Contract - Alpha Paving - 4/23/2020 1Z1`92020✓ O CITY OF ROUND ROCK TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT ROUND ROCK TEXAS Project Manual For: 2019 Street Maintenance Program (SMP) Project B Residential Overlay February 2020 Prepared By: JC (Jose) Montelongo II,E.I.T. �� •b�F Tw1�i?/2 Matt Bushak,P.E. �at! .........F � City of Round Rock r ti p.•' '•.:S',II \Iris 1*' MATTHEW BUSHAK i fat; 91480 '° ,, kto C).***;(414° AROVEDBY I. I �.�•� C ATT1O ;NEy TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Description No. of Pages 00020 Notice to Bidders 1 00100 Instructions to Bidders 4 Exhibit A 1 00200 Bid Bond 2 00300 Bid Form 4 00410 Statement of Bidder's Safety Experience 1 00500 Agreement 5 00600 Insurance & Construction Bond Forms Performance & Payment Bond Instructions 1 Insurance Instructions 1 00610 Performance Bond 2 00620 Payment Bond 2 00650 Certificate of Liability Insurance 1 00700 General Conditions 42 00800 Supplemental General Conditions 1 00900 Special Conditions 5 01000 Technical Specifications 4 02000 Plans, Details and Notes 95 8-2016 Table of Contents 00090665 00020 NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids addressed to Jose (JC) Montelongo II, E.I.T., Project Manager, City of Round Rock, Transportation Department, 3400 Sunrise Road, Round Rock, TX 78665, for furnishing all labor, material and equipment and performing all work required for the project titled: 2019 Street Maintenance Program Project B (project includes various curb and gutter, sidewalk, driveway, curb ramp, and pavement repairs; pavement milling; repaving of existing residential roadways with one inch (1.0") Type F and three inch (3") Type C HMAC overlay), will be received until Tuesday, March 24th,2020 at 10:00 am, then publicly opened and read aloud at the same address. Bid envelopes shall state date and time of bid and "Sealed Bid — 2019 Street Maintenance Program - Project B". Bids must also be accompanied by a "Statement of Bidder's Safety Experience" included in Section 410 of the Project Manual. No bids may be withdrawn after the scheduled opening time. Any bids received after scheduled bid opening time will be returned unopened. Bids must be submitted on City of Round Rock bid forms and must be accompanied by an acceptable bid security as outlined in the Instructions to Bidders, payable to the City of Round Rock, Texas equal to five percent (5%) of the total bid amount. Plans, Bid Forms, Specifications, and Instructions to Bidders may be obtained from the City of Round Rock website at the following web address: https://www.roundrocktexas.gov/businesses/solicitations/ and www.civcastusa.com. Bidders shall be responsible for printing or obtaining prints of the aforementioned documents as necessary. For questions please contact the City's Project Manager, JC (Jose) Montelongo II, E.I.T., 512.218.7026. In case of ambiguity, duplication, or obscurity in the bids, the City of Round Rock reserves the right to construe the meaning thereof The City of Round Rock further reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities and irregularities in the bids received. The successful bidder will be expected to execute the City of Round Rock's standard contract and to furnish performance and payment bonds, all as described in the bid documents. Contractors and subcontractors shall pay to laborers, workmen, and mechanics the prevailing wage rates as determined by the City of Round Rock. A pre-bid conference is NOT scheduled. Publication Dates: Round Rock Leader: March 5, 2020 March 12, 2020 00020 10-2015 Notice to Bidders 00193093 Page 1 00100 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. Prior to submitting any bid,bidders are required to read all drawings(plans),specifications, and all other Project Manual and/or Contract Documents carefully; to inform themselves by their independent research, test and investigation of the difficulties to be encountered and judge for themselves of the accessibility of the Work and all attending circumstances affecting the cost of doing the Work and the time required for its completion and obtain all information required to make a bid. The aforementioned documents may only be obtained from the City's website at the following web address: www.roundrocktexas.gov/businesses/solicitations OR www.civcastusa.com . Bidders shall be responsible for printing or obtaining prints of the aforementioned documents as necessary. 2. Should the bidder find discrepancies in, or omissions from the drawings (plans), specifications, or other Project Manual and/or Contract Documents, or should he be in doubt as to their meaning, he should notify at once the City and obtain clarification or addendum prior to submitting any bid. Any addenda issued will be posted with the documents at the web address mentioned in 1 above no later than two business days prior to the Bid Opening Date.Prior to submitting a bid,the bidder is responsible for determining if any addenda have been issued and for following any instructions required in any addenda issued. 3. It shall be the responsibility of the bidder to see that his bid is received at the place and time named in the Notice to Bidders in the Project Manual. Bids received after the scheduled opening time will be returned unopened. 4. Bids shall be submitted in sealed envelopes plainly marked "Sealed Bid" and showing the name of the project, the job number if applicable, and the opening date and time. 5. Bidders shall be responsible for submitting a copy of the City's Bid Form, Bid Bond Form, and Statement of Bidder's Safety Experience from the Project Manual documents posted at the web address as described in 1 above. 6. Bids shall be accompanied by a bid security consisting of a certified cashier's check in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the total maximum bid price, payable without recourse to the City of Round Rock,or a bid bond in the same amount from a reliable surety company, as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract and execute performance and payment bonds, as stipulated by item 15 below, within ten (10) days after notice of award of contract to him. Bid securities must be submitted in the same sealed envelope with the bid. Bids submitted without a bid security may not be considered at the sole discretion of the City. Page 1 00100 2-2016 Instructions to Bidders 00090650 7. If awarded the bid,the bidder must complete a Form 1295 electronically on the Texas Ethics Commission (TEC) Web site at https://www.ethics.state.tx.us/whatsnew/elf info form1295.htm and submit the signed and notarized Form 1295 within ten (10) business days of notification of the award. Instructions for completing a Form 1295 are attached as Exhibit "A" to the Instructions to Bidders. 8. No conditional bids will be accepted. 9. A bidder wishing to withdraw his submitted sealed bid prior to the scheduled bid opening time must do so by presenting in person a written request signed by an authorized representative of the bidder to a City employee at the location for which sealed bids are to be addressed. No telephone, facsimile, or email requests will be accepted. The City will expend the time and effort that the City in its sole discretion determines is necessary to investigate the authenticity of a request before complying with a request. The City shall in its sole discretion determine if the City will comply with a request and the City shall not be held liable for not complying with a request. If the City does not comply with a request, the request shall automatically become null and void. 10. A bidder wishing to revise his sealed bid after submittal but before the scheduled bid opening time must first withdraw his bid as provided for in the Instructions to Bidders and then submit a sealed bid in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. No revisions to a bid will be allowed after the scheduled bid opening time. The bidder shall be responsible for ensuring the amount of the bid security is as specified in the Instructions to Bidders. 11. All bid securities will be returned to the respective bidders within twenty-five (25) days after bids are opened, except those which the City elects to hold until the successful bidder has executed the Agreement. Thereafter, all remaining securities, including security of the successful bidder, will be returned within sixty(60) days. 12. Until the award of the contract, the City reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive technicalities; to advertise for new bids; or to do the work otherwise when the best interest of the City will be thereby promoted. 13. In case of ambiguity or lack of clarity in the statement of prices in the bids,the City reserves the right to consider the most favorable analysis thereof,or to reject the bid. Unreasonable and/or unbalanced prices submitted in a bid may result in rejection of such bid or other bids. 14. Award of the contract, if awarded,will be made within sixty(60)days after opening of the bids, and no bidder may withdraw his bid within said sixty(60) day period of time unless a prior award is made. A Notice to Proceed will be issued within sixty (60) days after contract Execution Date as defined in the General Conditions. 15. Within ten (10) days after written notification of award of the contract, the successful bidder must furnish a performance bond and a payment bond in the amount of one hundred Page 2 00100 2-2016 Instructions to Bidders 00090650 percent (100%) of the total Contract Amount. Said performance bond and payment bond shall be from an approved surety company holding a permit from the State of Texas, indicating it is authorized and admitted to write surety bonds in this state. In the event the bond exceeds $100,000.00,the surety must also(1)hold a certificate of authority from the United States secretary of the treasury to qualify as a surety on obligations permitted or required under federal law; or (2) have obtained reinsurance for any liability in excess of $100,000.00 from a reinsurer that is authorized and admitted as a reinsurer in this state and is the holder of a certificate of authority from the United States secretary of the treasury to qualify as a surety or reinsurer on obligations permitted or required under federal law. In determining whether the surety or reinsurer holds a valid certificate of authority,the City may rely on the list of companies holding certificates of authority as published in the Federal Register covering the date on which the bond is to be executed. 16. Failure to execute the Agreement within ten (10) days of written notification of award or failure to furnish the performance bond and payment bond as required by item 15 above, shall be just cause for the annulment of the award. In case of annulment of the award, the bid security shall become the property of the City, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages. 17. No contract shall be binding upon the City until it has been signed by its Mayor after having been duly authorized to do so by the City Council. 18. The Contractor shall not commence Work under the Agreement until he has furnished certification of all insurance required and such has been approved by the City,nor shall the Contractor allow any Subcontractor to commence work on his subcontract until proof of all similar insurance that is required of the subcontractor has been furnished and approved. The Contractor's insurer shall use the certificate of insurance form included in the bid documents or the standard ACORD form. 19. If the bidder's insurance company is authorized, pursuant to its agreement with bidder, to arrange for the replacement of a loss,rather than by making a cash payment directly to the City,the insurance company must furnish or have furnished by bidder, a performance bond in accordance with Section 2253.021(b), Texas Government Code, and a payment bond in accordance with Section 2253.021(c). 20. Any quantities given in any portion of the Bid Documents,including the drawings (plans), are estimates only, and the actual amount of work required may differ somewhat from the estimates. The basis for payment shall be the actual amount of work done and/or material furnished as specified in the General Conditions. 21. Bids shall be submitted on a separated contract basis. No Texas sales tax shall be included in the prices bid for materials consumed or incorporated into the Work. This contract is issued by an organization which is qualified for exemption pursuant to the provisions of Section 151.309(5)of the Texas Tax Code. The City will issue an exemption certificate to the Contractor. The Contractor must then issue a resale certificate to the material supplier Page 3 00100 2-2016 Instructions to Bidders 00090650 for materials purchased. The Contractor must have a valid sales tax permit in order to issue a resale certificate. Upon obtaining consumable materials, the Contractor will issue a resale certificate in lieu of payment of sales tax, and the following conditions shall be observed; 1) The Contractor will transfer title of consumable, but not incorporated, materials to the City at the time and point of receipt by the Contractor; 2) The Contractor will be paid for these consumable materials by the City as soon as practicable. Payment will not be made directly but considered subsidiary to the pertinent bid item. The Contractor's monthly estimate will state that the estimate includes consumables that were received during the month covered by the estimate; and 3) The designated representative of the City must be notified as soon as possible of the receipt of these materials so that an inspection can be made by the representative. Where practical,the materials will be labeled as the property of the City. 22. The Contractor, after execution of the contract and pursuant to Internal Revenue Service (IRS)regulations, shall furnish its Taxpayer Identification Number(TIN) to the City. The Contractor shall provide the appropriate information on a W-9 form(which can be provided by the City upon request). This form shall be submitted directly to the City's Accounts Payable Department to ensure security of the information. 23. If the Bid Form includes Add and/or Deduct Alternate bid items and/or otherwise provides for Alternate bids, the City will determine whether to select or not select one or more of the Add and/or Deduct Alternate bid items and/or Alternate bids at the City's sole discretion and for its greatest advantage. If the City selects any Add and/or Deduct Alternate bid items, the total bid amount will be determined by adding the amount of the selected Add Alternate(s)to, and deducting the amount of the selected Deduct Alternate(s) from the Base Bid or the selected Alternate bid. Page 4 00100 2-2016 Instructions to Bidders 00090650 EXHIBIT "A" FORM 1295 INSTRUCTIONS Pursuant to newly enacted Section 2252.90 of the Texas Government Code, as of January 1, 2016, any business entity entering into a contract with a local government that requires approval of the governing body must submit a disclosure of interested parties to the local governmental prior to the execution of the contract. The Texas Ethics Commission (TEC) has adopted a form for the disclosure of interested parties (Form 1295)and has created a website application for business entities to submit the required information. The City of Round Rock may not enter into a contract that requires the approval of the City Council until the business entity that is a party to the contract files a Form 1295 with the City Clerk. The instructions to complete Form 1295 and file it with the City Clerk are as follows: 1. Upon being notified of a bid award,the award recipient("business entity")must go to the following website: https://www.ethics.state.tx.us/whatsnew/elf info form 1295.htm and follow the login directions on the website application to complete a Fonn 1295. If this is a business entity's first time logging on to the website application, the business entity must create a login Usernaine and Password and then follow the application's instructions to complete a Form 1295. 2. The City does not have a Contract ID Number System. Please insert the project name in this box. 3. Even if a business entity has no interested parties, Form 1295 still must be completed using the website application and filed with the City Clerk. 4. Once confirmation is received that the information has been submitted,the business entity MUST print, sign and notarize the printed out completed Form 1295. 5. The signed and notarized Form 1295 must be filed with the Clerk of the City of Round Rock within ten (10) business days of the date of notification of the award. The signed and notarized Form 1295 may be scanned and e-mailed to swhite rc,roundrocktexas.gov OR mailed or hand-delivered to the address below. 6. Once the City Clerk receives the signed and notarized Form 1295, the City Clerk will submit confirmation of receipt through the TEC website application within thirty(30)days of the filing of Form 1295. 7. This process must be followed for each contract a business entity enters into with the City of Round Rock. 8. A Form 1295 cannot be handwritten. It must be completed electronically through the TEC website application. 9. If you have any questions regarding the filing of Form 1295,please contact: Sara White,City Clerk 221 East Main Street Round Rock,Texas 78664 Phone: (512)218-5404 Fax: (512)218-7097 E-mail: swhite@roundrocktexas.gov 00200 BID BOND BID BOND THE STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON That Alpha Paving Industries,-LLC of the City of Round Rock County of Williamson State of Texas as Principal, and The Guarantee Company of North America USA authorized under the laws of the State of Texas to act as surety on bonds for principals, are held and firmly bound unto the CITY OF ROUND ROCK, TEXAS ("Owner"), in the penal sum.of Five Percent(5%)of the total amount of the Bid of the Principal,submitted to the Owner,for the Work described below;for the payment whereof,well and truly to be made, and the said Principal and Surety do herby bind themselves and their heirs, administrators,executors, successors and assigns,jointly and severally, as follows: In no case Shall the liability of the Surety hereunder exceed the sum of( Five-Percent Of Greatest Amount Bid Dollars(S 5%GAB ). THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION ARE SUCH that,whereas,the Principal has submitted the above-referenced Bid to the Owner, for construction of the Work under the "Specifications for Construction of aft Street Maintenance Program (SMP) Project B for which Bids are to be opened at the office of Owner on the 24th day of March 20 20 NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal is awarded the Contract, and within the time and manner required under the "Instructions to Bidders," after the prescribed forms are presented to her/him for signature,enters into a.written Agreement substantially in the form contained in the Bid Documents, in accordance with the Bid, and files the two (2) bonds with the Owner, one to guarantee faithful performance and the other to guarantee payment for labor and materials,then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise, it shall be and remain in full force and effect. In the event that suit is brought upon this Bond by the Owner and judgment is recovered,said Surety shall pay all costs incurred by the Owner in such suit,including a reasonable attorney's fee to. be fixed by the Court. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the said Principal and Surety have signed this instrument on this the 24th day of the month of March 20 20 Alpha Paving Industries, LLC The Guarantee Company of North America USA Principal Surety Acut..A te V.-LK Kenneth Nitsche Printed Name Printed Name By: 44.,, J1 By: Iehed7 Title: pc,(5, Title: Attorney-In-Fact Address: PO Box 6565 Address: One Towne Square,Suite 1470 Round Rock, TX 78683 Southfield, MI 48076 002009-2015 Page I. Bid Bond 00090652 Resident Agent of Surety: KW7,2e/A7liSe Signature Kenneth Nitsche Printed Name 143 E. Austin Street Address Giddings, TX 78942 City, State, Zip Page 2 00200 9-2015 Bid Bond 00090652 THE The Guarantee Company of North America USA GUARANTEE- Southfield,Michigan POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS:That THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA,a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Michigan,having its principal office in Southfield,Michigan,does hereby constitute and appoint Robert James Nitsche,Robert K.Nitsche,David P.Ferguson,Violet Frosch,Nina K.Smith,Craig Parker,Kenneth Nitsche,Gary Nitsche The Nitsche Group its true and lawful attorney(s)-in-fact to execute,seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety,any and all bonds and undertakings,contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof,which are or may be allowed,required or permitted by law,statute,rule,regulation,contract or otherwise. The execution of such instrument(s)in pursuance of these presents,shall be as binding upon THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA as fully and amply,to all intents and purposes,as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at the principal office. The Power of Attorney is executed and may be certified so,and may be revoked,pursuant to and by authority of Article IX, Section 9.03 of the By-Laws adopted by the Board of Directors of THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA at a meeting held on the 31st day of December,2003. The President,or any Vice President,acting with any Secretary or Assistant Secretary,shall have power and authority: 1. To appoint Attorney(s)-in-fact,and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company,and attach the Seal of the Company thereto, bonds and undertakings,contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof;and 2. To revoke,at any time,any such Attorney-in-fact and revoke the authority given,except as provided below 3. In connection with obligations in favor of the Florida Department of Transportation only, it is agreed that the power and authority hereby given to the Attorney-in-Fact includes any and all consents for the release of retained percentages and/or final estimates on engineering and construction contracts required by the State of Florida Department of Transportation.It is fully understood that consenting to the State of Florida Department of Transportation making payment of the final estimate to the Contractor and/or its assignee,shall not relieve this surety company of any of its obligations under its bond. 4. In connection with obligations in favor of the Kentucky Department of Highways only, it is agreed that the power and authority hereby given to the Attorney-in-Fact cannot be modified or revoked unless prior written personal notice of such intent has been given to the Commissioner— Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Kentucky at least thirty(30)days prior to the modification or revocation. Further,this Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile pursuant to resolution of the Board of Directors of the Company adopted at a meeting duly called and held on the 6th day of December 2011,of which the following is a true excerpt: RESOLVED that the signature of any authorized officer and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any Power of Attorney or certification thereof authorizing the execution and delivery of any bond, undertaking, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof,and such signature and seal when so used shall have the same force and effect as though manually affixed. ,PahNTEtc°% IN WITNESS WHEREOF,THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA has caused this instrument to be signed and :, x\ its corporate seal to be affixed by its authorized officer,this 2'day of October,2015. THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA STATE OF MICHIGAN Stephen C.Ruschak,President&Chief Operating Officer Randall Musselman,Secretary County of Oakland On this 2nd day of October,2015 before me came the individuals who executed the preceding instrument,to me personally known,and being by me duly sworn, said that each is the herein described and authorized officer of The Guarantee Company of North America USA; that the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company;that the Corporate Seal and each signature were duly affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said company. Cynthia A. Takai IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand at The Guarantee Notaryy p Public State of MichiganCompany of North America USA offices the dayand year above written. Countyof Oakland My Commission Expires February 27,2024eert,e1., a. Acting in Oakland County I, Randall Musselman,Secretary of THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA,do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Power of Attorney executed by THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA,which is still in full force and effect. /0o HiEEc IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have thereunto set my hand and attached the seal of said Company this 24th day of March 2020 if49 r2 4)-4moGP Randall Musselman,Secretary 00300 BID FORM • BID FORM PROJECT NAME: 2019 SMP Project B PROJECT LOCATION: Round Rock, Texas OWNER: City of Round Rock, Texas DATE: February 28, 2020 Gentlemen: Pursuant to the foregoing Notice to Bidders and Instructions to Bidders, the undersigned bidder hereby proposes to do all the Work, to furnish all necessary superintendence, labor, machinery, equipment, tools, materials, insurance and miscellaneous items, to complete all the Work on which he bids as provided by the attached Bid Documents, and as shown on the plans for the construction of 2019 SMP Project B and binds himself on acceptance of this bid to execute the Agreement and bond for completing said Work within the time stated, for the following prices, to wit: Any addenda issued will be posted with the Project Manual and/or Contract Documents on the City's website at www.roundrocktexas.gov/businesses/solicitations by the close of business on March 20, 2020 . Prior to submitting a bid, the bidder is responsible for determining if any addenda have been issued and for following any instructions in any addenda issued. Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following Addenda by listing Addendum "number" and "date". #1 -Dated 3/17/2020 #2 -Dated 3/17/2020 BASE BID Bid Approx. Item Description Item Quantit Unit and Written Unit Price Unit Price Amount 1 15,000 Ton Type F HMAC 1.0" Overlay, including tack coat complete in place per Ton for One Hundred-One dollars and No cents. $101.00 $1,515,000.00 2 5,000 Ton Pavement Repair complete in place per Ton for One Hundred-Eighteen dollars and No cents. $118.00 $590,000.00 3 46,000 SY Edge Milling(6'wide) complete in place per SY for One dollars and Forty-Five cents. $1.45 $66,700.00 00300-9-2015 Page 1 of 4 Bid Form BASE BID Bid Approx. Item Description Item Quantit Unit and Written Unit Price Unit Price Amount 4 44,500 SY Surface Milling complete in place per SY for One dollars and Eighty-Five cents. $1.85 $82,325.00 5 20 EA Valve Can Adjustment complete in place per EA for Seventy Five dollars and No cents. $75.00 $1,500.00 6 250 EA Manhole Adjustment complete in place per EA for One Hundred Seventy-Five dollars and No cents. $175.00 $43,750.00 7 3,200 LF Remove and Replace Concrete Curb and Gutter(inc14" TY A or TY B) complete in place per LF for Fifty-Five dollars and Fifteen cents. $55.15 $176,480.00 8 3,100 SF Remove and Replace Reinforced Concrete Driveway complete in place per SF for Fifteen dollars and No cents. $15.00 $46,500.00 9 24,000 SF Remove and Replace Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk complete in place per SF for Eleven dollars and Fifty-Five cents. $11.55 $277,200.00 00300-9-2015 Page 2 of 4 Bid Form BASE BID Bid Approx. Item Description Item Quantit Unit and Written Unit Price Unit Price Amount 10 21 EA Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk Ramp complete in place per EA for One Thousand Eight Hundred dollars and No cents. $1,800.00 $37,800.00 11 734 SF Remove and Replace Reinforced Concrete Valley Gutter complete in place per SF for Forty-Seven dollars and Twenty-Five cents. $47.25 $34,681.25 12 4 MO Traffic Control complete in place per MO for Eleven Thousand dollars and No cents. $11,000.00 $46,000.00 13 3,700 Ton Type C HMAC 3.0" Overlay, including tack coat complete in place per Ton for Ninety-Four dollars and No cents. $94.00 $347,800.00 14 800 SF Remove and Replace Reinforced Concrete Driveway (Exposed Agg) complete in place per SF for Twenty-Four dollars and Fifteen cents. $24.15 $19,320.00 TOTAL BASE BID (Items 1 thru 14): $3,285,056.50 00300-9-2015 Page 3 of 4 Bid Form TOTAL BASE BID(Items 1 thru 14 ) $3,285,056.50 Materials: $1,379,723.73 All Other Charges: $1,905,332.77 * Total: $3,285,056.50 * Note: This total must be the same amount as shown above for "Total Base Bid" If this bid is accepted, the undersigned agrees to execute the Agreement and provide necessary bonds and insurance certification as per the Instructions to Bidders. The undersigned certifies that the bid prices contained in the bid have been carefully checked and are submitted as correct and final. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and may waive any informalities or technicalities. Respectfully Submitted, y PO Box 6565 Signature Andrew Kim Round Rock, TX 78683 Print Name Address President 512-677-9001 Title Telephone Alpha Paving Industries LLC Name of Firm 3/24/2020 Date Secretary, if Bidder is a Corporation 00200-9-2015 Page 4 of 4 Bid Form 00410 STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S SAFETY EXPERIENCE Page 1 00410 8-2014 Statement of Bidder's Safety Experience 00090654 Solicitation Requirements, Contract Forms & Conditions of Contract Statement of Bidder's Safety Experience Section 00410 Bidder must submit a signed Statement of Bidder's Safety Experience form with his Bid; failure to do so will constitute an incomplete Bid that may be rejected. In order to make a responsive Bid, Bidder must provide evidence that it meets minimum OSHA construction safety program requirements, has not been fined by OSHA for any willful safety violations in the past three years, and has a lost time injury rate that doesn't exceed the limits established below. All questions must be answered and data given must be clear and comprehensive. If necessary, questions may be answered on separate attached sheets. Company Name: Alpha Paving Industries LLC Address: PO Box 6565 Round Rock, TX 78683 Phone: 512-677-9001 Completed by: Andrew Kim Date: 3/24/2020 1. Does the company have a written construction Safety program? :Yes 0 No 2. Does the company conduct construction safety inspections? :Yes ❑No 3. Does the company have an active construction safety-training program? ElYes 0 No 4. Has the company been fined by OSHA for any willful safety violations in the past ❑Yes ❑✓ No three years? 5. Does the company have a lost time injury rate of 7.8 for SIC 15,or 7.6 for SIC 16, ❑✓Yes ❑No or less over the past three years? Attach the company's OSHA 200/300 logs for the past three years. 6. Does the company or affected subcontractors have competent persons in the following Areas? A. Scaffolding ❑Yes ONo 0 N/A B. Excavation ❑✓ Yes ONo ❑N/A C. Cranes ❑Yes ❑No R N/A D. Electrical ❑Yes ONo ❑✓ N/A E. Fall Protection ❑Yes ONo 0 N/A F. Confined Spaces ❑Yes ONo ❑✓ N/A I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct. Signature X'a-fri.. Title President Page 1 00410 8-2014 Statement of Bidder's Safety Experience 00090654 `o isassr+,1 JOLO{y ,c 0 'assaulP loy{O II Co, c, Fr o M Q o O� �� D 5so16uueaH � o ssal6ur uaH */ M � . S J v ri X f{ c m 1— o 6u,uoaod o Owuos!o�} T Off' w ga —, o C1 ALgradsob - c AlalrndsaH oG 11 ,ap:OI?Q L"t5 C. o lapJos!a LAPIS m o s• u. d aJ ' ° S' o fun u, 2 x K .. A.n(ui L _ c�. :A Tx aS`2- O !7 C M S o i� ° 2E D. o tl s a 3 x = Z a WeU a ? etgig t' T t g 9 x .. - ? Orr,b A C qM w Q Ccmte ~ = G .G i O,g g..g E 1 . E g N S str.L S D ix o ..LLO•- c e e D N „ a E $gQLr U g � o R •= 8 a sz. aa °« T u�5 CC 1 P. • j u CRV fd e °air " o m a 0o 0) fill °3 S r °- Cn > a p 2 b i C' A - ET •.8z va O$a p q� u S. R : gapY 3 ,g • c Za Q S as .,., b o s co s.s e Q s n•tC a C , , J v g 8-. . n ; id; y G cp A N.. i D 1111-11 ..!..,3 ° te.i2 Pila 6. _ 11111 g.1 It g "Cl IP ‘,.,..5 .-i-- 9 - , ih 5 e a Zo 3 E H l ri G i rn ^ 9 a u G r flu Mt a i i d.� 1.00 lill E 0 f �4 � e N A m o a. �, ® 1121a m 1 71 4 1 . Wail s . ft%,15.2 tl) 3 0 'i mill `�Z 9 � I o f '$ glill N a1 N 10 } 7 , n s p � c C. 4 5 � 1D`w O V 7 • S F i Y r I t M F. I 7 M ii I,J i A 4 O 4 w ~ C M i 4 .r '� O O F. , A ` j y N c A M N . t P 5 r O • A oi I.' si: I 1 ; I g i Oil M I i r` 4 Ill C ,. a M N N x ° _ r. _ b t e a {tl N N 0 N y 0 Li C 2 qi $ C 4., b.!' 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A. a i ii , (I) E d itib jj ; 39 ih I fill a . _ 1 $assau;Jatno,ro w ' o mien manta Iry 6 f 0 g▪ ° s .so,SuueaH ` I a sso1 Cuuc014 irl w m ; Cuiuostaa S o Ouiuosi od y u O d ~ E m • m 0t = 4 `S^ 15 uorppuo3 - a uogtpuno rs 'c— E 2 g 1 fuoteuidsa8 tioteuldsaa — Q.n a C Japraslp UI)S r Jopuosip un1S -6, a, L1 h u. a at (1) 9 2 R n!uf = x x . .� knits>^ (1) a .c Cn u i 1g' 1 y� ,�c:Q N ..Ie O G . `y r—411 i 9 t " fII N li41 : y�4' g : 3 O On Y . - i47 a 12E.w v # . J i l m 8 O E o E* coE 'C ii f x 3_ Hill oW gg Q co El "• ga lgs 1 '' ki zx x N E S a z. oof N c 2 - t.) u= o a 1 , o 4lig N N11 ,PA S '° o „ac � .o d -r rn /IS E Yf in N/ ii LL n g . E V L CO A t N W t 8 N ao a az ail.; I C ;i'.i A v te- g 9Si' (0 litl i ig,z. i o ' 11 0 ▪L ` .� $ ¢ 11ZBi Jill `o o a di CO COX1... N 0 CD 0): .....6 sig.:°6 U � o ..% liii g I i illI a M L. z1 a E 0 dS n � g p L SSG/ ', m 1 Cl) 0 . l 3 � ilii .]2 w 1 . e, 2- e V) _ ¢ 1 _ t mill 9 b o >� B8 � ¢Cl= III c I flI 00500 AGREEMENT City of Round Rock,Texas Contract Forms Standard Form of Agreement: Section 00500 City of Round Rock, Texas Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Contractor • AGREEMENT made as of the �z;� ;►�•��' )day of MaIin the year 20f �n h BETWEEN the Owner: City of Round Rock,Texas(hereafter"Owner"or"City") 221 East Main Street Round Rock,Texas 78664 and the Contractor Alpha Paving ("Contractor") PO Box 6565 Round Rock,TX 78683 The Project is described as: 2019 Street Maintenance Program-Project B The Engineer is: Matthew Bushak,PE City of Round Rock,Texas 512-341-3318 mbushakCa")roundrocktexas.gov For and in consideration of the mutual terms, conditions and covenants of this Agreement and all accompanying documents between Owner and Contractor, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged,Owner and Contractor agree as follows: ARTICLE I THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents consist of this Agreement,Conditions of the Contract(General,Supplementary and other Conditions), Drawings, Specifications, Addenda issued prior to execution of this Agreement,other documents listed in this Agreement and Modifications issued after execution of this Agreement;these form the Contract,and are as fully a part of the Contract as if attached to this Agreement or repeated herein. The Contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes prior negotiations,representations or agreements, either written or oral.An enumeration of the Contract Documents,other than Modifications, appears in Article 7. ARTICLE 2 THE WORK OF THIS CONTRACT Contractor shall fully execute the Work described in the Contract Documents,except to the extent specifically indicated in the Contract Documents to be the responsibility of others. 00500 4-2016 Page 1 of 5 Standard Form of Agreement 00307791 -ZU�J Dios ARTICLE 3 DATE OF COMMENCEMENT; DATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION; DATE OF FINAL COMPLETION 3.1 The date of commencement of the Work shall be the date of this Agreement unless a different date is stated below or provision is made for the date to be fixed in a Notice to Proceed issued by Owner. 3.2 The Contract Time shall be measured from the date delineated in the Notice to Proceed. 3.3 Contractor shall commence Work within ten ( 10 ) calendar days from the date delineated in the Notice to'Proceed. 3.4 Contractor shall achieve Substantial Completion of the items of Work listed on Attachment A to this Agreement no later than N/A ( N/A )calendar days from issuance by Owner of Notice to Proceed, and Contractor shall achieve Substantial Completion of the entire Work no later than One-hundred ( 100 )calendar days from issuance by Owner of Notice to Proceed, subject to adjustments of this Contract Time as provided in the Contract Documents. 3.5 If Contractor fails to achieve Substantial Completion of the Work (or any portion thereof)on or before the date(s)specified for Substantial Completion in the Agreement,Contractor shall pay to Owner,as liquidated damages, the sum of one thousand and No/100 Dollars($ 1,000.00 ) for each calendar day that Substantial Completion is delayed after the date(s) specified for Substantial Completion. It is hereby agreed that the liquidated damages to which Owner is entitled hereunder are a reasonable forecast of just compensation for the harm that would be caused by Contractor's failure to achieve Substantial Completion of the Work(or any portion thereof)on or before the date(s)specified for Substantial Completion in the Agreement. It is agreed that the harm that would be caused by such failure,which includes loss of expected use of the Project areas,provision of alternative storage facilities and rescheduling of moving and occupancy dates,is one that is incapable or very difficult of accurate estimation.It is hereby agreed that if Substantial Completion of the Work (or any portion thereof) is not achieved on or before thirty (30) days after the date(s) specified for Substantial Completion in the Agreement,the Owner shall have the option to either collect liquidated damages as set forth herein or to thereafter rely on its remedies under the Contract Documents and at law and in equity, including without limitation,the recovery of actual damages.The date(s)specified for Substantial Completion of the Work(or any portion thereof)in the Agreement shall be subject to adjustment as provided in the Contract Documents. 3.6 Contractor shall achieve Final Completion of the entire Work no later than One-hundred and twenty ( 120 )calendar days from issuance by Owner of Notice to Proceed. ARTICLE 4 CONTRACT SUM 4.1 Owner shall pay Contractor the Contract Sum in current funds for Contractor's performance of the Contract. The Contract Sum shall be Three million,two hundred eighty-five thousand,fifty-six dollars and fifty cents ($3,285,056.50 ),subject to additions and deductions as provided in the Contract Documents. 4.2 Does the Contract Sum include alternates which are described in the Bid Form? No X . Yes . If yes,please provide details below: 00500 4-2016 Page 2 of 5 Standard Form of Agreement 00307791 • ARTICLE 5 PAYMENTS 5.1 PROGRESS PAYMENTS 5.1.1 Based upon Applications for Payment submitted to Engineer and Owner by Contractor,and Certificates for Payment issued by Engineer and not disputed by Owner and/or Owner's lender,Owner shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Sum to Contractor as provided below, in Article 14 of the City of Round Rock General Conditions,and elsewhere in the Contract Documents. 5.1.2 The period covered by each Application for Payment shall be one calendar month ending on the last day of the month. 5.1.3 Provided that an Application for Payment is received by Engineer and Owner, and Engineer issues a Certificate of Payment not later than the tenth (10th) day of a month, Owner shall make payment to Contractor not later than the tenth (10th) day of the next month. If an Application for Payment is received by Engineer and Owner after the application date fixed above, payment shall be made by Owner not later than one month after the Engineer issues a Certificate for Payment. 5.1.4 Each Application for Payment shall be based on the most recent schedule of values submitted by Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents.The schedule of values shall allocate the entire Contract Sum among the various portions of the Work. The schedule of values shall be prepared in such form and supported by such data to substantiate its accuracy as Engineer and Owner may require.This schedule,unless objected to by Engineer or Owner, shall be used as a basis for reviewing Contractor's Applications for Payment. 5.1.5 Applications for Payment shall warrant the percentage of completion of each portion of the Work as of the end of the period covered by the Application for Payment. 5.1.6 Subject to other provisions of the Contract Documents, the amount of each progress payment shall be computed as provided in Article 14 of the City of Round Rock General Conditions. 5.1.7 Except with Owner's prior written approval, Contractor shall not make advance payments to suppliers for materials or equipment which have not been delivered and stored at the site. 5.2 FINAL PAYMENT 5.2.1 Final payment, constituting the entire unpaid balance of the Contract Sum, shall be made by Owner to Contractor when: .1 Contractor has fully performed the Contract except for Contractor's responsibility to correct Work, and to satisfy other requirements, if any, which extend beyond final payment;and .2 a final Certificate for Payment has been issued by Engineer. 5.2.2 Owner's final payment to Contractor shall be made no later than thirty (30) days after the issuance of Engineer's final Certificate for Payment. In no event shall final payment be required to be made prior to thirty(30) days after all Work on the Contract has been fully performed. Defects in the Work discovered prior to final payment shall be treated as non-conforming Work and shall be corrected by Contractor prior to final payment,and shall not be treated as warranty items. ARTICLE 6 TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION 6.1 The Contract may be terminated by Owner or Contractor as provided in Article 15 of the City of Round Rock General Conditions. 00500 4-2016 Page 3 of 5 Standard Form of Agreement 00307791 6.2 The Work may be suspended by Owner as provided in Article 15 of the City of Round Rock General Conditions. ARTICLE 7 ENUMERATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 7.1 The Contract Documents,except for Modifications issued after execution of this Agreement,are enumerated as follows: 7.1.1 The Agreement is this executed version of the City of Round Rock, Texas Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Contractor,as modified. 7.1.2 The General Conditions are the "City of Round Rock Contract Forms 00700," General Conditions, as modified. 7.1.3 The Supplementary,Special,and other Conditions of the Contract are those contained in the Project Manual dated February 2020 7.1.4 The Specifications are those contained in the Project Manual dated February 2020 7.1.5 The Drawings, if any,are those contained in the Project Manual dated February 2020 • 7.1.6 The Insurance&Construction Bond Forms of the Contract are those contained in the Project Manual dated February 2020 7.1.7 The Notice to Bidders,Instructions to Bidders, Bid Form,and Addenda, if any,are those contained in the Project Manual dated February 2020 7.1.8 If this Agreement covers construction involving federal funds, thereby requiring inclusion of mandated contract clauses, such federally required clauses are those contained in the "City of Round Rock Contract Forms 03000,"Federally Required Contract Clauses,as modified. 7.1.9 Other documents, if any, forming part of the Contract Documents are as follows: NONE ARTICLE 8 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 8.1 Where reference is made in this Agreement to a provision of any document, the reference refers to that provision as amended or supplemented by other provisions of the Contract Documents. 8.2 Owner's representative is: Jose(JC)Monelongo Il, E.I.T., Project Manager 2008 Enterprise Dr, Round Rock,TX 78664 512-218-7026 jmontelongo@roundrocktexas.gov 8.3 Contractor's representative is: Manny Trinidad 512.368.6055 mannyAalphapaving.com 8.4 Neither Owner's nor Contractor's representative shall be changed without ten(10)days'written notice to the other party. 8.5 Waiver of any breach of this Agreement shall not constitute waiver of any subsequent breach. 00500 4-2016 Page 4 of 5 Standard Form of Agreement 00307791 8.6 Owner agrees to pay Contractor from available funds for satisfactory performance of this Agreement in accordance with the bid or proposal submitted therefor, subject to proper additions and deductions,all as provided in the General Conditions, Supplemental Conditions, and Special Conditions of this Agreement, and Owner agrees to make payments on account thereof as provided therein. Lack of funds shall render this Agreement null and void to the extent funds are not available. This Agreement is a commitment of City of Round Rock's current revenues only. 8.7 Although this Agreement is drawn by Owner,both parties hereto expressly agree and assert that, in the event of any dispute over its meaning or application, this Agreement shall be interpreted reasonably and fairly,and neither more strongly for nor against either party. 8.8 This Agreement shall be enforceable in Round Rock,Texas, and if legal action is necessary by either party with respect to the enforcement of any or all of the terms or conditions herein, exclusive venue for same shall lie in Williamson County, Texas. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws and court decisions of the State of Texas. 8.9 Both parties hereby expressly agree that no claims or disputes between the parties arising out of or relating to this Agreement or a breach thereof shall be decided by an arbitration proceeding,including without limitation,any proceeding under the Federal Arbitration Act(9 USC Section 1-14)or any applicable state arbitration statute. 8.10 The parties, by execution of this Agreement, bind themselves, their heirs, successors, assigns, and legal representatives for the full and faithful performance of the terms and provisions hereof. This Agreement is entered into as of the day and year first written above and is executed in at least three(3) original copies, of which one is to be delivered to Contractor, one to Engineer for use in the administration of the Contract, and the remainder to Owner. OWNER CONTRACTOR CITY F ROUND ROCK,TEXAS Alpha Paving Industries LLC ��Printed Name: Printed Name: D.Andrew Kim Title Ot Title: President Date Signed: 5 t9'24U20 Date Signed: 5/6/2020 ATTEST: (<1A/IM71- Irir 0 City Clerk FOR C Y‘ PPROVED AST FORM: City Atto ey 00500 4-2016 Page 5 of 5 Standard Form of Agreement 00307791 00600 INSURANCE AND CONSTRUCTION BOND FORMS BONDS AND INSURANCE INSTRUCTIONS Instruction Sheet 1. Insurance Company must be licensed by State of Texas. 2. Agent signing bonds must be licensed in Texas. 3. Agent signing bonds must have Power of Attorney on behalf of insurance company. 4. If Agent signing bonds has Power of Attorney, but not licensed in Texas, then the bond must be counter-signed by Texas local recording agent. ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION CAN BE FOUND AT Texas Department of Insurance website—www.tdi.state.tx.us 5. Make sure the dollar amount on both Performance and Payment Bonds match the amount of the Agreement&Bid Form Sheet. 6. Both Performance and Payment Bonds should be signed by Authorized Person. If the contractor is a corporation, then it should be signed by the President or the Vice-President. If the contractor is not incorporated, then it may be signed by the Owner. Please state the title of the authorized person. PERFORMANCE BOND BOND NO.: 70187699 THE STATE OF TEXAS § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON § That Alpha Paving Industries, LLC of the City of Round Rock , County of Williamson , and State of Texas , as Principal, and The Guarantee Company of North America USA authorized under the law of the State of Texas to act as surety on bonds for principals, are held and firmly bound unto THE CITY OF ROUND ROCK,TEXAS, (Owner),in the penal sum of three million, two hundred eighty-five thousand, fifty-six dollars and fifty cents Dollars ($ 3,285,056.50 ) for the payment whereof, well and truly to be made the said Principal and Surety bind themselves, and their heirs, administrators, executors, successors and assigns,jointly and severally, by these presents: WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a certain written Agreement with the Owner dated the day of ofeft. ma , 20 e0to which the Agreement is hereby re erred to and made a part hereof as fully and the same extent as if copied at length P g herein consisting of: 2019 Street Maintenance Program - Project B (Name of the Project) NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the said Principal shall faithfully perform said Agreement and shall, in all respects, duly and faithfully observe and perform all and singular the covenants, conditions and agreements in and by said Agreement, agreed and covenanted by the Principal to be observed and performed, including but not limited to, the repair of any and all defects in said work occasioned by and resulting from defects in materials furnished by or workmanship of, the Principal in performing the Work covered by said Agreement and occurring within a period of twelve(12)months from the date of Final Completion and all other covenants and conditions, according to the true intent and meaning of said Agreement and the Plans and Specifications hereto annexed, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that this bond is executed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 2253, Texas Government code, as amended, and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of said Chapter 2253 to the same extent as if it were copied at length herein. Page 1 00610 7-2009 Performance Bond 00090656 PERFORMANCE BOND (continued) Surety, for value received, stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the term of the Agreement, or to the Work performed thereunder, or the Plans, Specifications, or drawings accompanying the same, shall in anywise affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement, or to the work to be performed thereunder. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Principal and Surety have signed and sealed this instrument this 4th day of May ,20 20 . Alpha Paving Industries, LLC The Guarantee Company of North America USA Principal Surety b. Pch.�rrw \<<wk Kenneth Nitsche Printed Name Printed Name By: By: Title: !` �sI�,w-f Title: ttorney-ln-F ct Address: P.O. Box 6565 Address: One Towne Square,Suite 1470 Round Rock, TX 78665 Southfield,Michigan 48076 Resident Agent of Surety: Signature ti Kenneth Nitsche Printed Name 143 E.Austin Street Address Giddings, TX 78942 City, State&Zip Code Page 2 00610 7-2009) Pertonnance I3ond 00090656 PAYMENT BOND BOND NO.: 70187699 THE STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON That Alpha Paving Industries, LLC , of the City of Round Rock , County of Williamson , and State of Texas as Principal, and The Guarantee Company of North America authorized under the laws of the State of Texas to act as Surety on Bonds for Principals, are held and firmly bound unto THE CITY OF ROUND ROCK, (OWNER), and all subcontractors, workers, laborers, mechanics and suppliers as their interest may appear, all of whom shall have the right to sue upon this bond, in the penal sum of three million,two hundred eighty-five thousand, fifty-six dollars and fifty cents Dollars ($ 3,285,056.50 ) for the payment whereof, well and truly be made the said Principal and Surety bind themselves and their heirs, administrators, executors, successors, and assigns,jointly and severally, by these presents: WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a certain written Agreement with the Owner, dated the 1&t4 _ day of , 2003, to which Agreement is hereby referred to and made a part hereof as fully and toe same extent as if copied at length P g herein consisting of: 2019 Street Maintenance Program -Project B (Name of the Project) NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the said Principal shall well and truly pay all subcontractors, workers, laborers, mechanics, and suppliers, all monies to them owing by said Principals for subcontracts, work, labor, equipment, supplies and materials done and furnished for the construction of the improvements of said Agreement, then this obligation shall be and become null and void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that this bond is executed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 2253, Texas Government code, as amended, and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of said Chapter 2253 to the same extent as if it were copied at length herein. Page 1 00620 7-2009 Paymcnl Bond 00090656 PAYMENT BOND (continued) Surety, for value received, stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement, or to the Work performed thereunder, or the plans, specifications or drawings accompanying the same shall in anywise affect it's obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract, or to the work to be performed thereunder. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Principal and Surety have signed and sealed this Instrument this 4th _day of May , 20 20 . Alpha Paving Industries, LLC The Guarantee Company Of North America USA Principal Surety Kenneth Nitsche Printed Name Printed Name By: By: Title: 1res:d k- Title: Attorney-In-Fact Address: P.O. Box 6565 Address: One Towne Square,Suite 1470 Round Rock, TX 78683 Southfield,Michigan 48076 Resident Agent of Surety: /40/2/1-4 4441 Signature Kenneth Nitsche Printed Name 143 E. Austin Street Address Giddings,TX 78942 Page 2 00620 7-2009 Payment Bond 00000656 THE The Guarantee Company of North America USA GUARANTEE Southfield,Michigan POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS:That THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA,a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Michigan,having its principal office in Southfield,Michigan,does hereby constitute and appoint Robert James Nitsche,Robert K.Nitsche,David P.Ferguson,Violet Frosch,Nina K.Smith,Craig Parker,Kenneth Nitsche,Gary Nitsche The Nitsche Group its true and lawful attomey(s)-in-fact to execute,seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety,any and all bonds and undertakings,contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof,which are or may be allowed,required or permitted by law,statute,rule,regulation,contract or otherwise. The execution of such instrument(s)in pursuance of these presents,shall be as binding upon THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA as fully and amply,to all intents and purposes,as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at the principal office. The Power of Attorney is executed and may be certified so,and may be revoked,pursuant to and by authority of Article IX,Section 9.03 of the By-Laws adopted by the Board of Directors of THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA at a meeting held on the 31'day of December,2003. The President,or any Vice President,acting with any Secretary or Assistant Secretary,shall have power and authority: 1. To appoint Attorney(s)-in-fact,and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company,and attach the Seal of the Company thereto, bonds and undertakings,contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof;and 2. To revoke,at any time,any such Attorney-in-fact and revoke the authority given,except as provided below 3. In connection with obligations in favor of the Florida Department of Transportation only, it is agreed that the power and authority hereby given to the Attorney-in-Fact includes any and all consents for the release of retained percentages and/or final estimates on engineering and construction contracts required by the State of Florida Department of Transportation.It is fully understood that consenting to the State of Florida Department of Transportation making payment of the final estimate to the Contractor and/or its assignee,shall not relieve this surety company of any of its obligations under its bond. 4. In connection with obligations in favor of the Kentucky Department of Highways only, it is agreed that the power and authority hereby given to the Attorney-in-Fact cannot be modified or revoked unless prior written personal notice of such intent has been given to the Commissioner— Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Kentucky at least thirty(30)days prior to the modification or revocation. Further,this Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile pursuant to resolution of the Board of Directors of the Company adopted at a meeting duly called and held on the 6th day of December 2011,of which the following is a true excerpt: RESOLVED that the signature of any authorized officer and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any Power of Attorney or certification thereof authorizing the execution and delivery of any bond, undertaking, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof,and such signature and seal when so used shall have the same force and effect as though manually affixed. ��NTE IN WITNESS WHEREOF,THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA has caused this instrument to be signed and y , its corporate seal to be affixed by its authorized officer,this 2'day of October,2015. zz \.�4. 37 THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA �kjN AM�ai aiVidlehlE / ) STATE OF MICHIGAN Stephen C.Ruschak,President&Chief Operating Officer Randall Musselman,Secretary County of Oakland On this 2nd day of October,2015 before me came the individuals who executed the preceding instrument,to me personally known,and being by me duly sworn, said that each is the herein described and authorized officer of The Guarantee Company of North America USA; that the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company;that the Corporate Seal and each signature were duly affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said company. Cynthia A. Takai IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand at The Guarantee A.:It.t`- Notary Public,State of Michigan Company of North America USA offices the day and year above written. . c, t - County of Oakland My Commission Expires February 27,2024 e.?ptie-1...w..eul a.- ---rajlee,...4_, Acting in Oakland County I,Randall Musselman,Secretary of THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA,do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Power of Attorney executed by THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA,which is still in full force and effect. !OJ?"TE-E,off jj IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have thereunto set my hand and attached the seal of said Company this 4th day of May 2020 I ti� 7,Z _ , _, \iNamt, Randall Musselman,Secretary P e THE GUARANTEE' TEXAS CONSUMER NOTICE 1. IMPORTANT NOTICE AVISO IMPORTANTE To obtain information or make a complaint: Para obtener informacion o presenter una queja: 2. You may contact your agent at: Puede contactar a su agente en: 3. You may call The Guarantee Company of North Puede Ilamar al numero de telefono gratuito de America USA's toll-free telephone number for The Guarantee Company of North America USA information or to make a complaint at: para obtener informacion o presenter una queja en: 1-866-328-0567 1-866-328-0567 4. You may also write to The Guarantee Company of Tambien puede escribir a The Guarantee Company of North America USA at: North America USA a; One Towne Square, Suite 1470 One Towne Square, Suite 1470 Southfield, Michigan 48076 Southfield, Michigan 48076 Web: www.thequaranteeus.com Web: www.thequaranteeus.com E-mail: Claims.US(ca�i.thequarantee.com E-mail: Claims.US(a�thequarantee.com Fax: 248-750-0431 Fax: 248-750-0431 5. You may contact the Texas Department of Puede comunicarse con el Departamento de Seguros de Insurance to obtain information on companies, Texas para obtener informacion sobre companies, coverages, rights or complaints at: 1-800-252- coberturas, derechos o quejas en: 1-800-252-3439 3439 6. You may write the Texas Department of Puede escribir al Departamento de Seguros de Insurance: Texas: 333 Guadalupe Street 333 Guadalupe Street P.O. Box 149104 P.O. Box 149104 Austin, TX 78701 Austin, TX 78701 Fax: (512)490-1007 Fax: (512)490-1007 Web: http://ww.tdi.texas.gov Web: http://ww.tdi.texas.gov E-mail: ConsumerProtection @,,tdi.texas.gov E-mail: ConsumerProtectiontdi.texas.gov 7. PREMIUM OR CLAIM DISPUTES: DISPUTAS PREMIUM 0 DE RECLAMACION: Should you have a dispute concerning your Si tiene una disputa sobre su prima o sobre un reclamo, premium or about a claim you should contact the debe comunicarse primero con el (agente)(compania) (agent)(company)(agent or the company)first. If agente o la compania). Si la disputa no se resuelve, the dispute is not resolved, you may contact the puede comunicarse con el Departamento de Seguros de Texas Department of Insurance. Texas(TDI). 