Contract - DeNucci Constructors - 7/22/2021 Page I of 4 Contract Quantity Adjustment/Change Order rev,,01/16 Department: Transportation Project Name: 13001.01 University Blvd Widening Date: 6/17/21 City Project Change Order/Quantity ID Number 13001.01 Adjustment No. 3 Vendor DeNucci Constructors LLC 8310 Capital of TX Hwy N Ste 275 Austin TX 78731 512-335-0600 Company Name Address Phone No. Justification PER COP*8(Attached) 1.(Attached SWPPP Map)Additional erosion control measures requested to be added by TDPES agent. 2.REALLOCATION of conduit quantites for bore quantities to be billed under 3"PVC SCH 80 trenched. 3.Quantity overrun of trench safety systems. Amount %Change Original Contract Price: $12,028,913.00 Previous Quantity Adjustment(s): $9,378.05 This Quantity Adjustment: $65,429.00 Total Quantity Adjustment(s): $74,807.05 Total Contract Price with Quantity Adjustment(s): $12,103,720.05 Previous Change Order(s): $58,429.01 0% This Change Order: $8,734.29 0% Total Change Order(s)To Date: $67,163.30 1% Adjusted Contract Price [Original Contract Price Plus Quantity Adjustment(s)Plus Change Order(s)]: $12,170,883.35 Difference between Original and Adjusted Contract Prices: $141,970.35 Original Contract Time: 760 Time Adjustment by previous Quan.Adj./Change Order: 11 Time Adjustment by this Quan.Adj./Change Order: 3 New Contract Time: 774 Prepared By: Aaron DeNucci Project Engineer,DeNucci Constructors LLC 6/17/21 nature Printed Name,Title,Company Date Contract : Aaron DeNucci Project Engineer,DeNucci Constructors LLC 6/17 21 4re Printed Name, Title Date City Project 11 II Manager: �j 111 e lh 6-,7Z -21 Sign re Printed Name,Title Date Mayor/City Manager A Signat a r - I/ Printed Name,Title Date iR-?o2(-2o0 Page 3 of 4 Contract Quantity Adjustment/Change Order r ?t 16 Project Name: 13001,01 University Blvd Widening Quan. Adj./Change Order No.: 3 Chan a Order Data Contract Time Adjustment Item # Item Description Unit Qty. Unit Price Amount 1 8" EROSION CONT MULCH LOG LF 1000 8.00 $8,000.00 3 2 BOND _ LS 1 $734.29 $734. 9 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0. 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0. $0.00 $0.0 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 O-00 0.00 0.00 Page 4 of 4 Contract Quantity Adjustment/Change Order rev,01116 Project Name: 13001.01 University Blvd Widening Quan.Adj./Change Order No.: 3 Quantity Ad ustment Data Contract Time Bid Item# Item Description Unit Qty. Unit Price Amount Adjustment 618 CONDT(PVC) 80 3 LF 4095 $15.00 $61,425.00 0 509 TRENCH SAFETY 5Y5TEMS LF 2002 $2.00 $4,004.