Contract - Chasco Constructors - 4/8/2021 Z.� ORIGINAL CITY OF ROUND ROCK TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT ROUND ROCK TEXAS Project Manual For: OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION FEBRUARY 2021 Prepared By: Hagood Engineering Associates Inc. 900 E. Main Street � ���q�` Round Rock, Texas 78664 ��P�..•••••..,��11 qlPit APPROVED BY N * --iffi C NEYgY R.1.iAG00D 13%, 52960 4110541) 1.4111k ' 0-4:at ,4e,st_ghtlf,,Vc,\ I SIQNAL Ea � I 0, TBPE Firm Registration No F-12709 17L � l OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Description No. of Pages 00020 Notice to Bidders 1 00100 Instructions to Bidders 4 Exhibit A 1 00200 Bid Bond 2 00300 Bid Form 11 00410 Statement of Bidder's Safety Experience 1 00500 Agreement 5 00600 Insurance& Construction Bond Forms Performance&Payment Bond Instructions 1 Insurance Instructions 1 00610 Performance Bond 2 00620 Payment Bond 2 00650 Certificate of Liability Insurance 1 00700 General Conditions 41 00800 Supplemental General Conditions 2 00900 Special Conditions 5 01000 Technical Specifications 4 02000 Plans,Details and Notes 1 8-2016 Table of Contents 00090665 00020 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Page Intentionally Left Blank Insert Completed Notice to Bidders Here NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids addressed to the Bill Stablein, City of Round Rock Department of Transportation, 3400 Sunrise Road, Round Rock, Texas 78665, for furnishing all labor, material and equipment and performing all work required for the project titled OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION (project includes Earthwork, grading, flexible base, drainage structures, asphalt concrete, pavement signing, pavement markings, sanitary sewer, driveways and sidewalks). Bids will be received until 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, March 3, 2021, then publicly opened and read aloud at the same address. Bid envelopes should state date and time of bid and "OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION". No bids may be withdrawn after the scheduled opening time. Any bids received after scheduled bid opening time will be returned unopened. Bids without the proper assurances and stated information may not be read aloud or considered for award of contract. Bids must be submitted on City of Round Rock bid forms and must be accompanied by an acceptable bid security as outlined in the Instructions to Bidders, payable to the City of Round Rock, Texas equal to five percent(5%)of the total bid amount. Plans,Bid Forms, Specifications, and Instructions to Bidders may be obtained from City of Round Rock website at the following web address: www.roundrocktexas.gov/solicitations and http://www.civastusa.com . In case of ambiguity,duplication,or obscurity in the bids,the City of Round Rock reserves the right to construe the meaning thereof. The City of Round Rock further reserves the right to reject any or all bids and waive any informalities and irregularities in the bids received. The successful bidder will be expected to execute the standard contract prepared by the City of Round Rock, and to furnish performance and payment bonds as described in the bid documents. Contractors and subcontractors shall pay to laborers, workmen, and mechanics the prevailing wage rates as determined by the City of Round Rock. A Pre-Bid conference will NOT be held. Publish Dates: Round Rock Leader: February 11th and 18th, 2021 00020-Revised 7/2003 NOTICE TO BIDDERS 00100 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. Prior to submitting any bid,bidders are required to read all drawings(plans),specifications, and all other Project Manual and/or Contract Documents carefully; to inform themselves by their independent research, test and investigation of the difficulties to be encountered and judge for themselves of the accessibility of the Work and all attending circumstances affecting the cost of doing the Work and the time required for its completion and obtain all information required to make a bid. The aforementioned documents may only be obtained from the City's website at the following web address: www.roundrocktexas.gov/solicitations. Bidders shall be responsible for printing or obtaining prints of the aforementioned documents as necessary. 2. Should the bidder find discrepancies in, or omissions from the drawings (plans), specifications, or other Project Manual and/or Contract Documents, or should he be in doubt as to their meaning, he should notify at once the City and obtain clarification or addendum prior to submitting any bid. Any addenda issued will be posted with the documents at the web address mentioned in 1 above no later than two business days prior to the Bid Opening Date.Prior to submitting a bid,the bidder is responsible for determining if any addenda have been issued and for following any instructions required in any addenda issued. 3. It shall be the responsibility of the bidder to see that his bid is received at the place and time named in the Notice to Bidders in the Project Manual.Bids received after the scheduled opening time will be returned unopened. 4. Bids shall be submitted in sealed envelopes plainly marked "Sealed Bid" and showing the name of the project,the job number if applicable, and the opening date and time. 5. Bidders shall be responsible for submitting a copy of the City's Bid Form, Bid Bond Form, and Statement of Bidder's Safety Experience from the Project Manual documents posted at the web address as described in 1 above. 6. Bids shall be accompanied by a bid security consisting of a certified cashier's check in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the total maximum bid price, payable without recourse to the City of Round Rock,or a bid bond in the same amount from a reliable surety company,as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract and execute performance and payment bonds, as stipulated by item 15 below, within ten (10) days after notice of award of contract to him. Bid securities must be submitted in the same sealed envelope with the bid. Bids submitted without a bid security may not be considered at the sole discretion of the City. Page 1 00100 6-2019 Instructions to Bidders 00426487 7. If awarded the bid, bidder must submit Form 1295 on the Texas Ethics Commission (TEO Website at https://www.ethics.state.tx.us/whatsnew/elf info form1295.htm and spbmit the signed Form 1295 to the City Clerk at swhiteroundrocktexas.gov withil ten (10)business days of notification of the award.Instructions for completing a Forn 1295 are attached as Exhibit"A" to the Instructions to Bidders. 8. No conditional bids will be accepted. 9. A bidder wishing to withdraw his submitted sealed bid prior to the scheduled bid opening time must do so by presenting in person a written request signed by an authorized represlentative of the bidder to a City employee at the location for which sealed bids are to be addressed. No telephone, facsimile, or email requests will be accepted. The City will expend the time and effort that the City in its sole discretion determines is necessary to investigate the authenticity of a request before complying with a request. The City shall in its sole discretion determine if the City will comply with a request and the City shall not be hell liable for not complying with a request.If the City does not comply with a request, the request shall automatically become null and void. 10. A bidØer wishing to revise his sealed bid after submittal but before the scheduled bid opening time must first withdraw his bid as provided for in the Instructions to Bidders and then submit a sealed bid in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. No revisions to a bid will be allowed after the scheduled bid opening time. The bidder shall be responsible for enuring the amount of the bid security is as specified in the Instructions to Bidders. 11. All bid securities will be returned to the respective bidders within twenty-five (25) days after 1iids are opened,except those which the City elects to hold until the successful bidder has eecuted the Agreement. Thereafter,all remaining securities, including security of the successful bidder, will be returned within sixty(60)days. 12. Until the award of the contract,the City reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive technicalities;to advertise for new bids; or to do the work otherwise when the best interest of the City will be thereby promoted. 13. In cast of ambiguity or lack of clarity in the statement of prices in the bids,the City reserves the right to consider the most favorable analysis thereof,or to reject the bid. Unreasonable and/or. unbalanced prices submitted in a bid may result in rejection of such bid or other bids. 14. Awar4 of the contract, if awarded,will be made within sixty(60)days after opening of the bids, end no bidder may withdraw his bid within said sixty (60) day period of time unless a prink award is made. A Notice to Proceed will be issued within sixty (60) days after contrast Execution Date as defined in the General Conditions. 15. Within ten (10) days after written notification of award of the contract, the successful bidden must furnish a performance bond and a payment bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the total Contract Amount. Said performance bond and payment bond Page 2 00100 6-2019 Instructions to Bidders 00426487 shall be from an approved surety company holding a permit from the State of Texas, indicating it is authorized and admitted to write surety bonds in this state. In the event the bond exceeds$100,000.00,the surety must also(1)hold a certificate of authority from the United States secretary of the treasury to qualify as a surety on obligations permitted or required under federal law; or (2) have obtained reinsurance for any liability in excess of $100,000.00 from a reinsures that is authorized and admitted as a reinsures in this state and is the holder of a certificate of authority from the United States secretary of the treasury to qualify as a surety or reinsures on obligations permitted or required under federal law. In determining whether the surety or reinsures holds a valid certificate of authority,the City may rely on the list of companies holding certificates of authority as published in the Federal Register covering the date on which the bond is to be executed. 16. Failure to execute the Agreement within ten (10) days of written notification of award or failure to furnish the performance bond and payment bond as required by item 15 above, shall be just cause for the annulment of the award. In case of annulment of the award,the bid security shall become the property of the City, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages. 17. No contract shall be binding upon the City until it has been signed by its Mayor after having been duly authorized to do so by the City Council. 18. The Contractor shall not commence Work under the Agreement until he has furnished certification of all insurance required and such has been approved by the City,nor shall the Contractor allow any Subcontractor to commence work on his subcontract until proof of all similar insurance that is required of the subcontractor has been furnished and approved. The Contractor's insurer shall use the certificate of insurance form included in the bid documents or the standard ACORD form. 19. If the bidder's insurance company is authorized, pursuant to its agreement with bidder, to arrange for the replacement of a loss,rather than by making a cash payment directly to the City,the insurance company must furnish or have furnished by bidder,a performance bond in accordance with Section 2253.021(b), Texas Government Code, and a payment bond in accordance with Section 2253.021(c). 20. Any quantities given in any portion of the Bid Documents, including the drawings(plans), are estimates only, and the actual amount of work required may differ somewhat from the estimates. The basis for payment shall be the actual amount of work done and/or material furnished as specified in the General Conditions. 21. Bids shall be submitted on a separated contract basis.No Texas sales tax shall be included in the prices bid for materials consumed or incorporated into the Work. This contract is issued by an organization which is qualified for exemption pursuant to the provisions of Section 151.309(5)of the Texas Tax Code. The City will issue an exemption certificate to the Contractor. The Contractor must then issue a resale certificate to the material supplier Page 3 00100 6-2019 Instructions to Bidders 00426487 for materials purchased.The Contractor must have a valid sales tax permit in order to issue a resale certificate. Upon obtainiig consumable materials, the Contractor will issue a resale certificate in lieu of payment of sales tax, and the following conditions shall be observed; 1) the Contractor will transfer title of consumable, but not incorporated, materials to the City at the time and point of receipt by the Contractor; 2) The Contractor will be paid for these consumable materials by the City as soon as practicable. Payment will not be made directly but considered subsidiary to the pertinent bid item. The Contractor's monthly estimate will state that the estimate includes consumables that were received during the month covered by the estimate; end 3) The designated representative of the City must be notified as soon as possible of the Ieceipt of these materials so that an inspection can be made by the representative. Where practical,the materials will be labeled as the property of the City. 22. The Contractor, after execution of the contract and pursuant to Internal Revenue Service (IRS)regul at ions, shall furnish its Taxpayer Identification Number(TIN)to the City. The Contractor shall provide the appropriate information on a W-9 form(which can be provided by the City upon request). This form shall be submitted directly to the City's Accounts Payable Department to ensure security of the information. 23. If the did Form includes Add and/or Deduct Alternate bid items and/or otherwise provides for Alternate bids, the City will determine whether to select or not select one or more of the Auld and/or Deduct Alternate bid items and/or Alternate bids at the City's sole discretion and for its greatest advantage. If the City selects any Add and/or Deduct Alteriate bid items, the total bid amount will be determined by adding the amount of the selected Add Alternate(s)to,and deducting the amount of the selected Deduct Alternate(s) from the Base Bid or the selected Alternate bid. Page 4 00100 6-2019 Instructions to Bidders 00426487 EXHIBIT "A" FORM 1295 INSTRUCTIONS Pursuant to Section 2252.90 of the Texas Government Code, as of January 1, 2016, any business entity entering into a contract with a local government that requires approval of the governing body must submit a disclosure of interested parties(Form 1295)to the local governmental prior to the execution of the contract. The Texas Ethics Commission (TEC) has created an electronic filing application for business entities to submit the required information and generate the required form. The City of Round Rock may not enter into a contract that requires the approval of the City Council until the business entity files a Form 1295 with the City Clerk. Please follow the instructions below to file your Form1295 with the TEC and the City of Round Rock: • Upon being notified of a bid award,the award recipient("business entity")must go to the following website: https:llwww.ethics.state.tx.us/fihinginfo/1295/and follow the login instructions on the website application to complete a Form 1295. ✓ If this is a business entity's first time logging on to the website application,the business entity must create a Username and Password and then follow the application's instructions to complete a Form 1295. ✓ The City does not have a Contract ID Number System.Please insert 000000 and the project name in this box.Do not put the resolution number of the initial agreement if this is a supplemental agreement-only put the project name. I Even if a business entity has no interested parties,Form 1295 still must be completed using the website application and filed with the City Clerk.Please note that there are very few instances that a business will not have any interested parties.Visit the TEC's FAQ page for the definition of an interested party. I If a business is publicly traded,they are exempt from having to complete a Form 1295.Please e-mail the City Clerk stating such. • The business entity MUST print and sign the completed Form 1295 once it has been accepted by the TEC and no longer has DRAFT stamped on it. I The signed Form 1295 must be scanned and e-mailed directly to the City Clerk at swhiteroundrocktexas.gov as soon as it is completed.DO NOT send the form back to the Purchasing Department,Project Manager,or mail it with signed original agreements/contracts. I The City Clerk only has 30 days from receipt to acknowledge the form in the TEC system. If you do not return it to the City Clerk promptly,and the 30 days has expired when she receives it,you WILL have to complete another one. • A new Form 1295 must be done for each contract a business entity enters into with the City,including Supplementals,Amendments,and Change Orders. • A Form 1295 cannot be handwritten. It must be completed electronically through the TEC website application. If you have any questions regarding the process of filing of Form 1295 with the City,please contact: Sara White,City Clerk Phone:(512)218-5404 E-mail: swhiteroundrocktexas.gov If you have questions regarding the actual form or the online filing application,please visit the TEC's FAQ page: https:llwww.ethics.state.tx.us/resources/FAQsfFAQForm1295.php Revised 8/2020 I BID BOND THE STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON § That Chasco Constructors of the City of Round Rock County of Williamson State of Texas as Principal, and Liberty Mutual Insurance Company authorized under the laws of the State of Texas to act as surety on bonds for principals,are held and firmly bound unto the CITY OF ROUND ROCK,TEXAS("Owner"), in the penal sum of Five Percent(5%)of the total amount of the Bid of the Principal submitted to the Owner, for the Work described below; for the payment whereof, well and truly to be made, and the said Principal and Surety do herby bind themselves and their heirs, administrators, executors, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, as follows: In no case shall the liability of the Surety hereunder exceed the sum of dive Percent Maximum Amount of Bid Dollars($ 5%MAB ). THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION ARE SUCH that, whereas,the Principal has submitted the above-referenced Bid to the Owner, for construction of the Work under the "Specifications for Construction of Oakmont Drive Extension for which Bids are to be opened at the office of Owner on the 3rd day of March , 20 21 • NOW,THEREFORE,if the Principal is awarded the Contract,and within the time and manner required under the"Instructions to Bidders,"after the prescribed forms are presented to her/him for signature,enters into a written Agreement substantially in the form contained in the Bid Documents, in accordance with the Bid, and files the two (2) bonds with the Owner, one to guarantee faithful performance and the other to guarantee payment for labor and materials,then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise,it shall be and remain in full force and effect. If, however, Principal fails to enter into a written Agreement with the Owner in accordance with the Bid or Principal and Surety fail to timely deliver to Owner the performance and payment bonds required by the Bid Documents, Surety within five(5)business days after receipt of a written demand from Owner shall pay to Owner the full penal sum of this Bid Bond, subject to the limitation described herein. In the event that suit is brought upon this Bond by the Owner and judgment is recovered, said Surety shall pay all costs incurred by the Owner in such suit, including a reasonable attorney's fee to be fixed by the Court. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Principal and Surety have signed this instrument on this the 3rd day of the month of March 20 21 . Chasco Constructors Liberty Mutual Insurance Company Principal Surety Robert James Nit he Printed a Printed Name By: By: Title: Title:Attorney-in Y t Address: P.O. Box 1057, ound Rock, TX 78680 Address: 0� 3 `]V_ Sam Houston Prkwy N. Ste. 650 Houston,TX 77064 00200 4-2020 Page 1 Bid Bond 00443638 Resident gent of Su Air Signature Robert James Nitsche Printed Name 143 E. Austin Street Address Giddings, TX 78942 City, State, Zip Page 2 00200 4-2020 Bid Bond 00443638 . A_ *OwThis Power of Attorney limits the acts of those named herein,and they have no authority to pi—, bind the Company except in the manner and to the extent herein stated. ‘8'i i Liberty rty Liberty Mutual Insurance Company r -V- iv 1\4utuaL The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company Certificate No:8203793 974127 -- ---- West American Insurance Company SURETY POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOWN ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS:That The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of New Hampshire,that Liberty Mutual Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Massachusetts,and West American Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Indiana(herein collectively called the"Companies"),pursuant to and by authority herein set forth,does hereby name,constitute and appoint, Kenneth Nitsche;Gary A.Nitsche;Robert James Nitsche;Robert K.Nitsche;Craig Parker;Nina Smith _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ ._ , _ _ _ all of the city of Giddings ' state of TX _ each individually if there be more than one named,its true and lawful attorney-in-fact to make, execute,seal,acknowledge and deliver,for and on its behalf as surety and as its act and deed,any and all undertakings,bonds,recognizances and other surety obligations,in pursuance of these presents and shall be as binding upon the Companies as if they have been duly signed by the president and attested by the secretary of the Companies in their own proper persons. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,this Power of Attorney has been subscribed by an authorized officer or official of the Companies and the corporate seals of the Companies have been affixed thereto this 22nd day of May 2020 . Liberty Mutual Insurance Company P�tNsvRq A�iY INS *%Nsvpq The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company ,f ��oa'04,,�ti0 yJ��o‘PORo���, 0fOk44 �, West American Insurance Company � � o to Q` . o c� � . tr 6 �, 1912 I. y o 0 1919 � � 1991 4, 0 A. 0 �y-�'' � u) 0 a c0 0a `Yq CH ug‘ d b i , y $,A*a em 'kP aBy: 4t > .Co Co „/.e.''fr'l.- -1-6 4 * ), sjii * 0 da L David M.Carey,Assistant Secretary >, comi State of PENNSYLVANIA SS � County of MONTGOMERY �f12 � � w On this 22nd day of May 2020 before me personally appeared David M.Carey,who acknowledged himself to be the Assistant Secretary of Liberty Mutual Insurance_� �� Company,The Ohio Casualty Company,and West American Insurance Company,and that he,as such,being authorized so to do,execute the foregoing instrument for the purposes�Cl) (1).......� therein contained by signing on behalf of the corporations by himself as a duly authorized officer. �E s2CL -0 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my notarial seal at King of Prussia,Pennsylvania,on the day and year first above written. E o C-',7) .2 c.,) CO � � sp,, PA���;.si, �' COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIAai 16 As, zric � j.9 ki, .. Notarial Seat dit-4,604.,), �Cp QD �; Teresa Pastelta,Notary Publicisidel6) � �� Es Upper N9erionTwp.,N�ontgomesy County B�/: E • 4��° My Commission Expires March 28,2021 Teresa Pastella Notary Public 0 as� �' �.�" vQ`�:, Member.PennsylvaniaAssoriaton of Notaries 0..� 4Ry feCi • ci)c) MI 2 �,co� This Power of Attorney is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the following By-laws and Authorizations of The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company, Liberty Mutual a� �•S Insurance Company,and WestAmencan Insurance Company which resolutions are now in full force and effect reading as follows: a � 8 ARTICLE IV—OFFICERS:Section 12.Power of Attorney. i''-A EaAny officer or other official of the Corporation authorized for that purpose in writing by the Chairman or the President,and subject to such limitation as the Chairman or the' � 12 rf President may prescribe,shall appoint such attorneys-in-fact,as may be necessary to act in behalf of the Corporation to make,execute,seal,acknowledge and deliver as surety >� To 11..) any and all undertakings,bonds,recognizances and other surety obligations.Such attorneys-in-fact,subject to the limitations set forth in their respective powers of attorney,shall�� o have full power to bind the Corporation by their signature and execution of any such instruments and to attach thereto the seal of the Corporation.When so executed,such E M z C.) instruments shall be as binding as if signed by the President and attested to by the Secretary.Any power or authority granted to any representative or attorney-in-fact �under the � provisions of this article may be revoked at any time by the Board,the Chairman,the President or by the officer or officers granting such power or authority. 0 ,-- ARTICLE XIII—Execution of Contracts:Section 5.Surety Bonds and Undertakings.Any officer of the Company authorize!for that purpose in writing by the chairman or the president,and subject to such limitaons as the chairman or the president may prescribe,F- shall appoint such attorneys-in-fact,as may be necessary to act in behalf of the Company to make,execute,seal,acknowledge and deliver as surety any and all undertakings, bonds,recognizances and other surety obligations.Such attorneys-in-fact subject to the limitaons set forth in their respective powers of attorney,shall have full power to bind the Company by their signature and execution of any such instruments and to attach thereto the seal of the Company.When so executed such instrument shall be as binding as if signed by the president and attested by the secretary. Certificate of Designation—The President of the Company,acting pursuant to the Bylaws of the Company,authorizes David M.Carey,Assistant Secretary to appoint such attorneys-in- fact as may be necessary to act on behalf of the Company to make,execute,seal,acknowledge and deliver as surety any and all undertakings,bonds,recognizances and other surety obligations. Authorization—By unanimous consent of the Company's Board of Directors,the Company consents that facsimile or mechanically reproduced signature of any assistant secretary of the Company,wherever appearing upon a certified copy of any power of attorney issued by the Company in connection with surety bonds,shall be valid and binding upon the Company with the same force and effect as though manually affixed. I,Renee C.Llewellyn,the undersigned,Assistant Secretary,The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company,Liberty Mutual Insurance Company,and West American Insurance Company do hereby certify that the original power of attorney of which the foregoing is a full,true and correct copy of the Power of Attorney executed by said Companies,is in full force and effect and has not been revoked. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seals of said Companies this 3rd day of March 2021 v 1PNSU�4 Pçi 1as0 �,%Hs v,�449 A.e �y� r�`�?Ga�oR41,'�'yy� `�P G�1tPO1P,4r C 10 �, �919 12 00 o y1919� oi Q 1991 o ....cAstaffp,...... B . . • ram`�BgcHvS�`4=''� ya`�Hq�pS�`da* ors 'NoiA�P At, y.Renee C.Llewellyn,Assistant Secretary ./7 * 0 wki * 0 LMS-12873 LMIC OCIC WAIC Multi Co_12/19 00300 BID FORM BID FORM PROJECT NAME: OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION PROJECT LOCATION: Round Rock, Texas OWNER: City of Round Rock, Texas DATE: March 3rd,2021 Gentlemen: Pursuant to the foregoing Notice to Bidders and Instructions to Bidders, the undersigned bidder hereby proposes to do all the Work, to furnish all necessary superintendence, labor, machinery, equipment, tools, materials, insurance and miscellaneous items, to complete all the Work on which he bids as provided by the attached Bid Documents, and as shown on the plans for the construction of Oakmont Drive Extension and binds himself on acceptance of this bid to execute the Agreement and bond for completing said Work within the time stated, for the following prices,to wit: Any addenda issued will be posted with the Project Manual and/or Contract Documents on the City's website at www.civcast.com by the close of business on February 26th,2021 . Prior to submitting a bid, the bidder is responsible for determining if any addenda have been issued and for following any instructions in any addenda issued. Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following Addenda by listing Addendum "number" and "date". BASE BID Bid Item Description Item Approx. Quantity Unit and Written Unit Price Unit Price Amount 1 6 MO BARRICADES, SIGNS AND TRAFFIC HANDLING complete in place per Two Thousand Six Hundred for Dollars and No Cents $ 2,600.00 $ 15,600.00 .f 2 23.5 STA PREPARING ROW complete in place per One Thousand Dollars and No for Cents $ 1,000.00 $ 23,500.00 3 1,752 LF REMOVING CONCR(CURB & complete in place per for Three Dollars and No Cents $ 3.00 $ 5,256.00 00300-9-2015 Page 1 of 11 Bid Form BASE BID Bid Item Description Item Approx. Quantity Unit and Written Unit Price Unit Price Amount 4 25 SY REMOVING CONC PAVERS complete in place per for Eleven Dollars and No Cents $ 11.00 $ 275.00 5 135 SY REMOVING CONC complete in place per for Six Dollars and No Cents $ 6.00 $ 810.00 6 1,884 SY OBLITERATING ABANDONED ROAD complete in place per for Six Dollars and No Cents $ 6.00 $ 11,304.00 7 34 EA TREE REMOVAL(4" - 12"DIA) complete in place per Three Hundred Thirty Five for Dollars and No Cents $ 335.00 $ 11,390.00 8 3 EA TREE REMOVAL(12"-1 8" DIA) complete in place per Six Hundred Sixty Five Dollars for and No Cents $ 665.00 $ 1,995.00 9 1 TREE REMOVAL(30"-36" DIA) One Thousand One Hundred for Dollars and No Cents $ 1,100.00 $ 1,100.00 00300-9-2015 Page 2 of 11 Bid Form BASE BID Bid Item Description Item Approx. Quantity Unit and Written Unit Price Unit Price Amount 10 13,868 CY EXCAVATION(ROADWAY) complete in place per for Ten Dollars and No Cents $ 10.00 $ 138,680.00 11 1,789 CY EMBANKMENT(FINAL)(ORD COMP)(TY B) complete in place per for Nine Dollars and No Cents $ 9.00 $ 16,101.00 12 7,897 CY FL BS (CMP IN PLC)(TY A GR 4)(FNAL POS) complete in place per for Forty Dollars and No Cents $ 40.00 $ 315,880.00 13 17,769.00 SY LIME TRT(SUBGRADE)(12") complete in place per for Six Dollars and No Cents $ 6.00 $ 106,614.00 14 737.00 TN LIME TRT(PLANT MIX)(TY B)(GR 4) complete in place per One Hundred Forty Dollars and for No Cents $ 140.00 $ 103,180.00 15 4,025 GAL PRIME COAT(MC-30) complete in place per for Four Dollars and No Cents $ 4.00 $ 16,100.00 16 3,647 TON D-GR HMA(SQ)TY-C SAC-B PG7O-22 complete in place per for Ninety Nine Dollars and No Cents $ 99.00 $ 361,053.00 00300-9-2015 Page 3 of 11 Bid Form BASE BID Bid Item Description Item Approx. Quantity Unit and Written Unit Price Unit Price Amount 17 80 CY RIPRAP(STONE TY R)(GROUT)(8 IN) complete in place per One Hundred Sixty Dollars and for No Cents $ 160.00 $ 12,800.00 18 210 LF RAIL(TY C411) complete in place per Two Hundred Five Dollars and No for Cents $ 205.00 $ 43,050.00 19 4,869 LF CON CURB &GUTTER(TY II) complete in place per for Eighteen Dollars and No Cents $ 18.00 $ 87,642.00 20 144 SY DRIVEWAYS (GONG) complete in place per Seventy Three Dollars and No for Cents $ 73.00 $ 10,512.00 21 2,667 SY CONC SIDEWALKS (5') complete in place per for Forty Four Dollars and No Cents $ 44.00 $ 117,348.00 22 8 EA CURB RAMPS (TY I) complete in place per Eight Hundred Ninety Dollars for and No Cents $ 890.00 $ 7,120.00 23 398 SY CONC SIDEWALKS (10') complete in place per for Forty Four Dollars and No Cents $ 44.00 $ 17,512.00 00300-9-2015 Page 4 of 11 Bid Form BASE BID Bid Item Description Item Approx. Quantity Unit and Written Unit Price Unit Price Amount 24 5 SY CONC MEDIAN complete in place per One Hundred Sixty Five Dollars for and No Cents $ 165.00 $ 825.00 25 807 LF RC PIPE(CL III)(18 IN) complete in place per for Fifty Two Dollars and No Cents $ 52.00 $ 41,964.00 26 1,274 LF RC PIPE(CL III)(24 IN) complete in place per for Sixty Eight Dollars and No Cents $ 68.00 $ 86,632.00 27 260 LF CONC BOX CULV (10 FT X 8 FT) complete in place per Eight Hundred Fifteen Dollars and for No Cents $ 815.00 $ 211,900.00 28 8 EA INLET(COMPL)(CURB)(TY 2)(10') complete in place per Five Thousand Eight Hundred for Dollars and No Cents $ 5,800.00 $ 46,400.00 29 6 EA INLET(COMPL)(CURB)(TY 2)(15") complete in place per Seven Thousand Dollars and No for Cents $ 7,000.00 $ 42,000.00 30 4 EA MANH(COMPL)(TY M) complete in place per Four Thousand One Hundred for Dollars and No Cents $ 4,100.00 $ 16,400.00 00300-9-2015 Page 5 of 11 Bid Form BASE BID Bid Item Description Item Approx. Quantity Unit and Written Unit Price Unit Price Amount 31 2 EA JCTBOX (COMPL)(PJB)(4FTX4FT) complete in place per Four Thousand Dollars and No for Cents $ 4,000.00 $ 8,000.00 32 2 EA WINGWALL(PW-1)(HW=10 FT) complete in place per Thirty Six Thousand Dollars and for No Cents $ 36,000.00 $ 72,000.00 33 2 EA STORM TROOPER SWAQ-1 10 complete in place per Eighty Eight Thousand Dollars for and No Cents $ 88,000.00 $ 176,000.00 34 135 SY CONCRETE APRON (REINFORCED) complete in place per for Eighty Six Dollars and No Cents $ 86.00 $ 11,610.00 35 9 EA IN SM RD NS SUP&AM TY10BWG(1)SA(P-BM) complete in place per Seven Hundred Dollars and No for Cents $ 700.00 $ 6,300.00 36 16 EA IN SM RD SN SUP&AM TY10BWG(1)SA(T) complete in place per Seven Hundred Eighty Dollars for and No Cents $ 780.00 $ 12,480.00 00300-9-2015 Page 6 of 11 Bid Form BASE BID Bid Item Description Item Approx. Quantity Unit and Written Unit Price Unit Price Amount 37 922 LF REFL PAV MRK TY 1 (W)4"(BRK)(lOO MIL) complete in place per for One Dollar and No Cents $ 1.00 $ 922.00 38 700 LF REFL PAV MRK TY 1 (W)8"(DOT)(lOO MIL) complete in place per for Three Dollars and No Cents $ 3.00 $ 2,100.00 39 1,055 LF REFL PAV MRK TY 1 (W)8"(SLD)(lOO MIL) complete in place per for Two Dollars and No Cents $ 2.00 $ 2,110.00 40 322 LF REFL PAV MRK TY 1 (W)12"(SLD)(lOO MIL) complete in place per for Five Dollars and No Cents $ 5.00 $ 1,610.00 41 120 LF REFL PAV MRK TY 1 (W)24"(SLD)(lOO MIL) complete in place per for Nine Dollars and No Cents $ 9.00 $ 1,080.00 42 11 EA REFL PAV MRK TY 1 (W)(ARROW)(100 MIL) complete in place per One Hundred Ninety Five Dollars for and No Cents $ 195.00 $ 2,145.00 43 1 EA REFL PAV MRK TY 1 (W)(DBL ARROW)(100 MIL) complete in place per Two Hundred Ninety Six Dollars for and No Cents $ 296.00 $ 296.00 00300-9-2015 Page 7 of 11 Bid Form BASE BID Bid Item Description Item Approx. Quantity Unit and Written Unit Price Unit Price Amount 44 10 EA REFL PAV MRK TY 1 (W)(WORD)(100 MIL) complete in place per One Hundred Ninety Five Dollars for and No Cents $ 195.00 $ 1,950.00 45 4,162 LF REFL PAV MRK TY 1 (Y)4"(SLD)(lOO MIL) complete in place per for One Dollar and No Cents $ 1.00 $ 4,162.00 46 75 EA REFL PAV MRKR TY II-A-A complete in place per for Eleven Dollars and No Cents $ 11.00 $ 825.00 47 100 EA REFL PAV MRKR TYI-C complete in place per for Eleven Dollars and No Cents $ 11.00 $ 1,100.00 48 4,317 SY FURNISHING AND PLACING TOPSOIL(4") complete in place per for Three Dollars and No Cents $ 3.00 $ 12,951.00 49 4,317 SY BLOCK SODDING complete in place per for Six Dollars and No Cents $ 6.00 $ 25,902.00 50 4,025 LF BIODEG EROSN CONT LOGS (INSTL)(8") complete in place per for Four Dollars and No Cents $ 4.00 $ 16,100.00 00300-9-2015 Page 8 of 11 Bid Form BASE BID Bid Item Description Item Approx. Quantity Unit and Written Unit Price Unit Price Amount 51 144 LF ROCK FILTER DAMS (INSTALL)(TY 3) complete in place per for Forty Dollars and No Cents $ 40.00 $ 5,760.00 52 144 LF ROCK FILTER DAMS (REMOVE) complete in place per for One Dollar and No Cents $ 1.00 $ 144.00 53 640 SY CONSTRUCTION EXITS (INSTALL)(TY 1) complete in place per for Ten Dollars and No Cents $ 10.00 $ 6,400.00 54 60 EA SANDBAGS FOR EROSION CONTROL complete in place per for Five Dollars and No Cents $ 5.00 $ 300.00 55 420 LF REMOVE STR(PIPE) complete in place per for Nine Dollars and No Cents $ 9.00 $ 3,780.00 56 420 LF PIPE, 8" DIA.,PVC ASTM D3034 SDSR 26 (ALL DEPTHS) INCLUDING EXCAVATION & BACKFILL complete in place per One Hundred Ten Dollars and No for Cents $ 110.00 $ 46,200.00 57 1 EA REMOVE EXISTING MANHOLE, 48-INCH DIA complete in place per Eight Hundred Thirty Five Dollars for and No Cents $ 835.00 $ 835.00 00300-9-2015 Page 9 of 11 Bid Form BASE BID Bid Item Description Item Approx. Quantity Unit and Written Unit Price Unit Price Amount 58 1 EA NEW MANHOLE CONSTRUCTION,48 INCH DIA. complete in place per Seven Thousand Four Hundred for Dollars and No Cents $ 7,400.00 $ 7,400.00 59 90 LF STEEL CASING(12 iN)(OPEN complete in place per One Hundred Fifteen Dollars and for No Cents $ 115.00 $ 10,350.00 60 1 EA EXISTING MANHOLE PIPE complete in place per Five Thousand Dollars and No for Cents $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 61 420 LF TRENCH PROTECTION complete in place per for Five Dollars and No Cents $ 5.00 $ 2,100.00 62 3,751 LF CONDT(PVC)(SCH8O)(2") complete in place per for Nine Dollars and No Cents $ 9.00 $ 33,759.00 63 26 EA GROUND BOX TY A complete in place per Seven Hundred Eighty Dollars for and No Cents $ 780.00 $ 20,280.00 64 1 EA REMOVED RD IL ASM(SHOE BASE) complete in place per One Thousand Two Hundred for Dollars and No Cents $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 65 26 EA ONCOR RDWY ILLUM FOUNDATION (INSTALL ONLY) complete in place per One Thousand Five Hundred for Dollars and No Cents $ 1,500.00 $ 39,000.00 00300-9-2015 Page 10 of 11 Bid Form BASE BID Bid Item Description Item Approx. Quantity Unit and Written Unit Price Unit Price Amount 66 2 EA ELC SRV TY A 120/240 070 (NS)SS(E)SF(U) complete in place per Ten Thousand Dollars and No for Cents $ 10,000.00 $ 20,000.00 67 260 LF DRILL SHAFT(RDWY ILL POLE)(30 IN) complete in place per for Sixty Five Dollars and No Cents $ 65.00 $ 16,900.00 TOTAL BASE BID(Items 1 thru 67 ) $ 2,449,994.00 00300-9-2015 Page 11 of 11 Bid Form BASE BID ' Bid Item Description Item Approx. Quantity Unit and Written Unit Price . Unit Price Amount 66 2 EA ELC SRV TY A 120/240 070� Y (NS)SS(E)SF(U) complete,' a per er p for :% dollars and cents. 67 260 LF DRIL HAFT(RDWY ILL P )(30 IN) complete in place per // for dollars and cents. TOTAL BASE BID (Items 1 thru 67 ) Materials: All Other Charges: * Total: If this bid is accepted, the undersigned agrees to execute the Agreement and provide necessary bonds and insurance Respect bmitted, PO Box 1057 Sig tiff Charles King Round Rock, TX 78680 Print Name Address Vice President (512) 244-0600 Title Telephone Chasco Constructors, Ltd. , LLP . , by Chasco Contracting, GP, LLC . , its GP Name of Firm March 3 , 2021 Date Secretary, if Bidder is a Corporation 00300-9-2015 Page 11 of 11 Bid Form 00410 STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S SAFETY EXPERIENCE Page 1 00410 8-2014 Statement of Bidder's Safety Experience 00090654 Solicitation Requirements, Contract Forms & Conditions of Contract Statement of Bidder's Safety Experience Section 00410 Bidder must submit a signed Statement of Bidder's Safety Experience form with his Bid; failure to do so will constitute an incomplete Bid that may be rejected. In order to make a responsive Bid, Bidder must provide evidence that it meets minimum OSHA construction safety program requirements, has not been fined by OSHA for any willful safety violations in the past three years, and has a lost time injury rate that doesn't exceed the limits established below. All questions must be answered and data given must be clear and comprehensive. If necessary, questions may be answered on separate attached sheets. Chasco Constructors, Ltd. , LLP . , by Company Name: Chasco Contracting, GP, LLC. , its GP Address: PO Box 1057 , Round Rock, TX 78680 Phone: (512 ) 2 4 4-0 6 0 0 Completed by: Charles King Date:March 3 , 2021 1. Does the company have a written construction Safety program? ®Yes ❑No 2. Does the company conduct construction safety inspections? EYes ❑No 3. Does the company have an active construction safety-training program? ©Yes LI No 4. Has the company been fined by OSHA for any willful safety violations in the past LIYes .I No three years? 5. Does the company have a lost time injury rate of 7.8 for SIC 15, or 7.6 for SIC 16, EYes ❑No or less over the past three years? Attach the company's OSHA 200/300 logs for the past three years. 6. Does the company or affected subcontractors have competent persons in the following Areas? A. Scaffolding El Yes LINo ❑N/A B. Excavation ®Yes LINo ❑N/A C. Cranes ®Yes LINo ❑N/A D. Electrical lI Yes LINo LI N/A E. Fall Protection ®Yes ❑No ❑N/A F. Confined Spaces IE Yes LINo ❑N/A I hereby certify that 'e above information is true and correct. Signature TitleVice President Page 1 00410 8-2014 Statement of Bidder's Safety Experience 00090654 Attention: This form contains information relating . ..<;5 OSHA's Form 300 (Rev. 01/2004) that protects the confidentiality of employees to the Year 2019 e. extent possible while the information is being used Log of \Nork-Re I ate d Injuries and Illnesses for occupational safety and health purposes. U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration You must record information about every work-related injury or illness that involves loss of consciousness,restricted work activity or job transfer,days away from work,or medical treatment Form approved OMB no.1218-0176 beyond first aid.You must also record significant work-related injuries and illnesses that are diagnosed by a physician or licensed health care professional.You must also record work-related injuries and illnesses that meet any of the specific recording criteria listed in 29 CFR 1904.8 through 1904.12. Feel free to use two lines for a single case if you need to.You must complete an Establishment name CHASCO CONSTRUCTORS injury and illness incident report(OSHA Form 301)or equivalent form for each injury or illness recorded on this form. If you're not sure whether a case is recordable,call your local OSHA office for help. City ROUND ROCK State TEXAS Identify the person Describe the case Classify the case Enter the number of (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) CHECK ONLY ONE box for each case based on days the injured or ill Check the"injury"column or choose one type of Case Employee's Name Job Title (e.g., Date of Where the event occurred(e.g. Describe injury or illness,parts of body affected, the most serious outcome for that case: worker was: illness: No. Welder) injury or Loading dock north end) and object/substance that directly injured or made — 7--, onset of person ill(e.g.Second degree burns on right (M) ci illness forearm from acetylene torch) Days away Away On job c (mo./day) Death from work Remained at work transfer or a o From restriction o °.0 .0 rn a`a . C L Work Job transfer Other record- (days) y .E., o o or restriction able cases (days) — (G) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Fall ground same level when exciting cab of skid 1 Concrete Finish 3/29 Field @ Samsung plant steer equipment. 0 1 0 0 180 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Fall ground same level when loosing balance 2 Survey 5/23 Field @ Pecan park subd ,when stepping on a rock. 0 0 1 0 0 30 1 0 0 0 0 0 fall ground same level when tripping on a slope 3 Concrete Finish 7/2 Field©Samsung plant and landing with his wrist.Fx wrist 0 0 1 0 0 30 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 4 Concrete Finish 11/19 Field©CRH Headquarters Leg cut with saw while cutting rebar 0 0 0 1 0 30 1 0 0 0 0 0 Page totals o 1 2 1 180 90 4 0 0 0 0 0 Be sure to transfer these totals to the Summary page(Form 300A)before you post it. o `- E F n a) T., Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 14 minutes per response,including time c o a o o E c to review the instruction,search and gather the data needed,and complete and review the collection of information. U Persons are not required to respond to the collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control Si) = o number. If you have any comments about these estimates or any aspects of this data collection,contact: US .- Department of Labor,OSHA Office of Statistics,Room N-3644,200 Constitution Ave,NW,Washington,DC 20210. Do not send the completed forms to this office. Page 1 of 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) OSHA's Form 300A (Rev.01/2004) `" Year 2019 Summary of Work-Related injuries and Illnesses U.S.Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration Form approved OMB no.1218-0176 All establishments covered by Part 1904 must complete this Summary page,even if no injuries o Illnesses occurred during the year. Remember to review the Log to verify that the entries are complete Using the Log,count the Individual entries you made for each category, Then write the totals below, Establishment information making sure you've added the entries from every page of the log. If you had no cases write"0." Employees former employees,and their representatives have the right to review the OSHA Form 300 in Your establishment name CHASCO CONSTRUCTORS its entirety. They also have limited access to the OSHA Form 301 or its equivalent, See 29 CFR 1904.35,in OSHA's Recordkeeping rule,for further details on the access provisions for these forms. - Street 2801 E OLD SETTLERS BLVD !Number of Cases ) City ROUND ROCK State TEXAS Zip 78665 Industry description(e.g.,Manufacture of motor truck trailers) Total number of Total number of Total number of cases Total number of GENERAL CONTRACTOR deaths cases with days with job transfer or other recordable away from work restriction cases Standard industrial Classification(SIC),If known(e.g.,SIC 3715) 0 1 2 1 (G) (H) (I) (J) OR North American Industrial Classification(NAICS),if known(e.g.,336212) �,� 2 3 6 2 2 0 Number of Days , " Emplo yment� �' �� p yment Information Total number of Total number of days of days away from job transfer or restriction Annual average number of employees 296 minrk Total hours worked by all employees last 180 90 year 623,428 (K) (L) 4!injury and Illness Types + Sign here 44..., Total number of... Knowingly falsifying this document may result in a fine. (M) (1) Injury 4 (4) Poisoning 0 (2) Skin Disorder 0 (5) Hearing Loss 0 (3) Respiratory I certify that I have examined this document and that to the best of my knowledge the entries are true,accurate,and complete. Condition 0 (6)All Other Illnesses 0 CHUCK GLACE PRESIDENT Company executive Title 512-244-0600 Post this Summary page from February 1 to April 30 of the year following the year covered by the form Phone Date Public Public reporting burden for this collection of Information is estimated to average 58 minutes per response,including lime to review the instruction,search and gather the data needed,and complete and review the collection of information.Persons are not required to respond to the collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.If you have any comments about these estimates or any aspects of this data collection,contact:US Department of Labor,OSHA Office of Statistics,Room N-3644,200 Constitution Ave.NW.Washington,DC 20210,Do not send the completed forms to this office, Attention: This form contains information relating OSHA� to employee health and must be used in a manner s Form rm 300 (Rev. �2�04) that protects the confidentiality of employees to the Year 2018 Logextent possible while the information is being used of VVo rk-ReIated I n u ri es and III ness es for occupational safety and health purposes. Occupational Safety and Health Administration You must record information about every work-related injury or illness that involves loss of consciousness,restricted work activity or job transfer,days away from work,or medical treatment Form approved OMB no.1218-0176 beyond first aid.You must also record significant work-related injuries and illnesses that are diagnosed by a physician or licensed health care professional.You must also record work-related injuries and illnesses that meet any of the specific recording criteria listed in 29 CFR 1904.8 through 1904.12. Feel free to use two lines for a single case if you need to.You must complete an Establishment name CHASCO CONSTRUCTORS injury and illness incident report(OSHA Form 301)or equivalent form for each injury or illness recorded on this form. If you're not sure whether a case is recordable,call your local OSHA office for help. City ROUND ROCK State TEXAS Identify the person Describe the case Classify the case Enter the number of (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) CHECK ONLY ONE box for each case based on days the injured or ill Check the"injury"column or choose one type Case Employee's Name Job Title (e.g., Date of Where the event occurred(e.g. Describe injury or illness,parts of body affected, the most serious outcome for that case: worker was: of illness: No. Welder) injury or Loading dock north end) and object/substance that directly injured or ____:_......:.,..._.:3 onset of made person ill(e.g.Second degree burns on (M) g' illness right forearm from acetylene torch) Days away Away On job `12 cu Remained at work 2 �, o Death (mo./day) from work From transfer or o o c E -1 ai restriction .e .o .- or 5 Job transfer Other record- Work (days) L' o °=-0 ° ° or restriction able cases (days) .c r o a. _ (G) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Finger crush when forming curb with a sledge 1 Concrete Finish,4/19 Field @ Inner Loop rd hammer 0 0 1 0 0 10 1 , 0 _ 0 0 0 0 2 Testing Supr 9/10 Field @ Thrid and Shoal Pulled left ring finger when trying to open a valve. 0 0 1 0 0 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 Page totals o 0 2 0 0 /8 2 0 0 0 0 0 Be sure to transfer these totals to the Summary page(Form 300A)before you post it. o o m o 5 c ° (B ° J Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 14 minutes per response,including time o n 5 .(L) 5 to review the instruction,search and gather the data needed,and complete and review the collection of information. a c cn = Persons are not required to respond to the collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control ° number.If you have any comments about these estimates or any aspects of this data collection,contact:US Department of Labor,OSHA Office of Statistics,Room N-3644,200 Constitution Ave,NW,Washington,DC 20210.Do Page 1 of 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) not send the completed forms to this office. OSHA's Form 300A Rev.01/2004)) Year 2018 Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses U.S.Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration Form approved OMB no.1218-0176 All establishments covered by Part 1904 must complete this Summary page,even if no injuries or illnesses occurred during the year. Remember to review the Log to verify that the entries are complete Using the Log,count the individual entries you made for each category. Then write the totals below, Establishment information making sure you've added the entries from every page of the log. If you had no cases write"0." Employees former employees,and their representatives have the right to review the OSHA Form 300 in Your establishment name CHASCO CONSTRUCTORS its entirety. They also have limited access to the OSHA Form 301 or its equivalent. See 29 CFR 1904.35,in OSHA's Recordkeeping rule,for further details on the access provisions for these forms. Street 2801 E OLD SETTLERS BLVD City ROUND ROCK State TEXAS Zip 78665 Number of Cases Industry description(e.g.,Manufacture of motor truck trailers) Total number of Total number of Total number of cases Total number of GENERAL CONTRACTOR deaths cases with days with job transfer or other recordable away from work restriction cases Standard Industrial Classification(SIC),if known(e.g.,SIC 3715) 0 0 2 0 (G) (H) (I) (J) OR North American Industrial Classification(NAICS),if known(e.g.,336212) 2 3 6 2 2 0 Number of Days Y Employment information Total number of Total number of days of days away from job transfer or restriction Annual average number of employees 290 wanrk 0Total hours worked by all employees last 18 year 645,584 (K) (L) injury and Illness Types Sign here Total number of... Knowingly falsifying this document may result in a fine. (M) (1) Injury 2 (4) Poisoning 0 (2) Skin Disorder 0 (5) Hearing Loss 0 I certify that I have examined this document and that to the best of my knowledge the entries are true,accurate,and (3) Respiratory complete. Condition 0 (6)All Other Illnesses 0 CHUCK GLACE PRESIDENT Company executive Title 512-244-0600 1/11/2019 Post this Summary page from February 1 to April 30 of the year following the year covered by the form Phone Date Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 58 minutes per response,including time to review the instruction,search and gather the data needed,and complete and review the collection of information.Persons are not required to respond to the collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.If you have any comments about these estimates or any aspects of this data collection,contact:US Department of Labor,OSHA Office of Statistics,Room N-3644,200 Constitution Ave,NW,Washington,DC 20210.Do not send the completed forms to this office. • j • Y • r,: Attention: This form contains information relating 0 0;0 (Rev. to employee health and must be used In a manner 01/2004) that protects the confidentiality of employees to the , Year 2017 44et Lk-Related extent possible while the Information is bein used ■ ies and Illnesses 9 for occupational safe and U.S.Department of Labor p ty n health purposes, ,-_ Occupational Safer and Health Administration at-_,,,r, Y • ♦/,.. i rr-e- �� �tr'�'! Q�1�•a�'LPii� � �•�•M•• �.. •.�n� r M�': . .'.i •�T. T �►.- •w•w / '�'-•i.M� r'�',•.�•� ���4. '�"�•���7 � �' � �.i". 70•� W� .. �♦• �. �f•lp •� ��'.~ 1 T17/ � -j yy�� •+ • r'-Yr��� .r r' I!�,�.I .• S • You -relatedInjury �•i Lr��•I'•�• '1i�i7•�l�i.••1'r V >t�t /Ri w w �1 • Z, �!� ,� �•! . or Ilan �••.r//W � .• �%�y'1.•" .,�.. r �'�..•� ••� .� r t7t'-~! �. aµ/• �•.• nF«-. 0.•a.rra•�,�'.7,��+`� J_•+ . �s that � .I�'7 r..a••� r f �'-'�.I� V •*' ••���.`•1•:' ��wy Z7,�,r.JgA�j',,,-.�rr,��..r��,r��•.r•i�•!��`.L/•'.�• ��? wr 0�«i•.'•��+,�M rnM'ri��Y�� rc�`L ��� at Involves loss of consciousness,restricted work activity or job transfer,days away from work,or medical treatment beyon� Form approved QMB no.1218-D�76 scant work-related injuries and illnesses thatare diagnosed by aphysician orlicensed health careprofessional You mustalso record work-related lnJurie edflc recording criteria listed in 29 CFR 1904.8 through 1904.12.Feel free to use two lines for a single case If you need to.You must complete an injury 301)ore equivalent form Establishment name CHASCO CONSTRUCTORS q for each orIllness recorded on this form:Ifyou're not sure Whether a case Is cal!your local OSHA recordable, office City ROUND ROCK State TEXAS �i.„;• : �.: i Ay t � _ g�V t A b e e� Te� �• n • t s�•~ � ,rr Q:!•7••i.•:i• •�•.�'�,�� • : •�r -di� k t• �.•�i•1 a •f i r .•;M. �Y �t ��1 b.r ��.�: !f►• tC� �� g r''V°•. � .• , .... ice y�iitt.fi ,... K • � ;s •' ,,,,�•. -•.� 3•:,�:� �,,fir-•.i••At���w r�'r,•r:S1 ��� .w� IS R�e���•��1'� •r/g ����:11.•_.i- ��•�A•,*♦. '���•'��•t,,' q�����or�*A•dr� 7 +i„�-.�•t�t7• /��• ,i t.J1 +ri=,� ?F • , . , - - Enterthe number of (a) (c) e . ill 1111CHECK ONLY ONE box for each case based on days the Injured or Check the Injury column or choose one type of Cas= Job Title (e.g., Date of Where the event occurred(e.g. Describe Injury n or parts of body affected, the most serious outcomeforthat • case, worker was, illness,No.l• Welder) injury -or dock north and end) object/substancethatdirectly Injured or made r�~��;�- .�'.4..����.•�,M�-��.*♦y�---� � ,�.M.F—.�t�.�.�..� L .,_,.�-.,;:,�`. . _... � �► �..,�_,`;.:� .,_..•�_, �,� i_.��...�..��, ,.. � � •S.�..-.i('s'� - �-l i�i �y,I �•��" '�tv�•�'.�i'e!�''IM�+.l'•sb•rJ='7' •`,��\'14+,r 1` ,��,,ry'.��1�'~,�r.�=l,�`��-`j..:Z`-`';.�>--`'••..�`�= A �'`••`��';_ � t*•,.r•• • "i onset of person III(e.g.Second degree bums on right (M) a illness forearm from acetylene torch) �~, - � , 7 •. , 4 j On job ,.,-����:�'�"..'�...�.� ,�..... �''' , spy , ,,�/,. t .''./ •p �.Ra. �- Y1•/feff1 �G+ifL` r h,� yi At a:�, 1,�.., htt , . 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' Page totals o 0 2_ 0 0 248 2 � 0 0 0 � , � , Be sure to transfer these totals to the Summarya e Form 300A beforeyoupost it. o g 2 P E .2•ie -6* 0 f. o e o `.' 2 Public r formation Is estimated to average 14 minutesper res onse IncludingbY.' •�' c .y g p time o,o o • to revle a data �'� n. -� .�- needed,and complete and review the collection of information. C o l. Personso ection of information unless It displays a currently valid OMB control co I 0 number,t,Se estimates or any aspects of this data collection contact:US -- P • R • Departm:s,Room N-3644,200 Constitution Ave,NW,WashIngton,DC 20210.Do not send; Page 1 of 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) ,i,??,'''',.?...:,,-; . --- -,,/ ....-- -,, '- . . - :•,. ..,.: •J.-.- -,,,,, '.- -,: -.-,.„ ..----,,,-, -; ;.. )�. . -. ,'„,, ,, +� -• J r i; •J ,., -: r'�. yr v•!. . r ,� �/I / rM1 J• . ul� 1 n•r I . • OSHA's Form 300A (Rev.01/2004) . . •Year 2017 • . Injuries Summary of Work-Related U.S,department of Labor �•���,�_ ����.. occupational Safety and Health Administration t'-•1r�i4�:•��i'•�r����r���rJ�t,�ii'����r.�.-3„ ��i,��i'•�y1•+'ii'���`�.����•�jj��.•+.�• �':.Z;~�-'�'•'.t`�.`"'w�___,+��a7t•,�A•-.•��� �w�/��• ••�� •.. _ _ �'.. ��•`• • ••-•r`T��• �' ��.wt-A tY�+�liA/"•J' •.•1.iT� .�''^��1 i. y.�.1..r- S'di!•.♦`_ •�`.�•� .. r�ra+� -_, � �• .�� wry.�w.w n••.• � �� +n w w wA.•�� _ _ •ti•7•�,i,,,,,,-..•-�� e4.!•.'.I. 1C- •,+ �� ,v�i'',`,,,,,111�11 j,rM•~if�V�!'�.,�+�+�• ��...I�f'�r u� 1 ♦ "�� , ..,7� two•. .r ,`�. • Q 2 •.► •M .��� .. • •�1��j �;•�'• �/♦ •,•R:L'\r b w���'��,•� �i j�1.•�r�r�/ ..i • �^ •r'i c•..t'M• �L'- .��•1.�'Y�Nji� � VY �..r 1�L..P'� �a r� rr.T.y�i". r�I�"r• • J•.��•�.w:�i��./'.�6V • •..�"�.i'..'���r rS�i•Y•^ter•�.•��.J��/'Ti1�ii r'.�.5.F Zi ����•�r•�'�•�j.�y��.�'�i 1�4r�••��''�. �1 iw.��v�ri��'�r7� i•� � l'"'����=+./.����,n'► r�I Form approved 0MB no.1218-017e All establishments covered by Part 1904 must complete this Summary page,even If no Injuries or Illnesses occurred during the year.Remember to review the Log to verify that the entries are complete Using the Log,count the Individual entries you made for each category. Then write the totals below, Establishment Information making sure you've added the entries from every page of the log.If you had no cases write"0." Employees former employees,and their representatives have the right to review the OSHA Form 300 In Your establishment name CHASCO CONSTRUCTORS LTD,LLP Its entirety. They also have limited access to the OSHA Form 301 or Its equivalent. See 29 CFR 1904.35,In OSHA's Recordkeeping rule,for further details on the access provisions for these forms. Street 2801E OLD SETTLERS BLVD ?It����,�:�����;/+�1�'�•v/+yAr�i ti'�tir' �'i�y�•�{�`�.o•�����M11'r•r�`"� C��i•.:�r�,�'� f��Q��;r�:,'�•a;`,�+•�••Nt+-�.'j'°""' ;a•:air � �N�'•~;'�'''?i�'����;L.W r►' _ - !7/Agiii9_git,741$74S34,;:,.;;"4.4ikt!'",,, '{!•� . •`"".'//: .Y�.. if>,. ti "p ;!r• f_ •0,i•� ,i ^�{.'•.7•t•y1 fi l+'"�'� C R 0UROCU er►� • • � �ii�,r'�..i'•fj�• '•• wr+tl•.`•Ei1y��9-�+1f�'•1 �', y�'� 1��••_ �''� �� .y�'r:rrgy. .T� try .\ D K State TEXAS Zip/] 78665 • d•"'T-__,y���.��s-� �• i����'�y1j' �w��}.•♦ .� •'`b' $�"'•�*9a'� _�j y�4,� � L � •r�•�r�,•tse.y 7•r?`�wr•r: ri'::gP a_' ri•,.i.N�► �,.�,C�';'? ~' �:�i 2- ,tt.,Yelm +� ._'•G.: +4ti iS".► - 1:J ,i•di•_ yrQ' • .�•,.♦r .!-���t �, {��wr••�•���r��.y :i�.r, 4 �r�'tilr•� Industry description e.g.,Manufacture of motor truck trailers) Total number of Total number of Total number of cases Total number of GENERAL CONTRACTOR _ deaths cases with days with job transfer or other recordable _ away from work restriction cases Standard Industrial Classification(Sic),If known e. .SIC 3 50 0 2 0 • (G) (H) (1) OR orth e N American industrial Classification NAICS If known(e.g.,336212) ys r�3~ - _ _ 6 2 2 0 _,.�[r 1�p�1�. J ��� � �h�.�•l�yy•�r��1id•�~,N•,ri��.,��►•11��� w/'•..7f'1ff�J q�I .rj"~_• � y`��r•,r•,�•!�rr��.�:r�..i.._.•� ..� a .�� .fir �.....�r �w •..�� y��I/4 4,,,l7�7L!i y��C �. b �r •.., Z �..q;�t,''r,. r,y�c �• �?,c�'cj 1�+ may{ �i��• ,• r+y / 4♦.i -,7 .}t..�''''' ~b.;�'--{ `'1�'':'•F= TP- :Z j �'►'`2j/-nr r .�.`'.r 7 ►,��y�• '' ti••� `%'"f • +�' n�,.�i �t`Sf1.~ V.90,,,,i.'. .� �• , "`/+ �'� ' -�' .��- �.'.Ya.lr>/. �-�'.,�"r�#.�1 -ii IJ �� ►.';'°�{�'t�<py.�7.�„�!"-� �'• � k*.10:_SAPL.--t-gi; �6y�`j�!`�'.-�S , ariz� Y�;'� � � r��f F7�y. y/•Y /1 a�,,.• , T♦Ir,,, ;'. ' i r rw i .T► d a .• .i,�r _ 4,, _ r �. �,/�.�.. .� Employment information b'S'-',„ii;';',:f*-gf.ilftfl':..':"-:,,,,ite;X'.;,:;..-,;,' � � /�1R���,��.�� .�Y�r qY.�7r!����•'•�F�,��!!__�.n..J� •'1n N..�y J��rl+t�`�• '�, /�, Y7"f'ji�.•�J'ti �r•� il^'��"r.�` ,�i;}Y...r•r.;..-,l '. 1•'T[Sa.-ic'` ',_;`�. „lea.... /Jr" a '•�1, ': «', •sz,:t"fir'`••:'':1••4.1: r_tl,, �i_ .!.7r3' +�tL. +tir;��c'.�.�.. J• .r►'�s•�I.�-•.�..�..-.t r,i_ A�+:'�� • Total number of Total number of daysof days away fromJob transfer or restriction uaAnnual average number of employees 316 wrtrk � Total hours worked by all employees last 0 248 year 893106 (K) (L) n••+w .•i r'w. a. r emu. • r • / v-•�.•••.�r•'r ♦•�� �• •►.ram.. Ti..5:4:T....,4.4 �• w ,•••w•��•J��q��J �p��ii�•�Y�..�w?�, .rr .h+� !`'�'� Ys•,.�,+��•� �:Y�.r'"�_+,, '� J ''L..�11►• r•rr �•/ �•.7.�a'�i-♦wP/I1 410.P8Pfipe b'�!��J !:r' 4 � ��r.LL �r��1��'o�� •'"� ,���1'N,�,�.� •J L, r,/�J -'1�.p�y yC�•4�•�� J e•f/ ♦ ti 4r• `$rip • -6- ��i+ '. ,•. I. ,. G ,5,-:, •r.I.'" 1 - ( 1,‘,.. -1/2........ . , �_J `���.i ��''� r�� • T ' • �,y`�J ZA�, ���/.Lam. �+b,J �ry, •i•- . J/, , �,(',: .R . `h. ,:r -` aa ! .U•�Y S '�., 4•�'•.. �,yjy��, 1/g., ••.a� ! • j♦ y,�• �'�.•a�y��A .±,+•�'• �Ir �-l�.., b1. ,�•.!�ry1w.i ,!���•..,_ :ba••r'�.,•„.7i. ,,,+,.�".7 i,',�._.,,,,...,r1I,,• .' .,,,i,,..'��_;.-. -i��; ,..*•.4 y 1 :„,/ , �. r •qr, Sign here Total number of... Knowingly falsifying this document may result In a fine. (M) (1) Injury 2 (4) Poisoning 0 (2) Skin Disorder 0 5 Hearing Loss 0 (3) Respiratory I certify that i have examined this document and that to the best of my knowledge the entries are true,accurate,and complete. Condition 0 (6)All other illnesses 0 . CHUCK GLACE - PRESIDENT Company executive Title • 512-244-0600 1/30/2018 Post this Summary page from February 1 to April 30 of the year followingtheyear covered by the form Phone • Date Public reporting burden for this collection of information Is estimated to average 58 minutes per response,Including time to review the Instruction,search and gather the data needed,and complete and review the collection of Information.Persons are not required to respond to the collection of Information unless It displays a currently valid OMB control number.If you have any comments about these esOmates or any aspects of this data collection,contact;US Department of Labor,OSHA Office of Statistics,Room N- 44,200 Constitution Ave,Nw,Washington,DC 20210.Do not send the completed forms to this office. a r • h. .!• r • RESOLUTION OF CHASCO CONTRACTING GP, LLC, Texas Limited Liability Company ("Company") In its capacity as general partner of CHASCO CONSTRUCTORS, LTD., LLP a Texas Limited Partnership ("Partnership") We,being all of the managers of the Company organized under the Texas Limited Liability Company Act, do by this writing consent to take the following action and adopt the following resolutions: RESOLVED,the Company is manager ruled. RESOLVED,that the following persons will serve in the capacity so indicated on behalf of the • Partnership when the Partnership is acting as General Partner of Chasco Constructors,Ltd., L.L.P.: • Name of Person Title • Charles J. Glace,Jr. President Anthony J.Glace Vice President Charles R.King Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer RESOLVED,that subject to the supervisory powers,if any, as may be given by the Company,the President shall be the chief executive officer of the Partnership and shall, in general, supervise and control all of the business and affairs of the Partnership. He shall see that all orders and resolutions of the Company are carried out, subject however,to the right of the Company to delegate specific powers,to any other officer of the Partnership. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Partnership. The President may execute any deeds,mortgages,bonds,contracts, or other instruments, in the name of the Partnership,except in cases where the signing and execution thereof shall be delegated by the Company,to some other officer or agent of the Partnership,or shall be required by law to be otherwise signed and executed. The President shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as from time to time may be prescribed by the Company. 1 RESOLVED,that in the absence or disability of the President,the Vice President shall perform all the duties of the President. When so acting the Vice President shall have all the powers of and be subject to all of the restrictions upon the President. The Vice President shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as from time to time may be prescribed for him by the President. If there is more than one Vice-President,the Senior Vice Presidents, in order of their rank as fixed by the President,or if not ranked,the Vice-President designated by the President, shall perform all of the duties of the President. When so acting the Vice President shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the President. The Vice Presidents shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as from time to time may be prescribed for them respectively by the President. RESOLVED,that the Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Partnership and shall record all votes and the minutes of all proceedings in a book suitable for that purpose. He shall give or cause to be given notice of all meetings of the Partnership. The Secretary shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as from time to time may be prescribed by the President. RESOLVED,that the Treasurer shall have the custody of the Partnership funds and securities and shall keep full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements in books belonging to the Partnership and shall deposit all moneys and other valuable effects in the name and.to the credit of the Partnership in such depositories as may be designated by the President. The Treasurer shall disburse the funds of the Partnership as may be ordered by the President,taking proper vouchers for such disbursements. He shall keep and maintain or cause to be kept and maintained, the Partnership's books of account and shall render to the President an account of all his transactions as Treasurer and of the financial condition of the Partnership and exhibit his books, records and accounts to the President at any reasonable time. He shall disburse funds for capital expenditures as authorized by the President in accordance with the orders of the President, and present to the President for attention any requests for disbursing funds if in the judgment of the Treasurer any such request is not properly authorized. He shall make a detailed annual report of the entire business and financial condition of the Partnership. If required by the President,he shall give the Partnership a bond in such sum and with such surety or sureties as shall be satisfactory to the President for the faithful performance of the duties of his office and for the restoration to the Partnership,in case of his death,resignation,retirement or removal from office, of all books,papers,vouchers,money and other property of whatever kind in his possession or under his control belonging to the Partnership. The Treasurer shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as from time to time may be prescribed by the President. This written consent may be executed in one or more counterparts, all of which together shall be one and the same instrument. 2 Dated: January 5,2016 CHARLES J. GLACE, ' .,Manager ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON This instrument was acknowledged before me on _I ei('J rut ,2016,by Charles J. Glace,Jr.,in his capacity as Manager of CHASCO CONTRACTING GP PLC t behalf of said limited liability company. • ,,atif..41.4ark Notary Public, State of Texas .val--k AIMEEC REISWIG W.41.# Ny Commission Expiros May 28,2019 • • . . , , , Corporations Section � E p�, Hope Andrade P.O.Box 13697 �, �, � � Secretary of State Austin,Texas 78711-3697 '� )4".- ), Office of the Secretary of State Certificate of Fact The undersigned, as Secretary of State of Texas, does hereby certify that the document, Certificate of Limited Partnership for CHASCO CONSTRUCTORS,LTD., L.L.P. (file number 800156680), a Domestic Limited Partnership (LP), was filed in this office on December 27, 2002. It is further certified that the entity status in Texas is in existence. Delayed Effective date: December 31, 2002 In testimony whereof, I have hereunto signed my name officially and caused to be impressed hereon the Seal of State at my office in Austin, Texas on March 15, 2010. ci,(cs,rc E a� (119,14 v°°) 0. 2130, 410( 4;1 kq ‘,/i) >< Nler tom, Izr() //\ t�� � � Hope Andrade • - • Secretary of State Come visit us on the Internet at http://www.sos.stateix.us/ Phone:(512)463-5555 Fax:(512)463-5709 Dial:7-1-1 for Relay Services Prepared by: SOS-WEB TID: 10264 Document:298984330004 5/29/13 Franchise Tax Account Status isitE C0,1, (gt,, , „. : s ci; a a 0 2"1005 Franchise s of 05/29/2013 11:16:56 AM This Page is Not Sufficient Filings with the Secretary of St ..... ._-... _. .. �...� -. �. ._ .,. �--w r.�... ,.a-..\\..�. . \w::�...._�..�..� w���..'\�•- _ ��..'\����{. -.�\\�w�z� ��.�.�.i\�a.'\'C�.��.�.�\\'\'-fin.�\'�-tii\\��\�-.��r.�r�-�.\'�'\\\\�,x��'Y.�.-�.\\'\�_.�c-...\_��\���.\'�\�..�_�.a.�. CHASCO CONSTRUCTORS, LTD., L.L.P. Texasa a er er Mailing Add PO BOX 1057 ROUND ROCK, TX 78680-1057 Right to Transact B in ACTIVETexas State of FofFormation TX Effective SOS Regisiration 12/31/2002 Date Texas SOS File Number 0800156680 Registered A CHARLES J GLACE Re e re ce eeSEULERS Address ROUND ROCK, TX 78665 . . • https:/lourc a.c state.tx us/coa/servl et/cPa.aPp.coa.C oaGetTp?P =t i d&Search_N m=chasco&Button=search&SearchjD=11418625213 111 00500 AGREEMENT City of Round Rock, Texas Contract Forms Standard Form of Agreement: Section 00500 City of Round Rock, Texas Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Contractor AGREEMENT made as of the VitAday of nrYt I in the year 2011 . tiVW1.40101 BETWEEN the Owner: v City of Round Rock,Texas(hereafter"Owner"or"City") 221 East Main Street Round Rock,Texas 78664 and the Contractor Chasco Constructors ("Contractor") P.O. Box 1057 Round Rock,Texas 78680 The Project is described as: OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION The Engineer is: HAGOOD ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. 900 E. MAIN STREET ROUND ROCK,TX 78664 For and in consideration of the mutual terms, conditions and covenants of this Agreement and all accompanying documents between Owner and Contractor, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged,Owner and Contractor agree as follows: ARTICLE I THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents consist of this Agreement,Conditions of the Contract(General,Supplementary and other Conditions), Drawings, Specifications, Addenda issued prior to execution of this Agreement, other documents listed in this Agreement and Modifications issued after execution of this Agreement;these form the Contract,and are as fully a part of the Contract as if attached to this Agreement or repeated herein. The Contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes prior negotiations,representations or agreements, either written or oral.An enumeration of the Contract Documents,other than Modifications,appears in Article 7. ARTICLE 2 THE WORK OF THIS CONTRACT Contractor shall fully execute the Work described in the Contract Documents,except to the extent specifically indicated in the Contract Documents to be the responsibility of others. 00500 4-2020 Page 1 of 5 Standard Form of Agreement 00443647 1K-1472/1 ••001 2 ARTICLE 3 DATE OF COMMENCEMENT;DATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION;DATE OF FINAL COMPLETION 3.1 The date of commencement of the Work shall be the date of this Agreement unless a different date is stated below or provision is made for the date to be fixed in a Notice to Proceed issued by Owner. 3.2 The Contract Time shall be measured from the date delineated in the Notice to Proceed. 3.3 Contractor shall commence Work within TEN ( 10 ) calendar days from the date delineated in the Notice to Proceed. 3.4 Contractor shall achieve Substantial Completion of the items of Work listed on Attachment A to this Agreement no later than N/A ( N/A )calendar days from issuance by Owner of Notice to Proceed, and Contractor shall achieve Substantial Completion of the entire Work no later than Two-hundred&seventy (270 ) calendar days from issuance by Owner of Notice to Proceed, subject to adjustments of this Contract Time as provided in the Contract Documents. 3.5 If Contractor fails to achieve Substantial Completion of the Work(or any portion thereof) on or before the date(s)specified for Substantial Completion in the Agreement,Contractor shall pay to Owner,as liquidated damages, the sum of FIVE HUNDRED Dollars($ 500.00 ) for each calendar day that Substantial Completion is delayed after the date(s) specified for Substantial Completion. It is hereby agreed that the liquidated damages to which Owner is entitled hereunder are a reasonable forecast of just compensation for the harm that would be caused by Contractor's failure to achieve Substantial Completion of the Work(or any portion thereof)on or before the date(s)specified for Substantial Completion in the Agreement and is not a penalty. It is agreed that the harm that would be caused by such failure, which includes loss of expected use of the Project areas,provision of alternative storage facilities and rescheduling of moving and occupancy dates,is one that is incapable or very difficult of accurate estimation. It is hereby agreed that if Substantial Completion of the Work(or any portion thereof) is not achieved on or before thirty(30)days after the date(s) specified for Substantial Completion in the Agreement, the Owner shall have the option to either collect liquidated damages as set forth herein or to thereafter rely on its remedies under the Contract Documents and at law and in equity, including without limitation, the recovery of actual damages. The date(s) specified for Substantial Completion of the Work(or any portion thereof) in the Agreement shall be subject to adjustment as provided in the Contract Documents. 3.6 Contractor shall achieve Final Completion of the entire Work no later than Two-hundred &seventy ( 270 )calendar days from issuance by Owner of Notice to Proceed. ARTICLE 4 CONTRACT SUM 4.1 Owner shall pay Contractor the Contract Sum in current funds for Contractor's full and complete performance of the Work and all of Contractor's obligations under this Agreement. The Contract Sum shall be Two million four hundred forty-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-four dollars and zero cents ($ 2,449,994.00 ),subject to additions and deductions as provided in the Contract Documents. 4.2 Does the Contract Sum include alternates which are described in the Bid Form? No X . Yes .If yes,please provide details below: 00500 4-2020 Page 2 of 5 Standard Form of Agreement 00443647 ARTICLE 5 PAYMENTS 5.1 PROGRESS PAYMENTS 5.1.1 Based upon Applications for Payment submitted to Engineer and Owner by Contractor,and Certificates for Payment issued by Engineer and not disputed by Owner and/or Owner's lender,Owner shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Sum to Contractor as provided below, in Article 14 of the General Conditions, and elsewhere in the Contract Documents. 5.1.2 The period covered by each Application for Payment shall be one calendar month ending on the last day of the month. 5.1.3 Provided that an Application for Payment is received by Engineer and Owner, and Engineer issues a Certificate of Payment not later than the tenth (10th) day of a month, Owner shall make payment to Contractor of amounts approved by the Owner not later than the tenth(loth)day of the next month.If an Application for Payment is received by Engineer and Owner after the application date fixed above,payment shall be made by Owner not later than one month after the Engineer issues a Certificate for Payment. The Owner shall not have any obligation to pay any amount covered by the Engineer's Certificate for Payment that is disputed by the Owner. 5.1.4 Each Application for Payment shall be based on the most recent schedule of values submitted by Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents. The schedule of values shall allocate the entire Contract Sum among the various portions of the Work. The schedule of values shall be prepared in such form and supported by such data to substantiate its accuracy as Engineer and Owner may require.This schedule,unless objected to by Engineer or Owner, shall be used as a basis for reviewing Contractor's Applications for Payment. 5.1.5 Applications for Payment shall warrant the percentage of completion of each portion of the Work as of the end of the period covered by the Application for Payment. 5.1.6 Subject to other provisions of the Contract Documents, the amount of each progress payment shall be computed as provided in Article 14 of the General Conditions. 5.1.7 Except with Owner's prior written approval, Contractor shall not make advance payments to suppliers for materials or equipment which have not been delivered and stored at the site. 5.2 FINAL PAYMENT 5.2.1 Final payment, constituting the entire unpaid balance of the Contract Sum, shall be made by Owner to Contractor when: .1 Contractor has fully performed the Contract except for Contractor's responsibility to correct Work, and to satisfy other requirements,if any,which extend beyond final payment; and .2 a final Certificate for Payment has been issued by Engineer and approved by the Owner. 5.2.2 Owner's final payment to Contractor shall be made no later than thirty (30) days after the issuance of Engineer's final Certificate for Payment. In no event shall final payment be required to be made prior to thirty(30) days after all Work on the Contract has been fully performed.Defects in the Work discovered prior to final payment shall be treated as non-conforming Work and shall be corrected by Contractor prior to final payment,and shall not be treated as warranty items. ARTICLE 6 TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION 6.1 The Contract may be terminated by Owner or Contractor as provided in Article 15 of the General Conditions. 00500 4-2020 Page 3 of 5 Standard Form of Agreement 00443647 6.2 The Work may be suspended by Owner as provided in Article 15 of the General Conditions. ARTICLE 7 ENUMERATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 7.1 The Contract Documents,except for Modifications issued after execution of this Agreement,are enumerated as follows: 7.1.1 The Agreement is this executed version of the City of Round Rock, Texas Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Contractor,as modified. 7.1.2 The General Conditions are the "City of Round Rock Contract Forms 00700," General Conditions, as modified. 7.1.3 The Supplementary,Special,and other Conditions of the Contract are those contained in the Project Manual dated FEBRUARY 2021 7.1.4 The Specifications are those contained in the Project Manual dated FEBRUARY 2021 7.1.5 The Drawings,if any,are those contained in the Project Manual dated FEBRUARY 2021 7.1.6 The Insurance&Construction Bond Forms of the Contract are those contained in the Project Manual dated FEBRUARY 2021 7.1.7 The Notice to Bidders,Instructions to Bidders,Bid Form, and Addenda, if any,are those contained in the Project Manual dated FEBRUARY 2021 7.1.8 If this Agreement covers construction involving federal funds, thereby requiring inclusion of mandated contract clauses, such federally required clauses are those contained in the "City of Round Rock Contract Forms 03000,"Federally Required Contract Clauses, as modified. 7.1.9 Other documents,if any,forming part of the Contract Documents are as follows: AIIPk ARTICLE 8 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 8.1 Where reference is made in this Agreement to a provision of any document, the reference refers to that provision as amended or supplemented by other provisions of the Contract Documents. 8.2 Owner's representative is: BILL STABLEIN CITY OF ROUND ROCK 3400 SUNRISE ROAD ROUND ROCK,TX 78665 8.3 Contractor's representative is: Chasco Contructors Bill Bambrick P.O.Box 1057 Round Rock,TX 78680 8.4 Neither Owner's nor Contractor's representative shall be changed without ten(10)days'written notice to the other party. 00500 4-2020 Page 4 of 5 Standard Form of Agreement 00443647 8.5 Waiver of any breach of this Agreement shall not constitute waiver of any subsequent breach. 8.6 Owner agrees to pay Contractor from available funds for satisfactory performance of this Agreement in accordance with the bid or proposal submitted therefor, subject to proper additions and deductions,all as provided in the General Conditions, Supplemental Conditions, and Special Conditions of this Agreement, and Owner agrees to make payments on account thereof as provided therein. Lack of funds shall render this Agreement null and void to the extent funds are not available. This Agreement is a commitment of City of Round Rock's current revenues only. 8.7 Although this Agreement is drawn by Owner,both parties hereto expressly agree and assert that,in the event of any dispute over its meaning or application,this Agreement shall be interpreted reasonably and fairly, and neither more strongly for nor against either party. 8.8 This Agreement shall be enforceable in Round Rock, Texas, and if legal action is necessary by either party with respect to the enforcement of any or all of the terms or conditions herein, exclusive venue for same shall lie in Williamson County, Texas. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws and court decisions of the State of Texas. 8.9 Both parties hereby expressly agree that no claims or disputes between the parties arising out of or relating to this Agreement or a breach thereof shall be decided by an arbitration proceeding, including without limitation,any proceeding under the Federal Arbitration Act(9 USC Section 1-14)or any applicable state arbitration statute. 8.10 The parties, by execution of this Agreement, bind themselves, their heirs, successors, assigns, and legal representatives for the full and faithful performance of the terms and provisions hereof. This Agreement is entered into as of the day and year first written above and is executed in at least two(2) original copies,of which one is to be delivered to Owner. OWNER CONTRACTOR CITY OF RO , D ROCK,T XAS 64004244 Printed Name: iV Printed Name: C \c.x IVt1W;�� vff3' Title Title: ci(tflf Date Signed: • Date Signed: qi j 2O7/1 g 2-1 g ATTEST: AT2bUt-' City Clerk FOR CI 1' , PPROVED AS TO FORM: 411111 n4; ifAi City Attornl 00500 4-2020 Page 5 of 5 Standard Form of Agreement 00443647 00600 INSURANCE AND CONSTRUCTION BOND FORMS BONDS AND INSURANCE INSTRUCTIONS Instruction Sheet 1. Insurance Company must be licensed by State of Texas. 2. Agent signing bonds must be licensed in Texas. 3. Agent signing bonds must have Power of Attorney on behalf of insurance company. 4. If Agent signing bonds has Power of Attorney, but not licensed in Texas, then the bond must be counter-signed by Texas local recording agent. ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION CAN BE FOUND AT Texas Department of Insurance website—www.tdi.state.tx.us 5. Make sure the dollar amount on both Performance and Payment Bonds match the amount of the Agreement&Bid Form Sheet. 6. Both Performance and Payment Bonds should be signed by Authorized Person. If the contractor is a corporation, then it should be signed by the President or the Vice-President. If the contractor is not incorporated, then it may be signed by the Owner. Please state the title of the authorized person. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE Instruction Sheet 1. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE FORM The City of Round Rock's Certificate of Liability Insurance form provided herein or a standard ACOKD form. 2. PRODUCER and INSURED-Please list name,address,phone number and e-mail. 3. COMfANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE — TDI number required. The TDI number can be obtained from the Texas Dept of Insurance Website: http://www.tdi.state.tx.us/.—Company Lookup. Note:Exception to this rule.In certain instances where there is unusual risks involved,Surplus Lines Insurance Carriers can be used.Below are the guidelines: a. Insurance Company does not have to be"licensed in Texas",but they do have to be"eligible for a Texas license." Please verify with the Texas Dept of Insurance Website:http://www.tdi.state.tx.us/.—Company Lookup b. Policy has to be written by licensed surplus lines Agent. Also verify with the Texas Dept of Insurance Website:http://www.tdi.state.tx.us/-Agent Lookup 4. TYPJS OF INSURANCE COVERAGE— CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT: Please double check the General Conditions and the Supplemental General Conditions for the types and amounts of insurance required. The Supphmental General Conditions usually state the following: a. Business Automobile Liability Insurance b. ' Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability Insurance c. Commercial General Liability Insurance d. Builders' Risk Insurance— (Generally required for all "vertical" construction. Check with Project Manager for requirements.) FOR ALL OTHER CONTRACTS, PLEASE REFER TO THE INSURANCE SECTION FOR TYPE OF INSURANCE REQUIRED. (For example Engineering Service Contracts usually require"professional liability insurance".) 5. EFFF.CTIVE DATE & EXPIRATION DATE Please make sure dates are current. 6. City of Round Rock must be listed on the Certificate of Insurance as an additional insured (except Workers Compensation and Builders Risk). 7. Certificate must indicate that the insurance Company must give the City of Round Rock notice of any changes,cancellation,etc. at least thirty(30)days prior to date of change. 8. Makei sure Certificate is signed by an Agent Licensed in the State of Texas, this can also be found on the Texas Department of Insurance website—www.tdi.state.tx.us—Agent Lookup. PAYMENT BOND Bond #58S215114 THE STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON § That Chasco Constructors , of the City of Round Rock County of Williamson , and State of Texas , as Principal, and Liberty Mutual Insurance Company authorized under the laws of the State of Texas to act as Surety on Bonds for Principals,are held and firmly bound unto the CITY OF ROUND ROCK, TEXAS (OWNER), and all subcontractors, workers, laborers, mechanics and suppliers as their interest may appear, all of whom shall have the right to sue upon this bond, in the penal sum of two million four hundred forty-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-four Dollars($ 2,449,994.00 )for the payment whereof,well and truly be made the said Principal and Surety bind themselves and their heirs, administrators, executors, successors, and assigns,jointly and severally, by these presents: WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a certain written Agreement with the Owner, dated the day of ApPii, , 20- to which Agreement is hereby referred to and made a part hereof as fully and to the same extent as if copied at length herein consisting of: OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the said Principal shall well and truly pay all subcontractors, workers, laborers, mechanics, and suppliers, all monies to them owing by said Principals for subcontracts,work, labor,equipment,supplies and materials done and furnished for the construction of the improvements of said Agreement, then this obligation shall be and become null and void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that this bond is executed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 2253, Texas Government Code, as amended, and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of said Chapter 2253 to the same extent as if it were copied at length herein. Page 1 00620 04-2020 Payment Bond 00437699 PAYMENT BOND (continued) Surety, for value received, stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement, or to the Work performed thereunder, or the plans, specifications or drawings accompanying the same shall in anywise affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change,extension of time,alteration or addition to the terms of the contract, or to the work to be performed thereunder. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Principal and Surety have signed and sealed this Instrument this 9th day of April , 20 21 Chasco Constructors Liberty Mutual Insurance Company Principal Surety r - CA,A, t.. Robert James Nitsche Printed Name Printed Nam .� :.jam �`�' By: By: (#'11 Title: ' -'s.j es"" Title: Attorney-In-Fac Address: 2801 E. Old Settlers Blvd Address: 175 Berk ey Street Round Rock, TX 78665 Boston, MA 02116 Resident A l ent i f Surety: Agee- Signature Robert Jam:s Nitsche Printed Name 143 E. Austin Street Address Giddings, TX 78942 City, State &Zip Code Page 2 00620 1-2020 Payment Bond 00090656 • PERFORMANCE BOND Bond #58S21511.4 THE STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON § That Chasco Constructors , of the City of Round Rock County of Williamson , and State of Texas , as Principal, and Liberty Mutual Insurance Companyauthorized under the law of the State of Texas to act as surety on bonds for principals, are held and firmly bound unto the CITY OF ROUND ROCK, TEXAS (Owner), in the penal sum of two million four hundred forty-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-four Dollars ($2,449,994.00 ) for the payment whereof, well and truly to be made the said Principal and Surety bind themselves, and their heirs, administrators, executors, successors and assigns,jointly and severally, by these presents: WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a certain written Agreement with the Owner dated the j'k'>- day of '�,,... , 201-1 to which the Agreement is hereby referred to and made a part hereof as ully and to the same extent as if copied at length herein consisting of. OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the said Principal shall faithfully perform said Agreement and shall, in all respects, duly and faithfully observe and perform all and singular the covenants, conditions and agreements in and by said Agreement, agreed and covenanted by the Principal to be observed and performed, including but not limited to, the repair of any and all defects in said work occasioned by and resulting from defects in materials furnished by or workmanship of,the Principal in performing the Work covered by said Agreement and occurring within a period of twelve (12) months from the date of Final Completion and all other covenants and conditions, according to the true intent and meaning of said Agreement and the Plans and Specifications hereto annexed,then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that this bond is executed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 2253, Texas Government Code, as amended, and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of said Chapter 2253 to the same extent as if it were copied at length herein. Page 1 00610 4-2020 Performance Bond 00443639 PERFORMANCE BOND (continued) Surety, for value received, stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement, or to the Work performed thereunder, or the Plans, Specifications, or drawings accompanying the same, shall in anywise affect its obligation on this bond,and it does hereby waive notice of any such change,extension of time,alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement, or to the work to be performed thereunder. If Principal fails to faithfully perform said Agreement, Surety, after receipt of written notice of Principal's default, shall perform all of Principal's duties and obligations under the Agreement. If, within ten (10) days after receipt of such notice from Owner, Surety does not commence to complete the obligations of Principal with a contractor acceptable to Owner and diligently complete the performance of the Principal's duties and obligations, Owner shall have the right but not the obligation to have the duties and obligations of Principal performed. In such event, Surety shall pay to Owner, upon demand, all costs, expenses and damages sustained by Owner as a result of Principal's failure to perform its duties and obligations under the Agreement up to the $2,449,994.00 sum of this Performance Bond, plus all costs and expenses, including attorney's fees and expert and consultant fees incurred by Owner to enforce its rights under this Performance Bond. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Principal and Surety have signed and sealed this instrument this 9th day of April , 20 21 . Chasco Constructors Liberty Mutual Insurance Company P incipal Surety CO.N.a"(Le4. C.24441-- Robert James Nitsche Printed Name Printed Name si.< By. 0/ � �� 0 By. _ Title: \L r Title: Attorney-In- act Address: 2801 E. Old Settlers Blvd Address: 175 erkeley Street Round Rock, TX 78665 Boston, MA 02116 Resident A gent of S ety•Alimp-AS /-/40-- Signature Robert Ja es Nitsche Printed Name 143 E. Austin Street Address Giddings, TX 78942 City, State &Zip Code Page 2 00610 4-2020 Performance Bond 00443639 n y tl ti ow, This Power of Attorney limits the acts of those named herein,and they have no authority to p"`, bind the Company except in the manner and to the extent herein stated. gibe‘..k,,,,,,- Liberty Mutual Insurance Company riii*� The Ohio CasualtyInsurance CompanyCertificate No:8203793-974127 IV[utuaL • - - - -- � West American Insurance Company SURETY POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOWN ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS:That The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of New Hampshire,that Liberty Mutual Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Massachusetts,and West American Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Indiana(herein collectively called the"Companies"),pursuant to and by authority herein set forth,does hereby name,constitute and appoint, Kenneth Nitsche;Gary A.Nitsche;Robert James Nitsche;Robert K.Nitsche;Craig Parker;Nina Smith . i_ „ . _. _ all of the city of Giddings state of TX each individually if there be more than one named,its true and lawful attorney-in-fact to make, execute,seal,acknowledge and deliver,for and on its behalf as surety and as its act and deed,any and all undertakings,bonds,recognizances and other surety obligations,in pursuance of these presents and shall be as binding upon the Companies as if they have been duly signed by the president and attested by the secretary of the Companies in their own proper persons. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,this Power of Attorney has been subscribed by an authorized officer or official of the Companies and the corporate seals of the Companies have been affixed thereto this 22nd day of May 2020 . Liberty Mutual Insurance Company �v tNsuR q A���t INS �%Ns v,� The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company A. G o�'0�,.y�e t , �J�,o�PORo,.�y c�P coap O'zvr'yer .t t�, West American Insurance Company .� CT t'n Lu cn 1912 0 ui 7- is. . 00 1919 � aL !?1P.) - /. 41 0 4 0 �a) 60/7 * pi. Oki A* 4 ;fiti:444 * 0 By: �`"" •v� 0 Fl David M.Carey,Assistant Secretary‘E � 13 � � State of PENNSYLVANIA SS i12 �County of MONTGOMERY = •� w On this 22nd day of May 2020 before me personally appeared David M.Carey,who acknowledged himself to be the Assistant Secretary of Liberty Mutual Insurance_I__ �i Company,The Ohio Casualty Company,and West American Insurance Company,and that he,as such,being authorized so to do,execute the foregoing instrument for the purposes To w �� therein contained by signing on behalf of the corporations by himself as a duly authorized officer. �E 2. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my notarial seal at King of Prussia,Pennsylvania,on the day and year first above written. E o eo ,....u9 .. �of)(0 CD , el,6��;, � ' COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA ze 4 6,^ 4.,�,0,�P., c, ���� c; Notarial Seal O C p U.) � Teresa Pastella,Notary Public � � �I:2User MerionTwp.,N9orttgomery County By: 4LEA _.:. NA,— ��'` PIAy Commission Expires 1Narch 28 2021�♦,, � �4, eresa Pastella,Notary Public 0 CO CO W � � Member.Pennsylvania Association of Notaries' co c o L �O .........:. .. �.� This Power of Attorney is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the following By-laws and Authorizations of The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company, Liberty Mutual a� o•� Insurance Company,and WestAmencan Insurance Company which resolutions are now in full force and effect reading as follows: o � Z'. ARTICLE IV—OFFICERS:Section 12.Power of Attorney. 8 rii Any officer or other official of the Corporation authorized for that purpose in wring by the Chairman or the President,and subject to such limitation as the Chairman or the' � .� � President may prescribe,shall appoint such attorneys-in-fact,as may be necessary to act in behalf of the Corporation to make,execute,seal,acknowledge and deliver as surety >� � � any and all undertakings,bonds,recognizances and other surety obligations.Such attorneys-in-fact,subject to the limitaons set forth in their respective powers of attorney,shall�� o s5 have full power to bind the Corporation by their signature and execution of any such instruments and to attach thereto the seal of the Corporation.When so executed,such E N Z 0 instruments shall be as binding as if signed by the President and attested to by the Secretary.Any power or authority granted to any representative or attorney-in-fact under the�� provisions of this article may be revoked at any time by the Board,the Chairman,the President or by the officer or officers granting such power or authority. o 0 ,— ARTICLE XIII—Execution of Contracts:Section 5.Surety Bonds and Undertakings. o CD Any officer of the Company authorized for that purpose in writing by the chairman or the president,and subject to such limitations as the chairman or the president may prescribe,I— shall appoint such attorneys-in-fact,as may be necessary to act in behalf of the Company to make,execute,seal,acknowledge and deliver as surety any and all undertakings, bonds,recognizances and other surety obligations.Such attorneys-in-fact subject to the limitations set forth in their respective powers of attorney,shall have full power to bind the Company by their signature and execution of any such instruments and to attach thereto the seal of the Company.When so executed such instruments shall be as binding as if signed by the president and attested by the secretary. Certificate of Designation—The President of the Company,acting pursuant to the Bylaws of the Company,authorizes David M.Carey,Assistant Secretary to appoint such attorneys-in- fact as may be necessary to act on behalf of the Company to make,execute,seal,acknowledge and deliver as surety any and all undertakings,bonds,recognizances and other surety obligations. Authorization—By unanimous consent of the Company's Board of Directors,the Company consents that facsimile or mechanically reproduced signature of any assistant secretary of the Company,wherever appearing upon a certified copy of any power of attorney issued by the Company in connection with surety bonds,shall be valid and binding upon the Company with the same force and effect as though manually affixed. I,Renee C.Llewellyn,the undersigned,Assistant Secretary,The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company,Liberty Mutual Insurance Company,and West American Insurance Company do hereby certify that the original power of attorney of which the foregoing is a full,true and correct copy of the Power of Attorney executed by said Companies,is in full force and effect and has not been revoked. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seals of said Companies this 9th day of April 2021 v 1NS ti, eootP°4,.6Yi yZY INsv *1N S(Op.4eoolmtlt7+T )- ' `vP GoaPok,�y‘O Ac 3 o V � .� o t6 g 1912 0 0 1919 l 1991 0 �``1 c*" a . . gt. .., By. rd�i agcHvg�Ab4* �3 %,,...0,�a1'� �s '�o1A�P Ab Renee C.Llewellyn,Assistant Secretary vt 7, * 0. 04,LMS-12873 LMIC OCIC WAIC Multi Co 12/19 :1 e.: .::: -.-....... .':...r,,-..'itA. '........ li...,.,..: :,..,13u..:.... ..::::...::.....H..F,. . ..:. ....,:, .,:. ... ,......,......4.. ...,.s SURETY TEXAS TEXAS IMPORTANT NOTICE AVISO IMPORTANTE To obtain information or make a complaint: • Para obtener informacio.n o para someter una queja: You may call toll-free for information or to Usted puede Hamar al numero de telefono gratis make a complaint at para information o para someter una queja al I-877-751-2640 1.-877-75 I-2640 You may also write to: Usted tambien puede escribir a: 2200 Renaissance Blvd., Ste.400 2200 Renaissance Blvd., Ste.400 King of Prussia,PA 19406-2755 King of Prussia,PA. 19406-2755 You may contact the Texas Department of Puede comunicarse con el Departamento de Insurance to obtain information on companies, Seguros de Texas para obtener information coverages,rights or complaints at acerca de companias, coberturas, derechos o 1-800-252-3439 quejas al 1-800-252-3439 You may write the Texas Department of Insurance Puede escribir al Departamento de Seguros Consumer Protection(111-1A) de Texas Consumer Protection(1.114 A) P. O. Box 149091 P. O.Box 149091 Austin,TX 78714-9091. Austin,TX 7871.4-9091 FAX: (51.2)490-1007 FAX#(512)490-1.007 Web:http://www.tdi.texaoy, Web:htt : w_a...._.,... ...._..v.itA ..._g_ii.texas. ov E-mail: ConsurperProtectionatdi.texas.gov E-mail:ConsurnerProtectiontaldi.texas.!ov PREMIUM OR CLAIM DISPUTES: DISPUTAS SOB.RE PRIMAS 0 RECLAMOS: Should you have a dispute concerning your Si tiena una disputa concerniente a su prima o a premium or about a claim. you should first un reclam.o, debe comunicarse con el agente o contact the agent or call 1-800-843-6446. primero. Si no se resuelve la disputa, puede If the dispute is not resolved,you may contact the entonces comunicarse con el departamento (TDI) Texas Department of Insurance. ATTACH THIS NOTICE TO YOUR UNA ESTE AVISO A SU POLIZA: POLICY: This notice is for information only and does not Este aviso es solo para proposito de informacion become a part or condition of the attached y no se convierte en parte o condicion del document. document°adjunto. NP 70 68 09 01 WS-15292 10/I6 Client#: 10288 CHASCCONI ACORDTM CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) 4/09/2021 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND,EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW.THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT:If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement.A statement on this certificate does not confer any rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER NAMEA Joyce Hinze The Nitsche Group PHONE 9795402240 Fax ,No): (A/C,No,Ext): 143 East Austin E-MAIL Giddings,TX 78942-3299 ADDRESS: joycehthenitschegroup.com 979 542-3666 INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURER A:Liberty Insurance Corporation 42404 INSURED INSURER B:Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance Company 23035 Chasco Constructors LTD.,LLP INSURER C:LM Insurance Corporation 33600 P.O.Box 1057 Round Rocky TX 78680 INSURER D INSURER E INSURER F COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. LTRINSR ADDL TYPE OF INSURANCE INSR SUBR VWD POLICY NUMBER (MM/DDIYYYY)POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LIMITS (MM/DD/YYYY) A x COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY TB7Z91463740021 03/09/2021 03/09/2022 EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,000 CLAIMS-MADE X OCCUR Mai(gEoNgEirrPence) $100,000 MED EXP(Any one person) sl0,000 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY sl,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE s2,000,000 PRO- POLICY X JECT X LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG s2,000,000 OTHER: $ C AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY AS7Z914637400101 03/09/2021 03/09/2022 21131cEt?NGLE LIMIT $1,000,000 X ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ 2UTOS SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ ONLY AUTOS X AUTOS ONLY X NON-ONED PROPERTY DAMAGE $ AUTOS WONLY (Per accident) A x UMBRELLA LIAB X OCCUR TH7Z91463740041 03/09/2021 03/09/2022 EACH OCCURRENCE $5,000,000 EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE $5,000,000 DED X RETENTION$1 OOOO S B WORKERS COMPENSATION WC6Z91463740031 03/09/2021 03/09/2022 X STATUTE ERH AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY Y/N ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $1,000,000 OFFICER/MEMBEREXCLUDED? N N/A (Mandatory in NH) E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $1,000,000 If yes,describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES(ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached If more space is required) Project:Oakmont Drive Extension Engineer: Hagood Engineering Associates,Inc. As per policy provision,Certificate Holder is listed as additional insured in regard to the auto and general liability policies as provided by blanket additional insured endorsement when required by written contract.A blanket waiver of subrogation endorsement is provided to the Certificate Holder in regard to (See Attached Descriptions) CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION ANY OFE City of Round Rock,Texas THE SHOULD EXPIRATiON D DATE E V THEREOF,E E NOTICE ES WILL CANCELLED E DBEF NE 221 East Main Street ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Round Rock,TX 78664 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE O 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION.All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016/03) 1 of 2 The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD #S921288/M916078 389 DESCRIPTIONS (Continued from Page 1) the auto,general liability and workers compensation policies as per policy provision when required by written contract.As per policy provision the general liability policy contains an endorsement with Primary and Noncontributory wording.General liability,auto and workers compensation policies include(s)a 30 Days Notice of Cancellation endorsement providing 30 days advance notice if policy is canceled by the company other than for nonpayment of premium,or direct cancellation by named insured as per policy provision. Umbrella policy follows form. SAGITTA 25.3(2016/03) 2 of 2 #S921288/M916078 00700 GENERAL CONDITIONS City of Round Rock Contract Forms General Conditions Section 00700 TABLE OF CONTENTS OF GENERAL CONDITIONS Article Page Number& Title Number 1. DEFINITIONS.................................................................................................................................................2 2. PRELIMINARY MATTERS.............................................................................................................................5 3. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: INTENT,AMENDING, REUSE........................................................................7 4. AVAILABILITY OF LANDS; SUBSUR CONDITIONS; REFEREN POINTS........................................................................................8..............................8 5. BONDS AND INSURANCE...................................................................................................................10........................................................................................................................10 6. CONTRACTO .......................................................................16 7. OTHERWORK...........................................................................................................................24.. .....................................................................24 8. OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES.....................................................................................................................25....................................................................................................................25 9. ENGINEER/ARCHITECT' ...............................26 10. CHANGES IN THE WORK..........................................................................................27...................................................27 11. CHANGE OF CONTRACT AMOUNT.............................................................................................................28....... 