Contract - Rossman Enterprises, Inc. - 5/27/2021DATE: PROPOSAL FOR: BUDGETARY QUOTE ATTENTION: REF: PROJECT SCOPE: May 5, 2021 Round Rock Fire Department # 19-2088REVD Chief Glaiser Vehicle Exhaust Ventilation System Provide and install a fully automatic MagneGripT1 Diesel Exhaust Extraction System for the source capture and the removal of vehicle exhaust emissions from Apparatus' start up to door threshold. EQUIPMENT, MATERIAL AND LABOR PRICE: STATION # 1: Five Vehicles One MagneGripT1 Vertical Stack Rail and Four Simple Drops that will attach to existing tracks. Package Includes; • (1) VSR-721D 72' long vertical stack rail with (2) catchers for drive-thru application (4) SHDM-423 20' Simple drop using existing track and spring balancer with 4" high temperature hose drop, complete with MagneGrip Nozzle Assembly that seals completely around the tailpipe to contain contaminated air and Adaptor assembly that provides easy connection and cool air induction per track. (4) 530630-05 Extreme High Temperature Lower Hose rated at 850 degrees, with Handle Assembly • (1) CF361-7.5 MagneGrip Exhaust Fan Model CF363 with durable powder coating and of continuous welded construction throughout. Fan has an efficient backward incline, spark resistant fan wheel and is rated at 7.5hp 4400 cfm @ 6"sp, meets AMCA #2 standard and bench balanced to ANSI Standard for stability. Fan shall be wired for single-phase. (1) 500180-08 Wireless Auto -Start Control Panel in NEMA 4X enclosure with automatic start/stop operation. Entire assembly is UL/CUL listed with timer, manual override switch, and wireless capable. Wireless receiver, transmitters and pressure sensors for automatic system activation. • (1) 500157-14 14" Up -blast Back Draft Damper Type Rain Cap Tailpipe Modifications as required but, limited to vehicle tailpipes from the muffler out. Large modifications and severely damaged tailpipes may be excluded. • All spiral ductwork, lateral connectors, dampers and hangers for Class 2 Mechanical Installation included. Electrical Power Wiring from available supply to control panel and to fan. Safety disconnect for fan motor. Does Not include any subpanels if required, and excludes any modifications required to bring service to code. • Using as much of the existing track, legs and duct and demoing the rest of existing system • Shipping to Job Site, Included • Factory provided labor to install above system to provide a complete turnkey project • Start up and Field Training • ' HazVe Ali EXHAUST REMOVAL SYSTEMS AIR PURIFICATION SYSTEMS Pneumatic Exhaust Removal Systems 11449 Deerfield Road I Cincinnati, OH 45242 1 513-489-4440 1800-875-5440 1 Fax: 513-24 -2502 1 email: info@magnegrip.com www.magnegrip.com --t-52. N�ta9KeG►up Gnaup • 5 Year parts warranty • Equipment is 100% American Made by an IS09001-2015 Company STATION# 1 PRICE.............................................................................................. $53, 153nOO NOTE: Fan is sized for two future vehicles. STATION #9: Two Vehicles Two Drop MagneGripTM Sliding Balancer Track Exhaust Removal System Package Includes: (2) SBTM-241-05 24' Long Sliding Balancer Track with standard box-loc track and spring balancer with 5" high temperature hose drop, complete with MagneGrip Nozzle Assembly that seals completely around the tailpipe to contain contaminated air and Adaptor assembly that provides easy connection and cool air induction per track. • (2) 530630-05 Extreme High Temperature Lower Hose rated at 850 degrees, with Handle Assembly • (1) CF361-2 MagneGrip Exhaust Fan Model CF361 with durable powder coating and of continuous welded construction throughout. Fan has an efficient backward incline, spark resistant fan wheel and is rated at 2hp 1350 cfm @ 6"sp, meets AMCA #2 standard and bench balanced to ANSI Standard for stability. Fan shall be wired for single phase. (1) 500174-08 Wireless Auto -Start Control Panel in NEMA 4X enclosure with automatic start/stop operation. Entire assembly is UL/CUL listed with timer, manual override switch, and wireless capable. Wireless receiver, transmitters and pressure sensors for automatic system activation. (1) 500157-10 10" Rain Cap • Electrical Power Wiring from available supply to control panel and to fan. Safety disconnect for fan