Contract - Ryan Law - 10/14/2021RYAN LAW September 29, 2021 Craig Morgan, Mayor City of Round Rock 221 East Main Street Round Rock, TX 78664 ENGAGEMENT AGREEMENT 512-459-GGOO Terrace 1, 2'.600 Via Fortuna Dr. suite ISO Austin, Texas 78746 1. This is an agreement between. City oflZotind Rock ("Client*") and Ryan Law Firm, 13LLC ("Ryan Law") for Ryan Law to perform services as set forth below. 2. Summary of Engagement 'terms: A summary of" the engagement terms set forth in this document are as follows-. 0 Client Name. City of Round Rock Matter Description: Cliallenge to Comptroller Rule 3.334 Ii 'ee Basis: Hourly 3. Scope of Engagement: Client was engaged up to a $50,000 amount, which has been billed. This new agreement adds an additional authorized amount of $1001,000 to be approved by the city council. 4. Hourly Fee Agreement: Ryan Law agrees to performthe services described herein V on an hourly basis. All services will be billed on a tenth, -of -all hour basis. We review and adjust our rates once a year with changes effectn�e on January I. We will not adjust 0111- rates on this matter without prior written notice to you, and we agree not to adjust our rates more than once per calendar year. Ryan Law's professional and paraprofessional fees for 2021 are as follows: Partners $450-S660 Attorneys $275-$425 Paralegals/Legal Assistants S1254200 I [ill ovi)tiv(.� SO to& L(,IuiIh)X Lim I W�,I!W.RYANI LAWYER S.CV-1 T"'J4?2'J 2? S 5. Attention to Client Needs: Ryan Law desires to be of service to Client and address Client's needs. Accordingly,, if Client has any needs, problems, concerns or issues with Ryan Law, Ryan Law requests and Client agrees to promptly communicate with either Doug Sigel, Practice Group Leader - Sales and Use and Income Tax (cell 512.423.3188; clotig.sigel@t,ryanla\vyci-s.coi-n) or Dory L. Ryan, Managing Partner (cell 512.799.7110; kory. ryan @ryanIawyers.eom.). Engagement Policies: 6. Expenses.- Client will be responsible for payment of reasonable pre -approved expenses. These expenses include, but, are not limited to, filling fees, mediation fees, expert witness fees, local counsel fees and expenses, deposition transcription charges, hearing transcription charges, trial transcription charges, charges for demonstrative aids, travel, outside copy charges and other such fees as determined by Ryan Law. Ryan Law will not bill for in-house copying, phone charges, and. postage. 7. Timing of Billing and Payment: For hourly fee matters, Ryan Law provides detailed statements on a monthly basis and bills are clue sixty (60) days after receipt. For accounts in arrears, Ryan Law reserves the right to charge 10% per annum interest from when due. For accounts that become more than 90 days in arrears, Ryan I__,aw reserves the right to charge interest at the rate of ten percent per annum from when due, to pursue collection remedies and to withdraw from representation. .8. No Guarantees: Client acknowledges that Ryan Law has not made representations as to the likelihood of an outcome in this matter. Ryan Law does not know and cannot predict whether Client will prevail. The opinions expressed by Ryan Law concerning any potential outcome are opinions or estimates only and not guarantees. In addition, 110 guarantees are made as to the amount of attorneys' fees that may be incurred in this matter. Any estimates of potential attorney 1) s fees are not guarantees and should not be rolled upon except as discussion points. THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS SHALL GOVERN THE VALIDITY OF TINS AGREEMENT, THE CONSTRUCTION OF i'rS TERMS, AND THE INTERPRETArl-'ION OF ALL I�IGIJTS AND DUTIES. VENUE FOR ANY DISPUTES ARISING FROM THIS AGREEMENT IS DALLAS I 1. I'EXAS. Again, we appreciate your trust in Ryan Law. If you ever have any questions., cornments or concerns, please do not hesitate to call. in-imediately. I I I n Ova tivu, ')t at e & Loca I I ax I a vv I WVIW, RYA 11 [A till Y I R S. C 0 11 Regards, Doug el Practice Group I.,eader — Sales & Use and .Incoi:rie r J."ax. Ryan Law Firm, PLLC ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO. - Craig Morgan, Mayor City of Round Rock By: Name (Printed): Date: lvlh•?- Zl ION