8. ATTACH THIS NOTICE TO YOUR POLICY: ADJUNTE ESTE AVISO A SU POLITICA: Este aviso es This notice is for information only and does not solo para informacion y no se convierte en parte o become a part or condition of the attached condicion del documento adjunto. document. Rev 10/10/2019 Page 1 of 1 The Guarantee Company of North America,USA T 248 281 0281 I 1 866 328 0567 248 750 0431 One Towne Square,Suite'1470,Southfield,MI USA 48076 theguaranteeus.com I Excellence„Expertise,Experience Every time CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE Instruction Sheet 1. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE FORM The City of Round Rock's Certificate of Liability Insurance form provided herein or a standard ACORD form. 2. PRODUCER and INSURED -Please list name, address,phone number and e-mail. 3. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE — TDI number required. The TDI number can be obtained from the Texas Dept of Insurance Website: http://www.tdi.state.tx.us/.—Company Lookup. Note:Exception to this rule. In certain instances where there is unusual risks involved,Surplus Lines Insurance Carriers can be used.Below are the guidelines: a. Insurance Company does not have to be"licensed in Texas",but they do have to be"eliiible for a Texas license." Please verify with the Texas Dept of Insurance Website:http://www.tdi.state.tx.us/.—Company Lookup b. Policy has to be written by licensed surplus lines Agent. Also verify with the Texas Dept of Insurance Website: http://www.tdi.state.tx.us/-Agent Lookup 4. TYPES OF INSURANCE COVERAGE— CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT: Please double check the General Conditions and the Supplemental General Conditions for the types and amounts of insurance required. The Supplemental General Conditions usually state the following: a. Business Automobile Liability Insurance b. Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability Insurance c. Commercial General Liability Insurance d. Builders' Risk Insurance— (Generally required for all "vertical" construction. Check with Project Manager for requirements.) FOR ALL OTHER CONTRACTS, PLEASE REFER TO THE INSURANCE SECTION FOR TYPE OF INSURANCE REQUIRED. (For example Engineering Service Contracts usually require"professional liability insurance".) 5. EFFECTIVE DATE &EXPIRATION DATE Please make sure dates are current. 6. City of Round Rock must be listed on the Certificate of Insurance as an additional insured (except Workers Compensation and Builders Risk). 7. Certificate must indicate that the insurance Company must give the City of Round Rock notice of any changes, cancellation, etc. at least thirty(30)days prior to date of change. 8. Make sure Certificate is signed by an Agent Licensed in the State of Texas, this can also be found on the Texas Department of Insurance website—www.tdi.state.tx.us—Agent Lookup. Client#:48394 ALPHAPAV ACORDTM CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) 5/14/2020 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND,EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW.THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT:If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement.A statement on this certificate does not confer any rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT NAME: Carla West The Nitsche Group PHONE 979-540-2208 FAX 143 East Austin (A/c,No,Ext): (A/C,No): E-MAIL rou carlaw thenitsche com Giddings,TX 78942-3299 ADDRESS: 9 p• 979 542-3666 INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIL# INSURER A:National Fire Insurance Hartford 20478 INSURED INSURER B:Continental Casualty Company 20443 Alpha Paving Industries, LLC Texas Mutual Insurance Company 22945 P.O.Box 6565 INSURER C: p y INSURER D:Westchester Surplus Lines Insurance Co. 10172 Round Rock,TX 78683 INSURER E: INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR ADDL SUBR POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE INSR WVD POLICY NUMBER (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY) LIMITS A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 6080114377 02/15/2020 02/15/2021 EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,000 CLAIMS-MADE X OCCUR DAMAGE occurrrence) $100,000 X PD Ded:1,000 MED EXP(Any one person) $15,000 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $1,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $2,000,000 PRO- POLICY X JECT LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OPAGG $2,000,000 OTHER: $ B AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY 6080114380 02/15/2020 02/15/2021 (EOa aBcideDtSINGLE LIMIT $1,000,000 X ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ OWNED SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ AUTOS ONLY AUTOS HIRED NON-OWNED X AUTOS ONLY X AUTOS ONLY PROPERTY(Per accident)DAMAGE $ B x UMBRELLA LIAB X OCCUR 6080114413 02/15/2020 02/15/2021 EACH OCCURRENCE $10,000,000 EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE $10,000,000 DED X RETENTION$10000 $ C WORKERS COMPENSATION 0001282892 02/15/2020 02/15/2021 X STATUTE EORH AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE Y/N E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $1,000,000 OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? N N/A (Mandatory in NH) E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $1,000,000 If yes,describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $1,000,000 D Poll Liab Agg/Occ G71491134002 02/15/2020 02/15/2021 2,000,000/2,000,000 D Poll Liab Agg/OCC G70920360002 02/15/2020 02/15/2021 2,000,000/2,000,000 Deductible 10,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES(ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached if more space is required) 2019 Street Maintenance Program-Project B As per policy provision, Certificate Holder is listed as additional insured in regard to the auto and general liability policies as provided by additional insured endorsement. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION City of Round Rock SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN 221 East Main Street ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Round Rock,TX 78664 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION.All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016/03) 1 of 1 The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD #S868374/M856588 535 CNA CNA PARAMOUNT Blanket Additional Insured - Owners, Lessees or Contractors - with Products-Completed Operations Coverage Endorsement This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART It is understood and agreed as follows: I. WHO IS AN INSURED is amended to include as an Insured any person or organization whom you are required by written contract to add as an additional insured on this coverage part,but only with respect to liability for bodily injury,property damage or personal and advertising injury caused in whole or in part by your acts or omissions, or the acts or omissions of those acting on your behalf: A. in the performance of your ongoing operations subject to such written contract;or B. in the performance of your work subject to such written contract, but only with respect to bodily injury or property damage included in the products-completed operations hazard,and only if: 1. the written contract requires you to provide the additional insured such coverage;and 2. this coverage part provides such coverage. IL But if the written contract requires: A. additional insured coverage under the 11-85 edition, 10-93 edition,or 10-01 edition of CG2010,or under the 10- 01 edition of CG2037;or B. additional insured coverage with"arising out of"language;or C. additional insured coverage to the greatest extent permissible by law; then paragraph I.above is deleted in its entirety and replaced by the following: WHO IS AN INSURED is amended to include as an Insured any person or organization whom you are required by written contract to add as an additional insured on this coverage part,but only with respect to liability for bodily injury,property damage or personal and advertising injury arising out of your work that is subject to such written contract. Ill. Subject always to the terms and conditions of this policy,including the limits of insurance,the Insurer will not provide such additional insured with: A. coverage broader than required by the written contract;or B. a higher limit of insurance than required by the written contract. IV. The insurance granted by this endorsement to the additional insured does not apply to bodily injury, property damage,or personal and advertising injury arising out of: A. the rendering of,or the failure to render,any professional architectural, engineering,or surveying services, including: 1. the preparing, approving, or failing to prepare or approve maps,shop drawings, opinions, reports,surveys, field orders,change orders or drawings and specifications;and 2. supervisory, inspection, architectural or engineering activities;or B. any premises or work for which the additional insured is specifically listed as an additional insured on another endorsement attached to this coverage part. V. Under COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS,the Condition entitled Other Insurance is amended to add the following,which supersedes any provision to the contrary in this Condition or elsewhere in this coverage part: CNA75079XX(10-16) Policy No: 6080114377 Page 1 of 2 Endorsement No: s Nat'l Fire Ins Co of Hartford Effective Date: 02/15/2020 Insured Name:ALPHA PAVING INDUSTRIES, LLC Copyright CNA All Rights Reserved. Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. CNA CNA PARAMOUNT Blanket Additional Insured - Owners, Lessees or Contractors - with Products-Completed Operations Coverage Endorsement Primary and Noncontributory Insurance With respect to other insurance available to the additional insured under which the additional insured is a named insured,this insurance is primary to and will not seek contribution from such other insurance, provided that a written contract requires the insurance provided by this policy to be: 1. primary and non-contributing with other insurance available to the additional insured;or 2. primary and to not seek contribution from any other insurance available to the additional insured. But except as specified above,this insurance will be excess of all other insurance available to the additional insured. VI. Solely with respect to the insurance granted by this endorsement,the section entitled COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS is amended as follows: The Condition entitled Duties In The Event of Occurrence, Offense,Claim or Suit is amended with the addition of the following: Any additional insured pursuant to this endorsement will as soon as practicable: 1. give the Insurer written notice of any claim,or any occurrence or offense which may result in a claim; 2. send the Insurer copies of all legal papers received,and otherwise cooperate with the Insurer in the investigation, defense,or settlement of the claim;and 3. make available any other insurance, and tender the defense and indemnity of any claim to any other insurer or self-insurer, whose policy or program applies to a loss that the Insurer covers under this coverage part. However, if the written contract requires this insurance to be primary and non-contributory,this paragraph 3.does not apply to insurance on which the additional insured is a named insured. The Insurer has no duty to defend or indemnify an additional insured under this endorsement until the Insurer receives written notice of a claim from the additional insured. VII. Solely with respect to the insurance granted by this endorsement,the section entitled DEFINITIONS is amended to add the following definition: Written contract means a written contract or written agreement that requires you to make a person or organization an additional insured on this coverage part,provided the contract or agreement: A. is currently in effect or becomes effective during the term of this policy;and B. was executed prior to: 1. the bodily injury or property damage;or 2. the offense that caused the personal and advertising injury; for which the additional insured seeks coverage. Any coverage granted by this endorsement shall apply solely to the extent permissible by law. All other terms and conditions of the Policy remain unchanged. This endorsement,which forms a part of and is for attachment to the Policy issued by the designated Insurers,takes effect on the effective date of said Policy at the hour stated in said Policy, unless another effective date is shown below, and expires concurrently with said Policy. CNA75079XX(10-16) Policy No: 6080114377 Page 2 of 2 Endorsement No: s Nat'1 Fire Ins Co of Hartford Effective Date: 02/15/2020 Insured Name:ALPHA PAVING INDUSTRIES, LLC Copyright CNA All Rights Reserved. Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,with its permission. 00700 GENERAL CONDITIONS City of Round Rock Contract Forms General Conditions Section 00700 TABLE OF CONTENTS OF GENERAL CONDITIONS Article Page Number& Title Number 1. DEFINITIONS 2 2. PRELIMINARY MATTERS 5 3. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: INTENT, AMENDING, REUSE 7 4. AVAILABILITY OF LANDS; SUBSURFACE AND PHYSICAL CONDITIONS; REFERENCE POINTS 8 5. BONDS AND INSURANCE 10 6. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES 15 7. OTHER WORK 23 8. OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 24 9. ENGINEER/ARCHITECT'S STATUS DURING CONSTRUCTION 24 10. CHANGES IN THE WORK 26 11. CHANGE OF CONTRACT AMOUNT 27 12. CHANGE OF CONTRACT TIMES 29 13. TESTS AND INSPECTIONS;AND CORRECTION OR REMOVAL OF DEFECTIVE WORK 31 14. PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR AND COMPLETION 33 15. SUSPENSION OF WORK AND TERMINATION 37 16. DISPUTE RESOLUTION 39 17 RIGHT TO AUDIT 40 18. MISCELLANEOUS 41 00700 11-2017 Page 1 General Conditions 00162837 GENERAL CONDITIONS ARTICLE 1 -DEFINITIONS Whenever used in these General Conditions or in the other Contract Documents the following terms have the meanings indicated which are applicable to both the singular and plural thereof: 1.1 Addenda - Written or graphic instruments issued prior to the receipt of Proposals or the opening of Bids that clarify, correct or change the proposal or bidding requirements or the Contract Documents. 1.2 Agreement-Prescribed form, referenced as Section 00500. 1.3 Alternative Dispute Resolution-The process by which a disputed Claim may be settled if the OWNER and L_ litigation. _L'�._ the CONTRACTOR cannot reach an agreement between themselves, as an alternative to litigation. 1.4 Bid - Proposal of bidder on prescribed forms setting forth prices for performing the Work described in the Contract Documents. 1.5 Bid Documents-The advertisement or invitation for bids, instructions to bidders,the bid form, the Contract Documents and Addenda. 1.6 Calendar Day-Any day of the week; no days being excepted. Work on Saturdays, Sundays, and/or Legal Holidays shall only be conducted with prior express written consent of the OWNER. 1.7 Change Directive-A written directive to the CONTRACTOR, signed by the OWNER, ordering a change in the Work and stating a proposed basis for adjustment, if any, in the Contract Amount or Contract Time, or both. A Change Directive may be used in the absence of total agreement on the terms of a Change Order. A Change Directive does not change the Contract Amount or Contract Time, but is evidence that the parties expect that the change directed or documented by a Change Directive will be incorporated in a subsequently issued Change Order. 1.8 Change Orders - Written agreements entered into between the CONTRACTOR and the OWNER authorizing an addition, deletion, or revision to the Contract, issued on or after the Execution Date of the Agreement and within the Contract term. 1.9 Claim - A written demand seeking, as a matter of right, adjustment or interpretation of Contract terms, payment of money, extension of time or other relief with respect to the terms of the Contract. 1.10 Contract - The Contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR for performance of the Work, as evidenced by the Contract Documents. 1.11 Contract Amount-The amount payable by the OWNER to the CONTRACTOR for completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 1.12 Contract Documents—Invitation to Bid, Instructions to Bidders, General Conditions, Supplemental General Conditions, Special Conditions, Technical Specifications, Project Manual, Drawings,Addenda and Change Orders. 1.13 Contract Time-The number of days allowed for completion of the Work as defined by the Contract. When any period is referred to in days, it will be computed to exclude the first and include the last day of such period. A day of twenty-four(24) hours measured from midnight to the next midnight will constitute a day. 1.14 CONTRACTOR - The individual, firm, corporation, or other business entity with whom the OWNER has entered into the Contract. 1.15 Drawings - Those portions of the Contract Documents which are graphic representations of the scope, extent and character of the Work to be furnished and performed by the CONTRACTOR and which have been 00700 11-2017 Page 2 General Conditions approved by the OWNER. Drawings may include plans, elevations, sections, details, schedules and diagrams. Shop Drawings are not Drawings as so defined. 1.16 Engineer/Architect(E/A) -The OWNER's design professional identified as such in the Contract. The titles of "Architect/Engineer," "Architect" and "Engineer" used in the Contract Documents shall be read the same as Engineer/Architect (E/A). Nothing contained in the Contract Documents shall create any contractual or agency relationship between E/A and the CONTRACTOR. 1.17 Equal-The terms "equal"or"approved equal" shall have the same meaning. 1.18 Execution Date- Date of last signature of the parties to the Agreement. 1.19 Field Order-A written order issued by Owner's Representative which orders minor changes in the Work and which does not involve a change in the Contract Amount or the Contract Time. 1.20 Final Acceptance— The stage in the Contract process when, in the OWNER's opinion, Final Completion of the Work has been attained and a Certificate of Acceptance approved by the OWNER is issued. 1.21 Final Completion -The stage in the progress of the Work when, in the OWNER's opinion, the entire Work has been completed, the CONTRACTOR's obligations under the Contract Documents have been fulfilled, and the OWNER is processing or has made final payment to the CONTRACTOR, as evidenced by a Certificate of Acceptance approved by the OWNER. 1.22 Inspector-The authorized representative of any regulatory agency that has jurisdiction over any portion of the Work. 1.23 Legal Holidays 1.23.1 The following are recognized by the OWNER: Holiday Date Observed New Year's Day January 1 Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Third Monday Birthday in January President's Day Third Monday in February Memorial Day Last Monday in May Independence Day July 4 Labor Day First Monday in September Veteran's Day November 11 Thanksgiving Day Fourth Thursday in November Friday after Friday after Thanksgiving Thanksgiving 00700 11-2017 Page 3 General Conditions Christmas Eve December 24 Christmas Day December 25 1.23.2 If a Legal Holiday falls on Saturday, it will be observed on the preceding Friday. If a Legal Holiday falls on Sunday, it will be observed on the following Monday. 1.23.3 If Christmas Eve falls on a Saturday or a Sunday, the preceding Friday is observed as the Christmas Eve holiday. 1.23.4 If Christmas Day falls on a Saturday or a Sunday, the following Monday is observed as the Christmas Day holiday. 1.24 Milestones-A significant event specified in the Contract Documents relating to an intermediate completion date or time prior to Substantial Completion of all the Work. 1.25 Notice to Proceed -A Written Notice given by the OWNER to the CONTRACTOR fixing the date on which the Contract Times will commence to run and on which the CONTRACTOR shall start to perform the CONTRACTOR's obligations under the Contract Documents. 1.26 OWNER—The City of Round Rock,Texas,a municipal corporation, home-rule city and political subdivision organized and existing under the laws of the State of Texas, acting through the City Manager or his/her designee, officers, agents or employees to administer design and construction of the Project. 1.27 Owner's Representative-The designated representative of the OWNER. 1.28 Partial Occupancy or Use - Use by the OWNER of a partially completed part of the Work for the purpose for which it is intended (or a related purpose) prior to Substantial Completion of all the Work. 1.29 Project -The total construction of which the Work to be provided under the Contract Documents may be the whole, or a part, as indicated elsewhere in the Contract Documents. 1.30 Project Manual - That portion of the Contract Documents which may include the following: introductory information; bidding requirements, Contract forms and General and Supplemental General Conditions; General Requirements; Specifications; Drawings; Project Safety Manual; and Addenda. 1.31 Proposal —Proposal of Offeror, under Local Government Code §271.113 providing for alternative project delivery methods, on prescribed forms setting forth prices for performing the Work described in the Contract Documents. 1.32 Proposal Documents—The advertisement or invitation for Proposals, Instruction to Offerors, the Proposal form, the Contract Documents and Addenda. 1.33 Resident Project Representative -The authorized representative of E/A who may be assigned to the site or any part thereof. 1.34 Shop Drawings -All drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules and other data or information which are specifically prepared or assembled by or for the CONTRACTOR and submitted by the CONTRACTOR as required by the Contract Documents. 1.35 Specifications -Those portions of the Contract Documents consisting of written technical descriptions as applied to the Work, which set forth to the CONTRACTOR, in detail, the requirements which must be met by all materials, equipment, construction systems, standards,workmanship, equipment and services in order to render a completed and useful project. 00700 11-2017 Page 4 General Conditions 1.36 Substantial Completion - The stage in the progress of the Work when the Work, or designated portions thereof, may still require minor modifications or adjustments but, in the OWNER's opinion,the Work has progressed to the point such that all parts of the Work under consideration are fully operational, as evidenced by a Certificate of Substantial Completion approved by the OWNER. 1.37 Subcontractor-An individual, firm, or corporation having a direct contract with the CONTRACTOR for the performance of a part of the Work. 1.38 Sub-subcontractor-A person or entity who has a direct or indirect contract with a Subcontractor to perform a portion of the Work. 1.39 Superintendent - The representative of the CONTRACTOR authorized in writing to receive and fulfill instructions from Owner's Representative, and who shall supervise and direct construction of the Work. 1.40 Supplemental General Conditions-The part of the Contract Documents which either amends or supplements the General Conditions. All General Conditions which are not so amended or so supplemented shall be considered as remaining in full force and effect. 1.41 Supplier-An individual or entity having a direct contract with the CONTRACTOR or with any Subcontractor to furnish materials or equipment to be incorporated in the Work by the CONTRACTOR or any Subcontractor. 1.42 Time Extension Request-An approved request for time extension on a form acceptable to the OWNER. 1.43 Work - The entire completed construction, or the various separately identifiable parts thereof, required to be furnished under the Contract Documents. 1.44 Working Day - Any day of the week, not including Saturdays, Sundays, or Legal Holidays, in which conditions not under the CONTRACTOR's control will permit work for at least seven(7) hours of the Working Times. Upon authorization by the Owner's Representative, work on Saturdays, Sundays and/or Legal Holidays may be allowed and in that event a Working Day will be counted for each such day. 1.45 Working Times — Times of day(s) during which work may be performed. Unless authorized by Owner's Representative, all Work shall be performed between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and, if previously authorized as provided for in paragraph 1.44 or paragraph 1.6 herein, as applicable, between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Saturdays, Sundays or Legal Holidays. When the CONTRACTOR has been authorized to perform Work during hours outside Working Times, such hours shall be considered time worked on Working Day contracts. Notwithstanding the preceding, emergency work may be done without prior permission only as provided in paragraph 6.11.5 herein. 1.46 Written Notice-Written communication between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR. Written Notice shall be deemed to have been duly served if delivered in person to Owner's Representative or to the CONTRACTOR's duly authorized representative, or if such Written Notice is delivered to or sent by registered or certified mail to the attention of Owner's Representative or to the CONTRACTOR's duly authorized representative at the last business address known to the party giving notice. ARTICLE 2 -PRELIMINARY MATTERS 2.1 Delivery of Agreement, Bonds, Insurance, and Other Documentation: Within ten (10)Calendar Days after written notification of award of Contract, the CONTRACTOR shall deliver to the OWNER signed Agreement, Bond(s), Insurance Certificate(s) and other documentation required for execution of the Contract. 00700 11-2017 Page 5 General Conditions 2.2 Copies of Documents: The OWNER shall furnish to the CONTRACTOR two (2) copies of the Contract Documents unless otherwise specified. 2.3 Commencement of Contract Times; Notice to Proceed: The Contract Time(s) will begin to run on the day indicated in the Notice to Proceed. Notice to Proceed will be given at any time within sixty (60) Calendar Days after the Execution Date of the Agreement, unless extended by written agreement of the parties. 2.4 Before Starting Construction: 2.4.1 No Work shall be done at the site prior to the preconstruction conference without the OWNER's approval. Before undertaking each part of the Work, the CONTRACTOR shall carefully study and compare the Contract Documents and check and verify pertinent figures shown thereon and all applicable field measurements. The CONTRACTOR shall promptly report in writing to Owner's Representative any conflict, error, ambiguity or discrepancy which the CONTRACTOR may discover and shall obtain a written interpretation or clarification from Owner's Representative before proceeding with any Work affected thereby. The CONTRACTOR shall be liable to the OWNER for failure to report any conflict, error, ambiguity or discrepancy in the Contract Documents of which the CONTRACTOR knew or reasonably should have known. 2.4.2 The CONTRACTOR shall submit the following to Owner's Representative for review and approval no later than the preconstruction conference: .1 a preliminary progress schedule indicating the times (number of days or dates) for starting and completing the various stages of the Work, including any Milestones specified in the Contract Documents, identifying when all Subcontractors will be utilized, and taking into consideration any limitations on Working Hours; .2 a preliminary schedule of Shop Drawing and sample submittals; .3 a preliminary schedule of values for all of the Work, subdivided into component parts in sufficient detail to serve as the basis for progress payments during construction. Such prices will include an appropriate amount of overhead and profit applicable to each item of Work; .4 a letter designating CONTRACTOR's Superintendent; .5 a letter from the CONTRACTOR and Subcontractor(s) listing any salaried specialists; .6 if applicable, a letter designating the "Competent Person(s)" on general safety and trench safety measures; .7 if applicable, a trench safety system plan; .8 if applicable, a plan illustrating proposed locations of temporary facilities; .9 if applicable, a traffic control plan; .10 a completed Non-Use of Asbestos Affidavit(Prior to Construction); and .11 if applicable, a letter designating the Texas Registered Professional Land Surveyor for layout of the Work. 00700 11-2017 Page 6 General Conditions 2.5 Preconstruction Conference: Prior to commencement of Work at the site, a preconstruction conference attended by the CONTRACTOR, Owner's Representative and others will be held. 2.6 Initially Acceptable Schedules: Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, the CONTRACTOR shall obtain approval of Owner's Representative on final versions of the schedules submitted in accordance with paragraph 2.4.2 before the first progress payment will be made to the CONTRACTOR. The progress schedule must provide for an orderly progression of the Work to completion within any specified Milestones and Contract Times. Acceptance of the schedule by Owner's Representative will neither impose on Owner's Representative responsibility for the sequencing, scheduling or progress of the Work nor interfere with or relieve the CONTRACTOR from the CONTRACTOR's full responsibility therefor. The CONTRACTOR's schedule of Shop Drawings and sample submissions must provide an arrangement agreeable to the parties for reviewing and processing the required submittals. ARTICLE 3 -CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: INTENT,AMENDING, REUSE 3.1 Intent: 3.1.1 The intent of the Contract Documents is to include all information necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work by the CONTRACTOR. The Contract Documents are complementary, and what is required by one shall be as binding as if required by all. In cases of disagreement, the following order of precedence shall govern (top item receiving priority of interpretation): Signed Agreement Addenda to the Contract Documents Special Conditions Supplemental General Conditions General Conditions Other Bidding Requirements and Contract Forms Special Provisions to the Standard Technical Specifications Special Specifications Standard Technical Specifications Drawings (figured dimensions shall govern over scaled dimensions) Project Safety manual, if applicable 3.1.2 Unless otherwise stated in the Contract Documents,words which have well-known technical or construction industry meanings are used in the Contract Documents in accordance with such recognized meanings. 3.2 Reporting and Resolving Discrepancies: If, during the performance of the Work, the CONTRACTOR discovers any conflict, error, ambiguity or discrepancy within the Contract Documents or between the Contract Documents and any provisions of any such law or regulation applicable to the performance of the Work or of any such standard, specification, manual or code or instructions of any Supplier, the CONTRACTOR shall immediately report it to Owner's Representative in writing, and the CONTRACTOR shall not proceed with the Work affected thereby until an amendment or supplement to the Contract Documents has been issued by one of the methods indicated in paragraph 3.3.1 or paragraph 3.3.2. The CONTRACTOR shall be liable to the OWNER for failure to report any such conflict, error, ambiguity or discrepancy of which the CONTRACTOR knew or reasonably should have known. 3.3 Amending and Supplementing Contract Documents: 00700 11-2017 Page 7 General Conditions 3.3.1 The Contract Documents may be amended to provide for additions, deletions and revisions in the Work or to modify the terms and conditions thereof in one or more of the following ways: .1 Change Order. .2 Change Directive. .3 Time Extension Request. 3.3.2 In addition, the requirements of the Contract Documents may be supplemented, and minor variations and deviations in the Work may be authorized, in one or more of the following ways: .1 Field Order. .2 Review of a Shop Drawing or sample. .3 Written interpretation or clarification. 3.4 Reuse of Documents Prohibited: The CONTRACTOR and any Subcontractor or Supplier or other person or organization performing or furnishing any of the Work under a direct or indirect contract with the OWNER: (i) shall not have or acquire any title to or ownership rights in any of the Drawings, Specifications or other documents (or copies of any thereof) prepared by or bearing the seal of E/A or E/A's consultants, and (ii) shall not reuse any of such Drawings, Specifications, other documents or copies on extensions of the Project or any other project without written consent of the OWNER and E/A. ARTICLE 4 - AVAILABILITY OF LANDS; SUBSURFACE AND PHYSICAL CONDITIONS; REFERENCE POINTS 4.1 Availability of Lands: The OWNER shall furnish, as indicated in the Contract Documents, all required rights to use the lands upon which the Work is to be performed, rights-of-way and easements for access thereto, and such other lands which are designated for the use of the CONTRACTOR. The OWNER shall identify any encumbrances or restrictions not of general application but specifically related to use of lands so furnished with which the CONTRACTOR will have to comply in performing the Work. Easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facilities will be obtained and paid for by the OWNER, unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. If the OWNER fails to furnish these lands, rights-of-way or easements in a timely manner, the CONTRACTOR may make a Claim for adjustments in the Contract Times. The CONTRACTOR shall provide for all additional lands and access thereto that may be required for temporary construction facilities or storage of materials and equipment. 4.2 Subsurface and Physical Conditions: 4.2.1 The CONTRACTOR hereby covenants that it has examined the site of the proposed Work and is familiar with all of the conditions surrounding construction of the Project, having conducted all inquiries, tests and investigations deemed necessary and proper. 4.2.2 If conditions are encountered at the site which are (1) subsurface or otherwise concealed physical conditions that differ materially from those indicated in the Contract Documents or(2) unknown physical conditions of an unusual nature, that differ materially from those normally encountered in the type of work being performed under this Contract,then notice by the observing party shall be given to the other party promptly before conditions are disturbed and in no event later than seven (7) calendar days after first observance of the conditions. Owner's Representative will promptly investigate such conditions with E/A and, if they differ materially and cause an increase or decrease in the CONTRACTOR's cost of, or time required for, performance of any part of the Work, will 00700 11-2017 Page 8 General Conditions recommend an equitable adjustment in the Contract Amount or Contract Time, or both. If Owner's Representative determines that the conditions at the site are not materially different from those indicated in the Contract Documents and that no change in the terms of the Contract is justified, the CONTRACTOR shall be notified in writing, stating the reasons. Any disputes arising from Owner's Representative's determination shall be resolved in accordance with Article 16. 4.2.3 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Contract,the CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for the location and protection of any and all public lines and utility customer service lines in the Work area. For the purposes of this section, "public lines"means the utility distribution and supply system within public rights-of-way or easements, and "utility customer service lines" (service) means any utility line connecting a utility customer to the utility distribution system. Generally, existing service connections within right-of-way or easements are not shown on the Drawings. The CONTRACTOR shall notify the OWNER and "One Call"and exercise due care to locate and to mark, uncover or otherwise protect all such lines in the construction zone and any of the CONTRACTOR's work or storage areas. The CONTRACTOR's obligation hereunder shall be primary and nondelegable. The CONTRACTOR shall indemnify or reimburse such expenses or costs (including fines that may be levied against the OWNER)that may result from unauthorized or accidental damage to all public lines and utility customer service lines in the Work area. The OWNER reserves the right to repair such damage the CONTRACTOR may cause, at the CONTRACTOR's expense. 4.2.4 The CONTRACTOR shall take reasonable precaution to avoid disturbing primitive records and antiquities of archaeological, paleontological or historical significance. No objects of this nature shall be disturbed without written permission of the OWNER and the Texas Department of Antiquities Protection. When such objects are uncovered unexpectedly, the CONTRACTOR shall stop all Work in close proximity and notify Owner's Representative and the Texas Department of Antiquities Protection of their presence and shall not disturb them until written permission and permit to do so is granted. All primitive rights and antiquities uncovered on the OWNER's property shall remain property of the State of Texas, the Texas Department of Antiquities Protection conforming to the Texas Natural Resources Code. If it is determined by the OWNER, in consultation with the Texas Department of Antiquities Protection, that exploration or excavation of primitive records or antiquities on Project site is necessary to avoid loss, the CONTRACTOR shall cooperate in salvage work attendant to preservation. If the Work stoppage or salvage work causes an increase in the CONTRACTOR's cost of, or time required for, performance of the Work, the Contract Amount and/or Contract Time may be equitably adjusted. 4.3 Reference Points: Unless otherwise specified, the OWNER will furnish all reference points, benchmarks, survey monuments, and control points which, in the OWNER's opinion, are suitable for laying out the Work. Such benchmarks and reference points will be placed at intervals not to exceed 1,500 feet. All reference points, benchmarks, survey monuments and control points shall be carefully preserved by the CONTRACTOR by use of flags, laths or other appropriate measures and, in case of destruction or removal by the CONTRACTOR or its employees, such reference points, benchmarks, survey monuments, and control points shall be replaced by a Registered Professional Land Surveyor at the CONTRACTOR's expense. When reference points, benchmarks, survey monuments, or control points are in conflict with the Work, then reestablishment will be the OWNER's responsibility during or upon completion of the Work. 4.4 Hazardous Materials: 4.4.1 The OWNER shall be responsible for any hazardous material uncovered or revealed at the site which was not shown, indicated or identified in the Contract Documents to be within the scope of the Work and which may present a substantial danger to persons or property exposed thereto in connection with the Work at the site. The CONTRACTOR shall immediately notify Owner's Representative of any suspected hazardous materials encountered before or during performance of the Work and shall take all necessary precautions to avoid further disturbance of the materials. 4.4.2 The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for any hazardous materials brought to the site by the CONTRACTOR, Subcontractor, Suppliers or anyone else for whom the CONTRACTOR is responsible. 00700 11-2017 Page 9 General Conditions 4.4.3 No asbestos-containing materials shall be incorporated into the Work or brought on the Project site without prior approval of the OWNER. ARTICLE 5-BONDS AND INSURANCE 5.1 Surety and Insurance Companies: All bonds and insurance required by the Contract Documents shall be obtained from solvent surety or insurance companies that are duly licensed by the State of Texas and authorized to issue bonds or insurance policies for the limits and coverages required by the Contract Documents. The bonds shall be in a form acceptable to the OWNER and shall be issued by a surety which complies with the requirements of Art. 7.19-1, Texas Insurance Code(1997) and which is otherwise acceptable to the OWNER. OWNER may require the surety to obtain reinsurance for any portion of the risk that exceeds 10% of the surety's capital and surplus. For bonds exceeding $100,000, the surety must also hold a certificate of authority from the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury or have obtained reinsurance from a reinsurer that is authorized as a reinsurer in Texas and holds a certificate of authority from the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury. 5.2 Workers' Compensation Insurance Coverage: 5.2.1 Definitions: .1 Certificate of coverage ("certificate") -A copy of a certificate of insurance, a certificate of authority to self-insure issued by the commission, or a coverage agreement showing statutory workers' compensation insurance coverage for the person's or entity's employees providing services on the Project, for the duration of the Project. .2 Duration of the Project - includes the time from the beginning of the Work on the Project until the CONTRACTOR's/person's Work on the Project has been completed and accepted by the OWNER. .3 Persons providing services on the Project ("subcontractor" herein) - includes all persons or entities performing all or part of the services the CONTRACTOR has undertaken to perform on the Project, regardless of whether that person contracted directly with the CONTRACTOR and regardless of whether that person has employees. This includes, by way of illustration and not of limitation, independent contractors, Subcontractors, leasing companies, motor carriers, owner-operators, employees of any such entity, or employees of any entity which furnishes persons to provide services on the Project. "Services" include, without limitation, providing, hauling, or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor, transportation, or other service related to a project. "Services" does not include activities unrelated to the Project, such as food/beverage vendors, office supply deliveries, and delivery of portable toilets. 5.2.2 The CONTRACTOR shall provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011(44)for all employees of the CONTRACTOR providing services on the Project, for the duration of the Project. 5.2.3 The OWNER will not execute the Contract prior to the CONTRACTOR providing all required certificates of coverage. 5.2.4 If the coverage period shown on the CONTRACTOR's current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the Project, the CONTRACTOR must, prior to the end of the coverage period, file a new certificate of coverage with the OWNER showing that coverage has been extended. 5.2.5 The CONTRACTOR shall obtain from each person providing services on the Project, and provide to the OWNER: 00700 11-2017 Page 10 General Conditions .1 a certificate of coverage, prior to that person beginning Work on the Project, so the OWNER will have on file certificates of coverage showing coverage for all persons providing services on the Project; and .2 no later than seven (7)days after receipt by the CONTRACTOR, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the Project. 5.2.6 The CONTRACTOR shall retain all required certificates of coverage for the duration of the Project and for one(1)year thereafter. 5.2.7 The CONTRACTOR shall notify the OWNER in writing by certified mail or personal delivery within ten (10) days after the CONTRACTOR knew or should have known of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the Project. 5.2.8 The CONTRACTOR shall post at its office or on each Project site a notice, in the text, form and manner prescribed by the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission, informing all persons providing services on the Project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify coverage and report lack of coverage. 5.2.9 The CONTRACTOR shall contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services on a Project to: .1 provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011(44)for all of its employees providing services on the Project, for the duration of the Project; .2 provide to the CONTRACTOR, prior to that person beginning Work on the Project, a certificate of coverage showing that coverage is being provided for all employees of the person providing services on the Project, for the duration of the Project; .3 provide the CONTRACTOR, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the Project; .4 obtain from each other person with whom it contracts, and provide to the CONTRACTOR: a) a certificate of coverage, prior to the other person beginning Work on the Project; and b) a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, prior to the end of the coverage period, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the Project; .5 retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the Project and for one (1) year thereafter; .6 notify the OWNER in writing by certified mail or personal delivery within ten (10) days after the person knew or should have known of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the Project; and .7 contractually require each person with whom it contracts, to perform as required by paragraphs -, with the certificates of coverage to be provided to the person for whom they are providing services. 5.2.10 By signing this Contract or providing or causing to be provided a certificate of coverage, the CONTRACTOR is representing to the OWNER that all employees of the CONTRACTOR who will provide services 00700 11-2017 Page 11 General Conditions on the Project will be covered by workers'compensation coverage for the duration of the Project, that the coverage will be based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts, and that all coverage agreements will be filed with the appropriate insurance carrier or, in the case of a self-insured, with the commission's Division of Self-Insurance Regulation. Providing false or misleading information may subject the CONTRACTOR to administrative penalties, criminal penalties, civil penalties, or other civil actions. 5.2.11 The CONTRACTOR's failure to comply with any of these provisions is a breach of Contract by the CONTRACTOR which entitles the OWNER to declare the Contract void if the CONTRACTOR does not remedy the breach within ten (10) days after receipt of notice of breach from the OWNER. 5.3 Contractor Insurance Requirements: For specific bond requirements and additional insurance requirements, refer to the Supplemental General Conditions. General Requirements: .1 CONTRACTOR shall carry insurance in the types and amounts indicated below for the duration of the Contract, which shall include items owned by OWNER in the care, custody and control of CONTRACTOR prior to and during construction and warranty period. .2 CONTRACTOR must complete and forward the required Certificates of Insurance to OWNER before the Contract is executed as verification of coverage required below. CONTRACTOR shall not commence Work until the required insurance is obtained and until such insurance has been reviewed by OWNER. Approval of insurance by OWNER shall not relieve or decrease the liability of CONTRACTOR hereunder and shall not be construed to be a limitation of liability on the part of CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR must also complete and forward the required Certificates of Insurance to OWNER whenever a previously identified policy period has expired as verification of continuing coverage. .3 CONTRACTOR's insurance coverage is to be written by companies licensed to do business in the State of Texas at the time the policies are issued and shall be written by companies with A.M. Best ratings of B+VII or better, except for hazardous material insurance which shall be written by companies with A.M. Best ratings of A-or better. .4 All endorsements naming the OWNER as additional insured, waivers, and notices of cancellation endorsements as well as the Certificate of Insurance shall indicate: City of Round Rock, 221 E. Main St., Round Rock, Texas 78664. .5 The "other" insurance clause shall not apply to the OWNER where the OWNER is an additional insured shown on any policy. It is intended that policies required in the Contract, covering both OWNER and CONTRACTOR, shall be considered primary coverage as applicable. .6 If insurance policies are not written for amounts specified below, CONTRACTOR shall carry Umbrella or Excess Liability Insurance for any differences in amounts specified. If Excess Liability Insurance is provided, it shall follow the form of the primary coverage. .7 OWNER shall be entitled, upon request and without expense, to receive certified copies of policies and endorsements thereto and may make any reasonable requests for deletion or revision or modification of particular policy terms, conditions, limitations, or exclusions except where policy provisions are established by law or regulations binding upon either of the parties hereto or the underwriter on any such policies. .8 OWNER reserves the right to review the insurance requirements set forth during the effective period of this Contract and to make reasonable adjustments to insurance coverage, limits, and exclusions when deemed necessary and prudent by OWNER based upon changes in statutory law, 00700 11-2017 Page 12 General Conditions court decisions, the claims history of the industry or financial condition of the insurance company as well as CONTRACTOR. .9 CONTRACTOR shall not cause any insurance to be canceled nor permit any insurance to lapse during the term of the Contract or as required in the Contract. .10 CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for premiums, deductibles and self-insured retentions, if any, stated in policies. All deductibles or self-insured retentions shall be disclosed on the Certificate of Insurance. .11 CONTRACTOR shall provide OWNER thirty (30) days written notice of erosion of the aggregate limits below occurrence limits for all applicable coverages indicted within the Contract. .12 If OWNER-owned property is being transported or stored off-site by CONTRACTOR, then the appropriate property policy will be endorsed for transit and storage in an amount sufficient to protect OWNER's property. .13 The insurance coverages required under this contract are required minimums and are not intended to limit the responsibility or liability of CONTRACTOR. Business Automobile Liability Insurance. Provide coverage for all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles. The policy shall contain the following endorsements in favor of OWNER: a) Waiver of Subrogation endorsement TE 2046A; b) 30 day Notice of Cancellation endorsement TE 0202A; and c) Additional Insured endorsement TE 9901 B. Provide coverage in the following types and amounts: .1 A minimum combined single limit of$500,000 per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. Alternate acceptable limits are $250,000 bodily injury per person, $500,000 bodily injury per occurrence and at least$100,000 property damage liability each accident. Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability Insurance: Coverage shall be consistent with statutory benefits outlined in the Texas Workers' Compensation Act (Section 401). CONTRACTOR shall assure compliance with this Statute by submitting two (2)copies of a standard certificate of coverage (e.g. ACCORD form) to Owner's Representative for every person providing services on the Project as acceptable proof of coverage. The required Certificate of Insurance must be presented as evidence of coverage for CONTRACTOR. Workers' Compensation Insurance coverage written by the Texas Workers Compensation Fund is acceptable to OWNER. CONTRACTOR's policy shall apply to the State of Texas and include these endorsements in favor of OWNER: a) Waiver of Subrogation, form WC 420304; and b) 30 day Notice of Cancellation, form WC 420601. The minimum policy limits for Employers' Liability Insurance coverage shall be as follows: .1 $100,000 bodily injury per accident, $500,000 bodily injury by disease policy limit and $100,000 bodily injury by disease each employee. 00700 11-2017 Page 13 General Conditions Commercial General Liability Insurance. The Policy shall contain the following provisions: a) Blanket contractual liability coverage for liability assumed under the Contract and all contracts relative to this Project. b) Completed Operations/Products Liability for the duration of the warranty period. c) Explosion, Collapse and Underground (X, C & U)coverage. d) Independent Contractors coverage. e) Aggregate limits of insurance per project, endorsement CG 2503. f) OWNER listed as an additional insured, endorsement CG 2010. g) 30 day notice of cancellation in favor of OWNER, endorsement CG 0205. h) Waiver of Transfer of Recovery Against Others in favor of OWNER, endorsement CG 2404. Provide coverages A&B with minimum limits as follows: .1 A combined bodily injury and property damage limit of$500,000 per occurrence. Builders' Risk Insurance. CONTRACTOR shall maintain Builders' Risk Insurance or Installation Insurance on an all risk physical loss form in the Contract Amount. Coverage shall continue until the Work is accepted by OWNER. OWNER shall be a loss payee on the policy. If off site storage is permitted, coverage shall include transit and storage in an amount sufficient to protect property being transported or stored. 5.4 Bonds: 5.4.1 General. .1 Bonds, when required, shall be executed on forms furnished by or acceptable to OWNER. All bonds signed by an agent must be accompanied by a certified copy of such agent's authority to act. .2 If the surety on any bond furnished by CONTRACTOR is declared bankrupt or becomes insolvent or its right to do business is terminated in the State of Texas or it ceases to meet the requirements of the preceding paragraph, CONTRACTOR shall within ten (10)days thereafter substitute another bond and surety, both of which must be acceptable to OWNER. .3 When Performance Bonds and/or Payment Bonds are required, each shall be issued in an amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Amount as security for the faithful performance and/or payment of all CONTRACTOR's obligations under the Contract Documents. Performance Bonds and Payment Bonds shall be issued by a solvent surety company authorized to do business in the State of Texas, and shall meet any other requirements established by law or by OWNER pursuant to applicable law. Any surety duly authorized to do business in Texas may write Performance and Payment Bonds on a project without reinsurance to the limit of 10 percent of its capital and surplus. Such a surety must reinsure any obligations over 10 percent. 5.4.2 Performance Bond. 00700 11-2017 Page 14 General Conditions .1 If the Contract Amount exceeds $100,000, CONTRACTOR shall furnish OWNER with a Performance Bond in the form set out by OWNER. .2 If the Contract Amount exceeds $25,000 but is less than or equal to $100,000, CONTRACTOR shall furnish OWNER with a Performance Bond in the form set out by OWNER, unless the original Contract Time is 60 Calendar Days/40 Working Days or less, in which case CONTRACTOR can agree to the following terms and conditions for payment in lieu of providing a Performance Bond: no money will be paid to CONTRACTOR until completion and acceptance of the Work by OWNER; CONTRACTOR shall be entitled to receive 95%of the Contract Amount following Final Completion, and the remaining 5%of the Contract Amount following the one year warranty period. .3 If the Contract Amount is less than or equal to $25,000, CONTRACTOR will not be required to furnish a Performance Bond; provided that no money will be paid to CONTRACTOR until completion and acceptance of the Work by OWNER under the following terms and conditions: CONTRACTOR shall be entitled to receive 95%of the Contract Amount following Final Completion, and the remaining 5%of the Contract Amount following the one year warranty period. .4 If a Performance Bond is required to be furnished, it shall extend for the one year warranty period. 5.4.3 Payment Bond. .1 If the Contract Amount exceeds $25,000, CONTRACTOR shall furnish OWNER with a Payment Bond in the form set out by OWNER. .2 If the Contract Amount is less than or equal to $25,000, CONTRACTOR will not be required to furnish a Payment Bond; provided that no money will be paid to CONTRACTOR until completion and acceptance of the Work by OWNER under the terms and conditions specified in paragraph ARTICLE 6 -CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES 6.1 Supervision and Superintendence: 6.1.1 The CONTRACTOR shall supervise, inspect and direct the Work competently and efficiently, devoting such attention thereto and applying such skills and expertise as may be necessary to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Unless otherwise directed by the OWNER in the Contract Documents, the CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. 6.1.2 The CONTRACTOR shall have an English-speaking, competent Superintendent on the Work at all times that work is in progress. Upon request of Owner's Representative, the CONTRACTOR shall present the resume of the proposed Superintendent to Owner's Representative showing evidence of experience and successful superintendence and direction of work of a similar scale and complexity. If, in the opinion of Owner's Representative, the proposed Superintendent does not indicate sufficient experience in line with the Work, he/she will not be allowed to be the designated Superintendent for the Work. The Superintendent shall not be replaced without Written Notice to Owner's Representative. If the CONTRACTOR deems it necessary to replace the Superintendent, the CONTRACTOR shall provide the necessary information for approval, as stated above, on the proposed new Superintendent. A qualified substitute Superintendent may be designated in the event that the designated Superintendent is temporarily away from the Work, but not to exceed a time limit acceptable to Owner's Representative. The CONTRACTOR shall replace the Superintendent upon the OWNER's request in the event the Superintendent is unable to perform to the OWNER's satisfaction. The Superintendent will be the CONTRACTOR's representative on the Work and shall have the authority to act on behalf of the CONTRACTOR. All communications given to the Superintendent shall be as binding as if given to the CONTRACTOR. Either the CONTRACTOR or the 00700 11-2017 Page 15 General Conditions Superintendent shall provide an emergency and home telephone number at which one or the other may be reached if necessary when work is not in progress. 