Contract - Silsbee Ford - PO - 1/14/2021MA'RY'*** P:R:O�D: P, M� :GOODBUY 21 '.-8:F000 VEHICLE s* . . ......... U T R C N U -Si sbee TX 776 N .56.. DOR Silsbee P rd - 1.21 U'Hwy -96 N:v -1 ....... VE . . . ..................... . .. .......... ................................. .. .... I ----- ----- ----- ----------------------------------------------- C* Do .. 6 He, up RA Addiotloonal.-*4 Floor Plan In-terest'(for "n, st-ocli.and/o,r-.equi�pped::veh,lp.cl'e..s 114#0M. ished''Opt-i D'v (5%)..s c POW on, ... iscount .......... . ....... ..... . ..... �~ ...� --_ - . . .... . .... ce. thMe Lot nsuran '.(for in-sAock'and/6r.e mp*t&v. q .... p— - - ----------------------------------------- Con-Wactfrice-(1 9,549 Vor ---------- Ad�,,,p�`.U.~..�.,.�r $ 43,5075 -------------------- ------------ ....... . ...... _ ww" 011.10 . .................... --------------------- .. . ....... SubtotaU.,24- 171:7: . . . . ..................... ---------------------- ---------------- ------ . ............ .............. Qua-nfiity. Ordered I X K S 24,1.72.*75. ----- ----------- ......... . ................. ....... ............. .... . . ....................... .... Trade: iw% .............. .................. . . . . ................................... ....... ............................... .. ..... ............................. . . .................. ---------------- ........... -nktrafi S 0-0 P� r- purch-ast.otdor) A.dmi ve Fee 3 c X-o- ULs, .:TOTAL PURCHASEPRICE INCLUDING GOODBLI.Y FEE .$ .24172-075 -- -------------- ------------------------------- '.' .``,_ Xrv- PRODUCT:.PRICING SU-M.M.A'RY' -ES GOODBUY21''SFOOOVEHICL S'Isbe'TX.77656 VENDORm Silsbee.*--Fb` 211 F­.;....... i e A0 - - - -- --------- - ------------- . ............. -- - ----- .......... End User:::.C1.TY.0F.R0UND.R CK ........ Prepark1b. GLENANUELLE .0 .... ..... . . . - ------------- - - Y MiNiii -o.00.m__ ----------- MIMI ------- ------------------- ---- MINIM Pho'ne.: 409,480M9 191 Contact: sco."-*ri* PARK.E.R ....... .. . ............ ----------------- -w Ema.11, ...... ............. Emai k C_.-A . . .... ......... ......... . ........... --- -- ---------------- -------- ------- anU 1 ''021. 10-2 1. - FO RD F. 1.56. 0 CREW - - CA Date*. J a Product Deser'ipfion:* A 7� i Y - - ------------------ 0. �.00 Bid Item"* A. Base Price. .1 .... 27 47 -w-p-0-M.- Wil - ------------- 0-4- ............. 016ns f ---act . . . ........ . . ........... 02 IN--- U-MMM ....... --------------------- ------------- ...... ...... ...... ...... willielm- ------- - -------- ------- - -------------- .02.fions . . . ...... .. ...... Code ............ .... .. Trice. B.M.- .... 'C.od-e ........ . .:.. ....... . . 0 ......... . ..... ............. ... ......... . ............ . . ......... . . ....... ... .. .... -2 Mns ------------------------ --- ---- ------- ......... r.jee . ....... d P ..... . -------- 4X4 UPGRADE ... $ . .... ..... 3 351:000..- EXI WHI11.1 : 1 -.0 1 A PACKAGE:::::., ....... ... ................... ....... . . . 92 0 00 . . . . ...... ............. . ....................... ..... . - - - - ------------ -------------- -- --------------------------------- ........ --------------- -.POWER LOCKSIWIN DOWS. . . . . ................ . . . . .......... .......... ......... --------- -- . ... MIMI SHORT..B E*D MII NMI iiii I ---------------- - - . INN - ---- -------------- MII !Il- ----------------..... . _1_. . .......... S.Y.Nc. M...UE TOOTH),. .......... .. . ...... N N ------------ --- ----- --- - ------ ...... . ..... . . .. A.M/FM`/".RAD10 . . . ....... . ......... . ...... . ---- - . ....... .......... ........ -- --- 111 iiiii. FORDPAS-S "ONNE T - 4 GY: - WIF I i Mi 0i C. C .......... ---- ----------------I-- -I- PON --------- - !.I. -------------------------- -- ... ...... VIN Y1 -FLOORS ....... ........ . ......... ...... . .......... ............. ... ....... ...... C I E. CONTRO, to RU.. S .... ... ........... ------------------------------- --- - -------------------------------- --------- --------- - ------------ ---------------------------------- --------------- . OTH, S.F., ........ . A: ------ -------- MINIM ------ MINIM ----------------- - -- ------- IM ....... REVERSr:. Sl]:NSING .................. . . .......... -------- P . ....... -------------- ol-11-1-1 --------- 1-11-1-11wil - - ... . .. .................... ............................................. --------- --------- -------------------- �5:-� V ............ ........ ..%'OL '8 ------------ 0-001 11-11111- ------------------- --------- .1-00, 0-00 ..... . 0:,. '9915. .... . ... ... . ..... .......... . ..... ...... ........... ........ ------------- ------------------ -------------- ...... TRAILER 'rF0W1)AC* KAGE .... .. . -------------- --- ..... ....... ...... ------- . ........... ...... . . .................... --------- ...... . . . . . .... .... .................. - ------- �.SSV PACKAGE, VM - --------------- PNOM ----- -- I - -w - Ill ll--- 1--ft- onesmommom 50V M --- HIM W, ...... ----------------- 1 M-1-. . ..... . .... ........ T ota, 1: of -B Publis.fted 0 pti, ons. 60 .0 ... IL4.0 -0... Publishe&.4 wn �Ri$ 02s.7 'CoUnt:15%) S (2 Do ` Ff Floor Plan Inte' ie'st(for. in"astock and/or. equipped 'vehicles),'_* Lot- Insurance (for inwstork and/or e i ped- veh cle's). qwp o Contract -Price: Adjustment,". —' Tota V.6f C. Un published. Options,.: :_-S (1.27 0:*00.).'; . ........... ................ --------------------------- -: Es-s . ............ . 2 Y R. RE G & INSPEC TION . ..... .1�60400 ....... ..... . .......... ...... .' Additional`,Cliarge: �,`.miles H. S u btota I:: Quan.fity�Ordered ........ X K . ......... --------- %soft% KIP ra d e- -i n-:i .GOODBUY Adminis-trative'Fee. ($300per purchasebr­der) T0TAL'P.LJRC1-1A'SE-.PR10E INC.L'U.DrING G"O'ODBUV FEE 435.75 .1. ------------- ................. S -33709000 S '33 70919-00 --------------- ..300400 ��1. 34,100914100 -- ------------------ - ... . ........ .. . ........ . .. ...................... x. P:RO� U: PRIC.IN. .,SUMMARY GOODBUY1,21 8FOOO VEHICLE4S t s 'ee -96 i1sbee'. TX .77656 .... .............. ... ..... . ... Tw� .1 . ......... ....................... ............ Vvt*4,N,Du,:R-,- S*1b ......... . n-onn.,Nm Prepa GLEN AN "ELLE C'M End. Use-r*. C-ITY0FROUN.D. RO red b C-OrItad: Scol"T PARKP.1r`3.R1 Phone: .4094 0-9.191 . . ..... - - - -------------------------------------- ------------------ - ---------- ----- --------- --------- ------- - -------------- - .0 if Email* CAB , 'Product O.escript'iona..,,2020.FO.RD:�F:,'150�RE4G.. .. ....... .... D C Tt Date: --- 1111- NOW I----------------- . ......... NNIIINNNN ------ As Bid Item-* As, Base- Trice 221770.,00 I loop -------------- Tota I of B Publi 1-shed-Options'. P)bl.``; Option Discount (S%r) (12 Tota'l'0'f C..,*Unpublies'he'd'' Options, S 1,1.41 oOO.'. Do Floor .,,^'�..`^- ``hicles)­. ---------- --------------------- '~ Lot Insur S. F v ContractTrict Adj ----------- ------------ is ----------- NN N-M --- I --- Is W~ ........ ...... . . G Additional Delivery Charge:250 - -------------- 4*37.50 �^ Subt0421446,75 � go.. ``�2.5t246075 . .... ...... ... ... ........ ' -.,^.''� . . ...... ... .... -------------- ------ -------- -------------- Kit per purchase -order - ------ --- 1.48 TOTAL PURCHASE PRICE INCLUDING GOODBU. FEE .............. $ 25,9�246V-75. 