Contract - Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) - 2/25/2021 STATE INFRASTRUCTURE BANK(SIB) Form 1960 LOAN APPLICATION SECTION I -Applicant Information Applicant Name: Round Rock Transportation & EDC Application Type: Program Call Loan Primary Contact: Erica Solis Taxpayer FEIN: 74-6017485 Contact's Title: Budget &Accounting Manager Email Address: esolis@roundrocktexas.gov Street Address: 221 E. Main Street Phone Number: 512 218-5400 City: Round Rock County: Williamson Zip: 78664 Urbanized Area: TxDOT District: Austin -AUS - 14 TxDOT District Engineer: Phone Number: Tucker Ferguson 512 832-7000 TxDOT DistrictContact Name: Phone Number: Same Same Financial Advisor Information, if applicable: Name: Garry Kimball Specialized Public Finance, Inc-Phone: 512 275-7301 Address: 248 Addie Roy Rd, Ste. B-103, Austin 78746 Email: garry@spfmuni.com Bond Counsel Information,if applicable: Name: Richard Donoghue, McCall Parkhurst & Horton Phone: 512 478-3805 Address: 600 Congress Ave, Ste 2150, Austin 78701 Email: rdonoghue@mphlegal.com SECTION II - Financial Information Requested amount of financial assistance: $12,825,000 Requested terms: (including interest rate, number of years, etc.) 20-Year Term, 3-years zero interest followed by annual interest calculated at market for AAA credit(approx. 1.25%). Preferred debt service payment date(s): ❑ Yes:August 15; February 15 ❑ No Preferred disbursementdate(s): TBD Breakdown of use of funds (must equal application amount): Use. Amount Construction Funding (6 Lane Urban Roadway) $12,747,000 Bond Counsel & Financial Advisory Fees $ 78,000 Total $12,825,000 Page 2 of 3 Proposed pledge of source of repayment and priority claim to those sources: Sales Taxes of the City's 4B Transportation Development Corporation List any other existing debt payable from the same revenue source (Please attach documentation.) Texas Municipal Report(attached) Current credit rating(s), if applicable: City of Round Rock, Texas is rated AAA by Standard & Poor's Provide the applicant's legal authority toincurthe proposed debtand the borrower's proposed pledge of source of repayment: Chapters 501 & 505 Texas Local Government Code SECTION III - Project Information Brief Description of the Project: Construct 6 lane urban segment of Kenney Fort Blvd from Joe DiMaggio Blvd north to Old Settlers Blvd Total Cost of Entire Project: (i.e. right of way, construction, utilities, etc.) Construction Funding (6 Lane Urban Roadway): $12,747,000 CSJ Number(s): Is the project joint bid? Yes ®No Energy Sector Corridor Roadway? Yes ®No Direct or indirect effect on a Top 100 Congested Roadway? F—JYes; Rank: ® No Functional Classification: Minor collector Is the requested financial assistance a local match? If yes, is itrequired orvoluntary? ❑ Yes: ® No Describe need and anticipated public benefits of the project: Major north/south arterial roadway in Transportation Master Plan. Will improve mobility in NE Round Rock What type of construction contractwill be used on the project(DB, DBB,etc.)? Standard Design Bid Build Contract Additional Information(Attach additional pages if needed): NA Form 1960(Rev.1/21) Page 3 of 3 SECTION IV- Required Documentation Does entity have home rule charter? If Yes, please submit a copy of the charter, or provide link if a charter is posted online. ® Yes No Listofallotheroutstanding financial agreementswithTXDOT,forexampletoll equity,SIB loans,pass-through tolls,etc. (Please attach documentation) None. Please submit the following documents with your application,if applicable. EP1Copy of Advanced Funding Agreement, Utility Relocation or other agreement with TxDOT ❑x Bond rating letters from Moody's,Standard&Poor's,or Fitch, ifany. Ox Resolution fromgoverning board authorizing the application. x0 Financial feasibility study. Fx 5years of audited financial statements related tothe source of repayment. x0 Copy of the most recent budget. Fx Preliminary design studywhich includes: • An initial route and potential alignments. • The project's logical termini and independent utility. • The location of all right-of-way,facilities and equipment required to make the project functional. • Revisions orchanges to state highway system facilities necessitated by the project. • An Environmental Review of the project if available. • Legal or lettersize map of the project. All application information and materials can be submitted electronically to Texas SIB to'�.txdot.gov or by mail to: TxDOT Project Finance, Debt, and Strategic Contracts Division State Infrastructure Bank(SIB) 125 East 11th St. Austin, TX78701-2483 Section V-Acknowledgment and Certification I certify that: I have the authority to request and incurthe debtdescribed in thisapplication,and upon award,will enter into contractfor repayment of any financial assistance granted by the Texas Department of Transportation's State Infrastructure Bank (SIB). I have completed thepreliminary requirements,andwill comply with allapplicable stateandfederal regulationsand requirements. To the best of my knowledge,all information contained in this application isvalid and accurate and the governing body ofthe undersign jurisdictio has authorized the submission of this application. 2.2�•�� Ignatur o ut Ize o cla Date �� a es uNb �Tgat-hoN Pnnted Nbme Title,Jurisclictioni The Texas Department of Transportation maintains the information collected through this form. With few exceptions,you are entitled on request to be informed about the irformation that we collect about ycu.Under Sections 552.021 and 552023 of the Government Code you also are entitled to receive and review this information Under Section 559.004 ofthe Government Code,you are also entitled to have us correct information about you that is incorrect Submitby • •