6.2 Labor, Materials and Equipment: 6.2.1 The CONTRACTOR agrees to employ only orderly and competent workers, skillful in performance of the type of Work required under this Contract. The CONTRACTOR, Subcontractors, Sub-subcontractors, and their employees may not use or possess any firearms, alcoholic or other intoxicating beverages, illegal drugs or controlled substances while on the job or on the OWNER's property, nor may such workers be intoxicated, or under the influence of alcohol or drugs, on the job. If the OWNER or Owner's Representative notifies the CONTRACTOR that any worker is incompetent, disorderly or disobedient, has knowingly or repeatedly violated safety regulations, has possessed any firearms, or has possessed or was under the influence of alcohol or drugs on the job, the CONTRACTOR shall immediately remove such worker from performing Contract Work, and may not employ such worker again on Contract Work without the OWNER's prior written consent. The CONTRACTOR shall at all times maintain good discipline and order on or off the site in all matters pertaining to the Project. The CONTRACTOR shall pay workers no less than the wage rates established in Section 00900, and maintain weekly payroll reports as evidence thereof. 6.2.2 Unless otherwise specified, the CONTRACTOR shall provide and pay for all materials, equipment, labor, transportation, construction equipment and machinery, tools, appliances, fuel, power, light, heat, telephone, water, sanitary facilities, temporary facilities and all other facilities and incidentals necessary for the furnishing, performance, re-testing of defective work, start-up and completion of the Work. 6.2.3 All materials and equipment shall be of good quality and new (including new products made of recycled materials), except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. If required by Owner's Representative, the CONTRACTOR shall furnish satisfactory evidence (reports of required tests, manufacturer's certificates of compliance with material requirements, mill reports, etc.) as to the kind, quantity and quality of materials and equipment. All materials and equipment shall be applied, installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned and conditioned in accordance with instructions of the applicable Supplier, except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. 6.2.4 Substitutes and "Approved Equal" Items: Whenever an item of material or equipment is specified or described in the Contract Documents by using the name of a proprietary item or the name of a particular Supplier, the specification or description is intended to establish the type,function and quality required. Unless the specification or description contains words reading that no like, equivalent or"approved equal" item or no substitution is permitted, other items of material or equipment of other Suppliers may be submitted to Owner's Representative under the following circumstances: .1 "Approved Equal": If, in the OWNER's sole discretion, an item of material or an item of equipment proposed by the CONTRACTOR is functionally equal to that named and sufficiently similar so that no change in related Work will be required, it may be considered by the OWNER as an "approved equal" item, in which case review of the proposed item may, in the OWNER's sole discretion, be accomplished without compliance with some or all of the requirements for evaluation of proposed substitute items. The CONTRACTOR shall provide the OWNER with the documentation required for the OWNER to make its determination. .2 Substitute Items: If, in the OWNER's sole discretion, an item of material or an item of equipment proposed by the CONTRACTOR does not qualify as an "approved equal" item under paragraph, then it will be considered a proposed substitute item. The CONTRACTOR shall submit sufficient information to allow the OWNER to determine that the item of material or item of equipment proposed is essentially equivalent to that named and a substitute therefor. Substitute Construction Methods and Procedures: If a specific means, method, technique, sequence or procedure of construction is shown or indicated in and expressly required by the Contract Documents, the CONTRACTOR may with prior approval of the OWNER furnish or utilize a substitute means, method, technique, 00700 11-2017 Page 16 General Conditions sequence, or procedure of construction. The CONTRACTOR shall submit sufficient information to Owner's Representative to allow the OWNER, in the OWNER's sole discretion, to determine that the substitute proposed is equivalent to that expressly called for by the Contract Documents. OWNER's Evaluation: The OWNER will be allowed a reasonable time within which to evaluate each proposal or submittal made pursuant to paragraph and paragraph The OWNER will be the sole judge of acceptability. No "approved equal"or substitute shall be ordered, installed, or utilized until the OWNER's review is complete, which will be evidenced by either a Change Order or completion of the Shop Drawing review procedure. The OWNER may require the CONTRACTOR to furnish at the CONTRACTOR's expense a special performance guarantee or other surety bond with respect to any"approved equal"or substitute. The OWNER shall not be responsible for any delay due to review time for any"approved equal"or substitute. CONTRACTOR's Expense: All data to be provided by the CONTRACTOR in support of any proposed "approved equal"or substitute item will be at the CONTRACTOR's expense. 6.2.5 The CONTRACTOR agrees to assign to the OWNER any rights it may have to bring antitrust suits against its Suppliers for overcharges on materials incorporated in the Project growing out of illegal price fixing agreements. The CONTRACTOR further agrees to cooperate with the OWNER should the OWNER wish to prosecute suits against Suppliers for illegal price fixing. 6.3 Progress Schedule: Unless otherwise directed, the CONTRACTOR shall adhere to the progress schedule established in accordance with paragraph 2.6 as it may be adjusted from time to time as provided below: .1 The CONTRACTOR shall submit to Owner's Representative for acceptance proposed adjustments in the progress schedule that will not change the Contract Times or Milestones. Such adjustments will conform generally to the progress schedule then in effect. .2 Proposed adjustments in the progress schedule that will change the Contract Times or Milestones shall be submitted in accordance with the requirements of Article 12. Such adjustments may only be made by a Change Order or Time Extension Request in accordance with Article 12. 6.4 Concerning Subcontractors, Suppliers and Others: 6.4.1 Assignment: The CONTRACTOR agrees to retain direct control of and give direct attention to the fulfillment of this Contract. The CONTRACTOR agrees not to, by Power of Attorney or otherwise,assign said Contract without the prior written consent of the OWNER. 6.4.2 Award of Subcontracts for Portions of the Work: The CONTRACTOR shall not employ any Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization, whether initially or as a substitute, against whom the OWNER may have reasonable objection. The CONTRACTOR must provide the OWNER with a list of all Subcontractors, Suppliers, or other persons or organizations it will use in the Work, and such list must be provided prior to the preconstruction conference. Should the OWNER have objections,the OWNER will communicate such objections by Written Notice. If the OWNER requires a change without good cause of any Subcontractor, person or organization previously accepted by OWNER,the Contract Amount may be increased or decreased by the difference in the cost occasioned by any such change, and an appropriate Change Order shall be issued. The CONTRACTOR shall not substitute any Subcontractor, person or organization that has been accepted by the OWNER, unless the substitute has been accepted in writing by the OWNER. No acceptance by the OWNER of any Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization shall constitute a waiver of any right of the OWNER to reject defective Work. 6.4.3 The CONTRACTOR shall enter into written agreements with all Subcontractors and Suppliers which specifically bind the Subcontractors or Suppliers to the applicable terms and conditions of the Contract Documents for the benefit of the OWNER and E/A. The OWNER reserves the right to specify that certain requirements shall be adhered to by all Subcontractors and Sub-subcontractors as indicated in other portions of the Contract 00700 11-2017 Page 17 General Conditions Documents and these requirements shall be made a portion of the agreement between the CONTRACTOR and Subcontractor or Supplier. 6.4.4 The CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible to the OWNER for all acts and omissions of the Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons and organizations performing or furnishing any of the Work under a direct or indirect contract with the CONTRACTOR just as the CONTRACTOR is responsible for the CONTRACTOR's own acts and omissions. Nothing in the Contract Documents shall create for the benefit of any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization any contractual relationship between the OWNER and any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization, nor shall it create any obligation on the part of the OWNER or E/A to pay or to see to the payment of any amounts due any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization except as may otherwise be required by laws and regulations. 6.4.5 The CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for scheduling and coordinating the Work of Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons and organizations performing or furnishing any of the Work under a _11 Subcontractors, .�L.. ..L.. Suppliers direct or indirect contract with the CONTRACTOR. I he CONTRACTOR shall require all Subconuactors, Suppliers and such other persons and organizations performing or furnishing any of the Work to communicate with Owner's Representative through the CONTRACTOR. 6.4.6 The divisions and sections of the Specifications and the identifications of any Drawings shall not control the CONTRACTOR in dividing or delineating the Work to be performed by any specific trade. 6.4.7 The CONTRACTOR shall pay each Subcontractor and Supplier their appropriate share of payments made to the CONTRACTOR not later than ten (10) Calendar Days after the CONTRACTOR's receipt of payment from the OWNER. 6.5 Patent Fees and Royalties: 6.5.1 The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible at all times for compliance with applicable patents or copyrights encompassing, in whole or in part, any design, device, material, or process utilized, directly or indirectly, in the performance of the Work or the formulation or presentation of its Bid. 6.5.2 The CONTRACTOR shall pay all royalties and license fees and shall provide, prior to commencement of Work hereunder and at all times during the performance of same, for lawful use of any design, device, material or process covered by letters, patent or copyright by suitable legal agreement with the patentee, copyright holder, or their duly authorized representative whether or not a particular design, device, material, or process is specified by the OWNER. 6.5.3 The CONTRACTOR shall defend all suits or claims for infringement of any patent or copyright and shall save the OWNER harmless from any loss or liability, direct or indirect, arising with respect to the CONTRACTOR's process in the formulation of its bid or the performance of the Work or otherwise arising in connection therewith. The OWNER reserves the right to provide its own defense to any suit or claim of infringement of any patent or copyright in which event the CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and save harmless the OWNER from all costs and expenses of such defense as well as satisfaction of all judgments entered against the OWNER. 6.5.4 The OWNER shall have the right to stop the Work and/or terminate this Agreement at any time in the event the CONTRACTOR fails to disclose to the OWNER that the CONTRACTOR's work methodology includes the use of any infringing design, device, material or process. 6.6 Permits, Fees: Unless otherwise provided in the Supplemental General Conditions, the CONTRACTOR shall obtain and pay for all construction permits, licenses and fees required for prosecution of the Work. OWNER will obtain and pay for the following permits, licenses and/or fees, if required: .1 Site Development Permit. 00700 11-2017 Page 18 General Conditions .2 Building Permit(s). .3 Texas Department of Transportation permit for work in State rights-of-way. .4 Railroad Utility License Agreement. 6.7 Laws and Regulations: 6.7.1 The CONTRACTOR shall give all notices and comply with all laws and regulations applicable to furnishing and performing the Work. Except where otherwise expressly required by applicable laws and regulations, neither the OWNER nor E/A shall be responsible for monitoring the CONTRACTOR's compliance with any laws and regulations. 6.7.2 The CONTRACTOR shall plan and execute its operations in compliance with all applicable Federal, State and local laws and regulations, including those concerning control and abatement of water pollution and prevention and control of air pollution. 6.7.3 If the CONTRACTOR performs any Work knowing or having reason to know that it is contrary to laws or regulations, then the CONTRACTOR shall bear all claims, costs, losses and damages arising therefrom; however, it shall not be the CONTRACTOR's primary responsibility to make certain that the Specifications and Drawings are in accordance with laws and regulations, but this does not relieve the CONTRACTOR of the CONTRACTOR's obligations under Article 3. 6.8 Taxes: 6.8.1 The CONTRACTOR shall pay all sales, consumer, use and other similar taxes required to be paid by the CONTRACTOR in accordance with the laws and regulations of the State of Texas. 6.8.2 The OWNER is an exempt organization as defined by Chapter 11 of the Property Tax Code of Texas and is thereby exempt from payment of Sales Tax under Chapter 151, Limited Use Sales, Excise and Use Tax, Texas Tax Code, and Article 1066 (C), Local Sales and Use Tax Act, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas. 6.9 Use of Premises: 6.9.1 The CONTRACTOR shall confine construction equipment, the storage of materials and equipment and the operations of workers to the site and land and areas identified in and permitted by the Contract Documents and other land and areas permitted by laws and regulations, rights-of-way, permits and easements, and shall not unreasonably encumber the premises with construction equipment or other materials or equipment. The CONTRACTOR shall assume full responsibility for any damage to any such land or area, or to the owner or occupant thereof or of any adjacent land or areas, resulting from the performance of the Work. Should any claim be made by any such owner or occupant because of the performance of the Work, the CONTRACTOR shall promptly settle with such other party by negotiation or otherwise resolve the claim by dispute resolution proceeding or at law. The CONTRACTOR shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the OWNER, E/A, E/A's consultants and anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them from and against all claims, costs, losses and damages (including court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of or resulting from any claim or action, legal or equitable, brought by any such owner or occupant against the OWNER, E/A or any other party indemnified hereunder to the extent caused by or based upon performance of the Work or failure to perform the Work. 6.9.2 During the progress of the Work and on a daily basis, the CONTRACTOR shall keep the premises free from accumulations of waste materials, rubbish and other debris resulting from the Work. At the completion of the Work, the CONTRACTOR shall remove all waste materials, rubbish and debris from and about the premises as well as all tools, appliances, construction equipment and machinery and surplus materials. The CONTRACTOR shall leave the site clean and ready for occupancy by the OWNER at Substantial Completion of the Work. The CONTRACTOR shall, at a minimum, restore to original condition all property not designated for alteration by the Contact Documents. 00700 11-2017 Page 19 General Conditions 6.9.3 The CONTRACTOR shall not load nor permit any part of any structure to be loaded in any manner that will endanger the structure, nor shall the CONTRACTOR subject any part of the Work or adjacent property to stresses or pressures that will endanger it. 6.10 Record Documents: The CONTRACTOR shall maintain in a safe place at the site, or other location acceptable to the OWNER, one (1) record copy of all Drawings, Specifications,Addenda, Change Orders, Change Directives, Field Orders and written interpretations and clarifications (issued pursuant to paragraph 9.5) in good order and annotated to show all changes made during construction. These record documents, together with all final samples and all final Shop Drawings,will be available to the OWNER and E/A for reference during performance of the Work. Upon Substantial Completion of the Work, these record documents, samples and Shop Drawings shall be promptly delivered to Owner's Representative. 6.11 Safety and Protection: 6.11.1 The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work. Upon request,and prior to installation of measures,the CONTRACTOR shall submit a site security plan for approval by the OWNER. By reviewing the plan or making recommendations or comments, the OWNER will not assume liability nor will the CONTRACTOR be relieved of liability for damage, injury or loss. The CONTRACTOR shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of and shall provide the necessary protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to: .1 all persons on the Work site or who may be affected by the Work; .2 all the Work and materials and equipment to be incorporated therein, whether in storage on or off the site; and .3 other property at the site or adjacent thereto, including but not limited to, trees, shrubs, lawns, walks, pavements, roadways, structures, utilities and underground facilities not designated for removal, relocation or replacement in the course of construction. 6.11.2 The CONTRACTOR shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations of any public body having jurisdiction for safety of persons or property or to protect them from damage, injury or loss; and shall erect and maintain all necessary safeguards for such safety and protection. The CONTRACTOR shall notify owners of adjacent property and of underground facilities, and utility owners when prosecution of the Work may affect them, and shall cooperate with them in the protection, removal, relocation and replacement of their property. All damage, injury or loss to any property referred to in paragraph and paragraph caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, by the CONTRACTOR, Subcontractor, Supplier or any person or organization directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any of the Work or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, shall be remedied by the CONTRACTOR (except damage or loss attributable to the fault of Drawings or Specifications or to the acts or omissions of the OWNER, or E/A, or E/A's consultant or anyone employed by any of them or anyone whose acts any of them may be liable, and not attributable, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, to the faults or negligence of the CONTRACTOR or any Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization directly or indirectly employed by any of them). The CONTRACTOR's duties and responsibilities for safety and protection of the Work shall continue until such time as all the Work is completed and Owner's Representative has issued a notice to the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR in accordance with Article 14 that the Work is acceptable(except as otherwise expressly provided in connection with Substantial Completion). 6.11.3 Safety Representative: The CONTRACTOR shall designate a qualified and experienced safety representative at the site whose duties and responsibilities shall be the prevention of accidents and the maintaining and supervising of safety precautions and programs. Upon request of the OWNER, the CONTRACTOR shall provide certifications or other documentation of the safety representative's qualifications. 00700 11-2017 Page 20 General Conditions 6.11.4 Hazard Communication Programs: The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for coordinating any exchange of material safety data sheets or other hazard communication information required to be made available to or exchanged between or among employers at the site in accordance with laws and regulations. 6.11.5 Emergencies: In emergencies affecting the safety or protection of persons or the Work at the site or adjacent thereto, the CONTRACTOR, without special instruction or authorization from the OWNER or E/A, is obligated to act reasonably to prevent threatened damage, injury or loss and to mitigate damage or loss to the Work. The CONTRACTOR shall give Owner's Representative prompt written notice if the CONTRACTOR believes that any significant changes in the Work or variations from the Contract Documents have been caused thereby. If Owner's Representative determines that a change in the Contract Documents is required because of the action taken by the CONTRACTOR in response to such an emergency, a Change Directive or Change Order will be issued to document the consequences of such action; otherwise the OWNER will not be responsible for the CONTRACTOR's emergency action. Authorized agents of the CONTRACTOR shall respond immediately to call-out at any time of any day or night when circumstances warrant the presence on Project site of the CONTRACTOR or its agent to protect the Work or adjacent property from damage, restriction or limitation or to take such action or measures pertaining to the Work as may be necessary to provide for the safety of the public. Should the CONTRACTOR and/or its agent fail to respond and take action to alleviate such an emergency situation, the OWNER may direct other forces to take action as necessary to remedy the emergency condition,and the OWNER will deduct any cost of such remedial action from the funds due to the CONTRACTOR under this Contract. In the event there is an accident involving injury to any individual on or near the Work, the CONTRACTOR shall notify Owner's Representative within twenty-four (24) hours of the event and shall be responsible for recording the location of the event and the circumstances surrounding the event through photographs, interviewing witnesses, obtaining medical reports and other documentation that describes the event. Copies of such documentation shall be provided to Owner's Representative, for the OWNER's and E/A's records, within forty-eight (48) hours of the event. 6.12 Continuing the Work: The CONTRACTOR shall carry on the Work and adhere to the progress schedule during all disputes or disagreements with the OWNER. No Work shall be delayed or postponed pending resolution of any disputes or disagreements, except as the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR may agree in writing. 6.13 CONTRACTOR's General Warranty and Guarantee: 6.13.1 The CONTRACTOR warrants and guarantees to the OWNER that all Work will be performed in a good and workmanlike manner in accordance with the Contract Documents and will not be defective. The CONTRACTOR's warranty and guarantee hereunder excludes defects or damage caused by: .1 abuse, modification or improper maintenance or operation by persons other than the CONTRACTOR, Subcontractors or Suppliers; or .2 normal wear and tear under normal usage. 6.13.2 The CONTRACTOR's obligation to perform and complete the Work in a good and workmanlike manner in accordance with the Contract Documents shall be absolute. None of the following will constitute acceptance of Work not in accordance with the Contract Documents or a release of the CONTRACTOR's obligation to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents: .1 observations by Owner's Representative and/or E/A; .2 recommendation of any progress or final payment by Owner's Representative; 00700 11-2017 Page 21 General Conditions .3 the issuance of a certificate of Substantial Completion or any payment by the OWNER to the CONTRACTOR under the Contract Documents; .4 use or occupancy of the Work or any part thereof by the OWNER; .5 any acceptance by the OWNER or any failure to do so; .6 any review of a Shop Drawing or sample submittal; .7 any inspection, test or approval by others; or .8 any correction of defective Work by the OWNER. 6.14 Indemnification: 6.14.1 The CONTRACTOR shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the OWNER, E/A, E/A's consultants and subconsultants and their respective officers, directors, partners, employees, agents and other consultants and any of them from and against all claims, costs, losses and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys and other professionals and all court or other dispute resolution costs) arising out of or resulting from the performance of the Work, provided that any such claim, cost, loss or damage: .1 is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property (other than the Work itself), including the loss of use resulting therefrom, and .2 is caused in whole or in part by any negligent act or omission of the CONTRACTOR,any Subcontractor, any Supplier, any person or organization directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any of the Work or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, regardless of whether or not caused in part by any negligence or omission of a person or entity indemnified hereunder or whether liability is imposed upon such indemnified party by laws and regulations regardless of the negligence of any such person or entity. 6.14.2 The indemnification obligation under paragraph 6.14.1 shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, or compensation or benefits payable by or for the CONTRACTOR or any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization under workers'compensation acts, disability benefit acts or other employee benefit acts. 6.14.3 The obligations of the CONTRACTOR under paragraph 6.14.1 shall not extend to the liability of the OWNER, E/A, E/A's consultants, and their officers, directors, partners, employees or agents caused primarily by negligent preparation of maps, drawings, surveys, designs or specifications upon which is placed the applicable state-authorized design professional seal of the OWNER's, E/A's or E/A's consultant's officers, directors, partners, employees or agents. 6.14.4 In the event the CONTRACTOR fails to follow the OWNER's directives concerning use of the site, scheduling or course of construction, or engages in other conduct which proximately causes damage to property based on inverse condemnation or otherwise, then and in that event, the CONTRACTOR shall indemnify the OWNER against all costs resulting from such claims. 6.14.5 In the event the CONTRACTOR unreasonably delays progress of the work being done by others on the site so as to cause loss for which the OWNER becomes liable, then the CONTRACTOR shall reimburse the OWNER for such loss. 6.15 Survival of Obligations: 00700 11-2017 Page 22 General Conditions All representations, indemnifications, warranties and guarantees made in, required by or given in accordance with the Contract Documents, as well as all continuing obligations indicated in the Contract Documents,will survive final payment, completion and acceptance of the Work and termination or completion of the Agreement. 6.16 Losses from Natural Causes: Unless otherwise specified, all loss or damage to the CONTRACTOR arising out of the nature of the Work to be done or from action of the elements,floods or from unforeseeable circumstances in prosecution of the Work or from unusual obstructions or difficulties which may be encountered in prosecution of the Work, shall be sustained and borne by the CONTRACTOR at its own cost and expense. 6.17 Notice of Claim: Should the CONTRACTOR suffer injury or damage to person or property because of any error, omission or act of the OWNER or of any of the OWNER's employees or agents or others for whose acts the OWNER is liable, a Claim will be made to the other party within thirty (30) calendar days of the event giving rise to such injury or damage. The provisions of this paragraph 6.17 shall not be construed as a substitute for or a waiver of the provisions of any applicable statute of limitations or statute of repose. 6.18 Liquidated Damages: At set forth in the Agreement, paragraph 1.2,the CONTRACTOR or its Surety shall be liable for Liquidated Damages for the CONTRACTOR's failure to timely complete the Work or any portion thereof within the Contract Time. See Supplemental Conditions for amount of Liquidated Damages. ARTICLE 7 -OTHER WORK 7.1 The OWNER may perform other work related to the Project at the site by the OWNER's own forces, or let other contracts therefor, or have other work performed by utility owners. If the CONTRACTOR believes that delay or additional cost is involved because of such action by the OWNER, the CONTRACTOR may make a Claim as provided in Article 11 or Article 12. 7.2 The CONTRACTOR shall afford other contractors who are in a contract with the OWNER and each utility owner (and the OWNER, if the OWNER is performing the additional work with the OWNER's employees) proper and safe access to the site and a reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of materials and equipment and the execution of such other work and shall properly connect and coordinate the Work with theirs. Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, the CONTRACTOR shall do all cutting, fitting and patching of the Work that may be required to make its several parts come together properly and integrate with such other work. The CONTRACTOR shall not endanger any work of others by cutting, excavating or otherwise altering their work and will only cut or alter their work with the written consent of Owner's Representative and the other contractors whose work will be affected. The CONTRACTOR shall promptly remedy damage wrongfully caused by the CONTRACTOR to completed or partially completed construction or to property of the OWNER or separate contractors. 7.3 If the proper execution or results of any part of the CONTRACTOR's Work depends upon work performed by others under this Article 7, the CONTRACTOR shall inspect such other work and promptly report to Owner's Representative in writing any delays, defects or deficiencies in such other work that render it unavailable or unsuitable for the proper execution and results of the CONTRACTOR's Work. The CONTRACTOR's failure to report will constitute an acceptance of such other work as fit and proper for integration with the CONTRACTOR's Work except for latent or non-apparent defects and deficiencies in such other work. 7.4 The OWNER shall provide for coordination of the activities of the OWNER's own forces and of each separate contractor with the Work of the CONTRACTOR, who shall cooperate with them. The CONTRACTOR shall participate with other separate contractors and Owner's Representative in reviewing their construction schedules when directed to do so. The CONTRACTOR shall make any revisions to the construction schedule 00700 11-2017 Page 23 General Conditions deemed necessary after a joint review and mutual agreement. The construction schedules shall then constitute the schedules to be used by the CONTRACTOR, separate contractors and the OWNER until subsequently revised. 7.5 Unless otherwise stated herein, costs caused by delays or by improperly timed activities or defective construction shall be borne by the party responsible therefor. ARTICLE 8 -OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 8.1 Prior to the start of construction, the OWNER will designate in writing a person or entity to act as Owner's Representative during construction. Except as otherwise provided in these General Conditions, the OWNER shall issue all communications to the CONTRACTOR through Owner's Representative. 8.2 The OWNER will not supervise, direct, control or have authority over or be responsible for the CONTRACTOR's means, methods,techniques, sequences or procedures of construction or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto. The OWNER is not responsible for any failure of the CONTRACTOR to comply with laws and regulations applicable to furnishing or performing the Work. The OWNER is not responsible for the CONTRACTOR's failure to perform or furnish the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Failure or omission of the OWNER to discover, or object to or condemn any defective Work or material shall not release the CONTRACTOR from the obligation to properly and fully perform the Contract. 8.3 The OWNER is not responsible for the acts or omissions of the CONTRACTOR, or of any Subcontractor, any Supplier, or of any other person or organization performing or furnishing any of the Work. 8.4 Information or services under the OWNER's control shall be furnished by the OWNER with reasonable promptness to avoid delay in the orderly progress of the Work. 8.5 The foregoing are in addition to other duties and responsibilities of the OWNER enumerated herein and especially those in respect to Article 4 (Availability of Lands; Subsurface and Physical Conditions; Reference Points), Article 7 (Other Work) and Article 14 (Payments to the CONTRACTOR and Completion). 8.6 Notice of Claim: Should the OWNER suffer injury or damage to person or property because of any error, omission or act of the CONTRACTOR or of any of the CONTRACTOR's employees or agents or others for whose acts the CONTRACTOR is liable, a Claim will be made to the other party within thirty (30) calendar days of the event giving rise to such injury or damage. The provisions of this paragraph 8.6 shall not be construed as a substitute for or a waiver of the provisions of any applicable statute of limitations or statute of repose. ARTICLE 9-ENGINEER/ARCHITECT'S STATUS DURING CONSTRUCTION 9.1 E/A's Authority and Responsibilities: 9.1.1 The duties and responsibilities and the limitations of authority of E/A during construction are set forth in the Contract Documents and shall not be extended without written consent of the OWNER and E/A. The assignment of any authority, duties or responsibilities to E/A under the Contract Documents, or under any agreement between the OWNER and E/A, or any undertaking, exercise or performance thereof by E/A, is intended to be for the sole and exclusive benefit of the OWNER and is not for the benefit of the CONTRACTOR, Subcontractor, Sub- subcontractor, Supplier, or any other person or organization, or for any surety or employee or agent of any of them. 9.1.2 E/A will not supervise, direct, control or have authority over or be responsible for the CONTRACTOR's means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction, or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto. E/A is not responsible for any failure of the CONTRACTOR to comply with laws and regulations applicable to the furnishing or performing the Work. E/A is not responsible for the CONTRACTOR's failure to perform or furnish the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Failure or omission of E/A to discover, or 00700 11-2017 Page 24 General Conditions object to or condemn any defective Work or material shall not release the CONTRACTOR from the obligation to properly and fully perform the Contract. 9.1.3 E/A is not responsible for the acts or omissions of the CONTRACTOR, or of any Subcontractor, any Supplier, or of any other person or organization performing or furnishing any of the Work. 9.1.4 If the OWNER so directs, E/A will review the final Application for Payment and accompanying documentation and all maintenance and operating instructions, schedules, guarantees, bonds and certificates of inspection,tests and approvals and other documentation required to be delivered by Article 14, but only to determine generally that their content complies with the requirements of, and in the case of certificates of inspections, tests and approvals that the results certified indicate compliance with, the Contract Documents. 9.1.5 The limitations upon authority and responsibility set forth in this paragraph 9.1 shall also apply to E/A's Consultants, Resident Project Representative and assistants. 9.2 E/A as Owner's Representative: 9.2.1 E/A may be designated as Owner's Representative under paragraph 8.1. 9.3 Visits to Site: If the OWNER so directs, E/A will make visits to the site at intervals appropriate to the various stages of construction as is necessary in order to observe as an experienced and qualified design professional the progress that has been made and the quality of the various aspects of the CONTRACTOR's executed Work. Based on information obtained during such visits and observations, E/A will endeavor for the benefit of the OWNER to determine if the Work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. E/A will not be required to make exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections to check the quality or quantity of the Work. E/A's efforts will be directed toward providing for the OWNER a greater degree of confidence that the completed Work will conform to the Contract Documents. On the basis of such visits and on-site observations, E/A will keep the OWNER informed of the progress of the Work and will endeavor to guard the OWNER against defective Work. E/A's visits and on-site observations are subject to all the limitations on E/A's authority and responsibility set forth in paragraph 9.1. 9.4 Project Representative: If the OWNER and E/A agree, E/A will furnish a Resident Project Representative to assist E/A in providing more continuous observation of the Work. The responsibilities and authority and limitations of any such Resident Project Representative and assistants will be as provided in paragraph 9.1 and in the Supplemental General Conditions. The OWNER may designate another representative or agent to represent the OWNER at the site who is not E/A, E/A's consultant, agent or employee. 9.5 Clarifications and Interpretations: E/A may determine that written clarifications or interpretations of the requirements of the Contract Documents (in the form of drawings or otherwise) are necessary. Such written clarifications or interpretations will be consistent with the intent of and reasonably inferable from the Contract Documents,will be issued with reasonable promptness by Owner's Representative and will be binding on the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR. If the OWNER or the CONTRACTOR believes that a written clarification or interpretation justifies an adjustment in the Contract Amount or the Contract Times, the OWNER or the CONTRACTOR may make a Claim therefor as provided in Article 11 or Article 12. 9.6 Rejecting Defective Work: E/A will recommend that the OWNER disapprove or reject Work which E/A believes to be defective, or believes will not produce a completed Project that conforms to the Contract Documents or will prejudice the integrity of the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as indicated by the Contract Documents. 00700 11-2017 Page 25 General Conditions ARTICLE 10-CHANGES IN THE WORK 10.1 Changes: 10.1.1 Without invalidating the Contract and without notice to any surety, the OWNER may, at any time or from time to time, order additions, deletions or revisions in the Work. Such changes in the Work will be authorized by Change Order, Change Directive or Field Order. 10.1.2 Changes in the Work shall be performed under applicable provisions of the Contract Documents, and the CONTRACTOR shall proceed promptly, unless otherwise provided in the Change Order, Change Directive or Field Order. 10.1.3 The CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to an increase in the Contract Amount or an extension of the Contract Times with respect to any Work performed that is not required by the Contract Documents as amended, modified and supplemented as provided in paragraph 3.3.1 and paragraph 3.3.2, except in the case of an emergency as provided in paragraph 6.11.5 or in the case of uncovering Work as provided in paragraph 13.4. 10.1.4 Except in the case of an emergency as provided in paragraph 6.11.5, a Change Order or Change Directive is required before the CONTRACTOR commences any activities associated with a change in the Work which, in the CONTRACTOR's opinion, will result in a change in the Contract Amount and/or Contract Times. 10.1.5 If notice of any change affecting the general scope of the Work or the provisions of the Contract Documents (including, but not limited to, Contract Amount or Contract Times) is required by the provisions of any Bond to be given to a surety, the giving of any such notice will be the CONTRACTOR's responsibility, and the amount of each applicable Bond will be adjusted accordingly. 10.2 Change Orders: 10.2.1 The OWNER and the CONTRACTOR shall execute appropriate written Change Orders covering: .1 a change in the Work; .2 the amount of the adjustment in the Contract Amount, if any; and .3 the extent of the adjustment in the Contract Time, if any. 10.2.2 An executed Change Order shall represent the complete, equitable, and final amount of adjustment in the Contract Amount and/or Contract Time owed to the CONTRACTOR or the OWNER as a result of the occurrence or event causing the change in the Work encompassed by the Change Order. 10.3 Change Directives: 10.3.1 The OWNER may by written Change Directive,without invalidating the Contract, order changes in the Work within the general scope of the Contract consisting of additions, deletions or other revisions, the Contract Amount and Contract Time being adjusted as necessary. A Change Directive shall be used in the absence of complete and prompt agreement on the terms of a Change Order. 10.3.2 If the Change Directive provides for an adjustment to the Contract Amount, the adjustment shall be based on the method provided for in paragraph 11.5. 10.3.3 A Change Directive shall be recorded later by preparation and execution of an appropriate Change Order. 10.3.4 Upon receipt of a Change Directive, CONTRACTOR shall promptly proceed with the change in the Work involved. 00700 11-2017 Page 26 General Conditions 10.4 Field Order: 10.4.1 Owner's Representative may authorize minor variations in the Work from the requirements of the Contract Documents which do not involve an adjustment in the Contract Amount or the Contract Times and are compatible with the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as indicated by the Contract Documents. These shall be accomplished by written Field Order and shall be binding on the OWNER and on the CONTRACTOR who shall perform the Work involved promptly. 10.4.2 If the CONTRACTOR believes that a Field Order would require an adjustment in the Contract Amount and/or Contract Times, the CONTRACTOR shall make written request to Owner's Representative for a Change Order. Any request by the CONTRACTOR for an adjustment in Contract Amount and/or Contract Times shall be made in writing prior to beginning the work covered by the Field Order. 10.5 No Damages for Delay: The CONTRACTOR shall receive no compensation for delays or hindrances to the Work. If delay is caused by specific orders given by the OWNER to stop work or by performance of extra Work or by failure of the OWNER to provide information, access to the work, material or necessary instructions for carrying on the Work,then such delay will entitle the CONTRACTOR to an equivalent extension of time, the CONTRACTOR's application for which shall, however, be subject to approval of the OWNER. No such extension of time shall release the CONTRACTOR or surety on its performance bond from all the CONTRACTOR's obligations hereunder which shall remain in full force until discharge of the Contract. ARTICLE 11 -CHANGE OF CONTRACT AMOUNT 11.1 The Contract Amount is stated in the Agreement and, including authorized adjustments, is the total amount payable by the OWNER to the CONTRACTOR for performance of the Work under the Contract Documents. 11.2 The original Contract Amount may not be increased by more than twenty-five percent(25%) and it may not be decreased more than twenty-five percent (25%)without the consent of the CONTRACTOR to such decrease. 11.3 The Contract Amount shall only be changed by a Change Order. Any claim for an adjustment in the Contract Amount shall be made by Written Notice delivered by the party making the Claim to the other party promptly (but in no event later than thirty(30)calendar days)after the start of the occurrence or event giving rise to the Claim and stating the general nature of the Claim. Notice of the amount of the Claim with supporting data shall be delivered within thirty(30)calendar days after Written Notice of Claim is delivered by claimant, and shall represent that the adjustment claimed covers all known amounts to which claimant is entitled as a result of said occurrence or event. If the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR cannot otherwise agree, all Claims for adjustment in the Contract Amount shall be determined as set out in Article 16. 11.4 Determination of Value of Work: 11.4.1 The value of any Work covered by a Change Order or of any Claim for an adjustment in the Contract Amount will be determined by one or more of the following methods: .1 by application of unit prices contained in the Contract Documents to the quantities of the items involved. .2 by a mutually agreed lump sum properly itemized and supported by sufficient substantiating data to permit evaluation. .3 by cost of Work plus the CONTRACTOR's fee for all overhead costs and profit(determined as provided in paragraph 11.5). 00700 11-2017 Page 27 General Conditions 11.4.2 Before using the method described in paragraph, the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR agree to negotiate a Change Order using the methods identified in paragraph and paragraph, as appropriate, to determine the adjustment in the Contract Amount. 11.5 Cost of Work: If neither of the methods defined in paragraph or paragraph can be agreed upon before a change in the Work is commenced which will result in an adjustment in the Contract Amount, then the change in the Work will be performed by Change Directive and payment will be made as follows: .1 For all personnel, the CONTRACTOR will receive the rate or wage specified in the prevailing wage rates established in Section 00900 for each hour that said personnel are actually engaged in such Work, to which will be added an amount equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of the sum thereof as compensation for the CONTRACTOR's and any affected Subcontractor's total overhead and profit. No separate charge will be made by the CONTRACTOR for organization or overhead expenses. For the cost of premiums on public liability insurance, workers' compensation insurance, social security and unemployment insurance, an amount equal to fifty-five percent (55%) of the wages paid personnel, excluding the twenty-five(25%)compensation provided above,will be paid to the CONTRACTOR. The actual cost of the CONTRACTOR's bond(s) on the extra Work will be paid based on invoices from surety. No charge for superintendence will be made unless considered necessary and ordered by the OWNER. .2 The CONTRACTOR will receive the actual cost, including freight charges, of the materials used on such Work, to which costs will be added a sum equal to twenty-five percent (25%) thereof as compensation for the CONTRACTOR's and any affected Subcontractor's total overhead and profit. In case material invoices indicate a discount may be taken, the actual cost will be the invoice price minus the discount. .3 For machinery, trucks, power tools, or other similar equipment agreed to be necessary by the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR, the OWNER will allow the CONTRACTOR the rate as given in the latest edition of the Associated General Contractors of America "Contractor's Equipment Cost Guide" as published by Dataquest for each hour that said tools or equipment are in use on such work, which rate includes the cost of fuel, lubricants and repairs. No additional compensation will be allowed on the equipment for the CONTRACTOR's overhead and profit. .4 The compensation, as herein provided for, shall be received by the CONTRACTOR and any affected Subcontractor as payment in full for work done by Change Directive and will include use of small tools, and total overhead expense and profit. The CONTRACTOR and the Owner's Representative shall compare records of work done by Change Directive at the end of each day. Copies of these records will be made upon forms provided for this purpose by the OWNER and signed by both Owner's Representative and the CONTRACTOR, with one (1) copy being retained by the OWNER and one(1) by the CONTRACTOR. Refusal by the CONTRACTOR to sign these records within two (2) working days of presentation does not invalidate the accuracy of the record. 11.6 Unit Price Work: 11.6.1 Where the Contract Documents provide that all or part of the Work is to be unit price Work, initially the Contract Amount will be deemed to include for all unit price work an amount equal to the sum of the established unit price for each separately identified item of unit price work times the estimated quantity of each item as indicated in the Bid. The estimated quantities of items of unit price work are not guaranteed and are solely for the purpose of comparison of Bids and determining an initial Contract Amount. Determinations of the actual quantities and classifications of unit price work performed by the CONTRACTOR will be made by Owner's Representative. Owner's Representative will review with the CONTRACTOR the preliminary determinations on such matters before rendering a written decision thereon (by recommendation of an Application for Payment or otherwise). 00700 11-2017 Page 28 General Conditions 11.6.2 When "plan quantity" is indicated for a bid item, the CONTRACTOR shall be paid the amount specified in the Contract Documents without any measurements. 11.6.3 Each unit price will be deemed to include an amount considered by the CONTRACTOR to be adequate to cover the CONTRACTOR's overhead and profit for each separately identified item. 11.6.4 A Major Item is any individual bid item in the Bid that has a total cost equal to or greater than five percent (5%) of the original Contract Amount or $50,000, whichever is greater, computed on the basis of bid quantities and Contract unit prices. 11.6.5 The OWNER or the CONTRACTOR may make a Claim for an adjustment in the Contract Amount in accordance with Article 11 if: .1 the actual quantity of any Major Item should become as much as twenty percent (20%) more than or twenty percent(20%) less than in the Bid; or .2 The CONTRACTOR presents proper documentation contesting the accuracy of "plan quantity," and Owner's Representative verifies quantity and determines original quantity is in error by five percent (5%) or more. 11.6.6 Right to Verify Information: The CONTRACTOR agrees that any designated representative of the OWNER shall have the right to examine the CONTRACTOR's records to verify the accuracy and appropriateness of the pricing data used to price change proposals. Even after a Change Order Proposal has been approved, the CONTRACTOR agrees that if the OWNER later determines the cost and pricing data submitted was inaccurate, incomplete, not current or not in compliance with the terms of this Agreement regarding pricing of change orders, then an appropriate contract price reduction will be made. 11.6.7 Pricing Information Requirements: The CONTRACTOR agrees to provide and require all subcontractors to provide a breakdown of allowable labor and labor burden cost information as outlined herein. This information will be used to evaluate the potential cost of labor and labor burden related to change order work. It is intended that this information represent an accurate estimate of the CONTRACTOR's actual labor and labor burden cost components. This information is not intended to establish fixed billing or change order pricing labor rates. However, at the time change orders are priced the submitted cost data for labor rates may be used to price change order work. The accuracy of any such agreed-upon labor cost components used to price change orders will be subject to later audit. Approved change order amounts may be adjusted later to correct the impact of inaccurate labor cost components if the agreed-upon labor cost components are determined to be inaccurate. ARTICLE 12-CHANGE OF CONTRACT TIMES 12.1 Working Day and Calendar Day Contracts: 12.1.1 The Contract Times (or Milestones) shall only be changed by Change Order or Time Extension Request duly executed by both the CONTRACTOR and Owner's Representative. Any claim for an adjustment of the Contract Times(or Milestones)shall be made by Written Notice delivered by the party making the Claim to the other party promptly (but in no event later than thirty (30) calendar days) after the start of the occurrence or event giving rise to the delay and stating the general nature of the delay. Notice of the extent of the delay with supporting data shall be delivered within thirty (30) calendar days after Written Notice of Claim is delivered by claimant, and shall represent that the adjustment claimed is the entire adjustment to which claimant is entitled as a result of said occurrence or event. If the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR cannot otherwise agree, all Claims for adjustment in the Contract Times (or Milestones) shall be determined as set out in Article 16. No Claim for an adjustment in the Contract Times (or Milestones)will be valid if not submitted in accordance with the requirements of this paragraph. 12.1.2 When the CONTRACTOR is at fault and the OWNER stops the Work so that corrections in the Work can be made by the CONTRACTOR, then no extension in time will be allowed. 00700 11-2017 Page 29 General Conditions 12.1.3 When the CONTRACTOR is prevented from completing any part of the Work within the Contract Times (or Milestones)due to delay not caused by the CONTRACTOR, an extension of the Contract Times (or Milestones) in an amount equal to the time lost due to such delay shall be the CONTRACTOR's sole and exclusive remedy for such delay. However, adverse weather shall not be considered justification for extension of Contract Times on Calendar Day contracts except as provided for in paragraph 12.2. 12.1.4 The OWNER will consider time extension requests and may grant the CONTRACTOR an extension of time because of: .1 Changes ordered in the work which justify additional time. .2 Failure of materials or products being at the Project site due to delays in transportation or failures of Suppliers, which are not the result of the CONTRACTOR's, Subcontractor's or Supplier's negligence. The request for an extension of time shall be supported by a recitation of acts demonstrating that such delays were beyond the control of the CONTRACTOR, including but not limited to, the CONTRACTOR's efforts to overcome such delays documented as follows: a) Copy of purchase order for delayed item(s) indicating date ordered by the CONTRACTOR/Subcontractor and date purchase order received by Supplier. b) If item(s) require Shop Drawings or other submittal information in accordance with the Contract Documents, provide record of date submittal(s) forwarded to Owner's Representative, date submittal(s) returned to the CONTRACTOR, and date submittal(s)forwarded to Supplier. c) Copy of document(s) from Supplier, on Supplier's letterhead, indicating date(s) item(s) would be ready for shipment and/or actual shipment date(s). d) Copies of all correspondence between the CONTRACTOR/Subcontractor and Supplier indicating the CONTRACTOR/Subcontractor's efforts to expedite item(s). e) If item(s) are being purchased by a Subcontractor, provision of meeting notes, correspondence, and the like which reflect the CONTRACTOR's efforts with the Subcontractor to expedite delivery of the item(s). .3 When acts of the OWNER, E/A, utility owners or other contractors employed by the OWNER delay progress of work through no fault of the CONTRACTOR. .4 When the CONTRACTOR is delayed by strikes, lockouts, fires, losses from natural causes, or other unavoidable cause or causes beyond the CONTRACTOR's control. 12.2 Calendar Day Contracts: Under a Calendar Day Contract, the CONTRACTOR may also be granted an extension of time because of unusual inclement weather that is beyond the normal weather expected for the Williamson and Travis Counties,Texas area. Normal weather which prevents the CONTRACTOR from performing Work is expected during a Calendar Day Contract, and is not a justification for an extension of time. The following delineates the number of days per month for which, for purposes of Calendar Day Contracts, expected normal weather will prevent performance of Work: January 7 days February 7 days March 7 days April 7 days May 8 days June 6 days July 6 days August 5 days September 7 days October 7 days 00700 11-2017 Page 30 General Conditions November 7 days December 7 days Days per month exceeding the number shown above may be credited as Rain Days if a Claim is made in accordance with paragraph 12.1.1 and meets the following definition: a"Rain Day" is any day in which a weather event occurs at the site and is sufficient to prevent the CONTRACTOR from performing units of Work critical to maintaining the project schedule. ARTICLE 13 -TESTS AND INSPECTIONS; AND CORRECTION OR REMOVAL OF DEFECTIVE WORK 13.1 Notice of Defects: Prompt notice of all defective Work of which the OWNER or E/A has actual knowledge will be given to the CONTRACTOR. All defective Work may be rejected or corrected as provided for in Article 13. 13.2 Access to Work: The OWNER, E/A, E/A's Consultants, other representatives and personnel of the OWNER, independent testing laboratories and governmental agencies having jurisdiction will have unrestricted physical access to the Work site for observing, inspecting and testing. The CONTRACTOR shall provide them proper and safe conditions for such access, and advise them of the CONTRACTOR's site safety procedures and programs so that they may comply therewith as applicable. 13.3 Tests and Inspections: 13.3.1 The CONTRACTOR shall give timely notice of readiness of the Work for all required inspections, tests or approvals, and shall cooperate with inspection and testing personnel to facilitate required inspections or tests. 13.3.2 The OWNER shall employ and pay for services of an independent testing laboratory to perform all inspections, tests or approvals required by the Contract Documents except: .1 for inspections, tests or approvals covered by paragraph 13.3.3 below; .2 for reinspecting or retesting defective Work; and .3 as otherwise specifically provided in the Contract Documents. All testing laboratories shall be those selected by the OWNER. 13.3.3 If laws or regulations of any public body having jurisdiction require any Work(or part thereof) specifically to be inspected, tested or approved by an employee or other representative of such public body, the CONTRACTOR shall assume full responsibility for arranging and obtaining such inspections, tests or approvals, pay all costs in connection therewith and furnish Owner's Representative the required certificates of inspection or approval. The CONTRACTOR shall also be responsible for arranging and obtaining and shall pay all costs in connection with any inspections, tests or approvals required for the OWNER's and E/A's review of materials or equipment to be incorporated in the Work, or of materials, mix designs or equipment submitted for review prior to the CONTRACTOR's purchase thereof for incorporation in the Work. 13.4 Uncovering Work: 13.4.1 If any Work (or the work of others) that is to be inspected, tested or approved is covered by the CONTRACTOR without concurrence of Owner's Representative, or if any Work is covered contrary to the written request of Owner's Representative, it must, if requested by Owner's Representative, be uncovered and recovered at the CONTRACTOR's expense. 