12. CHANGE OF CONTRACT TIMES................................................................................................................31.................................................................................................................31 13. TESTS AND INSPECTIONS;AND CORRECTION OR REMOVAL OF DEFECTIVE WORK...................... .............................32 14. PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR AND COMPLETION.....................................................................................35.................................................................................35 15. SUSPENSION OF WOR ......................................................39 16. DISPUTE RESOLUTION.........................................................................................................41.................. 17 RIGHTTOAUDIT......................................................................................................................................42......................................................................................42 18. MISCELLANEOUS...........................................................................................................................................43.........................................................................................................................................43 00700 04-2020 Page 1 General Conditions 00443641 GENERAL CONDITIONS ARTICLE 1 -gEFINITIONS Whenever used in these General Conditions or in the other Contract Documents,the term printed with initial capital letters or all capital letters, including the term's singular and plural forms, will have the meaning indicated in the definitions below or as defined in these General Conditions or other Contract Documents: 1.1 Addenda -Written or graphic instruments issued prior to the receipt of Proposals or the opening of Bids that clarify, correct or change the proposal or bidding requirements or the Contract Documents. 1.2 Agreerient-Prescribed form, referenced as Section 00500. 1.3 Alterntive Dispute Resolution-The process by which a disputed Claim may be settled if the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR cannot reach an agreement between themselves, as an alternative to litigation. 1.4 Bid - Proposal of bidder on prescribed forms setting forth prices for performing the Work described in the Contract Documents. 1.5 Bid Documents-The advertisement or invitation for bids, instructions to bidders,the bid form,the Contract Documents and Addenda. 1.6 Calendar Day-Any day of the week; no days being excepted. Work on Saturdays, Sundays, and/or Legal Holidays shall only be conducted with prior express written consent of the OWNER. 1.7 Chang Directive-A written directive to the CONTRACTOR, signed by the OWNER, ordering a change in the Work and Stating a proposed basis for adjustment, if any, in the Contract Amount or Contract Time, or both.A Change Directive may be used in the absence of total agreement on the terms of a Change Order. A Change Directive does Inot change the Contract Amount or Contract Time, but is evidence that the parties expect that the change directed or documented by a Change Directive will be incorporated in a subsequently issued Change Order. 1.8 Change Orders - Written agreements entered into between the CONTRACTOR and the OWNER authorizing an addition,deletion,or revision to the Contract, issued on or after the Execution Date of the Agreement and within the Contract term. 1.9 Claim - A written demand seeking, as a matter of right, adjustment or interpretation of Contract terms, payment of money, extension of time or other relief with respect to the terms of the Contract. 1.10 Contrct - The Contract represents the entire and integrated agreement befinreen the OWNER and the CONTRACTO for performance of the Work, as evidenced by the Contract Documents. 1.11 Contract Amount-The amount payable by the OWNER to the CONTRACTOR for completion of the Work in accordance ivith the Contract Documents. 1.12 Contract Documents — Includes the Invitation to Bid, Instructions to Bidders, Agreement, General Conditions, Supplemental General Conditions, Special Conditions, Specifications, Project Manual, Drawings, Addenda and change Orders. 1.13 Contract Time-The number of days allowed for completion of the Work as defined by the Contract. When any period is referred to in days, it will be computed to exclude the first and include the last day of such period. A day of twenty-flour(24) hours measured from midnight to the next midnight will constitute a day. 1.14 CONTRACTOR - The individual, firm, corporation, or other business entity with whom the OWNER has entered into the Contract. 00700 04-2020 Page 2 General Conditions 1.15 Drawings - Those portions of the Contract Documents which are graphic representations of the scope, extent and character of the Work to be furnished and performed by the CONTRACTOR and which have been approved by the OWNER. Drawings may include plans, elevations, sections, details, schedules and diagrams. Shop Drawings are not Drawings as so defined. 1.16 Engineer/Architect (E/A) - The OWNER's design professional identified as such in the Agreement. The titles of"Architect/Engineer,""Architect"and"Engineer"used in the Contract Documents shall be read the same as Engineer/Architect (E/A). Nothing contained in the Contract Documents shall create any contractual or agency relationship between E/A and the CONTRACTOR. 1.17 Equal,-The terms"equal"or"approved equal"shall have the same meaning. 1.18 Execution Date-Date of last signature of the parties to the Agreement. 1.19 Field Order-A written order issued by Owner's Representative which orders minor changes in the Work and which does not involve a change in the Contract Amount or the Contract Time. 1.20 Final Acceptance—The stage in the Contract process when, in the OWNER's opinion, Final Completion of the Work has been attained and a Certificate of Acceptance approved by the OWNER is issued. 1.21 Final Completion-The stage in the progress of the Work when, in the OWNER's opinion, the entire Work has been completed, the CONTRACTOR's obligations under the Contract Documents have been fulfilled, and the OWNER is processing or has made final payment to the CONTRACTOR, as evidenced by a Certificate of Acceptance approved by the OWNER. 1.22 Inspector-The authorized representative of any regulatory agency that has jurisdiction over any portion of the Work. 1.23 Legal Holidays 1.23.1 The following are recognized by the OWNER: Holiday Date Observed New Year's Day January 1 Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday Third Monday in January President's Day Third Monday in February Memorial Day Last Monday in May Independence Day July 4 Labor Day First Monday in September Veteran's Day November 11 Thanksgiving Day Fourth Thursday in November Friday after Thanksgiving Friday after Thanksgiving Christmas Eve December 24 Christmas Day December 25 00700 04-2020 Page 3 General Conditions 1.23.2 If a Legal Holiday falls on Saturday, it will be observed on the preceding Friday. If a Legal Holiday falls on Sunday, it will e observed on the following Monday. 1.23.3 If Christmas Eve falls on a Saturday or a Sunday, the preceding Friday is observed as the Christmas Eve holiday. 1.23.4 If Christmas Day falls on a Saturday or a Sunday, the following Monday is observed as the Christmas Day holiday. 1.24 Milestones-A significant event specified in the Contract Documents relating to an intermediate completion date or time prior to Substantial Completion of all the Work. 1.25 Notice to Proceed - A Written Notice given by the OWNER to the CONTRACTOR notifying the CONTRACTOF to commence the Work and which may also fix the date on which the Contract Times will commence to run and on Which the CONTRACTOR shall start to perform the CONTRACTOR's obligations under the Contract Documents. 1.26 OWNER—The City of Round Rock,Texas, a municipal corporation, home-rule city and political subdivision organized and existing under the laws of the State of Texas, acting through the City Manager or his/her designee, officers, agents or employees to administer design and construction of the Project. 1.27 Owners Representative-The designated representative of the OWNER. 1.28 Partial Occupancy or Use - Use by the OWNER of a partially completed part of the Work for the purpose for which it is irtended (or a related purpose) prior to Substantial Completion of all the Work. 1.29 Project-The total construction of which the Work to be provided under the Contract Documents may be the whole, or a'part, as indicated elsewhere in the Contract Documents. 1.30 Project Manual - That portion of the Contract Documents which may include the following: introductory information; bidding requirements, Contract forms and General and Supplemental General Conditions; General Requirements; Specifications; Drawings; Project Safety Manual; and Addenda. 1.31 Proposal—Proposal of Offeror, on prescribed forms setting forth prices for performing the Work described in the Contract Documents. 1.32 Proposal Documents—The advertisement or invitation for Proposals, Instruction to Offerors, the Proposal form, the Contact Documents and Addenda. 1.33 Resident Project Representative -The authorized representative of E/A who may be assigned to the site or any part theteof. 1.34 Shop prawings -All drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules and other data or information which are specifically prepared or assembled by or for the CONTRACTOR and submitted by the CONTRACTOR as required by the Contract Documents. 1.35 Specifications -Those portions of the Contract Documents consisting of written technical descriptions as applied to the Work, which set forth to the CONTRACTOR, in detail, the requirements which must be met by all materials, equipment, construction systems, standards,workmanship, equipment and services in order to render a completed and useful project. 1.36 Subst4ntial Completion - The stage in the progress of the Work when the Work, or designated portions thereof,may still require minor modifications or adjustments but, in the OWNER's opinion,the Work has progressed to the point such that all parts of the Work under consideration are fully operational and the beneficial use and occupancy of which can be assumed by the Owner, as evidenced by a Certificate of Substantial Completion approved by the OWNER. 00700 042020 Page 4 General Conditions 1.37 Subcontractor-An individual, firm, or corporation having a direct contract with the CONTRACTOR for the performance of a part of the Work. 1.38 Sub-subcontractor-A person or entity who has a direct or indirect contract with a Subcontractor or a Sub- subcontractor of any tier to perform a portion of the Work. 1.39 Superintendent - The representative of the CONTRACTOR authorized in writing to receive and fulfill instructions from Owner's Representative, and who shall supervise and direct construction of the Work. 1.40 Supplemental General Conditions-The part of the Contract Documents which either amends or supplements the General Conditions. All General Conditions which are not so amended or so supplemented shall be considered as remaining in full force and effect. 1.41 Supplier-An individual or entity having a direct contract with the CONTRACTOR or with any Subcontractor or Sub-subcontractor to furnish materials or equipment to be incorporated in the Work by the CONTRACTOR or any Subcontractor. 1.42 Time Extension Request-An approved request for time extension on a form acceptable to the OWNER. 1.43 Work- The entire completed construction, or the various separately identifiable parts thereof, required to be furnished under the Contract Documents. 1.44 Working Day - Any day of the week, not including Saturdays, Sundays, or Legal Holidays, in which conditions not under the CONTRACTOR's control will permit work for at least seven(7)hours of the Working Times. Upon authorization by the Owner's Representative, work on Saturdays, Sundays and/or Legal Holidays may be allowed and, in that event, a Working Day will be counted for each such day. 1.45 Working Times — Times of day(s) during which work may be performed. Unless authorized by Owner's Representative, all Work shall be performed between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and, if previously authorized as provided for in paragraph 1.44 or paragraph 1.6 herein, as applicable, between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Saturdays, Sundays or Legal Holidays. When the CONTRACTOR has been authorized to perform Work during hours outside Working Times, such hours shall be considered time worked on Working Day contracts. Notwithstanding the preceding, emergency work may be done without prior permission only as provided in paragraph 6.11.5 herein. 1.46 Written Notice-Written communication between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR. Written Notice shall be deemed to have been duly served if delivered in person to Owner's Representative or to the CONTRACTOR's duly authorized representative, or if such Written Notice is delivered to or sent by registered or certified mail to the attention of Owner's Representative or to the CONTRACTOR's duly authorized representative at the last business address known to the party giving notice. ARTICLE 2-PRELIMINARY MATTERS 2.1 Delivery of Agreement, Bonds, Insurance,and Other Documentation: Within ten(10)Calendar Days after written notification of award of Contract,the CONTRACTOR shall deliver to the OWNER signed Agreement, Bond(s), Insurance Certificates) and other documentation required for execution of the Contract. 2.2 Copies of Documents: The OWNER shall furnish to the CONTRACTOR two (2) copies of the Contract Documents unless otherwise specified. 00700 04-2020 Page 5 General Conditions 2.3 Commencement of Contract Times; Notice to Proceed: The Contract Time(s) commence on the date indicated in the Agreement or in the Notice to Proceed. Notice to Proceed will b given at any time within sixty(60)Calendar Days after the Execution Date of the Agreement, unless extended by witten agreement of the parties. 2.4 Before Starting Construction: 2.4.1 No Work shall be done at the site prior to the preconstruction conference without the OWNER's approval. Before undertking each part of the Work, the CONTRACTOR shall carefully study and compare the Contract Documents ani check and verify pertinent figures shown thereon and all applicable field measurements. The CONTRACTOk shall promptly report in writing to Owner's Representative any conflict, error, ambiguity or discrepancy which the CONTRACTOR may discover and shall obtain a written interpretation or clarification from Owner's Representative before proceeding with any Work affected thereby. The CONTRACTOR shall be liable to the OWNER fqr failure to report any conflict, error, ambiguity or discrepancy in the Contract Documents of which the CONTRACTOR knew or reasonably should have known. 2.4.2 The CONTRACTOR shall submit the following to Owner's Representative for review and approval no later than the precorstruction conference: .1 a preliminary progress schedule indicating the times (number of days or dates) for starting and completing the various stages of the Work, including any Milestones specified in the Contract Documents, identifying when all Subcontractors will be utilized, and taking into consideration any mutations on Working Hours; .2 a preliminary schedule of Shop Drawing and sample submittals; .3 a preliminary schedule of values for all of the Work, subdivided into component parts in sufficient detail to Serve as the basis for progress payments during construction.Such prices will include an appropriate amount of overhead and profit applicable to each item of Work. The preliminary schedule of values submitted by the CONTRACTOR should include a reasonable estimation of value of each item included anJ shall not contain disproportionate values assigned to any item or items; .4 a letter designating CONTRACTOR'S Superintendent; .5 a letter from the CONTRACTOR and Subcontractor(s) listing any salaried specialists; .6 if applicable, a letter designating the "Competent Person(s)" on general safety and trench safety masures; .7 if applicable, a trench safety system plan; .8 if applicable, a plan illustrating proposed locations of temporary facilities; .9 if applicable, a traffic control plan; .10 a completed Non-Use of Asbestos Affidavit(Prior to Construction); and .11 if applicable, a letter designating the Texas Registered Professional Land Surveyor for layout of the Wørk. 2.5 Precoflstruction Conference: Prior to commencement of Work at the site,a preconstruction conference attended by the CONTRACTOR,Owner's Representative and others will be held. 00700 04-2020 Page 6 General Conditions 2.6 Initially Acceptable Schedules: Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, the CONTRACTOR shall obtain approval of Owner's Representative on final versions of the schedules submitted in accordance with paragraph 2.4.2 before the first progress payment will be made to the CONTRACTOR. The progress schedule must provide for an orderly progression of the Work to completion within any specified Milestones and Contract Times. Acceptance of the schedule by Owner's Representative will neither impose on Owner's Representative responsibility for the sequencing, scheduling or progress of the Work nor interfere with or relieve the CONTRACTOR from the CONTRACTOR's full responsibility therefor. The CONTRACTOR's schedule of Shop Drawings and sample submissions must provide an arrangement agreeable to the parties for reviewing and processing the required submittals. 2.7 Electronic Transmittals: 2.7.1 Except as otherwise stated elsewhere in the Contract Documents, the OWNER, EtA, and CONTRACTOR may transmit,and shall except, Project-related correspondence,texts,data,documents,drawings, information,and graphics, including but not limited to Shop Drawings and other submittals, in electronic media or digital format,either directly, or through access to a secure Project website. 2.7.2 When transmitting items in electronic media or digital format, the transmitting party makes no representations as to long term compatibility, usability, or readability of the items resulting from the recipient's use of software application packages,operating systems,or computer hardware differing from those used in the drafting or transmittal of the items. ARTICLE 3-CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: INTENT,AMENDING, REUSE 3.1 Intent: 3.1.1 The intent of the Contract Documents is to include all information necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work by the CONTRACTOR. The Contract Documents are complementary, and what is required by one shall be as binding as if required by all. In cases of disagreement, the following order of precedence shall govern(top item receiving priority of interpretation): Change Orders Modifications to the Contract Documents made after the Execution Date Signed Agreement Addenda to the Contract Documents Special Conditions Supplemental General Conditions General Conditions Other Bidding Requirements and Contract Forms Special Provisions to the Standard Technical Specifications Special Specifications Standard Technical Specifications Drawings(figured dimensions shall govern over scaled dimensions) Project Safety manual, if applicable 3.1.2 Unless otherwise stated in the Contract Documents,words which have well-known technical or construction industry meanings are used in the Contract Documents in accordance with such recognized meanings. 3.2 Reporting and Resolving Discrepancies: Prior to commencing the Work, the CONTRACTOR shall review the Contract Documents for the purpose of discovering any conflict, error, ambiguity or discrepancy in the Contract Documents. If, at any time, the CONTRACTOR discovers any conflict, error, ambiguity or discrepancy within the Contract Documents or between the Contract Documents and any provisions of any such law or regulation applicable to the performance of the Work 00700 04-2020 Page 7 General Conditions or of any such standard, specification, manual or code or instructions of any Supplier, the CONTRACTOR shall immediately report it to Owner's Representative in writing,and the CONTRACTOR shall not proceed with the Work affected thereby until an amendment or supplement to the Contract Documents has been issued by one of the methods indicated in paragraph 3.3.1 or paragraph 3.3.2. The CONTRACTOR shall be liable to the OWNER for failure to report any such conflict, error, ambiguity or discrepancy of which the CONTRACTOR knew or reasonably should have known. 3.3 Amending and Supplementing Contract Documents: 3.3.1 The COntract Documents may be amended to provide for additions, deletions and revisions in the Work or to modify the terms and conditions thereof in one or more of the following ways: .1 Change Order. .2 Change Directive. 3.3.2 In addition, the requirements of the Contract Documents may be supplemented, and minor variations and deviations in this Work may be authorized, in one or more of the following ways: .1 Field Order. .2 Review of a Shop Drawing or sample. .3 Written interpretation or clarification. 3.4 Reuse of Documents Prohibited: The CONTRACTOR and any Subcontractor or Supplier or other person or organization performing or furnishing any of the Work under a direct or indirect contract with the OWNER: (I) shall not have or acquire any title to or ownership rights in any of the Drawings, Specifications or other documents(or copies of any thereof) prepared by or bearing the$sal of E/A or E/A's consultants, and (ii) shall not reuse any of such Drawings, Specifications, other documents or copies on extensions of the Project or any other project without written consent of the OWNER and E/A. ARTICLE 4-AVAILABILITY OF LANDS;SUBSURFACE AND PHYSICAL CONDITIONS; REFERENCE POINTS 4.1 Availability of Lands: The OWNER shall furnish, as indicated in the Contract Documents,all required rights to use the lands upon which the Work is to be performed, rights-of-way and easements for access thereto, and such other lands which are designated for the use of the CONTRACTOR. The OWNER shall identify any encumbrances or restrictions not of general applicaion but specifically related to use of lands so furnished with which the CONTRACTOR will have to comply in performing the Work. Easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facilities will be obtained and paid for by the OWNER, unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. If the OWNER fails to furnish these lands, rights-of-way or easements in a timely manner,the CONTRACTOR may make a Claim for adjustments in the Contract Times.The CONTRACTOR shall provide for all additional lands and access thereto that may be required for temporary construction facilities or storage of materials and equipment. 4.2 Subsurface and Physical Conditions: 4.2.1 The CONTRACTOR hereby covenants that it has examined the site of the proposed Work and is familiar with all of the conditions surrounding construction of the Project, having conducted all inquiries, tests and investigations deemed necessary and proper. Unless the CONTRACTOR, prior to the execution of the Agreement, has notified the OWNER in writing of any condition of the site of the proposed Work that would adversely impact 00700 04-42020 Page 8 General Conditions the performance of the Work by the CONTRACTOR, CONTRACTOR covenants that there are no conditions at the site of the proposed work which would adversely impact the performance of Work by the CONTRACTOR. 4.2.2 If conditions are encountered at the site which are (1) subsurface or otherwise concealed physical conditions that differ materially from those indicated in the Contract Documents or(2) unknown physical conditions of an unusual nature, that differ materially from those normally encountered in the type of work being performed under this Contract,then notice by the observing party shall be given to the other party promptly before conditions are disturbed and in no event later than seven (7) calendar days after first observance of the conditions. Owner's Representative will promptly investigate such conditions with E/A and, if they differ materially and cause an increase or decrease in the CONTRACTOR'S cost of, or time required for, performance of any part of the Work, OWNER will consider an equitable adjustment in the Contract Amount or Contract Time, or both. If Owner's Representative determines that the conditions at the site are not materially different from those indicated in the Contract Documents and that no change in the terms of the Contract is justified, the CONTRACTOR shall be notified in writing, stating the reasons. Any disputes arising from Owner's Representative's determination shall be resolved in accordance with Article 16. 4.2.3 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Contract,the CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for the location and protection of any and all public lines and utility customer service lines in the Work area. For the purposes of this section,"public lines"means the utility distribution and supply system within public rights-of-way or easements, and "utility customer service lines" (service) means any utility line connecting a utility customer to the utility distribution system. Generally, existing service connections within right-of-way or easements are not shown on the Drawings.The CONTRACTOR shall notify the OWNER and"One Call"and exercise due care to locate and to mark, uncover or otherwise protect all such lines in the construction zone and any of the CONTRACTOR's work or storage areas. The CONTRACTOR's obligation hereunder shall be primary and nondelegable. The CONTRACTOR shall indemnify or reimburse the OWNER for such expenses or costs (including fines that may be levied against the OWNER) that may result from unauthorized or accidental damage to all public lines and utility customer service lines in the Work area.The OWNER reserves the right to repair such damage the CONTRACTOR may cause,at the CONTRACTOR's expense. 4.2.4 The CONTRACTOR shall take reasonable precaution to avoid disturbing primitive records and antiquities of archaeological, paleontological or historical significance. No objects of this nature shall be disturbed without written permission of the OWNER and the Texas Department of Antiquities Protection. When such objects are uncovered unexpectedly, the CONTRACTOR shall stop all Work in close proximity and notify Owner's Representative and the Texas Department of Antiquities Protection of their presence and shall not disturb them until written permission and permit to do so is granted.All primitive rights and antiquities uncovered on the OWNER'S property shall remain property of the State of Texas,the Texas Department of Antiquities Protection conforming to the Texas Natural Resources Code. If it is determined by the OWNER, in consultation with the Texas Department of Antiquities Protection,that exploration or excavation of primitive records or antiquities on Project site is necessary to avoid loss,the CONTRACTOR shall cooperate in salvage work attendant to preservation. If the Work stoppage or salvage work causes an increase in the CONTRACTOR'S cost of, or time required for, performance of the Work, the Contract Amount and/or Contract Time may be equitably adjusted. 4.3 Reference Points: Unless otherwise specified, the OWNER will furnish all reference points, benchmarks, survey monuments, and control points which,in the OWNER's opinion,are suitable for laying out the Work. Such benchmarks and reference points will be placed at intervals not to exceed 1,500 feet. All reference points, benchmarks, survey monuments and control points shall be carefully preserved by the CONTRACTOR by use of flags, laths or other appropriate measures and, in case of destruction or removal by the CONTRACTOR or its employees, such reference points, benchmarks, survey monuments, and control points shall be replaced by a Registered Professional Land Surveyor at the CONTRACTOR's expense. When reference points, benchmarks, survey monuments, or control points are in conflict with the Work, then reestablishment will be the OWNER's responsibility during or upon completion of the Work. 4.4 Hazardous Materials: 00700 04-2020 Page 9 General Conditions 4.4.1 The OWNER shall be responsible for any hazardous material uncovered or revealed at the site which was not shown, indicated or identified in the Contract Documents to be within the scope of the Work and which may present a substantial danger to persons or property exposed thereto in connection with the Work at the site. The CONTRACTOR shall immediately notify Owner's Representative of any suspected hazardous materials encountered before or during performance of the Work and shall take all necessary precautions to avoid further disturbance of the materials. 4.4.2 The CQNTRACTOR shall be responsible for any hazardous materials brought to the site by the CONTRACTOk, Subcontractor, Suppliers or anyone else for whom the CONTRACTOR is responsible. 4.4.3 No asIestos-containing materials shall be incorporated into the Work or brought on the Project site without prior approval of the OWNER. 4.4.4 TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAWS AND REGULATIONS, CONTRACTOR SHALL INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS OWNER,AND ITS COUNCIL MEMBERS, EMPLOYEES,AGENTS,AND CONSULTANTS FROM AND AGAINST ALL CLAIMS, COSTS, LOSSES, AND DAMAGES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITEb TO ALL FEES AND CHARGES OF ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS, ATTORNEYS, AND OTHER PROFESSION4LS AND ALL COURT OR ARBITRATION OR OTHER DISPUTE RESOLUTION COSTS)ARISING OUT OF OR OtELATING TO FAILURE TO CONTROL, CONTAIN OR REMOVE A HAZARDOUS MATERIAL BROUGHT TO THE SITE BY CONTRACTOR OR BY ANYONE FOR WHOM CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE, OR TO A HAZARDOUS ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITION CREATED BY CONTRACTOR OR BY ANYONE FOR WHOM CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE. ARTICLE 5-BONDS AND INSURANCE 5.1 Surety and Insurance Companies: All bonds and insurance required by the Contract Documents shall be obtained from solvent surety or insurance companies that are duly licensed by the State of Texas and authorized to issue bonds or insurance policies for the limits and coverages required by the Contract Documents. The bonds shall be in a form acceptable to the OWNER and shall be issued by a surety which complies with the requirements of Chapter 3503, Texas Insurance Code (2005)and whih is otherwise acceptable to the OWNER. OWNER may require the surety to obtain reinsurance for any portion of the risk that exceeds 10% of the surety's capital and surplus. For bonds exceeding $100,000, the surety must also hold a certificate of authority from the U.S. Secretary',of the Treasury or have obtained reinsurance from a reinsurer that is authorized as a reinsurer in Texas and holds a certificate of authority from the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury. 5.2 Workers'Compensation Insurance Coverage: 5.2.1 Definitions: .1 Crtificate of coverage ("certificate") -A copy of a certificate of insurance, a certificate of authority to self-insure issued by the commission, or a coverage agreement showing statutory workers' compensation insurance coverage for the person's or entity's employees providing services on the Project, for the duration of the Project. .2 Duration of the Project - includes the time from the beginning of the Work on the Project until the CNTRACTOR's/person's Work on the Project has been completed and accepted by the OWNER. .3 Persons providing services on the Project ("subcontractor" herein) - includes all persons or entities performing all or part of the services the CONTRACTOR has undertaken to perform on the Project, regardless of whether that person contracted directly with the CONTRACTOR and regardless of whether that person has employees. This includes, by way of illustration and not of limitation, 00700 042020 Page 10 General Conditions independent contractors, Subcontractors, leasing companies, motor carriers, owner-operators, employees of any such entity, or employees of any entity which furnishes persons to provide services on the Project. "Services" include, without limitation, providing, hauling, or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor, transportation, or other service related to a project. "Services"does not include activities unrelated to the Project, such as food/beverage vendors,office supply deliveries, and delivery of portable toilets. 5.2.2 The CONTRACTOR shall provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011(44)for all employees of the CONTRACTOR providing services on the Project, for the duration of the Project. 5.2.3 The OWNER will not execute the Contract prior to the CONTRACTOR providing all required certificates of coverage. 5.2.4 If the coverage period shown on the CONTRACTOR's current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the Project, the CONTRACTOR must, prior to the end of the coverage period, file a new certificate of coverage with the OWNER showing that coverage has been extended. 5.2.5 The CONTRACTOR shall obtain from each person providing services on the Project, and provide to the OWNER: .1 a certificate of coverage, prior to that person beginning Work on the Project, so the OWNER will have on file certificates of coverage showing coverage for all persons providing services on the Project; and .2 no later than seven(7)days after receipt by the CONTRACTOR, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the Project. 5.2.6 The CONTRACTOR shall retain all required certificates of coverage for the duration of the Project and for one(1)year thereafter. 5.2.7 The CONTRACTOR shall notify the OWNER in writing by certified mail or personal delivery within ten (10) days after the CONTRACTOR knew or should have known of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the Project. 5.2.8 The CONTRACTOR shall post at its office or on each Project site a notice, in the text, form and manner prescribed by the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission, informing all persons providing services on the Project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify coverage and report lack of coverage. 5.2.9 The CONTRACTOR shall contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services on a Project to: .1 provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011(44)for all of its employees providing services on the Project,for the duration of the Project; .2 provide to the CONTRACTOR, prior to that person beginning Work on the Project, a certificate of coverage showing that coverage is being provided for all employees of the person providing services on the Project,for the duration of the Project; .3 provide the CONTRACTOR, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the Project; 00700 04-2020 Page 11 General Conditions .4 obtain from each other person with whom it contracts, and provide to the CONTRACTOR: a) a certificate of coverage, prior to the other person beginning Work on the Project; and b) a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, prior to the end of the coverage period, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the Project; .5 retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the Project and for one (1) year thereafter; .6 notify the OWNER in writing by certified mail or personal delivery within ten (10)days after the person knew or should have known of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the Project; and .7 contractually require each person with whom it contracts,to perform as required by paragraphs -, with the certificates of coverage to be provided to the person for whom they are providing services. 5.2.10 By signing this Contract or providing or causing to be provided a certificate of coverage, the CONTRACTOR is representing to the OWNER that all employees of the CONTRACTOR who will provide services on the Project Will be covered by workers'compensation coverage for the duration of the Project,that the coverage will be based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts, and that all coverage agreements will be filed with the appropriate insurance carrier or, in the case of a self-insured, with the commission's Division of Self-Insurance Regulation. Providing false or misleading information may subject the CONTRACTOR to administrative penalties, criminal penalties, civil penalties, or other civil actions. 5.2.11 The CONTRACTOR's failure to comply with any of these provisions is a breach of Contract by the CONTRACTOR which entitles the OWNER to declare the Contract void if the CONTRACTOR does not remedy the breach within ten (10)days after receipt of notice of breach from the OWNER. 5.3 Contractor Insurance Requirements: For specific bond requirements and additional insurance requirements, refer to the Supplemental General Conditions. General Requirements: .1 CONTRACTOR shall carry insurance in the types and amounts indicated below for the duration of the Contract, which shall include items owned by OWNER in the care, custody and control of CONTRACTOR prior to and during construction and warranty period. .2 CONTRACTOR must complete and forward the required Certificates of Insurance to OWNER before the Contract is executed as verification of coverage required below. CONTRACTOR shall not commence Work until the required insurance is obtained and until such insurance has been reviewed by OWNER. Approval of insurance by OWNER shall not relieve or decrease the liability of CONTRACTOR hereunder and shall not be construed to be a limitation of liability on the part of CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR must also complete and forward the required Certificates of Insurance to OWNER whenever a previously identified policy period has expired as verification of continuing coverage. .3 CONTRACTOR's insurance coverage is to be written by companies licensed to do business in the State of Texas at the time the policies are issued and shall be written by companies with A.M. Best ratings of B+Vll or better, except for hazardous material insurance which shall be written by companies with A.M. Best ratings of A-or better. 00700 0402020 Page 12 General Conditions .4 All endorsements naming the OWNER as additional insured, waivers, and notices of cancellation endorsements as well as the Certificate of Insurance shall indicate: City of Round Rock, 221 E. Main St., Round Rock, Texas 78664. .5 The "other" insurance clause shall not apply to the OWNER where the OWNER is an additional insured shown on any policy. It is intended that policies required in the Contract, covering both OWNER and CONTRACTOR, shall be considered primary coverage as applicable. .6 If insurance policies are not written for amounts specified below, CONTRACTOR shall carry Umbrella or Excess Liability Insurance for any differences in amounts specified. If Excess Liability Insurance is provided, it shall follow the form of the primary coverage. .7 OWNER shall be entitled, upon request and without expense,to receive certified copies of policies and endorsements thereto and may make any reasonable requests for deletion or revision or modification of particular policy terms, conditions, limitations, or exclusions except where policy provisions are established by law or regulations binding upon either of the parties hereto or the underwriter on any such policies. .8 OWNER reserves the right to review the insurance requirements set forth during the effective period of this Contract and to make reasonable adjustments to insurance coverage, limits, and exclusions when deemed necessary and prudent by OWNER based upon changes in statutory law, court decisions, the claims history of the industry or financial condition of the insurance company as well as CONTRACTOR. .9 CONTRACTOR shall not cause any insurance to be canceled nor permit any insurance to lapse during the term of the Contract or as required in the Contract. .10 CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for premiums, deductibles and self-insured retentions, if any, stated in policies. All deductibles or self-insured retentions shall be disclosed on the Certificate of Insurance. .11 CONTRACTOR shall provide OWNER thirty (30) days written notice of erosion of the aggregate limits below occurrence limits for all applicable coverages indicted within the Contract. .12 If OWNER-owned property is being transported or stored off-site by CONTRACTOR, then the appropriate property policy will be endorsed for transit and storage in an amount sufficient to protect OWNER's property. .13 The insurance coverages required under this contract are required minimums and are not intended to limit the responsibility or liability of CONTRACTOR. Business Automobile Liability Insurance. Provide coverage for all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles. The policy shall contain the following endorsements in favor of OWNER: a) Waiver of Subrogation endorsement TE 2046A; b) 30 day Notice of Cancellation endorsement TE 0202A; and c) Additional Insured endorsement TE 9901 B. Provide coverage in the following types and amounts: 00700 04-2020 Page 13 General Conditions .1 A minimum combined single limit of$500,000 per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. Alternate acceptable limits are $250,000 bodily injury per person, $500,000 bodily injury per occurrence and at least$100,000.property damage liability each accident. Workers'Compensation and Employers' Liability Insurance: Coverage shall be consistent with statutory benefits outlined in the Texas Workers' Compensation Act (Section 401). CONTRACTOR shall assure compliance with this Statute by submitting two(2)copies of a standard certificate of coverage (e.g. ACCORD form) to Owner's Representative for every person providing services on the Project as acceptable proof of coverage. The required Certificate of Insurance must be presented as evidence of coverage for CONTRACTOR. Workers' Compensation Insurance coverage written by the Texas Workers Compensation Fund is acceptable to OWNER. CONTRACTOR's policy shall apply to the State of Texas and include these endorsements in favor of OWNER: a) Waiver of Subrogation,form WC 420304; and b) 30 day Notice of Cancellation, form WC 420601. The minimum policy limits for Employers' Liability Insurance coverage shall be as follows: .1 $100,000 bodily injury per accident, $500,000 bodily injury by disease policy limit and $100,000 bodily injury by disease each employee. Commercial General Liability Insurance. The Policy shall contain the following provisions: a) Blanket contractual liability coverage for liability assumed under the Contract and all contracts relative to this Project. b) Completed Operations/Products Liability for the duration of the warranty period. c) Explosion, Collapse and Underground (X, C& U)coverage. d) Independent Contractors coverage. e) Aggregate limits of insurance per project, endorsement CG 2503. f) OWNER listed as an additional insured, endorsement CG 2010. g) 30 day notice of cancellation in favor of OWNER, endorsement CG 0205. h) Waiver of Transfer of Recovery Against Others in favor of OWNER, endorsement CG 2404. Provide coverages A&B with minimum limits as follows: .1 A combined bodily injury and property damage limit of$500,000 per occurrence. Buikiers' Risk Insurance. CONTRACTOR shall maintain Builders' Risk Insurance or Installation Insurance on an all risk physical loss form in the Contract Amount. Coverage shall continue until the Work is accepted by OWNER. OWNER shall be a loss payee on the policy. If off site storage is permitted,coverage shall include transit and storage in an amount sufficient to protect property being transported or stored. 5.4 Bonds: 00700 O42O2O Page 14 General Conditions 5.4.1 General. .1 Bonds, when required, shall be executed on forms furnished by or acceptable to OWNER. All bonds signed by an agent must be accompanied by a certified copy of such agent's authority to act. .2 If the surety on any bond furnished by CONTRACTOR is declared bankrupt or becomes insolvent or its right to do business is terminated in the State of Texas or it ceases to meet the requirements of the preceding paragraph,CONTRACTOR shall within ten(10)days thereafter substitute another bond and surety, both of which must be acceptable to OWNER. .3 When Performance Bonds and/or Payment Bonds are required, each shall be issued in an amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Amount as security for the faithful performance and/or payment of all CONTRACTOR's obligations under the Contract Documents. Performance Bonds and Payment Bonds shall be issued by a solvent surety company authorized to do business in the State of Texas, and shall meet any other requirements established by law or by OWNER pursuant to applicable law. Any surety duly authorized to do business in Texas may write Performance and Payment Bonds on a project without reinsurance to the limit of 10 percent of its capital and surplus. Such a surety must reinsure any obligations over 10 percent. .4 If CONTRACTOR has failed to obtain or maintain a required bond, OWNER may exclude the CONTRACTOR from the site of the Project and exercise OWNER's suspension and/or termination rights under the Contract Documents. 5.4.2 Performance Bond. .1 If the Contract Amount exceeds $100,000, CONTRACTOR shall furnish OWNER with a Performance Bond in the form set out by OWNER. .2 If the Contract Amount exceeds $25,000 but is less than or equal to $100,000, CONTRACTOR shall furnish OWNER with a Performance Bond in the form set out by OWNER, unless the original Contract Time is 60 Calendar Days/40 Working Days or less, in which case CONTRACTOR can agree to the following terms and conditions for payment in lieu of providing a Performance Bond: no money will be paid to CONTRACTOR until completion and acceptance of the Work by OWNER; CONTRACTOR shall be entitled to receive 95%of the Contract Amount following Final Completion, and the remaining 5%of the Contract Amount following the one year warranty period. .3 If the Contract Amount is less than or equal to $25,000, CONTRACTOR will not be required to furnish a Performance Bond; provided that no money will be paid to CONTRACTOR until completion and acceptance of the Work by OWNER under the following terms and conditions: CONTRACTOR shall be entitled to receive 95%of the Contract Amount following Final Completion, and the remaining 5%of the Contract Amount following the one year warranty period. .4 If a Performance Bond is required to be furnished, it shall extend for the one year warranty period. 5.4.3 Payment Bond. .1 If the Contract Amount exceeds $50,000, CONTRACTOR shall furnish OWNER with a Payment Bond in the form set out by OWNER. .2 If the Contract Amount is less than or equal to $50,000, CONTRACTOR will not be required to furnish a Payment Bond; provided that no money will be paid to CONTRACTOR until completion and acceptance of the Work by OWNER under the terms and conditions specified in paragraph 00700 04-2020 Page 15 General Conditions ARTICLE 6-CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES 6.1 Supervision and Superintendence: 6.1.1 The CONTRACTOR shall supervise, inspect and direct the Work competently and efficiently,devoting such attention thereto and applying such skills and expertise as may be necessary to perform the Work in accordance with the Contact Documents. Unless otherwise directed by the OWNER in the Contract Documents, the CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction. the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. 6.1.2 The CNTRACTOR shall have an English-speaking, competent Superintendent on the Work at all times that work is in progress. Upon request of Owner's Representative, the CONTRACTOR shall present the resume of the proposed Superintendent to Owner's Representative showing evidence of experience and successful superintendence and direction of work of a similar scale and complexity. If, in the opinion of Owner's Representative, the proposed Superintendent does not indicate sufficient experience in line with the Work, he/she will not be allowed to be the designated Superintendent for the Work. The Superintendent shall not be replaced without Written Notice to Owner's Representative. If the CONTRACTOR deems it necessary to replace the Superintendent, the CONTRACTOR shall provide the necessary information for approval, as stated above, on the proposed new Superintendent. A qualified substitute Superintendent may be designated in the event that the designated Superintendent is temporarily away from the Work, but not to exceed a time limit acceptable to Owner's Representative. The CONTRACTOR shall replace the Superintendent upon the OWNER's request in the event the Superintendent is unable to perform to the OWNER's satisfaction. The Superintendent will be the CONTRACTOR's representative Qn the Work and shall have the authority to act on behalf of the CONTRACTOR. All communications given to the Superintendent shall be as binding as if given to the CONTRACTOR. Either the CONTRACTOR or the Superintendent shall provide an emergency and home telephone number at which one or the other may be reached if necessary when work is not in progress. 6.2 Labors Materials and Equipment: 6.2.1 The CONTRACTOR agrees to employ only orderly and competent workers, skillful in performance of the type of Work required under this Contract. The CONTRACTOR, Subcontractors, Sub-subcontractors, and their employees may not use or possess any firearms, alcoholic or other intoxicating beverages, illegal drugs or controlled substances while on the job or on the OWNER's property, nor may such workers be intoxicated,or under the influence of alcohol or drugs, on the job. If the OWNER or Owner's Representative notifies the CONTRACTOR that any worker is incompetent, disorderly or disobedient, has knowingly or repeatedly violated safety regulations, has possessed any firearms, or has possessed or was under the influence of alcohol or drugs on the job, the CONTRACTOk shall immediately remove such worker from performing Contract Work, and may not employ such worker again op Contract Work without the OWNER's prior written consent. The CONTRACTOR shall at all times maintain good discipline and order on or off the site in all matters pertaining to the Project. The CONTRACTOR shall pay workers no less than the wage rates established in Section 00900, and maintain weekly payroll reports as evidence thereof. 6.2.2 Unless otherwise specified, the CONTRACTOR shall provide and pay for all materials, equipment, labor, transportation,iconstruction equipment and machinery, tools, appliances, fuel, power, light, heat, telephone,water, sanitary facilities, temporary facilities and all other facilities and incidentals necessary for the furnishing, performance, re-testing of defective work, start-up and completion of the Work. 6.2.3 All materials and equipment shall be of good quality and new (including new products made of recycled materials), except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. If required by Owner's Representative, the CONTRACTOF shall furnish satisfactory evidence (reports of required tests, manufacturer's certificates of compliance with material requirements, mill reports, etc.) as to the kind, quantity and quality of materials and equipment. Apl materials and equipment shall be applied, installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned and conditioned in accordance with instructions of the applicable Supplier, except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. 00700 O42O2O Page 16 General Conditions 6.2.4 Substitutes and "Approved Equal" Items: Whenever an item of material or equipment is specified or described in the Contract Documents by using the name of a proprietary item or the name of a particular Supplier, the specification or description is intended to establish the type,function and quality required. Unless the specification or description contains words reading that no like, equivalent or"approved equal" item or no substitution is permitted, other items of material or equipment of other Suppliers may be submitted to Owner's Representative under the following circumstances: .1 "Approved Equal": If, in the OWNER's sole discretion, an item of material or an item of equipment proposed by the CONTRACTOR is functionally equal to that named and sufficiently similar so that no change in related Work will be required, it may be considered by the OWNER as an"approved equal" item, in which case review of the proposed item may, in the OWNER's sole discretion, be accomplished without compliance with some or all of the requirements for evaluation of proposed substitute items. The CONTRACTOR shall provide the OWNER with the documentation required for the OWNER to make its determination. .2 Substitute Items: If, in the OWNER's sole discretion, an item of material or an item of equipment proposed by the CONTRACTOR does not qualify as an "approved equal" item under paragraph, then it will be considered a proposed substitute item. The CONTRACTOR shall submit sufficient information to allow the OWNER to determine that the item of material or item of equipment proposed is essentially equivalent to that named and a substitute therefor. Substitute Construction Methods and Procedures: If a specific means, method, technique, sequence or procedure of construction is shown or indicated in and expressly required by the Contract Documents, the CONTRACTOR may with prior approval of the OWNER furnish or utilize a substitute means, method, technique, sequence, or procedure of construction. The CONTRACTOR shall submit sufficient information to Owner's Representative to allow the OWNER, in the OWNER's sole discretion, to determine that the substitute proposed is equivalent to that expressly called for by the Contract Documents. OWNER's Evaluation: The OWNER will be allowed a reasonable time within which to evaluate each proposal or submittal made pursuant to paragraph and paragraph The OWNER will be the sole judge of acceptability. No"approved equal"or substitute shall be ordered, installed, or utilized until the OWNER's review is complete, which will be evidenced by either a Change Order or completion of the Shop Drawing review procedure. The OWNER may require the CONTRACTOR to furnish at the CONTRACTOR's expense a special performance guarantee or other surety bond with respect to any"approved equal"or substitute. The OWNER shall not be responsible for any delay due to review time for any"approved equal"or substitute. CONTRACTOR's Expense: All data to be provided by the CONTRACTOR in support of any proposed "approved equal"or substitute item will be at the CONTRACTOR'S expense. 6.2.5 The CONTRACTOR agrees to assign to the OWNER any rights it may have to bring antitrust suits against its Suppliers for overcharges on materials incorporated in the Project growing out of illegal price fixing agreements. The CONTRACTOR further agrees to cooperate with the OWNER should the OWNER wish to prosecute suits against Suppliers for illegal price fixing. 6.3 Progress Schedule: Unless otherwise directed, the CONTRACTOR shall adhere to the progress schedule established in accordance with paragraph 2.6 as it may be adjusted from time to time as provided below: .1 The CONTRACTOR shall submit to Owner's Representative for acceptance proposed adjustments in the progress schedule that will not change the Contract Times or Milestones. Such adjustments will conform generally to the progress schedule then in effect. 00700 04-2020 Page 17 General Conditions .2 Proposed adjustments in the progress schedule that will change the Contract Times or Milestones shall be submitted in accordance with the requirements of Article 12. Such adjustments may only be made bya Change Order or Time Extension Request in accordance with Article 12. 6.4 Concerning Subcontractors,Suppliers and Others: 6.4.1 Assignment: The CONTRACTOR agrees to retain direct control of and give direct attention to the fulfillment of this Contract. The CONTRACTOR agrees not to,by Power of Attorney or otherwise,assign said Contract without the prior writteh consent of the OWNER. 6.4.2 Award of Subcontracts for Portions of the Work: The CONTRACTOR shall not employ any Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization, whether initially or as a substitute, against whom the OWNER may have reasonable objection. The CONTRACTOR must provide the OWNER with a list of all Subcontractors, Suppliers, or other persons or organizations it will use in the Work, and such list must be provided prior to the preconstruction conference. SIould the OWNER have objections,the OWNER will communicate such objections by Written Notice. If the OWNER requires a change without good cause of any Subcontractor, person or organization previously accepted by OWNER,the Contract Amount may be increased or decreased by the difference in the cost occasioned by any such change, and an appropriate Change Order shall be issued. The CONTRACTOR shall not substitute any Subcontractor, person or organization that has been accepted by the OWNER, unless the substitute has been accepted in writing by the OWNER. No acceptance by the OWNER of any Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organizations shall constitute a waiver of any right of the OWNER to reject defective Work. 6.4.3 The CONTRACTOR shall enter into written agreements with all Subcontractors and Suppliers which specifically bind the Subcontractors or Suppliers to the applicable terms and conditions of the Contract Documents for the benefit f the OWNER and Elk The OWNER reserves the right to specify that certain requirements shall be adhered tc by all Subcontractors and Sub-subcontractors as indicated in other portions of the Contract Documents and these requirements shall be made a portion of the agreement between the CONTRACTOR and Subcontractor pr Supplier. 6.4.4 The CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible to the OWNER for all acts and omissions of the Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons and organizations performing or furnishing any of the Work under a direct or indiect contract with the CONTRACTOR just as the CONTRACTOR is responsible for the CONTRACTOR's own acts and omissions. Nothing in the Contract Documents shall create for the benefit of any such Subcontractor,Supplier or other person or organization any contractual relationship between the OWNER and any such SubQontractor, Supplier or other person or organization, nor shall it create any obligation on the part of the OWNER E/A to pay or to see to the payment of any amounts due any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or orgahization except as may otherwise be required by laws and regulations. 6.4.5 The CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for scheduling and coordinating the Work of Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons and organizations performing or furnishing any of the Work under a direct or indirect contract with the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall require all Subcontractors, Suppliers and such other persons and organizations performing or furnishing any of the Work to communicate with Owner's Representativ through the CONTRACTOR. 6.4.6 The divisions and sections of the Specifications and the identifications of any Drawings shall not control the CONTRACTOR in dividing or delineating the Work to be performed by any specific trade. 6.4.7 The CQNTRACTOR shall pay each Subcontractor and Supplier their appropriate share of payments made to the CONTRACTOR not later than ten(10)Days after the CONTRACTOR's receipt of payment from the OWNER. 6.5 Patent Fees and Royalties: 6.5.1 The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible at all times for compliance with applicable patents or copyrights encompassing in whole or in part, any design, device, material, or process utilized, directly or indirectly, in the performance of the Work or the formulation or presentation of its Bid. 00700 042O2O Page 18 General Conditions 6.5.2 The CONTRACTOR shall pay all royalties and license fees and shall provide, prior to commencement of Work hereunder and at all times during the performance of same, for lawful use of any design, device, material or process covered by letters, patent or copyright by suitable legal agreement with the patentee, copyright holder, or their duly authorized representative whether or not a particular design, device, material, or process is specified by the OWNER. 6.5.3 The CONTRACTOR shall defend all suits or claims for infringement of any patent or copyright and shall indemnify and save the OWNER harmless from any and all claims,costs, losses,expenses and damages(including but not limited to attorneys fees and consultant fees),direct or indirect, arising with respect to the CONTRACTOR's process in the formulation of its bid or the performance of the Work or otherwise arising in connection therewith. The OWNER reserves the right to provide its own defense,with counsel of its own choosing,to any suit or claim of infringement of any patent or copyright in which event the CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and save harmless the OWNER from all costs and expenses of such defense as well as satisfaction of all judgments entered against the OWNER. 6.5.4 The OWNER shall have the right to stop the Work and/or terminate this Agreement at any time in the event the CONTRACTOR fails to disclose to the OWNER that the CONTRACTOR's work methodology includes the use of any infringing design, device, material or process. 6.6 Permits, Fees: Unless otherwise provided in the Supplemental General Conditions, the CONTRACTOR shall obtain and pay for all construction permits, licenses and fees required for prosecution of the Work. OWNER will obtain and pay for the following permits, licenses and/or fees, if required: .1 Site Development Permit. .2 Building Permit(s). .3 Texas Department of Transportation permit for work in State rights-of-way. .4 Railroad Utility License Agreement. 6.7 Laws and Regulations: 6.7.1 The CONTRACTOR shall give all notices and comply with all laws and regulations applicable to furnishing and performing the Work. Except where otherwise expressly required by applicable laws and regulations, neither the OWNER nor E/A shall be responsible for monitoring the CONTRACTOR's compliance with any laws and regulations. 6.7.2 The CONTRACTOR shall plan and execute its operations in compliance with all applicable Federal, State and local laws and regulations, including those concerning control and abatement of water pollution and prevention and control of air pollution. 6.7.3 If the CONTRACTOR performs any Work that it is contrary to laws or regulations,then the CONTRACTOR shall bear and shall indemnify, defend and hold OWNER harmless from all claims, costs, losses and damages arising therefrom; however, it shall not be the CONTRACTOR's primary responsibility to make certain that the Specifications and Drawings are in accordance with laws and regulations, but this does not relieve the CONTRACTOR of the CONTRACTOR's obligations under Article 3. 6.8 Taxes: 6.8.1 The CONTRACTOR shall pay all sales, consumer, use and other similar taxes required to be paid by the CONTRACTOR in accordance with the laws and regulations of the State of Texas. 00700 04-2020 Page 19 General Conditions 6.8.2 The OWNER is an exempt organization as defined by Chapter 11 of the Property Tax Code of Texas and is thereby exempt from payment of Sales Tax under Chapter 151, Limited Use Sales, Excise and Use Tax, Texas Tax Code, and Chapter 321, Texas Tax Code. 6.9 Use of Premises: 6.9.1 The CONTRACTOR shall confine construction equipment,the storage of materials and equipment and the operations of Workers to the site and land and areas identified in and permitted by the Contract Documents and other land and areas permitted by laws and regulations, rights-of-way, permits and easements, and shall not unreasonably encumber the premises with construction equipment or other materials or equipment. The CONTRACTOI shall assume full responsibility for any damage to any such land or area, or to the owner or occupant thereof or of any adjacent land or areas, resulting from the performance of the Work. Should any claim be made by any such owner or occupant because of the performance of the Work, the CONTRACTOR shall promptly settle with such other party by negotiation or otherwise resolve the claim by dispute resolution proceeding or at law. The CONTRACTOR shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the OWNER, E/A, EtA's consultants and anyone directl* or indirectly employed by any of them from and against all claims, costs, losses and damages (including court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of or resulting from any claim or action, legal or equitable, brotight by any such owner or occupant against the OWNER, E/A or any other party indemnified hereunder to the extent caused by or based upon performance of the Work or failure to perform the Work. 6.9.2 During;the progress of the Work and on a daily basis, the CONTRACTOR shall keep the premises free from accumulations of waste materials, rubbish and other debris resulting from the Work. At the completion of the Work, the COFJTRACTOR shall remove all waste materials, rubbish and debris from and about the premises as well as all tools, appliances, construction equipment and machinery and surplus materials. The CONTRACTOR shall leave the site clean and ready for occupancy by the OWNER at Substantial Completion of the Work. The CONTRACTOR shall, at a minimum, restore to original condition all property not designated for alteration by the Contact Documents. 6.9.3 The CONTRACTOR shall not load nor permit any part of any structure to be loaded in any manner that will endanger the structure, nor shall the CONTRACTOR subject any part of the Work or adjacent property to stresses or pressures that will endanger it. 6.10 Record Documents: The CONTRACTOR shall maintain in a safe place at the site, or other location acceptable to the OWNER, one(1) record copy of all Drawings, Specifications,Addenda, Change Orders,Change Directives, Field Orders and written interpretations and clarifications (issued pursuant to paragraph 9.5) in good order and annotated to show all changes made during construction. These record documents, together with all final samples and all final Shop Drawings,will the available to the OWNER and E/A for reference during performance of the Work. Upon Substantial Completion of the Work, these record documents, samples and Shop Drawings showing the final "as built" construction of the Project shall be promptly delivered to Owner's Representative. 6.11 Safety ard Protection: 6.11.1 The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs connection with the Work. Upon request,and prior to installation of measures,the CONTRACTOR shall submit a site security and safety plan for approval by the OWNER. By reviewing the plan or making recommendations or comments, the OWNER will not assume liability nor will the CONTRACTOR be relieved of liability for danliage, injury or loss. The CONTRACTOR shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of and shall provide the necessary protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to: .1 all persons on the Work site or who may be affected by the Work; .2 all the Work and materials and equipment to be incorporated therein, whether in storage on or off the site; and 00700 04.2020 Page 20 General Conditions .3 other property at the site or adjacent thereto, including but not limited to, trees, shrubs, lawns, walks, pavements, roadways, structures, utilities and underground facilities not designated for removal, relocation or replacement in the course of construction. 6.11.2 The CONTRACTOR shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations of any public body having jurisdiction for safety of persons or property or to protect them from damage, injury or loss; and shall erect and maintain all necessary safeguards for such safety and protection. The CONTRACTOR shall notify owners of adjacent property and of underground facilities, and utility owners when prosecution of the Work may affect them, and shall cooperate with them in the protection, removal, relocation and replacement of their property. All damage, injury or loss to any property referred to in paragraph and paragraph caused,directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, by the CONTRACTOR, Subcontractor, Supplier or any person or organization directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any of the Work or anyone for whose acts any of them may be responsible, shall be remedied by the CONTRACTOR (except damage or loss attributable to the fault of Drawings or Specifications or to the acts or omissions of the OWNER, or E/A, or E/A's consultant or anyone employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be responsible, and not attributable, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part,to the faults or negligence of the CONTRACTOR or any Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization directly or indirectly employed by any of them). The CONTRACTOR's duties and responsibilities for safety and protection of the Work shall continue until such time as all the Work is completed and Owner's Representative has issued a notice to the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR in accordance with Article 14 that the Work is acceptable(except as otherwise expressly provided in connection with Substantial Completion). 6.11.3 Safety Representative: The CONTRACTOR shall designate a qualified and experienced safety representative at the site whose duties and responsibilities shall be the prevention of accidents and the maintaining and supervising of safety precautions and programs. Upon request of the OWNER, the CONTRACTOR shall provide certifications or other documentation of the safety representative's qualifications. At a minimum,the safety representative shall have received the OSHA thirty (30) hour training and a certificate evidencing that the safety representative has received such training within the last five (5) years shall be provided to the OWNER's representative. 6.11.4 Hazard Communication Programs: The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for coordinating any exchange of material safety data sheets or other hazard communication information required to be made available to or exchanged between or among employers at the site in accordance with laws and regulations. 6.11.5 Emergencies: In emergencies affecting the safety or protection of persons or the Work at the site or adjacent thereto, the CONTRACTOR, without special instruction or authorization from the OWNER or EtA, is obligated to act reasonably to prevent threatened damage, injury or loss and to mitigate damage or loss to the Work. The CONTRACTOR shall give Owner's Representative prompt written notice if the CONTRACTOR believes that any significant changes in the Work or variations from the Contract Documents have been caused thereby. If Owner's Representative determines that a change in the Contract Documents is required because of the action taken by the CONTRACTOR in response to such an emergency,a Change Directive or Change Order will be issued to document the consequences of such action; otherwise the OWNER will not be responsible for the CONTRACTOR's emergency action. Authorized agents of the CONTRACTOR shall respond immediately to call-out at any time of any day or night when circumstances warrant the presence on Project site of the CONTRACTOR or its agent to protect the Work or adjacent property from damage, restriction or limitation or to take such action or measures pertaining to the Work as may be necessary to provide for the safety of the public. Should the CONTRACTOR and/or its agent fail to respond and take action to alleviate such an emergency situation, the OWNER may direct other forces to take action as necessary to remedy the emergency condition,and the OWNER will deduct any cost of such remedial action from the funds due to the CONTRACTOR under this Contract. In the event there is an accident involving injury to any individual on or near the Work, the CONTRACTOR shall notify Owner's Representative within twenty-four (24) hours of the event and shall be responsible for recording the location of the event and the circumstances surrounding the event through 00700 04-2020 Page 21 General Conditions photographs, interviewing witnesses, obtaining medical reports and other documentation that describes the event. Copies of such documentation shall be provided to Owner's Representative, for the OWNER's and E/A's records, within forty-eight(48) hours of the event. 6.12 Continuing the Work: The CONTRACTOR shall carry on the Work and adhere to the progress schedule during all disputes or disagreements with the OWNER. No Work shall be delayed or postponed pending resolution of any disputes or disagreements, except as the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR may agree in writing. 6.13 CONTRACTOR's General Warranty and Guarantee: 6.13.1 The CONTRACTOR warrants and guarantees to the OWNER that all Work will be performed in a good and workmanlike nanner in accordance with the Contract Documents and will not be defective. The CONTRACTOR's warranty and guarantee hereunder excludes defects or damage caused by: .1 abuse, modification or improper maintenance or operation by persons other than the CONTRACTOR, Subcontractors or Suppliers; or .2 normal wear and tear under normal usage. 6.13.2 The CONTRACTOR's obligation to perform and complete the Work in a good and workmanlike manner in accordance with the Contract Documents shall be absolute. None of the following will constitute acceptance of Work not in accordance with the Contract Documents or a release of the CONTRACTOR's obligation to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents: .1 observations by Owner's Representative and/or E/A; .2 recommendation of any progress or final payment by Owner's Representative; .3 the issuance of a certificate of Substantial Completion or any payment by the OWNER to the CONTRACTOR under the Contract Documents; .4 use or occupancy of the Work or any part thereof by the OWNER; .5 any acceptance by the OWNER or any failure to do so; .6 any review of a Shop Drawing or sample submittal; .7 any'inspection, test or approval by others; or .8 any correction of defective Work by the OWNER. .9 the failure of the OWNER, E/A or any other person or entity acting on behalf of the OWNER or E/A to observe, detect or discover any defect in the Work or any non-conformance of the Work with any requirement of the Contract Documents. CONTEACTOR hereby waives any claim or defense to any claim by the OWNER that any failure by the OWNER, E/A, or any other person or entity acting on behalf of the OWNER or E/A to observe, detect or discover any defect in the Work relieves or releases, in whole or in part, CONTRACTOR from any obligations or responsibility for the correction of such defects or any other obligation of CONTRACTOR under the Contract Documents. 6.14 Indemnification: 00700 O42O2O Page 22 General Conditions 6.14.1 TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW,AND IN ADDITION TO ANY OTHER OBLIGATIONS OF CONTRACTOR UNDER THE CONTRACT OR OTHERWISE,CONTRACTOR SHALL INDEMNIFY, DEFEND AND HOLD HARMLESS OWNER, ITS COUNCIL MEMBERS , EMPLOYEES, AGENTS,AND CONSULTANTS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE E/A (THE "INDEMNIFIED PARTIES" OR INDEMNIFIED PARTY", FROM AND AGAINST ALL CLAIMS,COSTS, LOSSES,AND DAMAGES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL FEES AND CHARGES OF ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS,ATTORNEYS, CONSULTANTS, EXPERTS AND OTHER PROFESSIONALS AND ALL COURT OR ARBITRATION OR OTHER DISPUTE RESOLUTION COSTS) ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THE PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH CLAIMS, COSTS, LOSSES,AND DAMAGES ARE CAUSED, IN WHOLE OR IN PARTY BY THE ACTS, ACTIONS, ERRORS OR OMISSIONS OF AN INDEMNIFIED PARTY. BECAUSE OWNER IS A MUNICIPALITY,THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF SUBCHAPTER C OF CHAPTER 151 OF THE TEXAS INSURANCE CODE ("CHAPTER 151") DOES NOT APPLY TO THE OWNER. IF, HOWEVER, ANY PROVISION OF CHAPTER 151 APPLIES TO THE OWNER, IT IS THE INTENT OF THE OWNER THAT IF THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 151 DO APPLY, NOTHING HEREIN SHALL IMPOSE ANY REQUIREMENTS ON CONTRACTOR THAT ARE PROHIBITED BY CHAPTER 151 AND THAT ANY OF THE PROVISIONS HEREOF THAT ARE NOT PROHIBITED BY CHAPTER 151 SHALL REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT. ACCORDINGLY, IN THE EVENT THAT IN CONSTRUING AND INTERPRETING THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, A COURT OF COMPETENT JURISDICTION OR, IF APPLICABLE, AN ARBITRATOR, DETERMINES THAT CHAPTER 151 APPLIES TO THE OWNER, THEN THE COURT OR ARBITRATOR SHALL REFORM THE PROVISIONS HEREOF SO AS TO COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 151 AND SUCH REFORMATION SHALL NOT AFFECT THE VALIDITY OF ANY PROVISIONS HEREOF THAT ARE NOT PROHIBITED BY CHAPTER 151. 6.14.2 The indemnification obligation under paragraph 6.14.1 shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, or compensation or benefits payable by or for the CONTRACTOR or any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization under workers'compensation acts,disability benefit acts or other employee benefit acts. 6.14.3 The obligations of the CONTRACTOR under paragraph 6.14.1 shall not extend to the liability of the OWNER, E/A, E/A's consultants, and their officers, directors, partners, employees or agents caused primarily by negligent preparation of maps, drawings, surveys, designs or specifications upon which is placed the applicable state-authorized design professional seal of the OWNER's, EtA's or E/A's consultant's officers, directors, partners, employees or agents. 6.14.4 In the event the CONTRACTOR fails to follow the OWNER's directives concerning use of the site, scheduling or course of construction, or engages in other conduct which proximately causes damage to property based on inverse condemnation or otherwise, then and in that event, the CONTRACTOR shall indemnify the OWNER against all costs resulting from such claims. 6.14.5 In the event the CONTRACTOR unreasonably delays progress of the work being done by others on the site so as to cause loss for which the OWNER becomes liable, then the CONTRACTOR shall reimburse the OWNER for such loss. 6.15 Survival of Obligations: All representations, indemnifications, warranties and guarantees made in, required by or given in accordance with the Contract Documents,as well as all continuing obligations indicated in the Contract Documents,will survive final payment, completion and acceptance of the Work and termination or completion of the Agreement. 6.16 Losses from Natural Causes: Unless otherwise specified, all loss or damage to the CONTRACTOR arising out of the nature of the Work to be done or from action of the elements,floods or from unforeseeable circumstances in prosecution of the Work or from 00700 04-2020 Page 23 General Conditions unusual obstructions or difficulties which may be encountered in prosecution of the Work, shall be sustained and borne by the CONTRACTOR at its own cost and expense. 6.17 Notice of Claim: Should the CONTRACTOR suffer injury or damage to person or property because of any error, omission or act of the OWNER ors of any of the OWNER's employees or agents or others for whose acts the OWNER is liable,a Claim will be made tO the other party within thirty (30) calendar days of the event giving rise to such injury or damage. The provisions of this paragraph 6.17 shall not be construed as a substitute for or a waiver of the provisions of any applicable stat6te of limitations, statute of repose, or any other provision of the Contract Documents. 6.18 Liquidated Damages: At set forth in the Agreement, paragraph 1.2,the CONTRACTOR or its Surety shall be liable for Liquidated Damages for the CONTRACTOR's failure to timely complete the Work or any portion thereof within the Contract Time. See Supplemental Conditions for amount of Liquidated Damages. ARTICLE 7-9THER WORK 7.1 The OWNER may perform other work related to the Project at the site by the OWNER's own forces, or let other contracts therefor, or have other work performed by utility owners. If the CONTRACTOR believes that delay or additional cost is involved because of such action by the OWNER, the CONTRACTOR may make a Claim as provided in Article 11 or Article 12. 7.2 The CONTRACTOR shall afford other contractors who are in a contract with the OWNER and each utility owner (and the OWNER, if the OWNER is performing the additional work with the OWNER's employees) proper and safe access to the site and a reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of materials and equipment and the execution of such other work and shall properly connect and coordinate the Work with theirs. Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, the CONTRACTOR shall do all cutting, fitting and patching of the Work that may be required to make its several parts come together properly and integrate with such other work. The CONTRACTOR shall not endanger any work of others by cutting, excavating or otherwise altering their work and will only cUt or alter their work with the written consent of Owner's Representative and the other contractors whose work will be affected. The CONTRACTOR shall promptly remedy damage caused by the CONTRACTOR to completed or partially completed construction or to property of the OWNER or separate contractors. 7.3 If the proper execution or results of any part of the CONTRACTOR's Work depends upon work performed by others under this Article 7, the CONTRACTOR shall inspect such other work and promptly report to Owner's Representative in writing any delays, defects or deficiencies in such other work that render it unavailable or unsuitable for the proper execution and results of the CONTRACTOR's Work. The CONTRACTOR's failure to report will constitute an acceptance of such other work as fit and proper for integration with the CONTRACTOR's Work except fogy-latent or non-apparent defects and deficiencies in such other work. 7.4 The OWNER shall provide for coordination of the activities of the OWNER's own forces and of each separate contractor with the Work of the CONTRACTOR, who shall cooperate with them. The CONTRACTOR shall participate with other separate contractors and Owner's Representative in reviewing their construction schedules when directed to do so. The CONTRACTOR shall make any revisions to the construction schedule deemed necessary after a joint review and mutual agreement. The construction schedules shall then constitute the schedules to No used by the CONTRACTOR, separate contractors and the OWNER until subsequently revised. 7.5 Unless otherwise stated herein, costs caused by delays or by improperly timed activities or defective construction shiall be borne by the party responsible therefor. 7.6 If CONTRACTOR damages,delays,disrupts or interferes with the work of any other contractor,or any utility owner performing other work at or adjacent to the site of the Project, through CONTRACTOR's failure to take reasonable and customary measures to avoid such impacts, or if any claim arising out of CONTRACTOR's actions, 00700 04.2020 Page 24 General Conditions inactions or negligence in performance of the Work at or adjacent to the site of the Project is made by any such other contractor or utility owner against CONTRACTOR, OWNER, or E/A, then CONTRACTOR shall (1) promptly attempt to settle the claim as to all parties through negotiations with such other contractor or utility owner, or otherwise resolve the claim by arbitration or other dispute resolution proceeding or at law,and(2)INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS THE INDEMNIFIED PARTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE E/A FROM AND AGAINST ANY SUCH CLAIMS,AND AGAINST ALL COSTS,LOSSES,AND DAMAGES(INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL FEES AND CHARGES OF ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS, ATTORNEYS, AND OTHER PROFESSIONALS AND ALL COURT OR ARBITRATION OR OTHER DISPUTE RESOLUTION COSTS) ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO SUCH DAMAGE, DELAY, DISRUPTION,OR INTERFERENCE. ARTICLE 8-OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 8.1 Prior to the start of construction, the OWNER will designate in writing a person or entity to act as Owner's Representative during construction. Except as otherwise provided in these General Conditions, the OWNER shall issue all communications to the CONTRACTOR through Owner's Representative. 8.2 The OWNER will not supervise, direct, control or have authority over or be responsible for the CONTRACTOR's means, methods,techniques, sequences or procedures of construction or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto. The OWNER is not responsible for any failure of the CONTRACTOR to comply with laws and regulations applicable to furnishing or performing the Work. The OWNER is not responsible for the CONTRACTOR's failure to perform or furnish the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Failure or omission of the OWNER to discover, or object to or condemn any defective Work or material shall not release the CONTRACTOR from the obligation to properly and fully perform the Contract. 8.3 The OWNER is not responsible for the acts or omissions of the CONTRACTOR, or of any Subcontractor, any Supplier, or of any other person or organization performing or furnishing any of the Work. 8.4 Information or services under the OWNER's control shall be furnished by the OWNER with reasonable promptness to avoid delay in the orderly progress of the Work. 8.5 The foregoing are in addition to other duties and responsibilities of the OWNER enumerated herein and especially those in respect to Article 4 (Availability of Lands; Subsurface and Physical Conditions; Reference Points),Article 7(Other Work)and Article 14(Payments to the CONTRACTOR and Completion). 8.6 Notice of Claim: Should the OWNER suffer injury or damage to person or property because of any error, omission or act of the CONTRACTOR or of any of the CONTRACTOR's employees or agents or others for whose acts the CONTRACTOR is liable, a notice of such injury or damage will be sent to the CONTRACTOR within thirty (30) calendar days of the event giving rise to such injury or damage. The provisions of this paragraph 8.6 shall not be construed as a substitute for or a waiver of the provisions of any applicable statute of limitations or statute of repose. 8.7 The OWNER is not responsible for the CONTRACTOR's failure to perform or furnish the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. The failure or omission of the OWNER, E/A or any other person or entity acting on behalf of the OWNER or the E/A to observe,detect,discover, or object to or condemn any defective Work or material shall not release the CONTRACTOR from CONTRACTOR's obligation to properly and fully perform the Work pursuant to the Contract Documents. The OWNER shall not be responsible for the acts, errors or omissions of the CONTRACTOR, or any Subcontractor, Supplier or any other person or entity performing or furnishing any of the Work on behalf of the CONTRACTOR. ARTICLE 9-ENGINEER/ARCHITECT'S STATUS DURING CONSTRUCTION 9.1 EIA's Authority and Responsibilities: 9.1.1 The duties and responsibilities and the limitations of authority of E/A during construction are set forth in the Contract Documents and shall not be extended without written consent of the OWNER and E/A. The assignment 00700 04-2020 Page 25 General Conditions of any authority, duties or responsibilities to E/A under the Contract Documents, or under any agreement between the OWNER and E/A, or any undertaking, exercise or performance thereof by E/A, is intended to be for the sole and exclusive lbenefit of the OWNER and is not for the benefit of the CONTRACTOR, Subcontractor, Sub- subcontractor, (Supplier, or any other person or organization, or for any surety or employee or agent of any of them. 9.1.2 E/A will not supervise, direct, control or have authority over or be responsible for the CONTRACTOR's means, metho1s, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction, or the safety precautions and programs incident theretQ. E/A is not responsible for any failure of the CONTRACTOR to comply with laws and regulations applicable to the furnishing or performing the Work. E/A is not responsible for the CONTRACTOR's failure to perform or furnish the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Failure or omission of E/A to discover, or object to or condemn any defective Work or material shall not release the CONTRACTOR from the obligation to properly and fully perform the Work. 9.1.3 E/A is not responsible for the acts or omissions of the CONTRACTOR, or of any Subcontractor, any Supplier, or of any other person or organization performing or furnishing any of the Work. 9.1.4 If the 'OWNER so directs, E/A will review the final Application for Payment and accompanying documentation'and all maintenance and operating instructions, schedules, guarantees, bonds and certificates of inspection,test and approvals and other documentation required to be delivered by Article 14,but only to determine generally that their content complies with the requirements of, and in the case of certificates of inspections, tests and approvals that the results certified indicate compliance with, the Contract Documents. 9.1.5 The limitations upon authority and responsibility set forth in this paragraph 9.1 shall also apply to E/A's Consultants, Resident Project Representative and assistants. 9.2 E/A ash Owner's Representative: 9.2.1 E/A may be designated as Owner's Representative under paragraph 8.1. 9.3 Visits to Site: If the OWNER so directs, E/A will make visits to the site at intervals appropriate to the various stages of construction as is necessary in order to observe as an experienced and qualified design professional the progress that has been made and the duality of the various aspects of the CONTRACTOR'S executed Work. Based on information obtained during such viits and observations, E/A will endeavor for the benefit of the OWNER to determine if the Work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. E/A will not be required to make exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections to check the quality or quantity of the Work. E/A's efforts will be directed toward providing for the OWNER a greater degree of confidence that the completed Work will conform to the Contract Documents. On the basis of such visits and on-site observations, E/A will keep the OWNER informed of the progress of the Work and will endeayor to guard the OWNER against defective Work. E/A's visits and on-site observations are subject to all the limitations on E/A's authority and responsibility set forth in paragraph 9.1. 9.4 Project Representative: If the OWNER and E/A agree, E/A will furnish a Resident Project Representative to assist E/A in providing more continuous ob$rvation of the Work. The responsibilities and authority and limitations of any such Resident Project Representative and assistants will be as provided in paragraph 9.1 and in the Supplemental General Conditions. The OWNER may designate another representative or agent to represent the OWNER at the site who is not E/A, EtA's consultant, agent or employee. 9.5 Clarifications and Interpretations: E/A may determine that written clarifications or interpretations of the requirements of the Contract Documents (in the form of drawings or otherwise) are necessary. Such written clarifications or interpretations will be consistent with the intent f and reasonably inferable from the Contract Documents,will be issued with reasonable promptness by Owner's Representative and will be binding on the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR. If the OWNER or the 00700 04-2020 Page 26 General Conditions CONTRACTOR believes that a written clarification or interpretation justifies an adjustment in the Contract Amount or the Contract Times, the OWNER or the CONTRACTOR may make a Claim therefor as provided in Article 11 or Article 12. 9.6 Rejecting Defective Work: E/A may recommend that the OWNER disapprove or reject Work which E/A believes to be defective, or believes will not produce a completed Project that conforms to the Contract Documents or will prejudice the integrity of the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as indicated by the Contract Documents. ARTICLE 10-CHANGES IN THE WORK 10.1 Changes: 10.1.1 Without invalidating the Contract and without notice to any surety,the OWNER, at any time or from time to time, may order additions, deletions or revisions in the Work. Such changes in the Work will be authorized by Change Order, Change Directive or Field Order. 10.1.2 Changes in the Work shall be performed under applicable provisions of the Contract Documents, and the CONTRACTOR shall proceed promptly, unless otherwise provided in the Change Order, Change Directive or Field Order. 10.1.3 The CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to an increase in the Contract Amount or an extension of the Contract Times with respect to any Work performed that is not required by the Contract Documents as amended, modified and supplemented as provided in paragraph 3.3.1 and paragraph 3.3.2, except in the case of an emergency as provided in paragraph 6.11.5 or in the case of uncovering Work as provided in paragraph 13.4. 10.1.4 Except in the case of an emergency as provided in paragraph 6.11.5, a Change Order or Change Directive is required before the CONTRACTOR commences any activities associated with a change in the Work which, in the CONTRACTOR's opinion,will result in a change in the Contract Amount and/or Contract Times. 10.1.5 If notice of any change affecting the general scope of the Work or the provisions of the Contract Documents (including, but not limited to, Contract Amount or Contract Times) is required by the provisions of any Bond to be given to a surety,the giving of any such notice will be the CONTRACTOR's responsibility, and the amount of each applicable Bond will be adjusted accordingly. 10.2 Change Orders: 10.2.1 The OWNER and the CONTRACTOR shall execute appropriate written Change Orders covering: .1 a change in the Work; .2 the amount of the adjustment in the Contract Amount, if any; and .3 the extent of the adjustment in the Contract Time, if any. 10.2.2 An executed Change Order shall represent the complete, equitable, and final amount of adjustment in the Contract Amount and/or Contract Time owed to the CONTRACTOR or the OWNER as a result of the occurrence or event causing the change in the Work encompassed by the Change Order. 10.3 Change Directives: 10.3.1 The OWNER may by written Change Directive,without invalidating the Contract,order changes in the Work within the general scope of the Contract consisting of additions, deletions or other revisions, the Contract Amount 00700 04-2020 Page 27 General Conditions and Contract Time being adjusted as necessary. A Change Directive shall be used in the absence of complete and prompt agreement on the terms of a Change Order. 10.3.2 If the Change Directive provides for an adjustment to the Contract Amount, the adjustment shall be based on the method provided for in paragraph 11.5. 10.3.3 A Charige Directive shall be recorded later by preparation and execution of an appropriate Change Order. 10.3.4 Upon receipt of a Change Directive, CONTRACTOR shall promptly proceed with the change in the Work involved. 10.4 Field Order: 10.4.1 Owner's Representative may authorize minor variations in the Work from the requirements of the Contract Documents which do not involve an adjustment in the Contract Amount or the Contract Times and are compatible with the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as indicated by the Contract Documents. These shall be Accomplished by written Field Order and shall be binding on the OWNER and on the CONTRACTOR who shall perfcrm the Work involved promptly. 10.4.2 If the CONTRACTOR believes that a Field Order would require an adjustment in the Contract Amount and/or Contrac* Times, the CONTRACTOR shall make written request to Owner's Representative for a Change Order. Any request by the CONTRACTOR for an adjustment in Contract Amount and/or Contract Times shall be made in writing prior to beginning the work covered by the Field Order. 10.5 No Damages for Delay: Except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, the CONTRACTOR shall receive no compensation for delays or hindrances to the Work. If delay is caused by specific orders given by the OWNER to stop Work for reasons for which the CONTRACTOR is not responsible, or such delay is not caused by active interference in the Work by OWNER for reasons for which the CONTRACTOR is not responsible, then such delay will entitle the CONTRACTOR only to an equivalent extension of time,the CONTRACTOR's application for which shall, however, be subject to approval of the OWNER. No such extension of time shall release the CONTRACTOR or surety on its performance bind from all the CONTRACTOR'S obligations hereunder which shall remain in full force until discharge of the Contract. ARTICLE 11 - CHANGE OF CONTRACT AMOUNT 11.1 The Cøntract Amount is stated in the Agreement and, including authorized adjustments, is the total amount payable by the1OWNER to the CONTRACTOR for performance of the Work under the Contract Documents. 11.2 The originaI Contract Amount may not be increased by more than twenty-five percent(25%)and it may not be decreased more than twenty-five percent(25%)without the consent of the CONTRACTOR to such decrease. 11.3 The Cøntract Amount shall only be changed by a Change Order. Any claim for an adjustment in the Contract Amount shall be made by Written Notice delivered by the party making the Claim to the other party promptly (but in no event later than thirty(30)calendar days)after the start of the occurrence or event giving rise to the Claim and stating the general nature of the Claim. Notice of the amount of the Claim with supporting data shall be delivered withir thirty(30)calendar days after Written Notice of Claim is delivered by claimant, and shall represent that the adjustrient claimed covers all known amounts to which claimant is entitled as a result of said occurrence or event. If the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR cannot otherwise agree, all Claims for adjustment in the Contract Amount shall be determined as set out in Article 16. 11.4 Deterr*iination of Value of Work: 00700 O42O20 Page 28 General Conditions 11.4.1 The value of any Work covered by a Change Order or of any Claim for an adjustment in the Contract Amount will be determined by one or more of the following methods: .1 by application of unit prices contained in the Contract Documents to the quantities of the items involved. .2 by a mutually agreed lump sum properly itemized and supported by sufficient substantiating data to permit evaluation. .3 by cost of Work plus the CONTRACTOR's fee for all overhead costs and profit(determined as provided in paragraph 11.5). 11.4.2 Before using the method described in paragraph, the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR agree to negotiate a Change Order using the methods identified in paragraph and paragraph, as appropriate,to determine the adjustment in the Contract Amount. 11.5 Cost of Work: If neither of the methods defined in paragraph or paragraph can be agreed upon before a change in the Work is commenced which will result in an adjustment in the Contract Amount, the OWNER may issue a Change Directive to the CONTRACTOR. If the OWNER elects to issue a Change Directive, CONTRACTOR shall perform the Changed Work and payment will be made as follows: .1 For all personnel, the CONTRACTOR will receive the rate or wage specified in the prevailing wage rates established in Section 00900 for each hour that said personnel are actually engaged in such Work, to which will be added an amount equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of the sum thereof as compensation for the CONTRACTOR's and any affected Subcontractor's total overhead and profit. No separate charge will be made by the CONTRACTOR for organization or overhead expenses. For the cost of premiums on public liability insurance, workers' compensation insurance, social security and unemployment insurance, an amount equal to fifty-five percent (55%) of the wages paid personnel, excluding the twenty-five(25%)compensation provided above,will be paid to the CONTRACTOR. The actual cost of the CONTRACTOR's bond(s) on the extra Work will be paid based on invoices from surety. No charge for superintendence will be made unless considered necessary and ordered by the OWNER. .2 The CONTRACTOR will receive the actual cost, including freight charges, of the materials used on such Work, to which costs will be added a sum equal to twenty-five percent (25%) thereof as compensation for the CONTRACTOR's and any affected Subcontractor's total overhead and profit. In case material invoices indicate a discount may be taken, the actual cost will be the invoice price minus the discount. .3 For machinery,trucks, power tools, or other similar equipment agreed to be necessary by the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR, the OWNER will allow the CONTRACTOR the rate as given in the latest edition of the Associated General Contractors of America "Contractor's Equipment Cost Guide" as published by Dataquest for each hour that said tools or equipment are in use on such work,which rate includes the cost of fuel, lubricants and repairs. No additional compensation will be allowed on the equipment for the CONTRACTOR's overhead and profit. .4 The compensation, as herein provided for, shall be received by the CONTRACTOR and any affected Subcontractor as payment in full for work done by Change Directive and will include use of small tools, and total overhead expense and profit. The CONTRACTOR and the Owner's Representative shall compare records of work done by Change Directive at the end of each day. Copies of these records will be made upon forms provided for this purpose by the OWNER and signed by both Owner's Representative and the CONTRACTOR,with one(1)copy being retained by the OWNER and one(1) by the CONTRACTOR. Refusal by the CONTRACTOR to sign these records within two (2) working days of presentation does not invalidate the accuracy of the record. 00700 04-2020 Page 29 General Conditions 11.6 Unit Price Work: 11.6.1 Where the Contract Documents provide that all or part of the Work is to be unit price Work, initially the Contract Amount will be deemed to include for all unit price work an amount equal to the sum of the established unit price for each separately identified item of unit price work times the estimated quantity of each item as indicated in the Bid. Th estimated quantities of items of unit price work are not guaranteed and are solely for the purpose of comparison of Bids and determining an initial Contract Amount. Determinations of the actual quantities and classifications of unit price work performed by the CONTRACTOR will be made by Owner's Representative. Owner's Representative will review with the CONTRACTOR the preliminary determinations on such matters before rendering a written decision thereon (by recommendation of an Application for Payment or otherwise). 11.6.2 When "plan quantity" is indicated for a bid item, the CONTRACTOR shall be paid the amount specified in the Contract Documents without any measurements. 11.6.3 Each unit price will be deemed to include an amount considered by the CONTRACTOR to be adequate to cover the CONTRACTOR's overhead and profit for each separately identified item. 11.6.4 A Major Item is any individual bid item in the Bid that has a total cost equal to or greater than five percent (5%) of the original Contract Amount or $50,000, whichever is greater, computed on the basis of bid quantities and contract unit prices. 11.6.5 The OWNER or the CONTRACTOR may make a Claim for an adjustment in the Contract Amount in accordance with Article 11 if: .1 the actual quantity of any Major Item should become as much as twenty percent (20%) more than or twenty percent(20%) less than in the Bid; or .2 The CONTRACTOR presents proper documentation contesting the accuracy of"plan quantity," and Owner's Representative verifies quantity and determines original quantity is in error by five percent (5%)or more. 11.6.E Right to Verify Information: The CONTRACTOR agrees that any designated representative of the OWNER shall have the right to examine the CONTRACTOR's records to verify the accuracy and appropriateness of the pricing data used to price change proposals. Even after a Change Order Proposal has been approved, the CONTRACTOPt agrees that if the OWNER later determines the cost and pricing data submitted was inaccurate, incomplete, not current or not in compliance with the terms of this Agreement regarding pricing of change orders, then an appropriate contract price reduction will be made. 11.6.7 Pricing Information Requirements: The CONTRACTOR agrees to provide and require all subcontractors to provide a breakdown of allowable labor and labor burden cost information as outlined herein. This information will be used to evaluate the potential cost of labor and labor burden related to change order work. It is intended that this information represent an accurate estimate of the CONTRACTOR's actual labor and labor burden cost components. This information is not intended to establish fixed billing or change order pricing labor rates. However, at the time change orders are priced the submitted cost data for labor rates may be used to price change order work. The accuracy of any such agreed-upon labor cost components used to price change orders will be subject to later audit. Approved change order amounts may be adjusted later to correct the impact of inaccurate labor cost components if the agreed-upon labor cost components are determined to be inaccurate. ARTICLE 12- HANGE OF CONTRACT TIMES 12.1 Working Day and Calendar Day Contracts: 12.1.1 The Contract Times (or Milestones) shall only be changed by Change Order or Time Extension Request duly executed by both the CONTRACTOR and Owner's Representative. Any claim for an adjustment of the Contract Times.(or Milestones)shall be made by Written Notice delivered by the party making the Claim to the other 00700 O42O2O Page 30 General Conditions party promptly(but in no event later than thirty (30)calendar days)after the start of the occurrence or event giving rise to the delay and stating the general nature of the delay. Notice of the extent of the delay with supporting data shall be delivered within thirty (30) calendar days after Written Notice of Claim is delivered by claimant, and shall represent that the adjustment claimed is the entire adjustment to which claimant is entitled as a result of said occurrence or event. If the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR cannot otherwise agree, all Claims for adjustment in the Contract Times (or Milestones) shall be determined as set out in Article 16. No Claim for an adjustment in the Contract Times(or Milestones)will be valid if not submitted in accordance with the requirements of this paragraph. 12.1.2 When the CONTRACTOR is at fault and the OWNER stops the Work so that corrections in the Work can be made by the CONTRACTOR, then no extension in time will be allowed. 12.1.3 When the CONTRACTOR is prevented from completing any part of the Work within the Contract Times(or Milestones)due to delay for which the CONTRACTOR is not responsible, an extension of the Contract Times (or Milestones)in an amount equal to the time lost due to such delay will be considered by OWNER. Any extension of the Contract Time shall be the CONTRACTOR's sole and exclusive remedy for such delay. However, adverse weather shall not be considered justification for extension of Contract Times on Calendar Day contracts, except as provided for in paragraph 12.2. 12.1.4 The OWNER will consider time extension requests and may grant the CONTRACTOR an extension of time because of: .1 Changes ordered in the Work which justify additional time. .2 Failure of materials or products being at the Project site due to delays in transportation or failures of Suppliers,for which the CONTRACTOR, a Subcontractor or a Supplier is not responsible. The request for an extension of time shall be supported by a recitation of acts demonstrating that such delays were beyond the control of the CONTRACTOR, a Subcontractor or a Supplier including but not limited to, the CONTRACTOR's, the Subcontractor's or the Supplier's efforts to overcome such delays documented as follows: a) Copy of purchase order for delayed item(s) indicating date ordered by the CONTRACTOR/Subcontractor and date purchase order received by Supplier. b) If item(s) require Shop Drawings or other submittal information in accordance with the Contract Documents, provide record of date submittal(s) forwarded to Owner's Representative, date submittal(s) returned to the CONTRACTOR, and date submittal(s)forwarded to Supplier. c) Copy of document(s) from Supplier, on Supplier's letterhead, indicating date(s) item(s)would be ready for shipment and/or actual shipment date(s). d) Copies of all correspondence between the CONTRACTOR/Subcontractor and Supplier indicating the CONTRACTOR/Subcontractor's efforts to expedite item(s). e) If item(s) are being purchased by a Subcontractor, provision of meeting notes, correspondence, and the like which reflect the CONTRACTOR's efforts with the Subcontractor to expedite delivery of the item(s). .3 When acts of the OWNER, E/A, utility owners or other contractors employed by the OWNER delay progress of work through no fault of the CONTRACTOR. .4 When the CONTRACTOR is delayed by strikes, lockouts, fires, losses from natural causes, or other unavoidable cause or causes beyond the CONTRACTOR's control. 