstructed, or Typical placement of detectable ? otherwise protected. I warning surface on sloping ramp run. Detectable warning paver Prefabricated detectable x� 8. Additional information on curb ramp location, design, light reflective value and with truncated domes I warning panel Detectable ,. texture may be found in the current edition of the Texas Accessibility Standards I warning surface Side flare No. 3 rebar of m (TAS) and'6 TAC 68.102. ITyp) No.m3 rob-center Landing -o I r--Doth ways >.e c 9. To serve as a pedestrian refuge area, the medion should be a minimum of 6' wide, _ a o o- measured from back of curbs. Medians should be designed to provide accessible •-__ I _�= L a t h passage over or through them. - , _ v u 41 Rarlp_ v+ R� 1.`0 10. Small channelizotion islands, which do not provide a minimum 5'x 5' landing at the top � t of curb romps, shall be cut through level with the surface of the street. / l.lin. 5'•depth exclusive of 2•_D•• n o. -// detectable warning material. Min. o c`co 11. Crosswalk dimensions, crosswalk markings and stop bar locations shall be as shown No. 3 rebar at elsewhere in the plans. At intersections where crosswalk morkings are not required, l8"(max.)on-center curb romps shall align with theoretical crosswalks unless otherwise directed. both ways Class A Concrete-small conform to applicable Back of 12. Handrails are not re specifications PARALLEL CURB RAMP curb gaited on curb romps. Provide curb romps wherever on accessible +�« route crosses (penetrates) a curb. SECTION: CURB RAMP AT DETECTABLE WARNING Typical placement of detectable warning 13. Curb romps and landings shall be constructed and surface on landing at street edge. .mv o amp g paid for in accordance with Item 531 "Sidewalks". 14. Place concrete at a minimum depth of 5" for r amps, flares and landings, unless DETECTABLE WARNINGS L otherwise directed. c N C v r o 15. Provide a smooth transition where the curb ramps connect to the street. 16. Curbs shown on sheet 1 within the limits of payment are considered part of the curb Detectable Warning Pavers ramp for payment, whether 't is concrete curb, gutter, or combined curb and gutter. 24. Furnish detectable warning paver units meeting all requirements of ASTM C-936, C-33. 17. Existing features that comply with TAS may remain in place unless otherwise shown on Loy in a two by two unit basket weave pattern or as directed. the plans. 25. Loy full-size units first followed by closure units consisting of at least 25 percent of a full unit. Cut detectable warning paver units using a power saw. Sidewalks Detectable Warning Material 26. Provide c I ear ground space at operab I e ports, i nc I ud i ng pedestrian push buttons. 18. Curb romps must contain a detectable warning surface that consists of raised Operable parts shall be placed within one or more reach ranges specified in TAS 308, truncated domes complying with Section 705 of the TAS. The Surface must contrast 27. Place traffic signal or illumination ales, visually with adjoining surfaces, including side flares. Furnish and install on P ground boxes, controller boxes, signs, approved cost-in-place dark brown or dark red detectable warning surface material drainage facilities and other items so as not to obstruct the pedestrian access route adjacent to uncolored concrete, unless specified elsewhere in the plans. or clear ground space. 19. Detectable Warning Materials must meet TxDOT Departmental Materials Specification 28. Street grades and cross slopes shall be as shown elsewhere in the plans. DMS 4350 and be listed on the Material Producer List. Install products in accordance 29. Changes in level greater than 1/4 inch are not permitted. SHEET 2 OF 4 with manufacturer's specifications. 30. The least possible grade should be used to maximize accessibility. The running slope best 20. Detectable warning surfaces must be slip resistant and not allow water to accumulate. of sidewalks and crosswalks within the Public right of way may follow the 9h Y Y grade of Dlvts7on 21. Detectable warning surfaces shall be a minimum of 24" in depth in the direction of the parallel roadway. Where a continuous grade greater than 5%must be provided, ,Texas Department of Transportation Standard pedestrian travel, and extend the full width of the curb ramp or landing where the handrails may be desirable to improve accessibility. Handrails may also be needed to pedestrian access route enters the street. protect pedestrians from potentially hazardous conditions. If provided, handrails shall comply with TAS 505. PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES 22. Detectable worn ing surfaces shall be located so that the edge nearest the curb line CURB R AMP S is at the back of curb. Align the rows of domes to be perpend i cu I or to the grade 31. HondraiI extensions shall not Protrude into the usable landing area or into break between the ramp run and the street. Detectable warning surfaces may be curved intersecting pedestrian routes. along the corner radius. 