motor. Does Not include any subpanels if required, and excludes any modifications required to bring service to code. Tailpipe Modifications as required but, limited to vehicle tailpipes from the muffler out. Large modifications and severely damaged tailpipes may be excluded All spiral ductwork, lateral connectors, dampers and hangers for Class 2 Mechanical Installation included. Adjustable Telescopic Support Legs to hang rail or track systems • Shipping to Job Site, Included • Factory provided labor to install above system to provide a complete turnkey project • Start up and Field Training • 5 Year Parts Warranty • Equipment is 100% American Made by an IS09001-2015 Company STATION#9 PRICE.............................................................................................. $31,844.00 TOTALPRICE...................................................................................................$84,997.00 M_ rV'-AHaxVek lilt= I Ato--im� EXHAUST REMOVAL SYSTEMS APneumatic Exhaust Removal Systems 11449 Deerfield Road I Cincinnati, OH 45242 1 513-489-4440 1800-875-5440 1 Fax: S 13-247-2502 1 email: info.,�wmagnegrip.com www.magnegrip.com OPTION: Station #9 Upgrade to our No -loop Flex Track (1) FSTM-301 30` Long Track..o■**s■.aoeasn.*aassamong asoness.amonsoon @mansoon sonamoss exam annee.ssseses..... $1,048,00 (1) FSTM-361 36' Long Track.......s..................monsoons none Hand Noun mesa . MGM onsomas■■s0aassn.esaoanse■$11174.00 TOTALPRICE w/ Flex Tracks............asseason .sseason mousses 85asoMonosson ONES soon mass* soma sun monsoons a. 87,219.0 TFR MC%- • Does not include roof penetration and sealing, if required • Price is based on installing both stations in one service trip • Net Due upon Receipt of Invoice • Pricing does not include bonds or any state taxes, sales tax or special tax if required. SUBMITTED BY: Clean Air Co ,cepts Bruce Sears Regional Sales Mgr. D[2c)). ate ri 47t 1-1 Oct! EXHAUST REMOVAL SYSTEMS ACCEPTED BY: Sign Print Title Date PO #, If Required AfR PURIFICATION SYSTEMS_] H s zve pneumatic Exhaust Removal Systems 11449 Deerfield Road I Cincinnati, UN 45242 1 513-489-4440 ! 800-875-5440 ! Fax: 513-247-2502 I email: infoi`Z�magnegrip.cocii www.magnegrip.com CONTRACT PRICING WORKSHEET Contract I Date FL03-21 5/10/2021 Prepared: For Catalog & Price Sheet Type Purchases No.: MMY This Worksheet is prepared by Contractor and given to End User. If a PO is issued, both documents MUST be faxed to H-GAC (&/ 713-993-4548. Therefore please type or print legibly. Buying Mound Rock Fire Department Contractor: : :Clean Air Concepts Agency: Contact Chief Glaiser Prepared Bruce Sears Person: = By: Phone: 1512-677-1106 Phone: 214-551-7042 Fax: Fax: :5 13-247-2502 Email: SgI aiser(q� roundrocktexas. giv Email: bruce(��magnegripsouth. com This Page is too large to OCR CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 10fl Complete Nos,, 1- 4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos, 1, 21 3, 5, and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form, and the city, state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2021-738473 Rossman Enterprises Inc dba Clean Air Concepts CINCINNATI, OH United States Date Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 04/14/2021 being filed. City of Round Rock, Texas Date Acknowledged: 04/19/2021 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract, and provide a description of the services, goods, or other property to be provided under the contract. 00000OCity of Round Rock MagneGrip Exhaust Capture System Nature of interest 4 Name of Interested Party City, State, Country (place of business) (check applicable) Controlling Intermediary Rossman, Irma Cincinnati, OH United States X Rossman, Maggie Cincinnati, OH United States X Sears, Bruce Cave Creek, AZ United States X 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑ 6 UNSWORN DECLARATION My name is ,and my date of birth is My address is I �_ --- �9 (street) (city) (state) (zip code) (country) I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in County, State of , on the day of , 20 If (month) (year) Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity (Declarant) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www,ethics.state,tx.us version vi.i.cena9tsa