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.001 0 0.00 0. O $ • 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 OAO $0.60 OAO $0.00 $0.00 0.00 65 429.00 O CHANGE ORDER PROPOSAL Contractor: DeNucci Constructors,LLC. Project Name: 13001.01 University Blvd Widening Change Order Proposal Number 8 REV 2 Date: 6/17/2021 Description: 1.Added erosion control measures per SWPPP representative reccomendation(SWPPP map attached).2.Bore conduit to be paid for under trenched 3"PVC SCH80 3.Quantity overrun of trench safety systems Labor: Position Ouantity RT Hns OT Hrs RT Rate OT Rate Total 0 $42.50 $63.75 $0.00 0 $24.00 $36.00 $0.00 0 $23.00 $34.50 $0.00 0 $20.00 $30.00 $0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0 $0.00 S0.00 $0.D0 0 $0.00 S0.00 $0.00 Subtotal $0.00 Materiel Description Quantity Unit Rate Total $0.00 $0.00 $0 00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal $0.00 SubcontractonsNendors: Description Total Subtotal $0.00 Unit Pricing Description Quantity Unit Price Total EROSION CONTROL LOG 8" 1000 LF S8.00 S8 000.00 CONDT PVC SCH 80 3" 4095 LF $15.00 $61.425.00 TRENCH SAFETY SYSTEMS 2002 LF $2.00 $4,004.00 $0.00 S0.D0 $0.D0 $0.00 Subtotal $73.429.00 Operating Equipment: Descnpbon Quantity Unit COSUDOY FHWA Rate Total 0 HR S0.00 $0.00 0 HR $0.00 $0.00 0 HR $0.00 $0.00 0 HR $0.00 $D.00 0 HR $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal $0.00 Labor $0.00 Labor Burden 55% $0.00 Labor P&O 25% $0.00 Material $0.00 Material P&0 25% 50.00 Subcontractor $0.00 Subcontractor P&0 25% $0.00 Bid Item $73,429.00 Equipment 50.00 Bond 1% $734.29 TOTAL $74,163.29 Additional days requested: 3 r r Ns. elfreu:rwu e.n 7 T.Lr LONT welt DAIN T- aea IRIOWf Ise M?ra DATE wmNw Eelllea -ri-onn a-ea PRISALL 0— [Lacer a.aoRFa — L Dee V" a•O.A FaeoL IeaorlN 1/TALL Den 8, [selN.Aw _ls r K[L[ iN FEET — CONTSIALKTION?NIS h SE �- 8 p[q�1SSrFLK 11O1 PREVIOUS e MAS[ -�-� C1Ae INACI"WicTIO 1`__I-�Y••i IL10110D INSET POOICCIIM IEDIIOII COWACS FENCE tl.1CI �.rN -QM- EROSION Cq TROI LOG Ili z-o-I- .LI r-e J • , IEIv SEC"' COI ILOCI SOOOIn4FIEF[.OAN FENCE IINSIAItI IV 1 SAO LFI 1 SE[DIN,ft".SOOOINO. -'� SOIL KI[.IION LL-1 Caw-_ - 17 SI yl DN.INND[ILO. ._. _._ Irlr�b rivo —LNI DEA� LRrwi o"rRRn�www I N� f11lN)• le s1 3� aTr ar Aa.n ROLL N. wal n .aw.oa.ra IeALe rem W1 W-1 r'-Ows-WiFff1 .OYES to ALL SNSP CONTROL WASIAIES SNALL eE RKLD DIfMIN (- A filly N[Kl DNINDNiKSKa[T.T[ON[Ta�ISIa61I IkLVD CONKIWI-or-Yr DIl I OMSTRATIOII. -=RO PERIOD.gplDl,r a NrI[OIR[M(AL LOIYIi IOM. UNIVERSITY o J. COIIRKTW SMELL WINT.IN S13P NNTROL lReSla�i- AE al(AIEL(D GOEN[[LR.WI KWIK iNE SW� PLAN7¢. N RJana OF SWLELOIUI IMlana to aL.ETWER s- cam TNiEfiitDO.WRANC f ED%IIrT11IKCDEETEMIMED 114 NODS Of.w AIO e K MASK { i. as CON1.4 IRefuK srrsws AK Ipr UY�1 TO Ket[. IVAN NROAR TO STA L33M0 