12.2 Calendar Day Contracts: 00700 04-2020 Page 31 General Conditions Under a Calendar Day Contract,the CONTRACTOR may also be granted an extension of time because of unusual inclement weather that is beyond the normal weather expected for the Williamson and Travis Counties,Texas area. Normal weather which prevents the CONTRACTOR from performing Work is expected during a Calendar Day Contract, and is not a justification for an extension of time. The following delineates the number of days per month for which,for purpo ontracts, expected normal weather will prevent performance of Work: January................7 days February................................................. .7 days March........................................ .7..... . . . .. . . days April......................... 7 days May. 8 days June........................................... 6 days July.................................................... 6 days August............................. 5..... days September...................... .7 days O¢tober.... 7 days November...................... 7 days DØcember...................... 7 days Days per month exceeding the number shown above may be credited as Rain Days if a Claim is made in accordance with paragraph 12.1.1 and meets the following definition: a"Rain Day" is any day in which a weather event occurs at the site and is sufficient to prevent the CONTRACTOR from performing units of Work critical to maintaining the project schedule during the entire day. ARTICLE 13-NESTS AND INSPECTIONS; AND CORRECTION OR REMOVAL OF DEFECTIVE WORK 13.1 Notice of Defects: Prompt notice of all defective Work of which the OWNER or E/A has actual knowledge will be given to the CONTRACTOR. All defective Work may be rejected or corrected as provided for in Article 13. 13.2 Acces to Work: The OWNER, E/A, E/A's Consultants, other representatives and personnel of the OWNER, independent testing laboratories and governmental agencies having jurisdiction will have unrestricted physical access to the Work site for observing, inspecting and testing. The CONTRACTOR shall provide them proper and safe conditions for such access, and advise them of the CONTRACTOR's site safety procedures and programs so that they may comply therewith as applicable. 13.3 Tests hand Inspections: 13.3.1 The CONTRACTOR shall give timely notice of readiness of the Work for all required inspections, tests or approvals, and shall cooperate with inspection and testing personnel to facilitate required inspections or tests. 13.3.2 The OWNER shall employ and pay for services of an independent testing laboratory to perform all inspections,tests or approvals required by the Contract Documents except: .1 for inspections,tests or approvals covered by paragraph 13.3.3 below; .2 for reinspecting or retesting defective Work; and .3 as otherwise specifically provided in the Contract Documents. All testing laboratories shall be those selected by the OWNER. 00700 O42O2O Page 32 General Conditions 13.3.3 If laws or regulations of any public body having jurisdiction require any Work(or part thereof)specifically to be inspected,tested or approved by an employee or other representative of such public body, the CONTRACTOR shall assume full responsibility for arranging and obtaining such inspections, tests or approvals, pay all costs in connection therewith and furnish Owner's Representative the required certificates of inspection or approval. The CONTRACTOR shall also be responsible for arranging and obtaining and shall pay all costs in connection with any inspections, tests or approvals required for the OWNER's and E/A's review of materials or equipment to be incorporated in the Work, or of materials, mix designs or equipment submitted for review prior to the CONTRACTOR's purchase thereof for incorporation in the Work. 13.4 Uncovering Work: 13.4.1 If any Work (or the work of others) that is to be inspected, tested or approved is covered by the CONTRACTOR without concurrence of Owner's Representative, or if any Work is covered contrary to the written request of Owner's Representative, it must, if requested by Owner's Representative, be uncovered and recovered at the CONTRACTOR's expense. 13.4.2 If Owner's Representative considers it necessary or advisable that covered Work be observed, inspected or tested, the CONTRACTOR shall uncover, expose or otherwise make available for observation, inspection or testing that portion of the Work in question, furnishing all necessary labor, material and equipment. If it is found that such Work is defective,the CONTRACTOR shall pay all claims, costs, losses and damages caused by,arising out of or resulting from such uncovering, exposure, observation, inspection and testing and of satisfactory replacement or reconstruction (including but not limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others); and the OWNER shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Amount, and may make a Claim therefor as provided in Article 11. If, however, such Work is not found to be defective,the CONTRACTOR shall be allowed an increase in the Contract Amount or an extension of the Contract Times (or Milestones), or both, directly attributable to such uncovering, exposure, observation, inspection, testing, replacement and reconstruction; and the CONTRACTOR may make a Claim therefor as provided in Article 11 and Article 12. 13.5 OWNER May Stop the Work: 13.5.1 If the Work is defective,or the CONTRACTOR fails to supply sufficient skilled workers or suitable materials or equipment, or fails to furnish or perform the Work in such a way that the completed Work will conform to the Contract Documents,the OWNER may order the CONTRACTOR to stop the Work, or any portion thereof, until the cause for such order has been eliminated; however,this right of the OWNER to stop the Work shall not give rise to any duty on the part of the OWNER to exercise this right for the benefit of the CONTRACTOR or any surety or other party. 13.5.2 If the CONTRACTOR fails to correct defective Work or submit a satisfactory plan to take corrective action, with procedure and time schedule, the OWNER may order the CONTRACTOR to stop the Work, or any portion thereof, until cause for such order has been eliminated,or take any other action permitted by this Contract. A notice to stop the Work, based on defects, shall not stop calendar or working days charged to the Project. 00700 04-2020 Page 33 General Conditions 13.6 Correction or Removal of Defective Work: If required by the OWNER,the CONTRACTOR shall promptly,as directed,either correct all defective Work,whether or not fabricated, installed or completed, or, if the Work has been rejected by Owner's Representative, remove it from the site artid replace it with Work that is not defective.The CONTRACTOR shall correct or remove and replace defective Work, or submit a plan of action detailing how the deficiency will be corrected, within the time frame identified in the notice of defective Work. The CONTRACTOR shall pay all claims, costs, losses and damages caused by or rsulting from such correction or removal(including but not limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others), including but not limited to all consultant, engineering, expert and attorney's fees incurred by the OWNER as a result of such defective work or as necessary for OWNER to investigate such defective Work and/or to determine the appropriate means or methods to address or correct such defective Work. The OWNER shall have the right, in OWNER's sole discretion, to have the E/A or other consultant specify the means and methods that will be folløwed to correct or address any defective Work. If the OWNER specifies a means or method by which the defective Work will be addressed or corrected, the CONTRACTOR shall perform the specified work necessary to address or correct the defective Work at CONTRACTOR's sole cost and expense. 13.7 Warranty period: 13.7.1 If, at any time after the date of Substantial Completion or such longer period of time as may be prescribed by laws or regiilations or by the terms of any applicable special guarantee required by the Contract Documents or by any specific.provision of the Contract Documents, any Work is found to be defective, the CONTRACTOR shall promptly, withut cost to the OWNER and in accordance with the OWNER's written instructions: (i) correct such defective Work, or, if it has been rejected by the OWNER, remove it from the site and replace it with Work that is not defective, and (ii) satisfactorily correct or remove and replace any damage to other Work or the work of others resulting therefrom. If the CONTRACTOR does not promptly comply with the terms of such instructions, or in an emergency where delay would cause serious risk of loss or damage, the OWNER may have the defective Work corrected or the rejected Work removed and replaced, and all claims, costs, losses and damages caused by or resulting from such removal and replacement (including but not limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others and all consultant, expert and attorney's fees incurred by OWNER)will be paid by the CONTRACTOR. 13.7.2 In special circumstances where a particular item of equipment is placed in continuous service before Substantial Completion of all the Work, the warranty period for that item may start to run from an earlier date if so provided in the Contract Documents and agreed to by OWNER. 13.8 OWNER May Correct Defective Work: If the CONTRACTOR fails within a reasonable time after Written Notice of the OWNER to correct defective Work, or to remove and replace rejected Work, or if the CONTRACTOR fails to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents, or if the CONTRACTOR fails to comply with any other provision of the Contract Documents, the OWNER may, after seven (7) calendar days' Written Notice to the CONTRACTOR, correct and remedy any such deficiency. If, in the opinion of Owner's Representative, significant progress has not been made during this seven(7)calendar day period to correct the deficiency,the OWNER may exercise any actions necessary to remedy the deficiency. In exercising the rights and remedies under this paragraph,the OWNER shall proceed expeditiously. In connection with such corrective and remedial action, the OWNER may exclude the CONTRACTOR from all or part of the site, take possession of all or part of the Work, and suspend the CONTRACTOR'S services related thereto, and incorporate in the Work all materials and equipment stored at the site or for which the OWNER has paid the CONtRACTOR but which are stored elsewhere. The CONTRACTOR shall allow the OWNER, its agents and employees,the OWNER's other contractors, E/A and EtA's consultants access to the site to enable the OWNER to exercise the rights and remedies under this paragraph. All claims, costs, losses and damages incurred or sustained by the OWNER in exercising such rights and remedies will be charged against the CONTRACTOR and a Change Order will be issued incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract Documents with respect to the 00700 04.2020 Page 34 General Conditions Work. Such claims, costs, losses and damages will include but not be limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others destroyed or damaged by correction, removal or replacement of the CONTRACTOR's defective Work and any and all consultant, expert and attorneys fees incurred by OWNER as a result of OWNER's correction of defective WORK. The CONTRACTOR shall not be allowed an extension of the Contract Times(or Milestones), or claims of damage because of any delay in the performance of the Work attributable to the exercise by the OWNER of the OWNER's rights and remedies hereunder. 13.9 ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECTIVE WORK If, instead of requiring correction or removal and replacement of defective Work, OWNER prefers to accept it, OWNER may do so. CONTRACTOR shall pay all claims, costs, losses, and damages attributable to OWNER's evaluation of and determination to accept such defective Work, including but not limited to any expert, engineering or other consultant's fees incurred by the OWNER to investigate such defective Work and/or to determine the appropriate means or methods and work necessary to allow OWNER to accept the defective Work and CONTRACTOR shall pay for all work required to be performed to allow OWNER to accept the defective Work and any estimated costs, expenses and damages OWNER may sustain in the future as a result of accepting the defective Work, including any diminution in value of the Project as a result of accepting the defective Work. If any such acceptance occurs prior to final payment, the necessary revisions in the Contract Documents with respect to the Work shall be incorporated in a Change Order. If the parties are unable to agree as to the decrease in the Contract Price, then OWNER may impose a reasonable set-off against payments due under the Contract Documents. If the acceptance of defective Work occurs after final payment, CONTRACTOR shall pay to OWNER the above described costs, expenses and damages incurred by OWNER as a result of OWNER's acceptance of defective Work. ARTICLE 14-PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR AND COMPLETION 14.1 Application for Progress Payment: 14.1.1 Not more than once per month, the CONTRACTOR shall submit to Owner's Representative for review an Application for Payment, in a form acceptable to the OWNER,filled out and signed by the CONTRACTOR covering the Work completed as of the date of the Application and accompanied by such supporting documentation as is required by the Contract Documents or as required by OWNER. 14.1.2 Such applications shall not include requests for payment on account of changes in the Work which have been properly authorized by Change Directives but not yet included in Change Orders. 14.1.3 Such applications shall not include requests for payment of amounts the CONTRACTOR does not intend to pay to a Subcontractor or Supplier because of a dispute or other reason. 14.1.4 Owner will not pay for materials or equipment not incorporated in the Work but delivered and suitably stored at the site or at another location. Payment will be made by Owner only for Work completed in accordance with the Contract Documents. 14.1.5 Where the original Contract Amount is less than$400,000,the OWNER will pay to the CONTRACTOR the total amount of approved Application for Payment, less ten percent(10%)of the amount thereof,which ten percent (10%)will be retained until final payment, less all previous payments and less all sums that may be retained by the OWNER under the terms of this Agreement. Where the original Contract Amount is$400,000 or more,the OWNER will pay to the CONTRACTOR the total amount of approved Application for Payment, less five percent (5%)of the amount thereof,which five percent(5%)will be retained until final payment, less all previous payments and less all sums that may be retained by the OWNER under the terms of this Agreement. In either case, if the Work is near completion and delay occurs due to no fault or neglect of the CONTRACTOR, the OWNER may pay a portion of the retained amount to the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR, at the OWNER's option, may be relieved of the obligation to complete the Work and, thereupon, the CONTRACTOR shall receive payment of the balance due under the Contract subject to the conditions stated under paragraph 15.2. 00700 04-2020 .Page 35 General Conditions 14.1.E Applications for Payment shall include the following documentation: .1 updated progress schedule; .2 mQnthly subcontractor report; and .3 any other documentation required under the Supplemental General Conditions. 14.2 CONTRACTOR's Warranty of Title: The CONTRACTOR warrants and guarantees that title to all Work, materials and equipment covered by any Application for Payment,whether incorporated in the Project or not,will pass to the OWNER not later than the time of payment to the CONTRACTOR free and clear of all liens. 14.3 Review of Applications for Progress Payment: 14.3.1 Owners Representative will, within seven (7) calendar days after receipt of each Application for Payment, either indicate a recommendation for payment and forward the Application for processing by the OWNER, or return the Application to the CONTRACTOR indicating Owner's Representative's reasons for refusing to recommend payment. In th latter case,the CONTRACTOR may make the necessary corrections and resubmit the Application. 14.3.2 Owners Representative's recommendation of any payment requested in an Application for Payment will constitute a representation by Owner's Representative, based upon Owner's Representative's on-site observations of the executed Work and on Owner's Representative's review of the Application for Payment and the accompanying data and schedules,that to the best of Owner's Representative's knowledge, information and belief: .1 the Work has progressed to the point indicated; and .2 thQ quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents (subject to an evaluation of the Work as a functioning whole prior to or upon Substantial Completion, to the results of any subsequent tests called for in the Contract Documents, to a final determination of quantities and classifications for unit price Work, and to any other qualifications stated in the recommendation). 14.3.3 By recommending any such payment, Owner's Representative will not thereby be deemed to have represented that: .1 inspections have been made to check the quality or the quantity of the Work or that the Work has been performed in accordance with the Contract Documents; .2 examination has been made to ascertain how or for what purpose the CONTRACTOR has used money previously paid on account of the Contract Amount; .3 the CONTRACTOR's construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures have been reviewed; or .4 that there may not be other matters or issues between the parties that might entitle the CONTRACTOR to be paid additionally by the OWNER or entitle the OWNER to withhold payment to the CONTRACTOR. 14.4 Decisions to Withhold Payment: 14.4.1 The OWNER may withhold or nullify the whole or part of any payment to such extent as may be necessary on account of: .1 defective Work not remedied; 00700 O42O2O Page 36 General Conditions .2 reasonable evidence that the Work cannot be completed for the unpaid balance of the Contract Amount; .3 damage to the OWNER or another contractor; .4 reasonable evidence that the Work will not be completed within the Contract Time,and that the unpaid balance would not be adequate to cover actual or liquidated damages for the anticipated delay; .5 failure of the CONTRACTOR to submit a schedule of values in accordance with the Contract Documents; .6 failure of the CONTRACTOR to submit a submittal schedule in accordance with the Contract Documents; .7 failure of the CONTRACTOR to submit or update construction schedules in accordance with the Contract Documents; .8 failure of the CONTRACTOR to maintain a record of changes on drawings and documents; .9 failure of the CONTRACTOR to maintain weekly payroll reports; .10 failure of the CONTRACTOR to submit monthly subcontractor reports; .11 the CONTRACTOR's neglect or unsatisfactory prosecution of the Work, including failure to clean up; or .12 failure of the CONTRACTOR to comply with any provision of the Contract Documents. .13 OWNER's disagreement with the recommendation of the Owner's Representative, provided the OWNER has provided a Written Notice to the CONTRACTOR specifying the reasons why OWNER does not agree with such recommendation. 14.4.2 When the above reasons for withholding payment are removed, the CONTRACTOR shall resubmit a statement for the value of Work performed. Payment will be made within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of approved Application for Payment. 14.5 Delayed Payments: Should the OWNER fail to make payment to the CONTRACTOR of a sum named in any Application for Payment with which OWNER agrees and has approved for payment within thirty (30) calendar days after the day on which the OWNER received the mutually acceptable Application for Payment, then the OWNER will pay to the CONTRACTOR, in addition to the sum shown as due by such Application for Payment, interest thereon at the rate of one percent (1%) per month from date due until fully paid, which shall fully liquidate any injury to the CONTRACTOR growing out of such delay in payment. 14.6 Arrears: No money shall be paid by the OWNER upon any claim, debt, demand or account whatsoever, to any person,firm or corporation who is in arrears to the OWNER;and the OWNER shall be entitled to counterclaim and offset against any such debt, claim, demand or account so in arrears and no assignment or transfer of such debt, claim, demand or account, shall affect the right of the OWNER to so offset said amounts, and associated penalties and interest if applicable, against the same. 00700 04-2020 Page 37 General Conditions 14.7 Substantial Completion: 14.7.1 If a Certificate of Occupancy is required by public authorities having jurisdiction over the Work, said certificate shaiP be issued before the Work or any portion thereof is considered substantially complete. When the CONTRACTOF considers that the Work, or a portion thereof which the OWNER agrees to accept separately, is substantially cmplete, the CONTRACTOR shall notify Owner's Representative and request a determination as to whether the Work or designated portion thereof is substantially complete. If Owner's Representative does not consider the Work substantially complete, Owner's Representative will notify the CONTRACTOR giving reasons therefor. Failire on the OWNER's part to list a reason does not alter the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to complete all Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. After satisfactorily completing items identified by Owner's Representative, the CONTRACTOR shall then submit another request for Owner's Representative to determine sub$tantial completion. If Owner's Representative considers the Work substantially complete, Owner's Representative will prepare and deliver a certificate of Substantial Completion which shall establish the date of Substantial Completion, shall include a punch list of items to be completed or corrected before final payment, shall establish the time within which the CONTRACTOR shall finish the punch list, and shall establish responsibilities of the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR for security, maintenance, heat, utilities, damage to the Work, warranty and insurance. Failure to include an item on the punch list does not alter the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to complete all Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. The certificate of Substantial Completion shall be signed by the WNER and the CONTRACTOR to evidence acceptance of the responsibilities assigned to them in such certificate. 14.7.2 The OWNER shall have the right to exclude the CONTRACTOR from the Work after the date of Substantial Completion, but the OWNER will allow the CONTRACTOR reasonable access to complete or correct items on the punch list. 14.8 Partial Utilization: The OWNER, t the OWNER's sole option, shall have the right to take possession of and use any completed or partially complted portion of the Work regardless of the time for completing the entire Work. The OWNER's exercise of sudh use and possession shall not be construed to mean that the OWNER acknowledges that any part of the Work so possessed and used is substantially complete or that it is accepted by OWNER, and the OWNER's exercise of such use and possession shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR of its responsibility to complete all Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 14.9 Final lnspection: Upon Written Notice from the CONTRACTOR that the entire Work or an agreed portion thereof is complete,Owner's Representative will make a final inspection with the CONTRACTOR and provide Written Notice of all particulars in which this inspection reveals that the Work is incomplete or defective. The CONTRACTOR shall immediately take such measures as are necessary to complete such Work or remedy such deficiencies. 14.10 Final Application for Payment: The CONTRACTOR may make application for final payment following the procedure for progress payments after the CONTRACTOR has completed all such corrections to the satisfaction of Owner's Representative and delivered the following documents: .1 Three(3)complete operating and maintenance manuals, each containing maintenance and operating instructions, schedules, guarantees, and other documentation required by the Contract Documents; .2 Record documents(as provided in paragraph 6.10); .3 Consent of surety, if any, to final payment. If surety is not provided, complete and legally effective releases or waivers (satisfactory to the OWNER) of all claims arising out of or filed in connection with the Work; 00700 044-2020 Page 38 General Conditions .4 Certificate evidencing that insurance required by the Supplemental General Conditions will remain in force after final payment and through any warranty period; .5 Non-Use of Asbestos Affidavit(After Construction); and .6 Any other documentation called for in the Contract Documents. 14.11 Final Payment and Acceptance: 14.11.1 If, on the basis of observation of the Work during construction, final inspection, and review of the final Application for Payment and accompanying documentation as required by the Contract Documents, Owner's Representative is satisfied that the Work has been completed and the CONTRACTOR's other obligations under the Contract Documents have been fulfilled, Owner's Representative will recommend the final Application for Payment and thereby notify the OWNER. If the OWNER agrees with the recommendation of the Owner's Representative, the OWNER will pay to the CONTRACTOR the balance due the CONTRACTOR under the terms of the Contract. 14.11.2 As Contract Time is measured to Final Completion, Owner's Representative will issue a letter of final acceptance to the CONTRACTOR which establishes the Final Completion date and initiates any warranty period. 14.11.3 Final payment is considered to have taken place when the CONTRACTOR or any of its representatives negotiates the OWNER's final payment check, whether labeled final or not, for cash or deposits check in any financial institution for its monetary return. 14.12 Waiver of Claims: The making and acceptance of final payment will constitute: .1 a waiver of claims by the OWNER against the CONTRACTOR, except claims arising from unsettled claims, from defective Work appearing after final inspection, from failure to comply with the Contract Documents or the terms of any warranty specified therein, or from the CONTRACTOR's continuing obligations under the Contract Documents; and .2 a waiver of all claims by the CONTRACTOR against the OWNER other than those previously made in writing and still unsettled. ARTICLE 15-SUSPENSION OF WORK AND TERMINATION 15.1 OWNER May Suspend Work Without Cause and for Convenience: At any time and without cause and for convenience, the OWNER may suspend the Work or any portion thereof for a period of not more than ninety(90)calendar days by written agreement or by Written Notice to the CONTRACTOR which will fix the date on which the Work will be resumed. The CONTRACTOR shall resume the Work on the date so fixed. The CONTRACTOR may be allowed an adjustment in the Contract Amount or an extension of the Contract Times,or both,directly attributable to any such suspension if the CONTRACTOR makes an approved Claim therefor as provided in Article 11 and Article 12. 15.2 OWNER May Terminate Without Cause: Upon seven (7)calendar days'Written Notice to the CONTRACTOR, the OWNER may,without cause and without prejudice to any right or remedy of the OWNER, elect to terminate the Agreement. In such case, the CONTRACTOR shall be paid (without duplication of any items): .1 for completed and acceptable Work executed in accordance with the Contract Documents prior to the effective date of termination; 00700 04-2020 Page 39 General Conditions .2 for all claims incurred in settlement of terminated contracts with Suppliers, Subcontractors, and others. The CONTRACTOR agrees to negotiate in good faith with Subcontractors, Suppliers and others to mitigate the OWNER's cost CONTRACTOR shall include in any subcontract or purchase order language that provides that if the Agreement is terminated without cause, the Subcontractor and Suppliers will only be paid for work performed or materials and equipment supplied and shall not have any other claims against CONTRACTOR or OWNER; CONTRACTOR shall not be paid for any profit or overhead for Work not completed. 15.3 OWNER May Terminate With Cause: 15.3.1 Upon the occurrence of any one or more of the following events: .1 if the CONTRACTOR persistently fails to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents; .2 if the CONTRACTOR disregards laws or regulations of any public body having jurisdiction; .3 if the CONTRACTOR disregards the authority of Owner's Representative; .4 if the CONTRACTOR makes fraudulent statements; .5 if the CONTRACTOR fails to maintain a work force adequate to accomplish the Work within the Contract Time; .6 if the CONTRACTOR fails to make adequate progress and endangers successful completion of the Contract; or .7 if the CONTRACTOR otherwise violates any provisions of the Contract Documents; The OWNER may, after giving the CONTRACTOR(and the surety, if any)seven (7)calendar days'Written Notice terminate the services of the CONTRACTOR. The OWNER, at its option, may proceed with negotiation with surety for completion Of the Work. Alternatively,the OWNER may under these circumstances exclude the CONTRACTOR from the site aid take possession of the Work (without liability to the CONTRACTOR for trespass or conversion), incorporate in the Work all materials and equipment stored at the site or for which the OWNER has paid the CONTRACTOR but which are stored elsewhere,and finish the Work as the OWNER may deem expedient. In such case the CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the Work is finished. If the unpaid balance of the Contract Amount exceeds all claims, costs, losses and damages sustained by the OWNER arising out of or resulting from completing the Work, such excess will be paid to the CONTRACTOR. If such claims,costs, losses and damage exceed such unpaid balance, the CONTRACTOR or surety shall pay the difference to the OWNER. 15.3.2 Where the CONTRACTOR's services have been so terminated by the OWNER, the termination will not affect any rights or remedies of the OWNER against the CONTRACTOR and surety then existing or which may thereafter accrie. Any retention or payment of amounts due the CONTRACTOR by the OWNER will not release the CONTRACIOR from liability. In the event the OWNER terminates the Contract with cause, the OWNER may reject any and all bids submitted by the CONTRACTOR for up to three(3)years. 00700 04-02020 Page 40 General Conditions 15.4 CONTRACTOR May Stop Work or Terminate: If through no act or fault of the CONTRACTOR,the Work is suspended for a period of more than ninety(90)calendar days by the OWNER or under an order of court or other public authority, or (except during disputes) Owner's Representative fails to forward for processing any mutually acceptable Application for Payment within thirty (30) calendar days after it is submitted, or(except during disputes)the OWNER fails for sixty(60)calendar days after it is submitted to pay the CONTRACTOR any sum finally determined by the OWNER to be due, then the CONTRACTOR may, upon seven(7)calendar days'Written Notice to the OWNER,and provided the OWNER does not remedy such suspension or failure within that time, terminate the Agreement and recover from the OWNER payment on the same terms as provided in paragraph 15.2. In lieu of terminating the Agreement and without prejudice to any other right or remedy, if(except during disputes)Owner's Representative has failed to forward for processing any mutually acceptable Application for Payment within thirty(30)calendar days after it is submitted, or (except during disputes) the OWNER has failed for sixty (60) calendar days after it is submitted to pay the CONTRACTOR any sum finally determined by the OWNER to be due, the CONTRACTOR may upon seven (7) calendar days' Written Notice to the OWNER stop the Work until payment of all such amounts due the CONTRACTOR, including interest thereon. The provisions of this paragraph 15.4 are not intended to preclude the CONTRACTOR from making a Claim under Article 11 and Article 12 for an increase in Contract Amount or Contract Times or otherwise for expenses or damage directly attributable to the CONTRACTOR's stopping Work as permitted by this paragraph. ARTICLE 16-DISPUTE RESOLUTION 16.1 Filing of Claims: 16.1.1 Claims arising from the circumstances identified in paragraphs 3.2, 4.1, 4.2.2, 4.2.4, 6.4.2,, 6.17, 7.5, 8.6, 9.5, 10.4.2, 13.8, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3,or 15.4, or other occurrences or events,shall be made by Written Notice delivered by the party making the Claim to the other party within thirty (30) calendar days after the start of the occurrence or event giving rise to the Claim and stating the general nature of the Claim. Notice of the amount of the Claim with supporting data shall be delivered within thirty (30) calendar days after Written Notice of Claim is delivered by claimant and shall represent that the adjustment claimed covers all known amounts to which claimant is entitled. 16.1.2 Within thirty(30)calendar days of receipt of notice of the amount of the Claim with supporting data,Owner's Representative and the CONTRACTOR shall meet to discuss the Claim, after which an offer of settlement or notification of no settlement offer will be made to claimant. If claimant is not satisfied with the proposal presented, claimant shall have thirty(30)calendar days in which to: .1 submit additional supporting data requested by the other party; .2 modify the initial Claim; or .3 request Alternative Dispute Resolution. 16.2 Alternative Dispute Resolution: 16.2.1 If a dispute exists concerning a Claim, the parties agree to use the following procedure prior to pursuing any other available remedies. The OWNER reserves the right to include E/A as a party. 16.2.2 Negotiating with Previously Uninvolved Personnel: Either party may make a written request for a meeting to be held between representatives of each party within fourteen (14) calendar days of the request or such later period that the parties may agree to. Each party shall endeavor to include, at a minimum, one (1) previously uninvolved senior level decision maker empowered to negotiate on behalf of their organization. The purpose of this and subsequent meetings will be good faith negotiations of the matters constituting the dispute. Negotiations shall be concluded within thirty(30)calendar days of the first meeting, unless mutually agreed otherwise. This step may 00700 04-2020 Page 41 General Conditions be waived by written agreement of both parties, in which event the parties may proceed directly to mediation as described below. 16.2.3 Mediation: If the procedure described in paragraph 16.2.2 proves unsuccessful or is waived pursuant to its terms, the parties shill initiate the mediation process. The parties agree to select within thirty(30) calendar days one(1) mediator trained in mediation skills, to assist with resolution of the dispute. The OWNER and the CONTRACTOR agree to act ingood faith in the selection of the mediator and to give consideration to qualified individuals nominated to act as mediator. Nothing in this agreement prevents the parties from relying on the skills of a person who also is trained in the subject matter of the dispute and/or a contract interpretation expert. Mediation is a forum in which an impartial person, the mediator, facilitates communication between parties to promote reconciliation, settlement, or understanding among them. The parties hereby agree that mediation, at minimum,shall provide for 1)conducting an on-site investigation, if appropriate, by the mediator for fact-gathering purposes, 2) a meeting of all parties for the exchange of points of view and 3) separate meetings between the nlediator and each party to the dispute for the formulation of resolution alternatives. The parties agree to participate ir mediation in good faith for up to thirty(30)calendar days from the date of the first mediation session, unless mutual'y agreed otherwise. Should the parties fail to reach a resolution of the dispute through mediation, then each party is released to pursue other remedies available to them. ARTICLE 17;RIGHT TO AUDIT 17.1 Right to Audit: Whenever the OWNER enters into any type of contractual arrangement with the CONTRACTOR, then the CONTRACTOR's "records" shall upon reasonable notice be open to inspection and subject to audit and/or reproduction during normal business working hours. The OWNER's representative, or an outside representative engaged by the OWNER, may perform such audits. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain all records relating to this Agreement for four (4) years from the date of final payment under this Agreement, or until pending litigation has been completely and fully resolved,whichever occurs later. 17.1.1 The OWNER shall have the exclusive right to examine the records of the CONTRACTOR. The term "records"as referred to herein shall include any and all information, materials and data of every kind and character, including without limitation records, books, papers, documents,contracts,schedules,commitments,arrangements, notes, daily diaries, reports, drawings, receipts, vouchers and memoranda, and any and all other agreements, sources of information and matters that may, in the OWNER's judgment, have any bearing on or pertain to any matters, rights, duties or obligations under or covered by any contract document. Such records shall include(hard copy, as well ps computer-readable data if it can be made available), written policies and procedures,time sheets, payroll registers, cancelled checks, personnel file data, correspondence, general ledger entries, and any other record in the CONTRACTOR's possession which may have a bearing on matters of interest to the OWNER in connection with the CONTRACTOR's dealings with the OWNER(all of the foregoing are hereinafter referred to as "records"). In addition,the CONTRACTOR shall permit interviews of employees as well as agents, representatives, vendors, subcontractors and other third parties paid by the CONTRACTOR to the extent necessary to adequately permit evaluation and verification of the following: a) The CONTRACTOR's compliance with contract requirements; b) The CONTRACTOR's compliance with the OWNER'S business ethics policies; and c) If inecessary, the extent of the Work performed by the CONTRACTOR at the time of contract termination. 17.1.2 The CQNTRACTOR shall require all payees(examples of payees include subcontractors, insurance agents, material suppliers, etc.) to comply with the provisions of this Article 17 by securing the requirements hereof in a 00700 O42O2O Page 42 General Conditions written agreement between the CONTRACTOR and payee. Such requirements include a flow-down right of audit provision in contracts with payees that also apply to subcontractors and sub-subcontractors, material suppliers, etc. The CONTRACTOR shall cooperate fully and shall require Related Parties and all of the CONTRACTOR's subcontractors to cooperate fully in furnishing or in making available to the OWNER from time to time whenever requested, in an expeditious manner, any and all such information, materials, and data. 17.1.3 The OWNER's authorized representative or designee shall have reasonable access to the CONTRACTOR's facilities, shall be allowed to interview all current or former employees to discuss matters pertinent to the performance of this Agreement, and shall be provided adequate and appropriate work space in order to conduct audits in compliance with this Article 17. 17.1.4 If an audit inspection or examination in accordance with this Article 17 discloses overpricing or overcharges of any nature by the CONTRACTOR to the OWNER in excess of one-half of one percent(.5%)of the total contract billings, then the reasonable actual cost of the OWNER's audit shall be reimbursed to the OWNER by the CONTRACTOR. Any adjustments and/or payments,which must be made as a result of any such audit or inspection of the CONTRACTOR's invoices and/or records, shall be made within a reasonable amount of time(not to exceed 90 days)from presentation of the OWNER's findings to the CONTRACTOR. 17.1.5 The CONTRACTOR shall take reasonable actions to prevent any actions or conditions which could result in a conflict with the OWNER's best interests. These obligations shall apply to the activities of the CONTRACTOR's employees, agents, subcontractors, etc. in their dealings and relations with the OWNER's current and former employees and their relatives. For example,the CONTRACTOR's employees,agents or subcontractors should not make or provide to be made any employment, gifts, extravagant entertainment, payments, loans or other considerations to the OWNER's representatives, employees or their relatives. 17.1.E It is also understood and agreed by the CONTRACTOR that any solicitation of gifts or any other item of value by anyone representing the OWNER is to be reported within two (2) business working days to the OWNER at the following telephone number: 512-218-5401. Failure to report any such solicitations or offers shall be deemed a material breach of contract entitling the OWNER to pursue damages resulting from the failure to comply with this provision. ARTICLE 18-MISCELLANEOUS 18.1 Venue: In the event of any suit at law or in equity involving the Contract, venue shall be in Williamson County, Texas and the laws of the state of Texas shall apply to Contract interpretation and enforcement. 18.2 Extent of Agreement: This Contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral. 18.3 Cumulative Remedies: The rights and remedies available to the parties are not to be construed in any way as a limitation of any rights and remedies available to any or all of them which are otherwise imposed or available by laws or regulations, by special warranty or guarantees or by other provisions of the Contract Documents, and the provisions of this paragraph will be as effective as if repeated specifically in the Contract Documents in connection with each particular duty, obligation, right and remedy to which they apply. 00700 04-2020 Page 43 General Conditions 18.4 Severobility: If any word, phrase, clause, sentence or provision of the Contract, or the application of same to any person or set of circumstances is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, invalid or unenforceable,that finding shall only effect such word, phrase, clause, sentence or provision, and such finding shall not effect the remaining portions of this Contract; this being the intent of the parties in entering into the Contract; and all provisions of the Contract are declared to be severable for this purpose. 18.5 Independent Contractor The Contract shall not be construed as creating an employer/employee relationship,a partnership,or a joint venture. The CONTRACTOR's services shall be those of an independent contractor. The CONTRACTOR agrees and understands that the Contract does not grant any rights or privileges established for employees of the OWNER. 18.6 ProhiIition of Gratuities The OWNER may, by Written Notice to the CONTRACTOR,terminate the Contract without liability if is determined by the OWNER that gratuities were offered or given by the CONTRACTOR or any agent or representative of the CONTRACTOR to any officer or employee of the OWNER with a view toward securing the Contract or securing favorable treatment with respect to the awarding or amending or the making of any determinations with respect to the performingof such Contract. In the event the Contract is terminated by the OWNER pursuant to this provision, the OWNER shall be entitled, in addition to any other rights and remedies,to recover or withhold the amount of the cost incurred by the CONTRACTOR in providing such gratuities. 18.7 Prohibition Against Personal Interest in Contracts No officer,employee, independent consultant,or elected official of the OWNER who is involved in the development, evaluation, or decision-making process of the performance of any solicitation shall have a financial interest, direct or indirect, in the Contract resulting from that solicitation. Any violation of this provision, with the knowledge, expressed or implied, of the CONTRACTOR shall render the Contract voidable by the OWNER. End of General Conditions 00700 04.2020 Page 44 General Conditions 00800 SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL CONDITIONS City of Round Rock Contract Forms Supplemental General Conditions Section 00800 SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL CONDITIONS TO AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION SERVICES The Supplemental General Conditions contained herein shall amend or supplement the General Conditions, Section 00700. ARTICLE 1 -DEFINITIONS 1.16 Engineer/Architect(EtA): Add the following: Name(Representative): TERRY HAGOOD Firm: HAGOOD ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. Address: 900 E. MAIN STREET City, State, Zip: ROUND ROCK, TX 78664 Telephone: 512.244.1546 Facsimile: 215.244.1010 Email: TERRYHHEAENG.COM 1.27 Owner's Representative: Add the following: Name: BILL STABLEIN Title: PROJECT MANUAL Address: 3400 SUNRISE ROAD City, State, Zip: ROUND ROCK,TX 78665 Telephone: 512.218.7044 Facsimile: N/A Email: BSTABLEINROUNDROCKTEXAS.GOV ARTICLE 6-CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES 6.18 Liquidated Damages Add the following: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL PAY LIQUIDATED DAMAGES IN THE AMOUNT OF Nine-hundred and seventy AND NO/I 00 DOLLARS $970.00 PER DAY FOR EACH DAY BEYOND THE DATE ESTABLISHED THEREFOR THAT THE CONTRACTOR FAILS TO ACHIEVE SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION, AND FOR WHICH OWNER IS UNABLE TO UTILIZE THE IMPROVEMENTS AND FACILITIES DUE TO THE FAILURE OF CONTRACTOR TO HAVE ACHIEVED SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONTRACT. END OF SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 1 00800 10-2015 Supplemental General Conditions 00090669 00900 SPECIAL CONDITIONS SECTION 01-INFORMATION 01-01 COPIES OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FURNISHED The Agreement will be prepared in not less than two (2) (original signed) sets. The OWNER will furnish to the CONTRACTOR one (1) copy of conforming Contract Documents and Specifications unless otherwise requested. 01-02 GOVERNING CODES All construction as provided for under the Contract Documents shall be governed by any existing Resolutions,Codes and Ordinances, and any subsequent amendments or revisions thereto as set forth by the OWNER. 01-03 LOCATION The location of work shall be as set forth in the Notice to Bidders and as indicated in the Contract Documents. 01-04 USAGE OF WATER All water used during construction shall be provided by the OWNER and shall be metered. The OWNER shall specify the location from which the CONTRACTOR is to procure water.The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for obtaining a bulk water permit from the OWNER and providing all apparatus necessary for procuring,storing, transporting and using water during construction.The CONTRACTOR shall strive to use no more water than reasonable to perform the work associated with this Contract and shall avoid waste.The CONTRACTOR will be required to pay for all water used if it is found that waste is occurring during construction. SECTION 02-SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS 02-01 CROSSING UTILITIES Prior to commencing the Work associated with this Contract, it shall be the CONTRACTOR'S responsibility to make arrangements with the owners of utility companies to uncover their particular utility lines or otherwise confirm their location. Certain utility companies perform such services at their own expense,however,where such is not the case,the CONTRACTOR will cause such work to be done at his own expense. 02-02 UTILITY SERVICES FOR CONSTRUCTION The CONTRACTOR will be responsible for providing its own utility services while performing the Work associated with this Contract. Provision of said utility services shall be subsidiary to the various bid items and no additional payment will be made for this item. 00900-4-2020 Page 1 Special Conditions 00443643 02-03 WAGE RATES Wage Rates(Information From Chapter 2258,Texas Government Code Title 10) 2288.021.Duty of Government Entity to Pay Prevailing Wage Rates a. The State or any political subdivision of the State shall pay a worker employed by it or on behalf of it: (1) not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality in which the work is performed; and (2) not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for legal holiday and overtime work. b. Subsection(a)does not apply to maintenance work. c. A worker is employed on a public work for the purposes of this section if a Contractor or Subcontractor in the execution of a contract for the public work with the State,a political subdivision of the State or any officer or public body of the State or a political subdivision of the State, employs the worker. 2258.023. Prevailing Wage Rates to be Paid by Contractor and Subcontractor; Penalty a. The contractor who is awarded a contract by a public body,or a Subcontractor of the Contractor, shall pay not less than the rates determined under Section 2258.022 to a worker employed by it in the execution of the contract. b. A Contractor or Subcontractor who violates this section shall pay to the state or a political subdivision of the state on whose behalf the contract is made,$60 for each worker employed for each calendar day or part of the day that the worker is paid less than the wage rates stipulated in the contract.A public body awarding a contract shall specify this penalty in the contract. c. A contractor or subcontractor does not violate this section if a public body awarding a contract does not determine the prevailing wage rates, and specify the rates in the contract as provided by Section 2258.022. d. The public body shall use any money collected under this section to offset the costs incurred in the administration of this chapter. e. A municipality is entitled to collect a penalty under this section only if the municipality has a population of more than 10,000. 00900-4-2020 Page 2 Special Conditions 00443643 2258.051.Duty of Public Body to Hear Complaints and Withhold Payment A public body awarding a contract, and an agent or officer of the public body, shall: 1. take cognizance of complaints of all violations of this chapter committed in the execution of the contract; and 2. withhold money forfeited or required to be withheld under this Chapter from the payments to the Contractor under the contract, except that the public body may not withhold money from other than the final payment without determination by the public body that there is good cause to believe that the Contractor has violated this chapter. Applicable wage rates to be used in Williamson and/or Travis County may be obtained from the U.S. Department of Labor website at the following web addresses: Construction Types: Heavy (Sewer/Water Treating Plant and Sewer/Incidental to Highway) http://www.wdol.gov/wdol/scafiles/davisbaconITX33.dvb?v=0 Construction Types: Heavy and Highway http://www.wdol.gov/wdol/scafiles/davisbaconITX16.dvb?v=O Construction Type: Building http://www.wdol.gov/wdol/scafiles/davisbaconITX76.dvb?v=1 02-04 LIMIT OF FINANCIAL RESOURCES The OWNER has a limited amount of financial resources committed to this Project; therefore, it shall be understood by all bidders that the OWNER may be required to change and/or delete any items which it may feel is necessary to accomplish all or part of the scope of work within its limit of financial resources. CONTRACTOR shall be entitled to no claim for damages or anticipated profits on any portion of work that may be omitted. At any time during the duration of this contract,the OWNER reserves the right to omit any work from this contract.Unit prices for all items previously approved in this contract shall be used to delete or add work per change order. 02-05 LIMITS OF WORK AND PAYMENT It shall be the obligation of the CONTRACTOR to complete all work included in this Contract, so authorized by the OWNER, as described in the contract documents and technical specifications. All items of work not specifically paid for in the bid proposal shall be included in the unit price bids. Any question arising as to the limits of work shall be left up to the interpretation of the E/A. 00900-4-2020 Page 3 Special Conditions 00443643 02-06 LAND FOR WORK OWNER provides, as indicated on Drawings, land upon which work is to be done, right-of-way for access to same and such other lands that are designated for the use of the CONTRACTOR.CONTRACTOR provides,at his expense and without liability of OWNER, any additional land and access thereto that may be required for his construction operations,temporary construction facilities,or for storage of materials. 02-07 DEVIATIONS OCCASIONED BY UTILITY STRUCTURES Whenever existing utilities, not indicated on the Drawings, present obstructions to grade and alignment of proposed improvements immediately notify engineer, who without delay, will determine if existing utilities are to be relocated, or grade and alignment of proposed improvements changed. Where necessary to move existing utilities and appurtenances as determined by the E/A, the E/A and CONTRACTOR will make relocation arrangements with the utility owner. The OWNER will not be liable for delay costs or damages due to relocations of utilities which hinder progress of the work. 02-08 CONSTRUCTION STAKING All construction staking required to complete the work associated with this contract shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for determining the layout and extent of staking necessary to construct the improvements to the lines and grades shown in the Drawings and such staking shall be satisfactory to the E/A. The CONTRACTOR shall consult with the E/A and Owners Representative in the field for assistance as necessary. Sufficient staking materials and equipment shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR including but not limited to:paint, flagging,laths,hubs,blue tops,nails,hammers,measuring chains or tapes,transits and levels. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for setting and marking control and off-set points for measuring distances and angles,for shooting levels,and for any other items pertaining to construction staking. This item shall not be paid for separately and shall be considered subsidiary to other bid items. 00900-4-2020 Page 4 Special Conditions 00443643 SECTION 03-ACCESS AND TRAFFIC CONTROL Access shall be provided for the public and emergency vehicles at all possible times. When it becomes necessary to restrict access, the CONTRACTOR shall notify the OWNER and coordinate with the OWNER, all applicable agencies (i.e. Fire Department,E.M.S.,Public Works,etc.),residents,and affected parties.If emergency access is required during the work and such access is being hindered by the work,the CONTRACTOR will suspend the work if necessary, and otherwise endeavor to assist emergency personnel in accessing a location restricted by the work.Unless otherwise approved by the E/A, at the end of each day all lanes of traffic shall be opened to the public. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure compliance at all times with the accepted Traffic Control Plan for the project and shall be responsible for all maintenance, signing and safety precautions necessary for traffic control. These items shall be included in the bid item Traffic Control. 00900-4-2020 Page 5 Special Conditions 00443643 01000 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ITEM 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK The Work covered by these Specifications consists of furnishing all labor, equipment, appliances, materials and performing all operations in connection with the inspection and testing, complete in accordance with the Plans, and subject to the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 1.02 GOVERNING TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS STREET,WATER, SEWER AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS The Round Rock Standard Specification Criteria Manual is hereby referred to and included in this contract as fully and to the same extent as if copied at length herein, and shall be applied to this project unless modified elsewhere as discussed below. The aforementioned Criteria Manual is the"Standard Specifications"section of the City of Round Rock Design and Construction Standards. The Standard Specifications may be accessed from the City of Round Rock website (www.roundrocktexas.gov) at the following web address: www.roundrocktexas.gov/dacs. Any adjustments,alterations,or additional information regarding Governing Technical Specifications are contained in the Plans (Drawings), Details and Notes described in Section 02000 of the Project Manual or are included in Attachment A at the end of this Technical Specifications Section. ITEM 2 CONTROL OF WORK 2.01 CLEAN-UP 2.01.1 CONSTRUCTION SITE During construction, the CONTRACTOR shall keep the site free and clean from all rubbish and debris and shall clean-up the site promptly when notified to do so by the E/A. The CONTRACTOR shall,at its own expense,maintain the streets and roads free from dust, mud, excess earth or debris which constitutes a nuisance or danger to the public using the thoroughfare,or the occupants of adjacent properties. Care shall be taken to prevent spillage on streets and roads over which hauling is done, and any such spillage or debris deposited on streets, due to the CONTRACTOR'S operations, shall be immediately removed. Page 1 010004-2020 Technical Specifications 00443645 2.01.2 BACKWORK The CONTRACTOR shall coordinate his operations in such a manner as to prevent the amount of clean-up and completion of back works from becoming excessive. Should such a condition exist,the E/A may order all or portions of the work to cease and refuse to allow any work to commence until the back work is done to the E/A's satisfaction. 2.02 GRADING The CONTRACTOR shall do such grading in and adjacent to the construction area associated with this contract as may be necessary to leave such areas in a neat and satisfactory condition approved by the E/A. ITEM 3 EXAMINATION AND REVIEW 3.01 EXAMINATION OF WORK The work covered under this Contract shall be examined and reviewed by the E/A, representatives of all governmental entities which have jurisdiction, and the Owner's Representative. The quality of material and the quality of installation of the improvements shall be to the satisfaction of the E/A. It shall be the CONTRACTOR'S responsibility for the construction methods and safety precautions in the undertaking of this Contract. 3.02 NOTIFICATION The E/A and the OWNER must be notified a minimum of 24-hours in advance of beginning construction,testing,or requiring presence of the E/A,Owner's or Owner's Representative. 3.03 CONSTRUCTION STAKING The E/A shall furnish the CONTRACTOR reference points and benchmarks that, in the E/A's opinion, provide sufficient information for the CONTRACTOR to perform construction staking. 3.04 PROTECTION OF STAKES,MARKS,ETC. All engineering and surveyor's stakes,marks, property comers, etc., shall be carefully preserved by the CONTRACTOR, and in case of destruction or removal during the course of this project, such stakes, marks, property comers, etc., shall be replaced by the CONTRACTOR at the CONTRACTOR's sole expense. Page 2 01000-4-2020 Technical Specifications 00443645 ITEM 4 PROTECTION AND PRECAUTION 4.01 WORK IN FREEZING WEATHER Portions of the work may continue as directed by the E/A. 4.02 PROTECTION OF TREES,PLANTS AND SHRUBS The CONTRACTOR shall take necessary precautions to preserve all existing trees, plants and shrubs but where it is justifiable and necessary the CONTRACTOR may remove trees and plants for construction right-of-way but only with approval of the EtA. 4.03 TRAFFIC CONTROL MEASURES AND BARRICADES Traffic control measures and barricades shall be installed in accordance with the Texas Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices and in other locations deemed necessary by the EtA, for the protection life and property. Under no circumstances will any existing road be permitted to remain closed over a weekend.No separate pay will be made for this item. Costs for this item shall be subsidiary to other items of work. 4.04 PROPERTY LINES AND MONUMENTS The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the protection,reference and resetting of property comer monuments if disturbed. 4.05 DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS MATERIAL The CONTRACTOR shall at his own expense, make arrangement for the disposal of surplus material, such as rock,trees,brush and other unwanted backfill materials. 4.06 CONTRACTOR'S USE OF PREMISES The Contractor shall,at his own expense,provide additional space as necessary for his operations and storage of materials. ITEM 5 MATERIALS 5.01 TRADE NAMES Except as specified otherwise, wherever in the specifications an article or class of material is designated by a trade name or by the name or catalog number of any maker, patentee,manufacturer,or dealer,such designations shall be taken as intending to mean and specify the articles described or another equal thereto in quality, finish, and serviceability for the purpose intended, as may be determined and judged by the E/A in his sole discretion. 5.02 MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP No material which has been used by the CONTRACTOR for any temporary purpose whatever is to be incorporated in the permanent structure without the written consent of the E/A. Where materials or equipment are specified by a trade or brand name, it is not the intention of the OWNER to discriminate against an equal product of another Page 3 01000-4-2020 Technical Specifications 00443645 manufacturer, but rather to set a definite standard of quality for performance, and to establish an equal basis for the evaluation of bids. Where the words "equivalent", "proper"or"equal to"are used,they shall be understood to mean that the item referred to shall be "proper",the "equivalent" of, or "equal to" some other item, in the opinion or judgment of the EtA. Unless otherwise specified, all materials shall be the best of their respective kinds and shall be in all cases fully equal to approved samples. Notwithstanding that the words "or equal to" or other such expressions may be used in the specifications in connection with a material, manufactured article or process, the material, article or process specifically designated shall be used, unless a substitute is approved in writing by the E/A, and the E/A will have the right to require the use of such specifically designated material, article or process. Page 4 01000-4-2020 Technical Specifications 00443645 02000 PLANS, DETAILS AND NOTES If applicable, insert reference(s)to project plans; details;and notes The Oakmont Road Extension Plans, associated details and notes are hereby incorporated into the contract documents. ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ADEQUACY OF THESE PLANS REMAINS WITH THE ENGINEER CITY OF ROUND ROCK, TEXAS WHELYOUPON THE THEM. IN ADEQUACYADEQUACY OF THENG THESE PLANS,THE WORK OF THE DESIGNITY ENGINEER. F STATEROCK MUST STATE OF TEXAS * TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT COUNiYOFWI�LIAMSON * I,TERRY R.HAGOOD,DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE PUBLIC WORKS AND DRAINAGE OAI(IVIO NT DRIVE EXTENSION IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIBED HEREIN HAVE BEEN DESIGNED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE SUBDIVISION AND BUILDING REGULATION ORDINANCES AND STORM WATER DRAINAGE POLICY ADOPTED BY THE CITY OF ROUND ROCK,TEXAS. - -- CD 0..*.*: .▪ * . 2121 i(1. /� 02/01/21 NET LENGTH OF PROJECT- 3304.2 FT[0.625 MILES] FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF EARTHWORK,GRADING,STORM SEWER SYSTEM,ASPHALTIC CONCRETE ' *i * Terry R.Hagood Date PAVEMENT,CONCRETE PAVEMENT,CULVERT,SIGNING,PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND SIGNALS. TERRY R.HAGOOD Registered Professional Engineer % 52960 7, ' ',P/s T E-.`•�,,-• , SITE LOCATION MAP SrONAL E�_- NOTES: 4-v ACCEPTED FOR CONSTRUCTION BY: I P a war ow. - 1. A PORTION OF THE ABOVE LEGALLY DESCRIBED PROPERTY IS WITHIN THE �IIII4FAt PIr �iLe.�-'(H- t 2Ail, - l DESIGNATED 1%ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN AREA AS DESIGNATED BY 1 Transportation Dteparlment Yppg� Date 1City of Round Rock,Texas �F.E.M.A.FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP(FIRM)ON COMMUNITY PANEL NO. 0:700, •48491C0490E AND 48491C0495E,DATED SEPTEMBER 26,2008 FOR THE CITY ,OF ROUND ROCK,WILLIAMSON COUNTY,TEXAS. MAYOR 2. THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN THE EDWARDS AQUIFER. CRAIG MORGAN MAYOR PRO-TERM 3. SEE SHEET 03&04 FOR GENERAL NOTES. J��!..�� RENE FLORES �� COUNCIL MEMBERS I Jam. �� MICHELLE MATTHEW BAKER BEGIN PROJECT `�' �,_�` FRANK ORTEGA STA.0+00 `,`��Aill ` WRIT BAESE Niiiii... 1 END PROJECT HILDA MONTGOMERY PROJECT LIMITS STA.33+38.37 CITY MANAGER LAURIE HADLEY CITY ATTORNEY b STEPHAN L.SHEETS °?. �' *Tovsio Ent I — Callbefore below dig. PLAN SUBMITTALS ` REVISIONS NO. DATE COFAMENTS NO DATE DESCRIPTION APPROVED BY 1 10/09/2019 SUBMITTAL TO CITY OF ROUND ROCK TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT 2 10/16/2019 SUBMITTAL TO TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 3 2/25/2020 SUBMITTAL TO CITY OF ROUND ROCK TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT. 4 5/1/2020 SUBMITTAL TO CITY OF ROUND ROCK TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT :..., 109E 10.WI 5 7/14/2020 SUBMITTAL TO CITY OF ROUND ROCK TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT .41:1210.1p10 CRAM 84 u 6 2/1/2021 SUBMITTAL TO CITY OF ROUND ROCK TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT El rzrEo:9 a.a=,a cn[c¢°sr ra 7 DESIGN SPEED: 35 MPH II - 109„O"`0 -"""F`h. P" '°" FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION: URBAN MINOR ARTERIAL HAGOOD o EN° 1 Ait cam'.-5 5nEE1 01 OF 135 4.6 ♦ SHEET!mix GENERAL ILLUMINATION LAYOUT .,u 1 cum seT 101.1Dt aLISTION WTfUT 2 PET-- 105-112 11111.6 IION ICD1ai 2./ SOMA NON MONICR AT 01s 11.4122211 *� 71 1•1 111NMRaYOf AMNOm1 11L•i D 74 SIWNANAO N2M6ENT tfO Mir a ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDS �ea�nr Aye UMW11L111 =MON CONTIOL Maib H.dI IAA II �� LAMS MINT11[.11I OMOOXNRAL NUM(OTT OF RDUD lrc Pm.b1AZ+4.7N1 11 MUST LOOM mo i P17�x z. 12.11 TYPICAL ELTONI umLmES 11RAr.a.iblATAT 11312f ENN IO LIRIII JOBND.N TOf1RNAEt REMOVAL PLAN 1f1 PROPOSE OTaFM(CITY Ala1 PPP. \ 14.46 =IO1lLL RAN MIAIIILlY DffAai/OIT01 RTIRD ROMagie lart OF rF I TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN CROSS SECTIONS �ysP 4 Xs* 1T-a TMMFK CONTROL ILIM 1N4121 0016 WNW *e * TERRY R.HAGOOD TRAFFIC CONTROL STANDARDS 52960 2142 1C pal.13 MOOT 2G1OAEA) 9n' �1 A,10i 4. if IQ RO1-17(ROOT MOW •'•.ea i0 Ta(ISM.12(TOOW1u1CAm1 .......... • e °FauAt..4`'�` x TO(1.1).11(131 F ITAICAF01TO ) u 1Q 1J)-11(WQ SIMONS/ ��/y11.1?C-a�' ;r.-\- HORIZONTALALIGNMENT DATA "LTA CNbR IN /03.191/131/1.123301t K HORIIONGLMMNMIR eATA nwvbAIMLIRMAELrJAWfliIWiDE WOI 114106la0101INLIAAO ROADWAY PLAN 1R10YNN>ASY1IMMTIMI011f Cam WINN MAN Alt P1oLRI lawelllHO+LirctOher. Et1EfP* WW1 � VWY PUN MS IRDnu MCP* w IDOIWCIION DIT71L1 ROADWAY STANDARDS ROADWAY PtAPC FOR 2241 ROAD1x1TDRMLi(OTYO1l01IDMOM OAIgAONTDRIYED'iH�gION 120 10A.1a MOOTNwR>Iley ROUND ROOT,TX Mal 06E 0010260001Aa NUJ GAIN rem 0111(1,y(ROOT NTANME) DRIUNAGE PAW 6w0 DE ORED OwMIc ARAIM 61 NIIUIRwC O]MIIWION 6242 D MNAE MAN MD 1ROIR2 646E DWNAA NORM 1647 NIRRAWC DAM 61.70 1101MTIOO EIMACf110 aLOsATIOS 71-72 GILYIO PWL NOMLI AIO ACTION A NTIUWC DAM MST-0DWDLII MCI IIa. DRAINAGE STANDARDS 7 7i DIMNAI1 I101DA(OTT Of IDIIID 1001 77 MAIN 101I11 11AMI01A(HOOT VAN DAM 71-79 ISM CIE INS (TOOT NM PAN) 11.11 MOM AMMON 10X(17m0T'TAN0Ar) 01-12 IMOUT MAI NUM(WOT2000MD) 14D RUIN OIADA w NOW T10OIR MAW 10 ORML eclat SIGNING AND STRIPING PLAN Ma11 lClhI1 AIDPAY1IWT Main LAMBKa a mcs�bn SIGNING AND STRIPING STANDARDS ff PM[11•12(TOOT FTNCIPM + 10 RIM.12(ROOT fTAIOAIOQ II PM AJ-12(OOOT STAMAM) 1e MNNP-1)-E WOW EMMEN FM.Cia/CL»«P 16 *MWaid)-M OT/® iuJCAf �ucecmm 17 LIE NP.33.E/TOOT 111.1141101 It le T (ICI -01(TOOT X1A1EAI0J MIST IDOL IN TWA1 •� 1]�T �) P9 (�T snows 55 SI 4 4 it 4 CITY OF ROUND ROCK GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES PU GENERAL NOTES: TRENCH SAFETY NOTES: EROSION AND SEDIMENTAT1ON CONTROL NOTES: �J D 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WM TIE CITY OF ROUND ROCK STANDARD 1. IN ACCORDANCE WiTH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS AND THE U.S.CCCLPATiONAL SAFETY 1. EROSION CONTROL MEA&JRES,SITE WORH)KA RESTORATION PARK SHALL BE IN CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS MD HEALTH ADIANISTFAJ1OM IEGULATIONS,ALL TRENDIES OVER 5 FEET H DEPTH N EITHER HARD ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF ROUND ROCK EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROLIbrd lc.*TX sierk AND COMPACT OR SOPTAMD UNSTABLE 50L SHALL BE ROPED,SHORED,SHEETED,BRACED OR ORDNANCE rn,.PM 2441NI 2. ANYEXISfNGUTIITIES,PAVFAiENT,CURBS,SIDEWAUS,STRSJCAIIB,TREES,ETC,NOT OTHERWISE SUPPORTED.RIRTIEMORE,ALL TRENCIES lEIS MAN 3 REET IN DEPTH SHALL ALSO BE Iss[54as.4.D11= PLANNED FOR DESTRUCTION OR REMCNAL THAT ARE DAMAGED OR RE ACA,E)SHALL EE EFFECTIVELY PROTEGE)WHEN HAZARDOUS GROUND MOVEMENT MAY BE 13(FCTE0.TRENCH 2. ALI SLOPES SHALL BE SODDED OR SEEDED WITH APPROVED GRASS,GRASS MIXTURES OR me Wirt w r-mur REPAIRED OR REPLACE)AT CONTRACTORS RRPENSE SAFETY SYSTEMS TOBE UTILIZED FOR MSPROJECTNE DESCRIED H SECT ON312333OFTHE GROUND COVER SUITABLE TO THE AREA AN)SEASON H WHICH THEY APE AR71ED- -COWL1 • r„- SrEa9CATIONS.AN ENGINEERED TRENCH SAFETY PLAN SHALL BE SUBMITTED PROR TO ANY 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VEICFYALL DEPTHS AND LOCATIONS OF EXISTING lJT URINES PRIOR E YATION. 3. SILT FENCES,ROCK BERAiS,SEDIMB{TAT10N BASINS MI)SllAUJLY RECOGNIZED f r TO ANY CONSTRUCTION.ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH TIE COHSTRUCNON RAPS FOUL)N TEDINI4US AD MATERIALS SHALL BE EMPLOYED DURING CONSTRUCTION TO PREVENT r �.4:-/01 THE FIELD SHALL BE BROUGHT IMMEDIATELY TO THE ATTENTION OF 11-E ENGINEER WHO 2. IN AOODI DANCE MTh THE LL S.MCLPATMAL SAFETY AND MOTH ADM MSTRATON PONT SOLACE SEDWENTATION LOADNG Of DOViNSTWAM FACET ES SUCH * ;= SHALL BE REPONSI BEE FOR REVISNG THE PLANS AS APPROPRIATE REGULATIONS,WHEN PERSONS APE N TRENCHES 4 FEET DEEP OR MORE,ADEQUATE MEANS OF NSTALLATCN SHALL BE REGULARLY INSPECTED BY THE CITY OF ROUND ROCK FOR *i 11T ': !k DIT,SUCH H AS A LADDER OR STEPS,MUST BE PROVIDED AHD LOCATED SO AS TO REQUIRE NO MORE EFFBCIIVEN S.ADDITIONAL MEASURES MAY BE REQUIRED IF,N THE OPINION OF 11-E CITY TERRJ R.H4000D 4. MANHOLE FRAMES,COVETS,VALVES,CLFANOUTS,ETC,SHALL BE RAISED TO 1111$1-ED GRADE THAN 25 FEET of LATE AL TRAVEL ENGINEER,THEY NE WAAIANTE 52960 PRIOR TO FINAL PAVING CONSTRUCTION. r L MEASURES NOT EE VED UhITI. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL GfvE TEE CITY OF ROOD ROCK48 HOURS NOTC BEFORE 3. ANTICIPATED TICIPA DDTTOOYBE�LESS THAN 5 FEET�IN DEPTH AHD NOT DURNG CONSTRUCTION CTION r IS FOUND TINT REFECTION AND APPROVAL OfNCHES WERE 4. kL TEMPORARY EROSION CO THE PROJECT BY THE ENGINEER.IT BE 1FER RG£'`y iaivA tE g.C'°\`�p BEGMING EACH PHASE OF COHSTAUCTK)N.TELEHONE(51 21 218-7044 CTRANSFOFTATON TRENDIES ARE IN FACT 5 FEET OR MORE N DEPTH OR OR TRENCHES LES THAN 5 FEET IN DEFTH RESPONSNMMY Of THE CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN ALL TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL DEPARTMEiNTI. ARE N AN AREA WHERE HAThmTrilS GROUND MOVEAIBNT 5 E1tPECTEO,ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL STRUCTURES AND TO REMOVE EACH STRUCTURE AS APPROVE)BY THEE MY.. %} ^, r CEASE,THE TRENCHED AREA SHALL BE BARRICADED AND THE ENGRLERNOT1FEDIMMEDIATELY. 'i '' 'tir j 6. ALL AREAS DISTURBED OR EC POSED DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE REYEGETATH)N CONSTRUCTION SHALL NOT RE UME UNTIL APPROPRIATE TRENCH SAFETY Sib I rAA COALS,AS 5. All MU),DIRT,ROCKS,DEBITS,ERG,SPEED,TRADED OR OTHERWSE DEPOSITED ON Tt INAVIBgq QM 00011131f 1W ACCORDANCE WTH THE F1ANS AND SPECIFICATIONS.FIBIEGETATON OF ALL DISTUREED OR DESIGN@ BYAPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER.ARE RETANED AND COPIES SUBMITTED TOTHE CITY OF USING PAVE)STREETS,OWES AND AI ASUSEDBYTHEFUBLICSHALLBELEANEDUP Attar_ MYgW,rL DOMED AREAS SHALL COHSST OF SODDING OR SEEDING,AT THE CONTRACTORS OFTKIN. ROLHO ROCK RAYED ATELY. iMLYNANCMOfE MOM 111MMPt HOWLV6l,hE TYPE OF REKGETATION MUST EQUAL OR CUE)THE TYPE Of VEGETATION OF The eTn PRESENT BEFORE WHSTMJCT1CN UMa STREET AND DRAINAGE NOTES: >aw0aSa,rcrarcr. 1. ALL TESTING SHALL BE DONE BY AN INDEPENDENT LABORATORY AT 11-E GARNERSWENSE.ANY °"t"®' Atztrlir 15111AD Pat RETESTING SHALL BE PAID FOR 3Y THE CONTRACTOR A CITY PUNG Y µSPELTOR SHALL BE ENT !I 7. PWOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION,THE ENONEER SHALL CONVENE A PRECONSTR CTION DURN0 ALL TESTS.TESTING SHALL BE CCIORDINATED MTH 1FE CTTY NSPECTORAND FE SHALL BE COHERENCE IETWffiN THE CITY OF ROlNO ROCK,HIMSELF,THE CONTACTOR,OTHER GIVEN A AMNI MJM OF 24 HODS NOTICE MICR TO ANY TESTING THEFHONE 218-5555 TRAFFIC MARKING NOTES: ROADWAY PIAN5 FORUTIUIY COMPANIES AHNYAR OTHER PARTIES AND ANY OTHER ENTITY THE CTIY OR EHGNEER p 10HN 1. ANY MFIHODS,STREET M NINGS AND SK3NAGE HECESSAR+'FOR WAR ING OMMOHT DRIVEL EXTHIIIDN MAY REQUIRE MOTORISTS,WARNNG PEDETR A S OR DIVERTING TRAFFIC DURING CONSTRUCTION ROUND��TX � B. THE CONTRACTOR AND TIE ENGINEER SHALL KEEP ACCURATE RECORDS OF ALL 2 RACKFILL 6@ ND THE CURB SHALL BECOhPACI®TO OBTAIN A AMN MAM OF 95S IµS MUM SHALL CONFORM TO THE TIDAS MANUAL OF UNEDRM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE FOR DESTY TO WN1HN 3'OF TOP OF CURB.JAATHWL USED SHALL BE PRAMLY LXrAMANLWITH NO STREETS MD MIDWAYS,LATEST EDITION. CONSTFIKTION THAT DEVIATE FROM THE PUNSWIG THE ENGINEER SHHALL FURNISH THE CITY ?DOG THAN 6''FOIE GREATEST DIMENSION.TIE REMAJNI G 3'SHALL BE CLEAN OF ROUND ROCK ACCURATE'ASBOLT DRAWNGL FOLIC:MINGW TH SAT DON OF All TOPSOIL REE ROM ALL CLODS AND SUITABLE FORSUSTNNNG PLANT LIFE 2. ALL PAVFMENTMARDNGS,MARI(ERS,THT9MAO,TRAFFIC BUTTONS,TRAFRC CONTROLS CONSTRUCTION.TH ESE'ASBULT DRAWINGS SMALL MET WITH THE SATIFACDON OF THE AHD SIGNS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE'MTH TIE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE 3. DEPTH OF COVER FOR All CROSSINGS UNDER PAVEMENT INCW DING GAS,ELECTRIC, TR4NSPORTATCN STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRICTION OF HIGHWAYS, 9. THE ROUND ROCK CITY COUNCIL SHALL NOT BE FER80NED FOR ACCEPTANCE UNT L ALL TELEPHONE,CARE TV,WATER SERVICES,ETC,SHALL EE A MINBAUM OH xiBELOW SUBGRADE. STREETS MD BADGES AND,THE TEXAS MANUAL OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC CaEROL 'ECF6SARY EASEMENT DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN SKI AND RECORDED. DEVICES FOR STREETS AND HIGHWAYS LATEST EDITK)NS. 4. STREET RIG HTS-0E-WAY SHALL BE GRAD®AT A SLOPE Of 1/4'PER FOOT TOWARD TIE CURB 10. WHEN CONSTRUCTIONS BENGCAARED OUT WITHIN EASEMENTS,TIE CONTRACTOR SHALL MISS DTHEIFVISE INDICATED.HOWEVER,IN NO CA SHALL THE WITH OF WGHT-OF-WAY COPiR4E HIS WOR(TO WITHIN TIE PE MANENT AND ANY TEMPORARY EASEMENTS PRIOR TO 1/4'PER FOOT SLOPE BE LP55 THAN 10 FFPT UNLESSA SPECIFIC RE-QUEST FOR AN AL PRAIRIE FINAL ACCEPTANCE,7Ff CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR F ER ING ALL TRASH CarADNG IS WADE TO AND ACCEPTED BY THE CRY OF ROUND ROUX DCi�OPA1BNl' AND DE IRS WiNH N THE PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY ROWS.CLEAN-UP SHALL BE TO RYICB DEPARTMENT THE SAi1SFVPCTON OF THE B1(:REER 5_ PARODIES BUILT TO CITY OF ROUND ROCK STANDARDS 9411 BE CONSTRUCTED ON ALL 11. PRIOR TO ANY WPSTXUCiION,THE CGNTRAC CIR SHALL APPLY FOR AND SECURE ALL DEAD-IFIC STREETS AND AS TNECFS5ARI DURING WFSTFJJCT10N TO MA NTAN ROB AND PUBLIC PRORR PERMITS FROM THE APPROPRIATE AUTHORITIES SAFETY. 6. ALL P.CP.SHALL BEAWMUM CLASS IL 12. AVAILA 3 E BENCHMARKS THAT MAY BE UTLI EO FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT magi ARE ESCSIBEDASFOLLOW& o� I 7. THE SUIGRADF AERIAL MR THE STREETS SHOWN HEREIN WAS TESTED BY:ALLIANCE EN4GINEERNG GROUP,IC N A REPORT DATED FEBRUARY 2017,A )THE PAYING SECTIONS :SIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT CITY OF ROUND ROCK DESIGN ORIIERA THE PAVING SECTIONS ME TO BE CONSTRUCTED AS FOLLCVrS: HAW 1HCUNESS EMILE BASE THOUCS UME STABLJZATON THICIRSS 5' 16' 17 r«nncrn Me maidmRawl THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER 9-ILL INSPECT THE SUBGRADE FOR COMPLANCE WITH 11-E DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS MADE DOING PREPARATION Of THE SOILS REPORT.ANYADJUSTMENTS WSAI.Male THAT ARE REXFTED SHALL EE MADE THROUGH REVISION OF THE CONSTRICTION RAMS. £ EL WHERE PIS ALE OVER20,SUB E GRADESMUSTBESTABILUTLEINGAMETHODACCEPTABLETO ,a„a Si COO i THE CITY ENGNEER-THE GEOTK]-NC L ENGINEER SHALL RECOMMEND AN APPROPRIATE SUBGRADE STABLZATKxN IF SULFATES ARE DETERNIN DTO BE RESEW. 'mw0"i0 4 I A at ♦ TCEQ WPAP NOTES WATFEAD WASTEWATER NOTES (REV.7/I5/15) .,III 1. EVE AATEBEL FOR WATER MANS SHALL BE NYC{AW4MG900,is.CLASS 200.OR 1. THE CONTRACTOR AT FG EXPENSE MI PERFORM QUALITY IEING FOR ALL TCEQ WATER FROL111110N ALATBMBNi PLACE GB4EN/J-CDObTTl1C'110N ADZES LUCILE IRON WNW C-100,MN.LASS 20E0.WATER SERVICES(7 ORL BHALLE WASTEWATER FIFE HBTAIIFDAND FRFgdIE EVE HYDROSTATIC TESTING)FALL WATER W E$ W 1, A MEN NOIRE OF COIISTRICDON MUST BE SMARTED TO THE MEG REGOMAL OFFICE AT IFAST 48 /�/�A FOLYETif9JE TURN)PLAM KG PER,DR 94 COf61RUCI®AlU SHALL RCM/ALL EQI.FMBII''NCWDIN(i Pl11A'S/ND 641(iB], HOURS FI OR TO THE START OF ANY REDIAATED AGENT a 11-15 NOTICE RUST INCLUDE 3UREP3AND TABOR NECESSARY TO RRIFORMTFE TESTS QUALITY AAA PREMISE TESTNG • RE NAME OF ME APPROVE)PROJECT.; lewd 76U4 2 EVE MATERIAL FOR RESSAE 4NSTEWATTA PAINS5tWL I P/C{AWfAG900,M*. SHALL BE MA011GIFD BY CITY OF ROUND TOO:RRSCMEL • IFF/DTMTY START DATE;AD MOM 0102441 W CLASS 150,OR DUCTILE IRON{AdWGC-10QhVN CLASS 2001.PFEMAATHNL FOR GRAVITY • RE CONTACTIFFORMA11ON OF THE FAME CONTRACTOR 7I1-721 ammo WASTEWATER MMMNS SMALL BE PM(ASTM D2241 OR DIBSI,AWLCE-26(,DUCOLE RN2 THE CDMRACTOR MALL CDOmF1ATE TFSTNO WITH T1 CITY CIE fNSEt10RAID avian (AWNA Gl(D,Mk CUSS TOO} FROVDE NO LESS MAN 24 F10UF3 NUIICE RtlORTO PERFORM IC STEi 1Al10N,QUALITY 2. ALL CONTACTORS &CONDUCT/4G REGULATED AMITIES ASSOCATED WM DIES OEI.TAU E ST FRONDED TIR t I MVO BT TIRO OR PEAS UIE TESTNCL a UNISS OTH954&A17 ACCEPTED BY THE CITY)RUIN )GIN OF CDAER FOR lE4E3 WHH COMPLETE COWS OF TIE AFWROVWD WATER PCIWEON AAIUABIT RAN MEAN AND TIE IQQ LETTER °0°��O l Inc �. I MCATNG THE SECIK CDFCIMIONS OF ITS APPROVAL DUNG Et COURSE OF TF£SE REGULATED 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT ORN OR CLOSE sir VALYES LNLESAIUTHOR )BY vE OUT CUTE PAWANTSALL BE47 MRL,AFC DEMOFC aFORALL WES UIC9t Et CITY OF ROUFO ROCK MUTATES THE CCNTRACIORSAAE RECURRED TO FIEF ON-SITE COPES OF Et MOVED PLAN AFC r�` rS.paW PAVEMENTS AU BE A IAN.OF 301 BELOW SIEORADE I. ALL RE HYDRANT LEADS SHALL I DUCIIE EON HR WWA C-100,MK CRASS 4. All VALVE BOBS AND COVERS SHALL BE CAST IRON. APPROVAL LETTER. fl ,= N 2Ip1. a IF ANY&NEDYE ITAILREN(CAYES,SOLUTION CARTY,SW HOC,ETC)IS DGCOYEIED DUJND ':* 5. All IRON FEE Alp RTING5 SHALL EWARE/WITH MLNMIBV BILL POLIEDNYIENE 5. AIL VABERSEAtfl,WASTEWATER SERVICE AND VALVE LOCATIO1MALL E COHSTRUC11ON,ALL REGULATED MA ME,N541!E SEMITE FEATURE ARIST BE SARNOED AWEDAIELY. TEREJ R.H4G000 A ENRUTELY AWED AS FOULEST TEEMS TCEQ REGIONAL OFRCE AIME BE IMMEDIATELY NOWED Of ANY SEISM FETUS AM)SEALED WITH DUCTTAFE OR EQUAL ACCEPTED BY THE CITY WON ER 34C0&H9RED DIEINC COMTRUCIION.CONSTRUCTION ACMES MY NOTE PS.Wa77 UNTIL THE TCfQ 52960 ;` ,., & THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COHUCi'11E CITY(*.VECTOR AT Z16S555 TO WATER RAKE W ON TOP OF CURB HAS RPIEWM AMC AREOA®TMEAMPRIATE PROTECiNE MEASURES IN ORDER 10 FROTES.T ANY SFINSIIVE Qc E�-747 SW:"• :14 COOIDNATE UIIIIYTIE-WAND NCITFY HIMAi LEAST HOURS FAVOR TO CONFFCTING WASTEWATER BRYCE SON TOP OF CURB FEATURE Alp THE EDALDS AQUIFER FROM POTEMLLLYADVERSE 545ALSTO WATER QUALITY. CJ sYa�l,L 4.4.0 TO E7t6TTFKE UN ES VALVE VON FADE Cf CRAB 4. NO TSV RAEY OR PERMANENT HAZARDOUS S JISTINCE SROIADE TANK SiNL E METALLED WITFN 150 TOOLS FOR MALkCNG TEE OM SHALL BE PROVDED FYTFE CONTRACTOR OTHER FEET OF A WATERSUPRY Sam DWTPBUIION SYYSTE&WELL OR SENSITIVE FEATURE 7. ALL MAFFgIE,SFULLEOONCIET WITH CAST WON ANO AND COVER ALL µMATE MEANS OF MAROC SERVICE AND VALVE LOCATION' 4M1 a FRONDED 14 hUAM10l6 LOOSED OUTSIDE Of THE PAVEMENT RNLI FLAhf BOLTED CLUBS.TAPR4G OF MIAS VMMOUT OM SUCH ALANS Of IALttNG SHALL PE AS 9f3.1ED SKIES RIMER 5. PRMOR TO BEDHtNG ANY CCIEIRUCTON ADMIT,ALL TFMRTALY 6OSION AMD 5E0 I 4TATION BSI Ttyy,MgggpA 16y FIBERGLASS IAAAFIOLS SUll NOT E ALIGYIEO. AND ACCEPTED BY TIE CITY Of ROUND LOCK CONTROL AWAAla3 WEST BE PLOPEILY NSTAL D AID hANTAJFEO N ACCORDANCE WAIN THEMPROVED MIMED 0,IL B. THE CONTICTURMUSTOBTAN A BULK WATER REIWT OR RIKHASE AMC INb1ALLA RANSAHIAAFILFADTURFP39Ff CAilCNSFDEFECTIONS RFDCATEAOOMFALFi15 BEEN USEDOMMA LAND Altr War E Akla•®FIHJUt 11E & CONTACT CITY OF ROUND ROCX TRANSPORTATION CBA1Dk841 AT 218-7044 FOR INWPROPRIM1IFLY,OR NCOI ECILY,THE APPLICANT MUST BRACE OR MODIFY TIE CONTROL FOR RITE sOJ>AWe4OWAORQ'114 ga ll, WATERh1E1ER FOR ALL WATER I.�gJIN AkL 0W G ODFSiRUC1ACOPY OF EIS P6I'hSUSIBE ASSISTANCE IN OBTAJI N3 iSIN AN O WATER D WASTEWATER LOCATIONS NS SITUATIONS.TFESE COMIC M REMAIN N IUA IIN IN RACE MEL THE DIEUIBE)AREAS HAW BE FENANENRY WI 0���MEE "'�°�af CARRIED AT ALL ES BY All WAI WHO USE FI, rani BVR�a 1/CI[X OCT. STAJ1 = 447)n®e n411R1 9. UNF R.U&NG MANY ACTWIIY USINGA INGE GUMMY OF WATERMUSTE 7. THE CITY OE fEIW0FOCI RE OBARThI1B4iSWLEH071FE046 HOURS PRIOR 10 IiumMCR !I Y.71®IAID 44111111 WATERS WASRWA1Ht SIP9INIDDBNI',THHIKDIF 213556`a TEEING Of ANY BUILDING SP9NEER PING DIDICER THAT THE HEDE ARU WENT JENT MAY 6. ANY SEINITENT ESCAPES TIE CONSTRUCTION SITE MUST BE COLLECTS)MC PROPERLY DISPOSED OF MOFFTORS/GI TESINa. BEFORE Et FUT RAN EVENITO ENSUE R IS NOT WA&ED EEO SURFACE STREWS,SBi9ITNE FEATURES, 10. THE CONTRACTOR AT FRS EIPBSE,9141 PEEORAF STERUUTION OF AL POTAE E ETC ROADWAY PIAi'IS FOR DAICMONT DUNE EXTBdION YHITEROFFS CONSTRUCTED MC SHALL PRCWIDEAll MEANT'CUING TEST GAUGES, & SAiD,AS INSPECAGTION ITEM 510 MPE,SHALL NOT BE USED AS BEDDING 7. SOM94TWE 1 IBMOAID ROM THE SEEMABNT TRAPS OR SDRIBRA110N PAW Cr UTERIWN ROUND LABOR !INCLUDING lit!T CONCENTRATE]OEORK DUADFECTING FMTE➢ALI,AMID FF FOR WA1BMC ASIEWAT&WES AC63TAAEBB]ANGN,WHBLSAREAPEEODING ��TX ' LABOR;EQUIPE)FOR IFS 9131IIATON FOAM&TIE 9131IIATON PROCEDURE SFiLI STONE,RA URA$ AID IN LIEU CF SAND,A NATURALLY OCCURIFXI OR AMANUHACIIIIID TCH7-0594 VM84 IT CNCOFSES SQ%OF TFf BASKS OBIC4I CAPACITY. E HONORED BY COY OF FOWDB7CX iunirnERSO ..WATER SORES VRLE CTJIl$;I®BY STONE MATERIAL CONEOPIWGTO ATM C33 FOR STOW QUALITY ANC MfRGTFE IA RIME CITY OF UIC ROCK TO VERIFY&CM ID AHO LIFE HAS AITAJFED A4 MILL 01.010E FOLLOY714G CLEADMDION SPEIFGTON: a :Ina COW TIJCTON DEERS,MD ODM46TTUCT1pH CHEMICALS EGAOSE71 TO STORIAWAIERBHALI.BE CONCENTRATION OF 50 R MBE BE 12FI3 OF MUSI NG IS NECESSARY,IFS CONTRACTOR NEW MED FROM BEND DISCHARGE)OFFSTE. Anus EA F SE,SHALL PROM['luau)DEVICES AC REMOVE SAD DEVIL S RJORTO SIEVE SCE PERCENT PEWEE BY WEIGHT WWI AOQ3RMICE BY RE OIYOf ROOD RACK 1A7 0 9. ALL SAOLS roS'AVATBD MATERIAL)GENFATBD RANEE PROJECT NM MOST BE STONED ONSIIE WIT-1 PROPER Ed5 CONTROLS.FOR STORAGE OR DISPOSAL OF ROES AT ANOTHER SITE ON IFS WWAAfS/CLIFER 11. SAMPLING TAPS SHALLE NOUGHT UP TO 3 FEETABOME GRADE MC SHALL BE EASEY 31W 0.2 ODE ZONE,TEE VAN&OF TEEERAS MOOT ECFFIE MISCHAL OF A WATERPOULLITgN ABATEMENT PAN 436 AZIBIE FOR CITY EMST1IE NT AT THE CORACTORS EQUEST,AND PINS FRS #4 4O FOR TEE PLACEMENT OF RI MATERIAL OR MIMES RACING FRFORTO TEE RACED: OT Of BPOLS AT THE OTHEL SIMILES FOR BACIER ESTN OLOGCAL TG W LL BE COLLECTED BYTE CITY Cf ROUtt KOF10 95-100 SITE NOT LESS THAN 24 HOUBAFTFITHE TREAT®ONE HAS EEEIFllJ WOFTHE 9. THE CONTRACTOR IS FfiR MN FY ROTTED TINTOOECING TO,9AITDHG DARN,OR CONCENTRATED CHOERF SOLUTION AHD CHARGED M MTH WATERRUVBD BY THE att. 10. IF P0R1101 OF THE SHE WILL HAVE ATHAFORATYO1 BERMAENT CEASE N CONSTRUCTION ACTMIY TEE COMRACTCR SHALL.9ARYA CHECK OR ACIfY ORDER,PAYABLETO 11f CITY OF MIA HATING E�IIF46lITlUIY UF4ESNMY HAVE TO OCOJRAi Of{-05AX MOLTS. IASIPIC LONGER THAN 14 DAYS,BOL STANEEATON IN MOB AREAS 9411 BE INMTF0 AS 500N AS HOURS IODIC ROCY,TO Walt FEE O iARGED FOR TESING FR:11 WATER SMELE.OTT OF ARE USUALLY Ol1ISDE NORMAL DVdODfAG HOUJRSAND POS.$I-Y BETAE9i 12 ALL AH16 POSIES RKWTO THE liTH M FI IY.Y OF CTIN IF ACTIYOY W LL RESALE TO TEE 21ST DAY, ROUND ROUX FEE MOUNTS MAY E OMRED BY CALNG THE SCHEBUNGAND STASWIION MEASURES Aft NOT REQURED.IF DROUGHT C0141101 OR INCIDENT WEATHER PREVENT DEVELOPMENT SROCIS DEPARTMENT AT 21I-3fl AM ACTION BY THE 14TH DAY,STABL17AT10N MEASURES NIA/BE DENTED AS SOON AS POSSBLE 10. ALL WASIEWATH{DlbTlll(.TION SHALL BENAOOORDANCE WITH THE TELlB 11. TFE FCILOWNG RECORDS SHALL.BE WINTANBD AM MADE AVAIABE TO THE TCEQ UPON REQUEST: COMH59CN ON B$VRO.WI&4TAL QUALITY{T E(3UAIFO^6,30 TAC CHAPTER 218 MD 317,AS AMICABLE.MITER TCEQ AHD CITY OF POUND FOCAL SPECHCATIONS • IFS DATES WFBI IAUDRGRML4G ACTf17IFS CRX2.FR OOFRM(.T,TIE MORE STRINGENT 941L APPLY • RE DATES WIN CONSIRLDCIION ACTIVITIES TEMPORALLY OL PE➢MAIBNILY CEASE ON A PORTION OF RE STE AND • TIE DATE MS STAR MOON M5ASINO AFE NTTIME D, nanl 141 12 WE HOLDER OFMNYMROM®Elmo)AQIJIFBE RRC OTIOH RAN MUST NOTIFYME MRORJATE a ni1011 REGIONAL OFHCE IN WING NC OBTAN ARROVAL FROM 11E DIEQHNE DRECTCR F EORTO IP1AltNG S ANY OF Tit FOLLCNd4G: A ME'FHY9GL DR OFENTIONAL MODIFICATION OF ME'WATER POLLUTION ABATEMENT SIRUCTREP, NC/MG BUT NOT LWITHD TO PONDS,DMA,ERAS,SEWAGE TREATMENT FLUES,MC DNEGEOWN STRUCTURES; EL ANY CHANGE N TIE NATURE OR CIIAFAC1&OFIFE IE CILIATED KTMTY FROM THAT WHROF WAS AA•RYTH]A••1P =Au ucncmm AU61IN REGIONAL°FACE SAN ANTONIO REGIONAL OFFCE ORIGINALLYMPBOVBD ORA GUNGE W14O1 WOULD SIG4ICWJRY MKT RE MUTE OF IFS NMI TO 12100 PARK 33 CELLE,BEG.A 14250 AMON ROAD PREVENT POLLUTION a TFE EDWARSDSAQUFER; AU511N,1 7d758 SAN ANTONOA.S,RD 7623E-4460 C. ANY DEVELOP/MIT OF WC FRNOU9.Y DENIES U EEVHOOFED IN THE ORIGF4ALWATER pQti�� 0fAS R10PE(512)339-2929 PHONE(2101490-3096 POIIIIINDN ABATEMENT RAN. FAX(512]339-3795 FMr2115454329 fmMI 031 4 •swam ♦ IB • . \' s ,_ HAOD ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SUMMARY OF WORKZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL ITEMS 900 E.Main Street Round Rock,TX 78664 LOCATION 502 Phone(512)244-1546 6001 Fax(512)244-1010 www.heaeng.com BARRICADES, TBPE Registration No.F-12709 SIGNS AND TRAFFIC JOB NO.19-007 0 2021 HEA,Inc. HANDLING MO P,\E..O F../-, ,, N.MAYS � •••.................... ••• �s • - •' .. SHEET 1 OF 1 2 * * S* CYPRESS BLVD. SHEET 1 OF 1 2 TERRY R. HAGOOD i 52960 ;I SUNRISE ROAD. // i F `L �� SHEET 1 OF 1 2 ' 'c•�'P.O'/S T E'••O• - . - i,,s/ONAL ���- PROJECT TOTALS 6 57241 ef,. THE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS AUTHORIZED BY TERRY R.HAGOOD,P.E. 52960 THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE MODIFIED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER,AND THEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE TEXAS ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. SUMMARY OF REMOVAL ITEMS DATE SIGNED: 02/01/21 LOCATION 100 104 104 104 106 752 752 752 ISSUED FOR: BID 6002 6022 6040 6017 6002 6005 6006 6009 PREPARING REMOVING REMOVING REMOVING OBLITERATING ROADWAY PLANS FOR TREE REMOVAL TREE REMOVAL TREE REMOVAL ROW CONC(CURB CONC CONC ABANDONED (411-121 DIA) (121-18"DIA) (30"-36"DIA) OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION AND GUTTER) (PAVERS) (DRIVEWAYS) ROAD ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 STA LF SY SY SY EA EA EA OAKMONT DRIVE SHEET 1 OF 3 10 369 1884 34 3 1 SHEET 2 OF 3 6 630 25 SHEET 3 OF 3 7.5 753 135 PROJECT TOTALS 23.5 1752 25 135 1884 34 3 1 SUMMARY OF ROADWAY ITEMS LOCATION 110 132 247 260 263 310 340 432 450 529 530 531 531 531 536 6001 6003 6044 6084 6048 6009 6048 6019 6037 6008 6004 6002 6004 6056 6002 3 s V O EXCAVATION EMBANKMENT FL BS(CMP IN LIME TRT LIME TRT(PLANT PRIME COAT D-GR HMA(SQ) RIPRAP(STONE RAIL(TY CONC CURB& DRIVEWAYS CONC CURB RAMPS CONC (ROADWAY) (FINAL)(ORD PLC)(TY A GR TY(SUBGRADE)(12") MIX)(TY B)(GR 4) (MC-30) -C SAC-B TY R)(GROUT)(8 C411)(HPC) GUTTER(TY II) (CONC) SIDEWALKS(5') (TY 1) SIDEWALK(10') CONC MEDIAN COMP)(TY B) 4)(FNAL POS) PG70-22 IN) REVISIONS NO. DATE DESCRIPTION •E CY CY CY SY TON GAL TON CY LF LF SY SY EA SY SY .1 T OAKMONT DRIVE t 0 SHEET OF 5 3839 1789 3282 7386 359 1730 1568 80 210 2106 1118 4 398 a 0 SHEET 2 OF 5 1780 657 1478 54 326 296 1704 389 2 5 g SHEET 3 OF 5 8249 3184 7164 261 1634 1481 1059 144 1160 2 s0 SHEET 4 OF 5(MAYS DECEL) 425 957 35 133 121 HEAPROJECTNO.19-007 SHEET 5 OF 5(CYPRESS DECEL) 349 785 29 201 182 ISSUED DATE:02/01/21 i PROJECT TOTALS 13868 1789 7897 17769 737 4025 3647 80 210 4869 144 2667 8 398 5 SUMMARY OF QUANTITIES NOTE i ON ITEMS 110 6001;SUBGRADE PREPARATION IS SUBSIDIARY TO ITEM. SHEET NO. E SOQ SHEET 05 OF 135 N N L 1 0 LL SUMMARY OF DRAINAGE ITEMS SUMMARY OF UTILITY ITEMS LOCATION 464 464 462 465 465 465 465 466 9611 9611 LOCATION 496 510 506 506 7123 7124 7135 6003 6005 6032 6180 6181 6270 6006 6171 6001 6002 6007 1 2 3 6020 6018 6026 PIPE,8"DIA.,PVC NEW CONC BOX INLET INLET WINGWALL STORM CONCRETE ASTM D3034 SDSR REMOVE MANHOLE STEEL CASING EXISTING RC PIPE(CL RC PIPE(CL CULV(10 FT X 8(COMPL)(CURB) (COMPL)(CURB) MANH JCTBOX(COMPL (PW-1) TROOPER APRON REMOV STR 26(ALL DEPTHS) EXISTING CONSTRUCTIO (12 IN)(OPEN MANHOLE PIPE TRENCH HAGOOD III)(181N) III)(241N) FT) (TY2)(101) (TY2)(151) (COMPL)(TY M) )(PJB)(4FTX4FT) (HW=10FT) SWAQ-110 (REINFORCED) (PIPE) INCLUDING MANHOLE, N,48 INCH CUT) CONNECTION PROTECTION ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES EXCAVATION AND INCH DIA. DIA. 900 E.Main Street BACKFILL Round Rock,TX 78664 Phone(512)244-1546 LF LF LF EA EA EA EA EA EA SY LF LF EA EA LF EA LF Fax(512)244-1010 OAKMONT DRIVE www.heaeng.com SHEET 1 OF 2 225 555 260 4 2 2 2 1 135 OAKMONT DRIVE TBPE Registration No.F-12709 SHEET 1 OF 2 420 420 1 1 90 1 420 SHEET 2 OF 2 582 719 4 4 2 2 1 JOB NO.19-007©2020 HEA,Inc. PROJECT TOTALS 420 420 1 1 90 1 420 . �E OF rF\\`i PROJECT TOTALS 807 1274 260 8 6 4 2 2 2 135 �, ...•••••••..•�'� 9S' . */, SUMMARY OF SIGNING ITEMS *• LOCATION 644 644 SUMMARY OF ILLUMINATION ITEMS 6002 6004 LOCATION 618 624 610 OC-213 628 420S-A TERRY R. HAGOOD 6046 6001 6007 525 6017 INSMRDSN INSMRDSN // -�%.,4) 52960 Q.. 4, SUP&AM SUP&AM 1; O,p ••.F �••' <(' - ONCOR RDWY ELCSRVTYA ••G/STE-••• 7- - REMOVE RD IL ILLUM DRILL SHAFT F ••.....„... \ _ P-BM) T) TY1OBWG(1)SA(TY1OBWG(1)SA( CONDT(PVC) GROUND BOX ASM(SHOE- FOUNDATION 120/240 (RDWY ILL ,!\ /ONA L ��G- (SCH 80)(2) TY A(122311) BASE) (INSTALL 070(F(U) E)S POLE)(30 IN) � � EA EA ONLY) 51U1,se,e,,,,,,ts-,-.k...- OAKMONT DRIVE SHEET 1 OF 3 2 4 LF EA EA EA EA LF THE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS SHEET 2 OF 3 5 6 OAKMONT DRIVE AUTHORIZED BY TERRY R.HAGOOD,P.E. SHEET 3 OF 3 2 6 52960 SHEET 1 OF 2 1 501 10 1 10 1 100 THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE MODIFIED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER,AND PROJECT TOTALS 9 16 SHEET 2 OF 2 2250 16 16 1 160 THEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE TEXAS ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. DATE SIGNED: 02/01/21 PROJECT TOTALS 3751 26 1 26 2 260 ISSUED FOR: BID SUMMARY OF PAVEMENT MARKING ITEMS LOCATION 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 672 672 6003 6030 6036 6042 6048 6054 6057 6078 6126 6009 6007 ROADWAY PLANS FOR REF PAV MRK REF PAV MRK REF PAV MRK REF PAV MRK REFL PAV MRK REFL PAV MRK REFL PAV MRK REFL PAV MRK REFL PAV MRK OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION TY I TY I TY I TY I TY I TY I TY I(W)(DBL TY I TY I RE FL PAV MRKR REF PAV MRKR ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 (W)4"(BRK)(100 (W)8"(DOT)(100 (W)8"(SLD)(100 (W)12"(SLD)(100(W)244(SLD)(100(W)(ARROW)(10 ARROW)(100MI (W)(WORD)(10 (Y)4"(SLD)(100M TY II-A-A TY I-C MIL) MIL) MIL) MIL) MIL) OMIL) L) OMIL) IL) LF LF LF LF LF EA EA EA LF EA EA OAKMONT DRIVE SHEET 1 OF 3 447 643 405 120 48 5 5 1912 34 36 SHEET 2 OF 3 223 57 490 100 48 4 1 3 1080 28 44 SHEET 3 OF 3 252 160 102 24 2 2 1170 13 20 PROJECT TOTALS 922 700 1055 322 120 11 1 10 4162 75 100 SUMMARY OF EROSION CONTROL ITEMS LOCATION 160 162 506 506 506 506 506 6003 6002 6040 6003 6011 6020 6035 FURNISHING BIODEG ROCK FILTER ROCK FILTER CONSTRUCTION SANDBAGS BLOCK EROSN CONT AND PLACING DAMS(INSTALL) DAMS EXITS(INSTALL)(TY FOR EROSION TOPSOIL(4') SODDING LOGS(INSTL) (TY 3) (REMOVE) 1) CONTROL (8') ci 8 O SY SY LF LF LF SY EA s OAKMONT DRIVE SHEET 1 OF 3 1985 1985 1446 144 144 320 24 REVISIONS o SHEET 2 OF 3 1 188 1 188 1270 320 8 5 SHEET 3 OF 3 1144 1144 1309 28 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION y d 9 T 0 0 PROJECT TOTALS 4317 4317 4025 144 144 640 60 Y a 0 O 0 CUT/FILL REPORT s 0 HEA PROJECT NO.19-007 a CUT FILL CUT CUT FILL FILL NET NET ISSUED DATE:02/01/21 .§ 0 FACTOR FACTOR [Cu. Ft.] [CY] [Cu.Ft.] [CY] [Cu.Ft.] [CY] SUMMARY OF 1 OAKMONT DRIVE SECTION 'A' 1.00 1.00 103650 3839 48295 1789I' 55356 2050 CUT QUANTITIES OAKMONT DRIVE SECTION 'B' 1.00 1.00 270776 10029 0 0 270776 10029 CUT PROJECT TOTALS 374426 13868 48295 1789 326132 12079 CUT SHEET NO. /� f� SOQ-2 SHEET 06 0F135 R N O N If / LL SINARY CF SMALL SIGNS c3 9111 RD SGN P& vll lY )OOOOC 00 )O((X)0 CO 0 BRIDGE I T T MOUNT rI CLEARANCE PLAN POST TYPE POSTS ANCHOR TYPE MOUNTING DESIGNATION SIGNS SHEET SIGN SIGN m 1 NO. NO. NOMENCLATURE SIGN TEXT DIMENSIONS i i UA=Universal Conc PREFABRICATED 1EXT or 2EXT = # of Ext (See ° N x FRP = Fiberglass UB=Universal Bolt BM = Extruded Wind Beam Note 2) o TWT = Thin—Wall 1 or 2 SA=Slipbase—Canc P = "Plain" WC = 1.12 #/ft Wing 10BWG = 10 BWG SB=Slipbase—Bolt T = "T" Channel N= TYPE a o S80 = Sch 80 WS=Wedge Steel U = 'u' EXAL= Extruded Alum Sign TYN WP=Wedge Plastic Panels TYS 2 10F3 P1&P6 R2-1 SPEED LIMIT 35 30X36 10BWG 1 SA T U a~'' P2 W2-1 INTERSECTION WARNING 30X30 1 10BWG 1 SA T �,. T ALUMINUM SIGN BLANKS THICKNESS a;"--'E P3 D1-1 N. MAYS ST. 48X18 — 10BWG 1 SA T Square Feet Minimum Thickness `N.= P4 R3-8B ADVANCE INTERSECTION LANE CONTROL (LEFT TURN ONLY) 36X36 10BWG 1 SA P BM Less than 7.5 0.080" t R (STRAIGHT THROUGH ONLY) i G E 7.5 to 15 0.100" w ° (RIGHT TURN ONLY) N 28, Greater than 15 0.125" 5 E a p E, P5 D3-1 N. MAYS ST. 30X9 10BWG 1 SA P BM D3-1 OAKMONT DR. 30X9 �o 81-° R1 1 STOP 3OX30 9 2 W4-4P CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP 24X12 P The Standard Highway Sign Designs for Texas (SHSD) can be found at E.' E' 20F3 P1 D1-1 CYPRESS BLVD. 48X18 10BWG T the following website. &w o y L.0 iiip,ONAW.bd:t -a 3 P2 D3-1 CYPRESS BLVD. 3OX9 1OBWG 1 SA P BM I"o o D3-1 OAKMONT DR. 30X9 ° ai R1-1 STOP 30X30 lc o E W4-4P CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP 24X12 ° NOTE: °°` 1OBWG 1 SA 1. Sign supports shall be located as shown P3 R3-7L LEFT LANE MUST TURN LEFT 36X36 P BM plans, except that the .00 on theEngineer P .�° may shift the sign supports, within P4 D1-1 OAKMONT DR. 48X18 10BWG 1 SA T design guidelines, where necessary to s.`a secure a more desirable location or to 0-0 P5 R3-7L LEFT LANE MUST TURN LEFT 36X36 10BWG 1 SA P BM avoid conflict with utilities. Unless i4E y otherwise shown on the plans, the ¢,v,L Contractor shall stake and the Engineer N=,_ P6 D1-1 OAKMONT DR. 48X18 1OBWG 1 SA T will verify all sign support locations. aY a 2. For installation of bridge mount clearance P7 D3 1 CYPRESS BLVD. 30X9 10BWG 1 SA P BM signs, see Bridge Mounted Clearance Sign D3-1 OAKMONT DR. 30X9 Assembly (BMCS)Standard Sheet. R1-1 STOP 30X30 W4-4P CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP 24X12 3. For Sign Support Descriptive Codes, see Sign Mounting Details Small Roadside P8 R3-8B ADVANCE INTERSECTION LANE CONTROL 30X36 10BWG 1 SA P BM Signs General Notes & Details SMD(GEN). (THRU LANE AND LEFT TURN LANE) (RIGHT TURN LANE ONLY) P9 W2-1 INTERSECTION WARNING 30X30 10BWG 1 SA T P10 R2-1 SPEED LIMIT 35 30X36 10BWG 1 SA T P11 D1-1 CYPRESS BLVD. 48X18 10BWG 1 SA T 30F3 P1 D1-1 SUNRISE RD. 48X15 10BWG 1 SA T 4—• Traffic Operations ,Texas DepertraentofTransportation staillskwiyany p2 W2-4 INTERSECTION WARNING 30X30 10BWG 1 SA T p3 R2-1 SPEED LIMIT 35 30X36 10BWG 1 SA T SUMMARY OF P4 R3-8B ADVANCE INTERSECTION LANE CONTROL 30X36 10BWG 1 SA P BM SMALL SIGNS (LEFT TURN LANE ONLY) (RIGHT TURN LANE ONLY) P5 D3-1 OAKMONT DR. 30X9 SUNRISE RD. 30X9 10BWG 1 SA P BM SOSS 03 1 OAKMONT FILE: sumsl6.dgn ON: TKDOT 1 CK:TxDOT Ow TxDOT CI,:TxDOT R1-1 STOP 30X30 ©Txoar May 1987 CGNT SECT JOB HIGHWAY REC51GN5 1 id W4 4P CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP 24X12 8-16 GIST COUNTY SHEET NO. o G_ WIWAMSON 070F 135 I SUMMARY cF 9AAL L 9c vs �; 9M RD 92N A TY >0000( (X) X X (X—)0000 T BRIDGEw w I MOUNT PLAN " .. CLEARANCE _ POST TYPE POSTS ANCHOR TYPE MOUNTING DESIGNATION _ NO. NO. NOMENCLATURESIg45 SHEETSIGN �� SIGN TEXT DIMENSIONS m i UA=Universal Conc PREFABRICATED 1EXT or 2EXT = # of Ext (See FRP = Fiberglass UB=Universal Bolt BM = Extruded Wind Beam Nate 2) o a TWT = Thin—Wall 1 or 2 SA=Slipbase—Conc P = "Plain" WC = 1.12 #/ft Wing T F 10BWG = 10 BWG SB=Slipbase—Bolt T = "T" Channel N=TYPE x S80 = Sch 80 WS=Wedge Steel U = "U" EXAL= Extruded Alum Sign IYN 3 N W WP=Wedge Plastic Panels TY5 0 0 30F3 P6 D1-1 OAKMONT DR. 48X18 10BWG 1 SA T U T, S' P7 D1-1 OAKMONT DR. 48X18 10BWG 1 SA T 2 , ALUMINUM SIGN BLANKS THICKNESS o P8 W1-7T TWO DIRECTION LARGE ARROW 96X36 10BWG 1 SA T ai o Square Feet Minimum Thickness °' Less than 7.5 0.080" o c' .a v A •o,o P 7.5 to 15 0.100" N 00, Greater than 15 0.125" °E O H 6 6, °HO *o 7., -al—J r7 E The Standard Highway Sign Designs :'E' u tij for Texas (SHSD) can be found at rnH o the following website. yO U �O N Q: T° w p YO v; 1. Sign supports shall be located ❑s shown o 0 on the plans, except that the Engineer v''o may shift the sign supports, within ,,-. design guidelines, where necessary to `o secure a more desirable location or to o 6avoid conflict with utilities. Unless E y otherwise shown on the plans, the J 0,0 Contractor shall stake and the Engineer c- will verify all sign support locations. GO 0 0 2. For installation of bridge mount clearance signs, see Bridge Mounted Clearance Sign Assembly (BMCS)Standard Sheet. 3. For Sign Support Descriptive Codes, see Sign Mounting Details Small Roadside Signs General Notes & Details SMD(GEN). Tiofflo J . Operations Texas Deportment of ltansportatlon stanyclany SUMMARY OF SMALL SIGNS SOSS FILE: surnsl6.dgn ON: TxDOT lac:TOOT low: TxDOT ION:TxDOT ©TxDOT May 1967 CGNT SECT JOB HIGHWAY SESSIONS 4-16 LIST COUNTY SHEET NO. I W 8-16 o b_ WILLIAMSON 08 OF 135 I. • I ... ! I. ( f t 1r I,f r , ti \ ?' f I , : f'� r I � I �f� I ;j:/r J % \ - 1 IENf11t1=1Yd.d3 lttgcttx�tltl8 I/ f J ! 0 150 3�D ��_-- L: r i \ i l ) PCSTAIWN-S .1 . PCSWION•7+5, 4. +'t f l ° ,Bs —�— smart sr --~ t Pt5TA1gN•7+ J , •9 .: SCAIE:I•=1r.A b.db:MX7/ 4 of l/ 1 i 17. r dd67P �. 1D1? 11onOlAL441N1 / / I r.�Aua101E I Ali®S�WjEBR a""•••/ I ! 11' f f lBNStlY R51A710N=d+< .. •.' .• •8+89 l TrelSrlw+M„MAa flan i MP3S1 j j �'� ,� �1 L l - C^ 10BIQ.10.t �'E170I�1Fr. -../'! ..Jr 51 •! j.�..J / ! __ , too - „' .•••OF..r xq a 4 / ! I LN.AN �( o t F O sil1' h S • • I I (/ * 't* \ `.•...J f t `' I g r '7 k i u1 - I OSALNf�t'3c6 . I ::11. TERR(R.I.AGOOD ` BEGIN lj I rrr/ ,ewleY \ \ " 8 r .LL.I� tW361.AJ.Y.ffi i IZ 52960 ;°q� P I i/ f ® ',j V I i L I _ 9p •gip �t0 oi,rawom �, / tl ! ' V Law• . $.-•` ''/,Y lTfT iTTITiI Iaq •:c,s1cA: �z\ f // I I �—'12 , ` �:k: mlll/ a er 42.\I 1 4H, '�..,. ? ` sC:4--,,-.---.1 � ' -� TAB' w'. ^ :i �'—'-� 1 _ J in _+0a JGD /, SStOO- 6+e3 - �T l �}y- -- --____I____I i / - .BLA> M/OIN1! 1 4 11/ 1A31Ep E rFb 'UIaYt I' JIAIC®EI�LNILiOW ILA -.� - - - l .: ': '--IIV.� i r — --y �...�.. I .r SOIL I 3902�EINXIMITDO RE -..- IOPMEIKiaile 1 / / ( :' aanr >ew" l Biel. 1�.:XOFtI`DIPPE... mula¢e 9 t i r:. i!I ; iE + ,a . % +-. ;` I MIEl7ie Mtn I mere m, j �; r j) , fa EM ID I-. aEs1 /graft , 1 r S'� -!J f I �itirt+ " �� �! �/ �jer� r% rrj ij ij I ROADWAY PUNS FOR �•� 1 ! ( it i f / / QAIGIIONf OWE UTBIIION ( ! \. / _ , / I ROUND ROOF.TX 78681 r� `+.may !/ - E _ L+ II ,,�}w '-- tr ! �/ V I / MIND F1L57Nf LOW 1,. ; f I! / awaaa a ii r tJ-1t I i r i 8i! I�-y`�,'y,, — PtSWORD �`-. t ,f ; iaa'tb{ACAS I I LOW i I �I ��"�R, �'-•.• ty [(�! ', J / cvt 3 i r__�_� I ^I ,000 NY `.: ' '7 PC ICOiC O1� Jr1 < I gi —•— tT�A,FI1 1EC1: � •--' FHAiIYlA7HVlAY 11 r o �� 11 i r I. i ! t I COOIDNA1 SlAE9UPf1GEW�UIES o /^ awaaaaxt j' r ., `•_, awatecim ra I &aEDONTtf1FNASSWEM 14E I 3UU46a74H r I COCIO A1ESn1%NADACEK1tu. °.° v P f�A� ` i �d - m`-_ l S.N*TOCONWERTCOOM 1ESM Dr 0157ANC5Tt70ADWiWESMULn?LY aY�1i, ^.,, ��� f lip �` /.. j' 2�, ��.----- an ? _ I ACOMDNEDSUPf1GEHUUS1MEtd1 2 i• - �' b�. 11 yS m __--_ ' ' I I 1 1 I 1ACt01l0Ea.5518186 II l 11 _ l� r I 1 I ,aas .7 rj ��.�4 31 I I I 1-1 11/ ' '��Ju''�-'_, 1cleito Ate"" 1 I I t _ • r 1 !r 1! 1- �1R7flR0.W. 1@4DM=190A5 -- /' T-T- uumwwlo _ WAll15-745 I I I I Wsovagmm + f, /a IADIl1S sZt 9WfOq•91.265.26 PC 1 1 �� -----I 1 I f NOW LAYOUT • ` PCS1A1gN�4+t98T a-Oi8'�d7 1 I I I I I *Omit so i41 PTSTAtW-1dt8Ld3amorsoce 1I srATloN4a+stun i ---- __�I ! PI STA710N < aaauBA v 1 _..* sca4 ;�..=— - I I I \ tenet PL I !� r I ettgrtArj laR4abAaLS 1 rl in A�Q \ 11037046Ll a � , O PC SLEW l 7` 4� ,, L N.MAYS S1A 77+7318 1 -3759'Rf \ 11-11-- % I , ' ' FRC rONC CVP2) III II1�'i ii, � xyy lN.AUY65TA76+L778 eEr�NTAF4R{CONC,C6G) , 0 50 lea 73.1220 •t l •+IS-D9 Ri , IN.MA15 STA77+74.95'-,. Sm 61L r,S {I PT(OW Th -R2 ER'RT Io.Nfl)fl40(i+ >� t'i l IN.W.YSSTA761-7A49 SG1F:I'=5Q Ma.AtgH+tNe M. 414 L' ,':,Y,�,. memo ROW. -4i.9RT *nava DR av et 9S (11........ ..................:.. CL". ."'....— TERRY R.HAGOOD 0 0°'9G 151 E +'°.�rP• ECM:. x:eli@, ZFv.:R:.v.S,YT2s'Si+Fc,. S�-, ,.:..;<__. syiS' - --� I NMAS ST. j 7 A> ¢" ��� j - ---=�--�_' '—' - 4 r�,,� may_ ,.+ j i ( n -----...... '- 01 i nEaxw t$OX0 wE ,YIIK®slllpLM:GOt6,ls ~ f 1BIpllN ENS]NRMTE OCT j EI,4 BGf�gI/CI[X B..1. \ II ENID Pat m" lli j ,/ _ -�-- �_ , ? I ( t I ROADWAY NAM FOR I �j i �✓ t 1 I. II I J t , r-.. ! OAICIAONT DRIVE OQHIIIIIDN ROUND ROOT,TX 7EMB1 I j I I ,, 11 . � � 11l 1 L Veren5 ir COHC )C17,E�IL :alt111 i I —gL' 4e w A37 i6«lo7b-, ©` Ma �tY eEONTA9EEFONCCa� Maria CIO IWO RI I + ab�Rr It.n ttDsrA1E+D7A7 SCNIESBLWSTA12415.70 //+ I �` ENDTAPHLIOOE+n7.iJ FT�CONCCURe} — 1 �Y r ..0.,/ j LLTIei-LW_TA14+D7.79R `I Q1P1E9SBLVD SIA15+76.7e - - - - y - - 4 - - — SOOYRR00DUN — 1k7 — FEW MOO MAT --- N•1MWATWIVAY BLVD. _____ ______ ___y__ al _ PTNC ♦ �i air D•ix a.+e PC{aONaWISJ __--_—__ rlfn� I.iYDnA 18+1�DA1 A) 1 012 • 1CYPESS MVO SG14+15.60 L MESS BUM STA15+21.2U we can ET IOCNC OM am'EI (/ 5.60'LT WI LT STA 11+05SB I - I r ca I 607 LT is j ICYWESS END STA 13+9637 I MEDIAN 1OUEOONCEEIE 11IE11F#OA1 PC ICON C QSZ it 1 543 IT 51A 18+98.57-NA.16+67.79 L C1PRFa3 BUA STA 11+7RA - I j .1 S6�Rf w�nmin xrw I �amgnm ' l 1 INTIMICIION LAYCUt MED4N TO BE CONCISE FILED FROM _ j awuan QAwWm 50.12+07b7-SIA IS+10b1 I Si g I serum 00041/A4074EiiLLW. e i I I Q 0 III % r r ,i I 7 j ` �il _• 461p N.•1 ; j .: I/ ! / % ! ` • till • ;zoo HAGOOD 7 �NNIN��E111R AiNOOA1Ai ,. J 900 E Main Sheet ` "� tt1.845,R=420.55 1+ %'I ' \ —�—� Round Rods TX 78664 , N OAKMONT J ESEC4 BLOCKa LOT (PI), n_ Phone 012)244-1546 1'!• E1 jn1 j . ! AL ffd35a 0.257ACROODPL N I Fax(512)244-1010 \ ' �• O ���• ROODFUWWAY `-a j I i r j, 1�'� _- 2. li il ,'ji THPE Repishafion No.F-12709 ,•�Y' JOB N0.19 407 C 2020 HEA,Int ....7. PicmPL41\/f +00 1•+I I < gyp( Fy `,.. t ##*'''''. . -, --,„--,,, .r / .,:* (...3 / .• ...• ____...-- .6.t.„....--- It'l * \* N I +♦" 21,0Q/ - -- -7-- - �:., +� TERRY R.HAGOOD .—/----.3+�-�.� 4+00 /5+00 6+00 ,�. 52960io ... .. fir ..- , ;f O� FG CLF'.s <v 0=1 87d8;ff=i8�148 sctx' y.�: — — .: i DRIVE — — t Fs 0\ ���• •► - -- -C •+-7.T+T$9°..7771",SM. ••' —' PROPOSED R.O.W. --—-- '' ONAL• L=195.594,'=470.948 — •-� 1 • ! 0 Ill i rn-1.1 k,/•*(71-••L• — L=174.637/R=461.947 \ S 40°57'57'W',� ,48:1- A � -- I " 1 I „";` 111E SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS Rrr.,.�>:r:.:rr;.,. / I ," r L- ' AUTHOTdIJ3D BY 1ERKf R.HAGOOD,P.E N 36°4$t38I 1.1389.411 t / /• - ' ' ,/ 5296D I ACMX30B / 1 / PROPOSED DRAINAGE EASEMENT .A, 1145DRAWINGMAYNOTBE MODIFIED WRHDIfT THE il 1082.49 S.F. E1 r•A 10r2/PT ,,,/ / EXPRESS WRIREN CONSENT OFTHE ENGINEER MRD 1HEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE / 0.024CRES A.x 6.722 r 1EXA5 ENGINEERING PRAC➢CE ACT. PROPOSED TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT N 82° '26"W' 1259 02/01I21 DATE SIGN®: 3015.91 S.F. +f N 31°13'16'E',158.96' I / ISSUED FOR BID 0.069 ACRES .rr„11�22°39'38'E, 58.46' I PROPOSED TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION 7 EASEMENT F` / .�.�'� S 68°41' 3'W',158.y' I PROPOSED TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 0.0293 ACRES �'' ;%iA ((( ROADWAY PLANS FOR .�,� 1275.025 S.F. ` ' OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION 0.0293 ACRES �•�•� �\ . I I‘ / ^` „I',' „•/ ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 I I ,� .•ram•••' ! \ LEGEND r J iI , 1 ' _.._.._ EXISTING ROW ''" • 'ICI- / .. .._ PROPOSED ROW �'y 1 I ti i + I , ,,� PROPERTY LINE i� �J 1 (, #0 / PROPOSED ROADWAY L I" ,Zd f;s 1 'c►`;l' „A.,, ,,,,,,.,,,„..., / _ _ 100YRFL00DPLAIN r rID8ld5,A '`` /�,;.?X •# IV' I ;1:-% 500 YR FLOOD PLAIN I III f ' cm I VP.-- 2.U1 \ - ../....': ' —•— FEMA FLOODWAY \ cry. � •;< - FEMA WATERWAY L 1 e� 10 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT j° / EASEMENT LIMIT t TO GAR TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT '/''/k� / , ��� ' I o. _ j I N SEp ROW' ;' "/ $ 19+ 20+00 2II 22+00 23+00 . 24+00 g 1�k F -_ + ill _-�04051 Rfl 0W. No. DARE COMMON - ,L.}�� � 5� �1 L� 111111 ill . a 1 L �' 1 10 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 8 �;Sr' i �'-, J ���� TO CoRRTRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT a • / �� '� r I PROPOSED TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT I 2234.221 S.F.EACH. SECT O. 407 ;�` : -p I 0.0513 ACRES EACH. '')\ =III, CH O L S EASEMENT LAYOUT I 1. C-i = I WOK 9 3 3 4.G11. /11(RTLONT DRIVE!-11 I SHEETNO. j i •III I PL3 �` �''--�---� -, `--, I ..I lI I SHEET 11 Of 135 A r1 / I. ui !., HAGOOD INOINIlNIR AUoUAAII 4 OAKMONT DRIVE 900E Main Shed Round Rodc,TX 78664 65'PROP SED R.O.W. I Phone(512)244-1546 Ir 1 Fax(512)244-1010 www.heaeng.com O . 51.5' , 0 TAPE Registration No.F-12709 a I 02 JOB NO.19-007 02020 HFA Inc PP 1.75' 5' 11.5' 12' 12' 12' 5' 1.75' W .. SIDEWALK 2' LANE LANE LANE LANE 2, SIDEWALK l o ��P�....... .............OF C&G0 1 i' 0 C&G III 44.4k ' 4f 2.0% 2 11°` i _,...-------' TERRY R.HAGOOD � t..»..5296C7•»..»I�. �... . .."(SEE DETAIL'A fix'' G/S 7 ti�j�� DETAIL A ss/ONAL ECG OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION (' STA.0+00.00-0+96.57 CONCRETE SIDEWALKNI ECi., STA.2+63.39-6+38.77 THE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS ,,----- TCH CURB AUTHORIND BYTERFWR.HA000D,P.E. 52960 THIS DRASANG MAY NOT BE MODIFIED WITHOUT THE / 3"HMAC TY C PG 70-22 RPRESS WRITTEN NACCONSENTOFTHEENGINEER,AND OAKMONT DRIVE // THEN ONLY TEXAS ENGINEERNCEING PWITH ICE RULES OF THE 2"HMAC TY C PG 70 22 TEXAS ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. 65'PROPCSED R.O.W. IP DATE SIGN®: 02lA1l21 1 ISSUED FOR: BID • • 51.5' 3 I ROADWAY PLANS FOR d a OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION O 1.75' 5' 11.5' M 12' 12' M 12' 5, 1.75' W r�� ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 Q.o SIDEWALK 2' LANE LANE LANE LANE 2' SIDEWALK o • 3'MIN. C^ C&G ` PRIME COAT-TY MC-30 NOTES: 2.0%96 2.0% ***%••.., 1. FOR DRVEWAY PAVEMENT SECTION I I • 161I FLEX BASE TY A,GR 2 SEE DRIVEWAY DETAIL SHEET --- - — I 2. FOR LIMFIS OF TOP SOIL AND SEE DETAIL'A' 12"LIME STABILIZED SEEDING,SEE W3P LAYOUT. (TYP) SUBGRADE TREATMENT OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION (6%LIME) STA.0+96.57-2+63.39 I.OAKMONT DRIVE $ 65' 160 PROPOSED R.O.W. 1 a • 49.5'-61.5' . o Re5IOh a 12, a No. 0.4TE 7ESUIPRON p - 5' 11.5' E 12' 12' 12' _ 5, _ ,Q - SIDEWALK 2' LANE LANE LANE LANE 2' SIDEWALK •�r O - - CG IS + �' C&G $ / / I d �� 2.0% II II 2.0% 3.3 1 HEAFROWECT NO.19-007 1 I ISSUED WE:09/01/21 ` PROPOSED TYPICAL ,.-\SEE DETAIL'A' SECTIONS Inll 3 SHEEENO. 7 OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION STA.6+38.77-9+86.94 TS1 ri SHEET140F1a5 A. / ► .I III HAGOOD INOINIlNIR AUOCIA TUU 900 E.Main Shed 80'PROPOED R.O.W. `I Round Rak TX 78664 `l Phone(512)244-1546 Fax(512)244-1010 52 -3 www.heaeng.com O O TAPE Regisholion No.F-12709 O 4' 4' W rn 5'- 5' CLEAR _ 12' 12' 12' 12 _ _ CLEAR., 5' 5' C." JOB N0.19 007®202o NSA,Inc o~ SIDEWALK ZONE 2' LANE LANE LANE LANE 2' ZONE SIDEWALK x e O E C&G ft 4 t t C8G d 22 5� FX�s */ * \* - I J I TERRY R:HAGOOD • 5296O •I� ...