00700 11-2017 Page 31 General Conditions 13.4.2 If Owner's Representative considers it necessary or advisable that covered Work be observed, inspected or tested, the CONTRACTOR shall uncover, expose or otherwise make available for observation, inspection or testing that portion of the Work in question, furnishing all necessary labor, material and equipment. If it is found that such Work is defective,the CONTRACTOR shall pay all claims, costs, losses and damages caused by, arising out of or resulting from such uncovering, exposure, observation, inspection and testing and of satisfactory replacement or reconstruction (including but not limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others); and the OWNER shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Amount, and may make a Claim therefor as provided in Article 11. If, however, such Work is not found to be defective,the CONTRACTOR shall be allowed an increase in the Contract Amount or an extension of the Contract Times (or Milestones), or both, directly attributable to such uncovering, exposure, observation, inspection, testing, replacement and reconstruction; and the CONTRACTOR may make a Claim therefor as provided in Article 11 and Article 12. 13.5 OWNER May Stop the Work: 13.5.1 If the Work is defective, or the CONTRACTOR fails to supply sufficient skilled workers or suitable materials or equipment, or fails to furnish or perform the Work in such a way that the completed Work will conform to the Contract Documents,the OWNER may order the CONTRACTOR to stop the Work, or any portion thereof, until the cause for such order has been eliminated; however,this right of the OWNER to stop the Work shall not give rise to any duty on the part of the OWNER to exercise this right for the benefit of the CONTRACTOR or any surety or other party. 13.5.2 If the CONTRACTOR persistently fails to correct defective Work or submit a satisfactory plan to take corrective action,with procedure and time schedule,the OWNER may order the CONTRACTOR to stop the Work, or any portion thereof, until cause for such order has been eliminated, or take any other action permitted by this Contract. A notice to stop the Work, based on defects, shall not stop calendar or working days charged to the Project. 13.6 Correction or Removal of Defective Work: If required by the OWNER,the CONTRACTOR shall promptly,as directed,either correct all defective Work,whether or not fabricated, installed or completed, or, if the Work has been rejected by Owner's Representative, remove it from the site and replace it with Work that is not defective.The CONTRACTOR shall correct or remove and replace defective Work, or submit a plan of action detailing how the deficiency will be corrected, within the time frame identified in the notice of defective Work. The CONTRACTOR shall pay all claims, costs, losses and damages caused by or resulting from such correction or removal(including but not limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others). 13.7 Warranty period: 13.7.1 If, at any time after the date of Substantial Completion or such longer period of time as may be prescribed by laws or regulations or by the terms of any applicable special guarantee required by the Contract Documents or by any specific provision of the Contract Documents, any Work is found to be defective, the CONTRACTOR shall promptly,without cost to the OWNER and in accordance with the OWNER's written instructions: (i) correct such defective Work, or, if it has been rejected by the OWNER, remove it from the site and replace it with Work that is not defective, and (ii) satisfactorily correct or remove and replace any damage to other Work or the work of others resulting therefrom. If the CONTRACTOR does not promptly comply with the terms of such instructions, or in an emergency where delay would cause serious risk of loss or damage, the OWNER may have the defective Work corrected or the rejected Work removed and replaced, and all claims, costs, losses and damages caused by or resulting from such removal and replacement (including but not limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others) will be paid by the CONTRACTOR. 00700 11-2017 Page 32 General Conditions 13.7.2 In special circumstances where a particular item of equipment is placed in continuous service before Substantial Completion of all the Work, the warranty period for that item may start to run from an earlier date if so provided in the Contract Documents. 13.8 OWNER May Correct Defective Work: If the CONTRACTOR fails within a reasonable time after Written Notice of the OWNER to correct defective Work, or to remove and replace rejected Work, or if the CONTRACTOR fails to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents, or if the CONTRACTOR fails to comply with any other provision of the Contract Documents, the OWNER may, after seven (7) calendar days' Written Notice to the CONTRACTOR, correct and remedy any such deficiency. If, in the opinion of Owner's Representative, significant progress has not been made during this seven(7)calendar day period to correct the deficiency,the OWNER may exercise any actions necessary to remedy the deficiency. In exercising the rights and remedies under this paragraph,the OWNER shall proceed expeditiously. In connection with such corrective and remedial action, the OWNER may exclude the CONTRACTOR from all or part of the site, take possession of all or part of the Work, and suspend the CONTRACTOR's services related thereto, and incorporate in the Work all materials and equipment stored at the site or for which the OWNER has paid the CONTRACTOR but which are stored elsewhere. The CONTRACTOR shall allow the OWNER, its agents and employees,the OWNER's other contractors, E/A and E/A's consultants access to the site to enable the OWNER to exercise the rights and remedies under this paragraph. All claims, costs, losses and damages incurred or sustained by the OWNER in exercising such rights and remedies will be charged against the CONTRACTOR and a Change Order will be issued incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract Documents with respect to the Work. Such claims, costs, losses and damages will include but not be limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others destroyed or damaged by correction, removal or replacement of the CONTRACTOR's defective Work. The CONTRACTOR shall not be allowed an extension of the Contract Times (or Milestones), or claims of damage because of any delay in the performance of the Work attributable to the exercise by the OWNER of the OWNER's rights and remedies hereunder. ARTICLE 14-PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR AND COMPLETION 14.1 Application for Progress Payment: 14.1.1 Not more than once per month, the CONTRACTOR shall submit to Owner's Representative for review an Application for Payment, in a form acceptable to the OWNER,filled out and signed by the CONTRACTOR covering the Work completed as of the date of the Application and accompanied by such supporting documentation as is required by the Contract Documents. 14.1.2 Such applications shall not include requests for payment on account of changes in the Work which have been properly authorized by Change Directives but not yet included in Change Orders. 14.1.3 Such applications shall not include requests for payment of amounts the CONTRACTOR does not intend to pay to a Subcontractor or Supplier because of a dispute or other reason. 14.1.4 Owner will not pay for materials or equipment not incorporated in the work but delivered and suitably stored at the site or at another location. Payment will be made by Owner only for work completed in accordance with the plans and contract documents. 14.1.5 Where the original Contract Amount is less than $400,000, the OWNER will pay to the CONTRACTOR the total amount of approved Application for Payment, less ten percent(10%) of the amount thereof, which ten percent (10%)will be retained until final payment, less all previous payments and less all sums that may be retained by the OWNER under the terms of this Agreement. Where the original Contract Amount is$400,000 or more, the OWNER will pay to the CONTRACTOR the total amount of approved Application for Payment, less five percent (5%) of the amount thereof, which five percent(5%)will be retained until final payment, less all previous payments and less all sums that may be retained by the OWNER under the terms of this Agreement. In either case, if the Work is near completion and delay occurs due to no fault or neglect of the CONTRACTOR, the OWNER may pay a portion of the retained amount to the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR, at the OWNER's option, may be relieved of the 00700 11-2017 Page 33 General Conditions obligation to complete the Work and, thereupon, the CONTRACTOR shall receive payment of the balance due under the Contract subject to the conditions stated under paragraph 15.2. 14.1.6 Applications for Payment shall include the following documentation: .1 updated progress schedule; .2 monthly subcontractor report; and .3 any other documentation required under the Supplemental General Conditions. 14.2 CONTRACTOR's Warranty of Title: The CONTRACTOR warrants and guarantees that title to all Work, materials and equipment covered by any Application for Payment,whether incorporated in the Project or not,will pass to the OWNER not iater than the time of payment to the CONTRACTOR free and clear of all liens. 14.3 Review of Applications for Progress Payment: 14.3.1 Owner's Representative will,within seven (7) calendar days after receipt of each Application for Payment, either indicate a recommendation for payment and forward the Application for processing by the OWNER, or return the Application to the CONTRACTOR indicating Owner's Representative's reasons for refusing to recommend payment. In the latter case,the CONTRACTOR may make the necessary corrections and resubmit the Application. 14.3.2 Owner's Representative's recommendation of any payment requested in an Application for Payment will constitute a representation by Owner's Representative, based upon Owner's Representative's on-site observations of the executed Work and on Owner's Representative's review of the Application for Payment and the accompanying data and schedules,that to the best of Owner's Representative's knowledge, information and belief: .1 the Work has progressed to the point indicated; and .2 the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents (subject to an evaluation of the Work as a functioning whole prior to or upon Substantial Completion, to the results of any subsequent tests called for in the Contract Documents, to a final determination of quantities and classifications for unit price Work, and to any other qualifications stated in the recommendation). 14.3.3 By recommending any such payment, Owner's Representative will not thereby be deemed to have represented that: .1 exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections have been made to check the quality or the quantity of the Work; .2 examination has been made to ascertain how or for what purpose the CONTRACTOR has used money previously paid on account of the Contract Amount; .3 the CONTRACTOR's construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures have been reviewed; or .4 that there may not be other matters or issues between the parties that might entitle the CONTRACTOR to be paid additionally by the OWNER or entitle the OWNER to withhold payment to the CONTRACTOR. 14.4 Decisions to Withhold Payment: 14.4.1 The OWNER may withhold or nullify the whole or part of any payment to such extent as may be necessary on account of: 00700 11-2017 Page 34 General Conditions .1 defective Work not remedied; .2 reasonable evidence that the Work cannot be completed for the unpaid balance of the Contract Amount; .3 damage to the OWNER or another contractor; .4 reasonable evidence that the Work will not be completed within the Contract Time, and that the unpaid balance would not be adequate to cover actual or liquidated damages for the anticipated delay; .5 failure of the CONTRACTOR to submit a schedule of values in accordance with the Contract Documents; .6 failure of the CONTRACTOR to submit a submittal schedule in accordance with the Contract Documents; .7 failure of the CONTRACTOR to submit or update construction schedules in accordance with the Contract Documents; .8 failure of the CONTRACTOR to maintain a record of changes on drawings and documents; .9 failure of the CONTRACTOR to maintain weekly payroll reports; .10 failure of the CONTRACTOR to submit monthly subcontractor reports; .11 the CONTRACTOR's neglect or unsatisfactory prosecution of the Work, including failure to clean up; or .12 failure of the CONTRACTOR to comply with any provision of the Contract Documents. 14.4.2 When the above reasons for withholding payment are removed, the CONTRACTOR shall resubmit a statement for the value of Work performed. Payment will be made within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of approved Application for Payment. 14.5 Delayed Payments: Should the OWNER fail to make payment to the CONTRACTOR of a sum named in any Application for Payment within thirty(30)calendar days after the day on which the OWNER received the mutually acceptable Application for Payment,then the OWNER will pay to the CONTRACTOR, in addition to the sum shown as due by such Application for Payment, interest thereon at the rate of one percent (1%) per month from date due until fully paid, which shall fully liquidate any injury to the CONTRACTOR growing out of such delay in payment. 14.6 Arrears: No money shall be paid by the OWNER upon any claim, debt, demand or account whatsoever, to any person, firm or corporation who is in arrears to the OWNER; and the OWNER shall be entitled to counterclaim and offset against any such debt, claim, demand or account so in arrears and no assignment or transfer of such debt, claim, demand or account, shall affect the right of the OWNER to so offset said amounts, and associated penalties and interest if applicable, against the same. 14.7 Substantial Completion: 14.7.1 If a Certificate of Occupancy is required by public authorities having jurisdiction over the Work, said certificate shall be issued before the Work or any portion thereof is considered substantially complete. When the CONTRACTOR considers that the Work, or a portion thereof which the OWNER agrees to accept separately, is 00700 11-2017 Page 35 General Conditions substantially complete, the CONTRACTOR shall notify Owner's Representative and request a determination as to whether the Work or designated portion thereof is substantially complete. If Owner's Representative does not consider the Work substantially complete, Owner's Representative will notify the CONTRACTOR giving reasons therefor. Failure on the OWNER's part to list a reason does not alter the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to complete all Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. After satisfactorily completing items identified by Owner's Representative, the CONTRACTOR shall then submit another request for Owner's Representative to determine substantial completion. If Owner's Representative considers the Work substantially complete, Owner's Representative will prepare and deliver a certificate of Substantial Completion which shall establish the date of Substantial Completion, shall include a punch list of items to be completed or corrected before final payment, shall establish the time within which the CONTRACTOR shall finish the punch list, and shall establish responsibilities of the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR for security, maintenance, heat, utilities, damage to the Work, warranty and insurance. Failure to include an item on the punch list does not alter the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to complete all Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. The certificate of Substantial Completion shall be signed by the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR to evidence acceptance of the responsibilities assigned to them in such certificate. 14.7.2 The OWNER shall have the right to exclude the CONTRACTOR from the Work after the date of Substantial Completion, but the OWNER will allow the CONTRACTOR reasonable access to complete or correct items on the punch list. 14.8 Partial Utilization: The OWNER, at the OWNER's sole option, shall have the right to take possession of and use any completed or partially completed portion of the Work regardless of the time for completing the entire Work. The OWNER's exercise of such use and possession shall not be construed to mean that the OWNER acknowledges that any part of the Work so possessed and used is substantially complete or that it is accepted by OWNER, and the OWNER's exercise of such use and possession shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR of its responsibility to complete all Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 14.9 Final Inspection: Upon Written Notice from the CONTRACTOR that the entire Work or an agreed portion thereof is complete,Owner's Representative will make a final inspection with the CONTRACTOR and provide Written Notice of all particulars in which this inspection reveals that the Work is incomplete or defective. The CONTRACTOR shall immediately take such measures as are necessary to complete such Work or remedy such deficiencies. 14.10 Final Application for Payment: The CONTRACTOR may make application for final payment following the procedure for progress payments after the CONTRACTOR has completed all such corrections to the satisfaction of Owner's Representative and delivered the following documents: .1 Three (3) complete operating and maintenance manuals, each containing maintenance and operating instructions, schedules, guarantees, and other documentation required by the Contract Documents; .2 Record documents (as provided in paragraph 6.10); .3 Consent of surety, if any, to final payment. If surety is not provided, complete and legally effective releases or waivers (satisfactory to the OWNER) of all claims arising out of or filed in connection with the Work; .4 Certificate evidencing that insurance required by the Supplemental General Conditions will remain in force after final payment and through any warranty period; .5 Non-Use of Asbestos Affidavit(After Construction); and 00700 11-2017 Page 36 General Conditions .6 Any other documentation called for in the Contract Documents. 14.11 Final Payment and Acceptance: 14.11.1 If, on the basis of observation of the Work during construction, final inspection, and review of the final Application for Payment and accompanying documentation as required by the Contract Documents, Owner's Representative is satisfied that the Work has been completed and the CONTRACTOR's other obligations under the Contract Documents have been fulfilled, Owner's Representative will recommend the final Application for Payment and thereby notify the OWNER,who will pay to the CONTRACTOR the balance due the CONTRACTOR under the terms of the Contract. 14.11.2 As Contract Time is measured to Final Completion, Owner's Representative will issue a letter of final acceptance to the CONTRACTOR which establishes the Final Completion date and initiates any warranty period. 14.11.3 Final payment is considered to have taken place when the CONTRACTOR or any of its representatives negotiates the OWNER's final payment check, whether labeled final or not, for cash or deposits check in any financial institution for its monetary return. 14.12 Waiver of Claims: The making and acceptance of final payment will constitute: .1 a waiver of claims by the OWNER against the CONTRACTOR, except claims arising from unsettled claims, from defective Work appearing after final inspection, from failure to comply with the Contract Documents or the terms of any warranty specified therein, or from the CONTRACTOR's continuing obligations under the Contract Documents; and .2 a waiver of all claims by the CONTRACTOR against the OWNER other than those previously made in writing and still unsettled. ARTICLE 15-SUSPENSION OF WORK AND TERMINATION 15.1 OWNER May Suspend Work Without Cause and for Convenience: At any time and without cause and for convenience, the OWNER may suspend the Work or any portion thereof for a period of not more than ninety(90)calendar days by written agreement or by Written Notice to the CONTRACTOR which will fix the date on which the Work will be resumed. The CONTRACTOR shall resume the Work on the date so fixed. The CONTRACTOR may be allowed an adjustment in the Contract Amount or an extension of the Contract Times,or both,directly attributable to any such suspension if the CONTRACTOR makes an approved Claim therefor as provided in Article 11 and Article 12. 15.2 OWNER May Terminate Without Cause: Upon seven (7) calendar days'Written Notice to the CONTRACTOR, the OWNER may, without cause and without prejudice to any right or remedy of the OWNER, elect to terminate the Agreement. In such case, the CONTRACTOR shall be paid (without duplication of any items): .1 for completed and acceptable Work executed in accordance with the Contract Documents prior to the effective date of termination; .2 for all claims incurred in settlement of terminated contracts with Suppliers, Subcontractors, and others. The CONTRACTOR agrees to negotiate in good faith with Subcontractors, Suppliers and others to mitigate the OWNER's cost; and .3 for anticipated profits on entire Contract not previously paid. 00700 11-2017 Page 37 General Conditions 15.3 OWNER May Terminate With Cause: 15.3.1 Upon the occurrence of any one or more of the following events: .1 if the CONTRACTOR persistently fails to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents; .2 if the CONTRACTOR disregards laws or regulations of any public body having jurisdiction; .3 if the CONTRACTOR disregards the authority of Owner's Representative; .4 if the CONTRACTOR makes fraudulent statements; .5 if the CONTRACTOR fails to maintain a work force adequate to accomplish the Work within the Contract Time; .6 if the CONTRACTOR fails to make adequate progress and endangers successful completion of the Contract; or .7 if the CONTRACTOR otherwise violates in any substantial way any provisions of the Contract Documents; The OWNER may, after giving the CONTRACTOR (and the surety, if any) seven (7) calendar days'Written Notice terminate the services of the CONTRACTOR. The OWNER, at its option, may proceed with negotiation with surety for completion of the Work. Alternatively,the OWNER may under these circumstances exclude the CONTRACTOR from the site and take possession of the Work (without liability to the CONTRACTOR for trespass or conversion), incorporate in the Work all materials and equipment stored at the site or for which the OWNER has paid the CONTRACTOR but which are stored elsewhere, and finish the Work as the OWNER may deem expedient. In such case the CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the Work is finished. If the unpaid balance of the Contract Amount exceeds all claims, costs, losses and damages sustained by the OWNER arising out of or resulting from completing the Work, such excess will be paid to the CONTRACTOR. If such claims, costs, losses and damage exceed such unpaid balance, the CONTRACTOR or surety shall pay the difference to the OWNER. 15.3.2 Where the CONTRACTOR's services have been so terminated by the OWNER, the termination will not affect any rights or remedies of the OWNER against the CONTRACTOR and surety then existing or which may thereafter accrue. Any retention or payment of amounts due the CONTRACTOR by the OWNER will not release the CONTRACTOR from liability. In the event the OWNER terminates the Contract with cause, the OWNER may reject any and all bids submitted by the CONTRACTOR for up to three (3) years. 00700 11-2017 Page 38 General Conditions 15.4 CONTRACTOR May Stop Work or Terminate: If through no act or fault of the CONTRACTOR,the Work is suspended for a period of more than ninety(90)calendar days by the OWNER or under an order of court or other public authority, or (except during disputes) Owner's Representative fails to forward for processing any mutually acceptable Application for Payment within thirty (30) calendar days after it is submitted, or(except during disputes)the OWNER fails for sixty(60)calendar days after it is submitted to pay the CONTRACTOR any sum finally determined by the OWNER to be due, then the CONTRACTOR may, upon seven(7)calendar days'Written Notice to the OWNER,and provided the OWNER does not remedy such suspension or failure within that time, terminate the Agreement and recover from the OWNER payment on the same terms as provided in paragraph 15.2. In lieu of terminating the Agreement and without prejudice to any other right or remedy, if(except during disputes) Owner's Representative has failed to forward for processing any mutually acceptable Application for Payment within thirty(30)calendar days after it is submitted, or (except during disputes) the OWNER has failed for sixty (60) calendar days after it is submitted to pay the CONTRACTOR any sum finally determined by the OWNER to be due, the CONTRACTOR may upon seven (7) calendar days' Written Notice to the OWNER stop the Work until payment of all such amounts due the CONTRACTOR, including interest thereon. The provisions of this paragraph 15.4 are not intended to preclude the CONTRACTOR from making a Claim under Article 11 and Article 12 for an increase in Contract Amount or Contract Times or otherwise for expenses or damage directly attributable to the CONTRACTOR's stopping Work as permitted by this paragraph. ARTICLE 16-DISPUTE RESOLUTION 16.1 Filing of Claims: 16.1.1 Claims arising from the circumstances identified in paragraphs 3.2, 4.1, 4.2.2, 4.2.4, 6.4.2,, 6.17, 7.5, 8.6, 9.5, 10.4.2, 13.8, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, or 15.4, or other occurrences or events, shall be made by Written Notice delivered by the party making the Claim to the other party within thirty (30) calendar days after the start of the occurrence or event giving rise to the Claim and stating the general nature of the Claim. Notice of the amount of the Claim with supporting data shall be delivered within thirty (30) calendar days after Written Notice of Claim is delivered by claimant and shall represent that the adjustment claimed covers all known amounts to which claimant is entitled. 16.1.2 Within thirty(30)calendar days of receipt of notice of the amount of the Claim with supporting data, Owner's Representative and the CONTRACTOR shall meet to discuss the Claim, after which an offer of settlement or notification of no settlement offer will be made to claimant. If claimant is not satisfied with the proposal presented, claimant shall have thirty (30) calendar days in which to: .1 submit additional supporting data requested by the other party; .2 modify the initial Claim; or .3 request Alternative Dispute Resolution. 16.2 Alternative Dispute Resolution: 16.2.1 If a dispute exists concerning a Claim, the parties agree to use the following procedure prior to pursuing any other available remedies. The OWNER reserves the right to include E/A as a party. 16.2.2 Negotiating with Previously Uninvolved Personnel: Either party may make a written request for a meeting to be held between representatives of each party within fourteen (14) calendar days of the request or such later period that the parties may agree to. Each party shall endeavor to include, at a minimum, one (1) previously uninvolved senior level decision maker empowered to negotiate on behalf of their organization. The purpose of this and subsequent meetings will be good faith negotiations of the matters constituting the dispute. Negotiations shall be concluded within thirty(30)calendar days of the first meeting, unless mutually agreed otherwise. This step may 00700 11-2017 Page 39 General Conditions be waived by written agreement of both parties, in which event the parties may proceed directly to mediation as described below. 16.2.3 Mediation: If the procedure described in paragraph 16.2.2 proves unsuccessful or is waived pursuant to its terms, the parties shall initiate the mediation process. The parties agree to select within thirty (30) calendar days one (1) mediator trained in mediation skills, to assist with resolution of the dispute. The OWNER and the CONTRACTOR agree to act in good faith in the selection of the mediator and to give consideration to qualified individuals nominated to act as mediator. Nothing in this agreement prevents the parties from relying on the skills of a person who also is trained in the subject matter of the dispute and/or a contract interpretation expert. Mediation is a forum in which an impartial person, the mediator, facilitates communication between parties to promote reconciliation, settlement, or understanding among them. The parties hereby agree that mediation, at a minimum, shall provide for 1)conducting an on-site investigation, if appropriate, by the mediator for fact-gathering purposes, 2) a meeting of all parties for the exchange of points of view and 3) separate meetings between the mediator and each party to the dispute for the formulation of resolution alternatives. The parties agree to participate in mediation in good faith for up to thirty(30)calendar days from the date of the first mediation session, unless mutually agreed otherwise. Should the parties fail to reach a resolution of the dispute through mediation, then each party is released to pursue other remedies available to them. ARTICLE 17—RIGHT TO AUDIT 17.1 Right to Audit: Whenever the OWNER enters into any type of contractual arrangement with the CONTRACTOR, then the CONTRACTOR's "records" shall upon reasonable notice be open to inspection and subject to audit and/or reproduction during normal business working hours. The OWNER's representative, or an outside representative engaged by the OWNER, may perform such audits. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain all records relating to this Agreement for four (4) years from the date of final payment under this Agreement, or until pending litigation has been completely and fully resolved,whichever occurs later. 17.1.1 The OWNER shall have the exclusive right to examine the records of the CONTRACTOR. The term "records"as referred to herein shall include any and all information, materials and data of every kind and character, including without limitation records, books, papers, documents, contracts, schedules, commitments, arrangements, notes, daily diaries, reports, drawings, receipts, vouchers and memoranda, and any and all other agreements, sources of information and matters that may, in the OWNER's judgment, have any bearing on or pertain to any matters, rights, duties or obligations under or covered by any contract document. Such records shall include(hard copy, as well as computer-readable data if it can be made available), written policies and procedures, time sheets, payroll registers, cancelled checks, personnel file data, correspondence, general ledger entries, and any other record in the CONTRACTOR's possession which may have a bearing on matters of interest to the OWNER in connection with the CONTRACTOR's dealings with the OWNER (all of the foregoing are hereinafter referred to as "records"). In addition,the CONTRACTOR shall permit interviews of employees as well as agents, representatives, vendors, subcontractors and other third parties paid by the CONTRACTOR to the extent necessary to adequately permit evaluation and verification of the following: a) The CONTRACTOR's compliance with contract requirements; b) The CONTRACTOR's compliance with the OWNER'S business ethics policies; and c) If necessary, the extent of the Work performed by the CONTRACTOR at the time of contract termination. 17.1.2 The CONTRACTOR shall require all payees(examples of payees include subcontractors, insurance agents, material suppliers, etc.) to comply with the provisions of this Article 17 by securing the requirements hereof in a 00700 11-2017 Page 40 General Conditions written agreement between the CONTRACTOR and payee. Such requirements include a flow-down right of audit provision in contracts with payees that also apply to subcontractors and sub-subcontractors, material suppliers, etc. The CONTRACTOR shall cooperate fully and shall require Related Parties and all of the CONTRACTOR's subcontractors to cooperate fully in furnishing or in making available to the OWNER from time to time whenever requested, in an expeditious manner, any and all such information, materials, and data. 17.1.3 The OWNER's authorized representative or designee shall have reasonable access to the CONTRACTOR's facilities, shall be allowed to interview all current or former employees to discuss matters pertinent to the performance of this Agreement, and shall be provided adequate and appropriate work space in order to conduct audits in compliance with this Article 17. 17.1.4 If an audit inspection or examination in accordance with this Article 17 discloses overpricing or overcharges of any nature by the CONTRACTOR to the OWNER in excess of one-half of one percent(.5%)of the total contract billings, then the reasonable actual cost of the OWNER's audit shall be reimbursed to the OWNER by the CONTRACTOR. Any adjustments and/or payments,which must be made as a result of any such audit or inspection of the CONTRACTOR's invoices and/or records, shall be made within a reasonable amount of time (not to exceed 90 days)from presentation of the OWNER's findings to the CONTRACTOR. 17.1.5 The CONTRACTOR shall take reasonable actions to prevent any actions or conditions which could result in a conflict with the OWNER's best interests. These obligations shall apply to the activities of the CONTRACTOR's employees, agents, subcontractors, etc. in their dealings and relations with the OWNER's current and former employees and their relatives. For example, the CONTRACTOR's employees, agents or subcontractors should not make or provide to be made any employment, gifts, extravagant entertainment, payments, loans or other considerations to the OWNER's representatives, employees or their relatives. 17.1.6 It is also understood and agreed by the CONTRACTOR that any solicitation of gifts or any other item of value by anyone representing the OWNER is to be reported within two (2) business working days to the OWNER at the following telephone number: 512-218-5401. Failure to report any such solicitations or offers shall be deemed a material breach of contract entitling the OWNER to pursue damages resulting from the failure to comply with this provision. ARTICLE 18—MISCELLANEOUS 18.1 Venue: In the event of any suit at law or in equity involving the Contract, venue shall be in Williamson County, Texas and the laws of the state of Texas shall apply to Contract interpretation and enforcement. 18.2 Extent of Agreement: This Contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral. 18.3 Cumulative Remedies: The rights and remedies available to the parties are not to be construed in any way as a limitation of any rights and remedies available to any or all of them which are otherwise imposed or available by laws or regulations, by special warranty or guarantees or by other provisions of the Contract Documents, and the provisions of this paragraph will be as effective as if repeated specifically in the Contract Documents in connection with each particular duty, obligation, right and remedy to which they apply. 18.4 Severability: 00700 11-2017 Page 41 General Conditions If any word, phrase, clause, sentence or provision of the Contract, or the application of same to any person or set of circumstances is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, invalid or unenforceable,that finding shall only effect such word, phrase, clause, sentence or provision, and such finding shall not effect the remaining portions of this Contract; this being the intent of the parties in entering into the Contract; and all provisions of the Contract are declared to be severable for this purpose. 18.5 Independent Contractor The Contract shall not be construed as creating an employer/employee relationship,a partnership,or a joint venture. The CONTRACTOR's services shall be those of an independent contractor. The CONTRACTOR agrees and understands that the Contract does not grant any rights or privileges established for employees of the OWNER. 18.6 Prohibition of Gratuities The OWNER may, by Written Notice to the CONTRACTOR, terminate the Contract without liability if is determined by the OWNER that gratuities were offered or given by the CONTRACTOR or any agent or representative of the CONTRACTOR to any officer or employee of the OWNER with a view toward securing the Contract or securing favorable treatment with respect to the awarding or amending or the making of any determinations with respect to the performing of such Contract. In the event the Contract is terminated by the OWNER pursuant to this provision, the OWNER shall be entitled, in addition to any other rights and remedies,to recover or withhold the amount of the cost incurred by the CONTRACTOR in providing such gratuities. 18.7 Prohibition Against Personal Interest in Contracts No officer, employee, independent consultant, or elected official of the OWNER who is involved in the development, evaluation, or decision-making process of the performance of any solicitation shall have a financial interest, direct or indirect, in the Contract resulting from that solicitation. Any violation of this provision, with the knowledge, expressed or implied, of the CONTRACTOR shall render the Contract voidable by the OWNER. End of General Conditions 00700 11-2017 Page 42 General Conditions 00800 SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL CONDITIONS City of Round Rock Contract Forms Supplemental General Conditions Section 00800 SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL CONDITIONS TO AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION SERVICES The Supplemental General Conditions contained herein shall amend or supplement the General Conditions, Section 00700. ARTICLE 1 -DEFINITIONS 1.16 Engineer/Architect(E/A): Add the following: Name (Representative): Matt Bushak,P.E. Firm: City of Round Rock Address: 3400 Sunrise Road City, State, Zip: Round Rock,TX 78665 Telephone: 512.341.3318 Facsimile: Email: mbushak@roundrocktexas.gov 1.27 Owner's Representative: Add the following: Name: Jose(JC)Montelongo II,E.I.T. Title: Project Manager Address: 3400 Sunrise Road City, State, Zip: Round Rock,TX 78664 Telephone: 512.218.7026 Facsimile: Email: jmontelongo@roundrocktexas.gov ARTICLE 6-CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES 6.18 Liquidated Damages Add the following: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL PAY LIQUIDATED DAMAGES IN THE AMOUNT OF One thousand AND NO/100 DOLLARS $l000 PER DAY FOR EACH DAY BEYOND THE DATE ESTABLISHED THEREFOR THAT THE CONTRACTOR FAILS TO ACHIEVE SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION, AND FOR WHICH OWNER IS UNABLE TO UTILIZE THE IMPROVEMENTS AND FACILITIES DUE TO THE FAILURE OF CONTRACTOR TO HAVE ACHIEVED SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONTRACT. END OF SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 1 00800 10-2015 Supplemental General Conditions 00090669 00900 SPECIAL CONDITIONS SECTION 01-INFORMATION 01-01 COPIES OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FURNISHED The Agreement will be prepared in not less than five(5)counterpart(original signed) sets. The City will furnish to the Contractor two (2) sets of conforming Contract Documents and Specifications unless otherwise specified. 01-02 GOVERNING CODES All construction as provided for under these Plans and Specifications shall be governed by any existing Resolutions, Codes and Ordinances, and any subsequent amendments or revisions thereto as set forth by the City. 01-03 LOCATION The location of work shall be as set forth in the Notice to Bidders and as indicated on the Plans. 01-04 USAGE OF WATER All water used during construction shall be provided by the City and shall be metered. The City shall specify the location from which the Contractor is to procure water.The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining a bulk water permit from the City and providing all apparatus necessary for procuring, storing, transporting and using water during construction. The Contractor shall strive to use no more water than reasonable to perform the work associated with this Contract and shall avoid waste. The Contractor will be required to pay for all water used if it is found that waste is occurring during construction. SECTION 02-SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS 02-01 CROSSING UTILITIES Prior to commencing the Work associated with this Contract, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to make arrangements with the Owners of utility companies to uncover their particular utility lines or otherwise confirm their location. Certain utility companies perform such services at their own expense,however,where such is not the case,the Contractor will cause such work to be done at his own expense. 02-02 UTILITY SERVICES FOR CONSTRUCTION The Contractor will be responsible for providing his own utility services while performing the Work associated with this Contract. Provision of said utility services shall be subsidiary to the various bid items and no additional payment will be made for this item. 00900-1-2016 Page 1 Special Conditions 02-03 WAGE RATES Wage Rates(Information From Chapter 2258,Texas Government Code Title 10) 2288.021.Duty of Government Entity to Pay Prevailing Wage Rates a. The State or any political subdivision of the State shall pay a worker employed by it or on behalf of it: (1) not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality in which the work is performed; and (2) not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for legal holiday and overtime work. b. Subsection(a) does not apply to maintenance work. c. A worker is employed on a public work for the purposes of this section if a Contractor or Subcontractor in the execution of a contract for the public work with the State, a political subdivision of the State or any officer or public body of the State or a political subdivision of the State, employs the worker. 2258.023. Prevailing Wage Rates to be Paid by Contractor and Subcontractor; Penalty a. The contractor who is awarded a contract by a public body, or a Subcontractor of the Contractor, shall pay not less than the rates determined under Section 2258.022 to a worker employed by it in the execution of the contract. b. A Contractor or Subcontractor who violates this section shall pay to the state or a political subdivision of the state on whose behalf the contract is made,$60 for each worker employed for each calendar day or part of the day that the worker is paid less than the wage rates stipulated in the contract.A public body awarding a contract shall specify this penalty in the contract. c. A contractor or subcontractor does not violate this section if a public body awarding a contract does not determine the prevailing wage rates, and specify the rates in the contract as provided by Section 2258.022. d. The public body shall use any money collected under this section to offset the costs incurred in the administration of this chapter. e. A municipality is entitled to collect a penalty under this section only if the municipality has a population of more than 10,000. 00900-1-2016 Page 2 Special Conditions 2258.051.Duty of Public Body to Hear Complaints and Withhold Payment A public body awarding a contract, and an agent or officer of the public body, shall: 1. take cognizance of complaints of all violations of this chapter committed in the execution of the contract; and 2. withhold money forfeited or required to be withheld under this Chapter from the payments to the Contractor under the contract, except that the public body may not withhold money from other than the final payment without determination by the public body that there is good cause to believe that the Contractor has violated this chapter. Applicable wage rates to be used in Williamson and/or Travis County may be obtained from the U.S. Department of Labor website at the following web addresses: Construction Types: Heavy (Sewer/Water Treating Plant and Sewer/Incidental to Highway) http://www.wdol.gov/wdol/scafiles/davisbacon/TX33.dvb?v=0 Construction Types: Heavy and Highway http://www.wdol.gov/wdol/scafiles/davisbacon/TX16.dvb?v=0 Construction Type: Building http://www.wdol.gov/wdol/scafiles/davisbacon/TX76.dvb?v=1 02-04 LIMIT OF FINANCIAL RESOURCES The City has a limited amount of financial resources committed to this Project; therefore, it shall be understood by all bidders that the City may be required to change and/or delete any items which it may feel is necessary to accomplish all or part of the scope of work within its limit of financial resources. Contractor shall be entitled to no claim for damages or anticipated profits on any portion of work that may be omitted. At any time during the duration of this contract,the City reserves the right to omit any work from this contract. Unit prices for all items previously approved in this contract shall be used to delete or add work per change order. 02-05 CONSTRUCTION REVIEW The City shall provide a project representative to review the quality of materials and workmanship. 02-06 LIMITS OF WORK AND PAYMENT It shall be the obligation of the Contractor to complete all work included in this Contract, so authorized by the City, as described in the contract documents and technical specifications. All items of work not specifically paid for in the bid proposal 00900-1-2016 Page 3 Special Conditions shall be included in the unit price bids. Any question arising as to the limits of work shall be left up to the interpretation of the Engineer. 02-07 LAND FOR WORK Owner provides, as indicated on Drawings, land upon which work is to be done,right- of-way for access to same and such other lands that are designated for the use of the Contractor. Contractor provides, at his expense and without liability of Owner, any additional land and access thereto that may be required for his construction operations, temporary construction facilities, or for storage of materials. 02-08 DEVIATIONS OCCASIONED L i UTILITY STD ITCTURES Whenever existing utilities, not indicated on Plans, present obstructions to grade and alignment of proposed improvements immediately notify engineer,who without delay, will determine if existing utilities are to be relocated, or grade and alignment of proposed improvements changed. Where necessary to move existing utilities and appurtenances as determined by the Engineer, the Engineer and Contractor will make relocation arrangements with the utility owner.The Owner will not be liable for delay costs or damages due to relocations of utilities which hinder progress of the work. 02-09 CONSTRUCTION STAKING All construction staking required to complete the work associated with this contract shall be provided by the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for determining the layout and extent of staking necessary to construct the improvements to the lines and grades shown in the Plans and such staking shall be satisfactory to the Engineer.The Contractor shall consult with the Engineer and Owners representative in the field for assistance as necessary. Sufficient staking materials and equipment shall be provided by the Contractor including but not limited to:paint, flagging, laths,hubs, blue tops, nails, hammers, measuring chains or tapes, transits and levels. The Contractor shall be responsible for setting and marking control and off-set points for measuring distances and angles, for shooting levels,and for any other items pertaining to construction staking. This item shall not be paid for separately and shall be considered subsidiary to other bid items. 00900-1-2016 Page 4 Special Conditions SECTION 03-ACCESS AND TRAFFIC CONTROL Access shall be provided for the public and emergency vehicles at all possible times. When it becomes necessary to restrict access, the Contractor shall notify the Owner and coordinate with the Owner, all applicable agencies (i.e. Fire Department, E.M.S., Public Works, etc.), residents, and affected parties. If emergency access is required during the work and such access is being hindered by the work, the Contractor will suspend the work if necessary,and otherwise endeavor to assist emergency personnel in accessing a location restricted by the work. Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, at the end of each day all lanes of traffic shall be opened to the public. The Contractor shall ensure compliance at all times with the accepted Traffic Control Plan for the project and shall be responsible for all maintenance, signing and safety precautions necessary for traffic control. These items shall be included in the bid item Traffic Control. 00900-1-2016 Page 5 Special Conditions 01000 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ITEM 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK The Work covered by these Specifications consists of furnishing all labor, equipment, appliances, materials and performing all operations in connection with the inspection and testing, complete in accordance with the Plans, and subject to the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 1.02 GOVERNING TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS STREET,WATER, SEWER AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS The Round Rock Standard Specification Criteria Manual is hereby referred to and included in this contract as fully and to the same extent as if copied at length herein, and shall be applied to this project unless modified elsewhere as discussed below. The aforementioned Criteria Manual is the"Standard Specifications"section of the City of Round Rock Design and Construction Standards. The Standard Specifications may be accessed from the City of Round Rock website (www.roundrocktexas.gov) at the following web address: www.roundrocktexas.gov/dacs. Any adjustments,alterations,or additional information regarding Governing Technical Specifications are contained in the Plans (Drawings), Details and Notes described in Section 02000 of the Project Manual. ITEM 2 CONTROL OF WORK 2.01 CLEAN-UP 2.01.1 CONSTRUCTION SITE During construction the Contractor shall keep the site free and clean from all rubbish and debris and shall clean-up the site promptly when notified to do so by the Engineer. The Contractor shall,at his own expense,maintain the streets and roads free from dust, mud, excess earth or debris which constitutes a nuisance or danger to the public using the thoroughfare, or the occupants of adjacent properties. Care shall be taken to prevent spillage on streets and roads over which hauling is done, and any such spillage or debris deposited on streets,due to the Contractor's operations, shall be immediately removed. Page 1 01000-7-2015 Technical Specifications 00193116 2.01.2 BACKWORK The Contractor shall coordinate his operations in such a manner as to prevent the amount of clean-up and completion of back works from becoming excessive. Should such a condition exist, the Engineer may order all or portions of the work to cease and refuse to allow any work to commence until the back work is done to the Engineer's satisfaction. 2.02 GRADING The Contractor shall do such grading in and adjacent to the construction area associated with this contract as may be necessary to leave such areas in a neat and satisfactory condition approved by the Engineer_ ITEM 3 EXAMINATION AND REVIEW 3.01 EXAMINATION OF WORK The work covered under this Contract shall be examined and reviewed by the Engineer, representatives of all governmental entities which have jurisdiction, and the City's authorized representative. The quality of material and the quality of installation of the improvements shall be to the satisfaction of the Engineer. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility for the construction methods and safety precautions in the undertaking of this Contract. 3.02 NOTIFICATION The Engineer and City must be notified a minimum of 24-hours in advance of beginning construction, testing, or requiring presence of the Engineer, project representative, or City's representative. 3.03 CONSTRUCTION STAKING The Engineer shall furnish the Contractor reference points and benchmarks that,in the Engineer's opinion, provide sufficient information for the Contractor to perform construction staking. 3.04 PROTECTION OF STAKES,MARKS,ETC. All engineering and surveyor's stakes,marks, property corners, etc., shall be carefully preserved by the Contractor,and in case of destruction or removal during the course of this project, such stakes, marks, property corners, etc., shall be replaced by the Contractor at the Contractor's sole expense. Page 2 01000-7-2015 Technical Specifications 00193116 ITEM 4 PROTECTION AND PRECAUTION 4.01 WORK IN FREEZING WEATHER Portions of the work may continue as directed by the Engineer. 4.02 PROTECTION OF TREES,PLANTS AND SHRUBS The Contractor shall take necessary precautions to preserve all existing trees, plants and shrubs but where it is justifiable and necessary the Contractor may remove trees and plants for construction right-of-way but only with approval of the Engineer. 4.03 TRAFFIC CONTROL MEASURES AND BARRICADES Traffic control measures and barricades shall be installed in accordance with the Texas Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices and in other locations deemed necessary by the Engineer, for the protection life and property. Under no circumstances will any existing road be permitted to remain closed over a weekend. No separate pay will be made for this item. Costs for this item shall be subsidiary to other items of work. 4.04 PROPERTY LINES AND MONUMENTS The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection, reference and resetting of property comer monuments if disturbed. 4.05 DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS MATERIAL The Contractor shall at his own expense,make arrangement for the disposal of surplus material, such as rock,trees,brush and other unwanted backfill materials. 4.06 CONTRACTOR'S USE OF PREMISES The Contractor shall,at his own expense,provide additional space as necessary for his operations and storage of materials. ITEM 5 MATERIALS 5.01 TRADE NAMES Except as specified otherwise, wherever in the specifications an article or class of material is designated by a trade name or by the name or catalog number of any maker, patentee,manufacturer,or dealer,such designations shall be taken as intending to mean and specify the articles described or another equal thereto in quality, finish, and serviceability for the purpose intended, as may be determined and judged by the Engineer in his sole discretion. 5.02 MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP No material which has been used by the Contractor for any temporary purpose whatever is to be incorporated in the permanent structure without the written consent of the Engineer. Where materials or equipment are specified by a trade or brand name, it is not the intention of the City to discriminate against an equal product of another manufacturer, but rather to set a definite standard of quality for performance, and to Page 3 01000-7-2015 Technical Specifications 00193116 establish an equal basis for the evaluation of bids. Where the words "equivalent", "proper" or"equal to" are used,they shall be understood to mean that the item referred to shall be "proper", the "equivalent" of, or"equal to" some other item, in the opinion or judgment of the Engineer.Unless otherwise specified,all materials shall be the best of their respective kinds and shall be in all cases fully equal to approved samples. Notwithstanding that the words "or equal to" or other such expressions may be used in the specifications in connection with a material, manufactured article or process, the material, article or process specifically designated shall be used, unless a substitute is approved in writing by the Engineer,and the Engineer will have the right to require the use of such specifically designated material, article or process. Page 4 01000-7-2015 Technical Specifications 00193116 02000 PLANS, DETAILS AND NOTES 2019 Street Maintenance Program (SMP) Project-B Section 02000 - Plans, Details and Notes Index I. General Notes {4 pages (notes 1 through 19)) 2. Project Specific Notes {9 pages (notes 1 through 12); SP340 Dense-Graded Hot-Mix Asphalt(QC QA)} 3. Maps {6 pages) 4. Quantity List {18 pages) 5. Erosion Control Details {6 Pages) a. EC-10: Silt Fence b. EC-11: Triangular Sediment Filter Dike c. EC-12: Rock Berm d. EC-14: Curb Inlet Protection e. EC-16: Area Inlet Protection f. EC-17: Erosion Control Log 6. Street Standard Details {14 Pages) a. ST-01: Sidewalk b. S-03: Concrete Driveway(Commercial or Multi-Family) c. S-04: Laydown and Ribbon Curb d. S-05: Spill and Catch Curb e. WW-01: Precast Concrete Wastewater Manhole(for adjustment) f PED-18: Pedestrian Facilities(4 sheets) g. PM (1)-12 thru PM (3)-12: Pavement Markings(3 sheets) h. RCD(1)-16 and RCD(2)-16: Railroad Crossing Details(2 sheets) 7. Traffic Control Standards {28 pages) a. BC(1)-14 thru BC(12)-14(12 sheets) b. 2011 Texas MUTCD tables 6H-2 through 6H-4, and Typical Applications 13, 15 and 28 with accompanying notes(8 sheets) c. TCP(2-1)-12 thru(2-4)-12 (4 sheets) d. WZ(TD)-13,WZ(STPM)-13,WZ(UL)-13, and WZ(RCD)-13 (4 sheets) Issued for construction with the following: The General and Specific Projects Notes, listed above and included herein have been prepared by me and are applicable to this project. The Details and Traffic Control Standards listed above and included herein have been selected by me and are applicable to this project. 4 1f,' q1 el 4ice;F . � •' * ij r MATTHEW BUSHAK Matthew Bushak, P.E. t. ............••••••►••r•••••••ti"' Date • .0%. 91480 �� . w w1 i%pp.,./CENS7, .0:, 1k‘,.;iONsd. GENERAL NOTES GENERAL NOTES 1. All construction shall be in accordance with the City of Round Rock Standard Specification Criteria Manual (the "governing technical specifications") with modifications included within this Section 02000 "Plans, Details and Notes". References to the governing technical specifications are shown as"(Item No.XXX)". The governing technical specifications may be accessed at the web address: https:// www.roundrocktexas.gov/departments/transportation/dacs/ 2. If blasting is planned by the Contractor, blasting licensing and permitting must be secured from the City of Round Rock prior to commencement of blasting. Blasting will not be permitted within 15 feet of any existing utility lines or structures without prior written consent of the Engineer. 3. Any existing utilities, pavement, curbs, sidewalks, structures, trees, etc., not intended to be removed or repaired under the contract and damaged by the Contractor, shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Engineer at the Contractor's sole expense. 4. The Contractor shall verify all depths and locations of existing utilities prior to any construction. Any conflict between existing utilities and the work proposed in the contract shall be brought to the attention of the Engineer. No separate measurement or payment shall be made for existing utilities verification and this work shall be subsidiary to the various bid items in the contract. 5. Manhole frames, covers, valves, cleanouts, etc. shall be raised to finished grade prior to final paving construction. 