1 :. ALL SRY OO %IEASUIES I.SIALLW 6111N6 CONSTRKl101 M[TO KWIx IN RAQ Will 10a I. CONCKCI(1NUCL CLEAN OUi IOCAi IONS TO e[OEIEI.lIMEO IN VEO[TATIK LOVED IS ACHIEVED OR AS AFINOVCO e. TK FI(LO, Me AimN101to Ir tK ENOII[ER. -. a INS[NOIVII C 1. LaL FIVER IaLCN TO FILL EROSION CONTROL LOCS ON*"Kn N Y S. LMICl/AI!AI L[Ael OK KVIAC[IRMT GTGLL fW WI[KI ALS, AS eIFRW[D DI INS CREIKLK. - - $.TI OOIl I.A 1[LSYNS. ALI ACINS-1"fi ~ - — j [SIIWTING PLM.CUS W..NKI TO WIT FIELD 1 �D E coNOnlaS- IRA r EMM.IMMWA sr-r BA>rs toRORB ��bIB � MWA.,.rw 8 j INATIAL BM ,well/*.a �. OriAu o+a nalOPl coma ++r M1e[r t0/Ow0 isrALL/Aw 1 8 j 000 tB10Yt ww _ 1 s•�a fBe er n1Er MwtAu ww - LNa Itw/Aur E�y p � ScuE IN rc[r Lkrdm i CUNSTRIICIION THIS AMSt 8 p CONSIMICTION Mev IDIn t '.� /LOCV.Lf Gill�•� PM.S( [ •_, :�5 i _ n SS ` .�)— 1[- CHID INLET PROTECTION NOCv[OOp�NyC'Na(:OF i�T I i 1, 4 Nm r -[HEeaarpvy .`.• ' I � Q DROP INLET PROTECTION ([WSC- l _ E[OIN[Hr canl+a«K[ (FoSla M T.OL LOG ROC.r I L IE+DAY 11 II 1TI SEEOIMG/RLOCI SODDI bll NG. � KT LN110N NWE[1 N T i[4.� --- _ . MANY-.�..L.�.$.E / _ ,.,fT•/w�wwEww M ON.,"OR fg O sli:i.o rxiy«r I aN=rt;,a.L.�rr r } 1 I •I'Ni1�4e•BW $ � a.a+aRo+x.M•.•. .... NF'NM oac. „ rrPO• FOr[SN Ca SOSP CONTROL-or-o DURING ENLLL K'LACED RI THIN t. APPLE (RAIATIK"INS, S NEEDED TO E1ML[IEN1 -1 1M1 !OAMS A 0 1 COIYI+IONT-d-Y•OIIRINK DOIItTRMCIIOK FAILMAI+NDLONT OLMI«G rFC I"CNM`N OL ESTAB.ISIRUII — UNIVERSITY �LVD PS 011 140+9 A O1K11[NEIAORE FTAL INS TH10NS, E. COhfRKr01 SNALI WIFIA IM S/1►COM•ROL KAfuKf. 1S KtLAYi1p h tK GOIKCA Wr KOWTK rK SW3P PLAN[VKIU'IO0 d SI/PL(AONIAL I�RIW IION TO e[/[fKEF !. [OAel+MCTIOI[FTFAFCL I E[I1 10 K DETERMINED rK 1N01AIS d•fY.0 0 PM. 1 IF rK rltt0. YO AIMOKD tr 111E[NO[KED- PHASE 2 L T. SIY CONTROL WASLM[SYMBOLS ARE M Y ORAM TO SCALE. I. ALL 7RIC CONTROL TO AOR[s INSTALLED10. ACE WRIMG 4TA 673.00 TO STA 663•SO CSWAT.WE M AK 10 1[MIIN IM ILK[NAIL /0( S. 1O 111E. AND OL[EHI OUT LOCAl10NE!O K KT(IMIIKD IN d r/G(IAOINE O)vG IS ACH I(KO M Lf AfPROVEO 0! !K fl[L D. AIAp AM+O'[(D/+1K NNE CNDIK[R. S. US[EIKR YS A TO'ILL T 109 N WEIR. LOGS ON OIHG 111TICCONTt ET LEAST OIL KPLACEHFI CYCLE EDIT WIGILLS• 1S YPWKD/!IK fN01FLtR. yytt •'.'• _ _ SRY CONTROL RPOUS'S SWAR 01AFilt TES/DIN Z [SITWTIAG PLM'M[T WY vM! TO KLl tIELO }— -- 6 COMDIIIDN[. [ALCM ,r— I I a � 9l ` N lg E�f`i.s000llw � y�yO►,D,���.{� � t� elot�',��4'� :- ��IVit["11=�i"ik [ .Rt EE.Lt In rtn IN N 1 1 .. 1 .f.