<SEE DETAIL'S' '4q f, 'Of {TYP} DETAIL B � r"s O1NAL E�o's OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION [LEAR/LANDSCAPE ZONE ;� STA 20+99.71 -22+83.95 " `L �^ .i'"— C TA�CH CURB TNE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT AUTHOAITID BYIERRY R.HA000D,P.E. 52960 / 3'HMAC TY C PG 70-22 THIS DRANANG MAY NOT BEM004FIED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER,AND 2'HMAC TY C PG 70-22 THEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WIN THE KIESOFTHE TEXAS I- 80'PROPOSED R.O.W. DATE SIGNED ENGINEEAIN�IPRACACE ACT. I , I 121 ISSUED FOR: SD I X- 52' -X \ ol 4' r 4' I 0 ROADWAY PLANS FOR N 5' 5' CLEAR 12' 12' 12' 12' CLEAR 5' 5' OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION O SIDEWALK ZONE 2' LANE LANE LANE 2' ZONE SIDEWALK go --. I— ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 d l C&G • 0 (I C&G wi a 3 MIN. �yii 0 PRIME COAT-TY MC-30 2.0 96 2A 96 3'� NOTES: �'� �""� ` 16'FLEX BASE TY A,GR 2 1. FOR DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SECTION I — I `., 2., , '<SEE DETAIL'S' 12"LIME STABILIZED FEE DRIVEWAY DETAIL SHEET FOR LIMITS OF TOP SOIL AND m PI SUBGRADE TREATMENT SEEDING,SEE W3P LAYOUT. (6%LIME) OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION STA.22+83.95-31+26.52 8(Y PROPO ED R.O.W. I d $ 3' 52' '3 0 I - - 0 RPASg15 p 4' 4 , I NO. DATE DESOUDON 0 5' 5' CLEAR 12' 12' 12' 12' CLEAR 5' ,5 _ o ©. SIDEWALK 'ZONE 2' LANE LANE LANE LANE 2 ZONE SIDEWALK a A C&G C&G a 01' a �I z.a%if 0 z.ax 3' _ _ g d HEAFRWELT N0.19-007 ISSUED DATE:DAM n1 \.. . .. SEE DETAIL'S' PROPOSED TYPICAL I ar) SECTIONS 6 SHEEP NO. QI� ;EE OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION TS2 o STA.31+26.52-33+18.86 SHE£T 13 OF 1a5 % r ErA) 0 1 i 1 Opp _Tuscan SD E.i1LaSr SCALE:P_100 brd bd:T%7EW Rom 151A3441W r R17J 2141Di' _ j i -1 1 n + oeilamm.anl stw + r �n ! rK�n.an , I i ' �F t . Aline oP rF; h t t ; r yt e , , .... • f > , sa ! ,./ .,,r , f i r 4i t..„ , l ` ' + J J 1 1 ............. TERRY R.HAGOOD it /.. 1 j /..t San. t., -. .-1 p,...,......52%0......... !: Cantakder 1 1 I� EEmEm� RH80VESDE1YNl(ODNC) is', f ii1l L °q. °Gjs/eA"��a .i 4 / I , t f N, • L �Q/4JA1 A ...r._� 'J `` % �f J REMOVECUPLA1D CUTTS(CONG) r� ff tl L � .i?e.48, J 1 ''' , TIELLHI61N OATEN O LIIINI E j f l Esau % �/! �' I REMOVE CURB Ft/40 • a€ L C J A ma /' +e7sawarx /i / /' l (Dd r:, \ .L >�wCv.wo,wnuElaw®EmanDE s + 1� i \' EBIDM7NA 61,11 ENTITE G116DfEE . / / rm;war' (E' l} \'e. �� Bgf�q/CI[XVL. ,� r.: & 1llllLi g /•,� al 1511a)Pat !I a mom" EwmE ) c` I �I 4 I� �/ x\ .. / allmith\1 L"�^ . r ,:fit.! `�s--,, 1 DAIgAONT D DQHIIIDN _' -" .� / / • • OM - -- =10 " .� • 12 ROUND ROCK,Tx 78687 I ^ • se. Li LEGEND - ? lsea : -- - L.::..:.::r., REMOVE CONCAVE • I J / .'�z-� - - mow`---- d�� �7_-_- - rim-- -- - --- _.. _• 'r ,�1 - - MIME CUfIB,+ND GUf1ER tiSD++� - - - _ - - - - --- -.WOVE=RINICOryCa / Ey„ .I,+ - -f f--^--- p� AMt — — — - ~� �„�,,,,� pEAfovE Mvas / / —. I I11 / , it - - \ �..�' " siww VOW (CONC'.) , r2 AM rD4 ww wa ' \ relliwaus lilnAf1F5 8I / Rrr-ne 'F A. 7 ' I• %k ejrarzaR P IX e VASTAVATER LIE TO RE REAUGlFO it REMOT CURIUMGu M(COX) / l I \f 1 % / 420IF. 45LF. / all t II \\ft In aE /.6.0' r / i NOTES: HAWAII WIC -aim Nivifin 1. Pfi A0V/L Of MANAGE MOMS kV PRES S ML IIAN ARECON50®TO RE 5UR90UEY TO TEE OBUTEPATG RYiQWAYMY Bat Veit la"+a 2. ONCORVAILREMOVE ALL LIGHT]NOA.ND WEl?G I VOR *rule TO ROAD OBNHNTION. RPM a ♦ 2 GI) 0 100 2002D . Sm E iL.SmI SCALL 1' 100 lewd Rom Is&rcM I ieweA61VJ0'A .+. �/° ,� '• +�� r p17�xulm� I LamasSB7 /, �."'.., If �' ��� 71R ISMS,lk.MVO R / �� ♦Y II M 244-1441 Pa ��••y�_�_ �_ _ ��� ,, ! !/ 1ti 1GBMQ IGffi•7070F6k4c 7 / , I ` atligrt i Wr ' I �� :/4// i ; g ill TERRY R.HAGOOD.. r J / t Y 52960 1 IJ— i ``''`�+ / / J l � 9pq.lac A,�O:' d i I agpdQMC®CS \ ..+ A 1 1! I Q4A L rl1as FRAM I \`..- ♦' / I ill /�;yy, (, DXLISIGIN 9 (ilT rrrrrrrmrrrrrm� 0/ / ,_ I t �, . I • EFDMOCAC �`—_ i1 p , 14/0 IPICCillar:mri lt f-,•-_ - air U 1 HAI SOSO l/CTIDE OCT 44, - ! .. [{1�EAfOFEFDiAESTA261p0.1D 11� ' - - � -_ - PO ra+ao �AtarEa�EaA:urratt: orxl �� 1I to �umrat m 56te? "........T. EEIAO'�ECUIESANDGUifER(�VF1Gj I I t _ -I186CP 11 lOAD1fAY PlAN6 FOQ az / ( ` — _ 1 lil Iw OPJULONT DINE DITINSON II z —_ — _--_ �; �! r�:,/, _ � / J,� I I J ROI�ID ROOT,TX 78687 IILEGEND ^-,,',*� � r ' ��.�, j77i � � �,`� -` I I` %• + ` ` VA __` ..................`'`� I AMM/ !� ' • . `.._ ,y` I/� f : / ` 1i d r i fs • IOMADNI'NYEiU200729 ' ...............'1 t if 6458 LT I / Jie I /� / / I 0 ESOMCaAND 01/111It(DDNC•) � + _4 ^.4--- T�� / / / J 459LF. `� --, 1 fiiiiii/ CREME MIRA 1 i - el J i + 1 /// + lfi 'F /J ea oe 031/11roM i NOTES: I«IuuJYl IOW 1. COAL OF DgM'WTB 11111aUIR.iAND..- --uc'•Klm i Aft S71 TO BE S Wit TO THE OB ITERAINO SOVALPIAN �$lE ROA[TV1AY PAY ITEM YA 11+0000 ro1rAu.0100 2 ONCOEWILL REMOVE ALL OGHIMMp WING MOP held TO ROAD CEIREP1110MLRP2 A b novo,01f 1 4 ♦ 2 46 a l00 200a) so E.iL,SmI SCALE;1'-100 nor. 1 244.,.0 11".-'.— ! 1 - � nie 1� — - 1 iri tim Mx MVO IoeMa 1aam.ano fake- r• �_r .1 11 il et '.es. elf• I I �'_ .:* r I II I I I TERRY R.HAGOOD I11 529fi0 ' i1 I ! 9p••Y1� �Q:'•p I 1L II ' I �JV�lAi ¢No 1 �Id Q<fh . r I E017.4+ `0DIR I 7. nETAISIN Q IDCD LIIIGI a t. 1 I Amm•ATL I MIKIIMaVllpRMKAC6.EE II .,�.»A «naanE O CROWSSL A I I seRNew1070R0'M'1Pa>S+.O a08rsa1119 1I I 1B1°"'�"�"� iiE°�� A/RjNLl7rirset r± 77Vf BORa 7PIC=OCT �A,a1 I ) ! m,� 1� REAfOYE DESTRO ASFHALT PAVEREIT i I al _ _�� ls6SY— a CUM uo GOER t J I I — I� ROADWAYPIM e�rloeMocaD Lf 1 I —�--T— �= OAIWONT DINE DIT1MION 3 SCYJA4ow DAIrESlA26+E6.2i '� �----- --~'---- / + I `� 3 ROUND ROOT,TX 78681 mlwQ ' r:t:... :..;. i 1 N _ p�yryy� :z= ..� _ = Boa ' :: ,• _a44s I 1 LEGEND :- Tih�!� • IByyE/y��p+,^ryry��p��ryryyyyyyy�11L N I REMOVE I�Y V�CC'R1C _ � WIDNV GUTTER "1 \ ''f .IMI�./.LCN�YKIL I _~ 96+� 4711F. • I .. g9MA��'~~ r 1 I i —� �--- L- - REPAOVE C NB AND GUTTER REMOVE EOblgc w4W T FAYE/OEM j 15816Y r / REMOVE PAYE'S I_J _ sss_ BEGH DHMO C6G I `I — ----� T---T--- .. AEAY,NE A94W.T I.aucmcir DRIVE STA�+6JA7 I ! 1 13.47 If I ! ..... 1 I I I I. ) f 1 I I 1 it 1I III !I 1 I + I `\• Ma Me Sr: I NOTES: FE Norma MC 1 mat ttt7 WW1 1. RbiOYNOfDRDIA STRU,fl1_ A/C PIPES 1�1CVAtlUIII REa/INDERE)TOBEaBSawRrTOTTfo LIERAMc SfA lit=ro1:140 RCMDIvAr PAY DEAL fmw 2. ONOOR Val REMOVE AIL EOMEINO AND WINO PRIOR RP3 d TO ROAD oeU9A1 110N. ° pm 1 4 ' 2 0 /;. ....„_______ 4 i / * III ,40.. _ _:,=,====__,, _. _ ,„„. • •—•~._._._.-�._ - -, ,---- - 0 100 200 HAGOOD ~•�•,. / / ;'' },'•�.y- r r R� RNOINRRWIN i1�0OAnf •� / ••a• ' /' 900 E Main Sheet �. '�� SCALE:1"= 100' Round Rod Tx 7B66a — — ♦,`• ` / ',r1 ,' © Fhone ax(512)244-101546 1 Fax(512{244-101 D _ 17 / he°ang.om _ �I,•./..• —/ •,++,;' ,I /• Re ishali nNaF-12709 i �. / �/ •�•.....,,•. �. JOB NO.19-007 0 2020 HER,Inc. ���e OF 'Fk �; f` ROAD 5 • . .sl. , --� WORK *: `:* 1'tr Jl 2 i / Vil 11 •J '.'' -` AHEAD ,�. TERRY R.HAGOOD • ir' ,; �� ...f..... y 1 l,f �, o • �. .52960 r - / lief 9 d; A Jr,'I I '� •�'f' Q1' kr _ `it' II J I -? CW20-1D s' ONA�▪ .�•E��'. I %j 't 48"x 48' / "!r•b ;! ''f ; 0CUONrCENTRE&Ec6 ,• -/ 1 1 EM 10r34 5064Af7�5 © API �C/1 /�,*YT/ I ! • lJ r f THE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS ! © y' • ;r r 1') �� L J AUTHORIZED BYIEARY R.HAGOOD.PI. df ., iJ it L i 52960 / f}:SJr_J• I' ; ' 1 1 ' THIS DRAVANG MAY NOTDEMONFIED WITHOUT THE • "' 1 ffr RIGHT TM NE ONLYYIIN�ACCORDANCE NCEWITHTHEJLFSSOFTTHE / '; r 1111 TEXAS ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. / F/M45W SR / f + • J� ,' S'`,_�__----", -''_� '' LANE DATE SIGNED: 02/01/21 r1 f %�+` ;�f --__, ISSUED FOR DD / %o" • j ,11 ;"_� ----j r CLOSED / / i ',f,.d j;' t - - ROADWAY PLANS FOR /' fillJi r ' I' —I II- ' OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION ;rIJ • j i CHANNELIZING - CW20-5TR ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 ' ';". j l ' DEVICES ll I r I 48"x 48" / J ' � I @ 70'O.C. 1 -1 H IEI �. I ;��, . ',4, , -- C - —I M I LEGEND ,i TPY.III BARRICADES WITH t its: Ji' ; I'�`; II,I, `` .,, f + + f r--1 or ,00147 s�A � DIRECTIONAL TRAFFIC j ROAD CLOSE SIGN ;!K • 1 ; ?? fi i FLOW ARROW SEE BC2-14 0.01 1i I! \ , � ' s44500 2ROODPINv �—— !AI'`/' • JC!' T� 1 --- in 1 PORTABLE CSB ti�l-I ...:......:: • .r -or ; I Ili / i rtOAKMONT DRIVE .� F T T T T T 1 I T T T T 11 -FT-1-1-7-1_, • • • •CHANNELIZING DEVISE I r! r 110. \/ 1 - TRAILER MOUNTED FLASHING f I . ti %!•=N ` ............ r I� ARROW PANEL --— -` (1t1 imm -__ _ - "' SIGN POST •�1316, r------- - - • d ly% -=___- -� 14+00 15+01111 r ,. � I - H H TY III BARRICADE as ,IIII um* — - • NI I -----,--/-- - ~~�1 3 ITLi ;! LD4KSAFCHANt71ERCRCfK I J END • /// N0. DATE DEMDON -� ,, h COMMERCIAL CONDO,ACRE.S9.04, `•� r-.1 —...— I 1 C0M 0/1A'TI�t7 �< \\i.� 1�_�_f r r:� ROAD WORK d ' ' ��• G20-2 foA°1r 7 4,7; ,,,, /,„, 1- �; �',,°> /� 48"x 24' s /%''' '/1 \ ♦ ;I•# i`.i ♦ `- HFA PROJECT N0,19-007 ' • !�— ♦ NOTES: u®uah:mron, \\I♦ I;''/ i / 1. SEE APPLICABLE STANDARD FOR SIGN PLACEMENT. TRAFFIC CONTROL____I---- Q�, ♦ i r,.. �♦ i �;' 2. SIGNS SHOWN ARE IN ADDITION TO SIGNS REQUIRED IN PLAN / / 1l \/ % '; ,♦ -f BC SHEETS. 3 / I \/ / �. ♦ ♦ �; 3. ADVANCE WARNING SIGNS SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE FOR `•: \i ♦ -' ' ♦ 1 THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. SHEET NO. \ ( ... - / —/ 1 4. CHANNELING DEVICES SHALL BE SPACED PER LOOT TCP1 g ;; 1 I +�.�* ♦ r STANDARDS UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON PLANS. s EEr# f 125 A. /', , I ` 1 5. CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN ACCESS TO , ' it JQ / I 1 \ r ADJOINING PROPERTIES AT ALL TIMES. 2 \ IiI /',6•" : // ' 0 100 200 /' ./// HAGOOD 1 %WONT CENTER ,•.� NTER SEC `‘,�, % �! • i` /M•IN//WIR it *B I REPMT10T5,BLOCK4 a— I 900 E Main Shed 1oT�gAcassao / •�`�� /<;'/; m \ SCALE:l —100 Round Radc.TX713664 / Phone(512)244-1546 S ``ww /" �/' / 1 Fax(512)244-1010 ww.� U/ -__ wxw.haaang.com / r •/,� j // © \_ TAPE Ragisholion Na F-12709 _ , 1/1' , - - JOB JOB NO.19-00702020HEA,Inc. --8"W -8 w-- i` . /-I `N © r/ '( OF F • ``.r l/ �? ►,�/," �/ r1 ROAD ���.N..... r.h�s •� / %// r WORK * ''� ' '� `� C``.�� /r 2 -' , //`4 �/+ G 4NDLERG..ASSTl4 r AHEAD TERRY R.HAGOOD h • 1 .,,• ,/ BLOCKa I 4,ACES I r .... %`•• � CKANNELIZING • ;"" '/ ''� II •• 52960' 4KMOA7Q�N7AESECS, �`o� DEVICES El / t---/ ' / 11� ° �"�•.;t s T.�: ��10T3S T.8T8AC7B`3 �. 1 // • , + CW20-1D Fs ••.....• �9 •,, • /,% `• m\\ ti 48"x48' S'ONAL - / ✓, / rlrlrll1 ,, . / TT-FITLY f /;' • /f; 3 \` THESEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS CONSTRUCTION /,r/ ;/. 3 \ N1 ALTIHORI I BY TERV R.HAGOOD.P.E �T2'11A'--__-� / AREA % . d ���' F THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE MODIFIED WITHOUT THE j ------------------12 W;y t • �.;'( • / `\\ I EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER AND _ _� . . / I LEFT T ` �i /7 "f \ THEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE ��' --` 17t00 18+00 2 _�,. /; :'/4, \ l A2.4—` ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. 15+00 -� ---- �,'9 �2' - , • ,;j.' " / \_ 1 LANE NEED: EEAIN/01/21 1— 16t00 -�.� � // / \ DATE SIGN® 02/01/21 �: u,fA!} ;�; 4{`� ;� F ' CLOSED"wmit ISSUED FOR BID oM�+`.'-" I�� �,2 � i.; cna�rczssra� tr r _ .#,1 , t acxQ lars ACRES �; _. t1'! f TEpp02 11 ROADWAY PLANS FOR / Si k� BARRICADES_ ;� ;�� _-- / 0 ���; - ! l .;°��-+ " II OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION f�1 CW20 5TL z-1_1_1 r.�� +, I I \ '' 7�?6�,r l�%. ...``�•.„ I 48"x 48" ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 %� j . // CONSTRUCTION / _% --_,, `` -., �, AREA - I. �� =\ 1 3; LEGEND / . r _. // Fiii •; :� ;' •f • . _\24��`..... i FLOW ARROW r" - d ":"? CRANNELIZING ` i / PORTABLE CM / r / //to ' '', f F'� DEVICES - 25� l///V + r r ♦ ; it• r • • • a CHANNELIZING DEVISE r \ 26+00 / ` f / i /; f j • r S REHATGOT3OACMCkWT / / r/ • AOr .` - / / TRAILER MOUNTED FLASHING / cErrrxESECT&vaEo ♦ / , //' // . ARROW PANEL / •-. /' LOT3B / / . 047 ~"-~� CW1-6AT / / / r~,'` '' • n n SIGN POST / / / j'1j,4' / H H TYIIIBARRICADE r ♦;/ i- ,/ REYSIONS El ' . , ►//'/ • / ' '/ END / / /\ r `, j' ; ;, NO. DATE DES(FIPTION -� / :t �; !„' • ROAD WORK • r '/; . °MESSCVLT2(R'41J G20-2 a/ / / / /// NOMLo11ACES s/ I / 48 x 24' / / / 0— / HEA PROJECT N0.19.007 0. / / / •N,d 2 NOTES: =ED DATE:D24I/1 •. "P 1. SEE APPLICABLE STANDARD FOR SIGN PLACEMENT. I / / / l;' /' pJ,H TRAFFIC CONTROL I / / / / ;j ;i' y p 2. SIGNS SHOWN ARE IN ADDITION TO SIGNS REQUIRED IN / / / U 1 BC SHEETS. FLAN // / / •t/` / 3. ADVANCE WARNING SIGNS SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE FOR 3 / J NI,' ''/il'" /:, SHEET NO. / / / Pill q THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. TCP2 i / / / l .JAI 4. CHANNELING DEVICES SHALL BE SPACED PER TxDOT ♦ r ,//' '`1/ STANDARDS UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON PLANS. / •• •• I//' '/ '" ,y 5. CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN SHEET18OF135 r r ,/ ` ,• , / Y%;% /,4 ADJOINING PROPERTIES AT ALL TIMES. Is 411, „,7 i i „, . . ,/ ,...,,, „., ___._ ,, , , ,,, ..... .. , , , , ... /, N 0 100 200 ,' — — HAGOOD INOINlIWEI S LUODATQ ` SCALE:1"=100' 900 E.Main Shed Round Rork TX 78664 ` \ /1N ,1 / ('' / Phone(512)244-1546 /„+ Fax(512)244-1010 :tl (,% , 1 wew.heaeng.com ill / / TAPE Regishalion No.F-12709 " / JOB N0.19-007 0 2020 HEA,Inc. ro /� ROAD ��'....... r.Qs j ••.• �'�,/ /� _ AHEAD TERRY R.HAGOOD i/ • f l //, /'/ /, ' /Q V lCi" <'v 48• "x48' /ONALli El � Il; /; ,( 1 �//fir i /;" Ne. -� THE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS AUTHOR=BY TERRY R.HAGOOD,P.E / ///' / MANDLS?0,1 SSUB, �� —1 le, 52960 �'r ;�!/�/ I( & 8 lot 4,ACRES 1 THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE MODIFIED WITHOUT THE ••. / i, RIGHT EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER,AND // ;!/ d ( I J THEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE II �,••� • // ./,�!A ' I A E IEXAS ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. LJ1 02/01121 �•••� / / ;� /� fit. �i DATE SIGN®: �•• r / il/ of '--- CLOSED ISSUED FOR BID iv. `�(/ _ ROADWAY PLANS FOR f / 4/'�7'I ! CHANNELIZING ' 11 2 TR OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION �L� � - / • DEVICES NI CW 0 5 ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 fc ,, / - I 48"x 48" ti•• z.:,,,...._ �,: /; • ��� it .... © LEGEND 19 � ? +�..:---..„,,-",-,-J:. /4f // TPYIUBARRIcADESWITH / .:TA,..,' I J ---� Callno7/r9aa ssue/scr ry rc c*202 I201t / }a ROAD CLOSE SIGN I TRY.III BARCADES WITH PORTABLE CSB 1�+�\ } ...:.' SEE BC2 14 I /!>.�.'' I ROAD CLOSE SIGN �I; ' CONSTRUCTION �, / , }';rr Ij'''.�=.`'.`r. CHANNELIZING DEVISE �� `toy , ,,r�, I,, ► ..•.o,4� SEE BC2 14 • • • a / +' +/'*� sue. i►"-Z — i}b4 •.,fvt� 4►�I�jv-�,,.sue I h ,r1 TRAILER MOUNTED FLASHING //, .,��a Ij� I�►� j► '��, ti• I I 1 -`I ARROW PANEL r;` `- , ;'; '��+�, .,, � 'rirr `%' =;.. ===-=1 =___ .- CW1-6AT ,4v/' • • �+y:��;��� lfr�jhj►j►' ��s• �''' .� n � SIGN POST r • •.`�• .•.'.. .'�0. �i�,,•J/ ✓,•,All•�,.r re•^� • ...-,,,,..v�� 34+� 36"x 36" � l/ • + , `:-=: .-IrI'"' I44 :.��.1. "•,�,��,. I f i��' /��' r H H TY I I I BARRICADE E ` '- '/ f+' • Z `!•.•..,-•��/ 'ilr /�� .06.70,100'�'' '� J�,��wr'r- r ♦ REYSIONS //r ' V _�`.�~__% �� ,r/l�`�"'r'i/rsrr.'r'. END -� 4/I + . s _-s„ _____ ROAD WORK , 2 - I • G20-2 $ ' // �•� 48"x24' -A �/ NIA`/ �/��, HFA PROJECT NO.19.007 0. NOTES: �u®DATE:mrolm // {/,;,' 1. SEE APPLICABLE STANDARD FOR SIGN PLACEMENT. f TRAFFIC CONTROL/ , /I, © 2. SIGNS SHOWN ARE IN ADDITION TO SIGNS REQUIRED IN FLAN ,/; / BC SHEETS./ , 1 3. ADVANCE WARNING SIGNS SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE FOR ,rr r THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. SHEET NO. /7/I ,I 0 C CHANDLER 4. CHANNELING DEVICES SHALL BE SPACED PER TxDOT TCP3 g / CYPRESS CCL lot7,A(REAM,SSTANDARDS UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON PLANS. �/ ''/ / 8(GYR'Q C�I,ACRfS SHEET 19 OF 135 l i/ / A. 3d973 5. CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN ACCESS TO f ADJOINING PROPERTIES AT ALL TIMES. 0 2 F 1 1 • , © ulli:II,, i 0 1 i I p 0 100 200 HAGOOD ` 1 I RNNINIIR11R ASSOOATTB 900 E.Main Shed Round Rork,Tx 78664 =1 I I 1 SCALE:1"=100' Phone(512}244-1546 Fax(512)244-1010 I I www.heaang.com 1 TAPE Regishalion No.F-12709 _ I I , JOB NO.19-007 0 2020 HEA,Inc. ROAD �cE OF rFk ' WORK 5 .•••• •..,�s i AHEAD • 0 1 i TERRY R.HAGOOD i4 k I CW20-1 D ne 1' I I 48'x 48' <<.s'ti 1 s 7 E;�G Z� r I © oNA� 1 11 I z i 1 !I r ''!• i THE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS • AIITHO IID BY TERRY R.HAGOOD,P.E ER • I RIGHT 52960 ,IN I �• i ' AAI 'MIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE MODIFIED WITHOUT THE 1P HGJI=79dt7'\ �f• I type � LJ"�I v E N CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER,AND TH N ONLYESS YIIN�ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE } I61• 1 BLOCKAOgESA IOT2 CLOSED TEXAS ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. DATE SIGN®: 02/01/21 TPY.III BARRICADES WITH I. I� I ISSUED FOR BID ROAD CLOSE SIGN 1 xass:r�x + ROADWAY PLANS FOR Bt7518J&7&9 SEE BC2-14 J R eLoorQta64 I'+ I� r ACESQ489 1 J i I 48"x 5TR OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION ` CONSTRUCTION t,'), I 48"x 48" ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 0 J AREA ,91. q t — — LEGEND '�// /// *,I # ,// ///�% �0% - `�� I DIRECTIONAL IAeRow _,.-- _, ,s�i, ,,„, .,„ , .„,,,►'��// ,i,J 33-F45 1 ♦` /A iii ��/--____-- -----f/iJ®®/!s1�®�.a' , I 1 PORTABLECSB V- rr ,r.- - • ♦ • • • •CHANNELIZING DEVISE -� -=_` i In, 1 TRAILER MOUNTED FLASHING - CHANNELIZI NG 7r r. DEVICES — 36 36? ARROW PANEL Al,`� i —T--,r--• _o_ SIGN POST ., TY III BARRICADE E I f 1 ENDREYSIONS .OHHEy, -75a4, 1 1 H leRcP 014=751.95' I. 1 r I i I I ROAD WORK • No DATE DE6CPJPIT°N i - —� 1722 , �♦ 020-2 LORESSA I i I ♦` 48'x. i $ z 1ACRES 1 I •♦ yds� 2 I I j i —E ♦ HFA PROJECT NO.19007 0. NOTES: ISSUED DATE.D7rolm c7 1 1. SEE APPLICABLE STANDARD FOR SIGN PLACEMENT. I I I TRAFFIC CONTROL o , I I I 2. SIGNS SHOWN ARE IN ADDITION TO SIGNS REQUIRED IN PLAN 1 BC SHEETS. 6 r - 3 I— 3. ADVANCE WARNING SIGNS SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE FOR SHEEP NO. I I I I I I THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. L . I } - I I-`——— STANDARDS UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON PLANS. SHEET OF 1XS 5. CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN ACCESS TO 2 III ) I j III I 1 ADJOINING PROPERTIES AT ALL TIMES. 0 4 9" 19.7" 6" 24.5" ��.9""{ BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION (BC) STANDARD SHEETS GENERAL NOTES: R=.44 M F. J COLORS: -w 1. The Barricade and Construction Standard Sheets (BC sheets) are intended FLUORESCENT \ r' ALERT co to show typical examples for placement of temporary traffic control R=.13" YELLOW -1- Eii,_, O•- ,_ BACKGROUNDw. devices, construction pavement markings, and typical work zone signs. , . BLACKY Tc> The information contained i n these sheets meet or exceed the requirements R=1 1" BORDER AND _ - )r_._ ooN shown in the "Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices" (TMUTCD). I I LEGEND - LOO 1r 25" v- °-m 2. The development and design of the Traffic Control Plan (TCP) is the �R=•79" �� ^� M ORANGE M FLUORESCENT- responsibility of the Engineer. k .- i \ BACKGROUND R=.75" co 3. The Contractor may propose changes to the LACK TCP that are signed and sealed LEGEND, b Q ao by a licensed professional engineer for approval. The Engineer may develop, WHITE . BORDERelo O. WO- sign and seal Contractor proposed changes. . AND SYMBOL io OoN in in - M1.25" � I om 4. The Contractor is responsible for installing and maintaining the traffic BLACK ir• \ _ T LLOaO0 control devices as shown in the plans. The Contractor may not move or change �n 75" / M: �N the approximate location of any device without the approval of the Engineer. / �� Q = fA L K OR TEXT LATER �. C00 5. Geometric design of lone shifts and detours should, when possible, meet the WHITE - . i 00. applicable design criteria contained in manuals such as the American Q O O �� / Wo; Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), °i• ` oo0xo "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, " the TxDOT "Roadway 20" zo" 20" X H l O Design Manual " or engineering judgment. Q 3.5" 12" 2.8"6.3"2.8" 1 1.7" 2.8" 14.6" 3.5" ._- .t --H '1 I• H r -] r I - - OWL `"'• 0 60" -So 6. When projects abut, the Engineer(s) may omit the END ROAD WORK, TRAFFIC m (1:::) O O r°c FINES DOUBLE, and other advance warning signs if the signing would be o0� redundant and the work areas appear continuous to the motorists. If the m N 3.0" Radius, 1.25" Border, 0.75" Indent, Black on Yellow; c .- adjacent project is completed first, the Contractor shall erect the I7 O O O - [STAY ALERT] Font: D O S L>>"o o necessary warning s i gns as shown on these sheets, the TCP sheets or as Q 3.0" Radius, 1.25" Border, 0.75" Indent, Block on Orange; �� directed by the Engineer. The BEGIN ROAD WORK NEXT X MILES sign sha I I be / r [TALK OR TEXT LATER] Font: C specified length; WOE revised to show appropriate work zone distance. r v Lo OO 1.68%67"1.68".I67 1.68'" F71 0 7. The Engineer may require duplicate warning signs on the median side of DLL -COW divided highways where median width will permit and traffic volumes 31" >>'�_ 6.38" �" - 31 ' 0O}O justify the signing. v,o o . 8.38" },D 8. All signs shall be constructed in accordance with the details found in the 9" on$ "Standard Highway Sign Designs for Texas, " latest edition. Sign details & o°mo not shown in this manual shall be shown in the plans or the Engineer shall m N N N provide a detail to the Contractor before the sign is manufactured. SIGN DETAIL (G20- 1 OT) ac•-•- -H- C 0 C 9. The temporary traffic control devices shown in the illustrations of the ▪ Yo BC sheets ore examples. As necessary, the Engineer will determine the most appropriate traffic control devices to be used. 10. As shown on BC(2), the OBEY WARNING SIGNS STATE LAW sign, STAY ALERT TALK OR TEXT LATER (see Sign Detail G20-10T) and the WORK ZONE TRAFFIC FINES DOUBLE Only pre qualified products shall be used. The "Compliant Work Zone sign with plaque shall be erected in advance of the CSJ limits. However, Traffic Control Devices List" (CWZTCD) describes pre-qualified products the TRAFFIC FINES DOUBLE sign will not be required on projects consisting solely of mobile operation work, such as striping or milling edgeline rumble and their sources and may be found on- line at the web address given strips. The BEGIN ROAD WORK NEXT X MILES, CONTRACTOR and END ROAD WORK signs below or by contacting: shall be erected at or near the CSJ limits. Texas Department of Transportation 11. Except for devices required by Note 10, traffic control devices should Traffic Operations Division TE be in place only while work is actually in progress or a definite need Phone (512) 416-3118 exists. 12. The Engineer has the final decision on the location of all traffic control devices. SHEET 1 OF 12 THE DOCUMENTS BELOW CAN BE FOUND ON-LINE AT _1�'' Traffic 13. Inactive equipment and work vehicles, including workers' private vehicles Operations Transportation Division must be parked away from travel lanes. They should be as close to the http://www.txdot.gov Texas Department of p Standard right-of-way line as possible, or located behind a barrier or guardrail, or as approved by the Engineer. COMPLIANT WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES LIST (CWZTCD) DEPARTMENTAL MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS (DMS) BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION WORKER SAFETY APPAREL NOTES: MATERIAL PRODUCER LIST (MPL) GENERAL NOTES 1. Workers on foot who ore exposed to traffic or to construction equipment ROADWAY DESIGN MANUAL - SEE "MANUALS (ONLINE MANUALS) " AND REQUIREMENTS within the right-of-way shall wear high-visibility safety apparel meeting STANDARD HIGHWAY SIGN DESIGNS FOR TEXAS (SHSD)the requirements of ISEA "American National Standard for High-Visibility BC, ( I ) - 14 Apparel, " or equivalent revisions, and labeled as ANSI 107-2004 standard TEXAS MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (TMUTCD) PP r q FILE: be-I4.dgn DN: TxDOT I CK:TxDOT I my: TxDOT I CK:TxDOT performance for Class 2 or 3 risk exposure. Class 3 garments should be TRAFFIC ENGINEERING STANDARD SHEETS ©TxDOT November 2002 CONT SECT JOB HIGHWAY considered for high traffic vo l ume work areas or night time work. REVISIONS L.LI 4-03 5-10 8-14 t-J Q_1 DIST COUNTY H NO. oE_ 9 07 7-13 WILLIMASON Yl OF 135 1 95 i TYPICAL LOCATION OF CROSSROAD SIGNS T-INTERSECTION TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION WARNING SIGN SIZE AND SPACING1,5,6 ROAD WORK ROAD WORK ROAD WORK END \ a NEXT X MILES ROAD WORK a NEXT X MILES SIZE SPACING G20-2 * NEXT X MILES* AHEAD NEXT X MILES '' G20-1bTL — ROAD WORK Optional G20 1bTR o see Note G20-taT CW20 1D 'I 'I °'- 1 and 4) .< a >1 Sign Posted S gn w XConventional Expressway/ N-L INTERSECTED 1 Block - Citya 1000'-1500' - Hwy Number Road Freeway Speed Spacing To f \ ROADWAY x 1000'-1500' - Hwy 1 Block - City or Series ooA) X * x d k >k _ _ LL CROSSROAD X F F �� CW204 MPH (Apprx.) 03}+_ X X CSJ WORK CW21 30 120 0 o I. X * N a80' G20 SaP zwo "N c G20-5oP WORKONE min. Limit ZONE CW22 48" x 48" 48" x 48" 35 160 TL BEGIN CW23 }wTRAFFIC • FINES ROAD \ R20 ST TRAFFIC G20 ST ROADEXT X WORS o R20 5T FINES CW25 40 240 .._c ROAD WORK NAMEy DOUBLE 45 320 a n} WORK a NEXT X MILES DOUBLE ADDRESS "[N CO— AHEAD NEXT X MILES* �E■ G20-6T CITY �T R20-5aTP CW1, CW2, a c 3 R20-SaTP law STATEN "E"""I "' 50 400 nW CW20-1D G20-2 END /� ""ET`"' CONTRACTOR CW7, CW8, 36" x 36" 48" x 48" a 0L G20-1aT (Optional ROAD WORK / \ CW9, CW11, 55 5002 o L CO see Note 1 ,V END CW 1 4 60 6002 D o C0 1 and 4) / ROAD WORK o May be mounted on bock of "ROAD WORK AHEAD"(CW20-1D) sign with approval of Engineer. G20-2 CW3, CW4 65 700 2 cog CW5, CW6, 48" x 48" 48" x 48" 70 8002 m 7 (See note 2 below)` �w° 1. The typical minimum signing on a crossroad approach should be a "ROAD WORK AHEAD" (CW20-1Dlsign and a CSJ LIMITS AT T-INTERSECTION CW8-3, 75 9002 . c (G20-2) "END ROAD WORK" sign, unless noted otherwise in plans. CW10, CW12 80 10002 IDo 3 0(0 2. The Engineer may use the reduced size 36" x 36" ROAD WORK AHEAD (CW20-1D) sign mounted back to back 1. The Engineer will determine the types and location of any additional traffic control devices, 3 o X o with the reduced size 36" x 18" "END ROAD WORK"(G20-2) sign on low volume crossroads (see Note 4 under such as a flogger and accompanying signs, or other signs, that should be used when work is * C } "Typical Construction Warning Sign Size and Spacing"). See the "Standard Highway Sign Designs for being performed at or near an intersection. 0 Texas" manual for sign details. The Engineer may omit the advance warning signs on low volume For typical sign spacings on divided highways, expressways and freeways, c L L crossroads. The Engineer will determine whether a road is low volume. This information shall be shown 2. If construction closes the road at a T-intersection the Contractor shall place the "CONTRACTOR see Part 6 of the "Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices" x-o 0 in the plans. NAME"(G20-6T) sign behind the Type 3 Barricades for the road closure (see BC(10) also). 0 a)c 3. Based on existing field conditions, the Engineer/Inspector may require additional signs such as FLAGGER The "ROAD WORK NEXT X MILES" left arrow(G20-1bTL) and "ROAD WORK NEXT X MILES" right arrow (TMUTCD) typical application diagrams or TCP Standard Sheets. o o c AHEAD, LOOSE GRAVEL, or other appropriate signs. When additional signs are required, these signs will (G20-1bTR)" signs shall be replaced by the detour signing called for in the plans. c CO be considered part of the minimum requirements. The Engineer/Inspector will determine the proper o Minimum distance from work area to first Advance Warning sign nearest the CD N c location and spacing of any sign not shown on the BC sheets, Traffic Control Plan sheets or the Work work area and/or distance between each additional sign. > 0 0 o Zone Standard Sheets. °'L t 4. The "ROAD WORK NEXT X MILES"(G20-1aT)sign shall be required at high volume crossroads to advise GENERAL NOTES o a.E motorists of the length of construction in either direction from the intersection. The Engineer 1. Special or larger size signs may be used as necessary. o c o will determine whether a roadway is considered high volume. L o° 5. Additional traffic control devices may be shown elsewhere in the plans for higher volume crossroads. 2. Distance between signs should be increased as required to have 1500 feet D o a, 6. When work occurs in the intersection area, appropriate traffic control devices, as shown elsewhere in advance warning. ° - the plans or as determined by the Engineer/Inspector, shall be in place. u o 0 3. Distance between signs should be increased as required to have 1/2 mile ci- x} WORK AREAS IN MULTIPLE LOCATIONS WITHIN CSJ LIMITS T SAMPLE LAYOUT OF SIGNING FOR WORK BEGINNING AT THE CSJ LIMITS or more advance warning. } DL k al o 0 0 G20 9TP** BEGIN 4. 36" x 36" "ROAD WORK AHEAD" (CW20-1D)signs may be used on low volume o w° SPEED ZONE crossroads at the discretion of the Engineer. See Note 2 under "Typical .00. STAY ALERT Location of Crossroad Signs". ns". w D E m BEGIN DO ROAD LIMIT TRAFFIC OBEY 9 m-woo P **G20-5T ROAD WORK NOT WORK R20-ST** FINES WARNING a r•-•- CW1-4L R4-1 PASS AHEAD X X SIGNS 5. Onlydiamond shaped warningsign sizes are indicated. - c NEXT X MILES (as DOUBLE 1:. g L, D 1- CW20-1D ROAD NAME X X appropriate) "`" STATE LAW ROAD **G20 6T ADDRESS CW13-1P MPH **R2 1 R20 SaTP** �r TALK OR TEXT LATER 0 Y° WORK WORK CW1-4R „v CW20-1D 6. See sign size listing in "TMUTCD", Sign Appendix or the "Standard Highway WORK AREA AHEAD STATE O\ G20-10T**\ R20-3T* Sign Designs for Texas" manual for complete list of available sign design AHEAD I CONTRACTOR7 y 3X X X Type 3 Barricade or X X X X X X X sizes. ��_ 1� >I CW20-1D MPH CWI3-1P I< >< rl< r< < >< 4 --� channelizing devices IIIrIII///./ a �// / d a a d 4 a d a o -- "a" o " " " o . 0 . ✓/ ,:Z o e !� o a LEGEND o 0 0 < ° g-9— -- Type 3 Barricade 1 /, ^// 0 0 0 channelizing Devices h SPACE i* / NO-PASSING of SPEED \ END WORK ZONE G20-2bT* k >IR2 1 LIMIT Z Sign 3X channelizing CSJ Limit p line should * Devices END coordinate O X X See Typical Construction ROADWORK When extended distances occur between minimal work spaces, the Engineer/Inspector should ensure additional with sign Warning Sign Size and "ROAD WORK AHEAD"(CW20-1D)si ns areploced in advance of these work areas to remind drivers theyare still G20-2** location 9 NOTES X Spacing chart or the within the project limits. See the applicable TCP sheets for exact location and spacing of signs and TMUTCD for sign channelizing devices. The Contractor shall determine the appropriate distance spacing requirements. SAMPLE LAYOUT OF SIGNING FOR WORK BEGINNING DOWNSTREAM OF THE CSJ LIMITS to be placed on the G20-1 series signs and "BEGIN ROAD WORK NEXT X MILES"(G20-5T)sign for each specific project. WORK SHEET 2 OF 12 k **G20-SaP This distance shall replace the "X" and shall be rounded ZONE STAY ALERT * BEGIN SPEED OBEY to the nearest whole mile with the approval of the Engineer. Traffic ** G20 5T ROAD WORK TRAFFIC WARNING No decimals shall be used. „ Operations ROAD ROAD ROAD NEXT X MILES LIMIT **R20-ST FINES ,,� SIGNS ,Texas DepartmentDivision CLOSED lll]]] WORK WORK NAME �/ �/ DOUBLE 1 O ofTransportation Standard RI 1/2 ADDRESS /� /� STATE LAW * The "BEGIN WORK ZONE"(G20-9TP) and "END WORK ZONE" (G20-2bTl - CW1-4L AHEAD MILE CITY TALK OR TEXT LATER DOUBLE �JITIs shoII be used as shown on the sample layout when advance CW1 6 Type 3 CW20 1D G20 6T STATE **R2-1 E""`s`"T G20 l0T R20-3T Barricade or X X CW13-I P CW20 1 E ** CDNTRACTDR signs are required outside the CSJ Limits. They inform the channelizing M"" ** ** motorist of entering or leaving a part of the work zone BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION devices lying outside the CSJ Limits where traffic fines may double X �4X �� X � x x X X if workers are present. PROJECT LIMIT a< a a 4 a a< a< 4 ** Required CSJ Limit signing. See Note 10 on BC(1). TRAFFIC // , hanne FINES DOUBLE signs will not be required on projects consisting solely of mobile operations work. plizing ' CSJ Limit Area for placement of "ROAD WORK AHEAD" (CW20-1D)sign B C (2) — 1 4 Devices 1 1 and other signs or devices as called for on the Traffic 9 FILE: be-1 4.dgn DN: TxDOT 1 c":TxDOT ow: TxDOT 1 c":TxDOT R2 1 Control Plan. n X SPEED ©TxDOT November 2002 coNT SECT Joe HIGHWAY SPACE �i ENDS > LIMIT * O Contractor will install a regulatory speed limit sign at REVISIONS w w ROAD WORK O ~-' X X the end of the work zone. 9-07 8 1 4 oTsr COUNTY SHEET NO. O u_ G20-2** 7-13 WILLWASON 440F135 96 I TYPICAL APPLICATION OF WORK ZONE SPEED LIMIT SIGNS Work zone speed limits shall be regulatory, established in accordance with the "Procedures for Establishing Speed Zones, " Co and approved by the Texas Transportation Commission, or by City Ordinance when within Incorporated City Limits. o•- 00 Reduced speeds should only be posted in the vicinity TC o. Signing shown for CSJ of work activity and not throughout the entire project. Signing shown for I-+ one direction only. one direction only.0 CSJ 3 + See BC(2) for LIMITS RegulatoryL.- work zone speed signs (R2- 1 ) sha I I be removed See BC(2) for f LIMITS 0 0 E additional advance additional advance +o signing. or covered during periods when they are not needed. signing. •+ 0•-C ¢D} 0 C 3 1 J 1 +0.._ . L Ijrj \ �� \\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\ \\\ \ \\ \10 � CDC 0 Loa I 1° 1 O O l 1 1 1 ° W E U)3L C)n0 See General o w See General See General Note 4 (750' 1500') Note 4 w o (750' 1500') Note 4 > 3 o.. < >< > < > < > < 0 + A A A A 1\ I- / D)o v WOR K G20 5aP +0 o SPEED WORK ZONE 0 0 42. G20-5aP SPEED ZONE SPEED Q WORK LIMIT n+c LIMIT ED SPEED LIMIT WORK LIMIT O LIMIT LIMIT ZONE G20-5aP "0.0 L SPEED ZONE C20-5aP 0 3 0 R2-1 FjQ SPEED7 0 L. LIMIT 6 0 R2 1 R2-1 6M0 SPEED SPEED 7 0 R2-1 >oo CW3 5 R2 1 LIMIT LIMIT on 6-0 0 CW3-5 \ R2-1 6 0 R2-1 )nn0 •— E T L D C 0 0 L 4- GUIDANCE FOR USE: 04-L + + w,O moo LONG/INTERMEDIATE TERM WORK ZONE SPEED LIMITS GENERAL NOTES no L H- + D This type of work zone speed limit should be included on the design of 1. Regulatory work zone speed limits should be used only for sections of construction o° the traffic control plans when restricted geometrics with a lower design projects where speed control is of major importance. w OE In �0W LO speed are present in the work zone and modification of the geometrics to 2. Regulatory work zone speed limit signs shall be placed on supports at a 7 foot minimum D} a higher design speed is not feasible. 9 9 mounting height. v) C 0 '-'-t, 3. Speed zone signs are illustrated for one direction of travel and are normally posted Long/Intermediate Term Work Zone Speed Limit signs, when approved as described above, should be posted and visible to the motorist when work activity is present, for each direction of travel. Work activity may also be defined as a change in the roadway that requires 4. Frequency of work zone speed limit signs should be: a reduced speed for motorists to safely negotiate the work area, including: 40 mph and greater 0.2 to 2 miles a) rough road or damaged pavement surface 35 mph and less 0.2 to 1 mile b) substantial alteration of roadway geometrics (diversions) c) construction detours 5. Regulatory speed limit signs shall have black legend and border on a white reflective d) grade background (See "Reflective Sheeting" on BC(4)). e) width f) other conditions readily apparent to the driver 6. Fabrication, erection and maintenance of the"ADVANCE SPEED LIMIT"(CW3-5)sign, As long as any of these conditions exist, the work zone speed limit signs "WORK ZONE"(G20-5aP) plaque and the "SPEED LIMIT"(R2-1)signs shall not be paid for should remain in place. directly, but shall be considered subsidiary to Item 502. 7. Turning signs from view, laying signs over or down will not be allowed, unless as SHORT TERM WORK ZONE SPEED LIMITS otherwise noted under "REMOVING OR COVERING" on BC(4). This type of work zone speed limit may be included on the design of 8. Techniques that may help reduce traffic speeds include but are not limited to: SHEET 3 OF 12 the traffic control plans when workers or equipment are not behind concrete A. Law enforcement. ^ Traffic barrier, when work activity is within 10 feet of the traveled way or actually B. Flogger stationed next to sign. ,Texas Department of Transportation �Divsions i n the travelled way. C. Portable changeable message sign (PCMS). Standard D. Low-power (drone) radar transmitter. Short Term Work Zone Speed Limit signs should be posted and visible to the E. Speed monitor trailers or signs. motorists only when work activity is present. When work activity is not BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION present, signs shall be removed or covered. 9. Speeds shown on details above are for illustration only. (See Removing or Covering on BC(4)). Work Zone Speed Limits should only be posted as approved for each project. WORK ZONE SPEED L I M I T 10.For more specific guidance concerning the type of work, work zone conditions and factors impacting allowable regulatory construction speed zone reduction see TxDOT form #1204 in the TxDOT e-form system. BC (3) _ 1 w FILE: bc-14.don ow:TxDOT OK:TxDOT Iow: TxDOT Ice:TxDOT ©TxDOT November 2002 cow SECT JOB HIGHWAY REVISIONS W W 9-07 8-14 DIST COUNTY SHEET NO. a.J. 7 13 WILLIAMSON 23 OF 135 97 I GENERAL NOTES FOR WORK ZONE SIGNS TYPICAL MINIMUM CLEARANCES FOR LONG TERM AND INTERMEDIATE TERM SIGNS 1. Contractor shall install and maintain signs in o straight and plumb condition and/or os directed by the Engineer. 2. Wooden sign posts shall be painted white. 3. Barricades shall NOT be used as sign supports. 12' min. 4. All signs shall be installed in accordance with the plans or as directed by the Engineer. Signs shall be used to regulate, warn, and c o 2 ROO QD guide the traveling public safely through the work zone. F ROAD ROAD ROAD 5. The Contractor may furnish either the sign design shown in the plans or in the "Standard Highway Sign Designs for Texas" (SHSD). The °'L minimum ��� Engineer/Inspector may require the Contractor to furnish other work zone signs that are shown in the TMUTCD but may have been omitted ow WORK WORK from ���� AHEAD from the plans. Any variation in the plans shall be documented by written agreement between the Engineer and the Contractor's T c AHEAD 6 AHEAD curb AHEAD Responsible Person. All changes must be documented in writing before being implemented. This can include documenting the changes in o N v o < < the Inspector's TxDOT diary and having both the Inspector and Contractor initial and date the agreed upon changes. L N 7 a� min. 6. The Contractor shall furnish sign supports listed in the "Compliant Work Zone Traffic Control Device List" (CWZTCD). The Contractor 3++ c ** MPXH shall install the sign support in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. If there is a question regarding installation L•- _. 0 I T t procedures, the Contractor shall furnish the Engineer a copy of the manufacturer's installation recommendations so the Engineer can Z-E 7.0' min. _ a verify the correct procedures are being followed. T L > 0'-6' 9.0' max. > 6' or 7.0' min. 7.0' min. 7. The Contractor is responsible for installing signs on approved supports and replacing signs with damaged or cracked substrates and/or +w o < a X < a 9.0' max. ii t' 6.0' min. damaged or marred reflective sheetingas directed bythe Engineer/Inspector. O_a, L ;' greater 9.0' max. ; 9 9 a a c 8. Identification markings may be shown only on the back of the sign substrate. The maximum height of letters and/or company logos used •-+ 1Y for identification shall be 1 inch. o c v�/ v 9. The Contractor shall replace damaged wood posts. New or damaged wood sign posts shall not be spliced. 0., v Paved 4/f///�///�i/r// a Paved //-// ///:,i//// / 1� \/ DURA 1. TION typesF of fORK n(OSptle}snetl by, sign mounting ine TeeOs MOheOlizOn Uniform andTraffic pe of sControl nDebstora$esPart var) based on the type of _o E shoulder shoulder /\,,/, i/// work being performed. The Engineer is responsible for selectinge of gns,the appropriate size sign for the type of work being performed. The Contractor is responsible for ensuring the sign support, sign mounting height and substrate meets manufacturer's recommendations in L s o * When placing skid supports on unlevel ground, the leg post lengths must be adjusted so the sign appears straight and plumb. regard to crashworthiness and duration of work requirements. c CO o Objects shall NOT be placed under skids as a means of leveling, a. Long-term stationary - work that occupies a location more than 3 days. -N b. Intermediate-term stationary - work that occupies a location more than one daylight period up to 3 days, or nighttime work lasting o)a+ more than one hour. w F_ When plaques are placed on dual leg supports, they should be attached to the upright nearest the travel lane. c. Short-term stationary - daytime work that occupies a location for more than 1 hour in a single daylight period. a o w Supplemental plaques (advisory or distance) should not cover the surface of the parent sign. d. Short, duration work that occupies a location up to 1 hour. d.L e. Mobile - work that moves continuously or intermittently (stopping for up to approximately 15 minutes.) ~ '- SIGN MOUNTING HEIGHT .o L 0 Support ATTACHMENT FOR SIGN SUPPORTS 1. The bottom of Long-term/Intermediate-term signs shall be at least 7 feet, but not more than 9 feet, above the paved surface, except a Attachment to wooden supports +a0 L o shall not as shown for supplemental plaques mounted below other signs. will be by bolts and nuts 2. The bottom of Short-term/Short Duration signs shall be a minimum of 1 foot above the pavement surface but no more than 2 feet above T°c ��� protrude g a+._ iU or screws. Use TxDOT's or the ground. c 0 �� above sign manufacturer's recommended 3. Longterm/Intermediate-term Signs may be used in lieu of Short-term/Short Duration signing. / procedures for attaching Sign 4. Short-term/Short Duration signs shall be used only during daylight and shall be removed at the end of the workday or raised to >L CD o o substrates to other types of appropriate Long-term/Intermediate sign height. o°y o e Sign Supports 5. Regulatory signs shall be mounted at least 7 feet, but not more than 9 feet, above the paved surface regardless of work duration. Nno u �F �C Suplplort ROAD SIZE OF SIGNS o>o � srotrudet O D 1. The Contractor shall furnish the sign sizes shown on BC (2) unless otherwise shown in the plans or as directed by the Engineer. p �!( SIGN SUBSTRATES 000w above sign r �o�� ` 0 0 O LE O OR Nails shall NOT 1. The Contractor shall ensure the sign substrate is installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations for the type of sign + + support that is being used. The CWZTCD lists each substrate that can be used on the different types and models of sign supports. o o wFi be allowed. 2. "Mesh" type materials are NOT on approved sign substrate, regardless of the tightness of the weave. n -x+ ������ AHEAD' Each sign 3. All wooden individual sign panels fabricated from 2 or more pieces shall have one or more plywood cleat, 1/2" thick by 6" wide, ~D ARE OUEW4 fastened to the back of the sign and extending fully across the sign. The cleat shall be attached to the back of the sign using wood 4-a o Sign supports shall shall be attached screws that do not penetrate the face of the sign panel. The screws shall be placed on both sides of the splice and spaced at 6" o a,c extend more than directly to the sign centers. The Engineer may approve other methods of splicing the sign face. 0 o° 1/2 way up the o REFLECTIVE SHEETING w 7 E a support. Multiple m bock of the sign 1. All signs shall be retroreflective and constructed of sheeting meeting the color and retro-reflectivity requirements of DMS-8300 a L"0substrate. - signs shall not be for rigid signs or DMS-8310 for roll-up signs. The web address for DMS specifications is shown on BC(1). u +a 2. White sheeting, meeting the requirements of DMS-8300 Type A, shall be used for signs with a white background. vI c FRONT ELEVATION joined or spliced by qsheeting, meeting Type TypeFL, shall be used for rigid o r o Wood, metal or 3. Orange the requirements of DMS-8300 BFLor C signs with orange backgrounds. any means. Wood SIGN LETTERS Fiber Reinforced Plastic supports shall not be 1. All sign letters and numbers shall be clear, and open rounded type uppercase alphabet letters as approved by the Federal Highway Splicing embedded perforated square metal tubing in order to extend post Administration (FHWA) and os published in the "Standard Highway Sign Design for Texas" manual. Signs, letters and numbers shall be of extended or repaired first class workmanship in accordance with Department Standards and Specifications. height will only be allowed when the splice is mode using four bolts, two SIDE ELEVATION above and two below the spice point. Splice must be located entirely behind by Splicing Or REMOVING OR COVERING the sign substrate, not near the base of the support. Splice insert lengths Wood other means. 1. When sign messages may be confusing or do not apply, the signs shall be removed or completely covered. should be at least 5 times nominal post size, centered on the splice and 2. Long-term stationary or intermediate stationary signs installed on square metal tubing may be turned away from traffic 90 degrees when of at least the some gouge material. the sign message is not applicable. This technique may not be used for signs installed in the median of divided highways or near any intersections where the sign may be seen from approaching traffic. 3. Signs installed on wooden skids shall not be turned at 90 degree angles to the roadway. These signs should be removed or completely STOP/SLOW PADDLES CONTRACTOR REQUIREMENTS FOR MAINTAINING PERMANENT SIGNS covered when not required. WITHIN THE PROJECT LIMITS 4. When signs are covered, the material used shall be opaque, such as heavy mil block plastic, or other materials which will cover the 1. STOP/SLOW paddles ore the primary method to control traffic entire sign face and maintain their opaque properties under automobile headlights at night, without damaging the sign sheeting. by flaggers. The STOP/SLOW paddle size should be 24" x 24" 5. Burlap shall NOT be used to cover signs. as detailed below. 1. Permanent signs ore used to give notice of traffic laws or regulations, call 6. Duct tape or other adhesive material shall NOT be affixed to a sign face. 2. When used at night, the STOP/SLOW paddle shall be attention to conditions that are potentially hazardous to traffic operations, 7. Signs and anchor stubs shall be removed and holes backfilled upon completion of work. retroreflectorized. show route designations, destinations, directions, distances, services, points SIGN SUPPORT WEIGHTS 3. STOP/SLOW paddles may be attached to a staff with a minimum of interest, and other geographical, recreational, or cultural information. 1. Where sign supports require the use of weights to keep from turning over, length of 6' to the bottom of the sign. Drivers proceeding through a work zone need the same, if not better route the use of sandbags with dry, cohesionless sand should be used. 4. Any lights incorporated into the STOP or SLOW paddle faces guidance as normally installed on a roadway without construction. SHEET 4 OF 12 2. The sandbags will be tied shut to keep the sand from spilling and to shall only be as specifically described in Section 6E.03 2. When permanent regulatory or warning signs conflict with work zone conditions, maintain a constant weight. _ Traffic g107Hand Signaling Devices in the TMUTCD. remove or cover the permanent signs until the permanent sign message matches 3. Rock, concrete, iron, steel or other solid objects shall not be permitted ® Operations the roadway condition. for use as sign support weights. Texas Department of Transportation Division q g p p Standard 3. When existing permanent signs are moved and relocated due to construction 4. Sandbags should weigh a minimum of 35 lbs and a maximum of 50 lbs. A n purposes, they shall be visible to motorists at all times. 5. Sandbags shall be made of a durable material that tears upon vehicular 4. If existing signs are to be relocated on their original supports, they shall be impact. Rubber (such as tire inner tubes) shall NOT be used. /77\ _ installed on crashworthy bases as shown on the SMD Standard sheets. The signs BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION 6. Rubber ballasts designed for channelizing devices should not be used for shall meet the required mounting heights shown on the BC Sheets or the SMD ballast on portable sign supports. Sign supports designed and manufactured R_IILINI74iii Standards. This work should be paid for under the appropriate pay item for with rubber bases may be used when shown on the CWZTCD list. TEMPORARY SIGN NOTES 24" 0 D8"C 24" S 8"B relocating existing signs. 7. Sandbags shall only be placed along or laid over the base supports of the 5. If permanent signs are to be removed and relocated using temporary supports, traffic control device and shall not be suspended above ground level or the Contractor shall use crashworthy supports as shown on the BC sheets or the hung with rope, wire, chains or other fasteners. Sandbags shall be placed CWZTCD. The signs shall meet the required mounting heights shown on the along the length of the skids to weigh down the sign support. R=2 3"B BC Sheets or the SMD Standards during construction. This work should be paid 8. Sandbags shall NOT be placed under the skid and shall not be used to level BC(� 4 , 1 4 s yl � „ for under the appropriate pay item for relocating existing signs. sign supports placed on slopes. V /B VdIr 6. Any sign or traffic control device that is struck or damaged by the Contractor FLAGS ON SIGNS FILE: bc-14.dgn DN: TxDOT IctoTxDOTIDw: TxDOT ICC:TxDOT orhis/herk constructionequipmentreplacedpossible ©TxDOT November 2002 CONT SECT oe HIGHWAY 24" IG 24" shall be as soon as bythe 1. Flags may be used to draw attention to warning signs. When used the flag Contractor to ensure proper guidance for the motorists. This will be subsidiary shall be 16 inches square or larger and shall be orange or fluorescent REVISIONS Background - Red Background-Orange to Item 502. red-orange in color. F l aanyDIST COUNTY SHEET NO. I--I Legend& Border -White Legend&Border - Block gFlags shall not be allowed to cover portion of 9-07 8-14 a.. the sign face. 7-13 o� WILLIAMSON 24 OF 135 98 I - Maximum LL 24" 2x6 Sign -f- Sign lb Sign Sign i Maximum 4x4 12 sq. ft. of I�skid Post Post 11 Post Post RI 21 sq, ft, of wood ,- sign face '' ■ sign face A Post 2x6 27„111 2x6 2x6 °°e °°e A °°e ^ Gtk°°e Tc / N I wNin���■i - G<°J�a li> G<°J�a Gt°J�� Gt°J 4x4 4° 4" 4" max. i,. o> 4x4 Y�: .� 9„ 4 1 9 -4-o wood 60" 4x4 max. ;, desirable desirable block max. o°uv, \ I post 72" I block :. y_ L0J l 18" LE 0+w S. 34" min, in Optional L•- ■ `j strongsoils, reinforcing 0 o qxq Length of skids may 48" z o Top minimum 55" min, in sleeve - Base o wood be increased for 34" min, in +vL additional stabilit weak soils. (1/2" larger See the CWZTCD Post See BC(4) post Y• strong soils, for embedment. °, than sign 55" min. in for sign Top a n,_ 2x4 x 40" 30" height P4^ �F See BC(4) post) x 18" weak soils. o c requirementN. 2x6 for sign 24" 2x4 brace Anchor Stub OC L height \� (1/4" larger Anchor Stub o 0 I k. requirement 3/8" bolts w/nuts than sign (1/4" larger o L v �,� III III Mlillifln _ or 3/8" x 3 1/2" post) > than sign o°c o IQ�I6 (min.) lag Post) /ii....-------2 ° �I1 screws o 40" IFr �x4 block 4x4 block OPTION 1 OPTION 2 OPTION 3 c w o 36" (Direct Embedment) (Anchor Stub) (Anchor Stub and ReinforcingSleeve)) '00N Front Side Side WING CHANNEL ,�oj PERFORATED SQUARE METAL TUBING Lap-splice/base SKID MOUNTED WOOD SIGN SUPPORTS LONG/INTERMEDIATE TERM STATIONARY - PORTABLE SKID MOUNTED SIGN SUPPORTS 0 GROUND MOUNTED SIGN SUPPORTS WL Refer to the CWZTCD and the manufacturer's installation procedure for each type sign support. L d o The maximum sign square footage shall adhere to the manufacturer's recommendation. r o c Two post installations can be used for larger signs. n+•- v 3 L 16 sq. ft. or less of any rigid sign 1 1/2„ WEDGE ANCHORS L 0 substrate listed in section J.2.d of �� Both steel and plastic Wedge Anchor Systems as shown v v,L 9 sq. ft. or less Dia. (typ) >o o the CWZTCD, except 5/8" plywood, on the SMD Standard Sheets may be used os temporary o a 10mm extruded O)L 0) 1/2" plywood is ollowed. sign supports for signs up to 10 square feet of sign w a o thinwall plastic q, face. They may be set in concrete or in sturdy soils T L sign only if approved by the Engineer. (See web address for Do° "Traffic Engineering Standard Sheets" on BC(1)). 0 L L . 4_ 0 3/8" x 3" gr. 5 bolt 18" 0`OL •, — WWWWWW (2 per support) joining OTHER DESIGNS y 1-o sign panel and supports 0 O o T, 14 MORE DETAILS OF APPROVED LONG/INTERMEDIATE + 0 AND SHORT TERM SUPPORTS CAN BE FOUND ON THE ,L. Direction CWZTCD LIST. SEE BC(1) FOR WEBSITE LOCATION. o n°O of Traffic O N 0-00 00 1 3/4" x 1 3/4" x 11 foot GENERAL NOTES Lu 3E0 A -i 12 ga post "_"_ _ 0 N N M (DO NOT SPLICE) 1 3/4 " x 1 3/4 " x 129" Nominal Number Maximum Minimum Drilled 1. Nails may be used in the assembly of wooden sign ~L.) Q+ (hole to hole) 12 go. support Post of Sq. feet of Soil Hole(s) supports, but 3/8" bolts with nuts or 3/8" x 3 1/2" 0 pes into sleeve Size Posts Sign Face Embedment Required lag screws must be used on every joint for final o Y o 1 3/4" galy, round connection. with 5/16" holes _ 4 x 4 1 12 36" NO or 1 3/4" x 1 3/4" A N 4 x 4 2 _ 21 _ 36" NO 2. No more than 2 sign posts shall be placed within a square tubing 1 3/4 x 1 3/4 x 52" (hole - 4 x 6 1 21 36" YES 7 ft. circle, except for specific materials noted on the to hole) 12 ga. squore perforated 4 x 6 2 36 36" YES CWZTCD List. Upright must tubing diagonal brace - telescope to . .. -'-'-'-'�' 3. When project is completed, all sign supports and provide 7' height WOOD POST SYSTEM FOR GROUND foundations shall be removed from the project site. above pavement 48„ ��° ° This will be considered subsidiary to Item 502. 1 3/4 " x 1 3/4 " x 32" (hole MOUNTED SIGN SUPPORTS • to hole) 12 ga, square perforated A. v tubing cross brace v co i ®� ElSee BC(4) for definition of "Work Duration." 5. PeAr ; • 3/8" X 4-1/2 gr. 9a v * Wood sign posts MUST be one piece. Splicing will � �� 5 BOLT (TYP.) w F _-_--x NOT be allowed. Posts shall be painted white. 14?"Iffr N IF N N A See the CWZTCD for the type of sign substrate %i pin at angle " o o • that con be used for each approved sign support. tll i Q}3/8 X 3" gr. needed to v v v v v li 5 bolt > match sideslope1 3/4 x 1 3/4 x 129" SHEET S OF 12 36" l • (hole to hole)2.5' , w Traffic > I1' 0 7/16 12 ga, square ® Operations to start on n perforated A" Division _v_m ,Texas Department of Transportation Standard opposite sides tubing upright going in opposite 3" directions. Minimum __ weld, do not 48 -2" x 2" x Completely welded bock fillpuddle. 12 go. 2" x 2" x 59" BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION weld upright around tubing v (hole to hole) TYPICAL SIGN SUPPORT weld 12 ga. perforated \[i//f8lelds weld starts here ° starts '� tubing skid 2" x 2" x 8" here weld I 5• I (hole to hole) 12 ` {SINGLE LEG BASE I 32 I ,N� perforated BC (5) - 14 Side View k >; tubing sleeve welded to skid FILE: bc-14.dgn ON, TxDOT Ic-:TxDOTIDw: TxDOT ICo:TxDOT 60" ©TxDOT November 2002 CONT SECT JOB HIGHWAY w SKID MOUNTED PERFORATED SQUARE STEEL TUBING SIGN SUPPORTS 9 07 81E41SIONS W. I-J DIST COUNTY SHEET N0. p� 7-13 WILIIMiSON 25 OF135 991 WHEN NOT IN USE, REMOVE THE PCMS FROM THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OR PLACE THE PCMS RECOMMENDED PHASES AND FORMATS FOR PCMS MESSAGES DURING ROADWORK ACTIVITIES BEHIND BARRIER OR GUARDRAIL WITH SIGN PANEL TURNED PARALLEL TO TRAFFIC (The Engineer may approve other messages not specifically covered here. ) PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGNS T c 1. The Engineer/Inspector shall approve all messages usedon portable changeable message signs (PCMS). Phase 1 : Condition Lists Phase 2: Possible Component Lists w L 2. Messages on PCMS should contain no more than 8 words (about four to T� eight characters per word), not including simple words such as "T0," Action to Take/Effect on Travel Location Warning ** Advance u a; "FOR," "AT," c. Road/Lane/Ramp Closure osure List st Other Condition List et o a, 3. Messages should consist of a single phase, or two phases that List List List Notice List 0c7 alternate. Three phone messages are not allowed. Each phase of the FREEWAY FRONTAGE ROADWORK ROAD MERGE FORM AT SPEED TUE-FRI 3}+ message should convey a single thought, and must be understood by o0o' itself. CLOSED ROAD XXX FT REPAIRS RIGHT X LINES FM XXXX LIMIT XX AM- ZL 4. Use the word "EXIT" to refer to an exit romp on a freeway; i.e., X MILE CLOSED XXXX FT RIGHT XX MPH X PM •�4- "EXIT CLOSED." Do not use the term "RAMP." +=0 5. Always use the route or interstate designation (IH, US, SH, FM) ROAD SHOULDER FLAGGER LANE DETOUR USE BEFORE MAXIMUM APR XX- along with the number when referring to a roadway. CLOSED CLOSED XXXX FT NARROWS NEXT XXXXX RAILROAD SPEED XX 6. When in use the bottom of a stationary PCMS message panel should be 007 AT SH XXX XXX FT XXXX FT X EXITS RD EXIT CROSSING XX MPH X PM-X AM 0 e a minimum 7 feet above the roadway, where possible. ooL 7. The message term "WEEKEND" should be used only if the work is to ROAD RIGHT LN RIGHT LN TWO-WAY USE USE EXIT NEXT MINIMUM BEGINS L L a start on Saturday morning and end by Sunday evening at midnight. a00, Actual days and hours of work should be displayed on the PCMS if work CLSD AT CLOSED NARROWS TRAFFIC EXIT XXX I-XX X SPEED MONDAY onc0 C E is to begin on Friday evening and/or continue into Monday morning. FM XXXX XXX FT XXXX FT XX MILE NORTH MILES XX MPH LW'o 8. The Engineer/Inspector may select one of two options which are avail- c7o able for displaying a two-phase message on a PCMS. Each phase may be RIGHT X RIGHT X MERGING CONST STAY ON USE PAST ADVISORY BEGINS •�oa displayed for either four seconds each or for three seconds each. LANES LANES TRAFFIC TRAFFIC US XXX I-XX E US XXX SPEED MAY XX 1- 9. Do not "flash" messages or words included in a message. The message CLOSED OPEN XXXX FT XXX FT SOUTH TO I-XX N EXIT XX MPH y o. should be steady burn or continuous while displayed. x 1-L 10. Do not present redundant information on a two-phase message; i.e., keeping two lines of the message the same and changing the third line. CENTER DAYTIME LOOSE UNEVEN TRUCKS WATCH XXXXXXX RIGHT MAY X-X LW 11. Do not use the word "Danger" in message. LANE LANE GRAVEL LANES USE FOR TO LANE XX PM - L>L 12. Do not display the message "LANES SHIFT LEFT" or "LANES SHIFT RIGHT" CLOSED CLOSURES XXXX FT XXXX FT US XXX N TRUCKS XXXXXXX EXIT XX AM +o 0 on a PCMS. Drivers do not understand the message. at- 13. Do not display messages that scroll horizontally or vertically across NIGHT I-XX SOUTH DETOUR ROUGH WATCH EXPECT US XXX USE NEXT L a L the face of the sign. LANE EXIT X MILE ROAD FOR DELAYS TO CAUTION FRI-SUN cc 3- 14. The following table lists abbreviated words and two-word phrases that CLOSURES CLOSED XXXX FT TRUCKS FM XXXX a,N a L ore acceptable for use on a PCMS. Both words in a phrase must be oa displayed together. Words or phrases not on this list should not be VARIOUS EXIT XXX ROADWORK ROADWORK EXPECT PREPARE DRIVEL__ XX AM 7+ abbreviated, unless shown in the TMUTCD. 0ao LANES CLOSED PAST NEXT DELAYS TO SAFELY TO E 15. PCMS character height should be at least 18 inches for trailer mounted Dow units. They should be visible from at least 1/2 (.5) mile and the text CLOSED X MILE SH XXXX FRI SUN STOP XX PM o should be legible from of least 600 feet at night and 800 feet in coo, daylight. Truck mounted units must have a character height of 10 inches EXIT RIGHT LN BUMP US XXX REDUCE END DRIVE NEXT y-o and must be legible from at least 400 feet. CLOSED TO BE XXXX FT EXIT SPEED SHOULDER WITH TUE 16. Each line of text should be centered on the message board rather than 0 CLOSED X MILES XXX FT USE CARE AUG XX 0)o o left or right justified. 17. If disabled, the PCMS should default to an illegible display that will MALL X LANES TRAFFIC LANES USE WATCH TONIGHT +TD not alarm motorists and will only be used to alert workers that the ono PCMS has malfunctioned. A pattern such as a series of horizontal solid DRIVEWAY CLOSED SIGNAL SHIFT * OTHER FOR XX PM- a,.o bars is appropriate. CLOSED TUE - FRI XXXX FT ROUTES WORKERS XX AM .... w7Ea M GL LO y XXXXXXXX STAY JH L IN v c+ WORD OR PHRASE ABBREVIATION WORD OR PHRASE ABBREVIATION CLOSED D * LANES SHIFT in Phase 1 must be used with STAY IN LANE in Phase 2. LANE **See Application Guidelines Note 6. -v Y O Access Rood ACCS RD Major MAJ Alternate ALT Miles MI Avenue AVE Miles Per Hour MPH Best Route BEST RTE Minor MNR APPLICATION GUIDELINES WORDING ALTERNATIVES Boulevard BLVD Monday MON 1. Only 1 or 2 phases are to be used on a PCMS. 1. The words RIGHT, LEFT and ALL can be interchanged as appropriate. Bridge BRDG Normal NORM 2. The 1st phase (or both) should be selected from the 2. Roadway designations IH, US, SH, FM and LP con be interchanged as Cannot CANT North N "Rood/Lane/Ramp Closure List" and the "Other Condition List", appropriate. Center CTR Northbound (route) N 3. A 2nd phase can be selected from the "Action to Take/Effect 3. EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH (or abbreviations E, W, N and S) can Construction Parking PKING on Travel, Location, General Warning, or Advance Notice be interchanged as appropriate. Ahead CONST AHD Road RD g Phase Lists". 4. Highway names and numbers replaced as appropriate. CROSSING XING Right Lane RT LN 4. A Location Phase is necessary only if a distance or location 5. ROAD, HIGHWAY and FREEWAY can be interchanged as needed. Detour Route DETOUR RTE Saturday SAT is not included in the first phase selected. 6. AHEAD may be used instead of distances if necessary. Do Not DONT Service Rood SERV RD 5. If two PCMS are used in sequence, they must be separated by 7. FT and MI, MILE and MILES interchanged as appropriate. East E Shoulder SHLDR a minimum of 1000 ft. Each PCMS shall be limited to two phases, 8. AT, BEFORE and PAST interchanged as needed. Eastbound (route) E Slippery SLIP and should be understandable by themselves. 9. Distances or AHEAD con be eliminated from the message if a Emergency EMER South 5 6. For advance notice, when the current date is within seven days location phase is used. Emergency Vehicle EMER VEH _Southbound (route) S of the actual work date, calendar days should be replaced with Entrance, Enter ENT Speed SPD days of the week. Advance notification should typically be for Express Lane EXP LN Street ST Expressway EXPWY no more than one week prior to the work. Sunday SUN XXXX Feet XXXX FT Telephone PHONE SHEET 6 OF 12 Fog Ahead FOG AHD Temporary TEMP Traffic Freeway FRWY, FWY Thursday THURS PCMS SIGNS WITHIN THE R.O.W. SHALL BE BEHIND GUARDRAIL OR gg#P4 Operations Freeway Blocked FWY BLKD To Downtown TO DWNTN CONCRETE BARRIER OR SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF FOUR (4) ,Texas Department ofTransportation Standaarci Friday FRI Traffic TRAF Hazardous Driving HAZ DRIVING Travelers TRVLRS PLASTIC DRUMS PLACED PERPENDICULAR TO TRAFFIC ON THE Hazardous Material HAZMAT Tuesday TOES UPSTREAM SIDE OF THE PCMS, WHEN EXPOSED TO ONE DIRECTION High-Occupancy HOV Time Minutes TIME MIN OF TRAFFIC. WHEN EXPOSED TO TWO WAY TRAFFIC, THE FOUR DRUMS BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCT ION Vehicle HWY Upper Level UPR LEVEL PORTABLE CHANGEABLE Highway Vehicles (s) VEH, VEHS SHOULD BE PLACED WITH ONE DRUM AT EACH OF THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE UNIT. Hours) HR, HRS Warning WARN Information INFO Wednesday WED FULL MATRIX PCMS SIGNS MESSAGE SIGN (PCMS) It Is ITS Weight Limit WT LIMIT Junction JCT West W 1. When Full Matrix PCMS signs ore used, the character height and legibility/visibility requirements shall be maintained os listed in Note 15 under "PORTABLE Left LFT Westbound (route) W CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGNS" above. BC (6) - 14 Left Lane LFT LN Wet Pavement WET PVMT 2. When symbol signs, such as the "Flogger Symbol"(CW20-7) are represented graphically on the Full Matrix PCMS sign and, with the approval of the Engineer, it Lane Closed LN CLOSED Will Not WONT shall maintain the legibility/visibility requirement listed above. FILE: bc-14.dgn ON, TxDOT IcK:TxDOTIDW, TxDOT Ico:TxDOT Lower Level LWR LEVEL 3. When symbol signs are represented graphically on the Full Matrix PCMS, they shall only supplement the use of the static sign represented, and shall not substitute ©TxDOT November 2002 CONY SECT JOB HIGHWAY Maintenance MA I NT for, or replace that sign. REVISIONS w w Roadway 4. A full matrix PCMS may be used to simulate a flashing arrow board provided it meets the visibility, flash rate and dimming requirements on BC(7), for the 9-07 8-14 DIST COUNTY SHEET NO. < designation u IH-number, US-number, SH-number, FM-number same size arrow. 7-13 WIWAMSON 260F135 in u- 100 1. Borrier Reflectors shall be pre-qualified, and conform to the color and Barrier Reflector on reflectivity requirements of DMS-8600. A list of prequalified Barrier Arrow Boards may be located behind channelizing devices in place for a shoulder 16" tall plastic bracket taper or merging taper, otherwise theyg Reflectors can be found at the Material Producer List web address g 9 shall be delineated with four (4) channelizing shown on BC(1). devices placed perpendicular to traffic on the upstream side of traffic. 2. Color of Barrier Reflectors shall be as specified in the TMUTCD. The c o cost of the reflectors shall be considered subsidiary to Item 512. 0•- 16' 1. The Flashing Arrow Board should be used for all lane closures on multi-lane roadways, or slow 4-L moving maintenance or construction activities on the travel lanes. ow 2. Flashing Arrow Boards should not be used on two-lane, two-way roadways, detours, diversions +o Max. spacing of barrier or work on shoulders unless the "CAUTION" display (see detail below) is used. ouw reflectors is 20 feet. 3. The Engineer/Inspector shall choose all appropriate signs, barricades and/or other traffic LE Attach the delineators as per control devices that should be used in conjunction with the Flashing Arrow Board. 0++ Barrier 4. The Flashing Arrow Board should be able to display the following symbols: Reflectors manufacturer's recommendations. L•- 00 z 4-E Lo 11 LOW PROFILE CONCRETE BARRIER (LPCB) 1-_0 a•-C an+ • • 0 e- • •• •• a C 7 -O." • • • CONCRETE TRAFFIC BARRIER (CTB) am CO See D & OM (VIA) • • • a C • • °'C E 3. Where traffic is on one side of the CTB, two (2) Barrier Reflectors • • OR '-Co shall be mounted in approximately the midsection of each section of CTB. • • • L D o An alternate mounting location is uniformly spaced at one end of each �ilk�i� • • • • a CTB. This will allow for attachment of a barrier grapple without Install a minimum of •• • ' • • • • 0 0 0 damaging the reflector. The Barrier Reflector mounted on the side of 3 Barrier Reflectors • • • c 1-- the CTB shall be located directly below the reflector mounted on top of as per manufacturer's • • 000 the barrier, as shown in the detail above. 4 CORNER CAUTION o x d 4011111111' recommendations. ALTERNATING DIAMOND CAUTION • • x L 4. Where CTB separates two-way traffic, three barrier reflectors shall be I 1- + mounted on each section of CTB. The reflector unit on top shall have W CDLL two yellow reflective faces (Bi-Directional)while the reflectors on each .0>L side of the barrier shall have one yellow reflective face, as shown in +o° the detai I above. DELINEATION OF END TREATMENTS • • • • • • TW 2),- 5. When CTB separates traffic traveling in the some direction, no barrier • • • • • • v C L reflectors will be required on top of the CTB. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • c 3O 6. Borrier Reflector units shall be yellow or white in color to match END TREATMENTS FOR • • • • • • C C0 L the edge)ine being supplemented. CTB'S USED • • • • • • 00 0.° 7. Maximum spacing of Barrier Reflectors is forty (40) feet. I N WORK ZONES DOUBLE ARROW LEFT & RIGHT °D. 8. Pavement markers or temporary flexible-reflective roadway marker tabs CHEVRON ARROW u,o E shall NOT be used as CTB delineation. End treatments used on CTB's in work LEFT & RIGHT c o v 9. Attachment of Barrier Reflectors to CTB shall be per manufacturer's zones shall meet crashworthy standards L o° recommendations. as defined in the National Cooperative vV oL Lw 10.Missing or damaged Barrier Reflectors shall be replaced as directed 5. The "CAUTION" display consists of four corner lamps flashing simultaneously, or the Alternating 04-EHighway Research Report 350. Refer to Diamond Caution mode as shown. + by the Engineer, the CWZTCD List for approved end u,o .Single slope barriers shall .° )) be delineated as shown on the above detail 6. The straight line caution display is NOT ALLOWED. Co o treatments and manufacturers. 7. The Flashing Arrow Board shall be capable of minimum 50 percent dimming from rated lamp voltage. L I-+ The flashing rate of the lamps shall not be less than 25 nor more than 40 flashes per minute. +TDL 8. Minimum lamp "on time" shall be approximately 50 percent for the flashing arrow and equal BARRIER REFLECTORS FOR CONCRETE TRAFFIC BARRIER AND ATTENUATORS intervals of 25 percent for each sequential phase of the flashing chevron. v o 9. The sequential arrow display is NOT ALLOWED. ce CO 0+ 10. The flashing arrow display is the TxDOT standard; however, the sequential Chevron lal m 0 E u display may be used during daylight operations. a r 0 ID 11. The Flashing Arrow Board shall be mounted on a vehicle, trailer or other suitable support. o .0 WARNING LIGHTS c� v+ 12. A Flashing Arrow Board SHALL NOT BE USED to laterally shift traffic. w 13. A full matrix PCMS may be used to simulate a Flashing Arrow Board provided it meets visibility, Cc .Y 0 1. Warning lights shall meet the requirements of the TMUTCD. flash rate and dimming requirements on this sheet for the same size arrow. 2. Warning lights shall NOT be installed on barricades. 14. Minimum mounting height of trailer mounted Arrow Boards should be 7 feet from roadway 3. Type A-Low Intensity Flashing Warning Lights are commonly used with drums. They are intended to warn of or mark a potentially hazardous to bottom of panel. area. Their use shall be as indicated on this sheet and/or other sheets of the plans by the designation "FL". The Type A Warning Lights shall not be used with signs manufactured with Type BFLor Ca Sheeting meeting the requirements of Departmental Material Specification DMS-8300. 4. Type-C and Type D 360 degree Steady Burn Lights are intended to be used in a series for delineation to supplement other traffic control REQUIREMENTS O O devices. Their use shall be as indicated on this sheet and/or other sheets of the plans by the designation "SB". MINIMUM 5. The Engineer/Inspector or the plans shall specify the location and type of warning lights to be installed on the traffic control devices. MINIMUM MINIMUM NUMBER TYPE VISIBILITY 6. When required bythe Engineer, the Contractor shall furnish a copy of the warninglights certification. The warninglight manufacturer will SIZE OF PANEL LAMPS ATTENTION q g g g DISTANCE WHEN NOT IN USE, REMOVE Ir '. certify the warning lights meet the requirements of the latest ITE Purchase Specifications for Flashing and Steady-Burn Warning Lights. Flashing Arrow Boards THE ARROW BOARD FROM THE 7. When used to delineate curves, Type-C and Type D Steady Burn Lights should only be placed on the outside of the curve, not the inside. B 30 x 60 13 3/4 mile shall be equipped with RIGHT-OF-WAY OR PLACE THE 8. The location of warning lights and warning reflectors on drums shall be as shown elsewhere in the plans. C 48 x 96 15 1 mile automatic dimming devices. ARROW BOARD BEHIND CONCRETE TRAFFIC BARRIER OR GUARDRAIL. Type C Warning Light or WARNING LIGHTS MOUNTED ON PLASTIC DRUMS approved substitute mounted on a 1. Type A flashing warning lights are intended to warn drivers that they are approaching or are in a potentially hazardous area. drum adjacent to the travel way. 2. Type A random flashing warning lights are not intended for delineation and shall not be used in a series. FLASHING ARROW BOARDS 3. A series of sequential flashing warning lights placed on channelizing devices to form a merging taper may be used for delineation. If used, the successive flashing of the sequential warning lights should occur from the beginning of the taper to the end of the merging taper in order to identify the desired vehicle path. The rate of flashing for each light shall be 65 flashes per minute, plus or minus 10 flashes. 4. Type C and D steady-burn warning lights are intended to be used in a series to delineate the edge of the travel lane on detours, on lane SHEET 7 OF 12 changes, on lane closures, and on other similar conditions. 5. Type A, Type C and Type D warning lights shall be installed at locations as detailed on other sheets in the plans. ® Traffic 6. Warning lights shall not be installed on a drum that has a sign, chevron or vertical panel. Operations TransportationDivision 7. The maximum spacing for warning lights on drums should be identical to the channelizing device spacing. TRUCK MOUNTED ATTENUATORS ,Texas Department of Standard o WARNING REFLECTORS MOUNTED ON PLASTIC DRUMS AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR TYPE C (STEADY BURN) WARNING LIGHTS 1. Truck-mounted attenuators (TMA) used on TxDOT facilities must meet the requirements outlined in the Notional BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION 1. A warning reflector or approved substitute may be mounted on a plastic drum as a substitute for a Type C, steady burn warning light at the Cooperative Highway Research Report No. 350 (NCHRP 3501 discretion of the Contractor unless otherwise noted in the plans. or the Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH). ARROW PANEL, REFLECTORS, 2. The warning reflector shall be yellow in color and shall be manufactured using a sign substrate approved for use with plastic drums listed 2. Refer to the CWZTCD for the requirements of Level 2 or on the CWZTCD. Level 3 TMAs. WARNING LIGHTS & AT TENUATOR 3. The warning reflector shall have o minimum retroreflective surface area (one-side) of 30 square inches. 3. Refer to the CWZTCD for a list of approved TMAs. 4. Round reflectors shall be fullyreflectorized, includingthe area where attached to the drum. 4. TMAs ore required on freeways unless otherwise noted Warning reflector may be round in the plans. or square.Must have a yellow 5. Square substrates must hove a minimum of 30 square inches of reflectorized sheeting. They do not have to be reflectorized where it Y 5. A TMA should be used anytime that it can be positioned /+ ( 7 `1 attaches to the drum. BC reflective surface area of at least 30 to 100 feet in advance of the area of crew exposure 6. The side of the warning reflector facing approaching traffic shall have sheeting meeting the color and retroref)ectivity requirements for y g EaE: be 14.dgn ow: TxDOT cK:TxDOT ow: TxDOT cK:TxDOT 30 square inches without adverse) affecting the work performance. DMS 8300-Type B or Type C. 6. The only reason a TMA should not be required is when a work 7. When used near two-way traffic, both sides of the warning reflector shall be reflectorized. area is spread down the roadway and the work crew is an ©TxDOT November 2002 CONT SECT JOB HIGHWAY 8. The warning reflector should be mounted on the side of the handle nearest approaching traffic. extended distance from the TMA. REVISIONS LO 9. The maximum spacing for warning reflectors should be identical to the channelizing device spacing requirements. 9-07 8-14 DIST COUNTY SHEET NO. p E, 7-13 w1LLL MSON 27 OF 135 loll GENERAL NOTES 1. For long term stationary work zones on freeways, drums shall be used as Handle 18" min the primary channelizing device. 2. For intermediate term stationary work zones on freeways, drums should be Top should not 9/16" dia. (typ) used as the primary channelizing device but may be replaced in tangent allow collection I 7for mounting c o sections by vertical panels, or 42" two-piece cones. In tangent sections of water or ` signs and w0 one-piece cones may be used with the approval of the Engineer but only debris I 0 warning lights o i if personnel are present on the project at all times to maintain the --A T� }o cones in proper position and location. 4" max a°m 3. For short term stationary work zones on freeways, drums are the preferred 4" min LWD L channelizing device but may be replaced in tapers, transitions and tangent 8" max - i� Each drum shall have 3`+ sections by vertical panels, two-piece cones or one-piece cones as (tyP) a minimum of 2 orange o o E approved by the Engineer. and 2 white stripes Z4. Drums and all related items shall comply with the requirements of the 18" x 24" Sign 12" x 24" T° using Type A retro- .+w current version of the "Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices" (Maximum Sign Dimension) Vertical Panel P 2" max reflective sheeting mount with diagonals +-o, (TMUTCD) and the "Con"Compliant Work Zone Traffic Control Devices List" Chevron CW1 8, Opposing Traffic Lane P°.-c with the top stripe Divider, Drivewaysign D7Oa, Keep Right-ID- (CWZTCD). (t p.l 9 9 sloping down towards a:•a± 5. Drums, bases, and related materials shall exhibit good workmanship and y being orange. R4 series or other signs as approved travel way o 0 shall be free from objectionable marks or defects that would adversely C o by Engineer u e L affect their appearance or serviceability. m m L L en 6. The Contractor shall hove a maximum of 24 hours to replace any plastic To iv o o, drums identified for replacement by the Engineer/Inspector. The replace- r Plywood, Aluminum or Metal sign m0 o ment device must be an approved device. substrates sha l I NOT be used on °EO GENERAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS plastic drums N 7 0 c N o 0 0 0 Pre-qualified plastic drums shall meet the following requirements: Taper to allow Lu o 1. Plastic drums shall be a two-piece design; the "body" of the drum shall for stacking a 000 o m be the top portion and the "base" shall be the bottom. minimum of 5 XFL 2. The body and base shall lock together in such a manner that the body x ---__ drums SIGNS, CHEVRONS, AND VERTICAL PANELS MOUNTED 1- separates from the base when impacted by a vehicle traveling at a speed E _ - _��- ON PLASTIC DRUMS L S of 20 MPH or greater but prevents accidental separation due to normal Base (36" }v Lo handling and/or air turbulence created by passing vehicles. v dia. max) T 00 c 3. Plastic drums shall be constructed of lightweight flexible, and n u' deformable materials. The Contractor shall NOT use metal drums or 0 3 L single piece plastic drums as channelization devices or sign supports. 1. Signs used on plastic drums shall be manufactured using c w This detail is not intended L v 4. Drums shall present a profile that is a minimum of 18 inches in width substrates listed on the CWZTCD. N N L for fabrication. See note 3 >o o 0t the 36 inch height when viewed from any direction. The height of 0 0. and the CWZTCD list for a'L N drum unit (body installed on base) shall be a minimum of 36 inches and t CW1-6L 2. Chevrons and other work zone signs with an orange background 24 providers of approved BF'. or Type CFLOrange N a o a maximum of 42 inches. I' shall be manufactured with Type •- e h Detectable Pedestrian T L 5. The top of the drum shall have a built-in handle for easy pickup and sheeting meeting the color and retroreflectivity requirements L o N shall be designed to drain water and not collect debris. The handle A A of DMS-8300, "Sign Face Material," unless otherwise °L L shall have a minimum of two widely spaced 9/16 inch diameter holes to v specified in the plans. o w t allow attachment of a warning light, warning reflector unit or approved woo compliant sign. 12, ` 3. Vertical Panels shall be manufactured with orange and white 6. The of the drum body haveminimum of four alternating / sheeting meeting the requirements of DMS 8300 Type A N +° exterior shall a Continuous smooth El--- orange and white retroreflective circumferential stripes not less than Diagonal stripes on Vertical Panels shall slope down toward + a rail for hand trailing w n L 4 inches nor greater than 8 inches in width. Any non-reflectorized v 36" II I the intended traveled lane. o a space between any two adjacent stripes shall not exceed 2 inches in VA riA ..N v o width. I 4. Other sign messages (text or symbolic) may be used as w 7 E y8" approved by the Engineer. Sign dimensions shall not exceed f 7. Bases shall have a maximum width of 36 inches, a maximum height of 4 36^ 9 9 . C0 co / 18 inches in width or 24 inches in height, except for the R9 -'L.-.- inches, and a minimum of two footholds of sufficient size to allow base L thethev series signs discussed in note 8 below. u v* to be held down while separating drum body from base. w 8. Plastic drums shall be constructed of ultra-violet stabilized, orange, a .x° high-density polyethylene (HDPE) or other approved material. 45 V��I� 5. Signs shall be installed using a 1/2 inch bolt (nominal) 9. Drum body shall have a maximum unballasted weight of 11 lbs. I/ I and nut, two washers, and one locking washer for each 10.Drum and base shall be marked with manufacturer's name and model number. connection. / 4" Orange \ I RETROREFLECTIVE SHEETING /4" White \ Detectable Edge 6. Mounting bolts and nuts shall be fully engaged and adequately torqued. Bolts should not extend more than 1/2 \ I;111 e inch beyond nuts. 1. The stripes used on drums shall be constructed of sheeting meeting the color and retroreflectivity requirements of Departmental Materials 7. Chevrons may be placed on drums on the outside of curves, Specification DMS-8300, "Sign Face Materials." Type A reflective . . on merging tapers or on shifting tapers. When used in these sheeting shall be supplied unless otherwise specified in the plans. 2" Max. locations they may be placed on every drum or Spaced not 2. The sheeting shall be suitable for use on and shall adhere to the drum more than on every third drum. A minimum of three (3) surface such that, upon vehicular impact, the sheeting Shall remain should be used at each location called for in the plans. adhered in-place and exhibit no delaminating, cracking, or loss of retroreflectivity other than that loss due to abrasion of the sheeting 8. R9 9, R9 10, R9 11 and R9 11a Sidewalk Closed signs which surface. are 24 inches wide may be mounted on plastic drums, with DIRECTION INDICATOR BARRICADE DETECTABLE PEDESTRIAN BARRICADES approval of the Engineer. 1. The Direction Indicator Barricade may be used in tapers, 1. When existing pedestrian facilities are disrupted, closed, or BALLAST transitions, and other areas where specific directional relocated in a TTC zone, the temporary facilities shall be guidance to drivers is necessary. detectable and include accessibility features consistent with 1. Unballasted bases shall be large enough to hold up to 50 lbs. of sand. 2. If used, the Direction Indicator Barricade should be used the features present in the existing pedestrian facility. SHEET 8 OF 12 This base, when filled with the ballast material, should weigh between in series to direct the driver through the transition and into 2. Where pedestrians with visual disabilities normally use the closed sidewalk, a device that is detectable by a person 0 Traffic 35 lbs (minimum) and 50 lbs (maximum). The ballast may be sand in one the intended travel lone. with a visual disability traveling with the aid of a long cane Operations to three sandbags separate from the base, sand in a sand-filled plastic 3. The Direction Indicator Barricade shall consist of One-Direction Division shall be placed aced across the full width of the closed osed sidewalk. ,Texas Department of Transportation base, or other ballasting devices as approved bythe Engineer. StackingLarge Arrow (CW1-6) sign in the size shown with a block arrowp p Standard 9pP 9 3. Detectable pedestrian barricades similar to the one pictured on a background of Type BFLor Type CFLOrange retroreflective sheeting of sandbags will be allowed, however height of sandbags above pavement above, longitudinal channelizing devices, some concrete above a rail with Type A retroreflective sheeting in alternating 4" surface may not exceed 12 inches. barriers, and wood or chain link fencing with a continuous white and orange stripes sloping downward at an angle of 2. Bases with built-in ballast shall weigh between 40 lbs. and 50 lbs. 45 degrees in the direction road users ore to poss. Sheeting types detectable edging can satisfactorily delineate a pedestrian BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION Built-in ballast con be constructed of an integral crumb rubber base or shall be as per DMS 8300. path. a solid rubber base. 4. Double arrows on the Direction Indicator Barricade will not be 4. Tape, rope, or plastic chain strung between devices are not 3. Recycled truck tire sidewalls may be used for ballast on drums approved allowed. detectable, do not comply with the design standards in the CHANNEL I Z I N G DEVICES for this type of ballast on the CWZTCD list. 5. Approved manufacturers are shown on the CWZTCD List. "Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines 4. The ballast shall not be heavy objects, water, or any material that Ballast shall be as approved by the manufacturers instructions. for Buildings and Facilities (ADAAG)" and should not be used would become hazardous to motorists, pedestrians, or workers when the as a control for pedestrian movements. 5. Warning lights shall not be attached to detectable pedestrian drum is struck by a vehicle. barricades. p/'� ( ) _ 1 A 5. When used in regions susceptible to freezing, drums shall have drainage 6. Detectable pedestrian barricades may use 8" nominal Cfl. v 1 �1 holes in the bottoms so that water will not collect and freeze becoming barricade rails as shown on BC(10) provided that the top FILE: be-14.dgn DN. TxDOT Co TxDOTIDw: TxDOT Co:TxDOT a hazard when struck by a vehicle. rail provides a smooth continuous rail suitable for hand ©T000T November 2002 CONT SECT JOB HIGHWAY 6. Ballast shall not be placed on top of drums. trailing with no splinters, burrs, or sharp edges. REVISIONS ,;iw 7. Adhesives may be used to secure base of drums to pavement. 4-03 7-13 I-_I DIST COUNTY SHEET NO. DE_ 9-07 8-14 WILLIAMSON 280F135 102 I I 8" to 12" 8" to 12" 8" to 12" 8" to 12" 12„ 1. The chevron shall be a vertical rectangle with a F. I'. "1 IL l' `I k 1 minimum size of 12 by 18 inches. � ,I� P. A 2. Chevrons are intended to give notice of a sharp GENERAL NOTES TT ° change of alignment with the direction of travel 1. Work Zone chonnelizing devices illustrated on this sheet may be installed c 0 3 and provide additional emphasis and guidance for in close proximity to traffic and ore suitable for use on high or low °.- ro 18" vehicle operators with regard to changes in speed roadways. The Engineer/Inspector shall ensure that spacing and o d 4, o' 4" Min. horizontal alignment of the roadway. placement is uniform and in accordance with the "Texas Manual on Uniform +o See 24 See Traffic Control Devices" (TMUTCD). 3. Chevrons, when used, shall be erected on the out 0 45'\ 4" note 7 min. 0 45, 4, note 7 side of a sharp curve or turn, or on the far side2. chonnelizing devices shown on this sheet may have a driveable, fixed or LL .o of on intersection. They shall be in line withportable base. The requirement for self-righting chonnelizing devices must 3.+ o A and at right angles to approaching traffic. be specified in the General Notes or other plan sheets. 0 0 0 4 c4 Spacing should be such that the motorist always 3. chonnelizing devices on self-righting supports should be used in work zone zN-E o `v! hos three in view, until the chan e in all nment areas where chonnelizing devices ore frequently impacted by errant vehicles ° VP 1Rg g or vehicle related wind all nment of the devices VP 1L V Neliminates its need. gustsmaking 9 channelizing difficult to maintain. Locations of these devices shall be detailed else- -rn Surface 4. To be effective, the chevron should be visible a•-c Fixed Base where in the plans. These devices shall conform to the TMUTCD and the + Mount Rigid 36" for at least 500 feet. _ w/ Approved Roadway E I "Compliant Work Zone Traffic Control Devices List" (CWZTCDI. °c Adhesive Base Surface Support o a 5. Chevrons shall be orange with o black nonreflec 4. The Contractor shall maintain devices in a clean condition and replace o N°L' il '"' / �� �,G five legend. Sheeting for the chevron shall be damaged, nonreflective, faded, or broken devices and bases as required by L L 0 retroreflective Type BELor Type CFLconforming to the Engineer/Inspector. The Contractor shall be required to maintain proper a rn Self-righting Departmental Material Specification DMS-8300, device spacing and alignment. o,c o 18" 12" minimum C E Support = unless noted otherwise. The legend shall meet the 5. Portable bases shall be fabricated from virgin and/or recycled rubber. The v o embedment V L 0 a requirements of DMS-8300. portable bases shall weigh a minimum of 30 lbs. w E L depth 6. Pavement surfaces shall be prepared in a manner that ensures proper bonding c.0 FIXED Fixed Base w/ Approved Adhesive 6. For Long Term Stationary use on tapers or •- 0,0 0 (Driveable Base, or Flexible transitions on freeways and divided highways C . (Rigid or self-righting) Support can be used) self-righting chevrons may be used to supplement Adhesives shall be prepared and applied according to the manufacturer's o 3 recommendations. wo. DRIVEABLE plastic drums but not to replace plastic drums. o x a 7. The installation and removal of channelizing devices shall not cause 0 L detrimental effects to the final pavement surfaces, including pavement .0 surface discoloration or surface integrity. Driveable bases shall not be O LO W L 1. Vertical Panels (VP's) are normally used to channelize CHEVRONS L>L traffic or divide opposing lanes of traffic. permitted on final pavement surfaces. The Engineer/Inspector shall approve o O 8" to 12" all application and removal procedures of fixed bases. 0 c 2. VP's may be used in daytime or nighttime situations. a o•- H They may be used at the edge of shoulder drop-offs and v 3 L other areas such as lane transitions where positive 0�"- daytime and nighttime delineation is required. The °'o n L Engineer/Inspector shall refer to the Roadway Design 0,,... 4„ Manual Appendix B "Treatment of Pavement Drop-offs in 7+ Work Zones" for additional guidelines on the use of a o.E 24" See VP's for drop-offs. - Minimum Suggested Maximum 0 0 min. note 7 36" 3. VP's should be mounted back to back if used at the edge Desirable Spacing of 0 4 min. of cuts adjacent to two-way two lane roadways. Stripes Posted Formula Taper Lengths chonnelizing c o w are to be reflective orange and reflective white and B Speed ** Devices oq should always slope downward toward the travel lane. 8 10' 11' 12' On a On a 0.0 4. VP's used on expressways and freeways or other high �, Offset Off set Off set Taper Tangent �o+° V speed roadways, may have more than 270 square inches , 30 2 150' 165' 180' 30' 60' + -0 of retroreflective area facing traffic. WS 35 L. 205' 225' 245' 35' -CDo 5. Self-righting supports are available with portable base. 60 _ 70' arc See "Compliant Work Zone Traffic Control Devices List" 40 265' 295' 320' 40' 80' m o+° 1 \ (CWZTCD). 1 45 450' 495' 540' 45' 90' m°E 6. Sheeting for the VP's shall be retroreflective Type A a L N- I 1 I I ' conforming to Departmental Material Specification DMS-8300, 50 500' 550' 600' 50' _ 100' U~D+ unless noted otherwise. 55 550' 605' 660' 55' 110' - L=WS c (Rigid or self-righting) 7. Where the height of reflective material on the vertical 0 ro panel is 36 inches or greater, o panel stripe of LONGITUDINAL CHANNELIZING DEVICES (LCD) 60 600' 660' 720' 60' 120' PORTABLE 6 inches shall be used. 65 650' 715' 780' 65' 130' 1. LCDs ore crashworthy, lightweight, deformable devices that are highly visible, hove good target value and con be 70 700' 770' 840' 70' 140' connected together. They ore not designed to contain or redirect o vehicle on impact. VERTICAL PANELS (VPs) 2. LCDs may be used instead of a line of cones or drums. 75 750' 825' 900' 75' 150' 3. LCDs shall be placed in accordance to application and installation requirements specific to the device, and 80 800' 880' 960' 80' 160' used only when shown on the CWZTCD list. - 4. LCDs should not be used to provide positive protection for obstacles, pedestrians or workers. **Taper lengths hove been rounded off. 5. LCDs shall be supplemented with retroreflective delineation as required for temporary barriers L=Length of Taper (FT.) W=Width of Offset (FT.) on BC(7) when placed roughly parallel to the travel lanes. s=Posted Speed (MPH) 1. Opposing Traffic Lane Dividers (OTLD) ore 6. LCDs used as barricades placed perpendicular to traffic should have at least one row of reflective delineation devices designed to convert a sheeting meeting the requirements for barricade rails as shown on BC(10) placed near the top of the SUGGESTED MAXIMUM SPACING OF normal one-way roadway section to two-way LCD along the full length of the device. CHANNELIZING DEVICES AND operation. OTLD's are used on temporary 12" CW6-4 centerlines. The upward and downward arrows MINIMUM DESIRABLE TAPER LENGTHS r 'I on the sign's face indicate the direction of WATER BALLASTED SYSTEMS USED AS BARRIERS n m A traffic on either side of the divider. The Panels base is secured to the pavement with an 1. Water ballasted systems used os barriers shall not be used solely to channelize rood users, but also to protect the mounted adhesive or rubber weight to minimize movement work space per the appropriate NCHRP 350 crashworthiness requirements based on roadwayseed and barrier application. back to back g p q p pp caused by a vehicle impact or wind gust. 2. Water ballasted systems used to channelize vehicular traffic shall be supplemented with retroreflective delineation SHEET 9 OF 12 18" or channelizing devices to improve daytime/nighttime visibility. They may also be supplemented with pavement markings. 2. The OTLD may be used in combination with 42" 3. Water ballasted systems used as barriers shall be placed in accordance to application and installation requirements Traffic cones or VPs. specific to the device, and used only when shown on the CWZTCD list. Operations Portable, 4. Water ballasted systems used as barriers should not be used for a merging toper t in ld (l than 45 MPH) Texas De artment of Trans ortation Division VV 36„ Fixed or 3. Spacing between the OTLD shall not exceed 500 y g g p exce p ow s pee ess P P Standard feet. 42" cones or VPsplaced between urban areas. When used on a taper in a low speed urban area, the taper shall be delineated and the taper length Driveable Base should be designed to optimize road user operations considering the available geometric conditions. may be used, the OTLD's should not exceed 100 foot spacing. 5. When water ballasted systems used as barriers have blunt ends exposed to traffic, they should be attenuated or may be 4. The OTLD shall be orange with a black non as per manufacturer recommendations or flared to a point outside the clear zone. BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION mountedreflective legend. Sheeting for the OTLD shall on drums. be retroreflective Type BFLor Type CFLconforming CHANNELIZING DEVICES Q - to Departmental Material Specification DMS-8300, If used to channelize pedestrians, longitudinal chonnelizing devices or water ballasted Jt unless noted otherwise. The legend shall meet systems must have a continuous detectable bottom for users of long canes and the top the requirements of DMS-8300. of the unit shall not be less than 32 inches in height. BC (9) - 14 HOLLOW OR WATER BALLASTED SYSTEMS USED AS FILE: bc-14.dgn DN: Tx00T ICK:TxDOTIDW: TxDOT Ic.:Tx0OT OPPOSING TRAFFIC LANE DIVIDERS (OTLD) LONGITUDINAL CHANNELIZING DEVICES OR BARRIERS (1)TxDOT November 2002 DNT SECT OB HIGHWAY REVISIONS F J 9-07 8-14 DIST COUNTY SHEET NO. -<u_ 7-1 3 WILLIAMSON 29 OF 135 11031 TYPE 3 BARRICADES Each roadway of a divided highway shall be NAME It ii 1. Where positive redirectional ROAD ADDRESS 1. Refer to the Compliant Work Zone Traffic Control Devices List (CWZTCD) barricaded in the some manner. R11-2 CITY 020-6T _ capability is provided, drums for details of the Type 3 Barricades and a list of of l materials CLOSED STATE used in the construction of Type 3 Barricades. CONTRACTOR --Q" may be omitted. T c M4-10L DETOUR _\= �' um.. Plastic construction fencing co 2. Type 3 Barricades shall be used at each end of construction maybe used with drums for °'�, projects closed to all traffic. ��� o 3. Barricades extending across a roadway should have stripes that slope Sr \ safety as required in the pions. >,cc downward in the direction toward which traffic must turn in detouring. �� '�� ���// - v 3. Vertical Panels on flexible support c° When both right and left turns ore provided, the chevron striping may a��— �� �I_ �s may be substituted for drums when the o ° slope downward in both directions from the center of the barricade. 1L__ 4 it /0 %1 ,. / Typical L v° /, ��i — shoulder width is less than 4 feet. Where no turns areprovided at a closed rood striping should slope - ,. ��j�� '- Plastic Drum LE+N p g p ? I�<r 4. When the shoulder width is greater w L+ downward in both directions toward the center of roadway. 4i/ ' —� J �i �- than 12 feet, steady-burn lights avo 4. Striping of rails, for the right side of the roadway, should slope —y �. PERSPECTIVE VIEW 0 downward to the left. For the left side of the roadway, striping may be omitted if drums are used. •.w should slope downward to the right. ,.-- / 30 feet These drums 5. Drums must extend the length 5. Identification markings may be shown only on the back of the _ are not required of the culvert widening. a 0- barricade rails. The maximum height of letters and/or company logos on one-way roadway 0 a± used for identification shall be 1". \ -os 6. Barricades shall not be placed parallel to traffic unless an adequate PERSPECTIVE VIEW Detour — LEGEND o a m clear zone is provided. Roadway en ° L w 7. Warning lights shall NOT be installed on barricades. A A 0 o m 8. Where barricades require the use of weights to keep from turning over, _ d Plastic drum c c E the use of sandbags with dry, cohesionless sand is recommended. The o o E L a,'0 sandbags will be tied shut to keep the sand from spilling and to The three rails on Type 3 barricades A y �— Plastic drum with steady burn light W 0 L maintain a constant weight. Sand bags shall not be stacked in a manner shall be reflectorized orange and 10' E o -v ®D \ or yellow warning reflector w° that covers any portion of a barricade rails reflective sheeting. reflective white stripes on one side w A c°°+ Rock, concrete, iron, steel or other solid objects will NOT be facing one-way traffic and both sides v L , w o. permitted. Sandbags should weigh a minimum of 35 lbs and a maximum of for two-way traffic. o + E S B Steady burn warning light 0 o CO 50 lbs. Sandbags shall be made of a durable material that tears upon ��� + CO D or yellow warning reflector x-L vehicular impact. Rubber (such as tire inner tubes) shall not be used Barricade striping should slant o 0 0 — downward in the direction of detour, 0 V ,o for sandbags. Sandbags shall only be placed along or upon the base E 0 d L a supports of the device and shall not be suspended above ground level E A II, Increase number of plastic drums on the +d o or hung with rope, wire, chains or other fasteners. E N o side of approaching traffic if the crown 0 0 1. Signs should be mounted on independent supports at a 7 foot - 0 E �1 T a c 9. Sheeting for barricades shall be retroreflective Type A conforming 8' max. length Type 3 Barricades E width makes it necessary. (minimum of 2 O to Departmental Material Specification DMS-8300 unless otherwise noted. mounting height in center of roadway. The signs should be a 0 n+•- a s o and maximum of 4 drums) minimum of 10 feet behind Type 3 Barricades. V -V e e siwo 2. Advance signing shall be as specified elsewhere in the plans. PLAN VIEW L S) o0 0 Barricades shall NOT PLAN VIEW o cp7+ be used as a sign support. TYPE 3 BARRICADE (POST AND SKID) TYPICAL APPLICATION Nao CULVERT WIDENING OR OTHER ISOLATED WORK WITHIN THE PROJECT LIMITS TL o w L Minimum 'DLL 8" Width of o°w nominol j Reflective THIS DEVICE SHALL NOT BE USED ON No �So ��y /� // / Sheeting 3 _4, CONES PROJECTS LET AFTER MARCH 2014. O 6' /6, 7 inches. ` 0o 1-4" min. orange }T0 TYPICAL STRIPING DETAIL FOR BARRICADE RAIL 2" min. 3" to 4" wn '0 ' 4" min. white 2'' o 0 4' min., 8' max. 3" 4" 2" min. ,mo+• ° r 1 �6" min. 4" min, orange Ji 2" waEN A 2„ min. y3"-4„ A T2" max. A 4„ -a,a_N Sr///////fir 2" min. . 3" min. 2" 42" EDGELINE a o• L o 4" min. 4" min. white — 4" 6" min. u D+ N 2" to 6" CHANNELIZER o ro Sr///////�- Q 28„ min. i 4,?m ni.n 3" min. o min. N Stiffener IP'///////Air 1 . 28 28" n \ FIDt rail min. min. v Stiffener may be inside or outside of support, but no more than , 1 j 1. This device is intended only for use in place of a vertical panel to 2 stiffeners shall be allowed on one barricade. channelize traffic by indicating the edge of the travel lane. It is not intended to be used in transitions or tapers. TYPICAL PANEL DETAIL Two-Piece cones One-Piece cones Tubular Marker 2. This device shall not be used to separate lanes of traffic (opposing or otherwise) or worn of objects. FOR SKID OR POST TYPE BARRICADES 3. This device is based on a 42 inch, two-piece cone with an alternate striping pattern: four 4 inch retroreflective bands, with an \\ Alternate 28" Cones Shall have a minimum weight of 9 1/2 lbs. approximate 2 inch gap between bands. The color of the band should / \Alternate correspond to the color of the edgeline (yellow for left edgeline, white for right edgeline) for which the device is substituted or for 42" 2-piece cones shall have a minimum weight of which it supplements. The reflectorized bands shall be retroreflective \ I / Approx. Drums, vertical panels or 42" cones 30 lbs. including base. Type A conforming to Departmental Material Specification DMS 8300, \ // Approx. unless otherwise noted. h 50' at 50' maximum spacing 50' 4. The base must weigh a minimum of 30 lbs. f )1 I 1. Traffic cones and tubular markers shall be predominantly orange, and SHEET 10 OF 12 Min. 2 drums Min. 2 drums meet the height and weight requirements shown above. ® Traffic or 1 Type 3 or 1 Type 3 2. One-piece cones have the body and base of the cone molded in one consolidated Operations barricade (ii, i barricade unit. Two-piecep body p cones have o cone shaped and a separate rubber base, Division STOCKPILE ,Texas Department of Transportation Standard y or ballast, that is added to keep the device upright and in place. 3. Two-piece cones may have a handle or loop extending up to 8" above the minimum I i / height shown, in order to aid in retrieving the device. // 4. Cones or tubular markers used at night shall have white or white and orange BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ p reflective bands as shown above. The reflective bands shall have a smooth, sealed On one-way roads Desirable outer surface and meet the requirements of Departmental Material Specification CHANNEL I Z I N G DEVICES downstream drums stockpile location DMS-8300 Type A. or barricade may be is outside Channelizing devices parallel to traffic 5. 28" cones and tubular markers are generally suitable for short duration and omitted here clear zone. should be used when stockpile is short-term stationary work os defined on BC(4). These should not be used within 30' from travel lane, for intermediate-term or long-term stationary work unless personnel is on-site to maintain them in their proper upright position. BC ( 1 0) — 1 4 a 6. 42" two-piece cones, vertical panels or drums are suitable for all work zone — durations. FILE: bc-14.dgn ON: TxDOT IER:TxDOTIow: TxDOT ICS:TxDOT 7. Cones or tubular markers used on each project should be of the same size (DTxDOT November 2002 EONS SECT DOB HIGHWAY and shape. REVISIONS OO��I�yy�� MHO). a_, TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR MATERIAL STOCKPILES 9-07- B 14 DIST wRlSAAMh sb't5HO). au_ 104 I WORK ZONE PAVEMENT MARKINGS Temporary Flexible-Reflective DEPARTMENTAL MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Roadway Marker Tabs PAVEMENT MARKERS (REFLECTORIZED) DMS-4200 Co GENERAL REMOVAL OF PAVEMENT MARKINGS TRAFFIC BUTTONS DMS-4300 0•w EPDXY AND ADHESIVES DMS-6100 o-L 1. The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining work zone and 1. Pavement markings that are no longer applicable, could create confusion 00 TOP VIEW FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW T c existing pavement markings, in accordance with the standard or direct a motorist toward or into the closed portion of the roadway BITUMINOUS ADHESIVE FOR PAVEMENT MARKERS DMS-6130 +o specifications and special provisions, on all roadways open to traffic shall be removed or obliterated before the roadway is opened to traffic. , L cow within the CSJ limits unless otherwise stated in the plans. 1 jjjj��j��j�j�j PERMANENT PREFABRICATED PAVEMENT MARKINGS DMS-8240 L L 2. The above shall not apply to detours in place for less than three 1) 0.. 2. Color, patterns and dimensions shall be in conformance with the days, where floggers and/or sufficient channelizing devices are used 2" TEMPORARY REMOVABLE, PREFABRICATED L•- PAVEMENT MARKINGS DMS-8241 00 "Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices" (TMUTCD). in lieu of markings to outline the detour route. Z" o TEMPORARY FLEXIBLE, REFLECTIVE T L 3. Additional supplemental pavement marking details may be found in the 3. Pavement markings shall be removed to the fullest extent possible, 1/2" DMS-8242 - 4"+ " t ROADWAY MARKER TABS plans or specifications, so as not to leave a discernable marking. This shall be by any method +-o' Adhesive pad a approved by TxDOT Specification Item 677 for "Eliminating Existing Height of sheeting .-,. 4. Pavement markings shall be installed in accordance with the TMUTCD g A list of prequalified reflective raised pavement markers, m w_ Pavement Markings and Markers". is usually more than non-reflective traffic buttons, roadwaymarker tabs and other OCD and as shown on the plans. ov 1/4" and less than 1". pavement markings can be found at the Material Producer List .a0 4. The removal of pavement markings may require resurfacing or seal g 5. Whenshort termmarkingsrequired theplans, short termweb address shown on BC(1). 00 ore on coating portions of the roadway as described in Item 677. L Lai markings shall conform with the TMUTCD, the plans and details as o o shown on the Standard Plan Sheet WZ(STPM). 5. Subject to the approval of the Engineer, any method that proves to be c Co successful on a particular type pavement may be used. STAPLES OR NAILS SHALL NOT BE USED TO SECURE L 0,0 6. When standard pavement markings are not in place and the roadway NJL is opened to traffic, DO NOT PASS signs shall be erected to mark 6. Blast cleaning may be used but will not be required unless specifically TEMPORARY FLEXIBLE-REFLECTIVE ROADWAY MARKER �o° the beginning of the sections where passing is prohibited and shown in the plans. TABS TO THE PAVEMENT SURFACE c + PASS WITH CARE signs at the beginning of sections where passing N o w' is permitted. 7. Over-painting of the markings SHALL NOT BE permitted. X 1 L 7. All work zone pavement markings shall be installed in accordance 8. Removal of raised pavement markers shall be as directed by the with Item 662, "Work Zone Pavement Markin " Engineer. s. 9 1. Temporary flexible reflective roadway marker tabs used as guidemarks c>L 9. Removal of existing pavement markings and markers will be paid for shall meet the requirements of DMS-8242. .0o directly in accordance with Item 677, "ELIMINATING EXISTING PAVEMENT Tac RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS 2. Tabs detailed on this sheet are to be inspected and accepted by the a o.- MARKINGS AND MARKERS," unless otherwise stated in the plans. Engineer or designated representative. Sampling and testing is not e w 0 1. Raised pavement markers are to be placed according to the patterns 10.Black-out marking tape may be used to cover conflicting existing normally required, however at the option of the Engineer, either "A" L 0+ on BC(12). markings for periods less than two weeks when approved by the Engineer, or "B" below may be imposed to assure quality before placement on the WOL o 0 2. All raised pavement markers used for work zone markings shall meet roadway. oa OIL V) w n o the requirements of Item 672, 'RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS" and Departmental A. Select five (5) or more tabs at random from each lot or shipment T Material Specification DMS-4200 or DMS-4300. and submit to the Construction Division, Materials and Pavement cow Section to determine specification compliance. 0 c o 0 B. Select five (5) tabs and perform the following test. Affix five NFo PREFABRICATED PAVEMENT MARKINGS (5) tabs at 24 inch intervals on an asphaltic pavement in a o straight line. Using a medium size passenger vehicle or pickup, WOO 1. Removable prefabricated pavement markings shall meet the requirements •L-x+ of DMS-8241. run over the markers with the front and rear tires at a speed + -0 of 35 to 40 miles per hour, four (4) times in each direction. No a o N- 2. Non-removable prefabricated pavement markings (foil bock) shall meet more than one (1) out of the five (5) reflective surfaces shall m o the requirements of DMS-8240. be lost or displaced as a result of this test. (2w0+ m a E 3. Small design variances may be noted between tab manufacturers. <°'.