6. All unpaved areas disturbed or damaged during prosecution of the Work shall be restored and re-vegetated as soon as practicable upon completion of activities causing the disturbance or damage. Restoration and re-vegetation of all disturbed or damaged areas shall consist of grading and dressing the areas with proper topsoil (Item No. 601) as necessary to provide a plain/flat surface to install solid block sod (Item No. 602) to appropriate lines and grades that preclude ponding of water and uneven terrain. Roll or tamp the sodded area to form a thoroughly compacted solid mat, filling all voids in the sodded area with additional sod. Keep sod along edges of curbs, driveways, sidewalks, etc., trimmed until acceptance. The species of sod shall match the generally prevailing species in the vicinity of the area being restored; however the Contractor shall consult with the abutting lot(s) owner(s) and the Engineer to determine the species of sod to be installed before ordering or placement. Finished restored and re-vegetated areas shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer prior to final acceptance. Unless the Engineer determines that through no fault of the contractor the limits of restoration and re-vegetation must exceed three feet (3') in width abutting curb and gutter repair/construction areas or two feet (2') in width abutting sidewalk repair/construction areas, no separate measurement or payment shall be made for restoration and re-vegetation and this work shall be subsidiary to the various bid items in the contract. 7. Prior to any construction, the Contractor shall convene a preconstruction conference between the City of Round Rock, himself, the Engineer, other utility companies, any affected parties and any other entity the City or Engineer may require. 8. The Contractor shall keep accurate records of all construction that deviates from the plans. The Contractor shall furnish the City of Round Rock accurate "As-Built" drawings and/ or data following completion of all construction. These "As-Built" drawings and/or data shall meet with the satisfaction of the Engineer prior to final acceptance. No separate measurement or payment shall be made for this item and this item shall be subsidiary to the various bid items in the contract. 9. Trash and debris generated by the Contractor shall be removed from private property, rights-of-way, and easements by the Contractor immediately after work has terminated each day. Clean up shall be to the satisfaction of the Engineer prior to final acceptance. When construction is being carried out within easements, the Contractor shall confine his work to within the permanent and any temporary easements. 10. After each of the following operations: performance of pavement milling; pavement or other repairs; and, asphalt overlays, the Contractor shall sweep all surfaces with a vacuum broom to remove fines and other residual waste material generated by the construction from ROW, sidewalks, curb/gutter and roadway, no later than seven (7) days after operation is perfomed. As approved by the Engineer and where inaccessible for a vacuum broom, the Contractor shall use other appropriate means to adequately remove fines and residual waste. The Contractor shall also clean construction areas when directed by the Engineer. All property, whether public or private shall be cleaned to the satisfaction of the Engineer. No separate measurement or payment shall be made for this work and this work shall be subsidiary to the various bid items in the contract. 11. The general limits and streets that are the subject of the Work of this contract are shown on the project map(s) (the "maps") at the end of this section. All asphalt paved surfaces between curbs, including but not limited to turn lanes, public/residential parking stalls, mail box pop-outs, etc. are all included in the quantities. 12. Approximate data utilized to develop most of the repair quantities shown in the Bid Form are indicated on the pages of Repair Lists at the end of this section. However, the Contractor is alerted to the fact that the Repair List is only intended to provide general scope and scale, and the actual quantities to be furnished under the contract or areas to be repaired shall be as determined by existing conditions and/or determined and/or laid out by the Engineer. Some of the quantities in the Bid Form may be in excess of the Repair List quantities in anticipation of variances that can typically occur in a street maintenance project. Actual quantities may differ from the quantities shown in the Repair List or Bid Form, may be increased or decreased, or, additional areas may be identified for repair as determined by the Engineer. Actual quantities provided by the Contractor shall be paid for at the unit price shown in the Bid Form for each item unless other provisions in the contract apply. 13.The Contractor is alerted to the fact that portions of the Work will be in and around school areas, critical street and driveway intersections, state highways and heavily traveled roads. Coordination with the Owner will be required, and coordination with a school district, state department of transportation, or other agencies may be required to prevent traffic problems and unsafe conditions for the public. Working times within the aforementioned areas may need to be adjusted by the Owner to correspond to the needs of the City, school district, and State so as not to disrupt traffic associated with rush hours. This item will not be measured or paid for separately and shall be subsidiary to the various bid items in the contract. 14. Prior to performing pavement repairs or other work that could damage or affect traffic loops, the Contractor shall coordinate the work with the Owner in order that the Owner may schedule Owner's personnel to repair/replace traffic loops prior to or promptly after the Contractor performs the work as determined by the Owner. This item will not be measured or paid for separately and shall be subsidiary to the various bid items in the contract. At his sole expense, the Contractor shall be responsible for repairing or replacing a traffic loop that is damaged due to work performed if the work has not been coordinated with the Owner. 15. All excavation associated with the various bid items is unclassified and without regard to material encountered. No extra compensation shall be provided for encountering material that adversely impacts excavation. 16.Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, all open excavations in excess of two inches (2") in depth shall be filled at the end of each day. In all cases, it is the Contractor's responsibility to provide proper warning devices, barricades, etc. for the protection of pedestrians and traffic in the area of excavations, regardless of depth, until the excavation is completely filled. Subject to the approval of the Engineer, where an excavation to be left open overnight creates a drop-off in excess of two inches (2") abutting the roadway or within three feet (3') of the roadway, CW- 8-9a "Shoulder Drop Off' or CW 8-11 "Uneven Lane" signs, as appropriate, and vertical panel delineators shall be provided for the excavated area; where an excavation to be left open overnight creates a drop-off in excess of one-inch (1") but less than two inches (2") abutting the roadway or within three feet (3') of the roadway, CW-8-9a "Shoulder Drop Off' or CW 8-11 "Uneven Lane" signs, as appropriate, shall be provided for the excavated area. No extra compensation shall be provided for this item and it shall be subsidiary to the bid item in the contract for "Traffic Control". 17. When a sidewalk must be blocked due to replacement or other work, the Contractor shall provide sufficient advanced warning signs and detour signs to direct pedestrians around the blockage. The signs and detour shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer prior to blocking of a sidewalk. Where possible, alternatively the Contractor may provide a temporary sidewalk around a sidewalk blockage subject to the approval of the Engineer prior to blocking the sidewalk. No extra compensation shall be provided for this item and it shall be subsidiary to the various bid items in the contract. 18. Where a bid item is measured by the ton of HMAC placed, the Contractor shall provide documentation (i.e. daily run tickets) to the Owner to verify tonnage of HMAC placed in conjunction with any application for payment for such bid item. No extra compensation shall be made for providing this documentation and it shall be subsidiary to the various bid items in the contract. 19. The Contractor is alerted to the fact that the City of Round Rock operates a Texas Pollution Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) (Phase II) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) as permitted by the State of Texas. Under the MS4 permit, the City is responsible for controlling discharge of pollutants to its storm water conveyances. The Contractor shall perform the Work under the contract is such a manner that will minimize the potential for pollutants to be discharged to storm drains, inlets, channels or other MS4 conveyances. For the Work included in this contract, minimizing the potential discharge of pollutants to MS4 conveyances will most likely be achieved by installation of inlet protection and by regular clean-up of surfaces as opposed to extensive placement/construction of physical control measures. The Contractor shall be responsible for determining and implementing measures necessary to protect the MS4, for adhering to applicable State and City regulations regarding the MS4, and for corrective measures related to violations of regulations regarding the MS4. All surfaces where portions of the Work are being performed shall be cleaned of loose material and debris at the end of each day, or in advance of an imminent rainfall event. Tack or prime coats shall not hP applied when a rainfall event is imminent and shall be covered as soon as practicable. The Contractor shall install Erosion Control Log Inlet Protection at curb or other inlets that are in the vicinity of or could receive runoff from a portion of the work being performed. The Contractor shall be prepared to provide other necessary measures to protect the MS4 from pollutants during performance of the Work. Any long term (more than a day) spoils or materials storage areas and, Contractor staging sites, shall be protected with physical erosion/sedimentation, filter, or other appropriate controls. Hazardous materials shall be kept in proper containment. All measures implemented shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer and the Contractor shall provide additional measures immediately upon direction by the Engineer. The Contractor shall immediately report to the City any spills of hazardous materials or pollutants and shall forthwith provide remediation of any such spill to protect the MS4, even if suspension of the Work is required. No separate payment shall be made for this item and this item shall be subsidiary to the various bid items in the contract. SPECIFIC PROJECT NOTES SPECIFIC PROJECT NOTES 1. The bid Item "Machine-Laid Type F HMAC Overlay" shall consist of placing a Type F HMAC (Item No. 340) final surface course upon a roadway after any applicable pavement or other repairs have been completed, applicable milling and crack sealing has been performed, and utility castings have been adjusted. Unless otherwise determined or directed by the Engineer, the thickness of the overlay will nominally be 1". The Contractor is alerted to the fact that the actual thickness of HMAC placed may vary due to milling performed or surface deviations within existing roadways. It is the intent of this item to provide an overlay that is placed by a spreading and finishing machine in a single lift that, when complete, provides for a smooth vehicular ride. The Contractor shall utilize skis or other method acceptable to the Engineer with the spreading and finishing machine to ensure the overlay will remove minor surface deviations and provide a smooth and uniform surface. All obvious irregularities, low spots, high spots, or areas that exhibit a rough vehicular ride in the overlay shall be corrected as approved by the Engineer at the Contractor's sole expense. This item will be measured by the ton of HMAC placed and will be paid for at the unit price shown in the Bid Form for the item. The unit price shall include full compensation for: necessary sweeping of the roadway prior to overlay placement; removal of traffic buttons, vegetation, or other items (if present); placement of tack or prime coats; overlay placement; clean-up; and all other labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals necessary to provide a finished and proper HMAC overlay. 2. The bid item "Pavement Repair" shall consist of saw cutting the existing pavement, excavating (Item No. 111)the existing pavement and subsurface material to a depth of 10 inches (10") in residential areas and to a depth of 12 inches (12") in industrial areas, compacting the remaining base or subgrade (Item No. 201), installing multiple lifts of Type A or Type B HMAC (Item No. 340) base course. Prior to placement of the base course, the Contractor shall proof roll (Item No. 236S) the excavated area and the Contractor and the Engineer shall examine the excavated area for suitability/ soundness. As determined by the Contractor and/or as directed by the Engineer, any soft/unstable areas shall be further excavated until development of a firm, stable subgrade and replaced by increasing the thickness of the base course. The finished surface of the repaired area and the repaired area/existing surface interface shall exhibit a smooth vehicular ride. This item shall be measured by the ton of HMAC placed and shall be paid for at the unit price shown in the Bid Form for the item. The unit price shall include full compensation for: all saw-cutting; excavation (regardless of depth or material encountered); removal and disposal of excavated materials; proof rolling; subgrade compaction; tack and/or prime coats; placement of HMAC; clean-up; and all other labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals necessary to perform the work. If the Contractor chooses to use RAP/RAS in the Type A or B HMAC (base courses) associated with the items discussed in Specific Project Note 2 above, or when reference to said notes is made herein, the governing technical specifications for the Type A or B HMAC shall be amended by the specifications attached immediately behind these "SPECIFIC PROJECT NOTES" titled "SP340 Dense-Graded Hot-Mix Asphalt (QC/QA)" pages 1 through 6. The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that HMAC provided and placed is not a comingled mixture of HMAC material of two or more Job Mix Formulae (JMF). Furthermore, unless approved by the City, the Contractor shall not alternate between two or more JMF during base course pavement placement on a roadway repair, and the Contractor shall place base course HMAC consisting of only one Job Mix Formula (JMF) for the limits of a roadway. The Contractor shall provide the City with documents that describe both the limits and the JMF corresponding to the HMAC placed in conjunction with the performance of the items on each of the various roadways that are the subject of the Work contained in the Contract at no additional cost to the City. All other requirements and provisions listed in Specific Project Note 2 above shall apply if the Contractor chooses to use RAP/RAS in the Type A or B HMAC he provides. 3. The bid item "Edge Milling (6' wide)" shall be in accordance with the governing technical specifications (Item No. 315). Edge milling shall be performed on both sides of all streets included in the contract. The edge milling will be approximately 1" depth at the lip of gutter transitioning to the existing surface in six feet (6') on streets to receive a 1" overlay. The Contractor shall consult with the Engineer prior to milling to verify the correct mill depths and to otherwise coordinate the milling in an effort to achieve a subsequent overlay that will be as best as practicable. Any residual loose milling material left on surfaces after milling shall be cleaned up by the Contractor as soon as practicable following milling. Edge milling shall be measured by the square yard of surface milled (regardless of depth) and shall be paid for at the unit price shown in the Bid Form for the item. 4. The bid item "Surface Milling" shall be in accordance with the governing technical specifications (Item No. 315). The surface milling will be approximately 1" depth in anticipation of a 1" Type F overlay. The Owner requires surface milling of all cul-de- sacs or other miscellaneous areas to the depth and limits determined by the Engineer. Surface milling may also be required at intersections as discussed in item 5 below. The Contractor shall consult with the Engineer prior to milling to verify the correct mill depths and to otherwise coordinate the milling to achieve a subsequent overlay that will be as best as practicable. Any residual loose milling material left on surfaces after milling shall be cleaned up by the Contractor as soon as practicable following milling. Surface milling shall be measured by the square yard of surface milled (regardless of depth) and shall be paid for at the unit price shown in the Bid Form for the item. Any length of roadway that is surface milled, shall not be included in edge mill quantities if edge milling occurs prior. 5. Unless otherwise approved or directed by the Engineer, where a street being overlaid longitudinally intersects another street or Portland cement concrete pavement or valley gutter, the pavement on the street being overlaid shall be removed and replaced from the intersection to the curb return of the intersecting street. The depth of removal shall be one inch (1") at the intersection transitioning to the existing pavement surface at the beginning of the curb return of the intersecting street. The pavement removal shall generally be governed by the item "Surface Milling" as described herein. If approved by the Engineer, the Contractor may remove the pavement by other means; however, the pavement removal will be measured and paid for under the bid item "Surface Milling". Regardless of the method selected by the Contractor to remove the pavement, the Contractor shall provide any saw cutting of the pavement necessary to protect abutting pavement to remain at no additional cost to the Owner. The replacement pavement shall be measured and paid for under the item "Machine-Laid Type F HMAC Overlay". Where two or more streets at a street intersection are being overlaid, the limits of pavement removal as discussed above shall be determined by the Engineer in consultation with the Contractor. The Owner may elect to replace the pavement on all "legs" of a street intersection even if one or more of the streets at the intersection is not scheduled for overlay in this project. Futhermore, the Owner may elect to replace the pavement on asphalt driveways that intersect a street being overlaid. When the Owner elects to remove and replace the pavement on an asphalt-surfaced driveway that intersects a street being overlaid and the driveway pavement directly abuts asphalt pavement of the street, the removal and replacement of the driveway pavement shall be in accordance with this section, except that the driveway pavement shall be removed and replaced from the intersection to a point ten feet (10') from the intersection at a depth of one inch (1") for the entire ten feet (10') unless otherwise directed or approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall exercise care in removing and replacing pavement at intersections to ensure that the finished intersections will drain properly. 6. The bid items "Manhole Adjustment" and "Valve Can Adjustment" shall consist of installing a cast iron adjustment ring for existing manholes and valves within any paved area that will require a height adjustment to bring the manhole or valve to the appropriate finished grade prior to placement of final paving. The adjustment rings shall be as manufactured by East Jordan Iron Works, or approved equal. The Contractor shall be responsible for determining the appropriate size adjustment ring, determining whether or not a sloping ring is required, and selecting a ring that is compatible with a given manhole or valve. Adjustment rings shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and upon installation, adjustment rings shall fit snugly to the respective ring being adjusted and, upon placement of the cover, shall not loosen or cause improper rocking of the cover when subjected to vehicular traffic. This item will be measured by each manhole or valve adjustment ring installed and shall be paid for at the unit price shown in the Bid Form for the respective item. The unit price shall include full compensation for: cleaning the existing manhole or valve ring and cover as necessary to determine the appropriate ring required; providing and installing each ring; clean up; and all other labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals necessary to perform the work. If any wastewater cleanout castings require adjustment, such adjustment shall be similar to that for valve cans and shall be paid for per each under the bid item "Valve Can Adjustment". 7. The bid item "Remove and Replace Concrete Curb and Gutter" shall consist of saw cutting the existing curb and gutter at both ends of the repair section for the full depth of the curb and gutter and, if the pavement area abutting the lip of gutter is not being repaired, between the lip of gutter and the abutting pavement to a depth of approximately ten inches (10"), removing the existing curb and gutter (Item No. 104), excavating (Item No. 111) a minimum width of three-and-a-half feet(3.5') (the area from the lip of gutter to a minimum of eighteen inches (18") behind the back of curb) to a depth of four inches (4") below the bottom of the curb and gutter, compacting the subgrade (Item No. 201), installing a minimum of four inches (4") of Type A or Type B HMAC (Item No. 340) base course, and reconstruction of the curb and gutter (Item No. 430). Similar to the discussion in notes 2 and 3 above, the excavated area shall be examined for soundness and additional excavation and HMAC depth shall be provided as necessary for a satisfactorily supporting subgrade prior to placement of the new Where_ _ existing depression .-.�.�.�.-. requires elevation of the subgrade, r'1YA�P curb and gutter. VVhere an depr ession I equil es elevation of subs.ade, the elevation shall be achieved by increasing the thickness of the HMAC. The Contractor shall determine the gutter flowline elevations that exist at both ends of the repair section and at other locations as necessary to verify that the new gutter flowline will slope at no less than 0.4% from one end of the repair section to the other, without resulting in any area from which water will not drain. The Contractor shall verify with the Engineer that the repair section will slope/drain as specified prior to replacement of the curb and gutter. If the Contractor determines that the new curb and gutter will not slope/drain as specified, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer to obtain direction prior to placement. Any curb and gutter placed without the approval of the Engineer that does not slope/drain as specified shall not be accepted or paid for by the Owner and shall be removed and replaced at the sole expense of the Contractor. The new curb and gutter shall be doweled into the existing curb and gutter at both ends of the repair section and two #4 reinforcing bars shall be provided in the gutter, one at three inches from the back of curb and one at six inches from the lip of gutter, and both three inches from the bottom of the curb and gutter. Tooled construction joints shall be provided where the new curb and gutter meets the existing curb and gutter. If an existing expansion joint is removed, an expansion joint shall be constructed between the new curb and gutter and the existing curb and gutter at one end of the repair section, and a tooled construction joint provided at the other end of the repair section. Additional expansion joints and tooled joints shall be provided in accordance with the governing technical specifications as appropriate. A detail showing curb and gutter specifics is copied at the end of this Section under "Details". This item shall be measured by the linear foot of concrete curb and gutter placed and shall be paid for at the unit price shown in the Bid Form for the item. The unit price shall include full compensation for: all saw-cutting; excavation (regardless of material encountered); removal and disposal of excavated materials; subgrade compaction; determining elevations for slope/drainage verification; HMAC installation; reinforcement and curb and gutter installation; expansion and control joints; restoration and re- vegetation of disturbed unpaved areas; clean-up; and all other labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals necessary to perform the work. If additional excavation to provide a satisfactorily supporting subgrade or, correction of a depression requires the installation of an HMAC base course in excess of five inches (5"), payment for the base course in excess of five inches (5") (including any required excavation) shall be made under the bid item "Pavement Repair" as described herein, but only for the minimum width of excavation of 3.5' and provided that the Contractor has informed the Engineer prior to the installation. All formwork and stakes shall be removed from work site immediately once stripped from newly poured panels. 8. The bid item "Remove and Replace Reinforced Concrete Driveway" shall consist of removing the existing driveway (Item No. 104), adjusting and compacting the subgrade to conform to the appropriate grade, installing a 2" sand cushion, and installing five inch (5") thick concrete driveway (Item No. 433) in the repair area. Curbs, gutters, and between the repair area and the driveway to remain shall be saw cut as necessary. If curb and gutter (or just gutter across the driveway) is included in the repair, the curb and gutter (or just gutter) shall be constructed in accordance with the specifications for "Remove and Replace Concrete Curb and Gutter" as provided for herein. However, the gutter and driveway shall be poured monolithically. Expansion joints shall be replaced (or provided if none exist) at the right-of-way line (generally ten feet behind the face of curb). If applicable, control joints shall be provided where the new driveway meets the existing driveway to remain. Reinforcing shall consist of#3 bars @ max. 18" in both directions with a nominal cover of 2". Welded wire fabric shall not to be used. A detail showing driveway specifics is copied at the end of this Section under "Details". This item shall be measured by the square foot of concrete driveway placed and shall be paid for at the unit price shown in the Bid Form for the item. The unit price shall include full compensation for: all saw-cutting; excavation (regardless of material encountered); removal and disposal of excavated materials; adjustment and compaction of subgrade; sand cushion, installation of reinforcement and driveway; expansion and control joints; restoration and re-vegetation of disturbed unpaved areas; clean-up; and all other labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals necessary to perform the work. If curb and gutter (or just gutter across the driveway) is included in the repair area, the curb and gutter (or just gutter) will be measured and paid for in accordance with the item "Remove and Replace Concrete Curb and Gutter" as provided for herein. All formwork and stakes shall be removed from work site immediately once stripped from newly poured panels. 9. The bid item "Remove and Replace Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk" shall consist of saw cutting the existing sidewalk at both ends of the repair section and removing the existing sidewalk (Item No. 104) in an effort to cause minimal to no damage to surrounding vegetation/landscape, adjusting and compacting the subgrade to conform to the appropriate grade, installing a two inch (2") sand cushion, and installing four inch (4") thick concrete sidewalk in the repair area (Item No. 432S). The new sidewalk shall be doweled into the existing sidewalk and control joints shall be provided at both ends of the repair section. However, if an existing expansion joint is removed, an expansion joint shall be provided at one end of the repaired section. Additional expansion joints and control joints shall be provided in accordance with the governing technical specifications as appropriate. Reinforcing shall consist of#3 bars @ max. 18" on center in both directions with nominal cover of 1.5". Fibrous concrete without steel shall not be used. A detail showing sidewalk specifics is copied at the end of this Section under "Details". This item shall be measured by the square foot of concrete sidewalk placed and shall be paid for at the unit price shown in the Bid Form for the item. The unit price shall include full compensation for: all saw-cutting; excavation (regardless of material encountered); removal and disposal of excavated materials; adjustment and compaction of subgrade; sand cushion; installation of reinforcement; sidewalk installation; expansion and control joints; restoration and re-vegetation of disturbed unpaved areas; clean-up; and all other labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals necessary to perform the work. All formwork and stakes shall be removed from work site immediately once stripped from newly poured panels. 10. The bid item "Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk Ramp" shall consist of either removing and reconstructing an existing ramp or installing a new ramp in a location at which a ramp does not exist. The new ramp installed shall comply with the Texas Accessibility Standards and shall: have a running slope of no greater than 8.33%; have a cross (transverse) slope of no greater than 2%; and shall have a light reflective value and texture that significantly contrasts with that of adjoining surfaces. Red concrete paving units with truncated domes shall be provided in an inset fashion to meet the texture and light reflective requirements. Ramps constructed with this project shall generally be Type 1 in accordance with TxDOT Standard PED-12 "Pedestrian Facilities" sheets 1 and 2 of 4 copied at the end of this Section under "Details". The limits of payment for the ramps shown on TxDOT Standard PED-12 shall be adjusted for this project. The limits for Type 1 ramps shall exclude the "landing" shown, except saw cutting of existing curbs as necessary for the installation of any ramp (item No. 4 i 0) shall be included with each ramp installed. This item shall be measured by each ramp constructed and shall be paid for at the unit price shown in the Bid Form for the item. The unit price shall include full compensation for: all saw-cutting; excavation (regardless of material encountered); removal and disposal of excavated materials; adjustment and compaction of subgrade; sand cushion; installation of reinforcement; ramp, flares (with Type 1 ramps), and paving units installation; restoration and re- vegetation of disturbed unpaved areas; clean-up; and all other labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals necessary to perform the work. If any sidewalk outside the limits of payment for a ramp is required to be removed and replaced or otherwise constructed, such sidewalk removal and replacement or construction shall be performed, measured and paid for under the bid item "Remove and Replace Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk" as provided for herein.All formwork and stakes shall be removed from work site immediately once stripped from newly poured panels. 11. The bid item "Remove and Replace Reinforced Concrete Valley Gutter" shall consist of removing the existing valley gutter (Item No. 104), excavating (Item No. 111) the area to a minimum depth of four inches (4") below the valley gutter, adjusting and compacting the subgrade (Item No. 201) to conform to the proper grade, installing four inches (4") of Type A or B HMAC (Item No. 340) base course, and installing a six inch (6") thick concrete valley gutter in the repair area(Item No. 436). Reinforcing shall consist of#3 bars @ max. 18" on center in both directions with nominal 2-1/2" cover. As necessary, the existing valley gutter shall be saw-cut prior to removal of the area to be repaired. Similar to the requirements for "Pavement Repair" herein, upon completion of initial excavation, any soft/unstable areas shall be further excavated until development of a firm, stable subgrade and replaced by increasing the thickness of the base course. The new valley gutter shall be doweled into the existing valley gutter and tooled control joints shall be provided at such locations. If an existing expansion joint is removed, a new expansion joint shall be provided at the corresponding location unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. If curb and gutter is included in the repair, the curb and gutter shall be constructed in accordance with the specifications for "Remove and Replace Concrete Curb and Gutter" as provided for herein. However, the curb and gutter and valley gutter shall be poured monolithically. The requirements associated with determining elevations as provided herein for "Remove and Replace Concrete Curb and Gutter" shall apply to valley gutters and abutting curb and gutter being replaced. A detail showing valley gutter specifics is copied at the end of this Section under "Details". This item shall be measured by the square foot of concrete valley gutter placed and shall be paid for at the unit price shown in the Bid Form for the item. The unit price shall include full compensation for: all saw-cutting; excavation (regardless of material encountered); removal and disposal of excavated materials; determining elevations; adjustment, compaction, and proof rolling of subgrade; installation of HMAC base course; installation of reinforcement and valley gutter; expansion and control joints; clean-up; and all other labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals necessary to perform the work. If additional excavation to provide a satisfactorily supporting subgrade requires the installation of an HMAC base course in excess of five inches (5"), payment for the base course in excess of five inches (5") (including any required excavation) shall be made under the bid item "Pavement Repair" as described herein, provided that the Contractor has informed the Engineer prior to the installation. If curb and gutter is included in the repair area, the curb and gutter will be measured and paid for in accordance with the item "Remove and Replace Concrete Curb and Gutter" as provided for herein. All formwork and stakes shall be removed from work site immediately once stripped from newly poured panels. 12. The bid item "Traffic Control" shall consist of implementing temporary traffic control in accordance with the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, 2011 Edition (MUTCD), and the temporary traffic control plans, notes and requirements contained herein, whichever is more restrictive, at all times during performance of the Work. The following temporary traffic control plans, notes and requirements are applicable to the Work, and are copied at the end of this Section under "Traffic Control Standards": Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Barricade and Construction Standards BC (1) - 14 through BC (12) — 14; TxDOT Traffic Control Plans TCP (2-1) — 18 through TCP (2-4) — 18, (the "TCP's"); and, MUTCD Table 6H-2 through 6H-4, and Figures 6H-13, 6H-15, 6H-28 and 6H-46 (Typical Applications 13, 15, and 28) with accompanying notes. The work being performed and the street on which the work is occurring will determine which TCP or Typical Application ("TA") will be implemented, subject to the approval of the Engineer. Subject to the review and approval of the Engineer, the Contractor at his sole expense may propose alternate temporary traffic control by submitting other TCP's or TA's, or by submitting temporary traffic control plans as sealed and signed by an engineer licensed in the State of Texas. The unimpeded travel way is defined herein as the width of roadway bounded by the face of curb, edge of pavement, dividing stripe, or channelizing devices that remains available for vehicular use upon implementation of temporary traffic control devices. Except when the width of the unimpeded travel way is reduced to certain thresholds or striped/dedicated travel lanes are impeded as discussed herein, generally TCP (2-1 c) or TA-15 shall be implemented as appropriate for the Work. On collector roadways, when implementation of TCP (2-1 c) would reduce the unimpeded travel way to less than twenty-eight feet (28') but at least twenty feet (20'), or otherwise reduce the unimpeded travel way on one side of the center dividing stripe to less than eight feet (8'), TCP (2-3a) shall be implemented in lieu of TCP (2-1 c). For all roadways, if implementation of TCP (2-1 c) would reduce the unimpeded travel way to less than twenty feet (20'), or when implementation of TA-15 would reduce the unimpeded travel way to less than ten feet (10') on one side of the work area, then TCP (2-2b) shall be implemented for collector roadways, and TCP (2-2b) or TCP (2-2a), as appropriate, shall be implemented for other roadways, in lieu of TCP (2-1 c) or TA-15. When striped/dedicated travel lanes on collector roadways are impeded, TCP (2-4a) or TCP (2-4b) shall be used in lieu of TCP (2-1 c) as appropriate. When less than ten feet of -�_ -� travel � would result ...-.., ri..�.�.sirf.. due to implementation of (10') unimpeded travel way would 1 esult on any roadway due ��ple� � anon of temporary traffic control, the roadway may be completely closed to through traffic in accordance with TA-13, but for no more than twenty (20) minutes during the daytime. If determined by the Engineer that the Contractor's prosecution of the Work requires a complete road closure to through traffic for more than twenty (20) minutes during the daytime, the Contractor shall request a road closure/detour plan from the Engineer no less than seven (7) days prior to needing the closure. The Contractor shall implement all traffic controls shown on the Engineer's road closure/detour plan at no additional cost to the Owner. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Contractor shall not completely close a roadway to through traffic unless the closure has been coordinated with the Owner. Flags shall be attached to "Road Work Ahead" signs, and "End Road Work" signs shall be provided, regardless of the TCP, TA, or other traffic control plan implemented. Upward sloping arrow signs (ECWI-6a) denoted with a triangle on a TCP shall be required. Flag trees shown as optional on a TA shall be provided. Temporary stop lines and "Be Prepared to Stop" signs denoted with a triangle on a TCP shall not be required. Type III barricades shall be provided immediately preceding the work area when the option for a Type III barricade, channelizing devices, or shadow vehicle is shown on a TCP. The "Pass With Care" signs shall be excluded when implementing TCP (2-3a). The "Form One Line Left (or Right)" signs shown on TCP (2-4a) and (2-4b) and the distance plaque shown below the Flagger symbol sign on TA-46 may be provided at the Contractor's option. In addition to the requirements discussed above, when milling or un-smoothed pavement repair has occurred on a lane/street and the lane/street has been opened to traffic, CW 20-1 D (48"x48") "Road Work Ahead" signs and CW 8-8 (48"x48") "Rough Road" signs shall be appropriately installed and maintained until the lane/street has been overlaid or otherwise appropriately smoothed. As discussed in General Note 9 above, the Contractor shall implement measures to provide for pedestrian traffic when prosecution of the Work blocks a pedestrian route (sidewalk). Appropriate sidewalk detours/closures shall be provided as necessary, one possible scenario shown in TA 28. When center line pavement markings on collector roadways have been eliminated by prosecution of the Work, CW 20-1 D (48"x48") "Road Work Ahead" signs and CW 8-12 (48"x48") "No Center Stripe" signs shall be appropriately installed and maintained until permanent pavement markings have been completed. Alternatively, short term pavement markings in accordance with TxDOT standard WZ (STMP) — 03, shall be appropriately installed and maintained until permanent pavement markings have been completed. Short term pavement markings shall be removed and replaced as appropriate for the phasing of construction and shall be completely absent upon completion of the Work. This bid item shall be measured by each month (or portion thereof) that traffic control devices or measures are properly in place or use, if required to be in place or use, and shall be paid for at the unit price shown in the Bid Form for the item. The unit price shall include full compensation for furnishing, installing and maintaining traffic control signs, barricades, and delineators; furnishing and maintaining vehicles; furnishing, placing and removing short term pavement markings, and repeating as appropriate; furnishing and using safety apparel; flagmen; removal of traffic control devices upon completion of construction; clean up; and, all other labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals necessary to perform the work. SP340 DENSE-GRADED HOT-MIX ASPHALT (QC/QA) SP340 Dense-Graded Hot-Mix Asphalt(QC/QA) Item No. 340 "Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Pavement" of the governing technical specifications is amended to include all of the clauses and provisions cited below, and no other clauses or requirements of Item No. 340 are waived or changed hereby. The following language under Article 340.3 Materials: "A. Aggregate: The aggregate shall be composed of coarse aggregate, a fine aggregate and, if required or allowed, mineral filler and reclaimed asphalt pavement(RAP). RAP use will be allowed in all base course mixtures except as specifically excluded herein, in the Contract Documents or on the Drawings, provided no more than 20% RAP is used. RAP use will not be permitted in pavement surface courses. Aggregates shall meet the quality requirements of Table 1 and other requirements as specified herein. The aggregate contained in RAP will not be required to meet Table 1 requirements unless indicated otherwise on the Drawings." is voided and replaced by the following: A. Aggregate: Furnish aggregates from sources that conform to the requirements shown in Table 1 and as specified in this Section. Aggregate requirements in this Section, including those shown in Table 1, may be modified or eliminated when shown on the plans. Additional aggregate requirements may be specified when shown on the plans. Provide aggregate stockpiles that meet the definition in this Section for either a coarse aggregate or fine aggregate. Aggregate from reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) is not required to meet Table 1 requirements unless otherwise shown on the plans. Supply mechanically crushed gravel or stone aggregates that meet the definitions in Tex-100-E. The Engineer will designate the plant or quarry as the sampling location. Samples must be from materials produced for the project. The Contractor must provide data for the supplier's testing values for the Los Angeles abrasion and magnesium sulfate soundness. The Contractor shall perform all other aggregate quality tests listed in Table 1. Document all test results on the mixture design report. The Engineer may perform tests on independent or split samples to verify Contractor test results. Stockpile aggregates for each source and type separately. Determine aggregate gradations for mixture design and production testing based on the washed sieve analysis given in Tex-2-F, Part II. Do not add material to an approved stockpile from sources that • do not meet the stated aggregate quality requirements unless otherwise approved. Article 340.3 Materials,Section A. 2. is voided and replaced by the following: 2. Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement(RAP): RAP is defined as a salvaged, milled, pulverized, broken or crushed asphalt pavement. Crush or break RAP so that 100% of the particles pass the 2- inch sieve. Use of Contractor, City of Round Rock, or hot-mix asphaltic concrete manufacturer-owned RAP including hot-mix asphalt (HMA) plant waste is permitted, unless otherwise shown on the plans. The Contractor shall perform any necessary tests to ensure RAP is appropriate for use. When shown on the plans, the Contractor will retain ownership of RAP generated on the project. Fractionated RAP is defined as having two or more RAP stockpiles, whereby the RAP is divided into coarse and fine fractions. The coarse RAP stockpile will contain only material SP340 Dense-Graded Hot-Mix Asphalt(QC/QA) Page 1 of 6 retained by processing over a 3/8-inch sieve or 1/2-inch sieve, unless otherwise approved. The fine RAP stockpile will contain only material passing the 3/8-inch sieve or 1/2-inch sieve, unless otherwise approved.The Engineer may allow the Contractor to use an alternate to the 3/8-inch sieve or 1/2-inch sieve to fractionate the RAP. The maximum percentages of fractionated RAP may be comprised of coarse or fine fractionated RAP or the combination of both coarse and fine fractionated RAP. Utilize.a separate cold feed bin for each stockpile of fractionated RAP used. Determine asphalt content and gradation of RAP stockpiles for mixture design purposes in accordance with Tex-236-F. Perform other tests on RAP when shown on the plans. Do not exceed the maximum allowable percentages of RAP shown in Table 1A. Asphalt binder from RAP and Recycled Asphalt Shingles (RAS) is designated as recycled asphalt binder. When RAP or RAS is used, calculate and ensure that the ratio of the recycled asphalt binder to total binder does not shown in Table 1A. Trip allnwable percentages UIIIUCI IIVI. exceed the percentages shown ... .......... ...... ...� �.--•--•--- �-- ... shown in Table 1A may be decreased or increased when shown on the plans. Do not use RAP and/or RAS contaminated with dirt or other objectionable materials. Do not use RAP if the decantation value exceeds 5% and the plasticity index is greater than 8. Test the stockpiled RAP for decantation in accordance with Tex-406-A, Part I. Determine the plasticity index in accordance with Tex-106-E if the decantation value exceeds 5%. The decantation and plasticity index requirements do not apply to RAP samples with asphalt removed by extraction. Do not intermingle RAP stockpiles. Remove Contractor-owned RAP material from the project site upon completion of the project. Return unused City of Round Rock-owned RAP to the designated stockpile location if applicable. • The Contractor shall be solely responsible for determining the suitability, quality, and appropriate use of RAP in the HMA and the City of Round Rock shalt not be liable for any HMA deficiencies caused by the inclusion of RAP. Table 1A Maximum Allowable Amounts of Recycled Binder, RAP&RAS Maximum Allowable 0/0 Maximum Ratio of (Percentage byWei fit of Total Mixture Description s ( gg Mixture) Recycled Binder to &Location Unfractionated Fractionated a Total Binder(0/0) �pz �p3 RAS Surface Mixes5 35 10 20 5 Non-Surface Mixes6 < 8 in. 40 15 30 5 From Final Riding Surface Non-Surface Mixes6 > 8 in. 45 20 40 5 From Final Riding Surface 1.Combined recycled binder from RAP and RAS. 2.Do not use in combination with RAS or fractionated RAP. 3.May not be used in addition to unfractionated RAP; however,up to 5%of fractionated RAP may be replaced with RAS. 4. May be used separately or as a replacement for no more than 5%of the allowable fractionated RAP. 5."Surface"mixes are defined as mixtures that will be the final lift or riding surface of the pavement structure. 6."Non-Surface"mixes are defined as mixtures that will be an intermediate or base layer in the pavement structure. SP340 Dense-Graded Hot-Mix Asphalt(QC/QA) Page 2 of 6 Article 340.3 Materials,Section A. is supplemented by inserting the following after subsection 3.: 4. Recycled Asphalt Shingles (RAS): Use of post-manufactured RAS or post-consumer RAS is permitted unless otherwise shown on the plans. RAS are defined as processed asphalt shingle material from manufacturing of asphalt roofing shingles or from re-roofing residential structures."Post-manufactured RAS" are processed manufacturer's shingle scrap by-product. "Post-consumer RAS", or"tear-offs", are processed shingle scrap removed from residential structures. Comply with all regulatory requirements stipulated for RAS by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). RAS may be used separately or in conjunction with RAP. Process the RAS by ambient grinding or granulating such that 100% of the particles pass the 1/2-inch sieve and 90% pass the 3/8-inch sieve when tested in accordance with Tex-200-F, Part I. If needed, RAP passing the 1/2-inch sieve or sand approved by the Engineer and in conformance with the gradation requirements shown in the table in Article 340.3 Materials, Section A. 3. may be added to RAS stockpiles to keep the processed material workable. Perform a sieve analysis on processed RAS material prior to extraction of the asphalt. Determine asphalt content and gradation of the RAS material for mixture design purposes in accordance with Tex-236-F. Do not exceed the maximum allowable percentages of RAS shown in Table 1A. Asphalt binder from RAS and RAP is designated as recycled asphalt binder. When RAS or RAP is used, calculate and ensure that the ratio of the recycled asphalt binder to total binder does not exceed the percentages shown in Table 1A. The allowable percentages shown in Table 1A may be decrease or increased when shown on the plans. Certify compliance of the RAS with DMS-11000, "Evaluating and Using Nonhazardous Recyclable Materials (NRM) Guidelines". If the RAS has not come into contact with any hazardous materials, treat it as an established NRM. Unless otherwise directed, use only RAS from sources as approved by the City of Round Rock. Prior to use, remove all materials that are not part of the shingle, such as wood, paper, metal, and plastics. Do not use RAS if deleterious materials as measured by Tex-217-F, Part I are more than 1.5% of the stockpiled RAS. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for determining the suitability, quality, and appropriate use of RAS in the HMA and the City of Round Rock shall not be liable for any HMA deficiencies caused by the inclusion of RAS. Article 340.3 Materials,Section A.4. is changed to Article 340.3 Materials,Section A. 5.due to the insertion of 4. as provided for herein. Article 340.3 Materials, Section B. is supplemented by adding the following at the end of the section: Furnish the type and grade of performance-graded (PG) asphalt specified on the plans. Unless otherwise shown on the plans, the Contractor may use a substitute PG binder listed in Table 3A in lieu of the PG binder originally specified, if the substitute PG binder and mixture made with the substitute PG binder meet the following: • the substitute binder meets the specification requirements for the substitute binder grade in accordance with Section 300.2.3, "Performance-Graded Binders"; • the substitute binder has an un-aged dynamic shear value less than or equal to 2.00 kPa and an RTFO aged dynamic shear value less than or equal to 5.00 kPa at the PG test temperature; and SP340 Dense-Graded Hot-Mix Asphalt(QC/QA) Page 3 of 6 the mixture has less than 10.0 mm of rutting on the Hamburg Wheel test (Tex-242-F) after the number of passes required for the originally specified binder. Use of substitute PG binders may only be allowed at the discretion of the Engineer if the Hamburg Wheel test results are between 10.0 mm and 12.5 mm. Table 3A Allowable Substitute PG Binders Description of Course PG Binder Allowable Function Originally Specified Substitute PG Binders Final Surfaces PG 76-22S PG 70-22 or PG 64-22 All Other Layers PG 64-22 PG 58-22 Article 340.4 Paving Mixtures,Section D. is supplemented by adding the following at the end of the section: Use an approved laboratory to perform the Hamburg Wheel test and provide results with the mixture design. Laboratory Mixture Design Properties Mixture Property Test Method Requirement • Target Laboratory-Molded Density,% Tex-207-F 96.0 Tensile Strength(dry),psi(molded to Tex-226-F 85-2001 93%0±1%0 density) Boil Test2 Tex-530-C - Hamburg Wheel Test Requirements High-Temperature Binder Grade Test Method Minimum#of Passes @ Oo5" Rut Depth,Tested @ 122°F PG 64 or lower 10,000 PG 70 Tex-242-F 15,000 PG 76 or higher 20,000 1.May exceed 200 psi when approved and may be waived when approved. 2. Used to establish baseline for comparison to production results.May be waived when approved. Article 340.4. Paving Mixtures, Section E. is amended by voiding the second paragraph and replacing with the following: If it is determined by the City of Round Rock that adjustments to the JMF are necessary to achieve the specified requirements, the Engineer or designated representative may allow adjustments to the JMF within the following limits without a laboratory redesign of the mixture. The following table shows the Operational Tolerances that will be allowed. When the proposed adjustments exceed these limits, and the Engineer or designated representative determines that the impact of these changes may adversely affect pavement performance, a new laboratory mixture design will be required. SP340 Dense-Graded Hot-Mix Asphalt(QC/QA) Page 4 of 6 Operational Tolerances Allowable Test Allowable Difference Difference Description Method from Current JMF between Target Contractor and Engineer' Individual%retained for#8 _sieve and larger 5.02 ±5.0 Individual%retained for Tex-200-F sieves small than#8 and or ±3.02 ±3.0 larger than#200 Tex-236-F 0/0 passing the#200 sieve ±2.02 ±1.6 Asphalt content,% Tex-236-F ±0.33 ±0.3 Laboratory-molded density,% ±1.0 ±0.5 In-Place air voids,% Tex-207-F N/A ± 1.0 Laboratory-molded bulk N/A ±0.020 specific gravity VMA,%min. Note 4 N/A Theoretical maximum Tex-227-F N/A ±0.020 specific(Rice)gravity 1.The Contractor may request referee testing only when values exceed these tolerances. 2.When within these tolerances,mixture production gradations may fall outside the master grading limits; however, the % passing the # 200 sieve will be considered out of tolerance when outside the master grading limits. 3.Tolerance between JMF 1 and JMF 2 may exceed±0.3%. 4.Test and verify that Table 2 requirements are met. Article 340.10 Construction Methods, Section A. is supplemented by adding the following to the first paragraph: On or before the first day of paving, it is mandatory to schedule and participate in a pre-paving meeting with the Engineer unless otherwise shown on the plans. Article 340.10 Construction Methods, Section A. is supplemented by adding the following between the eighth and ninth paragraphs: In lieu of complying with the aforementioned minimum temperature requirements, the Contractor may pave any time the roadway is dry and the roadway surface temperature is at least 32°F by using a Pave-IR system (paver mounted infrared bar) and demonstrating to the Engineer that no more than 25° F of thermal segregation exists. When used, operate the Pave-IR system in accordance with Tex-244-F and provide the Engineer with the output results on a daily basis unless otherwise directed. Article 340.10 Construction Methods, Section D. is supplemented by adding the following at the end of the section: a. Thermal Profile. Use an infrared thermometer or thermal camera to obtain a thermal profile on each sublot in accordance with Tex-244-F. The Engineer may allow the Contractor to reduce the testing frequency based on a satisfactory test history. The Engineer may also obtain as many thermal profiles as deemed necessary. Thermal profiles are not applicable in miscellaneous paving areas subject to hand work such as driveways, crossovers, turnouts, gores,tapers, and other similar areas. SP340 Dense-Graded Hot-Mix Asphalt(QC/QA) Page 5 of 6 1) Moderate Thermal Segregation. Any areas that have a maximum temperature differential greater than 25° F but not exceeding 50° F are deemed as having moderate thermal segregation. Take immediate corrective action to eliminate the moderate thermal segregation. Evaluate areas with moderate thermal segregation by performing a density profile in accordance with Section 340.11 Sampling and Testing, Segregation (Density Profile). 2) Severe Thermal Segregation. Any areas that have a maximum temperature differential greater than 50° F are deemed as having severe thermal segregation. Unless otherwise directed, suspend operations and take immediate corrective action to eliminate severe thermal segregation. Resume operations when the Engineer determines that subsequent production will meet the requirements of this Item. Evaluate areas with severe thermal segregation by performing a density profile in accordance with Section 340.11 Sampling and Testing, Segregation (Density Profile). Unless otherwise directed, remove and replace the have __ both .. thermal segregation and a failing result for material in any areas that have severe a .o. Segregation (Density Profile). 3) Use of the Pave-IR System. In lieu of obtaining thermal profiles on each sublot using an infrared thermometer or thermal camera, the Contractor may use the Pave-IR system.