-• •-` N OOM{TAKIIi dls INUf[ 1 f (DIISTIOKTNN I'MVI011S a0 r C>—nr�- wlt INLET Iworccna •l=ININa - � MOF IK(1 FbT(CI la SEOIW[I COAYOL FEY[[ o =J plZ�0 w 8� SN OROGOL 3 -�—� "Mc.'IL I(R OW TT 11 C Sygp/�.A 0 I - RO TOR Y,A FYOSfPI CC_I'66•-('ay R8 F "I 0 EL a W SE(61"WeLOca f00D 1Y ]R1�1{��E,S r•--�•-••_ SOIL AE1.16I OLAI'R(1 yYAq�Y•�(.u� 1 • O411U0[rL4 I M'{IO•CVpI A 1 s' ��� ✓hU1C,l'�s.1k M we r GMAUANN OM MA }e SLOW O YGOORq YYYYt w - [tMYt Yaw ' 2.0•82 t ar CONI "PAU w /!O IOOTYLI aaa4Vf w I — 8 a+N aLeGE sOYYRIY AMYL W aallarf w i ___ a•61a IOai EaA►a1L1 YrOr[YLw t"---—. / / =�'T�•41••�:1'11 MOOR soon" IBM,sow YYi—- _ '' ' •�.`.R a•o-la ! _ ___ Y11aYY0"u •_• f-PII 1 asa RA 'W"'w- & %TM O1A AFa[wNw 4A Tr Y i '�rivet Yaw ♦: 1,,,.E .t.. }PU u�AY"T� IIaRW w ---- -- - '.�••'•bF•JL� t }sn aLol:asaorR wM Y� h•�w„"' D-M,070 TOY DaAIT col MPAU WA —_--- / a•os I aRof�iwlwCelmaL ailiuiaA RI S _ _ Y)•YN w _ _ OIpAAY POP aallall Nw / �� aRGSGM 41I OP Deepww --1 }o-A IAMpac FOR a0lfau w / �..M aRGf10Y[ONIDOL �M Y�—T— ••�' aRoaleY carllDal RI�O[t Oaw _ __ ' y ar GE aolao Eol: s a Yaw IT Roulo aou.I:IR•A• NOTES. I M r T 110 1. all till mITaOL 14aSKS fINLI MEDLK[Y III IMIN L. MOLT r[GETATIK 4T(RING AS IECO[0 TO AIMEKYI FINDS CONY RIaYi-p•YI OY1111C.MbIlu tla. YIM&L RAINEALL DURING INC VEGETATION ESTASLIS"I F[RIOL DYOLOOT ON OTYEA bO1RnAENTY COWITIDNS. UNIVERSITY BLVD 1. COIIYLCTOR SHILL KIMAIY DYs 110YROL%KASRtL AS O[T[a•IKE W INC ENGINEER NaT KOu1K INE SWJf• VL AN a. cOirowitom VANN=r 9.17 TO K Ot1[IWKO K IW��d ANAMISUPPLEMENTAL I�I114710Y/0 O(King" IN TK FIELD.MO AFOaOfm YT M ENOIKQ. PHASE 1 T. 503F CONTROL 1ELSR SYMBOLS ARE MDT OMtN TO SCALE. STA M3.51) TO STA 4S4•f0 A. ALL TRUC OON AREIML TO IN 11110 PLLW UNTIL [ EbIOTaOtTla Alit TO AMIC IN KAS[1a1TIL Tat a. 'w[FIELD, AmO ELEM our LOCATIONS TO K GETLRYIN[D IN • ____—-.---. T I or IT AR[t�lK(L AR If A411MG tM of aROROY[0 Yr THE FlllG, 1M U�RPRo YV 1K[IIGIKU. •+•� � f. 11/(rIKR NLLCN TO FILL[II«I0k Con ROL L«S OR OTNE �1 R - 01 T - - Y S.ANTICIOATt AT LEAST OK Rt/LaCMINIUT CTCIt TOO WT[NI ALS, As AFMGV[O DI TNE ENGINEER. J'1 _ T- Selr pp11aOL 1[aflREi Sal r0 Wu-TtD FI ILO ILO tsturiElO HO01[S Wr OMr To OOiITROIL wy Tnr Eton[pEEn Dfrr(DaL I�En IEMrIMI Mtl ----_ -- iflE[I✓DEI►ca[n Entau s6n E•e•a Isla MIWI IEI p-�� raa EE[IN[tpNORW jMTAy INS - \�r E�O`l[IAM ro•n tti 1 EDMT EEn.0 Tin t- , I / nlfE EMT W I •• Ml[ _-'—''71 TM EOr cow NIfEY►\� _ I IIt raa I�IErrTA41 _ W s•s Er EIm[OEOING EnW EwK rsa sAeu[aeDTAM _=m CONSII\ICT14 THIS PHASE D•O•M tAAN\AOr q .\EIIW Yq_ J EEOETer caNrAs K Ma ro•a saEMAM/v NI/►A[l OAA- I SEEMILKTIM MMv101R E\OEIOM cewl\OL DOpp O� .. [ SyI[�py y[pr \'O'a -s•CEiew cc\rpift �MION"it =1 iF�[E 1T N�rAE'i 1 8� 8 It Sr" C>—`:/ Cups INI C/MOIEC+14 LL •]LO�1••D srCYON.1 c1/ .(t1 ExY.1,]-4+S QI.]IaD INc I T sR I 8R.11'I 1r�Y�`�•u�IwI'„w' WDC\Igyp I S(�IOUp InPyG GIOlsWD YDIT[N/E1M 11 �� CO4YT,wNGor c LI cr0n0[a Kt I ■■I ®-_®- YOc.FILTER o.r n n .•.•. '',r I I ly :::. In �.'