- MAINTAINING WORK ZONE PAVEMENT MARKINGS u.D a 4. See Standard Sheet WZ(STPM) for tab placement on new pavements. See In c 1. The Contractor will be responsible for maintaining work zone pavement Standard Sheet TCP(7-1) for tab placement on seal coat work. -, o Y 0 markings within the work limits. 2. Work zone pavement markings shall be inspected in accordance with the frequency and reporting requirements of work zone traffic control device inspections as required by Form 599. RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS USED AS GUIDEMARKS 3. The markings should provide a visible reference for a minimum distance of 300 feet during normal daylight hours and 160 feet when 1. Raised pavement markers used as guidemarks shall be from the approved illuminated by automobile low-beam headlights at night, unless sight product list, and meet the requirements of DMS-4200. distance is restricted by roadway geometrics. 2. All temporary construction raised pavement markers provided on a 4. Markings failing to meet this criteria within the first 30 days after project shall be of the same manufacturer. placement shall be replaced at the expense of the Contractor as per 3. Adhesive for guidemarks shall be bituminous material hot applied or Specification Item 662. butyl rubber pad for all surfaces, or thermoplastic for concrete surfaces. Guidemorks shall be designated as: YELLOW - (two amber reflective surfaces with yellow body). WHITE - (one silver reflective surface with white body). SHEET 11 OF 12 ® Traffic Operations Division Texas Department of Transportation Standard BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION PAVEMENT MARKINGS BC ( 11 ) - 14 FILE: bc-14.dgn ON: TxDOT ICII:TxDOTIow: TxDOT ICI,:TxDOT (1)TxDOT February 1998 CONT SECT JOB HIGHWAY REVISIONS w,�, 2-98 9-07 ~_, 1-02 7-13 GIST COUNTY SHEET NO. o LA_ 11-02 8-14 WILWMSON 31 OF 135 1051 STANDARD WORK ZONE PAVEMENT MARKINGS DETAILS PAVEMENT MARKING PATTERNS 60" 3" Type Y buttons Tc Type II A A Co C RAISED W DOUBLE PAVEMENT 4 t0 12" �❑ O O O ° O O C1 ❑ O 0fO 0 O o W 10 to 12" Type II A A 10 to 12" Type II A A �vj MARKERS T—❑ 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 o a _ l❑ o 0 0 ❑ o ❑ o 0 0 ❑ O NO PASSING 4" ❑ ❑❑ ❑❑ ❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ REFLECTOR]ZED Lo N 0 R �� J7 O O O ❑ 0 O O ❑ 0 0 O ❑ 0 00 ❑ O 0 ❑ O O O ❑ O O O ❑ O PAVEMENT 4 to 1 2" 3}+ E› Yel low T Yel J/�% LINE o Lo Type I I-A-A MARKINGS Type Y buttons Yellow Z -o REFLECTORIZED PAVEMENT MARKINGS - PATTERN A RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS - PATTERN A .i- Type I-C I-A or II A A Type W or Y buttons EDGE LINE PAVEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 SOLID 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 ocN Type II-A-A + < I LINES OR SINGLE MARKERS 60" + 3' as) i OO ° ° O ° aaa ° a'Y_O ° ° aaa ° a ° a ° aaa ° NO PASSING LINE Y O w L L fq �� 00000040000 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0- CI) T Yellow 6 ao o 4 to 8" Type Y buttons 4" White or Yellow 6 to 8" Type II A A 1° ° REFLECTORIZED PAVEMENT MARKINGS - PATTERN B RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS PATTERN B Type I-C 60" 3" Typ buttons Cw0 WIDE RAISED �i��GG// • CO ❑ O 0 0 ❑ 0 0 0 ❑ O O O ❑ O 0 00 Pattern A is the TXDOT Standard, however Pattern B may be used if approved by the Engineer. PAVEMENT 1-2" � C▪.-- Prefabricated markings may be substituted for reflectorized pavement markings. L INE MARKERS ❑ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NOU) r 8 X i-L (FOR LEFT TURN CHANNELIZING LINE REFLECTORIZED `y I- CENTER LINE & NO-PASSING ZONE BARRIER LINES FOR TWO-LANE, TWO-WAY HIGHWAYS OR CHANNELIZING LINE USED TO MARK PAVEMENT 0)• L L DISCOURAGE LANE CHANGING.) White .0>L +w O ,,c°nc Type I-C Type I-C or II-A-A 0+•- N 3 / RAISED 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c o o ❑ 000 ❑ 000 ❑ 000 ❑ aoo ❑ 000 ❑ oao ❑ 000 ❑ 000 ❑ 000 ❑ 0000 CENTER PAVEMENT >C o Type W buttons Type I-C or I I-C-R C J MARKERS 1 0' ''1". 30' I<5>I<5 white \ LINE CD oa� ....E. — Yellow — °O° ❑❑❑ o o o o o o o o o ❑❑❑ w no Type I A Type Y buttons OR y k 40' + 1' '1 C O o ❑ 0 0 0 ❑ o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ❑ o 0 0 ❑ 0 0 0 ❑ o 0 0 ❑ O O o ❑ 0 0 0 ❑ 0 0 0 ❑ o 0 0 ❑ LANE REFLECTORIZED L O4- =MENEM= ❑ =MENEM= ❑ �— 0 PAVEMENT CON 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 L INE MARKINGS I� t0• > , 30' White or Yellow O 4-LI` No o wType Y buttons,' BROKEN Yellow Type I AType I-C or II-A-A 0 CI0 Whites ® ❑o❑ ❑❑❑ ❑❑❑ ❑❑❑s\ ❑❑❑ ❑❑❑ (when required) + D ��/\ Type W buttons Type I C or II C R LINES TL 4-LIO O ❑ 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 O 0 ❑ 0 0 0 ❑ 0 0 0 ❑ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ❑ 0 0 0 ❑ 0 D RAISED ❑ ❑ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ❑ WO o REFLECTORIZED PAVEMENT MARKINGS RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS PAVEMENT 3' I 9' V!O+ �< m W CO COPrefabricated markings may be substituted for reflectorized pavement markings. Type I-C A U X I L I A R Y MARKERS Type I C or II C R -(.0-(1- .0 L OR 0 c+ EDGE & LANE LINES FOR DIVIDED HIGHWAY y o LANEDROP r8" L I NE RAISED PAVEMENT /� Type I-C MARKERS k 3 _I_ 9' White < Type II-A-A Type Y buttons <7 REMOVABLE MARKINGS 5' A 6" ... . . . 1.'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WITH PAVEMENTRAISED MARKERS ® 30' 0 0❑ o 0 0 ❑ o 0 0 ❑ o 0 0 ❑ o 0 0 ❑ o 0 0 ❑ o 0 0 ❑ o 0 0 ❑ o 0 0 ❑ o 0 0 ❑ o 0 0 ❑ �— �� Ye I I ow — °� °°° °°° °°° °°° °°° I f raised pavement markers ore used 17> White to supplement REMOVABLE markings, Raised Pavement Markers Type I C the markers shall be applied to the top of the tape at the approximate REFLECTORIZED PAVEMENT MARKINGS RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS mid length of tope used for broken lines or at 20 foot spacing for I< :1 Prefabricated markings may be substituted for reflectorized pavement markings. solid lines. This allows an easier 20' + 1' LANE & CENTER LINES FOR MULTILANE UNDIVIDED HIGHWAYS removal of raised pavement markers Centerline only not to be used on edge lines and tape. SHEET 12 OF 12 Traffic <j Type I-C ODivsions ,Texas Department of Transportation Standard ''''''Wh i tee a 0 0❑ o 0 0 ❑ o o ❑ o o ❑ o 0 0 ❑ o o ❑ o 0 0 ❑ o 0 0 ❑ o 0 0 ❑ o 0 0 ❑ o 0 0 ❑ °°° °°e °°° °°° °A° °°° BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCT ION — �� 2 Yellow�� Type Y buttons Type II-A-A — 00000000 ❑ 0000000 ❑ 00000 0 ❑ 0000000 ❑ 0000000 ❑ 0o000 PAVEMENT MARKING PATTERNS Raised pavement markers used as standard pavement markings shall be from the approved .-- ❑❑❑ ❑❑❑ ❑❑❑ ❑❑❑ ❑o❑ ❑❑❑ products list and meet the requirements of 13> White Item 672 "RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS." BC Type I C ( 1 2) — 1 4 REFLECTORIZED PAVEMENT MARKINGS RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS FILE: bc-14.dgn DN: TOOT Ic,:TxDOTIDw: Tx0OT ICK:TxDOT Prefabricated markings may be substituted for reflectorized pavement markings. ©TxDOT February 1998 CONT SECT JOB HIGHWAY REVISIONS WL 9-07 1- TWO-WAY LEFT TURN LANE 2-98 7-13 J DIST COUNTY SHEET NO. Q" 0 LL 1 1-02 8-14 wI ummoN 310E B 106 J LEGEND A EA A Type 3 Barricade i Sign ROAD CLOSED 481 x 50" Work Area o � `:. I Minimum ed Sign ° r%% ttta Speed Spacing Work Areae °o o ROAD * Distance a CLOSED N . 500 rr CW20-3 • - 30 120' 8 \ 48" x 488" 35 160' See Nate 8 °421"ai i M4-12T 40 240' (STREET NAME var x 12" 45 20' See Note 7 ROAD E o ROAD R111-2 50 400' DETOUR M4-9s CLOSED M4-8 `n CLOSED CW20-3B4 30 55 500' c o, 24" x 12" DETOUR 1000 FT 48e 48' 30" x 24" M4-1°L See Note 8 "11CDErOURI 60 600' 8" x 18" M3-4 WEST i - 65 700' °h 24" x 12" 70 800' ,=E X X 75 900' "° M1-6T TEXAS 200' Approx. * Conventional Roads Only rti° 24" x 24" a ROAD CLOSED R11-3a Rao o MILES AHEAD 60" x 30° 24' x 24" GENERAL NOTES 2D0' A j o "au num,r SNote 8pprox. �TT� '� DETOUR M4-10L J 1. This sheet Is Intended to provide details for temporary work zone I�_ road closures. For permanent rood closure details see the 2 2r �' 48 8 D&OM standards. ,g \ See Note 6 P `- 'tltl _ 2. Barricades used shall meet the requirements shown on Barricade and /11 Construction Standard BC(10) and listed on the Compliant Work Zone \� <11� 40> Traffic Control Devices list (CWZTCD). �V K 3. Stockpiled materials shall not be placed on the traffic side of - E L/ X barricades. 4. Barricades at the road closure should extend from pavement edge to =o o DETOUR M4 e ® pavement edge. 24 x 12" 5. Detour signing shown is intended to illustrate the type of signing ~ro �� y that is appropriate for numbered routes or un-numbered routes as M1-6T labeled. It does not indicate the full extent of detour signing 24" x 24' R3-2 required. Detour routes should be signed as shown elsewhere in E o TEXAS 24" x 24" DETOUR the plans. acoh off- o M6-1 "x �EAO 01820-2111 6. If the road is open for a significant distance beyond the 21" x 15" s 48" x 48" intersection or there are significant origin/destination points beyond the intersection, the signs and barricades at this S location should be located at the edge of the traveled way. 7. The Street Name (M4-12T) sign is to be placed above the !DETOUR) M4-8 1 DETOUR (M4 s) sign. 24" x 12" X / ROAD 8. Far urban areaswhere there is shorter distance between the XM1-6T CLOSED intersection and the actual closure location, the ROAD CLOSED 24" x 24" AHEAD XX MILES AHEAD (R11-3a) sign may be replaced with a ROAD CLOSED TEXAS 4W2D-3D TO THRU TRAFFIC (R11-4) sign. If adequate space does not exist 48" x 48" between the intersection and the closure a single ROAD ` ■ M5-1L CLOSED AHEAD (CW20-3D) sign spaced as per the table above may 21" x 15" replace the ROAD CLOSED 1000 FT (CW20-38) and ROAD CLOSED 5 500 FT (CW20-3C) signs. 9. Signs and barricades shown shall be subsidiary to Item 502. Locations where these details will be required shall be as shown elsewhere in the plans. DETOUR 1500 FT CW20-2A flank 48" x 48" • Operations Divbion ,Texas Department of TFensportsaon Standard WORK ZONE ROAD CLOSURE ROAD CLOSURE BEYOND THE INTERSECTION ROAD CLOSURE AT THE INTERSECTION DETAILS Signing for a Numbered Route with an Off—Site Detour Signing for an Un—numbered Route with an Off—Site Detour WZ(RCD)-1 3 wzrsd-13.dgn or: rxoar 1Ox.TOOT low. iu5OT IOM.TOOT ©TsaOT August 1995 car SECT JOB 1442w44 462sass 60 04 1-97 4-98 7-13 Oisr cousn SHEET so. a 2-98 3-03 WILLW/SON 3i OF 135 oLL III° I SIGNAL SIGNAL SIGNAL WORK WORK WORK LEGEND AHEAD AHEAD /SIGNAL WORN AHEAD SIGNAL WORK AHEAD v / z i A Type 3 Barricade N N Channelizing Devices HEAD CW2OSG-1 CW2OSG-1 CW2OSG-1 48' x 48" HeavyWork Vehicle II Truck Mounted 48" x 48" 48' x 48" •N Attenuator (TM A) CW2OSG-1 A X ® X CW2OSG-1 X 48" a 48" , Trailer Mounted Portable Changeable SIGNAL 48" x 48" WORK A L- A Frl' IF' Flashing Arrow Board IM I Message Sign (PCMS) a X ,AHEAD X Sign a Traffic Flow a X > . CW2OSG-1 ®, i Flag Flogger 0 48" x 48" �■• ■ ■■ #N a a 0 a a a a> Z C ° Suggested Maximum Desirable Spacing of Suggested =U m N [� Minimum Minimum N • • n l • Posted Formula Taper Lengths Channelizing Spacing igLanglg'tudinDl a T.. FC IFI F ,■© Speed ** Devices ,.X„ Buffer Space .° E D-n° _ •■ Ir ®� * Offset Offset Offset Taper Tangent Distance B X �a� C +. X ®® _I X ■® J 30 2 150' 165' 180' 30' 60' 120' 90' 13 v ■ Rr 35 �- WS 205' 225' 245' 35' 70' 160' 120' e`e SIGNAL n \ 60 2 295' 320' 40' 80' 240' 155' cD°c' WORK C m m Q' 40 65 w al a, AHEAD cn o SIGNAL 45 450' 495' 540' 45' 90' 320' 195' al v C. a X WORK X °E❑ w,E ■ SIGNAL 'IGH AHEAD 50 500' 550' 600' 50' 100' 400' 240' a� CW2OSG-1 • EWOjN LOSE' LEFT 55 _ 550' 605' 660' 55' 110' 500' 295' 48" x 48"o`o ® i CW2OSG-1 i CLOSE' 60 L 600' 660' 720' 60' 120' 600' 350' o m I4- ee Note 8 48' x 48" a� ■ CW2OSG-1 CW20-5TR 65 650' 715' 780' 65' 130' 700' 410' .w 48" a 48" 48" x 48" x CW20-5TL 70 700' 770' 840' 70' 140' 800' 475' v., X X 48' x 48" o?° 75 750' 825' 900' 75' 150' 900' 540' y.a i 'IGH - �GNE - * Conventional Roads Only a 3 LANE LOSED LEFT LANE �K�K Taper lengths have been rounded off. -1'', o o X LOSED \ LOSED L=Length of Taper(FT) W=Width of Offset(FT) S=Posted Speed(MPH) a ao X CW20-5TR X v ay .II. 48" x 48R" 48" x 48' CW20-5TL 48" x 48" - i 48" x 48" °o m La t Q Q X SIGNAL SIGNAL SIGNAL =0 o i WORN 0 4 WORK WORK WORKERS IN BUCKET TRUCKS SHALL NOT .9 yO AHEAD AHEAD MEAD WORK ABOVE OPEN LANES OF TRAFFIC. T� n`° CW2OSG-1 CW2OSG-1 CW2OSG-1 o 0 48" x 48" 48" a 48" 48" x 48" E" NEAR SIDE LANE CLOSURE FAR SIDE RIGHT LANE CLOSURE — FAR SIDE LEFT LANE CLOSURE JN N t cg=w SHORT DURATION OR SHORT TERM STATIONARY SHORT DURATION OR SHORT TERM STATIONARY o y° SHORT DURATION OR SHORT TERM STATIONARY R4-7 SIGNAL ,n GENERAL NOTES " x 30" WORN SIGNAL V 24 SIGNAL AHEAD AHEAD, WORK AHEAD CW20SG-1 SIGNAL 1. The minimum size channelizing device is the 28" cone. 42" Two-piece48 x 48 WORK HEAD cones, drums, vertical panels or barricades will be required when ® iii CW2OSG-1 the device must be left unattended at night. CW20SG-1 ■ICW2OSG-1 48" x 48" 48" x 48" •I 48" x 48" crii 2. Obstructions or hazards at the work area shall be clearly marked J V T and delineated at all times. a R4-7 • 24" x 30" • I 3. Flaggers and Flogger Symbol (CW20-7) signs may be required according • to field conditions. 4. Vehicles parked in roadway shall be equipped with at least two ) / — — — ■ ■ — high intensity rotating, flashing, oscillating or strobe type lights. ® ® — • F•— — ®� 5. High level warning devices (flag trees) may be used at corners of. the vehicle. SHEET 1 OF 2 ® ® C> 10' min. • •® liaffic — — -ER � Milli — — — — 6. When work operations are performed on existing signals, the signals • �� • may be placed in flashing red mode when approved by the engineer. D/rrsllon 10' min. X 1/2L I ` If existing signals do not have power, All-Way Stop (R1-1 and R1-3P) ,TE`1E88Department of7Y'R8p01't8N011 Standard ® signs may be implemented when approved by the engineer. r X 1/2L ® Typical I[1 0 7. For Short-Term Stationary work the buffer space "B" from the above TRAFFIC SIGNAL WORK Typical $ table should be used if field conditions permit. For Short Duration 6SIGNAL WORK L1 I /� R4-7 24" a 30" (less than 1 hour) any buffer space provided will enhance the safety of the setup. TYPICAL DETAILS AHEAD R4-7 8. The arrow board at this location may be omitted for Short Duration SIGNAL 24" x 30" CW2OSG-1 work if the work vehicle has an arrow board in operation. As an : WORK\NERD 48" x 48" option, the arrow board may be placed at the end of the taper in J q the closed lane if space is not available at the beginning of the taper. ►,�Z(BTS—'I) .1 3 CW2OSG-1 OPERATIONS IN THE INTERSECTION 9. Signs and devices for the NEAR SIDE LANE CLOSURE may be altered for FILE: wzbts-13.dgn ON: TxDOT Icx:TxDOT IOW: TxDOT CK:TaDOT 48' x 48" a left lane closure by using a LEFT LANE CLOSED (CW20-5TL) and adding ©TxDOT April 1992 COAT SECT JOB HIGHWAY SHORT DURATION channelizing devices on the centerline to protect the work space from REVISIONS w opposing traffic. 2-98 10-99 7-13 DIST COUNTY SHEET NO. 4-98 3-03 ov WIWMWN J 114 I Temporary Traffic Barrier CW2OSG-1 WORK G�0 5aP P Y / BEGIN G20 5T ZONE 36" x 24" See Note 4 below 48" x 48" SIGNAL ROAD WORK 2 DREY ry ry SIGNAL WORK 4 SIGNAL NEXT X MILES 48 x 4 TRAFFIC WARNING v Work Area V Q WORK \EAD WORK __ R20-5T SIGNS AHEAD FINES 36" x 36" AHEAD ADS D STATE LAN STATE G20-6T DOUBLE J � 11J END CW2OSG 1 S \ DDIIIIIASTAR ,48" x 30" *." R20-SaTP R20-3T J J L I 1 J L 1 48" x 48" Z ME36" x 18" 48" x 42" ROAD WORK CW2OSG 1 G20-2 48" x 48" a 10' Min. Min.(See Note 7 below) 36" x 18" X X X X f ,, o WORK AREA • T 1 I- T T T T T T 1 I- I `'. 1el i 'I a V O' SIDEWALK DIVERSION 0.a a > MAJOR STREET - -. - 4 NOTES SIDEWALKSIDEWALK SIDEWALK CLOSEDSIGNAL ° 7 r END �1 CROSS HERE CLOSED CROSS HERE WORK 1. Project signing as shown shall be in place AHEAD o• E , ROAOMIORK� whenever si nal contract work is in ra ress. IN b' o i9 progress. R9-lion R9 9 R9-11aL a Nw G20-2 24" a 12" 24" x 12" 24" x 12" CW205G-1 rn=g' pN� G20-5aP WORK BEGIN2. For closelyadjoining projects, advance signing° 24" / 36" x 18" j g 9 g 48" x 48" b°- WARNING 36" x ZONE G20-5T ROAD WORK maynot be required in advance of each r� r� m= SIGNS 48" x 24" NEXT x MILES SIGNAL intesection, but onlyin advance of the v v a+o P STATE LAW R20-5T TRAFFIC . WORK intersections at the roject limits. Actual E= 36" x 36" FINES ADDRESS N AHEAD .11] Off 4 /SIGNAL locations will be as directed by the Engineer. / i w a° R20-3T DOUBLE G20-6T sun J oE° 48" x 42" R20-SaTP > .� 48" x 30" ODNIMWUB n. WORK 3. Advance signs shall be removed when signal yi. a,'E 36" x 18" WRENS CW2OSG-1 \HEAD a Work Area a ~m-O° AADrwemn 48" x 48" I CW2OSG-1 construction operations ore no longer ° 48" x 48" under way, as directed by the Engineer. _2F a 4> ED ao a 4. Warning sign spacing shown is typical for both 9�2 TYPICAL ADVANCE SIGNAL PROJECT SIGNING directions. ', -a 2 '.. FOR LONG TERM and INTERMEDIATE-TERM STATIONARY WORK OPERATIONS 5. See the Table on sheet 1 of 2 for Typical n warning sign spacing. v 4 SIDEWALK DETOUR 4' a o °+'A -2= GENERAL NOTES FOR WORK ZONE SIGNS REFLECTIVE SHEETING -. to,° 1. Signs shall be installed and maintained in a straight and plumb 1. All signs shall be retrareflective and constructed of sheeting meeting CW11-2 See Note 8 - o a`° condition. the requirements of the DMS and color usage table shown an this sheet. 36" x 36" SIDEWALK CLO ED SIDEWALK SIDEWALK CLOSED ` N a- See Note 5 R9-11aR AHEAD� R9-11L L!C E " Wooden sign posts shall be pointed white. SIGN SUPPORT WEIGHTS CROSS HERE 24" x 12" CLOSED ` CROSS HERE 24' x 12" °o 3. Barricades shall NOT be used as sign supports. 1. Weights used to keep signs from turning over should be sandbags R9 9 O 0- filled with dry, cohesionless material. �L 24" x 12" N, ° 4. Nails shall NOT be used to attach signs to any support. �o 0 2. The sandbags will be tied shut to keep the sand from spilling and4> CW11-2 SIGNAL .9° 5. All signs shall be installed in accordance with the plans or as to maintain a constant weight. - ` 36" x 36" WORK • 1- directed by the Engineer. AHEAD See Note 6 AHEAD 2,L 3. Rock, concrete, iron, steel or other solid objects will not be °° 6. The Contractor shall furnish the sign design shown in the plans or permitted for use as sign support weights. CW16-9P CW16-7PL ▪o o in the "Standard Highway Sign Designs for Texas" (SHSD). 24" x 12" * © 24" x 12" `Work Area V 4 CW20SG-1 Lu E y 4. Sandbags should weigh a minimum of 35 lbs and a maximum of 50 lbs. // 48" x 48" a,"L 7. The Contractor shall furnish sign supports and substrates listed in 9 „_:-., - - _c :E the "Compliant Work Zane Traffic Control Device List" (CWZTCD), 5. Sandbags shall be made of a durable material that tears upon �I �;:�,�::, • • • _ I v,c, installed as per the manufacturer's recommendations. vehicular impact. Rubber, such as tire inner tubes, shall not be used. ® ■ • - IN: ® '® ' IN oso 8. Temporary signs that have damaged or cracked substrates and/or 6. Rubber ballasts designed for channelizing devices should not be used a a damaged or marred reflective sheeting shall be replaced as for ballast on portable sign supports. Sign supports designed and directed by the Engineer. manufactured with rubber bases may be used when shown on the CWZTCD list. 9. Identification markings may be shown only on the back of the sign ' `' ,® \ substrate. The maximum height of letters and/or company logos used 7. Sandbags shall only be placed along or laid over the base supports for identification shall be 1'. of the traffic control device and shall not be suspended above ground level or hung with rope, wire, chains or other fastners. Sandbags + 10. Damaged wood posts shall be replaced. Splicing wood posts shall be placed along the length of the skids to weigh down the `v' `v' will not be allowed. sign support. SIGNAL DURATION OF WORK 8. Sandbags shall NOT be placed under the skid and shall not be used to R9-100BL SIDEWALK CLOSED 24" x 12" WORK • level sign supports placed on slopes. ` � � AHEAD CROSSWALK CLOSURES 1. Work zone durations are defined in Port 6, Section 6G.02 of the LE E I I V n „USE OTHER SIDE CW26SG-1 Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD). 48" x 48" SIGN MOUNTING HEIGHT -1- Sign 1. Sign height of Long-term/Intermediate-term warning signs shall be as ® ® Channelizing Devices PEDESTRIAN CONTROL shown on Figure 6F-1 of the TMUTCD. v''' n Type 3 Barricade 1. Holes, trenches or other hazards shall be adequately protected by covering, delineating or surrounding the hazard with orange plastic pedestrian 2. Sign height of Short-term/Short Duration warning signs shall be as fencing or longitudinal channelizing devices, or as directed by the Engineer. SHEET 2 OF 2 shown on Figure 6F-2 of the TMUTCD. D E P A R TN E N TA L MATERIAL S P E C I F I C A TI 0 X E 2. "CROSSWALK CLOSURES" as detailed above will require the Engineer's approval 3. Regulatory signs shall be mounted at least 7 feet, but not more than prior to installation. . Operations 9 feet, above the paved surface regardless of work duration. SIGN FACE MATERIALS DMS-8300 3. R9 series signs shown may be placed an supports detailed on the BC standards DImisten or CWZTCD list, or when fabricated from approved lightweight plastic 'Nixes Department ofTransportation Standard FLEXIBLE ROLL-UP REFLECTIVE SIGNS DMS-8310 substrates, they may be mounted on top of a plastic drum at or near the REMOVING OR COVERING location shown. 9 dgmayconfusingapply., signsCLUE USAGE SHH� INCH MATERIAL 4. For speeds less than 4-5 mph longitudinal channelizing devices may be used 1. When sign messages be or do not a , the instead of traffic barriers when approved by the Engineer. Attenuation of TRAFFIC SIGNAL WORK shall be remove or completely covered, unless otherwise blunt ends and installation of water filled devices shall be as per BC(9) approved by the Engineer. ORANGE BACKGROUND TYPE BFL OR TYPE CFLSHEETING and manufacturer's recommendations. 2. When signs are covered, the material used shall be opaque, such 5. Location of devices are for general guidance. Actual device spacing and BARRICADES AND SIGNS as heavy mil black plastic, or other materials which will cover WHITE BACKGROUND TYPE A SHEETING location must be field adjusted to meet actual conditions. the entire sign face and maintain their opaque properties under 6. Where pedestrians with visual disabilities normally use the closed sidewalk automobile headlights at night without damaging the sign sheeting. BLACK LEGEND & BORDERS ACRYLIC NON-REFLECTIVE SHEETING Detectable Pedestrian Barricades should be used instead of the Type 3 Burlap, or heavy materials such as plywood or aluminum shall not Barricades shown. be used to cover signs. 7. The width of existing sidewalk should be maintained if practical. WZ(BTS-2)-1 3 Only pre-qualified products shall be used. A copy of the 6. Pavement markings for mid-black crosswalks shall be paid for under the 3. Duct tape or other adhesive material shall NOT be affixed to a 9 sign face. "Compliant Work Zone Traffic Control Devices List" (CWZTCD) appropriate bid items. FILE: wzbts-13.dgn aN: TxDOT 1 CC:TOOT low: TxDDT I GK:TOOT describes pre-qualified products and their sources and may 9. When crosswalks or other pedestrian facilities are closed or relocated, ©TXDOT April 1992 csNr SECT JOB HIGHWAY 4. Signs and anchor stubs shall be removed and holes back filled upon temporary facilities shall be detectable and shall include accessibility esusisss be found at the following web address: completion of the work. features consistent with the features present in the existing pedestrian I- http://www.txdot.gov/txdot_library/publications/construction.htm facility. 2 98 10 99 7 13 oisn ssusnv SHEET Na. 1-w Q J o ii 4 9B 3-03 N1111ANSON 350E 133 11° I ♦ . END I LEGEND ROAD ROAD WORK, Channelizing ® Type 3 Barricade ® ® Channelizing Devices Devices z0 2I� Heavy Work Vehicle ® AttenuatorTruck te(TTMA) co WORK G X 24" (See note 2)A ° AHEAD y (See note 2)Ak 4-L ♦ • F Trailer Mounted 0 Portable Changeable o Flashing Arrow Board °MI Message Sign (PCMS) • c o m 4820X1D8„ ■ END ! y Sign a Traffic Flow L.0 (Flags- :f__ ___ ROAD [ROAD WORK 3H } ♦ . See note 1) s L Channelizing WORK Flag Flogger Devices w a AHEAD G20-2 z°°E E (See note 2)Ak ROAD 48" X 24" o 0' ''` WORK,L 0 (See note 2) Minimum Suggested Maximum }-O' AHEAD CW20-10 � ■ ! Desirable Spacing of Minimum Suggested o c , • Posted Formula Taper Lengths ChannelizingSign a n•- CW20-10 E > a`i ON 48" X 48" m ■ r 7 / ■ Speed Spacing Longitudinal 48" X 48" 0 -a -c (Flags- co L VV `LI • j ** Devices Buffer Space oh (Flags- o L _f'L j X°'� See note 1) - E l0' 11' 12' On a On o Distance taw See note 1) o \ / o °w°O L Offset Offset Offset Taper Tangent 0 0 L 0 , v _C M 0 N c o o L L , 30 150' 165' 180' 30' 60' 120' 90' LLm 4- X - w w w °:N 2 _ a w M o>. w o L v o }L 35 WS 205' 225' 245' 35' 70' 160' 120' 0o x owov - - °•-w L. w E 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 40 265' 295' 320' 40' 80' 240' - 155' c E Y I • IA A ,O O C L .waC L v1 �+ 0 m w I 45 450' 495' 540' 45' 90' 320' 195' c'mo • 0 0 oa>>ovwi I 50 500' 550' 600' 50' 100' 400' 240' 000 • Y x M mN 55 L=WS 550' 605' 660' 55' 1 1 0' 500' 295' c + ■ mow ■ ■ 1 v • A A 60 600' 660' 720' 60' 120' 600' 350' X.-w I 0 L o ♦ 65 650' 715' 780' 65' 130' 700' 410' •w Channelizing v E I Y c 70 700' 770' 840' 70' 140' 800' 475' L>' Devices L o ■ r Inactive ! 75 750' 825' 900' 75' 150' 900' 540' H-wo (See note 2)A I ° "' *;?', work >,.c a L �'�{:'' o vehicle j * Conventional Roads Only DEL E o 10' ,)r•r `n (See Note 3), **Taper lengths have been rounded off. w 3 0 o L Min.',.,- 10' ! L=Length of Taper(FT) W=Width of Offset(FT) S=Posted Speed(MPH) . m t Channelizing I o 'IX Work vehicles or Min. w 0>n° devices may be L 4- I 1,,., I w other equipmentc omitted if the ° x } ,, o necessary for the v :! °�o+ work area is a w, ,7'&e6 a work operation, such �;";;a:' A ! TYPICAL USAGE �a E minimum of 30' x ' .4,4 as trucks, moveable ; i;i/� 0' c o from the nearest X '•:,�n^ L cranes, etc., Shall �/ 31 SHORT SHORT TERM INTERMEDIATE LONG TERM L° traveled way. e;R;.r •""'� o remain in areas l�1 r�<� 4-I MOBILE DURATION STATIONARY TERM STATIONARY STATIONARY DLL Shadow Vehicle c I e ,''i•f. separated from �' o w.1"' with TMA and :'''. I }I 4/ 4( COW I ■'•i%;=, w "'S�i'- lanes of traffic by T,; ; w L, + O high intensity : ;; ..o Shadow Vehicle - .. channelization ■ a al o _ ° rotating, o '?;':; ° •- coo with TMA and high a flashing, ■ H� devices at all times. �`r� ;1 a Y :;;- GENERAL NOTES L intensity rotating, •Ioscillating or _EL I - - }TDi. flashing, .r�Vm t strobe lights. `-'> L 1. Flags attached to signs where shown are REQUIRED. o n o oscillating 0 (See notes 4 & 5) Shadow Vehicle • _, •c o o - o 2. All traffic control devices illustrated are REQUIRED, except those w c or strobe lights. ■- ■ with TMA and r w W° g a , denoted with the triangle symbol may be omitted when stated elsewhere L m° (See notes 4 & 5) I '• high intensity w 7 E m in the plans, or for routine maintenance work, when approved by the a rotating, flashing, a 0,m m X oscillating or ■ Engineer. ■ L I m ■ strobe lights. 3. Inactive work vehicles or other equipment should be parked near the v", c} W n (See notes 4 & 5) right-of-way line and not parked on the paved shoulder. o Y o - E CO ■ A j 4. A Shadow Vehicle with a TMA should be used anytime it can be positioned L 0 0 30 to 100 feet in advance of the area of crew exposure without adversely 1 L L 1 • ! affecting the performance or quality of the work. If workers are no E > Do longer present but rood or work conditions require the traffic control o j to remain in place, Type 3 Barricades or other channelizing devices 0 ♦ A ■ may be substituted for the Shadow Vehicle and TMA. L o ♦ r 5. Additional Shadow Vehicles with TMAs may be positioned off the paved 4- x ,.,, ♦ A surface, next to those shown in order to protect wider work spaces. Channelizing ■ x vM v ♦ 6 Seeeways5 1(for shoulder work on divided highways, expressways and fr Devices ■ (See note 2)A ____,♦ ♦o mA ♦ - i 7. CW21-5 "SHOULDER WORK" signs may be used in place of CW20-1D o m "ROAD WORK AHEAD" signs for shoulder work on conventional END w L E Channelizing ♦ mA roadways. ROAD WORK ^ 0 o Devices w L L G20-2 � / / \ L `'' (See note 2) �j °i E o a ♦ . 48" X 24" V LI E w L 0 'J > in cL ROAD (See note 2A ° E WORK 1 0 - o o AHEAD 1 ■ ■ x "' L T■ • XY" I 0 ° Traffic Channelizing ,- x ' Operations CW20 1 D Devices ■ x Texas Department of Transportation Division 48" X 48" (See note 2)A ■ • Y PStandard (Flags- I ♦ • ■ I ■ /Z See notes 1 & 7) ROAD ♦ • TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN END WORK ROAD WORK ROAD CONVENTIONAL ROAD AHEAD WORK SHOULDER WORK G20-2 CW20 1D 48" X 24" AHEAD TCP ( 1 - 1 a) TCP ( 1 - 1 b) 48" X 48 (See note 2)� 4820X1D8 TCP ( 1 - 1c) (Flags- TCP ( 1 - 1 ) - 18 See notes 1 & 7) See notes 1 & 7) RUE; 4cp1-1-18.dgn ON: cK: low: cx: WORK SPACE NEAR SHOULDER WORK SPACE ON SHOULDER WORK VEHICLES ON SHOULDER ©TxDOT December 1985 CUNT SECT JOB HIGHWAY REVISIONS w w 2-94 4-98 I-_1 Conventional Roads Conventional Roads Conventional Roods 8-95 2-12 DIST COUNTY SHEET NO. o LL 1-97 2-18 WILLIAMSON 360F135 151 I Warning Sign Sequence END CW20 4D • LEGEND in Opposite Direction Same as Below ROAD WORK 48" X 48" ♦ ® Type 3 Barricade ■ ■ Channelizing Devices G20 2 ONE LANE ROAD �y� Truck Mounted rcy I 4$ X 24 CW3 4 AHEAD + WORK I—O�d Heavy Work Vehicle ® Attenuotor (TMA) °o RI-2 HELD v , a 48" X 48" AHEAD 1t Trailer Mounted Portable Changeable T FlashingArrow Board M Messo a Sign (PCMS) o c (See note 2)A BE g 9 o w 42'X 42 " X 42" L 0- r.c> I n CO o PREPARED ,E i Sign 4 Traffic Flow coo r a VN / CW2 X D o a [--- TO STOP 48" X 48 L w 7 TO o b.>. (Flags- 'of- Flag Flogger e ONCOMING - I 000v 4 / See note 1) oL. TRAFFIC • I Minimum Suggested Maximus 0 0 ♦ A /'`� Desirable Spacing of MSS; Suggested Stopping -} Rl-2aP ♦ 48�OX748" 1�' / Speed Formula Toper Lenq+ns ChmneI;zing Spacing Long;tudinol Sight .. 4$" X 36" ♦ C ** Devices X- Buffer Space Distance D - + / * 10' 11' 12' On a On a -B" u-c (See note 8) i �i Distance aa} - (IJ CW16-2P Offset Offset Offset Taper Tangent uc on 24" X t8" XXX ♦ / ROAD WORK30 2 150' 165' 180' 30' 60' 120' 90' 200' 8 - (See note 2)� , FEET 35 L. w5 205' 225' 245' 35' 70' 160' 120' 250' o w y •♦ / G20-2 40 60 265' 295' 320' 40' 80' 240' 155' 305' a d oR Channelizing devices �:/A.•4, 48" X 24" 45 450' 495' 540' 45' 90' 320' 195' 360' cc 5 separate work space :fi)r Except in p / 50 500' 550' 600' 50' 100' 400' 240' 425' •-. - 1 emergencies, do +• o from traveled way •� ; a w I;w•••� flogger stations t >< 55 550' 605' 660' 55' 110' 500' 295' 495' c —_.1'{=I' shall be / c9 o,Co L=WS m• ° t''�:• illuminated pe5 a 60 600' 660' 720' 60' 120' 600' 350' 570' Da} .:!:„ o O . _ of night / ,p�� yQ 65 650' 715' 780' 65' 130' 700' 410' 645' We a l;'_;'.'-' w ■ • QUO 70 _700' 770' 840' 70' 140' 800' 475' 730' x.d s 75 750' 825' 900' 75' 150' 900' 540' 820' dI . c r r• * Conventional Roods Only 00L ,+oil L 4' **Taper lengths hove been rounded off. t 8 o ■ ; ■ L•Lengtn Of Taper(FT) W=Width Of Offset(FT) S=Posted Speed(MPH) a ' TYPICAL USAGE acts I (r� 5 -�`�` SHORT SHORT TERM INTERMEDIATE LONG TERM Le ■ •.; F1 MOBILE DURATION STATIONARY TERM STATIONARY STATIONARY ono Shadow Vehicle with .,,7, TMA and high intensity ;;t;'s j ,/ D L 0 rotating, flashing, ■�'Lf ii Wa0 ■ ® oscillating or strobe -,:t.= . GENERAL NOTES >^L lights. (See notes 5 & 6) r:'2='•ff o Dew I ■;::•,,,e n I. Flogs attached to signs where shown ore REQUIRED. o°L L C x 2. All traffic control devices illustrated ore REQUIRED, except those denoted with the o } ■ m Shadow Vehicle OM m o triangle Symbol may be omitted when stated elsewhere in the pions, or for routine urn o I with TMA and high ` 3 maintenance work, when approved by the Engineer. WOO intensity rotating, 3. The CW3-4 "BE PREPARED TO STOP' sign may be installed after the CW20-4D 'ONE LANE flashing, I ROAD AHEAD' sign, but proper sign spacing shall be maintained. • Q' Osc ng illati ,,° c 4. Sign spacing may be increased or an additional Cw20 1D "ROAD WORK AHEAD" sign may be 0 o I or strobe lights. ■ o w D ♦ x°a (See notes 5 & 6) used if advance warning ahead of the flogger or R1-2 "YIELD" sign is less than 1500 feet. w 0 0 _ 0 N 0 I (a 5. A Shadow Vehicle with a TMA should be used anytime it con be positioned 30 to 100 feet ,T,j w I • L/0 in advance of the erect of crew exposure without adversely affecting the performance or m w e v, o •o•>- m CW20-7 quality of the work. If workers ore no longer present but rood or work conditions require a L • O o N YIELD • 48" X 48" the traffic control to remain in place, Type 3 Barricades or other channel izing devices ion D/ ♦ RI-2 ` cc, . may be substituted for the Shadow Vehicle and TMA. L- ;o I 42" X 42"X 42" 6. Additional Shadow Vehicles with TMAs may be positioned off the paved surface, next to iri those ShOWn in order to protect wider work spaces. IAl --X--.---____________ TO Except in a, TCP (1-20) ONCOMING RI-2aP 48•• X 36" emergencies, • 1 o• — X X X CW16-2P 7. R1-2 "YIELD" sign traffic control may be used on projects with approaches that have flogger stations x u TRAFFIC (See note 8) I d a o 24" X 18" adequate sight distance. For projects in urban areas, work spaces should be no longer shall be • i m w CI FEET (See note 2) than one half city block. In rural areas on roadways with less than 2000 ADT, work I x illuminated 0 N Ot night p'), spaces should be no longer than 400 feet. ,n o w o 8. R1-2 "YIELD" sign with R1.2aP "TO ONCOMING TRAFFIC' plaque shall be placed on a support ■ ■-■ ('-''(v at a 7 foot minimum mounting height. AIL x BE PREPARED TCP (1-2b) I i / S. CW34 9. Floggers should use two-way radios or other methods of communication to control traffic. \�/i 10. Length of work space should be based on the ability of flaggers to communicate. x V 48" X 48" II. If the work space is located near a horizontal or vertical curve, the buffer distances CW3-2 (See note 2)A 4$" X 48" I x should be increased in order to maintain adequate stopping sight distance to the flogger and a queue of stopped vehicles (See table above). 12. Channelizing devices on the center-line moy be omitted when a pilot car is leading J- 1I i traffic and approved by the Engineer. ONE LANE 13. Floggers should use 24' STOP/SLOW paddles to control traffic. Flags should be I ROAD limited to emergency situations. AHEAD CW20-4D x ONE LANE I 48" X 48" Traffic ROAD Operations I AHEAD Cw20 4D ROAD WORK i A ♦ • ,TexasDepartmentofTransportation Standard 48" X 4$ 8 2 I •x TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN 48" x 24 ROAD ♦ . I J— WORK AHEAD CWONE-LANE TWO-WAY ROAD 4820X,4$ TRAFFIC CONTROL TCP (1 -2a) WORK (Flogs- See note 1) AHEAD CW20-1D ry TCP ( 1 -2b) 48" X 48" TCP ( 1 -,L ) — 18 ONE LANE TWO-WAY (Flags- FIRE, tau1-2-18.dg. Es- - I.- I— CONTROL WITH YIELD SIGNS See note 1) ONE LANE TWO-WAY ©TxDOT December 1985 EON SECT. JOB RI GNNAv _ CONTROL WITH FLAGGERS REVI510x5 4.90 4-98 1-_1 (Less thorn 2000 ADT - See note 7) 2-94 2-12 D1S) COON=r stIEt No. mu. 1-97 2-18 WILLIAMSON 370F135 1 52 1 . ♦ • LEGEND ♦ END v Type 3 Barricade m ■ channelizing Devices ROAD ROAD WORKJ ROAD HeavyWork Vehicle ® Truck Mounted TO WORK .a.-�G20-2 WORK 1� Attenuator (TMA) ° A 48" X 24' CW20-1D AHEAD 00 Trailer Mounted 0 Portable Changeable w L CW20 1 D 48" X 48" Flashing Arrow Board NI. Message Sign (PCMS) °> 48" X 48" (Flags- To (Flags- See note 1) o f See note 1) y �j ^ ^ x Z S gn Traff c F low LL o Cr V V �L,j �L,j X T �/ �j �j END Flag Flogger 3++ - E L•- ROADWORK z°a E o or, x Minimum Suggested Maximum o G20-2 Desiroble MiSignm TL C L LEFT y Spacing of Suggested .+w n o M T 48" X 24" Posted Formula Taper Lengths Channelizin g LANE 9 Longitudinal ,-_a' E > I_ Speed ** Devices Spacing Buffer Space a•-c o ° L L , CW20-5TL CLOSED x . an+ 0 L o o - * 10' 11' 12' On a On a "B" V V 48" X 48" - Distance o c S L w j j x T o Offset Off set Off set Taper Tangent a=O.W ' M L L o 0 x ■ N 30 2 150' 165' 180' 30' 60' 120' 90' OW� X w w o_a I 35 L. 60 205' 225' 245' 35' 70' 160' 120' oc°o ♦ ir X I ♦ 40 265' 295' 320' 40' 80' 240' 155' otwo ♦♦ •• 45 450' 495' 540' 45' 90' 320' 195' coo Y • } V ■ 50 500' 550' 600' 50' 100' 400' 240' c w° •■ ■ A 55 550' 605' 660' 55' 110' 500' 295' �o� w of ■ CW1 6oT •■ ■ m 60 L-WS 600' 660' 720' 60' 120' 600' 350' oox A 36" X 36" : JX 65 650' 715' 780' 65' 130' 700' 410' x H-L 70 700' 770' 840' 70' 140' 800' 475' 0• Li El ■i ♦♦ oA� 48'' XR48" 75 750' 825' 900' 75' 150' 900' 540' ♦ o n v �/�/ o ♦ ■♦♦ NYa ) ( CW13-1P * Conventional Roads Only T,- a ■ a o ■ 0.- 0 • ■y-. MPH 24" X 24" SAE Taper lengths have been rounded off. w 3 o Shadow Vehicle with rA Y • ■:•'-' , A (See note 2)� L=Length of Taper(FT) W=Width of 0ffset(FT) S=Posted Speed(MPH) L o` TMA and highintensity ■Q� A L ■''.` 'T) g >o o rotating, f lashing, 1' ° • w .r,e on oscillating or strobe ■ `/�,■ • �I:-j TYPICAL USAGE °o. lights. (See notes 4 & 5) u ■ �!a_'.r o .00 • ■'.'- O SHORT SHORT TERM INTERMEDIATE LONG TERM •- TE • (See note 7) ■;:•�_,.8 o MOBILE o c o ® X ■ •., a. DURATION STATIONARY TERM STATIONARY STATIONARY Vo L L ■ ■ ■ Ol� Y o°L Shadow Vehicle with • • O N.-o ■ m TMA and high intensity ■ GENERAL NOTES coo o rotating, flashing, • .c,- • oscillating or strobe •■ 1. Flags attached to signs where shown are REQUIRED. + 0 lights. (See notes 4 & 5) 2. All traffic control devices illustrated are REQUIRED, except those denoted w e o • ■ ® with the triangle symbol may be omitted when stated elsewhere in the pions, cc o • X • ■ or for routine maintenance work, when approved by the Engineer. w m o+ • ■ ■ 3. The CW20-1D "ROAD WORK AHEAD" sign may be repeated if the M O E • ■ ■ m visibility of the work zone is less than 1500 feet. ,°.c • ■ ■ 4. A Shadow Vehicle with a TMA should be used anytime it can be positioned • oV+ • _Iv 30 to 100 feet in advance of the area of crew exposure without adversely c'Ei 1-'5 • • • affecting the performance or quality of the work. If workers are no longer J• • • c present but rood or work conditions require the traffic control to remain in ♦ • • CW1-6aT place, Type 3 Barricades or other channelizing devices may be substituted • ,A X • ♦ 36" X 36" RIGHT • for the Shadow Vehicle and TMA. ♦♦ , •LANE • (See note 2)A 5. Additional Shadow Vehicles with TMAs may be positioned off the paved ♦ ^Y CLOSED � surface, next to those Shown in order to protect wider work spaces. x ■ ■ TCP (1 -4a) _ CW20-5TR • Z. 6. If this TCP is used for a left lone closure , CW20-5TL "LEFT LANE CLOSED' ll 48" X 48" ■ } I v signs shall be used and channelizing devices shall be placed on the i A 4+_. CW1-4L centerline where needed to protect the work space from opposing traffic with LJ • _ 48" X 48" the arrow panel placed in the closed lane near the end of the merging taper. x ■ • TCP (1 -4b) L L L ♦ X X CW13-1P a o vv ■ • MPH 24" X 24" 7. Where traffic is directed over a yellow centerline, channelizing devices n n • X a • (See note 2)A which separate two-way traffic should be spaced on tapers at 20' or 15' N 0 L �`-'-' if posted speeds are 35 mph or slower, and for tangent sections, at 1/2S �L /� /� x �' where S is the speed in mph. This tighter device spacing is intended 7 \'/ 4 /_\ •. \Y X for the areas of conflicting markings, not the entire work zone. V �I.J� ♦ • • x RIGHT i A CLOSED " Traffic xLANE Operations ROAD END WORK CW20-5TR END -•- Division ,Texas Department of Transportation I Standard ROAD WORK AHEAD ROADWORK x 48" X 48" G20 2 48" X 24" 4 4 �- xX TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN 48" X 24" CW20-1D 48" X48" LANE CLOSURES ON MULTILANE Seeannote 1) -Z. ♦ • CONVENTIONAL ROADS ROAD TCP ( 1 -4a) TCP (1 -4b) WORK TCP ( 1 -4 ) - 1 $ AHEAD ONE LANE CLOSED TWO LANES CLOSED CW201D FILE: tcDleceb.rgn oN. cK: low: cx: 48" X X 48" ©TxDOT December 1985 CONT SECT JOB HIGHWAY (Flags- REVISIONS 0 w See note 1) 2-94 4-98 - 1-, 8-95 2-12 DIST COUNTY SHEET NO. o LL I-97 2-18 WILLIAMSON 38 OF 135 1 1 541 ill NI, OAKMONT ALIGNMENTIII CURVE OAKMONT-1 LINE OAKMONT 1 111 P.I STATION 1+89.95 N 101 74651.1040 E 3129376.669 LENGTH 199.53 DELTA 044°00'43" START STATION 3+61.03 N 101 74722.84 E 3129552.55 ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES DEGREE 012°11'26" END STATION 5+60.56 N 101 74793.31 E 3129739.22 900 E.Main Street 78664 TANGENT 189.95' DIRECTION N69°19'04.46"E Round )24 Phone(551212)244-1541546 LENGTH 361.033 Fax(512)244-1010 RADIUS 470 www.heaeng.com IN MID ORD. 34.24 LINE OAKMONT 2 TBPERegistrationNo.F-12709 P.0 STATION 0+00.00 N 101 74721.71 E 3129200.33 LENGTH 61.77 JOB NO.19-007 0 2020 HEA,Inc. P.T.STATION 3+61.03 N 101 74722.84E 3129552.55 START STATION 9+68.88 N 1 01 75013.97E 3130078.93 CHORD BEARING N89°48'57.25"E END STATION 10+30.64 N 1 01 75031.22E 3130138.24 P� OF rE-I� S DIRECTION N73°47'10.43"E S CURVE OAKMONT-2 *i• /\ ••*//' P.I STATION 6+58.88 N 1 01 74828.4980E 3129831.023 LINE OAKMONT 3 TERRY R. HAGOOD LENGTH 351.49 -0 52960 DELTA 023°38'2o" t DEGREE 012°11'44" START STATION 20+67.88 N 101 75287.1 E 3131 126.97 '!;-PO •'•:F �0'• �4, / TANGENT 98.32 END STATION 24+19.37 N 101 75284.68 E 3131478.46 'i • •• .... T E�••• �� LENGTH 193.833 DIRECTION S89°36'20.24"E ss,ONA L ��G RADIUS 470 s s MID ORD. 9.96 iL -k-- P.0 STATION 5+60.56 N 101 74793.31 E 3129739.219 � � �f LINE OAKMONT 4 P.T.STATION 7+54.39 N 101 74897.54 E 3129901.016 LENGTH 244.19 THE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS CHORD BEARING N57°12'39.98"E START STATION 26+84.63 N 101 75357.85 E 3131 730.49 AUTHORIZED BY TERRY R.HAGOOD,P.E. 52960 END STATION 29+28.81 N 101 75490.3 E 3131935.63 THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE MODIFIED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER,AND DIRECTION N 5 7°0 9'04.26"E THEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE CURVE OAKMONT-3 TEXAS ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. P.I STATION 8+63.54 N 101 74976.4342 E 3129976.44 DATE SIGNED: 02/01/21 DELTA 026°10'15" ISSUED FOR: BID LINE OAKMONT 5 DEGREE 012°1706" LENGTH 187.59 TANGENT 109.15 START STATION 31+19.26 N 101 75574.94 E 3132105.73 ROADWAY PLANS FOR LENGTH 214.485 END STATION 33+06.85 N 101 75637.79 E 3132282.48 OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION RADIUS 470 DIRECTION N70°25'27.90"E ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 MID ORD. 12.19 P.0 STATION 7+54.39 N 101 74897.54 E 3129901.016 P.T.STATION 9+68.88 N 101 75013.97 E 3130078.928 CHORD BEARING N56°47'50.85"E OAKMONT ALIGNMENT, CONTD. CURVE OAKMONT-4 P.1 STATION 25+54.90 N 101 75288.6952 E 3131613.928 DELTA 02 8°59'05" DEGREE 010°55'38" TANGENT 135.53 LENGTH 265.255 RADIUS 524 MID ORD. 16.68 P.0 STATION 24+19.37 N 101 75284.68 E 3131478.457 P.T.STATION 26+84.63 N 101 75357.85 E 3131 730.487 ; CHORD BEARING N73°48'40.45"E M iCURVE OAKMONT-5 P.ISTATION 30+24.51 N 101 75542.8591 E 3132015.584 REVISIONS 8 DELTA 013°43'32" NO. DATE DESCRIPTION DEGREE 007°12,25" .1 TANGENT 95.68 9 LENGTH 190.446 1 RADIUS 795 0 0 MID ORD. 5.7 P.0 STATION 29+28.83 N 101 7590.304 E 3131935.629 HEAPROJECTNO.19-007 s P.T.STATION 30+24.51 N 101 75574.94 E 3132105.725 ISSUED DATE:02/01/21 7 CHORD BEARING N63°32'43.36"E HORIZONTAL I ALIGNMENT DATA T i SHEET NO. i:i HAD s. SHEET 39 OF 135 a N N % ILL • �' j / PC(GONG CURB) ..� / / PRC(CONC CURB) 4 OAKMONT DRIVE STA 9+87.65 ■ 'r•�• , / ! 4 OAKMONT DRIVE STA 7+55.10 47.Od LT ;\ A�oOT `•••�••. / / �! 25.5d LT 0 100 200 HAGOOD I - - INNINIIWIR AHOOAIUS BEGIN CONC.C&G(TY II) / R Round E Main TX 78664 ed PRC(CONC CURB) tP SCALE:1"=100 Ph512 244 4 OAKMONT DRIVE STA 0+00 / // Phone{512}244-1546 4 OAKMONT DRIVE STA 6+75.74 PROP CURB RAMP f 1 Fax(512)244-1010 • 25.5D'LT 28.60'RT TY 1 (2 EA) 1 1 ( 9.xmv.heaen com BEGIN SIDEWALK I i� ' J PRC(CONC CURB)^ li if lI\i THPE RepiChafion Na F-12709 BEGIN CONC.C&G(TY II) L OAKMONT DRIVE STA 0+00 T7 ,/ 4 OAKMONT DRIVE STA 9+66.76 ;r j 1 JOB NO.19-007 0 2021 HEA,Inc k OAKMONT DRIVE STA 0+00 / / PC(GONG CURB) f + ; !_ 25.50'RT O ��\ war i; �''*7 4 OAKMONT DRIVE STA5+60.69 5'SIDEWALK 25.Od LT L0. ';� j _ HI A� O F r, N. i / -25.0ULT I�rra4sa21xtt..: �, _ - - 'ki r •S��.M'•• �s BEGIN 51DEWALK ‘'� C, i PC(CONC CURB) I _ - I...+, j * ••~ * '"• L OAKMONT DRIVE STA 0+00 ')c, T.OAKMONT DRIVE STA 3+61.31va - - a - C \; ,• . r 25.00 LT o . 9.1., 00 - 10+F F r c•/x `� + + l `1 � I TERRY R.HAGOOD 5'SIDEWALK �� J� 551DEWALK n k. - �.� t� 1 r .». 296 ..»..,»... �' ` -' ,' LINE OAKMONT-1 ,, I. .. .r 2 ~- ------ PROP ROW _ / -------- - -mil " !-. ��� � �o � 0 a�'� - % ali, \ _ -j 3� r I A .4t 00 6+t 0 ,, 1:Eel rt� - - - ---'� ` ifs PROPOSED CULVERT ° _ l W oN f �''` �.� - -, ' 0/ invE -- - 4 - ---- s.. -- a"wW - - I!`( z 'h f /� i I/ 12'X 8'(4 EA) rG�. ..ice - - - - - - - - - `. L f -%•' PROP ROW - t 1,'' .J• '-;- ''...~.. CURVE OAKMONi-3 „ = THE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS - �. ,'1%� IX$JY- V AUhHOTdIH7 BYT�RKf R.HAGOOD,P.E I CURVE OAKMONT-1 -_ PC(CONC CURB}I PROP CURB RAMP / I 1 THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE MODIFIED WITHOUT THE 40AKMONTQRNESTA5+60.56r �IXrN7149r \ lx CµM{yy Q EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER,AND Y J ` \ P6U=73S& 25.5d RT -7�68 TY 1 (2 EA) /i I I THEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE CYPRESS IX I8 Rl=718BJ IX P '� cm * 1FXA5 ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. / &OGYA LO I tt � CURVE OAKMONT-2 IXrour=r 19 PC(GONG CURB) » , DATE SIGNED: 02/01/21 j ACRES34 Et rwwHy 1 ;ti ADDITION, T.OAKMONT DRIVE STA 9+89.68 7 ISSUED FOR: BD l / '7 / LINE OAKMONT-2 IX 78'�- � / PC(CONC CURB) BEGIN TAPER(CONC.C&G) 56� 71.30'RT IX J8'OY17-777.Db ` / I I OAKMONT DRIVE STA 3+61.69 L OAKMONT DRIVE STA 6+38.55 / II ROADWAY PLANS FOR 25.50'RT 25.50'RT / m OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION .•f' ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 HORIZ SCALE:20 OAKMONT DRIVE VERT SCALE:2 LEGEND -7Arti ,7A --- PROPOSED R.O.W.I________________ - -- . PROELE EXISTING R.O.W. ■ AKMONT-DRIVESTA 9-+95.30 == ELW=750,06'\„ f PROPOSED PAVEMENT IE' - TRAFFIC FLOW -750- 14 aI ,+ - _ - -750- 71 ■ ��" - OAKMONT-1 CURVE ID ■ M I �r • - ■ ' ' I`S �r-'' ark_ illik _ -� 1 r �� rr -740 rl ilviiiiimr I II c..J • =W/ /,.-;/7'"' -- C. '--@-t-OAKMONT DRIVE L ■m ■m��R NO. DATE DESOMON ■Il•YOr ■ EX STING GROUND 2 ■1' ■ii NOTES: I -730- PAP GROUND -730- 1. STATIONS,OFFSETS,AND RADII s ARE MEASURED FROM FRONT FACE UNLESS OTHERWISEcf NOTED. HFA FRO NO.19.G070. .. Y ____,- 2. FOR SURVEY POINT MOD DATE.D2J01/m INFORMATION,SEE SURVEY ROADWAY PLAN 8 PROFILE .C) u7 c •-- C'.I O ,0 .- I . CN 0• M COCN Cr) O CM O 0• u ^ U, •7 ,0 I CM Imo C'3 � \ U,N. O I I '0 CM C'D C) k ^0 ry Lc) O 4 . O o ..4. CI 0.0. Cl .- v o .- cI •0 P...- VI Cl CC! Cl v o O N.0 o , , I . v Cl, '- I'" 'ID Cl v CO '--0 CC1 .C•) u) .- - 0. CO CO r` o CONTROL SHEET. BEGIN TO STA 11+00.00 c-4 ni w - c i 0- c i oo c) LC) rti CO c-4 0: CV = CV CN c*5 Oi ' ch ' ri .n .ci .o .ci .o-.0 n•0 CO N. o6 co 0:0: 0 0- o o - c*) 3. SEE DRAINAGE SHEETS FOR 6 . Q r7 r7 r) r) cx, Q Q - Q Q Q Q Q Q Q "Cr "Cr -- "Zr .C)Q LC) .C) .C7 IC) 3 � � � � n N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. r I r I r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 5 II II II II II II II II II II ii II ii II ii II II II ii II ii II ii II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II SHEET NO.00 00 .00 LD (27 .00 9 D cD D CL 7 cD D 2 W cD D 7 D 2 7 0 I. 2 W 2 IC... cD D 0 D 0 D CL 7 2 7 0 D 9 7 2 W PP1 -1+00 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 11+00 S�ETw�' G L- --I- --a _t i A ' ; 1 I 1 fi G. _„_•___.=„ `` r ;-- I8 I II . . Eft ice No — H \,?A � �I . I I 1 i II'I "_• `' •_ �IINcoNC.no �z ;.1 e , _ airI ! „` ,,, r y L OADAONTDINESG10+9/.10y 116 ! SO E:1'=100 . .,.. I-• d1.13r1T ! 111T la.Idfl01 C " ' .. rC IooNC CO I OC JODNS 3GODT•202110 4. - . CA ITS 44 L=MONT DINE SrA20+9610 , ' pC ICCNC � whet/a,. r �� LL - RI -%C0140N1 DUE SFA21+7125 I + sect da+ - E : i I I " I -�4 �-y1 w :�.... - -E590'LT S •41/ l y w; T-�7/�3d-�. 18+OD 3` _ IS I� ▪ �PQABIAMP DPEGIIGVDIRJI fF ..:.��:�311`8}' -�.��Uyl�l __ 15 ��- _. _.�...( Tri(1 TERRf R.HAGOOD• ... \ kn ILI 52960 t Z - 1 + FRCP OaRW _ 4f ire Z °�•:�i S1EA+' 0'ra J f / TT1 p EN /./ ''.;,� 5 �alUTN1AL ¢No _I rRMHTACII< 1 ; 1_ Tri-ii- ? `-"- �',I,'V n�reLnmv4 �saA n , , - / ICl �1 \ J -- Vram,e I awarrsow f,l. \ /W ,f Lo&QAONrDIrYEsusaF w ' �y - ,. f- U//id�'e�c�'x'h-�- 1� �s- ` `�.- ", } . " • +, nLaxtnerwalDeDmeLwa num I 'r i/ - i ENO CONC.= , ' ' ,MILK®r/�LMWO(6,1s f+ t , L WI<AW DR4E STA 20+91.00 ! nocumga Aa iorC lbw®nut nE .. v ''� if/ i i i SOLT •o _ 11310ru4,C «iMm Deis t ,♦i If + e 1 -.-7 / t 1. STA110NS.Cf1�ETS,/NDAADI >awarx�a�rcrc�fcr. ! . '�. Af MEASURED PROM FRONT I �y,1+f it I i t i �+' .', FACE WeftOTN60VRE NOTE. EILE)Mt r j i ' / i i ' 3. rOLSl1R4EY FONT \/ I ,f ! f J ', PC QOONC O.IIBJ 11FOR1AUIOt+,SEE Surfer -"• • f ; / / ry '-cplKµpCUREII STA21+49.Bt iNFORWLSNEET, !UMW PUNS FOR i +' Si �.vmraotacnT + , \I • = / ( rneroc,aew W�/ /I/ z RT I 3. SEORMAGE9EE1SFORC1AIWOHTDIM EXTSCIDN fACOtigNu N�7QlMrbott ROCK,TX 7E681 '�.� = / a: ROUND HORIZ SCALE 20 OAIOAONT DRIVE VIM'SOLE:2 1a3B0 I I- - - i ____ NOOSED P.O.W. 510 PROM III I I IN, I DDSC ROM. Tt oein a - I FROPoMowvTMe+r ...� �'� — OtuR TIM C ROW ter ' 1 OAghCNF-1 CUM G /l r •''�, — •no- r — r ` ,- N meat -760- r •760- _ - - R 5 c Y 2:zr WM 1-K0 TO NReiff I 00IMDI� A: ROADWAY mKA @ r, ` n � ''P ` r, r, re. : a , k k rk II I II II lilt lilt lilt lilt L II lilt lilt L II L II lilt lilt tl 1 I II II . I II I II II . II . I I I II I I I I 1 1 *WIC 20 20 20 20 20 20 90 20 20 90 90 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 2LW OW 00 00 R Pn s 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 1E+00 19+00 20+00 21+00 72+00 23+00 tm'lav a ♦ 2 ----I'll 1 kJ x An. Er 1 I I III ::' HA I]I a+Aab-rar -1 3 I rh: 0 100 200 ,mEManS..I 1 I _ bMkikTR70(i+ I PC(wNC CUILy r J o SCAIE:1'=100 �a 111E 1 �I LOA MONTDRNEMTA21+18M owcraacaapr I a mass�bF1LA �i 1 O 25 r7 LT �� .01115.4 at•2YiIiikin. O I smrim +� PPOPW9BPNIP wows tCCN1AIOIRDPf/ESTA31+192B 1 ` 14 xArsa..aw y yS� p` ...........Fxysa TT7{2 FA} I i *.' t4 ' I MMUS * * '� •, 4 t OULMONTMOESTETA�39k2 CCY(AIdtID911E5T , _ . . . +. . -1iS0'LT . .. I � •TERRI R.HAGOOD• rj •2530LT •25.60LT • �- . �� 52960 3 / 890HIALLpN._ f J� 31�p 82 e33+00 7 r 1T 1 N FAO x Z ! _-_�- - 'A{.� �i'_— - i----r-----1---N02725211'E; :r�.. - I G.°e ac!SlEA.�O�•tP -ii is 'e __ _ 1..jR Y` i��'`` `� ,• �� 26+00 � , ~~-�~ . . . . ... ..i . . .A me.," r \ I Ili vfit,�j:�•'��/ r.'4• J - - -r-- — - lido" FC� 1 PO(COPIC 13)� - ; I 1 1 �� 1+^ I fl4ONropYEsrAs9+3e93 LOAIaAONfoLNE SlA31+19.33 N +I � '�WCIf °ECCUL ° I -- - . 259 P¢T 2530 3T DIME®EINMI NMLWarW IPOpotato I sal �traAnaPf(OONCCIIfeg 1. STATIONS G1tSETS AND3Aa mawN__v_ mnEaaoen1LOA1(ACWOWESTA2t+19A0 O TSCIMAONF4 -LCA%AIwNNESTA26+31.63 UNEONMONTA �� � APIMEASUAEDFROMRANT WMMISSOCfRT+Cr. 2�ET nsnr CIAILMONT DRNESTA32+9153 FACE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, WENNER �M 2. FORUMFONT gSpEyyyR ;samara,: USEOARAIONT-5 NEORMUION,MESURVEY awear.me i CONTROL SHELL . A T WOW PLANS FOR IADDMONALINFORMATION. OAKMONT0 WQ IION ROUND ROM TX TUN ME SCALE:20 LEGENa OAKMONT ORM VWT SCALE 2 ____ROOMED RO.w. ■ — OS1 ;LO.W. ■-1 _ _ ■ ■ ice■ .lep, — FAm2+6 - - - - _ .Si - - — — — — .780 O RIOPOSEDMOOR MO - ki LYC m.25 — 'I' 1WACROW ' - ■■NNEMENNEMENNEMENNEMENNEMENNEME■ OARMOMI CURYEID . 1 h .111)._M:M:ME:M:MM:M:EN i --- - 2 1 ,; • — PII E1,64073 nuns ��s- M OAr4?66Ai KL mg aisnon — — — — — — — — a.e~ .. S ^m ^o� Re �i: °�a RS °8 0� non 8e~. Ss 8 �€? �� b"3 e�.� rY.ttz 'o�� `�' S E^n NA 23+01.03TO ENO E I �� �� �� �k .5� rEE EE EE �� 1� �pi Fil R.FL I� r.m. MIC P^ F. rd^ II II I ,HIeCW,. ` 23+00 24+00 28+00 26+00 27+00 28+00 29+00 30+00 31+00 32+00 33+00 Wee 35+00 : / t ► ` l 1 1 1 1 1 j PC ICONC CURB) START PROPOSED SIDEWALK END PROPOSED SIDEWALK 1 €N.MAYS STA 76+97.73 €N.MAYS STA 77+75.59 HNII Q [N.MAYS STA 73+58.3d j 43.05'RT 47.38'RT 0 50 100 INNINIIWIR i1S0OAnf Sao E.Main Shed 47.5d'RT • }q� 4 'r ' y ��� Rona itodc.TX20664 1� PC ICONC CURB) PT(GONG CURB) 1 Phone(512)2a-1546 PRC(GONG CURB) 1 €N.MAYS STA 74+78.89 €N.MAYS STA 76+74.99 SCALE:1'=50 Fax(512)244-1010 €N.MAYS STA 73+58.30 l 33.00'RT y 45.50'RT 45.50 RT rmw.heaeng.com TWE Regish lion No.F•12709 ..„„________________ \ ti i JOB NO.19-007®2021 HEA Inc L 11• �� E i --- - - -`�� - ,1 �p� OE Fh _ { ta SAW CUT LINE 1 .*.i«..«..«...«..«..«..«. »*. N 73'47'10'E',61.7T MATCH EXISTING GRADE TERRY R.HAGOOD I f •. 52960 r . I N.MAYS BEGIN TAPER(GONG.C&G) �fl%a G �452, SAWCUT UNE 1 1.N.MAYS STA 77+75.01 -, F • �� €N.MAYS STA 73+58.33 ._._._. S 7 sS/ONAL•ECG -28'RT j SAWCUi UNE N21 , ,. ,-. N.MAYS ST. C.N.MAYS STA 77+75.02 28'RT -��alr THE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS _=a=ta AUIIi0R12)0 ,P.E.BYTERRTRHAGOOD P. - _ I `� j — BLS , � 52960 - __'--_- ___ _:::: O� `'o- 1-/ - r�� 7HISDRANANG MAY NOT BEMOOIFIEDWTTH017TiHE ` ________ I or i 11IENONLYIN�A0N00RDANCEWTHTHERUIESOFTHE Z i" _�. DATE5IGNED ENGINEEAIN�IPRACiCEACT. 80 4.OAKMONT DRIVE \)' t. j O -------.) ,,‘ a I Q ��Z`=�z� '' 'n ROADWAY PLANS FOR 0 1 a 0 ''r v /,�'�' `�°°°® "; OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 it i' / °° °: .. LEGEND _--_PROPOSED R.O.W. HORIZ SCALE:20 EXISTING R O.W. N.MAYS VERr SCALE:2 PROPOSED PAVEMENT _ 7An, r7411 i- TRAFFIC FLOW NW STA.=73+26.10 PVI ELEY.=754.10 OAKMONT-1 CURVE ID K=61 L C=150.00 w m _ � �iieu r ii ` - : - - - NO. DATE DESOtIFIION 1 750- -750- 1 - '5 s d NOTES: ISSUED Ah`mro;n;°07 o. ROADWAY PLAN&PROFILE 1 1. STATIONS,OFFSETS,AND RADII ARE N.MAYS ST. u� Q"0 o o MEASURED FROM FRONT FACE UNLESS STA.72+50.00 TO STA.78+50.00 3 OTHERWISE NOTED. n ^ ^ N. 04 ^ ^ ^^ 2. FOR SURVEY POINT INFORMATION,SEE SHEET NO. CO CO II a II H II H II u u u SURVEY CONTROL SHEET. pp4 W W W ,2 W 2 W 3. SEE DRAINAGE SHEETS FOR ADDRIONAL SHEET130F 135 INFORMATION. 41 72+50 73+00 74+00 75+00 76+00 77+00 78+00 1 / -,- _ _ 4 JIIIIIma i LNSPIlBSeLYDeTA,18+1S.SD ' , 64I F� —r-7� 1 t �ro� ;a , IS ___ 1I •p'E• I i I E1e)TAIER{CONC caw- -13R1 1 Eli)cow.CJEe Pr(Oo11O 1a&1 r L LYFAE351LwmA14+l4.iB= �'' HA�GOQD L CYRUS awmA 10+763f L GSPRSSErYD STA18+ladl I 3117 '', M� 7AtLr 4m "' SAWCUT W E 't , 0 50 100 b batttnu+ 4 l l R SIY'OJI W E t CITIES SLYD STA 13+59 76 RI NTAl R(CONC.CdG} �a.ntgSutNe LGIIRESSIL9DSTA11+USb3 ILYMB6 BIZ STAla+E530 •13'Rr r tCTPRP14ELwSTA,6+10.2B ��'3�"1D1 I elf •wr ' CID L CY BEM i wsTA li CCAgS58<wmAo12�+6681 i ' '�. y � a� PI(OW QIIBI TOMO.4407•2Yi TOM. — -- ' LCIMESSeLwsu13+9S9F 1GYPRBSIlwS1A15+-ar -- Id - -3'RI li.vRT �'-0! / _ `� 3.96ia- — — — -0'RI � .tE 01 77. da TT • _12 1� qs I 9N EASING CADE _'__—_ _ ••• TERRf R.HAG000 -- II— SAIyORUNE --_—_— — 90A...•!�G STE4: .• 4, AIATW RN6INGGRADE 'I I r BIM CONCISE FLEDMEM de J ^ gLam Ly FROM SEA.1 Boom.1l+dRae Oi L --- ------- ---- --- EUppONC N lNa ----- L -—-- --— —-- -- � 1 � tCYPESRLWm il+l5S, //id�, i� rr- - --SEOLT - nEaxwa, wa sAWYL1urE STAq'1ROPOS®9OeV/ALx Ili i t�ar NOTES: ,tR+t®n,eal.wtnm•Pa c ct7C aw su,R+7d3+ m1C {2 IT L MESS 8LwSIA 12+86•al I SL____NE ,,,,oAWI,o,E�rant Wog I �' f LCYM1'E36EWSIA14+15.80 �n.w,on,wnan.ecu�tno MELT ,. StAJ1O ,OR91B AND 1lpIARE ■eaur�mra rtx aaoex teVI BYR�1G 1/Ci[XICI. a7fRo�1e R1ID MEOWN I CYPRESS aW ! Q x 0 mAmEOPOR®Slonklu[ MEASURED F1tOM UP p�m I '-tMESSBLw51A13+993T LCMe3SEMOSUU+15..71 OFGUI1EItUNLBSOTifRA'LSENOTID. a�umrae m 13t0iASG 1a+laso-11+9aAD � �� ' dLT NM LT 2. FOR SUR&PON11HfOHAATKOIR,SEE INEY CONTROL WWW1'UDE ZZ ! '', SWMW1WE I s�Nffr. IQAIMAYFEAM6 LCmEESNASTA13+NASD I . ''-LCYPESSMD SEA 13459.7E 1rLT i tvtr FOR a SEE CUNAGESI 1SIORADDIDNA1. @A10RONT0RIYEatm,ioN NFORMATION. ROUND ROCK,TX 76681 HOW SOLE:20 CYPRESA ILVD VERT SCALE 2 LEGEND -__-rLOPOLED R.O.W. — _ — Eg511NG R.O.W. . - - I PROPOSED PA91:4M211 . - - - + TPAFT3C ROM m Ob'JA(kfi-1 CIIEUE I) .7 I I I I I ! I !_ I ________ 41 L. II neat Q I I - - K I lit 1«1m1n MC 4 I` 7 �m�� I _ RLNDWAY RAN IS MALE �L I DECEL WANE C PESS BLVD. q aq v� SI=gi 8Tk 10+i60070su1E+5E= EE Ei n R n n �� R ;� •mwa �S l�t2 �b3 �!a �E3 EZ53 E2E3 1RMQItl ` 10+50 11400 12400 13400 14400 13400 16400 14460 + : I 1 END CONC.C&G(TY II) BEGIN CURB(fY II) [ 4.DRIVEWAY 1 STA 0+26.29 '1 C7 1 •___,,-_. . 68.50'Ri HAGOOD •'.a [ INNINIIWIR a�aAnl ' I •:"A I 0 30 60 900E Main Shed } •.• 1 Round Rodc.17(7B664 Fox(51512)244-1546 I \ R=55' //, Fax(512)244-1010 I OAKMONT DRIVE i x •. SCALE 1"=30' www.heaang.cam 74 -END CURB(iY II) TAPE Regishalion Na F-12709 r • .... TIE TO EXISTING JOB NO.19-0074J2020HEA,Inc 1 •; .• C DRIVEWAY 1 STA 0+40.04 -32.00'RT .. . O F pFk I I • •‘•• 144 SY CONC ,..:„1,-.................-rid, 0 I 0 b0 N. 2a15' ° •••a TERRY R.HAGOOD -= c: . X 4 DRIVEWAY 1 io IlL cO,s' �� • •: .� ' 1 S 7 ;0 �� STA 20+79.37(OAKMONT DRIVE) I , END CONSTRUCTION ss'ONA L ECG STA 00+00.00(DRIVEWAY 1) + •. . STA 00+38.68(DRWY 1) ' END CONSTRUCTION I END CURB(TY II) 21 Pam. i� + STA 00+23.85 DRWY 1 + TIE TO EXISTING ( } •' 4 DRIVEWAY I STA 0+37.20 THE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS I 31.50'LT AumoraZM BY TERRY R.HAGOOD,P.E 52960 1''•I THISEIN M WATT MAY NOT BE OFTHEMODIFIED WITHOUT THE II III EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER,AND THEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE f [OAKMONT DRIVE AI TEXAS ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. I I I Mg �';�� DATE SIGNED: 027AU21 ISSUED FOR: SD I j I END CONC.C&G(TY II) J o j BEGIN CURB(TY II) ROADWAY PLANS FOR ! I t DRIVEWAY 1 STA 0+22.16 I i o ° 5o.5a LT OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 5'SIDEWALK I, 4.0096 OAKMONT DRIVE 2.0096 5TA=0+00.00 EXISTING GROUND ELEV=761.15 I • 60- _76O•BEGIN DRIVEWAY-1 END DRIVEWAY-1 N STA=0+24.43 -STA=0+40.00 ELEV=760.67 ELEV=761.11 BEGIN SIDEWALK CROSS SLOPE REYSIONS 1 STA=0+30.88 ELEV=760.95 No. DATE IEScPPnoN 1 I 8 8 5aa OJEC HE4 PRT NO.19.007 Q I J8D DATE.D2/01/21 DRIVEWAY PLAN&PROFILE I 0 471 N. ^^ ^ SHEET NO.N. .. II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II DPP i LL W LL LL W LL LL W LL W LL W LL k SHEET IS OF 135 Ai -0+60 0+00 1+00 1+20 I. I I I \\ • i \ / !i i = 30 60 HAGOOD INOINIlIIIlS AUOCIRQ / { I r r. \ ` 900 E Main Shed l f SCALE:1'=30 Round Iox,Tx 7a�a / j Phone{512}244-1 sa6 F 12)244-1010 g{:li , ^ � T \ wxw.heaeng.com ''� ` TAPE Regishalion No.F-12709 w ii { y I ?Ya \ JOB NO.19-007 0 2020 HEA,Inc. 1 V0 �_ ^+I iiii ;; f I 4 N.Mays NOTES: r o ;FX y� f 'Jill @ STA.74+35.05 5' �s f I ( OAKMONT DRIVE 1. CONTOURS SHOWN ARE PROPOSED. */} } 2. STATIONS OFFSETS,AND RADII ARE TO LIP '* •'• +`••• .: o� a � @STA. 10+30.64 1 l rram�,,. f+ 'b OF GUTTER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. TERRY R.HAGOOD II ` i. " 3. FOR SURVEY POINT INFORMATION,SEE •»••;••»• »••»•i»••• f I HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT AND SURVEY DATA -a •• • 52960 r 1 1 I I II:' SHEET. 'O\f6' 42, l 1 f I 4. SEE DRAINAGE SHEETS FORADDITIONAL , Fs 0\ l I 6• / I I.,'• INFORMATION. s'ONA L E� l � I .NAYr_ R=25.5' ff i /r_c.N `' i 1• '`, THESEAlAPPEANNCONTHISDOCUMENrwAs OV �w f I .:.o AUTHORIZEDP.E. T BYTOM'R.HAGOOD + i 32960 � / 1 I ` iii ;, ! THISDRAYANGMAYNOTBEMODIFIEDWITHOUTTHE ���777 CCL j DRESS WRITENCONSENTOFTHEENGINEER,AND �..... I THEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WTTHTHE RULES OFTHE f TEXAS ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. �' ©w ) 1 N I DATE SIGNED: 02/01/21 �� f ISSUED FOR: TJ0 ,--� 1 14+0 —______ x_v__ . .—.—.—.—.—.11+0 12+00 11 — ~ ——' ROADWAY PLANS FOR �" 1`,� ' .. 1 " . 4.,QAKMONT DRIVE OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION • • Qk� — • - a . * l , — ® — ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 1 _ _ _� _ _ _ .� _ _ _ __ LEGEND: f - --( ,e f + ' _ — — — EXISTING CONTOUR 1 / cc , DNi �1 f PROPOSED CONTOUR 11►► / I f CROSS SLOPE TRANSITION TABLE n j Ij ,I I' STA. X-SLOPE ilr t 1 I.•`:i / 1 9+55 -1% ii e 1 ti, �l ' 10+08 EXIST y ;, 3 ReAsioNs } I i, I fill I GI AT 0 5 9.04, NO. DATE CE5 PNON '-s; / 1 COMME ,OM V ACiE ,1 l ;_5 / PNT NO PNT TYPE CHAIN STA OFFSET ELEV a — — — 1 ,Y,, / 1 1 PC OAKMONT 9+91.50 71.60 LT 752.82' - - 4. g ' / l ,' HrAERaEcrNo.lvoo7 _ I. / 2 PCC OAKMONT 9+82.30 50.00 LT 751.39 ®uJEC NO.m -PR°Low —� — — �;`, •'1' / ' 3 PC OAKMONT 9+53.83 36.00 LT 750.13' INTESECIION DETAIL ,1 I `� / OAKMONT DR&N.MAYS ST.1 — — / 4 PC OAKMONT 9+67.30 23.50 RT 750.50' 3 1 - j / ( 5 PCC OAKMONT 9+82.30 30.00 RT 751.12' SHEET NO. 1 , / _ / 6 PC OAKMONT 9+89.31 46.85 RT 751.76' ID1 SHEET46OF135A G. r • III fII I II CL r c aii11 f , I i aI I \i rI I II 1 I _ r —r r ** y Cui .0 17 y I +I 1 ' I I� 1' 1 I 0 as CE.1S ,. 4 f — I Th I f I_= / l} I 11 11 f'/ 'ram KALE:16=9Q nen TRlialt n1AMD01 II r +r 1 1 ! _ 1 'rP i' __ -- ' NOTES: ,oewa,ao�.anol`etr= Ill 11 - I - = 1 11 r + + -` 11 1 i t. c°Nr°utssNovmAEP,�Pos®. ,PEE DP .et laap��� � 1 I 1 I 1 I I r I 2. STATIONS,OPi3EIS,Nro-MD1AA TOUP */ ,. � I — I ' i 111 111 I a. FOR UHT POW tN ,Of Ora UMW 01118541%"°' *. •:tk I — + ' , 11I 11 1 r I /f No�oNruNxxrAENTAwsurrulrA TERRY R.HAGOOD �Jt I HET. + + 'I� III / 4. SEEMANCE SEEM FORADDR101Yt 52960 °i _ / , 1 + — r �I + I� 11 ! .I © Ii : ................ 1L_ NfO tlAATK1N Oo •.,OD Ntctitajalsier / I \ // I--- -p- -- 1 f 01 r`/MI:C?r,j r.-h..-- ^�_— ' 1 , . • -- --- Allit.201113111WECCOL MN r- — r---�— — =s__ - I {� a McIa.a Ana MOWN/CCDONZIKM Ilt dB OF It 21/144 v // I t-r 1 elm‘ ‘ / / —— —r-- — — — — �i ILpbQwar PUNS FOR 1{ / / tOAKMONTDRIVE OAKMONT EXTBmII OWE�' 1 / / I r' ROUND ROM,TX 78681 �z=mot= \ — ® �I- - -- • + r ! to © �� LEGEND: � i� • --- so �/ E305TNGCONR7UR I r 1 ' ________ r ♦ I , �`--— PfCfp9®CONFWR + 1 ` i fir J / — CROSS SLOPE TRANS1110N TARE _J I / 1 0 0 , / f' I STA XaOPE ' I I -11 ''� ■ // // 22+00 .246 / 1 I I I / 21+50 -1% ' / 1 20+90 EXIST I� 1 (I / PINT NO PM TYPE CHMN STA OFFSET EIW _Ur-f P ' ' 1 PCC OAKMONT 20+73,44 45A0 RT 775.06' r '���'I 1 1 II 1 + I , Al ff' 1 I Pr OAKMONT 2+97.20 as so Rr na56' a ' —I --/ 1 I i 0 + I + 3 PC OAKMONT 2+97.20 51.50 RT 77474' arcloCtt _ _ i i re- / 4 PCC OAKMONT 21+05.00 32.28 RT 77526' I + 1— _ I ^ I 1 111 I I �' no — Sr OAKMONT 21+25.64 24.00 RT n5 26' 1 I — 1 1 I, ' + I f 5 PT OAKMONT 21+25.64 24.00 RT 775.78' riagair I / I I I\ 1 I I f / 7 FCC OAKMONT 21.05.00 32.28 LT 776.24' NTEe9ECI10N OETAa i. — —� 8 PC OAKMONT 20+97.20 51.50LT 776.47 OAKMONTDRac ssWiV. r , I I \ + I 1 ++ 1I— — // I — - �fI `\\ + rr II 9 PT OAKMONT 20+97.20 63.80 LT na.63' ,.,� 1 i— — / �. I i , ( \ I I ! . 10 PCC OAKMONT 20+62.92 38,00LT 776.46' ID2 4 ♦ � r 4 I II I I j I �Hi i' III jI f +rV a wy I I / i I Ifin01pH41NE a'i r 1 I + 111 SGIIE1'=3D' F.11129441011 %Sa TIRIyNElnOaE-0DOR -- I / I 111 I I NOTES:/ // / —(1?'' y`I{' . t/ i il, /r i I 2. SYMONS,OFFSETS.AHD VclI HIE TOtP `' S / /lwy�� / , /IYYY I i (if xwa+� orc ma UtiFSS01t6CMSE NOT®. it '• ••• .li �j rI 3. FOR9URYEYPOMNfOVMiOtLSffY / / I u' I .... I Rm@aW NOFFANfhL11lC+P NENT AND SURVEY WA TERRY R.HAGOOD III r / // I& I III E7ION III 1 ! I I II j iliif '�QUA>• N fI I J --- — ERR I f 44 VETAARINDOCIIRECOLININ I 0 1 i nfwEwnMcIa.ENXIMIRIwnE + EITI �e1vJ0agne010SA0 // I I I 1 IO4MAIDOI�Mlx n aaoEn / / V t ! I >eweal�a re �er. .....— i .I 1 NEM El $*I I MITE MD. aiJIDI 1 og j , :I ROOMY PUNS FOR �� -� © I 1 I OIAIORONTORPiE0Q84lION I H H ROUND R004TX78681 atIMIONYDRIVI Calif WIZ I I I t OAKMONTME flaxen" ©I I I J t III LEGEND: 34+Op I + 1 ——— EXISI)CCONTOUR ! + + 17pgSID OCNTOUR E. ��- A c ' I r , I I +� II 4 — `\ ; I] I, I CROSS SLOPE TRANSrtiaFlrABtE --L__—__�__--- ., © 1 SM. Mat SI j ,Il ( 32+30 .2% a RI i 32+82 .1% /r ! � i 3 3+17 E05T guns rI Ii I+ f I I i d PNiNO PWTIYPE CHAIN STA OfFEET ELW I A II II 1 PC QAXMONT 33+19.59 50.50 RT 755.72' I I 11 / I - 2 PCC - OAIOAC)NT 33+14.00 36.00 RT 755.81' I ! f ji r 3 PT OAKAIONT 32+ 50 24.00RT 755.94I `j� II 4 PT QW* NT 32+91.59 24.00 LT 755.94' Mpt&SUNS RD. 4` �I � t u + I 5PCC OAKMA©NT 3 +06319LT 755.52' headera I I1 I II rJ 6 PC OA13•4ONT 33+16.82 5050 LT 755.18' ID3 § amp a ,,, ? ♦ � HAGOOD ENGINEERING• ASS OCIATES 900 E.Main Street Round Rock,TX 78664 Phone(512)244-1546 Fax(512)244-1010 www.heaeng.com EXPANSION JOINT PROPERTY LINE EXPANSION JOINT TBPE Registration No.F-12709 '�:'�;•.; ''•''•' �'••i �. ;.o•:.�� ;. `;oo-.:t`•' ..:-�.,., ,t•:•.� �,.,� :,•..: :t::'�; JOB NO.19-007©2020HEA,Inc. 1 �• v. �:��e, .q..:'i•s ;�y. •R:..: �>j+' ..•k.7•°:,�...;e,.••,a'+ ot: _ ,*''• • �''';.., _ F �� 5' CONTROL JOINT ROADWAY *�'•• — ••••;*I�; 40' (MAX) 5.0 O.C. 5.0 O.C. ,,,, W TERRY R. HAGOOD WHITE BACKGROUND. 4" HIGH BLOCK cl %, �';• 52960 I f '� BLACK LETTERS. 'I O,'•:FG ' '' �Of �, 2" HIGH BLOCK FUTURE EXTENSION OF Fs ...�'S T E••• G��- o ,` S/ONAL ' -- BLACK LETTERS. "STREET NAME" ���� - - CITY OF ROUND ROCK PUBLIC WORKS N CURB & GUTTER CALL:512-218-5555 3'-O" 01,11, G. ,,,,, S DOCUMENT PLAN y� . ��s I THE AUUTHORIZ DAPPEARING BYTEERRY R.HAGOOD,P.E. E 0 52960 ./1• C �irr OM-4R OR OM-4B THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE MODIFIED WITHOUT THE OONOO O I O D •ONO THEN ON• EXPRESS LY TTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER,AND INACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE 01 Aar 1 C; 3"X 3/8" TEXAS ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. VARIES 4i I �1 tO lir BOLT AND HEX NUT DATE SIGNED: 02/01/21 Z ISSUED FOR: BID VARIES 42" (MIN) 1 Z. Z / RED REFLECTORS 3" GALVANIZED COATED. m re D vDIAMETER MINIMUM. (SEE PLANS CONSTRUCTION WIDTH) I a z 2" 3/8" DIAMETER. ROADWAY PLANS FOR 0 1/4"/FOOT SLOPE: 2% (MAXIMUM) a OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION �, , , vy,.�,.�,.�. .')% o ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 . ,� A,M. ..� . I, kwx - ,a,;sr, a,�,midi 6" TOPSOIL. 1111611111111111111 1 2" SAND CUSHION ON THOROUGHLY �% \/.'' ;>•�% ',y\/.` .. /� law = COMPACTED SUBGRADE ? r.• TOPSOIL. \ : Y 7" SPIKE. �� CLASS "A" CONCRETE `��\j�j� j\/ ��\ � � N 8" 6" X 6" X NO. 6 WELDED ~� WIRE FABRIC, MID-DEPTH OR ONE MAT OF #3 BARS PLACED NO MORE THAN 18" O.C.E.W. SECTION 5 e s APPROVED CITY OF ROUND ROCK ST-01 RECORD SIGNED COPY CITY OF ROUND ROCK DRAWING NO: ON FILE AT PUBLIC WORKS ST 09 04-01-10 APPROVED REVISIONS DATE SIDEWALK DETAIL ROUND ROCK TOMS 08-21-03 ,.=,...<� THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER ASSUMES , `11� NO. DATE DESCRIPTION DATE STREET END MARKER DETAIL �`..;��� A RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPROPRIATE THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER ASSUMES 3\ USE OF THIS DETAIL.(NOT TO SCALE) RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPROPRIATE o USE OF THIS DETAIL. o ` E 8 0 01 SIDEWALK DETAIL NTS 02 STREET END MARKER DETAIL NTS HEAPROJECTNO.19-007 ISSUED DATE:02/01/21 'o ROADWAY STANDARDS o i SHEET NO. i:i RD1 E. SHEET 49 OF 135 0 N O I' N 11, LL , „,„ elm HAGOOD ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES 900 E.Main Street Round Rock,TX 78664 Phone(512)244-1546 Fax(512)244-1010 www.heaeng.com WIDTH VARIES. TBPE Registration No.F-12709 6" 1'-6" 6" 1'-6" R�1/4" R"1/a• ' RADIUS VARIES. EXP. JOINT JOB N0.19-007©2020 HEA,Inc. GRADE CONTROL GRADE CONTROL R-1/4" 3 BARS IN ON UPSTREAM EN� � ' / '`' / CURB SECTIONS. w GUTTER FORMED TO -E O F 7- ,, • :r•i••• R.3 1/2" tt.:.e�:+ R.3 1/2" u I _ `P••••••••••••• �I I :; •'4�:..+' to 5 S ., ; ��+. � • :•A.•.ti:.•' SPILL. DOWNSTREAM ' '9 I c ,.:+., o -+,. �_�. :r_` —-- I3 BARS c GUTTER FORMED TO I - *:• •.* :?::• • :• •..::s.r. .: :•.;... s'.=• �' •.t .1.•i'J i • m 0 18" C.C. ..._ ......I s N CATCH STREAM. * •:* .• :3 • •.. r•,.. i•. ..: m �.- •'�:V r,;a.. •,l.•7• • i i i Z is �., :.•.: �>w • ...r ;,1.: _ .... E RRY R.liAL.;;;.:.G...::::44,___ 3" in ',� •3.000 PSI 3" 6" o • 526 4 7" CONCRETE / "` z• FLOW LINE (F.L.) :•0 EXPANSION OINT14 DOWEL pDOWEN LPDETAIL BESEE LOW) 110 i I i : €B M I sS/DN � EXP. JOINT EXP. JOINT— EXP. JOINT SPILL CURB CATCH CURB Q444— 572,44,1 e,,,,, ,-.J,._...- #33 BARS EXP. JOINT NOTE- 0 16.5" C.C. THE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS ALTERNATE #3 BARS TO BE CONTINUOUS ACROSS EXPANSION JOINT. AUTHORIZED BY TERRY R.HAGOOD,P.E. 24"— /4 SMOOTH DOWEL 52960 BREAK BOND 6" ON EACH SIDE OF EXPANSION JOINT. THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE MODIFIED WITHOUT THE 16"DOWEL COATING EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER,AND SPILL AND CATCH 2"MIN 1/2"PREMOLDED PLAN THEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE TOP OF CURB EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL TEXAS ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. DATE SIGNED: 02/01/21 DOWEL SLEEVE TO FIT DOWEL AND ISSUED FOR: BID BE SECURE AND HAVE A CLOSED END : :.s : -'° t .?,.,:•. ° :;; H C. SLOPE , " F.L. I "'Esc ROADWAY PLANS FOR ....z..;r,r —: ,.. .r . a'.;:"'':w M.A. p /4 /4 BAR(TYP) .'.i':. ?;.::Z.:?i..:e;.:7'. `.. =:f�+";:•;`::.•. :!:., '.!:•r::::. /4 BAR(TYP) coti1P i- E=— COMPACTED OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION 3"( � - ' = 3" TYP) ACTEp BASE. .� ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 -F A. E DOWEL ROD M1N' 4 SUPPORTS 2"MIN 1 1/4"MIN R=1/4" (TYP.) CURB EXPANSION JOINT DOWEL DETAIL • !. IMN ER 6" J SECTION A-A NOTES: NOTES: 1. MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS SHALL CONFORM TO THE CITY OF AUSTIN STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. 1. ALL WORK AND MATERIAL SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A615, A615M, C309 AND D1 752. BROOM FINISH EXPOSED 2. CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS "A". SURFACE. 3. MONOLITHIC CURB & GUTTER SHALL BE MEASURED BY PLAN SQUARE FEET AND PAID AS VALLEY GUTTER. 2. CONTROL JOINT SPACING SHALL NOT EXCEED 10'-0'. 4. THE UPSTREAM CURB MID POINT MUST BE AT OR LOWER THAN THE BEGINNING P.C. AND .5% (MIN.) HIGHER 3. EXPANSION JOINTS AS PER STANDARD ASTM D-1752. 4. EXPANSION JOINT INTERVALS NOT TO EXCEED 40'-0" FOR ALL CURBS AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS. THAN THE OPPOSING MID POINT. 5. ALL CURBS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF 4" OF COMPACTED FLEXIBLE BASE BETWEEN BOTTOM OF CURB AND TOP 5. ALLOWABLE CONSTRUCTION JOINT AT q WHEN TRAFFIC FLOW MUST BE MAINTAINED, CONSTRUCTED AS A CONTROL SUBGRADE THAT SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 18" BEHIND BACK OF CURB. TOTAL DEPTH OF FLEXIBLE BASE UNDER AND BEHIND CURB SHALL BE: (TOTAL DEPTH OF FLEXIBLE BASE) LESS (6-INCHES). JOINT. PROVIDE EXPANSION JOINT 0 CL FOR WIDTHS GREATER THAN 40 FEET. 6. ALL CURBS SHALL CONFORM TO THESE DETAILS INDEPENDANT OF THE CONSTRUCTION METHODS USED. 6. ALL EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH 1/2" PREMOLDED EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL AND DOWELS Z AND CAPS (SEE STANDARD CURB DOWEL DETAIL). g 0 CITY OF ROUND ROCK DRAWING05NO: RECORD FILE AT PUBLIC ON WORKS CITY OF ROUND ROCK DRAOPY W ING06NO: .L. s APPROVED APPROVED 1 04-01-10 SPILL AND CATCH CURB DETAIL 08-21-03 ,,, °.... REVISIONS DATE (WITH CURB EXPANSION JOINT IIIDUNDROCK,i'BXAS DATE CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER DETAIL - . Na DATE DESCRIPTION THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER ASSUMES THE THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER ASSUMES �j.. RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPROPRIATE DOWEL DETAIL) RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPROPRIATE T USE OF THIS DETAIL.(NOT TO SCALE) USE OF THIS DETAIL. o 0 E O 01 SPILL AND CATCH CURB DETAIL NTs 02 CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER DETAIL NTs 0 HEA PROJECT NO.19-007 d. ISSUED DATE:02/01/21 ROADWAY STANDARDS o g SHEET NO. n RD2 E N SHEET 50 OF 135 0 LP d OrLL it 1 �22 SED£ ,Sr b.d btr,C(7E/I4 .i IAIDTH VARIES 1' WOMANIZED WOOD Pm-.ISM21414M EXPANSION JOINT W/ f [117J24LID1. (12' MINIMUM) #4 DOWELS 012" O.C. wrJays (27. MAXIMUM) TOR ISMS,N.FI EMT I (PAT SION J0D1131am•m90 Ilk w.RNEWAT N.TYPICAL ISBJOINF S*'.II'.1E OF r�,.-1 h4 LOCATION~ SIDEWLLK AREA IF ONE 5 FEET • :*XAPANSION JOINT (SEE NOTE #1) , . . •...........•,.•••.••,.•••.••':.,.,. CONCRETE SIDEIVPLK TERRY R.HAGOOD WING PS NECESSARY MINIMUM 1D•RADIUS (TYP) ¼\ 52960 /tt 0 „sr T- �J 8 •........'NO /Q4AL A V EXPANSION JOINT Q da .�7�`7?- REQUIRED FOR WIDTHS (A{S !1 L SPAY CUT IXISTING CURB AND GUTTER SECTION AT (YQ OVER 30' v PROPOSED DRNELYAY. IF NEAREST XAPANSION JOINT IS TdE7JLAIIBIAlJOMfICAOOAf)SWI 5 FEET OR LESS FROM DRIVEWAY?AIMEKISTING CURB 'RK ®N�L' �IZ AND GUTTER SECTION SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED �D TO THE NEAREST EXPANSION JOINT PLAN erne as QomAO WI MU NAEDO'IE flit NU30f1E lin ROSA POCIEIC.1. DATE NM. M1V1f21 TYPICAL SIDEWALK LOCATION NORMAL ELEVATION U It MUM Pat m LENGTH VARIES It IS LENGTH OF DRIVEWAY% PL 6" � ),IULTIPIJEO BY 2K PLUS FOR 2'-O' TOP OF CURB ELEV SIDEWALK ROADWAY PUNS FOR NECESSARY i ASPHALTIC CONCRETE ,+� OAIgAONT DINE D7H�gION SURFACE COURSE ray � ROUND ROOT,TX 781587 /' $3 BARS ® 1B' O.C.E.W. ROLL GENR7 CLASS 'A' CONCRETE COMPACTED LECI AS REQUIRED WITH BROOM FINISH BASE COURSE 'MIN) 2' SAND CUSHION SECTION 'A-A' COMPACTED SUBCRADE TOP or CURD 24"- 4 SMOOTH DOWEL REMOLDED XAPANSION DOWELS LIP OF JOINT "ARTERIAL :n7', �:. GUTTER 16" DOWEL n r `��• .ate . ! •. - CORRNG SLEEVE •.r4..:';221 . .9. DRILL MONOMST. NEW DOWEL SUPPORT GUTTER 3' 6' CONST.CONST. SAW CUT IXPANSION JOINT DETAIL SECTION NEE: a 1. THE SIDEWALK AREA OF THE DRIVEWAY SHALL SLOPE TOWARD THE STREET PAVING AT NO MORE THAN 22. I CITY OF ROUND ROCK °R TING03N0: � 1 APPROVED oS-OS-ID DATE Tin CONCRETE DRIVEWAY DETAIL a� m (COMMERCIAL OR MULTI-FAMILY) �1 sw+�+TT Mt la uma®m.7z j 91E a MIDEFJIL OCR YO JCSSl) E 01 fiOMMERCIAL DRIVEWAY Mrs IMIID.QII]Me ma ehegmX laWINRY1GIIIlAAOf aerie RI13 i WEB SWF IN 4 . � >6 PREFERRED LOCATION W W PLANTING OR OTHER NON-WALKING EXTRA WIDTH MAY BE REQUIRED 0 o �, • S, OF PEDESTRIAN -SURFACE OR PROTECT DROP OFF (TYP) FOR CLEAR SPACE AT 4 PUSH BUTTON (TYP) PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON. TYPE 1 5 tN TYPE 2 P TYPE 3 5'MIN. a L 5'MIN• RAM MIN RAMP .v /� — — — '- a` RQMp RAMP 5 DC W TURNING W W RAMP NI / NG t�' 0/ ,,_ \ �. SPACE I,�� �\ T S ACE W ,� _� RAMP °w / PN'N6 �i W W 1 _ W \ N "II/ o J P P` 9 \\ II00°°111 W=— �II/ �_ 5' 4 MIN.W ....,.. W 8.3% PREFERRED nlllllllllllllllllll'Il'IlQlllllllllll111 Mox. N.// //•,,,,,,,,,mnnnnnnlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllpnpu11„""" / X 8 o �; ''oy� moo" 8.3% iMA "° IIIIIIIIIIII TURNING SPACE - - IIIn01011 MOX• Ilu1111111 4 8 2� _ Iglllllllllll o Mq-I' ` 1j11� 5'MIN. \ MAX. 8.3% —� F 6'DESIRABLE \ Max. FLARE ` �� . � RAMP 0 0 101 '�� � Q IIIIIIIIIIIl11111111111nm"" $'MIN. M p / G 6'DESIRABLE L' W N NI ��FIE R� L Illlllllllll lllllllllllnm'°""'• - 0+ ��0 F�a / QQc,�,t�' WITHOUT PEDESTRIAN WITH PEDESTRIAN 5'MIN. 0 0/ 1j1j1114444111111111gIllulpnnnnm111111111111111111111111 1�� PUSH BUTTON PUSH BUTTON 6'DESIRABLE C+ C 0 •- 0 Y L C o GRADE BREAK o� PERPENDICULAR CURB RAMP (TYP) PARALLEL CURB RAMP TYPE 6 �• 0C, ›,° RAMP 5' MIN. 0 0 �, CROSS SLOPE NOT TO EXCEED 2% .I, "' S1 '" ,,, .� ,,, TYPE 20 R TYPE 7 ON ANY PORTION OF RAMP, TURNING /� pEW4LK y io qMA 9 W /�W SIpEKAtK SPACE OR TRANSITION TO STREET. W W of ,y �• (SIDEWALK SET BACK FROM CURB) 7 z o 4I S W / 4 TURNING ''/ II . // SPTURNING / IIQ 2y 8.3% + a` ��' MIN R / ' SPACE .1/ DIIIO / ACE / IIIII 5' MIN.I MAX. TURNING I M'9 • AMA a % �e �/ IIIII / ��e //IIIQI + I SPACE I =L== W 0 Mqk �. �p�• y//,-'��e P+' /(IIIII //,,A''�a�Q� PJ'' / (IIIII •— — �� -========= rF 0 o �� �' P pe !� III 1 a �I O� v0 tj / I III a. v 8.3% S EJ NI / / III / In C h .;i• II I oL � � R NG�► u- Q �, I w MAX o`c çl \`SPE ,,, III //IIp mmr l (IIIpIIC+ V1zM ( II �IIIINfq „II „IIiI II W I Ihilli, IIIII IIIII VIIII/ II //III�I � IIIIIIQI [ 1 PEDESTRIAN C L .. a . ....., �L IIIIIIIIII (IIIII III �„ — i ' / 5' PREFERRED CIR�UKLAT ION IIIII (III, """=" IIIIIIII1111111 C o """" "" L5, MIN. — BOTTOM GRADE — . — i BOTTOM GRADE 4' MIN. nc - BREAK LINE 0 0 — — BREAK LINE SIDEw (yIDN - GUTTER LINE RAMP COMBINATION CURB RAMPS C t§ CURB RAMPS AT MEDIAN ISLANDS g MK WIOTH SIDEWA KIDTH _ GUTTER LINE _ n c IN' SIDEWALK 5'MIN WIDTH SIDEWA L K PREFERRED OF PEDESTRIANLOCATION COL INSTALL DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE TYPE 10 W W — TYPE 5 PUSH BUTTON (TYP) 0 AT EACH END OF THE CUT THROUGH RAMP I11, CROSS SLOPE NOT TO EXCEED 2% i► 'ot WITH A MINIMUM 2' USUAL SIDEWALK (SIDEWALK ADJACENT TO CURB) �- �OIIII ON ANY PORTION OF RAMP, TURNING RNING OF a.- SURFACE BETWEEN. IF MEDIAN IS LESS TYPE 21 / �� TU III SPACE OR TRANSITION TO STREET• / SPACE (III �� WARNING SURFACES. DETECTABLE // �e S ACENGIIIIIIII I/ �/�PP�e (IIIIIOII// ',/-GUTTER LINE 00 0 v TOR RMIN lTp�•�. //p��/pJp��e�,y1.�1P+•1F1111111// 1 h III/�OJp�� •�p+•AIIFI�QIII / / / MQk / / % 0 FF / 111 1j1� / PROJECTED BACK ALIGN CURB PARALLE C IIII �, ,� / < IIi ' I / // ° OF CURB .L,,, /I0111 II�� / II II 1' / w o 0 WITH CROSSWALK. / III Ilzi % III �� / rA��o� QomV / (III I �. —do "' I // 11111111114141 IIII�„III..,E 0 (III IIIIIII MAX. / ��' III' - -c0 o �IIIIIIIIIIIIIO BOTTOM GRADE 5,MIN // ................•.. L o — i BOTTOM GRADE — BREAK LINE i 5' MIN' — — BREAK LINE ROMP GUTTER LINE i NOTE: ELSEWHERECURHILS ARE SHOWN IN THE PLANS. 6' FFfALKI WjDr GUTTER LINE 6'REFERRfo DTH 2 MIN. BLENDED TRANSITION RRED•5',yIIN• DIRECTIONAL RAMPS WITHIN RADIUS ,5 MIN. (FLUSH LANDING) 4\‘'' TYPE 22 NOTES / LEGEND: SHEET 1 OF 4 FLARE BOTTOM GRADE BREAK OF CURB RAMP Design WILL NORMALLY BE AT GUTTER LINE. SEE GENERAL NOTES ON SHEET 2 OF 4 FOR MORE INFORMATION. Division RAMP SURFACE SLOPES AT GRADE BREAKS 8.3% MAX. ,Texas Department of Transportation Standard SHALL BE FLULNTER FLARE \ 5'X5' (MIN.) PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES RAMP TURNING SPACE CONTINUOUS CURB DENOTES PLANTING OR CURB RAMPS 8.3% MAX. 1 RAMPSLOPEGUTTER LINE — BEYOND NON-WALKING SURFACE V. - NOT PART OF PEDESTRIAN v o CIRCULATION PATH. V- � SLOPE DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE I.' ,I GRADE BREAK P E D - 1 8 FLARE FLARE 5% MAX. FILE: petl18 DN:TxDOT ow:VP I CRIER I CE,PK&JG RAMP DENOTES PREFERRED LOCATION RAMP LIMITS ©TxDOT: MARCH,2002 CON) SECT JOB HIDHWAv 8.3% MAX. TYPICAL SECTION OF PERPENDICULAR OF PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON ® OF PAYMENT _ _ REVISIONS REVISED 08,2005 J COMBINATION ISLAND RAMPS CURB RAMP AT CONNECTION TO ROADWAY IF APPLICABLE. REVISED 08,2012 DIST COVNTv SHEET NO a . REVISED 0 L_ WILLIAMSON 52 OF 135 a, . > v O7 GENERAL NOTES DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE DETAILS . . .. t.- 3 o 5 CURB RAMPS DETECTABLE WARNING PAVERS (IF USED) PEDESTRIAN TRAVEL DETECTABLE WARNING D DIRECTION SURFACE C 1. Install a curb romp or blended transition at each pedestrian street crossing. 25. Furnish detectable warning paver units meeting all requirements of ASTM C-936, C-33. n t Loy in a two by two unit basket weave pattern or as directed. c D 2. All slopes shown are maximum allowable. Cross slopes of 1.5% and lesser running TURNING °0 should be used. Adjust curb ramp length or grade of approach sidewalks os directed. 26. Lay full-size units first followed by closure units consisting of at least 25 percent RAMP SPACE RAMP 00` (25%) of a full unit. Cut detectable warning paver units using a power sow. 0 3. Maximum allowable cross slope on sidewalk and curb ramp surfaces is 2%. o o o E 4. The minimum sidewalk width is 5'. Where the sidewalk is adjacent to the back of curb, SIDEWALKS 2' (Min.) o0 n o a 6' sidewalk width is desirable. Where a 5' sidewalk cannot be provided due to site constraints, sidewalk width may be reduced to 4' for short distances. 27. Provide clear ground space at operable parts, including pedestrian push buttons. 0 t 5'x 5' passing areas at intervals not to exceed 200' are required. Operable ports shall be placed within unobstructed reach range specified in E- PROWAG section R406. BACK OF y 5. Turning Spaces shall be 5'x 5' minimum. Cross slope shall be maximum 2%. PARALLEL CURB RAMP ,n CURB - ` 28. Place traffic signal or illumination poles, ground boxes, controller boxes, signs, TYPICAL PLACEMENT OF DETECTABLE WARNING c o 6. Clear space at the bottom of curb romps shall be a minimum of 4'x 4' wholly contained drainage facilities and other items so as not to obstruct the pedestrian access route SURFACE ON LANDING AT STREET EDGE. t' within the crosswalk and wholly outside the parallel vehicular travel path. or clear ground space. L >,0 o Cu_ 7. Provide flared sides where the pedestrian circulation path crosses the curb ramp. 29. Street grades and cross slopes shall be as shown elsewhere in the plans. w Flared sides shall be sloped at 10% maximum, measured parallel to the curb. PEDESTRIAN TRAVEL ro Returned curbs may be used only where pedestrians would not normally walk across 30. Changes in level greater than 1/4 inch ore not permitted. DIRECTION the ramp, either because the adjacent surface is planted, substantially obstructed, 0 0 or otherwise protected. 31. The least possible grade should be used to maximize accessibility. The running slope o 0 of sidewalks and crosswalks within the public right of way may follow the grade of TURNING s E 8. Additional information on curb ramp location, design, light reflective value and the parallel roadway. Where a continuous grade greater than five percent (5%) must be SPACE O o texture may be found in the latest draft of the Proposed Guidelines for provided, handrails may be desirable to improve accessibility. Handrails may also be w Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right of Way (PROWAG) as published by the needed to protect pedestrians from potentially hazardous conditions. If provided, handrails • 0 U.S. Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Access Board). Shall comply with PROWAG R409. RAMP DETECTABLE WARNING a c SURFACE 0° 9. To serve as a pedestrian refuge area, the median should be a minimum of 6' wide, 32. Handrail extensions shall not protrude into the usable landing area or into intersecting °° measured from bock of curbs. Medians should be designed to provide accessible pedestrian routes. 0 o passage over or through them. } SIDE FLARE La`o° 33. Driveways and turnouts shall be constructed and paid for in accordance with Item ' oo 000 (TYP) c 10. Small channelization islands, which do not provide a minimum 5'x 5' landing at the "Intersections, Driveways and Turnouts". Sidewalks shall be constructed and paid for o y top of curb romps, shall be cut through level with the surface of the street. in accordance with Item, "Sidewalks". 1 ::::: °° ::::::::::::: o,aaaaa000,000000eaaaa 00) c L 11. Crosswalk dimensions, crosswalk markings and stop bar locations shall be as shown 34. Sidewalk details ore shown elsewhere in the plans. PERPENDICULAR CURB RAMP BACK OF .-. elsewhere in the plans. At intersections where crosswalk markings are not required, CURB w o curb ramps shall align with theoretical crosswalks unless otherwise directed. TYPICAL PLACEMENT OF DETECTABLE y c WARNING SURFACE ON SLOPING RAMP RUN. °° 12. Provide curb romps to connect the pedestrian access route at each pedestrian street i-w crossing. Handrails are not required on curb ramps. }u 13. Curb ramps and landings shall be constructed and paid for in accordance with Item 531 PEDESTRIAN TRAVEL ra "Sidewalks". DIRECTION DC v. 14. Place concrete at a minimum depth of 5" for ramps, flares and landings, unless C 0Lq- otherwise directed. TURNING o15. Furnish and install No. 3 reinforcing steel bars at 18" o.c. both ways, SPACE 0._ unless otherwise directed. SIDE CURB * NOTE: (TYP) o c 16. Provide a smooth transition where the curb ramps connect to the street. DETECTABLE WARNING PAVER PREFABRICATED DETECTABLE BOTH ENDS OF THE 0 0 WITH TRUNCATED DOMES I WARNING PANEL DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE RAMP o 0 17. Curbs shown on sheet 1 within the limits of payment ore considered part of the curb SIDE FLARE SHALL BE 5' OR LESS 0 a romp for payment, whether it is concrete curb, gutter, or combined curb and gutter. (TYP) FROM BACK OF CURB. + 0 c DETECTABLE WARNING 18. Existing features that comply with opplicolble standards may remain in place unless = _ SURFACE Otherwise shown on the plans. _ _ _ f _ _ 2' MIN. WON o0 MN - - - - o0000000000000000000 00 ?0)O ov/ J Di- V,m o DETECTABLE WARNING MATERIAL NO.3 REBAR AT 18" (MAX) ON-CENTER (MIN.I 5" DEPTH EXCLUSIVE 5'+MAx. - - BACK OF 0,▪, BOTH WAYS OR AS DIRECTED OF DETECTABLE WARNING CURB 19. Curb romps must contain a detectable warning surface that consists of raised CLASS A CONCRETE - SHALL DIRECTIONAL CURB RAMP truncated domes complying with PROWAG. The surface must contrast visually with CONFORM TO APPLICABLE adjoining surfaces, including side flares. Furnish and install an approved SPECIFICATIONS TYPICAL PLACEMENT OF DETECTABLE cast-in-place dark brown or dark red detectable warning surface material WARNING SURFACE ON SLOPING RAMP RUN. adjacent to uncolored concrete, unless specified elsewhere in the plans. 20. Detectable Warning Materials must meet TxDOT Departmental Materials Specification SECTION VIEW DETAIL SHEET 2 OF 4 DMS 4350 and be listed on the Material Producer List. Install products in accordance CURB RAMP AT DETECTIBLE WARNINGS with manufacturer's specifications. ' Design Division 21. Detectable warning surfaces must be firm, stable and slip resistant. ,Texas Department of Transportation Standard 22. Detectable warning surfaces shall be a minimum of 24 inches in depth in the direction PEDESTRIAN F A C I L IT I E S of pedestrian travel, and extend the full width of the curb ramp or landing where the pedestrian access route enters the street. 23. Detectable warning surfaces shall be located so that the edge nearest the curb line CURB RAMPS is at the back of curb and neither end of that edge is greater than 5 feet from the back of curb. Detectable warning surfaces may be curved along the corner radius. 24. Shaded areas on Sheet 1 of 4 indicate the approximate location for the detectable P E D- 1 8 warning surface for each curb romp type. FILE. Ped18 DTI TxDOT ow VP cK:RM cK:PK&JG ©TxDOT: MARCH,2002 COST SECT JOB HIGHWAY REVISIONS W W R EnsEo 0e,2005 I-_I EVISED 0, 2012 DIST COUNTY SHEET No. Q.. 0 LL WILLIAMSON MOMS 135 aI . g; SIDEWALK TREATMENT AT DRIVEWAYS co t N O+ / \ 3'- PLANTING OR OTHER as � ' NON-WALKING SURFACE % v m L �gQ' 0 4- nc DRIVEWAY PAYMENT , 1:4' ara' t oa; ' N w O�PQ O q 2\\:Mq� IIIIID CAFE e. rn Q 0 o MJN I 80" c I PROTECTED n 0 ZONE 0 o▪_ E 7 v I 4" MAX. POST q. ✓L 1111h6400111140' IIIID SETBACK SIDEWALK 53" I PROJECTION Mrtiw PROTECTED ZONE> o PLANTING OR OTHER II cc c NON-WALKING SURFACE I I 4" MAX. WALLo - _ " PROJECTION MAXIMUM 2% rw I ) CROSS SLOPE t I 00 L i o DRIVEWAY PAYMENT /� . . .W.•.-.-- - -, . . . . 27 j /// 3 �, A �'��• CANE DETECTABLE a L `4- / / II II RANGE N / //////////////// a)oo O�PQP 2y ENT 00 ;.;-W gM444i:j •- N MQk �,All�'llllllll PROTECTED ZONE TO PEDESTR/ CLEAR IAN EPUSH CBUTTON a� NOTE: IN PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION AREA, MAXIMUM 4" PROJECTION FOR POST - N OR WALL MOUNTED OBJECTS BETWEEN 27" AND 80" ABOVE THE SURFACE. ow C t W o 0 0001' APRON OFFSET SIDEWALK N d IIIIIIIIIII I I y aI c L O T y MAX. LENGTH OF o c 0'~ DRIVEWAY PAYMENT OBSTRUCTION MIN. DISTANCE w II 2' O" BETWEEN OBSTRUCTIONS Z c L. Py 5'-O" O i T �FN� CURB OBSTRUCTION PEDESTRIAN WITH DE Oe, 9P III. III II (POLE, HYDRANT, ETC.) GUIDE CANECL I 0- - 01j1�!III °° ic. > 27" °v 27"MAX. No 4'MIN. AT "` WIDE SIDEWALK t i��,� 5'SIDEWALK OBSTRUCTION 5'SIDEWALK ill — a 3 4111* MIN. 4'MIN. AT MIN. WHEN AN OBSTRUCTION OF A HEIGHT GREATER THAN PROTRUDING OBJECTS OF A HEIGHT27" OBSTRUCTION 27" FROM THE SURFACE WOULD CREATE A PROTRUSION ARE DETECTABLE BY CANE AND DO NOT al'° 001"I OF MORE THAN 4" INTO THE PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION REQUIRE ADDITIONAL TREATMENT. VI d ' �®°®du:>,' AREA, CONSTRUCT ADDITIONAL CURB OR FOUNDATION oCX thitil,:;•�•• AT THE BOTTOM TO PROVIDE A MAXIMUM 4" OVERHANG. DRIVEWAY PAYMENT `�®�®�®�,,,• I s• PLAN VIEW DETECTION BARRIER FOR MJ� OBSTRUCTION (CONTROLLER VERTICAL CLEARANCE < 80" �`'si =lil y* I' CABINET, MAILBOX, ETC.) PLACEMENT OF STREET FIXTURES o v. �,,n ,. SHEET 3 OF 4 ql NOTE: ITEMS NOT INTENDED FOR PUBLIC USE. Desi n q• MINIMUM 4' X 4' CLEAR GROUND SPACE Division MAN, =: REQUIRED AT PUBLIC USE FIXTURES. ,Texas Department of Transportation Standard ys•3��E s' , RAMP SIDEWALK PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES IIIIIIII'' [� Allll44114100 .0 CURB RAMPS NOTES: P E D - 1 8 * WHERE DRIVEWAYS CROSS THE PEDESTRIAN ROUTE, SIDES SHALL BE FLARED AT 10% MAX SLOPE. FILE: ped18 DN.TxDOT I DW:VP I CV:KM I CK:PK&JO ©TxDOT: MARCH,2002 CONT SECT JOB HIGHWAY 1 4E * IF CURB HEIGHT IS GREATER THAN 6 INCHES, USE REVISIONS ww GRADE LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 5%. HANDRAIL AND REVISED 06,200S REVISEDa� DETECTABLE WARNING ARE NOT REQUIRED. DIST 2012 COUNTY HEFT NO. QLL REVISE001,2018 NIWMISON 540F135 N > a;N N O 7 t' TYPICAL CROSSING LAYOUTS 0 t 3E SEE SHEET 1 OF 4 FOR DETAILS AND DIMENSIONS a,O O L n� PREFERRED LOCATION OF Lc, C PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON (TYP) >,- y o STOP BAR / y y L L 5'X 5' (MIN.) / y y 5'X 5' (MIN. > o N y TURNING SPACE w TURNING SPACE / y og / y :o \ / / y hL y y �y SPLIT RADIAL y 0 RAMP PLACEMENT \ / CROSSWALK / E w .. / h��. Q y ,011, \ / / SIDEWALK y y C i Si, 0 SIDEWALK \\ / yy F i 4 �/1,-, y y � — y y/\ // /o ySIDELKDJCENT / ' ' SIDEWALK ADJACENT y y 0 TO CURB MANEUVERING SPACES TO CURB / y y c L CROSSWALK oo t co 5'X 5' (MIN.) + SHARED of SKEWED INTERSECTION WITH "LARGE" RADIUS / TURNING SPACE zo / r) . L Q a t V o STOP BAR U O n I— t 00 O L Luo CL� /// STOP BAR F AT INTERSECTION c. 5'X 5' (MIN.) E W/FREE RIGHT TURN & ISLAND 4/CO TURNING SPACE N._ —� E CC 0. \ / w 0 \ 1� CROSSWALK / - 00 SIDEWALK FN d SIDEWALK y y y NC — — — — — — _ — L at SIDEWALK REMOTE SIDEWALK ADJACENT I 4'X 4' (MIN.) t y L TO CURB MANEUVERING FROM CURB 5'X 5' (MIN.) CO SPACES TURNING SPACE 4' (MIN.) AT oX1 OBSTRUCTION SKEWED INTERSECTION WITH "SMALL" RADIUS 5' MIN. SIDEWALK 5'MIN. • SIDEWALK / + y y y y 1q y y y y y y om 6' PREFERRED. y yy Iy y y yy y 0 0 ID CI CD I I C CD L COO CO SIDEWALK ADJACENT SIDEWALK REMOTE tg TO CURB FROM CURB wO0, yy STOP BAR MID-BLOCK PLACEMENT / 0 4 PERPENDICULAR RAMPS 7 y y CANo 5'X 5' (MIN. o-- TURNING SPACE y y 1 CROSSWALK / SIDEWALK \ / y y 1 1 y y y y y y \ / SIDEWALK SHEET 4 OF 4 • SIDEWALK REMOTE 1 4'X 4' (MIN. ) SIDEWALK ADJACENT DesignDivision FROM CURB MANEUVERING TO CURB ,Texas Department of Transportation Standard SPACES LEGEND: PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES NORMAL INTERSECTION WITH "SMALL" RADIUS SHOWS DOWNWARD SLOPE. CURB RAMPS DENOTES PREFERRED LOCATION OF PEDESTRIAN // P E D- 1 8 PUSH BUTTON (IF APPLICABLE). DENOTES PLANTING OR NON-WALKING SURFACE V. FILE: ped18 DN:TxDOT L ow:VP 1 CK:KM 1 CK:PK&JG NOT PART OF PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION PATH. ©TxDOT: MARCH,2002 ONT SECT JOB HIGHWAY '' " �(„ REVISIONS ww REVISED os,zoos H_J V. REVISED 0,20 DIST COUNTY SHEET NO. REVISED 0 1 m8,z OLL WILLIAMSON 550F135 Wingwall Length C End Span Length = ( %2 Abutment Pilaster plus Span Length) ® Span Length = (Span Length) -I C Interior Bent End of Bridge (Variable) 6'-0" Min Approx 1/3 Span Length O Approx 1/3 Span Length ® Approx 1/3 Span Length 0 Same Criteria as End Span Pilaster Spacing Rail for payment Face of ,_...1... ` , ...1..._, ti - Abut Bkwl - 3'-0" .- CL Abut Pilaster Ct Span Pilaster -I Ct Bent Pilaster 1'-0" a jI %2 Abut Pilaster j Permiss j c-Permiss a - Const Jt (Typ) r Const Jt (Typ) v 6„© O O 6„ 6„ -� Ct ThrTerminal Beam (Typ) (Typ) Terminal M j 7,-; oConnector i I _,—h 1 Y oU �a v — 3w Omit if less o I t,= F _ _ : �� than 2' 0„ P Li Li Li CI 1 s i o ,, z_o �1 I �— I, �' l :. o . v`v Limits of , 7 Slab CH-) o CL Slab Jt I /2 Pref Bitum Fiber Material 1 m o Abutment O I ©® a` ,, Wingwall BENT BENT "v E PILASTER PILASTER WITH WITHOUT 5 0 TTerminal Connectors and associated hardware are to be paid ABUTMENT PILASTER SPAN PILASTER SPAN PILASTER SLAB BREAKBACK SLAB BREAK BACK w o 2 for under the Item "Metal Beam Guard Fence". Attach Metal mI'v Beam Guard Fence Transitions to the bridge rail and extend ROADWAY ELEVATION OF RAIL v along the embankment unless otherwise shown in the plans. v (Showing without raised sidewalk) o-1 0 Number of windows in exterior bays are equal. 1'-8" 8" ..2 o ,--Ct 5 - r/8" Dia A325 Bolts with Ct 5 - 1" Dia holes and 2 /2" Dia x 2" deep recesses. Form or core holes and recesses. Percussion a.o Number of windows in interior bay(s) are not less than the two 1 3/4' 0.D. washers. Place drilling is not permitted. Adjust placement of reinforcing steel as necessary to avoid bolt holes '`A',?_' amount in exterior bays (Note 2). washer under each head and and recesses. j5"R ]0 WH(#5) S(#5) at R(#7) nut. Provide bolts of sufficient Bolt recesses are only9" Max m°- 0 Space Span Pilasters at 1/3 span length (Approx) when spans j length to extend %' to 3/4' required when pedestrian gal'. are 100 ft and less, as shown. Space Span Pilasters at 1/5 O sidewalks are adjacent rl � P P I I beyond nut. ? span length (Approx) for spans greater than 100 ft. to back of rail. ;,--, IMIAa m o 1. r�•• S(#5) -„o o, O Dimension is the same for all posts adjacent to Span r - - _ ` k IIIII �6 Pilasters in a span. Dimension may vary from span to span, No, Min = 3", Max = 7 '/". •v 1 '/z' Bars S can Ill (Typ) ova ©Min = 6", Max = 1'-3" Terminal be o o \ I sli slightly to :u••uu 9 Y w m 0 Provide rail joints at ends of all spans the same width as Slab ConnectorT 0 0 -c�------- ' maintain cover " joint opening, except that Rail Joints over construction joints o �_ L requirements. Li=z must be 1/4' Min to 3/4' Max in width. Joints must be open o o IflUllUll �� H(#5) f slab joint opening is not sealed. Joints over construction Bars WU can o .,o o Tgoo be rotated ��ENIME.i g=MMIM joints and over sealed deck joints must be plugged. Forming o -- „�Q� slightly to I ��� material used in joints may be left in place if it is light in color L 1- �` 0 and compressible, such as the following materials: polystyrene, o : 0 ��9 maintain cover s requirements. 'ti molded cork granules, sponge rubber sheet, etc. If forming material jJ 7 /s" I U(#5) at is not left in place, plug the bottom 6" with slab joint sealing .� v O compound to prevent drainage and staining. M I I 11 I Top of Abut ! O 2" 3 i WU(#5) at I I 2" 9„ Max Wingwallm 2 B Place Preformed Bituminous Fiber Material between slab and rail i 6" Max when rail extends over expansion joint. Shift Bars U as necessary. co ELEVATION SECTION Increase 2" for structures with overlay. ELEVATION SHOWING 10 Place 4 additional Bars WH(#5)3'-8" in length inside Bars S(#5) and centered 2'-0" TERMINAL CONNECTION DETAILS TYPICAL REINFORCING PLACEMENT from end of rail when Terminal Connections are required. Field bend as needed. (Showing parapet with Pilaster on 6'-0" Wingwall) (Showing without raised sidewalk) 11 Shift U Bars from region below 'I/2' Preformed Bituminous Fiber Material at joints. 1" The use of this railing is restricted 1-6 (Typ) 7 2'-9" outside face to speeds of 45 mph or less. 3'-3" 3" 3" — 2 Eq Spa = Typ\Chamfer and 1 0 2 6z 4 /3„ 3„ ilk SHEET 1 OF 3 1'-2" / Bars S _ See"Terminal 1 Y," 1 %" 1 %" I„ Connection Details" - I -1 S(#5) Edge of 5 5 ] /z Bridge Slab ]" ]" ]" Edge of a n WH(#5) I I Slab II " ,Texas Department of Transportation Standard N j j j DETAIL A — L --I -- "�- r COMBINATION RAIL • ������� • TEXAS CLASSIC 1111 EN I•'Ir .. i. o I� I e I I I �I. 1 1 1 1 I I V1 . Field Bend I I I See \ ^ I I See Elevation of Rail" 4 Io Spa = 2' Detail "A" DETAIL "A" TYPE C411 Traffic See "Roadway outside face - Bars S - outside face Side -. q p -9" 2 Eq Spa FILE. 5td021.dgn DN. TxDOT lCK.TxDOT ow: TxDOT a:TxDOT 1'_0" ©TxDOT July 2014 CONT SECT JOB HIGHWAY • Chamfer REVISIONS SECTION A-A SECTION B-B SECTION C-C FIST COUNTY SHEET NO. Q_ 0 Y,1WANSON SH&T56 OF135 1'-0" Nominal Face of Rail 1'-0" Nominal Face of Rail 2" 1'-0" 1'_0„ .1 _ 2„ 1-0" Nominal Face of Rail 1„ 1" 2" 1'-0" _ - - 1" 10" 1" 3/4' Chamfer 3/q' Chamfer (TYp) -1 r S(#5) 3/4" Chamfer (Typ) . ' (TYp) r- R(#7) k., 1 . .°..•i 1 cr 1 %`w 3" R(#7) 1 Ile 3% Draft permiss 0 0. S(#5) (Typ) O9 1„ at to & bottom Top of Slab N Chamfer of all windows v O and/or O (Typ) for ease of form removal O mL °j Sidewalk g 0 10 M - 32.4, M _ 2„ `1? Top of Slab Co _o O9 (Typ) 10 and/or i>1 a O �^ Sidewalk • is p', H(#5) _ N ¢a., WH(#5) a ° H(#5) m r lLc ,,,0,_ � 1 1 II••` U(#5) ' . f = P 3/G' Chamfer �� 9 ° 1 973 1it,(#5, ; 1 to c Approach ® / l g Z Slab - ,0 - t ��� WU(#5) � � or CRCP W 0 5" 5" '^�7 /2' Pref Bitum x v Vertical d b O Increase 2" for structures with overlay. `w Reinforcing Fiber Material t o ON ABUTMENT WINGWALLS SECTION THRU SECTION THRU 12 5 %4' when vertical reinforcing has closer clear �`°� OR CIP RETAINING WALLS POST ON BRIDGE SLAB WINDOW ON BRIDGE SLAB cover over horizontal reinforcing in abutment a wingwalls or retaining walls on traffic side of wall. v v-0',_o (Showing Pilaster) 13 v n o As an aid in supporting reinforcement, additional � SECTIONS THRU RAIL WITHOUT RAISED SIDEWALK longitudinal bars may be used in the slab with the aQ approval of the Engineer. Such bars must be ;' furnished at the Contractor's expense. -00o a o. i Top longitudinal slab bar may be adjusted laterally m�s 3" plus or minus to tie reinforcing. vi p o �� 1'-0" @Raised Sidewalk a - 1-' Nominal Face of Rail 1'-0" va 1 Nominal Face of Rail w'' 2" 1'-0" e 1,-0„ - 2" 1,-0„ Nominal Face of Rail ,,'a I 1„ 1" o 0 2„ 1'-0„ 1„ 10" 1" 3/4' Chamfer 1„ 3/q' Chamfer 5(#5) 3/q' Chamfer TYp _ (TYP) (TYp) R(#7) i , _ /\. - 3" ` R(#7) N 1 7/2,, 3% Draft permiss (Typ) 1 at top & bottom S(#5) Top of Raised Chamfer of all windows Sidewalk (Typ) for ease of `Q io form removal to Co en2„ enrn . Top of Raised (TYp) Sidewalk 12 H(#5) WH(#5) a °. H(#5) n . 1 i r I�.. , „ ..��� SHEET 2 OF 3 ,. , ]5 I 3/q' Chamfer— A 1 . -� d 1 Go � Bridge Division 1 , I 1 I ,Texas Department of Transportation Standard 9 P I--s F/Approach ®® �---( - ° 1 1 ®� ---� - ° 1 ► � ^ COMBINATION RAIL WU(#5) - ' • Slab i or CRCP 5" 5" TEXAS CLASSIC Vertical ` 1/2" Pref Bitum Reinforcing J --2'--.------.)—bFiber Material ON ABUTMENT WINGWALLS SECTION THRU SECTION THRU OR CIP RETAINING WALLS POST ON BRIDGE SLAB WINDOW ON BRIDGE SLAB (Showing Pilaster) TYPE C411 Flee: rlstd021.dgn oN: TxDOT I.:TOOT ID., TxDOT 1,E,TxDOT SECTIONS THRU RAIL WITH RAISED SIDEWALK ©TxDOT July 2014 CONT SECT JOB HIGHWAY REVISIONS W J ♦_ DIST COUNTY SHEET NO. ¢, 0 W WILWMWN SHEET57 OF 135 2'-9" 2' 9" 10" 8" 10" 8" 10" 8"_ 2 2 O O TYp _ - Typ Typ ]" 6" 1"- 1" 6" 1" 1„ 6" 1" 3„ II 3„ 3„ 3„ 1' 2" - Bronze Star I- f r (Use if shown __ m sH- - . • elsewhere on , - i - ^ plans) — — _' 1 , 1 414 CL5/a' Dia 411R 12"R Mounting Holes 26114E I I 9 / .2,, o a o Embossed ®g f� l `� ^I m v Date O _ v il 1 j ^ Top of Slab s a — — and/or— — \ / \ F = / \ \ / \ / mL' r Sidewalk 6, 09 o, Og rn Og m o Ct Pilaster I r 1 I �,= L 1 1 ,I-''o \ f i_.ate Wall - Slab CONSTRUCTION NOTES: '' Attach Bronze Star with a Type III Class C epoxy. Clamp ,v= ABUTMENT BENT SPAN TYPE A TYPE B TYPE C star until epoxy achieves set. Remove any visible epoxy v "squeeze out" from under star. am`" EXTERIOR PILASTER ELEVATIONS Face of rail and WINDOW TYPES otherwise approvedpllasters, parapet must be plumb unless �v 2'e e Apply a one rub finish to all railing surfaces unless v (Showing without raised sidewalk) otherwise shown elsewhere on the plans. v0a O'o 0 MATERIAL NOTES: w o- Provide Class "C" concrete for railing. Provide Class "C"(HPC) m v concrete if shown elsewhere in the plans. v Provide Grade 60 reinforcing steel. i v v Installed bar may rest 2„ ! ? ' 2„ Epoxy coat all rail reinforcement if slab bars are epoxy i" on top of slab or wall coated. CL 2_ 3/g' Dia Studs Bronze Star must be cast of architectural bronze having a C` the following composition: Copper 85 %, Tin 5 %, Lead 5 %, v m Install with 36"(TYp) Zinc 5 %. m a lap on top Provide bar laps, where required, as follows: 0 'o . ncoated _ =s n 2 Q. 6 R �\ p Uncoated #5 = 1'-9" e m Epoxy coated - #5 2'-7" J mm 1 , �� Epoxy coated - #7 = 4'-1" o io 111 - :...19.9 i 1 = 3 3/4" Dia 0 �� ^' GENERAL NOTES: ^o This rail was evaluated based on the results of previous o Bending n I lBraze crash tests and approved for a NCHRP Report 350 TL-2 rating. Pin 0 V \(Tye) This rail is only approved for low speed use, speeds of ova 45 mph and less. w°��� II 5" \ BRONZE STAR DETAIL C' Do not use this railing on bridges with expansion joints Qv ry o d providing more than 5" movement. �,":c -� in Two known manufacturers are: Rail anchorage details shown on this standard may require `). _� „ 1. Kassons Castings modification for select structure types. See appropriate o y o details elsewhere in plans for these modifications. Austin, Texas 10" 1 2. Southwell Company Shop drawings will not be required for this rail. San Antonio, Texas See Bridge Layout or other plan sheets for the following: dimensions with the number of span pilasters, dimensions BARS U (#5) BARS WU (#5) BARS S (#5) with the number of windows, window type, inclusion of bronze stars, inclusion of construction year with abutment identity. Submit erection drawings showing span number, span pilaster locations, number of windows between pilasters ®Provide rail joints at ends of all spans the same width as Slab and spacing to first window(see Note 6) to the Engineer joint opening, except that Rail Joints over construction joints for approval. must be 7/4" Min to 3/4" Max in width. Joints must be open Average weight of railing with no overlay increase and no if slab joint opening is not sealed. Joints over construction pilasters is 350 plf. joints and over sealed deck joints must be plugged. Forming material used in joints may be left in place if it is light in Cover dimensions are clear dimensions, unless color and compressible, such as the following materials: polystyrene, noted otherwise. molded cork granules, sponge rubber sheet, etc. If forming material Reinforcing bar dimensions shown are out-to-out is not left in place, plug the bottom 6" with slab joint sealing of bar. compound to prevent drainage and staining. ®Increase 2" for structures with overlay. SHEET 3 OF 3 16 Construction year (use if shown elsewhere on plans)3" High"Plantin Bold"Typeface with 1/4' recess. Placed at ® Bridge one Abutment only or as directed by the Engineer. Division 17Di ,Texas Department of Transportation Standard mensions must be the same on each side of joint. For raised sidewalks, add sidewalk height to total bar height. COMBINATION RAIL 18 Use sidewalk height at rail's location. TEXAS CLASSIC @Reduce by 2" or field bend over Preformed Bituminous Fiber Material to gain cover. @Bronze Star dimensions of the final product can be slightly smaller due to shrinkage after casting. TYPE C411 FILE. rlstd021.4n DN. TxDOT Cv.TxDOT low: TxDOT ICI TXDuT ©TxDOT July 2014 CONT SECT JOB HIGHWAY REVISIONS wW k.J OIST COUNTY SHEET MC_I O¢w WIWAMSON SHEEI5B OF135 1 TABLE OF , REINFORCING SPACING 2'-3" 2'-3" 2'-3" 2'-3" '� - r+ Curb Height Section Bars S, U, See applicable rail See applicable rail See applicable rail See applicable rail "C" Type & Z Spa standard for rail standard for rail standard for rail standard for rail anchorage details , anchorage details , anchorage details , anchorage details , 8" to 9" 1 12" Over 9" to 2-0" 2 9" t Over 2'-0" to 3'-0" 3 7" Finished a x `n - i x Finished Over 3'-0" to 5'-0" 3 5" Grade g o Grade , H(#4) �" Z7(#5) - _m H(#4) �" - �" H(#4) H(#4) TABLE OF I " ^ I ".^ Ym ^. �� ESTIMATED QUANTITIES 0 1 / • ' Curb Reinf Class "C" VJ1riI —�ini• TY�pz ` TYP `�`� U1(#4) o • a Height Section Steel Concrete 1 1 %z" Y i %2' Type (Lb/LF) (CY/LF) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0� : rn O Ol O v O /$ 1 _ FTYP " 8" 1 215 0056 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -� SI(#5)(replaces tiN Bars ZI in overhang) , Zi(#5) o • • • 0 9" 1 21.5 0.063 L Top Slab Jt ( �,'I a o of Culvert Jt L(#6)OZ Mil " 1'-6" 2 30.6 0.125 .-.6,,,,, 0 0 0 0 0 0! 0 0 0 �I o, � -, i- ]O 2'-0" 2 31.5 0.167 :,7,:' 7o. SECTION A-A SECTION B-B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0��� �ti m S2(#5)(replaces m� 3'-0" 3 44.6 0.250 L Bars U7 & Z1 in TYPE 1 CURB " m curb overhangat 4'-0" 3 56.8 0.333 2,,,`'2;,'_, TopSlab Const a a, of ulvert Jt ( 2 skewed corner) 5'-0" 3 60.0 0.417 mv:r Used for curbs from 8" to 9"(Showing "C" = 9"). Showing T223 Rail, other rails similar. L(#6)O =o (Bars L(#5) on T223 and C223 Rails are not used for this structure). Bars RH(#5) required cas on standards T8OHT, T8OSS and T224 are not required when used with the RAC standard. SECTION A A SECTION 8-8 0 "T" is equal to the culvert top slab thickness. For 0 Precast Boxes with slabs less than 8" thick, see w`IS o'^. TYPE 2 CURB SCP-MD Standard for additional details. x�v 2'-3" 2'-3" Used for curbs over 9" to 2'-0"(Showing "C" = 2'-0"). ShowingT223 Rail, other rails similar. 0 Tilt Bars L hook as necessaryto maintain cover. aL' 1.-a L See applicable rail See applicable rail (Bars L(#5) on T223 and C223 Rails are not used for this structure). Bars RH(#5) required v v v standard for rail standard for rail on standards T8OHT, T8OSS and T224 are not required when used with the RAC standard. 0 Optional Bars L are to be used only for Precast • o anchorage details , anchorage details -, Box Culverts with 3'-0" closure pours. a., 0 Quantities shown are for Contractor's information OU 2 l l only. Quantities are per Linear Foot of curb length. w a Finished a a Same as Curb Same as Curb The values for each section type in table can be 0a� GradeLn L^ Height "C" Height "C" interpolated for intermediate values of Curb ",S m _ = Height, "C". c E amo a a B a o CONSTRUCTION NOTES: �,� • • ; -•� m f • • -•-I m When using this anchorage curb, omit normal culvert curb Outside Wall of reinforcingbars K and H shown on the culvert standard sheets. ▪o o ` t U2(#4) U2(#4) T Skewed Culvert For vehicle safety, the top of the curb must be flush with the " x1 /z' " finished grade. N a x - a Typ g TYP ` aLn -w • • a • • 3 - o Provide Grade 60 reinforcing steel. a Ln e �a&sZ 0 Galvanize all reinforcingsteel if re uired elsewhere. t '_^ Z2(#5) a W in w :n N1 L L q U ' c t Provide bar laps, where required, as follows: y 1" , • • a - o a - o " ., U Provide Class "C" concrete(f'c=3,600 psi).ted or Provide Class "C"1(HPC) n N a N • • • • • • • • concrete if shown elsewhere in the plans. o a U. a a U. ��� Bars S (S & U in Curb GENERAL NOTES: .,7) ,, , n ' _ n ' Anchorage Curb ' g o g a o Type 3) installed in lieu Designed according to AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. w w of normal Bars U & Z in The rail anchorage curb details have sufficient strength for use 44‘ 111110 > H(#4) ° " H(#4) O those areas where Bars with all standard rail types. ^ U & Z do not fit L See appropriate rail standard for approved design speed �- ` L� ' restrictions, notes and details not shown. 1 1 This anchorage curb is considered part of the Box Culvert for 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N II.- payment. 0 These details are for use with curbs that are 8" to 5'-0" tall only. 0I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a L S3(#5)(replaces 1 '/z' Bars 5, U, & Z Spacing as shown in Table 1 �/2' Curb heights that are less than or greater than those shown will " a Bars Z2 in curb require special design. Top Slab j Const °' overhang at Cover dimensions are clear dimensions, unless noted otherwise. of Culvert Jt -L(#6)O skewed corner) Reinforcing bar dimensions shown are out-to-out of bar. TYPICAL CURB PLAN SECTION A-A SECTION B-B TYPE 3 CURB Showing typical installation on skewed culvert. (Bars L(#5) on T223 and C223 Rails are not used for this structure). Bars RH(#5) required on standards Used for curbs over 2'-0" to 5'-0"(Showing "C" = 4'-0"). Showing T223 Rail, other rails similar. T8OHT, T8OSS and T224 are not required when used with the RAC standard. SHEET 1 OF 2 (Bars L(#5) on T223 and C223 Rails are not used for this structure). Bars RH(#5) required on standards T8OHT, T8OSS and T224 are not required when used with the RAC standard. Bridge Division ,Texas Department of Transportation Standard 2'-0" B" 2'-0" L. RAIL ANCHORAGE CURB Min 2'-0" 2'-0" a Z _ 2'-0" BOX CULVERT M x 6" _E of `r x g o 2' 0" Typ RAIL MOUNTING DETAILS Field Bend a c _� Z = 11 1 (CURBS 8" TO 5'-0" TALL ONLY) to provide U , ^ 3'-B" 2'-8" 6'p m Min hook M r. " T RAC 10" _]0" N N �� -4 ( I FILE: racste07-20.dgn DAL GAF e.e:TxDOT ow: TxDOT cK:GAF OPTIONAL ©TxDOT February 2020 cox- SECT Job HIGHWAY Ww BARS Ul (#4) BARS U2 (#4) BARS Z (#5) BARS L (#6)0 BARS L (#6)00 BARS 51 (#5) BARS 52 (#5) BARS 53 (#5) REVISIONS ~¢ Spaced at 6" Max Spaced at 6" Max OUST COUNTY SHEET NO. Cl LL W1LLMM50N SHEET 5140F135 See applicable rail standard for rail anchorage details on wingwalls c Finished 1,-O, Grade Flush with c; / top of Curb i:h �,%tm-- 0 o o, Outside Wall of _o c Skewed Culvert Q a----p a, Outside Wall v w of Square Anchorage ?I' v `. Culvert Curb m=„ a a". Wing y. a v m c.... e Footing v m ra r w`o . r x ! • a ` . x v L�v� v'w v Normal Wing ' o Reinforcing IL Wingwall Permiss Bars G Const Jt a�= (TYp) 0 (TYp) a i v o ut V- SECTION C-C TYPICAL CURB PLAN aad Curb reinforcing and footings e not shown for clarity avo a o L. m�� INSTALLATION AT PARALLEL CULVERT WINGWALLS moo o t ti� See culvert wingwall standard for bars and details not shown. �a a� ova W''rap , E�n it 9h o .x o OBars G (#5), as identified on the PARALLEL WINGS PW standard sheet, must extend 1'-6" into the Anchorage Curb similar to that shown for a normal culvert curb. SHEET 2 OF 2 ® Bridge Division ,Texas Department of Transportation Standard RAIL ANCHORAGE CURB BOX CULVERT RAIL MOUNTING DETAILS (CURBS 8" TO 5'-0" TALL ONLY) RAC FILE: racste01-20.dgn ON: GAF Cx:TxDOT low: TxDOT lCx:GAF ©TxDOT February 2020 CONT SECT Joe HIGHWAY REVISIONS W J i GIST COUNTY SHEET NO. Q 0, WILL.ON SHEET 58B OF 135 4 HAGOOD © INOINIlNER A`�OOOTQ 900 E.Main Shed 0 100 200 Round Rode,TX 78664 • Phone(512)244-1546 I___P__. �/� 7�y Fax(512)244-1010 SCALES 1 i= 1 O www.heaeng.com , . ., TOPE Rogisharion No.F-12709 JOB NO.19477t4.0 .007©2020HEA Inc ' I / ill``' ` { c'- i 'r 1 i ' �i;" l;1 1 lit',I ,�11 I p F - - r �. l � I 11 �11 " d 11 4 y iI II i.`p' • i II 1 T 41 11�1+ i 11y� r.-I+rl I 7S ,r• ••,,•y'4 7t'- --- II k II 1 y11 1q nJ' 1 ! y-- --`--`- �•---4 r/ I / \\ l ,\ ,. +1/ + I 1 1 ' i / I� 7f II Ir 1\ ,1. •• •. '1/'; I JJ/ \4 '\',\ ',I ,J,I4 rf f % , + r + C II /1 , �, ! �I I Jff 7fr ; ; 1 1 {'�'�� Y TERRY R.HAGOOD .. f 11/ I // / a�\ \ \ \ \` r / ,/ I , 1 I I f I \ 1 i ] • r� , .... .... ••....