(paver mounted infrared bar) to obtain a continuous thermal profile in accordance with Tex-244-F. When using the Pave-IR system, review the output results on a daily basis and, unless otherwise directed, provide the output results to the Engineer for review. Modify the paving process as necessary to eliminate any(moderate or severe)thermal segregation identified by the Pave-IR system. The Engineer may suspend paving operations if the Contractor cannot successfully modify the paving process to eliminate thermal segregation. Density profiles in accordance with Section 340.11 Sampling and Testing, Segregation (Density Profile) are not required and are not applicable when using the Pave-IR system. Article 340.11 Sampling and Testing is supplemented by adding the following and the end of the article: Segregation (Density Profile): Unless otherwise determined by the Engineer or when required herein, test for segregation using density profiles in accordance with Tex-207-F, Part V. Provide the Engineer with the results of the density profiles as they are completed. Density profiles are not required and are not applicable when using the Pave-IR system. Areas defined in Section 340.12 Acceptance Plan A. 4. are not subject to density profile testing. Density profiles are not applicable in miscellaneous paving areas subject to hand work such as driveways, crossovers, turnouts, gores, tapers, and other similar areas. The density profile is considered failing if it exceeds the tolerances shown in the Segregation (Density Profile) Acceptance Criteria Table below. When the Pave-IR system is not used, the Engineer may measure the density profile at any time, at any location, and as often as deemed necessary to verify conformance. The Engineer's density profile results will be used when available. The Engineer may require the Contractor to remove and replace the area in question if the area fails the density profile and has surface irregularities. Segregation (Density Profile)Acceptance Criteria Table Mixture Type Maximum Allowable Density Maximum Allowable Density Range(Highest to Lowest) Range(Average to Lowest) All 6.0 pcf 3.0 pcf • END • SP340 Dense-Graded Hot-Mix Asphalt(QC/QA) Page 6 of 6 STREET LIST Overlay Total Overlay Valve (SY) Edge Mill Surface Mill Manholes cans Length Width *including Length Width Length Width (yd) (yd) cul-de-sacs (YD) (FT) SY (yd) (yd) SY cu Shady Hillside Pass 518.0 9.0 5479.7 518.0 6.0 1035.0 -a-- Bluebell Bend Cv 95.0 9.0 1345.6 95.0 6.0 259.8 Rock Rose PI 157.0 9.0 1903.E 157.0 6.0 383.7 19.0 2.0 v o Dawn Mesa Ct 347.0 9.0 4104.3 347.0 6.0 833.3 c. Laurel Oak Loop 258.0 9.0 2322.0 258.0 6.0 515.5 Total Overlay(SY) Valve Manholes cans Overlay *including Edge Mill Surface Mill cui-de-sacs MiiI I Surface•. Length Width Length Width Length Width (yd) (yd) (YD) (FT) SY (yd) (yd) SY Twin Ridge Pkwy 2973.0 7.0 20811.0 2973.0 7.0 20811.0 Meadow Run 623.0 9.0 5607.0 623.0 6.0 1244.8 Stillmeadow 755.0 9.0 7285.6 755.0 6.0 1578.5 Meadow Way 159.0 9.0 1431.0 649.6 6.0 1297.9 OakView 186.0 9.0 1674.0 186.0 6.0 371.6 Oakmoore 134.0 9.0 1206.0 134.0 6.0 267.7 Ridgemeadow Way 80.0 9.0 720.0 80.0 6.0 159.8 Shaded Way 225.0 9.0 2025.0 225.0 6.0 449.6 Scenic Cove 28.0 9.0 252.0 28.0 6.0 55.9 Ridge Run 153.0 9.0 1377.0 153.0 6.0 305.7 `n Forest Mesa 522.0 9.0 4698.0 522.0 6.0 1043.0 10.0 5.0 O Scenic Terrace 192.0 9.0 1728.0 192.0 6.0 383.6 Wilderness Way 532.0 9.0 4788.0 532.0 6.0 1062.9 Wooded Way 204.0 9.0 1836.0 204.0 6.0 407.6 Misty Woods 67.0 9.0 603.0 67.0 6.0 0.0 Hillway Dr 161.0 9.0 1449.0 161.0 6.0 321.7 Hillview Dr 66.0 9.0 594.0 66.0 6.0 131.9 Meandering Way 717.0 9.0 6453.0 717.0 6.0 1432.6 Buff View 138.0 9.0 1242.0 138.0 6.0 275.7 Woodland Ln 714.0 9.0 6426.0 714.0 6.0 1426.6 Woodland Loop 718.0 9.0 6462.0 718.0 6.0 1434.6 Overlay Total Valve Overlay(SY) Edge Mill Surface Mill Manholes cans Length Width *including Length Width Length Width (yd) (yd) cul-de-sacs (YD) (FT) SY (yd) (yd) SY Leah Ln 1028.0 9.0 9252.0 1028.0 6.0 2053.9 Joshua Cove 58.0 9.0 522.0 58.0 6.0 115.9 41 Lydia Ln 331.0 9.0 2979.0 331.0 6.0 661.3 ao ts Kimberly Cv 21.0 9.0 189.0 21.0 6.0 42.0 BE' eta c Ellis Cv 41.0 9.0 369.0 41.0 6.0 81.9 30.0 3.0 c Jordan Ln 400.0 9.0 3600.0 400.0 6.0 799.2 cc Bevin Cv 40.0 9.0 360.0 40.0 6.0 79.9 Jennifer Ln 190.0 9.0 1710.0 190.0 6.0 379.6 Rolling Ridge Dr 670.0 16.0 10720.0 670.0 6.0 1338.7 Overlay Total Valve Overlay(SY) Edge Mill Surface Mill Manholes cans Length Width *including Length Width Length Width (yd) (yd) cul-de-sacs (YD) (FT) SY (yd) (yd) SY Jazz St 612.0 9.0 5508.0 612.0 6.0 1222.8 - Thibodeaux Dr 754.0 9.0 7113.1 754.0 6.0 1559.5 = Bay Ln 51.0 9.0 459.0 51.0 6.0 101.9 o Zydeco Dr 347.0 9.0 3123.0 347.0 6.0 693.3 33.0 2.0 ro Kissatchie Trl 254.0 9.0 2286.0 254.0 6.0 507.5 cuAcademy PI 175.0 9.0 1575.0 175.0 6.0 349.7 Breaux Ln 100.0 9.0 900.0 100.0 6.0 199.8 Overlay Manholes Valve Mill Total Overlay(SY) Edge Mill Surface cans Length(vd) I Width *including cul-de-sacs Length Width Length Width (YD) (FT) SY (yd) (yd) CV Roundabout Ln 730.0 9.0 6570.0 730.0 6.0 1458.5 Tandi Trail Cove 47.0 9.0 423.0 47.0 6.0 93.9 Tandi Trail 542.0 9.0 4878.0 542.0 6.0 1082.9 Reta Cove 41.0 9.0 369.0 41.0 6.0 81.9 Clint Ct 42.0 9.0 378.0 42.0 6.0 83.9 Nick Cove 15.0 9.0 135.0 15.0 6.0 30.0 Ross Cove 50.0 9.0 450.0 50.0 6.0 99.9 a Kelsey Cove 46.0 9.0 414.0 46.0 6.0 91.9 Tyler Ct 75.0 9.0 675.0 75.0 6.0 149.9 a, Hill Street Cove 74.0 9.0 666.0 74.0 6.0 147.9 t v Winding Way 753.0 12.0 9036.0 753.0 6.0 1504.5 High Point Dr 414.0 9.0 3726.0 414.0 6.0 827.2 • Hill St 944.0 9.0 8496.0 944.0 6.0 1886.1 a,3 High Point Cove 117.0 9.0 1053.0 117.0 6.0 233.8 ° Hill View Cove 120.09.0 1080.0 120.0 6.0 239.8 154.0 7.0 L Flower Hill Dr 602.0 13.0 7826.0 579.0 6.0 1156.8 23.0 15.0 445.0 co a Southampton Way 702.0 9.0 6318.0 702.0 6.0 1402.6 8 Westhampton Ct 122.0 9.0 1098.0 122.0 6.0 243.8 m Donnell Dr 786.0 9.0 7074.0 717.0 6.0 1432.6 69.0 9.0 621.0 m John Wilson Ln 265.0 9.0 2385.0 265.0 6.0 529.5 c Elizabeth Anne Ln 210.0 9.0 1890.0 210.0 6.0 419.6 3 u Hailey Ln 119.0 9.0 1071.0 119.0 6.0 237.8 bn Bradford Park Dr 707.0 12.0 8484.0 554.0 6.0 1106.9 153.0 5.0 765.0 x Adelen Ln 195.0 9.0 1755.0 195.0 6.0 389.6 Vinson Ct 175.0 9.0 1575.0 175.0 6.0 349.7 Andres Way 614.0 9.0 5526.0 614.0 6.0 1226.8 High Cotton Cove 40.0 9.0 360.0 40.0 6.0 79.9 High Cotton Way 232.0 9.0 2088.0 232.0 6.0 463.5 Eastwood Ln 408.0 9.0 3672.0 408.0 6.0 815.2 High Country Blvd Ty C asphalt! 21749.0 1945 6.0 3886.1 2240 MAPS 7 at C 79 .. $CREST CAWS* ._. M.... t CEN{'w CN m �'. I F fgi£ST U'FE�S ,s0AIAT RUA GIM LN 6 �{T - OAK ,W ,NYMEWOOD � .� A CM BLUFF ! ''1' 1 `v 4 1c —4la}_._ 31 [ROLLING RIDGE lI FOREST us, RIDGE $Vca,$:aFP0,pq YS 4' NAY U LAIN SS ` m • x fSPNINC DR ,.,....3 SAOE 00g Rocir t .: mw °< SNOW LOOP -[:n .i. ,._..-.-.- SNRK LOOP • Li:Wily Oo tom .-.-- fATT175CNOOl RD VINTAGE ON .......:., ^;._.... _ 1P: `,F TRFE LN OP WILDfyCWER TRL `', 1 -^ -•. IF, O t iOREST CHEER il 1i i".. I 2 p" i I t c r 3 l pp _ ~ , Ur„, fiT �:11• rt a^ r , c a BRADFORD PARK G _ f r ` IY ‘k���1:!=4 a.N } 4, Jf xisl il�.. .• •.: a' O/1Ope � 9' " ''�'"'°S�a LA 0,,S. w!(K�`. Or F lot i .y m �o g c1 REMINGTON No. a 2019 STREET MAINTENANCE PROGRAM HEIGHTS r TPI�OrJEC T B m Oq40 Ei SLUFF m N -4 71 O m P FOREST CREEK OR v FOREST CREEK OR \tikiL ap.,-_.. 1 ‘>a JACKRPOO\' G4 5.4 O �Q � O4 73 T 4 O m m 0 v m 79 o LAKE T w c O .• O x r r(r z -4 n N i 1.4e 2019 STREET MAINTENANCE PROGRAM PROJECT B - FOREST RIDGE TOM SEATER PL z "VBO V PARKE 3 2019 STREET MAINTENANCE PROGRAM ��� p m I PROJECT B - OAK BLUFF r- NNY 9ENCN Ct '' Y SEEK 0 z JOH �,\E, OPUS° �OCAREWOR `� 4e '. S (72Jj J i a. m vs,. el F c N A D $Q EVERGREEN DR 2 • • n WOGDLADDLOOP N V' Q� •Dp ir OLD OAKS DR �' < • A �Ey1 P\4 COUNTRY DR k CV 9 , SC , A O I7 m VINTAGE Da p TIMOTHyDR fp WOODNOLLOW TRL r 7� WILDFLOWER TRL g r \t 2 Y No' SCEN��e y FOREST CREEK DR k . ,BONES WAY QS0� V S DR aP�� lOp� W, ovt,0 \+�rHESGv ik�� a a..0 �,o°� ga 5 ,\TRL % •�;k CE N Ra. Qap "� itr rN61Go T o� t��s�° y�� o ft zlP Pico ROYA(r,..,_ G (4, en 11 ;, \ \ \ N ' ' \ } Z. W-,'S...- ..-E \ e ! 1(e' % \ . i m 1 ►1 , u \► 11 4 C` 8 1 a 2. 1 \ _ 11 1 �, 1 \ 'P B 1 \ 1 \\ 111 ,,11 @�i \ \ r `\ 1 ac' 1►\ 1 •\ c \ ` z \ ° \\a .06 S �ti s� to O,�\O\ Iv ly O, O i \ �. /2\ „,, , \ r \ \ ,14 \\\\\ PORTERKCV \ \ \ \\ .V \ 1 N BR Z \ 111 _ \ 1 m t\ 1 \ Z 0 11 1 1 II ti I I gRIPR 1 GATTIS SCHOOL RD 0c J 12019 ATISENDRLOOP STREET MAINTENANCE PROGRAM r^""'" ' B - ROLLING RIDGE �OV1S NNNp.'� 'r'`�r r-� C) m z r Z z w w c • 0 OOQ QO O L ooA gitxw„.„, 14r, 2019 STREET MAINTENANCE PROGRAM PROJECT B - REMINGTON HEIGHTS 047 Z 41111.111111 ,�e o �e'G y' Ct 0 ��Y1i �1P i C?u 0 5 CC o,.. �: yea Z 0 Z © 4 Y Q CALICO BUSH LN 8 Z Ca ce WI Ill �_ A9 03134,2 1 (X 'RIJ IONV. () W aCA 0 u • ` 4. .' N Q ��P . II . -8-ze .- . ,...... .. oa „M rd 1. o 4.1 a ANDRES WAY �' 0 r r • .•r y ry _ • i • et VIA SONOMA TRL • • f 3 /t j x N 1 to • r ii 11 O :• >. W1111 ' ii S 2 N z ii li 0 l( 4 J i J Ili 1x .• x RUSK RD WESTVIEW DR Jf JO F J 3 / I REPAIR LIST Forest Ridge Curb Street/Address Pavement Repair and Sidewalk Driveway Ramps Valley Gutter gutter FT.X FT. Tons L.F. S.F. EACH EACH S.F. Shady Hillside Pass 0 1501 15 15 13.75 1510 10 10 6.111111 15 1514 10 10 6.111111 160 at Dawn Mesa Ct 0 1600 0 40 1 1616 50 50 152.7778 00 1612 0 100 Dawn Mesa Ct 0 3115 0 60 3106 15 15 13.75 3210 10 30 18.33333 60 3214 0 240 3213 0 40 3215 0 80 Laurel oak Lp 0 1520 10 10 6.111111 1510 50 15 45.83333 1506 0 240 1504 15 40 36.66667 160 Blue Bell Bend cv 0 3207 10 10 6.111111 160 3209 0 10 80 305.5556 25 1500 0 1 0 Tons L.F. S.F. EACH EACH S.F. Curb Pavement Repair and Sidewalk Driveway Ramps Valley Gutter gutter Oak Bluff Curb and Street/Address Pavement Repair gutter Sidewalk Driveway Ramps Valley Gutter FT.X FT. Tons L.F. S.F. EACH EACH S.F. Meadow Run 0.0 35 0.0 35 34 0.0 1 30 0.0 60 8 0.0 20 6 0.0 15 3 0.0 20 at Twin Ridge 0.0 10 Stillmeadow 0.0 1 0.0 15 17 0.0 10 21 0.0 70 29 0.0 20 39 0.0 1 43 0.0 110 1 45 0.0 90 44 0.0 25 47 0.0 120 1 90 Meadow Way 0.0 at still meadow 0.0 20 9 0.0 20 10 0.0 15 8 0.0 40 3 0.0 25 1 Meandering Way 0.0 at Twin Ridge 0.0 60 7 0.0 20 22 20 20 24.4 15 19 0.0 1 21 0.0 150 23 0.0 20 26 12 127 93.1 32 20 250 305.6 34 0.0 60 40 15 50 45.8 70 42 0.0 50 Bluff View 0.0 5 0.0 5 Woodland LN 0.0 at Woodland Lp 20 20 24.4 Woodland Lp 0.0 ar Red Bud 12 30 22.0 49 30 70 128.3 Hillway 0.0 Hillview 0.0 at END 60 60 220.0 4 2 at Hillway 0.0 84 Shaded Way 0.0 14 0.0 15 16 0.0 15 7 0.0 20 Misty Woods 0.0 5 0.0 25 1 6 30 30 55.0 20 Wilderness Way 0.0 across 17 0.0 25 30 20 36.7 30 28 0.0 5 4 30 40 73.3 Wooded Way 0.0 Ridge Run 0.0 at Twin Ridge 15 30 27.5 8 15 70 64.2 Forest Mesa 0.0 4 0.0 10 8 15 130 119.2 ar Ridge Run 15 130 119.2 Scenic Terrace 0.0 Scinic Cove 0.0 3 0.0 25 Twin Ridge Pkwy(SB) 0.0 At CR 123 0.0 10 at Meadow Run 0.0 2 224 North of second Meadow Run 0.0 10 1 112 N.of Meandering Way 0.0 20 at Meandering Way 0.0 30 at AT&T 0.0 30 2 224 Twin Ridge(NB) @ Oakemoore 20 20 24.4 70 N. of Shadow Way 0.0 100 South of Oakmoore 200 24 293.3 30 North of Oakmoore 110 24 161.3 at Oak view 0.0 30 at still meadow 40 24 58.7 40 North of Meadow Run 0.0 40 Oak View 0.0 3 0.0 30 1 10 0.0 50 12 0.0 1 15 0.0 1 Exposed OakMoore 0.0 5 15 15 13.8 RidgeMeadow Way 0.0 2 20 20 24.4 60 4 0.0 15 1 Expose 1 0.0 100 1 6 0.0 60 1 Exposed 1934.7 2084.0 0.0 12 734.0 Tons L.F. S.F. EACH EACH S.F. Curb Pavement and Repair gutter Sidewalk Driveway Ramps Valley Gutter Rolling Ridge Curb Street/Address Pavement Repair and Sidewalk Driveway Ramps Valley Gutter gutter FT.X FT. Tons L.F. S.F. EACH EACH S.F. Rolling Ridge Dr 0.0 1316 0.0 80 1312 0.0 200 1300 0.0 130 1201 0.0 120 1119 0.0 80 1114 0.0 60 1113 0.0 20 1110 0.0 20 1105 0.0 40 1106 0.0 1104 0.0 100 1005 0.0 60 Leah Ln 0.0 1001 0.0 20 80 1 1000 0.0 80 1003 0.0 120 1002 0.0 80 1004 0.0 40 1006 0.0 80 1005 0.0 80 1018 0.0 40 1022 0.0 120 1026 0.0 100 1028 0.0 100 1029 0.0 80 1101 0.0 20 1102 0.0 30 1105 15 60 55.0 1 1108 30 60 110.0 1110 30 30 55.0 1111 0.0 20 40 1114 10 30 18.3 30 1113 30 60 110.0 100 200 1 1200 0.0 30 200 1202 0.0 50 1201 0.0 25 240 1 1204 0.0 15 1206 20 150 183.3 20 80 1205 0.0 100 1207 0.0 20 1208 15 40 36.7 1210 0.0 20 160 1209 0.0 50 1214 15 50 45.8 30 1213 15 30 27.5 30 120 1216 0.0 20 120 1217 0.0 100 1218 15 15 13.8 1219 0.0 40 1224 0.0 120 across 1224 0.0 80 Jennifer Ln 0.0 1005 0.0 120 1000 0.0 120 Jordan Ln 0.0 1225 0.0 30 1223 0.0 160 1218 0.0 100 1214 0.0 80 1212 0.0 40 1208 0.0 200 1207 0.0 80 1202 0.0 160 1201 0.0 120 1200 0.0 60 1109 0.0 40 1110 0.0 60 1105 0.0 60 Bevin Cv 0.0 2403 0.0 40 2404 0.0 80 2402 0.0 60 Lydia Ln 0.0 2508 0.0 80 2506 0.0 80 2504 0.0 80 2502 0.0 40 at Kimberley Cv 0.0 160 West of Kin berley Cv 0.0 100 at Jordan Ln 0.0 10 140 at Leah Ln 15 30 27.5 30 Ellis Cv 0.0 1102 0.0 80 1105 0.0 100 1 Kinberley Cv 0.0 1004 0.0 40 Joshua Cv 0.0 2209 0.0 40 2206 0.0 40 2200 0.0 40 2205 0.0 100 682.9 640 6170 3 2 0 Tons L.F. S.F. EACH EACH S.F. Curb Pavement Repair and Sidewalk Driveway Ramps Valley Gutter gutter Remington Heights Curb Street/Address Pavement Repair and Sidewalk Driveway Ramps Valley Gutter gutter FT.X FT. Tons L.F. S.F. EACH EACH S.F. Jazz St 0.0 3101 15 100 91.7 3107 15 15 13.8 3109 15 15 13.8 50 80 3104 0.0 100 3111 15 150 137.5 10 3100 0.0 80 3102 0.0 40 at Academy 40 30 73.3 3119 0.0 160 3110 0.0 40 3112 0.0 40 3127 0.0 160 3124 0.0 120 3132 0.0 80 3134 0.0 40 3153 20 30 36.7 3157 20 20 24.4 Breaux Ln 0.0 Zydeco 0.0 1700 0.0 40 1706 0.0 40 1705 10 10 6.1 1713 0.0 120 1717 15 15 13.8 1719 0.0 80 1722 0.0 80 1723 20 20 24.4 1724 0.0 40 1727 15 30 27.5 across 1731 0.0 80 Thibodeaux 0.0 1401 0.0 40 1402 30 180 330.0 40 1403 0.0 80 1405 0.0 60 1407 0.0 80 1414 30 200 366.7 1422 20 200 244.4 30 1423 0.0 40 1425 0.0 120 1424 0.0 40 100 1427 0.0 100 1431 0.0 80 1504 30 130 238.3 10 1501 0.0 100 1503 0.0 120 1505 0.0 80 1510 0.0 48 1507 0.0 40 1512 15 30 27.5 1516 15 20 18.3 1515 0.0 40 1603 0.0 20 1604 0.0 100 Bay Ln 0.0 Kissatchie Trail 0.0 3100 0.0 120 across 3100 40 10 24.4 40 3102 0.0 160 3104 0.0 40 3108 0.0 180 3110 0.0 40 3114 0.0 40 3116 20 20 24.4 60 at mailbox 0.0 60 3122 20 20 24.4 Academy Place 0.0 at Jazz 0.0 40 1612 0.0 120 1602 0.0 160 1600 0.0 60 1601 0.0 160 1761.5 180 3948 0 0 0 Tons L.F. S.F. EACH EACH S.F. Curb Pavement Repair and Sidewalk Driveway Ramps Valley Gutter gutter Bradford Park/Flower Hill Curb Pavement and Street/Address Repair gutter Sidewalk Driveway Ramps Valley Gutter FT.X FT. Tons L.F. S.F. EACH EACH S.F. Bradford Park Dr 0.0 3012 0.0 40 3014 0.0 80 3016 0.0 40 3018 20 20 24.4 40 3 at Donnell Dr 0.0 40 North of Howell Terrace 0.0 100 at Hailey 0.0 1 at High Country 0.0 30 at Elizabeth 0.0 1 3007 0.0 80 at Vinson Ct 0.0 1 South of Andres Way 0.0 100 Anres Way 0.0 2600 0.0 80 2603 0.0 40 2616 10 30 18.3 2640 0.0 40 2646 0.0 60 2652 0.0 60 High Cotton Way 0.0 3332 0.0 40 3328 0.0 40 3326 0.0 40 3319 0.0 100 3315 20 20 24.4 3313 0.0 40 High Cotton Cv. 0.0 Adelan Ln 0.0 2801 0.0 60 Vinson Ct 0.0 Donnell 0.0 2909 0.0 20 across 2916 0.0 40 across 2920 0.0 30 1 2920 0.0 200 2924 0.0 100 2926 0.0 50 160 2925 0.0 10 40 2933 0.0 80 2936 0.0 140 2942 0.0 120 2943 0.0 60 2951 0.0 80 2955 0.0 40 2957 0.0 80 2963 0.0 40 2961 0.0 40 Elizabeth Anne Ln 0.0 3258 0.0 40 3252 0.0 20 3263 0.0 40 3248 0.0 40 3253 0.0 60 3240 0.0 40 3225 0.0 40 160 3216 0.0 140 3221 0.0 120 3219 0.0 80 3217 0.0 60 3213 0.0 10 60 3211 0.0 60 3206 0.0 40 3200 0.0 120 John Wilson Ln 0.0 across 3000 0.0 40 across 3004 0.0 80 3004 0.0 60 3010 0.0 100 3022 0.0 40 3038 0.0 80 Halley Ln 0.0 3013 0.0 60 3107 0.0 160 3113 0.0 40 Howell Terrace 0.0 1007 0.0 60 1006 0.0 60 Roundabout Ln 0.0 3306 0.0 40 3304 0.0 40 3300 0.0 80 2404 0.0 20 2408 0.0 40 2411 0.0 10 2415 10 30 18.3 2419 10 30 18.3 2422 0.0 160 2424 0.0 40 2426 0.0 20 2419 0.0 40 2433 0.0 40 2430 0.0 20 2432 0.0 40 2438 0.0 60 2446 0.0 60 2448 0.0 40 across 2455 0.0 40 Eastwood Ln 0.0 2508 0.0 40 2601 0.0 40 2602 0.0 40 2604 0.0 120 2605 0.0 160 2608 0.0 40 2613 0.0 80 2624 0.0 160 2626 0.0 40 2630 0.0 100 2635 0.0 80 Winding Way 0.0 3214 0.0 20 3218 0.0 60 3225 0.0 40 3220 0.0 100 3234 0.0 120 3236 0.0 80 3242 0.0 180 3248 0.0 120 3304 20 20 24.4 3311 20 20 24.4 80 3319 0.0 40 3321 0.0 80 3327 0.0 80 Tandi Trail 0.0 at Winding Way 0.0 1 2637 0.0 40 at Nick Cv 0.0 2 2531 0.0 240 at Rita 0.0 100 across 2527 20 20 24.4 160 2525 0.0 80 across 2519 0.0 160 2519 0.0 40 2517 0.0 100 Tandi Cv 0.0 Rita Cv 0.0 3300 0.0 80 3301 0.0 40 Nick Cv 0.0 Clint Ct 0.0 Kelsey Cv 0.0 3401 0.0 100 3402 0.0 120 Ross Cv 0.0 3302 0.0 80 3304 0.0 40 3306 0.0 80 Tyler Ct 0.0 3305 0.0 120 3304 0.0 20 Hill Street Cv 0.0 Hill Street 0.0 at Winding Way 0.0 1 3091 0.0 60 3089 0.0 60 3087 0.0 80 3085 0.0 40 3083 0.0 60 across 3083 0.0 40 across 3079 0.0 80 3065 0.0 140 3046 0.0 80 3039 0.0 40 3034 0.0 80 3016 20 60 73.3 320 at Flower Hill 0.0 2 Flower Hill 0.0 3016 0.0 140 3013 0.0 48 3008 0.0 40 3009 0.0 40 3006 0.0 80 3007 0.0 80 3000 0.0 80 3003 0.0 48 2935 0.0 60 2931 0.0 160 across 2927 0.0 80 2925 0.0 200 across 2919 0.0 400 at park 0.0 400 2911 0.0 80 High Point Dr 0.0 2707 0.0 80 2701 0.0 60 High Point Cv 0.0 Hill View Cv 0.0 2914 0.0 60 2904 0.0 60 2905 0.0 40 2902 0.0 40 2900 0.0 120 250.6 180 11976 0 13 0 Tons L.F. S.F. EACH EACH S.F. Pavement Curb and Sidewalk Driveway Ramps Valley Gutter Repair gutter No Text STANDARD DETAILS RECOMMENDED TOE--IN METHOD STEEL FENCE POSTS (MAXIMUM 6' �r SPACING) �• -�•.=•. "*.4 �.w,�..,►..�.. ,, WOVEN WIRE SUPPORT .. � �•.,,•■,�• =— ■�� (12-1/2 GAUGE NET NON—WOVEN ��'``�:.;���. 4, iM GEOTEXTILE FABRIC a`_'1�.� �� . iNI:A BACKING) SILT FENCE •. � >I j -�•'�► Moh11416■ 721 '1111V<Nss..., rr,,, , TRENCH (BACKFILLED) 112 S" FABRIC TOE—IN CROSS SECTION 1. STEEL POSTS WHICH SUPPORT THE SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED ON A SUGHT ANGLE TOWARD THE ANTICIPATED RUNOFF SOURCE. POST MUST BE EMBEDDED A MIN. OF ONE (1') FOOT. 2. THE TOE OF THE SILT FENCE SHALL BE TRENCHED IN WITH A SPADE OR MECHANICAL TRENCHER, SO THAT THE DOWNSLOPE FACE OF THE TRENCH IS FLAT AND PERPENDICULAR TO THE LINE OF FLOW. WHERE FENCE CANNOT BE TRENCHED IN (E.G. PAVEMENT) WEIGHT FABRIC FLAP WITH WASHED GRAVEL ON UPHILL SIDE TO PREVENT FLOW UNDER FENCE. 3. THE TRENCH MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 6 INCHES DEEP AND 6 INCHES WIDE TO ALLOW FOR THE SILT FENCE FABRIC TO BE LAID IN THE GROUND AND BACKFILLED WITH COMPACTED MATERIAL. 4. SILT FENCE SHALL BE SECURELY FASTENED TO EACH STEEL SUPPORT POST OR TO WOVEN WIRE, WHICH IN TURN IS SECURELY FASTENED TO THE STEEL FENCE POSTS. 5. INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE WEEKLY OR AFTER EACH RAINFALL EVENT AND REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT SHALL BE MADE PROMPTLY AS NEEDED. 5. SILT FENCE SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN THE SITE IS COMPLETELY STABILIZED SO AS NOT TO BLOCK OR IMPEDE STORM FLOW OR DRAINAGE. 7. ACCUMULATED SILT SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN IT REACHES A DEPTH OF 6 INCHES. THE SILT SHALL BE DISPOSED OF IN AN APPROVED SITE AND IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO NOT CONTRIBUTE TO ADDITIONAL SILTATION. B. SILT FENCE SHALL BE REMOVED AS SOON AS THE SOURCE OF SEDIMENT IS STABIUZED O FILE PUBLICNED C1 COPY CITY OF' ROUNDROCK DRAWING NO: APPROVED EC-1 0 03-25-11 DATE S I LT FENCE DETAIL ''ROUND ROCK.TEXAS THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER ASSUMES W:AIxN c sua, e RESPONSIDILTPY FOR TEE APPROPRIATE USE OF THIS DETAIL. (NOT TO SCALE) r EXTEND 2'-0" MIN BEYOND INLET OPENING AT EACH END 3' OVERLAP At VARIES FABRIC SPLICES .� .�.,,�... • CUT AWAY OF " r111�/� - illgNIIIIIII1Pg FILTER FABRIC 2 X4 -W1.4XW1.4 WIRE ��� FABRIC STRUCTURE 1��~11111 NON� ���11.11r/► FLOW FLOW " ISOMETRIC 20 LB. SANDBAGS 03' O.C. MINIMUM 4" HIGH CLEAR OPENING 75777"\--720 LB. SANDBAGS OS \-/���2>,./ O.C. (SEE NOTE 1) r��i INLET •� llj ' CROSS SECTION NOTES: 1. WHERE MINIMUM CLEARANCES CAUSE TRAFFIC TO DRIVE IN THE GUTTER, THE CONTRACTOR MAY SUBSTITUTE A 1" X 4" BOARD SECURED WITH CONCRETE NAILS 3' O.C. NAILED INTO THE GUTTER IN UEU OF SANDBAGS TO HOLD THE FILTER DIKE IN PLACE. UPON REMOVAL CLEAN ANY DIRT/DEBRIS FROM NAILING LOCATIONS, APPLY CHEMICAL SANDING AGENT AND APPLY NON-SHRINK GROUT FLUSH WITH SURFACE OF GUTTER. 2. A SECTION OF FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE REMOVED AS SHOWN ON THIS DETAIL OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER OR DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE. FABRIC MUST BE SECURED TO WIRE BACKING WITH CUPS OR HOG RINGS AT THIS LOCATION. 3. DAILY INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE BY THE CONTRACTOR AND SILT ACCUMULATION MUST BE REMOVED WHEN DEPTH REACHES 2". 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL MONITOR THE PERFORMANCE OF INLET PROTECTION DURING EACH RAINFALL EVENT AND IMMEDIATELY REMOVE THE INLET PROTECTIONS IF THE STORM-WATER BEGINS TO OVERTOP THE CURB. 5. INLET PROTECTIONS SHALL BE REMOVED AS SOON AS THE SOURCE OF SEDIMENT IS STABILIZED. RECORD SIGNED DRAWING NC : ON FILE PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF ROUND ROC -14 APPROVED 03-25-11 DATE CURB INLET PROTECTION DETAIL THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER ASSUMES N:kI4KF Fay'{k1(M{riN4kIT1 RESPONSIBILITY FOR TEE APPROPRIATE USE OF THIS DETAIL. (NOT TO SCALE) 9 . ,FL*" 18' TEMP. EROSION CONTROL LOG STAKE LOG ON DOWNHILL A A Ur TEMP EROSION SIDE AT THE CENTER, AT CONTROL LOG— EACH END, AND AT ""-ps, ` —ADDmoNAL POINTS AS "-n .-.. ' `555 f f NEEDED TO SECURE LOG -:-...,gym4'..'...��,.. ,' ;t'A:i:R'�.. ^r�o - 4' MAX. SPACING, OR AS MULCH CRADLE y:u •u 1 "'I 1" DIRECTED. _ UNDER EROSION CONTROL LOG SECURE END OF LOG TO STAKE LOG ON DOWNHILL , STAKE (TYP) SIDE AT THE CETIIFR AT ` //?���� APOINT'S NEED ED;DED IECURE A to A A\A A` '.���f; ,�� , /N A�\ PLAN LOG, OR AS DIRECTED. SECTION A—A EROSION CONTROL LOG CHECK DAM SECURE END STAKES OH DOWNHILL SIDE OF LOG TO OF LOG AT 8' OC MAX OR $T'AKE )-1 AS NEEDED TO SECURE LOG, OR AS DIRLc i tu. R.O.W. B"*'—" R.O.W. MULCH CRADLE CO ION \• i-. DISTURBED AREA NTROL LOG UNDER CONTROL LOG STAICE FLOW .T.1-♦ r 'riun:•J14-N=%Jx44H 1.,,a'Na.1 a4 MlblJi.N t BACK OF CURB , 1 f ` i ;,` VA A e-. , UP OF GUTTER �A, , ,.,lh ,,., .,, 1C2AN�.� ION PLAN LOG PLACED AT BACK OF CURB SECTION B—B (TYP) 1' STAKES ON DOWNHILL SIDE OF END LAG AT 8' OC MAX OR AS OF SECURELO TO NEEDED TO SECURE LOG, OR 12' TEMP. EROSION AS DIRECTED. CONTROL LOG STAKE ) 12' TEMP. EROSION R.O.W. CONTROL LOG �: -............tea; g w r:R::~�:m�•M MULCH CRADLE ,IxekFLOC} DISTURBED AREA STAKE UNDER EROSION I CONTROL LOG 4 . 1 ME rom C BACK OF CURB ,�4 � /�� ��. ' 4', /i �/ A 1�/r��ir�l/����% C PLAN UP OF GUTTER SECTION C—C LOG PLACED AT EDGE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY 1. DAILY INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE BY THE CONTRACTOR AND SILT ACCUMULATION MUST BE REMOVED WHEN DEPTH REACHES S". DIRECTION 1' 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL MONITOR THE PERFORMANCE OF LOGS DURING J DI RAINFALL EVENT FOR PROPER PERFORMANCE. • Mom,����� 3. LOGS SHALL CONSIST OF 100% BIODEGRADABLE. PHOTODEGRADABLE ;�----,. .-_, . '' „ ..; OR RECYCLABLE CONTAINMENT MESH STUFFED WITH FILTER '4.�.>�..ce tz.: i*.r a.. . ar= ,. MATERIAL �NdAJ.yrr 4O-.4 O:.Jir -a�'tl�4h14 PO: 4. STUFF LOGS WITH SUFFICIENT ALTER MATERIAL TO ACHIEVE DENSITY SECURE ENDS THAT WILL HOLD SHAPE WITHOUT EXCESSIVE DEFORMATION. ALTER STAKES OF LOGS ,PP-6� 2' MATERIAL SHALL CONSIST OF MULCH. ASPEN EXCELSIOR WOOD (T1'P) FIBERS, CHIPPED SITE VEGETATION, COCONUT FIBERS,100% LAP DETAIL RECYCLABLE FIBERS, OR ANY OTHER ACCEPTABLE MATERIAL EXCLUDING STRAW AND HAY. 5. STAKES SHALL. BE 2" X 2" WOOD, 4' LONG, EMBEDDED SUCH THAT 2" PROTRUDES ABOVE LOG, OR AS DIRECTED. RECORD SIGNED COPY DRAWING NO: CITY OF ON FILE AT PUBLIC WORKS ROUND ROCS APPROVED EC-17 03-25-11 DATE EROSION CONTROL LOG DETAIL THE AIZCHI`ECTfENGINKER ASSUMES `''R0i4,4DROCK1'EXAS 9N:kWJSf FgSLlk 1'NfIil RESPONSffiILT Y FOR THE APPROPRIATE USE OF THIS DETAIL. (NOT TO SCALE) EXPANSION JOINT. PROPERTY LINE, EXPANSION JOINT. • 5'-0" CONTROL JOINT. 40'-0" (MAXIMUM) r. EE CURB & GUTTER. PLAN VARIES �, _ VARIES 42" (MINIMUM) (SEE CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR WIDTH) o 1/4"/FOOT SLOPE: 2% (MAXIMUM) I lh /\i' .\ HiglitliitishIffiNEWeetriS9W4023ii 4" (MINIMUM) 2" SAND CUSHION ON THOROUGHLY COMPACTED SUBGRADE. CLASS "A" CONCRETE. 6" X 6" X NO. 6 WELDED WIRE FABRIC, MID-DEPTH OR ONE MAT OF #3 BARS PLACED NO MORE THAN 18" O.C.E.W. SECTION DRAWING NO: RECORD SIGNED COPY CITY OF ROUND ROON FILE AT PUBLIC WORKS APPROVED 07-11-06 DATE SIDEWALK DETAIL ROUNOROCK_TEXAS 11iItPOSG q.SS%Ni PN(XVgI1tT THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER ASSUMES RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPROPRIATE USE OF THIS DETAIL. J I Q 1" WOLMANIZED WIDTH VARIES. WOOD EXPANSION JOINT :cI) l' i (12' MINIMUM) #4 r (27' MAXIMUM) DOWELS �1a" O.C. PROVIDE EXPANSION JOINT WHERE DRIVEWAY MEETS CURB ce L ---., AND GUTTER. THIS JOINT LKLTION SDWALK AREA. NOT RE DUIRED IF ONE (SEE NOTE #1) . EXISTS WITHIN 5 FEET. _ W/ / EXPANSION JOINT. 2,-6" )L I ~ , (MINIMUM) �-- FLOW LINE. 11 "WING"I SAW CUT EXISTING CURB Q AND GUTTER SECTION AT PROPOSED DRIVEWAY. IF NEAREST EXPANSION JOINT IS 5 FEET OR LESS FROM DRIVEWAY WING, EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER SECTION SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED TO THE NEAREST EXPANSION JOINT. PLAN TYPICAL SIDEWALK LOCATION. 6" ••. LENGTH (L) VARIES. Ft 2,-� NORMAL ELEVATION 0 (T ,) IS LENGTH OF DRIVEWAY ASPHALTIC CONCRETE 4 MULTIPLIED BY 2% PLUS .- - -w- -'-r'- is SURFACE COURSE. �_„r�..---"'"'—� TOP OF CURB ELEV. '---\ --, -'' T� #3 BARS 018" O.C.E.W. ROLL GENTLY CLASS 'A' CONCRETE COMPACTED [18" AS REQUIRED. WITH BROOM FINISH. BASE COURSE. MIN.j SECTION 'A—A' 2" SAND CUSHION. COMPACTED SUBGRADE. TOP OF CURB. I.. 24"-#4 SMOOTH DOWEL. PREMOLDED EXPANSION DOWELS. JOINT MATERIAL. LIP OF GUTTER. •:.,:. 16" DOWEL COATING/SLEEVE. In *'•,•,• h In DRILL EXISTING EXIST. N DOWEL SUPPORT. , GUTTER. CONST.CONST. SAW CUT. - 3" 6" ___ EXPANSION JOINT DETAIL SECTION NOTE: 1. THE SIDEWALK AREA OF THE DRIVEWAY SHALL SLOPE TOWARD THE STREET PAVING AT NO MORE THAN 2%. RECORD SIGNED COPY ON FILE AT PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF ROUND ROCK DRAWING NO: APPROVED S-02 11-08-01 �xb b do• DATE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY DETAIL •0 THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER ASSUMES (RESIDENTIAL) �j�. tyRESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPROPRIATE �i . USE OF THIS DETAIL. i f A d WIDTH VARIES. 1" WOLMANIZED WOOD (12' MINIMUM) 1"- EXPANSION JOINT W/ #4 i (45' MAXIMUM) DOWELS 018" Q.G. o EXPANSION JOINT. PROVIDE EXPANSION JOINT -CV WHERE DRIVEWAY MEETS CURB TYPICAL ---_______ AND GUTTER. IF ONE EXISTS Lu a a SIDEWALK LOCATION. SIDEWALK AREA. WITHIN 5 FEET. THIS v Q (SEE NOTE #1) JOINT NOT REQUIRED. CONCRETE SIDEWALK •-5 / MINIMUM 10' .r WING AS NECESSARY. RADIUS. (TYPICAL) II 1� FLOW LINE. )) ) SAW CUT EXISTING CURB <_ .� EXPANSION JOINT REQUIRED AND GUTTER SECTION AT PROPOSED DRIVEWAY. IF NEAREST EXPANSION JOINT FOR WIDTHS (W) OVER 30'. IS WITHIN 5 FEET OR LESS FROM DRIVEWAY, EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER SECTION SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED TO THE NEAREST EXPANSION JOINT. PLAN TYPICAL SIDEWALK LOCATION. 16" .11 LENGTH (L) VARIES. ... NORMAL ELEVATION 0TOP OF CURB BEYOND. g TAPER CURB FOR 2 -0 IS LENGTH OF DRIVEWAY SIDEWALK AS NECESSARY. 1 .-+-�" � (TYP.) MULTIPLIED BY 2% PLUS ASPHALTIC CONCRETE .-r --+-- in SURFACE COURSE. 4.---- TOP OF CURB ELEV. _,.-r'''- #3 BARS 0 18" O.C.E.W. ROLL GENTLY CLASS 'A' CONCRETE COMPACTED 18" AS REQUIRED. WITH BROOM FINISH. BASE COURSE.►;MIN.; - 2" SAND CUSHION. SECTION 'A-A' COMPACTED SUBGRADE. TOP OF CURB. 24"-#4 SMOOTH DOWEL. PREMOLDED EXPANSION DOWELS. LIP OF GUTTER. JOINT MATERIAL. •. •,;. 16" DOWEL COATING/SLEEVE. I :1:....I.Li..1.1.:2:1..•'. .• . . .. .__. . DRILL EXISTING EXIST. NE DOWEL SUPPORT. 3" 6" GUTTER. CONST.CONST. SAW CUT. - -»—�- EXPANSION JOINT DETAIL SECTION NOTE: 1. THE SIDEWALK AREA OF THE DRIVEWAY SHALL SLOPE TOWARD THE STREET PAVING AT NO MORE THAN 2%. RECORD SIGNED COPY OF DRAWING NO: ON FILE AT PUBLIC WORKS CITY S-03 APPROVED 11D TE Eai CONCRETE DRIVEWAY DETAIL e....- -.t%/0713"04 THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER ASSUMES �. '/1 (COMMERCIAL OR MULTI-FAMILY) ���.:............ # RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPROPRIATE �1 .. ` USE OF THIS DETAIL. �... J f 1 6" 1'-6" _I_ 6" It—6" R ,1/4"—�I. GRADE CONTROL R=1/4" Nj I GRADE CONTROL R=1/4" ' I -... 4'' V.,...,, R = 2 1/2" tt l •, R = 2 1/ " , -,•t . (4) jy,`-0:4:: .; ,. .. .. . '....*.... - 1;.0 3" 6" I 3,000 PSI CONCRETE. 3" 6" 7" 7" 1 l #4 DOWEL LOCATION. (TYPICAL) (SEE CURB EXPANSION JOINT DOWEL DETAIL BELOW) SPILL CURB CATCH CURB 24" — #4 SMOOTH DOWEL "' SPILL AND CATCH 16" DOWEL COATING 2" MIN. 1 1/2" PREMOLDED TOP OF CURB. `��` EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL. DOWEL SLEEVE TO FIT DOWEL AND BE ', ' • • SECURE AND HAVE A CLOSED END. #4 BAR. (TYPICAL) '' ,•, °r } , _ • . • • •r #4 BAR. (TYPICAL) 3" 3" (TYP.) -.., (TYP.) DOWEL ROD 2" MINIMUM 1 1/4" MINIMUM SUPPORTS, CURB EXPANSION JOINT DOWEL DETAIL NOTES: 1. ALL WORK AND MATERIAL SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A615, A615M, C309 AND D1752. BROOM FINISH EXPOSED SURFACE. 2. CONTROL JOINT SPACING SHALL NOT EXCEED 10'--0'. 3. EXPANSION JOINTS AS PER STANDARD ASTM D-1752. 4. EXPANSION JOINT INTERVALS NOT TO EXCEED 40'-0" FOR ALL CURBS AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS. 5. ALL CURBS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF 4" OF COMPACTED FLEXIBLE BASE BETWEEN BOTTOM OF CURB AND TOP SUBGRADE THAT SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 18" BEHIND BACK OF CURB. TOTAL DEPTH OF FLEXIBLE BASE UNDER AND BEHIND CURB SHALL BE: (TOTAL DEPTH OF FLEXIBLE BASE) LESS (6--INCHES). 6. ALL CURBS SHALL CONFORM TO THESE DETAILS INDEPENDANT OF THE CONSTRUCTION METHODS USED. RECORD SIGNED COPY DRAWING NO: ROUND ON FILE AT PUBLIC WORKS CITY OFROCK APPROVED -45 08-21—oa SPILL AND CATCH CURB DETAIL p..*, DATE o�,' '�•�'' THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER ASSUMES (WITH `"'RB EXPANSION 10(1� RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPROPRIATE JOINT DOWEL DETAIL) A. USE OF THIS DETAIL. Iy i 4 A WIDTH VARIES. -4 EXP. JOINT RADIUS VARIES. r#7 BARS IN ON UPSTREAM ENO71 t GUTTER FORMED TO II CURB SECTIONS. � w SPILL. DOWNSTREAM GUTTER FORMED TO I #3 BARS 41/ .ct:,�� 0004, in C 0 18" C.C. , I, 3" T(F N.,..... FLOW LINE F.L. ° �' ATCH STREAM. 1.' a +. ' O 4 R c 1 M / Irvin InikiY 4 EXP. JOINT EXP. JOINT Vnr. wn.i "Q� #3 BARS EXP. JOINT NOTE; © 16.5° C.C. ALTERNATE #3 BARS TO BE CONTINUOUS ACROSS EXPANSION JOINT. BREAK BOND 6" ON EACH SIDE OF EXPANSION JOINT. PLAN 6'—O" A 4 µ µ,p,,C. SLOPE 1/4" F.L. H.M.A.C, PER Ff. COµPAC.�EOSE. BA COMPACTED BASE. Wily 31111111ft,.. 111°11°° » " 3" 6 µ 14. 4 R=1/4" (TYP.) L111*.1I:10111111111111 MI 6" I SECTION A-A NOTES; 1. MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS SHALL CONFORM TO THE CITY OF AUSTIN STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. 2. CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS "A". 3. MONOLITHIC CURB & GUTTER SHALL BE MEASURED BY PLAN SQUARE FEET AND PAID AS VALLEY GUTTER. 4. THE UPSTREAM CURB MID POINT MUST BE AT OR LOWER THAN THE BEGINNING P.C. AND .5: (MIN.) HIGHER THAN THE OPPOSING MID POINT. 5. ALLOWABLE CONSTRUCTION JOINT AT Q.. WHEN TRAFFIC FLOW MUST BE MAINTAINED, CONSTRUCTED AS A CONTROL JOINT. PROVIDE EXPANSION JOINT 0 Q. FOR WIDTHS GREATER THAN 40 FEET. 6. ALL EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH 1/2" PREMOLDED EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL AND DOWELS AND CAPS (SEE STANDARD CURB DOWEL DETAIL). RECORD SIGNED COPY DRAWING NO: ON FILE AT PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF ROUND ROCKS-06 APPROVED 4 ►Q4, 08-21-03 Act oa,. '•T, DATE CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER DETAIL r.`--- !p% THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER ASSUMES ...f :�' RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPROPRIATE 4.......... � USE OF THIS DETAIL.. ►taw Page 658 2011 Edition- Revision 1 Table 6H-2. Meaning of Symbols on Typical Application Diagrams • • • • Arrow board • (( CAIE Shadow vehicle • Arrow board support or trailer O 0 0 (shown facing down) I. Sign(shown facing left) r—H Changeable message sign or support trailer ® Surveyor Channelizing device Temporary barrier Ulm' Crash cushion F--<) Temporary barrier with warning light IDirection of temporary traffic detour Traffic or pedestrian signal Direction of traffic r♦ Flagger /\ Truck-mounted attenuator ilie Type 3 barricade High-level warning device (Flag tree) IP=I Warning light Longitudinal channelizing device e Luminaire Work space ""` Pavement markings that should be removed for a long-term project Ala H Work vehicle Sect.611.01 December 2011 2011 Edition- Revision 1 Page 659 Table 6H-3. Suggested Advance Warning Sign Spacing Road Posted Speed Sign Spacing"X" Classification (MPH) (Feet) 25 100 30 120 35 160 40 240 45 320 Conventional 50 400 Highway 55* 500 60* 600 65* NU 70* 800 75* 900 80* 1000 Expressway See or All Speeds Typical Freeway Applications** * Distance between signs should be increased to have 1500 feet advance warning.(See Section 6C.04.07) ** Distance between signs should be increased to have 1/2 mile or more advance warning(See Section 6C.04.05) Table 6H-4. Merging Taper Lengths and Spacing of Channelizing Devices Suggested maximum *Minimum Desirable Taper Spacing of Channelizing Lengths Devices Posted Formula 10'Offset 11'Offset 12'Offset On a taper On a Speed tangent 30 2 150' 165' 180' 30' 60' 35 L=WS 205' 225' 245' 35' 70' 40 60 265' 295' 320' 40' 80' 45 450' 495' 540' 45' 90' 50 500' 550' 600' 50' 100' 55 550' 605' 660' 55' 110' 60 600' 660' 720' 60' 120' L=WS 65 650' 715' 780' 65' 130' 70 700' 770' 840' 70' 140' 75 750' 825' 900' 75' 150' 80 800' 880' 960' 80' 160' * Taper lenghts have been rounded off. L=Length of Taper(Feet) W=Width of Offset(Feet) S=Posted Speed(MPH) December 2011 Sect.6H.01 Page 684 2011 Edition- Revision 1 Notes for Figure 6H-13—Typical Application 13 Temporary Road Closure Support: 1. Conditions represented are a planned closure not exceeding 20 minutes during the daytime. Standard: 2. A flagger or uniformed law enforcement officer shall be used for this application. The flagger,if used for this application,shall follow the procedures provided in Sections 6E.07 and 6E.08. Guidance: 3. The uniformed law enforcement officer, if used for this application, should follow the procedures provided in Sections 6E.07 and 6E.08. Standard: 4. A BE PREPARED TO STOP sign shall be located before the Flagger symbol sign. Support: 5. Additional requirements for the location of flagger stations are contained in section 6E.08. Sect.6H.01 December 2011 2011 Edition- Revision 1 Page 685 Figure 6H-13. Temporary Road Closure (TA-13) .\ • d`d3HV \ M NU avOH X T l t Note:See Tables 6H-2 and 6H-3 for the meaning of the .�. symbols and/or letter dOlS Ol codes used in this figure. 038dd38d 38 x AI\ \• ' t ir See note 2 i Buffer space (optional) 1 1 Buffer space (optional) 1 - - ote 2 X • i X BE PREPARED TO STOP t____T_____ _,,,,, It „ , ROAD .1. r WORK ) t '\AHEAD,/ Typical Application 13 `,% December 2011 Sect.6H.01 Page 688 2011 Edition- Revision 1 Notes for Figure 6H-15—Typical Application 15 Work in the Center of a Road with Low Traffic Volumes Guidance: 1. The lanes on either side of the center work space should have a minimum width of 10 feet as measured from the near edge of the channelizing devices to the edge of the pavement or the outside edge of the paved shoulder. Option: 2. Flashing warning lights and/or flags may be used to call attention to the advance warning signs. 3. If the closure continues overnight,warning lights may be used on the channelizing devices. 4. A lane width of 9 feet may be used for short-term stationary work on low-volume, low-speed roadways when motor vehicle traffic does not include longer and wider heavy commercial vehicles. 5. A work vehicle displaying high-intensity rotating,flashing, oscillating, or strobe lights may be used instead of the channelizing devices forming the tapers or the high-level warning devices. 6. Vehicle hazard warning signals may be used to supplement high-intensity rotating,flashing,oscillating, or strobe lights. Standard: 7. Vehicle hazard warning signals shall not be used instead of the vehicle's high-intensity rotating, flashing,oscillating,or strobe lights. Sect.6H.01 December 2011 2011 Edition- Revision 1 Page 689 Figure 6H-15. Work in the Center of a Road with Low Traffic Volumes (TA-15) `.„ END / Ob'3H 11 T .I. ROAD WORK �2l OM 4t / Note:See Tables 6H-2,6H-3 and 6H-4 for the meaning X of the symbols and/or letter codes used in this figure. '1' ' 1/2 L 1 (optional) (optional) • a. 1/2L Vt II 10 feet MIN.to edge of pavement or outside edge of paved shoulder X r. 4 t NROM 01108 </ ROAD \ . WORK j ON] T i AHEAD/ Typical Application 15 December 2011 Sect.6H.01 Page 714 2011 Edition- Revision 1 Notes for Figure 6H-28—Typical Application 28 Sidewalk Detour or Diversion Standard: 1. When crosswalks or other pedestrian facilities are closed or relocated,temporary facilities shall be detectable and shall include accessibility features consistent with the features present in the existing pedestrian facility. Guidance: 2. Where high speeds are anticipated, a temporary traffic barrier and, if necessary, a crash cushion should be used to separate the temporary sidewalks from vehicular traffic. 3. Audible information devices should be considered where midblock closings and changed crosswalk areas cause inadequate communication to be provided to pedestrians who have visual disabilities. Option: 4. Street lighting may be considered. 5. Only the TTC devices related to pedestrians are shown. Other devices, such as lane closure signing or ROAD NARROWS signs, may be used to control vehicular traffic. 6. Deleted 7. Type C Steady-Burn or Type D 360-degree Steady-Burn warning lights may be used on channelizing devices separating the temporary sidewalks from vehicular traffic flow. 8. Signs,such as KEEP RIGHT(LEFT),may be placed along a temporary sidewalk to guide or direct pedestrians. Sect.6H.01 December 2011 2011 Edition - Revision 1 Page 715 Figure 6H-28. Sidewalk Detour or Diversion (TA-28) 1 7 1-5 - --I I-- --1 I-- ma_ ' -1 1--- __I D A Ik NM' . I I__ 3a3H SSOH3 03S013)I1M3OIS417 36 inches MIN. SIDEWALK CLOSED .- '�I s 4111111 \\ 1 SIDEWALK CLOSED CROSS HERE 7 1 / III IP 71 f ,I111 �. ROAD \ i ROAD�. 11.111111r WORK ( WORK AHEAD �' AHEAD/ •1 4 tH \ , (optional) 4 t SIDEWALK DETOUR SIDEWALK DIVERSION Typical Application 28 Note: See Tables 6H-2 and 6H-3 for the meaning of the symbols and/or letter codes used in this figure. December 2011 Sect 611.01 BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION (BC) STANDARD SHEETS GENERAL NOTES: R•.14'-N • L el 197 16 I 2<5 _I19I „ I. The Barricade antl Construction Standard Sheets <BC sheets) are intended C. COLORS: FLUORESCENT • 1 5,_ to show typical construction pa for placement of temporary traffic control R•,13•�� I YELLOW STAY ALERT y�y oi tleVICeS, COnSifUCliOn pavement markings, and typical Work zone signs. BACKGROUND ■i}`!j,`Wi lj(r!Y4 L ijj�'w_w The information contained in these sheets meet or exceed the requirements . BLACK 'n u OS R•I.I1 ^' BORDER 4N0 N shown in the"Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices" (iMUTCD). \Y , BOLDER —_ `�' 0,-: 2. The development and design of the Traffic Control Plan (TCP/is the /�R•.79' I" 1.25• 2 h'- responsibility of the Engineer. _ ORANGE —'T FLUORESCENT 2 •:' y propose changes to the TCP that ore signed 3. The Contractor m0nq and sealed R•.75' BA[xGROUND gBLACK yu« by a licensed professional engineer for approval. The Engineer may develop, WHITE BORDER , .0. sign and seal Contractor proposed changes. 4N0 SYMBOL 8 N A m �-1.25' R, `0.` 4. The Contractor is responsible for installing ond maintaining the traffic BLACK \� 1-6g control devices os shown in the plans. The Contractor may not move or change /� F the approximate location of any device without the approval of the Engineer. � OR LATER 20h 5. Geometric design of lane shifts and detours should, when possible, meet the ` WHITE J TALK TEXT I. kg 7 applicable design criteria contained in manuals such os the American r2g Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHT01, r "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets,"the TxDOT "Roadway m✓ O CD 20• 1 20• I 20• '. Design Manual"or engineering judgment. m O O O r 3.51 12• 2•81. 2,e' I ,I- 14.6 I5 6. When projects abut, the Engineer(s) may omit the END ROAD WORK, TRAFFIC O O O I 60 4 FINES DOUBLE, ond other advance warning signs if the signing would be nth redundant and the work areas appear continuous to the motorists. If the m^ }� adjacent project is completed first, the Contractor shall erect the O O O 3.0•Radius, 1.25•Border,0.75•lnaent,Black on Tel loal 38h necessary Warning signs os shown on these sheets, the TCP sheets or OS f -— [STAY ALERTI IFont:25'0 a$P directed by the Engineer. The BEGIN ROAD WORK NEXT X MILES sign shall be // '- 3.0'Radius. 1.25•Border,O.75•in0ent,Block an Oronoel revised to shoal r [TALK OR TEXT LA7ER1 Fant1[epeci lien!math; ppd appropriate work zone distance. $w 6` 1.68".fi7"I.6B'�fiT'I.6B' 7. The Engineer may require duplicate warning signs on the median side of `hS tlivitled highwOys where metlian width will permit and traffic volumes .31• , I' 6.38' I' 3l' .Sa justify the signing. B.3B• 1e8. All signs shall be constructed in accordance with the details found in the "Standard Highway Sign Designs for Texas," latest edition. Sign details not shown in this manual shall be shown in the pions or the Engineer shall �_ provide a detail to the Contractor before the sign is manufactured. SIGN DETAIL (G20-lOT) .F• 0 2.- 9. The temporary traffic control devices shown in the illustrations of the c as BC sheets are examples. As necessary, the Engineer will determine the mast appropriate traffic control devices to be used. 10. As shown on BC121, the OBEY WARNING SIGNS STATE LAW sign, STAY ALERT TALK OR TEXT LATER (see Sign Detail G20-10T1 and the WORK ZONE TRAFFIC FINES DOUBLE sign with plaque shall be erected in advance of the CSJ limits. However, Only pre-qualified products shall be used. The"Compliant Work Zone the TRAFFIC FINES DOUBLE sign will not be required on projects consisting Traffic Control Devices List" (CWZTCD) describes pre-qualified products solely of mobile operation work, such as striping or milling etlgeline rumble and their sources and may be found on-line at the web address given strips. The BEGIN ROAD WORK NEXT X MILES, CONTRACTOR and END ROAD WORK signs below or by contacting: shall be erected at or near the CSJ limits. Texas Department of Transportation 11. Except for devices required by Note 10, traffic control devices should Traffic Operations Division- TE be in place only while work is actually in progress or a definite need Phone f5121 416-3116 exists. 12. The Engineer hos the final decision on the locution of all traffic control devices. SHEET 1 OF 12 13. Inactive equipment and work vehicles, including workers' private vehicles THE DOCUMENTS BELOW CAN BE FOUND ON-LINE AT .• mama must be operations parked away from travel lanes. They should d be as close ose to the htt //mmNAxdat.OV D7ruron right-of-way line os possible, or located behind o barrier or P• 9 ,Taxed Department of s7arWard guardrail, or as approved by the Engineer. COMPLIANT WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES LIST (CWZTCD) DEPARTMENTAL MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS (DMS1 BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION WORKER SAFETY APPAREL NOTES: MATERIAL PRODUCER LIST (MPLI GENERAL NOTES 1. Workers on foot who are exposed to traffic or to construction equipment ROADWAY DESIGN MANUAL-SEE"MANUALS (ONLINE MANUALS)" AND REQUIREMENTS within the right-of-way shall wear high-visibility safety apparel meeting STANDARD HIGHWAY SIGN DESIGNS FOR TEXAS (SHSDI the requirements of ISEA"American National Standard for High-Visibility BC(I) i 4 Apparel,"or equivalent revisions, and labeled as ANSI 107-2004 standard TEXAS MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (TMUTCD) b I:. be la.av, au t,m�It„7 7I w,T,WT rc„7,pp7 performance for Class 2 or 3 risk exposure. Class 3 garments should be TRAFFIC ENGINEERING STANDARD SHEETS © 1,AK 7002 CPT I( I w, „ considered for high traffic Volume work areas or night time work. c,. 1-03 5-TO 1f19-14 9-07 7-13 en* mu.,, n,c 95 j I TYPICAL LOCATION OF CROSSROAD SIGNS T-INTERSECTION TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION WARNING SIGN SIZE AND SPACING''' PO10 wDR; ROAD POAO wOPK I SPACING WORK ROAD wORK o-xLxl r uBEs SIZE 1�\\V I a trl x alas I .,. pzD-lerL I 1 1 I EUD * Intl(r Wsue v Isit•c20-IbIR r r cto2 IRD1D ADRxI U \ 6�fionol I I WiB /G2p-IpT Cw10-ID -I 5ign Conventional Expresway/ Posted Sign O 1 a,e m J _x Nuroer Speed Spacing \ INTERSECTED 1 Block-City a 10p0'-I500'-NWy Road Freeway X" o° i \. ROADMAI IDOD'-1500'-NwY b Block-[i ty Dr Series „fi ix, \-1.---.1X _ Feet X 1 x �_TT///��� CW204 MPH IADDrx.1 g.e CROSSROAD x x k CW2I z x / Limit G2O-SaP Zp CW22 48"x 4B" 4B"x 4B" 30 160 WORK m0 35 160 e'- k 1 ` t G20-SOP ZONE z. I. BEGIN min. IriNES CW23 40 240 iRMFIC G20.5i ROAD IN Rz0.5T FINES CW25 ROAD I. I. R20-51 FINES MAD,Y LES i DOUBLE 45 320 RFil wOR; DOUBLE CWI,[W2, 0 DR p Mrl r YILES G20.6T \\ R20-SoiP,.,,p", 50 400 og AHEAD Kn XUILE50 I�xD I R20-SOTP �,mx \ CW7, EWB. 36'x 36' 4B"x 48" 55 4002 ° [w20-ID G20-2 R01D WORx Q Xeertrt CWI,CWt 1, lam G20-lot ;N;."17 Note END CW19 60 6002 I ae 91 [wl I IR010 WOPKI age 65 700 2 Quay be eounted an Dock of-ROAD WORK ANEAD'ICM2D-IDI sign with approval of Engineer. G20-2 EW3,CW4,CW3,CW4, qg"x 4B" qB"x 4B'. 70 7002 gBoo 5° ISee note 2 below! 75 9002 I.The topicoi minims signing on o[rossraod uppr24Ch steuld be a'ROAD WORK AHEAD"ICW da d d a CSJ LIMITS AT T-INTERSECT ION CWB-3, F°« IG20-21'END ROAD WORK'sign,unless noted otherwise in Glans. C4110,CWI2 BO IOD0 eau 2.The Engineer lay use the reduced size 36"v 36"ROAD WORK AHEAD ICW2D-101 sign nocnted Dark to Dock 1.The Engineer w111 tletermine the types and location of any 0.1 t Iona!}toff I control devices, J with the reduced size 36'x 18''END ROAD WORK'1G20-2i sign on low volume Crossroads Ism Note 4 under such as a flogger and accompanying signs,or other signs,that should be used when work Is W W 5 ` •Typical Construction Warning Sign Size end Spacing,See the-Standard Highway Sips Designs for being Performed at or near on intersection. •o end is Texas•manual for sign details.The Engineer may omit the Udvoce warning signs on low vallne W For}yD ical sign spacings Oil divided hipMOyb.Bxpre99wpyb Q1d freeways, guw robbrDad9.The Engineer will aterm{ne Nathan a food Is for volute.This infornq}Ion shall be snowrl 2. If conetruct closes the rood at a T-in}ersecf ion the Contractor anal I place the"CONTRACTOR see Po-t 6 of the'Tenon Mamel on Uniform Traffic Control Devices' $ In ins gloms. NAME"IG20-6TI sign behind the Type 3 Berricodes for the rood closure Ibee BC1101 Oleo/. MUTED/typical dogs Ica+ton stagnate or TCP SimtlOrd Sheets. ,1 i 3.Basetl°n rs%tilp field conditions,the Engineer/Inspector may re4ire additional signs such os FLAMER The"ROAD WORK NEXT x MILES"left arrow1G20-IDTLI ono"ROAD'WORK NEXT x MILES'right arrow � AHEAD.LOOSE GRAVEL,or other appropriate elan!.When enteer47 signs are reired,}Iles"sip.will IG20-IbTR)"signs shall be replaced by the detour signing cal led for in the Diane. A Ninim6u distance from work erea to first Advance Warning sign nearest the location Port 0/fhe m ni.of shown en The Esheets, heft,r ntll dPlan iM tM proper work cr a and/or dibte ce between each otl0itionol sign. w location and B000 it19 Of a1y'biT n01 shown en the BC Insets,Ira/f IC Control Plan bfeEts or the Moth w g Zone Standard Sheets. GENERAL NOTES ghi4.the'ROAD WDRK NEXT x MI LES"IGZ0-Ia0lsign 9ha!!be rewired at hips v10000 L0Cssroa0!to advise SS IatOr lets of try!IMOtn a/LMSirNCtIM In el itl8f di recilon frtla iM IntlrbBCilgl.Th@ EnpIMK 1.Special Of larger SIZE slgl!my 0!used 0s neCe99M, a will determine whether a ra0000y t9 COnb)tlered high:1:ere, 2,Distance between signs should be increased as required to hove IMO fee} 5.Atldttionol}raffia control devices lay be shown el0e0M.re in the plan!for higher volume Lro0000Ods. advorce warning. �1i. 6.When work occurs in}he in}ern![}ion ores,Opproprtate Ira/tic 0ani00!devices,as shown 0)0300 re in the gloss a as determined by ins Engineer/InSDe[tOr,6fell DC in plat@. 3.Distance between signs steulo be Increased ob required to hove 1/2 mile e8D SAMPLE LAYOUT OF SIGNING FOR WORK BEGINNING AT THE CSJ LIMITS or more advents warning. :': WORK AREAS IN MULTIPLE LOCATIONS WITHIN CSJ LIMITS W 'I BEGIN 4.36.x 36.'ROAD WORK AHEAD'ICW20-IDlsigns may be used on low volute ' G20•91P 3F* wpfl Cruseroodn at the discretion of the Engineer.See Note 2 under"Typical SPEED zoNE Location of Crossroad Sig.'.olt Q STAY ALERT ROAD LIMIT I2.2 OBEY BEGIN F pgpK R2D-Si** DOUBLE WAR0ING 'lilt **"D-ST ROAD WON; "I-42 R9-1 Ars AHEAD X X DOUBLE �'�',I 31GN6 S.Only dioana shapetl warning sip}sites ore indicated. _ ///�r� NEXI r YIIES Ion w Cw20-ID ROAD LI CW13-IP® °pProDriotel SIMI LAW n~g� %*G20-61 CW20-ID **P2-1 P2D-So1P3F*.T.LL IAU OR TEXT UM 6.See big.size listing In•NAJTCD',Sign Appendix or the'Stmdord Highway ROAD WORK CWI-9P x x \ O\ G20-10TW 71 R21-3114 7 Sign Designs for Taros"manual for Cosplete list 01 oval stole etas design r o WORKS AHEAD NA \11 x 1l x \LI x sizes. AHEAD I 3x "1/ LW20.10 �vx CWIJ-1P 0080 3 Borrica0e or 8 z t channel'zing.vices r 4 r 4 4 4 4 a LEGEND <} r f� Type 3 Barricade "x"". C. C. I "x x sue' --I 0 0 0 Channel 12inq Device! b IS)PRA[E '` 1 % Beginning of J SPEED �+k ENo OO i Si /14D-PASSING P2-I LIMIT/ �WORX Z.2162p-2b1 % qn r ]x J Chuvellz itp CSJ Llmif�k` l I line shoals O v v Devices III E� linecoor shoutate * /�/� See TyDicpl Construction When extended dietoncee occur between minimal work epoce0,the Engineer/Inspector should ensure 004it)onal 001 WORK with sign W0rning Sign Size and "ROAD WORK AHEAD"ICW20-ID1signs are placed In ativonce of these work areas to remind drivers they Ore still G2p-2** 10C41ian NOTES X 5po0inq chart or the within the project limits.See the applicable TCP sheets for exact location antl sooting of Signs OM TMUTCD for sign The Coniroc+0r shell!determine the appropriate distance spot l ng requirements. SAMPLEchannel LAYOUT OF SIGNING FOR WORK BEGINNING DOWNSTREAM OF THE CSJ LIMITS WORK NEXT X MILES^IG20-57 sign for each specific project. SHEET 2 OF 12 k `l **0205aP WORK This dletance shall replace the"X"antl shall be rounded Tre/Oc a BEGIN SPEED ZONE STAY ALERT OBEY to ire nearest wool;mile with the approval of the Engineer. 'BEE: *I. 2p-57 ROAD wORK 1AIFF IC xSRNINc No decimola shall De used. DlvNlon ROAD ROAD ROAD MrsliI I LIMIT **R2a-5i FINES API) Ai. ,Taxes Depnrfinen[o/iMnWporzeylon SlendeN CLOSED AHEAD wOR IL X X DOUBLE STATE LAW 0 Toe"BEGIN WORK ZONE"1G20-9TP1 antl'END WDRK ZONE"1 G20-2DT) P11-2 %2 MILE T.OR fE3i U1EA Bh011 b;uletl as snaxl an the sgtple layout when OtivglCe n � ,0-41. AHEAD *3FP20-SaIP ww., I�ICWI 6 Iype CW20-10 G20 61 n[ **R2-I xr"r 020-I07 R2p-3T signs ore requires outside the CSJ Limits. they inform the Bv0Icode or �x cN13-IP CK20-IE ** G20 `\\ 1** signs sr of e"terinq as leathe apart of the work inform BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCT ION chalvelizinp rnxlwK x X we\ X \ \ lying eute(Oe the CSJ Liml TT.1 where}rani is Tines nnY double peviGe! \ N...„..,, 11 Ll X 44414 If workers ore present- PROJECT L IMI T / Y M >q X \ r X �r r **Reauirea CSJ Limit sgn;"°.see Hate lO on BC111. Is""IC / > FINES DOUBLE eigns will not pe required rk Dro)ects // j I �} consisting Solely of nubile operations work. r'x[ p Xa,m a act Xm 1/ "I I J— BC�2�—�4 / l'v—CSJ Limit Area for pl acemenl D("ROAD WORK AHEAD"ICW20-IDI sign I Bizi' ! c• El and or4r signs or devtce9 as aoI letl form the Traffic bc-19.dp1 aw ixOOcr�n,TXOD71;mI I;DOf in,TXTlOi t x SPEED R2-1 Control Plan. ©TXDOIXCXe2002 w WORK �j/ I EIW) ~ LIMIT O OContractor will install a raWlOtory!peed limit sign Dt B-13 8-14 Dist ['airy I wx[t sa SPACE R0101IORK �/�/ * the end of the work Zone. G20-2Y* /�/� T-IS 01. 1 TYPICAL APPLICATION OF WORK ZONE SPEED LIMIT SIGNS Work zone speed limits shall be regulatory,established in accordance with the'Procedures for Establishing Speed Zones,' 0 and approved by the Texas Transportation Commission,or by City Ordinance when within Incorporated City Limits. Reduced speeds should only be posted in the vicinity Se irrq tiom for Signing shown for in one direction only. CSJ of work activity and not throughout the entireproject. See sa121 for LIMITS one direction only. CSJ additional advance Regulatory work zone speed signs (R2-1) shall be removed See BC121 for w arirq. or covered dur I n additional advance `LIMITS q periods when they ore not needed. signing. Y// I ° I d / sm I -I-- F p I b b b g ,1`) jr I. i') I.' Fh a: 1750'-1500'1 See General .$ > < Note 4 ' See General Note 4 1750'-1500'1 Note 0 Seedl ^ A A A SPEED WORK wo,, S LIMIT WORK ZONE G2o-SaP ZONE SPEED SPEED wag 7 0 R2-I 6D SPEED LIMIT LIMIT Q WORK WORK SPEED LIMIT "-I 7 0 ZONE ::5or ZONE G2D-5aPsz-1 SPEED SPEED LIMIT R2 l 7 0 s2-I En `.'-5 6 0 6 0 €gq GUIDANCE FOR USE: .So LONG/INTERMEDIATE TERM WORK ZONE SPEED LIMITS GENERAL NOTES '''p5 This type of work zone speed limit should be included on the design of I.Regulatory work zone speed limits should be used only for sections of construction a�Ee the traffic control plans when restricted geometries with a lower design protects where speetl Control is of major importance. i speed ore present in the work zone and modification of the geototrics to a higher design speed is not feasible. 2.Regulatory work zone speed limit signs shall be placed on supports at a 7 foot minim.. oFg, mounting height. 3.Speed zone signs are illustrated for one direction of travel and ore normally posted Long/Intermediate Term Work Zone Speed Limit signs,when approved as described above,should be posted and visible to the motorist when work activity is present. For each direction of travel. Work activity may also be defined as a change in the roadway that requires a reduced speed for motorists to safely negotiate the work area, including: 4.Frequency of work zone speed limit signs should be: al rough rood or damaged pavement surface 40 mph nod greater 0.2 to 2 miles D1 substantial alteration of roadway geometries ldiversi onsl 35 mph antl less 0.2 to I mile cl construction detours 5.Regulatory speed limit signs shall hove black legend and border on a white reflective di grade background ISee"Reflective Sheeting"on BC1411, 0width W t1 other conditions readily apparent to the driver 6.Fabrication,erection ond nointenonce of the"ADVANCE SPEED LIMIT'1CW3-Stsign, As long os any of these conditions exist,the work zone speed limit signs "WORK ZONE"1620-SoPI plaque and the"SPEED LIMIT"IR2-llsigns shall not be paid for should remoin in place. directly,but shall be considered subsidiary to Item 502. 7.Turning signs from view, laying signs over or down will not be allowed,unless as SHORT TERM WORK ZONE SPEED LIMITS otherwise noted under"REMOVING OR COVERING"on BC141. This type of work zone speed limit may be included on the design of B.Techniques that may help reduce traffic speeds include but are not limited to: SHEET 3 OF 12 the traffic control plans when workers or equipment are not behind concrete A.Low enforcement. barrier,when work activity is within 10 feet of the traveled way or actually VT"*. rralWc in the travelled way. B.Flogger stationed next to sign. C.Portable changeable message sign IPCMSI, ,TexasOeparemeneoerranapeeeaedn seMeNan Short Term Work Zone Speed Limit signs should be posted and visible to the D.Speed (drone/radar transmitter. motorists only when work activity is E.Speed monitor trailers or signs. Y y present.When work activity is not present,signs shall be removed or covered. 9.Speeds shown on details above are for i l lustration only. BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION (See Removing or Covering on BC1411. Work Zone Speed Limits should only be posted as opprovefor each project. WORK ZONE SPEED LIMIT 10.For more specific guidance concerning the type of work,work zone conditions and factors impacting allowable regulatory construction speed zone reduction see T%DDT form.1204 in the Tx00T a-form system. BC 13 1_IA run Ec-14.ean v.1.1 In,7-iD01 Tim T.T Icu 1.1 ©T,W7 NovvmGer 2002 mn xnl a l e1w.. oLL 9-0i 8-14 REVIw sin wrn I WV 7-IJ .r 40. 91 I I SIGNS G TYPICAL MINIMUM CLEARANCES FOR LONG TERM AND INTERMEDIATE TERM SIGNS I ENERAL NOTES FOR WORK ZONE S h. Contractor anal)install andmointoln signs in a sirpi ant end oturb condition ond/m as directed by the Engineer. 2. Wooden sign posts shall be pointed white. 3. Barricades shall N01 be used as sign supports. 6 4. All lions shall be installed in accordance rich the pions or as airectetl by the Engineer. Signs,rail be us.to regulate,worn,and IN § 1 ROAD ROAD 12'min. n ROAD wide the traveling public safely+hrougn the work zone, 2' 5. The Contractor may furnish either the Sign design shown in the pions or in the'Standard Highway Sign Designs for Texas'ISNSDI.The minims, ROAD EtlORR Engineer/Inspector may rewire the Cantractm wn to furnlan other.ark zone sighs toot ore sho in the TWI[D Gut may nave peen ant omitted '•� WORK WORM( from WORK AHEAD from fie plans.Any ye-lotion ih the pions shall be documented by written ogreement between the Engineer and the Contractor� AHEAD fi AHEAD cvb AHEAD I I Responsible Person.Al I thence&must be docurented in Awl,.Awl,.before being uplement ed. This can include tlucurentimg the changes,n m &5� min. `� the Inspector's TA001 aimy end having both the Inspector and Contractor Initial and date the agreed upon changes. i 6. mp The Contractor sholl furnish sign supports listed in the'Coliant Rork Zone Traffic Control Device List-ICRZTCDI.The CbntroctOr f'. I1 ..pm ShallInstall the sign support In accordance with the manufacturer's recomnend4tlons.If there Is a question regarding instal lotion procedures,the Contractor shall furnish the Engineer a copy of the manufacturer's installation recommendations so the Engineer can ors 7.0'min. _ verify the correct procedures are being(oilfired. on r T,O"m 7. The Contractor is responsible for insiolling signs .,oved supports and rep loci Sims with loaned D crocked substrates and/or D'-6' 9.o max. s 6 on 9.,mob.. 7.O'min. 6.0'min. damaged or marred reflective sheeting as directed by the Engineer/Inspector. - Y greater 9'0 pox. B. Identification markings may he crown only on 1M bock of the sign smotrate.The mmimm Might of letters antl/m company IagDs usetl 1 II for taentificbti0n.011 be 1 inch. +1111 C. The Contractor shall replace doing.wood posts.New or dogged wood sign posts shall not be spliced. IliItzi•E m.iii iii I 1� pultATioN OF WORK WO myfinod by oho•TeRa7 Alvuol men Uniform Traffic Control Devices.Part it 8 u Paved , Zs, h� Paved ` " * I. The types of sign supports,Alan moulting nelgnt,tne size of signs,and the type of sign substrates Con vary based on the type of shoulder shoulder km",.� work being performed.The Engineer In responsible for selecting the appropriate Size sign for the type of work being performed.The i� Contractor is responsible for ensuring the sign support,Sign mounting height end substrate meets manufacturer's recommendations in �$e Oa oppemS Altai regard to erm stationery anti duration or work requotion more ' G iF then plat inq skid supports on un level of I N,ice leg post under skis oust be miwted 90 the ei gnf ma Dlmno. a, Lot-term s+atianony-nd that actuates o louireme more tMn 3 days. Objects 6a011 NOT De placed uder skids as a mom of level inq. b. Intermediate-term stationary-work that occupies o location more then one daylight period up to 3 days,or nighitiie work lasting the should be attached to the upright nearest the travel lane. bore ohm one hour. )16. on' M M When plaques m!l ploq s ddvisor or di is, y c. Short-term stationary-daytime work that occupies a location for more than I.ur In a single daylight period. gn Supplemental Dlapue6 loavi Sort or distance/Btoncel should not cover the outface of the potent sign. O. Short,duration-work that occupies o locution up to I hour. !. hobi e-work that roves continuously or intermittently tstupoing for up to oppromirately 15 minutes.) `o SIGN MOUNTING HEIGHT Support• ATTACHMENT FOR SIGN SUPPORTS Attachment be to TooTen d nutSts 1 the bottom of Long-ten/Intermediate-term signs shall be at least 7 feet,but not more than 9 feet,move the paved surface,except >u will be by bolts and nuts as shorn for supplemental plaques mounted below other signs. col not 2. The Dolton of Shad-tKMShort Omrotion signs Mall be a minimum of 1 foot above the pavement surface but no note tom 2 feet magus „ � M1;7;'i'I('„d protracts or screws.Use 10001's or the ground. omve sign or attaching sign 3. Log-+ermvinrermediate-term Signs may be used in lieu of Sari-term/Short Duration signing. i^ mf� ;'(i�;��;f f�,c. procedlres for ottacning sign 4. Short-term/Short Duration signs shall be used only during dorm iqn+and sna11 De removed at the ens or the workday or raises to substrates to other types of appropriate Long-term/Intermediate sign Might. wg� ffII /ROAD // Sign Supports 5. Regulatory slobs shall be mounted a+leo.T feet,but not sore thin B feet,above the paved Srfoce regmtlless of work duration. �' l j�{lj:JII'.s Supportsholl / I. T. OF SIGNS r r I. iM Contractor shot furnish the clan sizes shown on BC 121 unless otherwise shown in the Glans m os directed by the Engineer. age 'illil,4 al Protrude t II, ,IGN SUYSTRATE= yy above sign yl r�II� 'II� I. The Coniroctor shall ensure the sign substrate Is instal led in occorapnce wit,the manufacturer's recamendations for the type of sign Sic i,;17 �_G: 1.r,''OI^(I;�` Nails shall NOT support that Is being used.The CRZTCD lists each substrate that cm De used m the different types and models of sign supports. Vio �_- Un7 uuuo, \ be allowed. 