�.�...J."" SYOI�tiC ICNl101 VOW 0u1NAMI r,4 yNE —Ter== �y 0 V - .. --— I yf+►'� ; A T Iy -+'�==r/Rs-1-T�__.....-.:.. - 2 AIDE:SCOOIHC ' IT - r-� T i iYrM p I IllgrW W i C I i TlI. r:Y s � I r I _1 Y AN a[HIaEE E00 u E.ETMI n YOTIL \allo AOLN.rA r\AAA I, ALL S\Y[01En T(ASUREf SMALL \[PLACED WITHIN A. AIRT KQ,ATIK MILNIN(AS MEEOEO TO TA/REA\NT [S YD 0 Tt1MiSE ED COM RIONr-y-NTT DURING CONSTAUCTI4. MODAL AAIKwL KAIR,INS RKrAI ION ESIAIISWANI K,IIOD. /m"I a O1KN lNr1E0R(Ntw cowlIWO4. UNIVERSITY ILVD 0 7. CO11NA[TO1 SHALT WINIAIY S\Y CONTROL A(ASURCS. AS O(TLIrIKp IN IK[MIK01 Wr R[Ouist M SERSW3P PLAN A►R ICA114 V sTIRI(1(MIM ILIUI ION IC/E N(ITNIA ]. G4slIrICT14 ENTITM(E/EXIT TO a RTEI\IIKO TK MM O<A ti.0 L ft. IM 1K HELD, AND 1MWKO\`I 1ME ENOINEM /. S\Y CONipOE MEASURE StM MS ARE HOT DRAEN TO SEAL[. PHASE 2 �. wl s\Y CON'"'""10 MENAtSIOVES INSTALLED Mnlw STA 654•SO TO STA 66S•50 C481AA:I14 Ml IO ACHK o RACE w11L +\. [. TNT le[. AND CLEAN OMr LOCATIONS TO WE DETERMINED IN AKIT A AT It A[N 1[Y[D OfT AS AMIpYEp N d TK[NDI MIIT. K rl[L0, AND AA`►NpYtO ET tN[[ACIK[R. rAN,n ~ \. MAI r1EER ELL CN TO[ILL 1 TIC E C41RR 1005 4 OTMR - --- Y S. ANT ICt►A1(At L(A]I OK RNL ACU[M CTCLE r4 Wt[RIAL], AS AMpYEO\r THE[NOINE[R. .YI -- - - - S\Y COTTN0.IRASUR[S. S\Y TO WET[]ELD [SAS WalY_ Ct11WTiK IyIIOS[3 Wr YMr TO T([i FIELD .EII 1 CONDITIONS. r I Page 2 of Contract Quantity Adjustment/Change Order wouwo Aucx r.�, rev,01/16 CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 loll 77-7 Complete Nos. i-4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos.1,2,3,5,and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2021-771619 DeNucci Constructors, LLC Austin,TX United States Date Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 06/26/2021 being filed. City of Round Rock Date Acknowledged: 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract,and provide a description of the services,goods,or other property to be provided under the contract. 13001.01 University Blvd Road Widening project QA/CO No.3 Nature of interest 4 Name of Interested Part City,State,Country lace of business y y, y(p ) (check applicable) Controlling Intermediary 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑ 6 UNSWORN DECLARATIO.NN� My name is��y L I j21JVU r% c' 1 and my date of birth is My address is Q �d— ' C��{IW - Dc-H W J/• /Y. , U'S r I /V � L, Ll (st eet) �— (city) (state) (zip code) (country) I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. T y Executed in �-'flat C� County, State ofI—X on theay of V Ulu IL.20_4j. / (month) (year) l Signature of authorized agent of c ntracting business entity (Declarant) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.1.ceffd98a