■..... �� •r /JI / j 111\\ \\,`\� 11II ! /J / Ih I• 1 I11 iy 4\ II ''r '' ilI1 !1 ��I ��'4'� 1 - �•••. • rJ'2960•� l - �� �l/ / / ' f �11\1 1 l�l 111� ,' / 1 4 \ \ \ 4 '� \5\� ll %I1 ••••a_._ Il�! . � � Q\� / rY / / �' 1 1yI y J + II! 1 / 1 1 1 \y \\ r�, ' \ ,f1\ 11i i J / 7 G.� �G CL�".s• <v• 1 11 I \ \ `?J t •'•.••1 S 7 E,,r'• rI` /l F` 1L1 j1 f ■I +1 1 4 1 \ ~\ ,;t I 1 �1 fJ / c�' • • \ , r , / , F I 1 \ 1 : 7 rlll I:bINSW1X 1 \ \ 1 \ ! � r I I\ ��J 1 r r ss ��j `.. I�� `�// i / I J // /1 yf`l lift)1 �j Ho00VlA9Y �1 \ \\ `1 I J ; J! \<-- ;i ,-J 1 \ \('"" h j"` /GNA�• E I / r , / 4 1 1 , t f j 1 1 f 1 I f' \r--- I. Y, / J 1 /l' / t l 4I 1 lc'! ' i f ( \� `1 l�--� \/1' ! 1 / l I � L'"---j F----/ 1 I r �\I f 1 I 1 `_.! / ram_ r1 N !lam / `� 1 ,--- i4I ,; , r ,� 1 \1 T� \\ •,.�f I// r I /! /' j J/S�/,1/ 4 \ 1 1 I + y ,'�, r_-- 1 [ I/ 1 1 .tom /HE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS I ,, , , rr %: , , 111 � .+ h ��, I 1 .� /r �I !! / ! r/r r If/ / y \ + 1 i 11 AUTHORED BY TERKf R.HAGOOD,P.E �.. f , / % r \lr�l, / ,r/ 1 II •!� f 11 14\\•� \ �� 5296D r••• / ! r 'L/r !1/,' /J r l 1 1 f / r lfl I��' I \---r-1 \`�_\`_ J r / J/ ! f9 ff THLS DRAWING MAY NOT BE MODIFIED WITHOUT THE 4 r/,I 1 I ! 8` /// /�/!!� 1 / / J' /I •err r , ! YI+� �f 1 EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER AND _ ! i / Il _/� lrrJ �r1//1 JJ I'�1 '• r / 11 ' / !�' If T. I !it - I� 5 I THEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE • _ / I! 1 i-I �y!!1 J I! l , 4 1 1 1 I , I!; 111 \ \k r �� 11 TII 1EXA5 ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. / DA-OFFI I, i i! ! i/1, 11 , / r , I.; ,\ r-; I 0.11 r • // ,11 //,,1d,r I r \ .•� + r r 1\ r 1'1%31'I !l1)111�;V ,f L-t 1 _ __s 11 DATE SIGN®: 027O1/21 J/ Y ! //' i \ J\ / \1If !f !I,' \i, l _J 1 ISSUED FOR BID IQA•A5 e: r' ? • �r// =/rr� ,'. / ` \ \ I 4.19 I t,,1 I .— \L► ,t �'-+ 1 \ + I J ; ROADWAY PLANS FOR — / ! j/iif J+ ti 041MOM07Y/RESfCS B10L1$10T3 7 j 4 �� i_1__L_L_1- 1 Ji / re ' , \ \ AC356. (7.T51AQ'fL000PWNJ`i !�I � \A t f / �\r Roan r r �'G,' / '��s 1 FM rw ) `.\ / 1 i ,, 4 I f I+ I\I \�\ �\ • __�;�.:.,.•• f ! OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION r fr l I,' .; `r' ' ( 4 \5 II {gSWYR l axivN 1 \ \ % r1 -- 1 I -', ;; 0i 4 -`\\ �k�a`: /r ROUND ROCIC�TX 78681 \ - I r. $l`.- .J \ J 1 1 1 r _f. ,i' iit,Q f 1 , r /J '_: 7 I `� ., ,A y...� ,`', J ! / 11 _ , ; . 1 , / I I 1 _ QA-A3 y - 1 I 1 r' ` =' 1, i LEGEND / 1 �. 4_e� > FLOW ARROW ��%; / / D.49 \ y,% t . 4 I . /1 /l -, -.. te_ 2yy / r' /"� •.•.-r: /,;r- Y�-.,.<,�.• • 1\ \_\ \\ , l + / ram__-- :.> 1 %L ... f !�(i'i'� `'�7--`�_� + NNNNr� 1 DA-OFF2 ` =��� _ �-t-r- ---,� DRAINAGE BOUNDARY /' / ! �'�,.',//, • �\ 1� O (''.--/ 1 �� 1.\.:-\,:s7::_iiiii:t.;,11/,:1_,:///1::11:411,'„.:1'.''.1,..... 41 / �� i//r/' Irr/ \ ,� J / 1 �_1 v.I, N! %'•2f ,,.._.. _ l At, trP�, ) Lo 1 r sel / i/���//"rfr �r l �\\ f=_ '�\ I I .1•r '� - ' / ! /r.'. / ., J /' \ 0.24 r51 r f' f%/i'�iir ' ~\ \I .. 1 ! /!/ •C •. - - - -__ _- / / ! , \ rr!1/H`/ // \ r ~ +/, ,,,l /' ' �� -\\ _ _7-.` 7 _▪ --- , �_____.~ _--� _^_...:-_�_�Ly-.` \ \\ -_ ^` \ � . / ,f II1$- f� / 0310 JKSAL _ Era ''-T.:: 11 Il // /l---Ys%f%irJ ' �,:;-- �L#'� `J --- - ` •- ��-..�?-- �.,_ a 0.21 �--_ -- y -- � ---t - � we \ r�! !Il r!�r1 L��\Sy� rlr� �_�.`\\ v'`i J r� , l,- IJr1, _i ',r,,; --- -_-_ —_ DAA2 -•yam" - - -� _-----_ - I' c iirr f1if r/if,'1+1f1111 rii��r ��~ 1 S \ J r / I rr�-' J1 4 0.34 _ _ _ - , -�5 :i� l,�!'I // rr 11 '' S //JI / 1I1 ▪ !J-- !1 _ ' ^- ~� �'- \ l 171j I!IIfi'XJI /11 //�/ \ii'—'�`� /1 \! r'CSSJ / / \ Li I , 4 I•� ! -�- - � \_ f' '��� _��____=_ - -ti_ �`� 1 1j+! !� !1/ /ice' r,!A T ' aII \ _ J =-- - --- __ ___ Il f! / 1/ \ / Irr ! 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J •`'•-T ` y ���.� �t- 1 - 1 -I 11+i l� `� I tt �11•w11W10f1� ENO �p � --.ram~ 1 ,l • ,61a11 N,1®m.E,Nm Pt e1160f1E `/ � 1 . lIda I ^ �j �' te �Vi BGf�g1•CII(IICI. ♦ 1 y , 111 , ,1 Iy xS Ir�FL s#e�`� I l,, I `� `V 1 y ,1l , A • y I t 1,1..� UaEsv®e nN1R1 t. i 1 •Y ti` 1 ♦` 1 di 1/ 1 �` `,� •! • 1 ++11♦ Ci�ILR m 5 ROCK,TX 78681 ,r % 1, ' �▪\ ` li�;��„= =r_� z`, '-- - ,� I D.101r1r -11 i;f .` OAKMONT DINE EX[84110N r �4. c ROUND ' !^- 1 f 1 'i�r��-/` V F �I I r `I 1 ( Ir1 r r 1 $' '. I t 5 1 V r J ,1 I , 5 < / 1 5 1 , 5 V ! ! 1j1 l r/frr r! G------‘.... >` -!!!!!!! ".1............ ��_ 1 ,1 ty_ 51, 1 , .�`+ %1+ OA-110 r.`.r I rppr '� r r/ r - 1` — � i i •. `7 v` I. 0.10 I o F'r , 1_ ♦ t 1 f • re r 5 '1CI I � ' '1 1 I III ▪ 1l r'! 4 11 ~� , j 71` i '\ ``� 5111VtII [ l5 f 11l1i f • �/ � r1 .o 5 I y , , ,I ,G+� �. �� "i it i 1L Il IV 5, i 1L I 'I Ir ill !r p/ 1�''A�� N. `��- • `„t I Il L I I �� ``L , t 1 1y , ` 11 ! I I f I III! I ' 11 !r V I I �'1 cti 5 L I ~ i 1 7 L 7 1 , l I I ! I I ! 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DA A4 0.210 92 5 0.6884 6.48 0.937 0.7652 8.64 1 .389 0.8144 9.84 1 .683 0.9028 11.88 2.252 Piped Flow DAA5 0.190 92 5 0.6884 6.48 0.847 0.7652 8.64 1 .256 0.8144 9.84 1 .522 0.9028 11.88 2.038 Piped Flow OF re ; ill DAA6 0.240 92 5 0.6884 6.48 1 .070 0.7652 8.64 1 .587 0.8144 9.84 1 .923 0.9028 11.88 2.574 Piped Flow * .:•' �, '••.s*' DA B1 0.290 92 5 0.6884 6.48 1 .294 0.7652 8.64 1 .918 0.8144 9.84 2.324 0.9028 11.88 3.110 Piped Flow *:' 'i" i* DA B2 0.300 93 5 0.6936 6.48 1 .348 0.7708 8.64 1 .998 0.8201 9.84 2.421 0.9087 11.88 3.239 Piped Flow TERRY R. HAGOOD DA B3 0.250 93 6 0.6936 6.22 1 .079 0.7708 8.33 1 .604 0.8201 9.51 1 .949 0.9087 11.50 2.612 Piped Flow '% i• 52960 ;� DAM 0.280 93 6 0.6936 6.22 1 .208 0.7708 8.33 1 .797 0.8201 9.51 2.183 0.9087 11.50 2.926 Piped Flow �0.c'• F ���� �� ... STE **. • DA B5 0.310 93 6 0.6936 6.22 1 .338 0.7708 8.33 1 .990 0.8201 9.51 2.417 0.9087 11.50 3.239 Piped Flow ,'`ass/oNAL DA B6 0.330 92 6 0.6884 6.22 1 .413 0.7652 8.33 2.103 0.8144 9.51 2.555 0.9028 11.50 3.426 Piped Flow DA B7 0.160 92 5 0.6884 6.48 0.714 0.7652 8.64 1 .058 0.8144 9.84 1 .282 0.9028 11.88 1 .716 Piped Flow � � �f` DA B8 0.160 93 6 0.6936 6.22 0.690 0.7708 8.33 1 .027 0.8201 9.51 1 .247 0.9087 11.50 1 .672 Piped Flow THE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS TERRY DA B9 0.100 94 5 0.6988 6.48 0.453 0.7764 8.64 0.671 0.8258 9.84 0.813 0.9146 11.88 1 .087 Piped Flow AUTHORIZED BY 52960R.HAGOOD,P.E. THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE MODIFIED WITHOUT THE DA B10 0.100 93 5 0.6936 6.48 0.449 0.7708 8.64 0.666 0.8201 9.84 0.807 0.9087 11.88 1 .080 Piped Flow EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER,AND THEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE DA OFF 1 0.110 97 5 0.7144 6.48 0.509 0.7932 8.64 0.754 0.8429 9.84 0.912 0.9323 11.88 1 .218 Sheet Flow TEXAS ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. DATE SIGNED: 02/01/21 DA OFF 2 0.110 98 5 0.7196 6.48 0.513 0.7988 8.64 0.759 0.8486 9.84 0.918 0.9382 11.88 1 .226 Sheet Flow ISSUED FOR: BID DA OFF 3 0.780 0 5 0.21 6.48 1 .061 0.25 8.64 1 .685 0.29 9.84 2.226 0.36 11.88 3.336 Sheet Flow DA OFF 4 0.330 0 5 0.21 6.48 0.449 0.25 8.64 0.713 0.29 9.84 0.942 0.36 11.88 1 .41 1 Sheet Flow ROADWAY PLANS FOR DA OFF 5 0.130 0 5 0.21 6.48 0.177 0.25 8.64 0.281 0.29 9.84 0.371 0.36 11.88 0.556 Sheet Flow OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION DA OFF 6 0.040 0 5 0.21 6.48 0.054 0.25 8.64 0.086 0.29 9.84 0.114 0.36 11.88 0.171 Sheet Flow ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 Total 5.17 70 18.97 28.34 34.66 46.99 in `al REVISIONS NO. DATE DESCRIPTION O HEA PROJECT NO.19-007 ISSUED DATE:02/01/21 NOTES RUNOFF COMPUTATIONS 1. ALL PEAK FLOWS CALCULATED USING RATIONAL METHOD 2. RAINFALL PRECIPITATION VALUES ARE DERIVED FROM THE NOAA SHEET NO. ATLAS-14 DATA C50C SHEET 61 OF 135 N a 1 r _... �.�' I I I / s s 4 .,� 7. Stele/ j d+15da,25.50RT ,7 a I I/ '/f ,' - B SO HTMP� ��D J , `' '` 0 100 400 smeam,s.r �••_•••`•• JP41 i \ On r6+5Bb1,Mgr UM.: -sr 1 n�a.b Ax�i 7651.4 +ti1a 7+76.19,SAD'■I �/ / d+�Ez6,assoRr 1 �a7■. .• _r Rlt6 41•241) r FRCP* MN r zmoll MOP TEMPER �s 1 I� 9 LE OF2C RCP SC/11F;1 100 (i f ,� r Pd5 lerIM t PROP CI IY PCO STA6+112o wr.hrpas .• ., N. N. rt w. 011 41H0 .' / '25LF.OF24'RCP iO'�^^"` ERB01X ' .19.00'RT TIRrirt lb.r-ma P41 i r an�l�a; P#15_ .% , P46 P411 1 r JOB ICI mm•ano lst w. .� \\' ..I^y;.k5 , 02 LF.OFd45W ' / 19LF.OF1tRCP 16LF.OF10'RCP i 3B LF.OF 2*RCP -.--- OF r an il 940 leM$ � S+SD�739DSf 26LF.OF WR0' 40, " '" l�r - t , • 'eCULYERIJ ! • {— / PPOPOTYPCO 1 „- l3�65LF.OF DM COMMIE OOI(CUYERT' + �'. f ,-: I fllb= !I■Fply - -4(F!) ` � ,,7 t -"�+�:._ _ir- -I% , ~'►". TERRY R.HAGOOD`�.;:� ! 5411.19,ad00 LT ` 529fi0 d RENFORCED CONGIEIEANAN— J�(i;,,;"v;..,;; .. ..9 '•.d O/SY'---- h+aF; _., y . . . :i *` .IM13 -- � t! O,o •'9V,1 SlET;'•t:`d .�-- IYi - - M1OPOTIPCO ,4NNNN� itovli- y_ ' t - IMP IP 12 114 LF.OF MRCP P414�IOIX . �J8•0NA1 - • fki#1 'I BTLF OF74'RCP f£ SW ';'- P412 ..�. 4+0631,12.50' L 18'SCP .. � k_ 4i_ 7 i SG-1 ORF ' 20LEOFWM) .—.. PROPAWTYPRM{401 ir- a 78;EOF ,' /2//"�� tyLj`Lr l' 44 I ►�3, .�;�... P-i7 xer,.-n1r / VEaxININICalnbDooIe.wa / PA f 1 16It.CFMCP //'.— 07LF.OF24'RCP «cm-mrn >'r t Ana r J 46Er ewe I�/ u•.5 LF. p17 • `�-BLMKSh'NAis DUO RE REMIGWD h_1`50+83.37,D690I7 / � �i1. Ma waon la ono ,•._ ! EMI wn /'` 55 LF.OF Id'RO 1.-.-.PROP OTY FCO .F' 1B10.7 N.C=OI[E WM Pt G60EE f I . ' iBVi wawa IVCn(X OCT . ' i / / I C]F2 11 OCT ROTH Y / A D1tEfv®e nN1R1 // 3+3274,26.DO LT 1' F49 Y .F pumKM! �•.r/ `, O P OTT NXI Ea 10TH 9 LF.OF 1>7 RCP �•� (/ I / '' HOIILSCNJr 100 ROADWAY PLANS FOR Q�AKMONT DINE BaBCIFON lw --- Mir 'K • N=■�=■_■■■m -4 - ROUND ROOF,TX 7d6B1 ■■ R>•■R>_mmom .7 . _ —_�_���■■■ _— '^ I1L 1.' _:'e • c. I ■_Ysr*I +mit!tyra.e-o.IyIS�Rf"�TI-��.•WU■■� 755- a RCP@oza P#1,27.91LF OF 2! t• • -' . ■■ .� ' :,IL" �=1 P r I. MEM ■■ 651FCF-1CR:8.GSO5 ATOMS- RY33a50; —_ R1■■ ■�: Fl•EFd:• - f j" ©"� srobLl mmiGE .7 1 ■■ • I ■ __ —_ WHOY�1x4 -__ _ '. k.FPril.141ST9 a 4 • i■_— • II 750- ■■ y ' `• `I '�■ i� iaciorrtDRIVE - RCPN11.90d „orVO1.2o% ■=RMIIc�i __ L J O a1RCTK)N BO% 11 '• .. • - �� P-17,fMffiffOF 24' - ■■■ ����fR� ffE ::7 I. a __ RCP @a50Y _ litair! e 'a il�■ -745- rrm ...: CMTh]W Er STC441720FP• / ME dun 1 �• ri GEQENIEr PROPOSED CURB 11—._ _ jiiMin I I 5 =0-1�■■■■• Ili-_` - - 1• ■■-■ ■■-■-■■-■-■■ &GLITTER • II-1 ', II IIIII "'I'I■IIIIIII - - - - - 735- — — - ?SYR mNDTES: - t0o YR FIGL,. AilS1DFM$1Vf3W'IFS,�OSmaga 1 • I ■■ — �r ■■ -73D• AND RPE SIZE TRNi5T110NS SHALL - p_g—�- 111111111■•uinu 1111■ 1 3E PREMEOCATED AND FREE FROM o a �►II � �r1 , tI ■■■■■■—/■■■■■ Er ��� 2. ALL SfATgNS131JE;TO TIE .75 ■■ _�t�i�NG ,■!•!•a1■■■A �� ■��- -725- TOP CFTFE MO(OF OAS RN i MEN• EMS MSS MS NETS MO OMR OF MN ION t • J ■■r C■■� uu ■�■I_^_rEn MEE MNi — II Vie!• AND SIAM WHOLE/MATE fi7RM1WKXP3 FM WW1 KW 77 ■■EMS _ --- r Jhf!zr11 S. SEES4iA'MODEM.LFOR �uce-i# QZEatgri -_ icflLltPI4a o o_ ■s ', ' 4..71 s r. !1t F.1 t�rR i- aE- 715. dROUNDED UP FOR QUANTITY ■1 F_ E' 6 Q �y 6� $ -_- 1.. c`i d Q d ¢' �i It + , + '�' PURPOSES./CfW1191C3TFGARE aarwn ■■ r"77aSS tz t ■mu . - rl. t Sd a �+ id iN� 2 t- A/5i 5d ' • D D G -1 -1-` D011 �^ 5a i" --# D 4 ■■ .[ < =■■ _ l.' • �p 1 ! .{ i .,C p� 1� - MOWN H PfARIE C51■■ - k'-oYl GI n Rm■■ .„1--. . A- f1zhm 5t o5 C n i^° >-..!MIS.ESP' zir , - k oftses ZJCtt rte.- 4' 6. M1Gw1ENT 5wIOMG FOR *maws,STRUEME ROOMED UP IN CRI ,9+00 -1+OD 0+03 1+03 2+00 3+03 4+0R 5100 6100 7+00 BM 9+00 \ P�gEVY . 2 • ` 'I brtQY.'••• I I 4frttrs14 cop ., 1 135 ashcan r41 MN Rae, A I I c ell 15� __ III �__ �I 21LF.OF IR RLI a .Kr .DF2I'd? Isac c _ PI29 +m II 1 ..._�� II ' - CIS-11 ,-_- i t�417 L.F.cramp xaA-mq I r I+ I�1 t 0 1M AC HSU �`� S 80+58.19,79 RI ' I 0413 ; I I p i mi 74+13.41,79 a' #i I 1 �j MOP CITY POO 1 I 37+2427,7.LT IIIII Pd37A bm,,SIDE „�, BROKE Ti POD I 1 I eta EC BOTH i FR7P OTYPCO 1 1 11' 15 LF.OF 24'RCP SCItlE:1'=1L>(r norm I1nH4.W IXTBDIFi P-t17 PV29 r p 1 _'BOTH 1 I I Ff39 4-014 zutm' 19 LP.CF1B'R(P 47LF.OF MRCP i OF9 SD LF.#24'RCP --- -- $67LF.OF2A'1{P 71R Ik.I-tD01 0+1-8 - L.. 27+01.71,26 tl F4127 R4C+3 1 24+13A1,29 LT P��16 �� J IPROP OTY F00 100 LE OF2tRf9 11.95'.ND 73 LF.OFNRCP '.' P4P36 JOBA131 •21701q It PROPawP00 96+6SA3,10.AdQ EMBami - ------ 5TA96+1603. I 59 LF.OF29 RC/ A� FM BOTH r31 LE OF119 RCP PAQF1N47TIW448I F.4'xi 44 -10.8I RT' i,Ijilt, I a (E Or rx l ba II 7DLF.oFTB la 90+16ST,1697RT �� 3D�.OF44'FCP �� a) I c . es P420 I .EOM TY MO WI _ 424 ....... 85 LE OF10'RCP ' . - ?d LF.OF2l RCF _ CVO al - - - 9(�111i` r =� P421 � +'r _l- a . I I 11: 11 TERRf R.HAGOOD �_ ''� 115LF.OF18'ICP` rr_ � �II.I�r: r !,.! j� --+ J Rv ��{ �1 PROPJ9ICTION 009 pO'4' .G4ALLas 4N�`.a _= CU-19 /�. I 45c1' -- - - - _ - 86+S8.IER 191T A 1 - I Q �,. 9 _ l41 i,/y"1-r- 67LEOF18'RC1P 112yBEtp Cfl-1D 177LROF24'IW PROP BEIIM j41 7 32+2477C2P LT p 32+78.25,12.711 Et � �� ANKCIPIVIWILIOCOCM a25+4.94 77+81.711,29LT P-981 PROP M11 TY 112. 7ITT J( We BOTH 54 L EOF.'RLP pimp TPROPsrDa OR+7olB n fixmo ,� Ma ww®■,nannE .OFCITTP00 SO LF.OF 18 Itl� IrrC■14mllwaane,ran= l3QIOIH P-l92041 I I i .+ '�aiar t1 Pta130ex 70 L.F.of 2fl anus I t mm I1 nit nun II I ii Mom I'IANi FOR HOE VALE:100 OARMIONT DINE EXTENUION wpm10 ROUND ROOK,TX 78681 11111111 ! ' " trepo l50% M}_ O 850% OF21, PCP-'3A0EP F 9i 174.%liar 24' P2O %A11FOF24• III IF ,45.49IfOF24' MENNEMEN - ' P418,,31.41 RCP@2.9(11L P721,112S1 IFOF}�CP€3A0% .. r'::11 __. . Rq'.1.00% P433�,49.62LP Of24' X1 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■n� + 1]F lt' 1Rtr@25D1L f 751111111111.., '� f I .�b3LFDF, 4. MIND -- 1@ -OBiG PP�1II��lw1,FI� .. ■■■ I ■■■ ■■■A ■ AA i7L•'�.+L:r■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Lsi S STORM AAAP0101E ■■■■■■■■■.I Il.R.■■■ ■■■ I MAMA ,• .:_ ■ r-f30,29bB tF OF 2r■ ■■■ 1•l Il:• ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ O n, ■ Jnn iL I ■n■ 4pyµpllTr ■ REP Q1.DDx ■ Mn ■■■..■n■n■000000■ r74 ■■■AA■■■■i Af- - nun ■ - I - ■■■■ - I -- - ■ -- • _■■■ ■■':<l'il P]Itl(•;i'.SI■■■■■■■■■■■■■773• J ❑■ UNMAN B�( • ■■■■■■■■■ ■■■ •3 CW(MONTORME ■ �RCf 101.00lL � . ■■■■■■■■■■■ PM ...• ■■■■■■■■■ � ��■�` ►�! ■ ■ J ■■■■■■■■■■■ ®33 :::. ORATE NIET r65 ■■■■■■■■■ AAAAA.1 - -- ■■■ •---- ---- --- - M -- -- I. ■■■■■? 'rr11f.T3?■■n■■7� r •" sTC4 T11(RPER n.. nn ■ C■ ■■■ m I�> ■■■■■■■■■ MAMA■■II■■■■■ __ MAMA■ ■ ■1 ■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■ p- _____,... ..,..,,,-,..„7„.......■■■■■■;;■■■■■ .. .. III 111111111111111 C. I , I GRATE HET rep ■■.AA.■■■ .■■■■■ll■■■■■■■ 1s9 .'II0• MAMMA ■■ -�■ MEM ■■.■■■■■■■■■■■■7W II -- - - G3fS `� ■■■ ■ ■■ ■■■■ 6cun ■■■■■■■■■ A.■■■■■ll■■■■■■■ A■A� ■ A. ■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 25YLHGL MAMA■■■II■■■■■■■ ■■■.■�s� MAM ■.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ - - - - ��������� 1111111111111111 II _ MAMA■■■■.: .-.11 rimo_mma e_=j1imin::::::::::::7 - - 100YRR 1. 1111111111n■nnnnn■n ■ MENNEMENNEMENNIO ■nnnn■nn■ ■■ ■■ n�� .0 a - _■ ■■+MMEMEuu■■ II A■ I ■■■ •■■■ ■■I■■ �I----■ AND PFE s1IE TWIffiI10NS Stkimom r SO 111111111 ■■■■■■■I I■■■■■■■■■■, MIN ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■. I■■■■■■■■. ■■.AA!■I■■■ ■I ■■■■.. -- I ■■■■.■■■■■■■■■■■■7� LEPEFMaCM9)AND FREE FROM Na a n!04 ■■■■■.P,.r"0 A.■■■■►A■■■■■■■■id■■■m ■■■■■■■■■■■AS►■i■■■■.!irr■■eriramm■wnaloo■■.CSsAp i ■■■■\ AIMMEM■■■■■ DEFECTS ■■■■o4r■, A.■■■/.a■■■■■■pn4mEMPI.■ ■■■■■■■■ !:r.■■■�PMadMI■. MINIM WMiME■an lidEMP:r■A ,., \■■■■■.►.\■■■■■■■ 1 NLSTATIONVOFFSEISMETOTHE i I TA �� r■■■■►_:■■■■ J■ r. - try' ■■: TOP OF ME BACK OF CURB FOR r� is _ A.■■G■■■■ _ .ti..■.►,■.■■■..icasines:■i■■►s:ri _ _SAi■.r_SrM•■■■Ci■n■ A■ _ kb1■■■.m■■.■..►. __ 745- NLErsuocaFIERDF II II II■■■ ■■■ ■ ■■■■ ■■■■■■■ ■■.■.■..■.■ ■.■■ AM■■■.II■■■.■■11■.■.■■.II.■ -■■.■■■..■■.■■ ■■■ ■ ■■■■� ■■■■■■ MW40IF/GRATE FORMFI#101E5 ■■■■■ ■■ ° ■■■. ■■■■■ I ■■■■■ IMMEM■■•111ME ■■■ III■■■■■■ ■■■ ■ u - .. ■■.r, ■■■■■■ a■ -i ■A■■■ i �I y ■■ ■■■ -� ■■■ ■ ■■■ AND GRh1Ei 1«mIYTH]1,•Ic r4q- - =1 AAA. -_�■ _ A■r1■ -4 ■■n■ 1 ■■■n -11■■n.■_In■ _ g !4■■��i1■.-.■■,-i ■ _- ■■11_i ■■■!a■ - 74 .a SEE 57DRMTROOPEI DUALS FUR ���m e4■ �Q i - r - _. l Bog;UF. .. AiiiiiiF. giMial F.s 4. hoc NSF BE CUSS II r. - Fl I. gx a f. SB - 3Y _ i 1 a>w "nn - aAA S8: � • 3Nryg `^Ii 8 ' cKcS�;pR�¢¢' eig �q! aw ■■■■■■■■ irar ■t ■ $ 5. PIPELENGIF0 IN WI NEW NE i■■IVDI RN &FROflt✓t r35 $ � la g I " {'" $ --oae 8 ' p, i o.S ` ` i: F: �' • '• • F �,'^, jF• ■ ■ • a ram. J$� .�4 ..w ®r n w .+w ,. r. ■■■■■■■■. at ROUFI)ED OF FORQUWDIY :Lite'. & rA , -2 6 k 1U ale?" Il l u ■ f ■ ■- A ■ z d t g + ■ 1 u ? ■ 91 f ■ ■ 1 II- t R o ' f tyi, RIRFOSE ICRI1.18pTF5A E + Yd ,+•, pp,, + C�,'�` o±o± + Iy + dddr rt'ddrta'o' +� T: do± d + dd + ¢.'¢' d o• tc1 +_ rt.'d ■■■.■.■■■ j + Marla A g t D ri gh i t D 2 D N ie 2 D A CI 6L VI D D ,; gib -5d 5/ g `.1 ii Sd s€2 E,A D D q fdID r a R I CI D ■■nn■■.�i 1-W ed Q SHOWN INr�STAiara4c FOL C52 b � an d : ■ _ .4 r4 _ t� k -- tc ofS ■■■.■.■■. - - - - Lk' STRUCNREA�ROUNDEO UP IN ...or'. PROFiEYPN P 0+00 1+00 2+00 3400 4+03 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 11+00 Tr 1 STORM SEWER LINE 'A-1' STORM SEWER LINE 'A-2' STORM SEWER LINE 'A-3' STORM SEWER LINE A-4' STOW SEWER LINE 'A-5' 7FF_ 7 F F 7F41 7Fft 74& 7Fl1 7 y 7F1L 7F/1 „TAIL r�l1,/Oa.00% trr lS M11,14.91 IF OF 18' - P4N,5S661FOF 18' r-/6.1T F110f11r T: Ra0l.00lc �p0ISM ACP@ Los betas" __ I P�4,519CLFOF1r ��D I'�rCP®LOOT- ii��iaGGu -750- I _ 450- -745- _ _-745- -745_ yy • ' -745- -745- _T_ -745- -745- _ _- ___--745- +mE+l-��+ —■■■■■R ohms na.15 A344-7ME an -7 i■■ ___ -745- -740• 1'74D' -740•— — — or---•—, 740- -7 ' •■ ` --1740- -740. — -740- nler"'irtMxMVO • TT I :OelFa,aamsano Tst Lr. -7 ' — -740- -735• •735• -795• >] 735- IEEE 795- 795_ — _ 795 t ce of r& xsa■- IIIIIII I-735- -7301 •730- -73i r _ _430• -73 - - �■ — - 0- -730L. — I - -79Q• tr; TERRf R.HAGOOD * '� .......ilbt.........529fi0........;,.... c _ - ,may w O .cts, '4Q 0 - " --1 _S itij g�.725• -7251 s-- g I •745- -725 725- •725 g&- - i o- p -0 e4 s 3)•*est_ :l aws .Z �! lb ■ •1 - • wva - n w Mr' ryh - : : --ErE y�1 a25. -720 riff_ 0 no- -72D ■ .1 i• no- _ _ - 0: 1 _ -na -74a. -r-P--_ i Q ..- c1 II � p Zat . — 1 D -II II - it in—at II . b 't I�g g W g g .)Iy s 5d I n 1 if „ 1� `� ' {' o �O lS — N{ Si 51 '�'Wt®n a�ww°0n°ot�a�ram • h n .- - -_ t m B A b I r° g a i r' - ■ A ;irt+_-. F n tr.°i 1-A^'I d 01-R, --EBe _ 4n Va.:.4.1 n.,w1Moelia .,,rF7nnE 1.OJ11We1 W10R Or M ENO 0+00 1+001+25 0+07 0+70 NCO 1+00+20 0+00 0+75 . 0+00 1+CO420 1e104.1.1,1®mla.rtn it l.aCfx all EMS]IVC=ICT. EWE MM. tN1R1 wumrat r STORM SEWER LINE 'B-1' STORM SEWER LINE 'B-2' STORM SEWER LINE 'B-3' STORM SEWER LINE 'B-4' 7AF MA_ • _77F_ -a- r771S. 7AF_ 7AF ROADWAY L JcR`19, 5.511E Wit— ■■■■■■ PI73,18M IF OF 18' P-175,5446LF OF IC r-f29.I825 If OF lfi DI PUNS FAQ OI Opli RCP 191 ODb NY®1 OOS DT@ T % OAIMAONT DRIVE EMTEIIg1ON ■u■■ ( ; ROUND ROCK,TX7116111 -780. - - -_.790- - 1 - _ - -770- -770- - I - 770- -7.1 a 7E9 ■■■■ ■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ur� �I ■ ■■ al ■uuuu■■ —� — •■uui�3 ■■uu■uu■ I •. r� ........... -775• — —775- -7 - 765- -765. 7E6- -7 ■■■ is 755- LEGEND ■■■■ ■■■ -770- - -770• -7.I ■ 760- -760,-- 760- -7-1 ■■■ _ 75a 100TRBCL el\ iiii ■■r►•uuu■■■ iii ■u►puu■ ■■■■ ■■■■■i.n■■■■■■ ■■■ ■■■■■►■■■■■ -765- 765 ] - Noss ■■■■■■■■I■■■■■755- 755 �755. _] ••• — ■■■■■■■■■■ 745- it 1 ■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ — ■ ■■■■*■■■■■� iiit�■■■■■■■ *■■■■■ a� 1 iii �C■r■■ -760- — 760 ] I ■u ■s�■u■ 1■■■�■]50- 750 -- -_ 75d _7 I g _■■■ ■■q■ 740. lire ■■ ra-� - ■■ ■■4- ■ F— i.y■ ■■■ J _ ■■ 7■■ .pph- h ■■■��.1 F_ ■■EJ— + r...2. Imo-755 ��� -Jiit• ]55- .] . _ _� � 745- -745 --- _� �� � � -745- -- � � _ C- � -735- eclat a Ao 13 - - - MI. ••� i 8, - A — g !: a az+�s • O+OD 1400 1+Sa D1410 1+00 1450 0+00 1+ro 1+50 0+LO 1+03 1+50 i NOTES i 1. &ROLMTMRMR,WEN/0 FIFE SIZETRANSMON5 SHALL ECIEFAR CATED MC FEE FROM OEFECIA 2. ALL STATICT+E ORSkl5 ARE TO TFE TDP OF TIE RACK OF r«lmrn KW O FOR INLETS AFC C ENDER Of AM1ThOLE/GR ATE FOR �....wimOM MANHOLES AND G9ME GMNIIB!Mann 3. SEE STORM11DMOF4R ORALS FOIL AYORE NFOLYAT10N 4. ALL ROT51+011 RE CUA6$m 5. MIUENGINS INPIAN MY AFE ROUNDED LIP FOR sena QUANTITY PURPOSES ACTUAL LENGTHS API SHORN IN C53 a PROfLE 6 ALIGNMENT STATIONING FORSRUCTURE AM ROUNDED UP sulwocisi ` 14 WORE NEW . I P 22D 51:13E.Smarml hard 11:47C71914 STORM SEWER UNE 'B-5' STORM SEWER LINE'B-6' STORM SEWER LINE 'B-7' """'°"_" CI 71R1.991•9 It MVO F 31' a mm 51.701E OF IC JOBN •m7 -Eik W. 1.......■ ■..................■ ■........_........■ K'F 1........■ .1.•• ■..................■ ■........_........■ �. .7651 ri 765- -7. 765- _].. Y�J� l� 765- ,S * IMMENNEMEN IMMEMENNEMEN 33 ■.... p.. ■........fIi ■........' ill..■.■ •` .7 , 1 11 ]do- _7.i II ]� _].i 760. : . . �'^r- .■......■ ■.......rl....■.....■ TERRY R.HAGOOD 1.......--'- 1......MEN ■....�I...■.........■ ■......NIIMME......■ 1 orig.EN �■ . 52960 1 ■. � ■■■■■■■�Ia1n wt ▪755 755. -7 755- -7 • 755. °... °ci 513••••\ — 1.....■ iian!iI..uuu■ .... ■q..uuuu.. ■u. uuuu■ 9J •, m 1......11.■...►........ ....•• :k.......... ■... 1....1101....... .7 r 1.....N .uu.►vuu.•750. .7-1 •••• ....►izau.■...750. _7 I ■u ■.t• lino.■•■75D. 9 (, 1 ...NNE? .......pi.... .. ■.. �J ......111........T... ... ....... ■..■ ■■ ■..■.■ DETA NNEIwaNDEDDm.EwR I ... ... ....... ■EM. ■■ -1 ,YI�K®IV191/A.I00X0.ls .745 ..... a■.r_..... .^■745. -7 ... .r,.... 1 .ram 745. _] ■■ r-1..ea..74,5. END 1 ■ -Iryry.. .■ .■ ■.. 7ry■. ■ 7. ■■ g 8. g llwtviMolAtr Mar E1.430F1ByInanDE 1..... r� L- .. .t' ... '1..1 .MI ■■ S2. o Es �n.wrwMwaaneRanir I R-3 ..� ..- ... .. 3 NZ-III ■■ - i s$ .7 I.....E'1 ram.. . or 744 _7 moot: FCC) .1.. 7 N. 744- -] ■■ g• " ` ee�aw1■r1 F_ . . L L i ■■. JL^ S. 1 ■■ r .74a. Dr1E nal. MERE ROADWAY PUAN5 FOR DIDO 1+03 1+10 0+00 1+00 1+50 We 1+00 14.90 OAKMONT DINE EXT84110N ROUND ROOK,TX 711681 LEGEND - — — - 25YRNQ 100YR Ha I .,O. Ka a mcslbM i NOTES: i 1. ALLMIONM MAEWOB,DENIS AND PIPE SZE TWR1&110N5 %KL BE PRIMEIRICATED AND FREE RAM DEFECTS. 2. AILSTA110NSNOFFSETSAPE TOTHE TOP C*TFE BACK OF HARCia/C1KW aro n micur aR3 FOR 14IE15 AND CENTER OF MAt1Wi 7MTE FOR MAhHOIBAND ORATES GW XEER IrOFIlB 1 SEE S1'CIM TROOPER DEWS FOR MORE I N*OIAUTION 4. ALLKP MAU EE CIA55 III 5. RPE LENGTHS IN P(AN YEW AA ROUNDED UP FOR *rule QUANRTY NUr y.ACTUAL LE NGTH5ARE WINN IN C54 J ROBE ;g9 & A/10144JT STATIONING FORSIRU OtPainCTURE ARE RO UP 1ai as J ` ill VIEW . % )111111101 MT1GOOD ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES 900 E.Main Street Round Rock,TX 78664 Phone(512)244-1546 Fax(512)244-1010 www.heaeng.com TBPE Registration No.F-12709 25 YEAR INLET FLOW CALCULATIONS JOB NO.19-007©2020 HEA,Inc. Curb Opening Capture Depth Inlet Longitudinal '(E OF re\\,,, P bypassTypeTypeLength P Y P ( ) P (ft/ft) Bypass �P .•......... -1 No. DA No. Q Captured Q Q total Inlet Inlet Profile Inlet Curb Inlet Ca Capacity EfficiencySpread Gutter Slope ft/ft Inlet Node *�•;••• ''••� *,, CI#-1 DA Al 2.48 0.14 2.62 Curb In Sag 14.00 4.70 2.48 100.00 10.80 4.20 n/a n/a * • i CI#-2 DA A2 2.89 0.47 3.36 Curb In Sag 14.00 4.70 2.89 100.00 1 1.00 4.50 n/a n/a ' CI#-3 DA A3 1.24 0.09 1.33 Curb On Grade 9.50 4.70 1.24 74.60 8.40 1.70 0.05 CI#-1 TERRY R. HAGOOD CI#-4 DA A4 1.48 0.24 1.72 Curb On Grade 9.50 4.70 1.48 68.50 8.20 1.80 0.05 CI#-2 , �•• 52960 • �� CI#-5 DA A5 1.14 0.00 1.14 Curb On Grade 9.50 4.70 1.14 87.20 6.80 1.50 0.05 CI#-3 ' O,o•'�FG/s T��•O• CI#-6 DAA6 1.23 0.00 1.23 Curb On Grade 9.50 4.70 1.23 81.10 7.00 1.60 0.05 CI #4 ss/oNA� „0C? CI#-7 DA B1 1.77 0.00 1.77 Curb On Grade 9.50 4.70 1.77 71.90 8.40 1.90 0.04 CI#-9 CI#-8 DA B2 3.51 0.00 3.51 Curb On Grade 9.50 4.70 3.51 70.90 8.50 2.50 0.04 CI#-10 Nilef, ,.- ,-,--k...- CI#-9 DA B3 1.87 0.60 2.47 Curb On Grade 9.50 4.70 2.47 65.90 9.10 2.00 0.05 CI#-1 1 CI#-10 DA B4 2.48 1.14 3.62 Curb On Grade 9.50 4.70 3.62 63.50 9.40 2.40 0.05 CI#-12 I THE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS AUTHORIZED BY TERRY R.HAGOOD,P.E. CI#-1 1 DA B5 2.78 0.68 3.46 Curb On Grade 14.00 4.70 3.46 78.90 10.10 2.20 0.02 CI#-13 52960 THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE MODIFIED WITHOUT THE CI#-12 DA B6 3.41 1.78 5.19 Curb On Grade 14.00 4.70 5.19 77.70 10.30 2.40 0.02 CI#-14 EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER,AND THEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE CI#-13 DA B7 1.64 0.63 2.27 Curb On Grade 9.50 4.70 2.27 78.90 10.10 1.90 0.03 Ex. Curb Inlet TEXAS ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. CI#-14 DA B8 1.69 0.92 2.61 Curb On Grade 9.50 4.70 2.61 77.70 10.30 1.90 0.03 Ex. Curb Inlet DATE SIGNED: 02/01/21 ISSUED FOR: BID ROADWAY PLANS FOR OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 100 YEAR INLET FLOW CALCULATIONS Curb Opening Capture Depth Inlet Longitudinal No. DA No. Q Captured Q bypass Q total Inlet Type Inlet Profile Type Inlet Curb Length Height(in) Inlet Capacity Efficiency Spread (Gutter) Slope (ft/ft) Inlet Bypass Node CI#-1 DA Al 3.75 0.62 4.37 Curb In Sag 14.00 4.70 4.37 100.00 1 1.00 4.60 n/a n/a CI#-2 DA A2 4.40 1.16 5.56 Curb In Sag 14.00 4.70 5.56 100.00 12.20 4.90 n/a n/a CI#-3 DA A3 1.45 0.34 1.79 Curb On Grade 9.50 4.70 1.79 81.50 8.20 2.00 0.05 CI#-1 CI#-4 DA A4 1.70 0.58 2.28 Curb On Grade 9.50 4.70 2.28 68.60 7.70 1.80 0.05 CI#-2 CI#-5 DA A5 1.30 0.00 1.30 Curb On Grade 9.50 4.70 1.30 87.20 6.80 1.60 0.05 CI#-3 CI#-6 DA A6 1.39 0.00 1.39 Curb On Grade 9.50 4.70 1.39 77.80 7.30 1.70 0.05 CI #4 - CI#-7 DA B1 1.99 0.00 1.99 Curb On Grade 9.50 4.70 1.99 100.00 8.40 2.10 0.04 CI#-9 CI#-8 DA B2 3.94 0.00 3.94 Curb On Grade 9.50 4.70 3.94 100.00 8.50 2.70 0.04 CI#-10 s tN G CI#-9 DA B3 2.15 1.18 3.33 Curb On Grade 9.50 4.70 3.33 64.56 9.10 2.20 0.05 CI#-1 1 1 CI#-10 DA B4 2.84 2.63 5.47 Curb On Grade 9.50 4.70 5.47 51.92 9.40 2.60 0.05 CI#-12 REVISIONS CI#-1 1 DA B5 3.29 1.64 4.93 Curb On Grade 14.00 4.70 4.93 66.73 10.10 2.40 0.02 CI#-13 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION CI#-12 DA B6 4.04 2.72 6.76 Curb On Grade 14.00 4.70 6.76 59.76 10.70 2.70 0.02 CI#-14 .1 CI#-13 DA B7 1.99 1.61 3.60 Curb On Grade 9.50 4.70 3.60 55.28 10.60 2.10 0.03 Ex. Curb Inlet CI#-14 DA B8 2.1 1 2.1 1 4.22 Curb On Grade 9.50 4.70 4.22 50.00 1 1.10 2.20 0.03 Ex. Curb Inlet o 0 0 P O O HEA PROJECT NO.19-007 ISSUED DATE:02/01/21 i 'E HYDRAULIC DATA 25 YEAR&100 YEAR INLET DATA i SHEET NO. i i C55A E. cq SHEET 66 OF 135 N . a m 0LL 25 YEAR CONVEYANCE DATA OOD ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES 900 E.Main Street Capacity Flow / Round Rock,TX 78664 Invert Invert (Full Flow) Capacity Phone(512)244-1546 Fax(512)244-1010 Label (Start) (ft) (Stop) (ft) Length(ft) Slope(ft/ft) Section Type Diameter (in) Manning's n Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Depth (Out) (ft) (cfs) (Design) (%) HGL (In) (ft) HGL (Out) (ft) Notes www.heaeng.com TBPE Registration No.F-12709 P-#01 736.10 735.98 23.00 0.005 Circle 24 0.013 16.07 5.93 1.53 16.34 98.30 737.67 737.51 JOB NO.19-007©2020 HEA,Inc. P-#02 736.19 736.10 19.73 0.005 Circle 24 0.013 16.08 6.02 1.57 16.60 96.90 737.76 737.67 Inc. P-#03 736.27 736.19 15.70 0.005 Circle 24 0.013 16.10 5.86 1.57 16.15 99.70 737.86 737.76 _ P:\E OF re `; P-#04 737.32 736.77 54.56 0.010 Circle 18 0.013 4.77 2.70 0.84 10.71 44.50 738.51 738.16 5 ..............••,s ', o P-#05 736.41 736.27 27.90 0.005 Circle 24 0.013 11.58 5.56 1.59 16.02 72.30 737.91 737.86 • i P-#06 737.10 736.91 19.10 0.011 Circle 18 0.013 4.56 2.58 0.82 10.84 42.10 738.17 737.92 *I '* P-#07 736.85 736.41 86.81 0.005 Circle 24 0.013 7.25 5.04 1.50 16.29 44.50 737.93 737.91 TERRY R. HAGOOD P-#08 738.37 737.00 137.45 0.010 Circle 24 0.013 7.31 6.45 0.78 22.75 32.10 739.33 737.78 52960 /< P-#09 739.45 738.87 57.15 0.010 Circle 18 0.013 1.48 0.84 0.46 10.72 13.80 740.10 739.91 io FG ����' / P-#10 738.63 738.37 25.66 0.010 Circle 24 0.013 5.92 6.09 0.96 22.79 26.00 739.49 739.33 �ss/•DNA L •„0G\� P-#11 739.30 739.13 16.46 0.011 Circle 18 0.013 2.74 1.55 0.63 11.22 24.50 740.12 739.93 P-#12 739.50 738.63 86.79 0.010 Circle 24 0.013 3.26 5.17 0.86 22.91 14.20 740.13 739.49 ke,,,,, ,,-,--k...- P-#13 740.97 739.83 114.42 0.010 Circle 24 0.013 3.29 5.16 0.51 22.78 14.40 741.60 740.34 P-#14 742.05 741.27 78.18 0.010 Circle 18 0.013 2.23 1.26 0.56 10.61 21.00 742.87 742.61 THE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS AUTHORIZED BY TERRY R.HAGOOD,P.E. P-#15 741.35 740.97 37.87 0.010 Circle 24 0.013 1.14 3.76 0.63 22.65 5.00 741.72 741.60I 5290 THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE MODIFIED WITHOUT THE P-#16 741.44 741.35 9.40 0.012 Circle 24 0.013 1.14 3.89 0.31 23.74 4.80 741.81 741.66 EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER,AND THEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE P-#17 769.38 768.91 18.72 0.025 Circle 18 0.013 1.77 6.12 0.35 16.59 10.70 769.88 769.31 TEXAS ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. P-#18 768.96 768.13 31.42 0.025 Circle 18 0.013 1.77 6.24 0.88 17.07 10.40 769.46 769.01 DATE : 02/01/21 . ISSUED FOR:: BID P-#19 768.80 768.13 67.03 0.010 Circle 18 0.013 3.51 11.60 5.88 30.90 11.40 769.51 769.01 P-#20 768.13 765.99 85.43 0.025 Circle 18 0.013 5.26 8.34 0.58 16.63 31.60 769.01 766.57 ROADWAY PLANS FOR P-#21 765.99 763.13 114.52 0.025 Circle 18 0.013 5.23 8.37 0.58 16.75 31.20 766.87 763.71 OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION P-#22 762.63 761.21 47.48 0.030 Circle 18 0.013 5.19 8.96 1.10 18.44 28.10 763.51 761.54 ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 P-#23 761.91 761.71 19.95 0.010 Circle 18 0.013 1.87 1.06 3.10 12.92 14.40 762.49 762.49 P-#24 761.21 760.44 25.64 0.030 Circle 18 0.013 1.85 1.05 0.51 7.36 25.10 762.49 762.32 P-#25 761.50 760.94 55.87 0.010 Circle 18 0.013 2.48 5.87 0.60 13.66 18.10 762.10 761.54 P-#26 760.44 755.13 177.00 0.030 Circle 24 0.013 9.41 10.29 0.67 39.41 23.90 761.54 755.80 P-#27 755.03 754.03 100.00 0.010 Circle 24 0.013 9.32 6.90 0.89 22.85 40.80 756.12 754.92 P-#28 754.03 753.53 49.82 0.010 Circle 24 0.013 9.25 6.85 1.40 22.69 40.80 755.12 754.63 P-#29 754.23 754.03 19.63 0.010 Circle 18 0.013 2.78 1.57 0.72 11.89 23.40 755.04 754.95 P-#30 753.53 753.23 29.68 0.010 Circle 24 0.013 2.77 1.57 0.63 7.78 35.60 754.95 754.76 P-#31 754.30 753.73 56.38 0.010 Circle 18 0.013 3.41 5.85 0.90 11.99 28.50 755.00 754.63 P-#32 753.23 752.53 70.46 0.010 Circle 24 0.013 15.10 7.78 1.66 22.90 65.90 754.63 754.19 P-#33 752.43 752.13 73.41 0.004 Circle 24 0.013 15.03 5.32 1.79 14.68 102.40 754.19 753.92 P-#34 752.63 752.42 21.30 0.010 Circle 18 0.013 1.39 4.21 1.50 10.81 12.80 753.92 753.92 P-#35 752.13 752.04 24.76 0.004 Circle 24 0.013 15.25 4.85 1.78 13.64 111.80 753.92 753.82 P-#36 752.56 752.35 53.94 0.004 Circle 18 0.013 1.69 3.14 1.47 6.65 25.40 753.83 753.82 Z. P-#37 752.04 751.97 15.31 0.004 Circle 24 0.013 16.68 6.19 1.80 17.06 97.80 753.82 753.77 P-#38 751.97 751.72 38.53 0.004 Circle 24 0.013 16.67 6.98 1.93 19.53 85.30 753.77 753.65 P-#39 751.72 751.60 67.49 0.002 Circle 24 0.013 16.63 5.29 1.47 9.76 170.40 753.65 753.07 I REVISIONS NO. DATE DESCRIPTION o i 0 E O 0 0 P O O HEA PROJECT NO.19-007 ISSUED DATE:02/01/21 NOTES. 1.PIPE ANALYSIS PERFORMED USING BENTLEY HYDRAULIC DATA 25 YEAR LINK DATA STORMCAD IN ACCORDANCE TO FHWA GUIDELINES SHEET NO. C55B E. cq 2.DESIGN STORM=25 YEAR SHEET 67OF135 N S 0 LL i 100 YEAR CONVEYANCE DATA ulu MT1GOOD ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES 900 E.Main Street Round Rock,TX 78664 Capacity Flow / Capacity Phone(512)244-1546 Label Invert (Start) (ft) Invert (Stop) (ft) Length(ft) Slope(ft/ft) Section Type Diameter (in) Manning's n Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/ Depth (Out) (Full Flow) (cfs) (Design) (%) HGL (In) (ft) HGL (Out) (ft) Notes Fax(512)244-1010 www.heaeng.com P-#01 736.10 735.98 23.00 0.005 Circle 24 0.013 18.18 5.79 1.54 16.34 111.30 737.79 737.52 TBPERegistrationNo.F-12709 P-#02 736.19 736.10 19.73 0.005 Circle 24 0.013 18.20 5.79 1.69 16.60 109.70 737.91 737.79 JOB NO.19-007©2020 HEA,Inc. P-#03 736.27 736.19 15.70 0.005 Circle 24 0.013 18.21 5.80 1.72 16.15 112.80 738.02 737.91 P-#04 737.32 736.77 54.56 0.010 Circle 18 0.013 5.56 3.15 0.91 10.71 51.90 738.61 738.23 .0,- ..oF•.r'1` ; P-#05 736.41 736.27 27.90 0.005 Circle 24 0.013 12.94 5.68 1.75 16.02 80.80 738.08 738.02 ,_*�.:•' �, •••�s• *I, P-#06 737.10 736.91 19.10 0.011 Circle 18 0.013 5.21 2.95 0.98 10.84 48.10 738.26 738.08 *_� i\ * P-#07 736.85 736.41 86.81 0.005 Circle 24 0.013 7.99 5.16 1.67 16.29 49.10 738.13 738.08 TERRY R. HAGOOD P-#08 738.37 737.00 137.45 0.010 Circle 24 0.013 8.05 6.62 1.13 22.75 35.40 739.38 738.13 i 52960 •r P-#09 739.45 738.87 57.15 0.010 Circle 18 0.013 1.70 0.96 0.49 10.72 15.90 740.15 739.94 -P•;•,o gyp:• ��, P-#10 738.63 738.37 25.66 0.010 Circle 24 0.013 6.44 6.24 1.01 22.79 28.30 739.53 739.38 ', F ••'•••G!•s T E�•••'�7 P-#11 739.30 739.13 16.46 0.011 Circle 18 0.013 2.95 1.67 0.65 11.22 26.30 740.15 739.95 ' ss/oNAL ��C- P-#12 739.50 738.63 86.79 0.010 Circle 24 0.013 3.58 5.31 0.90 22.91 15.60 740.16 739.53 P-#13 740.97 739.83 114.42 0.010 Circle 24 0.013 3.61 5.30 0.54 22.78 15.90 741.64 740.375724/1 k e(,-- P-#14 742.05 741.27 78.18 0.010 Circle 18 0.013 2.39 1.35 0.59 10.61 22.50 742.90 742.64 THE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS P-#15 741.35 740.97 37.87 0.010 Circle 24 0.013 1.30 3.91 0.67 22.65 5.70 741.74 741.64 AUTHORIZEDBYTERRYR.HAG00D,P.E. 52960 P-#16 741.44 741.35 9.40 0.012 Circle 24 0.013 1.30 4.05 0.33 23.74 5.50 741.83 741.68 THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE MODIFIED WITHOUT THE P-#17 769.38 768.91 18.72 0.025 Circle 18 0.013 1.99 6.33 0.37 16.59 12.00 769.91 769.33 EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER,AND THEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE P-#18 768.96 768.13 31.42 0.025 Circle 18 0.013 1.99 6.46 0.94 17.07 11.60 769.49 769.07 TEXAS ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. DATE SIGNED: 02/01/21 P-#19 768.80 768.13 67.03 0.010 Circle 18 0.013 3.94 12.00 5.94 30.90 12.80 769.56 769.07 ISSUED FOR: BID P-#20 768.13 765.99 85.43 0.025 Circle 18 0.013 5.91 8.61 0.62 16.63 35.50 769.07 766.61 P-#21 765.99 763.13 114.52 0.025 Circle 18 0.013 5.88 8.64 0.61 16.75 35.10 766.93 763.74 ROADWAY PLANS FOR P-#22 762.63 761.21 47.48 0.030 Circle 18 0.013 5.84 9.25 1.1 7 18.44 31.70 763.56 761.61 OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION P-#23 761.91 761.71 19.95 0.010 Circle 18 0.013 2.15 1.22 3.14 12.92 16.60 762.54 762.53 ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 P-#24 761.21 760.44 25.64 0.030 Circle 18 0.013 2.13 1.21 0.55 7.36 29.00 762.53 762.36 P-#25 761.50 760.94 55.87 0.010 Circle 18 0.013 2.84 6.10 0.67 13.66 20.80 762.14 761.61 P-#26 760.44 755.13 177.00 0.030 Circle 24 0.013 10.70 10.67 0.71 39.41 27.10 761.61 755.84 li P-#27 755.03 754.03 100.00 0.010 Circle 24 0.013 10.61 7.14 0.96 22.85 46.40 756.20 754.99 P-#28 754.03 753.53 49.82 0.010 Circle 24 0.013 10.53 7.09 1.94 22.69 46.40 755.19 755.17 P-#29 754.23 754.03 19.63 0.010 Circle 18 0.013 3.29 1.86 0.99 11.89 27.70 755.26 755.22 P-#30 753.53 753.23 29.68 0.010 Circle 24 0.013 3.28 1.86 1.04 7.78 42.20 755.22 755.17 P-#31 754.30 753.73 56.38 0.010 Circle 18 0.013 4.04 6.12 1.44 11.99 33.70 755.07 755.17 P-#32 753.23 752.53 70.46 0.010 Circle 24 0.013 17.49 8.03 2.25 22.90 76.40 755.17 754.78 P-#33 752.43 752.13 73.41 0.004 Circle 24 0.013 17.41 5.54 2.22 14.68 118.60 754.78 754.35 P-#34 752.63 752.42 21.30 0.010 Circle 18 0.013 1.72 0.97 1.93 10.81 15.90 754.36 754.35 P-#35 752.13 752.04 24.76 0.004 Circle 24 0.013 17.68 5.63 2.16 13.64 129.60 754.35 754.20 P-#36 752.56 752.35 53.94 0.004 Circle 18 0.013 2.11 1.19 1.85 6.65 31.80 754.22 754.20 P-#37 752.04 751.97 15.31 0.004 Circle 24 0.013 19.49 6.20 2.14 17.06 114.20 754.20 754.11 Z. P-#38 751.97 751.72 38.53 0.004 Circle 24 0.013 19.47 6.20 2.14 19.53 99.70 754.11 753.86 P-#39 751.72 751.60 67.49 0.002 Circle 24 0.013 19.42 6.18 1.58 9.76 199.00 753.86 753.18 s G U_ a`3 REVISIONS NO. DATE DESCRIPTION j 0 0 E O 0 0 P O O HEA PROJECT NO.19-007 ISSUED DATE:02/01/21 NOTES. 1. PIPE ANALYSIS PERFORMED USING BENTLEY HYDRAULIC DATA 100 YEAR LINK DATA a STORMCAD IN ACCORDANCE TO FHWA i GUIDELINES SHEET NO. C55C E. cq 2. DESIGN STORM= 100 YEAR SHEET 68OF135 0LL I OOD ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES 900 E.Main Street 78664 Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Round )24 Phone(551212)244-1541546 Fax(512)244-1010 TSS Required Load Reduction Calculations www.heaeng.com TBPE Registration No.F-12709 Project Name: Oakmont Drive Ext. JOB NO.19-007©2o2o HEA, Project Location: Round Rock,TX __���E O F F ��, Date Prepared: 10/14/2019 - 5�•.••.......... •��'Ts Inc. ,�� Prepared By: Tom Asuquo Lm= 27.2(AN x P) TERRY R. HAGOOD •. 52960 / where: Lm= Required TSS removal io ''•?F <o�• 4,`` An= Net increase in impervious area for site ',Fs•'�!• T E�•••G•�_ P = Average annual precipitation,inches s1 ��� ON -)-k--. Site Data: 4 l:f. , County= Williamson THE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS Stormwater Quality Structure= Wet Vault AUTHORIZED BY 52960�HAGOOD,P.E. Total site area= 4.61 acres THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE MODIFIED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER,AND Predevelopment impervious area= 0.38 acres THEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE TEXAS ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. Post-development impervious area= 4.10 acres DATE SIGNED: 02/01/21 Postdevelopment impervious fraction' 0.89 ISSUED FOR: BID P = 32 inches ROADWAY PLANS FOR Lm= 3238 lbs. Total Project Required Removal OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 Pre-Dev. An for Composite Required Unit Fraction of Load Drainage Impervious Impervious Runoff Pervious Runoff Effective Intensity Calculated StormTrooper By-Pass Intensity Overflow Removal Actual Reduction Basin Area Total Area Cover Area Impervious Drainage Coef. C O (C) (I)Area Coef. Runoff Coef. AreaFlow(Q) Pollutant Model Surface Flowrate Treated Flow F/0.9 Rate ft/s EffeciencyEffecienc Cover Area (C) Removal Area Treated(F) ( ) y (LR) [ID] [ac] [°/a] [ac] [ac] [ac] [ac] [ac] [in/hr] [cfs] Lm in[Ibs] # (sf) (cfs) [in/hr] [Figure 3-11] [Figure 3-10] (Ibs) A 1 1.29 94.0% 1.21 0.00 1.21 0.9 0.08 0.9 0.90 1.16 1.1 1.28 1055 110 913 8.91 1.10 0.90 1.00 1.40E-03 100% 100% 1344 B 2 3.32 87.0% 2.89 0.38 2.51 0.9 r 0.43 0.9 0.90 2.65 1.1 3.29 2183 110 913 8.91 1.10 0.90 1.00 3.60E-03 100% 100% 3205 Total 4 4.61 F 89.0% 4.10 0.38 3.72 0.9 0.51 0.9 0.90 3.81 1.1 4.56 3239 110 913 8.91 1.10 0.90 1.00 5.00E-03 100% 100% 4549 Total TSS Removed by BMP's Annually = 9099 3238 3 Sufficient Removal = Yes V P STORMTROOPER E 73 U_ Model S.A. By-Pass E.A.@ 80% REVISIONS .l 5 100 420 <0.13 8 10 149 600 0.14-0.20 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION •o 20 248 1000 0.21 -0.33 .1 25 369 1440 0.34-0.50 0 40 588 2250 0.51 -0.79 0 70 730 2720 0.80-0.98 s 0 110 913 4000 0.99-1.23 0 a HEA PROJECT NO.19-007 a ISSUED DATE:02/01/21 STORMTROOPER I CALCULATIONS T i SHEET NO. C55D 3 SHEET 69 OF 135 a N O L LL _ 0 I AI, HAOD Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Texas Commission on Environmental Quality ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES 900 E.Main Street TSS Removal Calculations TSS Removal Calculations Round Rock,TX78664 Phone(512)244-1546 Fax(512)244-1010 www.heaeng.com AREA 1 I DRAINAGE BASIN A TOTAL SITE DETAILS AREA 2 I DRAINAGE BASIN A TOTAL SITE DETAILS TBPE Registration No.F-12709 Project Name: Oakmont Drive Ext. Project Name: Oakmont Drive Ext. JOB NO.19-007©2020 HEA,Inc. STEP ONE: Required TSS Removal Project Location:'Round Rock, TX STEP ONE: Required TSS Removal Project Location:'Round Rock,TX ,\ OF Date Prepared:10/14/2019 Date Prepared:90/14/2019 P•E•••..••••r E-r EQUATION 3.3 Prepared By:Flom Asuquo EQUATION 3.3 Prepared By:From Asuquo *..:•' , •••.�s*'I, Lm =27.2(An x P) Total Project Area to be Treated='4.61 Lm=27.2(An x P) Total Project Area to be Treated='4.61 */ i\ * Lm = Required TSS Removal(pounds) Pre-Development Impervious Area='0.38 Lm= Required TSS Removal(pounds) Pre-Development Impervious Area='0.38 r TERRY R. HAGOOD An= Net Increase in Impervius Area(acres) Post-Development Impervious Area=r4.10 An= Net Increase in Impervius Area(acres) Post-Development Impervious Area=r4.10 P=Average Annual Precipitation(inches) Composite Run-Off Coefficient=Pb.89 P=Average Annual Precipitation(inches) Composite Run-Off Coefficient=Pb.89 0 '; 52960 TSS Removal Lm= 3238 Required TSS Removal Lm= 3238 ;�O/'• FG/ k��:• �- -- Required Drainage Basin= 1.29 Acres County=PVVilliamson Drainage Basin= 3.32 Acres County=PVVilliamson I ,ass••..•s T E•••�0 -- Drainage /ONAL Pre-Dev. Imp.Area= 0.00 Acres Pre-Dev. Imp.Area= 0.38 Acres 's,; Post-Dev. Imp.Area= 1.21 Post-Dev. Imp.Area= 2.51 Q Pervious Area= 0.08 Acres Pervious Area= 0.43 Acres ,,,,, ,,,..-k...„. ,, P= 32 Inches STORMTROOPER P= 32 Inches STORMTROOPER THE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS Lm= 1055 Lbs Model E.A.@ 80% Lm= 2183 Lbs Model E.A. pe 80% AUTHORIZED BY TERRY R.HAGOOD,P.E. 52960 5 < 0.13 5 < 0.13 THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE MODIFIED WITHOUT THE STEP TWO: Select an Appropriate BMP 10 0.14 0.20 STEP TWO: Select an Appropriate BMP 10 0.14 0.20 EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER,AND - ppro p - THEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE 20 0.21 -0.33 20 0.21 -0.33 TEXAS ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. Effective Area= 1.16 EA= (Aix 0.9)+ (Ap x 0.( 25 0.34-0.50 Effective Area= 2.65 EA= (Aix 0.9)+ (Ap x 0.( 25 0.34-0.50 DATE SIGNED: 02/01/21 ISSUED FOR: BID StormTrooper SWAQ_ 110 40 0.51 -0.79 StormTrooper SWAQ_ 110 40 0.51 -0.79 Unit Surface Area= 913 Sq. Ft. 70 0.80-0.98 Unit Surface Area= 913 Sq. Ft. 70 0.80-0.98 EQUATION 3.4 110 0.99- 1.23 EQUATION 3.4 110 0.99- 1.23 ROADWAY PLANS FOR Q= CiA,where: Q= CiA,where: OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION C= 0.90 Composite Run-Off Coefficient C= 0.90 Composite Run-Off Coefficient ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 i= 1.10 Stormwater Quality Intensity i= 1.10 Stormwater Quality Intensity A= 1.29 Drainage Basin Acreage A= 3.32 Drainage Basin Acreage Q= 1.28 Required Treatment Flow Q= 3.29 Required Treatment Flow 1 EQUATION 3.5 EQUATION 3.5 VoR= Q/A,where: VoR= Q/A,where: Q= 1.28 Required Treatment Flow Q= 3.29 Required Treatment Flow A= 913 Unit Surface Area A= 913 Unit Surface Area VoR= 1.40E-03 Overflow Rate VoR= 3.60E-03 Overflow Rate BMP Effeciency= 100% BMP Effeciency= 100% STEP THREE: Calculate Fraction of Annual Runoff to be Treated STEP THREE: Calculate Fraction of Annual Runoff to be Treated Unit By-Pass Flowrate= 8.91 cfs Unit By-Pass Flowrate= 8.91 cfs Treated Intensity= 1.10 in/hr Treated Intensity= 1.10 in/hr Annual Volume Treated= 90% Volume of Run-Off Entering Unit Annual Volume Treated= 90% Volume of Run-Off Entering Unit Treatment Reduction= 1.00 BMP Effeciency Reduction Factor Treatment Reduction= 1.00 BMP Effeciency Reduction Factor o i Actual BMP Effeciency= 100% Actual BMP Effeciency= 100% s N STEP FOUR: Calculate TSS Load Removed by BMPs STEP FOUR: Calculate TSS Load Removed by BMPs 1 REVISIONS EQUATION 3.8 EQUATION 3.8 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION •E Lr= (BMP Efficiency)x P x(Aix 34.6+Ap x 0.54) Lr= (BMP Efficiency)x P x(Aix 34.6+Ap x 0.54) .1 Lr= Load Removed by BMP Lr= Load Removed by BMP o BMP Efficiency=TSS Removal Efficiency BMP Efficiency=TSS Removal Efficiency AI= Impervious Tributary Area to the BMP(ac) AI= Impervious Tributary Area to the BMP(ac) s 0 Ap= Pervious Tributary Area to the BMP(ac) Ap= Pervious Tributary Area to the BMP(ac) 0 a HEA PROJECT NO.19-007 a Ai= 1.21 Ai= 2.89 ISSUED DATE:02/01/21 i AP= 0.08 AP= 0.43 STORMTROOPER I Lr= 1344 lbs Lr= 3205 lbs P, CALCULATIONS i SHEET NO. i i C55E SHEET 70 OF 135 N 0 a L. LL BEGIN BRIDGE COMBO RAIL(TYP C411) 1} OAKMONT DRIVE STA 1+51.40 y BEGIN BRIDGE COMBO RAIL(TYP C411J 1 30.70'RT `11 /r ti \ OAKMONT DRIVE STA 1+61.03 ■ I \ \ \\ -30.20'LT / / IIIII HAGOOD END CULVERT 1 •�•�• �N�INnwN� \ . ._ �� 1 .... ASSOCIAIIS • END CULVERT / — . ,* •� Round Rods,TX 78664 _._:�•�:L. _ 34.24'LT }7° / 1'- Phone 11212a244 is 6 EDGE OF CONCRETE APRON \ '/ ,•\ , ` IC; €OAKMONT DRIVE STA 1+97.71 / SCALE: 30 f I Ilk t, _ :it - X// `,.\ •` -34.15'RT \ www.heaeng.com _ ` TTlPE Re ish°tion No.F-12709 _ I.OAKMONT DRIVE STA 1+82.19�� `` - s5 _ - / \`_- - - `\ g _� 62.25'LT `�® � ��i ^ JOB NO.19-007 C 2020 HFA,Inc. �iil `� ,l, „-- ' i Ak --�\`\ 65 LF OF 4-10'X B'RC BOX CULVERT '\ / . � + $ ly /\ A�r� OF r�� \\-- \\\\\ AIII 4 gI'. •:<,.*,.S\ siIW ,. -, _----________2/ .".. AA ---_ - % EDGE OF CONCRETE APRON k\ •• •: y i` ` / 1 r«..«..»...«..«..«..«.::»... L OAKMONT DRIVE STA2+23.1 O k ``u\ •-• ''•••`' •••�' , , s, � ,� ae _®` � r i `� CNA�IIQ CR BRA�ICFI .« TERRY R.HAGOOD \ -� :•5831' > \ , \�\ •r ..-r! P: % .�` `�.p / I T8 ygyti_ `\ 1 __ - 'J° •:•� Qr �4 \` '. • \\\``\\�\ �`• - ..• .afrr ,r a s �, ''e - e _ / r r ,f //' l , -, O .F tL ��� �ti, \ \\`\ a •,may.•..• 2.P A.'u 1,Ltak ��-� ---- " , � M7N�r—` �4-4 y`\ (C \ ��!��..�7- \ ▪\• `,• • • ..• --�i T,` ti h .9�..-.+' e.w.; - -L - - ri' - 1I Je..ww FEMA WATERWAY `, s,/ ..•E� / ��� �' �'{�~ .•.•• ;'•.:. _ S .' \ OVAL �.•t>I ,�•� .,ate • r ® , �\\ \ \ Ja^ / ROCK \\ , • �����.� :0� ;^�, B r� wtAFlOooW Y / ® a �1 s \�-444" lBEGIN CULVERT \`\ `°�'��> lr�f ° i OAKMONT DRIVE STA 2+49.09 ' 1 THE SEAL �BYTEPPEARING RRYR.HAG DNrEas / • '�1A��1 ��� ,4 Virir''1111111b-tel / 32.98'RT �ti�.�.. 5296D BEGIN CULVERT\ I ` `-" .10 740 :1�.�.�. .�•—• 7l0-'�'��/ 4 OAKMONT DRIVE STA 2+27.65 ��'>.•. �� .+•� —•�. 111 �• EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENTOF MODIFIED E ENGINEER,\ AND 34.13'LT `\ .�` � �� • THEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE S1lE50F THE �.���/ \ \ \ �, \..� \ \ 1}I T[XA.S ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. •�-'3'�•�.f���.�.�.�:� r am.;�� .�.�. r• _• 03:111,. ` 111,�` -- NJ DATE SIGN®: 02 ini �� \ �` END BRIDGE COMBO RAIL(TYP C411J\ r l � i � -, \\ ISSUED FOR BID r /` END BRIDGE COMBO RAIL[fYP C411�\ \• � � \II‘ i r OAKMONT DRIVE 5TA 2+77.58 i i `1 ' OAKMONT DRIVE STA 2+54.57 \\ ♦ ` \ LT I` ' 3a.7a RT \ ROADWAY PLANS FOR ' �' /' ; OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION • ` I 3 ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 -755- -155- -750- h750- PARALLEL HEADWALL(TN') r PROPOSED ROADWAY -745- LN -745- - f 100 YEAR HEADWATER-ELEVATION=741:08' 100 YEAR TAILWATER LEVATION=740.. — -740- 25 YEAR TAILWATER ELEVATION=739.37'= = 25`CAR HEADWATER ELEVATION=739.59' ELF OF 10'X 8'RCIOX CULVERT @ -735- - - 0.48% - 135 REYSONS -730- - _ ;730 No. DATE DESCRIPTION i / PPoPosEn CHANNEL 2 2 CONCRETE APPRON(PP.) -725- EXISTING CHANNEL -725- a "s 5 a HEA PROJECT NO.19.007 0 -720- o g -120 issue)DATE zro,m 0 r 0 CULVERT PLAN&PROBE -a � a -715- M 2 !El -715- 5 g_ S _ -4 SHEET NO � �� cry^ NOTES: C56A d x u 1. CULVERT ANALYSIS WAS CARRIED OUT USING HEC-RAS d a 2 ata WITH MODIFIED FLOW VALUES FOR FULLY DEVELOPED SHEET71 CE 1 i 0+00 1+00 2+00 2+10 CONDRIONS FROM THE NOAA ATLAS 14 UPDATE. + 2 . 111116 r eF� I !' r 1 1 I ! r/ ' .�� r! ^ I r` eE4N efm(iE COMao IAL PP G11J �'�] ili + I /i et' .• I `t Pr`'F r rV +rf •rt� ." � rr CYJNONT DIM STA 1+61.03i 1' .re "- A' , •• r,1 ...! �rtr1 . tlLT +-_-j' _^`rr•'! :-_rr 1 ! r F6'OFIeDGECQA180TNL(IYPQEIIJ, O1 r+��. rr I i i f , QAXAfGHfOfl1YE5TA4+T738 ��`• ssime rr 45 ' I © I _ I + r! ' r rrr `1 1 :!r ' + .7G90LT $�/Il$1' 3CY Rr�>ti{41fN - - rr' ^ �. !rf; f / I I I ` �l1� --TT ts. —`• ...as • 1 , ,! f. I � . t 1fIBIq.,Gffi.2nOfq he. it re 14 •40- -`_—.—_gap l'rr i r'r! 1 ..':::' } ., ram. uNF rr TERRY R.MAQOOD t 1, 1: I A •. ilk) --r-��'-,-r• t tt r • q ti Orr. r ; ... it ^q- �1+� •f';' ...R ..:L r1 : .. "7 j _^^-.r. r s81QQAL �t� r+ H --.}off i •t..` i f frlllr : tit . : .:.' . r9 re.- -_ .----- r r. rl ,... . ��.. dp /J 7 t + ` `•% r 1.. h '' ' _- � ir ' .ar' ✓'/' r11L t�jCZ ''�-% VETAIRINDOCIIRODXLIEIGIN rr1 emo ` I ®----------___ _rim / ` � :1Sc :'aV�i:.. S. '. .:1� ��rlj��� rr� r _ _ NICK®e/lepA.MKAC6,lL ' + - f . iojMii'i•r �• n~�%~/ r'� - +rr'r' 11wtMNo EE lama rant ` / r + r e r .,Im.�Ir er t.�/. '1 rr , ^!,. �r�..lonlwa OP The rlrpP�NC I• ++ r r �r,,® I✓11a '. c .,r's;.: .•1 ,. (+y�Ij' 1i`}�_ii' r� ---` _ 1e1au�,0m.�.ml Pt e.aorx \i nair. RPM BEGNBIOGEQOM00WLJIYTGII} © + /f�{ r+ � ' .1i r�[!•'r' l ^ -�-.._- - - mut a.arx�alrcl[.,cr. rA.. OAWACNICwl5TA1+l140`' r ! '/ `Y..: P r ^U,fQ'r f -r ^.-, _ eumrwl m +! { 8R.70'IQ / 'l,M._`yr r t .. !. ., ar :;+f,r. �� �� L// + ` ; ! r 4' s.i' ; r `.r Air: .ENO IRRICECOMO WL(MI C111)- Y Rump FOR ` ( Q© ' '� �,`' r ;�+y4fj 11 __-_oWMUEDIYESTAs+s1� ``Ir~�'' GAlWAONTDDITENTION 1 ', 0 �/' r [[�, 1 r A 'r .ry :'rr'Atli", i `- ...... 307etR1! `� I / ROUND ROCK,TX 7B6B7 .ram 1 . e I I F-rr VY ':•- r.eti- a f rT^ Ii 755 -- -755- 750-75 a 6N00YR1YfEET.7 ,97 �ELDPEDOMPAV NICEmaa 745- 7 ._._. ' DIYmordaAWL� a L------_- W_.,._ _ ----,. 740- 7 - — TCOAOADNTOi1E 1- MOM 730. 0. on cant 4_isLF.1Qxr.RCBDILOAYEQ — f 725• -725- 720r -720- HA WW1 Me aRvaT PLAN& 715• -715- rates 1. CU LYU ®LYESTAMASWASCANQUTUSING HEMS a.wn RAM/0. 01RE0 RAW VA LESFOR FULLY DEVELOPED a — I CONDf11UNS FOAM 111E NOM ATLAS 14 MATE. .fin Of 1r 113 0070 1+00 2400 2+30 . 1 s Oakmont Drive Plan:CHANDLER BRANCH PROPOSED 2/20/2020 !Y ,>,bl - = RS=1385.84 Culv � River _ r_ri Reach= eac � ,c7,- ;71'Aga.,k\UbY• :IPlq:b,li�lQ.w a .078 >�.062��.011-+.011.�1Ir 011 .035 > Nil �r�, <J �l . I Legend :,r�a:av:,rrrr, v- - -----_ _- - _.. -._ _. _ _. EG 100 YR. HAGOOD WS 100 YR. INIMMIIIION ASSOOAnf 900 E.Main Street EG 25 YR. Round Rods,TX 78664 WS 25 YR. Phone{512}244-1546 Fax(512)244-1010 I. .. Ground xmv.heeeng.com 742- Bank Ste THPE Regishation No.F-12709 iOBN0.19007® 20HEA C. i - 'N:F1:ICI4:1 f:r:D111 14 �Aiti OF rFk . laD td \ _-- .�f.f«..«..«...«..«..« - ___ '-`tea- \ \\\ •o/ m 738 - - - - i� "-"` '°a"raP"`4scY 1Ra}97bt19 4 s. • / .« .«. 296 .. ... 111111j ljel' , , • DAxMo ERR OOD r i aaR�. ^r, CULVER[ •`•t \ _.... . rJ O °a,, • g: '•< \ /� PITY ..•,F,,G l S T 0-0 N' . as`.p °° hi • a t1EI !. 1 ` .. u P .-_ -- ---- - --- / E t ..^wR__�=.�--.wti=` .:_,®/��e 7 -- r + ..... .... hiE SEP1 APPE�fdNG ON THIS DOCUAfEM WAS JJJC$� \ __.. -• AITiFIOrdIID BY TERM'R.HAGOOD,P.E 52960 .�c �oo� i 0 • .I THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE MODIFIED WITHOUT THE n . _ .... LF 732- [XPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER,AND _',�r�rm?�` �¢,`. �'o��, \ THEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE nii>uuis G ,� T 600 800 1000 1200 IEXA.S ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. �, ��� DATE SIGNED: 02/01/21 ` •KIT16)n (.,;;AN s"----..... • Station(It) ISSUED FOR BID HEC-RAS SUMMARY TABLE EXISTING PROPOSED ROADWAY PLANS FOR 25 YEAR 100 YEAR 25 YEAR 100 YEAR OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION Q Total Vel Chnl W.S. Elev Q Total Vel Chnl W.S. Elev Q Total Vel Chnl W.S. Elev Q Total Vel Chnl W.S. Elev ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 RIVER STA. [cfs] [ft/s] [ft] [cfs] [ft/s] [ft] RIVER STA. [cfs] [ft/s] [ft] [cfs] [ft/s] [ft] 2052 2435.1 4.22 744.55 3817.2 4.33 745.49 2052 2435.1 4.28 744.52 3817.2 4.39 745.46 1727 2435.1 7.95 741.82 3817.2 9.6 742.61 1727 2435.1 7.27 742.08 3817.2 8.97 742.81 1490 2435.1 6.99 740.40 3817.2 7 741.72 1490 2435.1 8.27 739.98 3817.2 8.89 740.99 1414.33* 2435.1 4.08 740.28 3817.2 3.66 741.72 1414.33* 2435.1 4.72 739.59 3817.2 3.51 741.08 1338.67* 2435.1 5.73 739.46 3817.2 3.83 741.47 1338.67* 2446 5.14 738.97 3832.2 4.66 740.39 1263 1460.8 4.25 738.85 4919.8 6.79 740.75 1263 2446 6.04 738.84 3832.2 5.63 740.32 1062 1460.8 7.06 736.54 4919.8 9.9 737.86 1062 1472 7.05 736.55 4934.73 9.93 737.86 CHANDLER BRANCH TRIB WATERSHED Plan: Proposed with Culvert Ch_Br_Tribl Reachl RS: 1338.67*CU IDProfile: 100 YR. AT OAKMONT CULVERT CROSSING E.G. Elev(ft) 740.72 Element Left OB Channel Right OB -r DRAINAGE AREA(AC) 1241.6 Vel Head(ft) 0.33 Wt. n-Val. 0.08 0.0150 0.011 g DRAINAGE AREA(SQ MI) 1.94 W.S. Elev(ft) 740.39 Reach Len. (ft) 82.92 75.83 84.59 3 2 YR(CFS) 685 Crit W.S. (ft) 734.8 Flow Area (sq ft) 192.18 799.55 15.19 10 YR(CFS) 1460 E.G. Slope (ft/ft) 0.000374 Area(sq ft) 192.18 799.55 15.19 RLYsars Eli 25 YR(CFS) 2446 Q Total (cfs) 3832.2 Flow(cfs) 83.9 3726.49 21.81 No DAT1 DESI16F1ON 100 YR(CFS) 3832 Top Width (ft) 411.32 Top Width (ft) 142.52 231.58 37.23 Vel Total (ft/s) 3.81 Avg.Vel. (ft/s) 0.44 4.66 1.44 Max Chl Dpth(ft) _ 7.99 Hydr. Depth (ft) 1.35 3.45 0.41 Cony. Total(cfs) 198206.8 Cony. (cfs) 4339.2 192739.4 1128.1 8 Length Wtd. (ft) 77.49 Wetted Per. (ft) 142.92 240.93 37.24 s Min Ch El (ft) 732.4 Shear(lb/sq ft) 0.03 0.08 0.01 HEa PROJECT NO.Lvool Alpha _ 1.46 Stream Power(lb/ft s 0.01 0.36 0.01 mum DATE:nro,m Frctn Loss(ft) 0.07 Cum Volume (acre-fi 2.66 2.47 1.29 C& E Loss(ft) 0 Cum SA(acres) 1.31 0.53 1.01 HYDRAULIC DATA SHEET NOTES: CHANDLER BRANCH TRIB. 1. CULVERT ANALYSIS WAS CARRIED OUT USING HEC-RAS 3 WITH MODIFIED FLOW VALUES FOR FULLY DEVELOPED SHEETNO. t CONDITIONS FROM THE NOAAATLAS 14 UPDATE. C56C 2. CROSS SECTION DATA IS BASED ON THE UPPER BRUSHY CREEKHECRASMODEL. SHEET 730F135 k I , I il SAW CUT SURFACE PATCH: 2" H.M.A.C. .11 iimmi (SEE NOTE 2) TYPE "D" (TYP.) (SEE NOTE 1) SAW CUTHA EXISTING BASE EXISTING ASPHALT 900 E.Main St NEEm OD ENOINEERINO ASSOCIATES MATERIAL Round Rock,TX 78664 I Phone(512)244-1546 IN AREAS NOT TO BE FINISHED GROUND OR SUBGRADE. FaX(512)2aa-1010 /./..... .1,.:lec,•It'IF-retIV,WI.nilfg TPEReoistrationNo.F-12709 7/1/77 •///� , ePAVED, PROVIDE 4 TOPSOIL i.- ..,..ittm.'"i; --t=h^' •. •..• i. .t•p•• 4:.J. t....! t•::fitN..titreYiyl. et" ya+�,`�:uyti yr�+4t : i 44'tw= ,,: '.e. ''! :.',.�. a:ti .. =•' �s±r '� �:a•°�'v"�'.e+ii JOB NO.19-007©2020 HEA,Inc. taw= ,Labt'4;:;• .•*'ttt]tJ :,t�'�, {a....r;'• ..:,•iJ. :.. ,. •••.:',• _:t' r 4014;: it AND REVEGETATE. trr: Ay."+'.Ye+rt•,,Ci y�,at 9�.e't ' •r'•L.'''i;•.f • .•!i • ..: f ,•�u''{••.r, ,t�. , �i,`3l', •"},. •'S fYY:!i:� ��.���\ ,5,". tf 4�ir5.:..t F�'.S45ty,i S.. w• itf;t�..:..`r :::,:t•••: • ti,.:..:.•.••�•:•:'• PRIME•i ':4 t&sk�dr:.is,,,, '.Ria:rl.'!id a,i {''st,4,S,m', S$y. • tt. ;{••• .a•. . •.• ••,w. 4•,.. z1 3x+•h'S f�lt+tY.rv,-, y, V y�.•":x'�'}�`a�+•�"�p x ..y�'�..st:,`rr• : c..t.:: '• •..`. .•COAT '•«�•, ••w.':.:�f�j•4,�;�•�!e•�`tivy��'�ACt,•,'Fy,,Sx�e�: L^''1. � o F �' '�, A:"'P.I { :tt::4 5i•tl •yt,�...9 -.♦`.., ''?.',7".••"' `•..•.•••.•!•: _.t.•: ,..•::i.,•• �rx• {� •+7At t—ti�aS.tn`v."!`1+ir'• _ c ♦.�z >✓�••+;e!' •it•.!•V :{ ��.»•! .*�•.:�'� � •''•' i:'•:y••• •�:.Y.. ...a .,Yw�R.• ..en Key +q,•'••' �y�.,+� ��i` • •• 'i•+t'�!'•a'0r4.42!^ a -0 ,,S '}.•t:.:.,.i.. •.,:.••.•:•:%...•: ir•y -M.;A,.. . .. •I.:'' „R-'th;Ze,Sti±ta .!r°•'• 1y ••ti'.4i"� I!/ —Hr—?11H—ll I!/ ZIHM •• V..A :' r4 ,.0.4.::!14;%;i {i�•;••:'+ .•,..••••w:•.•.••i'v:•.:.,..i , .:i..'• e":•'.e• •::•••. ��(fi�,,•}x`,.�..t ►'. ;�t Vg •4�yy447' ':. •Pi. HHHIII III / III i• ' ••is l//. kt T• M`Rt'1t N tcr,,, ~. ••x.:;A :i}. .y:; .• ":.••y ' ..{ -eil tit5.0,' 441.: ''t•/,A, III III III III III III III—III III— • i •• i. :-t•'I�+i•%+Gi✓�.74"Jj.'�;•`,y.'•, ..d.� '"+'' !,f. 'f••:• •' ,,'.• •3 a r w_ e•. ���yy,.�..��. i•§ a.,+d.•i... * }.rR'!{xilt.jt•.+4�ii i..txF:�.�",T,C•�Yt� .i�.••••{".•� :r••.•.r•-:.••;. •'4,•.L•. ry•... •' •• 'A•.•-.��..5Lt -'•A fit'-'i • i' "" • • ,„•.� • • •'\ \ \ \ \/\/\/\/\/\, III III COMPACTED BACKFILL • ,rr:'•'s,,,,,,i. ,,:..•ass � i / / / / / // �//A//\VA//AA//AA//AA//AA//AA/ /A/ I III TERRY R. HAGOO D �< /\\/\\/\\/\\/ / / /\/ ••••••••••••••••••••••••',L'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.''/\\/\\/\\\\��\��\��\A \\\,��\�� IN SITU TRENCH MATERIAL � FREE OF ROCK AND CLODS • 52960 • In m E I= tt .•�F gyp;• k, BACKFILL SHALL BE /\/\ ''.'...'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.''.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'' \ PECOMPACTED FLEXIBLE BASE III III GREATER THAN 6 . I11 F••••G/ ' `� CEMENT STABILIZED `/ \/\ MATERIAL 0 95%, MATCHING < Z (SEE SPEC. ITEM 510) H' ss/oNA ��G-- FLEXIBLE BASE, /�\/ ::::::::::::::I:::::::::::::: < EXISTING BASE MATERIAL i III= FLOWABLE BACKFILL OR 1- In . \ • ,. CLASS J CONCRETE j\//\ //\i BED TO TOP OF PIPE Li 0 IIIIIII IIIIIN�UNDISTURBED EARTH. \\/\ III I I IE THE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS ll I _ _ _ ,'_4�_�� PIPE BEDDING STONE SHALL BE AUTHORIZED BY TERRY R.HAGOOD,P.E. I, �� 3/8" THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE MODIFIED WITHOUT THE ,•.,� TEXAS CRUSHED STONE F III III 0 '� I' •���I>i " BED TO TOP OF PIPE. EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER,AND �'�Y_'I `,. OR 1/2 D ROCK HEIII THEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE Z 1 ., '`•~ i , TEXAS ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. ci Z 4 — DATE SIGNED: 02/01/21 w ° 1.• �• 1 PEA GRAVEL OR PIPE BEDDING ISSUED FOR: BID a_ co �� -Walt; a + :��. =��= � C STONE ENVELOPE, EXCLUDING 1_I_I_r_ �� �� � CENTER PIPE IN TRENCHiV CC rtiteiltriltrit o zz ��, o STONE SCREENINGS. ROADWAY PLANS FOR �rt,art,art,art,art.art.art (SEE SPEC. ITEM 510) OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION a + ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 PIPE O.D. +24" MIN. Co CENTER PIPE IN TRENCH. PIPE 0.D. +24" MIN. NOTES: 1. H.M.A.C. SHOWN IN THIS DETAIL IS SEPARATE FROM ANY ADDITIONAL THICKNESS CREATED BY ANY OVERLAY ITEM IN CONTRACT. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SAW CUT, REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING PAVEMENT AND FLEXIBLE BASE A MINIMUM OF 6" BEYOND EITHER THE EDGE OF THE STORM SEWER TRENCH OR THE POINT WHERE EXISTING PAVEMENT IS DAMAGED DUE TO TRENCHING OPERATIONS, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. 3. INSTALLATION OF BACKFILL, SAW CUTTING AND REMOVAL OF EXISTING PAVEMENT AND SURFACE PATCH, SHALL NOT BE PAID FOR SEPARATELY. COSTS FOR THESE ITEMS SHALL BE INCLUDED IN UNIT PRICE BIDS FOR STORM NOTE: SEWER PIPE. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE STEEL PLATES TO SPAN THE TRENCH AS NECESSARY OR TO ALLOW BACKFILL TO CURE. SUCH PLATES SHALL BE SUITABLE FOR VEHICLE PASSAGE OVER THE TRENCH AND SHALL BE ALL TRENCHING AND TRENCH SAFETY SHALL COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS. Z SATISFACTORILY ANCHORED IN PLACE. COSTS FOR THIS ITEM SHALL BE INCLUDED IN UNIT PRICE BIDS FOR STORM SEWER PIPE. s N 5. ALL TRENCHING AND TRENCH SAFETY SHALL COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS. 1 REVISIONS 5 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION o d j. CITY OF ROUND ROCK DRAWING NO: RECORD SIGNED COPY DRAWING N0: DR-01 ON FILE AT PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF ROUND ROCK DR-02 0 APPROVED APPROVED 0 04-01-10 STORM SEWER LINE :° 08-21-03 STORM SEWER LINE g�N° DATE BEDDING DETAIL DATE 11 mil HEA PROJECT NO.19-007 BEDDING DETAIL i•:' P `x ISSUED DATE:02/01/21 THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER ASSUMES �/ /+ / ���' ROUND ROCK, THE l�ii 1 RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPROPRIATE (EXISTING PAVED SURFACE) � e PROSPER.. RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE EAPPROPRIATE (NON—PAVED SURFACE) USE OF THIS DETAIL. (NOT TO SCALE) USE OF THIS DETAIL. DRAINAGE STANDARDS i 01 STORM SEWER LINE BEDDING DETAIL NTS 02 STORM SEWER LINE BEDDING DETAIL NTS SHEET NO. C57 E r SHEET 74 OF 135 r 0 1 d LL r 1 li In 32" COVERcoogagiCIZZ-% 1 1/2" LETTERS • (etc (RECESSED FLUSH)OCK 1' (BOOKMAN OLD STYLE) �r/,pl �E �22 SSO RAPTea ImE Smarm!lcdOI W�rp 1' LETTERS '11. It , 1 12214 4IDA -Jr 11N (RECESSED FLUSH) �Ii' mow..___ II Im ® (BOOKMAN OLD "' 11R lyid.+w,r-1VA /, 1 SME) y JOB Nn Vitt to 2no YEA W. ct I LAPIN, x a ��a s e w \ IKe °F r7;_ bW ; DRILL HOLES FOR 'aF 4pz' S0...••.•••.•••••••.•••• s• _ y.. NUMBER PLATE `q� ��1/4 •• sear (SEE NOTE #12) e °t *7• : * - PICKBAR � ''� TERRY R.HAGOOD MANHOLE COVER PLAN VIEW PROVIDE ETCHING MANHOLE FRAME PLAN VIEW 9 529fi0 C• w` AROUND ALL STARS 0''lp teG+STE4:t'.'ra 32" I I _ ' 32 1/4" _ Ler I( 30' L L I J . G4A i• - RETALISINICENDIIDXLIIISIN MIMEO ITT TBNLHKACD,IE 9910 IDE rt vaMLT1v EoFm m elk C MANHOLE COVER SECTION VIEW F33 I 2" le aNrN EIOS21RITE DIDNfx WA/rx�a 1/CIAX OCT . 40 1/4" DMEBO®. C191R1 . GPM PER LE 3 13/16'1 I MANHOLE FRAME SECTION VIEW - I E NAY PLA FOR `�• lIFa co ROUND ROCK,TX 7868110N � » a 1 3/4"R 1" DIAMETER K 4" MIN. 3/32" MIN. 1/4" a LONG H.R.S. ROD. MAX 1/8" MAX. 3/0" PICKBAR DETAIL STAR SECTION VIEW NOTES: 1. OMER PAD FRAME SHALL COMPLY WITH STANWWIO SPECIRCA11O'S FOR OFWHAGE, SEWER, UTILITY PAD RELATED cosnuctsc APSHTO DESIGIIATDN 16I6-04. 2 MANHOLE COVER SRPLL BE BODEL NUMBER: V-1432-3 (PROOLCT HUMBER: 41432058),AS IWIUFACTURED BY EAST JORDAN IRON %CRKS, INCORPORATED. OR APPROVED EOOPL 3. MANHOLE FRAME SHALL BE MODE- NUMBER: V-1432 (PRCOUGT NUMBER: 41432010), PS MNVUFAGTUREO BY EAST JCRWW IRON WORKS, INCORPORATED, OR PPPRO'4W EOUAL 4. MANHOLE COVER AND ERNE ASSDABLY, IF ORDERED AS A SET, SMALL BE MODEL NUMBER V-1432 (PRODUCT NUMBER: 41432080),AS MURMURED BY EAST JORDAN IRON LARKS, INCORPORATED, OR APPROVED ECUPL. 5, ALL CORNERS AND EDGES SWLL HAVE A 1/16'MINIMUM AND 1/0"MAXIMUM RADIUS 0. IA4NHOLE COVERS SHALL BE CAST WITH 1103 1" METER STEEL PICKBARS. f 7. MANHOLE COVER WEICHT SWLL BE 175 LBS. FOR DUCTILE IRON. WEIGHT SHALL BE CAST ON BM TOP AND BOTTGIA OF COVER. E B. MANUFACTURER SHALL CERTIFY THAT EACH NAAHOLE C011SR MEETS HS-20 LOADING. 9. FILLETS SHALL EC 1/4"RADIUS UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 10. MANUFACTURER SHALL RO/O"E MESS IRON AND MACHINE FlNISH SEATING SURFACES TO NOTED DIMENSIONS awn 11. COVER SHALL BE DIPPED III A WATER-BASED ASPHALTIC COATING. PRIOR TO SHIPNENT FROM FOUNDRY. 12 MANUFACTURER SHALL DRILL 2-3/181K1/2'DEEP HOLE FOR A MANHOLE NUMBER PLATE TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF ROUND ROCK NA 0M IECNINM THE TOP HOLE SHALL BE DRILLED 1"O.C. FRCN THE BOTTOM CF THE PICKBAR AND THE BERTOt1 HOLE SHALL BE DRILLED 4" 0.C. FROM THE TOP HOLE. i RECORD SIGNED COPY DRAWING NO: ON FILE AT PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF ROUND ROCK DR-O6 APPROVED 08DATE NON-BOLTED STORMSEWER MANHOLE �A„,.�,A, INPIIO�TN]IPMf TEC ARCBTMCIACTCO80t 1 $17100 COVER AND FRAME DETAIL BESPONS®O.RY TOR DU SPPBCOMATE M ONSIMIMEtAIRMI ` VSY OP TES DRUM. 01 NON BOLTED STORMSEWER MANHOLE COVER NTS 'ern ' CSS I. 1 Mine OF tli • _ . , l AN � 1" LETTERS / ... (RECESSED FLUSH) I II 4, ROCK "It ::: STYL Phone Rock,TX78646 (Jn` 1 _ L K Fax(512)244-1010 1 MECHANISM ��r 1 ®*l www.heaeng.com C� TBPE Registration No.F-12709 u * * " . CD JOB NO.19-007 0 2020 HEA,Inc. CUSTOM LOGO ‘C" sr0 * Q- I (RECESSED FLUSH) 23 _ �� oFT� �� '0 R MW A `-- _ �P -I� (PROVIDE ETCHING 5 s I ��S T Q G AROUND ALL STARS �* •••'*�� �� --��� AND CUSTOM LOGO) *_ .* , , , 24" COVER �� '" `� TERRY R. HAGOOD• 1-n 6'k6"-W2.9 x W2.9 52960 1/2 LETTERS INLET COVER PLAN VIEW INLET COVER BOTTOM VIEW WELDED WIRE FABRIC A (RECESSED FLUSH) SECTION A Fs F•G/s T tR.• �,, (BOOKMAN OLD STYLE) 6" �' ,/ONAL ��_ 1 LETTERS -52,24,,e,t-i.js.„1......, (RECESSED FLUSH) THE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS #4 TIE BARS,3'LONG(BOOKMAN OLD STYLE) @18"O.C. AUTHORIZED BY TERRY R.HAGOOD,P.E. 52960 THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE MODIFIED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER,AND 26 3/8" THEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE TEXAS ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. r 1 23 5/8" DATE SIGNED: 02/01/21 rr 11 20 1/2" ISSUED FOR: BID M A 23 3/8" ROADWAY PLANS FOR - OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 22" 101 -1:11 22 3/4" "":1 /,_,.._I INLET COVER SECTION VIEW in INLET FRAME SECTION VIEW N pI A N CONSTRUCTION JOINT B 1 r6. MAX SIDESLOPE I_ �o MAX SIDESLOPE NOTES: 3:1 3:1 1. COVER AND FRAME SHALL COMPLY WITH STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR DRAINAGE, SEWER. UTILITY AND RELATED CASTINGS: AASHTO DESIGNATION M306-04. ,, o J 2. INLET COVER SHALL BE MODEL NUMBER: 106L LK (PRODUCT NUMBER: 35106204). AS MANUFACTURED BY EAST JORDAN IRON WORKS. INCORPORATED, OR APPROVED EQUAL. 6"x VD 2W E FABR WELDED WIRE FABRIC 3. INLET FRAME SHALL BE MODEL NUMBER: 106L LK (PRODUCT NUMBER: 35206004). AS MANUFACTURED BY EAST JORDAN IRON WORKS, I VARIES INCORPORATED, OR APPROVED EQUAL. SECTION B 3 4. INLET COVER AND FRAME ASSEMBLY. IF ORDERED AS A SET. SHALL BE MODEL NUMBER: 106L-4L LK (PRODUCT NUMBER: 35506204). AS MANUFACTURED E' BY EAST JORDAN IRON WORKS. INCORPORATED. OR APPROVED EQUAL. o 5. ALL CORNERS AND EDGES SHALL HAVE A 1/16" MINIMUM AND 1/8" MAXIMUM RADIUS. z U 6. INLET COVER WEIGHT SHALL BE 88 LBS. FOR DUCTILE IRON. WEIGHT SHALL BE CAST ON BOTH TOP AND BOTTOM OF COVER. 4 7. FILLETS SHALL BE 1/4" RADIUS UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. REVISIONS 8 8. MANUFACTURER SHALL REMOVE EXCESS IRON AND MACHINE FINISH SEATING SURFACES TO NOTED DIMENSIONS. NO. DATE DESCRIPTION 9. INLET COVER SHALL BE DIPPED IN A WATER—BASED ASPHALTIC COATING, PRIOR TO SHIPMENT FROM FOUNDRY. A RECORD SIGNED COPY DRAWING NO: ON FILE AT PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF ROUND ROCK E APPROVED DR-07 0 0 a 09-13-05 STORM SEWER INLET HEA PROJECT NO.19-007 a THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER ASSUMES DATE ISSUED DATE:02/01/21 COVER AND FRAME DETAIL ROUND ROCK7EXAS ru� .ioKirkxn RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPROPRIATE DRAINAGE STANDARDS I USE OF THIS DETAIL - i 01 STORM SEWER INLET COVER AND FRAME DETAIL NTS 02 CONCRETE APRON a► DOWNSTREAM END OF CULVERT NTs SHEET NO. C59 g. SHEET 76 OF 135 N 0 m SILL --32" DIA RING&COVER FABRICATION NOTES: -__ 1. Provide Class"H"concrete in accordance with `- Item 421 and having a minimum compressive I COMBINATIONS OF GRADE strength of 5,000 psi. ■ XX 1 XX 2. Provide Grade 60 reinforcing steel or equivalent MMN Q �� ADJUSTMENT RINGS AS REQ'D Q area ofR.Providecircumferentialreinforcing i \ 2 �' r 2 steel in vertical walls of base,riser and cone in accordance with ASTM C478. CO 11 •� 3. Slabs with a thickness of 8"or greater require ~ T ty KAGElfEMPERATURLushrinkage and temperaturereinforcingsteel. j` ZProvidesteelarea=0.11in!fieachway.REQUIREDSEE 4. Manufacture baseandriserstonearest3." �l/ \ 1 J Cil,/-- SHHREINN FABRICATION NOTE 3. U increment. A A f m ?`' 5. Design tongue and groove joints for full closure Q r on both shoulders.Minimum spigot depth is 3/". 32"DIA 1 J f 6. Provide lifting devices in conformance with i Manufacturers recommendations. I 7. Provide cast iron solid cover,unless noted LU GO p otherwise elsewhere in the plans. \ / W \ INSTALLATION NOTES: '5 LtJ W' 1. Cones may be concentric or eccentric.Reduction C.)< _i L _1 L cones are acceptable.See Manufacturer for cone f dimensions. 1 1 N. W p 2. Inverts(benching)to be provided by Contractor. 2 3 _ re re L7 Concrete or mortar used for invert is subsidiary r to N 3. Seall tongue and groove joints with preformed or Cl)Ft bulk mastic in conformance with Manufacturers g as G Q Ill recommendations.Tongue and groove joints may a $ �� be grouted no more than 1"between each section, a r or%the joint depth,whichever is greater. ilp 2 • r ii 2 4. Do not grout rubber gasket joints without =o m -/ f- ir Manufacturers recommendation. w 1 i ( j 5. Initial installation of grade adjustment rings is limited to 1'-0"Max as shown. m -�W DIA W� 1 L J L T 6. Grade adjustment rings maybe increased to 2'-0" - 1-E i 1 Max when future construction affects final grade A 0 9 w \\,_ -0.11 in2/ft EACH of structure. Make adjustments greater than 2'-0" a12 PLAN VIEW "A" J with additional risers. Adjustments may be made 1e DIRECTION TYP up to the Max depth shown. Structure must be IR -Q, . . B evaluated if Max depth will be exceeded. m j GENERAL NOTES: 1. Designed according to ASTM C478. I/1 Z , Z 2. Payment for manhole is per Item 465,"Junction Boxes, o 2 2 Manholes,and Inlets"by type and size. L. n - _ = • W = 3. Pipe OD+placement tolerance must be equal or less 6 a€ m -I W m than Max hole diameter. For rigid pipe,placement Q = W a tolerance is 4"Max,2"Min. For flexible pipe, m _ consult boot/seal manufacturers specification for 1 j ¢ ...... placement tolerance. xid. I}B B}I LII-2 4 32"DIA T r Cover dimensions are clear dimensions,unless noted } r otherwise. 3.0 ( j CO g 2 5 \ / (si Coo \ � / / -A f f SHRINKAGE/TEMPERATURE WHEN SIZE(DIA) 48 in 60 in 72 in REQUIRED. SEE FABRICATION NOTE 3. W 5 in 6 in 7 in I I MAX DEPTH 25ft 25ft 25 ft W� DIA 1 WI+ W� DIA W� A(EACH WAY) 0.22 in2/ft 0.30 in2/ft 0.45 in2/ft B(EACH WAY) N/A 0.37 in2/ft 0.62 in2/ft SECTION A-A SECTION B-B C(EACH WAY) 0.24 in2/ft 0.46 in2/ft 0.46 in2/ft BH MIN 12 in 36 in 36 in W DIA W •. ROUND REDUCED RISER OPTION ROUND RISER OPTION TS 9 in 9 in 9 in SHOWING FLAT SLAB TOP SHOWING CONE RS N/A 9 in 12 in REDUCED RISER DIA N/A 48 in 48/60 in PLAN VIEW "B" MAX HOLE DIA 32 in 40 in 54 in HL93 LOADING =r Texas Department of Transportation lrad PRECAST ROUND MANHOLE PRM RLE: prestd0220.di pm TDOT lac:TxDOT I DY.%TA lae TH ©Darr February 2020 CONT SECT JOB HIGHWAY H EVISIONS FJ la DIST COUNTY SHEET NO. GLI- WILIJAMSON SIEET77 OF OS 0 4" Dia x 2" DEEP SLOT Detail "A" FOR TEMP DRAINAGE 1 1 _ - - l — �' - ��✓i 1 _®_ °1 i1 ,1 1 -co 2. v 22� '' Chamfer— Chamfer— i Chamfer— > > o-E z=o z 2 y 6„ 4'-6„ _6„ 5'-0„ 6„_ 4'-6" -6"f -6„ y 6„ Q 14 - - 16'-0" - ' v _, a mv FRONT VIEW RIGHT VIEW REAR VIEW LEFT VIEW �v� via (SHOWING LEFT AND RIGHT EXTENSIONS) (EXTENSIONS NOT SHOWN) 0' coo Wow riv'v v ,c m� a k'- 0 Matches inside face of wall of precast base or riser below inlet. vv c m r_o vas aQ" REAR m,m a mo SS,i /' ROCK �- moo /�43 1is•'t dO ,: � Y o 0 , p J � ` FRONT DETAIL "A" 4' 6" 5' 0" 4'-6" y 6„ 6„ 6„f EXTENSION MAIN THROAT EXTENSION - 16'-0" - PLAN VIEW (SHOWING LEFT AND RIGHT EXTENSIONS) H520 LOADING Bridge Division ,Texas Department of Transportation Standard PRECAST CURB INLET OUTSIDE ROADWAY PCO NOTES: FILE prestd03.dgn "N: TxDOT cK:TxDOT ow. TA 1 CK TN 1. CITY OF ROUND ROCK STANDARD LIDS TO BE UTILIZED IN PLACE OF ©rxDor January 2075 GONT SECT JOB HIGHWAY w w TXDOT LIDS REVISIONS DIST COUNTY SHEET NO. U.0 WILLMMSON 78 OF 135 0.20 in2/ft /_ 0.201n2/ft[__J 0.24 inz/ft 0.24 in2/ft { OF WALL 1 11 S /—..-1. .. -T -.1_; 1 ~ _ + iIfl / ��t , ' + I t- 1 I 0.24 in2/ft 0.24 inz/ft� a w 0.20 in2/ft— 0.40 in2/ft N I— U CL OF FLOOR — 0.40 inz/ft Ra Ra 0.41 in2/ft INLET WALL z (TYP) Z O r.a m 6" Y —6"-- -6„ 1'-0" 6" mo. 3 _=o LID SECTION A—A LID SECTION B—B THROAT ELEVATION VIEW Q #4 AS SHOWN (SHOWING LEFT AND RIGHT EXTENSIONS) N, DIA. + 4" v m o c 1 A v ma m, ai-o wow aC , ; �4 •0 o .• lt*', 1p . lit ue z i e vno t J ` t o L 1 mo m-= `. 1 � 1 11 t 1 z FRONT. A 18 } FRONT } a .—..-- a•m C va c w'' H 2 --6„ 4'-6" _6" 5,_0„ —6" 4'-6" _6"— —6" 4'-6" _6„ 5,_0„ —6" 4'-6" —6"— ZH u, 4~a i — 16'-0" — — 16-0" - o yo LID PLAN VIEW THROAT PLAN VIEW (SHOWING LEFT AND RIGHT EXTENSIONS) (SHOWING LEFT AND RIGHT EXTENSIONS) SIZE(Y) N MH DIA* Ra 3' 9" 18" (4) #5 Additional 4' 16" 32" (4) #5 Additional FABRICATION NOTES: 1. Provide Class "H"concrete in accordance with Item 421 and having a minimum compressive strength of 5,000 psi. 5' 16" 32" (4) #5 Additional 2. Provide Grade 60 reinforcing steel or equivalent area of WWR. 6' 16" 32" (4) #5 Additional 3. Extensions may be right, left, both or none. Provide extensions as specified elsewhere in the plans. 4. Design tongue and groove joints for full closure on both shoulders. Minimum spigot depth is el". *Nominal ring and cover size. Lid may employ a butt joint with dowels at the Contractor's option. 5. Provide lifting devices in conformance with Manufacturer's recommendations. 6. Provide cast iron solid cover, unless noted otherwise elsewhere in the plans. HS20 LOADING 7. Chamfer vertical edges of inlet lid 3/4'as shown in Front View, sheet 1. Bridge INSTALLATION NOTES: Division ,Texas Department of Transportation Standard 1. Inlet throat and lid are not intended for direct traffic. Do not place in roadway. 2. Seal tongue and groove joints nd butt joints with preformed or bulk mastic in conformance with Manufacturer's PRECAST CURB INLET recommendations. Tongue and groove joints may1/2be grouted no more than 1"between each section, or the joint depth, whichever is greater. 3. Do not grout rubber gasket joints without Manufacturer's recommendation. OUTSIDE ROADWAY GENERAL NOTES: 1. Designed according to ASTM C913. 2. Open area of main throat =360 sq in. Open area of one extension throat = 324 sq in. 3. Payment for inlet is per Item 465, "Junction Boxes, Manholes, and Inlets" by type, size, and extension placement. Extensions are subsidiary to inlet. PCO Cover dimensions are clear dimensions, unless noted FILE: prestd03.dgn Dw TxDOT lo::TxDOT IDw:TA IcHTF1 otherwise. ©TxDOT January 2015 CONY SECT JOB HIGHWAY REVISIONS I_J Q DIST COUNTY SHEET NO. %%LLw6SON 79 OF 135 25" TOP ELEV i 1 I ,,,. F_ 1 1 k_i Hole for 18" Dia RCP 35/8" 173/4" 35/8",E, DETAIL "B" g SHRINKAGE/TEMPERATURE WHEN �� --N REQUIRED. SEE FABRICATION NOTE 4. m-� DETAIL "B11 'L .I_ + _o `/...) Q v�— f , , v v I=— \ 77\_(2) ADDITIONAL REBAR (3) VERTICAL REBAR IN BASE & RISERS a a`v C#4 @ 2" O.C. EACH CORNER W DSHORT / #4 @ 2" O.C. EACH WALL 2" TO CORNER cc b — J 1" TO JOINT c�a Q Z DLONG 0_BSHORT / B LONG cc woUS ' Q . ADDITIONAL REBAR #4 EACH WALL lvvU I f11/2" TYP 1" TO JOINT Lov %2 W Max— '� I i o �N at cLt+— (2) ADDITIONAL REBAR Hole in below grade slab, z #4 @ 2" O.C. EACH WALL vv`o 1" TO JOINT a` when required. See ' Fabrication Note 10. aa� t° D BSHORT / BLONG a `o z MAX HOLE DIA —s 1 Z I~1/Z' TYP @t� = OR KO DIA s° A A m (TYP ALL SIDES) — — — — — — — — w �N SHRINKAGE/TEMPERATURE WHEN � REQUIRED. SEE FABRICATION NOTE 4. �I--a�m o I 4\ .". I ' ' _•. Cp I 1/2 .v2 1 -ASHORT / ALONG /2W Max— ,....,--W— X — W -- WI- X & Y — W PLAN VIEW SECTION A—A FABRICATION NOTES: 1. Provide Class"H" concrete in accordance with Item 421 and having a minimum compressive strength of 5,000 psi. Cover dimensions are clear dimensions, unless noted 2. Provide Grade 60 reinforcing steel or equivalent area of WWR. otherwise. 3. Provide typical clear cover of 1 %" to reinforcing steel at interior or exterior walls. Angle of entry Angle of entry 4. Walls or slabs with a thickness of 8" or greater require shrinkage and temperature reinforcing steel. Provide is less than is greater steel area = 0.11 in°/ft each way. or equal to 7° than 7° 5. No substitution is allowed for vertical and horizontal #4 bars in corners. 6. Manufacture base and risers to nearest 3" increment. HL93 LOADING _ _____ 7. Design tongue and groove joints for full closure on both shoulders. Minimum spigot depth is%". 8. Provide lifting devices in conformance with Manufacturer's recommendations. Bridge �s 9. See sheet PDD for sizes, dimensions, and reinforcing steel not shown. Division 10. Provide hole in below grade slab only when PJB is installed with inlet type POD. ,Texas Department of Transportation Standard PIPE CONNECTION DETAIL INSTALLATION NOTES: 1. Inverts(benching)to be provided by Contractor. Concrete or mortar used for invert is subsidiary Connect pipes within 7° of normal to PJB wall. to junction box. If necessary, use pipe elbow or curved approach 2. Seal tongue and groove joints with preformed or bulk mastic in conformance with Manufacturer's PRECAST JUNCTION BOX alignment to stay within this limit. recommendations. Tongue and groove joints may be grouted no more than 1"between each section, or /z the joint depth, whichever is greater. 3. Do not grout rubber gasket joints without Manufacturer's recommendation. 4. For rigid pipe, cut hole in thin wall panel(KO)4" Max, 2"Min larger than pipe OD. 5. For flexible pipe, consult boot/seal Manufacturer's specification for placement tolerance and hole size. Center pipe in hole and install boot/seal per Manufacturer's specification. GENERAL NOTES: PJB 1. Precast Junction Box consists of base slab, base unit, risers(as required), and below grade slab. FILE: prestd09.dgn ON: TxDOT cr:TxDOT law: TxDOT Icx:TxDOT See sheet PDD for sizes. ©TxDOT January 2015 tour SECT JOG HIGHWAY 2. Designed according to ASTM C913. REVISIONS W w 3. Payment for junction box is per Item 465"Junction Boxes, Manholes, and Inlets"by type and size. IC J DIST COUNTY SHEET NO. O 4- WILLIAMSON 80 OF 135 MAX DEPTH= 15 ft. to top of BASE SLAB MAX DEPTH =25 ft.to top of BASE SLAB Base Unit or Below Grade Slab(w/PJB) Base Unit or Below Grade Slab(w/PJB) Base Slab Base Slab M N N Riser Walls Reducing Slab(w/PB) Riser Walls Reducing Slab(w/PB) m Q a, o cv a, cv v v cv m cv a, cv a, a, cv a, o 0o Qo m c ,� m c „/ m c ,� m c ,n m c Ln m c „� s z W z O z a°; m+O_. a v m v ut N a°1 m v in a°; m N „� a s m Nin N a°i m N 5 c in v1 avl a, kn vt Qtn a, l°n in v1 aul a, Ln v1 av a, Ln ut Qu a, °in vn vl av a % o m o m 0 iCm 01Cm U �Cm O,Cm V tea, =m 01m V icm O1Cm U Lcm CT U �v ism dtCm U �Ql Ka,Lk KaJ Y Y Lk L Y `t `� Y `. `� Y L Y IV O'-N c'-a, O'-al c'-a, a 41 O'er a, c'-a, O'-N c'-a, O'-a, c'-a, a O.�N c'-a) cal m a, m a, t a,L 0 a,L .c L a,L p N l S a, -C a,L 0 a,L .c .c a,L p N l L -C a,>, 0 a,L L a, L a,L p N l -G in v11r¢ �ccQ 1- vlccQ �CCQ I- CZ EC- tnccQ --,ccQ 1- v1ccQ -,ccQ 1- vllrQ -,IrQ I- cc cc InccQ -,ccQ 1- " gIn zI^ X x Y Ashort Along BS Bshort Blong W RWSxRWL Dshort Dlong TS Ashort Along BS Bshort Blong w RWSxRWL Dshort Dlong TS BH MIN HOLE DIA KO DIA or ID or ID ft. in'/ft inV/ft in. in'/ft in'/ft in. ft.** in'/ft in'/ft in. in'/ft inV/ft in. in'/ft in'/ft in. ft.** in'/ft in'/ft in. ft. in. in. c m 3x3 0.23 0.23 6 0.19 0.19 6 N/A 0.37 0.37 9 0.29 0.29 6 0.24 0.24 6 N/A 0.37 0.37 9 3.5 36 36 a 4x4 0.29 0.29 6 0.24 0.24 6 N/A 0.41 0.41 9 0.47 0.47 6 0.38 0.38 6 N/A 0.41 0.41 9 4.5 48 48 my k 0 o 0 3x5 0.29 0.18 6 0.19 0.35 6 N/A 0.48 0.48 9 0.39 0.18 6 0.23 0.59 6 N/A 0.48 0.48 9 3.5 36/60 36/60 v o 4x5 0.36 0.18 6 0.22 0.34 6 N/A 0.42 0.42 9 0.53 0.26 6 0.39 0.59 6 N/A 0.42 0.42 9 4.5 48/60 48/60 ' o 5x5 0.36 0.36 6 0.34 0.34 6 N/A 0.43 0.43 9 0.62 0.62 6 0.59 0.59 6 N/A 0.43 0.43 9 5.5 60 60 moan 3 o;;E 5x6 0.27 0.27 9 0.34 0.45 6 N/A 0.48 0.48 9 0.47 0.45 9 0.38 0.54 8 N/A 0.48 0.48 9 5.5 60/72 60/72 Z=o in m 6x6 0.27 0.27 9 0.45 0.45 6 N/A 0.56 0.56 9 0.52 0.52 9 0.54 0.54 8 N/A 0.56 0.56 9 6.5 72 72 t c'2, v `oa r a 8x8 0.46 0.46 9 0.51 0.51 8 N/A 0.45 0.45 12 0.87 0.87 9 0.59 0.59 10 N/A 0.45 0.45 12 8.5 96 72 m :vu, m 3x3 0.23 0.23 6 0.19 0.19 6 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.29 0.29 6 0.24 0.24 6 N/A N/A N/A N/A 3.5 36 36 mo c m o v m 4x4 0.29 0.29 6 0.24 0.24 6 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.47 0.47 6 0.38 0.38 6 N/A N/A N/A N/A 4.5 48 48 �'emo 3x5 0.29 0.18 6 0.19 0.35 6 3x3 0.30 0.34 9 0.39 0.18 6 0.23 0.59 6 3x3 0.40 0.40 9 3.5 36/60 36/60 0 4x5 0.36 0.18 6 0.22 0.34 6 3x3 0.30 0.30 9 0.53 0.26 6 0.39 0.59 6 3x3 0.46 0.37 9 4.5 48/60 48/60 c o v, 4x5 0.36 0.18 6 0.22 0.34 6 4x4 0.30 0.30 9 0.53 0.26 6 0.39 0.59 6 4x4 0.39 0.39 9 4.5 48/60 48/60 m '^ o`w 4x5 0.36 0.18 6 0.22 0.34 6 48" 0.39 0.39 9 0.53 0.26 6 0.39 0.59 6 48" 0.47 0.47 9 4.5 48/60 48/60 c o v 4x5 0.36 0.18 6 0.22 0.34 6 3x5 0.33 0.40 9 0.53 0.26 6 0.39 0.59 6 3x5 0.48 0.48 9 4.5 48/60 48/60 131 c 5x5 0.36 0.36 6 0.34 0.34 6 3x3 0.34 0.34 9 0.62 0.62 6 0.59 0.59 6 3x3 0.53 0.53 9 5.5 60 60 aL c°0 5x5 0.36 0.36 6 0.34 0.34 6 4x4 0.36 0.36 9 0.62 0.62 6 0.59 0.59 6 4x4 0.64 0.64 9 5.5 60 60 ''o -c-o' 5x5 0.38 0.38 6 0.34 0.34 6 48" 0.36 0.36 9 0.62 0.62 6 0.59 0.59 6 48" 0.64 0.64 9 5.5 60 60 o a 2 E e 5x5 0.36 0.36 6 0.34 0.34 6 3x5 0.34 0.40 9 0.62 0.62 6 0.59 0.59 6 3x5 0.53 0.53 9 5.5 60 60 c vi amo m ,`ma`o- CO 5x6 0.31 0.31 9 0.34 0.45 6 3x3 0.34 0.34 9 0.47 0.45 9 0.38 0.54 8 3x3 0.61 0.50 9 5.5 60/72 60/72 m I-- m 5x6 0.27 0.27 9 0.34 0.45 6 4x4 0.36 0.45 9 0.47 0.45 9 0.38 0.54 8 4x4 0.74 0.57 9 5.5 60/72 60/72 in o o v _ x 2 k.. 5x6 0.29 0.29 9 0.34 0.45 6 48" 0.36 0.45 9 0.47 0.45 9 0.38 0.54 8 48" 0.74 0.57 9 5.5 60/72 60/72 �-o o-0`ma 5x6 0.29 0.29 9 0.34 0.45 6 3x5 0.45 0.45 9 0.47 0.45 9 0.38 0.54 8 3x5 0.61 0.61 9 5.5 60/72 60/72 v w 5 m 6x6 0.29 0.29 9 0.45 0.45 6 3x3 0.41 0.41 9 0.52 0.52 9 0.54 0.54 8 3x3 0.74 0.74 9 6.5 72 72 zoEu, 6x6 0.27 0.27 9 0.45 0.45 6 4x4 0.45 0.45 9 0.52 0.52 9 0.54 0.54 8 4x4 0.87 0.87 9 6.5 72 72 c L o - 6x6 0.29 0.29 9 0.45 0.45 6 48" 0.45 0.45 9 0.52 0.52 9 0.54 0.54 8 48" 0.87 0.87 9 6.5 72 72 6x6 0.29 0.29 9 0.45 0.45 6 3x5 0.45 0.45 9 0.52 0.52 9 0.54 0.54 8 3x5 0.87 0.87 9 6.5 72 72 8x8 0.52 0.52 9 0.51 0.51 8 3x3 0.61 0.61 12 0.91 0.91 9 0.70 0.70 10 3x3 0.85 0.85 12 8.5 96 72 8x8 0.52 0.52 9 0.51 0.51 8 4x4 0.70 0.70 12 0.87 0.87 9 0.70 0.70 10 4x4 1.01 1.01 12 8.5 96 72 8x8 0.52 0.52 9 0.51 0.51 8 48" 0.70 0.70 12 0.87 0.87 9 0.70 0.70 10 48" 1.01 1.01 12 8.5 96 72 8x8 0.52 0.52 9 0.51 0.51 8 3x5 0.70 0.85 12 0.87 0.87 9 0.70 0.70 10 3x5 1.01 1.01 12 8.5 96 72 ** Unless otherwise indicated. FABRICATION NOTES: HL93 LOADING 1. Maximum spacing of reinforcement is 8". Brill e 2. At manufacturer's option, provide cast or cored holes or thin wall panels (KO) to the Division maximum diameter shown for each. When no penetration is required, it is acceptable ,Texas Department of Transportation Standard to provide a wall with no sectional reduction. GENERAL NOTES: DESIGN DATA FOR 1. Precast Junction Box consists of base slab, base unit, risers (as required), and below PRECAST BASE AND grade slab. See sheet PJB for details. 2. Precast Base consists of base slab, base unit, risers(as required), reducing slab(as required), and reduced risers(as required). See sheet PB for details. JUNCTION BOX 3. Min Height shown is for stock base units. Use stock base units whenever practical. Smaller height base units can be used in special installation circumstances, when noted elsewhere in the plans. Absolute minimum height of base units is 2'-6". PDD FILE: prestdl0-20.dgn DN. TxDOT CF.TxDOT low: TxDOT ICI,:TxDOT ©TxDOT February 2020 CONT SECT JOB HIGHWAY REVISIONS W J II-- GIST COUNTY SHEET NO. Q'-. W W WILLWASON 81 OF 135 Detail "A" + Detail "A" Detail "A" ALL MANHOLE COVERS SHALL ADHERE TO CITY OF ROUND ROCK STANDARDS " J1 ,C L (SEE DR-05,DR-06&DR-07 L "z 0, o, + o W 7 ] W -1— W ] 1 W TH® � W ]X X X -- ELEVATION VIEW ELEVATION VIEW ELEVATION VIEW ELEVATION VIEW 0 #4 AS SHOWN #4 AS SHOWN #4 AS SHOWN �°� DIA + 4" DIA + 4" DIA + 4" 00 , —{ W + 16" 1 W + 16" 1 W + 16" i,.o III o�, 1p �O 1p o I t y VINHER,,7 32" DIA ��� ��� �N 1'', ',An ir• C O, 1 7 1 7 o'S x H j v Detail "A" F-v•. t o to o W © ' W W ' ' W W ' © W W ' W X X X X a a�v o i.no - PLAN VIEW PLAN VIEW PLAN VIEW PLAN VIEW ��'2 X W NO OPENINGS SHIP LOOSE RING & COVER 32" DIA CAST-IN RING & COVER 32" DIA CAST-IN RING & GRATE a 2 STYLE 'SL' STYLE 'RH' STYLE 'RC' STYLE 'RG' a�� STYLE 'FG' c a, �i �m�o ,nx0 ~o ORIENT TAPER TO CORRESPOND i_ #4 @ 12" O.C. o wa WITH ROADWAY CROSS-SLOPE. 1 W Him 1 L 1p Y O WI W f X W _ _ w STYLE 'SFG' �J W w X `®J X ELEVATION VIEW ELEVATION VIEW ELEVATION VIEW A A A ®Matches inside face of wall of precast base or riser below inlet. I 1 1 1 . i 000000 N N N i II u u u II— I oho oho ado 000000 1 n 11 u II Ji 1 m0 CIO 1I CC)000000 �. 000000 11 11 II ❑ 10 + + + 000000 II II IL II 1 II u- II If 10 m o00000 CO HL93 LOADING SHEET 1 OF 2 C 00000 0000o0 Bridge 1 11 11 II II II—1 Division 000000 000000 ,Texas DepartmentTransportationStandard of II II I I ❑ C 000000 000000 . l — W + (A o2) t -- W + (A o2) -- W + (A o2) -., PRECAST SLAB LID W X ' W W ' X `% W W X ' W PSL PLAN VIEW PLAN VIEW PLAN VIEW FILE prestd05-20.dgn EN: TxDOT I CK:TxDOT l ow: TxDOT IcK:TxDOT CAST-IN FRAME & GRATE SHIP LOOSE FRAME & GRATE EXPOSED REBAR ©rxDDr February 2020 oNT SECT OR HIGHWAY REVISIONS w LT, STYLES 'FG' & 'SFG' STYLE 'SH' STYLE 'S1' OIST o NTY SHEET NO. 0 ?MASON 82 OF 135 ALL MANHOLE COVERS SHALL ADHERE TO CITY OF ROUND ROCK STANDARDS (SEE DR-05,DR-06&DR-07 Short Span Long Span Reinf Steel Reinf Steel Style Size (X x Y) W 0 A x B (nominal) Area Area SL 3'x3' 6" n/a 0.37 in2/ft 0.37 in2/ft RH,RC,RG,SH,S1,FG 3'x3' 6" 3'x3' or 32" Dia 0.37 in2/ft 0.37 in2/ft SFG 3'x3' 6" 3'x3' 0.32 in2/ft 0.32 in2/ft SL 4'x4' 6" n/a 0.34 in2/ft 0.34 in2/ft RH,RC,RG,SH,SI,FG 4'x4' 6" 3'x3' or 32" Dia 0.41 in2/ft 0.41 in2/ft >,2 SH,SI,FG 4'x4' 6" 4'x4' 0.41 in2/ft 0.41 in2/ft ,2 ' SFG 4'x4' 6" 4'x4' 0.32 in2/ft 0.32 in2/ft O SL 3'x5' 6" n/a 0.39 in2/ft 0.39 in2/ft v RH,RC,RG,SH,SI,FG 3'x5' 6" 3'x3' or 32" Dia 0.48 in2/ft 0.48 in2/ft CZ' , SH,SI,FG 3'x5' 6" 3'x5' 0.48 in2/ft 0.48 in2/ft 3 o i SFG 3'x5' 6" 3'x5' 0.32 in2/ft 0.32 in2/ft o E SL 4'x5' 6" n/a 0.42 in2/ft 0.42 in2/ft o z -P RH,RC,RG,SH,SI,FG 4'x5' 6" 3'x3' or 32" Dia 0.42 in2/ft 0.42 in2/ft Q �' SH,SI,FG 4'x5' 6" 4'x4' 0.63 in2/ft 0.63 in2/ft v SH,S1,FG 14'x5' 6" 3'x5' 0.66 in2/ft 0.66 in2/ft SL 5'x5' 6" n/a 0.36 in2/ft 0.36 in2/ft a 0 v 2%v RH,RC,RG,SH,SI,FG 5'x5' 6" 3'x3' or 32" Dia 0.43 in2/ft 0.43 in2/ft 2,E? SH,SI,FG 5'x5' 6" 4'x4' 0.63 in2/ft 0.63 in2/ft FABRICATION NOTES: 2 1. Locate penetration (Style 'RH'), ring and cover (Style'RC'), ring and grate(Style 'RG'), vm SH,S],FG 5'x5' 6" 3'x5' 0.63 in/ft 0.63 in/ft �a and frame and grate (Style 'FG') in a corner. Only one penetration is allowed per o SL 5'x6' 6"/8" n/a 0.48 in2/ft 0.48 in2/ft slab lid. w`o o RH,RC,RG,SH,SI,FG 5'x6' 6"/8" 3'x3' or 32" Dia 0.48 in2/ft 0.48 in2/ft 2. Provide Class "H" concrete in accordance with Item 421 and having a minimum u I S SH,SI,FG 5'x6' 6"/8" 4'x4' 0.60 in2/ft 0.60 in2/ft compressive strength of 5,000 psi. m v z z 3. Provide Grade 60 reinforcing steel or equivalent area of WWR. a SH,SI,FG 5'x6' 6"/8" 3'x5' 0.60 in2/ft 0.60 in/ft F•v 4. Provide clear cover of " to reinforcing from lower outside shoulder of slab for v o v SL 6'x6' 6"/8" n/a 0.43 in2/ft 0.43 in2/ft structural reinforcement, and 2" from top of slab for shrinkage and temperature o RH,RC,RG,SH,SI,FG 6'x6' 6"/8" 3'x3' or 32" Dia 0.56 in2/ft 0.56 in2/ft reinforcement. Place short span reinforcing closest to surface. -o t Z SH,SI,FG 6'x6' 6"/8" 4'x4' 0.56 in2/ft 0.56 in2/ft 5. Slabs with a thickness of 8" or greater require shrinkage and temperature -ma 2 2 reinforcing. Provide steel area = 0.11 in2/ft each way. a,v o SH,S1,FG 6'x6' 6"/8" 3'x5' 0.59 in/ft 0.59 in/ft 6. No substitution is allowed for diagonal #4 bars around openings. a,n o SL 8'x8' 8"/10" n/a 0.45 in2/ft 0.45 in2/ft 7. Design tongue and groove joints for full closure on both shoulders. Minimum aaz, RH,RC,RG,SH,SI,FG 8'x8' 8"/10" 3'x3' or 32" Dia 0.45 in2/ft 0.45 in2/ft spigot depth is 4". ^t 2 SH,SI,FG 8'x8' 8"/10" 4'x4' 0.45 in2/ft 0.45 in2/ft 8. Provide lifting devices in conformance with Manufacturer's recommendations. ki o SH,SI,FG 8'x8' 8"/10" 3'x5' 0.45 in2/ft 0.45 in2/ft INSTALLATION NOTES: a"-a, 1. Precast slab lids are intended for direct traffic and may be placed in roadway. '0o 0 2. Seal tongue and groove joints with preformed or bulk mastic in conformance N,7<o with Manufacturer's recommendations. Tongue and groove joints may be o grouted no more than 1" between each section, or the joint depth, whichever 0 m 2 is greater. ��a ®See sheet PDD for corresponding wall thickness (W) of base unit or riser. 3. Do not grout rubber gasket joints without Manufacturer's recommendation. 4. Initial installation of grade adjustment rings for Styles'RH' and 'SH' is limited Q a , to 1'-0" Max as shown. u.c_- t., a i 5. Grade adjustment rings for Styles 'RH' and 'SH' may be increased to 2'-0" Max `" _'. when future construction affects final grade of structure. Make adjustments CS greater than 2'-0" with additional risers. Adjustments can be made up to Max depth shown on sheet PDD. Structure must be evaluated if Max depth will be exceeded. 6. Orient long dimension of grate slots perpendicular to traffic, unless noted otherwise on plans Construct cast-in-place reinforced concrete apron, GENERAL NOTES: when shown elsewhere in plans. Use Class "A" 1. Designed according to ASTM C913. concrete. Apron is subsidiary to PSL. Apron is 2. Payment for lid is per Item 465, "Junction Boxes, Manholes, and Inlets" by type, 1'-6" Min width around precast zone drain.m style, size, and opening size(when applicable). a F- Cover dimensions are clear dimensions, unless noted otherwise. --1----- 1 Z ]' 6" It 1"- Min t^ HL93 LOADING SHEET 2 OF 2 ® Bridge Division ,Texas Department of Transportation Standard DETAIL "A" (Reinforcing not shown for clarity) PRECAST SLAB LID When an apron is to be cast around PSL, use detail above to create an apron ledge on all 4 sides. PSL FILE: prestd05-20.dgn oN: TxDOT ICK:TxDOT low: TxDOT Ico TxDOT ©TxDOT February 2020 coo SECT JOB HIGHWAY REVISIONS W W DIST COUNTY SHEET NO 0 W SLIWIS0N 83 OF 135 ®0" Min to 5'-0" Max. Estimated curb heights are shown elsewhere in the plans. For structures with pedestrian rail or curbs taller than 1'-0", refer to the Extended Curb Details(ECD) standard sheet. For structures with T631 or T631L5 bridge rail, refer to the Mounting Details for T631 & T631L5 Rails(T631-CM) standard sheet. Refer to the Rail Anchorage Curb (RAC) standard sheet for structures with bridge rail other than T631 or T631 LS. OFor vehicle safety, the following requirements must be met: • For structures without bridge rail, construct curbs no more than 3" above Length of box finished grade. 0 • For structures with bridge rail, construct curbs flush with finished grade. Reduce curb heights, if necessary, to meet the above requirements. No changes will Bars F2 Bars F2 be made in quantities and no additional compensation will be allowed for this work. (Top & bottom) Bars C Bars K o U rr S U ®For curbs less than 1'-0" high, tilt Bars K or reduce bar height as necessary to m v Bars F2- Equal Spacing (Typ) IF • maintain cover. For curbs less than 3" high, Bars K may be omitted. I 0 o Permissible Bars D I• �,� ®1'-0" typical. 2'-3" when the Rail Anchorage Curb(RAC) standard sheet is referred a constructionE ,Y Bars M �+ mi j joint (Typ) ___)-F2 -----..„ 1 Bars 8 I I I I v to elsewhere in the plans. r • 11 l Bars H 3� 1 (Bar) I 1 = Bars Z • o _ �l \B Bars E 1 c Bottom 3% o - o ro Q F] F] ( ) Q v v o 6 B The Contractor may replace Bars B, C, D, E, Fl, F2, M, Y, and/or Z with deformed ,� M (TYP) Ir Bars F2 welded wire reinforcement (WWR) meeting the requirements of ASTM A1064. The m J__ __ _ area of required reinforcement may be reduced by the ratio of 60 ksi / 70 ksi. a N,v 1/2" Z Spacing of WWR is limited to 4" Min and 18" Max. When required, provide lap splices �� 2 (Typ) F2 Bars Y I MINIM `=MIN■O■ii•i in the WWR of the same length required for the equivalent bar size, rounded up for m 11/ = I ` I wire sizes between conventional bar sizes. The laplength required for WWR is as 2 • !!! ---- -t III!il!IIII!I!l!IIIiII never less than the lap length required for uncoatd #4 bars.°io o (TYP) — - - ii!!!!0l111�1�!!!!!!!!!l� Bars E Luc) F2 6" `Bars F2 ititlil�lriffr�irifiri•�■II■ (Top) Example conversion: Replacing No. 6 Gr 60 at 6" Spacing with WWR m ', a 1 (T ) •1111iui1ii•iuiu1iuiiii I Required WWR = (0.44 sq. in. per 0.5 ft.) x (60 ksi / 70 ksi) = 0.755 sq. in. per ft. " °' a oo Co NNy1�iyi��yyA1M1 Bars B If D30.6 wire is used to meet the 0.755 sq. in. per ft. requirement in this example, v JII.MIIMIIINIM•Ir1I1.1M11�1 q P a,t, 'v > y Construction joint (Typ) Z (Bottom) the required spacing , �II'��I,II��I"I'II'IIt'lll,l I q p g = (0.306 sq. in.)/(0.755 sq. in. per ft.) x(12 in. per ft.) = 4.86" L'o F2 8 F2 Bars M 11I�YI�I�lArl�l�l14E MBars C minimx umclap length'red required forth for the uncoated provided5 s, asOi6 wire is ted under MATERIAL NOTES). -0 c v • • • nn o ' E E j} 44 •aL D Bars DL Bars F2 Bars F1 (Bottom) Un5,m a m o BOTTOM SLAB TOP SLAB CONSTRUCTION NOTES: a2 ro Do not use permanent forms. mk.-0 TYPICAL SECTION PART PLANS Chamfer the bottom edge of the top slab 3" at the entrance. 0o 8 Optionally, raise construction joints shown at the flow line by a maximum of 6". If s 0 o this option is taken, Bars M may be cut off or raised, Bars C and D may be reversed, L a and Bars Y and Z may be reversed. gm va MATERIAL NOTES: w''`m 51 Provide Grade 60 reinforcing steel. •zi_" Provide galvanized reinforcing steel if required elsewhere in the plans. tn~- cE 0,- Provide Class C concrete (f'c = 3,600 psi) for culvert barrel and curb, with the o .0 o following exceptions: provide Class S concrete (f'c = 4,000 psi) for top slabs of: TABLE OF • culverts with overlay, ® • culverts with 1-to-2 course surface treatment, or BAR DIMENSIONS • culverts with the top slab as the final riding surface. Finished grade Provide bar laps, where required, as follows: �� a- ®x (roadway slope) H "X" 'y • Uncoated or galvanized - #4 = 1'-8" Min ;� m 1 • Uncoated or galvanized - #5 = 2'-1" Min Z 4'-0" 4'-6 /2 5- '-9" • Uncoated or galvanized - #6 = 2'-6" Min Klif T... © 5'-0„ 5'-6 I/2" 5,-9„ GENERAL NOTES: 6'-0" 6'-6 ''/z' S- '-9" Designed according to AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications for the range of H 7'-0" 7'-6 'I/2" 5'-9" fill heights shown. 3" chamfer See the Multiple Box Culverts Cast-In-Place Miscellaneous Detail (MC-MD) standard (See CONSTRUCTION 8'-0" 8'-6 I/2" 5'-9" sheet for details pertaining to skewed ends, angle sections, and lengthening. NOTES.) 1�\\ 9'-0" 9'-6 I/2" 5- '-9" Cover dimensions are clear dimensions, unless noted otherwise. SECTION THRU CURB 10'-0" 10'-6 t/2 5- '-9" Reinforcing bar dimensions shown are out-to-out of bar. HL93 LOADING SHEET 9 OF 13 '' Bridge g 5 _ Division �- ,Texas Department of Transportation Standard ><[ iTh 4„ ® MULTIPLE BOX CULVERTS N CAST-IN-PLACE J_JN ^ 10' 0" SPAN O' TO7' FILL BARS C BARS D BARS Z BARS Y BARS K (#4) (Spa = 1'-0" Max) (Length = 4'-2") MC-10-7 FILE: mc107ste-20.dgn ON:TBE Cs.BMP low:TxDOT Jar:TxDOT ©TxDOT February 2020 CUNT SECT JOB HIGHWAY REVISIONS 4 Sc J GIST COUNTY SHEET NO. Q-- C)a VOWAMSON 840F135 u) Z a BILLS OF REINFORCING STEEL (For Box Length = 40 feet) QUANTITIES (A SECTION • DIMENSIONS cc Bars BC) Bars C & D Bars E Bars Fl -- #4 Bars F2 - #4 Bars M - #4 Bars Y & Z - #4 4 Bars#4 4 Bars K Per Foot cc of Barrel Curb Total W 00 Z v m v Bars C Bars D e m m na m m Bars Y Bars Z enf S H T U No. " Length Wt No. N No. N Length Wt No. Length Wt No. Length Wt No. Length Wt No. Length Wt No. Wt ICY)onc RLb) (CY)enf Conc (Lb) (CY)enf Conc RLb) Z 1n ,n Length Wt Length Wt Length Wt Length Wt 2 10'-0" 4'-0" 8" 7" 162 #6 6" 21'-6" 5,231 108 #6 9" 10'-4" 1,676 8'-10" 1,433 162 #6 6" 15-4" 3,731 14 18" 39'-9" 372 66 18" 39'-9" 1,752 108 9" 4'-0" 289 54 9" 4'-7" 165 9'-3" 334 21'-6" 57 46 128 1.333 374.6 1.6 185 54.9 15,168 3 10'-0" 4'-0" 8" 7" 162 #6 6" 32'-1" 7,807 108 #6 9" 10'-4" 1,676 8'-10" 1,433 162 #6 6" 25'-11" 6,306 21 18" 39'-9" 558 95 18" 39'-9" 2,523 108 9" 4'-0" 289 108 9" 4'-7" 331 9'-3" 667 32'-1" 86 68 189 1.942 539.8 2.4 275 80.1 21,865 4 10'-0" 4'-0" 8" 7" 162 #6 6" 42-8" 10,382 108 #6 9" 10'-4" 1,676 8'-10" 1,433 162 #6 6" 36'-6" 8,881 28 18" 39'-9" 743 124 18" 39'-9" 3,293 108 9" 4'-0" 289 162 9" 4'-7" 496 9'-3" 1,001 42'-8" 114 88 245 2.551 704.9 3.2 359 105.2 28,553 :2, 5 10'-0" 4'-0" 8" 7" 162 #6 6" 53'-3" 12,957 108 #6 9" 10'-4" 1,676 8'-10" 1,433 162 #6 6" 47'-1" 11,457 35 18" 39'-9" 929 153 18" 39'-9" 4,063 108 9" 4.-0" 289 216 9" 4'-7" 661 9'.-3" 1,335 53'-3" 142 110 306 3.160 870.0 3.9 448 130.3 35,248 `m 6 10'-0" 4'-0" 8" 7" 162 #6 6" 66'-4" 16,140 108 #6 9" 10'-4" 1,676 8'-10" 1,433 162 #6 6" 57'-8" 14,032 42 18" 39'-9" 1,115 182 18" 39'-9" 4,833 108 9" 4'-0" 289 270 9" 4'-7" 827 9'-3" 1,668 65'-6" 175 130 362 3.770 1,050.3 4.7 537 155.5 42,550 0 2 10'-0" 5'-0" 8" 7" 162 #6 6" 21'-6" 5,231 108 #6 9" 11'-4" 1,838 8'-10" 1,433 162 #6 6" 15'-4" 3,731 14 18" 39'-9" 372 72 18" 39'-9" 1,912 108 9" 5'-0" 361 54 9" 4'-7" 165 11'-3" 406 21'-6" 57 46 128 1.398 386.2 1.6 185 57.5 15,634 �v m °,"' 3 10'-0" 5'-0" 8" 7" 162 #6 6" 32'-1" 7,807 108 #6 9" 11'-4" 1,838 8'-10" 1,433 162 #6 6" 25'-11" 6,306 21 18" 39'-9" 558 103 18" 39'-9" 2,735 108 9" 5'-0" 361 108 9" 4'-7" 331 11'-3" 812 32'-1" 86 68 189 2.029 554.5 2.4 275 83.5 22,456 2 y, 4 10'-0" 5'-0" 8" 7" 162 #6 6" 42'-8" 10,382 108 #6 9" 11'-4" 1,838 8'-10" 1,433 162 #6 6" 36'-6" 8,881 28 18" 39'-9" 743 134 18" 39'-9" 3,558 108 9" 5'-0" 361 162 9" 4'-7" 496 11'-3" 1,217 42'-8" 114 88 245 2.659 722.7 3.2 359 109.5 29,268 E 5 10'-0" 5'-0" 8" 7" 162 #6 6" 53'-3" 12,957 108 #6 9" 11'-4" 1,838 8'-10" 1,433 162 #6 6" 47'-1" 11,457 35 18" 39'-9" 929 165 18" 39'-9" 4,381 108 9" 5'-0" 361 216 9" 4'-7" 661 11'-3" 1,623 53'-3" 142 110 306 3.290 891.0 3.9 448 135.5 36,088 z,0 _ a 6 10'-0" 5'-0" 8" 7" 162 #6 6" 66'-4" 16,140 108 #6 9" 11'-4" 1,838 8'-10" 1,433 162 #6 6" 57'-8" 14,032 42 18" 39'-9" 1,115 196 18" 39'-9" 5,204 108 9" 5'-0" 361 270 9" 4'-7" 827 11'-3" 2,029 65'-6" 175 130 362 3.921 1,074.5 4.7 537 161.6 43,516 Q,' 2 10'-0" 6'-0" 8" 7" 162 #6 6" 21'-6" 5,231 108 #6 9" 12'-4" 2,001 8'-10" 1,433 162 #6 6" 15'-4" 3,731 14 18" 39'-9" 372 78 18" 39'-9" 2,071 108 9" 6'-0" 433 54 9" 4'-7" 165 13'-3" 478 21'-6" 57 46 128 1.463 397.9 1.6 185 60.1 16,100 v�� v v 3 10'-0" 6'-0" 8" 7" 162 #6 6" 32'-1" 7,807 108 #6 9" 12'-4" 2,001 8'-10" 1,433 162 #6 6" 25'-11" 6,306 21 18" 39'-9" 558 111 18" 39'-9" 2,947 108 9" 6'-0" 433 108 9" 4'-7" 331 13'-3" 956 32'-1" 86 68 189 2.115 569.3 2.4 275 87.0 23,047 m 4 10'-0" 6'-0" 8" 7" 162 #6 6" 42'-8" 10,382 108 #6 9" 12'-4" 2,001 8'-10" 1,433 162 #6 6" 36'-6" 8,881 28 18" 39'-9" 743 144 18" 39'-9" 3,824 108 9" 6'-0" 433 162 9" 4'-7" 496 13'-3" 1,434 42'-8" 114 88 245 2.767 740.7 3.2 359 113.8 29,986 m a 5 10'-0" 6'-0" 8" 7" 162 #6 6" 53'-3" 12,957 108 #6 9" 12'-4" 2,001 8'-10" 1,433 162 #6 6" 47'-1" 11,457 35 18" 39'-9" 929 177 18" 39'-9" 4,700 108 9" 6'-0" 433 216 9" 4'-7" 661 13'-3" 1,912 53'-3" 142 110 306 3.420 912.1 3.9 448 140.7 36,931 w a 6 10'-0" 6'-0" 8" 7" 162 #6 6" 66'-4" 16,140 108 #6 9" 12'-4" 2,001 8'-10" 1,433 162 #6 6" 57'-8" 14,032 42 18" 39'-9" 1,115 210 18" 39'-9" 5,576 108 9" 6'-0" 433 270 9" 4'-7" 827 13'-3" 2,390 65'-6" 175 130 362 4.072 1,098.7 4.7 537 167.6 44,484 m. 6,1-. 2 10'-0" 7'-0" 8" 7" 162 #6 6" 21'-6" 5,231 108 #6 9" 13'-4" 2,163 8'-10" 1,433 162 #6 6" 15'-4" 3,731 14 18" 39'-9" 372 78 18" 39'-9" 2,071 108 9" 7'-0" 505 54 9" 4'-7" 165 15'-3" 550 21'-6" 57 46 128 1.528 405.5 1.6 185 62.7 16,406 3 10'-0" 7'-0" 8" 7" 162 #6 6" 32'-1" 7,807 108 #6 9" 13'-4" 2,163 8'-10" 1,433 162 #6 6" 25'-11" 6,306 21 18" 39'-9" 558 111 18" 39'-9" 2,947 108 9" 7'-0" 505 108 9" 4'-7" 331 15'-3" 1,100 32'-1" 86 68 189 2.202 578.8 2.4 275 90.5 23,425 m ,, a i' 4 10'-0" 7'-0" 8" 7" 162 #6 6" 42'-8" 10,382 108 #6 9" 13'-4" 2,163 8'-10" 1,433 162 #6 6" 36'-6" 8,881 28 18" 39'-9" 743 144 18" 39'-9" 3,824 108 9" 7'-0" 505 162 9" 4'-7" 496 15'-3" 1,650 42'-8" 114 88 245 2.876 751.9 3.2 359 118.2 30,436 m a,a, = 5 10'-0" 7'-0" 8" 7" 162 #6 6" 53'-3" 12,957 108 #6 9" 13'-4" 2,163 8'-10" 1,433 162 #6 6" 47'-1" 11,457 35 18" 39'-9" 929 177 18" 39'-9" 4,700 108 9" 7'-0" 505 216 9" 4'-7" 661 15'-3" 2,200 53'-3" 142 110 306 3.549 925.1 3.9 448 145.9 37,453 o. ' 6 10'-0" 7'-0" 8" 7" 162 #6 6" 66'-4" 16,140 108 #6 9" 13'-4" 2,163 8'-10" 1,433 162 #6 6" 57'-8" 14,032 42 18" 39'-9" 1,115 210 18" 39'-9" 5,576 108 9" 7'-0" 505 270 9" 4'-7" 827 15'-3" 2,750 65'-6" 175 130 362 4.223 1,113.5 4.7 537 173.7 45,078 a 3 2 10'-0" 8'-0" 8" 7" 162 #6 6" 21'-6" 5,231 108 #6 9" 14'-4" 2,325 8'-10" 1,433 162 #6 6" 15'-4" 3,731 14 18" 39'-9" 372 84 18" 39'-9" 2,230 108 9" 8'-0" 577 54 9" 4'-7" 165 17'-3" 622 21'-6" 57 46 128 1.593 417.2 1.6 185 65.3 16,871 v v E ^- 3 10'-0" 8'-0" 8" 7" 162 #6 6" 32'-1" 7,807 108 #6 9" 14'-4" 2,325 8'-10" 1,433 162 #6 6" 25'-11" 6,306 21 18" 39'-9" 558 119 18" 39'-9" 3,160 108 9" 8'-0" 577 108 9" 4'-7" 331 17'-3" 1,244 32'-1" 86 68 189 2.288 593.5 2.4 275 93.9 24,016 o,n, 4 10'-0" 8'-0" 8" 7" 162 #6 6" 42'-8" 10,382 108 #6 9" 14'-4" 2,325 8'-10" 1,433 162 #6 6" 36'-6" 8,881 28 18" 39'-9" 743 154 18" 39'-9" 4,089 108 9" 8'-0" 577 162 9" 4'-7" 496 17'-3" 1,867 42'-8" 114 88 245 2.984 769.8 3.2 359 122.5 31,152 '_^c? 5 10'-0" 8'-0" 8" 7" 162 #6 6" 53'-3" 12,957 108 #6 9" 14'-4" 2,325 8'-10" 1,433 162 #6 6" 47'-1" 11,457 35 18" 39'-9" 929 189 18" 39'-9" 5,019 108 9" 8'-0" 577 216 9" 4'-7" 661 17'-3" 2,489 53'-3" 142 110 306 3.679 946.2 3.9 448 151.1 38,295 amo ,a L,,- 6 10'-0" 8'-0" 8" 7" 162 #6 6" 66'-4" 16,140 108 #6 9" 14'-4" 2,325 8'-10" 1,433 162 #6 6" 57'-8" 14,032 42 18" 39'-9" 1,115 224 18" 39'-9" 5,948 108 9" 8'-0" 577 270 9" 4'-7" 827 17'-3" 3,111 65'-6" 175 130 362 4.374 1,137.7 4.7 537 179.7 46,045 -o o, `m 2 2 10'-0" 9'-0" 8" 7" 162 #6 6" 21'-6" 5,231 162 #6 6" 15'-4" 3,731 8'-10" 2,149 162 #6 6" 15'-4" 3,731 14 18" 39'-9" 372 90 18" 39'-9" 2,390 108 9" 9'-0" 649 54 9" 4'-7" 165 19'-3" 694 21'-6" 57 46 128 1.657 477.8 1.6 185 67.9 19,297 'u o o„ 3 10'-0" 9'-0" 8" 7" 162 #6 6" 32'-1" 7,807 162 #6 6" 15'-4" 3,731 8'-10" 2,149 162 #6 6" 25'-11" 6,306 21 18" 39'-9" 558 127 18" 39'-9" 3,372 108 9" 9'-0" 649 108 9" 4'-7" 331 19'-3" 1,389 32'-1" 86 68 189 2.374 657.3 2.4 275 97.3 26,567 L-�� a a 4 10'-0" 9'-0" 8" 7" ]62 #6 6" 42'-8" 10,382 ]62 #6 6" ]5'-4" 3,731 8'-10" 2,149 ]62 #6 6" 36'-6" 8,881 28 18" 39'-9" 743 164 18" 39'-9" 4,355 ]08 9" 9.-0" 649 162 9" 4'-7" 496 19'-3" 2,083 42'-8" 114 88 245 3.092 836.7 3.2 359 126.8 33,828 m ▪v a 2 5 10'-0" 9'-0" 8" 7" 162 #6 6" 53'-3" 12,957 162 #6 6" 15'-4" 3,731 8'-10" 2,149 162 #6 6" 47'-1" 11,457 35 18" 39'-9" 929 201 18" 39'-9" 5,337 108 9" 9'-0" 649 216 9" 4'-7" 661 19'-3" 2,778 53'-3" 142 110 306 3.809 1,016.2 3.9 448 156.3 41,096 w m m m g=E. 6 10'-0" 9'-0" 8" 7" 162 #6 6" 66'-4" 16,140 162 #6 6" 15'-4" 3,731 8'-10" 2,149 162 #6 6" 57'-8" 14,032 42 18" 39'-9" 1,115 238 18" 39'-9" 6,320 108 9" 9'-0" 649 270 9" 4'-7" 827 19'-3" 3,472 65'-6" 175 130 362 4.526 1,210.9 4.7 537 185.8 48,972 t• m y i. 2 10'-0" 10'-0" 8" 7" 162 #6 6" 21'-6" 5,231 162 #6 6" 16'-4" 3,974 8'-10" 2,149 162 #6 6" 15'-4" 3,731 14 18" 39'-9" 372 90 18" 39'-9" 2,390 108 9" 10'-0" 721 54 9" 4'-7" 165 21'-3" 767 21'-6" 57 46 128 1.722 487.5 1.6 185 70.5 19,685 ` a o ':.,46- 3 10'-0" 10'-0" 8" 7" 162 #6 6" 32'-1" 7,807 162 #6 6" 16'-4" 3,974 8'-10" 2,149 162 #6 6" 25'-II" 6,306 21 18" 39'-9" 558 127 18" 39'-9" 3,372 108 9" 10'-0" 721 108 9" 4'-7" 331 21 -3" 1,533 32'-1" 86 68 189 2.461 668.8 2.4 275 100.8 27,026 4 10'-0" 10'-0" 8" 7" 162 #6 6" 42'-8" 10,382 162 #6 6" 16'-4" 3,974 8'-10" 2,149 162 #6 6" 36'-6" 8,881 28 18" 39'-9" 743 164 18" 39'-9" 4,355 108 9" 10'-0" 721 162 9" 4'-7" 496 21'-3" 2,300 42'-8" 114 88 245 3.200 850.0 3.2 359 131.2 34,360 5 10'-0" 10'-0" 8" 7" 162 #6 6" 53-3" 12,957 162 #6 6" 16'-4" 3,974 8'-10" 2,149 162 #6 6" 47'-1" 11,457 35 18" 39'-9" 929 201 18" 39'-9" 5,337 108 9" 10'-0" 721 216 9" 4'-7" 661 21'-3" 3,066 53'-3" 142 110 306 3.938 1,031.3 3.9 448 161.5 41,699 6 10'-0" 10'-0" 8" 7" 162 #6 6" 66'-4" 16,140 162 #6 6" 16'-4" 3,974 8'-10" 2,149 162 #6 6" 57'-8" 14,032 42 18" 39'-9" 1,115 238 18" 39'-9" 6,320 108 9" 10'-0" 721 270 9" 4'-7" 827 21'-3" 3,833 65'-6" 175 130 362 4.677 1,227.8 4.7 537 191.8 49,648 O Bar lengths over 60' include one bar lap; refer to MATERIAL NOTES for minimum lap lengths. HL93 LOADING Bridge Division Texas Department of Transportation Standard MULTIPLE BOX CULVERTS CAST-IN-PLACE 10'-0" SPAN O' TO7' FILL MC-10-7 FILE- mc107ste-20.dgn DN.TBE CK:BMP low.TxDOT CE.TxDOT ©TxDOT February 2020 coNr seer JOB HIGHWAY REVISIONS w J DIST COUNTY SHEET NO. Q-- 0 w WILLIAMSON 85 OF 135 BOX DATA TS 5 ""1TS TS S TS 3® M SECTION DIMENSIONS REINFORCING (sq. in. / ft.)O 0 - -I 1 N AS�A57 Fill M Lift S H TT TB TS Height (Min) Weight ti T AS1 AS2 AS3 AS4 AS5 AS7 AS8 1- • • • • • • • • • • (ft.) (ft.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (ft.) (in.) (tons) 10 4 10 10 10 < 2 0.33 0.34 0.27 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 16.5 4d Min ` 4d Min \ 10 4 10 10 10 2 < 3 58 0.38 0.35 0.30 0.24 - - - 16.5 radius (Typ) A 1 %' Max radius (Typ) AS5 1" Max 10 4 10 10 10 3 - 5 53 0.31 0.28 0.27 0.24 - 16.5 A51� 2" Max for TS<_ 5" r AS4J for TS s 5" 10 4 10 10 10 10 52 0.36 0.32 0.33 0.24 - - 16.5 radius (Typ) 4" Min I4" Min 1 AS2(top) _ 10 4 10 10 10 15 52 0.47 0.42 0.43 0.24 - 16.5 `�AS3(bottom) for TS>_ 6" it_ 1"(Typ unfor TS>_ 6" m`w 10 4 10 10 10 20 52 0.61 0.54 0.55 0.24 - - - 16.5 = AS4 (side) 7" = noted othe 10 4 10 10 10 I 25 52 0.75 0.67 0.68 0.24 - - - 16.5 _ 1" O Minimum length is equal to (Typ) 1" (Typ) spacing of longitudinal A54- '(Typ) m m� reinforcing plus 2"(Typ) TS m`o", 10 5 10 10 10 < 2 - 0.30 0.36 0.30 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 17.5 TS a'�; - (1) �S ASI o;, 10 5 10 10 10 2 < 3 58 0.35 0.39 0.34 0.24 - - - 17.5 _z;o i o 10 5 ]0 10 10 3 - 5 52 0.28 0.31 0.30 0.24 17.5 1 `` 1 ' IA53 / n 10 5 10 10 10 10 52 0.33 0.35 0.36 0.24 - - - 17.5 \ - - I \ J m K v 10 5 ]0 10 70 ]5 47 0.42 0.46 0.47 0.24 ]7.5 m 10 5 10 10 10 20 47 0.55 0.59 0.61 0.24 17.5 Longitudinal (4� ,,,�m 10 5 70 10 10 25 47 0.68 0.73 0.75 0.24 17.5 reinforcing J m� 10 6 10 10 10 < 2 0.28 0.38 0.33 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 18.5 CORNER OPTION "A" CORNER OPTION "B" CORNER OPTION "A" CORNER OPTION "B" a,�0 w`o; 10 6 10 10 10 2 < 3 58 0.32 0.42 0.37 0.24 18.5 x .0 10 6 10 10 10 3 - 5 53 0.26 0.34 0.33 0.24 - - - 18.5 FILL HEIGHT 2 FT AND GREATER FILL HEIGHT LESS THAN 2 FT 1 1 10 6 10 10 10 10 52 0.30 0.38 0.39 0.24 - - - 18.5 -$ 10 6 10 10 I 10 15 47 0.39 0.49 0.51 0.24 - - - 18.5 ,,o 0 8 O Length is equal to spacing of longitudinal at` 10 6 10 10 10 20 47 0.50 0.63 0.65 0.24 - - - 18.5 reinforcing plus 2". (10" Min)(Typ) a3t a;,?. 10 6 10 10 10 25 47 0.61 0.78 0.80 0.24 - - - 18.5 a`,no 0 /2" Min (TYp) a,,2 10 7 70 10 10 < 2 - 0.25 0.40 0.36 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 19.5 6" Min 2" Max (Typ) a`0 0 10 7 10 10 10 2 < 3 58 0.30 0.45 0.40 0.24 - - - 19.5 = Longitudinal m o'er reinforcement a"o 10 7 10 10 10 3 - 5 58 0.24 0.36 0.35 0.24 - - - 19.5 0 L� "o 0 10 7 10 10 10 10 52 0.28 0.40 0.42 0.24 - - 19.5 ,a 10 7 10 10 10 15 47 0.36 0.52 0.54 0.24 - - - 19.5 �aa 10 7 10 10 10 20 47 0.46 0.67 0.69 0.24 - - - 19.5 AS2 to w (top) °Outer cage g o e " 10 7 10 10 10 25 47 0.56 0.82 0.85 0.24 - - - 19.5 AS3(bottom) circumferential AS2(top) �._ ' reinforcement A53(bottom) u '0- at groove end. o x o 10 8 10 10 10 < 2 - 0.24 0.41 0.38 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 20.5 10 8 10 10 10 2 < 3 64 0.27 0.47 0.43 0.24 - - - 20.5 SECTION A-A 10 8 10 10 10 3 - 5 58 0.24 0.38 0.38 0.24 - - - 20.5 MATERIAL NOTES: (Showing top and bottom Provide 0.03 sq. in./ft. minimum longitudinal reinforcement 10 8 10 10 10 10 52 0.26 0.42 0.44 0.24 - - - 20.5 slab joint reinforcement.) at each face in slabs and walls. This minimum requirement 10 8 10 10 10 15 47 0.34 0.54 0.57 0.24 - - - 20.5 may be met by the transverse wires when wire mesh reinforcement is used. 10 8 10 10 10 20 47 0.43 0.69 0.72 0.24 - - - 20.5 Provide Class H concrete(f'c = 5,000 psi). - GENERAL NOTES: 10 9 10 10 10 < 2 - 0.24 0.42 0.41 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 21.5 Designs shown conform to ASTM C1577. Refer to ASTM C1577 10 9 10 10 1 10 2 < 3 70 0.26 0.50 0.46 0.24 - - - 27.5 for information or details not shown. See Box Culverts Precast Miscellaneous Details(SCP-MD) 10 9 10 10 10 3 - 5 64 0.24 0.40 0.40 0.24 - - - 21.5 standard sheet for details and notes not shown. 10 9 10 10 10 10 58 0.25 0.43 0.46 0.24 - - - 21.5 In lieu of furnishing the designs shown on this sheet, the 10 9 10 10 10 15 52 0.32 0.56 0.59 0.24 21.5 contractor may furnish an alternate design that is equal to or exceeds the box design for the design fill height in the 10 9 10 10 10 20 47 0.40 0.71 0.75 0.24 - - - 21.5 table. Submit shop plans for alternate designs in accordance with Item "Precast Concrete Structural Members(Fabrication)". 10 10 10 10 10 < 2 - 0.24 0.44 0.44 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 22.5 10 10 10 10 10 2 < 3 79 0.25 0.52 0.48 0.24 - - - 22.5 HL93 LOADING 10 10 10 10 10 3 - 5 70 0.24 0.42 0.43 0.24 - - - 22.5 Bridge Division 10 10 10 10 10 10 64 0.24 0.44 0.48 0.24 - - - 22.5 ,Texas Department of Transportation Standard 10 10 10 10 10 15 52 0.30 0.57 0.61 0.24 - - - 22.5 10 10 10 10 10 20 52 0.38 0.73 0.77 0.24 - - - 22.5 SINGLE BOX CULVERTS PRECAST 10'-0" SPAN 0 For box length = 8'-0" ®AS1 thru AS4, AS7 and AS8 are minimum required areas of SCP-10 reinforcement per linear foot of box length. AS5 is minimum FILE: scplOsts-20.dgn ON:TxDOT GA:TXDOT I Dw:TxDOT ICE:TxDOT required area of reinforcement per linear foot of box width. ©TXDOT February 2020 COAT SECT JOB HIGHWAY REVISIONS J DIST COUNTY SHEET N0. Q_ 0 U WILLIAMSON 860F135 TABLE OF DIMENSIONS & REINFORCING STEEL TABLE OF WINGWALL WING DIMENSION CALCULATIONS:REINFORCING 0 Skew Angle = 0° (Wings for One Structure End) (2-Wings) Formulas: (All values are in Feet) 0 Variable Estimated 4 Estimated At discharge end, chamfer may be �A". Dimensions 0 Bar Size No. Spa 90' Hw = H + T + C 3 Quantities Quantities Reinforcing less For 15° Skew - 1" per ft per ft of D1 #6 1' 0" > Lw = (Hw) (SL) + Cosine 0 for Ty PW-1 of wing Toewall Skew For 30° Skew 2" # Maximum Bars J1 Bars J2 (2-Wings) (1-Toewall) D2 6 - 1'-0" Angle = (Hw - 1') (SL) + Cosine 0 for Ty PW-2 and Hw ? 4' For 45° Skew = 3" g w X Y Z El #4 1'-0" = (Hw - 0.5') (SL) + Cosine 0 for Ty PW-2 and Hw < 4' WHeightl N Spa N Spa Reinf Conc Reinf Conc F #4 - 1'-0" I 3'-O" I 0 Quantities shown are for two Type PW-1 wings. 1 For Cast-in-place culverts: Hw v N (Lb/Ft) (CY/Ft) (Lb/Ft)(CY/Ft) G #6 8 Adjust concrete volume for Type PW-2 wings. To Ltw = C(N) (S) + (N + 1) (U)] + Cosine 0 determine estimated quantities for two wings, 2'-6" 2'-10" 10" 1'- 0" 7" #4 1'-0" #4 1'-0" 48.64 0.406 6.85 0.071 M1 #4 4 BARS D1 multiply the tabulated values by Lw. P #4 - 1'-0" For Precast culverts: 2'-9" 2'-10" 10" 1'- 0" 7" #4 1'-0" #4 1'-0" 49.31 0.424 6.85 0.071 Quantities shown do not include weight of 3'-0" 2'-10" 10" 1'- 0" 7" #4 1'-O" #4 1'-0' 49.98 0.444 6.85 0.071 V #4 - 1'-0" Ltw = C(N) (2 U + S) + (N - 1) (0.5') ] + Cosine 0 Total Wingwall Area (Two Wings - SF) Bars D. 3'-3" 2'-10" 10" 1'- 0" 7" #4 1'-0" #4 1'-0" 53.32 0.462 6.85 0.071 = (2) (Hw) (Lw) for Ty PW-1 5 o = (2) (Hw) (Lw) 6 SF for Ty PW-2 and Hw ? 4' ® Provide weepholes for Hw = 5'-0" and greater. ,"v 3'-6" 2'-10" 10" 1' 0" 7" #4 1'-O" #4 1'-0' 53.98 0.480 6.85 0.071 90°ss = (2) (Hw) (Lw) 1.5 SF for Ty PW 2 and Hw < 4' Fill around weepholes with coarse gravel. N 4'-0" 3'- 2" 1'- 2" 1'- 0" 7" #4 1'-0" #4 1'-0" 55.77 0.532 6.85 0.071 TABLE OF ,;5''' :� le '604'-6" 3'- 2" 1'- 2" 1'- 0" 7" #4 1'-0" #4 1'-O" 59.77 0.568 6.85 0.071 TOEWALL Skew © Extend Bars E2 1'-6" minimum into the wingwall REINFORCING Angle footing. ,wa 5'-0" 3'- 9" 1'- 7" 1'- 2" 7" #4 1'-0" #4 1'-0" 63.45 0.632 6.96 0.075 Hw = Height of Wingwoll ``''-5' 5'-6" 3'- 9" 1'- 7" 1'- 2" 7" #4 1'-0" #4 1'-0" 67.46 0.668 6.96 0.075 Bar Size No Spa Lw = Length of Wingwall 0 Lap Bars M1 1'-6" minimum with Bars M2. 