2. "Mesh'type mbtertols ore NOT en approved sign substrate,regardless of the tightness of the weave. wS a AREAL)/ II \ Each 8i 3• All wooden divi Col sign parels tmrieatea from z o more pieces anon hove one m note plywood cleat,1/2'thick by 6'ride, 1q fostenetl to the oocX of the sign ma eximailg fully across the sign.The cleat sham be olfacMa+o ine bock of the slap using wood nib Sian bllppOr is shop shall be attached screws that m not penetrate the face of the sign ponel.The screws shall De placed on both sides of the splice and spaced at 6" extend lore Lon directly to the sign centers.The Engineer may approve other methods of splicing the sign note. -ilq bock •ay he the I support. Multiple REFLECTIVE SHEETING Dock of the sign ppa p I. 111 signs snail De nett DreileC}ive and CDnsiruxted of sneetimn meeting the Colon and tetra-ref lCCtivify requirements Of 016-B300 gu signs shall not be for rigid signs or DM5-8310 for roll-up signs.The web address for DMS specifications is shown on BCI11. �•g« FRONT ELEVATION jOinetl or spliced by 2. Rh,.sheeting,meeting the requirBmments of DNS-8300 Type 4,shall be used for signs with a Mite Dac anXpro . 3. Orange sheeting,meeting the requirements of OMS-B300 type Bry on lyPe Cfo,Shall be used far rigid signs with prone backgrounds. o ;:b Rood,metal or any Gleans.Wood SIGN I FTTFRr Fiber Reinforced Plostic supports shal I not be 1. All sign letters and numbers shall be clear,and open rounded type uppercase alphabet letters m approved by the Federal Highway ',ministration IFISIAI antl as PIN COa in the-SH OON Highway Sign Design for Tens'FVnual.Sign6,letters and masts lush be of Splicing ertDnly &love perforated swore metal is in artier o extend poet extended Of repaired first close workmanship in accordance with Depm,ment Stmdaas and Specifications. Might nil only De allowed Men the splice is made usirn four halts,two SIDE ELEVATION by spl icing Or REIAVING OR COVERING omve and two below the Nice point.Splice must be located entirely behind slpR g y COh sign substrate,not ne0r the base of the support.Splice insert lengths Rood other means. I. when messages tray he confusing or m not GDpl y,fne signs moll be removed or completely covered. should De at least 5 times nominal post size,center.on the splice and 2. Long-term stationary or Intermediate slotionmy Sign:installed on sore metal tming moor De turned owoY from traffic 90 degrees Men o/or least the sap gauge material. the Sian dressage is hot opal icable. This rechnimWe may hot be usetl for signs instal Ind in the mretlim of tltvided n.away5 or neon any Intersections where the sign may be seen from approaching traffic. 3. Signs Installed on wooden skies shall net DD turned at 90 degree angles to fne rooamoy.theme signs should be removed or Cooletely STOP/SLOW PADDLES CONTRACTOR REQUIREMENTS FOR MAINTAINING PERMANENT SIGNS covered when COt required.WITHIN THE PROJECT LIMITS 4. op..,such as heavy m. block plastic,or other materials which will cover the When signs ore covered,the material used Coll be o 1.STOP/SLOW paddles ore the primary netted to control traffic entire sign face and maintain their op..properties under automobile headlights at night,without damaging the sign sheeting. by flappers.The STOP/SLOW pmale size should De 24'x 24' S. Burlap shall NOT be used to cover 6imo. OS detailed below. I. Permanent signs are used to give notice of traffic lows m regulations,Coll 6. Duct tope Dr other attache mote,.shall NOT oe affixed too sign lace. 2.When usetl at night,the STOP/SLOW pmdle Moll be attention to conditions that me potentially hozo'tlous to traffic operations, 7. Signs and anchor sties shall be removed ond holes backfil led upon completion of work. retroretlectorized. show route deslawtian4,destinations,directions,dictates,services,points SIGN SUPPORT HEIGHTS 3,STOP/SLOW paddles may be attached to a aloft with a minimum of Interest,and other geographical,recre0tional,m cultural information. I. Where sign supports require the use of weights to keep from turning over, length of 6'to the button of the sign. Drivers maCeedtng through o work zone need the some,If not better route the use of SodbogC with my,Cmesionless Fad should m used. SHEET 4 OF 12 4.Awry lights incorporated Into the SIDP or SLOW paddle faces guidance as orally installed on a roadway without construction. 2. The smmo0s rill he tied shut to keep,he sad from call Iinp antl 1D moll only be as specifically described in Section 6E.03 2. den permanent regulatory on warning signs conflict with work zone conditions, maintain a Constent rel0hi. Traffic Hurd Signaling DeViCes to the TMd1CD. remove m cover the permanent signs with the permanent sigh message notches 3, Rock.Concrete,Iron,steel or other solid Objects shall net be permitted Operef/fipW the roadway condition. Texas Deportment of TYens orteNon oWNlon fen use as slot su000ri weights. , P P Stendero 3, then existing permanent signs me moved and relocated we to construction 4. Sandbags should weigh a minimZn of 35 lac ono a maximum of 50 lbs. T m purposes,they 6h011 be visible to notoni etc of all Linea. 5. Sandbags Rubberbe chtle of a dinner matey lam that hems upon vehicular A. If tailli imp signs me to be relocated on their original supports,they shall De impact. Sha Shall'such m fire inner}motel col NOT toe used. �� 9• Sa Instal lend on Croshrm My oases as shown on the WO Stmpord sheets.The signs 6. Rubber hallos.resigned for chonelizlhg devices should hot be used for BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION seal I meet the rewired mmtlmt heigMS shorn on the BC Sheets m the t°- ballast on porfmle sign supports.Sign supports.signed find manufactured �t//�(``��--'' 'I �` '\f^u- f rv'rl rl� 5lmdooB.lhia wok should oe paid for mMar,M appropriate goy i,em ipr with rubber hoses troy be used when shown m the CMATCD list. TEMPORARY SIGN NOTES 24' ��[rot 'II J VC 2q• \\ B'B rem perocnp existing signs. T. Sandbags moll only be places along or loud over the base supports of}M r�I)%� '1�'J'ILj' rn"m�IJJtI ..``,,11 S. If Mrmaent signs me to be rMpvld and supports own temporary BC eets orb, traffic control device and snail not oe steners. move srWltl level or `I./ �' the CD.T.signs shall use meet the my Bred mounting os swam at the BC on the or the hung with rope,wire,mains t owner(down the.Smmaps anal'De Olaced � [wZTCD.the blabs shall mmeet the required mmommtinp heights shown on the slang the length Of the skitls to weigh darn the sigh support. ���w�_�w % i \R' /Ss• BC Sheets or the 5ND Stedords during Construction.This work should be paid B. Sondbags Shall tat De places miler 1M skid ad shall of be used to level `f Yl Al!W //IC for under the Oppropriate Day Item for relocating existing signs. sign euPports placed on slopes. rmu, the Contractor FLAGS ON SIGNS Im.14.or a TOOT la.Tm001 l oh haT Ion TOOT 1_ 6. Any sign on traffic Control.vice 1h01 is struck on damages by ©ImggT November 2mz mom moo ,m I m 40 )f I, or his/her consiracilon equi anent shot he replaced u3 soon os polIIDIe by the I. Flogs may 6e used to draw ottentier to varni nil signs.Mien usetl the flog 2q" I` 24' Contractor to entire proper guidace for the motorists.This rill be subsidlmy Flags oe 16 inched sere at lenper OCT soil be orange en us.the flog mum Sum rkm Bslomrd-arm U.paud-army to Item 502. red•orene in color. Flops Call of be allowed to cover any portion o/ 9-01 S.144mm� men I qua lwm„w{bur-m11m Lpxe A sonar-ewe the sign lace. 7-13 oLL 9s I...urn tI Sign 0 Sign 0 Sign 4x4 ,le2s;ggn ffta.ce"Inl 215F17Se*fino ::: / 4.4 4.4 613. 4.4 I 4 9..frobie 1 7, block --1- block .)-:',"roTligneoli7s, Tia7:01.0 _J." i e• 24.'si Taci 4.1 Length of skids.7 48. be increased f or minimon I wood .s„___... Lok"sion.ilLn ::/nohonii:ent2':•:sc:nciri,e .....,................),5435.trion,:::rin% Swee er.the d.CWZniC,D. lEzlia's' coScational stobiilty. post ii,..,... 011 SfezeilEixI41 2.. 1 2x,x 40. Top x IV * Seel3CM mg*sai Is. if.'; imi requirement for sign 24. .4 brace Anchor Stub Anchor Stub :IF IL .6 l 8 .ight ig/ 11/4.larger i1/4.larger..,: requirement 3/8.bolts m/nuts Mon sign III III ..............'''. Post) !II j_EL leeMEIrilkAl ImIn.1 log screwsblock 4.4 block OPTION 1 g ST (Direct Embedment/ OPT.2 lAnchor Stub, OPT.3 (Anchor Stub and Reinforcing Sleevel/i.;•:.' front OP SIPT V! PERFORATED SQUARE METAL TUBING WINS itCicct.,..;SKID MOUNTED WOOD SIGN SUPPORTS LONG/INTERMEDIATE TERM STATIONARY-PORTABLE SKID MOUNTED SIGN SUPPORTS 0 GROUND MOUNTED SIGN SUPPORTS Refer to the Ce2.ond the manufacturers installation procedure for each type sign support. 2;L The noel/run sign scuore fcotoge s.I I cohere to tne mcnufocturer s recommendation. .",... Teo post instollotions con be used for larger signs. 16 sq.ft.or less of.2 d9i4 T,On WEDGE ANCHORS te- substrote listed in section J.2.0 of 4111". Dilia.Wy-ol min steei and plastic Wedge Anchor Systems os shown ga' L:efett.ruCrleal"'" the Cw2T0D.except 5/8.PIM.. on the SIC Standard Sheets moy.used os temporcry •.° ; thinmoll plastic sips only 1/2.plywood is allowed. 4. f'ocl'e.'91he'ryIlma'yf"be'sirt'inuPconci°rie'te"oru'ein'eseturt 0°Yr s'sligni Is i?D r2 PeTbuppor".'tr.;jo'in'ingt 7 if o.roved by the Engineer.ISm ma acOress for •Troffic Engineering Stcridord Sheets.on KIM/. hub' _._AI i TiT. I MORE DETAILS OF APPROVED LONG/INTERMEDIATE OTHER DESIGNS sign ponel Cnd SUPPOrtS 1 * ID. , --' 2;",".:to:L AND SHORT TERM SUPPORTS CAN BE FOUND ON THE •:,1? CISZTCD L IST. SEE BE 11 I FOR WEBSITE LOCATION. r GENERAL NOTES ".;E.T."2 A ILCUTIICE, 1 3/4•x I 3/4.x 129. Nominal,urnber Maximum Minim.m Drilled 1.Neils my.used in the 05512MDI,of orb..Si. 2 d'of. lhole to hole!12 go.support Post of Sq.feet of Soil Nolels1 supports,but 3/6. Dolts with nuts or PR.x 3 la. It !,;(-.4;/:!";,ori:'," telescopes into sleeve Size Posts Sign Face Enteidtent Recurred log screws oust.usea on eve,joint for finai connect ion. 4.4 1 12 36. NO 4 x 4 2 21 36. NO 2.No more than 2 sign posts snal I.placed within a 1 3/4•x 1 3/4.x 52.(hole 4 x 6 1 21 36. YES 7 ft.circle,except for specific materials noted on the to holel 12..square perforatea COZTED List. 4 k 6 2 36 36. YES upright most tubing diagonal brace telescope to 3.Men project Is completed,all sign supports and provide 7'height' T 1 46 1 3/4•x I 3/4.x 32.Roble 1-F.,......I to hole/12 get.square Perfor.t. tWing cross brae 4 IY 0 0 D.IXTTE MOUNTED YSSITGENM SUPPORTS GROUND tf n'"r'si s r ti i 1 c'I I o'e'4'c o a S i 0 e r"er c le r's u b"'s i df ri c'is r y tht oe PrItelet0Zite. 0 See BCI41 for oef init Ion of'Work kration.. *rbVriro:L'pluo:tr.11°,77:lee`,:in;:2,:i!,?L!'" m '4110111 rcV 53'60B.I.XT 41.111P'.2/gr. • A 0*.._._ . ---•---- • ;" pin at angle inamsea s needed to 5 aolt match si.sICI. ,A,30::::ich:n1,:emZTS5H:::::T:r17,5bee101PF:Plill'127n'siratte,dt. 36. 1 3/4•x 1 3/4 I.x 129" 1111/4"_.":' ,4 2.5 4. tit...zu...... 71111, 0/IV lhole to hole/ 12 go.swore AOrigg'iir We.to start on o.osi te s lc. going in opposite directions.Minim. 4: wid i ..",.woeld,Go not I bock fill puddle. 1 12 oa. Wright mememse perforated tubing upright 2.x 2.x SF lhole to hole/ 12,perforot. tubing seid . 111.W 11" Ccripletely welded cround tubing BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION TYPICAL SIGN SUPPORT --- 1..I'P':weld stcrts here 2.-'1 :Vo'rita ..•' '1. I lhole to hole, 12 ga.square .,' SINGLE LEG BASE Idi% perforated BC(5)-14 Si.View 1 bc14.0 60. tLoing sleeve welded to skid mom - 01 ow TNOOT ImiToP011ook TxDOT IckiTx201 GD1x051 November 2002 WO 111 .1 I WVISMO SKID MOUNTED PERFORATED SQUARE STEEL TUBING SIGN SUPPORTS 9.07 8-14 DIS7 as.s177 I SAW DD. 7 13 1_21 J IWHEN NOT IN USE,REMOVE THE PCMS FROM THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OR PLACE THE PCMS RECOMMENDED PHASES AND FORMATS FOR PCMS MESSAGES DURING ROADWORK ACTIVITIES I BEHIND BARRIER OR GUARDRAIL WITH SIGN PANEL TURNED PARALLEL TO TRAFFIC (The Engineer may approve other messages not specifically covered here.) PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE 51GN5 I. The Engineer/Inspector snot I approve all(messages used on portable Phase 1: Condition Lists Phase 2: Possible Component Lists lift chargeable message signs IPCd51. 2. B IMTTges on PCMS DW OR OI, In IT note arm B rpr0s B WON tour ro AA Advance eight characters per worm,rot IacIWIng siiryle rotas each as•rD,• Action to Take/Effect on Travel Location Warning x,5 •Fdi,'•AT,"etc. Rood/Lone/Ramp Closure List Other Condition List List List List Notice List 5 a §«» 3. Messages should consist of a single phase,or two phases trot alternate.three-phase messages ore not of lowed.Each prase of the FREEWAY FRONTAGE ROADWORK ROAD MERGE FORM AT SPEED TUE-FRI message should convey d single tnpugnt,aw monist De understood by CLOSED ROAD XXX FT REPAIRS RIGHT X LINES FM XXXX LIMIT XX AM- p�. tself. X MILE CLOSED XXXX FT RIGHT X%MPH X PM 8 /. Use!lira;word'ExIT•to refer to an exit ramo ono freeway;I.e., -EXIT CLOSED.-Do not use the term•BALM." 5. Always use the route or Intersrote designation Nx,AN,SH,FM/ ROAD SHOULDER FLAGGER LANE DETOUR USE BEFORE MAX(MUM APR XX along with the nsber Men referring to a roodvy. CLOSED CLOSED XXXX FT NARROWS NEXT X%XXX RAILROAD SPEED r AN me 6. .en in use the Potion of a stationary RDA panel should De AT SH XXX XXX FT XXXX FT X EXITS RD EXIT CROSSING XX MPH X PM-X AM a minima,7 feet above the roadway where possible. 5.° 7. The message term•WEEKEND"should be used only If tne work is to ROAD RIGHT LN RIGHT LN TWO-WAY USE USE EXIT NEXT MINIMUM BEGINS start on Saturday morning and end by SundoT evening ar midnight. x SPEED MONDAY Actual days ad weirs of work should be ei spl ayes on the AT CLOSED NARROWS TRAFFIC EXIT X%% 1-X%the PCMS if work FM XX%x XXX FT XXx%FT %%MILE NORTH MILES XX MPH VI it to begin on Friday evening ad/or continue into Morkaoy lornimg. `»Ra B. ine Engineer/InAeectpr may se lecr ore of two options Micn are aval I. CONS TPAST ADVISORY BEGINS 5 able rot tlFRDioyinW a rw-prose message on o PEMS.Eocn prroe mot be RIGHT X RLANEIGHT% MERGING TRAFFIC US XXX 1-%%E US XXX SPEED MAY X% 9, Da not-flash-messages or words Included Ina IessRge.The message CLOSED OPEN XXXX FT XXX FT SOUTH TO I-XX N EXIT XX MPH n$m should be steady burn or continuous mile displayed. 10.Do not present reduMmr information on a rwo-phose message;I.e., CENTER DAYTIME LOOSE UNEVEN TRUCKS WATCH XXXXXXX RIGHT MAY X-X keeping two lines of 1M message the some and changi,g 1M third line. LANE LANE GRAVEL LANES USE FOR TO LANE XX PM (I.Do not use the rota'Pager'in massage. CLOSED CLOSURES XX XX FT XXXX FT US XXX N TRUCKS X%%%%XX EXIT XX AM i'm o 12.0o not tli SOloy}M eessage'LINES SHIFT LEFT-or"LANES SHIFT RIGHT' x, S on a PCMS. Drivers do not uderstod the eessnge. NIGHT I'Xx SOUTH DETOUR ROUGH USE EXPECT US%%X USE NEXT y 13.Op not display messages tint scroll horizontally or vertically across m5c me tote of the sign. LANE EXIT X MILE ROAD FOR DELAYS TO CAUTION F - SUN P IA.The following table lists abbreviated words and two-word phrases tint CLOSURES CLOSED XXXX FT TRUCKS FM%XXX ` are acceptable for use on a PCMS.Both words in o phrase must be DRIVE XX AM &S� displayed together.Words m phrases TMU not on this Isar should not x VARIOUS EX IT XXX ROADWORK ROADWORK EXPECT PREPARE SAFELY TO k abbrav character unless shorn in the tdleas LANES CLOSED PAST NEXT DELAYS TO N a I5.PCMS.They should uld be Mould x or at le lB Inches/o trailer mounted CLOSED X MILE SH XXXx FRI-SUN STOP XX PM a5S sits.They should be vat isle from of least night I,51 mile and the text shoultl be legible from a,least 600 feet of night and B00 feet to DRIVE NEXT Soo daylight. Truck flaunted units oust have o character Might of to inches LEX IT OSE RIGHT LN BUMP USE XXX REDUCE END WITH TUE = ad must be legible Iran at least ago feet. CLOSED TO BE BUMP FT EX IT SPEED SHOULDER t6.Each ine pr+e.t should De centered on 1M 7::::::::::::::: essage hom0 rather tram CLOSED x MILES XXX FT USE CARE AUG XX mgo left ar right justified. IT.If dolorm X,TM PCMS swill default Us. on Illegible rkers 1.1 mar will MALL X LANES TRAFFIC LANES USE WATCH TONIGHT `~ not alarm alfun tis and All only be used ro alert of onta the X- XX PM- PitPUG nos molfuhotlored.A pattern such tie a series of horizontal solid DRIVEWAY CLOSED SIGNAL SHIFT OTHER FOR XX AM w»"RS bars is appropriate. CLOSED TUE-FRI XXXX FT ROUTES WORKERS 3 m X%X%%X%% STAY Fs'-- BLVD 3E LANES SHIFT in Prase I mot be us.with STAY IN LANE in Pose 2. IN X X*Sea Application Guicel Ines Note 6. n~g` WORD OR PHRASE ABBREVIATION WORD OR PHRASE ABBREVIATION CLOSED LANE :el, p Access Rood ACCS RD Malot MAJ Alternate ALT Miles MI Avenue AVE Miles Per Hour mini Bast Porte B AK Minor LRIR APPLICATION GUIDELINES WORDING ALTERNATIVES Brilevartl BLVD D Hon.! LION 1.Only 1 or 2 phases are to be used on a tedS. I.TM wards RIGHT,LEFT and ALL cm be interchagee as mpncnged e. Bridge BXOG IIpl,lal NORM 2.the let prose Ion bowl should be selected from the 2.Roadway designations IH,US,SH,FM and LP cm be interchaged as Cannot CANT North N •Rood/Lone/Bong Closure List•and the•Other Condition List'. aDprofr;ale. Center CTR Northbound haute)N 3•A 2ho phase cm De selected from iM"Action to Take/Effect 3.EAST,WEST,NORTH mtl SOUTH for abbreviations E,W,N mtl SI Con Conerructmn CONST AND Parking PKING on Travel,Location,General Warning,or Advance Notice be interchanged ae opproariare. AMotl Rood 110 Phase List, 1.RigoraY noes and numbers replaced os appropriate. CROSSING MINS Right Lore R7 LN 1.A Location Prose is necessary only if a d;alfree m locotton 5.ROAD,MILROY mtl FREEWAY cm be Interchanged as needed. Detour Route DETOUR RTE swr,,, ,, SAT Is not Included in me first phase selected. 6.AHEAD may ba used instead or distances if necessary. Do war 00147 Service flood SERV RD 5.If two PCMS ore used In sequence,they must be separated by 7.FT aho MI,MILE and MILES Interchanged us...Mote. East E Shoulder SHLOR a minimum of 1000 ft.Each PCLIS shall be limited to two phases, B.AT,BEFORE and PAST'Mera onge0 os needed. Eas+bomtl trout's)E Slippery SLIP aril should be u.erstmdable by themselves. 9.Distmces or AHEAD cm be eliminated from the message if a Emergency MR South S 6.For advmce notice,Men the current dote is within seven cloys location pose is used. Emergency Vehicle ELER VEH Sourhbound 'route/S of the actual work date,calendar Goys should be reDloced with Entrance,Enter ENT Speed SPO cloys of the week.Advance notification should typically be for Express Lone EYP LN Street ar no more than one reek prior to the work. SHEET 6 OF 12 Expressway Ether Sunday SUN xxxx Feet sixth FT Telephone PHONE Traffic Fog Ahead FRG,T iWWBOrary Tar HUR PCMS SIGNS WITHIN THE R.O.W. SHALL BE BEHIND GUARDRAIL OR Opeedom Freeway RRWI,FRY Touredoy THUWS ,Texas Department of TMnsportaflon Stermderd Freeway Blacked Fill BLED To Pownrpwo to PWHTx CONCRETE BARRIER OR SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF FOUR (4) Friday FRI Traffic Mt PLASTIC DRUMS PLACED PERPENDICULAR TO TRAFFIC ON THE Hazardous Driving NAZ DRIVING Travelers RUESRS UPSTREAM SIDE OF THE PCMS, WHEN EXPOSED TO ONE DIRECTION Hozmdoue Material NAZM1i TuesdayimIn TOES BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION Hi gh-OCeupancY HOY Time Minuras TIME MIN OF TRAFFIC. WHEN EXPOSED TO TWO WAY TRAFFIC, THE FOUR DRUMS Vehicle HWY Upper Level UPR LEVEL SHOULD BE PLACED WITH ONE DRUM AT EACH OF THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE UNIT. PORTABLE CHANGEABLE Information ) Highway RR,HPS vehicles 1n1 VEM,VEHS Warning WARN MESSAGE SIGN (PCMS) nformation INFO WeoesdLT WED Weisjnt Limit Wt LIMB FULL MATRIX PCMS SIGNS 11 Is ITS i Junction JCS West W 1.Men Full Matrix PCMS signs are used,ire character height and legibility/visibility requirements sell be mmintoinetl as listed in Note IS order'PORTABLEBC(6)-1 4 Left ILERTT westbound !route;W CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGNS'above. gn o with+ne approval of iM Engineer,I+ Left Lax ITT LN Net Pavement WET PM 2.Men synooi signs,BORN os the -Flogger Synbol•ICW20-TI are represent.grochicolly on+he Full Matrix PCMS si ho, run ab-I/,Opt aw Rx00cm Imr.i.�i�olml TOOT Ic.,TOOT Lone Closed LN CLOSED W;II OR WON1 sell maintain the legman try/visi Dl I ty requIrerreTO listetl above. en I( Lower Level LWRMAI LEVEL 3.Mxn synbol signs are represented groehical ly on the Full Matrix PUSS,they seal I only supplement the use of the static sign represented,old shall not smDstitute ©7xpOr,..abet 2.2 wmwHr Maintenance NAINT for,or replace that sign. our [aWn swat we. Rootlroy 1014 1.A full matrix PCMS may De used to simulate a flashing mror board provided It meets the visibility,flash role and dimming requirements m BCIT1,for the 9.07 B-II• I W¢ tlesignatlon•IN-number,US-number•SR-nuttier,FM-number same size arrow. 7.13 oLL lab 1.Barrier Reflectors shall be pre-quullfted,and conform to the color and reflectivity requirements or DMS-13600,A list of prequaliriea Barrier Barrier Ref nectar on Arrow Boards Reflectors cm ne found of the Material ProCucer List wo address Ifi'tall pl cost is bacnet� may be located behind chOrlltellZ ine devices in Wloce for q shoulder toper or merging taper,otherwise they shall be delineated Ith four(ql chonnelizinq ahem o 8C111. \ devices aimed perpendicular to traffic on the upstream side of traffic. 2.(poor f Barrier Reflectors anal)be aS Specified in the iWi[0.The \\ g cost of the reflectors Shall be considered subsidiary to Item 512. 1IJI 16' I. The should Arrow Boars shla be used for all lanec1a8e8 on m la ne roadways,orslow a vino maintenance Or construction activities on in¢trove!lands. >, 2, Flashing Arror.Baoras srould not be used on two-lone,two-way roadways,defOurs,diver,. rB u Max,sp«Irp ai parr Ter or work on.alders unless the"CAUTION'display(see detail below)is usea. ij«u ( refleafars is 20 feet. 3. The Engineer/Inspector shall choose all appropriate signs,barricades ontl/or other traffic Barrier Attach the deline0fars as per control devices that should be used in conjunction with the Flashing Arrow Board. °�'� Ref!eaters =nut=turer'a recomrenoof ions. 4• The Flashing Arrow Boors should be Oblecto display me following symbols; _ LOW PROFILE CONCRETE BARRIER LLPCBI CONCRETE TRAFFIC BARRIER (CTB) fir- •• •• !'M See O M and IVIAI •••• • • S. g 7.where traffic is on one side of the[iB,two 121 Barrier Reflectors small be unted in approximmely the midsection of earn section of CTB. • • OR • mount. k]y E cE An alter..mounting location Is uniformly spaced at one end of each ••• CTB.This will al for for ott«tsrent of a barrier Boggle witrout .0: damaging ine reflector.The Barrier Reflector mounted on ine side of Install o minim..of • • • • • ug u fne CiB shall be locatea directly below the reflector mount.on fop O/ ]Barrier Reflectors • • •• • • the barrier,as shorn in the detail 0«Ye. as per maw(ac tarer'6 4.there CTB separates two-toy traffic,three barrier rellecfars stroll be omdendations. 4 CORNER CAUTION ALTERNATING DIAMOND CAUTION •• •• 'V named an moan section of CIR.The reflector unit on top sal!hove two yellow reflective faces 181-Directimollwhile the reflectors on each l°` side of the barrier shall hove one yellow reflective face,cos shown in DELINEATION OF END TREATMENTS vg rre detail aoove. • • • 5.when to ewill.req.,c Troweling in ine sane tlirection,ro pottier • • • aO^ reflectors will de required on top of the CTB. • • • • • • Ili! 6.BarrerReflectunitshallneyellowarmite incolorromottoEND TREATMENTS FOR • • • • • the0geline begsuplemented. • • • • w 7,Moximm spacing of Barrier Reflectars la forty I401 fee:. CTB'S USED • • • • • • B.Povenent Barkers or temporary flexible-reflective roadway marker fops IN WORK ZONES DOUBLE ARROW LEFT 6 RILHi CHEVRON ARROW stroll NOT be usea cos CTB deltneatian, End treatments used an CTB's in work LEFT B RIGHT o�= 9. ttOcfinenf o/Barr Ter Reflectors to CTB Ball be per mono/«turer'a zones shall meet creshwar}hy sfan«rtla olaEdOtiana. as defined In the Notional Cooperative arc 10.Messing or damaged Barrier Reflectors shall.replaced OS directe0 5. The display by the Engineer. Ni�rOy Research Report 750.Refer to y consists of four corner Irnp9 flashing eimnitoneously,ar ine Alterngiing 11.5ingle slope barriers shall be delineated cos shown on the above detail, the CWZICO List far approved ens Dianna Caution mace as shorn. wg° treatments and manufacturers. 6. ire 5fraigtt line caution display is NOT ALLOWED. ~i.~ 7. The Flashing Arrow Board shall be capable of min..50 percent dimming from rated Imp voltage, The flash re an flashing rate of the!ores shall not be less th 25 nor more than 40 flashes per minute. fi °'$ BARRIER REFLECTORS FOR CONCRETE TRAFFIC BARRIER AND AT TENUATORS B. Minim..Imp'on tine"shall be approximately 50 percent for the(lashing attar cod equal a?p� intervals f 25 percent for each sequential phase f the flashing chevron. E 9. The sequential arrow display is NOT ALLOWED. n 10.The noshing«faro display is the T%DOT standard)however,fne sequential Chevron display may be usea Wring daylight operations, '-goo WARNING LIGHTS I1.The Flashing Arrow Board shall be mounted on a vehicle,trailer or other suitable support. - 12.A Flashing Arrow Board SHALL NOT BE USED to laterally shift traffic. i c r° I.Warning lights shall meet ine requirements or the MUTED. 13.A full matrix PCMS may be used to simulate o Flashing Arrow Board provided it meets visibility, C) 2.Warning lights shall NOT be Installed on Dort Icaces. reaquirements on this sheet for the sane site arrow. ).Type A-Lot Intensity Flashing Warning Lights are com ed anly us with drums.They are intended to worn of moth a potentially fazaroou5 14.Mln,nun mounting height f trailer ammted Arrow Booras hould be 7 feet from roa0ray area.Their use shall be cos indicated on this sheet and/or other sheets of the plans by the designation'FL'.The Type A Warning Lights shal to bottom o/panel. not ce used with signs maturaciured with Type ByLar 4L Sheeting meeting the requirements of Departmental Material Specification 01/5-B)00. flash rate and dimming 4.Type-C cord Type 0 360 degree Steady Burn Lights are intended to be used in a series for delineation to supplement other traffic control REQUIREMENTS u s 0 devices.Their use shall.ps indict,. co o' indict,.on thin sheet d/ other sheets of ine plans by the designation'Sr. 5.The Engineer/Inspector°r t.plans shall specify the location and type of warning lights to be installed on ine traffic control devices. MIN tell MININLY NWBER MINIMW 6.When required by the Engineer,the Contractor anall furnish a copy of the morning lights certification.the warning light nxnuf«curer will TYPE SIZE OF PANEL--- VISIBILITY ATTENTION certify the warning lights meet the requirements of the latest ITE Purchase S DI SIANCF WHEN NOT IN USE,FRO1A T 7.When used to delineate curves,T only be placed far Flashing aof Steady-Burn Morning Lights. Flashing Arrow ed with THE ARROW BOARD FROM THE yd warning nit Type 0 Steady Burn Lights should only de sewhetl on the outside of foe curve,not the inside. B 30 x 60 1] 3/9 mile shall be equipped with RIGHT-OF-WAY OR PLACE THE B.The location or warning lights and tarn ine reflectors on arwe Shall pe a5 sham elsewhere in the plans. ( qB x 96 IS I mile qutomof is Dimming devices. ARROW BOARD BEHIND CONCRETE Type C Waning Light or WARNING LIGHTS MOUNTED ON PLASTIC DRUMS TRAFFIC BARRIER OR GUARDRAIL. approved Nbstiture mounted on a I,Type A flashing warning lights are intended to warn drivers that they are approaching or are In o potentially hazardous area. [Iran aaj«ent to ine travel way. 2.Type A random flashing warning lights are not intended for delineorian and shall not be used in a series. FLASHING ARROW BOARDS 3.A series of sequential flashing warning lights placed on channel Tung devices to form o merging taper may be used for dellneotion.If used, the successive Hashing of ine sequential warning lights should occur from Ire beginning of the taper r0 ine end of The merging toper in order to identify the Oesirea vehicle porn.The rote of(lasting for each light shall be 65 flashes per minute,plus or minus 10 flashes. 4.Tyce C and D steady-burn warning lights are intended to be used in U series to delineate the ease of the travel lox on 0e1Wrs,on lane SHEET T OF 12 changes,on lane closures,and on other similar conditions. 5.Type A,type C and Type D warning!ients Nall be into!led at 1oc0110nS 06 petal lea on other sheets in 1ne plans. Traffic 6.warning lights anal!not De installed on o drum that nos a sign,[neuron or vertical panne 1. OpMgfic 7.The mammon spacing for warning lights on cru.mould ce identical to the channel izing device spacing. TRUCK-MOUNTED ATTENUATORS Texas Department o/Trans Transportation Olvhlon P P SteMerd __ 0 WARNING REFLECTORS MOUNTED ON PLASTIC DRUMS AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR TYPE C (STEADY BURN)WARNING LIGHTS I.truck-haunted at tenuotars IiNAI used on TxOOi facilities I."far"' a y y g mat Beef the requirements out!ined in the National BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCT ION warning reflector o'opprovea substitute nay be mmanted on a plastic arum as a unstitute for Type C,stead burn warning light at The Cooperative Highway Research Report No.350 INCHRP 750) nual discretion of the Contractor unless otherwise noted in the plans, or the Ma for AssessingSafer Hardware WASH, ARROW PANEL, REFLECTORS, 2.The warning reflector Nall be yellow in color cod shall be mvafocfured using a sign substrate approved for use with plastic drums listed 2.Refer to the CW2TCD for threqutrment6 of Level 2 or ,ne(w2T(D. Level 3 T the WARNING LIGHTS & ATTENUATOR N 3.The warning reflector all have o minim..refroreflective surface area lax-side)of 30 square inches. ).Refer to the CWZTCD for a list of opprOveO Ws. Warning reflector toy be rm.,. 4.Rand reflectors shall be fully reflectorized,Including the area where ant«hen to the drum. 4.TMA$are required on freeways unless otherwise noted r square.Wst have a yellow S.Square wbsirates meat hove a minimum ea}p square inches o/ref lector ized sneetinq.Theydo not hove to ce rN lector ilea where 5.A ilU should be used anytime root it cm De ppaltioxd 11 in the plans. reflective shrfoce area of at least attaches to the drum. W�.x�I.w i - 30 square Thanes 6.The side of the warning reflector facing approaching traffic Shall have sheeting meeting the color and retrare/lectivf ty requirements far y0 to 100 feet In«voice of the area of crew exposure BC ! 4 09 8300-Type B or Type C. itrout adversely affecting ine tarn perfarmance. pp-II.dgn ow I000 ra,I700 mV.Ix00i w1a001 T.When used near fro-way traffic,both sides of the warning reflector sal!be reflect«ize[I. 6.The Only reason o iM0.ahaul0 not be required is Man o honk the, B.ine worn ins reflector Shpultl be mounted on the Side°/the hodle nearest area s spread down the oodway and the work crew Is an ©Tmxi Noevemar 2agz own .xe I KBMx+ 9.the maximm a pr approaching traffic. tended distance from the RM. ms Om 04 p«irg for w ning re/lectors should be identical to the chomeliZ ire device spacing requirements. 9-07 8-14 rah ruvmn I uM 7-13 n al I GENERAL NOTES I 'I I I,For long term stationary work zones on Ireewys,drum shall be used as Handle IB'min the primary channel tuna device. Too should not1�9/I6'di0.ItyDl 2.Far intermediate term stationary work zones an freeway!,Olin should De allow collection for momninp used as the primary chomellzinq device but may De replaced In impent of drier or I ' ions nt gra sections by vertical panels,or 42'tar-piece cores.In tangent sections of drat �� rioni ng iigni. nd re-piece canes may De used with the approval of the Engineer Put only �_ If personnel are present on the project of all files to maintain the 4'sox hgcones in proper post}Ion and location. N ...... },Fof snort term scot ipnory wank Zones an freeways,arum we Me preferretl 4'min NI 1,i, u N i Lhanrel Izin, ,„,:Dut may De re Dlacetl in t:Z%,tfmyitlon.ontl}onpent B.maxEach dram anal nova ��°' sections by VernIL01 panel!,two-piece cones or one-piece Cony M I+YD) a minima oft orange aYs opproVetl by the Engineer. and 2 Mite stripe! IV v 24.Sign 12"x 24' 4.Drum mtl all rem oted items!hall comply with the requlreeents p/the using Type A retro- IMoximm Sign Dimension) Vertical Peel current version of the'Texas Pomol on Uniform Traffic Control Devices' ref 1.1i Ve sheet imp Chevron mirru Opme imp Traffic Lone mount Vertical diagonals I IYUlC01 ontll/ne'Compliant Work Zone Traffic Control DeViceS Liet" 2"max with Mr top stripe Divider,Driveway sign D7Do•seep Right sloping down towards ICNZ7CDI. 1typ.l with he top RI series Or Dinar signs vs approved }ravel dry arm m 5.Drum,bases,as related materials shall exhibit good workmanship and u kn a by Engineer loser shall be tree from ablecnlonoDle nark!of defects that would doversely 6hal I De free rrpn mlecilonaDle murk!of tlefects that wultl adver infect their mpeorace or serviceability. Vim° fi.The Contractor shall have a maximum of 24 hours no replace m m,e y plastic Plywood, Aluminum or Metal sign drum id for replacementDy the Engineer/Inspector.The replace- substrates shall NOT be used on ggd pq agent device mot be on approved device. g1,6 GENERAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS plastic drums 'god Pre-dual Hied plastic drums shall m me meet the foe lowing requirements: Toper to Dl IDw I.Plastic Qum small be a tw-Diece design;the•Doily'of the druh shall for stacktn,a ,8p be the top portion and the'Dose"shall be the bottom minimum of 5 SIGNS, CHEVRONS, AND VERTICAL PANELS MOUNTED 2. The' body and base shall lock nOpetner In such o purer toot the 2 02, , dr`"e ON PLASTIC DRUMS Teporotes/rem the Dase when ilaacted by v vehicle traveling at a Sneetl dr.136' gyu of 20 MPH pr greater but prevents accidental sepanation due to normal dim sax) nual imp and/or air turbulence created by passim,vehicles. x,2 E 3.Plastic Crum!mall De constructed of Iigravei(2tt flexible,aha q m deformable materials.The Contractor shall IAIT use ne/al drum orI.Signs used on plastic drums shall De mmtufactured using n5� single piece plastic drumsDs chaneliZvti devices or lion supports. This detail is not intended substrates liltetl an the CNZTCD. L 4.Drams shall present a profile that Is a minim,of IB inches in width for tabr lcafion. See note 3 rgb at the 36 Inch height Moen viewed from any direction.The height of one the CNZTCD list for 2.Chevrons and other work 20e signs with on Drape backgrpmtl gye drum unit IDD4 install. base/small be a minim,of 36 inches and CNI-fiL L 24. Providers of onroved shall be mmanuluctured with Type Br,.or Type Cn Ocge d� o maxima of 42 itches.hes. r Detectable Pedestrian sheeting meeting the color and rotroref lactivi ty requiraenis 5.The top of the dram stall hove a built-in ollele for easy pickup va Borricades of OMS-8100,'Sign Fore Material,"unless otherwise pg snot D!Oesipned 10 drain wilt and not collect deprie.The hands ♦ 1pecl/il,tl In the plans. ii shall lave a minims,of two widely spaced 9/I6 itch diameter tales to 6 allow...went of o warning light,warning reflector mit or approved 3.Vertical Panels shell De manufactures with orange and Mine O,Ocdaliant sign. 12" I sheet inq meeting the requirertente o/DM5-BJm type A ego 6.Ile exterior of the drum body shall hove a minim,of four alternating Dmtinuous smWM Diagonal!tripes on Vertical Peels stall slope down toward Drags as rnite refrpref l active sInwidth.lay non-rem not ley!than 36„ \il mar boon ifDIIInQ the In}e.ed trove!.lone. x. 4 e be nor pony two than B inches pe width.AM rpmeref le inch sad I o apace between any}wa Dtllacml stripes shall not exceed 2 inhres in ' T , ' 4.D1ref Sign messages[text or systolic)may he used M ,p° width //'Y 6- I♦ approvetl DY its Engineer.SIOn Oimen6i ins M011 rat exceetl E i.Bases snail have a maxim,width of 36 inches,a maxim.,nei0nt of 4 36' IB rcnes in rltlfn w 24 inches In reign},except nor}ne R9 7. ^ inches,and a minimum of tar footholds of sufficient size to allow base , .I series signs tll9cus6ltl in ncte B Dolor. e-E« to.held down while separating the drum hotly Iran the Dose. _ B.Plastic.rule shall Polyethylene nen MOPE) of her o-viDlet stabilized,prm0e, 95vVIr("� I 5.S1Qm sham)he installed using a 1/2 inch.It lnanlnal7 p Y o ni,n-density iy onehove ere in.L or other approved material. I ontl nut,fwa washers,as once locking washer for each 9.Dn,and stall hale a maxim,anholasf[d weight of 1i IDs. \ connect ton. RETRn antl Luse sham S marked SHEETING with mmufacfurer's mare and loam rurDer, (4'orange I petectmle Edge fi.LMnfinp Dolts and nuts shall ne fully enraged and / 4"prom tB meaAtely torqued.Bolts should not extend awe that la RETROREFLELTIVE SHEETING / I Inch beyond nuts. I.The stripes used on drum shall De constructed of sheeting meeting the 1.Chevrons may De placed on drum an the outside of curves, Spew ono ion Duefectiv-SY n Foce Matey a/DepprteeA reflective Nevele . . on merging taper!or on shifting toper,.When usetl in these sheeting tion Obe sup0,•Stun Free therw1ole."type A int 2'Max, location.they may be pl..on every Qum or SDocetl not Imp moll De supplied suitable unless otsero lee dpecilietl to the�ianl. more than on every third drum Aminimun On three 13) 2.The sheeting that.be su leniculoof lnocet,the sheeting°hallor/main should be used at each location called for in the plans. odnunfree sucm tnetcnu retrore in-ploce tlarh thin tn ds ions duet cracking,tar Ieeshe1 retrore(Iecitvi ty other than toot loin due to abrasion or the sneetlmg B.R9-9,R9-10,R9-11 and ft9-110 Sidewalk Closetl sigma Mich surface. DETECTABLE PEDESTRIAN BARRICADES ore 24 inches wide nay be mounted on plastic drum,with DIRECTION INDICATOR BARRICADE approval 0/the Engineer. 1.The Direction Indicator Bwric1de maybe used in topers, I.�e re n wrist'.pedestrian lreilitle5 ore di erupted,close,:,or BALLAST tronsttions•and other torero where specific direetionol located In D ITC to ,the temmorwy loc.-tiesmall De cessary, detectable oha Inc mode mcessibl l Ity feoturee consistent with guidance}D wiver3 I!ne SHEET B OF 12 e reaturee present in the resisting petleetrian facility.I.Unto!lasted Doses snob be large erouph to roll up to SD IDs.of sea. 2.I1 used,the Direst tan Indicator Bvrricare ehaultl be usetl 2.1lhere pedeetrione with visual disabilities normally use the TraHlc This base,wen filled with the ballast material,should weigh between in arise to direct the driver tnrourn the transition ond Into closes sidewalk,o tleviLe that Is detectable by D person ' OperaDonN 35 IDs.minims,)old 50 Ibs Maxim,Tre ballast may be sand In ore the Intended travel lee. with a visual disability trove.irg with the old of o lag care DlvNlon to tires salabags separate from ire base,ea.In o sand-filled plastic 3.The Direction Indicator Borricade shaml consist of one-Direction anal De placed atone ine full ri01n of the closed lldawalk. ,rremDepartmentd/77•enaparfefldn Slenaem Lprge Arrow 1CN1-61°Ian In the size shown with o block pr },Detestable pedeetrivn barricades mini lDr to the one Oicturetl Pose,or other b011 os}inq devices as approved by the Engineer.Stacking on a backgromntl o/Type,Or Type CrL0ro,)e retroreflectivewsheeting above.lonpl tutlihal cnonnel lzinp devices,some concrete 01 6mdDogy will real lowetl,however reigns Of 6mdDop!above pavertenf above o rail with Type Are foreflective s eefing In D.ternating 4' Din Itnk fencing with 0 c oni inm�s surface may not exceed 12 inches. Mite ontl pron.snr ipes Swain,'downeorn at an ogle of pprr tare,oha rood a abte2oable edging Sag so}l2fwtorily delineate apedeetrion 2.Buses with built-in ballast shall mei.between 40 do a dos.rod 50 lbs. 45 degrees In the direction rood users are to posse Sheeting types path BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION BUil1-in bollosconstruct.Can De Conyirf D/an integral art.rubber base oryhall De Os per Ok15 8700. 4,Tope.rope,Dr Dmoetic chain strung between devices ore not 5a110 raper bays. 4.Doable prrowe on ine Direction IndicotIndicatorBarricade wl I.hat be detectable.do not comply with the design Polder.in the CHANNEL I Z I NG DEVICES 3.Recycled truck tire sidewlls may be used for ballast on Ours approved alloeed. -Americans with Discollitles Act Accessibility Guidelines for this type of Dollast on the CNZTCD list. 5.Approved monufocturere pre shown on the CNZTCD List. for But Wings and Frei nines IADAADI•ond should not be used 4.The ballast shall not De heavy objects,water,or my material that Ballast Shall be as approved by the monufacturere Instructions. os o control for pedestrion movements. would.core Iaz..us t0 0piprist5,Pedestrians,or workers when the 5.Narniha lights shall not be attached to detectable pedestrlon BC I B I-14 drum is strmck by a vehicle. borricaoee. 5.When used in regions susceptible to/reeZlnp,drum shall have drainage 6.Detestable pedestrian Dorricodes may use B'nominal males in the bottoms so thin water will not collect and freeze becoming Dprricode noire CM show ear on BC 1MN provided that the too bo-14.6pm hDOcm In,ix�ilgm�TsDDf n lc.tTxDOT roil provides a srtneth continuous roil Sul}[Ole for hond ©TWIT 1pveber 2002 I( wa o hazortl when struck by 0 vehicle. twat II.wl is,no splinter',burro,22 snprD!apes. a2M1 6.Adhesii shoal not be ptoc Se urtop of drum. ma 7,AdresiVl.may De Used to BecUr[Doge of drum to pavement. 4 03 7 13 Will I Mri w4 WW 9.07 B-14 ou Id2 1 B'to 12' 8'to 12" 8'to 12' B'to 12- 12' I.The chevron shall De a vertical recimgle with a 1.or---'1 Ion--I F.---.1 1.----.1 minimum size of 12 by Hi inane.. GENERAL NOTES 1- I I 2.[nevr; T1 s are Inten0ed rat give rotice of a Work in Csu spee24' placSee min. 45. J on 2.Channel ii ngrol devicesCshow on T this sheet may lave a driveable,fixed or ;?`« ti of an intersection.They shall be in line with Portable base.the requirement for self-righting cr,oVlel lzingr0ev ices meet q" yy 4bYP-IRu'16. ¢limi 9,TO De 36• for at = _ _ 5.Chevrons shall be orange with o block nanreilec- 4,the Contractor shall maintain devices in a clew condition and replace m` -- ^ v -"r r\n rive legend.Sheeting for me chevron shall be dalaged,nonreflective,faded,or broken clew ices and eases as required by ti, re trove f l ect i ve fZPe Br.or Type Cn conforming to the Engineer/Inspector.The Contractor snail de required to maintain proper gg IB' M� Self-righting 12'minillun _ Departmental Mated oI Spec'(loot ion gYS-8700, device spacing oho al ignevnf. '�p` Support emoBaRn} v �� unlessrequirements mated otherwise.The legend Shall meet the 5.Portable ba9eg shot l be fabricated from virgin and/or recycled rubber,The ]5 depth reWireemib°f DYS-B30g. portable Oases Mall reign 0 minimum of 30 IDb. ` FIXED Fired Base r/Approved Adhesive 6.For Lang Term Stationary use on tapers or 6.Pavement sue totes shall be prepared In a manner toot ensures proper bonding g°« �_ (Driveable Base,or Flexible transitions on freeways and divided hi between the adhesives,the fixed mount bases and the pavement surface. (Rigid or Sell-righting, Support con be used, self-righting chevrons may ce used fat Supplement AQe9i vea shall be oreporld and applied according to the marltr/pciwer'b .$v DRIVEABLE plastic drugs but not to replace plastic drums. recmmendations. 7.The Installation and removal of chom,elizing devices=boll not Cause ~'u detrimental effects to the final pavement surfaces,Including pavement I.Vertical Panels(VP's}ore normal) Surface discoloration or gut/foe integrity,Driveable babe$(troll not be n!i f trail to Cobinel iZe permitted on final pOvemenr surfaces.ine Engineer/Inspector shall approve 2 8.to 12" tra(na an tlistde apposing lanes o/traffic. CHEVRONS all a licarion va temporal a u 2.VP'S may be uzetl in deytime nighttime situations. DD procedures of(iv¢p bases.1 , They may be used at tne edge Of shoulder Crop-offs and li:, other areas such as lane transitions where positive daytime and nighttime delineation is required.The Engineer/Inspector shall refer to the Rooaway Design 4. Ymuol Appendix B'ireahnenf°f Pavement Drop-airs In m 24 See Work Zones'for additional guidelines on the use of 9 hate 1 VP's for drop-offs. Yin inmxn Suggested kaairtkm v 0 76' 7.VP'6 mould De nmefnted bock}a back i(used at the et. Posted Fornuld Oesi mole Spacing of $ u min. of curs aptocen}to ton-waY two lone roadways.stripes Taper Lengina are to de reflective orange aro reflective white and isw_14411 =peep ** [naDeeicemnv 4" should always slope downward toward the travel Iwe. Id' II' 12' On aega4.spee urea an s,mayehave mad,than 21 or other nchn OffsetOilset0/(set Taper tangent �' peetl roadway$,may hove more Ilan 210 quote i hen„oof retrareflective erect(acing traffic. 30 I50' 165' 180' }0' fi0 pa$ 5.Self-righting Supports are oval fable with portable bags. 35 W2¢, L - S.'Campliant Work Zone traffic Control Devices List' L=60 205` 225' 295' 35' 70' ([WZiCD1. 1..11 90 265' 295' 320' 40' 80' 6.Sheeting far the VP's shall be retroreflective Type A 95 950' 995' 590' 95' 90' '-- I J I I conforming to Deporimentol Material Sp.ificorion DMS-8300, 50 500' 550' 600' 50' 100' '!'o 'Rigid or self-righting/ unless noted otherwise. i 7,where the neigh(of reflective material an the vertical 55 L WS 550' 605' 660' S5' 110' panel is 36 Inches an greater,a panel stripe of LONGITUDINAL CHANNEL[ZING DEVICES ILCD) 60 600' 660' 720' 60' (20' PORTABLE 6 inches snail(loused. I.LCps ere crasnrortny,lightweight,cefarnable devices trot are nl nl 65 650' 715' 780' 65' 130' g y visible,nave goad target value and cm be 70 700' 770' 840' 70' I40' pmnected together.They dre rat designed to contain er redirect a vehicle on irtpact. VERTICAL PANELS (VPS) 2.ups may de uses ins1e00 of d line of cones ar drnm. 75 750' 825' 900' 75' 150' 3.LCDs shall be placed In accordance to oppl...ion and instal lotion requirements specific to tre device,o,d 80 800' 880' 960' 80' 160 used only Men shown on the CWZTCD list. 4.LCOs should not be used to provide positive protection for ab6tbples.pedestrians or workers. xE4Taoer lengths nave been rounded off. 5.L[Os brol l Oe eupplenMted ri lh ratrorlfllcll Ve del ineptian a8(!Wired for tepmrory bottlers L•Leroth of roper IFT.I WWidth of offset IFT., w BCITI Men pI0C40 roughly banal lei fun ine travel Imes. S•Posted Speed IWNI I.Opposing Traffic Lane Dividers WILD,are 6.L[Ds used as Oorr lCndes placed perpendicular to traffic should have at least me war°r reflective del inearian devices designed to Convert a sheeting meeting the requirements far barrio,rails as stash on BC1101 placed rear the top of the SUGGESTED MAXIMUM SPACING OF normal one-way roaWay section to two-ray LCD al,the full length of ine device. operation.OTLD'b ore used ontetlporory CHANNELIZING DEVICES AND 12' CW6-9 centerlines.T.upward pro downward arrows __'l on the sign's face Indicate the direction of WATER BALLASTED SYSTEMS USED AS BARRIERS MINIMUM DESIRABLE TAPER LENGTHS r - traffic on either=ice of the divider.ine Panels base is secured r0 the pavement with on I.Water ballasted systems used as barriers shall not be used solely to cnwnelize rood users,but also to protect tnz back to back amesive or ribber weight to minimize movement work space per the oppropriate NCN7P 350 crosnworinine5s requirements boned an ro0dway speed and barrier opplicat lab. IB' caused by a vehicle impact or wind Wst. 2.Water ballasted systems used to crannelize vehicular traffic shall be supplemented with retroreflective delineation SHEET 9 OF 12 11611 2.The OTLO may be used in combination rt in 92' or channel iZ inq devices to improve deyiime/nigntt tone visibility.iney may plant de supplemented ri to pavement Imrk iflgs. 7.Wafer salIdeted systems used as barriers shall be placed In 4ccandence to application and Installation requiremeoe Table Cones or VPs. Portable, specific to ine device.and used only Men shots on the CWZTCD list, x Operef/ona Sfi' 4.Water ballasted systems used aS barriers afoul°not be used fora merging taper except In low speed Iless tnm 45 WIN ,Texas OeParfment Of Transportation �fv/8(On I Fixed or 3.Spacing between the OTLD shall not exceed 500Illr urban areas. NAM used on a toper In law BDeetl erDm area,theimp. SfentleN Orlveable Bose feet.92'cones or VPs places between Oyer snail be de11ne01ed and ine taper may de uses, ine OfLD'g should not exceed 100 foot apaCin0• should de designed to oar Toni ze rood user operafian5 considering the oval lab le gearetr iC canditiws. r may de 5.When voter ballasted systems used as barriers have blunt ends exposed to traffic,they should be otter aced mounted 4•The OiLO shall be orange with a black non- reflective as Der manufacturer recalmKptlotiwn or flared to a point outside the ales-ewe. BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION m wulm legend.Sheeting for the O7Lp Pall 0 _ De Departmental type Bnor fYPeica ionaan(ormilg CHANNELIZING DEVICES to Deparrmenlal Material Specification D115-8300, If used to cnWal ize pedeSir iamb,IargitW Thal channel'Zing Oevite5 or Wier ballasted , unless nat.otherwise.The legend shall meet systems must rove a Continuous delectable Potion for users of long Cones and the top ine requirements of DVS-8300, of the unit shall not be less than 32 inches in height. BC(9)-14 HOLLOW OR WATER BALLASTED SYSTEMS USED AS x)4.a8, ar Tom Ion xaliem�74.0T In.laDOT OPPOSING TRAFFIC LANE DIVIDERS (OTLD) ®Tx0a1 Somber20b7 I( a:m LONGITUDINAL CHANNELIZING DEVICES OR BARRIERS a 9-01 8-14 min win I w[ 7-17 n arm. 0!I I TYPE 7 BARRICADES - - - Y---- Each nigh aY h o her. s,.rr ® �� - - I divided nign.oy shall be ROAD I.where positive redfrectton1 I.Refer to the Coeoliont Work Zone Traffic Control Devices List IC5TTCDl I borricoaea-n the sore Ilan R11-2 I[L OSEDI I teo.r a20-6T _�s _ capoblliry is Drovaea,arlms for detoi.of me Type hart icuiew ud v i our,.,,....,1...- r s _—,"�/ �/De oni�retl ial r used in the construction ofType 3 Barricades. ,, N4-IOL C�aU:1;J lor"'w•r'm" 9 I� 2.vlosrlc c Srr r m ng �� 2.Type 3 Barricades shall be used of each end of construction �� ' may be used with drum for projects closed to all traffic. \ safety as reels on fI the plans. "v 3.Bcrricodes ewrending across a roadway should have stripes what slope J - /i / / v \ 7.Vertical Panels on In the Ie ans. r downward in the direction toward MICh tr Off is)lust tern in detouring. y!� 4 • I ort nay De substituted for drum Men the When Dote runt and left turns are provided,the chevron striping may � % " , Plastic w ��'' ,`� l 4 %�}',; _ shoulder.tarn is less than 4 feet. slope norturns in born Directions from the tenter of the Darr Slade. I . Y Pl Dbitc Drl. 4,men the shoulder width is greater ;«n Mrere no turns Me pravi setl at 0 closed rood striping should sl _�"r .` than 12 rest,etemy-Dorn lights downward in both directions torortl+re center or roadway. doe ` 3 �_ s ,,, m., y J PERSPECTIVE VIEW "m be ami trail it arum are used. op.- 4.Striping of roils•for the right side of the roadway,should slope 5.Drums mHIr extend the length `g abwnword to the left.For the left side or tne roadway,striping �,._ ✓r }p rest these Mum should elope ndownwordmarkin to the right. ww /(,�[�/J E\yam ore not respired of ire culvert widening. 5.Identification markings may be shown only an the hock of tne r 'wy—y / -tom v \l on one-.ay rootlwoy i- used for dells.The meninx(reiphl of letters end/or cowpony logos V .71 � m used for identification seal de 1 Detour clear zone stroll rot be piled pa'ollel to traffic anless an adewote PERSPECTIVE VIEW Roadway B LEGEND gm` clear zone is provided. 1.Nanning Iigere mall tAT De Installed an Trticades. _m/ pA ® Plastic drum -c B.Where Darr iaades rewire tee use es weights to keep tram turning Deer, lb p ire)lee o/will be with dry,keeps the son eared Is recommended.The The three rolls on TyPe 3 banrlcodee } PIOS}iC tlf1411 with Steady Darn Ignt -) sandbags rill De tied sour to keep fee saho iron spilling ono ro 11 W I : 1 I ® or yellow warning feflMraf b maintain a consrntr weight.Sob bogs shall not be stocked in a manner shall be rlfleclor iietl Drape oho l0 F� —e((IIIIIIIIIII_\ that covers any portion of a barricade roils reflective sheeting, refill ive weird stripes an one side b SB Steady burn morning light go« Rock,ca crate,iron,steel M othersolid objects wall NOT de facing ere-.ay traffic and both sides 4 wSu permitted.Sandbags should neigh a minimum of 75 lbs all a refine)of for tar-way traffic. m 1 a yen for waning ref lac nor SO lbs.Sendbogs shall m made of a durable material that rears man Barricade striping should slant venicular impact.Reber(such os tire inner tubes)shall not be used abwrnard in the direction of detour. 1, for sonmogs.Sandhogs shall only be placed along or upon the Bose Increase nueoer of Dlasrle Bruns an ins u ..,,,,s of ire device and shall not De suSDended move ground level 0. 1 sltle of o;a:0hinD rralric if the cram g u� or ntng with rope,wire,Chains or other fasteners. 1.Skye should be nnunted on independent supports or a 7 foot - B width makes it MClbeaf y.Ilmi Dlmal a/2 v..g 9.Sheeting/M burr icooee snail be refrorellest ive type A conforming mounting height in center of roodway.The signs should De a B' "•length type 3 BMricadeb _ ono roam.of 4 drums/ to Depo'tmenrol Motarial Specification DNS-BJ00 unless otherwise noted. minim.of 10 feet behind Type 3 Barricades. n Y oY of ri 2.Advance signing shall be os specified elsewhere in the plans. PLAN VIEW e e Barricades shall NOT PLAN VIEW Bk, be used as a Sign support. TYPE 3 BARRICADE (POST AND SKID) TYPICAL APPLICATION CULVERT WIDENING OR OTHER ISOLATED WORK WITHIN THE PROJECT LIMITS o Ninine. THIS 6:c g '' �T Wtdtn of PROJECTS) SHALL 014,ON mmirgl 1 Reflechtive CONES Sreet in9 3"-4" ego 45a t inches. I4'min.orange TYPICAL STRIPING DETAIL FOR BARRICADE RAIL 2'min• A J too 4z•' Mite z:4"a•qmin _.iii ! I.Tnie device is iny for use in place of o vertical panel to —L chnelize irorfic by Indicating the edge or the travel lone.It is Stiffener may be In,.or ten de of Support,Dut n e than 2 stiffeners snail be Di lowed on one barricade.r not intended t0 be Used In transitions a'topers. TYPICAL PANEL DETAIL Two-Piece cones One-Piece cones Tubular Marker 2.This device shall not be used to separate lines or traffic(opposing or otherwise/or worn of objects. 3.This device Is based on a 42 Inch,two-piece cone with an alternate FOR SKID OR POST TYPE BARRICADES striping portend four 4 inch rerrorefleerive bands,rim an appro.imore 2 Inch gm between bands.The color of the hand should Alternate ® 20"Canes Shall have a minill'.0 weight of 9 1/2 lbs. correspond to the color of ire edgellne)yellow for left edpeline, 1 Alternate volts for right edgelinel for Mich the device is substituted or for 42"2-piece cones shall hove a minimum weight of Mich it supplements.Tne reflectorized babas Shall be retroreflecrive 30 lbs. including base. Typo A conforming to De2arteenral Material Specification D85-11300, Approa. Drtrmr vertical panl18 or 4Z"caned Aporo". ® Tiede amut otherwise noted. I SB' I at 50'aawilnln spacing S0' J 4,ins Dose noel reign a minim.of Jp lbs. II[ „Ic 1 Traffic cores aw tubular markers shall preaominmrly o onpa,and SHEET 10 OF 12 Min.2 drums Mtn.2 dru meet the height and weight requirements shown move. • Traffic® )nit. Tro-piece cones have a corm shooed Dory and o sepan0le fmDtr Dose, Texas Depment of TroportatfonorricC >Y22 or sal lost•that is added to keep the Device Upright owl in glad.3 .Two-piece cones may have o handle or loop evtendinq up to B•above the minim. ® neignt shorn.In order to o1a in retrieving the device. 4.Cones or r markers used at night shall hove Mite or Mite and orange BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION A reflectiveo bonds s as shown above. the an reflective bonds Shall have o smooth,sealed ❑ ❑ outer surface and meet the requirements of 0400 t tol Material Specification CHANNEL 1 Z I NG DEVICES On one-toy toms Desirable 0N5-C an ho 300 Type A. ab n Mm enStreau stockpile location Chonellzing devices parallel to traffic 5.20• ones d tubular mothers ore generally suitable for Srt[Prattan and or Derr icode troy DB Is outside should be us.Men stockpile is short-term stationery work as defined on BC14/. These should not DB used mitt.here clear zone, within 30'from travel lox. Ill intermediate-term or long-term stationary work unless personnel is on-site v to ma ininta them in their proper upright position. BC(1 O)—i 4 a 6.42.two-piece cones,vertical Done.or drum Me suitable ill all work zone[Prot tan rnus. ..14,6or mow TOOT Ia,Tel I eh l TOM'len TwWI 14> 7.Conde or tubular markers used an each project should be or the sore size ©TOOT larcener 2002 coo I( nom. an0 shape. levities Cull 9-07 B-14 par dun I Sur va TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR MATERIAL STOCKPILES 7-13 o— g4 1 WORK ZONE PAVEMENT MARKINGS Temporary Flexible Reflective ROOOWOy Mother TObS DEPARTMENTAL MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS PAVEMENT MARKERS IREFLECTORIZED) DMS-4200 g5 GENERAL REMOVAL OF PAVEMENT MARKINGS TRAFFIC BUTTONS DMS-4300 I.The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining work zone end Pavement markings That are nom longer opplicle,could create confusion EPDXY AND ADHESIVES DMS-6100 a xisting pavement markings, direct .nce with the stanclartl r a motorist toward or into the closed portion of the roadway TOP VIEW FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW >,� speci(icat ions ono special provisions,on all roadways open to traffic shall be removed or obliterates before the roodwa is BITUMINOUS ADHESIVE FOR PAVEMENT MARKERS DMS-6130 within the CSJ limits unless atnerwise stated in the plans. y opened to traffic. G7 �:a 2.the move anal not apply to detours In place for less Them ranee ' /J/�,,/.. PERMANENT PREFABRICATED PAVEMENT MARKINGS DMS-8240 2.Color,patterns and dimensions shall be in conformal.with the boys,Mere flappers and/or sufficient chanrelizirg devices ore use0 2' TEMPORARY REMOVABLE,PREFABRICATED Texas Nmuol on Uniform Troths Conical Devices.IINUTCDI. in lima a(markings to outline The mtour route. I PAVEMENT MARK INGS DMS-13291 3.Adaltion I supplemental pave..marking mrai is troy be(ours in the 1.Pavement markings Stall be removm to the fullest extent possible, �-4•�l� 1 TEMPORARY RKE%I TAB REFLECTIVE 'o pions sped specifications. 50 s. afi not to leave a discernable marking.this Stall be by my method -.I } R040WAY MARKER TABS DMS-8292 ..9- 9.Pavement markings shall be instal lea In eccrdaae with the TWiCp approved by TAD.Specification Item 677 for'Eliminating Existing Adhesive pad Pavement Writings and Yrkefs'. Weight of meeting A Ilst of prequel If lea reflective raised pavement markers, u Orashownshownan P Ofi S the plant. is usually more them non-reflective traffic buttons,rga0wpy marker fobs and donor -Tim 5.When start term markings 4.The re�vol Of pavement markings may require rnfiurfac inq or se01 1/4'as less than r. pavement markings can be found at the Mater lot Producer List K y kings re required on the plats,start term a001ing;:',ions of the roadway a6 described l Item 11. web address shown on BC I11. V markings snail conform with the INUICD,the plans arc mtai Is as g!b shown on the Standard P.Sheer WZISTPMI. 5.Subject to the approval of the Engineer,my nen.trot proves to be 5.Wien srandora pavement markings ore not In place ma the rOdawa ficefibful a particul type pavement y be used, y is opened to front ic,DO NOT PASS si STAPLES OR NAILS SHALL NOT BE USED TO SECURE Eel gns shall be erected to mark 6.Blast cleaning may be uses but till I not be required unless specifiedy TEMPORARY FLEXIBLE-REFLECTIVE ROADWAY MARKER the beginning of the sections leers passing is prohibited and ¢fawn in}he plans, g: PASS W11N CARE signs at the beginning of secfim he si s kn.'.0Osrg TABS TO THE PAVEMENT SURFACE nge is permitted, 1.Over-painting of the markings SHALL NOT BE permitted. 7.AI I work zone pavement markings shall be Installed in mcmaace B.Removal of raised pavement markers shall be as directed by the with Item 652,'work Zone Pavement Markings.' Engineer. `u I.Tem:crory flexible-reflective romwo er y marker tabs used as guidarks g 9.Removal Of existing pavement markings and markers will be pnid for shall meet the requirements o/all$-8242. RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS directly In accordance with Item 677,-ELIMINATING EXISTING PAVEMENT YMKINGS AND MARKERS,'unless otherwise stated in the alms. 2.Tabs detailed on this sheet ane to be inspected and accepted by the Engineer or designates representative..bating and testing is not i§ 1.Roiserl pavement markers ore robe placed according to tie patterns 10.BImk-W1 marking tope may be used to cover conflicts existing normal) option of the Engineer,either'A" � m BG 111. conflicting rp Y rewired,forever at the age markings for periods less rim two weeks when approved by the Engineer. or'B'below may be inp0sed to assure quality before placement on the gk w 2.411 roibe0 pavement mothers used(r warh Zone nu-kings stall meet ramway. 