32. Driveways and turnouts shall be constructed and paid for in accordance with Item 2 A 23. Shaded areas on Sheet 1 of 4 indicate the approximate location for the detectable "Intersections, Driveways and Turnouts". Sidewalks shall be constructed and paid for PED- warning surface for each curb ramp type. in accordance with Item, "Sidewalks". Ell- pedl2aAgn o„-TOOT nPA -T.ODT -141) 33. SidewaIk details are shown elsewhere in the plans. zuoz sEcr„51012 DIS! Cuunn 5„EEL„D. Q ti CI LL Concrete Driveway Payment C Ab Tc L CAFE 4f,-, + 80Gab 1. .......... .......... o F 5, PROTECTED ZONE Z ani Planting or other o 14' MAX. POST w non-walking surface F_R�a op � Setback s7dewalk 4" MAX. WALLI 0 PROJECTION s cr W EL MAXIMUM 2% SLOPE IN ANY DIRECTION Concrete Driveway o:127*'— Payment x°r ............. -------------- .............. CANE DETECTABLE O CLEAR GROUND SPACE ADJACENT PROTECTED ZONE Po In pedestrian circulation area, maximum A" projection TO PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON o =or post or wall mounted objects between 27"ond 80" above the surface. oco ..... c.. OwL ..o Do Apron offset sidewalk Lu o o .2. 6 MAX. LENGTH OF 0 --- OBSTRUCTION MIN. DISTANCE 2'-0" BETWEEN OBSTRUCTIONS CL Concrete Driveway Payment ........ CURBOBSTHUCTION v so (POLE, HYDRANT, ETC.) MAX x ------ z 2 When an obstruction of a height greater Protruding objects of 0 ....... oej z z Wh D 0 than 27" from the surface would create height : 27" are detectable a protrusion of more than 4" into the by cone and do not require 2! 1 �(a 2�Q 2F pedestrian circulation area, construct additional treatment. =3 additional curb or foundation at the yr bottom to provide a moximum 4" overhang. a) ell. DETECTION BARRIER FOR Wide sicewalk VERTICAL CLEARANCE<80" OBSTRUCTION (CONTROLLER CABINET, Concrete Driveway MAILBOX, ETC.) PLAN VIEW SHEET 3 OF 4 Payment PLACEMENT OF STREET FIXTURES Aga (ITEMS NOT INTENDED FOR mUBLIC USE. t1of7 T"as Departme.t f Tmnsport, Standard cl., MINIMUM 4' x 4' CLEAR GRCUND SPACE REQUIRED AT PUBLIC USE FIXTURES.) PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES CURB RAMPS If curb height is greater than 6 inches, use grade less than Mie ort:qua I to 5X.1 11ondra i I and PED-I 2A detectable Je ctabI warning ar ng not required. FILE. pedl 2n.dgn ox:TxDOT cu PK o•.Tr00T cu HO Romp sidewalk UT-00i Mwh?GD2 —T 1-11 KIISI SIDEWALK TREATMENT AT DRIVEWAYS VP J—13,=12 ------------A— i i t t 5'x 5'(MIN) 5� LANDINGS t r> 5'x 5'(MIN) / t t *� v LANDINGS t f � t t $ SPLIT RADIAL ` '� CROSSWALK t t Z. RAMP PLACEMENT aFWq o-c \ SIDEWALK ` / SIDEWALK f t t t t <n� I _ 25D -- —/— ---- --- 5'x 5'(MINI t t �� \ ---------._ CROSSWALK... ` SHARED LANDINGS omu SIDEWALK ADJACENT/ 4'x 4'(MIN) SIDEWALK ADJACENT MANEUVERING coO TO CURB SPACES TO CURB 0 STOP BAR go° SKEWED INTERSECTION WITH "LARGE" RADIUS N Ia uc n r oxu �c x.-i Z L � AT INTERSECTION 4. W/FREE RIGHT TURN & ISLAND T YI 0 ESTOP BAR + o$0 5'x 5'(MIN) % + ot.. I ANDINCS +/ —T � CROSSWALK / - 6' PREFERRED SIDEWALK 5' MIN. ..o 5'x 5'(MIN) .so SIDEWALK �t �/' t t t t LANDING 2,x9 --t— -------------- -- — t t t ) I wn SIDEWA_K ADJACENT SIDEWALK REMOTE SIDEWALK 5'MIN o g I I 4'x 4'(MIN) ov o TO CURB MANEUVERING / FROM CURB SIDEWALK SPACES aFee I I I I I I " g} o SKEWED INTERSECTION WITH "SMALL" RADIUS SIDFWAIK ADJACENT Y TO CURB SIDEWALK REMOTE FROM CURB MID-BLOCK PLACEMENT PERPENDICULAR RAMPS STOP eA:: 5'x 5'(MIN) LANDINGS + CROSSWALK f i SIDEWALK \ / t t t t \ SIDEWALK t t t t ♦ i --—-—-—-—-— — `I SHEET 4 Of 4 SIDEWALK REMOTE I SIDEWALK ADJACENT _ p� 4 x 4'(MIN) FROM CURB MANEUVERING) TO CURB ,Texas Department ofTransportation �Still1dard SPACES NORMAL INTERSECTION WITH "SMALL" RADIUS PEDESTRIAN FACILITIESCURB RAMPS PED-12A FILE: ped12a agn Dx:TxDOT EEIFK n:T:DOT c IW Ww TYPICAL CROSSING LAYOUTS ©TxDOT MW h 2002 H J Y SPR YP June 13,2012 O LL DISE EOIMtt 51£EE xa EXHIBIT C Approved Construction Plans To be made part of document prior to beginning of construction EXHIBIT D Certificate of Insurance (TxDOT Form 1560) To be made part of document prior to beginning of construction EXHIBIT E Attachment A (FHWA Additional Requirements) To be made part of document if applicable