3'-0" 2- 6'-0" 4'- 4" 2'- 0" 1'- 4" 7" #5 1'-0" #5 1'-0" 80.67 0.730 7.07 0.078 J3 #4 - 1'-0" Ltw = Culvert Toewall Length °iM2 #4 2 N = Number of Culvert Spans � Bars G equally spaced at 8" maximum, place as z_0 6'-6" 4'- 4" 2'- 0" 1'- 4" 7" #5 1'-0" #5 1'-O" 85.05 0.768 7.07 0.078 SL:1 = Channel Slope ratio. (Horizontal: 1 Vertical, shown. Provide at least two pair Bars G per . 7'-0" 5'- 0" 2'- 3" 1'- 9" 8" #5 1'-0" #5 1'-0" 92. 15 0.864 8.07 0.093 E2 #4 - 1'-0" BARS D2 i iA Usual value is 2: 1) wing. Q o'' 7'-6" 5'- 0" 2'- 3" 1'- 9" 8" #5 1'-0" #5 1'-0" 96.54 0.902 8.07 0.093 0 = Culvert Skew s 8'-0" 5'- 6" 2'- 8" 1'-10" 8" #5 6" #5 6" 139.04 0.962 8. 13 0.095 ® 0" min to 5'-0" max. Estimated curb heights are -v See applicable box culvert standard for S, H, T shown elsewhere in the plans. For structures mov 8'-6" 5'- 6" 2'- 8" 1'-10" 8" #5 6" #5 6" 144.47 1.000 8. 13 0.095 a�v 9'-6" 6'- 0" 2'-10" 2'- 2" 9" #5 6" #5 6" 156.93 1.136 8.41 0. 110 Q 1 W-4" I Y +36" and U values. with pedestrian rail, bicycle rail or curbs taller than 1'-0", refer to ECD standard. For -0m 10'-6" 6'- 5" 3'- 0" 2'- 5" 9" #6 6" #5 6" 196.27 1.234 8.57 0. 117 ' structures with T6 bridge rail, refer to T6-CM v"a 11'-6" 7'- 2" 3'- 6" 2'- 8" 11" #6 6" #6 6" 230. 13 1.438 9.52 0. 140 + standard. For structures with traffic rail, '''°L N 12'-6" 7'- 8" 3'- 9" 2'-11" 1'- 0" #7 6" #6 6" 283.41 1.592 9.74 0. 157 3 0 0 other than T6, refer to RAC standard. = N N �`U'1 �--�J w`o 13'-6" 8'- 2" 4'- 0" 3'- 2" 1' 2" #8 6" #6 6" 348.72 1.804 10.02 0. 186 + + + a 10 For vehicle safety, the following requirements m� 14'-6" 8'-10" 4'- 5" 3'- 5" 1'- 4" #9 6" #6 6" 432.94 2.046 10.30 0.218 II +8"I ^� ^1 = must be met: m ` 15'-6" 9'- 6" 4'-10" 3'- 8" 1'- 6" #9 6" #7 6" 489.52 2.302 11.24 0.2531 -' "- D2 D1 - For structures without bridge rail, curbs w- Barrel cannot project more than 3" above finished vov 16'-0" 9'-11" 5'- 0" 3'-11" 1'- 7" #9 6" #7 6" 505.72 2.448 11.47 0.279 reinf BARS J1 BARS J2 BARS J3 BARS V grade. �o J1 Culvert J1 - For structures with bridge rail, build curbs ot= Walls flush with finished grade. vm0 0 o Field Bend as needed. Reduce curb heights, if necessary, to meet the Lw \Lw V ‘C Qo Dz D1 above requirements. No changes will be made in quantities and no additional compensation will a a1'2. 3'-0" Extend Bars G _ 6' 0" 12� tS7 3' 0" Extend Bars G be allowed for this work. a°� IS G O F lTyp1 .01 SL N G 0 F (Typ) "' .0-ip F O� V F 11 1'-0" typical. 2'-0" typical when RAC standard mo O Wingwall Wingwall is referenced elsewhere in the plans. �� vi moo c "°0 1 r - w 10 II w SECTION C-C 123 0" for Hw < 4'. - _ J1 136, forHw < 4'. 1 D2 D1Const Q a Culvert GENERAL NOTESJt -3" weepholeO . �3" weephole O ., V Designed in accordance with AASHTO LRFD Bridge _mow Walls & T- I • T- I Design Specifications. nu: J1 Barrel J1 Provide Class "C" Concrete (f'c = 3,600 psi Min) N ' N iIiiiillii Reinf and Grade 60 reinforcing steel. _ d ---- - R\\ _ Provide 1 I/4" Min clear cover to reinforcing steel. . J2 .- , Ez 6 IT a Ez© D1DeptoftoewallsforwingwallsandculvertsmaybeJz D2 reduced or eliminated when founded on solid rock, when 1 0 directed by the Engineer. 0 \\ O F See BCS sheet for wingwall F V g type and additional E1 M1 M2 J3 E1 M1 M2 J3 dimensions and information. Win wall Win wall P di-17' g P A g g g The quantities for concrete and reinforcing steel lthl PARTIAL ELEVATION - PW- 1 PARTIAL ELEVATION - PW-2 SECTION C-C foruthenCContrractor'sormu inforrmattionnonlythis sheet ore DESIGNER NOTES: I Type PW-1 con be used for all applications and must 12" Finished Grade pO Culvert be used if railing is to be mounted to the wingwoll. (Roadway Slope)- �O Skew Type PW-2 con only be used for applications without 2" ~- a railing mounted to the wingwoll. 10 x (Typ) 0 ' g / O rn U S I U / Jt G 8 A I / , (/ ,,.•- I Limits of Culvert Limits of Culvert Bridge D V F F Lw Lw Division Barrel Quantities Barrel Quantities I / ,Texas Department of Transportation Standard = X Y Y 1 I Const Jt 3" _ I I _ r AF CONCRETE WINGWALLS I J2 _ N J3 //I WITH PARALLEL WINGS FOR ��/ Ltw Lw _• _ - Ltw __ Lw BOX CULVERTS N = - _ 0 E1 P - N N' ~ ��' Culvert Skew Length of Wings / TYPES PW-1 AND PW-2 M1 �' + 2" lik Toe of Slope based on SL: 1 slope „ii ..i, N E2 PLAN along this line _--8" PLAN g t 8„ a M2 Toe of Slope P W W DETAILS FOR DETAILS FOR Pw ©TxDOT stdeOl.February ON: GAF SECT I CK CATR low TxDOT HIGHWAY I TK GAF SECTION A-A SECTION B-B NON-SKEWED BOX CULVERTS SKEWED BOX CULVERTS REVISIONS W LLI ]1-10: Reinforcing quantities. 01ST COUNTY SHEET NO. Q` (Showing Wing Reinf) (Showing Wing Reinf) (Showing 30° Skew) 01-12:PW-1&RW-2 C1, MAW:* 87 OF 135 l 30" DIA CAST IRON Specifications RING w/COVER, H2O GRADE RINGS AS REQ'D. TRAFFIC DUTY CONCRETE : Class 1 concrete with design strength of 4500 PSI at 28 days. Unit is of monolithic TOR EL=XX' construction at floor and first stage of wall 12"± --�y--•-•' with sectional riser to required depth. -r -n ts'-o' —FT-� �� ' 1 REINFORCEMENT: Grade 60 reinforced with steel rebar conforming f 1--1---, '-:1--1 I'-1 - e .:1 to ASTM A615 on required centers or equal. �..'...8 CONTROL MANHOLE GRATING: All steel fabrication shall be in accordance r . � •• '�' I z 1 (OPTIONAL) I': ' to AWA D1.1. Steel shall be ASTM A36 carbon 1 . ' BYPASS WEIR WITH :' I% 1`- steel, and hot-dipped galvanized after .1 ��F9u \ 4 : GALVANIZED SCREEN,N Fyur `� is. `f. 1 fabrication in accordance to ASTM A123 XX" STORM INLET i iN $ y' 'b., XX" STORM OUTLET / I. •. - n t n ;; t r- --- XX" L.. ACCESS: Manhole frames, covers or grates are manufactured r---jr- �T^ I I n 1 I 1 n •,�s I I +• of re cast iron con form in to ASTM A48 lWv"J s I u 1 q. n ■ ■■ I I a 0" XX" .r 9 Y 9 �J T__ t`w _ i �� • . L__ • I ,, Class 30. Manhole shall have 30 inch inside .I \u LL k i CONTROLMANHOLE �\" LL I-,E''i '� 1 diameter and be traffic duty. .•at ;__� ' 'il (OPTIONAL) _-,% ' .t ,. ° ,'. 1 fn I ___ .c -__ 1 �+ .. �� �� HATCHWAYS: Galvanized steel skid-resistant double leaf al , I 1 H-20 rated. � r• 'I \ ., 1 -- .p_1J • TO INTERCEPTOR z �, ,. yl, ,Ilf�• •.' ;..a: • . • . . y�4. :. . e.� IFL,=c� // X,,,,. ;au;� J Engineering Data �- -T _24" BOOTS (TYP-4) L_,._-,XX_ �_y__ . to regulatory standards. Nominal capacity as indicated. f y\1' \:.*! Field excavation and preparation shall be completed prior to delivery of interceptor. Use dimensional data as shown. BYPASS WEIR w/ MEMBER •• I i •+ • _ • GALV. SCREEN � (� N e. 't a' II II: .'•a 4 • . . II •d �3 3'-0" • fpau�+ �'eA� 0114 _ll I�I l I,- i 4'-0" IIPCII -••„�„ `i i COMMfir C-913 SECTION A �i\ CONTROL MANHOLE - - \r •-•-• / NAMEPLATE INDICATING: STORMWATER \ -•-•-•-•_ RUNOFF -`-'-•-' 800-256-8041 General Information \ C•>j\ •-•-•-•- MODEL: STAQ-110 ` �. -•-_:-_e-_.- « DATE MANUFACTURED The StormTroope�AQ stormwater interceptor `�`,,...;. ,ay is designed to receive & treat stormwater .) '- y E� _---.- • runoff on a gravity-flow and once-through •I - c� / _____ basis. Ow . .V�`�a\ .x e •-.--- - I:. GALVANIZED STEEL TRASH SCREEN n'-z" ,.•;. 1"x 1 3/16"BARS 0 4"o.c., Guaranteed Performance ` LLLLELL L ' -"-•-•-•- _;:,a:�� HEIGHT NALL VARY ACCORDING TO Pre-engineered coalescing media packs TO STORM`� • <0.�`�`.`� � � •_e_._e ._ -- .'.s INLET PIPE SEWER • \ -�`" are utilized for enhanced separation _,-. XX" which provide SUPERIOR performance coC .• _. ` - - — �" I utilizeared to baffes other r diverte sotors which LIQUID SURFACE 6" STORMTROOPER --- •--•-•-•- WATER QUALITY 4' 6" INTERCEPTOR •—•—•—'—I ORIFICE I, 62" h Applications . , /'.` \ The Park Storm Trooper Interceptor is designed for stormwater runoff from STORMTROOPER commercial&industrial applications AQUIFER I 10'-0" I where excessive pollutants may harm the INTERCEPTOR • environment or damage sewer systems. • ••'..•• a,: :.:. By-Pass Design t .r d. . , ORIFICE BAFFLE DETAIL R• A by-pass manhole diverts stormwater PLAN VIEW during heavy peak storm periods. This 24" CAST IRON 20" CAST IRON allows for optimal interceptor sizing. RING/COVER XX" X XX" GALV. STEEL RING/COVER Maintenance (TYP-2) HATCHWAY, RATED FOR TRAFFIC LOADING The Park Storm Trooper Interceptor requires (CAST IN OR LOOSE) TOR EL= XX.XX' 6, GRADE minimal maintenance. Hydrocarbons and , solids ore removed from the stormwater via Ibaffles and compartments. These pollutants are removed from the r separator when serviced by a licensed m---1 r vacuum truck operator. i XX"STORM INL T '- ', XX"ES-_ M 1 FL EL= XX.XX€ `'i"� - 1U) �� 6" i 1``=%� i a:.,:� �' FL LTORXX TLET GALV STEEL TRASH SCREEN i 1 - '` 1" K,1 3/16"BARS --_J (— 0IL-WATER- 0 4 0 C (SEE ,I DEBRIS 6.-tn' DETAIL) STORMTROOPER SEPARATOR WATER QUALITY • AQUIFER (SEE DETAIL) SHEET 88 OF 135 ©Park 2012 ORIFICE, 62 L x 6"T, ',.r INTERCEPTOR z COALESCING (SEE DETAIL) _./ f = Z MEDIA PACK PROJECT : OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION BITUMASTIC EXTERIOR• __ - (SEE DETAIL) CUSTOMER COATING • ., - ll CONTROL BAFFLE—'e - : • MONOUTHIC ORDER # PM: BAFFLE iA • - •• - 4, "'4 '• .• • , .. I, www.paNuusa.com %PARKA."1. 2 2" ���' V��%' a; ; ` star ELEVATION Storms ENGINEER PROVIDE ELEVATIONS PRIOR Tifton er Q TO FABRICATION VAULT PROJECTED TOTAL MAXIMUM . ""'p MODEL FLOW SURFACE NUMBER OF NUMBER OF SURFACE SURFACE EFFECTIVE AREA o_ STORMTROOPER AQ RATE AREA PLATE STACK FEET/ AREA OF AREA OF FOR 80% m NO. (gpm) (sf) COLUMNS COLUMN PLATES (Ft2) SYSTEM (Ft AREA REDUCTION STORMWATER QUALITY INTERCEPTOR 0 SWAQ-110 4000 200 6 3.0 713 913 1.23 i SCALE NONE DWG. NO. REV. 3 I DATE 11�12�12 SWAQ-110-BYPASS AA I /\ © •I1ui 0 100 200 =_' - HAGOOD INOINIlEIRER A IOCIATU 1"=100' d SCALE: 900 E.Main Sheet Rode,Tx 78664 { f'11 r : i J Phone(512)244-1546 t ' / r/1 i r ( Fax(512)244-1010 ` f rr J r rI wxw.heaang.com f i 1 / ++'f1 j TAPE ReBishofion Na F-12709 !/r + flI ^^^^w�+�, --y _1 / i1 / fF ff ./// JOB NO.19007®2020HEAIre. / —1---d 1 �JIii F _�_^- -_�__ Y ~ J1 PROPOSED RAISED REFL PAV MRK ' �+ 1 /�f t 5-A• -ti'.s n l-c pp) 1 ' r f ' tJ ` iPROPOSED150LFREFLPAVMRK 1\ 1 i i , .«..+«..«..«..TY I(W)8"(SLD) I If, /f 1 I «..`TERRY R.HAGOOD PROPOSED REFL PAVMRK ' I-f II f o '• 52960 •r . it , TY I{VrJ{ARROW)(WORD) !!' 11''+ {d._ --I ` �p ;f�G▪ 1 ,04.0'Of�� I 1 / _ F "<- ,s r,,,. � I 1,�+ �. � ��— SS/ GPl i PROPOSED 12 LF REFL PAV MRK +1,i�I I ONAlTY I(W)24'(SLD) JI�'1 /! `, I— —(— . 111 �/; PROPOSED SRSA PROPOSED COMBO BRIDGE RAIL(C411) SPEED R2-1 if J J!1 !— — — E ,1 "y � -r� OAKMONT DRIVE STA 0+39.34 BEG.@ STA:1+61.03 UM IT a ll�r 3'CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER —I— —i E �"'f f PROPOSED 120 LF REFL PAV MRK 33.00'LT END @ STA:2+77.58 35 1. i —t— ,HE SEALMPEANNGON,HISDOCUARENTwAS I TY I(W�12 (SLD) )) 1.J J \ I— — I wnI0 2 sYhRrnR HA000D,P.E. 4 SPEED R2-1 I + i .Jr \ �— — — 5296a LIMIT 1 Pb )Ff / THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE MODIFIED WITHOUT THE ry l PROPOSED SRSA PROPOSED 36 LF REFL PAV MRK 1•r I J \ r-- (___) � E EXPRESS WRITTEN ODNSENT OFTHE ENGINEER,AND +7 PROPOSED 447 LF REFL PAV MRK - Ij 1 /1 & THEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE K IES OF THE €OAKMONT DRIVE STA 8+13.37 TY I(VV)24 (SLD) I r , TEXAS ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. TY I(W)4'(BRK) 32.56 RT ' 1/ J 11 I —I / 'f,LOT3 I Ir II 1I, \� L-LII 1 I 1 I O DATE SIGNED: 02l00 I PROPOSED REFL PAV MRK l�J. ! ��J 1 �� I FV ISSUED FOR: �a �//\\ 11_ W I OM(ARROW)(WORD) )) f PROPOSED58bLFREFLPAVMRK E PROPOSED 1912 LFREFLPAVMRK )16, ii r TY I(Y0)8"(DOT] Er ROADWAY PLANS FOR PROPOSED RAISED REFL PAV MRK/ 2 _ AKMONT DRIV EXTENSION suk, TY I(V)4'(SLD) TY I-C(TYP) = - rE<\ n —� — _ ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 Iscomom \ .N. �, PROPR.O.W _ _ _ + T -- \. 3+00 4+pQ 'i • — 6k000- + -%. 1 r/f P5 "�-� �``` E Q i -v -- 1 /' ' PROPOSED SRSA PROPOSED COMBO BRIDGE RAIL(TYP C411) — — — -- 3. _` , . f Oh�ll . — - 1 1 I ' 'f r OAKMONT DRIVE STA 9+50.09-�. BEG.@ STA:1+51.40 d.:.,3'.'- - j 40.00 LT "" END @STA:2+54.57 PR,P T . T} - ..�..�.. / �/ II I .....- . P3 , 1 ,lI 4. I�/ 1 N.MAYS ST. AT CHANDLER OW P2 PROPOSED SRSA .... PROPOSED REFL PAV MRK K PROPOSED SRSA OAKMONT DRIVE STA 75 35.76 I / //. 1 //� K NO _ ' D3-1 consuorvrNr(7a�7 I TY II-A-A OAKMONT DRIVE STA 6+12.91 Z' ' , OAKIIAONT DR. - \• 9ttxxAtor.._ I 33.00 LT N.MAY5ST. D1-1 L _- 7 // /, //7 / \4 E SUMMARY OF PAVEMENT MARKING ITEMS i W2-1 • / // / " ' D3-1 �! ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION UNIT SHEET TOTAL PROPOSED 57 LF REFL PAV MRK 1 4 %;: /// / r �;� 4" TY IN N 8'(DOT) �i i/ i/% ` \\� 6 - RET TY I (SLD) i • 66 6303PM W/RE REQ (W} LF 0 STOP ��:� , 666 6315 RE PM W/RET REQ TY I(l)4"(SLD) LF 1912 P4 ,, '.PROPOSED RAISED REFL PAV MRK PROPOSED SRSA / / / ' TY I-c(TYP) 'll R+nsoNs 3 666-6036 REFL PAV MRK TY I(W)8"(SLD) LF 405 OAKMONT DRIVE STA 8+27.84 / f/7f i%/ ' - R1.1 ,,, \:; I 666-6048 REFL PAV MRK TY I(VV)24"(SLID) LF 48 45.00'LT %0 i PROPOSED(251 LF REFL PAV MRK cRosSTRaFFIc \\.• NO �� SCR RIION 1 672-6009 REFL PAV MRKR TY II-A-A EA 34 ' R3-B , TY I / 8 5LD // / DOES NOT STOP, \ '�..�, ......I 672-6007 REFL PAV MRKR TY I-C EA 36 ONLY ONLY ONLY // 1 W4-4P f $ 666-6078 REFL PAV MRK TY (W)(WORD) EA 5 ,,' / // �,� / I a 666-6054 REFL PAV MRK TY I(MARROW) EA 5 HFA PROJECT NO.19.007 666-6300 RE PM W/RET REQ TY 1(W)4"(BRK) LF 447 issue)DATE.mro1a1 j SIGNING,PAVEMENT 666-6147 REFL PAV MRK TY I(Y)24"(SLD) LF 0 MARKING&DELINEATION 666-6312 RE PM W/RET REQ TY I(Y)4"(BRK) LF 0 BEGIN TO STA 13+D0.00 3 NOTES: 666-6042 REFL PAV MRK TY 1(W)121SLD) LF 120 SHEET NO. 666-6006 REFL PAY MRK TY!(W)4'DOTJ LF 57 1. FOR DETAILS NOT SHOWN REFER TO ROADWAY PLANS PAY1 677-6001 ELIM EXT PAY MRK&MRKS(4") LF 0 2. REFER TO HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT DATA SHEET FOR SHEET 890F 135 A. CURVE DATA AND ALIGNMENT INFORMATION. I 41, SUMMARY OF PAVEMENT MARKING ITEMS ,A0."--) ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION UNIT SHEET TOTAL 666-6303 RE PM W/RET REQ TY I(W)4'(SLD) LF 0 0 100 200 HAGOOD 666-6315 RE PM W/RET REQ TY I(Y)4'(SLD) LF 1080 ' IMOINnmN� nr 90o E.main Shed 666-6036 REFL PAV MRK TY I(W)8"(SLD) LF 490 SCALE:1"=100' Round Rock,TX 78664 Phone(512)244-1546 666-6048 REFL PAV MRK TY I(W)24"(SLD) LF 48 ,� / t Fax(512)244-1010 672-6009 REFL PAV MRKR TY II-A-A EA 28 P6 // !CYPRESS sm. I TAPE Rapishpfipn Na F•12709 672-6007 REFL PAV MRKR TY I-C EA44PROPOSED SRSA ' CYPRESS BLVD STA 17+40.18 `�/ i D3-1 JOB N0.19-007®2Q2D HEA Inc 666 6078 REFL PAV MRK TY I{W)(WORD) EA 3 ��`. 35.50'RT �" i OAKMONT DR. ; ; O F 666 6054 REFL PAYMRKTY I{W)(ARROW) EA 4 aaaraHrc�vrFRsrcr ;° ••,, , ,� F 1 REP1AT1OT.S 1LOCL'4 •' •'`''•+..�� '(`.• CIAKYONT DR , rc. A ti�S 666-6300 RE PM W/RET REQ TY I(W)4"(BRK) LF 223 LOT54AC77fS500 :` D1-2 / Rl-1 :• _ STOP ..�`�� * ''' .* I 666-6147 REFL PAV MRK TY I(Y)24"(SLD) LF 0 :/ i E *i....~..................«. »*. 666-6312 RE PM W/RET REQ TY I(Y)4"(BRK) LF 0 / P5 .y , E TERRY R.HAGOOD CYPRESS BLYD. // CROSS TRAFFIC666 6042 REFL PAV MRK TY (VJ)12"(5LD) LF 100 PROPOSED SRSA / DOEs NorSroP W4 4P ~'`'•.. ; I ,, 5296.0 ...ED3-1 CYPRESS BLVD STA 16+10.23 /' ``'+T•.�� o � ar666-6006 REFL PAV MRK TY I(W)4"DOT) LF 57 (omioii D� r•••..,, _35.50'RT : " / P� / -' %%' s r 1-0' ��� 677-6001 ELIM EXT PAY MRK&MRKS(4") LF 0 /• '••'' EI: / PROPOSED SRSA ss/oNA�' ��� LEFT OAKMONT DRIVE STA 21+33.56 ( A r -28.00 RT / E- f d STOP �,� TURN L� L / :/ PROPOSED REFL PAY MRK + I �'1 t >�-rL j .'......•,. • TY I(W)(ARROW)(WORD) i CROSSTRAFFIC \'`•.,,..a' PROPOSED RAISED REFL MRK rY E THBs hoN THIS DME as I DOES NOT STOP 4f4? ••. (VP} /' / PROPOSED 190 LF REFL PAY MRK + 52960 __ 1 1 C34CMCWTC�MRFSEC$ /// \ \'•'.,,• @a 20'0/C i/ ' • TY-I-C(W)B'(SLD) + THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE MODIFIED WITHOUT THE • II— LOT3$7.878AC14�S' / / \ •N. '� 1 I EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER,AND II i ' / / \ ''••••,. • / � + THEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE PROPOSED SRSA / /// k�—_ .`oar i,l/' PROPOSED 1080 LF REFL PAV MRK + E l XAS ENGINEERING PRAC➢CE ACT. OAKMONT DRIVE STA20+01.44 / / ' /' 2 EA-) / PROPOSED 150 LF REFL PAY MRK / TY I(Y)4"(5LD) i ISSUEDI IS FONR: BID 1 1 0_ c j22.5a LT �, TY I(W)B"(SLD) , // P8 E I . / PROPOSED SRSA E ROADWAY PLANS FOR ol • ;. / -- - ; / / OAKMONT DRNESTA 22+82.74 �o OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION c 'L, _r ���-- — �thik, ( /qr -28.00'RT o o ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 +' ,A: ; -�" 17+00 18+00 //" r R3.8 .`�... I± .�._.__._._._._._._ • _ /� ONLY ;may^_ "'�— -__-- 4t \`` / 810CXQ 1dS ACX S-' - -- - -'`_ 4 ' PROPOSED SRSAIt; LL 4 I ti iay A OAKMONT DRIVE STA 23+96.80 e . E? 3... F� CYPRESS BIM Dl 2 / ;•:---''`� '` � } ?4 V10(fitii ....*41".� -28.00'RT E 2 PROPOSED SRSA PROPOSED 150 LTM I F 8v{5LD} 1 /Agfil4111% 1 �� cru�BLVD. D1-2 1,1— ic—r � � J �'''•.•. .�• OAKMONT DRIVE STA l l+43.25 .,,� I / r .'*** _..-_��� '�`•� • PI l E ` ?,� PROPOSED SRSA E 1t./ +i; / PROPOSED RAISED REFL PAV MRK •;� .`` \zi' �, OAKMONT DRIVE 5TA 25+49.97 ... ! E: /•• FT TYI-Cf�1 :r f `� g, .,�'•_•- -28.00'RT / * 49' it ' /r :• /•• UMUST E •;•_ •/ �.. .��.• __ ss+� — 46+00 - 21-4 E / // IURN LEFT �., = RF�ArlorsQarMavr R3.7L / ���,� • CENTRE SECIRFVlSEDJ : - _. _. -,.. REh5pN5 ,,.... • ` / / tOT3e PROPOSED SRSA / : % % 4 SPEED �•- ' No. DATE DE5 FfON 1 E CYPRESS BLVD STA 10+76.43 •/f / � / 35 . OAKMONT DRIVE I • • •_ . / P12 PROPOSED RAISED REFL PAV MRK E _ if/ f). OAKIVIOMDR / ' _PROPOSED SRSA TY I-C(TYP) $ • •D1-2 /' - OAKMONT DRIVE STA 22+83.77 - 'A I / p4 / / / 28.00'LT PROPOSED REFL PAV MRK I HEA PROJECT NO.19-007 I e . , • - issue)DATE.04/01/21 /I / PROPOSED SRSA ` PROPOSED 135 LF REFL PAY MRK TY II-A-A PP) E rCYPRESS BLVD STA 9+75.97 / / / - TY I(W)4'(BRK) ' SIGNING,PAVEMENT 1 *' �.' 35.50'LT MARKING&DELINEATION E r r : `� / PROPOSED REFL PAY MRK I STA.13+00.00 TO STA 27+OD.IX1 0 4 / / ; I . _ CIINJDY!?RACS'1T8& ,.• : / TY I(W)(DBL ARROW) 3 // / I / " PR SED 100 LF REFL PAV MRK _ PROPOSED 24 lF REFL PAV MRKNOTES. SHEEP NO.r/r •�' r : I TY I(WJ 12'(SLD) TY I(W)24'(SLD) 1. FOR DETAILS NOT SHOWN REFER TO ROADWAY PLANS ' PAV 2 .• r / riff/� / I 2. REFER TO HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT DATA SHEET FOR I SHEET93 OF 135 A. CURVE DATA AND ALIGNMENT INFORMATION. 1 4 I + ,01'''') li 14Z> •I !., • . 0 100 200 HAGOOD INOINlIWPINI A IOCIATQ 900E Main Shed SCALE:1"=100' Round Rodc.TX7B664 Phone(512)244-1546 Fax(512)244-1010 SUMMARY OF PAVEMENT MARKING ITEMS www.heoeng.com `- i---y--I:: I 8 II ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION UNIT SHEET TOTAL TAPE ReAishafionNoF•12709 +� JOB NO.19-007 C 2020 HEA,Inc. 666-6303 RE PM W/RET REQ TY I[W)4"(SLD) LF 0 SPEED ! 1 s.E p P I uMIT �.,.�OAKMONiDR�L.', 1 666-6315 RE PM W/RET REQ TY (Y)4"(SLD) LF 1170 �I. ....••••.........q 3 5 i � 666-6036 REFL PAY MRK TY I[W)8'[SLD} LF 160 -• P6 ! 666-6048 REFL PAY MRK TY I[W)24'[SLD} LF 24 •• P3 PROPOSED SRSA ! PROPOSED SRSA SUNRISE ROAD STA 147+90.55 i b ! TERRY R.HAGOOD 0, 672-6009 REFL PAY MRKR TY II A-A EA 13 �,• OAKMONT DRIVE STA 31+25.10 30.50'RT a 672-6007 REFL PAY MRKR TY I C EA 20 5296C •I 28.D0'RT PROPOSED REFL PAY MRK I'i I ^1 I 666-6078 REFL PAV MRK TY I[W)(WORD) EA 2 ° ;1 S 7 c..? PROPOSED 252 LF REFL PAV MRK TY I(1V)(ARROW) i e< a io � 666-6054 REFL PAV MRK TY I MARROW) EA 2 ass i oNA L EG�. TY I(W)4'(BRIQ I .1 I s6.rrz - PROPOSED REFL PAV MRK I I i 666-6300 RE PM W/RET REQ TY IN A'(BRK) LF 252 PROPOSED 1174 LF REFL PAV MRK - I I PROPOSED 24 LF REFL PAVMRK 666-6147 REFL PAV MRK TY I(Y)24"(SLD) LF 0 A;fi kit. 2 EA • ,/ �•-*SOAK TY I(4V((WORD) TY I(1V)24'{SLD) TY I(Y)4'(SLD) L &�mr6a bbb-6312 RE PM W/RET REQ TY I(Y)4 [BRK) LF 0 1HE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS •'l 1 I j�= 666-6042 REFL PAV MRK TY I[W)12"(SLD) LF 102 ANHO� h y aR"A�°°°'P.E. I r \ E��► THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE MODIFIED WRHODT THE 1 i �� 666 6006 REFL PAV MRK TY I[WJ 4"DOT} LF 0 EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER,AND ' I i , THEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RUIESOFTHE '<I • PB 677-6001 ELIM EXT PAY MRK&MRKS[4) )LF 0 TEXAS ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. I `� I ! - PROPOSED SRSA T_ �_� __ DATE SIGNED: 02l01l21 .....�......--......- - 34.50 L _T-- Y _ SUNRISE ROAD STA 144+41.11 �� 'T`-� -� ISSUED FOR: SD 01 .. .4 Imo_= 1 ;iv_._.,_,.., + I -♦ -- r,. I ♦♦ ROADWAY PLANS FOR +1 r„�••� -11 I 31+00— 3y+,l ?L •3345 ' '♦♦♦ OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION �••�,.r .• +� 011111EMMIIIIIEmonliVia ,_. ._._.I I .♦ ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 s4 ��� I I ♦♦ r 26kOb r������a ,_, I I M yJ • 0 W :_ - - ._". I.., 41 I L. 1 L _ _ !•. I i L I n -=r" '�•~_•' , SUNRISE�• D3-1 1 I PROPOSED 102 IF REFL PAVMRK ,----`c.4% •l-> SUNRISE RD. TY I(YV}12"(SLD) T T T i .. I T v I0A1b0Nr aR.i ! L ' P P1 PROPOSED SRSA ' S P P OAKMONT DUE STA 28+91.87I 49 d 1 28.00'LT STOP Rl-1 ' ' PROPOSED REFL PAV MRK i TY II-A-A PP) CROSSTRAffIC ' DOES NOT STOP W4.4P I P I. ) MAUS ADDITION ..1 ———lc♦ 1 �i PS PROPOSED SRSA_ +I ' LOU/Pr, ♦♦♦ OAKMONT DRIVE STA 32+85.26 91 o e ♦♦ 28.00 LT ! I t�OAK1 CNTDR `♦• ♦ ♦ i 4111111111I PROPOSED 160 LF REFL PAV MRK • I I� P7 ♦ ® ♦♦♦ Re.., 7Y 1(W)8'(SLD) I I I PROPOSED SRSA ♦♦ p2 ♦ N0. DATE DESi7CPTI0N PROPOSED SRSA I SUNRISE ROAD STA 140+50.89 `♦ OAKMONT DRIVE STA 30+26.38 1 .4.,I 1 34.00'LT -I r '4 I �� uuu y _ 28.D0'LT ONLY ONLY I 1 i I PROPOSED RAISED REFL PAV MRK -Pd ' -\\ r - s TY I-C(TYP) PROPOSED SRSA ; II F r I { F HFAPROC{7N0,19-007 OAKMONT DRIVE STA 31+27.72 I' I I I ISSUED DATE.D2p1/1 28.00'LT I II 1 SIGNING,PAVEMENT L I i. I ' I I MARKING&DELINEATION STA.27+00.00TO U'ID 3 NOTES: SHEET NO. 1. FOR DETAILS NOT SHOWN REFER TO ROADWAY PLANS PAV 3 1 2. REFER TO HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT DATA SHEET FOR SHEET 91 OF 135 A. CURVE DATA AND ALIGNMENT INFORMATION. I. Pavement Edge Vi 6" min. when Shoulder width .r no shoulder exists (typ.) may vary(typ.) 1, 4" Yellow Centerline \ 10° min.-12" max. , y 4" White �—' kEdge Line T 4" Solid T 30' 10' 4" Solid 3" min.-4' max. 3" min.-4" max. a7°v,'' / Yellow Line Yellow Line El o mi Shoulder width A E may vary V 0 TWO LANE TWO—WAY ROADWAY WITH OR WITHOUT SHOULDERS 0 0 N' Pavement EdgePavement Edge 6" min. (typ.) A 4' min. A 4' min. 6' min. (typ.) a \ 30' max. 30' max. a m m L \ STOP LINES m o I' T ` Solid White I 0 4" White Lone Line IP 4" White Lane Line 4" Yellow Edge Line Width: 12" min. .0 W `L 24" max. aEo K * k 30' *10' EDGE LINE c o- 30' 10' 4" Solid White m `o` 4" Solid 4" White Edge Line �F 4" White Edge Line CENTERLINE w m Yellow Line 4" Yellow 6" min. o}V (typ) Length: 10' F`y` E› Gap: 30' 0 0 5 " * OPTIONAL >.m o 4" Solid a� J CENTERLINE AND LANE LINES EDGE LINE AND LANE LINES Yellow line m n� on approaches to Eno o 3° ax.far usual ONE—WAY ROADWAY intersections = FOUR LANE TWO—WAY ROADWAY {12" max. for traveled Minimum Requirements (500' min.) Minimum Requirements �a= way greater than WITH OR WITHOUT SHOULDERS y a o WITH OR WITHOUT SHOULDERS 48' only) for Edgelines for Centerlines without Edgelines a o Traveled Way Width 20' Pavement Width 16' <_W ti0' a "J 4" Minimum GUIDE FOR PLACEMENT OF STOP LINES, N � Ago. EDGE UNE„� Pavement Edge � N90 & CENTERLINE 4., o"N White o° 4' White Lane Line �' 30 45e Based on Traveled Way and Pavement Widths far Undivided Highways E'L 4" White Edge Line AIDAlli Bridge Rail ea or Face 4" Yellow Edge Line 4" Solid Yellow Line TABLE 1 — TYPICAL LENGTH (L) m ,o g y a of Curb ~s m __ 20' typ. 12" min. w A 10" min.- 24" typ. * p Formula a Median 12" max. Posted Speed u Width I �j V w White edgeline <40 L= WS 2 ci Width ,m, 60 m L) `III 7 e e e e ?45 L=WS 4" Yellow Edge Line 48" min. from Lane width greater than or equal to 11' edgeline to *85th Percentile Speed may be used on roods where stop/yield line traffic speeds normally exceed the posted speed limit. 8" Solid White ChannelizingLine �_ Varies White edgeline Crasshatchin9re length should he rounded up to nearest 1 24° White Stop or Yield Line9 5 foot t. L=Length of Crosshatching(FT.) W=Width of Offset(FT.) 4" White Edge Line NOTES: S=Posted Speed(MPH) '1. 4" White Lane Line 1. No—passing zone on bridge approach is optional but if used, it shall be a minimum 500 feet long. EXAMPLES: 2. For crosshatching length (L) see Table 1. 3. The width of the offset (W) and the required crosshatching width is the full shoulder width in An 8 foot shoulder in advance of a bridge reduces to All medians shall be field measured to determine the location of necessary striping. Stop/Yield advance of the bridge. 4 feet on a 70 MPH roadway. The length of the cross— bars and centerlines shall be placed when the median width is greater than 30 ft. The median 4. The crosshatching is not required if delineators or barrier reflectors are used along the structure. hatching should be: width is defined as the area between two roadways of a divided highway measured from edge of 5. Far guard fence details, refer elsewhere in the plans. L= 8 x 70= 560 ft. traveled way to edge of traveled way. The median excludes turn lanes. The median width might be A 4 foot shoulder in advance of a bridge reduces to different between intersections, interchanges and of opposite approaches of the same intersection. 2 feet an a 40 MPH roadway. The length of the cross— The narrow median width will be the controlling width to determine if markings are required. ROADWAYS WITH REDUCED SHOULDER hatching should be: L= 4(40) 2/60 = 106.67 ft. rounded to 110 ft. FOUR LANE DIVIDED ROADWAY INTERSECTIONS WIDTHS ACROSS BRIDGE OR CULVERT —rexas Department of Transportation 3 to 12" , Traffic Operations Division GENERAL NOTES MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS >1 24" A 1. Edgeline striping shall be as shown in the plans or as directed by the Engineer. 'AVEMENT MARKERS (REFLECTORIZED) DMS-4200 V V The edgeline should typically be placed a minimum of 6 inches from the edge of 36 TYPICAL STANDARD pavement. This distance may vary due to pavement raveling or other conditions. EPDXY AND ADHESIVES DMS-6100 V V V V Edgelines are not required in curb and gutter sections of roadways. 3ITUMINDUS ADHESIVE FOR PAVEMENT MARKERS DMS-6130 FOR POSTED SPEED ON ROAD BEING MARKED EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 45 MPH PAVEMENT MARKINGS 2. The traveled way includes only that portion of the roadway used for vehicular TRAFFIC PAINT DMS-8200 travel and not the parking lanes, sidewalks, berms and shoulders. The traveled 3 to 12" �" HOT APPLIED THERMOPLASTIC DMS-8220 1 PM(1)-12 ways shall be measured from the inside of edgeline to inside of edgeline of a two lane roadway. PERMANENT PREFABRICATED PAVEMENT MARKINGS DMS-8240 18" :V V V V V V V V V V V FOR POSTED SPEED ON ROAD BEING MARKED EQUAL TO OR LESS THAN 40 MPH ©TxDOT November 1978 ON:TxooT ICx:mast low:moor I CC:mast All pavement marking materials shall meet the REf1SIONS cONT SECT Joe HIGHWAY required Departmental Material Specifications 8-95 2-12 LI]w ❑s specified by the plans. YIELD LINES 8-00 5-00 GIST COUNTY SHEET NO. —I¢p L_ 3-03 *LAWN stEerP1Orias 22A I REFLECTIVE RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR VEHICLE POSITIONING GUIDANCE 3AVEMENT MARKERS (REFLECTORIZED) DMS-4200 EPDXY AND ADHESIVES DMS-6100 3ITUMINOUS ADHESIVE FOR PAVEMENT MARKERS DMS-6130 SEE DETAIL "A" SEE DETAIL"B" Centerline TRAFFIC PAINT DMS-8200 Symmetrical around centerline a,>v �" HOT APPLIED THERMOPLASTIC DMS-8220 o u 4 Type II-A-A — — — . — — — — oLZ. I Continuous two-way left turn lane PERMANENT PREFABRICATED PAVEMENT MARKINGS DMS-8240 ',E Type II A A Y°o ❑ ❑ ❑ / ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ All pavement marking materials shall meet the `o T �� required Departmental Material Specifications =,a, I- 80' =I`" 40' -h 40' —a-I-.< 40' o y k 40 .- K 40' �I K 40' v as specified by the plans. N :I> _ •a v w Ws. E CENTERLINE FOR ALL TWO LANE ROADWAYS I I ❑ I I I I a I I I I ❑ a i m� Type -C - 80' a_Eo q:::>/ IN .2'ELL, Type I-C CENTERLINE AND LANE LINES FOR TWO—WAY LEFT TURN LANE nSEE DETAIL"C" I m o a Type II-A-A N Lt° ❑j, ❑ ---) ctorized ".`° Surface T N a oy o ❑ ` aSurf Type I-Cor - - m g-E II>ao K 80' i T 'I ❑ ❑ ❑ E Type I (Top View) o Cn 6-v ❑ I I I ❑ 0 °oo �V\j q> Type -C or II-C-R -a h / ,cod -8 I I I I I , y TO y_0_, LC� N CENTERLINE & LANE LINES Raised pavement marker Type I-C, clear 80, `o Ey face toward normal traffic, shall o FOR FOUR LANE TWO—WAY HIGHWAYS be placed an 8D-foot centers. =-a AL N C a HY N Type II-A-A 'Type II-A-A W �_ eflectorized Si) ;_4,. 4� 7 LANE LINES FOR ONE—WAY ROADWAY (NON—FREEWAY FACILITIES) Surface 4" Type II (Top View) /' 3-4'„ Raised pavement markers Type II-C-R shall have clear face 1•-4 I 1"-4" toward normal traffic and red face toward wrong-way traffic. 4" 4•� 4° _. i / Type II-A-A 1"-2' 35°°max- 25 min DETAIL "A" DETAIL "B" DETAIL "C" �, r, ' Adhesive Op 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DOD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GENERAL NOTES Roadway CENTER OR EDGELINE K 12+ 1 Surface SECTION A 1, All raised pavement markers placed in broken lines shall be placed in line with and midway between ID D E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DI ID OD D D 0 0 0 0 0 0 DI the stripes. K 19' 7G - 30' -I BROKEN LANE LINE 2. On concrete pavements the raised pavement markers RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS should be placed to one side of the longitudinal REFLECTORIZED PROFILE joints. PATTERN DETAIL \/ - xas Department of Transportation USING REFLECTIVE PROFILE PAVEMENT MARKINGS , Traffic Operations Division II// 12'+ 1° POSITION GUIDANCE USING 111.11111 I� 1/2"+ 1/2° 31/4" + 3,4" ,/\, 300 to 500 mil RAISED MARKERS 4°v /— OR E 6' V I V in height In31,42"+ 3/4 OR 1i2•+ 1i2 REFLECTORIZED PROFILE A quick field check for the thickness of base line and profile marking is approximately MARKINGS 2 to 3" 2 to 3„ equal to a stock of 5 quarters to a maximum ‘11V 1<—>1 2 to 3 q height of 7 quarters. PM(2}— IZ 4" EDGE LINE OR CENTERLINE OPTIONAL 6" EDGE LINE OR CENTERLINE 4" LANE LINE OPTIONAL 6" LANE LINE ©TxDOT April 1977 ON:Txo°T CC:MOT low xo OT CC:Txoan REVISIONS COW SECT JO6 HIGHWAY NOTE: 4-92 2-10 w.. Profile markings shall not be placed on roadways 5-DO 2-12 8-00 °IST COUNTYSHEET NO. ~¢_i with a posted speed limit of 45 MPH or less. 206 o 1,_ _ wIWNREN 91&T99OF135 «tiI 1 Mile (Lane Drop) 1` Varies (See note 3) Varies L� X 1 Yellow Solid >J - , _ Dotted 8" white Lane Line o ❑ . . _ . . . z 0 k 48 >.Type I-C 4" white ° . . J 3 4° �'y \\] o u o a broken 24" White o.:3 ' Type II A A ({�) �/ 0 spaced at 20' 0 o N A ❑ ° ° ° ° ° S Type II-A-A Markers `❑>, in �❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 3-4" -g Z ❑A'� O 4" yellow broken 4" yellow solid ❑ .7E0 Z ��l��� * K* ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 7 tee® n a a m rn 8" white (Typ) Type II C e I-C-R r ❑ 4" ,'2?a Si. spaced at 20' Yellow Solid B typical o Ea l�- - DETAIL A z I zI ' t H▪ W C)L w,—2 o MINOR /- -� *** Typically equal to 1/2 the length of storage lane (�] / � �n' J Type -C 8" white TWO—WAY STREET V LJ V LJ g, •- solid '‘),-5) o I min. a E TYPICAL TWLTL AT TWO—WAY CROSS STREET AND RIGHT TURN LANE DROP oa c ao < 1 Mile (Auxiliary Lane) _ DETAIL C ">,:- I s (See note 3) O C -4111, rn❑� 12....HD " White crosswalk �a~a c Dotted 8" white Lane Line StopWhite N a �i o0 0❑ o nes 48' �Type I-C Final placement of Stop Bar GENERAL NOTES o°� N and Crosswalk shall be approved - EY ?.m a Z 4" white broken by the Engineer in the field. w-0 o N C� ,.� 1. placement elsewhere nrd details.s for additional RPM �s� DETAIL B 2. Lone use throughh and arrowp markingshigshall used ���° 4" yellow broken broken yellow e lanes anes.ng Lone intersection Z become mandatoryturn lanes. Lone use word and m arrow markings should be used in auxiliary lanes .. g `' ° ° MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS of substantial length. Lane use arrow markings Z 3e SEE DETAIL A 4" yellow solid or word and arrow markings may be used in other s .w PAVEMENT MARKERS (REFLECTORIZED) DMS-4200 lanes and turn bays for emphasis. Details for = EPDXY AND ADHESIVES DMS-6100 words and arrows as shown in the Standard Highway v Sign Designs for Texas. 3. When lane used word and arrow mark ngs cre used, BITUMINOUS ADHESIVE FOR PAVEMENT MARKERS DMS-6130 two sets of arrows should be used if the length of \- the bay is greater than 180 feet. When a single ��(--- TRAFFIC PAINT DMS-8200 lane use arrow or word and arrow marking is used 1 for a short turn lane, it should be located at or 4" white broken n /� HOT APPLIED THERMDPLASTIC DMS-8220 near the upstream end of the full-width turn lane. /_ _\ PERMANENT PREFABRICATED PAVEMENT MARKINGS DM5-8240 4. Other crosswalk patterns as shown in the "Texas LJ Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices" m❑y be used. All pavement marking materials shall meet the required Departmental Material Specifications 5. Raised pavement marker Type I-C with undivided highways, 1 ush medians e TYPICAL TWLTL AT ONE—WAY STREET AND RIGHT TURN AUXILIARY LANE as specified by the plans. marking should be used at or just downstream from the beginning of a two-way left-turn lane within a corridor. Repeating the marking after each intersection or dedicated turn bay is not required Type II-A-A Markers 4" Yellow unless stated elsewhere in the plans. Solid _...--} \\\**".....I �D Type II R A Markers ° ° ° L0 Full Lane Width Xas Department of Transportation= = ._ __-__-.-iimmilo •.;__------9-------apyr/0 ° 45 ° ° ° ° ° Typical 12' Min. , Traffic Operations Division SEE DETAIL A 0 ° ° ° ° ° PAVEMENT MARKINGS FOR I' 20' ° 0 ° ° ° TWO—WAY LEFT TURN LANES 1� See note 6 DIVIDED HIGHWAYS AND RURAL LEFT TURN BAYS 8" White PM(3)-12 (tyP)) See Note 5 ©TxoOT April 1998 ON:Tx❑OT ICK:Tx❑en low:rOOOT I CK:MOT TYPICAL TRANSITION FOR TWLTL 2REVISIONS CONT SECT JOB HIGHWAY TYPICAL TWO—LANE HIGHWAY INTERSECTION WITH LEFT TURN BAYS 8-°° AND DIVIDED HIGHWAY 3-p0 H W 3-03 GIST COUNTY SHEET NO. 4—' 2-10 p L_ MASON N SHEET 91 Cf 131 CO3 O> oO~ TRIANGULAR SLIPBASE INSTALLATION GENERAL REQUIREMENTS TO E o0E. o- '� L L L0C O'er C s>.+ GENERAL NOTES: Z m NOTE te III 1. Slip base shall be permanently marked to indicate manufacturer. Method, design, and location of ...Et' Post marking ore subject to approval of the TxDOT Traffic Standards Engineer. Bolt 10 BWG Tubing or a CC Q, There ore various devices approved 2. Material used as post with this system sha I I conform to the fo I I ow i ng specifications: Keeper Plate Schedule 80 Pipe w n 10 BWG Tubing (2.875" outside diameter) o W (See General Note 3) for the Tr i angu I ar S I i pbose System. 0.134" nominal wall thickness (, (2b LD Please reference the Material Producer Seamless or electric-resistance welded steel tubing or pipe c°o Slip Base Steel shall be HSLAS Gr 55 per ASTM A1011 or ASTM A1008 List for approved sI ip base systems. Other steels may be used if they meet the following: c s- ® ® ® http://www.txdot.gov/bus iness/producer_I i st.htm 55,000 P51 minimum yield strength 70,000 PSI minimum tensile strength 0.0 e e The devices shall be installed per 20% minimum elongation in 2" 5/8" structural Wall thickness (uncoated) shall be within the range of 0.122" to 0.138" Imo� manufacturers' recommendations. L]C w bolts (3), nuts Outside diameter (uncoated) shall be within the range of 2.867" to 2.883" ",-L (3), and washers Washers Installation procedures shall be Galvanization per ASTM A123 or ASTM A653 G210. For precoated steel tubing (ASTM A653), recoot x°>rc (6) per ASTM A325 if required by provided to the Engineer by Contractor. tube outside diameter weld seam by metallizing with zinc wire per ASTM B833. .•- or A449 and manufacturer Schedule 80 Pipe (2.875" outside diameter) w L galvanized per 0.276" nominal wall thickness ::: °w item 445 "Galvanizing." Steel tubing per ASTM A500 Gr C Bolt length isOther seamless or electric-resistance welded steel tubing or pipe with equivalent 2 1/2"• Outside diter and wall thickness may be used if they meet the following: o I II II I 46,000 PSI minimum yield strength c n O- 4" Max.�� I'I II la I'I i 62,000 PSI minimum tensile strength ins IL C= LLIJ 21% minimum elongation in 2" v _ _ _ Wall thickness (uncoated) shall be within the range of 0.248" to 0.304" c t Outside diameter (uncoated) shall be within the range of 2.855" to 2.895" m0� Galvanization per ASTM A123 v L o 3. See the Traffic Operations Division website for detailed drawings of sign clamps and Texas L':-t Universal Triangular Slipbose System components. The website address is: o http://www.txdot. ov/publications/traffic.htm 0 o o Stub 4. Sign supports shall not be spliced except where shown. Sign support posts shall not be spliced. y�c B 9 0 n a 3/4 " diameter hole. ASSEMBLY PROCEDURE w Provide a 36" Off- 7" x 1/2" diameter \� °' '..° Foundation ° rod or a4 rebar. I - _ - ==P ^ 1. Prepare 12-inch diameter by 42-inch deep hole. If Solid rock is encountered, the depth of the y;.0 foundation may be reduced Such that it is embedded a minimum of 18 inches into the solid rock. 'ocClass A concrete q2 2. The Engineer may permit batches of concrete less than 2 cubic yards to be mixed with a portable, °'C° °° ^ ° . 12" min, motor-driven concrete mixer. For small placements less than 0.5 cubic yards, hand mixing in a HYN �.e' ' 24" max, suitable container may be allowed by Engineer. Concrete shall be Class A. 3. Push the pipe end of the slip base stub into the center of the concrete. Rotate the stub back and w forth while pushing it down into the concrete to assure good contact between the concrete and stub. Non-reinforced Continue to work the stub into the concrete until it is between 2 to 4 inches above the ground. J concrete footing 4. Plumb the stub. Allow a minimum of 4 days to set, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. u (shall be used 5. The triangular slipbose system is multidirectional and is designed to release when struck from any o unless noted ° elsewhere in the �-'. direction. plans). Foundation Support should take approx. 1. Cut support so that the bottom of the sign will be 7 to 7.5 feet above the edge of the travelway 2.5 cf Of concrete. (i.e., edge of the closest lane) when slip plate is below the edge of pavement or 7 to 7.5 feet above slip plate when the slip plate is above the edge of the travelway. The Cut shall be plumb and straight. I- 12" Dia "{ 2. Attach sign to support using connections shown. When multiple signs are installed on the same support, ensure the minimum clearance between each sign is maintained. See SMD(SLIP-2) for SM RD SGN ASSM TY XXXXX(X)SA(X-XXXX) clearances based on sign types. CONCRETE ANCHOR Concrete anchor consists of 5/8" diameter stud bolt with UNC series bolt threads on the upper end. 6" min Heavy hex nut per ASTM A563, and hardened washer per ASTM F436. The to edge stud bolt shall hove a minimum -�_�- or joint yield and ultimate tensile strength of 50botl 75 ndI, respectively. Nuts,, bolts and washers shall be EMI 1111 EMI galvanized per Item 445, 'Galvaniz- ing." Adhesive type anchors shallDeportment of Transportation hove stud bolts installed with Type , Texas Traffic Operation Division s y III epoxy per DMS-6100, "Epoxies •: '' and Adhesives." Adhesive anchors ��.'. ■ ^ . ° may be loaded offer adequate epoxy SIGN MOUNTING DETAILS • fit M. ' fil ;. cure time per the manufacturer's recommendations. Top of bolt shall SMALL ROADSIDE SIGNS ° extend at least flush with top of the nut when installed. The anchor, TRIANGULAR SLIPBASE SYSTEM 5/8" diameter Concrete Anchor - when installed in 4000 psi normal- 8 places (embed a minimum of weight concrete with a 5 1/2" 5 1/2" and torque to min. of minimum embedment, shall have a 50 ft-Ibs). Anchor may be minimum allowable tension and shear SMD (S L I P O8 expansion or adhesive type. of 3900 and 3100 psi, respectively. SM RD SGN ASSM TY XXXXX(X)SB(X-XXXX1 ©TXDO 002 DN Y J ICI, DW:i%Doi CO:i%DOT 9-08 REVISION' CONTSECT OB HIGHWAY W W F J D15T COUNTY SHEET NO. Q_--J 0IL WIWAISON SH&1950F 135 1 26B �; C``N i / . ONE-WAY Gap between _ L kl 4 _ GENERAL NOTES; c w 0 1 _ Nylon washer, (R6-1) or plaques _ c>o+ i - _ _ ( shall be Aluminum 5/1hex6boltlwith I I I I 1, SIGN SUPPORT u OF POSTS MAX. SIGN AREA 0 O•- / \ Street Nome r w =� I r Sign 4 t Sign c}g r `• 1 Ii 11 `I, II��EI` r (if required) ' - - - ' Panel nut, lock washer, _ ` 10 BWG 1 16 SF 0`w 1 I I I ' `1 ,- - - ` fR1 2 flat washers --- - 10 BWG 2 32 SF L.Loc. i ' 1, l ` / \ 1-aWing // \\ Sch 80 1 32 SF fi per ASTM A307 /� �� S T�,- / I I` 1 r l \ \ , `\i galvanized per Channel I I Sch 80 2 64 SF o+- ` 1 I '-�� •• \ / x ■ Item 445, Sign Clamp I II Z-oi • \ / l / STOP (R1-1) / "Galvanizing." g �a \\ } r - 1 (Specific or /J 2. The Engineer may require that a Schedule 80 post be D I / or r Universal) ` %\� ,, used in place of a 10 BWG where a sign height is 1\ \ l YIELD (R1-2) / I / O N N i 1 i I�/// - /r� abnormal) high h due to a fill slope. acw /_ ) + \ \ / \ / / % _ Y 9 w c o =J 4±1 \ \ / i I Wing 5/16" x 3 3/4" ;■' �/ '.' 3. Sign supports shall not be spliced except where shown. uN6 Tr \ \ -, r r _ ___ Signsupportshallspliced. - - _ Channel / g • o �r �I 1±�i/i i 1I t- > 1r1 nut, lock washer 4. A l un i nun sign blanks shall conform to Departmental 1 + �1, Top View a oTi- See ��'� / and flat washer Material Specifications DMS-7110 and shall hove the o c o 1±I/z 1 Detail D •�; Extruded Alum. Windbeom Top View per ASTM A307 following minimum thicknesses: 0.080 for signs less FE'l L I 1 I I (See SMD(2-1)) galvanized per Detail B than 7.5 sq. ft., 0.100 for signs 7.5 to IS sq. ft., >> t±''/z PLAQUE 1 - variable lengthDetailItem 445, "Galvanizing." and 0.125 for signs greater than 15 sq. ft. LON A 5. Signs that require specific supports due to reasons o L ` STOP = 2 - 32 inch pieces g q p pp YIELD 1 - 8 inch piece in addition to windloading ore indicated on the SM RD SGN ASSM TY XXXXX(1)XX(P) & 1 - 32 inch piece "REQUIRED SUPPORT" table on this sheet. Drill 7/16" hole cox. SM RD SGN ASSM TY XXXXX(1)XX(T) 3/8" x 3 1/2" heavy hex 6. For horizontal rectangular signs fabricated from flat w F L SM RD SGN ASSM TY XXXXX(1)XX(P-BM) (through) after L bolt with nut, lock washer aluminum, T-brackets are used for signs 24 inches or N 0 assembly and install less in height. signs• •u and 2 flat washers per ASTM g U-brackets ore used for si ns of x,c bolt, nut, 2 flat / w w•- i 1 1 1/2" / A307 galvanized per greater height. .> 1.12 u/ft WingChannel washers and 7. When two triangular slipbose supports are used to W L I I 1 I r � . m Item 445 "Galvanizing." 9 .0,.- ` �� J 1 c 1 8 lock washer. _ support 0 single sign, they shall not be "rigidly" ::: r•--=- _ _ 71 Ti-- -7 .. I Ar HI 1 - - 1 connected to each other except through the sign panel. ( +I J } II This will allow each support to act independent)t_/z See Extender, Y I I - __ - __ =- Detail A II when impacted by On errant vehicle. P q 1 1 _- - - .. Splices - - - I 8. Win channel sholl meet ASTM A 1011 SS Gr 50 and be woe W(mox)=6FT y4 M I II g`aoHgalvanized per ASTM A 123. 40 I 1 9. Excess pipe, wing channel, or windbeom sh01I be cut O I ii \ See off so that it does not extend beyond the sign panel I I 1 \ , (i.e., excess support shall not be visible when the NCot I I I � 1 Detail B e_ _ De t a i I F sign is viewed from the front.) Repair galvanized ✓oo JJJJ ® U-Bracket Coating of cut Support ends per Item 445, "Galvanizing." 10.Additional route markers may be added vertically, - shall only be allowed behind the sign substrate. provided the total sign area does not exceed the o�0 Al 0 COo �.� maximum OI IOWOble amount per Note 1. 0 0 00 _� _�See 0.c _ W-39 Detail C tt.Adtlitional sign clamp required on the "T-bracket" post w n N 39 2 I I Nylon washer, T&U Bracket for 24 inch height signs. Place the clamp 3 inches above _ /z 5/16" x 1 3/4•• �� bottom of sign when possible. N SM RD SGN ASSM TY XXXXXl1(XX(U) W II Aluminum hex bolt with C 12.Post open ends shall be fitted with Friction Caps. 15H- 38 V 38 Sign I nut, lock washer, r - - -1 1/2" x 4" heavy 13.Sign blanks shall be the sizes and shapes shown on the N N O SM RD SGN ASSM TY XXXXX(1)XX(U) Panel I 2 flat washers I hex bolt,washer andnptglat plans. SM RD SGN ASSM TY XXXXX(1)XX(D-WC) I per ASTM A307 m a c Q I 1 washers per ASTM w C o r _ I _ _ (See Note 11l galvanized per ®V0,((0((0(( _ _ _ [1i A307 galvanized per ry",q Item 445, - 1 1 Wing 1 1 1 I I "Galvanizing." I 1 Item 445, "7- -z' - J Channel "Galvanizing.' "U" Extender y y I I 5/16" x 3/4" I I I hex bolto with REQUIRED SUPPORT r 1 I nut, lock washer N , 1 /I i r1 1 I and 2 flat washers o J per ASTM A307 Post SIGN DESCRIPTION SUPPORT ��_' _ See ) ` _ ) Side View TY 10BWG(1)XX(T) 1 Detail F II galvanized per 48-inch STOP sign (R1-11 ' / ) ' �i I Item 445, TY 10BWG(1)XX(P-BM) 1 I I I I le TY 1OBWG(1)XX(T) 1 ■ I 11FT 91N "Galvanizing." Detail E T 60-inch YIELD sign (RI-2) TY 10BWG(1)XX(P-BM) r ■ _ 1 (mat) ,_ '__-, �__ '__� 1 1 I Deta i I C o 48x16-inch ONE-WAY sign (R6-1) TY IOBWIl)X XIP-B C - SIDE VIEW TY 10BWG(t)XX(P-BM) 1 ' 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 ' I I 1 36x48, 48x36, and 48x48-inch signs TY 10BWG(1)XX(T) �__ '_s _ _' _� J �� TOP VIEW I a. 48x60 inch signs TY 580(I)XX(T) � \1 f V �- -'_ _ �' �-' - l J Sign ClampI 9 I i l I I i w Extruded (Specific or 1 1� h I I W(mox).6FT 1 Aluminum Universal) 48x48-inch signs (diamond or square) TY 10BWG(1(XX(T) /11 ` 1 11 r1 1� rl W i ndbeon �\� /� l_\_`_ _/ J `\� �/1 \ I LS - - -'-' ��„� (see SMD(2 1)) 48x60-inch signs TY S80(1)XX(T) 1� ' i -' - -J L _ /-) W 3/8" x 3 1/2" square J•�,,` �\ T �� 48-inch Advance School X-ingsign fSl-1) TY IOBWG(ll XXfT) ' 1 ' �) Head bolt, nut, flat �OO�O�OO t g I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5W I washer and lock washer S T per ASTM A307 galvanized \ �0`� Sign Clomp 48-inch School X-ing sign (S2 t) TY tOBWG(ll XX(T) y `- - J g\ o`� e -• (Specific or ' per Item 445 1!�j jlra Universal) _ " Large Arrow sign (WI-6 & W1-7) TY 10BWG(1)XX(T) "Galvanizing." (Bolt �, / Post �� ''' l J length may vary depending on sign See clamp type and Detai I D I pipe d i aneter.) Texas Deportment of Transportation Detail E AI Traffic Operations Division Friction cops may be manufactured from hot rolled SM RD SGN ASSYM TY XXXXX(21XX(P) or cold rolled steel sheets. The minimum sheet metal SM RD SGN ASSM TY 580(1)XX(U tEXT) SM RD SGN ASSM TY S80(1)XX(U-2EXT) FRICTION CAP DETAIL thickness shall be 24 gouge for all cap sizes. SIGN MOUNTING DETAILS The rim edges shall reasonablybestraight and SMALL ROADSIDE SIGNS 0.25 H 05" A , n Smooth. Caps shall be siziz ed and formed in such a l W(max)=8FT All dimensions ore in english Skirt j K >Ii I" min, manner as to produce a drive-on friction fit and ,1 unless detailed otherwise. Variation Pipe O.D. 1 75" max hove no tendency to rock when seated on the pipe. TRIANGULAR S L I P BA S E SYSTEM II Depth �/ 025"•.010" V The depth shall be sufficient to give positive H I protection against entrance of rainwater. They SMD (SL I P-2) -08 shotl be free of sharp creases or indentations Rolled Crimp to .( and show no evidence of metal fracture. SM RD SGN ASSM TY XXXXX(L)XX(T) ©TxDOT July 2002 DN:rxnoT IcK:SHOOT IDw:T%DOT ICI SHOOT 0.2W 0.6W - 0.2W -- (■ - See Note 12) engage pipe O.D. Pipe O.D. Caps shall hove on electrodeposited coating of REVISIONS W •.025"+.010" zinc in accordance with the requirements of ASTM 9-08 oNT SECT JOB HIGHWAY w i,i B633 Class FE/ZN 8. F J DIST COUNTY SHEET NO. a-• 0 IL wIWIMSON SHEET 56 OF 135 26C TON o m>,0 GENERAL NOTES( c O -L0 W(minl>8FT Nylon washer, 1. 0.25 H Wing Y SIGN SUPPORT a OF POSTS MAX. SIGN AREA >00 E W(maxl=16FT Channel 5/16" x 2 1/2" 3/8" x 4" heavy hex 10 BWG 1 16 SF o.L r hex bolt with Drill 7/16" hole L o o IQ I III nut, lock wosher, (through) after bolt with nut, lock washer 10 BWG 2 32 SF T-I- H i 1 ��v/ \ q A307ond galvanized flot eperrs �r ASTM Sch 80 1 32 SF l \y 2 flat washers assemblyand install Sch 80 2 64 SF o*-- See Detail C - per ASTM A307 bolt, nut, 2 flat Item 445 "Galvanizing." z_a I _ _ _ _ " •""_ J galvanized per washers and / •-a {1 1/2" 2. The Engineer may require that a Schedule 80 post be }p Item 445, lock washer, W used in place of a 10 BWG where a sign height is a w a --0.15W--- - O. - -0.15W- "Galvanizing." -_-_ _ abnormally high due to a fill slope. can o _ _ 1 3. Sign supports shall not be spliced except where shown. W //IAIIIIIIIII 9I//Q//////////////////////////■ lu Extender II ' Sign support posts shall not be spliced. ._d L c o SM RD SGN ASSM TY XXXXX(1)XX(T-2EXT) , II 4. Aluminum sign blanks shall conform to Departmental (a - See Note 12) II Material Specifications DMS-7110 and shall have the all following minimum thicknesses: 0.080 for signs less ° than 7.5 Sq. ft., 0.100 for signs 7.5 to 15 sq. ft., c Sign ` and 0.125 for signs greater than 15 sq. ft. a`,wPanel e \ 5. Signs that require specific Supports due to reasons �00 Side View Detail C Extruded Alum. Windbeam (See Detail D on SMD (SLIP-21) in addition to windloading are indicated on the or 1.12 a/ft Wing Channel (See Detail A and Detail B) ® T-Bracket "REQUIRED SUPPORT" table on this sheet. co m 6. For horizontal rectangular signs fabricated from flat W x` De t a i I B Splices shall only be allowed behind the sign substrate• ~ aluminum, T-brackets are used for signs 24 inches or o u less in height. U-brackets ore used for signs of w y greater height. > 7. When two triangular slipbaSe supports are used to support a single sign, theyshall not be "rigidly" vE°n° = (2) 8" 9 9 9 Y" }a` E r� I I connected to each other except through the sign panel. C o This will allow each support to oat independently n;v, w variable Sign when impacted by an errant vehicle. W. l I See Detail A Clomps 8. Wing channel shall meet ASTM A 1011 SS Gr 50 and be 2.. n o W(mox).15FT I H 2w—' (Specific or galvanized per ASTM A 123. See Detail B w D. Universal) 9. Excess pipe, wing channel, or windbeom steal) be cut >n n 1I I 1 * 1 / ` off so that it does not extend beyond the sign panel rn>.m l 1 12' - I� W \ (i.e., excess support shall not be visible when the a o+ F H OI I I I i "YY sign is viewed from the front.) Repair galvanized O° l 1 8" �,I 1 r -1 coating at cut Support ends per Item 445, "Galvanizing." 000 =GE ref j 1�~ - - - _ _ 10.Sign blanks shall be the sizes and shapes shown on o°�o -.- -.-8 1/2" - 8 1/2" - - - - the DIOns. C 0 o I- I I " 11.Additional sign clomp required on the "T-bracket" post I I I for 24 inch high signs. Place the clomp 3 inches above in>•o W-39" ®e 39" -- W 39" variable III 1� ml, bottom of sign when possible. •-n v, 2 2 Post 12.Post open ends shall be fitted with Friction Caps. .0 V) W I 1 c l omp I 0E- I I I a•`"o SM RD SON ASSM TY XXXXX(1)XX)U-XX) ,II I oI _, --,I�, o c 1- I I Sign clamp-,7'. I 3/8" x 4 1/2" c c° 12" I- I 1 • square head H-Y En Ir 'I Ir 'I I [I 1 bolt, nut, SG 7� �.� f I of washer w I I I I 6" ASTM lockand washer galvanized h a 11 1 1 S3x5.7 I I I stiffeners per Item 445, REQUIRED SUPPORT N "Galvanizing•" o Sign Clamp Sign attached with SIGN DESCRIPTION SUPPORT (Specific or Panel 2 7/8" O.D.�n Slip base l--I post clomps TY 10BWG(1)XX(T) Universal) Sch, 80 J l (See ditio a g (R1 U Wing Detail E 48 Inch STOP sl n TY 10BWG(1)XX(P-BM) steel pipe for additional TY 10BWG(1)XX(T) Channel >, 60-inch YIELD si n (R1-2) details) q TY 10BWG(1)XX(P-BM) Nylon washer, iypiC01 $i9B Moult o TY 10BWG(1)XX(T) See Detail E o 48x16-inch ONE-WAY sign (R6-1) 5/16" x 4 1/2" • J SM RD SGN ASSM TY S80(2(XX(P-EXAL) - TY 10BWG(1)XX(P-BM) for clomp installation hex bolt with % rn nut, tk wtsher, a�//„—� /1 * Additional stiffener placed at 1pproximote center r 36x48, 48x36, lnd 48x48-inch signs TY 10BWG(1)XX(T) 2 flat washers % / of signs when sign width is greater than 10'. 1�1 ■/I�� 46x60 inch signs TY S80(IIXX(T1 per ASTM A307 a iF galvanized per Top View 6 H 46x48 inch signs (diamond or square) TY 10BWG(1)XX(T) Item 445, 6" panel should Sign Clamp "Galvanizing." Detail A be placed at the top of - - I 48x60-inch signs TY S80WI1XX(T) See Detail D o: sign for proper mounting. v v., c 'c 48-inch Advance School X-ing sign (51-1) TY 108WG(1)XX(T1 >< 24" or 0 ' Sign Clamp 1=116" ° greater 48-inch School X-ing sign (S2-11 TY 10BWG(1)XX(T) (Specific or 1 Ilm=1X Universal) ' ;e► sa Large Arrow sign (W1-6 & W1-7) TY 10BWG(1)XX(T) /\\ , 3/8" x 1" square M--Y head bolt and nut - Nylon washer, � \ \ Texas Deportment of Transportation 5/16" x 4 (/2" 1I I lo0 , Traffic Operations Division hex bolt with 116111J\� \\r nut, lock wosher, � Use Extruded Alum. Windbeam as stiffeners 2 flat washers \\ \ T Bracket See SMD (2-I) for additional details SIGN MOUNTING DETAILS Extruded Aluminum per ASTM A307 '�" Sign See Detail E galvanizedItem per M' C\J for clomp installation SMALL ROADSIDE SIGNS "Galvanizing," \\I TR I ANGULAR SL I PBASE SYSTEM h /\lo� 2 7/8" 0.D. 1 Sch. 80 or 10BW Sli base �I \ \ steel pipe D SMD (SL IP-3) -08 Extruded Aluminum Panel Extruded Aluminum Sign ©TxDOT July 2002 DN.Tx00T IC,Tx00r IDw:rxDOT kit:TXDOT Detail D With T Bracket 9-08 REVISIONS COW SECT JOB HIGHWAY ww EXTRUDED ALUMINUM SIGN WITH T BRACKET -J D15T COUNTY SHEET N0. "Sc-" 1=1LL WILLWASON SHEET970F135 26D I TA SIGN SUPPORT DESCRIPTIVE CODES REQUIRED CLEARANCE SIGN LOCATION aCW o0} (Descriptive Codes correspond to project estimate and quantities sheets) FOR BREAKAWAY SUPPORT c,_ SM RD SGN ASSM TY XXXXX (X) XX (X-XXXX) PAVED SHOULDERS T-INTERSECTION o w 62 g Post Type I( / :Ill 0-- FRP Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Pipe (see SMDtFRP)) =°-W TWT Thin-Walled Tubing (see SMD(TWT)) �� lmint� HIGHWAY 6 ft min HIGHWAY : n" 10BWG . 10 BWG Tubing (see SMD(SLIP-1) to (SLIP-3)) INTERSECTION INTERSECTION Q'c 580 . Schedule 80 Pipe (see SMDtSLIP 1) to (SLIP 3)) � N E wooer or Posts tl or 21 L:' AHEAD AHEAD 12 ft min •-SO -`a Ant9Eor Type I�' 1 0 to 6 ft - Greater 6 ft min 0 0 Non-breakaway 1 " j than 6 ft j o`C 0 UA . Universal Anchor - Concreted (see SMD(FRPI and ITWT)l portion of •�� 7.5 ft max 7.5 ft max W E U8 . Universal Anchor - Bolted down (see SMD(FRP) and (TWT)) support _ 7.5 ft max o Travel 7.0 ft min ■ Travel 7.0 ft min + C�- WS . Wedge Anchor Steel - (see SMD(TWT)) (i.e., stub). _ - fn1 f1 7.0 ft min . , 9 4" max. Lone II + Lone II + Travel L w w WP Wedge Anchor Plastic (see SMD(TWT)) ". ,, ,,. c 0 L SA . Slipbose - Concreted (see SMD(SLIP-I) to (SLIP-3)) 60"- Paved Paved I Lone SB . Slipbose - Bolted Down (see SMDtSLIP-I) to (SLIP-3)) Ground ao w Surface Shoulder Shoulder Paved '1 LL STgn Mounting Designation Shoulder XLC P • Prefab. "Plain" (see SMDtSLIP-1) to (SLIP-3), (TWT), (FRP)) LESS THAN 6 FT. WIDE GREATER THAN 6 FT. WIDE >' T . Prefab. "T" (see SMD(SLIP-1) to (SLIP-3), (TWT)( — To avoid vehicle snagging,undercarriage 9 99 9. on Y When this sign is needed of the end of a two lane, 0 o U . Prefab. "U" (see SMDtSLIP-1) to (SLIP-3)) Substantial remains of a breakawaySupport, When the Shoulder is 6 ft. or less in width. When the shoulder is greater than 6 ft in width, two WOy roadway, the right edge of the sign ShOUId °�O when it is broken away, should not the sign must be placed of least 12 ft, from the sign must be placed Ot least 6 ft, from the t IF REQUIRED projectbe in line with the centerline of the roadway. Place a the edge of the travel lone, edge of the shoulder, r o TEXT or 2EXT Number of Extensions (see SMDtSLIP-1) to (SLIP-3), (TWT)) more than 4 inches above a 60-inch chordas close to ROW os practical. D a a BM • Extruded Wind Beam (see SMD(SLIP-1) to (SLIP-3)) _ (i.e., typical space between wheel paths(. dD w o WC • 1.12 u/ft Wing Channel (see SMDtSLIP-I) to (SLIP-3)) WEST EAST COL EXAL • Extruded Aluminum Sign Panels (see SMDtSLIP-3)) riq"a BEHIND BARRIER /� ` � >n` NOC _ _ — —DTW / \ �- 009 No more than 2 Sign ,�/ / ` \ \. /// / \ \�\ 5ftmin»■ HIGHWAY 2ftmin■■ -� HIGHWAY Row_ „ _ „ _ „ � _ „ _ , , COL000 posts should be located , \ Acceptable / INTERSECTION INTERSECTION g N� w i th i n a 7 f t. C i rC I e. I In m r,1 AHEAD AHEAD Paved Shoulder ID. 1 }0 w ` / Edge of Troves Lone o•- _ _ / _ _ \ 7 ft. / awo \ • \� diameter / ,7 ft. ' \ • \ diameter / Guard 7.5 ft max Concrete 7.5 ft max M M = M 0 o c / circle / - _ _ Travel t Rail (1 7.0 ft min I. Trove( Barrier fn1 7.0 ft min . \ _ _ / \ Lone < + Lone II - i'EYW 4 O \ Not Acceptable Paved Paved n I 1 �® I I n Shoulder ,Shoulder W \ I \ I - 07 ft. \\ diameter ///7 ft. \\ diameter �// BEHIND GUARDRAIL BEHIND CONCRETE BARRIER o circle . Not Acceptable ' circle - Not Acceptable ..Sign clearance bused on distance required for proper guard roil or concrete barrier performance. • Signs shall be mounted using the following condition that results in the greatest sign elevation: TYPICAL SIGN ATTACHMENT DETAIL SIGNS WITH PLAQUES RESTRICTED RIGHT-OF-WAY (I) a minimum of 7 to o maximum of 7.5 feet above the (When 6 ft min. IS not DOSSioie.P edge of the travel lone or Single Signs Back-to-Back (2) a minimum of 7 to o maximum of 7.5 feet above the Signs ^ EAST grade at the base of the support when sign is U-bolt ` ' F Fua� Maximum installed on the bockslope. Nylon washer, floc 14FT41N EAST possible HIGHWAY The maximum values may be increased when directed by washer, lock washer,�a KW nu INTERSECTION the Engineer. iv Sign nut [-Sign Panel 7,5 ft max AHEAD See the Traffic Operations Division website for detailed Clomp I 7.0 ft min . LOW 3 5 i=> �D drawings of sign clamps, Triangular Slipbose System \\\E-3. \ CLEu1N[E Y.a.x. ir components and Wedge Anchor System components. Sign Post / U.� \ _ \ ,�'�Nut, lock 3 9 Y _ \�\ \ washerLI When o supplemental plaque 6 The website address is: Travel or secondary sign is used, ■.■ i � � � 7.5 ft max http://www.txdot.gov/publications/troffio,htm I- I //� Lane the 7 ft sign height is / Sign 11111Ir measured to the bottom of 7.0 ft min . itAl.1 fa Nut, lock Clomp Sign Post ,Paved the supplemental plaque I / I washer Shoulder or secondary sign. Travel Lane I I Nylon washer, flat % / ��� 1 �% ... Texas Deportment of Transportation Sign Panel `T'� j /j �11I�=!!I washer, lock washer, ME / mil CURB & GUTTER OR RAISED ISLAND Paved , nut \%r�1 ' Traffic Operations Division 1-1, Shoulder Bolts used to mount sign panels to the clamp are Right-of-way restrictions may be created 5/16-18 UNC galvanized square head with nut, Clamp Bolt Sign Panel y 2 ft 2 ft by rocks, water, vegetation, forest, SIGN MOUNTING DETAILS nylon washer, flat washer and lock washer. The Nylon washer, flat min min buildings, a narrow island, or other HIGHWAY factors. ' SMALL ROADSIDE SIGNS bolt length is 1 inch for aluminum. washer, lock washer, Sign Bolt INTERSECTION nut When two sign clamps are used to mount signs AHEAD In situations where a lateral restriction GENERAL NOTES & DETAILS bock-to-bock, use a 5/16-18 UNC galvanized hex prevents the minimum horizontal clearance Approximate Bolt Length from the edge of the travel lone, signs head per ASTM A307 with nut and helical-spring lock 99 s Pipe Diameter Should be placed as for from the travel SMD (G E N) -0 8 washer. The approximate bolt lengths for various post Specific Clamp Universal Clamp sizes and sign clamp types are given in the table Ot 1 lone as practical. right. The bolt length may need to be adjusted 2" nominal 3" 3 or 3 1/2" 7.5 ft max depending upon field conditions. 2 1/2" nominal 3 or 3 1/2" 3 1/2 or 4" Face of 7.0 ft min . Face of ... Post may be shorter if protected by ©TxDOT July 2002 ON:TOOT ICI:MOT IDw:Tn.. ICK.TKDOT 3" nominal 3 1/2 or 4" 4 1/2" Curb 1 f Curb guardrail or if Engineer determines the 9-08 REVISIONS CONT SECT JOB HIGHWAY LiL Y Sign clomps may be either the specific size clomp r v post could not be hit due to extreme Or the universal CIOmp. 4:<•i ._:^:,PS: $lope' DIST COUNTY SHEET NO. Q.. 0, WIWO.. SHEm980F135 26A GENERAL NOTES REQUIREMENTS FOR INDEPENDENT MOUNTED REQUIREMENTS FOR BLUE, BROWN & GREEN 1. Signs to be furnished shall be as detailed elsewhere in the plans and/Or os shown on sign tabulation sheet. Standard sign designs and arrow dimensions ROUTE SIGNS D AND I SERIES GUIDE SIGNS can be found in the "Standard Highway Sign Designs for Texas" (SHSD). 0•- C O L 2. White legend shall use the Clearview Alphabet. The following Clearview fonts w T> Shall be used to replace the existing white Federal Highway Administration c oo w (FHWA) Standard Highwoy Alphabets, when not specified in the SHSD, or in the o ll0D SHEETING REQUIREMENTS plans. LE O+0 B CV-lW 0 0± USAGE COLOR SIGN FACE MATERIAL C CV-2W Z- BACKGROUND WHITE TYPE A SHEETING SHEETING REQUIREMENTSTl D CV-3W CABACKGROUND ALL OTHERS TYPE B OR C SHEETING USAGE COLOR SIGN FACE MATERIAL E CV-4W and Emod CV-5WR + LEGEND & BORDERS WHITE TYPE A SHEETING BACKGROUND ALL TYPE B OR C SHEETING u c 3 F CV-6W a d LEGEND & BORDERS BLACK ACRYLIC NON-REFLECTIVE FILM LEGEND & BORDERS WHITE TYPE D SHEETING 3. Route sign legend (ie. IH, US, SH and FM shields) shall use the Federal o v 0 LEGEND & BORDERS ALL OTHERS TYPE B or C SHEETING LEGEND, SYMBOLS Highway Administration (FHWA) Standard Highway Alphabets B, C, D, E, Emod ao & BORDERS ALL OTHERS TYPE B OR C SHEETING c° EE y or F). C w 0 L E 0 4. Lateral spacing between letters and numerals shall conform with the SHSD, Coo and any approved changes thereto. Lateral spacing of legend shall provide 'm o 0 a balanced appearance when spacing is not shown. c + wI-- o 0 0 HOG37F1-1 , 5. Independent mounted route sign with white or colored legend and borders o x v �� shall be applied by screening process with transparent color ink, transparent • + colored overlay film to white background sheeting or cut-out white sheeting da`,` to colored background sheeting, or combination thereof. White legend, symbols ✓'w 0 and borders on all other signs shall be cut-out white sheeting applied to 0 c„ n •- ICIERC MS a colored background sheeting. o 7:Z7--a0i3 0 4E{Q55 L- 1 1 6. Information regarding borders and radii for signs is found in the "Standard L w� Highway Sign Designs for Texas". Dimensions shown and described for borders i o o Z and corner radii on parent sign ore nominal. Borders may vary in width as o CA 0 much as 1/2 inch. Corner radii above 3 inches may vary in width as much OS QE 0 , 1 inch. Borders and corner radii within O parent sign must be of matching 0 c o widths. The sign area outside the corner radius should be trimmed or rounded. L 0'.- 0 c O w 7. Sign substrate shall be any material that meets the Departmental Material °F o Specification requirements of DMS-7110 or approved alternative. 0 c o 8. Mounting details of roadside signs are shown in the "SMD series" Standard + o Plan Sheets. TL 0 0 O w o o D30+ WDE0 DEPARTMENTAL MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS —0 W m J- a r, 1 u v+ O �M ALUMINUM SIGN BLANKS DMS-7110 V Cw U\��fl _ �f J 1v SIGN FACE MATERIALS DMS-8300 INTEyRnSTpii� zi\R E n D ALUMINUM SIGN BLANKS THICKNESS Q II (;\Ln� LLJJ Square Feet Minimum Thickness (11) Less than 7.5 0.080 7.5 to 15 0.100 Greater than 15 0.125 The Standard Highway Sign Designs for Texas (SHSD) con be found at the following website. http://www.txdot.gov/ QQMC Opic erations Lockhart <=i J'e ,Texas Department of Transportation Standard r®® ° State Park Gaffe d TYPICAL SIGN WAD REQUIREMENTS II TSR (3) - 13 TYPICAL EXAMPLES FILE: tsr3-13.dgn DN: TxDOT I cK:TxDOT I ow: TxDOT I OK:TxDOT TYPICAL EXAMPLES ©TxDOT October 2003 CONY SECT JOB HIGHWAY REVISIONS w w 12-03 7-13 -_1DIST COUNTY SHEET NO. a-- 9-08 0 LL WIWAMSON SHEET 990F135 3 I REQUIREMENTS FOR RED BACKGROUND REQUIREMENTS FOR WHITE BACKGROUND REGULATORY SIGNS REGULATORY SIGNS GENERAL NOTES (STOP. YIELD, DO NOT ENTER AND (EXCLUDING EXCLUDING STOP, YIELD, DO NOT ENTER AND 1. Signs to be furnished shall be as detailed elsewhere in the plans and/or as shown an sign tabulation sheet. Standard sign designs and arrow dimensions WRONG WAY SIGNS) WRONG WAY SIGNS) can be found in the "Standard Highway Sign Designs for Texas" (SHSD). 2. Sign legend shall use the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) / ` Standard Highway Alphabets (B, C, D, E, Emad or F). o YIELD 3. Lateral spacing between letters and numerals shall conform with the SHSD, S T 0 P and any balanced approvedappearance changes when thereto.spacing Laterisnoal t sphacingshown. of legend shall provide w r r . 0a y SPEED 4. Black legend and borders shall be applied by screening process or cut-out o i ` / acrylic non-reflective black film to background sheeting, ar combination LIMIT thereof. `8 t ai 5. White legend and borders shall be applied by screening process with transparent ¢'1 Si colored ink, transparent colored overlay film to white background sheeting or °f 55 ,14 cut-out white sheeting to colored background sheeting, or combination thereof. 41. E `16a DO NOT 6. Colored legend shall be applied by screening process with transparent colored �o w WRONG > ink, transparent colored overlay film or colored sheeting to background •5 ar sheeting, or combination thereof. Poi ENTER WAY 7. Sign substrate shall be any material that meets the Departmental Material w= Specification requirements of DMS-7110 or approved alternative. Enm "N Cr, TYPICAL EXAMPLES °E o 8. Mounting details for roadside mounted signs are shown in the "SMD series" r Na Standard Plan Sheets. ❑ Io° REQUIREMENTS FOR FOUR SPECIFIC SIGNS ONLY 2 SHEETING REQUIREMENTS 0 0 2 SHEETING REQUIREMENTS USAGE COLOR SIGN FACE MATERIAL rn W b ,Nr 2 USAGE COLOR SIGN FACE MATERIAL BACKGROUND WHITE TYPE A SHEETING N o BACKGROUND RED TYPE B OR C SHEETING BACKGROUND ALL OTHERS TYPE B OR C SHEETING ALUMINUM SIGN BLANKS THICKNESS . °o_a"ate AND SYMBOLS BACKGROUND WHITE TYPE B OR C SHEETING LEGEND,BORDERS BLACK ACRYLIC NON-REFLECTIVE FILM Square Feet Minimum Thickness r E LEGEND & BORDERS WHITE TYPE B OR C SHEETING LEGEND,BORDERS Less than 7.5 0.080 ❑o o`o LEGEND RED TYPE B OR C SHEETING AND SYMBOLS ALL OTHER TYPE B OR C SHEETING . ,, 7.5 to 15 0.100 ',o 0 sGreater than 15 0.125 ~� REQUIREMENTS FOR WARNING SIGNS REQUIREMENTS FOR SCHOOL SIGNS T, a1a wv v a 6 - E m Q N Vl o.-.,a DEPARTMENTAL MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS , so SCHOOL ALUMINUM SIGN BLANKS DMS-7110 SPEED SIGN FACE MATERIALS DMS 8300 , 0 i LIMIT 20 .kilt WHEN a The Standard Highway Sign Designs for Texas (SHSD) FLASHING can be found at the following website. http://www.txdot.gov/ TYPICAL EXAMPLES TYPICAL EXAMPLES Traffic 4-* Operations Division SHEETING REQUIREMENTS SHEETING REQUIREMENTS if Texas Department of 7NansportsHon Mansard USAGE COLOR SIGN FACE MATERIAL USAGE COLOR SIGN FACE MATERIAL FLOURESCENT BACKGROUND WHITE TYPE A SHEETING TYPICAL SIGN TYPE B BACKGROUND YELLOW FLOR C SHEETING FL BACKGROUNDFLOURESCENT TYPE B OR C SHEETING REQUIREMENTS LEGEND & BORDERS BLACK ACRYLIC NON-REFLECTIVE FILM YELLOW GREEN FL FL LEGEND & SYMBOLS ALL OTHER TYPE B OR C SHEETING LEGEND,BORDERS BLACK ACRYLIC NON-REFLECTIVE FILM AND SYMBOLS SYMBOLS RED TYPE B OR C SHEETING TSR(4)-1 3 FILE: tsr4-13.dgn ON: TxDOT ICK,TxDOT IOH, TxDOT ICC:TOOT ©TxDOT October 2003 CONT SECT JOB HIGHWAY REOSIONS ill�w 12-03 7-13 J 9-08 GIST COUNTY SHEET NO. p V_ WIINSSSON 8651000E IS 4 I ♦ DRILL SHAFT LOCATIONS El) ' SHAFT NO. CHAIN STA OFFSET SIZE DEPTH 11 1 A-01 OAKMONT 2+50.38 31.50'LT 30" 10' !l,i Ill 0 +1 200 HAGOOD RININRINIM USOCI►IU 1A-02 OAKMONT 3+42.75 31.50'LT 30" 10' ;i° SCALE:1'=100' Rou dE.Rock,in TX78 Round Rock,TX 78664 l Phone(512)244-1546 1A-03 OAKMONT 6+29.46 31.50'LT 30" 10' j Fm(512I244.1010 i '��'+, L • wonr.heau g.tom TBPE mtrolion No.F•12709 1A-04 OAKMONT 7+86.71 43.50'LT 30" 10' K ReE' 1A-05 OAKMONT 9+45.97 46.00 LT 30" 10' C, .. EA JOB NO.19-007®2020 H Inc. 1A-06 OAKMONT 9+48.26 45.50'RT 30" 10' i." g - 1A 07 OAKMONT 7+90.11 31.00 RT 30" 10' li ;`- ' ;'�__ SsA� o� rFx-Is 1A-08 OAKMONT 6+65.75 31.00'RT 30" 10' i!i p * •'•• ~•; 1A-09 OAKMONT 3+51.31 31.00'RT 30" 10' j i ft' /1/ {� 1- i•••••••••�•••••••••'•�•••• �••• lA 10 OAKMONT 2+78.85 31.00'RT 30" 10' i' 'u„ TERRY R.HAGOOD ® ck- ;; ,1 J ..... ....... • 52964.........s..... IXISTING GROUNDBOXTO BE EXTENDED _ �� �••�. �tiar�`` •1 S 7 •.• y � I / FOR FUTURE SIGNAL EXISTING LUMINAIRE TO BE REMOVED --`--- ass G\ a l = � - Jr OAKMONT DRIVE STA.9+85.75.00 44.20'RT ," - . ----- oNA t- IX 18'LY/J-77984 _-t--�_ 1' �� EXISTING CONDUITS FOR FUTURE H ".MAYS STREET STA.74+75.97, 48.00'RT /� � @ ll', SIGNAL 'll Pam. i' OAKMONT EvwfsdC4.BLOCK aL. 1A-06 I _i IN �:, 1�I_� �1_; / / Al2ES6353(1.251AC/R..,' - �� y iHESERLAPPEAWNGONIHISDOCUMBJrWIS / \ I ,� 1A-07 El 6 !lid. ," III /\` AUTHORIZED RFIAGOOD,P.E. / \ I / ' l+ f:. '�" iy / �� ;;..X.".:'''! iNLSDRAWINGMAY NOT BE MODIFIED W1010UTTHE ® -- _f. ��i- -= r liJ / 3;. ;:s 634135varnEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEE0.MID A i' :.� ..,1 // r_ -r ---_ °2 THEN ONLY INACCORDANCEWIIH1HE RULES OF1HE \ `. A ;r•.i ` GB10 , lA r ,�� _ ------ I ;:. . 7'; HMS ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. . ! ca r r 1�/' -- +00� i0+,, :':`r' DATE SIGNED: 02/01/21 9 7%� 1A-10 1A-09 /-��-- �"`�---- �- rT+ ............_� ISSUED FOR: BID •10 1'b r • -N., ..,;;;,,,,,,,,,.............::::::::„......:-'---- ------,..„ . AY PLANS FOR - � EXISTING CONDUITS FOR FUME 0 N ''' �` �" OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION �4 � a+oD s+Oa 6+00 �. _ „!;;' SIGNAL ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 L ' -'1`----_---- e"wx y---�a ''��� � -- a ww - o ____:7____ _-._- �-_ - 8-"`--13 e i' EXISTING GROUNDBOX TO BE WENDED " _ ��� --- �- -- FOR FUTURE SIGNAL ft. LEGEND 1 PROP R O.W I /,! r OAKMONT DRIVE STA 9+86.00, `` _58.50'LT r� I 1A-Ol Q 1A-02 © IA-03 © 1A-04 I 1A-05 4i N.MAYS STREET STA 73+71.00,39.00'RT 9� , �� , I l,,' ,+',s I r,,; � a,� \ :=1 DRILLSHAFT\, GB1 °' GB2 GB3 sN=»de !I ��....=xraalIX� 19I © / $ IXISTING LUMINAIRE TO REMAIN \\ PROP05EDGROUND BOX TYP 1 M110 (PTJ, IIX 18'O(Jf=77B.SB L__ �''E534. A 8 dY=778.61 l'/ 7 �f / CSP�SSAOA7k7NPROVIDE NEW ELECTRICAL SERVICE TY AI81AC.Kq,LOT2/PT WITH ELECTRICAL SERVICE SUPPORT TYPE SF(U) \`�� STING TYP A GROUND BOX bC18'0 7T727 AOPE56.722 / 4 %i'p.18'dI7=T17.48 ,I / / i ;' N.MAYS STREET \� - 2"SCH 40 PVC CONDUIT 4 STA 73.31.55,54.0(Y LT I \ I '�� \/ EXISTING CONDUIT CONDUIT SCHEDULE /,' '' %!'%'/ \' CNDT(PVC) �' / / , \\g RUN N0. (SCHD 80) / I \ �, #COND / ; .... I 1 99 1 /; %s �; /; i `/ aEvwoNs 267 1 '" I 2 �/ :`� ' _8� :"/� f P.. No. DAIS DESCRPfON 4 143 1 NOTES: A 4 143 1 5 62 1 QUANTITIES 1.ALL CONDUITAND POLE FOUNDATION LOCATIONS ARE SHOWN BASED ON UTILITY a 6 84 1 INFORMATION AVAILABLE.CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THAT NO CONFLICTS MST PRIOR TO 7 170 1 ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION UNIT SHEET TOTAL THE INSTALLATION OF THE POLE FOUNDATIONS AND CONDUITS. HFA PROTECT N0 19-067 2.LOCATIONS SHOWN FOR POLES ARE APPROXIMATE.THE FINAL LOCATION OF EACH POLE issUm*1 02rolnl 8 141 1 OC-213-525 ONCOR RDWY ILLUM FOUNDATION(INSTALL ONLY) EA 10 IS TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 9 261 1 618-6046 CONDT(PVC)(SCH80)(2") LF 1545 3.ELECTRICAL CONDUCTORS AND SERVICE TO BE INSTALLED BY ONCOR. ILLUMINATION LAYOUT 4.DOUBLE NUT ALL BOLTS TO PROTECT BOLT THREADS. a 10 82 1 624-6001 GROUND BOX TY A EA 10 3 5.ALL CONDUIT TO INCLUDE MULE TAPE. � El 28 2 610-6007 REMOVE RD IL ASM(SHOE BASE) EA 1 6.LEADING EDGE OF THE BOLTS FOR THE BASE MUST BE AT LEAST 18"FROM THE BACK OF SHEET NO. • E2 16 2 628-6017 ELC SRV TY A 120/240 070(NS)SS(E)SF(U) EA 1 CURB. ILl 7.FOUNDATION MUST BE NO HIGHER THAN 2'ABOVE THE PROPOSED CURB ELEVATION. SFfET 101 OF 105 - TOTAL 1545 420S-A DRILL SHAFT(RDWY ILL POLE)(30 IN) LF' 100 8.ALL NON-CTIY INFRASTRUCTURE IS TO BE BELOW CITY UTIL TIES AT LEAST 18". 2 4r + D■LLSHAFT LOCATIONS CONDUITSCHEDULE r `�►/� CND1D 8U) iiL SHAFT NO. CHAIN STA C FSET Sa?E DEPTH RUN NO. ISOHD801 itCOMin H��_�[y� I0-0I OAKMOM 21+34-50 37.0(r LT 30' 10 1 150 1 - _ 100 20D RaE. ■� (.: 1102 QAKhWM 22+85.73 37.00 LT 30 la 2 150 1 �1� l�l Uri21sw4we SCA18-03 OAKMONT 24+33.09 37.00 LT 30' 1a 3 159 1 - -- wslr.ye. 1B-04 OAKMONT 26+11_99 37.00 LT 37 la 415e 1 �__- _ r -I 1R HRdknlb Ft 70/ 1845 OAKAMOONT 27+72.06 37.0171T 30' 10 5 150 1 �_� ' �r + 1 nL+251ao 0mk2ORTA H. 18-06 ON7AOhtT 29+22,50 37,047 LT 30 10 d 155 1 1 Ii I aKe of r%44 18477 OAKMONT 30+78.45 37.00'LT 30' 1a 7 150 1 r `' 1111 yt?:,........,• xys4 1848 OAKMONT 32+61.34 37.001T 30' 10 0 74 1 -1 r 8111. ii * '•.•* 1 B-09 OA2AONT 32+61.34 37.00'ET 30' 10 9 150 1 ISi? *e `: 1&io OAKMONT 30+78A5 37.OU ET 30' 10L 10 155 1 11 ....,.TERRY'•, 5,R HAG OCO 29fi0 �r J... 0 pi 1 B-11 OAKMONT 29_19.64 37.00 RT 30' 10 11 150 1 1 il 13-12 CAMONT 27+68.55 37.00RT 30' 10 12154 1 s111I 0e v I 4* ',G1Sin" • 13-13OAK111ONT 26+11.03 37.07RT x' 10 13146 1 r f 4 BrG�Ai 9N 10.-14 OAArIONT 24+35.56 37.0D'RT 30' 10 14150 1 I r--j I. 11 �' Q 1 tll15 oAg4CM 22+83.34 37A0 RF 30' 10 15150 1 r- J I I Fd�, �y n 1&le OAYMOPti 21+3564 97A0 RT 30' 10 16 54 1 r- I. I o�lvraaa&70 I 'II 1 '�m a malro°0o° `r r° ,..� T I ,P91Ads4 11/ �M114trIm1EAfi11®NINEIIE MilliallICCIMr OF The FalSaJ � r II L j e m , 1 I ( MN EVII* �aNCRX � 11611 11L10 11109 1owlJ' an s♦r� Ro4�ECEI aumlot 1'`-� II II 012 ran A 0 - -- FI ) 1. � _RaW m l 4 11 - �� ..m "_ ' = ./3 0 ! ROADWAY RAM FOR ® ® m r �■ OAKNONT DIM F]Osi810N ��' i°a an ` 11 _ nil ROUND ROO(1X 711681 r ......, I 1 L; y� , LEGEND I` I! 011sre40 WitAIRE1O AB6AN - G92 / BE MOIRbc cotI111C1v - 1B12 - _ _ i�� '�61341© L] I I L1a19UF7' I ! TOE ING LUNNi hVE ©5 `'�__ EI L- 1ROT _ I ■ FROFOBED GROIN)PDX T5P1 / 1BU6 MIKE WO aEcnacSalpPPc7W TYl4g(ll4 �I G$3 - . 4 �� I o 6�f1H(3 TIPACIR.71Jl�BOI! MEd SLYD. 803 © GB4 -1145 1 I .- 7 SCH 40 PVC CQlUUT r STA12t46.0E 335 LT L 1Blu I / I - RV CONL1 E r . 1 I1 1 / frI i OJRD'Cooscts ) ari2sbesrag If sri ) arrii I M. 0l COWEN NOTES: I 1.Au tom ouRANo F01E FOuN6h1B1NtOCATIONS/aESHQMNBI'DQN 11RLTT INFMF0M110N AVM/alE CQNI1/CTORSWW.YBUFT'THAT 40 CONFLICTS EXISTPNIORIO QUANTITIES IN NSTFLATCN CCThE FIX/FOUNDATCSS AND COOKS. WM=NaMP 2.LQCA110N65OM FOR KM ANEAMOISIM1E11f FINAL LQCAIK)NQFEACH PCIE am Zbtsm RH6CODE DESCRIPTION UNIT SHEET TOTAL t51OBE0EIHVNF431 RIFE FHDAdpECTIDBYIF£B43Et OC-213-525 ONCORRDWYILLUMFCUNOATION(INSTALL ONLY) EA 16 3.ElEC1recAL cam DUC10eSANDSEmICEToSE WALLED SYON00R � 618.6046 CONOT(FYC)(SOS M LP 2250 4.00IlII/gUTAl160lTSTOPR01Et T90&1THEADd 624- O01 GROUND S�IiYA EA 16 4.S.ALLCONXITTO*IIiriMU1ETAf£ sf� 628-6017 ELC SIN TTA 120/240 070{NSJ SS p SF(LE EA 1 CURS. INGED GEQF1Ff eUL15 FOR THE SASE hNR7 BEATLEAST 1(F FEMME BACK OF IL2 4 4205A DRLLSHAPT(ADWYLLPOIQ(901FQ LE 160 7.FODNDh1K)N/RSFBENOHKit�tTWW?ABOYEItfrq 6CUFBELEWtIMN. HMSO 1 d.AIL NON-CRYNFO S110C11*3108E*IOW OTY UWE,AT LEAST It. 2 4 GENERAL NOTES FOR ALL ELECTRICAL WORK 1. The location of all conduits, junction boxes, ground boxes, and electrical services is 8. Provide PVC elbows in PVC conduit systems, unless otherwise shown on the plans. Use only >.c diagrammatic and may be shifted to accommodate field conditions. a flat, high tensile strength polyester fiber pull tape for pulling conductors through Co the PVC conduit system. When galvanized steel RMC elbows are specifically called for in a-L 2. Provide new and unused materials. Ensure that all materials and installations comply with the plans and any portion of the RMC elbow is buried less than 18 in., ground the RMC °> the applicable articles of the National Electrical Code (NEC), TxDOT standards and elbow by means of a grounding bushing on a rigid metal extension. Grounding of the rigid o specifications, National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), and ore listed by metal elbow is not required if the entire RMC elbow is encased in a minimum of 2 in. of o cog; Underwriters Laboratories (UL) or a Nationally Recognized Testing Lab (NRTL). NRTLs such concrete. PVC extensions ore allowed on these concrete encased rigid metal elbows. RMC or ofN as Canadian Standard Association (CSA), Intertek Testing Services NA Inc., or FM Approvals PVC elbows ore subsidiary to various bid items. e H- LLC con be considered equivalent to UL. Where reference is made to NEMA listed devices, 0 0 International Electrotechnicol Commission (IEC) listed devices will not be considered on 9. When required, provide High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) conduit with factory installed internal Z acceptable equal to a NEMA listed device. Acceptable devices may have both a NEMA and IEC conductors according to Item 622 "Duct Cable. " At the Contractor's request and with approval by .t w listing. Faulty fabrication or poor workmanship in any material, equipment, or installation the Engineer, substitute HDPE conduit with no conductors for bored schedule 40 or schedule 80 PVC -LA is justification for rejection. Replace or reinstall rejected material or equipment at no conduit bid under Item 618. Ensure bored HDPE substituted for PVC is schedule 40 and of the some a o- additional cost to the Department, size PVC coiled for in the plans. Ensure the substituted HDPE meets the requirements of Item 622, we,- except that the conduit is supplied without factory-installed conductors. Make the transition of n0 3. Miscellaneous nuts, bolts and hardware, except for high strength bolts, may be stainless the HDPE conduit to PVC (or RMC elbow when required) at the bore pit. Provide conduit of the size ONE. steel when plans specify galvanized, provided the bolt size is I/2 in. or less in diameter, and schedule as shown on the plans. Do not extend substituted conduit into ground boxes or 00 0,N foundations. Provide PVC or galvanized steel RMC elbows as called for at all ground boxes and O. 0 4. Provide the following test equipment as required by the Engineer to confirm compliance with foundations. 0 c 0 N the contract and the NEC: voltmeter, ammeter, megohm meter (1000 volt DC), ground resistance 9�D tester, torque wrenches, and torque screwdrivers. Ensure all equipment has been properly 10. Use two hole straps when supporting 2 in, and larger conduits. On electrical service poles, Del?t calibrated within the last year. Provide calibration certification to the Engineer upon properly sized stainless steel or hot dipped galvanized one-hole standoff straps ore allowed on cm o the service riser conduit. .�a N request. Operate test equipment during inspection os requested by the Engineer, c H- No a 5. Install grounding as shown on the plans and in accordance with the NEC. Ensure all metallic B. CONSTRUCTION METHODS o x e conduits; metal poles; luminaires; and metal enclosures ore bonded to the equipment grounding F + conductor. Provide stranded bare copper or green insulated grounding conductors. Ground rods, 1. Provide and install expansion joint conduit fittings on all structure-mounted conduits at . `d connectors, and bonding jumpers are subsidiary to the various bid items, the structure's expansion joints to allow for movement of the conduit. In addition, provide e e1 and install expansion joint fittings on all continuous runs of galvanized steel RMC conduit -e'0 6. When required by the Engineer, notify the Department in writing of materials from the externally exposed on structures such as bridges at maximum intervals of 150 ft. When n°c Material Producers List (MPL) intended for use on each project. Prequalified materials are requested by the project Engineer, supply manufacturer's specification sheet for expansion v c o listed on the MPL on TxDOT's website under "Roadway Illumination and Electrical Supplies." joint conduit fittings. Repair or replace expansion joint fittings that do not allow for 0.0 No substitutions will be allowed for materials on this list, movement at no additional cost to the Department. Provide the method of determining the L e amount of expansion to the Engineer upon request. Do not use LFMC or LFNC as a substitute 00 > CONDUIT for the required expansion conduit fittings. 0,0 map A. MATERIALS 2. Space all conduit supports at maximum intervals of 5 ft. Install conduit spacers when Tl attaching metal conduit to surface of concrete structures. See "Conduit Mounting Options" 0.. 1. Provide conduit, junction boxes, fittings, and hardware as per TxDOT Departmental Material on ED(2). Install conduit support within 3 ft. of all enclosures and conduit terminations. o LL. Specification (DMS) 11030 "Conduit" and Item 618 "Conduit" of TxDOT's "Standard Specifications oOW -c For Construction And Maintenance Of Highways, Streets, And Bridges," latest edition. Provide 3. Do not attach conduit supports directly to pre-stressed concrete beams except as shown No o conduits listed under Item 618 on the MPL under "Roadway Illumination and Electrical Supplies, " specifically in the plans or as approved by the Engineer. NO o Provide conduit types according to the descriptive code or as shown on the plans. Do not L 4+ substitute other types of conduits for those shown. Provide liquidtight flexible metal conduit 4. Unless Otherwise shown on the plans, jack or bore conduit placed beneath existing roadways, }T�L (LFMC) when flexible conduit is called for on galvanized steel rigid metallic conduit (RMC) driveways, sidewalks, or after the base or surfacing operation hos begun. Backfill and o a systems. Provide liquidtight flexible nonmetallic conduit (LFNC) when flexible conduit is compact the bore pits below the conduit per Item 476 "Jacking, Boring, or Tunneling Pipe mc ¢N° eo o H- called for on polyvinyl chloride (PVC) systems, or Box" prior to installing conduit or duct cable to prevent bending of the connections. w D E N a e N N 2. Provide galvanized steel RMC for all exposed conduits, unless otherwise shown on the pions. 5. When placing conduit in the sub-grade of new roadways, backfill all trenches with excavated i-' L Properly bond all metal conduits, material unless otherwise noted on the plans. When placing conduit in the sub-base of N cc} new roadways, backfill all trenches with cement-stabilized base as per requirements of o 'It 3. Unless otherwise shown on the plans, provide junction boxes with a minimum size as shown in Items 110 "Excavation", 400 "Excavation and Backfill for Structures", 401 "Flowable the following table, which applies to the greatest number of conductors entering the box Backfill", 402 "Trench Excavation Protection", and 403 "Temporary Special Shoring. " through one conduit with no more than four conduits per box. When a mixture of conductor sizes is present, count the conductors os if all ore of the larger size. For situations 6. Provide and place warning tope approximately 10 in. above all trenched conduit as per Item 618. not applicable to the table, size junction boxes in accordance with NEC. 7. During construction, temporarily cap or plug open ends of all conduit and raceways immediately after installation to prevent entry of dirt, debris and animals. Temporary caps constructed of durable duct tape are allowed. Tightly fix the tape to the conduit opening. Clean out the AWG 3 CONDUCTORS 5 CONDUCTORS 7 CONDUCTORS conduit and prove it clear in accordance with Item 618 prior to installing any conductors. .1 10" x 10" x 4" 12" x 12" x 4" 16" x 16" x 4" 8. Ensure conduit entry into the top of any enclosure is waterproof by installing conduit sealing tt2 8" x 8" x 4" 10" x 10" x 4" 12" x 12" x 4" hubs or using boxes with threaded bosses. This includes surface mounted safety switches, meter tt4 8" x 8" x 4" 10" x 10" x 4" 10" x 10" x 4" cons, service enclosures, auxiliary enclosures and junction boxes. Grounding bushings on water tight sealing hubs ore not required. tt6 8" x 8" x 4" 8" x 8" x 4" 10" x 10" x 4" �8 8" x 8" x 4" 8" x 8" x 4" 8" x 8" x 4" 9. Fit the ends of all PVC conduit terminations with bushings or bell end fittings. Provide and install a grounding type bushing on all metal conduit terminations. 10. Install a bonding jumper from each grounding bushing to the nearest ground rod, grounding lug, 4. Junction boxes with an internal volume of less than 100 cu. in. and supported by or equipment grounding conductor. Ensure all bonding jumpers ore the some size as the equipment entering raceways must have threaded entries or hubs identified for the intended grounding conductor. Bonding of conduit used as a casing under roadways for duct cable is not purpose and supported by connection of two or more rigid metal conduits. Secure required, if the duct extends the full length through the casing. conduit within 3 ft. of the enclosure or within 18 in. of the enclosure if all ® Traffic conduit entries are on the same side. Mechanically secure all junction boxes with 11. At all electrical services, install a 6 AWG solid copper grounding electrode conductor. Operations an internal vo I ume greater than 100 cu. inches. ,Texas Department of Transportation Standard 12. Place conduits entering ground boxes so that the conduit openings are between 3 in. and 6 in. 5. Provide hot dipped galvanized cost iron or sand cost aluminum outlet boxes for from the bottom of the box. See the ground box detail on sheet ED(4), junction boxes containing only 10 AWG or 12 AWG conductors. Do not use die cost aluminum boxes. Size outlet boxes according to the NEC. 13. Seal ends of all conduits with duct seal, expandable foam, or by other methods approved by the Engineer. Seal conduit immediately after completion of conductor installation and pull ELECTRICAL DETAIL S 6. Do not use intermediate metal conduit (IMC) or electrical metallic tubing (EMT) tests. Do not use duct tope as a permanent conduit sealant. Do not use silicone caulk as a unless specifically required by the plan sheets. When EMT is called for, provide conduit sealant. junction boxes made from galvanized steel sheeting, listed and approved for outdoor CON D U I TS & NOTES use, unless otherwise noted on the plans. Size all galvanized steel junction boxes 14. File smooth the cut ends of all mounting strut and conduit. Before installing, paint the field in accordance with the NEC.junction junction boxes for IMC conduit systems that meet cut ends of all mounting strut and RMC (threaded or non-threaded) with zinc rich paint (94% or the same requirements for unction boxes used with RMC systems. more zinc content) to alleviate overspray. Use zinc rich paint to touch up galvanized material ED r• 1 - 1 4 PVC as allowed under Item 445 "Galvanizing." Do not paint non-galvanized material with a zinc rich 7. Providejunction boxes intended for outdoor use on PVC conduit systems, unless lc- otherwise noted the xIsn paint as an alternative for materials required to be galvanized. FILE: ed1-14.dgn DN. CE: IDW: Ic-: ©TxDOT October 2014 CONT SECT JOB HIGHWAY REVISIONS W W -- I-J DIST COUNTY SHEET NO. Q O Li YAILLWASON SHEET IDD OF ISS 71A i Conduit Spacer (mounting shoe) Strut Type ' -4---Concrete Stainless steel or hot dipped Structure rc �� Girder CL Girder;1 BridgeDeck galvanized E _ c o Conduit Strop ��i! o,N Expansion Anchors Conduit ..�3 o & Threaded Rods 1._ /e" Stainless rL /B" Diameter " Concrete steel expansion S rc Structure \ ; anchor. Anchor > }..o . 1L depth 1" min., Lido Conduit /z o°NIL1L Hot-dipped ...•0` ;',r 1 „ max. L o a - i m m •:. Stainless steel of N Rigid Metal galvanized expansion anchor: Conduit (RMC) L- malleable ���� for conduit �'ch Conduit Mounting z o r;, o Conduit conduit strap up to 1 '/4" use Channel (B line, _� m 1 1 oKr equal)dorf, U(iotrut di TL _ Clamp amp /� See "HANGER /4" dia. anchor. }" ASSEMBLY DETAIL" 'e` For conduits 1 or •(Hot dip :.-o, ��/z„ galvanized) o—c 1.J — — to 2" use 3/B" dia. �� .. u c anchor. Anchor I depth 1" min., t C w —Conduit Mounting 1 '/z" max. OWL OW C / \ Channel / LL0 aoor '- IL CONDUIT MOUNTING OPTIONS COO Attachment to concrete surfaces c°O. See ED(1)B.2 "'O D 1" "SPAN" 6" o� ono - � ooze Minxi- Min 0 H- H- ° LW Varies L>L �.00 c // a 04 4. °. c0 °%�%// n 0 \ n.. .. n j// \//\ ',DLL //\/ 4 /\/,� \\,\\/j\/j W i ng Wall I I —Expansion Cow CONDUIT HANGING DETAIL /, e ��� \%;)��,\\ Fitting WEOL>00 o,C•LW \ �yQ .t .. i, ,�i iy tp�4 �q , �\i \ 3' max. "TE ; 0 �0 OQ I•,iCD%ao ;C jOCJS aly\� \/\//v/ L c°o [ Bridge Deck �j,\\i,\\/,'\j,\ ; j\\j,�j\,p\/j�Y�j\i/\ 5i/i /\U\�/\`�� :\�i\/i 1 1 8 8 o \r\/ /�i/i /\\i\ \ \i� i\ \/ �\�/\r�//\/\C �! CONDUIT MOUNTING CHANNEL \ \/ \ \�\\��\\\ \�\ ` f , y;\ til �-- }�o "SPAN" „W„ x „H„ „T., ,.:o.. .o PVC u RMC \\ii�j/ �� Cond it ODD less than 2' 1 %" x 1 3/e" 12 Ga. het=2 �/2 0, . : o v-� /\.\/ Min. oc s " Di a. o . o. � •. -le(./ 0)13° 2'-0" to 2'-6" 1 %" x 1 %,, 12 Go. Expansion w D E o _ o . —woo >2'-6" to 3'-0" 1 5/B" x 2 %6" 12 Go. Anchor o 1.,=1-1 Hex Nut, Split Lock U~V. Washer & Flat Washer TYPICAL CONDUIT ENTRY TO BRIDGE STRUCTURE DETAIL 0 C� Channels with round or short slotted hole ,�,� o x o patterns are allowed, if the load carrying 1'• I Hex Nut capacity is not reduced by more than 15%. . 3/a Threaded Coupler Nut L---� EXPANSION ANCHOR NOTES FOR BRIDGE DECK ATTACHMENT Hex Nut EE 1. Use torque controlled mechanical expansion anchors that are approved for Rigid Metal use in cracked concrete by the International Code Council, Evaluation d Conduit (RMC) Service (ICC-ES). The chosen anchor product shall have a designated ICC-ES Evaluation Report number, and its approval status shall be 3/8" Dio. __ maintained on the ICC-ES website under Division 031600 for Concrete e I Threaded a Anchors. Rod e Conduit Hex Nut, Split Lock 2. Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer: do not use adhesive anchors; Mounting e Washer & Square or do not use expansion anchors that ore not included in the ICC-ES approval e Channel Oversized Cut Washer list; and do not use expansion anchors that are only approved for use in c. iiii= ll1 Ill1 uncrocked concrete. lilT 3. Use anchors manufactured with stainless steel expansion wedges. Anchors manufactured with carbon steel expansion wedges ore not allowed. Anchor bodies con be either zinc-plated carbon steel or stainless steel. For application in marine environment, both the anchor body and expansion Traffic wedge shall be stainless steel. Operations MUM Condu i t 1E1 ,Texas Department of Transportation Standard Mounting I 0 4. Install anchors as shown on the plans and in accordance with the anchor Hex Nut, Split Lock „W„ Channel Washer & Flat Washer manufacturer's published installation instructions. Arrange a field demonstration test to evaluate the procedures and tools. The test shall be witnessed and approved by the Engineer prior to furnishing anchors on the structure. ELECTRICAL DETAIL S 5. Prior to hole drilling, use rebar locator to ensure clearing of existing CON DU I T SUPPORTS deck strands or reinforcement. Install anchors to ensure a minimum effective HANGER ASSEMBLY DETAIL embedment depth, (hef), as shown. Increase (heflas needed to ensure sufficient thread length for proper torqueing and tightening of anchors. 6. Use anchors of minimum 1600 Lbs tensile capacity (minimum of steel, concrete ED (2) - 1 4 breakout, and concrete pu I l out strengths as determined by AC 1 318 Appendix D) FILE: ed2-14.dgn co. TxDOT ICE:TxDOT low: TxDOT coI :TxDOT ELECTRIC CONDUIT TO BRIDGE DECK ATTACHMENT at the required minimum embedment depth (hef). No lateral loads shall be ©TxDOT October 2014 CONT SECT JOB HIGHWAY introduced after conduit installation. REVISIONS ww r J DIST COUNTY SHEET NO. Q WIIDIIMSON SHEET 104 OF135 O L. 718 J ELECTRICAL CONDUCTORS A. MATERIAL INFORMATION 1. Provide Type XHHW insulated conductors in accordance with Departmental Material 12. Provide and install a separate stranded equipment grounding conductor ,,c Seal between c0 Specification (DMS)11040 "Conductors" and Item 620 "Electrical Conductors. " Provide (EGC) in all conduits that contain circuit wiring of 50 volts or more. °._ conductors with W conductors os listed on the Material Producers List (MPL) on the Department web site Unless shown elsewhere, size the EGC to be the same size as the largest Heat Hot melt hot melt adhesive "C" clamp 4-, under "Roadway Illumination and Electrical Supplies" Item 620. Color code insulated current carrying conductor contained in the conduit. Ensure all EGCs Shrink adhesive tope. Tope to type connector , > conductors in conformance with the NEC. Identify grounded (neutral) conductors with are bonded together at every accessible location. For traffic signal Tube tape ° white insulation. Identify grounding conductors (ground wires) with green insulation installations, provide a minimum size 8 AWG EGC. The EGC is paid for extend past end o0 or bare conductors. Identify ungrounded (hot) conductors with any color insulation under Item 620. of tubing by O LL except green, white, or gray. Keep color scheme consistent throughout the wiring L. to 1/4" 0.0 system. Identify conductors 6 American Wire Gauge (AWG) and smaller by continuous C. TEMPORARY WIRING / o o color jacket. Identify electrical conductors 4 AWG and larger by continuous color \,‘1,4r Zw jacket or by colored tope. When identifying conductors with colored tope, mark at 1. Install temporary conductors and electrical equipment in accordance with % 4� ��� .1-, least 6 in. of the conductor's insulation with half laps of tape. the NEC article "Temporary Installations" and Department standard sheets. 11� , '..�I='� /�/�////�//�� a o a 2. Provide a solid copper 6 AWG grounding electrode conductor to bond the electrical 2. Provide a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) for power outlets for gj AlE111111 ' ±W0 Service equipment to the concrete encased grounding electrode or the ground rod at portable electrical equipment, power tools, ice machines, ice storage bins Increase 0 o N the service location. Connect the grounding electrode conductor to the ground rod and refrigerators located outdoors at grade. GFCI may be any one of the V insulation o0 with a UL listed connector in accordance with DMS 11040. Connect the grounding following: molded cord and plug set, receptacle, or circuit breaker type. diameter with 1-, W electrode conductor to the concrete encased grounding electrode as shown in the hot melt a°a plans. 3. Use listed wire nuts with factory applied sealant for temporary wiring adhesive tape. ac oE where approved. Tope to extend •-W O 3. Where two or more circuits are present in one conduit or enclosure, permanently past end of L o 2" Min. 2" Min. W�' identify the conductors of each branch circuit by attaching a non-metallic tag 4. Enclose conductor splices within a listed enclosure or ground box, or ensure tubing by DL ce o around both circuit conductors at each accessible location. Provide togs with the splices ore more than 10 ft. above grade vertically and more than 5 ft, overlap overlap I/8" to I/4'• rno W two straps, large enough to indicate circuit number, letter, or other horizontally from any metal structure. Where installing temporary conductors W-- identification as shown in the plans. Print circuit identification on the tag in areas subject to vehicle traffic or mobile construction equipment, ensure O WOOD with a permanent marker, the vertical clearance to ground is at least 18 ft. when measured at the °,°L' lowest point. Ground messenger wires that support power conductors in SPLICE OPTION 1 t 4. Use listed compression or screw type pressure connectors, terminal blocks, or conformance with the NEC. . C 0 split bolt connectors for splicing as specified in DMS 11040. Use hot melt Compression Type O 0 0L adhesive tape to fill the gap and seal the ends of heat shrink tubing. Provide 5. Protect and when necessary repair any existing electrical conduits uncovered 1-WO o u UL listed gel-filled insulating splice covers. Splicing materials, insulating during the construction process in a timely manner and in conformance with TWc materials, breakaway disconnects, splice covers, and fuse holders are the NEC. oo subsidiary to various bid items. 030 LW"- B. CONSTRUCTION METHODS GROUND RODS & GROUNDING ELECTRODES WOL >00 a nW 1. Use only a flat, high tensile strength polyester fiber pull tape for pulling A. MATERIAL INFORMATION Nat conductors through the conduit system. After installing conductors in conduit, Heat Seal between TL perform conductor pull test. If a conductor cannot be freely pulled, make any 1. Provide and install a grounding electrode of electrical services. Provide conductors with Shrink D o 0 needed alterations or repairs at no additional cost to the department. Perform ground rods according to DMS 11040 and the plans. Larger diameter or longer hot melt adhesive Hot melt Tube ° insulation resistance tests in accordance with Item 620. Coordinate with the length rods may be called for in some specific locations, See the individual adhesive cos Engineer to witness the tests. tope. Tope to 0,C g plans sheets. Concrete encased grounding electrodes may be called for in tope Split bolt specific locations including electrical service, see individual plan sheets. extend past end Wo° 2. Leave 2 ft. minimum, 3 ft. maximum length for each conductor up to the splice in of tubing by 24x° ground boxes. Leave 3 ft. minimum, 4 ft. maximum length of conductor in ground I/e" to I/4" �. A t~o boxes when pulled through with no splice. Leave 1 ft. minimum, 1.5 ft. maximum B. CONSTRUCTION METHODS /r aolength of conductor at enclosures, weatherheads and pole bases.0 0 1. Furnish auxiliary ground rods for lightning protection and install in soil, � / 'o0Make splices onl in unction boxes, round boxes, concrete or both as called for in the plans. For ground rods installetl � jrjzjjuij4 ""'•" I/y j s ptlp bares, re cInneciorI E E II� tw0EW enclosures and use onl listed compression or screw t pe pressure connectors, in concrete, ensure the connection of the conductor to the ground rod isterminal blocks, or split bolt connectors. Insulate splices with heat/ wall readily accessible for inspection or repairs. For ground rods installed ini.0 1 o theat shrink tubing or gel-filled insulating splice covers to provide a soil, ensure that the upper end is between 2 to 4 in. below finished grade.US c watertight splice. Overlap conductor insulation with heat shrink tubinggaWrap split bolt Increase o Y o minimum of 2 in. post both sides of the splice. Where heat shrink tubin 2. Do not place ground rods in the some drilled hole as a timber pole. insulation may not shrink sufficiently to provide o watertight seal around the individual connector withiUia diameter with conductors, prior to heating the tubing, increase the diameter of the conductor 3. Install ground rods so the imprinted part number is of the upperhot melt adhesive end of hot melt insulation using hot melt adhesive tope to provide a watertight seal between the rod. tape to protect adhesive tope. the individual conductors and the heat shrink tubing. Ensure the tape extends heat shrink from 2" Min. 2" Min Tape to extend past the heat shrink tubing. Use hot melt adhesive tape to fill the gap and 4. Remove all non-conductive coatings Such as concrete splatter from the rod sharp edges fff overlap 1 roverlap past end of seal the ends of heat Shrink tubing. Heat Shrink tubing that appears to hove at the clamp location. tubing by been burned, or overheated, is considered defective and must be replaced. Ye" to I/4" 5. Route all conductors as Short and straight as possible for connection to 4. Size and install gel-filled insulating splice covers according to lightning protection ground rods. When a bend is required, ensure a minimum manufacturer's specifications when used in place of heat shrink tubing. radius bend of four inches for these conductors. SPLICE OPTION 2 5. Wire nuts with factory applied waterproof sealant may be used for 8 AWG or 6. Unless otherwise called for in the plans, protect grounding electrode Split Bolt Type smaller conductors in above ground junction boxes, but not in pole bases or conductors with non-metallic conduit. When protecting grounding electrode ground boxes. Install wire nuts in an upright position to prevent the conductors with metal conduit, provide and install a grounding type bushing accumulation of water. and properly sized bonding jumper on each end of the metal conduit. 6. Support conductors in illumination poles with a J-hook at the top of the pole. 7. Written authorization is required before installing a ground rod in a horizontal trench for rocky Soil or a Solid rock bottom. 7. When terminating conductors, remove the insulation and jacketing material without nicking the individual strands of the conductor. Conductors with nicked individual conductor strands or removed strands will be considered damaged. Snap-lock, See through ` molded clamp Traffic 8. Replace conductors and cables that are damaged beyond repair or that fail an molded cover ® Operations insulation resistance test at no additional cost to the department. �` Division �` ,Texas Department of Transportation Standard 9. Do not repair damaged conductors with duct tape, electrical tope, or wire nuts. Listed Screw Type Use only approved splicing methods. *1 Set Screw/Lug �� with gel filled for making insulating splice 10. Do not terminate more than one conductor under a single connector, unless the cover ELECTRICAL DETAILS connections connector is rated for multiple conductors. Do not exceed the pressure connector's - �� listing for maximum number and size of conductors allowed. V _ �� CONDUCTORS 11. Install breakaway connectors on conductors bid under Item 620 whenever those conductors pass through a breakaway Support device. Follow manufacturer's 11111111 \\` instructions when terminating conductors to breakaway connectors. Properly torque E D (3 1 - 1 4 threaded connections. Proper terminations ore critical to the safe operation of breakaway devices. Trim waterproofing boots on breakaway connectors to fit snugly F,E: ed3-14.dgn DN: TxDOT Jo( TxDOT loon TxDOT Icx:TxDOT around the conductor to ensure waterproof connection. Only one conductor may enter ©rzoor October 2014 coNr SECT a single opening in a boot. Provide waterproof boots with the correct number of SPLICE OPTION 3JOB HIGHWAYREVISIONS W W openings. Leave unused openings factory sealed. Use prequalified breakaway connectors Listed Screw Type DIST COUNTY SHEET No. I-_I as shown on the MPL. yMM a- a lx. NSIWAMSON SHEET105OE135 71C No.3 Reinforcing No. 3 Ground 10" GROUND BOXES steel Reinforcing box steelhtyp)1 A. MATERIALS Co Class A Ny .. .,,. i I 10"(t p) Concrete Apron A A °" I y 1, (when required) A ' . (1) (2) jO A` 1. Provide polymer concrete ground boxes measuring 16x30x24 in. (WxLxD) or smaller in OW /,�c A - :A A •.• o: Apron-Full accordance with Departmental Material Specification (DMS) 11070 "Ground Boxes" and ,o A I 10" 1 Ai , Depth of box Item 624 "Ground Boxes. " >o Grounding 4 I (t p) A bushin for o W _ _ y 1 RMC. Bell end �,,., p4. 3" to 6" 4 or 2. Provide Type A, B, C, D, and E ground boxes os shown in the plans, and as listed on o+" -ilr)- ,____ ■ - - .. fitting for W..4.•6 e:.•% c:.•%•.. �..• .•:.•11•e:. 9" Aggregate the Material Producers List (MPL) on the Department web site under "Roadway Illumination `H 1 - - ,1111, - ' '0:i iy..i • '. •0:. ; i_ O,•••' f i I I (3) Supplies," PVC (4) °o °o. �°o �•. and Electrical Su lies Item 624. tL I IWMI Ground I I 1 3. Ensure ground box cover is correctly labeled in accordance with DMS 11070. 1 box Conduit u-C I I Conduit or 4. Provide larger ground boxes in accordance with Item 624 and as Shown in the plans. ao} �2 I duct cable ell OCD0,0WO- ` /2" I B. CONSTRUCTION METHODS t n ai ---- OWL 1. Remove all gravel and dirt from conduit. Cap all conduits prior to placing aggregate a``S and setting ground box. Provide Grade 3 or 4 coarse aggregate as shown on Table 2 of La°c o Item 302 "Aggregates for Surface Treatments. " Ensure aggregate bed is in place and at "0 PLAN VIEW SECTION A - A least 9 inches deep, prior to setting the ground box. Install ground box on top of a`,e D aggregate. WDL CWO PO t APRON FOR GROUND BOX 2. Cast ground box aprons in place. Reinforcing steel may be field bent. Ensure the depth ,,i-_ of concrete for the apron extends from finished grade to the top of the aggregate bed 00O y0j under the box. Ground box aprons, including concrete and reinforcing steel, are D.. subsidiary to ground boxes when called for by descriptive code. • t (1) Uniformly space ends of conduits within the ground box. Position ends of conduits so Le. that ground box walls do not interfere with the installation of grounding bushings 3. Keep bolt holes in the box clear of dirt. Bolt covers down when not working in ground O .c>,_ or bell end fittings. boxes. H-Wo 00 TOIn+- (2) Maintain sufficient space between conduits to allow for proper installation of bushing. 4. Install all conduits and ells in a neat and workmanlike manner. Uniformly space DLL conduits so grounding bushings and bell end fittings can easily be installed. c3O (3) Place aggregate under the box, not in the box. Aggregate should not encroach on the W WL interior volume of the box. 5. Temporarily seal all conduits in the ground box until conductors ore installed. >00 on aQt (4) Install a grounding bushing on the upper end of all RMC terminating in a ground box. 6. Permanently seal conduits immediately after the completion of conductor installation Ground RMC elbows when any port of the elbow is less than 18 in. below the bottom of and pull tests. Permanently seal the ends of all conduits with duct seal, expandable D c o the ground box. Install a PVC bushing or bell end fitting on the upper end of all PVC foam, or other method as approved. Do not use duct tape as a permanent conduit sealant. L o°` conduits terminating in a ground box. Do not use silicone caulk as a sealant. D L L COW o N-C 7. When o ground rod is present in a ground box, bond all equipment grounding conductors H- "o o together and to the ground rod with listed connectors. Tnc.0 x t t~D 8. When a type B or D ground box is stacked to meet volume requirements, it is allowable w o o to cut on appropriately sized hole for conduit entry in the side wall at least 18 inches °WC below grade. 112 m o E" GROUND BOX DIMENSIONS 9. If an existing ground box in the contract has a metal cover, bond the cover to the a c..w equipment grounding conductor with a 3 ft. long stranded bonding jumper the same size u i D C as the grounding conductor. The bonding jumper is subsidiary to various bid items. 0 c OUTSIDE DIMENSIONS (INCHES) 'CI .. .8 TYPE Verify existing ground boxes with metal covers are shown on the plans, with notes (Width x Length X Depth) fully describing the work required. A 12 X 23 X 11 10. If other ground boxes with metal covers ore within the project limits but are not port Of the contract, the Engineer may direct the Contractor to bond the metal covers, identifying the specific boxes in writing. This work will be paid for separately. B 12 X 23 X 22 11. Bond metal ground box covers to the grounding conductor with a tank ground type lug. C 16 X 29 X 11 D 16 X 29 X 22 E 12 X 23 X 17 Hole for I/2" L GROUND BOX COVER DIMENSIONS bolt withrecess H OpTraff erations for head N Texas Department of Transportation Standard Division TYPE H I J K L M N P — — o v . DIMENSIONS (INCHES) J K P = M I• I ►{ A, B & E 23 1/4 23 13 3/4 13 1/2 9 7/8 5 I/8 1 3/8 2 For cover logo ELECTRICAL DETAILS C & D 30 1/2 30 1/4 17 1/2 17 I/4 13 1/4 6 %4 1 % 2 and labeling 1 GROUND BOXES requirements. See DMS 11070 PLAN VIEW END SIDE ED (4 ) - 14 GROUND BOX COVER FILE' ed4-14.dgn DN: TxDOT IonTxDOTIow: TXDOT ICK:T%DOT ©T%DOT October 2014 CONT SECT JOB HIGHWAY REVISIONS W W 1 J DIST COUNTY SHEET NO. Q.-. O LL HUILLWASON SHEET I05 DF135 171D ELECTRICAL SERVICES NOTES 1.Provide new materials. Ensure installation and materials comp l y with the applicable SERVICE ASSEMBLY ENCLOSURE MAIN DISCONNECT & BRANCH CIRCUIT BREAKERS provisions of the National Electrical Code (NEC) and Notional Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) standards. Ensure material is Underwriters Laboratories (UL) listed. 1.Provide threaded hub for all conduit entries into the top of enclosure. 1.Field drill flange-mounted remote operator handle if needed, to TC Provide and install electrical service conduits, conductors, disconnects, contactors, ensure handle is lockable in both the "On" and "Off" positions. Circuit breaker panels, and branch circuit breakers as shown on the Electrical Service °y Doto chart in the pions. Faulty fabrication or poor workmanship in material, equipment, 2.Type galvanized steel (GS) enclosures may be used for Type C ponelboords o w or instollotion is justification for rejection. Where manufacturers provide warranties and for Type D and I services that do not use an enclosure mounted 2.When the utility company provides a transformer larger than 50 KVA, > photocell or lighting contactor. Provide GS enclosures in accordance with verify that the available fault current is less than the circuit t a and guarantees as a customary trade practice, furnish these to the State. DMS 11080, 11082, 11083, and 11084. breaker's ampere interrupting capacity (AIC) rating and provide coo documentation from the electric utility provider to the Engineer. c ET 2.Provide electrical services in accordance with Electrical Details standard sheets, 3.Provide aluminum (AL) and stainless steel (SS) enclosures for Types A, C, Lc Departmental Material Specification (DMS) 11080 "Electrical Services, "DMS 11081 0.• + "Electrical Services Type A," DMS 11082 "Electrical Services-Type and D in accordance with DMS 11080, 11081, 11082, 11083, and 11084. Do ype C," DMS 11083 not paint stainless steel. PHOTOELECTRIC CONTROL 0 0 not Services-Type D," DMS 11084 "Electrical Services-Type T," DMS 11085 m,g. "Electrical Services-Pedestal (PS)", and Item 628 "Electrical Services" of the 1.Provide photocell as listed on the MPL. Move, adjust, or shield the TL 4.Provide pedestal service (PS) enclosures in accordance with ED(9) and Standard Specifications. Provide electrical service types A, C, and D, as listed photocell from stray or ambient night time light to ensure proper DMS 11080 and 11085. Do not provide GS pedestal services. If GS is shown on the Material Producers List (MPL) on the Department web site under "Roadway operation. Mount photocell facing north when practical. Mount top 0.-a Illumination and Electrical Supplies," Item 628. Provide other service types as in the PS descriptive code, provide an AL enclosure. of pole photocells as shown on Top Mounted Photocell Detail. -+ detailed on the plans. OW- U C 0 °n d 3.Provide all work, materials, services, and any incidentals needed to install a OWL complete electrical service as specified in the plans. w LL UT BOO o 4.Coordinate with the Engineer and the utility provider for metering and compliance O with utility requirements. Primary line extensions, connection charges, meter •�`� charges, and other charges by the utility company to provide power to the location * ELECTRICAL SERVICE DATA e c ore paid for in accordance with Item 628. Get approval for the costs associated c w o with these charges prior to engaging the utility company to do the work. Consult Elec. Plan Service Service Safety Main Two-Pole Panelbd/ Branch Branch Branch KVA o:o+ with the utility provider to determine costs and requirements, and coordinate the Service Sheet Electrical Service Description Conduit Conductors Switch Ckt. Bkr. Contractor Loadcenter Circuit Ckt. Bkr. Circuit w i-- work as approved. ID Number **Size No./Size Amps Pole/Amps Amps Amp Rating ID Pole/Amps Amps Lootl OD WOO 5.The enclosure manufacturer will provide Master Lock Type 2 with brass tumblers SB 183 289 ELC SRV TY A 240/480 100(SS)AL(E)SF(U) 2" 3/.2 100 2P/100 100 N/A Lighting NB 2P/40 26 28. 