5i Mtheateri realquirespedfiments oftorim bus-Item 672,42W'RAISmD s-43PAVE0W0. as MARKERS' s Departmental orm A. on Select five 151 more is or rmrm..Iran earn lot or shipment bu 0'l0 submit r0 ins Construction Division,Materials as Pavement S� Section to determine specif icatim carol iaae. 4 PREFABRICATED PAVEMENT MARKINGS B.Select five 151 rats as perform the following test.Affix five :"§0 I.Removable prefmricoted pavement markings shall meet the requirements 151 ions at 24 0io intervals on an ph asaltic pavement in 0 straight line.using a medium size passenger vehicle orpickup, of pY5-824I. rem over the markers with the front ond rem tires at a speed a$ 2.fan-removpp le preloon icotetl pavelmnt markings I(oil pack)mall meet of 35 to 40 miles per hour,four 141 times in each direction.No ?EonThe requiremenib of pl$-8240. more than one 111 out of The five 151 reflective surfaces shall E% be lost m disc laces as a result of this test- a 3.Stroll design Varlonces may be oared between ton manuf mturers. -- MAINTAINING WORK ZONE PAVEMENT MARKINGS d'oI.the Coniractm will Oe respanfii ale far maintaining cork zone pOvement 4.See Pandora Sheet WZISTPMI for tab!Hoopoe.on new pavements.See ..:1;0 Ilafhings within tie wmh 1 imirs. Stmdmd Sheer TCP17-1)for tab placement on seal coot wank. 2.work zone pavement markings shall be Inspected In accordance with the frepuemy and reporting requirements of work zone traffic control device inspections as rd.,.by Form 599. 3.The markings should provide a visible reference far a minima RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS USED AS GUIDEMARKS aisimce of 7W reef during normal oar'Tait hours and.feet when 1.Raised pavement markers used afi Quid....011 be from the approved I luninatea by automobile low-bean headlights at nipnt,mless sight roWct list,ma meet the requirements of 01A5-4200. alstace is restricted by radawuy geometries. 2.AI tertprry ansiruc}Ion rOibed i f ant markers mavided on a 4.Writings falling to meet this criteria within the first 30 days after project moll be or the saM nmafabturm. placement mot I be replaced at the expense of the Contractor as per Specification Item 662. 1.Adhesive forqui...Ks shall be bitlmineus material hot applied or butyl rubber pda for oil surfaces,m iienaplastic for concrete surfaces. Guioemarks stall be desipwted as: YELLOW-Itwo Oder reflective surfaces with yellow body). WHITE-lone silver reflective surface with white body, SHEET 11 OF 12 *" Traffic Operations Texas Department of Transportation t2 d SlerWerd BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION PAVEMENT MARKINGS BC(11)-14 ab-I4.d. lr 1.1 joul.Tlu.T.T jct.NWT 01)1K007 februras1994 row no an I mnwW+r o LL 2.9 0111. p rr I w!1-02 1.13 pia st Vn II a2 B 14 l05 1 I I STANDARD WORK ZONE PAVEMENT MARKINGS DETAILS PAVEMENT MARKING PATTERNS 60" 3" TYPe II-A-A TYPe Y buttons 5 Y.'°° 0 0 0 ❑ 0 0 P 0 0 0�0 ❑ 0 DOUBLE ,r0a., a to Iz- 10 to I2" TYPe II-A-A VID o 0 00 0 0 0 ❑ o 0 0 ❑ o ow ID to,z• a �vPe II-A-^ i00000° 0000130'T NO-PASSING 4" KOACIIMSED 5 0 _� Poo Po p°B 000°°°o°°oa000°�q�oqa goo°qo LINE 1.1..0"si 4to'r. ;� [� Yellow Yellow Type II-A-A T ''' Yellow TYPe Y buttons 2.2's REFLECTOR IZED PAVEMENT MARKINGS-PATTERN A RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS-PATTERN A IeEu Type I-C I-A II-A-A Type W or Y buttons SOLID EDGE LINE ,y"EK,,, ❑ o� �o 0 0 0 ❑ o 0 0 ❑ o a a OR SINGLE u,Eks m a type I I-A-e LINES u1mi ppoZ o to°000aolo°000°o° NO-PASSING LINE u /,..... o o P a g p L. White or Ye l low f Yellow !% f ° JJ .$ 4 to R• TYPe Y buttons 6 to R" TYPe II-A-A ! Type 1-C 60' J" Type W buttons .� REFLECTORIZED PAVEMENT MARKINGS-PATTERN R RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS-PATTERN 9 WIDE := L❑Io o I-❑ 0 0 00 0/0 o ❑ o LINE .,�.a., 1 2 'f❑ 0 0 0 ❑ 0 0 0 ❑ o P o ❑ o go Pattern A Is the TXIIO0 Stond[rd,hmever Pottern R moy ce usetl if opprovetl DY the Engineer. E"T Prefpbr icotetl nLxkinps may De suDlt i}ulptl fw rallectpf iZetl pavettent mock imps. B" wg m nw arI/MI e.,.1.111.e LIVE KFLELYDRUEp CENTER LINE & NO-PASSING ZONE BARRIER LINES FOR TWO-LANE. TWO-WAY HIGHWAYS a�r.•.u=.NIL�"weto '"°`"` w.t.aT sake W[ Iw. white %Tg� TYPe t-C TYPe 1-C or II-A-A mph 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000p o000 oo0000000 00000000 n CENTER ..:nMI �s'_�s'� c /� Type w buttons' ✓Type I-C Pr I I-C-R 0 t.-to'-•1 --30'—� gb Whlte� �Y a LINE —Yellow ono oao DOD PPP 000 °O° OR k u TYPe 1- TYPe Y Y f v � �40' +,1'^I k- l? 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 LANE .ERELlwlzm ❑ ❑ fbL� Sev opoo 00000000000000000000000013000130000 LINE W.Llwi �t0' -70'—� wnite or Ye low w CD. I-A'' TYPe Y buttons POP q0P BROKEN TYPe I-C or II-A-A Yellow [when required, w0 White c— o P °o0P°p0°c40 Pe W buttons—, I-C roonO 0000 LINES s<e I Ong p0PPP PP ma., ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ yE REFLEC70R1 ZED PAVEMENT MARKINGS RAISED PAVEMENT WRRERSo o q\ h 3 I 9 - Type I-C AUXILIARY �.u.E.T E n Prefabricated pork,nos may De.:.Pntuted for reTleptpr i led no„,,,,mark,,,,,. Type 1-C or II-C-P OR .`` EDGE & LANE LINES FOR DIVIDED HIGHWAY LANEDROP R., o rp LINE pop '""E" k 3 I 9' -I 00rtype I-C 000 I` 000 White/— —pj °O° �,gTyoe II A A qp° Typo Y buttons a REMOVABLE MARKINGS 5' !6" °0"o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o WITH RAISED Il � 0 g p o P q o 0 o p P P P a o P P o P o 0 0 0 P o g 0 P o o PAVEMENT MARKERS —3D'—`� ow �\ 000 000 o °°P 000 If raised owement Yorkers are use, Raised Pavement Morkers Yel IOW o� p to supplement ailREMOVABLEapplied markings, C> WhI tef 0. P Typo 1-C the mothers,,hull be appl led to the too of the tope at tie otb ro,,imote REFLECTOR I ZED PAVEMENT MARKINGS RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS mid length or tope used for broken I lines or at 20 foot spacing Tor vl Prefabricated markings may be substituted for reflectoriieo pavement markings. solid line!.,his allows on easier 2D'_t' removal of raised pavement marker! Centerline only-not to be used on edge lines LANE & CENTER LINES FOR MULTILANE UNDIVIDED HIGHWAYS and face. SHEET 12 OF 12 �. rtamc Trpe I C a Op raffle 72sas Department of Renspnrtatlon 6tenClerd _ 000 PPp Poo �po POP q� -~White a °p p 1 p°"Jog a ° g0 o P o p o P P :e1 low Type Y buttons Type II A A BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION - - - — aP0a00f4P0000P o00oo Pao0 0apPaoP o PAVEMENT MARKING PATTERNS Ra,Aea Pavement porker!M,,ea a!,,,andard oa ° o pavement markings shall be from the oPProvea ° pas Ciao oP on man Product!list antl meet the requirements of Whiter C> "Type I-C Item 672"RAISED PAVEMENT MARDERS.. BC(12)-14 REFLECTORIZED PAVEMENT MARKINGS RAISED P►VEAENT MARKERS h bp-14•dpn ow flag IIo.TkOTIP.I TAU lc'•.bgt ( Prefabricated mprkinps nqy be substituted lot reflector iced pavement ©TOOT February lO0 nothings. ems, t o I.91 9�b/aY TWO-WAY LEFT TURN LANE IO2 1-1 Way I aa[4 illJ TYPE 1 I fin. ( 'TYPE 5' TYPE 20 '�� Install detectable warning serrate a� a I n earn et of cut-warning rmp (TYPE 21' 5' S• !y �^ I J,2 Ith minlmm 2'smooth urf a between. 5. w ac ntl /�., 1 +, S, If metllon Ic leeo than fi'wise,el lml note Q'•:•ef' �fi � .� / � ( m.n aetectabls warning surface\ rfi° // \\ /7 / _ —.I%''O ROjb W�� wl ilgincr sbswpa°I rkal lei ;:„ � .. ,,,III r\'' / 7111,61.. ` _q� �IIIIII I _. _ ....... .•. N 1 Proleoted bock •-"' ml\ .«: / 3 0% of curb/< L era •._. � 5.m""� Curb details are ££m � 'a\t" - In the Wane. X N ��•��ui nnn'// 3 S.g ND •.��R ? BLENDED TRANSITION CURB RAMPS AT MEDIAN ISLANDS gam€ ua PERPENDICULAR CURB RAMP I sr go I TYPE 7 aewprk 'TYPE 10' s'eewark (TYPE 22J ga- ArP //��)Illllllet 'TYPE 2Jn.oiee°a ocoif°ram �// IIIIIIIII�1% y�C, FlaregPsw B.3z uw / / , o' IIII'/ max. 6 e 5.j .� IIIIII �� • ,% \ Lob g•min• 5• M� O ��l IIIIIII 5::!!!... IIIII Floca ° a1; ung y��'�_ /IIII�II�IR.w / IIIII % / e \/ dlli — III IIIIIIiII« 111116 max. PredLantl g IIIIII._ uinlulil ln nlul IIIIIIIIIIIUIII'lllllllla I amP 8.3Y I \ 5'x5'Imin.loPeIIIRIIiII'dlllllAl _ // croaetl 2xap ony n to Sh in` �_ or ti Itl t t fed zp a� lan r rorMiSl dewalk Idrhran611im +reat� ono on o e rea.Widih. oar on or rpnp� antllna I ` fic -- sl s'min Wldtrys w�a°ioWg mryn ... — Flare Flare mSo Rasp B.3% PARALLEL CURB RAMP (Sidewalk set back fcurb) (Sidewalkadjacenttocurb) R1pX• 0'8 use only where water will not pond in the londing.> DIRECAL RAMPS WITHIN RADIUS COMBINATION ISLAND RAMPS N'5ltP lontingen4in. aper to ingwa lkin9 ofceo 5' or ed sidew a« ryx Lapeig 'TYPE 11'o Yo prptact Gapoff rcpr tl 5' in.c a'` mu�dln +�., curb RmroIn 11I —44iiiiiiiiii iiii110110 � min. r� Flare poo Sidewalk .J "dingy B:1111:::".,, wlllilllllllllllllllllllrllllllllllrill�lllllilill6��a� ,Preferred' eOlkw — mNrm poop5' in. J s.7Xa'TYPE 3 J ut e�iz max. �� IwmaxOFFSET PARALLEL CUMP P IOnT Ing or piker non- walking surface protect tlroPofi r\ Romp 5'min. Side SHEET I OF 4 1= Flare • OW 9 ONI an a " .« .. ,Texas Department of Transportation Stendam _T NOTES/ LEGEND: I11U.sndg I �~ PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES e j���\•`i� See General gote6 On Ghee+i I1 `\16 2 of 4 far more information. CURB RAMPS w,�;;VI\""-;'-�i��``• �c Denotes planting or ���^ <;+�SLi�� 't, ,,w.Y_non-walking surface •t{� naT par+of pedestr ion �] clrculpi lan path. P E D-�G A 5''pmrrefs preferred —Ramp Limits of Payment n peelta.tlsn wiN67 load/ w,i.UDi la VP TYPE 6' 4'min 'noODI 00 I20. za62 .all a I I ma. Getectab Ie Worn I ng Surface w:n.lw0 mn COMBINATION CURB RAMPS VP ale 3 2a12 c I General Notes I Lontlltg I I Landing 5 6 6 `y'1.la Install o curb romp or blended transition of each pedestrian street crossing. 1 m a` + p �fi _ v Detectable warning surface 2. All slopes shown are maxim.allowable.Lesser slopes that will still drain properly Detectable warning (Domes t0 run parallel to o should be used.Adjust curb romp length or grade of approach sidewalks as directed. �urfacelDomee to run / petlesirl on travel! i°era parallel to 5 e 3. The minimum sidewalk width is 5'. Where the sidewalk is adjacent to the back of curb, Ililpedestrian travailMI a 6'sidewalk width is desirable.Where a 5'sidewalk cannot be provided due to site constraints,sidewalk width may be reduced t0 4'for short distances. .... side flare 6itle taro k- 5'x 5'passing areas at intervals not to exceed 200'are required. 2'_g" :: (Typi call yp all in. 4. Landings shall be 5'x 5'minimum with a maximum 2%slope in any direction. mwmimel� � Min.f •• .. pi, g� 5. Maneuvering Space at the bottom of curb ramps Shall be a minimm of 4'x 4'wholly u0"m contained within the crosswalk and wholly outside the poral lei vehicular trove!path. PERPENDICULAR CURB RAMP Back a1 Bock of curb Curb 8m` 6. Maximum allowable cross slope on sidewalk and curb ramp surfaces is 27.. Typical placement of detectable ggg 7. Provide flared sides where the pedestrian circulation path crosses the curb ramp. warning surface on sloping ramp run. DIRECTIONAL CURB RAMP € Flared sides shall be sloped at 10'/.maximum,measured parallel to the curb. Returned SS curbs may be used only where pedestrians would not normally walk across the ramp, TyPiCa placement of detectable c°p� otherwise because ot cte adjacentsurface is planted,substantially obstructed,or warning surface an sloping romp run. - otherwise protected. Derxtable worni a ng payer Prefabrlcoted detectable Detectable u g n with truncated Cones warning panel Warn ing surface 8. Additional information on curb rent location,design, light reflective value rds /- 1Typ1 texture may be fountl in the current etllt{on of the Texas Accessibility Stantlartl5 side flare No.7 maser atLamingITA51 and 16 TAC 68.102. IB•lmox.lon-center born ways 6 € Y 8$ 9. To serve os a pedestrian refuge area,the median should be a minimum of 6'wide, _-e o__ =o '} ` measured from back of curbs. Medians should be designed to provide accessible - - __ _ Ramrt� o° ` _R°'� � a h passage over Or through them. ___ _ x` R � gh 10, Small Chonnelizarion islands,which do net provide a minimum 5'x 5' landing of the top `Min.5'depth exclusive o4 2 0 a v T `, of curb rol'p5,shall be cut through level with the Surface°f the street. detectable warning material. Min. a II. Crosswalk dimensions,crosstalk mOrking5 and stop Dar locations shall De as shown Na.7 maser°t m•lmaxa on-center a`d elsewhere in the pions. At intersections where crosswalk markings are not required, both ways Class Concrete- mall NN h curb ramps shall align with theoretical crosswalks unless otherwise directed. conform 10 applicable Bock of I speaificatias PARALLEL CURB RAMP curb ago 12. Handrails are not required on curb ramps.Provide or romps wherever on accessible Typical placement Of detectable warning mate crosses 1penerraresl a curb. SECTION: CURB RAMP AT DETECTABLE WARNING surface on landing at street edge. O n g 13. Curb snips and landings shall be constructed and paid for in accordance with item 53I w g sidewalks". DETECTABLE WARNINGS E m u 14.Place concrete at a minim.depth of 5"for ramps,flares and landings,unless -- otherwise tlirectetl. 15. Provide a smooth transition where the curb romps connect t0 the street. o rp Detectable Warning Pavers 16. Curbs shown on sheet 1 within the limits of payment ore considered port of the curb romp for payment,whether it is concrete curb,gutter,orr combined curb and gutter. 24. Furnish detectable warning paver units meeting all requirements of ASTM C-936,C-33. Lay in a two by two unit basket weave pattern or os directed. IT. Existing features that Comply with TA5 nay remain in place unless otherwise shown on the plans. 25. Lay full-size units first followed by closure units consisting of at least 25 percent of a full unit. Cut Detectable warning paver units using a power saw. Sidewalks Detectable Warning Material 26. Provitle clear ground space at operable Darts, including pedestrian push buttons. 18. Curb ramps mist contain a detectable warning surface that consists of raised Operable parts shall De placed within one ar more reach ranges specifietl in TAS 308. truncated domes complying with Section 705 of the TAS. The surface mist contrast 27. Place traffic signal or illumination poles,ground boxes,controller boxes,signs, visually with adjoining surfaces, including side flares. Furnish and install on dro{nago facilities and other items so as not to obstruct the pedestrian access route approved cast-in-place dark brown or dark red detectable warning surface material or clear ground space. adjacent to uncolored concrete,unless specified elsewhere in the plans. 28. Street grades and crass slopes shall be as shown elsewhere in the plans, 19. Detectable Warning Materials mist meet TxDOT Departmental Materials Specification SHEET 2 OF 4 DMS 4350 and be listed on the Material PrOdUSer List. Install products in°cc°rdance 29. Changes in level greater than 1/4 inch are not permitted. e�s{!��n11 with manufacturer's specifications. 30. The Inset possible grade should be used to maximize accessibility.The running slope D/v/flpn 20. Detectable warning surfaces must be slip resistant and not allow water to accumulate. of sidewalks and crosswalks within the public right of way may follow the grade of ,7bsas DapartmentofaMnsportaffon Standard the parallel roadway.Where a continuous gratle greater than 5%must be provided, 21. Detestable warning Surfaces shall be a minimum of 24.in depth in the direction Of handrails may be desirable to Improve accessibility.Handrails may also be needed to pedestrian travel,and extend the full width of the curb rani]or landing where the protect pedestrians from potentially hazardous conditions. If provided,handrails PEDESTRIAN FAC IL I TIE S pedestrian access route enters the street. shall comply with TAS 505. 22. Detectable warning surfaces shall be located so that The edge nearest the curb line CURB RAMPS is at the back of curb.Align the rows of dames to be perpendicular To the grade 31. Handrail extensions shall not protrude into the usable landing area or into break between The rang run and the street.Detectable warning surfaces rtpy De curved ntersecTing pedestrian routes. along the corner radius. 32. Driveways antl Turnouts snail be constructed and paid for in accordance with Item P E D-1 2 A "intersections,Driveways and Tunouts".Sidewalks snail be constructed and paid for 23. Shadetl areas an Sheet I of 4 indicate the approximate location for the detectable in accordance with Item, "Sidewalks". rim peslna.epi mtsaatcm lu el ImnitxXt jn W 33. Sidewalk details are shown elsewhere in The plans. ©TOOT warm 2002 r If a »mws�r,mluww VP Jura 13,2012 elm sown I war ro. Concrete Driveway Payment Zi —.-...--oPT'"'" .....A ... EMI '� / 1 II' ••:� PROTECTED i ZONE v Planting-BIE or othsurface 4" X. I T as non-walking surface c PROJECTION "1v nF x� �g Setback sidewalk Yew 4"MAX. WALL PROJECTION " H it a. III MNXANYMDIRECT ON f' Concrete Driveway 8 o Payment :::. 27 / / / A CANE DETECTABLE 4'�N L .. /ir < RANGE ?TO Al T ®�/ CLEAR GROUND SPACE ADJACENT 4 :: "^'" PROTECTED ZONE TO PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON In petlesirlan circulation area, maximum 4"projection 'Oh for post or wall mounted objects between 27"an 80" ;d :\�/ above the surface, u'S Apron offset sidewalk on OBSTRUCTION LENGTH OF L7 II IP OBSTRUCTION MIN. DISTANCE -- [oncrete Driveway 2'-0" � BETWEEN OBSTRUCTIONSA 1014 5' 0" Payment CURB OBSTRUCTION diA 4 (POLE, HYDRANT, ETC., a� ; ��I �' 101111101 Li''11011.° '''''.' f f Z Z z o :d}: to provide a maximum 4"overhang. Wide Sidewalk 1 Qo DETECTION BARRIER FOR VERTICAL CLEARANCE<80" OBSTRUCTION (CONTROLLER CABINET, Concrete Driveway MAILBOX, ETC,1 PLAN VIEW Payment SHEET 3 OF 4 I �' PLACEMENT OF STREET FIXTURES 7�' Deerma/�a® (ITEMS NOT INTENDED FOR PUBLIC USE. Otende,Texas Department of Trensportazlon sbndanyMINIMUM 4' x 4' CLEAR GROUND SPACE REOU(RED AT PUBLIC USE FIXTURES.1 � PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES 4!"& iiiiiiiii51 05*, CURB RAMPS ••••• *If curb height is greater than 6 Inches,use grade less than P E D—1 2 A or equal to 5X.Hanna auI •��� tletectable warning not required. r.aatll2a a°tp �0+ o�irD01 �m ay �w�hWi Ramp s i dews k 01401 Warr.2C°z xni a I .Iw.. SIDEWALK TREATMENT AT DRIVEWAYS VP Jule IJ,12O2 al., w,. I smarm. I 1 \tt\\ LANDINGS INI 5 STOP BAR +t • fi tt m 5'x5'IMINI / / +f "fi. LANDINGS /, t t ob` , .I CROSSWALK / +t+ +e�4(k ��� SPLIT RADIAL RAMP PLACEMENT + \ � � /' SIDEWALK � +t t+ SIDEWALK \ / 5'x 5'IM INI + _ __ ///�-�f _—_—_—_—_—_—-—._—,i — -—- CROSSWALK SHARED LANDINGS i3E'` SIDEWALK ADJACENT/ ^-/ /\ 4'x 4'IMINI SIDEWALK ADJACENT MANEUVERING / TO CURB gg TO CURB SPACES mg / I H STOP BAR ' SKEWED INTERSECTION WITH "LARGE" RADIUS I ga f. F u8» AT INTERSECTION � W/FREE RIGHT TURN & ISLAND � ih STOP BAR t "gb 5'x 5'IMIN) �+ $,k„ LANDINGS g fi' PREFERRED r�: \ �. CROSSWALK / 5'MIN. PP. SIDEWALK 5'x 5'GMIN) 6.o SIDEWALK //, ,/ t+ + + + t + I x_So , '— --------------f —///�— SIDEWALK I =5'M[N oS SIDEWALK ADJACENT I'�,I , 4'x 4'WIN) / /` / SIDEWALK REMOTE SIDEWALK j +t+ +I 1 J +r, +t t TO CURB MANEUVERING FROM CURB E w' SPACES 11 I + 11 �m Ili SKEWED INTERSECTION WITH "SMALL" RADIUS SIDEWALK ADJACENT SIDEWALK REMOTE TO CURB FROM CURB MID—BLOCK PLACEMENT PERPENDICULAR RAMPS STOP BAR 5'x 5'IMIN) LANDINGS CROSSWALK ✓ SIDEWALK \\'' /' I I +++t t t + t , SIDEWALK SHEET 4 OF 4 SIDEWALK ADJACENT ,4,... D1C, SIDEWALK REMOTE I NI TO CURB ,Texas Department of TMnsportetfwl SK Tde rd FROM CURB MANEUVERING SPACES PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES NORMAL INTERSECTION WITH "SMALL" RADIUS CURB RAMPS PED-12A rm.pot... w"i+Dor R4 'M'"INOT ImYP TYPICAL CROSSING LAYOUTS A JSS Ir z;„ ���'a """' VP June 13,xolz Dm WAIT I OHM1,6 ♦ ♦ LEGEND l ®Type 3 Barricade ■■ Chonnelizinp Devices Heavy Work Vehicle G9 Attenuotdr ITMAI €6 I • • I WORK 1 LimTruck bun tea �fl� AHEAD Trai let Mounted Partmle Chdnpem le o / I Flashing Arrow Board M Message 5ipn IPCMSI € r n° a WORK �1� END cwzo-1D �L, /� END 4e'z 48' v I`tr g= ROADWORK -� slam a Traffic Flow I g o.'' cw20...AHEAD I ROADWORK see note I I g Q F lap 40"x 4B` G20-2 Flapper ~� 48"X- a G20-2 1 /See xno to 21� Minimum Suggest.Mexinxm _« I See Ote 11 48"^a24. Somi minimum ROAD Desirable SuppeAtea ueg WORK (See to 21A Paps•eaa Formula Toper Lenatns c=e zing SOSocgng Lonaitualnal ry I *a u„L w * Devices % Buffer Space RF7 Cwa-ID AHEAD I „o I to. II• Iz• ono Ono Distance B' 4B'%4B" u Offset Offset Offset Toper Tangent IFlaps- e e 30 W52 150' 165' 180. 30. 60' 120' 9o. a g e See ate I l I o§„ ,an M a C 75 L`60 205' 225' 245' 35' 70' 160' 120' g _ 1 • K o I 90 265' 295' 320' 40' BO' 240' 155' p`�, • g 45 450' 495' 540' 45' 90' 320' 195' •go d £ I ■• - " r' I 50 500' 550' 600' 50' 100' 400' 240' E • ' p ! 55 L_WS 550• 605' 660' 55' 110' 500' 295' xg� I ■ $ '< 60 600• 660• 720' 60' 120' 600' 350' w« • _$ ! 65 650' 715' 780' 65' 130' 700' 910' ~ « o I {10' RT—n 1 10'4 70 700' 770' 840' 70' 140' BOO' 475' �� woo IM in,yl o work vlh;cles y Inactive 75 750' 825' 900' 75• 150' 900' 540' nn° Y1 or other equipment ■ work vehicle «- s^` necessary for the I • $ ISee Note 7) *Conventional ROO.Only ° I l' work operation, - **Taper lengths k n ® r.l•.,'.; such as trucks.I LaLeng71 OfT Pere FTee Wrounded di heat Off6eiIoT)$•Posted SpeedIMPH) w o :4 eabsle crones, ■ wg� Chatnelizinp devices ■ ^� 2h;1 etc., nal l reno in in 1 • I B may be omitted if the I !'• o areas separated from ^ TYPICAL USAGE work ores is a m n;mmn s.,___: %1' �ane5 Of it offfc by SHOAT SHORT TEPM NITERMEOIATE LONG TERM ne r¢ fr an the 1 -;y,,,. }�1� hOnneliiinp deviCeS 1 I MOBILE DDPATION ST4TIONARy TERM STITIONIRY STATIONdRy ag� a st traveled way. I ■}{'�( s at all tines. Liti', \/ cI §�v ■X a I ■ s � �i I I •mg 'i_i rl u$'ix« 1 ■ ISee notes 4 6 5l ■ y, 1 GENERAL NOTES >, I t I I.Flags attached to signs where shown,are REQUIRED. °$ I ■ I ® m ■ ,,; 2.All traffic control devices illustrated ore REQUIRED,except those ..? 5 Tel', •P1 denoted with the triangle symbol may be omitted when stated in the 3 ISee notes 4 F.51 ■ : J I ■ ,^IS ill ; m I plans,or for routine lmintenonce work,wnen approved by the Engineer. L®J + I 3.Stockpiled material should be placed a minims of 30 feet from s w a nearest travele way. a u o • _ I ! 4.Shadow Vehicle with TMA ma high intensity rotating,flashing, Isee notes 4 8 54 1 oscillating or strobe lights.A Shadow Vehicle with a TAU should be ..1(!:, 0 h 4 ■ I used anytime It con be positioned 30 to 100 feet in advance of ijk i the ores of crew exposure without adversely affecting theLp I m i performance or quality of the work.If workers ore no longer present I x w I y q E but road or work conditions require ire traffic control to remain In a- I place,Type 3 Barricades or other channel;zing devices may be 88« I • 1 substituted for tre Shadow Vehicle aro TMA. 5.Additional Shadow Vehicles with TMAs may be positioned off the paved 1 I x n • ! surface,next to those shown in order to protect a wider work space. _ I w 1 6.See TCP15-II for shoulder work oil divided highways,expressways and E Lp I freeways. '11 u • r d a e ; 7.Inactive warn vehicles or corer equipment paved shout., be parked near the p ♦ • 0,P i rightive-way line veh and not other an the paved sdOb der. ROAD Lv I k a 8.CW21-5"SHOULDER MORI'signs may be used in place of Cw21-ID I WORK 7- p 1 "ROAD WORK AHEAD'signs for shoulder work on conventual roadways. AHEAD END - �OAD v I o ROADWORK g WORK = 1 G20-2 AHEAD g ♦ _ ♦ CW20-10 48.%24. I 48.%48" 1See note 2/A I END ROAD Seepgs- note I, I L� 48.x D1448. ROADWORK L(> WORK i (Flags-See note I) G20-2 I AHEAD 1 Traffic I I 48`x 24' Texas Department of Transportation O ion DlvWpn 'See note 21A , Sfendeyd I gg2 x 01gg" IFlap6- TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN See note 11 CONVENTIONAL ROAD SHOULDER WORK TCP (2-1a) TCP (2-1b) TCP (2-1c) TCP(2-1)-18 WORK SPACE NEAR SHOULDER WORK SPACE ON SHOULDER WORK VEHICLES ON SHOULDER nth 1op2-1-10. ow a' la' I".©T2OOT aeceNv 1985 tact a I x1W%. z-94 4-98" Conventional Roads Conventional Roads Conventional Roods �r m" e-95 2 12 .. man I W cr lex I-91 t�ls 1611 LEGEND C N20-4 ®Type 3 Barricade ■■ Channelizing Devices i IWo niri Sign Secl[)ence I CW2%4� Truck MountBtl in OppOsire DirecrtOn ONE LANE ROAD Heavy Work Vehicle ® Attenuator I7MA1 __ Be,. • - E�r � RnAn I5 'e I �-- [w-4 XXX R RV Trailer Mounted H PortoDle Cnonpeaole (ROADWORK) 4B•x 48- AHEAD 0 Fiasning Arrow Boor° 1•.•l MebbOpe sign IPDMsI :.�e ® rT_ ISee maid zl♦ V G20-2 RE } i Sign a Trot Ilc Flow o R1 4B"x 24" PREPARED CW20-1D fi�? q2"x 42••x 42 I TO STOP ` 48•x 48. Q Flog ao Flapper Temporary 'i' r� See n(Flagote II Mlnia,n Suggested Maxima L�« TO Yfeld Note / Desirable spacing of suggested st000lnq i uinimm o A-- ONCOMING !See Note 21. PosteO Form'ma Taper Lengths chennelizi" s°''''M Longitutlinai sight `fs TRAFFIC _ } ` speed *x. Devices x Barr.-sooee Distance / 'w 10' II' 12' On a On a Distorce .B^ '� PI-2 aP CW20-7 Offsets/fnet offset Toper Tongan, F. qB"x 7• ♦ qB"X 48" /� 30 2 150' 165' IBD' JO' fi0' 120' 90' 200' ISee note 91 o w } 1>/ 35 L•N5 205' 225' 245' 35' 70' 160' 120' 250' e _n FEET 40 60 265' 295' 320' 40' BD' 240' 155' 305' ;o ♦ FEET • / END 45 450' 495' 540' 45' 90' 320' 195' 360' a` Devices of 20' CW16-2P gw 5px imp on the Toper I o C 24"%18"� • ROAD WORK 50 500' 550' 600' SD' IOD' 400' 240' 425' g ■r—,--r" G20-2 55 LAWS 550' 6D5' 6fi0' S5' 110' S00' 295' 495' p �,t,—, Except in qe•x 24" 60 6DD' 660' 720 60' 120' 600' 350' S7 D' �„� � emergencies, / 65 650' 715' 780' 65' 130' 700' 410' 645' g°« +� Omer s / 7D 700' 770' B40' 70' 140. 800' 475' 730' shall be wg N ;"t� ;Ilumihatetl 75 750' 825' 900' 75' 150' 900' 540' 820' o e 1 ;-„,, of night u ` \', ■ .Conventional Roods Only •`'•o I.'...1•.'' Temporary ■ • fElr roper lengths have been rounded Off. ed LkL1'N rr S 24"StOD Line ■ roper ie of s hav be n rounn of off. $•Po sf etl SpeeaIMP HI AV Isee Note 21� too.ADPFax. TYPICAL USAGE I f I ; 2�v epoeimq MOBILE SHOPT sNOFT TEFM HTEFME0I4TE ONG TERM ° T1AA ow Vehicle i with a OUFATION STATIONARY TEFM sTATI0 ,,, STATIONARY `w TMA and nigh Intenatty ■� ��_--. w g. rorOting,flasning, I J 1 w oscillating or sir 6b 1 ■'T y' .�� I fights.!See notes 6 1 71 � • 1 :x GENERAL NOTES •w c5w r ■1 Jjy I.nags attached to signs Mere shorn,ore REOUIREO. L m .;3 2.All traffic control devices Illustrated one REQUIRED,except those denoted with the triangle symbol may be emitted Men stated elsBMere in the plans,or for routine molntenence work,Men approved • V Shadow Vehicle by the Engineer. `Q^% ^%`B^ rotating, 1 I� q.Flogpars should use tw-r°y radios or other Methods o/communication to control traffic. r bDac ing an}nB Toper flashing, � 5,Length of work space should be Dosed on the ability of flogger,to communicate. a g TO oscil lottng°r ■ 6.A Shadow Vehicle with°TMA should Da used anytime it can De positioned SO t°Igo feet R5 • N g strobe lights. 1 to advance of the area of crew exposure without adversely affecting the performance or c ollty of AEG ONCOMING Rt-zDP (See notes 6 B 71 per ore the cork. If workers Ore no Ion sent Out roatl on rock conditions require the traffic control Temporary ♦ mn/ TRAFFIC Qsae%note 91 ■r�W to remain In place,Type S Borrtcodes or other OhGaneltzing devices may be substituted for the Shadow -- Yfeltl Lina y x Vehicle and TMA. (sea Note 2i� TOWN ■ DW20-7 7.Additional shadow Vehicles with iMAs may De positioned off the paved surface,next to those shorn O s° 1 'x Devices t 4B"x 4B" 'n order to protect a wider work space. 20'bDocinp ♦ i a the Toper � NA TCP (2-2o) a FEET CWI62P I i UN— 24"%IB"� B.The R1-2"YIELD^sign traffic control may be used on projects with opprooches that have adequate sight Except in ��• thesh2000ADTwoeshodbnolrthen400feetW7-2 fl staions ■ In rural oneos1 qB'x qB" hallbe x9.TheR1-2,"YIELD TO ONCDAING TFFIC"signshall Deplacedona support nti BEx atnight PPREDx PTCP (2-2b), .. qB"x 48" 10.Claanelizinq devices on the center line may De omitted when a pilot car is leading traffic and y BNE LANE 2q" 1)00 Line Z (See note 21� approved 0 by 9tne70 Engineer, 1 ROAD ISB!Note 21- 11,1f the work space Is locotetl near D horizontal or vertical curve,tr.Duffer distances should ne AHEAD 1 x increased in order to maintain stopping sight distance to the Bagger ono a queue of stopped vehicles. LW20-qD (See table Move/. x qg..x qg•• 1 vv i ONE LANE 12.Flopgers should use 24"STOP/SLOW paddles to control traffic.Flops should De limited t° /V\ ROAD emergency Altut°ttons. XXX FZ CW20-4 END I xx 48"x 48" Treflk ROADWORK w . ♦ • . ,*• 0 melons ns 48.G20 x T■xee Department of Transportation standard 4e'•x 24• ROAD WORK END ROAD TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN AHEAD ROAD WORK WORK 48.D-ID AHEAD ONE—LANE TWO—WAY 'Flag.. qB"%24'• 1F %MI- See CONTROL See note 11 Seeanoote II TCP (2-2a) TCP (2-2b) 2-LANE ROADWAY WITHOUT PAVED SHOULDERS 2-LANE ROADWAY WITHOUT PAVED SHOULDERS TCP(2-2)-18 ONE LANE TWO-WAY ONE LANE TWO-WAY wz-z-IB... 1 la• Imo' ©TxOaT Dec 1985 sfctl cu+■ I NIPPY . CONTROL WITH YIELD SIGNS CONTROL WITH FLAGGERS e•95 B-ID (Less than 2000 ADT See Note 9) sr z z 4•9s 2-Is Be roan I ref o� 1621 ♦ • END END LEGEND ROAD ROAD WORK.."2 ♦ • T' ROAD WORK°20'2 ®T 48.x 24. ROAD 48 x„.. Yoe 3 Barricade ■■ Channelizin0 Devices WORK WORK Heavy Work Vehicle ® Truck Mounted Attenuatar IiN41 „ CW20-ID r 4B"z 4e• AHEAD Lw20-10 AHEAD — eI'L. 48"x 98" T Trailer Mounretl Ralsetl Pavement x` u See Z'onote II v 4 T (Flags- Flashing Arrow Board .".. Markers Ty II-AA € see Wore 11 x PASS If applicable ,�, Sign CO Traffic Flow k. DO x 'ASS DO �—CAflE R9-2 Q Flag tip Flogger If applicable 29"x 30" NOT I —mil WITH R4 1 NOT Mini u s Mini a saggeerea aggeared Mpx imun PASS y F9-2 PASS 4"Double Posted Formula Desirable s si •nwl rutl than R4-1 '- CARE 24"x 30" 24.x 30. Yellow roper Lengrne cn«�nei°zimr, spacing en- p~g 24"x 30" in Buffer speed * Devices g en Burrer space u u >< K -- Island la' II' 12' On a do a 0iat'once ••B. Offset Ofisetoffaer Toper Tangent 30 2 150' 165' 1B0' 30' 60' 120' 90' � L 35 L.by 205' 225' 245' 35' 70' 160' 120' og T • m 40 265' 295' 320' 40' 80' 240' 155' imv° 48"[Wl 9R _A95 950' 495' 540' 45' 90' 320' 195' 5w x qB" . • 50 500' 550' 600' 50' 100' 400' 240' 'aiw Cwi 4F 55 550' 605' 660' S5' I10' S00' 295' 9B"%4B" CW1-fiaT L"WS Wg^ CW13-IP XX 36"X 36" - • :/11k f 60 600' 660' 720' 60' 120' 600' 350' v 24"x 29" MPH X X gla '•[ 70 700' 770' 840' 70' 140' 800' 475� CW13-IP [ CWI-4R CWI-6aT 24"x 2q" 75 750' 825' .0' 75' 150' 900' 540' a u • 36"X 36' -� >`k •• 4"Solid ' ;.,Ya, XX iE Conventional Roods Only White �� /`/` [W13-IP **Taper lengths have been rounded off. y�� m Eageline 'rq' MPH 24"x 24" L�c f.,` g Length of Taber 1FT1 PO/Width of Offset lFT)StPosted Speetl IMPHI w8� n '� X TYPICAL USAGE TYPe II-A-A SNORT SNORT TERM (IIiERMEOI ATE LONG TERM m• • I.• �I Ralsetl MOBILE DURATION STATIONARY TERM STAIIOIIARY STATIOIl4RY rr`-`- Pavement ��o ��� CWI-4R * 3 TCP12-3o1g1LY Markers on $ u tftig Vehicle wi tit 40 C-C, "r. ,/ ,� g c roA tIn high intensity m taring. flasni ng, XX [wl7 IP �'� , GENERAL NOTES u gG pecan lot Inc Or strobe ' 1��) - . I fights. (See notes 7 L 81 '1I. MPH 24"X 29" 4•'Double '- �. I.Flogs attached to signs mere shown,are REWIRED. Yellow Line �� N- 2.All troll is control devices illustrated ore REQUIRED,except those denote° w �I-.i�' with the triangle syrbol may be omitted when stated elsewhere in the plans, -.?f • tl i,_1 \ Transverse Channelizing or for routine mointencnce work,when approved by the Engineer. o ShaOow Vehicle le with Devices spaced or 500'to 3.When work space will be In place less thou three days existing pavement }I ,i..4., 1000' mn urban oreos,or 3 • ��Z TMA and high Intensity '�F 1/4 to 1/2 mile i rural traffice may remain in place.Channel lacing*vices atoll be uaea to separate -- • s rotating, flashing "'•" ^r traffic. .,.j'y oreos beiweem recurrent [WI-4L oscillating or strobe ,6.... 4.Flogger control shoultl NOT be usetl vtless roatlwoy Corttaions'"heavy traffic c y g 9B"%9B' 4 r lights. ISee notes 7 b BI '✓ark s0aces _T } g [ valune require additianol emptUpsis to safely control traffic. Flogger 6haultl CWI-6aT ro be positioned of end of traffic queue. X V 3fi"x 36" s 5.The R4-I.00 NOT PASS,"R4-2"PASS SITH CARE"and construction CW13-IP A •• m (See note 21A • p regulatory speed zone signs toy be installed within Cw20-10-ROAD WORM 29"%24" MPH % m T •II 3 AHEAD'signs.Proper spacing of signs shall be R....R. G.Conflicting pavement marking Shall De removed for long term projects. • ••W.�/' _ x 1 7.A Shadow Vehicle with a TMA should be used anytime i1 can be positioned elY CWI 4L LWI-4L 30 to 100 feet in advance of the or.of crew y 48'x 4B" exposure without dtiversel affectingthe der '-'W I ••� m� present but tlrarkeaMOIXlsyrequir0 the kiraf(ic aegnlraletp remain In place•Type 3 Barrio..or other chdnnelizing devicesmay be substituted. • • CWI-9LCW13-IPX X LWI7-IP Y postiltlofttheMPH8.Aoditionol 5haacw Vehicles with iM45 Ra De'� 9B'%48" 29"%24" • 24"x 24" nextto inoae aninartietoprate[}a wider wo paved surface. C'6".11X pace.3fi-x 76" m i/LX,, TCP (2-3o)ISee note 2I i MPH CW131P DD9.Conflicting pavement markings shall De remvetl far long-term projects. T i4••X24" ••� For snorter durations where traffic Is directed over a yellow centerline. NOT channel iz ing devices which separate two-r0y traffic Should be spaced an PASS R4-1 topers at 20'or 15 if posted speeds ore 35©h or slower,and for tangent PASS DO CWI-Sol 24"X 30•' sections,at I/21S/where S is the speed in nph. This tighter device spaoin NOT 36'%36" i is Intended for the area of the conflicting markings,not the entire work zone. WITH ISee note 21A R4-2 CARE o ,ll, 0 " -i— PASS F4-I L a 2q"x]0" n V I`V' 3 29"X 30' e n I •- ♦ *' TraKk If applicable c PASS °Uf ° ♦ • ROAD ,Texas Department of Transportation sisndeny R4-2 WITH —^� i' WORK END a z4"z 30" CARE AHEAD CW20 tO TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN ROAD If appl1ao01e o b 4 a I 4 x 98" TRAFFIC SHIFTS ON ..'2o-z ROAD WORK I WORK 8Fl.Xa- 48'x 24" AHEAD END 'i See note 1I TWO—LANE ROADS CW20-ID czo-2 TCP (2-30) 4B x 4B" 48"%24.ROADWORK I FeClaos TCP (2-3b) 2—LANE ROADWAY WITH PAVED SHOULDERS s Wore 11 2-LANE ROADWAY WITH PAVED SHOULDERS TCP(2-3)-18 ONE LANE CLOSED — tcaf2.31-19.og1 a Ia, „.. ONE LANE CLOSED ©Tool Decwmav 1985 =a .1Pw., ADEQUATE FIELD OF VIEW INADEQUATE FIELD OF VIEW 995]Olaf"'°" km I 1.97 2.12 I WELT IV. 4.48 2-19 LULL( I I W I I LEGEND I ®Type 3 Barricade ■■ Chonnelizinp Devices I 1 II I I I nr-10 Heov work Veniole ® Truck Mpuntetl I _IW Y � Attenuat or ITM4I fi WORK T I I ® Flashing rowdBoord (41 Mlssag;.s7,9 7PCM51 AHEAD CW20-I0 i Sign a Tr otfto Flow °w Se8.%4B" r END Q Flap Flogger "� IFIapS- 5 „ • • Se!note t) T ROAD WORK «m u c , G20-2 Minims^ suggested Mavxiiwzn 0.- ROAD w v " ulnimm QB"%24" Oeelroble spacing f Sign Suppestetl Rp ,J7� rIl•. /� /� a END LEFT - M PsVeV rwm,l0 Toper*t�ngrne [^Devices %. Bufiersoxe WORK V V `LI' `lf' o' T 9 Lj�j a sp'a s0aelna ..8. ROADWORK LANE E lo' II' IV Ona On Olstante [w20-ID AHEAD `us v, 4B"x 4B" G20-2 CLOSED 4111 OffsetOffsetOffeet Taper Tagent e` q8••%2q•• Cw20-5TL 30 z 150' 165' 1E10' 30' 60' 120' 90' �'i0 (Flogs- - 48"x 4B" WS See to I1 }5 L•- 205' 225' 295' 35' iD' 160' 120' T UK FT T 40 60 265' 295' 320' 40' BO' 240' 155' a gw CW16-3oP r 45 950' 495' 540' 45' 90' 320' 195' m 3D-x 12" 50 500' 550' 600' 50' 100' 400' 240' R 16ee note 41 J■, •5_ a,, • 55 L•WS 550. 605' 660' 55' 110' 500' 295' • 60 600' 660' 720' 60' 120' 600' 350' • ■ 65 650' 715' 7B0' 65' 130' 700' 410' gg n o /% ■®I TO 700' 770' 840' 70' 140' 800' 475' • 11 75 750' B25' 900' 75' 150' 900' 54D' -A • �I w. %Conventional Poatl9 Only ~ • + CW1-6aT ■ }cq` Iltr_.--� 36"%36" T4i4 Toper lengths hove been rounded off. >,M %. ' ■• L•Lenpih of Toper IFTI w•Witlih of Of isetlF 71 5•Postetl SpeetllMP HI I ■• ♦♦ TYPICAL USAGE mg •■ fit` ■ ♦ SNORT SHORT TERM tti ERM[D IATE LONG TERM w whotlow VBhanclB 4p ■ ♦ I,gBILE w � nth iM1 d ■ �N ISee note B1 Lt : I♦ CWI-4R DUPATION 4B"%QB" GENERAL NOTES 1. contol devices illusttdore REQUIRED,-� 3D to 100 feet in advance of the area of crew exposure without adversely affecting oscillating o strobe ■ I CWI-6, the perforlmrnce or Quality of the work.If workers pre no Ion present but rood >< I Touts,ISee notes 5 P.6) • per o s o . ••i It 36"x 36" or work esntl other reprint the traffic control to retain{n pore,Type 3 ♦ . Barricades or other chomelizinp devices may be substituted for the Shadow mem ♦ • Vehicle and TMA. LANE i 6.lone,Additional shadow Vehicles with Tpa4 may be po,next tl in each closes lone,on the shoultltr or Off iho paved surface,next to arse Shown in order to protect o wider work space. CLOSED 4 i:1 TCP (2 40) CW20-5. I ■ CW2 x. ■ Cwl 4L 7,If this TCP is usetl for a left lax closure,CN20-STL-LEFT LANE CLOSED'signs shall De used antl chc nelizing devices shall De placed on the centerline to iw HUT : 48"%4B protect the work sore from opposing traffic with tie arrow turd placed In the CW16-3aP X X Closed lone near the end of the merging taper. 30"%12.• CW13-IP t` ISee note 41 ♦ MPH z4"z z4- TCP t2-4D) B.For shorter durations where traffic is directed over o yellow centerline, ♦ - x chnelizlnq devices which separate two-way traffic should po spaced on topers J_ ♦..L. r x at 20'or r15'e if posted s speeds in are 1$mph de tighter d one for tangent attendee,at • I/2151 where S is the speed in mph. This}fighter devices spring is intended for RIGHT the prep of conflicting markings,not the entire work zone. END . ♦ a d y LANE CLOSED cwD-STR T,fflo ROAD WORK m v END f1 I1 /� /� ens z 48" 14 3 RD G20-2 1 4 (L 1j D ROAD ROAD WORK C I C yp 0 11 " P P Standard 48"x 24. u. WORK G20-2 i XK%FT 7��'6z3o2.. lbrns Ds ertment of Thane prtetlon AHEAD CW20-10 4B"X 24" m ISee TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN 48"%4B" note 4) - LANE CLOSURES ON MULTILANE Seeee note,1 • • CONVENTIONAL ROADS ROAD TCP (2-4a) TCP (2-4b) WORK TCP(2-41—18 AHEAD Gw2D-I0 415"x 46" „ tcp2-4-1a,1gn T.. I■• 1- ONE LANE CLOSED TWO LANES CLOSED (Flags- See twee II ©T%DOT Oece Oe 19e5 con uct a I p!„ a-95 l-os RY1.'" I mm de 1 I.91 2.12 ur win 1a 1-9s 21 o Concrete Benner LEGEND m�TYPe 7 Barri.. € _ _ a _ • Flas a a •••Cnonnel izin00evices c h a C� At neingM rowdBoard }slf Y i Sign G'« • \\\\Safety glare fence • ...X3vjt . . . Woh iRreo 6 h NOTESD 'g6 :g Y I.Length of Safety Glare Fence will be specified elsewhere in the plane. 2.The cumulative nominal length of the nodular unit°shall.101 the BARRIER DELINEATION WITH MODULAR GLARE SCREENS length of the inalvlaual sections al temporary concrete traffic °`2 :arc ter an onion"137 ore Insrallea on the loin"benteen borer LI sect Ions hill I rat be ePalwaa by any one un(t. rp J.Panel/Maces rill be mai..so.that ref lect,ve sheeting conforming with Departmental Material Specification CMS-8300,Sign Foce Materials, i1 h Type B or C yellow,minimum size of 2 Inches by 12 manes can be attached } ` to the edge a/the panel/blade.The sheeting sail be attached to ens T h panel/blade per section of concrete barrier not to exceed a spacing o/ gyy a Jo feet.Barrier reflectors ore not necessary wnen panel/Places are e 3 1 installed.th reflective sneering as described. 5}h I.Payment for these dealer•111 Pe under statewide Special Specification In 'Modular Glare Screen!far Heaal lgrnt Barr iar.� 5.This deioil is Only intended to lnaw types 0/locations Mere Glare :8a Screens would be appropriate. Reduirea signing and other deviU6 sal I De as shown el ee•nere 1n the plans. IS l'i Y 1 I Refer tb BC antl/or TCP .n a • it Yxeis far approach —� •'•ls_a X' requirements. aFga Centerline a DEPARTMENTAL MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS i SIGN FACE MATERIALS DAIS-8300 <} a DELINEATORS AND OBJECT MARKERS DMS-8600 t®� ���( �I® � MODULAR GLARE SCREENS FOR HEADLIGHT BARRIER DMS-8610 I I c p c 500'Max. -See Rates 2 L J °_ .. Only pre-qualified pratluct!shall De used.A copy of the ♦1 S S S S El El 'Compliant Mora Zone Traffic a shall Devices List'I[of to ❑ SIlcunddescribes Pre following web aucrs end their sources and may be i:,; /ountl at the/ollorirg web addreesh hllpllwww.ddoLgovitwill_Bbranyipuellce0onslconseucdsn.h. 0i0e7 TP'iocCraanl ODpfLpvootsdneia ng ODpLpvansaesn g Tp ioan VERTICAL PANELS & OPPOSING TRAFFIC LANE DIVIDERS (OTLD) Traffic operations SEPARATING TWO-WAY TRAFFIC ON NORMALLY DIVIDED HIGHWAYS ,Texas Department of hsnsportetlon Siaaad NOTES! 1. ImM tw o-lone,two way traffic control must bempintaine0 an mammy Of a normally civic.rd..,opposing TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN traffic shall be separated with either temporary traffic barriers,cnamelizinp device!,or o temporary raised TYPICAL DETAILS island thhra[graur the la ced pin of the two way operation. The above Typical Application is nten to shot me appropriate application of rlannellzing devices when they are used for this purpose. This is not a traffic control plan. I/this detail is to be used far Other types of roods or applications,}nose locations should be stated elaewnere in ton plum. Z 2. Space devices according to the Tangent Spacing sawn an the Device Spacing tools on BC191 but not exceeding 100'. WZ(TD)-13 7. Every firm deV(ce should be an ono except•ilM 804000 closer to oCcamadare an intersection. M OTLD shOUid thin R1d-1J.oa1 De boll Jce1.11111.1.007 Ice1.1 De 102 liner device an eOVV side of inflrsecring lifters ar roods. Va. femrumry 199e We ma l ,e• I .1wN. 41 Cl 4. Locations Mere surface mount bases with adhesives or sell-righting devices will be requ,rea in order to nnintain a 9s emn[oe I I W C 4 them in their proper position should be noted else°nere in the plans. 1-OJ •hs, mart, n vi had I WORK ZONE SHORT TERM PAVEMENT MARKINGS DETAILS k- zo!6 I DO WORK ZONE SHORT TERM PAVEMENT MARKINGS PATTERNS DO I -.,. �Tram r-z m in bra DOUBLE TABS ,to 12^ro B Dr D -i PASS NuT R,1 o>; NO-PASSING I. R�'I PASS NGT � LINE TAPE 1•to 12•L_ le I +In G`7 The f-� . � a 11 11 Lt. SOLID 20'!6. Yellow 4.5.26'1,__1mm mm w- ' . 1 I 1 1 1 'II 111 . l'•'- LINES SINGLE 20'!6' ,Type Y-2 or w 0 Yet low C� -- TYPO Y-2 TABS ® O L •� 'NO-PASSING LINE _ Fri PASS TAPE Fes\WITH PASS TABS ~ g or CHANNELIZATION , WITH TAPE CARE t6 LINE 20'!6" \ �44.5't6. CARE R4-2 —.--RI-2 y'e 'Yellow 01White CENTER LINE & NO-PASSING ZONE BARRIER LINES FOR TWO LANE TWO-WAY HIGHWAYS gg 1 ,1' Type Y-2 or w BROKEN TABS 0' �DD DOD ~DDD a L LINES -Ih- — — write �� — — .o Type w 1•!1 111 111 III ��I" 111 111 III 111 g TAPE a a a: )FOR CENTER LINE ego OR LANE LINE) or white Yell '-14.5'!6' a ow w�` TYPe W . ee �1 III III II III III III III �4 TABS D D D D1_ - D D D [� wnl to TYPe W [� XX WIDE DOTTED t1 ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 1 1 ✓n n n 11 n a n D D D D'T D D D + I s 1, ; 1 n a n 11 a a n 1 ; I 1 1 i� LINES =Miz _ 1 z i �X� )FOR LANE DROP LINES) TAPE Wide Dotted Lines wide DotteO Lines ale 12'A6"--7 3•,3. white Type W wide Gore Markings Wide Gore Markings 5/ TAPE LANE LINES FOR DIVIDED HIGHWAY TABS Li./ B 20'e6' —.IATYPo W Fa TABS D 11-r t1 ®r// a a wSP WIDE GORE — — wntre... — . a M1 m�w gal a1 MI a' al III org MARKINGS 12 MI TAPE 0 % ZO't6' --1 4.5'!6' Wntte� _ _ Yellow� `✓ TYDe Y-2 g n.- ,tom Nnife�— ^II mil �r 111 III III III III 111 4j Type w LIerg. NOTES. TAPE TABS ro I.Snort term pavement markings may O prefabricated morkinos Ietick dawn tape!or tempanafy flexible- LANE I CENTER LINES FOR MULTILANE UNDIVIDED HIGHWAYS reflective roadway marker tabs unless Otherwise specified elsewhere to plane. 2.Snort term pavement markings shall NOT be used to simulate edge lines. 3.Dimensions indicated on this sheer ore typical and corraximpte.Voriatiane in size and height may occur be- tween markers or devices mode by nafufocthrers,by as much os 1/4 Inca,unless otherwise noted. man n.' wan man III 1 /111 III III in 111 iie A.Temporary flexible-reflective roadwpy marker tabs will require nannal maintenance replacement when used on white$ Type N roadways with on ADT per lone of up to 7500 vehicles with no more than 10X truck mix,when roadways exceed these values,additional maintenance replacement of tlevicee Mould be plon.d. mm _ _ mm wm HI 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 5.No sealant of roadway open to traffic shall remain without permanent smelt markings for a0 eater _ _ : Yellow — TYPe 7-2 Ppv 9 a pert Or w�� 111 111 111 I. 111 111 111 111 than 19 calendar dare.The Contractor will be responsible for maintaining short term pavement rktngs tie 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 permanent pavement markings are In place,when the Contractor is responsible for placement Of permanent J� pavement markings,no segment of roadway shall remain without permanent pavement markings faro period `1/ 111 HI111 III III III III III greater than 14 calendar days unless weather conditions pranl Dit placement.Permanent pavement marking,shall yghi to Cr Type W be placed as soon as weather permits. 6.For two lane,two-way roadways,DO NOT PASS signs shall be erected to mark the beginning of sections where TAPE TWO-WAY LEFT TURN LANE TABS passing is prohibited and PASS WITH CARE signs shall be erected to mock the beginning of sections Mere poeei,ie permitted.Signs shall be to Ond he with t 'Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices I 1TMUTCD)and may be used to indicate the limp1its100 of of fa-passing zones for up to 14 calendar days.Permanent R.,"..--, v--'Rempvable If raised pavement markers ore used to supplement REMOVABLE pavement markings should then be placed. Pavement 1/1/1E1.111 $art Term start term markings,the morkere Mall be applied to the Top Pavement , Traffic Operations T.For low volute two lone,two-way roadways of 4000 ADT or less,no-passing lines may be emitter!Men approved Marker K L Marking ITape1 of the tope at the apprcwtmate mid length of ire tape.tale 'Texas Department of 70000porfenon get b by the Engineer.DO NOT PASS and PASS WITH CARE signs shall be erected!see fare 6). Y�L allows weenier removal of rallied markers and tope. B.For exit gores where a lane is being dropped place ride gore markings or retroreflective channeltzing PREFABRICATED TED PAVEMENT MARKINGS devices to guide mo0Orlet impugn the exit. If Cnonnelizing devices are to be used it shaula be WORK ZONE SHORT TERM noted elsewhere in the pions. One piece Cones are not allowed for this purpose. I.Temporary Removable Prefobri Gated Pavement Markings shall meet the requirements of DMS-11241. TEMPORARY FLEXIBLE, REFLECTIVE ROADWAY MARKER TABS (TABS) 2.Non-rtlaveble Prefabricated pavement Markings ehol l meet the requirements o1 either aAs-BZAO PAVEMENT MARKINGS Permanent Prefab,(ctetl Pavement slo-kings'an 0115-82�3'Tertporany Ceetructian-Grade 1.Temporary flexible-reflective roadway marker tabs detailed on this sheet will be designated Type Y-2 Itwo Pro/aDr iCotetl Povenent Manki nge.' amber reflective surfaces with yellow body),Type Y lone amber reflective eurfece with yellow body,'and RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS Type w lane Mire or silver reflective surface with Mite boayl.Additional details may be found on BC1111. I 1.All roieed ellt markers used for work zone markings sh01I meet the requirements of 2.Tabs Shall meet requirements of Departmental Material Specification EMS-11242. WZ STPMI..i 3 Item fi72,'RAISED ISEO PAVEMENT MARKERS.and DM {S-1200. �1 3.When dry,has shall be visible fora minimum distance of 200 feet during formal daylight hours ao when DEPARTMENTAL MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS IDEAS)I.MATERIAL PRODUCER LISTS IMPL) rno w:5fpn13.dga p.TxB0 Jtt.T. rIof.NMI In.teat i!!unmated by automobile low-bean head light at night,unless sight distance Is restricted by roadway I D45e referenced above Can be fauna alanQ ri to embedded links to rnelr ©Toot April 1992 tWT SECT a I SWOT Oeometr Ica. Rtnmwe Ia i 4.No two consecutive tope nor far tops per 1000 feet of line shall be missing or foil to meet the visual respective A00LPIs of the following rebsi ieh I.91 OM anon [T xa perfprmpnce requirements of Note 1. haplAvwv.txdoLgav/business/contractors_cbnsullanis/matedal_specifications/defaulthlm 3.01 I t"t i-13 aLL 11 T 0-1/_ I I I DEPARTMENTAL MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS UNEVEN V PERMANENT PREFABRICATED PAVEMENT MARKINGS pMS-8240 LANES TEMPORARY(REMOVABLE)PREFABRICATED PAVEMENT MARKINGS OMS-8241 CWB-II SIGN FACE MATERIALS pMS-8300 SI1 X COLOR USAGE SHEETING MATERIAL N Y Y •See Table I TYPE Be..OR TYPE CFL SHEETING f ORANGE BACKGROUND h E I BLACK LEGEND A BORDERS ACRYLIC NON-REFLECTIVE SHEETING GENERAL NOTES :`g Area where Edge Area.here Eape I.If spoiling°r roles occur,ROUGH ROAD ICw8-81 signs mould be placed In Condition exists £3 Can ar the caheirim and be repeated every two miles.Here the 21 caMifim pMsi 919. `yy I Tab I 2.UNEVEN LANES ICWB-III Digne shall be installed in advance of the gg I condition ono repeated every mile.Signs installed along the uneven lone condition may be supplemented with me NEXT xx MILES ICVIT-3.) place m Advisery Speed(C113-1P)plaque. 3.NO CENTER LINE IC18-121 signs and tenporcry pavement markings oe per the g°: I I I W2ISTPM)ataheard amain be installed if yellow centerlines separating two ray traffic are obscured ar obliterated.Repeat NO CENTER LINE alone •g every two miles where the Center line markings are not to place.The 8 4Y1 d markings shall remain to place until permanent pavement workings me installed. ..!,,,- (See Note 41 •x•distance 1.Signs atoll he x .See Note 41 apoced of the dial0raea recgmnended as per BC standards. a4 I •See Tmie 1 I I 5.Aadiflanal signs nay be requlretl as 0lrected by ins Engineer.Sigma stall 5h •L • i remain,n place until final Wfine ifi applied.Signs final)he Canfitltred g subsidiary to Item SO2'BARRICADES,SIGNS AND TRAFFIC HANDLING.' S8b / 8.afm tlslIX:°,aeaean t�rnemcx'anpitant,=";:nesTrd 7?.°2,tro7cDevicea' 1" -LI- UNEVEN I 4 I 4 UNEVEN net. 6 I LANES LANES yyyax T.Short term markups Nall not be uses to siffulafe loge lines. bat UNEVEN LANES CR1-lI 8'All signs Nall be CghstrWtea to°,,Tt,:with the 4eta1la PARR in [WB-11 UNEVEN LANES ins'sraheard Highway sign Oeeigna law Texas,-latest eaii(m. •g_a Y TWO LANE CONVENTIONAL ROAD FOUR LANE CONVENTIONAL ROAD TABLE 1 lil Y Edge Condition Edge Height ID) K Warning Oevicee NO '' V g^^ CENTER Leas than or equal tot I'�'(aaxinxm-Imt 1 ll ~g' LINE O P ng Sign:CYIB-II IV,.ltyplcal-overlay) a ° x Cw8-12 I I ., D, °aera ons Distance 0and 2•bfor overlay operations if uneven ng lanes with edge condition 1 ore open to traffic 'X'alerance after work operations cease. (See Nate 1) © 73 f Area miaaing Center Area where Eape �1 p Ltne morkinga Condirian exists Less frWh ar, • equal to 7' Sight GWB•II ■See Tapia 1 © 0•to 3/4' Distance•0'may be a maximum of 3•if uneven lanes I I work aperat nddition 2 cease.orU 3 are open lanesto traffic after ' - 1• 12• i open to rrofftc when'D-is greater roan 3'. Notched Wedge Joint ' • Trefwa Operation. x -X•al stance TRAFFIC CONTROL DURING PLANING. ,Texas DIpefpneMofhensporteylan oroleron standard (See Nate 41 OVERLAY AND LEVELING OPERATIONS x 'x'aisrmce I ARE SHORN ELSEMIERE IN THE PLANS. (See Note 41 A. i SIGNING FOR UNEVEN UNEVEN MINIMUM WARNING SIGN SIZE NO LANES LANES UNEVEN LANES 4Conventional TOMS 36"x 36" .- CENTER Cwe-I1 I cwe-II Freeways/expressways. LINE divided runaways 48"x 48- WZ(UL)-1 3 CW8-12 riul-13.0gt ow T•pai jcaT WI..TxIXn IonT•poi NO CENTER LINE UNEVEN LANES ©TxppT Aal,,992 coo um�. m I �, ALL 2.9 TWO LANE CONVENTIONAL ROAD DIVIDED ROADWAY Xis 11.11i'°^1.97 3.03 our =oar I tern•a lie I I I LEGEND I =type 3 Barricade I a I Sian I 6 ROAD R11-z St f /CLOSED 4B x so Nark ereo Yinilnm 6!$ '•,•• +••• 1 Postal SIO, SONd Spocinq Work Area * Distance ..Pg 1 ROAD CLOSED 30 120 ``g 50a FT CW20-7C 35 160' i See Note B 40 240' M4-12T �"�l I STREET NAME vow Iz• 45 320• ill — see Note 7 ROAD RIi-2 50 400' ROAD DETOUR u4_g5 CLOSED 48•x 30• 55 sod' .?!,1 Y4-8 CLOSED CN2D-SB ]0"x 24" 24•x 12•'DETOUR' �a�Dma�e;ioLlB 60 600' 1 � See N te•B 65 700' uJ-4 I WEST I i •g: 24•x 12• d: 70 BOO' X X • • s 75 900' ego MI-67 TEXAS ,���,I 200'Approx. '.••,':•.' :_______4i NConventional Roctls Only w`. 24'x24• ROAD CLOSED fill-Jo RJ-1 n N",OSED B0'•x 70• �.•� 24•x 24" GENERAL NOTES200'APprox. 0 x. roc ex.See Note B w. ` I.This sheet is intended 10 provide details for temporary work zone ',it.? i o a4rJ�[�R� Y4-IOL ` rood closures. For permanent read closure eetails see the Tyi 48-x IB- ^ DICM standards. See Note 6 CV'1 a _ 2.Barricades uses shall Teel the requirements aloud an Barricade ono h Construction Standard BC 1101 and listed an the Compliant Work Zone gy« [� Traffic Control Devices lief ICW2TC01. e dds. ^ \ 7•Darricatlae,marar ials snail not ae Placed on the traffic side of A.Barricaded or the road closure should extend from pavement edge to ego , x pavement edge. I i I s ' M4-B 24'x 12' l® 5.Detour signing shown is intended to illustrate The type of signing ° X X Il i toot is appropriate for nusberetl routes or In-nunoerea routes Os labeled. It does not indicate the full extent of detour signing NI-6T R3_2 required. Detour routes should be signed as shown elsewhere in ''S'S' " TEXAS 24•x 24• 24•x 24• the Plans. DETOUR XI "" I x AHEAD 6. If the road is open fora significant distance beyond the o E e u6.1 I 4920x249• interaecilan or mere ore significant origi0e9iintian points 21'x IS' Dey[xid ins Interneatlan.Tne signs and Darr iooces at fnis i location should be located at the edge of the traveled way. 1 T.Tne Street Name iN4-121' sign is to be placed above ttie I I M4-B DETOUR IY4-951 nigh. i 24 x 12• I /� ROAD B.For urban areas where mere Is a snorter distance between the X�/ CLOSED intersection mtl the actual closure location,the ROAD CLOSED /� %X MILES AHEAD 1R11-3a1 sign may be replaced wild a ROAD CLOSED I Q 2C;6x 24 AHEAD CW20-3D TO THRU TRAFFIC 1R11-41 sign. if adequate space does not exist y TEXAS 4e x 4B petreM ins intersection ono me closure a single ROAD 1 CLOSED AHEAD ICN20JD1 sign spaced as per the table above may ;;';IS- 500 FT ICW20-3C1 signs. i 9.Signs and where her thes shown ta es will De eureiuiaryred to Item 502. Locations there these details rill be required shall be as shown elsewhere in the pions. DETOUR I500 FT CW20%2A Operavons Traffle 4B' 4B' plvNlon Taxes Department o/77enaportltlon standeN WORK ZONE ROAD CLOSURE DETAILS ROAD CLOSURE BEYOND THE INTERSECTION ROAD CLOSURE AT THE INTERSECTION Stoning for a Nianerea Route with on Off-Site Detour Signing for an On-numbered Route with on Off-Site Detour VIZ(RCD)-13 MD r1AA'l1.0g1 e.IDRAl flu,lvOallohl NWT la,Traai ©noOT Au2oTtI995 CMS .rwe.l 1.91 441 7.11 ndr awry I 114T x. 211 1.01 aLL , 74 BID TAB I LA TION Bid Extended By: Matt Bushak,PE 1 r1 nsportatlolt Department Print Name F Ibitials' 3401 Sunrise Road Bid Opening Date: 3124/2020 Round Rock, Texas. 78665 Bid Opening Location: 3400 Sunrise Road \ Liquidated Damages: No.of Responses: 4 QProject Manager: JC Montelongo f ^` Project: 2019 SMP Project B-Type F Overlay Project Consultant: NIA �J 1 Bidders Name Lone Star Paving Alpha Paving Texas Materials Austin Materials Contractors Business Location Austin,Th Round Rack,TK Cedar Park,TK Austin,TX Guarantee:Bid Bond,Cashier Check or Certified Check Bid Bond Bid Bond Bid Band Bid Bond Statement of Safety Experience,Yes or.No Yes Yes Yes Yes Addendum(s)Acknowledged,Yes,No,or N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes .. APPROX. UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT ITEM# ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY. UNIT PRIG COST PRICE COST PRICE COST PRICE COST I Type F H MAC'I"Overlay including tack coat 15000 Ton S113.25 S 1,698,750.00 $101.00 S 1.515.000.00 5101.00 $1,515.000.00 $120.00 $1,800,000.00 2 Pavement Repair 5000 Ton $124.25 $621,250,00 $118.00 $590,000.00 $127.25 $636250.00 $165.00 $825.000.00 3 Edge Milling(6'wide) 46000 SY S2.75 $126,500.00 51.45 $66,700.00 $2.15 598,900.00 $$3.20 $147,200.00- 4 Surface Milling 44500 SY S3.75 $166.875.00 $1.85 582325.00 51.90 $84.550.00 53.45 $153,525.00 5 Valve Can Adjustment 20 EA $65.00 $1,300.00 $75.00 $1.500.00 $584.00 $11.680.00 $135.00 $2,700.00 6 Manhole Adjustment 250 EA $140.00 535,000.00 $175.00 $43,750.00 S555.00 5138,750.00 $250.00 562,500.00 Remove and Replace Concrete Curb and Gutter(incl 4" 7 TY A or TY 13) 3200 Li: $63.00 ,$201.600.00 .$55.15 $176,480,00 555.00 $176.000,00 $58.00 $185,600.00 8 Remove and Replace Reinforced Concrete Driveway 3100 SF $20.00 $62.000.00 515.00 546.500.00 $15.00 546.500.00 $16.00 $49.600.00 9 Remove and Replace Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk 24000 SF $14.50 $348,000.00 S 11.55 $277,200,00 S11.50 5276.000,00 S12.00 $288,000.00 10 Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk Ramp 21 EA $$2,150.00 $45.150.00 51,800.00 $37,800.00 $1,750.00 536.750.00 $1.850.00 538.850.00 I I Remove and Replace Reinforced Concrete Valley Gutter 734 SF $53.00 $38,902.00 $47.25 $34,681.50 $46.00 $33.164.00 549.00 $35,966.00 12 Traffic Control 4 MIQ S16,500.00 $66.000.00 $11.000.00 $(4,000.00 $52,000.00 5208,000.00 122,300.00 $489,200.00 13 Type C 1.1 MAC 3,0"Overlay,including tack coat 37010 Ton 5106.00 5392,200.00 594.00 $347,800.00 $97.50 S360,750.00 105.00 $388,500.00 Remove and Replace Reinforced Concrete Driveway 14 (exposed agg) 800 SF 530.00 $24.000:00 $24.15 $19.320.00 $23.00 518.400.00 25.00 $20.000.00 TOTAL: $3,827,527.00 $3,283,056.50 $3,641,294.00 54,486,641.00 rwr _. �'"` SHEET: i or I d 41, ��"�Vrr•r.•rrrrr•x� • ! T = !• y,•sr••r i=!f lfl.ssrsflf s.•flf•s�� MATTHEW BUHAK / sr!lrsrl111f•r=frrrl;!!!� 91480#l�su•r.11r • t-W CENSA'=r` '�'�•� CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 10f1 Complete Nos.1-4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos.1,2,3,5,and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2020-603805 Alpha Paving Industries LLC Round Rock,TX United States Date Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 04/01/2020 being filed. City of Round Rock Date Acknowledged: 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract,and provide a description of the services,goods,or other property to be provided under the contract. 000000 Asphalt, Concrete and Pavement Markings 4 Nature of interest Name of Interested Party City,State,Country(place of business) (check applicable) Controlling I Intermediary Alpha Paving Industries LLC Round Rock,TX United States X 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. 13 6 UNSWORN DECLARATION My name is Manuel Trinidad and my date of birth is My address is 15 Roundville Lane Round Rock TX 78664 USA (street) (city) (state) (zip code) (country) I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in Williamson County, State of Texas on the 1 St day of April 20 20 (month) (year) Signature of authoriagent of contracting business entity eclarant) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.1.3a6aaf7d CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 129J 1 of 1 Complete Nos.1-4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos.1,2,3,5,and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2020-603805 Alpha Paving Industries LLC Round Rock,TX United States Date Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 04/01/2020 being filed. City of Round Rock Date Acknowledged: 04/09/2020 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract,and provide a description of the services,goods,or other property to be provided under the contract. 000000 Asphalt, Concrete and Pavement Markings 4 Nature of interest Name of Interested Party City,State,Country(place of business) (check applicable) Controlling Intermediary Alpha Paving Industries LLC Round Rock,TX United States X 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑ 6 UNSWORN DECLARATION My name is and my date of birth is My address is (street) (city) (state) (zip code) (country) I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in County, State of on the day of 20 (month) (year) Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity (Declarant) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.1.3a6aaf7d