'CIN PR0!D-UCT.-PR1- �G::SUMMARY' 'GOODBUY21 8FOOO VEnICLES R r:d,- by,&.... GLEN ANGELLE--� Efid -U�.se.i.,A,*,,:.CITY-.:OF,ROUN*.D "C.K:*� . ..... . .. . ........... . ­ .... . Preps e - ----- --------------- --------- ........... ... MM-NOW.M.11 ----------- ---- ------- Contacti SCO PAR."KER' on:e,,* 409480.9-191 ------------------ ---------- 1 N _00 111111880 ----------------- 1-1411--lim- ............. .................... ...... 0, ,C w .01". E m a i: iv, I ............................... . . ------ ------- --------------- - 2 WIN Product Description, "2.021*-�FORD.F-,.150EXT.,:*-.CAB DAte: Januag 1, 2021 . ........ .......... ... - - ------------------------ --------- ----- ~` ,'-``` Price,., .243280-00 ... ............ Be Co RI Ee ' GO tons . ............ ...... . Add.ition.al.:�z� Floor Plan Intere'st' (for* iwastock.a n*d/or equipped vehic,les)-i.. Lot Insurance (for in -stock and/or equipped .ehizle:s)-, Contract. Price Adj*ustment. Addition ILD. I" a, e iveryCb...` Ha Sub -to.' ~' K0 Le _ 4,775.00... Total of B. Published Optio ... ............ ..... ....... ....... . . . --- -------- -------- 'Published Option Dis'co'unt.(5,%):1 14e00) .-.� . .. .... ... ............ ............. Miss UNNUM DISCOUNT, S (1 t648.00)'': -- - - ------------ - - I Will W: --- W_ ------- . . . ......... . ...... MUM----------------- -- 9b .90 ....mi es S 507950 PON --- — 28,314.L50 .. ............... L S 5-69629,900 - ---------------- - ............... . ..... . ... '.—.'`. ... ........ . .......... ............ ... ..... . . ............. . .. I ...................... ................. . ..... .... . ........ : ... ......... . ------------ int DBUY -n i ra,t e Fee,.,( e, G00 Ad St iv $300 per, p.urc tsevrd r ........... .... ........ '00 TOTA'L PURCHASETRI,CEINCLUDING 00DRUY FEE $ 5. 69.629, ------------ .. ................. . . . Quanfit' Ordered '-'- ' K_060W '. ... A.AAAW. law. ........ ....... . . .... ......... . .......... . ............ .... .................. ... ....... ... ..... ...... .... . .................. . ...... ..... .... ........ ... ... . . . ... .............. .. ............ ...... . ... . . ........ ....... . ...... .... . ... ----------------------------- --------------------------- - ------------------------ ------ - ------- - - ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------- - ----- ------------------------------------ ---------------- -------------------------------------------- -------------- -------- - ----- -- ------- ---- ----- - ----- tl d �k6 [ �i:l� . .. .... ............ PRODUCT PRICING -SUMMARYG OODBUY 21 8FOOO VEHICLES 'NSilsbee"776%6VEND0R,wS*flsbee 0-k- - 12111A wj 9----------- _NNN__ . . ........ ........ d ROUND ROCKbyeEnd User..CITOF. Pf epare GLENAN*ELLE W-1111.1w- W ... 6., . ..... .... .. . . . ..... ....... Contact: SCOT'1' PARKER Phone: 409-830-919t -- -- -- ---- - -------- ------- ----- - -- ----- ---- - -------- a 7 7 77- NN Email:..... . . . . ... . . . . . . .... ................-...-..--..-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. ......................... .... . .. . . . . . . . ....... ..... .. ............. .. . . --. --. --. --. --.-.-. --- ..................... ....... -- . . . . .. .. .. .. . .. Email:q#iCtf3l��w�OYV�t9S#f�Bt��tt'tt���.CQ�t'T . - ........ ------- -W _-MMINNNIN ---------- ------- -------------- ---------- Product Description: . 202t rQRDF-350 CREW CAB---Januiry_1,---------------- Date', 2020 --------------- A. W Bid Item:Price: A. Base - 114,111000,Pil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. Options Co. E. F. Go M. 11 K* L. Additional I Floor Plan- Interest (for inwbstock. and/or equipped -vehicles): Lot Insurance (for in-stokic an-d/or .equipped vehifies}: Contract Price Adjustment; 14.1 % . . . . .. . . . ... . . . . ... . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Total of C. Unpublished Options: 6,420.12 MUNNNNN $ -------------------------------- . ............. .ViNNNIN M ------------ -- ........... ... .............. t7ISCOUNT ­: $1 (1,870.UU) ------ - ------ --- -- - ---------------- ................. ............. Additianal'Delivery Charge:0 miles. Suhtatal; loom Quantity Ordered x A ........... - --------- --------------- Trade. in-::�-,*..'. or e GOODBUY Adminis#r;�tivc'Fee ($30a per pur�h�se . d. r) TOPTAL-PURCHASE PRICE INCI.l1DING GOODBUY FEE WN N ......... ........... .. .. . .... ..... . -------------------- .......... � s 49,.351.871. ........... ------------- --------- .499351.,6.87 -- - - - - --------------------- moo"* . . .................... -------------------------------- -- ----------- .... .. . . ....... POP'_. ---------------- - - - ----- ........... 49,351.87 ... . . ........ SU PRODUCT- -PRI.CING ..:MARY'' G OODBUY 2 lw� 8FOOO, VEHICLES w. - -%':96 .*bbee::TX.77656:...-:::.:.: or ....... ... . . . ... ....... VEN-DOR'--S.'I*Isbee,..:F*'*d.,..:'121.1..::A&'.'.,. ---------------- -------- - ----- --------- WN-MMMM ---......... ------_---.'. -ANG LLE .En.d-U *�.CITY:0- ... Preparedby. GLEN sen _F -ROUND - kOCK Iloilo . . ......... .......... ...... . ... ... -c-'.`.. . ................... ------------------------------------------------- - — ------ - ---- ----------- ---------- --- ----------------------- ------- NO It ---- ------- NN_­___­___I -------- . .. .............. .... ....... . . ........ . ........... .: ........ ............. ... ................... ...... .... ........ ...... ....... ............ ..... ........ .... ....... ....... ... .......... 41 0 ee 0 3-� m Ema I Em'a j I ----- ----- ------------ ---- ... ------ ------------ 0>021 Product Dese-riptiow .2020 FORDEXPLORER Date: Jallua III, AV --------------------------- -- ---------- I--- - ----- NO A* B I I te mls, . . . ........ K.7B.., A. Ba'se P tice: S 27,418-900 . . ........... I --- - Poo IIIIN WIN �,��'.� Be ce Addlitional:o 92 __' — 00)1. ft] -f pubtish-ed:0 't* s o a o C Un, P ions,.,[ ............ DIV Floor Plan. In-teres(for in stock and/or equipped- vehicles). ........ . . . --------------- ---------------- ---------------------- Ev �LotInsurance-``^'`/`''"'/``»'`|`````n'`r'1. . F*' G* ContractPtoiceAdoustmentb A (I d iti on al Del ivery:Charg '' �S,..w'' . Qoantity 0r'*d Ored i Trade in, ---------------- 2 YR REG & DOC FEE �J66,75.1. ................... .... ......... "Pon .......... ------ ....................... NNINW-MiN 437e50 .25 0. Mile's ..... . . ....... ---------------- .. . .... .... ........ ....... 2 4' 9 1 .38.75.4. lam ........ ............ 29 458'*75 .......... . . .......... ......... ... . ........ ........... .......... `. :G00_ DBUYAdper .'''`nn.-.`` . . . . ..... ................. ------------------ '' TOTAL PURCHASE PRICE INCLUDI G GOODBUY F-EE4 81 ... ........ . ..... ...... ... . .............. ................ D-U.CT PRICIN'G S:UMMARY DBUY 2:1 SFOOONEHICLES' �GOO* e. r N -S VENDOR7.' Silsbeefo d4:4.2.11.­. 96_. ilsbe TX 77656 40 Pre`,par'ed:'-by,*,'.. ....... se CK .... . ..... End` U 'r.*.... F,:�-:RO: ND-RO ...... ....... ....... ....... MM ii " - -- ---------- - . . ................. A, - --------- M. ------------ - M M, NO - -- ----------- . ..... . . ......... .. . ........... CO 'tae one!940940880009191 n to.. SCOOTT,PARKER, . ................ 'Ph - ---------- --------------- ---------- N*Obno*b" Now.., ........ ........ ........... . 0 Om. e...- Emait. I�R - .- ............ --------------------- - — ---------------- --- --------------- I --- I ---- Is --- Ill _­1411ow"06 MW ------ MiNNI-MIM anwiry FN T Product Descri on:..:.202:1.TORD' ERCEPTORUTILITYAWD .... DaOe 1 202.1. . ............ .... .. p ............ ­ ........ - __ ___ __--i ­ .. ............. . .. NO 61,161 -11111--1-11-- - ----- ------- ----------- ........... A.. Bid ftem:� A Base Fricel. 32,932900 ............ . ........... .. .......... ...... BOFact.. .0tions .... . . .... . I .......... ............... ... 0 . .. . ...... .. __l ---------------------------- ----------------- --------- --------- ----- Bid Price Bid-Tri Co.d.e... ........ Code Options .... . ......... i - ze., ..... . ...... ....... O.P.0.9 ...... . . .. ........ :. . - ... - - . - .I... �. .. �1: 99B 33L V6 ------- --------- is . ..... i ----------------- ---- --------- ------- ---- Oft. ------------- --- ------ 1 -111-1 Ill 11111 Mel- 1 - 1 11 EXT BLM.011% N0111011101111 ------------- mes"m - ---------------- - ----- OP ------- ------------ 17A REAR.A/C . .. ...... .. .............. ............... . ............ .......... - ---------------- .......... $ 6.10.,0.0:' ---------- i 11111- ---- ------ CLOTITBUCK ETS/REAR VINYI . . ....... 6 5 "DUAL LED SPOTLeIGHTS ....... .... ........... .. ......... �62G $ -00 I'm ::S.YN C f_1 X. -AND FREE) 50.600.:. .. . ..... 4 KEYS 60A ....... 'GRILL WIRING .......................... .... ...... ...... .. ......... . ....... . . ....... ........ .. - --- ------ 11-00,11111-1 MAN W-MIN111-110,1111-1100 PiMill ------------- WWOM01,10101m. 611,11111111111RIP.­ else"", 11101"m 0 - k RlUlzvt 86T RR: 01 AILLAMP:HSG,. 60ro: ce D* E*- Fe His I jo K-0 Add,ftlon !P 125 %1.�' Floor `'`�,',` (fo`,.�^.� vehicles)..". 'Lot Insurance (for in�stock and/Or equipped*-vebicles)., Contract Price. Adj ustm ent9 1 '0 _. 674.4's EMERC3ENCY EQUIPM:ENT 0 L - ----------- Additional Deliviery Charge:9 Subtotal. antity Orde Qu ........... -- ------------------- 516 �25 79147 ...... ..... S, 263'967935 - - --------------- - ------- . .. ........... ............. ',.... ''min 300,600 GOODBUY Ad JsWative Fee. (S300- per- purchase order) .1111 - ------------- Ila" TOTALTURC` NE PRICE INCLUDING GOODBUY FEE .264726735 U i-MA S This Page is too large to OCR CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 10fl Complete Nos, 1 4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos, 1, 29 39 5, and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form, and the city, state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2020-697929 SILSBEE FORD Beaumont, TX United States gate Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which -the form is 12/10/2020 being filed. CITY OF ROUND ROCK Date Acknowledged: 01/05/2021 g Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract, and provide a description of the services, goods, or other property to be provided under the contract. 000000 PURCHASE OF VEHICLES 4 Name of Interested Party City, State, Country (place of business) Nature of interest (check applicable) Controlling Intermediary DONALSON, DREW JASPER, TX United States X 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. 6 UNSWORN DECLARATION My name is ,and my date of birth is My address is , (street) (city) (state) (zip code) (country) declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in County, State of , on the day of , 20 (month) (year) Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity (Declarant) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www. eth i cs . state . tx . u s Version Vll,cd34673b