Contract - Region 20 Education Service Center - 2/11/2021PACE PURCHASING COOPERATIVE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT Member dame: City of Round Rock County District dumber: N/A Education Service Center, Region 20 (Coop) and the above named agency (member) enter into the following cooperative service arrangement. This agreement is effective �j��{�(��� �� , �Cl�-'� (date) and shall automatically renew unless either party gives ninety (90) days prior notice of non -renewal. This agreement may be terminated with or without cause by either party upon thirty (30) days written notice. The Coop will: • Handle bidding procedures • Abide by all procurement laws in the State of Texas • Enter proposals for tabulation and evaluation Arrange for an Award Committee to test, evaluate and award proposals • Develop award information forms for member use • Send award information to vendors • Develop system for gathering evaluation information from members on vendor performance and product quality • Provide comparison information with previous awards to evaluate effectiveness of proposals The Member will: • Designate a member employee to serve as a liaison with Coop • Identify delivery location within Member on purchase orders • Prepare purchase orders for items awarded on proposals • Ensure timely payments to vendors who receive proposal awards • Provide Coop with evaluation forms regarding vendor and product concerns Ensure a Resolution is properly executed if required Authorization: Education Service Center, Region 20 and the PACE Purchasing Cooperative executed a contract to provide cooperative purchasing services to government entities. f,,-202(-DI-Z PACE PURCHASING COOPERATIVE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT Member Name: City of Round Rock County District Number: N/A Please send a signed Interlocal Agreement to (or fax to 210-370-5776 or e-mail to jim.metzger@esc20.net): Education Service Center, Region 20 Attn : PACE Coop 1314 Hines Ave San Antonio, TIC 78208. Public Entity Education Service ter, Region 20 BY: BY: Ault prize Signature Authorized S nature /2, Date -:I--twSq 4tr>\) Contact Person 0 -PA ��ASi NJ MA NA C/R' Title of Contactlierson Street Address "MhA -1 1/ � q tL(Orj- City, State, Zip Purchasing Coordinator Title Date Jim Metzger Contact Person Purchasing Coordinator Title of Contact Person 210-370-5204 Phone Dumber 210-370-5776 Fax Number L";j , 5i<j9" jim.metzger@esc20.net Phone/Fax Number E-mail Address r� ro�t�e as . av E-mail A dress