1 w keyed .2195 for all custom electrical enclosures. Installing Contractor is to Lighting SB 2P/40 25 ` o provide Master Lock w2195 Type 2 with brass tumblers for "off the shelf" Underpass 1P/20 15 ow L enclosures. Master Lock .2195 keys and locks become property of the State. t▪>0 Unless otherwise approved, do not energize electrical service equipment until - T0 c locks are installed. NB Access 30 ELC SRV TY D 120/240 060(NS)SS(E)TS(0) 1 '/4" 3/.6 N/A 2P/60 100 Sig. Controller 1P/30 23 5.3 n.•- 0 L 6.Enclosures with external disconnects that de-energize all equipment inside the 30 Luminaires 2P/20 9 v c c3° enclosure do not need a dead front trim. Protect incoming line terminations from CCTV 1P/20 3 LW• L incidental contact as required by the NEC. >00 .LUS 7.When galvanized is specified for nuts, screws, bolts or miscellaneous hardware, 2nd & Main 58 ELC SRV TY T 120/240 000(NS)GS(N)SP(0) 1 1/4" 3/ 6 N/A N/A N/A 70 Flashing Beacon 1 1P/20 4 1.0 ,000 stainless steel may be used. Flashing Beacon 2 1P/20 4 TL o a° 8.Provide wiring and electrical components rated for 75°C. Provide red, black, * Example only, not for construction. All new electrical services must have O and white colored XHHW service entrance conductors of minimum size 6 American electrical service data chart specific to that service as shown in the plans. !DLL Standard 3-prong Wire Gouge (AWG). Identify size 6 AWG conductors by continuous color jacket. photocell �+ Identify electrical conductors sized 4 AWG and larger by continuous color ** Verify service conduit size with utility. Size may change due to utility meter .80 o jacket or by colored tape. Mark at least 6 inches of the conductor's insulation requirements. Ensure conduit size meets the National ELectrical Code. receptacle Conduit mounting ._x.• 0 with half laps of colored tape, when identifying conductors. Ensure each service and photocell channel (Unistrut, }4 o entrance Conductor exits through a separately bushed non-metallic opening in the Kindorf, B-line TL weotherhead. The lengths of the conductors Outside the weotherheod are to be '.0 0 or equal) oo0 12 inches minimum, 18 inches maximum, or as required by utility. EXPLANATION OF ELECTRICAL SERVICE DESCRIPTIVE CODE Hot dipped - =o o. galvanized, �DEw 9.Al l electrical service conduit and conductors attached to the electrical service ELEC SERV TY X XXX/XXX XXX (XX) XX (X) XX (X) cast iron, j m y y a including the riser or the elbow below ground are subsidiary to the electrical or sand cast L service. For an underground utility feed, all service conduit and conductors after 6" I u o+ the elbow, includingservice conduit Ond conductors for the utilitySchematic Type aluminum outlet Mount Photocell pole riser �� 6" to 8" measured 'It when furnished by the Contractor, will be paid for separately. box with cover. o Service Voltage V / V from the top 10.Provide rigid metal conduit (RMC) for all conduits on service, except for the the pole or 18of y2 in. PVC conduit containing the electrical service grounding electrode Disconnect Amp Rating y2.. RM to 20 feet above conductor. Size the service entrance conduit as shown in the plans. Ensure 000 indicates main lug only/ finished grade conduit for branch circuit entry to enclosure is the some size os that shown Typically Type T Conduit, bend or os directed on the lO out sheets for branch circuit conduit. Extend all rigid metal conduits to provide /2 ' Y 9 by Engineer, and a minimum of 6 inches underground and then couple to the type and schedule of (SS). SafetySwitch Ahead of to 1" clearance as allowed by the conduit shown on the layout for that particular branch circuit. Install a Meter-Check with Utilitybetween photo- roundin bushingon the RMC where it terminates in the service enclosure. cell and pole. utility company. grounding (NS>= No safety Switch Ahead of 11.Use of liquidtight flexible metal conduit (LFMC) is allowed between the meter and Meter-Check with Utility service enclosure when they are mounted 90 to 180 degrees to each other. Size the Enclosure Type Service LFMC the same size as service entrance conduit. LFMC must not exceed 3 feet in GS. Galvanized steel ("off the shelf") Support length. Strop LFMC within 1 foot of each end. LFMC less than 12 inches in length SS= Stainless steel (Custom Enclosure)See MPL need not be stropped. Each end of LFMC must hove a grounding bushing or be AL= Aluminum (Custom Enclosure)See MPL terminated with a grounding fitting. The LFMC must contain a grounded (neutral) TOP MOUNTED PHOTOCELL conductor. Ensure any bend in LFMC never exceeds 180 degrees. A pull test is Photocell Mounting Location required on all installed conductors, with of least six inches of free conductor movement demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Engineer. (E)= Inside Service/Enclosure Install conduit strop maximum 3 feet Mounted from box. 5 foot maximum spacing 12.Ensure all mounting hardware and installation details of services conform to utility (T)= Top of pole between straps supporting conduit. company specifications. (L)= Luminaire mounted (N)= None/No Photocell or 13.For all electrical service enclosures listed under Item 628 on the MPL, the UL 508 Lighting Contactor Required Traffic enclosure manufacturers will prepare and submit a schematic drawing unique to each ® Operations service. Before shipment to the job site, place the applicable laminated schematic Service Support Type Division drawings and the laminated plan sheet showing the electrical service data chart GC. Granite concrete "Timm Department of Transportation Standard used to build the enclosure in the enclosure's data pocket. The installing contractor OC= Other concrete will copy and laminate the actual project pion sheets detailing all equipment and TP= Timber pole branch circuits supplied by that service. The laminated plan sheets are to be placed in the service enclosure's document pocket. Reduce 11 in. x 17 in. plan sheets to SP= Steel pole 8 V2 in. x 11 in. before laminating. If the installation differs from the plan SF. Steel frame EL E C T R I CAL DETAILS sheets, the installing contractor is to redline plan sheets before laminating. OT= Pole by others or paid for separatelySERVICE NOTES & DATA 14.When providing On "Off The Shelf" Type D or Type T service, provide laminated plan EX= Existing poollee sheets detailing equipment and branch circuits supplied by that service. Reduce TS= Service on traffic 11 in. x 17 in. plan sheets to 8 /2 in. x 11 in before laminating. Deliver these signal pole drawings before completion of the work to the Engineer, instead of placing in PS= Pedestal Service E D J� enclosure that has no door pocket. 0= Overhead Service Feed 15.Do not install conduit in the back wa l l of a service enclosure where it would FILE: ed5-14.dgn DN: TxDOT cx:TxDOT ow: TxDOT cx:TxDOT penetrate the equipment mounting panel inside the enclosure. Provide grounding from Utility on o l l metal conduits, and term i note bonding U= Underground Service Feed ©rxDOr October 2014 CONT SECT JOB HIGHWAY bushings jumpers to grounding bus. from Uti I ity REVISIONS ti141 Grounding bushings are not required when the end of the metal conduit is fitted -_J with a conduit sealing hub or threaded boss, such as a meter base hub. DIST COUNTY SHEET NO. a-- O w W➢DAMSON WHIUMM 71E Red insulation or color code 6" length Red insulation or 120240 of Line 1 or Line 2 120 240 color code 6" length conductors' insulation 11111 rc of Line 1 or Line 2 _ with red tape where conductor exits the - _ CO Conductors' insulation \0 weatherheod. \ \ a with red tape where o; conductor exits the 11 El\ >.c weatherhead. 1 White insulation or / o w oi V1 V2 \ color code 6" length I L0 7 ` _ - of neutral conductors' ) LL White insulation or - 1 of Color Code 6" length Oj insulation with white ❑ / O L} of neutral conductors' I I I tape where Conductor / z-g V1 V2 insulation with white L fif exits the weatherhead. \ \ > Otape where conductor - _ 1 exits the weotherhead. V I I I N O — _ - - - - 7I..0- -. ® Two Photocell viewing 1 I I u • c D windows not shown but I Q 14 t nm required when photocell 0 / Bonding I O w` is listed as enclosure - - ®O jumper a"o - mounted. Windows not - — - - - - © r 1t _ 12 DC oo s0 required when photocelI P I I � , •�' .-0C � `J is listed as pole top w D 177--- mounted. 4O - - - I I I U) L '\ \ woD - - - - - l I I I lO I 000 I- lO CD 1 1 Q I pi I I I L T -1__ ,s } �l I I �--f• . . gb,.........../q -.0 - 1 �- 15 I Lf 9 - - � - - noc001 �� 0 - .) 1 7 ` I L O �,,,� G N G N o c L - - - - - - - - - T Grounding 3 o I ,of i i Electrode I I ILw - 0 I13 �� 1.•.. r • • Typical a n• tO " •� 1 z I 12 I 120 IVolt I 1 20 / 240 0 0 0 j JI _ Branch Circuit Branch Circuit L o Do not bond - - - - T c _- DLL this bus to " - -1 15 I G N Grounding G N I-• 0 I- 'l - _ - - J the enC I OSure • l • t •-I—� • 1 1 ,JrElectrode 11 • • woo GIN GN L - . - - ) 1 SCHEMATIC TYPE T L 4` Typical Typical Typical woo - 11 IL _ . 44, 120 Volt 240 Volt 120 / 240 Volt 120/240 VOLTS - THREE WIRE O w Bronch Circuit Luminaire Branch Circuit a,c Grounding Typical Branch Grounding Typical Branch wo o Branch Circuit Galvanized steel-"Buy Off The Shelf" 3E N Electrode Circuits Electrode Circuit only. When required install photocell -www top of the pole or on luminaire only, ,1— L no lighting contractor will be installed. c SCHEMATIC TYPE D - CUSTOM n SCHEMATIC TYPE A SCHEMATIC TYPE C 120/240 VOLTS - THREE WIRE THREE WIRE THREE WIRE SCHEMATIC LEGEND 1 Safety Switch (when required) 2 Meter (when required-verify with electric utility provider) 3 Service Assembly Enclosure 4 Main Disconnect Breaker (See Electrical Service Data) 5 Circuit Breaker, 15 Amp (Control Circuit) 6 Auxiliary Enclosure 7 Control Station ("H-O-A" Switch) Traffic Photo Electric Control (enclosure- ® Operations WIRING L EGEND 8 mounted shown) , Division Texas Department of Transportation Standard Power Wiring 9 Lighting Contactor - - - - Control Wiring 10 Power Distribution Terminal Blocks 11 Neutral Bus ELECTRICAL DETAILS ---N-- Neutral Conductor 12 Branch Circuit Breaker SERVICE ENCLOSURE (See Electrical Service Data) _ Equipment grounding conductor-always — AND NOTES G required 13 Separate Circuit Breaker Panelboard 14 Load Center 15 Ground Bus ED (6) — 14 FILE ed6-14.dgn DN. TxDOT ICE TxDOT ID.- TxDOT Ico:T%DOT ©TxDOT October 2014 CONT SECT FOR HIGHWAY REVISIONS W W -J DIST COUNTY SHEET NO. Q•-• O LL WIIWMIWN SHEET 1080E 135 1 71F SUPPORT TYPE STEEL POLE (SP) AND STEEL FRAME (SF) ' ' White insulation 2" to 6" 20' measured from Top of /z � 2 �'/z" TYP. 1.Provide steel pole and steel frame supports as per TxDOT Departmental Material Specification or color code 6" 4" (typ.) grade. Circumtonces r weatherhead radius (DMS)11080 "Electrical Services. " Mount all equipment and conduit on 12 gauge galvanized of neutral may require the ��r�� to be 2" to 6", steel or stainless steel channel strut, 1 '/2 in. or 1 % in. wide by 1 in. up to 3 3/4 in. conductor's %, 1 electrical service u 4„ typical deep Unistrut, Kindorf, B-line or equal. Bolt or weld all channel and hardware to vertical insulation with support to be taller - White insulation r> 2.Provide poles for overhead service with on eyebolt or similar fitting for attachment of the or color code 6" smooth II II service drop to the pole in conformance with the electric utilityprovider's specifications. Red insulation o o y or color code 6" Point of of neutral LL 3 length of Line 1 attachment conductor's Drain hole 1 o -w 3.Provide and install galvanized Yq in. x 18 in. x 4 in. (dia. x length x hook length) anchor insulation with or Line 2 of service drop for galv. I I 3L+ bolts for underground service supports. Provide and install galvanized 3/q in. x 56 in. x 4 in• s to be below white tape where 2 places _ �/z -I /2 + anchor bolts for overhead service supports. Ensure anchor bolts hove 3 in of thread, with insulaconduction m Tg insulation with weatherhead. conductor exits TYP. # 3 '/q in. to 3 '/2 in. of the exposed anchor bolt projecting above finished foundation. Provide red tape where ,• weatherhead. , - 3/ „ _•}`- and install leveling nuts for all anchor bolts. conductor exits Conduit support - 3�6., 6 a spacing, 3'max Red insulation c the weatherhead. ‹.0— 4.Bond one of the anchor bolts to the rebor cage with 6 AWG bore stranded copper conductor, Use from the ends, or color code 6" Conductor slack w�± listed mechanical connectors rated for embedment in concrete. See Inset B. and 5' in between length of Line 1 POLE TOP PLATE -cD length, 12" min., —Service or Line 2 •-o N - unless otherwise oy v 5.Furnish and install rigid metallic ells in all steel pole and steel frame foundations for all 18 max. `� Enclosure called for by the conductor's a L m conduits entering the service from underground° utility, insulation with 24" Diameter pco Meter Inset A I I. red tope where drill shaft 8 S y g 6.Use class C concrete for foundations. Ensure reinforcing steel is Grade 60 with 3" of Safetyconductor exits a unobstructed concrete cover. > Service the weatherhead. a 1 /q I1 '/q• S E? Switch Channel Enc I Enclosure ��11,11I� c a o n. 0bracket or Conductor slack Conduit- "" .A '-o y 7.Drill and top steel poles and frames for /2 in. X 13 UNC tank ground fitting. For steel pole service r other arrangement length, 12" min., } C . supports, provide and install tank ground fitting 4 in. to 6 in. below electrical service enclosure° approved by 18" max° .�• o ,: NO N Provide properly sized hole through the bottom of the enclosure for the service grounding electrode : Inset B �� the Engineer. Inset A _ _ _ _- •:Q• :.5 /z" g" 0)(0 conductor. Ensure electrical service grounding electrode conductor is as short and straight as possible S (Kindorf, ■%� Meter P- - - - w from the enclosure to the tank ground fitting. For steel frame service supports, provide and install Unistrut, 'I15 O o tank ground fitting on steel frame post. Install service grounding electrode conductor in a non-metallic 2„ B-line or 1:000, ▪mo conduit or tubing from the enclosure to the steel frame post. Connect electrical service grounding 2 equal.) �'/2 o V electrode conductor to the tank ground fitting. See steel frame and steel pole details and Inset A for _ tl I` > C more information. Size service entrance conduit and branch circuit conduit as shown in the plans. For } III Illtr— o Inset B o underground conduit runs from the electrical service, extend RMC from the service enclosure to on RMC kl II -#M 2„ ` C 030 elbow, and then connect the schedule type and size of conduit shown in the plans. Provide and install Class "C" III+II t' ' i I,I aL W grounding bushings where RMC terminates in the enclosure. Grounding bushings are not required when RMC concrete • -RMC PVC ,�, IIiii ' BASE PLATE DETAIL >00 ■.I 1 11T1.. 24" dia. X 60" 00 is fitted into a sealing hub or threaded boss. °'Lt 1 I I-I-1... 24 Dia. x 60" PVC RMC II I I I foundation 4-#5 1QE 8. If Steel pole or frame is pointed, bond each separate pointed piece with a bonding jumper attached to I1111 depth foundation 11 1I41 reinforcing bars a tapped hole. �; .> 4-#5 reinforcing -1 and n2 spiral of 6" 3/6" vo`o �I1 1.. 1 o bars and u2 spiral 1)1 pitch (typ.) Vy16„ c▪o w /4" 20 machine screws for bonding. Do not use sheet metal screws. Remove all non- (typ.) at 6" pitch 74 04-C conductive material at contact points. Terminate bonding jumpers with listed devices. Install O() minimum size 6 AWG stranded copper bonding jumpers. Make up all threaded bonding connections WITH SAFETY SWITCH WITHOUT SAFETY SWITCH '/ 000 X wrench tight. BOT TOM OF POLE woo 10,Avoid contact of the service drop and service entrance conductors with the metal pole to SERVICE SUPPORT TYPE SP (0) - OVERHEAD SERVICE ova prevent abrasion of the insulated conductors. See Note 4 SERVICE SUPPORT TYPE SF & SP , 1"?).?. Dr i I I, top, and thread I 3E N 11.Shop drawings are not required for service support structure unless specifically stated ''/p" X 13 UNC. Install 8 ) 1 a L elsewhere or directed by the Engineer° tank ground fitting, n n U~V. connect electrical ■ C� Varies service grounding ' 1 QN_ri �� Id U • • •o r o electrode conductor. ,. II � 11 ' See Note 7. 'I■DOG�00�72 _ 1 i 5" thick '/z" expansion above • • II Rebor • padco (class C joreteint material `Q grade Center of meter Al 11 Anchor concrete and "' max. SAFETY O socket 60" typical Bolt 6" X 6" tt6 SWITCH --- above grade. 1 wire mesh) - METER (Verify with utility) _ FRONT VIEW • i� '1. • Threaded INSET A INSET B Dimension nstos I oon varies, ass' • ■Lr • boss wide os Service to accommodate Varies RMC I. Safety � Steel post 'P 1 Enclosure equipment 4 SERVICE Channel Strut — — — switch ENCLOSURE for mounting O ' required)— �I ' ° L 11�11 TOP VIEW equipment. ,/:•//// Number of struts Inset A = SERVICE SUPPORT TY SF (0) & SF (U) as needed to METER, SERVICE _ 0 _ securely mount ENCLOSURE}I n 3 II'�I' a, "' • • equipment m › max. o Traffic 1 ��� Inset A o 2" hi�I o z Operations Dandar s Inset B _ 0 3/4" dia. 4'.- ,Texas Department of Transportation Standard min. Inset B '• �al, 0 1n �5 + _-� —• Inset A III I '0D d 11- "' `/,, ` ELECTRICAL DETAILS 1 1 - 1 1`, f e.� M���I1I1I�_ 1 11 SERVICE SUPPORT � � J = . Z = = y RMC to I I ` 1 1I 1 1 1 Irl I I I -2" utility Inset B 11111 1 I.1-1 [I ILIi.LI' ILIi.l=f24" dia. x 48" RMC PVC 1 TYPES SF & SP -I R r 1 I ; I I.ICI T I:. foundation 24" d i a• x 36" depth 4., `y..•° 4-n5 reinforcing foundation 4-n5 E D 7� reinforcing bars and n2 spiral bars Hook Length WITH SAFETY SWITCH at 6" pitch (typ. ) WITHOUT SAFETY SWITCH and n2 spiral Len g EILE: ed7-14.dgn ON: TxDOTI CI( TxDOT low: TxDOT cK:Txoor WITH SAFETY SWITCH FRONT VIEW (typ. ) at 6" pitch HOOKED ANCHOR DETAIL ©TxDOT October 2014 CONT SECT JOB HIGHWAY REVISIONS Li SERVICE SUPPORT TYPE SF (U) - UNDERGROUND SERVICE SERVICE SUPPORT TYPE SP (U) - UNDERGROUND SERVICE O15T COUNTY SHEET NO. 01.6 WIIILAMSON SHEET1O9OF135 71G J PEDESTAL SERVICE NOTES r t5 .1 1. Manufacture pedestal electrical services in accordance with Departmental Material 17" min. Co. Specifications (DMS)11080 "Electrical Services", 11085 "Electrical Services-Pedestal ...1 °•N (PS)" and Item 628 "Electrical Services. "Provide pedestal electrical services as O o v listed on the Material Producers list (MPL) on the Department's web site under 2 ,,c "Roadway Illumination and Electrical Supplies, " Item 628. Ensure all mounting I O 0 c0 6 hardware and installation details of services meet utility company specifications. 1 LWD Contact the local utility company for approval of pedestal details prior to _ LC w installing the electrical pedestal service. Submit any changes required by the 0 0 0} utility company prior to manufacturing the pedestal enclosure. zwg L 2. When a meter Socket is required, provide a Socket with a minimum 100 amp rating that O t_a complies with local utility requirements. c 0 o•-❑ E I a o•- 001ic- 3. Provide Class A or C concrete for pedestal service foundations in accordance with T t°nm Item 420, "Concrete Substructures, " except that concrete will not be paid for directly c I i�� OWL but is considered subsidiary to Item 628. © O = OW II II 0.ac o 4. Provide tt4 reinforcing steel for foundations in accordance with Item 440, "Reinforcement © I II ■ II Equipment Mounting cN for Concrete. " 111)' Studs (as required) ODD A - � � - A © q ii II c o o 5. Install I/2 in. X 2 I/16 in. minimum length concrete single expansion type anchors for E _ I _ I II O II ao} mounting pedestal enclosure to foundation. Anchor location to match mounting holes in 6 WI— each corner of enclosure. Secure each of the four corners of the pedestal enclosure to �r Tr II II Equipment Mounting aOX0m)) the anchors in the foundation with a I/2 in. galvanized or stainless steel machine thread I I 6„ ® O I Studs (OS required) Xi-L. bolt, a properly sized locknut and a flat washer. , X II II u N7E min, See anchor BeII End Fittings N NL1 6. Finish top of concrete foundation in a neat and workmanlike manner. If leveling washers / / I ` bolt detial _ I or Grounding t W o ore used, ensure no more than '/8 in. gap at any corner. Do not exceed a maximum dip or F•,• `•° a I �I I' ° �. _�`I■W Bushings rNc rise in the foundation of '/8 in. per foot. When properly installed, ensure the top of ����� ��� II '������ ° the service enclosure is level front to back and side to side within I/q in. Repair _ _ o ',o,.�• • "°• .I I' [I'•I• I. ° �L�L rocking or movement of the service enclosure at no additional cost to the department. N .- I I II I I c Reinforcing Steel I � —' • oo n° 7. Do not use liquidtight flexible metal conduit (LFMC) on pedestal type services. I I II I I .WWL E •• o I I II I I a,t t II a ni 8. Ensure all elbows in the foundation are sized os per utility provider's conduit requirements '• I II I • - I. .I. I 0 co fLO, or underground conduit and feeders. PVC extensions may be installed provided the ends of the LOAD SIDE CONDUIT / , II \ _ _ L II. ..:; °�� rigid metal conduits are more than 2 in. below the top of the concrete foundation. Where f __J _ _ LOAD SIDE CONDUIT CNO W extension conduits are metal, grounding bushings must be installed with a bonding jumper II LOAD SIDE CONDUITI I I I LINE SIDE CONDUIT �o o properly terminated. IIy Size and number L, II 'J 24x° ^ of conduits t o determined by )e o o w plan details O D WC WO FRONT VIEW }O W 3E U) QLNIR SIDE VIEW u O� TYPE C shown, TYPE A similar except that TYPE A shall hove C individual circuit breakers (CB) mounted on on equipment mounting .1.8 Hex Nut panel. CB Handles shall protrude through hinged deadfront trim. min. Lock Washer Flat Washer N mu Leveling Washers 6„ 16„ 6" ; . Dd . o; D;. Dd. ,. LEGEND "min. min 1 ° . 1 Meter Socket, (when required) 2 Meter Socket Window, (when required) • p. ilD 3 Equipment Mounting Panel 4 — — — t ° . ° 4 Photo Electric Control Window, (When required) I o a i 5 Hinged Deadfront Trim Reinforcing 40' Steel • 6 Load Side Conduit Trim e = ° 7 Line Side Conduit Area Traffic o t I LINE I ° 8 Utility Access Door, with handle Operations <v . Division r qo. 0 (�e I N 9 Pedestal Door ,Texas Department of Transportation Standard LOAD LOAD ° 10 Hinged Meter Access • 11 Control Station (H-O-A Switch) • — 4.. 12 Main Disconnect ELECTRICAL DETAILS + 6D D . 13 Branch Circuit Breakers ELECTRICAL SERVICE SUPPORT s°4p D.°.•.p D4A•.,k...°,ao °:q_o 14 Copper Clad Ground Rod - 5/8" X 10' PEDESTAL SERVICE TYPE PS ED (9) - 14 SECTION A-A ANCHOR BOLT DETAIL FILE: ed9-14.dgn DN: TxDOT ICE:TxDOTIDw: TxDOT ICETxDOT ©T%DOT October 2014 CONT SECT JOB HIGHWAY REVISIONS W W I—J DIST COUNTY SHEET NO. .3.... OW. WIIILLMASON SH.1100F135 171J I IIII \LIII.Vm1,,,, HAGOOD ENOINEERINO ASSOCIATES 900 E.Main Street Round Rock,TX 78664 Phone(512)244-1546 Fax(512)244-1010 www.heeeng.com TBPE Registration No.F-12709 213 — 525 STREET LIGHT LUMINAIRE 213 — 525 JOB NO.19-007 8/2020 HEA,Inc. 12-0S COBRA HEAD — UNDERGROUND 12-08 �E °F rF ROUND STEEL POLE — ANCHOR BASE *.,P•.•••• ..•..., S* ar *_ :* J '" TERRY R. HAGOOD 10 VT'BOLT CIRCLE �,I"� „� y — — e y \ — _ g t'. ��_r\`. L - -7- A 52960 f `=E. _- =I=. )I 2 *. % _ '-A-rt NOTES: ,.`- 1 '0 • 0 •��F <G�•' 44, -.1.-• I # 1.CONCRETE TO LIE MINIMUM .�. ,� 3 SS, ,G---- ID '� i 3W0 PSI AT 29 DAYS.(5 SACKS `.�II. - - . ONAL �^��'� MAXIMUM AGGREGATE 3'4"'.TOP OF I FOUNDATION TO BE TROWELED TO A FLAT AND LEVEL SURFACE. �A� i ,!e- 2"PROJECTION � AVOID EXCESSIVE TROWELING. § CONCRETE TO SET A MINIMUM ROADWAY AND COMMERCIAL ucFmNO THE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS - �- — 3'PROJECTION } OF 72 HOURS BEFORE POLE SERVEDLOR UNDDEiWMI AUTHORIZED BY TERRY R.HAGOOD,P.E. 4 INSTALLATION. EIHaE OR DEueLE LS MIKNRL 52960 FINISHED I LL� S" • warTAGE PULE THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE MODIFIED WITHOUT THE GRADE I ) 1 } ,MAX — -- EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER,AND .� �- I I �- \• 2 REBAR HOOPS ME TIED BEGINNING mcn PRESSURE METAL O RALL n°MEUAL THEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE . \�/\v'' I I I , \� \ g°°"M "ti of �"�" DIMENSION A- TDVS ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. \� \/ I I I I I , //\\/ AP D BELOW T�OF CONCRETE FORM : DATE SIGNED: 02/01/21 � � AND ARE REPEATED AT APPROXIMATE 106 150 77 Z5' O `,. -,--LI..rL;-- / FOUNDATION. TO BOTTOM OF 1E° = rr C ISSUED FOR: BID IIII MIN i,:.� 2E0 27' sr III I j /� 3.USE ANCHOR BOLT TEMPLATE 250 2EC 27 � ROADWAY PLANS FOR TRENCH Q - II li / FURNISHED BY POLE MANUFACTURER 'oo au - 4KT A OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION —�—j �— // FOR ALIGNING ANCHOR BOLTS _ _ _ ! /A\�� l� low s* ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 BOTTOM \ —_7.-,- ! _— — — _— ,L CONCRETE FORM OF SONOTUBE TO ��� �IG \',����\ EXTEND TO BOTTOM OF TRENCH OR \ \�.,* OS" AS NEEDED. `,/,. -- F --- i 5. PROVIDE 24"PIGTAIL FOR CONNECTION ! OF GROUND WIRE TO POLE. 0 ".I I --I---- --1-- 8.A MINIMUM OF 12'OF BARE#8 SD I CU WIRE TO RE PLACED IN BOTTOM I OF HOLE AND COVERED WITH r 1 1 OF DIRT. 11 0 1-�- 3- 7. IF SOIL HAS BEEN DISTURBED,EXPEND Nf3TE 8 �, ��%�; • •.:;:..:.•P•. FOUNDATION BY DEPTH OF DISTURBED ...� i, 24" SECTION "A —A " ITEM O Y DESCRIPTION TSIWRW CU MU 1 Put ROUND,TAPERED,GAL STEEL ANCHOR BASE 213110 5LP92530'40_ S 2 BRACKET,E FE GALVW12ED STEEL 243-109 SLUMP 8 LUAISIAIRE(AS mace 213-1110 LC 14 - 4 FOUNDATION 213" SLF25 REVISIONS STREET LIGHT FOUNDATION 5 CONDUCTOR(0L poi) 2xta2a C5I\TC,R C S POLE GROUND _ _ 2C1i70 IIH0.WE0 N POUNDATTDH Clq �J,M.H. �M.H. T BLS I � I NO. DATE DESCRIPTION A ROUND STEEL POLE DDS-2 DETAIL SHEET 29 OF 36 APPROVED BY R S. s 02 — 10 s HFA PROJECT NO.19-007 ISSUED DATE:02/01/21 ONCOR ILLUMINATION I CE DETAILS 6 6 SHEET NO. i1 I11 ■7 E SHEEI1110F135 Is O 1111milLma, HAGOOD ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES 900 E.Main Street Round Rock,TX 78664 Phone(512)244-1546 Fax(512)244-1010 www.heaeng.com 212-153 SECONDARY RISER WITH 212-153 TBPE Registration No.F-12709 213 — 120 STREET UGHT SECONDARY 213 — 120 01-°E SECONDARY / SERVICE BOX, to-Ds JOB NO.19-007 0 2020 HEA,Inc. 88-04 CONNECTION BOX CS-00 CONDUIT SYSTEM �P,� OF rF LIFTING SLOT *� ••........... 1, ,' Tlt UNDERGROUND SERVICES S •• TERRY R. HAGOOD V--.., i ...\‘‘,.. _ / A" .` ter° P0A .SFG/ TEckV.,,- " • I0 e S/ONAL••E, _ c 4 14 '4 ONO ELECIC 1 ° _ ::/ —.. ,;` 'mil f t THE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS SECONDARY , ti�• AUTHORIZED BY TERRY R.HAG00D,P.E. J 52960 THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE MODIFIED WITHOUT THE 8 UNDERGROUND DUND SERVICES EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER,AND .I \ NON-SOD SURFACE F@i THEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE 14 314" TEXAS ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. PLAN COVER —TOP VIEW P DATE SIGNED: 02/01/21 ISSUED FOR: BID WITH COVER REMOVED ROADWAY PLANS FOR INSERT FOR STD.M"-1BNC X 1 V2• OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION PENTAGON HEAD LOCKING sour - RISER ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 -=u=`.i_ DRAIN HOLE �r='i= • pp FOR +I�i1i., ., 11 MIN. GROUND LINE 12 3'4" 0 II ' is. 24"MIN. NOTE 1 V li'I LS =ii 1_ IIq -IT `-II •: '.rl" != BEND 24"RADIUS SECTION A —ir {INCLUDED WITH RISER) NOTES: NOTES: 1.CUT OFF BEND IP TRENCH IS NOT OVER 24..TO RE FLUSH WITH ROTTOM OF HAM:MOLE. 1.FOR USE WHEN CONDUCTOR SCE AND NUMBER OF TERMINATIONS WARRANT. 2.H-1O'UDR VEHICULAR TRAFFIC LOADING). 3-REF/ACEM/4T COVER TSN IS 320507. g Y. REVISIONS ITEM QTY DESCRIPTION TSN/REF CU MU a 1 BOX.SECONDARY trx trx 1,r DOOMS SLSCR NO. DATE DESCRIPTION A E I APPROVED B Y 2 --9DR , VI�1 HEA PROJECT NO.19-007 ISSUED DATE:02/01/21 ONCOR ILLUMINATION DETAILS i SHEET NO. A IL12 g. SHEEf112 OF135 LL 4 /0" \ liZIP 411111 0 100 200 HAGOOD - - UNINIIAlleb MCCAIN 900 E.Main Simi SCALE:11= 1001 Round Rock,TX 78664 , - , ' I , ' '.1 Phone(512)244-1546 -- — L-- i I ) -i- lk ''sik',:\:7',.., r ,11' }/ , , ,, # N 'I ,1 1 ' i 1 1 1 , I / , , , i I 1 Pm(512)244-1 010 i ,1 ././ . h 1, i( , , i i 1 WON.beaeng.COM I I / ,I I' L ...) t\ , ri 7BPE Regiutrolion No.F.12709 A '1" \,), \ ‘, 1/ i / , , , , ,i 1 , I / , , 1 ',, ' 's It,,,, , , , , 1, 1 I if 1 ',1;, ,, 6 ,. ') ,, / ''\\\ JOB MO 19.007 0 2020 HEA,Int , . , ., i . , , Y -- , , •i- / 1, ', SODDING&TOPSOIL FOR REVEGETATION g r r . I ...,,i 1 ; 1 ,,' / '',, ,)"',,,I, , 0 II I t l't AS41560 YR. / , ,, , 131 Sr i 1/ 1 i i-',.. ', s ---• \ i , /;) / 1 RcoofolkoNii , ' 1 (I/ / or 1 1 o \,\ ‘---/ f ", \Cr:,-;:- \ ( 'D ,.... ..••• t3' -„ STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE I- . .• 1 1 , , , ( I / , i 1 I V\• ; ' 1 — \ - ., .•*• -----.....,,,._ , / 1. 1 i , 1 I 1, ' -- ' '' ' *• 1%* -' I \ I , ., s• e..r-- 7.L— --k ---- -'-.-----.'" ' i r; LI / / '' ', lig i I , . 1 i ' P \ i 1 1 1 'I / I / 1 -.- ----) ‘c.-r,;:',-1 ‘,/,fir I',, •-...„_...___--' CURB INLET PROTECTION}, ' g, , I ' A,, ' t ' , -" .- — ,.)., , ., ••• 52960 • 1 ck- _-- ,L , f 1 It 1 ,,1.-------.\-\.....i,-,,,,,,E7L___ ,_, I" \,,,,,, liPi li 1 --,-- : '''-- /11-------/ ' ( I 7 , \'il(4'14 /I II/ \ i SAND BAG FOR EROSION CONTROL , , \ , '7) ' al I 1 ) ; /1 ,.------,,\.,," , /1 -.. - . A ,<- ,..s T%... \ s ....... 0 1 4 EA I— , .„ ,1,1' ,1 :., ,.,;1.,„/_._ ...,,,_ \_ 9.„ ..401 , . , t sio NA k- 7' 141,f,,,,%',/,),//,/ \,1 SAND BAG FOR EROSION CONTROL k .„,„ , „, „ . .„ , , ,,I , 1 . . , . : , ,, fif 1,/ ,,,,, _ , ./ 1_,.., r—,--) .,..tk Lr7.—. \.---1 / 4 EA (''/ //":1'(1 `,.. :\ CURB INLET PROTECTION ', SODDING&TOPSOIL FOR REVEGETATION . ' ,' ,' 1 ',a 1 iii I 11 / \ 1• 7" ', / , , 1 i 16 IF ( 684 SY 2; i, 1 .; ) • .1 +,,1 •----'i//7 7/,,-- \ II ' ..... . ' , %.,'!, --1-.1 I I ,F, I f— / . CURB INLET PROTECTION //,-;P;'-' '/-, • ' SAND BAG FOR EROSION CONTROL EROSION CONTROL LOGS .I ti 1 1 i b ' i ) 1---, f-, 1 i "N 4.. 1.J._i_i_L4LIa] THE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS /N / -,-- ,Li/ /.. - Al.%d..7,(1257ACROODPENN) ''', • ,-,. , \ 710LF 1 il '1 / I '',/ /i ''s \ AUTHORIZED BY TERRY R.HAGOOD,P.E. ,,/' .---4,14 e -, ,- .•,/ f •....__--- .....- . , 4 EA , ' II ; ' I ' ' ' ‘4:\ \ .'):':71::..L'' '-• 52960 • •,...,.,,,..‘ ......„ ///9.00DWAY\ ROODPLOV\ I , 500 YR 1100,001AIN -, ---, ,1 , , \ ' a 1 Iii ;1 1/ ' z -,- THLS DRAWNG MAY NOT Ef MODIFIED WRHOUT THE 7,- i , /,I.......„.....rthr."".17"7411,-...117 ' ) ' , , BRIM WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER,AND ....,,,,,,,.!,,,,,,. i , C\ - 1 ,...igi *,,,, ,,,,,,,------- i , , . A 11.7"."%'/4::;i:.1'... - 1 7 "/ fr I' 1 ''1' ti .,.AI,..:-.t.!;'.; THEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH 7HE RULES OF 7HE 1,-.' " . kg* .......--- f`b''" ' ' ' "' . -• '-':'::::: :- ' ......*.. • ' 1 , V\ i TEXAS ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. 0';:iI.t::::.' d',:; ".;;. IV1, / ' .‘k/i I I • .•.•:••S'• '—to'''' :`•••••• 1 ' .....•• • - ••• 00:-.4.•:•:!..!:• I I-0+I e; : '' r' '` .".'...*:%.' ' A', ------- .:':': •;,.....4; .i,. • 4* --"s' 1 / i 7 , - - ---- 4.: '- ''. '''.4.... DATE SIGNED: 02/01/21 ISSUED FOR: BID sks '.:,,, N. CE:>. 4',I •... „-:--, ,,.,).,4"-•>1 0././..?•••• -- NN r„ / i's / \ ; .-..-::•:. - 05 ' , •:::::•:.: •:- ; a .*:-:-.:........, ... ..... _ _ ••:,- ,, „ ,,fr•,,, ',, •-,,,--7,;=-,:__-..:-1:----,._. .,.....::,. . 0 - - •r, - -.__ .,...., ;<., „ --4--- ROADWAY PLANS FOR v - .-----------_--,!_Lz,_ / .:... ..:;•:,•:- ‘, / ,- . ; ROP ROW ..- , OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION 7 ',:l C -• . `-• / , 64.00_ .......,...... ____ i..:•.;:1,:.:.:....:...•.:..:.::.:."::::;::::ti...::t:':"..; ',.' \ ,,,/ it I:'i‘',;-..-'',.:i 4, ,:;:' '.1 -----: 1341 \ --,...---,___--------=----.52_ ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 _ ---„, r 1...!ti,:r.,;:...•!./.7?7--- , , . , +OP .L. \, 4+Ce _," ,•-' 4FAD— • ‘ __. , .______._/_.______,--,- _1.5' --- - --------- / i . J 1 ..7 ..". _---_______ --t, . — ,- . , , _______ .... 44A------ I ,,, „l I i , \ ` /ti-,,//:,,,, ''.-7, ---------- , / ...--.---,,ri-r-', r --"/ / / - i , s;,,,;5.5,-.-40-2,,., -3-2-`,-"\ ----/---- , -'-r ..., /10 ,i,',..-- • ;44'•:•:.WA-. '!'„,- ----- -,. ' ------- -..7 -- ••• —.4..—••—••—•7., •• ••TI —r— —,1-/-/— / ,, 1,f,',/,-_-:,, ::.;:;',,-,::- 73 ,, , , ---- P,ROP ROW a-4 r. / .. 11,11 dr,77---''. -- '--f-'-,-- i '-- -'---.' ('''' " '''''''''.1k,,-z'''1::-.:44 :.'..-:.::::•:e---------- ---- ----e------,-,-- .....t.''.-.Z.: t'---1\_I \ \ . s_____--„ . (;„:Z-.•'----_-_-_-_7----_(-'-!.1 ii '"--/,"--4‘e/ Al(1 • / _.-'-`-M 4 ic../.4101Bitikk,:fr_--2".-;-- - ,-.,7kk---,,,,, :•-:,----- ---- -- ----- --- ______ ;51:::=:::.-- ----- „)' , \--,--='-------------il--:=- —- -- ..--\- •••-;-,=..E.:--,-,f--1.,1=-E.i=4 ',, /t t„//I ,IP/NI "--- CQUVERCKEIMAIRIACKifOi,\ ---;:62`,1 4-. ,•4,,,:-.:e..!::•:.;-!.1-- -r 2: ------F,i,--.7.;,.,.. ___-i2=------ ------- _„____:__5:------------- ......,..„___-_ _____ - '--------'------------ ---- I--A`‘;`,%,-_-_:-_--:--_-_://>>\ '.0,71,, /Ili)) iii -_-------- -7---- ,:.:.7==tE _-___---------- -.. ____ 1--'21\‘ \‘ , ii_-_` 1!.: At c \,.(// \\4 .,„,,,,,„--,-..,,,_„-...,-7,7---,-...•:--_-_--5---- ' ---_-_-__---- ----- / __ _ _ -- . ----------- , „____--- ------ --- -__,;ii,--.'--- ----- -' '-----.- '..1 ' e' 'j 7(: 1 t: I\&oar'4,Lor 1 pay- . -----1' /I -' l' , '7 it' •-.,, ) ',,,.. / i ' ', '---- ------ ----- --__ CURB INLET PROTECTION 2-'-----'•:--1-7,--,,i''---1"-.----' 1( (44: -- ' ---; - / '" t.1-' '1'1 1 ._ _-------::• ,...." 16 LF ' . '' 1:1\1"' ' ' ----------'‘.0) EROSION CONTROL LOGS / / / -- f 8U 0..,LOT2/PT, , ,.,------------___--_-_-:,./h ,/ r, P..' 11,. I,, :',;,, )11 I)Al 1 - ' T \ -,,, ROCK BERM -,-;--a:::,-.E,-;_-_-=_-_-_-;"..,=_:---:,; . 640 IF ' ../ / ..--- -- 41-A4-.7 / i / ',, p..,..—, . #/ 1,, , IP, \\J \1 „ / - -- ,---- SAND BAG FOR EROSION CONTROL ''' , 1 i., sc, ,1 1 Ili:: 11 " 1 s' __/ A/ dt, , \ , , 4 EA . , I i i ... , 7// / \. I ' ' '.- ---- -1-- ,. / / /''''''' "W H e 1 SAND BAG FOR EROSION CONTROL CURB INLET PROTECTION --- „ ,, _, ,.._ \\--''' '-- s i 1 1 ." , ------ SAND BAG FOR EROSION CON1ROL _ ----__, \ • / / i , ,. ,, I e -,-- —t.„„g" 1- \ / 1 16 LF „ -`-‘, , 1 1 7 0 S Y,// / i /•%.*/ '', Pi \ -----___,--,`,,,, (/ f, 1 ••••....,„,., .77' --."----".-4,-; -.4 „, • / .i / . ./ / NOTES: 1. ALL SW3P CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE PLACED WITHIN CoRR RIGHT OF WAY pi-mom 5 DURING CONSTRUCTION NO. DATE DSCMPION '1 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN SW3P CONTROL MEASURES E 3. ALL SW3P CONTROL MEASURES INSTALLED DURING CONSTRUCTION ARE TO g REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL 70%VEGETATIVE COVER IS ACHIEVED OR AS APPROVED 1 BY THE ENGINEER. 8 4. ADDITIONAL REPLACEMENT CYCLES FOR SW3P MAY BE ANTICIPATED IF,IN THE g ..• OPINION OF THE CITY ENGINEER,THEY ARE WARRANTED.SW3P QUANTITIES FOR g ESTIMATING PURPOSES MAY VARY TO MEET FIELD CONDITIONS. HEA PROJECT NO.19-007 ISSJED MTH 02,01/21 5. APPLY VEGETATIVE WATERING AS NEEDED TOO SUPPLEMENT NATURAL RAINFALL ; DURING THE VEGETATION ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD.DROUGHT OR OTHER EROSION CONTROL ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS,AS DETERMINED BY THE APPLICATION OF LAYOUT SUPPLEMENTAL IRRIGATION TO BE BETWEEN TEH HOURS OF 6PM AND 8PM., 5 6. CONCRETE WASHOUT LOCATIONS TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD AND SHEET NO. APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. ESC I 5 7. ALL TREES AND BRUSH IN THE ROW ARE TO BE REMOVED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE PLANS. SFEET1130F135 R • 4 44 .40." \ to 4 _,„, o .o0 200 HAGOOD 7 01611111111110 AUOCIAINi 900 E.Main%eel SCALE:1'= 1001 Wound Rock TX 78664 /' r• 9 • • '►I / / j Phone(512)244-1 54 6 --ii .._ - -tr`__ ''• •• ••••+,,�• .;• _ i Fox(512)244-1010 --�� • —" _T, _ /:I -• / .,.� wow heaerg.com I -„.- _"_-- ;�,�i 7 -,� ' TBPE Re8m1rohon No.F•12709 ' - ; • ! JOB NO 19 007 J ' �'t• 7• ! ----______ f ®2D20 HEA Inc. •-...d• 810Cx41a4ACXEs r. .c o F - k. A 1 :, i \, .,„ -.....„ .n..._ 1 /j/ vTtl7vTeesfc / l \ % ``‘ , •••. LOTS,7.878AL ACRES // / \ \•'�'••., •�• of ? /+// / /// / \ �� „ �i RI/// /,/!r ''. TERRY R. HAGOOD , , L 1'` i' - --- / / / / =...,•+; / i ..w. ..w..• 52964..w..w.J«... \J'�I I I i • `I I�1 I I I I I TT l I ,5 l / i% i ii --_ - SODDING 8 TOPSOIL FOR` �. %O s� `�.f•� �TT I I , 1 // l . � .G•IS7 ��� / I` , f REVEGETATION •.•. `. s G i r ;:, S .'-'-'"--/----T •��• ----� `Y �, I 1 :fir'-�--- :..�.• = ,. '` !'; 594SY ER0510NCONTROLLOGS /�NA� `� --- ry ^1 +OD � � 18+��v �j �.. •?`` '-3: I r� _ _ ►mow /. 4.1 kArs �'� 14+00 1 '_- — — 19,AA? - l," // _ _—- ••I THE SEUAPPENBNcoNTHS DOCUMENT WAS [Y CURB INLET PROTECTION ''% __ ,_� —"��—�, -- ^_�^-, -- `'` _ ��`^ - 16 LF 1 AUTHORIZED BY TERRY5296 R.HAGOOD,P.E. L_-_ - l� Cyj`,y 1 52960 l R. .4 Ld4AL7Pf3�'�, 1 THIS DRAINING MAY NOT BE MODIFIED WITHOUT THE � -�` - ,1� Z01�, � �.�' %�%F � � DOPES WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER,AND I BAG FOR EROSION CONTROL THEN GIVING PRACTICE ACT. FTHE � �� i1\ SAND ONLY IN ACCORDANCE THE RULESO y I �- / �L -__ 4EA TE%0.5 ENGINEERING `- 1�1 l / + "`. - r� DATE SIGNED: 02/01/21 -. --' . ;`` `' "-..,." ISSUED FOR BID \� !. : ; / - e�� '`'' ���, ` III ROADWAY PLANS FOR ►° •••.•••• ti••••.•,, e' a I ; / ;'�`�'°, `'a � OAKIYIONT DRIVE EXTENSION ! ' r : • - i/` /; .�, ?a � ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 a it • ,i ,,, 1/ • \ `, 1 i 47/ ,, -- ,, , B ` �i =• 0 di4PlAT1ClT CYIYMChVf% �•• t ` ` : , I• ` •'� /CENTESFC1REVISfD! S : , . ,,,-_ /./ �.y_..1..--- •f•,•,�i ; ` r i10T38 `/`! liar i`% l I```! `»—IX 1 rr / EROSION CONTROL LOGS � try �► �• i SAND BAG FOR EROSION CONTROL ;• ' �4EA 11 : /�/ 1 I `��I SODDING 8 TOPSOIL FOR — • j %t %; REVEGETATION ~f 594 SY _ CURB INLET PROTECTION { % 1bLF _ J �• I �� �'` —I STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE !�:�' •�•'•. '' ', :: ,' :'� `! ,r l (WAND rPnerciraI i NOTES: REnaD"5 1. ALL SW3P CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE PLACED WITHIN CoRR RIGHT OF WAY DURING CONSTRUCTION NO. DM LOCUTION 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN SW3P CONTROL MEASURES g 3. ALL SW3P CONTROL MEASURES INSTALLED DURING CONSTRUCTION ARE TO I REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL 70%VEGETATIVE COVER IS ACHIEVED OR AS APPROVED g BY THE ENGINEER. s 4. ADDITIONAL REPLACEMENT CYCLES FOR SW3P MAY BE ANTICIPATED IF,IN THE g OPINION OF THE CITY ENGINEER,THEY ARE WARRANTED.SW3P QUANTITIES FOR HEA PROJECT NO.19407 ESTIMATING PURPOSES MAY VARY TO MEET FIELD CONDITIONS. ISSUED MTh O2 1/1 5. APPLY VEGETATIVE WATERING AS NEEDED TOO SUPPLEMENT NATURAL RAINFALL EROSION CONTROL DURING THE VEGETATION ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD.DROUGHT OR OTHER LAYOUT ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS,AS DETERMINED BY THE APPUCATION OF 3 SUPPLEMENTAL IRRIGATION TO BE BETWEEN TEH HOURS OF 6PM AND 8PM. 6. CONCRETE WASHOUT LOCATIONS TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD AND SHEET NO. APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. ESC2 7. ALL TREES AND BRUSH IN THE ROW ARE TO BE REMOVED UNLESS OTHERWISE SF£ET114 OF135 k Ilk NOTED ON THE PLANS. r 2 416 ./.11P' \ 1/44 S.._ ,i...z. 0 100 200 HAGOOD NNNNI IINNINI W Nb At IOCIAMN 900 E.Main Street SCALE:11= 1001 Round Rock 1X 78664 4......r .ie 4 f // Phone(512)2441546 r . J/f I FaK(.512(244-1010 _ wxx.heaerg.mmI 1 TRIANGULAR FILTER DIKE jiliA TBPE Re6erohon No.F•12709 = 65 LF Ai ;,,'l JOB NO.19-007 0 2020 HEA,Inc. I IIiir - ',,s,,,,s EROSION CONTROL LOGS ' F '`,'`` �s .''�s SAND BAG FOR EROSION CONTROL 329 LF " ` i INLETII PROTECTION ,( ` '�,/ /-''-` ...;w;,, *e............................::*. CURB itI I 1 r'I I"! ; r l' ;1 15LF I I!� %i``-'' ' -=----- _--_ TERRYR. HAGOOD SODDING&TOPSOIL FOR I CURB INLET PROTECTION k .... 's,.n� <52960 r SAND BAG FOR EROSION CONTROL ' y'• REVEGETATION T` 4EA .. 540SY I $.� �F '...IS7E....• ' �` I SAND MG FOR EROSION CONTROL ``- _ S'ONA L `-� EROSION CONTROL LOGS BUST&69 & ) I 1 4 EA ',`„ N, 253 LF ��,'' R6`7,4,8h'il:La 1' OC 1 ;: /` '/'$''1 ".'° f ACRES 6 I' _ TROL SAND BAG FOR EROSION CONTROL . - _ _ _- I x�; .....0-- ------=-----==-i=-------__-__---__-- ▪ _▪ _-_-=____-___--- THE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMSRWAS e; ,'ou y:i /•` _ -- .4 4 FA _ - _ AUTHORIZED BY TERRY R.HAGOOD,P.E. =may_,. ,.,1 ,;f�' - x• CURB INLET PROTECTION .... ��I - -- - - --- ...2.., � '' _— i _ 54960 - ''C' 16 LF -----ram --- ;===--- -- _-------`-- ,' •� y 1 I — \� _' — --.7________-''��--,, THIS DPhWING MAY NOT BE MODIFIED WITHOUT THE IZS• +sr;+�� `��r_r�' _ BRIM WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER,AND " '1 I IL.`';'err, ,1 1 —, f I ` i �T�" THEN ONLY IN ACCOROFNCEYRTiniH THE RUIESOFTHE 1 CURB INLET PROTECTION ' I TEX0.5 ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. 1,,ll = '; `'`, ru, 1 ""u�ir !._. ....,..��rr..r 15 IF / ` - '\ DATE SIGNED: OQlSO _ —_ �j1 = — -.F.-w ,ems _ " ..i 11 ISSUED FOR: BID / �, Tom, I' t T� 1, , ' - -' ,�- u 30+00'~ 31+Q0 32+00 r 1 33 45 1 r ' I i ;,'( - . _ — ,,.- "r ■ r (�, ,�`I `..` ' OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION A i' i `` � � `''' ROUND ROCK, 78681 - a SODDING&TOPSOIL FOR t` 1 5A BAG FOR EROSION CONTROL —+ REVEGETATION ' J1 "al L;r: I ? 604 SY CURB INLET PROTECTION i 15 LF 'ij'� i ii V, EROSION CONTROL LOGS 1 i -- — j ;! 615 LF 1 %4 R SAND BAG FOR EROSION CONTROL ; I n:' 11 I. CURB INLET PROTECTION 4 EA _ I "',f 11 16 LF , I, {__ ,' f i I ; ' . CURB INLET PROTECTION `";y _�_� SAND BAG FOR EROSION CONTROL 20 LFII 1 LOB "'`I �,i ��* , -- SOCK A 1; ,. 4 EA !_I' I;I ;� AGdSQT11 - 1 r;; NOTES: 2 1. ALL SW3P CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE PLACED HIN CoRR RIGHT OF WAY RE�soNs WR a DURING CONSTRUCTION NO. DATE DESCRPnON •g 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN SW3P CONTROL MEASURES E 3. ALL SW3P CONTROL MEASURES INSTALLED DURING CONSTRUCTION ARE TO g REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL 70%VEGETATIVE COVER IS ACHIEVED OR AS APPROVED S BY THE ENGINEER. a 4. ADDITIONAL REPLACEMENT CYCLES FOR SW3P MAY BE ANTICIPATED IF,IN THE g OPINION OF THE CITY ENGINEER,THEY ARE WARRANTED.SW3P QUANTTIIES FOR HE,PiO18CTN0.19- 7 ESTIMATING PURPOSES MAY VARY TO MEET FIELD CONDRIONS. ISSUED GATE 02ro1/21 5. APPLY VEGETATIVE WATERING AS NEEDED TOO SUPPLEMENT NATURAL RAINFALL DURING THE VEGETATION ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD.DROUGHT OR OTHER EROSION CONTROL ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS,AS DETERMINED BY THE APPLICATION OF LAYOUT SUPPLEMENTAL IRRIGATION TO BE BETWEEN TEH HOURS OF 6PM AND BPM. 5 6. CONCRETE WASHOUT LOCATIONS TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD AND SHEET NO. APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. E5C3 A 7. ALL TREES AND BRUSH IN THE ROW ARE TO BE REMOVED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE PLANS. s fO 115 OF I35R. III 26 iii , , a J Eli HAGOOD ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES 900 E.Main Street Round Rock,TX 78664 Phone(512)244-1546 Fax(512)244-1010 www.heaeng.com RECOMMENDED TOE—IN METHOD TBPERegistrationNo.F-12709 STEEL FENCE POSTS JOB NO.19-007 0 2020 HEA,Inc. (MAXIMUM 6' ���� ��II SPACING) --�Po E o F TF � ``�,�` WOVEN WIRE SUPPORT */°• i •• *'; ....."...,-.4*....�,� 11 ������� 1im (12-1/2 GAUGE NET STREET R.O.W._ _ 50' MIN NON-WOVEN ����� J1 ������ 11IP BACKING) TERRY R. HAGOOD GEOTEXTILE FABRIC ..,� 11 �� 1 SILT FENCE ���� E1 ����� E��� • GRADE TO PREVENT ������ 11 `� 1111 :.• 52960 O •; y /-RUNOFF FROM LEAVING 1% Imp. , o'O••••FG!s T E�•�'•�``_= SITE EXISTING \ �IIIII �/� ►! �j� ,' ss,oNa�• ��G\ TRANSITION J� p � GRADE / ///�// �/// _- TO ROADWAY ,�, 57241 kt-,,, ,,-.4._ �,�.. � ELSw �/�//�� �//\\` //�.i��/�/ TRENCH (BACKFILLED) THE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS AUTHORIZED BY TERRY R.HAGOOD,P.E. 52960 THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE MODIFIED WITHOUT THE 00 EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER,AND THEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE TEXAS ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. DATE SIGNED: 02/01/21 ISSUED FOR: BID CROSS SECTION //\\\/ /\\ / ROADWAY PLANS FOR /�/� �/�/�/ y'///�//���/�/, OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION z/� /- �\//\ ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 6" FABRIC MIN TOE-IN CROSS SECTION NOTES: 1. STEEL POSTS WHICH SUPPORT THE SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED ON A SLIGHT ANGLE TOWARD THE ANTICIPATED RUNOFF SOURCE. POST MUST BE EMBEDDED A MIN. OF ONE (1') FOOT. 2. THE TOE OF THE SILT FENCE SHALL BE TRENCHED IN WITH A SPADE OR MECHANICAL TRENCHER, SO THAT THE NOTES: DOWNSLOPE FACE OF THE TRENCH IS FLAT AND PERPENDICULAR TO THE LINE OF FLOW. WHERE FENCE CANNOT 1. STONE SIZE SHALL BE 3" - 8" OPEN GRADED ROCK. BE TRENCHED IN (E.G. PAVEMENT) WEIGHT FABRIC FLAP WITH WASHED GRAVEL ON UPHILL SIDE TO PREVENT FLOW UNDER FENCE. 2. THICKNESS OF CRUSHED STONE PAD TO BE NOT LESS THAN 8". 3. THE TRENCH MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 6 INCHES DEEP AND 6 INCHES WIDE TO ALLOW FOR THE SILT FENCE 3. LENGTH SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 50' FROM ACTUAL ROADWAY, AND WIDTH NOT LESS THAN FULL WIDTH OF FABRIC TO BE LAID IN THE GROUND AND BACKFILLED WITH COMPACTED MATERIAL. INGRESS/EGRESS. 4. SILT FENCE SHALL BE SECURELY FASTENED TO EACH STEEL SUPPORT POST OR TO WOVEN WIRE, WHICH IN TURN 4. ENTRANCE SHALL BE PROPERLY GRADED TO PREVENT RUNOFF FROM LEAVING THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. IS SECURELY FASTENED TO THE STEEL FENCE POSTS. 5. THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOWING OF 5. INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE WEEKLY OR AFTER EACH RAINFALL EVENT AND REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT SHALL BE s SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY. ALL SEDIMENT SPILLED, DROPPED, WASHED OR TRACKED ONTO PUBLIC MADE PROMPTLY AS NEEDED. RIGHTS OF WAY MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY BY CONTRACTOR. 6. SILT FENCE SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN THE SITE IS COMPLETELY STABILIZED SO AS NOT TO BLOCK OR IMPEDE 1 6. AS NECESSARY, WHEELS MUST BE CLEANED TO REMOVE SEDIMENT PRIOR TO ENTRANCE ONTO PUBLIC RIGHT OF STORM FLOW OR DRAINAGE. REVISIONS WAY. WHEN WASHING IS REQUIRED, IT SHALL BE DONE ON AN AREA STABILIZED WITH CRUSHED STONE WHICH 7. ACCUMULATED SILT SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN IT REACHES A DEPTH OF 6 INCHES. THE SILT SHALL BE NO. DATE DESCRIPTION DRAINS INTO AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAP OR SEDIMENT BASIN. ALL SEDIMENT SHALL BE PREVENTED FROM DISPOSED OF IN AN APPROVED SITE AND IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO NOT CONTRIBUTE TO ADDITIONAL SILTATION. ENTERING ANY STORM DRAIN, DITCH OR WATERCOURSE USING APPROVED METHODS. 8. SILT FENCE SHALL BE REMOVED AS SOON AS THE SOURCE OF SEDIMENT IS STABILIZED 0 0 E RECORD SIGNED COPY DRAWING NO: RECORD SIGNED COPY DRAWING NO: ON FILE AT PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF ROUND ROCK EC-09 ON FILE AT PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF ROUND ROCK EC_,o o APPROVED APPROVED o HEA PROJECT NO.19-007 a 03 11 STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION 03 11 ISSUED DATE:02/01/21 i DATE DATE SILT FENCE DETAIL xoulvneocsc.TEacAs EROSION CONTROL THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER ASSUMES ENTRANCE DETAIL THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER ASSUMES R.I10'OSEME510RPRC6PE'T' STANDARDS .o RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPROPRIATE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPROPRIATE USE OF THIS DETAIL. (NOT TO SCALE) , itUSE OF THIS DETAIL (NOT TO SCALE) SHEET NO. ., 01 STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE NTS 02 SILT FENCE DETAIL NTS ESC4 k SHEET 116 OF 135 P..- 3 m LL FLO 18" TEMP. EROSION CONTROL LOG STAKE LOG ON DOWNHILL ' 18" TEMP EROSION SIDE AT THE CENTER, AT I III A A EACH END, AND AT TR e.=:::.::... HAGOOD CONTROL LOG ADDITIONAL POINTS AS 10aees_e e;:_:...-_,.___.-------- ----------------- NEEDED TO SECURE LOG 6•i;.� __ _ _ ___ 4 MAX. SPACING, OR AS MULCH CRADLE EN6INEERIN6 ASSOCIATES ��;�'�'''•� 20 LB. SANDBAGS 1� (TYP) f Z DIRECTED. UNDER EROSION 900 E.Main Street ,, 0 3� O.C. 7 CONTROL LOG Round Rock,Tx 78664 •���' SECURE END Phone(512)4-101546 p::'' OF LOG TO STAKE LOG ON DOWNHILL �\� \ �� Fax(512)244-1010 �•�•-•19— STAKE TYP SIDE AT THE tT% EASSURE DIRECT CONTACT WITH "'"•:;'� - EROSION CONTROL POINT$ AS NEED TO SEURE ,•��%O''�• �•:: •'•�� PLAN LOG, OR AS ECTED. JOB NO.19-007 O 2020 HEA,Inc. SURFACE OF GUTTER FLOWLINE �(ti•-' LOG SECTION A—A _ P,�E OF TF�\', EROSION CONTROL LOG CHECK DAM _-�� ..•••••••••••••.,,s ISOMETRIC STAKES ON DOWNHILL SIDE / f"••• %\ ••••:*/ SECURE END OF LOG AT 8' OC MAX OR * * OF LOG TO AS NEEDED TO SECURE LOG, STAKE (TYP) OR AS DIRECTED. TERRY R. HAGOOD R.O.W. B R.O.W. MULCH CRADLE 12" TEMP. EROSION %/ -0 52960 CONTROL LOG UNDER EROSION ' /0 ';.p p 4 DISTURBED AREA STAKE O F `L �• NI! CONTROL LOG r ,c •.•G •: SIDEWALK ASSURE DIRECT CONTACT WITH FLOW , F •...!..T E..•• \�_ SURFACE OF GUTTER FLOWLINE _ ss/ONA L ��C?- O0 ` BACK OF CURB A\��\�� \/�\�N \A /11 et`G., r� FLOW �......�:;;. r;..........� /�V ; AV\ . A . ' ': 2' B LIP OF GUTTER //�`�//\\A// ''-,''a '•'' `FLOW THE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS 50�.��2�2�2�2�2�2�2i2�2�2�����������.• 12" TEMP. EROSION PAN AUTHORIZED BY TERRY R.HAGOOD,P.E. CONTROL LOG SECTION B—B 52960 6" DIAMETER EROSION STREET LOG PLACED AT BACK OF CURB THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE MODIFIED WITHOUT THE CONTROL LOG 20 LB. SANDBAGS EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER,AND THEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE 0 3 O.C. (TYP) 1' STAKES ON DOWNHILL SIDE OF TEXAS ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. LOG AT 8' OC MAX OR AS DATE SIGNED: 02/01/21 PLAN SECURE END NEEDED TO SECURE LOG, OR 12" TEMP. EROSION ISSUED FOR: BID OF LOG TO AS DIRECTED. CONTROL LOG STAKE (TYP) 12" TEMP. EROSION - ..........R.O.W......C............. - R.O.W.� CONTROL LOG N ROADWAY PLANS FOR MULCH CRADLE 6" DIAMETER EROSION STAKE N. UNDER EROSION OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION DISTURBED AREA � CONTROL LOG 77777, --"• _ _„/3 20 LB. SANDBAGS VCONTROL LOG f FLOW f ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 CAD 3� 0.C. va\ \Av \/� A\ym \A\y/N \A\ym \Awk \A\ym / INLET ( me v BACK OF CURB �\�`AAVNA AVAVA&MA&MA AVM \j PLAN LIP OF GUTTER SECTION C—C O\ LOG PLACED AT EDGE OF RIGHT—OF—WAY NOTES: CROSS SECTION 1. DAILY INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE BY THE CONTRACTOR AND SILT ACCUMULATION MUST BE REMOVED WHEN DEPTH REACHES 6". DIRECTION 1' 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL MONITOR THE PERFORMANCE OF LOGS DURING OF FLOW DIRECTION RAINFALL EVENT FOR PROPER PERFORMANCE. .................. OF FLOW 3. LOGS SHALL CONSIST OF 100% BIODEGRADABLE, PHOTODEGRADABLE NOTES: eeee�,:14- ..........,,:+���������,--•--ems:.............. OR RECYCLABLE CONTAINMENT MESH STUFFED WITH FILTER SSe S59 eke.....P -._�_�eceeeeee SS? MATERIAL. 1. EROSION CONTROL LOG CONTAINMENT MESH SHALL BE 100% BIODEGRADABLE, PHOTODEGRADABLE OR RECYCLABLE; s 2, .... 4. STUFF LOGS WITH SUFFICIENT FILTER MATERIAL TO ACHIEVE DENSITY AND FILL MATERIAL SHALL CONSIST OF MULCH, ASPEN EXCELSIOR FIBERS, CHIPPED SITE VEGETATION, COCONUT SECURE ENDS .. I I THAT WILL HOLD SHAPE WITHOUT EXCESSIVE DEFORMATION. FILTER 0 FIBERS, 100% RECYCLABLE FIBERS, OR ANY OTHER ACCEPTABLE MATERIAL EXCLUDING STRAW AND HAY. OF LOGS To MATERIAL SHALL CONSIST OF MULCH, ASPEN EXCELSIOR WOOD 2. DAILY INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE BY THE CONTRACTOR AND SILT ACCUMULATION MUST BE REMOVED WHEN DEPTH STAKES (TYP) FIBERS, CHIPPED SITE VEGETATION, COCONUT FIBERS,100% REACHES 2". LAP DETAIL RECYCLABLE FIBERS, OR ANY OTHER ACCEPTABLE MATERIAL, 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL MONITOR THE PERFORMANCE OF INLET PROTECTION DURING EACH RAINFALL EVENT AND EXCLUDING STRAW AND HAY. REVISIONS .l IMMEDIATELY REMOVE THE INLET PROTECTIONS IF THE STORM WATER BEGINS TO OVERTOP THE CURB. 5. STAKES SHALL BE 2" X 2" WOOD, 4' LONG, EMBEDDED SUCH THAT 8 4. INLET PROTECTIONS SHALL BE REMOVED AS SOON AS THE SOURCE OF SEDIMENT IS STABILIZED. 2" PROTRUDES ABOVE LOG, OR AS DIRECTED. NO. DATE DESCRIPTION A RECORD SIGNED COPY RECORD SIGNED COPY CITY OF ROUND ROCK DRAWING NO: i ON FILE AT PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF ROUND ROCK I ON FILE AT PUBLIC WORKS EC-1 7 E APPROVED EC-13 APPROVED 8 03-25-11 03-25-11 DATE s CURB INLET PROTECTION WITH RDUNB ROCFC liCa`tS— DATE EROSION CONTROL LOG DETAIL HEAPROJECTNO.19-007 ISSUED DATE:02/01/21 THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER ASSUMES EROSION CONTROL LOG DETAIL rUBOCEE Dm. 1 THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER ASSUMES � +fle x RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPROPRIATE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPROPRIATE USE OF THIS DETAIL. (NOT TO SCALE) USE OF THIS DETAIL. (NOT TO SCALE) J EROSION CONTROL I STANDARDS i 01 CURB INLET PROTECTION NTS 02 EROSION CONTROL LOG NTS SHEET NO. ESC5E. r SHEET 117 OF 135 0 N O l' 0 0 LL da Flow Galvanized Woven Wire Mesh a N Excavotion (If shown on (for Types 2 & 3) �, drawings) Width for payment c°= i construction H •� rye , , C., / /j Sheet Flow Earth C •� /4111111111rIlgft-. / embankment w In I . . �\ •\ •\ �, Toe of sloeAW .� ��Di�MAIM?�*� �y •�• 1 I• /Ind • . 9.7. SEE NOTE 6 x (I,..'.. 0,, % 1 1 TL i�ri DO tfor E •itI,'.j:'�•1���,%,,.�,• S,j�:(�;�,,' n/L�� A ..V.. Shape may be used --to b��ai' t .�wul•1; r t.• ,1' 0%," higher velocity flows. I• •• .� • � .�• 41- /`�\ (See "V" Shape Plan View below) FILTER DAM AT CHANNEL SECTIONS m L orwo,�A, `�,, .M��V 70.E •.�47`) �0 c ' 'N1 �`I,yai �����'S\�� 1 Z�,k ' //� �� FILTER DAM AT SEDIMENT TRAP •- • •11•., �.�• \ • -11 .,�=.i S ,\AAA i 4" Min. RFDI OR :RFD OR :Rf D3; >.o • • �•��5� .• - ., -gyp. v OR �aroz� GENERAL NOTES o c :o_fe t of... •/ w' „� wy �� \./ -' '/ .,' Native rock or other 1. If shown on the plans or directed by the Engineer, filter dams should °o ',O suitable material be placed near the toe of slopes where erosion is anticipated, upstream Optional Sandbags Width for Payment _ and/or downstream at drainage structures, and in roadway ditches and 0 o FILTER DAM AT TOE OF SLOPE channels to collect sediment. L N (See Usage Di- Guidelines) 2' Min. Level Crested Weir 3e� 2. Materials (aggregate, wire mesh, sandbags, etc.) shall be as indicated z w ® �.� cWeir 12 by the specification for "Rock Filter Dams for Erosion and Sedimentation �,�• Control". .• r-�w!i Length ' ', 1' Min. a o i����������*�� ��� 3. The rock filter dam dimensions sha l l be as indicated on the SW3P plans. UO o—Ditch Flow -h��"�-��„�1•�,•`\\ �i�%�1�%�li� 4. Side slopes should be 2:1 or flatter. Dams within the safety zone shall 0 0 3:1 Mox. 1 _ 3:1 Max. A ���j •� U ��� have s i des I opes of 6:1 or flatter. a C ' - - ' ( J CT o.�i �` 4" Min. 5. Maintain a minimum of 1' between top of rock filter dam weir and top of .��••.1'�. embankment for filter dams at sediment traps. t e44•. . 4,e414" ?: 4p1.11 PROFILE 6. Filter dams should be embedded o m i n i mum of 4" into existing ground. w O Ou 4•a 4ti �1 !4 0 0 V%P ":1!`! 7. The sediment trap for ponding of sediment laden runoff shall be of the s 0 `� dimensions shown on the plans. . y c o "V" SHAPE 8. Rock filter dam types 2 & 3 shall be secured with 20 gouge galvanized ° PLAN VIEW Galvanized wovenwoven wire mesh with 1" diameter hexagonal openings. The aggregate shall )+d Sack GobionSh-'21'—"4in.-- g gD c wire meshbe placed on the mesh to the height & slopes specified. (for Types 2 & 3)\ The mesh shall be folded at the upstream side over the aggregate and c° _ tightly secured to itself on the downstream side using wire ties or ,,.,, ,,,,, ,,,, ,, See Note 4 r ` �� hog rings. For in stream use, the mesh should be secured or staked to the °+ """ " " ';����" `�o����}•�� stream bed prior to aggregate placement. Opp%O••O.:pppOO e...-" �.,;!•�•i:•:•�•�•:ii�i•� 2 i-i ♦- t B '�•iii•OOJ.'�' ��ilOJOOO.p� B 1 .s O•, -!♦r• lMileo Types 1 & 2 = 1 8" o'a �'' Open raded %���� 5�1� 5� Type �n" dia.o. rebor stokes, and have o D° g i��4 1 .�� ��-:,�,• y 3 = 36" 9. Sack s should be stoked down withE °o rock ���•.,toto*o �+*r��4; . ( double-twisted hexagonal weave with a nom i no I mesh opening of 2 /2" x 3 /4" In` 1 �\ ��, i 3`, �\ �\, ...... ,, 10. Flow outlet should be onto a stabilized area (vegetation, rock, etc.). a c 4" Min. } n Yi" Dia. 11. The guidelines shown hereon are suggestions only and may be modified by Rebar Stakes SECTION C-C the Engineer. Direction m- a of Flow PLAN SHEET LEGEND N- W o ROCK FILTER DAM USAGE GUIDELINES Type 1 Rock Filter Dam GEO 0 1-1- \ Rock Filter Dams should be Constructed downstream from disturbed areas to intercept sediment from overland runoff and/or concentrated flow. Type 2 Rock Filter Dam (ID The dams should be sized to filter o maximum flow through rate of 60 PLAN VIEW SECTION B-B GPM/FT2 of cross sectional area. A 2 year storm frequency may be used Type 3 Rock Filter Dam 410 to calculate the flow rote. Type 4 Rock Filter Dom CaMO 3', 6' or 9' Type 1 (18" high with no wire mesh) (3" to 6" aggregate): Type 1 may be a a used at the toe of slopes, around inlets, in small ditches, and at dike or ® swale outlets. This type of dam is recommended to control erosion from a Design Division Galvanized Steel Galvanized Steel drainage area of 5 acres or less. Type 1 may not be used in concentrated 'Texas Department of Transportation Standard Wire Mesh / A Wire Mesh high velocity flows (approximently 8 Ft/Sec or more) in which aggregate __-_ ` wash out may occur. Sandbags may be used at the embedded foundation TEMPORARY EROSION, ..,- , �� �� . ,t- �i�4:-S�a -a..•P ;� a��'� (4" deep min.) for better filtering efficiency of low flows if coiled for .-:: .:�� : - . . .; ' ,� on the plans or directed by the Engineer. SEDIMENT AND WATER ,i�ve `�-ertwa:,=v�_'� r� �- �G- (�2. � /;, .�A- �� Type 2 (18" high with wire mesh) (3" to 6" aggregate): Type 2 may be POLLUTION CONTROL MEASURES j',1*AL��.•.Ai%ai �."�I'l*OtP A����'004 1� , 2' Dia.�' , lifilli � , � used in ditches and of dike or swore outlets.Iri`�i1W0141rei;sN .� : •4•.4A.�fieleiviat�,! ROCK F I L TER DAMS 1e•����=-=�i�=-:-4„��-��-�,��=-:��_��=-1-=-7� �, Type 3 (36" high with wire mesh) (4" to 8" aggregate): Type 3 may be used 1 .W2� ��S�� •_-*S �� e•g� RYA• ,'� in stream f I ow and shou I d be secured to the stream bed. EC 2 - 1 6 SHEET6 OF A Type 4 (Sack gobions) (3" to 6" aggregate): Type 4 May be used in ditches FILE: ec216 DN:TxDOT CIO KM ow:VP DN/CuLS and smaller channels to form an erosion control dam. ©TxDOT: JULY 2016 CONT SECT JOB HIGHWAY TYPE 4 (SACK GABIONS) SECTION A-A REVISIONS Li Type 5: Provide rock filter dams as shown on plans. H J DIST COUNTY SHEET N0. p Li N3LLWASON SHEET 113OF 133 IP ‘ 4111. ( 1/ a irovi-,iiiii 1---------- \ I ..--- 1 '/ ii IT 16' AO' .0 ,1 . V • ' B P Iztjp1 / /1 i • \ --- 1,1 II './ , , i '; I : 1 . ÷ 1 , ' 4 •• IIIII.• --141111111K"dim.44- I ) I / Faf4.500 PR / / ' '' ' ----------. 0 100 200 HAGOOD / l', r / • !',I, i r Ili / IL / At / Ficoop/A% ' 1 1' no E.main simetiNIBINNEN•AISSOCIAIN / 'I) , 14 \\ .„-- _r__ 1 1' / Round Rork,TX 78664 i I / — .....-- ../ ./ yll SCALE:11-- 1001 * / of jr 1 I ..... / / / • , ; II I Il i/! 11 v.. [-I FPhax7.51(251)2244)244-10110546 vArw.heueng.com .... _/ t , \ ,__- , / r .. 1 , TAPE Regishalion F-12709 :I.'• / i , i ,,1,/ i / 10 '.I-1 ' di ..,/ 1 I ../ , / ..i.1" i _J / 'I.'a Illimili''.11.1111/):'1 1 Li 11'1;g/1'1r/1\g/I\ ....... ...........................II:2(1141-8-ii I N.., , —— -,,,, ._.1 JOB NO.1,09-007.C.0:0*200HE:In:.... 0,, .. / EX 4'WWMH I , / / • 1 I,' l ' il/ il '' ..1. • I /'-' RAW4+227 a Jr AV=719.99 1 1 • /1.1/ \ I'. ••••• • - ?' ........... 1 1 / EC 76.0I17=71R6f It . /i I \ : 1 I \ *IF \* • • / • -- iii/ N OAKMONT CEM7tE SEC BIOCK 4 LOT 3(71), . *° %..* LI i ; 1. / • / . / \ ! AGES 6.35 (1.251AC/fLOODPINAO I 0,, "\..\\ .if •, AO If FEMA 10011E : TERRY. RI.sHTIG:0:. .............................r.- / f N ROODWAY C.11 4' /. / / / 1 Jtk// a / !......„...€µ1560 K2 flOODINN •••••••‘..'''*......"."''".'".. -'' -,Th .srm — - 'i ,k, \`‘, '.,?. -•,„., • ,: 1. 52960 '73 V 0 . ''. i ', <<',, ............ 0\ "s/ONAk- \'N, •al. ......?... **, / • I ,.. ., N , '',,,... ---,„,.../ i ...• , / :: .,,, •, • MY:awl'.\// / .. • .• .• i ".".1 ....••••#. ..,' 5A al z• _ —in -8 - '-. ...... -. 2 .. ,-- ,-,-........ _______r...„,........ ,..:..,‘.;,•,,...,.;., :4-‘ 1•0----;__ : /4.-•, ---- -------:_.'7:...=......,..,. -_______ -. THE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS 4S a ,P1-1, ' I AlJTHORIZED BY TERRY R.HAGOOD,P.E :•2 2, / / .•••• 3-r-rgn 52960 4-4— -.. 5-00— 6+13 11///(... -- '....`74 ,------i,.,/ . ,'H' „ .... THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE MON FIED WEDIOUT THE / C,--'-'7/./ ./..-..t?'"'-.:;•14iiiiiii%N.---77-.„------,:6.-.- --7-- . ___ ir ___ 8-ye,v_ ..• -g, 137 --. I MESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER,AND g,f •4-'17- -- • • 111Pir ____ - ,......._-- a viw- a ww-- 80 woo ' ...; ::';'".---,-,t-,..'m'•:iiiii....ijij..........._ . • . ,01'.. P THEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WM1 THE RSJLES CF THE / -- _- _. imr4PN— 4"--i,C.' .111V...i..7..-. . .. -- ___ , _ . I/' 74,645 TEXAS ENGINEERING PRACIICE ACT. -- PROP R.O.W. . . /14"/ if il,/ V8.752Av_.!ll DATE SIGNED: D2/01/21 • • II '‘.•••-:•-• • C ____ 7------......... . ISSUED FOR: DD / / ..•;7..- / k /1,,,/ .rour-mals c i 4,urc• m ) I i /1"/ ' comment( 1 /Pt 1 / \/I'4'116444f1 L42,1": . / ,,,, /- # 1 ,,,),,'1,/ I ROADWAY PLANS FOR ,„ RIA4=735.84 EX liVir739.29 i`-Et lir aV72$81 i; / • ( I . EC/IFOUT=72ad$ //... "a••••• a 6'CA/Waif' , ,, , ! L__ ,' ,, /,',., / 1 OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION BLOCK4 10 (PT), i ti,' 7 ,/ ,41' ,i/ .,P/ ROUND ROC1C,TX 78681 ACRES 34 a en* 1 / EY ro,672a8,7 • .• -...... ( M Al)AITYW • I I „ 11 I 1 1111Z211P"." \ LEGEND OH E U GE EC.OVERHEAD ELECTRIC UNE EX.UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE \ s'l •••• •-• i I FL OAKMONT_____CENTRE SECS, ---- 10T 34 I.878 ACRES .,,i• '-'.;..V.1i::I, il irl [-I rl ri.U1-1-7-1--ri ,-) ,c ....„,......,,,,, o Av -.../ , ,,-, .. ,„ , , / ,„ . , ,,,...---...,.... , ..,... t „tzo, -"-.... , !--„, : I 0 : 1 : 1 / , ".' /,11 Silk*/ I ......•....•......•... EX.OVERHEAD iir I / •••.. .... /1.-, - ---OH T--- •••••I TELEPHONE LINE I ... ,':'.°4'N• i__ ,, , ; / l-,-,,, '`"---"-- e,/ . .,,,, / ,UNDERGROUND UNDERGROUND - 1•;:.•T'.7'•:.:1•' `-'*"....,...I- I l I TELEPHONE LINE p --" jj,..- .;;;A------___ --..7.7 .. ..,,.:;].•.::... ,,,,7 /i ..././ ,,,L. , / .... w R.WATER LINE .-•-.. . -'-''''11C-t•I•-.."-7- -T2'YE---- 1 -7-1 /,./ !;.i.,/ NI /•••''''...-........ 13+00 16+00 .—. 10 0 ._._ --...., 191,•00.'''•,- 14,-s '''----.1-.-. 1 I r „1/ / t &whet 15+00. ...... _—..----- -,..,-- . . ..........___________ ---,-.:::.,:•.•• li bV--,76865' 0 WW IX.WASTEWATER LINE 0 --..........„.... --``••••--...............14t00. ,7 .,, --:.----_-'7---- - - •."- - ''' 7 \....___IFTP 1 r ------„ ' FM EX.FORCE MAIN -1° CM '"+•... ... -._____:::-'-7--,z....----- -------- ii •• ., •'---7 E / 7 /-• ----- /„ . ,•,,,,, ci FOC IX.FIBER OFTIC LINE 72 gi -'-•-•-•- .... '17-T•.__ . 1.4)4 1 i IT 1/Tri ri , .-• -' ''' -.-4,% ------, / '---- .::...,.S. .. 11- .2/ .. --,-!!!..,......7......... 0- / r----------___,_ (-111_1_t P., - i fil --‘ GAS EX.GAS LINE .! tn ir amuse cuff 1-, .4. ..,,,.. /ii . Eil / ,,, R "•,....4 ilf12... .., 12 REYSKINS Z •RICA,All;(REO 4.17./." \ i ' I ? 1 ....'-----71 ' 7 i -,.., ... , ----,."-------___ " -----_,...,•••. i 1— el :1 ./---- it_ A --- \/ „--- r- :..L-J-.L. *•.+F g,„ ---- , • # •••,, --4, 1 / Pm.' •• •\ j -,,,...,,k---.7 / %.**••••• / P 1.......„.. r-.....1 i %.1 •8 i ••••,:l / ••••.,4 0 ' I ,---- e . .. . ---.... .... I cr.0 ' • • .. ,, i .1 ,,,_1(-, ---., • ----,-.1 f I 1---•„. -, • ""''.• 24,r. -§ • 1 I , 1 I 1.1 ..„,.. .<,,,:.4..;.. 0 I !----- I 1 /a _, , I 1 1,-..,„ --,..,,_I sa I ''',..,,,, i / I l'--- I 1-• ••. .1, I Jr 0 I / I I 1,..,..._ , 1, , HEA PRaKT l*O.19.007 .`L` , i 1--...„ -,..,_ 7 i 1 .1:i/ * 1 ,"v r...., t/*2`70q „' i ........••,.........----ihr I mum DATE:D2/01121 ---...; , a • a,),-,.. .t.... ..,.,.. EXISTING UTILITIES #1 /. -.....„1 ) , ,,.., I I r"---, I I .----4 REPEAT LOT 3 OAKMONT 1 .f i I f l '/ ,^•--... \ f f... •-•..,„ I -,, 1, CiWIRE SEC I WISE; g I 4 BEGIN TO STA.24+00.D3 6/.......„. .., I ,,. i ..,3 k....."'s s.,,•••••,... i ...,' ..-...,_ ....,_,.. / ,----..:-77.i • 'N. LOT 38 I I , '.-7'-i -,,,,,_ ' i 1 • %----- ._ /I/I // SHEET NO. -,....._ / * UTI 1 ,.„ /..., / i / , ,...., i ,, / -,,..„; , t--... .-:-., I/ ,,, ,, , SHEET TES OE 135 .4. /. .,' /,,--- P.... . l r 174ACRES }I I '' I I 1 ;I I III I 11 I I /\ I! F j I1 I I © MI ■ IX I i HAGOOD r--- r - - I I rdi40WA(L 0 100 200 I i 1 ilk+ INNINIIWNN AiNOOAIAi �■j••• �■■■ `1 900 Eakin Sheet I sir Ii ` SCALE;11=100'+ Rim Et I \IXffip�@7 µ� Phone{512}244-1546 �_ I .751 ra nr�c _7�� J �sgour- ae�r Pa.lst21244-rota 11 EX 1I'✓/A4/ I 1 'dam www.heaeng.com '• lO KN.7467 1 I IXp yBOy'+ TBPE Registration Na F-12709 ..,` I 1 10'K OUT=748 l' I I .8f'k � •4001)TON, ' JOB NO.19-007 C 2020 HEA,Inc �� I � EX CL�7ALfEr '��' �LOT?/PT, i 1 ' ARKS_ =766 N h J A I \ E OF TF N� 1 , '_--7 L7WJDLEROAS'SU81LK 1 \��., h�A.'".■ '•.his. SUB. 1 BLT51B6&7BP I * ''�� '�;* RES 1 1 RfPL47�BLOCK B Lot c 1 I • Ns \ •' �': .....F............................»... IIII Pr( st.y 1 IX .75136. �� TERRY R.HAGOOD L J I is i re PaRaur=nr. left,-- �....... 529fi0....._? . il 1 1..• 1 r Nvp <' ••••P/S T ; �� 4 II II f\ ( ''='i w /3�ii I SS O �G y /� J 30+00 31+00 32+00 '� ] Pam. i�. �- k f r�- 24}� ��„� _-- �I — \ THE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS 4 II �" r' _ IS Z AUTHORED E fqp -_r- � -- -- _-�- --� �` BY R.HAGOOD,P. • �/�► ?S+QQ 27�"� --'- - " THEN THE _ ` hiLS DRAWING MAY NOT BE MOdFIED WRHOUT THE I `--- _- �, EXPRESS WRIREN CONSENT OFTHE ENGINEER,F i_ - IX 147Y4tl! I �• ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WRH THE ISJlES OF D 26+0Q A _ - - ~ 10'KdY-797.5' i TEXAS ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. I•`' �- _-_ ___- -^ !0`ftW'r�7�7f i . DATE SIGN®: 02Nt/2t • `' ___.- I _- =.�- i —``_'' ISSUED FOR BID I ROADWAY PLANS FOR II I OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 IX Cl�dVgET j ' - 6414KEY =754�, `�"�KO� 751'�' I LEGEND j1 I I I - ---OHE--- EX OVERHEAD I 1 ELECTRIC UNE 1 I -- - R.UNDERGROUND CHANDLER oA�cLrB& 1 azoarq corzmr — ucE ACRES6122 IXEOVERH IEAD OPRESSCVLT2(FEPL412, Vi I „I ---OHT- TELEPHONE LINE R.UNDERGROUND ---UGT-- TELEPHONE LINE ---w--- R.WATER LINE ---w--- EX.WASTEWATER LINE ---FM--- EX.FORCE MAIN $ ---FOC--- EX.FIBER OPTIC LINE - ---Gas--- IX.GAS LINE Eil REYSIONS NO. DATE DESOCP110N i 2 A I 8 a HEA PROJECT NO.19.007 0 MUSD DATE:D7/01/21 EXISTING UTILITIES STA 24+03.00 TO END 6 5 SHEET NO. UTI2 ,, SHEET 1200F135 k 41 r � .• / 1 I ;i' '' A/ Ir• ....... i ...• / 1 1 1/ •/ I 1 1 i t 11 Ilk> ELVIII r•---- - I / / / C , - 'VW/ 1/ I, I ii ," \ , 5+82.96 OAKMONT DRIVE ,/ , .' yao E main ASSOCIAIIS 1 , E 0 100 200 7 f• . / J sheIHANsufiniGNPOD 5 DC 0 WAN /1 / OFFSET:12.60'RI il i: ilt.2i I /;: . 1p II , r -;'. H I / M44=740.27 EC 18'IN=729.0 % I/ //I/ N:10174790.2849 ii 1 irni ii . t \ %L SCALE:1'= 1001 Round Rork,TX 78664 18'0111=72284- E:3129764.9976 ,.: . , , , \ Phone 012)244-1546 \ ' . .i \I Fax(512)244-1010 ... / RIM=745.68 I I IN, \ woNo.heueng.com I, / I // N SEE PROFILE FOR FLOWUNE 34640NT°WIRE SEC BLOa 8,LOT 3(P1), ,, a 1 11 1‘ IEEE RegiErefon Na F-12709 y II , // / PROPOSED 4'WWMH ACRES 6.353,(1.251AC/ROODPOW,) I 1:1 II 1 1 I 8..1 d li , ,I o(..‘",\:\Ns.e. 1E04 •-31-'i / si;' 0+61.34 REALIGNED WASTEWATER LINE(BIN.) END 12"STEEL ENCASEMEW PIPE YR Ft•or,•; 4 41 . V" I, ii, JOB NO.19-007 C 2020 HEA,Inc. 0 F .6:I. ..,""'.......... „0-s,l'..................'Id, 7 ....,....y. . .,.. tf '• • or -r-••-•." - ii • . - 4 .-./..:„...,Faoii... 500._ ,' ------:-::-: -------- ei -ts _.„.0 _. , -- i --1 '' ---.-.---- /2•10 Tx, R....RY0 RI HTA:c1,0....0 1 •••••-•-._ _I- s / .•••••'"" ..--------..0.- ___.----- ____-------ii77-TA .:--- „ .,,_ - -- _ _ : P13,0P R.O.W. . ." __--------15r.----- •-• ------- 11" :-/,, i''. 1 4.,..wr -................... -o • 52960 0411r-imr-- ,, .,.... ------- •z , v . •,<, (<2, <,,,'' , I -*-----;.,1; _.„,,, i , / ----..„ •• • 91 .. .- I .04.i ..--- -'-. i i :: +tf x- , _..------ -. _--------- I II) l' tp, , /O I sNAL - 8-mg 0",,w4 ---- - .',-•--- , V i ....., 03.,04'.---1"------- 777.,:.i....-. - --'-.---,-,_.,_.-"""m•i i.,,,,,-i i i i i i.i in in i......_.. . .22_, .,7- ,AT ,,,,,"-.....• ..,r-.. ____-______7477, ,,,„, ct rni..1 k,,,t-r. -*-)-k-- , ( -•••-......,, - -"'' *, / .;---:0+0.34 REAUGNED WASTEWATER LINE(81N.)1 ., - - ••••... / //,' 74i k. /;:// 6'N=746.1.5 CAC Ai .1 ...-. , START 12"STEEL ENCASEMENT PIPE WWP#-2 I / I Jr. R. 1 ,,, I;I I L7'a7=74615 COMMEnt 1 THE SPAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS AUTHOR=BY TERM'R.HAGCOD,P.E / /,i147": • . I \_ ,...... ... ........-••• 359 L.F.OF 8'SDR PROP PVC R-C Q.W. \''''' \\\.,_Faill4=.7446.9 I ,/ /1/1 ,4 # I 1/ 5290 THE DRAWING MAY NOT BE MODIFIED WITHOUT THE .-- .• EC EWAN ' I r 1 eliV=725481 ' ' I / I EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER,AND BLOCKA,10 1 07, • , EC 1POLlfr728.68 EC 8•01,11=74.19 ACRES 34.306 Ex,,,,,,,1 I 4 .8V0= R Ai 1//.. 7 ///' ,/,!' tp THEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE laikS ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. 7gf... / BC 4'WWMH WWW-3 1+77.50 OAKMONT DRIVE CYPRESS AMMON BLOW,10T 2/F7; II/ / DATE SIGNED. 02/01/71 40/ , DC yr OUT-72ZP8 ACRES6.722 ISSUED FOR: BID l , / / 1 N:10174638.9237 E:3129373.3738 / / 4 ,'.• ir/'I / I 1 RIM=735.84 4'7/ c''. ROADWAY PLANS FOR ..... ./ i I SEE PROFILE FOR FLOWLINE 4;,%''fj , OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION ••• / i I CORE EX.MANHOLE,INSERT GASKET&GROUT /,/„'„$' 1( fill • ji ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 I I SEAL INSIDE AND OUT. / •/ /::# A -755- I 755- LEGEND MST NG GRADE @ PROPOSED GRADE@ 1 OAKMONT DRIVE -OH E- DC OVERHEAD ELECTRIC UNE GAKMONTtlq Dl.UNDERGROUND -750- I 750- NOTES: LIGE ELECTRIC LINE EC PIPETOTIFREMOVEff ------- 1 1 1. COWRACTOR TO VERIFY LOCATION AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES OH T Dl.OVERHEAD TELEPHONE LINE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND AGREES TO BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY Dl.UNDERGROUND -745- 111- AND ALL DAMAGES OCCASIONED BY FAILURE TO EXACTLY LOCATE AND UGT INC a 1.611L- --::..7.: :----:-------- --745- TELEPHONE LINE _ of il•Bi_- _____---- PRESERVE ANY AND ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. 2. ALL RISING GROUND LEVEL APPURTENANCES ARE SUBJECT TO ELEVATION w EX.WATER LINE .---- - ------ 1 ----- :::::-:"-- CHANGES AND SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO FINAL GRADE, -740 :- 740- 3. ALL WASTEWATER MANHOLES SHALL BE COATED AND VACUUM TESTED. ww EX WASTEWATER LINE. r. : • : : A 4. MANHOLES OUTSIDE OF PAVEMENT SHALL HAVE BOLTED COVERS. 5. All GRAVITY WASTEWATER LINES ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED OF SDR-26. FM EX.FORCE MAIN 4 -735 1,, _.....•al 735_ 6. ALL NON-CTY INFRASTRUCTURE INCLUDING GAS,ELECTRIC CABLE, AND -FCC- EX.FIBER OFTIC LINE IT -7 .••••' • 1'" • .: iiiill 111 • TELECOMMUNICATIONS SHALL TRAVER,SE UNDERNEATH CRY INFRASTRUCTURE, •-• ...... ,_, 35, r 1 " • INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WATERLINES,WASTEWATER LINES,AND GAS IX GAS LINE I .••••• ,....•• 1 1 . ..••,• .... • _ _ :__-...••IIlilTI1l1r.IMlIIM STORM SEWERS,WITH A MINIMUM OUTSIDE-TO-OUTSIDE CLEARANCE OF 18' .....• ••••- .IM1 1 1 ,,.....• -730 1 1 ---_-_--.....iik1 _ 730- WHERE NON-CITY INFRASTRUCTURE WOULD HAVE TO BE PLACED AT A DEPTH REYSIONS i I .-- OF 8'OR GREATER TO MEET THE PRECEDING REQUIREMENT,TRAVERSING NO DATE DESCFOTION ... kUn ABOVE CITY INFRASTRUCTURE MAY BE ALLOWED,SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL 2 .5 MlIPM OF THE Cr(ENGINEER,BUT ONLY IN CONFORMANCE WITH A -725- I 725- CROSS-SECTIONS,PROFILES,AND/OR OTHER DETAILED INFORMATION I 4-• " • - INCORPORATED IN THESE PLANS. 8 f- 'CI EMIMI. T. • 2 - • >. 0 • 7. FOR ALL POINTS WHERE A WASTEWATER GRAVITY OR FORCE MAIN LINE CROSSES UNDER A PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY OR WATER SERVICE: .•i• -720> `9 - _ • 720- HEA FIOJECT NO.19.D07 se .• '7 r'. • • 7.1. VERTICAL SEPARATION MUST BE AT LEAST TWO FEET FROM OUTSIDE ISSUED DATE.D241,21 2 ,L,2 4._ ; • c „...i., 0 -4..- DIAMETERS OF PIPES; WASTEWATER REALIGNMENT II II II 7.2, WASTEWATER PIPE WITH A MINIMUM PRESSURE RATING OF 150 PSI; PLAN&PROFILE px Li- K 71706 .3. ONE SEGMENT OF WATER LINE SHALL BE CENTERED ON CROSSING. BEGIN TO STA.12+00.D3 1 -715-3-.- ...,.R- k 6 - 62 ,r. y ,i:2 it -i R1- 8. FOR WASTEWATER OR FORCE MAIN UNES THAT PARALLEL PUBLIC WATER OR -....1:....3, ..., ..-No-moi WATER SERVICES: SHEET NO. 1,4 ''..- 13.-CgS P - .4-C•A C.. .6 .. ac' ok -74-4-.40.1- zt 8.1. SEPARATION MUST BE AT LEAST NINE FEET FROM OUTSIDE DIAMETERS OF PUT g. .4 , • ci: .4 1-1...1--'1 •=, ,2-ri-o PIPE IN ANY DIRECTION; '.4 g. 9. BYPASS PUMPING IS SUBSIDIARY TO CONSTRUCTION/RECONSTRUCTION OF SHEET 121 OF 135 . 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 8+60 WASTEWATER MANHOLES ON 130T1NG WASTFNATER LINES G 2 l fr v FINISHED GRADE (IN PAVEMENT) STANDARD FRAME AND COVER, AS " i 1 1/2" LETTERS ■ PER DETAILS WW-07 & WW-08 32 COVER '� ��j U'. N FINISHED GRADE ���� 1Qy (RECESSED FLUSH) (NOT IN PAVEMENT) PICKBAR // R�C K�= (BOOKMAN OLD STYLE) y.� Iiii IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ________________________________ / \ HAGOOD / / /�� INTERIOR COATING1" LETTERS900 E.Main S reetEN ERIN6 ASBOCIAiEB 30" \ INCLUDES ALL INTERIOR (RECESSED FLUSH) Round Rock,TX 78664 CONCRETE SURFACES OFPhone(512)244-1546 CLEAR OPENING \\' MANHOLE (BOOKMAN OLD Fax(512)244-1010 FRAME ADJUSTMENT \ m (SEE NOTE10) STYLE)(SEE NOTE #6) TBE Registration No.F-12709 33 3/ "° BACKFILL, AS PER DETAILS-17 & WW-18JOB N0.19-007©2020 HEA,Inc. DRILL HOLES FORzPRECAST CONCENTRIC CONCRETE CONE SECTION, EWNUMBER PLATEa AS PER DETAIL WW-09 NOTE _ P� .••••••••. F� l'°e RUBBER 0-RING (TYP.) _ , (SEE #13) . c� ••.� 9s w * ti I- o EXTERIOR OF EACH7 4,-0" '—I'/ S q ■ st ,ono /\ EPDXY GROUT INSIDE PROVIDE ETCHING E� *I .1.* z JOINT SHALL BE ° UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE OF ALL JOINTS �" AROUND ALL STARS TERRY R. HAGOOD NWRAPPED WITH LA 6" MANHOLE COVER PLAN VIEW MANHOLE FRAME PLAN VIEW 52960 • i EXTRUDED BUTYL ° ADHESIVE TAPE -o • . ck- ,° ° PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE :,P O k, _ BASE, AS PER CONCRETE PRODUCTS O'O•••"F�'/S T E�•��• INCORPORATED OR APPROVED EQUAL 32 1/4" F laJ "0. .•........• \-- c 32 \s/ONAL ��� 30 24" MINIMUM ° 2 hul I'd N r GROUT 1' �/ I I p t ...,,...._.,......, _ . -g`6 =•'-g � 5= �M,ra 2 7/8" 1 1/2" " AUTHORIZED BY TERRY R.HAGOOD,P.E. THE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS 1 �\ g: I 33 1/2 I 52960 MANHOLE COVER SECTION VIEW r id THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE MODIFIED WITHOUT THE _________ __ • 40 1/4" EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER,AND i-— $� THEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE o of `� � TEXAS ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. a . 2� DATE SIGNED: 02/01/21 . -�-- ° ° ta8• MANHOLE FRAME SECTION VIEW ISSUED FOR BID N" d « • , ° S S _ FLEXIBLE "SEAL BOOT" 3 13/16 _ 8 s� s .ram o - s o �8 RESILIENT CONNECTOR, s .ate aa�:. a �o � ' tee. :_ AS PER DETAIL WW-10 o 6-- ,8 '_ W� 'i�" ROADWAY PLANS FOR o 00 00 0�_•0000�o_00000 00 00. 10 BED MANHOLE AND PIPE WITH MINIMUM 8" THICK, 6" CONCRETE SLAB (4000 TO 4500 P.S.I.) _ - 3/4" WASHED ROCK GRAVEL OR OTHER CRUSHED WITH #4 012" O.C. STEEL REINFORCEMENT i0 N OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION STONE ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY OF ROUND ROCK 1 3/4"R MIN. 3/32" MIN. 1/4" ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 NOTES: N 1" DIAMETER X 4" N LONG H.R.S. ROD MAX. 1/8" MAX. 3/8" 1. IF DROP IS SIX INCHES (6") TO TWO FEET (2'-0"), CONSTRUCTION OF DROP SHALL PROVIDE AN OVERSIZED PICKBAR DETAIL STAR SECTION VIEW LEGEND INVERT TO EXTEND UNDER THE DROP CONNECTION. 2. SEE CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR MANHOLE SIZE, LOCATION, CONFIGURATION, TYPE OF TOP SECTION, VENTING NOTES: EX.OVERHEAD REQUIREMENTS, PIPE SIZES AND TYPES. ELECTRIC LINE 3. MANHOLES SHALL BE PRECAST A.S.T.M. C478 BELL AND SPIGOT WITH "0" RING JOINTS. 1. COVER AND FRAME SHALL COMPLY WITH STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR DRAINAGE, SEWER, UTILITY AND RELATED EELL UNDERGROUND 4. MANHOLES TO BE DESIGNED TO RESIST LATERAL AND VERTICAL SOIL FORCES RESULTING FROM MANHOLE DEPTH. CASTINGS: AASHTO DESIGNATION M306-04. — ADDITIONALLY, MANHOLES LOCATED IN PAVEMENT TO BE DESIGNED FOR H2O TRAFFIC LOADING. 2. MANHOLE COVER SHALL BE MODEL NUMBER: V-1432-3 (PRODUCT NUMBER: 41432059), AS MANUFACTURED BY ELECTRIC LINE EX5. ALL MANHOLE COVERS SHALL BE BOLTED AND GASKETED, WHEN MANHOLES ARE LOCATED OUTSIDE OF EAST JORDAN IRON WORKS INCORPORATED, OR APPROVED EQUAL. ——-OHr-—— OVERHEAD PAVEMENT. 3. MANHOLE FRAME SHALL BE MODEL NUMBER: V-1432 (PRODUCT NUMBER: 41432010), AS MANUFACTURED BY EAST TELEPHONE LINE 6. FRAME ADJUSTMENT HEIGHT SHALL CONSIST OF FIVE INCHES (5") MINIMUM TO EIGHTEEN INCHES (18") JORDAN IRON WORKS INCORPORATED, OR APPROVED EQUAL. ——-ucr-—— UNDERGROUND MAXIMUM. GRADE RINGS SHALL BE GROUTED WITH A NON—SHRINK GROUT INSIDE AND OUTSIDE. HDPE GRADE 4. MANHOLE COVER AND FRAME ASSEMBLY, IF ORDERED AS A SET, SHALL BE MODEL NUMBER: V-1432 (PRODUCT TELEPHONE LINE RINGS, MAY NOT BE USED. NUMBER: 41432089), AS MANUFACTURED BY EAST JORDAN IRON WORKS INCORPORATED, OR APPROVED EQUAL. ———W——— EX.WATER LINE 7. FOR MANHOLES TO BE VENTED, SEE DETAILS WW-05 AND WW-06. 5. ALL CORNERS AND EDGES SHALL HAVE A 1/16" MINIMUM AND 1/8" MAXIMUM RADIUS. 8. A FLOW CHANNEL SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED INSIDE MANHOLE TO DIRECT INFLUENT INTO THE FLOW STREAM. ALL 6. MANHOLE COVERS SHALL BE CAST WITH TWO 1" DIAMETER STEEL PICKBARS. ———ww——— EX.WASTEWATER LINE P.V.C. PIPE SHALL BE REMOVED FROM INVERT. 7. MANHOLE COVER WEIGHT SHALL BE 175 LBS. FOR DUCTILE IRON. WEIGHT SHALL BE CAST ON BOTH TOP AND 3 9. BASE SECTION SHALL BE DESIGNED FOR H2O LOADING, PLUS EARTH LOAD AT 130 PCF. BOTTOM OF COVER. ———FM——— EX.FORCE MAIN 10. ENTIRE INTERIOR CONCRETE SURFACES OF WASTEWATER MANHOLES TO BE COATED WITH RAVEN 405, 8. MANUFACTURER SHALL CERTIFY THAT EACH MANHOLE COVER MEETS HS-20 LOADING. o SPRAYWALL, OR APPROVED EQUAL, (WITH A UNIFORM THICKNESS OF 124 MILS AND A MINIMUM THICKNESS OF 9. FILLETS SHALL BE 1/4" RADIUS UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. ———Foc——— EX.FIBER OPTIC LINE 100 MILS, APPLIED AFTER MANHOLE HAS PASSED THE VACUUM TEST). FOR REHABILITATING MANHOLES 1/2" 10. MANUFACTURER SHALL REMOVE EXCESS IRON AND MACHINE FINISH SEATING SURFACES TO NOTED DIMENSIONS. s MINIMUM THICKNESS CALCIUM ALUMINATE CEMENTITIOUS COATING AND OTHER INTERIOR SURFACES MAY BE 11. COVER SHALL BE DIPPED IN A WATER—BASED ASPHALTIC COATING, PRIOR TO SHIPMENT FROM FOUNDRY. ———GAS——— EX.GAS LINE COATED IF RECOMMENDED BY COATING MANUFACTURER. (IN LIEU OF INTERIOR COATINGS NEW PRECAST 12. MANUFACTURER SHALL DRILL 2-3/16" X 1/2" DEEP HOLES FOR A MANHOLE NUMBER PLATE TO BE PROVIDED BY MANHOLES CONTAINING CONSHIELD WILL BE ACCEPTED PROVIDING THE MANUFACTURER STENCILS "CONSHIELD" THE CITY OF ROUND ROCK. THE TOP HOLE SHALL BE DRILLED 1" O.C. FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE PICKBAR AND REVISIONS ON THE INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OF ALL MANHOLE SECTIONS.) THE BOTTOM HOLE SHALL BE DRILLED 4" O.C. FROM THE TOP HOLE. NO. DATE DESCRIPTION o 2 RECORD SIGNED CITY OF ROUND ROCK DRAWING NO: RECORD SIGNED CITY OF ROUND ROCK DRAWING NO: . ON FILE AT U&ES DEPARTMENT MENT WW �� ON FILE AT U&ES DEPARTMENT MENT WW �$ o APPROVED APPROVED o 0 03-01-18 PRECAST CONCRETE WASTEWATER 03—oi-18 NON—BOLTED WASTEWATER MANHOLE DATE DATE HEA PROJECT NO.19-007 THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER ASSUMES r CK TEXAS THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER ASSUMES r--- OCK TEXAS ISSUED DATE:02/01/21 .6 MANHOLE DETAIL �"eNT.$Rv«- / COVER AND FRAME DETAIL .o�".�..$...r„ RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPROPRIATE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY DETAILS USE OF THIS DETAIL. (NOT TO SCALE) ,` USE OF THIS DETAIL. (NOT TO SCALE) o STA.XX+XX.00 TO STA.XX+XX.XX g SHEET NO. Ai UDET1 01 PRECAST WASTEWATER MANHOLE NTS 02 NON-BOLTED MANHOLE COVER AND FRAME NTS SHEET 122 OF 135 . % LL . NOTES: elm . .•4•• 4 1. EXISTING MANHOLES TO ' BE VACUUM •• •• � PRIOR TO ANY TESTED HAGOOD ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES N z g CONNECTIONS. 900E.Main Street FLEXIBLE "SEAL BOOT" 2. NEW CONNECTIONS TO Round Rock,TX78664 RESILIENT CONNECTOR HAVE MINIMUM VERTICAL Phone(512)244-1546 ' (SEE DETAIL WW-10) AND HORIZONTAL Fax(512)244-1010 TBP heaeng.com �,^ Registration No.F-12709lewis SEPARATION OF 12�� ON Pia THE OUTSIDE FACE OF THE MANHOLE FROM ANY JOB NO.19-007©2020 HEA,Inc. EXISTING PENETRATIONS 1:1 AND/OR MANHOLE _ �E °F rE ` liplir I P ,,........ '■11 JOINTS. 5 ...... ......•.,�s ■ . 3. CONNECTIONS MADE INTO ICI; EXISTING MANHOLES ■■ ■■ ARE TO BE CORED AND ' *i ��..� i.. �1�• • � NOT DRILLED/CHISELED. POWER SEAL INTERLOCKED • CONCRETE MANHOLE WALL TERRY R. HAGOOD 52960 ���� ��� ' 4. CUT, SHAPE AND SLOPE r NEW INVERT CHANNEL IN INSIDE OF GASKET THE EXISTING CONCRETE (ACID RESISTANT—STAINLESS . �O•'•:F <�, •�� N BENCH FOR SMOOTH STEEL TYPE 304) a FLEXIBLE "SEAL BOOT" RESILIENT i i Fss G!sT E�'•�G• \ _ FLOW FROM THE NEW - CONNECTOR, IN ACCORDANCE ', 1 ONA L � _ .. 4 , WASTEWATER CONNECTION. .a , . WITH A.S.T.M. C923 ` ' 5. EXISTING MANHOLES TO ;I'Aj �Q BE RECOATED AFTER ANY — — —____ ("HP ` / et,-- -h,—)i••••--- E WASTEWATER WAST WAT Wil NEW R zy — — ----CONNECTION IS 0 = = THE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS ADDED. Z— — - AUTHORIZED BY TERRY R.HAGOOD,P.E. — — 52960 NEW CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING WASTEWATER MANHOLES O = = THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE MODIFIED WITHOUT THE — — EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER,AND / — _0 — THEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE / TEXAS ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. DATE SIGNED: 02/01/21 ISSUED FOR: BID ENCASE ZF ---- — — — — STUBOUT NOTES:P.S.I. CO OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION 1. THIS DETAIL IS •;• CUT ABANDONED INTENDED FOR HYDRAULIC CEMENT GROUT TAKE UP CLAMPS ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 r }. "', , .`' • WASTEWATER MAIN WASTEWATER MANHOLES (ACID RESISTANT—STAINLESS STEEL AND INSTALL CAP THAT WILL REMAIN IN . TYPE 302) (1 CLAMP ON 12" PIPE •:• . SERVICE. FOR •. . AND SMALLER) (2 CLAMPS ON 15" LEGEND ' WASTEWATER MANHOLES PIPE AND LARGER) „^ 'R'w THAT ARE TO BE r w• Ili ;� a —— EX.OVERHEAD • ABANDONED, REFERENCE . —OHE——— ELECTRIC LINE DETAIL WW-15. EX.UNDERGROUND BLOCK AND GROUT • 2. WASTEWATER MANHOLE - a ———UGE——— THE INSIDE OF THE e e • TO BE RECOATED AFTER ELECTRIC LINE CONNECTION I :ICI GROUT IS INSTALLED. ———OHT——— EX OVERHEAD (SEE NOTES #3 & #4) II III 11; 3. BLOCK THE INLET OF TELEPHONE LINE III ■ ■ —— EX.UNDERGROUND THE MANHOLE WITH —UGT——— TELEPHONE LINE ••� • CHICKEN WIRE AND ��111 Ili 3—#3 REBAR. GROUT ———w——— EX.WATER LINE • • THE INSIDE OF THE --ww--- EX.WASTEWATER LINE .RR._ MANHOLE FLUSH WITH 4 . .M■11■\. 0 • ` ' ,■■■II■■■, THE MANHOLE WALL. • • • W • I■■■11■■■I 4. CONNECTIONS 24" AND ———FM——— EX.FORCE MAIN Z O 1■■■Y■■■1 LARGER REQUIRE BRICK o '. I■N■■■N■I BLOCKING TO BE ———Foc——— EX.FIBER OPTIC LINE %■MMEN7 INSTALLED PRIOR TO s _' 11 #3 REBAR `.,.I■■r' GROUTING. 2 ——GAS——— EX.GAS LINE CHICKEN WIRE NOTE: REVISIONS I ABANDONMENT OF CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING WASTEWATER MANHOLES -LEXIBLE "SEAL BOOT" RESILIENT CONNECTOR TO BE A MINIMUM OF 12 INCHES (12") FROM A MANHOLE JOIN1 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION RECORD SIGNED COPY DRAWING NO: RECORD SIGNED COPY DRAWING NO: .1 CITY OF ROUND ROCK WW-21 CITY OF ROUND ROCK WW_,o ON FILE AT U&ES DEPARTMENT ON FILE AT U&ES DEPARTMENT -,,, ,, APPROVED APPROVED 8 0 03-01-18 03-01-18 DATE EXISTING WASTEWATER MANHOLE DATE FLEXIBLE "SEAL BOOT" RESILIENT o HEA PROJECT N0.19-007 THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER ASSUMES CONNECTION DETAIL ROUiVO ROCK fi CONNECTOR DETAIL ROLJMO ROCK TEXAS ISSUED DATE:02/01/21 THB ARCHITECT/BNGINBBR ASSUMB3 RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPROPRIATE �, ® � RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPROPRIATE u' * R�E��uNMCNiAL$LR41L UTILITY DETAILS USE OF THIS DETAIL. (NOT TO SCALE) USE OF THIS DETAIL. (NOT TO SCALE) STA.XX+XX.00 TO STA.XX+XX.XX i SHEET NO. i:i UDET2 E. cq 01 EXISTING WIAI MANHOLE CONNECTION NTS 02 FLEXIBLE SEAL BOOT CONNECTOR NTS SHEET 123 OF 135Ri F SAW CUT SURFACE PATCH: H.M.A.C. SAW CUT elm (SEE NOTE #2) (SEE NOTE #1) EXISTING ASPHALT HAGOOD EXISTING BASE MATERIALENGINEERING ASSOCIATES 900 E.Main Street 8664 / / / / / / / / / / / Round(512))TX-154 Phone 244-1546 2)244-1010 ° ° I 8° Fax ww Fax(5151 aeng.com If . °PRIME•° • . TBPE Registration No.F-12709 ° ` ' -COAT °•° ° • - ° • . JOB NO.19-007©2020 HEA,Inc. s '• .......... •o F...�E-l" ,'', �, a° Vv/V��Vv/ VVAVVAA/VAV //VAA/VAS *:'••• 1' •••\Ott/',. ` �� \V��V��V������V \�/ /` jVA %K/ ' I /A/V TERRY R. HAGOOD j//\ j//j •/. A • 52960 i •_ BACKFILL SHALL BE CEMENT - '/// %/% COMPACTED CEMENT �oc'• FG ���' �� /j/j \/j� STABILIZED BASE MATERIAL CAD , Fs ••..!•s T E•.•• G\ STABILIZED FLEXIBLE BASE, / / /\/ S,DNA c�CONTROLLED LOW STRENGTH `/\\j\ I \\/\� 95% MATCHING EXISTING BASE MATERIAL��BACKFILL OR �jA\ AAA/��� MATERIAL THICKNESS ��`� CLASS J CONCRETE \��\j\ \// .5-mike(ch.-k..-- 1 O O O U� O N C THE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS O O C - PIPE BEDDING STONE SHALL AUTHORIZED BY TERRY TERROR.HAGOOD,P.E. 0 0 0 0 `-iC BE TEXAS CRUSHED STONE THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE MODIFIED WITHOUT THE O O C 3�8" F OR 1/2" D ROCK, EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER,AND o m )ao OR APPROVED EQUAL THEN ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE TEXAS ENGINEERING PRACTICE ACT. d 1:13 + ��C DATE SIGNED: 02/01/21 d + ) / ISSUED FOR: BID �o C> C oU, 0 0 0 0 o C CENTER PIPE IN TRENCH 1 ROADWAY PLANS FOR \,\\j\ \\/\\j\\\\j\\j \\ OAKMONT DRIVE EXTENSION z /\\�,\l\.\\,, ,,,\\�,, \\ . ROUND ROCK,TX 78681 _ 6" MIN. 6" MIN. 12" MAX. 12" MAX. LEGEND PIPE O.D. +12" MIN. EX.OVERHEAD PIPE O.D. +24" MAX. — ——OHE——— ELECTRIC LINE EX.UNDERGROUND ———UGE——— ELECTRIC LINE EX.OVERHEAD ———OHT——— TELEPHONE LINE EX.UNDERGROUND ———ucr——— TELEPHONE LINE NOTES: ———w——— EX.WATER LINE 1. H.M.A.C. THICKNESS SHALL MATCH EXISTING ASPHALT THICKNESS AND NO LESS THAN 2". ———ww——— EX.WASTEWATER LINE 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SAW CUT, REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING PAVEMENT AND FLEXIBLE BASE A MINIMUM OF 6" BEYOND EITHER THE EDGE OF THE WASTEWATER LINE TRENCH OR THE POINT WHERE EXISTING PAVEMENT IS ———FM——— EX.FORCE MAIN DAMAGED DUE TO TRENCHING OPERATIONS, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. FINISHED PATCH SHALL BE NEAT AND o UNIFORM. ———Foc——— EX.FIBER OPTIC LINE 3. INSTALLATION OF BACKFILL, SAW CUTTING AND REMOVAL OF EXISTING PAVEMENT AND SURFACE PATCH SHALL NOT s BE PAID FOR SEPARATELY. COSTS FOR THESE ITEMS SHALL BE INCLUDED IN UNIT PRICE BID FOR WASTEWATER ———GAS——— EX.GAS LINE PIPE. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE STEEL PLATES TO SPAN THE TRENCH AS NECESSARY OR TO ALLOW BACKFILL TO REVISIONS CURE. SUCH PLATES SHALL BE SUITABLE FOR VEHICLE PASSAGE OVER THE TRENCH AND SHALL BE SATISFACTORILY ANCHORED IN PLACE. COSTS FOR THIS ITEM SHALL BE INCLUDED IN UNIT PRICE BID FOR WASTEWATER PIPE. NO. DATE DESCRIPTION 'y 2 5. ALL TRENCHING AND TRENCH SAFETY SHALL COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS. 0 RECOR ON FILE AT U&ES DEDEPARTMENT D COPY DRAWING CITY OF ROUND ROCIKI A^W- 7 0: o APPROVED a 03-01-18 WASTEWATER LINE BEDDING AND HEA PROJECT NO.19-007 000. DATE SURFACE REPAIR DETAIL RD ISSUED DATE:02/01/21 THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER ASSUMES U►uD ROCK TEXAS UTILITY DETAILS RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE APPROPRIATE (E X I S T I N G PAVED SURFACE) ...T. �°E"°'".....``.. USE OF THIS DETAIL (NOT TO SCALE) STA.XX+XX.00 TO STA.XX+XX.XX g SHEET NO. Ai 01 WW LINE BEDDING AND PAVEMENT REPAIR NTS 02 MANDREL NTS UDET3gi SHEET 124 OF 135 c 0 d LL r + III 111 Hato 90EYr.ml 766 - - 760 lord maskMS 26 - 20 755 {� {�0 - 755 rapI 2441M aslera 15 I TIPUYSlmlkk Flfl01 _ 756 - es—= _ , — 750 iuw.,aom.mofv,w- 16 I,I— An B- - 10 745 - I $ $ —$�— $ 745 �,��rL�or 5 p 1„- 5 400 746 - - - - 740 et ,4s ir 6 • — 0 735 — 735 *e °:* -5 -. - -5 736 - -- _ - 730 TERRY R HAGOco - 52960 ; t -15 - - - - �- -10 725 f 725 9p ' 0... v 50 -25 0 25 50 q�e°G+s o`ea 50 -25 0 45 50p s4a,AL gW 5TA. 0+00 STA. 0+50 76D _ — 760 76D y� - 760 / ' Y//2,`56 _ ---, P --- -- --- --- iW11M�p�0.M0000.�w 7s5 0 ��� __e _ - 755 755 - 755MO •• .- N ➢t *aMa IIc1k 1lnl®*IRoR11E 75o { : —P ma • — 750 Jsott 6 750 msvni4mmRn The nOSIMuuo 745 ��� r a- r 745 745 -4.9� - 745 an1I 1.r.x L. 74Dr IUD Mt 11) —�� �� 740 74D l'' � �� �, _� 740 735 735 735 - 730 ROADIDAY PLANS POE 73D 1I.....iiniiil • 730 73D OAKMONT DRIVE D3ENS10N ®■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ROUND ROOT.TR7B681 725 - 725 725 _ - 725 72D f 720 72D 1 1 f 720 -50 -25 0 25 50 -50 -25 0 25 50 STA.1+00 STA. 1+50 766 i N' c 760 766 - -1 R — 760 755 - E _ ----�-g --- ; - 755 755E g - - 755 756 - W S• 1 ti -if r 7so 756 - - Z?r - - 750 745 +a a - 745 745 - — US - _ $ — - 745 746 -es- - 740 746 -— -- - 740 j 735 • —�' -, - — • - - 735 735 - - 735 736 - - - 730 736 - - 730 725 - — 725 725 - — 725 met 726 --1 1 r 720 726 r 720 M" ote coal -50 -25 0 25 50 -50 -25 0 25 50 A STA,2+00 STA.2+50 M19oc11..m annicnw111s al 4 "HT nf6 q1 4 ♦ � r + IIN ra, 9CME./Sirmi lord PeckPeck1X 71614 760 ^ 760 760 —�c_—� 760 Now z mums api7 a aimc asta —.— - 755 - D- , g . - 755 755 = �_—� --_— [[ 755 me Wearal w„hiam 750 f 750 750 E- _ ;�__az.�—_--E. 750 XS Rh.1 P' .7tlOFfA It N r _==_ - t==__- _ E4 =_ 745 - - _4AO1t II .EODR a 745 745 =_ _-- .-----` � -- a� �c or .,4-1 __ *: ,4 740 740 740 �__� _ _= �pE--- 7� *e `:* 735 735 735 = = qCF 735 �__� OC--- TERRY P.HAGOOD ---= ;..... 73D 730 730 =__- -E--- 730 4, 52960 ; a c. 725 _ 725 725 ==== 725 "0 2 sTeF '�� ___� _=� JJI ....... ¢Hp 720 - 720 720 __-- - — 720 SAL -50 -25 0 25 50 -50 -25 0 25 50 5114/let-h.- STA.3+00 STA.3+30 TEMMEr17p1w0001ertw &rrenTl'tw o0.1z 760 760 760 __S - ___ _13 ■60 _� 760 nswt#iµ7MkWOFE,*cmounit 755 F P 755 755 --- ---r --� r -- msvRammno'nthEBIB �o 7-111 - • ==mow -- ` 755 IIBId1E06Ela➢31•10P 4ACT. liE —• —_—_ ke5 -- IBM 9QIHtl10 nYCR%/LT. V ---_ F 011E Sill Q l 750 y z < 750 750 N ,. —_ ___pprt - 750 IUDMt m 745 $'' 1 zug% 1 ' 745 745 4�e41 — - --888,—�Y - 745 '!on �� ROADWAY PENIS PDQ 740 — 740 740 - -- ��MIIM M_ .__- 740 - I =___ OAKMONI DINE D3ENS10N 735 735 735 ; 735 ROUND ROO1.TX 78681 730 730 730 730 725 725 725 725 720 ^ '- 720 no - no -50 -25 0 25 50 -50 -25 0 25 50 STA.4+00 ST&4+50 760 - - 760 765 - - 765 755 o g • - _ 0 755 760 V 760 750 L • ! 750 755 755 745 - - - $ _ 745 750 -n i_f Y v -- • 750 TA -I }---.-tom i- r'—r Z $_ 740 - - 740 745 --Ba 745 735 735 740 - 740 _ 730 — 730 735 735 woe 9E. 725 - 725 730 no A 720 _ . . . ' ' 0- no n5 -1 r725 -50 -25 0 25 50 -50 -25 0 25 50 STA.a+00 STA.a+30 IMPtliala ��an Se la 1 CS2 4 pnT 464f 4 40I r + •Iu 770 -. . . - - 770 770 - , , - 770 �E ■�G7L7f1) 745 - 765 765 —o— -- S 765 �bo-.IxnU g — e _• _ - 4 e..ma1K.uu 760 — 760 760 @ a$g 760 aslibra �P ma 755 = f t-- 755 755ill . #7 755'eab.lu yamnno rAw 750 ra —_ 8 750 750 g 750 a� �� �oF rFxdggq 745 '11. •--• / . - • r - 745 745 - — AP < • > jar 745 *y' '4 740 � - - 740 740 740 *E ,• * •...•: 735 - 735 735 1 735 TERRY R HAGOOD 730 — - 730 730 ' 52960 ; t- 730 70•••.4" •.d9 G1 Sl E4:• • ,nor v 50 -25 0 25 50 -50 -25 0 25 50 p. a 0�AL g 9 XL 6+00 STA, 6+50 770 - - 770 770 - - 770 llEakWUOINICOMMENTMI N11ren0!f0.110000.11 765 — 765 765 765 MO 151E0QMt ICIEWOFED1,101ETE D mg4YA .coefOF O!WOW/ '? 1 �¢ _ _ _ Taal OM'YK 0C11.4EYA.IM OaaUf.iE 760 — F. ` 760 760 —I 14 t g - 760 T31e9a1H>Y1O ROME ACT. 755 — r2_pp_ =- !i -g - 755 755 ° _ -O -W- 755 ounU mWA ioc m 750 — — d __ - m 750 750 ! •- --a r- 750 ipAd AYPLONbPOQ 745 — -- 745 745 E'er y -' 745 OAKOAD (HOVEAYPL E101Br810N 740 -- - 740 740 740 ROUND ROCK,1X7B651 735 -- - 735 735 735 733 - ' I- F 739 730 1 L 73D -50 -25 0 25 50 -50 -25 0 25 50 MS 7+00 STA. 7+30 770 - r 770 770 - I — 770 765 _ —_, I 76s 765 765 760 =g F. —1 -•�g K — 760 760 - 2S - 760 755 ■- g " f f7 2 — p� - 755 755 = —- 755 750lit a-4 at -'" ma _r7 750 150 750 745 - -lo < <. -- ' - ' r• '- -_ 745 145 ` 745 740 - - - 740 740 740 `104 735 = _ — PC -- COWEN 735 735 735 2 730 - T30 730 1 - no -50 -25 0 25 50 -50 -25 0 25 50 STA,8+00 STA.8+5O 16411.342 01011416010145 Mtn Wfl 4 ♦ I e• + 770 - III - - , no 770 - - no „E,� Y.X1 1' J lord Pak i%7.SL1 765 -E s 765 765 — ----F. 765 n..mZ144-5u 760 - g as u4,mc --t, i * - 760 760 =£ T - u - 760 Re w hiaa 755 =- g `� 9 g - 755 755 9 753 +� , • �w dT r c 750 - — — — no 750 - �-r--r •. ,-T• E — — — r 755 ysa; pgc �oF 4,440 745 745 745 745 *:' 740 -- 740 740 -- 740 TERRY R HAGOCO 795 735 795 735 .. ............. 52960 ; t 793 I I I f 730 FA i I I I f Gq •'��+STetF+' 4a -50 -25 0 25 50 -50 -25 0 25 50 G 'r° A t gNo STA 9+00 STA 9+50 ✓7��"i le461,, slkWg0lw000.ertw 770 - - 770 780 - - 780 wm n rftWO MI. 765 765 775 775 vIRI4CO�anaakier `noe nab TEN O W III¢V I G JC n MIGLUM E 160 760 770 Ther1:0613A1H°10"ME ACT. WI WW1 Egnal 755 755 765 765 IUD Mt m 750 — 750 760 - 4 - F760 ROADWAY KMFOQ 745 745 755 , 755 OAXMONT DRIVE EXIB681ON ROUND ROOl41X 78681 740 740 750 750 735 735 745 - 745 730 - c 730 740 -ic 740 -50 -25 0 25 50 -50 -25 0 25 50 srA110+0o $TA112+00 770 - - 770 780 - - 780 765 - 765 775 i 775 760 - v 760 770 770 755 755 765 -- 765 750 750 760 ._ __ — - - . - '_=- 760 745 745 755 755 _ 740 740 750 750 pa :a Cent 795 — - 735 745 i 745 9 730 f 730 740 I I f 740 -50 -25 0 25 50 -50 -25 0 25 50 STA 12+50 STA 15+00 ""'°"'MC MED at,E m 01011416010145 CM i 'animus 4 ♦ I .IIII 760 - 7B0 700 - 7BD SCDE.iimarmi 7151.4 775 — 775 775 j 775 Rona1AN41HE r;04244.'011 770 77D 770 77D Tr tent 1.b.1-1n01 765 765 765 765 .106110 aam.xm M.w. 760 — — — _.,--- 76D 760 J - 76D DF r 755 755 755 755 A.0.. .......'x,_ II *:` * 750 75D 750 75D TERRY R.HAGOOD 745 745 745 745 1.. 52960 r 740 1 74D 740 1 74D oo ee2 51EY m\.a -50 -25 0 25 50 -50 -25 0 25 50 L.solA L AN STA. 13+50 SEA 14+00 I 793 7B0 793 7 775 775 775 775 emo n� xa wa.®wnannE erniae1070R 00114!Par=O 770 77D 770 77D WI LT NA:=CIAICE'cm Pt 1,01 WS.]PIC=OCT vx 765 765 765 _ _ 765 Mum rat r 760 - _ _ _, — J — - — 760 760 —_ _. 76D IOAD1fAT PLANS FOR 755 755 755 755 OAIWONT DIIIYE EXTBdION 750 750 750 75D ROUND ROOT,TX 78687 745 - 745 745 745 740 I 740 740 74D -50 -25 0 25 50 -50 -25 0 25 50 STA. 14+50 STA 15+00 750 - - 780 750 - - 780 775 I 775 775 I . 775 770 770 770 770 765 . 765 765 _ _ _ _ _ — - — 765 J 760 760 760 760 755 755 755 755 750 750 750 750 ""n` g 745 745 745 745 "' °' ®C101 !] 740 - F 1 - 740 740 - '- 740 -50 -25 0 25 50 -50 -25 0 25 50 STA 15+50 STA. 16+00 101,,.,,I„. CD==e,aa 'WIC 1 CS5 4 I uIU 780 780 780 - 780 H.S2�D 775 775 n5 775 a�.`e ac�iew .b1A344-7Ne 770 770 770 1 770 fR'12141011 765 765 765 - 765 Tr ten r- a - .+wm lOBN2 swarm-TA at 760 760 160 760 see Ao f r 755 755 755 1 755 t'' ha 750 g 750 750 - 750 te*Ft•• 745 745 745 745 TERRY R.FWGOOD —� 52960 740 740 740 - h- 740 y '• O:: w` -50 -25 O 25 50 -50 -25 0 25 50 p0 •.°c+s l E4;'t;`.4* ti,STA. 16+80 MA 17+00 NJ:olAL ¢No • Teo - 780 Teo - — 7e0 .7.Q�. ,- . 775 - - - • • - - - 775 775 - - — 775 VETANIIINDOCIIRODXLienal ,u�nmawwoa0,ra 770 _ 770 770 -.- - - 770 Ma tintifragamsrionmanairmant 765 766 765 - - 765 Mr W1140,11ar"•m 0E; tin aaS]TOIDE . 760 760 760 - -- 760 "°E"®' *0/21 BUD rat r 755 - 756 755 - -- 755 750 = 750 750 - -1 750 ROAM=PtNC FOR =WONT DINE EXTBdION 745 745 745 745 ROUND ROM,TX 78687 74D -T I I f- 740 740 —T L 740 -50 -25 0 25 50 -50 -25 0 25 50 STA. 17+30 ITS 18+00 79D - ^ 790 800 — 800 785 I i - 785 795 - 795 700 =I 780 790 - -- 790 775 + - 775 785 - -- 785 770 - - — .__ --- p_- , - . 770 790 - - 780 765 - - - — - 765 775 - - 775 - - 76D - - 760 770 - -- .4 '" - J 770 755 755 765 - -I 765 750 --T I r- 750 760 - 760 wadi -50 -25 0 25 50 -50 -25 0 25 50 o. =W WI STA 18+30 STA 19+00 i i ISWMIMC ear=e,aa aerie CS6 4 riEFT ix a Tr 4 ♦ I r 800 — 800 805 - - 805 411111 795 795 600 Boo Hsu 790 79D 795 795 Ibrd ka C(armiiew 785 785 790 790 nowe1axalwe Moa,r11D1. vser.an 780 78D 785 785 Tr elm Fkk F-IVA liNiF1D01 101 ICiSS E2170Fe.It 775 -- _ _ — .- — _ — 775 780 780 770 - 77D 775 —. — — -- �` �' - 775 ht��..of rx #sa 765 765 T70 1 770 *• * 760 1 76D 765 I 765 TERRY!:HacooD 50 25 0 25 50 .50 25 a 25 50 9'.' 52960 0 .. 5TA 19+50 STA. 20+00 0 %fib,s T nv.sP 790 - - 790 790 - 790 '✓7/i41,248 - ._ 785 785 785 785 nEL IRINDOCIIDe000ElEwE 780 700 780 780 ' ®n Imo Min WaXen nwd1Moxtrio EianalmanOE 775 — — _ — — r 775 775 . - Y 775 ernwalpawcoThi It e l 1E310H7141 WE NRM Pt G1160f1E 770 770 770 770 BUD Pat m/21 765 765 765 765 760 76D 760 T60 ROAD1fAT PLANS FOR DAIWONT DINE EXTENSION 755 - S 755 755 - S 755 ROUND ROC.TX 78687 750 4- 75D 750 I 4- - 1 750 -50 -25 0 25 50 -50 -25 0 25 50 5TA 21+59 STA. 21+00 800 -' - 800 800 - - - 800 795 795 795 I - - 795 790 —_!e g . — 790 790 __g --- -'- g—_ 790 785 T 705 785Pi - 785 + mat 780 L. -- �' �� 7HD 780 — �' $ 775 770 77D 770 770 wadi 765 765 765 765 41 ae omwbw 760 - 76D 760 - 1- 760 i -50 -25 0 25 50 -50 -25 0 25 50 5TA 21+30 STA f+00 Iww MI MC =pa WI WW1 COM=ems 'WIC CS7 i 'Kral arm ♦ � .,U BOO - aoo BOO - - aoa ::� .;. - - SEDEiimffi..I 795 ------ ------ yp� 795 795 ys� 795 n..alpaioli E Y F _ . Y MOM151DK41W 790 ������ E790 790 A C' • - f — 790 `ssaGn TR'Skim ik.F-IVA ______ 10BM210.�Em70Ffl�kc 78s �� � 785 785 .f ij 785780 ======IriiiiEl �nnin 780 780 ,y'�}�� � 775 C� ,C." ..... .i; � 775 775 - � — �-- 775 s�oF rx.#:AN —=.,. s�= ram. =_m' T - ;;• S* 770 770 770 - JT = --_ 770 (et......... .......`*. 765 ®■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■= 765 765 765 ERRY R.HAGOOD j 1, 52960 l 760 760 760 - r 760 9oA °�i A�0/ 4i 57E•• Vr -50 -25 0 25 50 -50 -25 0 25 50 �daIoNAL 00 STa 22+50 STa 23+00 B00 - ' - 800 795 - - 795 VELLG161MC1IRODD0IEE7i NtCUMn!a/A.WGXU..ls 790 — 795 - P — o — 795 790 - 0 .. ■■ ■■■-„ ■ 790 e10 >MtMoi riiuEi r®EIIKNOE - 1BIpllNA MT SGPIE OCT 785 785 780 � ME �E - 780 BUD Pat r 780 CT ns =� ` a,,, : 4 -- �ras�c = 780 77s r r`�_� M. ns — 775 770 770 W ONT PIAPC FOQ DAICMONT DIM EXTB LION 770 . : 770 765 765 ROUND Ilea,Tx 786a7 765 — - - 765 160 760 760 - 1 h-- 760 755 1 r 755 -50 -25 0 75 50 -50 -25 0 25 50 STA. 23+50 STA.24+00 800 795 - . . - 795 795 - 795 790 - _ 790 790 - -* '. g- - 790 785 =* 7 - -7 g_ 785 785 - - 5 - 785 780 - 2° g }Y7 780 + 780 2 _ — 780 775 — - — 775 775 - -' aW.. --- -- 775 770 - - 770 .,�s� - — 770 - 770 765 -= 765 """` Ka a =Gii 765 - _ - - 765 760 T — -- _ I 760 5 760 - 760 755 n I - 755 -50 -25 0 25 50 -50 -25 0 25 50 STA. 24+50 STA.25+00 i«MIIICIM1»«, =pautefimm feria CS 8 i feria arm 4 . I • uIU Hat) SID Eii•, IPA bb•L(7E514 Php15M 2441Ne 790 ^ I 790 790 _ _ me w MUM tf•785 785 — =� = 785 oai nmm.mioctw I 785 780 —pre. 7.tl 780 780 = _ gC= .„g yt x 780 oce pF •r,-:",sa 775 -—— — 4" a� — 775 775 - - a s* a _�_a _- - 775 (et .•all 77a I rro 770 ���������� .r...rRY R.r...•...•...•...r.•r.. TERRY R.HAGOOD 765 765 765 765 52960 .1) 760 760 760 760 pq �°Gi S�eA� `z0 755 755 755 ������������� = 755 ��'�auAt gNo 750 -T r 750 750 i 750 ✓' '?Q<`� -� -50 -25 0 25 50 -50 -25 0 25 50VETAIRINDO 0 STA.25+50 STA.26+00Pltha �al mPalt$OX0,Ft sNC SPI CN O'MKYrNO 790 - - 790 790 - - 790 'E °"'nPSG MTECT. >aw arx�a Ircicticr. Elf 785 {r' 785 785 S 785 21 BUD r The ---- f 7t.l :tin �E 7A0 780 = _V - '5 ' § _ 700 775 = - —��„u•_-.g-, I@ 775 775 icit sio 3_ 775 OAIWONT DINE DQHIIIDN 770 = — 770 770 770 ROUND ROOT,TX 78687 765 =_ - - 765 765 765 760 - - -- 760 760 760 755 _ 755 755 755 750 I 750 750 - - - r 750 -50 -25 0 25 50 -50 -25 0 25 50 STA 26+50 STA, 27+00 790 - 790 790 - - 790 ir 785 785 785 =- -_ 785 j 780 JCSg = 780 780 = =111- P, • _ _S_- 780 775 '� •�_ IliR �_ 775 775 = _ ?, 7 775 770 • 770 770 = $ 770 „a„ 765 765 765 =- - ' ' S '�"� 765 io a oeWWI 760 760 760 = -_ 760 i 755 755 755 — 755 i 750 - I '- 750 750 I=H '- 750 FM MIMI]MC 1 -50 -25 0 25 50 -50 -25 0 25 50 �turnorfn STA 27+50 STAe20+00 00SMUMS an CS9 i 4 ♦ � t• 1 _ uIU 765 r 785 780 r === == 780 _�_p_����,D 780 43 : • 700 775 - - pi -- 1 ZZa ZZ 775 me�sr�'�� Lr� LL�� L� =P = g W p= =p = u u OTC b.d bd:CX7Ew n5 -�' t _ �= 775 n0 -. _- 0� 2 _& ��m r.�am 1. no n,�.a,ax4 W �;;-' r Ri7lzuim1 no - -- _ 8 ass—V • 770 765 - -4 s — 1 — - =G 7 » F-,VA 765 t — - - �- — J 765 760 - - 760 10a»x,am.2n0WitIt r--r-Try+ �.� � 760 - - 760 755 - - 755 Sect r 755 - 755 750 - 750 ...."*\ 750 - -- - 750 745 : 745 *f...............1.......... ~ TERRY R.HAGOOD 745 - - - r 745 740 - 740 52960 -50 -25 0 25 50 -50 -25 0 25 50 ao •.�a �0 o n C?4 5 T E4:+ iS° STA.28+'SO STA.29+00 °'10lA ti t:taltatfir 7E0 '- 780 7E0 - . . r 780 ns -- -- = 77s ns - o 77s ✓rmi te`i6.4. - 770 - -= p — no no - * -- 'x£$ — _9 g—_ no ,� ®� A w, elia 765 a 9ser, -`8 - 765 765 li0—ittes_ --0tso ft 765 nawwioxauarEwa.®wnannE Mr W11aelkAID 760 irmieWe760 760 _— —- - , ► " f 760 'tea," u•aoF1c - �� act fl c at,R, 755 755 755 C -- 755 BUD Pat m 750 -- 750 750 — 750 MOM PLANS FOR 745 - _ _ 745 745 - - 745 OAIWONT DINE EXTBdION 740 `-i 740 7401 I ` 740 ROUND ROCK,TX nun -50 -25 0 25 50 -50 -25 0 25 50 ISTA.29+50 STA. 30+00 7E0 - - 780 760 - - 780 n5 - - -R 775 775 Y —. --- 775 770 - -= - �� ` $ 770 770 _ 779 765 - - it� ^ II r 765 765 - V a_P 765 760 _ sY` :nGIr l ar AB 760 760 , IaBK- a s W8' 760 + 755 C 755 755 755 750 759 750 - 750 745 - 745 745 - 745 man. _ 740 - r 74C 740 - _ I _ - r 749 io ae =WO! -50 -25 0 25 50 -50 -25 0 25 50 i STA,30+50 STA. 31+00 i FMMIMI]MC fa 1 CS10 i Wily7A1 Ilp I 4• 4 uIU H.S222.12 Ib EYE Sr lent bb,L(ThSS Mom Rn.15711 2447 NE r bf7)NM DA 790 — — 180 790 - - 180— nre tent wr ma n5 __ 775 n5 775 ,oa»zmam.xn.HAIt 770 —_g - •g p ti •1—_ 770 770 —__ aa 9 0— 770 g <° °F rx pa 765 `7` _ 765 165 d 765 yt 760 1 a41I—z� _ _ — 760 760 _ —.� v � 7�0 TERRY R.HAGOOD.... 155 —�� h f rT 755 155 r_ 755 • 52960........: si 1 0 750 - 750 750 - i 750 po▪ l9ci y�0:d 745 - 745 145 - - 745 �dsf;lAt 00 740 - - r 744 740 n i 1 1 r 744 .7 te,,; ,>-,_ .— -50 -25 0 25 50 -50 -25 0 25 50 OX0,FL STA, 31+'SO nEmr atbbo XLienal STA. 34+00 ' EEP rn"1°p1NLXLPPZ Ma nalMNolki in Ec M fl DE 780 _ - 780 780 _ - IW winnow'� tin EMS]TCIYE GU PUCEDISWEE WM It GII60flE act 101®eR1 41 n5 —.--- 775 n5 --- —. 775 wumrat m 770 - —_E : -g 9 __ __ t 770 770 -_ 770 ROADWAY FOR 765 - i ■■ 6, ■■.. 765 765 765 OAKMONT DINE EXTBIIION 760 s -4mr— G � C. 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HAGOOD ................................... ...... 52960 . po�,Fc ��o•;* 3-9-2021 /..ONAI� S7E,� �sS March 10, 2021 Mr. Bill Stablein City of Round Rock Transportation Department 3400 Sunrise Road Round Rock, Texas 78665 RE: Recommendation of Award Oakmont Drive Extension Project HEA Project 19-007-B-CORR Dear Mr. Stablein H'A'GOOD ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES In accordance with your request, I would like to provide the following information regarding the public bid results for the City of Round Rock Oakmont Drive Extension Project. There were 10 bidders per the attached bid tabulation results. The bidder with the lowest base bid price is Chasco Construction, Inc. with a toTal base bid price of $2,449,994.00 (Two Million Four Hundred Forty -Nine Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety -Four Dollars). It is recommended to award the Oakmont Drive Extension Project to Chasco Construction. I trust this information is adequate for your needs; however, should you have any questions please contact me at 512-244-1546. Sincerely Hagood Engineering Associates, Inc. Terry R. Hagood, P.E. TRH/xx Attachments �r 900 East Main St. Round Rock, Texas 78664 9 P: 512.244.1546 • www.heaeng.com Registration No. F-12709 CERTIFICATE OF 1.'NTERESTEC► PARTIES FORnn 1.29.5 lo------- ------ --------- — ----- --- -------- — --------- ------- ft ----------- mmmm - ------ !IIII-111mm ­Wft ------------- --------- ---- WN.. --------------- ------------- 1-11-11 M11110-1119111111111 -- --------- - NN comple.,te No&1 • A And.B.''if there are interested parties. OFFICEUSE ONLY compiete Nos.1, 2, 3, 5.'.a,nd s if there are na interested parties. CERTIFICATION'.0 � FILING 1 Nam''e of business entity tiling form, and the. city, state and country of -the business entity's pl------------- -- ------------- ------- -------- No— ace Certifrcate Number**. of business. 2021-72$076 Chaseo Constructors Round'Rock, TX'United States Date Filed., 2 ame a governments ent ty or state agency th at s------------ ---------- a party to t e comr.st or w C. t e orm s 03l1712021 being flied. City. of Round Rock- ----------- ---------ogee knowteagea; g Prov4de''theIdentification number used by the gnvernmentai entity or state stgen'cyta track.or identity the contract, and provide.a de'scription of the services, goods, or other property to be provided under the contract. O'Lakmont Drive Extension Oakmont Drive Ui'tension -------- -- -------- -- ------ - -- -- ---- -- -- - ---- - --- - ------------ ------------------- ------------------------ ----- ------- ------- w -------- 1111- 1 1 1- N 11 -0 _11 --------------- � Natur'e of interest Nam'e''of Interested Part' Clty, State'-, Countr"y�'-(p.-I.---ac-''e'of:b'uslness)-(Check.appilcabtej Contro,111-no.In-Nift 41-6066" termedia ----- - ----- ----------- ---- ---- --- King,,"Charles Round Rock, TX United States-X --- --------- ------- - ---- ------ -- ----- - -- -- -------- - ------- ------ - ----------- ----- - - --W ------- - --------- --- - - - ------------ ---------- ---- --- ------------ Glace Jr, Charles' J Round Rock, TX United States x -- ---- - ----- -------- ------- - --------------------------------------------- ------------------------ - - -- ---- ----- -------- -- -- ----- -- --------- ------ NUMM !I --- MUM ---- W ---------------------------------------- ------ --------------- -- - -- - - - - ----------- ----- -------- ------ ---------------- ------------------------------- I MOM ------------- - M - N ---------------- --- ---- -- -------- ------- ---------------------------- --- -------- -- ----------- WN-111-11M WMISINNUMS ---------------- III --- NOWNP ---- -------- ---------------- - - - --------------- ---------------- --- - - --- ---- ---- -- ----- -------- - NINN ___NW 1 ---- -- W.Ni ---- WN11 -------------- m ----- - - - - --------------- -- ----------- MIND. --- - ---- -- 5 Ch_eck-only It''h-eretIs NO interested Pa*rty..H ----- ------ ------- ------------------ N 11 ----- -- ------------ ------- ------------------------------------------------------------ 111 - - - -- - --------------------- --- - --------- ---------- --------------- --- - ---- -- 6 UNSWORN DECLARATION My name JS � �'�� ,and my date of bi�#h ks F � N--2- My isAL /'T/^� - - - ------------------------ (street (eiEy) (state)(zip code) (country) 1 declare under penaltyof perjury that.the foregoing is true.and correct. � f .uted in l L1.t } " ,p'� loomCouhty, State of:�� _, on the „day of �i�, 20-:­ Exec. (month) (y------- -- -- - ----- - ------ --1 --- ---------------------- --- --------- 1111-11-11-0-11011-110--0- NNOW"I'm 110- ear} 5 nature of authorized agent of contracting business entity (Dedarant) -------- -- -- --------------- - - ---------- --- -- --- --------- --- -- ---- --- - — ------------------ M- -- --- ---- --- ---- ---- is 0_ lip -1-11--1-1 Farms provided by Texas Etfics Commission wuuw.ethIes.state.tx.us Version V1J,-ce'ffd98a, CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 10fi Complete Nos. 1 - 4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos. i, 21 31 5, and 6 if there are no interested parties,, CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form, and the city, state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 202lm728076 Chasco Constructors Round Rock, TX United States Date Filed: 2 Name of governmental entityor state age -_ ncy that i s a party to the contract for which the form is 03/17/2021 being filed. City of Round Rock Date Acknowledged: 03/19/2021 g Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract, and provide a description of the services, goods, or other property to be provided under the contract. Oakmont Drive Extension Oakmont Drive Extension 4 Name of Interested Party City, State, Country (place of business) Nature of interest (check applicable) Controlling Intermediary King, Charles Round Rock, TX United States X Glace Jr, Charles J Round Rock, TX United States X 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑ 6 UNSWORN DECLARATION My name is ,and my date of birth is My address is (street) (city) (state) (zip code) (country) declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in County, State of , on the day of , 20 (month) (year) Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity (Declarant) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www,ethics.state,tx.us version vi.icena9tia