Contract - Texas and Maria Flaniken - 4/8/2021SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWN EEMUNICIPAL TIE CITY OF ROUND ROCK, TEXAS AND 30 ROUNDVILLE [LANE OWNERS THIS MUNICIPAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is entered into on the 8day of April, 2021, 10,y and between the City of Round Rock, Texas, ahome-rule municipality of the State of Texas (the "City"), and Texas K Flaniken Bi Maria M. Flaniken (the "Owners"). RECITALS The parties agree that the following recitals are true aid correct and form the basis upon which the parties have entered this Agreement. WHEREAS, Section 43.0671 of the Texas Local Government Code permits a municipality to annex an area if each of the owners of the land in an area request the annexation; and WHEREAS, when a municipality elects to annex such an area, the municipality is required to enter into a written agreement with the Proms owners that sets forth services to be provided by the municipality for the properties in the affected area; and WHEREAS, the Owners own certain parcels of land situated in Williamson County, Texas, which consists of approximately 1.0 acre of land in the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction, such property being more particularly described and set forth in Exhibit "A," attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the "Property" or the "Area"); and WHEREAS, the Owners have filed a written request with the City for annexation of the Property pursuant to Section 43.0671, identified as the "30 Roundville Lane Annexation" (the "Annexation"); and NMEREAS, the City and Owners desire to set forth the City services to be provided for the Properly on or after the effective date of the Annexation pursuant to Section 4106724P and WHEREAS, the Annexation and execution of this Agreement are subject to approval by the governing body of the City; and NOW THEREFORE.) in exchange for the mutual covenants, conditions and promises contained herein, the City and the Owner agree as follows: 1. PROPERTY. This Agreement is only applicable to the Property, which is the subject of the Annexation. 2. INTENT. It is the intent of the City that this Agreement provide the delivery of full, available municipal services to the Property as described herein, in accordance with State law, which may be accomplished through any means permitted by law. I MiJ1vICIPAL SERVICES. A. Commencing on the effective date of the annexation, the City will provide the municipal services set forth below. For the purposes of this Agreement, the term " providing services" ided by any method or means by includes having services provi which the City may extend municipal services to any other area of the City, including the City's infrastructure extension policies and the developer or Owner's participation, in accordance with applicable State law and City ordinances, rules, regulations and policies. ? 0*0 247U eloov 0 f i. Fig and Police Services. The City will provide these services to the .Area. ii. Planning, Zoning, BM...wuilding and Code Enforcement.. The City will provide comprehensive planning, Iand development, land use, and building review, inspection services and code enforcement in accordance with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and policies. 111. Water and Wastewater. Existing, occupied homes that are using water -well and on -site sewer facilities on the effective date of annexation may continue to use the same. If, and when, the Property is developed, platted, or the current use(s) of the Property changes in the future, land owners shall be required to fund and construct necessary water and wastewater capital improvements to serve the annexed Property in accordance with applicable State law and the City's ordinances, rules, regulations and policies. iv. Solid Waste Service. Within its corporate boundaries, the City currently contracts with Central Texas Refuse (dba "Round Rock Refuse") for residential collection only. Any commercial development in the Area shall contract individually for solid waste collection services. B . It is understood and agreed that the City is not required to provide any service that is not explicitly included in this Agreement. 4. AUTHORITY. The City and the Owners represent that they have full power authority and legal right to execute, deliver and perform their obligations pursuant to this Agreement. The Owners acknowledge that approval of the Annexation is within the sole jurisdiction of the City's governing body. Nothing in this Agreement guarantees favorable decisions by the City's governing body. 5. SEVERAB ITY. If any part, term, or provision of this Agreement is held by the courts to be illegal, invalid, or otherwise unenforceable, such illegality, invalidity, or unenforceability will not affect the validity of any other part, term or provision, and the rights of the parties will be construed as if the part, term, or provision was never a part of the Agreement. 6. INTERPRETATION. The parties to this Agreement covenant and agree that in any litigation relating to this Agreement, the terms and conditions of this Agreement will be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. 7. GOVERNING LAW AND VENUE. This Agreement shall be enforceable in Round Rock,, Texas,, and if legal action is necessary by either party with. respect to the enforcement of any or all of the terms or conditions herein, exclusive venue for same shall lie in Williamson County,, Texas. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws and curt decisions of the State of Texas. 8. GOVIERNMENTAL POWERS. It is understood that by execution of this Agreement, 40 40 the City does not waive or surrender any of its governmental powers or immunities. 9. WAIVER. The failure of either party to insist on the performance of any term of provision of this Agreement or to exercise any right granted hereunder shall not constitute a waiver of that patty's right to insist upon appropriate performance or to assert any such right on any future occasion. 10. COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and constitute one and the same instrument. 11. CAPTIONS.. purposes only Agreement. The captions to the various clauses of this Agreement are for information and shall not alter the substance of the terms and conditions of this 12. AGREEMENT BINDS SUCCESSORS AND RUNS WITH THE PROPERTY. This Agreement is binding on and inures to the benefit of the parties, their successors, and assigns. The term of this Agreement constitutes covenants running with the land compromising the Property and is binding on the Owners. 13. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior oral and written agreements between said parties. This Agreement shall not be amended unless executed in writing by both parties. Executed as of the day and year first above written to be effective on the effective date of the annexation of the Property. City of Round Rock, Texas By: & y Craig Morian, Major Date: ` Attest: Sara L. White, City Clerk For City, Approved s t Form: By: rV - Stephan L. Sh ts, City Attorney OWNERS: TEXAS R. FLANIKEN & MARIA M. FLANIKEN Texas R. Flaniken Maria M. Flaniken